The spotting or bleeding can be normal, but it may also be a warning sign of complications with the pregnancy, such as a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. Additional feelings of pain, fatigue, or dizziness warrant further evaluation by your doctor. Heavy bleeding between your periods, and even during your period, can be an indicator of complications, many of which are easily managed. Contacting your gynecologist is the first step in determining the cause of the heavy bleeding and discovering possible treatment options. Whether you are taking continuous hormone therapy, cyclic hormone therapy, or not taking hormone therapy at all, episodes of unexpected bleeding are not normal. Contact a doctor if unexpected bleeding occurs. The risk of cancer increases by about 10% in postmenopausal women that experience vaginal bleeding. If you go as long as 90 days without having your period, then contact your doctor. Stop using tampons and contact your doctor immediately if you develop a fever, muscle aches, diarrhea or vomiting, dizziness or fainting, an unexplained sunburn-like rash, sore throat, or notice redness in your eyes. Spotting can be caused by conditions or illnesses both unrelated and related to women's health issues. Either way, your doctor can help to rule out other conditions or illnesses. The use of certain medications like corticosteroids, blood thinners, and even antidepressants have been linked to episodes of spotting. Thyroid disease and diabetes are also possible contributors to spotting between your periods. Women's health conditions that may be causing the abnormal bleeding episodes can include uterine fibroids, uterine polyps, polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, bladder or vaginal infections, and cancer. Abnormal pap tests and infections like gonorrhea and chlamydia can also cause abnormal spotting. Seek medical attention as soon as possible if you continue to have abnormal bleeding or spotting.
Contact your doctor immediately if you are pregnant and bleeding. Seek medical attention if you experience abnormal bleeding accompanied by other symptoms. Watch for episodes of heavy bleeding. See your gynecologist as soon as possible if you are postmenopausal and bleeding. See your doctor if you stop having a period. Contact your doctor if you use tampons and develop symptoms. Consider other illnesses.
Before touching or treating the wounds on your face, make sure you wash your hands. Use warm water and antibacterial soap. Dry them with a clean cloth. Don't touch anything after washing your hands because that could contaminate them. Touching your open wounds on your face with dirty hands can transfer dirt and bacteria to the wound, which can slow the healing process. Wash the wound on your face with warm water. Avoid using hot water because this may cause the wound to start bleeding. Don't use soap because that could cause the wound to be irritated. Remove any debris or dirt from the wound. Washing the wound can also remove any bacteria that could lead to infection. Keeping the wound moist helps speed up the healing process. You can use petroleum jelly or antibiotic ointment. You can place the ointment on the wound with clean fingers or with a cotton swab. Open wounds are very vulnerable. They are exposed to dirt, debris, and contaminants that could lead to infection. To help protect the open wounds on your face and make sure they heal faster, place a bandage over them. Try to find a bandage that is breathable, like gauze. This helps air still reach the wound, which will make it heal faster than if it gets no air. A bandage can help keep the wound moist so that it can heal. To protect the wound and prevent infection, keep the skin around the open wound clean. You can clean that part of your face with either a face wash or antibacterial soap. You should also dry that area well after you are finished and keep the skin dry.
Wash your hands. Clean the wound. Apply ointment. Cover the wound with a bandage. Keep the skin around the wound clean.
When the volcanic stones have turned white, move them carefully to the base of the hangi pit. Remove any remaining leftover wood pieces before you put the rocks into the pit. Place the stones side by side in the pit, with as few gaps between the stones as possible. This part of the hangi process needs to be done as quickly as possible to prevent the rocks from cooling. Rotate people for transporting the rocks as it is a tiring process. Do this while the rocks are being moved from the fire and into the pit. Make sure that the sacks are thoroughly wet. This will help to create the steam that is necessary for the hangi to cook. Mutton cloth, a table cloth, or a bed sheet are ideal types of material to use for the sheet. The size and material of the sacks doesn't matter. As long as you have enough sacks to cover the stacked food baskets, then this is all that matters. Make sure that the sheet and sacks that you use are clean. This will help to create steam for the hangi. Make sure not to leave the wet sacks on the hot rocks for too long, as only momentarily is best. Place the red meat and poultry in the pit first, closest to the rocks. Then place the vegetable basket on last, so that it is closest to the surface. This order is necessary because the meat requires being closer to the heat than the vegetables. Make sure that the sheet is wide enough to fully cover the stack of food baskets. The sheet needs to drape far enough down to cover the bottom basket almost fully, but without touching the hot rocks. Make sure that the sheet is still wet and hasn't dried before you had a chance to put it on the food baskets. Soak it again if necessary. Place the wet sacks over the food, making sure that as much of the area is covered as possible. Make sure that the first sack covers the very top of the food, as this will be the last one that is removed. Then place the rest of the sacks covering the sides of the baskets until all of the food is protected from the dirt. Start covering the pit from the edges, and work your way evenly over the food baskets.When the pit is fully covered, gently smooth down the dirt on top of the hangi. If any steam is released through the top, place more dirt on this area to prevent the steam from being released. This will ensure that the dirt doesn't cave in onto the food.
Use long shovels to transport the hot rocks from the fire into the hangi. Soak 5 sacks and 1 sheet of material in water. Slap the hot rocks with the wet sacks gently a few times. Put the food baskets on the hot rocks. Place a wet sheet of material over the food baskets. Cover the food baskets and wet sheet with the wet sacks. Cover the pit with dirt.
Put petroleum jelly or lip balm on your lips to protect them from hot or cold conditions. Extreme weather can harm your lips and leave them chapped and dry, so be sure to give your lips a protective coating so they don't get red and chapped. Petroleum jelly is a cheap and effective product that can moisturize your lips and prevent them from getting chapped. If you want some color on your lips, try a tinted lip balm or lip gloss. You can also put on lipstick over petroleum jelly if you want color and protection. Exposure to the sun can do a lot of damage to the surface of your lips. Look for a lip balm or chapstick that contains sunscreen and apply it daily before exposing your lips to the sun. Pick a lip balm or chapstick that has an SPF rating of 30 or higher. If your lips are tender or swollen, it could be caused by products you are putting on them. Keep track of your symptoms and stop using any products that may be irritating your lips. For example, many lip plumping products can be used safely but there is a chance that they will irritate your lips. If the product you are using is irritating or hard on the surface of your lips, stop using it. If you want to exfoliate your lips because they are peeling or coarse, you should only do it lightly and no more than once a week. While you can use beauty products designed for gentle exfoliation, you can also just use a soft toothbrush to gently rub the surface. After exfoliating, apply a moisturizer to replenish your lips. Get a separate toothbrush to brush your lips. But make sure that it has got soft bristles.
Use moisturizing products on your lips. Apply sunscreen to your lips daily. Discontinue using products that irritate your lips. Exfoliate your lips lightly, if necessary.
If the patient lost consciousness or suffered a head injury, check the pupils of the eye to see if they are the same size and react to light. Check the blood glucose level of diabetic patients if you have the equipment to do so. Ask patients in pain to rate their pain level from 1 to 10.
Note other vital signs in your report if the situation warrants it.
