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Mental Floss ) 1 . " Cracklin ' Rosie , " by Neil Diamond She ' s not a girl she ' s a bottle of wine . Neil Diamond told Rolling Stone that he got the idea from an Indian tribe in Canada with a much higher male than female population . When the guys with girlfriends all went out on dates , the bachelor guys got together and drank homemade hooch . And actually , Cracklin ' Rosie is pretty decent wordplay when you realize the song ' s boozy origins : " Crackling " is used in the wine world to describe a wine that ' s lightly sparkling . You can actually buy a crackling ros . 2 . " Elenore , " by The Turtles If you ' ve ever listened to this song and thought the line " you ' re my pride and joy etcetera " felt like a pretty poor attempt at lyrics , well , you ' re right . " Elenore " wasn ' t a girl , but an anti love letter to the Turtles ' record label . The label was demanding a hit just like " Happy Together , " which had come out the previous year , so the band slapped together a song they felt was insanely clich d , happy go lucky and generally crappy . To everyone ' s surprise , it was a big hit . 3 . " Jane , " by Barenaked Ladies Jane St . Clair isn ' t a real girl , but an intersection in Toronto that piqued then lead singer Steve Page ' s imagination : Jane Street and St . Clair Avenue . Mental Floss : 22 fictional characters whose names you don ' t know 4 . " Sexy Sadie , " by The Beatles Sexy Sadie was really Maharishi Mahesh Yogi . The song was about how they were disillusioned with him after he hit on Mia Farrow and some of the other girls studying with him . Mia Farrow and most of the group later felt bad for making these accusations , feeling they had probably misinterpreted his actions . 5 . " Ana ' s Song ( Open Fire ) , " Silverchair At first glance , the lyrics pleading with Ana to die might seem shocking , but in reality , lead singer Daniel Johns suffered from anorexia nervosa and was writing about his experience with it . 6 . " Delilah , " by Queen Delilah was one of Freddie Mercury ' s beloved cats . Mental Floss : The girl who inspired Lincoln ' s beard 7 . " Martha My Dear , " by The Beatles The lyrics to this one may have been inspired by Paul McCartney ' s girlfriend , Jane Asher he says they " probably " were but the name comes from his Old English Sheepdog . 8 . " Shannon , " by Henry Gross Speaking of dogs , ex Sha Na Na singer Henry Gross wrote this song about the tragic death of Beach Boy Brian Wilson ' s Irish Setter , Shannon . 9 . " Helen Wheels , " by Paul McCartney and Wings Helen Wheels was McCartney ' s punny name for the Land Rover he and Linda McCartney owned . Mental Floss : 10 imaginative marriage proposals 10 . " Mony , Mony , " by Tommy James and the Shondells The band had the song , but needed a two syllable girl name to stick in the lyrics . That ' s when Tommy James happened upon a Mutual of New York Insurance Company sign that had a dollar sign in the middle of the " O " and noticed that its acronym was . He and his songwriting partner had a laugh about what a great name was for such a company , and ended up calling their fictional girl " Mony . " For more mental floss articles , visit mentalflossweblink Entire contents of this article copyright , Mental Floss . All rights reserved .
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SAMARKAND, Uzbekistan (Reuters) - Lola Karimova-Tillyaeva, the second daughter of Uzbek president Islam Karimov who died last year, will step down soon as Uzbekistan s representative at UNESCO, she said on Monday. Karimova-Tillyaeva, 39, said she would focus on helping run a charitable foundation named after her father who died last September after running the ex-Soviet Central Asian state with an iron fist for 27 years. In the near future, I plan to step down from my role as ambassador in order to focus on my family, personal goals, (and) projects being implemented by the Islam Karimov foundation as well as other creative, charitable and cultural projects, Karimova-Tillyaeva said at a conference on Uzbekistan s Islamic cultural and scientific heritage. Her once powerful elder sister, Gulnara Karimova, fell out with their father around 2014, and since his death Karimova-Tillyaeva has been his only close relative holding a prominent government post. Gulnara Karimova was sentenced in 2015 to five years probation - a measure which may equal house arrest in Uzbek law - for acquiring through extortion or embezzlement stakes in a number of companies, and for tax evasion. She is also being investigated on charges of fraud, evading customs and foreign exchange regulations, and money laundering. Karimova-Tillyaeva, who is married to Uzbek businessman Timur Tillyaev, has said she was estranged from her sister for years. It was unclear from her speech on Monday whether she planned to move back to Uzbekistan after leaving the post of ambassador at the Paris-based U.N. agency.
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Hull are looking for two new half backs as well as a hooker after releasing homesick Australian Kris Keating just 12 months into a three year contract . The Robins have sold both their co captains over the last six weeks , with hooker Josh Hodgson moving to the with Canberra Raiders and stand off Travis Burns joining St Helens , and have now reached an agreement with Keating to enable him to return home . The 25 year old Keating joined the club from Canterbury Bulldogs as a replacement for outgoing skipper Michael Dobson at the start of the season , but the club say he struggled to settle in East Yorkshire for family reasons and the player was dropped by coach Chris Chester for the last two matches . Hull have released Kris Keating after the Australian suffered from homesickness in East Yorkshire Hull chief executive Mike Smith said : ' Kris was unsettled and wanted to return home at the end of the season . ' He didn ' t figure in head coach Chris Chester ' s long term plans and an agreement has therefore been reached to allow him to go back to Australia . ' I ' d like to thank Kris for all his efforts with the club this year and we wish him all the best for the future . ' We have been planning for next season with this possibility in mind and the process of bringing in a replacement for Kris for 2015 and beyond has already been started . We hope to have some news on this for our supporters in the near future . ' A former Australian schoolboy international , Keating played for both Canterbury and the Parramatta Eels in the before joining the Robins and has made 24 appearances for the club this season , scoring five tries . Hull chief executive Mike Smith : ' Kris was unsettled and wanted to return home at the end of the season '
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Federal lawsuit seeks replacement of all Flint s lead pipes A new federal lawsuit over Flint s water contamination seeks to force city and state officials to resolve violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act , demanding they replace all of the lead pipes in the city s water system to ensure safe drinking water . In its complaint , an environmental and civil rights coalition argue ? that city and state officials failed to properly treat the water for corrosion , test it for lead , notify residents of the results , and accurately report whether the correct sample sites were being selected . The only way to permanently and completely fix the problem of lead in drinking water is to conduct the full replacement of the lead containing pipes and solder in the water system , said attorney Sarah Tallman of the Natural Resources Defense Council , one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit filed in Detroit District Court . Activists file suit asking for lead free pipes as polluted water corrodes the system weblink : t . co hnISNOE0rP pic . twitterweblink vy2bwaHYbU Other plaintiffs include the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan , Concerned Pastors for Social Action , and Flint resident Melissa Mays . A special prosecutor has been appointed to investigate how the city of Flint exposed at least 100 , 000 residents to lead poisoning . The financially strapped city was under the control of a state appointed emergency manager in April of 2014 when it switched its source of tap water from Detroit s system to the nearby Flint River in a cost cutting move . Operators at Flint s water treatment plant failed to treat the water to make it less corrosive , causing older lead pipes to dissolve into the tap water . Everyone in this country deserves and expects safe drinking water , regardless of your race , economic status or zip code , Pastor Allen Overton of Concerned Pastors for Social Action said in a statement announcing the lawsuit , according ? to MLive New Lawsuit Seeks Replacement of Flint ' s Lead Pipes weblink : t . co qeH2gf3Zfs pic . twitterweblink 3yOTLSB7oY ? Voice of America ( VOANews ) January 27 , 2016 The residents of Flint were stripped of their democratically elected authority and , in the name of saving a few dollars , have been forced to sacrifice their health in the process . This community deserves accountability , transparency , and justice , in addition to water that is safe to drink . The lawsuits name the city of Flint and the state officials who were overseeing the city when emergency managers were appointed to run its affairs . Governor Rick Snyder has estimated that it could cost up to 55 million to repair what officials have estimated are 15 , 000 damaged lead service lines delivering water to homes and other buildings . The lawsuit says the pipes should be replaced at no cost to customers , and also seeks relief for any medical harm suffered . Lead is a neurotoxin that can damage the brain and cause other health problems . Legionnaires disease spikes in Flint amid poisoned water crisis National Guard activated Governor Snyder has repeatedly apologized for the delay in addressing Flint s water problems , which have led some critics to call for his resignation or arrest . Residents of the city had been complaining for months about elevated levels of lead in their drinking water and the blood of some children . In response to questions about the lawsuit , Snyder said at a press conference on Wednesday that he could not discuss pending litigation . However , he did say that a lot of work is being done to even understand where the lead services lines fully are The short term issue is about recoating the pipes and that will be based on third party experts saying the water is safe , ? reported the Associated Press . Snyder said the government has created an office in Flint to increase administrative presence , calling it the beginning of a long term effort . The state Senate is due to vote on the supplemental appropriation of 28 million to address Flint s immediate problems . The funding would go to six departments to enable the state to increase National Guard efforts to distribute water , water filters , and tests , as well as to increase the number of nurses in schools , and replace fixtures in some public places . It has been 22 days since Governor Snyder declared a state of emergency over Flint s water poisoning . Flint s mayor , Karen Weaver , has announced that she has hired Virginia Tech professor Marc Edwards to oversee all water testing conducted by the state and federal government , adding that he will be fully independent , report directly to her , and be paid through private donations , according to . Edwards extensive testing helped bring the city s lead problems to light . Mayor Weaver also said there was a House spending bill pending in the state Senate which includes an additional 3 million to help the city cover losses from unpaid water bills . Flint residents should not have to pay for water they did not and are not using , Weaver said . Once we have more accurate numbers from the Flint water department , we will revisit what is right for our citizens . Flint residents still footing bill for poisoned water America weblink : t . co i9kOVuYylg Meanwhile , Michigan Democrats in the Congress introduced a bill on Wednesday that would direct the Environmental Protection Agency to notify the public and local health departments if the amount of lead found in public water systems warrants action in the event that the state has failed to do so . The bill is designed to close a federal and state gap in the s authority . Although lead levels in Flint spiked after the city switched its drinking water source , and the knew about the threat and told officials in the state to take precautions , the agency wasn t required to follow up on or enforce its findings , and the state never warned local residents about the potential health risks . When the people of Flint raised concerns about the safety of their water , the tested that water and found that it was dangerous to drink , Senator Debbie Stabenow said , reported ? The Hill . The State of Michigan chose to criticize and ignore those findings , which has caused irreversible harm to potentially a generation of children . This bill will give the clear legal authority to provide notice to the public when a state is not taking action on a public health safety crisis .
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US elections
01 25 2016 02 : 08 pm Updated 20 hours ago Look , let ' s get this out there once and for all : It ' s not that I don ' t think Bernie can win , it ' s that I don ' t want him to . For some reason , that ' s difficult for a lot of people to comprehend . I am a progressive . I want the things Bernie promises for this country . I want universal health care , and free higher education , and reduced incarceration , and an end to the artificial redistribution of wealth into the pockets of the filthy rich . But I also understand basic civics , and I read the news , so I know that the Republican party is simultaneously in shambles and completely entrenched in Congress . Bernie Sanders has no plan for enacting his ambitious , domestic , legislative agenda other than " political revolution . " Vote for me , he says , and we ' ll get the money out of politics and thereby force Congress to listen to the American people . Putting aside the questionable idea that campaign finance reform is the only thing standing between the United States and truly representative politics ( our politics was morally bankrupt long before Citizens United ) , we are not going to have a revolution in 2016 . We are going to have a new president . I know what a revolution looks like , and this election using the complicated system of party delegates and the electoral college to choose the leader of one of the three branches of the government of the most powerful empire in the world is not it . This is politics . And if Sanders tries to force this Congress to do something like raising the minimum wage to 15 an hour nationally , the likely political result will be a government shutdown . Jeet Heer summed this point up well at The New Republic last week : The great difficulty Sanders faces is that given the reality of the American political system ( with its divided government that has many veto points ) and also the particular realities of the current era ( with an intensification of political polarization making it difficult to pass ambitious legislation through a hostile Congress and Senate ) , it is very hard to see how a " political revolution " could work . This is not to say that the presidency is unimportant or cannot have revolutionary consequences . The accomplishments of President Obama , even in the last six years of a hostile Republican Congress , have been manifold . But that ' s precisely the point . As Jonathan Chait wrote at New York Magazine recently : Those areas in which a Democratic Executive branch has no power are those in which Sanders demands aggressive action , and the areas in which the Executive branch still has power now are precisely those in which Sanders has the least to say . The president retains full command of foreign affairs can use executive authority to drive social policy change in areas like criminal justice and gender and can , at least in theory , staff the judiciary . What the next president won ' t accomplish is to increase taxes , expand social programs , or do anything to reduce inequality , given the House Republicans ' fanatically pro inequality positions across the board . I ' m not , by nature , a pragmatist . I believe in thinking big , and I believe in thinking with our values . But I also believe in thinking about the fact that small policy changes have big impacts on people ' s lives . They might bore most civilized people to tears , but debates about closing the Medicaid gap created by Republican governors ' refusal to cooperate with the Affordable Care Act are important because without health care coverage , people die . So it matters to me that I simply do not believe that Bernie can deliver on his promise to enact " Medicare for all " style universal health coverage . Normally , a president comes out with a plan slightly more ambitious than what they would settle for , and then he ( always he ) negotiates his way to the center . Bernie is not like that . Bernie does not have work arounds , or plans for compromise , or any sense that it ' s worth settling to get some people some health care because that ' s lives saved . Time spent trying to force universal health care through a reluctant Congress and pissing them off in the process will mean fewer people insured than if Sanders simply focused on closing the Medicaid gap . So while Hillary ' s plans might be less ambitious and less progressive on most points , I believe that the actual ground that she will gain is greater than the actual ground that would be gained under a Sanders presidency . Hillary thinks in work arounds . She is , in many ways , the source of President Obama ' s growing assertiveness in the use of executive orders . She is smart , and she is ruthless , and she is good at politics , and I am tired of people acting like that ' s a bad thing when somebody is fighting for a better country . I am voting for Hillary because I like her . This post originally appeared in Bottle magazine .
US elections
US elections
A California man has stolen the crown of husband of the year , by surprising his wife with a birthday trip to London . And as a reminder of the occasion , the cheeky husband , from Upland , in San Bernardino County , recorded his wife ' s reaction to the gift . ' My wife wasn ' t able to travel much growing up , ' he wrote online . ' She had always wanted to go to Europe , especially London , and we had always talked about going someday . ' In this sweet video , a woman from Upland , California , receives the ultimate birthday surprise from husband Unbeknownst to his wife , her loving husband had began saving money for the trip of her dreams . ' I wanted to deliver the surprise to her in a really exciting way , ' he explained . ' She was already so excited to go to Santa Barbara for her birthday weekend that the thought of going to Europe would be totally off her radar . ' ' She told me not to get her anything else for her birthday , but I got her a few ' small ' presents anyway . ' The woman had wanted to visit London for many years , so her husband made her a travel scrapbook After flipping through pages of iconic London imagery , his wife unfolded her real gift : airline tickets ! The video starts out inconspicuously enough , with him presenting his wife with a wrapped gift , telling her to open it in front of him . ' The first one she opened was a dress that she wanted and the second one was the scrapbook , ' he wrote later . ' It ' s just something in case we travel , ' her husband explains off camera , as his wife pulls the large travel photo album out of the gift bag . At first , she was too shocked to believe it , but as it sunk in , she began to cry tears of joy Her husband had booked the entire two week getaway unbeknownst to her including accommodations As she flips through , she notices that every picture slot is filled with iconic London imagery . ' Just in case we ever go to London , so I decided to fill it with stuff , ' her husband explains . ' I decided to sort of play off of our ' dream ' of going to Europe some day by filling the book with pictures of our ' would be ' trip , since we talk about it so often , ' he wrote online after the fact . Later , her husband explained the video online , saying that his wife had never really travelled as a child She had long wanted to go to England and the two had often talked about their ' would be ' European trip And when she gets to the final page of photographs , she finds an airline ticket sticking out . ' I knew she wouldn ' t expect there to be actual tickets included that ' s why it takes a moment for it to sink in . ' His shocked wife questions at first whether or not they are really going , before beginning to tear up and bury her face in her hands . As she wipes away tears , her husband tells her that the photos are actually of where they will be staying ' Oh my gosh , ' the woman exclaims , once she ' s able to regain her composure . ' I have to get a passport ! ' ' I ' ve always wanted to go ! ' she says through her tears . And just when she didn ' t think the news could get better , her husband revealed that the images of London that he had filled the book with her actually photographs of the flat that they will be staying in . ' Oh my gosh , I have to get a passport ! ' she exclaims .
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Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a camera that can see directly into your soul . The camera , developed by a team of twelve students , can see into your deepest desires , your wants , and can help unfold the meaning of human . " Soul finding , " said Prof . Jack Nelson . " Is a difficult task . It could take months , years , lifetimes , to find it . With our new camera technology we can find out in seconds . " The technology will be patented by his team , and is already been used by the seach giant Google , to find out what you really want to search for . " Google Soul Search , " said a Google rep . " will make sure that you get what you really want . Of course , with our soul matching algorithm , we can actually find your soulmate . Plus , if you type a question , your soul will answer . " Google wil use your webcam or mobile phone camera to detect your utmost desire . The airport security industry has also embraced the technology . " We can find out , " said Rod Ryan . " if you are a terrorist . No racial profiling . This will eliminate the need for bag searches , scans , blah blah blah . We have fine tuned the camera to take pictures of your soul and search for the hate part . If terrorism is in your heart , we ' re onto you . " Privacy campaginers have nothing to worry about . The camera has a ' moral counter ' , which will determine whether the camera is being used for good or evil , rendering it useless in the hands of spammers . As of press time , a demo of the camera was shown to this reporter .
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The president joined congressional leaders on Capitol Hill on Wednesday to mark the anniversary of the ratification of the amendment to the Constitution . He said the nation was built on the premise that all are created equal . ? The White House ( WhiteHouse ) December 9 , 2015 " We betray the efforts of the past if we fail to push back against bigotry in all its forms . " ? 13thAmendment weblink : t . co JmxEHBBXwa ? The White House ( WhiteHouse ) December 9 , 2015 " We gather here to commemorate a century and a half of freedom ? not simply for former slaves , but for all of us . " ? ? The White House ( WhiteHouse ) December 9 , 2015 " We condemn ourselves to shackles once more if we fail to answer those who wonder if they re truly equals in their communities " ? ? The White House ( WhiteHouse ) December 9 , 2015 Remember that our freedom is bound up with the freedom of others ? regardless of what they look like . . . or what faith they practice . ? ? The White House ( WhiteHouse ) December 9 , 2015 " We condemn ourselves to shackles once more if we fail to answer those who wonder if they re truly equals in their communities " ? ? The White House ( WhiteHouse ) December 9 , 2015 " Because of them , a Civil Rights law was passed . " ? pic . twitterweblink DFrvekWmYd ? The White House ( WhiteHouse ) December 9 , 2015 Obama recounted how slavery shaped the nation ' s politics and nearly tore it asunder in the Civil War . He said the scars are still with Americans today . He pressed for Americans to push back against bigotry in all forms . 9 Of The Most Impactful Civil Rights Films . . . 9 Of The Most Impactful Civil Rights Films . . . Emma Stone stars as Skeeter Phelan , who has just returned from college and is in need of a job . On securing a position at the local paper covering a domestic column , she looks for the support of the help ? and finds advice from Aibileen Clark ( a part for Viola Davis that led to several award nominations ) . During the course of preparing the column , Skeeter observes the way the help is treated and the unjust world around them , and looks to write a book about their plight . Minnie Driver ( Octavia Spencer , who won an Oscar , Golden Globe , for the part ) joins the team and rallies the other maids to contribute , leading to many endearing scenes and stories about life downstairs for African American females in the 1950 s 60 s . Emma Stone stars as Skeeter Phelan , who has just returned from college and is in need of a job . On securing a position at the local paper covering a domestic column , she looks for the support of the help ? and finds advice from Aibileen Clark ( a part for Viola Davis that led to several award nominations ) . During the course of preparing the column , Skeeter observes the way the help is treated and the unjust world around them , and looks to write a book about their plight . Minnie Driver ( Octavia Spencer , who won an Oscar , Golden Globe , for the part ) joins the team and rallies the other maids to contribute , leading to many endearing scenes and stories about life downstairs for African American females in the 1950 s 60 s .
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US elections
Reuters) - A leading candidate to be Germany s next finance minister signalled his willingness on Thursday to seek a compromise with Emmanuel Macron over the French President s plans for deeper euro zone integration. Christian Lindner, who leads the Free Democrats (FDP) party negotiating to be part of Chancellor Angela Merkel s next coalition government, said European policy was one of the most important topics in the talks. Lindner said Macron who last month called for a joint euro zone budget and joint finance minister among other reforms had described political progress as a question of finding a balance between carrots and sticks. Let s take him literally (on this) on the European question, Lindner said at a book launch. That means if he wants to get something, he ll have to accept other things - for example an insolvency mechanism for states or for example the binding participation of private investors in any debt restructuring if it should be necessary, he said. This would be the bitter thing he would have to swallow to get something sweet - namely additional funds for investments, Lindner said. Veteran outgoing Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, wary of anything that might leave German taxpayers shouldering common euro zone debts, has been generally lukewarm about Macron s reform plans. Lindner may succeed him under the three-way coalition that Merkel is trying to form after her conservatives lost support in a federal election last month. It has been widely speculated that the would demand the top finance post as a price for joining in, though Lindner on Thursday stopped short of claiming the ministry for his party. Earlier this week, he had insisted that Merkel s Christian Democrats (CDU) should relinquish it. Lindner has repeatedly criticised Schaeuble, a fiscal hawk, as being too soft on Greece and putting loyalty to Merkel ahead of his own political convictions. Asked which characteristics the next German finance minister should have, Lindner said: Being consistent.
World conflict
A British pensioner has been trampled to death by a wild elephant at a jungle waterhole in India . Retired geography teacher Colin Manvell , 67 , went off alone on foot to take photographs of a kingfisher and never returned . According to a forest warden , the keen birdwatcher was attacked by a bull elephant which knocked him to the ground with its trunk , then stomped on him . Keen photographer Colin Manvell , 68 , ( left ) was taking pictures of the animals in a southern Indian reserve when he was trampled to death by an elephant The retired teacher , 68 , suffered serious injuries and died before he reached medical attention from a doctor Photographer : Mr Manvell was a bird enthusiast and keen photographer who loved to travel He was found badly injured as the elephant trumpeted nearby . With no doctor present at the local hospital , he died soon after . A friend in England said last night that the skilled photographer was hard of hearing , so may not have heard the animal approaching . Police in India were checking how the tragedy happened , with some reports suggesting Mr Manvell should not have been in the spot where he died . The pensioner , of Havant in Hampshire , had become a regular visitor to India in recent years , and produced impressive photographs of wildlife , including images of elephants at play , and close ups of birds and butterflies . His latest trip to the sub continent began just over a week ago . He was so used to going to the country that when he found all hotels booked up he was able to stay with a friend instead , and with the help of a forest guide named only as M Kumar planned a visit to the Masinagudi zone of the Mudumalai National Park in the southern state of Tamil Nadu . The park contains extensive forest and includes a protected tiger reserve . It also has a number of areas where guides are not supposed to take their clients . Wild : Elephants roam wild in Masinagudi National Park , where reports say tourists tried to warn the man before he was trampled Treks : Tourists can go on treks in Masinagudi National Park , pictured , to see the diverse wildlife in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu Guide Mr Kumar said yesterday : ' After lunch on Thursday , sir ( Mr Manvell ) went out on foot for bird watching near a lake which is a watering hole of wild elephants . ' When he did not return by 4 . 15pm , we followed his trail and heard the sounds of a tusker ( elephant ) trumpeting loudly . ' A forest warden who goes by one name , Gnanadoss , supported the suggestions that Mr Manvell did not notice the adult male elephant until it was too late . He said : ' It swiped him with its trunk and then trampled him on the ground . ' The forest warden added that the tragedy occurred 100 yards from a site where a woman was killed by elephants in 2009 . The retired geography teacher loved to travel and was a keen photographer He had been visiting a tour guide in India whom he travelled with twice a year when the fatal elephant attack happened Generous : Mr Manvell ' s brother described his sibling as ' generous ' saying he would make curries for the whole of his tennis club team when they had matches Mr Manvell ' s brother Derek , said without a doubt , Colin ' s biggest love was tennis and he had been involved in his local tennis club for years Mr Manvell was taken from the scene bleeding from his injuries but there were no doctors at the local hospital to treat him . He was driven to a medical centre in Cuddalore , more than 14 miles away , but died on the way . Mr Kumar added : ' He knew his way all around here . He was aware of the wild elephants and also the other dangers that lurk in the jungles . This is tragic . ' Last night Mr Manvell ' s brother Derek , 74 , said : ' In the last five years safaris have become his passion . He has been out there twice a year . ' His guide and friend found him on the ground . He died doing something he loved . ' Mr Manvell ' s nephew Roger Manvell , 47 , said : ' Our main focus is trying to get the body back home . ' Divorcee Mr Manvell had been head of geography at Warblington School in Havant . The man was trampled to death by the elephant in Masinagudi National Park , shown in red , south west of Bangalore
US elections
Donald Trump is a snake oil salesman. Anyone who paid attention during the election knows that, and increasingly, the people who took Trump at face value are beginning to realize it. Radio host Michael Savage was one of Trump s most rabid supporters, but on his show last week, he admitted to having an awakening, of sorts, and he s waking up in a nightmare of Trump s broken promises.It s not as if Savage, who s famous for quotes like this: Barack Obama is elected for another four-year term, he ll be president for life. He ll be the new Hugo Chavez. He ll do away with the two-term limit and win the 2016 election with 90 percent of the vote. We have less than six months to make sure this doesn t happen. Before Lyndon Johnson intervened to make sure blacks would become dependent on the government for just about everything they needed to live, black participation in the labor market was equal to or greater than that of whites. Today the official African-American unemployment rate which doesn t take into account the enormous number of blacks who aren t even trying to find jobs is around 14 percent. In fact, when you count those who don t even try to find a job, it s nearly 50 percent. When the numbers are added up, under this administration more than 60 percent of young black people are no longer even part of the labor force. It s the lowest ever recorded in our history. End affirmative action. We ve had a black president, black cabinet members from both parties, a black chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. As much as the left fashions themselves as being progressive, they re not. In reality, today s leftist movement is made in much the same way as a sausage it s a blend of fascist, communist, and socialist ideologies from twentieth-century Europe, with a pinch of Nazism, all ground together, yet retaining the flavor of its various parts. has suddenly grown empathy and has become aware of all the people a Trump presidency can hurt. Nope, Savage is disillusioned because Trump seems to be buddying up to some black guys.Savage, who has been credited with enabling Trump and his legion of racist white men, has been called Trump s ideological spirit animal. He shares Trump s hatred for People of Color, and despite being Jewish, Savage supports Israel but has a complicated relationship with Jewish people. It s no wonder, then, that Savage experienced some existential angst when Trump was seen cozying up to Kanye West, who Savage called a psycho rapper. Then, a caller had this so say: I think as badly of it as I think of a lot of the things he s doing, the caller said, referring to Obama. Talking about, you know, Obama and how he agrees with Obama on so many things. When he was running for president, he didn t agree with Obama on nothing; neither did I, neither did you, neither did any of the people voting for him, and now he talks about how he has great respect for him and he s calling him for his opinion and to invite this rapper up to Trump Tower had he told us he was gonna do these things, do you think this movement would have been as big as it was? I don t think so. Savage agreed with the caller, and said, I don t think you re alone. He then complained about Trump s appointments of establishment Republicans (no complaints about billionaires, though) and the fact that Trump is no longer talking about building a wall. I m waking up and it seems to be a nightmare, Savage said. One day after another, they seem to be tilting so far away from what they promised that it s hard to even remember what it is that he promised. Here s the audio:Featured image via Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images.
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US elections
Chris Rock joined in on the Brian Williams mocking Wednesday night with a filthy routine at a charity event in New York City that kicked off fashion week . The event for amFar , an charity , took place at Cipriani ' s downtown location , which Rock used in his Williams bashing . ' I ' m a little late , I went to the other Cipriani , ' Rock said . ' I was uptown . Brian Williams told me it was there . Lying bastard . ' But Rock wasn ' t done , reports Page Six . ' Six months ' suspension ? That ' s called fired where I ' m from ' : Chris Rock joined in on the Brian Williams mocking Wednesday night with a filthy routine at a charity event in New York City that kicked off fashion week ' Six months ' suspension ? That ' s called fired where I ' m from . Got more games off than Ray Rice . ' Rock also had some fun with his fellow speaker Rosario Dawson . ' I ' ve known Rosario since she was a B cup , ' he said , ' She won our hearts with her . . . megasmile , her down to earth compassion , and the greatest t s in the business . ' In handing Brian Williams a six month suspension for misleading viewers , Universal chief Steve Burke says his chief anchor deserves a second chance . Whether he actually gets one is an open question . Time is renowned for its healing powers but in this case , time also offers reasons for the split to become permanent . Naomi Campbell , Rosario Dawson , Marina Abramovic and Chris Rock pose at the amFar Gala , the unofficial kickoff for New York Fashion Week Universal bought time with the suspension , hoping to remove an unflattering spotlight on its most prominent personality after he falsely reported flying in a helicopter hit by an enemy grenade in the Iraq War . Veteran Lester Holt will fill in . With ' Nightly News ' atop the ratings for almost all of Williams ' decade long tenure as its lead anchor and back into the 1990s with Tom Brokaw Holt will be watched closely to see if he can maintain that lead . If he can , that may lessen ' s desire to bring back a more costly anchor with doubts cast on his trustworthiness . in the past year maintained and even improved its ' World News Tonight ' ratings after replacing well known anchor Diane Sawyer with David Muir . That indicates viewers care more about the content of the broadcasts than its anchors , said Andrew Tyndall , a consultant who monitors the evening newscasts . ' Not only is ( Williams ) dispensable , the business model is wrong , ' he said . Brian Williams was suspended for six months amid revelations he made up an experiencing being shot down in a helicopter during the invasion of Iraq
American football
Fort Lauderdale , Florida A 13 year old who witnessed another teen being set on fire last month apologized Tuesday , saying he is praying for the boy ' s recovery and he is sorry for what happened . Reading to reporters from a statement , Jeremy Jarvis whose older brother has been charged in the incident said that victim Michael Brewer is in his prayers . " I want to read something I wrote last night , " Jarvis said . " I want to express my deepest sympathy to Mikey and his family . I will pray for Mikey to grow stronger every day and for Mikey ' s speedy recovery . " Brewer , 15 , remains in guarded condition at the University of Miami ' s Jackson Memorial Hospital Burn Center . He suffered third degree burns over 65 percent of his body in the Deerfield Beach , Florida , incident October 12 , authorities have said . Police have been able to interview Brewer for the first time since the incident , the Broward County Sheriff ' s Office said . Hospital officials have said Brewer can communicate only in one or two word answers . " The more information we have , the better position we are in to make the right decision " as far as charges and how to proceed , said Maria Schneider , a prosecutor with the state attorney ' s office in Broward County . " I would say he Brewer needs a little more time to be fully prepared to provide a detailed account of the incident . " " It was difficult . It was difficult for him to talk about . Difficult for us to listen to , " she said of the interview . " Just difficult all around , heart wrenching . He ' s doing so much better , but it ' s such a terrible situation . " Jeremy Jarvis was arrested as a juvenile after Brewer was burned and spent about 30 days in juvenile detention . However , prosecutors have not filed charges against him . He still could be charged , as prosecutors have 90 days from his arrest to decide whether to move forward with the case . He has not been interviewed by police or prosecutors , Schneider said . " He has invoked his rights to counsel and has invoked his rights to silence . " His brother , Denver , 15 , is among three teenagers charged as adults with one count of attempted second degree murder in the attack . He has pleaded not guilty . " I want to tell my brother D . C . I love and miss him , " Jeremy Jarvis told reporters Tuesday . " I just hope and pray we all get through this . " The boy ' s attorney , Stephen Melnick , would not allow reporters to ask him questions . The extent of Jeremy Jarvis ' involvement remains under investigation , Melnick said , adding that police took a statement from Brewer on Monday . " As far as we know , he Jeremy Jarvis just followed and watched what happened , " he said . Denver Jarvis and Matthew Bent , also 15 , are accused along with a third teen , Jesus Mendez , 16 , of being in a group that poured alcohol over Brewer and set him ablaze in a dispute over 40 , a video game and a bicycle . All three pleaded not guilty in an appearance last week in Broward County Circuit Court . If convicted , they would face a sentence of up to 30 years in prison . Detectives say eyewitnesses told them that Mendez used a lighter to set fire to Brewer after Denver Jarvis allegedly poured alcohol over him . Bent allegedly encouraged the attack , police said . Brewer jumped into a pool at his apartment complex to put out the flames . Authorities have said Mendez admitted setting Brewer on fire . According to an arrest transcript , the boy said he made a " bad decision . " Dr Michael Brannon , a court appointed forensic psychologist , interviewed both the Jarvis brothers . The Jarvis family met at Melnick ' s office Tuesday , shortly before the boy read the short written statement to reporters . He took no questions . During the meeting , Jeremy Jarvis played with Melnick ' s dog . Although the state can still file charges against him , " it didn ' t matter to him , " Melnick said . " It was important to say how this really bothers him and how much he loves his brother and how much he hopes Michael gets better . " He said Brewer is a close friend of Jeremy Jarvis , and the boy is troubled by Brewer ' s injury as well as by his brother facing criminal charges that could land him in an adult prison if convicted . Doctors had planned to perform skin graft surgery on Brewer last Friday , but decided to wait and let him heal a bit more first , hospital officials said . His doctor has said he faces several more months in the hospital and will need multiple skin grafts and surgeries . Melnick would not say whether Jeremy Jarvis is cooperating with prosecutors , but said he didn ' t believe the boy ' s apology would affect whether charges are filed . " It ' s something he ' s been wanting to say from the start , " he said . " He ' s been asking every day if he could say something . " Broward County schools expelled the seventh grader after his arrest , Melnick said . He is being home schooled , and his family is exploring alternative education arrangements . Jeremy Jarvis turned 13 about a month ago , but " he understands what ' s happening , " Melnick said . " He spent 30 days in a jail . "
Other news2
Email All Hallows’ Eve comes just once a year! This Halloween, here’s how you can turn your own car into a traumatically frightening experience! 1. Create a that’s six hours of silence punctuated by sudden, blood-curdling screams at random intervals and have it playing at all times on maximum volume: Will the next 130-dB shriek sound off in the next 15 seconds or the next 15 minutes? Who knows! Soon, your car will be the talk of all the trick-or-treaters who see you incontinent with fear behind the wheel. 2. Tow a giant cage filled with several hundred bats behind your car so when you look in your rearview mirror, it always appears as though a cloud of bats is chasing you: This is a one-way ticket to fear—exactly how October 31 is meant to be spent in your car. 3. Paint a spooky night sky on the inside of your windshield: A witch on a broom flying in front of a full moon. Ghosts soaring through clouds. A constellation that spells “BOO!” These are just a few Halloween windshield obstructions that will chill you to the bone. 4. Tie a rope to each windshield wiper, and then tie the opposite ends of the ropes around the necks of two rabies-infected possums sleeping in your backseat: If it storms, you can be sure that your car will be a regular Dracula’s possum-infested castle on wheels! 5. Three words: Car. Window. Guillotines: Imagine it: You’re rolling up the windows to escape the cold autumn air and suddenly a window-size blade shoots down, nearly severing your arm. This is a car-based Halloween tradition you’ll want to bring back year after year. 6. Think about Frankenstein unbuckling you: Only for extreme Halloween fanatics—not for the fainthearted. 7. Place three pregnant tarantulas in your glove compartment, wait a week, open the glove compartment, and your car will soon be filled with tarantulas: Happy hauntings in your car!!!
