In the evening we watched a video together which came out 20 years before , but one we had missed seeing at the time . It is about this city and the people in it in the 1930 - 1940 's . A great movie and real tear jerker .
What type of movie is the narrator watching ?
They are watching a detective movie .
They are watching an action movie .
None of the above choices .
They are watching a historical movie .
In the evening we watched a video together which came out 20 years before , but one we had missed seeing at the time . It is about this city and the people in it in the 1930 - 1940 's . A great movie and real tear jerker .
What type of movie is the narrator watching ?
They are watching a detective movie .
They are watching an action movie .
They are watching a tragic movie .
None of the above choices .
Girls in LA flake a LOT . It 's a grinding experience to get numbers and in my opinion the whole operation should be a fun endeavor or why try it in the first place ? My rebirth came when I was in Las Vegas for my birthday - I enjoyed the company of my friends and a girl I hold personally , very high on my chart of cool people ( That is of course , if this chart were real ) . I spent the whole weekend hanging out with a really beautiful , cool girl that can hold a conversation , make me laugh , talk dirty , and buy me drinks restores some of the faith I had lost in women ( And people ) having moved to the land of the fake and fake - beautiful .
What may happen after hangiong out with a beautioful woman ?
She would not answer any of my calls to hang out .
I found out that i could n't hang out with her anymore because her boyfriend was jealous .
She never called me anymore .
I hung out with a woman whom i felt very comfortable with and who i was able to relate to .
IMHO , the proper use of church signs is to display God 's Word . Those who write a clever saying and then attach " God " to it , come very close to blasphemy to me . I would be very careful in attributing to God the words of men . I prefer the words of God .
Why is the narrator upset at the sign ?
They find it a bit much .
They find it pious .
They find it too serious .
They find it blasphemous .
IMHO , the proper use of church signs is to display God 's Word . Those who write a clever saying and then attach " God " to it , come very close to blasphemy to me . I would be very careful in attributing to God the words of men . I prefer the words of God .
Why is the narrator upset at the sign ?
They find it a bit much .
They find it disrespectful .
They find it too serious .
They find it pious .
With rising oil and gas prices and growing concerns about global warming , wind is becoming an attractive alternative . The Maple Ridge project produces enough electricity to power about 100,000 homes . Other wind projects are going up all over the state . T. Boone Pickens is talking about building a $ 10 billion wind project in the Texas panhandle . Everyone , it seems , is talking about wind . Yancey understands its seduction .
What may happen if oil and gas prices did not rise ?
Everone starts talking about the potentials of wind .
The demand for wind power does not increase as fast as it did .
Everyone switches back to using gasoline for energy .
None of the above choices .
With rising oil and gas prices and growing concerns about global warming , wind is becoming an attractive alternative . The Maple Ridge project produces enough electricity to power about 100,000 homes . Other wind projects are going up all over the state . T. Boone Pickens is talking about building a $ 10 billion wind project in the Texas panhandle . Everyone , it seems , is talking about wind . Yancey understands its seduction .
What may happen if oil and gas prices did not rise ?
Wind becomes less of an attractive alternative .
Everyone switches back to using gasoline for energy .
Everone starts talking about the potentials of wind .
None of the above choices .
With rising oil and gas prices and growing concerns about global warming , wind is becoming an attractive alternative . The Maple Ridge project produces enough electricity to power about 100,000 homes . Other wind projects are going up all over the state . T. Boone Pickens is talking about building a $ 10 billion wind project in the Texas panhandle . Everyone , it seems , is talking about wind . Yancey understands its seduction .
What may be a plausible fact about wind power ?
None of the above choices .
It is still years away in its technology from becoming a viable energy source .
It provides very little power .
Many large - scale wind projects are in development .
With rising oil and gas prices and growing concerns about global warming , wind is becoming an attractive alternative . The Maple Ridge project produces enough electricity to power about 100,000 homes . Other wind projects are going up all over the state . T. Boone Pickens is talking about building a $ 10 billion wind project in the Texas panhandle . Everyone , it seems , is talking about wind . Yancey understands its seduction .
What may be a plausible fact about wind power ?
It provides very little power .
None of the above choices .
It is still years away in its technology from becoming a viable energy source .
Many are beginning to use it as an alternative to fossil fuel energy sources .
Marketing automation tools are an important element in marketing for businesses . Many marketing automation tools are computer based and some Internet based so that the marketing team can reach a lot more consumers than ever before . There are different types of software that can be useful to market automation . Before picking automation software , it is good to know what the company 's marketing needs are .
What is an example of a marketing automation tool ?
radio adverts
Newspaper adverts
Billboard adverts
Pop up adverts
Worst day ever yesterday ... Hayden got stung on the back of the neck while in the car . My cell phone 's keypad just stopped working out of nowhere . And then I lost my keys while we were in Walmart . Everything turned out okay .
How might have Hayden gotten stung in the car ?
Hayden might have gotten stung by a moth that snuck into the car .
Hayden might have gotten stung by a butterfly that snuck into the car .
Hayden might have gotten stung by a bee that snuck into the car .
None of the above choices .
Worst day ever yesterday ... Hayden got stung on the back of the neck while in the car . My cell phone 's keypad just stopped working out of nowhere . And then I lost my keys while we were in Walmart . Everything turned out okay .
Why would Hayden be so concerned about the abrasion ?
Hayden is allergic .