Pugs are more prone to breathing difficulties because they have a narrower windpipe than most dogs. They also have narrow nostrils and a long soft palate, which takes up lots of room at the back of their throats. In fact, pugs snore and are noisy breathers because of the amount of soft tissue at the back of the throat. This tissue vibrates whenever a pug takes a breath. If your pug's snoring bothers you, consider wearing earplugs at night to block out the sound or train your pug to sleep in his crate. With mild exertion many pugs pant heavily in order to satisfy their body's need for oxygen. Be aware that if you persist in exercising your pug once it shows signs of shortness of breath it could collapse. Most of the time, you do not need to worry about your pug's noisy breathing. However, you should learn to recognize the signs of respiratory distress in case your pug has a problem. These signs include: Noisy breathing with a panicky facial expression Blue gums or tongue Thick sticky saliva Reluctance to move Exaggerated movements of the chest and abdomen Restlessness as if unable to get comfortable Collapse Make sure the pug is cool and stop all activity. If the pug doesn't improve in a few minutes, contact a vet as an emergency. Keep calm as the dog will pick up on your panic and this will panic it. If your pug regularly struggles with its breathing consider consulting with your veterinarian about corrective surgery. There are operations that trim back the excessive amount of tissue at the back of the throat, and also an operation to widen the nostrils so it easier for a pug to breath in. Dogs can't sweat and so to lose heat they pant. In hot weather, pugs are doubly compromised because they can have difficulty breathing at the best of times and then add in the extra need to cool down, which they are unable to do, and they are liable to get heatstroke. To avoid this, never exercise your pug on a hot day. Make sure it stays in the shade or in a cool room. If your pug starts to pant excessively, dampen its coat with water to cool it, and dampen its tongue to keep it comfortable as it quickly dries out. Sit the pug in front of a fan on a low blow setting. Also make sure the pug has water available at all times. It is important to keep your pug at a lean weight because of the breathing problems associated with the breed. Carrying extra weight puts extra demands on your pug's body for oxygen, and extra body fat compresses the lungs, airway, and throat, which adds to his problems pulling in air. Talk to your veterinarian if think your pug is overweight to get recommendations for a healthy weight reduction feeding plan for your pug.
Be aware that pugs are prone to breathing problems. Learn to spot signs of respiratory distress. Take immediate action if your pug shows signs of respiratory distress. Keep your pug out of hot weather. Keep your pug at a healthy weight.
Once you've hauled in your boxes of electronics, clear the entertainment room and lay everything out. Take inventory of what you have, and if you've forgotten something, go back out and get it before you start setting up. Before you plug anything in, place your receiver in front of (or underneath) your TV, then do a walk-through of where you want to place your speakers accordingly. For example, if you have a 5.1 system, consider placing 1 speaker directly in front of your TV, 2 on either side of the TV, and 1 on either side of the seating area. Leave your subwoofer alone for now. Your setup will differ based on how many speakers you have, the layout of your room, and the height of your seating; this is simply a general reference. The 2 speakers on either side of the TV should be placed firmly on the ground or a stand. If you have a larger speaker system, place surplus speakers around or behind the seating area in an arc; this will enhance your surround-sound experience. From a top-down perspective, your front speakers should form an equilateral triangle with the center of your seating placed at the apex. Take the width of your room and the general number of people you hope to seat into account here--your speakers will need to be placed farther apart from one another if you hope to engage each member of a crowded room equally, whereas they can be fairly close together if you're the sole occupant. Surround-sound speakers are best place to the immediate left and right of your seating arrangement, with the speakers elevated to roughly standing ear level. If you don't have enough room to the left and right, you can always mount the speakers behind your viewing area. Once you've determined roughly where everything should go, attach your receiver to your TV and any existing pieces of hardware (consoles, Blu-ray, etc.). You should have a general A/V input (i.e., HDMI cable, optical cable, coaxial cable) to connect your TV to your receiver--this will differ based on your hardware, especially if you have older TV and receiver models. You may want to pull your TV away from the wall while you do this for ease of access. This is where you'll need your speaker cable; though some brands include these cables by default, you're better off buying your own. If you have a system higher than 2.1, plug in your remaining speakers to your receiver using speaker cable. Listen to a DVD or some music that you're familiar with; to figure out how to tweak your speakers' placement, walk around the room and take note of where the audio quality dips or otherwise sounds different than normal, then adjust the speakers accordingly. Pay special attention to sound distortion; this can be especially indicative of poor speaker placement. To avoid distortion, make sure your speakers have plenty of room all around them to broadcast sound--don't place them in a corner or between objects. You may also need to play with your TV's audio settings to even out bass and treble. Since your subwoofer's sound quality will likely change based on the size and shape of your room, there isn't one universal way to place it, so experiment until the sound is balanced and refined. A good rule of thumb with subwoofers is never place them directly against walls or in corners. Even with the right audio adjustments, this can distort your bass. Entertainment systems with limited space usually resort to placing the subwoofer on one side of the TV, facing the seating area but not angled toward the viewer's head height like the other speakers. Walk around the room one final time to ensure your TV's audio is even and balanced throughout, experimenting with different bass settings to eliminate distortion as you go. Remember that your end goal is to distribute the audio equally to everyone in the room; therefore, ensuring that the audio is consistent throughout the seating area should be your top priority.
Unbox everything and lay it out. Do a dry run. Place your speakers. Plug in your receiver. Plug your front speakers into your receiver. Plug in your other speakers. Turn everything on. Connect your subwoofer. Double check your calibrations.
Nature is good for the body and mind. Spend some time in the great outdoors by walking at a park, going on a hike, or biking on a nature path. Being outside can help you de-stress and tune into your senses. Even spending some time outside in your backyard with your kids can help you connect with the outdoors. If it's not possible to go out in nature, even looking at photos of nature can help you feel relaxed and less stressed. Have an activity you enjoy that brings you enjoyment and fulfillment. This might be restoring old cars, sewing, drawing, or gardening. Whatever it is, it should relieve your stress and be something you look forward to doing. If you don't have a hobby, pick something up. For example, try a painting class, learn how to blow glass, or attend cooking lessons. This activity should feel leisurely, not stressful or draining. If the activity causes you more stress than relief, consider doing a different activity. Laughter is a great stress-reducer. In the short term, it can help you unwind and stimulate your heart, lungs, and muscles. In the long term, it can improve your overall mood and even boost your immune system. If you’re feeling stressed after work, watch a comedy, read a funny book or blog, or listen to a radio show or podcast that always gets you laughing. While you might feel too exhausted right after work to exert more energy, motivate yourself to get moving. You don't have to go to the gym to exercise; it can be as easy as walking your dog or dancing in your living room to some music. Exercise naturally reduces stress and can even help with anxiety and depression. If you’re too tempted to just veg out as soon as you get home, try brining your workout clothes with you to work. This will help you avoid having to go home before you exercise. If you don't feel motivated to exercise on your own, see if a co-worker, friend, or family member is interested in being a workout buddy. Exercising with someone else is often more fun, and you can hold each other accountable. Pick an activity that's fun and that you enjoy doing, like cross country skiing or martial arts. This could be something as simple as trying to spot five objects you’ve never noticed before, or saying the colors of every house that you pass. This kind of exercise can help keep you in the moment and prevent you from focusing on stressful things. Trying something new means you’re courageously allowing yourself a new experience with the possibility of enjoying it! If you feel bored with your after-work routine or you want to learn something new, try an activity that pushes you slightly out of your comfort zone. This is a great way to mix things up and feel good about yourself. For example, try cooking a new cuisine or taking your family to go kayaking for the first time. If you really want to push yourself, try something extreme like skydiving or rock climbing.
Get out in nature. Work on your hobby. Read or watch something funny. Move your body and exercise. Try doing a grounding exercise while you walk or jog. Step outside of your comfort zone.