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A first time mother who was sent home by doctors for an entire week because they didn ' t believe her waters had broken suffered infections and had to be placed on life support for three days following the horror birth . Brittany Spriggs was put in a coma at Gold Coast University Hospital after being rushed into four different surgeries due to complications during her daughter ' s birth on January 31 . Details of her horrific story came as the hospital ' s chief executive Ron Calvert ordered an independent review into the high mortality rate and other issues after several complaints were made about the birthing unit . Brittany Spriggs had four surgeries and was placed on life support after she started haemorrhaging due to complications during the birth at Gold Coast University Hospital on January 31 While a recent draft review into maternity services at the hospital confirmed the unit was safe based on a range of patient measures , Ms Spriggs said her experience left her heartbroken and wanting answers . Ms Spriggs , who was in intensive care for the first few days of her daughter Jasmine ' s life , says she was initially sent home from the Gold Coast hospital despite fearing her waters had broken . ' I woke up at 39 weeks to a pool of water in the bed . I went back to sleep thinking it was my waters breaking . I went to the hospital that morning but they told me to go home because it was just a watery discharge , ' she said . ' I really should have trusted my instincts because I went to my midwife appointment at 40 weeks and she told me I was a centimetre dilated . ' Ms Spriggs was in intensive care at Gold Coast University Hospital for three days and wasn ' t awake for the first few days of her daughter Jasmine ' s life While Ms Spriggs had to be induced , everything was going smoothly until her baby ' s heart rate dropped . ' They went in to break my waters but they ' d already broken at 39 weeks . . . So there was infection there and issues around that . Ms Spriggs , who was in intensive care for the first few days of her daughter Jasmine ' s life , says she was initially sent home from the Gold Coast hospital despite fearing her waters had broken ' I was put under when we got to theatre because the epidural was only working on one side and they didn ' t have time to fix it . ' Doctors performed an emergency caesarean and Ms Spriggs had just started to come around when she started haemorrhaging and had to go back to theatre . ' I said to the surgeon : ' Please don ' t let me die ' . I don ' t remember anything until I woke up in intensive care three days later . ' Ms Spriggs had to have four surgeries to stop her haemorrhaging and doctors still haven ' t been able to tell her how it happened . She believes an artery may have been cut during her caesarean but doctors haven ' t confirmed that . ' My husband was gowned up but I had to be put under so he couldn ' t come in . He had no idea what was happening . He was pacing up and down the hallway for hours , ' she said . ' The surgeon came out seven or eight hours later saying I was on life support and our daughter was in the ( neonatal intensive care unit ) . ' Her family took heartbreaking pictures of Jasmine lying on her mother ' s chest while she was still in a coma with tubes coming out of her body . ' It ' s actually quite a big blur . . . I don ' t remember the first moment I saw or held Jasmine , ' she said . ' For the whole nine months I was imagining her being born , but both my husband ( Jacob ) and I didn ' t get to experience that . ' Ms Spriggs says holding her daughter Jasmine for the first time was a blur because she was slowly being released out of a coma The first time mother was brought out of her coma after three days and spent several more in the maternity ward before she discharged herself Ms Spriggs says doctors told her the birthing horror was an isolated case and it had never happened in the years they had been practising . ' I didn ' t search for answers at first because I thought it had just happened to us . Now I ' m hearing more stories about ( complications ) there and now I ' m thinking why is this happening so much , ' she said . A Gold Coast Health spokesperson said it was well within expectation that difficult and complicated births take place . ' Over a hundred difficult cases occur annually and this is one such example , ' the spokesperson said . ' Our dedicated maternity team delivered over 4 , 300 babies in the last year and the number of families choosing Gold Coast University Hospital is increasing at a rate of over 15 per cent annually . ' When a woman experiences difficulties due to childbirth it can cause concern and distress to staff involved as well as those people directly affected . ' All complicated births are reviewed and discussed as part of an ongoing commitment to service . Where necessary such cases are followed up with further investigation in order to determine if there are lessons to be learned in future cases . ' Janie Lerch says she was left traumatised after giving birth at the hospital when a chunk of skin was taken from daughter Layla ' s head ( above ) as the midwife tried to break her waters Her now nine month old daughter Layla still has a scar from where the wound healed Janie Lerch says she was left traumatised after giving birth at the hospital when of chunk a skin was taken from her newborn ' s head as the midwife tried to break her waters . Her now nine month old daughter Layla still has a scar from where the wound healed . ' I didn ' t expect everything to be picture perfect , but I didn ' t think it was going to be like that , ' Ms Lerch said . ' I ' d already been in labour for 24 hours when the nurse told me to lay down so she could break my waters . She tried to do it but it was causing me excruciating pain . I was screaming and crying it was that bad . ' Ms Lerch went in for an emergency caesarean hours later and woke to find her newborn daughter had a cut on her scalp . ' Her dad showed me the cut on her head . I was quite bewildered . It ' s not like an incision from the caesarian it was like a wound , ' she said . Ms Lerch claims nurses did little to help her or her daughter . ' They ' re meant to be there to care for you , but I don ' t believe they cared for us , ' she said . Any patient who wishes to discuss the care they have received is encouraged to contact the Patient Liaison Service at Gold Coast University Hospital on 07 5687 2048 or at gcpls health . qld . gov . au .
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The host of the top rated reality show Project Runway , Heidi Klum , has just revealed that she has signed to appear on yet another reality show . The 39 year old German model who has graced the cover of a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue , been a Victoria ' s Secret Angel , and was named The European Female With The Best Looking Legs by Playboy Magazine mogul Hugh Hefner will soon be appearing in The Epitome Television Network show , Project : I ' m Looking For A New Husband . Klum has the body of a 27 year old and the face of a 37 year old , and she confided to Carolina Chipotle with Bedroom Pillow Talk that she was extremely depressed after her marriage to the one hit wonder Seal ended after seven years . When asked what caused the divorce Heidi " The Nightie , " as Charlie " The Space Cadet " refers to her , said that there were several very good reasons , some good reasons , and a few simply okay reasons . After being prodded a bit by Miss Chipotle , who is a close friend of Zac Efron , Heidi confessed that one of the good reasons was that she just got tired of hearing Seal sing his hit " Kiss From A Rose " on a daily basis sometimes as many as ten times a day . She said that she would ask him to stop singing that song and to please sing something by George Strait , Neil Diamond , or even the Beatles but he refused saying that the song had been voted the All Time number one song in the African country of Upper Shambutu . Klum , who appeared in the films The Devil Wears Prada and the sequel The Demons From Hell Wear Versace stated that her current boyfriend slash bodyguard Martin " Muscles " Kristen is not at all happy about her new show . : Heidi confessed to Miss Chipotle that if Marty does not like the fact that her new show is about her trying to get a new husband then he can just quit his bodyguarding job , walk out the door , and she will just hire another bodyguard quicker than Conchata Ferrell can eat a pack of Junior Mints .
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For someone who loves to be right beside the seaside , this hut seems like the perfect investment . But with no electricity or running water and limited furniture , 100 , 000 may seem a bit steep for those looking to snap up a small piece of the British coastline . The Happy Days hut in Southwold , Suffolk , is on a promenade , adjacent to the widest part of the beach . It is located on one of the most sought after stretches in the area , and estate agents believe it will fetch more than its already steep asking price . Owners are given a 30 year lease on the property from the council . They can commercially let the hut to holidaymakers on a daily or weekly basis , but cannot sleep in the huts overnight . There is only one room in the hut which has enough space to fit four people , but the buyers can choose to put in furniture or appliances such as gas stoves and generators to make it feel more comfortable . Luxury seaside property : The Happy Days Hut in Southwold , Suffolk , is on a sought after promenade facing the widest part of the beach . It has enough room to fit four people and cannot be slept in overnight Popular : There has already been a lot of interest from people in the community concerning the new property . The estate agents have said they rarely come up for sale Exclusive : The property is being put on the market for 100 , 000 , but the estate agent , Durrants , believes the hut could fetch more than the asking price . People are said to have already come forward to show their interest in the property View : It looks out onto the widest part of the beach and is popular with families because it is an area where children have the best opportunity to play Seafront community : Residents of the huts along the Suffolk beach are said to spend thousands on their upkeep . They are also able to make money by renting them on a daily or weekly basis to holidaymakers Interior : The property comes with a limited amount of furniture , is not connected to a water supply , has no electricity and no heating . Owners can however install gas stoves or use generators Rear : A small window looks out onto the hillside at the back of the beach hut . According to the head salesperson at Durrants estate agents , which is marketing the property , a similar hut recently sold privately for considerably more than 150 , 000 . Space : There is only one room in the beach hut which has limited space . Some owners do install beds , but the local council does not allow anyone to spend the a night in the huts Rare : The estate agents said the huts do not often come up for sale as they are on the best section of the promenade . A similar row of properties nearby sell for around 50 , 000 each , but residents are allowed to sleep inside
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San Diego , California And then they came for the children . Just when you thought Arizona lawmakers couldn ' t stoop any lower , these cowardly and shameful politicians grab a shovel and put in a basement . This fall , the Arizona legislature is expected to debate a bill that would deny birth certificates to U . S . born children of illegal immigrants the " anchor babies " that some Republicans have been trying to marginalize for years . The lawmakers are cowards because , first , they go after illegal immigrants who don ' t vote , lobby or contribute to political campaigns . And now they ' re going after children who don ' t vote , lobby or contribute to political campaigns . Whom are they not going after ? Employers of illegal immigrants . You know why ? Because they vote , lobby and contribute to political campaigns . By the way , the term " anchor babies , " which refers to the tots that supposedly increase the chances that mommy and daddy can stay in the United States even if mommy and daddy are in the country illegally , isn ' t just offensive and crude . It ' s also misleading . The fact that Elvira Arellano , an illegal immigrant from Mexico who was famously holed up in a Chicago , Illinois , church , had a U . S . born son didn ' t stop federal officials from deporting her in 2007 . Some anchor . The real anchor is a job , the kind eagerly provided by U . S . employers who thumb their noses at federal law prohibiting the hiring of illegal immigrants . In fact , right wingers acknowledge as much when they argue that if we dry up the jobs , illegal immigrants will self deport . What about their kids , some of which were born in the United States ? Why not stay for them ? Simple : Employment takes precedence . Thus , according to conservatives ' own arguments , there aren ' t anchor babies only anchor jobs . Also , you can bet that some of the same people who oppose citizenship for the U . S . born children of illegal immigrants also oppose the idea of granting a pathway to earned legalization what they call " amnesty " to illegal immigrants . Why ? Because , they say , you can ' t willy nilly convert those who are illegal to legal . Then how can those folks be so cavalier about making that conversion in the opposite direction by changing legal to illegal ? Lastly , one of the things you hear from amnesty opponents is that illegal immigrants should certainly not be given U . S . citizenship . It ' s just too valuable , they say . Agreed . But if it ' s so valuable , then why are some on the right so quick to strip it away from the children of illegal immigrants ? Don ' t U . S . citizens deserve more respect than that ? Apparently not . In the late 1990s , the member of Congress leading the crusade against " birthright citizenship " was Rep . Brian Bilbray , R California . The San Diego area congressman proposed a bill to limit the privilege to the children of U . S . citizens . The legislation didn ' t go anywhere . It couldn ' t even get a hearing from some of Bilbray ' s fellow Republicans , who cringed at the idea of visiting the sins of the parents onto the children . The same was true for another failed attempt by Rep . Nathan Deal , R Georgia , who , in 2005 , proposed a bill that explicitly denied citizenship to U . S . born children of illegal immigrants . The bill didn ' t go anywhere either , in part because not enough Republicans would even agree to give it a hearing . That same year , I discussed the idea with Rep . James Sensenbrenner , who was then chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and the author of a sweeping piece of legislation called " The Border Protection , Anti Terrorism , and Immigration Control Act of 2005 . " Among other things , the bill would have made unauthorized presence in the United States a felony . Yet even Sensenbrenner , not exactly a softhearted liberal , wouldn ' t touch the idea of denying citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants . When fellow Republicans tried to insert such language into his bill , he was careful to keep it out . There was a time when Republicans knew better than to handle radioactive material . My , how times have changed . And now all the opponents of birthright citizenship have to do is change the Constitution . The 14th Amendment makes clear that anyone born in the United States , with the possible exception of the children of foreign diplomats , is a U . S . citizen . " All persons born or naturalized in the United States , and subject to the jurisdiction thereof , are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside . No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States nor shall any state deprive any person of life , liberty , or property , without due process of law nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws . " Grasping at straws , restrictionists and nativists claim that illegal immigrants aren ' t " subject to the jurisdiction " of the United States . So what ? My concern isn ' t that critics don ' t know how to read the law . It ' s that they don ' t know how to read period . Jurisdiction applies not to the parents , but to the children . As U . S . citizens , they ' re subject to U . S . laws , but they also enjoy the protection of the U . S . Constitution . The closed border closed mind crowd may not like it , but that ' s the way it is . I ' m not surprised that this escapes the state of Arizona . iReporter supports the bill Given all that ' s happened in recent weeks in its jihad against not illegal immigrants but Hispanics in general , the Grand Canyon State seems to have more than its share of people who slept through high school civics , and they ' re being advised by lawyers who were obviously absent the day they taught " law " in law school . That ' s not a good look . The U . S . born children of illegal immigrants are legally entitled to U . S . citizenship . What part of " legal " don ' t the critics understand ? The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Ruben Navarrette Jr .
US elections
US elections
Trump Raises Concern Over Members Of Urban Communities Voting More Than Zero Times ATKINSON, NH—Warning supporters that the troubling practice could affect the outcome of the election, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump expressed strong concern Friday that members of urban communities were voting more than zero times, sources reported. Nation Puts 2016 Election Into Perspective By Reminding Itself Some Species Of Sea Turtles Get Eaten By Birds Just Seconds After They Hatch WASHINGTON—Saying they felt anxious and overwhelmed just days before heading to the polls to decide a historically fraught presidential race, Americans throughout the country reportedly took a moment Thursday to put the 2016 election into perspective by reminding themselves that some species of sea turtles are eaten by birds just seconds after they hatch. Report: Election Day Most Americans’ Only Time In 2016 Being In Same Room With Person Supporting Other Candidate WASHINGTON—According to a report released Thursday by the Pew Research Center, Election Day 2016 will, for the majority of Americans, mark the only time this year they will occupy the same room as a person who supports a different presidential candidate. Most Hotly Contested Down-Ballot Measures Of 2016 As Americans head to the polls, they will be presented with a number of issues to vote on besides choosing their representatives. The Onion gives voters an advance look at which measures will be included on the ballots in which states. New Heavy-Duty Voting Machine Allows Americans To Take Out Frustration On It Before Casting Ballot WASHINGTON—Saying the circumstances of this year’s presidential race made the upgrade necessary, election commissions throughout the country were reportedly working to install new heavy-duty voting machines this week that will allow Americans to physically take out their frustrations on the devices before casting their votes. Clinton Staff Readies Launch To Disable All Nation’s Electronic Devices YORK—In an effort to prepare for any new revelations that might emerge about her emails during her tenure as secretary of state, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton reportedly told her staff Tuesday to ready the launch of several electromagnetic pulses to disable all of the nation’s electronic devices. End Of Section
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US elections
She ' s been called Italy ' s answer to Michael Moore , and she doesn ' t pull any punches even when the subject she ' s taking to task is Italian leader Silvio Berlusconi . Filmmaker Sabina Guzzanti puts the prime minister ' s handling of the L ' Aquila earthquake , which killed nearly 300 people and devastated the city when it struck last year , under deep scrutiny in her latest documentary " Draquila Italy Trembles . " Recently screened at Cannes Film Festival , the documentary is creating a stir among critics and the Italian government alike . Even though he has been dogged by allegations of corruption and fraud which he strongly denies as well as criticism of his personal lifestyle , many Italians still support Berlusconi . She decided to focus on one disaster , L ' Aquila , to show how abuse of power , corruption and misinformation have contributed to what she presents as the precarious state of democracy in Italy today . The Italian government has responded angrily to the film , whose title is a combination of the words " Dracula " and " L ' Aquila . " Culture Minister Sandro Bondi refused to attend Cannes , where the film was shown as part of the festival ' s special screening program . Bondi issued a statement , dismissing the documentary as " propaganda " and saying it " offends the truth and all of the Italian people . " Guzzanti is used to incurring the government ' s displeasure . " Raiot , " a political satire show she wrote , directed and acted in , was cancelled after just one episode on a state owned television network following a defamation suit filed by Silvio Berlusconi ' s Mediaset network . In a retort , she made " Viva Zapatero , " a 2005 film that examines censorship . So , what is it about " Draquila , " Guzzanti ' s fourth feature , that has created an uproar among Berlusconi supporters ? Guzzanti argues that Berlusconi , whose ratings were suffering when the earthquake hit in April last year , took advantage of the tragic event to improve his image and boost the public ' s opinion of him . The documentary uses straightforward language to paint a stark picture of what the filmmaker sees as Berlusconi ' s exploitation of the tragic event . " Opinion polls showed his popularity was plummeting . So , when , at 0332 on April 6 , 2009 , an earthquake awoke even those in the Big Brother house , and when it emerged an entire town was destroyed , for Berlusconi it was like God reaching out to him again , " a voiceover says in the film . Watch a clip of the film In the wake of the quake , Berlusconi made a last minute decision to move the G8 Summit to L ' Aquila from Sardinia a gesture that attracted world attention and took advantage of photo opportunities in several trips to the leveled city . Even more damning , though , is the documentary ' s examination of the reconstruction efforts in L ' Aquila . In particular , the film takes issue with the role played by the Civil Protection Authority . The film argues that the government agency has amassed such immense power under Berlusconi that it can dodge the law when granting reconstruction contracts , for instance all in the name of emergency and safety . For Guzzanti , investigating the aftermath of the earthquake and the power of the Civil Protection Authority is a way of examining Italy ' s drift into authoritarianism . " They became like a private army of the prime minister with licence of spending money and making laws , " she said of the agency . " And I was shocked and started to investigate . " Her film has won praise , not only for its high degree of scrutiny , but for its even handedness as well . The Hollywood Reporter described " Draquila " as a " straightforward and surprisingly balanced documentary . " While her probing style and knack for ruffling feathers make it easy to draw comparisons with Michael Moore , Guzzanti distinguishes herself with an ability to control her outrage . As Variety pointed out in its review : " While she ' s omnipresent , this is not the Sabina Guzzanti show the helmer knows she doesn ' t need to constantly register her outrage for it to come across . "
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It is New York’s own version of hitchhiking: asking for a swipe of a stranger’s MetroCard. And just like the hitchhiker’s thumb, it has its own distinctive hand signal, which, if all goes well, results in a free subway ride. If all does not, it often leads to handcuffs. “The defendant moved his hand in a motion, which, based on my training and experience, is typical of asking to be swiped into the subway system,” Officer Kentrevo Mills of a transit counterterrorism unit in the New York Police Department stated in an arrest affidavit for a man beseeching swipes in February in the station at Lexington Avenue and 125th Street. For years, the police have been arresting people for asking for swipes in front of the turnstiles. That changed last month, when the police decided to try a more lenient approach against and other rule breakers, at least in Manhattan. Now officers are supposed to issue a ticket or court summons rather than make an arrest. But new statistics and a review of court records show, for the first time, the lengths the police had previously gone to try to stamp out the practice of . Even counterterrorism officers had arrested violators. Since 2013, the police have made more than 10, 000 arrests of people for asking for swipes and, therefore, impeding the flow of subway passengers, according to statistics from the police. There were 800 arrests this year alone, before the policy change. In explaining the more lenient approach last month to the rank and file, the Police Department’s internal order said the new policy was the result of a decision by the Manhattan district attorney’s office to no longer prosecute people arrested for minor infractions such as smoking in the subway, or taking up two seats on a subway car. In a statement announcing the change, Cyrus R. Vance Jr. the Manhattan district attorney, cited a desire to free the police, prosecutors and courts from processing the most minor cases. “And by reducing unnecessary incarceration, we make our criminal justice system fairer for all New Yorkers,” he said in the statement. In interviews, said they are more orderly than the police give them credit for. They are, after all, asking for admittance to the subway system, rather than hopping the turnstile, a misdemeanor. “They don’t want you to hop and they don’t want you to ask for a swipe,” James Green, 22, said as he begged for a swipe in the station at St. Nicholas Avenue and 125th Street this month. “What exactly are you supposed to do?” And with a single subway ride costing $2. 75, they see themselves not as scofflaws but as people who simply cannot afford public transportation. “Some people don’t have money on them,” Mr. Green said. “But they have places to get to. They might even have an emergency, you feel me?” “Once I have a job, I’ll never do this again,” William Rios, 50, said on a recent afternoon as he asked for a swipe in the station at 42nd Street and Eighth Avenue. “I’ve been since 10:30 a. m. and I got tired and now I want to go home,” he said. Mr. Rios said he had been arrested for in the past — a common complaint among men interviewed as they stood outside the turnstiles beseeching exiting passengers with, “Can I get a swipe?” Some forlornly flicked their wrists others, with more gusto, shot their hands far forward, elbows fully extended and flicked an imaginary MetroCard through the world’s longest card reader. Some stood politely to the side of the turnstiles others blocked the way. Between trains, a few scoured the ground for discarded MetroCards. From the police’s perspective, asking for swipes violates two rules: one against begging and another against blocking “free movement” in a station. (The New York City Transit Authority says that, though it is deprived of a fare, it has no problem with people using unlimited MetroCards to swipe in strangers.) Enforcement of these rules is “integral to maintaining the civility for each of our millions of riders,” Joseph Fox, the chief of the Police Department’s Transit Bureau, said in a statement. “Riders have come to expect, as they rightly should, to travel without harassment, without interruption, and without being subject to overt acts of criminality and disorder. ” Police Commissioner William J. Bratton has long regarded the subway system as the front line in the city’s struggle with criminals. In the early 1990s, Mr. Bratton, then chief of the subway police force, began cracking down on turnstile jumping, with great success. Turnstile jumpers, the police discovered, were sometimes armed and often wanted on warrants for more serious crimes. It turned out to be a very effective way to arrest criminals and, in Mr. Bratton’s telling, was the start of a policing strategy that has succeeded in beating back crime for more than 20 years. When Mr. Bratton became commissioner in 2014, he vowed to rid the subways of all kinds of rule breakers, from panhandlers to “acrobats,” as he called the subway dancers. were put on notice. The police say that a full of those arrested for asking for swipes are known as “transit recidivists. ” A review of arrests of dozens of revealed a few names matching those of registered sex offenders. But some who have been arrested for describe themselves as New Yorkers with little more than a few hopped turnstiles in their past. “They consider this panhandling, but this is just people getting home,” Chaazaq Washington, 20, said this month after his court appearance for a February arrest for soliciting a swipe. “It’s so petty — just because you make a hand gesture or ask for a swipe, they say this is breaking the law. ” now face a ticket with a fine of at least $25 and as much as $50, or a notice to appear in court in Lower Manhattan at a later date. “They are given a ticket because they can’t afford a swipe and now they have to get to a courthouse?” mused Stephen Pokart, a Legal Aid lawyer who has been defending the poor in court for 42 years. “Now they’ll have to ask for a swipe both ways. ”
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Most Americans had never heard of the Khorasan group until this week , when President Barack Obama announced that U . S . airstrikes in Syria had targeted the " seasoned al Qaeda operatives . " U . S . officials said that the Khorasan group was actively plotting to conduct an attack in the United States or Europe . " We can ' t say that we definitely disrupted their plots " against the West with the U . S . airstrikes , a senior Obama administration official told one of us , but " there is a decent chance we have " because " their communications are interrupted " and members of the group were killed in the strikes . The sudden public emergence of the Khorasan group as a threat underlines the fact that the global jihadist movement , which at the time of the 9 11 attacks was largely concentrated in Afghanistan , has morphed and metastasized a great deal since then . Which raises the question : What are the dimensions of the overall global jihadist threat today ? During the Cold War the U . S . intelligence community knew in detail the size of the Soviet military and the disposition of its forces across Eastern Europe and Russia . In the long , twilight struggle against al Qaeda , its affiliates , splinter groups , and like minded organizations armed forces that fight without uniforms and often in secret such an accounting is harder to do . This is as much as three times previous estimate of ' s strength U . S . officials initially estimated had around 10 , 000 fighters . To see if we could come up with some kind of estimate for the total number of militants fighting with jihadist groups around the world , we asked a range of experts to estimate the number of fighters belonging to various al Qaeda affiliated or like minded groups . These estimates appear in a report , which we helped to author , that was released this week by the Bipartisan Policy Center ' s Homeland Security Project , a successor to the 9 11 Commission . If we tally up the low and high estimates for all these groups , we can begin to have a sense of the total number of jihadist militants that are part of formal organizations around the globe . We found that on the low end , an estimated 85 , 000 men are fighting in jihadist groups around the world on the high end , 106 , 000 . How did we arrive at those numbers ? We assess that core al Qaeda , whose members are largely located in the Pakistani tribal regions along the Pakistan Afghanistan border , has been devastated in recent years by drone strikes and now numbers only in the low hundreds of militants . Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula ( ) , which operates out of Yemen , poses perhaps the most immediate threat to the U . S . homeland . had 300 original members in 2010 , expanding to around 1 , 000 by 2012 , and membership has remained steady since then , according to Gregory Johnsen , whose book " The Last Refuge : Yemen , al Qaeda , and America ' s War in Arabia , " is the authoritative history of . Jabhat al Nusra , the al Qaeda affiliate operating in Syria and northern Iraq , is estimated to be smaller than , with which it is presently at war . Aaron Zelin , who tracks Nusra for the Washington Institute for Near East Policy , estimates that Nusra has 5 , 000 to 10 , 000 fighters . ( The Khorasan group is only a small subset of Nusra ) . Al Shabaab , al Qaeda ' s Somalia affiliate , once controlled much of that country , but it has suffered a number of battlefield losses over the past three years . Ken Munkaus , a professor of political science at Davidson College and a specialist on Somalia , believes that the most reliable estimates for the group put the number of fighters between 3 , 000 and 5 , 000 . French military intervention in Mali in 2013 largely defeated the forces of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb ( ) and its splinter groups , which had taken over half of the country , but countinues to operate in Algeria , Mali , Mauritania and Niger . ' s main appeal is its wealth , as its focus on kidnappings for ransom has brought in an estimated 90 million . Hannah Armstrong , who studies North African militant groups for New America ' s International Security Program , estimates the total number of associated fighters in the Sahel region of North Africa at about 3 , 000 . Counterterrorism operations in 2009 and 2010 have reduced Jemaah Islamiya ( ) , al Qaeda ' s Southeast Asian affiliate . In the period after 2010 , " was severely crippled and could only stage small scale attacks " according to Zachary Abuza , a leading expert at the National Defense University . The U . S . National Counterterrorism Center ( ) assesses : " Southeast Asian governments since 2002 have arrested more than 300 suspected terrorists , significantly degrading ' s network . " About 100 Southeast Asians have reportedly traveled to fight with , which could reinvigorate Southeast Asian extremist networks . The threat to Western interests , of course , doesn ' t just come from those groups that are formally affiliated with al Qaeda . Though the Pakistani Taliban is predominantly focused on fighting in Pakistan , the group has repeatedly threatened the United States . The group was responsible for Faisal Shahzad ' s failed car bomb attack in Times Square on May 1 , 2010 . According to National Defense University Professor Hassan Abbas , who has written extensively on the Taliban , the Pakistani Taliban have anywhere from 17 , 000 to 22 , 000 foot soldiers . The influx of Pakistani Taliban militants into Afghanistan under the leadership of Pakistani Taliban commander Mullah Maulana Fazullah , who currently resides in Afghanistan adds more fighters to an already robust Taliban force : U . S . government officials estimate the number of Afghan Taliban members at around 35 , 000 . Since 2011 , the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan ( ) has lost several senior leaders , yet the group continues to pose a threat to Afghanistan and Pakistan . The claimed responsibility for the June 2014 attack on Karachi ' s Jinnah International Airport , which killed 28 people . The U . S . State Department estimated that as of April 2014 , the had about 200 to 300 members and that its splinter , the Islamic Jihad Union , has 100 to 200 members . Since its creation in 2002 , Boko Haram has only attacked Western interests once , when it bombed the U . N . office in Abuja , Nigeria , in August 2011 . The group has consistently shown little inclination for attacking Western targets and is principally interested in putting Nigeria under its version of Sharia law . Dr Peter Lewis , the director of African Studies at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies has estimated that Boko Haram had several thousand supporters and at least 300 armed men . ( We excluded from our overall account the armed forces of Hezbollah and Hamas , because these organizations also engage in conventional politics and governing and also do not attack American targets all facts that make them at odds with al Qaeda and its affiliates and splinter groups ) . The vast majority of the estimated 85 , 000 to 106 , 000 militants fighting with militant jihadist groups around the world are fighting for purely local reasons , for instance , trying to install Sharia law in northern Nigeria or trying to impose Taliban rule on Pakistan and Afghanistan , while only a small number of these militants are focused on attacking the West . By historical standards this is hardly a major threat . At the end of the Cold War , Soviet and other Warsaw Pact countries could muster around 6 million men to fight in a war against the West , a number that is some 60 times greater than the total number of militants estimated to be fighting for jihadist organizations today . And , of course , the Soviets had a vast supply of nuclear armed , land based missiles , nuclear armed submarines and nuclear armed bombers and many other highly sophisticated weapons systems that jihadist organizations have never acquired and are quite unlikely to . The only reasonable conclusion to draw is that the threat posed by jihadist organizations around the globe is quite inconsequential when compared with what the West faced in the past century .
World conflict
Tiger Woods faces two challengers as he bids to retain the world ' s No . 1 golf ranking for a 271st week at the Bridgestone Invitational starting in Ohio on Thursday . The 34 year old has been at the summit for an unprecedented 612 weeks in total , but once again faces the prospect of losing top spot to fellow American Phil Mickelson and a new contender , world No . 3 Lee Westwood . While second ranked Mickelson has failed to take advantage of Woods ' struggles in recent weeks , finishing only tied for 48th at the British Open , Westwood has racked up the points after placing second at his home major last month . The Englishman can go to No . 1 if he wins at Firestone and Woods is outside the top two or if he is second , the defending champion is 10th or lower and Mickelson does not win . Mickelson can finally surpass Woods if he wins , or if he finishes in the top four and his compatriot is outside the top 37 . " Am I conscious of the pack closing in ? Yes , because every tournament you guys remind me , " Woods told reporters on Wednesday ahead of his bid for an eighth title in the event . " You play . How I got here was playing golf tournaments and winning golf tournaments . " Woods will partner Westwood for the first two rounds in Akron , knowing that his rival has finished second in two majors this year and was runner up at Firestone behind Vijay Singh in 2008 . " I ' ve always enjoyed playing with Westy , he ' s a great guy . We ' ve been going at it for a long time , " he said of the 37 year old , who he also played with at the U . S . Open in June . " What he ' s done over the last couple of years I always knew he had that talent and level of play , now he is showing it . Almost every big event we always seem to get paired together . We ' re going to have a good time . " Woods has dropped out of the U . S . team ' s automatic qualification positions for October ' s Ryder Cup after a run of poor results , tying for 23rd at the British Open at St . Andrews last month as he struggled with his putting . " It has been off all year . I ' ve three putted quite a few times , which I don ' t do normally , so I ' ve had to go back to basics and practice a bit more , " he said . " I haven ' t worked on it as much as I should have the last couple of years , so I ' ve had to go back to that . " Masters champion Mickelson , whose only victory at Firestone came at the World Series of Golf in 1996 , will partner young Northern Irishman Rory McIlroy in the first two rounds . U . S . . Open champion Graeme McDowell will play with three time major winner Padraig Harrington , who returned to form with second place at last weekend ' s Irish Open .
Other sport
What do washing the dishes and uploading pictures to Facebook have in common? In most places, not much. But in Paris, they both could help heat your local swimming pool. To keep its bathers from shivering and its energy bills from ballooning, the city has developed some clever ways to reuse excess heat from two unconventional sources, computer servers and sewage. The wastewater from sinks, toilets, washing machines and so on pours into the Paris sewer system at an average temperature of 55 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. At the Aspirant Dunand swimming pool in the 14th Arrondissement of Paris, the stuff runs through pipes underneath the pool, where the warmth is captured with the help of metal plates in the sewage pipes. A system then transfers it to the pool water. The heat source at a swimming pool in the Butte aux Cailles neighborhood of the 13th Arrondissement will have to be kept much drier. A French company called Stimergy is scheduled to install several hundred computer servers in the building’s basement over the next year. The heat thrown off by the servers will go to the boiler that heats water for the pool and showers — a “data furnace,” if you will. Martins, the city’s deputy mayor in charge of sports, has said it is all part of a plan to make the city’s swimming pools more “ ” in preparation for the 2024 Olympic Games, which Paris is in the running to host. (Los Angeles and Budapest are the other contenders.) “We wish to reduce the environmental impact and ecological footprint of these facilities, while reducing chemical product use,” Mr. Martins said of the pools. Making Paris more environmentally friendly is also high on the list for Mayor Anne Hidalgo, a Socialist. To cut tailpipe emissions, her administration recently imposed a ban on vehicle traffic along a large section of the roadway that runs along the Seine.