Hayden thinks it 's malignant .
None of the above choices .
Hayden ca n't stem the bleeding .
Worst day ever yesterday ... Hayden got stung on the back of the neck while in the car . My cell phone 's keypad just stopped working out of nowhere . And then I lost my keys while we were in Walmart . Everything turned out okay .
Why would Hayden be so concerned about the abrasion ?
None of the above choices .
Hayden ca n't stem the bleeding .
Hayden is allergic to bees .
Hayden thinks it 's malignant .
Thus , without a miracle , I have useless computer and some documents that were not salvageable . I am using someone else 's computer to write to you . We only have power about 30 minutes every day .
What may happen after they are done using the computer ?
They break the computer .
They pay someone else to use their computer .
None of the above choices .
They give the computer back to whoever they borrowed it from .
His forklift fucked up and he crashed into a door next to his door in the warehouse and damaged the door quiet significantly . Bill went to see the manager in charge of the warehouse and told her he damaged a door by accident and he asked her to inform the owner so he could pay the damages to him or her . The lady in charge said the owner was actually in the warehouse on an other floor and he could go to see him .
What did Bill do after the lady told him the owner is in another warehouse ?
After the lady told him the owner is in another warehouse , Bill went there to see him and pay for the damages .
After the lady told him the owner is in another warehouse , Bill drove his forklift from th warehouse and left .
After the lady told him the owner is in another warehouse , Bill drove his forklift to a safe spot and waited for the owner .
After the lady told him the owner is in another warehouse , Bill tried to flee so that he doens't have to pay for damages .
Yes , I ' m feeling better . Although TRC and DC are under the weather now -- I hope they do n't have what I caught . At least DKC remains healthy . She 's out trying to pick blackberries without getting eaten alive by our thriving mosquito population . What did I do with my weekend ?
What season may it be ?
None of the above choices .
He already seemed bigger and more intelligent , for example when you ask a question he 's gone from copying what you say , to automatically saying yes or no , and now is at the stage where he actually thinks before he answers and replies with more thought . You can actually see his brain ticking , its so cute . He was extremely excited to see us again and ran up to give me a huge hug . I was picking him up and doing weight lifting with him haha .
What may be the reason for his reaction ?
He is my teacher
None of the above choices .
He is my brother .
He is my grandfather
After 22 mintues we did abs . As I was done with my final set of 50 someone jumped over me just as I pulled up and kicked me in the head . I have a concussion . tottaly hurts and sucks .
What is the likely reason that someone kicked the speaker in the head during the workout ?
They were extrememly intoxicated and were stumbling around the room , unaware of their surroundings
None of the above choices .
The speaker had previously taken money from this person 's wallet , and they wanted to teach them a lesson
It was an accident . They did n't mean to invade the speaker 's personal space but they were distracted
After 22 mintues we did abs . As I was done with my final set of 50 someone jumped over me just as I pulled up and kicked me in the head . I have a concussion . tottaly hurts and sucks .
What is the likely reason that someone kicked the speaker in the head during the workout ?
None of the above choices .
They were extrememly intoxicated and were stumbling around the room , unaware of their surroundings
They were so focused on their own workout that they did n't realize what they were doing until it was too late
The speaker had previously taken money from this person 's wallet , and they wanted to teach them a lesson
It 's even more frustrating if the game crashes while you 're playing . I did n't mind replaying some levels , but after doing the same few levels a fourth time it got a bit tiresome . The other big problem I had was that the game would sometimes think I 'd driven off the track when I had just touched an upward slope on the side of the track .
What might be a fact about this person 's situation ?
They are playing a racing video game .
None of the above choices .
They are unable to play their video game .
They are playing a video game with their friends .
It 's even more frustrating if the game crashes while you 're playing . I did n't mind replaying some levels , but after doing the same few levels a fourth time it got a bit tiresome . The other big problem I had was that the game would sometimes think I 'd driven off the track when I had just touched an upward slope on the side of the track .
What might be a fact about this person 's situation ?
They are having technical issues in their video game .
None of the above choices .
They are unable to play their video game .
They are playing a video game with their friends .
The rain held off , but the Cardinals could n't pull through with a win . It was still fun to eat ballpark food and cheer for the Cardinals ! I ' ve left out some of the most important parts of the week - the Bible studies and presentations . We had some of our best faculty lead Bible studies with the youth .
What may have happened before the Cardinals game ?
A loss was predicted .
A win was predicted .
Sunny weather was predicted .
Rain was predicted .
They acted as if they had never seen a car before and if you waved back to them it made them feel so special they would smile from ear to ear . Then after about 100meters of no houses the road came to a stop . There was a large yellow sign that said " Island Jungle Resort " but there was nothing there . No people , no buildings , the sun would be gone in 30min .
What may be the reason for the sun being gone ?
They went indoors .
The sun was behind clouds .
It was night time .
None of the above choices .
Got tipped more for being feisty . We listened to whatever music we wanted and basically ran the show . Sure , the lack of ac in a 700sq ft bakery took its toll in the summer , but the pictures of me stealing a turkey make it worth it . I was a sandwich artist goddamnit !
How might I have felt when posting that I stole a turkey ?
Nothing , because I only stole the turkey because I was a sandwich artist .
None of the above choices .
I felt amused and proud of myself so I told everyone .
I was ashamed and wanted to show how sorry I was for stealing .
