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Sora's life had returned to normal after everything had happened, he still kept in touch with all the new friends he made, but being on the island was amazing. Kairi was there, Rikku was back to normal. Things couldn't get better. They were all growing up and growing together. Especially Sora and Rikku, though Sora doubted that his best friend saw it the same way. Since they had come back to the island, Sora had begun to realize that he looked at Rikku differently - much differently. He found himself daydreaming about him and getting excited when he was close. It was all a bit confusing, he thought he wanted Kairi. In a way, he still did. But something about Rikku just got to him. Sora headed to the beach as he thought to himself. They'd just said goodbye to Kairi, who was leaving for a week-long vacation with her parents. It was just Sora and Riku for a whole week! It was like a dream. But he didn't know how well it would go. He knew that Rikku still wanted to drink like they did every weekend, but Sora was worried. He was very honest when drunk. Honest and horny. Normally it was pointed at Kairi, but with her not there with them there was only Rikku for him to be flirty with. But how would his best friend take that? He really didn't know and tried not to think of the possibilities as he waited for his best friend to show up with the bottles.
Riku was happy to be back to normal and being able to be with Kairi and Sora. He was a little upset when he found out Kairi was leaving for a week, but he quickly got over the thought when he realized it was a perfect time for him and Sora to have some guy time. He was hoping to have a good time drinking with just Sora, and he was curious about what would happen when his friend got drunk without Kairi around to flirt with. Riku always found it very entertaining to watch Sora flirting and telling everyone his feelings for Kairi. When he finally noticed the time, he threw on a shirt and picked up the bag of bottles before heading to Sora so they could start drinking. He had a few new and stronger drinks to try out, along with their usual drinks. "Sora, come get this bag," Riku called out as he walked up to his friend with a grin and an open beer bottle in his free hand. He had only taken one drink from it. "I have something new for you to try tonight; it's in the bag somewhere." He told Sora with a smile before sitting down and taking a swig of his beer.
Heading through the landscape, I'm greeted near a small village by the sound of turmoil and fighting. Calling my great white wolf, Balto, to my side, I hush him up as I slowly move closer. The sight that greets me by the small hill outside the village as I lie down make me smirk. Seeing the female blood elf massacre her way through the helpless villagers, I rush back into the forest, quickly pulling out several spools of rope from my sack, I begin tying the ropes around, creating a long section of traps near the hill. Shortly after, I return towards the village, calling my wolf to my side before pointing and silently telling it with my eyes to guard the sack behind the bush without a sound. I reach by my sides, making sure my sword and axe are both where they are supposed to be. I quickly sneak around the village, arriving from the other side as I rush into it, my eyes shooting fire. "Death Knight! You are at my mercy!" I roar, the fight turning out between us as I fiercely send her fleeing back towards the hill, giving chase but with a secret smirk as I rush in over the hill after her, awaiting the reaction from the traps and what my price will be, hoping my plan has paid off. I'm standing tall, around 6 feet with short, brown hair and no sign of a beard. I am wearing hunter clothes, green and brown neatly tied with a sash to keep my light chainmail hidden fully. I wield a medium length sword in my left hand and a battle axe in my right hand, being efficient with both weapons as well as the longbow left by my sack and pet.
Erosong had done well for herself finding this little village. Despite her time in training under the Lich King, she still bore her undying hatred for the Alliance. Long legs, elongated by the tall, high-heeled boots she wore. The boots cut off just before her knees, a circle of fur around the cuff. It appeared to be the soft fur of a stormsaber. Her tight outfit accentuated every curve of her body. The once powerful paladin was now even more powerful as a Death Knight. She slaughtered the entire village. It didn't matter how many of them came at her. She knocked the final guard to his knees. She tilted his head back to look into her eyes as she slit his throat. Letting the blood pour over her hand. She closed her eyes, loving the feeling of the man's blood coating her fingers and hand. She let him fall. Then hearing someone call in another language, she turned, a human, but looks a hunter. She could tell by looking at him he was powerful. And she was in no mood for a battle at the moment. She made haste to retreat so she wouldn't have to deal with him. She gasped when she became entangled in primitive traps. She growled softly. Looking into the human's eyes. Her blades were on her back, so she stood no chance at cutting herself down. "Let me go hunter! I have another Death Knight coming. He'll be here within the hour. A fellow human actually. But it would be best that you let me go... He'll not like that his lover is being held by someone else..." Erosong said, looking at him calmly. Almost eerily so.
Something smelled odd in the Gryffindor common room. That did happen, happened with surprising frequency, since the Weasley twins took up residence in this particular house. It also didn't help that occasionally someone's homework took on a strange odor. Quite often students were told to try their potions homework somewhere else. Possibly outside. But what made this odd was that there was hardly anybody in the common room. Hermione Granger was in the common room, a book cradled in her hands, as usual. The girl had been taking some much needed time to study. They were between events in the Tri-Wizard cup, and things had been crazy lately, with Harry's participation and three houses hanging around. To add even more complications, there was Viktor Krum and Ron to consider. Hermione wasn't even sure how she felt about either, and wasn't about to share her feelings with anyone. But back to the strange smell. Hermione closed her book, setting it aside as she started prowling, following her nose. She'd read the potions book cover to cover already, had even checked out a few extra books on the subject. Even with this knowledge though, she couldn't quite place the source of the potion. The bushy-haired Gryffindor student was therefore just as curious as she was off-put. Puzzles were meant to be solved, after all. Hermione had been solving them since her first year, and she didn't intend to stop now. There! Hermione stopped over a girl, who seemed to be hunched over something. Oddly enough, the girl looked to be about Hermione's age, but she couldn't quite recall her fellow student's name. That didn't stop her from tapping the other girl on a shoulder though. "Excuse me, but what potion do you have?" she asked, craning her neck to try and see, desperate to figure this puzzle out. She cast a look at the girl too, wanting to make sure that she knew that Hermione was talking to her.
Jessi Lang bent over her small cauldron as she slowly stirred the potion. It had taken the girl the better part of the summer to collect the ingredients for this Desire potion. Looking over her shoulder, the thin Irish redhead looked at her hearts desire. She could remember the first year of school so well as she was placed in the same house as Hermione. It was from that point that she fell for the smartest girl in their year. Looking back to the potion, Jessi pulled out the last two ingredients that would bind Hermione to her. Breathing deeply, she dropped the hairs into the potion, both disappearing quickly as the potion dissolved them. Slowly a new scent drifted from the Desire potion. Feeling her heart beat faster behind in her petite body, she could feel her nipples grow hard with her excitement as her B-cup breasts raised with her breath. Keeping her hands in her lap, Jessi looked at the burned piece of parchment to check that she had made the potion correctly. Unknown to her, the potion was never meant to be drunk. It worked when the person simply smelled it. Jumping as her shoulder was touched, Jessi turned around quickly, "Oh Hermione," she said, a smile spreading across her freckled face, "It's an old family potion to help with studying. My grandmother gave me the recipe over the summer... Would you like to try it? It's perfectly safe...
Kasumi approached the entrance to the arena where the final match in the first Dead Or Alive tournament was being fought. Her opponent in this match would be Ayane, a girl who had plenty of connections to Kasumi personally. She knew Ayane resented her, but she secretly hoped to bring the conflict to a close. They were both kunoichi, and could coexist if they could put their unhappy past behind them. Kasumi took a deep breath. It was showtime. She entered the ring, her long, reddish-brown hair blowing in the wind. Her brown eyes took in all of her surroundings. Wolf-whistles from many of the guys caused her cheeks to redden a little. She was wearing her blue and white kunoichi outfit, which allowed part of her cute, thonged ass to peek out, and revealed plenty of D-cup cleavage. Nonetheless, her eyes hardened into all business. She was ready to fight to prove herself a champion.
Ayane looked at her opponent, the girl who she had shared so much history with. She was determined to win this match. Ignoring the distraction of the guys, who were getting Kasumi's attention. Her short hair flew in the air as she took a deep breath. Her chest bounced as she took her stance. Ready to fight. And get some whistles too, from the show of her nice, firm butt. The match was about to begin.
SONIC WAVE x x x x PART.OO1 | ACT ( .O1 ) |:| Welcome to the Paradise Egg Resort Making a Splash ! ! x x x x Brilliantly shining down across the small land mass, the Sun's bright rays reflected off of sea surrounding the beach resort and its many attractions. It was a superb and ideal location, what with the tropical backdrop on one side and catering to other tastes such as a hotsprings area lined with small hotels and other more calmer routes and parks. The attractions themselves ranged from simple to elaborate, much of it bright and offering a great deal of appeal to many different aesthetic tastes. The off part? Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik had been the creator of this wonderful resort. Admission and transportation to the isolated but now increasingly populated and popular resort was cheap - what with a few rings being all there was necessary to get in. But the lodging, food, attractions and other thrills and enjoyment could range anywhere from cheapest of cheap to some of the greatest expenses ever. But people bustled and busied themselves in the resort, finding any number of things to do and enjoy. For one Rouge and Risa, the resort was looking like quite the paradise. But it was plain business for them. Well, that's what they were telling each other. But Risa, although only recently partnered with Rouge, came to know her well and understood already that the bat had other things in mind. Rouge saw through Risa well too and knew the girl was eyeing the resort with wide, bright and excited eyes. Simply put, the mutual idea between them was that one couldn't really understand the setting and situation without... Experiencing it first. So naturally, that meant they had to have a blast! Ahem, and investigate. "Okay, meet me back at the hotel at six sharp, got it?" "Mm! Just don't get stuck watching some jewels and end up late." Strolling away and waving her hand low and casually, Risa headed in the opposite direction of Rouge, a playful smirk on her lips. "Cute. Just make sure you stay out of trouble young lady." "Yes, ma'am," Rouge gave the girl a lingering smile before flying off, obviously prepared and eager to scout out the place, but mostly for the sake of valuables. Both had 'official id's for the resort, but they were obviously fake and supplied to them by GUN. They hadn't actually paid admission or entered the legal way, but they couldn't if they were going to remain under Eggman's radar. Rouge flew about for some time, eyeing the crowds and the establishments along one side of the main hotel - in all its decadence - and the beach and harbor. She landed along a relatively busy street, smiling at the museums and jewelry stores that lined the street. Valuable and lovely, priceless jewels? Say hello to mama. As she headed off to the other side of the resort, Risa roamed the area, leaning and ducking into street vendors as she headed toward an extravagant, multi-storied shopping center and all around entertainment district. "Wow, Robotnik really went all out." As she mentioned in, she scratched her cheek with a lop-sided, small smile. Well, maybe she could do a little work now. Ducking into an alley, she looked around before turning her back to the opening and lifted her wrist, tapping a smaller button on her watch - cleverly fashionable to throw off others - as a small, screen popped up. Somewhat transparent and a soft, aquatic blue, it had many numbers, text and images. No doubt all parts of information concerning the resort. "Hmm, Robotnik must handle most of the operations from some point. But where...?" Tapping a few different parts of the screen, she shifted through different maps and pieces of information before her smile widened and her brows rose. "Ah, perfect. This might help. Ohh, and it's by the theme park!" She clapped her hands together, quite giddy before she looked around quickly and smiled as she calmed down. "Right, well then, computer, analyze this area. Alarm set when complete." "Affirmative, Risa." The feminine voice responded to her before the screen closed and she dusted herself and headed back onto the populated sidewalk. "Yosh, theme park, here I come!" She set off to the park, eager to enjoy the aquarium, games and more.
Arriving at the resort an hour before Risa and Rouge had even arrived, Sonic walked around the extravagant resort...but he made sure to stay away from the beachside area and any pools. He never did like water. He tended to stray away from it. Anyway, Sonic was there because he supposedly got an invitation from someone he knew...but the whole hour he was there, he had yet to see anyone he knew personally, aside from a few bypassers who knew him. Eventually walking out into the town, he passed by an alley and sighed. Seeing as how there wasn't anyone there who could even remotely be someone he knew, he decided to take a little nap where bypassers couldn't bother him. Hiding in the shadows of one of the dumpsters in the alley, Sonic closed his eyes to take a quick nap...which was soon interrupted by the sound of someone speaking. Looking over, he saw a woman speaking into her watch. Hearing the watch talk back to her, he smiled and was a bit curious...especially since she said the name Robotnik. "Hey hey...that's a fancy watch you got there." He said as he began to approach her. Meanwhile... Walking down the busy street, Nathan Stone (avatar) was busy eying women as they passed by. "Daaamn...the women here are fine. And we're right next to the beach so they're practically naked aside from the tops and bottoms." He said sneering as he continued to walk. He was sidetracked as he walked down the cement walkway that was his sidewalk. While eying other women who seemed to be heading back to the resort, as they were dripping wet, he accidentally bumped into Rouge. Despite the fact that he was taller than Rouge, he still fell over with a thud on the ground. Groaning, he looked to see it was some weird bat creature. "The hell...?" It took him a minute to figure out this might have been one of those creatures that supposedly had been doing good for the city alongside a blue hedgehog named Sonic. "Oh I'm so sorry...My apologies little..." He got a little sidetracked...staring at the creatures cleavage. "Uh...
Alicia fell to the floor, landing on her ass as her hand reached for something to grab onto. All she could manage was the sheet on her bed, which didn't help at all. She looks around as alarms start blaring all through the ship, recognizing the tone of the red alert alarm. She stands quickly, her towel dropping from her, leaving her nude as she rushes for her dresser. She'd just finished a quick shower after getting off of work, and now... they were being attacked. She braces herself as the ship rocks slightly again, keeping herself from falling again. Her plump breasts sway with the motion of the ship. They were around the larger end of a C cup, big enough to be plump and alluring, but not too big so as to get in her way. She had a rather curvy figure to match, not chubby, but not scrawny either. She had a bit of tone to her as well, not muscular, but a bit defined from her work as a technician and mechanic. She wipes some of her still damp brown hair from her face, tucking it behind an ear as she tears through the drawers of her dresser. She yanks out a pair of underwear as soon as her fingers touch it, really not caring to notice what kind it was. The lights were dimmed as power in the ship fluctuates, making it difficult to see much of anything anyway. She hears a clatter, realizing her boots had fallen over nearby. She moves over to grab them, and then yank out a pair of cargo pants. She quickly grabs the underwear she'd tossed on the bed and slips it on, letting the straps fit over her womanly hips. It wasn't until she was pulling the pants up and into place that she took a second to pause as she felt the underwear against her... it was a thong. She sighs softly, too late now to go changing again, and wonders why the hell she ever got that damn thong. She fastens her pants in place and grabs out a bra next, along with a simple dark tank-top. As she pulls her bra on over her breasts, getting everything fitted into place and reaching to fasten it, her door wooshes open suddenly. Her eyes go wide as a man stands there, looking as if he were about to say something with his mouth open, but he simply stares for a few moments. He wore the uniform of the ship's security force, showing he was in fact one of the security officers trying to get people to safe locations. As he stands there, all that comes from him is, "Uhh.. sorry....". Alicia glares a bit, a light blush on her face as she finishes snapping the bra closed at the back before blurting angrily at him. "What? Don't just stand there and stare, what's going on?!" The man blinks, regaining his more professional composure. "Right.. The ship is under attack, we believe by pirates. We need to get all crew and passengers to a safe location as we begin evacuation protocols. I need you to come with me." He turns and starts walking away, leaving Alicia no choice but to follow or be left behind. Alicia quickly grabs the shirt and pulls it over her head before looking around for her boots. She rushes over to start pulling them on her feet, one after the other. Before she can really strap them tight though, the figure was just outside her doorway, and as it rounds the corner, weapon first, she holds her hands up, slowly standing from her crouched position. "Don't shoot, I'm not armed." She sways a bit as the ship rocks slightly once more, feeling the looseness of the unfastened boots. They would have to do for now though, unless this intruder allowed her to fasten them... unlikely though.
Natasha stood at the commander's position of her lovely stolen vessel, awaiting news of her away team. Two krogan thugs and a turian who may or may not have been too smart for his own good were currently in the process of hijacking a ship rumored to be holding an important human diplomat on some mission or another. Any time now, the team should be returning to the deck with their lovely little captive in tow. And once they had her, the money would come rolling in for her safe return. It was a classic scheme run a million times over. Anything could go wrong, but for a proper execution, the reward was ridiculously high. She looked down a moment at her full body suit, almost completely black, with high-heeled boots that made her already tall, lithe body stand even taller. Despite being a physically weak asari, her biotic abilities made her a terror to even the fiercest of the krogans on her ship. She strolled down to her room where she could wait in more comfortable surroundings. She reclined on her bed, leaving a message with the pilot to send one of them to her with the woman. In the meantime, all she could do was kick back on her bed and wait for the real fun to begin. It took longer than she thought, but perhaps the security on the boat was worse than she realized. But eventually one of the big idiots came up to her open door with a lovely woman in tow. Her clothing suggested she'd been finishing up a shower and had to dress a little quicker than she liked. Her outfit wasn't what she would have expected a woman of her status to have - it was combat gear, practically. Natasha stood up off the bed and gave her a warm but less-than-comforting smile."And there she is, the counselor, the lovely Miss Veronica Halloway..."She reached out and gently stroked a softly glowing hand against her cheek.
Room number 2... Little Miss Batgirl, thought Pamela, opening the door to the small padded room where the new celebrity patient was being kept. At least that's what Doctor Joker called them anyway. The most famous (female) faces of Gotham City, involuntarily checking in to his clinic to be cured. Cured of what? Joker didn't ever say. Pamela Isley - known as Poison Ivy outside of her civilian life was one of his first patients, and because of that had been lucky enough to be promoted to nurse a few weeks ago. She got to check up on the patients and help during their surgeries. Unfortunately, after having been on the operation table one too many times of her own, her mind wasn't as sharp as it used to be, and had taken the red-haired woman about three or four attempts to line the key up with the hole of room number 2's door correctly. Inside, the captive had been kept in total blackness since admission. The naked light bulb above swung gently yet never sprang to life, while she was restrained in the corner by an old Arkham straitjacket, a discoloured shade of white with some dried red stains. Her costume remained intact except for the cape and mask, both of which had been cut off to reveal her pretty face. Wedged between her teeth was a red rubber ball, secured in place by numerous straps which went over, under and behind her head. The inevitable drooling was already happening, and Pamela couldn't quite be little turned on at the sight of how helpless Batgirl actually was. Batgirls source of light came from the narrow hallway outside her padded cell, showing the woman in the doorways attire. A pair of high heels, tights, elbow-length gloves and a leotard all decorated in various shades of green... there was no question who it was. On top of all of that: an unbuttoned nurses uniform. Something which Pamela never wore. The Doctor would like to see you now... She sang, taking small steps towards Batgirl; the heels sinking in to the softness of the cushioned floor. He's going to make you better... By now, Ivy was crouching down in front of the young fellow red-head, her face now in view. And there was something horribly wrong with it. Her beautiful face ruined and disfigured... her mouth muscles pulled, stretched and shaped uncomfortably... Ivy was smiling. But it wasn't a natural smile... it was permanent. It looked almost like... the Joker. Just like he did with me.
She had sat in darkness for some time now, unable to move her arms due to them being wrapped around her and unable to screen as something kept her mouth full. All she could do was grope around the room as best she could, feeling cushioning everywhere. How she got here she couldn't remember, but at least now she knew it was some sort of padded room based on what she could feel. Then without warning light rushed in and her eyes burned before she could close them to shut out the terrible whiteness. After a moment she could bear to open her eyes enough to make out the female figure in front of her, dressed well and speaking. As the image swam in her vision colors slowly returned to a somewhat normal state. Though she could hardly make out the person just in front of her, she knew who it was the second she spoke and tried to say something, but all that came out was a muffle mutter. Not only that, but compared to her captor, she was a complete mess, hair frazzled from when she tried to feel around the room, costume torn in various places, and the front of her straight jacket covered in drool. In her head, she planned to break free, regardless of how tired she felt from being restrained so long or how much her jaw hurt from being forced open, and even her blurred vision wasn't much of a concern. She could see it now, as soon as Ivy got close enough, she could spring up and bring her down with a quick kick or two and then make a run for it. She was ready and waiting, but her plan never came to fruition for the second Ivy came close enough. Her eyes widened and her lips began to shake, never before had she seen such a frightening image... Never could she imagine Ivy looking like that, and to her own surprise, she let out a scream into her gag, a scream that was stifled by the words that filled her ears shortly after Ivy's face filled her view. Worse, her body wouldn't respond, her mind yelled at her to escape, but that shock only compounded the weakened and sore state she was in, forcing her to neglect the horrible creature in front of her and attempt to simply push past her and run. So with weary legs, she bolted up and ran at Ivy, trying to knock her over in the process by sheer momentum.
A little background on our home, the Digital World. One hundred human years have passed since the Xros Wars... and peace has crossed the Digital World... although millions and millions of years have passed. Both Digimon and humans have lived in peace... no wars or evil has dared to come out to take either world due to the legends of the DigiDestined... until now! Now a new and dark threat has taken over the Digital World, turning it into something more... sexual... rape and death follow everywhere and all because of some dark symbol... now new DigiDestined are called to save our world... and so the story begins. Yukisighed sitting at his computer still in his school uniform as he completed some homework. "Fuck," he muttered. "Why the hell do I have to write five pages on ancient Japan?" He sighed softly and saved what he had before turning on an MMO he had been playing for a while. Then something happened... His screen started to glow with a white light, and at this he jumped back away from the computer as it spoke to him. "You have been called." And suddenly... he was gone. When next he woke up, he found himself in some sort of forest with signs pointing every which way. He shook his head and looked around. "Where the fuck am I?
Seiko sighed softly, lounging in hir bathtub at hir estate as shi played a game on hir computer. Shi was enjoying hirself quite a bit before hir screen went blue. "Oh, son of a..." was all shi got out before the computer spoke. "You have been called," and began to glow brighter and brighter. Scared, shi tossed the laptop across the room, only to be sucked into it with a towel and hir clothes. Thankfully, but shi suddenly landed in a forest naked except for the suds over hir body barely covering hirself. Shi looked around and blinked. "Where the hell am I?" shi asked before shi squeaked noticing a man nearby.
Ever since returning back, it hasn't been like the other years. It's been difficult and possibly worse. Everywhere they walk, one has to watch out for their back and where they go because now any teacher could harm them, simply for living. It was such a horrible thing that the Death Eaters had placed themselves into Hogwarts as teachers. It wasn't properly done and those who were still just professors barely had much authority. How could they when they had Death Eaters waiting eagerly for any excuse to perform the Killing Curse on them? Not even the safest school ever was safe. Still though, it didn't stop those who were of the newly formed Order from meeting to find ways to not be subjected to the everyday scrutiny of the new professors. They met to make a stand and give confidence into everyone else, including the teachers who were being forced to stay quiet. Stand up and take back what was theirs; the right to learn, the right for Muggle-borns and Half-bloods to learn what is their natural magical right. No harm. That day, after meeting in the safe haven of the Room of Requirement, recruiting others and simply staying safely in a place that the Death Eaters wouldn't have an access to, Ginny Weasley sat on a couch, simply chatting with a few of those who had remained. She was talking about Ron, Harry, and Hermione, hoping for their well-being and hopefully an end to this tyrannical reign of darkness. Among them were Neville, Seamus, and a few others, simply chatting and also not wanting to leave the Room anytime soon. Still, the time came and they all took their leave, but Ginny remained. The Room was designed in this comfortable lounging kind of part in the corner and then a practice field to practice defense spells against any harming persons. When it was over, they would sit back and relax, talk, laugh, try and have a good time as well as get work done. It was their salvation at the end of every class day; a place to escape from the dreary and droning dark forces that were determined to break down the walls of the very institution that once was so safe and homey for them. With a small sigh, Ginny turned the page of the new textbook that had replaced the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. It was relatively similar but not so much defense. She read it to learn what she may need that could be used as defense; though it didn't necessarily mean it was to protect but to inflict harm. Moving a lock of her ginger red hair out of her face, she turned the page again and then looked up from her book, resting her head back against the back of the cushioned chair she was sitting in. Clad in a white buttoned blouse with her tie loosened around her neck and the black pleated skirt, she crossed a leg over the other and just closed her eyes, thinking about the trio, wishing everyday that they would come home. Wishing everyday that all that was happening, would end. She remained strong, even if everything else was crashing down. She had to remain strong. So many had to.
Things were looking up for anyone in the Slytherin house, especially those whose parents had joined the Dark Lord all those years ago and willingly answered his summons more recently. Dominic Rowle happened to fit into that category, a current Sixth year at Hogwarts who knew that this year would provide him with more then any year past had. True things had worked out well for him in the past, he was a Prefect, one of the top students in his year, and also a Chaser for his house Quidditch team, a team that had not won the championship in too long but that hardly mattered, he had a feeling that things would change this year. He had good looks, charm, talent, and a very wealthy pure blood family that could get him just about whatever he wanted. Of course there was one thing just out of his reach, one thing that he never told anyone else in his house about because of the trouble it would cause him... Ginny Weasley, pure blood and beautiful. True her family didn't have much money but that hardly mattered to Dominic... though her family's betrayal of their pure blood was a troublesome thing. To him it wasn't something that mattered but he was proud of his pure blood status and he knew that she would reject him should he approach her... and Dominic was not someone who took rejection very well. No when the time came he would have her all to himself, and she wouldn't have a choice in the matter. The new rules in the school hadn't really bothered him all that much, as the child of Death Eaters the new teachers were treating him quite well and he was excelling in the classes while at the same time looking closely at Ginny, waiting for her to make a mistake, waiting for a chance. Finally one had emerged, she had been sneaking off at night as had her friends and he had followed them, seeing them enter the Room of Requirement, something he had discovered his second year. He wasn't an idiot, only one reason these particular students would want to meet in private and with a smile he had taken down the names as they left, a list that would give him a great deal of power over her should he need it, a pity that he didn't carry a camera around at all times like that one kid Colin did. Smile still on his face and list of names tucked into his robes Dominic entered the room. Hello Ginerva. He greeted her, making sure his hand was on his wand in case she got violent. Taking a little bit of time to hold a study group with your friends.... I believe Headmaster Snape would need to approve it first.
The day started like any other day. Every family member of the Kurosaki residence had breakfast, the father causing yet another uproar with the elder brother, while Karin tried to control her patience even when everything was routine. Yuzu simply humbly laughed at the commotion. After breakfast, everyone except Yuzu left the house for their respective plans for the day. Left behind on her own, Yuzu resumed her duty as the maternal figure of the household who does most of the household chores. Since it was summer vacation, this event takes place all the time. And besides the sudden visit to Uruhara's shop, everything was routine. Evening came and dinner passed by swiftly. With everyone stationed in their usual places in the house, Yuzu decided it was time for her to take a bath. She spent roughly 30 minutes or so in there, bathing and rinsing which surprised her since she hardly spends more than 10 minutes while bathing. Something must be wrong with her, or something. At least no one was impatient enough to bang on the bathroom door for her to hurry up. A small consolation, but worthwhile. With that done, she began to dress up. However, for some unknown reason, Yuzu had forgotten to bring her sleep clothing besides her panties. Odd, that never happened before. She never forgets to bring her entire night clothing when she takes a bath. Something must be wrong with her. But she can't pin it down exactly what. She merely shrugged it off, pushed that thought aside for now, placed the towel around her neck with both ends draped over her breasts, left the bathroom and made her way back to her shared room with Karin. "Hey, Karin, something feels wrong with me," Yuzu said as she entered their room. "Just like now..." she added as she took notice of the manner of her speech not to mention she omitted the -chan suffix. She always calls her sister with a -chan, hardly without it. Something is really wrong with her tonight. But before she could say anything more, she felt a sudden stirring within her. Specially around her belly and groin. As fast as it happened, another thing happened that totally shocked the living lights out of Yuzu. In a blink of an eye, as the phrase goes, the front of her panties suddenly bulged excessively until a huge and thick cock tore it apart. From the size of it, it would seem it's around 12-14 inches long. Besides that, it was throbbing, twitching and drooling precum. Yuzu stood there, stunned and motionless...
Even at 14 years old, Karin grumbled as she examined herself in the mirror, lifting her shirt up to see her barely-there chest. She was sure that by now she would have developed something. Sure, the rest of her body was well-developed - long legs, curvy hips, a perfect figure - except for her chest, anyway. "Damn it," she muttered, tugging her shirt back down as she walked over to her bed, flopping down to lie on her back, waiting for Yuzu to be done in the shower. Once she's done, I guess I'll go for one." She sighed and blew some hair out of her face, thinking back over the day. They had done something a little different - gone to see that weird store owner. He'd been having some kind of sale or something on some 'special candy' as he called it. With Karin herself, Yuzu, and even their older brother Ichigo helping themselves to plenty of free samples. Karin normally wasn't one to eat candy, but... well, it was summer vacation and you were only a teenager once, right? Why not indulge yourself now and again? "Hm?" Karin glanced up as Yuzu entered the room, then rolled her eyes as her twin sister walked in wearing nothing but a towel and her underwear. "Geez Yuzu, you're normally embarrassed to be naked when you're by yourself. What's with the sudden lack of modesty?" The girl chuckled, then raised an eyebrow at the strange way Yuzu was speaking, then saw something...unusual happen. "Huh...? Yuzu....?" Karin blinked again, still lying on her back and gasping as she saw a bulge in Yuzu's panties first, like something was growing out of her, then the sound of fabric ripping as a cock burst out of Yuzu's panties, throbbing between her legs. "Y-Y-Yuzu....?" Before Karin could say or do anything though, she gasped, suddenly falling back to a laying position, grasping at her bedsheets. "NNGH!" Karin suddenly felt a tightness in her chest. For a moment she almost panicked, thinking she might've been having a heart attack from the shock of what she had just seen, but then her shirt started to swell up. "Nya!" Karin arched her back and groaned as her bra was starting to stretch, her chest continuing to slowly inflate beneath. "Oooooh!" There was a snap as her bra gave way, allowing the inflation to accelerate. Before long, Karin's shirt started to rip open, a pair of DD breasts spilling out of the shirt. "Nnnnnngh....oh god...what....what happened....?" Karin's new breasts were huge, firm and gravity defyingly perky.
The setting takes place where a female elf walks into Dante's office and sees him sound asleep. She was sent to awaken him from his slumber to let him know that Virgil has awakened once again. And he is causing trouble in the mortal world with his immortal demons or devils that he has under his control, and the female elf archer has killed some of those creatures that have been chasing her. They knew that they wouldn't be allowed to get into Dante's office at any cost. Virgil is after the female elf archer, because she is secretly a princess of one of the kingdoms that he is after. And wants to overrule that kingdom and turn people who live in that kingdom into his slaves. He knows what kind of skills and abilities that girl has, and knows that her skills will make him even more powerful than ever before. The female elf archer name is Angel, and she is a year younger than Dante. It's about 7pm in the evening on a nice summer night like tonight. Angel gently tries to shake Dante to wake him up from his deep sleep, hoping that he will wake up soon because he is sound asleep on the couch in his office in New York City. Angel hopes that she won't regret waking Dante up, and she has heard that when you wake Dante from his sleep, he can be very cranky and grumpy, and he could also kill you as well. She continues on gently shaking Dante's shoulder blade, hoping that he finally wakes up from his slumber he is in.
Dante, asleep with his boots on the table and a gentleman's magazine on his face, felt something shake him. He opened his eyes to see a woman standing over him as the magazine fell to the ground open. He blinked a few times and then said, "Did the delivery girls get cuter?" He looked over the woman, noting she had no food in a box and most certainly wasn't a normal one at that. She looked young to him, but for a half-devil, everyone was young to him. "Look, missy," he said, "whatever trouble you have or are looking for, I don't want it unless it comes with a paycheck.
Ralph sighed as he slumped over his drawing table and looked up at the clock through thick glasses. It was almost midnight, and he still had pages of background artwork to draw and ink. It wasn't the most exciting job in the dying field of traditional 2D animation, but at least it paid the bills. His real artwork, however, wasn't fit for the eyes of his current employer, who produced children's cartoons for The Kiddie Channel. Safely tucked away within the bottom drawer of his desk hid pages and pages of buxom cartoon babes, all lovingly drawn with perfect proportions. From cheesecakey pinups to the most provocative, explicit pornography, he had drawn it all. Too bad he couldn't make a living drawing that! With a grunt, Ralph placed his hands on the edge of the table and pushed himself to an upright position, noticing that he must have gained a few pounds recently with a pat on the belly. At least he got a little bit of exercise whenever he walked down to the art supplies store just at the end of his block. Stretching his arms up into the air, he yawned as he recalled the rather unusual incident on his way home that day. A strange figure covered from head to toe in a trench coat, dark sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat had stopped him as he exited the store and asked if he was an artist. As soon as the word "yes" was out of Ralph's mouth, the figure shoved a small vial of black ink and an old-fashioned ink brush towards him, then immediately turned around and walked away as if nothing had happened. Another yawn later, Ralph's gaze turned to that inkwell, which was now sitting atop his angled drawing table. As for the brush, he had pretty much forgotten about it altogether after tucking it into his front shirt pocket. As the clock struck 12, a faint gonging could be heard in the distance, and once more Ralph lazily slumped over his desk and laid his head down on top of his arms. It wasn't unusual for him to stay up late trying to finish a project, but tonight he was especially sleepy, so much so that he didn't even notice as the inkwell given to him by that strange figure toppled over, seemingly on its own, spilling its contents onto his desk. Slowly the black liquid, which was dark as night, spread downward across the angled table until its surface was completely covered. Softly snoozing, Ralph did not notice as his hands and arms eerily began to sink down into black surface of the table, which was a table no longer, but rather a portal between worlds! Still fast asleep, his weight continued to shift forward as he sank further and deeper into the blackness, until he tumbled into it completely, awakening with a scream as the spiralling blackness swallowed him whole, his arms and legs flailing wildly as he continued to tumble head over heels, the thickness of the air seeming to soak up every sound he made. *** Ralph sat up with a groan as he rubbed his neck. The throbbing in his head certainly seemed real, but from his surroundings he knew it must all be a dream. The dusky purple sky was lit with flashing neon lights, advertising everything from girls to gambling to... girls! A smile curled on his lips as he turned his head and spotted some of his favorite childhood cartoon characters milling about, although they did look a bit worse for wear... some of them were even stumbling around as if they were drunk! His train of thought was interrupted as the sound of a honking horn behind him intensified to a shrill cry, "Hey buddy, get outta the road!" Swiftly he rolled out of the path of incoming traffic and onto the sidewalk. The cartoon cab with headlight eyes turned back towards Ralph to give him the finger before zooming off in a puff of smoke. Which a chuckle, the young artist stood to his feet and dusted himself off before hitting the streets. It was like a cartoon version of Las Vegas! "Ooh this looks place looks interesting," he marveled out loud as he pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose before stepping past the front doors of The Royal Red Casino.
The Royal Red Casino was a distinctly glitzy place - The thick red carpet underfoot trimmed with gold, spreading out into a sprawling central lobby filled with slot machines and card tables. The clatter of dice, the shuffle of cards ... All of it over a near-constant murmur of voices. Not that different from the typical high-class casino, except ... The players were distinctly different. Funny, anthropomorphic animals, hunching over hands of cards. Scowling Toontown mobsters, smoking comically huge cigarettes, immaculate in pinstripes. The colors were brighter, too, more lurid, as slinky waitresses in Playboy Bunny outfits (white playboy bunny outfits, oversized pocketwatches clinking on their hips) sauntered by, carrying trays of delicacies and cocktails ... "What's your pleasure, stranger?" A sultry voice purred from nearby. And if he turned, he would see a leggy blonde beauty in a girlish blue miniskirt ... Her feet arched high on heeled slippers as she sauntered towards him, almost bursting out of her dress. The lacy hem wickedly short, white stockings whispering as they crossed with a silky scrape of fabric ... Before a low gasp parted her lips, deep green eyes widening, just a hair ... "You, you're not ..." Alice began, then, her voice hushed. "A toon." Apparently, he hadn't been noticed yet. Keep walking, ya mugs! A voice boomed from the intercom overhead. A bored-sounding guard clearly having little patience for this. The gorgeous vixen sidled a little closer, hooking her arm into his. Those emerald eyes shining now, a shiver of excitement coursing up her spine. "-It's been ten years ... I thought I'd never see a human again ...
The ancient fortress of Tor'Watha had once been a mighty seat of power to the forest Trolls of the area that became known as the Eversong Wood. An ancient power welled up in ancient times before the Highborne had even come to these lands. A power long forgotten by the time Silvermoon had become more than an outpost for the displaced High Elven people. Now that energy was being tapped once more, for some unknown nefarious purpose the well had burst open to warp the nearby lands. At first, the Trolls had been curious. Sending scouting parties into the ancient fortress in search of fabled magics lost to the ages... Scouting parties that had never returned. Which in turn prompted more... Several of these later parties had returned, welcomed back by their brethren despite the changes that had happened to them while lost within the crumbling labyrinthine fortress. Welcomed back until they turned on those that had awaited their return, slaughtering many with Fel glee burning in their eyes before finally being brought down. In turn, the Trolls of Eversong had moved away... pushing deeper into the forest and creating a barrier between the source of the corruption and the elves of Silvermoon, masking it for years. Misilia had been a powerful spell caster, even at a young age. Having summoned her first servant imp long before beginning her tutelage. Through long years after, she studied with deft grace, grasping every lesson easily as breathing. It was a slow process, slow and agonizingly stifled. She felt as if they were purposefully holding her back from her potential greatness and it chaffed at her. With her Master's blood still warm on her hands, the girl had stolen several ancient and powerful tomes and fled the city. Bitter resentment had left a corrupting seed within her young breast. One that had lead her to an ancient slumbering power, once sacred to the Trolls... One that the girl had managed to twist to her own purpose, allowing mighty Fel energies to flow freely into the 'protected' lands of the High Elven people. This was her land now. The Trolls were afraid, as well they should be given what her magics had done to several of their kind. Simple experiments gone oh so horribly right. Several of those mutated Trolls still stalked the fortress grounds, witless guardians set to dissuade any would be adventurers. Fel hounds and stalkers roamed the nearby forest, keeping the other trolls warily at bay and alerting her to the presence of potential intruders to her domain. Within the mighty labrynthine walls bloated Mana Wyrms slithered through crumbling hallways, grown much larger than the normal breed and more fierce from the Fel energies permeating the ancient fortress. As well as some creatures that had yet to be named, forsaken souls lost to the corruption of Misilia's Fel experiments. The lone Huntress her minions had spotted near the fortress was of no concern. She would either fall victim to one of countless demon spawn under the Warlock's command, or even one of the corrupt experiments. If by chance the Huntress' was mighty enough to win her way through... Well, then Misilia would have her first Blood Elf to experiment on... A thought that pleased the girl to no end.
Himekohad been wandering aimlessly in this forest of corruption. Her petTosho, was walking closely at her side. She had been wondering for days not even able to get any sleep due to all the demons she had to face non stop. It was wearing down on her and driving her mad. She needed sleep and she had to find a place to rest soon or she'd passout walking, that is if the demons didn't get to her first. She had made a left turn and was no sooner surrounded by demons from both sides. "You just won't stop coming!" She yelled as she drew her bow and placed an arrow in it. "Tosho go!" She commanded as she shot the arrow off. Her cat lunged at the demons and started attacking them with his mistress. They had fought for hours until the demons were finally all dead. "Good boy." She called out as Tosho made his way back to her. Petting him gently on the head she looked up and noticed a cave. "Come Tosho, lets see if that cave over there will be safe enough for us to get some rest." As they made their way to the cave she stopped and looked around, clearly someone was watching her. She didn't know who but she could feel eyes on her from somewhere. She entered the cave cautiously as she had her bow drawn back, ready to fire her arrow if needed. To her surprise the cave was empty, granted there was a well with what looked like green water in it, but nonetheless it was empty. Sighing to herself she removed her quiver and sat it down along with her bow and sword. Patting to her side she called for Tosho to lay next to her as she slept, knowing full well her pet needed his rest as well. She yawned and slowly closed her eyes, dreaming of the days before she had been sent out here. She had been told about the forest that had once been pure was now tainted by some unknown force. Himeko was the best ranger the Blood Elves had and that is why she had been chosen for this mission. She knew there would be dangers, but she didn't expect this. Her dreams were wavering from those past days and slowly turning into nightmares of the present. She didn't know someone was in the cave with her while she slept, just the nightmares that surrounded her mind. She saw the well in her dreams, the one that was in the cave with her. She knew the water was bad, but she was so thirsty. She had to get just a tiny sip. The water was corrupted like everything else, it wasn't poison but she felt like she was dying. She slowly opened her eyes as she then realized it was just another nightmare. However she saw she wasn't alone... She couldn't make out the person, or creature because it was dark, but they were staring at her. Their glowing eyes taking her body into account.
Lyra frowned as she gave the guest suite a final once-over in preparation for the arrival of the new dignitary her Lord would be playing host to. Why she had been given the task of attending the diplomat was beyond her. Normally, one of the more well-spoken butlers were assigned that particular position. It really didn't make sense. In fact, she was usually the very last choice for such duties for a variety of reasons. For one, she wasn't used to the reserved nature of nobility and would often be inadvertently blunt or off-putting to the delicate sensibilities of nobles which is why she was usually employed with laundry or food prep (anything to keep her away from guests). On top of that, well, she was a woman. It just wasn't proper, expecting her to stay all alone overnight in a man's chambers. Wait... Was that it? Was she expected to perform those kinds of services? That would make some sort of sense. Lyra was easily one of the more attractive women in her Lord's employ. At 5'7", the brunette managed to present a full figure without much in the way of a pooch. And the way she wore her hair up to go about her duties, while not elegant to say the least, framed her face in just such a way to prove flattering. Well, if that were the case, then by the end of this trip this particular noble could say goodbye to fathering any more heirs. Deciding that everything was presentable, she finally exited the room. Closing the door behind her, she wandered off to find something to keep her busy until her "guest's" arrival.
