Who had the high point total when dee brown (5) had the high assist total?
SELECT high_points FROM table_13619105_4 WHERE high_assists = "Dee Brown (5)"
CREATE TABLE table_13619105_4 (high_points VARCHAR, high_assists VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Who had the high point total when dee brown (5) had the high assist total? context: CREATE TABLE table_13619105_4 (high_points VARCHAR, high_assists VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT high_points FROM table_13619105_4 WHERE high_assists = "Dee Brown (5)" </s>
What the Outcome for the Tournament of Johannesburg, South Africa
SELECT outcome FROM table_name_5 WHERE tournament = "johannesburg, south africa"
CREATE TABLE table_name_5 (outcome VARCHAR, tournament VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What the Outcome for the Tournament of Johannesburg, South Africa context: CREATE TABLE table_name_5 (outcome VARCHAR, tournament VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT outcome FROM table_name_5 WHERE tournament = "johannesburg, south africa" </s>
What is the # listed when the score is 70-69-69-70=278?
SELECT _number FROM table_28498999_5 WHERE score = 70 - 69 - 69 - 70 = 278
CREATE TABLE table_28498999_5 (_number VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the # listed when the score is 70-69-69-70=278? context: CREATE TABLE table_28498999_5 (_number VARCHAR, score VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT _number FROM table_28498999_5 WHERE score = 70 - 69 - 69 - 70 = 278 </s>
What is the lowest Races, when Podiums is greater than 1?
SELECT MIN(races) FROM table_name_53 WHERE podiums > 1
CREATE TABLE table_name_53 (races INTEGER, podiums INTEGER)
<s>[INST] What is the lowest Races, when Podiums is greater than 1? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_53 (races INTEGER, podiums INTEGER) [/INST] SELECT MIN(races) FROM table_name_53 WHERE podiums > 1 </s>
Which location is in Oregon, ranked under 121, and contains Mount McLoughlin?
SELECT location FROM table_name_71 WHERE state = "oregon" AND rank < 121 AND mountain_peak = "mount mcloughlin"
CREATE TABLE table_name_71 (location VARCHAR, mountain_peak VARCHAR, state VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which location is in Oregon, ranked under 121, and contains Mount McLoughlin? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_71 (location VARCHAR, mountain_peak VARCHAR, state VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT location FROM table_name_71 WHERE state = "oregon" AND rank < 121 AND mountain_peak = "mount mcloughlin" </s>
Which year had playoffs of champion?
SELECT AVG(year) FROM table_name_27 WHERE playoffs = "champion"
CREATE TABLE table_name_27 (year INTEGER, playoffs VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which year had playoffs of champion? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_27 (year INTEGER, playoffs VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT AVG(year) FROM table_name_27 WHERE playoffs = "champion" </s>
which # / county is correct for year less than 1981 and chalmers as location?
SELECT _number___county FROM table_name_90 WHERE year_joined < 1981 AND location = "chalmers"
CREATE TABLE table_name_90 (_number___county VARCHAR, year_joined VARCHAR, location VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] which # / county is correct for year less than 1981 and chalmers as location? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_90 (_number___county VARCHAR, year_joined VARCHAR, location VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT _number___county FROM table_name_90 WHERE year_joined < 1981 AND location = "chalmers" </s>
What is the organism that has a disease area of cancer and has 4/4 clinical trial b?
SELECT marine_organism_α FROM table_name_96 WHERE disease_area = "cancer" AND clinical_trials_β = "4/4"
CREATE TABLE table_name_96 (marine_organism_α VARCHAR, disease_area VARCHAR, clinical_trials_β VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the organism that has a disease area of cancer and has 4/4 clinical trial b? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_96 (marine_organism_α VARCHAR, disease_area VARCHAR, clinical_trials_β VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT marine_organism_α FROM table_name_96 WHERE disease_area = "cancer" AND clinical_trials_β = "4/4" </s>
Who is the player of the match at canberra stadium?
SELECT player FROM table_name_89 WHERE venue = "canberra stadium"
CREATE TABLE table_name_89 (player VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Who is the player of the match at canberra stadium? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_89 (player VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT player FROM table_name_89 WHERE venue = "canberra stadium" </s>
Show party names and the number of events for each party.
SELECT T2.party_name, COUNT(*) FROM party_events AS T1 JOIN party AS T2 ON T1.party_id = T2.party_id GROUP BY T1.party_id
CREATE TABLE party (party_name VARCHAR, party_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE party_events (party_id VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Show party names and the number of events for each party. context: CREATE TABLE party (party_name VARCHAR, party_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE party_events (party_id VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT T2.party_name, COUNT(*) FROM party_events AS T1 JOIN party AS T2 ON T1.party_id = T2.party_id GROUP BY T1.party_id </s>
What is KK - 5 if KK - 1 is 1,067?
SELECT kk___5 FROM table_name_42 WHERE kk___1 = "1,067"
CREATE TABLE table_name_42 (kk___5 VARCHAR, kk___1 VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is KK - 5 if KK - 1 is 1,067? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_42 (kk___5 VARCHAR, kk___1 VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT kk___5 FROM table_name_42 WHERE kk___1 = "1,067" </s>
Show the dates of transactions if the share count is bigger than 100 or the amount is bigger than 1000.
SELECT date_of_transaction FROM TRANSACTIONS WHERE share_count > 100 OR amount_of_transaction > 1000
CREATE TABLE TRANSACTIONS (date_of_transaction VARCHAR, share_count VARCHAR, amount_of_transaction VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Show the dates of transactions if the share count is bigger than 100 or the amount is bigger than 1000. context: CREATE TABLE TRANSACTIONS (date_of_transaction VARCHAR, share_count VARCHAR, amount_of_transaction VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT date_of_transaction FROM TRANSACTIONS WHERE share_count > 100 OR amount_of_transaction > 1000 </s>
What is the average Champions League assists for the players with League assists under 4?