My being here has no affect on the outcome of your life one way or the other . ] Recount the actions of your words ... You know , I ' m not mad . My feelings are deeply hurt .
What may be the reason my feelings are deeply hurt ?
I was told I did n't matter in someone 's life and that I had no bearing on his existence .
I was not interested in being a part of someone 's life and he did n't care .
I found out I was n't invited to someone 's party and it bothers me .
None of the above choices .
Cause she was finally hungry . We just got back from the vet . She thinks it is either an infection from a bug bite or an abscess . If she does n't get better with the medicine we give her in 2 days we have to take her back to get a coagulation test . I really hope she gets better .
What is the next step if this medication does n't help my pet ?
The vet will prescribe an experimental drug .
The vet will have to investigate further .
The vet will have to put my sick pet down .
None of the above choices .
I said I 'd give it two weeks and I was committed to that until I put the 12 year old mountain bike saddle back on and it felt 100x better than the Selle SMP . Marc C said something today ... he ca n't ride saddles with the slit in the middle . Maybe I ' m in that crowd ... the one the Pauls ride has one and these last two that ' ve killed me had slits .
What may be the plausible reason that I backed out of my two week commitment ?
None of the above choices .
I thought that the Selle SMP was just too uncomfortable
I liked the saddle that the Pauls ride better .
It is hard for me to remain committed to something .
I said I 'd give it two weeks and I was committed to that until I put the 12 year old mountain bike saddle back on and it felt 100x better than the Selle SMP . Marc C said something today ... he ca n't ride saddles with the slit in the middle . Maybe I ' m in that crowd ... the one the Pauls ride has one and these last two that ' ve killed me had slits .
What may be the plausible reason that I backed out of my two week commitment ?
It is hard for me to remain committed to something .
I liked the saddle that the Pauls ride better .
None of the above choices .
I realized that I was much more comfortable with the mountain bike saddle on .
I said I 'd give it two weeks and I was committed to that until I put the 12 year old mountain bike saddle back on and it felt 100x better than the Selle SMP . Marc C said something today ... he ca n't ride saddles with the slit in the middle . Maybe I ' m in that crowd ... the one the Pauls ride has one and these last two that ' ve killed me had slits .
What may happen if I try to ride with a saddle that has slit down the middle ?
I will use it for 2 weeks .
I will go for a ride with the Pauls .
None of the above choices .
I will switch back to using my old saddle .
I said I 'd give it two weeks and I was committed to that until I put the 12 year old mountain bike saddle back on and it felt 100x better than the Selle SMP . Marc C said something today ... he ca n't ride saddles with the slit in the middle . Maybe I ' m in that crowd ... the one the Pauls ride has one and these last two that ' ve killed me had slits .
What may happen if I try to ride with a saddle that has slit down the middle ?
None of the above choices .
I will use it for 2 weeks .
I will feel uncomfortable .
I will go for a ride with the Pauls .
In the evening , I practically had to drag them out of the house , or dorm , to get a neighbor 's dog for the experiment . We had to record one during day and one during night . The dog was a chestnut brown Pomeranian , and was n't that huge at all . It was kinda cute xD.
What may happen I finish with the experiment ?
I bought my own bird .
I bought my own dog .
None of the above choices .
I bought my own cat .
On Friday , I woke up to let my cat out and my eyes itched , so I gave them a good rub . My left eye began to itch like crazy , so I put some " get the red out " eye drops in and went into the other room . My eye started to hurt , so I went into my bathroom about five minutes later and it was VERY swollen and completely red . Even the white part of my eye was swollen and it looked like a blister had formed on the eyeball , with the exception of the iris and pupil .
What caused the speaker to apply the eye drops , referred to as ' get red out ' ?
They had gone the whole night before with no sleep , and wanted their eyes to be a normal color
None of the above choices .
They had been smoking marijuana , and were applying the eyedrops to help hide this fact
The eye was irritated and they thought that applying the eyedrops might help remedy the situation
Now I wonder if this was some sort of defense against the bees . Maybe it had something in it that protected us . After many more days , we went underwater and heard a raspy voice again tell us that we were The Chosen Ones . Instead of the debris underwater , there were strange beings such as a purple monster with two legs and three eyes .
What may be the reason for the post ?
None of the above choices .
To describe my life
To describe my dreams
To describe my fears
Got cancelled on around 4 times for the same jogging appointment with someone . Although this time round i told that someone that he / she need nt jog with me since he / she is tired and waking up early will only add to his / her fustration , i kinda felt irritated and sad . Afterall who likes being cancelled upon 4 times ? I really thought we 'd finally run this sunday morning .. Guess not .
Why is the narrator growing suspicious of their friend ?
They keep missing assignments .
They keep lying .
They keep sniffing uncontrollably .
They keep canceling on them .
Got cancelled on around 4 times for the same jogging appointment with someone . Although this time round i told that someone that he / she need nt jog with me since he / she is tired and waking up early will only add to his / her fustration , i kinda felt irritated and sad . Afterall who likes being cancelled upon 4 times ? I really thought we 'd finally run this sunday morning .. Guess not .
Why is the narrator growing suspicious of their friend ?
They keep sniffing uncontrollably .
They keep lying .
They keep missing assignments .
They keep postponing a planned event .