Alsatia was led down a grand hallway by a human in robes who explained that the leaders of the Alliance were busy with other things, but she would be met soon. Until then, she was asked to make herself as comfortable as possible and that an aide would be assigned to her if she wanted anything like a tour of the city or the Keep. The Draenei 'Paladin,' as the humans called those who fought against the darkness and upheld the virtues of the light, was shown to her room, which was quite impressive considering that she was only a representative to the Alliance from her people. When the human who had escorted her to her room found that her aide wasn't present, she excused herself and went to seek out Lyra, leaving the Draenei woman to shed her armor and sword, the large and beautifully crafted piece of steel it was, and explore her room some. Underneath her armor, she wore a leather bustier and leather shorts that were cut to look like underwear for maximum mobility of her legs. Her long dark hair was braided and now hung over her right shoulder as she slowly poked around, bending over to investigate a cabinet, putting her plump yet toned rear in the air.
Allea Nelluc rode on the Hogwarts Express. Her sister had been sick the previous year, and she had missed a year of school. In her third year, she was actually 15 years old while others around her were only 14. She didn't mind; she figured it would be easier to take advantage of the teachers. Her family was pure-blood, and she knew the ways of witches and wizards already. Her father worked in the Ministry of Magic, in the Department of Mysteries. Her father was well known within the wizarding world, and his name kept her going so far. She really didn't care for much more than just passing the classes, so she could leave and join her mother on their tour of the world again. As the train arrived at the school and the feast began, she found herself looking towards the new Prefect. He had been chosen the previous year, but she hadn't been there to meet him. It seemed he had an eye out for someone. She wasn't sure, but she went on eating as she listened about her. She was sure by the end of the night, she would know everything that had happened the previous year. She adjusted her robe, as she wasn't one to wear it so tight like the teachers wanted during the feasts. She really didn't care for wearing it all that much, preferring mini skirts and sweater vests that made her look good. She was always one for showing off her body and how better it was than the others.
Kale was in his final year at Hogwarts and had been sorted into Slytherin from the very start. His story was that his parents were both pure-blood wizards, which was true - but what his 'new' parents didn't tell the school was that as soon as he could perform magic, he possessed an odd ability to control people, alter their feelings and thoughts. With these odd abilities, he had killed his parents, who had always neglected him in favor of his older brother, driving his brother into a fit of madness. From then on, he had sailed through Hogwarts, making the teachers like him and always wanting to be a Prefect, seeing as how the teachers seemed to ignore their own habits and often the common thing to do in Slytherin was to get a younger girl and make her the Prefect's assistant, or better known as a bitch. Now that he was a Prefect, his eyes immediately began scanning the table for his new bitch, while he talked absentmindedly with his friends.
Name: Darren Rainvell Age: 19 Appearance: Bio: Darren is somewhat your average 19 year old. He attends college to get his degree in computer programming and digital graphics design. His goal is to essentially make his own video game company. He lives in a dorm on campus, his roommate being somewhat the opposite of him, a partygoer and ladies man, while Darren focuses more on his lessons, spending a lot of time on his computer, practicing his programming skills, as well as surfing the net in his spare time. Darren yawned as he walked out of the classroom of his advanced digital imaging design class. "Man, I know studying the basics is good when dealing with the advanced stuff, but seriously re-editing a website layout is seriously boring when you've done it as many times as I have." he said to himself. He then exited the building, checking his schedule on his phone. The previous lecture was his last class for today, allowing him free time for the rest of the evening. He cracked his back as he headed to the dorm building, catching the elevator before it could close. "thanks man." the other student nodded, hitting the button and getting off before Darren's floor, leaving the young man alone in the car as it went up to the top floor. He got out of the elevator and headed to his dorm. When he got to his door he always knocked, in case his roommate was in the middle of anything he didn't want to walk into, a situation that had happened only once before, and he made sure to make sure it didn't happen to him again. When there was no response he opened the door with his key and walked in, grabbing a soda from the fridge as he headed to his room. When he opened the door, he blinked, seeing a small girl on his bed.
Sakura was only 16 years old when she was asked to participate in the tournament to find the next king. King Gash Bell had served well until being assassinated by some dark force, and now it was time for the tournament once again. Unlike most who arrived on this strange world of the humans, Sakura knew exactly who her partner would be and set out to find where he lived. After giving the humans her "I'm lost and trying to find my brother" act, they led her straight to his dorm. However, sneaking into his room proved difficult since she couldn't use magic. Once he arrived, her neko ears perked up and she looked at him. "Hello sir... I've been waiting for you," she said as she jumped off his bed, sending some of his porn magazines tumbling to the floor. "My name is Sakura, and I am your partner.
It had been a long day and the sun just didn't seem to want to set for some odd reason. Himeko had woken up just an hour ago and could feel the heat from the sun on her door with the back of her hand. Her house was dark with only a candle to light it up. The house had to stay dark at all times of the day, for she was a vampire and the sunlight would kill her. She sighed and walked over to her desk and began writing another chapter for her book. It was all she could do until the sun went down and it was safe for her to step outside. She was a foreigner to these lands, to the village that was nearby. She lived away from the rest of the humans, they knew she was up here but never thought of her as different from them, after all they didn't even know she wasn't human like them. She moved to America about ten years ago from her old home, Japan. Oh how she missed her home, her friends, but they've all been long dead for over a hundred years now. The old life she had once lived was taken away from her ten years ago. Ten Years Ago It was cold and storming outside outside, no one would really dare go outside at this time of night. They all knew what awaited them if they dared to venture outside. Even the Shinsengumi didn't dare step out of their training halls. "What in the hell are you doing?" A boy who looked no older than 23 called out to Himeko in Japanese. "Sorry Hikaru, I couldn't help but think that there's something not quite right here..." She replied as she caught up to her friend. He was a vampire like her, the one who originally turned her nearly a hundred and ninety years ago. Himeko was only 19 when he had turned her and she had been by his side ever since, her friends had all died from the same disease that would have taken her own life had Hikaru not saved her. She owed this man her very existence, but something was not right and she knew it. It was a sinking feeling that was in her stomach and she just couldn't shake it. They moved swiftly and quietly as they hunted for food. They hadn't fed in a few days and they needed to feed tonight. "Wait up!" She called out as she smelled fire burning in the air. A fire? But it's raining out, so how could there be a fire? Something was really wrong now and she couldn't help but feel as if something horrible was about to happen. "Hikaru, do you smell that?" He turned to look at her when she questioned him and nodded. "I do Himeko, but how?" She looked around and saw where the smoke was coming from and a shiver ran down her spine. "I don't like this, Hikaru... Please... Let's just go home and feed tomorrow night." Hikaru had walked over to her and placed his cold hand on her shoulder. "We cannot put feeding off another night and you know this! We have to feed tonight. Forget the fire and let's just go." He turned his back to the fire and started making his way in the same direction they had been heading before. Himeko sighed and nodded as she turned to follow him. When they arrived at the house they were going to invade, they were attacked by the villagers. Hikaru had sensed them but it was too late; they had been seen and they were in trouble. "Himeko run! Get out of here and go find safety!" He yelled as an arrow pierced his chest. Hikaru pushed her out of the way and went into his blood form - a blood form for a vampire is like going into a blind rage, tearing everything up in sight. Himeko couldn't help but cry; she had been with him her entire life and couldn't bear the thought of leaving him behind. "Hikaru I cannot leave you!" She cried out as he turned to look at her one last time. "Don't make my death be in vain, god damn it! Just go and if I DO happen to live, I will find you no matter where you go!" And with that, he turned back to the humans to bide her time to escape. "You better make it out alive, Hikaru!" She yelled, tears streaming down her face as she turned and fled, leaving him behind. She traveled from village to village, always traveling at night and keeping herself safe. It took her three months to reach American soil, but she finally made it. It was safe for her seeing as there hadn't been any reports of vampires or anything. Just the reports of werewolves, a vampire's true enemy... Present Day Himeko sighed quietly to herself as she stared at her wall, remembering that night as if it all had happened yesterday. She stretched out and got up from her seat to see if the sun had gone down yet. She walked over to the door and placed the back of her hand against the door and felt it was slightly cool, which was a good thing. She slowly opened the door and no sunlight came in. Smiling happily, she opened it fully and walked outside. Her friend would be visiting her soon, and she was happy. She had managed to make a human friend who knew and accepted her for who and what she was. Closing the door behind her, she made her way to their usual meeting spot.
Katelyn pulled open the door a bit to peek outside for what seemed like the millionth time. No, the girl was not a vampire. She was a young human girl, a pretty one for that fact. Curly sand brown locks hung over her shoulders, and golden eyes searched the world for its answers. Of course, after she'd met Himeko, she'd learned that not everything had answers. The teenage girl lived in a small village in the woods. She knew it wasn't good for her to go outside at night, but she trusted Himeko to protect her. Katelyn was perfect bait for a werewolf: pretty, young, fleshy. A werewolf could get his fill sexually or physically with such an innocent girl. But with a vampire on her side, Katelyn was pretty sure she was safe. The girl lived with her mother, older brother, Will, and her younger sister, Dana. Their father had been killed trying to hunt down one of the monsters that sometimes patrolled the forests outside the village. For that, Katelyn had taken the side of the vampires, if she had to choose a mythical creature that actually existed. A little later, Katelyn noticed that the sun had gone down. She smiled in excitement. She had to wait for sunset so she and Himeko would arrive at the same time, so they'd at least be together if a werewolf attacked. Katelyn set out, hearing the soft snores of her slumbering family. She smiled and headed our, wearing a light blue dress and a red cloak. She came to the edge of the village, out of sight of anyone, a little in the woods. She could see Himeko coming, and she smiled evenly. "Good evening, Himeko," she said once her friend came within earshot.
Ariel was boiling mad! It was bad enough her daughter was always a mess, smelling of the intoxicating aroma of the sea. That she came home to the palace at all hours of the night with any fisherman or sailor with a tale to tell Eric! I swear sometimes I think the girl has water on the brain! Well, can you blame her after Trident brought down the barrier, after she saw the majesty of Atlantis? He was right, but the least he could do was support her, even if she was wrong - that's what husbands did. Their daughter was quickly growing up; sex and marriage was not too far in the future. Would she marry a human or a merman? Look, she just needs to follow the rules. I mean, we are her parents and we know what is best for her. Like you, Eric scurried out of the room as the door opened into an incoming vase that bounced off the door and rolled to a stop. Was it her daughter, one of her male or female friends, or a servant? Slowly, she brushed her long red locks back. She was going to give that girl a piece of her mind. Majesty, you must not speak to her in anger. You remember the last time you set rules about the ocean? Sometimes, she wondered what Sebastian would be like with butter. But then again, where else would she get so much unsolicited advice?
Melody sat in her room, her black hair in a ponytail and her blue eyes closed as she lay on her bed. She had just gotten home from a night out with some sailors she had met while walking on the pier and she was a little tired. She heard her mother's voice outside of her room and groaned. "Here we go again," she sighed. She was sick of being treated like a child. She wasn't a little girl anymore. Melody stood up and walked to her bedroom door, hoping to escape from the room before her mother came in to give her hell. But then she heard her mother's voice along with Sebastian's. "Shit!" she cursed under her breath.
Come with me Raina..." "We don't have a mating mark Varyk, we could never be a family. I love you...but I want pups." "Please Raina...don't do this...I couldn't stand the thought-" "I'm going to do this Varyk, I want to find my mate." In a Kattagari pack, a female can choose to call upon every viril male to try and sate her while she was in heat. If they couldn't sate her, she would throw them out and move on to the next. Raina had been his world and no matter how he sated her, the mating mark never showed. Completely bitter and unable to forgive her, Varyk went out that night and stood at the tent, disallowing anyone to enter. Fights broke out in mass proportions. After taking down quite a few of his family, he was ultimately thrown out of his pack. "I never thought you were this stupid pup..." His father said standing in front of him. Growling as the wounds on his back were vicious. His clan had no mercy on him or his heart. Even his own father had gone against him. "Mark my words...when I return...her mate will DIE." With that he stood up and limped away, listening as his clan laughed and his love was taken by a lover that wasn't him. "I pray to the gods that you are never sated Raina." ~~~ New Orleans, present day Fixing his ball cap and rolling up his sleeves, he entered the bar sanctuary where he sat every night to listen to the Howlers play and drink his beer until he could believe he was drunk. Wearing a pair of worn-out jeans, black and white converse, a white button-up that was open in front and a black tank underneath. His jet-black hair with white highlights was sleeked back into a low ponytail and a ball cap that said 'Rub me for Luck' on it. "Hey Aimee," He said as she set him down his next set of beers. "Remi in?" He asked. "No, he's gone for the night. He looked a bit green tonight so we sent him off." "Ah..." He nodded as she walked away. Sometimes him and Remi would sit and have a few beers but he guessed that he was alone. Sanctuary was the same as usual, musty homely feeling. And that's what kept him coming back every time.
Present Day, New Orleans Crimson Dream drew up to Sanctuary on a roar and a squeal of tires as she stopped her motorcycle in front of the club. Taking her helmet off, lush auburn curls fell down the length of her back and ended just where her pant line began, and she set the helmet on its hook. Swinging one black clad leather leg over the side, she stood up. Her pants seemed almost poured on her like a second skin and her leather vest was molded over her ample breasts and down her torso. No one would ever be able to find where she kept her weapons hidden without giving her a thorough body search, and that wasn't ever going to happen. Walking to the door, Dev gave out a low whistle of appreciation and she smirked up at him, Eat your heart out, Bear. She kept moving forward and ignored his sexual comment as she walked into the club, her hips and ass swaying in time to the Howlers. There were a lot of looks sent her way, but she ignored them and her aura didn't give off the most friendly of vibes, so no one dared try to come up to her that didn't know her. She got to the bar and saw that there was only one open seat next to a guy with a ball cap that entertained her and another guy that just looked low. Taking the stool anyways, she rose up her arm and waved, Yo, Aimee, give me the usual! Mixed code for a drink and the information she needed. A good hunt was required tonight.
Drake had been working for the company for more than three years now and in that time he had become one of their best agents for finding "targets" and retrieving them before training them and handing them over to be sold. He sat back in his chair, dressed up for the occasion. There was supposed to be a big party for celebrities, some A-list group who thought they were untouchable and wouldn't get caught or disappear like some B-list stars. Laughing, he got up and headed to his car, checking his trunk for all of the tools of his trade - ropes, gags, and chloroform. Getting into his car, he headed out from his house and into the city where the afterparty was being held. Drake was able to slip into the party, conning many people into thinking he was someone important. His dark black hair and dark eyes always gave him an air of mystery. He chatted with stars and producers alike as he looked around for his next targets. Who would the company want now? It had to be someone really at the A-list, someone who would actually cause a spark once she was kidnapped and never seen again. That would strike panic into them and make them know that they were not safe. He knew that they operated all around the world, some in shadows and some in plain sight of others. They were able to put themselves into top levels of government; who knew what position they held. But they were bringing these powerful women and taking them to become their slaves to show everyone they were truly in power.
Eva Longoria and Beyonc Knowles were working on their latest movie together, both playing starring roles in the new Charlie's Angels. Eva and Beyonc were among some of the hottest and most talented actresses in Hollywood, and they were particularly careful about what they did at night. They went to a late-night party, where they were mostly there to help promote their latest movie. Neither wanted to be surrounded by so many drooling guys, but they didn't have much of a choice. Eva and Beyonc were both shaking hands with people, trying to keep away from guys who had their mouths open for longer than ten seconds after seeing them walk through the door. After speaking to many of them, they finally went outside. Eva sighed. "As much as I love our fans, they can get up into our business far too easily," she said lightly. Beyonc smirked. "What? You don't like the fact that we're the reason for guys' stroke sessions every night?" Eva giggled at Beyonc's comment. "If they ever saw us on porn, they'd try to get us themselves," she laughed.
The rain fell steadily that night on Arkham Asylum. The Victorian former hospital, built of brick and steel, stood like a blight in the desolate area known as The Narrows, a slum in Gotham City. Deep inside, the troubled vagrants, volatile discontents, and devious monsters are treated, healed, and sometimes held for the benefit of society. Much to the excitement of many local psychologists, the hospital has taken on many of the later ever since the rogue vigilante, known as the Batman, began his unique style of vigilante justice upon the city. As the asylum begins to accept more and more dangerous felons, the administration struggles to find a way to deal with the influx of unique, new patients. However, amongst the patients, one reigned supreme with the psychologists. Patient #1593156, known as the Joker, would often find himself with a line of visitors every day and one-by-one, he would see them all. Young up and coming doctors who all wanted to take a crack at the madman whose rampage nearly a year ago brought the city to its knees. One thing many of them first noticed is that he would see them without his makeup. The hospital staff would refuse him this, citing it as a trigger for his malcontented episodes. Truth be told, the staff cited him as the model patient, much to the chagrin of Commissioner Gordon who decreed the Jokers progress as nothing but a facade of the highest caliber. However, the doctors of Arkham discredited the policeman, their focus on their careers as Doctors who cured the Joker. As the rain poured, the Jokers cell was quiet. He sat, quiet, upon his crude mattress, looking out the window he watched as the clouds, lit up by the orange glow of the streetlights of Gotham, slowly passed over Gotham, blocking out the moonlight. Slowly he would stand up, dressed in his orange, Arkham Asylum patient outfit, and turn his focus on the door. Peering through the glass, he would smile and nod as the guards made their way up and down the hall. Hello. Charlie. He said as the young guard, Charlie Witkers, passed by. The guard turned and smiles at Patient#1593156 and retorted, Hello, sir. Glad to be out of the rain tonight? Haha. Most Indubitably, the inpatient replied as he watched the guard continued his duties, his lips resting from a smile to a more tensed grimace once the guard was no longer watching.
Alice didn't hear the sirens until she dropped the hole puncher. Not in her right mind, she confused the wails of the approaching vehicles with what she perceived as a distorted, metallic echo from her impromptu weapon hitting the floor. Once she realized what the sound was, she decided to drop to her kneesand drop she did, suddenly and without bracing herself. As she made contact with the floor, she slid a bit on something vaguely warm. Running a hand through her hair, she felt a sticky substance catch against the blonde strands. What the? Alice looked at her hand and saw that it was coated in fresh and dried Blood? Turning her attention to the floor, she realized her white knee socks were soaking up what was left of the battered man, almost unrecognizable as a human, beside her. Shaking her head, she experienced brief flashes of what shed done, but at the moment, she wasn't lucid enough to discern motivation. Alice jerked upright at the sound of fast, heavy footsteps echoing in a staircase. She whipped around to face the door just as the first officer stepped inside; he didn't have to open the door because she had kicked it in. Not quite 52 and, excepting a few flattering curves, having a lithe body type, Alice could never have done that by herself. But a hefty snack of the PCP-like compound she took before arriving at the scene had changed her. She was deceptively strong and in a drug-induced state of psychosis. When the first policeman entered the room, he stared at Alice, mouth slightly open. She was quite a sight. A mixture of her own blood and the blood of her victim decorated a good portion of her body. Dressed in her hacker clothesave for the black wig she had worn on the way in, which she had discarded before entering the officeAlices white button down and white knee socks looked particularly gruesome. She was also wearing a tie and plaid mini-skirt, her entire appearance discordant with the scene. Little lady," he began, "I need you to--" Alice grinned before, without a seconds warning, lunging at him. It would take three officers to subdue her enough to cuff her. Not surprisingly, rather than carting her over to the Gotham City Police, they carted her straight to Arkham.
The shadows of night had long since fallen over the City of Gotham, while in an old warehouse not far from Gotham harbor sitting around a large table a rogue's gallery of the worst villains in the city gathered. Scarecrow, The Ventriloquist and Scarface, Bane, Black Mask, Killer Croc, The Mad Hatter, The Riddler, Poison Ivy, Firefly, and The Penguin. In the past each of these villains has caused more than their share of trouble for Gotham City, but they have always been defeated by the Dark Knight or one of the other heroes who watches over Gotham. They all had been called here by another one of Gotham's most vile villains...the Clown Prince of Crime himself...The Joker. Most of these villains feared The Joker, who was insane and wasn't known too be a team player when villains teamed up, but when The Joker calls for a meeting, no one would dare not to show. At the beginning of this meeting, Joker was sitting at the head of the table, but as he began to unfold a tale of how this group would sweep Gotham with a crime wave of the likes which had never been seen before, Joker was moving around the table. His fiendish grin never once left his white face, and each villain listened closely as The Joker told them how they would help him take revenge on one of Gotham's most beloved heroes...Batgirl. All The Joker wanted was for these villains to do what they would be doing anyway...commit crimes...but all at the same time and in different parts of the city. This would keep Batman & Robin, Nightwing, the police, and any other heroes busy while Joker trapped Batgirl. Joker then explained how he would change Batgirl into something truly wicked...when he was finished with her, Batgirl would be the Clown Whore of Gotham! A sex puppet to be used and treated like a slut by the villains who were seated at this very table. The other villains were pleased by Joker's plan and were very willing to help fact that very night the villains would strike...taking Gotham like an evil storm.
::Barbara Gordon hummed to herself as she fired a gattling gun hook onto a nearby skyscraper in the heart of Gotham City. The red-haired beauty soared through the air, the wind whistling behind her as she easily perched atop the building and looked down at the alleyways and deserted streets of Gotham City. The night had been quiet so far, only a few muggings and attempted rapes that Barbara had easily quelled. Nobody, it seemed, of any importance was up to no good tonight, just a bunch of small-time crooks looking to make a quick buck or get their dicks wet with drunk sorority girls as they came back from the bars. " bored," she thought to herself as she affixed another hook into her gun and fired into the night air, every muscle of her 5'5 athletic frame contracting as she gracefully leaped from her perch and flew through the night air again. She allowed herself to smile slightly...the air was cool tonight and her body was reacting well, at the peak of its game. She was proud of every inch of her body, toned and tight, ready to pounce at a moment's notice. But she wasn't some butchy dike, no, Barbara also took pride in her curves, possessing a firm chest of ample proportions, her breasts snuggled tightly into her spandex suit. Her hips and ass were the things of legend and she secretly admired herself when she caught someone staring. But she was BORED. "God, can't something happen tonight?" She said out loud to herself, not knowing that at the same moment all of the big-time players in Gotham crime were hatching a horrific plan that centered around her...
A long time ago in the lands of Spanish-controlled California in the early 19th century came a legend from the Pueblo de Los Angeles. It was the legend of El Zorro, the fox, who rode in the night to right the wrongs imposed by the corrupt. Thus over the next few years, everyone in the whole of California knew of the masked, expert swordsman who defended the people from injustice. One thing is certain; when you see the sign of the "Z" know well that it stands for Zorro! Don Diego de la Vega was a tall handsome man, about six feet (180 cm) tall with hazel eyes and dark brown hair. Diego was also described as a proper nobleman. He comes from a wealthy family and is highly educated. Several years ago, he even attended a university abroad in Spain becoming well versed in the humanities and philosophy. Hence when he returned his father was very proud of him except for the part about Diego's opposition to action. He even went so far as to convince the people of Los Angeles, that he was the most inept swordsman in all of California. Little did they know, but Don Diego was actually the dashing expert swordsman, horseman and marksman, Zorro. In fact, while he lived in Spain Diego had learned how to fence from one of Spain greatest masters. With the help of his mute servant Bernardo (who pretends to be deaf as well so he can eavesdrop for Diego) and his horse Toronado, Diego was able to make the concept of Zorro a reality. Eventually, Diego's father Alejandro de la Vega realized that his son was indeed Zorro. At first, he hid his knowledge of this from Diego, but as time passed on Alejandro admitted his knowledge and pledged to provide aid to the cause in Diego's future endeavors as Zorro. Don Diego lives at his father Alejandro's estate, which is a large Spanish styled adobe building with a walled courtyard. The main level contained a large living room that led off to such amenities as a library, kitchen, dining room and wine cellar. To get to the upper level where the bedrooms were, one would have to walk outside to the courtyard and take the stair case up to the second floor balcony. It was on this balcony which one could access the bedrooms. There was also a secret passage way, hidden behind a false wall in Diego's bedroom, which was built several generations ago as a precaution against raids by the natives. It also has another point of access behind a book case in the living room and also had peep holes in various parts of the house. The passage way then leads out to a cave that exits out into an open field. Diego's Zorro supplies and Zorro's horse Toronado are kept here. It was a very warm, summer afternoon at the De la Vega estate. As it was still rather warm, Diego had chosen to sit out in the courtyard under the shade of the balcony, rather than stay inside to be roasted by the heat. At least outside he could get a cooling cross breeze as the wind rolled across the grassy ranch lands the De la Vegas owned. For leisurely entertainment, Diego strummed a tune on his guitar and sang to himself while leaning back in relaxation. This was truly the best way to relax on a hot day aside from sitting at a riverbank sipping a glass of wine. Suddenly, Diego heard the heavy clops of horse hooves pounding down against the dry soil of the dirt roads. By the sound of it, Diego concluded it was likely a carriage being pulled by a pair of horses that stopped just outside the front gate of the court yard. As the wooden gate swung open Alejandro's figure became visible. The servant, Bernardo followed closely behind carrying a bag of flour. Setting aside his guitar, Diego stood up to greet them. "Ah father, how was the trip into town? I assume you were able to successfully negotiate the purchase of some of our cattle." Pausing so he could point at Bernardo, he added, "I see you also picked up some supplies as well." After Alejandro made his way over to Diego, he answered, "It was very profitable, Diego. I sold over a hundred head of cattle and I also met a new neighbor of ours. As you have heard, a family from Spain has bought up a large amount of land around Los Angeles. I had the privilege of meeting Don Sandoval, the head of the family while I was in town." Turning around, Alejandro motioned to Bernardo to go ahead and start taking things inside. After looking back to Diego, he smiled and added, "Well, out of generosity, I invited him and his family over here tonight to hold a small welcoming party in their honor. There is also a treat for you as well, Diego. Don Sandoval informed me he had a beautiful daughter around your age. It would be nice if you got to know her; she is of good blood after all." Diego listened intently to his father's depiction of his trip into town, letting a smile slip across his face when his father mentioned the daughter. "Father, truly you jest. We haven't even met the girl and you are already pushing me to get to know her. You always say this whenever you have the chance to present me to another one of the wealthy land owner's marriageable daughters. This is the twelfth time since I came back from Spain," Diego replied laughing slightly. He knew his father always liked to joke about him marrying another one of the neighboring Dons' daughters, but with the frequency of Alejandro's suggestions, Diego began to believe his father trying to get him to settle down one of these days. "Anyway, Diego, take Bernardo and ride to Los Angeles. I told Don Sandoval that I would send you back to town so that you could escort his family to our home. Now get ready and go meet them; you wouldn't want to be late and set a bad impression," Alejandro said as he waved Diego off. Mounting a horse, Diego waited for Bernardo before the two headed off to Los Angeles. It was a rather long trip by horseback as it took about an hour to ride leisurely across the hot plains to get to Los Angeles from the ranch. Before he knew it, Diego and Bernardo arrived in the central plaza of Los Angeles. Diego looked around from the back of his horse to try and pick out someone who fit his father'd description of Don Sandoval. Whispering to Bernardo, so that no one would see him talking to his supposedly deaf, mute servant, he asked, "So, Bernardo, do you see Don Sandoval?
Don Miguel Sandoval wasn't too pleased to leave Spain for this no-man's land full of unbaptized savages, but he didn't have much of a choice. His daughter, Daniela, had been a bit too much of a handful to leave behind in Spain. She had been studying mathematics, alchemy, medicine, things that were far from profitable pursuits such as art, knitting, and languages. She had been escaping at nights, doing God knows what, always returning home with her dresses dirty and torn. A change of scenery and a limit on her resources would do her good. Don Miguel was tall, standing well over 6 feet, and imposing, with dark eyes that looked black themselves, straight hair always perfectly combed back, and always dressed in the best clothes one could buy in Spain. Everything about him was meticulous, especially since his wife had died years ago, leaving him to raise their only child alone. To him, his Danielita was everything, and he would buy an entire colony if it meant keeping her safe. Daniela was everything his anal persona was not, carefree, rebellious, but also quite loving with him. The only reason the girl agreed to come along was because of him, he was sure of that much. As they walked through the center square of town, Don Miguel caught everyone's eyes, a man with such clothes, such a strong look in his eyes, walking side by side with such a lady. Behind him, in more comfortable clothes than elegant, was hisDaniela, a young woman of just inches over 5 feet. Her long chocolate hair was free to move about with the wind, the only decoration a white feather. Her corset wasn't nearly as tight as those most women her age wore, lifting her large and plentiful breasts, quite unlike most women in town. Even without makeup, her lips were smooth and rosy, her cheeks flushed with excitement. She was also calling the town's attention for entirely different reasons. Were it not for his daughter, Don Sandoval would be getting quite impatient. His sons, already old enough to have their own wives and family within his estate, were happily courting their wives, giggling like girls. As much as he disliked easily amused women, he couldn't help but wish his daughter was a bit more like them. Daniela was curious, looking around, amused with the peasants and the Indians, not really caring for what she should. At her ripe age, she needed a man, a husband to take care of her, and she cared more about how these barbarians were treated than about the men she was courted by. Such a handful. He hoped the De La Vega boy would arrive soon.
To whom it may concern, The demon Andras is to report to the Incubus Palace at noon tomorrow to receive appointment and orientation to the Order of Temptation, by order of Lady Morrigan. Failure to present in a punctual and appropriate manner will result in a fine and/or decapitation. Andras read over the appointment letter once again as he neared the gates of the palace. It was a huge, towering structure that seemed to simply radiate hedonism. Even from the gates he could hear moans of ecstasy faint in the distance. Not many got the opportunity to train to be an incubus. It wasn't something one applied for, exactly. One was chosen. Andras didn't have to wrack his brain as to why. After all, his aunt was Lady Morrigan herself. Not that that would spare him from decapitation if he were late, but even demons had family bonds. As he approached the gate, Andras showed his invitation letter to the guards and was greeted by a giggling nude woman no older than seventeen. She seemed human, but could very well have been a golem or a nymph or any other product of the debaucherous witchery that ran rampant within these walls. He was led down the main corridor, taking a few glances at her perfect ass bouncing in front of him as she took him to the throne room. The moaning grew louder as the doors were opened by another pair of guards to reveal nude figures of many shapes and colors writhing about together on the floors, tables, chairs, whatever could be implemented in their wild ballroom dance of passion. So this was to be his home now...Andras couldn't say he wasn't impressed. As he approached the throne, Andras bowed deeply to his aunt. "Your loyal neophyte and loving nephew, my lady," he introduced himself in his deep, smooth voice. Andras was a strapping young demon at 19, with smoldering tan skin, long black hair, and a pair of green eyes that could hypnotize an unwary woman. He came from an esteemed family of incubi and succubi that prided themselves on their continued line of beautiful and malevolent demons. The genetic lottery was kind to him. Andras tried to avoid looking at the copious copulators all around him and focused on Morrigan. He didn't want her to think he was inexperienced so early in the process.
For mere mortals, the voices in the never-ending orgy that is held in the palace of ultimate pleasure would be maddening. A thousand voices from from a thousand different throats, some bestial and others almost divine but all are similar in one aspect, they were all screams of lust. In the center of the maelstrom, one figure sat elegantly on a throne made of living demonic bats. She was the epitome of beauty. There is no being, regardless of it's race or origin who would not feel the need to fuck her the second they laid eyes on her flawless form. Morrigan Aensland, queen of succubuss, uncrossed her legs and walked forward to greet her nephew. "Andras," she purred seductively while licking her palm. Instantly, her hand snaked down his crotch, grasping the demon's cock and with heavenly skills, jerked him off. "My, how you've grown..." The queen said with a chuckle. Indeed he had a good sized cock for a demon and she had no doubt that this cock will serve her kingdom well. With a snap of her free fingers, her throne dispersed into a swarm of dark wings and re-formed as a large comfortable couch behind Andras. Slowly, the queen guided the boy to sit back and relax, pulling his pants down so she can handle his cock more freely. "It is time for you to walk this path dear boy.." She whispered close to his ears, eyes locked on the horsecock in her palm. "To use your...Gifts for our kingdom..It is a path of cunning, seduction and the animalistic sensations that comes with the territory..So..Are you ready?
It had been two years since that day on the bridge. Though he was thought to have died, Haku in fact survived Kakashi's Raikiri... But Zabuza did not survive the assault of Gatou's men. Zabuza's dying wish was for Kakashi to take Haku with him to Konoha- and that's where he stayed, training under one Anko Mitarashi. Now 17, he'd gotten taller, his muscles ever so slightly toned. He looked mostly the same as before though, save he now wore a chuunin vest over his brown sweater instead of his blue robe. He'd also gotten to know a girl during this time... Hinata. He'd even grown fond of her. Now, he was watching his friend train. The young man smiled as he watched the busty young woman train. Oh, how he admired Hinata so. She was kind, gentle, and... Well, was she beautiful? He studied her features again with his brown eyes, brushing some of his black hair out of his face. Her nose was cute, her eyes gorgeous, her lips suggestive, and her form sensual. Yes, he'd say she was beautiful alright. Haku so badly wanted her. However, he knew she loved Naruto, and not him. Indeed, he was forced to watch her from afar. Or was he? He could, in theory, use a certain genjutsu his sensei had gotten from Kurenai and taught to him. No, no, he could never. Could he? "Hinata-chan..." he cooed out, smiling at the girl only a year younger than him. "Can I... Ask something of you?
She looked over at Haku, her mind otherwise preoccupied with thoughts of Naruto, and ways she could get him to look at her. "Yes, Haku?" She walked over to him and sat next to him, still panting slightly from her efforts. She looked up at him and smiled, her white eyes still somewhat distant. She liked Haku, but not in the way she adored Naruto; she seemed slightly distant towards Haku, even though she considered him a good friend. "Did I do something wrong that time?
It had taken him months to prepare this night, this event. The problem with getting a celebrity was that they rarely dated or fucked normal guys. But if you plan it just right, you can kidnap one of the most beautiful women in the country. There was money, bribing, and contacts involved, along with duct-tape and a little chloroform while Demi was at the club. And despite her bodyguards, it was extremely easy to take her. Christopher had hauled Miss Lovato's unconscious form into the trunk of his car and drove off into the night without a trace. When her guards woke up, they would have no idea what went wrong; only that she was gone. Once Christopher had arrived to his relatively small house, he made sure that it was absolutely quiet and clear before he took her body out of the trunk, hoisting her over his shoulder and taking her inside. He was fortunate to have his own basement, which he would put into use later, but for now, the living room would do. He pulled away the black hood that covered his face, exposing a young man of 25 with short black hair and dark brown eyes. He had a toned, athletic figure that allowed him to carry Demi with ease. Christopher had already prepared the living room. A chair sat in equal distance from the couch to the kitchen, with only a small end-table situated a few feet away. He lowered Demi onto the chair, leaning her comfortably against the seat while he worked. Making sure that the duct-tape was still secure against her mouth, he retrieved the coil of soft rope from under the table, tying Demi's arms securely behind the back of her chair, and tying her ankles to the front legs, too. Within the drawer of the table were several various toys that could be used to break her will; Christopher would use those in a little while. For now, Demi was set to awake in a just a few minutes... the young man sat down behind her, crossing his legs and arms as he patiently waited for the young celebrity to open her eyes.
It had started as a normal night at the club. Demi Lovato, fresh from filming and ready to relax, had thrown herself into the night's events. She'd even told her bodyguards to relax, that there was nothing they needed to concern themselves with. Nothing was likely to happen to her; not now. Little did she know that within hours she'd wake up, tied and gagged in some man's home. The girl's panicked eyes grew wide, the brown swimming with terror even as the grogginess still made her vision blurry. It wasn't hard to determine that she couldn't move, nor was it difficult to figure that she couldn't speak, gagged as she was by the tape. Still, Demi tried protesting against the tape, the muffled cries loud and sharp. Her eyes went about, desperately seeking who had done this, or what. She couldn't see anyone, and that panic made her searching more frantic. Demi tried to stand, to break her bonds, her muscles straining against the ropes and bindings. Nothing, not a budge. The girl groaned and sat back against the chair, her body heaving from the effort. Once more Demi twisted around, trying desperately to see if someone was nearby, to confront her captor. She was fairly certain she could just make out someone out of the corner of her eye, but she couldn't twist enough to see him clearly.
According to popular belief, Gothamites had been relieved of one more villain. One less criminal to worry about plaguing the streets and taking innocent lives, however how she had died still remained a mystery. As a matter of fact, who had killed her was another mystery that had yet to be solved, not that anyone was entirely curious to find out, rather they had only been aware when one day a large set of flowers grew in Gotham City park, the white flowers having the woman's namesake wrapped around them. Bruce Wayne declared the woman dead due to such a thing, the plants remained alive and thriving for several years, despite the weather changes that ran through the city, the flowers stayed living. Who had murdered Pamela Isley? It was only occasionally a thought to Harley Quinn, who had drawn away from certain aspects in realizing that her 'Red' was no longer there. Where had Pamela gone? The cool breeze that went through the spring time air caused the trees to shift and wave their leaves slightly, the click of heels echoed through the silent walkway in Gotham City Park. It had been at least three years since the woman was proclaimed dead, the time ticking by carelessly as crimes throughout Gotham City continued, the dark knight coming to save the city just about every time. Typical really. Plush lips parting softly, a light sigh escaped her mouth as her arms folded above her head, knowing she was going to have to get dressed if she was going to pay a visit to Oswald. After all, with Oswald being the owner of the Iceberg Lounge, she knew this man was capable of spilling a few things that she cared to know. The dark green bustier on her upper half hugged onto the curves of her frame, the white pants that found themselves on her lower half slid up well, holding onto her firm rear as most pants generally would. Wonderful. Sliding the matching white suit jacket onto her frame as well, whomever's house this was, she was quite fortunate that the woman of the household had fabulous taste in clothing. Pausing for a moment as she spotted something not so decent however, she shook her head and considered her wardrobe less than fabulous. Whatever, she'd gotten her outfit. The house was undisturbed as the woman again made her move out of the house, her mind set on one man and one place in particular. It was within little time that the woman made her way through the back alley that led to the entrance of the Iceburg Lounge, her lips curling into a soft smile toward the henchman that stood at the door. The man raised a brow at the attractive woman, watching as she leaned toward him and left his cheeks burning a bright red color as though they were attempting to match her pinned up hair. It was a short matter of seconds before the man was on the ground, the color leaving his face and his veins exposed as he gasped for some type of air, heels clicking as she let him drop and moved inside the building. Showing her teeth for a moment as she moved around one of the numerous penguins that hobbled around the Lounge, her eyes instantly set their sights on the male who sat with a small entourage of people. Other villains, probably, but she wasn't going for them. She wanted the Penguin. However, taking a moment to let her eyes move to one of the numerous icebergs that stuck out from the ceiling, Pamela's lips remained in their smiling state, another audible breath taken as she sent her vines up for the prize she knew the iceburg held. Her head turning now, the female was only a few feet away from the table that the men sat at, none of them aware of her presence until her heeled feet clicked across the table. " I - ah - Ivy? " Ivy was right. " Good evening gentlemen, and Ozzie, " The woman standing over him now, easily she moved to set her feet on either side of the man, her stilettos stopping in their clicking as she straddled his lap, the man clammering for words to say to the supposedly dead woman. " H - How did you get in h - here? " He asked, the woman's lips not once breaking from their smile as she tilted her head curiously at the man. " Why, I walked through the front door of course. But enough chit chat Oswald, I've got some questions for you, so do play nice boys. " Speaking not only to him but the men around him, she knew he could easily signal not only his penguins but the rest of his henchmen to come for her, but the amount of surprise was obviously overwhelming. I'm nto so dead anymore now am I.
Mr. Cobblepot's henchmen didn't know what to do. That devilish woman had gotten so close. With a kiss, their boss could be down for the count forever. With the current state of the economy, they'd be reverting back to street thugs. All of them pointed their guns at Poison Ivy; some of them had trembling hands. They sought guidance from the Penguin, but currently, their boss was most likely afraid right now, since Ms. Ivy did have the upper hand. An attractive woman was sitting on Cobblepot's lap; of course he would be excited, if it wasn't for the fact that if he kissed her, he might lose his life along with it. A very close friend was sitting near the action. It was a man with a hat dressed in a green suit with a wide smile on his face. The man reached for his question mark top cane and got up out of his seat. He saw a riddle in front of his eyes. The infamous Poison Ivy was alive and well, rumors had it that she died, but yet here she is, after three long years. There wasn't a riddle that Edward E. Nigma couldn't solve. Could the infamous Lazarus pit be a part of the reason why Ms. Pamela Isley is here today? The short, round man gathered his composure after the almost heart-attack feeling of seeing Poison Ivy alive. He growled and snorted a bit as he stared at the deadly woman's eyes. Why are you here, Pamela? he said, as his hands that were resting comfortably on the chair's armrest were starting to sneak up into a fist. The henchmen that surrounded the room were starting to prepare for a showdown between them and Ms. Ivy. The Riddler intervened and spoke, "Calm down Oswald." The man with the green hat began walking towards the lovely couple. "She's here, of course, to see if you had anything to do with the fact that everyone now knows that Pamela Isley is dead." said the Riddler, as he was now standing behind the chair that Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot sat in, staring into Poison Ivy's eyes. "Isn't that right, Ms. Ivy?" he said, with a smile. He then leaned down, and was just above the Penguin's right shoulder as he whispered so that both of them could hear. "Why don't we help each other out...I do believe that the heist that we're able to implement could use a feminine touch." the Riddler said, as he gripped his question mark cane and straightened himself out. "After all, the moment you made your presence known, almost all the men here are a delight to look at, Pamela... dead or alive..." The Penguin snorted, and looked away, muttering something under his breath while rolling his eyes. "I don't believe that we need her... besides, whose cut will it come out of if we were to include her in our scheme of things?" "As you can see, Ms. Isley, this little bird only has a one-track mind. What reason would he have to rid the world of the beautiful Poison Ivy? Even with a beautiful woman on his lap, the man can only think of money," said the Riddler. Once again, the Penguin mumbled something and stared up at Poison Ivy. He knew she wasn't there for his pleasure. Women of Gotham were never there for his pleasure, unless they were paid for.
