How to quantify the error correction capacity of LDPC code?
<p>As shown in title, I am studying the LDPC code recently. However, I still can not calculate the error correction capacity of it, maybe due to complex decoding algorithm. And there lacks easy understanding properties to infer the error correction.</p> <p>An easy example is RS code (Reed solomon code). For the setting RS(N,k), while N is the block size and K is the useful symbol size. And the error correction capacity is (N-K)/2. </p> <p>Is there any easy properties like RS code for LDPC code? Thanks!</p>
[ { "answer_id": 259632, "score": 6, "text": "<p>It is a difficult problem to find the minimum distance of an LDPC. Vardy shows in <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">The Intractability of Computing the Minimum Distance of a Code</a> that it is NP-hard to find the minimum distance. Looking around one can find papers with various algorithms for minimum distance, but there won't be anything nice like for RS codes. For example, there is a randomized algorithm in <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">On the Computation of the Minimum Distance of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes</a> by Hu and Fossorier.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 259635, "score": 5, "text": "<p>As @John mentioned, there is not general way and nice formula for computing the minimum distance of codes. The problem remain difficult for LDPC codes as like as other codes. But, there are several way to construct LDPC codes, as like as finite geometry, design theory, graph theory (prototype graphs), permutation circulant matrices, random construction and other ways. Sometimes if we have more information about the method of construction of LDPC codes, we can say much more. For example, if you have QC-LDPC codes, the girth of the code (shortest cycle in the Tanner graph of code) is at most $12$ and it forces the minimum distance to have nice bound. Also, if you know that your code does not have girth $4$, and it has fixed number of $1$ (say $\\lambda$) in each columns of parity check matrix, then the minimum distance is at least $\\lambda +1$.</p>\n\n<p>So, it depends what is your way to constructing LDPC codes. Also, the predefined structure can help to write efficient program to find the minimum distance of the codes. Random sampling with MAGMA Algebra is a good way for finding the minimum distance of some structured LDPC codes. Also, MAGMA has function \"MinimumDistance\" which is useful for finding the minim distance of short length codes.</p>\n\n<p>Anyway, in almost cases we can not find the minimum distance of LDPC codes and we have just some bound. But, because of the special method of decoding of such codes (itterative decoding), there are some other parameters which are important for avaluating the efficiency of codes. Short cycles ditribution, trapping sets, stopping sets, density and some other parameters are very important.</p>\n" } ]
Question: How to quantify the error correction capacity of LDPC code? Answer 1: <p>It is a difficult problem to find the minimum distance of an LDPC. Vardy shows in <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">The Intractability of Computing the Minimum Distance of a Code</a> that it is NP-hard to find the minimum distance. Looking around one can find papers with various algorithms for minimum distance, but there won't be anything nice like for RS codes. For example, there is a randomized algorithm in <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">On the Computation of the Minimum Distance of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes</a> by Hu and Fossorier.</p> Answer 2: <p>As @John mentioned, there is not general way and nice formula for computing the minimum distance of codes. The problem remain difficult for LDPC codes as like as other codes. But, there are several way to construct LDPC codes, as like as finite geometry, design theory, graph theory (prototype graphs), permutation circulant matrices, random construction and other ways. Sometimes if we have more information about the method of construction of LDPC codes, we can say much more. For example, if you have QC-LDPC codes, the girth of the code (shortest cycle in the Tanner graph of code) is at most $12$ and it forces the minimum distance to have nice bound. Also, if you know that your code does not have girth $4$, and it has fixed number of $1$ (say $\lambda$) in each columns of parity check matrix, then the minimum distance is at least $\lambda +1$.</p> <p>So, it depends what is your way to constructing LDPC codes. Also, the predefined structure can help to write efficient program to find the minimum distance of the codes. Random sampling with MAGMA Algebra is a good way for finding the minimum distance of some structured LDPC codes. Also, MAGMA has function "MinimumDistance" which is useful for finding the minim distance of short length codes.</p> <p>Anyway, in almost cases we can not find the minimum distance of LDPC codes and we have just some bound. But, because of the special method of decoding of such codes (itterative decoding), there are some other parameters which are important for avaluating the efficiency of codes. Short cycles ditribution, trapping sets, stopping sets, density and some other parameters are very important.</p>
Solving $\text{trace}\left[\left(I + pY\right)^{-1} \left(I - p^{2}Y\right)\right] = 0$ for scalar $p$
<p>For given $n\times n$ real symmetric positive definite matrices $X_{1}, X_{2}$, let $Y := X_{1}^{-1}X_{2}$, and let $I$ be the identity matrix.</p> <p>I would like to solve the following equation for the unknown $p&gt;0$, in terms of functions of the matrices $X_{1}$ and $X_{2}$:</p> <p>$$\text{trace}\left[\left(I + pY\right)^{-1} \left(I - p^{2}Y\right)\right] = 0.$$</p> <p>I tried expanding the inverse in Neumann series but I am not sure how that helps to solve for $p$. This is not homework.</p>
[ { "answer_id": 259879, "score": 10, "text": "<p>Write $Y=SDS^{-1}$, where $D$ is diagonal (since $X_1$ and $X_2$ are psd, $Y$ is diagonalizable). Then, observe that</p>\n\n<p>\\begin{equation*}\n f(p) = \\text{tr}(S^{-1}(I+pSDS^{-1})^{-1}SS^{-1}(I-p^2SDS^{-1})S).\n\\end{equation*}\nThis simplifies into a simpler function of $p$ involving only the diagonal values in $D$. That particular equation you can solve using Newton's method.</p>\n\n<hr>\n\n<p><em>EDIT:</em> as noted in my comments below, the same idea also works more generally if we use the Schur decomposition to reduce matrices to an upper triangular form; we do not need to assume diagonalizability in this case.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 259945, "score": 4, "text": "<p>Given $\\mathrm A \\in \\mathbb R^{n \\times n}$, we define $f : \\mathbb R \\to \\mathbb R$ as follows</p>\n\n<p>$$f (x) := \\mbox{tr} \\left( (\\mathrm I_n + x \\mathrm A)^{-1} (\\mathrm I_n - x^2 \\mathrm A) \\right)$$</p>\n\n<p>It is <em>not</em> necessary that $\\mathrm A$ be diagonalizable. Using the <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">Schur decomposition</a> $\\mathrm A = \\mathrm Q \\mathrm U \\mathrm Q^{\\top}$, where $\\mathrm Q$ is orthogonal and $\\mathrm U$ is upper triangular with the eigenvalues of $\\mathrm A$ on its main diagonal, we have</p>\n\n<p>$$\\begin{array}{rl} f (x) &amp;= \\mbox{tr} \\left( (\\mathrm I_n + x \\mathrm A)^{-1} (\\mathrm I_n - x^2 \\mathrm A) \\right)\\\\ &amp;= \\mbox{tr} \\left( (\\mathrm Q \\mathrm Q^{\\top} + x \\, \\mathrm Q \\mathrm U \\mathrm Q^{\\top})^{-1} (\\mathrm Q \\mathrm Q^{\\top} - x^2 \\, \\mathrm Q \\mathrm U \\mathrm Q^{\\top}) \\right)\\\\ &amp;= \\mbox{tr} \\left( \\mathrm Q (\\mathrm I_n + x \\, \\mathrm U )^{-1} \\mathrm Q^{\\top} \\mathrm Q (\\mathrm I_n - x^2 \\, \\mathrm U) \\mathrm Q^{\\top} \\right)\\\\ &amp;= \\mbox{tr} \\left( (\\mathrm I_n + x \\, \\mathrm U)^{-1}(\\mathrm I_n - x^2 \\, \\mathrm U) \\right)\\end{array}$$</p>\n\n<p>where both $\\mathrm I_n + x \\, \\mathrm U$ and $\\mathrm I_n - x^2 \\, \\mathrm U$ are upper triangular. Note that</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>The inverse of an upper triangular matrix is also upper triangular. Since $\\mathrm I_n + x \\, \\mathrm U$ is upper triangular, $(\\mathrm I_n + x \\, \\mathrm U)^{-1}$ is also upper triangular.</p></li>\n<li><p>The product of two upper triangular matrices is also upper triangular with the main diagonal being the entrywise product of the main diagonals of the factors. Hence, we can conclude that $(\\mathrm I_n + x \\, \\mathrm U)^{-1}(\\mathrm I_n - x^2 \\, \\mathrm U)$ is also upper triangular.</p></li>\n</ul>\n\n<p>Suppose that $\\mathrm A$ has $m$ distinct eigenvalues with multiplicities $n_1, n_2, \\dots, n_m$. Hence,</p>\n\n<p>$$f (x) = \\sum_{k=1}^m n_k \\left( \\dfrac{1 - x^2 \\, \\lambda_k (\\mathrm A)}{1 + x \\, \\lambda_k (\\mathrm A)} \\right)$$</p>\n\n<p>Thus, the equation $f (x) = 0$ can be written as follows</p>\n\n<p>$$n_1 \\left( \\dfrac{1 - x^2 \\, \\lambda_1 (\\mathrm A)}{1 + x \\, \\lambda_1 (\\mathrm A)} \\right) + n_2 \\left( \\dfrac{1 - x^2 \\, \\lambda_2 (\\mathrm A)}{1 + x \\, \\lambda_2 (\\mathrm A)} \\right) + \\cdots + n_m \\left( \\dfrac{1 - x^2 \\, \\lambda_m (\\mathrm A)}{1 + x \\, \\lambda_m (\\mathrm A)} \\right) = 0$$</p>\n\n<hr>\n\n<h3>Example</h3>\n\n<p>Suppose we have</p>\n\n<p>$$\\mathrm A = \\begin{bmatrix} 1 &amp; 0 &amp; 0\\\\ 0 &amp; 2 &amp; 1\\\\ 0 &amp; 0 &amp; 2\\end{bmatrix}$$</p>\n\n<p>which is in <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">Jordan normal form</a> and, thus, is already upper triangular. Matrix $\\mathrm A$ has $m = 2$ distinct eigenvalues with multiplicities $n_1 = 1$ and $n_2 = 2$. Using <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">SymPy</a>:</p>\n\n<pre><code>&gt;&gt;&gt; from sympy import *\n&gt;&gt;&gt; A = Matrix([[1,0,0],[0,2,1],[0,0,2]])\n&gt;&gt;&gt; x = Symbol('x')\n&gt;&gt;&gt; ((eye(3) + x * A)**-1 * (eye(3) - x**2 * A)).trace()\n2*(-2*x**2 + 1)/(2*x + 1) + (-x**2 + 1)/(x + 1)\n</code></pre>\n\n<p>We obtain the equation</p>\n\n<p>$$\\frac{1 - x^{2}}{x + 1} + 2 \\left(\\frac{1 - 2 x^{2}}{2 x + 1}\\right) = 0$$</p>\n\n<p>Solving the equation,</p>\n\n<pre><code>&gt;&gt;&gt; solve(2*(-2*x**2 + 1)/(2*x + 1) + (-x**2 + 1)/(x + 1))\n[1/12 + sqrt(73)/12, -sqrt(73)/12 + 1/12]\n</code></pre>\n" } ]
Question: Solving $\text{trace}\left[\left(I + pY\right)^{-1} \left(I - p^{2}Y\right)\right] = 0$ for scalar $p$ Answer 1: <p>Write $Y=SDS^{-1}$, where $D$ is diagonal (since $X_1$ and $X_2$ are psd, $Y$ is diagonalizable). Then, observe that</p> <p>\begin{equation*} f(p) = \text{tr}(S^{-1}(I+pSDS^{-1})^{-1}SS^{-1}(I-p^2SDS^{-1})S). \end{equation*} This simplifies into a simpler function of $p$ involving only the diagonal values in $D$. That particular equation you can solve using Newton's method.</p> <hr> <p><em>EDIT:</em> as noted in my comments below, the same idea also works more generally if we use the Schur decomposition to reduce matrices to an upper triangular form; we do not need to assume diagonalizability in this case.</p> Answer 2: <p>Given $\mathrm A \in \mathbb R^{n \times n}$, we define $f : \mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ as follows</p> <p>$$f (x) := \mbox{tr} \left( (\mathrm I_n + x \mathrm A)^{-1} (\mathrm I_n - x^2 \mathrm A) \right)$$</p> <p>It is <em>not</em> necessary that $\mathrm A$ be diagonalizable. Using the <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Schur decomposition</a> $\mathrm A = \mathrm Q \mathrm U \mathrm Q^{\top}$, where $\mathrm Q$ is orthogonal and $\mathrm U$ is upper triangular with the eigenvalues of $\mathrm A$ on its main diagonal, we have</p> <p>$$\begin{array}{rl} f (x) &amp;= \mbox{tr} \left( (\mathrm I_n + x \mathrm A)^{-1} (\mathrm I_n - x^2 \mathrm A) \right)\\ &amp;= \mbox{tr} \left( (\mathrm Q \mathrm Q^{\top} + x \, \mathrm Q \mathrm U \mathrm Q^{\top})^{-1} (\mathrm Q \mathrm Q^{\top} - x^2 \, \mathrm Q \mathrm U \mathrm Q^{\top}) \right)\\ &amp;= \mbox{tr} \left( \mathrm Q (\mathrm I_n + x \, \mathrm U )^{-1} \mathrm Q^{\top} \mathrm Q (\mathrm I_n - x^2 \, \mathrm U) \mathrm Q^{\top} \right)\\ &amp;= \mbox{tr} \left( (\mathrm I_n + x \, \mathrm U)^{-1}(\mathrm I_n - x^2 \, \mathrm U) \right)\end{array}$$</p> <p>where both $\mathrm I_n + x \, \mathrm U$ and $\mathrm I_n - x^2 \, \mathrm U$ are upper triangular. Note that</p> <ul> <li><p>The inverse of an upper triangular matrix is also upper triangular. Since $\mathrm I_n + x \, \mathrm U$ is upper triangular, $(\mathrm I_n + x \, \mathrm U)^{-1}$ is also upper triangular.</p></li> <li><p>The product of two upper triangular matrices is also upper triangular with the main diagonal being the entrywise product of the main diagonals of the factors. Hence, we can conclude that $(\mathrm I_n + x \, \mathrm U)^{-1}(\mathrm I_n - x^2 \, \mathrm U)$ is also upper triangular.</p></li> </ul> <p>Suppose that $\mathrm A$ has $m$ distinct eigenvalues with multiplicities $n_1, n_2, \dots, n_m$. Hence,</p> <p>$$f (x) = \sum_{k=1}^m n_k \left( \dfrac{1 - x^2 \, \lambda_k (\mathrm A)}{1 + x \, \lambda_k (\mathrm A)} \right)$$</p> <p>Thus, the equation $f (x) = 0$ can be written as follows</p> <p>$$n_1 \left( \dfrac{1 - x^2 \, \lambda_1 (\mathrm A)}{1 + x \, \lambda_1 (\mathrm A)} \right) + n_2 \left( \dfrac{1 - x^2 \, \lambda_2 (\mathrm A)}{1 + x \, \lambda_2 (\mathrm A)} \right) + \cdots + n_m \left( \dfrac{1 - x^2 \, \lambda_m (\mathrm A)}{1 + x \, \lambda_m (\mathrm A)} \right) = 0$$</p> <hr> <h3>Example</h3> <p>Suppose we have</p> <p>$$\mathrm A = \begin{bmatrix} 1 &amp; 0 &amp; 0\\ 0 &amp; 2 &amp; 1\\ 0 &amp; 0 &amp; 2\end{bmatrix}$$</p> <p>which is in <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Jordan normal form</a> and, thus, is already upper triangular. Matrix $\mathrm A$ has $m = 2$ distinct eigenvalues with multiplicities $n_1 = 1$ and $n_2 = 2$. Using <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">SymPy</a>:</p> <pre><code>&gt;&gt;&gt; from sympy import * &gt;&gt;&gt; A = Matrix([[1,0,0],[0,2,1],[0,0,2]]) &gt;&gt;&gt; x = Symbol('x') &gt;&gt;&gt; ((eye(3) + x * A)**-1 * (eye(3) - x**2 * A)).trace() 2*(-2*x**2 + 1)/(2*x + 1) + (-x**2 + 1)/(x + 1) </code></pre> <p>We obtain the equation</p> <p>$$\frac{1 - x^{2}}{x + 1} + 2 \left(\frac{1 - 2 x^{2}}{2 x + 1}\right) = 0$$</p> <p>Solving the equation,</p> <pre><code>&gt;&gt;&gt; solve(2*(-2*x**2 + 1)/(2*x + 1) + (-x**2 + 1)/(x + 1)) [1/12 + sqrt(73)/12, -sqrt(73)/12 + 1/12] </code></pre>
Dice waiting time for $5,6$ is smaller than for $6,6$
<p>I've <a href="">asked this in MSE</a>, but maybe it actually belongs here.:</p> <p>So I've had this problem in the back of my mind for a while. I recall having seen a rigorous solution using some advanced probability theory, but I've lost the reference.</p> <p>What I'm asking is whether you can provide me with some solution which is (ideally) both rigorous and intuitive. Also, maybe even more relevant is whether that solution can be generalised to a more general setup?</p> <p><strong>Problem:</strong> Consider an iid sequence $(X_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ corresponding to independent tossing of a fair die. Define $$\tau_{5,6}=\inf\{n\in\mathbb{N}:X_n=5,X_{n+1}=6\}, \:\:\:\tau_{6,6}=\inf\{n\in\mathbb{N}:X_n=6,X_{n+1}=6\}.$$ Then $E\tau_{5,6}&lt;E\tau_{6,6}$. </p> <p><strong>Extension:</strong> Actually $E\tau_{5,6}=36$ while $E\tau_{6,6}=42$.</p>
[ { "answer_id": 259900, "score": 4, "text": "<p>Compare 56 and 55 instead. Denote $a=6$ in the first case and $a=5$ in the second, $b=11-a$. Look at the first 5. If the next term equals $a$, we are done (the same thing for both cases). If the next term is 1,2,3 or 4, we have to start from the beginnng (in both cases). But what if the next term is $b$? For 55 we again start from the beginning, but for 56 this $b=5$ may be useful. Thus for 56 we wait less in average.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 260109, "score": 1, "text": "<p>Here is a completely elementary argument.</p>\n\n<p>Let $T_{56}:=\\tau_{56}+1, T_{66}:=\\tau_{66}+1$ be the first times\nthe patterns have appeared, i.e.\n$$T_{56}:=\\inf\\{ n \\geq 2\\;:\\;X_{n-1}=5,\\,X_n=6 \\}$$ etc. It is easy to see\nthat $T_{56}$,$T_{66}$ have moments of all orders.</p>\n\n<p>Let $p_5,p_6$ be the probabilities for $5$ resp. $6$ and let $k\\geq 2$. Consider the outcomes\nfor which the pattern has not appeared until $k-2$ and shows up in $(X_{k-1},X_k)$.</p>\n\n<p>For the pattern $56$ we get\n\\begin{align*}p_5\\,p_6\\,\\mathbb{P}(T_{56}&gt;k-2)&amp;=\\mathbb{P}(T_{56}&gt;k-2,\\,X_{k-1}=5,\\,X_k=6)\\\\\n &amp;=\\mathbb{P}(T_{56}=k-1,\\,X_{k-1}=5,\\,X_k=6)+\\mathbb{P}(T_{56}=k,\\,X_{k-1}=5,\\,X_k=6)\\\\\n &amp;=\\mathbb{P}(T_{56}=k)\\end{align*}\nSumming over $k\\geq 2$ gives $p_5p_6\\,\\mathbb{E}(T_{56})=1$.</p>\n\n<p>For the pattern $66$ we get\n\\begin{align*}p_6^2\\,\\mathbb{P}(T_{66}&gt;k-2)&amp;=\\mathbb{P}(T_{66}&gt;k-2,\\,X_{k-1}=6,\\,X_k=6)\\\\\n &amp;=\\mathbb{P}(T_{66}=k-1,\\,X_{k-1}=6,\\,X_k=6)+\\mathbb{P}(T_{66}=k,\\,X_{k-1}=6,\\,X_k=6)\\\\\n &amp;=\\mathbb{P}(T_{66}=k)+ p_6\\,\\mathbb{P}(T_{66}=k-1)\\end{align*}\nSumming over $k\\geq 2$ gives $p_6^2\\,\\mathbb{E}(T_{66})=1+ p_6$.</p>\n\n<p>Compared to the above, the rhs has an additional term because it is possible that the pattern has been completed at a position inside the final pattern.\nIf $p_5=p_6$ the expectation of $T_{66}$ is therefore larger than that of $T_{56}$.</p>\n\n<p>Clearly general patterns can be treated similarly.</p>\n" } ]
Question: Dice waiting time for $5,6$ is smaller than for $6,6$ Answer 1: <p>Compare 56 and 55 instead. Denote $a=6$ in the first case and $a=5$ in the second, $b=11-a$. Look at the first 5. If the next term equals $a$, we are done (the same thing for both cases). If the next term is 1,2,3 or 4, we have to start from the beginnng (in both cases). But what if the next term is $b$? For 55 we again start from the beginning, but for 56 this $b=5$ may be useful. Thus for 56 we wait less in average.</p> Answer 2: <p>Here is a completely elementary argument.</p> <p>Let $T_{56}:=\tau_{56}+1, T_{66}:=\tau_{66}+1$ be the first times the patterns have appeared, i.e. $$T_{56}:=\inf\{ n \geq 2\;:\;X_{n-1}=5,\,X_n=6 \}$$ etc. It is easy to see that $T_{56}$,$T_{66}$ have moments of all orders.</p> <p>Let $p_5,p_6$ be the probabilities for $5$ resp. $6$ and let $k\geq 2$. Consider the outcomes for which the pattern has not appeared until $k-2$ and shows up in $(X_{k-1},X_k)$.</p> <p>For the pattern $56$ we get \begin{align*}p_5\,p_6\,\mathbb{P}(T_{56}&gt;k-2)&amp;=\mathbb{P}(T_{56}&gt;k-2,\,X_{k-1}=5,\,X_k=6)\\ &amp;=\mathbb{P}(T_{56}=k-1,\,X_{k-1}=5,\,X_k=6)+\mathbb{P}(T_{56}=k,\,X_{k-1}=5,\,X_k=6)\\ &amp;=\mathbb{P}(T_{56}=k)\end{align*} Summing over $k\geq 2$ gives $p_5p_6\,\mathbb{E}(T_{56})=1$.</p> <p>For the pattern $66$ we get \begin{align*}p_6^2\,\mathbb{P}(T_{66}&gt;k-2)&amp;=\mathbb{P}(T_{66}&gt;k-2,\,X_{k-1}=6,\,X_k=6)\\ &amp;=\mathbb{P}(T_{66}=k-1,\,X_{k-1}=6,\,X_k=6)+\mathbb{P}(T_{66}=k,\,X_{k-1}=6,\,X_k=6)\\ &amp;=\mathbb{P}(T_{66}=k)+ p_6\,\mathbb{P}(T_{66}=k-1)\end{align*} Summing over $k\geq 2$ gives $p_6^2\,\mathbb{E}(T_{66})=1+ p_6$.</p> <p>Compared to the above, the rhs has an additional term because it is possible that the pattern has been completed at a position inside the final pattern. If $p_5=p_6$ the expectation of $T_{66}$ is therefore larger than that of $T_{56}$.</p> <p>Clearly general patterns can be treated similarly.</p>
Total progeny of a Galton-Watson branching process - standard textbook question
<p>While analyzing some parallel-computing related algorithm, I came across a probability distribution with a particularly nice property (at least to me), but I am unable to write it down explicitly. </p> <p>Let $X$ be a r.v., let $F_{X}(s)$ be its p.g.f., and let $$B_{d}(s)=\sum_{i=0}^{d}\binom{d}{i}\left(\frac{1}{d}\right)^{i}\left(1-\frac{1}{d}\right)^{d-i}s^{i}=\left(1-\frac{1}{d}+\frac{s}{d}\right)^{d}$$ be a p.g.f. of $\left(d,\frac{1}{d}\right)$-binomial distributed r.v. $b_{d}$, for any integer $d&gt;1$. The distribution in question may be defined as $$F_{X}\left(s\right)=s\sum_{i=0}^{d}\binom{d}{i}\left(\frac{1}{d}\right)^{i}\left(1-\frac{1}{d}\right)^{d-i}F_{X}^{i}\left(s\right)=s\left(1-\frac{1}{d}+\frac{F_{X}\left(s\right)}{d}\right)^{d}.$$</p> <p>The r.v. $X$ may be intuitively described as follows: A student arrives into town with $1$, and earns an additional $b_{d}$ each month. At the end of each month, she also pays a rent of $1$. The r.v. $X$ basically measures the time before our student is thrown out of the apartment.</p> <p>If at some time the balance of our student is $k$, we expect her to stay for an additional $\sum_{i=1}^{k}X$ months (and this is independent of her past affairs). Also, the p.g.f. of $p$-geometric distribution $G_{p}$ is memoryless by the fact that </p> <p>$$G_{p}(s)=s\cdot\text{Ber}_{p}\left(G_{p}\left(s\right)\right),$$</p> <p>where $\text{Ber}_{p}$ is p.g.f. of $p$-Bernulli distributed r.v.. Similarly, in our case we can clearly write $F_{X}$ as</p> <p>$$F_{X}\left(s\right)=s\cdot B_{d}\left(F_{X}\left(s\right)\right).$$</p> <p>So far, I am only able to calculate (by derivation of $F_X$) that $\mathbb{E}(X)=\infty$, and also the first few coefficients of $F_X$, but I would be very interested in the precise description of $F_{X}$, either in a closed-form of p.g.f., or its coefficients, or cumulative distribution function of $X$.</p>
[ { "answer_id": 260333, "score": 2, "text": "<p>The random variable $X$ is distributed like the total progeny of a critical branching process $(Z_n)$ with binomial $(d,\\frac1d)$ reproduction distribution, starting from $Z_0=1$. As such, indeed $E(X)$ is infinite. </p>\n\n<p>The distribution of $X$ is known, the general formula being, for every $k\\geqslant1$, $$P(X=k)=\\frac1kP(Z_1=k-1\\mid Z_0=k)$$ which in the present case yields $$P(X=k)=\\frac1k{kd\\choose k-1}\\frac{(d-1)^{kd-k+1}}{d^{kd}}$$</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 260352, "score": 1, "text": "<p>The answer above is fine, nevertheless I make some hopefully useful supplementary remarks (the first two essentially reformulating Did's answer)</p>\n\n<p>(1) It is well known (see e.g. Feller I, 3rd ed., p.299) that the generating function $r(s)$ of the total progeny in a Galton-Watson process (started with one individual)\n with reproduction function $h(s)$ is \nthe unique positive solution of the implicit equation\n $$r(s)=s h(r(s))\\;\\;\\;.$$\nYour $X$ thus describes the total progeny of a GW-process with binomial reproduction $b_d(s)=(q+ps)^d$ in the ''critical'' case $p=\\frac{1}{d}$.</p>\n\n<p>(2) For $h(s)=b_d(s)$ the coefficients of $F_X(s)$ are (use Lagrange-inversion) $[s^0] F_X(s)=0$ and for $n\\geq 1$</p>\n\n<p>$$ [s^n] F_X(s)= \\frac{1}{n} [t^{n-1}] (q+pt)^{nd}= \\frac{1}{n} {nd \\choose n-1} p^{n-1} q^{n(d-1)+1}=\\frac{1}{nd+1}{nd+1 \\choose n} p^{n-1} q^{n(d-1)+1}$$ </p>\n\n<p>(This is a (special) case of the <strong>Otter-Dwass</strong> formula.)</p>\n\n<p>(3) The $d$-ary tree function $T_d(z)=\\sum_{n\\geq 0} \\frac{1}{n(d-1)+1}{nd \\choose n} z^n$ is the (formal) solution of the equation\n$$T_d(z)=1+z(T_d(z))^d$$\n$T_d$ is known from combinatorics: the $n$-th coefficient of $T_d$ is the no. of $d-$ary trees with $n$ nodes. \n$F_X$ is related to $T_d$ as follows:\n $$F_X(s)=s\\left(qT_d(spq^{d-1})\\right)^d$$\nThus $X$ is distributed as $1+\\sum_{i=1}^d Y_i$, where the $Y_i$ are iid with\ng.f. $g_Y(s)=qT_d(spq^{d-1})$</p>\n" } ]
Question: Total progeny of a Galton-Watson branching process - standard textbook question Answer 1: <p>The random variable $X$ is distributed like the total progeny of a critical branching process $(Z_n)$ with binomial $(d,\frac1d)$ reproduction distribution, starting from $Z_0=1$. As such, indeed $E(X)$ is infinite. </p> <p>The distribution of $X$ is known, the general formula being, for every $k\geqslant1$, $$P(X=k)=\frac1kP(Z_1=k-1\mid Z_0=k)$$ which in the present case yields $$P(X=k)=\frac1k{kd\choose k-1}\frac{(d-1)^{kd-k+1}}{d^{kd}}$$</p> Answer 2: <p>The answer above is fine, nevertheless I make some hopefully useful supplementary remarks (the first two essentially reformulating Did's answer)</p> <p>(1) It is well known (see e.g. Feller I, 3rd ed., p.299) that the generating function $r(s)$ of the total progeny in a Galton-Watson process (started with one individual) with reproduction function $h(s)$ is the unique positive solution of the implicit equation $$r(s)=s h(r(s))\;\;\;.$$ Your $X$ thus describes the total progeny of a GW-process with binomial reproduction $b_d(s)=(q+ps)^d$ in the ''critical'' case $p=\frac{1}{d}$.</p> <p>(2) For $h(s)=b_d(s)$ the coefficients of $F_X(s)$ are (use Lagrange-inversion) $[s^0] F_X(s)=0$ and for $n\geq 1$</p> <p>$$ [s^n] F_X(s)= \frac{1}{n} [t^{n-1}] (q+pt)^{nd}= \frac{1}{n} {nd \choose n-1} p^{n-1} q^{n(d-1)+1}=\frac{1}{nd+1}{nd+1 \choose n} p^{n-1} q^{n(d-1)+1}$$ </p> <p>(This is a (special) case of the <strong>Otter-Dwass</strong> formula.)</p> <p>(3) The $d$-ary tree function $T_d(z)=\sum_{n\geq 0} \frac{1}{n(d-1)+1}{nd \choose n} z^n$ is the (formal) solution of the equation $$T_d(z)=1+z(T_d(z))^d$$ $T_d$ is known from combinatorics: the $n$-th coefficient of $T_d$ is the no. of $d-$ary trees with $n$ nodes. $F_X$ is related to $T_d$ as follows: $$F_X(s)=s\left(qT_d(spq^{d-1})\right)^d$$ Thus $X$ is distributed as $1+\sum_{i=1}^d Y_i$, where the $Y_i$ are iid with g.f. $g_Y(s)=qT_d(spq^{d-1})$</p>
Does there exist a finite hyperbolic geometry in which every line contains at least 3 points, but not every line contains the same number of points?
