[ { "obj_char_span": [ 10, 16 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 2, 4 ], "object": "Troyes", "predicate": "/people/person/place_of_birth", "subj_char_span": [ 78, 83 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 18, 20 ], "subject": "Rashi" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 131, 137 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 30, 32 ], "object": "Troyes", "predicate": "/people/person/place_of_birth", "subj_char_span": [ 78, 83 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 18, 20 ], "subject": "Rashi" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 10, 16 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 2, 4 ], "object": "Troyes", "predicate": "/people/deceased_person/place_of_death", "subj_char_span": [ 78, 83 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 18, 20 ], "subject": "Rashi" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 131, 137 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 30, 32 ], "object": "Troyes", "predicate": "/people/deceased_person/place_of_death", "subj_char_span": [ 78, 83 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 18, 20 ], "subject": "Rashi" } ]
This year Troyes commemorates the 900th anniversary of the death in 1105 , of Rashi , the medieval Jewish scholar , who grew up in Troyes .
[ { "char_span": [ 78, 83 ], "text": "Rashi", "tok_span": [ 18, 20 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 10, 16 ], "text": "Troyes", "tok_span": [ 2, 4 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 78, 83 ], "text": "Rashi", "tok_span": [ 18, 20 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 131, 137 ], "text": "Troyes", "tok_span": [ 30, 32 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 78, 83 ], "text": "Rashi", "tok_span": [ 18, 20 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 10, 16 ], "text": "Troyes", "tok_span": [ 2, 4 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 78, 83 ], "text": "Rashi", "tok_span": [ 18, 20 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 131, 137 ], "text": "Troyes", "tok_span": [ 30, 32 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 224, 228 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 46, 47 ], "object": "City", "predicate": "/location/country/administrative_divisions", "subj_char_span": [ 51, 57 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 14, 15 ], "subject": "Mexico" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 224, 228 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 46, 47 ], "object": "City", "predicate": "/location/country/administrative_divisions", "subj_char_span": [ 217, 223 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 45, 46 ], "subject": "Mexico" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 51, 57 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 14, 15 ], "object": "Mexico", "predicate": "/location/administrative_division/country", "subj_char_span": [ 224, 228 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 46, 47 ], "subject": "City" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 217, 223 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 45, 46 ], "object": "Mexico", "predicate": "/location/administrative_division/country", "subj_char_span": [ 224, 228 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 46, 47 ], "subject": "City" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 224, 228 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 46, 47 ], "object": "City", "predicate": "/location/country/capital", "subj_char_span": [ 51, 57 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 14, 15 ], "subject": "Mexico" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 224, 228 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 46, 47 ], "object": "City", "predicate": "/location/country/capital", "subj_char_span": [ 217, 223 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 45, 46 ], "subject": "Mexico" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 224, 228 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 46, 47 ], "object": "City", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 51, 57 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 14, 15 ], "subject": "Mexico" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 224, 228 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 46, 47 ], "object": "City", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 217, 223 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 45, 46 ], "subject": "Mexico" } ]
U.S . Criticized Over Expulsion of Cuban Officials Mexico and Cuba both criticized the United States for demanding that the Sheraton Maria Isabel Hotel order a group of Cuban officials , who were meeting last week in Mexico City with representatives of American oil companies , to check out of the hotel and leave the premises .
[ { "char_span": [ 51, 57 ], "text": "Mexico", "tok_span": [ 14, 15 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 224, 228 ], "text": "City", "tok_span": [ 46, 47 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 217, 223 ], "text": "Mexico", "tok_span": [ 45, 46 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 224, 228 ], "text": "City", "tok_span": [ 46, 47 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 224, 228 ], "text": "City", "tok_span": [ 46, 47 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 51, 57 ], "text": "Mexico", "tok_span": [ 14, 15 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 224, 228 ], "text": "City", "tok_span": [ 46, 47 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 217, 223 ], "text": "Mexico", "tok_span": [ 45, 46 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 51, 57 ], "text": "Mexico", "tok_span": [ 14, 15 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 224, 228 ], "text": "City", "tok_span": [ 46, 47 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 217, 223 ], "text": "Mexico", "tok_span": [ 45, 46 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 224, 228 ], "text": "City", "tok_span": [ 46, 47 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 51, 57 ], "text": "Mexico", "tok_span": [ 14, 15 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 224, 228 ], "text": "City", "tok_span": [ 46, 47 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 217, 223 ], "text": "Mexico", "tok_span": [ 45, 46 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 224, 228 ], "text": "City", "tok_span": [ 46, 47 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 140, 146 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 35, 36 ], "object": "Queens", "predicate": "/location/neighborhood/neighborhood_of", "subj_char_span": [ 129, 137 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 31, 34 ], "subject": "Flushing" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 129, 137 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 31, 34 ], "object": "Flushing", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 140, 146 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 35, 36 ], "subject": "Queens" } ]
Those shorn were three alpacas , animals related to llamas and native to South America , who live at John Bowne High School , in Flushing , Queens , as part of the school 's agriculture program .
[ { "char_span": [ 129, 137 ], "text": "Flushing", "tok_span": [ 31, 34 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 140, 146 ], "text": "Queens", "tok_span": [ 35, 36 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 140, 146 ], "text": "Queens", "tok_span": [ 35, 36 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 129, 137 ], "text": "Flushing", "tok_span": [ 31, 34 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 97, 106 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 23, 24 ], "object": "Cleveland", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 90, 94 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 21, 22 ], "subject": "Ohio" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 81, 87 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 19, 20 ], "object": "Toledo", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 90, 94 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 21, 22 ], "subject": "Ohio" } ]
Baseball has been John B. Mattingly 's muse forever , but rescuing children , in Toledo , Ohio ; Cleveland , Nashville , Harrisburg , Pa. , and other cities , is his mission , and for that reason he has been the commissioner since 2004 not of baseball -LRB- though would n't it be a lark ? -RRB-
[ { "char_span": [ 90, 94 ], "text": "Ohio", "tok_span": [ 21, 22 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 97, 106 ], "text": "Cleveland", "tok_span": [ 23, 24 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 90, 94 ], "text": "Ohio", "tok_span": [ 21, 22 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 81, 87 ], "text": "Toledo", "tok_span": [ 19, 20 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 31, 37 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 9, 10 ], "object": "Boston", "predicate": "/people/deceased_person/place_of_death", "subj_char_span": [ 119, 131 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 28, 33 ], "subject": "Koussevitzky" } ]
Gershwin 's marginalization in Boston was a legacy of the orchestra 's seminal post-World War I music director , Serge Koussevitzky .
[ { "char_span": [ 119, 131 ], "text": "Koussevitzky", "tok_span": [ 28, 33 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 31, 37 ], "text": "Boston", "tok_span": [ 9, 10 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 55, 61 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 20, 21 ], "object": "Moscow", "predicate": "/people/deceased_person/place_of_death", "subj_char_span": [ 12, 24 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 4, 9 ], "subject": "Shostakovich" } ]
When Dmitri Shostakovich heard '' Porgy and Bess '' in Moscow in 1945 , he called it magnificent and compared Gershwin to Borodin and Mussorgsky .
[ { "char_span": [ 12, 24 ], "text": "Shostakovich", "tok_span": [ 4, 9 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 55, 61 ], "text": "Moscow", "tok_span": [ 20, 21 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 97, 103 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 19, 20 ], "object": "Queens", "predicate": "/location/neighborhood/neighborhood_of", "subj_char_span": [ 89, 94 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 17, 18 ], "subject": "Beach" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 89, 94 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 17, 18 ], "object": "Beach", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 97, 103 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 19, 20 ], "subject": "Queens" } ]
Edward Kennedy , a computer operator and Mets season-ticket holder who lives in Rockaway Beach , Queens , likes the old name just fine . ''
[ { "char_span": [ 89, 94 ], "text": "Beach", "tok_span": [ 17, 18 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 97, 103 ], "text": "Queens", "tok_span": [ 19, 20 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 97, 103 ], "text": "Queens", "tok_span": [ 19, 20 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 89, 94 ], "text": "Beach", "tok_span": [ 17, 18 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 128, 134 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 26, 27 ], "object": "Queens", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 71, 75 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 13, 14 ], "subject": "City" } ]
With the new stadium , which will benefit from subsidies from New York City and New York State , the Mets will agree to stay in Queens for at least 35 more years .