SELECT AVG(Champions) AS league FROM table_name_38 WHERE league < 4
CREATE TABLE table_name_38 (Champions INTEGER, league INTEGER)
<s>[INST] What is the average Champions League assists for the players with League assists under 4? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_38 (Champions INTEGER, league INTEGER) [/INST] SELECT AVG(Champions) AS league FROM table_name_38 WHERE league < 4 </s>
how many Curtiss XBTC aircraft are retired?
SELECT COUNT(retired) FROM table_13605170_2 WHERE aircraft_type = "Curtiss XBTC"
CREATE TABLE table_13605170_2 (retired VARCHAR, aircraft_type VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] how many Curtiss XBTC aircraft are retired? context: CREATE TABLE table_13605170_2 (retired VARCHAR, aircraft_type VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(retired) FROM table_13605170_2 WHERE aircraft_type = "Curtiss XBTC" </s>
Show all card type codes and the number of customers holding cards in each type.
SELECT card_type_code, COUNT(DISTINCT customer_id) FROM Customers_cards GROUP BY card_type_code
CREATE TABLE Customers_cards (card_type_code VARCHAR, customer_id VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Show all card type codes and the number of customers holding cards in each type. context: CREATE TABLE Customers_cards (card_type_code VARCHAR, customer_id VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT card_type_code, COUNT(DISTINCT customer_id) FROM Customers_cards GROUP BY card_type_code </s>
How many games played when the points for is 369?
SELECT played FROM table_name_89 WHERE points_for = "369"
CREATE TABLE table_name_89 (played VARCHAR, points_for VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many games played when the points for is 369? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_89 (played VARCHAR, points_for VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT played FROM table_name_89 WHERE points_for = "369" </s>
How many goals for where there when draws are less than 11, points of is 54+16 and goals against are less than 39?
SELECT COUNT(goals_for) FROM table_name_66 WHERE draws < 11 AND points = "54+16" AND goals_against < 39
CREATE TABLE table_name_66 (goals_for VARCHAR, goals_against VARCHAR, draws VARCHAR, points VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many goals for where there when draws are less than 11, points of is 54+16 and goals against are less than 39? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_66 (goals_for VARCHAR, goals_against VARCHAR, draws VARCHAR, points VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(goals_for) FROM table_name_66 WHERE draws < 11 AND points = "54+16" AND goals_against < 39 </s>
Name the total number of losses with number result less than 0
SELECT COUNT(losses) FROM table_name_5 WHERE no_result < 0
CREATE TABLE table_name_5 (losses VARCHAR, no_result INTEGER)
<s>[INST] Name the total number of losses with number result less than 0 context: CREATE TABLE table_name_5 (losses VARCHAR, no_result INTEGER) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(losses) FROM table_name_5 WHERE no_result < 0 </s>
What is the total number of interviews where the evening gown number is less than 8.82, the state is Kentucky, and the average is more than 8.85?
SELECT SUM(interview) FROM table_name_64 WHERE evening_gown < 8.82 AND state = "kentucky" AND average > 8.85
CREATE TABLE table_name_64 (interview INTEGER, average VARCHAR, evening_gown VARCHAR, state VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the total number of interviews where the evening gown number is less than 8.82, the state is Kentucky, and the average is more than 8.85? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_64 (interview INTEGER, average VARCHAR, evening_gown VARCHAR, state VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT SUM(interview) FROM table_name_64 WHERE evening_gown < 8.82 AND state = "kentucky" AND average > 8.85 </s>
What is the name of the driver with 6 points?
SELECT driver FROM table_name_35 WHERE points = 6
CREATE TABLE table_name_35 (driver VARCHAR, points VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the name of the driver with 6 points? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_35 (driver VARCHAR, points VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT driver FROM table_name_35 WHERE points = 6 </s>
What is the total population with less than 789 males?
SELECT COUNT(total_population) FROM table_name_12 WHERE male < 789
CREATE TABLE table_name_12 (total_population VARCHAR, male INTEGER)
<s>[INST] What is the total population with less than 789 males? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_12 (total_population VARCHAR, male INTEGER) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(total_population) FROM table_name_12 WHERE male < 789 </s>
What date was the week 10 game?
SELECT date FROM table_name_89 WHERE week = 10
CREATE TABLE table_name_89 (date VARCHAR, week VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What date was the week 10 game? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_89 (date VARCHAR, week VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT date FROM table_name_89 WHERE week = 10 </s>
Show the names of countries that have more than one roller coaster.
SELECT T1.Name FROM country AS T1 JOIN roller_coaster AS T2 ON T1.Country_ID = T2.Country_ID GROUP BY T1.Name HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
CREATE TABLE roller_coaster (Country_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE country (Name VARCHAR, Country_ID VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Show the names of countries that have more than one roller coaster. context: CREATE TABLE roller_coaster (Country_ID VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE country (Name VARCHAR, Country_ID VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT T1.Name FROM country AS T1 JOIN roller_coaster AS T2 ON T1.Country_ID = T2.Country_ID GROUP BY T1.Name HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 </s>
What type of cartridge is used by a Weatherby?