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Trump has repeatedly decried the gun violence that plagues the city of Chicago, along with other Republicans and NRA-types who claim that Chicago is proof that gun laws only serve to create more bloodshed. Yet, here is Jeff Sessions, creating a program to give more federal manpower to 12 cities to help them combat violent crime and Chicago isn t one of them.The 12 cities are:The absence of Chicago and another city with a huge violent crime problem, Baltimore, is a bit surprising. Earlier this year, Donald Trump compared Chicago to Afghanistan in terms of being a war zone, and threatened to send in the feds if Chicago officials were unable to stop the bloodshed. He also blasted the Chicago Police Department for not doing the job: Maybe they re not gonna have to be so politically correct. Maybe they re being overly political correct. Maybe there s something going on. But a report blistered the over its use of excessive force and routine violations of the constitutional rights of residents. This is particularly true for Chicago s black and Latino residents. Furthermore, Chicago s mayor, Rahm Emannuel, has repeatedly asked for more help from the federal government to combat these problems.There s one worrying thing about this plan, too: Are officials going to work with these cities to develop broken-windows policing techniques? That doesn t work it just leads to a higher incarceration rate for ridiculously minor crimes. It also disproportionately targets the black community, making it an inherently racist policy.In the end, though, if Chicago is such a god-awful mess, and they want the help, then why wouldn t the put Chicago on this list? It s always possible that these 12 cities are testing grounds. However, it s also possible that they think they don t need to prioritize Chicago right now because they already sent 20 agents from the the ATF, and are considering reallocating federal prosecutors.A spokesman for the says that more cities will be added later in the year. The cities on this list will not receive more federal funding, per se, but they will receive agency experts and employees to work with their governments on developing strategies for how to best fight violent crime.Featured image via Scott Olson/Getty Images
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US elections
Michael Schumacher ' s daughter Gina Maria has revealed her impressive riding skills at a horse show in Germany . The 17 year old was one of the participants in the European Futurity Horse Show in the Bavarian town of Kreuth and looked every inch the professional rider throughout the tournament . Dressed in a variety of elaborately decorated cowboy style outfits and wearing a brown stetson hat , Miss Schumacher was seen riding a number of different horses as she took part in what is known as the ' First Go Round 2nd Section ' yesterday afternoon . The European Futurity Horse Show continues until Saturday evening , when Miss Schumacher is expected to take part in the grand final of the tournament providing she isn ' t knocked out of the competition over the course of the week . Impressive : Gina Maria Schumacher is photographed taking part in the week long European Futurity Horse Show in the Bavarian town of Kreuth yesterday afternoon Smart moves : Miss Schumacher was seen riding a number of different horses during yesterday ' s event Halt : Gina Maria Schumacher wore a variety of elaborately decorated outfits and a brown stetson hat In control : Gina Maria Schumacher , 17 , leads a horse by the reigns at the European Futurity show Miss Schumacher ' s impressive performance at the horse show comes just days after her 16 year old brother Mick returned to the racing circuit just weeks after he was involved in a 100mph crash and once again ended up going off the track . He made his pre season test debut in Formula 4 at the Oschersleben circuit in Germany but at one point was pictured accidentally driving through gravel . Mick , whose father Michael won the Formula 1 championship seven times , reached the new category after seven years of karting in what is seen as a stepping stone for junior drivers hoping to reach the top . Michael Schumacher , 46 , remains under the care of medics at his home on Lake Geneva following his catastrophic ski accident in the Swiss Alps in 2013 . One handed : The 17 year old was one of the participants in the European Futurity Horse Show in the Bavarian town of Kreuth and looked every inch the professional rider throughout the tournament Miss Schumacher revealed her impressive riding skills at the horse show in the Bavarian town of Kreuth Trotting along : Miss Schumacher ' s put in an impressive performance at the horse show yesterday afternoon Gina Maria Schumacher and boyfriend Riccardo are pictured at the European Futurity Horse Show Michael Schumacher spent months in a coma following the accident before being transferred to a rehab clinic in Lausanne , Switzerland . He was then moved to a medical suite built into his mansion last September . Since being transferred to the medical suite built into his home , a news blackout has fallen over his condition , but insiders report he remains mute and unable to move . In February , it was revealed that Schumacher had sold his Norwegian mountain holiday home for 2million as he continues to recover from his horrific ski injuries . The sale of the retreat , in Trysil , north of Oslo , comes after it emerged last year that his family was planning to build a 10million ' hospital ' room for the star at their home in Switzerland . Road to recovery : Michael Schumacher ( pictured with wife Corinna in 2004 ) was holidaying with family and friends in Meribel , France when the catastrophic accident happened in December 2013 Liquidating his assets : Michael Schumacher ' s family has sold his Norwegian mountain holiday home ( pictured ) for 2million as he continues to recover from his horrific ski injuries Schumacher , a very competent skier , was holidaying with family and friends in Meribel , France , where he owns a chalet when the accident happened in December 2013 . He was skiing with then 14 year old Mick on a red piste , which is classed for intermediate skiers . But shortly after 11am , he left the piste and skied on to an off piste area located in between the red run and a blue run , for beginners to intermediates . It was here that he struck a partially covered rock . He was not skiing fast but he lost control and catapulted 34 feet on to another rock . He smashed his head on the bolder . The force of the collision shattered his helmet . The footage recorded on a camera attached to his helmet was undamaged . Laughing : Gina Maria Schumacher ' s impressive performance at the horse shows comes after her 16 year old brother Mick ( left and right ) returned to the racing circuit just weeks after being involved in a 100mph crash Back in action : The protege was back on the circuit just weeks after a 100mph crash at the Lausitzring speedway in Brandenburg , eastern Germany The film , which included audio , captured the crash in full horror and was analysed by police who investigated the accident . Two months later , on February 17 , the head of the inquiry , Prosecutor Patrick Quincy , closed the case . He announced that any criminal wrongdoing had been ruled out . He cleared the ski resort , stating that the piste had been marked correctly and that Schumacher ' deliberately ' left the ski run . At the end of January it was announced that doctors had begun the process of gradually awakening him from his coma . Since September last year he has been looked after by medical experts at his home in Gland , Switzerland .
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Barack Obama urges swift action against Zika virus Barack Obama urges swift action against Zika virus Obama was briefed on the situation by top science experts in the government , including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , Health and Human Services , and the National Institutes of Health , according to a White House statement . President Barack Obama has called for faster research on the quick moving Zika virus , which is spread by mosquitoes and has been linked to a rise in birth defects in Brazil . Obama yesterday urged better diagnostic tests and the development of vaccines and treatments against the virus , which the World Health Organization has said is likely to spread throughout the Americas . As of now , there is no vaccine or medicine to treat Zika virus , and no way to prevent it other than by trying to avoid mosquito bites . Obama was briefed on the situation by top science experts in the government , including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , Health and Human Services , and the National Institutes of Health , according to a White House statement . Yesterday , the expanded its travel warning for pregnant women and those considering becoming pregnant to avoid 24 areas in Latin America and the Caribbean that have seen cases of Zika virus . Now , travelers are advised to postpone visits to the Virgin Islands and the Dominican Republic , along with Puerto Rico , Barbados , Bolivia , Brazil , Cape Verde , Colombia , Ecuador , El Salvador , French Guiana , Guadeloupe , Guatemala , Guyana , Haiti , Honduras , Martinique , Mexico , Panama , Paraguay , Saint Martin , Samoa , Suriname and Venezuela . There have not yet been any cases of local transmission of Zika virus within the United States , although infected travelers have returned to the country after visiting other areas . Zika virus is spread to people primarily through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito , according to the . Symptoms are usually mild and may include fever , rash , joint pain and conjunctivitis . However , the virus can pass from a pregnant women to her fetus , and global health authorities are concerned by an apparent link between Zika virus and nearly 4 , 000 cases of babies born with unusually small heads a condition known as microcephaly in Brazil .
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Lukas Mikelionis, Heat Street, October 24, 2016 {snip} According to Misao Dean, Professor of English at the University of Victoria, the canoe can be a symbol of colonialism, imperialism and genocide due to history. She also accused the canoers of cultural appropriation because they are primarily white men and have a privileged place in society. In a radio interview for Radio , which wasn’t picked up by the Internet until several months later, she claimed “we have a whole set of narratives that make the canoe into a kind of morally untouchable symbol, something that seems natural, that seems ordinary, and seems to promote values that we ascribe to.” “But I think if you look a little further that narrative obscures or erases another narrative–and that narrative is about, to be blunt, it’s about theft and genocide”, the professor said. {snip} “It’s not a coincidence that it was white men of a certain age . . . Certainly the majority of wilderness canoers are people who have a very privileged place in society. They’re frequently highly educated people. They’re almost completely white,” she said. Radio host Jim Brown then asked a question: “Should we look at the canoe as a non-controversial symbol or should we look at it as a symbol of colonialism?” To which the academic replied: “Absolutely a symbol of colonialism. It seems to me that this narrative we tell ourselves about the canoe about how canoeing makes us in touch with nature, how canoeing makes us in some way guiltless of the terrible things that the Canadian government and Canadians in general did to First Nations people.” {snip} Either way, somebody should break the news to Canada’s woke Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about this. It’s 2016, after all. Thrilled to let you know we’re going to need another seat in our canoe: Sophie is pregnant! #threeisthenewtwo pic.twitter.com/gm76BwAe4p
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Two years after being demoted to the status of " interesting asteroid " Pluto may regain the title of planet after a fourth moon was found orbiting the distant object . Pluto was not spotted until 1921 , and was thought to be planet sized due to it ' s distance and brightness . In the 1980s , somebody thought to have another look at Pluto with a better telescope and discovered it wasn ' t one planet , but two . After a bit of discussion , they named the smaller of the two planets Charon , and the larger of the two continued to be named after Disney ' s dog . " Our excuse is that Pluto is a long way away , " said Professor Brian Cox . " And cosmologists like using the big telescopes to look at things even further away , so looking at Pluto tends to be low on the list of priorities . " Excuses or not , it took another fifteen years before anybody thought to think about Pluto again , and it was not in Pluto ' s favour this time . " Because Charon doesn ' t really orbit Pluto , " said Cox , " they orbit each other , astronomers decided Pluto couldn ' t be a planet . " This annoyed a lot of astronomers , who grew up with nine planets , and they ' ve been searching for reasons to make Pluto a planet again . Very quickly , a third moon was found , but it orbited Pluto Charon . " That was quite interesting , " said Cox . " A little unusual , and in our own solar system . But it didn ' t make Pluto a planet . " The third moon still doesn ' t have a name , but will soon after the next meeting of the International Astronomy Union . To throw a spanner in the works ahead of their next meeting , a fourth moon has been found this week , and this one does orbit Pluto , although it ' s orbit is a little complicated . " It does orbit Pluto . But it also orbit ' s Charon . And sometimes both of them , " said Cox . " We think at times it may orbit neither of them . What the make of that , we ' ll have to wait and see . " It is expected that those who like order , simplicity and weak tea , will claim that Pluto is still not a planet , and those that like interesting , complicated and mint juleps will have to keep looking for a way to return the Solar System back to nine planets .
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Reuters) - Defying opinion polls and expert predictions, Democratic hopeful Bernie Sanders aims to seize the party’s White House nomination from Hillary Clinton’s grasp with a last-ditch come-from-behind triumph in California. By far the most populous U.S. state, California is the largest prize of the state-by-state nominating contests, and the vote on June 7 is one of the last before Democrats convene in July to select a nominee for the Nov. 8 presidential election. An aggressive schedule of large rallies is planned along with heavy purchases of TV, radio and online advertising in three languages and a “far, far more expensive” campaign effort than in any other state, Sanders campaign sources disclosed. “I think they’re still riding rainbow unicorns if they think there’s a path,” said Steve Schale, a Florida-based strategist, of Sanders’ bid for the White House. California has been a reliable source of campaign funds for Clinton, and opinion polls show her ahead there by as many as 14 percentage points. The statistical analysis media site FiveThirtyEight gives her a 91 percent chance of winning the state primary. The Sanders campaign push aims to net as much as a 10-point win in California, helping him deny the front-running Clinton the 2,383 convention delegates she needs to clinch the nomination and give him the momentum to force a contested convention where he can try to win over the “superdelegates,” those not decided by a state nominating contest and free to support anyone, the campaign sources said. Sanders, a U.S. senator from Vermont, has eroded Clinton’s lead in California, according to a Field Poll released on Friday. Clinton led Sanders by only 6 points in that survey, down from a double-digit lead earlier this year. “With California what we’re going to do is something that (Sanders) really likes to do: Barnstorm the place,” said Tad Devine, Sanders’ senior adviser, acknowledging Sanders’ underdog status against Clinton, the former secretary of state. That means two or three large-scale rallies a day for weeks, possibly starting in late April to target early voters, he said. Such rallies are a sweet spot for the 74-year-old New York-born democratic socialist’s firebrand speaking style championing the working class and vowing to erase economic inequality. At a late March event in The Bronx, he drew 18,500 people. Clinton leads in pledged convention delegates - those allocated to candidates on the basis of the state primaries and caucuses - with 1,287 to 1,037 for Sanders. A candidate needs 2,383 delegates to clinch the nomination. California has 475 delegates, to be divided proportionally according to the June 7 primary vote. The Clinton campaign plans to put up a fight. Local and national surrogates will speak out in English and Spanish and staff will beef up offices up and down the West Coast as the California vote nears, her campaign said. “We’re fighting for every vote by talking to Californians about why Hillary Clinton is the only candidate in this race who will break down the barriers that hold people back and deliver real results,” Amanda Renteria, Hillary for America national political director, said in a statement to Reuters. “Headed into the June 7 primary, our volunteers and supporters are knocking on doors and hitting the phones to share with friends, family and neighbors Hillary Clinton’s plans to create more good-paying jobs in California, keep our streets safe from gun violence, protect our environment, reform our immigration system and ensure all Californians have access to a good education and quality affordable health care.” Sanders has won seven of the last eight state nominating battles but faces a potentially rougher road in big states like New York, where Clinton was a U.S. senator and which holds an April 19 primary. Sanders aims to overcome the edge that Clinton, wife of former President Bill Clinton, has enjoyed with minorities. Larry Cohen, a senior adviser to the campaign, said the campaign aims to match or outdo the 10,000 volunteers it enlisted in New York by drawing on the Labor for Bernie volunteer group, local and national unions and other groups. “We’ll certainly do Spanish-language advertising,” Sanders’ campaign manager Jeff Weaver said. Devine said that Vietnamese was also part of the plan. The languages are nods to California’s large populations of Latino and Asian voters. Weaver compared California to Michigan, where Sanders notched a surprise win in early March after advertising in Arabic to woo the state’s heavy concentration of Muslims. The campaign has yet to set a budget for California, but given the state’s size, the effort will be “hugely expensive - far, far more expensive than any other state that we’ve done,” Weaver said. In California so far, the campaign has raised about $9.8 million from more than 26,000 donors, the most Sanders has received from any one state, according to a Reuters analysis of campaign finance disclosures. Clinton has raked in significant sums also in California. An analysis of campaign reports filed with the Federal Election Commission indicate her campaign raised $26,687,011.37 from donors in California from the time she entered the race in 2015 until the end of February.
US elections
US elections
Gary Cahill has hinted Chelsea are feeling the pressure of the Premier League title run in . Jose Mourinho ' s men are chasing a first Premier League title in five years . The Blues have four draws in their last six games in all competitions , including on Sunday at home to Southampton as they missed the chance to move eight points clear . Chelsea defender Gary Cahill tussles with Southampton forward Shane Long at Stamford Bridge on Sunday Diego Costa ( second from left ) opens the scoring in Chelsea ' s 1 1 draw with Southampton Two of those draws were against Paris St Germain , in exiting the Champions League on away goals , while one of the two wins in the same unbeaten run secured the first silverware of the season . ' We ' re desperate . . . not desperate , it ' s the wrong word we ' re looking for the next convincing win , the next win , to get us back up and running , ' Cahill told Chelsea . ' We should be going out playing with freedom and not feeling the pressure . ' We should be going out and enjoying ( it ) . I think that comes with winning games . The next win I ' m sure is just around the corner for us . ' Hull , Chelsea ' s next opponents on Sunday , have been warned , particularly as the Blues have a full week ' s preparation , unusual at this time of the season . ' We ' re out the competitions , apart from the Premier League , ' Cahill said . ' We can prepare well . A week , which is rare for us , to prepare for the next game , which is important . ' Chelsea lost on New Year ' s Day at Tottenham whom they beat two months later in the Capital One Cup final at Wembley but since exiting the Cup to Bradford , have won half of their games in an unbeaten 10 match run . Former Atletico Madrid striker Costa celebrates with team mates including Cesc Fabregas ( left ) Chelsea remain six points clear of second placed Manchester City following their draw with Saints The Blues ' nearest rivals Manchester City lost at Burnley on Saturday but Mourinho ' s men were unable to fully exploit the slip , instead enhancing their advantage , which includes a game in hand , to six points . Mourinho refuses to believe it is purely a two team race between Chelsea and City , with Arsenal seven points behind and Manchester United eight adrift . The draw with Southampton came in the first match after the European exit to . Cahill , who has won the European Cup with Chelsea , but is yet to win a Premier League title , said : ' Playing for this club the expectations are so high . We didn ' t lose the ( ) game , we drew . All of a sudden everyone ' s saying ' what ' s happening here ? ' ' As players we have to focus on the job in hand and that ' s the Premier League . ' I ' m sure we ' ll kick on . Man City dropped points and we picked up another point . Our goal difference is good . ' It ' s by far the end of the world , but we ' re looking for the next result . ' It ' s a massive opportunity for us this season , everybody knows ( that ) . Southampton midfielder Dusan Tadic scores his side ' s equaliser from the penalty spot at Stamford Bridge Chelsea skipper John Terry looks dejected after the final whistle as the Blues drop points again ' Ten games left to go now and we ' re in a fantastic position . ' Mourinho bemoaned Southampton being awarded a penalty and Chelsea being denied one when Branislav Ivanovic appeared to be tripped by Dusan Tadic . Ivanovic said on chelseafcweblink : ' I was at full speed , he stood on me and I went down . The decision was the referee ' s ( Mike Dean ) , so I don ' t have anything to say . ' Southampton withstood a late onslaught from Chelsea , with Fraser Forster performing well in goal . The former Celtic goalkeeper told Saints ' YouTube channel : ' We ' ve got a fantastic belief as a team . ' We keep moving forward and we can do that . On any given day we can match teams . ' It ' s just about trying to do that consistently . ' We ' re going to keep working as hard as we can right until the end . ' Ronald Koeman ' s men are sixth , one point behind fifth placed Liverpool , ahead of next week ' s match at home to Burnley . ' We can be very proud of what we ' ve done , ' Forster added . ' But it ' s only a good point if we go into next week ' s game , work as hard as we can and come out of that with a result as well . ' It ' s an important game , a tough game so it ' s vital we get another good week of training and then see what we can do next weekend . '
Donald Trump s Co-Chair of the Veterans For Trump Coalition in New Hampshire, Jerry Delemus, was just arrested by the on nine charges, including conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States.Jerry Delemus, a significant component of Trump s campaign effort to attract veterans, is a Tea Party activist who made trips to take part in the Bundy Ranch stand-off. According to the indictment being brought against him, Delemus was a mid-level leader and organizer of the conspiracy who, among other things: recruited, organized, trained and provided logistical support to gunmen and other followers and organized and led armed patrols and security checkpoints. Delemus s connection to Trump is certainly a factor, but it s also damaging to the Republican party as a whole. Jerry s wife, Susan Delemus, is a lawmaker in the state of New Hampshire s House of Representatives. News of the incident first broke when Susan called Jack Kimball, the former chairman of the New Hampshire to let him know that the was raiding their house. Here s what Kimball wrote on Facebook: She said that the just rolled up with lots of vehicles and Agents who were in tactical gear. They forced their way into Jerry Delemus and Sue s condo with weapons drawn and arrested Jerry and took him away. Currently, the is not taking questions on the matter and is asking that anyone needing more information to get in contact with the Department of Justice. As of right now, the U.S. has not gotten back in touch with local newspaper Portsmouth Patch, who reported on it first.Here is a list of the charges Delemus is currently being faced with:In addition to taking part in the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Preserve in Oregon, Delemus was a security team member on the Bundy Ranch in Nevada.Even though these charges are quite serious (and factual) it s likely the right is going to chalk this up as retaliation for being either 1) a Trump supporter or 2) because of their anti-government beliefs.Delemus s wife had already been an outspoken proponent of big government and lying politicians, even before the ransacked her home. That is, everyone but Trump. You may remember her face from a recent survey she did, in which she professed her ardent support for the man: We ve got people in positions of power who I know for a fact are liars. Liars! I watch the My president comes on the and he lies to me! I know he s lying. He lies all the time. Trump supporter: I believe Donald. I m telling you he says what I m thinking. weblink @CNNPolitics Eugene Scott (@Eugene_Scott) December 10, 2015No, Delemus was not arrested because of his Trump beliefs. If that was the case the would have hauled her crazy ass off with him and thrown her in a jail cell, too.Featured image via screen capture.
American football
US elections
Dady Chery News Junkie Post Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. F. Scott FitzgeraldEducation is the latest public commons that is being turned into a commodity by a group of the world s arrivistes, including Douglas Becker, Donald Trump, and Bill and Hillary Clinton. Money brings, in those who obsessively accumulate it, a transformation of thought and deed that is most discernible in the nouveaux riches.To give meaning to their purchasing power, they commodify all they can. As part of this process, and almost as a celestial joke, they also become persuaded that anything can be bought. Gradually, they come to believe that money will guarantee access to anything, the acquiescence or corruption of anyone, the evasion of any law or ailment, and the repair of any deficiency including, in many cases, a spotty education.Consider 49-year old Douglas Becker, the founder, Chairman, and of a network of 88 for-profit institutions in 28 countries that offer undergraduate, master s and doctoral degrees and enroll more than a million students. Becker s for-profit institutions, which are mainly in South America and Europe, although also in the United States and quickly branching out through Asia and the Middle East, cynically exploit the deeply held belief by many people that an education is a passport out of poverty, to in-debt, ambitious working-class people.Laureate has especially targeted as a market Latin America, where in many countries only about 20 percent of college-age people manage to gain admission to the public universities. Such institutions are free, but they require passing grades on difficult entrance exams and are the most prestigious schools in these countries.Becker did not reach his status by attending college. Possibly he regards as a fool anyone who does, although he claims that his mission is to make a college education more accessible. According to Bloomberg Markets, Becker worked at a Computer Land store while he was in high school, and he got his first taste of money by selling to Blue Cross Blue Shield the idea of a swipe card with patient information. He then built on this wealth by buying a stake in a chain of tutoring services called Sylvan Learning Systems, taking Sylvan public in 1993, and targeting universities on the verge of bankruptcy for purchase by Sylvan.The first such acquisition was Universidad Europea de Madrid (UEM) in 1999. now boasts of 15,600 students and claims that 90 percent attain employment within 12 months of completing their studies, but it mentions nothing whatever about its faculty, which is known to have dropped by more than 40 percent within its first five years under Laureate.As has cut its teaching staff, it has increased its cachet by inviting famous people to its campus to accept honorary degrees and large speaking fees. Like the Wizard of Oz, Becker confers degrees on anyone he wishes, including honorary doctorates from on South Africa s Nelson Mandela and Turkey s Recep Tayyip Erdogan.Istanbul Bilgi University, where the faculty was cut and prevented from unionizing even as the enrollment grew by more than 40 percent and the tuition climbed to $14,000 per year, was among about 20 institutions that Sylvan controlled by 2007. That year, Becker renamed his operation Laureate Education and took it private in a $3.4 billion deal that might have been conceived to prevent the scrutiny of shareholders.The main backers included Henry Kravis, of the New York based equity firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR); Steven Cohen of Point 72 Asset Management (formerly Capital Management); and Citigroup Private Equity. Within three years of Kravis investment of $487 million, his portion of the business grew to $711 million.Financial analyst and whistleblower Charles Ortel points out that the buyout involved unnecessary risks, and one of the main players, Steven Cohen, had to make a $1.2 billion settlement with the Justice Department in 2014 for allegations of insider trading regarding another business deal. Ortel explains: When the management of a publicly traded company wants to take the company private, there is an inherent conflict of interest because the management knows more than the public as it raises the money to buy up the public shares. In this case, the process of negotiating among multiple parties with aligned and with competing financial interests took about 15 months from start to finish: a quite long time. The buyout transaction was completed on August 17, 2007, just as strains on the global economy and financial system began to accentuate. Given the financial performance of Laureate since August 2007 and the risks that are materializing now, the price paid to other public shareholders of Laureate by Douglas Becker and members of the buying group may seem attractive, in hindsight. Regulators might choose to re-examine more carefully the process by which Mr. Becker secured financing to buy out public shareholders, concentrating on the variances, if any, between representations made to investors and lenders to the buying group, with disclosures made to the selling shareholder. Details of another profitable move by Becker became known just before Hillary Clinton s announcement of her latest presidential bid, when she and Bill Clinton made public their federal income tax information. In their tax returns, $16.5 million of payments from Laureate to Bill Clinton were disclosed that purportedly were made for his role as the Honorary Chancellor of Laureate International University. Recall that Hillary Clinton had become the Secretary of State in 2009 and that Bill Clinton was, at all times in position to exercise significant influence over the affairs of the Clinton Foundation and all its affiliates, including Clinton Global Initiative, Inc. (New CGI), which had been involved with Laureate in a venture known as Clinton Global Initiative-University or CGI-U Charles Ortel said.Indeed, during the same period, the State Department initially granted $55 million to International Youth Foundation, a charity in which Becker has been actively involved for years and that is based in Maryland. The government later organized for Laureate to receive $100 million from the World Bank s International Finance Corporation (IFC); in this transaction, a fund managed by the provided $50 million and the sovereign wealth fund of Korea provided $50 million.Ortel has verified the Clintons taxes and says they are a huge mess. He notes that: Bill and Hillary Clinton each earned substantial sums for speeches rendered in numerous states other than New York and Washington, DC, and many countries other than the US, yet they have not supplied information concerning such state and foreign tax filings. Furthermore the Clintons did not disclose their transactions with Laureate as Related-Party Transactions in their Form 990s for the Clinton Foundation and New CGI, not only in their original filings for 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013, but also in their corrected filings. It is not even clear how CGI-U is controlled, whether it is registered in all legal jurisdictions where it operates, or what its financial results may have been. In an interview with Richard Johnson of the New York Post, Trump advisor Roger Stone wondered if the Clintons got rich from State Department funds. Further, he accused the Clintons of helping Laureate to eliminate its competition. Stone argued that the payments to Bill Clinton have protected Laureate from government attacks on their accreditation and fitness for student loans even as much smaller operations like Corinthian and Trump University have been severely hit.Corinthian went bankrupt in 2015 after a federal district court in Illinois found it to be liable for $530 million in predatory loans for promising its students jobs that did not materialize and getting them heavily indebted. Trump University was recently hit by fraud lawsuits from New York and California for calling itself a university, although it had been doing so since its inception in 2005. By contrast, no lawsuit so far has stuck to Laureate.Possibly the main mistake of Trump U. and Corinthian has been to grow on citizens, unlike Laureate, which has taken care to parasitize foreign nationals first, particularly working-class people from emerging powers.Bill Clinton s greatest help to Laureate has likely come as introductions to foreign politicians, most of them probably corrupt, who could influence their governments student loan programs. The highest number of campuses in any single country so far is in Brazil, where Laureate owns 12 institutions. There Dilma Rousseff s seven-fold increase of government-backed student loans has been a great boon. The Centro Universario of Rio de Janeiro is a typical campus. Enrollment there has more than tripled because of a Ponzi scheme in which, to pay their loans, students become employed as telemarketers who recruit new students and are paid by the head.The school remains open although Rio s legislature has criticized it for firing faculty while it achieved its extraordinary expansion. In Chile, where President Sebastian Pinera raised taxes around 2012 to fund student loans, Laureate owns five institutions. At Santiago s Universidad de Las Am ricas (UDLA), accreditation was withdrawn in 2013 because graduation rates had dived, and 10,000 new students had been added as the number of teachers had dropped. accepts students with scores as low as 20 percent on its entrance exam and has been described as the place where you go when no one else will accept you. The list of campuses goes on. You may inspect them here.Laureate decided to go public again in fall 2015. It filed to convert to a Delaware-based public benefit corporation for an initial public offering (IPO) in which it disclosed $4.7 billion in debt, probably hoping that the would erase some of this crushing debt burden. With friends like the Clintons, how can it lose? If Laureate continues to grow, it will expand to the market, and there will be no way to stop it when it does.Imagine, if you will, a Laureate bid for Brandeis University (which was in the red after Bernie Madoff squandered its endowment) or Wayne State University (where a city such as Detroit has gone bankrupt); imagine further the devaluation of every degree that these universities have granted. Now think of your school, suddenly insolvent, or your children s schools becoming parodies of educational institutions.Clinton has packed Laureate s board with people from his 1993-2001 administration, including his former Secretary of Education, Richard W. Riley; his former Secretary of Housing and development, Henry Cisneros; and his former head of the Information Agency, Joseph Duffey.Quite apart from the fact that the Clintons and their associates appear to have set up a for-profit education scam to dwarf all others, they also seem to have established an entity that can grow their wealth, finance their political campaigns on the sly, grease the wheels wherever needed, and indefinitely keep them in power regardless of voter choice.All of it has been done so far on the backs of the world s aspiring poor, with the collusion of their governments and pretext of improving their lot. This is the way of the Clintons and their rich friends.*** Dady Chery is the author of We Have Dared to Be Free. Photographs one by Joe Brusky; two by Joi Ito; three and four from the archives of Universidad Europea de Madrid; six from Quinn Dombrowski; seven from the archives of the World Bank; and nine from Mike Licht. 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West Ham supporters have given a mixed reaction after details of a 2 , 616 corporate hospitality packages at their new Olympic Stadium home were announced . The Barclays Premier League club launched the Boleyn package on Monday , which involves a dedicated bar with free half time drinks , a entrance and seats on the halfway line for 1 , 000 fans willing to pay the fee . The deal sees the first season cost 2 , 616 and those after 2 , 016 , but any supporters interested in the package have to commit for three years , meaning they must pay 6 , 648 in total . Fireworks mark the opening ceremony of the London Olympic Games at the Olympic Stadium in 2012 It includes all of the club ' s Premier League home matches and match day programmes , the first three cup games , and offers priority for semi finals and finals . West Ham leave the Boleyn Ground for Stratford in August 2016 , but some fans haven ' t taken kindly to the proposed package . ' It ' s not the working man ' s game anymore , hasn ' t been for a while now , ' Paul Daniels wrote on West Ham Til I Die . ' New plastic fans with no sense of history are taking over . Videoing on their mobiles to show their mates they are at the match . ' More of a status symbol these days . Modern life is rubbish . Viva le Bovril and Wagon Wheels . ' Another user , Minty61 , wrote : ' What a rip off . Next ( the ) prawn sandwiches will appear ! ' West Ham manager Sam Allardyce ( right ) poses for a photo with a Hammers supporter at Upton Park Diafra Sakho celebrates after he scored West Ham ' s first goal of 2015 at Upton Park Sean Whetstone , on the other hand , feels it will benefit the club at their new home : ' Whilst I understand some of the comments I also appreciate West Ham need to cater for more affluent fans who can afford this new package . ' It should raise 6 . 6million for the first three years which will help invest in better players to improve our successes on the pitch , many may not like it but it is just progress . ' And on Knees Up Mother Brown , Hammerted wrote : ' I think it ' s a great idea that will generate extra funds for our club from those fans who are fortunate enough to be able to afford it . I wish I was one of them , but I don ' t begrudge them , nor do I berate those behind the plan . A West Ham source said : ' The Boleyn was only launched on Monday morning but demand has been four times higher than the Club ' s expectations . ' If sales continue at the same pace as we have seen today , The Boleyn will be sold out well ahead of schedule . '
21st Century Wire says This is something which 21WIRE has been warning about for years, ever since the regional police confabs and fusion centers began the new national obsession with Active Shooter drills. In this latest episode of the Daily Shooter, local law enforcement in Punta Gorda, Florida, accidentally use live rounds and fatally shoot an innocent woman participating in a so-called shoot/don t shoot scenario where a police officer plays the role of the bad guy and the unsuspecting woman the victim. Punta Gorda Police Department (Facebook)Mary Knowlton, 73, was shot by at least one live round, possibly more, during the exercise. She later died at the local hospital.Fatal Fusion DrillAccording to the City of Punta Gorda s website, the decedent and 34 other people were attending a free, eight session course of interactive classes designed to provide insight into City government and to develop future leaders through well informed and civically engaged residents. The program is officially called Citizens Academy and gives citizens an up-close and personal look at how City government functions and helps shape our community. Woman killed in Punta Gorda gun demonstration weblink #winknews pic.twitter.com/UQqPchucZb News (@winknews) August 10, 2016At press time, no media outlets are questioning why Punta Gorda s citizens are being subjected to this level of simulated violence during a government funded civics class. What have we learned? Nothing. AT: 21st Century Wire Daily Shooter Files
Other sport
Overwhelmed by the sadness of the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida where 50 people were killed, the 70th Annual Tony Awards and host James Corden sent a message to hateful bigots everywhere.Conservatives are applauding the mass shooting, which occurred at an night club. But the Tony Awards countered the hate with an opening number celebrating diversity.In his opening remarks, Corden declared that hate will never win and sent support and condolences to the victims and their families. Good evening. All around the world, people are trying to come to terms with the horrific events that took place in Orlando this morning. On behalf of the whole theater community and every person in this room, our hearts go out to all of those affected by this atrocity.All we can say is you are not on your own right now. Your tragedy is our tragedy. Theater is a place where every race, creed, sexuality and gender is equal, embraced and loved. Hate will never win. Together, we have to make sure of that. Tonight s show stands as a symbol and a celebration of that principle. Here s the video via YouTube.Indeed, it was exactly that as Corden then launched into a number featuring himself singing in every Broadway play imaginable, including The Lion King, Grease, and Les Miserables just to name a few.And then he sang about how any kid could be on Broadway some day no matter what they look like or who they are. To the theatre kids of any place with stardust in their eyes, Corden sang as children of all ages and ethnicities took the stage. Of every color, class and race, and face, and shape and size. To the boys and girls, transgenders too, to every Broadway would-be. Don t wonder if this could be you. It absolutely could be! Here s the video via YouTube.And the diverse Tony Awards wouldn t be complete without a shot at the Oscars and Donald Trump, which James Corden also provided. Think of tonight as the Oscars, but with diversity, Corden joked. It s so diverse, Donald Trump has threatened to build a wall around this theater. Featured image via screen capture
Other sport
Matt Schaub ( left ) and the Ravens and Lamar Miller ( right ) and the Dolphins are each barely hanging onto their playoff hopes . The next loss for the Baltimore Ravens and Miami Dolphins will virtually end their playoff chances . After avoiding one last week in stunning fashion , the injury riddled Ravens look to continue their turnaround by winning a sixth straight meeting with the floundering Dolphins on Sunday . The only way Baltimore ( 4 7 ) and Miami ( 4 7 ) will have a shot at the playoffs is to run the table over the final five weeks . The Ravens very nearly didn ' t even have that chance before emerging with an unbelievable 33 27 win over Cleveland on Monday night . Defensive end Brent Urban blocked a potential winning field goal as time expired and Will Hill gathered the loose ball and raced 64 yards to give Baltimore a second straight victory and third in four games . " We ' re relevant in December , " coach John Harbaugh said . " That ' s where we needed to be . " 2016 Draft : Projecting order of top 5 teams That ' s surprising since the Ravens are without quarterback Joe Flacco ( knee ) , wide receiver Steve Smith ( Achilles ) , running back Justin Forsett ( broken arm ) and linebacker Terrell Suggs ( Achilles ) for the season . " We ' re battle tested , " Hill said . " We ' ve all been fighting all year long , no matter the ups and downs , the injuries , people getting cut . It doesn ' t matter . We believe in each other . Faith and guts . That ' s all we have now . We ' ll continue to fight and be the best Raven team we can be . " Matt Schaub gets his second start in place of Flacco . He completed 20 of 34 passes for 232 yards with two touchdowns and two interceptions , one returned for a by the Browns . Schaub is 5 0 as a starter against the Dolphins , winning both matchups in Miami . That all came with Houston and he last faced them on opening day of 2012 , which was also Ryan Tannehill ' s first start after being drafted eight overall earlier that year . Tannehill is trying to lead the Dolphins to their first playoff appearance in seven years , and he ' s now having direct input on the direction of the offense , which ranks 27th with 20 . 5 points per game . Miami has dropped four of its last five , averaging 15 . 6 points and 299 . 8 yards after totaling 82 and 937 while winning the previous two . The decision to get Tannehill more involved and simplify the offense came after interim coach Dan Campbell fired offensive coordinator Bill Lazor on Monday , turning play calling duties over to quarterbacks coach Zac Taylor . The move came a day after a 38 20 road loss to the New York Jets . " I ' m a big believer that your quarterback should have some influence , " Campbell said . " It ' s like anything else if you have an idea and you ' re willing to stand up on the table for it , you ' re going to do everything it takes to make it work . You ' ve just got to make sure it doesn ' t go too far and you clutter his head with a bunch of things that slow him down . " The Dolphins are expected to run the ball more after doing it 23 times for 82 yards over the last two games . Their 12 yards against the Jets was the third lowest total in team history . Lamar Miller had two yards on five carries last week , giving him 148 on 49 attempts with three touchdowns over the last five games . His limited involvement against New York was partly due to Miami falling behind 21 0 before Tannehill hit Jarvis Landry , Greg Jennings and DeVante Parker with touchdown passes as the comeback fell short . " We have playmakers , " said Tannehill , who had 351 yards while throwing a career high 58 passes . " We just have to find a way to score more points . " That could be a problem with Landry and fellow wide receiver Rishard Matthews nursing injuries . Matthews is out after suffering cracked ribs last week . Tannehill is also dealing with a Ravens defense that ' s yielding 269 . 7 yards per game 78 . 3 rushing over the last three . Baltimore has also blocked a punt or kick in five straight games to become the first team since Atlanta in 1983 to accomplish the feat . Javorius Allen , a fourth round pick earlier this year , will be the Ravens ' top running threat after gaining 55 yards on 12 attempts in his first career start Monday . He added four catches for 29 yards and his first career touchdown . Miami ' s run defense is last in the league , surrendering 138 . 5 yards per game 163 . 0 during the past four contests . Including playoffs , Baltimore has won five straight against the Dolphins with four of those victories coming in Miami .
