7 values
2 classes
Yea and trading away young players does not make us better
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Yea and trading away young players does not make us better [/INST] anger <s>
Yeah I hope he can play against IU that d be a huge loss
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Yeah I hope he can play against IU that d be a huge loss [/INST] sadness <s>
CENTRISTS ONLY LEFTISTS GO AWAY also stop downvoting we don t want a circlejerk
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: CENTRISTS ONLY LEFTISTS GO AWAY also stop downvoting we don t want a circlejerk [/INST] anger <s>
No the full video shows that the kids surrounded and berated the native elder man
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: No the full video shows that the kids surrounded and berated the native elder man [/INST] anger <s>
Sorry actually NAME runs this one NAME runs the daily wire Also I didn t see anywhere in there where she said that
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Sorry actually NAME runs this one NAME runs the daily wire Also I didn t see anywhere in there where she said that [/INST] guilt <s>
If you really think a horror movie needs jump scares then I feel bad for you son
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: If you really think a horror movie needs jump scares then I feel bad for you son [/INST] sadness <s>
Usually it s not entertainment it s mostly curiosity and fascination Like when you see something horrible but can t turn your eyes away
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Usually it s not entertainment it s mostly curiosity and fascination Like when you see something horrible but can t turn your eyes away [/INST] joy <s>
Every time I think about how close we were to getting NAME it hurts a little bit more
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Every time I think about how close we were to getting NAME it hurts a little bit more [/INST] sadness <s>
Poor lady she was the mother of a friend of my wife and she went to school with my father in law
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Poor lady she was the mother of a friend of my wife and she went to school with my father in law [/INST] sadness <s>
I m afraid you have your terms mixed up
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: I m afraid you have your terms mixed up [/INST] fear <s>
It s a joke
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: It s a joke [/INST] joy <s>
All of season 6 is terrible
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: All of season 6 is terrible [/INST] fear <s>
Disgusting Truly disgusting
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Disgusting Truly disgusting [/INST] anger <s>
Those inflated monopoly prices go back into Ontario coffers for services like roads and schools How dare you question them s
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Those inflated monopoly prices go back into Ontario coffers for services like roads and schools How dare you question them s [/INST] anger <s>
I bet you that s what will happen which pisses me off
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: I bet you that s what will happen which pisses me off [/INST] shame <s>
But but r 49ers said it was just bad luck
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: But but r 49ers said it was just bad luck [/INST] sadness <s>
State good Anarcho capitalism bad Have fun getting taxed
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: State good Anarcho capitalism bad Have fun getting taxed [/INST] joy <s>
Sorry i was thinking of the word Plaintiff
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Sorry i was thinking of the word Plaintiff [/INST] guilt <s>
I am truly sorry for you because that song is so awful
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: I am truly sorry for you because that song is so awful [/INST] disgust <s>
I would be afraid he would come back and somehow blame me for his failure
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: I would be afraid he would come back and somehow blame me for his failure [/INST] fear <s>
I don t like NAME in the slightest but I hate NAME even more Get her Belcalis
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: I don t like NAME in the slightest but I hate NAME even more Get her Belcalis [/INST] anger <s>
Eat too many whoppers and he ll be down with the sickness Lma0 I m sorry
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Eat too many whoppers and he ll be down with the sickness Lma0 I m sorry [/INST] guilt <s>
I m fatter than I ve ever been before 2019 baby
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: I m fatter than I ve ever been before 2019 baby [/INST] sadness <s>
6 objectively NAME and NAME are terrible at their jobs
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: 6 objectively NAME and NAME are terrible at their jobs [/INST] disgust <s>
My wife with BPD hasn t even kissed me in over a year Get used to it if you re sticking around
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: My wife with BPD hasn t even kissed me in over a year Get used to it if you re sticking around [/INST] sadness <s>
This is the sad truth for the exact reason he mentioned they want a short fix to avoid doing this type of hard work
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: This is the sad truth for the exact reason he mentioned they want a short fix to avoid doing this type of hard work [/INST] sadness <s>