[ { "char_span": [ 71, 75 ], "text": "City", "tok_span": [ 13, 14 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 128, 134 ], "text": "Queens", "tok_span": [ 26, 27 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 163, 169 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 30, 31 ], "object": "France", "predicate": "/people/person/nationality", "subj_char_span": [ 18, 24 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 2, 4 ], "subject": "Chirac" } ]
President Jacques Chirac ordered the return of the decommissioned aircraft carrier Clemenceau , once the flagship of the French Navy , from the Indian Ocean after France 's highest court suspended its transfer to an Indian shipyard to be dismantled and sold as scrap because of concerns that it contains unsafe amounts of asbestos .
[ { "char_span": [ 18, 24 ], "text": "Chirac", "tok_span": [ 2, 4 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 163, 169 ], "text": "France", "tok_span": [ 30, 31 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 36, 45 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 10, 11 ], "object": "Hollywood", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 250, 257 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 59, 60 ], "subject": "Angeles" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 250, 257 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 59, 60 ], "object": "Angeles", "predicate": "/location/neighborhood/neighborhood_of", "subj_char_span": [ 36, 45 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 10, 11 ], "subject": "Hollywood" } ]
Two of the best-known litigators in Hollywood are joining forces , as Howard L. Weitzman -- whose clients have included Michael Jackson , O.J . Simpson , Madonna and Courtney Love -- is leaving the Proskauer Rose law firm in New York to join the Los Angeles firm of Bertram H. Fields .
[ { "char_span": [ 250, 257 ], "text": "Angeles", "tok_span": [ 59, 60 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 36, 45 ], "text": "Hollywood", "tok_span": [ 10, 11 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 36, 45 ], "text": "Hollywood", "tok_span": [ 10, 11 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 250, 257 ], "text": "Angeles", "tok_span": [ 59, 60 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 4, 15 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 1, 2 ], "object": "Connecticut", "predicate": "/people/person/place_lived", "subj_char_span": [ 47, 56 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 8, 11 ], "subject": "Bysiewicz" } ]
The Connecticut secretary of the state , Susan Bysiewicz , will use about $ 15 million of the state 's $ 32 million share to replace the old machines .
[ { "char_span": [ 47, 56 ], "text": "Bysiewicz", "tok_span": [ 8, 11 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 4, 15 ], "text": "Connecticut", "tok_span": [ 1, 2 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 98, 104 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 19, 20 ], "object": "London", "predicate": "/business/company/place_founded", "subj_char_span": [ 111, 114 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "subject": "BBC" } ]
The Virgin Mother '' went on view yesterday in the courtyard outside the Royal Academy of Arts in London , the BBC reported .
[ { "char_span": [ 111, 114 ], "text": "BBC", "tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 98, 104 ], "text": "London", "tok_span": [ 19, 20 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 162, 167 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 32, 33 ], "object": "Turin", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 196, 201 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 39, 40 ], "subject": "Italy" } ]
Most of that space comes from buildings that were once factories for Fiat , the auto company that in its heyday employed 130,000 people in the region and brought Turin a nickname : the Detroit of Italy .
[ { "char_span": [ 196, 201 ], "text": "Italy", "tok_span": [ 39, 40 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 162, 167 ], "text": "Turin", "tok_span": [ 32, 33 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 38, 48 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 10, 11 ], "object": "Manchester", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 51, 58 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 12, 13 ], "subject": "England" } ]
One hopes Ms. Michelson , who is from Manchester , England , does n't take the lyrics too seriously .
[ { "char_span": [ 51, 58 ], "text": "England", "tok_span": [ 12, 13 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 38, 48 ], "text": "Manchester", "tok_span": [ 10, 11 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 47, 55 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 9, 10 ], "object": "Congress", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 9, 13 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 2, 3 ], "subject": "Ohio" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 47, 55 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 9, 10 ], "object": "Congress", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 149, 153 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 32, 33 ], "subject": "Ohio" } ]
A former Ohio state senator who was elected to Congress in 1995 , Mr. Ney had previously won re-election to his House seat from the 18th District of Ohio by a comfortable margin .
[ { "char_span": [ 9, 13 ], "text": "Ohio", "tok_span": [ 2, 3 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 47, 55 ], "text": "Congress", "tok_span": [ 9, 10 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 149, 153 ], "text": "Ohio", "tok_span": [ 32, 33 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 47, 55 ], "text": "Congress", "tok_span": [ 9, 10 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 60, 64 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 12, 13 ], "object": "Ohio", "predicate": "/people/person/place_lived", "subj_char_span": [ 40, 43 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 7, 9 ], "subject": "Ney" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 60, 64 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 12, 13 ], "object": "Ohio", "predicate": "/people/person/place_lived", "subj_char_span": [ 237, 240 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 53, 55 ], "subject": "Ney" } ]
A former top aide to Representative Bob Ney , Republican of Ohio , pleaded guilty on Monday to conspiring with the lobbyist Jack Abramoff to corrupt public officials and said gifts had been '' corruptly offered to and accepted by '' Mr. Ney .
[ { "char_span": [ 40, 43 ], "text": "Ney", "tok_span": [ 7, 9 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 60, 64 ], "text": "Ohio", "tok_span": [ 12, 13 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 237, 240 ], "text": "Ney", "tok_span": [ 53, 55 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 60, 64 ], "text": "Ohio", "tok_span": [ 12, 13 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 128, 134 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 39, 40 ], "object": "George", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 142, 146 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 42, 43 ], "subject": "York" } ]
BUSINESS DAY , PAGE C1 Capsized Boat in Fatal Accident Lacked 2nd Crew Member A tour boat that capsized and sank Sunday on Lake George in New York , killing 20 sightseers from Michigan and Ohio , was recovered yesterday .
[ { "char_span": [ 142, 146 ], "text": "York", "tok_span": [ 42, 43 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 128, 134 ], "text": "George", "tok_span": [ 39, 40 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 24, 36 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 7, 12 ], "object": "Leigh-on-Sea", "predicate": "/people/person/place_lived", "subj_char_span": [ 5, 11 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 1, 4 ], "subject": "Fowles" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 24, 36 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 7, 12 ], "object": "Leigh-on-Sea", "predicate": "/people/person/place_lived", "subj_char_span": [ 99, 105 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 29, 32 ], "subject": "Fowles" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 39, 44 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 13, 14 ], "object": "Essex", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 47, 54 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 15, 16 ], "subject": "England" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 47, 54 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 15, 16 ], "object": "England", "predicate": "/people/person/nationality", "subj_char_span": [ 5, 11 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 1, 4 ], "subject": "Fowles" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 47, 54 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 15, 16 ], "object": "England", "predicate": "/people/person/nationality", "subj_char_span": [ 99, 105 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 29, 32 ], "subject": "Fowles" } ]
John Fowles was born in Leigh-on-Sea , Essex , England , on March 31 , 1926 , the son of Robert J. Fowles , a prosperous cigar merchant , and his wife , the former Gladys Richards , a schoolteacher .
[ { "char_span": [ 5, 11 ], "text": "Fowles", "tok_span": [ 1, 4 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 24, 36 ], "text": "Leigh-on-Sea", "tok_span": [ 7, 12 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 99, 105 ], "text": "Fowles", "tok_span": [ 29, 32 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 24, 36 ], "text": "Leigh-on-Sea", "tok_span": [ 7, 12 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 47, 54 ], "text": "England", "tok_span": [ 15, 16 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 39, 44 ], "text": "Essex", "tok_span": [ 13, 14 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 5, 11 ], "text": "Fowles", "tok_span": [ 1, 4 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 47, 54 ], "text": "England", "tok_span": [ 15, 16 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 99, 105 ], "text": "Fowles", "tok_span": [ 29, 32 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 47, 54 ], "text": "England", "tok_span": [ 15, 16 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 305, 312 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 56, 57 ], "object": "England", "predicate": "/people/person/nationality", "subj_char_span": [ 5, 11 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 1, 4 ], "subject": "Fowles" } ]
John Fowles , the British writer whose teasing , multilayered fiction explored the tensions between free will and the constraints of society , even as it played with traditional novelistic conventions and challenged readers to find their own interpretations , died on Saturday at his home in Lyme Regis , England .
[ { "char_span": [ 5, 11 ], "text": "Fowles", "tok_span": [ 1, 4 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 305, 312 ], "text": "England", "tok_span": [ 56, 57 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 4, 13 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 1, 2 ], "object": "Manhattan", "predicate": "/location/neighborhood/neighborhood_of", "subj_char_span": [ 57, 65 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 9, 10 ], "subject": "Broadway" } ]
The Manhattan Theater Club expansion from City Center to Broadway poses a significant new challenge .
