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2023-08-01 01:12:55+00:00
2023-07-30 00:00:00
On June 27, 1850, Queen Victoria had a brush with death. That night, she took three of her children to visit her ailing uncle at his Piccadilly mansion. Outside, hundreds of excited Londoners gathered and waited for him to come out. Most of the onlookers just wanted to catch a glimpse of the monarch, but one man had a different goal. Just as the royal party was leaving, Robert Pate pushed his way through the crowd, ran up to the Queen’s open-top carriage, and struck her over the head with a metal-tipped cane. The crowd erupted in panic. In the midst of chaos Victoria is said to have stood up, adjusted her hat, and calmly announced, “I’m not hurt.”. This was the fifth time she had been attacked since her accession to the throne in 1837. Media accounts often emphasized her coldness. The Morning Post reported that “Her Majesty showed no feeling of alarm” and had “complete command of herself” in politely greeting the cheering groups of onlookers as her carriage returned to Buckingham Palace. This depiction of the queen as resilient, imperturbable, and committed to duty is in keeping with her popular image, both then and now. Victoria’s famous quote, “we don’t like it”may never have passed her lips, but it has come to symbolize the queen’s sangfroid and the mood of an era. Many imagine the 19th century as a time of repressed emotions, while others celebrate its supposed stoicism. Despite her public facade, Victoria’s personal diaries reveal an emotional side. Remembering the attack from the safety of the Buckingham Palacewrote that the fact seemed to him “like a horrible dream.” As his account of the incident unfolded, fear and confusion gave way to anger, and he came to view the “outrage” as “the most shameful and cowardly thing ever done”. Victoria wasn’t the only one who felt some excitement. Prince Albert was “terribly shocked”, while George Grey, the Home Secretary at the time, arrived at Buckingham Palace “much distraught and in tears”. In the hours after the attack, Victoria was still “shocked, nervous and unable to eat.” Still, she ventured to the opera where joyous crowds tossed their hats into the air and serenaded her with spontaneous renditions of “God Save the Queen.” While not all Victorians were enthusiastic royalists, the attacks on the queen provoked these outpourings of emotion. As Victoria herself joked, “it’s worth getting shot to know how much they love you“. Her determination not to hide behind the attacks was typical of Victoria in her youth. In 1842, a teenager named John Francis pointed a pistol at his carriage as it drove up Constitution Hill. Alberto saw him, but Francis did not fire and managed to slip away. Knowing that a would-be assassin was on the loose, the Prime Minister Robert Peel urged the Queen to stay at home as his new police force pursued the attacker. Victoria refused. The next night, she and Alberto went out in their open-top carriage flanked by guards but still exposed. Sure enough, Francis made another attempt, this time managing to fire his pistol at the royal couple moments before being caught by a policeman. Victoria emerged unscathed, but it could have ended very differently. Following Francis’s attack, the queen immediately resumed her royal duties and continued to appear in public, apparently unharmed. This was a public and defiant display of courage by the Queen, and her bravery was praised by the press. a poem in The Times described her as a “lion-hearted monarch” and dubbed her “a king for courage, though a queen for sex”.. public fortress It was important to Victoria to project this fortress in public. Some Victorians, including one of her later attackers, bristled at the idea of ​​living under a “petticoat government” and believed that women lacked the courage and composure to rule. But traumatic experiences like this can be hard to get over. Four different men shot Victoria in the 1840s. By the time Robert Pate attacked her in 1850, she had begun to feel anxious in crowds, a common result following a traumatic event such as being the victim of a violent crime. In his diary, he confessed that when the public crowded near his carriage “It always makes me think more than usual about the possibility of an attack against me.” In the end, however, the most devastating emotional blows did not come from the murderers, but from the deaths of the people she loved. A few days after Pate’s attack, Robert Peel, a staunch ally of the Queen and a friend of Albert’s, fell to his death from his horse. Victoria’s uncle passed away soon after. In her diaries, she confessed to being “overcome with a feeling of wonder and sadness.” This, of course, was nothing compared to the intense pain she experienced when Albert died in 1861. Over the next decade, he withdrew from public life and sank into a deep depression. She later described it as “violent pain” during which her “nightly desire to die” never left her. He lived for another 40 years, but never fully recovered. Eventually, she was persuaded to return to making occasional public appearances, two of which prompted yet more assassination attempts, but never with the same regularity or enthusiasm as she had in her youth. The last year of her life was marked by further loss, as well as chronic pain and disability, and her diary entries suggest another depressive episode. Victoria survived the seven attempts on her life, gave birth to nine children and found a way to “endure”, as she put it, after losing Alberto. While her wealth and power insulated her from many of the hardships faced by less fortunate Victorians, she still felt the impact of personal pain. His public displays of bravery and self-control tell only half of his story. Remember that you can receive notifications from BBC Mundo. Download the new version of our app and activate them so you don’t miss out on our best content.
The story of the 7 times they tried to kill Queen Victoria of England
[ "Picture" ]
2023-08-01 01:07:43+00:00
2023-08-01 04:33:00
Dummy Andi is sweating. “It not only produces heat, but also vibrates, walks and breathes,” says the researcher Konrad Rykaczewski from the University of Arizona. His tool in the lab is Andi, a hot weather mannequin. In the northeast corner of the University of Arizona campus is a room with a four-inch-thick metal door. There is a small window on the side. Andi is sweating in the room, a bit like in a Finnish sauna. Only the benches and the heater are missing. Andi is the world’s first indoor and outdoor air breathing doll that senses heat and sweats accordingly. It was made and customized for researchers at the University of Arizona Thermetrics Companydescribes the puppet Rykczewski University in the bulletin. Even a doll is sweating profusely in Phoenix, which is traditionally one of the hottest cities in the United States. I gave the goal is to measure the effects of extreme heat, especially when the heat wave lasts for a long time. Phoenix is ​​perfect for that. In July, this Arizona city recorded temperatures above 43 degrees Celsius – more than 20 days in a row. The pressing truth is that the heat of over 110 Fahrenheit measured in degrees Fahrenheit, or over 43 degrees Celsius, lasted a long time, longer than ever in the city’s measurement history. The previous heat record from 1974 was slightly broken, says the scientific publication Scientific American. Maybe it’s not worth talking about the record, but about the suffering. “ Like humans, the robot sweats more from the back. “Andi is the first thermal dummy with which we can measure how much heat he gets from the environment,” says Rykaczewski to the AFP news agency. He is originally a professor of mechanical engineering. Now he leads heat research using a dummy. 35 pores of different sizes have been implanted on the doll’s skin. They “sweat”. Pores can be controlled with sensors that measure temperature. Andi’s value is around half a million dollars, almost half a million euros. Its production was funded by the US National Science Foundation NSF. What what happens in the body when a person gets heat stroke? How to protect the body in big cities if and when they heat up? Andi can answer these literally burning questions while he’s breathing and sweating—and getting heatstroke. Data is gathered from the various sweat sensors on the doll’s body. I gave can be used to measure “very realistically how a person reacts to an extreme climate”. At the same time, nobody’s life is endangered, reminds Rykaczewski in the university’s bulletin. “Apparently no one has properly measured the rise in body temperature when someone gets heat stroke,” says Rykaczewski. The reason is probably ethical. At first glance, Andi resembles a test dummy for crash tests, which is perhaps even simpler. Andi’s carbon fiber shell hides a network connected with sensors that evaluates the heat spreading through the body. Andi also has its own internal cooling and pores. Like humans, the robot sweats the most on its back. Before Andi, there were only a dozen such “sweating” mannequins in the world. They were mainly used by sportswear manufacturers. New breathable clothes were tested with the help of mannequins. If a sports shirt is praised with the words “technical” in the advertisement, it has actually been found to be breathable in tests. However, none of those dolls go out in the same way as Andi. “ The state of body overheating may threaten an increasingly large part of the world’s population before long. Andi is sent from here to the field, i.e. to the sunshine. For the humanoid robot Andi, Phoenix’s bright day is the most pleasant. Along comes a mobile weather station called Marty. For example, it measures the heat of the buildings that surround Andi as it moves through the streets. Andi transport guides researchers to tomorrow’s urban climate. “How do we change the way we dress? How do we adapt to temperatures that are maybe Phoenix-like?” asks Rykaczewski. Phoenix is ​​dry – what about the humid heat, how does it affect it? And how does the human body withstand hot winds? Andi can test them too, also under laboratory conditions. In extreme weather events around the world, people often talk about how to protect yourself from hurricanes or floods. A heat wave has a different effect. Its effects can last for weeks. Researchers In Phoenix, they hope that the robot will offer, for example, an understanding of hyperthermia. Hyperthermia is a condition of overheating of the body that may threaten an increasingly large part of the world’s population before long. In the vernacular, we talk about sunburn and heat stroke, and maybe even more unpleasant. “Our body’s regulation starts to deteriorate at around 38 degrees, depending on the air humidity. That kind of heat gives people a fever,” says Rykaczewski. “If the temperatures rise much above that and last for hours, the body can’t take it before long.” Rykaczewski refers to death. “We don’t always understand what’s happening to the body until it’s too late,” says Sanpp, also a researcher Kurt Schickman In Scientific American. Shickman is the research director of extremely hot heat waves At the Arsht-Rockefeller Climate Center. The center has helped when heat monitoring authorities have been established in cities in the United States, as well as in different parts of the world. Andi is programmable. Scientists can make Andi digital twins, slightly modified copies. They can be used to examine the temperature regulation of different population groups, explains the climatologist Jennifer Vanos. Young people need protection in their own way. So do athletes. And of course the bad ones. Every summer, the city of Phoenix opens dozens of shelters for the homeless to cool down. “How long does a person have to cool down for their body temperature to drop to a safe level?” Vanos asks. He means not only cooling centers, but also swimming pools and even a new design of the electrical grid. In the poor in the regions, homes cannot always afford air conditioning. The information provided by Andi can help those social workers who protect the most vulnerable. The poor and the elderly sometimes give up air conditioning. This way they avoid large electricity bills. Shelters would be cool, but for the poor they are sometimes too far away or cramped. So the poor person stays outside or in a hot house. In the United States, thousands of people are hospitalized every summer because of the heat, reports the science magazine Scientific American. Paris or London can sometimes get scorching like Phoenix. “We can develop the design of buildings in big cities with the help of Andi,” says Rykaczewski.
Heat waves | Test dummy Andi sweats in Arizona like in a sauna - it prepares for life in urban heat waves
2023-08-01 01:14:29+00:00
2023-07-31 00:00:00
Although they started relatively recently -the first was held in 1991 in China-, the women’s soccer world cup They have become a global event. And through the tournaments, the soccer players are reaching records and feats that remain inscribed in the history books of this sport. The dominance of the United States -with four world titles-, the surprising performance of the Asian teams (Japan was world champion and runner-up, China was runner-up in 1999) and the European efficiency led by the Nordic countries and the United Kingdom have become aspects highlights of this tournament. Of course, the comparisons -always odious- with the men’s soccer world cup are inevitable, but in many ways the women’s tournament has been as epic and even more epic than the men’s, and heroines like Marta, Nadine Angerer or Formiga have surpassed the male records. At BBC Mundo we show you the records held by women in the soccer world cups. 1. 17 World Cup goals… and counting Marta Viera Silva she’s brazilian. And she is also a soccer legend. And it is for several reasons: she was chosen for six years as the best soccer player on the planet by FIFA, she is the all-time goalscorer for her team and has participated in five World Cups. But perhaps for what will remain forever in the history books of football is that he has scored 17 goals in World Cups, a record that no other footballer, man or woman, has reached. Marta, who is a native of Dois Riachos -a town in eastern Brazil-, surpasses legends like the German Miroslav Klose, who scored 16 goals in the four World Cups he participated in. When it comes to football in his country, he also surpasses Ronaldo Nazario de Lima, perhaps the best Brazilian player in history behind Pelé, who managed to score 15 goals in the four World Cups in which he took to the pitch. Another mark held by the Brazilian is that of having been the first soccer player to score in five different World Cups, a record that was matched by Cristiano Ronaldo in the last championship, Qatar 2022. Marta is expected to be part of the team that will participate in the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand where she will be able to further expand this record, which will become almost impossible for her male colleagues to match. 2. Formiga’s seven world championships Perhaps the name Miraildes Maciel Mota doesn’t say much… but if we say Formiga, as she is nicknamed, we know that we are dealing with a player who makes the pages of statistics resound. The Brazilian, who is 45 years old and still plays with Sao Paulo in the first division, has several records to her credit: she is the oldest player to score in a World Cup (she was 37 when she did so) and the oldest to participate in a World Cup (41 years old in France 2019). But that is only at the women’s World Cup level, because Formiga carries another incredible record on its shoulders: it has played in seven World Cups, which no footballer on the planet has achieved so far. she was in Sweden 1995, USA 1999 and 2003, China 2007, Germany 2011, Canada 2015 and France 2019. Far away are the five world championships for the German Birgit Prinz and the American Kristine Lilly. However, Lilly holds another World Cup record: she has played a total of 30 matches. He is followed by Formiga with 27 and the German Lothar Matheus with 25. In the men’s tournament Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Lothar Matheus, Antonio Carbajal, Rafa Márquez and Andrés Guardado have five appearances in World Cups. Although Formiga is not in the squad that will play the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand, the truth is that his record is already installed in gold letters on the planet of the ball. 3. 13-0 the biggest win During the morning of June 11, 2019, the players of the Thailand national team were anxious: they were going to play their second World Cup in history and the first rival in this new adventure was the almighty United States. What the Thais perhaps never thought about was how that match would end: 13-0 against them, the biggest win in the history of the tournament. But, above all, the biggest goal difference in all the world cups. Scoring came from Alex Morgan five times, Samantha Mewis and Rosel Lavelle twice each, and then Megan Rapinoe, Lindsey Horan, Mallory Pugh and Carli Lloyd each scored one goal to complete the final score. That win already surpassed another record held by women: the 11-0 that Germany had given Argentina in the 2007 World Cup in China. Both scores are clearly above the 10-1 that Hungary scored against El Salvador in the 1982 World Cup in Spain or the 9-0 that Yugoslavia gave Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo) in Germany in 1974. 4. The clean arc… the entire tournament You hear a lot in football that the best defense is a good attack. But no coach or player can escape the temptation to boast that he was able to leave the goal at zero. In fact, in the history of the men’s world championships, no team that has been crowned champion has been able to keep a clean sheet throughout the competition. The best numbers in this regard are those achieved by France in 1998, Italy in 2006 and Spain in 2010, whose teams only conceded two goals during the World Cups that they ended up winning. However, among women there is a team that has been crowned world soccer champion without scoring a single goal: Germany, in China 2007. The team’s goalkeeper, Nadine Angerer, had a lot to do with this, who curiously started because a few days before the tournament began the chosen goalkeeper had been seriously injured. Angerer managed to prevent Germany’s unbeaten record from being broken and even saved a penalty from Marta in the final, which ended in a win for the Teutons. Remember that you can receive notifications from BBC Mundo. Download the new version of our app and activate them so you don’t miss out on our best content.
Women's World Cup: 4 records in which women surpass men
2023-08-01 01:14:23+00:00
2023-08-01 01:43:42
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Will Ricardo 'Tuca' Ferretti resign as DT of Cruz Azul?
2023-08-01 01:05:07+00:00
2023-08-01 04:30:00
Basic Finns were in the government before, but then it was credible to say that you were not racist. This wouldn’t have guessed, but now I have to say that Timo Soin will be missed. Modesty may not be one of the virtues for Timo Soini, the long-term chairman of Basic Finns, but in the eyes of others, his term as party leader differs from the current way of Basic Finns – how to say it – like a melon from an apple. In the spring of 2011, in a televised election debate, Soini said for some reason that the same cap does not fit an apple and a melon. It made the Greens’ Anni Sinnemäki wonder what this had to do with the election. Then it would have been perfectly possible to discuss racism, which was almost as common among basic Finnish executives as it is today. However, Soini was such a credible representative of the forgotten people that a whole group of racists managed to hide behind his back. In the year 2015 Soini became foreign minister, and he seemed to have won his party’s internal struggle against the line led by Jussi Halla-aho. Immigration was debated in Finland, just like now. Questions about racism came up at regular intervals, until the groups that grew up around Halla-aho seized power from Soini’s heirs at the party meeting in 2017. There was no longer any need to wonder where those racists were lurking. “ Soin still had some credibility. Soini and his allies continued as ministers and in other positions under the name of Sininen’s future until 2019, but the power remained helplessly with the group that now leads the basic Finns. Soini has called them “anti-immigration”. Racists are people who believe in the superiority of their own race, and they seem to be among today’s basic Finns, even in leadership positions. The party’s voters, on the other hand, are quite often the same representatives of the forgotten people as before. Racism is not prohibited by law, although many of its most egregious forms are. So you are racists, one might think. It would be much easier if racists would just report themselves. However, it is likely that a party that openly preaches hatred of people would not get many votes in the elections. You don’t even have to think about what Finland’s partners in the EU would say, even though they too have their own problems with racism. Awareness of the Holocaust, i.e. the mass destruction of Jews in World War II, is still quite strong. Therefore, basic Finns, as well as Soin in his time, have no alternative to assurances that they do not tolerate racism. The difference is that Soin still had some credibility. The author is a journalist specializing in security policy.
Column | Racism sucks
2023-08-01 01:09:05+00:00
2023-07-31 00:00:00
Allegri could field a fabulous trident. Instead, sacrificing Vlahovic for Big Rom would fall back into the old (non) game But wasn’t Giuntoli supposed to arrive with the magic wand to revolutionize the rambling and spendthrift Juventus market of recent years? Instead we are still in the Vlahovic-Lukaku dilemma. We are in good shape. If we exclude the balance sheet, there is only one reasonable reason why the 30-year-old Belgian, a serial accumulator of contracts, is preferable to a 23-year-old centre-forward who had shown notable shots (at least until Juve). And it is the game that Allegri has in mind. The coach is right: for a 3-5-2 discreetly perched in defense, with two lines in front of the area (one even inside …), and a restart entrusted to throwing, there is nothing better than Lukaku . He has seen himself with Conte and, without the same continuity, with Inzaghi: the Belgian is in the department alone, defends the ball like few others thanks to his physique, builds the bank and goes forward with power. It is not correct to say that he does without schemes, because Conte’s movements exalted him as no coach has ever succeeded, not even coach Martinez, but Lukaku has more basic tactical needs. Instead, it was understood that Vlahovic is more dependent on team strategies. See also Ancelotti warms up Real Madrid vs. PSG: 'It's not just stopping Mbappé' The problem is this: if Lukaku is considered more useful to the cause it is because Juve, beyond the latest talks on intensity and pressing, have in mind not to go far from the last two boring seasons. And we can’t figure out why. You, Giuntoli? It’s as if Juve were immune to the fresh air that is refreshing our football (there are three cup finalists, albeit defeated, to remember this). The club had the courage to cut the threads with the old management, presenting itself to UEFA with a new and no longer arrogant face, but it does not seem to have the courage to start a new technical-tactical path, the one for which Giuntoli has arrived he does not deal with Ceferin but with the prosecutors. Napoli played the most beautiful and offensive football in Europe until April with City and Benfica: in Europe they paid for the modest turnover, but in Italy their supremacy in terms of points and mentality has never been questioned. And Giuntoli was there, he didn’t come up with schemes but made Spalletti available the best, creating the surprising foundations of success, from Osi to Kvara to Lobotka. See also PSG wants Osimhen: De Laurentiis is asking for 180 million, the value of Mbappè Milan has wrapped up in itself and its weaknesses, but has never given up on experimenting, and in fact restarted this year with a completely new philosophy: a physical, vertical, muscular and above all offensive team with three real forwards. At least we are curious. Inter have a less brazen DNA, but a solidity unknown even to the Premier and are enriching the tactical figure with a midfield with very elegant feet, Calhanoglu, Mkhitaryan, now Samardzic, one of those strikes that, in addition to Marotta, once would also have signed Giuntoli . It’s not that his drive has run out, but if the constraints are those of a philosophically old and asphyxiated low-priced football, then there was no need to snatch the best football demiurge from De Laurentis. Moreover, Vlahovic can be a deal in perspective, while the one for Lukaku – if he doesn’t arrive on loan – risks being a contract that cannot be cashed in in the future, another “blow” to Di Maria, yet another used sure that changes everything so as not to change Nothing. It would be nice if there were other signs of renewal. There is in fact a team that has (almost) all the players for a 4-3-3 worthy of the Scudetto. A central defender is needed in front of the defence: the Kessie seen with Pioli, the one who presided over the area letting Tonali advance, would be perfect. Juve already have Chiesa, Iling, Kean, Milik, Soulé, they have everything it takes to play attack with a trident from Liverpool. It would be nice if Allegri explained why Iling can be a five-a-side fullback, Chiesa the attacking midfielder or second central striker, just to knock out as many people as possible, but Kostic cannot be tested once as a low winger. Too many questions. And the problem is, maybe we know the answers. See also Footballer prosecuted for drug trafficking stabbed his cousin: sentence aggravated judicial chaos August 1, 2023 (change August 1, 2023 | 00:33) © REPRODUCTION RESERVED #Juve #Lukaku #lose #opportunity #change #soul
Juve, if you take Lukaku you lose the opportunity to change your soul
2023-08-01 01:10:47+00:00
2023-07-31 00:00:00
Problems will begin to arise in ‘Overcoming Guilt’. In the preview of the new episode of the telenovela starring Claudia Martín, Gabriela de la Garza and María Sorté, we will be able to see how the discussions between Manuela and Amanda begin to emerge, for which Paloma must intervene to refocus them on the search for Dulce . On the other hand, Leandro will receive some photos of Manuela with another man in a compromising situation. Do you want to know what else will happen today? Here we will tell you everything you need to know so you don’t miss anything about the Mexican production, which is broadcast by the channel The stars. YOU CAN SEE: ‘Aunt Alison’ chapter 4 LIVE: schedule, channel and where to see the soap opera with Juliette Pardau Look HERE the advance of chapter 26 of ‘Overcoming guilt’ When will chapter 26 of ‘Overcoming Guilt’ be released? episode 26 of ‘Overcome guilt’ will be released on Monday July 31, 2023. Despite its short time on the air, it has managed to capture the audience, which does not miss a single episode of the production directed by Benjamin Cann and Fernando Nesme. It turns out that it is the fifth installment of the ‘Vencer’ franchise, which is made up of the soap operas ‘Vencer el miedo’ (2020), ‘Vencer el desamor’ (2020), ‘Vencer el pasado’ (2021) and ‘Vencer la absence’ (2022). Where to see ‘Overcome guilt’? The soap opera, created by Pedro Armando Rodriguez and Gerardo Perez Zermeno and which was broadcast for the first time on June 26, 2023, is part of the prime time of the Las Estrellas channel. The new episode will premiere at 8:30 pm in Mexico. Meanwhile, in Peru, it can be seen an hour later, that is, at 9:30 p.m. YOU CAN SEE: ‘Land of hope’, chapter 35 LIVE: schedule, channel and where to see the Mexican soap opera How to watch the Las Estrellas channel LIVE and ONLINE? In case you do not have access to the television signal ofThe stars, you can also tune in‘Overcome guilt’LIVE and ONLINE viaVIX+, the official streaming service ofTelevisa-Univision, Available only in the United States and Mexico. Likewise, to enjoy the previous chapters and catch up, you can access the Las Estrellas website. What is ‘Overcoming Guilt’ about? The novel portrays the lives of four women: Paloma (Claudia Martín), Manuela (Gabriela de la Garza), Amanda (María Sorté) and Yaneli (Romina Poza), whose destinies intertwine when a young woman they did not know thoroughly, Dulce, mysteriously disappears. They try to overcome the guilt for said event and other reasons. Leandro will be enraged after seeing some photos of Manuela together with Pablo. Photo: composition LR/Las Estrellas After Dulce’s disappearance, Yaneli is tormented by the doubt that her brother has done something wrong, so she decides to investigate. This is how she meets Paloma, Manuela and Amanda, who come together to look for the girl, without imagining that they must overcome multiple obstacles to solve the mystery. During the course of their adventure in search of Dulce, they build a solid friendship that will help each of them to face and overcome her own guilt. Together, they discover that sisterhood is their greatest strength. This is the cast of ‘Overcome guilt’ Claudia Martin as Paloma Gallardo Rivera Gabriela de la Garza as Manuela Roman Landeros Gabriel Soto as Leandro Govea Cardenal Matías Novoa as Pablo Córdoba María Sorté as Amanda Cardenal Carlos Ferro as Franco Beltran Juan Carlos Barreto as Enrique Ortega Íngrid Martz as Carmina Gaytán Helena Rojo as Ángeles Román Roberto Ballesteros as Everardo Govea. #Overcome #guilt #chapter #Las #Estrellas #channel #LIVE #schedule #channel #watch #online
'Overcome guilt' chapter 26 on the Las Estrellas channel LIVE: schedule, channel and where to watch online
[ "Picture" ]
2023-08-01 01:11:00+00:00
2023-08-01 04:30:00
Antti Laine and Laura Sumari’s teenage romance was short-lived, but their paths crossed many times later. Now they have an Oiva baby and a home together. Laura Sumari and Antti Laine were each other’s first dating partners. The drug didn’t last long, but after some twists and turns, the two found each other again. Why are the experiences of first love so shocking? Kan incomprehensibly cute 13-year-old moped boy from the country. And an awfully good bagger. As such Laura Sumari remembers his first love Antti Laine from that Friday night, when they met in Salo’s pussikalya parties through a mutual friend, more than two decades ago. #Relationship #twists #turns #Antti #ended #teenage #girlfriend #expert #tells #love #forgotten
Through many twists and turns, Antti ended up getting back together with his teenage girlfriend - An expert tells why first love is not forgotten - Pledge Times
2023-08-01 01:05:23+00:00
2023-08-01 04:28:06
Former president criticizes Minister of Justice for saying that police reaction in operation in Guarujá (SP) was not “proportional” the former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) criticized this Monday (July 31, 2023) the statements by the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Flávio Dinoabout the operation of the PM (Military Police) in Guarujá, on the coast of São Paulo, which has killed at least 10 people since Friday (July 28). through your profile on Twitter, Bolsonaro called Dino a “cupincha of the uncondemned”in reference to President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT). “You don’t need an expert to understand the reasons for the complaint”said the former chief executive. Earlier, the Minister of Justice and Public Security stated that a “independent research” of the State of São Paulo on the PM operation in Guarujá is “fundamental”. According to the corporation, the action is a response to the murder of police officer Patrick Bastos Reis, shot dead on Thursday (July 27). “Certainly, the images from the cameras will be able to demonstrate whether there was what the state government has reported, that is, a reaction to attacks, or whether there was in fact a breach of the law”Dino said. Flávio Dino also said that the reaction of the São Paulo police after the death of the military police “it doesn’t seem proportionate”. He, however, offered solidarity to the murdered PM’s family and ruled out any type of intervention by the State. “It calls attention to the fact that you have a terrible crime against a police officer, a crime that really deserves repudiation, repulsion, even using a 9 mm pistol, and there was an immediate reaction that does not seem, at this moment, to be proportionate to the crime committed.he stated. OPERATION IN GUARUJÁ São Paulo police ombudsman Claudio Aparecido da Silva told in an interview with GloboNews that townspeople reported torture. Security agents also allegedly promised to kill at least 60 people. Two other deaths await confirmation. The suspect, Erickson David da Silva, 28 years old, is known for acting as a sniper –a professional shooter– in drug trafficking. He was arrested on Sunday (July 30), in the south zone of São Paulo. The Governor of the State, Tarcisio de Freitas (Republicans), announced via Twitter that, in all, 3 involved were arrested. “Justice will be served. No attack on our officers will go unpunished.”he wrote. The suspect of killing a military police officer in São Paulo recorded a video before being arrested asking the state governor and the secretary of Public Security, Guilherme Derrite, to stop the “killing”. Watch (27s):
"Cupincha of the condemned", says Bolsonaro about Flávio Dino
2023-08-01 01:11:31+00:00
2023-07-30 00:00:00
Sebastián Marset, the Uruguayan drug trafficker with a thousand faces, who came to dominate the logistics of drug trafficking through the Hidrovía, escaped again. No one can catch him for three years. He was detected in a mansion where he had lived for ten months in an area that is one of the main cocaine producers in the world. Although he was supposed to be surrounded, and more than 2,200 policemen were looking for him in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Boliviamanaged to flee with his wife and three children. The strangest thing about this plot is that marsetwho used a false identity, had been away since at least 2021, from the ports near Asunción, and through that fluvial highway, more than 40 tons of drugs which ended up being seized in Belgium and the Netherlands. (We recommend you read: James Rodríguez: date and time of his official presentation in Sao Paulo) In his refuge in Bolivia, while he was wanted by the forces of three countries and by the North American DEA, he played in a Bolivian professional soccer team, where he wore the number 23 jersey. The matches were broadcast on social media. Marset has arrest warrants from three countries –Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia– and is required by the USAthrough his drug enforcement agency, the DEA. Marset is also suspected of managing cocaine smuggling through the Paraná-Paraguay Waterway, thanks to his ties to the Brazilian First Capital Command (PCC). At least from 2021, from the ports near Asunción, and through that river highway, more than 40 tons of drugs left that ended up being seized in Belgium and the Netherlands. (You can also read: Video: Dani Alves, prosecuted for sexual assault with bail of 150,000 euros) As reported by the Bolivian Minister of Government, Eduardo Del Castillo, the day before yesterday afternoon, intelligence agents of the Bolivian Police located marset with his wife, Gianina Garcia Troche, of Paraguayan nationality, and their three children, in a mansion in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, but managed to evade the operation. The Bolivian police raided eight properties in Santa Cruz de la Sierra and seized 17 rifles, one pistol, 1,915 ammunition, 28 chargers for various types of weapons, four bulletproof vests, a motorcycle, 31 vehicles, and four quadricycles. (You can also read: The Colombian team receives a terrible attack from the German press: ‘unsportsmanlike’) The Uruguayan drug trafficker has links in Bolivia with the Lima Lobo clan, which is suspected of being one of the operators of the plane who had an accident in Chaco two weeks ago, where they kidnapped 357 kilos of cocaine. THE NATION / GDA ARGENTINA.
Sebastián Marset, the narco with a thousand faces who played professional soccer and escaped
2023-08-01 01:04:38+00:00
2023-08-01 03:35:00
Finally, the corridors of the courts witnessed judicial disputes between divorced people, about increasing alimony, school expenses, custody of children, vision, and others, while family and legal specialists describe some of them as “malicious”, with the aim of taking revenge on the other party, without calculating their psychological and social effects on children, including family disputes. About the appropriate type and level of education for children. The rationale for some cases showed that some divorced foster mothers choose private and foreign schools, with high educational banks, to enroll their children in, which is met with objection by parents, as they believe that children can get a good education in public schools or private schools with expenses commensurate with their capabilities. Finance. Inquiries were received from readers of “Emirates Today” about who has the right to choose the children’s school, whether it is public or private schools, and in the way he sees achieving the goodness of the fostered, especially since this matter is a point of disagreement and lack of understanding between married or divorced fathers and mothers. The legal advisor, Dr. Youssef Al-Sharif, confirmed that “the educational mandate is for the father, regardless of whether the custody of the children is with the mother or others, and therefore the choice of schools is by the father according to his financial ability, but without arbitrariness in that.” He added, “If the school is far from the children’s residence, the father is obligated to provide means of transportation for their transportation to and from it, and to prove the mother’s intention to harm the father in this regard, the father can submit offers for school fees commensurate with his financial ability, and in these cases the execution judge responds.” Al-Sharif stressed the keenness of the Emirati legislator and the concerned authorities in the country to protect children, whether in the event of a continuation of the marital relationship or after the occurrence of divorce, as well as tightening penalties for everything that affects the rights of children and their physical and psychological safety. And the Federal Supreme Court confirmed in the merits of some cases that the education of children, although it is included in the general alimony that the father is obligated towards his son, but it is decided that the study of the child is within the competence of the guardian of the soul and his affairs as the one responsible for his care and preservation of his child, including choosing the type of study and the school that He joins her, and the custodian may not choose a particular school or a private school without his express consent. In an incident witnessed by state courts, a person was convicted of neglecting his daughter, as he did not obtain the necessary identification papers for her, which led to her not joining educational institutions, and he also refused to spend on her completely. In a second case, the Federal Supreme Court rejected a divorced woman’s appeal against a ruling refusing to oblige her divorcee to pay tuition fees for their son in a private school at a value of 74 thousand dirhams, indicating that if the father refuses to enroll his son in a private school, then he is not obligated to pay the fees paid by his divorced woman as long as the possibility of his education In public schools without list fees. In a third case, the court overturned a ruling that increased absolute alimony and private school fees for the fostered children, affirming the right of the guardian to determine which schools his children will attend in all cases, whether public or private. In a fourth case, the Federal Supreme Court upheld the right of a father to transfer his three children from private to public schools, after he filed a lawsuit demanding that his divorced wife hand over their official papers for the transfer procedures. In the merits of the ruling, the court affirmed that the guardian of the soul is entrusted with taking care of the minor, supervising his affairs, preserving him, raising him, disciplining him, directing his life, and preparing him properly, and he has the right to determine the place where he receives education, whether it is public or private schools as he sees fit. Personal status issues The Federal Supreme Court affirmed in the merits of some personal status cases that if the custodian and the guardian of the child in custody differed in matters other than his service, the matter is for the guardian. This includes directing him to a profession, or a specific type of education, or keeping him away from bad companions and places of corruption so that the conflict between the incubator and the guardian does not occur over the soul, when each of them exercises the duty dictated by the right of the fostered, while he is still in the age of custody. In addition, it is established in both Shari’a and law that custody, although the three rights are related to it (the right of the father, the right of the custodian, and the right of the child in custody), however, the right of the child in custody is more important to be observed. Estimating the interest of the fostered child is considered one of the realistic matters that the trial court has to estimate without oversight in that, as long as its judgment is based on plausible and sufficient reasons for carrying it and not wasting the evidence presented in the case.