SELECT cartridge FROM table_16010376_1 WHERE source = "Weatherby"
CREATE TABLE table_16010376_1 (cartridge VARCHAR, source VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What type of cartridge is used by a Weatherby? context: CREATE TABLE table_16010376_1 (cartridge VARCHAR, source VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT cartridge FROM table_16010376_1 WHERE source = "Weatherby" </s>
What result was a date of 20/03/2008 with leeds as the opponent
SELECT result FROM table_name_59 WHERE opponent = "leeds" AND date = "20/03/2008"
CREATE TABLE table_name_59 (result VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What result was a date of 20/03/2008 with leeds as the opponent context: CREATE TABLE table_name_59 (result VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT result FROM table_name_59 WHERE opponent = "leeds" AND date = "20/03/2008" </s>
How many laps did pere riba ride?
SELECT SUM(laps) FROM table_name_52 WHERE rider = "pere riba"
CREATE TABLE table_name_52 (laps INTEGER, rider VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many laps did pere riba ride? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_52 (laps INTEGER, rider VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT SUM(laps) FROM table_name_52 WHERE rider = "pere riba" </s>
How many brandings are there where the Power kW (ERP) is 1kW (29.94kW ERP)?
SELECT COUNT(branding) FROM table_2610582_2 WHERE power_kw__erp_ = "1kW (29.94kW ERP)"
CREATE TABLE table_2610582_2 (branding VARCHAR, power_kw__erp_ VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many brandings are there where the Power kW (ERP) is 1kW (29.94kW ERP)? context: CREATE TABLE table_2610582_2 (branding VARCHAR, power_kw__erp_ VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(branding) FROM table_2610582_2 WHERE power_kw__erp_ = "1kW (29.94kW ERP)" </s>
If the highest score is 88, what are the 50s?
SELECT 50 AS s FROM table_27268238_4 WHERE highest_score = "88"
CREATE TABLE table_27268238_4 (highest_score VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] If the highest score is 88, what are the 50s? context: CREATE TABLE table_27268238_4 (highest_score VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT 50 AS s FROM table_27268238_4 WHERE highest_score = "88" </s>
Find the name of the room with the maximum occupancy.
SELECT roomName FROM Rooms ORDER BY maxOccupancy DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE Rooms (roomName VARCHAR, maxOccupancy VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Find the name of the room with the maximum occupancy. context: CREATE TABLE Rooms (roomName VARCHAR, maxOccupancy VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT roomName FROM Rooms ORDER BY maxOccupancy DESC LIMIT 1 </s>
What is the assists for the Team of Florida and the total points of 75?
SELECT assists FROM table_name_29 WHERE team = "florida" AND total_points = "75"
CREATE TABLE table_name_29 (assists VARCHAR, team VARCHAR, total_points VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the assists for the Team of Florida and the total points of 75? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_29 (assists VARCHAR, team VARCHAR, total_points VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT assists FROM table_name_29 WHERE team = "florida" AND total_points = "75" </s>
what is the legs when the year is earlier than 2009?
SELECT legs FROM table_name_8 WHERE year < 2009
CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (legs VARCHAR, year INTEGER)
<s>[INST] what is the legs when the year is earlier than 2009? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (legs VARCHAR, year INTEGER) [/INST] SELECT legs FROM table_name_8 WHERE year < 2009 </s>
Which Manchester United captain is sponsored by Nike?
SELECT captain FROM table_name_54 WHERE manufacturer = "nike" AND club = "manchester united"
CREATE TABLE table_name_54 (captain VARCHAR, manufacturer VARCHAR, club VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which Manchester United captain is sponsored by Nike? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_54 (captain VARCHAR, manufacturer VARCHAR, club VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT captain FROM table_name_54 WHERE manufacturer = "nike" AND club = "manchester united" </s>
What's the total number of episodes whose original airings were viewed by 1.82 million viewers?
SELECT COUNT(air_date) FROM table_11274401_3 WHERE viewers__m_ = "1.82"
CREATE TABLE table_11274401_3 (air_date VARCHAR, viewers__m_ VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What's the total number of episodes whose original airings were viewed by 1.82 million viewers? context: CREATE TABLE table_11274401_3 (air_date VARCHAR, viewers__m_ VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(air_date) FROM table_11274401_3 WHERE viewers__m_ = "1.82" </s>
Who has high points when verizon center 17,152 is location attendance?
SELECT high_points FROM table_23286112_7 WHERE location_attendance = "Verizon Center 17,152"
CREATE TABLE table_23286112_7 (high_points VARCHAR, location_attendance VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Who has high points when verizon center 17,152 is location attendance? context: CREATE TABLE table_23286112_7 (high_points VARCHAR, location_attendance VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT high_points FROM table_23286112_7 WHERE location_attendance = "Verizon Center 17,152" </s>
How many points does an entrant of Martini Racing, the engine of an Alfa Romeo flat-12 a chassis of brabham bt45, and the year 1976 have?
SELECT COUNT(points) FROM table_name_43 WHERE entrant = "martini racing" AND engine = "alfa romeo flat-12" AND chassis = "brabham bt45" AND year = 1976
CREATE TABLE table_name_43 (points VARCHAR, year VARCHAR, chassis VARCHAR, entrant VARCHAR, engine VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many points does an entrant of Martini Racing, the engine of an Alfa Romeo flat-12 a chassis of brabham bt45, and the year 1976 have? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_43 (points VARCHAR, year VARCHAR, chassis VARCHAR, entrant VARCHAR, engine VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(points) FROM table_name_43 WHERE entrant = "martini racing" AND engine = "alfa romeo flat-12" AND chassis = "brabham bt45" AND year = 1976 </s>
If the race time is 2:00:33, what is the average speed?