[ { "char_span": [ 57, 65 ], "text": "Broadway", "tok_span": [ 9, 10 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 4, 13 ], "text": "Manhattan", "tok_span": [ 1, 2 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 533, 539 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 104, 105 ], "object": "Rwanda", "predicate": "/people/person/place_of_birth", "subj_char_span": [ 439, 451 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 84, 89 ], "subject": "Rusesabagina" } ]
The other recipients are Carol Burnett , Aretha Franklin and Andy Griffith , the entertainers ; the historian Robert Conquest ; Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn , designers of software code ; Paul Harvey , the radio personality ; former Representative Sonny Montgomery , Democrat of Mississippi ; Gen. Richard B. Myers of the Air Force , former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff ; Jack Nicklaus and Frank Robinson , the athletes ; and Paul Rusesabagina , who sheltered hundreds of people in hotel rooms in 1994 during the genocide in Rwanda .
[ { "char_span": [ 439, 451 ], "text": "Rusesabagina", "tok_span": [ 84, 89 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 533, 539 ], "text": "Rwanda", "tok_span": [ 104, 105 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 48, 54 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 10, 11 ], "object": "Lakers", "predicate": "/business/person/company", "subj_char_span": [ 11, 17 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 2, 3 ], "subject": "Bryant" } ]
While Kobe Bryant , the star of the Los Angeles Lakers , was scorching the Pistons for 39 points in a loss on the court in Auburn Hills , Shaun Alexander , the resplendent running back for the Seattle Seahawks , held court at a hotel ballroom some 40 minutes away .
[ { "char_span": [ 11, 17 ], "text": "Bryant", "tok_span": [ 2, 3 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 48, 54 ], "text": "Lakers", "tok_span": [ 10, 11 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 47, 54 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 11, 12 ], "object": "Packers", "predicate": "/business/person/company", "subj_char_span": [ 79, 84 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 17, 20 ], "subject": "Favre" } ]
In January 1997 , Holmgren coached a Green Bay Packers team headlined by Brett Favre and Reggie White to a victory against Parcells 's New England Patriots .
[ { "char_span": [ 79, 84 ], "text": "Favre", "tok_span": [ 17, 20 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 47, 54 ], "text": "Packers", "tok_span": [ 11, 12 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 61, 71 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 16, 17 ], "object": "Montenegro", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 32, 39 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 8, 9 ], "subject": "Balkans" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 103, 109 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 23, 24 ], "object": "Serbia", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 32, 39 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 8, 9 ], "subject": "Balkans" } ]
That is , until war came to the Balkans in the 1990 's , and Montenegro , which allied itself with the Serbia , suffered NATO air strikes and trade sanctions , crippling its tourism .
[ { "char_span": [ 32, 39 ], "text": "Balkans", "tok_span": [ 8, 9 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 61, 71 ], "text": "Montenegro", "tok_span": [ 16, 17 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 32, 39 ], "text": "Balkans", "tok_span": [ 8, 9 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 103, 109 ], "text": "Serbia", "tok_span": [ 23, 24 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 33, 38 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 7, 8 ], "object": "Korea", "predicate": "/location/administrative_division/country", "subj_char_span": [ 145, 154 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 28, 32 ], "subject": "Pyongyang" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 145, 154 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 28, 32 ], "object": "Pyongyang", "predicate": "/location/country/administrative_divisions", "subj_char_span": [ 33, 38 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 7, 8 ], "subject": "Korea" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 145, 154 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 28, 32 ], "object": "Pyongyang", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 33, 38 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 7, 8 ], "subject": "Korea" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 145, 154 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 28, 32 ], "object": "Pyongyang", "predicate": "/location/country/capital", "subj_char_span": [ 33, 38 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 7, 8 ], "subject": "Korea" } ]
After a couple of years in North Korea , though , the cultural differences felt overwhelming , so in 1966 the four fled to the Soviet Embassy in Pyongyang , asking for asylum .
[ { "char_span": [ 145, 154 ], "text": "Pyongyang", "tok_span": [ 28, 32 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 33, 38 ], "text": "Korea", "tok_span": [ 7, 8 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 33, 38 ], "text": "Korea", "tok_span": [ 7, 8 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 145, 154 ], "text": "Pyongyang", "tok_span": [ 28, 32 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 33, 38 ], "text": "Korea", "tok_span": [ 7, 8 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 145, 154 ], "text": "Pyongyang", "tok_span": [ 28, 32 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 33, 38 ], "text": "Korea", "tok_span": [ 7, 8 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 145, 154 ], "text": "Pyongyang", "tok_span": [ 28, 32 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 175, 180 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 49, 50 ], "object": "Korea", "predicate": "/location/administrative_division/country", "subj_char_span": [ 157, 166 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 43, 47 ], "subject": "Pyongyang" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 157, 166 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 43, 47 ], "object": "Pyongyang", "predicate": "/location/country/administrative_divisions", "subj_char_span": [ 175, 180 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 49, 50 ], "subject": "Korea" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 157, 166 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 43, 47 ], "object": "Pyongyang", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 175, 180 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 49, 50 ], "subject": "Korea" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 157, 166 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 43, 47 ], "object": "Pyongyang", "predicate": "/location/country/capital", "subj_char_span": [ 175, 180 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 49, 50 ], "subject": "Korea" } ]
I will give you the truth ; I 've never told anyone before , '' says Mr. Dresnok , a former soldier , a defector and , for the last 44 years , a resident of Pyongyang , North Korea .
[ { "char_span": [ 157, 166 ], "text": "Pyongyang", "tok_span": [ 43, 47 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 175, 180 ], "text": "Korea", "tok_span": [ 49, 50 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 175, 180 ], "text": "Korea", "tok_span": [ 49, 50 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 157, 166 ], "text": "Pyongyang", "tok_span": [ 43, 47 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 175, 180 ], "text": "Korea", "tok_span": [ 49, 50 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 157, 166 ], "text": "Pyongyang", "tok_span": [ 43, 47 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 175, 180 ], "text": "Korea", "tok_span": [ 49, 50 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 157, 166 ], "text": "Pyongyang", "tok_span": [ 43, 47 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 52, 61 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 11, 15 ], "object": "Pyongyang", "predicate": "/location/country/administrative_divisions", "subj_char_span": [ 31, 36 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 7, 8 ], "subject": "Korea" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 52, 61 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 11, 15 ], "object": "Pyongyang", "predicate": "/location/country/capital", "subj_char_span": [ 31, 36 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 7, 8 ], "subject": "Korea" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 31, 36 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 7, 8 ], "object": "Korea", "predicate": "/location/administrative_division/country", "subj_char_span": [ 52, 61 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 11, 15 ], "subject": "Pyongyang" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 52, 61 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 11, 15 ], "object": "Pyongyang", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 31, 36 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 7, 8 ], "subject": "Korea" } ]
But he is a celebrity in North Korea , and although Pyongyang is poor by Western standards , it is the city of the elite for North Koreans . ''
[ { "char_span": [ 31, 36 ], "text": "Korea", "tok_span": [ 7, 8 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 52, 61 ], "text": "Pyongyang", "tok_span": [ 11, 15 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 31, 36 ], "text": "Korea", "tok_span": [ 7, 8 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 52, 61 ], "text": "Pyongyang", "tok_span": [ 11, 15 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 52, 61 ], "text": "Pyongyang", "tok_span": [ 11, 15 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 31, 36 ], "text": "Korea", "tok_span": [ 7, 8 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 31, 36 ], "text": "Korea", "tok_span": [ 7, 8 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 52, 61 ], "text": "Pyongyang", "tok_span": [ 11, 15 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 72, 80 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 23, 24 ], "object": "Brooklyn", "predicate": "/location/neighborhood/neighborhood_of", "subj_char_span": [ 65, 69 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 21, 22 ], "subject": "Hill" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 65, 69 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 21, 22 ], "object": "Hill", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 72, 80 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 23, 24 ], "subject": "Brooklyn" } ]
Stir It Up 514 Atlantic Avenue -LRB- Third Avenue -RRB- , Boerum Hill , Brooklyn ; ( 718 ) 643-3716 .
[ { "char_span": [ 65, 69 ], "text": "Hill", "tok_span": [ 21, 22 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 72, 80 ], "text": "Brooklyn", "tok_span": [ 23, 24 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 72, 80 ], "text": "Brooklyn", "tok_span": [ 23, 24 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 65, 69 ], "text": "Hill", "tok_span": [ 21, 22 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 133, 141 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 40, 41 ], "object": "Brooklyn", "predicate": "/location/neighborhood/neighborhood_of", "subj_char_span": [ 126, 130 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 38, 39 ], "subject": "Hill" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 126, 130 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 38, 39 ], "object": "Hill", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 133, 141 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 40, 41 ], "subject": "Brooklyn" } ]
But it was an unwavering endorsement of Ms. Gordon 's goat roti -LRB- $ 7 -RRB- that had brought us to her doorstep in Boerum Hill , Brooklyn , in the first place , so the night went off without a hitch .