Tess made her way through the Slytherin Common Room with a smile. She could feel all eyes on her, but she refused to let it get the best of her. Her eyes roamed the room and stopped on a blonde boy giving her his full attention. She could tell by the way he was glaring at her that he was very unhappy to see her there. She knew that it would not be easy to adjust here - not only because she was a Muggle, but also because she was an American. Draco's eyes didn't leave the Muggle as she moved through the Common Room. He was well aware of how beautiful she was, but he was more concerned with the fact that they were allowing Muggles into Slytherin. He knew he wouldn't allow her stay here to be pleasant, no matter what. Malfoys have always been suckers for a pretty face.
Draco wanted to look away from the intruding muggle, she had no right to be at Hogwarts, let alone in Slytherin, but he couldn't tear his eyes off her. Maybe there was a way to really have some fun with her.
Karakura Town. It's a nest of the paranormal, supernatural and downright spooky. Creatures known as hollows roam the streets, unseen by human eyes. Their appearances and powers differ from each one, but the one constant between them is their thirst for spirit energy. This is normally obtained by consuming the spirits of the recently deceased. But for one such hollow, simply consuming the spirits whole isn't enough to sate its hunger. It desires something more...carnal. But this particular hollow is small in stature, more like a lizard, really. Being unable to consume spirits whole, it uses a different tactic to get what it wants. On this particular night, it stalks a certain target, a male, recently made dead by unknown methods. The man seems to stick close to the area, never seeming to stray far perhaps due to its familiarity with the surroundings. Perhaps he died here and had some attachment to this world that did not allow him to pass on so easily. He has the look of a common street punk, messy hair, unbuttoned school uniform and a bit of a gruffy look to his face. He looks young enough, however, to be a high school student. He would make a fine vessel for the hollow. And so, it snuck upon the man who seemed completely unaware... before it was too late.
Not far from the scene, walked young Orihime Inoue, heading home after having stayed late at school to help some classmates prepare for the school festival in a few days. Even being a young girl her age, looking the way she did, she was not scared at all to be alone on the streets. Both because she could defend herself with her special powers, but also because she was rather naive and ditzy. The thought of possibly being... harassed by a thug on her way home never entered her mind. So, she was just smiling happily, humming to herself as she walked the dark, quiet streets. The girl really did make an appealing target though. A young woman, with a very pretty face, and a marvelous body. She had a tight, trim stomach, slender hips, legs that went on for days... and her chest. Her chest was a very notable feature, as it was so large and round, while still being quite perky. Those things were mouth-watering. And they were shown quite well in her school uniform. While no cleavage was shown, the thin uniform clung to her chest nicely, and was visibly straining to contain that amazing rack of hers.
Matt sat down in his computer chair of his apartment with a little bit of a sigh. It was a rather boring Saturday afternoon, and although the weather was fairly nice for late October he didn't want to go outside. He rolled the chair over to his bookshelf of games in his small apartment and looked through them, trying to find something to do to waste the time. He was feeling a little frisky, but decided to shake it off until later, hoping it would help him go to sleep better when his eyes fell upon his copy of Super Smash Brothers Brawl. He took it from the shelf, and contemplated the gameplay for a moment to be sure he really did want to play it. How long had it been? A while, and it was better with friends, but his mind turned to ogling Samus in her skin-tight suit and he grinned as he pushed against the wall and rolled over to his Wii. As the chair rolled, he caught his reflection in a mirror for a moment. He was tall, standing at over six feet, in the chair, his legs could reach just about anything in the room. He was thin, but not boney thin, and when he had his shirt taken off, he had a rather nice build to his chest and stomach. His hair was brown and went down to his shoulders, some of it spilling just a little past that, and cascading down past his piercing blue eyes, which he did well to hide behind his thin-framed glasses. He wore a simple t-shirt and blue jeans, his t-shirt actually having a picture of a morph ball on it from the SNES Super Metroid, and his blue jeans a little faded. He was a nerdy guy alright, but that didn't mean that he didn't have style or looks going for him as well. Matt smiled as he put the game into the Wii, three controllers still plugged into the console from the last time he'd had friends over and they'd played a multiplayer game, surprisingly not Super Smash Brothers. They had skipped past that game for awhile. Still, he booted the game up and went to multiplayer, ready to just hop into the fray, when he paused at the character selection screen. Who did he want to be, and who did he want to fight? His creeping horniness seeped back into his mind and he chose Samus for himself, starting her in her Zero Suit, and choosing Zelda and Peach for the other two characters. He chose a simple stage, just Final Destination and heard the first rumble of thunder outside, rattling the loose windows on his walls as he began the fight with the level 9s. He paused the game when Samus came to the screen and zoomed in on her a bit, looking at her bust, and wondering just what her dimensions were, before he scrolled over to her ass, wishing he'd met a cosplayer and been able to bring her back to his room. One hand crept down to his lap, giving a light stroke at his jeans...
As if God had seen what he was doing, just seconds later, after a very loud and powerful clap of thunder, everything shut off. Lights, TV, game, everything. He was left in pitch black, unable to pleasure himself to the sight of the lovely Samus. Though, she'd soon find that a much better present had nearly literally been dropped right into his lap. Eventually, the TV came back on, but was nothing but static. Then, the power indicator for the Wii came on, showing it was getting power now. Then, finally, the lights came on, revealing something that just couldn't be possible. Right in front of him, laid out on the floor... were the three digital vixens he was just watching. Samus was closest to him, lying face-first on the floor, ass in full glory in that skin-tight zero suit. Zelda was next to her, as graceful as in her games. She looked like Sleeping Beauty. And Princess Peach was between them and the TV, curled up a bit, lightly sighing in that soft, cute tone of hers. All seemed very real... but all were also apparently completely unconscious.
Today was a grand day. Today was the day new trainers would set out to the Pokemon world. With all the excitement though, the teenage girl could barely sleep all night, after being promised a pokemon by the resident Professor Oak. Only managing to fall asleep almost when it was morning, when Sapphire woke up, the due hour had already passed. A scream sounded through the house. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" It'd been like that since she was ten. Sapphire had never managed to wake up on time and get a pokemon, since all the kids had already been there and taken their pick! Quickly, she jumped out of bed and got herself ready in the record time of five minutes, rushing downstairs barely with her backpack on. "Bye mom!" Her long sky blue pigtails swayed behind the tall girl as she ran, still fixing the black shorts and the dark blue turtleneck. Her deep blue eyes were starting to water, figuring it'd be the same as the other years. She'd be late again, too late. When she got to the lab though, her tanned face lit up with joy, despite being absolutely out of breath. A single pokeball stood on the table, waiting for her. "I knew you'd be late again, so I saved this one just for you this year, since you've been such a... good girl." The professor said, a devilish smile on his face as he handed the ball to her. Sapphire blushed slightly at his words, but it was overcome by her excitement, wanting to see what was inside.
Contained inside the single ball was a young Abra. Rescued by Professor Oak, from an abusive trainer, this Abra had a peculiar interest. Unlike most Abras, which teleport away from any human who approaches them, this Abra was drawn to people, primarily females. He had been known, on occasion, to influence humans to do what he wanted, using his telepathic powers. Needless to say, Oak was well aware of this, awarding Sapphire with said Abra, was both a reward and a punishment. It would be up to Sapphire to make that decision. As the ball sat on the table, it shook lightly back and forth, the Abra knew he was being given to a trainer, and was quite excited to meet her.
Drake had been working for the company for more than three years now and in that time he had become one of their best agents for finding "targets" and retrieving them before training them and handing them over to be sold. He sat back in his chair, dressed up for the occasion. There was supposed to be a big party for celebrities, some A-list group who thought they were untouchable and wouldn't get caught or disappear like some B-list stars. Laughing, he got up and headed to his car, checking his trunk for all of the tools of his trade - ropes, gags, and chloroform. Getting into his car, he headed out from his house and into the city where the afterparty was being held. Drake was able to slip into the party, conning many people into thinking he was someone important. His dark black hair and dark eyes always gave him an air of mystery. He chatted with stars and producers alike as he looked around for his next targets. Who would the company want now? It had to be someone really at the A-list, someone who would actually cause a spark once she was kidnapped and never seen again. That would strike panic into them and make them know that they were not safe. He knew that they operated all around the world, some in shadows and some in plain sight of others. They were able to put themselves into top levels of government; who knew what position they held. But they were bringing these powerful women and taking them to become their slaves to show everyone they were truly in power.
The party was going full-swing, the guest celebrities drinking and dancing without a care in the world. Tyra Banks, Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, and Emma Watson were dancing together, teasing the men around them...and some of the women too, no doubt...while celebrating their latest projects being finished. "Nice moves!" Tyra called over to Emma. Emma and Miley were currently grinding up against each other, laughing each time they did it. Beyonce whirled around and started doing hip bumps with Tyra. Life was good, and would only get better from here. They were all at the top of their game. None of them noticed the dark man who moved through the party, sliding closer to them. A light sheen of sweat on his forehead, Miley yelled out, "I'm getting drinks! You three in?" The other three nodded, and they stepped off the dance floor to move over to the bar, each getting a glass of wine before turning and leaning against the bar casually, watching everything around them. All were dressed to kill, with tight, formfitting skirts and dresses, showing off every asset. They were the cream of the crop, the people that the world loved, and to their credit they rarely ended up in tabloids or magazines. Instead, they worked hard to keep their noses clean. Well, except for Tyra. Tyra enjoyed a good time more than the others, without a doubt.
Allen was a normal guy. He was just out of college with a degree in business, and he had just broken up with his fiancee, who had been cheating on him with his best friend. Awesome. Needless to say, his life wasn't the greatest right now. He generally wore a blue suit with white cuff links and a white undershirt. His cuffs were quite classy if he did say so himself, and they were gold rabbit cufflinks, his favorite animal. It seemed weird for a rabbit to be a man's lucky animal, but nonetheless, they were. Recently, due to the rough patch Allen had been having, he kept finding himself at the bottom of a bottle of scotch. The man had short blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Though he was a football player in high school and through college, he was a bit of an intellectual. He was so good at finding holes in defenses while playing football, but he was even better at talking to people and finding the holes in their defenses. Throughout his life, he was somewhat of a ladies man due to these traits, but since he had been trying to shy away from that kind of life. This has been something he had been toying going back to recently. At this point in time, he was rather sloshed. Most of his money had been going to buying the scotch at this particular bar. He was making quite a bit of money, yet the payments on his car and his house payments had been syphoning his money off. The current bar he was in was more of a dance club. The music was booming and the lights were flashing. Pretty hard for a drunk man to pay attention to anything going on around him.
In the club, women were everywhere, and it just so happened that there was a costume contest happening. So it was that the woman who approached Allen didn't appear much out of the ordinary. In her eyes, he was an attractive man, and it didn't seem odd to her that she would approach him because of it. She put her arms around him as she tripped, her curvy body pressing against him. "Oh, I'm so sorry," she said with a little nervous laugh. "Are you okay?" Her bunny ears gave her a slightly more innocent look, and she did seem sincere. Perhaps she would be a nice distraction.
Voldemort, otherwise known as Tom Riddle, smiled indulgently as he stepped into the manor's dining room, relaxed and pleased as all the Death Eaters within stood and bowed before sitting again. At a young age, he'd learned to crave power, and now he had everything he wanted. Moving to his seat at the head table, he spared a pleased smile for Bellatrix as he sat down. "Any new things going on today?" He asked, looking around the table. The question was posed to everyone, but it was mostly for Bellatrix, whom he hadn't had a chance to visit with for a few days. For now, content to see what his followers would say, he settled in. Loyal Lucius, with beautiful Narcissa, whose stomach was just starting to round with their first child. Rudolphus, who's wife he loved, and was a friend and follower enough to give him leave to court her. And finally, Rabastan, the fun-loving youngest Lestrange, who made anything seem less dreary.
As soon as Bellatrix saw him, she bowed as low as she could, smiling before taking her seat. She waited a moment while others informed him of various work-related items. The fear that they struck into people's hearts, so on and so forth. Bellatrix loved the Dark Lord more than anyone else in the room, even her own husband. A certain glow surrounded her, but nobody knew what it was. When the last Death Eater finished reporting, Bellatrix coughed slightly. "My Lord, I have wonderful news..." she began, smiling with a loving look. "I'm... I'm with child.
Robert Phillips walked down the halls of the great school of magic, Hogwarts, like he did everyday for the last month. A loner by choice, the Ravenclaw moved amongst the other students as he headed to his potions class. As much as the fifth year loved potions, he hated that he had to share it with the Slytherin house. Normally he didn't mind the Slytherins but after the new girl from America started in on him, he hated them all. It hadn't been his fault that the potions teacher had chosen her to test his potion on. And it wasn't like he had meant to turn her blue. He had gotten the ingredients from the cabin like all of the others. Even Professor Snidely had said it wasn't his fault. That one of the ingredients was too old to use. Although it might have been that he had laughed harder than anyone else in class. Walking into the classroom, he sighed as he spotted an empty chair between two of his housemates. "Do you think you can remake that blue potion again?" William asked on his right. "I want to sneak it into all of those Slytherins drink at supper." Laughing, Robert replied, "But we would need some of the old stuff for it to work. I knew that rat-tail was old as soon as I picked it up. If you can find any more, I think I can remake it," he said, watching the Slytherins walk in. They always travel in packs, Robert told his housemates. "They never could stand on their own," he said loud enough for everyone to hear.
Tess was making her way to Potions class when her boyfriend Tyler walked up, smacking her ass. He startled her as she was deep in thought. "Do you always have to do that?" she asked, slightly annoyed. The tall, brown-haired boy slid his arm around her waist. "It's perfect," he said, "and mine's not my fault; I can't keep my hands off it." His response caused her to smile at him. He was a jerk, but at least he was sweet to her most of the time. The pair made their way into their class. Tess sighed to herself when she spotted Robert. He was an annoying Ravenclaw who embarrassed her in front of the whole class. She had always thought he was extremely good-looking, but since that day, she wanted nothing more than to ruin his life. As they walked past, she overheard him making a rude comment and stopped instantly. "Are you just jealous that we have friends and you're some freak nobody wants to be around?" Tyler laughed slightly at her comment and grabbed her hand, leading her to the table. That Ravenclaw boy enraged her almost every time she saw him.
Nanashi The Nightmare was heading towards Earth. His cold red eyes were filled with malice. Why had he come here? He chuckled, "Madness reigns," as he descended through Earth's atmosphere. When he noticed a ship in low orbit heading for him, he smiled as his Gundam came to life. "The first catch of the day..." he mused as he took control, shifting his gun towards the ship and firing once, causing it to explode in great fashion. Nanashi just laughed as he felt the joy of starting his dream. He would find the one who could end him. The one who brought the dawn and the end of Nightmares. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't realize he was still falling. He tried to take control of his Gundam but to no avail, hitting the ocean and sinking. He climbed out and swam to shore. He looked back, he would get his Gundam later. When he got to shore, he took off his suit and revealed his nightmarish-like clothing underneath, with evil runes and ancient otherworldly glyphs. "Well, that could have gone better," he said, taking in his surroundings. "I'll show them the greatest nightmare." He then caught sight of someone who had spotted him on the beach. He merely stood there like a statue, sensing something different about this one. He looked at them with interest, something he had never known before. "What fun," he thought, smiling and bowing gracefully.
Relena Darlian was still wet from her swim in the ocean and had been walking towards the blanket on the beach when some noise caused her to turn and look up towards the sky in time to see something crash into the ocean. She blinked, not sure what it was because it had fallen too fast for her to be able to identify it. She stood perfectly still, not moving a single muscle as he swam to shore. He didn't notice that she was watching him until after he had taken off his suit. Her blue eyes widened seeing the strange clothes he was wearing with unfamiliar symbols on them. Relena didn't know what to do when he'd finally spotted her and it seemed as if he didn't know what to do either at first. He just stood there and stared at her for a long time. And then he smiled at her and bowed. Which worked to get her moving again. Still unsure what to do, she looks around as if seeking help or advice from someone, but there was no one else around, then she remembered she had chosen to come to the beach by herself. Hopefully she won't regret that decision. Now that the shock of seeing him had worn off, she hesitantly walked towards him, then stopped, not getting too close. He didn't look injured but she still asked him, "Are you alright? Who are you?
Alexis was woken up early by Draco shaking her roughly. "Alexis, Wake up! You lazy ass," he laughed. Alexis just covered her head with the blanket and growled. "Five more minutes, Draco." She said sleepily. Draco sighed. "Come on, we have to get ready to go to my house for the holidays. We need to take the train to King's Cross, and if you don't get up, we're going to miss the train." He shook her again. "Grrrfine, I'm up." Alexis threw off the blanket and went to the bathroom to take a shower. When she was finished, she got dressed and sprayed herself with peach body spray before making her way down to the common room with her trunk. "Okay, let's go then." She said looking at Draco. When they arrived at King's Cross station, they got off the train and waited for Draco's father. "Where is he?" Alexis asked impatiently. She was freezing and her cheeks were turning red. She started pacing back and forth until a car pulled up and someone inside motioned for them to get in. Alexis followed Draco's lead and got into the back seat. Alexis walked into the manor and her jaw dropped. It was a huge place and looked as if it could fit five or maybe even ten families, and Draco's family had the place to themselves. "I am so jealous of you right now," Alexis whispered into Draco's ear as they walked into the sitting room and sat down.
He awaited his son to come home for the holidays, but what he didn't expect was a friend to come along as well. As Draco walked in with her, he looked at him. "Welcome home, my boy," he said, then added, "Now, who is the lovely young lady we have here?" He grabbed the young girl's hand and kissed it, a habit he still did with his wife today. "Well, I'm sure we can get acquainted later on," he continued. "Please, Draco, show her around the home. I know it's big, but you get used to it.
Things in the tower couldn't be more convenient for both Robin and Starfire. Since their countless missions, Robin and Starfire rarely spoke. Not only because of taking care of the city and where trouble was, but also because of being with Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Raven. Not that they were troublesome, but private time was what was needed between these two. Robin hoped that Starfire was just as much in the mood as he was; as a leader, he had needs and he expected them from her. Of course, she had needs as well. One which caused a small problem... "I am not taking it off," he repeated to her as they sat in the living room. He gave a frown as his mask had once again been brought up into the situation between how she wanted to see his true face and how he did not want anyone to know how he looked. But should she be the exception?
Starfire huffed. "Then I am not doing any of the things with you tonight," she said, adding air quotes around 'things'. Her accent was getting better, but she still didn't understand so many Earth words. She glanced at him for a moment before sighing. "Please, Robin?" she pleaded, placing a hand on each of his legs and leaning forward. "I will do anything you wish." Her eyes were big and round as she looked up at him, as if she could already see through his mask. She frowned, seeing that he wouldn't budge. She crossed her arms over her chest. "The only ones who need to cover their faces are those with something to hide," she said, raising a finger and shaking her head. "My Tamaranian guardian used to say that all the time.
Drake couldn't understand why nobody would believe him. A few years ago, his parents had told him that they were not his real parents but had adopted him at the age of 5 shortly after the tragic death of his real parents in an accident. Ever since then, he had been performing research, trying to look back into his family history. Just a week ago, he had made an incredible discovery. He had to double-check several times, going through all his notes, all his research, everything, but there was no doubt... no doubt at all... Drake himself was the last descendant of the greatest, most famous Wizard of all time, Merlin himself. At first, Drake had been proud, sure that this would finally start to earn him some attention, some friends. The past few years at Hogwarts had been incredibly lonely for the Ravenclaw boy. Every attempt to make friends had ended in failure at best, ridicule and embarrassment at worst. But when he tried to tell people, tried to show them, they just laughed. The mere suggestion that he was descended from such a great wizard seemed absurd. Nobody would even look at his research; they accused him of simply being jealous of Harry Potter, of trying to upstage the Boy Who Lived. After the first accusation, that's what everyone began to say. What everyone began to accuse him of. Even when Drake stopped trying to tell others, the accusations still came. How he loathed that Potter boy! What had he done? Simply lived? Sure, at first he had resented his own fame, but lately he seemed to be accepting it, wallowing in it, using it, lapping up the attention, particularly from girls, like he had done something to earn it. Well, no more. If everyone was going to accuse him of trying to upstage Harry Potter, of just trying to divert the attention of women away from him and to himself instead... fine. That was just what he would do. After all, Drake's discovery hadn't gone unrewarded. Buried deep in books left behind, he had found clues, subtle hints to powerful spellbooks hidden away at Hogwarts by Merlin. And as a true descendant, only Drake had been able to find them. These past few days, he had immersed himself in the books, learning everything he could. Now a plan had formulated in his mind, and he had the means to carry it out. "Ugh..." Drake grunted as his hand pumped furiously. The potion was almost ready... it just needed one final ingredient, his own essence, ensuring that the focus of the potion's effects would be towards him and no other. To that end, the boy was standing, furiously masturbating himself over a bubbling cauldron of blue liquid. Between his legs, massively swollen balls swung against his legs; he needed much more semen than just a normal orgasm could create, so he had taken a potion to massively increase that as well. "Ah... ah...," the boy worked himself until finally he felt it happen, with a long low groan he pointed his erection downwards as cum erupted, shooting forth like water from a hose, pumping out a good three liters of thick cum into the cauldron before the flow stopped. The cauldron bubbled, the liquid swirled and frothed, before it settled back down, now becoming a completely transparent and odorless fluid. Perfect... it was ready. The following day, Drake put his plan into action. His first target clearly identified in his mind, he watched as Ginny Weasley ate her breakfast. Just watching silently, waiting for the opportunity to present itself, hidden among the food at the Gryffindor table was a vial of his potion, ready and waiting for... there! He saw as she looked away, discussing something with someone else. With a quick flick of his wand, Drake brought the vial up, emptying its contents into Ginny's drink before hiding the now-empty vial once again. The boy couldn't help but grin as he watched the girl, the supposed object of Harry Potter's affections, down the rest of her drink, along with his potion. Still, the effects wouldn't be immediate... they needed a catalyst. When breakfast was over, Drake stood along with many others, turning to head out. It was a Saturday, no classes... perfect. Discreetly, he followed Ginny, waiting until the crowds had thinned out, until they were outside in the courtyard and there were few people around. "Um... Miss Weasley...?" Drake spoke up from behind her, approaching her quickly, looking as shy and nerdy as always. "Um... can I... just ask you something...?" He looked up at her with a slight smile. Part of him regretted what he was about to do, feeling a little guilty... but it would soon pass... after all, she'd want him to do it soon enough. Before Ginny could tell him to buzz off, he grabbed her arm, suddenly yanking her into a grove of bushes beside them, using the surprise to tumble and pin her to the ground. "Ginny... I can't let Harry have you... you have to be mine..." With no subtlety, Drake's inexperienced hands went to grasp at Ginny's chest through her clothing, the other hand pinning her arms up above her. All he had to do was get her aroused... now that she had drank the potion, any arousal would cause it to take effect.
Um... Miss Weasley," Ginny turned at the mention of her name, recognizing the Ravenclaw boy who'd been the object of Hogwarts' most recent scandal - the boy who claimed to be the last descendant of Merlin. What was his name? Drake, that was it. Before she could respond, he was on her, using his own body weight to shove her backwards through the bushes that lined the path. Ginny struggled underneath him as he pinned her to the ground, grabbing awkwardly at her breasts through her robes. "What are you doing, Drake?" she yelled, still fighting against him. It was no use; the older boy far outranked her in size and strength. He had her arms pinned above her head, and despite herself, Ginny's mind conjured the fantasy she'd had from time to time about this very situation...her little secret, of course, and one she didn't admit to very often. What woman wouldn't want to be forced to...Ginny shook her head, trying to clear the thought from her mind, but not before a little shiver of excitement ran through her navel, curling into a warm ball between her legs. She shuddered slightly against Drake, feeling a peculiar feeling come over her, like fog, wrapping its tendrils around her brain...
Alice had been asleep for the longest time, locked away in a dreamworld. She'd dreamed of growing up in a world much like yours and mine--cars, fast food, wars, school, and reality TV. Of course, in the world she'd spent so much time in, she was well established and had many friends. She had a life there, which was ironic, considering that it was all a dream. In the dream world she lived in, Alice was always fashionable and wore clothes that some might consider... risque. Then again, she was always appreciated wherever she went. In Wonderland, she wore the same outfit she'd fallen asleep in so long ago. She wore a short dress that stopped at the middle of her thigh, propped out by some stiff lacy material. The dress was a light blue color that brought out her eyes and showed off her impressive cleavage. It had spaghetti straps and hugged her body tightly. She wore no bra beneath it, preferring not to show unnecessary lines. She wore white lace gloves that came to her elbows, but she'd grown tired of the fingers and cut them out. Her long, shapely legs were encased in matching white stockings and she wore a high-heeled version of a mary jane. Over this dress she wore the tiniest of French maid style aprons. Her long golden hair was sprawled out around her, curled to the prettiest style it could be. Around her neck was a silky blue ribbon. She'd been left all alone to sleep like this for so long now--untouched. If someone came to find her, she would surely awaken to their touch or voice. And she would be understandably disoriented and confused, since she'd been living in another reality for so so long.
He stepped through the forest, the silent predator... invisible as he walked through the grass, so much world to explore and so little time to do it. He shimmered into reality for a moment, his frame lithe and strong with golden eyes that seemed to know everything about whatever they gazed upon. His hair was a dark purple, with matching ears and a tail that flowed behind him, touching everything he went by inquisitively. He had a darker purple shirt and a black jacket, a soft pattern of stripes along his stomach and chest from the two fabrics. He wore simple black pants, no shoes and he stepped with a pause that showed he felt completely safe. Then he spotted her, out of the corner of his eye. "What do we have here?" he asked, stepping towards the small girl, such a scrumptious little thing. Grasping her chest to wake her up and to check... hmmm, they were real after all.
Yuna sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose as Rikku and Paine made their way out of the airship and down the path toward the little resort town they had decided to rest at for a while. Rikku's insistent, hyperactive attitude was endearing at times, but with the stress of not finding that sphere, it was actually giving her a headache. She could actually be thankful for Paine's rather somber personality for once. "So, Yuna," Rikku said, "how long do we plan on staying? Not that I mind a vacation! Oh, what if we find some treasure here, you know, like in the waters?" Rikku exclaimed, giggling as she practically ran down the path ahead of them. She was jumping from one topic to another so fast and didn't seem to care whether or not her friends were even listening to her. Paine rolled her eyes. "She gets excited about everything," she muttered, though a rare smile played at the corners of her mouth. Yuna found it infectious and only shook her head with an exasperated sigh. Darkness was already beginning to spread across the blue sky, dusk just over the horizon, dwindling light paving their way to the INN where Yuna immediately secured a room for them. She made sure to get the suite, enjoying her space and, yes, even privacy sometimes. Rikku was ecstatic to say the least, being an ex-treasure hunter now Sphere hunter. Yuna and Paine could have sworn she bounced her way to the room, with barely concealed amusement. They were ushered in and Yuna passed the bell boy a small tip, though he hadn't actually done anything but show them the way; the YRP group very rarely had baggage with them. "Ohhh! The bed is so soft!" Rikku giggled as she face planted on the bed, almost nuzzling the bed covers with her cheek. "Alright, Rikku; no more sweets for you, I swear," Yuna said with a small laugh. The three of them switched out their Spheres from their Sphere Grid and relaxed in their beds; Paine in one, Yuna and Rikku in the other. The young blonde snuggled up to Yuna side and promptly fell asleep; it always astonished her that the hyper girl could fall asleep in the blink of the eye. "At least she's quiet," Paine mused with a small chuckle, before yawning and shutting her red eyes to allow herself to fall into a light slumber. The warrior was a light sleeper, honed that way by her instincts and her life. Yuna allowed herself to hold the young Al Bhed, her opposite eyes of blue and green following suit to her friends. It wasn't long before she too was asleep, finally able to take a moment to truly rest, and once she was under, there really was no rousing her. She slipped deeper, dreams beginning to filter their way into her subconscious. It started like almost every dream she'd had since Tidus disappeared from her life; she was back at that lake, where they had kissed for the first time, when she'd been crying and the world had felt so heavy on her shoulders as a Summoner. She sat at the edge of the lake, staring at the marvel of beauty that it was; she knew this was a dream because he wasn't there. She was alone.
The unsent smiled as he looked down at the three girls... It had taken him a while to sneak aboard, even longer to get access, but now he was ready. He rested his hand on the ex-summoner first, seeping into her dreams like a smoke, though the lake was the same, the water was oddly warm, almost inviting, as the summoner's legs dangled in it, the slow motions of the water against her like an endless caress. He inserted himself into her sleepy memories, a friend from the village, well-built but lithe... a blitzball player like Tidus. "So are we going to go in?" he asked her, voice smooth as he placed a towel down by the edge. After all, that was why they were here, right?
Sora stood on the top one of the buildings in the new city she was to call home. She gave a shy smile as she spread out her field of energy to see the different buildings so that she could memorize the city. She knew that the Titans were waiting for her, but if she didn't do this, things would become hard for her. While Sora was indeed a superhero, she was also blind. There was no doubt that she would be thought weaker for this, but her powers allowed her a way of seeing. As she finished mapping out the city, she started up floating towards the skies, as there was a thunderstorm hitting the city now. In truth, she had called it to her so that she might be able to cross the city easier. Giving a soft smile, she came to hover above Titan Tower and thought of her adoptive father and even of Batman, who had told her this was where she could go. Still unsure, she let herself be transferred down to the ground in a bolt of lightning. She stood at the doors now, smoke slowly streaming off her form, as she gave a knock on the door. She was sure this wasn't what they were used to, but as she held her staff, she knew this was better than not coming at all.
I'm coming, I'm coming!" A loud voice was heard and the door opened. "About time the Chinese got here," Beast Boy said, surprised to see Robin standing there. "Um... Can I help you...?" He asked, unsure how to react to the awkward moment. Getting a better look at her appearance, he could guess what kind of powers she had. But then again, appearances never worked out for him even when he was sure of something that was by appearance.
BRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGGGG Jake sat bolt upright in his bed before realizing it was just his alarm waking him up. He hit the cursed thing and climbed out of bed, mumbling death threats at the clock before he realized what day it was. The Professor was giving him a pokemon today. He was totally awake in an instant and throwing on clothes as fast as he found them in his drawer. He ran downstairs to find his mother cooking some breakfast and shoveled down his food before waving goodbye to his mom and walking out the door, still chewing. It took all of the young man's self restraint to keep from running to the lab a few houses down from his own. Jake stood at about six foot two and had broad shoulders. He was 17, a little old for his first pokemon but he didn't mind at all. He took in the world with gray green eyes, a copper ring around each pupil and he had mid-length reddish brown hair tied back into a ponytail. Soon he was outside of the lab, preparing himself to go inside. Now that he was here, some of his excitement was replaced by nervousness and he had to talk himself into entering the lab. It was a large room, lined with bookshelves and computers and strange devices everywhere. At the end of what seemed like a mile long hallway stood the Professor, a somewhat short balding man with a beard. Jake approached slowly, tentatively but the professor impatiently tapped his foot until Jake was forced to walk faster. "Hi, Professor... I'm ready..." He said. "Alright, boy but be warned... this one is a little... different" He said before motioning for something in the other room to come in. "Here she is," he said. Jake's jaw dropped.
Movement... The subtle rocking of her shelter stirred consciousness within her sleeping mind. Was it time already? To her, time didn't exist within the pokeball. However, she remembered the professor talking about a trainer, talking about her being able to go on an adventure. The creature shifted, weightless in her void of a home. She was different than most Pokemon, an experiment among men to create a Pokemon that was the perfect mix of human and creature. However, things never work out right in those operations, and it was shut down, the creature given out for "testing." However, that was a long time ago. The creature shifted again. It felt like ages since she had seen the outside world. Suddenly, she opened her eyes as she felt the Poke Ball move into new hands. Her brown eyes seemed to almost glow as she gulped, both from nerves and excitement as she tried to do what many attempt, to escape the Poke Ball on her own free will. She could no longer wait.
The briefing room was silent but for the gentle hum of the ship's engine and Commander Alexis Shepard's voice as she addressed the three chosen for the mission. "You are going down to this planet in order to chase a dangerous fugitive, an extremely powerful biotic assassin," she said, gesturing towards the screen before them. The planet was on display, glimmering green and turquoise, an earth-like atmosphere having lent itself to a massive jungle that covered 90% of the land. "We don't know much about this planet, we've found the escape pod he crash landed in but we don't know anything about the environment or the dangers you might face, be ready for anything." Her three chosen were before her, Jack, Samara, and Miranda. "As you know, the Normandy will be leaving once we have you dropped off, your extraction will be within a few days, a week at the most." A glare was exchanged between Miranda and Jack, one that did not go unnoticed by their commander. "I would hope you don't kill each other in the mean time." She gave them both a look, then clapped her hands, signaling the end of the briefing. "Get ready and meet at the shuttle in an hour." The jungle was thick, the air cool, the wind blowing through the trees with a gentle rustling sound, covering the movements of the three figures wading through the underbrush. "Any sign yet?" Jack's voice crackled over the comms, sounding irritated as always. "Nothing here," Miranda responded, determined not to rise to Jack's snark as she scanned about. "He could have gone quite a bit farther than this in any case, we should move on, keep following the trail." "There is a clearing up ahead. Perhaps you should maintain silence in the case of an ambush." Samara's calm voice broke onto the line and the group spread out, Samara advancing into the clearing first as Miranda and Jack took her flanks. Samara came to a halt three steps in as a patch of crushed brush became visible, raising her pistol. "I've found something, maintain positions." She advanced cautiously, listening as the others confirmed nothing on their motion trackers and knelt before the corpse of the man they'd been sent to kill, a massive hole in his chest giving no doubt as to the cause of his death. "Convene on me... Our target is already deceased." Jack and Miranda closed quickly on Samara's position. "Hmph, he can't have been as strong as the commander said if he got killed like this..." The small biotic rolled her eyes. "So we've been on a wild goose chase and we still have to wait a few days on this damn planet before we're getting back to the Normandy." "I would perhaps question as to what killed him." Miranda interjected. "It seems likely he was taken by surprise..." "Caution!" Samara snapped, cutting Jack short. "Motion trackers... There's something out there." The three were back to back in the centre of the clearing, hands reaching for weapons. "Possibly what killed him...
This planet was one of the few uncolonized ones with a liveable atmosphere, without needing any alterations. Maybe they should have wondered why. As people tried several times, but even when workers managed to get buildings up before all of them inexplicably died, it soon fell apart. Even exploration trips landed on disaster, and when they probed it, the ship that did got destroyed. And it was all thanks to the world's native creatures. When first encountered, most thought nothing more than a large puddle of goo, but even that puddle was dangerous. It could wrap around you and cut off your air supply with ease. And if it didn't want to kill you that way, it would transform. It could snap your bones as a krogan, eat you as a vorcha, and, as one of them had once gone there also, so was stuck in their collective knowledge, kind of like the geth, but which only transmitted useful knowledge, even could become a special asari and rip their souls out of them with sex. When they passed the man, the silurae had already found out why they were there. All trees here were silurae, who had grown old and transformed into a tree, where their silura part died, and they actually became trees. But they still could listen. The movement they found was a trick, they wanted them somewhere else. When they looked, they would see the exact same man that was on the ground, who gave a perfect show, the silura (as if that wasn't clear by now) Acted as if he recognized them, before starting to run. He would lead them to where he wanted. Bullets wouldn't manage to kill him from that far away, and biotics would only make him feel as if he were running through syrup.
Wasn't Las Vegas supposed to have been the extinction of these abominations? Dean presumed that after the nuke, such horrors would be at worst a tragic memory to those afflicted - certainly not something that would happen again. Regardless, this was not how he wished to spend his vacation time. Given an invitation from a friend to check out Fortune City, history seemed to be repeating itself apparently. Looking at himself in the window, he saw a fairly tall, lean-built man in his twenties with short spiky dark brown hair, amber hues filled with malevolence towards his misfortune, tan skin tone, thin eyebrows, slightly concave nose, and oblong jaw shape with a scar traced down from his lower lip to the chin . Overall, he looked like a specimen until it came to tackling his fashion choice. Tattoos occupied his muscular arms, snake bite piercing rested above his chin, and a customized silver skull piercing on his tongue. Clothing was recognizable with a pompous stud like himself, donning a special crimson leather jacket with silver color rhinestone embedded on the back of the jacket, designer black jeans with his initials stitched in crimson, and dress shoes to match the Spec Shades Ozzy sports but in a gold tint. The young man was certainly in deep shit at the moment, granted it was convenient compared to the other people in the middle of the calamity. Rationality was barely registering through his conceited head, having his heart beat in a frenzied pace while his nerves shot up with the blood curling lullaby of screams echoing in the hallways of the Fortune City Hotel. This luxurious suite of his was now the only sanctuary Dean had to the war zone outside. Dean Dixon was not particularly a household name in the world, but to the many sexually frustrated or simply horny denizens of the adult industry; Dean was idolized as a sex god. Renowned similarly to icons like Ron Jeremy and John Holmes, it was difficult taking not to pay attention to this Adonis of a man. A controversial figure, Dean is labelled as a bad boy to society and has shown volatile behavior in many disputes broadcasted to the media. Although he was a malicious son of a bitch, even this love god could not be completely callous to the situation. For now he needed to keep his cool, barricade his domain, and when things died down try to make an attempt to escape from this resort.
Kitty Kat Williams, her common name Katrina, was a dancer, a special kind of dancer, that...catered to clients with particular tastes; usually high paying men of the nerdy types. Trekkies, Video Game enthusiasts; you name it, she had probably catered to that type at one time or another. Rich types, mainly. Or nerds attending some convention of another in Fortune City. She'd made a pretty good living here, in all her years as an entertainer. Red heads tended to be a sought after type these days, giving the lean, ample breasted, supple reared, long limbed woman plenty of clients. Who knew what the fuck was going to happen here. Shit, just when she had been planning to get out of this lifestyle. Figures the world would go to shit. She'd fought her way from the Arena when the infected had broken out of the confines that blasted show, Terror is Reality, had them in. They should have known it was only a matter of time before those creatures managed to get out, but fuck if they had pretended ignorance. The hotel she assumed was her best bet, at least for a place to board up until the cavalry came stampeding in. She pulled the slide back, loading the chamber of her .45 pistol, before letting loose the contents of her clip into the heads and torsos of the infected blocking her way to the Hotel entrance; several fell, blood oozing from piercing holes, pieces of heads missing, eyes shot out. Really, it was a disgusting sight, but what choice did she have. She grunted, slamming her boot against the chest of one of them, kicking it out of her way as she busted in through the doors, slamming them shut behind her. She gathered what she could of the furniture and barricaded the door the best she could, before making her way to the stairs as she put another clip into her pistol and made her way to the stairs as she pulled the slide back to load the chamber. Higher was probably better, the fucking things couldn't fly or scale walls;thatshe could actually be thankful for.
It was dark, cold, and wet in the forest just twenty minutes from Private Drive, twenty minutes by car anyway, somewhere in the expanse of the thick woods two car doors slammed, and the screech of tires pulled away, leaving only a single figure suffering in the dirt. Deep black hair and emerald green eyes, along with a scar marked the boy as Harry Potter of all people, but he was barely recognizable. He was covered in blood, coated with bruises and contusions, and there was severe warning of multiple broken bones, and perhaps a stabbing or two. He was wearing only a pair of pants and nothing more, and he was slowly dying, bleeding out from sluggish wounds, but Harry knew the smell of blood would attract something that would make the pain all the worse, no doubt eating him alive. Wolves, or bears, maybe even a cougar, though he didn't know if they lived around there. There was a loud snap of a stick breaking in the woods and Harry moaned in terror, he didn't want to die, not like this, not with Voldemort still alive and Bellatrix still on the loose. Not with so much to live for! What a shame. The voice was as smooth as silk, but as cold as an Alaskan winter. Harry's eyes managed to flutter open, though he couldn't see much, due to his lack of glasses. Someone's mind was rooting around in his own, but he was too weak to even try and stop it. Do you know what I am? the person asked and Harry tried to nod, he couldn't. he managed to mutter, his throat sore from being throttled. That's right. The man continued, kneeling next to Harry and gently stroking the boy's black hair away from his face. I can take away your pain, Harry. I can make you stronger than anything you have ever been before. Nothing will hold you back, and you will never have to fear death again. Harry's heart leaped in his throat, slamming against his Adam's apple for a long moment. Not fear death!? Yes, he liked that, he didn't care how that made him similar to Voldemort, Harry was tired of almost dying at every corner, he just nodded and let himself be swept away by black clouds with a Vampire attached to his neck, and for the first time, Harry felt no fear. Not ten minutes later, the Vampire stepped through shadows, the unconscious, but no longer dying boy in his arms as he strode forward, ignoring the other in the room in which he had just appeared and gently laid Harry on the bed. This boy is mine. The man stated glancing at the occupant, Vampires could be very possessive, and the warning was clear. 'This is my new son, harm him and I will do you ten times worse.' He will be bedridden for a few days, the transformation will be very hard on his already broken body. He will need to feed as soon as he wakes up, make sure there is a suitable human nearby, an enemy more preferably as they might not survive the feeding. He paused, his eyes narrowed as he contemplated. And do see about finding him some new clothes, I have a muggle family to kill. He stated simply, slipping back out of the room through shadows, leaving Harry out cold and in the hands of once enemy's.