Plus , her make - up was horrible , you could see that she was wearin some of that powder - stuff - I - do n't - remember - what 's - it - called on her face , it was so evident , her face was half white ! Really horrible . I ' m really not someone that actually notices that kinda stuff , for obvious reasons , just so you can know how horrible it really was .
Why would her face be so blemished and marked up ?
She has lesions .
Her makeup is running .
None of the above choices .
She has been disfigured .
Plus , her make - up was horrible , you could see that she was wearin some of that powder - stuff - I - do n't - remember - what 's - it - called on her face , it was so evident , her face was half white ! Really horrible . I ' m really not someone that actually notices that kinda stuff , for obvious reasons , just so you can know how horrible it really was .
Why would her face be so blemished and marked up ?
She has lesions .
None of the above choices .
She is bad at applying makeup .
She has been disfigured .
why do i feel like i ' ve been drawing this forever ? oh that 's right- i did start it two months ago ... i have a really hard time staying on top of shit in the summer . this is my short comic about april 's exciting term in bartending school : i ' m not sure if it totally makes sense- which is kind of ok with me . it was good practice , but the plot flow needs a little work .
How would one describe the work habits of the narrator ?
None of the above choices .
The narrator is a procrastinator .
The narrator is a workhorse .
The narrator is a diligent person .
Every other kind of sport had people outside ; hikers , bikers , boaters , rollerbladers , you name it . So where did the rock climbers go ? Now that there are indoor climbing walls , has everybody who likes to climb moved indoors ?
Why do n't rock climbers climb outside anymore ?
None of the above choices .
They want to get more fresh air .
There is nothing to climb outside .
Indoor rock climbing walls are more convenient .
Every other kind of sport had people outside ; hikers , bikers , boaters , rollerbladers , you name it . So where did the rock climbers go ? Now that there are indoor climbing walls , has everybody who likes to climb moved indoors ?
Why is it important for athletes to spend time outdoors ?
Inclement weather can be an issue .
None of the above choices .
Many people prefer the ease of conditioned air .
It is easier to do some sports while outside .
And yes , some of the car hops were even wearing roller skates ! : ) Then it was off to the Vali - Hi drive in to see WALL - E ( again ) . The drive - in was another first for the kids , and a fun chance for Jamie and I to reminisce about going to them with our respective families when we were younger . I was surprised and pleased to see people cooking out before the show ( including some people who brought full - sized deluxe Weber kettle grills to the place ) , and we decided that , yes , we need to come back next year and cook out before a show .
Why might kids not have been to a drive in before ?
Drive ins were illegal until last year
They are not as prevelant in this day and age
Drive ins only show over eighteen movies
None of the above choices .
The big worry had been the cancer had come from some other place they had n't caught as was much farther along . The other worry was that the cancerous cell had traveled via the lymphatic system which would have spread the cancer throughout her body . So my family dodge an IED with that one . So we are happy people .
What may be a fact about this situation ?
Their family member is cured of cancer .
Their family member 's cancer did n't spread .
Their family member 's cancer had went away .
None of the above choices .
The big worry had been the cancer had come from some other place they had n't caught as was much farther along . The other worry was that the cancerous cell had traveled via the lymphatic system which would have spread the cancer throughout her body . So my family dodge an IED with that one . So we are happy people .
What may happen after they received this news ?
They will stay overnight at the hospital .
They will brag about it to others .
They will post on social media about it .
They will feel grateful .
The big worry had been the cancer had come from some other place they had n't caught as was much farther along . The other worry was that the cancerous cell had traveled via the lymphatic system which would have spread the cancer throughout her body . So my family dodge an IED with that one . So we are happy people .
What may happen after they received this news ?
They will celebrate with their family member .
They will post on social media about it .
They will stay overnight at the hospital .
They will brag about it to others .
So yesterday was the block party show . Overall , it went pretty well . We nailed most of the songs , the ones we did n't were due to power problems . We were working off a 20 or 15 amp outlet , and we were using 5 guitar amplifiers ( 3 for bass and guitars , two for vocals ) .
Why did they need so many external speakers ?
None of the above choices .
To throw a work fiesta .
To throw an event at work .
To throw a big local fiesta .
So yesterday was the block party show . Overall , it went pretty well . We nailed most of the songs , the ones we did n't were due to power problems . We were working off a 20 or 15 amp outlet , and we were using 5 guitar amplifiers ( 3 for bass and guitars , two for vocals ) .
Why did they need so many external speakers ?
To throw a community fiesta .
None of the above choices .
To throw a work fiesta .
To throw an event at work .
So ... Bob is coming up with his dad to tow the thing away this afternoon . again . it has been running for a week . Literally , it just got running last Sunday .
What will happen after my dad gets here ?
Tow away my car
Try to fix my truck
Try to fix my car
Try to fix my lawnmower
I was too busy chatting and weeding and thinking about picking up my CSA bounty at the end of my shift . At the end of the day , I took home my fabulous share of eggplant , beets , collard greens , corn , cherry tomatoes , basil , edamame , jalapenos , garlic , peaches , and apricots . ( I also took home a nice strip of sunburn on my back and will be better prepared next week . ) I 'll get to take home eggs next week .
What may I do next week because of the sunburn I have this week ?
I will wear a bathing suit while I am doing the weeding in the sun .
I will do all my weeding indoors instead of outdoors in the sun .
None of the above choices .
I will either wear sunscreen or cover up my back so I do n't burn .