SELECT average_speed__mph_ FROM table_2260452_1 WHERE race_time = "2:00:33"
CREATE TABLE table_2260452_1 (average_speed__mph_ VARCHAR, race_time VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] If the race time is 2:00:33, what is the average speed? context: CREATE TABLE table_2260452_1 (average_speed__mph_ VARCHAR, race_time VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT average_speed__mph_ FROM table_2260452_1 WHERE race_time = "2:00:33" </s>
Which Date has an Opponent of newcastle united, and a Result of 2–1?
SELECT date FROM table_name_66 WHERE opponent = "newcastle united" AND result = "2–1"
CREATE TABLE table_name_66 (date VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR, result VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which Date has an Opponent of newcastle united, and a Result of 2–1? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_66 (date VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR, result VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT date FROM table_name_66 WHERE opponent = "newcastle united" AND result = "2–1" </s>
what's the nfl team where player is clifford charlton
SELECT nfl_team FROM table_10650711_1 WHERE player = "Clifford Charlton"
CREATE TABLE table_10650711_1 (nfl_team VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] what's the nfl team where player is clifford charlton context: CREATE TABLE table_10650711_1 (nfl_team VARCHAR, player VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT nfl_team FROM table_10650711_1 WHERE player = "Clifford Charlton" </s>
Which Producer has a Role of rizzette?
SELECT producer FROM table_name_74 WHERE role = "rizzette"
CREATE TABLE table_name_74 (producer VARCHAR, role VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which Producer has a Role of rizzette? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_74 (producer VARCHAR, role VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT producer FROM table_name_74 WHERE role = "rizzette" </s>
What is Set 4, when Set 1 is 19-25, and when Set 2 is 23-25?
SELECT set_4 FROM table_name_33 WHERE set_1 = "19-25" AND set_2 = "23-25"
CREATE TABLE table_name_33 (set_4 VARCHAR, set_1 VARCHAR, set_2 VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is Set 4, when Set 1 is 19-25, and when Set 2 is 23-25? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_33 (set_4 VARCHAR, set_1 VARCHAR, set_2 VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT set_4 FROM table_name_33 WHERE set_1 = "19-25" AND set_2 = "23-25" </s>
What is the average Week, when Result is l 37–34?
SELECT AVG(week) FROM table_name_80 WHERE result = "l 37–34"
CREATE TABLE table_name_80 (week INTEGER, result VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the average Week, when Result is l 37–34? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_80 (week INTEGER, result VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT AVG(week) FROM table_name_80 WHERE result = "l 37–34" </s>
What date has aus by 382 runs as the result?
SELECT date FROM table_name_25 WHERE result = "aus by 382 runs"
CREATE TABLE table_name_25 (date VARCHAR, result VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What date has aus by 382 runs as the result? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_25 (date VARCHAR, result VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT date FROM table_name_25 WHERE result = "aus by 382 runs" </s>
On what date did a race occur at Long Beach?
SELECT date FROM table_name_76 WHERE location = "long beach"
CREATE TABLE table_name_76 (date VARCHAR, location VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] On what date did a race occur at Long Beach? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_76 (date VARCHAR, location VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT date FROM table_name_76 WHERE location = "long beach" </s>
Name all of the february
SELECT february FROM table_1539201_1
CREATE TABLE table_1539201_1 (february VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Name all of the february context: CREATE TABLE table_1539201_1 (february VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT february FROM table_1539201_1 </s>
Which player won in 1987 and ended with a score of +9?
SELECT total FROM table_name_75 WHERE to_par = "+9" AND year_s__won = "1987"
CREATE TABLE table_name_75 (total VARCHAR, to_par VARCHAR, year_s__won VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which player won in 1987 and ended with a score of +9? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_75 (total VARCHAR, to_par VARCHAR, year_s__won VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT total FROM table_name_75 WHERE to_par = "+9" AND year_s__won = "1987" </s>
What's the 102kg when the Ri Song-Hui was 226kg?
SELECT 102 AS kg FROM table_name_56 WHERE ri_song_hui___prk__ = "226kg"
CREATE TABLE table_name_56 (ri_song_hui___prk__ VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What's the 102kg when the Ri Song-Hui was 226kg? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_56 (ri_song_hui___prk__ VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT 102 AS kg FROM table_name_56 WHERE ri_song_hui___prk__ = "226kg" </s>
Which driver for Maserati has more laps than 23 and a grid greater than 7?
SELECT driver FROM table_name_61 WHERE constructor = "maserati" AND laps > 23 AND grid > 7
CREATE TABLE table_name_61 (driver VARCHAR, grid VARCHAR, constructor VARCHAR, laps VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which driver for Maserati has more laps than 23 and a grid greater than 7? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_61 (driver VARCHAR, grid VARCHAR, constructor VARCHAR, laps VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT driver FROM table_name_61 WHERE constructor = "maserati" AND laps > 23 AND grid > 7 </s>
Which CONMEBOL 1994 has a Supercopa 1994 of n/a, and a Recopa 1994 of n/a, and a Team of san lorenzo?
SELECT conmebol_1994 FROM table_name_12 WHERE supercopa_1994 = "n/a" AND recopa_1994 = "n/a" AND team = "san lorenzo"
CREATE TABLE table_name_12 (conmebol_1994 VARCHAR, team VARCHAR, supercopa_1994 VARCHAR, recopa_1994 VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which CONMEBOL 1994 has a Supercopa 1994 of n/a, and a Recopa 1994 of n/a, and a Team of san lorenzo? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_12 (conmebol_1994 VARCHAR, team VARCHAR, supercopa_1994 VARCHAR, recopa_1994 VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT conmebol_1994 FROM table_name_12 WHERE supercopa_1994 = "n/a" AND recopa_1994 = "n/a" AND team = "san lorenzo" </s>
Which Loses has Points smaller than 6?