Choosing children's schools.. a field for judicial disputes between divorced people
2023-08-01 01:11:44+00:00
2023-07-31 00:00:00
Home page politics From: Florian Naumann Split A Koran burning in Stockholm on Monday – how does Ulf Kristersson’s government react? © Montage: Imago/TT/Jonas Ekströmer/fn Two Iraqis set fire to another Koran in Sweden. The country is worried. It has long been in a dilemma. Stockholm – Men in Sweden’s capital Stockholm have again burned a Koran – the new right-wing conservative government is concerned. Shortly before the campaign, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson wrote in an Instagram post that the security situation was “the most serious since the Second World War”. The country now wants to get support. From neighbor Denmark. In talks with the Islam organization OIZ, Stockholm also wants to de-escalate. Sweden has been struggling for a long time to deal with the burning of the Koran. On the one hand there is the value of freedom of opinion – on the other hand, in addition to the question of the limits of this, there is also the concern of retribution. And probably from the anger of Turkey, which has still not formally agreed to Stockholm’s NATO membership. Some actors in Sweden also suspect a “targeted campaign” against the country. Sweden and the burning of the Koran: Anger in Iraq – Prime Minister sees “dangerous” situation On Monday (July 31) the square in front of the Swedish Parliament was the scene of a Koran burning. Two men first trampled on the Muslim Holy Book and then set it on fire, the news agency reported TT. They also kicked pictures of Muslim leaders. Supporters could not be seen – about 15 counter-demonstrators protested. The incident is literally new fuel for a debate that has been smoldering for weeks. Ten days ago, the two men had set fire to a Koran in front of the Iraqi embassy. At the end of June, a similar action in front of a mosque in Stockholm sparked anger in Muslim countries abroad: in Iraq, people stormed the Swedish embassy. In mid-July, the incident repeated itself, and a fire was even set. Kristersson announced measures just on Sunday (July 30). An analysis of the legal situation – and regulatory law – is already underway, he explained. The aim is to “strengthen national security”. The Conservative explained that the situation was “dangerous” and that steps were needed. Apparently it’s about restrictions on provocative rallies. According to Kristersson, he has contacted his Danish counterpart Mette Frederiksen. Denmark also wants to curb the burning of the Koran. Due to regulatory law, the Swedish police are only responsible for the approval of events, not their content. Burning of the Koran: Denmark wants to change the right of assembly – Sweden is apparently seeking advice It is very clear between the lines in both countries that this is a political tightrope act. According to Denmark’s Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Copenhagen wants to devise a “legal tool” to stop the burning of the Koran in front of foreign embassies. The actions were initiated by a small number of people trying to “seed fragmentation in a world that actually needs unity,” said Rasmussen, according to the Ritzau agency. Sweden’s Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom has already contacted the 57 member states of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIZ). In a letter he emphasized a report by the broadcaster SVT according to which there is a constitutional right to freedom of expression. But Billstrom added: “We deeply regret that individuals – some of whom are not fellow citizens – are using these rights to abuse what is sacred as a religion.” Over the years, however, Sweden has offered many Muslims a new home . Koran burnings in Sweden: Two Iraqis currently the main actors – Islamic countries close “front” The background to Billström’s clarification on the nationality of those involved: the Iraqi Salwan Momika has recently appeared as the organizer of the burning of the Koran. He received some support from Salwan Najem, who is also an Iraqi activist. “I will burn it until it is banned,” Najem told the newspaper quickdraws looking at the Koran. The two were also the organizers on Monday. In the past, however, right-wing extremists such as the Dane Rasmus Paludan had also launched such actions. Salwan Momika (right) and Salwan Najem on Monday at their Koran burning in front of the Swedish Parliament. © IMAGO/Oscar Olsson/TT The OIZ foreign ministers wanted to debate the burning of the Koran in Denmark and Sweden on Monday. The historian of ideas Mohammad Fazlhashemi assessed this on Swedish radio SR as a “pretty hard blow” towards Sweden. It is about a “joint condemnation” of the events and a “united front of the Muslim world”. However, there are also calls for tough reactions in Sweden: The conservative newspaper Svenska Dagbladet demanded in an editorial under reference to the violent storms of embassies such as a moratorium on development aid to Iraq. Sweden facing problems: Minister suspects “campaign” – also from Russia The events are also problematic in domestic politics. There are no precise statistics on the number of devout Muslims in Sweden. The US Pew Research Center went in 2017 but from a population share of 8.1 percent. SVT collected partly shaken statements from Islamic citizens in the Rinkeby district of Stockholm on Monday. Young people of the Islamic faith could get the impression that the rule of law does not protect them, warned a student teacher and Koran teacher. According to the report, there was no sign of violence in the district, which was heavily influenced by migrants. Frustration, on the other hand: “Although we were born in Sweden and are fellow Swedish citizens, it might be time to pack up. We are not accepted here,” the broadcaster quoted an interviewee as saying. The current debate is just another aspect of a tense overall situation: Sweden has to face failures in integration policy – as the 2022 election indirectly showed. The Swedish civil defense minister, Carl-Oskar Bohlin, also suspects a targeted campaign behind the uproar over the burning of the Koran – some of it from Russia. The wrong impression is being deliberately spread that Sweden is responsible for the burning of the Koran as a state, he said on Wednesday (July 26). Russia is using these opportunities to promote its agenda in the Moscow-controlled media and TV channels – also to divide the West, polarize Sweden and make NATO accession more difficult. (fn with material from dpa and AFP)
Sweden sees “the most serious situation since World War II”
2023-08-01 01:14:06+00:00
2023-08-01 03:35:00
«Emirates Today» learned that the National Elections Committee approved “We participate for the Emirates” as an official slogan for the Federal National Council elections (2023), and the Emirates committees and promotional platforms began to put the new slogan on their advertisements, official publications, and advertising and indicative banners. The committee completed the formulation and development of a comprehensive media plan aimed at ensuring effective communication with members of society, providing information and guidance on the Federal National Council elections, in all its stages, to citizens inside and outside the country, in addition to implementing media and advertising campaigns to urge citizens to positively participate in the electoral process. In detail, the National Elections Committee is preparing to launch a comprehensive media plan aimed at ensuring effective communication with members of society, and providing information and instructions for the Federal National Council elections, scheduled for next October, in its various stages, for citizens inside and outside the country, through influential official, traditional and electronic channels of communication. According to the plan that will be implemented by the Media Committee (one of the sub-committees), in cooperation with the Election Management Committee and the UAE committees, a communication strategy for the National Elections Committee and its implementation plan will be developed, as well as announcing a list of official spokespeople for the elections, who will be assigned the tasks of communicating with all media since the start of the first stages of the electoral process. Until the announcement of the names of the winning candidates. The plan also includes the formulation and implementation of an awareness campaign for citizens about the Council elections, in coordination with the various media, and the development of a media campaign plan to motivate members of the electoral bodies to participate in the electoral process, in addition to proposing rules governing the use of official media in presenting the programs of candidates in the elections to ensure equality. Equal opportunities for them, with the implementation of any other tasks assigned to the Media Committee by the National Elections Commission. The members were briefed on the proposed slogan for the next round of elections, and the comprehensive media work strategy for everything related to the event, reflecting the progress of the parliament’s development in the country and the gains it has achieved. The Abu Dhabi Emirate Committee launched its first media and promotional campaign aimed at introducing citizens to the importance of participating in the electoral process, by launching a special platform or pavilion for it at the Liwa Dates Festival, through which it works to spread political awareness of the importance of the Federal National Council elections and their role in supporting the continuous process of development, development and modernization in The UAE through the introductory and promotional platform set up by the committee as part of its media plan aimed at motivating members of electoral bodies to participate in the elections. And “Emirates Today” monitored during a visit to the surroundings and headquarters of the Abu Dhabi Emirate Committee in the Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the committee’s pavilion at the Liwa Dates Festival, the presence of the new official slogan for the Federal National Council elections (2023) adorning the walls of the pavilion, which is “We participate for the Emirates”, which aims to urge citizens to become members Electoral bodies at the level of the emirates of the country to actively and positively participate in the electoral process, whether as candidates, voters or volunteers, in order to uphold the values ​​of electoral participation. Representatives of the Abu Dhabi Emirate Committee at the festival seek to inform visiting citizens of the mechanism for searching for their names in the lists of electoral bodies, in addition to providing an explanation about the details of the schedule and dates for registering candidates, and how to join the program to participate in organizing the voting process in the polling centers distributed at the level of the emirates. The country and its regions, during the days of the Federal National Council elections 2023, and introducing citizens to the headquarters of the polling centers located in the emirates of Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and Al Dhafra. It is scheduled that the Media Committee will issue a number of pamphlets, guides, and promotional and educational pamphlets (printed and electronic) to acquaint citizens with the stages and elements of the electoral process, starting with defining an “electoral college member” as “every citizen whose name is mentioned in the electoral college list of the emirate to which he belongs,” and emphasizing However, the voter is considered the most important link in the electoral process, considering that his vote is the only means that guarantees the selection of the fittest elements to represent the people of the Union in the Federal National Council, and who are able to exercise their legislative and oversight powers efficiently and effectively. The series of booklets will contain a number of important information about the election process and voting mechanisms, and the need for the voter to be keen to cast his vote, and to urge other members of the Electoral College to cast their votes, and for each member of the electoral body to exercise the right to vote himself, and the need to reach the electoral center within the time period set for voting.
"We participate for the UAE".. the official slogan for the "National 2023" elections
2023-08-01 01:05:16+00:00
2023-07-31 00:00:00
Tuesday, August 1, 2023, 01:03 copy link WhatsApp Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Telegram The rise in the Euribor, the indicator by which mortgages are governed, closed July at 4.15%, and this figure, the highest since November 2008, is being felt in the business fabric of the Region, although “with more zeros” than in … This content is exclusive for subscribers
Companies in the Region of Murcia fear adjustments at the turn of the summer due to the rise in rates
2023-08-01 01:05:51+00:00
2023-08-01 03:16:21
Despite producing the world’s most popular children’s films, Disney no stranger to obscurity, but a fan theory of “The Lion King” recently confirmed goes beyond what anyone expected. from the mother of Bambi until the scene of the Isle of Pleasures in pinocchiomany movies of Disney they have deliberately dark moments, but it turns out that an unresolved detail from the original “The Lion King” trumps all others. In the original movie, fans learn that due to their insatiable appetites and reckless hunting, the hyenas of the Pride Lands have been banished to the Elephant Graveyard. Ultimately, Scar manages to recruit the hyenas as his personal army by promising them that they will be able to hunt freely, a decision that ends up decimating the ecosystem. However, fans noticed a problem with this situation: if hyenas are banished to a place with virtually no food, how do they survive in such numbers? An obscure fan theory suggested that they routinely cannibalize each other, and now Disney has let fans know that’s 100% true. “Disney Villains: Scar” is a new series from Chuck Brown, Trevor Fraley, Chiara Di Francia and Jeff Eckleberry that covers the days after Simba was born, when Scar began to plot his revenge against Mufasa. In issue #3, after encountering two vultures who offer to introduce him to a possible army, Scar spies a mob of hyenas. Her leader, the terrifying Queen of the Bone Eaters, recognizes that her subjects are starving and declares that Shenzi will be the next sacrifice. The other hyenas attack, attempting to turn the movie character played by Whoopi Goldberg into their food. And this is not an isolated occasion; the Queen specifically says that Shenzi has “ate her fill at banquets like these. Now it’s your turn to be the banquet.” It is certainly incredibly unusual that Disney confirm that a beloved character is a cannibal on a licensed property. Ultimately, confirming that hyenas are cannibalistic is smart in several ways. Firstly, it is true to nature, where hyenas have been known to attack and eat their conspecifics. Second, he cunningly identifies hyenas as beings that exist outside of Mufasa’s famous “Circle of Life,” turning them into an unnatural closed loop. Third, he shows how desperate the hyenas were and why they decided to join Scar despite mistrusting the lions. He can even explain why Scar’s forces destroyed the Pride Lands so quickly; if the hyenas overindulged before their banishment, then years of starvation and cannibalism likely turned them into something worse. Lastly, he adds an extra level of irony to Scar’s ultimate fate; eaten by scavengers whom he promised to feed. It’s always fun to discover dark secrets lurking on property. Disneybut like many of the choices that make “The Lion King” be cool, hyena cannibalism is based on observations about the brutality of nature in real life. Thanks to “Disney Villains: Scar“, the fans of “The Lion KingNow they know how an army of hyenas survived for years without food, and the answer isn’t pretty. Via: screen rant Editor’s note: I love that Disney is opening up to this type of supplemental content. They say villain books are great, I haven’t read any yet but this confirmed theory might convince me once and for all to buy one of those books.
Disney confirms dark theory of The Lion King
2023-08-01 01:11:06+00:00
2023-07-31 00:00:00
Roxana Canedo made history on Peruvian television with his various interviews with politicians and authorities of that time who visited the set of ‘Panorama‘ and ‘Good morning, Peru‘. The press woman was not only admired for her singular beauty and elegance, but she was characterized by her hard research work to know the truth; Besides, the Originally from Bolivia, she was one of the figures of Panamericana TV. After spending nearly a decade in front of the ‘Panorama’ space, Roxana Canedo He decided to retire from national television to return to his native country with his daughter. However, on the last Monday, July 31, The journalist’s death saddened many of her colleagues who once shared a screen on Panamericana TV. Next, we will tell you what happened to the communicator after leaving Peru. YOU CAN SEE: Roxana Canedo, remembered host of Panamericana TV, died this Monday What did Roxana Canedo do after her success in ‘Good morning, Peru’? In the 80’s, Roxana Canedo He achieved great popularity among Peruvian viewers, who tuned in to ‘Good morning, Peru’ every morning and the investigative program ‘Panorama’ on Sundays. After announcing his departure from national television, The Bolivian continued with her activities as a journalist, as her passion for research led her to uncover many emblematic cases in her country. Vanessa Arata announced the death of Roxana Canedo. Photo: Vanessa Arata/Facebook Who announced the death of Roxana Canedo? Was Vanessa Arata Canedo who, through his official Facebook account, announced the death of his mother through a heartfelt message and some photographs of the communicator. “Good morning, Peru! It’s like my mommy: Roxana Canedo-Reyes would have wanted to say goodbye to everyone. She died today, July 31, at 2:00 am, next to me, in La Paz, Bolivia. Journalist forever and until the end of his life. He never stopped fighting for what he believed to be right. Rest in peace,” wrote the daughter of Roxana Canedo. #Roxana #Canedo #journalist #success #Good #morning #Peru #Panorama
Roxana Canedo: what did the journalist do after her success in 'Good morning, Peru' and 'Panorama'?
2023-08-01 01:05:35+00:00
2023-08-01 03:23:00
Forty-year-old Alves, who was still active at the World Cup in Qatar at the end of last year, is said to have raped a woman in a nightclub in Barcelona in December. After an initial denial, he later said that everything was done by mutual consent. The defender has been in a prison outside Barcelona since January 20. Shortly after the case became known, the Mexican club Pumas decided to terminate Alves’ contract.
Dani Alves, who has been detained for five months, has been charged with sexual assault
2023-08-01 01:04:15+00:00
2023-08-01 03:58:08
The vice president met this Monday (July 31) with the investment minister of Saudi Arabia, who handed him the gift The vice-president and minister of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, Geraldo Alckmin (PSB), decided to return to Saudi Arabia a statue in the shape of a camel received as a gift this Monday (31.Jul.2023). The object is made of metals and precious stones. During the afternoon, Alckmin published an image in which he appears receiving the statue delivered by the investment minister of the Arab country, Khalid Al-Falih. The publication, however, was deleted. The vice-president’s advisory said it is common for images and texts published on social networks to change. The statue should be delivered to the Saudi Arabian embassy in Brasília. A document signed by Alckmin’s chief of staff, Pedro Guerra, explains: “With the necessary excuses, we inform you that Brazilian national regulations make it impossible for public authorities to receive gifts of high value, even if used only to show respect and the possibility of convergence of interests in joint actions of reciprocal interest”. read the full (48KB) of the document. The Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, also informed that he will return one ounce of gold received from Al-Falih. By means of a note, the Treasury stated that it follows the guidance of the Secretary of the Federal Revenue, Robinson Barreirinhas. Alckmin and Haddad participated in the opening of the Brazil-Saudi Arabia Investment Forum, held by Fiesp (Federation of Industries of São Paulo). At the event, the vice president stated that he intends to strengthen trade relations between the two countries. Alckmin also highlighted the energy, automobile and, mainly, fertilizer sectors as areas of mutual interest.
Alckmin to return camel statue he won from Saudi Arabia
2023-08-01 01:12:19+00:00
2023-07-26 00:00:00
For years, the Ein Harod kibbutz has thrived in the Jezreel Valley, a fertile plain in northern Israel still scarred by the shocks that accompanied the creation of the Jewish state. On a hill overlooking the kibbutz are the ruins of a Palestinian village which, like others in the area, was destroyed in 1948. Now, Ein Harod, an emblem of early Zionism for Israelis, has become an unlikely home for stories of Arab loss in the valley, told by a family of Palestinian artists whose parents and grandparents were forced to leave their own village near the kibbutz. An exhibition at the kibbutz art museum features the works of five members of the Abu Shakra family and has struck a chord with Israelis, as well as Arabs, trying to understand the traumas suffered by Palestinians. The exhibit, “Spirit of Man, Spirit of Place,” has drawn a record crowd to the small museum, nearly 100,000 since it opened in November. A program built around the exhibit brings together Jewish and Arab children. The works include paintings of the nopales that marked the boundaries of Palestinian villages and were adopted by the Zionists as a symbol of their own identity. A video installation shows a Palestinian matriarch in her final days sharing memories of her loss. Intricate embroidered pieces are splashed with red, representing the violence that has long gripped the region. The project was originally proposed by Said Abu Shakra, 67, during a spasm of Arab-Jewish mob violence two years ago. He explained that his goal was to generate empathy between Arabs and Jews. “I want a dialogue with the Jews in Israel, but a dialogue of equals,” he said. The exhibition comes at a tense time, as generational, social and demographic changes have deepened the rifts in Israel. It has also coincided with the rise of the most right-wing government in Israeli history, which includes members with a record of anti-Arab racism. Galia Bar Or, who curates the show together with Housni Alkhateeb Shehada, a Palestinian-Israeli art historian, said the project “is built on respect and recognition of the pain of the other.” The story highlighted in the exhibit is the event that transformed the landscape surrounding the kibbutz—the creation of the Jewish State of Israel 75 years ago. Palestinians mark the event as the Nakba, or “catastrophe,” referring to the expulsion or flight of some 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and villages in what is now Israel. Relations between the Jewish and Arab communities in the Jezreel Valley area today are mostly cordial. But scars from 75 years ago are still visible. The remains of Qumya, one of the evacuated villages, looms over Ein Harod. As the fighting raged in 1948, Abu Shakra’s mother, Mariam, and her family fled to a Palestinian farming village, Umm al-Fahem. Today that village has grown into a working-class city that stretches into the hills several miles west of the Jezreel Valley. Walid, the eldest of Mariam’s seven children, worked as a clerk in the coastal town of Hadera. The Jewish family who rented a room from him saw one of his drawings and urged him to pursue art. He in time became a full-time artist, creating paintings and engravings of the evocative landscape around Umm al-Fahem. He passed away in 2019, but his art has inspired other members of the family. The installation of his younger brother Said with his mother sharing the last memories of him is one of the main attractions of the retrospective at Ein Harod. When Said proposed holding the exhibit at the kibbutz, the museum agreed without hesitation. “For me, the mission was crystal clear,” said Orit Lev-Segev, the museum’s director. “Create a better reality here.” ISABEL KERSHNER The New York Times
The incredible agricultural farm that serves to tell Arab stories
2023-08-01 01:11:58+00:00
2023-07-31 21:14:48
Temptation Island 2023 streaming and live TV: where to see the sixth episode Tonight, Monday 31 July 2023, at 21.30 on Canale 5 the sixth episode of Temptation Island 2023 will be broadcast, the docu-reality show hosted by Filippo Bisciglia now in its tenth edition. Also this year, unmarried couples between the ages of 20 and 35, with no children in common, will put their love to the test, living for 21 days apart in a luxury resort in the company of tempting singles. At the end of the 21 days (but also during the journey), the couples will meet to decide whether to leave the program together or go out separately. Where to see Temptation Island 2023 on live TV and live streaming? All the information in detail below. On TV The program, as mentioned, is broadcast on Monday evenings at 21.30 on Canale 5. Temptation Island 2023 live stream Not just tv. It will also be possible to follow everything in live streaming via the free platform Mediaset Infinity which allows you to view and review the various Mediaset programs from PCs, tablets and smartphones. How many bets We have seen where to see Temptation Island 2023 on TV and live streaming, but how many episodes are planned on Canale 5? In all, six episodes will be aired: the first on Monday 26 June 2023; the latest – subject to changes – Monday 31 July 2023. Below is the complete schedule (attention: it may vary):
Temptation Island 2023 streaming and live TV: where to see sixth episode
2023-08-01 01:10:54+00:00
2023-08-01 04:30:00
What is the reason that occupational safety and performance deficiencies have not been fixed in the rescue industry? In actual Finland, in Pyhäranta, a large wildfire was extinguished in the summer of 2018. The fire attracted a lot of public attention. The insufficient number of fire fighters, excessively long work shifts and lack of personal protective equipment came to the fore. Based on the incident, the rescue industry identified a need to improve occupational safety and the performance of rescue operations. The wildfire that raged in Kalajoki in the summer of 2021 tested the performance of Finnish rescue operations. About 230 hectares of forest burned in Kalajoki, and to extinguish it, the rescue forces of all rescue agencies in Finland were needed. In the summer of 2021, both the fact that the performance of extinguishing wildfires in Finland is not at an adequate level and the occupational safety deficiencies came up again in the discussions. The discussion and the resulting conclusions, as well as the correction of the shortcomings, would have been necessary. When the wildfire season ended, the important development challenge was quickly forgotten. European in this and previous summers, there have been many uncontrolled and extensive wildfires in the area. The number of fires has increased as climate change intensifies the heat wave. Help to put out the fires has been needed from other countries: Finland has also prepared to send help to put out the forest fires in Portugal. The wildfires in Europe have once again raised the need to improve the performance of the rescue operation in the public debate. Will this conversation also continue for a while, and then the matter will be forgotten again? “ Extinguishing wildfires is an occupational safety risk. Climate change also threatens Finland. It is no longer said that the next big wildfires in Finland will be limited to one fire of around 230 hectares, which the forces are just enough to put out. We are very close to the fact that at the same time several large wildfires may be raging in different parts of Finland. To extinguish these, the performance of the rescue operation must be sufficient. Extinguishing wildfires is an occupational safety risk for rescue personnel. Insufficient protective equipment exposes personnel to toxic smoke gases, which in the worst case causes cancer. The risk can be prevented, for example, by ensuring that all rescue personnel have the necessary protective equipment at their disposal. Significant there have been shortcomings in the rescue operation for much longer than the examples described here. It would be good for an actor outside the rescue services and the Ministry of the Interior to impartially find out why the occupational safety and performance deficiencies in the rescue sector have not been fixed. At the same time, it would be possible to find out why the occupational safety and health authorities have not intervened in the lack of occupational safety in the rescue industry. Isto Kujala executive director 2007–2019 Finnish Association of Contract Fire Brigades Lahti The reader’s opinions are speeches written by HS readers, which are selected and delivered by the HS editors. You can leave an opinion piece or familiarize yourself with the principles of writing at the address
It is necessary to prepare better than at present for extinguishing large wildfires - Pledge Times
2023-08-01 01:05:57+00:00
2023-08-01 00:00:00
According to Dina Shukry, a professor of forensic medicine at Cairo University, the word sphyxia is a Latin word meaning the absence of a pulse, given that when a person loses the ability to breathe, the heart stops and its beat stops, but in fact it may happen when oxygen is prevented that the heart continues to beat until it stops. completely. The head of the Arab League for Forensic Medicine and a member of the Advisory Committee for Forensic Medicine at the International Criminal Court in The Hague adds to Sky News Arabia that oxygen is necessary for the work of the heart muscle, which pumps blood to the tissues of the body and delivers the food and oxygen it needs. Dina explained that there are many types of ecchysia, the most prominent of which are: Strangulation ischemia Hanging isphicia Isphexia holding the breath when air is prevented from the nose and mouth, as oxygen does not reach the body. Suffocation is when the percentage of oxygen decreases in a room and is replaced by non-breathable gas, such as cases of suffocation by water vapor in the bathroom when staying in it for a long time, or an increase in the percentage of carbon dioxide in the room atmosphere instead of oxygen. Asphyxia holding the breath when air is prevented from reaching the mouth and nose, which may lead to death. Drowning isphyxia, where water enters the lungs and displaces oxygen. A member of the Advisory Committee of the International Criminal Court pointed out that the lung is like a piece of sponge, where the identity sacs through the capillaries on its surface absorb oxygen and deliver it to the blood until the heart pumps it through the aorta to the rest of the body, and carbon dioxide comes out with exhalation in the metabolism process. Symptoms of drowning asphyxia And the head of the Arab League for Forensic Medicine found that there are different cases of those whose bodies are found in the water, and forensic medicine can distinguish between those who died asphyxially from drowning or from other causes. He can also know whether the drowning was accidental or for criminal reasons, according to different data: The drowned dead struggles to obtain oxygen, and we find remnants of water that entered his body through the mouth and nose into the trachea and respiratory system, such as algae and some microorganisms. As soon as a person is removed from the water, foam appears on him coming out of the nose and mouth, and it is white in color and has no smell. When pressing on the chest, it comes out more from the mouth and nose, which indicates the death of the person by drowning. We may find in the hand of the drowned person things from the place in which he drowned, such as holding sand, for example, or something else. Microorganisms indicate the place where the person died, sometimes the person drowns in one place and is placed in another place to mislead the authorities about the location of the crime, and these organisms are discovered in the lung and sometimes in the bone marrow, and they indicate that the person was breathing before drowning and as a result of the breathing process Microorganisms have entered the lung. In some crimes, the bodies were thrown into the water after they were killed to give the impression that the death occurred accidentally in the water. The presence of other causes of death, such as stab wounds, bullet wounds, or blows to the head, are factors that suggest death before falling into the water. In cases of suicide, there are factors that prove their occurrence: such as the circumstances of the case and whether there were previous attempts to commit suicide, such as attempting to cut arteries, or taking drugs, in addition to the existence of a history of mental illness, and the circumstances before the accident. Suicides are not only related to the medical examination, but rather a complete picture through which we judge the person’s life and behavior, and we suggest what happened after that. Dina Shoukry, a professor of forensic medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, advises to follow the instructions and not to go down to the water in high-risk areas, and to be aware of the need to adhere to the advice of specialists in this regard, and the need for rescuers and paramedics to be near water bodies and listen to their advice, with the importance of having specialists in rapid initial resuscitation to save cases. that call for it.
Drowning isphicia between fate and fate, suicide and the criminal accident
2023-08-01 01:12:31+00:00
2023-08-01 01:40:37
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The possible formation of River to play with Inter de Porto Alegre for the Eighth Final of the Copa Libertadores
2023-08-01 01:12:49+00:00
2023-08-01 00:00:00
Associate Professor Valishvili: zero commission and control of the Central Bank make the digital ruble profitable The digital ruble, the law on the gradual implementation of which came into force in August 2023, has a number of beneficial advantages for Russians. They were named by Associate Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Finance of the PRUE. Plekhanov Meri Valishvili in an interview with Prime agency. “Not only the state is interested in the introduction of a digital form of the national currency, but also business, and directly citizens,” Valishvili said. Digital rubles can be paid in cash or non-cash, they also have a number of advantages in comparison with the usual means of payment: zero commission for transfers through a digital wallet, regardless of location, lack of connection to specific banks and their conditions. Also, the wallet will work offline, which will allow you to pay even in the absence of the Internet. Finally, all transactions will be transparent and controlled by the Central Bank (CB) of Russia. Valishvili considers the limited functionality to be a drawback of the project – you can only pay with a digital ruble, but you can’t, for example, take a loan. However, in her opinion, this is temporary, and the functions will be expanded in the future. Earlier, the Chairman of the Bank of Russia, Elvira Nabiullina, reported that in 2024 the possibility of digital ruble transfers between legal entities would be organized. Mass implementation is planned for 2025.
The Russians called the benefits of paying with a digital ruble
2023-08-01 01:06:03+00:00
2023-08-01 04:36:28
Edinson Cavani will burn his last cartridges on the banks of the La Plata river. It will not be in his native Uruguay, but in Argentina. Boca Juniors has presented him this Monday afternoon as a star reinforcement, with a half-full stadium and overflowing joy. The 36-year-old Uruguayan forward, who spent half his life between the Italian, English, French and Spanish leagues, will play for the next year and a half in Buenos Aires. “We talk so much about you that it seems like an optical illusion,” said the club’s president, Jorge Ameal, when presenting it to the press. His arrival had been a rumor in every transfer market for almost three years. “Things happen when they have to happen”, Cavani responded. “There is no club like Boca to follow the last steps of my career.” He Bullfighter He comes to a rebuilding team. Boca Juniors finished the last Argentine Super League in seventh place, after chaining unusual defeats in their mythical stadium, firing a coach, and seeing their greatest rival, River Plate, proclaimed champion after setting the pace throughout the season. To save the year he still has the Copa Libertadores, which the club won six times and which has become his great obsession since he lifted it for the last time in 2007. This Wednesday he plays his first game for the round of 16 against Nacional from Uruguay. Fans dream of his debut during that away game two days after arriving in Buenos Aires. Second all-time goalscorer for the Uruguayan team –only behind his teammate Luis Suárez–, and top scorer for his nationality in the Champions League, Cavani arrives at Boca after 16 years in Europe. He was a star at Palermo and Napoli in Italy, a star signing for Paris Saint-Germain and a record pass in the French league, leader at Manchester United in England, and he began his decline during the last Spanish season at Valencia. Cavani arrives with few minutes of play. His last official match was on May 28, when he played just 8 minutes in the 2-2 draw against Espanyol for the penultimate date of LaLiga. Valencia, who ended up saving themselves from relegation and sent their rival to second place, had trusted the Uruguayan to unlock their crisis. He was not essential: between injuries and poor performance, he played just 23 games as a starter and scored seven goals. Boca receives him hooked on his name more than his latest results. Fans have been waiting for it for years. His pass began to be a rumor in mid-2020, when Cavani ended his contract with PSG and ended up signing on the closing of the transfer market with Manchester United. In August of last year, while the striker said goodbye to England and searched for a club, dozens of fans even decided to go and wait for him at one of the Buenos Aires airports. The sports media had spent that winter talking about his imminent arrival and, on that Sunday, August 7, with the South American transfer market about to close, his arrival was taken for granted. Cavani ended up signing with Valencia, but confirmed the rumor. “We have been in contact for a few years now,” he admitted in an interview weeks later. Juan Román Riquelme, current vice president and great idol of Boca, had been whispering in his ear since the Uruguayan played in Paris. The joy of half of Argentina is absolute. His arrival is one of the great blows to the table that one of the most popular teams in the country has given in recent years. Cavani follows in the footsteps of Carlos Tévez, who in 2015 resigned to remain one of the best players in Europe to return to Boca Juniors, or that of the Italian Daniele de Rossi, one of the historic captains of Roma, who decided to venture into the xeneize to end his career. The La Boca neighborhood received them with their overflowing love, although neither of them achieved great results. Cavani summoned a crowd this Monday at La Bombonera. “Boca is the biggest club in South America and the world,” he said in the morning, recently arrived from Spain. The fans who came to receive it will be reminded of it during each game. Subscribe here to the EL PAÍS America newsletter and receive all the latest news in the region.
Edinson Cavani ignites the madness of Boca Juniors
2023-08-01 01:09:25+00:00
2023-08-01 03:30:00
El Legion Go sería una nueva PC portátil enfocada en videojuegos de Lenovo y comienzan a aparecer detalles acerca de lo que ofrece…o-Legion-Go.webp
Lenovo is also developing its laptop to compete with Asus and Valve | EarthGamer That according to the sources of a well-known medium. The name is preliminary and from what has been leaked it will work based on MS Windows 11. The idea is that the platform has the highest level of compatibility with computer games. Similar to the Steam Deck and ROG Ally, the Lenovo Legion Go will also use AMD Phoenix processors to run. But what will be different is regarding its screen. We recommend: Asus presents all the details of ROG Ally its new portable console. This will have a measure of eight inches, that is, 20.32 cm. That makes it larger than the one handled on the Valve and Asus systems, which measure seven inches (17.78 cm). According to the report, this new device could have an appearance similar to the Legion Play. Fountain: Valve (Steam Deck). This is another invention of the company that was based on Android, Google’s mobile operating system. However, it was never generally available to the public. At the moment there is no information about when the Lenovo Legion Go could come out. Neither in relation to its price but it is possible that it is consistent with similar systems. The idea is to be competitive against similar offers in the industry. Some point out that the fact that the Legion Go is powered by Ryzen chips would ensure that it is part of Lenovo’s Legion gaming brand. As expected, only this company can confirm the existence of the Legion Go, so it is worth keeping an eye on. Fountain: Lenovo (LegionPlay). Something you should have is a removable battery that is easy to change by the user. This is necessary due to new European Union legislation. With details from Windows Central. Apart from the Lenovo Legion Go we have more technology information at EarthGamer. Follow our news on Google news so as not to miss any. (Visited 3 times, 3 visits today)
Lenovo is also developing its laptop to compete with Asus and Valve
2023-08-01 01:13:34+00:00
2023-07-31 11:39:04
Until the first Tuesday of November 2024, when he hopes to be re-elected president of the United States, Donald Trump has ahead of him a calendar with dates marked twice in red. On the one hand, those of the three civil and two criminal trials, which could be more if a new charge is confirmed in Washington for electoral interference in 2020 and 2021, including the assault on the Capitol, and a probable announcement of charges in Georgia, also for trying to reverse the electoral result. On the other, there are the main appointments of the primaries, in which according to the polls he has a wide advantage over his Republican rivals, exceeding 50% support in many of them. Between one date and another, a disturbing zigzag draws the roadmap of the first accused president in US history, with derivatives and script twists typical of Hollywood. The latest came on Thursday, when Trump was indicted on three new charges in the Mar-a-Lago papers case, for attempting to destroy video surveillance footage of his mansion and for obstruction of justice. In addition to Trump and his assistant Walt Nauta, who had already pleaded not guilty, the case included a third defendant, Carlos de Oliveira, the manager of Mar-a-Lago, for allegedly executing the order to destroy the material. De Oliveira, who started working as a butler two decades ago and was promoted to manager in 2022, will appear this Monday in Florida for the reading of the charges. A fourth employee, to whom the manager would have entrusted the assignment, also appears in the new accusation. If the start dates of the criminal trials are maintained ―March 25 for the stormy daniels case, paying black money to hushed up an extramarital affair, and on May 20, for the Mar-a-Lago papers, for withholding confidential information—Trump could clinch the GOP presidential nomination before voters know if has been convicted of any of the charges (37 in the first case and 40, after adding the last three, in the second). But his criminal ordeal may become more tangled if special counsel Jack Smith indicts him, at any time, for his 2020 election meddling, which led to the January 6, 2021 storming of the Capitol, and if the Fulton County district attorney , Fani Willis, announces on September 1, or perhaps before, charges against him for the alleged attempted pot hole in Georgia. Pending the motions of Smith and Willis, Trump’s first criminal trial – for falsifying business records to conceal the payment of money to porn actress Stormy Daniels in exchange for her silence – is scheduled for March 25, 2024, less than three weeks after the super tuesdaywhen more than a dozen states will vote in the primaries. In Florida, Judge Aileen Cannon, who was appointed by him and enjoys his sympathies – he made it explicit, sowing doubts about the process -, set the date for the start of the second criminal trial, for the Mar-a-Lago papers, by May 20, 2024, when most of the primaries will be over and the final stretch of the campaign will be faced. Until election day 2024, Trump also faces three civil trials, the first of which is scheduled for October 2, for alleged civil fraud, a case being investigated by the New York Attorney General, Letitia James, and in the that the tycoon, the Trump Organization and his eldest sons are accused. Join EL PAÍS to follow all the news and read without limits. subscribe On January 15, 2024, the same day of the caucuses of Iowa ―the starting signal for the primaries―, Trump will be tried for defaming, again, the writer E. Jean Carroll, who has asked for greater compensation, of ten million dollars (just over nine million euros) , after being disqualified again by the tycoon on CNN one day after learning of his five million dollar sentence for sexually abusing her in the 1990s and for defaming her in 2019, when she was in the White House. Two weeks later, on January 29, the Republican faces trial in a federal class action lawsuit that accuses him and his organization of promoting a Ponzi scheme, with get-rich-quick promises to lure clients while receiving “large secret payments.” ” of the companies he was promoting. His emporium, the Trump Organization, has already been sentenced to a million-dollar fine for tax fraud. Trump, before a rally at the Erie Insurance Arena in Pennsylvania on Saturday. JEFF SWENSEN (Getty Images / AFP) Defense delaying maneuvers Trump’s defense, on which he has spent $43 million so far this year, maintains that he cannot have a trial – or trials – just before the election, and has opted for a delaying strategy. In it stormy daniels case, tried unsuccessfully to transfer the case from the state court that accused him to a federal court, which he considers more favorable to his interests, but a judge ruled on July 19 against the change of jurisdiction. In Florida, however, he was able to get Judge Cannon to delay the trial until the spring, since prosecutors wanted to start in December. In New York, he has sued Carroll for defamation, unsuccessfully, and tried to torpedo the investigation of prosecutor James, even resorting to a complaint against her. The procrastination strategy would serve no purpose other than to buy time for the presidency, giving him the opportunity to install like-minded Justice Department officials or even try to pardon himself if he is convicted in any of the cases. Neither the indictment itself nor a conviction would prevent Trump from running or winning the 2024 election. Oblivious to discouragement, Trump continues to turn each judicial setback into a coup, cheered by his thunderous capital letters in the messages he publishes on Truth Social, which accuse the Joe Biden Administration of persecuting him for political reasons. But he also invectives at his Republican challengers in the party’s primary. In a massive event of the party, held on Friday in Des Moines (Iowa), the 12 opponents present, including the second in the race, Ron DeSantis, avoided criticizing him, a gesture that Trump did not reciprocate. Instead, he lashed out at them, especially the governor of Florida. “I wouldn’t risk it for that one,” the former president joked, citing polls suggesting he would easily defeat Joe Biden while DeSantis would lose to the Democrat. The format of the act, the so-called Lincoln Dinner, gave 10 minutes of speech to each applicant. It took two hours before Trump spoke, but in just three minutes he ripped DeSantis apart, calling him a “globalist of the establishment” and “DeSanctis”, short for the nickname DeSanctimonious (of sanctimoniousbeato or meapilas in English). On Saturday, at a rally in Erie (Pennsylvania), one of the states that benefited him in 2016, he again criticized DeSantis (“he’s almost finished”) and mocked the “ridiculous charges” against him, warning that with they prosecutors “have opened Pandora’s box.” “The lunatic radical Democrats impeach me, accuse me, rig our elections (…). When we win the election, I will appoint a real special prosecutor to show the monumental corruption of the Biden crime family, ”he reiterated. The candidate threatened Republicans not to help him get revenge, calling them tame, and urged them to launch investigations against Democrats if they don’t want to risk losing their seats. The idea of ​​a impeachment against Biden has gained traction this past week among congressional Republicans. The Republican has made his legal challenge a centerpiece of his campaign, a strategy that will likely intensify if he is elected as the Republican nominee in the primary. As he proved the imputation of him in April by the stormy daniels case, the criminal charges have been a boost to his fundraising. The campaign announced it had raised more than $4 million in the 24 hours after that allegation was made public, smashing its previous record, following the FBI search of the Mar-a-Lago club a year ago now. Doubts about Biden’s age (he is 80, Trump 77) and the existence of Democratic candidates like Robert Kennedy Jr., who is reducing support for the president, also play in his favor. However, the seriousness of the Mar-a-Lago case marks a difference from the other causes of a political nature (electoral interference and assault on the Capitol and Georgia) because it involves possession of classified documents, a violation, among others, of the called Espionage Law. Prosecutors accuse the former president of attempting to “alter, destroy, mutilate, or conceal evidence” and inducing another person to do so in order to obstruct a federal investigation into his possession of classified documents. The third charge added Thursday was knowingly withholding national defense information related to plans for military activity in another country. It is an attack plan, presumably on Iran, that Trump showed in July 2021 to two guests at his Bedminster (New Jersey) golf resort. He repeated the joke ―there is an audio of the Republican joking about the content― with a member of his team; none of those people had authorization from the State Department to see it. The main charges carry a penalty of up to 20 years in prison. Follow all the international information on Facebook and Twitteror in our weekly newsletter.