I was too busy chatting and weeding and thinking about picking up my CSA bounty at the end of my shift . At the end of the day , I took home my fabulous share of eggplant , beets , collard greens , corn , cherry tomatoes , basil , edamame , jalapenos , garlic , peaches , and apricots . ( I also took home a nice strip of sunburn on my back and will be better prepared next week . ) I 'll get to take home eggs next week .
How often do I go the the CSA for my CSA bounty ?
It 's a program that 's designed for once a week .
I go there once a season and stock up on the bounty items .
None of the above choices .
I go anytime there is work or weeding to be done .
I was so introverted , I walked home with my head down making sure not to step on a crack , Because you know what they say , " Step on a crack and you 'll break your mother 's back " . I could not take any chances so I never stepped on a crack . And then , everything had to equal my favorite numbers . 3 , 7 , 10 and 13 .
What may happen during my walk home ?
I count the amount of cracks there are
I count as i walk too .
I walk and skip the whole way home .
None of the above choices .
I agreed to it . We tore a blank sign - out slip in half , folded it in half and held it in our hands to make it look longer . We walked past every single teacher . We did this without getting caught .
What are the people doing ?
skipping work
None of the above choices .
cheating on a test
Skipping school
Well , I am in a state of ultra - relaxation right now . A week in Costa Rica , several days of recupe time to quell the maniacal coughing from a volcano - fumes - induced upper respiratory infection , then up to Cape Cod for the final kicker of my summer vacation . Oh , I am smiled upon by the gods , no doubt about it . We started with a day at the Giants training camp in Albany .
Why would the narrator be so upset with their Costa Rican vacation ?
They had their trip rained out .
None of the above choices .
They had their trip snowed upon .
They had their trip threatened by a volcano .
Well , I am in a state of ultra - relaxation right now . A week in Costa Rica , several days of recupe time to quell the maniacal coughing from a volcano - fumes - induced upper respiratory infection , then up to Cape Cod for the final kicker of my summer vacation . Oh , I am smiled upon by the gods , no doubt about it . We started with a day at the Giants training camp in Albany .
Why would the narrator be so upset with their Costa Rican vacation ?
They experienced a dangerous eruption .
They had their trip rained out .
None of the above choices .
They had their trip snowed upon .
But she never picks up , instead preferring to call back later . Strange . Anyway , I rode the 22 km out and the 22 km back , and was plenty tired after three hours on the bike . I ate a heavy lunch with half a bottle of wine , and was in fine shape to start a siesta .
What will the bike rider do next ?
He will take a nap .
None of the above choices .
He will go to town .
He will take a ride .
But she never picks up , instead preferring to call back later . Strange . Anyway , I rode the 22 km out and the 22 km back , and was plenty tired after three hours on the bike . I ate a heavy lunch with half a bottle of wine , and was in fine shape to start a siesta .
What will the bike rider do next ?
He will go to town .
He will go to sleep .
He will take a ride .
None of the above choices .
But she never picks up , instead preferring to call back later . Strange . Anyway , I rode the 22 km out and the 22 km back , and was plenty tired after three hours on the bike . I ate a heavy lunch with half a bottle of wine , and was in fine shape to start a siesta .
How long was the bike ride ?
It was 22 km long .
None of the above choices .
it was six hours long .
It was 44 km long .
The rest of us worried slightly that it might be too hot for our fairly wimpy Western palates , but that was for naught . The chunks of very mild fish that had been coated with ground peppercorns were hotter than the chunks that were not , but overall the table considered the dish to be " medium - spicy . " I find the hot chile oil I like to use while eating dim sum to be hotter than this dish .
What may be a fact about this person ?
They are having troubles eating their plate of food .
They are eating a plate of food at a restaurant .
They are complaining that their food needs more spice .
None of the above choices .
We saw lots of deer tracks , bear tracks , wolf tracks , and fox tracks . But mostly we saw birds and squirrles . > _ > While my dad and I sat out their to hunt deer , it was getting late and we heard a howl of some sort . Sounded like a coyote .
Where was the narrator when they saw all of the animal tracks ?
They saw the animal tracks in a video game where people hunt deer .
They saw the animal tracks in a zoo while a coyote howl annoyed them .
They saw all of the animal tracks when they were in the forest .
They saw the tracks and a science museum exhibit about deer , and the forest .
As if he is becoming slowly de - attached from what he was ; so special , so intricate , his eyes are giving in to the pressure of selling more and more ; of selling himself . I am the first to stand in ovation , so I am aware , but not for a second longer ; the rest of the crowd in complete frenzy , clapping as if the world depending on it . But it seemed that he was n't particularly ready to stay and appreciate all the thunderous worshippers more than needed .
Why did he get a standing ovation ?
None of the above choices .
Because he made a spectacle of himself .
Because he is a brilliant actor .
Because the understudy performed in his place .
As if he is becoming slowly de - attached from what he was ; so special , so intricate , his eyes are giving in to the pressure of selling more and more ; of selling himself . I am the first to stand in ovation , so I am aware , but not for a second longer ; the rest of the crowd in complete frenzy , clapping as if the world depending on it . But it seemed that he was n't particularly ready to stay and appreciate all the thunderous worshippers more than needed .
Why was n't her particularly ready to stay for the applause ?
He felt he did n't deserve the applause .
He felt ashamed of his performance .
The performance had exhausted him .
He regretted his performance .
