1 value
1 value
void killclient(const Arg *arg) { if (!selmon->sel) return; if (!sendevent(selmon->sel->win, wmatom[WMDelete], NoEventMask, wmatom[WMDelete], CurrentTime, 0 , 0, 0)) { XGrabServer(dpy); XSetErrorHandler(xerrordummy); XSetCloseDownMode(dpy, DestroyAll); XKillClient(dpy, selmon->sel->win); XSync(dpy, False); XSetErrorHandler(xerror); XUngrabServer(dpy); } }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_408253", "function_addr": 4227667, "binary_name": "ac667b7bd5d7468ffd796a22d18542f9e8078a149f311c046e78f33c24eac02c.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [5, "mov rax, [rax+78h]"], [6, "test rax, rax"], [7, "jz loc_408342"], [8, "mov rax, cs:qword_415528"], [9, "mov rdx, rax"], [10, "mov rsi, cs:qword_415528"], [11, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [12, "mov rax, [rax+78h]"], [13, "mov rax, [rax+188h]"], [14, "push 0"], [15, "push 0"], [16, "mov r9d, 0"], [17, "mov r8d, 0"], [18, "mov rcx, rdx"], [19, "mov edx, 0"], [20, "mov rdi, rax"], [21, "call sub_40A64A"], [22, "add rsp, 10h"], [23, "test eax, eax"], [24, "jnz locret_408343"], [25, "mov rax, cs:display"], [26, "mov rdi, rax"], [27, "call _XGrabServer"], [28, "mov edi, offset sub_40EAC8"], [29, "call _XSetErrorHandler"], [30, "mov rax, cs:display"], [31, "mov esi, 0"], [32, "mov rdi, rax"], [33, "call _XSetCloseDownMode"], [34, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [35, "mov rax, [rax+78h]"], [36, "mov rdx, [rax+188h]"], [37, "mov rax, cs:display"], [38, "mov rsi, rdx"], [39, "mov rdi, rax"], [40, "call _XKillClient"], [41, "mov rax, cs:display"], [42, "mov esi, 0"], [43, "mov rdi, rax"], [44, "call _XSync"], [45, "mov edi, offset sub_40E991"], [46, "call _XSetErrorHandler"], [47, "mov rax, cs:display"], [48, "mov rdi, rax"], [49, "call _XUngrabServer"], [50, "jmp short locret_408343"], [51, "nop"], [52, "leave"], [53, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 6], [9, 8], [12, 11], [13, 12], [18, 9], [20, 13], [22, 2], [23, 21], [24, 23], [26, 25], [32, 30], [35, 34], [36, 35], [38, 36], [39, 37], [43, 41], [48, 47], [53, 23], [53, 49], [53, 6]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/ac667b7bd5d7468ffd796a22d18542f9e8078a149f311c046e78f33c24eac02c_ac667b7bd5d7468ffd796a22d18542f9e8078a149f311c046e78f33c24eac02c.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_408253", "query": "\n\n\nint sub_408253()\n{\n__int64 v0; // rax\n\nv0 = *((_QWORD *)dest + 15);\nif ( v0 )\n{\nLODWORD(v0) = sub_40A64A(*(_QWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)dest + 15) + 392LL), qword_415528, 0, qword_415528, 0, 0, 0LL, 0LL);\nif ( !(_DWORD)v0 )\n{\nXGrabServer(display);\nXSetErrorHandler(sub_40EAC8);\nXSetCloseDownMode(display, 0);\nXKillClient(display, *(_QWORD *)(*((_QWORD *)dest + 15) + 392LL));\nXSync(display, 0);\nXSetErrorHandler(sub_40E991);\nLODWORD(v0) = XUngrabServer(display);\n}\n}\nreturn v0;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[sub_408253,sub_40A64A,sub_40EAC8,sub_40E991,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'sub_408253': 'killclient', 'sub_40A64A': 'sendevent', 'sub_40EAC8': 'xerrordummy', 'sub_40E991': 'xerror'}"}