Trump faces a primary campaign peppered with court dates
2023-08-01 01:07:25+00:00
2023-07-31 22:49:10
Las actrices de voz de Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury declararon abiertamente la boda de las protagonistas y causaron un revuelo.…TierraGamer.webp
Gundam Proves It’s Still Liberal And Reveals Its First LGBT Wedding the saga of Gundam is recognized for addressing issues that are conflictive for society (particularly for the Japanese), however, in a bold way, the series manages to make different proposals for opening up diversity in general, from political issues to sexual orientation. Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury He showed again that he keeps his narrative directed towards progress and diversity. The voice actresses of Suletta Mercury (Kana Ichinose) and Miorine Rembran (Lynn) confirmed in an interview that the girls had gotten married. Although there is no adaptation of the event as such, fans noticed the classic wedding rings in addition to some interesting dialogues such as references to naming a relationship (sister-in-law). Source: Studio Sunrise Statements from the original interview are as follows: “Kana Ichinose: ‘The scene where the two leaned towards each other in the epilogue was great. After 3 years, the two became even closer, and seeing them married, trusting each other really touched me‘. Lynn: ‘I hope Miorine looks forward and continues to walk her path with a smile.’ Kana Ichinose: ‘I bet that no matter what happens in the future, the two of them will be fine. I wish you happiness for the rest of your lives’”. However, the bliss did not last long. the print outlet edited the statements and completely removed the direct reference to the marriage between the girls. The fans demanded statements and the study of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury was forced to offer a position and an explanation in an open manner: “Thank you for your continued support of ‘Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury’. Really we appreciate. Regarding the interview article appearing in the September 2023 issue of Monthly Gundam Ace, we deeply apologize for any confusion caused to all who support the work, referring to discrepancies in certain descriptions between the print magazine and the magazine. electronic version. In the said article, there were statements based on speculation from the editorial staff of Gundam Ace. Despite requesting corrections during the proofreading process, the necessary adjustments were not implemented, and the journal was published on July 26 with discrepancies remaining. As representatives of the work, we leave the interpretation and understanding of the main story to each and every one of you who read it. We hope you enjoy the work. After consulting with the Gundam Ace editorial department, the description for the electronic version has been appropriately modified as originally requested and is currently available. Once again, we sincerely apologize for causing great inconvenience and concern to all who support the work. We humbly ask for your continued support.” Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury It has a narrative that suggests progress, it is a pity that they have not encouraged the wedding between the protagonists. We recommend you: Gundam Evolution debuts on Steam and will make you feel like you’re in a Mobile Suit Where can I watch Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury? Crunchyroll has available all 25 episodes of The Witch From Mercury. Also the delivery of Gundam Build Divers (two seasons with 50 chapters), and Gundam Build Fighters (two seasons with 50 chapters). You can a round for discord and don’t miss the news on Google news. (Visited 30 times, 30 visits today)
Gundam Proves It's Still Liberal And Reveals Its First LGBT Wedding
2023-08-01 01:03:27+00:00
2023-08-01 03:35:00
The Department of Health in Abu Dhabi revealed its intention to accredit three new centers of excellence in the emirate, the first for adult heart surgery, and the second for pediatric heart surgery, in addition to the Obesity Surgery Center, indicating that they will be announced soon, bringing the number of centers of excellence in the emirate to six centers after accreditation Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi Hospital, and Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City, two centers of excellence in stroke in Abu Dhabi, and the Abu Dhabi Stem Cell Center, a center of excellence for bone marrow transplantation. In detail, the department emphasized that centers of excellence are specialized health care facilities that are characterized by high expertise, advanced technologies and programs, and possess the latest innovations, which enable them to perform complex medical procedures in specialized clinical areas, conduct advanced research, and provide the highest levels of care in accordance with the best international practices for patients. She stressed the focus on six basic elements when evaluating the facility’s eligibility to be a center of excellence, including clinical outcomes, patient experience and safety, quality of services provided, the extent of satisfaction and interaction of the facility’s employees, the facility’s educational and research program, in addition to residency and training programmes. The health facility is taken into account when classifying centers of excellence. She indicated that she had launched the Centers of Excellence program in a move aimed at highlighting licensed health facilities that provide the best levels of distinguished health care in specific and specialized medical fields, which enables selected health facilities to become a center of excellence to continue providing the finest expertise and multidisciplinary care resources that focus on Provides treatment services for the most complex health conditions within specific clinical areas, in order to return the best therapeutic results to patients. The department added that centers of excellence play a pivotal role in its efforts to achieve its vision of “Abu Dhabi is a healthy society” on the physical and psychological levels, by encouraging excellence in the provision of health care by integrating science and technology with best operational practices, and centers of excellence also support the department’s endeavors aimed at raising the efficiency of the sector. health care in the emirate and ensuring its sustainability, thus contributing to the consolidation of Abu Dhabi’s position as a leading destination for healthcare in the world. The Department indicated that the difference between centers of excellence and other health facilities is that the Center of Excellence offers a specialized program within the health care facility, approved by the Department of Health in Abu Dhabi, to provide complex medical procedures in specific clinical areas. To obtain the Center of Excellence accreditation, health care facilities need to prove their capabilities and potential, the competence of their doctors, their contribution to advancing medical research and continuing medical education, and most importantly clinical results and the provision of the highest levels of care. complex procedures The Department of Health in Abu Dhabi confirmed that the aim of launching centers of excellence is to ensure that patients who need the most complex clinical procedures receive the highest levels of care in accordance with international best practices and in line with the requirements of the Center of Excellence, noting that non-residents in the UAE can be referred for treatment in Center of Excellence, provided that treatment coverage is by self-payment or through the patient’s medical insurance coverage.
3 new centers of excellence in heart and obesity surgeries
2023-08-01 01:07:19+00:00
2023-08-01 04:30:00
Hay un par de breves videos de dos de los personajes de Goblin Slayer 2, la segunda temporada del anime que saldrá en lo que queda de 2023…word-Maiden.webp
Goblin Slayer 2 reveals the renewed design of one of its most popular waifus | EarthGamer It is through a couple of videos that his new appearance for the next wave of episodes can be appreciated. Those who expected a big change in terms of its appearance will be disappointed. Although the Guild Girl and Sword Maiden designs from goblin slayer 2 they are from another designer are not much different from the originals. We recommend: Goblin Slayer II shows the new design of one of the favorite girls of the series. In fact, the elements of their clothing are the same and the same can be said of the shape of the characters’ bodies. One of the reasons they are similar is that fans already have a clear idea of ​​what they should look like. But there is another and that is that they cannot deviate from the line used in the series. Fountain: Twitter. Especially the light novel and the path marked by Noboru Kannatsuki, who is the designer of the illustrations. So Hiromi Katou, who is replacing Takashi Nagayoshi in goblin slayer 2is handling a very similar style. There are some slight differences but the Guild Girl and the Sword Maiden are almost the same. All the designs shown so far of other characters don’t look too different from the work done by White Fox. For unspecified reasons White Fox was unable to work on goblin slayer 2 and now it is the work of LIDEN FILMS. This company is responsible for Tokyo Revengers and other series. Fountain: Twitter. Although an anime preview is available, it doesn’t show much, and a more formal one is needed that shows the work of this animation house. As for the premiere of the anime, it will be in 2023 and everything suggests that it will be next fall. Apart from goblin slayer 2 we have more anime information at EarthGamer. Follow our news on Google news so as not to miss any. (Visited 8 times, 8 visits today)
Goblin Slayer 2 reveals the renewed design of one of its most popular waifus
[ "Estadão Content" ]
2023-08-01 01:14:17+00:00
2023-08-01 05:35:00
Estadão Contenti Estadão Content 07/31/2023 – 21:05 Share The Secretary of Partnerships and Investments of the State of São Paulo, Rafael Benini, stated that the São Paulo government wants to avoid the so-called “Eletrobras risk” in the privatization of Sabesp. “We want the State to have a stake (in Sabesp, after privatization) similar to the lock (shareholders’ stake) so that the same thing that happened to Eletrobras doesn’t happen, the Eletrobras risk,” said Benini to the Political Broadcast. The secretary referred to the action in which the Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva government questioned, in the Federal Supreme Court (STF), the rules for the privatization of Eletrobras. The petista wants greater decision-making power in the company. According to Benini, the episode generated fear in the financial market, and the government of São Paulo wants to define a model of privatization that gives greater legal security to future shareholders. “What we heard a lot from the market is that this has become a risk. People want to avoid. Depending on the participation that the State is going to stay, more or less that’s where we’re going to put the lock”, explained the holder of the SPI. Also according to Benini, the idea of ​​putting a lock on participation for shareholders is a way of spraying governance in the company and preventing it from having a single controller. “I don’t want to sell Sabesp to someone, I don’t want it to have another controller, it has to block everyone’s participation.” The secretary stated that it is still not known what the lock will be, but the government’s desire is for it to be greater than that of Eletrobras, which was 10%, and less than 30%. “I won’t go over 30% because, from 30% onwards, he becomes a shareholder. I don’t want a controller. I want to spread it out, but I don’t want to spread it out so much, but I still want to have shareholders who can influence the company’s management.”
We want to avoid at Sabesp what happened to Eletrobras, says Rafael Benini
2023-08-01 01:12:12+00:00
2023-08-01 00:36:39
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion it was an unprecedented international success that it brought Bethesda on the top of the videogame panorama, which then culminated with the masterpiece that inherited the “gene” or, Skyrim which still rages on all platforms around the planet today. According to statements by a former employee at Virtual Gamesthe development studio would be working on five different projects, of which the most substantial known as Project Altar, should be a remake or remastered version of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. According to the rumor appeared on the net following the statements of this source, it would seem that the company has developed the game with the Unreal Engine 5 graphics engine while the original spun alongside the latter. The game physics and related gameplay for the moment appear to be however remained faithful to the original version of the game. The source declares that depending on the final version they want to put on the market, whether this is a remastered or a real remaketimes could be longer. On average the game may be ready for next December 2024 or at the latest, in first quarter of 2025which would give ample scope to the last stages of development probably speaking.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion a remake is possible
2023-08-01 01:03:44+00:00
2023-08-01 02:22:17
It has been claimed that the studio collaborating on the upcoming remake of Metal Gear Solid 3 is also working on a remake of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. A Reddit user, purportedly a former Virtuos employee, made the claim in a since-deleted post on the GamingLeaksAndRumors subreddit (as reported by Xfire). The subreddit’s moderators are said to have verified the authenticity of the former Virtuos employee, and if this verification process was accurate, it could lend more credibility to his claims. According to the user, Virtuos is working on five different projects, of which the remake of Metal Gear Solid 3 it’s just one. The user claims that the studio is also working on a project called ‘Altar’, which they say is a remake or remastering of Oblivion which will use a ‘matchmaking system’ which will run the game on Unreal Engine 5 and the engine Oblivion. “For example, the new graphics will be rendered in the project of Unreal Engine 5, but most of the gameplay, physics, etc. will still be done on engine Oblivion“, they affirm. They also say that the project will be released in late 2024 or early 2025, “mainly depending on whether it’s a remake or a remaster,” and that the game is primarily being developed at Virtuos’ Paris studio. Other projects that Virtuos is working on, according to the user, are ‘massive‘ (described as “Monster Hunter crossed with Shadow of the Colossus“), an expansion for the MMO of Amazon New World and a narrative climbing game codenamed ominous. Via: VGC Editor’s note: Wait, I haven’t finished the V yet and the IV is coming again? Damn!
A remake of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is already in the works
[ "Marlou Heskes" ]
2023-08-01 01:10:41+00:00
2023-08-01 05:30:00
After two weeks of enjoying French cheese and wine, a visit to the gym is essential. Overconfident, I decide to do a trendy group lesson after the training. Quite a challenge with my rickety motor skills. Fortunately, one Sandra turns out to be an even bigger klutz. The instructor fanatically corrects her throughout the lesson. When I walk out satisfied, the instructor comes running: “Sorry, I thought your name was Sandra.” Readers are the authors of this column. An Ikje is a personal experience or anecdote in a maximum of 120 words. Submit via [email protected]
klutz - Pledge Times
2023-08-01 01:13:48+00:00
2023-07-31 00:00:00
Home page politics From: Bettina Menzel Split Footage released by the North Korean intelligence service shows North Korean missiles being launched in 2019. Pyongyang apparently wanted to supply missiles to Russia. © IMAGO/UPI Photo/KCNA Ukraine appears to be in possession of Soviet-era North Korean rocket launchers. They have already been used in the Ukraine war. KIEV – Ukraine is using North Korean weapons in battles against Russian troops, as if from a report of Financial Times emerges. According to Kiev, the rocket launchers from Pyongyang had previously been captured by Russian forces. But there is a second version of how the country came into possession of the weapons. Ukraine captures weapons from North Korea The Ukrainian Defense Ministry announced that the missiles would come from the Russian armed forces. “We’re capturing their tanks, we’re capturing their equipment, and there’s a good chance this is also the result of a successful military operation by the Ukrainian army,” said Yuriy Zak, an adviser to Ukraine’s defense minister. A “friendly” country had “seized” the missiles from a ship, Ukrainian soldiers said Financial Times did not want to give any further details. It is said to be a rocket launcher from Soviet times. Ukrainian artillerymen said that the approximately 40-year-old weapons had a high dud rate. “They are very unreliable and do crazy things sometimes,” said one soldier Financial Times. According to the labeling on the rocket launchers, the majority were manufactured in the 1980s and 90s. Still, Ukraine’s weapons are helping: “We need every missile we can get,” commented one artillery commander. According to the US newspaper, the rocket launchers have so far been used near Bakhmut. As early as June, photographers had taken pictures in which Ukrainian soldiers were apparently in possession of the rockets and were loading them into a Grad rocket launcher in Orikhiv in the Zaporizhia Oblast. At the time of the recordings, the weapons had not yet been identified as North Korean. Missiles from North Korea: Moscow and Pyongyang are negotiating arms deliveries from the US perspective Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu had traveled to North Korea last week. According to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, this was used to procure weapons for the Ukraine war. Blinken strongly doubts that Shoigu is “holidaying” in North Korea, the US Secretary of State said during a visit to Australia. “We see that Russia is desperate for support, for weapons wherever it can find them, to continue its aggression against Ukraine.” Kim Jong-un is considered one of the few remaining allies of Russian President Vladimir Putin. At his meeting with Shoigu last week, the North Korean dictator reiterated “that the Russian armed forces and the Russian people have great success ahead of them.” The countries had also reaffirmed their military cooperation. Pyongyang has denied that North Korea is supplying weapons to Moscow. Kim Jong Un (right), ruler of North Korea, during a meeting with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu in Pyongyang on July 27, 2023. © —/KCNA via KNS/AP/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++ As early as March, however, Washington had seen signs that Moscow was negotiating with Pyongyang to swap arms for food. From the US perspective, the Wagner Group had received arms deliveries from North Korea, as National Security Council spokesman John Kirby announced last year. The head of the mercenary army, Yevgeny Prigozhin, dismissed this “gossip and speculation”. (bme with material from AFP/Reuters).
Ukraine intercepts weapons from North Korea
2023-08-01 01:13:06+00:00
2023-08-01 04:37:56
This is the web version of Americanas, the newsletter of EL PAÍS America in which it addresses news and ideas with a gender perspective. If you want to subscribe, you can. in this link. Afro-Colombian communities have coined the concept of ‘living tasty’ as a counterweight philosophy to neoliberal development policies. The practice of good living and tasty living are a form of resistance against racism. A similar reference — perhaps drawing on the reflections of the black feminisms of the last century — has been booming, particularly in the women’s movements of Latin America. Luciana Peker (49 years old, Argentina) is one of its most prolific authors. Your book Greedy Whore (2018) laid the foundations to deepen the urgency and validity of fighting for a feminism of jouissance. Peker, with a career of more than two decades covering gender issues in different media in the region, argues that defending the right to enjoyment is a powerful tool to subvert machismo. “It is necessary to end violence to be able to enjoy and at the same time it is very important to claim enjoyment to fight against violence,” he explains in a dialogue with Americanas. In his latest book, Sex me, love and sex in the era of desiring women (2020), continues this exploration of knowing we are joyful and how desire has been a mobilizing engine for women. In addition, she brings to the feminist debate a concept that not even the Royal Academy of Language has considered and for which sectors of the extreme right have criticized her: the word desiring. Yes, women as active subjects of their pleasure. “It doesn’t matter what they want: whether to be mothers or never to be, whether to cook puddings or never go to the stove, whether to be presidents or boycott the airlines, whether to kiss each other or be them… What bothers is desire. Desiring women are scary,” she wrote. And it is that going head-on against social mandates is not an easy task for those who for years have been blamed for expressing what they want and how they want it in different areas of life. “When we could remove certain blame, others arrived. Guilt has been reinvented.” A phenomenon that is not new, because as many activists have stated, in countries where abortion is legally decriminalized, it took several more years to be socially decriminalized. And when street harassment has finally been denatured, and with effort, harassment appeared on social networks. But the guilt does not come alone. The author refers to the fact that she often accompanies the revenge of men who fear losing the hegemony of pleasure and power. In sex me, The journalist exposes how these disputes have been the seeds for the birth of new violence against women or sexual dissent, an example of which is the growing digital gender violence. When women learned to enjoy our bodies, ‘revenge porn’ was born, or artificial intelligence has been used as another weapon against us. The wave of digital gender violence has been such that in some Latin American countries such as Colombia, where the Constitutional Court called for legislating on the subject, or in Mexico, where the ‘Olympia Law’ was promoted, they have sought to make it a crime . Affronts that show that what is bothering is the autonomy of women over their bodies, but also that the revolution of pleasure is at the heart of the fight for the abolition of the patriarchal system, or in the words of Peker: “Feminism turned the idea of pijocentric [falocéntrica] of love and desire. And we do not want to hit it with the droplet, but to rearm a new game ”. Enjoyment for the new generations “Thinking intersectionally is necessarily thinking about the party of young women and their care,” Peker explained in the workshop. Narratives of jouissance, which he dictated a few weeks ago in Bogotá as part of the eleventh edition of the Gabo Festival. An allusion to the new generations of feminists that is no coincidence in her work and that is expanded in her book The Daughters Revolution (2019). This title became a slogan in Argentina in the midst of the so-called ‘green tide’, promoted in particular by the youngest, and which achieved the partial legalization of the voluntary interruption of pregnancy in that country. Among the hundreds of young people who tied the green scarf in their school backpack was Uma, daughter of the journalist. It was precisely to her and to her generation that he dedicated her writing, which not only talks about the right to abortion, but is full of intertwining intergenerational testimonies. And they give an account of the powerful struggle that girls and adolescents have been waging against sexual harassment in schools, a battle that has been replicated throughout Latin America. Peker also points out that strengthening this awareness of the freedom of desire has led to a more fluid sexuality of sexual diversities and young women. Not surprisingly, in cities like Bogotá, events like the most recent pride march ‘LGBTIQ+’ was the most massive in forty years of history. A generation that has taken key steps, but that owes a lot to the work of the writer of The Daughters Revolutionmany who, like her, have said out loud what historically women wanted to say or, at least, have echoed those invisible voices. Because there, in journalism, jouissance is also the engine of creation. Other writers such as María del Mar Ramón or Tamara Tenenbaum have enriched other ways of representing jouissance feminism and have shown that these other narratives are possible and necessary. And it is that, as without hesitation, the Argentine journalist closed her workshop in Bogotá: “The word is transformative and dynamic. Our fight also seeks action, enjoyment and poetry”. These are our recommended articles of the week: The man, whose name has not been revealed, is now 46 years old and is the nephew of Mario Roberto Santucho, founder of the ERP. His mother, Cristina Navajas, was kidnapped in 1976 when she was pregnant. The man sexually assaulted six women between 2010 and 2019, including a twenty-year-old who later committed suicide. The French historian affirms that there is a revolution underway: men feel as responsible for their children as women. Under the coordination of the Vice President of Colombia, Francia Márquez, Afro-descendant leaders from Colombia, Brazil, Central America and Africa met in Bogotá to discuss the challenges they face in accessing politics. The food we eat, the products we choose, the hands that grow it and how we cook it can transform the territories we inhabit. Stripped of their reproductive role and equipped with accumulated experience, more and more women face the climacteric without giving up their position or their desire. Only 15% of 15-year-old girls worldwide have received the full dose against HPV, which prevents cervical cancer. The obstacles: poverty and misinformation. Hundreds of stations have had to row against the current to be able to broadcast in favor of communities and groups where the information does not reach. EL PAÍS tours three of these stations. Starring JoAnna Garcia Swisher, Brooke Elliott and Heather Headley, the Netflix series based on the novels by Sherryl Woods goes beyond stereotypes, charting the lives of three independent southern women. The writer publishes ‘Exhausted Mares’, a story where class and gender inequalities are treated as inseparable problems. ⚽ And finally, a woman to follow: Marta Vieira da Silva Marta Vieira in a match with Brazil. Getty By Lorraine Arroyo the brazilian soccer player Marta Vieira da Silva (37) He is playing the sixth World Cup of his life in Australia and New Zealand these days. And, as happened to Leo Messi (36) last year in Qatar, due to his age he faces his last chance to win a trophy that until now has eluded him. Like the Argentine, Brazil’s number 10 has achieved everything in women’s football: among other things, she has been chosen six times as the best player in the world and is the woman who has scored the most goals in World Cups (17), but has not yet could lift the Cup. Beyond this potential sporting feat, Marta will always be a world reference in women’s football for being a pioneer in this sport to which women they were prohibited from playing by law in Brazil between 1941 and 1979. When the Brazilian forward was small, it was no longer banned, but there was still a huge stigma for those who practiced it, especially in small places and far from big cities, like Dois Riachos, the small city in northeastern Brazil where he grew up. Before traveling to Australia, Marta wrote an article in The Players’ Tribune titled To all the girls who love this game, in which he thanks his mother for always supporting him and allowing him to do what he loved, regardless of the criticism. He also reflects on how much this sport has changed (for the better) in the two decades he has been in the elite. “Not long ago, we who love women’s football were fighting for a better structure. Now we have it. We asked for more investment. We have her. We asked for more exposure. We also have that. There is still a long way to go, but I think that perhaps people don’t realize how far we’ve come,” she says, noting that, unlike what happened when she was little, girls now have role models as female soccer players they look up to. admire. “Even though I want to win this Cup more than anything in this world and I’m eager to give every drop of my sweat to achieve that goal, being very honest, before I know if we’re going to conquer that first star I already feel grateful for this moment and for everything we have done so far”, adds the Brazilian. “I feel immense pride in imagining that maybe there are girls out there who are watching me and that I can inspire them to achieve their dreams. That means a lot for me. It is worth more than any title, medal or trophy you have ever won. Being someone the girls can look up to, someone who shows them that their dreams can come true. To have an impact like that, to have that as a legacy. That for me is all I can dream of.”
The validity of the jouissance revolution
2023-08-01 01:12:06+00:00
2023-07-31 23:56:00
Rusuvuori continues to the second round of the Washington tournament. 31.7. 21:26 Finland tennis number one Emil Ruusuvuori started his US tour with a win on Monday. He defeated France in the opening round of the ATP 500 tournament in Washington Constant Lestienne 6–4, 6–4. Ruusuvuori, ranked 55th in the world rankings, has beaten Lestienne (ATP ranking 109) twice in three meetings. Rusuvuori will next face Japan in the second round Yoshihito Nishiokan.
Tennis | Emil Ruusuvuori opened his US tour with a win
2023-08-01 01:09:19+00:00
2023-07-31 00:00:00
Gustavo Petro, the first left-wing president in Colombia’s history, took office in August 2022 with a promise to promote broad reforms in the country’s economic and social model. However, about to complete a year in office, his government is facing several scandals and accusations that call into question the continuity of his administration. Since his inauguration until now, suspicions of corruption, money laundering and even foreign interference involving the financing of his electoral campaign in 2022 have accumulated. The most recent scandal involved his son, Nicolás Petro, arrested with his ex-wife, Daysuris Vásquez, last Saturday (29) on suspicion of money laundering and illicit enrichment. Again, the scandal is related to the financing of the electoral campaign of the Historic Pact, the leftist coalition that brought Petro to power in 2022. The investigation into Nicolás began after Vásquez accused him, in an interview given to Semana magazine at the beginning of the year, of having received large sums of money that would go towards Petro’s campaign. Such amounts would have been sent by businessman Alfonso “El Turco” Hilsaca, investigated for homicide and criminal association – the amount donated by him to the campaign would have been 400 million Colombian pesos (about US$ 103 thousand) -, and by the former -drug trafficker and former smuggler Samuel Santander Lopesierra, also known as “El Hombre Marlboro”, convicted of drug trafficking in the United States – he allegedly sent around 600 million Colombian pesos (US$154,000) to Petro’s campaign. These amounts should have been delivered to the Historic Pact cashier, but would never have reached their final destination because, according to Vásquez, Nicolás would have kept the money and used it to start living “a life of luxury in the country”. The Public Ministry had previously identified a series of financial movements that were not compatible with the income declared by Nicolás. Furthermore, Petro’s son was already under investigation for allegedly having received money from drug traffickers in exchange for including them in the peace accords that his father is negotiating with armed groups in the country. The Colombian Public Prosecutor’s Office asked for a measure restricting freedom and the indictment of both Nicolás and Daysuris Vásquez for the crimes of money laundering. On Saturday, the day Nicolás was arrested, Gustavo Petro wrote on Twitter that, “as a person and as a father”, it was painful to see such “self-destruction” and one of his children “go to jail”, but that, as President of the Republic, assured that the Public Ministry would have “all the guarantees” to proceed “according to the law”. He also denied that he was aware of money sent by Lopesierra and Hilsaca to his campaign. Nicolás Petro, the president’s eldest son, has been deputy since 2021 for the city of Barranquilla and was a key figure in his father’s campaign in the search for votes in the department of Atlántico. Petro management accumulates other scandals In addition to the recent case involving his son, President Gustavo Petro has also been suffering since June due to several other investigations and accusations of suspected illegal financing of his 2022 campaign. These investigations hit his government hard and began after the release of revealed audios by Semana magazine and by a journalistic investigation conducted by the Colombian newspaper El Expediente. In June, A Semana released audios exchanged between Petro’s ambassador in Venezuela at the time, Armando Benedetti, and the then head of the Presidential Cabinet, Laura Sarabia, in which they discussed amounts that supposedly financed the Historic Pact campaign and the theft of a briefcase with cash that occurred in her house. In the audios, Benedetti stated that he had raised around 15 billion Colombian pesos (approximately US$ 3.5 million) for Petro’s campaign and threatened to reveal who had “truly financed his candidacy” with this amount. The revelation of the audios forced Petro to dismiss both Laura and Benedetti, both considered people of the highest confidence by the president. According to the investigation carried out by El Expediente, after his resignation, Armando Benedetti allegedly asked the US government for protection and revealed to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the US government’s agency responsible for combating drug trafficking, that the money he had received to help the Historic Pact campaign came from the Venezuelan regime of Nicolás Maduro. The delivery of these values ​​would have been done through money laundering, using companies from Clan Torres, a group led by Euclides Torres, a Colombian businessman with a lot of influence in local politics and who has several contracts with state companies in the Barranquilla region. In another complaint released in June, Semana magazine revealed a new bombshell for Petro’s government. This time, an anonymous source claimed that the president had kept in Sarabia’s house an amount equivalent to 3 billion Colombian pesos (US$ 718,000), which came, according to the source, from illegal contributions made to finance the legislative campaign of the Historic Pact coalition. It was this money that would be in the suitcases that were stolen from the house of the former head of the Presidential Office and that would be the subject of the conversation between Sarabia and Benedetti in the audios previously released by the magazine. In the midst of all this, a military man who was part of Gustavo Petro’s presidential office security, Colonel Óscar Dávila, was found dead in June in his car. Dávila was linked to the investigations involving the robbery at Sarabia’s house. The Public Ministry later disclosed that the necropsy indicated that the soldier committed suicide. The Colombian president denied all the accusations revealed by Semana and the newspaper El Expediente. He stated that they are “unfounded accusations” and the result of an “attempted coup” against his government, which would be being orchestrated by the opposition. Representatives of the opposition party Centro Democrático reacted to the scandals involving the president. According to Senator Paloma Valencia, one of the leaders of the opposition, the events that Colombia has witnessed since the beginning of the Petro administration are “sad” and “frustrate” the citizens. “Sometimes it seems that the arrogance of the political sector that governs us is being taught a lesson. They judge previous governments with moral superiority, seek responsibility beyond reason, treat presidents in general as criminals and violators of human rights. Now they want to have a scale to measure their own scandals, very different from the one they use to measure others,” she said. Valencia went on to say that “what hurts is that the country has to focus on these issues, which do nothing for the citizens, while the great difficulties remain unattended”. Faced with scandals involving his government, which will complete one year next Monday (7), Petro sees an increasingly strengthened opposition calling for protests across the country and even asking for his resignation. Despite having started his government with a majority in Congress, because of his coalition, the leftist president has seen his base weaken in the face of scandals. His projects, mainly the reforms promised in the campaign, remain mostly paralyzed by congressmen, who are waiting for the conclusion of the investigations involving the accusations about the illegal financing of his campaign. Furthermore, the majority of Colombians continue to express their dissatisfaction with the country’s current political situation. Currently, Petro’s popularity continues to decline: according to the latest poll released in Colombia, the president is disapproved of by almost 60% of the population.
Left in the hot seat: scandals shake the Petro government, which completes a year in August
2023-08-01 01:09:39+00:00
2023-07-31 00:00:00
It becomes a political case the dinner, on Friday evening, of some parliamentarians of Italia viva al Twiga by Daniela Santanche. The news, reported by the Corriere della Sera, triggers the indignant reaction of Action: with an official note, the party of Carlo Calenda defines “inappropriate” those presences of Third Polo colleagues at the lido owned by the Minister of Tourism. To Action replies the Renzian deputy Francesco Bonifazi, who, after confirming his presence at the restaurant on the beach, attacked the leader of Action, accusing him of being “populist and illiberal”. Criticisms also from the 5 Star Movement. «When I read the news of the Italia viva celebrations at Twiga I felt sad – he stigmatizes the pentastellato group leader in the Senate, Stephen Patuanelli –. It is sad to note how public affairs can become a commercialization of interests perpetuated with the arrogance of those who, in order to have everything, strike those who have nothing». «A toast between true associates», defines the colleague Hector Licheri. «Italia Twiga – attacks the M5s vice president Michele Gubitosa – celebrate the rescue of the minister ». In the Corriere report, it refers to the presence of Bonifazi, Maria Elena Boschi and Luciano Nobili, together with the former blue deputy Andrea Ruggieri, now director of the Riformista, who would have acted as the “glue” between the Renziani table and that of Santanchè . «The line on Daniela Santanchè’s permanence in government has always been clear: she must resign because her behavior (and abilities) are not adequate or acceptable for those who must represent the Italians as Minister of Tourism. Action did not vote for the no-confidence motion, which was destined to be rejected from the outset, considering it a gift to the minister», underlines Calenda’s party. «But in the same way, Action has never recognized itself in the line expressed by the various interventions of the parliamentarians and the group leader of Italia viva, who have never uttered the word resignation – it is specified -. As for the dinners with the minister at Twiga, which involve Italia viva parliamentarians belonging to the Action-Italia viva group, they are considered completely inappropriate. “I had dinner at the Twiga on Friday night. As it had already been on other occasions, having always been a frequent visitor to Versilia», it is there Bonifazi’s reply. «I could make a list of parliamentarians from all sides that I saw in that room. Reading that Carlo da Capalbio claims to decide what I have to do on Friday evening gives me the impression of a man who has nothing liberal about him but who dreams of an ethical state». “To argue that the political leader should be asked who to dine with and who not seems absurd to me. And to think that politics is done with gossip and not with ideas is pure populism – he attacks -. As for the Santanchè affair: we voted in the classroom exactly as Action. Exactly the same way. Par par. For us, a minister is not fired on the basis of a guarantee notice. If someone wants to become an executioner, go ahead: we don’t. Every day we vote no confidence in the entire government, in all the ministers, in the entire majority. Santanchè included. But we do it on the basis of political evaluations. Not because a person takes a warranty notice. Because for us the Constitution counts, not a self-proclaimed Ethics Committee of those who should attack the populists and spend their days attacking us”.