Asher stared after the bloodhaven as it left, raising a shapely eyebrow before looking at the boy lying on the bed. "The man is a master of understatement," he mused, sounding amused. He left the bedroom, in search both of Voldemort and of pretty. Because well...he was pretty. Oh, there were always little pretties. many choices on who to feed to the boy who lived. When Harry Potter woke after the days of the transformation rooting itself into his body, Asher was waiting for him to wake. The vampire lord De Mereloit was amused, heartily amused by the fact that the boy who lived, was now going to have immortality. Smirking as he looked at the boy, he gently shifted Draco from his lap, brushing his lips over the blonde's hair. "Love, go. And bring me Pettigrew. Tom said I could feed him to the boy." He ordered, shooing the blond out of the door before moving to sit on the edge of the bed, looking down at Harry. "So, you live," he purred softly, smiling as soft hair slid around his shoulders. His hair was neither blond nor white, but true gold, like melting metal. His eyes were dark, dark blue, almost black. Like twilight caught on the edge of midnight. Gently using a washcloth to clean off Harry's sweat-wet face. "Shush, love. Your meal is going to be here soon.
All of Earth's greatest heroes stood together as they watched their fellow hero mentally break down before their very eyes. The Scarlet Witch, who was the daughter of Magneto, had fought alongside most of them as part of The Avengers, but was now trying to fight her powers which allowed her to alter reality. Her brother Quicksilver stood beside her and told her to alter reality in the vision their father had for them and all other mutants. Something then triggered in her mind, and quickly everything disappeared and turned to white. Soon reality turned back to normal, but a lot of things had changed. There were no humans, just mutants, but out of all of them, they seemed to be female and mostly lesbian. It seemed The Scarlet Witch had altered reality so that everyone was a mutant and were only female and gay. Down at the X-Men's mansion, it seemed to have changed a lot. Every member was now a girl and they now went by the name of X-Rated. Their goal was to help young female mutants control their powers but also their sexual desires as well. The way the teachers there did this was by having sex with their students and also getting them to make sex tapes. One of these teachers was Jubilee, who was once a student there but had now become a teacher. She was in her room playing with herself as she watched a sex tape the Stepford Cuckoos sisters had made together.
Onyx was 13 when she realized she was different; she could change the way she looked and disguise herself as someone else. She ran away at 14 and was taken to a school full of people with similar abilities. Despite being surrounded by others like her, she still felt alone and left the school at 18. Now, she was wandering the halls of another school, one that was different from any other she had attended. While it was better than the previous school for mutants, Onyx still felt out of place and like she didn't belong. In the kitchen, she saw two girls making out, which was nothing new to her. She grabbed a soda from the fridge and watched them for a moment before leaving. She returned to her room and turned on the TV, sitting on her bed and flipping through channels while her roommate had sex in the bed next to hers.
Name: Darren Velstrom Age: 16 Year: 6th year House: Ravenclaw Looks: Darren's appearance can somewhat fall under that of a stereotypical punk/emo kid when dressed casually. He is most often seen wearing Panic At The Disco! shirts or various other metal/punk band t-shirts, as well as jeans with dark colored sneakers when not wearing his school robes. Physical features are somewhat pale skin, mainly due to him being a shut-in half the time, with dark green eyes and hair as black as a raven's feathers tied back in a small ponytail (not like Anakin from Attack Of The Clones live action, rather like...well think of a normal ponytail then chop it off to about 2 inches past the tie). Usually one to spout off the occasional bit of wisdom, although sometimes with an annoying riddle (Ravenclaws are thinkers and tricksters naturally) or problem half the time, his studies are always in the above average range. Darren yawned as he loaded his luggage onto the train heading to school. He made sure the carrier with his brown tortoise shell cat was secure in the animal car before heading to find a place to sit among the returning students. He noticed a few gawking first years still standing around inside the train and moved around them and found himself an empty compartment, at least empty for now anyway. He got himself somewhat comfortable on the seat before realizing there was an uncomfortable lump in the seat. He shifted around a bit before realizing the was a large hole in the stitching on one side. He blinked and reached in to try and adjust the lump, figuring it to be the stuffing of the seat when his hands clasped around what felt like the binding of an old book.
Name: Morgan Rosaline Age: 16 Year: 6th House: Gryffindor Looks: Morgan is actually one of the smart and talented students. She has long red hair that goes upto her shoulders with short bangs to the right side. She is one of the rare metamorphmagus and so can change her hair color at will. She has light blue eyes which again can change colors. She is indeed the popular one among her house and year. Her breasts are a good 38D size which many seem to notice. She stands around 5'7". x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x Morgan was breathing heavily as she ran a few yards to catch the train. She really thought she had missed it due to a prank set up. She growled and tried to avoid anyone and everyone. She shuffled around the crowded aisle in search of an empty compartment. Of course there wasn't going to be any available for her, so she decided to drag herself into an already pre-occupied compartment. She noticed someone was trying to pull something out of the seat, which was rather odd. "Hey whatcha doing?" she suddenly spoke from behind him. She realized it was Darius from her year.
Drake had been working for the company for more than three years now and in that time he had become one of their best agents for finding "targets" and retrieving them before training them and handing them over to be sold. He sat back in his chair, dressed up for the occasion. There was supposed to be a big party for celebrities, some A-list group who thought they were untouchable and wouldn't get caught or disappear like some B-list stars. Laughing, he got up and headed to his car, checking his trunk for all of the tools of his trade - ropes, gags, and chloroform. Getting into his car, he headed out from his house and into the city where the afterparty was being held. Drake was able to slip into the party, conning many people into thinking he was someone important. His dark black hair and dark eyes always gave him an air of mystery. He chatted with stars and producers alike as he looked around for his next targets. Who would the company want now? It had to be someone really at the A-list, someone who would actually cause a spark once she was kidnapped and never seen again. That would strike panic into them and make them know that they were not safe. He knew that they operated all around the world, some in shadows and some in plain sight of others. They were able to put themselves into top levels of government; who knew what position they held. But they were bringing these powerful women and taking them to become their slaves to show everyone they were truly in power.
Miley couldn't believe who was all here. Some very important celebs. With this group, she might just get the big time push she was looking for. She walked about talking, then decided to go to the bathroom. As she did, she picked up a drink from a nearby waiter, then took it with her. If her father saw her, he would kill her. But who cared. She sipped the drink, then decided to have some more fun. She pulled out the joint a friend had given her and began smoking it. She looked around, then noticed that Beyonce had come in. She tossed the joint into the toilet, then said, "Hey Beyonce. How's Jay-Z?" Beyonce looked at her, then the john. "Why did you toss it? Wasting a perfectly good joint like that. Stupid girl." Miley shrugged. Who knew that while they talked, there was a plot to gather them and others from the party. Miley, of course, had read where some B-list talent had come up missing, but who cared. They were nobodies. Nobody cared. About like Emily's career after Hannah. Who cared. The show was all about Miley anyway. For that matter, Beyonce should worry. Where was her career now?
Titans Tower stood on its small little island in the water. The large structure would normally have been lit with the glow of computer screens and other odd machinery. But it had been almost silent for two days now. Most of the team was away, and Robin had stayed behind to make sure things were maintained in the city. Cyborg and Beastboy were off training new recruits in Titans East, and Starfire had urgent family matters back home on Tameran to take care of. Raven, however, was the only one left. To Robin, it was almost like being completely alone. It was actually rather pleasant for the boy wonder. He rarely had a lot of time to think. And after the team's incident with Trigon, he had much to think about. He had always had eyes for the red-haired girl from space; it was not a well-hidden fact that both had been very close. However, that last big battle had also awoken something else. Feelings for another girl. It just so happened that he was left alone with the very girl - the dark-hooded, gloomy Raven. He had never quite seen it before, but both shared loving solitude and darkness as their only obvious traits. He had been close to her, closer than even Starfire, on a mental level during the whole ordeal. Now he was left with a deep gnawing feeling for the alluring sorceress. "What is she feeling?" he asked himself, deep down wondering if she had similar feelings for him. She had asked him, him alone, to help when Slade had returned to come for her, to deliver the dark message. He, however, saw no sign from her that anything had changed between them. He needed to know, he needed to find out, and what better time than now, when it was just the two? He ran a green-gloved hand through his hair, like he had done several times before. He got up and decided to go and talk to her.
Raven had been thinking a lot lately. That's why she had been distant from everyone, including the person she was closest to - Robin. She was taking a shower to relax. Letting the hot water rush over her pale skin. After feeling sufficiently relaxed and calm, she proceeded to dry off. Looking in the mirror, she sighed. Ever since her father attacked, she had been feeling weird whenever she was around Robin. Almost as though every time she was around him, she was starting to lose her self-control. But she was going to have to rein those emotions in. She had been masturbating much more than usual because of her feelings for Robin. She stepped out into her room, her towel wrapped around her hair. Her body exposed. She didn't plan on any visitors. After all, it was just her and Robin in the tower. They had been there for a couple days. Which is why she had been avoiding going anywhere in the tower, fearing that she would lose control and do something she would regret later. She was friends with Starfire. And she didn't want to hurt her by doing something to jeopardize their relationship. She laid down on her bed, not feeling like getting dressed just yet. And cursed herself for thinking about Robin again. Those feelings were coming back. She bit her lip, wondering if she should just masturbate and get on with her day.
Silah Hawke had just turned twenty years old and was listening to her father, The Viscount of Kirkwall, as he told her of his expectations of her now that she was fully fledged adult. The young woman was a skilled warrior, trained and crafted as such by the woman she considered family, Aveline Vallen. Her father was a mage, as her mother had been, but somehow she had been born without a magical inclination; a once-in-awhile rarity, but an anomaly that did occur regardless. Hawke had been a little disappointed that she hadn't had magic, yet at the same time he had been relieved, knowing his daughter would never have to face the worry of becoming an abomination. Her mother and father hadn't much to teach her, so her honorary Aunt had stepped in and trained her in the ways of swordsmanship. Yet, as all things must go, The Champion and his friends were getting older and life was slowly winding down for them. The Templar/Mage war had gone on for at least ten years, giving Silah a great deal of memories to deal with in her childhood, her father and mother constantly leaving to fight incoming hordes of Templars once the Circles had broken apart. A miracle had occurred, somehow, Silah wasn't told the details just that the fighting would finally stop. And it had, for a while, but then her mother had been killed in a struggle with dragons at the Bone Pit; Silah and Hawke had taken her mother's body back to Sundermount and buried her there, where her Dalish kin had been before they'd moved on, as they always did. She didn't look much like her mother and, despite being part elf, Silah looked almost exactly like her father; icy, cerulean eyes and a halo of pretty, feather light blonde hair. The only features she had gotten from Merrill had been her dainty features, her small, pink lips and fine nose. Despite being so dainty, in frame and features, she was a strong swordsman and even carried a heavy two-handed blade, much like her Uncle Carver did. The Grey Warden came around time from time, but she could count the times she had seen him in her life on the fingers of both her hands. "Silah are you listening to me?" Garrett Hawke frowned and sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment. "Off in your own world again, dear?" "Sorry, father," Silah gave her father a smirk and shrugged her shoulders, the heavy armor shoulder guards clunking a bit with the movement. "I am still young, must be my youthful impertinence." Hawke's lips twitched, Silah could see it. As much as her father had often gotten fed up with her attitude, he had been the same way at her age; she'd heard the stories. Hell, who hadn't heard stories? At least with her honorary Uncle Varric around;storieswere the dwarf's specialty. "Youthful impertinenceaside, Silah, you should be paying attention. Aveline is going to be retiring soon. I want you to take over for her. You're her lieutenant. I may even want you to take over as Viscount when I get too old, dear. That's why I need you to...grow up, as much as I hate that." Silah started to shake her head, but her father's stern stare had her stopping half through it. "I am being honest, Silah. The war may have ceased, but there is no telling what could happen tomorrow, or a year from now. We can't all stay children and reckless forever." He sighed softly. "Just think about it, okay? Keep it in your mind." "Yes, father, I understand." Silah stood, the cloth of her back skirt falling to swirl against the back of her long, pale legs. "I have patrols, excuse me, father." With that said, Silah swept from her father's office without another word or friendly, family affectionate gesture. It was unfair, she thought, to be forced into growing up without ever really being a child, or a teenager. That was the kind of world she lived in. Thedas was just that kind of place. Children were often forced into circumstances that they didn't deserve, or want. With a sigh, her booted legs carried her down the steps of the Keep toward the Guard Quarters to pick up her route schedule, her shorts hugging her heart shaped bottom. The trek took a couple of hours and by the time she reached the coast, the sun was high in sky; noon time, she figured, shielding her eyes with a hand as she gauged it. Without further delay, she went about doing her patrol, not really expecting much trouble.
Special That was what the men had called him as a child. If it hadn't been for the mass migration of the Qunari, he would have likely had a different life. Half-Qunari, half-Summer Islander, his platinum white hair and violet eyes made him stand out as much as his six-foot-ten frame. Golden brown skin with a hint of copper sheen to it made it impossible for him to hide from anyone or thing. He had always just been called Ari. He knew his father had been killed long ago; his mother refused to speak of it. While they lived in Hightown, he always felt uneasy. They lived as though due to another's kindness - men would come and go on behalf of some mysterious benefactor. He watched them come and go but when he asked questions, the men quickly became replaced by nondescript couriers. He pryed no further into the matter. Rather, he trained. He trained with the Tal Vashoth, he trained with the Crows, he did whatever he could to learn. He didn't train with the Guard, however, or the Mages - he trusted neither. They seemed the types who looked at him with a mixture of fear, loathing, and desire much of his life. His well-muscled body had become the object of attention at a young age. He remembered lords being chased from his home by his mother telling them to go to the Rose for pleasures rather than chase him. As he got older, woman after woman came and lingered like hungry vultures awaiting a chance. He'd focused on training instead. He didn't know why, but he always felt as though his father had fallen in combat and the same fate might befall him if he let down his guard. Then, the voice came. Soothing and sweet, it cooed into his ears constantly. It put to blaze a hunger he'd never known. Had he been a mage, he would have been an abomination by now. But the demon existed for the desire he created, far more delicious than the mere thought of entering the mortal realm. He'd found it harder to resist as it wore on him, so he ran. He found himself one day lost and alone. But there was still hunger. He lured in female travelers who eventually found themselves overcome, leaving them barely alive husks. Those who actually made it back never seemed quite right to anyone. They told tales of an incubus who lived in the mountains who in return for what seemed like your life force offered unending pleasure. One who's touch had forever marked them, one they intended to seek out. However, he got no reprieve. Sometimes he fought, other times he simply obeyed, the demon now a part of him. It gave and took, their symbiotic relationship changing with each day. Sometimes it gave more, saving him from dying when besieged by many, others it took lik when it had him take its toll from his attackers. Today however it was oddly quiet. He sat near the road pondering on its purpose as he waited for a trader. His hair was wild, his eyes bright, but he had gold in earnest and knelt waiting for a caravan. He could interact with others so long as it did not awaken. He hoped his deep black cloak would hide his body well enough. He'd smeared his face with soot attempting to appear dirty. He'd only been here for a month, or was it two, but he'd never made the attempt due to the risk. This place was fairly new to him, but the path was well trodden. So sitting, he waited. His sword was at his side, not enough to be threatening, just enough for preparedness.
It was a cool, calm day on the Muggle streets of London. People milled about on the Black Market District, and whores lined the street trying to attract locals for a night of fucking for money. One whore in particular stood out amidst the crowd. He was tall and lanky, thin but not skinny, and well-muscled with long muscles that flexed and flowed when he moved. He was like a sleek snake or a large panther, all muscle but graceful. Dangerous and beautiful. His eyes were an emerald green that sparkled in the light, his hair an inky jet black that hung in graceful waves down to his lower back, beads and feathers hanging in long braids. His skin was a milky pale color that gleamed beautifully in the snow, long black leggings running down his smooth, hairless legs ending at the ankle to show off the black high heels that he was wearing, the straps keeping them firmly in place around his ankle. A black skirt did little to hide anything, the leggings barely hiding the fact that he was wearing no underwear. He raised a long slender arm and took a long drag of a cigarette, flicking his bangs out of his eyes to reveal a lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead. Harry Potter, was a whore on London's streets, and had been for six years. He had found himself inexplicably human on his sixteenth birthday, when he turned out to be an incubus. A creature that fed on sex and lust, he was almost immediately shunned by the entire school, Dumbledore looking on with pity in his gaze, but no mercy. When the Dursleys found out, they kicked him out with only his wand and Hedwig, barley any clothes on his back to try to fend for himself. He had turned to the Weasleys for help, and they refused him because of what he was. So he had left the Wizarding World with a broken heart and a hurt soul and made his living on the streets of London. He was twenty-two now, and living life as he pleased, how he pleased. He got plenty of money and meals working as a whore and he was fine with the way that he was living, blowing out a long stream of smoke as his emerald eyes looked for a target to ensnare, smirking a little. He didn't even need his wand anymore to perform magic, he had broken it and ditched it two years ago, he could ensnare innocent Muggles with just a glance of his eye, though he preferred not to do that. It was easy enough to get meals with just his gorgeous looks, and he was about to get a customer that would change his life forever.
Ashlin Drakos smiled a little as he walked through the streets of London, his black dragon hide jacket folding around his lanky frame. Despite having the slightly girly name, Joscelin was death on legs, usually those who met him considered it lucky to leave his presence alive. Glancing around him, he smirked a little as he checked out the streetwalkers. After raids, nothing would do to fit his mood than to deal with muggle hookers. Which, was a fact that his fellow Death Eaters would never know; otherwise someone would feel the need to be put out that he enjoyed the muggle whores better than the magical ones. Studying them for long moments, his smile widened. Heading towards the dark-haired beauty on the corner, he cocked his head as he looked over the appealing male in heels. His eyes not rising higher than his ankles, he was fascinated by how it made the man's legs look in those damn heels. "How much?" He asked, his accent vaguely lilting and smooth, sounding vaguely like Lucius when he was in a mood. It was to be expected, he did spend a good deal of time with the Malfoys.
Blackfire smiled as she landed on the roof of the T-Tower. "In," she said, and she laughed as she heard the alarm go off inside. The security drones rose out of the roof and started firing at her. With a quick dodge to the left, she avoided a laser shot from one drone and the swipe of a chain saw-looking thing of another. She fired two quick balls of purple radiating energy from her hand, and the machines crumbled, the metal looking charred. She smiled as an elevator rose out of the roof now, and after the doors opened, two figures walked toward her. "Oh my my, I thought you would have had better defenses than that," she said with a haughty laugh as she brushed her black hair away from her face. "Hmmm, you really should get those fixed. It's just sad." Starfire's eyes flashed open, and she immediately rose from her room and flew into the main room when the large flatscreen showed an image of a lone figure on the roof fighting the security drones that Cyborg had just built. Starfire recognized the figure. "Blackfire," she said, and her eyes glowed green. "What is my sister doing here?" After she exiled her from Tamaran, Starfire hadn't given much thought to her big sister until now. She looked over at Robin, anger apparent on her face. "Let us go do the kicking of the butt," she said, her words full of malice, which was odd for the cheerful alien. Starfire was quickly on the roof with Robin facing her sister. At her word, her hands and eyes quickly grew brighter. "I am sorry you were not welcomed properly, but sister, you are not welcome at my home anymore. Leave now, and I will not hurt you.
Robin nodded behind Starfire, drawing his Bo staff, the thin but strong and somewhat flexible polymer rods extending, he spun them with years of practice. Even as he held three birdarangs in his left hand. His right spun the bo staff. He'd been working on a compound to stop the sunlight from affecting cells, in essence a clear chemical coating to prevent sun-based aliens from drawing on their powers. Blackfire would be the perfect test. However, an aching in his groin was noticeable. The "Boy" Wonder and Starfire had been making out before Blackfire had arrived, and while he loved Starfire, the orange-skinned girl didn't seem to realize the effects of arousal on human males. He was sure the bulge was noticeable in his green polymer/latex revealing pants. He just had to hope to get this done as quickly as possible.
A man stood on the platform for the train, watching as the train pulled in with a small smile. At his side, a gorgeous red furred pokegirl stood with an apprehensive look on her face while she watched the train pull in and passengers get off. "Do I have to go?" she asked with a soft sigh. "I hate being away from you." She looked up at her owner with a slight pout, her deep brown eyes gazing up into his green ones. The girl was dressed in a simple black skirt with a white button-up shirt and a small scarf while a pair of simple heels rested on her feet. Marcus smiled comfortingly at his prized pokegirl and rubbed her arms before kissing her on the forehead. "You must go," he said. "You're not getting any younger and I'd love to have a little one from you while you're still able and a poke-breeder is the only way Lena." Marcus was a middle-aged collector of beautiful pokegirls who he took to shows and Lena was the best by far. With over twenty competition wins under her belt, she was sought after by many who wished to breed her with their male vulpixes but he was sending her to the best breeder he heard of even though he knew she didn't want to go so far away without him. At the moment they stood on the platform of the train with her suitcase and her carry-on at their feet. "I will miss you my dear, but you must do this," he said. "I'm sure that it won't take long and I'm sure you'll be comfortable." Once the train was empty of passengers and luggage, they called for the now boarding passengers. "Well, looks like this is it. Got your tag? Got your ticket?" he asked and she nodded, exposing the tag that hung on her dainty, simple but expensive brown leather collar before showing him the ticket in her hand. "Alright. You get on, I'll see you soon." He said. With a nod, the girl grabbed her things and boarded the train, quickly finding a train car where she stored her suitcase and her carry-on. Moving to the window, she waved to her owner before sitting down. Not long after the train began moving and took off for its next destination.
The train rolled on, passing through the wide, beautiful, and scenic expanse of nature that bridged the various cities. It was a mostly quiet train ride, if a little bit quiet. There wasn't really much to be had just riding along, really. However, as Lena looked out at yet another passing pasture, full of Tauros, she felt something bump into her. But it didn't just bump into her and move on; rather, it seemed as if someone had been pushed into her in the crowded confines of the train, pinning her somewhat against the wall, so she couldn't really move over or turn all the way around to see what was behind her. And that was when she would feel it. The shape of a hand, apparently accidentally pressed against the back of her skirt, against her firm bottom.
The hairbrush ran through the thick black hair several times, as Princess Jasmine worked her way through her nightly routine. Everything was calm and safe in Agrabah, and there was certainly no reason to be on your guard. Jafar had been sealed into his lamp, Genie had been set free to roam, and Aladdin was held in a position of honor, tucked away in his own room in the palace. Yes, his own room, since the Sultan hadn't been quite insistent upon the two getting married quite yet. Perhaps he was still waiting for Jasmine to change her mind; more likely he wanted to keep his baby girl for a little while longer. Jasmine had to admit that this latter was quite frustrating to her. She'd long since discovered what happened when you touched those tender bits. Those impressive breasts, the mounds that were swathed in blue silk at the moment, were easy enough to play with. Just bring delicate fingers up to pinch at darkened nipples and rub. Or slide a hand down the well-muscled stomach, running along the waistband of the billowy, silken pants. Just slide a finger there, running along the black hair that lined the sex, and then prod at those lips. Jasmine was half tempted to engage in such acts now, frustrated as she was. Per usual, she and Aladdin had some time alone, which they'd spent kissing with steadily increasing passion. The kiss had done its job, as Aladdin was proving to be a quick learner in that department. However, he was also intelligent, or at least cautious. The moment Jasmine worked his hands down her slim body, he'd balked, insisting that her father wouldn't approve. So the princess was instead attempting to work her frustrations through her hair. She fluffed the waist length mass, feeling its heft as it hit her pert, heart-shaped rear. The princess sighed, rising to her feet. Perhaps she should just sneak into Aladdin's chamber. What her father didn't know wouldn't hurt them.
A low voice entered the room, seeming to be both everywhere and nowhere at the same time. The voice was low, lower than any human vocal cords could make, and yet also full of a richness, like dark chocolate or a nice warm bath. It seemed to wrap itself around her and just listening to it would cause a moistness between most women's legs. "Naughty, naughty, Princess," the voice said. "So very naughty. Wouldn't you rather be with a real man? A man who could show you a whole new world of pleasure? Take you to the highest peaks of what your body could withstand?" Jasmine felt as much as heard a hard gust blowing into her room. Caressing her skin and other places seemingly under but without disturbing her blue silken clothes. Hands everywhere that gave pleasure, however promised so much more. The "message" lasted for only a third of a minute, but the spirit hoped that would get the princess to ignore caution. "Say 'I give myself to thee,'" he whispered in her ear. "And I will show you pleasure beyond what you can imagine.
Kaltha Heartblood, Herald of Slaanesh , had been a daemon since the dawn of time. She has been the spirit of climax to humanity since a man first slid his rotten cock into the filthy pussy of a woman. Since then, over the course of 60 thousand years, mankind has grown more intelligent but none the less lustful. Kaltha sensed this in her latest pet. She liked the flayed remains of her last pet from her long fingers, her member finally softening from the week-long orgy that ended in the death of her favored pet. But she feared not, Dha'zahl the catcher was bringing her another boy to feed on. He was young, human and military. A strong man with a steely resolve is always the best fun to break. She sat in her throne stroking the arm rests made of spines and ending with skulls. She looked up at her gaudy door displaying a graphic scene of a crucified woman being raped by a legion of daemons. The smell of death filled the room as the Catcher dragged the unconscious male into the room and threw him on the blood (amongst many other bodily fluids) stained floor. He simply hissed at his kin and left her to her torturous fun. She observed him and stood, striding on clawed feet that resembled high heeled boots and ended in lacing like piercings at the top of her shins. She crouched on top of him and began licking in his ear and dry humping his unconscious body, whispering incantations of eternal wakening to assure he seldom fall asleep during her sexcapades. "Wake up my little morsel." she giggled in his ear.
Eliphas slowly came to, feeling something on him. He didn't even have to see the being on top of him to be aroused; he felt the erotic energy pouring out of the being already. It felt good, it felt sexy, it felt... unholy. His eyes snapped open and he saw the daemonette, and tried with all his reserve energy to push her away, and run out the door. All he could manage was a slight wiggle away, barely escaping her grasp. "Stay away, foul whore of darkness! The Emperor is with me, and I shall destroy you, or I shall die. You will not corrupt me!" He put on a holy face, hoping she wouldn't notice his enlarging member.
A lone man sat alone in a large cathedral. He looked around at the damage still there. The painted glass window at the front was still shattered, the sword still ripped from Spardas, and some of the pews were still tossed around the cathedral. The man sat with his back hunched forward and his arms resting on his knees. The left arm had his sleeve rolled up, revealing tan, battle-scarred skin. On his opposite arm he had the sleeve rolled down, a faint blue glow emanating from under the sleeve. His face was contorted in anger, aggravation, and stress. His silver hair was matted down, messily, and it hung over his face. This lone figure in the church was a young man named Nero. He was a member of the former Knights of the Holy Order, but they disbanded when it turned out their leader was a crazed lunatic. Now Nero was just a freelancer doing any job that came his way. Gods, he was starting to become Dante! On top of him being out of a job, his relationship with Kyrie was now over; it turns out killing her brother caused a much bigger rift than what Nero expected. So he came here to the Cathedral to try and think things over and figure out his next move. He was about to leave when he heard the large oak doors swing open, the groan of the iron hinges ringing in the cathedral. He turned his head to see a small man in white and gold robes shuffle into the cathedral. The man was old, wrinkles lined his face. Nero stood up and turned to the man, "Can I help you sir?" The man stopped and spoke in a giant voice that seemed to carry in the room, "I'm looking for the leader of the Holy Knights, I am requesting aid." Nero chuckled and shook his head, "Your about three moths late gramps. We closed up shop." The man looked saddened by the news, "Oh... Thank you anyway young man." He then turned and began to walk away. Nero pondered for a moment, if this man had an aid request then that means he had the money to pay for it and Nero was light on that. He quickly jogged to catch up with him. "Hey gramps, what's the job? I used to be a Knight, hell I was the best of them." A smile then returned to the mans face, "Oh thank you youn man! You don't how much this means to my brothers and sisters!" The man moved to shake Neros right hand but Nero jerked the hand away. "Just tell me what I need to do." The old man then went into detail about how he was a part of a cult called "The Followers of the Light" and that their members were starting get picked off by a woman in all black. She could summon demons and torture devices at will as well as slowing time down. Sounded like a challenge. "Ok," Nero said when the man finished, "Where to?" The old man took out a slip of paper, it had directions to a city called Vigrid. As well as directions to a bar called "Hells Gate" the old man said that was her suspected base of operations. Nero agreed to the job and went home. When he got there he pulls Doug encase and began to pack all of his weapons, Blue Rose, Red Queen, the next one he was hesitant about. It was Yamato, Dante's brothers katana. It was a simple looking sword, the steel shinned like any other sword, the grip was wrapped in simple blue and white cloth, but the power within the sword was phenomenal. He took the sword with it's sheath and put it in the case. Then it was off to Vigrid to find this woman that was causing these guys trouble.
There's nothing to do, no one left to have fun with," a slender, busty woman sighed heavily, swirling around the liquid in her glass, a white stick protruding from her full glossy lips. "You complain' about nothing to do. Thought you'd be happy," a large black man mumbled in a deep voice to the woman clad in black leather. "Don't get me wrong Rodin, it's all peaches and cream but with no one to play with, I'm bored. The angels have been few and far between, I want a challenge, besides love, Cheshire hasn't been very fun recently either, to busy with his damned flirting and rose throwing. That's all fine and good babe, but I need action." Cerza laughed softly, running a long fingered hand between her supple breasts. "There's word around town that the Followers of the Light are gonna hire a demon hunter." Rodin shifted behind the bar, a dark smirk curling up the corners of his mouth, "Apparently he's suppose to be good." Cerza snickered softly, "Oh I'm so frightened Rodin. I'm sure he'll be nothing compared to those naughty angels I play with. Sounds to me like this demon hunter is going to need a good spanking hm?" Rodin snickered behind his dark sunglasses, just be careful Bayonetta, there are a lot of people that want you to visit Inferno these days, and I'm sure those demons you summon won't be too happy either. Tear that body to yours apart." Another laugh, "I'm not worried about my pets, as long as there is music I'll keep dancing," she gave Rodin a quick wink before she stepped through the portal. In a flash of an eye, she was back in Vigrid, sauntering down the street, hips swaying seductively.
Lights, Camera Action! Robert Downey Jr. and Amber Heard It was amazing, she thought, as she drove up in her red 1968 Ford Mustang toward a pre-production cast party. She had worked alongside others before, but she was happy to be around anyone she could learn from. Amber was passionate about acting and had been a fan of Robert's for as long as she could remember. The blonde was currently driving up in her red 1968 Ford Mustang toward a pre-production cast party and though she had a small role, it was still one that ran throughout the film. The technology aspect of the film was also interesting to the girl, but for now she just wanted to get to know her fellow co-stars. She had read over the script about five times already, and it had only been in her possession for a week. Having signed on to also do the eventual sequel, she was ready to get to work and enjoy herself. Pulling up to the large LA hotel, she got out and handed her keys to the valet. The young curvy blond had on a simple white dress, as it was summer and it was quite warm, even more so for the city where stars were born. Amber had her hair down and curled slightly. She headed inside and heard familiar sounds of people mingling and kissing ass. Putting on a smile, she waltzed out to where the party was, right by the pool. She had a large black purse with her, she was told to bring a suit if you wanted and since it was so hot out, she decided a swim might not be so bad, depending on who else was around. Being one of the younger but rising stars, she wasn't sure how her friendly competition would handle the party. Walking over to the director, she introduced herself, though they had already met of course. The blond was handed a cool Margarita and pointed to where her main co-star was, Robert Downey Jr. She smiled and walked over to where he was. He seemed to be talking to some people. From the sounds of it, it had to do with the Iron Man suit that had been finished recently. "Hi, I'm Amber Heard." She held out a hand to him, always finding it a bit weird to introduce herself to someone she already felt like she knew. "I know you get this a lot but I'm such a fan, so it's quite an honor to be working with you." She told him with a smile.
Robert was just as thrilled about being a part of the Iron Man project. He'd been through some bad times as of late, but this movie was intended to be Downey's big comeback on the big screen. His co-stars had all been picked very carefully, some of them he was familiar with, while others were not. Tonight was the big pre-production party, which by this time was already in full swing. He'd arrived rather early and by now most of the guests were all mingling and talking in small knit groups. Sipping on a drink, he felt great to be the star of such an experience. The hotel was a great place, with a pool, provided catering, and several bars serving drinks. Having a few already, he felt on fire, but careful not to get too riled up tonight. After so much planning, the actor had the highest confidence in the film. Hearing a female voice beside him, he turned to see Amber standing there. Introducing herself, she shook his hand gently. Looking her up and down discreetly, he said, "Very nice to meet you, Amber. Oh, that's so nice of you to say; I'm flattered. I look forward to working with you, too." He remarked charmingly, trying to keep his eyes from wandering, but his blonde co-star was just
High above the large compound of Stormvalley High School, a transport carrier buzzed across the air. Inside, a nervous Tony Stark stood in a suit of steel-colored armor. He pressed an armored finger to the com piece on his helmet. "Dad," he said, "Are you sure about this? I mean, this is still a prototype." Howard Stark chuckled from the other end of the line. "Come on, Tony," he said. "You and I built this thing together. Two genius brains couldn't possibly get it wrong. Now just follow the plan and everything should be fine." Tony nodded and closed the open face of his helmet. He stepped out as the cargo door opened and took a deep breath before jumping off and activating the rockets in his suit. As he felt himself fly through the air, all of his inhibitions went out the door. The students of Class 2011 were all currently packed into the school's hall, waiting anxiously for the first assembly of the year to begin. They were expecting the school principal to make his appearance any second and to deliver the usual humdrum speech, which is why the hall fell into shocked silence when they were instead greeted by the strum of a guitar... "Welcome to the Jungle," the vocalist screamed as a suit of iron burst through the roof and slammed into the stage, landing crouched on one knee with his steel fist pressed against the floor. The platform was suddenly awash in multicoloured lights and fireworks as the steel-clad billionaire launched off the stage and flew over the gasping, wide-eyed students, all while twirling and winding in tune with the Guns 'N Roses song; showing off his flying skills as well as the new Stark prototype. Unlike his usual outfit, the suit displayed a large array of weaponry, enough to warrant a bit of parental hate mail no doubt. "So worth it," he thought as he gave the students a quick wink before ending the ostentatious display with one last flip and another heavy landing on the stage amid a final explosion of fireworks and lights. As the song died, Tony strutted toward the front of the platform, admiring the semi-casual whites and blues of the teens' assigned uniforms. Placing both hands firmly on the podium, the twenty-one-year old began, "I think that's enough fun for one assembly, so allow me to simply welcome you all to Stormvalley High! I'm sure you're all going to love it here." He smiled, confident in his words. "Now, before I begin, I'd like to address a rumour I've heard floating about the halls, regarding the Avengers... All I can say is that Stark Industries is unaware of any metahuman presence within the school." He gave a moment's pause, to allow the message to sink in, before continuing, "The close proximity of the Avengers tower is merely a coincidence and the same could be said for any potential superhumans attending Stormvalley." Tony watched the reactions of the student body, trying to gauge whether they believed him or not, before gazing out a nearby window to the tower which stood just across the street. The Avenger Tower was similar to an apartment building, with each room individually crafted to suit the desires and personality of each Avenger. As a skyscraper, the Avenger Tower was taller than any other in the city, with its glassy panelling covering its sleek exterior topped by an ancient monument of Asgard. It stood as a picture of simplicity and style, leaving many unaware of the extensive array of weapons and sensors which hid under its plain, glistening surface. On the inside, the tower was managed by an artificial intelligence system known as Jarvis, who attended to the needs of its occupants while ensuring a secure, functional environment. Besides supplying the Avengers with refreshments as well as guest entertainment and relaxation rooms, the tower also maintained several training centres, gyms, mission prep areas, and modes of transport. The decor changed from one room to the next, where one might be styled in polished marble, another could have a more wooden, rustic appeal. This was done in hopes of giving the more redundant areas a little more character. Tony Stark had spared no expense, and while he pretended that Stormvalley was simply another eccentric venture for the public, the truth was that it too was created for the benefit of the Avengers. Returning his attention to the assembly before him, Stark continued, "And now I will leave you to your principal, Doctor Xander Rice, to explain the more boring details of life at Stormvalley High." With that, Tony turned to the good doctor to make an exaggerated sweep of his hand, implying that the stage was all his. Xander, a tall, lean-muscled man with dirty blonde hair, looked less than amused by Stark's antics. His russet-coloured eyes glared at him as he stood from his chair, adjusted his white lab coat, and approached the podium. The doctor then proceeded to highlight the rules and expectations of the school in a swift, no-nonsense tone. He seemed to want to get the assembly out of the way as much as everyone else. As he neared the end of his speech, he noted, "Finally, we will be testing a new study program where we assign certain students into groups of three, or perhaps more. You'll receive more details once the groups have been formed." What Xander had failed to elaborate on was that each group would actually be treated like an Avenger squad, to teach them the importance of teamwork and coordination. Once the principal was finished, Tony quickly announced the band's closing song, "Highway to Hell," before flying right back out through the hole he'd made on his entrance. Many of the students began shuffling their way out of the hall and into the courtyard, standing beneath the shade of the clouds that were hiding the morning sun. They chatted excitedly about what the new year might bring, from general teenage gossip to more politically oriented topics (such as the possible resurgence of Hydra). Others simply kept to themselves, watching and waiting. A frozen yogurt stand stood opposite the street, at the base of the Avengers building, while fields for various sports surrounded the students in the school grounds. The day was meant mostly for exploring and adjusting, so nobody had to worry about class just yet... Outside the auditorium, a small beat-up truck drove to the front of the school. The truck had a large circus logo blazoned on its doors. Inside the truck were Clint Barton, his brother Bernard, and their friend and mentor Buck Chislom. Clint and his brother were runaways, orphaned at an early age, and sick of being bounced around foster homes. They ended up at the circus as roustabouts and were being trained by Buck, also known as Trick Shot. Clint was looking down and sad; he would much rather be at the circus shooting arrows than this school and being a part of these so-called Avengers. Buck saw this in Clint, "Clint, I know you don't want to be here but this is a big deal. These SHIELD guys see what you can do and know how to put it to better use than just shooting targets in front of a crowd." Clint still was reluctant to get out of the car, but Bernard bolted right out of the car as soon as it stopped. Buck gave Clint a nudge on the shoulder, "Come on kid, do it for me." Clint nodded his head and got his stuff; the school was a live-in school, so Clint had brought all of his clothes and marksman gear. He gave Buck one last look and left to the dorms. On his way to the dorms, a couple of big burly guys blocked his path. They were dressed in blue slacks, a white shirt, and a pressed blue sport coat--preppy kids. "Hey kid," one asked, "Did you get out of a truck that had the circus logo on it?" Clint responded, "Yes." They all laughed in unison while pointing at him, "You're a circus freak?! What are you, the human fish? The guy with a few extra limbs? A kid with no dick!!!" That brought up more laughter. Clint pushed past them and went on his way, a scowl now on his face.
There wasn't much that bothered Betsy Braddock. She had earned herself something of a reputation for being rather blase about her work. Honestly, it simply didn't challenge her. She would have preferred being out in the field, and after spending her summer doing work with the British Intelligence; she felt it pointless to be back at school. Given that, it explained her current locale, which was perched at the top of the bleachers outside. Her white skirt had been hiked up, smooth ivory skin visible, the blue polo top clinging to her curvaceous torso. Her long, violet hair was down around her shoulders, stunning blue eyes looking as she watched Tony Stark make his grand entrance into the school, Typical. She muttered, scanning the minds of a few of the students, listening as it was a mixture of awe and excitement from most, a few of the men intimidated. She rolled her eyes as she leaned down, grabbing her beige military messenger bag, slinging it over her shoulders as she watched some of the students filing out of the building. Betsy resented even having to come here; her dorm already set up, having managed to snag a single to herself. Her parents had always been the type to spare no expense, although she rarely saw them. A few times she had met Tony Stark, her parents traveling in similar circles as his, though she had avoided alone time with the young man. Betsy made her way towards the crowd of students, a few giving her sideways glances, her hair having that effect. The purple was natural, though her parents tended to tell people that she just dyed it. It had actually been the opposite growing up, her parents covering the purple with a bleach blonde until she was old enough to tell them to fuck off. And she did. Bloody school won't even let me bring my wine," she grumbled, making her way through the crowd, heading towards the frozen yogurt stand across the street. Her eyes caught the glance of a young woman she recognized from orientation a few weeks back, Jean Grey. The woman was oddly quiet and oddly reserved, always with her nose in a book. Rolling her eyes again, the young woman danced across the street with grace. For a woman with natural superpowers, Betsy felt rather out of place. Her own abilities were not unique, and both her older brothers had found themselves mutated as well. But her family had paid for just herself and her brother Jaime to go to the school, her eldest brother already through college and a bit off his rocker. Standing by the ordering window, Betsy ordered a peanut butter frozen yogurt, paying with a hundred-dollar bill before settling in at a picnic table outside. Jean watched from afar as a group of boys seemed to corner a young man. Clint. The head of the school had since let the students out, and Jean, quiet and walking alone while she still tried to find her friends, watched. By now, she had made her way towards the bottom of the bleachers, passing Betsy, a fellow mutant and telepath. She had hoped to chat, though the young mutant seemed perturbed. By now, Jean was sitting with her bag, her shoulder-length red hair held back in a pony tail that was slowly falling apart. Her own uniform was a size too big and not nearly as flattering as she wanted it to be, her frame much more slender than Betsys. Sitting on the bottom bleachers, she took out her cellphone, looking to see if Scott had texted her recently. He was a fellow student at the school, and while he had yet to actually ask her on a date, Jean still obsessively checked. Nothing. Looking a little broken up, wondering if that other student Emma had perhaps started talking to him, Jean tried to let it go, reaching into her backpack and withdrawing her kindle, a gift from her parents before sending her off.