<p>It seems to me that the answer should be yes, but my naive attempts to come up with an example have failed.</p> <p>Just to clarify, by finite hyperbolic geometry I mean a finite set of points and lines such that</p> <ol> <li>every pair of points determines determines a unique line</li> <li>every line contains at least two points</li> <li>there are at least two distinct lines</li> <li>for every line L and every point p not on the line, there are at least two distinct lines which are incident with p which do not intersect L</li> </ol> <p>It is easy enough to show that in finite euclidean geometries (i.e. affine planes) all lines have the same number of points, and in finite elliptic geometries in which every line contains at least $3$ points (i.e. projective planes) all lines have the same number of points. </p> <p>It is also easy enough to come up with an example of a finite hyperbolic geometry in which not every line has the same number of points (but some lines have exactly two points). e.g. Let the points be $\{1,2,3,4,5,6\}$ and let the lines be the set $\{1,2,3\}$, together with all of the $2$-element subsets except for $\{1,2\}$, $\{1,3\}$, $\{2,3\}$.</p>
[ { "answer_id": 260135, "score": 4, "text": "<p>Take a 2-$(v,4,1)$ design on $v$ points and delete one block, along with the four points on it. In the original system each point is on exactly $(v-1)/3$ blocks, so if we assume $v\\ge25$ the geometry we get by deleting one block is hyperbolic, all blocks have at least three points, and there are blocks of size three and size four.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 260138, "score": 2, "text": "<p>Let each line of a projective plane <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ P\\ $</span> have <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ p\\ge 5\\ $</span> points. Let\nlines <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ L_0\\,\\ L_1\\,\\ L_2\\ $</span> of <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ P\\ $</span> have empty intersection\n<span class=\"math-container\">$\\ L_0\\cap L_1\\cap L_2\\ =\\ \\emptyset.\\ $</span> Define</p>\n<p><span class=\"math-container\">$$ H\\ :=\\ P\\setminus(L_0\\cup L_1\\cup L_2) $$</span></p>\n<p>The H-lines are defined as sets <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ H\\cap L,\\ $</span> where <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ L\\ $</span> is a projective line in <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ P.$</span></p>\n<p>Then <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ H,\\ $</span> together with H-lines, is a hyperbolic plane such that each H-line has <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ p-2\\ $</span> or <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ p-3\\ $</span> points, where both these cardinalities do happen.</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Let me present a proof of property 4: <strong>INDEED</strong>, let <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ x\\in H\\setminus L,\\ $</span> where L is an H-line, and let <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ L'\\ $</span> be the projective extension of <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ L.\\ $</span> For each <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ y\\in L'\\cap M',\\ $</span> where <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ M'\\ $</span> is one of the removed projective lines, we get the H-line <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ xy\\cap H\\ $</span> which is parallel to <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ L,\\ $</span> where <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ xy\\ $</span> is the projective line passing through <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ x\\ $</span> and <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ y.$</span></p>\n<p>There is also a removed line <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ N'\\ $</span> which doesn't pass through <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ y\\ $</span> (the intersection of all removed lines is assumed to be empty). Thus <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ \\exists_z\\ y\\ne z\\in L'\\cap N',\\ $</span> and <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ xz\\cap H\\ $</span> is another H-line parallel to <span class=\"math-container\">$\\ L\\ $</span> different from the previous parallel line.</p>\n</blockquote>\n<hr>\n<p>More generally, one may consider any family of three or more projective lines (instead of three of them), which have an empty intersection. Then, with a bit of care, one gets (infinitely) more required examples with more than two different cardinalities of the H-lines.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 260176, "score": 0, "text": "<p>You can find out more about different approaches to constructing finite hyperbolic planes from this paper and consulting the references in this paper:</p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\"></a></p>\n\n<p>I believe there are still some open questions about the existence of such planes where there are at least 3 points on a line, lines have equal numbers of points, and there is the same number p of parallels to each line l through a point P not on l.</p>\n" } ]
Question: Does there exist a finite hyperbolic geometry in which every line contains at least 3 points, but not every line contains the same number of points? Answer 1: <p>Take a 2-$(v,4,1)$ design on $v$ points and delete one block, along with the four points on it. In the original system each point is on exactly $(v-1)/3$ blocks, so if we assume $v\ge25$ the geometry we get by deleting one block is hyperbolic, all blocks have at least three points, and there are blocks of size three and size four.</p> Answer 2: <p>Let each line of a projective plane <span class="math-container">$\ P\ $</span> have <span class="math-container">$\ p\ge 5\ $</span> points. Let lines <span class="math-container">$\ L_0\,\ L_1\,\ L_2\ $</span> of <span class="math-container">$\ P\ $</span> have empty intersection <span class="math-container">$\ L_0\cap L_1\cap L_2\ =\ \emptyset.\ $</span> Define</p> <p><span class="math-container">$$ H\ :=\ P\setminus(L_0\cup L_1\cup L_2) $$</span></p> <p>The H-lines are defined as sets <span class="math-container">$\ H\cap L,\ $</span> where <span class="math-container">$\ L\ $</span> is a projective line in <span class="math-container">$\ P.$</span></p> <p>Then <span class="math-container">$\ H,\ $</span> together with H-lines, is a hyperbolic plane such that each H-line has <span class="math-container">$\ p-2\ $</span> or <span class="math-container">$\ p-3\ $</span> points, where both these cardinalities do happen.</p> <blockquote> <p>Let me present a proof of property 4: <strong>INDEED</strong>, let <span class="math-container">$\ x\in H\setminus L,\ $</span> where L is an H-line, and let <span class="math-container">$\ L'\ $</span> be the projective extension of <span class="math-container">$\ L.\ $</span> For each <span class="math-container">$\ y\in L'\cap M',\ $</span> where <span class="math-container">$\ M'\ $</span> is one of the removed projective lines, we get the H-line <span class="math-container">$\ xy\cap H\ $</span> which is parallel to <span class="math-container">$\ L,\ $</span> where <span class="math-container">$\ xy\ $</span> is the projective line passing through <span class="math-container">$\ x\ $</span> and <span class="math-container">$\ y.$</span></p> <p>There is also a removed line <span class="math-container">$\ N'\ $</span> which doesn't pass through <span class="math-container">$\ y\ $</span> (the intersection of all removed lines is assumed to be empty). Thus <span class="math-container">$\ \exists_z\ y\ne z\in L'\cap N',\ $</span> and <span class="math-container">$\ xz\cap H\ $</span> is another H-line parallel to <span class="math-container">$\ L\ $</span> different from the previous parallel line.</p> </blockquote> <hr> <p>More generally, one may consider any family of three or more projective lines (instead of three of them), which have an empty intersection. Then, with a bit of care, one gets (infinitely) more required examples with more than two different cardinalities of the H-lines.</p> Answer 3: <p>You can find out more about different approaches to constructing finite hyperbolic planes from this paper and consulting the references in this paper:</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer"></a></p> <p>I believe there are still some open questions about the existence of such planes where there are at least 3 points on a line, lines have equal numbers of points, and there is the same number p of parallels to each line l through a point P not on l.</p>
A solution to the differential equation $Y&#39;&#39; + M(x^2 Y)&#39; - x^2 Y = 0$
<p>In a problem I'm working on relating to plasma instabilities, the following boundary value problem showed up \begin{equation} \frac{d^2Y}{dx^2} + M\frac{d}{dx}\left[x^2Y(x)\right] - x^2 Y(x) = 0\;\;\;\;;\;\;\;\; Y(0) = 1 \;\;\;\;;\;\;\;\; Y(\infty) = 0 \end{equation} where $M$ is a real constant. The relevant quantity to the calculation is $Y'(0)$. This is easy enough to do numerically, and I can get it to first order in $M$ analytically, but I'd like it if I could find a full analytic expression for $Y'(0)$ in terms of $M$. The usual method of "tell Mathematica to do it" failed, so I'm wondering if anyone here has any ideas.</p> <p>Note that a full functional form for $Y$ is not necessary, though obviously it would be helpful if it exists.</p>
[ { "answer_id": 419595, "score": 3, "text": "<p>According to Maple, this is essentially a <strong>triconfluent Heun differential equation</strong>. In Maple's notation, the solution is\n<span class=\"math-container\">$$\nY(x) = { C_1}\\,{\\rm HeunT} \\left( {\\frac {{3}^{2/3}}{{M}^{8/3}}},3,2\\,{\n\\frac {\\sqrt [3]{3}}{{M}^{4/3}}},1/3\\,{3}^{2/3}\\sqrt [3]{M}x \\right) {\n{\\rm e}^{-1/3\\,{\\frac { \\left( {M}^{2}{x}^{2}+3 \\right) x}{M}}}}\\\\\n+{C_2}\\,{\\rm HeunT} \\left( {\\frac {{3}^{2/3}}{{M}^{8/3}}},-3,2\\,{\\frac \n{\\sqrt [3]{3}}{{M}^{4/3}}},-1/3\\,{3}^{2/3}\\sqrt [3]{M}x \\right) {\n{\\rm e}^{{\\frac {x}{M}}}}\n$$</span>\nChange variables to <span class=\"math-container\">$y=(M/3)^{1/3}x$</span> to get\n<span class=\"math-container\">$$\n{C_1}\\,{\\rm HeunT} \n\\left(\\left(\\frac{3}{M^4}\\right)^{2/3},3,2\\left(\\frac{3}{M^4}\\right)^{1/3},y\\right)\n\\exp\\left(-y^3-(3/M^4)^{1/3}y\\right)\n\\\\\n+{C_2}\\,{\\rm HeunT}\n\\left(\\left(\\frac{3}{M^4}\\right)^{2/3},-3,2\\left(\\frac{3}{M^4}\\right)^{1/3},-y\\right) \n\\exp\\left((3/M^4)^{1/3}y\\right)\n$$</span>\nNumerical experiments suggest to me that the first term goes to <span class=\"math-container\">$0$</span> as <span class=\"math-container\">$x \\to +\\infty$</span> because of the exponential factor. So your solution should be the one with <span class=\"math-container\">$C_1=1,C_2=0$</span>.</p>\n<p>HeunT itself wildly oscillates as <span class=\"math-container\">$x \\to +\\infty$</span>. The DE has an irregular singular point at <span class=\"math-container\">$\\infty$</span>. Maple does not know asymptotics for it as <span class=\"math-container\">$x \\to +\\infty$</span>.</p>\n<hr />\n<p>Here are some references on Heun functions. Maple says it follows the notation of [3] for HeunT.</p>\n<p>[1] A. Ronveaux (Editor),\n<em>Heun's Differential Equations</em> (Oxford University\nPress, 1995)</p>\n<p>[2] B. D. Sleeman and\nV. B. Kuznetsov,\n<em>Digital Library of Mathematical Functions</em>. Chapter 31, Heun Functions.\n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\"></a></p>\n<p>[3] A. Decarreau, M.C. Dumont-Lepage, P. Maroni, A. Robert, and A. Ronveaux, &quot;Formes Canoniques de Equations confluentes de l'equation de Heun.&quot; <em>Annales de la Societe Scientifique de Bruxelles</em>, Vol. I-II. (1978): 53-78.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 260181, "score": 1, "text": "<p>This is not a complet answer may lead to a proof for your boundary problem , We have : </p>\n\n<p>\\begin{equation}\n\\frac{d^2Y}{dx^2} + M\\frac{d}{dx}\\left[x^2Y(x)\\right] - x^2 Y(x) = 0\\;\\;\\;\\;;\\;\\;\\;\\; Y(0) = 1 \\;\\;\\;\\;;\\;\\;\\;\\; Y(\\infty) = 0\n\\end{equation}\nThe above equation can be written as :$y''(x)+Mx²y'(x)+(2xM-x²)y=0$ and the latter give us two cases : \nfor $M=\\frac{x}{2}$ the equation is second-order of linear differntial equation where the <a href=\";wal=header\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">solution</a> in this case is $\\displaystyle y(x)=\\frac{c_1x\\Gamma(1/4,\\frac{x^4}{8})}{2^{0.25}{\\sqrt{x}}^{0.25}}$.</p>\n\n<p>Now for $M\\neq \\frac{x}{2}$ , The coeffecients here are analytic functions and this follow <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">legendre differential equation</a> using the power series function you will get : $y(x)=y_{0}\\sum_{n=0}^{\\infty}{a_{2n}{x}^{2n}}+y_1\\sum_{n=0}^{\\infty}{a_{2n+1}{x}^{2n+1}}$, just you can check <a href=\";pg=PA125&amp;lpg=PA125&amp;dq=B.+Said-Houari,+Differential+Equations:+Methods+and+Applications,+Compact+Textbooks+in+Mathematics,+DOI+10.1007/978-3-319-25735-8_5,+%C2%A9+Springer+International+Publishing+Switzerland+2015&amp;source=bl&amp;ots=d9urOEZJZR&amp;sig=9AKnPOIkF0aUVr3_OaBuEnLRX68&amp;hl=fr&amp;sa=X&amp;ved=0ahUKEwjJitKwitTRAhWsK8AKHX5VCHUQ6AEIIDAA#v=onepage&amp;q=B.%20Said-Houari%2C%20Differential%20Equations%3A%20Methods%20and%20Applications%2C%20Compact%20Textbooks%20in%20Mathematics%2C%20DOI%2010.1007%2F978-3-319-25735-8_5%2C%20%C2%A9%20Springer%20International%20Publishing%20Switzerland%202015&amp;f=false\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">this paper page 135.exercice 5.3</a> to get a complet steps for solving your ODE using power series </p>\n" } ]
Question: A solution to the differential equation $Y&#39;&#39; + M(x^2 Y)&#39; - x^2 Y = 0$ Answer 1: <p>According to Maple, this is essentially a <strong>triconfluent Heun differential equation</strong>. In Maple's notation, the solution is <span class="math-container">$$ Y(x) = { C_1}\,{\rm HeunT} \left( {\frac {{3}^{2/3}}{{M}^{8/3}}},3,2\,{ \frac {\sqrt [3]{3}}{{M}^{4/3}}},1/3\,{3}^{2/3}\sqrt [3]{M}x \right) { {\rm e}^{-1/3\,{\frac { \left( {M}^{2}{x}^{2}+3 \right) x}{M}}}}\\ +{C_2}\,{\rm HeunT} \left( {\frac {{3}^{2/3}}{{M}^{8/3}}},-3,2\,{\frac {\sqrt [3]{3}}{{M}^{4/3}}},-1/3\,{3}^{2/3}\sqrt [3]{M}x \right) { {\rm e}^{{\frac {x}{M}}}} $$</span> Change variables to <span class="math-container">$y=(M/3)^{1/3}x$</span> to get <span class="math-container">$$ {C_1}\,{\rm HeunT} \left(\left(\frac{3}{M^4}\right)^{2/3},3,2\left(\frac{3}{M^4}\right)^{1/3},y\right) \exp\left(-y^3-(3/M^4)^{1/3}y\right) \\ +{C_2}\,{\rm HeunT} \left(\left(\frac{3}{M^4}\right)^{2/3},-3,2\left(\frac{3}{M^4}\right)^{1/3},-y\right) \exp\left((3/M^4)^{1/3}y\right) $$</span> Numerical experiments suggest to me that the first term goes to <span class="math-container">$0$</span> as <span class="math-container">$x \to +\infty$</span> because of the exponential factor. So your solution should be the one with <span class="math-container">$C_1=1,C_2=0$</span>.</p> <p>HeunT itself wildly oscillates as <span class="math-container">$x \to +\infty$</span>. The DE has an irregular singular point at <span class="math-container">$\infty$</span>. Maple does not know asymptotics for it as <span class="math-container">$x \to +\infty$</span>.</p> <hr /> <p>Here are some references on Heun functions. Maple says it follows the notation of [3] for HeunT.</p> <p>[1] A. Ronveaux (Editor), <em>Heun's Differential Equations</em> (Oxford University Press, 1995)</p> <p>[2] B. D. Sleeman and V. B. Kuznetsov, <em>Digital Library of Mathematical Functions</em>. Chapter 31, Heun Functions. <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer"></a></p> <p>[3] A. Decarreau, M.C. Dumont-Lepage, P. Maroni, A. Robert, and A. Ronveaux, &quot;Formes Canoniques de Equations confluentes de l'equation de Heun.&quot; <em>Annales de la Societe Scientifique de Bruxelles</em>, Vol. I-II. (1978): 53-78.</p> Answer 2: <p>This is not a complet answer may lead to a proof for your boundary problem , We have : </p> <p>\begin{equation} \frac{d^2Y}{dx^2} + M\frac{d}{dx}\left[x^2Y(x)\right] - x^2 Y(x) = 0\;\;\;\;;\;\;\;\; Y(0) = 1 \;\;\;\;;\;\;\;\; Y(\infty) = 0 \end{equation} The above equation can be written as :$y''(x)+Mx²y'(x)+(2xM-x²)y=0$ and the latter give us two cases : for $M=\frac{x}{2}$ the equation is second-order of linear differntial equation where the <a href=";wal=header" rel="nofollow noreferrer">solution</a> in this case is $\displaystyle y(x)=\frac{c_1x\Gamma(1/4,\frac{x^4}{8})}{2^{0.25}{\sqrt{x}}^{0.25}}$.</p> <p>Now for $M\neq \frac{x}{2}$ , The coeffecients here are analytic functions and this follow <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">legendre differential equation</a> using the power series function you will get : $y(x)=y_{0}\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}{a_{2n}{x}^{2n}}+y_1\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}{a_{2n+1}{x}^{2n+1}}$, just you can check <a href=";pg=PA125&amp;lpg=PA125&amp;dq=B.+Said-Houari,+Differential+Equations:+Methods+and+Applications,+Compact+Textbooks+in+Mathematics,+DOI+10.1007/978-3-319-25735-8_5,+%C2%A9+Springer+International+Publishing+Switzerland+2015&amp;source=bl&amp;ots=d9urOEZJZR&amp;sig=9AKnPOIkF0aUVr3_OaBuEnLRX68&amp;hl=fr&amp;sa=X&amp;ved=0ahUKEwjJitKwitTRAhWsK8AKHX5VCHUQ6AEIIDAA#v=onepage&amp;q=B.%20Said-Houari%2C%20Differential%20Equations%3A%20Methods%20and%20Applications%2C%20Compact%20Textbooks%20in%20Mathematics%2C%20DOI%2010.1007%2F978-3-319-25735-8_5%2C%20%C2%A9%20Springer%20International%20Publishing%20Switzerland%202015&amp;f=false" rel="nofollow noreferrer">this paper page 135.exercice 5.3</a> to get a complet steps for solving your ODE using power series </p>
How to find (or numerically find) a solution to a system of 10 equations with 14 variables?
<p>I am trying to construct a counterexample in $\mathbb{R}^4$. There are 10 relations, each of which is given as the vanishing set of a determinant. There are 14 variables in total. Is there a way to find a solution easily, possibly with the help of some computer program?</p>
[ { "answer_id": 260708, "score": 2, "text": "<p>If the system is too complicated for symbolic solution, you might try some numerical experimentation.</p>\n\n<p>Since there are more variables than equations, the system is likely to be \nunderdetermined as Moritz Firsching commented. In this case, if you choose\n values for $4$ of the variables (hopefully the nature of the problem gives you some idea of likely orders of magnitude for them), you may be able to numerically solve the $10$ equations for the remaining $10$ variables, using\nsomething like Maple's <strong>fsolve</strong>, and have a good chance of success. It may even be possible to prove that a true solution exists near that numerical solution.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 260697, "score": 1, "text": "<p>Mathematica has <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">FindInstance</a> for this.</p>\n" } ]
Question: How to find (or numerically find) a solution to a system of 10 equations with 14 variables? Answer 1: <p>If the system is too complicated for symbolic solution, you might try some numerical experimentation.</p> <p>Since there are more variables than equations, the system is likely to be underdetermined as Moritz Firsching commented. In this case, if you choose values for $4$ of the variables (hopefully the nature of the problem gives you some idea of likely orders of magnitude for them), you may be able to numerically solve the $10$ equations for the remaining $10$ variables, using something like Maple's <strong>fsolve</strong>, and have a good chance of success. It may even be possible to prove that a true solution exists near that numerical solution.</p> Answer 2: <p>Mathematica has <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">FindInstance</a> for this.</p>
Counting Regions in Hyperplane Arranglements
<p>Consider the following:</p> <blockquote> <p>1) How many connected regions can $n$ hyperplanes form in $\mathbb R^d$? </p> <p>2) What if the set of hyperplanes are homogeneous?</p> <p>3) Given a set of $n$ <strong>pairs</strong> of hyperplanes, such that each pair is parallel, what is the maximum number of regions that can be formed?</p> </blockquote> <p>I saw <a href="">here</a>,<a href="">here</a> and <a href="">here</a> that the answer to (1) is $$f(d,n)=\sum_{i=0}^d {n \choose i}$$</p> <p>However I find it non-trivial to generalize the proof of $\mathbb R^2$ that was provided to $\mathbb R^d$ (without using "lower"/"upper" descriptions). Is there any "nice" way to show it recursively?</p> <p>Q3 is what I'm really after.</p> <p>Any ideas?</p>
[ { "answer_id": 258532, "score": 2, "text": "<p>Use <a href=\";s_theorem\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">Radon's theorem</a>\nto show that homogeneous hyperplanes $w$ can shatter (i.e., assign all possible sign sequences via $x\\mapsto\\text{sign}(&lt;w,x&gt;)$ at most $d$ points.\nThis is an upper bound on the <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">VC-dimension on hyperplanes</a> (which turns out to be tight).\nThen use the <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">Sauer-Shelah lemma</a> to bound the number of <em>behaviors</em> that the hyperplanes can attain on $n$ points</p>\n\n<p>That accounts for the formula $\\sum_{i=1}^d {n\\choose i}$.</p>\n\n<p>As for pairs of hyperplanes, I'll use a very crude bound for VC-dimension of intersections of pairs of sets from a VC-class of dimension $d$, see Theorem 3.6 in <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">Kearns-Vazirani</a>\nor <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">this paper</a> by Baum and Haussler, to get that the VC-dimension of the collection of pairs of hyperplanes in $d$ dimensions is at most $20d$. You can then apply Sauer-Shelah to this new value of VC-dimension.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 258545, "score": 2, "text": "<p>Suppose we have $n$ sets of $r$ parallel hyperplanes in $\\mathbb{R}^d$\nin generic position. There are $r^k\\binom nk$ ways to choose $k$ of\nthem that intersect in a flat $x$. The interval from $\\hat{0}$ to $x$\nin the intersection poset is a boolean algebra, so the Mobius function\nis given by $\\mu(\\hat{0},x)=\\pm 1$. Thus by Zaslavsky's theorem, the\nnumber of regions is $\\sum_{k=0}^d r^k\\binom nk$.</p>\n" } ]
Question: Counting Regions in Hyperplane Arranglements Answer 1: <p>Use <a href=";s_theorem" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Radon's theorem</a> to show that homogeneous hyperplanes $w$ can shatter (i.e., assign all possible sign sequences via $x\mapsto\text{sign}(&lt;w,x&gt;)$ at most $d$ points. This is an upper bound on the <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">VC-dimension on hyperplanes</a> (which turns out to be tight). Then use the <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Sauer-Shelah lemma</a> to bound the number of <em>behaviors</em> that the hyperplanes can attain on $n$ points</p> <p>That accounts for the formula $\sum_{i=1}^d {n\choose i}$.</p> <p>As for pairs of hyperplanes, I'll use a very crude bound for VC-dimension of intersections of pairs of sets from a VC-class of dimension $d$, see Theorem 3.6 in <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Kearns-Vazirani</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">this paper</a> by Baum and Haussler, to get that the VC-dimension of the collection of pairs of hyperplanes in $d$ dimensions is at most $20d$. You can then apply Sauer-Shelah to this new value of VC-dimension.</p> Answer 2: <p>Suppose we have $n$ sets of $r$ parallel hyperplanes in $\mathbb{R}^d$ in generic position. There are $r^k\binom nk$ ways to choose $k$ of them that intersect in a flat $x$. The interval from $\hat{0}$ to $x$ in the intersection poset is a boolean algebra, so the Mobius function is given by $\mu(\hat{0},x)=\pm 1$. Thus by Zaslavsky's theorem, the number of regions is $\sum_{k=0}^d r^k\binom nk$.</p>
open set in $\mathbb{S}^2$ whose boundary is a finite union of points
<p>I want to prove that an open subset of $\mathbb{S}^2$ whose boundary is a finite union of points must be $\mathbb{S}^2$ minus the points. Am I wrong to think that this is the case? Any ideas on how to prove it. Thanks.</p>
[ { "answer_id": 258786, "score": 6, "text": "<p>Pick a point $p$ of $S^2$ which is not in your set and not one of the finitely many boundary points. The complement of the closure of your open set is an open set, so $p$ lies in a disk not containing any point of your open set. By Moebius transformation, we can assume that $-p$ lies in your open set. Then each great circle through $p$ strikes a different boundary point of your open set, so the boundary is not a finite set of points.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 258787, "score": 2, "text": "<p>A finite subset is discrete, so you can find small disks around each boundary points that are disjoint. The complement of the union of the disks is then connected and does not meet the boundary of your open set $A$, thus it must be either contained in $A$ or in its complement. Taking possibly smaller disks, you can ensure that the complement of the disks meets $A$, so that it is contained in $A$. Your set must thus contain the union of the complements for arbitrary small radii, i.e. $A$ is the complement of its boundary.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 258799, "score": 2, "text": "<p>Let $X$ be a topological space. Let $U$ be an open subset of $X$ and $\\partial U=\\overline U\\setminus U$ be its boundary. Let $V=X\\setminus \\overline U$. Then $U$ and $V$ form a partition of $X\\setminus \\partial U$ in open subsets. If $X\\setminus \\partial U$ is connected, then either $U=\\emptyset$ (in which case $\\partial U=\\emptyset$ as well), or $V=\\emptyset$. You probably want to avoid the first case, and in the latter case, $\\overline U=X$ and and $U=X\\setminus \\partial U$.</p>\n\n<p>In your example one has $X=\\mathbf S_2$ and the complement of any finite set of points is connected (for any reason you want, for example, because there is a family of circles passing through two points, and pairwise disjoint except for the fixed points, so that most of them avoid the given finite set). </p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 258796, "score": 1, "text": "<p>(a) Let $X$ be an arbitrary topological space, and $U,V$ open subsets with the same boundary $B$, and $W=U\\cap V$. Then the boundary of $W$ is contained in $B$ (immediate).</p>\n\n<p>(b) Next, if $U,W$ are open subsets of $X$ with $W\\subset U$ and the boundary of $W$ is contained in the boundary of $U$, then $W$ is open and closed in $U$ (immediate too).</p>\n\n<p>(c) In the setting of (a), if $U$ is connected and $U\\cap V\\neq\\emptyset$ (which is automatic if $U$ is dense and $V$ nonempty), we deduce from (b) that $V$ contains $U$. If $U$ is dense then we deduce that $V$ is connected, which implies by the same argument that $U$ contains $V$, so $U=V$.</p>\n\n<p>So if $X$ is a topological space in which the complement of any finite subset is connected and dense, then any open subset with <b>nonempty</b> finite boundary is equal to the complement of its boundary.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 258798, "score": 0, "text": "<p>Of course you have to assume that your open subset $\\Omega$ is nonempty. In such case, notice that $S^2\\setminus\\partial\\Omega$ is still connected (why?). Your original subset $\\Omega$ is both open and closed in $S^2\\setminus\\partial\\Omega$ (why?), so by connectedness $\\Omega=S^2\\setminus\\partial\\Omega$.</p>\n" } ]