ucg_int_t ucg_handle_l90fx(ucg_t *ucg, ucg_dev_fnptr dev_cb) { if ( ucg_clip_l90fx(ucg) != 0 ) { ucg_int_t dx, dy; ucg_int_t i; switch(ucg->arg.dir) { case 0: dx = 1; dy = 0; break; case 1: dx = 0; dy = 1; break; case 2: dx = -1; dy = 0; break; case 3: dx = 0; dy = -1; break; default: dx = 1; dy = 0; break; /* avoid compiler warning */ } for( i = 0; i < ucg->arg.len; i++ ) { dev_cb(ucg, UCG_MSG_DRAW_PIXEL, NULL); ucg->arg.pixel.pos.x+=dx; ucg->arg.pixel.pos.y+=dy; } return 1; } return 0; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_403100", "function_addr": 4206848, "binary_name": "601bbf0a3c8af2b2ed9b72c83eea51f15b606cb2973e6cbbce20f33cb84f643f.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_20], rsi"], [5, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [6, "mov rdi, rax"], [7, "call sub_402374"], [8, "test ax, ax"], [9, "jz loc_403205"], [10, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [11, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax+42h]"], [12, "cwde"], [13, "cmp eax, 3"], [14, "jz short loc_403177"], [15, "cmp eax, 3"], [16, "jg short loc_403185"], [17, "cmp eax, 2"], [18, "jz short loc_403169"], [19, "cmp eax, 2"], [20, "jg short loc_403185"], [21, "test eax, eax"], [22, "jz short loc_40314D"], [23, "cmp eax, 1"], [24, "jz short loc_40315B"], [25, "jmp short loc_403185"], [26, "mov [rbp+var_2], 1"], [27, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [28, "jmp short loc_403192"], [29, "mov [rbp+var_2], 0"], [30, "mov [rbp+var_4], 1"], [31, "jmp short loc_403192"], [32, "mov [rbp+var_2], 0FFFFh"], [33, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [34, "jmp short loc_403192"], [35, "mov [rbp+var_2], 0"], [36, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0FFFFh"], [37, "jmp short loc_403192"], [38, "mov [rbp+var_2], 1"], [39, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [40, "nop"], [41, "mov [rbp+var_6], 0"], [42, "jmp short loc_4031F0"], [43, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [44, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_20]"], [45, "mov edx, 0"], [46, "mov esi, 14h"], [47, "mov rdi, rax"], [48, "call rcx"], [49, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [50, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax+38h]"], [51, "mov edx, eax"], [52, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_2]"], [53, "add eax, edx"], [54, "mov edx, eax"], [55, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [56, "mov [rax+38h], dx"], [57, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [58, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax+3Ah]"], [59, "mov edx, eax"], [60, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [61, "add eax, edx"], [62, "mov edx, eax"], [63, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [64, "mov [rax+3Ah], dx"], [65, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_6]"], [66, "add eax, 1"], [67, "mov [rbp+var_6], ax"], [68, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [69, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax+40h]"], [70, "cmp [rbp+var_6], ax"], [71, "jl short loc_40319A"], [72, "mov eax, 1"], [73, "jmp short locret_40320A"], [74, "mov eax, 0"], [75, "leave"], [76, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 3], [6, 5], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 3], [11, 10], [13, 11], [14, 13], [15, 11], [16, 15], [17, 11], [18, 17], [19, 11], [20, 19], [21, 11], [22, 21], [23, 21], [24, 23], [43, 3], [44, 4], [47, 43], [48, 44], [49, 3], [50, 49], [50, 64], [50, 56], [51, 50], [52, 26], [52, 32], [52, 29], [52, 35], [52, 38], [53, 52], [53, 51], [54, 53], [55, 3], [56, 55], [56, 54], [57, 3], [58, 56], [58, 64], [58, 57], [59, 58], [60, 27], [60, 30], [60, 33], [60, 36], [60, 39], [61, 60], [61, 59], [62, 61], [63, 3], [64, 62], [64, 63], [65, 67], [65, 41], [66, 65], [67, 66], [68, 3], [69, 56], [69, 68], [69, 64], [70, 67], [70, 41], [70, 69], [71, 70], [76, 72], [76, 74]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/601bbf0a3c8af2b2ed9b72c83eea51f15b606cb2973e6cbbce20f33cb84f643f_601bbf0a3c8af2b2ed9b72c83eea51f15b606cb2973e6cbbce20f33cb84f643f.