[ { "char_span": [ 126, 130 ], "text": "Hill", "tok_span": [ 38, 39 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 133, 141 ], "text": "Brooklyn", "tok_span": [ 40, 41 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 133, 141 ], "text": "Brooklyn", "tok_span": [ 40, 41 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 126, 130 ], "text": "Hill", "tok_span": [ 38, 39 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 131, 137 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 27, 30 ], "object": "Merapi", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 149, 158 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 32, 33 ], "subject": "Indonesia" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 247, 257 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 48, 52 ], "object": "Yogyakarta", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 149, 158 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 32, 33 ], "subject": "Indonesia" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 247, 257 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 48, 52 ], "object": "Yogyakarta", "predicate": "/location/country/administrative_divisions", "subj_char_span": [ 149, 158 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 32, 33 ], "subject": "Indonesia" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 149, 158 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 32, 33 ], "object": "Indonesia", "predicate": "/location/administrative_division/country", "subj_char_span": [ 247, 257 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 48, 52 ], "subject": "Yogyakarta" } ]
Correction : June 8 , 2006 , Thursday Because of an editing error , an article on Monday about the increased activity at the Mount Merapi volcano in Indonesia referred incorrectly in some copies to the distance between the volcano and the city of Yogyakarta , which is far enough away that it is unlikely to be damaged in an eruption .
[ { "char_span": [ 149, 158 ], "text": "Indonesia", "tok_span": [ 32, 33 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 131, 137 ], "text": "Merapi", "tok_span": [ 27, 30 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 149, 158 ], "text": "Indonesia", "tok_span": [ 32, 33 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 247, 257 ], "text": "Yogyakarta", "tok_span": [ 48, 52 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 149, 158 ], "text": "Indonesia", "tok_span": [ 32, 33 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 247, 257 ], "text": "Yogyakarta", "tok_span": [ 48, 52 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 247, 257 ], "text": "Yogyakarta", "tok_span": [ 48, 52 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 149, 158 ], "text": "Indonesia", "tok_span": [ 32, 33 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 6, 12 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 1, 4 ], "object": "Merapi", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 45, 54 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 10, 11 ], "subject": "Indonesia" } ]
Mount Merapi has long been considered one of Indonesia 's most unpredictable volcanoes .
[ { "char_span": [ 45, 54 ], "text": "Indonesia", "tok_span": [ 10, 11 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 6, 12 ], "text": "Merapi", "tok_span": [ 1, 4 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 202, 209 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 41, 42 ], "object": "Heights", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 226, 235 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 44, 45 ], "subject": "Manhattan" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 226, 235 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 44, 45 ], "object": "Manhattan", "predicate": "/location/neighborhood/neighborhood_of", "subj_char_span": [ 202, 209 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 41, 42 ], "subject": "Heights" } ]
Helen L. Phillips , a lyric-dramatic soprano who preceded Marian Anderson in breaking color barriers at the Metropolitan Opera and elsewhere in the 1940 's and 50 's , died on July 27 in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan .
[ { "char_span": [ 226, 235 ], "text": "Manhattan", "tok_span": [ 44, 45 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 202, 209 ], "text": "Heights", "tok_span": [ 41, 42 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 202, 209 ], "text": "Heights", "tok_span": [ 41, 42 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 226, 235 ], "text": "Manhattan", "tok_span": [ 44, 45 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 60, 65 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 10, 11 ], "object": "Maine", "predicate": "/people/person/place_lived", "subj_char_span": [ 49, 56 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 8, 9 ], "subject": "Collins" } ]
The homeland security chairwoman , Senator Susan Collins of Maine , says she now wants to inquire further into the qualifications of Julie L. Myers to be assistant secretary of homeland security for immigration and customs enforcement .
[ { "char_span": [ 49, 56 ], "text": "Collins", "tok_span": [ 8, 9 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 60, 65 ], "text": "Maine", "tok_span": [ 10, 11 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 295, 304 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 57, 58 ], "object": "Jerusalem", "predicate": "/location/country/capital", "subj_char_span": [ 133, 139 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 26, 27 ], "subject": "Israel" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 272, 276 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 52, 53 ], "object": "Bank", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 133, 139 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 26, 27 ], "subject": "Israel" } ]
Mr. Abbas knows , and has argued both publicly and privately , that success in Gaza and relative quiet are the best ways to pressure Israel , with outside support , to move toward serious negotiations about the real heartland of the nascent Palestine -- the occupied West Bank and parts of East Jerusalem .
[ { "char_span": [ 133, 139 ], "text": "Israel", "tok_span": [ 26, 27 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 295, 304 ], "text": "Jerusalem", "tok_span": [ 57, 58 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 133, 139 ], "text": "Israel", "tok_span": [ 26, 27 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 272, 276 ], "text": "Bank", "tok_span": [ 52, 53 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 101, 105 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 20, 21 ], "object": "Bank", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 208, 214 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 44, 45 ], "subject": "Israel" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 73, 82 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 14, 15 ], "object": "Jerusalem", "predicate": "/location/country/capital", "subj_char_span": [ 208, 214 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 44, 45 ], "subject": "Israel" } ]
But after 1967 , the sweeping Israeli victory and the conquering of East Jerusalem , Gaza , the West Bank and Sinai boosted the messianic and maximalist Zionists , who always believed in the biblical land of Israel , he said .
[ { "char_span": [ 208, 214 ], "text": "Israel", "tok_span": [ 44, 45 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 101, 105 ], "text": "Bank", "tok_span": [ 20, 21 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 208, 214 ], "text": "Israel", "tok_span": [ 44, 45 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 73, 82 ], "text": "Jerusalem", "tok_span": [ 14, 15 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 106, 110 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 21, 22 ], "object": "Bank", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 0, 6 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 0, 1 ], "subject": "Israel" } ]
Israel has now nearly emptied Gaza of settlers , with a difficult , but much smaller , group of four West Bank settlements still to evacuate .
[ { "char_span": [ 0, 6 ], "text": "Israel", "tok_span": [ 0, 1 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 106, 110 ], "text": "Bank", "tok_span": [ 21, 22 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 124, 130 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 27, 28 ], "object": "Israel", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 221, 225 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 46, 47 ], "subject": "East" } ]
And it was Mr. Sharon , considered the father of the settlements , and the Likud Party , which has always favored a greater Israel , that forced through this pullout plan -- this compromise with the reality of the Middle East .
[ { "char_span": [ 221, 225 ], "text": "East", "tok_span": [ 46, 47 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 124, 130 ], "text": "Israel", "tok_span": [ 27, 28 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 32, 36 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 7, 8 ], "object": "City", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 39, 43 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 9, 10 ], "subject": "Utah" } ]
Last season the Canyons in Park City , Utah , began offering private tours with line-cutting privileges from $ 338 for a half day in regular season to $ 674 for a full day during the holidays . ''
[ { "char_span": [ 39, 43 ], "text": "Utah", "tok_span": [ 9, 10 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 32, 36 ], "text": "City", "tok_span": [ 7, 8 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 70, 78 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 16, 17 ], "object": "Mountain", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 82, 90 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 18, 19 ], "subject": "Colorado" } ]
FOR vacation this year , Peter Heumann is taking his family to Copper Mountain in Colorado during the jam-packed holiday period between Christmas and New Year 's , when skiers can easily end up waiting in line for 20 minutes or more just to get on the lift .
[ { "char_span": [ 82, 90 ], "text": "Colorado", "tok_span": [ 18, 19 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 70, 78 ], "text": "Mountain", "tok_span": [ 16, 17 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 109, 117 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 23, 25 ], "object": "Snowmass", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 33, 41 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 6, 7 ], "subject": "Colorado" } ]
At least six mountain resorts in Colorado have installed new lifts for this season ; one is a new gondola at Snowmass that can carry eight passengers to the Elk Camp terrain at midmountain in eight and a half minutes .
[ { "char_span": [ 33, 41 ], "text": "Colorado", "tok_span": [ 6, 7 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 109, 117 ], "text": "Snowmass", "tok_span": [ 23, 25 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 12, 20 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 4, 5 ], "object": "Mountain", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 24, 31 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 6, 7 ], "subject": "Vermont" } ]
At Stratton Mountain in Vermont this year , skiers can pay an extra $ 15 for a relatively uncrowded 45 minutes , in the form of access to the lifts at 7:45 a.m. , ahead of the normal 8:30 opening ; in the past this perk was extended only to holders of $ 1,299 '' premier '' season passes .