Question: open set in $\mathbb{S}^2$ whose boundary is a finite union of points Answer 1: <p>Pick a point $p$ of $S^2$ which is not in your set and not one of the finitely many boundary points. The complement of the closure of your open set is an open set, so $p$ lies in a disk not containing any point of your open set. By Moebius transformation, we can assume that $-p$ lies in your open set. Then each great circle through $p$ strikes a different boundary point of your open set, so the boundary is not a finite set of points.</p> Answer 2: <p>A finite subset is discrete, so you can find small disks around each boundary points that are disjoint. The complement of the union of the disks is then connected and does not meet the boundary of your open set $A$, thus it must be either contained in $A$ or in its complement. Taking possibly smaller disks, you can ensure that the complement of the disks meets $A$, so that it is contained in $A$. Your set must thus contain the union of the complements for arbitrary small radii, i.e. $A$ is the complement of its boundary.</p> Answer 3: <p>Let $X$ be a topological space. Let $U$ be an open subset of $X$ and $\partial U=\overline U\setminus U$ be its boundary. Let $V=X\setminus \overline U$. Then $U$ and $V$ form a partition of $X\setminus \partial U$ in open subsets. If $X\setminus \partial U$ is connected, then either $U=\emptyset$ (in which case $\partial U=\emptyset$ as well), or $V=\emptyset$. You probably want to avoid the first case, and in the latter case, $\overline U=X$ and and $U=X\setminus \partial U$.</p> <p>In your example one has $X=\mathbf S_2$ and the complement of any finite set of points is connected (for any reason you want, for example, because there is a family of circles passing through two points, and pairwise disjoint except for the fixed points, so that most of them avoid the given finite set). </p> Answer 4: <p>(a) Let $X$ be an arbitrary topological space, and $U,V$ open subsets with the same boundary $B$, and $W=U\cap V$. Then the boundary of $W$ is contained in $B$ (immediate).</p> <p>(b) Next, if $U,W$ are open subsets of $X$ with $W\subset U$ and the boundary of $W$ is contained in the boundary of $U$, then $W$ is open and closed in $U$ (immediate too).</p> <p>(c) In the setting of (a), if $U$ is connected and $U\cap V\neq\emptyset$ (which is automatic if $U$ is dense and $V$ nonempty), we deduce from (b) that $V$ contains $U$. If $U$ is dense then we deduce that $V$ is connected, which implies by the same argument that $U$ contains $V$, so $U=V$.</p> <p>So if $X$ is a topological space in which the complement of any finite subset is connected and dense, then any open subset with <b>nonempty</b> finite boundary is equal to the complement of its boundary.</p> Answer 5: <p>Of course you have to assume that your open subset $\Omega$ is nonempty. In such case, notice that $S^2\setminus\partial\Omega$ is still connected (why?). Your original subset $\Omega$ is both open and closed in $S^2\setminus\partial\Omega$ (why?), so by connectedness $\Omega=S^2\setminus\partial\Omega$.</p>
An inequality for the Euler totient function
<p>Is it true that $2\varphi(n)&gt;n$ if $n=2^k-1$ with any odd k (checked by Sage for k&lt;137 at the moment)? </p>
[ { "answer_id": 258960, "score": 8, "text": "<p>Let $p$ be a prime such that $p \\equiv 7 \\bmod 8$, then $2$ is a quadratic residue mod $p$ and $\\frac{p-1}{2}$ is odd.</p>\n\n<p>Hence, if we take $k= \\prod_{p \\le x, p \\equiv 7 \\bmod 8} \\frac{p-1}{2}$, then $n$ is divisible by all $p \\le x$ of the form $p \\equiv 7 \\bmod 8$, and $k$ is odd. We get\n$$\\frac{\\phi(n)}{n} = \\prod_{p \\mid n} (1-\\frac{1}{p}) \\le \\prod_{p \\le x, p \\equiv 7 \\bmod 8} (1-\\frac{1}{p}) \\le e^{-\\sum_{p \\le x, p \\equiv 7 \\bmod 8} \\frac{1}{p}},$$\nwhich goes to 0 as $x \\to \\infty$, by Dirichlet's theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions. Hence, the answer is 'no'.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 258959, "score": 7, "text": "<p>No it's not true. An equivalent question is whether the product of $(1-1/p)$, where $p$ ranges over all the primes for which 2 has odd order mod $p$, is greater than or equal to $1/2$. However an explicit calculation shows that if you take the product over all primes $p$ less than 57 million with this property then the product is just less than $1/2$, so there will be a counterexample; however $k$ will be astronomical (the lowest common multiple of these millions of orders, many of which will be a million or more). Computing the product instead of the lowest common multiple gives some value of $k$ which has 6482632 digits (the product becomes less than $1/2$ when $p=55685687$), but the smallest counterexample will be smaller than that because the LCM will save you something (although it will still be astronomical).</p>\n" } ]
Question: An inequality for the Euler totient function Answer 1: <p>Let $p$ be a prime such that $p \equiv 7 \bmod 8$, then $2$ is a quadratic residue mod $p$ and $\frac{p-1}{2}$ is odd.</p> <p>Hence, if we take $k= \prod_{p \le x, p \equiv 7 \bmod 8} \frac{p-1}{2}$, then $n$ is divisible by all $p \le x$ of the form $p \equiv 7 \bmod 8$, and $k$ is odd. We get $$\frac{\phi(n)}{n} = \prod_{p \mid n} (1-\frac{1}{p}) \le \prod_{p \le x, p \equiv 7 \bmod 8} (1-\frac{1}{p}) \le e^{-\sum_{p \le x, p \equiv 7 \bmod 8} \frac{1}{p}},$$ which goes to 0 as $x \to \infty$, by Dirichlet's theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions. Hence, the answer is 'no'.</p> Answer 2: <p>No it's not true. An equivalent question is whether the product of $(1-1/p)$, where $p$ ranges over all the primes for which 2 has odd order mod $p$, is greater than or equal to $1/2$. However an explicit calculation shows that if you take the product over all primes $p$ less than 57 million with this property then the product is just less than $1/2$, so there will be a counterexample; however $k$ will be astronomical (the lowest common multiple of these millions of orders, many of which will be a million or more). Computing the product instead of the lowest common multiple gives some value of $k$ which has 6482632 digits (the product becomes less than $1/2$ when $p=55685687$), but the smallest counterexample will be smaller than that because the LCM will save you something (although it will still be astronomical).</p>
A family of divergent series
<p>Is it reasonable to assert that $0^k - 1^k - 2^k + 3^k - 4^k + 5^k + 6^k - 7^k - ... = 0$ for all $k &gt; 1$?</p> <p>Here the signs are given by the Thue-Morse sequence; that is, the sign of $m^k$ is $+$ or $-$ according to whether the number of 1's in the binary expansion of $m$ is even or odd.</p> <p>I'm aware that the theory of divergent series is actually an assortment of theories that don't always agree (even though they usually do), so that it isn't necessarily meaningful to ask what "the" value of a divergent series is without specifying what sort of regularization one has in mind. Still, the following reasoning strikes me as having some evidentiary force. </p> <p>Take $f(q):=(1-q)(1-q^2)(1-q^4)(1-q^8)\cdots$ for $0 \leq q \leq 1$. Because of the numerous factors of $1-q$, we have $f^{(k)}(1) = 0$ for all $k \geq 0$. (Fussy technicality: $f^{(k)}(1)$ needs to be defined as a one-sided derivative because $f(q)$ is undefined for $q&gt;1$.) If we repeatedly differentiate $f(q)$ term-by-term, and then plug in $q=1$, we get divergent sums of the form $p(0) - p(1) - p(2) + p(3) - p(4) + p(5) + p(6) - p(7) - ...$ where $p(\cdot)$ is a polynomial; since $f^{(k)}(1) = 0$, we are "justified" in asserting that the divergent sum vanishes. Since these polynomials form a basis for the space of all polynomials, we have $p(0) - p(1) - p(2) + p(3) - p(4) + p(5) + p(6) - p(7) - ... = 0$ for all polynomials $p(x)$, and hence in particular for $p(x) = x^k$.</p> <p>Compare with the fairly well-known fact (source?) that if $n=2^d$ then $0^k - 1^k - 2^k + 3^k - ... \pm (n-1)^k$ vanishes for all $k$ between 0 and $d-1$.</p>
[ { "answer_id": 259349, "score": 4, "text": "<p>As Fan Zheng points out in his comment, if the divergent series is interpreted in the sense of Abel summation then the value is 0 (and the argument given in the fourth paragraph of the question contains most of the ideas required for a rigorous proof). So the assertion is indeed reasonable.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 265119, "score": 0, "text": "<p>You might be interested in the answer/solution to my similar question <a href=\"\">Cesaro(?)/Euler(?) - summation of the $s(p)=\\sum_{k=0}^\\infty (-1)^{H(k)} (1+k)^p$ for $p=1,2,3,...$ (where $H(k)$ is the Hamming-weight)</a> given by Lucia <a href=\"\"></a> </p>\n" } ]
Question: A family of divergent series Answer 1: <p>As Fan Zheng points out in his comment, if the divergent series is interpreted in the sense of Abel summation then the value is 0 (and the argument given in the fourth paragraph of the question contains most of the ideas required for a rigorous proof). So the assertion is indeed reasonable.</p> Answer 2: <p>You might be interested in the answer/solution to my similar question <a href="">Cesaro(?)/Euler(?) - summation of the $s(p)=\sum_{k=0}^\infty (-1)^{H(k)} (1+k)^p$ for $p=1,2,3,...$ (where $H(k)$ is the Hamming-weight)</a> given by Lucia <a href=""></a> </p>
Inverse Laplace transform of $sech(\sqrt{2\lambda})$ and Brownian motion occupation time
<p>In dimension 3 we have that for $T=\int_{[0,\infty)}1_{B_{t}\in B(0,1)}dt$ has the Laplace transform $$E[e^{-\lambda T}]=sech(\sqrt{2\lambda}).$$</p> <p>And in dimension 1 we have the same for $\tau=\min\{t: |B(t)|=1\}$:</p> <p>$$E[e^{-\lambda \tau}]=sech(\sqrt{2\lambda}).$$</p> <p>Inverting this in Mathematica didn't give a clean answer, but I found in "An Atlas of Functions: with Equator, the Atlas Function Calculator" that</p> <p>$$\int_{a-i\infty}^{a+i\infty}\frac{sech(\nu \sqrt{\lambda})}{\sqrt{\lambda}}e^{\lambda s}\frac{ds}{2\pi i}=\frac{1}{\nu}\hat{\theta}_{2}(\frac{1}{2},\frac{t}{\nu^{2}}),$$</p> <p>where $$\hat{\theta}_{2}(x,t):=\frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi t}}[\sum_{0}^{\infty}(-1)^{n}\exp(\frac{-(x+n)^{2}}{t})-\sum_{-1}^{-\infty}(-1)^{n}\exp(\frac{-(x+n)^{2}}{t})].$$</p> <p>Q1:Has there been any further work on relating this to behaviour for Brownian motion? </p> <p>Q2:Is there a closed formula for the inverse laplace transform of $sech( \sqrt{2\lambda})$?</p>
[ { "answer_id": 307826, "score": 2, "text": "<p><strong>Q2</strong> $\\qquad$ <em>\"Is there a closed formula for the inverse Laplace transform of ${\\rm sech}(\\sqrt{2\\lambda})$\"</em><br>\nmight still benefit from an explicit answer in terms of a special function.</p>\n\n<p>The inverse Laplace transform of ${\\rm sech}(\\sqrt{2\\lambda})=1/\\cosh(\\sqrt{2\\lambda})$ follows from an entry in Table 2 in <A HREF=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">Theta functions; transform tables and examples for electrochemists:</A></p>\n\n<p>$$\\int_0^\\infty dt\\, e^{-\\lambda t}\\,\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x}\\theta_1\\left(\\frac{x}{2c}\\biggl|\\frac{i\\pi t}{c^2}\\right)=\\frac{c\\cosh(x\\sqrt{\\lambda})}{\\cosh(c\\sqrt{\\lambda})},\\;\\;|x|&lt;c, $$\nwhere $\\theta_1$ is a <A HREF=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">Jacobi theta function</A>.<br>\nThe inverse Laplace transform of $1/\\cosh(\\sqrt{2\\lambda})$ is thus given by\n$${\\cal L}^{-1}\\left(\\frac{1}{\\cosh(\\sqrt{2\\lambda})}\\right)=\\frac{1}{\\sqrt 2}\\lim_{x\\rightarrow 0}\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x}\\theta_1\\left(\\frac{x}{2\\sqrt{2}}\\biggl|\\frac{i\\pi t}{2}\\right).$$</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 299679, "score": 1, "text": "<p>See p. 342 of Feller, vol. 2: Here, B starts at x and is absorbed at 0 and a.</p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"half page from Feller\"></a></p>\n\n<p>What you wrote about T is not correct: They are not equal in dimensions 1 and 3. Rather, this total occupation time in dimension 3 equals in distribution the exit time in dimension 1 (the Ciesielski-Taylor identity).</p>\n" } ]
Question: Inverse Laplace transform of $sech(\sqrt{2\lambda})$ and Brownian motion occupation time Answer 1: <p><strong>Q2</strong> $\qquad$ <em>"Is there a closed formula for the inverse Laplace transform of ${\rm sech}(\sqrt{2\lambda})$"</em><br> might still benefit from an explicit answer in terms of a special function.</p> <p>The inverse Laplace transform of ${\rm sech}(\sqrt{2\lambda})=1/\cosh(\sqrt{2\lambda})$ follows from an entry in Table 2 in <A HREF="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Theta functions; transform tables and examples for electrochemists:</A></p> <p>$$\int_0^\infty dt\, e^{-\lambda t}\,\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\theta_1\left(\frac{x}{2c}\biggl|\frac{i\pi t}{c^2}\right)=\frac{c\cosh(x\sqrt{\lambda})}{\cosh(c\sqrt{\lambda})},\;\;|x|&lt;c, $$ where $\theta_1$ is a <A HREF="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Jacobi theta function</A>.<br> The inverse Laplace transform of $1/\cosh(\sqrt{2\lambda})$ is thus given by $${\cal L}^{-1}\left(\frac{1}{\cosh(\sqrt{2\lambda})}\right)=\frac{1}{\sqrt 2}\lim_{x\rightarrow 0}\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\theta_1\left(\frac{x}{2\sqrt{2}}\biggl|\frac{i\pi t}{2}\right).$$</p> Answer 2: <p>See p. 342 of Feller, vol. 2: Here, B starts at x and is absorbed at 0 and a.</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer"><img src="" alt="half page from Feller"></a></p> <p>What you wrote about T is not correct: They are not equal in dimensions 1 and 3. Rather, this total occupation time in dimension 3 equals in distribution the exit time in dimension 1 (the Ciesielski-Taylor identity).</p>
Groups with one simple projective representation
<p>I'm still trying to learn projective representation theory,  so please bear with me. Thanks to YCor and David Speyer for pointing out the issues with my previous formulation of this question. Hopefully this is better. </p> <p>Below my field will always be $\mathbb{C}$. </p> <p>Is there a classification of finite groups G with the property that there exist $c\in H_{2}(G,\mathbb{Z})$, such that there is a unique irreducible linear representation of the central extension of G associated to c that descends to an irreducible projective representation of G? </p> <p>The trivial group trivially has this property. </p> <p>The first nontrivial example if this behavior is the klein four group. Specifically, $D_8$ is the central extension of klein four associated to the unique contrivial homology class. Moreover, there is exactly one 2-dimension irreducible representation that descends to an irreducible projective representation of klein four. </p> <p>As a non-example take a finite nontrivial cyclic group G of order n. Then the Schur multiplier is trivial so there are exactly n inequivalent linear representations G that descend the (trivial) Central extension of G. </p>
[ { "answer_id": 259291, "score": 6, "text": "<p>Previous answer was broken, here is what I can salvage.</p>\n\n<p>To be clear, I am taking a projective representation to be a map $G \\to PGL(V)$ with $\\dim V \\geq 2$. I call it irreducible if the corresponding representation $\\tilde{G} \\to GL(V)$, where $\\tilde{G}$ is a central extension of $G$, is irreducible. I call two projective representations $G \\to PGL(V)$ and $G \\to PGL(W)$ isomorphic if I can choose an isomorphism $V \\cong W$ to make them coincide. The goal is to classify $G$ such that $G$ only has one irreducible projective representation up to isomorphism. </p>\n\n<p>Let $A=[G,G]$ and $B = G^{ab}$, so we have $1 \\to A \\to G \\to B \\to 1$. I can show</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>$A$ is elementary abelian (possibly trivial).</p></li>\n<li><p>The conjugacy action of $B$ on $A \\setminus \\{ e \\}$ is transitive. </p></li>\n<li><p>$B$ is either of the form $C_m$ or $C_{2m} \\times C_2$. (Here $C_k$ is the cyclic group of order $k$.)</p></li>\n</ul>\n\n<p>This is a pretty limited list; I am not sure which groups on this list have the stated property.</p>\n\n<p>So, let's prove this. Define $A=[G,G]$ and $B = G^{ab}$ and suppose $G$ has the claimed property.</p>\n\n<p><b>Lemma</b> All non-identity elements of $A$ are conjugate in $G$. (The old version of this answer said conjugate in $A$; that's false.) </p>\n\n<p><b>Proof</b> Suppose for the sake of contradiction that $A$ has $\\geq 3$ conjugacy classes in $G$. Since the character table is invertible, there are two characters, $\\chi_1$ and $\\chi_2$ with $\\chi_i$ coming from $\\rho_i : G \\to GL(V_i)$ which are linearly independent of each other and of the trivial character. Any one dimensional rep of $G$ is trivial on $A$, so $\\dim V_1$ and $\\dim V_2 \\geq 2$. </p>\n\n<p>By assumption, the projective representations $\\bar{\\rho}_i : G \\to PGL(V_i)$ are isomorphic, choose an isomorphism $V_1 \\cong V_2$ such that $\\bar{\\rho}_1 = \\bar{\\rho}_2$. Then $\\rho_1(g) = \\chi(g) \\rho_2(g)$ for some $\\chi: G \\to \\mathbb{C}^{\\ast}$. It is easy to see that $\\chi$ is a (one-dimensional) character of $G$. But then $\\chi$ must be trivial on $A$, so $\\chi_1 = \\chi_2$ on $A$, contradicting our linear independence. $\\square$</p>\n\n<p>So the conjugacy action of $G$ on $A$ is transitive on $A \\setminus \\{ e \\}$. By a standard lemma, this implies $A$ is elementary abelian. We've proved the first two bullet points.</p>\n\n<p>Now, we study the structure of the abelian group $B$. Any irreducible projective representation of $B$ is an irreducible projective representation of $G$, so we deduce that $B$ has at most one irreducible\nprojective representation (none if $B$ is cyclic.) </p>\n\n<p>Now, if $m&gt;2$, then $C_m^2$ has multiple irreducible projective representations corresponding to different representations of the Heisenberg group of order $m^3$. (We can see this from the above argument: the commutator subgroup of the Heisenberg group is central, so the conjugacy action on the commutator subgroup is trivial and can't be transitive.) So $B$ must not have $C_m^2$ as a quotient for $m&gt;2$. Also, $C_2^3$ has multiple irreducible representations, by projecting onto $C_2^2$ in different ways. Looking at the classification of finite abelian groups, this limits us to $C_m$ or $C_2 \\times C_{2m}$.</p>\n\n<p>I have not figured out which groups on the above list actually have the specified property. </p>\n\n<hr>\n\n<p>I now have the list of candidates down to the following:</p>\n\n<p>$C_m$ -- this has no irreducible projective representations, so you can decide whether to count it or not.</p>\n\n<p>$C_{2m} \\times C_2$. The only irreducible projective representation of this is through the quotient $C_2 \\times C_2$, so it works.</p>\n\n<p>$C_p^k \\rtimes C_{(p^k-1)t}$, where the action is by a cyclic subgroup of $GL(\\mathbb{F}_p)$ of order $p^k-1$. I have not yet figured out whether or not this works.</p>\n\n<p>$G \\times C_s$ where $s$ is odd and $G$ is a non-abelian central extension of the form $1 \\to C_2 \\to G \\to C_{2^k} \\times C_{2} \\to 1$. I can show that all projective representations of this factor through the quotient $G$, but I haven't figured out for which $G$ there is a unique irreducible projective representation. </p>\n\n<p>I'll try to add proofs of what I have later today.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 259776, "score": 3, "text": "<p>I interprete the question as asking for projective reps associated to a <em>fixed</em> cohomology class, as follows:\n$\\DeclareMathOperator{GL}{GL} \\DeclareMathOperator{PGL}{PGL}\n \\newcommand{\\CC}{\\mathbb{C}}$<br>\nBy a <em>projective representation</em>, I understand a map $R\\colon G\\to \\GL(V)$ such that the composed map $G \\to \\PGL(V)$ is a group homomorphism. Thus there is a map $c\\colon G\\times G\\to \\CC^*$ such that\n$$ R(g)R(h) = c(g,h) R(gh) \\quad \\text{for all } g, h \\in G ,$$\nand $c\\in Z^2(G,\\CC^*)$ is a cocycle.<br>\n(Recall that the Schur multiplier $H^2(G,\\CC^*) \\cong H_2(G,\\mathbb{Z})$. In fact, there is a natural isomorphism from $H_2(G,\\mathbb{Z})$ onto the the dual group of $H^2(G,\\CC^*)$.) </p>\n\n<p>Now we can ask: </p>\n\n<blockquote>\n <p>For which groups is there a cocycle $c$ such that there is only one irreducible projective representation with that given cocycle $c$, up to \"equivalence\"? </p>\n</blockquote>\n\n<p>There are, however, two possible notions of equivalence here: We may say that the projective representations $R_i\\colon G\\to \\GL(V_i)$ are equivalent when there is an isomorphism $T\\colon V_1\\cong V_2$ such that $T \\circ R_1(g) = R_2(g) \\circ T$ for all $g\\in G$. Or we may require only that there are scalars $\\mu(g)\\in \\CC^*$ such that $T\\circ R_1(g) = \\mu(g) R_2(g)\\circ T$ for all $g\\in G$ (as in David's answer). </p>\n\n<p>In the first case, the question is equivalent to having a cocycle $c$ such that the <em>twisted group algebra</em> $\\CC^{c}[G]$ is simple as an algebra, i.e. isomorphic to a matrix ring over $\\CC$. Equivalently, there is a central extension $1 \\to Z \\to \\tilde{G} \\to G \\to 1$, such that $Z$ has a linear character $\\lambda$ such that there is exactly one irreducible representation of $\\tilde{G}$ lying over $\\lambda$. (Then $\\tilde{G}$ is called a <em>group of central type</em> and $G$ a <em>central factor group</em>. Necessarily $Z=Z(\\tilde{G})$.)<br>\nA celebrated result of Howlett and Isaacs says that then $G$ is solvable (the proof depends on the classification of finite simple groups). To the best of my knowledge, central factor groups are not classified, but a number of necessary conditions are known. An abelian group $G$ is a central factor group iff it is of the form $G=A\\times A$ for some abelian group $A$. A group $\\tilde{G}$ is of central type iff for each Sylow $P$ of $\\tilde{G}$ we have $Z(P) = P\\cap Z(\\tilde{G})$ and $P$ is of central type as well. </p>\n\n<p>If we take the coarser equivalence relation, we get an even larger class of groups. It's equivalent to having a central extension $1 \\to Z \\to \\tilde{G}\\to G \\to 1$ and a linear character $\\lambda$ of $Z$, such that all irreps of $\\tilde{G}$ over $\\lambda$ come from one irrep by tensoring with linear reps of $\\tilde{G}$. I don't know if this can be somehow reduced to the case of central factor groups. </p>\n\n<p>Reference:\n<em>Robert B. Howlett and I. Martin Isaacs</em>, MR 652860 <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\"><strong>On groups of central type</strong></a>, <em>Math. Z.</em> <strong>179</strong> (1982), no. 4, 555--569.</p>\n" } ]
Question: Groups with one simple projective representation Answer 1: <p>Previous answer was broken, here is what I can salvage.</p> <p>To be clear, I am taking a projective representation to be a map $G \to PGL(V)$ with $\dim V \geq 2$. I call it irreducible if the corresponding representation $\tilde{G} \to GL(V)$, where $\tilde{G}$ is a central extension of $G$, is irreducible. I call two projective representations $G \to PGL(V)$ and $G \to PGL(W)$ isomorphic if I can choose an isomorphism $V \cong W$ to make them coincide. The goal is to classify $G$ such that $G$ only has one irreducible projective representation up to isomorphism. </p> <p>Let $A=[G,G]$ and $B = G^{ab}$, so we have $1 \to A \to G \to B \to 1$. I can show</p> <ul> <li><p>$A$ is elementary abelian (possibly trivial).</p></li> <li><p>The conjugacy action of $B$ on $A \setminus \{ e \}$ is transitive. </p></li> <li><p>$B$ is either of the form $C_m$ or $C_{2m} \times C_2$. (Here $C_k$ is the cyclic group of order $k$.)</p></li> </ul> <p>This is a pretty limited list; I am not sure which groups on this list have the stated property.</p> <p>So, let's prove this. Define $A=[G,G]$ and $B = G^{ab}$ and suppose $G$ has the claimed property.</p> <p><b>Lemma</b> All non-identity elements of $A$ are conjugate in $G$. (The old version of this answer said conjugate in $A$; that's false.) </p> <p><b>Proof</b> Suppose for the sake of contradiction that $A$ has $\geq 3$ conjugacy classes in $G$. Since the character table is invertible, there are two characters, $\chi_1$ and $\chi_2$ with $\chi_i$ coming from $\rho_i : G \to GL(V_i)$ which are linearly independent of each other and of the trivial character. Any one dimensional rep of $G$ is trivial on $A$, so $\dim V_1$ and $\dim V_2 \geq 2$. </p> <p>By assumption, the projective representations $\bar{\rho}_i : G \to PGL(V_i)$ are isomorphic, choose an isomorphism $V_1 \cong V_2$ such that $\bar{\rho}_1 = \bar{\rho}_2$. Then $\rho_1(g) = \chi(g) \rho_2(g)$ for some $\chi: G \to \mathbb{C}^{\ast}$. It is easy to see that $\chi$ is a (one-dimensional) character of $G$. But then $\chi$ must be trivial on $A$, so $\chi_1 = \chi_2$ on $A$, contradicting our linear independence. $\square$</p> <p>So the conjugacy action of $G$ on $A$ is transitive on $A \setminus \{ e \}$. By a standard lemma, this implies $A$ is elementary abelian. We've proved the first two bullet points.</p> <p>Now, we study the structure of the abelian group $B$. Any irreducible projective representation of $B$ is an irreducible projective representation of $G$, so we deduce that $B$ has at most one irreducible projective representation (none if $B$ is cyclic.) </p> <p>Now, if $m&gt;2$, then $C_m^2$ has multiple irreducible projective representations corresponding to different representations of the Heisenberg group of order $m^3$. (We can see this from the above argument: the commutator subgroup of the Heisenberg group is central, so the conjugacy action on the commutator subgroup is trivial and can't be transitive.) So $B$ must not have $C_m^2$ as a quotient for $m&gt;2$. Also, $C_2^3$ has multiple irreducible representations, by projecting onto $C_2^2$ in different ways. Looking at the classification of finite abelian groups, this limits us to $C_m$ or $C_2 \times C_{2m}$.</p> <p>I have not figured out which groups on the above list actually have the specified property. </p> <hr> <p>I now have the list of candidates down to the following:</p> <p>$C_m$ -- this has no irreducible projective representations, so you can decide whether to count it or not.</p> <p>$C_{2m} \times C_2$. The only irreducible projective representation of this is through the quotient $C_2 \times C_2$, so it works.</p> <p>$C_p^k \rtimes C_{(p^k-1)t}$, where the action is by a cyclic subgroup of $GL(\mathbb{F}_p)$ of order $p^k-1$. I have not yet figured out whether or not this works.</p> <p>$G \times C_s$ where $s$ is odd and $G$ is a non-abelian central extension of the form $1 \to C_2 \to G \to C_{2^k} \times C_{2} \to 1$. I can show that all projective representations of this factor through the quotient $G$, but I haven't figured out for which $G$ there is a unique irreducible projective representation. </p> <p>I'll try to add proofs of what I have later today.</p> Answer 2: <p>I interprete the question as asking for projective reps associated to a <em>fixed</em> cohomology class, as follows: $\DeclareMathOperator{GL}{GL} \DeclareMathOperator{PGL}{PGL} \newcommand{\CC}{\mathbb{C}}$<br> By a <em>projective representation</em>, I understand a map $R\colon G\to \GL(V)$ such that the composed map $G \to \PGL(V)$ is a group homomorphism. Thus there is a map $c\colon G\times G\to \CC^*$ such that $$ R(g)R(h) = c(g,h) R(gh) \quad \text{for all } g, h \in G ,$$ and $c\in Z^2(G,\CC^*)$ is a cocycle.<br> (Recall that the Schur multiplier $H^2(G,\CC^*) \cong H_2(G,\mathbb{Z})$. In fact, there is a natural isomorphism from $H_2(G,\mathbb{Z})$ onto the the dual group of $H^2(G,\CC^*)$.) </p> <p>Now we can ask: </p> <blockquote> <p>For which groups is there a cocycle $c$ such that there is only one irreducible projective representation with that given cocycle $c$, up to "equivalence"? </p> </blockquote> <p>There are, however, two possible notions of equivalence here: We may say that the projective representations $R_i\colon G\to \GL(V_i)$ are equivalent when there is an isomorphism $T\colon V_1\cong V_2$ such that $T \circ R_1(g) = R_2(g) \circ T$ for all $g\in G$. Or we may require only that there are scalars $\mu(g)\in \CC^*$ such that $T\circ R_1(g) = \mu(g) R_2(g)\circ T$ for all $g\in G$ (as in David's answer). </p> <p>In the first case, the question is equivalent to having a cocycle $c$ such that the <em>twisted group algebra</em> $\CC^{c}[G]$ is simple as an algebra, i.e. isomorphic to a matrix ring over $\CC$. Equivalently, there is a central extension $1 \to Z \to \tilde{G} \to G \to 1$, such that $Z$ has a linear character $\lambda$ such that there is exactly one irreducible representation of $\tilde{G}$ lying over $\lambda$. (Then $\tilde{G}$ is called a <em>group of central type</em> and $G$ a <em>central factor group</em>. Necessarily $Z=Z(\tilde{G})$.)<br> A celebrated result of Howlett and Isaacs says that then $G$ is solvable (the proof depends on the classification of finite simple groups). To the best of my knowledge, central factor groups are not classified, but a number of necessary conditions are known. An abelian group $G$ is a central factor group iff it is of the form $G=A\times A$ for some abelian group $A$. A group $\tilde{G}$ is of central type iff for each Sylow $P$ of $\tilde{G}$ we have $Z(P) = P\cap Z(\tilde{G})$ and $P$ is of central type as well. </p> <p>If we take the coarser equivalence relation, we get an even larger class of groups. It's equivalent to having a central extension $1 \to Z \to \tilde{G}\to G \to 1$ and a linear character $\lambda$ of $Z$, such that all irreps of $\tilde{G}$ over $\lambda$ come from one irrep by tensoring with linear reps of $\tilde{G}$. I don't know if this can be somehow reduced to the case of central factor groups. </p> <p>Reference: <em>Robert B. Howlett and I. Martin Isaacs</em>, MR 652860 <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer"><strong>On groups of central type</strong></a>, <em>Math. Z.</em> <strong>179</strong> (1982), no. 4, 555--569.</p>
Is the pair $(C([0 \;1]),\mathbb{C})$ a consecutive pair?