American football
US elections
Istanbul A top Turkish official said Saturday that authorities believe those responsible for a pair of deadly car bombings earlier in the day had been in contact with the Syrian government ' s secret police force . In a news conference , Deputy Prime Minister Besir Atalay said the Syrian government was linked to the attack . " The investigation into the perpetrators is for the most part complete . It has been determined that the organization and its members who carried out the attack were in contact with pro Syrian regime Al Muhabarat ( Syrian Intelligence Services ) organization in Syria , " he said . " The organization is identified and for the most part the persons involved are identified . " Atalay added that license plate checks have been " completed " and " the organization and its members ( behind the attacks ) have been largely identified . " But Syria ' s information minister denied that his country had any involvement in the bomb attacks . Omran al Zoubi made the comments Sunday while speaking to journalists in Damascus on Syrian . " We were saddened yesterday for the fall of martyrs in Turkey , " al Zoubi said . " In one way or another Turkish people are the Syrian brothers . " The two car bombs exploded Saturday afternoon in the southern Turkey town of Reyhanli , according to Turkish Interior Minister Muammer Guler . In addition to the 43 people dead , 29 people were injured critically , said Guler . Atalay added that 50 people were still hospitalized as of Saturday night . The first blast occurred at about 1 : 55 p . m . at the municipality building , which houses city government offices . A second , more powerful blast occurred in front of the post office . In both cases , cars were loaded with large amounts of explosive material , according to Guler . There was a third explosion of a diesel fuel tank elsewhere in Reyhanli , but Guler said this was ruled an accident . Abu Marwan was just outside of the town when he heard the blasts and hurried to the scene of one of them , where he saw " body parts everywhere . " " Buildings and the walls of buildings are collapsed , " Marwan said . " The windows , the cars , everything is burned around it , people are burned . So many injured . The scene is outrageous , may God grant us peace . " A video posted on YouTube showed a column of thick , black smoke rising from the center of town another video showed what appeared to be where one of the bombs erupted . Rescuers were pulling bloodied people from the street , the side of a building had been torn off and the windows of the building across the rubble crusted street had been blown out . The blast drew swift condemnation internationally , including from U . S . Secretary of State John Kerry , who vowed that Washington will " stand with our ally , Turkey . " The report came shortly after the Local Coordination Committees for Syria , an opposition group , reported that Syrian government forces had fired several shells toward Reyhanli , which is in Turkey ' s southern province of Hatay . Several Syrians were among the casualties , according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights , another opposition group . But that did not spare Syrians residents of the town from being blamed by residents . " People with sticks in their hands are going after Syrians , " Marwan said . " We almost have more Syrians here than Turks , and people are getting angry . " The town ' s location in Hatay province along the southern border with Syria " carries sensitivity , " Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan told reporters here , according to . " Around ( 20 , 000 ) to 25 , 000 Syrians live here in camps as our guests . Certain steps as in Reyhanli today may be taken to affect the sensitivity in Hatay by those not willing to accept the status quo . " Turkey hosts more than 190 , 000 Syrian refugees in state run camps , and more Syrians who have fled their country to Turkish cities and towns . In addition , Turkey has played a major role in providing assistance and a relatively safe springboard for operations to Syrian opposition groups . The timing of the blasts comes as momentum toward a resolution of the Syrian issue has grown , said Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu , reported . " Such blasts taking place on Saturday were no coincidence , " he told reporters in Berlin , where he was on an official trip . " The tranquility and stability of the Turkish Republic and our citizens have priority more than anything else , " he said . " It is possible that certain sides may want to sabotage Turkey ' s tranquility . No power would be successful in hurting Turkey ' s tranquility . " In a statement , the opposition Syrian National Coalition condemned the attacks . " The Coalition sees these heinous terrorist acts as an attempt to take revenge on the Turkish people and punish them for their honorable support for the Syrian people , including their welcoming of Syrian refugees who have fled the regime ' s crimes in their villages and cities , " it said . " The Coalition views this attack as a desperate and failed attempt to sow discord between the two peoples . " The conflict in Syria has repeatedly spilled across borders to Turkey , prompting Turkish security forces to reinforce the frontier . At Turkey ' s request , the military alliance deployed several Patriot missile batteries to protect Turkish border cities from the threat of Syrian missile attacks .
World conflict
The great director Alfred Hitchcock used to describe the distinction between surprise and suspense in terms of a bomb placed underneath a table . A bomb specialist ( Jeremy Renner ) finds more than he bargained for in " The Hurt Locker . " If two people sit at the table and the bomb suddenly goes off , Hitchcock explained , that ' s surprise . But if an audience watches the bomb get placed under the table , and the people at the table have an innocuous conversation , and the bomb is set to go off in a few minutes , and time ticks away while the audience fidgets that , said Hitchcock , is suspense . " The Hurt Locker " director Kathryn Bigelow had plenty of both to work with . " The Hurt Locker , " which opens in limited release June 26 and wider throughout July , concerns a Baghdad based American bomb disposal unit in the Iraq war . It ' s the job of the unit , and particularly Staff Sgt . William James ( Jeremy Renner ) , to find and defuse the bombs set around the city , a constant battle during the film ' s 2003 04 time frame . The IEDs ( improvised explosive devices , planted by insurgents ) the unit must deal with are a constant presence and cunningly planted . One is in an abandoned vehicle outside a government building . Another is implanted in the chest cavity of a murdered youth . Others are left in trash heaps , buried in the ground and attached to an unwilling suicide bomber . Watch a clip from the movie Bigelow , who directed from journalist Mark Boal ' s script , gives the film a documentary style , shooting from the perspective of bomb finding robots , the windows of nearby apartments and even the inside of James ' heavy duty high tech protective suit , which resembles nothing so much as a real life military version of the spacesuits worn by the astronauts in " 2001 : A Space Odyssey . " The cast and crew primarily shot in Amman , Jordan , as well as near the Iraqi border , heightening the realism . The bombs aren ' t in some remote desert they are placed on city streets , among people and soldiers trying to go about their business . " I wanted to create a real you are there , boots on the ground feeling , " Bigelow ( " Point Break , " " K 19 : The Widowmaker " ) said in a joint phone interview with Boal . " But I wanted to humanize the film , ground it in geography using the canvas of the city . " " The Hurt Locker " the expression refers to the pain of explosions is based on Boal ' s reporting for Playboy . The journalist and screenwriter , who also wrote the story on which " In the Valley of Elah " was based , was embedded with a bomb squad for several weeks . He observed that although the units have the latest technology along with the suits and robots , the men communicate through helmet microphones and protect one another with various guns and ordnance bomb disposal still comes down to experience and wire cutters . " The technology is only useful up to a point , " he said . " It doesn ' t cure everything . You only have to open up the newspaper to see how much damage bombs can do . " In the film , James is an adrenaline fueled expert who joins an Explosive Ordnance Disposal squad after its previous leader , played by Guy Pearce , is killed in action . James has to win over a by the book sergeant ( Anthony Mackie ) and a despairing specialist ( Brian Geraghty ) while trying to get through the five plus weeks until the company ' s tour is over . The movie doesn ' t gloss over the challenges of the duty Geraghty ' s specialist regularly meets with a therapist , while Renner and Mackie ' s characters lock horns over the safety of James ' methods but also showcases the heroism of men doing a thankless job in a war zone . Indeed , the film barely scratches the surface in showing the sheer volume of IEDs : A bomb disposal unit could face a dozen a day , Boal said . " The Hurt Locker " also proved a showcase for its performers , some of whom ended up in the film almost by accident . Along with its film stars there are cameos from Ralph Fiennes , David Morse and Evangeline Lilly the movie gave screen time to actors forced out of Baghdad during the war . " A great surprise was , of the hundreds of thousands of refugees living in Amman , many were actors . There was a fairly big theatrical community in Baghdad , " Bigelow said . " They were really grateful for the opportunity to act again . " " The Hurt Locker " has its own challenges . It ' s being released during summer movie season , a time when people welcome the fake explosions of action films but may find the tense struggles of real bomb disposal experts too much to take . But the film also has much in its favor ( including , for studio bean counters , a low budget ) . It ' s won a number of prestigious awards ( including four honors at the Venice Film Festival ) , and it ' s received glowing reviews . " ' The Hurt Locker ' is a near perfect movie about men in war , men at work , " wrote Time ' s Richard Corliss . " It ' s one of the rare war movies that ' s strong but not shrill , and sympathetic to guys doing an impossible job . " Bigelow , who says the film fits comfortably in the war movie adventure genre , said she was drawn to the " opportunity to look at the heroism of these men , " what that bravery costs and what it saves . She hopes she ' s succeeded . " The film , " she said , " doesn ' t let you forget . "
Other sport
Caroline Kennedy, daughter of President John F. Kennedy, has left her post as Ambassador to Japan. After being forced out by the incoming Trump Administration (with no replacement) Kennedy is returning back to civilian life in New York.According to the New York Post, Kennedy is eyeing a potential Senate bid in New York for 2018, in which she would face popular incumbent Kirsten Gillibrand and Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney.But the sources from the Post also say Kennedy s eye is going even further, which includes a White House bid in 2020. Should Trump still be in office (and seek a second term), Kennedy would be seen as a liberal alternative to the populist billionaire.According to one source, who is close to the Kennedy family and Caroline Kennedy herself: Caroline had a successful ambassadorial run in Japan and feels really very confident about putting her hat in the ring for a New York congressional or Senate seat, with even possibly bigger political objectives down the road. Another source added: Caroline is seen in some quarters as the next Hillary Clinton. She has the Kennedy name but no Clinton baggage. After serving as Ambassador for three years, Kennedy oversaw an expansion of relations between the U.S. and Japan, which included controversial stances against whaling, and ending nuclear arms expansions.During Kennedy s tenure, her office came under intense scrutiny from the Inspector General s office. The report, which was described as damning, alleges that Kennedy, like Hillary Clinton, used a private email server and mismanaged many aspects of her office. Kennedy has defended her use of private email, as well as her handling of the Ambassador s office.Before becoming a diplomat, Kennedy had been a steadfast advocate for many progressive issues, including her uncle Ted s mission in life universal healthcare. Kennedy also holds progressive views on a variety of social issues, which include supporting abortion rights and causes. She has called for reauthorizing the assault weapons ban, and says needs to be re-examined. One issue that bogged Clinton down in the primary was her initial support for the Iraq War, but Kennedy claims to have opposed it from the beginning.While Kennedy has the money (her net worth lies between $80 million and $500 million), the name recognition, and the support to run, nothing has been set in stone. Everything is speculative.Aside from Senator Cory Booker, Kennedy has become the first rumored potential candidate for the 2020 election season.Featured image via Slaven Vlasic via Getty Images
US elections
US elections
Donald Trump was in Nashville this past weekend and spoke to the silent majority that he says is sick of being the patsies .
US elections
US elections
Kabul , Afghanistan Five militants set off a deadly car bomb and then stormed a guest house used by foreigners in Afghanistan ' s capital Friday , holding a number of people hostage during a standoff with police before one of them was shot dead and the four others blew themselves up , the country ' s deputy interior minister said . A girl was killed and a security guard was wounded in the explosion at the beginning of the attack , said Deputy Interior Minister Gen . Mohammad Ayoub Salangi . Everyone who had been held inside the building escaped unharmed , he said . The girl ' s name and information on her nationality weren ' t immediately available . A spokesman for the Interior Ministry , Sediq Sediqqi , said 20 foreign nationals were moved to a safe place during the attack . He said the target of the attack was Roots of Peace , a U . S . based aid organization whose offices are in the building . The group works with people of war torn communities " to provide lasting economic opportunities , " according to its Facebook page . The Taliban claimed responsibility , with a spokesman , Zabiullah Mujahid , saying they attacked a location used by foreigners as a church and for converting Afghans to Christianity . The attack began when an unoccupied car containing a bomb exploded outside the building , the deputy interior minister said . As five militants stormed the guest house , police shot and killed one , he said . The four others held inside the five people three Americans , a Malaysian and a person from an unspecified African country as a standoff with police unfolded , he said . The Uzbek Embassy and offices of other organizations are located nearby , police said . The attack came three days after militants stormed an election commission office in Kabul . That led to a five hour gunbattle with Afghan security services in which five people were killed two police officers , two election commission workers and a provincial council candidate , a spokesman for the Afghan Interior Ministry said . The Taliban , who also claimed responsibility for Tuesday ' s attack , have vowed to use force to disrupt the planned April 5 presidential election . Last week , the Taliban also claimed responsibility for an attack on the Afghan capital ' s Serena Hotel in which a reporter for the Agence France Presse news agency , his wife and two of his three children were killed . Five others were also killed . The hotel was hosting celebrations to mark the eve of the Persian New Year .
World conflict
As the assesses emails from former congressman’s devices, his sex scandal is once again making headlines. Joe Biden’s response: ‘Oh, God’ By Oliver Milman The Guardian October 31, 2016 As a fractious and often sordid presidential campaign reaches its denouement, Hillary Clinton may be reflecting upon the grim irony that it is Anthony Weiner who has provided what could be the final, miserable twist. Weiner’s predilection for sending sexually laden text messages derailed his career in Congress and his chances of becoming mayor of New York City , but his soap-opera-style re-emergence in the 11th hour of the presidential race may yet trigger the greatest political carnage of all. His appearance comes in an election already defined by allegations of inappropriate sexual behaviour by Clinton’s husband, former president Bill Clinton, and by the Republican nominee, Donald Trump . On Friday, Clinton called on the to “immediately” explain its announcement that it was reviewing a new batch of emails relating to her, after a review of her use of a private email server was closed in July. Then, the director, James Comey, said Clinton had been “ extremely careless ” in her use of a private server while secretary of state, but said there were no grounds for a criminal investigation. On Friday, he said in a letter to members of Congress that the bureau would analyze newly discovered emails that “appear to be pertinent to the investigation”. Republicans were quick to characterise the move as a “reopening” of the investigation into Clinton’s server, a description Democrats rejected. It was later reported that the new emails came from an iPad, cellphone and laptop seized by the and previously shared by Weiner and his estranged wife Huma Abedin, a top Clinton aide. Clinton’s campaign and the Obama administration have been left bewildered by the latest intervention, less than two weeks before the election, with Weiner’s involvement rubbing salt into the wound. John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, said: “Director Comey’s letter refers to emails that have come to light in an unrelated case, but we have no idea what those emails are and the director himself notes they may not even be significant. “It is extraordinary that we would see something like this just 11 days out from a presidential election.” Vice-president Joe Biden was more direct, telling CNN’s Michael Smerconish in an interview broadcast on Saturday: “Well, oh God, Anthony Weiner. I should not comment on Anthony Weiner . I’m not a big fan. I wasn’t before he got in trouble.” Weiner is being investigated by the and police in North Carolina over text messages sent to a 15-year-old girl . In the wake of the latest allegations against him, Abedin, who has herself been a target for criticism from Republicans for some time, separated from Weiner . She has continued in her role as Clinton’s closest ally on the campaign trail. Once seen as a rising Democratic star, Weiner was forced to resign from Congress in 2011 after he sent a picture of his penis, clad in his boxer shorts, to a 21-year-old student via Twitter. After he initially denied involvement in the messages, further pictures sent by Weiner emerged and he stepped down, at the urging of Barack Obama .
US elections
US elections
Cancer is plaguing a growing number of first responders and rescuers who worked at ground zero after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on September 11 , 2001 . These are cancers the federal government says are thought to be directly related to that effort cancers like leukemia , myeloma , thyroid and prostate cancers . There are at least 1 , 646 certified cancer cases that have been documented by Mount Sinai Selikoff Centers for Occupational Health . There are some additional 863 cancer cases among both fire and personnel , according to , which keeps a separate database for its members . That ' s a total of 2 , 509 cases . The center has screened more than 37 , 000 World Trade Center rescue and recovery workers since 2002 . It will continue to monitor those workers and volunteers for any new cases . Some reports suggest the number of cancer cases in this group has doubled since last year . While that may be mathematically true , cancer experts caution that we can ' t draw any significant conclusions from the increase . " For every decade of life , if you look at a population . . . cancer rates go up the older you are , " said Dr Otis Brawley , the chief medical and scientific officer and executive vice president of the American Cancer Society . " Looking at an increase from one year to the next is a nonscientific way of making an assessment that is incredibly biased to find a link between the activity and the cancer . " Many have cancers after 9 11 To be scientifically accurate , Brawley said someone would have to look at all the cancer records for the people in the 9 11 group and compare them to a group that had the same age makeup , same gender , and other demographic data . There would also have to be a significant portion of firefighters in that sample , because as a profession they tend to have higher cancer rates than the general population , Brawley said . A deep scientific analysis of available medical data through 2010 showed a 20 increase in the rate of cancer cases for 9 11 rescue and recovery workers when compared to the general population , according to Mount Sinai . Government reports suggest workers at the World Trade Center were exposed to a number of chemicals that were known to be carcinogens , or agents that may cause cancer . Many people who worked at the site are struggling with devastating cancers they may not otherwise have had , had they not responded to the tragedy . That much is clear , according to the U . S . government , which set up a special World Trade Center Health Program . The program provides medical monitoring and treatment services for 9 11 responders and survivors . Nearly 65 , 000 people are enrolled . Enrollees are qualified to get health care treatment through several reputable medical centers that keep experts on staff who are qualified to treat and identify illnesses related to the terrorist attacks . The program plans to continue to monitor those workers . " I think all of us are open to the possibility that these brave folks were exposed to things that caused further illness , " Brawley said . " What ' s most important is that someone has cancer and needs help and we should continue to provide them with the good care they truly deserve . " More on September 11th victim aid and compensation
US elections
The world ' s top pound for pound fighter , Manny Pacquiao , will attempt to win a world title in a fourth division by taking on three time world champion Miguel Cotto in his next bout . Manny Pacquiao will take on Miguel Cotto in his next fight scheduled for Novermber 18 . The Filipino boxer will fight the 28 year old Puerto Rican for the welterweight title at the Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas , America on November 14 it has been confirmed . Promoter Bob Arum , who represents both fighters , announced that although contracts still need to be signed , verbal agreements have been given : " I ' m very excited about this because it ' s a good fight for boxing and it wasn ' t difficult to do , because they both wanted the fight , " Arum told the Los Angeles Times . Pacquiao is a national hero in the Philippines but has seen his popularity grow around the world since his comprehensive victory over British fighter Ricky Hatton in Las Vegas . The man dubbed the " National Fist " is currently rated by The Ring , the sport ' s most respected trade magazine , as the best boxer in the world . His career earnings stand at an estimated 50M and he stands to bank further millions with the Cotto fee , however , Arum has yet to announce how the purse will be split . Pacquiao has been in devastating form in recent times , racking up a string of victories in four different weight divisions . Mexico ' s super featherweight Juan Manuel Marquez was dispatched by the " Pac Man " before the 30 year old secured further wins against America ' s David Diaz ( lightweight ) and Oscar de la Hoya ( welterweight ) before a devastating show of force against British light welterweight Ricky Hatton . Cotto survived a recent split decision result against Ghana ' s Joshua Clottey despite suffering a bad cut over one of his eyes during the bout and has only lost once in his career thus far to 31 year old Mexican Antonio Margarito . Arum said a press tour with the fighters will start Sept . 9 in Los Angeles .
American football
US elections
Anaheim , California Apparently bypassing the latest State of the Art security at an amusement park which is the happiest place in the world , the Somali pirates gained access through an employee entrance , mistaken as underpaid foreign exchange students . Once inside the world famous amusement park , they begin to loot and rob the attendees virtually unnoticed and unreported by their victims . " We thought they were park employees , " said Tom Andersen , vacationing with his family from Ohio . " They were dressed up like characters from the ' Pirates of the Caribbean ' ride . " Remarkably , Andersen was not the least bit surprised when the Somali pirates began taking his money . In fact , a quick accounting from Mr Andersen ' s money belt did verify that the Somali pirates stole less money from him than he paid out of pocket to genuine employees for parking , souvenirs and especially food and drink . " And they were nicer , too , " said Mr Andersen . " My wife and kids even took pictures with them . " Of course , things took an ugly turn when the Somali pirates insisted on taking his teenaged daughter with them . " I had to use my Mickey Mouse hat as ransom to get her back , " said Andersen . " I know they got the better of me in the deal , but the wife insisted on the trade . I was bartering them down to the boy , but he tipped off his mother . " Security finally caught up with the Somali pirates in Frontier Land , standing in line for the " Pirates of the Caribbean " ride . However , despite standing just a few feet behind the Somali pirates , security was helpless to arrest them . " It ' s standing policy not to interfere with the magical experience of park attendees , " later explained park security guard , Edward Martinez . " So we had no choice but to stand in line along with them . " One hour and forty five minutes later , suddenly a couple of other Somali pirates appeared out of nowhere with a handful of express passes , leaving park security still standing in line waiting to get into the ride . Another hour and forty five minutes later security was finally at the front of line being seated in their boat , still in hot pursuit of the Somali pirates , according to Martinez . " It was really dark inside , " said Martinez . " So we lost them . I mean we couldn ' t tell them apart from the animatronic Caribbean pirates . " After drawing their taser guns at the recorded sound of crickets , suspended blinking points of light mistaken for fireflies and jumping out of their boat at the crash of fake thunder , mistaken for a gunfire , the security guards made their way through the remainder of the amusement attraction wading in the water . All except for Martinez , who sat still stuck on the ride , unable to squeeze out between the safety bar space left behind by his vacated partner . Suddenly real gunfire exploded between the Somali pirates and the animatronic " Pirates of the Caribbean " with Martinez helplessly strapped in as the ride continued . " All the other security guards ran away , " said Martinez . " I held up with the help of the real pirates , ' The Pirates of the Caribbean . " Mistaking Walt ' s animatronics as real pirates , the Somali pirates fully engaged " The Pirates of the Caribbean " with all guns firing , knives thrown and fists flung , until all were exhausted . At the end of the hard fought battle , " The Pirates of the Caribbean " prevailed . " All the Somali pirates were on the ship ' s deck . All lined up like ducks , " said Martinez . " All tied , bound and cued up ready to walk the plank . All I had to do was put the cuffs on them . " " The Pirates of the Caribbean ' is still the best ride in the park , " says Martinez . " Just because , just because . Know what I mean ? "
Other news1
Washington American sporting events may never be the same if the American Atheists have their way . The organization filed a lawsuit today in Federal Court objecting to the use of the word ' proof ' in the National Anthem . Never afraid to take on a controversial issue , or invent one of their own , the lawsuit alleges ' proof ' is a scientific term and has no place in The Star Spangled Banner , which celebrates its 200th anniversary this year . " If they ' re going to claim they have proof the flag is still flying , they had better back it up with more than a few paltry bombs bursting in air , " American Atheist President David Silverman told reporters . " The bombs were circumstantial evidence at best that could not lead to any scientifically verifiable conclusion . The National Anthem is misleading our children and all Americans about the meaning of proof . " Silverman equates people believing bombs are proof for a flags existence to people who believe the universe existing is proof of God . " Those who believe God created the universe are the same delusional people who think bombs are proof that a Flag is waving , " Silverman added . According to the lawsuit , ' proof ' is a scientific and mathematical term that instills great certainty based on logic and strong evidence . The American Atheists allege there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that the flag was still flying . The organization dismisses eye witness testimony as laughable and unreliable . Silverman asserts ' We know from Christianity that eye witnesses cannot be trusted . The Americans have an obvious bias towards wanting the flag to still be there . Did anyone interview the British witnesses ? I didn ' t think so . " The author of the Star Spangled Banner , American lawyer and poet Francis Scott Key , wrote the lyric after witnessing the battle at Fort McHenry in the War of 1812 . " He was not a scientist and he wrote the poem two years after the war . It ' s like the Bible all over again ! , " Silverman exclaimed . Lawyers for the American Atheists also claim using the word ' proof ' improperly is making their members physically and emotionally ill . " Many of our members are scientists , and when they hear the word ' proof ' being used out of context , they complain of headaches , nausea , anxiety , and depression , " the lawsuit American Atheists v . National Archives and Records Administration states . " Scientific Americans shouldn ' t have to continue to suffer mental anguish due to the ignorance of all Americans . " The American Atheists propose replacing the word ' proof ' with a less confident word that recognizes the fluidity of battle such as ' maybe ' or ' possibly ' . Instead of the present reading of " Gave proof through the night , that our flag was still there " they suggest a more modest " Maybe through the night , our flag was still there . " American Atheist President David Silverman says what we lose in conviction is more than made up for with a sense of healthy skepticism . Upon learning about the lawsuit , Attorney General Eric Holder stated " I am dumbfounded that the American Atheists waste their time and money on these petty lawsuits when so many Americans are in need of food and medicine . This is but another demonstration of their distorted priorities . " An atheist we interviewed who wished to remain anonymous imitated the face palm gesture and said " It ' s like they want Americans to hate atheists . All the American Atheists do is make us ashamed of being atheists . " The American Atheists are best known for their lawsuits seeking to remove the word ' God ' from the Pledge of Allegiance and to remove the cross from the 9 11 Memorial . The lawsuit filed today marks a strategic expansion by the organization beyond religious words and symbols to those dealing with scientific matters .
US elections
US elections
Grand slam record holder Roger Federer has breezed past Georgian Nikoloz Basilashvili in straight sets in his opening match at the Australian Open . The Swiss third seed crushed the Georgian 6 2 , 6 1 , 6 2 in just 72 minutes on Monday night and will play Ukraine ' s Aleksandr Dolgopolov in the second round . The 17 time major champion was in a different class to his 117th ranked opponent and showcased his full arsenal of shots against the bemused Basilashvili in their first meeting . Tsonga ( 9 ) def Baghdatis 6 4 , 4 6 , 6 4 , 6 2 Cilic ( 12 ) def de Bakker 6 7 , 7 5 , 6 2 , 6 4 Simon ( 14 ) def Pospisil 6 7 , 6 3 , 6 2 , 6 4 Goffin ( 15 ) def Stakhovsky 3 6 , 6 3 , 6 4 , 6 4 Thiem ( 19 ) def Mayer 6 2 , 7 6 , 4 6 , 7 6 Karlovic ( 22 ) def by Delbonis 7 6 , 6 4 , 2 1 ( ret ) " I am very happy . The first round is never easy and I ' ve never played against Nikoloz so it was nice opening on centre court in a night session which is always a pressure situation , " Federer said . " It was a great match and I hope I can keep it up . " He broke the Georgian eight times in a dominating performance and maintained his record of never having lost in the first round in Melbourne in 17 appearances . The Swiss great , playing in his 65th consecutive major tournament , hit a total of 31 winners and won 91 percent of his first serve points . Federer is looking to claim his fifth Australian Open crown and at 34 become the oldest man to win the major since Ken Rosewall at 37 when he lifted the trophy in 1972 . The Swiss legend is on course for a possible meeting with top seed and five time winner Novak Djokovic in the semi finals as he looks for his first grand slam title since Wimbledon in 2012 . In the night ' s other contest , French entertainer Jo Wilfried Tsonga beat crowd favourite Marcos Baghdatis in four sets . Tsonga , who reached the Australian Open final in 2008 , won through 6 4 , 4 6 , 6 4 , 6 2 in two hours , 26 minutes .
Other sport
Chicago Bulls Guard Derrick Rose broke down in tears at a press conference when asked what a new shoe contract worth 250 million meant to him . His responses on camera and on Twitter were about his feelings on the teachers strike in Chicago . He had a 250 million shoe contract , but the youth of his hometown of Chicago were on the mind of this young man . It was obvious that Rose understood the political aspect , but he focused on the human aspect he realizes that he could have easily been one of the kids killed in the senseless violence that has ravaged his native city , he realizes he is fortunate and if you were a witness to the interview , you would agree that the last thing on his mind was a tax break . Also recently , Baltimore Ravens player Brendon Ayanbadejo ' s took a public stand on rights . It prompted Emmett Burns , a state delegate from Baltimore County , to ask that Ravens owner Steve Bisciotti , " take the necessary action , as a National Football League owner , to inhibit such expressions from your employees and that he be ordered to cease and desist such injurious actions . I know of no other player who has done what Mr Ayanbadejo is doing . " It was a perfect example of a critic using the " shut up and play " motto . Ayenbendajo ' s stance is one that has been taken up by other players , such as Michael Irvin , but maybe the best response came from fellow supporter Minnesota punter Chris Kluwe , who wrote possibly one of the best political statements ever made by an athlete to Burns . Kluwe ' s second point in the letter reads : " You wrote , ' Many of your fans are opposed to such a view and feel it has no place in a sport that is strictly for pride , entertainment and excitement . ' Holy ing balls . Did you seriously just say that , as someone who is , according to your Wikipedia page , ' deeply involved in government task forces on the legacy of slavery in Maryland ? ' Have you not heard of Kenny Washington ? Jackie Robinson ? As recently as 1962 the still had segregation , which was only done away with by brave athletes and coaches daring to speak their mind and do the right thing , and you ' re going to say that political views have ' no place in a sport ' ? I can ' t even begin to fathom the cognitive dissonance that must be coursing through your rapidly addled mind right now the mental gymnastics your brain has to tortuously contort itself through to make such a preposterous statement are surely worthy of an Olympic gold medal ( the Russian judge gives you a 10 for ' beautiful oppressionism ' ) . " Social media allows for a constant , entertaining and unfiltered window into users ' thoughts . It has become an arena where the convictions , thoughts , feelings and politics of some of our favorite athletes take the forefront . Facebook and Twitter have revolutionized how we communicate with sports icons , because anyone with an address can express themselves any way they choose from anywhere in the world . Social media helped bring fans closer to athletes and to feel a part of the game , with real time responses in some instances . Yet something unexpected has happened . Fans are getting a direct line into some of the personal issues and opinions that historically were heavily guarded . In the past , agents and marketing personnel felt if athletes gave their opinions on hot topics , it could destroy huge endorsement contracts . This complicated view of sports and politics has historically led to a series of great moments , as well as missed opportunities , depending on your political point of view . It was the tempestuous climate of the 1960s that displayed the most famous political stances from athletes . Moments of protest were thrust into the living rooms of a worldwide audience : First was Muhammad Ali ' s historic stand against the draft process and the Vietnam War . Then came the 1968 Olympic Summer Games in which John Carlos and Tommie Smith raised their fists to the sky in protest , with Peter Norman wearing an Olympic Project for Human Rights badge to support them . The media attention helped propel what can be considered one of the most iconic images and moments in sports into a historic notion of free speech . While those athletes ' political stances are admired and even idolized today , they faced major repercussions back then . Ali was stripped of his title and boxing license , while Smith and Carlos were forced to relinquish their medals . Atlanta native Mel Pender , who won a gold medal in those Olympics as a member of the 4x100 relay , witnessed that moment firsthand . " Athletes don ' t do enough when it comes to politics , " Pender said . The statement that was made that day in Mexico City was not intended to bring attention to the fight for freedom and equality for black people , but for all people . There will always be someone on the other side of the issue . For our athletes , the backlash can be debilitating to their career , finances or fan base . Social media and its unfiltered commentary has in some ways become a agent ' s worst nightmare . That intimate window into athletes ' thoughts has no buffer and is putting the power into their hands . Jim Brown has urged some of the world ' s most notable athletes , like Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods , to take a stand on social and political issues for years . Brown questioned their need to protect their image over standing up for what was right . Granderson , in an August commentary for , discussed the evolution of sports and politics as it relates to Michael Jordan . During Jordan ' s early playing days he refused to support Democratic candidate Harvey Gantt , who was running for a Senate seat . Jordan famously declared , " Republicans buy sneakers , too . " At that time there would likely have been backlash against Jordan , who as a retiree recently hosted a private fundraising dinner for President Obama . These days , famous athletes are open with their views without any fear of backlash . Tim Tebow appeared in an anti abortion commercial with his mother and is very active on Twitter discussing his faith . In the spring , the Miami Heat players , in a show of solidarity during the Trayvon Martin shooting investigation , united for a hooded photo honoring Martin ' s memory . The sports world is evolving much the way the world is adjusting to social media and new ideas . This new age of athletes are willing to use their social status to influence the political and cultural landscape . Change is constant , but growth is optional . Social media has united athletes and fans in a way that not many other avenues can . You may not always agree with the stance of your favorite athlete , but at least these days they have an opinion , and it seems they are willing to let the world know .