[ { "char_span": [ 24, 31 ], "text": "Vermont", "tok_span": [ 6, 7 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 12, 20 ], "text": "Mountain", "tok_span": [ 4, 5 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 262, 269 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 54, 55 ], "object": "America", "predicate": "/business/person/company", "subj_char_span": [ 205, 213 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 43, 46 ], "subject": "Glickman" } ]
The slide in American moviegoing was an open wound at the ShoWest convention , and was addressed with unusual directness by John Fithian , president of the National Association of Theater Owners , and Dan Glickman , chairman of the Motion Picture Association of America , in their speeches here .
[ { "char_span": [ 205, 213 ], "text": "Glickman", "tok_span": [ 43, 46 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 262, 269 ], "text": "America", "tok_span": [ 54, 55 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 151, 159 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 33, 34 ], "object": "Columbus", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 162, 166 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 35, 36 ], "subject": "Ohio" } ]
The movie industry needs to take a big leap forward to market itself , '' said Jeffrey Frank , president of Drexel Theaters Group , a company based in Columbus , Ohio , that primarily operates art houses .
[ { "char_span": [ 162, 166 ], "text": "Ohio", "tok_span": [ 35, 36 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 151, 159 ], "text": "Columbus", "tok_span": [ 33, 34 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 133, 143 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 30, 34 ], "object": "Pascagoula", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 9, 20 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 1, 2 ], "subject": "Mississippi" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 186, 191 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 45, 46 ], "object": "Louis", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 9, 20 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 1, 2 ], "subject": "Mississippi" } ]
Although Mississippi 's oldest building is still standing -LRB- a 1720 plantation home called the Pointe-Krebs House on the coast in Pascagoula -RRB- , historic neighborhoods in Bay St. Louis and Waveland were flattened . ''
[ { "char_span": [ 9, 20 ], "text": "Mississippi", "tok_span": [ 1, 2 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 133, 143 ], "text": "Pascagoula", "tok_span": [ 30, 34 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 9, 20 ], "text": "Mississippi", "tok_span": [ 1, 2 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 186, 191 ], "text": "Louis", "tok_span": [ 45, 46 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 185, 192 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 38, 39 ], "object": "Arizona", "predicate": "/people/person/place_lived", "subj_char_span": [ 152, 156 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 32, 33 ], "subject": "Graf" } ]
But Mr. Norquist , who favored the immigration proposal , argued that the election would provide a verdict on '' restrictionism '' in the fate of Randy Graf , a Republican candidate in Arizona running on calls for tighter borders .
[ { "char_span": [ 152, 156 ], "text": "Graf", "tok_span": [ 32, 33 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 185, 192 ], "text": "Arizona", "tok_span": [ 38, 39 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 39, 48 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 10, 11 ], "object": "Microsoft", "predicate": "/business/person/company", "subj_char_span": [ 29, 36 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 6, 9 ], "subject": "Liddell" } ]
In a conference call , Chris Liddell , Microsoft 's chief financial officer , characterized the added spending as an investment in the '' next wave of growth for the company . ''
[ { "char_span": [ 29, 36 ], "text": "Liddell", "tok_span": [ 6, 9 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 39, 48 ], "text": "Microsoft", "tok_span": [ 10, 11 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 100, 104 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 30, 31 ], "object": "York", "predicate": "/business/person/company", "subj_char_span": [ 82, 89 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 24, 27 ], "subject": "Spitzer" } ]
In August , GlaxoSmithKline agreed to pay $ 2.5 million to settle a suit by Eliot Spitzer , the New York attorney general , alleging that Glaxo had hidden results from trials showing that its antidepressant Paxil might increase suicidal thoughts in children and teenagers .
[ { "char_span": [ 82, 89 ], "text": "Spitzer", "tok_span": [ 24, 27 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 100, 104 ], "text": "York", "tok_span": [ 30, 31 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 74, 80 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 12, 15 ], "object": "Darfur", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 21, 26 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 3, 4 ], "subject": "Sudan" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 45, 52 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 8, 9 ], "object": "Nations", "predicate": "/business/person/company", "subj_char_span": [ 158, 163 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 33, 35 ], "subject": "Annan" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 21, 26 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 3, 4 ], "object": "Sudan", "predicate": "/location/administrative_division/country", "subj_char_span": [ 74, 80 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 12, 15 ], "subject": "Darfur" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 74, 80 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 12, 15 ], "object": "Darfur", "predicate": "/location/country/administrative_divisions", "subj_char_span": [ 21, 26 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 3, 4 ], "subject": "Sudan" } ]
The Council directed Sudan to allow a United Nations assessment team into Darfur in a week , but Stephane Dujarric , the spokesman for Secretary General Kofi Annan , said Friday that the authorities had not yet granted that permission .
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[ { "obj_char_span": [ 24, 29 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 5, 6 ], "object": "China", "predicate": "/location/administrative_division/country", "subj_char_span": [ 109, 116 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "subject": "Beijing" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 249, 254 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 53, 54 ], "object": "China", "predicate": "/location/administrative_division/country", "subj_char_span": [ 109, 116 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "subject": "Beijing" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 109, 116 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "object": "Beijing", "predicate": "/location/country/capital", "subj_char_span": [ 24, 29 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 5, 6 ], "subject": "China" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 109, 116 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "object": "Beijing", "predicate": "/location/country/capital", "subj_char_span": [ 249, 254 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 53, 54 ], "subject": "China" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 109, 116 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "object": "Beijing", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 24, 29 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 5, 6 ], "subject": "China" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 109, 116 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "object": "Beijing", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 249, 254 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 53, 54 ], "subject": "China" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 109, 116 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "object": "Beijing", "predicate": "/location/country/administrative_divisions", "subj_char_span": [ 24, 29 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 5, 6 ], "subject": "China" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 109, 116 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "object": "Beijing", "predicate": "/location/country/administrative_divisions", "subj_char_span": [ 249, 254 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 53, 54 ], "subject": "China" } ]
In her testimony to the China commission , Ms. DeSutter , the senior State Department official , argued that Beijing 's nonproliferation commitments of 1992 , 1994 , 1998 , 2000 and , most recently , a specific set of export control rules issued by China in 2002 '' occurred only under the imminent threat , or in response to the actual imposition , of sanctions . ''
[ { "char_span": [ 109, 116 ], "text": "Beijing", "tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 24, 29 ], "text": "China", "tok_span": [ 5, 6 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 109, 116 ], "text": "Beijing", "tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 249, 254 ], "text": "China", "tok_span": [ 53, 54 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 24, 29 ], "text": "China", "tok_span": [ 5, 6 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 109, 116 ], "text": "Beijing", "tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 249, 254 ], "text": "China", "tok_span": [ 53, 54 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 109, 116 ], "text": "Beijing", "tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 24, 29 ], "text": "China", "tok_span": [ 5, 6 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 109, 116 ], "text": "Beijing", "tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 249, 254 ], "text": "China", "tok_span": [ 53, 54 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 109, 116 ], "text": "Beijing", "tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 24, 29 ], "text": "China", "tok_span": [ 5, 6 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 109, 116 ], "text": "Beijing", "tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 249, 254 ], "text": "China", "tok_span": [ 53, 54 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 109, 116 ], "text": "Beijing", "tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
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California is an important place in the country , and thus far we have not been taken into consideration the way we deserve to be , '' said Assemblyman Fabian Nunez of Los Angeles , the Democratic speaker . ''
[ { "char_span": [ 0, 10 ], "text": "California", "tok_span": [ 0, 1 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 172, 179 ], "text": "Angeles", "tok_span": [ 37, 38 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 199, 204 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 34, 35 ], "object": "Kabul", "predicate": "/location/country/capital", "subj_char_span": [ 135, 146 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 21, 22 ], "subject": "Afghanistan" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 199, 204 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 34, 35 ], "object": "Kabul", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 135, 146 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 21, 22 ], "subject": "Afghanistan" } ]
Some of the commitments the Afghan government is expected to make will be intensely difficult politically , the American ambassador to Afghanistan , Ronald E. Neumann , said in a recent interview in Kabul . ''
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[ { "obj_char_span": [ 47, 58 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 8, 9 ], "object": "Afghanistan", "predicate": "/people/person/nationality", "subj_char_span": [ 87, 93 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 16, 19 ], "subject": "Karzai" } ]
Eager to secure an international commitment to Afghanistan 's future , President Hamid Karzai and his government have sought long-term strategic and economic agreements with the United States and the European Union .
[ { "char_span": [ 87, 93 ], "text": "Karzai", "tok_span": [ 16, 19 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 47, 58 ], "text": "Afghanistan", "tok_span": [ 8, 9 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 62, 72 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 10, 11 ], "object": "University", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 76, 83 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 12, 13 ], "subject": "Lincoln" } ]
She is an associate professor of English at Nebraska Wesleyan University in Lincoln .
