<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Moving on from charity education industry feeling inadequate and if I don t leave now I m stuck?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] moving on from charity education industry feeling inadequate and if i don t leave now i m stuck i ve been in the charity industry for about 3 years this is my second job my first job was as a education program designer at a zoo i then moved onto a global ngo where we do advocacy and education my focus is developing coordinating and executing education related programs writing proposals to get funding and writing reports it is enjoyable and i am given fairly good creative freedom though still a small potato myself i get to go on global conference and meet big potatoes company ceos government officials i ve also done work that i am proud of too for example i developed a educational mapping program that uses geo-tag apps and smartphones gps it was really popular with the children and it received a lot of media attention of course we all have to do project tasks we don t enjoy sometimes deal with people we don t vibe with - so i am not complaining the pay is also decent and i have a good relationship with my coworkers boss and even board members it s really a fortunate privilege however i see my friends in very exciting and ever-changing industries that have always made me feel inadequate not that they all make more than me and i am not looking to make big bucks going into i-banking i don t know how to describe it my friends say i am making more impact than they are but i see them managing projects for rejuvenation of old buildings or marketing for some brand new lifestyle company i enjoy my work i am thankful for it but at the same time i want to move on yet i don t know what to do from here any advice would be greatly appreciated thank you <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Am I wrong for leaving a job I love for more money?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] am i wrong for leaving a job i love for more money i feel like i need to give this post some context i worked as a mechanic for a total of roughly 2 years before getting the job i am currently working my two biggest passions in life are automotive and it i loved working as a mechanic but was screwed over too many times promised an apprenticeship but later told they would not commit my boss leaving the workplace leaving nobody to continue training me or just generally having a toxic workplace that led to my own mental health issues i recently 13 months ago started as a trainee photocopier technician under the it certification as soon as i began work i realised exactly what a good job really was i loved working on cars however the workplace environment was just never right and the benefits were never there i was homeless at the time of this business taking me on even though i was a trainee they had given me a pay rise to ensure i would be able to find a rental home i completed my traineeship in it far ahead of schedule due to it being self paced receiving my certificate iii in information technology however i am a photocopier technican meaning not much of that knowledge other than understanding the basic meaning behind basic protocols in networking will ever actually help me upon receiving this certificate i was told they would like me to do my certificate iv this worried me as if i were to transition into an it role in the future i would have absolutely no experience in the role if i were to continue to work as a photocopier technician none of the information presented to me would be of value upon finishing a traineeship i was guarenteed a payrise which is really what i needed as my wage was still below minimum and i was struggling badly with rent and bills just to live let alone eat and pay for petrol so my plan was to speak to both co-owners in private and see if there were a way i could be paid as a normal technician while completing the next certificate i asked the owner with me at the time he agreed that same day i asked the other owner to please setup a meeting to discuss my future 2 months passed nothing i asked both owners again another month nothing a few days later i was speaking to a friend who works in civil construction and he offered me a job paying nearly double of my current wage my first instinct was no i love doing my job and respect the owners giving me an oppurtunity and helping me out of homelessness too much about a week passes my friend messages me the offer again and i said no then it started playing on my mind my manager and myself have a good relationship both inside and outside of work so i brought it up with him one day he knows my current financial situation and actually convinced me to go to an interview for this job as it was paying the slightly more than his current wage this is where i realised that i don t think i am ever going to be on this sort of money especially if my manager isn t either while having 15 years of experience working as a photocopier technician after two weeks of my manager bugging me about why i wouldn t take the offer i gave the owner a call and setup a time to meet and discuss the position he loved me in the interview and a few hours later i was offered the job i still wasn t 100 sure but i agreed it all felt so rushed i handed in my letter of resignation 3 days ago and i feel awful the owner didn t say much just yep yep nah nah that s okay mate he isn t someone that talks much or shows much emotion i was just expecting some sort of conversation to take place but nothing my manager was then given a substantial payrise and thanked for not leaving the business as well as a huge christmas bonus i was given the same christmas bonus as last year but i will be giving it back due to how not okay i feel about the whole situation x200b so anyway down to the crux of it do you think i made a bad move here i feel like i did i can t imagine myself having as good of a workplace as the place i currently am but truth be told i have eaten nothing but cheese toasties or toast for dinner and an energy drink of a morning just to continue paying my bills and rent on my current wage i had tried twice to setup a time to speak with them both about my wage and nothing came of it thank you for reading this extremely long post i know half of the information isn t necessary but i am absolutely having a meltdown as i rushed my resignation and this is the best job i have ever had <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>How can I suggest my boss to go 100% into management?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how can i suggest my boss to go 100 into management situation my boss wants to be a programmer and do less management this causes insane problems 1 his code is absolutely atrocious and takes weeks just to get it into a stable state 2 he feels it s not his responsibility to manage the team we ve suggested someone does his job for him didn t go well of course i had a meeting with him saying we need his support in management and project overseeing and we are employed to do the programming it s in our contracts didn t go well he just said nothing would get done if i didn t write these functions ok apparently none of us can learn time series analysis and he insists he must do it yes i am looking for a new job in hopes that doesn t work is there any way to convince him management would be better suited for the companies sake <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What would help you find the work you enjoy doing?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what would help you find the work you enjoy doing i ve seen a lot of posts lately about people struggling to find work that is fulfilling to them i imagine this is a widespread feeling problem from the amount of attention those posts have and i m feeling it too how would you start looking for the work that could be fulfilling <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Looking for a job with a miscellaneous degree?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] looking for a job with a miscellaneous degree so i just graduated from uconn with a bachelors of music and over my time there i accrued a pretty disgusting amount of debt what kind of job should i be looking for so i can pay off my debt as quickly as possible i m really trying to ride on the fact that i have a degree to help me out here i want to know what all my options are or maybe i m just screwed <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>How do you know you re making the right career moves? How can you tell you re heading towards the right direction? How do you figure out what you need to do that will get you ahead? Thanks<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how do you know you re making the right career moves how can you tell you re heading towards the right direction how do you figure out what you need to do that will get you ahead thanks how do you know you re making the right career moves how can you tell you re heading towards the right direction how do you figure out what you need to do that will get you ahead thanks<</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>how do know if my coworker is going to be a problem?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how do know if my coworker is going to be a problem my coworker can get angry alot and throws stuff i don t know what to do also he is close with my supervisor <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>How can I transfer IT skills to a job where I d work more directly with nature wildlife animals?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how can i transfer it skills to a job where i d work more directly with nature wildlife animals long story short i went into it because i like working with computers as a hobby and the pressure from my parents to go to college right after high school i am 25 and i have a 2 year degree in information tech i have worked in the public school system all of my it career roughly 4 years i like what i do but going to work seems to be more and more of a drag not so much the work but the lack of room for promotion i live in a rural area and the money in it isn t that great either i make an ok wage for where i live but not a enough to live comfortably on my own all of high school my plan was do something with biology now i am thinking about making a career move either switching completely or finding an it job where i work more with nature wildlife animals my problem with switching completely is i can t afford to stop working for 4 years to get a bachelor s in a biology related area anyone else made similar moves what are some jobs where my skills may transfer to any advice at all is welcomed <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Are there any jobs that bridge fashion marketing and charity?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] are there any jobs that bridge fashion marketing and charity i love fashion would love to work with brands i love in some sort of marketing event planning role but currently in the nursing sort of field studying in undergrad and i love being a part of children s hospitals schools and just overall feeling the positive difference kendra scott does a program called kendra cares where they visit pediatric hospitals and set up jewelry bars and i know anthropologie has partnerships with children s miracle network hospitals also love that they work in home decor not just fashion i even love how mlb teams sometimes work with children s hospitals and there are relations there what types of jobs would work at that intersection pr maybe any insight is very appreciated edit i know these are super different spheres and i d been planning to pursue a healthcare career while trying other things as a hobby but wondering if i can sort of merge the things i love i m incredibly visually oriented and creative love looking at something and seeing what it could be transformed into i also love event planning i m a good writer and a people person always planned on working with kids and have been told i m great with them so it is a big passion for me love psychology traveling fashion sports visual graphic design interior design space event planning<</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Dealing with different styles of working writing?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] dealing with different styles of working writing hello everyone i was hoping to get some insight regarding something i ve noticed at my job i recently became conscious of the fact that my writing and development style is very different from my manager s for example i think in terms of short concise bullet points whereas she expects long and drawn out paragraphs another example i wrote out a word document with different outcomes and she wants this translated into an excel sheet i feel like our minds just work very different ways there are also no defined rules or protocols for these type of things and i typically just do what comes first to me and makes sense to me however whenever i do it my way she gives a disappointed attitude when showing what i created and wants me to redo it all her way but there s also this vibe that she gives that i m dumb or incompetent because i didn t stylize it her way it really wears on me and makes me feel bad and less confident i know it s probably just something i ll have to deal with but has anyone else experienced anything like this and how did you get through it <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Remote jobs on Commission?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] remote jobs on commission hi i am a full time student and instead of waiting tables or retail i thought about jobs you can do from home anywhere i would like flexible hours and maybe pay on commission so if i perform well i can make some cash i ve been freelancing but it s not really something i can scale up to great pay very thankful i have it though since i get paid pretty hour or word so tldr question what are some jobs you can do on your own schedule from home i am decent with selling stuff so are there non scam options thanks <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Start working or further study?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] start working or further study hi i need some advice with my career path i will be graduating in bachelors of mechanical engineering in this november but i am in dilemma rite now should i jump straight into the work life or should i further study in data analytics science the reason is in my final year of mechanical engineering in i learn data analysis course which spark my interest in data science analysis i learn using excel r studio analysis data about bone sample which is the data i learn about smoothering functions analyze graphs ect if i go for work the hard part is getting the job with the pandemic and it s very competitive out there if i go to learn data science analysis it will be much added values or skills for me when i start my first career as engineer i am 22 about to turn 23 soon this november in my 4 years of undergraduate i did some summer internship for a few months so that s it for my work experience in the oil and gas industry but i am thinking learn more about data science and for programming i did have some basic coding such as matlab python r studio but i only know it on the surfaces as for now these past few months i already start self learn about data science attending workshops such as data scrapping from nasa and introduction to data science from microsoft hope u can give me some insights and advices thank you <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Is this workplace harassment or bullying?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] is this workplace harassment or bullying i started my new job two weeks ago and everything was going great until one of my coworkers started ignoring me i didn t think anything of it after a few days i noticed that it was getting worse i would walk by a couple of my younger coworkers and they would call me gross i tried to ignore it i got cat called i partner up with someone to stock merchandise and they left half way through and took my scanner gun with them so i have to waste time walking across the store to get it which looks like i m not doing work my co-worker snapped at me for not doing a certain task that s supposed to be every night and i m new and noticed we do things different each night i didn t realize i was supposed to be doing that certain task every night my partner left half way through stocking and told me to finish the rest so i did and he yelled at me infront of 2 other departments later that night i was in the bathroom and the person i was with told me to leave the cart to finish after and he brought it back from the floor and said wow she can t stock for shit my other coworkers started laughing i was driving home behind them and they kept brake checking me hard muilple times and turning on their blinker without turning what should i do <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Is there some moral high ground to staying with the same employer for decades?