Living Italy dinner at Twiga in Santanchè, Calenda's wrath: "It's inopportune"
2023-08-01 01:12:38+00:00
2023-07-31 11:43:21
It happened on the evening of Sunday June 23, at the PP headquarters in Madrid, and some party cadres consider it much more than an anecdote. The right and almost left hand of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, his executor in the shadows, before in Galicia and now at the national level, the Vice Secretary of Organization, the Galician Miguel Tellado, scrutinized surveys that were already advancing the public media and private. Meanwhile, in another area, in another office, the general coordinator of the party, the Andalusian Elías Bendodo, analyzed other polls, his own data, entrusted to his people, his experts. “And Tellado hadn’t even smelled them,” relevant PP sources highlight. It has not been the only dysfunction between two of the top managers of Feijóo’s team this season. There have been quite a few more. Unknown. Bendodo has pulled again for these elections, as an external consulting provider, his adviser in various campaigns for Juan Manuel Moreno in Andalusia: Aleix Sanmartín. And Tellado, has searched among those who helped Feijóo in various electoral processes in Galicia. Among the staff at Génova 13, the headquarters, Bendodo and Tellado have struggled to monopolize the best collaborators, often hiding it from them. Neither of them wanted to respond directly to the queries of this newspaper. Sources from Aleix Sanmartín’s company specify that the PP of Feijóo and Bendodo, with whom they have had various collaborations in the past, invited them to participate in this campaign, and they even made a presentation, but they declined the offer for various reasons. and they ended up collaborating with the PSOE. The political and electoral Russian roulette in which Feijóo has embarked since he landed in Madrid just a year and a half ago, forced in part by barons and Pablo Casado’s mismanagement of the case of Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s brother, has not let him time to stop to think or design a team according to their new responsibilities. He has pulled from what is known, especially from the personnel who have accompanied and supported him in his electoral successes in Galicia for almost a decade. At the party congress that elevated him as the new leader in Seville, he was unable to form a new team. PP leaders from various sectors understand that now that moment has come. And they bet that Feijóo is already beginning to plan with whom and how he wants to undertake this new stage, more than likely as opposition leader for possibly the next four years. More information The first debate to be resolved has to do with the indispensable figure of a new number two and general secretary to complement him, a position for which very few see the continuity of Cuca Gamarra as possible. “A real number two is needed, who firmly and determinedly leads the regional issues, with authority, someone who defines and coordinates well the relations between the central apparatus of the party and the growing power now won in the May 28 elections in other institutions, regional and local”, points out an important baron of the PP. A person in charge of the popular parliamentary group in Congress defends Gamarra: “She has done what she could and in the only autonomy in which she could change and propose a candidate who did not come from the previous stage. In La Rioja, the PP won with an absolute majority”. What affects the most is what happens closer. To not miss anything, subscribe. subscribe Another PP leader with experience in the party apparatus reports: “Our problem is of origin, there is no general secretary in the sense of someone who makes decisions in the absence of the leader, among other reasons, because he and his team do not want people who shadow him.” And they recall that, during his 10 years as president of the Xunta, Feijóo was also the one who appeared weekly after his Government Councils, although he had a spokesman for some time. Tellado used then in Galicia as an incontestable thesis that the party’s vice secretaries did not have to appear publicly, and, in fact, the eternal Galician vice president and now president, Alfonso Rueda, suffered for decades from this problem of ignorance. Now Tellado is deputy secretary and he does appear. General secretary In this critical environment of the PP, it is remembered as a ruling that is now evident that in the PP Congress in Seville that enthroned Feijóo, they did not want to nominate their anticipated candidate, Esteban González Pons, for secretary general, because it was going back to the past and reopening too many wounds Now that matter is on the table, but with the aggravating circumstance that no good solutions can be found. If, discarding the veteran González Pons, he boosts a younger person, between 30 and 40 years old, with good connections with the new regional power, to that privileged position, as various party officials maintain, he would be demoting his main collaborators: Gamarra (number two), Bendodo (number three) and Tellado (number four). The enigma has been reopened these days, waiting for Feijóo to rest, recover from the state of shock staff in which several leaders have observed him after the unexpected electoral setback of 23-J, reflect and value the messages of all kinds ―and even contradictory― that are reaching you about where to continue; especially in his relationship with Vox. The solution will not be adopted until a future party congress, which is about to be called, but which some leaders argue that it should be anticipated as soon as the investiture of Pedro Sánchez is deciphered and it is verified if he can govern and how. The Barons and Vox The fixation in the national and territorial leadership of the PP has been placed more these days, after the setback of 23-J, on what to do with Vox than on Pedro Sánchez and the repeal of sanchismo. The language is also another. Alberto Núñez Feijóo wrote a letter to the socialist president on Sunday to ask him for a meeting, with an almost institutional tone, in which to address this week the political unblocking of the country and the current presidency of the European Union. He did not speak to him at all, of course, about the slowdown in the negotiations to move forward with the Government of several autonomies, Murcia and Aragón, above all, in which the negotiations between the PP and Vox seem to have stalled. That is the problem that worries several territorial barons of the PP, who attribute part of the blockade to the bad relations between the national leaderships of both parties. The leader of Vox himself, Santiago Abascal, has spent several days pointing to the attacks that he believes he is receiving from Feijóo and his entourage and on Sunday he questioned in this regard the shift in strategy towards the center and ignoring Vox that the president of Andalusia, Juan Manuel Moreno, in an interview in The world. In a second letter made public on Sunday afternoon, Sánchez called on Feijóo to meet alone after the constitution of the Cortes, as of August 17. Given the situation, some regional PP candidates, such as Jorge Azcón from Aragon or Fernando López Miras from Murcia, have chosen to disappear for a few days and take a vacation, even postpone negotiations with Vox in their territories, and wait for the outlook to clear up. Clarify before resuming contacts with the ultra formation. In the case of Murcia, the talks seem completely stalled and headed for an electoral repetition, although leaders familiar with the process are not ruling out a last-minute agreement either. In Aragón, until this week, Azcón had almost closed the negotiations with the PAR and with Teruel Existe, but the tensions between the national leaders of the PP and Vox have once again left that scenario on hold and relegated his theoretical investiture to the end of August. PP sources relate these stoppages to the attacks that are coming to the ultra formation from Feijóo’s team, and, in the absence of clear and defined instructions from the national leadership regarding how to act with Vox, they have chosen to distance themselves . Some of those barons have preferred to make a parenthesis, with the Feijóo environment and with Vox, before their future becomes more complicated.
The result of 23-J highlights the dysfunctions in the leadership of the PP of Feijóo
2023-08-01 01:07:49+00:00
2023-07-31 23:30:58
Heineken is against the wind. Beer sales are falling worldwide, also because the brewer has raised prices sharply. The controversial presence of the brewer in Russia has caused a lot of criticism, and then there is the deposit affair in the Netherlands. An interview with CEO Dolf van den Brink: “It is disappointing that our intentions are being doubted.” #Heineken #CEO #deposit #affair #turn #clock #differently
Heineken CEO about deposit affair: 'If I could turn back the clock, I would do differently'
2023-08-01 01:04:52+00:00
2023-07-30 00:00:00
The historic victory of the Colombia selection against Germany in the 2023 Women’s World Cup covered all the covers of the world’s main media and continues to generate echoes. The majority praised the milestone of the tricolor team while others gave the team led by Nelson Abbey. (You may be interested: Linda Caicedo and the viral challenge she did with teammates from the National Team: pure flavor!) One of those media was the German newspaper ‘Bild’, one of the most recognized media in that country and which criticized the National Team players with adjectives against it. ‘Unsportsmanlike’ Manuela Vanegas and Linda Caicedo In the main headline of the newspaper, they describe the Colombian fans in Sydney as toxic and describe the team as ‘fieses kolumbien’, that is to say ‘disgusting’ or ‘unpleasant’, in terms of the strong game that Colombia played against the Germans. “Colombians, who are known for playing hard, are particularly conspicuous for their fouls and unsportsmanlike behavior After 15 minutes, Arias hit Popp in the ribs, behind the referee, away from the ball and she had to be treated”, the German media also highlighted. For its part, in the words of Nia Kunzer, a former German soccer player in the broadcast of the game, Bild assured that the judge of the game gave rise to strong play and crossed the limits of fouls. In addition, they insisted on the hostile climate in Sydney: “The stadium (40,499 spectators) was firmly in Colombian hands, and every action was enthusiastically applauded. Our women, on the other hand, were whistled at if they did so.” FOOTBALL REDACTION More sports news
Colombia team receives terrible attack from the German press: 'unsportsmanlike'
2023-08-01 01:14:35+00:00
2023-07-31 13:42:12
For one weekend Jari-Matti Latvala will leave his role as Toyota Racing WRC team principal to return to the World Rally Championship. He will do it this weekend, at the Rally of Finland, which is the home event for him, for the world champion Kalle Rovanpera and, in his own way, also for the Japanese team, which has restarted its history in the WRC now 7 years ago with the presentation of the Yaris WRC Plus in Helsinki. Latvala, who hasn’t competed in a WRC rally since 2020 Rally Sweden, will make his debut at the wheel of the GR Yaris Rally1 alongside the three official crews, which will be formed by Kalle Rovanpera – Jonne Halttunen, Elfyn Evans – Scott Martin and Takamoto Katsuta – Aaron johnston. Latvala will be navigated by colleague and friend Juho Hanninen. This morning Toyota Racing unveiled the livery by which it will be possible to recognize the GR Yaris Rally1 of Latvala and Hanninen. Apart from the race number 97, the car will bear the official colors of Toyota Gazoo Racing, namely red and black on a white background. However, the design will be different from the three Yaris of Rovanpera, Evans and Katsuta. Black finds a lot of space on the sides, on the front part of the roof, while red takes center stage, creating the design that sees it present not only on the bonnet, but also on the sides, on the rear pillars and on the roof. Jari-Matti Latvala, Juho Hänninen, Toyota GR Yaris Rally1 Photo by: Toyota Racing “Rally Finland is always a special occasion for our team. For me this year it will be a special emotion to be back behind the wheel in a WRC event and my goal as a driver will be first and foremost to enjoy this experience,” he said. Latvala on the eve of the Rally of Finland reconnaissance. “The team’s aim, as always, is to win and the focus is on our regular crews. There will be fantastic support for Kalle and Jonne as world champions and championship leaders, and the victory in Estonia gives them good push. I think Rally Finland could be a bigger challenge, with different levels of grip and the return of stages like Myhinpää that Kalle has never ridden before.” Elfyn on the other hand knows what it takes to win in Finland and we hope he can challenge again and Taka can ride with confidence on roads he usually enjoys. We are expecting a close rally and the team have worked hard in this week’s testing to give the our drivers the best possible car”. With Latvala busy racing the 22 special stages, the role of team principal will be taken on an interim basis by none other than Akio Toyoda, president of Toyota Gazoo Racing World Rally Team. The presence of Latvala among the participants of the Rally of Finland was wanted by the Japanese president. A sort of thanks for what Latvala has done up to now directing the team towards a series of irises which, with high probability, will arrive again this year.
Toyota: Latvala's Yaris livery for Finland - Pledge Times
2023-08-01 01:06:33+00:00
2023-08-01 00:37:54
Continue the casting of Fantastic 4 by the Marvel Studios, and continues to be an operation of which there is very little official information. The latest rumors they would be about nothing less than Adam Drivertalented actor who played – among others – Kylo Ren in Star Warswhich apparently would turned down the role. For some time there had been talk of how according to the fans, Driver would have been the perfect actor to fill the role, and also for this reason he was one of the most accredited performers. However, according to the latest updates coming from the podcast The Hot Mic with John Rocha and Jeff Senider, it seems that in reality Adam Driver was never signed for the role (which they felt actually happened), but probably just got the script, but then refusing the part because maybe he couldn’t “connect” with the character. With the actor out of the picture, now it’s even more complicated understand who could be the actor who will play Mr. Fantastic, and even more so to have a general picture of how the casting of Fantastic 4 is proceeding. Obviously all this information comes from unofficial sourcesand therefore are to be taken simply as gods rumor. The latest slightly juicier rumor about it dates back only to May, which hypothesized some actors for the various roles, including Adam Driver as Mr. Fantastic. Did the others come close?
Fantastic 4: Adam Driver would have refused the role of Mr. Fantastic
2023-08-01 01:06:40+00:00
2023-07-31 23:28:00
See also More new diesel cars were sold in the EU this year than electric cars
Finally, a very real Mitsubishi
2023-08-01 01:05:29+00:00
2023-08-01 03:50:12
“There is still a lot of work to do to recover on Red Bull” (Charles Leclerc); “Red Bull is too fast” (Oscar Piastri); “Red Bull is like an F1 racing in the middle of the F2s″ (Toto Wolf); “The battle, close, is only behind Verstappen” (Carlos Sainz); “Win a competition? I’m not convinced I can compete with the Red Bulls” (Lewis Hamilton). And, finally, the dominator, his majesty Verstappen who at Spa, for a change, not only won but humiliated everyone: “We are fast and it shows. Our car flies”. Now, after the embarrassing Belgian GP (on lap 35 Verstappen even said in the pits “How about I do a pit stop training? Just to keep us trained”), the point is simple: what will the FIA ​​invent to contain this absolute domination and make F1 a sport again? That is, a championship where there is the possibility for the participants to win? In the history of Formula 1, the federation has intervened heavily (although obviously it has never admitted it) with new regulations to interrupt the domination of Ferrari, then that of Red Bull, then that of Mercedes. But now it seems difficult to find a way to stem Verstappen’s team. And this for a very simple reason: Red Bull flies and nobody knows why. The RB19, in fact, doesn’t have a specific strong point (engine, aerodynamics, suspension, power unit) but is strong due to an infinite and mysterious series of factors. Our Carlo Platella is going crazy trying to explain to readers what the secrets of this blue, orange and red missile are (and if he discovered it he would probably no longer work for FormulaPassion but would be hired by an F1 team). Consequently, now, the Federation cannot – as it did in the past – curb the excessive technical power of an element by intervening on it. Not only that: today there is the limit of the budget cap which limits costs and therefore makes it more difficult to recover the difference in performance. Result? We would not like to be in the shoes of Stefano Domenicali and partners.
Curbing Red Bull's dominance, mission impossible
2023-08-01 01:03:52+00:00
2023-07-31 21:33:00
Foreign countries|Niger coupBurkina Faso and Mali also said they would refuse to impose sanctions on Niger. The countries described the...
A Tesla Model Y with an Aston Martin nose? It's possible!
2023-08-01 01:10:13+00:00
2023-07-31 00:00:00
How did you feel about the content of this article? National Council for Defense and Security claimed the need for greater security measures for the holding of elections in Myanmar | Photo: EFE/EPA/Myanmar Military Board The military junta that governs Myanmar has extended the state of emergency in the Asian country for another six months and, as a result, has again postponed the elections, scheduled for August. It is the fourth extension since the military overthrew then-Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi (1991 Nobel Peace Prize winner) in a coup d’état in February 2021. According to information from state television, the National Defense and Security Council met this Monday (31) in the capital, Naipidau, and decided to extend the state of emergency from this Tuesday (1st). “For an election to be held, for there to be a free and fair election and also for the population to be able to vote without fear, greater security measures continue to be needed and therefore it is required that the period of the state of emergency be extended” , pointed out a statement. The allegation at the time of the coup was that there had been fraud in Myanmar’s 2020 general election, although election observers did not detect significant irregularities. Since the coup, Aung San Suu Kyi has faced several prosecutions and her sentences total 33 years. The United States and the UN have pointed out that the trials were politically motivated. Last week, Myanmar’s ruling military junta moved Suu Kyi from prison to a government building.
Myanmar military extends state of emergency, postpones elections again
2023-08-01 01:08:47+00:00
2023-07-31 12:08:00
Stop the easy earnings of influencers: what changes for those who make money on social networks after the tax squeeze The fun is over, as some would say. The Guardia di Finanza targets the influencers of social networks. According to reports from Il Messaggero, “tax checks and inspections have intensified, hand in hand with the proliferation of web stars and starlets who get easy money, often in black. A flow of money that escapes the tax authorities, thanks to various tricks”. As il Messaggero recounts, “after the ritual of the so-called unboxing (“unpacking”), which consists in publishing online the video in which the box of the free product opens, sometimes the influencers to empty the wardrobes put the sponsors’ gifts on sale. Followers buy them and pay for them with PayPal. The same tool is also used by brands to remunerate social network celebrities, in the form of a donation”. And according to the Messenger, “however, no trace remains of these digital payments”. A problem for the tax authorities, given the large earnings of influencers. As the Messenger says, “what they carry out, in fact, can be classified as an autonomous work activity of a professional artistic type. The same goes for those who – from VIPs to ordinary people – decide to publish hardcore photos and videos on OnlyFans, making them available to users for a fee. But for many kids it’s a way to make easy money, even off-the-books”. Attention, concludes Il Messaggero: “even if the wire transfers come from abroad, according to the worldwide taxation principle, it is envisaged that the income produced everywhere by taxpayers who are fiscally resident in our country is taxed in Italy”. Subscribe to the newsletter
Influencers, this is how they evade the taxman: tightening of the Gdf and free time over
2023-08-01 01:10:24+00:00
2023-07-31 00:00:00
In Russia, pensions will increase from August 1 and a digital ruble will appear A number of changes will take place in Russia from August 1: the pensions of working pensioners will become slightly higher, low-income families with many children from the Moscow region will be able to apply for additional payments, a third type of national currency will appear – the digital ruble, and the recycling fee for cars will increase, which means prices will also increase on them. The main changes in August are in the material of The pension of working pensioners will increase From August 1, 2023, pensions for working pensioners will increase in Russia. It is correct to call it not indexation, but an increase, it is calculated from last year’s social contributions of the employer. Thus, the maximum increase that working pensioners can count on was 372.31 rubles. You do not need to write an application for an increase. RUB 372.31 will be the maximum increase In the Moscow region will begin to accrue annual payments to low-income families with many children In the Moscow region, from August 1, low-income families with many children will be able to receive an annual cash payment for each child studying in state or municipal educational institutions. The payment will be made once a year. It will be available to families whose average per capita income is below the subsistence minimum in the Moscow Region. In 2023 he is 17,277 rubles. A new form of currency will appear in Russia – the digital ruble On August 1, 2023, the law on the introduction of the digital ruble comes into force. It will become an addition to, and not a replacement for, cash and non-cash rubles. The digital ruble will be stored on a special electronic platform, and only the Central Bank will be able to issue and regulate it – this is how it differs from cryptocurrency. It will be possible to pay for goods and services, transactions with financial instruments, and so on with the digital ruble, but it will not be possible to credit it to deposits and deposits in banks. Related materials: The recycling fee for cars imported into Russia will increase From August 1, Russia will increase recycling collection for the import of passenger cars and light commercial (LCV) vehicles and buses for subsequent resale. This means that the prices for cars from resellers will increase. The tax rate for passenger cars will increase by 1.7-3.7 times, for light commercial vehicles – by 2.5-3.4 times, for trucks – by 1.7 times. For buses, the rate will increase by an average of 2.2-4.8 times, for electric buses – by 8.7 times See also The Ministry of Defense announced the intentional strike of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the hospital in Novoaydar For those who import a car for their own use, the conditions will remain the same. What else will change in Russia in August August 4th. Housing of corrupt officials will be sold at auction Law touches real estate that entered the state housing stock due to a corruption offense or for which information was not provided confirming its purchase with legal income. August 4th. Control over foreign agents will be tightened According to the changes in law about foreign agents, the restrictions will have to be observed by the persons interacting with them, and their action or inaction should not cause the foreign agent to violate Russian laws. If it turns out that a citizen contributed to this, he will be given a written warning, then a fine will follow – for individuals up to 50 thousand rubles, for officials – up to 100 thousand rubles, for legal entities – up to 300 thousand rubles. In addition, unscheduled inspections may be carried out against foreign agents and those who contributed to their violation of laws. August 28. The law on the possibility of introducing special conditions in correctional institutions will come into force Special conditions mode can be enterif a high alert regime, emergency situation or martial law is introduced in Russia or in its individual areas, as well as in case of the threat of an armed attack, hostage-taking, riots, quarantine, and so on. In such cases, the daily routine in the correctional facility may change, an enhanced version of security and supervision and a special procedure for access to facilities may be introduced. During August. Drivers of public transport and taxis must prove that they have not been convicted New law, until September 1, drivers of taxis, buses, trolleybuses, trams and subway drivers must provide the employer with a certificate stating that they have no criminal record, or a certificate of termination of their prosecution on rehabilitating grounds. In the absence of such a certificate, they can be fired. In addition, sex change was banned in Russia The law was published and became effective on 24 July. It establishes a ban on any medical interventions (both surgical operations and the use of drugs) aimed at the formation in a person of primary or secondary signs of the opposite sex. Only medical interventions related to the treatment of congenital anomalies, genetic and endocrine diseases, and impaired formation of the genital organs in children will be allowed. Such operations will be carried out after the relevant decision of the medical commission.
New laws from August 1: increase in pensions of working pensioners and recycling fee
2023-08-01 01:06:27+00:00
2023-07-31 20:30:03
F1, Spa: the report cards of the promoted 1. Pole not pole. Schumaxer at the moment is a separate driver. Those who said he would tame with the first title then had to backtrack: maybe it’s colder in the car, and what we saw at La Source lets today’s kids do it, who have a similar hunger. Or maybe he knows that his car is so much faster that he doesn’t even want to look for trouble at the first corner. However, the man is always the same: he demonstrates it in his relations with the media, with Perez and with the team (but do you remember last year’s team radios on the “We don’t know how to make a fucking DRS work”?). He has to prove he’s the alpha male: he’s bragging with half a lap over all the others and adding heavy poles. In Monaco with a third sector out of logic (perhaps shutting down Alonso definitively, at least for 2023), on Friday giving eight tenths to all nine to those who have the same car as him but do everything to hide it. Now, however, enough cinema with Lambiase: but is there a need? Booh. 2. Oscar Piastri. Proportionally, the best driver of the weekend. He slaps Norris twice in qualifying (but on Friday he damaged the bottom) and goes one step away from the dream on Saturday, both in the mini-qualifying and in the mini-race. A mini-phenomenon studying like a giant. A guilty contest with Sainz on Sunday, if it is a fault for not having done enough to disappear. 3. Charles Leclerc. Fight as you can and against who you can, beats those the machine allows it to beat. He keeps nine titles behind him without ever suffering, only Hamilton worries him but he is good at managing and the team at responding immediately to the undercut. Friday the worst pole of his life, Saturday the only mistake of the weekend, which costs him the primacy on the Sprint grid. Mention for Yuki Tsunodawho scores points and reminds Ricciardo that before thinking about Red Bull he must still beat a teammate. F1, Spa: the report cards of the failed ones 3. I bet it. That is, the move ofAston Martin, who in the mini-qualifying runs on a wet track with Stroll tyres, not exactly the Lauda of Quebec. Result: cyclopean failure with color printing on turn-9, ruined qualifications for four riders, including the only one who can give you points. Mention for the Alfa Romeo livery, ugly as povertyand coming from me it’s a Frigatti-type certificate with Guinness World Records. 2. Sergio Perez. It’s like shooting at the Red Cross, but so be it: if you drive a Red Bull and you’re the second guide, arriving second is yours. And I don’t see what to rejoice in – him and the papy – if you finish second getting so many slaps in qualifying that it seems Mezcal in “They Call Me Trinity”. Sprint, then, as usual comedy. But will Saturday bring him bad luck? 1. Alpine. Let’s recap. In one year (it all started on August 1, 2022) you have lost, in order: a two-time world champion, the only one who has made you win something in the last quarter of a century; an F3 and F2 champion, as well as one of the most crystalline talents to come out of the brood of minor formulas; the managing director; the team principal; the sports director; the technical director. The old CEO, who had made a clean sweep of the previous management by threatening to do the same with the structure he himself created, was defenestrated before he could do any more damage. Arrivals question: four different team principals (Abiteboul, Budkowski, Szafnauer, Famin, plus the one to come) in four seasons; Brivio (team principal of the MotoGP champions) taken without giving him a role, catapulted into a world that is not his and confined to dealing with young people; Gasly, a good driver for heaven’s sake, has never been able to see Ocon. Condominium meeting level human relations: Remains treated like a piece of shit after 34 years, Prost forced to leave the cabin (Prost! Who had been planning for years to build a French team and bought Ligier with his own money, let alone if he wanted to leave Alpine). “Laundered” clothes always in the square even among the pilots (tragi-comic Alonso-Ocon report at the end of 2022), smoky command line, few but confused ideas. The latest? Begging the FIA ​​to intervene on the frozen power units. And this was the Plan. Imagine the rest.
F1 Scoreboard Spa-Francorchamps, the other podium
2023-08-01 01:04:44+00:00
2023-07-31 21:06:10
Closed circuit: plot, cast and streaming of the film on La7 Tonight, Monday 31 July 2023, at 21.20 on La7, Closed Circuit will be broadcast, a 2012 film written and directed by Giorgio Amato, and based on the novel of the same name, also written by Amato. But let’s see all the information together in detail. Plot Francesca Pardi, 23 years old from Rome, on April 14, 2010 disappears into thin air. After months of fruitless searches, two of her friends, Claudia and Daniele, decide to investigate the case, and discover, in the history of the girl’s computer, that on the day of her disappearance, Francesca replied to an online announcement by a certain David De Santis. , for a job as a cleaner. The two boys are convinced that the man is responsible for the disappearance. So they decide to install CCTV cameras inside De Santis’ home, with the aim of finding out if he is really involved in Francesca’s kidnapping. And the Carabinieri will discover that the young people are absolutely right, finding traces of blood and clues in the house. But the psychopath, rapist and serial killer, in addition to carelessly leaving some traces, will disappear at the airport, and nothing will be known about him. He will enter the news with the name of “monster of Torre Gaia”. Closed loop: the cast We’ve seen the plot of Closed Loop, but what’s the full cast for the film? Below is the list of actors with their respective roles: Stefano Fregni: David De Santis Francesca CutticaClaudia Guglielmo Favilla: Daniel Gaia Insenga: Nadia Lucia Bodenizza as Pamela Giorgio Amato: Carabiniere Marco Fagnocchi: Carabiniere 2 Vito Picchinenna: Home owner Streaming and TV Where to see Closed Circuit on live TV and live streaming? The film, as mentioned, will be broadcast tonight – Monday 31 July 2023 – at 21.20 on La7. It will also be possible to follow it in live streaming via the La7 website.
Closed circuit: plot, cast and streaming of the film on La7
2023-08-01 01:12:25+00:00
2023-08-01 05:17:08
In Ukraine, the problem of evasion from mobilization has worsened. This was announced on Monday, July 31, by Lieutenant-General Alexander Pavlyuk, First Deputy Minister of Defense of the country. On the air of the Rada TV channel, he called what is happening obstructing the activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). “I think this is a very big problem of society, which needs to be fought right now. Not only to look for problems in the employees of the TCC (territorial recruitment centers, an analogue of the military registration and enlistment offices in the Russian Federation. – Ed.), who perform their duties, ”concluded Pavlyuk. Earlier, on June 29, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine expanded the list of persons subject to mobilization. In accordance with the innovations, people whose wife, husband or parents have the first or second disability groups will be able to mobilize, if they still have able-bodied relatives who can support them. On March 9, 2022, Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky signed a law toughening punishment up to life imprisonment for treason, looting, and sabotage. Prior to this, the article on treason provided for imprisonment for a term of 12 to 15 years with or without confiscation of property. Martial law in Ukraine has been in effect since February 2022. At the same time, Zelensky signed a decree on general mobilization. Later, the Verkhovna Rada repeatedly extended its validity. Most men between the ages of 18 and 60 are prohibited from leaving the country. The special operation to protect Donbass, which Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on February 24, 2022, continues. The decision was made against the background of the aggravation of the situation in the region due to shelling by the Ukrainian military.
The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine announced the growing number of evasions from mobilization
2023-08-01 01:11:12+00:00
2023-07-31 00:00:00
Russia is preparing to further expand the ranks of its army. With the new laws of the Duma, the Russian Parliament, Moscow could get to deploy up to five million soldiers, the equivalent of 5 times the people who reside in the municipality of Naples. The calculations made by Novaya Gazeta are frightening. Recruitment will be facilitated thanks to “sensitive” changes, written “for general mobilization”, which extend the age of military service from 18 to 30 years, while previously it was up to 27 years. Not only that, with the new reform the maximum age of reservists will also be increased, who can now be called up to fight up to the age of 70. For those who decide to disobey the command, choosing not to wear a military uniform, the disincentive is the very high fines. Kiev, the Soviet symbol of the Motherland Statue replaced with the Ukrainian trident The new law increased the fine tenfold for those who fail to appear at the draft commission (up to 30,000 rubles, about 300 euros) and banned conscripts from leaving Russia from the moment the summons is in the electronic register. A choice made to stem the phenomenon of escapes from the country, which has involved thousands of young Russians who are draft dodgers. Furthermore, with the new provisions, governors were allowed to have their own regional armies, equipped with weapons and sent to defend borders, fight saboteurs and protect public order. Ukraine, missiles hit Kryvyi Rih, Zelenski’s hometown. The president: “Civilians hit, but terror will not break us” To the Kremlin’s army, then, we must also add the forced mobilization from the territories that Russia has occupied in Ukraine. Since the beginning of 2022, Moscow has forcibly mobilized between 55,000 and 60,000 men according to Kiev, sending them directly to the front line. If that weren’t enough to win the war with Ukraine, Russia continues to wield the specter of nuclear weapons as well. With the threat reiterated on Sunday by Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev: «If we imagine that the Ukrainian offensive with NATO support is successful and takes part of our land away from us, then we should use nuclear weapons under the rules of the decree of the President of Russia dated 02.06.2020». “There would be no other way out,” Medvedev added, speaking of Ukraine as a “decaying corpse,” led by “short-sighted men” who refuse any negotiation. Of course, on the terms of the Kremlin. To know more Chessboards – A new front in energy risk, Putin now threatens European nuclear power Analyses – Moscow smells the “great war” but the policy is to keep quiet and ignore it What happened yesterday
Russia-Ukraine war, drone strike in the center of Kharkiv. Moscow can field up to 5 million soldiers. Medvedev recalls the nuclear threat if the counter-offensive advances
2023-08-01 01:09:59+00:00
2023-07-31 19:20:49
Michelin focuses heavily on Italy for its future growth. And he wants to prove it not only in words, but also in deeds: 315 million euros have already been invested in our country as part of a five-year plan that has already been concluded, while 65 million will instead be invested by the end of the year. All with a very specific goal, a double goal: reduce environmental impact and support the transition to electric. To ensure that this target becomes more concrete than ever, the Italian division of Michelin has decided to rely on Matteo De Tomasi, appointed head of the unit just over two weeks ago. Electrification big chance “For our Group, the transition to electric mobility is one Big chance – he made his debut on the microphones of La Stampa – Tires for electric cars have different characteristics compared to traditional tires because there must be less rolling resistance to increase the vehicle’s range despite the higher weight (due to the battery pack). And then they must be less noisy, so we are investing to improve acoustic comfort. Added to this is the sustainability chapter, but we’re at a good point because the first green tire was launched in 1992″. Double challenge In concrete terms, therefore in terms of product, Michelin’s goal is to be able to produce tires by 2050 that are fully sustainablewhich means they will be built using materials that are recycled or from renewable sources. “Therefore, the challenge is twofold: to make tires suitable for the new mobility that are themselves sustainable”, explains De Tomasi. Look to the future What will the future hold for Michelin? Difficult to say, even for the number one of the Italian division of the company, which speaks of slight bending potential compared to last year. “We want to continue to maintain the production volumes that have allowed us to be the leading tire manufacturer in Italy – concluded De Tomasi – We have just completed the electrification of the presses Wedge and this allows us to reduce CO2 emissions by 4,000 tons in a year. It is one of the group’s first sites in the world to have this technology. For the future, the construction of a trigeneration plant is starting which will make it possible to produce electricity, steam and water for heating and cooling, making it possible to cover 97% of the plant’s energy needs starting from next year”.
Michelin, growth also comes from Italy
2023-08-01 01:08:13+00:00
2023-08-01 01:57:00
EThere are journalists who manage to write about a house in such a way that you can imagine what it looks like and where its qualities or flaws lie. But then there are authors who, based on the house they write about, can explain an entire society with literary precision and a keen eye for details, fine shifts, small and large absurdities. One of these authors is Hermann Funke. The architect, born in 1932, had studied architecture in Braunschweig in the 1950s and experienced the bright moments of the Federal Republic of Germany’s reconstruction years as well as its abysses and disasters. Since the 1960s, however, he has published texts on construction, especially in the “Zeit” and in the “Spiegel”, which left no one indifferent. Funke was one of the first to recognize the extent to which the built environment shapes life – and was also able to write about it. The features editor at the time, Rudolf Walter Leonhard, once wrote that Funke had “invented a new genre for German journalism: architectural criticism”. These reviews from 1962 to 2003, which Funke wrote alongside his work as an architect, are now finally available in one volume. It can be read not only as a collection of architectural criticism, but as a history of post-war society in the Federal Republic of Germany, its dreams and traumata, its economic and ideological entanglements – whether it is about the terror of the open-plan office or that of the soulless dormitory towns, the linguistic fraud of the people of Hamburg ” City Nord”, which is an office ghetto, but not a “city” at all, or the luxury holiday homes in the sentimental peasant cottage style that the new business leaders are building on Sylt, where, like Marie Antoinette in the Hameau of Versailles, they reenact the simple life of those who actually exploit them. Passionate, combative, often devastatingly funny Funke roams through post-war Germany like a puzzled ethnologist exploring a strange planet and its strange inhabitants. In Hanover, in the castle park, where the parliament could have been built, a restaurant for the bourgeois taste of the eating wave years is to be built: pork knuckle and sauerkraut for the economic miracle workers instead of politics for everyone. The unctuous language of modern architects is perceived with subtle irony: “Whoever calls their study a studio can call it the atrium patio. Now we can have a say. Or should we do something unusual? Perhaps we should ask what it is that the discussion is passing by,” says one criticism. Hermann Funke: “Architecture criticism 1962-2003”. : Image: Adocs Verlag As early as 1963 Funke wrote critically about “star architecture” and thus coined a term that only made an international career decades later. He writes passionately, combatively, often incredibly funny, always clairvoyantly; There is a subtle, philanthropic irony in his texts, a skepticism about grand ideologies, and a sharpness of argument reminiscent of the feuilletons of Kracauer and Tucholsky. Not everyone who caught Funke’s sharp gaze was impressed by what they had to read about themselves: The architect Hermann Henselmann wrote to Funke in 1965 that he “can imagine that many architects are annoyed by your criticism. I’ve spoken to several people who are downright snarling at you. . .”