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_403100", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_403100(_WORD *a1, void (__fastcall *a2)(_WORD *, __int64, _QWORD))\n{\n__int16 v2; // ax\n__int16 i; // [rsp+1Ah] [rbp-6h]\n__int16 v5; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-4h]\n__int16 v6; // [rsp+1Eh] [rbp-2h]\n\nif ( !(unsigned __int16)sub_402374(a1) )\nreturn 0LL;\nv2 = a1[33];\nif ( v2 == 3 )\n{\nv6 = 0;\nv5 = -1;\n}\nelse\n{\nif ( v2 <= 3 )\n{\nif ( v2 == 2 )\n{\nv6 = -1;\nv5 = 0;\ngoto LABEL_14;\n}\nif ( v2 <= 2 )\n{\nif ( !v2 )\n{\nv6 = 1;\nv5 = 0;\ngoto LABEL_14;\n}\nif ( v2 == 1 )\n{\nv6 = 0;\nv5 = 1;\ngoto LABEL_14;\n}\n}\n}\nv6 = 1;\nv5 = 0;\n}\nLABEL_14:\nfor ( i = 0; i < (__int16)a1[32]; ++i )\n{\na2(a1, 20LL, 0LL);\na1[28] += v6;\na1[29] += v5;\n}\nreturn 1LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,v5,v6,sub_403100,sub_402374,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'ucg', 'a2': 'dev_cb', 'v5': 'dy', 'v6': 'dx_0', 'sub_403100': 'ucg_handle_l90fx', 'sub_402374': 'ucg_clip_l90fx'}"}
void request_read_headers(int fd) { char buf[MAXBUF]; readline_or_die(fd, buf, MAXBUF); while (strcmp(buf, "\r\n")) { readline_or_die(fd, buf, MAXBUF); } return; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4016D2", "function_addr": 4200146, "binary_name": "29cfc40650f9fedf6ed1f97a5b33e69af26386935ec6152d5c5b7d7369813660.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 2020h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_2014], edi"], [4, "lea rcx, [rbp+s1]"], [5, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2014]"], [6, "mov edx, 2000h"], [7, "mov rsi, rcx"], [8, "mov edi, eax"], [9, "call sub_401EF6"], [10, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [11, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [12, "jns short loc_401763"], [13, "mov ecx, offset aRequestReadHea"], [14, "mov edx, 2Eh "], [15, "mov esi, offset aRequestC"], [16, "mov edi, offset aRc0_0"], [17, "call ___assert_fail"], [18, "lea rcx, [rbp+s1]"], [19, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2014]"], [20, "mov edx, 2000h"], [21, "mov rsi, rcx"], [22, "mov edi, eax"], [23, "call sub_401EF6"], [24, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [25, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 0"], [26, "jns short loc_401763"], [27, "mov ecx, offset aRequestReadHea"], [28, "mov edx, 30h "], [29, "mov esi, offset aRequestC"], [30, "mov edi, offset aRc0_0"], [31, "call ___assert_fail"], [32, "lea rax, [rbp+s1]"], [33, "mov esi, offset s2"], [34, "mov rdi, rax"], [35, "call _strcmp"], [36, "test eax, eax"], [37, "jnz short loc_401723"], [38, "nop"], [39, "leave"], [40, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 3], [7, 4], [8, 5], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 11], [18, 4], [18, 18], [19, 3], [21, 18], [22, 19], [24, 23], [25, 24], [26, 25], [32, 9], [32, 23], [34, 32], [36, 35], [37, 36], [40, 36]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/29cfc40650f9fedf6ed1f97a5b33e69af26386935ec6152d5c5b7d7369813660_29cfc40650f9fedf6ed1f97a5b33e69af26386935ec6152d5c5b7d7369813660.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4016D2", "query": "\n\n\nint __fastcall sub_4016D2(unsigned int a1)\n{\nint result; // eax\nchar s1[8192]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-2010h] BYREF\n__int64 v3; // [rsp+2010h] [rbp-10h]\n__int64 v4; // [rsp+2018h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv4 = sub_401EF6(a1, s1, 0x2000LL);\nif ( v4 < 0 )\n__assert_fail(\"rc >= 0\", \"request.c\", 0x2Eu, \"request_read_headers\");\nwhile ( 1 )\n{\nresult = strcmp(s1, \"\\r\\n\");\nif ( !result )\nbreak;\nv3 = sub_401EF6(a1, s1, 0x2000LL);\nif ( v3 < 0 )\n__assert_fail(\"rc >= 0\", \"request.c\", 0x30u, \"request_read_headers\");\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,s1,v3,v4,sub_4016D2,sub_401EF6,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'fd', 's1': 'buf', 'v3': 'rc_0', 'v4': 'rc', 'sub_4016D2': 'request_read_headers', 'sub_401EF6': 'readline'}"}