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] is there some moral high ground to staying with the same employer for decades background info my dad and father-in-law both worked for the same employer for decades until retirement my husband 54 worked for the same union hvac shop for 24 years until the owners retired in 2020 sold the shop and the new owner cleaned house-getting rid of the guys with seniority and bringing in his own crew of young guys he has since worked for 2 other union shops as his union rep finds him work that brings me to myself i was a stay at home mom for a decade until i went to grad school and got my masters in occupational therapy in 2010 i have been working continually-no gaps in employment never terminated or fired by an employer however i am going to start working for my 5th employer next week i have worked for my previous employers for approximately 2 years 1 year 3 years 6 years in that order i have chosen to leave previous jobs for reasons such as--extremely lengthy commute need for a more flexible schedule to accommodate my children s varied school schedules and iep meetings and i left one job because they were unable to keep my caseload at even half-full let alone full-time and i couldn t afford to stay there finally why am i asking while my husband understands the reasons why i left he does sometimes razz me about bouncing from job to job and has mentioned that he hopes i am happy with my new job and can stay there until i retire i realize he is all about financial stability-his first wife was the polar opposite of me in many ways being unable to hold a job and getting fired multiple times during her probationary periods but i need an objective opinion is he right-am i bouncing from job to job am i unstable in employment <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Does learning web development requires you to be good in maths?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] does learning web development requires you to be good in maths i am currently studying accounting and hate every second of it i found out that web development interests me and i want to get all in it i want to know if i can learn it without being extremely good at maths and also if i can get a job without a degree in cs <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Any advice on how to get into Psych field?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] any advice on how to get into psych field i have been in college since 2012 and i am 25 years old i have basically worked full time since i was 17 years old and just never had the chance of taking more than 2-3 classes per semester i am soo ready to finally get my bachelor s degree and get started working in the field i am working towards a degree in iss interdisciplinary social sciences my ultimate goal is counseling of some sort marriage counseling drug addiction counseling ptsd https www reddit com r careerguidance comments dm1goh i_need_suggestions_or_advice_as_to_how_to_get_my counseling etc i have an associates degree https www reddit com r careerguidance comments dm1goh i_need_suggestions_or_advice_as_to_how_to_get_my and an addiction studies certificate i understand both are essentially useless i am just stuck at the moment and unsure of what do to next i am really anxious to leave my current job a small business that has nothing to do with psychology or anything related to my desired field but any career in psychology or counseling does not really have an entry level position that i could apply for as far as i know from my understanding they want to see at least a bachelors degree to even start i should note that i am well aware that to really go place in my field i will need my masters degree too i am hoping to find answers as to what i can do right now to get my foot in the door i do have bills every month so quitting my job and just interning do not seem realistic i do not even think that i could work part time and intern the other half without seriously struggling financially do not get me wrong i am incredibly grateful to even be in school at all i am debt free https www reddit com r careerguidance comments dm1goh i_need_suggestions_or_advice_as_to_how_to_get_my thank you financial aid https www reddit com r careerguidance comments dm1goh i_need_suggestions_or_advice_as_to_how_to_get_my and am pleased that my job allows me to leave work a few times a week to attend class however i see my other friends who are the same age achieving mile stones in their respected fields and i just envy https www reddit com r careerguidance comments dm1goh i_need_suggestions_or_advice_as_to_how_to_get_my it i am stumped as to what i can do next any suggestions <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Recruitment or Electrician?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] recruitment or electrician hi i figured this might be a good place to start i m 22 just finished my psych degree and have been interviewing for 4 different graduate recruitment consultant roles but i m unsure whether to devote more time to it as i m unsure whether it would be for me it obviously can have some great money making potential but would anyone suggest going for an electrician apprenticeship instead i quite like the idea of being able to start my own business that way or maybe wire my own house <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Best way to self-teach UX Design?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] best way to self-teach ux design hello all 18f here who is a graphic design major entering junior year of university in the fall after doing a lot of research and exploring the specific types of design i really took an interest into ux ui design my uni doesn t provide a lot of interaction design courses so learning it at my school looks like it s not going to be an option since i am off on summer break i have time to delve into teaching myself the basics of ux ui design however i don t really know where to start there are so many resources that it is a bit overwhelming if anyone could recommend me where to start or what resources to look up it would be greatly appreciated i hope to apply for ux design internships next summer 2023 so i need to begin learning soon again thank you for any input you may have <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Behavioral interview question?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] behavioral interview question i have an interview at an aerospace and defense company what are the most common behavioral interview questions you have encountered <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Is it bad if one of your coworkers complains about you a lot? Or does it just depend?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] is it bad if one of your coworkers complains about you a lot or does it just depend i ve been at a company for about a year i have a coworker who s been at the company for 3 years he basically complains about me nonstop i would say at least 10 times a day i would say no one else at the company ever really complains about me at all i was wondering if this is bad or if it just matters if my boss thinks i m doing a good job <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Possible meeting with senior executive - what approach should I take?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] possible meeting with senior executive - what approach should i take i ve been told to potentially expect a one-to-one with a very senior member of the company in a few weeks the details are pretty vague at the moment but it sounds like someone has facilitated the meeting based on some work i did for them automating various processes it sounds like they have something in mind and want to gauge my interest in some sort of opportunity that s all my boss knew about it i ve never met someone at this level before assuming the meeting takes place how should i approach it i ve done some more research and there s very little information about him on the internet i m expecting to be asked about my background what i m working on at the moment and what ideas i have i suppose i should have some decent questions to ask him as well thanks in advance <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>how to tell my coworker I don t want to take her shopping? Any more direct and she ll consider me rude…<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how to tell my coworker i don t want to take her shopping any more direct and she ll consider me rude long story short i 22f have a 60 year old coworker she has a slight obsession with me and always gawks over my clothing choices or makeup or hair or whatever it s to the point i pick out ugly and plain clothes to work cuz tbh i don t like talking to her she sucks for a multitude of reasons but to keep it short she has the social maturity of a 9 year old and is a struggling addict my sister is an addict so you can imagine my exhaustion having to deal with an addict at work and at home she has asked me multiple times to take her shopping we work in an intimate setting of 9 people total and are at our desks all day so any conversation we exchange i should expect it being overheard by 7 others at all times i have told her no indirectly 3 times and felt like she should have got the hint by now unfortunately i m faced with my last option and i know her lack of social maturity will cause her to act strange upset after i directly tell her no my coworkers laugh and call me a savage when i tell them some of the responses i have given her in the past about other matters i have a low tolerance for bullshit especially people 3x my age i ve always considered passive aggressive to be more professional but she just isn t getting it how do i be nice but still direct i m not going to take her shopping tl dr annoying coworker keeps asking me to take her shopping even tho i already said no a few times how to be direct but not rude <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What Sales job makes you money and gives you life purpose?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what sales job makes you money and gives you life purpose to anyone who takes time to read this and adds and any advice thank you in advance i used to take pride that i had a dream thought by going to school and graduating with a degree in acting it solidify my love for acting i graduated when i was 26 and now i m 31 and i m unemployed and not sure where or what i should do with my life about every day i apply for jobs like restaurant server tech salesman solar salesman saas salesman academic advisor car salesman and all the while i think about how soul sucking these jobs might be i m in a time in my life where i feel empty numb and blank to be honest everyday i think a ton about what i should do with my life in school i definitely felt that level of pressure of always having something to accomplish and submit i miss that i miss having to show up and perform i originally quit acting because i felt like after school i didn t have those god given talents that some actors just have i was piss pour with memorizing lines and i worked hard at it if i had 5 pages to memorize i spent most of my free time doing just that walking around and memorizing most of my classmates could memorize scripts with two or three days or reading through it i was also pretty bad at receiving criticism i wasn t someone who just received notes i had battles internally inside my head about this or that that wore off though after a weeks of working with a director or a teacher i learned how to acknowledge that this was part of the profession and i constantly reminded myself that this was an ego issue you re sacrificing your own potential by getting butt hurt about not being perfect on day one of a rehearsal and actually never being perfect inside that characters shoes by the end if i was to go back into acting i would need to learn a process of memorizing lines quicker i thought i tried everything in college but often times there always another way of doing learning lines now i need some advice from someone who has a background with sales or going back to school to do what they really were meant to do in life i m at a point where i almost just don t have any dreams anymore though maybe i m more mature and dreaming is a time of the past and i need to be more realistic i have made most of my living from serving tables and i just don t want to be at the mercy of a tip for my living anymore i would much rather help someone with mental health like being a therapist or maybe being a salesman where therapy is kind of a part of the job that s why i need help should i go back to school for a graduate degree with a interest in healthcare such as a psychiatrist speech therapist nurse dental hygienist or physical therapist or should i try to just keep looking for a job thats more fulfilling in sales note i live in tempe arizona single no kids and i have nothing but time on my side <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Jobs that don t require schmoozing?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] jobs that don t require schmoozing what are some job ideas that don t require major networking showboating or schmoozing hierarchically where you can just do your role and leave and be monitored purely on that basis currently a consultant but realising how much my career takes away from my personal life and goals leaving me bored and frustrated because it s never enough and something more is always required also noticing most of my colleagues are workaholics and i enjoy working but would rather let my own business take over my life than someone else s company my skillset digital strategy implementation delivery project management linguistics and speech therapy something i want to learn more about as covered in my degree ux <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Leaving my job to pursue a career in data sciene. What direction should I take?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] leaving my job to pursue a career in data sciene what direction should i take hi hope you re well here s where i am graduated in 2014 with a bachelor s degree in statistics performed very poorly in my degree but i did graduate with honors just over 40 spent a year applying for company jobs and working retail at family business got a job in summer 2015 as a sysadmin based on my skills in programming vba and having done loosely similar work in the family business still at this company and not had a lot of opportunity to develop data analytics skills studying independently and trying to collaborate on open-source data science projects i m still pretty young and plastic so how would you advise i break into in data science most aggressively try to use my work experience and projects to apply to a masters course where i hope to connect with companies that are looking for post-graduates and use that as a launchpad apply for graduate programmes so i can develop skills in the field and try to launch from there just apply for a job with more data analytics and go from there please advise<</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Seriously where do I even begin?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] seriously where do i even begin let this be a lesson to younger members 43 m my family owns a decent sized farm and has operated a successful business off of it since 1988 i thought i would be there for the duration of my years an uncle takes control over the farm about 10 years ago and now at 43 i find myself trying to figure out what he the rest if my life looks like it s a long story but i have decided that to avoid jail time for a violent crime it would be labetter if i sold my land and left it s been in our family for 4 generations now it s sad but i m doing the right thing i get to find out more about myself and what makes me tick now as i try to shift careers into the unknown i m in fairly good shape physically can run any type of machinery i excel at anything mechanical prefer working outdoors at least some i m actually also pretty decent with a camera i love art i was riverkeeper volunteer of the year a few years ago and am passionate about the environment i also did volunteer work getting people registered to vote i think it s the volunteer stuff thatmost fulfilling and the art most enjoyable i ve also learned over the years that moneykqqisnt my motivator i enjoy work and grt my satisfaction from a job well gone t tnis i m a bat in a hail storm lost as hell <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Serious (NY). Am I paranoid or just stupid?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] serious ny am i paranoid or just stupid ok i am a chronic worrier so this might give some context i made a stupid off hand comment in writing we got an invitation to a restaurant from our social committee at work so i was asking colleague over text work phone about the logistics of this event i said i wonder if seniors will get to go to a fancier restaurant cause they aren t like us the other person wrote lolz we are getting budget i know this wasn t in good taste but can i get in trouble for this i have come across as thankless and divisive and i feel dumb <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Can you succeed without being passionate about your work?