Speaker placement is very important for home theater audio quality, and speakers should be placed before you start measuring out wire. Speaker placement is highly dependent on where the primary viewing spot is. This is typically your main couch or sofa. Your speakers will work best when focused on this location. Below are some tips for placing your various speakers: Subwoofer - The subwoofer's sound is omnidirectional, which means it doesn't need to be pointed in a specific direction. You can achieve good subwoofer sound from most locations in your living room, but try to avoid placing it near a wall or corner. It's often easiest to place it near the entertainment center for easy connecting. Front Speakers - Place the front speakers to each side of the TV. Typically you will want the front speakers about 3 feet (0.9 m) (0.9 m) between the side of the TV and the speaker. Angle each speaker so that it is pointed towards the center of the listening location. For optimal audio quality, raise the speakers so that they are ear-level when sitting. Center Channel/Soundbar - The center channel bridges the gap between the front channels. Place the center channel either above, below, or in front of the TV. placing the center channel behind the TV will result in muffled sound. Side Speakers - These speakers should be placed directly to the sides sides of the listening area, pointed at the listener. The speakers should be ear level. Rear Speakers - Place the rear speakers behind the listening area, angled towards the center of the couch. Like the other speakers, these should be ear level for the best sound possible. The receiver can go underneath your TV in the entertainment center or off to the side, as long as it is close enough for cables to easily reach the TV. Make sure the receiver has room to circulate air on all sides. After all of your speakers are placed and the receiver has been set up, you can start running your speaker wire to connect it all. Make sure to leave some slack on each end so that you have room to move the speakers around and make adjustments. For floor mounted speakers, you may be able to conceal the speaker wire along the base boards or under the carpet if you do not go by a door opening or fixed cabinet along the wall. For ceiling mounted speakers, you will have to either drill through the ceiling and fish speaker wires down to the speakers, or recess the speakers into the ceiling itself. Recessing speakers into the ceiling may compromise the attic insulation and will make it difficult to aim the acoustic cone of the speaker. After you've laid out your wire, you can start hooking everything up. Some speakers will come with wire already attached, while others will require you to connect the wiring yourself. If you need to connect the wires yourself, you may need a wire stripper to peel back some of the coating. Hook the speaker wires to the terminals on the back of the speaker box, being careful to observe the polarity (+ or -) of the connections. Many speaker wires are color coded, black being positive (+) and white being negative (-). Clear insulated wires have a copper conductor in the positive (+), and a silver colored conductor in the negative (-). You may have to connect bare wire to the back of the receiver as well. Double check to ensure that you are connecting the right speakers to the right inputs on the receiver. In order to get the sound from your TV to come out of your receiver, you will need to connect the TV to the receiver. HDMI is usually the easiest way to do this, though many setups use optical cables to transfer the sound to the receiver. Depending on how you are routing your sound, you can connect your other devices such as DVD players, Blu-ray players, and cable boxes to either the TV or the receiver. See the device's documentation for detailed instructions. Now that everything is hooked up, it's time to test! Many receivers and TVs have sound tests that you can perform, and some modern receivers have automatic calibration tools. Experiment with music and movies and adjust the levels for each channel until you find a suitable mix.
Place the speakers. Place the receiver near the TV. Run wire from the speakers to the receiver. Connect the speakers to the receiver. Connect the TV to the receiver. Connect other devices to the receiver or TV. Test and calibrate your speakers.
Don't just say something, do something. It sometimes bothers your spouse when you consistently say you'll do something, but never get around to doing it. When your words don't have any initiative behind them, they start losing some of their oomph and your spouse may start trusting you less. Don't make excuses. Excuses may be real for you, but they sound like excuses to your spouse. Don't bring your past "mistakes" into your new relationship, this is also seen as an excuse, no matter what the situation, abuse, hurt, financial suffering, don't bring it up. Anything can be over come and worked through with time talk to your partner about this, than leave it in the past, don't keep using it as a crutch hold in your future. Man or woman up, admit when you make a mistake, and try to make it better next time. Your spouse will notice. Love is not a competition: It's not about getting your due or being "even" with your spouse. Trust that your partner realizes how lucky s/he is to have you. Don't always ask for validation. Validation is important, but learn to get by without it, even if you desperately want it. You may have just gotten your wife an amazing gift, and for whatever reason, she's not especially grateful; trust that she appreciates your effort and the present, and don't dwell on the lack of validation. Trust your partner to be by him/herself. Unless there's a history of infidelity, trust your partner to make responsible, loving decisions in your absence. If they're out for beers with friends, or at a bachelorette party, trust them. They'll be surprisingly likely to honor your trust if you actually extend it. Love is an act of the will, not a warm feeling or a clever expression of experience. Although love is different for every person, and every person shows it differently, love often requires you to deny yourself and seek to meet your beloved's needs. Think about the last time your spouse made you smile. What did s/he do to make you feel like you were the luckiest person in the world? Is there anything that you can do that might make them feel the same way back to you? Go the extra mile for them. The modern world has made us busy; we're constantly doing stuff, and we never seem to have enough time to do it. Can you go out of your way to help your spouse do something that they need to do, that they dislike doing, or merely something they'd appreciate? Get the oil changed in her car; press or iron his shirts before a big day at work or an interview; help in the kitchen so the two of you can enjoy the evening together. Buy a gift certificate and urge her to go shopping with her girlfriends; help do the lawn, clean the gutters, or prune the trees.
Remember that actions often speak louder than words. Trust that your partner acknowledges your efforts. Remember what love is.
Most kinds of pedometer will automatically be able to detect your steps without any input from you. However, to be able to calculate the total distance you've walked, some require you to set the average length of your stride. If you're unsure of whether your pedometer requires this information, consult its operating manual. To find your average step length, grab a tape measure, start walking in a straight line, stop suddenly at a random step (like, for instance, step number seven), and measure the distance between the heels of your feet. No two models of pedometers are exactly alike, so the way you input your average step length for one may not be the same as for others. Some common pedometers are set like this: Press the "Mode" button until you see a reading for your miles traveled. Press "Set." You will see a default step length setting — usually about 30 in (75 cm). Adjust your step length with the appropriate buttons on the pedometer. Pedometers count your steps by recording the number of times they feel a "shake" or "bump" that occur throughout the day. Usually, these happen with each step you take, so the number you see on your pedometer is usually a good (sometimes even exact) measure of how many steps you've taken. Because pedometers work this way, for a pedometer to be able to count your steps, it has to be attached to your clothes or body. The most common types of pedometers are worn by clipping them to the edge of a pocket, the waistband of a pair of pants, or a belt so that they rest on the hips. These usually work best if they're aligned with the center of the thigh. If your pedometer comes with a safety band, try fastening it to a belt loop to prevent the pedometer from falling off. Note that not all pedometers are worn at the waist. Some, for instance, are worn around the wrist. In this case, the pedometer is usually secured exactly like a wristwatch. Some high-end devices called accelerometers that function similarly to pedometers are even worn on the foot or ankle. Once you've attached your pedometer securely and ensured that it's on, you can usually begin moving and it will count your steps automatically. Every time the pedometer shakes from the up-and-down motion of an average stride, it registers another step. No input is needed on your part — you can simply forget about your pedometer until the end of the day! You're not limited just to walking when you wear your pedometer. You can also jog, run, or sprint and the pedometer should record your steps during these activities as well. When you're done walking for the day (for instance, right before you go to bed), remove your pedometer and check the number of steps you've made. If you're aiming to increase your fitness, record number and take pride in the day's accomplishment. Over time, you can increase your fitness by gradually raising the number of steps you take per day. Over the next few days, get into the routine of putting your pedometer on once you start moving and taking it off before you get into bed. Record or make note of each day's results. These simple actions are all you need to do to start a record of your daily step counts! Once they become a habit, you should barely even notice your pedometer while you wear it.
If necessary, set the length of your steps. Fasten the pedometer on. Start moving! Check the pedometer at the end of the day. Repeat every day.