It was a rainy night as a young teen walked through his parents house, they had gone out yet again, leaving poor Toby all alone. "I can't even get a home made meal unless I make it myself," he said softly to himself as he walked upstairs after he had finished dinner. He was about to head for his room when he suddenly stopped and looked over to the door that leads to what used to be his sister's room with a small frown when he saw that it was slightly cracked open. "Huh...I guess Mom left it open after she was done dusting or something." He said as he walked over to the door and walked in. Toby had grown to be about 5'6" with short strawberry blond hair and big bright blue eyes. He was shy and found it a bit hard to make new friends because he was a bit of a dreamer like his sister had been. He liked to play music and dance, he loved anything that had anything to do with art, and he was a bit of a comic book nerd who's best friend had been his only sister for most of his life. "I don't see why you had to move to LA, Sarah," he mumbled to himself as he sat down and looked around her room, only to frown slightly when he saw something poking out from under her bed and saw that was one of her old diaries. Walking over to his sister's old bed, Toby picked up the dairy and sat himself down before he started to read through it. "The Goblin King? I remember that book, she use to read it to me all the time...but why is she acting like it's real?" He asked himself as he slowly read through the whole thing before he laughed softly and shook his head. "Right, as if that would work. Goblin King, Goblin King, come and take me away!" He called, deep in his heart though he really was wishing that it would work and he would be taken away from this loneliness that he felt deep in his heart.
The goblins all huddled around one of the many crystals. They gasped as the boy had called the Goblin king. The labyrinth was as beautiful and treacherous as it had always been. Some of the goblins had come and gone, while many of the old creatures had stayed behind and remained unchanged. The Goblin King, Jareth, had remained unchanged. He was still very handsome and lounging on his throne. One leg dangling carelessly over the arm of the throne. His blonde hair hanging around his shoulders. He had been watching the whole scene with his two toned eyes. He then looked back to his gloved hand swatting a riding crop against his boot. The goblins looked at each other. It was no secret that the Goblin King had grown restless, and depressed. He knew that the people outside his kingdom had all but forgotten him. No one called on him. The goblins moved to Jareth and raised a collective eyebrow. One of the oldest goblins moved forward and looked at him. "What shall we do?" One asked. The others agreed. Jareth smiled and looked up at the older goblin. He then looked again to the older Toby. Steeling his resolHe got to his feet and smiled. "Well my minions. You know the routine." He chuckled and laughed. The goblins cheered. In that next instant, the power went down in Toby's house. Outside Sarah's old bedroom window the barn owl began to peck and claw violently at the window. It began to storm and rain violently outside. Soon the owl made it inside. It did a lap around the whole room. He soon materialized from the owl. The handsome devil he always was, a cocky smirk on his lips. He was wearing a black shimmery cloak. "Why, isn't it little Toby?" He put his hands on his hips and grinned wider.
Well, this is a good place to make camp I guess," Jacob said as he sat his bag onto the ground. He rummaged through his pack, finding the food he would make for both him and his pokemon. Then his can opener. "Come on out girls." He said as he released all his pokemon. First Bayleafe, then Charmander, Roselia, Eevee, Growlithe, and Jolteon. "Well, glad to see you all. Now, let me make you girls some grub." Jacob pulled out a large can, using his can opener he began to pop open the lid. Twisting, and cutting at it until the contents came out. "Tonight you all have a treat. Oran berries." He said, before plopping the contents into a bowl. As he left his girl's eating, he went off to collect firewood. Every now and again he would check up on them. Once he was done with that, he tended to his fire. "Charmander, light it." He said, ordering the pokemon to light the campfire. It did. Then after that he went to go and set up his sleeping bag and bedroll. Finally, his dinner. Bread and some apples... A few hours of work later, and the work was all done. A fully set camp, with a nice toasty fire to warm their bones. The moonlight shone through the trees. With almost a foreboding glare of light. Both beautiful and romantic. He was done eating his dinner, now staring up at the night sky as he digested. He looked around the camp to see all of them sleeping. But, he felt like having some companionship tonight. So he called for his favorite to join him. "Bayleaf, come here." He said with a soft and demanding tone. Patting the ground next to him for her to lay down at his side. Recently he has been feeling more lonely than ever before. It used to be that he wanted someone to join him, someone to talk to while he moved on in his journey. But now he needed that! The only real companion he had was Bayleafe, and all his other pokemon. All of them elegant, and unique. He then sat up from his bedroll, smiling at his favorite girl. His starter pokemon. The one he raised since it was a little egg, and he was a curious little boy who couldn't wait to see what hatched. The one he raised. The one who stuck with him throughout his entire childhood. His number one girl.
Bayleaf didn't take long to respond, waking herself up, and moving at her master's command, right by his side. She lay down next to him, looking with eyes open at Jacob. She was pleased with how Jacob ran things, his choice of Pokemon, how he treated them. Bayleaf had digested her dinner from before, but she was still satisfied and content. She did wonder what Jacob wanted her for now, in the night, but she was willing to do whatever it was.
It was sunset when the caravan set out from the capital city, headed towards the lord's family estate in the country. It was winter in the very rural based state, with fresh snow covering most of the landscape. The rolling hills were shining white with the last of the day's rays, making them sparkle with fading glory. The caravan consisted of a handful of wagons which carried goods for the estate and merchants hoping to sell their items further afield, and a carriage bearing the royal symbol of a white wolf head on a field of blue. For such a small group, there were close to two score guards for this late leaver. Half were on horseback, the other half were walking next to the vehicles or helping them along the muddy road. Inside the single carriage, which was the most heavily protected of the bunch, was the lord's daughter. Amberly Vailiasighed in boredom after only ten minutes of travel. She leaned back, tossing away her fiery orange hair, and pulled her fur blanket closer to her pale skin. "Ronald!" She barked out to her squire, and a thick-set, bear of a man opened the side door to the carriage, looking up at his mistress. "Yes, your royal highness?" He said with a hard time keeping a straight face, knowing she hated her title. "Shut up, when are we supposed to get there?" She asked, pulling the blanket tighter to shield away a chill breeze. Ronald scratched his black beard and looked at the fast setting sun. "If we travel through the night, we will get there at morning. But we will not, we will camp in a couple hours most likely, as soon as we are under the Shimmergloom Forest." She nodded to her personal guard and motioned for him to close the door, sighing again and mulling over the question of," Why did dad send me away to the manor?" She fell back into her pillows and tried to nap.
Nathan - Avatar Lurking in the shadows of the forest were her stalkers. Those bandits of the full blue moon were watching her, eyeing her caravan as they traveled and stealthily followed them until the time was dark, and the moon was high, granting them some stronger powers in their human form compared to when they were in day. Nathan, one of these bandits, watches the girl, rather than the other men of the caravan that the other bandits were looking forward to eating. Nathan licked his lips as he saw the beautiful human. She would be his. Soon the war cry was said, howling and then the rustling of trees and bushes as the bandits emerged and began to strike the caravan, attacking it and its inhabitants. Nathan and the bandits spread out to take them out on all sides, and in the confusion and battle Nathan snuck into the cart and towered over Amberly. "Come with me. Now. If you want to live." He said menacingly as he reached down and grabbed her wrist and began to drag her out of the cart.
So Wrong It's Right Blink x Sabretooth It hadn't been that long since my rescue, but it felt like those horrible days were long gone too far in my past to see. So much had happened since that time that I was proud to say I was a mutant again, and didn't wake up every morning wishing I could be normal. I was very fortunate in befriending Sabretooth, Victor Creed, who I saw as a personal savior. Literally the first person I saw as the X-Men invaded the premises. At first, I was completely startled by the beastly being that approached, but upon learning I understood that he was no monster at all. I had previously heard of him as a villain, but those days were long over when he took me in; which he did as his own. He nurtured me; healed me both physically and even mentally. He opened his home to me, and for that, I am forever grateful. Scouting the area, we faced danger. It had been a good while since we last greeted a battle. Things had been very quiet in the past few weeks. It was a nice vacation, but all vacations unfortunately always came to an end. There was no normal life being an active mutant. Attacked by an unknown force; bullets spewed the area. Like usual, Victor protected me with his life, ensuring no matter what that I was out of target for any weapon fire. We were greatly outnumbered, and for once, I needed to take initiative to save him. Quickly focusing, I teleported the two of us back to our home. It was a cowardly thing to do in the middle of a heated battle, but it was unnecessary to fight when we could easily flee. Breathing heavily from the battle, I ended up at the other end of the room from him when arriving here. I signed, looking over to his arm as I approached. I had too. I defended myself immediately, knowing full well that many mutants would find my teleport flea was chicken, and degrading. We were wasting our energy. Well return when we're properly equipped. They'll probably be waiting for us, anyways. I grabbed his arm in my hand. I grimaced at the shards of shrapnel embedded deep in his skin. I caressed his hand briefly turning away. Don't lick it! I walked over to a drawer and pulled out a more advanced first aid kit. I grabbed a set of tweezers and returned to him. Re-grabbing Victor's arm, I hovered my hand over the wound. My solid green eyes illuminated lightly as larger pieces disappeared from his flesh. With each bullet teleporting to a table next to me, there was a light flicking sound of the steel hitting the wood. Stay still please. I used the tweezers to carefully pull out anything left over and too small to teleport with absolute certainty. I placed each piece in the same pile as the others. Having removed everything, I watched as the spotted wounds closed and healed. I set the instrument down before gently stroking my soft pink hand over the once-wounded area. I gave a gentle smile as I looked back up to Victor. I was taken aback by the simple fact that he was gazing down at me. His beautiful physique and piercing eyes infatuated me, and without conscious realization, I pushed my body against his; reaching to press my lips confidently on his. The warm kiss only last a couple of seconds before I became aware of what I had just done. Immediately pulling back, my eyes were wide and my cheeks became flush with embarrassment. I'm sorry. I stuttered, not knowing what to do or what to say. My instinct screamed danger, and I felt an urge to run away. I don't know what came over me- I turned away, moving past him to head for the door. I didn't need to use the door, but in a moment of complete confusion, I forgot I was anything but a normal blushing adolescent. That was deeply inappropriate. I should leave- My heart beat savagely inside the confinements of my chest. All I could focus on was how right the kiss felt, yet how unbelievably wrong it was.
Even with the amount of time that had passed since their last taste of combat, Victor Creed, commonly known as Sabretooth, was not one to just sit around and wait. His free time wasn't so much used for recreation as it was for practice and combat training. Though, he considered it recreation. Nothing helped him calm the animal within more than tearing apart training drones with his bare hands. He may not be a villain anymore, but his fighting style was as vicious and animalistic as ever. It's what made him a great pair with Blink. She was more tactically aware than he was. Combine that with his impressive hand-to-hand abilities, and they were a team to be reckoned with. Also didn't hurt that they had a lot of chemistry with one another, making it easy for them to work well together. But he wasn't fond of how cautious she was. Even when greatly outnumbered and facing inevitable defeat, Victor was the kind to keep fighting and never stop fighting until he or any opponent was dead. So, it was no surprise that he wasn't entirely happy that Blink had suddenly withdrawn them from the fight. She was right to go on the defensive, as he started to open his mouth to gripe and lecture her, but just growled and mumbled under his breath when she cut him off. Though, her little "don't lick it" comment got a quick glare from him. "Very funny," he replied in his deep, gruff voice, plopping down into a nearby wooden chair which creaked and strained a bit under the weight of his impressive frame. There was really no need for her to tell him to be still when she returned and got to work on the bullets, as while there indeed was pain, it was not nearly the worst he had experienced. So, he didn't flinch in the least bit as she got to work removing the bullets and other shrapnel. The only movement of his body being his skin and muscles quickly growing back together with the removal of each piece of metal. But, even with his impressive instincts, he was not able to predict what happened next. He managed to crack a small smile as she looked up at him, but was majorly caught off guard when she suddenly pressed her young, sexy body against him and pressed her lips to his in a soft kiss, eyes going wide in shock and confusion as she did so. Because of his shock at the sudden act, he wasn't able to say a thing when she pulled back and began talking herself, apologizing for what she had done. But, as he began to grasp the situation and just what had happened, confusion was not the feeling that began to fill his head. When she had reached the door, he found his own emotions starting to take over as he stood and stepped to her, a large hand reaching up to her shoulder, resting there a moment before he gently turned her around. Immediately after she faced him, his other arm went around her slender waist and pulled her body flush against his, gazing down at her a moment before this time...he lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers.
The television screen flipped through the channels, each station only one for a few moments before quickly blinking out to the next one. Underneath the covers a pair of green eyes peered as a pale hand lazily pressed the button on the remote. Zack was depressed, he'd been like this for days. The newlt turned sixteen year old sulked. He was the only kid in his small little town without a pokemon. He'd been born in the spring, but the partnering always took place during the spring and summer seasons, even the fall sometimes. He was just so unlucky to be born then. "Derin got his when he turned sixteen," the dark haired adolescent moaned, speaking of his older brother. Just then there was a knock on the door, Zack groaned and slowly opened it. "Hey bro..." the person he did not want to see just then said. It was his older brother, home from college for the holidays, but he'd be leaving again on his big pokemon adventure. "Leave me alone..." he said once more sinking into his bed sheets, vanishing from the world. "Heard about the tough break, wanted to give you something...your birthday gift, maybe itll make you feel better," though when he gave his older brother no response he simply left the gift on his dresser. Minutes passed, and he started to feel a bit like a jerk. "Wasn't his fault," he said to himself. He kicked the covers off himself and blinked a few times. His black hair was a mess, he'd been in bed till way into the afternoon. The first thing he did was look at his dresser, seeing the small box on it. It was crudly wrapped, and had a rather annoying big bow on it. He went over, picking the parcel up noticing it fit in the palm of his hand. He unwrapped it, and tipped the box over in his hand. He felt something smooth and cold. Could it really be? He looked at his palm, seeing the red and white sphere in his hand, whats more he noticed it was used. His feet flew a few inches off the floor as he ran downstairs, tackling his older brother. " bro ever!" where the only words that where understandable, as he spoke so quickly before jetting for the front door. He quickly pressed the front button on the ball, as it expanded in his palm he tossed it, eager to see what was inside.
As the pokeball was unwrapped and tipped out of the box, its slightly worn surface shone in the light of his room. It was a normal pokeball with a small flame symbol on the top just above the white button. It had been Derin's very first pokeball which housed his very first pokemon. The pokemon hadn't been seen around the house very often, though it was usually heard more than seen when ever Derin had been home from his travels. When the ball was tossed, it popped open in mid air and in the usual bit of white light, a petite yet fit pokemon appeared. Once the light faded, it was easy to see that it was a beautiful vulpix. The girl was maybe at the most 5'6" and weighed maybe 130 lbs. Her body was curvy with a sexy hourglass shape to it, her waist small with flared out hips and perky breasts. Her fur was a glossy reddish-brown color, her feet and hands a deeper red while her six tails and her curly hair were a dark red. After she was released, she looked around with her big, bright bown eyes before her gaze landed upon Zack and she paused with a twitch of her ear. "You're not Derin." she said softly, her tails swaying behind her as she shifted her weight, causing one of her hips to jut out on one side while she gazed at him. The vulpix's name was Natalya but Derin often called her Nat or Lya. She was wearing a cute white dress with a pink ribbon around her waist and neck though she was barefoot. Though it wasn't unheard of, it was a little strange to see a pokemon dressed in such a fashion. Usually the outfits were shorts and a tank top. Something simple and easy to battle in.
She walked in divine indifference, and wore a coat of misery, and of despair, and drinks of cup of sorrow. And the forces of darkness must sit at a table she made of the bones of their kin and weep bitter tears of the banquet she's made for them. Yet in her indifference and pain, of a destiny that she had tried to escape, by being good and indifferent to the surrounding pain. Because even if she had tried to escape, some things were not what you could get away. Then the world tilted, faded and reshaped. There she was there again, younger, more malleable, and the words drifted through as she walked in the night. There was a strange kind of thunder, a distant calling. "She is coming." There was an angry buzzing, of men who feared something they could not voice. A voice that didn't belong to my dream girl, but was in her memories anyway. Because it was telling of coming, and it was a story she would have known well." You wore the old ways, and make a mockery of everything we are. You twist things to suit yourself. They talk about honoring the gods that created them, both men and FAE, but it's a lie. You Sarsen, will meet our match, because you've perverted what we are. There will come a day the blood debt will be called in, and you will have to answer for what you have done." "Who is coming, dreamer?" "The dreamspinner who will walk between dusk and dawn. The poison that will be both your destruction, and your salvation." The buzzing grew louder, a howl from the night sounded, like a summoning. A sound full of rage and laughter, of fury and joy. "Whose memory am I in?" I asked looking around, trying to find something familiar. "You are in mine, dreamer. Or are you just another part of the dream?" I looked around, and even as the dream fragmented around me, I met the girl's eyes, and I realized something. My hope lay with Belladonna. Her darkness was my fate. Narcissa sighed softly as she walked into the black manor, looking upset as she searched for not only her cousin and his lover, but also her nephew. While he wasn't her nephew by blood, he was in any other way. Harry Potter nee Black was everything she could have wanted in a childhood playmate for her son Draco, and even if the rivalry had grown as they had, it was more friendly than anything else. "Siri? Remus?" She called as she walked up the main steps, fiddling with the letter in her fingers, because she did not know how to tell them that not only did they think that Dumbledore was dead, but that he had left a message, just for harry. And she was very afraid for her nephew in what could come next.
Harry gasped as he was released from the dream, panting hard as he ran a sweaty, shaking hand across his equally sweaty forehead. His emerald eyes were filled with fear and pain, remnants of the dream which was replaced with confusion and frustration as he calmed down. This dream was worse than anything Voldemort ever sent him, and came almost every night, filling him with feelings that he didn't like. It made him feel empty somehow, like he was missing something in his life. Slowly sliding out of bed, he headed for the shower to clean off his sweat-soaked body yet again, thinking about the woman he had seen and the words she had spoken, and the realization that he had come to - the woman he saw was real, and was in pain, she was the missing piece of...something. He needed to rescue her, every last inch of him crying out for him to save her. He sighed and shook his head, heading downstairs to talk to Sirius. After Voldemort killed Harry's parents, the Malfoys rescued Harry from the burning building and laid him in Draco's crib, raising him until Sirius was set free thanks to the Malfoys' betrayal of Voldemort. They told everyone it was Wormtail who had betrayed the Potters. And Wormtail who had killed all those poor muggles. Sirius and Lupin were now mates, raising Harry together as only two very loving fathers could, but they were worried about Harry, who seemed tired all the time. They knew about the dreams, and were afraid it was Voldemort trying to drive their son insane. He walked into the sitting room, looking startled at Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy. "Oh, good evening," he stated, nodding to them. He was a very polite boy, the Malfoys and Sirius and Lupin had made sure of it, but Harry was startled to see them. They didn't usually show up unannounced. From the looks on all their faces, something bad had happened, and Harry sighed. "What did I do this time?" he whined. He was a good kid, but he had Sirius's tendencies to get his ass in trouble. Lupin chuckled. "What are you doing up, Harry? Did you have that dream again?" he asked, hoping to distract Harry. The green-eyed boy nodded, but he wasn't about to be distracted. "What happened? Someone died, didn't they?" he asked softly, looking at the Malfoys. "Someone I know, and you don't want to tell me.
When the suns of Tattooine descended below the distant horizon, they gave the inhabitants of the outer-rim planet a brief and welcome respite from their intense rays. The city of Mos Eisly seemed to come alive even more so than it did during the day, with busy streets full of all manner of shady individuals and underhanded dealings. Not even one of them paid much attention to a young fourteen-year-old girl who wandered the streets and sidewalks, her dirty blonde hair which was pulled back from her face into a simple ponytail and her bland, rough-looking clothes capturing none of their interest. Eris bent down and picked up what remained of a long-forgotten pendant, its hinge rusty and the picture that it contained long gone. She smiled and dropped it into her bag of odds and ends that she collected from off the streets, hurrying along one dark alleyway toward the little nook that she and her brother called home. She slipped between two tightly nestled buildings, batting away some laundry that hung between them out the windows and continuing on her way, her wrapped feet padding silently upon the dust-covered streets until she reached a small alcove and dipped into a small entryway. "Aurak! Are you home yet?" closing the door behind her, she called out for her brother while setting down her bag in the dimly lit room. Their house was comprised of only a single room, with a small stove in the corner and a sink, while their beds were merely cushions with bed-sheets laid over them. It was a simple living, but pleasant since she could be with her twin brother.
Smiling to himself, Aurak had been out, pickpocketing as he usually did to get them enough money to at least feed them for the next meal. He'd had a good run through the markets today, and so he'd brought home some food as well. Back home before Eris, he pulled his tattered shirt and pants off, finding the house too hot until after dark. They just couldn't afford to draw notice to the people who owned the building that they were using their energy. They'd been nice enough to give them the access code to this tiny outside storage room, he didn't want to use too much of their energy by turning the cooling on and giving them a headache when their energy cells ran low much faster than normal. When his sister walked in the door, he stayed quiet, grabbing her from behind and turning her to face him. "Boo." he says with a grin, pulling her in and giving her a kiss, although this time it was different to the normal, quick kiss on the cheek he gave her. This time, it was on her lips, a longer, more intense one. With his arms around her waist, he drew her tighter against him before very quickly letting her go as he felt himself getting hard. "Uh... Welcome home... I got some food..." he says awkwardly, trying to keep his eyes from her for the moment.
Snake sat in the back of the police truck as they drove him to yet another facility, it was the same routine as the last two times he had been caught. The man knew damn well he was going to be conned into doing another stealth mission by someone but of course he wouldn't know who until he got to where he was going. When the truck stopped he listened as the door up front opened then slammed shut, he heard the footsteps of the driver as he made his way to the back of the truck to let Snake out. The doors opened and Snake stepped out of the truck, the cuffs on his wrists rather tight. He looked at the line of officers that had their guns pointed at him and glared. The man stayed silent as they walked him into a large building, when inside he was led to an office. A man of no younger than 40 stood before him, the look on his face told Snake he had something on his mind. "Hello Plissken," funny we should meet again, I have another offer for you," the man stated. Snake looked at him as he grabbed a cigarette from a pack that was on the table and lit it. "Bob Hauk, it's a pleasure." Snake replied sarcastically. "So how do you want me to risk my life this time?" Hauk let out a small laugh before he spoke, "Well Plissken... Call me Snake." Snake interrupted before taking a drag of his cigarette. Hauk looked at him sternly knowing the man was playing games. "The secretary of defense's chopper ran out of fuel and they had to make an emergency landing while transporting a remote control to one of America's hidden weapons, it's a nuke and if that remote is activated and that button is pressed we all die," Hauk told him. "Yeah and what's the problem?" Snake asked. "The problem is the chopper made the emergency landing in New York - you know, the prison - the place is crawling with crazies that would just love to get their hands on that remote; they've all got nothing to lose and wouldn't think twice about killing us all, luckily the remote is in a locked steel briefcase so we have some time, I need you to go in there and get the secretary of defense and that briefcase out," Hauk told him. "Yeah, what's in it for me?" Snake asked. "Well, for one I won't send you to prison," Hauk replied, "and two, you'll be paid half a million dollars upon delivery of the secretary and the briefcase." "I'll think about it," Snake said after a moment's hesitation. "There's no time," Hauk insisted. "But you just said we have some time," Snake countered. "Are you in or out?" Hauk asked impatiently. Snake thought for a while before finally agreeing. He figured it was better than going to prison and he had a chance at making some cash, plus he had been there briefly before and knew what he would be dealing with. He was led to a room where he was given weapons and other things he would need before being taken into another room where a man in a lab coat stood. Snake turned and looked at Hauk. "I ain't falling for your shit again," he stated angrily. "If that asshole even comes near me with a needle or anything to inject me, I'll break his neck. I'm not stupid; I remember what happened last time. This time, you'll just have to trust me." Hauk nodded. "We're not going to inject you with anything this time," he assured Snake, "but we are going to equip you with these." He opened a case that contained ten darts and a small gun. "These Plissken, are lethal darts. They contain a poison that immobilizes the body before slowly killing the person they've been shot into. Therefore, when you need to be quiet and can't shoot your guns, use them wisely." After Snake was equipped with everything he needed, he was sent off on his mission. He landed the glider on top of the World Trade Center and stepped out. It felt like deja vu being here again as he stepped into the elevator and rode it down. When he got outside onto the streets, he ran into a group of about five guys who all looked at him. Snake stood calmly until one of the guys tried to grab for his gun. Snake grabbed his hand and snapped broke his arm at the elbow, which triggered the other guys to come at him. He started firing his gun then made a run for it when he saw more people walk out of some of the buildings around him. After about ten minutes of running, he found himself in an alleyway hidden from everyone who had been following him. Snake leaned against the wall and lit a cigarette, keeping himself on guard just in case anyone found him.
Maggie stood in the alleyway, she couldn't believe her eyes. She got that warm feeling again; she was such a sucker for him. Her long skirt protected her from the night air, but her barely-there top did little to hide her big breasts and hard nipples. She smiled that wry smile. "So, Snake," she said, "what brings you to this part of town?" She pushed open a panel in the otherwise seemingly brick wall and led him into a small room where she had been hiding since the last time they saw each other. It hadn't been long before she was collected up and dropped back in the middle of New York. She had eventually found a safe place to hide and survive, but not before some rough times. She wanted to get away again, and she was happy to do it with Snake.
Harry Potter grinned as he stirred the potion in the Room of Requirement. Things were good...they couldn't be better as far as Harry was concerned. He was in his final year at Hogwarts, Voldemort had been dead for three years, and finally Harry had been able to settle into a normal life. As well as Ron and Hermione, Harry had expanded his small circle of friends, and it was one of his closest friends, as close to him as Ron, that he was waiting for now. Ron and Hermione were off on a 'date', basically a code word for them to be off having wild sex somewhere, leaving Harry to his own projects. "Okay," he added another ingredient to the potion, then smirked slightly as it changed to a soft pink color, just as the book had said. This potion was meant to make the drinker far more appealing to the opposite sex for 24 hours. Harry didn't intend to let Ron be the only one having wild sex with a hot girl for much longer. The book had been a great find - something Harry had found during one of his many Potions class detentions, this particular one having been found dropped behind a bookcase when he was being made to clean out the potions classroom, which he had quickly smuggled out when he had spotted the contents. "Where is he?" Harry grumbled as he looked up at the door, getting impatient. The potion was ready, but he had said he wouldn't try it alone, waiting instead for his friend to arrive so they could drink the potion together and then venture out into the school to see what, or more whom, they could find. "Come on." He started tapping his foot impatiently, still stirring the potion, two vials sitting by the cauldron waiting to dip inside.
Kain walked into the Room of Requirement casually, as he always did. "Harry!" he exclaimed, "you finished the potion?" He had a thick (but common) British accent. Kain was super excited about this, and he was sure Harry was too. "We're gonna try to get some tail action from our twin sister Krystal," he said with a smirk as he filled both vials. He handed one to Harry and smiled. "Well, Harry James Potter, here goes everything," he said, and with that he drank down the potion that would change his life forever.
Roleplay between Stormgale and Mujamo An Ao No Exorcist Roleplay A roleplay using the following characters: Rin Okumura Izumo Kamiki Izumo walked down the hallway after class, one of her books tucked tightly against her chest. Her book bag, filled with the rest of her books, lightly tapped against her hip with each step she took. When class got done, Izumo usually left right away while everyone else stayed behind to chat for a while before going to their own dormitories. She knew she didn't have many friends and she was fine with that. She was used to spending time alone. She would know if someone said something behind her back. Truthfully, Izumo really had no friends, at least until she met Paku. Paku was her only best friend and that was enough for her. Sure, it was hard not being able to see her as much once she quit the cram school. Despite that, they still found time to hang out. In the middle of thought, Izumo's fingers clutched tightly to her book and her eyebrows furrowed tightly together in the center of her forehead. Rin was overly obnoxious today. He fell asleep multiple times and when asked to recite a passage from the Bible he completely goofed on the second verse! "Baka." Izumo muttered under her breath as she closed her eyes. Although... Despite his incompetence during class, she couldn't overlook the fact that he was the first and only one in that class to try and be friends with her, even though she wasn't so very nice back. He always had a smile on his face, and sometimes, a blush would come to her cheeks watching him even if she didn't want to. She felt embarrassed just seeing his smile. Why? She had no clue, but she did her best to conceal them... If only... But, whatever! He seemed to have googly eyes toward Shiemi and why wouldn't he? She had large breasts and was actually nice to him. Izumo opened her eyes to look down to the floor as she bowed her head slightly. Izumo believed that if it came to a contest, he would chose Shiemi over her. After Rin and Yukio closed the gates of Gehenna, Rin had been getting closer to Shiemi. Well, at least from what she has seen. Not like she was watching them, or anything! It's just that she had a hurting pit in her stomach every time she saw the two together, and she couldn't understand why. With a great huff of her breath, Izumo blew the thoughts out of her mind. She didn't need to bring herself down like that. She was Izumo Kamiki and she could get any guy she wanted! But only if that guy was Rin.
Rin growled as he looked at the book in his hands. What was he supposed to do? She was the one who left it here in her rush to get out. Why should he have to chase her down and hand it to her? He quickened his pace, hoping to catch up with her on the main school grounds rather than lose her in the crowds. She had been out of it lately, either snapping more than usual or spending her time dumbfounded and staring at him. Had he done something to piss her off? It didn't matter anyway; he rushed up ahead, trying to quickly make his way to her as he moved through the crowd, spotting her dark hair as he pushed past people. He caught up with her, spinning her around. "Geez, it's like you were fucking running," he said, panting slightly and smirking at her. "You left this in class." He handed her the book and tried to catch his breath. "Can you wait for just one second instead of running away like you're better than all of us?" His eyes met hers for a moment before he frowned.
The Den was known for its mystery, for its darkness. Called "The Den," it seemed to shift from place to place, taking residence in a city for only a few days, perhaps a week or two, before seemingly disappearing into the night. Little was known about the owners. Some claimed that there were, in fact, regulars to this hidden club, though no one seemed to have proof. Nobody knew anyone who actually could be called a regular, and no one seemed to really know what went on. All they knew that when it came to elite and selective, nothing came close to "The Den." Which went partway toward explaining why the beautiful Brit was walking toward it, her brown eyes sweeping the building. Miss Emma Watson was currently shooting a film in this city. An invitation had gone out to the lot of them. Emma, intrigued by the idea of such an exclusive establishment, accepted the invitation. She did find the dress code to be slightly strange. According to the invite, all females must wear either dresses or skintight pants made of latex, leather, and/or lace of some kind. The more constrictive, said the invitation, the better. Thus Emma had squeezed herself into a black leather dress. Strapless, the thing felt almost like packaging, squeezing Emma's taut form into its confines. The thing pushed up those perky breasts, encasing them so tightly that Emma had barely felt there was room for a bra, even the lacy number that she'd managed to slide on. The hem of the dress barely extended halfway down her thigh as well, and she had to resist the urge to tug it down. Per other instructions, she wore heels as well: black. Her brown hair had been recently styled thanks to the crew, and her makeup had been done to accent her features quite well. Thus did Emma enter the club, earning an immediate pass from the bouncer. What she didn't see was the man reaching up to speak into an ear bud as she passed. Instead, the girl entered the club, noting the thumping music, and the droves of people. Most of them were beautiful, in fact, most looked as though they could be cover models themselves. Everywhere you looked, there was a body tightly packed in latex, leather, or lace, and most were gyrating. Emma worked her way through the crowd, reaching up to move back a curl and smile. For now, she figured she needed to find something of a home base, to take in the scene around her and figure out where to go from there.
Kale Rosenthall was one of the few who could be called a regular at The Den. He knew the owner on a first name basis and therefore wherever the club moved, he was guaranteed a VIP booth and unlimited access. He always enjoyed walking up to the bouncer and getting in before these big names, and he always enjoyed how easy it was to pick up a nice girl there and have his way with her. Especially since most of the girls were already heavy into the lifestyle represented by the club; the BDSM lifestyle. The women always went to him upon his calling and were always so nice to him and always listened to him, but this time he didn't want that. The owner had told him some A-list celebrities had been invited, and he had a fun idea based on that. That night, he had gone to The Den as soon as it opened and entered his booth, enjoying the complimentary drinks and teasing waitresses as much as he always did, but he couldn't help smirking when Miss Watson entered the club and seemed out of place. So what he did is he simply got the attention of a waitress and told her to go get Miss Watson and bring her to him. The waitress, being a submissive, said nothing but walked off. The waitress walked up to Miss Watson and said, "Excuse me miss, but the gentleman over there has requested you join him." She leaned in and whispered into Miss Watson's ear, "He is a regular." That alone should be enough to intrigue her, but the waitress added, "Apparently knows the owners." She then handed Miss Watson a drink and walked off to serve other booths. Kale saw the waitress saunter on over to Miss Watson and then he smiled and raised his glass to her as she looked over here. He knew the waitress did a good job. He sat back and waited for Miss Watson to come join him. For this A-list celebrity to come mingle with him. When she walked over to his booth, he couldn't help but gaze over her entire body and analyze her every curve. He had the look of a pure dominate, and all the submissives in the club would have recognized that look, but he found Miss Watson simply brushed it off, which only intrigued him more.
It was a damp, warm Saturday night, heavy clouds were rolling over head, spilling thunderous warnings of rain to come, not that it stopped anyone from running around. It was just a little past midnight and a small group of people were walking along the sidewalks of muggle London. "I know this is a muggle zone," Neville said, "but my cousin works at one of the strip joints and they have a new guy there who is so beautiful you feel like dying just so he can have your heart!" And besides, wasn't this supposed to be a birthday party? Neville demanded, smirking at them all. He was throwing a party for his boyfriend, Blaise Zabini, and was dragging them all to a local... muggle, strip club. Of course, considering wizards didn't have strip clubs, Neville was eager to see the purebloods' reactions to the dancers. Blaise was going to freak out, get drunk, and try to rape the dancers, but how would the others react? It wasn't long before a name appeared on the street. Guilty Pleasures, one of the hottest strip clubs the city had to offer, they had the prettiest, the hottest, and the down right lewdest dancers available there. And some of them even put out after if you had the right kind of cash or had an in with the owner. Neville paid for everyone's tickets, the once shy, trembling boy, now a very important wizard, able to grow anything. They headed inside and settled into their red cushion seats and leaned back to enjoy the show, a woman on stage writhing in time to music, slowly tripping until she was nothing but bra and panties, grinding against a bar. Neville could feel Blaise shudder against him. Blaise was Bi, and Neville often let the large Italian 'off his leash' to enjoy the flesh of others, it was a strange relationship. The woman finished dancing and left the stage and the lights dimmed, the music slowed and a new figure stepped onto stage, a male though you could only tell because of the lack of breasts, as his face was hidden by a mask. He began to sway, his skin as white as the moon and shimmering in the half light of the building, as if he himself was glowing. He had hair as while as lilies flowing around his shoulders, curling around his hips and as he moved the hair swirled with him, making those long, silken locks as seductive as the rest of him. Magic swept the room as he ran his hands along his body, nothing serious, just enough to fill the muggles, and the wizards watching with such an intense lust that many of the muggles lost themselves. The man on stage swirled and dance, touching and stroking, and then slid off the stage as if he was made of liquid and settled into a man's lap, dancing still as he removed the mask and bent down to kiss the stranger, Neville and Blaise both barely holding back cries of shock... it was Draco Malfoy, who had been missing for almost eight years.
...I don't think I'd want to let him have my heart. A little sickening. Might not like the present." Gabriel said looking amused as Neville looked at him, shrugging as he wrapped an arm around Blaise's shoulders, leaning into his best friend's personal space, stealing a kiss before dancing away laughing. While he was a pureblooded wizard, he spent most of his time dealing with muggles as a businessman, and so many deals went on in a strip club. So he for one, knew what was coming next. And he was sooo going to love seeing how Blaise reacted. Poor Blaise, it was going to be so much fun teasing him after they sobered up in the morning. Gabriel settled on his cushion as he watched the stripper, while he appreciated the beauty, he was not one to be moved by women, so he was interested in this male Neville kept telling them about. Smirking as he thought of the club's name, oh yes, he was going to enjoy the guilty pleasures. Watching the male, he swallowed hard watching as he glowed, even at the man being dressed he wanted to lay his lips over that moon-kissed skin. Sipping his drink, he shifted in his seat to hide his reaction to the man's body. Sipping his drink sighing softly as the dancer settled into his lap, thrusting up against him a little, teasing. Before the mask came off, instead of kissing him back, he rested his lips against the man's lips before he coughed, choking on his whiskey as he looked at the pretty blond in his lap. "Blood...bloody hell..." Gabriel gaped, unable to say anything more as he met dark grey eyes, unable to make any more sense of the words. It was so out of his realm of reality to find Draco Malfoy in his lap, that he had no idea what to think.
Roxas had yet another dream, a dream about someone named Sora. He had no idea who the young man was or why he was having dreams about him but he was, and some of the dreams were terrifying. The most recent dream he had about Sora involved the young man being beaten into a coma by an army of creatures called Heartless. Roxas wasn't sure what to make of these dreams, and whenever he told his friends about them, they looked at him like he was crazy. Lately, a lot of weird things were happening around Twilight Town, and nobody knew what or who was causing them. He remembered back to when things started disappearing and when he was blamed and called a thief. A sigh escaped his lips as he got out of bed and made his way over to his dresser to find some clothes. When he found an outfit he liked, he got dressed and made his way outside to meet up with his friends Olette, Hayner, and Pence. When he got to their secret hideout, he made his way inside and sat down on the couch, he looked around and forced a smile. "Roxas," Olette said, "what's wrong?" "Nothing," Roxas replied. "Why do you ask?" Olette shook her head. "I can tell something is bothering you by the way you forced that smile." Roxas sighed. He knew there was no way he could hide his true emotions from his friends; they all knew him too well and could tell when he was upset. "I had another dream about Sora," he admitted finally. "This time, he was hurt badly and put into a coma." Olette looked to Hayner and Pence after Roxas told them what was bothering him. "And those dreams, Roxas," she said. "I just don't get it." Hayner nodded in agreement. "Yeah, me either." Roxas thought about it for a little bit before finally agreeing. It couldn't hurt to try and take his mind off of things. "Maybe we should do something to take your mind off of these dreams," Pence suggested. "We don't have to spend any money or anything - just look around." Roxas thought about it for a moment before finally agreeing. It couldn't hurt to try and get his mind off of things. As Roxas and his friends walked around Twilight Town, they visited almost every store they could. The four of them had gotten some sea salt ice cream and were sitting up on the roof of a building where they sometimes hung out when they were bored. So what should we do next guys?" Olette asked. After a few moments, Hayner looked at everyone. "Let's go visit that haunted mansion," he suggested. "Aw, I don't know, Hayner," Pence replied. "That place is creepy." Well, duh, it's supposed to be creepy," Hayner responded. After a little while and a whole lot of arguing, the group finally decided to go to the mansion mainly because Roxas wanted to go for some reason. The four of them made their way to the mansion and walked up the path, they could hear eerie sounds as they walked and Pence and Olette both looked scared while Hayner and Roxas walked in front of them as if nothing was phasing them. Not even the creepy sounds coming from the woods. When they finally reached the mansion, Roxas and Hayner walked straight up to the gate while Pence and Olette slowly made their way up. All of a sudden, Olette let out a scream of terror, making Roxas and Hayner turn to face her. What happened? Why did you scream, Olette? What's wrong?" Roxas asked. Olette didn't say anything; instead, she pointed toward one of the pillars that was by the gate. There was a girl lying next to it. Is she dead?" Pence asked terrified. Both Roxas and Hayner walked over to the girl, Roxas looked at her and saw that her chest was moving up and down, which told him she was breathing. No, she's not dead, just passed out," Roxas told Pence. He then put his hand on the girl's shoulder and shook her gently. "Hey, wake up. We need to get you out of here. Wake up. It's not safe here," Roxas said as he attempted to wake the girl up. He hoped she would respond so that he and his friends could bring her to safety; the haunted mansion was known to be a very dangerous place to be, and that's why people rarely ever went there.
This wasn't a dream. It was more like a deep slumber, a dreamless slumber. For sometime she couldn't get a firm grasp on consciousness. And even when she could, her body felt paralyzed. There was no way she could call out for help. There had been no recollection of how long she had been in her nearly lifeless state. Her head felt foggy as she braced her body to awaken. But it would not budge. It was as if it were waiting for something...Or in her case. Rather, someone. Her fingers twitched a bit at the vibration of the ground. Footsteps. Strangely the sound of two footsteps seemed much stronger than the rest. Much more distinct. As they approached she could only faintly hear the frightened scream of one of the strangers. It was not long before she could feel the presence of someone near. It was the touch of someone that broke her from her frozen state. Her fingers curled as she stirred. Warmth beginning to flow through her body. Her violet orbs appeared as her eyelids opened to a lidded position. The figures around her looking blurry, and for a moment she felt threatened, frightened. But soon her vision cleared. Not thinking, she absently began to move. Wanting to sit up, wanting to do something. As she did so, an unfamiliar stirring in her chest startled her. Sitting up, her hands cautiously moved to the area just beside her left breast. Beneath the material of the cream colored sun dress she was in, she could feel just barely a bit of warmth. And a beating of some sort. Closing her eyes, she listened to it, the rhythm ceasing to falter. In an instant she knew that she had never felt something like this. She also realized that she didn't recall anything. Nothing before the dreamless slumber. It was just a blank section in her memory, in her mind. It was as if her entire mind was wiped out. She was aware of things around her, and what she called herself. Many words and questions began to pour into her mind immediately. A look of panic beginning to form in her violet eyes as she looked up at the four strangers. Opening her mouth, but nothing coming out. Just a pleading look in her eyes as she looked toward the boy with the sunshine like hair.