You will find your own niche . I do nt imagine you will need to look very hard . By this time in your life , you will have a very good idea of what you will want to do . In fact , Ill go further and say the ideal situation would be that you will not be able to stop yourself pursuing your passions .
What might I do after I find my own niche ?
None of the above choices .
I will find the ideal situation for others to find their own niche .
I will try to be passionate about it and then pass it on to my friends .
I will dedicate my life to turning that niche into a paying job that I love .
I have to go to work in like 3 seconds , but I just need to have a 3 second freakout first . Last night , went out drinking la la la , did n't get drunk , just had 2 , blahblah , but then when I was dropped off at home at 2 am , I kind of stumbled on my front steps up to the porch . I got inside and I could just feel liquid everywhere on my foot , so I took off my flip flop and proceeded to bleed all over the place like murder was going out of style . Seriously , big fattie blood drops pouring out of me to clot on my floor .
Why does the narrator have bruises ?
They got into a fight while drinking .
They fell while drinking .
None of the above choices .
They got stabbed while drinking .
I have to go to work in like 3 seconds , but I just need to have a 3 second freakout first . Last night , went out drinking la la la , did n't get drunk , just had 2 , blahblah , but then when I was dropped off at home at 2 am , I kind of stumbled on my front steps up to the porch . I got inside and I could just feel liquid everywhere on my foot , so I took off my flip flop and proceeded to bleed all over the place like murder was going out of style . Seriously , big fattie blood drops pouring out of me to clot on my floor .
Why does the narrator have bruises ?
They got stabbed while drinking .
None of the above choices .
They got into a fight while drinking .
They stumbled while drinking .
I ' m going in , and I am coming right back home to pass out before I have to leave for Jersey . I ' m taking 18 credits again ( one academic class , the rest are all music ) . I start my second job in a couple of weeks .
What may be the reason that they will pass out ?
They pass out whenever they see a bed .
They managed to only get twelve hours of sleep .
They were just knocked out from behind .
They have nt slept in such a long time .
Mom and I left early to this great beach in Avon , NJ we always go to . It 's the only beach I like because there 's really no boardwalk which means mostly adults , and it 's a pretty quiet place to relax . Even with my umbrella ( ella , ella ... eh eh ! )
What would happen if a boardwalk was put in ?
The beach would get less crowded .
There would be more families at the beach .
The beach would get more quaint .
There would be less people at the beach .
I ' m going in , and I am coming right back home to pass out before I have to leave for Jersey . I ' m taking 18 credits again ( one academic class , the rest are all music ) . I start my second job in a couple of weeks .
Why is the narrator taking so many academic classes ?
They are truly in love with academics .
They love learning new things .
They are having to get their degree before their career starts .
They are having to learn new things before their career starts .
Mom and I left early to this great beach in Avon , NJ we always go to . It 's the only beach I like because there 's really no boardwalk which means mostly adults , and it 's a pretty quiet place to relax . Even with my umbrella ( ella , ella ... eh eh ! )
What may happen while on the boardwalk ?
The boardwalk may start to crumble .
The boardwalk may get washed out to sea .
It may start to rain
The tide may come in
Mom and I left early to this great beach in Avon , NJ we always go to . It 's the only beach I like because there 's really no boardwalk which means mostly adults , and it 's a pretty quiet place to relax . Even with my umbrella ( ella , ella ... eh eh ! )
What is likely to happen at Avon Beach ?
The narrator will get jilted from their slumber .
The narrator will get much needed relaxation .
The narrator will get stressed out .
None of the above choices .
Mom and I left early to this great beach in Avon , NJ we always go to . It 's the only beach I like because there 's really no boardwalk which means mostly adults , and it 's a pretty quiet place to relax . Even with my umbrella ( ella , ella ... eh eh ! )
What is likely to happen at Avon Beach ?
The narrator will get some sun and rest .
None of the above choices .
The narrator will get jilted from their slumber .
The narrator will get stressed out .
We wake up , eat lunch , play with the cat and kinda just chill for the rest of the day . Very relaxing . Sitting around on Sundays used to drive me insane but I really enjoy it when the kitty behaves and naps while I spend some time with Jarv .
What type of relationship do the speaker and Jarvis have ?
None of the above choices .
They have a close relationship
They have a timely relationship
They have a chill relationship
We wake up , eat lunch , play with the cat and kinda just chill for the rest of the day . Very relaxing . Sitting around on Sundays used to drive me insane but I really enjoy it when the kitty behaves and naps while I spend some time with Jarv .
What do we know about the speaker ?
They are a playful cat .
They drive me insane .
They enjoy calm days .
They love to eat lunch .
We wake up , eat lunch , play with the cat and kinda just chill for the rest of the day . Very relaxing . Sitting around on Sundays used to drive me insane but I really enjoy it when the kitty behaves and naps while I spend some time with Jarv .
What do we know about the speaker ?
They love to eat lunch .
They did not used to like these days .
They drive me insane .
They are a playful cat .
This will be my first live NIN experience , can you believe it ? ! School also starts Wednesday morning . I ' ve got Geology 101 at 8AM . BAH ! !
How might I feel about having a class at 8 AM ?
I might feel it 's too early and am happy about it .
I might feel it 's too early and am apathetic about it .
I might feel it 's too early and am not happy about it .
None of the above choices .