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] can you succeed without being passionate about your work i m 27 and pretty early on in my career my field is really competitive and the work is labor-intensive during my internships i was really passionate about pursuing the work but now i m pretty emotionally divorced from it i like it and i want to do well at it but i don t love it in fact i don t think i could love any job nowadays i get more excited thinking about a new hobby or pretty dress i wanna buy than about a career accomplishment though those are nice too it s more like i m comfortable in my career at this point one might say i ve developed a healthy relationship to work but sometimes i wonder if this attitude is a bad thing i think that consuming all this messaging about how you re supposed to love what you do set me up with high expectations i m satisfied at my job i have some goals i d like to meet i don t really socialize with people in my industry unless i have to i don t find industry gossip interesting i want to succeed in my work because i think it s interesting and i m curious to see how far i can go shouldn t that be enough is it alright to just be comfortable with my job rather than passionate can you still be successful if you don t throw your whole identity into a career am i holding myself back <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>My boss hates me and he is purposely holding me up from career opportunities. What to do?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] my boss hates me and he is purposely holding me up from career opportunities what to do i need to help my husband he works in a giant corporation and the very best firm on the industry he wants to continue in my husband is the most detailed oriented person that i know and he is great at his job he works in a technical environment where he deals with sensitive data and anytime somebody makes a mistake horrible financial repercussions occur he also has a clean job record without any write-ups or catastrophes everyone in his team is in good terms with him and look up to him due to his professionalism and accuracy since the job is so fast-paced and detailed oriented people on his team make mistakes however the one that makes the most mistakes is his terrible boss however my husband barely makes any small if any mistakes that s why he is constantly given the most important and sensitive projects of the team and all the new employees stop by to ask him guidance and questions his direct manager however is not very detailed oriented and is terribly jealous of my husband because working beside him makes him feel powerless and inaccurate take into consideration that they have the same amount of time at this job and this is his very first management position this manager has horrible morals work ethic and noticeably terrible management skills all of this is noticeable and his team despises this manager but because my husband represents the exact opposite of that terrible manager this person makes my husband s life impossible at work the manager constantly calls him out in public when he makes the smallest mistake for example getting to the office at 9 01am instead of 9 00am but everyone else knows my husband is the very best at his job and because he takes a great pride on what he does at work my husband has been depressed for the past few months because of this situation he comes home and cries at night because his supervisor tries to make him look bad in front of other people or when the manager makes him feel like he did a mistake when he really didn t life is hell at work my husband has tried to move out his position to different departments of the company and he constantly makes it to the interview -- until the hr department informs him that he needs to tell his supervisor that he is applying to another position within the company this has to happen before they proceed in the recruiting process it has always been on my mind that his supervisor blocks him or tells something bad to hr so he blocks him from getting another position why do i think that because against all the odds he suddenly doesn t get the position -- and gets a super bullshit explanation it has happened 3 different times within the past year today i think i confirmed that theory he made it yet to another interview and had to tell his manager that he is applying to another position in the company his manager posted a status on facebook that reads if you hold me up i am going to hold you down this was 16 minutes after the meeting with my husband ended we even have a screenshot of this can my husband talk with hr about this what is your advice he really wants to stay in this company and migrate to a completely different team because they have an awesome position in a very niche industry but his manager is making it impossible <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Am I too far behind to make it in this world?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] am i too far behind to make it in this world i m 25 and a half m with only an associates degree from a community college because i could never decide what i wanted to do with my life i worked for a couple years at a really low paying job 16k but had minimal expenses i moved back in with my parents last year because i didn t know what to do next and after a couple temp jobs i finally got hired full time just over a month ago now i make 15 an hour with full benefits but there s not really any room for promotion or likelihood of large raises this is my first real job and i m glad i m finally doing something worthwhile the problem though is i already know i don t want to do this forever but when i eventually quit i ll be back at not knowing what to do yet it seems like every job not in retail or fast food requires a bachelors degree and 2 years of related experience minimum also where i m at now i don t feel confident enough in my salary to move out again to my own place because cost of living here is much higher than where i was able to make do on half my current salary i also feel i m too old to go back to school unless it s an online degree but i feel those don t hold as much weight in the eyes of employers i just feel so far behind everyone else my age and it makes me so anxious and depressed <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>I need some career advice help please?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] i need some career advice help please hello there i m 20 years old and really stuck on what my future career may be i love working with technology in general and have a lot of interest in game design graphics design wouldn t be a good fit considering i can t draw i m sorta a master of none i m good at a lot of things but not amazing at just one thing i live in a fairly small area so there aren t a lot of career options in my area currently i worked at geek squad for about a year and found out i hate being in any sort of sales related job sorry if this isn t a whole lot of information any advice is much appreciated <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Varying interests and keep wavering - Instructional Design or Data Analytics?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] varying interests and keep wavering - instructional design or data analytics hi all i am at a cross-roads with my career and am itching to make a change i work for a prestigious university in their international programs division and manage overseas programs set up academics compliance risk management and staff etc i get to travel well previously bf covid19 i did and create programming that attracts excellent students who then have a transformative experience i love the international aspect of it and am quite good at my job problem i m not going anywhere - salary is low and there s no prospects for moving up - just doing the same thing year after year also i ve been wary of the climate of higher education and believe that the bubble is about to burst in this field plus now i have a family and i feel i need to make more money so i can provide for them the way i d like i have two interests that i have been exploring in this regard - instructional design or data analytics re instructional design i m already in the higher education field and have a master s degree i have done some corollary work to id and i can enroll in a certificate program paid for with my employee tuition benefit to get more training and knowledge this transition i feel would be easier for me since i am already in education although i d actually want to move to the corporate world for id re data analytics - this is a bigger jump for me but i also do some of this in my work now mainly tableau and previously i ve done db administrator work in another life learned some sql and took a class on mssql server etc i d need to do alot more training and quite honestly i ve been a bit frustrated about how to break into the field most people say don t waste your time with a degree program just learn on your own through the various training methods out there i m fascinated by both fields i really like analyzing data but i honestly don t know if that s the only thing i want to do ie do it 24 7 usually i do it as part of my job which i love because i m very data driven when it comes to decision making i know it s the hot field right now with a good salary instructional design appeals to me because i do like how it incorporates technology with learning outcomes and i feel like it is a very versatile multi-disciplinary field i don t think the earning potential is as great as data analysis but i have talked to many ids who make pretty decent money especially as freelancers wants for me is an engaging field where i have the potential to earn more move up over the years i don t have to necessarily move cities to get another job in the field i e not like higher education where you have to move for the job possibility for remote work for flexible work life balance i guess the only thing i would be sorely missing is the possible loss of the international aspect of the work speaking spanish dealing with other cultures traveling for work any advice as to the path you d choose or perhaps another that i haven t thought of thank you <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>I been told i am underestimating myself how do you tell what your potional is?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] i been told i am underestimating myself how do you tell what your potional is so i want to keep this vage so other people can find help as well as myself but i want to give some details first im really bad at spelling i love working outside and in the past i have noticed if o work 2x as hard i can learn things like a normal person i was not great in school also i keep bouncing around and have aways done ok but nothing super that has stuck i now have a baby on the way and want to provide a life better then i had so i need some guideance and have to figure out what to do for long term i love my job but i dont think i wpuld ever make more then 40k no benefits and i know that might be good enogh for some but not for me what would you do to hold up that mirror to find your path what helped you the most im open to book ideas as well <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Having problems converting interviews into offers does anyone have any advice or ideas?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] having problems converting interviews into offers does anyone have any advice or ideas so i ve been having some problems with interviewing lately and i was hoping someone on here could provide insight i m in my last year of undergrad and still doing on campus recruiting over this semester and last i ve interviewed with about 15 companies in the finance and consulting industry and only 1 offer which i ended up turning down due to a variety of reasons most of these interviews are strictly behavioral i make it to the final round in a little less than half of the interviews but almost never get an offer afterwards my university offers mock interviews with actual companies that provide feedback afterwards i ve also had practice interviews with multiple career advisors no one has been able to give me any constructive criticism but there is obviously something that i am not doing well if i am not getting offers for the most part i try and keep my interviews conversational i prepare good questions to ask at the end and i typically spend anywhere from 4-5 hours preparing for each interview by researching the company industry and etc i m getting a little desperate at this point since i don t know how i can improve and i will be graduating soon any advice would be immensely appreciated <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Should I leave $100k salary unfulfilling career?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] should i leave 100k salary unfulfilling career tldr i 28m have amazing 120k salary but depressed and lonely due to wfh thinking about switching careers and studying abroad or getting a masters i have over 50k in savings what should i do starting from scratch seems daunting but need a change full story hi all i ve 28m been struggling with this since quarantine tried changes but now i m back to square one i ve been working in tech software for 5 years and loved it up until 2021 when quarantine took its toll and wfh became the rule i was really struggling wfh because i got very lonely and basically had no human interaction and still rarely do my friends all have moved out of state or don t hang out because they re married or have a partner and only like to catch up once a quarter coworkers stopped hanging out and basically don t meet up now that everyone is wfh i became very depressed and have been seeing a therapist but it got expensive i ve worked my way up in the tech industry starting with 45k now 120k i did this by switching jobs and improving my skills the job i had in quarantine paid 85k and at first it was awesome i was saving about 3k a month but obviously it didn t outweigh the fact that i was always sitting at a desk staring at a screen and alone in my apartment anyway my therapist and i decided switching jobs doing would help so i got a new job still in tech and i m making more than i ever have 120k with 10 bonus unlimited pto great benefits etc however i was under the impression that it would be hybrid - wfh some days and some days in office it turns out that most people just wfh 100 of the time and those who are in office only go once a week so i feel like it didn t help much in fact my whole team is remote and out of state so the people who are in the office aren t in my department and it s hard to forge friendships with them when i m the only one from my department i ve gone into the office tried to forge relationships but it s still feels very lonely for reasons i mentioned i sit at a desk by myself while other teams have their whole crew in office during lunch i approach people and try to sit with other folks but people don t make the effort to get to know me so i ve been thinking this great salary isn t worth it additionally my body craves movement and i sit all day i ve developed physical health issues despite exercising every day im thinking about going back to school and studying something i m passionate about like international affairs or studying abroad getting a masters degree i have about 50k saved up and wondering if i should take time off to switch careers is this a brash move i feel i need a drastic change <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Career help ?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] career help i feel very pressured because i need to know please help me out eveyone around me asks me what do i want to do or what major there are many things i wish i could choose all at the same time because i dont like staying with the same thing i think studying 5years of uni is alr i don t want too many years im good at seeing multiple perspectives and possibilities and likes to have my brain stimulated sort of but not some too difficult task that requires some new typa thing to solve it im creative im not that good at math tho but i like sciences i d like to have a work that doesn t require me to be alone all the time i want to interact with others but also have my alone time i need a really good paying career too <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>How can I find jobs to which I can telecommunte (work from home online)?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how can i find jobs to which i can telecommunte work from home online i have an academic background doing data analysis and coding theoretical models in physics one or two day flights on a regular weekly or semi weekly basis to anywhere in western north america would be acceptable and longer duration flights with less frequency to anywhere else in north america would be ok as well i am canadian and would be alright with getting a us visa but i would prefer to live in canada my skills that i have a strong background in are mathematics stats vector calculus etc models and simulations scientific computing and programming in c c and python i have also developed some experience in machine learning and data mining <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Tips for Doing Contract Work?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] tips for doing contract work i m a lawyer i ve been a sahm for over 15 years and am just getting back to my career understandably i m having trouble finding something and have been offered remote hourly contract work i m ok doing that as a way to get back to work in general any tips for doing contract work successfully <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>I m a garage door technician. Does anyone know if this is a good idea?