A great way to get motivated and stick to a workout routine is to involve other people. If you and a friend both want to get into shape, you can exercise together and motivate each other to stick with it. Some days you won't be feeling up to it, and some days your workout partner won't be. Having this support and added motivation can really make a difference. Exercising with other people can also make it just more fun. Try to figure out a schedule that you can both stick to. Working out with a partner gives you added support and a feeling of camaraderie. Not wanting to let down your friend can also be an added source of motivation. You might also benefit from a little friendly rivalry and competition. If you find doing individual exercise like running or swimming a little monotonous or boring, consider participating in some team sports. Here you will get the benefits of added fun and motivation from exercising with others, while also playing a sport that has more variation than just running or swimming backwards and forwards. Playing team sports is also a social activity, and associating exercise with seeing friends and having fun makes it easier to motivate yourself to stick with it. Another way to make exercise a little more social and a little less daunting is to make the effort to befriend the regulars you see at your gym or fitness classes. If you do a regular spin or yoga class, you will find it easier to motivate yourself to keep going if there is a good atmosphere in the group. If you are in a group where nobody talks to each other, think about trying out a different class, or even try being the one to start chatting and bringing people together. Try a few out and see if there is one where people are chatting at the start and the instructor knows everyone's name. If team sports aren't your thing, you can still make solo activities, such as running and cycling, into a group activity. Look around for a local running, cycling or swimming club near you. You may be able to join up with a running club that goes for a fairly casual run once a week. By doing this you can avoid the overt competition of team sports, but still get some exercise and make some new friends. You can get some the benefits of sharing your experiences with others by joining an online fitness community that is closely related to your own circumstances. If you are trying to exercise to lose weight, you will find loads of forums and websites where people share their stories and progress. Alternatively, if you are training for a specific event, such as a triathlon or marathon, you will find supportive online networks of people doing the same thing. Participating in an online community is a good way to connect with others and get support if you don't know anyone in the same situation as you. You can find a huge variety of online groups, so look around and find a friendly and welcoming forum. Online groups can set each other goals and report on progress and difficulties just as any face-to-face group would.
Get an exercise partner. Do team sports. Make friends at the gym. Join a club. Participate in an online community.
Eggplants do best when they have room to spread and grow. Dig holes slightly larger than your seedlings' roots, spaced 24–30 inches (61–76 cm) in all directions. Gently place the seedlings in the holes and fill the space around their roots with soil. Mulching will help prevent the growth of weeds and keep your plants warm. Straw, compost, and grass clipping are good choices for natural mulch materials. Scatter them around the base of your eggplant seedlings in a thick layer. Be sure to use grass clipping from untreated lawns, as chemicals and fertilizers may harm your plants. Layer at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) of mulch to protect your plants. Use bamboo sticks or other suitable stakes to hold up your plants. Insert the stakes into the soil about 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) away from each seedling. As the plants grow, they will lean onto the stakes and won't disturb any surrounding plants. Insert the stakes right away after transplanting your seedlings to avoid disturbing the soil later on.
Plant seedlings 24–30 inches (61–76 cm) apart, root-deep. Place mulch material around the base of your plants. Stake your plants to hold them up as they grow.
Go to https://www.gmail.com/ in your computer's web browser. This will open your Gmail inbox if you're logged in. If you aren't logged in, you'll need to enter your email address and password when prompted. Do the following: Click the "Settings" gear. Click Try the new Gmail at the top of the drop-down menu. If you see Go back to classic Gmail in the drop-down menu, you're already using the new version of Gmail. It's in the top-left corner of the page. Doing so prompts a "New Message" window in the lower-right side of the page. In the "To" text box, type in the email address of the person whom you want to contact. To add another person to the "To" text box, press the Tab ↹ key after you finish typing the first person's email address. If you want to CC (or BCC) someone, click the Cc (or Bcc link) on the right side of the "To" text box and then enter the person's email address in the "Cc" (or "Bcc") text field that appears. Click the "Subject" text box, then type in whatever you want to use for the email's subject. In general, it's best to keep your subjects limited to a few words. In the large text box below the "Subject" field, type in whatever message you want to send to your recipient(s). While optional, you can easily change the appearance of your message's text, attach a file, or upload a photo: Formatting — Select the text you want to format by clicking and dragging across it, then click one of the formatting options at the bottom of the email. Files — Click the paperclip-shaped "Attachments" icon at the bottom of the email, then select files to upload. Photos — Click the "Photos" icon at the bottom of the email, then select a location and select photos to upload. It's at the bottom of the "New Message" window. Doing so will send your email to the specified recipient(s).
Open Gmail. Make sure you're using the most current Gmail inbox. Click + Compose. Enter your recipient's email address. Add a subject. Enter your email's body text. Add formatting or attachments to your email. Click Send.
Mix baking soda or higher proportions of OxiClean, detergent or crushed aspirin with water in order to create a paste. Scrub the paste into the stain with a toothbrush or nailbrush as described above. Let sit for an hour. You really only need to soak the stained portion, but you can submerge the entire garment if you like. For lesser stains, soaking may not be necessary. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and apply to stained areas. Generously spray and allow the solution to soak in before washing as usual. If you have sensitive skin you may want to wear rubber gloves for the following steps, as the cleaning agents contain strong chemicals. Stay away from bleach products when soaking clothing, as the chemical oxidize dyes which could lead to discoloration. The items listed in this article do not contain bleach and should be fabric safe. Soaking time really depends on how light or dark the stain. Lighter stains may only need to sit for 15 to 30 minutes, while dark stains can sit for a few hours, possibly even overnight. Monitor your garment. If the stain fades quickly, remove from the soak. If the stain barely fades in an hour, leave overnight. If a garment has been stained for a long period of time, it will be harder to remove. Try to treat your armpit stains as soon as they appear. Some materials do not react well with heat, either shrinking the garment or fading the color. Check the garment's tags for washing instructions.
For extremely tough stains, create one of the paste solutions to use in combination with the soak. Pour liquid solutions into a bucket or container large enough to soak the stained garment. Let the fabric soak. Wash as usual in the hottest water safe for the fabric.
One of the first steps to recovering from a relationship with a sociopath is to fully acknowledge what you have been through. It's important to try and reflect on your experience to help you understand what happened and how you can move on from it. A relationship with somebody who demonstrates symptoms of antisocial personality disorder can be incredibly difficult, as this person will typically feel little or no guilt about their actions or how they have hurt you. A sociopath will also feel no empathy towards you, and will blame you for your situation. He may even appear to take satisfaction in your pain and distress. It's important to try and recognise these practices and diagnose the behaviour. Doing this will help you understand that you were not at fault or responsible for his behaviour. Once you have begun to acknowledge the situation you have been in, you can acknowledge the emotions that you may have been suppressing or your former partner may have undermined or invalidated. If you are frustrated, feel regret, and maybe a bit foolish about having been taken advantage of, accept these emotions and recognise that they are an entirely reasonable response. Acknowledging emotions will help you to come to terms with what has happened, and learn to trust your emotional responses. A sociopath who lacks guilt or empathy can undermine your own emotional awareness and destabilize your sense of self. Understanding that emotional reactions are normal, and your formers partner's aren't can help you to recover from the relationship. Getting some real distance between you and your ex is essential. It allows you to recover from the relationship by helping you to extricate yourself and have time to reflect and rebuild. A sociopath may be less likely to make the effort to follow somebody if they move away, so consider getting out of town for a while and staying with a friend or relative. Going to another place can have a transformative effect, and allow you to see things anew. You might find it helpful to delete all contact information and disconnect yourself from social media. A crucial part of recovering from your relationship is having clear and firm boundaries that separate you from your former partner. Your ex may not respect the boundaries that you establish, so create boundaries for yourself that you will not cross. Having a clear understanding of where you won't go and what you won't do is essential to maintaining the distance necessary to recover. You could write down things that you will not do, such as answer his calls or contact him in any way. In part, setting boundaries is about helping you unlearn the dysfunctional patterns of your previous relationship. You might find it useful to imagine a physical boundary between yourself and your ex. Build a wall in your head and see all of his hurtful comments and actions rebound off it. Affirm to yourself that you will not be a victim anymore. The relationship has ended and you are moving on. Embrace that, and repeat it to yourself again and again. Repeating positive statements and affirmations helps you to expose negative reactions or beliefs that may have become normal or dominant, and replace them with positive ones. Spend some time thinking about yourself and who you are. Think about what you want to do, where you want to go, and what you want to achieve. Your former partner will not have shown any empathy towards you during your relationship, so now show yourself empathy. Understand the difficulties you have been through, but assign them to the past and create a positive image of your future. Your relationship will have lacked empathy and understanding, so it's important that you spend time with people who will show you empathy. This will help you to validate your feelings and come to terms with what you have been through. Friends or family may be the best people to talk to. Be sure you are comfortable talking about your relationship, and completely trust who you are talking to. Try to talk to friends who are not experiencing any relationship problems of their own. Spend time with friends or family that are positive and will help you think about the future as well as reflecting on the past. Consider seeing a counsellor to get some expert help that will be completely independent of your relationships.