Hermann Funke's collected architectural criticism
[ "Christopher Knaus" ]
2023-08-01 00:46:41+00:00
2023-08-01 00:00:13
Exclusive: Kelly told the Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority he took the trips to meet United Australia party members…55788c5371facab0
The expenses watchdog has told Craig Kelly he must pay back more than $2,000 for two taxpayer-funded trips to attend party meetings on Clive Palmer’s boat in Melbourne, documents show. Kelly charged taxpayers for air fares, travel allowance and private car use during two trips to Melbourne in February and March last year, while Palmer’s boat was docked in the city. At the time, the United Australia party was in the middle of its $123.5m election campaign and Kelly was its only sitting MP and parliamentary leader. The Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority (Ipea) began querying Kelly about the trips to Melbourne in April last year, asking Kelly to justify charging taxpayers for the trips. Documents released by Ipea after a Guardian freedom of information request show Kelly told the watchdog he was there to meet UAP members for two different state conferences. He said both meetings were for “selected” party representatives, which he described as state party conferences. The first was for Victorian members and the second was for South Australian UAP members. “This event was held on a private boat moored at Docklands,” he told Ipea. “The reason it was held in Melbourne and not Adelaide was because bad weather had prevented the boat sailing from Melbourne to Adelaide, and instead the South Australia party members flew into Melbourne to attend.” Taxpayer-funded travel is typically allowed for official meetings of state and federal branches of a political party and Kelly told Ipea he would provide a statutory declaration confirming the purpose of his travel. Ipea responded that it needed to see independent evidence – diary notes, calendar entries or media reporting – to confirm the purpose of the trip. Kelly said he no longer had access to his parliamentary resources, having been voted out in 2022, and that media were not invited to the UAP state party meetings. Ipea repeatedly asked for evidence but did not receive a reply. In February, it raised an invoice against Kelly. “You are obliged to provide compliance information in relation to the use of public resources, as required by Ipea,” the watchdog told Kelly. “If this information is not supplied, the commonwealth is not liable for the business resources accessed. As you have not provided evidence in relation to expenses incurred within the relevant period, invoices have been raised for these expenses.” skip past newsletter promotion Sign up to Guardian Australia's Afternoon Update Free daily newsletter Our Australian afternoon update email breaks down the key national and international stories of the day and why they matter Privacy Notice: Newsletters may contain info about charities, online ads, and content funded by outside parties. For more information see our Newsletters may contain info about charities, online ads, and content funded by outside parties. For more information see our Privacy Policy . We use Google reCaptcha to protect our website and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. after newsletter promotion The invoice includes $862 for Comcar use, $131 for his daily travel allowance, and $1,536 for all other travel expenses, including a 25% penalty loading. Kelly told the Guardian he was preparing to challenge the decision. He said the travel was justified because both trips to Melbourne were for political party meetings and said he had a policy of only flying economy class. “I’m appealing it,” he said. “They were for two state party conferences, which are allowed for under the rules. I also have a policy of flying economy class, all of which I will attest to in a statutory declaration.” Kelly also said Ipea has since told him they will receive a statutory declaration from him.
Craig Kelly told to repay $2,000 for taxpayer-funded trips to Clive Palmer’s boat, documents show
2023-08-01 00:46:47+00:00
2023-08-01 00:05:46
The city building department had logged 24 complaints after the new logo went up, with neighbors upset over its intrusive lights…f7a92348270206d2
It is gone. A giant, glowing X no longer marks the spot on the San Francisco high-rise that is headquarters to Elon Musk’s company X, formerly known as Twitter. The city building department logged 24 complaints after a weekend of the big X, which on Friday was erected on the roof of the company’s downtown San Francisco headquarters, on Market Street, to the chagrin of neighbors who complained about intrusive lights. The move followed a post from Musk, the billionaire who acquired the company in October2022 for $44bn, announcing the newly renamed firm would remain in San Francisco despite what he termed the city’s recent “doom spiral, with one company after another left or leaving.” But the big X didn’t stay long. “This morning, building inspectors observed the structure being dismantled,” a spokesperson from the city department of building inspection said by email on Monday. “The property owner will be assessed fees for the unpermitted installation of the illuminated structure.” X said the removal was voluntary. Over the weekend locals recorded video of the giant X glowing, pulsing and strobing, with some criticizing its intrusive lights. Patricia Wallinga, who lives across from the headquarters, told CBS news it was “a danger” and “a clown show”. “I thought it was lightning, and I was very confused. I went to my window, I looked around, I didn’t see anything. I thought it was maybe a police siren.” Attorney George Wolf told the news outlet that residents were entitled to a chance to approve or reject such a development – “it’s very, very reckless [for Musk] to do things this way … It just sounds like it’s just his normal means of doing business. Break things and try and fix them later.” Over the weekend a department of building inspection official wrote in a report that company representatives denied roof access, twice, to city officials seeking to inspect the logo. skip past newsletter promotion Sign up to The Guardian Headlines US Free newsletter For US readers, we offer a regional edition of our daily email, delivering the most important headlines every morning Privacy Notice: Newsletters may contain info about charities, online ads, and content funded by outside parties. For more information see our Newsletters may contain info about charities, online ads, and content funded by outside parties. For more information see our Privacy Policy . We use Google reCaptcha to protect our website and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. after newsletter promotion The inspector noted one representative said the sign was temporary. The company, and its owner, have become a growing headache for city officials, the Washington Post reported last week. City officials began investigating X last year after a complaint that it allegedly converted rooms in its headquarters to sleeping quarters. The San Francisco district attorney accused Musk of spreading misinformation following the high profile killing of tech founder Bob Lee. “There are business leaders in the city who want to engage in solutions, and the mayor wants to work with them,” said Jeff Cretan, a spokesperson for Mayor London Breed, told the Post. “But to have one person who has a megaphone who creates all this tumult, it creates this perception of chaos.”
Giant glowing ‘X’ sign atop Twitter office in San Francisco removed
2023-08-01 01:14:25+00:00
2023-08-01 00:00:13
Six people killed in Russian stroke on Kryvyi Rih; Russian airstrikes destroy 180,000 metric tonnes of grain crops in a month…c598edf0101d2683
At least six people, including a 10-year-old child, have been killed and more than 50 people injured when Russia struck a high-rise apartment in Kryvyi Rih. Authorities said people were trapped under rubble. Oleksiy Kuleba, the deputy head of Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s office, called for revenge, saying: “Every day, Ukrainian cities are under fire from Russian terrorists. Sumy, Zaporizhzhia, Dnipro, Kharkiv. This is only for the last few days.” He said targeting civilians was a sign of “the despair and defeat of the Russian Federation at the front”. Ukraine’s first lady, Olena Zelenska, said: “This is how the week begins in a Ukrainian city that just wants a quiet, normal life. Russia wants to take peace and life away.” She offered condolences to the victims and their families. The city is the home town of both Zelenska and her husband. The mayor of Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, said early on Tuesday that at least three drones hit populated areas of his city and one drone destroyed two floors of a dormitory. Ihor Terekhov wrote on Telegram: “A fire broke out and emergency services are attending. Details on casualties are being clarified.” Russian opposition politician Vladimir Kara-Murza on Monday lost an appeal against his 25-year jail sentence, the RIA state news agency reported. Kara-Murza, who holds Russian and British citizenship, was jailed for 25 years in April for treason and spreading “false information” about Russia’s war in Ukraine, Reuters reports. Britain added six new designations to its Russia sanctions list, an update to the government website showed on Monday, targeting judges and officials involved in the trial of Kara-Murza. Ukraine and Croatia have agreed on the possibility of using Croatian ports on the Danube and the Adriatic Sea for the export of Ukrainian grain, Ukraine’s foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba said after talks with his Croatian counterpart on Monday, according to Reuters. Russian airstrikes destroyed an estimated 180,000 metric tonnes of grain crops in the space of nine days this month, the Ukrainian foreign ministry said on Monday. Mykhailo Fedorov, Ukraine’s minister of digital transformation, said Russia lost 87 units of equipment last week, including 33 strongholds, 26 armoured combat vehicles and 15 tanks. The Kremlin on Monday described a drone attack on Moscow as an “act of desperation” by Ukraine after setbacks on the battlefield. AFP reported that Kremlin spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, said it had been “very difficult” for Ukrainian forces on the frontline since they launched their counteroffensive in June. Ukrainian forces have recaptured nearly 15 sq km (5.8 sq miles) of land from Russian troops in the east and south over the past week during their counteroffensive, a senior defence official said on Monday. Kyiv’s forces have now retaken 204.7 sq km in the south since they launched a major push back against Russian forces early last month, deputy defence minister Hanna Maliar said on Telegram. Denis Pushilin, the Russian-imposed acting governor of occupied Donetsk, has claimed that at least two people have been killed and at least six injured after a Ukrainian strike hit a bus in the city, which had been capital of the self-declared Donetsk People’s Republic since 2014, and which Russia claimed to have annexed last year. Russian mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin appears to have said in a voice message published on Monday that his Wagner group was not currently recruiting fighters but was likely to do so in future. Prigozhin said in the voice message that “unfortunately” some of his fighters had moved to other “power structures”, but he said they were looking to return. “As long as we don’t experience a shortage in personnel, we don’t plan to carry out a new recruitment,” Prigozhin said. “However, we will be extremely grateful to you if you keep in touch with us, and as soon as the Motherland needs to create a new group that will be able to protect the interests of our country, we will certainly start recruiting.”
Russia-Ukraine war at a glance: what we know on day 524 of the invasion
2023-08-01 01:29:41+00:00
2023-07-31 17:15:51
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Attorneys for Nima Momeni, the tech consultant charged in the death of Cash App founder Bob Lee, said Monday that the two men had
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Attorneys for Nima Momeni, the tech consultant charged in the death of Cash App founder Bob Lee, said Monday that the two men had a cordial relationship and the defendant had no reason to kill him. The comments from Momeni's lawyers came during a preliminary hearing, where the prosecution presents its evidence and a judge decides if there is enough to move ahead to trial. The hearing will continue Tuesday, when Momeni's defense is expected to lay out more of their arguments. Prosecutors have said that Momeni, 38, planned the April 4 attack that left Lee dying on a desolate San Francisco street. They said he drove Lee to a secluded spot and stabbed him three times after a dispute related to Momeni's sister, Khazar. But Tony Brass, one of four defense attorneys present Monday, said it was not Lee but another man whom Momeni suspected of acting inappropriately with his younger sister. “What you see is cordial, a cordial relationship between Nima Momeni and Bob Lee,” Brass said to reporters after the hearing. “They’re in a car together. Those are not two men who have murderous rage between them.” A friend of Lee told homicide investigators they had been hanging out and drinking with Momeni’s sister the day before the stabbing, prosecutors said previously in court documents. The friend said Momeni later questioned Lee about whether his sister was doing drugs or otherwise engaging in inappropriate behavior, and Lee said she had not. But Saam Zangeneh, one of Momeni's lawyers, said he asked those questions of Lee in regards to the man whose apartment they had been drinking at. Zangeneh said in court he needed to dispute the idea of an “honor killing" committed to protect a sister. Prosecutors have not spelled out a motive, but previously offered a timeline in a case that has drawn outsize media attention, partly due to Lee's status in the tech world. Lee created Cash App, a mobile payment service, and was the chief product officer of the cryptocurrency MobileCoin. Momeni, who has been in jail since his arrest April 13, has pleaded not guilty. He faces 26 years to life if convicted. His arrest came more than a week after Lee, 43, was found bleeding in the early morning hours of April 4. He later died at a hospital. On Monday, Assistant District Attorney Omid Talai formally introduced evidence for his case, including photos of a knife that prosecutors say Momeni used to stab Lee, a trail of blood left by Lee as he staggered for help, and video footage showing the two men leave Momeni's sister's condo building before the stabbing. Talai said at a May hearing that the weapon was part of a unique kitchen set belonging to Momeni's sister and that analysis showed Momeni’s DNA on the weapon's handle and Lee’s DNA on the bloody blade. Police recovered a knife with a 4-inch (10-centimeter) blade at the scene. Zangeneh questioned why the rubber handle of the knife was tested for only DNA and not fingerprints. SFPD crime scene investigator Rosalyn Check said that it is difficult to get prints off rubber. "When you want to see if someone’s touching something, you do fingerprint analysis, right?" he said to reporters. “And they weren’t done on the handle, which is the most important, relevant portion of who, if any, was handling that item.” Surveillance video of Lee's final night shows him entering the posh Millennium Tower downtown, where Momeni’s sister lives with her husband, a prominent San Francisco plastic surgeon. Video footage then shows Lee and Momeni leaving the building together shortly after 2 a.m. and driving off in Momeni’s car. Lee was found shortly after 2:30 a.m. in the Rincon Hill neighborhood of San Francisco, which has tech offices and condominiums but little activity in the early morning hours.
Lawyers for tech consultant Nima Momeni say he had no reason to kill Cash App founder Bob Lee
[ "David Jablonski", "About The Author", "David Jablonski Covers The Dayton Flyers", "Other Sports For The Dayton Daily News", "Springfield News-Sun", "Journal News." ]
2023-08-01 01:30:08+00:00
2023-08-01 01:13:47
The Cincinnati Reds acquired bullpen help on the eve of the trade deadline, acquiring left-handed reliever Sam Moll as well as international cap space
The Cincinnati Reds acquired bullpen help on the eve of the trade deadline, acquiring left-handed reliever Sam Moll as well as international cap space Monday in a deal with the Oakland Athletics. The Reds sent minor-league right-handed pitcher Joe Boyle to the A’s in the deal. The Reds moved Hunter Greene to the 60-day injured list to make room for Moll on the 40-man roster. According to reports Monday, he’s scheduled to return to the Reds on Aug. 20. Moll, 31, was 0-3 with a 4.54 ERA in 45 appearances. He was a third-round pick, by the Colorado Rockies, in the 2013 draft and made his debut with the A’s in 2017. He did not pitch in the big leagues from 2018-20 but returned to the A’s in 2021 when he appeared in eight games. Last year, Moll was 2-1 with a 2.91 ERA in 53 appearances. Boyle, 23, was the Reds’ fifth-round pick in 2020. He was 3-4 with a 2.17 ERA in 17 starts with the Single-A Dayton Dragons last season. This season, he was 6-5 with a 4.50 ERA in 19 starts with Double-A Chattanooga. The Major League Baseball trade deadline is 6 p.m. Tuesday.
Reds deal for reliever on eve of trade deadline
2023-08-01 01:29:28+00:00
2023-07-31 21:10:51
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A brightly flashing "X" sign has been removed from the San Francisco headquarters of the company formerly known as Twitter just d
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A brightly flashing "X" sign has been removed from the San Francisco headquarters of the company formerly known as Twitter just days after it was installed. The San Francisco Department of Building Inspection said Monday it received 24 complaints about the unpermitted structure over the weekend. Complaints included concerns about its structural safety and illumination. The Elon Musk-owned company, which has been rebranded as X, had removed the Twitter sign and iconic blue bird logo from the building last week. That work was temporarily paused because the company did not have the necessary permits. For a time, the “er” at the end of “Twitter” remained up due to the abrupt halt of the sign takedown. The city of San Francisco had opened a complaint and launched an investigation into the giant "X" sign, which was installed Friday on top of the downtown building as Musk continues his rebrand of the social media platform. The chaotic rebrand of Twitter's building signage is similar to the haphazard way in which the Twitter platform is being turned into X. While the X logo has replaced Twitter on many parts of the site and app, remnants of Twitter remain. Representatives for X did not immediately respond to a message for comment Monday. Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP
Brightly flashing 'X' sign removed from the San Francisco building that was Twitter's headquarters
2023-08-01 01:29:48+00:00
2023-07-31 20:55:50
WASHINGTON (AP) — Spectators at the DC Open were told before Ukraine's Elina Svitolina defeated Belarus' Victoria Azarenka 7-6 (2), 6-4 on Monday nigh
WASHINGTON (AP) — Spectators at the DC Open were told before Ukraine's Elina Svitolina defeated Belarus' Victoria Azarenka 7-6 (2), 6-4 on Monday night that the players would not shake hands when their first-round match ended. During the war in Ukraine, Svitolina — like several other players from her country — has declined to participate in the usual meeting at the net with opponents from Russia or Belarus. Russia invaded Ukraine with the help of Belarus in February 2022 and fighting continues. When Svitolina wrapped up her victory Monday, both she and Azarenka walked straight toward the sideline to acknowledge the chair umpire. Folks in the stands applauded; a few waved blue-and-yellow Ukrainian flags. At other recent tournaments, some fans — seemingly unaware of the background — booed Ukrainian players for not participating in the customary handshake. After losing to Svitolina at Wimbledon, it was Azarenka who was jeered loudly for not going up to the net herself — even though she did so because she knew Svitolina would not want to shake hands. Svitolina said at the time that she thought it would make sense for tournaments to start informing fans about the situation; the All England Club said it would not do that. But Svitolina said she was assured by WTA Chairman and CEO Steve Simon that there would be a message delivered to the crowd in Washington before her match against Azarenka — and there was. The scoreboards read: “At the conclusion of the match, there will be no handshake between the players. We appreciate your respect for both athletes during and following the match, and for your understanding during these difficult circumstances.” The message was shown after the first set, too. The WTA has not yet decided whether to tell all tournaments to post a similar message before any match involving a player from Ukraine against one from Russia or Belarus. In earlier action on Day 1 at the first combined ATP-WTA 500 event, defending champion Liudmila Samsonova stretched her winning streak in Washington to six matches by beating 2022 Australian Open finalist Danielle Collins 6-1, 6-3. The eighth-seeded Samsonova saved both break points she faced while winning four of Collins' service games. Collins hurt herself by double-faulting eight times. Samsonova is a 24-year-old from Russia who is currently ranked 18th. Her trophy on the hard courts of the U.S. Open tune-up tournament a year ago was one of four singles titles she's won. In other women's matches, Lauren Davis eliminated 2017 U.S. Open champion Sloane Stephens 7-6 (8), 3-6, 6-1, sixth-seeded Belinda Bencic advanced when Anastasia Potapova retired in the first set with an injured left ankle, and Marta Kostyuk beat 2019 U.S. Open champion Bianca Andreescu 2-6, 6-3, 7-6 (5). Sofia Kenin, the Australian Open champion and French Open runner-up in 2019, withdrew from the DC Open because of an injured left thigh and was replaced in the field by Peyton Stearns, who lost in qualifying. In men's action, Mackenzie McDonald eliminated Diego Schwartzman 6-3, 6-3, Aslan Karatsev beat Kiranpal Pannu 7-6 (3), 6-1, Alexander Shevchenko defeated Maxime Cressy 6-3, 7-6 (8), Michael Mmoh beat Bradley Klahn 6-3, 6-3, and Yosuke Watanuki moved into the second round when Wu Yibing stopped playing because of illness. ___ AP tennis: Credit: AP Credit: AP
Tennis fans in DC are warned that Ukraine's Svitolina and Belarus' Azarenka won't shake hands
2023-08-01 01:29:54+00:00
2023-07-29 16:15:54
PARRIS ISLAND, S.C. (AP) — Not long ago, Marine Col. Jennifer Nash, a combat engineer with war deployments under her belt, made a vow to fellow office
PARRIS ISLAND, S.C. (AP) — Not long ago, Marine Col. Jennifer Nash, a combat engineer with war deployments under her belt, made a vow to fellow officers as they headed to a dinner in Atlanta: She would get two new recruiting contacts by the end of the evening. She admits recruiting is not the job that she or other Marines had in mind when they enlisted. But after stints as a recruiter and senior officer at the Eastern recruiting command, she has become emblematic of the Corps' tradition of putting its best, battle-tested Marines on enlistment duty. They get results. Marine leaders say they will make their recruiting goal this year, while the active-duty Army, Navy and Air Force all expect to fall short. The services have struggled in the tight job market to compete with higher-paying businesses for the dwindling number of young people who can meet the military's physical, mental and moral standards. On that night, Nash achieved her own goal. She had gotten the valet at the hotel and the hostess at the restaurant to provide their phone numbers and to consider a Marine career. Nash’s boss, Brig. Gen. Walker Field, who head the Eastern recruiting region, says the Corps has historically put an emphasis on selecting top-performing Marines to fill recruiting jobs. He says that has been a key to the Marines’ recruiting success, along with efforts to increase the number of recruiters, extend those who do well and speed their return to high schools, where in-person recruiting stopped during the COVID-19 pandemic. He said his recruiters — who cover the territory between Canada and Puerto Rico and as far west as Mississippi — will meet their mission and expect to have 30% of their 2024 goal when they start the next fiscal year, Oct. 1. More broadly, Marine officials say they expect the Corps to achieve its recruiting target of more than 33,000. Last year, the Navy, Air Force and Marines had to eat into their pools of delayed entry applicants in order to make their goals. The Marines will avoid that this year. "That would be a great ending," said Field, speaking to The Associated Press on a recent steamy day at South Carolina's Parris Island, along the Atlantic Coast. "I'm bearish for not only concluding FY23 on a strong footing, but also how we set the conditions for FY24." The Marine Corps may get some help from its small size. The Army, for example, has a recruiting goal of 65,000 this year, which is nearly double the Corps', and expects to fall substantially short of that. Air Force and Navy officials say they will also miss their goals, although the Space Force, which is the smallest service and does its recruiting within Air Force stations, is expected to meet its goal of about 500 recruits. Sitting in the shadow of Parris Island's replica of the Iwo Jima monument, Field said his biggest challenge is that a number of Marine hopefuls cannot pass the military's academic test, known as the Armed Services Voluntary Aptitude Battery. That is a widespread problem, but the Army recently set up a program that targets recruits who score below 30 on the test and provides schooling for several weeks to help them pass. Already more than 8,800 recruits have successfully gone through the classes, raised their scores and moved on to basic training. The Navy is taking another route with a pilot program that allows up to 20% of their recruits to score below 30 on the test, as long as they meet specific standards for their chosen naval job. Marine leaders, however, do not take those lowest scoring recruits, and so far have no plans for any type of formal improvement program such as the Army's. Field said the Marines are repositioning recruiting stations, moving them around based on where population totals have increased in the latest census. More important, he said, the Corps maintains its focus on choosing the right recruiters, encouraging successful ones to stay in the job and increasing the number of Marine reservists tapped for recruit duties from the current 31 to 96 by the end of next year. Nash, who until last month was assistant chief of staff for the Eastern region, said Marines are hand-selected for recruiting command jobs. Many three- and four-star Marines, including former Defense Secretary James Mattis, will cite their years doing enlistment duty. “We put our best and brightest in those positions,” said Nash, adding that those chosen for recruiting posts have a proven track record of success in previous assignments and have demonstrated critical leadership skills. “That's why they got selected, because they were above their peers.” She acknowledged that the first time she was picked for a recruiting job she was “voluntold.” But now, recounting her sales pitch in Atlanta, her rapid fire pitch comes without taking a breath. “I say, 'Hey, ever thought about being Marine? We're a bunch of Marines. And, you know, I think you potentially could be a good Marine. You ever thought about it?' And usually you get, ‘Yeah, I thought about it.’ And I'm, like, ‘What’s holding you back? Would you like to learn more about your opportunities?' ‘Absolutely.’ `OK. Mind giving me your name and phone number? I’ll have one of my recruiters give you a phone call.'” The Marines have resisted increasing bonuses to attract recruits — something the other services have found helpful. Gen. Eric Smith, the acting Marine Corps commandant, got some ribbing for his response when he was asked about bonuses during a naval conference in February. “Your bonus is you get to call yourself a Marine,” he said. "That’s your bonus, right? There’s no dollar amount that goes with that.” Field, Nash and others also say the Corps prefers to give a lot of recruits a few thousand dollars, rather than increasing the amount and giving money to far fewer people. Field said that getting Marine recruiters in uniform back into high schools this year, after several years of COVID-19 restrictions, has been a key driver. There, young people line up to compete in pull-up contests, vying for a free T-shirt if they can do 20. And recruiters say many are drawn to the cache of being a Marine. “If you told me you’ll give me $10 million worth of advertising and I can do something with it, or you'll give me 10 great-looking Marines in a Marine uniform — what’s going to get the most value? Give me those 10 Marines and give me a day,” Nash said. "We’ll go out and we’ll get more out of that, I think, than $10 million in advertising." Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP Credit: AP
The 'Few and the Proud' aren't so few: Marines recruiting surges while other services struggle
2023-08-01 01:30:01+00:00
2023-08-01 00:30:50
CHICAGO (AP) — The Cincinnati Reds acquired reliever Sam Moll in a trade with the Oakland Athletics on Monday.
CHICAGO (AP) — The Cincinnati Reds acquired reliever Sam Moll in a trade with the Oakland Athletics on Monday. The addition of Moll puts another left-hander in Cincinnati's bullpen as it tries to become the first team to win a division after losing at least 100 games in the previous season. The Reds led the NL Central by a half-game over Milwaukee heading into play on Monday. Moll, a third-round pick in the 2013 amateur draft, is 0-3 with a 4.54 ERA in 45 appearances this year. He has held lefty hitters to a .197 batting average. “It’s a nice extra guy in the bullpen. He’s left-handed, obviously, gets lefties out," Reds general manager Nick Krall said. "He also has options and control as well.” The Reds got Moll and international cap space from Oakland for minor league right-hander Joe Boyle. The 6-foot-7 Boyle was selected by Cincinnati in the fifth round of the 2020 amateur draft. To make room for Moll on the 40-man roster, the Reds transferred right-hander Hunter Greene to the 60-day injured list. Greene is coming back from right hip pain. With Greene and Nick Lodolo sidelined by injuries, Cincinnati could use another arm for its rotation ahead of the deadline. It also could get more help for its busy bullpen. “It’s how can we better our team?" Krall said. "We’re looking at things, whether it’s offense, defense, starting, relief — whatever it is that can make our team better, we’re looking at it.” ___ AP MLB:
Cincinnati Reds acquire lefty reliever Sam Moll in a trade with the Oakland Athletics
2023-08-01 01:29:35+00:00
2023-08-01 00:30:50
BEIRUT (AP) — The Organization for Islamic Cooperation urged its member nations Monday to take action against countries that permit public burning or
BEIRUT (AP) — The Organization for Islamic Cooperation urged its member nations Monday to take action against countries that permit public burning or desecration of the Quran, including the recalling of ambassadors. The Saudi Arabia-based group made the call in a statement following an emergency online meeting of its foreign ministers to discuss recent incidents in which the Islamic holy book was burned or otherwise defaced at officially permitted protests in Sweden and Denmark. The organization's 57 member countries should “consider taking any necessary decisions and actions that they deem appropriate in their relations" with Sweden, Denmark, and other countries that allow such incidents, including recalling their ambassadors, the statement said. It encouraged civil society organizations in the member states to work with counterparts in countries where the Quran has been burned or desecrated to file local lawsuits “before taking their cases to international judicial bodies, where applicable.” It also called for more efforts at outreach to combat Islamophobia, praising Kuwait for commissioning the printing of 100,000 copies of the Quran translated into Swedish for distribution in Sweden. Many of the points in the final statement echoed recommendations made by Iraq’s Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein, who also called on the United Nations to “take measures to prevent these incidents.” Ahead of the meeting, two men who had previously burned a copy of the Quran in Sweden did so once again, in front of a crowd of a few dozen onlookers and about 20 counter-protesters. In both Sweden and Denmark, t here is no law against blasphemy, and freedom of expression is generally held in high regard. But as the recent Quran burnings have sparked angry demonstrations and diplomatic backlash in Muslim countries, officials in the Scandinavian countries have begun to consider whether there should be curbs on public defacement of holy books or other religious symbols. Denmark's foreign minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, said Sunday in an interview with Danish public broadcaster DR that the government is seeking a "legal tool" to prohibit such inflammatory acts without compromising freedom of expression. In Sweden, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said Sunday on Instagram that his government is analyzing the legal situation regarding desecration of the Quran and other holy books, given the animosity such acts are stirring up against Sweden. Before Monday's meeting, the OIC had already suspended the status of Sweden's special envoy over the Quran burnings. Sweden’s Foreign Minister Tobias Billström said in a statement that he spoke in recent days with counterparts in OIC countries to explain how Sweden's freedom of expression works and that police make independent decisions on protest applications. He added that “the government is very clear in its distance from the Islamophobic acts carried out by individuals at demonstrations in Sweden.” The Danish foreign minister said his “government condemned and denounced the insult” to the Quran and “that it is studying this issue with great interest.” ___ Keyton reported from Stockholm. Associated Press staff writer Qassim Abdul-Zahra in Baghdad contributed to this report.
Islamic group suggests that member nations downgrade ties with countries that allow Quran burnings
2023-08-01 01:09:01+00:00
2023-07-31 16:39:30
More than astrology, reincarnation, and the belief that physical things can have spiritual energies.…17.jpg?ve=1&tl=1
Compared with the devil, angels carry more credence in America. Angels even get more credence than, well, hell. More than astrology, reincarnation, and the belief that physical things can have spiritual energies. In fact, about 7 in 10 U.S. adults say they believe in angels, according to a new poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. "People are yearning for something greater than themselves — beyond their own understanding," said Jack Grogger, a chaplain for the Los Angeles Angels and a longtime Southern California fire captain who has aided many people in their gravest moments. That search for something bigger, he said, can take on many forms, from following a religion to crafting a self-driven purpose to believing in, of course, angels. "For a lot of people, angels are a lot safer to worship," said Grogger, who also pastors a nondenominational church in Orange, California, and is a chaplain for the NHL's Anaheim Ducks. People turn to angels for comfort, he said. They are familiar, regularly showing up in pop culture as well as in the Bible. Comparably, worshipping Jesus is far more involved; when Grogger preaches about angels it is with the context that they are part of God's kingdom. American's belief in angels (69%) is about on par with belief in heaven and the power of prayer, but bested by belief in God or a higher power (79%). Fewer U.S. adults believe in the devil or Satan (56%), astrology (34%), reincarnation (34%), and that physical things can have spiritual energies, such as plants, rivers or crystals (42%). The widespread acceptance of angels shown in the AP-NORC poll makes sense to Susan Garrett, an angel expert and New Testament professor at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Kentucky. It tracks with historical surveys, she said, adding that the U.S. remains a faith-filled country even as more Americans reject organized religion. But if the devil is in the details, so are people’s understandings of angels. "They’re very malleable," Garrett said of angels. "You can have any one of a number of quite different worldviews in terms of your understanding of how the cosmos is arranged, whether there’s spirit beings, whether there’s life after death, whether there’s a God … and still find a place for angels in that worldview." Talk of angels, Garrett said, is often also about something else, like the ways God interacts with the world and other hard-to-articulate ideas. The large number of U.S. adults who say they believe in angels includes 84% of those with a religious affiliation — 94% of evangelical Protestants, 81% of mainline Protestants and 82% of Catholics — and 33% of those without one. And of those angel-believing religiously unaffiliated, that includes 2% of atheists, 25% of agnostics and 50% of those identified as "nothing in particular." The broad acceptance is what fascinates San Francisco-based witch and author Devin Hunter: Angels show up independently in different religions and traditions, making them part of the fabric that unites humanity. Dying Saint Cecilia hears a celestial concert, 1869. Found in the collection of the Musée des Beaux-arts, Rouen. Artist Guérin, Prosper (1838-1912). (Photo by Fine Art Images/Heritage Images via Getty Images) "We’re all getting to the same conclusion," said Hunter, who spent 16 years as a professional medium, and started communicating as a child with what he believed were angels. Hunter estimates that a belief in angels applies to about half of those practicing modern witchcraft today, and for some who don't believe, their rejection is often rooted in the religious trauma they experienced growing up. "Angels become a very big deal" for long-time practitioners who've made occultism their primary focus, said Hunter, an angel-loving occultist. "We cannot escape them in any way, shape or form." Jennifer Goodwin of Oviedo, Florida, also is among the roughly seven in 10 U.S. adults who say they believe in angels. She isn’t sure if God exists and rejects the afterlife dichotomy of heaven and hell, but the recent deaths of her parents solidified her views on these celestial beings. Goodwin believes her parents are still keeping an eye on the family — not in any physical way or as a supernatural apparition, but that they manifest in those moments when she feels a general sense of comfort. "I think that they are around us, but it’s in a way that we can’t understand," Goodwin said. "I don’t know what else to call it except an angel." Angels mean different things to different people, and the idea of loved ones becoming heavenly angels after death is neither an unusual belief nor a universally held one. In his reading of Scripture as an evangelical Protestant, Grogger said he believes angels are something else entirely — they have never been human and are on another level in heaven's hierarchy. "We are higher than angels," he said. "We do not become an angel." Angels do interact with humans though, said Grogger, but what "that looks like we’re not 100% sure." They worship God who created this angelic legion of unknown numbers, he said, adding that evangelicals often attribute the demonic forces in the world to the angels who fell from heaven when the devil rebelled. The Western ideas about angels can be traced through the Bible — and to the worldviews of its monotheistic authors, Garrett said. Those beliefs have changed and developed for millennia, influenced by cultures, theologians and even the ancient polytheistic beliefs that came before the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, she said. "There are sort of lines of continuity from the Bible that you can trace all the way up to the New Age movement," said Susan Garrett, who wrote "No Ordinary Angel: Celestial Spirits and Christian Claims about Jesus." The angels in the Bible do God's bidding, and angelic violence is one part of their job description, said Esther Hamori, author of the upcoming book, "God's Monsters: Vengeful Spirits, Deadly Angels, Hybrid Creatures, and Divine Hitmen of the Bible." "The angels of the Bible are just as likely to assassinate individuals and slaughter entire populations as they are to offer help and protect and deliver," said Hamori. She doesn't believe in these angels, but studies them as a Hebrew Bible professor at Union Theological Seminary in New York where she teaches a popular "Monster Heaven" class. "They’re just God’s obedient soldiers doing the task at hand, and sometimes that task is in human beings' best interests, and sometimes it’s not," she said. The perception that angels act angelic and look like the idyllic, winged figurines atop Christmas trees could be attributed to an early centuries belief that people are assigned one good angel and one bad — or have a good and bad spirit to guide them, Garrett said. This idea shows up on the shoulders of cartoon characters and is likely what Abraham Lincoln was alluding to in his famous appeal for unity when he referenced "the better angels of our nature" in his first inaugural address, she said. "It’s also tied in with ideas about guardian angels, which again, very ancient views that got developed over the centuries," Garrett said. For Sheila Avery of Chicago, angels are protectors, capable of keeping someone from harm. Avery, who belongs to a nondenominational church, credits them with those moments like when a person’s plans fall through, but ultimately it saves them from being in the thick of an unexpected disaster. "They turn on the news and a terrible tragedy happened at that particular place," Avery said, suggesting it was an "angel that was probably watching over them." ___ The poll of 1,680 adults was conducted May 11-15 using a sample drawn from NORC’s probability-based AmeriSpeak Panel, which is designed to be representative of the U.S. population. The margin of sampling error for all respondents is plus or minus 3.4 percentage points. ___ Associated Press religion coverage receives support through the AP’s collaboration with The Conversation US, with funding from Lilly Endowment Inc. The AP is solely responsible for this content.