Excuse me, Mr.Mehler? Ms.Cyrus is here for your nine-thirty appointment." Edward sat forward in the soft black leather chair, bringing his elbows to rest upon the edge of the beautiful red oak desk. His elbows came to a lean there so his hands could then cradle together, fingers entwined, set in front of and thus hiding a grin of excitement that set upon his face. "Is she now," he whispered to himself, the slightly developed lines at the corners of his eyes and of his lips forming on the thirty-something man's face. Brown eyes looked through a pair of dark, thin glasses, casting their glance down to the digital camera set to one side of his desk, atop a small pile of manila folders. "This certainly promises to be an interesting casting call, one way or another," the man continued to himself, unlacing his hands to then reach a finger over to the intercom button. "Thank you," he replied to the voice. "Please send her in." And that was it, the only thing left to do now was not to develop cold feet. Neither of them could. This had too much potential on its own, this project, and on top of that Edward knew it would be the work that would make or break his career. With a smirk on his face that spoke of both excitement and confidence he rose from the tall-backed leather rolling chair and made his way over to a set of vertical blinds. The office here was quite fancy and everything about it spoke of money - he was used to none of this extravagance yet, truth be told, having only been here for all of a week. Hell, before this all he'd done were independent movies, this being the first huge production with his name attached. When coming up with this idea, though, the series he was in the process of casting for, Edward's investors had agreed to see that it was funded enough to be as professionally as possible, which included them insisting on a lavish office; professionalism from the beginning, he supposed. The floors were made of wood, but dissimilar to the desk, they were a dark mahogany. The walls were a calm, simple white, but with an outline of a tree elegantly painted behind on the wall behind the desk, with its leaves blowing in the wind over the expanse of an entire second wall, stopping just before the door. Past the door was the third wall, comprised mostly of a fish tank, tropical, four feet high and eight wide, the fish providing a vivid juxtapose of color in contrast to the rest of the walls of the office. Finally came the fourth wall, the entirety of it a long, large window covered in vertical slats from end to end. The one thing the office didn't have was a chair for people to sit in. Along those slats, which would have one sitting facing the wall with the leaves and the door while the desk was on the right, was an elegant red velvet couch, its back backless, its arms leaning slightly outward in their rise before curling into themselves. Edward turned the vertical blinds closed. This still allowed enough light to naturally shine through the lengths for the room to be well lit without allowing any to see in; there was complete privacy. Following that, he took the camera from his desk before going to wait in front of it, standing there with an excited smile on his face and an eager lens on the door. And a slight, slight excitement poking at the front of his leather pants. Only slight. He had to remain calm, but he still knew where things might or might not go, where the conversation would certainly lead. Finishing off the man's look, from bottom to top, were a pair of brand new black boots, a long-sleeved white shirt, a silver ring on his left hand, a silver necklace sitting high on his chest, a silver stud in his right ear, and a head of attractively messy dirty blonde hair. His chest beat with anticipation. The light atop the lens was green. The doorway, soon to be the young actress' entrance, was being filmed.
Word circulated through all the right channels. A new film being showcased, a film that would eclipse Avatar in proportion. Already stars were being called, the hottest and best of Hollywood being summoned forth. Rumor had placed several of the hottest women in the business coming forth to take roles. Most interestingly, the cast list seemed to be mostly young vixens, spry things more known for their beauty than any real acting talent (though there was some of that as well). This rumor reached Miley Cyrus. The vivacious brunette was mostly known for her long-term stand as Hannah Montana, the fake Disney character that had built a fortune for Miss Cyrus. She was a teen icon, and she knew it. She also knew that her body had become something that men drooled over. This little girl was becoming an adult, and she had no qualms about showcasing that. Which explained why she was in a flirty skirt now: white and tight along her lean frame. A slit bared a good deal of delicate white thigh: tantalizing bits of ivory skin just showing. The girl danced when she sung, and exercised on top of those, making her lean. You simply had to trail up, seeing the hips that had just flowed out, filling the skirt and showing how well she filled clothing. Further up was a flowing blouse, one that was just shy of scandalous. A good swish and it would bare her tight stomach, bejewelled with a brilliant amethyst. Further up were a pair of breasts that somehow hadn't realized their owner had hit eighteen yet. The face still held some of the youthfulness as well: rounded with wide blue eyes. However, sultry makeup made it clear that this was a woman, as did the brunette, highlighted curls that fell just below her shoulders. The young starlet favored the man with a smile. She knew this was an audition, and she also knew she was desperate for the part. Miley had been desperate to prove that she could act, that there was real talent there. In fact, that desire was nearly as strong as her urge to prove herself to be a full adult now. This growing girl stopped just a few feet from the man, her smile turning warm, almost sultry. When she spoke, her Southern accent seemed to layer the words with honey. "Hello there. I believe you were expecting me," she said. Her blue eyes moved about, but didn't locate a chair, so instead, she opted to shift slightly, trying to stand as comfortably as possible. "Don't you want to give a girl a place to sit? Unless you think this isn't going to take that long?" Miley winked at him. A little flirting couldn't hurt, especially when you had a body like Miley's.
Tim Drake sat alone atop a Gotham sky scrapper. Was he in his red and green Robin attire? No. Was he in his black and red redesign of the Robin suit? No. Thanks to a certain Damian Wayne those suits will not see the light of day for quite a long time. His new suit, now under the identity as Red Robin, consists of a long-sleeved red tunic, along with black boots, tights, gauntlets with triangular fins for defense , cape and cowl (homage to his now former mentor). It also includes a black-and-gold utility belt that carries his weaponry such as his bo staff (Tim's personal favorite) and throwing discs. He would admit that the suit is nothing new, Tim had been wearing a hero costume for awhile now and they all started to feel the same, but this one felt somewhat different. With the past suits they were all connected by the simple R on the left side of his chest. He was taking over a position already filled by two other people. This suit was different, it was his own, no others before him have taken this title. He was now truly his own hero. With that thought he got up from where he was sitting and looked over the city. It was time to make himself known. He stepped to the edge of the building and took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. After the exhale had ended he took a small leap off of the roof. He plummeted toward the ground, the wind whipping around him, the cowl keeping his hair from blowing all over the place. When he was a few meters from the ground he gripped his cape. An electrical signal from his gloves went through the material in his cape and stiffened the spines in them and the cloth tightened around them to form stiff wings. The wind caught in the pockets and Tim was able to pull out of his dive and into a speedy glide over the rooftops of Gotham. God he loved being the adoptive son of Bruce Wayne, it had so many perks! Along with the new gadgets he had taken on extra training on Bruce's advice for he and Dick to follow the path of training that Bruce took to become Batman. Why the extra training and new gadgets? Simple, to become better than Jason Todd, also for a bit of vengeance. The past two times he had crossed paths with him he was left beaten and bloodied and even took a partner hostage. He had felt so guilty for letting Power Girl fall into his hands. No telling what the hell that bastard did to her while Tim recovered from his wounds and trained. Tim thought he had it under control; he had scoped out Jason's hideout and knew points of entry. He then had Power Girl, a Kryptonian for Christ's sake, backing him up on this. Still, Jason got the drop on them, and the next thing he knew, Jason was beating the daylights out of him with a crowbar and then slipping a knife between his ribs and left him to bleed out. Luckily Bruce had been looking for him and was able to get Tim out of there and treated. All he could find were trace amounts of Kryptonite. Jason had some, that's how he nabbed Karren. Now Tim was able to track Jason down again, and this time he knew he had all the knowledge he needed. He found the building and dove bombed right through one of the windows on the roof. He quickly stood up and shouted, "Todd!!!" And speak of the devil, and he shall appear. Jason stepped from one of the shadows in his iconic red helmet, clapping slowly. "Well well well, Timmy," he said. "Look at you! New costume and all!!! Are you here just to see little old me?" Tim had no time for witty banter and kept to tackle him. They fought and fought until Tim gained the upper hand and ripped the helmet from his head, the damn bastard was smiling. "Where is she!" he demanded. "Where is Power Girl?!" Jason smiled wider. "You mean my little cum dump? Why don't you see for yourself." He pressed a button on a remote he had in his jacket, and a light turned on. Tim turned in horror to see Karren Starr beaten, her costume torn and her stomach swelling. Tim put two and two together and a great rage swelled within him. "Does it make you mad, Tim?" Jason asked, grinning evilly. "Does it put a fire in your belly to just snap my neck for what I did? You know I wonder what she'll name my boy. Well, you don't really know if it's mine, it could be a friend of mines or another villain I let in on it!" Tim knew he was bluffing; Jason was too much of an egotist to let anyone else have at her. Jason was just trying to make him mad. Tim looked around and found a crowbar lying near them, poetic justice. Before Tim could get it, Jason held out something in his hand - a gun. "Come on, Tim," Jason said with a smirk. "Bats ain't here to say no." Tim shook his head. "No, Bruce set the rules. No guns, no killing." Jason laughed at his retort. "Come on kid, grow up! I raped your pal and now she has my kid! It's your fault she's like that, and I'm responsible as well. So come on, take it, put it to my head and squeeze that little trigger.... Come on!" Tim quickly reached and grabbed the crowbar shouting, "No!!!" and beat the crowbar across Jason's head. He hit the ground limp, unconscious. Tim called Jason in and then practically sprinted to Karren. He knelt next to her and examined her. "Karren... Karren look at me, it's Tim Drake. Are you ok? Is anything broken or fractured?" He needed to get her out of there before the cops arrived, but he needed to know if she was alright to move.
One of the last things Karren remembered before passing out was the shame and humiliation of her situation. The powerful superhero had foolishly thought that nobody on this earth had known her weakness - she had thought of herself as all-powerful, invulnerable, just doing her friend Tim a favor by tracking down the bastard who had beaten him up several times. She had agreed to help Tim find Jason, to let her friend have the last laugh and beat him into submission to help his bruised ego... but the night they had found him 30 weeks ago turned out to be, bar none, the worst in her life. When they had landed in his hideout, she immediately knew something was amiss. She felt weak... but her powers were still with her. As they walked farther into the hanger/hideout, she felt herself drop to her knees. "T...Tim..." she groaned, unable to move, her arms and legs like jelly. She couldn't even yell out as the super villain dropped from nowhere and commenced to kick the ever-loving shit out of her friend. She couldn't do anything about it - he cast Tim out of the lair and scooped her up, transporting her to a getaway car. He flashed a pendant of kryptonite at her - that's what was keeping her down and out. The next day was a nightmare of sex and humiliation, as she was raped repeatedly by the villain and his henchmen, taking great joy in wreaking some revenge on the blonde superhero that had put an end to so many of their hideous plans. She wept tears of horror when she was told that she was pregnant, the villain running an ultrasound over her stomach, showing her the children that he and his men had created. For seven long months this continued. Rapes, beatings, basically treating Karren as a prostitute. She watched her body swell in horror, hoping that he had been lying about the pregnancy. But from her swollen belly and huge breasts she knew it was the truth. And when the baby began to kick inside her, she couldn't be joyful...she was furious at what had been done to her. Adding to her humiliation, she wasn't even given the dignity of being able to wear maternity clothes. No, the villain had commissioned a special "growing" version of her old suit. It was biologically connected to her body, designed to swell just enough with her body, but not enough to hide just how large she was getting. She could wear nothing came off of her when she was fucked, showered, or went to the bathroom. It was horrific! On the day of her rescue, she had been beaten most of the morning. As her vision blurred in and out, Tim appeared in front of her, asking if she could move. "Y...yes I think I can," she said, struggling to get up, her huge stomach making movements very difficult now.
The Underhives were like a labyrinth of mazes, tunnels and rooms that lead to dark ends, no-ends, and more often than not they led into other even more intricate open spaces or narrow tunnels. Sometimes these tunnels collapsed ages ago, or where on the verge of doing at this very moment. Putrid and polluted water trickled down from cracks in the ceilings, no doubt wastewater from factories or purification plants on the higher levels. The thumping of machinery couldn't be heard due to the level after level of plasteel that severed any and all contact between the Underhive and all other parts of the massive Hive City. All kinds of people, and sometimes not even technically people, made this their home. Banished citizens were a common sight, mutants also common. Sometimes even stable strains of mutants could be found, but those where either avoided or hunted down just as fiercely as the common mutated creature that stalked these tunnels. More often than not they made their own communities. Often imitations of the society above, or just the crude assumptions of what it would be like. But truly, the most common was the strong ruler commanding his subjects who huddled together with hopes of protection from the other horrors of the Underhive. And sometimes... Some communities strayed away into even more debased ways of life. Cults would arise that worshipped illegal denominations of Emperor worship, but it was just as common to find covens of heretics that gave their devotion to far more insidious deities. Khorne for the murderers, Tzeentch for the cast out that read too much or the far too politically involved, Nurgle for the sick that prayed for his protection and blessings... Then there was Slaanesh. She-Who-Thirsts, the Dark God of pain, pleasure, vanity and excess. It was the terrifying effort of these cultist and their cooperation that nearly brought the entire Hive down on its knees. Rebellion was in the air, but with the aid of the Sisters of Battle, Space Marines and the Imperial Guard, the revolt was pushed down to whence it came. The fighting was fierce though. Both sides engaged in hit-and-run attacks, attrition warfare and massed assaults on key positions. Sadly, there would be casualties as it was the inevitable consequence from war. Some died fighting, some died from ailments caused by wounds or disease. Others would be taken captive. The Imperium executed the traitors and the heretics, while the dark forces didn't always just settled with merely killing their victims. One Imperial Guardsman and one Sister of Battle would experience this first hand. Both had been knocked unconscious in the thickest fighting and been dragged away. Undressed and tied up, they found themselves next to each other and facing a large bonfire. They were in some large chamber. Tapestries and banners hung on the walls, depicting cruel images, sexually charged images and some just outright bizarre and impossible to deduce their meanings unless you would have had some deep insights in the workings of the insane mind. They were surrounded by robed characters, their faces partly lit up by the licking lights of the fire. All beautiful women in their prime, it seemed. All smiling. All of their eyes set on these two women, who were propped up to their knees and facing the fire. Ample bosoms and thin waists were easy to spot through the pink and purple robes that did little to masquerade their figures. It seemed to be a ceremonial garb, hardly serving any practical function. There seemed to be a dozen or more of these women, or presumably all were women at least, and everyone of them had their eyes on these naked captives. It was predatory eyes, admiring eyes and sultry eyes that glued themselves on the duo's bodies. Then, one of them moved. She walked to the opposite of the bonfire, and she was mostly obscure by the flames and burning wood, but there was enough free sight to make out that she was raising her arms above her head, and looking to the tall, clothed ceiling. Judging from her arms alone, she seemed to have a beautiful alabaster complexion. Her voice was beautiful as well, like that of a singing bird voicing herself for the entire world to hear. In reality, this wicked cultist intended for one specific being to hear her. "Oooh, Slaanesh! Oooh, Dark Prince! We give you these two as sacrifice to you! Have their bodies, have their minds, have their souls... As we take them in your name, as we take them for you... as we take then in the name of pleasure and delight!" And then the entire crowd, their eyes still locked on the vulnerable pair, began to grin impish grins. They all knew what that meant, and they had been waiting long enough to satisfy themselves.
Corporal Jesse Rosen and Battle Sister Erena both woke up at around the same time, groaning from the painful blows they had taken to their heads. Erena, being much more hardened by her trials as a Sister of Battle, and the much more intense physical training she had received, was the first to regain full awareness of their situation. She found herself completely stripped, her well-toned body glistening with sweat in the heat of the nearby bonfire. She was very well toned, but lithe and curvaceous, possessing a dangerous beauty that was common among the Sisters of Battle. Her stark white hair hung down to her shoulders, and her white lips grimaced as she recognized the master of their captors. The colors, the sexually themed decorations, the general beauty of their members, all were clear signs of the Lord of Excess. "By the...what the hell!?" Jesse Rosen exclaimed, just now shaking off the dizziness and realizing her lack of garments. "Who the fuck are you people!? By the Emperors Blades I demand you let us go!" She was furious, casting curses at them and invoking the name of the Adeptas Astartes chapter her brother had been recruited into. This surprised Erena, and gave her a little hope. With another believer, maybe they had a chance of fighting their way free. She looked over the Guardswoman with interest, trying to gauge her abilities. She was larger than Erena, well built, her body honed from either a hard upbringing, or diligent training under the Guard. However she still possessed an exotic beauty, she would have fit right into the Sisters if she had the drive. Her short red hair and fair complexion made her assume she hailed from one of the colder worlds, perhaps Valhalla. And the sweat profusely running down her well toned skin proved the assumption. "Calm yourself soldier. They will not listen to you. Their minds are twisted by their false gods." Erena said plainly, searching the room calmly for some means of escape. "Easy for you to say! I have to..." Erena cast a harsh glare to the Guardswoman, and she fell silent, took a deep breath, and collected herself. "I am sorry Battle sister. I forget myself. Find us a way out of this, and I am at your disposal." Erena smiled, not warmly, but pleased. There was potential in this woman. Perhaps if they escaped she would put in a Word of Recommendation for the Ordo Hereticus to consider recruiting her. But when she heard the Cult leaders prayer she grimaced. Their intentions were foul indeed. They may survive this, but not without losing something to the great demon god. "Steel yourself Guardswoman. They intend to use us to satisfy their god. Resist them if you can, but save your strength for escape." She took a few deep breaths. "Whatever they do to us, we shall repay ten-fold in the name of the Emperor." Jesse looked at her with a moment of fear in her eyes. "I....yes Battle Sister...I will do my best. For the Emperor." Jesse gritted her teeth and waited for the cultist to make their attempt. She would not be easily taken, not by these heretics.
Get up freak!" the boy shouted right before kicking Travis in the ribs hard. Everyone who had gathered around to witness Travis' daily beating erupted with laughter as Travis continued to take a beating. The fights were never fair; it was always at least a four-on-one assault, and Travis wasn't a very big kid, not like the kids that beat on him anyway. Travis didn't know why he was a target for such abuse but he couldn't change it either way, so he just let it happen after a while. He didn't even attempt to run knowing that when he got caught and he usually did, the beating would be ten times worse. The next kick came even harder, making Travis lose his breath for a moment. "Look at this little faggot," the boy taunted Travis yet again. Travis knew that the jerk and his friends were going to let him up but it was just so they could knock him back down. Angry, Travis got on his hands and knees then slammed his fist against the ground before getting up. Everything went silent then a loud crash made Travis jump. He stood up and looked around. Everyone who had been gathered around him were now lying in various places at least fifteen feet away from him. Some were bleeding pretty badly, and others weren't moving at all. Travis swallowed hard and took one last look around before running off. As he ran, he contemplated going home but he thought better of it. His parents, although they loved him, would never understand and would probably think he was crazy and lock him in the loony bin. When Travis got to the train station, he bought a ticket that would take him far away from where he was. He boarded the train and took a seat in the back away from most of the people. He tried to keep his face as hidden as possible just in case word got out about his little incident. "Travis, I've been looking for you," a man's voice stated softly. Travis could feel his palms getting sweaty and his heart start to race. He was screwed; the cops must have been called, and he was gonna be put in prison for what he did. "Don't worry, Travis, I'm not here to arrest you," the man said. "I'm here to help you." Travis looked over after hearing the man's words. "How did you know what I was thinking?" Travis asked curiously. The man gave him a soft smile before speaking again. "My name is Charles Xavier, and I'm just like you. I have a gift, and so do many others at my school." "School"? Travis questioned. "Yes, a school of people just like me and you. I promise to protect you and help you control your gifts, Travis. All you have to do is come with me." Xavier stated still smiling kindly at the young man. "How did you find me?" Travis asked. "It wasn't hard, Travis. Your mind was racing, and I could read you very easily." Travis opened his eyes and sighed, his mind bringing him back to that day often. Every time he thought about it, he felt bad. He wondered if any of those kids died that day after he sent them flying across the football field, and if they had, he would never know. Travis never meant to hurt anyone; in fact, he never really had it in him to hurt anyone. But he couldn't control what happened on that day. He tried to convince himself every day that it was just an accident, and he wanted to believe everyone was okay. But he couldn't. He remembered wanting those kids who were beating on him to get hurt right before he sent them flying, and he couldn't help but think that his anger was what brought all this on. He got up out of bed and began to roam around the mansion like he usually did when he couldn't sleep. Travis had been at Xavier's School for five years now, and within those five years he had learned how to control his powers quite well with the help of Xavier and the rest of his staff. Travis was thankful that Xavier had found him; otherwise, he may have hurt others not knowing how to control his powers. He made his way into the kitchen to grab a drink. When he looked in the fridge, however, there wasn't any soda in there. Sighing, he walked over to the pantry and grabbed a twelve-pack and brought it back over to the fridge. After loading it in, he opened one can and looked at it funny - he hated warm soda. Just as he was about to take a sip, he heard footsteps coming from the doorway. "Hey, Iceman," Travis stated, seeing the young man walk in. "Can't sleep either?" "No, I just have a lot on my mind right now with Rogue and all the missions," Iceman said in response. When he went to go into the fridge to grab a soda, Travis looked at him. "Just as a warning, all the soda in there is piss warm," Travis stated. With a smile, Iceman grabbed a can and cooled it with his powers before grabbing Travis' can and cooling that too. "Thanks, man," Travis said, taking a sip from his soda. He sighed with content as the refreshing cold liquid went down his throat. After talking with Iceman for a little while, Travis made his way out of the kitchen and continued to roam. He sipped on his soda as he walked down the halls. On nights like these when he couldn't sleep, Travis liked to go to a place that only a few people knew about to clear his head. He made his way to the elevator and took it all the way up to the roof. When the door opened, he walked out onto the roof and sat down in one of the chairs he had brought up there for times like this. As he sat there, he practiced making his shield - it was the only power that needed a lot of work, and he wanted to get it down so that if he needed it, he could use it.
You're such a tease!" Valerie cooed, a strapping young man on top of her, nipping at her neck. "No, you're just impatient!" He told her into her ear. She laughed, feeling him up and tugging on his shirt. "And what's with this thing? You should get rid of it." She told him. "In good time..." He chuckled, starting to feel up her shirt. Valerie gasped and pushed him off her. "TIME!" She exclaimed and stood up, looking at the clock on the kitchen oven. "Fuck! I have to go!" She cried and bolted out of the house. The boy sat down. He had not even known her name. She just walked in the front door and asked if he was alone. He said yes, and she started making out with him. Now she was gone. Halfway there Valerie realized it was much too dark, her curfew was WAY overdue! If she dared try go in the front gate she would be caught for sure. Most students did not have a curfew. Valerie was a special exception. It was to try and stop her from doing stuff like this. She slapped her hands to the trunk of a tree and put her feet to it too. Her skin melded with the bark and she was taken up. Near the top she let go and grabbed onto a branch that she made grow, having it carry her over the top of the Mansion. She landed on one knee, then looked up and froze. Someone else was up here, "Oh, hey..." She smiled, standing up straight. "You a teacher?
Name: Gabrielle de Beaumont Age: 22 during the first arc. Appearance: Long, straight, platinum blonde hair that curls only at the sides of her face. Her bangs are held to the side. She has sharp, narrow, emerald green eyes and just a faint dusting of pale freckles. She's fairly light complected. She stands about 5'5''. Bust is 36 C. Attire: Usually wears darker clothing. Fitting gowns. Her most common attire is a black sweater dress and ankle high boots. Personality: She's rather cool and collected for the most part. Being that her father is Dion de Beaumont, the man who bought out all the Hilton hotels, she's always been in the public eye. But you know it's bad when she actually becomes panicked or frightened. She tends to not put up with much, and seems quite confident of her ability to protect herself... normally. Friday night. It was late. Late enough that Maya was just getting ready to close up the office. She was tidying up the place. Things had been slow. No cases in a week. It was rough. But this was the life they lead. Maya was on the other side of the room when there was a series of forceful knocks at the door. It was raining out. "Hey Nick, can you get that?" Maya called. She was a bit preoccupied, trying to untangle herself from the mass of electronics cables around her. "Just tell whoever it is we're closed and that we'll get her tomorrow morning." Outside the door she stood. Breathless. Panicked. Covered in blood that wasn't her own. She was barefooted and soaked to the bone, the white oriental style gown she wore clinging to her like a second skin. Gabrielle pounded at the door again frantically. She knew she didn't have much time before the cops found her, but she knew the man that resided within was the only one who could save her.
That Friday night, Phoenix Wright was just finishing up some bills and the rent he had to pay for the Wright & Co. Law Offices room when Maya just happened to get tangled up in the cables of the new TV that he had bought for Maya to watch her Steel Samurai show on, though she would have had to hook it up herself since Nick would be busy most of that day. When he heard the knockings on the door, he expected Maya to get it like always until he heard her call to ask him to get it. This would be the first time he would notice that she was tangled up and didn't bother to ask, though mentally he was asking himself how one could get tangled up in such a way. Going to answer the door, Phoenix was surprised to see a woman drenched in blood and soaked from the rain. "Miss, what happened, are you hurt at all?" He said as he grabbed her shoulders since he thought she might collapse. He walked her inside and laid her down on the couch. "Miss, what happened? Why is there blood all over you?
Alyx looked at the text he had received from Ritsu asking to meet her in the light music clubroom. She better be right in saying that we won't be caught. She knows damn well that the school states no boys allowed on the premise. The two met during their freshmen years as they were each out with their friends. The way that she acted, how she looked, and how she talked drew her towards Alyx and he just had to have her. First, he just made friends with her and put up with the constant teasing, but he soon began dropping subtle hints that he was interested in her. He thought that he would have to say it outright, but she must have picked up on his hints because she actually asked him out. Needless to say, the two hit it off pretty well on their first date as they seemed to be able to play off each other teasing quite well. This has been going on for three years now, and they entered their senior year not too long ago. That is where our story begins. Alyx sighed as he remembered the window that Ritsu told him he would have enter through. He really didn't want to climb, but he was going to deal with it just so he could see her. Mio, Mugi, and Yui were all absent today so she was in the clubroom alone. Once there, he found that there was a ladder going up towards the window into the club room. Odd, she must of put it there. He shrugged as he climbed up the ladder and into the clubroom. "So, why did you text me and tell me to come here? You know I'm not allowed in this school." he asked once inside the room.
Impatiently, Ritsu sat in the clubroom of the light music club and waited for Alyx. She was quite nervous, but not scared. It was more anticipation and lack of patience. She had waited for this opportunity for some time and now it was there. The meeting was called off, so she was the only one in the room. Of course, she didn't intend to practice all by herself (not that she practiced often, even when all of them were there). But what she planned wasn't something she could tell the others. Mio would probably fall into a coma if she heard it. Then again, she probably would just by hearing that she has a boyfriend. There was a reason why she never told the others. She wondered when he will come and considered sending him another message, when he finally arrived and climbed through the window. Ritsu smiled when she saw Alyx, quickly stood up and went over to him. "You're finally here!" she said loudly, instead of greeting him normally. "So you found the right window. But that wasn't really hard, I guess." She drew some confused looks, when she placed the ladder there, but nobody said anything. Ritsu was surprised about that herself, but she didn't complain. "I know that, but it makes it more exciting. You know, I thought it would be a lot of fun to do it here sometime. That would be today, since our meeting was called off," she said, without explaining things much.
Life as the son of a famous Hollywood starlet was great indeed. Especially since he was the son of the world's highest-paid actress, Sandra Bullock. Adam had access to anything he wanted thanks to his mother. Money? Not a problem at all. Work? Easy when most people knew who your mother was. School? A breeze thanks to highly paid tutors and Adam's looks. He was 16 years old and already had the world in the palm of his hand, the only thing missing being a lovely lady to share in all the spoils with. He was by no means bad looking; he stood at five feet and eleven inches tall and still growing. He kept his dirty blonde hair somewhat long, long enough to keep it styled, and his eyes matched the hazel of his mother's. So no, it wasn't his looks at all. It couldn't be who he was since girls practically threw themselves at him on hearing his name alone. It was the fact that he got a little shy around girls. Sure, he could put on the bravado of some playboy with millions of dollars backing him, but when it came to girls, that bravado shrunk to where he got cotton mouth when a girl came to talk to him, whether or not it was about something clean or something not worth mentioning. It seemed like the only woman he could hold a conversation with was his mother, and it really caused Adam sexual frustrations. Speaking of which, he wondered if his mother was around the house somewhere. He knew that everyone else was gone, but he didn't know where his mother was today. He crept out of his room and slowly walked around the house to try and find his mother. When he couldn't find her, he figured she was either gone or somewhere inside this big house and that she wouldn't hear him at all. With that confidence in mind, he quickly dashed to his mother's master bedroom and closed the door behind him. He looked around for a moment until he came across her dirty clothes hamper. He searched through it until he came across a nice dark pair of her silk panties. He took them out and put them to his nose. He took a deep inhale and savored it; they smelled just like his mother and something a little more. The smell was something bitter sweet and musky. He let his imagination wander and smiled at the thought of what it was - his mom got a little turned on while wearing these. He turned and went to the bed and sat down. He unzipped his pants and pulled them down with his boxers. He wrapped the silk garment around his cock and began to pump his hand up and down his hardened member, thinking about his mother. Since she really was the only woman he could hold a conversation with, they were closer than he and anyone else were. So occasionally his imagination strayed from the pure side and he had some sexual fantasies involving his mother, who could blame him? His mother was Sandra Bullock for crying out loud! She was wealthy, powerful, smoking hot, a triple threat! Adam began to moan loudly as he thought about his mother, which is why he did this when no one was in the house, hopefully no one was today.
Sandra had a late call the night before, it was a director who wanted to speak with her at the earliest time possible to discuss a movie. It was 7am and the actress had already left her mansion to go to the director's house. Pulling up in his driveway, she got out and rang the doorbell. The actress was wearing a tight white dress that showed every inch of her delicious curves and stopped just short above her knees. Her flesh on her legs were on show down to where her black heels gave her some extra height. Jewellery wasn't high on her agenda but she wore a bracelet on her right wrist which was her grandmother's and a wedding ring on her left hand which had a diamond so big it was hard to miss. Sandra's hair was down today, falling just below her shoulder, just the right length that she liked. Her face didn't have too much makeup on apart from some eyeliner to make her eyes stand out and a red lipstick applied to her lips. Sandra was seen by the director now, she waved goodbye and put some sunglasses on as she stepped into her Mercedes. Reversing out of the driveway, she drove away heading back home. The meeting went quite well; she hadn't worked with this person before but he seemed keen and impressed with her, and she felt the same about him. They looked over the script, talked about what kind of character she would be playing and who else would be starring in it. Sandra was happy and that was most important as she stopped at a traffic light. Leaning over to her passenger seat, she looked through her bag for her cell phone. Holding it to her ear, she tried to get in touch with her son Adam, but it seemed he wasn't around to answer, which confused her because he always picked up. Turning the corner in to her street, she saw her mansion with no vehicles parked outside, and everyone was out, it being a weekend. After the film star had parked her car, she used the keys from her bag to open the door and everything was still and quiet. Stepping out of her heels and putting them to one side, she walked barefoot, lifting her sunglasses to sit on top of her head. Placing the bag she carried on the table in the corridor, she walked up the marble stairs to her son's room. It was empty, and she saw his phone on his bed. Just as she picked it up, she heard a noise coming from what sounded like her bedroom. The marriage wasn't exactly at its happiest, and thoughts flooded in her mind with what she might find out. Walking silently thanks to her bare feet, she pushed her door open slowly to see something that shocked her. Dropping her son's phone, it smashed on the floor, breaking it. "Adam?!
Megan had managed to carve some time out to enjoy a fairly human thing. She was at a party. Her skin was pale and her red hair was short and stopped mid-ear. Her eyes were blue and she stood at an average height of 5'6". She looked around the place, her last hour at the party having been spent as a wallflower, refusing to dance with boys who reminded her of her ex, Connor. She smiled, moving away from a wall toward a boy. She had on a skin-tight red skirt long enough to cover her ass, but when she bent over just a bit of the black lace thong was shown. Her top was a black cropped corset that showed off her perfect D-cup breasts. She hardly covered them with an open red blazer. She wore flat boots that went up to her knees. She put on a flirty smile when she stood before the man she had eyed from across the room. Her red lips parted slightly and she said, "Hi.
Thomas blinked as the hot girl talked to him. He wasn't ugly, but his crystal blue eyes flowed over her curves, he had to admit she was sexy as fuck. Swallowing, he said, "Hello beautiful, I'm Thomas." Thomas was a bit taller than average at 6' 9", a bit pudgy but not really fat. He had dirty-dishwater blonde hair brushed back and gelled. He was wearing black jeans, a dark blue shirt, and a simple denim jacket. He slowly gained control of himself as he asked, "So what are you up to?
As his students piled into the classroom, Cameron greeted them all with a smile and a hello, as they took their seats. Even though things weren't as bright or easy as they could be, Cameron tried to keep everyone in a good mood. Unfortunately, it was raining outside, and the quidditch pitch was muddy and slippery, making it hard for the students to take off. So, he decided to let them do some book work for class, so that they could still learn some things about flying without actually having to fly. He looked around the room to make sure everyone was there and noticed someone was missing. The young woman had missed or been late to quite a few of his classes lately, and he was starting to get worried about her. "Does anyone know where Anya is?" he asked, looking around at his class. A Ravenclaw girl raised her hand, and Cameron nodded, letting her know it was alright for her to speak. "She's being punished right now," she said, her voice shaking slightly. "I don't know what for, but she was stopped in the hallway just before we got here." Cameron sighed, then opened his textbook. "Alright, everyone, open to page 52," he stated, his tone soft. It wasn't hard to tell that he was upset. As much as the man wanted to go and help the girl out, it wasn't that simple. The Death Eaters had control of Hogwarts, and the staff there had no say in what went on anymore.
Anya spent most of Camron's class being "punished". It was the downfall of being who she was... She was finally let go and she walked, or most would say limped, to his class. Her head throbbing and her body sore from the intense punishing regimen that the Carrow siblings had been using against her. Some of their favorites were using the Cruciatus curse, and corporal punishment which included beatings and cutting with knives. So it wasn't a strange sight to see Anya come to class with her face bruised, or a cut or two here and there. She walked into Camron's class, feeling horrible because she was once again late. She didn't make it for most of the lecture. Using her hand to guide her into a seat. Since her walking stick had been taken. She had a rather nasty bruise sitting on and above her right eyebrow, and a small split in the skin was slowly leaking blood. "I'm terribly sorry Professor," Anya said apologetically. Her voice so soft, so sweet. How she had been cursed with a monster's bloodline no one could understand. It was a true case of nature versus nurture.
Princess Hayden had seen better days. In fact, she couldn't recall quite feeling worse than she did at this particular moment. Barely had she been on her quest for a week now, and already she'd faced her first loss. Her brilliant, shining armor had been battered, nearly to the point of shattering. Her spear: Freya, weapon of the Valkyrie, lay point down several feet from where Hayden was heaped. Her shield had been battered so severely that it nearly stuck to her arm. Scratches marred Hayden's tanned skin, and a few pink spots showed where she'd already had to call upon the sacred powers to restore her health. The golden blonde hair, envy of the kingdom, hung lank and limp about her face. Even her beautiful complexion had been marred. Frustration and anger might look out from those sharp, light brown eyes. Failed. The great Virgin Princess had set out, wanting to right wrong and, most importantly, end this disgusting display that her kingdom put on every five years. Women and men from all over would come and engage in what essentially amounted to giant orgies. Warriors, mages, monsters and thieves would gather and fight one another. The winner took the loser, often in public and often in a manner that was almost humiliating. Fight enough battles, and you were invited to a tourney of champions. All those who participated, let alone won, in such the tourney were known throughout the land, often lauded for their prowess. A woman who did well in the tourney could literally pick her man. And a man could gather a harem of women ready and panting for him. Hayden had felt nothing but disgust for this. When the event had last come, she'd barely been in her teens, hardly qualified to fight. Now, the girl was in her late teens, having seen her eighteenth summer and then some. She'd been training hard, and had believed that she would come out of this battle as a victor. And in doing so, she'd wipe this disgusting competition from the Earth, purging her kingdom of its filth. Yet here she was, scrambling in the dirt, defeated and only after her first opponent. Hayden knew the terms: she knew what was to come next. She kept eying the man, waiting for him to move. She had to allow him to... to take what was his. But she didn't have to like it; she certainly wasn't planning to. "You won," she admitted, each word obviously costing her dearly. "So what are you going to do now?" You could hear the words "disgusting pig" in each syllable, and she almost spat on the ground as she finished. Those blazing eyes were locked upon her opponent, daring him to move, to even consider taking what he'd just rightfully won.
Nathan had been like air as he seemed to so easily defeat the girl, not knowing of her royal blood and how pure she was, what with her being a virgin. His black hair was spiked with purple dyed tips that barely popped out. He moved so fast that the purple was the only way you could see him, and this could be assumed why people called him the Purple Night. He was fast and accurate and all you would see would be purple when he came at you, even in the darkest of darknesses. He cracked his knuckles, having beaten her with his bare hands, never using an actual weapon as it would only slow him down. Once he had managed to beat her, he started to flail his hand lightly, as if he had punched something hard. Though, this would be the case multiple times. Her armor was...powerful. His hands felt like they were going to break. Upon seeing the condition her armor was in, however, he felt proud of himself and grinned. "Damn. I am NOT getting rusty!" He chimed smugly as he approached the girl as she lay defeated. He reached out and put a hand on her shoulder, grinning deeply as he moved the hand along her skin to her chin and had her move up to look at him. "Hello there, missy...I'm so glad that you lost. Now I can have some fun with you." He would pick her up into his arms, and looked around at the crowd in the arena. No...Not here. Not with her. This was his first win. He would have this all to himself. He would slowly walk out, letting the arena staff handle gathering the scraps and shards of her equipment to later give to her when Nathan was done with her. His white skinned hand placed itself on her cheek as he laid her down on the bed, still in her armor. "Tell me...Girlie...What is your name? I want to know the name of my first victory. That way I can moan it out while I fuck you...I'll go ahead and tell you mine, that way you can scream it instead of whatever god you go by when we have our little sexual romp. My name is Nathan Stone.
The plane kept jostling and shaking as if this were a shot from a bad film instead of real life. The few passengers had been bracing themselves for some time now, occasionally shooting wry smiles or apologetic looks to one another. They were all there for the same reason; there really wasn't another reason to head out this far into the country. A recent company had formed, one called "A Coalition to Save Africa" or Acosa, as it was more commonly referred to. Acosa had already done wonders to improving some of the more backward areas of the country, bringing "the fine ideals and standards" of the West. Mostly it was an extension of charity, but it seemed to have a knack for cutting through red tape. Hence the shaky plane. Its passengers were actually decidedly higher class than would usually be flying on such a deathtrap. MissKaley Cuoco, female star ofThe Big Bang Theoryand semi-comedic actress happened to be one such passenger. Currently the curvy, sexy blonde was busy bracing herself on a rickety chair, shooting apologetic glances to the handful of people who'd agreed to accompany her. On the other side of the plane was oneNina Dobrev, another breakout television star, though hardly a comedic one. Nina looked, if possible, even worse off than Kaley. The girl almost looked a little green, though she was putting on a brave face: smiling through her discomfort. Both girls were dressed more for comfort than for anything else, knowing that there would be a short walk after the plane before they headed to the semi-remote location. They were both participating in a TV for Africa promotion. they'd come out to do a special appearance for people, donate some time and money to local organizations, and even spend some time getting to know the locals. Kaley's show had become a huge hit even here, so it only made sense that she'd be invited. The situation was similar for Nina, with her breakout role causing a sweeping sensation among a younger crowd. Of course, it was also altogether likely that there was an entirely different reason for inviting two beautiful women into a remote location, but surprisingly, neither girl suspected as much. At last, the plane landed. Disheveled, disoriented, and generally just glad to get off, Kaley, Olivia, and their assorted crews exited the plane. There would no doubt be people there to greet them and escort them to the more distant, remote locations for the actual activities, and the girls were more than ready to move on to that, even if the ride proved a little rougher than they would have originally thought.
Olabode wasn't considered a warlord, but he was known as the most powerful man in this part of Africa. So it had come as no surprise when the rich man Tyler Harris had contacted him with a very interesting idea. First Tyler had opened Olabode up to a whole new world of sex and bondage, using one of Olabode's black women to do so. They then built a home deep in the woods where privacy could be had, in many places where they couldn't be seen Tyler had placed devices called cameras. They had something to do with the televisions many families now owned, through a process Olabode wouldn't even pretend to understand. Once the place was built, Tyler promised to bring Olabode the pretty white woman from the televisions to him. Olabode stood with his giant arms crossed, wearing American jeans and a white tee-shirt beside Tyler, the two of them watching the plane come to a stop. Tyler had explained the process to Olabode; the girl would have a gang following her; a gang that Olabode couldn't simply have his men kill. There was a trick Tyler had come up with, while driving through the woods Olabode with the girl at a sharp turn he would escape the other vehicles following, another jeep taking the lead. Olabode was then free to take the girls to their secret home, where he could do as he wanted. Soon the plane came to a stop, a set of stairs pushed to the open door and people began to stream out. Following just behind Tyler, Olabode watched as he met with not one, but two pretty ladies. The blonde one, Kaley he had been expecting. The darker one, Nina was a surprise but a very good one. Tyler then introduced Olabode to the two woman. He shook their hands, It is very good to meet the both of you. I will see that you both enjoy everything Africa has to offer A wide smile was given; although he was the tallest male in the crowd, and the largest as far as muscles went, when he smiled he looked completely harmless. It was a trick he had used to take over this section of Africa. Olabode listened as Tyler explained to the two woman and their gangs that Olabode would be taking them in his jeep, ahead of all the other vehicles, so he could point out certain landmarks as they went to the first location; and answer any questions the two ladies might have. Once the introductions were done, and instructions explained the large group went over to the large assortment of vehicles waiting for them. Olabode opened the back door to his jeep, motioning for the women too get inside.