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] i m a garage door technician does anyone know if this is a good idea i know it s a great job when running your own business and it s not something people can diy i ve been doing it for 8-9 months i operate out of the business owners truck i have my own debit machine i pick up the product from the distributor i have the company credit card i run the entire business the owner books the appointments i am his only employee he s also my brother i feel proud of the work itself but the pay is just miserable it s 18 an hour which is okay but sometimes calls are inconsistent and i m commonly left making 80-100 in one day it s livable but i see oftentimes that door technicians make 60-80k and on the lower end they ll make 40k which i d be happy with cad i m sticking it out because i know the experience is very important but do you guys think overhead door technicians have other options in the trades as well would a seasoned tradesman be more inclined to hire somebody with my experience if i m trying to get my foot in the door <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Is college worth it?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] is college worth it yes i know it depends on what career route you wish to have but generally speaking since i don t know what i wanna do how important is it to success and life my parents were never big on education choosing to homeschool me and teach me only the important things now i m 20 and currently working on my ged my girlfriend has been a godsend in helping me but her parents are very insistent on how important college is for life which is a total contrasts from my parents my dad is a construction boss and believes that hard work trumps education and that college is a scam whilst my mom mostly worked from home and just thinks college is a waste of time i m not sure if my parents would support me financially or emotionally despite us being pretty well off if i choose college but i also know my girlfriends parents will never approve of me if i don t go to college both sides are very convinced they are right so any unbiased opinions would be lovely <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Jobs for outside the box thinkers?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] jobs for outside the box thinkers to preface this will probably seem like a joke and it half is but idk it s late and i m wondering if anyone has ideas gifted child all throughout elementary middle and high had to attend different classes that trained us to hone in on our creative thinking abilities won multiple science fairs by basically reverse engineering and tweaking existing tech it s 10 some odd years later and im 1 year short of a psych bachelors which i don t even want to continue for any reason other than the sake of earning a diploma i m a very independent thinker who s best strengths would be outside the box problem solving sometimes even radically efficient ideas to increase productivity jerryrigging a love to learn total jack of all trades master of none type self taught musician writer cinematographer editor i like learning new things but i have absolutely no idea what i see myself working towards as a career also recently had a child which made me completely shift gears to the point where i just want to make enough to be comfortable but more importantly a job that allows me the most amount of time with my daughter open to any and all ideas<</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>How do you know when it s time to give up?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how do you know when it s time to give up i m 25 and a fine artist and graphic designer i ve been designing professionally for clients since i was 15 and doing fine art seriously for the last three or four years i m absolutely talented and i ve pleased all the clients i ve had and am usually pretty happy with my work but i ve never taken off my design business has always been either very bottom of the barrel work or one good project every few months it s been far from consistent no matter how hard i ve worked it s literally never been a stable living for me and my god i ve been busting my ass for 10 years trying to drum up business i ve never been above the us poverty line as for fine art pretty much nobody gives a fuck about what i make no attention on it networking is impossible for me feels like people just don t wanna connect with me and it rarely sees any traction again i work insanely hard at my art as well i spend probably 10 hours a day honing my craft and trying to either get work or get better at what i do i m so defeated lately i can t get an ounce of attention on any of my work and it feels like nobody wants to work with me despite having a lot of really good and credible work i ve done stuff for fortune 500 companies and trending brands i read all the business books do all the classes watch all the youtube videos and follow all the instructions and i just always fall flat it s starting to feel like it s just not meant to be i can t even get a design job even below my worth or ability i have several friends that have tried a new art project or business idea and they love it and it takes off in a month it seems like people just find the right thing and their passion carries them exponentially forward and upward quickly that s never been the case for me is it time to give up should i just put this to the side and try new things it s hard because my dream is to be the 21st century andy warhol aka hyper popular artist with a team or employees and collaborators but man it just feels like that s never gunna happen i ve worked so hard and so much and for nothing how do you know when it s time to give up i don t want to keep wasting my time and life if there s something else out there that i m meant to do because i ll never find it at this rate but i also don t want to give up if i m somehow on the right track <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What can I do with a Microsoft Server and Networking Apprenticeship?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what can i do with a microsoft server and networking apprenticeship hi guys i m looking into doing a server and networking apprenticeship with microsoft i m interested in what kind of job this could lead me to and if i would have a hard time finding a job outside of microsoft thanks<</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>M.S. in Environmental Science seeking career options<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] m s in environmental science seeking career options so i m graduate student in environmental science- i ve already earned my m s and have just started my phd while i certainly hope to be able to finish my phd it appears that could be a little dicey due to my lab s funding situation being a little precarious and possibly having to take an extended leave of absence due to family emergency though i m more concerned about the former than the latter my studies have focused primarily on ecology and ecosystem modeling- my thesis was using system dynamics modeling to try to model a microbial ecosystem in an extreme physical environment so should i have to leave academia for an indefinite amount of time what are my career options i ve been looking at some of the listings but it s been a bit difficult to find out which ones will fit since most of my coursework has been oriented towards research phd-track and most of the positions that only require an m s are policy assessment field tech oriented thanks <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Those who chose a path career as a young adult that would in theory last for life (ie medicine related law trade skill etc) how has that played out over time? Are you happy?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] those who chose a path career as a young adult that would in theory last for life ie medicine related law trade skill etc how has that played out over time are you happy question s in title i m experiencing major anxiety worrying about the future rather than just living in the moment i m considering long term careers at 26 rather than having secure faith that i will make things work it s terrifying <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>23M moving from Finance to Psychology Digital Marketing UI UX Designer please help me choose?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] 23m moving from finance to psychology digital marketing ui ux designer please help me choose current situation 3 years experience in finance was working in the tax field in a big 4 audit firm till november part qualified in acca uk finance professional qualification one subject away from getting a bsc in finance from oxford brooks university i am planning on getting the degree before giving up on finance because i am so close i realized finance is not for me i absolutely hate working in finance 1 it s boring 2 i don t like working under bossy managers with no freedom for the past 3 years i have been depressed with my career choices this quarantine i had a hard thought to myself decided to move away from finance slow many people encouraged me it s not too late what i like fields - psychology digital marketing and creative i also like the overall tech field i wanted to go to psychology or creative fields after school but i could not higher education in that field is expensive i ended up choosing finance because it was cheap acca x200b psychology - i was making some money by being a freelance graphic designer i started a bsc in psychology from coventry university uk however to be a therapist i will have to get myself at least a masters so at least 5 years more to study i like guiding people to solve their problems and the field of psychology has always fascinated me since still in 1st year in my degree i can t seem to find any job in this field digital marketing - i have an interest in a digital marketing mainly social media marketing position this is till i get a proper job in psychology till then i will combine my psychology knowledge creative tech interest creative - self taught graphic designer currently a freelance artist i don t have any qualifications but have experience some of the people i know who are excelled in creative fields i was told to try ui ux design to self study and get a job this is till i get a proper job in psychology till then i will combine my psychology knowledge creative tech interest why i am not trying to be a full time graphic designer is because many of the full time jobs asking for proficiency in several softwares at once so instead taught of specializing in one field such as ui ux factors - freedom and independence - need some freedom and space with what i do i prefer not working with bossy managers money - money plays an important role because in the future i want a career that will make enable to me to make more money my plan i need 5 years more to study towards become a therapist in psychology field till then i want to have a career i want to choose between paths of digital marketing or a creative field such as ui ux marketing i want to choose this carefully because if i succeed in any of these fields according to my expectations also financially i might choose to go with it should i choose to go with digital marketing or ui ux designing path for now or any recommendations<</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Would you prefer to work in an office or be self employed and have freedom and earn more?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] would you prefer to work in an office or be self employed and have freedom and earn more would you prefer to work a 9-5 job in it you studied it in college uni and earn the same wage every month or would you prefer to be a mobile mechanic never studied it was taught basics by a friend and work when you want earn more and have your freedom also would you see a mobile mechanic as a unsuccessful job or low class job <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Help I need Advice I am having a mid-life crisis at only 21 - How do I find the right career for me?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] help i need advice i am having a mid-life crisis at only 21 - how do i find the right career for me hello all i really could use some honest advice and help i am 21f and i have had a stressful last year i have lost a parent had severe medical issues and have another parent currently in medical rehab to regain body function and movement i am losing my new house and am having to figure out how to manage adulthood very quickly and i feel very unprepared i hate the current job i am in but have no idea what i should look for or go into i ve had multiple careers mainly dealing in customer service and retail i am currently a receptionist in a title company and i am unhappy and already feel burnt out and i have asked for more responsibility or a change but am not feeling heard i am bored and feel the need to challenge my mind and myself i had gone to college but had dropped out because of medical issues and never really wanted to go back definitely not after paying for it still now with nothing to show for it i would think that the opportunity to work from home sounds nice but i am unsure if that is actually a good idea and if i would actually do good work or get distracted easily i am a person who is logical and is very organized and detail-oriented i am good in math and i enjoy solving problems and puzzles and working on a computer or writing down notes and keeping files i like to learn new things and have a plethora of random facts i know i enjoy and love animals but careers in this field have been competitive and usually require much more to a resume i have been looking for a new job but no idea what to actually try for i don t want to do retail again i want an actual career i wish to actually be happy to go to work and to be busy however i need to worry about money and making a true living i am in colorado and its very expensive to live here and i am still at home and wish to move out soon but it seems impossible and with my pay now it definitely wont be happening anytime soon trying to find a good paying job that doesn t require a degree also seems impossible i am now looking into career tests and trying to figure out my passions i just feel lost and its all a scam i sit and take a test for 15 minutes only to have to pay to have a subscription just to see my results or no actual definitive answers i guess i am not even sure what i am asking has anybody gone or is going through something similar what was your solution do you have recommendations i am not afraid to do proper research if it will help me in the long run what places can i trust what should my next steps be i could really use an outside perspective and would appreciate any feedback or friendly notes of encouragement and insight thanks in advance <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Are there other trades I ought to consider besides electrical?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] are there other trades i ought to consider besides electrical i m looking to entering an electrician certification program but am interested in hearing advice on other trades i ought to consider i m prepared to put in the work and want to grow out of entry level positions <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>How do I deal with this stressful coworker situation?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how do i deal with this stressful coworker situation i am a lawyer in a company and work on a small team with other couple of other lawyers our general counsel boss works remotely in a different state and is rather absent i work in an office with one of the other attorneys the rest of the team works in a different country and our work rarely overlaps so basically i work closet the other attorney in my office let s call her ms lawyer ms lawyer has been with the company around 1 year longer that i have and has a bit more experience however we have an equal title and are suppose to be team mates since i ve started working with the company ms lawyer was not very friendly to me and was very closed off let me quickly tell you about myself i really take a lot of pride in my work and it s important to me i equally value being kind to other people and treating everyone at every stage of there life kindly i also try and not to partake in office gossip since starting i have become personal friends with many individuals in the company everyone kinda knows me as the friendly go lucky one as i am told i really don t have issues with anyone ok back to ms lawyer so after almost a year plus of being talked down to put down and generally being treated poorly by ms lawyer i decided that it s effecting our work and we should have a conversation basically situation was getting worse and worse so i grew a pair and sat down today and spoke to her about improving our working relationship well it went horrible she turned around on me and she called me toxic and that i talk about her negatively and undermine her and host of other horrible things i swear i have never done nevertheless i decided ok she feels hurt my actions let me try to steer this ship in a more positive direction i apologized for anything i may have done and requested that she basically acknowledge her faults well she refused and it basically turned into a horrible conversation about how horrible i am on a personal level i was hurt that she was representing me as someone i know i am not i try my best to live by a moral code and any one who knows me knows this of me i have always felt that she has disliked me but this conversation really confirmed it to me i m sad about the situation but also glad i had it how do i move forward is it time to move on from this job any advice would be helpful tldr after being treated poorly and demeaned for over a year by a coworker whom i work closely with i spoke to her about my concerns and how to improve the relationship and she turned around on me and made me out as the bad guy help <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What should I say in this phone interview?