SELECT AVG(loses) FROM table_name_38 WHERE points < 6
CREATE TABLE table_name_38 (loses INTEGER, points INTEGER)
<s>[INST] Which Loses has Points smaller than 6? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_38 (loses INTEGER, points INTEGER) [/INST] SELECT AVG(loses) FROM table_name_38 WHERE points < 6 </s>
Name the height for steffen hamann
SELECT height__f_ FROM table_23670057_6 WHERE player = "Steffen Hamann"
CREATE TABLE table_23670057_6 (height__f_ VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Name the height for steffen hamann context: CREATE TABLE table_23670057_6 (height__f_ VARCHAR, player VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT height__f_ FROM table_23670057_6 WHERE player = "Steffen Hamann" </s>
What is the lowest grid that has over 67 laps with stefan bellof driving?
SELECT MIN(grid) FROM table_name_52 WHERE laps > 67 AND driver = "stefan bellof"
CREATE TABLE table_name_52 (grid INTEGER, laps VARCHAR, driver VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the lowest grid that has over 67 laps with stefan bellof driving? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_52 (grid INTEGER, laps VARCHAR, driver VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MIN(grid) FROM table_name_52 WHERE laps > 67 AND driver = "stefan bellof" </s>
How many are directed by episodes with the production code 3T5009?
SELECT COUNT(directed_by) FROM table_26561509_1 WHERE production_code = "3T5009"
CREATE TABLE table_26561509_1 (directed_by VARCHAR, production_code VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many are directed by episodes with the production code 3T5009? context: CREATE TABLE table_26561509_1 (directed_by VARCHAR, production_code VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(directed_by) FROM table_26561509_1 WHERE production_code = "3T5009" </s>
Where will the game at (ET) of 7:00 pm be at?
SELECT game_site FROM table_name_2 WHERE time___et__ = "7:00 pm"
CREATE TABLE table_name_2 (game_site VARCHAR, time___et__ VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Where will the game at (ET) of 7:00 pm be at? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_2 (game_site VARCHAR, time___et__ VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT game_site FROM table_name_2 WHERE time___et__ = "7:00 pm" </s>
What episode was directed by David Duchovny?
SELECT title FROM table_13336122_7 WHERE directed_by = "David Duchovny"
CREATE TABLE table_13336122_7 (title VARCHAR, directed_by VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What episode was directed by David Duchovny? context: CREATE TABLE table_13336122_7 (title VARCHAR, directed_by VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT title FROM table_13336122_7 WHERE directed_by = "David Duchovny" </s>
What is the venue with more than 3 against, and South Africa is the opposing team?
SELECT venue FROM table_name_55 WHERE against > 3 AND opposing_teams = "south africa"
CREATE TABLE table_name_55 (venue VARCHAR, against VARCHAR, opposing_teams VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the venue with more than 3 against, and South Africa is the opposing team? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_55 (venue VARCHAR, against VARCHAR, opposing_teams VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT venue FROM table_name_55 WHERE against > 3 AND opposing_teams = "south africa" </s>
Which January has a Score of 7–4, and a Game smaller than 42?
SELECT SUM(january) FROM table_name_69 WHERE score = "7–4" AND game < 42
CREATE TABLE table_name_69 (january INTEGER, score VARCHAR, game VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which January has a Score of 7–4, and a Game smaller than 42? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_69 (january INTEGER, score VARCHAR, game VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT SUM(january) FROM table_name_69 WHERE score = "7–4" AND game < 42 </s>
What Round 32 had a # of bids smaller than 2?
SELECT round_of_32 FROM table_name_31 WHERE _number_of_bids < 2
CREATE TABLE table_name_31 (round_of_32 VARCHAR, _number_of_bids INTEGER)
<s>[INST] What Round 32 had a # of bids smaller than 2? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_31 (round_of_32 VARCHAR, _number_of_bids INTEGER) [/INST] SELECT round_of_32 FROM table_name_31 WHERE _number_of_bids < 2 </s>
Which February has a Game of 40?
SELECT february FROM table_name_91 WHERE game = 40
CREATE TABLE table_name_91 (february VARCHAR, game VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which February has a Game of 40? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_91 (february VARCHAR, game VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT february FROM table_name_91 WHERE game = 40 </s>
Which Played is the highest one that has an Against smaller than 18, and Points smaller than 10?
SELECT MAX(played) FROM table_name_92 WHERE against < 18 AND points < 10
CREATE TABLE table_name_92 (played INTEGER, against VARCHAR, points VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which Played is the highest one that has an Against smaller than 18, and Points smaller than 10? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_92 (played INTEGER, against VARCHAR, points VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MAX(played) FROM table_name_92 WHERE against < 18 AND points < 10 </s>
What number in season had 10.18 million US viewers?
SELECT no_in_season FROM table_27491610_2 WHERE us_viewers__millions_ = "10.18"
CREATE TABLE table_27491610_2 (no_in_season VARCHAR, us_viewers__millions_ VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What number in season had 10.18 million US viewers? context: CREATE TABLE table_27491610_2 (no_in_season VARCHAR, us_viewers__millions_ VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT no_in_season FROM table_27491610_2 WHERE us_viewers__millions_ = "10.18" </s>
Who was the Blue Jays' opponent when their record was 33-15?
SELECT opponent FROM table_name_8 WHERE record = "33-15"
CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (opponent VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Who was the Blue Jays' opponent when their record was 33-15? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (opponent VARCHAR, record VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT opponent FROM table_name_8 WHERE record = "33-15" </s>
What is the NBA Draft status of the person who went to college at LSU?