Other sport
US elections
Our violent past is all over our faces . Biologists say that as apes evolved into humans , their faces took on fighting features such as thicker jaws and foreheads . The characteristics were previously thought to be adaptations for a diet of hard to chew foods , such as nuts . But researchers at the University of Utah point out that they developed around the same time as humans acquired the ability to curl their hand into a club like fist . Biologists say that as humans evolved , their faces took on fighting features like thicker jaws and foreheads Professor David Carrier said the changes could have been to ' better protect ' the face when punched . Humans evolved to be weedy so that there was more than enough energy for the brain . Scientists from the Partner Institute for Computational Biology in Shanghai believe human muscle needed to alter drastically to free up energy for the brain , becoming puny as a result . Lead researcher in the study , Dr Kasia Bozek , said : ' Our results suggest a special energy management in humans that allows us to spare energy for our extraordinary cognitive powers at a cost of weak muscle . ' Over the course of evolution , essential molecules have changed more rapidly in human muscle than in the brain . Molecules in the human brain evolved four times faster than in chimps . The results suggest special energy management in humans that allow us to spare energy for our cognitive powers at a cost of weak muscle . He said : ' If indeed the evolution of our hand proportions were associated with selection for fighting behaviour you might expect the primary target , the face , to have undergone evolution to better protect it from injury when punched . ' When modern humans fight hand to hand the face is usually the primary target . ' What we found was that the bones that suffer the highest rates of fracture in fights are the same parts of the skull that exhibited the greatest increase in robusticity . ' Writing in the journal Biological Reviews , he said that many of these fighting features were softer in the modern human . However , the modern male face still exhibits some ' fighting features ' that are less prominent in females . These include thicker , stronger bones in the forehead , cheeks , jaw and neck . And it seems that even over the course of four to five million years , some things have not changed . A spokesman for the research team described the early brawls as ' the prehistoric version of a bar fight , over women , resources and other slug worthy disagreements ' . The features were previously thought to be adaptations for a diet of hard to chew foods . But they developed around the same time as humans acquired the ability to curl their hand into a club like fist ( file picture )
Other news2
The unelected ex girlfriend of French president Fran ois Hollande was today made a senior minister in his government . S gol ne Royal ' s appointment as Ecology and Energy Minster as part of a panicked reshuffle caused widespread astonishment and anger . Not only has the 60 year old been widely rejected by the French people at recent elections , but she is a leading lady in the Hollande soap opera surrounding his personal life . An eye for the ladies : French actress Audrey Tautou meets Fran ois Hollande A poll in a Parisian newspaper just before today ' s announcement showed more than 70 per cent of French people were against Mlle Royal returning to power . M Hollande was barely allowed to speak to Mlle Royal , the mother of his four children , while he was living with his previous girlfriend , Valerie Trierweiler . The two women detested each other , but M Hollande effectively sacked Mlle Trierweiler in January after his secret affair with an actress was exposed . This paved the way for Mlle Royal ' s appointment today , as part of a desperate attempt to change the fortunes of a failing administration . In government : S gol ne Royal ' s appointment as Ecology and Energy Minster as part of a panicked reshuffle caused widespread astonishment and anger France ' s entire Socialist government resigned following meltdown in local elections on Sunday , when the far right National Front made dramatic gains across the country . M Hollande ' s immediate reaction was to sack his prime minister , Jean Marc Ayrault , 64 , who had announced a ' defeat for the government ' . M Ayrault was replaced by Manuel Valls , the tough talking former interior minister who is fiercely anti immigration . M Valls , who was born in Barcelona , Spain , in 1962 and is on the right of his party , caused outrage in his own party last year when he said Roma gypsies ' did not want to integrate ' and should be deported . Beyond the appointment of Mlle Royal , today ' s reshuffle contained few surprises , with ministers such as Foreign Secretary Laurent Fabius keeping their previous jobs . Socialist mismanagement was blamed for more than 150 town halls swinging to opposition parties in the weekend ' s local elections . Les femmes d ' Hollande : Val rie Trierweiler ( left ) was the French president ' s live in lover when he was elected M Hollande ' s secret mistress Julie Gayet ( right ) is on the verge of being dumped say reports Polls show that M Hollande is by far the most unpopular head of state in recent French history . There have been claims this month that he is on the verge of dumping his secret mistress , Julie Gayet , while spending more time with Mlle Royal . The unemployment rate in France is now above 11 per cent , with the cost of living also soaring . M Hollande has become synonymous with a top rate of income tax of 75 per cent , but this week pledged that his government would become more business friendly .
World conflict
Indiegogo has become the go to place for startups to raise funds for weird and wacky products . But , the site ' s latest move lets everyday people ask strangers for money to help pay for personal projects such as weddings , operations , buying a house , paying tuition fees and more . The site is called Indiegogo Life and it lets users set up campaigns for free effectively scrapping the fees charged to businesses on the original site . The California based site ( pictured ) lets users ask strangers for money towards weddings , funerals , operations or other personal projects . Indiegogo typically charges up to 9 for listings , but fundraising on Life is free and the site is divided into categories such as Emergencies , Community , Sports and Celebrations The traditional Indiegogo site charges businesses between four and nine per cent fees to launch a campaign , but listing a campaign on Life is free . However , payment providers may still charge a fee , or around three per cent . All campaigns on Indiegogo Life are public , and like with traditional campaigns , are monitored by Indiegogo staff to make sure that the service isn ' t being abused or that donors aren ' t being duped . Indiegogo Life is the latest in a rising trend of crowdfunding sites set up for personal projects . These are similar to fundraising sites such as JustGiving , and offer a level of security that traditional social media can ' t provide . LendInvestweblink , for example , is a peer to peer money lending service . It lets people pool their money and act as a lender to a buyer , and people can invest as little as 100 in a person ' s mortgage . Repayments are then made monthly , with interest , and investments are typically governed by the P2P Finance Association . Elsewhere , ZeroBound was set up to help people raise money to pay back their student loans . One campaign on the site is currently asking for money to help a family move home following the husband suffering a serious cycling accident , for example . Another needs money to pay for a litter of kittens that was dumped by the side of the road in France . All donations are made as gifts . ' Indiegogo Life takes the idea of human empowerment even further helping individuals fund what matters most , ' said the site . ' Whether it ' s tuition , veterinary bills , celebrations , or a medical emergency , Indiegogo Life is there to help through all of life ' s challenges and celebrations . ' We understand that sometimes it ' s necessary to seek extra support , and we believe no one should have to do it alone . ' Indiegogo Life makes it easier to raise funds and make a difference one life at a time . ' Campaigns can run for up to 120 days , and the money is usually received within 15 . It is the latest in a rising trend of crowdfunding sites set up for personal projects . These are similar to fundraising sites such as JustGiving , and offer a level of security that traditional social media , for example , can ' t provide . All campaigns ( example pictured ) on Indiegogo Life are public , and like with traditional campaigns , are monitored by Indiegogo staff to make sure that the service isn ' t being abused or that donors aren ' t being duped . All donations made on Indiegogo Life are made as gifts LendInvestweblink , for example , is a peer to peer money lending service . It lets people pool their money and act as a lender to a buyer , and people can invest as little as 100 in a person ' s mortgage . Repayments are then made monthly , with interest . Elsewhere , ZeroBound was set up to help people raise money to pay back their student loans .
US elections
Rainer Hundsd ? rfer , Chairman of the Board of Directors of ebm papst , on the effects of climate change and decarbonizing the economy before the Paris Climate Conference in December Mr Hundsd ? rfer , in Germany this summer , the heads of state and government of the seven leading Western industrial countries ( G7 ) resolved to decarbonize the economy by the end of this century , calling for the world to completely discontinue its use of coal , oil and natural gas . A political illusion or a global vision ? A vision that ' s becoming reality . Climate change is the biggest global risk . The people know that and business is reacting accordingly . Global energy investment is showing a clear trend toward renewable energy . In 2014 , 270 billion dollars went into the expansion of wind , solar and hydroelectric power . That ' s far more than was invested in the exploitation of fossil fuel sources . So it ' s no longer a question of " whether " we have an alternative to decarbonizing our economy , it ' s a question of " how " we do it and " how fast " we succeed . The biggest emitters are China , the United States and the . They are responsible for more than half of all CO2 emissions . Will they agree to a binding approach ? It can ' t work without China and the United States . These two countries are responsible for more than 40 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions . But both countries are also among the biggest investors in clean energy . I travel to both countries frequently , so I ' m sure that the United States and China are increasingly viewing themselves as partners for global climate protection . U . S . president Barack Obama has declared climate protection to be a top priority . China plans to launch a national emissions trading system in 2017 . The former laggards are now leaders in global climate policy . Germany began its energy transition four years ago , following the reactor accident at Fukushima . Is this project a model for other countries ? Germany is a test lab for countries that need an energy transition much more urgently than it does . The energy transition " made in Germany " is considered a model worldwide today . With its rapidly growing population , Africa will be affected by climate change much more than many others . Looked at this way , the energy transition is an essential tool of foreign aid and international cooperation . For the emerging economies and developing countries in particular , there is only one chance : the development of renewable energy and especially the more efficient use of energy . In the industrialized countries , the word is out that energy efficiency saves money and creates jobs . Energy efficiency offers the most cost effective way to reduce our energy use and ensure a constant energy level . Your company is active in Germany , the United States and China . What experiences have you made there ? Is climate protection an issue for businesses and citizens ? In the United States , public pressure to do more about climate change is growing , partly as a result of natural disasters . That affects both people and businesses . The U . S . government has reacted to this change of sentiment and plans to introduce regulations aimed at increasing energy efficiency that are very similar to the regulations here in Europe . The cost pressures are higher than they are for us , so energy efficiency has to pay off faster . In China , the people are also pressing for solutions . Severe air pollution is becoming the main problem . With increasing prosperity comes greater demand for better health and a more intact environment . The market volume for environmental technology and resource efficiency is going to double overall in the next 10 years . What responsibility do business and industry have when it comes to the monumental challenge of climate protection ? The main challenge is to decouple economic growth from the consumption of resources . Until now , economic development has involved burning coal , gas or oil . In 2014 we had the first year in decades in which the global economy grew but the emission of greenhouse gases decreased , and business made an important contribution . It will be crucial for us to make more progress on energy efficiency . All studies on decarbonizing the economy call for a drastic increase in energy efficiency . But not just industry is affected . The generation of heat and electricity is responsible for the majority of the emissions . In the future , our climate policies will need to focus more on the demand side . After industry , private households are the biggest electricity consumers . Heating , hot water , cooking and cooling add up to nearly 100 percent of private energy consumption . Energy saving renovation of buildings is an issue that should be at the top of the political agenda . Climate protection depends on local implementation , so it starts at home .
World conflict
Six feet of snow in the last month and counting . Bostonians have had it up to their eyeballs with the winter of 2015 . Not only unimaginable , but record setting . " It ' s only been 14 days , and we ' ve gotten 70 to 80 inches of snow around the commonwealth , " Gov . Charlie Baker said . " This is pretty much unprecedented . " If I ' ve learned one thing over the course of the past two weeks , it ' s ( that ) Mother Nature makes the rules , " Baker said . By Monday evening , the system had dumped an additional 22 plus inches on Boston , pushing it into the city ' s Top 5 for February snowstorms . The 30 day total is even more impressive . At a fraction under 72 inches , it set a record . In an average year , the city gets 47 inches of snow . Cesar Moya , 60 , died after a plowing truck struck him Monday afternoon in Medford , Massachusetts , the office of Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan said . Moya was struck in a parking lot while leaving work after completing a shift at a market . He died from his injuries at a hospital . " The circumstances surrounding what occurred are still being examined , " the district attorney ' s office said in a statement . " However , due to the unprecedented weather we are all experiencing , it bears saying that we all need to be mindful of public safety issues as we navigate sidewalks , parking lots , and roads . " Even more snow could fall before the weekend . The National Weather Service is keeping close watch on a new storm that could bring between 3 and 6 additional inches of snow to the Boston area Thursday and Friday . " I ' d welcome a 6 inch storm at this point , " Boston Mayor Marty Walsh quipped . It ' s enough to drive some folks a bit stir crazy . One Boston resident used the hashtag getmeoutofhere to describe his feelings . Tuesday ' s priority , according to the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency , was to assist cities with digging out . " Everyone ' s been working full bore for that last three weeks , " Judge said , referring to the trucks removing as much snow as possible . Eastern Massachusetts is running out of places to put all the white stuff . There ' s so much snow that cities have been given permission to dump it in Boston Harbor , which is usually a no no . The city is melting 430 tons of snow per hour , Walsh said . Schools in parts of the Northeast , including Boston , were closed again Tuesday . Walsh said students haven ' t had a full week of classes in three weeks . They ' ll run out of snow days soon if the weather doesn ' t let up . Schools in the Pentucket Regional School District , north of Boston , will remain closed the rest of the week . The superintendent cited the " frequency and intensity of recent storms , another potentially major storm brewing for Thursday and Friday , and the already high levels of snow on the roofs of schools " as factors . Boston remains under a snow emergency and parking ban . Cars left on city streets were being ticketed and towed to make room for snowplows . The string of storms is taking a toll on city coffers . The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority , known as the T , has suspended all rail services through the end of Tuesday . Limited bus service will be running . However , air travel across the Northeast should improve . Boston has already exceeded its 18 . 5 million snow removal budget , and spent about 30 million most of it in the last 17 days , Walsh said . More than 2 , 880 flights into and out of the United States were canceled Sunday and Monday , mostly because of the storm . By Tuesday afternoon , nearly 250 flights had been scrubbed , according to FlightAwareweblink . Boston ' s Logan International Airport remained open during the storm , but most flights were canceled Monday . The weather forced a couple of big Massachusetts trials to be delayed . The murder trial of former New England Patriots star Aaron Hernandez has been pushed back to Wednesday , and the same goes for jury selection in the trial of Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev . Folks in the Northeast are known for being tough , but three snowstorms in three weeks is wearing a bit thin . " It ' s really depressing , you know ? " Boston University freshman Cameron Barkan said , expressing the same sentiment . " I ' m tired of it , " said Barkan , who has missed three days of class because of the storms . " I usually like snow , but this is just a little much . "
Other sport
Late in January , the book publisher Macmillan told Amazon it wanted to raise the prices of its books sold through the online retailer . Amazon made clear it wanted to continue to set prices for Macmillan ' s books , as it does for most books it sells . To make sure the publisher understood it was serious , Amazon cut the links that enable people to buy Macmillan ' s books via Amazon ' s Web site . For more than a week , you could still see Macmillan books on Amazon you just couldn ' t order one . Even though the two companies have since struck a truce , the showdown should deeply concern anyone who cares not merely about the health of this vital industry , but about concentration of political power in America . What should concern us foremost is not that Amazon ' s managers believe they rather than the people who write and edit our books have a right to set the price for books . It is that Amazon ' s managers believe they have consolidated sufficient power the company sells as much as 80 percent of all ebooks , for instance to enforce their will by cutting off the public ' s access to a publisher ' s books . More disturbing yet , Amazon is not alone in having captured such a position . Another company that has captured a real say over the actions of our publishers is Wal Mart . And Wal Mart is a goliath that has repeatedly used its dominant position to influence the content of products by refusing to sell certain books or music . Indeed , such brute use of power is increasingly the norm across our economy . As anyone who has studied the business practices of Wal Mart , Home Depot and Best Buy knows , rough treatment of the people who make what we buy is true in just about every industry . It was not always this way in America . A generation ago every city boasted its own department stores , discount shops and independent bookstores . Power was so widely distributed that few retailers enjoyed any real power over suppliers . The consolidation in retail since then is due largely to two revolutions in our anti monopoly laws . The first was the Consumer Goods Pricing Act of 1975 , which gave retailers the power to price other companies ' products . Second was the Reagan administration ' s reframing of our anti monopoly laws in 1981 around the concept of " consumer welfare . " Until then , the prime purpose of anti monopoly laws was to protect citizens against concentration of political power . Since then , officials have used our anti monopoly laws instead to lower prices . To achieve this end , they often virtually promote concentration of power over entire market systems . As a result , it is now all but routine for big firms , in their efforts to grow bigger and increase profits , to dictate prices to suppliers who depend on them to get to their customers . Such use of power can strip away or destroy much of the cash suppliers would have invested in new products or simply to maintain systems and skills . There is nothing new in this . A century ago Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes spelled out the dangers in a case in which a retailer manipulated the price of a drug , " I cannot believe , " he wrote , " that in the long run the public will profit by this court permitting knaves to cut reasonable prices for some ulterior purpose of their own , and thus to impair , if not to destroy , the production and sale of articles which it is assumed to be desirable that the public be able to get . " In the case of Amazon , consolidation has often been presented as a consequence of new technologies . And it is not entirely clear how we can apply traditional anti monopoly laws , many of which have geographic components , to online commerce . But any careful reading of history will carry us to analogous challenges in our past , like those posed by the early railways , and thereby to other potentially useful forms of anti monopoly law such as common carriage rules . Also , most of Amazon ' s abuses would have been avoided if the people who make our products ( in this case books ) still enjoyed complete autonomy to set their own prices . Amazon acted badly . So too Wal Mart , especially during last fall ' s book price war . Yet the fundamental flaw lies not with the decisions made by managers of these companies . It lies with viewing our anti monopoly laws as a tool to promote a flawed vision of efficiency rather than to protect our most vital liberties . Defenders of concentration will continue to justify their use of power with claims they are serving the " consumer . " But we should be clear that fixation on lowering prices can result in truly dramatic costs . Sometimes it is degradation of the quality and safety of the products delivered to the American " consumer . " Sometimes it is the concentration of power over the people who produce our books and other vital products and over the American citizen . The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Barry C . Lynn .
US elections
Diamond and Silk: Liberals are trying to destroy this country. They want us to live in a third-world country. We don t want socialism. I don t want globalism I want to live free. I want to be happy, and I want to help President Trump make America great again. .@DiamondandSilk: "Liberals are trying to destroy this country. They want us to live in a third-world country. We don't want socialism. I don't want globalism I want to live free. I want to be happy, and I want to help @ make America great again." pic.twitter.com/2MVgYGQbDr Fox News (@FoxNews) December 16, 2017The ladies are spot on! They are fighting the good fight for President Trump. If you don t love America then you can leave!The ladies visited the White House recently:We had a magnificent time with our man, the @POTUS, @realDonaldTrump and @ Melania Trump at the White House Christmas Party while hanging out with @ScottBaio (Chachi from Happy Days) and so many more beautiful people on the Trump Train. Merry Christmas. We Love You all. pic.twitter.com/GDSLDEHygD Diamond and Silk (@DiamondandSilk) December 13, 2017OUR & A : They re President Trump s #1 fans and they ve been with him from the start of his campaign. The wildly popular, hilarious and outspoken Diamond and Silk duo have been hitting it out of the park on YouTube with their videos that rely entirely on pro-Trump commentary. They never use vulgarity or threats and their videos are always G-rated (Well, okay, a few of their videos may be PG-13). Apparently supporting the President of the United States now violates YouTube s monetization policies. Their videos have received millions of hits and had such an effect on liberals that Youtube recently made the decision to pull 95% of their revenue.Conservative Trump supporters Lynnette Hardway and Rochelle Richardson of North Carolina, know they re never going to get an invitation to leftist The View show, so, by using a few special effects, Diamond and Silk have decided to make a surprise visit to The View hags and give them a piece of their mind. The result is hilarious!Watch, as Diamond and Silk school Whoopie, Joy Behar and the rest of the liberal hags on The View about who is, and who is not our President, and remind them of what the President s role is and what is expected of Congress.Enjoy:.@DiamondandSilk have been anxious to get Whoopi & the ladies from The View straighten out because they've gotten a lot of stuff twisted. pic.twitter.com/ddkgKcW7yF Diamond and Silk (@DiamondandSilk) September 9, 2017WE LADIES!
US elections
Suspicion of Bombing in Sinai Jet Crash Could Bring Strong Russian Retaliation Copy this code to your website or blog It ' s not definitive that bombed a Russian charter jet out of the sky over the Sinai Peninsula , but if it did , the incident dramatically raises the stakes for the U . S . led coalition in its battle against the Islamist terrorist group , security experts said . Among the likely scenarios if it turns out that has developed the capability to target planes is that Russia would sharply increase its military presence in Syria , where it says it has declared war on the organization . Until Wednesday , U . S . officials had said there was no hard evidence that or another terrorist group brought down the Metrojet operated Airbus A321 over Egypt on Saturday , killing all 224 people on board . Russian President Vladimir Putin with Russian Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov , chairman of the commission investigating the Metrojet plane crash . Alexei Druginin Novosti via Officials specifically dismissed claims by that it shot the plane down with a missile . But might not have had to use missiles ? U . S . officials told News on Wednesday there was significant evidence leading to " great confidence " among government analysts that a bomb loaded before takeoff was the actual mechanism . Related : Bomb May Have Downed Russian Jet , U . S . Officials Say That , experts said , would mean will have proved that it has not just ambition but also real reach . U . S . officials continued to stress that it ' s still too early to conclude that for certain that bombed the jet , telling News that mechanical failure remains a possibility . But they said it was " likely " that a bomb was on the plane , probably planted by ground crews , baggage handlers or other ground staff at the Sharm el Sheikh airport .
US elections
Like many people , I ' ve been riveted by the George Zimmerman trial . I call it " the George Zimmerman trial " because that ' s what it is , but the more I watch , the more I wonder : Should it be renamed " the Trayvon Martin trial ? " I ' m not just talking about some of the media ' s tabloid like focus on Martin ' s background , his personal history , his school records and outside the courtroom the toxicology report . I ' m talking about an aspect of the case that never comes up in the media coverage , one that I would argue is key . This murder trial , in and out of the courtroom , has been boiled down to one question : Was Zimmerman in fear for his life and thus justified in defending himself by shooting and killing Martin ? It has been framed this way in terms of Zimmerman ' s mortal fear since the shooting in 2012 . Zimmerman ' s assumptions led to death , prosecutor argues Some people have forgotten that Zimmerman was not even arrested initially . It took more than a month for the special prosecutor to bring the second degree murder charge . And if not for mass protests across the country , he might not be the defendant in a murder trial at all . The question that has not surfaced in the courtroom the elephant in the room is this : Did Martin fear for his life after being followed and confronted by a stranger while going to the store to buy candy and a soft drink ? Was he , Martin , justified in standing his ground and defending himself when this stranger , an apparent stalker , approached him in a threatening manner ? Zimmerman didn ' t identify himself and never said he was part of the neighborhood watch group . Think about it : We ' re told over and over that if Zimmerman was afraid of Martin , according to Florida law , he had the right to put a bullet in the chamber of his concealed handgun , get out of his car after being told not to by the 911 dispatcher and follow and confront Martin and shoot him to death . At the same time , we are told that Martin , who had far greater reason to fear Zimmerman , practically and for reasons of American history , did not have the right to confront his stalker , stand his ground and defend himself , including by using his fists . We are told that this was entirely unjustified and by doing so , Martin justified his own execution . Running updates from the Zimmerman trial The phrases " stand your ground " and " self defense " have been repeated endlessly by anchors , pundits , analysts and experts , but rarely applied to Martin . How could this be ? Why is this other question ignored ? Surely it will come up as we approach the trial , I thought . But it hasn ' t . What ' s going on here ? How can the Florida law apply only to Zimmerman and not to Martin ? I remembered the sharp , sometimes bitter commentary provoked by Spike Lee ' s 1989 film " Do the Right Thing , " particularly in reaction to its climactic scenes , when the police murder a black teenager and Lee ' s character throws a trash can through the window of the white owned pizza place . Years after the movie came out , Lee told an interviewer , " White people still ask me why Mookie threw the can through the window . . . . Twenty years later , they ' re still asking me that . " " No black person ever , in 20 years , no person of color has ever asked me why , " he said . This speak volumes about race and power relations in this country . Opinion : Zimmerman trial it ' s about race Here ' s what I think : Assuming Martin did engage Zimmerman physically , perhaps if the teen had hit back a little bit harder , perhaps if he had been able to prevent Zimmerman from grabbing his concealed and loaded gun and perhaps if witnesses had come to Martin ' s aid , then maybe he would be alive today . That ' s speculation . One thing I feel sure of is that if Martin , in fear for his life , had used Zimmerman ' s own gun to shoot and possibly kill his attacker , when the police arrived on the scene , they would not have failed to charge him with murder . Why hasn ' t the prosecution team used Florida law to argue strongly for Martin ' s right of self defense , his right to stand his ground against a stalker ? Why not turn the tables on Zimmerman ' s exclusive claim to that argument ? It will be interesting to see whether this question even gets posed for the jury at all . It certainly will be front and center as this case is tried by the jury of history . And future generations will likely puzzle over how the term " racial profiling " could have been banned by the judge before the trial even began . This country ' s racial history , the list of names , like Sean Bell , Amadou Diallo , Oscar Grant and other victims of " deadly force " by the police " these represent an even bigger Elephant in the Room . They may have been ruled irrelevant in the courtroom , but they are certainly relevant to those who seek justice in this society . The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Miller Francis .
US elections
Reuters) - A U.S. government watchdog has agreed to review how classified information is kept secure at President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, the agency said on Monday, after Democratic lawmakers raised concerns about the issue last month. The Government Accountability Office’s review will examine whether Secret Service agents subject Mar-a-Lago guests to any security screening, and evaluate the expenses incurred by government employees who travel with Trump to Mar-a-Lago, according to a letter the agency sent the lawmakers on Friday. The will also check whether Trump has made any payments to the U.S. Treasury from profits at his hotels, the letter said. Trump’s lawyer pledged at a Jan. 11 news conference to donate Trump Hotel profits from foreign governments to the Treasury. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Trump’s handling of U.S. security information at Mar-a-Lago came under congressional scrutiny in February after photos taken by private guests in the club’s public dining area showed Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe reviewing documents following a North Korean missile launch. The White House denied afterward that any classified material was present in the dining room. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, said on Monday the would be able to conduct an “independent review” of how Trump spends his weekends at the resort, which the Republican president has dubbed his “Winter White House.” In a Feb. 16 letter, Cummings and Democratic Senators Tom Udall, Elizabeth Warren and Sheldon Whitehouse asked the to assess whether Trump and his staff had violated security protocol when hosting foreign dignitaries and handling classified information at the Florida resort. Udall said on Monday the American people “deserved to know who has access to the president, how much it’s costing to protect him and whether the Trump Organization is benefiting from that protection.” He introduced a bill on Friday that would require the White House to publish logs of people who meet with Trump there and at other locations. The is expected to begin the review in a few months.
US elections
US elections
The Cincinnati Bengals ( 8 2 ) lost their duel in the desert with the Arizona Cardinals ( 8 2 ) 34 31 . It was a high octane game that started out slow but ended with the intensity of a heavyweight fight . When the five keys to a Bengals win were posted last week , I was sure there would be a change in the offensive attack of the Bengals . There was a slight variance in the plan , but overall Cincinnati strayed from many of the keys and the result was a loss . Let s take a look back those keys , and figure out what happened . Carson Palmer started the game playing as though he was still in a Bengals jersey . He threw two interceptions that were uncharacteristic of the Palmer who is in the thick of the conversation . The Bengals defense had him looking confused , and making ill advised passes into coverages that were well disguised . The Bengals played a tough , gritty game under the prime time lights . Going into the game , Adam Jones was out with a foot injury , but the Bengals were able to stay ahead of the Cardinals and take a 14 7 lead into halftime . Early in the third quarter , the Bengals had a blown coverage in the secondary . Miscommunication between Darqueze Dennard and George Iloka allowed J . J . Nelson to run free across the middle . Palmer found him for a 64 yard touchdown pass that tied the score 14 14 . The Cardinals would run off 21 straight points , before the Bengals offense had any sense of urgency . The Bengals D woke up and made the stops necessary to allow the offense a chance to get it together . They almost did , but that only counts in horseshoes . The Bengals didn t come out firing , and couldn t find an offensive flow until their third possession of the first quarter . Dalton was able to hook up with Tyler Eifert for the score , and things looked promising . The duo combined for another score with 3 : 44 left in the fourth quarter , to pull the Bengals within three points . The chemistry was back . Eifert held on to the last catch after enduring a bone jarring hit . The dynamic duo looked good . Once again , the play calling of Mr Jackson was suspect for the Bengals . There weren t as many exotic play formations , but the timing of the ones that were called proved crucial . His call for a run on a critical third and one will be questioned for a while . Either his or Marvin Lewis decision to start Jeremy Hill is beginning to cost the Bengals . Hill was frustrated and forced a penalty that hurt his team , yet he was still used in short yardage situations . Something has to be done about him or this could get ugly . Once again , according to statistics , Dalton was asked to drop back 39 times . That s been a major theme , in the two losses . The Bengals are a physical team . When they are allowed to play power football , there aren t many teams that can withstand the pressure . This was another poor showing for the ground game . The Bengals had 99 yards rushing , but when you erase Dalton s numbers ? as he ran for his life ? the Bengals had a mere 65 yards on the ground . When did Dalton become a scrambling quarterback ? It s great to have Dalton getting out of trouble , but he shouldn t have as many yards as the premier back ? that s not a good sign . The running game is still in limbo , and the numbers look eerily similar to the Houston statistics . There was definitely pressure put on Palmer . The Bengals defense shined at times , but had too many coverage breakdowns due to injuries . The unit faced a high scoring Cardinals team and held their own . They can only get better with healthy players returning . The Bengals displayed the ability to finish their opponent . Unfortunately , the urgency and drive came with too much time left on the clock and too late in the game . It seemed like the Bengals were playing a prevent defense that didn t prevent Palmer from carving up the secondary . It was there for a brief moment , but lost with Paul Guenther s play calls near the end .