[ { "char_span": [ 76, 83 ], "text": "Lincoln", "tok_span": [ 12, 13 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 62, 72 ], "text": "University", "tok_span": [ 10, 11 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 123, 130 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 28, 29 ], "object": "Angeles", "predicate": "/location/neighborhood/neighborhood_of", "subj_char_span": [ 102, 107 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 24, 25 ], "subject": "Hills" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 102, 107 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 24, 25 ], "object": "Hills", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 123, 130 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 28, 29 ], "subject": "Angeles" } ]
Paul Revere Williams , who designed the Morris Landau House , could not have lived in the tony Holmby Hills section of Los Angeles when the home was built there .
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[ { "obj_char_span": [ 113, 117 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 21, 22 ], "object": "City", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 120, 126 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 23, 24 ], "subject": "Queens" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 120, 126 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 23, 24 ], "object": "Queens", "predicate": "/location/neighborhood/neighborhood_of", "subj_char_span": [ 113, 117 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 21, 22 ], "subject": "City" } ]
His father , who is retired , was a health and physical education teacher at Aviation High School in Long Island City , Queens .
[ { "char_span": [ 120, 126 ], "text": "Queens", "tok_span": [ 23, 24 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 113, 117 ], "text": "City", "tok_span": [ 21, 22 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 113, 117 ], "text": "City", "tok_span": [ 21, 22 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 120, 126 ], "text": "Queens", "tok_span": [ 23, 24 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 203, 209 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 49, 50 ], "object": "School", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 183, 190 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 46, 47 ], "subject": "Baldwin" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 290, 296 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 69, 70 ], "object": "School", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 183, 190 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 46, 47 ], "subject": "Baldwin" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 203, 209 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 49, 50 ], "object": "School", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 213, 220 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 51, 52 ], "subject": "Baldwin" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 290, 296 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 69, 70 ], "object": "School", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 213, 220 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 51, 52 ], "subject": "Baldwin" } ]
Racine Nicole Bass and Brian Lee Sandler are to be married today by Rabbi Moshe Kwalbrun at the Crescent Beach Club in Bayville , N.Y . The bride and bridegroom are teachers , she at Baldwin Senior High School in Baldwin , N.Y. , where she teaches history and psychology , and he at Public School 55 in Richmond Hills , Queens , where he teaches fifth grade .
[ { "char_span": [ 183, 190 ], "text": "Baldwin", "tok_span": [ 46, 47 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 203, 209 ], "text": "School", "tok_span": [ 49, 50 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 183, 190 ], "text": "Baldwin", "tok_span": [ 46, 47 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 290, 296 ], "text": "School", "tok_span": [ 69, 70 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 213, 220 ], "text": "Baldwin", "tok_span": [ 51, 52 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 203, 209 ], "text": "School", "tok_span": [ 49, 50 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 213, 220 ], "text": "Baldwin", "tok_span": [ 51, 52 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 290, 296 ], "text": "School", "tok_span": [ 69, 70 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 100, 107 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 28, 29 ], "object": "Vermont", "predicate": "/people/person/place_lived", "subj_char_span": [ 41, 45 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 9, 10 ], "subject": "Webb" } ]
In 1947 their daughter Electra Havemeyer Webb -LRB- 1888-1960 -RRB- founded the Shelburne Museum in Vermont , an epicenter for American folk art .
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[ { "obj_char_span": [ 77, 82 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 16, 17 ], "object": "Cairo", "predicate": "/location/country/capital", "subj_char_span": [ 147, 152 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 28, 29 ], "subject": "Egypt" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 77, 82 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 16, 17 ], "object": "Cairo", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 147, 152 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 28, 29 ], "subject": "Egypt" } ]
Later , Ms. Rice met for just over an hour with eight democracy advocates in Cairo who expressed their frustration over the slow pace of change in Egypt . ''
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Still , the officials emphasized that many countries , in the Arab world and elsewhere , shared the American concerns about Hamas and the goal of urging it to recognize Israel and accept a peaceful settlement to the Middle East conflict .
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On the cusp of his 80th birthday , Saul piloted his Cessna Skymaster from Danbury , Connecticut to north of the Arctic Circle , touching down in Ft. .
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Raised in New York City and a graduate of NYU , Saul first opted for the rugged life , working as a lumber jack in upstate New York .
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Under their supervision , the apprentices built the Taliesin complexes in Wisconsin and Arizona , tilled the land , chopped wood and shoveled manure .
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Mr. Delgado said that when his unit was first assigned to Abu Ghraib , he believed , like most of his fellow soldiers , that the prisoners were among the most dangerous individuals in Iraq .
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When Mr. Delgado returned to Florida last year from a tour of Iraq that included a traumatic stint with a military police unit at Abu Ghraib prison , he thought he could pretty easily resume the ordinary life of a college student and leave his troubling war experiences behind .
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[ { "obj_char_span": [ 143, 147 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 32, 33 ], "object": "Iraq", "predicate": "/people/person/nationality", "subj_char_span": [ 185, 192 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 39, 40 ], "subject": "Hussein" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 143, 147 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 32, 33 ], "object": "Iraq", "predicate": "/people/deceased_person/place_of_death", "subj_char_span": [ 185, 192 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 39, 40 ], "subject": "Hussein" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 143, 147 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 32, 33 ], "object": "Iraq", "predicate": "/people/person/place_of_birth", "subj_char_span": [ 185, 192 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 39, 40 ], "subject": "Hussein" } ]
A set of playing cards designed by Matt Forderer , for example , imitates the '' Most Wanted '' deck that the United States government sent to Iraq , but replaces photographs of Saddam Hussein with collaged images of the '' Top Gun '' George W. Bush in female drag .
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[ { "obj_char_span": [ 132, 138 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "object": "Mexico", "predicate": "/business/person/company", "subj_char_span": [ 125, 128 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 20, 21 ], "subject": "Fox" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 173, 179 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 29, 30 ], "object": "Canada", "predicate": "/people/person/nationality", "subj_char_span": [ 163, 169 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 27, 28 ], "subject": "Martin" } ]
That confluence of worries forms the backdrop for a meeting on Wednesday in Texas between President Bush , President Vicente Fox of Mexico and Prime Minister Paul Martin of Canada .
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Mr. Evans , who talks as enthusiastically about food as he cooks , said he had worked for years on his wok-seared calamari salad , seeking to replicate a dish he tasted at a cafe overlooking the sea at Nha Trang , in Vietnam , the '' squid capital of Southeast Asia . ''
[ { "char_span": [ 261, 265 ], "text": "Asia", "tok_span": [ 65, 66 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 217, 224 ], "text": "Vietnam", "tok_span": [ 55, 56 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 217, 224 ], "text": "Vietnam", "tok_span": [ 55, 56 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 206, 211 ], "text": "Trang", "tok_span": [ 51, 53 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 187, 195 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 39, 40 ], "object": "Brisbane", "predicate": "/location/country/capital", "subj_char_span": [ 205, 215 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 43, 44 ], "subject": "Queensland" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 187, 195 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 39, 40 ], "object": "Brisbane", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 205, 215 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 43, 44 ], "subject": "Queensland" } ]
Now 41 years old , a graduate of the University of Virginia and the Culinary Institute of America , Mr. Evans worked for eight years at the Green Papaya , a highly regarded restaurant in Brisbane , on the Queensland coast north of Sydney .
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Australian cheeses are fairly readily available here , including Roaring Forties Blue , produced on windswept King Island , between mainland Australia and Tasmania , as well as cloth-matured cheddar and Lighthouse Brie .
[ { "char_span": [ 141, 150 ], "text": "Australia", "tok_span": [ 27, 28 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 155, 163 ], "text": "Tasmania", "tok_span": [ 29, 30 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 141, 150 ], "text": "Australia", "tok_span": [ 27, 28 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 155, 163 ], "text": "Tasmania", "tok_span": [ 29, 30 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 155, 163 ], "text": "Tasmania", "tok_span": [ 29, 30 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 141, 150 ], "text": "Australia", "tok_span": [ 27, 28 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 36, 41 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 7, 10 ], "object": "Qwest", "predicate": "/business/person/company", "subj_char_span": [ 158, 167 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 34, 37 ], "subject": "Notebaert" } ]
As a result of these improvements , Qwest has '' the opportunity to cross over to profitability in 2006 and improve our financial flexibility , '' Richard C. Notebaert , the chief executive , told investors on Nov. 1 .