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what should i say in this phone interview hey everyone so i m a bit nervous i have a phone screening this week for a qa position my entire background is in therapy counseling as i ve been doing it for almost 10 years i saw this qa program in a healthcare company and just took a leap and applied for it it s entry level and requires only a bachelors degree when applying i just put the basics name phone and email and uploaded my resume the lead recruiter for the company contacted me and wants to talk for 30 min in a phone interview i m freaking out because i don t know what to say during the interview as i have no qa experience i am trying to change careers because counseling is entirely too mentally draining and im constantly burned out if you all have any tips or really anything so i can really sell myself that d be awesome thanks in advance <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Leave high paying job to study at university?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] leave high paying job to study at university context i m a 27 year old in australia at the moment i have a 6 figure salary working in project management never really pursued academia and got by with a certificate iv in business administration i ve been in the full-time workforce almost 10 years now trouble is i don t love it i spend most days watching the clock and i hate being stuck to a desk i do love the money though as it allows me to do and have nice things recently i applied and got an offer to study exercise physiology at the undergrad level so 4 years full-time is what i d need to put in realistically if i do decide to take the offer and study next year i won t have as much money and will probably have to live with my parents again and give up a lot of things due to not having as much money when i graduate the starting salary won t be as high as what i m on now but will eventually catch up with time and experience what do i do put in the hard yards for 4 years and end up in a job i love or stay the course and watch the money come in every month any advice for mature age students in australia tl dr leave 6 figure job to pursue studies in something i m actually interested in <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Does anyone have experience of moving from an office job to a trade late in their career?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] does anyone have experience of moving from an office job to a trade late in their career i m 38 and have been working the same mind-numbing office job for around 8 years i hate office life the industry and the culture of my company but i need a certain amount of income to survive i m based in london and have a mortgage utility insurance bills but no other debts in my current job i m earning more than i ve ever made before 35k per year inc bonus and this kind of low-level no-progression admin work seems to be the best offer i m gonna get as i don t really have any qualifications beyond a-levels and those weren t exactly a-stars i m interested in learning a trade and maybe eventually working for myself specifically becoming a plumber or electrician i like that these are practical jobs they re not based in one location they industries that will still exist in 100 years and people will always need these services i have no idea if this is realistic at this stage in life my understanding is that people go into these trades as apprentices in their late teens and earn next to nothing for the first few years it seems you don t earn anything close to 35k as a plumber until you re at the top of your game and well established in your trade from where i am that means i d likely be about 50 before i was a any good and b making enough to live on has anyone here made such a switch how did you do it <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>How can i earn money based on my skills for psychology and music and not my degree?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how can i earn money based on my skills for psychology and music and not my degree hi guys i am 22 year old guys i am currently pursuing ba i have 2 more years to finish this degree i have skills in psychology understanding human behaviour and personality there mind and making music what can i do on basis on my skills and knowledge and earn money i can not turn back to change my degree or field of study as i have less time i am open for any idea s <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Is a career in art worth it?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] is a career in art worth it im passionate about working within the art industry especially as an employee of larger studios is this a career worth the risk <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What careers would match what I m looking for?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what careers would match what i m looking for looking for a career that i can eventually make a good salary 100k has decent work-life balance and may have the opportunity for remote work anyone have any advice or careers that come to mind i have a bachelors in psychology a masters in mental health counseling and am open to career suggestions that match my current qualifications or careers outside of my current industry thanks for the help <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>How to be around art and artists as a job?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how to be around art and artists as a job im 29 years old i m an architect and a self taught artist i find little joy in being an architect and mostly do my job to pay bills and because i need to have a career i wish i could be in or around the art world while also pursuing my own art my job as an architect comes with brutal working hours working anywhere between 10-12 hours daily with very low pay 3rd world country with 10 people waiting in line to steal your job and after all the daily chores i manage about an hour to make art a day or two over the week after completing my b arch i took a complete break for 2 years and solely pursued art i sold a little but not enough to survive off of also since it was my sole source of income it ruined my relationship with my art so i took up a job again having no formal background in art i want to know what kind of jobs exist around the art world that i can take advantage of to be around art and artists while also having enough time to pursue my own art also i m a bachelors in architecture are there any masters programs on the art side of the world that i could jump into and pursue a career from there on any advice or thoughts would be appreciated thank you <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Advice for 14 year old looking for work?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] advice for 14 year old looking for work just need general advice edit i appreciate all the help everyone this helped alot<</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>I m almost out of high school and want a career working on animated shows but have no idea how. Anyone have some advice for me?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] i m almost out of high school and want a career working on animated shows but have no idea how anyone have some advice for me cartoons have always been my main interest and priority i ve drawn for years making characters and used to even make comics years back i m not interested in animating as i would just be spending hours animating something i had no creative input on it seems writing is the best way to go since i have more creative involvement and writing stories and dialogue have always been a natural skill it s far easier than animating for me too ive spent hours researching these kinda jobs and getting headaches and i have no idea where im going to go once i finish school each day im drawing or thinking about ideas and constantly feel like im wasting my time and getting nothing done that will help me after graduating i have confidence in myself but absolutely no direction or anyone to talk to about it i just need some guidance of some kind <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Is this degree applicable to the job?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] is this degree applicable to the job is an electronic engineering degree usable for a computer hardware engineering job <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>what jobs can I land with a creative computing degree?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what jobs can i land with a creative computing degree i m an upcoming freshman this monday and i m wondering what jobs can creative computing land me <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Tips for Goldman Sachs Interview?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] tips for goldman sachs interview i have an interview tomorrow for a credit operations analyst role down in their nyc office any advice from previous experiences you can give i m just refreshing myself on my derivative knowledge but would really appreciate anything you can share i want to knock this interview out of the park meeting with 4 managers the recruiter told me this was considered a super day so i m assuming this good go either way thank you <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Lacking motivation in current career any advice on where how to start a new career search process?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] lacking motivation in current career any advice on where how to start a new career search process hi everyone currently working retail and have been for almost 15 years but after taking a promotion i realize i just don t enjoy my career anymore i am having a hard time seeing the point of what i do i make a great wage but with other financial obligations i m afraid to make a drastic change any words of encouragement or ideas on where i can start researching careers that i might enjoy thank you<</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Best job for me?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] best job for me so i m 24 and getting ready in the next 8months to leave the army i was infantry and then did video and photo production in the army i love hunting and fishing and enjoy talking with people i have a real passion for nature and people alike people say i have the gift of gab and i am actually pretty good at talking with anyone and can read folks pretty well i value nature and animals alike and think it s our most precious resource what are some good careers for me i ve been stuck for months trying to decide what to go to school for and i cannot for the life of me pick <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Anyone here in software engineering?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] anyone here in software engineering hello to start off i m 20 f and not sure what i want to study what i want for my career i was in the process of getting my associates in nursing to be a registered nurse but while working in the medical field i noticed i didn t like it i want to be working in an office i just don t know what career we ll pay well and overall be beneficial i was looking into software engineering but i m afraid it ll require lots of math etc anyone here in it if so can you tell me how it is your experience thank you <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>People with university degrees that quit their industry to go into something completely new that perhaps didn t need a degree- how is your career going now?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] people with university degrees that quit their industry to go into something completely new that perhaps didn t need a degree- how is your career going now i d love to hear from someone who studied in a particular industry but then moved away from their industry into something completely new with or without further study how are things going now why did you leave your industry do you regret leaving your previous career path would you go back to your last industry was the grass greener on the other side <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Looking to go back to school or return to work force - enjoy data bases spreadsheets computer work. Advice?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] looking to go back to school or return to work force - enjoy data bases spreadsheets computer work advice i ve been mostly out of the work force raising kids for last ten years my ba was in psychology but my favorite things i ve done include working in a statistic data base analyzing injury data analyzing program data to present results organizing our client database creating spreadsheets and balancing budgets i would like to maybe further my education in something related online education and then maybe find part time work preferably wfh i m just not sure where to even begin and would appreciate any advice and ideas located in california <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Receiving feedback pointing out mistakes: Am I overreacting? Am I the problem?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] receiving feedback pointing out mistakes am i overreacting am i the problem hi there so i started this new job a month ago and this past week after a long training i started to do some tasks i put my heart and soul into passing all of the training tests so you can tell how much stressed and involved i was one day i received some tasks that i did not had the training for so i asked my colleagues in our group chat to help me nobody answered then i started to ask in private people who have helped me before no answer then i asked my coach and she said how to do it but skipped to say the most important step so i did it as per her guidance and closed the task a similar task came through but with a more delicate topic same scenario as above so i asked again the coach she was busy so she said to ask a specific person until then i tried to avoid that person because even though she was working for 3 months there almost a new joiner like me she was speaking to me like i was inferior and a nobody but i had deadline for that task and i wrote to her in private of course she did not pay attention to what i have asked her and started to say what was wrong with other tasks i have done at some point she just said that task is closed i will write on the group to alert others i double-checked and the task i have asked her for help was still open so i didn t know what she was referring to i looked what she wrote in our common group and it was the general rule on how to process a task you did not have training for and all the communication above her comment were my messages asking for help so you don t have to be sherlock to figure it out it was about my mistakes she came back to me in private saying i wrote on the group the task shouldn t have been closed obviously i asked her why and she replied because you do not have the training to process it in the first place so you should have left it open so other people with more experience like me should look at it i tried to explain to her that i was not aware of that rule and nobody specified to me this rule i asked her to explain to me this rule because i followed the guidance and the general procedure and for me it didn t make sense to leave it open when i actioned and had a deadline like it will affect the sla if i leave it open it wasn t logic for me she did not know how to explain it to me and i think that she got wrong my intention and thought that i was questioning her method as she went to one of the supervisors saying that i wasn t listening to her the supervisor instead of coming to me or asking more details she wrote in the group chat like a general rule to listen to her as she knows what she is saying until then i didn t check all the communication in the group so when i did all my colleagues that were nowhere to find when i asked for help started to pop out with comments on how could someone me think that they can close a task without having the training so i felt really bad this superior colleague said that it is not such big of a deal of mistake but i said to her that based on the group comments it doesn t seem like this she justify it that she had to write on the group because i should take into consideration what she is saying to me at this point i stopped writting to her because i felt anger building up i felt attacked because we were having a private conversation she didn t have to go and write it on the group chat since this was new information for me and it was a mistake because i really did not know about this rule what should i do should i speak with my manager about it i really don t know what to do i feel really bad and my self-esteem is really low in my previous job i was a senior so whenever someone was coming to me for help or reporting a mistake they made we kept the communication private and if needed i was inviting the team leader or the manager in our sessions but first with my colleague s approval if she he was comfortable with it i thought that this is a general rule with everybody in every company since we have to think about our colleagues well being mental health i never encountered this situation before what do you think will i look bad if i speak with my manager about it what do you advice thanks <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Interested in hearing the life stories of people who found what they were looking for after long struggles.