<p>Motivated <a href="">by this post</a> we give the following definition:</p> <p><strong>Definition:</strong> A pair of unital rings $(R,S)$ is called a consecutive pair of rings if they do not have non trivial idempotent and satisfy the following two conditions:</p> <p>1)There is a surjective morphism $\phi:R\to S$. </p> <p>2)If a unital ring $W$ without non trivial idempotent possess a surjective sequence of morphisms $R\to W \to S$ then either $W\simeq R$ or $W \simeq S$.</p> <p>Let $C([0,1])$ be the ring of all complex continuous functions.</p> <blockquote> <p>Is the pair $(C([0,1]), \mathbb{C})$ a consecutive pair of rings? </p> </blockquote>
[ { "answer_id": 259340, "score": 3, "text": "<p>The answers to the question <a href=\"\">prime ideals in C([0,1])</a> explain why the answer is no, assuming that Yemon Choi was mistaken in his answer in believing that you are only interesting in continuous homomorphims. </p>\n\n<p>In particular it is explained that there are non-maximal prime ideals in the ring $C([0,1])$. Given such a prime $P$, $C([0,1])/P$ will provide a non-trivial $W$.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 259332, "score": -1, "text": "<p><strong>EDIT:</strong> the following answer was based on the assumption that $W$ is Banach and the ring morphisms $R\\to W\\to {\\mathbb C}$ were continuous. My apologies for misunderstanding the question.</p>\n\n<hr>\n\n<p>I think the answer is yes, because $W$ must be isomorphic to $C(K)$ for some closed subset $K\\subset [0,1]$. The condition about idempotents implies $K$ is connected. The only connected subsets of $[0,1]$ are closed sub-intervals, and these are either homeo to $[0,1]$ itself or are degenerate singletons.</p>\n" } ]
Question: Is the pair $(C([0 \;1]),\mathbb{C})$ a consecutive pair? Answer 1: <p>The answers to the question <a href="">prime ideals in C([0,1])</a> explain why the answer is no, assuming that Yemon Choi was mistaken in his answer in believing that you are only interesting in continuous homomorphims. </p> <p>In particular it is explained that there are non-maximal prime ideals in the ring $C([0,1])$. Given such a prime $P$, $C([0,1])/P$ will provide a non-trivial $W$.</p> Answer 2: <p><strong>EDIT:</strong> the following answer was based on the assumption that $W$ is Banach and the ring morphisms $R\to W\to {\mathbb C}$ were continuous. My apologies for misunderstanding the question.</p> <hr> <p>I think the answer is yes, because $W$ must be isomorphic to $C(K)$ for some closed subset $K\subset [0,1]$. The condition about idempotents implies $K$ is connected. The only connected subsets of $[0,1]$ are closed sub-intervals, and these are either homeo to $[0,1]$ itself or are degenerate singletons.</p>
Realising permutations as selfinjective quiver algebras
<p>Recall that a finite dimensional quiver (always assume connected quiver) algebra is selfinjective iff $P(S) \rightarrow P(socP)$ is a permutation (called the nakayama permutation), when S is simple and P(-) denotes the projective cover. Is there a nice class of $n!$ connected quiver algebras with n simples such that their nakayama permutations realise every of the n! permutations? If possible they should all have the same quiver and just differ by their relations.</p> <p>Example of "nice class" would be for example selfinjective Nakayama algebras, but they realise only n out of n! many permutations. I can not formally define nice but somehow the algebras should be very similar, like in the nakayama case: All have the same quiver and just different Loewy length mod n. <strong>Bonus question: Can you find such a nice class realising all permutations among the representation-finite selfinjective algebras? If not, is there a particular nice class of selfinjective algebras realising the permutations, which also appeared somewhere else (maybe even in applied geometric representation-theory).</strong></p>
[ { "answer_id": 259403, "score": 3, "text": "<p>Take a quiver with $n$ vertices, and one arrow $i\\to j$ for each pair $(i,j)$ of vertices, including those where $i=j$.</p>\n\n<p>Impose the following relations:</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li>all paths of length greater than two are zero</li>\n<li>all paths of length two are zero unless they are paths from $i$ to $\\pi(i)$ for some vertex $i$</li>\n<li>for each vertex $i$, all paths of length two from $i$ to $\\pi(i)$ are equal.</li>\n</ul>\n" }, { "answer_id": 259382, "score": 0, "text": "<p>You may not like this answer -- I am just using (some!) Nakayama algebras.</p>\n\n<p>Let $Q$ be the quiver with vertices $1$ to $n$, and arrows from $i$ to $\\pi(i)$. Then kill all relations of length 2. </p>\n\n<p>Now soc($P(S_i)$)=$S_{\\pi(i)}$. </p>\n" } ]
Question: Realising permutations as selfinjective quiver algebras Answer 1: <p>Take a quiver with $n$ vertices, and one arrow $i\to j$ for each pair $(i,j)$ of vertices, including those where $i=j$.</p> <p>Impose the following relations:</p> <ul> <li>all paths of length greater than two are zero</li> <li>all paths of length two are zero unless they are paths from $i$ to $\pi(i)$ for some vertex $i$</li> <li>for each vertex $i$, all paths of length two from $i$ to $\pi(i)$ are equal.</li> </ul> Answer 2: <p>You may not like this answer -- I am just using (some!) Nakayama algebras.</p> <p>Let $Q$ be the quiver with vertices $1$ to $n$, and arrows from $i$ to $\pi(i)$. Then kill all relations of length 2. </p> <p>Now soc($P(S_i)$)=$S_{\pi(i)}$. </p>
A minimal continuum
<p>A continuum $X$ is called <em>minimal</em> if it is not a single point and is homeomorphic to all its nontrivial subcontinua. Here a trivial continuum is a single point.</p> <blockquote> <p>What is an example of a minimal continuum not homeomorphic to the interval?</p> </blockquote> <p>This question is motivated by the following post and its related linked questions.</p> <p><a href="">Two consecutive continua</a></p>
[ { "answer_id": 259441, "score": 6, "text": "<p>As Andreas points out in the comments, <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">the pseudo-arc</a> provides an example of a continuum like this. This fact was first proved by Moise in 1948, in</p>\n\n<blockquote>\n <p>Edwin Moise, \"An indecomposable plane continuum which is homeomorphic to each of its nondegenerate subcontinua,\" <em>Transactions of the AMS</em> <strong>63</strong> (1948), pp. 581-594.</p>\n</blockquote>\n" }, { "answer_id": 260142, "score": 5, "text": "<p>The term that's usually used is <em>hereditarily equivalent</em>.</p>\n<p>As Will Brian pointed out, the pseudo-arc has this property. It is <em>indecomposable</em>, i.e., it is not the union of two of its proper subcontinua. G. W. Henderson showed that a hereditarily equivalent <em>decomposable</em> continuum\nis an arc (homeomorphic to <span class=\"math-container\">$[0,1]$</span>).</p>\n<p>It is still a big open question as to whether the arc and the pseudo-arc are the only hereditarily equivalent metric continua.</p>\n<p><strong>Edit July 2020:</strong> The problem alluded to above has been solved for planar continua. The pseudo-arc is the only &quot;minimal&quot; (i.e. hereditarily equivalent) plane continuum other than the arc: <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\"></a>.</p>\n" } ]
Question: A minimal continuum Answer 1: <p>As Andreas points out in the comments, <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">the pseudo-arc</a> provides an example of a continuum like this. This fact was first proved by Moise in 1948, in</p> <blockquote> <p>Edwin Moise, "An indecomposable plane continuum which is homeomorphic to each of its nondegenerate subcontinua," <em>Transactions of the AMS</em> <strong>63</strong> (1948), pp. 581-594.</p> </blockquote> Answer 2: <p>The term that's usually used is <em>hereditarily equivalent</em>.</p> <p>As Will Brian pointed out, the pseudo-arc has this property. It is <em>indecomposable</em>, i.e., it is not the union of two of its proper subcontinua. G. W. Henderson showed that a hereditarily equivalent <em>decomposable</em> continuum is an arc (homeomorphic to <span class="math-container">$[0,1]$</span>).</p> <p>It is still a big open question as to whether the arc and the pseudo-arc are the only hereditarily equivalent metric continua.</p> <p><strong>Edit July 2020:</strong> The problem alluded to above has been solved for planar continua. The pseudo-arc is the only &quot;minimal&quot; (i.e. hereditarily equivalent) plane continuum other than the arc: <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer"></a>.</p>
cumulative binomial equals integral
<p>Can somebody explain why the cumulative binomial equals an integral expression? Thanks!${}$</p> <p>$$ \sum_{j=0}^{k-1}\binom{n}{j}\theta^j(1-\theta)^{n-j} = 1- \binom{n}{k}k\int_0^\theta t^{k-1}(1-t)^{n-k}dt\,. $$</p>
[ { "answer_id": 259439, "score": 5, "text": "<p><strong>Key players:</strong> $m\\binom{n}m=n\\binom{n-1}{m-1}$, derivative $\\frac{d}{d\\theta}$ and re-indexing $j-1\\rightarrow j$.</p>\n\n<p>Denote the LHS by $f(\\theta)$ and the RHS by $g(\\theta)$. Take derivatives w.r.t. $\\theta$ to get\n$$g'(\\theta)=-k\\binom{n}k\\theta^{k-1}(1-\\theta)^{n-k}=-n\\binom{n-1}{k-1}\\theta^{k-1}(1-\\theta)^{n-k},$$\n\\begin{align} f'(\\theta)\n&amp;=\\sum_{j=0}^{k-1}j\\binom{n}j\\theta^{j-1}(1-\\theta)^{n-j}\n-\\sum_{j=0}^{k-1}(n-j)\\binom{n}{n-j}\\theta^j(1-\\theta)^{n-j-1} \\\\\n&amp;=n\\sum_{j=1}^{k-1}\\binom{n-1}{j-1}\\theta^{j-1}(1-\\theta)^{n-j}\n-n\\sum_{j=0}^{k-1}\\binom{n-1}{n-j-1}\\theta^j(1-\\theta)^{n-j-1} \\\\\n&amp;=n\\sum_{j=0}^{k-2}\\binom{n-1}j\\theta^j(1-\\theta)^{n-j-1}\n-n\\sum_{j=0}^{k-1}\\binom{n-1}j\\theta^j(1-\\theta)^{n-j-1} \\\\\n&amp;=-n\\binom{n-1}{k-1}\\theta^{k-1}(1-\\theta)^{n-k}.\n\\end{align}\nTherefore, $f'(\\theta)=g'(\\theta)$. Since $f(0)=g(0)=1$, we conclude $f=g$.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 259446, "score": 2, "text": "<p>This is essentially the same as the solution by T. Amdeberhan, but I find that it is sometimes easier to prove such identities simultaneously for all $k$. I'll use the standard formula\n$$ \\sum_{k=0}^n k\\binom{n}{k}U^{k-1} = n(1+U)^{n-1}\\quad(*) $$\nobtained by differentiating the binomial formula. Let\n$$ I(k) = \\binom{n}{k}k\\int_0^\\theta t^{k-1}(1-t)^{n-k}\\,dt $$\nthat you want to compute, and consider the sum\n$$ \\begin{aligned}\n\\sum_{k=0}^n I(k)X^{k-1}\n&amp;= \\int_0^\\theta \\left\\{\\sum_{k=0}^n\\binom{n}{k}k t^{k-1}(1-t)^{n-k}X^{k-1}\\right\\}\\,dt \\\\\n&amp;= \\int_0^\\theta \\left\\{\\sum_{k=0}^n\\binom{n}{k}k \\left(\\frac{tX}{1-t}\\right)^{k-1}\\right\\}(1-t)^{n-1}\\,dt \\\\\n&amp;= \\int_0^\\theta n\\left(1+\\frac{tX}{1-t}\\right)^{n-1}(1-t)^{n-1}\\,dt, \\quad\\text{using $(*)$,}\\\\\n&amp;= n\\int_0^\\theta (1-t-tX)^{n-1}\\,dt\\\\\n&amp;= n\\int_0^\\theta \\sum_{k=0}^{n-1} \\binom{n}{k} t^k(-1-X)^k\\,dt \\\\\n&amp;= n \\sum_{k=0}^{n-1} \\binom{n}{k} (-1)^k(1+X)^k \\frac{\\theta^{k+1}}{k+1}.\n\\end{aligned}\n$$\nNow expand $(1+X)^k$ using the binomial theorem, flip the order of the sums, and equate the coefficients of the powers of $X$.</p>\n" } ]
Question: cumulative binomial equals integral Answer 1: <p><strong>Key players:</strong> $m\binom{n}m=n\binom{n-1}{m-1}$, derivative $\frac{d}{d\theta}$ and re-indexing $j-1\rightarrow j$.</p> <p>Denote the LHS by $f(\theta)$ and the RHS by $g(\theta)$. Take derivatives w.r.t. $\theta$ to get $$g'(\theta)=-k\binom{n}k\theta^{k-1}(1-\theta)^{n-k}=-n\binom{n-1}{k-1}\theta^{k-1}(1-\theta)^{n-k},$$ \begin{align} f'(\theta) &amp;=\sum_{j=0}^{k-1}j\binom{n}j\theta^{j-1}(1-\theta)^{n-j} -\sum_{j=0}^{k-1}(n-j)\binom{n}{n-j}\theta^j(1-\theta)^{n-j-1} \\ &amp;=n\sum_{j=1}^{k-1}\binom{n-1}{j-1}\theta^{j-1}(1-\theta)^{n-j} -n\sum_{j=0}^{k-1}\binom{n-1}{n-j-1}\theta^j(1-\theta)^{n-j-1} \\ &amp;=n\sum_{j=0}^{k-2}\binom{n-1}j\theta^j(1-\theta)^{n-j-1} -n\sum_{j=0}^{k-1}\binom{n-1}j\theta^j(1-\theta)^{n-j-1} \\ &amp;=-n\binom{n-1}{k-1}\theta^{k-1}(1-\theta)^{n-k}. \end{align} Therefore, $f'(\theta)=g'(\theta)$. Since $f(0)=g(0)=1$, we conclude $f=g$.</p> Answer 2: <p>This is essentially the same as the solution by T. Amdeberhan, but I find that it is sometimes easier to prove such identities simultaneously for all $k$. I'll use the standard formula $$ \sum_{k=0}^n k\binom{n}{k}U^{k-1} = n(1+U)^{n-1}\quad(*) $$ obtained by differentiating the binomial formula. Let $$ I(k) = \binom{n}{k}k\int_0^\theta t^{k-1}(1-t)^{n-k}\,dt $$ that you want to compute, and consider the sum $$ \begin{aligned} \sum_{k=0}^n I(k)X^{k-1} &amp;= \int_0^\theta \left\{\sum_{k=0}^n\binom{n}{k}k t^{k-1}(1-t)^{n-k}X^{k-1}\right\}\,dt \\ &amp;= \int_0^\theta \left\{\sum_{k=0}^n\binom{n}{k}k \left(\frac{tX}{1-t}\right)^{k-1}\right\}(1-t)^{n-1}\,dt \\ &amp;= \int_0^\theta n\left(1+\frac{tX}{1-t}\right)^{n-1}(1-t)^{n-1}\,dt, \quad\text{using $(*)$,}\\ &amp;= n\int_0^\theta (1-t-tX)^{n-1}\,dt\\ &amp;= n\int_0^\theta \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} \binom{n}{k} t^k(-1-X)^k\,dt \\ &amp;= n \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} \binom{n}{k} (-1)^k(1+X)^k \frac{\theta^{k+1}}{k+1}. \end{aligned} $$ Now expand $(1+X)^k$ using the binomial theorem, flip the order of the sums, and equate the coefficients of the powers of $X$.</p>
Odd Chebyshev, part 1
<p><strong>QUESTION</strong> Find all triples of odd natural numbers $\ a &lt; b\ $ and $\ c\ $ such that $\ a+b = c-1\ $ and</p> <p>$$ \frac {c!!}{a!!\cdot b!!}\ =\ \frac {P(c)}{P(b)} $$</p> <p>where $\ P(x) \ $ is the product of all primes $\le x$.</p> <blockquote> <p>The above fraction on the left looks somewhat similar to binomial coefficients but they are not integers in general; in the odd case of this double !! expression the numerator and the denominators are more balanced (or at least their totality).</p> </blockquote> <p><strong>EXAMPLE</strong></p> <p>$$ \frac {45!!}{15!!\cdot 29!!}\,\ =\,\ 31\cdot 37\cdot 41\cdot 43\,\ =\,\ \frac{P(45)}{P(29)} $$</p> <blockquote> <p>Perhaps there are only a finite number of such odd fractions which produce an exact prime product as in the question. Are all of them among fractions $$ \frac {(6\cdot n-3)!!}{(2\cdot n-1)!!\,\cdot\,(4\cdot n-3)!!} $$</p> </blockquote> <p><hr> <strong>EDIT</strong> It follows from @GerhardPaseman's comments in this thread that a necessary condition for a required triple $\ a&lt;b\ $ and $\ c\ $ is following: if $\ b&lt;n\le c\ $ is not a prime then all prime divisors of $\ n\ $ are $\ \le\ a$, for all such $\ n$.</p> <p>Thus there should be a lot of such triples. However, despite everybody's common sense, it is still not certain at this moment that there are infinitely many of such solutions.</p>
[ { "answer_id": 259748, "score": 4, "text": "<p>Let me prove that there are only finitely many solutions for $a&gt;1$. Assume the contrary, then for large $a$ we may suppose $b/a\\to \\lambda$, where $\\lambda\\geqslant 1$ is either finite constant or $+\\infty$ (for fixed $a&gt;1$ there are finitely many solutions of course). Using Stirling approximation (or its proof) and PNT, which says that the product of primes between $b$ and $c$ behaves as $e^{a+o(a)}$, we get the equation $\\lambda\\log(1+1/\\lambda)+\\log(1+\\lambda)=2$, thus $\\lambda=2.23\\dots$. In this case consider a prime $p$ slightly greater than $a/3$. Its square divides $(b+2)\\dots c$ (the product contains both $7p$ and $9p$), but does not divide $a!!$, so divides $c!!/a!!b!!$. A contradiction. </p>\n\n<p>If $\\lambda$ tends to infinity, we use some upper estimate for the number of primes between $c$ and $b$. At first, we have $\\log(b)/\\log(a)\\to 1$, since almost all numbers between $b$ and $c$ are composite and otherwise their product would exceed $a!!$. Next, by the result of Huxley (or Heath-Brown, or whatever, many results suffice, see <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">the references here</a>), we have $\\pi(c)-\\pi(b)\\sim \\pi(a)$ in this case. Thus the product of composite numbers between $b$ and $c$ is at least $b^{a/2-2a/\\log a}&gt;a^{a/2}&gt;a!!$ for large $a$.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 259992, "score": 0, "text": "<p>Let me complement the @FedorPetrov's general result by the cases of small value $a$. This will also clarify possible vague impressions from the thread. The general pattern should soon emerge even from cases with relatively small $\\ a.\\ $ Later, I may expand my list.</p>\n\n<p>(My computations didn't use any computer).</p>\n\n<p>Let a triple of odd natural numbers $\\ (a\\ b\\ c)\\ $ such that $\\ a\\le b\\ $\nand $\\ a+b = c-1\\ $ satisfy:</p>\n\n<p>$$ \\frac{c!!}{a!!\\cdot b!!}\\ =\\ \\frac{P(c)}{P(b)} $$ </p>\n\n<p>Then, and only then, I'll say that $\\ (a\\ b\\ c)\\ $ produces arPP (<em>produces\na right prime product</em>)</p>\n\n<p><strong>Case</strong> $\\ a=3:\\ $ there are <strong>no</strong> triples $\\ (3\\ b\\ c)\\ $ which produce arPP;</p>\n\n<p><strong>Case</strong> $\\ a=5:\\ $ there are exactly three different\ntriples $\\ (5\\ b\\ c)\\ $ which produce arPP, visually:</p>\n\n<p>$\\qquad \\frac{15!!}{5!!\\cdot 9!!}\\ =\\ 11\\cdot 13 $</p>\n\n<p>$\\qquad \\frac{17!!}{5!!\\cdot 11!!}\\ =\\ 13\\cdot 17 $</p>\n\n<p>$\\qquad \\frac{19!!}{5!!\\cdot 13!!}\\ =\\ 17\\cdot 19 $</p>\n\n<p><strong>Case</strong> $\\ a=7:\\ $ there are exactly two different\ntriples $\\ (7\\ b\\ c)\\ $ which produce arPP, visually:</p>\n\n<p>$\\qquad \\frac{107!!}{7!!\\cdot 99!!}\\ =\\ 101\\cdot 103\\cdot 107 $</p>\n\n<p>$\\qquad \\frac{109!!}{7!!\\cdot 101!!}\\ =\\ 103\\cdot 107\\cdot 109 $</p>\n\n<p><strong>Case</strong> $\\ a=9:\\ $ there are <strong>no</strong> triples $\\ (9\\ b\\ c)\\ $ which produce arPP.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Case</strong> $\\ a=11:\\ $ there are exactly two different\ntriples $\\ (11\\ b\\ 105)\\ $ which produce arPP, visually:</p>\n\n<p>$\\qquad \\frac{107!!}{11!!\\cdot 95!!}\\ =\\ 97\\cdot 101\\cdot 103\\cdot 107 $</p>\n\n<p>$\\qquad \\frac{109!!}{11!!\\cdot 97!!}\\ =\\ 101\\cdot 103\\cdot 107\\cdot 109 $</p>\n\n<p>To summarize it:</p>\n\n<p><strong>THEOREM</strong> There are exactly seven different triples $\\ (a\\ b\\ c)\\ $\nwhich produce arPP for $\\ a\\ $ such that $\\ 1&lt;a\\le 11$.</p>\n" } ]
Question: Odd Chebyshev, part 1 Answer 1: <p>Let me prove that there are only finitely many solutions for $a&gt;1$. Assume the contrary, then for large $a$ we may suppose $b/a\to \lambda$, where $\lambda\geqslant 1$ is either finite constant or $+\infty$ (for fixed $a&gt;1$ there are finitely many solutions of course). Using Stirling approximation (or its proof) and PNT, which says that the product of primes between $b$ and $c$ behaves as $e^{a+o(a)}$, we get the equation $\lambda\log(1+1/\lambda)+\log(1+\lambda)=2$, thus $\lambda=2.23\dots$. In this case consider a prime $p$ slightly greater than $a/3$. Its square divides $(b+2)\dots c$ (the product contains both $7p$ and $9p$), but does not divide $a!!$, so divides $c!!/a!!b!!$. A contradiction. </p> <p>If $\lambda$ tends to infinity, we use some upper estimate for the number of primes between $c$ and $b$. At first, we have $\log(b)/\log(a)\to 1$, since almost all numbers between $b$ and $c$ are composite and otherwise their product would exceed $a!!$. Next, by the result of Huxley (or Heath-Brown, or whatever, many results suffice, see <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">the references here</a>), we have $\pi(c)-\pi(b)\sim \pi(a)$ in this case. Thus the product of composite numbers between $b$ and $c$ is at least $b^{a/2-2a/\log a}&gt;a^{a/2}&gt;a!!$ for large $a$.</p> Answer 2: <p>Let me complement the @FedorPetrov's general result by the cases of small value $a$. This will also clarify possible vague impressions from the thread. The general pattern should soon emerge even from cases with relatively small $\ a.\ $ Later, I may expand my list.</p> <p>(My computations didn't use any computer).</p> <p>Let a triple of odd natural numbers $\ (a\ b\ c)\ $ such that $\ a\le b\ $ and $\ a+b = c-1\ $ satisfy:</p> <p>$$ \frac{c!!}{a!!\cdot b!!}\ =\ \frac{P(c)}{P(b)} $$ </p> <p>Then, and only then, I'll say that $\ (a\ b\ c)\ $ produces arPP (<em>produces a right prime product</em>)</p> <p><strong>Case</strong> $\ a=3:\ $ there are <strong>no</strong> triples $\ (3\ b\ c)\ $ which produce arPP;</p> <p><strong>Case</strong> $\ a=5:\ $ there are exactly three different triples $\ (5\ b\ c)\ $ which produce arPP, visually:</p> <p>$\qquad \frac{15!!}{5!!\cdot 9!!}\ =\ 11\cdot 13 $</p> <p>$\qquad \frac{17!!}{5!!\cdot 11!!}\ =\ 13\cdot 17 $</p> <p>$\qquad \frac{19!!}{5!!\cdot 13!!}\ =\ 17\cdot 19 $</p> <p><strong>Case</strong> $\ a=7:\ $ there are exactly two different triples $\ (7\ b\ c)\ $ which produce arPP, visually:</p> <p>$\qquad \frac{107!!}{7!!\cdot 99!!}\ =\ 101\cdot 103\cdot 107 $</p> <p>$\qquad \frac{109!!}{7!!\cdot 101!!}\ =\ 103\cdot 107\cdot 109 $</p> <p><strong>Case</strong> $\ a=9:\ $ there are <strong>no</strong> triples $\ (9\ b\ c)\ $ which produce arPP.</p> <p><strong>Case</strong> $\ a=11:\ $ there are exactly two different triples $\ (11\ b\ 105)\ $ which produce arPP, visually:</p> <p>$\qquad \frac{107!!}{11!!\cdot 95!!}\ =\ 97\cdot 101\cdot 103\cdot 107 $</p> <p>$\qquad \frac{109!!}{11!!\cdot 97!!}\ =\ 101\cdot 103\cdot 107\cdot 109 $</p> <p>To summarize it:</p> <p><strong>THEOREM</strong> There are exactly seven different triples $\ (a\ b\ c)\ $ which produce arPP for $\ a\ $ such that $\ 1&lt;a\le 11$.</p>
Quotients of $\text{Part}(X)$
<p>Let $\text{Part}(X)$ denote the collection of all partitions of $X$. For $A, B\in \text{Part}(X)$ we set $A\leq B$ if $A$ refines $B$, that is for all $a\in A$ there is $b\in B$ such that $a\subseteq b$. This relation defines a lattice structure on $\text{Part}(X)$.</p> <p>Is there a distributive lattice $L$ such that for no set $X$ there is a surjective lattice homomorphism $s:\text{Part}(X)\to L$?</p>
[ { "answer_id": 259717, "score": 5, "text": "<p>Yes. Since $\\text{Part}(X)$ has a least element and a greatest element, just let $L$ not have that, e.g., let $L$ be the ordering of the integers. </p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 259722, "score": 4, "text": "<p>In the paper</p>\n\n<p>Ore, Oystein, \nTheory of equivalence relations,\nDuke Math. J. 9, (1942), 573–627</p>\n\n<p>it is proved that $\\textrm{Part}(X)$ is simple. (This is very easy to prove.) </p>\n\n<p>So the only nontrivial quotient of $\\textrm{Part}(X)$ is $\\textrm{Part}(X)$ itself, which is not distributive when $|X|&gt;2$. Therefore the answer to the question is: any distributive lattice of more than 2 elements is a suitable $L$, and these are the only suitable $L$'s.</p>\n" } ]
Question: Quotients of $\text{Part}(X)$ Answer 1: <p>Yes. Since $\text{Part}(X)$ has a least element and a greatest element, just let $L$ not have that, e.g., let $L$ be the ordering of the integers. </p> Answer 2: <p>In the paper</p> <p>Ore, Oystein, Theory of equivalence relations, Duke Math. J. 9, (1942), 573–627</p> <p>it is proved that $\textrm{Part}(X)$ is simple. (This is very easy to prove.) </p> <p>So the only nontrivial quotient of $\textrm{Part}(X)$ is $\textrm{Part}(X)$ itself, which is not distributive when $|X|&gt;2$. Therefore the answer to the question is: any distributive lattice of more than 2 elements is a suitable $L$, and these are the only suitable $L$'s.</p>
Relation between the QR decomposition of matrix A and the QR of the augmented version of A
<p>suppose I have a matrix $A_{1}\in C^{m*n}, m\geqslant n$ so the QR decomposition of $A_{1}$ is $A_{1}=Q_{1}*R_{1}$. Now, define the augmented matrix $A_{2}=\begin{bmatrix} A_{1}\\ I_{n*n} \end{bmatrix}$ where $I_{n*n}$ is $n*n$ identity matrix, so the QR decomposition of $A_{2}$ is $A_{2}=Q_{2}*R_{2}$.<br/> Is there any relation between $Q_{1}$ and $Q_{2}$, $R_{1}$ and $R_{2}$, and especially between the diagonal elements of $R_{1}$ and $R_{2}$ knowing that $det(I_{n*n}+A_{1}^{H}*A_{1})=det(A_{2}^{H}*A_{2})$.<br/></p>
[ { "answer_id": 260054, "score": 3, "text": "<p>First consider the simple case, if $Q_1 = I$, then you want to find $Q_2$ and $R_2$ such that $Q_2 R_2 = \\begin{bmatrix} R_1 \\\\ I \\end{bmatrix}$. Split the columns of $Q_2^T$ into left and right halves such taht $Q_2^T = [U V]$. Note that $U^TU = V^TV = I$ and $U^TV = 0$. Then basically you want to find $R_2 = UR_1 + V$ which implies that $U^TR_2 = R_1$. </p>\n\n<p>The more general case can be analyzed by considering the relation that $Q_2R_2 = \\begin{bmatrix} Q_1R_1 \\\\ Q_1Q_1^T \\end{bmatrix}$ and therefore $R_2 = UQ_1R_1 + V$ which leads to the result that $Q_1^TU^TR_2 = R_1$.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 260055, "score": 1, "text": "<p>I think the relation is not that simple and here is why:</p>\n\n<p>Since $A_1 = Q_1R_1$ we have\n$$\nA_2 = \\begin{bmatrix}A_1\\\\ I\\end{bmatrix} = \\begin{bmatrix}Q_1 &amp; 0\\\\0 &amp; I\\end{bmatrix}\\begin{bmatrix}R_1\\\\I\\end{bmatrix}.\n$$\nNow the QR decomposition of $\\begin{bmatrix}R_1\\\\I\\end{bmatrix}$ can be done by $n(n-1)/2$ Givens rotations and I don't see any reason, why this should lead to a simple relation of $R_1$ and $R_2$.</p>\n" } ]
Question: Relation between the QR decomposition of matrix A and the QR of the augmented version of A Answer 1: <p>First consider the simple case, if $Q_1 = I$, then you want to find $Q_2$ and $R_2$ such that $Q_2 R_2 = \begin{bmatrix} R_1 \\ I \end{bmatrix}$. Split the columns of $Q_2^T$ into left and right halves such taht $Q_2^T = [U V]$. Note that $U^TU = V^TV = I$ and $U^TV = 0$. Then basically you want to find $R_2 = UR_1 + V$ which implies that $U^TR_2 = R_1$. </p> <p>The more general case can be analyzed by considering the relation that $Q_2R_2 = \begin{bmatrix} Q_1R_1 \\ Q_1Q_1^T \end{bmatrix}$ and therefore $R_2 = UQ_1R_1 + V$ which leads to the result that $Q_1^TU^TR_2 = R_1$.</p> Answer 2: <p>I think the relation is not that simple and here is why:</p> <p>Since $A_1 = Q_1R_1$ we have $$ A_2 = \begin{bmatrix}A_1\\ I\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}Q_1 &amp; 0\\0 &amp; I\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}R_1\\I\end{bmatrix}. $$ Now the QR decomposition of $\begin{bmatrix}R_1\\I\end{bmatrix}$ can be done by $n(n-1)/2$ Givens rotations and I don't see any reason, why this should lead to a simple relation of $R_1$ and $R_2$.</p>
Compactness of the automorphic quotient
<p>Let $F$ be a (totally real) number field, and $E$ a (totally imaginary) quadratic extension of $F$. We consider $U$ a unitary group (with respect to a given hermitian form over $E$). The question is:</p> <blockquote> <p>When is $U(F) \backslash U(\mathbf{A}_F)$ compact?</p> </blockquote> <p>I found some interesting reflexions about that in Arthur's notes on the trace formula, mainly that generally $U(F) \backslash U(\mathbf{A}_F)$ cannot be compact for it contains some $\mathbf{R}^k$ embedded diagonally, corresponding to the archimedean places. It is what happens for general linear groups, even for the case of $\mathrm{GL}_1$.</p> <p>So I believe I have to assume that the $U_v$ are compact (that is, the usual $U(n)$) at archimedean places, and then answer the question for $U(F) \backslash U(\mathbf{A}_F)^1$. Is it enough to suppose so? Arthur cites a general characterization due to Borel-Harish-Chandra as well as Mostow-Tamagawa:</p> <blockquote> <p>$U(F) \backslash U(\mathbf{A}_F)^1$ is compact if and only if $U$ has no proper parabolic subgroup defined over $\mathbf{Q}$</p> </blockquote> <p>and that seems to be equivalent to $U(F)$ having no unipotent in his radical (is that what we call anisotropic?).</p> <p>My current interest is in the unitary group in <strong>two variables</strong>, and I can suppose it to be definite, that is <strong>compact at archimedean places</strong>. Is it at least true in this case, and is there a simpler and more direct proof of this fact in this case, without invoking such a general result?</p>
[ { "answer_id": 260426, "score": 9, "text": "<p>There are actually several different conditions all of which are equivalent, and one can make various formulations of these conditions depending on whether one sticks to the reductive case and/or global fields of characteristic 0 vs. general global fields. So it may be confusing to sort out exactly what is equivalent to what in which circumstances, and which equivalences are really theorems in number theory rather than instances of general equivalences over arbitrary fields. One thing which should be stressed at the outset, however, is that compactness at archimedean places is very very far from necessary for any such compactness criterion (though it is sufficient in the connected reductive case, as is compactness of the group of points at <em>any single place</em>, due to the various equivalences discussed at the end below).</p>\n\n<p>Below I give a summary of the general situation with references for proofs.</p>\n\n<p>For any connected reductive group $G$ over any field $k$ whatsoever, the absence of proper parabolic $k$-subgroup is equivalent to the condition </p>\n\n<p>$(*)$: all split $k$-tori $T \\subset G$ are central (equivalently, the connected semisimple derived group $\\mathscr{D}(G)$ is $k$-anisotropic)</p>\n\n<p>(see 20.6(ii) in Borel's textbook on algebraic groups for a proof). </p>\n\n<p>Example: If $(V,h)$ is a non-degenerate finite-dimensional hermitian space over $k$ attached to a separable quadratic extension $k'/k$ then ${\\rm{U}}(h)$ satisfies $(*)$ if and only if ${\\rm{SU}}(h)$ is $k$-anisotropic, and that in turn is equivalent to the condition that the associated non-degenerate quadratic form $q_h:v \\mapsto h(v,v)$ on $V$ is non-vanishing on $V-\\{0\\}$. This is proved similarly to the analogous fact that if $(W,q)$ is a non-degenerate finite-dimensional quadratic space over $k$ then ${\\rm{SO}}(q)$ is $k$-anisotropic if and only if $q$ is non-vanishing on $V-\\{0\\}$.</p>\n\n<p>Going beyond the reductive case (e.g., smooth connected solvable groups), for an <em>arbitrary</em> smooth connected affine $k$-group $G$ one can also consider the condition</p>\n\n<p>$(*)$': all split $k$-tori $T \\subset G$ satisfy $T_{\\overline{k}} \\subset \\mathscr{R}(G_{\\overline{k}})$.</p>\n\n<p>In the reductive case, $(*)$' is obviously equivalent to $(*)$ because $\\mathscr{R}(G_{\\overline{k}})$ is the maximal central $\\overline{k}$-torus of $G_{\\overline{k}}$ which we know always descends to the maximal central $k$-torus of $G$ (obvious when $k$ is perfect by Galois descent, and part of the structure theory of reductive groups for general $k$).\nBeyond the reductive case these two conditions are obviously not equivalent (consider solvable $G$). </p>\n\n<p>Although the $\\overline{k}$-subgroup $\\mathscr{R}(G_{\\overline{k}}) \\subset G_{\\overline{k}}$ does descend to a $k$-subgroup of $G$ when $k$ is perfect (by Galois descent), so for such $k$ we can remove the intervention of $\\overline{k}$ in $(*)$', what about in general? Beyond the reductive case whenever $k$ is not perfect there are many examples where $\\mathscr{R}(G_{\\overline{k}})$ does not descend to a $k$-subgroup of $G$. The theory of pseudo-reductive groups provides zillions of such examples, of which the most concrete are smooth connected affine Weil restrictions $G:= {\\rm{R}}_{k'/k}(G')$ for non-separable finite extensions $k'/k$ and non-trivial connected semisimple $k'$-groups $G'$; such $G$ are never reductive. </p>\n\n<p>So if we define the so-called <em>$k$-radical</em> $\\mathscr{R}_k(G)$ to be the maximal solvable smooth connected normal $k$-subgroup of $G$ then typically $\\mathscr{R}_k(G)_{\\overline{k}}$ is a proper $\\overline{k}$-subgroup of $\\mathscr{R}(G_{\\overline{k}})$ (e.g., it is trivial for the non-reductive Weil-restriction examples just mentioned). But despite that, one might wonder nonetheless if for the purpose of containing split tori it may not matter: perhaps $(*)$' is equivalent to the condition</p>\n\n<p>$(*)$'': all split $k$-tori $T \\subset G$ satisfy $T \\subset \\mathscr{R}_k(G)$.</p>\n\n<p>Indeed, it turns out that the equivalence holds in general. The proof requires a digression into the structure of pseudo-reductive groups, which I suspect you don't care about, so I'll refrain from saying more on that here. </p>\n\n<p>Moving on from tori to unipotent groups, recall that a smooth connected unipotent $k$-group $U$ is called <em>$k$-split</em> if it admits a composition series by smooth connected $k$-subgroups such that the successive quotient is $\\mathbf{G}_a$; e.g., for perfect $k$ this always holds (see 15.5(ii) in Borel's textbook on linear algebraic groups). There is yet another condition one could consider, on the unipotent side:</p>\n\n<p>(**)': every $k$-split smooth connected unipotent $k$-subgroup $U \\subset G$ satisfies $U_{\\overline{k}} \\subset \\mathscr{R}(G_{\\overline{k}})$.</p>\n\n<p>Note that in characteristic 0 the group $U(k)$ is Zariski-dense in $U$, and if $u \\in G(k)$ is a nontrivial unipotent element then the Zariski closure of the $k$-group it generates is smooth connected unipotent and of course $k$-split. Hence, <em>in characteristic $0$</em> the condition $(**)$' is equivalent to the condition (mentioned in the question posed) that all unipotent elements of $G(k)$ are contained in the geometric radical. It is asked in the question posed if this is what we call \"$k$-anisotropic\", which is really defined as the absence of nontrivial split $k$-tori. For connected semisimple groups in characteristic 0 it is true that the absence of nontrivial unipotent $k$-points is equivalent to $k$-anisotropicity, but in characteristic $p&gt;0$ this is a rather more subtle issue since unipotent $k$-points have finite order and so it isn't evident if they must lie inside smooth connected unipotent $k$-subgroups, let alone ones which are $k$-split; let's not dwell on that any further here.</p>\n\n<p>Inspired by the success with $(*)$'', one might wonder if there is a unipotent analogue: if we define the <em>$k$-unipotent radical</em> $\\mathscr{R}_{u,k}(G)$ to be the maximal unipotent smooth connected normal $k$-subgroup of $G$, one can ask if $(**)$' is equivalent to the condition</p>\n\n<p>$(**)$'': every $k$-split smooth connected unipotent $k$-subgroup $U \\subset G$ satisfies $U \\subset \\mathscr{R}_{u,k}(G)$.</p>\n\n<p>Obviously the equivalence holds when $k$ is perfect or $G$ is reductive. It does hold in general, but again that involves some (quite elementary) considerations in the direction of pseudo-reductive groups, so we'll not say more about it here. </p>\n\n<p>Borel and Tits announced that $(*)$' and $(**)$' are actually equivalent (!) in complete generality. In the connected reductive case this is more familiar via the link to proper parabolic $k$-subgroups, but for imperfect $k$ it is a rather delicate matter with $(**)$' (i.e., showing that the maximal $k$-split unipotent smooth connected $k$-subgroups are precisely the $k$-unipotent radicals of the minimal parabolic $k$-subgroups). It seems that Borel and Tits never published a proof of the general equivalence, but a proof is given as Proposition A.5.1 in the paper <em>Finiteness theorems for algebraic groups over function fields</em> in Compositio 148 (2012) (using in a crucial way the structure theory of pseudo-reductive groups). </p>\n\n<p>Finally, having stated this blizzard of various conditions over arbitrary fields (no number theory yet!), we reach the main point. Let $G$ be an arbitrary smooth connected affine group over a global field $k$. As usual, define $G(\\mathbf{A}_k)^1$ to be the subgroup of points $g \\in G(\\mathbf{A}_k)$ such that $|\\!|\\chi(g)|\\!|_k = 1$ for all $k$-homomorphisms $\\chi:G \\rightarrow \\mathbf{G}_m$. Godement conjectured for global fields $k$ (or at least he did so in characteristic 0) that $G(k)\\backslash G(\\mathbf{A}_k)^1$ is compact if and only if $G$ satisfies both $(*)$' and $(**)$' that we have noted above are equivalent to each other over general fields. </p>\n\n<p>As is discussed with references early in section A.5 of the Compositio paper mentioned above, the conjecture of Godement was proved over number fields independently in joint work of Borel with Harish-Chandra, and of Mostow with Tamagawa, and over function fields the reductive case was settled by Harder. In case you might wonder about the case of function fields for general $G$ (i.e., not necessarily reductive), the necessity of $(*)$' (or equivalently $(**)$') is due to Oesterle (see 1.4 in Chapter IV of his paper <em>Nombres de Tamagawa et groupes unipotents en caract\\'eristique $p$</em>, Inventiones Math. 78 (1984)) but the sufficiency in general again requires the structure theory of pseudo-reductive groups; see Theorem A.5.5 in the Compositio paper mentioned above.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 260491, "score": 3, "text": "<p>This has been answered by @nfdc in great generality. I just wanted to say how Mahler's criterion may be applied. This needs a little bit of work since the group $U(h)$ is \"compact at infinity\". This should really be an extended comment, but for reasons of space, I write this as an answer. </p>\n\n<p>Mahler's criterion says that if $g_m$ is a sequence in $SL_n(\\mathbb{R})/SL_n(\\mathbb{Z})$ then it has no convergent subsequence if and only if there exists a sequence $v_m$ of non-zero vectors in $\\mathbb{Z}^n$ such that $g_m(v_m)$ tends to zero. </p>\n\n<p>If $\\mathbb{A},\\mathbb{A}_f$ denote the adeles and finite adles over $\\mathbb{Q}$, then $SL_n(\\mathbb{Q})$ is dense in $SL_n(\\mathbb{A}_f)$ (strong approximation; easy to prove in this case) and hence the quotient $[SL_n(\\mathbb{R}\\times SL_n(\\widehat{\\mathbb{Z}})]/SL_n(\\mathbb{Z}$ maps isomorphically onto $SL_n(\\mathbb{A})/SL_n(\\mathbb{Q})$. The former quotient maps onto $SL_n(\\mathbb{R}/SL_n(\\mathbb{Z})$ with compact fibre (namely $SL_n(\\widehat{\\mathbb{Z}})$) and hence one may show (with a small amount of work) that a sequence $g_m$ in $SL_n(\\mathbb{A})/SL_n(\\mathbb{Q})$ tends to infinity if and only if there exists a sequence of rational non-zero vectors $v_m\\in \\mathbb{Q}^n$ such that $g_m(v_m)$ tends to zero. </p>\n\n<p>If $G=R_{F/\\mathbb{Q}}(U(h)$ is the group over $\\mathbb{Q}$ obtained by restricting scalars to $\\mathbb{Q}$ of the $F$-group $U(h)$, then the inclusion $G(\\mathbb{A})/G(\\mathbb{Q})$ into $SL_n(\\mathbb{A})/SL_n(\\mathbb{Q})$ is proper and hence a sequence in the left hand side quotient goes to zero if and only if it goes to zero on the right hand side quotient. By the preceding para, $g_m$ in the left quotient goes to zero if and only if there exists a sequence $v_m\\in \\mathbb{Q}^n\\simeq F^d$ ($h$ is a Hermitian form in $d$ variables, say) such that $g_m(v_m)$ tends to zero. Applying $h$, we get $h(v_m)\\in F^d$ and goes to zero. Since $F$ is discrete in $\\mathbb{A}\\otimes F$, it follows that $h(v_m)$ is zero for large $m$, and hence the Hermitian form represents a zero. </p>\n" } ]