7 in 10 US adults believe in angels, AP poll finds
[ "Cns Staff" ]
2023-08-01 01:09:49+00:00
2023-07-31 16:14:47
Health officials are warning against swimming and playing in the water at nine LA County beaches, including the beach surrounding the Santa Monica Pier.…62.jpg?ve=1&tl=1
article As the heat wave continues, Southland residents might be inclined to cool off at the beach — but the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Monday issued an Ocean Water Use Warning for nine area beaches, advising people to avoid swimming, surfing or playing in waters due to high bacteria levels. The affected beaches are: Avenue I storm drain at Redondo County Beach, 100 yards up and down the coast from the storm drain Bluff Cove at Palos Verdes Beach, entire swim area Hermosa Beach pier, 100 yards up and down the coast from the pier Malaga Cove Creek at Palos Verdes Beach, entire swim area Manhattan Beach pier, 100 yards up and down the coast from the pier Marie Canyon storm drain at Puerco Beach, 100 yards up and down the coast from the public access steps Malibu Lagoon State Beach at Surfrider Beach, 100 yards up and down the coast from the public restrooms Sapphire Street Extension at Redondo County Beach, 100 yards up and down the coast of Sapphire Street Santa Monica pier, 100 yards up and down the coast from the pier. SUGGESTED: Newport Beach beaches remain off limits after sewage spill The health department Monday also lifted an earlier warning for Topanga Canyon Beach in Malibu, where the agency said recent sample results were within state standards. The county has a 24-hour hotline providing updated information on beach conditions at 1-800-525-5662. A map of affected locations is also available at
Warnings issued for 9 LA Co. beaches due to high bacteria levels
[ "Hal Eisner" ]
2023-08-01 01:09:25+00:00
2023-07-31 17:25:11
Blanca Arcelia Guerrero was fatally hit by a school bus last May while crossing North Unruh Avenue.…ro.jpg?ve=1&tl=1
article The daughters of a La Puente woman who was fatally struck by a school bus last May filed a wrongful death lawsuit. But for the Guerrero family, the lawsuit is not about the money. "I wish I could turn back time," said Hazel Guerrero "We would pay just to have her back." Blanca Arcelia Guerrero was killed while walking northbound on North Unruh Avenue, just south of Fairgrove Avenue, when the bus hit her on Monday, May 8. She was 76 years old. RELATED: Elderly woman killed after being struck by school bus La Puente The family's attorney said that "negligence" is the core of the lawsuit, and that while they are seeking an undisclosed amount of money, "justice" is their main agenda. Guerrero's children remember the mother of six as a "loving, precious and strong woman. The family said Guerrero was in the crosswalk during a green light when she was hit. The impact was so great that she died instantly, according to initial reports. The family said their mother was "healthy" and in great shape prior to the crash. They described their days since her passing as a time of "suffering." RELATED: Family asking for witnesses after 76-year-old mom of 6 hit, killed by school bus in La Puente "No one can rewind time…No one can give us an extra second with our mom, no one can give her back to us…", said Yvonne Torres, another of Guerrero's daughters. "You want some sort of accountability or some sort of implementation of safer rules."
'No one can rewind time' - Daughters of La Puente woman killed by bus file wrongful death suit
[ "Rachel Hallett" ]
2023-08-01 01:09:07+00:00
2023-07-31 16:20:01
Cedars-Sinai Marina del Rey Hospital nurses voted 98% in favor to authorize a strike, on Monday, July 31.…rs.jpg?ve=1&tl=1
Once commended for their heroic bravery during the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses at Cedars-Sinai Marina del Rey Hospital say it's time for management to return the favor. Cedars-Sinai Marina del Rey nurses voted 98% in favor to authorize a strike, on Monday, July 31. Those in favor of the strike cited the hospital's refusal to address recruitment and retention issues as critical protest points, according to the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United (CNA/NNU). One registered nurse said she's seen Cedars-Sinai lose many experienced nurses over the past year. Sophia Sabido said this is a direct result of the hospital's refusal to address the problem directly. "Instead, management resorts to staffing our hospital with temporary contract nurses, who often outnumber staff RNs (registered nurses)," said Sabido. "We know the best nursing care comes from permanent staff RNs, who are fierce advocates for their patients and are committed to improving the hospital." The union nurses' contract expired in February of this year, and Sabido said she and her colleagues have been negotiating with the hospital for months. They called for a strong contract to recruit and retain experienced nurses; elements that these nurses say are critical to proper patient care. But Sabido said the hospital continues to propose contract takeaways, leaving the nurses with no choice but to strike. Merrilee Marks, a registered nurse in the post-anesthesia care unit, said there's a reason why nurses are continuously ranked the most trusted profession. While Americans were instructed to stay home during the pandemic, nurses ran to the front lines to risk their own lives to save others. But now, Marks said they are left to fend for themselves. "What’s happening right now is a betrayal," said Marks, "And makes it difficult to trust that Cedars-Sinai prioritizes the best interests of nurses and our patients." CNA represents more than 300 nurses at Cedars-Sinai Marina del Rey Hospital. They are one of the largest and fastest-growing union and professional association of registered nurses in the nation.
Cedars-Sinai nurses vote to strike at MDR hospital
[ "Fox Digital Team" ]
2023-08-01 01:09:37+00:00
2023-07-31 17:03:00
Officers were able to give the victim CPR until paramedics were able to take them to the hospital…-2.jpg?ve=1&tl=1
article One person was stabbed on the beach near the Santa Monica Pier Monday, and one suspect has been arrested, according to police. Police were called out to the beach just after 2 p.m. Monday, after reports of someone assaulting another person. When officers got there, they found a person near the bathrooms with at least one stab wound to the chest. Officers gave the victim first aid and CPR until fire department officials arrived. They were then able to bring them to a local hospital, but did not provide any information about their condition. Videos shared on the Citizen app showed one group of officers helping the stabbing victim, while another group was subduing the suspected attacker. SUGGESTED: Body in a barrel washes ashore Malibu beach Police took one person into custody. No other details were immediately available.
Person stabbed near Santa Monica Pier, suspect in custody
[ "Catherine Stoddard" ]
2023-08-01 01:09:19+00:00
2023-07-31 14:56:34
Almost half a century later, the unsolved mystery of Jimmy Hoffa’s disappearance continues to fascinate the masses. Here is a look back at news coverage from that time and where some theories stand today.…e3.jpg?ve=1&tl=1
Since his disappearance in 1975, the story of Jimmy Hoffa has become one of the most famous unsolved mysteries in American history. Hoffa went missing on July 30, 1975, in Michigan where he was set to have a meeting at the Machus Red Fox restaurant in Oakland County’s Bloomfield Township. After he made a phone call to his wife informing her that he had been stood up, he was never seen again. Even after nearly half a century, his case continues to fascinate the masses with movies, documentaries and new information being released by authorities about Hoffa’s possible whereabouts. Who was Jimmy Hoffa? Closeups of James Hoffa, president of the teamsters union in April 1966 (Getty Images) James Riddle Hoffa was one of America’s most prominent labor organizers. Born on Feb. 14, 1913, in Indiana, Hoffa and his family would move to Detroit’s west side when he was about 11 years old, according to the Detroit Historical Society. He dropped out of high school and went to work in a Kroger grocery store warehouse. There, he gained his passion for better working conditions and treatment and organized his first strike. He won. Hoffa would go on to organize and lead the International Brotherhood of the Teamsters, of which he was elected president in 1957. During his leadership, Hoffa managed to strike the National Master Freight Agreement which allowed hundreds and thousands of truck drivers to have standardized protections and benefits, according to the Teamsters website. Former Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa driving truck, looking at his reflection in rearview mirror (Lynn Pelham/Getty Images) This agreement made way for similar deals for other workers within the Teamsters union, which grew to become the largest union in the U.S. RELATED: Decades later: A look back at the infamous O.J. Simpson police chase When did Jimmy Hoffa go missing? On July 30, 1975, Hoffa was set to meet with reputed Detroit mob enforcer Anthony "Tony Jack" Giacalone and alleged New Jersey mob figure Anthony "Tony Pro" Provenzano, who was also a volatile and feared capo in the Genovese crime family. Their meeting spot was the Machus Red Fox restaurant in Bloomfield Township. Hoffa left his home at about 1 p.m. and met with a friend before arriving at the restaurant at 2 p.m. James R. Hoffa was officially declared a missing person 7/31 by his family and speculation that he was kidnapped or slain swept the Teamsters Union he once ruled with an iron fist. Hoffa was last seen standing outside the Machus Red Fox Restaurant i Expand After waiting for about 15 minutes, Hoffa called his wife declaring that neither Giacalone nor Provenzano showed up. The then-62-year-old Teamsters leader was never heard from or seen again. Jimmy Hoffa’s Mafia ties It was known that Hoffa worked closely with the Mafia, specifically when it was advantageous for the Teamsters union and its members, according to the Belfer Center of Science and International Affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School. Hoffa set up a pension fund for the union workers which amassed $2.2 billion, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. Hoffa would regularly loan out money from this pension fund to the mob to help them finance their criminal enterprises, according to the Belfer Center. But Hoffa’s unsavory dealings with the mob did not go unnoticed and he went to prison in 1967 for attempted bribery, jury tampering and fraud. He was imprisoned for 13 years before he was pardoned by then-President Richard Nixon. After his release, it was believed the Mafia did not want Hoffa in charge of the unions and, more importantly, the pension fund. Hoffa allegedly threatened to expose the mob’s ties to the unions if they continued to stonewall his attempts to regain control, which is what may have been the catalyst to his disappearance. Handcuffed Teamster leader Jimmy Hoffa as he waits for the next door to open at Lewisburg Federal Prison where he will serve his eight year sentence, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, Dec. 9, 1967. (Underwood Archives/Getty Images) What happened to Jimmy Hoffa? There are many theories about what happened to Hoffa after that fateful day in 1975. Theory 1: Hoffa was killed by mobsters after his failed meeting at the Machus Red Fox restaurant on July 30, 1975, and his body was taken to the Central Sanitation facility in nearby Hamtramck and incinerated. "There’s a theory for every day of the week and then twice on Sunday, and most of it doesn’t add up," Vince Wade, a veteran investigative reporter and documentary producer who spent most of his career covering crime and corruption in Detroit, told FOX TV Stations. "If you really look at it in terms of a hit job on somebody, the Mafia has the capability to completely get rid of a body so that it’s never found again, if that’s what they want to do," Wade said. "The Mafia, also on occasions, will have a hit guy come by and whack somebody on a sidewalk in front of a restaurant because they want to leave a message." Theory 1, according to Wade, is one of the most widely believed and plausible. Former Teamster leader James Hoffa waves from the back seat of his car as he leaves the St. Louis airport for a family reunion over Christmas. (Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images) "Organized crime usually has some piece of the action on sanitation, on refuse collection and that gives them a perfect opportunity with these big sanitation yards to completely destroy a body," Wade suggested. "That is one of the theories in the Hoffa case and it happens to be the one I subscribed to, so do a bunch of the investigators that were involved in the case," Wade revealed. According to Wade, Central Sanitation, which was located on the edge of Detroit city limits, was allegedly owned by the mob. Theory 2: Hoffa was killed and his body was transported to New Jersey and buried somewhere, most notably, under Section 107 of Giants Stadium in Rutherford. The stadium was demolished in 2010 and the Federal Bureau of Investigations never looked into the claim. Theory 3: Hoffa was abducted by federal agents and dropped out of an airplane, possibly into one of the Great Lakes around Michigan. Theory 4: Frank Sheeran, once an ally to the Mafia, killed Hoffa at a home in Detroit. This theory became the plot for the 2019 movie "The Irishman," which was also Sheeran’s nickname. Theory 5: Notorious New Jersey mob hitman Richard "The Iceman" Kuklinski killed Hoffa. Kuklinski then allegedly drove Hoffa’s body from Michigan to New Jersey where he was dumped into a 50-gallon drum and set on fire. RELATED: FBI: No evidence of Jimmy Hoffa found under New Jersey bridge These are just a few theories that have surfaced since his disappearance, but there has been no evidence to prove them. A 55-gallon drum of the type reportedly used to transport the body of former Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa to New Jersey lies in the 47-acre landfill area in Jersey City where the FBI has obtained a search warrant to dig for a body. (Getty Images) Detroit crime investigator Scott Burnstein, who has covered the case for decades and runs the website and hosts the "Original Gangsters" podcast, told FOX that he believes he has a solid idea as to where Hoffa was killed on July 30. After almost two decades of compiling information from documents he obtained throughout his time investigating Mafia crimes and creating relationships with federal officials who worked closely on the Hoffa case, Burnstein said he believes Hoffa was killed at the home of mob soldier named Carlo Licata. "I would say that it’s 99% certain that when Hoffa left the parking lot of the Red Fox restaurant in Bloomfield Township, he was taken about two miles north, driving on Telegraph Road, to the Long Lake intersection and was most likely killed at a location that was known as the ‘House on the Hill,’ owned by a mob soldier by the name of Carlo Licata," Burnstein said. The infamous "House on the Hill" was a location Hoffa was very familiar with, Burnstein said, where many meetings took place between Hoffa and Mafia bosses. Jimmy Hoffa's car, a 1974 Pontiac, was found abandoned in a shopping center lot outside the Machus Red Fox restaurant (Getty Images) "I believe [Hoffa] was kidnapped by Tony’s brother, Billy Giacalone, the only suspect that was not on the radar for law enforcement," Burnstein continued. It is the belief of Burnstein that Hoffa was killed by a then-up-and-coming mob soldier from Detroit named Anthony "Tony" Palazzolo. Palazzolo allegedly used his role in Hoffa’s murder to climb the mob ranks and was eventually made consigliere, which is the third-in-command in the family of Mafia bosses, according to Burnstein. But like with many theories, Burnstein said he will leave his belief up for debate, just like with many others regarding Hoffa’s death. Despite never finding his remains, Hoffa was officially declared dead on July 30, 1982, but the search continues. The Associated Press and FOX News contributed to this report. This story was reported from Los Angeles.
Jimmy Hoffa case: A look back at his infamous disappearance
2023-08-01 01:09:31+00:00
2023-07-31 16:52:28
FIFA's ban on playing in religious head coverings in its sanctioned games for “health and safety reasons” was overturned in 2014 after advocacy from activists, athletes and government and soccer officials.…98.jpg?ve=1&tl=1
article Stepping onto the field against South Korea in Morocco’s second Women’s World Cup match, defender Nouhaila Benzina made history as the first player to wear a hijab while competing at a senior-level global tournament. A FIFA ban on playing in religious head coverings in its sanctioned games for "health and safety reasons" was overturned in 2014 after advocacy from activists, athletes and government and soccer officials. "I have no doubt that more and more women and Muslim girls will look at Benzina and just really be inspired – not just the players, but I think decision makers, coaches, other sports as well," said Assmaah Helal, a co-founder of the Muslim Women in Sports Network. Benzina plays professional club soccer for the Association’s Sports of Forces Armed Royal – the eight-time defending champion in Morocco’s top women’s league. She did not play in Morocco’s opening 6-0 loss to Germany in Melbourne, and had to wait six days to finally get her start in the Group H game in Adelaide. It was worth it. The Atlas Lionesses played with more freedom in an afternoon game against South Korea, scoring in the 6th minute and hanging on for a 1-0 win. Benzina played an important role in the defensive line, and picked up a yellow card late in the game as South Korea counter-attacked. Morocco is the first Arab or North African nation to qualify for the Women’s World Cup. "We are honored to be the first Arab country to take part in the Women’s World Cup," Morocco captain Ghizlane Chebbak told reporters before tournament, "and we feel that we have to shoulder a big responsibility to give a good image, to show the achievements the Moroccan team has made."
Morocco's Nouhaila Benzina makes Women's World Cup history competing in hijab
[ "Stephanie Weaver" ]
2023-08-01 01:09:13+00:00
2023-07-31 13:18:47
“After more than 11 years of designing and developing Euclid, it’s exhilarating and enormously emotional to see these first images," said Euclid Project Manager Giuseppe Racca of the European Space Agency.…-1.jpg?ve=1&tl=1
article Two instruments aboard Euclid – a European Space Agency (ESA) spacecraft with NASA contributions – have captured their first test images. The telescope took a picture, capturing a glittering field of stars. NASA said Monday that the results indicate the space telescope is doing well after its million-mile journey from Earth and will achieve the scientific goals that it has been designed for "and possibly much more." "After more than 11 years of designing and developing Euclid, it’s exhilarating and enormously emotional to see these first images," Euclid Project Manager Giuseppe Racca of ESA wrote in a statement on July 31. "It’s even more incredible when we think that we see just a few galaxies here, produced with minimum system tuning. The fully calibrated Euclid will ultimately observe billions of galaxies to create the biggest-ever 3D map of the sky." NASA said the mission will delve into some of the biggest mysteries about our universe, including the nature of dark matter and why the universe’s expansion is accelerating. Scientists call the force behind this accelerated expansion ‘dark energy.’ Early commissioning test image (Credit: ESA/Euclid/Euclid Consortium/NASA, CC BY- SA 3.0 IGO) "We are thrilled to see that the NASA-supplied detectors and other hardware are working as expected and are incredibly excited about the scientific results that will come in the months and years ahead," said Mike Seiffert, project scientist for the NASA contribution to Euclid at the agency’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. RELATED: Actively forming stars captured in stellar photo by Webb telescope The Euclid spacecraft launched earlier this month from Cape Canaveral, Florida. VIS instrument full field of view and a zoom in for detail (Credit: ESA/Euclid/Euclid Consortium/NASA, CC BY- SA 3.0 IGO) The space agency said mission specialists will continue doing performance-verification tests for the next couple of months begins. This story was reported from Los Angeles.
Euclid mission to study dark universe takes 1st test images, NASA reveals
[ "Alexa Mae Asperin" ]
2023-08-01 01:09:43+00:00
2023-07-31 15:59:04
According to police, 18 people were arrested, 20 citations issued, and 51 vehicles impounded.…17.jpg?ve=1&tl=1
Multiple people were arrested and dozens of cars impounded after police in Tustin busted a massive illegal street takeover Saturday night. According to police, an estimated 200 vehicles participated and were reportedly doing donuts and driving on the wrong side of the road. Fireworks were also being launched, authorities said. Image 1 of 2 ▼ Photo courtesy Tustin Police Department As a result of the raid, 18 people were arrested, 20 citations issued, and 51 vehicles impounded for various vehicle code violations. The Tustin Police Department issued a warning to anyone thinking about participating in any future street takeovers. SUGGESTED: "If we weren’t clear enough earlier this year, we will not tolerate this reckless and dangerous behavior. If you come to Tustin to race, we look forward to chatting about local laws as your car is loaded on the tow truck. At the end of our chat, you may have to sign a thing or two," the police department said on social media.
Tustin cops bust 200-vehicle street takeover
[ "C Scott" ]
2023-08-01 01:21:19+00:00
2023-07-31 23:30:00
There is growing uncertainty surrounding the future of Wojciech Szczęsny at Juventus, with the Polish goalkeeper being linked with a potential move away from the club in the current transfer window…5/Donnarumma.jpg
There is growing uncertainty surrounding the future of Wojciech Szczęsny at Juventus, with the Polish goalkeeper being linked with a potential move away from the club in the current transfer window. Initially, Juventus had no plans to make changes to their goalkeeping department, but the situation changed when Bayern Munich expressed interest in signing Szczęsny. As a result, Juventus is now open to the idea of selling Szczęsny and is reportedly making plans to bring in a new goalkeeper for their squad. Among the names on their radar, one prominent candidate is Gianluigi Donnarumma, reports Tuttomercatoweb. Donnarumma, who left AC Milan as a free agent, had the opportunity to join Juventus previously but opted to sign with Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) instead. However, if Bayern Munich secures the signing of Szczęsny, Juventus may see Donnarumma as a potential replacement for their current first-choice goalkeeper. This development could see the highly-regarded Italian goalkeeper return to Serie A, potentially filling the void left by Szczęsny’s departure and offering Juventus a strong and promising option between the goalposts. Juve FC Says Szczęsny is one of the best goalkeepers in Europe and we are lucky to have him in our squad. However, he is not as young as Donnarumma and we can sell him if we get a good offer for his signature.
Juventus targets a sensational Serie A return for PSG star
[ "Jul" ]
2023-08-01 00:55:21+00:00
2023-07-31 17:47:24
Landon Silinsky provides his top golf bets on DraftKings Sportsbook for the Wyndham Championship.…day_18019644.jpg
The PGA TOUR heads to Greensboro, North Carolina for the final regular season tournament of the season. Sedgefield Country Club will host the Wyndham Championship, and measures as a 7,131-yard par 70, with Bermuda greens. Below I have outlined my two favorite bets for the week. All betting odds provided by DraftKings Sportsbook and all odds subject to change. Davis is one of the more volatile players on the PGA TOUR and always makes for an intriguing outright target due to the feast or famine nature of his game. You could wake up on Thursday morning to him being the first round leader or sitting in 127th place. With this being the case, I like to target him at birdie-fest type of events where he could go completely nuclear, much like he did at the 2021 Rocket Mortgage Classic when he won his first ever PGA TOUR title. The Aussie is coming off one of his better performances of the season last week at the 3M Open, where he would finish T10 and gain 5.3 strokes ball-striking. Davis has had a miserable season with the putter, which has really held him back from contending most weeks. The good news, however, is that he’s gained strokes on the greens in two of his past three tournaments, and sets up really well for Sedgefield. In two starts at this event, Davis has finished T22 and T15, so if he could somehow continue this streak of good putting, he’ll absolutely find himself in contention come Sunday. At 40/1 in this field, I like backing Davis quite a bit. Ghim showed last week why he’s one of the most frustrating players on the PGA TOUR to back, whether in the betting market or for daily fantasy purposes. He opened with a first round 74 at TPC Twin Cities, where he would lose 1.66 strokes on the greens and a mind-numbing 1.62 on approach. The putting woes are expected, but he’s been one of the premier ball-strikers on the PGA TOUR over the past two months or so, making his subpar round with the irons extremely bizarre. Of course he would then shoot consecutive straight rounds in the 60s and gain over 4.3 strokes on approach in the process, which only makes his first round even more maddening. The point here is that Ghim both can and should contend at far more events than he does based on his talent level. Over his past 24 rounds in this field, the former Texas Longhorn ranks ninth in both SG: Ball-Striking and SG: Total, and makes sense as a course-fit play this week at Sedgefield, despite his poor history. One of these weeks Ghim is not going to shoot himself out of the tournament and find himself very much in the mix on Sunday evening. At 70/1 in this field, I think it’s easily worth betting that it happens this week. Place your golf bets at DraftKings Sportsbook or by downloading the DraftKings Sportsbook app. Put your knowledge to the test. Sign up for DraftKings and experience the game inside the game. I am a promoter at DraftKings and am also an avid fan and customer (my username is Lan1228) and may sometimes play on my personal account in the games that I offer advice on. Although I have expressed my personal view on the games and strategies above, they do not necessarily reflect the view(s) of DraftKings and do not constitute a representation that any particular strategy will guarantee success. All customers should use their own skill and judgment in building lineups. I may also deploy different players and strategies than what I recommend above. I am not an employee of DraftKings and do not have access to any non-public information.
Wyndham Championship: PGA TOUR Golf Best Bets, Predictions, Odds to Consider on DraftKings Sportsbook
[ "Dk Playbook", "Jul" ]
2023-08-01 00:55:14+00:00
2023-07-28 08:40:39
Learn all about the Event Packs for UFC Fight Night: Sandhagen vs Font - 8.5.23.…_UPDATED__1_.png
UFC Fight Night: Sandhagen vs Font - 8.5.23 is Upon Us! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WE ARE LIVE! UFC Fight Night: Sandhagen vs Font - 8.5.23 marks the next UFC Fight Night event of the 2023 Reignmakers UFC season. Beginning on Tuesday, January 14, 2023, users will be able to choose from CORE, RARE, ELITE, LEGENDARY and REIGNMAKER tier contests, which will hold true for all Reignmakers UFC events moving forward. Moving forward, all UFC Fight Night Event Packs will come in one SKU. Unlike UFC 281 and UFC 282 Event Packs, 2023 UFC Fight Night packs will include five (5) Fighter Game Cards with one guaranteed RARE+ card. The pack pool will include all participating fighters in the event and cards of all rarities. Each of the fighters scheduled to fight at UFC Fight Night: Sandhagen vs Font - 8.5.23 will be included in the pack pool with a supply of 1,200 CORE tier Fighter Game Cards, 300 RARE tier Fighter Game Cards, 75 ELITE tier Fighter Game Cards, 15 LEGENDARY tier Fighter Game Cards and 1 REIGNMAKER tier Fighter Game Card. Along with the pack drop, REIGNMAKER tier Fighter Game Cards will be auctioned throughout the course of the week. For clarity, one (1) edition of each fighter participating in the event will have a REIGNMAKER tier Fighter Game Card within the pack pool and another REIGNMAKER tier Fighter Game Card for auction. In totality, fighters will have two REIGNMAKER tier Fighter Game Card editions released per fight. How Contests Work Scoring Reignmakers UFC scoring will work the exact same as the DraftKings’ DFS scoring system users are accustomed to: For more information on how the MMA scoring works on DraftKings, visit our Rules & Scoring page. All lineups will feature a captain. Whichever fighter users place in their captain spot will receive a 1.5x bonus for all statistics accrued. Our DFS product has an entire page dedicated to MMA Captain Mode if looking for more information. Contest Rarity Requirements All Reignmakers cards have a series of properties associated with them, and these properties impact the way you play the game. Card rarity is the most commonly used property to gate contests. Every contest will have rarity rules tied to entry. The rarity requirements needed from Reignmakers UFC cards for the CORE, RARE, ELITE, LEGENDARY and REIGNMAKER tier contests for 2023 are shown below: Note: Captains must be at the rarity tier of the contest or higher, so a RARE contest requires a captain to be at least of the RARE tier, ELITE contest requires a captain to be at least of the ELITE tier, etc. Contest Fighter Requirements Rosters are considered eligible as long as they include five (5) fighters scheduled to fight from a given event. No duplicate fighters are allowed. If a user owns multiple Fighter Game Cards of the same fighter, they may be used in separate lineups but not within the same lineup. Example: Rob Font cannot be rostered twice within the same five (5) fighter lineup. Contest Types for UFC Fight Nights Moving Forward 2023 UFC Fight Nights will include contests at all rarity levels moving forward. Essentially, each UFC Fight Night will include a CORE contest, a RARE contest, an ELITE contest, a LEGENDARY contest and a REIGNMAKER contest. Prizing UFC Fight Night events include $125,000 in total fantasy contest prizing. Pack Price and Odds of Getting CORE vs RARE The cost of a UFC Fight Night pack will be $19.99, and each pack will guarantee at least one (1) fighter game card that is of the RARE rarity tier or higher (which includes ELITE, LEGENDARY and REIGNMAKER). All 22 fighters scheduled to fight at UFC Fight Night: Sandhagen vs Font - 8.5.23 will be included in the pack pool. Note: If Sean Woodson is re-added to this card, DraftKings will follow the scratched fighter procedure in adding both his and his opponents’ fighter game cards. Each fighter in UFC Fight Night Event Packs will have 1,200 CORE editions, 300 RARE editions, 75 ELITE editions, 15 LEGENDARY editions and one (1) REIGNMAKER edition, equating to 26,400 total CORE tier cards (25,398 in packs), 6,600 total RARE tier cards, 1,650 total ELITE tier cards, 330 total LEGENDARY tier cards and 22 total REIGNMAKER tier cards within the UFC Fight Night: Sandhagen vs Font - 8.5.23 pack pool. One REIGNMAKER tier addition of each fighter will also be auctioned off via the DraftKings Marketplace with a $1 starting bid and bid increment of $50. This will be the norm for all Event Sets moving forward, as well. How to Build Your Lineup UFC Fight Night Event Packs Event packs will be an ongoing theme for Reignmakers UFC, as they will be available for purchase in anticipation of every Pay-Per-View and UFC Fight Night, beginning in 2023. Starting with the first event, UFC Fight Night 1.14.23: Imamov vs Gastelum, contests of five different rarity tiers (CORE, RARE, ELITE, LEGENDARY and REIGNMAKER) will be offered at all events. Packs this week will consist of CORE, RARE, ELITE, LEGENDARY and REIGNMAKER tier NFTs for all 22 fighters scheduled to fight at UFC Fight Night: Sandhagen vs Font - 8.5.23. UFC Fight Night: Sandhagen vs Font - 8.5.23 Fighters Fighter Fighter Cory Sandhagen Rob Font Jessica Andrade Tatiana Suarez Dustin Jacoby Kennedy Nzechukwu Aleksa Camur Tanner Boser Ignacio Bahamondes Ludovit Klein Diego Lopes Gavin Tucker Kyler Phillips Raoni Barcelos Assu Almabayev Ode Osbourne Billy Quarantillo Damon Jackson Carlston Harris Jeremiah Wells Cody Durden Jake Hadley For all UFC Fight Nights, packs will include all fighters scheduled to fight in that weekend’s events, so this format will remain consistent in 2023. UFC Fight Night Fighter Game Card Utility All fighters within UFC Fight Night packs are scheduled to fight on that weekend’s card and are eligible to roster within that specific UFC Fight Night’s contests. All Fighter Game Cards within 2023 Event Set packs from here on out will only be usable within their specific event (notated on both the packs and the Fighter Game Cards). Once the event has ended, these players will no longer be draftable within Reignmakers UFC contests. However, these cards can be used within the crafting portal and may be required at a later date to enter specific portfolio-gated contests. What Sets Will Be Playable Within UFC Fight Night: Sandhagen vs Font - 8.5.23? Heatwave, UFC 281, UFC 282, Genesis, Takedown, Cryptoon Goonz, Crafting, Prizing, IFW, Choice, DWCS and UFC Fight Night 8.5.23 cards will all be playable within UFC Fight Night: Sandhagen vs Font - 8.5.23 gameplay. There is No Priority Access for UFC Fight Night Packs With only 7,000 packs available for the event, supplies will go fast! This event will feature a 100 pack purchase limit for the first half hour of the drop and then the maximum purchase limit per user will move to unlimited at 1:30 p.m. ET on August 1, 2023. FAQ Can I Play Rarer Cards in Less Rare Contests? Yes, if a contest requires a card to be “RARE or higher” or “RARE+: that means an ELITE, LEGENDARY or REIGNMAKER tier card may be used in that given roster spot, as well. If a contest requires an “ELITE or higher” or “ELITE+” card, LEGENDARY and REIGNMAKER cards may also be used in that given roster spot. If a contest requires a “LEGENDARY or higher” or “LEGENDARY+” card, a REIGNMAKER tier card may also be used in that roster spot. Will there be ELITE, LEGENDARY and REIGNMAKER contests? Yes, beginning in 2023, Reignmakers UFC contests will be offered at all rarity levels. Now that the “Weigh-In” phase is over, ELITE, LEGENDARY and REIGNMAKER contests will be offered at UFC Fight Night and Pay-Per-View Events. How Do I Dictate Which Fighter I Start in the Captain Spot? There is a designated captain spot within rosters. Any fighter placed in the captain spot will have their score multiplied by 1.5x. What Happens if a Fighter is Removed from the Card or Their Fight is Canceled? Go here for Reignmakers UFC’s full scratched fighter procedure. Can I Start Fighters In Lineup Spots that are Not Scheduled to Fight in UFC Fight Night: Sandhagen vs Font - 8.5.23? No, fighters who are not a specific UFC Fight Night card are ineligible to be played within the given UFC Fight Night’s contests. Fighters are defined as “on the card” if they are listed in DraftKings’ draftable pool. Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER. Marketplace & Daily Fantasy Sports age and eligibility restrictions apply. Must be at least 18 years or older. Higher age limits may apply in some states. Reignmakers contests not available in CT, HI, ID, LA (select parishes), MT, NV, OR, PA, WA, and CA-ONT. Prizes include real money. Winning a contest on DraftKings depends on knowledge and exercise of skill. Contest eligibility dependent on NFTs held. For entertainment purposes only. Void where prohibited. See terms at and The DraftKings Marketplace is currently only available in the United States and Canada. You must be 18+* located in any of the 50 US states or Canada to buy and sell NFTs on DraftKings Marketplace. *Must be 19+ in Alabama and Nebraska. *Must be 21+ in Iowa, Louisiana and Massachusetts. Additional requirements for accessing: You must have a verified DraftKings account. You must agree to our DraftKings Marketplace Terms of Use and DraftKings Marketplace Privacy Policy before transacting on DraftKings Marketplace. Searching for more information on the DraftKings Marketplace? Visit the DKNation info page. For more details and FAQs, please reference our About page or help center with FAQs!
What You Need to Know About UFC Fight Night: Sandhagen vs Font - 8.5.23 Event Packs
[ "Jul" ]
2023-08-01 00:55:02+00:00
2023-07-31 13:47:58
Landon Silinsky previews the Wyndham Championship and gives his picks for your DraftKings fantasy golf lineups.…day_20942148.jpg
We have reached the end of the PGA TOUR regular season, as the Wyndham Championship will be the final chance for golfers to earn their spot in the FedEx Cup Playoffs. Sedgefield Country Club in North Carolina will be the host this week, and measures as a 7,131-yard par 70 with Bermuda grass greens. The field this week will be headlined by six-time PGA TOUR champion Sam Burns, along with Shane Lowry and Hideki Matsuyama. Below, I have outlined three of my favorite DraftKings plays for the week. Set your DraftKings fantasy golf lineups here: PGA TOUR $1M Summer Sand Trap [$200K to 1st] Shane Lowry ($9,500) After a rather surprising missed cut at The Open, Lowry will look to get back on track this week at the Wyndham, an event he’s had success at in the past. Lowry has played this event five times in his career, making the cut in four of those with finishes of T23 and T7 in that stretch. It’s pretty wild that he’s priced below the likes of Russell Henley ($10,200) and Adam Scott ($9,700) this week when you factor in how good he had been playing before The Open. The Irishman had finished T20 or better in five of his previous six starts prior to Royal Liverpool, and ranks seventh in this field in SG: Total during that stretch. He’s actually getting it done in all areas, sitting 15th in SG: Tee-to-Green, 25th in SG: Ball-Striking and 32nd in SG: Putting. Lowry’s $9,500 price tag this week is a pretty solid bargain when you factor in his win equity, course history and rolling stats. He’s one of the strongest plays on the board this week. Denny McCarthy ($8,700) Prior to his missed cut at The Open, McCarthy had been one of the hottest golfers on the planet, posting four top-eight finishes across his previous seven starts. Being that he’s never played an Open Championship before, and had zero links experience, I think we can give him a pass. That one missed cut slashed his price all the way to $8,700, which seems quite hasty. If you take a look at the past 48 rounds in this field, only Hideki Matsuyama ($10,600) has gained more total strokes than McCarthy has. It’s of course been the flat stick for McCarthy during this stretch, as he ranks No. 1 in the field in SG: Putting, while gaining over .13 more strokes than the second-ranked Justin Suh ($7,300). In addition, McCarthy has pretty strong history at Sedgefield, posting finishes of T36, T22, T9 and T15 in four of his five starts. With this discounted price on him, there’s no reason to not go back to the well this week. Eric Cole ($7,700) All Cole does is make cuts. Dating back to the the Byron Nelson in May, he’s made nine of his past 10, while posting five top-25 finishes in that stretch. During this run, Cole ranks fourth in this field in SG: Total, 14th in SG: Approach and 11th in SG; Putting. You could certainly make the argument that he’s about $500 too cheap when you factor in the strength of this field. Cole has never played this event before, but being that it’s a short course where distance is not required, he should have no problem plodding his way around with his elite short game. At just $7,700. he’s one of the best value plays on the slate this week. Set your DraftKings fantasy golf lineups here: PGA TOUR $1M Summer Sand Trap [$200K to 1st] Put your knowledge to the test. Sign up for DraftKings and experience the game inside the game. I am a promoter at DraftKings and am also an avid fan and customer (my username is Lan1228) and may sometimes play on my personal account in the games that I offer advice on. Although I have expressed my personal view on the games and strategies above, they do not necessarily reflect the view(s) of DraftKings and do not constitute a representation that any particular strategy will guarantee success. All customers should use their own skill and judgment in building lineups. I may also deploy different players and strategies than what I recommend above. I am not an employee of DraftKings and do not have access to any non-public information.