Her blue eyes were glassy, almost lifeless, as they shifted and glanced up toward the white ceiling. "White," she mused. At one time she supposed it might have been such a color. But then was white truly a color? Or was it all colors? Oh, she could hardly remember any longer nor could she find it within herself to care. As her eyes remained fixed staring at what was above, her head tilted slightly. The ceiling was rancid with deep, dark stains Alice knew not. There was a time when she might have wondered, might have cared. Might have been...curious. Almost shrugging, but not moving, her lips suddenly turned upward into a twisted smile. Matilda Jane, you never look At any toy or picture book I show you pretty things in vain You must be blind, Matilda Jane! Alice grunted, her body jostling as it was roughly shoved against by a weight of something... familiar? Yes. She recognized the weight, the smell. All of it. For a moment, she caught another glimpse of white. Mmm, yes. Airy fabric. Coarse and rough. So itchy. How that gleam of purity hid the darkness of what laid beneath it all. Clever shadows. Clever, clever, clever. She even found it funny. Her body actually knew what to do nowlegs just spreading in wait for the inevitable as her mind seethed. So much anger. 'What was that, Cheshire?' she thought to herself. She could've sworn she'd heard the cat speak, her eyes turning away from the ceiling, seeking out the treacherous grin of the feline stretching out in the cornerits home. I ask you riddles, tell you tales, But all our conversation fails. You never answer me again I fear you're dumb, Matilda Jane! Yelping as the invasion finally came, Alice's eyes began to tear. Slowly, pale alabaster skin began to streak and stain. What was one more thing becoming dirty? She was already dirty. Dirty hands. Dirty face. And now... dirty inside... 'Where is my Protector now?' she wondered. 'Curious... so curious...' Once again he was nowhere. Once again, proving his worthlessness. Was there anyone worth anything any longer? Of course not! Life was one big cycle of worthless. No one was to be trusted. Not a soul! First the parents betray along with the boyfriend. Why wouldn't... he? They all betray eventually. Matilda darling, when I call, You never seem to hear at all. I shout with all my might and main But you're so deaf, Matilda Jane! The cries became louder until her voice was almost hoarse, her throat sore. Alice longed for peace. Something... why wouldn't he come? He'd promised... he'd promised. And even though she'd begun to hate him, a part of her still held on to a hope she knew was hopeless. But as her eyes turned toward Cheshire, grinning at her from his dank corner, she knew she had to. It was the only tangible thread left to the insane world she lived in. The only thing left to cling to. 'Why...?' she thought to herself as she felt her body get used and coated in god only knew what, her tears flowing hot, burning. Matilda Jane, you needn't mind, For, though you're deaf and dumb and blind, There's some one loves you, it is plain And that is me, Matilda Jane! The brush of white fabric caressed Alice's face and she felt the prick against her thigh. Another pair of hands picked up her body and let her crumple into a heap onto floor, just as rancid and 'white' as the ceiling. As always, she knew she was bleeding and as always she knew there would be bruises. Slowly, she crawled over to Cheshire, twitching as she hugged her knees to her chest, her white gown a flimsy covering at best over her slight body. She tucked her blonde locks behind her ears and began to rock. "Why Cheshire? Why?" Alice asked the cat. "Why doesn't he ever come?
Across the hall, a young man, of 19 sat by his door, he could hear the muffled screams of the girl, Almost every night this went on sometimes for a few minute's sometimes for hours. until 'The Men In White' were done with poor Alice, the Warden despised her young girl, most of the saner inmate's chalked it up to her being envious of Alice, because despite what went on in her head whatever made her insane that is, she was very beautiful. Her skin was a light shade of pink, her hair a beautiful blonde almost the color of honey, and her eyes would remind you of swimming pools that were so blue and cool to the touch, but, as things went on she began being worn down, her hair would usually be dirty with sweat and tears sometimes her face was bruised her lip might have a scar or scab on it, it all depended on that night's assailant, she had several marks on her arms and leg's from the rapist's that came to take what the Warden demanded, her only shred of innocence left from what her parent's did to her, and what she did to them, she came from a home from what he understood that was filled with a drunk father and a very envious mother, her father would drink and have at her daughter beating her raping her whatever he chose and her mother was very violent, calling her a whore and beating her without mercy, it didn't supervise him that she murdered them both and pretty much admitted to it, the only reason she didn't get Death was because she was so young and very much insane, now, she still cries almost every night his promise to protect her was shattered the first time he stood up to them he killed one and paralyzed the other and now every night he gets locked into a padded room left to hear Alice's cries of pain as they rape her, the tears have left lines in his face he was in here because of the simple fact that he sees things strange thing's he often encounters a White Rabbit, who claims he is always late but most it's time is spent in his cell with him, he heard her words in the quiet hallway even with the padding there was a crack under the door where every sound could be heard, her voice found its way to his door as she spoke. "I'm right here...right here..." His words were useless. He knew she had all but hated him now, because the promise he made the first night it happened was broken. The Men made sure of that by locking him inside of a padded room where there was no way out. Before going to humiliate and insult Alice, the Warden waddled over every morning to check and see if he was still inside. But before leaving, he would always whisper, "Forgive me please." While they were given their meds, he would notice her watching. Sometimes, while they were given their meds, he would notice her watching. She didn't speak much, of course, who would after what she had been through? He would stay close during the daytime to make sure nothing happened, but at night, she was alone. In her cell, the cat walked on the floor in front of the blonde and sat down. The moonlight illuminated the room. The cat spoke up as its form could be seen. It was rather emaciated, with skinny, long limbs, and a long tail that went from side to side as it spoke to Alice. "My dear," it said, "it is no fault of his. We both remember what he did that first night.
Greetings Vault Hunter! Now that you've reached the Bullymong den, I'll need you to use the phial I gave you. That blue liquid is a special kind of pheromone extracted from a young Monglet. If you douse yourself with that, then the Bullymongs should think you are one of their own. This will allow you to get up close and record their social habits without putting yourself in any danger! A brilliant plan indeed!" Kaliope activated her storage deck and removed the bottle Hammerlock had given her when she took the job. The phial materialized in her small hand, and the first thing she noticed was the color. "Um...sir Hammerlock? You said it's a blue liquid, right?" She asked uncertainly. "Yes, yes. That's the one. Now douse yourself and release the camera-bot. It will follow your location while taking videos of the Bullymongs in their natural environment." "Ah...yes, I get that part...but this bottle is red, and it doesn't say 'Monglet' anywhere on it. It says 'Bullybabe in heat.' What does that mean?" There was no response from Hammerlock right away, which made her worry even more. "Aha...not to worry! Simple mix up of labels and food coloring I'm sure. Go ahead and spread it on, and make sure to cover yourself as much as possible. If anything does happen, I'm sure you can handle yourself just fine! I'll see you when you get back!" The transmission ended and Kaliope was left standing there, overlooking the Bullymong den, and having some serious doubts about this plan. Unfortunately she really needed the money. This whole week she'd survived on what she could steal from bandits, and buy using the little money she scrounged during her jobs. She was only sixteen, and had no real skills to call upon. So normally all she could do was cleaning jobs, deliveries, and various other menial tasks. This one paid better though, maybe even enough to put her up in the spare room Moxxi had for rent. So she gritted her teeth and opened the bottle. She dribbled the liquid over her arms and rubbed it into her skin, then applied the rest everywhere else she could, until it was gone. The fluid was warming, and very musky. She wondered if all Bullymongs smelled like this, after all she'd never actually been up close to one before. "Okay can do this. Not to worry, Hammerlock wouldn't screw you over....just walk in, and get the video..." She tried to assure herself as she slid her petite frame down into the den. She made little noise, and nothing came out to attack her. "So far so good..." She took a few steps in, testing her luck. When nothing happened, she let out a big sigh and tried to relax. Only to lose consciousness as something smacked her upside the head. An unknown amount of time later she woke up with a groan, to the feeling of something heavy and hot laying on her face. She turned to the side only for her face to be smothered in some hot, musky pillow that felt like skin. Even when she opened her eyes she couldn't see anything, so she turned back, and went completely cold with fear. There was a cock on her face, and that pillow had been the balls connected to its base. Worse yet, that cock belonged to a Bullymong, which was panting over her, drool seeping from its mouth. "Fuck...." Was all she could say. She was surrounded, several Monglets ambled around her, their own cocks standing fully erect. She didn't have any sexual experience, so she had nothing to compare too, but she was sure most humans didn't have dicks as big as those Monglets. Then of course several adults surrounded her as well. heat...she was going to kill Hammerlock if she survived this. Perhaps there was still some possibility of escape....
If there was a chance to safely escape the clutches of four-armed beasts able to hurl rocks as big as a man, it was still to reveal itself. And in a way, she already was lucky. Few people woke up after being attacked by a bullymong. Even if waking up means being greeted by the sight of big, orangish meat rods of horny beasts. Heavy panting of excited monglets filled the air, as the one whose cock she woke up under, rubbed his meat back and forth on her face. The creature seemed to be quite confused. One part of his primitive mind knew that something was wrong. That female looked all wrong. Not enough limbs, little fur, small frame... But the other, more basic part shouted "A willing female! Fill her up!" Sir Hammerlock: "Hello, lass. Are you there?" His voice sounded through the ECHO communicator. "I turns out I actually had a bullymong female pheromones here. I have to stop arranging my samples when drunk. Are you there? Wait, I'll just get the cam-bot feed on my screen... Oh my... That's not good." That's one way of describing a bullymong more and more persistently trying to find a fitting orifice in Kalliope's body to put his prick in. And with her other suitable holes being hidden under her clothes, he tried to go for the only visible one. She felt his hot, pulsating and sticky cock rubbing her cheeks. The smell was so intense it was almost intoxicating. Lucky enough, being such a massive creature, their pelvises were very small compared to the rest of their burly body. That means smallest of monglet cocks present were average for human body. Other monglets could be considered "big" or "very big" in human scale, but well... manageable. Sir Hammerlock: "First of all - don't scream. High-pitched noises are likely to make them aggressive. They don't seem willing to cause you any intentional harm, so do not provoke them. I will gather a rescue party and send them your way in a shortest notice possible." As he said that, the monglet molesting her at the moment started snarling and pounding his chest with his upper arms. Lower pair reached down and grabbed her by hair and her left shoulder. He shook her a bit, with an irritated growl. Other monglets around started moving from side to side giving out noises of anger and impatience. Sir Hammerlock "Oh, that one seems to be frustrated from the lack stimuli from your part. Better do something to calm him or he can get violent. I'm off to find some help. Try not to die in the meantime." And so, the scholar went silent. Which couldn't be said about young bullymong trying to find a way into poor girl's mouth, smearing hot precum over her upper lip and left cheek. He starts to look... angry.
Azure and Elena exchanged curious glances as they passed through the gates to this strange facility. It wasn't professionally built, rather pieced together, albeit with some skill, from all manner of salvaged materials. Still, the size alone was impressive enough to house dozens upon dozens of various animals from all over Pandora. It was like a shoddy zoo, only it was supposedly a research facility. "This place is kinda neat..." Elena mumbled as she looked through various windows at the lifeforms inside their cells. There were Bullymongs and Varkids, Spiderants and Rakks, almost anything the two of them had ever seen in their travels. "Yeah, creepy too." Azure was taller than Elena, and her body much more athletic. Her skin was deeply tanned and her crimson hair was done up in a thick braid running from her forehead to the back of her knees. Elena had fair skin, and a petite but curvy physique. Her silver hair only went past her ears. Both were wearing similar outfits, with skin-tight combat suits beneath varying clothing. Azure wore a tactical jacket and baggy cargo pants, both red over her yellow skinsuit. Elena had a pink skinsuit, with a white hoodie and pleated skirt. If they looked a tad....out of place on Pandora, that was because they had only just arrived. They came with dreams of finding the Vault, but as soon as they heard Hunters were being targeted, they laid low and pretended to be bounty hunters. So far they'd gotten by on odd jobs, the occasional easy bounty, and fucking for shelter. It had been a serious change for both of them, but Pandora changes people, and after a few times it became instinct. Even sex was a weapon on this planet. It took a bit to find their way through the facility towards the point marked on their heads up display. And when they finally did, the two young women found themselves confused by the sight of a Claptrap, overlooking all the creatures. "Um...excuse me? We are here about the opening for some lab assistants? Can you point us to your boss?" Elena asked somewhat directly. The job request hadn't said much in the way of what they'd actually do, however it paid well with the possibility for bonuses. As a bonus, it said guaranteed protection from danger. It was hard to pass up an offer like that on Pandora.
Ow! Hi there, ladies," the little robot exclaimed in an excited voice before disappearing into some corridor without giving the two girls a chance to reply. The animals in the cages made loud noises or became noticeably restless as the quirky bot passed them by. After a short while, the sound of cans falling over filled the facility as the same claptrap from earlier came rolling up to them with a clipboard and a white coat in tow. He stopped before them to pull out a monocle he screwed onto his bionic eye to look at his chart. The strange robot looked like a pretty standard claptrap unit with some minor upgrades that seemed to be done by himself or someone who either wasn't too great with tools or slightly intoxicated or any combination thereof. Mostly the extra bolts on his front chassis and two extra panels under his spindly arms, which housed support for his arms most likely, were the most obvious 'upgrades,' or those that were even visible at all. "Mmmm... yes... you two seem like the only candidates who have shown up... So if you both are interested, I think I could find something to occupy you two with. You two will probably be assigned to our research and development part that focuses on the breeding and interbreeding of creatures on Pandora...
I cannot believe you Willow," Tara stared accusingly at her girlfriend, utterly betrayed. "How could you do this?" She paced their little den, looking at Willow who folded her arms and refused to look back at her. "I'm sorry, I know it was wrong... but I just couldn't handle you being so mad at me." "I would have calmed down, been more reasonable. But you took that choice from me. You broke my trust and erased my memories. I feel violated." There was no other word for it. "I need you to go Willow. I need some space." Willow's head snapped up. "No, don't leave things like this... we need to talk about this." "Youneed to talk about this. I don't trust you any more Willow. You need magic like a drug, you've become so controlling and it's twisted, what you did to me. The only way I can be sure you won't mess with my head is for you to go somewhere else. Pack a bag. You can go stay with Buffy or somebody. I can't have you here right now." "I'd never-" Willow began but Tara cut her off. "Yesterday I'd have said that too but the fact is that you did. You didn't even admit it to me either Willow, I had to figure it out for myself. You were never going to own up." Willow rose and lifted her hands in a placatory gesture. Tara flinched, her own hands moving in a reflexive blocking motion. Willow froze, finally realising the full impact of what she had done. "This isn't even just about that," Tara continued. "I've seen you looking at boys, I even found a number in your purse the other day. I know you're bi but you're in a relationship with me. I hate feeling like I'm not enough for you." "I was drunk when I was given that number, I forgot it was even there. I love you Tara." Willow looked her in the eye then, still frozen and with her hands in plain sight. "Is it because I won't use that... thing you bought?" Tara asked quietly. "The feeldoe? Oh no baby, that was just an idea, you know, a bit of fun. I completely understand that it's not something you want to do. I was going to take it back to the store, it's not like we opened it or anything." "How do I know Willow? How do I know what else you've made me forget?" Tara's head was in her hands now, but when Willow tried to approach her she shook her head. Willow connected the dots and sputtered in indignation. "Are you asking if I ever... if I made you forget something sexual? Are you actually asking me that?" "I don't know. I don't know what to think about anything now." Willow strode out to their bedroom and returned with the feeldoe still in its packaging. "I don't believe I'm saying this. Even if I had... made you forget something like that, as a bisexual woman I can tell you that you'd be left with physical soreness. Believe me, if you'd had this inside you, you'd know about it afterwards." Tara grimaced in disgust. Willow tossed the sex toy onto their couch, pacing around and raking her hands through her red hair. "You want me to be honest... really honest? Yes, sometimes I do miss penetration, but that doesn't mean I'm going out and getting laid. Sometimes I'll notice a guy or a girl and think they're hot, but it's just a passing thought. I'm with you and you're all I want. I don't care that you weren't interested in the feeldoe. Of course it would have been fun for me if you were, but it's not a big deal, it's not important to me. You're important to me. I only did what I did because I can't stand to lose you and now it looks like I'm losing you anyway. GOD!" Tara fetched a backpack and offered it to Willow. "I'm not enough for you. I've seen the way you look at guys and I saw the way you were hyped up about that thing." She gestured at the feeldoe. "I think you should go and have a long hard think about what you really want, because right now I just don't feel that you have any idea. I need some space and you're going to give it to me. Please just take some things and go." Willow stalked into their bedroom and flung some clothes into the bag, toiletries, make-up etc. She snatched up some of her magic books but again Tara frowned at her. "You need a break from magic, Willow. You need to really think about what you've done to me." "Magic is all I have left if I don't have you," Willow said. "What if you can't have both, Willow? What if regaining my trust means hanging up your powers?" Willow was visibly shocked, much more shocked than she had been when Tara had told her that she had realised her memories had been altered. She stepped towards Tara, her demeanour becoming apologetic, looking up at her through her lashes. "Look, I know you're upset and angry and you have every right to be but I swear Tara, I only ever altered your memory that one time. I made you forget about ten minutes of your life, ten minutes that we were fighting for. You're making this into a huge great deal but it was just one stupid little thing that I did. It never happened before and it will never happen again. I'm sorry I crossed that line and I'm sorry I hurt you but it was just one little mistake, a stupid error of judgement because I love you and I hate it when we fight." Willow was closer to Tara now, almost within touching distance. Tara saw straight through her girlfriend, saw that she didn't want to face up to what she'd done and wasn't prepared to stop practicing magic. For the first time in their years together, Willow watched in horror as Tara's pretty face twisted with rage and hate. "You don't get it at all do you!" She yelled. Despite being the stronger of the two witches, Willow was thrown backwards, hitting the wall and collapsing to the floor. The force of Tara's emotion was terrifying. Willow scrambled to her feet and stepped towards her again. "Tara don't... stop this!" "I didn't start this!" Tara felt the power welling within her and she screamed, all the heartache and anguish ripping from her lungs. Willow ricocheted off of the wall and landed at Tara's feet, unconscious. Tara touched her cheek but there were no tears there. Willow had made her feel violated. Willow desperately wanted to be violated. Tara was angry enough to grant her wish. ~xXx~ A short while later, Tara was stirring a pot on the stove, humming to herself. Spike's peroxide blonde head appeared in her open kitchen window, inhaling deeply. The potion gave out a vampire-maddening scent of 'ripe female virgin' and Tara had used her own hair, since she still had her hymen.
Spike had smelled the potion, but was almost insulted by Glinda thinking he was that easy. Spike was admittedly young, but with two slayers under his belt, he was "Smarter than your average vampire." However, he was happy to let the blonde explain her plan. Soon, he was carrying Red to his crypt. He could smell the anger coming off of Glinda and it was turning him on. Reaching his crypt, he moved the door and bar into place. Putting Red on the bed, he pulled out several silk ropes. Smirking at Glinda, he said, "Normal ropes would let her cut her own wrists; a girl did that in Prague once. Dru danced in it like a kid and a Sprinkler." Nodding, he said, "I don't think Red would go that far, but better safe than sorry, ya know?" The red ropes were coiled from silk strong enough to hold a slayer, gentle enough it would take hours of working them to make your wrists start to look raw. Twice as long before you drew blood, and even longer to actually draw enough to kill yourself. Spike moved around the crypt, lighting several candles. He could sense Willow was close to consciousness, so he held out his hand for Tera's thong gag. Taking the item, he gagged Willow effectively. Before ripping off her clothes. Her arms and legs tied nice and wide, he moved back. Letting the witch awaken. After about a minute, he said, "You awake, Red? That good. I'm glad Glinda checked you out, made sure you didn't have a concussion." Sitting on the bed, he let his cool hands ghost over Willow's stomach, to her right nipple. His right middle finger circled it while he said, "Red, you really screwed up this time. Glinda is PISSED. She wants you to be hurt, to suffer." He leaned down closer but still loud enough for Tara to hear him, "However theirs just one little thing she forgot." Reaching Willow's ear, he whispered simply, "To hurt you Scoobies, you have to hurt the ones you love." Spike smirked knowing that Tara had heard him. Knowing that she would try to warn her lover, but the gag was put in place too well. He stood up slowly, before moving too quickly behind Tara. His lips against her ear, he said softly, "Silly Glinda, you forgot, I am, were, and always will be the BIG bad." With that, he bit into her neck, enjoying the convulsions. It was almost as if she was orgasming from the force of his bite. Her whole body shaking uncontrollably from his deep sucking of her blood. However, after thirty seconds, he pulled away. Ripping Tara's dress. He didn't want her catatonic or dead; he wanted her conscious, but too weak to fight. Sitting down, he tossed Tara's bra across the room. Smirking, he said, "Hell, Red, no wonder you went after the earth chick. Look at those big round titties! Tell me, Red, how did you fondle them last? Were you a rookie about it, clutching blindly in the dark? Or did you do it slow and sultry?" His hands groped Tara's breasts like you saw on dirty movies. His fingers rubbing them. His thumb allowing him to twist them gently before twisting them sharply. Smirking, he said, "Does Glinda like a bit of pain too?" He pinched Tara's nipples, twisting them a bit harder. The light of the candles was a bit twisted. Showing only Tara's nude body and Spike's hands. Spike's still present black clothes aided in this. Allowing Willow to only see her lover, barely able to stand with Spike's help, his hands playing with her chest.
Several weeks had passed since the massive attack on New York City where the world was properly introduced to the premiere team of the world's greatest heroes. Many of these so-called Avengers had gone their separate paths since then, with several of them needing to both clean up personal matters along with cleaning up the destruction which had followed the alien invasion led by the superbeing known as Loki. One of those who were in need of some repairing of their own was the brilliant doctor known as Bruce Banner. Or, perhaps more famously at this point, recognized the world over by his once thought unfathomable alter ego of the Hulk. Deep within the jungles of Brazil, an isolated hut stood, with a dim light seeping out from the corners of the hastily put together door and the open window from one side of its four corners. Bruce had been here for a few weeks now, with little else than his notes and research to keep himself busy as the brilliant mind worked diligently on the gamma radiation related reports afforded to him by Fury following his assistance with the Avengers Initiative. The often elusive doctor, whom was currently hunched over a table while reading over the reports for the dozenth time, had for the longest time sought out a way of either ridding himself or at least further controlling the beast which raged within his body. This was nothing new for those who had kept tabs on him in the past. What none of the others had known at this point, however, was how things had changed within him following the manipulation mindjob done to Dr. Banner by Loki himself. Where once Bruce had seemingly gained a semblance of control over his 'other half' over the past few months prior to Fury making the call for his help, Loki had undone much of it within a few days time. Bruce could feel the incredible green behemoth knocking about within his head. The feel of the Hulk in there was stronger than it had been in a long while. Only now it was strangely... different. Where anger had once been the lone potential trigger for releasing the beast within, Dr. Banner had noticed a similar warning reaction within occasionally set itself off due to other stimuli. Excessive exercise being the main one which he'd noticed, but there were other... rather embarrassing stimulations which seemed to have a similar effect. And it was the effort to find a scientific way of correcting this apparent imbalance which had driven the lab coat wearing young man, as the late night dragged on with Bruce taking a moment to adjust his glasses while looking over the paperwork by the lamplight. While indeed secluded out here in the jungle, Bruce wasn't necessarily completely cut off from humanity - however much the reclusive male may wish to be at times. There were a number of communication devices which were rarely used but had a place in one corner of the fairly large hut. Amongst them, buried beneath a few crumbled up and discarded notes of paper, was a specific tracker used for in the event of an Avengers emergency. The tracking device remained silent, yet glowed with a seemingly unnoticed red light - indicating its current usage and the now likely event of Dr. Banner having an unexpected guest very shortly.
While most of the Avengers had either gone back to their regular lives or retreated to some remote part of the world to do whatever it was that they needed to do in seclusion after the battle against Loki and his Chitauri legion, the Black Widow had carried on with business as usual. Most of her assignments since then had been run-of-the-mill intel gathering, sabotage runs and assassinations targeted at some of the most dangerous and volatile terrorist organizations on the planet. The last one had been quite different, however. While Natasha had been trying to gather up info on the leaders of the Hammer of Retribution - who were currently considered as one of the highest global threats by SHIELD - she'd managed to sneak into a hidden lab which contained much more than just plans for chemical weapons. She'd read the Bruce Banner and Steve Roger files enough times to recognize a supersoldier formula when she saw one, and luckily had managed to hack the lab's database and download a copy before being compromised and having to flee, leaving a trail of bodies behind. That had all gone down in Bolivia which was where the Hammer's home base of operations was, and - coincidentally - Dr. Banner happened to be right next door in Brazil as Natasha found out when she activated his tracking beacon. Since he was by far the leading authority on Earth when it came to such matters, the Widow wasted no time in getting on the nearest SHIELD helicopter and being flown over to meet him. Banner might have heard the helicopter's rotors as it hovered briefly near his little makeshift home and lab just long enough for Natasha to be lowered down from a rope before flying away again. If she'd wanted to surprise him like she'd done during their first meeting, that obviously wouldn't have been her approach, but that was obviously unnecessary this time around. By the time that she'd made it to his hut, there were already a few beads of sweat visible on Natasha's brow from the short walk through the jungle which happened to be blisteringly hot and humid. A few strands of her eye catching coppery hair (which she'd grown out since the incident in New York so that it was a few inches past shoulder length now) were matted against her forehead, hear heartbeat was slightly and her breathing was noticeably heavier than usual, but overall that wasn't so bad considering that even an average athlete would have been exhausted by that point. She reflected that perhaps her black SHIELD catsuit might now have been the most appropriate choice of attire in these conditions, her skin feeling a bit clammy underneath, but then again she hadn't been expecting to stay very long either. "Quite the...cozy little place you've got here, doctor," Natasha said as she opened the hut door and stepped inside, the hint of an amused smile lingering upon her glossy pink lips afterwards. "I hope this isn't a bad time.
Chaos had descended upon the happy shoppers of the newly opened supermall, located near the center of the city. It wasn't due to the sale of new designer high heels in the second-story shoe shop that caused the commotion. Reports of strange activity within the large three-story shopping center had been surfacing since its grand opening earlier in the month. No one could explain these occurrences away without pointing the finger at the rebellious youth of today and their lack of moral decency, thanks to bad parenting and the internet causing a decline in social standards. The sudden raising of women's skirts as they made their way through areas with no apparent drafts of wind was an issue, as well as the occasional groping of busty customers by either phantom hands or even male patrons who claimed to have blacked out only moments prior. There was also that incident involving a threeway between a middle-aged couple and a seemingly traumatized yet oddly satisfied store clerk. And let's not forget what some of the female customers were doing with the ketchup bottles before pleading ignorance to their actions, even after being shown the security camera footage. Okay, so maybe they weren't exactly normal incidents, but they certainly weren't completely above a good PR spin to put a positive face on them. Unfortunately, not even the greatest of public relations could hope to cover up what was happening now. The chaos of the moment was seemingly punctuated by the almost piercing scream of a woman who could be seen racing down the aisles of the mall in her underwear while a mixture of ghostly figures and human males with strangely glowing eyes gave chase - ripped skirt in hand and with rather clear intentions in their almost comically twisted features. She wasn't alone in her shock and terror, as numerous customers of both male and female persuasion were seen trying to fend off possessed humans and ghosts alike. There were women running from men and apparition. Men trying to defend their wives and dates. Not to mention a few pimply faced teens who were being chased by a number of evidently possessed toys - with their greatest horror seemingly being due more to said toys being taken out of their mint boxes, rather than the possessions themselves. "Sinners!" Shouted a light-complexioned, dark-haired male in his mid-twenties who was dressed as a priest and stood near the center of this madness while perched upon a bench - an opened bible in hand as he further scolded, "You see now what your life of sin, debauchery, and greed has brought down upon you? This is your time of judgment! This is the final fate of your immortal souls! This... well, this is just a shitty time for most of you in general." A snicker escaped the male's lips after that final bit; his lips curving into a sly little smirk as the head ghost which resided within took a moment to survey his handiwork. If one were to peak down at the bible in his hand, they would find little else but mostly blank pages - save for the occasional dirty scribble jotted down in his free time as the possessed male reflected, "A guy could get used to this whole wrath and judgment crap.
The massive glass entryway to the mall's lower floor exploded as the infamous pink SUV of Daten city known to most as "See Through" utterly destroyed everything in its path. The vehicle powered through everything in its path; people darted out of its way almost in more fear for their lives than their nether regions at this point. "Stopping, ejected me at the food court!" shouted the blonde passenger, standing in her seat and removing her g-string. "These cunts are scaring away all the hot ass here." "Christ Panty, you can't stop thinking about sex for like, five seconds can you?" replied the gothic driver. "Sure I can," said Panty, "1...2...3...4...5, there I did it now hurry up, I have a hot date tonight and I don't wanna be covered in ghost guts this time." Within Panty's hands, the undergarment from which her name derived was magically transformed into a holy Desert Eagle that gleamed with an ethereal aura. "Gladly, I don't want herpes all over the seat," Stocking slammed her Mary Jane stiletto hard into the brakes and down shifted until she skidded to a stop. Panty was, as demanded, ejected into the air two stories up. Panty glided with grace and determination despite the high octane speeds. She cocked her weapon and began her rapid decline. Beneath Panty, a devilish looking ghost hovered above a possessed human, marionette guides in his hands as if he were controlling a puppet. It cackled maniacally before sensing the angel's presence. It looked up to see the muzzle of the glowing gun inches away from his yellow eyes. She shouted her "holy" quote of judgement. "REPENT, MOTHER FUCKER." The gun was practically touching his eye when she pulled the trigger, the spirit bullet firing through his eye and hollowing out his skull. The gun's muzzle pushed fully into his open wound and was carried with Panty down to the ground, landing with a heavy thud that cracked the flooring. Panty grabbed the ghost's dissipating shoulder, keeping him bound to the mortal realm for a while longer and ran with him, using him as a fleshy, riot shield. The back of his skull flashed repeatedly, every shot fired blowing massive chunks of flesh and bone from the ghosts that surrounded her. By the time most could react half of the specters could react, the other half was already shot down, their ethereal bodies obliterated by Panty's holy ammunition. Behind her, Stocking jumped off See Through and pulled off one of her stockings. The thigh high garment transformed into a long sabre and was quickly being slashed through the air, decapitating all the dazed ghosts her sister had missed or ignored with her fire-arm. As quickly as they arrived, the Anarchy sisters had utterly annihilated all resistance, standing triumphantly in the mall centre, the wind of their fast arrival finally catching up, blowing their short dresses in between their milky thighs and revealing their own nether-regions to the daemon who had afflicted such chaos upon these innocent people.
There are just some days that, despite your best efforts, will never redeem themselves. The same goes for people too, and of course, food. After another long day of attempting to save the fate of humanity, Zatanna felt exhausted and worn out. She had always been doing something for others, but nothing for herself. She had previously read in a magazine somewhere that cooking relieved tension, but they must have been sorely mistaken because all it did was add to her stress. Her attempt at making a three cheese broccoli and eggplant bake failed miserably, and now she was hungry, bored, and upset. What she really needed was a way to work out her steam. What better way is there to do that than a wild night in between the sheets without commitment? Sensing a brilliant opportunity, she grabs her coat and slides it over her shoulders and buckles it over her midsection, covering the exposed flesh of her chest and shoulders. As she walks towards the door, she removes her favorite top hat from the rack and leaves without stopping, her costume now fully complete. Her destination: Cape and Cowl, the hottest new club in town, the one place where she can fit in with the crowd of mundane everyday people. Her arrival in the club already started to make her feel better, and as she thought, she looked just like one of them. Her eyes scanned the place for interesting people and she noticed someone of interest not too far away from the bar. People looked her up and down, probably thinking that her costume was a really good knockoff, even if it was the real deal, and she sits down at the bar near the man, crossing her fishnet clad legs in front of her. "Nice place. Come here often?" she asked the man confidently, even though she knew it was the worst pickup line she could have ever used.
Thomas chuckled, taking in the sight of the babe-acious raven-haired woman. Most would call her a good cosplayer, but to one who was a demon summoner, well magic left a mark on the soul that was often referred to as a taint. Even his rookie skills could see this woman glowing. He smirked as he said, "I'd hope so, since I own this place. What do I owe to the pleasure of having the world's strongest magical female in my humble establishment?" Thomas was tall, just under seven feet, with white blond hair brushed back into an elaborate braid that stopped just above his ass. He wore a crimson silk button-up shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, fingerless gloves on each hand, black slacks, and black combat boots with steel toes laced up. His sapphire blue eyes ran down her body as he said, "Damn girl, if more heroines looked like you, I'd never have hung up my cape." Thomas nodded to a six-foot-nothing succubus who had brought them both drinks. She was wearing a Wonder Woman outfit, which she pulled off perfectly. Smirking, he said, "I only hire noncombatants, and besides, do you know how hard it is for a normal girl to pull off the Princess's aura? It always feels fake. I have a half-orc around here as Hawkgirl, totally opposite issue.
The cries of numerous soldiers still rang in her ears as the terrifying form made its way to her. Even with the preparations they had made, the fall of Hyrule Castle seemed inevitable. Even though Princess Zelda had chosen to stand as the last defense with numerous guards, even she was growing worried for the kingdom's future. Ganon himself had come and laid waste to the last lines of defense, though rather than killing the princess, he had her taken away. At first, the young princess had imagined she would be tossed in the dungeons to be tortured and made to reveal kingdom secrets. However, upon arriving in the dark castle that Ganon took residence in, she was led right past the dungeons being led up flight after flight of stairs until she was brought in front of the door to Ganon's personal quarters. She felt her heart sink, as she felt a different sort of torture would be in store for her here. She was forced inside, and made to wait until Ganon would return. There was a lone window in the room, but even if she thought to jump, it was much too high for her to survive the fall. Any thoughts of trying to get out through the door would be tossed aside with the guards. No doubt they would be sticking around until they weren't needed anymore. What a pain. At the very least, they hadn't been too rough in bringing her over, even if she put up a struggle. Her clothes had not been ruined, aside from a few wrinkles now from how she had been handled. Whatever Ganon had in mind for her though, she did not wish to have a part in it. It was her kingdom and her people before anything else after all. If it cost Zelda her life, she'd make sure Ganon would not get what he wanted from her.
The door opened gently, but it felt as though force had impacted against it; so sudden and yet it made no noise, only giving her a hint of his presence. Tall and dark, the evil man who brought chaos and disorder to her kingdom and their world, stood in the doorway. His armor and stature were entirely solid like stone. His red hair was nearly sun-stained blood. His dark skin was smooth with his cape. His eyes were as poisonous as his tongue. He simply stood there as Zelda acknowledged him this time. "My fair lady," he bowed only slightly as he stared at her with those seemingly hungry eyes and that wicked grin that might have stripped her clothing entirely.
The war, what little there had been of it was essentially over. Just a few scant days ago Lord Voldemort had been bending his considerable will towards solving the problem that came from the connection that his own wand had to the cursed Boy Who Lived, fragments of old legends catching his attention and promising a potential solution to the issue but then news had come... it was as good as over now. Apparently Potter and two others had broken into the Ministry of Magic, a seemingly suicidal mission without a purpose but upon looking more closely Voldemort was able to see the point to it all... Delores Umbridge, pure blooded witch and generally unpleasant person even by his own twisted standards, had come into possession of a certain locket, a locket that was once again in the clutches of its rightful owner but more importantly, still intact with all its charms. But in his attempt to get his hands on it Potter had attracted some attention in a poorly thought out attempt to help free the people being questioned by the panels that the ministry had set up, wonderful how even without needing to rule in the open his will was being done so quickly by so many. They all lied to themselves about his return and yet were behaving in a way that would please him just because in their hearts they knew it was true... wizards and witches who might otherwise be considered good and noble people had swarmed over Potter and his friends, alarms were raised... and they were taken alive. And Voldemort had gone to them, in the Minister of Magics office he had been ready to kill a defenseless Potter once and for all when he caught a glimpse of something in his eyes, something he had never seen in their earlier clashes, the slightest hint of himself. An instant before he had lashed out with a killing curse he had realized what it meant, Potter was a living Horecrux, and if killed then it would only serve to further the young fools goals. Of course this had angered him, rage had flared and the curse had still flown but instead of using it on potter the young red headed wizard at his side had fallen dead in the flash of green. Potter and the witch had both howled in rage but Voldemort was beyond being able to enjoy their suffering, he had things to arrange. Potter had to die and soon but first the fragment of his soul would need to be removed and placed into another suitable container. And so Potter had been turned over to a dedicated crew of Death Eaters, who spirited him away to a location known only to themselves and Voldemort, where he would be kept alive, if only just, and out of reach of a wand that would allow him to escape in any way. The mudblood witch had been turned over to the Malfoys, who were instructed on what to do with her so that she might be an example of his plans for her kind. Then came several days of intensive research, which revealed that Potter wasn't the first human Horcrux, and there was a way to fix the problem - it involved corrupting an innocent with a connection to Potter, a connection that had to go both ways. Once he learned of this, a few questions gave him the perfect name: Ginny Weasley. It was not a name unfamiliar to him, though he had no memory of it; this young witch had encountered a certain diary of his when she was young, a fragment of him using her to cause havoc in the school where she resided. In his mind, along with the affection that she and Potter reportedly held for each other, made her perfect. Many didn't realize it about the Dark Lord, but despite his appearance, he was still very much a man, with all the urges and desires that came along with that. Normally, he satiated himself using Bellatrix, but she was nothing more than a living plaything to him - never worthy of any true attention or effort. But Ginny might offer something different to him... curiosity had been sparked, ideas had formed. He wanted to live forever and rule, but he never said he would be alone as he did it. Companionship was desired. And so he sent for Ginny, agents at Hogwarts ordered to have her brought to him right away, even as Belatrix worked her lips and tongue to bring him pleasure. The fact that he gave this order, even as Belatrix worked her lips and tongue to bring him pleasure meant nothing - she meant less than nothing to him. Now, less than an hour after the order was given, Voldemort sat back in an ornate throne, carved from the purest onyx and chased with jade and silver, Belatrix standing just behind him and ready to serve in any way he needed should he ask. He just wanted to have her there to torment her when the younger witch arrived. A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts, and Nagani shifted at his feet, making her way across the room to roam through the rebuilt Riddle Manor at her leisure. Enter, he called out, his voice low but carrying clearly heard as the door slowly swung open and a clearly unhappy young lady was pushed into the room before the door slammed shut.
Ginny had been in the Gryffindor common room attempting to concentrate on some homework when Professor McGonagall swept in and fetched her. Within half an hour she was taken by side-along apparition to the burrow. McGonagall knew that Snape would never let Ginny return home as he was seeking every excuse to expel 'mudblood sympathisers' from Hogwarts. Ginny found her mother sobbing in her father's arms. Molly grabbed Ginny into a fierce hug and thanked McGonagall for bringing her. "Where is he?" Somehow in the face of her parents' grief, Ginny felt compelled to hold herself together. There was a total unreality to how she was feeling and only seeing her brother for herself would make his death real. "Kitchen." Was all Molly could stammer. On the long scrubbed wooden table that dominated the Burrow's kitchen, Ginny found her brother laid out beneath a sheet. She twitched away the fabric covering his face and was appalled by how peaceful he looked. She brushed a few stray hairs from his face and then the tears came. They were tears for her brother but more deeply and worse than that, they were guilty tears of relief that her beloved Harry still lived. His whereabouts were as yet unknown but it wouldn't take the order long to track him down. "Kingsley Shacklebolt got him out... no idea how." Molly had followed Ginny into the room but the sight of her son obviously distressed her, for she immediately drew the sheet back into place. "We'll bury him at first light and then Minerva will get you back to school before you're missed." "No." Ginny's faced her mother determinedly. "I'm not going back there. Harry needs me." "Don't be ridiculous, you're not of age and-" "And what!? I'm as capable a wizard as Ron was. I've faced Voldemort first hand. I've been possessed by him and survived. I've started a resistance movement inside Hogwarts under Snape's bulbous nose. I refuse to sit around learning how to torture muggles while Harry and Hermione risk their lives!" Molly was speechless. "Indoctrinate me into the order," Ginny pleaded. "Sign me up. If I don't go to him and something happens to Harry, I won't be able to live with myself. And if I can't go with your blessing, well then-" "You're my youngest daughter," Molly said, distraught. "You stand the least chance of coming back to us alive." McGonagall cut in. "Flitwick was keeping an eye out for you, and I just received a message from his patronus." "I'm not going," Ginny insisted. "You are going," McGonagall informed her. "If a student from my house vanishes under my nose, Snape will sack me, and then how will I protect my students? Harry and Hermione are highly capable wizards. The best thing you can do for that boy is keep yourself out of harm's way. He's grieved enough already." Ginny allowed herself to be taken back to school but stalked from the common room to her dormitory in a foul temper. Blinded by tears, Ginny stripped off clothing as she went. She poked her head through the curtains around her four poster bed, looking for her pyjamas. The voice was a mere whisper. "Petrificus totalis." Ginny's half-clad body was suddenly bound up and she landed on the Death Eater in her bed - none other than 'Professor' Amycus Carrow - who had swiftly suspended her form in mid air. The next thing Ginny was conscious of, she was being levitated through an ornate door and deposited on the floor. She wore her knickers, bra, and a half-open blouse, much to her mortification. When Voldemort's hideous visage came into view, she was angry but unsurprised. Who else would consider her worth such an elaborate kidnap? Part of her was actually pleased. Perhaps an opportunity would arise to avenge her brother. Amycus had her wand at present. Amycus tossed Ginny's wand and Voldemort caught it, then he exited and left her alone with the self-styled 'dark lord.' Although perhaps not quite alone. Ginny thought that she could hear the breathing and slight movement of more than one person.