<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] interested in hearing the life stories of people who found what they were looking for after long struggles trying to figure out why i am not more successful in finding my passion and pursuing it <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Where do I go from here?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] where do i go from here i changed my stream from banking to tech i have ba econ from a canadian university and diploma in web dev from a boot camp i worked for one of the big five banks my last role was financial advisor i have 4years of banking experience including a short stint at a bank call center made it to banking rep then as a financial advisor i did a web dev bootcamp and landed myself a programming job i work for a manufacturing company so their i t department is pretty small i have written a script to move files currently i am working on writing a script that retrieves data from the database and compares it to existing data in a file next project would be to re-write a vb application code this is a major application that the company uses so this should give some solid experience when it comes to filtering data front-end dealing with the apis crud operations etc i write all the code in powershell and this new app will have to be done in c using visual studio i have set up github account for the company and have pushed a few scripts in the repos i love coding writing small snippets to automate tasks has been really enjoyable i think i want to stick with powershell c and learn more about net framework since i have entered the field of tech i have realized there is so much to learn i am not sure what my next steps should be i want to choose a path and learn the things needed to be successful on that path i don t want to be drifting and doing random udemy courses although they are fun i read about different streams like software development devops product development etc but not sure how to pick one it seems like people landed their first job in a tech company and took things from there i don t have that option yet this is a contract position 1 5years i am 6 months into the contract i would like to stay with the company but they wouldn t have a lot of work for a programmer i know a bit of react javascript powershell html css github but i will admit my knowledge level in these is of a beginner and do not know these topics in dept my questions are what should i be learning more of since i am a boot camp graduate a year from now what kind of jobs should i be looking for with this work experience basically i know this is extremely vague but where do i go from here <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Lost 4 employees at a vet clinic in the span of 3 months. About to lose a 5th. Is this a red flag for me to jump ship?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] lost 4 employees at a vet clinic in the span of 3 months about to lose a 5th is this a red flag for me to jump ship some background i took this job to gain clinical experience to go to veterinary school i also need letters of recommendation from my veterinarians i chose this job partly because it was a fairly new and clean hospital with a great client base and the owners are asian american women and i love supporting us when it comes to small business practices however finding a new practice would require me to start a new relationship with a veterinarian to have a stronger letter of rec and i m trying to apply next year i started my job as a non-licensed tech at my companion animal clinic 3 months ago the work is hard yet rewarding but i m beginning to feel it physically in my muscles and bones i posted a month ago about being burnt out really badly from being understaffed which we still are and underpaid there are days when i absolutely want to just cry in my car after work we lost our most senior employee and an rvt yesterday they put in their 2 weeks a while ago because of better job opportunities such as higher pay and benefits everyone has quit essentially for something better a coworker close to me also an rvt is also thinking kf quitting because of a new job offer for me the turnover rate is ridiculous but i m not familiar since i only started being a small animal tech i m debating if this is a sign to jump ship eg ask for better pay or find a new clinic according to my coworkers who have already left my vets did not even try to compete with a counter offer when they submitted their 2 weeks <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Should I give up my drywall business and go into surveying?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] should i give up my drywall business and go into surveying i have sort of made up my mind already but i would just like to hear some thoughts from strangers my family and friends i ve asked for advice have all come back with the same answer do whatever is best for you but i would appreciate hearing some concrete opinions this is long so thanks whoever sticks it out and reads it all i have run my own small drywall taping company going on 4 years now i built it up from absolutely nothing and it s taken a few years but 2019 so far has been my busiest and most profitable year yet at this point most of my business comes from word of mouth i have a really good name and reputation and i m proud of what i do to say i love working for myself is an understatement i do work hard physically but the last 4 years have seemed like a vacation - when i get up in the morning i truly look forwards to going to work all in all it s great and finally i m getting to a situation financially that s looking good too i went into drywall because i was a directionless 20-year-old whose first passion horse training fell through the cracks i started taping as a way to pay the bills while i spent time figuring out what i might actually want to do go back to school for 4 years later i haven t come up with too many other ideas however i have considered either surveying or accounting my mom works at a local township office and dropped my name with a surveying company i had an interview on saturday the boss is a very nice gentleman who seems like he would be great to work for he is ready for me to start asap and i promised i would give him an answer either way within a couple weeks so here s my dilemma i love what i do currently it keeps me strong fit and active i am extremely independent and it s paradise to be self employed i m finally starting to make consistently good money so why don t i just stick with it because i m concerned that as i get older i won t be able to physically keep up with the demands of the job i already deal constantly with aches and pains i can t imagine i ll be having a blast at 45 climbing up and down scaffolding and spending days on end sanding if i start with the surveying company i d be starting out in the field so there will be the physical active outdoor component i enjoy i d be working with one or two others on a crew the hours are 8-5 monday to friday unless there is really bad weather now here s the zinger the starting wage is 17 hr that s a pretty reasonable starting wage i think and it sounds like there are bonuses given a couple times a year and periodic raises based on your performance and increasing skill that s decent money to start on and 2 years ago i would have jumped on this opportunity but i make 40-60 hr right now with the drywall no i don t always have full time work weeks but when i calculate the difference in general this means i d be working up to twice the hours i currently do and make half the money now there is room for advancement in the surveying if i go back to school which - if i do go down this path - would be my aim i could move into drafting which sounds like makes about 20 hr or go to university to become a certified surveyor and make 60k-100k a year with enough experience but - and i don t want to sound lazy or whiny here - that s a lot of work and a lot of debt to accumulate to climb back up to a point where i d be able to make a wage similar to what i am now there s room for advancement with the drywall as well if i keep pushing my brand and take on extra jobs expand my work week there s basically unlimited potential to grow perhaps if i keep on with it i can grow to a point where i can hire employees and one day promote myself to just quoting jobs while my crews do the labour the population of tradesmen now are aging and in a few years there s going to be a serious shortage of skilled tradesmen which will make me even more valuable i guess part of my cognitive dissonance comes too from being primed my whole life for university higher education my mom is constantly pushing me to go back to school which is why she put my name in with these surveyors a nice gesture don t get me wrong whereas my dad - a self employed mechanic tradesman his whole life - always urges me to stay with the drywall i know at the end of the day it s my life and i m the one paying for whatever i decide to do i m very money-oriented but i also have retained this internal bias that i should go back to university because i m intellectual and academically suited and i shouldn t waste my brainpower lol it sounds silly but that s sort of how i feel what do you think redditors <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Am I making a huge mistake? [ Grad school ]<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] am i making a huge mistake grad school hello all ominous title but it s how i feel i graduated in 2017 with my bachelors in psychology and i had the intention of going to get my masters in clinical mental health counseling however i did some reflecting after college and decided that doing that would put my own mental health at risk so i decided to take time off and think about what i actually want to do i took a full time office job and i like it however i m starting to get the itch where i need to do something else i love helping people that s why i wanted to do counseling in the first place after some reflecting i think i want to do school counseling this requires a masters degree which will put me in even more debt and i would have to continue working full time my degree would be done online so i would have to spend 8-5 at work and then working online i know i can do it but i guess i m worried that i am making a mistake by putting myself in even more debt i have been confused about what i want to do for a long time and being a school counselor is the only thing that has made me excited enough for my future that i wanted to change it and put my comfortable job at risk i m seeking advice from people who are in grad school have been through it or just want to tell me if it s a horrible idea or a good one specifically - if you ve done an online program how was it thanks in advance <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Damn near Mid 20s and No idea what career interests me but I know some things I like when I see it maybe not all is lost yet?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] damn near mid 20s and no idea what career interests me but i know some things i like when i see it maybe not all is lost yet throw down your ideas was a straight a student but didn t do too well by the end of highschool where it counted more need a career for once i ve had 3 ideas floating around in my head 1-business real estate economics 2-working in a gym pe teacher other i like seeing people work on themselves and having a small part in helping them get there 3-or something that ensures i get to work as part of a great team and a little bit of creativity in it what i also wanna know is which do you think is going to let me enjoy life the most long-term and other suggestions i m also hoping for my career to be at least a little bit social minimum and preferably get me off a chair most the time sitting is the new smoking i mean working a dead end job isn t great and i wanna change it for months now i want to be in a field that s so interesting to me that i can pretty much work 50 hour weeks nonstop and then if right i won t need many other hobbies if at all i hope outside of socialising partying and other events<</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>As a millennial searching for purpose in your career life etc what questions do you often have?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] as a millennial searching for purpose in your career life etc what questions do you often have i have a blog and i really would love to hear somethings that other millennials are struggling with please list below <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What is a suggested career path for a cashier to go white collar?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what is a suggested career path for a cashier to go white collar here s my situation currently i am a cashier at lowe s i have a music degree no student loans i would like to stick to this for a while to get job experience on my resume but the way scheduling works with them i don t think i can stay and take music side gigs in my field i have done some math and i would feel secure as far as my ability to live like the biggest cheapskate on the planet and save a reasonable amount if i made 2500 a month that is about another 800 a month than i make my question is for those of you who have climbed career wise in a similar role as me what kind of jobs did you apply for next cashier to _ _ _ _ _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ as i gained more work experience i will change jobs and companies if i need to the reason i am looking for this path is as follows i have back and knee problems as well as carpal tunnel i struggle with anything over 15lbs this rules out trades construction warehouse manufacturing and the military as jobs to increase my income i am also not interested in going back to get a teacher s certification as i don t see myself enjoying teaching at all is there a viable path to go from wage earning cashier to going white collar with just job experience <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>anyone here ever had a interview at canada revenue agency?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] anyone here ever had a interview at canada revenue agency i have an interview with cra next week and im really nervous can someone tell me what to expect and also how long the process is to get employed in a government job<</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Could anyone please help me decide between Computer Engineering and Computer Science I want to learn both but have only the option to learn one full-time in college while the other will be informal self-learning?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] could anyone please help me decide between computer engineering and computer science i want to learn both but have only the option to learn one full-time in college while the other will be informal self-learning i ll be seeking jobs thereafter h-1b and want ample opportunity to try for startup i m more studious theoretical than hands-on i welcome any input related to the matter it d mean so much to me thank you <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Should you stop dreaming big?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] should you stop dreaming big i grew up thinking i m smart and i can achieve great things dreamt as big as someone can as i turn 23 i realized i m constantly failing and not reaching the peak i ve failed a lot of times before but never had the thought that maybe i m just trying to achieve something beyond what i can as an adult i am finding it very hard to accept that i might not be a math prodigy or owner of the biggest start up or forbes 30 under 30 these are the things that kept me going but i could never succeed i am thinking if its the right thing to gradually stop dreaming big because otherwise its really affecting my mental health and putting a lot of pressure on me i guess i ll be fine with a decent work and pay a small house my cats and my partner i don t need anything else at the same time the thought of it is taking me into a spiral of hopelessness do you think it d help me focus more or make me hopeless <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Please help. Is this workplace toxic?