DraftKings Fantasy Golf Picks: Wyndham Championship Predictions, Preview
[ "Spencer Limbach", "Jul" ]
2023-08-01 00:54:49+00:00
2023-07-31 16:00:00
We go over the odds and lines on DraftKings Sportsbook for Vietnam vs. Netherlands in the group stage at the 2023 World Cup.…8/1566642137.jpg
The Netherlands will face Vietnam in Group E action from the 2023 women’s World Cup. The match is scheduled for 3 a.m. ET on Tuesday, Aug. 1. The Netherlands, needing only a draw to progress to the next round, will likely aim to top their group, currently tied with the USA but trailing on goal difference. On the other hand, Vietnam has no way to advance to the round of 16. Here’s everything you need to know for the match, along with odds courtesy of DraftKings Sportsbook. Vietnam v. Netherlands Date: Tuesday, Aug. 1 Time: 3 a.m. ET TV Channel: FS1, Universo Live stream:, Fox Sports App, Peacock Odds, picks & predictions Vietnam: +5500 Draw: +2500 Netherlands: -20000 Moneyline pick: Netherlands -20000 Vietnam lost their first two games while failing to score a goal against Portugal and the United States. They lost those matches by an aggregate score of 5-0. Because of that, they are clearly the underdogs against the Netherlands. The Dutch team has proven its defensive strength by giving up only one total goal in the first two games of this World Cup. The Orange Lionesses were able to hold a very strong USA attack at bay for most of last game before conceding a goal in the second half. Given this, a bet on the Netherlands to keep a clean sheet, at odds of -400 at DraftKings Sportsbook, seems like a sensible choice if you are not willing to lay the -20000 odds on the Netherlands.
Vietnam vs. Netherlands picks, predictions in 2023 World Cup group stage
[ "Alex Hunter", "Jul" ]
2023-08-01 00:55:08+00:00
2023-07-31 17:25:52
Alex Hunter provides his top DraftKings fantasy golf value plays for The Wyndham Championship.…5/1525795298.jpg
After watching Lee Hodges capture the first PGA TOUR title of his career at the 3M Open – which was the first wire-to-wire victory on the PGA TOUR in over a year – the regular season concludes this week with the Wyndham Championship. This event will be played at Sedgefield Country Club (par 70, 7,131 yards, Bermuda greens) in Greensboro, North Carolina, which has been the case since 2008. Tom Kim won last year’s Wyndham Championship by five shots at 20-under – making him the fourth winner of this event over the last five years to shoot 20-under or lower - but will not be defending his title this week due to ankle injury. Sedgefield CC is a Donald Ross’ designed track that features tree-lined fairways and large putting surfaces. Being accurate is far more important than being long at Sedgefield CC, and targeting accurate drivers is a sharp move this week, with three of the past four Wyndham Championship winners ranking top-five in fairways gained during their victories. More importantly, we need to be seeking golfers who are in pristine form with their irons, as for five years running, the golfer to take home the top prize at Sedgefield CC has finished the event no worse T12 in SG: Approach. In fact, three of the past five Wyndham Championship victors have ranked top-five in the metric. Sedgefield CC is a classic par 70 that presents 12 par 4s and as always with this type of course, your play on the par 4s is bar none the most crucial for success. Specifically, golfers who are efficient on 400-450-yard par 4s are the best options, with eight of the 12 par 4s at Sedgefield CC falling in this range. Of the last four Wyndham Championship winners, three have finished the tournament top-three in efficiency on the 400-450-yard par 4s at Sedgefield CC. The Wyndham Championship field consists of 156 players – including only four of the top-30 ranked golfers in the world – and there will be a standard top-65 and ties cut following the first two rounds. After this regular season finale, only the top 70 players in the FedEx Cup standings will advance to the playoffs, making golfers who are outside or hovering around that line intriguing options, given their extra motivation to continue their season. Below, I dive into four of my favorite DraftKings value plays for the Wyndham Championship, that all cost less than $7.5K. Set your DraftKings fantasy golf lineups here: PGA TOUR $1M Summer Sand Trap [$200K to 1st] Brendon Todd ($7,400) – Todd has finished T10 and T36 at the last two Wyndham Championships, and arrives in Greensboro this week as the maker of 11 of his last 13 cuts. His best finish of the season just came two weeks ago at the John Deere Classic, when Todd finished runner-up to winner Sepp Straka by two strokes. Evident from his past two appearances at Sedgefield CC, Todd is an awesome fit for the Ross’ design. Not only does Todd rank sixth in driving accuracy and 20th in SG: Putting for the season, the 38-year-old ranks third in 400-450-yard par-4 efficiency over his past 50 rounds. With top-five finishes at both the John Deere Classic and the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am this season, Todd clearly has a knack for shining at weaker fielded birdie fests, and he brings much better upside than his low salary suggests this week. Garrick Higgo ($7,300) – After missing the weekend in his Wyndham Championship debut last season, Higgo should redeem himself with a quality finish in his second attempt at Sedgefield CC this week. The lefty was in poor form to close out last season – his missed cut at the Wyndham Championship was his fifth in his last six starts of the season – but returns to Greensboro this week playing much better golf, advancing to the weekend in seven of his past nine starts, with five of these finishes being top-30 results. Most notably, Higgo just posted a T13 finish at the 3M Open last week, while gaining strokes in every major category at TPC Twin Cities and finishing the event with a closing round five-under 66. Following this excellent outing, the 24-year-old has now impressively shot under par in 14 of his last 16 rounds. On top of the promising form, Higgo should have all the motivation in the world this week, with him sitting outside the playoff cutline, ranking 78th in FedEx Cup points. A third consecutive top-25 finish is a realistic outcome for Higgo this weekend and he is without a doubt one of the best values on the board at this soft salary. Kevin Streelman ($7,300) – Streelman finished runner-up to Hodges at the 3M Open last week and must produce another high finish this weekend if he wants to advance to the playoffs, with the veteran currently ranking 84th in FedEx Cup points. Including three top-20 finishes, Streelman has made 6-of-8 cuts at Sedgefield CC, and following his brilliant showing in Minnesota last week, the 44-year-old has made eight of his last 12 cuts on the PGA TOUR, with four top-30 finishes coming during this stretch. Streelman ranks top-20 in both SG: Approach and par-4 efficiency over his last 36 rounds, and is a steal at this cheap price tag, which is notably the lowest he has ever been priced for a Wyndham Championship on DraftKings. Ben Griffin ($7,200) – Griffin is on the heels of a T20 finish at the 3M Open, in which he gained strokes in every major category and finished in a tie for the second most birdies recorded at TPC Twin Cities. Griffin has now finished inside the top 35 in three of his past four starts, with that outlier being an excusable missed cut in his first attempt at an Open Championship. Even including this missed cut, the 27-year-old has gained strokes on approach in nine straight starts. Plus, Griffin ranks 20th in 400-450-yard par-4 efficiency over his last 50 rounds, setting him up perfectly for Sedgefield CC, where he impressed with a T4 finish in his Wyndham Championship debut last season. Sitting 148 spots higher in the world golf rankings this time around, Griffin is criminally underpriced for his upside at only $7.2K, especially when you factor in that he should be extremely motivated to contend at Sedgefied CC again, given he is right inside the bubble for the playoffs, ranking 68th in FedEx Cup points. Set your DraftKings fantasy golf lineups here: PGA TOUR $1M Summer Sand Trap [$200K to 1st] Put your knowledge to the test. Sign up for DraftKings and experience the game inside the game. For sports betting, head over to DraftKings Sportsbook or download the DraftKings Sportsbook app. I am a promoter at DraftKings and am also an avid fan and user (my username is Hunta512) and may sometimes play on my personal account in the games that I offer advice on. Although I have expressed my personal view on the games and strategies above, they do not necessarily reflect the view(s) of DraftKings and do not constitute a representation that any particular strategy will guarantee success. All customers should use their own skills and judgment in building lineups. I may also deploy different players and strategies than what I recommend above. I am not an employee of DraftKings and do not have access to any non-public information.
Fantasy Golf Value Picks: Top DraftKings PGA TOUR DFS Bargain Plays for The Wyndham Championship
[ "Nick Simon", "Jul" ]
2023-08-01 00:54:56+00:00
2023-07-31 16:06:03
Tuesday could be a pivotal day in Pac-12 history.…2/1185527971.jpg
The Arizona Board of Regents, the governing body for the state’s public university system, have called for a special board meeting to take place on Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. MT. The agenda for the meeting is vague, but there is speculation that board members will directly discuss both Arizona and Arizona State’s future with the Pac-12 Conference and a potential move to the Big 12 Conference. Pac-12 commissioner George Kliavkoff is set to present a potential media rights deal to league members hours beforehand on Tuesday morning, so the Arizona board could be mulling over this information to determine the best path forward for their flagship institutions. The Pac-12’s prolonged media rights negotiations has created unease within the conference’s membership for the last several months and took a blow last week with the news of Colorado leaving to return to the Big 12 in 2024. Almost immediately after that news broke, Arizona was cited as the next potential candidate to jump ship to the Big 12, with the other “four corner” schools in Arizona State and Utah potentially following suit. Should any of these institutions leave, it would put the Pac-12 in a further perilous state and continue a bleeding out process that began with the departures of USC and UCLA to the Big Ten. In the seemingly never-ending carousel of college football conference realignment, all eyes will focus west on Tuesday towards both Kliavkoff and the AZ board of regents.
Arizona regents to hold special board meeting amidst Big 12 speculation
[ "Spencer Limbach", "Jul" ]
2023-08-01 00:54:42+00:00
2023-07-31 16:00:00
We go over the odds and lines on DraftKings Sportsbook for Portugal vs. USA in the group stage at the 2023 World Cup.…2/1566630548.jpg
The group stage of the 2023 women’s World Cup rolls on when the United States faces Portugal on Tuesday, August 1 at 3 a.m. ET. In their most recent match, the United States and the Netherlands ended in a 1-1 tie. However, despite both teams having four points, USA still top Group E over the Dutch thanks to a higher goal difference. Portugal is currently third in Group E with three points. However, a win over the United States would put them through to the next round. Here’s everything you need to know for the match, along with odds courtesy of DraftKings Sportsbook. Portugal v. USA Date: Tuesday, Aug. 1 Time: 3 a.m. ET TV Channel: Fox, Telemundo Live stream:, Fox Sports App, Peacock Odds, picks & predictions Portugal: +1100 Draw: +500 USA: -400 Moneyline pick: United States -400 Despite leading the group, a slip against Portugal could lead to an unprecedented early USA exit. This Portuguese side shouldn’t be underestimated. The USA’s quality should secure a win, although they will see plenty of attacking pressure from a desperate Portugal team that knows its three points or bust in this scenario. This will allow the United States to find several counterattacking opportunities, particularly later in the game. Some people may not like laying -400 odds. The spread is USA -1.5 for -130 odds at DraftKings Sportsbook, and I believe that is in play as well.
Portugal vs. USWNT picks, predictions in 2023 World Cup group stage
2023-08-01 01:01:16+00:00
2023-07-31 23:18:28
The agreement puts the 204-acre property on Mumford Road back on the tax rolls after not being included since 1998.
BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) - The Bryan Commerce and Development Incorporated (BCD) approved a performance-based economic development agreement today with Strategic Armory Corps (SAC) to build its world headquarters in Bryan. The agreement puts the 204-acre property on Mumford Road back on the tax rolls after not being included since 1998. Construction will start within 18 months of the deal being finalized. According to the SAC website, the corporation combines companies within the firearms industry. A press release from the city says that SAC companies create highly respected products and services designed to meet the expectations of military, law enforcement, and commercial groups worldwide. “The City of Bryan is excited to welcome this world-renowned corporation that will provide sustainable economic impact as well as an avenue to assist in ensuring our military and law enforcement personnel have the tools they need to keep America safe,” said Mayor Bobby Gutierrez. “Having all our state-of-the-art infrastructure now on Texan soil is the realization of a personal dream. Bryan welcomed us with open arms, and we are very grateful for this moment. It is an honor for the Strategic Armory Corps to produce the world’s best tactical equipment in Texas, a milestone for our brands Armalite, Surgeon, McMillan, and AWC, which have global distribution,” said SAC President of the Board and Owner Jose Augusto Schincariol. After 5 years of operations, SAC must have 70 full-time jobs with an average salary of at least $55,000. Copyright 2023 KBTX. All rights reserved.
Strategic Armory Corps selects City of Bryan for new world headquarters
2023-08-01 01:09:52+00:00
2023-08-01 00:11:00
The Makers of WHOLLY® AVOCADO are Giving 10 Fans a Chance to Win One Year's Supply of products - and more - for National Avocado Day The Makers of WHOLLY® AVOCADO are Giving 10 Fans a Chance to Win One Year's Supply of products - and more - for National Avocado Day America's No.1 refrigerated guacamole and avocado brand also taps beloved Olympian, Shawn Johnson East, to spotlight versatility and convenience of WHOLLY® AVOCADO products ORANGE, Calif., July 31, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- In honor of National Avocado Day, the makers of WHOLLY® AVOCADO are celebrating by giving 10 lucky fans a year's supply of WHOLLY® AVOCADO products — made with real ingredients and hand-scooped Hass avocados — and a $350 gift card. (PRNewswire) "National Avocado Day is one of our fans' favorite times of the year, and we wanted to make it extra fun for people everywhere with this incredible giveaway that will have them celebrating all year long," said Chris Monahan, brand manager of WHOLLY® products. "Our refrigerated avocado products are always ripe and always ready, and they make everyday snacking simpler and more convenient for our valued fans." To amp up the fun, the makers of WHOLLY® AVOCADO are partnering with Olympic gold medalist and mother of two Shawn Johnson East to spotlight the versatility and convenience of WHOLLY® AVOCADO products. Johnson East will be helping current and new brand aficionados get involved in the sweepstakes via content on her Instagram page. Fans may register for one of 10 chances to win a year's supply of free WHOLLY® products and a $350 gift card by following the brand on Instagram (@eatWHOLLY), liking Shawn Johnson East's WHOLLY® AVOCADO reel, and tagging @eatwholly and @shawnjohnson in your own "not my hands" challenge attempts using WHOLLY® AVOCADO products. Contest rules and information here. Finally, fans can indulge in a number of easy and tasty recipes while they're celebrating National Avocado Day. For example: Avocado Sushi Roll : The perfect recipe for an at-home sushi night. This recipe is super easy, kid-friendly and a total crowd-pleaser. Burrata Avocado Pizza : Who doesn't love an easy pizza recipe? This vegetarian pizza has avocado, burrata and tomatoes. Vegetarian lunch or dinner in just 20 minutes. Avocado-Chickpea Mediterranean Salad : Fast, delicious and filled with robust flavor, this chickpea salad will have you buying the same ingredients every week. Chicken-Avocado Rollups : These easy chicken-avocado rollups are fantastic for lunch, a midday snack or an appetizer for groups. With creamy avocado and a little bit of Greek yogurt and lime juice, they have the perfect balance of satisfying ingredients and zesty flavor. Avocado Pudding : With less than five ingredients and in just five minutes, you can whip up this thick and creamy avocado pudding, a fun and delicious dessert you can even serve as an after-school snack. Too busy to prep a dish? The WHOLLY® brand line features ready-to-serve avocado in three varieties: diced, smashed and chunky. All products are gluten-free, non-GMO, kosher, keto-friendly and contain no added preservatives. Available in 4-ounce trays, as well as convenient 2-ounce single-serve minis, WHOLLY® AVOCADO can be used as a salad topper, in poke bowls, on avocado toast, as a sandwich spread or as a dip. WHOLLY® products are available at retailers throughout the United States. For more information, visit ABOUT THE WHOLLY® BRAND The WHOLLY® brand, leader in ready-to-eat avocado innovation, is best known for WHOLLY® GUACAMOLE, America's No. 1 refrigerated guacamole, and WHOLLY® AVOCADO. Known for food safety and quality, all WHOLLY® products are made with hand-scooped Hass avocados and are gluten free with no preservatives added. High-pressure technology (HPT) is used to help extend the shelf life of the products and maintain the avocado's delicious flavors and nutrients, while eliminating potentially harmful bacteria. The WHOLLY® brand is part of MegaMex Foods, one of the fastest growing Mexican food companies in the U.S. focused on re-imagining Mexican flavor. For more information and recipe ideas, visit, and follow the brand on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. ABOUT MEGAMEX FOODS, LLC. MegaMex Foods, one of the fastest growing Mexican food companies in the U.S., is focused on re-imagining Mexican flavor in restaurants and home kitchens across the country. MegaMex Foods is proudly committed to authentic ingredients and providing a real solution for achieving true Mexican flavors with trusted products, including WHOLLY®, LA VICTORIA®, HERDEZ®, EMBASA® , DOÑA MARÍA®, BÚFALO® and DON MIGUEL® brands. Founded by Herdez del Fuerte and Hormel Foods (NYSE: HRL), MegaMex Foods is headquartered in Orange, California, with facilities in Texas and Mexico. MegaMex Foods has two operating plants, numerous manufacturing partners and over 4,000 employees. For more information, visit and View original content to download multimedia: SOURCE The WHOLLY Brand
The Makers of WHOLLY® AVOCADO are Giving 10 Fans a Chance to Win One Year's Supply of products - and more - for National Avocado Day
2023-08-01 01:01:41+00:00
2023-08-01 00:29:24
During the meeting Tuesday night, city leaders emphasized that this can also hold overflow from tournaments happening at the Legends Event Center and complements the other attractions nearby.
BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) - The City of Bryan will be building a tennis and multiuse facility in Midtown Park with an interlocal agreement with Texas A&M University. These tennis courts will be used as an indoor facility for the Texas A&M Tennis teams and for public or event use when they are not being used. This project was approved by Bryan’s City Council Monday night in a vote 6-1. The total cost for the project is around $17.5 million and will be constructed, maintained, owned, and operated by the City of Bryan. Texas A&M will pay a yearly licensing fee and support any debt payments for the facility. The facility plans show enough space for six indoor tennis courts or 12 pickleball courts plus a flex space for concessions, offices, a treatment area, locker rooms, and more. The space for the facility is located between BigShots Golf and the Legends Event Center. During the meeting Tuesday night, city leaders emphasized that this can also hold overflow from tournaments happening at the Legends Event Center and complements the other attractions nearby. “It gives us capacity with the shared cost for Texas A&M which is a which is a great thing. It’s a great win for the city. I think that it’s so important for heads in beds for economic development and for leisure travel, you know, just more things to do in the city of Bryan,” Mayor Bobby Gutierrez said. “If you look at what we’re already doing just with Legends, what we have with big shots right there, we have the movie bowl grill coming in, then the tennis facility and then we have the proposed ball fields and extra ball fields and multi-use courts multi-use facilities and fields. So you’ll be able to have soccer you they have football you’ll be able to have you know, just multiple number of sports there. It just gives us kind of a destination place plus we have sand volleyball coming and then we have our outdoor park area and we have the trail system that we have going through. It’s just it’s a great time to be in Bryan.” Texas A&M Athletic Director, Ross Bjork, thanked the council during Monday night’s meeting for their partnership with the university and expressed excitement for the new facility. “We just thought that from a recruiting standpoint, from a playability standpoint, from a proximity standpoint this location right near Texas A&M, right near West Campus where most of our athletic facilities are it really just became a no-brainer as we analyzed all the components of this,” Bjork said. The facility is expected to be completed 24 months after both parties sign the agreement. This new facility will allow A&M to be in the running to host NCAA and SEC tennis tournaments now that there will be a regulation indoor option. A&M Tennis teams used Mitchell Tennis Center located on campus for their outdoor tennis courts. Copyright 2023 KBTX. All rights reserved.
City of Bryan approves new tennis and multiuse facility for Midtown Park
2023-08-01 01:01:29+00:00
2023-08-01 00:40:05
The Elon Musk-owned company, which has been rebranded as X, had removed the Twitter sign and iconic blue bird logo from the building last week.
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A brightly flashing “X” sign has been removed from the San Francisco headquarters of the company formerly known as Twitter just days after it was installed. The San Francisco Department of Building Inspection said Monday it received 24 complaints about the unpermitted structure over the weekend. Complaints included concerns about its structural safety and illumination. The Elon Musk-owned company, which has been rebranded as X, had removed the Twitter sign and iconic blue bird logo from the building last week. That work was temporarily paused because the company did not have the necessary permits. For a time, the “er” at the end of “Twitter” remained up due to the abrupt halt of the sign takedown. The city of San Francisco had opened a complaint and launched an investigation into the giant “X” sign, which was installed Friday on top of the downtown building as Musk continues his rebrand of the social media platform. The chaotic rebrand of Twitter’s building signage is similar to the haphazard way in which the Twitter platform is being turned into X. While the X logo has replaced Twitter on many parts of the site and app, remnants of Twitter remain. Representatives for X did not immediately respond to a message for comment Monday. Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Brightly flashing ‘X’ sign removed from the San Francisco building that was Twitter’s headquarters
2023-08-01 01:09:39+00:00
2023-07-31 23:38:00
HOUSTON, July 31, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Stellus Capital Investment Corporation (NYSE: SCM) will release its financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2023 on Wednesday, August 9, 2023, after the close of the stock market. (PRNewsFoto/Stellus Capital Investment Corp) (PRNewswire) Stellus Capital Investment Corporation will host a conference call to discuss these results on Thursday, August 10, 2023 at 10:00 AM, Central Time. The conference call will be led by Robert T. Ladd, Chief Executive Officer, and W. Todd Huskinson, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Compliance Officer, Treasurer, and Secretary. Conference Call Details Via Phone: Dial 888-506-0062 (domestic). Use passcode 810825. Starting approximately two hours after the conclusion of the call, a replay will be available through Thursday, August 24, 2023 by dialing 877-481-4010 and entering passcode 48865. Via Live Webcast: Connect via the Public Company (SCIC) section of our website at, under the Events tab. A replay of the conference will be available on our website for approximately 90 days. About Stellus Capital Investment Corporation The Company is an externally-managed, closed-end, non-diversified investment management company that has elected to be regulated as a business development company under the Investment Company Act of 1940. The Company's investment objective is to maximize the total return to its stockholders in the form of current income and capital appreciation by investing primarily in private middle-market companies (typically those with $5.0 million to $50.0 million of EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization)) through first lien, second lien, unitranche and mezzanine debt financing, and corresponding equity investments. The Company's investment activities are managed by its investment adviser, Stellus Capital Management, LLC. To learn more about Stellus Capital Investment Corporation, visit under the Stellus Capital Investment Corporation link. FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS Statements included herein may contain "forward-looking statements" which relate to future performance or financial condition. Statements other than statements of historical facts included in this press release may constitute forward-looking statements and are not guarantees of future performance or results and involve a number of assumptions, risks and uncertainties, which change over time. Actual results may differ materially from those anticipated in any forward-looking statements as a result of a number of factors, including those described from time to time in filings by the Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company undertakes no duty to update any forward-looking statement made herein. All forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release. Contacts Stellus Capital Investment Corporation W. Todd Huskinson, (713) 292-5414 Chief Financial Officer View original content to download multimedia: SOURCE Stellus Capital Investment Corporation
Stellus Capital Investment Corporation Schedules Second Quarter 2023 Financial Results Conference Call
2023-08-01 01:01:35+00:00
2023-08-01 00:02:07
2022 was defined by extreme afternoon highs. 2023 carved the record by experiencing excessive overnight warmth
BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) - July 2022 made headlines and history after excessive triple-digit heat pushed the month’s average high to the hottest ever recorded in Bryan-College Station’s 141 years of record keeping. One year later and another July with consistent excessive heat, on both sides of the clock, 2023 will now claim the number two spot on the list of all-time hottest Julys of record since 1882. NOTE: Per the National Weather Service, Bryan and College Station’s weather observations began on the campus of Texas A & M College in May 1882. The station was relocated to the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station main farm located seven miles southwest of the College Station Post Office in January 1954. This station closed April 30, 1958. Other rainfall and temperature observations were taken in Bryan at 2310 23rd Street from September 1, 1913 through March 31, 1947. The official reporting station for the area now resides at Easterwood Airport, where it was established in 1951. Easterwood Airport officially ended this month with an average temperature -- overnight lows and afternoon highs considered -- of 90.2°. Over 5° above what the last 30 years of weather suggests our average temperature should end near, this month’s heat will replace 2009′s 89.1° average at spot number two. With 29 of the last 31 afternoons considered above average, July 2023 now holds the third hottest average high temperature of record, ending at 101.0° -- 5.6° above what is typically expected for the area. What really defined this month’s historic heat: warm overnight temperatures. Including a stretch of 12 nights where the low temperature did not drop below 80°, this month’s average low temperature ended at 79.4° -- the warmest ever recorded not only in July but for any month in Bryan-College Station. Below are a few quick facts about July’s heat over the last 31 days: Average temperature: 90.2° - Second hottest on record Degrees above the 30-year average: 5.6 ° Average high temperature: 101.0° - Third hottest on record Degrees above the 30-year June high average: 5.6 ° Hottest high at Easterwood Airport: 106° - July 31st Coolest high at Easterwood Airport: 91° - July 6th Number of record high temperatures set or tied at Easterwood Airport: 2 Average low temperature: 79.4° - All-time hottest on record Degrees above the 30-year June low average: 4.5 ° Number of 80°+ low temperatures: 15 - Most ever recorded Number of record high minimum (warmest low temperature) set or tied: 15 Warmest low temperature at Easterwood Airport: 82° - July 9th, 11th, 12th, 15th, 20th, 23rd Coolest low temperature at Easterwood Airport: 75° - July 7th Number of triple-digit days: 24 - Second most ever recorded Number of above-average afternoon highs: 29 Number of above-average morning lows: 30 Rainfall for the month at Easterwood Airport: 0.65″ - 17th driest since records began at Easterwood Airport | 23rd driest since records began in 1882 HOTTEST JULY OF RECORD IN BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION RANKING YEAR TEMPERATURE 1 2022 90.9° 2 2023 90.2° 3 2009 89.1° 4 2011 88.6° 5 1998 88.6° 6 1996 87.9° 7 1925 87.7° 8 1980 87.5° 9 1934 87.2° 10 2017 86.8° HOTTEST LOW TEMPERATURE AVERAGE OF RECORD IN BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION RANKING YEAR TEMPERATURE 1 2023 79.4° 2 2022 78.5° 3 2009 77.5° 4 2011 77.2° 5 2020 77.0° For perspective, since 2000, Bryan-College Station has experienced eight of the top ten warmest average lows in 141 years of record keeping. Three of the four years since 2020 experienced one of the top five warmest average lows on record. The only other years in the top ten are: 1890 (number 7) and 1998 (number 9). RECORD NUMBER OF JULY 80° LOW TEMPERATURES IN BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION RANKING YEAR NUMBER OF DAYS 1 2023 15 2 1904, 2002, 2009 6 3 1890, 1915 5 4 1901, 1906, 2016 3 5 1902, 1998, 2011 2 Number of 80° morning low temperatures over the years. (KBTX) RECORD NUMBER OF JULY 81°+ LOW TEMPERATURES IN BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION RANKING YEAR NUMBER OF DAYS 1 2023 11 2 1915 5 3 1904, 1906 3 4 1902, 2009 2 5 1889, 1914, 2011, 2018, 2022 1 HOTTEST HIGH TEMPERATURE AVERAGE OF RECORD IN BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION RANKING YEAR TEMPERATURE 1 2022 103.4° 2 1917, 1998 101.1° 3 2023 101.0° 4 1913 100.9° 5 2009 100.7° RECORD NUMBER OF JULY 100° HIGH TEMPERATURES IN BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION RANKING YEAR NUMBER OF DAYS 1 1998, 2022 28 2 2023 24 3 2009 23 4 1917, 1934, 1996 22 5 1925 21 Total number of 100° afternoon high temperatures since 2005. (KBTX) Meteorological Summer is considered to include June, July, and August. After June became the seventh hottest in Bryan-College Station’s history, July’s historic heat has also helped elevate Summer 2023 as yet another one of the hottest seasons ever recorded since 1882. Below is a look at where 2023 has currently positioned itself in history compared to the last 141 years of June and Julys combined. HOTTEST SUMMER TO DATE OF RECORD IN BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION RANKING YEAR AVERAGE TEMPERATURE 1 2022 89.3° 2 2023 88.1° 3 1998, 2009, 2011 87.6° 4 1934 86.1° 5 1996 85.6° HOTTEST SUMMER HIGH TEMPERATURE AVERAGE TO DATE OF RECORD IN BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION RANKING YEAR AVERAGE TEMPERATURE 1 2022 101.1° 2 1998 99.6° 3 1917 99.3° 4 1925, 1934, 2009, 2011 99.1° 5 2023 98.4° HOTTEST SUMMER LOW TEMPERATURE AVERAGE TO DATE OF RECORD IN BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION RANKING YEAR AVERAGE TEMPERATURE 1 2023 77.8° 2 2022 77.5° 3 1902 76.7° 4 2010 76.2° 5 2009, 2011 76.0° Copyright 2023 KBTX. All rights reserved.
Bryan-College Station just experienced back-to-back HOTTEST Julys of record
2023-08-01 01:09:46+00:00
2023-08-01 00:35:00
SHANGHAI, July 31, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Everest Medicines (HKEX 1952.HK, "Everest", or the "Company"), a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development, manufacturing and commercialization of innovative medicines and vaccines, announced today the completion of patient enrollment for the China open-label extension (cOLE) of the Phase 3 NefIgArd study. The cOLE study offers an additional 9 months of treatment with Nefecon® to all qualifying patients who have completed the NefIgArd study and will evaluate the efficacy and safety of extended and repeated Nefecon® treatment in patients with IgA Nephropathy (IgAN). The Phase 3 NefIgArd clinical trial is a randomized, double-blind, multicenter study which assessed the efficacy and safety of Nefecon® versus placebo on a background of optimized RAS inhibitor therapy. The study met its primary endpoint, with Nefecon® demonstrating a highly statistically significant benefit over placebo (p value < 0.0001) in estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) over the two-year period of 9-months of treatment with Nefecon® or placebo and 15-months of off drug follow-up. Patients in the cOLE study will continue on RAS inhibitor therapy (ACEs and/or ARBs) and be treated for 9 months with Nefecon® at 16mg/day. At the end of the treatment period, change in eGFR and urine protein to creatinine ratio (UPCR) will be evaluated. "The results of the cOLE study will offer insight into the value of extended and repeated use of Nefecon® and provide very important guidance for doctors in clinical practice," said Rogers Yongqing Luo, Chief Executive Officer of Everest Medicines. The China National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) accepted Everest's New Drug Application (NDA) for Nefecon® for the treatment of IgAN in November 2022. The NMPA has also granted Nefecon® break-through therapy designation and NDA priority review. Nefecon® was the first non-oncology drug to receive break-through therapy designation in China. About Nefecon® Nefecon® is a patented oral, delayed release formulation of budesonide, a corticosteroid with potent glucocorticoid activity and weak mineralocorticoid activity that undergoes substantial first pass metabolism. The formulation is designed as a delayed release capsule that is enteric coated so that it remains intact until it releases budesonide to the distal ileum. Each capsule contains coated beads of budesonide that target mucosal B-cells present in the ileum where the disease originates, as per the predominant pathogenesis models. In June 2019, Everest Medicines entered into an exclusive, royalty-bearing license agreement with Calliditas, which gives Everest Medicines exclusive rights to develop and commercialize Nefecon® in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Singapore. The agreement was extended in March 2022 to include South Korea as part of Everest Medicine's territories. Nefecon® was approved in the United States under accelerated approval based on a reduction in proteinuria. Recently announced topline results from the global, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase 3 clinical trial NefIgArd demonstrated a statistically significant benefit for Nefecon® over placebo in estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), a measure of renal function. About Everest Medicines Everest Medicines is a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing, manufacturing and commercializing transformative pharmaceutical products and vaccines that address critical unmet medical needs for patients in Asian markets. The management team of Everest Medicines has deep expertise and an extensive track record from both leading global pharmaceutical companies and local Chinese pharmaceutical companies in high-quality discovery, clinical development, regulatory affairs, CMC, business development and operations. Everest Medicines has built a portfolio of potentially global first-in-class or best-in-class molecules, many of which are in late-stage clinical development. The Company's therapeutic areas of interest include renal diseases, infectious diseases, mRNA platform and autoimmune disorders. For more information, please visit its website at Forward-Looking Statements: This news release may make statements that constitute forward-looking statements, including descriptions regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company or its officers with respect to the business operations and financial condition of the Company, which can be identified by terminology such as "will," "expects," "anticipates," "future," "intends," "plans," "believes," "estimates," "confident" and similar statements. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, or other factors, some of which are beyond the control of the Company and are unforeseeable. Therefore, the actual results may differ from those in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors and assumptions, such as future changes and developments in our business, competitive environment, political, economic, legal and social conditions. The Company or any of its affiliates, directors, officers, advisors or representatives has no obligation and does not undertake to revise forward-looking statements to reflect new information, future events or circumstances after the date of this news release, except as required by law. View original content: SOURCE Everest Medicines
Everest Medicines Announces Completion of Patient Enrollment in Nefecon® China Open Label Extension Study
2023-08-01 01:01:10+00:00
2023-07-31 23:52:40
A Bryan woman is in custody after College Station police say she knew three children were being sexually abused and did nothing to stop it.
BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) - A Bryan woman is in custody after College Station police say she knew three children were being sexually abused and did nothing to stop it. Tomasa Batz-Ajche, 35, is charged with three counts of child endangerment. Authorities say back in May of 2021 on of the children told staff at her school that her stepfather had been touching her for multiple years. CSPD says when the child would tell Batz-Ajche about the incidents she would be accused of lying and being disrespectful. Probable cause reports say the abuse continued from May 2021 - March 2023. Batz- Ajche is charged with three counts of child endangerment and is held on bonds totaling $150,000 She also has an ICE immigration hold in place. Copyright 2023 KBTX. All rights reserved.
Bryan woman arrested accused of allowing children to be sexually abused
[ "Julia Lewis" ]
2023-08-01 01:01:22+00:00
2023-07-31 23:32:34
On Tuesday, Aug. 1, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) may briefly close Highway 21 between Kurten and Coulter Airfield in Bryan.
BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) - On Tuesday, Aug. 1, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) may briefly close Highway 21 between Kurten and Coulter Airfield in Bryan. Bryan Texas Utilities is pulling a utility line that will service a new industrial manufacturing business park. The area will only be closed in five to 10-minute blocks at a time between 9-11 a.m. “This is three-faced power, which is more power than you would need basically for your residential areas and so we do have to bring that across the highway just to provide that service for the growing community,” said Meagan Brown with Bryan Texas Utilities. BTU says the closing will not impact the general public too much, other than some traffic delays. Copyright 2023 KBTX. All rights reserved.