Question: Compactness of the automorphic quotient Answer 1: <p>There are actually several different conditions all of which are equivalent, and one can make various formulations of these conditions depending on whether one sticks to the reductive case and/or global fields of characteristic 0 vs. general global fields. So it may be confusing to sort out exactly what is equivalent to what in which circumstances, and which equivalences are really theorems in number theory rather than instances of general equivalences over arbitrary fields. One thing which should be stressed at the outset, however, is that compactness at archimedean places is very very far from necessary for any such compactness criterion (though it is sufficient in the connected reductive case, as is compactness of the group of points at <em>any single place</em>, due to the various equivalences discussed at the end below).</p> <p>Below I give a summary of the general situation with references for proofs.</p> <p>For any connected reductive group $G$ over any field $k$ whatsoever, the absence of proper parabolic $k$-subgroup is equivalent to the condition </p> <p>$(*)$: all split $k$-tori $T \subset G$ are central (equivalently, the connected semisimple derived group $\mathscr{D}(G)$ is $k$-anisotropic)</p> <p>(see 20.6(ii) in Borel's textbook on algebraic groups for a proof). </p> <p>Example: If $(V,h)$ is a non-degenerate finite-dimensional hermitian space over $k$ attached to a separable quadratic extension $k'/k$ then ${\rm{U}}(h)$ satisfies $(*)$ if and only if ${\rm{SU}}(h)$ is $k$-anisotropic, and that in turn is equivalent to the condition that the associated non-degenerate quadratic form $q_h:v \mapsto h(v,v)$ on $V$ is non-vanishing on $V-\{0\}$. This is proved similarly to the analogous fact that if $(W,q)$ is a non-degenerate finite-dimensional quadratic space over $k$ then ${\rm{SO}}(q)$ is $k$-anisotropic if and only if $q$ is non-vanishing on $V-\{0\}$.</p> <p>Going beyond the reductive case (e.g., smooth connected solvable groups), for an <em>arbitrary</em> smooth connected affine $k$-group $G$ one can also consider the condition</p> <p>$(*)$': all split $k$-tori $T \subset G$ satisfy $T_{\overline{k}} \subset \mathscr{R}(G_{\overline{k}})$.</p> <p>In the reductive case, $(*)$' is obviously equivalent to $(*)$ because $\mathscr{R}(G_{\overline{k}})$ is the maximal central $\overline{k}$-torus of $G_{\overline{k}}$ which we know always descends to the maximal central $k$-torus of $G$ (obvious when $k$ is perfect by Galois descent, and part of the structure theory of reductive groups for general $k$). Beyond the reductive case these two conditions are obviously not equivalent (consider solvable $G$). </p> <p>Although the $\overline{k}$-subgroup $\mathscr{R}(G_{\overline{k}}) \subset G_{\overline{k}}$ does descend to a $k$-subgroup of $G$ when $k$ is perfect (by Galois descent), so for such $k$ we can remove the intervention of $\overline{k}$ in $(*)$', what about in general? Beyond the reductive case whenever $k$ is not perfect there are many examples where $\mathscr{R}(G_{\overline{k}})$ does not descend to a $k$-subgroup of $G$. The theory of pseudo-reductive groups provides zillions of such examples, of which the most concrete are smooth connected affine Weil restrictions $G:= {\rm{R}}_{k'/k}(G')$ for non-separable finite extensions $k'/k$ and non-trivial connected semisimple $k'$-groups $G'$; such $G$ are never reductive. </p> <p>So if we define the so-called <em>$k$-radical</em> $\mathscr{R}_k(G)$ to be the maximal solvable smooth connected normal $k$-subgroup of $G$ then typically $\mathscr{R}_k(G)_{\overline{k}}$ is a proper $\overline{k}$-subgroup of $\mathscr{R}(G_{\overline{k}})$ (e.g., it is trivial for the non-reductive Weil-restriction examples just mentioned). But despite that, one might wonder nonetheless if for the purpose of containing split tori it may not matter: perhaps $(*)$' is equivalent to the condition</p> <p>$(*)$'': all split $k$-tori $T \subset G$ satisfy $T \subset \mathscr{R}_k(G)$.</p> <p>Indeed, it turns out that the equivalence holds in general. The proof requires a digression into the structure of pseudo-reductive groups, which I suspect you don't care about, so I'll refrain from saying more on that here. </p> <p>Moving on from tori to unipotent groups, recall that a smooth connected unipotent $k$-group $U$ is called <em>$k$-split</em> if it admits a composition series by smooth connected $k$-subgroups such that the successive quotient is $\mathbf{G}_a$; e.g., for perfect $k$ this always holds (see 15.5(ii) in Borel's textbook on linear algebraic groups). There is yet another condition one could consider, on the unipotent side:</p> <p>(**)': every $k$-split smooth connected unipotent $k$-subgroup $U \subset G$ satisfies $U_{\overline{k}} \subset \mathscr{R}(G_{\overline{k}})$.</p> <p>Note that in characteristic 0 the group $U(k)$ is Zariski-dense in $U$, and if $u \in G(k)$ is a nontrivial unipotent element then the Zariski closure of the $k$-group it generates is smooth connected unipotent and of course $k$-split. Hence, <em>in characteristic $0$</em> the condition $(**)$' is equivalent to the condition (mentioned in the question posed) that all unipotent elements of $G(k)$ are contained in the geometric radical. It is asked in the question posed if this is what we call "$k$-anisotropic", which is really defined as the absence of nontrivial split $k$-tori. For connected semisimple groups in characteristic 0 it is true that the absence of nontrivial unipotent $k$-points is equivalent to $k$-anisotropicity, but in characteristic $p&gt;0$ this is a rather more subtle issue since unipotent $k$-points have finite order and so it isn't evident if they must lie inside smooth connected unipotent $k$-subgroups, let alone ones which are $k$-split; let's not dwell on that any further here.</p> <p>Inspired by the success with $(*)$'', one might wonder if there is a unipotent analogue: if we define the <em>$k$-unipotent radical</em> $\mathscr{R}_{u,k}(G)$ to be the maximal unipotent smooth connected normal $k$-subgroup of $G$, one can ask if $(**)$' is equivalent to the condition</p> <p>$(**)$'': every $k$-split smooth connected unipotent $k$-subgroup $U \subset G$ satisfies $U \subset \mathscr{R}_{u,k}(G)$.</p> <p>Obviously the equivalence holds when $k$ is perfect or $G$ is reductive. It does hold in general, but again that involves some (quite elementary) considerations in the direction of pseudo-reductive groups, so we'll not say more about it here. </p> <p>Borel and Tits announced that $(*)$' and $(**)$' are actually equivalent (!) in complete generality. In the connected reductive case this is more familiar via the link to proper parabolic $k$-subgroups, but for imperfect $k$ it is a rather delicate matter with $(**)$' (i.e., showing that the maximal $k$-split unipotent smooth connected $k$-subgroups are precisely the $k$-unipotent radicals of the minimal parabolic $k$-subgroups). It seems that Borel and Tits never published a proof of the general equivalence, but a proof is given as Proposition A.5.1 in the paper <em>Finiteness theorems for algebraic groups over function fields</em> in Compositio 148 (2012) (using in a crucial way the structure theory of pseudo-reductive groups). </p> <p>Finally, having stated this blizzard of various conditions over arbitrary fields (no number theory yet!), we reach the main point. Let $G$ be an arbitrary smooth connected affine group over a global field $k$. As usual, define $G(\mathbf{A}_k)^1$ to be the subgroup of points $g \in G(\mathbf{A}_k)$ such that $|\!|\chi(g)|\!|_k = 1$ for all $k$-homomorphisms $\chi:G \rightarrow \mathbf{G}_m$. Godement conjectured for global fields $k$ (or at least he did so in characteristic 0) that $G(k)\backslash G(\mathbf{A}_k)^1$ is compact if and only if $G$ satisfies both $(*)$' and $(**)$' that we have noted above are equivalent to each other over general fields. </p> <p>As is discussed with references early in section A.5 of the Compositio paper mentioned above, the conjecture of Godement was proved over number fields independently in joint work of Borel with Harish-Chandra, and of Mostow with Tamagawa, and over function fields the reductive case was settled by Harder. In case you might wonder about the case of function fields for general $G$ (i.e., not necessarily reductive), the necessity of $(*)$' (or equivalently $(**)$') is due to Oesterle (see 1.4 in Chapter IV of his paper <em>Nombres de Tamagawa et groupes unipotents en caract\'eristique $p$</em>, Inventiones Math. 78 (1984)) but the sufficiency in general again requires the structure theory of pseudo-reductive groups; see Theorem A.5.5 in the Compositio paper mentioned above.</p> Answer 2: <p>This has been answered by @nfdc in great generality. I just wanted to say how Mahler's criterion may be applied. This needs a little bit of work since the group $U(h)$ is "compact at infinity". This should really be an extended comment, but for reasons of space, I write this as an answer. </p> <p>Mahler's criterion says that if $g_m$ is a sequence in $SL_n(\mathbb{R})/SL_n(\mathbb{Z})$ then it has no convergent subsequence if and only if there exists a sequence $v_m$ of non-zero vectors in $\mathbb{Z}^n$ such that $g_m(v_m)$ tends to zero. </p> <p>If $\mathbb{A},\mathbb{A}_f$ denote the adeles and finite adles over $\mathbb{Q}$, then $SL_n(\mathbb{Q})$ is dense in $SL_n(\mathbb{A}_f)$ (strong approximation; easy to prove in this case) and hence the quotient $[SL_n(\mathbb{R}\times SL_n(\widehat{\mathbb{Z}})]/SL_n(\mathbb{Z}$ maps isomorphically onto $SL_n(\mathbb{A})/SL_n(\mathbb{Q})$. The former quotient maps onto $SL_n(\mathbb{R}/SL_n(\mathbb{Z})$ with compact fibre (namely $SL_n(\widehat{\mathbb{Z}})$) and hence one may show (with a small amount of work) that a sequence $g_m$ in $SL_n(\mathbb{A})/SL_n(\mathbb{Q})$ tends to infinity if and only if there exists a sequence of rational non-zero vectors $v_m\in \mathbb{Q}^n$ such that $g_m(v_m)$ tends to zero. </p> <p>If $G=R_{F/\mathbb{Q}}(U(h)$ is the group over $\mathbb{Q}$ obtained by restricting scalars to $\mathbb{Q}$ of the $F$-group $U(h)$, then the inclusion $G(\mathbb{A})/G(\mathbb{Q})$ into $SL_n(\mathbb{A})/SL_n(\mathbb{Q})$ is proper and hence a sequence in the left hand side quotient goes to zero if and only if it goes to zero on the right hand side quotient. By the preceding para, $g_m$ in the left quotient goes to zero if and only if there exists a sequence $v_m\in \mathbb{Q}^n\simeq F^d$ ($h$ is a Hermitian form in $d$ variables, say) such that $g_m(v_m)$ tends to zero. Applying $h$, we get $h(v_m)\in F^d$ and goes to zero. Since $F$ is discrete in $\mathbb{A}\otimes F$, it follows that $h(v_m)$ is zero for large $m$, and hence the Hermitian form represents a zero. </p>
When an intersection is contained in a minimal prime ideal
<p>For a commutative ring $R$ with identity, it is well known that if a finite intersection of ideals is contained in a prime ideal $\frak{p}$, then one of them is contained in $\frak{p}$. I am looking for an equivalent condition on $R$ under which if an arbitrary intersection of ideal is contained in a minimal prime ideal $\frak{p}$, then one of them is contained in $\frak{p}$. Or is there any research paper related to that?</p>
[ { "answer_id": 258727, "score": 4, "text": "<p>I would extend Jason's comment to say that this condition trivially holds in any Artinian ring since in those rings every intersection of ideals is a finite intersection. It seems that indeed this is the only case. </p>\n\n<p>Let $R$ be an arbitrary noetherian ring and $\\mathfrak m$ an arbitrary maximal ideal in $R$. If $R$ is not an integral domain, let $\\mathfrak p\\subset R$ be a minimal prime ideal contained in $\\mathfrak m$ and let $A:=R/\\mathfrak p$.\nClearly $A$ is an integral domain and $\\overline{\\mathfrak m}:=\\mathfrak m/\\mathfrak p$ is a maximal ideal in $A$. By the Krull intersection theorem $\\cap_n \\overline{\\mathfrak m}^n=0$. </p>\n\n<p>It follows that then $\\cap_n\\mathfrak m^n\\subseteq \\mathfrak p$ in $R$. If $R$ satisfied the desired condition, then this would imply that $\\mathfrak m^n\\subseteq \\mathfrak p$ for some fixed $n\\in \\mathbb N$. But then $\\mathfrak m= \\mathfrak p$ is both maximal and minimal. This is true for every maximal ideal, so $\\dim R=0$ and hence $R$ is Artinian. </p>\n\n<p>I leave it for you to decide about the non-noetherian case. </p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 258783, "score": 2, "text": "<p>Let us say that an ideal $I\\leq R$ has property $(\\ast)$, by way of definition, if whenever an intersection of ideals is contained in $I$ then one of the ideals in the intersection is contained in $I$.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Lemma:</strong> Let $R$ be a commutative ring with $1.$ Let $P\\leq R$ be a prime ideal. If $P$ satisfies $(\\ast)$ then $P$ is a maximal ideal.</p>\n\n<p><em>Proof.</em> Assume $P$ satisfies $(\\ast)$. After replacing $R$ by $R/P,$ we may as well assume $P=0.$</p>\n\n<p>Let $L$ be the intersection of all the non-zero ideals of $R.$ Since $(0)$ satisfies $(\\ast),$ we see that $L\\neq (0).$ Such an ideal is called a <em>little</em> ideal. It exists if and only if a ring is subdirectly irreducible. In particular, since $R$ is a domain it must be a field (by Proposition 12.4 in Lam's \"A First Course in Noncommutative Rings\"). QED</p>\n\n<p>So, a ring satisfying your condition must always have Krull dimension $0$. I'm sure your condition has been studied in the literature, but I'm not sufficiently familiar with the commutative algebra literature to find it quickly.</p>\n" } ]
Question: When an intersection is contained in a minimal prime ideal Answer 1: <p>I would extend Jason's comment to say that this condition trivially holds in any Artinian ring since in those rings every intersection of ideals is a finite intersection. It seems that indeed this is the only case. </p> <p>Let $R$ be an arbitrary noetherian ring and $\mathfrak m$ an arbitrary maximal ideal in $R$. If $R$ is not an integral domain, let $\mathfrak p\subset R$ be a minimal prime ideal contained in $\mathfrak m$ and let $A:=R/\mathfrak p$. Clearly $A$ is an integral domain and $\overline{\mathfrak m}:=\mathfrak m/\mathfrak p$ is a maximal ideal in $A$. By the Krull intersection theorem $\cap_n \overline{\mathfrak m}^n=0$. </p> <p>It follows that then $\cap_n\mathfrak m^n\subseteq \mathfrak p$ in $R$. If $R$ satisfied the desired condition, then this would imply that $\mathfrak m^n\subseteq \mathfrak p$ for some fixed $n\in \mathbb N$. But then $\mathfrak m= \mathfrak p$ is both maximal and minimal. This is true for every maximal ideal, so $\dim R=0$ and hence $R$ is Artinian. </p> <p>I leave it for you to decide about the non-noetherian case. </p> Answer 2: <p>Let us say that an ideal $I\leq R$ has property $(\ast)$, by way of definition, if whenever an intersection of ideals is contained in $I$ then one of the ideals in the intersection is contained in $I$.</p> <p><strong>Lemma:</strong> Let $R$ be a commutative ring with $1.$ Let $P\leq R$ be a prime ideal. If $P$ satisfies $(\ast)$ then $P$ is a maximal ideal.</p> <p><em>Proof.</em> Assume $P$ satisfies $(\ast)$. After replacing $R$ by $R/P,$ we may as well assume $P=0.$</p> <p>Let $L$ be the intersection of all the non-zero ideals of $R.$ Since $(0)$ satisfies $(\ast),$ we see that $L\neq (0).$ Such an ideal is called a <em>little</em> ideal. It exists if and only if a ring is subdirectly irreducible. In particular, since $R$ is a domain it must be a field (by Proposition 12.4 in Lam's "A First Course in Noncommutative Rings"). QED</p> <p>So, a ring satisfying your condition must always have Krull dimension $0$. I'm sure your condition has been studied in the literature, but I'm not sufficiently familiar with the commutative algebra literature to find it quickly.</p>
$(q, t)$-binomial coefficients
<p>The $q$-binomial coefficients ${n + k \choose n}_q$ can be written as a sum</p> <p>$${n + k \choose n}_q = \sum_{\lambda \subset (n^k)} q^{|\lambda|}\qquad (1)$$</p> <p>where $(n^k) = (n, n, ..., n)$ is a partition of $k$ parts each part equal to $n$. For a proof see e.g. Theorem 2 of <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">this book chapter</a>.</p> <p>Question: Is there a $(q, t)$-generalisation of (1) that is related to the Macdonald polynomials in whatever sense?</p> <p>Below is what I've found after searching on the Internet:</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">arXiv:1001.3466</a> and <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">arXiv:q-alg/9605004</a> both introduced certain $(q, t)$-analogues of the binomial coefficients. Do they satisfy any analogues of (1)?</p> <p>Also, in <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">this book chapter</a> the $(q, t)$-Catalan numbers have a nice lattice path interpretation analogous to (1), see Formula (83) in that chapter. But there does not seem to be any $(q, t)$-binomial coefficients there.</p>
[ { "answer_id": 258793, "score": 4, "text": "<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">In a paper entitled</a> <em>$(q,t)$-analogues and $GL_n(\\mathbb{F}_q)$</em>, V. Reiner and D. Stanton have some such formulas. </p>\n\n<p><em>Caveat.</em> The above-mentioned $(q,t)$-binomial coefficients are a tad bit different from what you would call a \"natural\" binomial analogue. They comment that it is not even a polynomial (almost). Yet, the authors achieved very interesting outcomes with right-hand side mimicking what you quoted in your question. I let you decide the rest for yourself.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 258795, "score": 2, "text": "<p>Siddhartha Sahi has some stuff on binomial coefficients and interpolation Macdonald polynomials, see e.g., <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">this paper</a>, where the qt-binomial is a quotient of certain specializations of interpolating Macdonald polynomials.</p>\n\n<p>I am not sure if these satisfy an analogue of (1) thought.</p>\n" } ]
Question: $(q, t)$-binomial coefficients Answer 1: <p><a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">In a paper entitled</a> <em>$(q,t)$-analogues and $GL_n(\mathbb{F}_q)$</em>, V. Reiner and D. Stanton have some such formulas. </p> <p><em>Caveat.</em> The above-mentioned $(q,t)$-binomial coefficients are a tad bit different from what you would call a "natural" binomial analogue. They comment that it is not even a polynomial (almost). Yet, the authors achieved very interesting outcomes with right-hand side mimicking what you quoted in your question. I let you decide the rest for yourself.</p> Answer 2: <p>Siddhartha Sahi has some stuff on binomial coefficients and interpolation Macdonald polynomials, see e.g., <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">this paper</a>, where the qt-binomial is a quotient of certain specializations of interpolating Macdonald polynomials.</p> <p>I am not sure if these satisfy an analogue of (1) thought.</p>
Relation between norm of any element of $C^*$-algebra in terms of self adjoint elements
<p>Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a $C^*$-algebra, then for $a\in \mathcal{A}$, there are $b,c \in \mathcal{A}_{SA}$ such that $a=b+ic$, where $\mathcal{A}_{SA}$ is the self adjoint part of $C^*$-algebra. </p> <p>Question: Whether there exist any theory so that norm of $a$ can be recover from its norm of self adjoint parts.</p> <p>I appreciate, if some one provide reference or any suggestion. </p>
[ { "answer_id": 259077, "score": 5, "text": "<p>The norm of the self adjoint part is not sufficient: Even if $b$ and $c$ commutes (which should be the easiest case) then it corresponds (by looking at the commutative algebra generated by $b$ and $c$ and using gelfand duality) to the case where $a$ is a complexe valued functions from some compact space $X$ to $\\mathbb{C}$ and $b$ and $c$ are its real and imaginary part. Then the norm of $a$ (i.e. the supremum of $|a(x)|$) cannot be determined only knowing the supremum of $b$ and $c$, it also depends for example on wheter $b$ and $c$ reach their supremum at the same point and it can be anything from $Max(\\Vert b \\Vert , \\Vert c \\Vert )$ if $bc=0$ to $(\\Vert b \\Vert^{2} + \\Vert c \\Vert^{2})^{1/2}$ if $b$ and $c$ reach their supremum at the same point.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 262000, "score": 1, "text": "<p>Your question has been settled in the negative already:\n$\\|a\\|$ cannot be determined if alone $\\|b\\|$ and $\\|c\\|$ are known.</p>\n\n<p>Let me suggest a 'weaker' description to yield $\\|a\\|$, involving\n$\\mathbb{R}$-linear combinations of $b$ and $c$ and valid <em>for every normal</em> $\\,a\\in\\mathcal{A}\\,$ (This is equivalent to $[b,c]=0$.) namely\n$$\\|a\\|\\:=\\:\\sup_{t\\in [0,2\\pi]}\\|b\\cdot\\cos(t)-c\\cdot\\sin(t)\\|$$\nDetails incl. proof to be found in the post\n<a href=\"\">Is it the C*-norm in disguise?\n[Yes, within the realm of commutativity.]</a> on MathSE.</p>\n" } ]
Question: Relation between norm of any element of $C^*$-algebra in terms of self adjoint elements Answer 1: <p>The norm of the self adjoint part is not sufficient: Even if $b$ and $c$ commutes (which should be the easiest case) then it corresponds (by looking at the commutative algebra generated by $b$ and $c$ and using gelfand duality) to the case where $a$ is a complexe valued functions from some compact space $X$ to $\mathbb{C}$ and $b$ and $c$ are its real and imaginary part. Then the norm of $a$ (i.e. the supremum of $|a(x)|$) cannot be determined only knowing the supremum of $b$ and $c$, it also depends for example on wheter $b$ and $c$ reach their supremum at the same point and it can be anything from $Max(\Vert b \Vert , \Vert c \Vert )$ if $bc=0$ to $(\Vert b \Vert^{2} + \Vert c \Vert^{2})^{1/2}$ if $b$ and $c$ reach their supremum at the same point.</p> Answer 2: <p>Your question has been settled in the negative already: $\|a\|$ cannot be determined if alone $\|b\|$ and $\|c\|$ are known.</p> <p>Let me suggest a 'weaker' description to yield $\|a\|$, involving $\mathbb{R}$-linear combinations of $b$ and $c$ and valid <em>for every normal</em> $\,a\in\mathcal{A}\,$ (This is equivalent to $[b,c]=0$.) namely $$\|a\|\:=\:\sup_{t\in [0,2\pi]}\|b\cdot\cos(t)-c\cdot\sin(t)\|$$ Details incl. proof to be found in the post <a href="">Is it the C*-norm in disguise? [Yes, within the realm of commutativity.]</a> on MathSE.</p>
Twisted line bundles Brauer class
<p>This question is mainly a reference request about the order of a Brauer class on a smooth projective variety over $\mathbb{C}$. Namely, let $X$ be a smooth complex projective variety and $\alpha$ be a Brauer class on $X$.</p> <p>I have read in a few papers on the ArXiv that the order of $\alpha$ divides the rank of any $\alpha$-twisted sheaf. In particular, the existence of a $\alpha$-twisted line bundle would imply that $\alpha$ is trivial.</p> <p>On the other hand, let $ p : Y \longrightarrow X$ be a non-trivial Brauer-Severi variety associated to the class $\alpha \in Br(X)$. It seems that one can define a $p^*\alpha$-twisted line bundle $\mathcal{O}_{Y/X}(1)$ and it seems this twisted line bundle is not a line bundle (so that the class $p^* \alpha$ is non trivial).</p> <p>I am not sure how to reconcile these two claims. Is there something obvious I am missing?</p> <p>Thanks a lot!</p>
[ { "answer_id": 259083, "score": 2, "text": "<p>There are many functors from the category of twisted sheaves to the category of untwisted sheaves. Typically, if $E$ is a locally free $\\alpha$-twisted sheaf then $\\mathcal{H}om(E,-)$ is such a functor. It identifies the category of $\\alpha$-twisted sheaves with the category of $\\mathcal{E}nd(E)$-modules. </p>\n\n<p>In many cases, by a rank of an $\\alpha$-twisted sheaf $F$ people understand the rank of the corresponding sheaf $\\mathcal{H}om(E,F)$. In this sense, existence of a rank 1 twisted sheaf is equivalent to the vanishing of the Brauer class. </p>\n\n<p>Sometimes, however, one can divide this by the rank of $\\mathcal{E}nd(E)$. This \"divided rank\" may be equal to 1 without $\\alpha$ being trivial. For instance, the divided rank of $E$ itself is equal to 1.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 259107, "score": -1, "text": "<p>OK so I think I understand what I missed from the beginning. If I take a particular $\\alpha$-twisted sheaf, say $F$, then the object $F$ itself, as a twisted sheaf, <strong>depends on</strong> the Cech cocycle I use to represent $\\alpha$. In particular, the Cech cocycle used to define $\\mathcal{O}_{Y/X}(1)$ on a Severi Brauer variety is non-trivial.</p>\n\n<p>On the other hand, the <strong>category</strong> of $\\alpha$-twisted sheaves only depends (<strong>up to equivalence</strong>) on the cohomology class $\\alpha \\in H^2(X,\\mathcal{O}^{\\star}_X)_{et}$. </p>\n\n<p>Hence, though $\\mathcal{O}_{Y/X}(1)$ is not a line bundle, one still has that the category of $p^* \\alpha$-twisted sheaves on $Y$ is equivalent to the category of untwisted sheaves on $Y$!</p>\n" } ]
Question: Twisted line bundles Brauer class Answer 1: <p>There are many functors from the category of twisted sheaves to the category of untwisted sheaves. Typically, if $E$ is a locally free $\alpha$-twisted sheaf then $\mathcal{H}om(E,-)$ is such a functor. It identifies the category of $\alpha$-twisted sheaves with the category of $\mathcal{E}nd(E)$-modules. </p> <p>In many cases, by a rank of an $\alpha$-twisted sheaf $F$ people understand the rank of the corresponding sheaf $\mathcal{H}om(E,F)$. In this sense, existence of a rank 1 twisted sheaf is equivalent to the vanishing of the Brauer class. </p> <p>Sometimes, however, one can divide this by the rank of $\mathcal{E}nd(E)$. This "divided rank" may be equal to 1 without $\alpha$ being trivial. For instance, the divided rank of $E$ itself is equal to 1.</p> Answer 2: <p>OK so I think I understand what I missed from the beginning. If I take a particular $\alpha$-twisted sheaf, say $F$, then the object $F$ itself, as a twisted sheaf, <strong>depends on</strong> the Cech cocycle I use to represent $\alpha$. In particular, the Cech cocycle used to define $\mathcal{O}_{Y/X}(1)$ on a Severi Brauer variety is non-trivial.</p> <p>On the other hand, the <strong>category</strong> of $\alpha$-twisted sheaves only depends (<strong>up to equivalence</strong>) on the cohomology class $\alpha \in H^2(X,\mathcal{O}^{\star}_X)_{et}$. </p> <p>Hence, though $\mathcal{O}_{Y/X}(1)$ is not a line bundle, one still has that the category of $p^* \alpha$-twisted sheaves on $Y$ is equivalent to the category of untwisted sheaves on $Y$!</p>
Manifolds with special holonomy especially $G_2$
<p>I am interested in learning about $G_2$ manifolds and am aware that one of the canonical references is Joyce's Compact Manifolds with Special Holonomy. I am certain that my background is, at this moment, not enough to read this research monograph so I would like to know if there are books that can bring me up to speed. My background is in Lee and Do Carmo level.</p>
[ { "answer_id": 259097, "score": 10, "text": "<p>Joyce's book <em>Riemannian Holonomy Groups and Calibrated Geometry</em> is an extended version of the research monograph you are reading, with more details and background material, aimed at providing a graduate course in the subject. </p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 263483, "score": 4, "text": "<p>Salamon's <em>Riemannian geometry and holonomy groups</em> is another nice place to start.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 290602, "score": 2, "text": "<p>I started with this 58 page set of notes by Joyce <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\"></a>, it was published as the first section of a three section book \"Calabi-Yau Manifolds and Related Geometries\" (the other two sections were written by Gross and Huybrechts). This is lighter than his textbooks.</p>\n\n<p>I also recommend this introductory talk of Robert Bryant <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\"></a>. </p>\n" } ]
Question: Manifolds with special holonomy especially $G_2$ Answer 1: <p>Joyce's book <em>Riemannian Holonomy Groups and Calibrated Geometry</em> is an extended version of the research monograph you are reading, with more details and background material, aimed at providing a graduate course in the subject. </p> Answer 2: <p>Salamon's <em>Riemannian geometry and holonomy groups</em> is another nice place to start.</p> Answer 3: <p>I started with this 58 page set of notes by Joyce <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer"></a>, it was published as the first section of a three section book "Calabi-Yau Manifolds and Related Geometries" (the other two sections were written by Gross and Huybrechts). This is lighter than his textbooks.</p> <p>I also recommend this introductory talk of Robert Bryant <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer"></a>. </p>
On a number theoretic problem coming from multiuser coding?