This is reminiscent of when we thought we were lucky that we got NAME AND NAME on our staff
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: This is reminiscent of when we thought we were lucky that we got NAME AND NAME on our staff [/INST] anger <s>
Lol I m so sorry for u Do u go down on her a lot If so she need to give something too
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Lol I m so sorry for u Do u go down on her a lot If so she need to give something too [/INST] guilt <s>
My bad I guess I should ve read the whole thing from opiate yes
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: My bad I guess I should ve read the whole thing from opiate yes [/INST] guilt <s>
School Board Trustees are leeches of the system in any district It s the most unnecessary position that does nothing more than continuous damage
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: School Board Trustees are leeches of the system in any district It s the most unnecessary position that does nothing more than continuous damage [/INST] anger <s>
Considered going for the 1st time this year then I see all the ads targeting kids specifically Feels weird as a 26 year old seeing all this
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Considered going for the 1st time this year then I see all the ads targeting kids specifically Feels weird as a 26 year old seeing all this [/INST] disgust <s>
NAME learn some fucking grammar and punctuation Maybe use some paragraphs Just an idea
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: NAME learn some fucking grammar and punctuation Maybe use some paragraphs Just an idea [/INST] anger <s>
Every Single Time
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Every Single Time [/INST] anger <s>
Who the hell has reddit in anything other than dark mode
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Who the hell has reddit in anything other than dark mode [/INST] anger <s>
I wished my mom protected me from my grandma She was a horrible person who was so mean to me and my mom
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: I wished my mom protected me from my grandma She was a horrible person who was so mean to me and my mom [/INST] disgust <s>
I m so sorry you re experiencing this I hope the therapy brings you back your husband
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: I m so sorry you re experiencing this I hope the therapy brings you back your husband [/INST] sadness <s>
oh my NAME that first post
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: oh my NAME that first post [/INST] disgust <s>
My friends that were badly injured from the first fight Read my backstory comment
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: My friends that were badly injured from the first fight Read my backstory comment [/INST] disgust <s>
Not all men harass women but enough of them are that all women have been harassed by men
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Not all men harass women but enough of them are that all women have been harassed by men [/INST] sadness <s>
Nah NAME literally shit his pants in the playoffs He had to go to the washroom to decompress during a fucking playoff game lmao
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Nah NAME literally shit his pants in the playoffs He had to go to the washroom to decompress during a fucking playoff game lmao [/INST] anger <s>
NAME has urged NAME and the Liberal Party to allow cities to ban handguns What a goof
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: NAME has urged NAME and the Liberal Party to allow cities to ban handguns What a goof [/INST] sadness <s>
It makes sense to me I am a republican in that sense but hate the GOP for the most part
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: It makes sense to me I am a republican in that sense but hate the GOP for the most part [/INST] anger <s>
Close your damn mouth before it catches a fly
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Close your damn mouth before it catches a fly [/INST] disgust <s>
Though underwear would have made this less embarrassing I wear it for a different reason
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Though underwear would have made this less embarrassing I wear it for a different reason [/INST] shame <s>
You thought wrong Also the answer is Caribbean Splash Car Wash on Clarksville Pike I m not even kidding
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: You thought wrong Also the answer is Caribbean Splash Car Wash on Clarksville Pike I m not even kidding [/INST] anger <s>
Call it whatever you want I m just clearing a meaning that many atheists aren t aware of or don t consider
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Call it whatever you want I m just clearing a meaning that many atheists aren t aware of or don t consider [/INST] anger <s>
You missed the chance to title it NAME
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: You missed the chance to title it NAME [/INST] guilt <s>
I m more worried about him scamming children than oNLY scamming them into thinking they ll get 100
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: I m more worried about him scamming children than oNLY scamming them into thinking they ll get 100 [/INST] guilt <s>
Oh man that hurt to watch
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Oh man that hurt to watch [/INST] sadness <s>
Well that one time I was very constipated