uint8_t cp_GetFromBoard(uint8_t pos) { return lrc_obj.board[cu_gpos2bpos(pos)]; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_405E5C", "function_addr": 4218460, "binary_name": "afbc915f426c094251076b359394b2f319370d1b13f49ecddb3e0e7ac8910e84.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 8"], [3, "mov eax, edi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_4], al"], [5, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [6, "mov edi, eax"], [7, "call sub_405DEB"], [8, "movzx eax, al"], [9, "cdqe"], [10, "movzx eax, ds:byte_56F7E2[rax]"], [11, "leave"], [12, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [6, 5], [8, 7], [12, 10]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/afbc915f426c094251076b359394b2f319370d1b13f49ecddb3e0e7ac8910e84_afbc915f426c094251076b359394b2f319370d1b13f49ecddb3e0e7ac8910e84.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_405E5C", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_405E5C(char a1)\n{\nreturn (unsigned __int8)byte_56F7E2[(unsigned __int8)sub_405DEB(a1)];\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_405E5C,sub_405DEB,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'pos', 'sub_405E5C': 'cp_GetFromBoard', 'sub_405DEB': 'cu_gpos2bpos'}"}
unsigned long pfirst(const poly_t poly) { /* Returns the index of the first nonzero term in poly. If none * is found, returns the length of poly. * poly must be CLEAN. */ unsigned long idx = 0UL, size = SIZE(poly.length); bmp_t accu = BMP_C(0); /* initialiser for Acorn C */ unsigned int probe = BMP_SUB, ofs = 0; while(idx < size && !(accu = poly.bitmap[idx])) ++idx; if(idx >= size) return(poly.length); while(probe) { #ifndef BMP_POF2 while((ofs | probe) >= (unsigned int) BMP_BIT) probe >>= 1; #endif if(accu >> (ofs | probe)) ofs |= probe; probe >>= 1; } return(BMP_BIT - 1UL - ofs + idx * BMP_BIT); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "pfirst", "function_addr": 4643280, "binary_name": "4a8063503b00e2daa87f12503db0823933ebfcd9010aa37d6cf2d80cb8e76487.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov rax, rdi"], [3, "mov rcx, rsi"], [4, "mov rdx, rcx"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_30], rax"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_28], rdx"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [9, "add rax, 1Fh"], [10, "shr rax, 5"], [11, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [12, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [13, "mov [rbp+var_14], 10h"], [14, "mov [rbp+var_18], 0"], [15, "jmp short loc_46DA1A"], [16, "add [rbp+var_8], 1"], [17, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [18, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [19, "jnb short loc_46DA41"], [20, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_28]"], [21, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [22, "shl rax, 3"], [23, "add rax, rdx"], [24, "mov rax, [rax]"], [25, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [26, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 0"], [27, "jz short loc_46DA15"], [28, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [29, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [30, "jb