Acknowledge what you have lived through. Validate your emotions. Get some distance. Have secure boundaries. Don’t be a victim. Seek support from friends and family.
Your butterfly will not eat for several hours. It needs to pump fluid into its crumpled wings and let them dry. After you set the butterfly free, it will feed in your garden if you provide it nectar flowers. Sometimes they will drink from hummingbird feeders. Some butterflies like very ripe fruit as their food, too. Make sure your garden is ready. Don't be dismayed if you end up raising moths instead of butterflies. Moths have markings just like a butterfly; while they will be a lot less colorful, the markings are still likely to be intricate and amazing. Even the varying shades of monotone colors are beautiful to behold in nature. When its wings are dry, you can put your finger under its legs and it should hop on your finger. Walk outside and set it on a flower for some great photos. If you have done your research, you may know the lifespan of your butterfly – some live as short as a day, so be mindful of this when giving it its freedom. Butterflies need to be free to truly thrive. It's only possible to contain them if you have a large garden they can stay in. What's more, many species migrate – they can only stay with you so long if you want them to live. Some butterflies will live for a matter of days, some will stay a matter of days and then migrate, and others will stay for weeks. Either way, be glad you raised your butterfly successfully and watch for future generations. If you wound up with the Luna Moth, Cecropia Moth, or Polyphemus Moth, don't worry about feeding them. These curious creatures don't have digestive systems.
Get ready to feed the newly emerged butterfly outside. Observe the butterfly for a few hours. Watch your butterfly be free.
Pinch the fabric between your thumb and your two fingers. The section of fabric you are squeezing should be where the two sides of the band overlap. If you are only grasping one layer of fabric, nothing will happen when you try to unhook the bra.
Place your thumb on the other side of the band.
Use a plastic comb to divide your hair into four manageable sections. Part your hair down the center, from the crown of your head to the nape of your neck. Then divide those sections in half, horizontally, from ear to ear. Use a plastic clip to secure each section of your hair up and out of the way so you can concentrate on one at a time. Put on protective gloves. Pour the dye components and developer into a large bowl, then mix it up until until fully incorporated. Check the instructions that came with your products to make sure there are not any additional directions. Drape a towel around your shoulder. Start with one of the top sections and work your way down to the bottom two. Unclip one of the top sections of hair. Use an applicator to saturate the section with the dye mixture. Use thin coats to ensure even application. Once saturated, clip it back up. Take out the clip and use the applicator to thoroughly apply the dye mixture to your hair. Once saturated, clip it back up out of the way. Continue in this fashion until you have saturated all of your hair with the dye. Different products and brands will vary in exact time frames for color development, but in general, you will be waiting anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes. Check the instructions that came with yours and follow those specific directions. Rinse thoroughly while gently massaging your scalp. Continue to rinse until the water runs completely clear. Once rinsed you can proceed to style your hair right away.
Divide your hair into four even sections. Mix your chosen dye with volume 10 developer. Release one section of hair. Release the next section of hair. Wait 20 to 45 minutes to allow the color to develop. Rinse out the dye with cold water.
The two major types of cinnamon are Ceylon Cinnamon and Cassia Cinnamon. Ceylon Cinnamon is sometimes known as "true" or "proper" cinnamon but is not always as easy to find in your average supermarket as Cassia Cinnamon. Ceylon Cinnamon is, however, the best choice due to its lower coumarin content. Regular coumarin consumption can potentially cause liver problems. It can also interfere with diabetes medication, so check with your physician to ensure that it is safe for you to use cinnamon. You can buy cinnamon in powder, in sticks, as a supplement, and as a cinnamon extract. Think about what you are using it for before deciding which form of cinnamon to buy. If you want to introduce some cinnamon into your normal diet you will have different requirements than if you wanted to try to take it more medicinally. Try to use a variety of sticks and powders in different foods and drinks to keep it interesting. If you are buying it to season your food, go for a powder. Add a stick to the pan when you are cooking rice. If your doctor has advised you to take cinnamon as part of your attempts to manage your blood sugar levels, you can buy cinnamon extract from health food stores which have had the coumarin completely removed. Cinnamon is considered to have good anti-microbial properties, which can help your immune system fight against a cold or flu. It can help to tackle the growth of bacteria and fungus. By adding a teaspoon of cinnamon to hot water, you are making a soothing drink which won't cure your cold but will help you feel a bit better. Having a hot cinnamon drink can tackle your cold and flu symptoms, and more specifically, can help to dry up an irritating runny nose. You can combine it with ginger for an extra kick. A lot like a hot drink, adding cinnamon to hot soup adds some flavor while also potentially bringing some relief to those under the weather. The anti-microbial properties of cinnamon are such that it has been cited as a [natural food] preservative.
Choose Ceylon Cinnamon. Choosing the best form of cinnamon. Add a teaspoon of cinnamon to warm drinks to reduce cold and flu effects. Try a hot cinnamon drink to dry up a runny nose. Add a teaspoon of cinnamon to soups.
Start by extending 2 straight lines out from the sides of the angle. Then, draw a third line perpendicular to one of these 2 lines to create a right angle. Continue drawing this perpendicular line towards the other of the 2 original lines until it intersects with it, thereby creating a right triangle around the angle you’re working with. If you’re calculating sine, cosine, or tangent in the context of a math class, it's likely you’ll already be working with a right triangle. The sides of the triangle can be identified in relation to the angle as the “opposite” (the side opposite of the angle), the “adjacent” (the side next to the angle other than the hypotenuse), and the “hypotenuse” (the side opposite the right angle of the triangle). Sine, cosine, and tangent can all be expressed as different ratios of these sides. The sine of an angle is equal to the opposite side divided by the hypotenuse. The cosine of an angle is equal to the adjacent side divided by the hypotenuse. Finally, the tangent of an angle is equal to the opposite side divided by the adjacent side. For example, to determine the sine of a 35°, you would divide the length of the opposite side of the triangle by the hypotenuse. If the opposite side's length was 2.8 and the the hypotenuse was 4.9, then the sine of the angle would be 2.8/4.9, which is equal to 0.57. The most commonly used acronym to remember these ratios is SOHCAHTOA, which stands for “Sine Opposite Hypotenuse, Cosine Adjacent Hypotenuse, Tangent Opposite Adjacent.” You can better remember this acronym by spelling out a mnemonic phrase with these letters. For example, “She Offered Her Child A Heaping Teaspoon Of Applesauce.” If you can easily remember these 3 trigonometric ratios using the sides of a right triangle, you can also remember how to calculate cosecant, secant, and cotangent by inverting the ratios of these triangle sides. Thus, because cosecant is the inverse of sine, it is equal to the hypotenuse divided by the opposite side. The secant of an angle is equal to the hypotenuse divided by the adjacent side. The cotangent of an angle is equal to the adjacent side divided by the opposite side. For example, if you wanted to find the cosecant of a 35°, with an opposite side length of 2.8 and a hypotenuse of 4.9, you would divide 4.9 by 2.8 to get a cosecant of 1.75.
Draw a right triangle around the angle you’re working with. Calculate sine, cosine, or tangent by using the sides of the triangle. Use a mnemonic device to remember these ratios. Inverse the sine, cosine, or tangent to find their reciprocal ratios.