American football
US elections
Mon , 18 Jan 2016 05 : 43pm , Melbourne , Reuters On a day when match fixing allegations cast a pall over the tournament ' s opening matches , the purity of Federer ' s game shone through in a floodlit Rod Laver Arena as the Swiss master put on a master class of clean hitting . A rampaging Roger Federer kicked off his 17th Australian Open campaign with a 6 2 6 1 6 2 demolition of Georgian battler Nikoloz Basilashvili to reach the second round on Monday . On a day when match fixing allegations cast a pall over the tournament ' s opening matches , the purity of Federer ' s game shone through in a floodlit Rod Laver Arena as the Swiss master put on a master class of clean hitting . Spared the sweltering conditions of the day session , Federer barely raised a sweat in hammering Basilashvili , sending 31 winners whistling past the 117th ranked Georgian . Having battled a flu during his run to the final of the Brisbane International , the 34 year old , a winner of four Australian Open titles , was grateful to save his energy for more taxing encounters ahead . " I ' m really pleased how I was able to play . Definitely gives me a bit of a lift in confidence , you know , because this year I haven ' t been able to play properly yet , " Federer told reporters . " I mean , I had some decent matches in Brisbane , but it was all under sort of a cloud knowing that I wasn ' t 100 percent . " But this was a match where I was able to focus on my game , on tactics , all that stuff . So it was nice to play that way . " Federer ' s only wobble came early , when he surrendered serve in the sixth game of the first set , but he responded by winning six straight games to leave the Georgian reeling . The third seed preserved his perfect record of surviving the opening round at the year ' s first grand slam but faces a stiffer test against 35th ranked Alexandr Dolgopolov , a hard hitting Ukrainian with two tour titles . " I think it ' s going to be very tough , to be honest , " said Federer , who practised with the mercurial 27 year old in the off season in Dubai . " He ' s got the fitness , the power , the speed , tennis , all that . "
Other sport
A single bikini clad woman silhouetted against a spectacular sunset , a tiny figure facing a swirl of stars , a hot spring whose improbably lurid hues seem like something from another planet these stunning images combine colour and light to capture the wonders of the natural world . Last year Hawaiian born photographer Dustin Wong , 31 , abandoned his job as an engineer to travel the world with only his camera for company . Inspired by ancient Hawaiian beliefs in the sacredness of the landscape , Dustin Wong , 31 , has journeyed from the Arctic Circle to Australia , capturing moments where men and women are alone with the power and splendour of the natural world . This single bikini clad woman stretches her curvaceous body while silhouetted against a spectacular Hawaiian sunset Faced with the rapid destruction of habitats through pollution and overpopulation , the photographer hopes his images will inspire the viewer with awe at the intricate and diverse world we live in and encourage them to protect the planet . He writes on his website : ' I have a desire to experience the natural world and to let those feelings inspire me . Life on this planet is older than any of us can comprehend , and there is a beauty in that history and power . However , these days our natural spaces are being encroached upon by human development . A man gazes upon a whirl of stars in the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah , where the salt covered land cracks into spectacular patterns Last year Hawiian born photographer Dustin Wong , 31 , abandoned his job as an engineer to travel the world with only his camera for company ' Through my images I try to convey a sense of awe of the incredibly intricate and diverse world we share . I want to encourage people to interact and experience nature for themselves . I think this way more people will care about protecting and preserving natural environments . ' He started taking photographs 15 years ago before taking it up full time last year . He traveled all over the west coast of the living out of a van for five months and visited as many national parks as he could . In Queensland Australia , he follows a woman as she ventures into the dark depths of a natural cavern His journeying in America took in the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah , where the land cracks into spectacular patterns , the Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming , the third largest hot spring in the world whose bright colours are caused by bacteria , to the Burning Man Festival in Nevada , which culminates in the burning of a wooden effigy . Other pictures show a spectacular Hawaiian sunset reflected in the sand in improbable bright oranges and reds , or a single solitary figure dwarfed by the waterfall surging above him at at Latourell Falls in Oregan . Revellers climb on top of a massive sculpture of the words ' Believe ' at the Burning Man Festival in Nevada For these photographs he also ventured to Australia , following a woman as she explores a cavern in Queensland , and to Norway , where he captures the stunning greens of the Northern Lights , or a firework exploding against a frosty night time pine forest . Mr Wong takes his photographs using a camera before transforming them into High Dynamic Range to bring out colour and detail . He then blends the image with the original exposures , creating an image that is ' slightly fantastical yet still rooted in reality ' . The Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming , is the third largest hot spring in the world . Its bright colours are caused by pigmented bacteria His images depict people interacting with the environment and enjoying themselves in the outdoors . At first he shunned using people in his images , which he wanted to capture nature at its pristine best , but he later realised a single figure either a stranger or himself provides a sense of scale and helps viewers relate more viscerally to the image in front of them . Although he now lives in Seattle in the , he credits his Hawaiian upbringing as the driving force behind his vision of the world . A single figure on a Norwegian beach is bathed in green light as he admires the spectacular Northern Light He adds : ' Born and raised in Hawaii , I learned about the Hawaiian culture , specifically the way the Ancient Hawaiians held the land in reverence . Those teachings instilled in me an understanding that human beings have an intrinsic relationship with the land that should be held in high respect . ' I aim to create a sense of wonder in each of my pieces . I want to recapture the sense of awe and childhood imagination that often gets abandoned along the way to adulthood . I create art where the viewer is free to wallow in the mysteries and unknown of a beautiful landscape . ' Standing in the middle of a snow covered Norwegian pine forest , a couple release a firework , sending orange blazing into the sky He uses a single figure like this man dwarfed by the water at Latourell Falls , Oregan , , to engourage a visceral response in viewers
Other news2
For over 16 years sport has played a crucial role in my life . Over that time I have learned many life lessons on the field of play which have become a part of who I am . My time as an athlete has given me the skill set to do the things that I am doing today . It has taught me discipline , dedication , responsibility , team work , time management , goal setting and most of all the ability to be passionate about the things I love . I was an " able bodied " individual with no obstacles in my way , nothing stopping me from competing with my peers . I swam on the varsity high school team for four years and was captain in my senior year . It couldn ' t get much more " normal " than that . Until all of a sudden it wasn ' t . The winter after I graduated I was left paralyzed and I was no longer what society constitutes as " normal " . The most frustrating part was that , for me , nothing had changed other than the fact that my legs no longer worked . I was still this 5 ' 9 " athletic female with a love for swimming . But the times they are a changin ' . We are approaching a change in the U . S . that could be as significant for generations to come as Title has been for these past 30 years . Title is a federal civic law in the U . S . which prohibits sex discrimination in education , therefore allowing women to compete in sports . This new change will allow disable student athletes access to sports , something that in my opinion is a no brainer , something that should have been in place years ago . I didn ' t have this battle as a high school athlete as it wasn ' t until college that I went through being involved in sports with a disability . I always think of Abby when I reflect on what the U . S . Department of Education Office for Civil Rights is doing by putting these mandates in order . Abby is your typical fun loving , upbeat 11 year old girl , who has a love for sports and , much like me when I was her age , she loves to swim . Abby is also paralyzed . Four years ago I had the privilege of meeting Abby and her family and she has changed my life . Abby is the reason I am so passionate about being an advocate for disable individuals because children like her should be given the opportunity to have access to all the same things I did when I was an adolescent disabled or not . In our society we are so focused on putting people in categories . Racial profiling , economic profiling , religion and even academic ability level . But when we categorize people like this we forget that in essence we are all the same . It is 2013 , yet we are fighting for civil rights for disabled individuals , fighting so young adolescents can have access to equal opportunities Sports are something that every adolescent should have access to regardless of gender , regardless of race and regardless of disability . After I was paralyzed I thought my days of sporting competition were over . Less than a year after my injury I went away to school and found myself in Boiling Springs , North Carolina , at Gardner Webb University . It is a small private Division One school and my time there changed everything for me . I was given the opportunity to be a part of the team . They accommodated me and gave me equal opportunities , just like every other individual on the team . The head coach , Mike Simpson , didn ' t treat me differently , he didn ' t cut me slack because I was disabled . He held the same expectations for me as he did for all my other teammates . He also gave me the opportunity to go back to being a part of a team within a sport that I have loved all my life . I traveled with the team , competed in duel meets and even our conference meet . I was given full access to sport with the expectation that I trained just as hard as everyone else . I am a competitive individual and I have spent the last five years of my life training for competition but sport transcends medals , records and awards . Sport is about what you learn . The family that you find within your team , the sense of belonging you feel , the friendships you build . No child should be denied access to any of those things . As an individual with a disability I can say this we are not asking for a hand out . We just want opportunity . There are so many incredible stories of athletes who have overcome disabilities , who have battled statistics and society ' s stereotypes and made a name for themselves . With the U . S . Department of Education Office for Civil Rights placing this mandate it is my hope it will raise awareness of sport for individuals with disabilities and open the eyes of disabled adolescents to the opportunities which are out there for them . This directive requires schools to make reasonable modifications to allow disable students equal access to sport . Just because our society labels them as " disabled " , it doesn ' t mean they can ' t showcase their amazing abilities . Some of the greatest athletes in the world have disabilities . It is time we push past stereotypes and truly embrace this necessary change in our education system and society .
Other sport
15 year old Gunther Wilkens , also known as " AngstSoulBlackSad56 " on popular Internet blogging service LiveJournalweblink , is " extremely upset " due to nobody treating his self described " obviously suicidal and disturbing " poetry seriously at all , he revealed in a candid exclusive interview . Wilkens , who currently attends Upper Hill High School located in an upper class neighborhood in Clear Falls , , told us that despite his best efforts , his poetry has failed to elicit even an ounce of sympathy or concern from anyone he knows . " No asking if I ' m okay or if there ' s something I need to talk about , no quiet suggestions that I should think about seeing the guidance counselor not even asking if I was considering cutting or shooting myself , " Wilkens said glumly . " It ' s just like that Lincoln Park song said : I tried so hard with my poetry , I mean but in the end , it didn ' t even matter . " With a scowl , Wilkens added , " Curse those bastards for thinking up that line before I did . That ' s a really good one . " And try Wilkens certainly did , uploading over 50 poems to his LiveJournal since March of this year . But although he believes there were some " truly grotesque and disturbing " examples among them , not one triggered the sort of concerned reaction that he had envisioned while writing . " I really don ' t see how else to impress upon people that they should pay attention to me , and maybe even question my sanity , or at the very least my well being , " he said . " I mean , unless I wanted to actually cut my arms all up , and that ' s really only something that weirdos do . " Wilkens is particularly disheartened about the lack of concern shown towards him because of the quality of his poetry , which he would classify as " even more disturbing than the lyrics to Godsmack or Slipknot " . " Here ' s one especially good one , which I called ' My Soul Is The Black Nothingness Of Doom , ' " he said , gesturing to the poem on his computer screen . " Or this one , here ' Black Marble Is Cold Like My Soul ' . How can people read these and not be scared about me ? " With lines such as " My soul is too black , too black to stay around Soon I will take it away forever , and I ' ll be in the ground " and " Cold as ice , cold as death My soul will soon have no temperature at all , because it ' ll meet Death " , some might argue that Wilkens is justified in wondering about the lack of concern . He did suggest that perhaps not as many people read his LiveJournal as he thought , but conceded that this was probably unlikely , as he gave the link out as often as possible . " I would just work it into the conversation real smoothly , " he recalled . " Like , this one time my friend Jim said to me , ' Man , it ' s hot as hell outside , ' and I said , ' Yeah , speaking of hell , I ' m in it right now , maybe you should read my LiveJournal , ' and I ' d give him a piece of paper with the on it . He ' d look all confused and be like , ' Uh , what ? ' but I always thought that he was just hiding his secret pain and concern for me . I guess I was wrong , though . " Wilkens also attempted to get his parents to read his LiveJournal , although it took some " cunning and craftiness " on his part , since he needed to act like he really didn ' t want them to see it . " I would purposely leave it up on the screen when they walked by the computer , then make a big deal of covering it up and saying , ' Jesus , Mom , don ' t read my private journal , I write disturbing things in there ! ' " he said . " But she ' d always just say , ' You sure are an imaginative boy , Gunther . ' Christ , what a bitch . " Wilkens inadvertently brings up a good point in citing the case of his mother unbeknownst to him , many close to him cited " not taking him seriously at all " as one of the primary causes for their lack of concern for his poetry . " Oh , Gunther plays around with his demons and skulls and what have you , but I guess that ' s what all the boys are doing these days , " his mother said with a laugh . " I just think his little poetry is adorable , and very talented , too ! " " Gunther is like , a real happy guy , " a friend , Jim , explained . " He ' s always making jokes and going to concerts and stuff . Whenever he ' s not trying to get me to read his gay LiveJournal , I mean . " But the lack of a suggestion that he is not right mentally , let alone a suggestion that he has bipolar disorder ( what Wilkens refers to as the " coup de grace " ) has " really been bothering " Wilkens as of late , compromising his normal state of happiness . " Getting people to think you ' re depressed is seriously hard work , " he said . " If I don ' t watch it , all this effort with no payoff is going to get me depressed . I mean , for real . "
Other news1
Reuters) - China s ruling Communist Party has expelled a former party boss of northwestern Gansu province, the country s anti-graft agency said on Friday, after an investigation showed he received bribes and was involved in superstitious activities . In a statement on its website, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) said Wang Sanyun, who was appointed as Gansu s party secretary in late 2011, had been passive in implementing the party s key policies, seriously derelict in his duties and accepted bribes and gifts in exchange for offering promotions. The case has been referred to prosecutors, it said. Wang, 64, had violated disciplinary regulations by frequenting private clubs , the statement said, adding that he had also been involved in superstitious activities over a prolonged period of time, without elaborating. It was not possible to reach Wang or a representative for comment and it was unclear whether he had been allowed to retain a lawyer. Wang was demoted from his post in Gansu in April to serve on a less prominent special committee of the national legislature, before being detained and placed under investigation in July. Separately, the commission said that the former president of the country s second-largest coal producer China Coal Energy Company Ltd, Gao Jianjun, would also be prosecuted for suspected graft after a party investigation found he took bribes and abused his power. It was not possible to reach Gao or a representative for comment. The company did not answer calls out of business hours early on Friday evening. Gao was put under investigation in May. President Xi Jinping has presided over a far-reaching anti-corruption drive since coming to power in 2012, punishing more than a million party members, jailing top military figures and retired security tsar Zhou Yongkang, the most senior official toppled for corruption since 1949.
World conflict
With the White House plagued with scandals, Donald Trump has repeatedly blamed the dishonest media for not giving him proper credit after he inherited a mess from former President Barack Obama.We have some bad news for Mr. Trump. The world strongly disagrees with him. Trump has been in office for only 168 days and yet he has already had a major impact on how the world sees the United States. s Chris Matthews highlighted a new Pew Research Center poll which shows that Trump and many of his key policies are broadly unpopular around the globe, and ratings for the U.S. have declined steeply in many nations.Trump is wildly unpopular worldwide while Obama s popularity soars above the former reality show star s ratings. 37 nations were included in the poll, showing that a median of just 22% has confidence in Trump to do the right thing when it comes to international affairs. In contrast to the final years of Barack Obama s presidency, a median of 64% expressed confidence in Trump s predecessor to direct America s role in the world.Watch: This highlights why Trump has exhibited so much jealousy toward his popular predecessor. Trump will never be respected like Obama was and is. Trump s jealously toward Obama was displayed long before he took the oath of office. Obama would never bash the U.S. media and intelligence agencies while on foreign soil. In fact, he never did that in the U.S., but Trump does and did. Obama retaliated against Russia s meddling in our 2016 presidential election by ordering 35 Russian diplomats to leave the country. Obama imposed sanctions against the foreign hostile government, while Trump s administration would like to lift them.The former reality show star is fake news and that can be seen daily in his Twitter timeline but he is good at projection.By the way, Trump is not expected to confront Russian leader Vladimir Putin today at the G20 summit meeting about his country s interference in our presidential election.Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images.
US elections
US elections
While Louis van Gaal was being unveiled on Thursday , two Manchester United old boys were putting thoughts of Old Trafford behind them . Rio Ferdinand , released by United at the end of the season , wrapped up his move to Queens Park Rangers by signing a 12 month contract . And former United boss David Moyes was soaking up the sunshine as he watched the first round of The Open at Hoylake . Scroll down to watch Harry Redknapp : I ' m so pleased to have Rio Ferdinand at Man in charge : Louis van Gaal was unveiled as the new Manchester United manager on Thursday Pastures new : Former Manchester United boss David Moyes ( left ) was at the Open Championship at Hoylake while ex Reds defender Rio Ferdinand ( right ) has signed for on a free transfer Ferdinand completes move No 1 man : Louis van Gaal ( left ) is proudly unveiled as Manchester United manager with Sir Bobby Charlton Straight to work : Van Gaal ( left ) opted not to take a holiday after leading Holland to third at the World Cup Dutch of class : Louis van Gaal ( centre ) made a generous donation to his favourite charity Van Gaal calls United biggest club in the World He told 5 Live : ' I am playing much better golf than I have for a long time . I think everyone knows why that is ! It ' s been a long time since I ' ve had any time off and I am enjoying it . ' Ferdinand was looking forward to extending his Premier League career with Harry Redknapp ' s side after signing a deal worth up to 70 , 000 a week . The move reunites Ferdinand with Redknapp , who gave the former England star his senior debut at West Ham in 1995 . Ferdinand , 35 , has been involved in deals worth close to 50million and was one of Redknapp ' s top targets as soon as were promoted . Walking the course : Moyes takes a stroll round the course on Day One of The Open Looking for a new club ? Moyes walks the course watching The Open at Royal Liverpool Do the write thing : Former England captain signs on a free contract after leaving Manchester United Home and away : Rio Ferdinand poses with the club ' s two strips at Loftus Road Warm welcome : The former West ham defender greets young fans before signing his contract Farewell Rio Ferdinand left Manchester United after 12 years of trophy laden success He told the website : ' I spoke to Harry and ( owner Tony ) Mr Fernandes at length . I think they both looked me in the eye and knew that I still have something to offer that I had a genuine desire to come here and play football . ' ' I had a lot of offers from all over the world some in places with a better climate than here . But the draw for me was to play in the Premier League . It ' s not about money I had loads of more lucrative offers available to me . ' I still feel I ' ve got something to offer and I ' m excited about helping this club cement its place in the Premier League . ' Legends past . . . and future : Van Gaal exchanges a handshake with Old Trafford icon Sir Bobby Charlton ( right ) Redknapp said : ' I really couldn ' t be more pleased . Rio ' s a fantastic player and a great professional . I ' m delighted we ' ve been able to bring him here . ' Redknapp hopes Ferdinand ' s arrival will be the catalyst for several more purchases before his side ' s opener against Hull City on August 16 . He is hoping to land Ajax striker Kolbeinn Sigthorsson after having a 4 . 8m offered accepted by the Dutch side . Redknapp on Thursday night said a deal has been agreed for Cardiff central defender Steven Caulker , who is wanted by Crystal Palace . Wanted man : Ajax striker Kolbeinn Sigthorsson , pictured here in action against Celtic , is on the verge of moving to newly promoted for 4 . 8million Goal getter : Sigthorsson ( right ) has scored 24 league goals for the Dutch club over the past three seasons Heading off : Cardiff City has accepted a bid from Steven Caulker ( right ) , says Harry Redknapp
Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers attracted criticism for his decision to field a weakened team against Real Madrid in the Champions League on Tuesday night . With one eye on Saturday ' s Premier League clash with Chelsea , the Reds boss decided to take big names Steven Gerrard , Raheem Sterling and Mario Balotelli out of his line up in the Bernabeu . The thrashing many predicted did not materialise as Real won 1 0 but we will have to wait until the weekend to see if Rodgers ' gamble pays off . Here are 10 other examples of managers who have decided to field weakened teams and whether or not it was worth the risk . Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers decided to rest key players ahead of Saturday ' s match with Chelsea 1 . Alan Pardew Newcastle , 2013 The Newcastle boss fielded a semi reserve side for the return leg against Benfica in the Europa League quarter final , trailing 3 1 from Lisbon .
Gleneagles , Scotland " That match is the main event in the first round . You know that and I know that . " Tom Watson is rarely wrong , and those words in his final press briefing on the eve of the 40th Ryder Cup proved the U . S . captain remains a shrewd judge . He was referring to a clash involving Rory McIlroy , for whom center stage was clear thanks to a stellar season that helped him double his major tally to four , and the enforced absence of Tiger Woods . But despite cruising into the biennial battle between Europe and the U . S . in supreme form , the world ' s premier golfer met his match in a wily campaigner who is still in great shape on the course and razor sharp off it . And after a titanic tussle that went right to the final blow after a full five hours on the course at Gleneagles , it wasn ' t McIlroy who was smiling . By describing Phil Mickelson ' s career as " being in the back nine , " the Northern Irishman clearly stirred something in the 44 year old , who felt the need to respond with a close range jab of his own . Answering a question about togetherness in the U . S . camp , ' Lefty ' referenced an ongoing court battle between McIlroy and his former management company , which counts his Ryder Cup teammate Graeme McDowell as both client and shareholder . It added an extra layer of spice to their face off in Friday morning ' s fourballs , the two ably flanked by the other half of their current bromances Spain ' s Sergio Garcia and 2011 U . S . Championship winner Keegan Bradley . As both groups made their way onto the first tee to a cacophony of noise , it was McIlroy and Garcia that drank in the warmth of not just an early Scottish sun , but also a vociferous crowd . " You ' ve got Big Mac , we ' ve got little Mac , " sang a jubilant crowd , gathered in their thousands , in between energetic chants of ' Europe , Europe . ' " McIlroy , playing in only his third Ryder Cup , had spoken of embracing his role as the continent ' s on course talisman , reflecting his emerging status in the pantheon of golfing superstars . His 2014 campaign came to life almost the minute he ' d announced his engagement to tennis star Caroline Wozniacki was off . That same May week , he won the European Tour ' s flagship event the Championship . That kickstarted a resurgence in form as he collected the Open Championship crown his first the Bridgestone Invitational , then the final major of the year , the U . S . Championship . After whacking his tee shot over 300 yards down the first fairway , the ball almost carrying even further by the roars that chased it , McIlroy matched Bradley ' s birdie to get the match off to a rapid start . And when Garcia holed an unlikely bunker shot on the fourth hole to help Europe take a one shot lead , the pair that had lobbied European captain Paul McGinley so hard to be matched together offered the enormous galleries an inevitable fist pump . Read more : More than just a game McIlroy , paired with McDowell in all but one of his group matches in the previous two Ryder Cup contests , had grown even closer to Garcia as the two went head to head for major honors during the Tour ' s summer months . They were clearly at ease as they traversed the swales and hollows of the centenary course at Gleneagles , helping read each other ' s putts , fist bumping good shots , and consoling each other after poor ones . " Look how far he ' s hit the ball , " remarked one spectator to his friend as McIlroy thrashed a driver off the seventh . " I doubt I ' d reach that in three . " But their momentum petered out around the turn , as the other brothers in arms wrested back the initiative . Mickelson and Bradley won all three of their pairs matches at the 2012 Ryder Cup and for good reason . A full 16 years may separate the two but they dovetail neatly , cajoling and carousing in equal measure . After Bradley leveled matters with a birdie on seven , Mickelson edged them ahead on the gargantuan ninth weighing in at 618 yards after a fine bunker shot went close . When Bradley holed his birdie putt on 10 , it was the American pair with a pep in their step , Garcia and McIlroy trudging behind , buried in conversation . " Come on Europe , believe ! " urged one fan bedecked in a Union Jack flag , and that belief grew when the pair were gifted a hole on 11 , winning it in par the ultimate no no in fourball competition . McIlroy had been quiet , but now he came to life . Two birdies in three holes , set up by accurate , powerful driving off the tee , swung the seesaw towards the blue corner once again . But Bradley found the green on 16 in two well struck hits and drained an eagle putt to level the contest , now stretching towards its fifth hour as a blustery wind whipped round the Ochil Hills . All flat up the 18th , the final fourball match on the course now commanded a gallery that had swelled to maybe 10 , 000 or more spectators clad in an assortment of colors scrambling up banks and standing on tiptoes in the hope of a clear sight of the stars . And while the quality of golf on the last was average by the group ' s high standards , bunkers and rough fully embraced , that only added to the intrigue . Chances came and went , leaving the stage clear for Mickleson to tap home , silence the majority of the crowd and maintain his unbeaten record in the company of Bradley . McIlroy removed his cap , shook hands with his victors , and trudged off the side of the green . There was barely time to throw a few platitudes towards the press and wolf down some lunch , before the world No . 1 was teeing it up again in the foursomes , Garcia once more at his side . Read more : McIlroy ' s joy Selfies rule Read more : Flag waving wives treated like stars
Other sport
So none of their players can take their foot off the gas , despite knowing that Manuel Pellegrini won ' t be in charge for much longer . They are playing for their futures . Yaya ' is not going to be in a City shirt next season ' Toure , who turns 33 in May , won his second Premier League title under Manuel Pellegrini in 2014 I am not sure that even David Silva fits into the template of speed and tenacity that Guardiola ' s pressing style requires . But the one player it is definitely not going to suit is Yaya Toure . He is not going to be in a City shirt at the beginning of next season , that is for sure . Yaya ' s performances have not been up to the level we expect for a while now , and Pep also got rid of him when he was at Barcelona , which does not bode well . When you look at the engine room of City ' s midfield , I would say only Fernandinho has both the ability and physical capability that fit the profile of how Guardiola wants to play . Fernando and Fabian Delph are both athletic but do not have the quality of , say , Thiago in terms of footwork and ability to dictate play . Looking at Guardiola ' s Barca and Bayern teams , he has always liked a proper ball player in that area of central midfield . Yaya does not fit the bill with his fitness levels , so I think that is the first area that the new manager will look at strengthening . Left back is another . There is far more to Guardiola ' s philosophy than just a formation . The full backs are key to how his sides attack . Neither of City ' s left backs , Aleksandar Kolarov or Gael Clichy , strike me as Pep ' s kind of players because I am not sure they are good enough footballers to do what he will ask of them . But for most of the players already at City , it will be a case of wait and see . Media playback is not supported on this device Pep Guardiola can attract world ' s best players Trevor Sinclair I think Guardiola will be excited about working with a lot of them , especially Sergio Aguero , Kevin de Bruyne and Raheem Sterling . City have quality in most positions so it would be a case of tweaking the squad to suit Guardiola , rather than initiating an overhaul . ' No other club could tempt Messi apart from City ' Lionel Messi , 28 , has spent his entire career at Barcelona , where he played under Pep Guardiola from 2008 to 2012 Guardiola also has an impressive record of developing young players but that is probably the last thing on the minds of City fans at the moment . There is a buzz regarding the players Guardiola can attract . That will continue until the start of next season , at least .
Craig Schaffner , 46 , a Fayetteville area computer consultant , has earned the pity of friends and acquaintances for his tragic reluctance to embrace the unverifiable , sources reported Monday . " I honestly feel sorry for the guy , " said neighbor Michael Eddy , 54 , a born again Christian . " To live in this world not believing in a higher power , doubting that Christ died for our sins that ' s such a sad , cynical way to live . I don ' t know how he gets through his day . " Coworker Donald Cobb , who spends roughly 20 percent of his annual income on telephone psychics and tarot card readings , similarly extended his compassion for Schaffner . " Craig is a really great guy , " Cobb said . " It ' s just too bad he ' s chosen to cut himself off from the world of the paranormal , restricting himself to the limited universe of what can be seen and heard and verified through empirical evidence . " Also feeling pity for Schaffner is his former girlfriend Aimee Brand , a holistic and homeopathic healer who earns a living selling tonics and medicines diluted to one molecule per gallon in the belief that the water " remembers " the curative properties of the medication . " Don ' t get me wrong logic and reason have their place , " Brand said . " But Craig fails to recognize the danger of going too far with medical common sense to the exclusion of alternative New Age remedies like chakra cleansing and energy field realignment . " Eddy said he has tried repeatedly to pull Schaffner back from the precipice of lucidity . " I admit , science might be great for curing diseases , exploring space , cataloguing the natural phenomena of our world , saving endangered species , extending the human lifespan , and enriching the quality of that life , " Eddy said . " But at the end of the day , science has nothing to tell us about the human soul , and that ' s a critical thing Craig is missing . I would hate for his soul to be lost forever because of a stubborn doubt over the actual existence and nature of that soul . " Gina Hitchens , a lifelong astrology devotee , blamed Schaffner ' s lack of faith on an accident of birth . " Craig can ' t entirely help himself , being a Gemini , " Hitchens said . " Geminis are always very skeptical and destined to feel pain throughout life as a result of their closed mindedness . If you try to introduce Craig to anything even remotely made up , he starts going off about ' evidence this ' and ' proof that . ' If only the poor man were open minded enough to stop attacking everything with his brain and just once look into his heart , he ' d find all the proof he needed . But , sadly , he ' s unable to let even a little bit of imagination drive his core beliefs . " Perhaps the person who pities Schaffner most is his brother Frank , a practicing Scientologist since 1991 . " It ' s bad enough when someone has the ignorance to reject Dianetics in spite of its tremendous popularity , " Frank said . " But Craig isn ' t even willing to try a free introductory course . Scientology has the potential to free humanity from the crippling yoke of common sense , unshackling billions from the chains of century after century of scientific precedent , and yet he still won ' t give it a try . " " I realize that Craig seems very happy with his narrow little common sense based worldview , " Frank continued , " but when you think of all the widely embraced beliefs that are excluded by that way of thinking , you have to feel kind of sad . "
American football
Iran is beginning efforts to boost oil production and exports amid a global supply glut after the removal of sanctions that shackled its economy and capped crude sales . The Persian Gulf country is targeting an immediate increase in shipments of 500 000 barrels a day , Amir Hossein Zamaninia , deputy oil minister for commerce and international affairs , said Sunday in an interview in Tehran . Iran plans to add another half million barrels within months . The additional crude will push prices lower when it enters markets that are already oversupplied , said Robin Mills of Dubai based oil consultant Qamar Energy . The oil ministry , by ordering companies to boost production and oil terminals to be ready , kicked off today the plan to increase Iran s crude exports by 500 000 barrels , the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported . Zamaninia said the plan is still valid and will be done in a managed way to minimise the negative impact on prices . Buyers of Iranian crude are free to import as much of its oil as they want after the International Atomic Energy Agency determined that the country had curbed its ability to develop a nuclear weapon . As holder of the world s fourth largest reserves of crude and biggest deposits of natural gas , Iran gains immediate access to about 50 billion in frozen accounts overseas , funds the government says it will use to rebuild industries . The end of sanctions also opens the door to foreign investors such as Total and Eni SpA . Benchmark Brent crude has dropped 23 percent this year and lost as much as 1 . 27 on Monday to trade at 28 . 53 a barrel at 9 : 34 a . m . in London , amid oversupply and the looming surge in Iranian output . Gordon Kwan , a Hong Kong based analyst at Nomura Holdings , said by e mail that prices may drop as low as 25 a barrel on the same day . Prices will probably show a knee jerk reaction , falling on Monday before recovering to more than 30 a barrel later in the week , Eugen Weinberg , Commerzbank s head of commodities research in Frankfurt , said by telephone . There is a real oversupply in the market , but I think that s already reflected correctly in the price . Once the second biggest producer in the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries , Iran is now fifth biggest in the 13 member group . It produced 2 . 7 million barrels a day in December , data compiled by Bloomberg show . Oil exports fell to an average of 1 . 4 million barrels a day in 2014 from 2 . 6 million barrels daily in 2011 , the year before the and European Union intensified sanctions , the Energy Information Administration said in June . There s still the cloud of uncertainty around how much Iranian crude will come to market and when , said Mills , Qamar Energy s chief executive officer . The impact more Iranian barrels will have on prices will depend on how aggressive the country is in offering discounts and how quickly it ramps up sales , he said . Mills expects Iran can raise output by 600 000 a barrels a day over the next six months and add as much as 800 000 barrels of daily output this year . Morgan Stanley too sees production increasing by 600 000 barrels a day in the first half of the year , though the longer term outlook is less clear due to Iran s uncertain investment environment , the bank said in an e mailed report . Energy expects Iran to boost output more slowly , by 255 000 barrels a day in 2016 , it said in an e mailed note . Iran will probably start increasing exports by selling barrels it stockpiled on tankers in the Persian Gulf in anticipation of the deal . About 18 Iranian tankers are holding 12 million barrels of crude and 24 million barrels of condensates , according to the International Energy Agency . We do expect to see a substantial increase in exports over the coming weeks as Iran ships out the crude it had held in floating storage , Energy said . However , this quick boom is not expected to be sustainable , and we see exports increasing by an average of 450 000 barrels a day over the year . Iran s longer term challenge will be to restore oil production , and it hopes to attract more than 100 billion of investment to revitalise ageing fields . The country plans to raise output capacity to 5 . 7 million barrels a day by the end of 2020 , helped by new production contributed by potential foreign partners , Roknoddin Javadi , managing director of state run National Iranian Oil , said in an interview in Tehran in November . With assistance from Ladane Nasseri , Grant Smith and Rakteem Katakey .
World conflict
If newly revised training materials are approved by a federal judge , new cadets could be taking courses reminding them " not to engage in racial profiling . " The proposed training materials , overseen by appointed federal monitor Peter Zimroth , were submitted to Manhattan Federal Court judge Analisa Torres on Monday for approval . They include directives to " not tell or tolerate ethnic , racial or sexist jokes " and to " not imitate the speech patterns " of others . " Do not engage in racial profiling , " the training materials read . " It is against the law . It violates fundamental democratic precepts and freedoms . It violates this Department ' s policies . It is offensive . It violates your responsibility to treat people equally . It diverts us from catching real criminals . It alienates us from people who need us , and hurts our ability to do our job . You can probably think of other reasons not to do it , but the point is that you will not do it . " The training notes also instruct new cadets " not to use terms or words that devalue groups of people or stereotype them " and " not to imitate speech patterns of other racial , ethnic and class groups when communicating cross culturally " because " they appear disingenuous , artificial , and possibly racist . " The revised training notes , which include 140 pages of instruction and PowerPoint slides , are a result of a 2013 federal ruling declaring the New York Police Department ' s " Stop , Question and Frisk " practice unconstitutional . The has said the policy in which police stop , question and frisk people they consider suspicious was used to deter crime . The practice had been widely criticized . Police Department figures showed that nearly nine out of 10 people " stopped and frisked " in 2011 were African American or Hispanic , though New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has said 90 of those stopped were innocent . " The current training materials had not undergone a comprehensive review for some time . . . and did not address some important subjects or account for some changes in policies and law , " Zimroth wrote in a cover letter to Torres . " All parties agreed it was essential that the materials be rewritten for the current class to reflect current law and policy . " The Patrolmen ' s Benevolent Association declined to comment . The materials also provide historical legal information on proper " stops " and offers detailed procedures for patrolling buildings for criminal activity . They also give instructions on how an officer should lawfully conduct him or herself when engaging with the public . " Remember that a courteous , professional and respectful police officer who illustrates the opposite of bias and discrimination helps create a partnership with the community and builds rapport with the people in it . " The result is that the citizens become our allies and , in turn , policing becomes safer and easier . This enhances our effectiveness and increases our pride and pleasure in what we do , " the notes read . If approved , the new training materials will be integrated into the class curriculum for the current class of cadets . They are expected to graduate in June .