short loc_46DA71"], [31, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [32, "jmp short loc_46DA89"], [33, "mov eax, [rbp+var_18]"], [34, "or eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [35, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_10]"], [36, "mov ecx, eax"], [37, "shr rdx, cl"], [38, "mov rax, rdx"], [39, "test rax, rax"], [40, "jz short loc_46DA6E"], [41, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [42, "or [rbp+var_18], eax"], [43, "shr [rbp+var_14], 1"], [44, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 0"], [45, "jnz short loc_46DA51"], [46, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [47, "shl rax, 5"], [48, "mov edx, [rbp+var_18]"], [49, "sub rax, rdx"], [50, "add rax, 1Fh"], [51, "pop rbp"], [52, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 2], [6, 4], [8, 5], [9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 10], [16, 7], [16, 16], [17, 7], [17, 16], [18, 17], [18, 11], [19, 18], [20, 6], [21, 16], [21, 7], [22, 21], [23, 22], [23, 20], [24, 23], [25, 24], [26, 25], [27, 26], [28, 7], [28, 16], [29, 28], [29, 11], [30, 29], [31, 5], [33, 42], [33, 14], [34, 13], [34, 43], [34, 33], [35, 25], [35, 12], [36, 34], [37, 36], [37, 35], [38, 37], [39, 38], [40, 39], [41, 43], [41, 13], [42, 42], [42, 14], [42, 41], [43, 43], [43, 13], [44, 13], [44, 43], [45, 44], [46, 7], [46, 16], [47, 46], [48, 42], [48, 14], [49, 47], [49, 48], [50, 49], [51, 0], [52, 31], [52, 50]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/4a8063503b00e2daa87f12503db0823933ebfcd9010aa37d6cf2d80cb8e76487_4a8063503b00e2daa87f12503db0823933ebfcd9010aa37d6cf2d80cb8e76487.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "pfirst", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall pfirst(__int64 a1, __int64 a2)\n{\nunsigned __int64 v3; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-20h]\nunsigned int v4; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-18h]\nunsigned int v5; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-14h]\nunsigned __int64 v6; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-10h]\nunsigned __int64 v7; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv7 = 0LL;\nv3 = (unsigned __int64)(a1 + 31) >> 5;\nv6 = 0LL;\nv5 = 16;\nv4 = 0;\nwhile ( v7 < v3 )\n{\nv6 = *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 8 * v7);\nif ( v6 )\nbreak;\n++v7;\n}\nif ( v7 >= v3 )\nreturn a1;\nwhile ( v5 )\n{\nif ( v6 >> ((unsigned __int8)v5 | (unsigned __int8)v4) )\nv4 |= v5;\nv5 >>= 1;\n}\nreturn 32 * v7 - v4 + 31;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'poly', 'v3': 'size', 'v4': 'ofs', 'v5': 'probe', 'v6': 'accu', 'v7': 'idx'}"}
static void printXOPCC(MCInst *MI, unsigned Op, SStream *O) { int64_t Imm = MCOperand_getImm(MCInst_getOperand(MI, Op)); switch (Imm) { default: // llvm_unreachable("Invalid xopcc argument!"); case 0: SStream_concat0(O, "lt"); op_addXopCC(MI, X86_XOP_CC_LT); break; case 1: SStream_concat0(O, "le"); op_addXopCC(MI, X86_XOP_CC_LE); break; case 2: SStream_concat0(O, "gt"); op_addXopCC(MI, X86_XOP_CC_GT); break; case 3: SStream_concat0(O, "ge"); op_addXopCC(MI, X86_XOP_CC_GE); break; case 4: SStream_concat0(O, "eq"); op_addXopCC(MI, X86_XOP_CC_EQ); break; case 5: SStream_concat0(O, "neq"); op_addXopCC(MI, X86_XOP_CC_NEQ); break; case 6: SStream_concat0(O, "false"); op_addXopCC(MI, X86_XOP_CC_FALSE); break; case 7: SStream_concat0(O, "true"); op_addXopCC(MI, X86_XOP_CC_TRUE); break; } }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_503731", "function_addr": 5257009, "binary_name": "d6f1c4fccbb8fc2066c0c7749389636df7b33c67e152dc8852a86b3a79bd4c3d.