SELECT nba_draft FROM table_name_38 WHERE college = "lsu"
CREATE TABLE table_name_38 (nba_draft VARCHAR, college VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the NBA Draft status of the person who went to college at LSU? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_38 (nba_draft VARCHAR, college VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT nba_draft FROM table_name_38 WHERE college = "lsu" </s>
What is the rank of rider gary johnson, who had a speed of 120.979 mph?
SELECT rank FROM table_name_28 WHERE speed = "120.979 mph" AND rider = "gary johnson"
CREATE TABLE table_name_28 (rank VARCHAR, speed VARCHAR, rider VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the rank of rider gary johnson, who had a speed of 120.979 mph? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_28 (rank VARCHAR, speed VARCHAR, rider VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT rank FROM table_name_28 WHERE speed = "120.979 mph" AND rider = "gary johnson" </s>
What's the sum of points for artist hari mata hari?
SELECT SUM(points) FROM table_name_18 WHERE artist = "hari mata hari"
CREATE TABLE table_name_18 (points INTEGER, artist VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What's the sum of points for artist hari mata hari? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_18 (points INTEGER, artist VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT SUM(points) FROM table_name_18 WHERE artist = "hari mata hari" </s>
What is Date, when Tie no is "3"?
SELECT date FROM table_name_33 WHERE tie_no = "3"
CREATE TABLE table_name_33 (date VARCHAR, tie_no VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is Date, when Tie no is "3"? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_33 (date VARCHAR, tie_no VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT date FROM table_name_33 WHERE tie_no = "3" </s>
What is average year for ayan mukerji?
SELECT AVG(year) FROM table_name_29 WHERE director = "ayan mukerji"
CREATE TABLE table_name_29 (year INTEGER, director VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is average year for ayan mukerji? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_29 (year INTEGER, director VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT AVG(year) FROM table_name_29 WHERE director = "ayan mukerji" </s>
what team visited chicago
SELECT score FROM table_name_14 WHERE visitor = "chicago"
CREATE TABLE table_name_14 (score VARCHAR, visitor VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] what team visited chicago context: CREATE TABLE table_name_14 (score VARCHAR, visitor VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT score FROM table_name_14 WHERE visitor = "chicago" </s>
How many games did they play the carolina hurricanes?
SELECT COUNT(game) FROM table_23453931_8 WHERE opponent = "Carolina Hurricanes"
CREATE TABLE table_23453931_8 (game VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many games did they play the carolina hurricanes? context: CREATE TABLE table_23453931_8 (game VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(game) FROM table_23453931_8 WHERE opponent = "Carolina Hurricanes" </s>
What was the nickname Established in 2002?
SELECT nickname FROM table_16432543_3 WHERE established = 2002
CREATE TABLE table_16432543_3 (nickname VARCHAR, established VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the nickname Established in 2002? context: CREATE TABLE table_16432543_3 (nickname VARCHAR, established VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT nickname FROM table_16432543_3 WHERE established = 2002 </s>
What event had a prize of €900,000?
SELECT event FROM table_name_80 WHERE prize = "€900,000"
CREATE TABLE table_name_80 (event VARCHAR, prize VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What event had a prize of €900,000? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_80 (event VARCHAR, prize VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT event FROM table_name_80 WHERE prize = "€900,000" </s>
How many tries for does Pontardawe RFC have?
SELECT tries_for FROM table_14070062_3 WHERE club = "Pontardawe RFC"
CREATE TABLE table_14070062_3 (tries_for VARCHAR, club VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many tries for does Pontardawe RFC have? context: CREATE TABLE table_14070062_3 (tries_for VARCHAR, club VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT tries_for FROM table_14070062_3 WHERE club = "Pontardawe RFC" </s>
How many draws were there in played games?
SELECT drawn FROM table_17941032_2 WHERE "played" = "played"
CREATE TABLE table_17941032_2 (drawn VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many draws were there in played games? context: CREATE TABLE table_17941032_2 (drawn VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT drawn FROM table_17941032_2 WHERE "played" = "played" </s>
Who was the opponent on November 12, 1972?
SELECT opponent FROM table_name_19 WHERE date = "november 12, 1972"
CREATE TABLE table_name_19 (opponent VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Who was the opponent on November 12, 1972? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_19 (opponent VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT opponent FROM table_name_19 WHERE date = "november 12, 1972" </s>
Find the average ram mib size of the chip models that are never used by any phone.
SELECT AVG(RAM_MiB) FROM chip_model WHERE NOT model_name IN (SELECT chip_model FROM phone)
CREATE TABLE chip_model (RAM_MiB INTEGER, model_name VARCHAR, chip_model VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE phone (RAM_MiB INTEGER, model_name VARCHAR, chip_model VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Find the average ram mib size of the chip models that are never used by any phone. context: CREATE TABLE chip_model (RAM_MiB INTEGER, model_name VARCHAR, chip_model VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE phone (RAM_MiB INTEGER, model_name VARCHAR, chip_model VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT AVG(RAM_MiB) FROM chip_model WHERE NOT model_name IN (SELECT chip_model FROM phone) </s>
What is the municipality percentage for San Antonio de Lomerio is San Javier municipality percentage is 31?