We wake up , eat lunch , play with the cat and kinda just chill for the rest of the day . Very relaxing . Sitting around on Sundays used to drive me insane but I really enjoy it when the kitty behaves and naps while I spend some time with Jarv .
What may be the reason that sitting around on Sundays would drive me insane ?
Because I was bored .
Because I spend time with Jarv .
Because I was tired .
Because I do not like the cat .
This will be my first live NIN experience , can you believe it ? ! School also starts Wednesday morning . I ' ve got Geology 101 at 8AM . BAH ! !
What will happen after the narrator goes to the NIN concert ?
The narrator will be full of energy the next morning .
The narrator will be excited the next morning .
None of the above choices .
The narrator will be tired the next morning .
We wake up , eat lunch , play with the cat and kinda just chill for the rest of the day . Very relaxing . Sitting around on Sundays used to drive me insane but I really enjoy it when the kitty behaves and naps while I spend some time with Jarv .
What will happen after the narrator and Jarv 's day together ?
They will go to the zoo the next day .
They will go to Church the next day .
They will go to bar the next day .
They will go to work the next day .
This will be my first live NIN experience , can you believe it ? ! School also starts Wednesday morning . I ' ve got Geology 101 at 8AM . BAH ! !
What will happen after the narrator goes to the NIN concert ?
The narrator will be exhausted the next morning .
None of the above choices .
The narrator will be excited the next morning .
The narrator will be full of energy the next morning .
I ' ve got this really strange burn that will leave a lovely mark on my overly pale skin . Does anyone know how to fade out sunburn so it does n't leave a massive dark blotch on my leg ? Vaseline works on the face to lighten up sunburn but it 's never worked anywhere else for me . After the beach I drove up the parkway to Jarv 's house for a quiet weekend .
What may be the reason that the burn is strange ?
They have had burns before and this looks nothing like it .
The burn is orange wheareas most burns are green in color .
None of the above choices .
The burn catches back on fire if water is nt put on it fast enough .
Mom and I left early to this great beach in Avon , NJ we always go to . It 's the only beach I like because there 's really no boardwalk which means mostly adults , and it 's a pretty quiet place to relax . Even with my umbrella ( ella , ella ... eh eh ! )
What may be the reason mostly adults makes the boardwalk great .
There are loud adults partying all over the place .
None of the above choices .
There are no children for the adults to play with .
There are people their age to get into fights with .
Mom and I left early to this great beach in Avon , NJ we always go to . It 's the only beach I like because there 's really no boardwalk which means mostly adults , and it 's a pretty quiet place to relax . Even with my umbrella ( ella , ella ... eh eh ! )
What may happen while on the boardwalk ?
The tide may come in
The boardwalk may start to crumble .
The boardwalk may get washed out to sea .
None of the above choices .
I ' ve got this really strange burn that will leave a lovely mark on my overly pale skin . Does anyone know how to fade out sunburn so it does n't leave a massive dark blotch on my leg ? Vaseline works on the face to lighten up sunburn but it 's never worked anywhere else for me . After the beach I drove up the parkway to Jarv 's house for a quiet weekend .
Why might I have gotten sunburnt ?
None of the above choices .
I might have intentionally gotten sunburnt
I might have out on too much fake tan enhancer .
I might have forgotten to put on tanning oil .
Then she took me into another teacher 's classroom so they could eat . Then the teacher was saying something that was funny , and I was laughing , and my former teacher kept looking at me while she was laughing . Then I looked at her , and she looked down and smiled .
What may be the reason why the teacher did n't want the student to see her laughing ?
Laughing is not part of her image .
She wants to be taken seriously .
She gets embarrassed easily .
None of the above choices .
After eating ( too much ) , we played the game " Apples to Apples " together . It was great , especially since I won two of the rounds . I love how , for the most part , the green cards we got matched our personalities . It was great when it completely did n't , like " deadly " or something along those lines .
Why did they like the game so much
Because they could compare personalities to cards played
Because it was a game of matching
Because they ate a lot of good food
Because it was a game about personalities
My true love for the games actually began in 2000 . My Dad forked out thousands of dollars for us all go to go ( Sydney ) and I was sitting only 11 rows from the front for the Opening Ceremony , etc . It was probably the greatest moment of my life . I never had that pride for my country the way Americans do but at that moment I was so happy to be Australian .
Why did it cost so much to travel ?
Because they had to book it last minute .
Because they had to buy someone else 's tickets in order to go .
Because they did n't use any accrued miles .
Because they flew to another country .
I probably should have had them put in a standard DVR instead of a receiver , but stupidly thought I did nt need it in the bedroom . Well , I really miss not having a DVR . I want to hook up the old HR10 - 250 that I have and use it . It has been unplugged for well over a year .
What may happen after plugging in my old dvr ?
I could trade it in for a new one .
I could watch it in my bedroom .
I could watch my saved movies .
I could transfer the movies from one dvr to the other .
Too thick to be crispy goodness , and too thin to be considered steak fries or intentionally thick and mealy ... well , they were just fries . My date and I both ordered the smallest burger size they offer , and though it comes with your choice of toppings FREE ! , my darling really likes plain burgers . Guess it 's not really his kind of place ... but he was happy with the bacon and ketchup he put on the burger .
Why would the narrator be out to eat ?
They are craving burgers .
They are on a business lunch .
They are on a date .
They are craving bacon .