[ { "char_span": [ 158, 167 ], "text": "Notebaert", "tok_span": [ 34, 37 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 36, 41 ], "text": "Qwest", "tok_span": [ 7, 10 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 79, 85 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 17, 18 ], "object": "Taiwan", "predicate": "/location/country/administrative_divisions", "subj_char_span": [ 69, 74 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 15, 16 ], "subject": "China" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 69, 74 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 15, 16 ], "object": "China", "predicate": "/location/administrative_division/country", "subj_char_span": [ 79, 85 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 17, 18 ], "subject": "Taiwan" } ]
Today its 465 members work in 10 states , the District of Columbia , China and Taiwan .
[ { "char_span": [ 69, 74 ], "text": "China", "tok_span": [ 15, 16 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 79, 85 ], "text": "Taiwan", "tok_span": [ 17, 18 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 79, 85 ], "text": "Taiwan", "tok_span": [ 17, 18 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 69, 74 ], "text": "China", "tok_span": [ 15, 16 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 97, 106 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 24, 27 ], "object": "Scarsdale", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 113, 117 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 29, 30 ], "subject": "York" } ]
Family will be receiving mourners at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Winer of 43 Sheridan Road , Scarsdale , New York .
[ { "char_span": [ 113, 117 ], "text": "York", "tok_span": [ 29, 30 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 97, 106 ], "text": "Scarsdale", "tok_span": [ 24, 27 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 37, 45 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 9, 12 ], "object": "Valhalla", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 52, 56 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 14, 15 ], "subject": "York" } ]
Interment at the Kensico Cemetery in Valhalla , New York .
[ { "char_span": [ 52, 56 ], "text": "York", "tok_span": [ 14, 15 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 37, 45 ], "text": "Valhalla", "tok_span": [ 9, 12 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 97, 103 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 19, 20 ], "object": "Vernon", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 110, 114 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "subject": "York" } ]
Services will be held Friday , 10 AM at Riverside Memorial Chapel , 21 West Broad Street , Mount Vernon , New York , 914-664-6800 .
[ { "char_span": [ 110, 114 ], "text": "York", "tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 97, 103 ], "text": "Vernon", "tok_span": [ 19, 20 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 141, 149 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 31, 32 ], "object": "Brooklyn", "predicate": "/location/neighborhood/neighborhood_of", "subj_char_span": [ 126, 138 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 28, 30 ], "subject": "Williamsburg" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 101, 107 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "object": "Naples", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 110, 115 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 24, 25 ], "subject": "Italy" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 126, 138 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 28, 30 ], "object": "Williamsburg", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 141, 149 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 31, 32 ], "subject": "Brooklyn" } ]
The previous owner of the property , Vincent Pietromatire , brought the cuttings in the 1930 's from Naples , Italy , to East Williamsburg , Brooklyn , where they eventually took root among the fruits and vegetables in his garden .
[ { "char_span": [ 126, 138 ], "text": "Williamsburg", "tok_span": [ 28, 30 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 141, 149 ], "text": "Brooklyn", "tok_span": [ 31, 32 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 110, 115 ], "text": "Italy", "tok_span": [ 24, 25 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 101, 107 ], "text": "Naples", "tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 141, 149 ], "text": "Brooklyn", "tok_span": [ 31, 32 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 126, 138 ], "text": "Williamsburg", "tok_span": [ 28, 30 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 56, 59 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 10, 11 ], "object": "CBS", "predicate": "/business/person/company", "subj_char_span": [ 133, 140 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 24, 26 ], "subject": "Moonves" } ]
Fred Reynolds , who had been chief financial officer of CBS , will probably serve as chief financial officer of the unit that Leslie Moonves is set to take over .
[ { "char_span": [ 133, 140 ], "text": "Moonves", "tok_span": [ 24, 26 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 56, 59 ], "text": "CBS", "tok_span": [ 10, 11 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 50, 56 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 10, 12 ], "object": "Bagram", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 131, 142 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 30, 31 ], "subject": "Afghanistan" } ]
Mr. Cheney , speaking later to American troops at Bagram air base , said the United States was '' firmly committed '' to nurturing Afghanistan 's fledgling democracy . ''
[ { "char_span": [ 131, 142 ], "text": "Afghanistan", "tok_span": [ 30, 31 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 50, 56 ], "text": "Bagram", "tok_span": [ 10, 12 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 0, 11 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 0, 1 ], "object": "Afghanistan", "predicate": "/people/person/nationality", "subj_char_span": [ 163, 169 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 29, 32 ], "subject": "Karzai" } ]
Afghanistan 's first democratically elected Parliament in more than 30 years convened here on Monday with heavy security , and was sworn in before President Hamid Karzai , as well as the former king , Mohammad Zahir Shah , and foreign dignitaries .
[ { "char_span": [ 163, 169 ], "text": "Karzai", "tok_span": [ 29, 32 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 0, 11 ], "text": "Afghanistan", "tok_span": [ 0, 1 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 40, 45 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 10, 11 ], "object": "Arena", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 83, 90 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 17, 18 ], "subject": "Buffalo" } ]
There was an air of electricity in HSBC Arena even before the game started because Buffalo defenseman Teppo Numminen took part in a pregame warm-up for the first time since he injured a hip flexor in Game 1 .
[ { "char_span": [ 83, 90 ], "text": "Buffalo", "tok_span": [ 17, 18 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 40, 45 ], "text": "Arena", "tok_span": [ 10, 11 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 83, 88 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 13, 15 ], "object": "Anapu", "predicate": "/people/deceased_person/place_of_death", "subj_char_span": [ 115, 120 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 20, 22 ], "subject": "Stang" } ]
At the suggestion of the local community , the sustainable development projects in Anapu will be named for Dorothy Stang .
[ { "char_span": [ 115, 120 ], "text": "Stang", "tok_span": [ 20, 22 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 83, 88 ], "text": "Anapu", "tok_span": [ 13, 15 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 16, 24 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 3, 4 ], "object": "Emirates", "predicate": "/location/administrative_division/country", "subj_char_span": [ 72, 77 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 12, 13 ], "subject": "Dubai" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 72, 77 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 12, 13 ], "object": "Dubai", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 16, 24 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 3, 4 ], "subject": "Emirates" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 72, 77 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 12, 13 ], "object": "Dubai", "predicate": "/location/country/administrative_divisions", "subj_char_span": [ 16, 24 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 3, 4 ], "subject": "Emirates" } ]
The United Arab Emirates deserves a serious , respectful explanation if Dubai Ports World is not going to be given the right to manage American ports -- a right that has already been granted to companies from countries like Britain and China .
[ { "char_span": [ 72, 77 ], "text": "Dubai", "tok_span": [ 12, 13 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 16, 24 ], "text": "Emirates", "tok_span": [ 3, 4 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 16, 24 ], "text": "Emirates", "tok_span": [ 3, 4 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 72, 77 ], "text": "Dubai", "tok_span": [ 12, 13 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 16, 24 ], "text": "Emirates", "tok_span": [ 3, 4 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 72, 77 ], "text": "Dubai", "tok_span": [ 12, 13 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 132, 137 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 30, 31 ], "object": "Dubai", "predicate": "/location/country/administrative_divisions", "subj_char_span": [ 170, 178 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 37, 38 ], "subject": "Emirates" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 132, 137 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 30, 31 ], "object": "Dubai", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 170, 178 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 37, 38 ], "subject": "Emirates" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 170, 178 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 37, 38 ], "object": "Emirates", "predicate": "/location/administrative_division/country", "subj_char_span": [ 132, 137 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 30, 31 ], "subject": "Dubai" } ]
It 's easy to imagine how the Bush administration might have defused much of the uproar over a deal to allow a company owned by the Dubai royal family in the United Arab Emirates to run six American ports .
[ { "char_span": [ 170, 178 ], "text": "Emirates", "tok_span": [ 37, 38 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 132, 137 ], "text": "Dubai", "tok_span": [ 30, 31 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 170, 178 ], "text": "Emirates", "tok_span": [ 37, 38 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 132, 137 ], "text": "Dubai", "tok_span": [ 30, 31 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 132, 137 ], "text": "Dubai", "tok_span": [ 30, 31 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 170, 178 ], "text": "Emirates", "tok_span": [ 37, 38 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 27, 31 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 5, 6 ], "object": "Iraq", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 204, 208 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 43, 44 ], "subject": "East" } ]
A White House that invaded Iraq as a substitute for defeating Al Qaeda is frustrated because Congress is using the company , Dubai Ports World , as a stand-in for all the intractable perils of the Middle East .