Take the string you would like to use first in your left hand. Hold both of the other strings in your right hand, putting a little tension on the tape to keep these two strings straight. Pull the first string to the right, then lay it over the other two strings to create a loop which looks like a “4.” Wrap the first string under the other two and through the loop you created Pull the thread through the loop. Take the tail, or end, of the '4' by putting your hand in the wide space of the '4' and pull the tail. As you tie the knot, pull the two strings in one hand vertically (downward), or parallel to your table. Pull the tail of the string with which you pulled through the loop gently upward toward the top of the bracelet where it is taped to the table. The knot will rise to the top. Make the knot tight enough that it will stay in place, but not so tight that it cinches your bracelet. As you continue weaving, make sure that these knots lie one right after the other on your bracelet and don't overlap. Continue repeating this overhand loop until you have enough length of this color on your bracelet. Every five ties should make about 1/4 inch of color. Be sure that you keep track of how many loops you put in the first color. Use the same number of loops for each color to keep the length of each color consistent. Repeat this process with the next color you would like to see in your bracelet. Continue on to the last color, then go back to the first one until you have a bracelet of sufficient length.
Make an overhand loop. Tighten the knot. Finish off this color. Wrap overhand loops of each color.
Roll out your puff pastry into a thin sheet, then cut it into circles using a circle-shaped cookie cutter or drinking glass. Lightly indent the center of each circle with a smaller cookie cutter or a cap (such as from a spice jar). Lightly poke the inner circle a few times with a fork. Transfer the circles to a baking sheet and bake at 400°F (205°C) for 15 to 20 minutes. Take the pastry out of the oven and either pat the inner circle down with the bottom of a spice jar or wooden spoon, or lift the inner circle out completely. You can now fill the cups with cream, fruit, or any cooked filling. Roll out your puff pastry until it is slightly bigger than your wheel of brie cheese. Set the cheese in the middle of dough and pour some honey over it. You can also add nuts and dried fruit. Bring the corners of the dough towards the middle of the cheese, creating a packet. Bake the brie on a baking sheet at 350°F (175°C) for 25 to 30 minutes. You can serve the baked brie with apple slices and crackers. Roll out the puff pastry dough into two thin 10 by 14 inch (25.4 by 35.65 centimeter) rectangles. Cut each sheet into 24 smaller rectangles. Press the rectangles into the wells of a mini muffin tin. Bake at 375°F (190°C) for 10 minutes. Take the pastries out of the oven and pat the center of each with the end of a wooden spoon or spice bottle. Fill the pastries with whatever you want, then put them back into the oven for 3 to 5 minutes. Here are some ideas for what you can fill the pastries with: Ham and cheese Sautéed mushrooms and onion Brie, pistachios, and peach preserves Roll the pastry into two 10 inch by 12 inch (25.40 by 30.48 centimeters) squares. Place one of the squares on a baking sheet and brush it with mustard; leave a 1" boarding. Cover the sheet with a layer of ham slices, then cover the ham with Swiss cheese slices. Spread egg wash around the border and cover it with the second pastry sheet. Press the edges together, then brush the top pastry with egg wash. Bake at 450°F (233°C) for 20 to 25 minutes. Allow the puff pastry to cool, then cut it into squares and serve. To make the egg wash, whisk together 1 egg and 1 tablespoon of water in a bowl. Roll some puff pastry dough into a 10 by 14 inch (25.4 by 35.65 centimeter) rectangle. Brush one half of the pastry with egg wash. Mix 1/3 cup (35 grams) grated Parmesan cheese and 1 teaspoon dried Italian seasoning in a bowl, then spread over the other half of the puff pastry. Fold the pastry in half, so that the egg side touches the cheesy side. Cut the pastry into 24 strips. Twist each strip into a spiral, then brush each strip with some egg wash. Bake at 400°F (205°C) for 10 minutes. Let cool before serving. To make the egg wash, beat an egg and a tablespoon of water together in a small bowl.
Make puff pastry shells. Use puff pastry to make baked brie. Make some filled pastry puffs. Make a ham and cheese pastry. Make some herb and cheese twists.
The results of the tests will vary depending on your age, gender, and medical history. In general, the normal range of cortisol from 6-8 am is 10-20 micrograms per deciliter (mcg/dl). At around 4 pm, the normal range is 3-10 mcg/dl. Discuss your test results with the doctor to see if you fall within the normal range. Keep in mind that if your test results are not within in the normal range, this does not necessarily mean you have serious health issues or problems. Your doctor will review your test results as well as your medical history to determine if your cortisol levels pose a risk to your health. In some cases, minor adjustments like making lifestyle changes and maintaining a healthy diet is all that is needed to adjust your cortisol levels. If your cortisol levels are off due to medications you are taking, your doctor may suggest that you switch medications. If your cortisol levels are very high or very low, your doctor may recommend that you get further testing to rule out any serious medical issues. High cortisol levels can be a sign of Cushing syndrome. If you have other symptoms like obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, osteoporosis, or acne, your doctor may recommend you get tested for this issue. Low cortisol levels can be a sign of Addison's disease. If you have other symptoms like significant weight loss, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, low blood pressure, nausea, and diarrhea, your doctor may suggest you get tested for this condition. If your doctor suspects a complex problem with your cortisol levels, they may refer you to a hormone specialist called an endocrinologist.
Check if your cortisol levels are in the normal range. Speak to your doctor about adjusting your cortisol levels. Get further testing if your cortisol levels are abnormally high or low.
A descriptive title will help attract people to your recipe and set it apart from the thousands of variations out there. There's no need to get too descriptive - your recipe will speak for itself once it's cooked! Just come up with a title that sounds appetizing and appealing, with a personal twist if you're so inclined. A few examples: Tricia's Cocoa Brownies Sweet and Sour Chicken Soup Crunchy Salty Oatmeal Cookies Uncle Pete's Famous Clam Chowder If your recipe has a special history, consider including a short introduction so readers will know how much heart and soul has gone into its creation. Write about who first cooked the recipe, tweaks that have been made over the years, or anecdotes about times people in your family have enjoyed it. Add any extra information that readers should know when they're cooking the recipe. Here are a few things you might want to include: List how many servings the recipe provides. Write how long the recipe takes to make, including prep and cooking time. Include serving suggestions, such as optional garnishes or other dishes that pair well with the recipe (e.g. "Top with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream" or "Serve with slices of crusty baguette." Include ingredient substitutions to account for dietary restrictions (e.g. "Cashews may be substituted for walnuts" or "Use tofu instead of chicken to make the dish vegetarian"). Give sufficient warnings about any problems which may occur during the cooking. An example of this might be Do not open the oven door while baking, or your cake may fall, or Do not let the oil get too hot on the stove. When you're writing your recipe, compose it in a way that makes it easy to read. If you wish, sprinkle photos throughout to make instructions even easier to follow. The standard information order in recipes is as follows: Title Introduction (optional) Ingredient list Method Number of servings Cooking/prep time Once your recipe is complete, cook it again to test it. You might also want to share it with someone else who has never made it before. See if the recipe as you wrote it turns out "just right." If it is too sour, sweet, salty, spicy, or otherwise fails the taste test, consider what you might do to correct the problem, then begin the process over again. Guessing an adjustment, either in ingredients, cooking times, or temperatures does not always yield success. This is the reason "Test kitchens" are operated like laboratories, and results are carefully documented and repeated.
Title the recipe. Consider writing a short introduction. Provide helpful information. Make the recipe clear and easy to read. Test your recipe.