TxDOT warns of intermittent Highway 21 closings in Bryan on Tuesday
2023-08-01 01:09:32+00:00
2023-07-31 23:35:00
MEXICO CITY, July 31, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- FIBRA Prologis (BMV:FIBRAPL 14), a leading owner and operator of Class-A industrial real estate in Mexico, today announced that after having served as a member of the Technical Committee for the past years, Gimena Peña Malcampo, will step down as an independent member. "We appreciate the time and effort that Gimena put on our Technical Committee meetings. Her perspective, in particular on the ESG initiatives, was highly valued," said Luis Gutiérrez, CEO, Prologis Property Mexico. "Serving on the FIBRA Prologis Technical Committee has been a rewarding experience. I have always admired the company's commitment to innovation and sustainability, and I'm particularly proud of the progress that has been made toward advancing our sustainability-centered goals. It has been my privileged to serve as a board member of this impactful organization," said Mrs. Peña Malcampo. FIBRA Prologis Manager will announce a replacement to Gimena Peña Malcampo as an independent member of the Technical Committee. ABOUT FIBRA PROLOGIS FIBRA Prologis is a leading owner and operator of Class-A industrial real estate in Mexico. As of June 30, 2023, FIBRA Prologis was comprised of 228 logistics and manufacturing facilities in six industrial markets in Mexico totaling 44.2 million square feet (4.1 million square meters) of gross leasable area. FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS The statements in this release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations, estimates and projections about the industry and markets in which FIBRA Prologis operates, management's beliefs and assumptions made by management. Such statements involve uncertainties that could significantly impact FIBRA Prologis financial results. Words such as "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," "estimates," variations of such words and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements, which generally are not historical in nature. All statements that address operating performance, events or developments that we expect or anticipate will occur in the future — including statements relating to rent and occupancy growth, acquisition activity, development activity, disposition activity, general conditions in the geographic areas where we operate, our debt and financial position, are forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Although we believe the expectations reflected in any forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, we can give no assurance that our expectations will be attained and therefore, actual outcomes and results may differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in such forward-looking statements. Some of the factors that may affect outcomes and results include, but are not limited to: (i) national, international, regional and local economic climates, (ii) changes in financial markets, interest rates and foreign currency exchange rates, (iii) increased or unanticipated competition for our properties, (iv) risks associated with acquisitions, dispositions and development of properties, (v) maintenance of real estate investment trust ("FIBRA") status and tax structuring, (vi) availability of financing and capital, the levels of debt that we maintain and our credit ratings, (vii) risks related to our investments (viii) environmental uncertainties, including risks of natural disasters, (ix) risks related to the coronavirus pandemic, and (x) those additional factors discussed in reports filed with the "Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores" and the Mexican Stock Exchange by FIBRA Prologis under the heading "Risk Factors." FIBRA Prologis undertakes no duty to update any forward-looking statements appearing in this release. Non-Solicitation - Any securities discussed herein or in the accompanying presentations, if any, have not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933 or the securities laws of any state and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements under the Securities Act and any applicable state securities laws. Any such announcement does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy the securities discussed herein or in the presentations, if and as applicable. (PRNewsfoto/FIBRA Prologis) (PRNewswire) View original content to download multimedia: SOURCE FIBRA Prologis
FIBRA Prologis Announces Change to its Technical Committee
[ "Michael Schwarz", "Bryan Chai", "Jack Davis", "Warner Todd Huston", "C. Douglas Golden", "Samantha Chang", "Michael Schwarz Holds A Ph.D. In History", "Has Taught At Multiple Colleges", "Universities. He Has Published One Book", "Numerous Essays On Thomas Jefferson" ]
2023-08-01 00:48:31+00:00
2023-07-31 18:51:46
Historian Kevin D. Roberts defended Florida's new slavery-related curriculum and exposed Kamala Harris' politically-motivated criticism.
An actual historian of black history has taught Vice President Kamala Harris a much-needed lesson. Kevin D. Roberts, who holds a Ph.D. in American History from the University of Texas, defended Florida’s embattled history standards against Harris’ frivolous criticism. On Friday, Roberts tweeted a series of comments endorsing the new standards. “The outcry over Florida’s African American History standards is absurd. That happens to be my academic field as a historian; I use to write extensively — including curriculum standards — on the topic. So I took some time to review Florida’s. The bottom line: they are excellent,” Roberts wrote. 1/9 The outcry over Florida’s African American History standards is absurd. That happens to be my academic field as a historian; I use to write extensively—including curriculum standards—on the topic. So I took some time to review Florida’s. The bottom line: they are excellent. — Kevin Roberts (@KevinRobertsTX) July 28, 2023 Florida officials announced the state’s new history standards on July 19. The controversy over those standards began two days later when Harris, in a speech delivered in Jacksonville, Florida, accused state officials of trying to “replace history with lies.” “Middle school students in Florida [are] to be told that enslaved people benefited from slavery,” Harris added. Here the vice president referred to a single line in the new curriculum. “Instruction includes how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit,” the new standards said. Should Kamala Harris walk back her statements on the curriculum? Yes No Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Yes: 99% (111 Votes) No: 1% (1 Votes) Critics blasted Harris for her obvious exaggeration. Meanwhile, in a social-media post on Wednesday, Republican Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida appeared to echo Harris’ criticism. “The new African-American standards in FL are good, robust, & accurate. That being said, the attempt to feature the personal benefits of slavery is wrong & needs to be adjusted. That obviously wasn’t the goal & I have faith that FLDOE will correct this,” Donalds tweeted. The new African-American standards in FL are good, robust, & accurate. That being said, the attempt to feature the personal benefits of slavery is wrong & needs to be adjusted. That obviously wasn’t the goal & I have faith that FLDOE will correct this. — Congressman Byron Donalds (@RepDonaldsPress) July 26, 2023 Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida responded by defending the new standards and accusing Donalds of siding with Harris. Roberts, who now serves as president of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank, brought a sensible perspective to this manufactured controversy. For instance, Roberts noted that the new standards require emphasis on “heroic people who fought oppression.” 2/9 In my experience as a historian of African American history, Florida’s standards actually are a model for other states. They are comprehensive in topics covered, do not shy away from difficult topics, and—as history should—use examples of heroic people who fought oppression. — Kevin Roberts (@KevinRobertsTX) July 28, 2023 3/9 For example, FL’s standards state: “Instructional materials shall include the vital contributions of African Americans to build & strengthen American society and celebrate the inspirational stories of African Americans who prospered, even in the most difficult circumstances.” — Kevin Roberts (@KevinRobertsTX) July 28, 2023 As for the line that Harris — and even Donalds — found objectionable, Roberts called it “wholly accurate.” “Some slaves, in some circumstances, were able to earn money that some even used to purchase their freedom,” Roberts added. 4/9 The controversial section—”Instruction includes how slaves developed skills, which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit”—is wholly accurate. Some slaves, in some circumstances, were able to earn money that some even used to purchase their freedom. — Kevin Roberts (@KevinRobertsTX) July 28, 2023 Furthermore, the fact that some slaves developed beneficial skills does not mean that slavery benefited them. Instead, according to Roberts, “it shows the amazing, heroic perseverance of enslaved people amid an evil system.” 5/9 In no way does mentioning that “personal benefit” for some slaves, in some instances, amount to defending slavery or making slavery sound better–rather, it shows the amazing, heroic perseverance of enslaved people amid an evil system. — Kevin Roberts (@KevinRobertsTX) July 28, 2023 Roberts then cited an NPR interview with Dr. William B. Allen, a black historian who wrote the standards. In the interview, Allen noted Booker T. Washington and Frederick Douglass as examples of former slaves whose remarkable lives illustrated the truth of the new standards. 6/9 The author of the standards, African American historian Dr. William B. Allen–former chairman of the U.S. Commission of Ciivl Rights–said as much in an interview with NPR’s Steve Inskeep, who himself acknowledged that Allen was “correct.” — Kevin Roberts (@KevinRobertsTX) July 28, 2023 7/9 Dr. Allen, in response to criticism about the “personal benefit” phrase: “When I look at that language, I see what Booker T. Washington meant when he entitled his autobiography “Up From Slavery” rather than “Down In Slavery.” — Kevin Roberts (@KevinRobertsTX) July 28, 2023 8/9 Dr. Allen continued: “I see what Douglass meant when he described his slave mistress teaching him to read only at the beginning because his owner put a stop to it. But that small glimmer of light was enough to inspire him to turn it into a burning flame of illumination…” — Kevin Roberts (@KevinRobertsTX) July 28, 2023 Finally, Roberts dismissed the new standards’ critics as politically motivated and then praised DeSantis. 9/9 This controversy about FL’s history standards has nothing to do with history, which is accurately & beautifully captured. Rather, it’s all about politics and trying to knee-cap one of conservatism’s leaders. God bless @GovRonDeSantis for his courage amid this ridiculous fire. — Kevin Roberts (@KevinRobertsTX) July 28, 2023 Roberts’ string of comments highlighted the controversy’s true meaning. For instance, the debate over one line in Florida’s new history standards does involve politics. But it involves much more than ordinary election-related nonsense. Harris represents those who want to reduce American history to a story of unyielding oppression. Roberts, Allen, and DeSantis, on the other hand, acknowledge this oppression but insist that students should learn the full context of America’s founding, which includes a struggle for liberty in which people of every skin color took part. Truth and Accuracy Submit a Correction → * Name * Email * Message * All fields are required. Success! We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.
Historian Levels Kamala Harris, Schools Her on African American History
[ "Bryan Chai", "Jack Davis", "Warner Todd Huston", "C. Douglas Golden", "Samantha Chang", "Sr. Editor", "Sr. Writer", "Bryan Chai Has Written News", "Sports For The Western Journal For More Than Five Years", "Has Produced More Than Stories. He Specializes In The Nba" ]
2023-08-01 01:18:30+00:00
2023-07-31 19:51:29
A new report has shed light on another Hunter Biden mistake. If true, this just made his plea deal more disastrous.
The first son of the United States of America appears unable to avoid negative press lately. Hunter Biden’s well-documented issues are numerous and sordid as the incumbent president’s son finds himself in headache after headache. The latest migraine to emerge from Biden’s legal woes comes from an unexpected source: a humble law blog from a political columnist and practicing Connecticut lawyer, Kevin Rennie. On a Friday post to his blog, “Daily Ructions,” Rennie noted a curious discrepancy in what was an already disastrous guilty plea deal for Hunter Biden. A quick recap: On Wednesday, Hunter Biden showed up to Wilmington, Delaware, for what many expected to be a routine hearing with U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika regarding two misdemeanor tax evasion charges (which Hunter was pleading guilty to) and a third charge related to illegal gun possession (which would be diverted for two years if certain conditions were met). That deal, widely criticized as a sweetheart deal by Biden critics, ultimately fell apart in wildly embarrassing fashion when Judge Noreika questioned the blanket immunity that Hunter Biden’s lawyers presumed was part of the plea deal. Fast forward a few days, and according to Rennie, it appears that Biden’s lawyers weren’t the only ones who were confused. According to court hearing transcripts obtained by the U.K.’s Daily Mail, when asked if he a “member of the bar,” Biden confirmed he was. When asked where, he responded, “District of Columbia and Connecticut, Your Honor.” Do you think Hunter Biden will go to jail? Yes No Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Yes: 52% (388 Votes) No: 48% (360 Votes) Rennie wanted to pump the brakes on that assertion by calling attention to the State of Connecticut Judicial Branch records, where a simple search of “Biden” yields that one Robert Hunter Biden has been suspended since 2021 with a status that reads: “Administrative Suspension for failure to pay the Client Security Fund fee.” In short, Hunter Biden’s law license had been suspended in the Constitution State for over two years before he appeared to mislead Judge Noreika about his long-established legal status. While Biden’s staunchest critics may want this to be the beginning thread of some sort of perjury conviction, it doesn’t appear particularly likely. Legally, perjury is, effectively, lying under oath. It’s the “lying” part that could be the hold-up, per Rennie. “I’m careful about using the word ‘lie’ because I don’t know what was in his head. But he certainly should have known better,” Rennie told the Daily Mail. After offering that lone respite, Rennie blasted Biden’s behavior: “A lawyer who is asked under oath where he is admitted to practice and does not include in his response that he is suspended from practice in one of them has misled the court. “He did not give her an answer that, I think most judges would see under these circumstances, was in good faith. It omitted crucial facts. “Clearly he thought he was admitted to the practice in Connecticut. He ought to know, after 26 years, that certain obligations come with that. And they are by no means onerous.” Apart from the above, Hunter Biden is also currently embroiled in an ugly and publicized child support battle, as well as growing calls to investigate the purported connections between the Bidens and Ukrainian energy company Burisma. Truth and Accuracy Submit a Correction → * Name * Email * Message * All fields are required. Success! We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.
Explosive Report: Major Detail Hunter Biden Told Judge Was Flat-Out Wrong
[ "Jack Davis", "Bryan Chai", "Warner Todd Huston", "C. Douglas Golden", "Samantha Chang", "Contributor", "Jack Davis Is A Freelance Writer Who Joined The Western Journal In July", "Chronicled The Campaign That Saw President Donald Trump Elected. Since Then", "He Has Written Extensively For The Western Journal On The Trump Administration As Well As Foreign Policy", "Military Issues." ]
2023-08-01 01:18:23+00:00
2023-07-31 20:00:58
A former associate of Hunter Biden explains how often Hunter Biden called his father while the two were making business deals.
Hunter Biden’s former business partner told the House Oversight Committee on Monday that the president’s son connected his business associates with his father on multiple occasions, including the years when President Joe Biden was vice president in former President Barack Obama’s administration. Devon Archer, a convicted felon facing a one-year term in prison for an unrelated fraud case, had been subpoenaed to appear before the House Oversight Committee, per CNN. Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia came out of the closed-door meeting in which Archer answered questions and said Archer told legislators “the Bidens were in the actual business of influence peddling,” according to the U.K.’s Daily Mail. 🚨 BREAKING: Hunter Biden’s former business partner Devon Archer testified that VP Joe Biden was put on speakerphone 20+ times to “sell the brand” in business discussions — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 31, 2023 “It’s extremely damning,” she told the outlet. “We have Devon Archer coming out and telling the truth that Hunter Biden and Joe Biden spoke over 20 times about his business deals, not about the weather, not about what was for lunch, [but] about his business deals,” she said. Republican Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona said Archer told lawmakers that the Biden connection was vital to Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company that at one time had Archer and Hunter Biden on its board Biggs said Archer said, “Burisma would have gone out of business sooner if the Biden brand had not been invoked. People would be intimidated to really mess with Burisma because of the Biden family brand.” Should Joe Biden be impeached after this testimony? Yes No Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Yes: 99% (399 Votes) No: 1% (3 Votes) Biggs said that after hearing what Archer had to say, “I think we should do an impeachment inquiry.” .@RepAndyBiggsAZ reacts to Hunter Biden’s former business partner and best friend’s bombshell testimony in front of Congress: “I think we should do an impeachment inquiry.” — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 31, 2023 Archer was on the Ukrainian energy firm’s board with Hunter, who was paid $50,000 a month for his role. Greene voiced her hope that Archer’s testimony “moves the needle” on an impeachment inquiry into the president. “We have to have 218 Republicans to vote for it, and there’s been some that just aren’t there yet, but in my opinion, the information that’s coming out today could really push many of them to get to ‘yes,’” she said. Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman: The witness testified “that Hunter would put his father on speakerphone with whomever was at dinner — and there was no indication that he had any idea who was at dinner with them!” — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 31, 2023 Democratic Rep. Dan Goldman of New York said that Archer indicated that over 10 years, there are about 20 instances when Hunter Biden put his father on the phone to speak with Hunter Biden’s associates, according to the Washington Examiner. Goldman offered a different version of the testimony than Greene, saying the conversation was only “casual conversation, niceties, the weather, what’s going on” and that there “wasn’t a single conversation” about any of the deals that may have been in the works at the time of those calls. “[Hunter Biden] would often put his father, occasionally would put his father on to say hello to whomever he happened to be caught at dinner with,” Goldman said. “And Mr. Archer clarified that it was sometimes people they were trying to do business with, and it was sometimes friends or other social engagements.” NY Post writer Miranda Devine noted that Joe Biden has maintained, “I’ve never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” since September 2019, but that that stance has since morphed into a comment last week form White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre that “The president was never in business with his son.” Devine posted on social media that from what she heard. Archer’s testimony was devastating. Devon Archer’s testimony: •In December 2015, Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, and Vadym Pozharski, an executive of Burisma, placed constant pressure on Hunter Biden to get help from D.C. regarding the Ukrainian prosecutor, Viktor Shokin. Shokin was investigating Burisma… — Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) July 31, 2023 •Devon Archer testified that Hunter Biden put then-Vice President Joe Biden on the speakerphone during business meetings, over 20 times. Archer testified that Joe Biden was put on the phone to sell “the brand.” These phone calls include a dinner in Paris with a French energy… — Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) July 31, 2023 Prior to Archer’s testimony, Devine wrote in the New York Post that Archer would be telling the House that on at least one occasion when Joe Biden was vice president his son connected him with executives with a Ukrainian energy company. The Post report said that on Dec. 2, 2015, two officials with the Burisma energy company were with Archer and Hunter Biden in Dubai when one asked Hunter Biden “Can you ring your dad?” The Post report said Hunter Biden then did so. Devine wrote that the vice president “greeted the Ukrainians but spoke only in vague pleasantries during the short call, and in other such interactions with Hunter’s overseas business partners.” Truth and Accuracy Submit a Correction → * Name * Email * Message * All fields are required. Success! We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.
Breaking: Hunter Biden's Business Partner Testifies - And It's Damning for Joe Biden
[ "Jack Davis", "Bryan Chai", "Warner Todd Huston", "C. Douglas Golden", "Samantha Chang", "Contributor", "Jack Davis Is A Freelance Writer Who Joined The Western Journal In July", "Chronicled The Campaign That Saw President Donald Trump Elected. Since Then", "He Has Written Extensively For The Western Journal On The Trump Administration As Well As Foreign Policy", "Military Issues." ]
2023-08-01 01:05:18+00:00
2023-07-31 23:14:47
When the Ukrainian energy firm that had Hunter Biden on its board was in trouble, the answer was to "call D.C.," a new report says.
Hunter Biden’s former business partner said that calls to Washington, D.C., were a critical part of a Ukrainian energy company’s efforts to stop a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating it, according to a new report. Devon Archer testified Monday that Hunter Biden, who along with Archer was on the board of Burisma Holdings, “called D.C.” in 2015 to get the Obama administration to put pressure on Ukraine to fire prosecutor Viktor Shokin, Fox News reported, citing a source familiar with his testimony. In January 2018, Joe Biden told the story of how in 2016 he secured the ouster of the prosecutor during a meeting with Ukrainian officials, according to Law and Crime. “I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a b****. He got fired,” Biden said at the time. The money referred to was U.S. aid to Ukraine. Archer said during his Monday testimony that Hunter Biden put his father on the phone at least 20 times in an effort to sell “the brand.” Fox said its source said Archer told the committee that Burisma officials “placed constant pressure on Hunter Biden to get help from D.C.” to blunt Shokin’s investigation. Archer said in December 2015, Hunter Biden and Burisma officials “called D.C.” about the matter. It was unclear who in Washington received the call. Archer said days after the call, Joe Biden — then vice president — made a speech in Ukraine about the need to fix the office of the Ukrainian prosecutor. Do you think Joe Biden needs to be investigated for corruption? Yes No Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Yes: 99% (132 Votes) No: 1% (1 Votes) “This is the most revealing aspect of Archer’s testimony and maybe the most important in our entire investigation so far,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio said. 🚨STATEMENT🚨 Devon Archer’s testimony confirms Joe Biden 𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐃 when he said he had no knowledge about his son’s business dealings and was not involved. Joe Biden was ‘the brand’ & he joined Hunter’s dinners with his foreign associates in person or by phone over 20 times.👇 — Rep. James Comer (@RepJamesComer) July 31, 2023 House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer of Kentucky said Archer’s testimony “confirms Joe Biden lied to the American people when he said he had no knowledge about his son’s business dealings and was not involved,” according to a statement posted on the House Oversight Committee website. “Joe Biden was ‘the brand’ that his son sold around the world to enrich the Biden family. When Joe Biden was vice president of the United States, he joined Hunter Biden’s dinners with his foreign business associates in person or by speakerphone over 20 times. When Burisma’s owner was facing pressure from the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating the company for corruption, Archer testified that Burisma executives asked Hunter to ‘call D.C.’ after a Burisma board meeting in Dubai,” Comer said. “Why did Joe Biden lie to the American people about his family’s business dealings and his involvement? It begs the question what else he is hiding from the American people.” “The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability will continue to follow the Bidens’ money trail and interview witnesses to determine whether foreign actors targeted the Bidens, President Biden is compromised and corrupt, and our national security is threatened.” In addition to testimony related to Burisma, Comer said Archer told the panel that one call connected Joe Biden with Jonathan Li, the CEO of BHR, a company formed by Hunter Biden and Chinese associates. “Archer acknowledged that then-Vice President Biden had coffee with Jonathan Li, the CEO of BHR, in Beijing. Then-Vice President Biden even wrote a letter of recommendation for college for Li’s daughter,” Comer’s release said. The release said that Archer said that in the spring of 2014, “then-Vice President Biden attended a business dinner with his son, Hunter, and his associates at Café Milano in Washington, D.C. Elena Baturina, a Russian oligarch who is the widow of the former mayor of Moscow, attended the dinner. Notably, the Biden Administration’s public sanctions list for Russian oligarchs does not contain Baturina.” Truth and Accuracy Submit a Correction → * Name * Email * Message * All fields are required. Success! We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.
Devon Archer Bombshell: Hunter Biden 'Called DC' to Get Ukrainian Prosecutor Investigating Burisma Fired
[ "Jack Davis", "Bryan Chai", "Warner Todd Huston", "C. Douglas Golden", "Samantha Chang", "Contributor", "Jack Davis Is A Freelance Writer Who Joined The Western Journal In July", "Chronicled The Campaign That Saw President Donald Trump Elected. Since Then", "He Has Written Extensively For The Western Journal On The Trump Administration As Well As Foreign Policy", "Military Issues." ]
2023-08-01 00:48:17+00:00
2023-07-31 20:00:58
A former associate of Hunter Biden explains how often Hunter Biden called his father while the two were making business deals.
Hunter Biden’s former business partner told the House Oversight Committee on Monday that the president’s son connected his business associates with his father on multiple occasions, including the years when President Joe Biden was vice president in former President Barack Obama’s administration. Devon Archer, a convicted felon facing a one-year term in prison for an unrelated fraud case, had been subpoenaed to appear before the House Oversight Committee, per CNN. Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia came out of the closed-door meeting in which Archer answered questions and said Archer told legislators “the Bidens were in the actual business of influence peddling,” according to the U.K.’s Daily Mail. 🚨 BREAKING: Hunter Biden’s former business partner Devon Archer testified that VP Joe Biden was put on speakerphone 20+ times to “sell the brand” in business discussions — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 31, 2023 “It’s extremely damning,” she told the outlet. “We have Devon Archer coming out and telling the truth that Hunter Biden and Joe Biden spoke over 20 times about his business deals, not about the weather, not about what was for lunch, [but] about his business deals,” she said. Republican Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona said Archer told lawmakers that the Biden connection was vital to Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company that at one time had Archer and Hunter Biden on its board Biggs said Archer said, “Burisma would have gone out of business sooner if the Biden brand had not been invoked. People would be intimidated to really mess with Burisma because of the Biden family brand.” Should Joe Biden be impeached after this testimony? Yes No Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Yes: 99% (297 Votes) No: 1% (3 Votes) Biggs said that after hearing what Archer had to say, “I think we should do an impeachment inquiry.” .@RepAndyBiggsAZ reacts to Hunter Biden’s former business partner and best friend’s bombshell testimony in front of Congress: “I think we should do an impeachment inquiry.” — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 31, 2023 Archer was on the Ukrainian energy firm’s board with Hunter, who was paid $50,000 a month for his role. Greene voiced her hope that Archer’s testimony “moves the needle” on an impeachment inquiry into the president. “We have to have 218 Republicans to vote for it, and there’s been some that just aren’t there yet, but in my opinion, the information that’s coming out today could really push many of them to get to ‘yes,’” she said. Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman: The witness testified “that Hunter would put his father on speakerphone with whomever was at dinner — and there was no indication that he had any idea who was at dinner with them!” — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 31, 2023 Democratic Rep. Dan Goldman of New York said that Archer indicated that over 10 years, there are about 20 instances when Hunter Biden put his father on the phone to speak with Hunter Biden’s associates, according to the Washington Examiner. Goldman offered a different version of the testimony than Greene, saying the conversation was only “casual conversation, niceties, the weather, what’s going on” and that there “wasn’t a single conversation” about any of the deals that may have been in the works at the time of those calls. “[Hunter Biden] would often put his father, occasionally would put his father on to say hello to whomever he happened to be caught at dinner with,” Goldman said. “And Mr. Archer clarified that it was sometimes people they were trying to do business with, and it was sometimes friends or other social engagements.” NY Post writer Miranda Devine noted that Joe Biden has maintained, “I’ve never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” since September 2019, but that that stance has since morphed into a comment last week form White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre that “The president was never in business with his son.” Devine posted on social media that from what she heard. Archer’s testimony was devastating. Devon Archer’s testimony: •In December 2015, Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, and Vadym Pozharski, an executive of Burisma, placed constant pressure on Hunter Biden to get help from D.C. regarding the Ukrainian prosecutor, Viktor Shokin. Shokin was investigating Burisma… — Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) July 31, 2023 •Devon Archer testified that Hunter Biden put then-Vice President Joe Biden on the speakerphone during business meetings, over 20 times. Archer testified that Joe Biden was put on the phone to sell “the brand.” These phone calls include a dinner in Paris with a French energy… — Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) July 31, 2023 Prior to Archer’s testimony, Devine wrote in the New York Post that Archer would be telling the House that on at least one occasion when Joe Biden was vice president his son connected him with executives with a Ukrainian energy company. The Post report said that on Dec. 2, 2015, two officials with the Burisma energy company were with Archer and Hunter Biden in Dubai when one asked Hunter Biden “Can you ring your dad?” The Post report said Hunter Biden then did so. Devine wrote that the vice president “greeted the Ukrainians but spoke only in vague pleasantries during the short call, and in other such interactions with Hunter’s overseas business partners.” Truth and Accuracy Submit a Correction → * Name * Email * Message * All fields are required. Success! We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.
Breaking: Hunter Biden's Business Partner Testifies - And It's Damning for Joe Biden
[ "Bryan Chai", "Jack Davis", "Warner Todd Huston", "C. Douglas Golden", "Samantha Chang", "Sr. Editor", "Sr. Writer", "Bryan Chai Has Written News", "Sports For The Western Journal For More Than Five Years", "Has Produced More Than Stories. He Specializes In The Nba" ]
2023-08-01 01:18:57+00:00
2023-07-31 19:51:29
A new report has shed light on another Hunter Biden mistake. If true, this just made his plea deal more disastrous.
The first son of the United States of America appears unable to avoid negative press lately. Hunter Biden’s well-documented issues are numerous and sordid as the incumbent president’s son finds himself in headache after headache. The latest migraine to emerge from Biden’s legal woes comes from an unexpected source: a humble law blog from a political columnist and practicing Connecticut lawyer, Kevin Rennie. On a Friday post to his blog, “Daily Ructions,” Rennie noted a curious discrepancy in what was an already disastrous guilty plea deal for Hunter Biden. A quick recap: On Wednesday, Hunter Biden showed up to Wilmington, Delaware, for what many expected to be a routine hearing with U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika regarding two misdemeanor tax evasion charges (which Hunter was pleading guilty to) and a third charge related to illegal gun possession (which would be diverted for two years if certain conditions were met). That deal, widely criticized as a sweetheart deal by Biden critics, ultimately fell apart in wildly embarrassing fashion when Judge Noreika questioned the blanket immunity that Hunter Biden’s lawyers presumed was part of the plea deal. Fast forward a few days, and according to Rennie, it appears that Biden’s lawyers weren’t the only ones who were confused. According to court hearing transcripts obtained by the U.K.’s Daily Mail, when asked if he a “member of the bar,” Biden confirmed he was. When asked where, he responded, “District of Columbia and Connecticut, Your Honor.” Do you think Hunter Biden will go to jail? Yes No Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Yes: 52% (390 Votes) No: 48% (361 Votes) Rennie wanted to pump the brakes on that assertion by calling attention to the State of Connecticut Judicial Branch records, where a simple search of “Biden” yields that one Robert Hunter Biden has been suspended since 2021 with a status that reads: “Administrative Suspension for failure to pay the Client Security Fund fee.” In short, Hunter Biden’s law license had been suspended in the Constitution State for over two years before he appeared to mislead Judge Noreika about his long-established legal status. While Biden’s staunchest critics may want this to be the beginning thread of some sort of perjury conviction, it doesn’t appear particularly likely. Legally, perjury is, effectively, lying under oath. It’s the “lying” part that could be the hold-up, per Rennie. “I’m careful about using the word ‘lie’ because I don’t know what was in his head. But he certainly should have known better,” Rennie told the Daily Mail. After offering that lone respite, Rennie blasted Biden’s behavior: “A lawyer who is asked under oath where he is admitted to practice and does not include in his response that he is suspended from practice in one of them has misled the court. “He did not give her an answer that, I think most judges would see under these circumstances, was in good faith. It omitted crucial facts. “Clearly he thought he was admitted to the practice in Connecticut. He ought to know, after 26 years, that certain obligations come with that. And they are by no means onerous.” Apart from the above, Hunter Biden is also currently embroiled in an ugly and publicized child support battle, as well as growing calls to investigate the purported connections between the Bidens and Ukrainian energy company Burisma. Truth and Accuracy Submit a Correction → * Name * Email * Message * All fields are required. Success! We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.
Explosive Report: Major Detail Hunter Biden Told Judge Was Flat-Out Wrong
[ "Joe Saunders", "Jack Davis", "Bryan Chai", "Warner Todd Huston", "C. Douglas Golden", "Samantha Chang", "Story Editor", "Joe Has Spent More Than Years As A Reporter", "Copy Editor", "Metro Desk Editor In Newsrooms In Pennsylvania" ]
2023-08-01 01:05:25+00:00
2023-07-31 22:25:06
Democrats, along with the establishment media, have been at open warfare with Trump and his supporters since 2015. But will they go this far?
How far is special counsel Jack Smith willing to go? The special prosecutor has already demonstrated his zeal in his mission to nail former President Donald Trump in a supposedly independent investigation of classified documents kept in his South Florida home. Now, the political world is waiting for Smith’s public decision on whether to charge Trump in relation to the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion — and a conservative commentator is raising the possibility that Smith could up the ante even further. In an interview with Breitbart News on Sunday, independent journalist Julie Kelly discussed the possibility that Smith would not only bring charges against Trump in relation to the incursion, but could also seek to have him held behind bars until it comes the case comes to trial. In the friendly courtroom field of Washington, D.C., where Democrats reign supreme, Kelly said, Smith already has a precedent to work from: Defendants in Jan. 6 cases. In a Substack piece published Sunday before her Breitbart interview, Kelly cited the case of William Chrestman, a Kansas City member of the Proud Boys and a Trump supporter who is still in a D.C. jail awaiting trial. Chrestman’s mother told the Kansas City Star in an article published in May that she doesn’t expect to see her son free until Trump is in office again and pardons him. In a Feb. 26, 2021, order granting prosecutors’ request to hold Chrestman without bail, Judge Beryl Howell wrote that Chrestman’s “conduct on January 6 and blatant disregard for the law clearly show that he is a serious danger to the community and the nation, and that no condition or combination of conditions can be imposed that will ensure his compliance with the law pending trial in this matter.” My explainer about how Jack Smith could ask a DC judge to deny bail for Donald Trump when he’s charged for January 6, likely this week. — Julie Kelly (@julie_kelly2) July 31, 2023 If the name “Beryl Howell” rings a bell, by the way, it might be because Howell was the judge who ruled in Smith’s favor to breach the confidentiality between Trump and his attorneys under a “crime-fraud exception,” as The New York Times reported in March. It just happened to be her last day as the chief judge of the Federal District Court in Washington. (She remains a judge in the district, however.) It might also be because Howell was the judge who pressed prosecutors in court in 2021 on why they weren’t being tougher with Jan. 6 defendants. A fine example of justice being blind, is Judge Beryl Howell. In another part of the ruling, Kelly noted, Howell wrote that “a defendant who assumed either a formal or a de facto leadership role in the assault by encouraging other rioters’ misconduct, for example, by urging rioters to advance on the Capitol or to confront law enforcement, may have inspired further criminal conduct on the part of others.” Does that sound like the picture Democrats are trying to paint of Trump’s activities that day? That was the whole point of Nancy Pelosi’s sham of a Jan. 6 committee. Do you think Trump should campaign from prison if he is convicted? Yes No Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Yes: 100% (22 Votes) No: 0% (0 Votes) “Prosecutors have routinely cited Howell’s decision to justify pretrial detention for more than 100 January 6 defendants including those accused of committing no violence,” Kelly wrote. So, where would that leave Smith, the Democratic attack-dog prosecutor, and Trump, the current top political opponent to Democratic President Joe Biden? Given the current political atmosphere, where Trump is being attacked on all fronts by Democrats who appear desperate to either keep him out of the 2024 presidential race or abuse the legal system to tarnish him in the minds of just enough voters, would anyone be surprised if Smith tried to keep Trump behind bars? (Actually, members of Trump’s Secret Service detail probably would be surprised — and wishing they were out on Hunter duty in Malibu.) The scenario would be a nightmare for the country’s electoral process of course — though given how cavalierly Democrats treat election integrity (see, Texas or Georgia) that’s not real high on their list of concerns. The prospect of a former president behind bars is bad enough — reminiscent of those banana republics that are currently disgorging their populations into the Biden open border to the south. The prospect of him being behind bars before the case goes to court would smack of a show trial that could have been run in Moscow of the 1930s. Trump could still campaign for the GOP nomination from jail — in fact, he’d probably be harder to beat than ever among Republican voters. He could still compete for the general election nomination — and Trump has vowed he would do so. But the idea of forcing him to do it has to have Democrats giddy — no matter what the cost to American prestige and credibility, not to mention domestic tranquility. That would be the final tear to our countries fabric. We could never stitch this great country back together again. If they did this, I think every fair minded American would say “and what about the Biden crime family”. They better have a cell next door for Joe and Hunter. — Rebecca Majewski (@RebeccaMajewsk5) July 31, 2023 From the time Trump entered the national political scene for real in 2015 to the current day, Democrats and their sapsuckers in establishment media have proven there are no limits to their frenzy to destroy him. For the establishment media, it began even before Trump was sworn in, as Washington “journalists” were willingly led around by the nose by “anonymous” Trump enemies — leakers in the FBI mainly. Democrats needed to wait until they took control of the House in 2018 to get serious about their nonsensical impeachments of Trump, but impeach him they did — twice. And now, a special counsel hellbent on attacking Trump could be bringing charges against him in one of the most militantly Democratic-biased legal jurisdictions in the country — the legal swamp of the political swamp. Meanwhile, the country watches as Hunter Biden and his corruption-ridden crime family — including the “big guy” treat the legal system the way “devout Catholic” Joe Biden treats his church — there when it’s convenient, forgettable when it’s not. How low is Jack Smith willing to go? The country could well see if the swamp has a bottom. Truth and Accuracy Submit a Correction → * Name * Email * Message * All fields are required. Success! We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.
Nightmare Scenario: Trump Could Be Denied Bail, Held Without Trial If Indicted for Jan. 6th Charges