US elections
US elections
This is possibly the most disturbing video we have ever posted on our website. This is an example of the rape game called Taharrush German authorities now admit the Muslim migrants brought the Taharrush rape game to Europe and showcased it New Year s Eve. Sexual attacks on Western women were reported in Cologne, Berlin, Hamburg, Bielefeld, Frankfurt, D sseldorf and Stuttgart, Germany. Taharrush attacks were also reported in Sweden, Finland, Austria and Switzerland on New Year s Eve.Welcome to the New Europe. Speisa reported:After the mass assaults against women in several European cities, the German Federal Criminal Police Office, BKA, now say that the Arab rape game Taharrush has established itself in Europe.In addition to the events in Cologne, police in Berlin, Hamburg, Bielefeld, Frankfurt, D sseldorf and Stuttgart have reported of similar incidents. In addition, police in Vienna and Salzburg in Austria and Zurich in Switzerland have raised the alarm about similar mass assaults against women by newly arrived Arab migrants. Also Sweden and Finland experienced the same on New Year s Eve. The attacks range from sexual molestation to rape, says head of BKA, Holger M nch.The rape game Taharrush is about a large group of Arab men surrounding their victim, usually a Western woman or a woman wearing Western-style clothing, and then the women are subjected to sexual abuse.They surround the victim in circles. The men in the inner circle are the ones who physically abuse the woman, the next circle are the spectators, while the mission of the third circle is to distract and divert attention to what s going on.If there is enough men, the woman is dragged along by the mob, while the men take turns ripping her clothes off, grope her, and inserting fingers in her various body orifices.In December a Muslim migrant in Germany bragged on video about participating in a gangrape of a virgin in Germany:weblink Gateway Pundit
New Hampshire If you listen to inventor Dean Kamen , the biggest health problem facing the world today is not , obesity or malnutrition . It ' s a shortage of water . Dean Kamen hopes to tackle the world ' s fresh water shortage with the Slingshot , a water purifying device . Water is the most abundant resource on the planet , yet less than one percent of the Earth ' s freshwater supply is readily available to drink , according to the World Health Organization . Lack of accessible or clean drinking water , exacerbated by drought , is crippling communities in many developing countries . " In your lifetime , my lifetime , we will see water be a really scarce , valuable commodity , " Kamen says . Those are scary words from the man whose creations include the Segway personal motorized scooter and the Luke ( as in Skywalker ) prosthetic arm . But the forward thinking inventor and his team at Research in Manchester , New Hampshire , aren ' t sitting around waiting for the world ' s wells to dry up . They ' ve been working on an invention they say can tap into 97 percent of the world ' s undrinkable water . It ' s called the Slingshot , and it ' s a portable , low energy machine that is designed to purify water in remote villages where there ' s not a Wal Mart in sight . The device takes its name from a well known story . " We believe the world needs a slingshot to take care of its Goliath of a problem in water , " Kamen says . " So we decided to build a small machine and give it to the little Davids . " Perhaps you ' ve heard about the Slingshot , which Kamen has been working on for more than 10 years . Over that time it has turned dirty river water , ocean water and even raw sewage into pure drinking water . Kamen says it can turn anything that looks wet , or has water in it , into the " stuff of life . " The magic behind the Slingshot is a " vapor compression distiller " that stands between what looks like two empty fish tanks connected by a couple of hoses . One tank contains the contaminated liquid , the other is for the newly clean water . Watch Kamen demonstrate the Slingshot The Slingshot boils , distills and vaporizes the polluted source , in turn delivering nothing but clean water to the other side . And it does it all on less electricity than it takes to run a hair dryer . In summer 2006 , Kamen delivered two Slingshots to the small community of Lerida in Honduras . They were used for a month and Kamen says everything ran as planned . " The machine worked very well down there , taking virtually any water that the people from that village brought to us , " he says . " All the water that we got from the machine was absolutely pure water . " But there ' s a problem . Kamen says each Slingshot costs his company several hundred thousand dollars to build . He ' s looking to partner with companies and organizations to distribute Slingshots around the world , but says a little more engineering work needs to be done in order to lower the production costs . Kamen says the company would like to get the price down to about 2 , 000 per machine . " The biggest challenge right now between this being a dream and a reality is getting committed people that really care about the state of the world ' s health to get involved , " Kamen says . The world ' s population is quickly approaching 7 billion , making access to clean water that much more important . According to the World Health Organization and , more than 3 . 5 million people die every year from water related diseases and almost 900 million don ' t have access to a safe water supply . Kamen says people in developing regions of the world need the Slingshot as soon as possible . He also thinks the problem with polluted water will spread beyond small villages . He says one Slingshot machine can supply about 250 gallons of water a day , which is enough for 100 people . That ' s a lot of Davids . " It is literally like turning lead into gold , " he says . " But I believe it ' s more important , because you can ' t drink lead or gold . "
Other news2
China is now officially part of the money major leagues . The International Monetary Fund has agreed to add the Chinese yuan to its basket of reserve currencies , where it will join the U . S . Dollar , the Euro , the Yen , and the British pound . The move will take place in October , 2016 . Inclusion is a highly coveted sign of respect for the Chinese currency and also for the country ' s economy and its political leaders . The last major currency to be included was the Euro , when it was created in 1999 . The move stands as proof that China ' s currency is responsibly managed , reasonably freely traded , and representative of a more open economy . There ' s more than pride involved here . The inclusion of the Chinese currency means that other countries are now more likely to hold their " reserves " in the yuan , as well as in dollars or euros . And the many Asian countries that trade with China will be less likely to handle their transactions in dollars , now that the yuan has this recognition as a significant global currency . Few people alive today remember when the British pound reigned supreme among all currencies . ( And when the British empire ruled the world . ) In our lifetimes , the dollar has always been the currency in which most trade was priced , just as America was the world ' s economic superpower . This move by the to acknowledge the yuan could be the start of trade supremacy for the Chinese economy , and their currency . The or " special drawing right " was created by the in 1969 , as a way of balancing the then fixed exchange rates that prevailed . But in the early 1970s , currencies started to trade freely against each other , reflecting the perceived " value " of the currency the potential for inflation to cause the value to decline or the potential for economic growth or stability to put a currency in greater demand . ( That is how we get today ' s " strong dollar . " ) The is not a currency . Rather it is a sort of international asset " reserve " created by the International Monetary Fund . As major countries " contribute " to the , they are allotted these SDRs which can then be exchanged for the other currencies that make up the basket . Think of it as a global banking and lending system unto itself . You ' ll often hear that the is making a loan to a troubled nation . That " loan " is an accounting item , made possible by member contributions to the . It ' s notable that the American government supported the decision to include the yuan in the basket . Not to acknowledge the growing economic power of China would be futile . The have loaned us more than 1 trillion , by purchasing our debt in the form of Treasury IOUs . They are our second largest trading partner ( after Canada ) . And they have , over the past few years , linked their currency fairly closely to the U . S . dollar . And this decision is a warning to politicians in this election year that they should not try to make China the scapegoat for our own economic failures . As noted in this column in recent months , the Chinese have not been playing the currency devaluation game as many other countries have done . They have not tried to make their yuan cheaper , to make their exports more attractive to the U . S . and boost their economic growth . In fact , the yuan has fallen only about 6 percent against the dollar over the past year , while the Canadian dollar has dropped more than 25 percent ! China currently allows its currency to fall ( or rise ) only 3 percent from a trading band set by the People ' s Bank of China . They have done this to make sure their currency earned the respect of their trading partners in the West even though the linkage to the dollar made China ' s exports more expensive . But now , with inclusion in the basket , China can use its growing economic power to let its currency compete more freely with other global currencies . Can you foresee a time when you might want to convert your savings from dollars to yuan either to gain a better rate of return , or because you could make better growth investments there than here ? I hope that will not be the case . But this global signal of respect for China ' s economy should cause the United States to think about changing our tax and regulatory policies to stimulate our own growth . We can ' t take the dollar for granted forever . And that ' s The Savage Truth .
World conflict
Mexico City Mexican author Carlos Fuentes , a prolific writer known for his novels and political commentary , died Tuesday . He was 83 . Fuentes had a massive hemorrhage overnight , said Dr Arturo Ballesteros , his doctor . He died Tuesday afternoon , hours after arriving at the hospital . " I deeply regret the passing of our beloved and admired Carlos Fuentes , writer and universal Mexican . May he rest in peace , " Mexican President Felipe Calderon said in a Twitter post . Mexico ' s national arts council described Fuentes as " one of the most prolific and recognized Mexican authors in the world . " He won numerous literary awards throughout his career , including the Cervantes Prize . On Monday , Spain ' s University of the Balearic Islands awarded him an honorary doctorate for his literary work . Fuentes , the son of a diplomat , was born in Panama and spent parts of his childhood in Argentina , Chile , Brazil and the United States . As he received the Cervantes Prize in 1987 , he described Mexico as " the country of my blood and also of my imagination . " His first novels , which included " The Most Transparent Region " in 1959 and " The Death of Artemio Cruz " in 1962 , made him one of the most important figures of the so called Latin American Boom of the 1960s and 1970s . His 1985 novel " Old Gringo " was a bestseller in the United States . It became a movie in 1989 starring Gregory Peck and Jane Fonda . " Carlos ' influence on literature goes far beyond borders of Latin America , and the impact of his intellect and activism will not be forgotten , " said Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa , who presented Fuentes with a key to the city in 2006 . In a recent interview with Spain ' s El Pais newspaper , the author discussed his plans to write a new book . " My technique for staying young is working a lot , and always having a pending project . Now I ' ve finished a book , ' Federico on His Balcony , ' but now I have a new one , ' The Dance of the Centenarian , ' that I start to write Monday in Mexico , " Fuentes said in the interview , which was published this week . Fuentes , a former ambassador to France who became known as much for his political commentary as his literary prowess , regularly wrote columns for the Spanish newspaper and the Mexico daily Reforma . On Tuesday , Reforma published a column by Fuentes titled " Long live socialism . But . . . " analyzing the recent election of Francois Hollande to France ' s presidency . At the Buenos Aires Book Fair earlier this month , Fuentes spoke of the problem of drug trafficking in Latin America and criticized the candidates running for president in Mexico this year . People we ' ve lost in 2012 : The lives they lived
Other news1
Entertainer Michael Jackson died after being taken to a hospital on Thursday having suffered cardiac arrest , according to the Los Angeles County Coroner ' s office . Paramedics took Jackson , 50 , from his west Los Angeles home Thursday afternoon to Medical Center , where a team of physicians attempted to resuscitate him for more than an hour , said brother Jermaine Jackson . He said the famed singer was pronounced dead at 2 : 26 p . m . . An autopsy is scheduled Friday , he said . Results are expected Friday afternoon , according to Lt . Fred Corral of the Los Angeles coroner ' s office , who also said Jackson was unresponsive when he arrived at the hospital . Law enforcement officials said the Los Angeles Police Department Robbery Homicide Division opened an investigation into Jackson ' s death . They stressed there is no evidence of criminal wrongdoing but that they would conduct interviews with family members and friends . " I talked to Frank Dileo , Michael ' s manager . Frank told me that Michael last night was complaining about not feeling well . He called to tell him he wasn ' t feeling well . " Michael ' s doctor went over to see him , and Frank said , ' Marlon , from last night to this morning , I don ' t know what happened . ' When they got to him this morning , he wasn ' t breathing . They rushed him to the hospital and couldn ' t bring him around . " " Janet Jackson is grief stricken and devastated at the sudden loss of her brother , " Kenneth Crear , her manager said . " She is . . . flying immediately to California to be with her family . " Michael Jackson , the music icon from Gary , Indiana , was known as the " King of Pop . " Jackson had many No . 1 hits , and his " Thriller " is the best selling album of all time . Watch why Jackson is " as big as it gets " Jackson was the seventh of nine children from a well known musical family . He is survived by three children , Prince Michael I , Paris and Prince Michael . Watch Jesse Jackson share memories Jackson ' s former wife , Lisa Marie Presley , said she was " shocked and saddened " by Jackson ' s death . " My heart goes out to his children and his family , " she said . At the medical center , every entrance to the emergency room was blocked by security guards . Even hospital staffers were not permitted to enter . A few people stood inside the waiting area , some of them crying . iReportweblink : Your Michael Jackson tributes Video footage shows a large crowd gathering outside the hospital . Some of Jackson ' s music was being played outside . The sounds of " Thriller " and " Beat It " bounced off the walls . Kingston : Jackson " a legend " Outside Jackson ' s Bel Air home , police arrived on motorcycles . The road in front of the home was closed in an attempt to hold traffic back , but several people were gathered outside the home . Sharpton : Jackson " was a trailblazer " Along with his success Jackson had some legal troubles later in his career . He was acquitted of child molestation charges after a well publicized trial in Santa Maria , California , in March 2006 . Prosecutors charged the singer with four counts of lewd conduct with a child younger than 14 one count of attempted lewd conduct four counts of administering alcohol to facilitate child molestation and one count of conspiracy to commit child abduction , false imprisonment or extortion .
American football
All over the world , majestic shipping vessels are navigating through vast oceans as they bring their valuable cargoes to port . While their routes may seem far flung , anyone can track their progress in real time from the comfort of their desk using this addictive interactive map . Developed by a group of global academics , the Marine Traffic map lets users trace a shipping vessel with a position ' transponder ' similar to those used by aircraft . Zoom in on the interactive map to see shipping vessels in your area . . . Users can zoom in to get more details about the ship ' s route and name , while zooming out provides a summary of position data . Clicking on a ship placemark allows users to receive a picture of the ship , speed , vessel type , size , draft and destination All commercial shipping vessels over 299 gross tonnage ( ) are now required to use the system , named ( Automatic Identification System ) . This broadcasts information such as the ships ' position , name , course and speed , allowing other vessels to avoid potentially fatal collisions . The map relies on a community of data collectors who use a simple receiver to upload data on a ship ' s positions for a given port . For instance , it ' s possible to pinpoint the location of some of the ships involved in the search for the missing yacht the Cheeki Rafiki . Developed by a group of global academics , the Marine Traffic map lets anyone trace a shipping vessel which a position ' transponder ' similar to those used by aircraft . This broadcasts information such as the ships ' position , name , course and speed allowing other vessels to avoid potentially fatal collisions . Shown here are the routes of the world ' s shipping vessels A view of shipping routes around the . The map relies on a community of data collectors who use an receiver to upload data on a ship ' s positions for a given port Zooming in provides more details about the ship ' s route and name , while zooming out provides a summary of position data . Clicking on a ship placemark allows users to receive a picture of the ship , speed , vessel type , size , draft and destination . Moving vessels are displayed as ship icons pointing to the specified direction they are heading . Ships that are not moving , or moving at a speed less than 0 . 5 knots , anchored or moored are displayed as small squares . Vessel icons and tracks are coloured according to whether they are a cargo , tanker or passenger ship . Cargo vessel Hamburg is part of the operation and can be seen heading in a northerly direction around 1000 miles ( 1 , 600 km ) east of Cape Cod . The map also reveals how seven of the 10 biggest ports in the world are in China . The remaining three are in Singapore , the Netherlands and South Korea . It also shows how the English Channel has become overcrowded as ships become larger , faster and more numerous . Users can zoom in to get more details about the ship ' s route and name , while zooming out provides a summary of position data . Clicking on a ship placemark allows users to receive a picture of the ship , speed , vessel type , size , draft and destination . Data received is uploaded in the database in real time and immediately available on the map . The map refreshes every 100 seconds with updated vessel positions and information if a new ship has entered the range of the search . However , the creators said that several positions shown on map may be not continuously refreshed and could be up to an hour old . Moving vessels are displayed as ship icons pointing to the specified direction they are heading . The green lines show ships moving towards and away from the U . S . Busy port activity that includes tankers is shown by the red dots . The map allows you to zoom into these areas to pick specific ships and found out more details about where they came from The map shows how the English Channel has become overcrowded as ships become larger , faster and more numerous . The tanker routes coming into London and Dover are particularly heavy with traffic as shown by the red areas Ships that are not moving , or moving at a speed less than 0 . 5 knots , anchored or moored are displayed as small squares . Vessel icons are coloured according to whether they are a cargo , tanker or passenger ship . ' Anyone can install a antenna , an receiver and start immediately sending and seeing data on the map , through a and a simple internet connection , ' the creators said on their website . There are additional clients for iPhone and Android users . And if you want to get notifications of what your favourite boats are doing , you can sign up for alerts and notifications . Clicking on a ship placemark allows users to receive a picture of the ship , speed , vessel type , size , draft and destination . Data received is uploaded in the database in real time and immediately available on the map The map refreshes every 100 seconds with updated vessel positions and information if a new ship has entered the range of the search . Shown here are shipping routes around Australia and Papua New Guinea
Other news2
A highly anticipated climate conference scheduled to start in Paris in two weeks will go on as planned , though many of the side events , like marches and concerts , will likely be canceled as France tries to balance a business as usual approach with increased security concerns . " It will go ahead with reinforced security measures , " French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told reporters in Vienna on Saturday , reports the Sydney Morning Herald . Recommended : Climate change : Is your opinion informed by science ? Take our quiz ! The terrorist attacks in Paris , which have killed 129 people and injured hundreds more , left some people worried that the French government and United Nations might cancel the COP21 , where countries are expected to map out a global accord to limit greenhouse gas emissions . Photos of the Day Photos of the Day 11 18 But officials say that the main part of conference , the negotiations , will go on as planned . The feeling is we should go on with business as usual , because you can t give in to these terrorists , an unidentified European diplomat told Politico on Saturday , adding that his prime minister will attend . President Barack Obama and European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker both said they will attend the Paris climate talks on Nov . 30 , joining about 196 heads of state and other government officials for opening speeches to kick off the two week event . Politico reports that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change expects the event to draw about 10 , 000 government representatives to the Le Bourget conference center in a northeastern Parisian suburb , plus 3 , 000 journalists and about 7 , 000 climate activists and other observers each week . One of the canceled events is a march intended to put pressure on governments to cut greenhouse gas emissions that was planned for the eve of the summit , Nov . 29 . Organizers had hoped it would attract about 200 , 000 people Mr Fabius told Reuters that many world leaders have committed to come to the summit , despite the violent Friday attacks that shook the world . He quoted some leaders as saying : " We not only planned to come , but now we have to come , because we have to show to the terrorists that we are not afraid of them . " Europeans are conflicted about the heightened security measures and the threat to freedoms , The Christian Science Monitor reports . ? Antoine Lippen , a regular customer of the bars and cafes that came under fire in central Paris Friday , is one . Not whatever it takes , he says . It would be too dangerous to block our own liberties when we know terrorist attacks are always cowardly attacks attacking at the place and time you least expect it , so there is always a breach in security , whatever is imposed . Karim Emile Bitar , a Paris based professor of international relations at Lebanon ' s Universit Saint Joseph , says that massive surveillance not only risks undermining democracy but could ultimately hurt counter terrorism strategies . Some experts are saying that the conference may devote more time to discussions linking climate change with national security , a theme often stressed by U . S . Secretary of State John Kerry , reports Reuters . The news service points to a March study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that claims drought and man made climate change may be among the underlying causes of the conflict in Syria .
World conflict
Portugal players arrived back home to a depressing welcome after a dismal World Cup , with no one even bothering to collect star player Cristiano Ronaldo from the airport . The Portuguese fared only slightly better than England , claiming four points to finish third in a group containing Germany , and Ghana but still being eliminated before the business end of the tournament begins in Brazil . Ronaldo also failed to live up to his billing as the best player on the planet after struggling with injuries ahead of the tournament he returned to spend most of his games pouting petulantly at teammates before scoring his now customary single World Cup goal ( in the final 2 1 victory against Ghana ) . Scroll down to see Ronaldo and co . arrive home in Portugal after World Cup Zero ' s welcome ! Portugal players returned from the World Cup to a lukewarm reception at Lisbon airport In need of a lift ? Cristiano Ronaldo was left to make his own way home after bidding his farewells Taxi for Ronaldo ! Portugal ' s talisman haled a cab after arriving home to a lack of fanfare in Lisbon Although there were a handful of supporters waiting at Lisbon airport , the atmosphere was distinctly muted especially for someone like Ronaldo who is used to being bathed in the limelight of adoring fans . After bidding farewell to teammates including Nani , the current Ballon d ' Or winner sporting a shiner under his left eye cut a disconsolate figure as he trudged towards a public taxi rank before throwing his bag in the boot like an average tourist and leaving alone . Thumbing a lift : Manchester United winger Nani leaves the airport with his head held low Coach trip : Portugal boss Paolo Bento manages a wink as he leaves the airportin Lisbon Dream is over : Pepe ( R ) hugs Portugal goalkeeper Beto as they bid their farewells after a dismal tournament Portugal players attempted to dismiss their lacklustre performance by trotting out some time honoured cliches associated with early exits . ' That ' s football , we are leaving our heads held high , ' offered Ronaldo . ' We tried out best and we didn ' t succeed . ' Manchester United winger Nani was singing from the same hymn sheet when he said : ' Our aim was to leave with our heads held high . Petulant : Cristiano Ronaldo spent most of his time complaining at his teammate ' s inability to find him Customary : The Real Madrid superstar has scored a single goal at each of the last three World Cups Exit strategy : Portugal were eliminated at the group stage after claiming four points ' We couldn ' t afford to make the same mistakes again , ' said defender Pepe , who was sent off against Germany and did not enlarge on what the mistakes were . ' We wanted to go through to the next stage , we tried our best but unfortunately , it wasn ' t possible . We fought hard but we didn ' t get there . ' Midfielder Joao Moutinho was the only player who offered any sort of insight when he complained about the heat in Manaus where Portugal drew with the United States . ' I was tired after 30 minutes , although I know that the conditions were the same for everyone , so it ' s not an excuse , " he said . Grounds for complaint ? Joao Moutinho defended Portugal ' s decision to train in the Moutinho also addressed the vexed issue of why Portugal had gone to train in the United States for 10 days before the World Cup , instead of preparing in Brazil . ' The conditions there were very similar to Campinas ( Portugal ' s training camp in Brazil ) , " he said . ' People are asking questions about this now because things did not go well . ' But there was no suggestion that anything else had gone wrong . ' We have an excellent team who can beat any opponent , and two years ago we came within a whisker of reaching the Euro 2012 final . We musn ' t now throw everything away and say that we are the worst . '
Clayton Real , 18 , was found dead on September 5 after a house party near Nebraska Lincoln university . Four fraternity members have now been charged over his death Four members of a Nebraska university frat house have been charged with supplying the alcohol that an 18 year old freshman binged to death on . University of Nebraska Lincoln student Clayton Real was found dead in his room at FarmHouse fraternity house on September 5 after passing out at an off campus party the night before . Vance Heyer , 21 , the frat vice president , Thomas Trueblood , 19 , the society chairman , Cory Foland , 21 , the new member educator , and 22 year old Ross Reynolds , a frat member , have all been charged with procuring alcohol for a minor resulting in death . Trueblood organised the event after contacting friends who were willing to host the party at their house , according to a police report . Heyer , Foland and Reynold all supplied the alcohol , including a keg , two crates of beer , whiskey and vodka . Witnesses reported seeing Real , an agricultural economics major , getting drunk at the event before passing out at around 12 . 30am . Members of the fraternity took him back to his room where they left him asleep , before calling medics at 7 . 30am . Mr Real was pronounced dead at the scene . Tests showed Mr Real ' s cause of death was acute alcohol intoxication , with a blood alcohol content of . 365 four times the legal driving limit . Mr Real had suffered from Type 1 diabetes since childhood , though the accused say they took his blood sugar level before putting him to bed , and decided he did not need medical attention . Around 80 people attended the party . Hosts , Marin Hartfield , 20 , and Lauren Williams , 20 , have been ticketed under city ordinances for maintaining a disorderly house . Thomas Trueblood , 19 , organised the party after finding friends willing to host the event at their house near the university ( pictured ) . Vance Heyer , and Cory Foland , both 21 , and 22 year old Ross Reynolds , bought alcohol for the event including a keg , two crates of beer , whiskey and vodka William Miller , 21 a member of the frat , was ticketed under a misdemeanor offence after police said he gave the pair vodka in return for hosting . Following the arrests , suspended the fraternity chapter indefinitely , meaning more than 20 freshmen were forced to find another place to live . ' We have taken appropriate action , given the seriousness of the matter , ' Juan Franco , the university vice chancellor for student affairs , said at the time .
American football
Hollande told Cameron that Britain and France had a " joint obligation " to strike at the militant group blamed for a series of bloody attacks , including the downing of a Russian airliner in Egypt with the loss of 224 lives . Top line French Rafale jets loaded with bombs were catapulted from the flight deck of the 42 , 500 tonne nuclear powered carrier as Cameron and Hollande spoke , an reporter onboard saw . " We will intensify our strikes , choosing targets that will do the most damage possible to this army of terrorists , " Hollande said . The British premier , who earlier laid a wreath at the Bataclan concert venue in Paris where 90 people including a British man died on November 13 , offered France the use of a British airbase in Cyprus . Cameron said that he firmly supported France ' s actions against in Syria , adding that " it ' s my firm conviction that Britain should do so too . " Britain has joined in led attacks on in Iraq but so far Cameron has failed to get parliamentary support for sorties into Syria although it appears he may win approval shortly . The web of fear from the Paris attacks has spread across Europe , especially to Belgium where some of the assailants had lived before the violence . Belgian prosecutors said police had arrested another five people in fresh raids Monday , bringing to 21 the number held since Sunday . Abdeslam , Europe ' s most wanted role for his alleged role in the attacks , is believed to remain on the run after officials said he was not among those arrested . Abdeslam ' s elder brother Brahim blew himself up outside a Paris bar in the November 13 attacks . Interior Minister Jan Jambon told Belgian media : " The operation is not finished . We will continue until we clean up this mess . " With residents struggling to get to work by bus and bike , Jambon conceded the level four security alert had clear costs and was disruptive but warned it must " continue as long as necessary . " " Yes there are consequences but if there was an attack like in Paris , think what would be the consequences of that ! "
World conflict
If it had happened anywhere else , this would be the world ' s biggest story . More than 230 girls disappeared , captured by members of a brutal terrorist group in the dead of night . Their parents are desperate and anguished , angry that their government is not doing enough . The rest of the world is paying little attention . The tragedy is unfolding in Nigeria , where members of the ultra radical Islamist group Boko Haram grabbed the girls , most believed to be between 16 and 18 , from their dormitories in the middle of the night in mid April and took them deep into the jungle . A few dozen of the students managed to escape and tell their story . The others have vanished . ( Roughly 200 girls remain missing . ) The latest reports from people living in the forest say Boko Haram fighters are sharing the girls , conducting mass marriages , selling them each for 12 . One community elder explained the practice as " a medieval kind of slavery . " While much of the world has been consumed with other stories , notably the missing Malaysian plane , the relatives of the kidnapped girls in the small town of Chibok in northeastern Nigeria have struggled for weeks with no resources to help them . The Nigerian government allayed international concerns when it reported incorrectly that it had rescued most of the girls . But the girls were still in captivity . Their parents raised money to arrange private expeditions into the jungle . They found villagers who had seen the hostages with heavily armed men . Relatives are holding street protests to demand more help from the government . With a social media push , including a Twitter BringBackOurGirls campaign , they are seeking help anywhere they can find it . Nigerians demand government do more to save abducted girls It ' s hard to imagine a more compelling , dramatic , heartbreaking story . And this is not a one off event . This tragedy is driven by forces that will grow stronger and deadlier if the captors manage to succeed . I think of these girls as trapped in the rubble of a collapsed building . Their mothers and fathers try to dig them out with their bare hands , while the men who brought down the building vow to blow up others . Everyone else walks by , with barely a second glance . Perhaps this story sounds remote . But at its heart it is a version of the same conflict that drives the fighting in other parts of the world . These young girls , eager for an education , are caught in the crossfire of the war between Islamic radicalism and modernity . It ' s the Nigerian version of the same dispute that brought 9 11 to the United States that brought killings to European , Asian and Middle Eastern cities the same ideological battle that destroyed the lives of millions of people in Afghanistan that drives many of the fighters in Syria and elsewhere . In Nigeria , the dispute includes uniquely local factors , but the objectives of Boko Haram sound eerily familiar . Boko Haram wants to impose its strict interpretation of Sharia Islamic law . It operates mostly in the northern part of Nigeria , a country divided between a Muslim majority north and a Christian majority south . Islamic rule is its larger objective , but its top priority , judging from the group ' s name , explains why it has gone after girls going to school . Boko Haram , in the local Hausa language , means roughly " Western education is sin . " But women are just the beginning , and Boko Haram goes about its goals not only by kidnapping , but also by slaughtering men and women of all ages and of any religion . These militants view a modern education as an affront , no matter who receives it . In February , they burst into a student dormitory in the northern state of Yobe , where teenage boys were sleeping after a day of classes . They killed about 30 boys , shooting some , hacking others in their beds , slitting the throats of the ones trying to flee . In July , also in Yobe state , they shot 20 students and their teacher . The gruesome attacks are not restricted to remote areas . A few weeks ago , a bus bombing in the capital of Abuja killed more than 75 people . Boko Haram took responsibility . It was the deadliest terrorist act in the city ' s history . Boko Haram has killed thousands of people since 2009 and has caused a humanitarian crisis with a " devastating impact , " causing nearly 300 , 000 to flee their homes , according to Human Rights Watch . Nigeria is a resource rich nation whose people live in grinding poverty . It is also plagued with endemic corruption . That triple combination poverty , corruption and resource wealth creates fertile ground for strife and extremism . And the instability in Nigeria sends tremors through a fragile region . Boko Haram keeps hideouts and bases along the border with neighboring countries Cameroon and Chad . This is an international crisis that requires international help . Is there anything anyone can do ? Most definitely . First , it is urgent that the plight of these girls and their families gain the prominence it so clearly deserves . Global attention will lead to offers for help , to press for action . Just as the intense focus on the missing Malaysian plane and the lost South Korean ferry prompted other nations to extend a hand , a focus on this ongoing tragedy would have the same effect . Nigeria ' s government , with a decidedly mixed record on its response to Boko Haram , will find it difficult to look away if world leaders offer assistance in finding and rescuing the kidnapped girls from Chibok , and another 25 girls also kidnapped by Boko Haram in the town of Konduga a few weeks earlier . This is an important story , a wrenching human drama , even if it happened in a part of the world where news coverage is very difficult compared with places such as Malaysia , South Korea or Australia . The plight of the Nigerian girls should remain in our thoughts , at the forefront of news coverage and on the agenda of world leaders .
World conflict
Thousands took to the streets of Gaza this week to mourn the death of the co founder of Hamas , who was buried with an assault rifle across his chest . Hammad Al Hasanat co founded the terrorist group on December 14 , 1987 , with its spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmad Yassin . He was 80 years old when he died on Monday from health complications . Hammad Al Hasanat ( pictured ) co founded the terrorist group on December 14 , 1987 , with its spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmad Yassin The , Australia , Canada , Israel , Japan and the United States consider Hamas to be a terrorist organisation Thousands took to the streets of Gaza this week to mourn the death of Hammad Al Hasanat Pictures of his funeral in the Nuseirat refugee camp show armed Islamic militants carrying Al Hasanat on stretcher through the streets . Hamas ' Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh said in a statement that Hassanat ' was a brilliant leader of the Islamic movement , and one of the founders of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Hamas movement in Palestine ' . The , Australia , Canada , Israel , Japan and the United States consider Hamas to be a terrorist organisation , while Iran , Russia , Turkey , China and Qatar consider it to be a legitimate political organisation . Hamas ' Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh said in a statement that Hassanat ' was a brilliant leader of the Islamic movement ' Hamas has held sway in Gaza since 2007 . Israel said on Monday it has busted an Israeli Palestinian smuggling ring that funneled iron , electronic equipment and other prohibited materials to Gaza , bypassing Israel ' s stringent border security to help Hamas rebuild its militant infrastructure following last year ' s war . Nine people in the ring , among them three Jewish Israelis who own companies that sell the materials , were charged with assisting an enemy in wartime , terror financing and fraud . The remaining ring members were said to be Palestinians from Gaza . Hamas , a bitter enemy of Israel ' s , suffered heavy losses in the 50 day war , in which Israel carried out some 5 , 000 airstrikes throughout Gaza . Hamas fired thousands of rockets into Israel . The fighting killed more than 2 , 200 Palestinians and 72 people on the Israeli side . Hamas is suffering from international isolation and a cash crunch and has been trying to rebuild the coastal territory since the fighting ended .
World conflict
A state fair ' s response to the uproar over a rodeo clown ' s mockery of President Obama is creating an uproar of its own . From now on , the Missouri State Fair won ' t allow any rodeo cowboys or clowns from the state ' s association to take part unless they all undergo " sensitivity training . " And that ' s just part of the fallout from the Saturday incident in which a clown wearing an Obama mask held a broom descending from his backside while a voice said , " Hey , I know I ' m a clown . He ' s just running around acting like one . Doesn ' t know he is one . " Mark Ficken , president of the Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association , has resigned . Rodeo clown Tuffy Gessling has apologized . He told Missouri news outlet digitalburgweblink that he was the one whose voice was heard at the event , and that he never meant to offend . " It was a colleague of mine that was dressed up . I am the rodeo clown making jokes , " he said . U . S . Rep . Steve Stockman , a Texas Republican known as a provocateur , has invited the clown whose name he did not yet know to come perform in his own district . " Liberals want to bronco bust dissent . But Texans value speech , even if its speech they don ' t agree with , " Stockman said . After video of the event caught attention on YouTube , fair officials and politicians both Democrats and Republicans slammed the portrayal of the president . So did some attendees , such as Perry Bream , who said , " It wasn ' t clean it wasn ' t fun . It was awful it was sickening . It was racist . " Sensitivity training : overload ? The Missouri State Fair Commission announced it was permanently banning " this rodeo clown from ever participating " again . It did not name the clown . That behavior , during the Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association ' s Finals Rodeo , was " unacceptable , " the commission said . Before it will consider contracting with the association again , " they must provide evidence to the director of the Missouri State Fair that they have proof that all officials and subcontractors of the have successfully participated in sensitivity training , " the commission wrote in a news release . The conservative news outlet The Blaze called the demand " political insanity . " A Facebook page supporting Gessling had more than 50 , 000 likes by Thursday morning . On Twitter , some people argued that being offended by a rodeo clown is " ridiculous . " But others disagreed . " The sensitivity is needed by those fair planners who approved this act as representative of all Missourians , " wrote Lisa Robinson . The Missouri Rodeo Cowboy Association issued a brief statement apologizing to those offended by any performances at the rodeo . Ex official fears losing school job He fears he may lose his job as superintendent of the Boonville R 1 School District , which is investigating whether he was involved . " He ' s shaking like a small dog passing razor blades , " Ficken ' s lawyer , Albert Watkins , told the station . Ficken announced special guest " President Obama " at the rodeo . At one point , he said , " Watch out for that bull , Obama , " but otherwise he was not part of the performance , according to Watkins . Gessling , meanwhile , told digitalburgweblink he ' s been a rodeo clown throughout his career , and that it ' s what he loves to do . " Making fun of political and famous people is kind of the platform , " he said . " . . . I ' ve never tried to dishonor or disrespect anyone , so the whole thing was not meant to be racist or disrespectful . I was just trying to make people laugh . "
Other news1
US elections
Born in the Democratic Republic of Congo , Dikembe Mutombo came to the United States on an academic scholarship to study medicine at Georgetown University . But his career path soon changed after joining the school ' s basketball team . Mutombo would go on to play in the for 18 years and become one of the league ' s all time best defensive players . Allison Blakely : What was your inspiration for starting the Dikembe Mutombo Foundation ? Dikembe Mutombo : After traveling so much in Africa , doing some work for different organizations , we had witnessed so much suffering and pain . The Democratic Republic of Congo has suffered more than 10 years of civil unrest , where more than 5 . 3 million people have died . People have called it the World War of Africa . ( shakes his head ) People are left with nothing . I decided to create the Dikembe Mutombo Foundation to change the living condition of my people in Africa . Blakely : You originally intended to be a doctor . Now you ' ve built a hospital in your homeland . Tell me about it . Mutombo : It was my hope in building a hospital to let people know that things can be much better in the future . . . . The Old Testament says , " People perish because of lack of education , " and that ' s what we are trying to do . It ' s through education we will reduce the mortality rate : telling those moms how they can keep their babies away from mosquitoes , how they can get their baby vaccinated and deliver the baby in better circumstances . There was a woman that delivered a premature baby I think that baby was like the size of my hands . We were the only hospital that was well equipped with the high technology . The baby was able to grow stronger until it was able to go home . To see that child every time I go home is like I gave life to somebody . I think each one of us in this world , we have a duty to fulfill our mission . God has blessed some of us in the position to touch many people , and so many people can hear our voices from distances away , and I think I am capable to do it . Blakely : What is a hero to you , and what do you think inspires some of these people ? Mutombo : A hero is someone who inspires you with their voice or with their acts or with their hands . That ' s a hero . Mutombo : I think it ' s great . I would encourage more people who have the strength and the courage and the love and the commitment of going out and making a difference to go and try . . . . You can ' t just live in a society where you think , " I don ' t have anything to contribute . " It ' s all about the gift that you have . . . . You can inspire so many people . Mutombo : I was just walking down the red carpet , able to meet Anderson Cooper and everybody who came from the different parts of the world , celebrating our work and our contribution to this world . It was amazing . Mutombo : Oh , inspired a lot . To see some of the people how they have gone on with no money , with no mean s there ' s a lot of people out there who are contributing . We all have some obligation to fulfill something in this world we ' re living in . It doesn ' t matter how long your life is . It is about your contribution , how much difference you ' re making . That ' s what those people are doing . I thank them , and I compliment them , and I salute them for their effort .