<p>Can Chinese remainder theorem be used to solve this problem in multiuser coding?</p> <p>We have two transmitters sending integers $q,q'&gt;0$ to a common receiver. The duty of the receiver is to recover both $q,q'$. Assume the integers below are sufficiently large.</p> <p>The received integer is $uq+u'q'+n$ where every letter is an integer above $0$. Suppose we know $u,u'$ and the unknowns are $q,q',n$. We know $0\leq q\leq (u'-1)$ and $0\leq q'\leq(u-1)$ and $gcd(u,u')=1$ (along with $|u-u'|&gt;\beta\min(u,u')$ for some $\beta\in(0,1)$). </p> <p>Assuming $C(u,u')=uu'-u-u'$ and the received signal satisfies $$uq+u'q'+n&lt; \gamma C(u,u')+\gamma'(u+u')$$ then what is the largest $\gamma,\gamma'$ we can have so that we can have recover $q,q'$ uniquely if $0\leq q\leq(u'-1)$ and $0\leq q'\leq(u-1)$ and $gcd(u,u')=1$ holds?</p>
[ { "answer_id": 259279, "score": 2, "text": "<p>Suppose for example $u' = u + 1$. Even if you restrict $1 \\le q, q', n \\le 2$, you can't recover $q$ and $q'$, because\n$u \\cdot 1 + u' \\cdot 2 + 1 = u \\cdot 2 + u' \\cdot 1 + 2 = 3u+3$.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 259294, "score": 1, "text": "<p>Let $C(u,u^\\prime) := uu^\\prime - u - u^\\prime$. By Sylvester's solution to the Frobenius coin problem, every $c &gt; C(u,u^\\prime)$ can be represented as $uq + u^\\prime q^\\prime$ for some $q,q^\\prime \\geq 0$. It follows that every $c &gt; C(u,u^\\prime) + uu^\\prime$ has at least one such representation with $q,q^\\prime$ strictly positive and every $c &gt; C(u,u^\\prime) + 2uu^\\prime$ has at least 2 such representations with $q,q^\\prime$ strictly positive.</p>\n\n<p>Therefore, if the received integer is greater than $C(u,u^\\prime) + 2uu^\\prime$ we definitely cannot uniquely recover $q,q^\\prime$. If the received integer is below this upper bound then $q,q^\\prime$ should be uniquely determined and the noise is thus bounded by $n &lt;= C(u,u^\\prime) + 2uu^\\prime - u - u^\\prime$.</p>\n" } ]
Question: On a number theoretic problem coming from multiuser coding? Answer 1: <p>Suppose for example $u' = u + 1$. Even if you restrict $1 \le q, q', n \le 2$, you can't recover $q$ and $q'$, because $u \cdot 1 + u' \cdot 2 + 1 = u \cdot 2 + u' \cdot 1 + 2 = 3u+3$.</p> Answer 2: <p>Let $C(u,u^\prime) := uu^\prime - u - u^\prime$. By Sylvester's solution to the Frobenius coin problem, every $c &gt; C(u,u^\prime)$ can be represented as $uq + u^\prime q^\prime$ for some $q,q^\prime \geq 0$. It follows that every $c &gt; C(u,u^\prime) + uu^\prime$ has at least one such representation with $q,q^\prime$ strictly positive and every $c &gt; C(u,u^\prime) + 2uu^\prime$ has at least 2 such representations with $q,q^\prime$ strictly positive.</p> <p>Therefore, if the received integer is greater than $C(u,u^\prime) + 2uu^\prime$ we definitely cannot uniquely recover $q,q^\prime$. If the received integer is below this upper bound then $q,q^\prime$ should be uniquely determined and the noise is thus bounded by $n &lt;= C(u,u^\prime) + 2uu^\prime - u - u^\prime$.</p>
space of closed subgroups of profinite group
<p>I am looking for a reference on the space $\mathcal{Sub}(G)$ of closed subgroups of a profinite group $G$, which naturally has the structure of a profinite topological space:</p> <p>Because the collection of subgroups $\mathcal{Sub}(G_i)$ of a finite group $G_i$ is finite, and the closed subgroups of a profinite group $G = \mathrm{lim}G_i$ can be described as inverse limits of subgroups of the $G_i$, we have that $\mathcal{Sub}(G) = \mathrm{lim}\mathcal{Sub}(G_i)$ is a profinite space.</p> <p>Could anyone point me to some good references for this space associated to a profinite group $G$?</p> <p>I would like to see any sort of facts known about this space, but in particular the implications that various finiteness conditions on $G$ (e.g. topologically finitely generated, first countable, $\mathrm{cd}(G)\leq 1$, finitely many quotients of a given order, etc.) have for the space $\mathcal{Sub}(G)$. It would also be great to see descriptions of the quotient space $\mathcal{Sub}(G)/\sim$ by the action of conjugation by $G$ or by subgroups of $G$.</p> <p>I would even be interested to see references for the closed subgroup space of any compact topological group $G$.</p> <p>Thank you.</p>
[ { "answer_id": 259406, "score": 3, "text": "<p>This space is studied in several papers by Haran, Jarden, and Pop, for instance:<br>\nProjective group structures as absolute Galois structures with block approximation, Memoirs of AMS 189 (2007), 1--56 (<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\"></a>).</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 267622, "score": 2, "text": "<p>There is a couple of papers by Gartside and Smith dealing with these questions:</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li>Counting the Closed Subgroups of Profinite Groups <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\"></a></li>\n<li>Classifying Spaces of Subgroups of Profinite Groups <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\"></a></li>\n</ul>\n\n<p>Look in the references therein for another couple of papers, by Gartside and Fisher, concerning the space of closed subgroups of general compact topological groups.</p>\n" } ]
Question: space of closed subgroups of profinite group Answer 1: <p>This space is studied in several papers by Haran, Jarden, and Pop, for instance:<br> Projective group structures as absolute Galois structures with block approximation, Memoirs of AMS 189 (2007), 1--56 (<a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer"></a>).</p> Answer 2: <p>There is a couple of papers by Gartside and Smith dealing with these questions:</p> <ul> <li>Counting the Closed Subgroups of Profinite Groups <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer"></a></li> <li>Classifying Spaces of Subgroups of Profinite Groups <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer"></a></li> </ul> <p>Look in the references therein for another couple of papers, by Gartside and Fisher, concerning the space of closed subgroups of general compact topological groups.</p>
Derivative of eigenvalues w.r.t. a tensor
<p>$E$ is a real, positive-definitive 3x3 symmetric tensor (I am thinking about the strain tensor in solid mechanics). We perform eigendecomposition and get:</p> <p>$$E_p=\sum_{i=1}^{3}λ_iN_i⊗N_i$$</p> <p>into its principal components, where $λ_i$ are its eigenvalues and $N_i$ are its eigenvectors. My question is, is there a closed form solution for $\frac{∂λ_i}{∂E}$ ?</p>
[ { "answer_id": 259417, "score": 5, "text": "<p>Let $p(\\lambda)$ be the characteristic polynomial $p(\\lambda)=\\det(E-\\lambda I)$. Then $p(\\lambda)=(\\lambda_1(E)-\\lambda)(\\lambda_2(E)-\\lambda)(\\lambda_3(E)-\\lambda)$. Differentiate in $E$ and then set $\\lambda=\\lambda_i(E)$: \n$$\n\\frac{\\partial \\lambda_i}{\\partial E}\n=\n\\frac{1}{(\\lambda_j-\\lambda_i)(\\lambda_k-\\lambda_i)} \\left.\\frac{\\partial \\det(E-\\lambda I)}{\\partial E}\\right|_{\\lambda=\\lambda_i(E)}\n$$\nif $\\{\\lambda_1,\\lambda_2,\\lambda_3\\}=\\{\\lambda_i,\\lambda_j,\\lambda_k\\}$.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 259515, "score": 1, "text": "<p>I think it is way better using the formula\n$$\\frac{\\partial\\lambda_i}{\\partial E}\\cdot F=\\frac{N_i^TFN_i}{N_i^TN_i}\\,.$$\nJust a comment tfollowing Kato's book). The differential $\\frac{\\partial\\lambda_i}{\\partial E}$ might not exist, when $\\lambda_i$ has multiplicity $\\ge2$. Nevertheless, if the symmetric tensor $E$ depends analytically upon <strong>one</strong> parameter (that is $s\\mapsto E(s)$ is analytic over an interval $J$), then $s\\mapsto\\lambda(s)$ can be determined analytically.</p>\n" } ]
Question: Derivative of eigenvalues w.r.t. a tensor Answer 1: <p>Let $p(\lambda)$ be the characteristic polynomial $p(\lambda)=\det(E-\lambda I)$. Then $p(\lambda)=(\lambda_1(E)-\lambda)(\lambda_2(E)-\lambda)(\lambda_3(E)-\lambda)$. Differentiate in $E$ and then set $\lambda=\lambda_i(E)$: $$ \frac{\partial \lambda_i}{\partial E} = \frac{1}{(\lambda_j-\lambda_i)(\lambda_k-\lambda_i)} \left.\frac{\partial \det(E-\lambda I)}{\partial E}\right|_{\lambda=\lambda_i(E)} $$ if $\{\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3\}=\{\lambda_i,\lambda_j,\lambda_k\}$.</p> Answer 2: <p>I think it is way better using the formula $$\frac{\partial\lambda_i}{\partial E}\cdot F=\frac{N_i^TFN_i}{N_i^TN_i}\,.$$ Just a comment tfollowing Kato's book). The differential $\frac{\partial\lambda_i}{\partial E}$ might not exist, when $\lambda_i$ has multiplicity $\ge2$. Nevertheless, if the symmetric tensor $E$ depends analytically upon <strong>one</strong> parameter (that is $s\mapsto E(s)$ is analytic over an interval $J$), then $s\mapsto\lambda(s)$ can be determined analytically.</p>
Mean length of the longest substring (not sequence) of a random string
<p><strong>Introduction</strong></p> <p>I am analyzing the average complexity of an algorithm and it boils down to this question:</p> <p><strong>Question</strong></p> <p>What is the expected substring length which two randomly generated strings will most likely have?</p> <p>I found a lot of papers covering this topic on subsequences but couldn't find any for substrings. The difference is that in a subsequence the characters can appear with any space in between as long as they're in the same order but substrings have to be consecutive (i.e. "ABC" has to appear together, "ABxC" doesn't count).</p> <p>Example: In "ABCED" <strong>and</strong> "ABCXED" the longest substring is "ABC" (length = 3)</p> <p><strong>Another way to look at it:</strong></p> <p>Example: In "ABCDE" <strong>and</strong> "ABCED" the longest common substring (LCS) is "ABC" (length = 3)</p> <p>Another (non random) example: "EXXAMPPLEEE" and "XXXAMPPLXXX" would have the longest common substring would be "XAMP" of length = 4.</p> <p>Assuming that we generate two strings randomly of length $N$ and of alphabet size $q$, measure the length of the longest common substring and repeat this infinitely many times. What is the mean average substring length in function of N, q ?</p> <p>What would be the expected common substring length to be found in a random string of length $N$ and alphabet $q$</p> <p><strong>What I Researched</strong></p> <p>My intuition and approximation suggested AVG_LCS_LENGTH = $log_q(N)$ I've read in an unofficial source that it is $2log_q(N)$ but I couldn't find anything to reference.</p> <p><strong>What I'd accept as an answer</strong></p> <p>Since I assume that this proof isn't trivial, any reference to a paper proving this and which I could use and reference for my research would be acceptable as an answer or if somebody could write a proof of course.</p>
[ { "answer_id": 345858, "score": 3, "text": "<p>I don't know if the answer still interest you, anyway:</p>\n\n<p>First of all, you need to define clearly what you mean by longest substring:</p>\n\n<p>-you only look at the longest substring at the beginning of the sequences</p>\n\n<p>-your longest substring can be anywhere but needs to be at the same position in both sequences</p>\n\n<p>-your longest substring can be anywhere</p>\n\n<p>Secondly, you wrote \"we generate two strings randomly\", I will assume you mean that we are in the iid case.</p>\n\n<p>If it's 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑞(𝑁) or 2𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑞(𝑁) will depend on the definition you choose.</p>\n\n<p>You can see the paper of Arratia and Waterman and the references in the paper: <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\"></a></p>\n\n<p>If you want results for more general processes (not only iid), the answers will be different and will involve the Renyi entropy. You can see this paper and the references therein:\n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\"></a></p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 259426, "score": 2, "text": "<p>Let $X_k$ denote the number of substrings (count pairs of starting indices) of length $k$ that the two things share. Finding expected value of $X_k$ is easy by linearity of expectation. Then your answer is going to be very close to the $k$ for which this value is close to $1$. This is exactly like finding the longest string of \"H\" in a series of coin flips or like finding the independence number of a random graph. To make this more rigorous, you show concentration of $X_k$ about their mean.</p>\n" } ]
Question: Mean length of the longest substring (not sequence) of a random string Answer 1: <p>I don't know if the answer still interest you, anyway:</p> <p>First of all, you need to define clearly what you mean by longest substring:</p> <p>-you only look at the longest substring at the beginning of the sequences</p> <p>-your longest substring can be anywhere but needs to be at the same position in both sequences</p> <p>-your longest substring can be anywhere</p> <p>Secondly, you wrote "we generate two strings randomly", I will assume you mean that we are in the iid case.</p> <p>If it's 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑞(𝑁) or 2𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑞(𝑁) will depend on the definition you choose.</p> <p>You can see the paper of Arratia and Waterman and the references in the paper: <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer"></a></p> <p>If you want results for more general processes (not only iid), the answers will be different and will involve the Renyi entropy. You can see this paper and the references therein: <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer"></a></p> Answer 2: <p>Let $X_k$ denote the number of substrings (count pairs of starting indices) of length $k$ that the two things share. Finding expected value of $X_k$ is easy by linearity of expectation. Then your answer is going to be very close to the $k$ for which this value is close to $1$. This is exactly like finding the longest string of "H" in a series of coin flips or like finding the independence number of a random graph. To make this more rigorous, you show concentration of $X_k$ about their mean.</p>
Minimal clique decompositions
<p>Let $G=(V,E)$ be a simple, undirected graph. A <em>clique decomposition</em> is a set ${\cal C} \subseteq {\cal P}(V)$ such that</p> <ol> <li>$\emptyset \notin {\cal C}$,</li> <li>$C\in {\cal C}$ and $x\neq y \in C$ imply that $\{x,y\}\in E$ (that is every member of ${\cal C}$ is a clique),</li> <li>$\bigcup {\cal C} = V$, and</li> <li>$e=\{x,y\} \in E \implies$ there is $C\in{\cal C}$ such that $x,y\in C$.</li> </ol> <p>Every graph has a clique decomposition (see the collection of all edges plus the isolated points). We call ${\cal C}$ <em>minimal</em> if $|{\cal C}|$ is minimal amongst all clique decompositions of $G$.</p> <p><strong>Question.</strong> If ${\cal C}, {\cal D}$ are minimal clique decompositions of a finite graph $G$, do we have ${\cal C}= {\cal D}$? (The same question could also be considered for infinite graphs, but I guess the answer is no for these.)</p>
[ { "answer_id": 259504, "score": 3, "text": "<p>There can be multiple distinct decompositions of minimum size. Consider a triangular lattice tiling of a torus. The maximal cliques are triangles, so we certainly need $e(G) / 3$ cliques in any minimum-sized clique decomposition. But both the upwards pointing and downwards pointing triangles are a clique decomposition of this size.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 259531, "score": 3, "text": "<p>Similar to Ben's answer is an octahedron which is $K_{2,2,2}$ and also $K_6$ minus a matching. There should be an enormous number of minimal covers for other complete multipartite graphs and for $K_{2m}$ with $m$ disjoint edges removed.</p>\n" } ]
Question: Minimal clique decompositions Answer 1: <p>There can be multiple distinct decompositions of minimum size. Consider a triangular lattice tiling of a torus. The maximal cliques are triangles, so we certainly need $e(G) / 3$ cliques in any minimum-sized clique decomposition. But both the upwards pointing and downwards pointing triangles are a clique decomposition of this size.</p> Answer 2: <p>Similar to Ben's answer is an octahedron which is $K_{2,2,2}$ and also $K_6$ minus a matching. There should be an enormous number of minimal covers for other complete multipartite graphs and for $K_{2m}$ with $m$ disjoint edges removed.</p>
Link between Irreducible Factors and Prime Factors (or Cycles of a Permutation)
<p>In "Anatomy of Integers and Permutations", <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer"></a>, Granville gives a calibration of cycles of a permutation and prime factors of an integer. "We know roughly one out of evert $\log x$ integers up to $x$ is a prime, and that exactly one in every $N$ permutations on $N$ elements is a cycle, so we could try to calibrate by replacing $N$ when we measure the anatomy of a permutation with $\log x$ when we measure the anatomy of an integer."</p> <p>Is there also a useful link between irreducible factors of a monic polynomial of degree $n$ over $F_q[T]$ and either cycles or prime factors?</p> <p>A naive guess would be to say that the link between irreducible factors and cycles is trivial due to the similarity of the following theorems:</p> <p>Prime Number Theorem for Permutations: A randomly selected permutation of $S_n$ will be an $n$-cycle with probability exactly $1/n$.</p> <p>Prime Number Theorem for Monic Polynomials: The probability that a random monic polynomial $f\in F_q[T]$ of degree $n$ will be irreducible with probability $\approx 1/n$ when $q$ is fixed and $n$ is large (or if $n$ is fixed and characteristic of $F_q$ is large). </p>
[ { "answer_id": 259981, "score": 7, "text": "<p>There is such a link and it is in fact much better understood in the polynomial setting. Namely, if $f$ is a separable polynomial over a finite field, then the action of the Frobenius element on the roots of $f$ gives rise to a permutation whose cycle structure corresponds to the factorization type of $f$. </p>\n\n<p>Then, combinatorial arguments and/or algebraic arguments (such as the Chebotarev Density Theorem) tell us that the distribution of those permutations as $f$ varies over degree $n$ polynomials is roughly the uniform distribution on $S_n$ (as $q$ grows they get closer).</p>\n\n<p>See Terry Tao's post on the subject, which refers to Granville's paper as well:</p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\"></a></p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 260043, "score": 3, "text": "<p>I wrote a blog post on this <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">here</a>. The basic result is that for fixed $k$ and $n$, as $q \\to \\infty$ the joint distribution of irreducible factors of degrees $1$ through $k$ of a random monic polynomial over $\\mathbb{F}_q$ of degree $n$ asymptotically approaches the joint distribution of cycles of length $1$ through $k$ of a random permutation in $S_n$. I do not see how this result follows from the Chebotarev density theorem. </p>\n" } ]
Question: Link between Irreducible Factors and Prime Factors (or Cycles of a Permutation) Answer 1: <p>There is such a link and it is in fact much better understood in the polynomial setting. Namely, if $f$ is a separable polynomial over a finite field, then the action of the Frobenius element on the roots of $f$ gives rise to a permutation whose cycle structure corresponds to the factorization type of $f$. </p> <p>Then, combinatorial arguments and/or algebraic arguments (such as the Chebotarev Density Theorem) tell us that the distribution of those permutations as $f$ varies over degree $n$ polynomials is roughly the uniform distribution on $S_n$ (as $q$ grows they get closer).</p> <p>See Terry Tao's post on the subject, which refers to Granville's paper as well:</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> Answer 2: <p>I wrote a blog post on this <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">here</a>. The basic result is that for fixed $k$ and $n$, as $q \to \infty$ the joint distribution of irreducible factors of degrees $1$ through $k$ of a random monic polynomial over $\mathbb{F}_q$ of degree $n$ asymptotically approaches the joint distribution of cycles of length $1$ through $k$ of a random permutation in $S_n$. I do not see how this result follows from the Chebotarev density theorem. </p>
Does there exist a known Dirichlet series verifying all these conditions and have non trivial zeros off the critical line
<p>Let $s=α+iβ$ be a complex number. Consider the Dirichlet series of the form $$f(s)=∑_{n=1}^{∞}(a_{n})/n^{s}$$ where $(a_{n})_{n≥1}$ is a real sequence. </p> <p>We consider the class of Dirichlet series satisfying the following conditions:</p> <p>(1) The real sequence $(a_{n})_{n≥1}$ is not identically zero.</p> <p>(2) The function $f(s)$ is analytic for all $s=α+iβ∈ℂ$ such that $α&gt;0$.</p> <p>(3) The first term of $f(s)$ is not zero, i.e., $a₁≠0$.</p> <p>(4) There exist a complex zero $a=1/2+iβ₁$ of $f $ in the critical strip: $s=α+iβ∈ℂ$ with $0&lt;α&lt;1$.</p> <p>(5) $f $ has infinitely many non trivial zeros.</p> <p>(6) For all $α∈(0,1)$ with $α≠1/2$ we have $f(α+iβ₁)≠0$.</p> <p><strong>My question is</strong>: Does there exist a known Dirichlet series verifying all these conditions and have non trivial zeros off the critical line.</p>
[ { "answer_id": 260274, "score": 4, "text": "<p>What's wrong with the most obvious choice for a Dirichlet series that converges for $\\text{Re}(s)&gt;0$?<br>\n$$\nf(s)=(1-2^{1-s})\\zeta(s)=\\sum_{n=1}^\\infty \\frac{(-1)^{n-1}}{n^s}\n$$\nconverges for real $s&gt;0$ by <a href=\";s_test\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">Dirichlet's test</a>\nand in the half plane by standard facts about the convergence of Dirichlet series. Any nontrivial zero of $\\zeta(s)$ is a zero of $f(s)$. The only non obvious fact is your 6) above, but this could be verified for the zero at $1/2+i\\cdot 14.1347\\ldots$ via the <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">Argument Principle</a>\nand a numerical estimate of the integral. Since it's an integer, careful bounds on the error will give you a rigorous answer.</p>\n\n<p>The term $(1-2^{1-s})$ is zero for $(1-s)\\log(2)=2\\pi i\\cdot k$.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 260285, "score": 4, "text": "<p>Pursuing @Stopple's line, Landau had already observed that things like $\\zeta(2s)\\zeta(2s-1)$ are positive Dirichlet series, have Euler products, nice functional equations (and analytic continuations), but have no zeros at all on the critical line, and many off. One can create minor variations such as $\\zeta(2s)\\zeta(2s-1)(1-p^{s-1/2})$... (and given the incommensurability of logs of distinct primes, we can arrange sufficiently large $p$ to avoid zeros of zetas near a given height).</p>\n" } ]
Question: Does there exist a known Dirichlet series verifying all these conditions and have non trivial zeros off the critical line Answer 1: <p>What's wrong with the most obvious choice for a Dirichlet series that converges for $\text{Re}(s)&gt;0$?<br> $$ f(s)=(1-2^{1-s})\zeta(s)=\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{(-1)^{n-1}}{n^s} $$ converges for real $s&gt;0$ by <a href=";s_test" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Dirichlet's test</a> and in the half plane by standard facts about the convergence of Dirichlet series. Any nontrivial zero of $\zeta(s)$ is a zero of $f(s)$. The only non obvious fact is your 6) above, but this could be verified for the zero at $1/2+i\cdot 14.1347\ldots$ via the <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Argument Principle</a> and a numerical estimate of the integral. Since it's an integer, careful bounds on the error will give you a rigorous answer.</p> <p>The term $(1-2^{1-s})$ is zero for $(1-s)\log(2)=2\pi i\cdot k$.</p> Answer 2: <p>Pursuing @Stopple's line, Landau had already observed that things like $\zeta(2s)\zeta(2s-1)$ are positive Dirichlet series, have Euler products, nice functional equations (and analytic continuations), but have no zeros at all on the critical line, and many off. One can create minor variations such as $\zeta(2s)\zeta(2s-1)(1-p^{s-1/2})$... (and given the incommensurability of logs of distinct primes, we can arrange sufficiently large $p$ to avoid zeros of zetas near a given height).</p>
Choice of bilinear forms for simple groups
<p>In the finite simple groups, some groups are obtained from (non-degenerate) bilinear forms as follows:</p> <p>Let <span class="math-container">$V$</span> be a vector space over a finite field <span class="math-container">$\mathbb{F}_q$</span>. Let <span class="math-container">$(\cdot,\cdot)$</span> be a non-degenerate bilinear form. Consider the group</p> <p><span class="math-container">$$G=\{ T\in {\rm End }(V) : (Tv,Tw)=(v,w)\mbox{ for all } v,w\in V\}.$$</span> Since form is non-degenerate, <span class="math-container">$G$</span> is subgroup of <span class="math-container">$\mathrm{GL}(V)$</span>. Next, since vector space is finite, this group is finite.</p> <p>By Jordan-Hölder, the group <span class="math-container">$G$</span> gives rise to some simple groups in its composition series.</p> <p>Among finite simple groups, there are some choice on bilinear forms <span class="math-container">$(\cdot, \cdot)$</span> such as symmetric, alternating, sesquilinear.</p> <p>But for (non-degenerate) forms other than these types, we get a finite group <span class="math-container">$G$</span> preserving the form, and by Jordan-Hölder, it gives simple groups in its composition series. Then, why other forms are not considered generally?</p> <p>Turning this question in a different way, we may raise following concrete specific question:</p> <p>Is there a non-degenerate bilinear form on a vector space <span class="math-container">$V$</span> over finite field <span class="math-container">$\mathbb{F}_{q}$</span> such that the full subgroup of <span class="math-container">$\mathrm{GL}(V)$</span> preserving this bilinear form is nilpotent group or solvable group <em>for all <span class="math-container">$q$</span>, except finitely many</em>.</p> <p>(In any introductory text/notes on simple groups, it is directly stated — <em>consider symmetric/alternating/sesquilinear form on vector space and do this....</em>; without stating why other types of forms can be ignored.)</p>
[ { "answer_id": 260320, "score": 4, "text": "<p>I think the key word you need here is <em>reflexive</em>. A bilinear form <span class=\"math-container\">$\\beta$</span> is reflexive if\n<span class=\"math-container\">$$\\beta(x,y)=0 \\Longrightarrow \\beta(y,x)=0.$$</span></p>\n<p>It's pretty clear that any sensible notion of orthogonality (and, thereby, a sensible geometry on which a group can act) is going to require a reflexive bilinear form. If you are willing to go along with this, then the answer to your question is <strong>No, there are no other forms.</strong> More precisely, the following theorem answers the question.</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p><strong>Theorem</strong> Let <span class=\"math-container\">$V$</span> be a vector space with <span class=\"math-container\">$\\dim(V)\\geq 3$</span> and <span class=\"math-container\">$\\beta$</span> a reflexive non-degenerate <span class=\"math-container\">$\\sigma$</span>-sesquilinear form. Then <span class=\"math-container\">$\\beta$</span> is alternating, symmetric or a scalar multiple of a <span class=\"math-container\">$\\sigma$</span>-Hermitian form.</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>You can find a proof in <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">these notes of mine</a> or in <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">Peter Cameron's notes</a>.</p>\n<p><strong>Caveat</strong>. Re-reading this theorem, I can't remember exactly where the lower bound on dimension is used in the proof. I guess it's possible that in dimension <span class=\"math-container\">$1$</span> or <span class=\"math-container\">$2$</span>, there could be interesting geometries associated with other types of reflexive form.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 260179, "score": 3, "text": "<p>Books on finite simple groups generally do not assume the reader has expertise in the theory of linear algebraic groups, and so to \"define\" the objects of interest they have to resort to making a long list of constructions that may seem unmotivated if one doesn't have experience with Lie theory over $\\mathbf{C}$. But if one does assume familiarity with the Borel-Tits structure theory over arbitrary fields then one can give a uniform and conceptual definition for nearly all of these groups:\n$G(k)/Z_G(k)$ for a finite field $k$, a connected semisimple $k$-group $G$ that is absolutely simple and simply connected, and its scheme-theoretic center $Z_G$. Of course, in practice one wants and needs a more tangible description than that (such as to account for the Ree and Suzuki groups, to handle special behavior over $k$ of size 2 or 3, and to get experience with examples), but that succinct definition turns out to be enough to prove quite a lot without ever needing to mention linear algebra over finite fields (e.g., a uniform proof that such groups are simple away from a very tiny list of exceptions)!</p>\n\n<p>So you seem to have a mistaken impression about the role of those bilinear forms (even setting aside that to handle all positive characteristics in a uniform manner, which is to say to treat characteristic 2 on equal footing with the rest, one should use non-degenerate quadratic forms -- for appropriately defined notion of \"non-degenerate\" that works over all fields and rings -- rather than non-degenerate symmetric bilinear forms). The reason for considering such structures and guessing that they might even account for \"nearly all\" finite simple groups is <em>not</em> initially motivated by the idea that preserving such a form gives a finite group and one hopes that it is nearly simple (in the sense that passing to a Jordan-Holder series, or a very mild kind of composition series with the derived group and a central quotient thereof). Rather, it is due to the very specific way in which certain linear algebra constructions account for nearly the <em>entirety of the classification</em> of non-abelian simple Lie algebras and non-abelian simple Lie groups over $\\mathbf{C}$ in a manner that is ultimately \"defined over $\\mathbf{Z}$\". That suggests the possibility (originally due to Chevalley, building on much case-by-case work done by Dickson, Dieudonne, and others) to imitate such constructions over finite fields to get finite groups whose internal structure (e.g., simplicity) can be proved and studied in a unified manner. </p>\n\n<p>The work of Borel and Tits (building on Chevalley's work over algebraically closed fields) provides a completely uniform structure theory for connected semisimple algebraic groups $G$ over <em>arbitrary</em> fields $k$ (not just finite fields), involving a classification expressed in terms of root systems and Galois cohomology (and making no mention whatsoever of linear algebra constructions or bilinear/quadratic forms). This gives rise to a general procedure for describing all possibilities for $G$ that are <em>absolutely simple</em> (in an algebraic group sense) in terms of a very specific array of algebraic structures: symplectic forms, non-degenerate hermitian forms, non-degenerate quadratic forms, Jordan algebras, octonion algebras, etc. The link to root systems also provides a systematic way to prove simplicity results for $G(k)$ or groups very near to $G(k)$ (e.g., quotient by center when $G$ is simply connected and $k$ isn't too small in a universal sense)</p>\n\n<p>In the special case of finite fields (whose Galois cohomology is particularly simple, due to a combination of a result of Lang on torsors over finite fields and the pro-cyclicity of their absolute Galois group with \"Frobenius\" generator) some of these auxiliary algebraic structures only exist in a very limited manner (e.g., no non-trivial finite-dimensional central division algebras over such fields). Consequently, up to a very tiny list of exceptions, the exhaustive list of such groups $G(k)$ turns out to be explained by a very limited set of linear algebra constructions related to non-degenerate hermitian (= sesquilinear) forms, non-degenerate quadratic forms, and symplectic forms. And from knowledge of exceptional isogenies among such $G$'s one is led to the additional Ree and Suzuki groups in characteristics 2 and 3 by a very conceptual process (not how they were first discovered, but that's a separate matter). </p>\n\n<p>So the reason one focuses largely on those specific constructions when studying \"finite groups of Lie type\" is a combination of (i) experience with Lie theory over $\\mathbf{C}$, (ii) the fact that in the classification of root systems all but 5 are explained by specific linear algebra constructions, and (iii) the very simple nature of Galois theory for finite fields. (That the finite simple groups obtained in this way happen to account for nearly all finite simple groups is a real miracle.) </p>\n" } ]