Not all theaters will require the same formality of dress. Pay attention to what kind of production you'll be attending and decide the most appropriate way to dress. For instance, it's improbable that a production aimed for children will require any particular fashion sensibilities, whereas attending even a small, locally produced opera might make you want to consider nicer wardrobe choices. In this case it's all about context. Special black tie events and opening nights will usually call for formal attire, while you should feel free to dress casually for the average Broadway or matinee show, or for more conceptual dramas like those put on by black box theaters. It can be a good idea to run a search or call up the theater managers before a show to find out whether there is an expected dress code. If you're ever uncertain about what to wear to a given event and have no guidelines to follow, it's usually alright to go casual. If you've seen the show before, or if a merchandise booth is selling souvenirs before the show, grab a t-shirt or hat to show your support. Many long-running or family oriented shows appreciate when fans show up wearing that production's apparel. These products are often unique and exclusive to that live performance, so you'll never have a better chance to model them. This is a no-no for most opening nights and more focused productions, but for established shows like The Lion King and Wicked it is encouraged and can be a lot of fun, especially for younger kids. Dress yourself or your child up as your favorite characters and have fun immersing yourself in the event. Just don't go too overboard with costumes and props—remember, an audience member's appearance can be distracting. Do some research to find out whether a particular show recommends the use of costumes and props before you buy your tickets and decide what to wear. Even then, keep elaborate costumes reasonable and don't be tempted to act out or make noise during the show. In rare instances it may be okay to come as you are. Off-Broadway shows and smaller productions usually don't mandate a dress code, so jeans and sneakers won't be an issue. Make sure you always know ahead of time what the expected mode of dress is for a given production or venue, and enjoy an increasingly uncommon opportunity to present yourself fashionably at a formal society event. Even if normal clothes are allowed, it's never a bad idea to dress nicely. Your appearance says something about your character, so make sure it has good things to say.
Know what is expected. Buy and wear merchandise. Put on costumes and facepaint. Wear everyday clothes.
Mix well until evenly distributed. The bowl should be able to hold a minimum of 4 cups (1L), even though this capacity is nearly twice as much as needed to hold the ingredients at room temperature. The extra space will help prevent any overflow from escaping into the microwave as the mixture heats up. Set the microwave to 50-percent power and place the sugar mixture inside. Cook uncovered for 30 to 40 seconds, or until the sugar starts to melt. The sugar should not be completely melted at this point. If you use molasses instead of sugar, note that the molasses should look notably thinner than it did before being heated. Place the ginger, garlic, and star anise in the hot mixture. Stir well until the new ingredients are evenly incorporated. Work carefully. The contents of the dish will be hot at this point and may cause a mild burn if they splash onto your bare skin. Return the bowl to the microwave and the mixture for another 10 to 20 seconds on medium (50-percent) power. After this second round, the sauce should look notably thin and there should no longer be any visible chunks of sugar remaining. There may, however, be individual granules of sugar floating around in the syrup. Remove the dish and stir it well using a spoon or whisk. Continue stirring until all of the sugar is completely dissolved. All of the sugar should be dissolved. This includes both large clumps and any individual granules. If the sugar is not fully dissolved after you mix it for 60 to 90 seconds, return the dish to the microwave and cook it for another 10 to 20 seconds at medium power before stirring it again. Since the syrup never quite boils when you use a microwave, the finished kecap manis will not be as thick when prepared using this method. The taste will remain accurate, however, and the sauce will thicken slightly as it stands.
Combine the sugar, water, and soy sauce in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on medium power for 30 to 40 seconds. Add the seasonings. Microwave for another 10 to 20 seconds. Stir well.
Zamzar and Convertio are both clean, straightforward file conversion services. This should take you to your converter's web page. The information you need to enter for online converters will vary wildly from one converter to the next, but there are a few options you can expect to see across the board: Upload your PDF. This option will say something like "Upload", "Browse", or "From Computer/Dropbox/etc.". Select your file type. If you choose a PDF to [File Type] converter, you'll just have to choose "GIF" as the file type; a universal file converter will require you to select both "PDF" (as the original file) and "GIF" (as the conversion format). Enter your email address. Many conversion sites give you the option of receiving your converted file by email. Research your chosen site thoroughly before downloading or accepting any files from it. Most file converters will download your file automatically, so you may just have to click the "Convert" button to download the file. Some browsers will ask for a save location; if yours asks, save your converted GIF somewhere easily accessible (e.g., your desktop). You have successfully converted your PDF to GIF format!
Open your preferred browser. Search for a free PDF to GIF converter in your preferred search engine. Click the link for your selected converter. Set up your converter options. Click the pertinent button to convert your PDF. Click the "Download" button if there is one. Close your browser when the download is complete.
While many people can consume alcohol occasionally with no trouble, some develop a dangerous addiction. If you've experienced one or more of the following symptoms, you may be an alcoholic and should consider quitting drinking. Drinking in the morning. Drinking alone. Feelings of guilt after drinking. Making attempts to hide your drinking from others. You have difficulty stopping yourself once you have one drink. You've experienced withdrawal symptoms after not drinking for several hours, including sweating, shaking, anxiety, and nausea. After you've decided that you should cut back on alcohol or quit altogether, you need to set a concrete goal. If your goal is to quit completely, write out "I will stop drinking alcohol on this date." Set a specific date on which you will quit. This will give you a tangible target to aim for. Perhaps you don't want to quit entirely, but for health reasons you decide you'd like to only drink on Friday and Saturday. This is called "harm reduction." Write out a goal like, "As of this date, I will only drink on Fridays and Saturdays." Again, it is important to set a concrete date for when this will start. Build up your ability to be aware of how many drinks you have consumed and how you are feeling in a given amount of time. Rather than choosing how many drinks to allow yourself, increase your ability to be aware of when you are drinking too quickly or drinking more when around strangers. The more you know about your drinking, the better you will be able to control it. If you only plan on reducing your intake, you may or may not need a full detox. Depending on how heavily you currently drink, detox may still be necessary. Any significant reduction in an addictive substance can lead to withdrawal. Let the people around you know of your plans. This way, you can start building your support system for when you begin detoxing. Let the people around you know what you will require of them. It may be as simple as asking them to not offer you drinks, or you may need them to not drink around you at all. Whatever your needs are, make sure you are up front about them. It is especially important to make your goals clear to friends who you used to drink with. Peer pressure causes many people to cave. If these people do not support your goal and pressure you to drink, you may need to distance yourself from them. When you start experiencing withdrawal symptoms, you may not be able to control your cravings. Avoid this temptation by keeping no alcohol in your home. Find and attend an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting to gain support for quitting and to find others with similar issues. You can start going to meetings before you begin the detox, and continue attending throughout the process.
Assess your lifestyle and drinking habits. Evaluate your goal. Announce your goal. Remove alcohol from your home. Get outside support.
You can also use a food processor. Add 10 ounces of raspberries, 2 tablespoons of sugar, and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Blend the ingredients until it is thoroughly puréed. This process should take a couple of minutes. Scrape down the sides of the blender or food processor as needed. Strain out any pulp and seed pieces through a fine strainer. You can also use cheesecloth for this purpose. Place a bowl under the strainer or cheesecloth. Let the juice drain through. With a strainer, use the back of a spoon to press down on the pulp to help extract the juice below. With cheesecloth, squeeze the cloth with clean hands to release the juices. Once you've strained the pulp out, add the liquor to the coulis. Stir it in. Kirsch is a brandy made from black morello cherry juice. You can also use any raspberry liquor, such as chambord. However, you can skip this step if you don't have anything appropriate on hand.
Add the ingredients to a blender. Blend the ingredients. Strain the coulis. Add the teaspoon of kirsch.