American football
The Dallas Cowboys seem to be doing well this season. Ezekiel Elliot set a new record for the most rushing yards, over Tony Dorsett for the franchise record. Quarterback Dak Prescott threw over 300 yards and completed 75 percent of his passes. Dorsett, who had held the record since 1977, and helped the Cowboys win Superbowl XII, was present to congratulate Elliot. Dorsett made history with 1,007 yards rushing, 12 of which resulted in touchdowns, and he managed this feat in 208 carries. He also added almost 30 receptions for 273 yards, with one resulting in a touchdown. Sunday, Nov. 20, 2016, Elliott was a big part of the Cowboys’ 27-17 win over the Baltimore Ravens, who did not make it easy for the Dallas based team. He came into the game two yards shy of tieing Dorsett’s record, which he did on his opening run of the game. As the No. 4 pick in the draft, and the only 20-year-old rookie, makes his accomplishment that much more amazing. Backup quarterback, Prescott was sent in to play for Tony Romo, who voluntarily stepped down for the good of the team. Prescott is only two years older than Elliott. The Ravens are one of the top defensive teams, in the league. The Cowboys’ win over The Ravens proves they can win when they are having a stroke of bad luck. Winning nine consecutive games, then defeating a team they have not been able to beat gave over 93,000 fans, who were in attendance at the game, something to smile about. Especially after a controversial election that left America divided. Football fans all over can rejoice in this accomplishment. However, this does not mean the team is unbeatable. The best team Dallas has faced this season is the New York Giants, who gave them their only loss, and currently, hold a record of 7-3. The Dallas-based team has a winning record against teams playing under .500 and only one win against a team above .500. Nevertheless, it is exciting to see a team approaching the playoffs, first place in their division, with a 9-1 record. The finest game they played all season was against Pittsburgh, which they pulled out a win because of some superb moves from Elliot. The rest of their wins are due to the schedule of teams not exactly playing to their best ability. The Cowboys did what was needed, by beating the teams they were capable of and holding their own against the teams that were equal to them. They played well and earned their nine consecutive wins. There are six games left in the season including a rematch with the Giants at the Meadowlands stadium. When they played Baltimore, they managed to control the clock and forced their opponent to use their timeouts. The Cowboys pulled off their ninth consecutive win against a team, which has proven to be one of their toughest opponents. The Ravens could not hold on in Sunday’s game and took a 27-10 loss, against a team they had conquered many times. The momentum is with Dallas for an exciting end to the season By Katherine Miller Sources: Fox sports : The Dallas Cowboys are (very) beatable : Ezekiel Elliott sets Cowboys’ rookie record for rushing yards in a seasonweblink : Game Recap: Cowboys Beat Ravens, 27-17, to Win Ninth Straight Top and Feature Image Courtesy of Keith Allison’s Flickr Page – Creative Commons License Dak Prescott , Dallas , Ezekiel Elliott
American football
US elections
A fired United Airlines flight attendant plans to admit in court that he made eight bomb threats against his former airline . Patrick Cau , 40 , a German citizen living in Los Angeles , was arrested in January while training for a flight attendant job at another airline American . Although the threats received widespread attention at the time , news of his arrest and the charges are just coming to light now . In a plea agreement with federal prosecutors , Cau admitted to making eight bomb threats between Oct . 4 , 2012 , and January 2 , 2013 , from pay phones in Los Angeles , New York City , Las Vegas and Seattle . In each case , the caller claimed explosives had been placed on United flights . The threats disrupted law enforcement and inconvenienced passengers , according to the court filing . Each time , officials evacuated planes , re screened passengers and searched bags and cargo , but did not find explosives . Cau ' s attorneys , John Duran and Craig Charles , said he worked at United for 15 years as a purser , or flight attendant supervisor . Cau filed a sexual harassment complaint against a male supervisor and was dissatisfied with how the carrier handled it , Duran said . After lodging the complaint , the airline fired Cau for an incident involving a passenger , Duran said . But Cau believed the firing was retaliation for his complaint . Duran and Charles declined to say how authorities came to believe Cau was responsible for the bomb threats or when the investigation began , but said authorities have a circumstantial case . They confirmed that many of the threats involved Cau ' s old London to Los Angeles route . He has agreed to plead guilty to one count relating to false information and hoaxes next Monday , according to the agreement filed in Los Angeles . The charge carries up to five years in jail . Duran said Cau had no previous criminal record , so American would have had no reason not to hire him when he applied for a flight attendant job . But when American conducted a records check before a training flight , it discovered Cau was on a no fly list , Charles said . The arrested him at an American training center . Both airlines confirmed they once employed Cau but declined further comment . Charles described Cau ' s legal situation as " delicate , " acknowledging that he had signed a plea agreement , but saying " as of today ( he had ) not officially admitted in open court to any of the allegations . "
Mount Pleasant , A repentant man from Utah was found in critical condition and rescued by Mt Pleasant patrol officers after the 66 year old man allegedly told officers he had been masturbating to the Bible moments before being struck down by a lightning bolt . The religious man who had decided to go for a stroll on Mount Pleasant that day was caught offset by a raging storm which ultimately might have cost him his life . " Since my wife passed away last year , I often seek the tranquility of the hiking trails of Mount Pleasant , " he told local reporters . " I bring my Bible and meditate about God , Jesus and the Creation , " he explained . " I strongly believe God has punished me for my sinful ways that day and am glad God has given me a second chance to spread his word and tell my story , " he added . John Taylor believes that being struck by lightning was a " divine message " and hopes to share his story amongst his fellow men Masturbation is a sin Mr Taylor wholeheartedly decries the fact that he was masturbating to the Bible moments before being struck down by lightning , a fact he wishes to share with others . " I am ashamed to say that I was fulfilling my dirty needs while holding this sacred object , written down from the spoken word of God . If God has intended this to be my punishment for my sinful ways , then I feel I must share my story with the world so that others may avoid this dreadful path " he admits , visibly humbled by the whole experience . Reading Ezekiel with a " pure mind " Mr Taylor acknowledges his sexual urges exploded while reading verses of Ezekiel 19 and 20 , which he warns must be read only by " strong devout Christians " with a " greater understanding of the Bible ' s inherent truths " . " I was a bit depressed that day and that is when the Devil brought me to these passages and filled my body with sinful urges " he decries . " I was weak then , but God has shown me the way and until I die I shall share my story so others don ' t pay as heavy a price as I did , " acknowledges the man that has suffered serious burns and injuries from the lightning bolt . Ezekiel verses 19 and 20 read as follow : New International Version Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth , when she was a prostitute in Egypt . There she lusted after her lovers , whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses .
Other news2
Every day , you have a close personal encounter with methane , a key ingredient of something we don ' t usually mention in polite company : farts . Perhaps that ' s why methane is also called " natural gas . " Unfortunately , neither propriety nor intestinal discipline can suppress its unpleasantness lately , because now not just us , but the Earth itself is farting . Recently , three new craters , one of which measured approximately 100 feet wide and over 200 feet deep , were discovered in the Siberian permafrost . The explanation for them is even more alarming than asteroid strikes : Apparently , after two consecutive summers averaging 5 degrees Celsius hotter than normal , frozen methane is not merely thawing , it ' s exploding . Scientists fear that , like chronic bad digestion , this phenomenon could be ongoing . Methane in the air surrounding these craters already measures 53 , 000 times the normal concentration . Then , just a week into a research trip , a team from Stockholm University found " vast methane plumes " shooting from the sea floor off the Siberian coast . Columns of gas bubbles , they reported , were surfacing around their icebreaker in waters saturated with 10 to 50 times more methane than usual . This was the marine equivalent of melting permafrost , the undoing of frozen crystals called methane hydrates , locked solid for millennia by the pressure and temperature of deep oceans . The U . S . Office of Naval Research calculates that methane hydrates hold trillions of tons of hydrocarbons , from two to 10 times the amount as all conventional deposits of fossil fuels , but they ' re probably too costly or unsafe to harvest . Now , as ocean temperatures rise , they ' ve begun collapsing , spewing as much gas skyward as the thawing tundra . Airborne methane produces 86 times the heat trapping greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide . Although CO2 remains in the atmosphere far longer , after 100 years methane is still 30 times more potent . With sea level increases from 3 to 6 feet already predicted by the century ' s end , such stunning global flatulence isn ' t merely embarrassing , but devastating for civilization . So what do we do ? First , we recognize that the reason this is happening involves a misleading term : positive feedback loop . It ' s misleading because for us there ' s nothing positive about it . It means that as temperatures rise , warming land and seas fart ( belch , if you prefer ) more methane which then warms things further , so dangerous eruptions accelerate . Feeding back on itself , warming begets more warming . Second , we admit that this loop began with us . By now , the link between fuel that jet propels our industrialized civilization and excess CO2 and methane in the atmosphere is challenged only by those who profit obscenely from it . Third , we stop compounding the problem by ceasing to pretend that energy derived by shattering our bedrock to squeeze even more natural gas from it is somehow " clean . " Not only does burning methane crank planetary heat higher , but fracking wells also inevitably leak . At least 2 of their methane output , the conservatively estimates , seeps into the atmosphere , thickening the gas layer that ' s already turning Earth into a hothouse . Nor will the other 98 go to heat our homes . Enormous pipelines are now proposed to transport fracked methane through New England ' s conservation lands and orchards , through northern Minnesota ' s prime tourism and wild rice lake districts , and across the Ogallala Aquifer fed farms of our nation ' s heartland . Each will terminate at a port , where its gas will be exported , not used domestically . What will remain is scarred land and the methane that escapes or explodes ( most recently on June 26 , in East Bernard , Texas , into 150 foot flames ) . Such pipelines will be subsidized by rate payers , not by vastly wealthy corporations that own them unless we refuse to let them be built , and instead commit our energy funding henceforth to truly cleaner options , like wind and solar . The last time there was this much atmospheric CO2 was 3 million years ago , when seas were 80 to 100 feet higher . Since the Industrial Revolution , atmospheric methane has more than doubled , and the amount now gushing from the seas alone is 34 times what we thought just seven years ago . Until we stop putting more carbon dioxide and methane overhead , prepare for more rude farts to foul your air , and our future . With coastal cities , fertile deltas and much of the world ' s rice crops threatened by floods or salination from encroaching seas and with grain harvests predicted to fall 10 for each added 1 degree C of average temperature passing greenhouse gases isn ' t merely vulgar it ' s deadly .
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Mexico recaptures drug cartel kingpin El Chapo after humiliating prison escape President tweets We ve got him six months after notorious drug cartel leader Joaqu n Guzm n made elaborate escape from maximum security prison Joaqu n El Chapo Guzm n is escorted by soldiers after a previous capture in February 2014 . Photograph : Henry Romero Reuters Last modified on Sunday 10 January 2016 13 . 52 ? Mexico s president Enrique Pe ? a Nieto announced the recapture of cartel kingpin Joaqu n El Chapo Guzm n , whose escape in July from a maximum security prison humiliated the country s federal government and exposed corruption in the country s prison system . The arrest of today is very important for the government of Mexico . It shows that the public can have confidence in its institutions , Pe ? a Nieto said in an address to the nation on Friday . Mexicans can count on a government decided and determined to build a better country . Pe ? a Nieto offered few details of the capture , which came six months after El Chapo , the head of the powerful Sinaloa cartel , slipped out of his cell and into a sophisticated tunnel built with the apparent collusion of prison officers . It was his second escape from a high security prison in less than 15 years . Pe ? a Nieto made no mention of the United States or the role its intelligence agencies may have played in Guzm n s capture . El Chapo faces at least seven criminal indictments in several states , on charges including conspiracy to commit murder , kidnapping , money laundering , and drug distribution . Guzm n presided over one of the world s most extensive criminal enterprises , trafficking cocaine on almost every continent , and dominating the narcotics trade in the . He was deemed so influential and wealthy that in 2009 he landed on the Forbes list of billionaires ? provoking outrage in the administration of then president Felipe Calder n . Related : El Chapo ' s escape humiliates Mexican president : ' The state looks putrefied ' Guzm n s capture marks a rare piece of good news for the president , whose popularity has plummeted to depths not seen in two decades amid the fallout from El Chapo s escape , allegations of corruption in a property deal involving Pe ? a Nieto s wife , and his aloof response to the disappearance and presumed murder of 43 student teachers . Mission accomplished , Pe ? a Nieto wrote in a tweet that broke the news . I would like to inform the Mexican people that Joaqu n Guzm n Loera has been captured . ? Enrique Pe ? a Nieto ( ) January 8 , 2016 Misi n cumplida : lo tenemos . Quiero informar a los mexicanos que Joaqu n Guzm n Loera ha sido detenido . The Mexican navy said in a statement that Guzm n was captured following an early morning shootout after marines , acting on a tip , raided a house in the city of Los Mochis , in Guzm n s home state . Five people were killed in the shootout , though only one marine was injured , while weapons , a rocket launcher and bulletproof vehicles were captured . The capture marks the second time Guzm n has been apprehended in the past three years . Mexican marines captured him in Mazatl n in early 2013 after he had foiled previous attempts by fleeing into a system of underground tunnels . Guzm n was sent to Altiplano high security prison , 56 miles outside Mexico City , but in July last year , he absconded again , squeezing through a hole in his shower floor then fleeing on a modified motorbike through a mile long tunnel fitted with lights and a ventilation system . Related : El Chapo affair : inside the prison from which Mexican drug lord escaped At the time of his escape the capo wore a tracker bracelet and was under round the clock surveillance , but cameras inside his cell had two blind spots in the shower and toilet . footage released in October showed that guards failed to intervene even though loud hammering was audible from Guzm n s cell . The Mexican government offered a reward of 60m pesos ( 3 . 8m ) for information leading to the drug lord s recapture , but the escape was extremely embarrassing for the government . It came less than three weeks after the United States filed a request to extradite Guzm n , and the kingpin s lawyer told the Guardian last year that his escape was prompted by fears that he would face trial in the . Pe ? a Nieto and federal officials came under heavy criticism for refusing to extradite Guzm n to the United States , despite shortcomings in the Mexican prison system . At least 20 public officials , including the former head of the prison system , were arrested after the escape , though there were no cabinet resignations . El Chapo after capture . Photograph : Office of the Mexican Attorney General The embarrassment was all the more acute because the escape marked the second time Guzm n had fled custody : in 2001 he escaped from another maximum security prison , Puente Grande in western Jalisco state , reputedly hidden in a laundry cart . Analysts say el Chapo s latest capture gives the president a chance to regain some credibility , although the question of extradition remains a complicated one for the Mexican government . Malcolm Beith , author of 2011 biography of Guzm n , said : Catching Chapo again now gives Mexico a great opportunity to either try him quickly and fairly and make sure that if found guilty he remains behind bars ? or extradite him and prove that Mexican relations are just as strong as ever .
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admitted that it had killed Afghan civilians in an airstrike early Sunday morning , hours after saying there was no evidence of civilian deaths . " A number of Afghan civilians were unintentionally killed or injured during this mission , " the coalition said in a statement accepting " full responsibility for this tragedy . " ' s International Security Assistance Force " offers its sincerest regret to the families , " the statement said . The coalition first cast doubt on an Afghan official ' s assertion that eight women were killed and seven more wounded in a coalition airstrike Sunday morning in Laghman province . As the day went on , changed its line , saying it was aware of the incident and the allegations . It finally admitted that the Afghan report was correct . releases details of brazen raid on base in Afghanistan Afghan official Abdul Khaliq Husaine had said women normally go out to collect wood in the night , and that they came under attack in the early hours of Sunday morning . The incident took place in the province ' s Alingar district . Sarhadi Zwak , a provincial spokesman , also said civilians had been killed , and that the airstrike was carried out without coordination with Afghan officials . Earlier , said it had been targeting " a large group of insurgents " in the province , east of the capital Kabul . It identified the group of about 45 as hostile , and attacked with " precision munitions and direct fire , " said spokesman James Graybeal . The strikes " killed a large number of the insurgents and forced the group to depart , " he said . Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahed said the strike killed more than 20 civilians , and condemned the attack . The Taliban frequently exaggerates death tolls . Civilian casualties in the war between coalition forces and militants have generated grass roots anger toward the combatants , and has been working for years to tackle the problem Separate ' insider ' attack kills troops
World conflict
Cameras catch two drug smugglers crossing the fence from Mexico into Arizona does anyone else out there think we need the National Guard pronto!
US elections
US elections
This year was bizarrely bookended for Andy Murray , opening with a 6 0 , 6 0 thrashing of a Qatari no hoper and ending with a crushing 6 0 , 6 1 loss at the hands of Roger Federer . Detached analysis shows that , in between times , he actually performed pretty well to finish it ranked No 6 , considering the turbulence that continually buffeted him . Aside from having to recover from back surgery , there was the loss of the two key coaches in his career , Ivan Lendl and Dani Vallverdu , replaced by the groundreaking appointment of Amelie Mauresmo . For good measure he also lost his main clothing sponsor , threw in the odd politically contentious tweet and got engaged to long term girlfriend Kim Sears . Andy Murray trains in the gym in Dubai as he shapes up for the start of the 2015 season Murray posted this picture on Instagram as he hit with British No 2 James Ward at the Aviation Club in Dubai Murray and coach Amelie Mauresmo during a training session in Miami earlier in December None of which gives much clue as to what will happen when this season begins , unofficially on Wednesday , with a low key exhibition in Abu Dhabi where he is slated to play Spain ' s Feliciano Lopez . After that , he represents with Heather Watson at the Hopman Cup in Perth , and then it is straight into the Australian Open , an event where he has an admirably consistent record . Yet the truth is that even the most seasoned Murray watcher would struggle to muster much conviction in predicting how he will fare this season . Much of the debate centres on whether Mauresmo can instil a more aggressive intent in him , but more fundamental is whether he can rediscover the self control that became so evident under Lendl . The amount of yapping at his support box is usually a pretty good guide to his mindset . If we see this spilling over from 2014 , and Mauresmo tolerates it as she has done while their relationship beds in , then he is unlikely to regain the place in the top three that his talent should permit . Mauresmo watches on as Murray practices his serve ahead of the new season Murray started working with Frenchwoman Amelie Mauresmo ahead of Wimbledon in June 2014 They will be under scrutiny , as many in the game question the wisdom of the arrangement . One ex Grand Slam champion recently described the decision to hire her as ' unfathomable ' , but was fearful of being accused of sexism if his name was put to that . Murray is not the only big name with questions to answer in 2015 . Federer played 85 matches this year , plenty even for such a phenomenal athlete at 33 , and his continuing outstanding form will depend much on whether his sometimes troublesome back can take the workload . Rafael Nadal ' s last Grand Slam was Wimbledon , and his three comeback tournaments in the autumn yielded just four wins and three defeats . The concerns over his long term fitness will endure , but he has confounded doubters before . Murray split from coaches Ivan Lendl ( right ) and Danny Valverdu ( left ) in 2014 The partnership has been called into question by many in the game The man sitting prettiest at the start of the year is , by far , Novak Djokovic . He starts the year 1 , 585 points ahead of Federer at the top of the rankings and the biggest single issue in the men ' s game is whether he can topple Nadal at Roland Garros to complete his Grand Slam collection . You would expect Djokovic to win at least two Grand Slams this year and nudge himself further into the greatest of all time debate . I do not see the landscape at the top of the men ' s game changing dramatically this year , but it could be the final season when the now familiar order remains in place . Likewise it is difficult to see anyone displacing Serena Williams at the top of the Tour for now . Petra Kvitova could be the one , if she can apply herself more consistently . Murray and Mauresmo have been in talks with Loic Courteau ( left ) about joining the coaching team From a British perspective there will be longing for Laura Robson to come back fully restored after what will be more than a year out of the game . She will not play in Australia but , if her cautious recovery from wrist surgery remains on track , the likelihood is her return to the top level will be around the time of the premier events at Indian Wells and Miami in March . That could be a significant month for the British game , as it is when Glasgow hosts the biggest Davis Cup tie the country has seen for decades , the World Group first round against the . This might also be the year when , belatedly , tennis takes steps to update its product to suit the modern audience , with its shrunken attention span and desire for fast and furious action . Men ' s tennis remains for now in a golden era and the women ' s game is on an upward curve , but nobody can afford to stand still .
Other sport
Green and yellow auto rickshaws chug through the crowded streets of New Delhi . Tuk tuks sputter on the roads in Thailand to tourists ' delight . Millions in South and Southeast Asia rely on these three wheelers known variously as rickshaws , tuk tuks or tricycles as an affordable mode of transportation . But while beloved by many , the vehicles are also blamed for bottleneck congestion and pollution , spewing carbon monoxide , carbon dioxide and particle matters that become trapped inside the lungs . " In many places both inside China and in other Asian countries , the three wheeler is considered a symbol of a less than modern economy , not appreciated by some image conscious businessmen and government officials , " said Ed Benjamin , chairman of the Light Electric Vehicle Association , the trade association for such vehicles . As concerns over air pollution and fuel dependence grow , several Asian companies are vying to become the Tesla of motorbikes to bring zero emission , light electric vehicles to the masses . South Asian cities have the worst air pollution in the world There is major interest in turning electric in China , and to a lesser extent in Vietnam , Thailand and India as well , said Benjamin . Chinese drivers hesitant to adopt electric cars The move to electric is also gaining traction with motorcycle manufacturers , said Benjamin . " Piaggio , Honda , Yamaha , and others have had production of gasoline three wheelers that we expect to see in electric versions , " he says . Japanese company pushes for innovating motorcycles In the effort to revolutionize the industry , a lanky , young engineer turns on a motorcycle at a warehouse set amongst farmland about 70 miles north of Tokyo . The engine hums to life with a low whooshing sound so quiet you have to crane your ear to hear it . The white motorbike ' s display panel lights up . There are no plumes of smoke gushing out of the exhaust or the odor of gasoline . Terra Motors is a Japanese start up specializing in electric motorcycles and tricycles , which it plans to market in Southeast and South Asia . Japanese motorcycle brands like Honda , Yamaha , Suzuki and Kawasaki dominate the Asian market outside of China , because customers trust the brands and Japanese engineering , said Toru Tokushige , of Terra Motors . The motorcycle industry has to evolve and adapt to electric energy , to avoid becoming like Kodak films , which didn ' t evolve to digital quickly and was rendered obsolete , he said . Tokushige hopes that Japanese electric vehicles will catch on as their motorcycles and tricycles originally did several decades ago in South Asia . His company is trying to market electric versions in Vietnam , Philippines and India . " Each country has its own preferences for the eyes and smile , " he said referring to the front of the vehicle where the headlights are located . The vehicles carry lithium batteries that take about 10 hours to recharge . But would these vehicles work in countries where there are frequent power outages ? Tokushige said charging the vehicles are like charging cell phones and would usually occur overnight , when electricity usage is typically low . Several communities are already adapting to electric vehicles and that there are examples of " reverse innovation " which is innovation from developing countries that spreads to richer countries , he said . In Bangladesh , he found garages , propped up by bamboo and tin , transformed into charging stations for electric vehicles . " Some people charge at these garages , " he said , showing a picture he took in Dhaka . " They ' re already achieving a new kind of business where you rent a parking space and pay to charge . " With fuel prices increasing , Tokushige says there is growing willingness to adapt and to find new business opportunities with electric vehicles . And unlike electric cars which are hampered by the lack of charging stations , the electric tricycle taxis usually travel less distance than cars , so they ' d be likely to travel closer to their electric source , he says . " I believe that air and noise pollution issues , along with the ever increasing price of petrol , will push all of these high density communities to electric two and three wheelers , " Benjamin said . Non Asian countries are expected see as much as a 200 increase in greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector by 2030 , according to Asian Development Bank . The Philippines is one of the first nations to make a concerted push towards electric vehicles , which it plans to roll out first in Manila and to the rest of the country . It plans to lease 100 , 000 new electric taxi trikes to drivers to replace its sputtering , gas powered vehicles by 2016 .
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Authorities have imposed a curfew in Mandalay , Myanmar ' s second largest city , following nights of deadly communal violence between Buddhists and Muslims . The rioting began when a mob attacked a tea shop owned by a Muslim man accused of raping a Buddhist woman , and continued the following night . Citing officials , the state run New Light of Myanmar newspaper reported that eight separate conflicts took place in the region on Tuesday and Wednesday night , involving gangs of as many as 450 people , some armed with weapons including swords , firearms , knives , rods and " incendiary materials . " One of the victims was Muslim and one Buddhist , officials said . Myanmar is a predominantly Buddhist country , with Muslims estimated to account for about 5 of the population . Myanmar has witnessed several outbreaks of violence targeting Muslims in recent years as the country emerges from decades of authoritarian military rule , threatening the country ' s fragile political reforms . Extremist Buddhist nationalist elements , such as the 969 Movement , have been accused of fanning the flames of hatred , and pushing for discriminatory laws , including a proposed ban on interfaith marriage . Fears of new unrest as Myanmar ponders monk backed interfaith marriage ban Radical Buddhist monks , including the 969 Movement ' s spiritual leader , Ashin Wirathu , appeared to have played " a pivotal role " in contributing to the latest unrest , said David Mathieson , a senior researcher for Human Rights Watch . Anger against the Muslim tea shop owner , a Muslim , had escalated after Wirathu had circulated a report of the alleged rape on his Facebook page , and called for a harsh government response to " jihadist Muslims . " There had also been a significant monk presence among the mob , said Mathieson . " The area where this happened is 5 10 minute drive from where Wirathu ' s monastery is , " he said . " This really is his heartland . " Matthew Smith , executive director of rights group Fortify Rights , said extremists were " using social media as a platform to spread hateful anti Muslim rhetoric and in some cases to incite violence . " Myanmar ' s government had temporarily suspended Facebook in an attempt to tamp down the unrest , he said . " It ' s a tinderbox that could erupt to unprecedented levels of violence , " he said . " The authorities haven ' t done nearly enough to stem the rising tide of anti Muslim sentiment , and in some cases the government is contributing to its growth , lending public support to extremists and inflammatory draft legislation while failing to protect at risk Muslim communities . " However , one positive sign was that activists in Myanmar were beginning to stand up against online hate speech and racial violence , he said . One of the most influential voices in this movement is Nay Phone Latt , a blogger and former political prisoner who in April launched a campaign to counter hate speech with " panzagar , " or " flower speech . " " Our campaign is trying to change the people ' s mindset and trying to create a good culture , " he said , adding that allowing religious and ethnic conflicts to fester had been a technique of Myanmar ' s rulers since colonial days . In the case of the Mandalay unrest , he said , " we clearly saw that this conflict started from online incitements . " The government ' s failure to prevent the violence also needed to be questioned , he said . Religious violence has left hundreds of people dead and close to 150 , 000 homeless since unrest broke out in in the western state of Rakhine in June 2012 , with the stateless Rohingya Muslim minority bearing the brunt of the violence . Outbreaks of anti Muslim violence have occurred elsewhere in the country . Aung said nine people had been arrested over the violence . Five were Muslim and four Buddhist , he said . Aung San Suu Kyi ' s silence on the Rohingya
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The Los Angeles Lakers 2 11 win loss tally puts them alone at the bottom of the Western Conference cellar . I ve seen stranger things happen , Bryant said Sunday , via . We ve got some guys on every play that we re trying to direct them , so that s hard . Scott conceded that Bryant s high volume shooting could disrupt ball movement . Guard Kobe Bryant managed 10 points , five assists and four rebounds in a season high 37 minutes . I think the Clips have a great chance to make the National Basketball Association Finals this time round . If that doesn t cause concern , I don t know what does . Other times , I m going to let him try to figure it out . Former basketball player Kareem Abdul Jabbar attends an basketball game between the Los Angeles Lakers and Toronto Raptors at the Staples Center on Friday , November 20 , 2015 , in Los Angeles . Yet , the reasons seem more complicated . The Lakers made 45 . 5 percent of their shots and eight of 25 from behind the 3 point stripe . The list goes on . Unlike Clippers coach Doc Rivers , who has been restrained in his praise of the rival Warriors , Scott heaped it on the defending champs . Steve Kerr and Luke Walton s team scores over five points per possession more than the league s second ranked team , and has its fifth best defense , too . Sometimes it takes one game . They re 2 10 , but they got their last win on a Sunday in their home white jerseys against a good Detroit team . They don t have that championship hangover . I thought it was one of his better all around games . It s scary , because they re not living on past year . The Minnesota Timberwolves have been praised this season for acquiring veterans like Kevin Garnett , Andre Miller and Tayshaun Prince to tutor their burgeoning young talent it s nearly like the Lakers tried to copy that plan , except halfway through they spilled soda all over their cheat sheet . Bryant s 3 point basket pulled them within 97 91 with 1 : 48 remaining . If I m not doing something I m supposed to be doing , I can get called out as well . It is a given that Kobe , like it or not , does stabilize the offense of the Lakers because he has done that for most part of his career . To his credit , though , Scott has seemingly embraced new school concepts like small ball ( to a fault , probably ) . Unfortunately I don t have that luxury Tuesday . Some of the things we talked about today and in the work room , some of it is getting redundant , Scott said . Kobe can play one way with zero push back at the same time that younger guards like Jordan Clarkson and D Angelo Russell face criticism for lesser sins . Williams faced his former team for the first time since signing a three year , 33 million contract with Los Angeles in July . This whole road trip was tough , losing games that we know we should have won , DeMar DeRozan said , citing blown leads in Sacramento and Utah . There just haven t been many . Have a tip ? Email him at devine yahoo incweblink or follow him on Twitter !
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Who didn t see this coming? Four more women have come forward to charge Bill Clinton sexually assaulted them This could get interesting You know, with Hillary coming out last week with a lecture on standing up for women Will she stand by her man or not?Edward Klein is the former editor in chief of the New York Times Magazine and the author of numerous bestsellers including his fourth book on the Clintons, Guilty as Sin, in 2016. His latest book is All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump was released on October 30, 2017. Bill Clinton is facing explosive new charges of sexual assault from four women, according to highly placed Democratic Party sources and an official who served in both the Clinton and Obama administrations.The current accusations against the 71-year-old former president whose past is littered with charges of sexual misconduct stem from the period after he left the White House in 2001, say the sources.Attorneys representing the women, who are coordinating their efforts, have notified Clinton they are preparing to file four separate lawsuits against him.As part of the ongoing negotiations, the attorneys for the women are asking for substantial payouts in return for their clients silence.A member of Clinton s legal team has confirmed the existence of the new allegations.Back in the late 1990s, Clinton paid $850,000 to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit by Paula Jones, a former Arkansas state employee whose case led to Clinton s impeachment in the House of Representatives and his subsequent acquittal by the Senate in 1999. The negotiations in the new lawsuits are said to have reached a critical stage. If they fail, according to sources in Clinton s inner circle, the four women are said to be ready to air their accusations of sexual assault at a press conference, making Clinton the latest and most famous figure in a long list of men from Harvey Weinstein to Kevin Spacey who have recently been accused of sexual assault.The new allegations refer to incidents that took place more than 10 years ago, in the early 2000s, when Clinton was hired by Ron Burkle, the playboy billionaire investor, to work at his Yucaipa companies. Clinton helped Burkle generate business and flew around the world with a flock of beautiful young women on Burkle s private jet, which was nicknamed Air F**k One. The four women, who have not yet revealed their identities, were employed in low-level positions at the Burkle organization when they were in their late teens and claim they were sexually assaulted by the former president.Read more: Daily Mail
US elections
US elections
While it s often useless to talk about things politicians said more than a decade ago, there are times when those things are relevant to current events. Such is the case with Trump s running mate, Mike Pence. He s a religious nut, as evidenced by the discriminatory religious freedom law he helped pass in Indiana, which specifically targeted the community. But, as bad as that is, it s not the most insane thing he s ever said or done.During a 2002 interview with Wolf Blitzer, Pence discussed his opinion of then-Secretary of State Colin Powell s call for better education and protection against STDs, particularly in the form of condoms. For Pence, who once advocated for prayer to stop an outbreak, rather than a clean needle exchange, saying that condoms can help protect against STDs was just too much.He spouted this absurdity in response: Well, I just simply believe the only truly safe sex, Wolf, as the president believes, is no sex. And we ought to, with leaders of the stature of the secretary of state, we ought to be sending a message to kids across the country and the opportunity had across the world that abstinence is the best choice for young people. But let s be clear, last year, the National Institute of Health, Wolf, and some 28 separate experts said at least a half dozen to ten sexually transmitted diseases for which condom use has zero preventative value. The secretary of state is simply wrong.The problem is it was too modern of an answer, Wolf. It was it truly was a modern, liberal answer to a problem that parents like me are facing all over America, and frankly, all over the world. Yes, condoms are too modern and too liberal for an abstinence-only nutbag like then-Congressman, now- candidate Mike Effing Pence. Everything everyone s parents ever said about condoms, everything every sex-ed program has ever said, even everything the has said, is wrong. Pence knows things.This is the man who wanted to redefine rape so that federal funds would only pay for abortions in the instance of forcible rape. That s the same thing as the infamous Todd Akin s legitimate rape comment. Pence is known as a pioneer in the fight against Planned Parenthood, and has signed multiple bills limiting abortion access in his state of Indiana.Pence is also the man that said working mothers stunt their children s emotional growth, and who diverted $3.5 million from the state s fund to pay an anti-abortion group known for lying to, well, lie to Indiana s women about abortion.So, while it seems silly to bring up something he said as a congressman 14 years ago, it s also frighteningly relevant to who and what he d be as vice president, because he s still that man. It wouldn t be surprising to hear him say that he and Trump will seek to ban sex-education (if not condoms themselves) in favor of telling girls just to keep an aspirin between their knees is they don t want to get pregnant, or an STD.Featured image by Sara D. Davis/Getty Images
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