SELECT san_antonio_de_lomerío_municipality___percentage_ FROM table_19998428_3 WHERE san_javier_municipality___percentage_ = 31
CREATE TABLE table_19998428_3 (san_antonio_de_lomerío_municipality___percentage_ VARCHAR, san_javier_municipality___percentage_ VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the municipality percentage for San Antonio de Lomerio is San Javier municipality percentage is 31? context: CREATE TABLE table_19998428_3 (san_antonio_de_lomerío_municipality___percentage_ VARCHAR, san_javier_municipality___percentage_ VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT san_antonio_de_lomerío_municipality___percentage_ FROM table_19998428_3 WHERE san_javier_municipality___percentage_ = 31 </s>
What is the Film title used in nomination of Mig Og Charly?
SELECT film_title_used_in_nomination FROM table_name_10 WHERE original_name = "mig og charly"
CREATE TABLE table_name_10 (film_title_used_in_nomination VARCHAR, original_name VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the Film title used in nomination of Mig Og Charly? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_10 (film_title_used_in_nomination VARCHAR, original_name VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT film_title_used_in_nomination FROM table_name_10 WHERE original_name = "mig og charly" </s>
None of the communities listed has a percentage smaller than 8.6 in 2006.
SELECT COUNT(seats_2001) FROM table_name_23 WHERE _percentage_2006 < 8.6
CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (seats_2001 VARCHAR, _percentage_2006 INTEGER)
<s>[INST] None of the communities listed has a percentage smaller than 8.6 in 2006. context: CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (seats_2001 VARCHAR, _percentage_2006 INTEGER) [/INST] SELECT COUNT(seats_2001) FROM table_name_23 WHERE _percentage_2006 < 8.6 </s>
What is the finish when the to par is +18?
SELECT finish FROM table_name_18 WHERE to_par = "+18"
CREATE TABLE table_name_18 (finish VARCHAR, to_par VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the finish when the to par is +18? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_18 (finish VARCHAR, to_par VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT finish FROM table_name_18 WHERE to_par = "+18" </s>
What is the Type, when Callsign is "Xetam"?
SELECT type FROM table_name_50 WHERE callsign = "xetam"
CREATE TABLE table_name_50 (type VARCHAR, callsign VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the Type, when Callsign is "Xetam"? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_50 (type VARCHAR, callsign VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT type FROM table_name_50 WHERE callsign = "xetam" </s>
Which Club has 1 Losing bonus?
SELECT club FROM table_name_18 WHERE losing_bonus = "1"
CREATE TABLE table_name_18 (club VARCHAR, losing_bonus VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which Club has 1 Losing bonus? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_18 (club VARCHAR, losing_bonus VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT club FROM table_name_18 WHERE losing_bonus = "1" </s>
Which suzuki gsx-r1000 k7 has the highest time of retirement?
SELECT MAX(grid) FROM table_name_8 WHERE time = "retirement" AND bike = "suzuki gsx-r1000 k7"
CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (grid INTEGER, time VARCHAR, bike VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which suzuki gsx-r1000 k7 has the highest time of retirement? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (grid INTEGER, time VARCHAR, bike VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MAX(grid) FROM table_name_8 WHERE time = "retirement" AND bike = "suzuki gsx-r1000 k7" </s>
When daniel lincoln ( usa ) is the saif saaeed shaheen ( qat ) What is the date for September 3rd, 2004?
SELECT 3 AS _september_2004 FROM table_23988726_2 WHERE saif_saaeed_shaheen___qat__ = "Daniel Lincoln ( USA )"
CREATE TABLE table_23988726_2 (saif_saaeed_shaheen___qat__ VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] When daniel lincoln ( usa ) is the saif saaeed shaheen ( qat ) What is the date for September 3rd, 2004? context: CREATE TABLE table_23988726_2 (saif_saaeed_shaheen___qat__ VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT 3 AS _september_2004 FROM table_23988726_2 WHERE saif_saaeed_shaheen___qat__ = "Daniel Lincoln ( USA )" </s>
What place was the viewed horse?
SELECT placing FROM table_name_13 WHERE horse = "viewed"
CREATE TABLE table_name_13 (placing VARCHAR, horse VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What place was the viewed horse? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_13 (placing VARCHAR, horse VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT placing FROM table_name_13 WHERE horse = "viewed" </s>
How many goals were scored on November 22, 1994?
SELECT SUM(goal) FROM table_name_13 WHERE date = "november 22, 1994"
CREATE TABLE table_name_13 (goal INTEGER, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] How many goals were scored on November 22, 1994? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_13 (goal INTEGER, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT SUM(goal) FROM table_name_13 WHERE date = "november 22, 1994" </s>
What is the average crowd size for games with north melbourne as the away side?
SELECT AVG(crowd) FROM table_name_22 WHERE away_team = "north melbourne"
CREATE TABLE table_name_22 (crowd INTEGER, away_team VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the average crowd size for games with north melbourne as the away side? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_22 (crowd INTEGER, away_team VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT AVG(crowd) FROM table_name_22 WHERE away_team = "north melbourne" </s>
Who played FBS where the result was L, 62-3?
SELECT fbs_opponent FROM table_26240481_1 WHERE result = "L, 62-3"
CREATE TABLE table_26240481_1 (fbs_opponent VARCHAR, result VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Who played FBS where the result was L, 62-3? context: CREATE TABLE table_26240481_1 (fbs_opponent VARCHAR, result VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT fbs_opponent FROM table_26240481_1 WHERE result = "L, 62-3" </s>
What is the Dance with the Highest score under 30 and Stacy Keibler as the Best dancer(s)?