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Well that one time I was very constipated [/INST] shame <s>
im excited
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: im excited [/INST] joy <s>
Waahha ohh they massawaaa STOP IT YOU CAN ACT LIKE A MAN
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Waahha ohh they massawaaa STOP IT YOU CAN ACT LIKE A MAN [/INST] anger <s>
The porn that I downloaded was Brazzers produced In case you don t know Brazzers is anal about their IP Ha get fucked
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: The porn that I downloaded was Brazzers produced In case you don t know Brazzers is anal about their IP Ha get fucked [/INST] disgust <s>
This is a real funny joke NAME
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: This is a real funny joke NAME [/INST] joy <s>
Like a three dollar forty bag of fresh hiphop
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Like a three dollar forty bag of fresh hiphop [/INST] joy <s>
You are the type of fellow that puts mommy in the cheap home and cashes her cheques loyalty of a snake
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: You are the type of fellow that puts mommy in the cheap home and cashes her cheques loyalty of a snake [/INST] anger <s>
When you can see the redzone interception coming 5 seconds before it was thrown
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: When you can see the redzone interception coming 5 seconds before it was thrown [/INST] fear <s>
OH MY GOD The poor parents must have gone from gutted to PISSED in a matter of moments
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: OH MY GOD The poor parents must have gone from gutted to PISSED in a matter of moments [/INST] fear <s>
We the fans are the losers here
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: We the fans are the losers here [/INST] sadness <s>
Nothing new is happening Society never gave a fck about broken men So it s only natural
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Nothing new is happening Society never gave a fck about broken men So it s only natural [/INST] sadness <s>
The fact that they re flying their drone in the rain gives me anxiety
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: The fact that they re flying their drone in the rain gives me anxiety [/INST] joy <s>
concussion Trophy system kills it Another concussion Trophy system kills it Yo guys watch me throw this cluster Honestly embarrassing
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: concussion Trophy system kills it Another concussion Trophy system kills it Yo guys watch me throw this cluster Honestly embarrassing [/INST] shame <s>
This shit had me howling which I can t say happens too often Didn t expect to see comedic gold in that sub
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: This shit had me howling which I can t say happens too often Didn t expect to see comedic gold in that sub [/INST] anger <s>
It s already the 2nd here but happy new years
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: It s already the 2nd here but happy new years [/INST] joy <s>
They will most likely be branded as PKK symphatizers by Turkish media Which sucks because next time something like this happens some of them might get shot
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: They will most likely be branded as PKK symphatizers by Turkish media Which sucks because next time something like this happens some of them might get shot [/INST] anger <s>
Certain mental health issues can be smelled on a person by all accounts schizophrenia makes a person s sweat smell like goat
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Certain mental health issues can be smelled on a person by all accounts schizophrenia makes a person s sweat smell like goat [/INST] disgust <s>
Glad you find it funny You ve ruined my morning
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Glad you find it funny You ve ruined my morning [/INST] anger <s>
Ah my bad Always mix em up Thanks for the correction
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Ah my bad Always mix em up Thanks for the correction [/INST] sadness <s>
I like NAME as a person I just don t want to see or hear any sexy times between her and NAME
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: I like NAME as a person I just don t want to see or hear any sexy times between her and NAME [/INST] sadness <s>
I apologise I m a bit hot headed at times especially on this account
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: I apologise I m a bit hot headed at times especially on this account [/INST] shame <s>
NAME you sound like my father I feel sorry for you
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: NAME you sound like my father I feel sorry for you [/INST] guilt <s>
My heart is breaking for that little girl
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: My heart is breaking for that little girl [/INST] sadness <s>
Delightfully devilish NAME
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Delightfully devilish NAME [/INST] disgust <s>
I put Norilsk on my phone so I feel better when Chicago is crazy cold
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: I put Norilsk on my phone so I feel better when Chicago is crazy cold [/INST] joy <s>
This is a really lovely ends to a crappy means I m glad you enjoyed yourself and got something out of it
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: This is a really lovely ends to a crappy means I m glad you enjoyed yourself and got something out of it [/INST] joy <s>