Question: Choice of bilinear forms for simple groups Answer 1: <p>I think the key word you need here is <em>reflexive</em>. A bilinear form <span class="math-container">$\beta$</span> is reflexive if <span class="math-container">$$\beta(x,y)=0 \Longrightarrow \beta(y,x)=0.$$</span></p> <p>It's pretty clear that any sensible notion of orthogonality (and, thereby, a sensible geometry on which a group can act) is going to require a reflexive bilinear form. If you are willing to go along with this, then the answer to your question is <strong>No, there are no other forms.</strong> More precisely, the following theorem answers the question.</p> <blockquote> <p><strong>Theorem</strong> Let <span class="math-container">$V$</span> be a vector space with <span class="math-container">$\dim(V)\geq 3$</span> and <span class="math-container">$\beta$</span> a reflexive non-degenerate <span class="math-container">$\sigma$</span>-sesquilinear form. Then <span class="math-container">$\beta$</span> is alternating, symmetric or a scalar multiple of a <span class="math-container">$\sigma$</span>-Hermitian form.</p> </blockquote> <p>You can find a proof in <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">these notes of mine</a> or in <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Peter Cameron's notes</a>.</p> <p><strong>Caveat</strong>. Re-reading this theorem, I can't remember exactly where the lower bound on dimension is used in the proof. I guess it's possible that in dimension <span class="math-container">$1$</span> or <span class="math-container">$2$</span>, there could be interesting geometries associated with other types of reflexive form.</p> Answer 2: <p>Books on finite simple groups generally do not assume the reader has expertise in the theory of linear algebraic groups, and so to "define" the objects of interest they have to resort to making a long list of constructions that may seem unmotivated if one doesn't have experience with Lie theory over $\mathbf{C}$. But if one does assume familiarity with the Borel-Tits structure theory over arbitrary fields then one can give a uniform and conceptual definition for nearly all of these groups: $G(k)/Z_G(k)$ for a finite field $k$, a connected semisimple $k$-group $G$ that is absolutely simple and simply connected, and its scheme-theoretic center $Z_G$. Of course, in practice one wants and needs a more tangible description than that (such as to account for the Ree and Suzuki groups, to handle special behavior over $k$ of size 2 or 3, and to get experience with examples), but that succinct definition turns out to be enough to prove quite a lot without ever needing to mention linear algebra over finite fields (e.g., a uniform proof that such groups are simple away from a very tiny list of exceptions)!</p> <p>So you seem to have a mistaken impression about the role of those bilinear forms (even setting aside that to handle all positive characteristics in a uniform manner, which is to say to treat characteristic 2 on equal footing with the rest, one should use non-degenerate quadratic forms -- for appropriately defined notion of "non-degenerate" that works over all fields and rings -- rather than non-degenerate symmetric bilinear forms). The reason for considering such structures and guessing that they might even account for "nearly all" finite simple groups is <em>not</em> initially motivated by the idea that preserving such a form gives a finite group and one hopes that it is nearly simple (in the sense that passing to a Jordan-Holder series, or a very mild kind of composition series with the derived group and a central quotient thereof). Rather, it is due to the very specific way in which certain linear algebra constructions account for nearly the <em>entirety of the classification</em> of non-abelian simple Lie algebras and non-abelian simple Lie groups over $\mathbf{C}$ in a manner that is ultimately "defined over $\mathbf{Z}$". That suggests the possibility (originally due to Chevalley, building on much case-by-case work done by Dickson, Dieudonne, and others) to imitate such constructions over finite fields to get finite groups whose internal structure (e.g., simplicity) can be proved and studied in a unified manner. </p> <p>The work of Borel and Tits (building on Chevalley's work over algebraically closed fields) provides a completely uniform structure theory for connected semisimple algebraic groups $G$ over <em>arbitrary</em> fields $k$ (not just finite fields), involving a classification expressed in terms of root systems and Galois cohomology (and making no mention whatsoever of linear algebra constructions or bilinear/quadratic forms). This gives rise to a general procedure for describing all possibilities for $G$ that are <em>absolutely simple</em> (in an algebraic group sense) in terms of a very specific array of algebraic structures: symplectic forms, non-degenerate hermitian forms, non-degenerate quadratic forms, Jordan algebras, octonion algebras, etc. The link to root systems also provides a systematic way to prove simplicity results for $G(k)$ or groups very near to $G(k)$ (e.g., quotient by center when $G$ is simply connected and $k$ isn't too small in a universal sense)</p> <p>In the special case of finite fields (whose Galois cohomology is particularly simple, due to a combination of a result of Lang on torsors over finite fields and the pro-cyclicity of their absolute Galois group with "Frobenius" generator) some of these auxiliary algebraic structures only exist in a very limited manner (e.g., no non-trivial finite-dimensional central division algebras over such fields). Consequently, up to a very tiny list of exceptions, the exhaustive list of such groups $G(k)$ turns out to be explained by a very limited set of linear algebra constructions related to non-degenerate hermitian (= sesquilinear) forms, non-degenerate quadratic forms, and symplectic forms. And from knowledge of exceptional isogenies among such $G$'s one is led to the additional Ree and Suzuki groups in characteristics 2 and 3 by a very conceptual process (not how they were first discovered, but that's a separate matter). </p> <p>So the reason one focuses largely on those specific constructions when studying "finite groups of Lie type" is a combination of (i) experience with Lie theory over $\mathbf{C}$, (ii) the fact that in the classification of root systems all but 5 are explained by specific linear algebra constructions, and (iii) the very simple nature of Galois theory for finite fields. (That the finite simple groups obtained in this way happen to account for nearly all finite simple groups is a real miracle.) </p>
Nontrivial Analytic Varieties
<p>In short, I'd like to know the following:</p> <ol> <li><p>Is there an irreducible analytic variety that has to be defined by at least two distinct sets of holomorphic functions?</p></li> <li><p>Are there two irreducible analytic varieties that overlap completely at some open set but are distinct?</p></li> </ol> <hr> <p>Analytic variety of complex manifold $M$ is defined as $V\subset M$ such that each point $x\in V$ has a neighborhood $U$ such that $U \cap V$ is a zero locus of holomorphic functions $f_1 \cdots f_m$ defined at $U$.</p> <p>This definition had me wondering about examples of analytic varieties that are not simply zero loci of a few functions. Do we truly need an analytic variety to be a patchwork of loci of different set of functions? Also, can one patch be "continued" in at least two different ways?</p> <ol> <li>Is there an irreducible analytic variety that can't be described as a zero locus of a single set of functions $\{ f_1 , \cdots f_m\}$? In other words, can we find two distinct sets of functions $\{f_j\}, \{g_j\}$ defined on $U_f,U_g$ which have common zero locus when restricted to $U_f \cap U_g$, but $f_j$ cannot be simultaneously extended to $U_g$ and vice versa.</li> </ol> <p>As far as I know, this cannot happen for $M=\mathbb C$ since we can always find a meromorphic function that has a prescribed divisor.</p> <ol start="2"> <li>Are there irreducible analytic varieties $V_1 \neq V_2$ such that $\exists U$ such that $U \cap V_1 = U \cap V_2 \neq \emptyset$?</li> </ol> <p>A simple version of this question would ask: are there functions $f, g$ on $\mathbb C^n$ such that $V(f) \neq V(g)$ but $\exists U $ such that $U \cap V(f) = U \cap V(g) \neq \emptyset$?</p>
[ { "answer_id": 260248, "score": 3, "text": "<ol>\n<li><p>A projective line in the projective plane has to be defined by at least two holomorphic functions on open subsets of the projective plane: there are no nonconstant holomorphic functions defined in a neighborhood of the projective line and vanishing on that line. If there were such a function, we would put that projective line at infinity in an affine chart, and the function would be defined in affine space away from a compact set, and therefore extend to all of the affine space by Hartogs. But then it would be a holomorphic function on the projective plane, so constant.</p></li>\n<li><p>No. If they agree in some open set where they have nontrivial intersection, then their smooth loci agree in that open set. By analytic continuation of local defining functions, and connectivity of the smooth locus of an irreducible variety, their smooth loci agree everywhere, and they are each the Euclidean topology closure of their smooth loci.</p></li>\n</ol>\n" }, { "answer_id": 260266, "score": 2, "text": "<ol>\n<li>If $M$ is compact, it's easy to find examples because it doesn't have enough global holomorphic functions.\nFor an example in which the ambient manifold $M$ is <em>not</em> compact: in Fritzsche, Grauert, <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\"><em>From holomorphic functions to complex manifolds</em></a> there is an example of a non-globally definable analytic subset of a domain (connected open) in $\\mathbb{C}^2$ (see Chapter I, Section 8, the example on page 36 and Figure 1.5)</li>\n</ol>\n\n<p>Remark: by <a href=\";s_theorems_A_and_B\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">Cartan's Theorem A</a>, if $M$ is a <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">domain of holomorphy</a> or, more generally, a <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">Stein manifold</a> or a <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">Stein space</a>, the coherent sheaf of ideals $\\mathcal{I}_V$ of $V$ is generated by global sections and this implies that $V$ can be globally defined as zero locus of holomorphic functions on $M$.</p>\n\n<ol start=\"2\">\n<li><p>As Ben McKay already said in his answer, all the points of the smooth loci of $V,W\\subseteq M$ have to be the same: to see this, use the holomorphic implicit function theorem at smooth points to locally describe $V$ and $W$ as graphs of (vector) holomorphic functions, which have to be (componentwise) equal by the identity principle (since by hypothesis they agree on an open subset). By this local description it's easy to see that the locus $V_{\\mathrm{smooth}}\\cap W$ is open in $V_{\\mathrm{smooth}}$; it's also closed in $V_{\\mathrm{smooth}}$ because $V$ and $W$ are closed analytic sets. So $W\\cap V_{\\mathrm{smooth}}$ is a connected component of $V_{\\mathrm{smooth}}$, but -as observed in BenMcKay's answer- the smooth locus of an irreducible analytic variety is connected, so indeed $V_{\\mathrm{smooth}}=W_{\\mathrm{smooth}}$. Then, $V=W$ by taking closure in the Euclidean topology of $M$.</p></li>\n<li><p>Another (maybe a bit overkill) way to see (2.), I think, is applying <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">Weierstrass preparation theorem</a> around a point in $V\\smallsetminus (V\\cap W)$. I try to sketch it, assuming $V$ and $W$ of codimension $1$ in $M$ for simplicity. Represent the locally defining function $F$ of $V$ (resp. $G$ of $W$) as\n$$F(z,z_1,\\dots,z_n)=\\phi(z,z_1,\\dots,z_n)\\cdot\\sum_{k=0}^df_k(z_1,\\dots,z_n)\\cdot z^k,$$\nrespectively\n$$G(z,z_1,\\dots,z_n)=\\gamma(z,z_1,\\dots,z_n)\\cdot\\sum_{k=0}^\\delta g_k(z_1,\\dots,z_n)\\cdot z^k$$\nwhere $\\phi$ (resp. $\\gamma$) are nonzero local holomorphic functions, and $f_k$ (resp. $g_k$) are local holomorphic functions.</p></li>\n</ol>\n\n<p>Then I think by the hypothesis one can easily show that $d=\\delta$, $\\phi=\\gamma$, and $f_k=g_k$, so the resulting polynomials on the slice with fixed $(z_1,\\dots,z_n)$ are the same so, for every fixed $(z_1,\\dots,z_n)=\\zeta$, we have\n$$F(z,\\zeta)=G(z,\\zeta)$$\nso locally around <em>every</em> point $V=W$, so $V=W$.</p>\n" } ]
Question: Nontrivial Analytic Varieties Answer 1: <ol> <li><p>A projective line in the projective plane has to be defined by at least two holomorphic functions on open subsets of the projective plane: there are no nonconstant holomorphic functions defined in a neighborhood of the projective line and vanishing on that line. If there were such a function, we would put that projective line at infinity in an affine chart, and the function would be defined in affine space away from a compact set, and therefore extend to all of the affine space by Hartogs. But then it would be a holomorphic function on the projective plane, so constant.</p></li> <li><p>No. If they agree in some open set where they have nontrivial intersection, then their smooth loci agree in that open set. By analytic continuation of local defining functions, and connectivity of the smooth locus of an irreducible variety, their smooth loci agree everywhere, and they are each the Euclidean topology closure of their smooth loci.</p></li> </ol> Answer 2: <ol> <li>If $M$ is compact, it's easy to find examples because it doesn't have enough global holomorphic functions. For an example in which the ambient manifold $M$ is <em>not</em> compact: in Fritzsche, Grauert, <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer"><em>From holomorphic functions to complex manifolds</em></a> there is an example of a non-globally definable analytic subset of a domain (connected open) in $\mathbb{C}^2$ (see Chapter I, Section 8, the example on page 36 and Figure 1.5)</li> </ol> <p>Remark: by <a href=";s_theorems_A_and_B" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Cartan's Theorem A</a>, if $M$ is a <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">domain of holomorphy</a> or, more generally, a <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Stein manifold</a> or a <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Stein space</a>, the coherent sheaf of ideals $\mathcal{I}_V$ of $V$ is generated by global sections and this implies that $V$ can be globally defined as zero locus of holomorphic functions on $M$.</p> <ol start="2"> <li><p>As Ben McKay already said in his answer, all the points of the smooth loci of $V,W\subseteq M$ have to be the same: to see this, use the holomorphic implicit function theorem at smooth points to locally describe $V$ and $W$ as graphs of (vector) holomorphic functions, which have to be (componentwise) equal by the identity principle (since by hypothesis they agree on an open subset). By this local description it's easy to see that the locus $V_{\mathrm{smooth}}\cap W$ is open in $V_{\mathrm{smooth}}$; it's also closed in $V_{\mathrm{smooth}}$ because $V$ and $W$ are closed analytic sets. So $W\cap V_{\mathrm{smooth}}$ is a connected component of $V_{\mathrm{smooth}}$, but -as observed in BenMcKay's answer- the smooth locus of an irreducible analytic variety is connected, so indeed $V_{\mathrm{smooth}}=W_{\mathrm{smooth}}$. Then, $V=W$ by taking closure in the Euclidean topology of $M$.</p></li> <li><p>Another (maybe a bit overkill) way to see (2.), I think, is applying <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Weierstrass preparation theorem</a> around a point in $V\smallsetminus (V\cap W)$. I try to sketch it, assuming $V$ and $W$ of codimension $1$ in $M$ for simplicity. Represent the locally defining function $F$ of $V$ (resp. $G$ of $W$) as $$F(z,z_1,\dots,z_n)=\phi(z,z_1,\dots,z_n)\cdot\sum_{k=0}^df_k(z_1,\dots,z_n)\cdot z^k,$$ respectively $$G(z,z_1,\dots,z_n)=\gamma(z,z_1,\dots,z_n)\cdot\sum_{k=0}^\delta g_k(z_1,\dots,z_n)\cdot z^k$$ where $\phi$ (resp. $\gamma$) are nonzero local holomorphic functions, and $f_k$ (resp. $g_k$) are local holomorphic functions.</p></li> </ol> <p>Then I think by the hypothesis one can easily show that $d=\delta$, $\phi=\gamma$, and $f_k=g_k$, so the resulting polynomials on the slice with fixed $(z_1,\dots,z_n)$ are the same so, for every fixed $(z_1,\dots,z_n)=\zeta$, we have $$F(z,\zeta)=G(z,\zeta)$$ so locally around <em>every</em> point $V=W$, so $V=W$.</p>
Filling out Grothendieck&#39;s proof that effaceable $\delta^*$-functors are universal
<p>Consider a cohomological delta functor $T^*:\mathscr{A}\to\mathscr{B}$ between abelian categories such that $T^i$ is an effaceable functor for all $i&gt;0$, i.e. for all $i&gt;0$, and for any $A\in\mathscr{A}$, there exists an injection $u_A:A\hookrightarrow M_A$ in $\mathscr{A}$ such that $T^i(u_A) = 0$. Grothendieck famously proved in his Tōhoku paper that this implies that $T^*$ is a universal $\delta^*$-functor, which he later on used to prove his Vanishing Theorem.</p> <p>However, in his Tōhoku paper, Grothendieck skips over most of the fine details of the proof, and it's those details that I'm trying to fill in for myself. Here is my work so far:</p> <p>Fix some $\delta^*$-functor $S:\mathscr{A}\to\mathscr{B}$, and suppose we are given $f^0:T^0\to S^0$. My general idea is to go by induction (as I see that Grothendieck does), and assume that for some $n\ge 1$, we have defined $f^i:T^i\to S^i$ for all $0\le i&lt;n$ commuting with all connecting morphisms. Then it is sufficient to show that we can uniquely define $f^n:T^n\to S^n$ commuting with the connecting morphisms, i.e. such that for any exact sequence $$0\to A\to B\to C\to 0$$ in $\mathscr{A}$, the following square commutes: $$ \newcommand{\ra}[1]{\kern-1.5ex\xrightarrow{\ \ #1\ \ }\phantom{}\kern-1.5ex} \newcommand{\ras}[1]{\kern-1.5ex\xrightarrow{\ \ \smash{#1}\ \ }\phantom{}\kern-1.5ex} \newcommand{\da}[1]{\bigg\downarrow\raise.5ex\rlap{\scriptstyle#1}} \begin{array}{c} T^{n-1}(C) &amp; \ra{\delta^n} &amp; T^n(A)\\ \da{f^{n-1}_C} &amp; &amp; \da{f^n_A}\\ S^{n-1}(C) &amp; \ras{\delta^n} &amp; S^n(A) \\ \end{array} $$</p> <p>Now, my first thoughts are to fix the maps $u_A$, and use them to define a short exact sequence $$0\to A\xrightarrow{u_A}M_A\xrightarrow{p_A}P_A\to 0$$for all $A\in\mathscr{A}$. If we let this exact sequence induce the connecting maps ${^T\!\!\delta_A^n}:T^{n-1}(C)\to T^n(A)$ and ${^S\!\!\delta_A^n}:S^{n-1}(C)\to S^n(A)$, then basic diagram chasing gives us that there exists a unique $f^n_A:T^n(A)\to S^n(A)$ such that the following diagram commutes:</p> <p>$$ \newcommand{\ra}[1]{\kern-1.5ex\xrightarrow{\ \ #1\ \ }\phantom{}\kern-1.5ex} \newcommand{\ras}[1]{\kern-1.5ex\xrightarrow{\ \ \smash{#1}\ \ }\phantom{}\kern-1.5ex} \newcommand{\da}[1]{\bigg\downarrow\raise.5ex\rlap{\scriptstyle#1}} \begin{array}{c} T^{n-1}(M_A) &amp; \ra{T^{n-1}(p_A)} &amp; T^{n-1}(P_A) &amp; \ra{{^T\!\!\delta_A^n}} &amp; T^n(A) &amp; \ra{0} &amp; T^n(M_A)\\ \da{f^{n-1}_{M_A}} &amp; &amp; \da{f^{n-1}_{P_A}} &amp; &amp; \da{f^n_A}\\ S^{n-1}(M_A) &amp; \ra{S^{n-1}(p_A)} &amp; S^{n-1}(P_A) &amp; \ras{{^S\!\!\delta_A^n}} &amp; S^n(A) \\ \end{array} $$</p> <p>which of course gives us uniqueness. But how do we show naturality, and how do we show that the natural transformation $f^n:T^n\to S^n$ (once we've proved naturality) commutes with the connecting morphisms?</p>
[ { "answer_id": 260485, "score": 3, "text": "<p>The key obervation is that if you have a map $\\phi\\colon A\\to B$, then you can choose $M_A$ and $M_B$ so that this extends to $\\tilde{\\phi}\\colon M_A\\to M_B$: choose any $M_A$ you like, and then choose $M_B=M_{M_A\\oplus B}/A$ where we embed $A$ in $M_A\\oplus B$ by $(a,-\\phi(a))$. The map $\\tilde{\\phi}\\colon M_A\\to M_B$ and inclusion of $B$ are induced by the obvious maps to $M_A\\oplus B$. This allows us to transfer naturality from the lower degree. </p>\n\n<p>For the connecting maps, I believe you can show that $M_B/M_A$ can be chosen as $M_C$ (look at the long exact sequence). By the 9-lemma, we also have a SES given by $0\\to M_A/A\\to M_B/B \\to M_C/C\\to 0$; commutation with the boundary map a degree down for this sequence gives it for $0\\to A\\to B \\to C\\to 0$. I don't blame Grothendieck for not writing this out; it hurts my head to try to picture the diagrams.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 260483, "score": 1, "text": "<p>I have not read your whole question, but does [Weibel], Theorem 2.4.7 help you? (There for left derived functors and enough projectives, but this can be easily modified.)</p>\n" } ]
Question: Filling out Grothendieck&#39;s proof that effaceable $\delta^*$-functors are universal Answer 1: <p>The key obervation is that if you have a map $\phi\colon A\to B$, then you can choose $M_A$ and $M_B$ so that this extends to $\tilde{\phi}\colon M_A\to M_B$: choose any $M_A$ you like, and then choose $M_B=M_{M_A\oplus B}/A$ where we embed $A$ in $M_A\oplus B$ by $(a,-\phi(a))$. The map $\tilde{\phi}\colon M_A\to M_B$ and inclusion of $B$ are induced by the obvious maps to $M_A\oplus B$. This allows us to transfer naturality from the lower degree. </p> <p>For the connecting maps, I believe you can show that $M_B/M_A$ can be chosen as $M_C$ (look at the long exact sequence). By the 9-lemma, we also have a SES given by $0\to M_A/A\to M_B/B \to M_C/C\to 0$; commutation with the boundary map a degree down for this sequence gives it for $0\to A\to B \to C\to 0$. I don't blame Grothendieck for not writing this out; it hurts my head to try to picture the diagrams.</p> Answer 2: <p>I have not read your whole question, but does [Weibel], Theorem 2.4.7 help you? (There for left derived functors and enough projectives, but this can be easily modified.)</p>
Are Separation and Types the only way to avoid paradoxes?
<p>When Russell discovered his paradox, two ways were invented to avoid Russell's paradox.</p> <p>For logic with sets, ZFC was developed which restricts the creation of the definition of sets. Only sets that are subset of an existing set can be defined with the axiom of separation. And in some case you first need to to use the axiom of power set.</p> <p>In type theory a different approach was taken. By giving the functions types, it is not possible to express something as element of itself.</p> <p>My question is, did the logicians in the 20th century consider other ways to avoid paradoxes (only serious attempts)?</p> <p>I am not completely satisfied with this way of paradox avoiding. Not because it doesn't work (I think it does work), but it forces me to accept the whole system. It is not an universal trick to avoid paradoxes, but inseparable linked to the system.</p> <p>So, are there ways to avoid paradoxes that for instance also apply to the Liar's paradox? </p> <p>I think that in general the following scheme is followed to obtain a contradiction from a paradox (whether it is Russell's paradox or the liar paradox, I don't think it is much different):</p> <p>1) Assume the paradox.<br> 2) Apply the paradox on itself to obtain the contradiction.<br> 3) Express this in one statement, by discharging the assumption.<br> 4) Reformulate previous result such that becomes exactly the paradox.<br> 5) Apply the paradox on itself to obtain the contradiction.<br></p> <p>So, to avoid paradoxes, one or more of the above steps can not be fully unlimited.</p> <p>Note, that applying a rule on itself in general should not be forbidden, because this happens often in a harmless way (for instance when you instantiate an universal quantifier over a predicate variable, which may result again in something with a similar quantifier).</p> <p>I am experimenting if you can do the trick with levels. Suppose we have a sentence $C$ with definition: $$ C := A \rightarrow B $$</p> <p>Here $C$ is not just a propositional parameter, but a type of sentence that can produce one, more or infinite other logical sentences, if a logical sentence is given as input. In case of the Liar's paradox it takes itself as input and will produce $\bot$.</p> <p>To avoid the paradox, each sentence is given a level and in the case above $A$ and $B$ must be of a lower level than $C$. Since, $A$ and $C$ can not be the same anymore, due to the level restriction, the contradiction can not be concluded anymore.</p> <p>The level is taken from $\mathbb Z$, rather than $\mathbb N$. This prevents that you run out of levels.</p> <p>If you have a theorem on a certain level, and the theorem is not under assumption, you may replace the level by the "any" level, since you can do a similar reasoning with any other level. The idea is that most statements gets the "any" level and you don't have to bother about it.</p> <p>You are not allowed to do this under assumption. So, reasoning under assumption is limited in two ways:</p> <p>1) You are not allowed to assume the "any" level.<br> 2) You are not allowed to generalize to the "any" level under assumption.</p> <p>Has anything attempted like this before and is this doomed to fail?</p>
[ { "answer_id": 261685, "score": 4, "text": "<p>In point of fact, there are (at least) a couple more ways to circumvent the paradoxes brought about by the use of the unrestricted comprehension axiom</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p><span class=\"math-container\">$\\exists$$y$$\\forall$$x$</span>(<span class=\"math-container\">$x$$\\in$$y$$\\leftrightarrow$$\\varphi$</span>(<span class=\"math-container\">$x$</span>)).</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>I will discuss (in not too much detail) two of them, then provide references for you to follow up on.</p>\n<p>The first comes from Thoralf Skolem's paper, &quot;Investigations On A Comprehension Axiom Without Negation In The Defining Propositional Functions&quot; (<em>Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic</em>, Vol 1, (1960), pp. 13-22). In that paper he proved that ideal set theory</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>(i) <span class=\"math-container\">$\\forall$$x$$\\forall$$y$$\\forall$$z$</span>((<span class=\"math-container\">$z$$\\in$$x$$\\leftrightarrow$$z$$\\in$$y$</span>)<span class=\"math-container\">$\\rightarrow$$x$</span>=<span class=\"math-container\">$y$</span>); (ii)<span class=\"math-container\">$\\exists$$y$$\\forall$$x$</span>(<span class=\"math-container\">$x$$\\in$$y$$\\leftrightarrow$$\\varphi$</span>(<span class=\"math-container\">$x$</span>))</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>is consistent &quot;provided that only conjunction and disjunction are allowed in <span class=\"math-container\">$\\varphi$</span>&quot; (pg. 13). This notion is made precise by the inductively defined notion of &quot;positive propositions&quot;:</p>\n<blockquote>\n<ol>\n<li><p>The truth constants <span class=\"math-container\">$0$</span> [<span class=\"math-container\">$\\bot$</span>] and <span class=\"math-container\">$1$</span> [<span class=\"math-container\">$\\top$</span>] are positive propositions</p>\n</li>\n<li><p>Every atomic proposition <span class=\"math-container\">$x$$\\in$$y$</span> is a positive proposition. Here <span class=\"math-container\">$x$</span> and <span class=\"math-container\">$y$</span> are free variables.</p>\n</li>\n<li><p>If <span class=\"math-container\">$A$</span> and <span class=\"math-container\">$B$</span> are positive propositions, so are <span class=\"math-container\">$A$$\\land$</span> <span class=\"math-container\">$B$</span> and <span class=\"math-container\">$A$$\\lor$$B$</span>. The latter have the free and bound variables occurring in <span class=\"math-container\">$A$</span> and <span class=\"math-container\">$B$</span>.</p>\n</li>\n<li><p>If <span class=\"math-container\">$A$</span>(<span class=\"math-container\">$x$</span>, <span class=\"math-container\">$x_1$</span>,...,<span class=\"math-container\">$x_n$</span>) is a positive proposition with <span class=\"math-container\">$x$</span>,<span class=\"math-container\">$x_1$</span>,...,<span class=\"math-container\">$x_n$</span> as free variables <span class=\"math-container\">$\\forall$$x$$A$</span>(<span class=\"math-container\">$x$</span>,<span class=\"math-container\">$x_1$</span>,...,<span class=\"math-container\">$x_n$</span>) and <span class=\"math-container\">$\\exists$$x$$A$</span>(<span class=\"math-container\">$x$</span>,<span class=\"math-container\">$x_1$</span>,...,<span class=\"math-container\">$x_n$</span>) are positive propositions with <span class=\"math-container\">$x$</span> as bound variable, <span class=\"math-container\">$x_1$</span>,...,<span class=\"math-container\">$x_n$</span> as free variables, while the eventually occurring bound variables in <span class=\"math-container\">$A$</span>(<span class=\"math-container\">$x$</span>, <span class=\"math-container\">$x_1$</span>,...,<span class=\"math-container\">$x_n$</span>) remain bound in the latter expressions.</p>\n</li>\n</ol>\n<p>If a set <span class=\"math-container\">$y$</span> is such that <span class=\"math-container\">$\\forall$$x$</span>((<span class=\"math-container\">$x$$\\in$$y$</span>)=<span class=\"math-container\">$U$</span>(<span class=\"math-container\">$x$</span>,<span class=\"math-container\">$x_1$</span>,...,<span class=\"math-container\">$x_n$</span>)) is true, where <span class=\"math-container\">$x$</span>,<span class=\"math-container\">$x_1$</span>,...,<span class=\"math-container\">$x_n$</span> are the set variables in the positive proposition <span class=\"math-container\">$U$</span>, then <span class=\"math-container\">$y$</span> is a set function of <span class=\"math-container\">$x_ 1$</span>,...,<span class=\"math-container\">$x_n$</span>.</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>This notion is further developed in the following papers by Olivier Esser:</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>&quot;An Interpretation of the Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory and the Kelly-Morse Set Theory in a Positive theory&quot;, <em>Mathematical Logic Quarterly</em>, Vol. 43 (1997), pp. 369-377.</p>\n<p>&quot;On the Consistency of a Positive Theory&quot;, <em>Mathematical Logic Quarterly</em>, Vol. 45 (1999), No. 1, pp.105-116.</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>Skolem also studied the following naive comprehension axiom</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p><span class=\"math-container\">$\\forall$$x_1$</span>...<span class=\"math-container\">$\\forall$$x_n$$\\exists$$y$$\\forall$$x$</span>(<span class=\"math-container\">$x$$\\in$$y$$\\leftrightarrow$$\\varphi$</span>(<span class=\"math-container\">$x$</span>, <span class=\"math-container\">$x_1$</span>,...,<span class=\"math-container\">$x_n$</span>)), where <span class=\"math-container\">$\\varphi$</span> is either a propositional constant or built from atomic expressions <span class=\"math-container\">$u$$\\in$$v$</span> by negation, conjumction and disjunction and there are no other variables in <span class=\"math-container\">$\\varphi$</span> than <span class=\"math-container\">$x$</span>,<span class=\"math-container\">$x_1$</span>,...,<span class=\"math-container\">$x_n$</span> [this from his paper, &quot;Studies on the Axiom of Comprehension&quot;, <em>Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic</em>, Vol. 4, No. 3 (1963), pp.162-170--my comment].</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>in a 3-valued logic. In his paper,</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>&quot;A Set Theory Based on a a Certain 3-valued Logic&quot;, ( <em>Math. Scand.</em>, Vol. 8 (1960), pp. 127-136),</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>he constructs a domain (model) in which both the quantifier-free comprehension axiom</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p><span class=\"math-container\">$x$$\\in$$y$$\\leftrightarrow$$\\Phi$</span>(<span class=\"math-container\">$x$</span>) (where <span class=\"math-container\">$\\Phi$</span>(<span class=\"math-container\">$x$</span>) is a propositional function in which the variable <span class=\"math-container\">$x$</span>, but not <span class=\"math-container\">$y$</span>, occurs)</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>and the Axiom of Extensionality holds. However, he is unable to extend this result to a quantified version of his logic (in fact, he shows that attempting to extend his result to include relative quantification, defined by Skolem in his paper as this:</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>The relative one [quantification--my comment] means that we take the minimum or maximum of all values of a propositional function <span class=\"math-container\">$A$</span>(<span class=\"math-container\">$x$</span>) just for those <span class=\"math-container\">$x$</span> for which a function <span class=\"math-container\">$B$</span>(<span class=\"math-container\">$x$</span>) has the value 1</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>results in inconsistency). In fact, in this paper, he notes that</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>The reader will notice that I have not even proved the consistency of the theory with only absolute quantification [presumably, for Skolem, &quot;absolute quantification&quot; means that we take the minimum or maximum of all values of a propositional function <span class=\"math-container\">$A$</span>(<span class=\"math-container\">$x$</span>) without regard to any function <span class=\"math-container\">$B$</span>(<span class=\"math-container\">$x$</span>) the <span class=\"math-container\">$x$</span> might satisfy--my comment]. It might be inconsistent as well, but that appears to me improbable.</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>If I have not misunderstood Skolem's notion of &quot;absolute quantification&quot;, Ross T. Brady, in his paper,</p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>&quot;The Consistency of the Axioms of Abstraction and Extensionality in a Three-Valued Logic&quot;, (<em>Notre Dame Jounal of Formal Logic</em>, Vol. 7, No.4 (1971), pp. 440-453),</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>proved the consistency of Skolem's 3-valued set theory, at least for absolute quantification (and possibly for relative quantification as well, provided the Lukasiewicz connective '<span class=\"math-container\">$\\rightarrow$</span>' is not a primitive connective, but can be expressed in terms of '<span class=\"math-container\">$\\lnot$</span>' and '&amp;'). That Skolem and Brady are referring to the same 3-valued set theory can be shown by noting that the truth-tables for <span class=\"math-container\">$\\lnot$</span>, &amp;, and <span class=\"math-container\">$\\lor$</span> are identical for both Skolem and Brady, and Skolem's formula for deriving the truth-table for <span class=\"math-container\">$\\rightarrow$</span> gets the same values for <span class=\"math-container\">$\\rightarrow$</span>'s truth-table as Brady's.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 258616, "score": 2, "text": "<p>One way of avoiding such paradoxes is weakening the base logic that we use it for reasoning in our formal theory. One of these logics is Visser-Ruitenburg Basic logic. This logic is a sub-intuitionistic logic which satisfies this equation $\\bf \\frac{IPC}{S_4}=\\frac{BPC}{K_4}$ with respect to translation of Godel (intuitionistic logic to modal logic). By removing modus ponens from $\\bf IPC$ and adding some rules and axioms like cut, transitivity and etc to logic, $\\bf BPC$ is defined. So it is not true that ${\\bf BPC}\\vdash \\top \\to \\phi \\Rightarrow \\phi$ for every formula $\\phi$.</p>\n\n<p>Maybe this answers to your first question that Fregean Set theory or ${\\bf FST}$ is consistent and has Kripke models with respect to this logic. I'm not sure, but I think that $\\bf BPC$ is maximal logic that $\\bf FST$ is consistent with respect to it.</p>\n\n<p><strong>References</strong></p>\n\n<ol>\n<li>W.Ruitenburg, M.Ardeshir, Basic propositional calculus I, Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (1998), pp. 317--343.</li>\n<li>W.Ruitenburg, Basic predicate calculus, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39, No. 1 (1998), pp. 18--46.</li>\n<li>W.Ruitenburg, Basic logic and Fregean set theory, in H. Barendregt, M. Bezem, J.W. Klop (editors), Dirk van Dalen Festschrift, Quaestiones Infinitae, Vol. 5, Department of Philosophy, Utrecht University, March 1993, pp. 121--142.</li>\n<li>W.Ruitenburg, Constructive logic and the paradoxes, Modern Logic 1, No. 4 (1991), pp. 271--301.</li>\n</ol>\n" } ]