SELECT dance FROM table_name_10 WHERE highest_score < 30 AND best_dancer_s_ = "stacy keibler"
CREATE TABLE table_name_10 (dance VARCHAR, highest_score VARCHAR, best_dancer_s_ VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the Dance with the Highest score under 30 and Stacy Keibler as the Best dancer(s)? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_10 (dance VARCHAR, highest_score VARCHAR, best_dancer_s_ VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT dance FROM table_name_10 WHERE highest_score < 30 AND best_dancer_s_ = "stacy keibler" </s>
Which number is 國殤?
SELECT standard_order FROM table_name_69 WHERE traditional_chinese = "國殤"
CREATE TABLE table_name_69 (standard_order VARCHAR, traditional_chinese VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which number is 國殤? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_69 (standard_order VARCHAR, traditional_chinese VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT standard_order FROM table_name_69 WHERE traditional_chinese = "國殤" </s>
Which date has a Kickoff [a] of 4:00, and an Opponent of detroit lions?
SELECT date FROM table_name_34 WHERE kickoff_[a_] = "4:00" AND opponent = "detroit lions"
CREATE TABLE table_name_34 (date VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR, kickoff_ VARCHAR, a_ VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which date has a Kickoff [a] of 4:00, and an Opponent of detroit lions? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_34 (date VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR, kickoff_ VARCHAR, a_ VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT date FROM table_name_34 WHERE kickoff_[a_] = "4:00" AND opponent = "detroit lions" </s>
Tell me the result for warsaw 1929
SELECT result FROM table_name_8 WHERE location = "warsaw" AND year = 1929
CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (result VARCHAR, location VARCHAR, year VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Tell me the result for warsaw 1929 context: CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (result VARCHAR, location VARCHAR, year VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT result FROM table_name_8 WHERE location = "warsaw" AND year = 1929 </s>
What is Score, when Date is "2000-05-23"?
SELECT score FROM table_name_93 WHERE date = "2000-05-23"
CREATE TABLE table_name_93 (score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is Score, when Date is "2000-05-23"? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_93 (score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT score FROM table_name_93 WHERE date = "2000-05-23" </s>
What kind of report was for the game played on 29 November with Melbourne Tigers being the away team?
SELECT report FROM table_name_89 WHERE date = "29 november" AND away_team = "melbourne tigers"
CREATE TABLE table_name_89 (report VARCHAR, date VARCHAR, away_team VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What kind of report was for the game played on 29 November with Melbourne Tigers being the away team? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_89 (report VARCHAR, date VARCHAR, away_team VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT report FROM table_name_89 WHERE date = "29 november" AND away_team = "melbourne tigers" </s>
What Nationality is the Pick that is 116?
SELECT nationality FROM table_name_92 WHERE pick = 116
CREATE TABLE table_name_92 (nationality VARCHAR, pick VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What Nationality is the Pick that is 116? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_92 (nationality VARCHAR, pick VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT nationality FROM table_name_92 WHERE pick = 116 </s>
What is the result for Wisconsin?
SELECT result FROM table_22603701_1 WHERE college = "Wisconsin"
CREATE TABLE table_22603701_1 (result VARCHAR, college VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What is the result for Wisconsin? context: CREATE TABLE table_22603701_1 (result VARCHAR, college VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT result FROM table_22603701_1 WHERE college = "Wisconsin" </s>
what is the score when the surface is hard and outcome is runner-up?
SELECT score FROM table_name_85 WHERE surface = "hard" AND outcome = "runner-up"
CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (score VARCHAR, surface VARCHAR, outcome VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] what is the score when the surface is hard and outcome is runner-up? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (score VARCHAR, surface VARCHAR, outcome VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT score FROM table_name_85 WHERE surface = "hard" AND outcome = "runner-up" </s>
What was the record for the game attended by 35,614 spectators?
SELECT record FROM table_name_65 WHERE attendance = "35,614"
CREATE TABLE table_name_65 (record VARCHAR, attendance VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What was the record for the game attended by 35,614 spectators? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_65 (record VARCHAR, attendance VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT record FROM table_name_65 WHERE attendance = "35,614" </s>
what is the lowest number of sites when the headquarters are in columbus, ga and the rank is smaller than 4?
SELECT MIN(sites) FROM table_name_33 WHERE headquarters = "columbus, ga" AND rank < 4
CREATE TABLE table_name_33 (sites INTEGER, headquarters VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] what is the lowest number of sites when the headquarters are in columbus, ga and the rank is smaller than 4? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_33 (sites INTEGER, headquarters VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT MIN(sites) FROM table_name_33 WHERE headquarters = "columbus, ga" AND rank < 4 </s>
What country speaks Vietnamese?
SELECT country_region FROM table_name_76 WHERE languages = "vietnamese"
CREATE TABLE table_name_76 (country_region VARCHAR, languages VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What country speaks Vietnamese? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_76 (country_region VARCHAR, languages VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT country_region FROM table_name_76 WHERE languages = "vietnamese" </s>
Which Points is the average one that has Drawn of 3, and a Played smaller than 22?
SELECT AVG(points) FROM table_name_74 WHERE drawn = 3 AND played < 22
CREATE TABLE table_name_74 (points INTEGER, drawn VARCHAR, played VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] Which Points is the average one that has Drawn of 3, and a Played smaller than 22? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_74 (points INTEGER, drawn VARCHAR, played VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT AVG(points) FROM table_name_74 WHERE drawn = 3 AND played < 22 </s>
What are the tries for a club of a club?
SELECT tries_for FROM table_name_58 WHERE "club" = "club"
CREATE TABLE table_name_58 (tries_for VARCHAR)
<s>[INST] What are the tries for a club of a club? context: CREATE TABLE table_name_58 (tries_for VARCHAR) [/INST] SELECT tries_for FROM table_name_58 WHERE "club" = "club" </s>