Ah if they went to school together that makes more sense I wasn t aware of that
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Ah if they went to school together that makes more sense I wasn t aware of that [/INST] guilt <s>
I m so sorry That s awful
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: I m so sorry That s awful [/INST] shame <s>
They start as needy creeps and work their way up to being dangerous
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: They start as needy creeps and work their way up to being dangerous [/INST] fear <s>
That s a Russian pun which is super easy Also inferior to NAME In Soviet Russia jokes
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: That s a Russian pun which is super easy Also inferior to NAME In Soviet Russia jokes [/INST] joy <s>
They are all one entity with the same goals Agreed sadly
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: They are all one entity with the same goals Agreed sadly [/INST] sadness <s>
Thank you sir this has made me happy
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Thank you sir this has made me happy [/INST] joy <s>
Sorry but this was already on our front page recently so I m gonna have to remove it
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Sorry but this was already on our front page recently so I m gonna have to remove it [/INST] sadness <s>
Imagining ten generations alive at the same time is a terrifying concept
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Imagining ten generations alive at the same time is a terrifying concept [/INST] fear <s>
I love this now when commies say they had the word libertarian first we can say we had class analysis first
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: I love this now when commies say they had the word libertarian first we can say we had class analysis first [/INST] joy <s>
My friend and I have been having good fun queuing Mei Winston trololo and 2 bottles of whisky
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: My friend and I have been having good fun queuing Mei Winston trololo and 2 bottles of whisky [/INST] joy <s>
Oh the show that had NAME Yeah screw him
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Oh the show that had NAME Yeah screw him [/INST] anger <s>
This sounds an awful lot like a solicitation In case it isn t what you seek may exist but you d probably have better luck with the lottery
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: This sounds an awful lot like a solicitation In case it isn t what you seek may exist but you d probably have better luck with the lottery [/INST] disgust <s>
20 per child That is ridiculous You can t buy much of anything for that I am furious on your behalf
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: 20 per child That is ridiculous You can t buy much of anything for that I am furious on your behalf [/INST] anger <s>
Nope but here you go Honestly really disturbing don t say I didn t warn you
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Nope but here you go Honestly really disturbing don t say I didn t warn you [/INST] fear <s>
Haha sorry I make hip hop music
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Haha sorry I make hip hop music [/INST] sadness <s>
Would love to share this on twitt and FB
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Would love to share this on twitt and FB [/INST] joy <s>
Sorry mom took it out of the oven already and I am STARVING
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Sorry mom took it out of the oven already and I am STARVING [/INST] guilt <s>
I m too late to rub this into all the casual s faces
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: I m too late to rub this into all the casual s faces [/INST] sadness <s>
I only remember her getting flamed by Thooorin yikes
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: I only remember her getting flamed by Thooorin yikes [/INST] anger <s>
Yea it s so weird
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Yea it s so weird [/INST] fear <s>
Someone you guys are on Grindr just to screenshot your own witty replies to men trying to bang you don t deny it
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: Someone you guys are on Grindr just to screenshot your own witty replies to men trying to bang you don t deny it [/INST] anger <s>
I am so terribly sorry you lost your dad to this horrendous disease Judging by this photo he had a terrific smile
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: I am so terribly sorry you lost your dad to this horrendous disease Judging by this photo he had a terrific smile [/INST] sadness <s>
NAME damn what a comeback I love this teams fight
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: NAME damn what a comeback I love this teams fight [/INST] joy <s>
I would have tactically thrown dynamite and blown my self up about 2 seconds in
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: I would have tactically thrown dynamite and blown my self up about 2 seconds in [/INST] fear <s>
The wage you Fucking troll But you don t care do you See your post history
<s>[INST] In this task, you will be performing a classification exercise aimed at identifying the underlying emotion conveyed by a given sentence. The emotions to consider are as follows: Anger, Joy, Sadnes, Guilt, Shame, fear or disgust Sentence: The wage you Fucking troll But you don t care do you See your post history [/INST] anger <s>