Before you go any further with your plans to have a natural birth, you should choose your team. An obstetrician (OB/GYN), certified nurse-midwife, perinatologist, or family practitioner are all qualified to help you deliver your baby. Each one has a different level of training and specialization, so it is important to consider your situation before you choose. Some differences to consider include: If your pregnancy is high-risk, a perinatologist could deliver your baby. OB/GYNs are doctors who can deliver your baby as well as provide surgical care if necessary. Certified nurse-midwives are qualified to deliver your baby and they will call on an OB/GYN if complications arise. Perinatologists are doctors who are qualified to deliver your baby and who provide care for high-risk deliveries, such as women over 35, women who have STDs, and women who have diabetes. Family practitioners are doctors who are qualified to deliver your baby, but they are not specialists, so they will call on an OB/GYN if complications arise. As you consider who will help deliver your baby, make sure that you ask questions to determine whether the person will be supportive of your plans to have a natural childbirth. Some questions to ask include: How do you feel about natural childbirth? How many natural births have you been involved in? Would you be willing to help me have a natural birth? . Every expecting mother should have a birth plan that expresses her needs and desires for the birth of her child. You should work with your support team to create a birth plan. Ask your doctor, midwife, or doula to assist you in writing a birth plan. Your birth plan should include: Where your baby will be born Who will deliver your baby Who your main support person will be Who else may be present during labor and birth Types of support that you want during labor Any pain medications that you want during labor Details about the umbilical cord and blood Will the baby stay with you or in the nursery after birth Any special traditions you would like to observe Who to tell first if there is a problem with you or the baby Anything else you want your health care provider and support team to know For most women, it is easier to maintain your decision to have a natural birth if you have a partner or advocate. This person should be someone who will remind you of your reasons for a natural birth and who will be there to support you during the birth. If you give birth in a hospital, a vocal advocate or a professional doula may help you stand up for your wishes if medical staff seems resistant to your plan. Having a birth advocate or partner can also help give you the encouragement and support you need to have a birth free of interventions, medications, or surgery. Deciding in advance to have a natural childbirth will allow your health care provider and birth assistant time to plan for your safety and that of the baby. It will also enable you to ask questions and arrange for your preferences to be accommodated no matter where you give birth. Learning about natural birth from women who have experienced it and even facilitated it for others can be the most informative and helpful preparation for your own natural birth experience. Discuss your fears, anxieties, and hopes with other women in the class. In many cases, women who have delivered naturally before can set you at ease about pain management and medical safety.
Choose a practitioner. Ask questions before you decide on a practitioner. Create a birth plan Designate a birth advocate or birth partner. Inform your midwife or health care provider of your wishes. Take a class on natural childbirth.
While there's nothing wrong with subscribing to a few of your favorite periodicals, big stacks of magazines you don't read is a big waste of energy, ink, and most importantly, paper. Reduce or eliminate your newspaper and magazine subscriptions to the bare essentials and opt for digital versions of the magazines you read most often. Use online resources for reading as much as possible. Besides saving trees, you'll have less clutter and pay less. You also get the ability to search effortlessly and you can archive electronically if you need to save the information. . Catalogs, sales circulars, and any number of other advertisements can clutter your mailbox and your garbage can. Frustrating and unasked for, junk mail makes you feel guilty for producing garbage you didn't even want in the first place. But by being proactive and following a few simple steps, you can opt out of most circulars and cut down on this wasteful practice. Contact the Mail Preference Service and request that you be placed on a do-not-mail list and contact individual mailers to have your address removed. You can't go through the postal service, because the mail deliverer can't legally decide what mail addressed "To Resident" is undesirable. If you don't want it, contact them at the source. Advo, Pennysaver, Potpourri, and Redplum are common mass-market mailing services. Contact companies that you've patronized in the past and request that your address be removed from their mailing list. Sign up for their email list instead, so you don't miss out on good deals. . One of the great things about getting the newspaper, your favorite magazine, or a good paperback, is that you can tote it around with you. No one wants to sit and read at the computer all day. But you don't have to! Get an e-reader like a Kindle, a Nook, or an iPad and upload your favorite reading material onto an easy-to-transport and even easier-to-read interface. If you're too in love with the feel of real books to use a cold stainless e-reader, you're not alone. But that doesn't mean you need to buy brand new hardbacks and contribute to paper waste. Visit your local public library and share books, magazines, and newspapers for free. Many libraries actually have e-borrowing, which will let you borrow e-books and read them on your mobile device or tablet for a limited period of time. Signing important documents is the one time you've got to print and deal with real paper, right? Wrong. Secure services offer the ability to verify signatures online more easily than ever, making it a breeze to stay paperless even when it comes to putting pen to paper. PowerPad Lite, SignNow, DocuSign, and HelloSign are all services that offer digital signature options. It's easy and widely available. One of the more DIY ways of doing this is to sign a piece of paper, then scan it into your computer. Crop the image around your signature and import it directly into a Word file, and save as a pdf. if you want. When you send your message, then, you can have your signature right on the file. Tissues and paper towels are quick and convenient, but can quickly add to your household waste. Instead of using paper products to clean up, make the switch to washable cloth towels and handkerchiefs to cut down on your paper garbage. Still got old term papers from high school? User manuals for old VCRs? Every issue of Pro Wrestling Illustrated from ’92-’98? It's probably time to tackle the piles of paper you’ve already built up and cut down on the clutter. Just going through the piles that you've got lying around can be a good way of making yourself feel as if you've made some important steps in going paperless. Recycle the paper you're getting rid of and move forward into the paperless frontier, uncluttered.
Subscribe to digital content instead of hard copies. Eliminate junk mail by opting out Buy an e-reader Sign important documents digitally. Use cloth napkins. Go through the stacks and start recycling.
Get your body and mind used to going to sleep early by doing the same things each night before you go to sleep. Do whatever relaxes you: read a book, take a bath or shower, listen to relaxing music, etc. Many people find that warm drinks or tea can help them become comfortable and sleepy (just stay away from caffeinated beverages). Chamomile tea is a good choice because it has a calming effect. Meditation and/or breathing exercises are also recognized as calming techniques. A simple breathing exercise is to inhale for a count of 3 or 4, then exhale for a count of six or eight. A few repetitions of this can be very helpful when trying to calm down and go to bed early. This means having a comfortable mattress, bedding, etc. Some people find it helpful to use aids to lessen outside distractions, like earplugs or the white noise of a small fan or other device. If you feel tired, it means you should go to bed. Don't force yourself to stay awake. On the other hand, if you’re not tired, don't try to force yourself to sleep. If you are tired, but can't seem to fall asleep within 20 minutes, then get up and do something calming or boring (avoid electronic devices, exercise, working, eating, etc.) until you feel tired again. Eventually, you should be able to reach your early bedtime more consistently.
Establish a sleep routine. Make sure that your bedroom is relaxing. Go to bed when you feel tired.
When you’re on your last stroke of the butterfly or breaststroke, move your head to look straight down at the bottom of the pool. Your last stroke should bring you about half a body length away from the pool wall. If you are more than half a body length from the wall, give an extra kick in the water to push yourself forward. Keep your arms straight and your elbows locked while reaching. Your arms should remain about shoulder's width apart. Keep your palms flat against the wall without grabbing the edge of the pool. Make sure to keep your hands against the wall. Do not hang onto the lip of the pool; this might cause you cling to the wall and slow you down. Keep your legs close together and begin to bend them at the knee.
Swim towards the wall. Extend your arms to reach for the wall. Touch the wall with your palms.
Beyond being unsightly, mold in your bathroom can contribute to health problems. Fortunately, getting rid of mold is not difficult. Add 1/2 cup (118 ml) of white vinegar to your toilet bowl or spray it directly onto mold. Then, scrub mold away with a toilet brush. Another tried-and-true product for removing mold is ordinary bleach. Add 1/4 cup (59 ml) of bleach to your toilet bowl, or spray diluted bleach directly onto mold. Then scrub mold away using a toilet brush. A less commonly-used, but still very effective product for removing mold is tea tree essential oil. Add 10 drops of tea tree essential oil to your toilet bowl or spray a tea tree oil solution (5-10 drops of oil to a bottle of water) directly onto any moldy spots. Scrub with a toilet brush. If left to sit for too long in your toilet, all 3 of these products could potentially damage the inner-workings. As such, it is important to flush these products out of your toilet system. After scrubbing with any of these products, be sure to flush the toilet at least 3 times.
Use white vinegar. Apply bleach. Try tea tree oil. Flush your toilet at least 3 times.