Question: Are Separation and Types the only way to avoid paradoxes? Answer 1: <p>In point of fact, there are (at least) a couple more ways to circumvent the paradoxes brought about by the use of the unrestricted comprehension axiom</p> <blockquote> <p><span class="math-container">$\exists$$y$$\forall$$x$</span>(<span class="math-container">$x$$\in$$y$$\leftrightarrow$$\varphi$</span>(<span class="math-container">$x$</span>)).</p> </blockquote> <p>I will discuss (in not too much detail) two of them, then provide references for you to follow up on.</p> <p>The first comes from Thoralf Skolem's paper, &quot;Investigations On A Comprehension Axiom Without Negation In The Defining Propositional Functions&quot; (<em>Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic</em>, Vol 1, (1960), pp. 13-22). In that paper he proved that ideal set theory</p> <blockquote> <p>(i) <span class="math-container">$\forall$$x$$\forall$$y$$\forall$$z$</span>((<span class="math-container">$z$$\in$$x$$\leftrightarrow$$z$$\in$$y$</span>)<span class="math-container">$\rightarrow$$x$</span>=<span class="math-container">$y$</span>); (ii)<span class="math-container">$\exists$$y$$\forall$$x$</span>(<span class="math-container">$x$$\in$$y$$\leftrightarrow$$\varphi$</span>(<span class="math-container">$x$</span>))</p> </blockquote> <p>is consistent &quot;provided that only conjunction and disjunction are allowed in <span class="math-container">$\varphi$</span>&quot; (pg. 13). This notion is made precise by the inductively defined notion of &quot;positive propositions&quot;:</p> <blockquote> <ol> <li><p>The truth constants <span class="math-container">$0$</span> [<span class="math-container">$\bot$</span>] and <span class="math-container">$1$</span> [<span class="math-container">$\top$</span>] are positive propositions</p> </li> <li><p>Every atomic proposition <span class="math-container">$x$$\in$$y$</span> is a positive proposition. Here <span class="math-container">$x$</span> and <span class="math-container">$y$</span> are free variables.</p> </li> <li><p>If <span class="math-container">$A$</span> and <span class="math-container">$B$</span> are positive propositions, so are <span class="math-container">$A$$\land$</span> <span class="math-container">$B$</span> and <span class="math-container">$A$$\lor$$B$</span>. The latter have the free and bound variables occurring in <span class="math-container">$A$</span> and <span class="math-container">$B$</span>.</p> </li> <li><p>If <span class="math-container">$A$</span>(<span class="math-container">$x$</span>, <span class="math-container">$x_1$</span>,...,<span class="math-container">$x_n$</span>) is a positive proposition with <span class="math-container">$x$</span>,<span class="math-container">$x_1$</span>,...,<span class="math-container">$x_n$</span> as free variables <span class="math-container">$\forall$$x$$A$</span>(<span class="math-container">$x$</span>,<span class="math-container">$x_1$</span>,...,<span class="math-container">$x_n$</span>) and <span class="math-container">$\exists$$x$$A$</span>(<span class="math-container">$x$</span>,<span class="math-container">$x_1$</span>,...,<span class="math-container">$x_n$</span>) are positive propositions with <span class="math-container">$x$</span> as bound variable, <span class="math-container">$x_1$</span>,...,<span class="math-container">$x_n$</span> as free variables, while the eventually occurring bound variables in <span class="math-container">$A$</span>(<span class="math-container">$x$</span>, <span class="math-container">$x_1$</span>,...,<span class="math-container">$x_n$</span>) remain bound in the latter expressions.</p> </li> </ol> <p>If a set <span class="math-container">$y$</span> is such that <span class="math-container">$\forall$$x$</span>((<span class="math-container">$x$$\in$$y$</span>)=<span class="math-container">$U$</span>(<span class="math-container">$x$</span>,<span class="math-container">$x_1$</span>,...,<span class="math-container">$x_n$</span>)) is true, where <span class="math-container">$x$</span>,<span class="math-container">$x_1$</span>,...,<span class="math-container">$x_n$</span> are the set variables in the positive proposition <span class="math-container">$U$</span>, then <span class="math-container">$y$</span> is a set function of <span class="math-container">$x_ 1$</span>,...,<span class="math-container">$x_n$</span>.</p> </blockquote> <p>This notion is further developed in the following papers by Olivier Esser:</p> <blockquote> <p>&quot;An Interpretation of the Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory and the Kelly-Morse Set Theory in a Positive theory&quot;, <em>Mathematical Logic Quarterly</em>, Vol. 43 (1997), pp. 369-377.</p> <p>&quot;On the Consistency of a Positive Theory&quot;, <em>Mathematical Logic Quarterly</em>, Vol. 45 (1999), No. 1, pp.105-116.</p> </blockquote> <p>Skolem also studied the following naive comprehension axiom</p> <blockquote> <p><span class="math-container">$\forall$$x_1$</span>...<span class="math-container">$\forall$$x_n$$\exists$$y$$\forall$$x$</span>(<span class="math-container">$x$$\in$$y$$\leftrightarrow$$\varphi$</span>(<span class="math-container">$x$</span>, <span class="math-container">$x_1$</span>,...,<span class="math-container">$x_n$</span>)), where <span class="math-container">$\varphi$</span> is either a propositional constant or built from atomic expressions <span class="math-container">$u$$\in$$v$</span> by negation, conjumction and disjunction and there are no other variables in <span class="math-container">$\varphi$</span> than <span class="math-container">$x$</span>,<span class="math-container">$x_1$</span>,...,<span class="math-container">$x_n$</span> [this from his paper, &quot;Studies on the Axiom of Comprehension&quot;, <em>Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic</em>, Vol. 4, No. 3 (1963), pp.162-170--my comment].</p> </blockquote> <p>in a 3-valued logic. In his paper,</p> <blockquote> <p>&quot;A Set Theory Based on a a Certain 3-valued Logic&quot;, ( <em>Math. Scand.</em>, Vol. 8 (1960), pp. 127-136),</p> </blockquote> <p>he constructs a domain (model) in which both the quantifier-free comprehension axiom</p> <blockquote> <p><span class="math-container">$x$$\in$$y$$\leftrightarrow$$\Phi$</span>(<span class="math-container">$x$</span>) (where <span class="math-container">$\Phi$</span>(<span class="math-container">$x$</span>) is a propositional function in which the variable <span class="math-container">$x$</span>, but not <span class="math-container">$y$</span>, occurs)</p> </blockquote> <p>and the Axiom of Extensionality holds. However, he is unable to extend this result to a quantified version of his logic (in fact, he shows that attempting to extend his result to include relative quantification, defined by Skolem in his paper as this:</p> <blockquote> <p>The relative one [quantification--my comment] means that we take the minimum or maximum of all values of a propositional function <span class="math-container">$A$</span>(<span class="math-container">$x$</span>) just for those <span class="math-container">$x$</span> for which a function <span class="math-container">$B$</span>(<span class="math-container">$x$</span>) has the value 1</p> </blockquote> <p>results in inconsistency). In fact, in this paper, he notes that</p> <blockquote> <p>The reader will notice that I have not even proved the consistency of the theory with only absolute quantification [presumably, for Skolem, &quot;absolute quantification&quot; means that we take the minimum or maximum of all values of a propositional function <span class="math-container">$A$</span>(<span class="math-container">$x$</span>) without regard to any function <span class="math-container">$B$</span>(<span class="math-container">$x$</span>) the <span class="math-container">$x$</span> might satisfy--my comment]. It might be inconsistent as well, but that appears to me improbable.</p> </blockquote> <p>If I have not misunderstood Skolem's notion of &quot;absolute quantification&quot;, Ross T. Brady, in his paper,</p> <blockquote> <p>&quot;The Consistency of the Axioms of Abstraction and Extensionality in a Three-Valued Logic&quot;, (<em>Notre Dame Jounal of Formal Logic</em>, Vol. 7, No.4 (1971), pp. 440-453),</p> </blockquote> <p>proved the consistency of Skolem's 3-valued set theory, at least for absolute quantification (and possibly for relative quantification as well, provided the Lukasiewicz connective '<span class="math-container">$\rightarrow$</span>' is not a primitive connective, but can be expressed in terms of '<span class="math-container">$\lnot$</span>' and '&amp;'). That Skolem and Brady are referring to the same 3-valued set theory can be shown by noting that the truth-tables for <span class="math-container">$\lnot$</span>, &amp;, and <span class="math-container">$\lor$</span> are identical for both Skolem and Brady, and Skolem's formula for deriving the truth-table for <span class="math-container">$\rightarrow$</span> gets the same values for <span class="math-container">$\rightarrow$</span>'s truth-table as Brady's.</p> Answer 2: <p>One way of avoiding such paradoxes is weakening the base logic that we use it for reasoning in our formal theory. One of these logics is Visser-Ruitenburg Basic logic. This logic is a sub-intuitionistic logic which satisfies this equation $\bf \frac{IPC}{S_4}=\frac{BPC}{K_4}$ with respect to translation of Godel (intuitionistic logic to modal logic). By removing modus ponens from $\bf IPC$ and adding some rules and axioms like cut, transitivity and etc to logic, $\bf BPC$ is defined. So it is not true that ${\bf BPC}\vdash \top \to \phi \Rightarrow \phi$ for every formula $\phi$.</p> <p>Maybe this answers to your first question that Fregean Set theory or ${\bf FST}$ is consistent and has Kripke models with respect to this logic. I'm not sure, but I think that $\bf BPC$ is maximal logic that $\bf FST$ is consistent with respect to it.</p> <p><strong>References</strong></p> <ol> <li>W.Ruitenburg, M.Ardeshir, Basic propositional calculus I, Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (1998), pp. 317--343.</li> <li>W.Ruitenburg, Basic predicate calculus, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39, No. 1 (1998), pp. 18--46.</li> <li>W.Ruitenburg, Basic logic and Fregean set theory, in H. Barendregt, M. Bezem, J.W. Klop (editors), Dirk van Dalen Festschrift, Quaestiones Infinitae, Vol. 5, Department of Philosophy, Utrecht University, March 1993, pp. 121--142.</li> <li>W.Ruitenburg, Constructive logic and the paradoxes, Modern Logic 1, No. 4 (1991), pp. 271--301.</li> </ol>
Regularity of the mild solution of a semilinear evolution equation
<p>Let</p> <ul> <li>$T&gt;0$</li> <li>$H$ be a separable $\mathbb R$-Hilbert space</li> <li>$u_0\in H$</li> <li>$(e_n)_{n\in\mathbb N}\subseteq\mathcal D(A)$ be an orthonormal basis of $H$ with $$Ae_n=\lambda_ne_n\;\;\;\text{for all }n\in\mathbb N$$ for some $(\lambda_n)_{n\in\mathbb N}\subseteq(0,\infty)$ with $$\lambda_{n+1}\ge\lambda_n\;\;\;\text{for all }n\in\mathbb N$$</li> <li>$S(t):=e^{-tA}$ with $$e^{-tA}x:=\sum_{n\in\mathbb N}e^{-t\lambda_n}\langle x,e_n\rangle_He_n\;\;\;\text{for }x\in H$$ for $t\ge 0$</li> <li>$f:H\to H$ with $$\left\|f(x)\right\|_H\le L(1+\left\|x\right\|_H)\;\;\;\text{for all }x\in H\tag1$$ and $$\left\|f(x)-f(y)\right\|_H\le L\left\|x-y\right\|_H\;\;\;\text{for all }x,y\in H\tag2$$</li> </ul> <p>Note that $S$ is a $C^0$-semigroup on $H$ and $-A$ is the infinitesimal generator of $S$.</p> <blockquote> <p>It's well known that there is a unique $u\in C^0([0,T],H)$ with $$u(t)=S(t)u_0+\underbrace{\int_0^tS(t-s)f(u(s))\:{\rm d}s}_{=:\:v(t)}\;\;\;\text{for all }t\in[0,T]\tag 3\;.$$</p> </blockquote> <p>Let $t\in (0,T)$ and $h\in[0,T-t)$. Then, $$\frac{v(t+h)-v(t)}h=\frac{S(h)-\operatorname{id}_H}hv(t)+\underbrace{\frac1h\int_t^{t+h}S(t+h-s)f(u(s))\:{\rm d}s}_{=:\:I_h(t)}\tag 4$$ with $$I_{\tilde h}(t)\xrightarrow{\tilde h\to0}f(u(t))\tag 5\;.$$</p> <blockquote> <p><strong>Question</strong>: What can we say about the regularity of $v$? Is $v$ (continuously) differentiable? And if so, in which sense is it a solution of $$\frac{{\rm d}v}{{\rm d}t}(\tilde t)=-Av(\tilde t)+f(u(\tilde t))\tag 6$$ for all $\tilde t\in[0,T]$?</p> </blockquote> <p>The question arose as I read <a href=";pg=PA111&amp;lpg=PA111&amp;dq=%22Using+the+definition+of+mild+solution%22+%22Similarly,+by+differentiating+the+variation%22&amp;source=bl&amp;ots=ailB9dOXlf&amp;sig=lPbYXWfX6tF9X9BnrDedZCsg5hY&amp;hl=de&amp;sa=X&amp;ved=0ahUKEwipjcaB3JzRAhXMB8AKHc8iDegQ6AEIHDAA#v=onepage&amp;q=%22Using%20the%20definition%20of%20mild%20solution%22%20%22Similarly%2C%20by%20differentiating%20the%20variation%22&amp;f=false" rel="nofollow noreferrer">page 111</a> of <em>An Introduction to Computational Stochastic PDEs</em>. The authors claim that $u$ is not "smooth enough to interpret $(6)$ directly, as we don't know whether $u(t)\in\mathcal D(A)$".</p> <p>Now, $$\frac{S(h)-\operatorname{id}_H}hv(t)=\int_0^t\frac{S(h)-\operatorname{id}_H}hS(t-s)f(u(s))\:{\rm d}s\tag 7$$ and (since $S(t-s)f(u(s))\in\mathcal D(A)$ for all $s\in[0,t)$) $$\frac{S(\tilde h)-\operatorname{id}_H}{\tilde h}S(t-s)f(u(s))\xrightarrow{\tilde h\to0}-AS(t-s)f(u(s))\;\;\;\text{for all }s\in[0,t)\tag 8\;.$$ Since the convergence in $(8)$ is uniformly with respect to $s$ and $t$, the right-hand side of $(7)$ is convergent as $h\to0+$. Thus, the left-hand side of $(7)$ is convergent as $h\to0+$ and hence $v(t)\in\mathcal D(A)$ by the very definition of $\mathcal D(A)$.</p> <blockquote> <p>So, we should be able to conclude $u(t)\in\mathcal D(A)$. Did I made any mistake or are the authors wrong?</p> </blockquote>
[ { "answer_id": 258977, "score": 1, "text": "<p>As I don't know exactly what you would like to ask on <span class=\"math-container\">$A$</span>, the answer I give can only be very vague and not much better than the comments given by Hannes. It would be good if you could specify your question (e.g. do you mean regularity in space or in time?) and give a link to the version of the book you are referring to?</p>\n\n<p>In my version of the book you refer to, Lemma 3.35 on page 111 tells you that <span class=\"math-container\">$u(t) \\in \\mathcal{D}(A^{1/2})$</span>. You can see why by just going through the proof of Lemma 3.22. on page 102, where the regularity of solutions is derived via the properties of the semigroup. </p>\n\n<p>As already indicated by Hannes, without further assumption we cannot prove that <span class=\"math-container\">$u(t) \\in \\mathcal{D}(A)$</span>, as this would require the finiteness of <span class=\"math-container\">$\\| A u(t) \\|$</span> instead of <span class=\"math-container\">$\\| A^{1/2} u(t) \\| &lt; \\infty$</span>, as shown in Lemma 3.35. The condition <span class=\"math-container\">$\\| A u(t) \\| &lt; \\infty$</span> is true e.g. in the case of a fast enough growth of the eigenvalues of A (which depends also on the dimension of the open set <span class=\"math-container\">$D$</span>). </p>\n\n<p>Taking for example the <span class=\"math-container\">$A= \\Delta$</span> with Dirichlet boundary conditions, the domain of <span class=\"math-container\">$A$</span> is <span class=\"math-container\">$\\mathcal{D}(A) = H^2 \\cap H^1_0$</span>, as pointed out also in Example 3.24.</p>\n\n<p>Now I get even more vague in w.r.t. answering your original question: How regular a solution to a semilinear (S)PDE is depends on the operator <span class=\"math-container\">$A$</span> and how much <span class=\"math-container\">$A$</span> \"smoothes\" the initial data over time. Also, as you pointed out already, the type of solution that one is looking for makes a difference in the results one can get. So there is no quick and general answer to this question. If you are looking for regularity results on second order operators, best is probably to check Gilbarg-Trudinger. Showalter has results in case that <span class=\"math-container\">$A$</span> is a monotone operator.</p>\n\n<p>The problem is also that the chapter of this book has just merely informative character, it just states a couple of background results from the deterministic setting needed in later chapters (when we do have a noise term). So it does not aim in being concise. The setup given is also aligned to the setup one classically uses in SPDE theory, where you will see that the condition <span class=\"math-container\">$\\| A u(t) \\| &lt; \\infty$</span> appears in the definition of so-called \"strong solutions\" to SPDEs. </p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 259023, "score": 0, "text": "<p>This problem has been addressed by many authors. Here I present a general result (Theorem 4.1) from the \"Abstract parabolic equations and their applications\" by A. Yagi. \nLet us consider the following semilinear equation in $X$:\n\\begin{equation}\n\\left\\{\\begin{array}{l}\nu'(t)+Au(t)=F(u)+g(t), t&gt;0\\\\\nu(0)=u_0,\n\\end{array}\\right.\n\\end{equation}\nwhere $F:D(A^\\eta)\\to X$, ($0&lt;\\eta&lt; 1$) satisfies \n$$\n\\|F(u)-F(v)\\|\\leq \\varphi(\\|A^\\beta u\\|+\\|A^\\beta v\\|)\\|A^\\eta(u-v)\\|+(\\|A^\\eta u\\|+\\|A^\\eta u\\|)(\\|A^\\beta (u-v)\\|)\\quad \\forall~u,v\\in D(A^\\eta).\n$$\nwith some $0&lt;\\beta \\leq \\eta&lt;1$. Then we have the following result:\nGiven any $g\\in \\mathcal{F}^{\\beta,\\sigma}((0,T];D(A^\\beta))$, where $0&lt;\\sigma&lt;1-\\eta$, and any $u_0\\in D(A^\\beta)$. The equation above possesses a unique local solution $U$ in the function space:\n$$\nu\\in C((0,T_{g,u_0}];D(A))\\cap C([0,T_{g,u_0}];D(A^\\beta))\\cap C^{1}((0,T_{g,u_0}];X),\n$$\nand \n$$\n\\frac{d u}{dt},~Au\\in \\mathcal{F}^{\\beta,\\sigma}((0,T];X),\n$$\nwhere $T_{g,u_0}$ depends only on the norms of $g$ and $A^\\beta u_0$. You can apply this result directly. Below is the definition of the function space used here. (It is midnight in Hong Kong, and I really need to sleep. This is just a draft. Sorry to use the picture instead of typing myself. If I have time, then I may update more). </p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"enter image description here\"></a></p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"enter image description here\"></a></p>\n" } ]
Question: Regularity of the mild solution of a semilinear evolution equation Answer 1: <p>As I don't know exactly what you would like to ask on <span class="math-container">$A$</span>, the answer I give can only be very vague and not much better than the comments given by Hannes. It would be good if you could specify your question (e.g. do you mean regularity in space or in time?) and give a link to the version of the book you are referring to?</p> <p>In my version of the book you refer to, Lemma 3.35 on page 111 tells you that <span class="math-container">$u(t) \in \mathcal{D}(A^{1/2})$</span>. You can see why by just going through the proof of Lemma 3.22. on page 102, where the regularity of solutions is derived via the properties of the semigroup. </p> <p>As already indicated by Hannes, without further assumption we cannot prove that <span class="math-container">$u(t) \in \mathcal{D}(A)$</span>, as this would require the finiteness of <span class="math-container">$\| A u(t) \|$</span> instead of <span class="math-container">$\| A^{1/2} u(t) \| &lt; \infty$</span>, as shown in Lemma 3.35. The condition <span class="math-container">$\| A u(t) \| &lt; \infty$</span> is true e.g. in the case of a fast enough growth of the eigenvalues of A (which depends also on the dimension of the open set <span class="math-container">$D$</span>). </p> <p>Taking for example the <span class="math-container">$A= \Delta$</span> with Dirichlet boundary conditions, the domain of <span class="math-container">$A$</span> is <span class="math-container">$\mathcal{D}(A) = H^2 \cap H^1_0$</span>, as pointed out also in Example 3.24.</p> <p>Now I get even more vague in w.r.t. answering your original question: How regular a solution to a semilinear (S)PDE is depends on the operator <span class="math-container">$A$</span> and how much <span class="math-container">$A$</span> "smoothes" the initial data over time. Also, as you pointed out already, the type of solution that one is looking for makes a difference in the results one can get. So there is no quick and general answer to this question. If you are looking for regularity results on second order operators, best is probably to check Gilbarg-Trudinger. Showalter has results in case that <span class="math-container">$A$</span> is a monotone operator.</p> <p>The problem is also that the chapter of this book has just merely informative character, it just states a couple of background results from the deterministic setting needed in later chapters (when we do have a noise term). So it does not aim in being concise. The setup given is also aligned to the setup one classically uses in SPDE theory, where you will see that the condition <span class="math-container">$\| A u(t) \| &lt; \infty$</span> appears in the definition of so-called "strong solutions" to SPDEs. </p> Answer 2: <p>This problem has been addressed by many authors. Here I present a general result (Theorem 4.1) from the "Abstract parabolic equations and their applications" by A. Yagi. Let us consider the following semilinear equation in $X$: \begin{equation} \left\{\begin{array}{l} u'(t)+Au(t)=F(u)+g(t), t&gt;0\\ u(0)=u_0, \end{array}\right. \end{equation} where $F:D(A^\eta)\to X$, ($0&lt;\eta&lt; 1$) satisfies $$ \|F(u)-F(v)\|\leq \varphi(\|A^\beta u\|+\|A^\beta v\|)\|A^\eta(u-v)\|+(\|A^\eta u\|+\|A^\eta u\|)(\|A^\beta (u-v)\|)\quad \forall~u,v\in D(A^\eta). $$ with some $0&lt;\beta \leq \eta&lt;1$. Then we have the following result: Given any $g\in \mathcal{F}^{\beta,\sigma}((0,T];D(A^\beta))$, where $0&lt;\sigma&lt;1-\eta$, and any $u_0\in D(A^\beta)$. The equation above possesses a unique local solution $U$ in the function space: $$ u\in C((0,T_{g,u_0}];D(A))\cap C([0,T_{g,u_0}];D(A^\beta))\cap C^{1}((0,T_{g,u_0}];X), $$ and $$ \frac{d u}{dt},~Au\in \mathcal{F}^{\beta,\sigma}((0,T];X), $$ where $T_{g,u_0}$ depends only on the norms of $g$ and $A^\beta u_0$. You can apply this result directly. Below is the definition of the function space used here. (It is midnight in Hong Kong, and I really need to sleep. This is just a draft. Sorry to use the picture instead of typing myself. If I have time, then I may update more). </p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer"><img src="" alt="enter image description here"></a></p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer"><img src="" alt="enter image description here"></a></p>
Large discrete subsets of connected $T_2$-spaces
<p>If $(X,\tau)$ is a topological space, we say $S\subseteq X$ is discrete, if the subspace topology on $S$ inherited from $(X,\tau)$ is discrete. </p> <p>Let $\kappa$ be an infinite cardinal. Is there a connected $T_2$-space $(X,\tau)$ and a discrete subset $S\subseteq X$ such that $|X| = |S| = \kappa$?</p>
[ { "answer_id": 258943, "score": 3, "text": "<p>For any cardinal $\\kappa$ at least the size of the continuum, the \"really long line\" of length $\\kappa$ is an example.</p>\n\n<p>This space, let's call it $L_\\kappa$, is defined as follows. Begin with the ordinal $\\kappa$ with its usual order topology. Then, for any $\\alpha \\in \\kappa$, connect $\\alpha$ and $\\alpha+1$ with a copy of the unit interval.</p>\n\n<p>$L_\\kappa$ obviously has cardinality $\\kappa$, and a discrete subspace of size $\\kappa$ is given by the set of all successor ordinals.</p>\n\n<p>If $\\kappa &lt; \\mathfrak{c}$, then you can get an example by modifying the construction of $L_\\kappa$: simply replace the unit interval with a countable connected Hausdorff space. (It's not obvious, but <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\">countable connected Hausdorff spaces do exist</a>.)</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 310185, "score": 3, "text": "<p>If you want a closed discrete set take the metric hedgehog with $\\kappa$ many spines, where $\\kappa$ is the desired cardinality. If $\\kappa&lt;\\mathfrak{c}$ replace $[0,1]$ by a countable connected Hausdorff space, as in Will Brian's answer.</p>\n" } ]
Question: Large discrete subsets of connected $T_2$-spaces Answer 1: <p>For any cardinal $\kappa$ at least the size of the continuum, the "really long line" of length $\kappa$ is an example.</p> <p>This space, let's call it $L_\kappa$, is defined as follows. Begin with the ordinal $\kappa$ with its usual order topology. Then, for any $\alpha \in \kappa$, connect $\alpha$ and $\alpha+1$ with a copy of the unit interval.</p> <p>$L_\kappa$ obviously has cardinality $\kappa$, and a discrete subspace of size $\kappa$ is given by the set of all successor ordinals.</p> <p>If $\kappa &lt; \mathfrak{c}$, then you can get an example by modifying the construction of $L_\kappa$: simply replace the unit interval with a countable connected Hausdorff space. (It's not obvious, but <a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">countable connected Hausdorff spaces do exist</a>.)</p> Answer 2: <p>If you want a closed discrete set take the metric hedgehog with $\kappa$ many spines, where $\kappa$ is the desired cardinality. If $\kappa&lt;\mathfrak{c}$ replace $[0,1]$ by a countable connected Hausdorff space, as in Will Brian's answer.</p>
$\mathcal P(K)=\mathcal R(K)$ iff $\Bbb C\backslash K$ is connected
<p>Let $K$ be a compact set in $\Bbb C$. Let $\mathcal P(K)$ be the closed algebra generated by polynomials on $K$ and $\mathcal R(K)$ the closed algebra generated by rational functions without poles in $K$.</p> <p>It is clear that $\mathcal P(K)\subset\mathcal R(K)$. If $\Bbb C\backslash K$ is a connected set, then <a href=";s_theorem" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Runge's approximation theorem</a> implies that $\mathcal P(K)=\mathcal R(K)$. The converse of this which is</p> <blockquote> <p>If $\Bbb C\backslash K$ is not connected, then $\mathcal P(K)\ne\mathcal R(K)$.</p> </blockquote> <p>is apparently true, according to Graham Allan's Introduction to Banach Spaces and Algebras. How is it proved? Perhaps did I miss something obvious?</p>
[ { "answer_id": 259029, "score": 3, "text": "<p>The following is not an entirely satisfactory answer but I thought I would put it down as something to be improved later. (I don't remember the context in which GRA stated this fact, so perhaps he had in mind some argument based on nearby parts of the book.)</p>\n\n<p>It is a theorem that in a unital Banach algebra $A$ the spectrum of $a\\in A$ relative to the closed unital subalgebra ${\\rm alg}(a)$ generated by $a$ is the polynomial hull of $\\sigma_A(a)$. Now if $A=R(K)$ and $a(z)=z$, then $\\sigma_A(a)=K$; I have a vague recollection that this requires a little work to prove, by first showing that the character space of $R(K)$ is $K$.</p>\n\n<p>Anyway, $P(K)={\\rm alg}(a)$. So if $P(K)=R(K)$ then $K$ must equal its own polynomial hull, and this is known to imply ${\\bf C}\\setminus K$ is connected.</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 259354, "score": 2, "text": "<p>Perhaps a more elementary proof is the following :</p>\n\n<p>Assume $\\mathbb{C} \\setminus K$ is disconnected. Let $V$ be a bounded component of $\\mathbb{C} \\setminus K$, and let $w \\in V$. Let us show that the function $g(z):= 1/(z-w) \\in \\mathcal{R}(K)$ does not belong to $\\mathcal{P}(K)$. Assume for a contradiction that there are polynomials $(p_n)$ such that $p_n \\to g$ uniformly on $K$. Then in particular $(z-w)p_n \\to 1$ uniformly on $\\partial V \\subset K$, so that $(z-w)p_n \\to 1$ uniformly on $V$, by the maximum modulus principle. This implies that $p_n \\to g$ uniformly on compact subsets of $V \\setminus \\{w\\}$. </p>\n\n<p>Now, let $\\gamma$ be a circle in $V \\setminus \\{w\\}$ around $w$. Uniform convergence and Cauchy's theorem gives\n$$0 = \\int_\\gamma p_n(z) dz \\to \\int_\\gamma g(z) dz = 2\\pi i,$$\na contradiction. </p>\n" } ]
Question: $\mathcal P(K)=\mathcal R(K)$ iff $\Bbb C\backslash K$ is connected Answer 1: <p>The following is not an entirely satisfactory answer but I thought I would put it down as something to be improved later. (I don't remember the context in which GRA stated this fact, so perhaps he had in mind some argument based on nearby parts of the book.)</p> <p>It is a theorem that in a unital Banach algebra $A$ the spectrum of $a\in A$ relative to the closed unital subalgebra ${\rm alg}(a)$ generated by $a$ is the polynomial hull of $\sigma_A(a)$. Now if $A=R(K)$ and $a(z)=z$, then $\sigma_A(a)=K$; I have a vague recollection that this requires a little work to prove, by first showing that the character space of $R(K)$ is $K$.</p> <p>Anyway, $P(K)={\rm alg}(a)$. So if $P(K)=R(K)$ then $K$ must equal its own polynomial hull, and this is known to imply ${\bf C}\setminus K$ is connected.</p> Answer 2: <p>Perhaps a more elementary proof is the following :</p> <p>Assume $\mathbb{C} \setminus K$ is disconnected. Let $V$ be a bounded component of $\mathbb{C} \setminus K$, and let $w \in V$. Let us show that the function $g(z):= 1/(z-w) \in \mathcal{R}(K)$ does not belong to $\mathcal{P}(K)$. Assume for a contradiction that there are polynomials $(p_n)$ such that $p_n \to g$ uniformly on $K$. Then in particular $(z-w)p_n \to 1$ uniformly on $\partial V \subset K$, so that $(z-w)p_n \to 1$ uniformly on $V$, by the maximum modulus principle. This implies that $p_n \to g$ uniformly on compact subsets of $V \setminus \{w\}$. </p> <p>Now, let $\gamma$ be a circle in $V \setminus \{w\}$ around $w$. Uniform convergence and Cauchy's theorem gives $$0 = \int_\gamma p_n(z) dz \to \int_\gamma g(z) dz = 2\pi i,$$ a contradiction. </p>
A question on linear recurrence
<p>Let $(a_{i})$ be an increasing sequence of positive integers given by a linear recurrence $a_{i+n}=c_{n}a_{i+n-1}+\dots +c_{1}a_{i}$ with $c_{i}\in\{-1,0,1\}$ and $a_{i}=2^{i}$ for $i=1,\dots n$ such that the characteristic polynomial $p(x)=-x^{n}+c_{n}x^{n-1}+\dots +c_{1}x^{0}$ has a unique dominating real root $\alpha&gt; 1$. Let $(s_{i})\in\{-1,0,1\}^{m}$ with $m\ge n$. Is it true that $\sum_{i=1}^{m}s_{i}a_{i}=0$ if and only if $p$ divides the polynomial $\sum_{i=1}^{m}s_{i}x^{i}$? Where I can find a proof of this kind of result? </p>
[ { "answer_id": 259183, "score": 3, "text": "<p>I don't know what \"dominating\" means so perhaps this isn't a counterexample, but how about $-p(x)=x^5 - x^4 - x^3 - x^2 + x + 1=(x^2-x-1)(x^3-1)$ (which has a unique real root greater than 1), with $a_1,...,a_5=1,2,3,5,8$ and $s_1=s_2=-1$ and $s_3=1$ giving $\\sum s_ix^i=x^3-x^2-x$?</p>\n" }, { "answer_id": 259184, "score": 3, "text": "<p>One direction is true (even without $\\alpha&gt;1$).</p>\n\n<p>The other directions seems to be wrong. Take the recurrence\n$$-a_i+a_{i-1}+a_{i-2}+a_{i-3}=0$$\nwith initial conditions $a_0=a_1=a_2=1$. Then $p(x)=-x^3+x^2+x+1$ has a \"dominating\" real root $\\alpha=1.839\\dots$. I am not clear about what dominating means but $\\alpha$ is bigger (in magnitude) than the modulus of the other (complex) roots.</p>\n\n<p>It is clear that $-a_5+a_4+a_3+a_1=0$ as well, the corresponding polynomial is $Q(x)=-x^5+x^4+x^2+1$. But, $p(x)$ does not divide $Q(x)$.</p>\n\n<p>If you must insist strict monotonicity, then consider the below example.\n$$-a_i+a_{i-1}+a_{i-2}-a_{i-3}+a_{i-4}=0$$\nwith initial conditions $a_j=j$ for $j=0,1,2,3$. The sequence begins with $0,1,2,3,4,6,9,14,\\dots$. Now, take $-a_7+a_6+a_5-a_1=0$. But, $P(x)=-x^4+x^3+x^2-x+1$ has a root $\\alpha=1.512\\dots$ and yet $P(x)$ does not divide $$Q(x)=-x^7+x^6+x^5-x=-x(x-1)(x^5-x^3-x^2-x-1).$$</p>\n" } ]
Question: A question on linear recurrence Answer 1: <p>I don't know what "dominating" means so perhaps this isn't a counterexample, but how about $-p(x)=x^5 - x^4 - x^3 - x^2 + x + 1=(x^2-x-1)(x^3-1)$ (which has a unique real root greater than 1), with $a_1,...,a_5=1,2,3,5,8$ and $s_1=s_2=-1$ and $s_3=1$ giving $\sum s_ix^i=x^3-x^2-x$?</p> Answer 2: <p>One direction is true (even without $\alpha&gt;1$).</p> <p>The other directions seems to be wrong. Take the recurrence $$-a_i+a_{i-1}+a_{i-2}+a_{i-3}=0$$ with initial conditions $a_0=a_1=a_2=1$. Then $p(x)=-x^3+x^2+x+1$ has a "dominating" real root $\alpha=1.839\dots$. I am not clear about what dominating means but $\alpha$ is bigger (in magnitude) than the modulus of the other (complex) roots.</p> <p>It is clear that $-a_5+a_4+a_3+a_1=0$ as well, the corresponding polynomial is $Q(x)=-x^5+x^4+x^2+1$. But, $p(x)$ does not divide $Q(x)$.</p> <p>If you must insist strict monotonicity, then consider the below example. $$-a_i+a_{i-1}+a_{i-2}-a_{i-3}+a_{i-4}=0$$ with initial conditions $a_j=j$ for $j=0,1,2,3$. The sequence begins with $0,1,2,3,4,6,9,14,\dots$. Now, take $-a_7+a_6+a_5-a_1=0$. But, $P(x)=-x^4+x^3+x^2-x+1$ has a root $\alpha=1.512\dots$ and yet $P(x)$ does not divide $$Q(x)=-x^7+x^6+x^5-x=-x(x-1)(x^5-x^3-x^2-x-1).$$</p>