[ { "char_span": [ 204, 208 ], "text": "East", "tok_span": [ 43, 44 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 27, 31 ], "text": "Iraq", "tok_span": [ 5, 6 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 75, 83 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 16, 17 ], "object": "Martinez", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 142, 146 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 30, 31 ], "subject": "Area" } ]
His father is an owner of DataStor , a business records storage company in Martinez , Calif. , that serves companies in the San Francisco Bay Area .
[ { "char_span": [ 142, 146 ], "text": "Area", "tok_span": [ 30, 31 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 75, 83 ], "text": "Martinez", "tok_span": [ 16, 17 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 169, 175 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 29, 30 ], "object": "Geneva", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 178, 189 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 31, 32 ], "subject": "Switzerland" } ]
He was president of San Francisco Theological Seminary from 1958 to 1966 , leaving that position to occupy the higher education desk of the World Council of Churches in Geneva , Switzerland .
[ { "char_span": [ 178, 189 ], "text": "Switzerland", "tok_span": [ 31, 32 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 169, 175 ], "text": "Geneva", "tok_span": [ 29, 30 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 13, 22 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 3, 4 ], "object": "Microsoft", "predicate": "/business/person/company", "subj_char_span": [ 5, 10 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 1, 2 ], "subject": "Gates" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 5, 10 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 1, 2 ], "object": "Gates", "predicate": "/business/company/founders", "subj_char_span": [ 13, 22 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 3, 4 ], "subject": "Microsoft" } ]
Bill Gates , Microsoft 's chairman and chief software architect , gave software developers a preview of the next version of the Windows operating system yesterday in an effort to build support and enthusiasm for the new program .
[ { "char_span": [ 5, 10 ], "text": "Gates", "tok_span": [ 1, 2 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 13, 22 ], "text": "Microsoft", "tok_span": [ 3, 4 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 13, 22 ], "text": "Microsoft", "tok_span": [ 3, 4 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 5, 10 ], "text": "Gates", "tok_span": [ 1, 2 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 67, 73 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 14, 15 ], "object": "Durham", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 130, 138 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 32, 33 ], "subject": "Carolina" } ]
He is also busy this spring with a new movie tentatively titled '' Durham , U.S.A. '' that is scheduled to start filming in North Carolina , and is about people trying to hold on to a life that has long disappeared .
[ { "char_span": [ 130, 138 ], "text": "Carolina", "tok_span": [ 32, 33 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 67, 73 ], "text": "Durham", "tok_span": [ 14, 15 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 93, 103 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "object": "University", "predicate": "/business/person/company", "subj_char_span": [ 25, 30 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 10, 11 ], "subject": "Frank" } ]
ECONOMIC SCENE Robert H. Frank , an economist at the Johnson School of Management at Cornell University , is the co-author , with Ben S. Bernanke , of '' Principles of Economics . ''
[ { "char_span": [ 25, 30 ], "text": "Frank", "tok_span": [ 10, 11 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 93, 103 ], "text": "University", "tok_span": [ 22, 23 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 87, 93 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 25, 26 ], "object": "Island", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 100, 104 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 28, 29 ], "subject": "York" } ]
Services Sunday , 11AM at '' Gutterman 's , '' 8000 Jericho Turnpike , Woodbury , Long Island , New York .
[ { "char_span": [ 100, 104 ], "text": "York", "tok_span": [ 28, 29 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 87, 93 ], "text": "Island", "tok_span": [ 25, 26 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 60, 65 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 13, 15 ], "object": "Tanna", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 71, 78 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 17, 20 ], "subject": "Vanuatu" } ]
We were standing in the middle of a jungle on the island of Tanna , in Vanuatu , an archipelago in the South Pacific .
[ { "char_span": [ 71, 78 ], "text": "Vanuatu", "tok_span": [ 17, 20 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 60, 65 ], "text": "Tanna", "tok_span": [ 13, 15 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 27, 32 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 8, 11 ], "object": "Yasur", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 0, 5 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 0, 2 ], "subject": "Tanna" } ]
Tanna 's big draw is Mount Yasur , one of the most active and accessible volcanoes in the world .
[ { "char_span": [ 0, 5 ], "text": "Tanna", "tok_span": [ 0, 2 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 27, 32 ], "text": "Yasur", "tok_span": [ 8, 11 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 176, 180 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 67, 69 ], "object": "Vila", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 104, 111 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 35, 38 ], "subject": "Vanuatu" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 176, 180 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 67, 69 ], "object": "Vila", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 183, 190 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 70, 73 ], "subject": "Vanuatu" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 176, 180 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 67, 69 ], "object": "Vila", "predicate": "/location/country/capital", "subj_char_span": [ 104, 111 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 35, 38 ], "subject": "Vanuatu" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 176, 180 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 67, 69 ], "object": "Vila", "predicate": "/location/country/capital", "subj_char_span": [ 183, 190 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 70, 73 ], "subject": "Vanuatu" } ]
We flew Air Pacific -LRB- 800-227-4446 ; -RRB- from Los Angeles to Fiji and then Air Vanuatu , -LRB- 678-23-848 ; -RRB- from Fiji to Port Vila , Vanuatu 's capital .
[ { "char_span": [ 104, 111 ], "text": "Vanuatu", "tok_span": [ 35, 38 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 176, 180 ], "text": "Vila", "tok_span": [ 67, 69 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 183, 190 ], "text": "Vanuatu", "tok_span": [ 70, 73 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 176, 180 ], "text": "Vila", "tok_span": [ 67, 69 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 104, 111 ], "text": "Vanuatu", "tok_span": [ 35, 38 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 176, 180 ], "text": "Vila", "tok_span": [ 67, 69 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 183, 190 ], "text": "Vanuatu", "tok_span": [ 70, 73 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 176, 180 ], "text": "Vila", "tok_span": [ 67, 69 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 98, 108 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 21, 22 ], "object": "University", "predicate": "/business/person/company", "subj_char_span": [ 53, 60 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 13, 14 ], "subject": "Jackson" } ]
I think Westchester is changing , '' said Kenneth T. Jackson , a professor of history at Columbia University and a longtime Chappaqua resident , in a recent telephone interview . ''
[ { "char_span": [ 53, 60 ], "text": "Jackson", "tok_span": [ 13, 14 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 98, 108 ], "text": "University", "tok_span": [ 21, 22 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 55, 64 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 14, 15 ], "object": "Manhattan", "predicate": "/location/neighborhood/neighborhood_of", "subj_char_span": [ 84, 90 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 19, 20 ], "subject": "Island" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 84, 90 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 19, 20 ], "object": "Island", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 55, 64 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 14, 15 ], "subject": "Manhattan" } ]
Here we have a 172-acre island with four-star views of Manhattan , Brooklyn , Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty .
[ { "char_span": [ 84, 90 ], "text": "Island", "tok_span": [ 19, 20 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 55, 64 ], "text": "Manhattan", "tok_span": [ 14, 15 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 55, 64 ], "text": "Manhattan", "tok_span": [ 14, 15 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 84, 90 ], "text": "Island", "tok_span": [ 19, 20 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]
[ { "obj_char_span": [ 64, 70 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 13, 14 ], "object": "Harbor", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 221, 227 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 45, 46 ], "subject": "Queens" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 221, 227 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 45, 46 ], "object": "Queens", "predicate": "/location/neighborhood/neighborhood_of", "subj_char_span": [ 64, 70 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 13, 14 ], "subject": "Harbor" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 221, 227 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 45, 46 ], "object": "Queens", "predicate": "/location/neighborhood/neighborhood_of", "subj_char_span": [ 210, 218 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 42, 44 ], "subject": "Rosedale" }, { "obj_char_span": [ 210, 218 ], "obj_tok_span": [ 42, 44 ], "object": "Rosedale", "predicate": "/location/location/contains", "subj_char_span": [ 221, 227 ], "subj_tok_span": [ 45, 46 ], "subject": "Queens" } ]
One was for St. Francis de Sales Roman Catholic Church in Belle Harbor ; another board studded with electromechanical magnets will go under the pipes of an organ at the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Christ in Rosedale , Queens .
[ { "char_span": [ 221, 227 ], "text": "Queens", "tok_span": [ 45, 46 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 64, 70 ], "text": "Harbor", "tok_span": [ 13, 14 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 64, 70 ], "text": "Harbor", "tok_span": [ 13, 14 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 221, 227 ], "text": "Queens", "tok_span": [ 45, 46 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 210, 218 ], "text": "Rosedale", "tok_span": [ 42, 44 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 221, 227 ], "text": "Queens", "tok_span": [ 45, 46 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 221, 227 ], "text": "Queens", "tok_span": [ 45, 46 ], "type": "DEFAULT" }, { "char_span": [ 210, 218 ], "text": "Rosedale", "tok_span": [ 42, 44 ], "type": "DEFAULT" } ]