Too thick to be crispy goodness , and too thin to be considered steak fries or intentionally thick and mealy ... well , they were just fries . My date and I both ordered the smallest burger size they offer , and though it comes with your choice of toppings FREE ! , my darling really likes plain burgers . Guess it 's not really his kind of place ... but he was happy with the bacon and ketchup he put on the burger .
Why would the narrator be out to eat ?
They are on a business lunch .
They are craving bacon .
They are craving burgers .
They are with a romantic partner .
I 'd already decided how I wanted the book to start out ( though I had n't figured out if I wanted some kind of prologue or not ) and I knew a good deal of the road I needed to travel . So why could n't I get going ? My first stumble was deciding if I needed to format it like you are suppose to do . You know the first page is blank but for the title and author name , pages are double spaced , etc .
What do they mean by " the road they wanted to travel " ?
They knew how they wanted the story to go .
They knew how they wanted to get to a destination when driving .
They were planning a road trip .
None of the above choices .
That set them running away as well , shouting their leader 's name , leaving me and princess the only people on the roof . I turned back to princess and knelt before him , lifting one of his hands and kissed the back of his hand . " The evil peasants are gone now , my Princess . You need fear no more , for Knight Reita will be under your service and chase all evil away for you , my dear Princess . " " Oh , " he cried .
What time period did this situation unfold in ?
It seems to be the Medieval time .
None of the above choices .
It seems to be during the age of Pharoahs in Egypt .
It seems to be the 1920s .
That set them running away as well , shouting their leader 's name , leaving me and princess the only people on the roof . I turned back to princess and knelt before him , lifting one of his hands and kissed the back of his hand . " The evil peasants are gone now , my Princess . You need fear no more , for Knight Reita will be under your service and chase all evil away for you , my dear Princess . " " Oh , " he cried .
What time period did this situation unfold in ?
None of the above choices .
It seems to be the Renaissance period .
It seems to be the 1920s .
It seems to be during the age of Pharoahs in Egypt .
Foxy got adopted / fostered by the guy today ! Yaaaaay ! He 's a New York Jew who works from home ( web company ) and has a 15 year old mini poodle . He recently had to put down his jack russell .
What type of animal does the man own ?
He has a kitten .
He has a horse from New York .
He has a cat .
He has a puppy .
Foxy got adopted / fostered by the guy today ! Yaaaaay ! He 's a New York Jew who works from home ( web company ) and has a 15 year old mini poodle . He recently had to put down his jack russell .
What type of animal does the man own ?
He has a kitten .
He has a horse from New York .
He has a canine .
He has a cat .
I had a swirl of peanut butter and cookies and cream on one side , and vanilla on the other ( to cut the sweet ) with some chocolate jimmies on top . Playah had strawberry on one side and pistachio on the other . And for those people into that tart yogurt taste , they had flavors WITH THE TART ALREADY IN IT . They were offering both peach and peach tart .
What food may I have been eating ?
Ice Cream
None of the above choices .
I get to miss out on a birthday party to go to Alyssa 's and Eileen picked out an outfit for me for this day , and I ' ve been texting people nonstop because they always text me . And I guess you could say an old flame is coming back . And I get to see my friends . And I finished my chores early .
How might I value Alyssa ?
I might value visiting Alyssa less than going to a birthday party .
I might value visiting Alyssa less than texting people who text back .
I might value visiting Alyssa more than texting people who text back .
I might value visiting Alyssa more than going to a birthday party .
I get to miss out on a birthday party to go to Alyssa 's and Eileen picked out an outfit for me for this day , and I ' ve been texting people nonstop because they always text me . And I guess you could say an old flame is coming back . And I get to see my friends . And I finished my chores early .
Why is the narrator so focused on her outfit for the event ?
They want to impress an old love .
They want to make friends jealous .
They are seeing old family there .
They are seeing their parents there .
I get to miss out on a birthday party to go to Alyssa 's and Eileen picked out an outfit for me for this day , and I ' ve been texting people nonstop because they always text me . And I guess you could say an old flame is coming back . And I get to see my friends . And I finished my chores early .
Why is the narrator so focused on her outfit for the event ?
They are seeing their parents there .
They want to make friends jealous .
They are seeing an ex there .
They are seeing old family there .
I got a tip that the Serena sister 's look alikes were going to hit the local tennis court . I headed straight to the hot spot with my best bud . They were foxes even from afar .
Why did you want to meet them ?
i do n't like them
i do n't like tennis
I like tennis
None of the above choices .
I got a tip that the Serena sister 's look alikes were going to hit the local tennis court . I headed straight to the hot spot with my best bud . They were foxes even from afar .
What may be the reason their look alikes were there ?
They were scam artists looking to make lots of money .
None of the above choices .
They were the real sisters that people just mistook for fakes .
It was a charity event organized by the tennis club .
I slowly walked toward these chocolate hotties and I introduced myself . Since I was a master of tennis way back in college , I offered them a special course in perfecting their forehands and backhands . Monica and Rane were delighted to swing and sweat back at my crib .
What is one of the ulterior motives for being with Monica and Rane
Moving in with them
Have romantic relationships
None of the above choices .
Getting them to try a new sport
I slowly walked toward these chocolate hotties and I introduced myself . Since I was a master of tennis way back in college , I offered them a special course in perfecting their forehands and backhands . Monica and Rane were delighted to swing and sweat back at my crib .
How will he feel after sweating with the two of them ?
None of the above choices .