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] please help is this workplace toxic ive been there for about 4 months now however ive been placed on temporary leave due to the pandemic i was told ill get a call when work is available again i m going to list various reasons why i this workplace is toxic -management talks badly about staff behind their backs and will blatantly do it in front of me calling co-workers useless dumb idiot etc this really bothers me i dont think management or anyone should act that way its unprofessional and childish -one of the managers makes sexist jokes and statements -they make it known that your job is on the line if you make a mistake they basically employ the fear tactic -one of the managers always talks about the higher up and tells the team how scary he is when he gets angry and they you don t want to mess up -one time the manager was upset about a few things that happened instead of talking calmly they yelled and screamed at the team in front of everyone -told that work needs to be submitted on time but when put in for review management acts like its not important i get they have more important things but dont scream at me for missing a deadline when it s waiting for your approval might i add this is also an entry level role so mistakes are bound to happen every now and again i rarely make them but the one time i did i got written up and had my ass handed to me deadline was missed i feel like i cant trust my managers and i dont respect them or look up to them i always envisioned my seniors would be professional and help develop me professionally when i come to think of it the place gave off bad vibes from the start i should have done something in the early stages but i didn t because i wanted to get experience it s my first job in the field i ve finally gotten some time to myself so i ve been reflecting on my past choices on myself and what i want to be just typing this out makes me wish i recognised the behaviour early and left it doesnt seem normal if i do leave how do i present my situation to future employers im dreading going back the environment is so negative and makes me feel anxious everyday im there they also pay below average wage and the commute is long tell me if this situation is toxic and what i should do ive never been in a situation like this and i dont want to let it taint my view of the workforce do i resign and search or continue on and search <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>how do i deal with this shitty work situation??<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how do i deal with this shitty work situation long story short i have been holding down a marketing and comms position for the past year doing everything from copy writing and edits to social media to minor graphic design and vendor management i m fucking pissed because i just found out the part-time consultant we just hired two months ago now has seniority over me here s the communication and the response i received wtf do i do with this bossy is the most diplomatic person i have ever encountered and the response makes me want to resign immediately but i can t afford it help background there has been no communication to me what the new part-time consultant responsibilities are in terms of an interpersonal seniority level i had a conversation with my director a month ago and was told we were team members and director still had authority over all and that we need to figure out how to be a team email 1 is from me email 2 is the exceedingly diplomatic director s response i am on vacation through tuesday and this happened end of day today i have a lot of skills and though i know anyone is replaceable i have very much become a go-to troubleshooter and trusted employee i am livid i am livid at the fact that this is the first i am hearing of hierarchy and that i have basically been demoted in the position i have held and that our branding is no longer 1 priority part-time consultant was sold to me as just that someone to help organize my full-time employee job there are undercurrents of age-ism in my job and perhaps i should have stepped up when this role was discussed but it was presented as a part-time lateral role also the other than below reference in my email is to the email i received notifying me of the final version that had been sent to the printer it basically said she had other people who were not marketers or in communications review the document for edits oh yeah- also part-time consultant has a desk in my office on the 2 5 days part-time consultant works in the office me hi director i was not invited to be in the editing process of publication and found a couple small edits when part-time consultant emailed the version to me after sending it to printer the main edit i had is that event is italicized in all of our publications print and online but it is not in this final version i brought it up to part-time consultant and was told that as the editor they made the decision not to italicize it even though we did everywhere else and that it wasn t a big deal if 95 of our branding was the same and this was different shutting down a conversation with a title reference is distasteful but this decision goes against all of the direction i have had from you we also have a photo from the event showing faces of people i don t recognize and who have not given us permission to use their image we cropped out visible faces of people we didn t know in the last publication so i thought i would bring it up to you in case this was still an issue please advise on whether our rules have relaxed please also let me know if there was a reason i was left out of editing one of our larger communications other than the below seeing as i have been an editor on every past publication in my time here and hold institutional knowledge of our image database i find it very difficult to act as a full team-member when i am shut out of one of the basic elements of my position i continue to feel i have no voice and increasingly feel my knowledge and opinion is no longer respected in this facet of our department part-time consultant and i are supposed to be a team communications is in both of our titles yet part-time consultant continues to shut me out of the most basic of communications insisting i even approve some of my emails to our team with part-time consultant before sending this is not a team attitude or respectful to my position and indicates part-time consultant considers me to be a subordinate at this point i would like to request that either i or part-time consultant move offices so that i am able to regain some of my departmental autonomy i could share with another team member or utilize the empty office on a different floor i don t believe i should continue to subject myself to near daily disrespect of my title and being and believe the separation would force better communication i have tried speaking with part-time consultant about this behavior towards me on two occasions and feel this is the best solution at this time please let me know if you have any other ideas you d like to discuss please also advise if i should direct this to hr team since i am aware you shared our last conversation with them thanks chirpchirpaderp email response from director dear chirpchirpaderp i know from your email that you are hurt as i am sure that you can appreciate right now i don t have all of the answers to the problems and opportunities that you have raised on the eve of what i hope will be a memorable and relaxing weekend for you i want to share a few things that i know and then to ask you to please try to disconnect this weekend with the confidence that you are valued member of our team first part-time consultant is the editor of publication and in that role - even though you are peers in the reporting structure - her role is senior to yours i agree with you that you should have been on the proof loop i was not tuned into the fact that you were not with a new editor and i think she did a great job i was only minimally involved myself especially relative to the two issues i will have the conversation about engaging you going forward it looks like from her note below that she did not understand that you felt overlooked and given that this was her first spin through these things can happen concerning the small edits that you flagged i am not concerned about the use of a non-italicized event in the issue i am comfortable with how it was used stylistically even though i might have italicized it myself overall i am pleased with the content and tone of the issue i did just call part-time consultant about the use of the photo i recall that she and i had a conversation about it yesterday but i respect your feedback and now i am attempting to double check i know that you have an instinct for small things that can actually be big things so thank you for escalating the issue when you felt that part-time consultant may not have understood your concerns the other issues that you raise are important and need to be addressed outside of the venue of this email i will be focused on finding solutions but i feel that you and i should have a conversation first at any point it is your right to engage hr in what is concerning you but i encourage you to engage me next as your manager and your supporter as you know i often look to my colleagues for advice and support believing that collaborating with trusted colleagues is an avenue to the best outcomes when we were in conversation about a month ago about the communications issues among part-time consultant you and i i looked to hr for their wisdom and that was helpful to me and i hope that you can understand that i would very much like to speak to you and we should set a time the day you are back if you would like to contact me over the weekend that is fine too best director <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Anyone heard of this kind of career boot camp?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] anyone heard of this kind of career boot camp my friend is dropping out of college and isn t too sure what to do next he s been in contact with a bootcamp that isn t anything like those coding bootcamps i ve heard about first of all they only charge 1000 bucks for a ten week in person program they cater towards recent college drop outs and teach them how to compete for jobs that don t necessarily require a four-year degree here s what they told him they take the students through a whole series of personality and skill assessment tests to help them figure out what they re most likely to succeed at they then put them through a bunch of week-long sessions that give them a first hand look at different types of jobs in the new economy - things like hi-tech manufacturing film media aerospace and biotech then at the end of the ten weeks teams of students go onsite at some large companies in sort of a workshop thing where the employers give the students onsite projects and see what the prospective employees are like with the hopes of potential internship employment i just wanted to know if anyone has any experience with these kind of camps or thoughts on this <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>How do you get a job when depression has been the main theme of your life for the past 5 years?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how do you get a job when depression has been the main theme of your life for the past 5 years i feel as if my lack of enthusiasm for everything is blatantly obvious i graduated with a cs degree this year and besides my degree and a couple of internships only one of which is a proper internship i have nothing to show for i didn t get a job right out of college so there s already a career gap i m doing an internship now which feels like it s not adding any value i m not sure what counts as personal projects but there hasn t been anything i ve worked on for more than a few days nor anything that i consider worthwhile besides my lack of technical credentials i find it very difficult to answer personal questions i can t think of a way to answer questions about myself my interests my extracurricular work or any experience whatsoever or rather the lack thereof without exposing that i ve barely been hanging by a thread for a long time what are my options <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What path do I take?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what path do i take hi all i am struggling to find a career path to go down scratch that i have too many ideas of career paths i could go down and have no idea how to decide i m currently early on in a general arts degree so my study options are open i do have a child 1yo 1 work with dogs primarily in assistance dog training 2 work in spain i m an aussie for the embassy 3 work for dfat forign affairs and trade 4 work for the criminology institute 5 become a f t writer i m currently very casual 6 return to being a childcare educator 7 any other career relating to any of these options how do i decide what to study when all the options i m interested are so different and have different study requirements wizened redditors please help <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Job you dislike but earn more money? Or job you love and are good at but are living under the stress of poverty and debt?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] job you dislike but earn more money or job you love and are good at but are living under the stress of poverty and debt help me guys i ve posted the equivalent to this question on 2 different subreddits and got very very different results i m a 23 year old graphic designer i finished all of my career-related classes in november and had to take two remaining gen eds this fall i went to a private college near home for 2 reasons 1- it has a phenomenal art department and i feel like i would not have gotten anywhere near the quality education i received at cheaper options in the area 2- i was not emotionally stable enough at the time to move far from my parents i was suffering from bpd severe depression and anxiety still am but it s so much more controlled and livable now all of this is to say i only partially regret my university choice i regret it when i look at the accrued 130 000 debt it s staggering i feel smothered my loan payments which come due in november of this year will be 800 a month i was lucky enough to find a rare job right down the road from where i live in a pretty dry area in terms of artistic opportunity and i enjoy what i do but i ve learned over these past few months that no one at this growing company has received any raises over the past 4 years it has been in business i ve proved myself very valuable to the team but i know i am the lowest paid employee and it is a struggle to justify staying at a job that i enjoy and barely make enough to eke out a living when all is said and done and a budget is drawn up on a 30 000 salary my boyfriend s 45 000 salary we have the ability to save for a home in a few years but at the salary i have now that is not a sustainable life with mortgage and insurance and bills and groceries and all that in my area i would need a drastic from my estimates at least 10 000 a year raise to pay the basics and maintain a good but nowhere near luxurious life for my family i feel like i m really struggling with seeing how much more i could be making in a bigger scarier further away from parents unfamiliar city or even more in a different stem-related field i wouldn t be happy during 40 hours of my week doing something in the medical field or tech field or whatever i m already really having a hard time adjusting to what little time i have to myself as is and i m in a job i enjoy i can t imagine how much more unhappy and unfulfilled i would feel in a non-creative field but then i could comfortably and quickly afford a home i could afford vacations with my kids i could afford little luxuries that i enjoy like nice clothing or good dinners out on a rare occasion i just don t see how i can have a good enjoyable life outside of work on the salary i have now tbh i m not even sure if it s livable with groceries and rent and bills i don t know what to do i m scared of more debt and going back to school but that might be the answer to getting a life worth living but is it worth living if you dislike work every day help please this is scaring me and i feel like i ve ruined my life with debt all for the wrong choice <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>How do you handle really tough conversations with someone who is really high in the org chart relative to you?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how do you handle really tough conversations with someone who is really high in the org chart relative to you what are some simple techniques i can use to disarm people tl dr this person is a newly minted vp who is clearly insecure about the financial aspects of managing her department she is literally concerned about how 45 expenses are coded against a 3m budget as their finance business partner i always get thrown under the bus there are lots of unnecessary aggressive comments continually bringing up misunderstandings from the past as a staff level person this is super demoralizing and feels borderline abusive she has also escalated things that she thought were major concerns or downfalls on my part only to be shot down by my leadership and her leadership as well she even lied in those discussions claiming that multiple weeks of my work had never taken place at all edit this person runs ethics for the company <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>I have a desire to be an art director or an art teacher. But I have zero artistic talent. Will college teach me these skills or do I already have to be talented going into it?