For Draco, his fifth year at Hogwarts was proving to be a rather special one by any standard at all. So far, old Mudblood lover Dumbledore had been removed from the school and replaced by Delores Umbridge, who, to be fair, Draco couldn't stand in the least, but she had appointed him to the Inquisitorial Squad, giving him plenty of power to abuse and enjoy. Not only were Slytherin far ahead in terms of House Points, they also were pretty much unopposed on the Quidditch teams, in fact, they were the first team allowed to reform, giving them an advantage when it came to practice time. But right now, he was about to enjoy another spectacular perk of being not only a member of the Inquisitorial Squad but also the perk of being a Malfoy. Recently, Cho Chang had gotten herself into a bit of trouble; she was suspected of being a part of that tedious DA group formed by Potter and trying to undermine the authority of the Ministry, at least that was the official story about why they were banned. However, Draco suggested that Umbridge could see the changes that would soon be coming and wanted to ensure that she was on the right side of the coming conflict - being a friend of Mudbloods would soon be a rather poor position to find oneself in. Of course, Cho's mother was trying to protect her, having a mid-level job in the Ministry and subordinate through a few levels to Umbridge, but more importantly because she worked for the ministry, she was someone who had to listen to Lucius Malfoy. And Madam Chang's daughter had to be taught a lesson, which Lucius Malfoy was very fond of doing by proxy, and Draco was more than willing to take advantage of the set up there. From what Madam Chang had been told, she was to go to Hogwarts to tutor Draco, which was to be kept quiet because no one else was to know that a Malfoy might need a little help. But in truth, there was more to it. She was there to be a test subject for him, working on a new potion derived from the standard love potion but modified, an experiment that he had hopes to use to undermine Potter, since striking out at the boy who lived didn't seem to work when you struck directly. He would hurt him through others, and this potion was only the newest idea that he had, with a vial of the final product ready for testing, in the pocket of his robes as he made his way through the dungeon and too the class that he had been told that Madam Chang would be waiting for him in. He knew he was running late, but it hardly mattered; he was a Malfoy, and soon Madam Chang would be no one...
Madam Chang was fidgeting in the "official robes of a tutor" as the new edition of the "Clothes and Doodads of Professions" described her new robe. She was inspected by no other than Dolores Umbridge when she arrived in the school, her everyday robes left behind. The thirty-something mid-level official knew that she was punished, when only her silk underwear was left on her, and the black silk robe really wasn't that much protection against the slight cold of the dungeons. Hidden in a classroom under the kitchen, accessible by a secret door from the Great Hall of all things, Madam Chang - for it was her surname, just like her daughters, as both came from the family of Cho - tried to gather her wits about the studies of the fifth years. Knowing well that she would have to tutor Draco to the mark Lucius Malfoy would see as adequate, the Chinese MILF was restless, playing with her braided long hair. For anybody she looked like her daughter Cho Chang, just twenty years older and her hair twice as long, the braided tresses just reaching under her robe covered ass, cut to the length where she was not sitting on it... Of course unbraided even her asscheeks would be covered by it, but that was one thing nobody had seen outside her bedroom...
Bozeman, Montana...April 5, 2063...First Contact. It was only moments after the Vulcan scout ship landed that the Humans who were led by Zefram Cochrane attacked and killed the aliens. The Vulcan Ship was then stripped of everything while the Humans acted like wild animals partying around the fallen bodies of the alien invaders. The Terran Empire had just found new technology which it would use to expand across the galaxy. The Terran Empire applied this stolen Vulcan technology to a policy of aggressive expansion which led to many races being conquered. The Andorians, the Tellarites, the Orions, the Trill, the Betazoids and yes the Vulcans soon found themselves under the heels of the Human Empire. The Humans showed themselves to be brutish, scheming, and murderous creatures and they even shocked the Klingons and Romulans with how deceitful they could be. The Empire's hold on its territories was initially weak. In the 2150's, some of the worlds conquered by the Terrans were beginning to rebel against Terran rule, leading to a long-running conflict in which the Empire came to the brink of collapse. Propaganda, however, conveyed the message that things were going in the Empire's favor and that the war would be over soon. In 2155 the USS Defiant, a Federation ship launched in the 23rd century of a parallel universe, was reported in Tholian space. A mission was undertaken by the crew of the ISS Enterprise which at the time was under command of its First Officer Jonathan Archer. It was Archer's plan to steal this ship away from the Tholians and use it to overthrow the Emperor. The crew of the Enterprise did in fact steal this ship from the Tholians, but also lost the Enterprise in the opening moments of the battle. It did appear that Archer would take control over the Empire, but double dealing and backstabbing were apart of everyday life in the Terran Empire....that is if one wanted to get ahead. Archer found out too late that another member of the Enterprise crew had her sights set on ruling the empire. Lieutenant Hoshi Sato, who was the Enterprise's communications officer had ideas of her own. She poisoned Archer then took the Defiant for her own. Using the powerful Starship from the future, Hoshi soon took control and she was pronounced Empress of the Empire. After the defeat of the rebellion, the Empire turned its attention towards the other races in the alpha and beta quadrants. The Klingons, the Romulans, the Cardassians, the Tholians, the Gorn, the Ferengi, the Xindi, and the Breen were the only major powers left that could stand against the Empire. The Klingons and the Romulans had a long-standing hatred for each other due to years of betrayal, and even though they hated the Terrans, they couldn't set aside their mistrust for each other. The Romulans would stand alone and face down the Humans without help from anyone. In time, the Klingons joined with the Cardassians in an Alliance against the Terrans while the other races just sat back, not wishing to get involved. In 2267, members of the crew from the USS Enterprise, including Captain James T. Kirk, were accidentally transported to the mirror universe aboard the mirror version of the Enterprise, the ISS Enterprise. Before Kirk left, he tried to plant seeds of doubt in Spock's mind, but in this reality, Spock didn't succumb to Kirk's attempt to change the Empire. The Terran Empire continued under the control of the descendants of Hoshi Sato. But even the great Sato family had enemies inside the Empire, and in 2275, the Sato family was removed from power by Grand Fleet Admiral James Maxwell. The coup d'tat ended the rule of the Sato family who had been in power for well over a century. Maxwell proclaimed himself Emperor Maxwell the First after taking power. Emperor Maxwell started a program to rebuild Starfleet since years of battle against the rebellion left it weak, and if the Empire was ever going to conquer the remaining enemies, it needed its forces to be ready. An uneasy peace settled over the galaxy for almost a century. There were still battles between the major powers and the Empire, but all-out war was avoided. In 2368, war did break out when the Empire was finally ready and their target was the Romulan Star Empire. For the next five years, a bloody war raged between these two great powers, and by 2373, the Romulan Empire was ready to fall. The Romulans were going to make their last stand at a planet known as Galorndon Core where the bulk of their fleet would mass. The Fourth Fleet of the Terran Empire was sent out to destroy the remaining Romulan ships and pave the way towards the Romulan home worlds of Romulus & Remus. However, inept leadership on the part of Admiral Stone, who was leading this mission, and by a number of captains who greatly underestimated the Romulans' will to survive caused the Terran Empire to suffer a bitter defeat when they outnumbered the Romulan ships two to one. The Terran Empire sent the entire 4th fleet, consisting of 224 starships, to Galorndon Core, but only 87 made it back to Starbase 173. On the voyage back to Starbase 173, many of those who had been in command were locked up, some even killed by their own people. One of those locked up by his own crew was Captain Benton Maddox of the ISS Raptor, a Conqueror Class Attack Cruiser NCC 6472 carrying a crew of over 500 and an assault force of 150 MACO's (Military Assault Command Operations). These special troops were aboard each ship and served to protect the ship from intruders as well as being used as ground assault forces. Captain Maddox quickly found himself under arrest by his first officer, Commander Mason Kane. Commander Kane and the crew who backed him locked their captain away before heading for Starbase 173 with the remaining ships. Emperor Maxwell the 2nd, the firstborn son of Maxwell the 1st, took power after his father's death in 2359 and was outraged over the defeat of his forces, which should have won against the Romulans. He ordered Admiral Stone put to death. Captain Maddox was stripped of his rank and command and thrown into prison. Commander Kane was promoted to captain of the ISS Raptor and given new orders: a secret invasion of the mirror universe Federation. This invasion was to gather information on the Federation's technology and bring back anything that the empire didn't have. The Federation had been so helpful in the past with the USS Defiant that the Emperor felt they could possibly have new weapons or updated shields that the Terran Empire hadn't discovered yet. Captain Kane accepted this mission with a smile on his face. He knew that if they could bring back anything from the Federation, both he and the crew of the Raptor would be hailed as heroes of the empire. Kane left Admiral Grey's office on Starbase 173 and returned to his ship. The Raptor was currently being worked on to repair battle damage received during the fight at Galorndon Core. Losing this battle made the Terran Empire appear weak in the eyes of its enemies, something that couldn't be allowed to last. There was also some disturbing news which had come to Emperor Maxwell's attention a few months ago. A wormhole had been discovered in the Bajor System and this wormhole led to the Gamma Quadrant. The Klingon-Cardassian Alliance who had joined with the smaller power the Bajorans were in control of this gateway. The Emperor wanted this wormhole just as much as he had wanted the Romulans destroyed. Now with the Terran Empire looking very weak, he couldn't launch an assault on the Bajoran System or destroy the Romulans. This was his reasoning behind sending the Raptor into the mirror universes to find new technology. Emperor Maxwell the Second would have this wormhole, or it would be destroyed and no one would have it. In a few hours, the Raptor was repaired and left Starbase 173. A device had been attached to the ship's Deflector Array on the inside and was controlled from the bridge. This device would open up an interdimensional gateway which would take the Raptor into Federation space, then bring them home once their mission was over. Captain Kane stood tall and proud in front of his crew as he told them the news of this glorious mission and what it meant to the Empire. Mason Kane had finally been given what he had wanted for so long... command of his own ship. Handsome and powerfully built, Kane was on the fast track to getting a ship of his own one day, and now that he was captain, the women on board would be throwing themselves at him. The women of the Empire knew how to work their way to the top. Hoshi Sato herself had certainly fucked her way straight up and become Empress. The entire crew was standing in the shuttle bay while Captain Kane spoke of the glorious mission. To Kane's left stood his new first officer, Commander Faven Boreas. Although she appeared to be human, Faven was born and raised on the planet Ekos. To Kane's right stood Lieutenant Commander Dixon Webb who was human and Lieutenant Commander Tala Kalel Raioth who was an Andorian female. The blue-skinned beauty was the Security Chief and called Commander Tala since Andorian names are not easy to pronounce. Commander Webb was the Chief Engineer aboard the Raptor. It was his job to make sure that the gateway device worked properly. Captain Kane placed his right fist over his chest, then extended his arm outwards in front of his body." LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE! "This move and the words spoken were repeated by the crew. Everyone returned to duty once word on their mission had been explained. The Raptor soon approached the location where they would use their new gateway device. All of the ship's power would have to be transferred to the device in order to open the doorway, then the ship would enter. Once on the other side in Federation space, the Raptor would begin looking for a ship or station that they could attack, overcome, and take over. After that they would steal whatever information they could find in the computers and take prisoners. Once this was done, the Raptor would return to their universe with their prizes.
The training room, unlike the plush holodecks of the Federation, had no safeties built in to protect the participants. Little larger than a turbolift shaft, the training room spanned three decks and could with great effort poorly simulate any environment. The blow when it came stole her breath and knocked her onto her back. The Nausican pirate stood over her gloating, working the clasp of his belt to complete his celebration. Taking careful aim, Faven drove the man's balls back into his pelvis; the rest of the pirates' body fell two stories to the floor. Faven stood looking down at the last of three pirate prisoners taken from a crew of thirty. Leaping off the edge, she landed next to the pirate and raised her dagger overhead, plunging it into the Nausican's heart. "Attention all crew," the computer announced in a voice every bit as venomous as its crew. "We are about to enter the mirror universe." A wall of energy like a lens washed over her body; she felt like she was underwater, gasping for air. Then it was over. She read the reports from the incidents and wondered if each crossing was different than the last. The MACO were preparing in the shuttle bay, always polishing their weapons on one another, damn sexed MACO. Faven made her way to the bridge; men and equipment were being unloaded. Given the technological edge the Federation had over the Empire, the fight would be long and hard. "First officer Faven, we have sighted a Federation science station. Only a few freighters are docked. It was too good to be true - a target like this was more than they could have wished for, and thus must be a trap. Scan for cloaked mines. She refused to believe that the Federation was as trusting as reports made them out to be. The first sign of trouble was an exploding photon torpedo over the port nacelle; the micro torpedo didn't even heavily damage the shield. It was just a runabout, after all - ignore it if you can. She watched another attack from the opposite direction. How many of those small craft could a station that size have anyways? She wondered. The ship fired back, but the nimble craft evaded with ease, breaking off its attack run to do so. This is science station Epsilon, we are on a peaceful mission, the communication was cut at their end. Did they expect the Empire to care whether they were friendly or not? They still had good tech to steal. Faven had seconds to react before the cargo bay door was torn from its hinges, sliding over the floor of the shuttle bay. A piece of the door sliced through two decks and two rooms, coming just short of her head in the turbo lift cart. The edge glowed fiery hot, and she could see the damaged runabout through a gap between the door fragment and the wall of the shaft. Faven crawled on top of the door fragment, pulling herself through the gash to the shuttle bay as the cart wined then fell to the bottom of the shaft. Faven said a quick prayer for the junior officer crushed in the shuttle. She could see the runabout had plowed through several shuttles in its death roll, including the one manned by the MACO's commanding officer. Who was second in command here? A low-ranking officer pointed to the same command shuttle. Turns out all three senior officers were in the same shuttle - stupid! We're either the Empire or the Federation. Grabbing a weapon, Faven shot the fourth ranking officer. Listen: I am now in command. First rule: One commanding officer per shuttle. Rule two: No formation flying, no communications. I don't need a bullseye drawn on my ship. Taking a set of armor from a storage rack, Faven entered the shuttle she would have all the glory of taking the enemy commander for herself.
Chapter 1: "Escape from the Dead" It was an afternoon like any other, with the sun shining down with brilliance, the wind blew from the west and swirled the leaves in the athletic field about Hitomi's ankles while her eyes were fixed firmly upon the line in front of herself. "Come on!" she called to her students with a genuine smile, her legs spread wide as she sat on her rear before them and her arms out in front of herself, demonstrating how the exercise should be done. She could tell that a few of the boys were paying more attention to see if her hands or her breasts would touch the ground first, but in all honesty she didn't mind what they were staring at as long as they showed better results. "Looking is fine, but don't get carried away!" "Reach forward with both your arms, relax your back and shoulders and stretch with your stomach muscles!" she ordered, leaning forward just a tiny bit further. Then, she quickly pulled back and leapt to her feet. "Alright, thats enough. Lets do some jumping jacks drills then we can start our normal routine," she said with authority. Everyone jumped in line without hesitation and began to jump in unison... Well, most of them did, anyway. Indeed, it felt like just another ordinary day... But there was some other force at work that day, and as it slowly approached the school gates, the prospect of ever returning to the same lives that they knew and loved grew thinner and thinner... As Hitomi-sensei sent her students to run a few laps around the track, the math teacher, Akio-sensei, approached her. "Um, I'm sorry to disturb your class," the usually forward teacher seemed strangely timid, "but you know martial arts, correct?" "What now?" Hitomi replied in a slightly irked tone, not liking to be disturbed when she was in the middle of a drill. "It's not Souji again, is it?" Akio sighed. "Um, no, I don't think so," he continued. "There appears to be a bit of a disturbance at the west gate. It has several of the teachers worried since we already had a few people check on it but they haven't returned... Some of the students are getting worried." "Its probably just another would-be gang or something," Hitomi yawned, "Sure, I'll go lay out some thugs for you, but just hold things down here while I'm gone." She waved to her class in order to let them know she would be right back, and they returned the wave as she turned to leave. As Hitomi approached the west gate, what she thought was just a group of students and a few people not wearing school uniforms huddled about in a small group looking down at something, standing strangely still. She nearly laughed, as there didn't seem to be anything particularly odd about the situation, although she did feel a strange cold chill down her left side which she simply chose to ignore. "Excuse me, you are being a nuisance and causing quite a stir here," Hitomi called out to them. "Could you kindly break things up? Classes are in session, so head back to your respective classes before I have to get serious." The group all slowly turned in unison, the few patches of fresh blood staining their shirts being the first thing she noticed. "Oi... this is..." Their wide, soulless white eyes and cocked heads looked up at hers, not making eye contact but gleaming about like soiled pearls stuck in into their haggard, bloody faces. They stepped toward her, mouths gaping and snapping. Hitomi raised her hands up to her chest in terror... and let out a blood-curdling scream.
Souji rested in the school's rooftop, under the bright blue sky he always admired. Every time he was up there, he wished he was a cloud, drifting slowly and lazily through the sky without any worries. He took many naps out there because it gave him that impression. That he could just drift lazily through his life without a care. It was an illusion, of course, and he knew it, but sometimes it was just better to hold onto those little things that made him happy. At least for today he had managed to stay out of trouble, which was a good thing for a change. Spending the morning sleeping away was probably the reason he managed it. Even for him it was impossible to get into trouble while sleeping. He could hear some students exercising in the yard and almost laughed at them. Poor bastards, sweating in the sun, while he could just nap on the cool breeze. He pretty much enjoyed playing hooky, and was glad no teacher would bother with a seemingly lost cause as himself. He could also hear the voice of Marasaki-sensei barking orders and he could almost picture her in his mind, showing everyone how to do each one of the exercises. Naked. 'Wait a moment, why would she do that naked?' he berated himself, with a sigh, blushing slightly. Moreover, he would hate for everyone else to be able to see her like that, so why was he imagining it? As if her dumb fiancee wasn't enough... Thinking about it made his blood boil and suddenly he didn't feel like sleeping anymore. He sat, yawned heavily while stretching his body, before getting up and proceeding to the outside stairs. He was halfway down the stairs when he suddenly heard her scream. It was so fearful and scared he almost didn't recognize her voice. 'What the hell?' was the only thought on his mind as he sped up, jumping the steps four at a time as he ran down. He could see her by the front gate, and some strangers, clearly not students, closed in on her, walking in a rather stumbling and clumsy way. For some reason their approach did not seem normal. It had a certain aura of menace in it, even though it wasn't aggressive. He finally reached the ground and ran to her. - "Sensei! Marasaki-sensei! Are you ok?" - he asked, a hint of fear in his voice, while he failed to maintain his all bad boy attitude. He got close to her, and finally paid attention to the strangers that stumbled their way close to them, soulless white eyes, bloody faces and a terrifying aura. - "Wha-What the fuck?!" - he took a step behind in fear. What the hell was wrong with those people? He felt his knees tremble from shock and fear, but gladly they held him up. He took a deep breath, and a second to calm himself down, before taking a step forward and coming between his teacher and the group, pointing at the closest one - "You! Don't move! I'm warning you! Don't get any closer!" - he tried to sound threatening but his voice came out slightly shook, and none of the strangers seemed to care. What the hell was happening there?
England was such a beautiful place to be. Even in the wintertime, with the trees bare and mist coiling its fingers around anything it could, the only word that comes to mind is breathtaking. There was just a meager inch of snow on the ground, yet whenever a step was made it would crunch underfoot. In a few hours, it will all be gone, leaving just water in its place. Then the next morning there it will be again. A new blanket covering the earth, so that it was painted in black and white. It being this early it was almost freezing, but that was to be expected. High above the sky was threatening rain, rumbling and with lightning flashing every couple of seconds. For the most part, the streets were empty. There was just a few children still out and about, throwing snowballs at each other and laughing. Kagome smiled at one little girl, bending down to make a snowball. Her hair was the red of flames, crackling and practically burning under the weak sunshine. The dark green scarf she had around her neck began to unwrap, but she huffed and quickly fixed that. If she was to guess her age, it would have to be around eight or nine. I'm going to get you, Jimmy! the girl cried out, rolling the snow between her small hands to pack it together. Just you wait! I'm going to get you good! She hurried her efforts in making the snowball, little white bits crumpling from her hands to fall back to the ground. Yeah right! The boy cried back. Jimmy himself appeared to be a few years older, maybe ten or twelve. He himself was building up his arsenal, and had a pile of snowballs next to him. Like you're ever going to hit me, Amy! Your aim sucks! A huge gust of wind knocked the hat he had on, but luckily it only danced a few feet away before getting caught in a low branch. From there it waved, beckoning him to get it back. He went off to retrieve it, giving Amy an opportunity to make more ammo. It was fairly obvious that the two were brother and sister. In a way, the two reminded Kagome of herself and Souta when they were that age. They used to fight over everything, from who called shotgun first to who received the biggest piece of dessert. It went on for years. Of course, anything had to come to an end. Their little arguments ended when they just grew up and got tired of arguing all the time. So they came to a truce. Now she and he got along much better than they used to, and would even hang out once in a while. Kagome adjusted her coat against an icy breeze. Her black hair flew due to its force, waving like a banner. Pink was along her cheeks. Though she was simply dressed, she was a rather attractive woman of twenty-four years. In fact, those years have been very kind to her indeed. Back when she used to travel to the Feudal Era, she had already been a beautiful young woman in the making. It was only these last few years that everything really started to develop. Her hips were wide, legs long and nicely toned. Her breasts had also grown. Now a D-cup, the plump packages were twice the size they used to be. The scar Mistress Centipede left behind was faint and a light red, but it was still there nonetheless. However, where the Shikon no Tama remained to this day was a mystery. I wonder what InuYasha would think, seeing me now Her chocolate brown eyes rose up to the heavens, noticing how different hues of gray are fighting against one another. It had been years since she had last seen her favorite silver-haired hanyou. After Naraku was defeated by the combined efforts of everyone, they were together as a couple. However, with all the love in her heart for him, she didn't anticipate being with him to be so difficult. Now they weren't as they used to be. After the break-up, he went on to marry Kikyou, though they never did go down to the pits of hell together. Miroku and Sango married soon after. She couldn't see much of this happen. For some reason, the well yanked her back to her time once she and InuYasha broke ties as a couple, and now she was stuck here in the present. A rumble of thunder broke through her thoughts. First one drop hit her cheek, then another on her chin. Uh oh she murmured. I better find some shelter pretty quick The children squealed, dropping snowballs and abandoning the game in favor of going home. It wasn't much longer before the rain really began to pour. Quickly she hurried to the nearest establishment, going inside. Her coat was soaked, as well as her jeans, making the clothes plaster to her skin like they were a second layer. With a little grunt she shed the blue coat, water dripping off it. There weren't many people in the pub. Aside from the person behind the counter and another waiting tables, only three men haunted the room.
One of those men happened to be a knight, enjoying a simple but strong ale. Unlike the priests of their order, he was not limited by such silly rules like no beer or sex. His duty was a simple one, and as long as he kept in control, he was free to enjoy life. That was not to say, however, that he was allowed to run wild. He had a strict code of life nonetheless; he was allowed beer but only to the point before it affected his senses. He was not allowed to be with more than one woman at any one time, and he was to pledge his life to her, second to his duty or not at all. Currently, he had no interest in women, though this changed the moment Kagome walked in. His blue eyes took in her full curves, her wet soaked jeans sticking to her body. His heart skipped a beat, and he knew who she was. There was no denying the accuracy of the ancient tombs - She was the same girl, only now a woman, and he felt his face flush and his pants tighten a little as he stared at her. He quickly regained his thoughts, taking a heavy sip from his beer and then waving to her, patting the seat next to him and shouting to her. "Hey! Why don't you have a seat over here to dry off? Let me get you a drink!" He smiled to her. Bruce was five foot nine and as blue-eyed as a German could be. He spoke in a thick German accent but spoke English very well. He had lived there for over a decade now, training under many great knights before him. His hair was light brown, cut short as was the soldier's way. Still, it was enough for a girl to play with, if that was what she wanted.
As Admiral Zhao held the captive Tui in his clutches, the moon became an angry red, cutting away the power of the Waterbenders from their sole source. Aang, Sokka, Katara, Yue and the others approached him and demanded that he put the spirit back into the oasis. Iroh, who was devoted to the Four Nations staying separate than being united under the Fire Nation's reign, was more infuriated with Zhao's cruelty. "Whatever you do to that spirit, I'll unleash on you tenfold! Let it go now!" He demanded of Zhao. Zhao forcefully obliged and released the Moon Spirit back into the oasis, restoring the red moon to its original white. But then, in a fit of rage, unleashed a streak of fire at the oasis. But at the same time, the only living Airbender, out of reflex, intervened, and sent a kick of air at the Firebending Master and his flames, sending him into the water and putting him out, saving the spirits from being cooked. Katara got near Zhao and his soldiers, who were also knocked into the water, and froze them in ice, preventing them from Firebending. "You might've stopped me, but you can't stop the fleet," Zhao told them. "You're as good as dead." Then, Aang, with his tattoos glowing brightly, uttered, with the voice of his past lives, "No. We are not dead. Not yet." Wading into the oasis, as though he were driven by the desire to protect the Northern Water Tribe in any way he knew was possible, and the Avatar State was the answer. The Moon and Ocean Spirits glowed and sunk into the water's deep darkness along with Aang, who followed them. The waters of the oasis and the pool surrounding it rose up into the air and created some sort of monster made of spiritually-enriched water, with the Avatar in a some sort of air bubble and the koi fish beneath it. It left to seek out any Fire Nation soldiers and when it did, the Water Tribe people would submit and be spared while the enemy was taken by the water until the creature came to the ocean where the fleet was located, trying to retreat. The water creature unleashed giant waves that capsized all but three ships that were too far away for the waves to hit, but the ones that were hit had their passengers trying to swim to safety on some metallic driftwood that came loose from the sunken ships. Soaked and unable to Firebend, the soldiers were at the mercy of the water beast, which sent more waves and washed them all far away from the tribe. The following day, with the spirits safely protected from the Firebenders (and with Zuko and Iroh disappearing from the tribe during the defeat of the navy fleet), Chief Arnook announced that the threat had passed and a time for rebuilding was to begin. Zhao and the few Firebenders that were with him would be taken back to the Fire Nation's waters and left to be dealt with. Master Pakku decided that he, along with a few Waterbenders, Healers and soldiers would journey to the Southern Water Tribe to help rebuild. "But Aang still needs to master Waterbending," Katara, whom had been informed, reminded him. "Well, then, I guess he'll have to start calling you 'Sifu Katara', then, hmm?" Pakku told him, declaring her a Master Waterbender. Aang, still a little dazed after what had happened last night, couldn't believe that he entered the Avatar State and defeated an entire navy fleet with the help of the Moon and Ocean Spirits and his own past lives, protecting the entire North Pole from sure destruction. As he looked down at the destroyed buildings that the war had made, he pondered how long the onslaught would continue until he had mastered all the elements and defeated Fire Lord Ozai. How much longer were people going to live in fear of the Fire Nation? How long until they lost their homes and the people they loved? And how long until they even lost their hope? Sokka, on the other hand, was packing up for the group before they set out to the Earth Kingdom in order for Aang to learn Earthbending from Bumi, the only Master Earthbender they knew and trusted. While feeding Appa some hay. Much was on his mind as the young warrior thought about a certain princess.
3:26, AM Water splashes over Ua's face as the sun melts the ice above her head. The fire, smoke, ash and flames from the night before left the air very hot and ash piled up on her roof. The combination of heat and the extreme weight of the ash causes an expanding hole. Ash falls out from the hole in her roof and covers Ua's face with soot, she coughs twice and goes to her sink. Ua flicks her wrist and water splashes out, into the ice. Ua cups her hands and splashes the water over her face, the soot dripping off but the smell of it still lingering. "There are some disadvantages to living in the top floor," Ua thinks to herself. Ua quickly takes her orca-bone comb and glides it through her hair, occasionally dipping it into her water basin. Her hair drips wet. She decides to take a stroll out in the city. Rather than taking the stairs, Ua bends an ice slide from the river and spirals down it, her hair blowing in the wind. Once at the ground level, she notices that the snow is 50% ash. Taking a sip of the water, it tastes like lye and she quickly spits it out. Ua walks along the ash ridden icy sidewalks of the canal. Hoping nobody sees her, she slips into the Spiritual Oasis. This, being the only secluded space that she currently has, she takes advantage of it. She strips out of her gown, everything coming off, her DD tits bouncing out. She rolls around in the clean grass, just absorbing the nature. 4:10, AM After playing in the grass for about ten minutes, Ua without thinking plunges into the Oasis. She swims with her other half and her opposite. When her and the white fish touch, a euphoria of being one sends shivers up her spine, after swimming in the nude and being cleaned, Ua hops out, rolls around in the grass, drying herself off before dressing herself again. 4:23, AM Ua arrives back into her palace bedroom. She repairs the hole quickly and falls back asleep. 8:48, AM Ua's maid gently wakes her up, teasingly stating "Your other boyfriend is packing up to leave." Ua jumps out of bed and dashes down the stairs and out the door, running along the icy sidewalk, she sees the figure of Appa in the distance. Running even faster, she makes it as she sees Sokka's hood up, as he packs up. Ua mimics a bird whistle, hoping for Sokka's attention.
Tim Drake sat alone at the top of a Gotham skyscraper. Was he in his red and green Robin attire? No. Was he in his black and red redesign of the Robin suit? No. Thanks to a certain Damian Wayne, those suits will not see the light of day for quite a long time. His new suit, now under the identity as Red Robin, consists of a long-sleeved red tunic, along with black boots, tights, gauntlets with triangular fins for defense, cape and cowl (a homage to his now former mentor). It also includes a black-and-gold utility belt that carries his weaponry such as his bo staff (Tim's personal favorite) and throwing discs. He would admit that the suit is nothing new; Tim has been wearing a hero costume for a while now, and they all start to feel the same. But this one feels somewhat different. With the past suits, they were all connected by the simple R on the left side of his chest. He was taking over a position already filled by two other people. This suit was different; it was his own, no others before him have taken this title. He was now truly his own hero. With that thought, he got up from where he was sitting and looked over the city. It was time to make himself known. He stepped to the edge of the building and took in a deep breath before slowly letting it out. After the exhale had ended, he took a small leap off of the roof. He plummeted toward the ground, the wind whipping around him as the cowl kept his hair from blowing all over the place. When he was a few meters from the ground, he gripped his cape. An electrical signal from his gloves went through the material in his cape and stiffened the spines in them, forming stiff wings. The wind caught in the pockets and Tim was able to pull out of his dive and into a speedy glide over the rooftops of Gotham. God, he loved being the adoptive son of Bruce Wayne; it had so many perks! After gliding for a while, he picked up on an alarm ringing on one of the streets. Tim looked up in the sky and saw no bat signal in the sky; Bruce wasn't out tonight. He decided this was a good time to let himself be known, start small and make them afraid of one of the new heroes in town... well, really an old one in a new costume but that was beside the point. He zoomed over to the roof opposite of the alarm and took a look at what he was up against. He saw that a group of five thugs or so were robbing an electronic store. This was going to be fun. He reached into one of his pouches and withdrew a throwing disk. He threw it at the alarm and silenced it, the red flood light from the alarm was broken and therefore shut off, leaving the store pitch black. This, of course, had the thugs startled and reaching for their guns. He launched himself into the store and tackled one of the thugs to the floor, knocking him out with a quick punch across the face. At this point, Tim was hunched over the thug, the cape covering the rest of the costume. The thugs had their guns drawn but they were shaking, saying, "Oh no, it's The Bat!" When Tim stood up straight and turned around, they stopped shaking. "What? It's not The Bat, just some punk kid wannabe!" Before any of them had the idea of actually shooting at him, Tim grabbed a pellet from his harness and threw it to the ground. When it hit, a large plume of smoke filled the room, and Tim went out of sight. They started panicking again and randomly shot into the smoke. Tim already being out of the smoke was able to pick them off one by one. When they were all taken care of, he had them all strung up by a light pole. It was a pretty good start to the night.
Vibrations from her cellphone made her stop the shower short and run into the small bedroom. There was only a name and an address with a X after "Death." Using the extra towel from the hotel room, Jade dried her long black hair and quickly pulled her briefcase from under the bed. She slipped on her dark green top that wrapped around her shoulders and down her arms. And her green gloves had long metal claws attached to them, they held their own surprise for her victims. She slid on green boy shorts that matched her outfit and knee-high green boots. Bending down, Jade pulled another briefcase out and smiled at the sight of her two Sai weapons. Flipping them in her hands, she attached them to the leather strap that crossed between her breasts all the way to her back. Opening up the text once more, she read the name, "Dr. Jones," 1345 Bently Street, Apartment 3B. Making a note in her mind of her destination, she snapped the flip phone in half and tossed it in the trash can. Her assistance was needed in ridding her boss of another pest. She opened her hotel window and let the breeze pass through her hair, sending shivers down her spine. Turning back towards the bed, she pulled a white cat mask from the case and strapped it to her face. The eyes were big and bright green while the grin it held was large and demented. Now that her mask was equipped, she crawled out of the window to the roof and did a scan of the night. It gave her the distance of her next target and Jade was on the move. Hopping from rooftop to rooftop, she moved quickly and with more stealth than a normal person. Eying the apartment building, Jade crawled down the building's wall and slipped in through the doctor's open kitchen window. She crept low to the ground as the darkness kept her concealed; she could hear his snoring in the opposite room. The green eyes on her mask glowed faintly as she did some investigating of the apartment. Finding nothing of use, she proceeded into the bedroom, pulling a sai from her back and gripping it tightly. "Nice to see you again, Jade," the voice was rough and deep. The body in the bed lifted and he held a gun pointed in her direction. "Cheshire to you..." she hissed softly as she took a step towards the doorway. She kept her calm and decided if she was going to run, it had to be now. Quickly turning her body, Cheshire ran for the apartment door, the sound of gunshots firing around her. She rolled to the ground and knocked through the exit door, climbing the stairs to the roof. The man followed after her, sending multiple shots her way as he climbed the stairway. Cheshire peeked over the ledge only to catch a bullet in her shoulder. She stumbled back into the wall. "Dammit..." she cursed, sliding to the step. She winced with pain and watched as he approached her, using her sai she flung it as hard as she could. Hearing the gunshots hit the ceiling, Cheshire crawled up the stairs to the roof. Breaking through the door, she felt the concrete under her hands. "Fuck." She muttered, leaning against the rooftop door. What was she going to do now?
Beverly Hills, the place to be if you're looking to make it big. A big reason for people to move out to there, but that wasn't the reason for Tim Drake. He wasn't there for the glamor that was associated with the city. He was here to get further away from The Bat. Tim decided that it was best to do this to truly test the limits of his abilities. If he were ever to improve or prove himself, he had to get away from Bruce so that he could fight his battles alone rather than run away and call him for backup. Beverly Hills has seen its fair share of kooks and villains, so it would be a good fit for him. Though he couldn't just run around Beverly Hills in his suit all the time. School was the answer to that. Before he arrived, he enrolled in Beverly Hills High and today was his first day there. He woke up early in his standard fare apartment (a nice bonus thanks to his staple employer Wayne Enterprises) and got in his morning workout. It consisted of the standard workout equipment of dumb bells, bench press equipment, treadmill, etc. The workout finally ended with him practicing his martial arts on a wooden dummy. The dummy was made of smooth Mahogany wood and had various arms extending out to practice his positioning and flow between strikes. He saved this for last because he wanted to practice it while he was winded. If he was winded then he would have to focus harder on doing it right and committing these moves to muscle memory and pushing his limits further. When he was finished, he moved to the bathroom for a shower. After the shower, he saw that he was behind schedule and dashed to his bedroom to get clothes on. He quickly got dressed in a pair of dark-wash jeans and a red V-neck T-shirt and made a dash for the front door while struggling to get his shoes on. He grabbed a protein bar on the way out the door and jogged to his car, catching up to his schedule. He slid into the front seat of the red sports car (a little parting gift from the Wayne Manor garage) and checked himself in the mirror, his blue eyes shining back against his black hair. He smoothed his hair down and figured it was good enough for a first day. He then turned the car on and put it in gear to drive off to school. Upon arrival at the school, he parked in the student lot and grabbed his things out of the trunk. He made sure that his Robin gear was easily accessible yet hidden from plain sight in his car. With everything ready, he took a confident step forward toward campus, eyes constantly swiveling as the myriad of pretty girls crossed his path. "Ah, Beverly Hills! This might not be a bad first day after all," he said to himself with a smirk.
Freshman year for the girls is the hubris, the beginning of cat suits, fresh starts on school and secret agent stuff. The girls will be getting their first Charlie's Angel getup this day, and they were very excited to test their youthful strength and wit. But before that, they still must live anonymously and mingle in the civilian life. Clover along with Sam and Alex proceed to their designated classroom, all three of them are already doing daydreams on doing spy things as they wait for the teacher to come. Clover wears her simple strapless pink tank top covered with a white jacket and red slacks and red sandals. Meanwhile, as Clover was daydreaming, her attention was caught by the mysterious-looking guy in a red V-neck shirt who just entered the room. He seems to have a cool and studious personality mixed with a serious bad-ass sort. As she keeps on looking at him, their eyes meet, but Clover quickly averts her gaze and blushes a little, and then acts like nothing happened. Sam and Alex, however, didn't seem to notice what Clover just saw. She feels uneasy and excited about this guy's vibrant presence. Clover can't collect herself at the moment.
Sora walked through the street of the city, always seeming so busy with people bumping into each other. Yet, as she held her seeing cane out, she could sense how the people avoided her like the plague. She didn't care; it wasn't something new, so she just went on like normal. Her cane tapped around like a normal blind woman would do, yet in truth, she didn't need the cane. Her electrical senses helped her see around her. No one would be able to see or sense her power when she used it like this, but it didn't mean it wasn't there. A low-power electrical current surrounded her form, allowing her to have a sonar-like sense of what was around her. It wasn't limited to just people, and she controlled the range of it so as not to attract attention. As she moved through the streets, she noticed how a group kept coming in and out of her range, not sure if they were just heading her way or following her. Decided to test it, she started towards a rougher side of the city, knowing how few go there unless for trouble. Moving closer to her destination, she easily could feel how the group of five were following even closer than before. Didn't look well in her mind, so already she was preparing for when they pounced. She was sure it wouldn't be long, as the streets were becoming empty now. Most would avoid this area during the day, but everyone did at night because there were so many murders that seemed to occur here. Two males jumped out in front of her no more than four feet in front of her, the last three came up behind her about the same distance away. Her grip on her cane changed completely as she stood waiting for the first move. "What is such a poor blind girl doing in this part of town?" one asked behind her as he started to walk closer to her, soon he was next to her grabbing hold of her sunglasses pulling them off only to see her normal looking eyes turning to look right at him, he flinched under her gaze as it truly looked like she could see him. "Bitch stop looking at me like that!" he said, hand coming up to smack her only she brought her cane up to block. With that move, one of the males in front of her reacted quickly to kick her in the chest, yet her hand grabbed hold of the foot. "I thought she was blind?!" shouted one of the males behind her as she quickly moved her body to toss the two in her reach away. As the two hit the ground, the other three went into attack mood as she again kept on the defense. They were quick and had her straining not to use her powers as she didn't want to expose herself too much. Only when she felt the familiar tingle of water on the edge of her range did she risk it any longer, coursing electricity through her body sending it into overdrive as she threw two more away as the first two from before quickly took their place. She felt them pushing her back towards the river, which wasn't good, but with her mind worrying on the water, she left herself open as she was kicked back into a wall with a sickening thud, sliding down it she quickly surrounded herself with electricity, causing her to be surrounded with sparks. It gave her a nice defense while she struggled to get up.
Thomas smirked as he watched. A voice called out, "Not bad girlie, but electricity doesn't work against their type." The vampires moved together; they had heard of a hunter, but they weren't scared of some flesh bag. Two of them pulled guns while the other two pulled knives. The voice spoke again, "See, electricity works on living people because of our own bio-electric energy brains, hearts, internal muscles, undead, they don't have any of that, nope, but a powerful enough surge can screw up their insides being fried still hurts." One of the vampires snarled, "Fuck you Devil're Fear! You fuck with us and our boss will make you eat your testicles!" The voice laughed, and said, "Oh really? I've faced worse than a few vampires, let's test that theory." The blind woman would hear a scream and the sound of breaking bones. The darkness itself reached up with claws, forcing the men onto their knees. Their heads bowed. "Devil're Fear" landed having jumped from a nearby roof. Taking a deep breath, he blew dark blue flames with a purple center. The vampires howl filled the night air, but in less than ten seconds only boiling asphalt was left. Thomas smirked as his body glowed. His skin turned from red with rocky scales to pale and white. The teenager himself was a fine physical specimen. 7 foot nothing dirty blond hair brushed back and kept in a simple ponytail. He wore an ankle length duster with both sleeves rolled up. Back gloves, fingerless after the second knuckle combat boots and BDU's. Looking at the woman, he asked, "You okay beautiful?