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] i have a desire to be an art director or an art teacher but i have zero artistic talent will college teach me these skills or do i already have to be talented going into it i want to go to school for an art major to be either an art director at a museum or an art teacher i ve always been more of a creative arts person than a stem person the problem is i cannot draw paint or sculpt for my life will college teach me to have artistic ability or do they already expect you to have it <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>I have made a plan for the next five years but there is no inner drive to pursue it: How can I produce inner drive?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] i have made a plan for the next five years but there is no inner drive to pursue it how can i produce inner drive hey i want to change my life for the better as i have been struggling all my life without goals i have met many career counselling and professional folks which guide me specific things due to which i was able to make a goal target for next 5 years but the issue is i am not able to pursue it whatever i try there is no inner drive to move forward i know the consequences if i don t move forward there will be trouble in future for me i probably regret it by not completing my goals but how can i followed the plan which i have created if i have no inner drive to complete it so i have a question how can i made an inner drive to complete the plan which i have made it more info just to be clear the plan is not the issue the issue is with me whenever i plan ahead or committed to something after a few days i get bored and there is no inner drive to push myself to work on it i need inner drive to push me forward i have thought about the consequences which i will face if i did not get committed to things or goals but they are not enough they do not drive me to work on goals <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Is 29 too old to switch career by completing ms in data analytics?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] is 29 too old to switch career by completing ms in data analytics i am currently 29 years old with no experience in data analytics did a python crash course 3 years back but haven t used that skill set i had been working in management not particularly fond of the field i am thinking of starting ms in business analytics at university of dallas texas this fall is it too late to switch careers now what route should i take i have already started learning on udemy what other options do i have should i defer to spring 22 as ill have time to apply to a better university my current plan is to start at utd and later switch to a better university <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Changing my apprenticeship to another?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] changing my apprenticeship to another i have been looking through information and ringing around but keep getting varied information i am in the first year start september 2021 of a level 3 plumbing apprenticeship with a large company this is a company i worked for in a different role for 10 months before becoming an apprentice this company isn t putting me through the correct training needed to achieve all evidence for the first 3 years of the apprenticeship as i am still being pulled into the old duties i was required to work through before this has caused me to grow tired and frustrated with the course and not want to finish it at this point this has cause me to only have around 5 6 days worth of shadowing in evidence and i fear that i have lost a large chunk of time that i may not be able to catch up on i have seen roles as a prison officer advertised however in order to start this they say that i need to finish the current apprenticeship first before being able to start due to the prison officer training being provided through an apprenticeship scheme i have had this confirmed in the application and spoken to the vacancy department i could look to find a different employer for the plumbing apprenticeship although if i still didn t enjoy it or was unable to get the evidence needed to complete i would possibly be withdrawn from the course also if i was to leave this apprenticeship and be successful in applying for the prison service would i be able to get more government funding to be able to train in this job i am 23 years old living in england i know this is a long post i m just slightly concerned for my future at the moment all help is appreciated<</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Looking for career direction?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] looking for career direction i m a graphic designer with over 20 years of experience i ve worked on print and online projects but i m thinking it may be time for something new or more meaningful i m currently working for a consultancy company who s main clients are from the pharma industry but all the projects are very restrictive and not challenging in terms of design i know not all projects can be challenging or fun to work on i m also thinking i d like to work on projects that would directly benefit the community locally or abroad and perhaps more meaningful than just creating websites or apps just to hold drug or illness information with any innovative or exciting ideas stripped out because of time or client constraints i m based in cambridge in the uk any advice or suggestions <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Toxic coworker returning to the team should I walk or stick it out?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] toxic coworker returning to the team should i walk or stick it out i m an engineer in a sales support role i started here 3 years ago as part of an acquisition when i started i was under a manager with no previous management experience she was cold to me and very difficult to work with she would give me monotonous tasks that were data entry wasting my skills and company resources she lasted about a year in this position before being moved to another department her then-manager had issues with her as well it ended after a 3 hour review of me where she berated me and told me how incompetent i was note i ve been in this role and industry with no issues for my 5 year career no manager has had issue with my work before her fast forward two years last friday my manager calls me into his office and tells me that she ll be working in our team again saying she ll be moving next to my desk that afternoon i told him about the issues we had in the past but he didn t seem to care i m about ready to put in my resignation letter tomorrow i have no interest in working with such a toxic person again for god knows how long i have money saved up to get me through this summer at least i had a good interview with another company last week but no guarantee that anything will come of that not sure if i should try to get a job nailed down first and stick it out or just walk <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Is it realistic to attempt making a run at a web development career with an unrelated degree?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] is it realistic to attempt making a run at a web development career with an unrelated degree so i graduated in 2015 with a communications degree been working since 2016 at a marketing agency doing a bunch of things all of which i m very informally trained at social media management seo ppc etc i m ready to move on stagnated i ve taken a couple intro courses from codecademy and i ve found that i do enjoy code so far my question is it feasible to train myself through online courses for a job in coding and will that job totally suck for a while because i have no experience thank you <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Data Analyst vs data scientist vs software engineeer vs android developer ... What should i learn?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] data analyst vs data scientist vs software engineeer vs android developer what should i learn i have been planning to study online and learn a major skill in computer science i just found a website named coursera which provdes courses for everything now here is the confusion i just can decide between data analysis data science software engineering and android development i am massively confues between these cause all of thm hav the best scopes all of them are in demand all are equally difficult thats what i think can someone help me decide between these <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Never worked in my 40s what do I do? Please help any advice is welcome.<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] never worked in my 40s what do i do please help any advice is welcome i need some get real advice i m slowly emerging from a lifelong crippling clinical depression anxiety disorder i hope i will soon be healthy enough to work at least part-time i m in my 40s have only a high-school diploma never worked but have financial support no children what do i do now what realistic goals should i aim for educate myself apprenticeship university on the job training does it even make sense to go to uni and risk finding no jobs afterwards because too old shouldn t i just aim for unskilled jobs until i retire what should i be thinking or worrying about all and any advice is welcome edit thanks for your input below some more information about me my interests i am attracted to those fields and activities nature forests mountains sea lake animals growing vegetables agriculture fishing boats biology biochemistry physics math statistics trains railroads cooking bio food technology movies scifi thriller spy movies political lawyer movies stand-up comedies learning new languages traveling journalism religions traditions history culture in general working with wood building stuff repairing bikes as a kid i remember feeling happy in farms mountains forests workshops museums boats vegetable gardens camping swimming edit2 wow i can t thank you enough for all of your advice i m looking for volunteer work as a gentle introduction to work but also to explore my health limits my capacity potential my interests different organizations work environments that i find attractive while still helping that s a good idea thanks u thegingerhutchy after a few months if okay i m thinking of going to trade school no college university any and all advice are still welcome i m still reading your comments gals and guys thanks for your support <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Advice on how to get into a career involving animal care?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] advice on how to get into a career involving animal care hi i ve reached a point in my life where i have realized the only thing i could see doing for the rest of my life involves animals i dont need to make a lot of money just a stable job that can provide a decent living my main focus would be on working at an animal shelter animal sanctuary or something like an aquarium my biggest issue is that i have zero aptitude for any science or math in schooling i genuinely think i have dyscalcula so anything like a vet or biologist is a no go also something i m not as interested in anyway so i m not upset about it i just don t know how to get into the field i have struggled in the past getting a job at a doggy daycare i made it to the last round of interviews and was cut and i wasn t even able to get a volunteer position at a guide dog facility i was willing to do anything including office work and yard work there so i dont know where to go from here any advice would be appreciated <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>2nd bachelors degree?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] 2nd bachelors degree i currently have a bachelors of arts in english literature with a minor in psychology would it be a waste of time to go back and get a bachelor of science in psychology then pursue my msc in psychology i decided my minor at the tail end of my degree and actually became more intrigued by my minor than my major but i was only a few credits shy of completing my bachelor of arts while i still love writing and will continue to write i actually think i would be well suited as a psychologist therapist has anyone else gone back for a 2nd bachelors degree and found it worth their while i know the normal route would to pursue graduate studies but i think i want an entire career change <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>How do I sound more confident during phone interviews?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] how do i sound more confident during phone interviews i just completed a phone interview and i don t believe i did to well i don t believe i sounded confident what steps should i take in order to sound confident over the phone when speaking to the interviewer <</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Feeling Lost- Career options?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] feeling lost- career options title says it all i m 24 years old f i graduated in 2020 with a b s in animal science pre-vet boston area i decided part way through college that although i enjoyed being around vet med i didn t want to be the vet friends currently in the profession affirm that i don t see vet tech assistant as an option- extremely low pay for long hours and dealing with very upset people often after graduating i continued my passion for horses safe mid pandemic and something i knew and loved by managing a barn for a short time and then grooming for an extremely well accomplished rider seasonal job coming to an end now it s been fun and i ve enjoyed it but it s not a career low pay really no ladder to climb unless you can become a pro rider which isn t in the cards for me so now what i feel lost and confused and don t feel that i know even an iota of what s out there in terms of jobs careers i don t feel like i m actually qualified to do anything although i m sure that s not the case not opposed to doing a certification type program but can t fully go back to school right now i really want my next job to be a career or at least more realistically a stepping stone to a career but i need to have an idea on what i d like to do most important is pay tbh the future career really needs to pay quite well it s okay if it takes a little while to get to the quite part of well but prospects need to be there and i need to be comfortable in the mean time i have my own horse who is very expensive to keep- he s my heart and soul and i ll always find a way to pay for him but it would be great to not struggle to do so i currently work 4 different side jobs in addition to my regular full time job in order to have him pay my bills and have something to put into savings retirement which is fine but obviously not ideal i also live in a very high cost of living area which i do need to stay in the next several years any ideas of careers to explore or resources that might help eta i don t think i should explore something exceptionally high stress i m a high anxiety person and while i handle things very well day to day i essentially dislocated my jaw clenching it grinding teeth at night have to get surgery to fix that and really don t need to be getting a second one things i like am good at - list making organizational things keeping things in order multitasking black and white things - being physically active on average i walk 12 miles at my current job sometimes 15 but worry about basing a career off this- i won t be young forever - being mentally active i can t stand sitting still and doing nothing for any periods of time i have to be either mentally working on something or physically moving i don t really mind same routine each day or repetition i just have to be doing something - the outdoors not afraid to get dirty decent in high pressure fast paced environments things i don t like - lack of mental stimulation physical movement- can t sit there and do nothing when things are frequently ambiguous people i m truly not a people person i m an introvert i can fake it and enjoy building connections in 1 1 scenarios groups of strangers public speaking or angry people i don t have the thickest skin either is not my deal - kids - lack of work life balance- i ll work my ass off while i m there but i need time for myself too - can t work at night- very much not a night owl - 100 commission based scares me - not particularly tech savvy just don t have much experience in it - never been very good at math<</s>>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>What are well paying jobs in the tech field?<</SYS>> User prompt [/INST] what are well paying jobs in the tech field i m interested in a career in tech work i m just unsure of what kind of jobs are even in that line of work <</s>>