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 30h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_1C], esi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_28], rdx"], [6, "mov edx, [rbp+var_1C]"], [7, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [8, "mov esi, edx"], [9, "mov rdi, rax"], [10, "call sub_43801A"], [11, "mov rdi, rax"], [12, "call sub_438146"], [13, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [14, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 7"], [15, "ja short def_50378A"], [16, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [17, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*4]"], [18, "lea rax, jpt_50378A"], [19, "mov eax, ds:(jpt_50378A - 60AB00h)[rdx+rax]"], [20, "cdqe"], [21, "lea rdx, jpt_50378A"], [22, "add rax, rdx"], [23, "jmp rax"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [25, "lea rsi, aLt"], [26, "mov rdi, rax"], [27, "call sub_4046FC"], [28, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [29, "mov esi, 1"], [30, "mov rdi, rax"], [31, "call sub_51203E"], [32, "jmp loc_5038C7"], [33, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [34, "lea rsi, aLe"], [35, "mov rdi, rax"], [36, "call sub_4046FC"], [37, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [38, "mov esi, 2"], [39, "mov rdi, rax"], [40, "call sub_51203E"], [41, "jmp loc_5038C7"], [42, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [43, "lea rsi, aGt"], [44, "mov rdi, rax"], [45, "call sub_4046FC"], [46, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [47, "mov esi, 3"], [48, "mov rdi, rax"], [49, "call sub_51203E"], [50, "jmp loc_5038C7"], [51, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [52, "lea rsi, aGe"], [53, "mov rdi, rax"], [54, "call sub_4046FC"], [55, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [56, "mov esi, 4"], [57, "mov rdi, rax"], [58, "call sub_51203E"], [59, "jmp loc_5038C7"], [60, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [61, "lea rsi, aEq"], [62, "mov rdi, rax"], [63, "call sub_4046FC"], [64, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [65, "mov esi, 5"], [66, "mov rdi, rax"], [67, "call sub_51203E"], [68, "jmp short loc_5038C7"], [69, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [70, "lea rsi, off_60A9BB"], [71, "mov rdi, rax"], [72, "call sub_4046FC"], [73, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [74, "mov esi, 6"], [75, "mov rdi, rax"], [76, "call sub_51203E"], [77, "jmp short loc_5038C7"], [78, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [79, "lea rsi, aFalse"], [80, "mov rdi, rax"], [81, "call sub_4046FC"], [82, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [83, "mov esi, 7"], [84, "mov rdi, rax"], [85, "call sub_51203E"], [86, "jmp short loc_5038C7"], [87, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [88, "lea rsi, aTrue"], [89, "mov rdi, rax"], [90, "call sub_4046FC"], [91, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [92, "mov esi, 8"], [93, "mov rdi, rax"], [94, "call sub_51203E"], [95, "nop"], [96, "nop"], [97, "leave"], [98, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 4], [7, 3], [8, 6], [9, 7], [11, 10], [13, 12], [14, 13], [15, 14], [16, 13], [17, 6], [18, 16], [21, 17], [22, 19], [22, 21], [23, 22], [24, 5], [25, 8], [26, 24], [28, 3], [30, 28], [33, 5], [34, 8], [35, 33], [37, 3], [39, 37], [42, 5], [43, 8], [44, 42], [46, 3], [48, 46], [51, 5], [52, 8], [53, 51], [55, 3], [57, 55], [60, 5], [61, 8], [62, 60], [64, 3], [66, 64], [69, 5], [70, 8], [71, 69], [73, 3], [75, 73], [78, 5], [79, 8], [80, 78], [82, 3], [84, 82], [87, 5], [88, 8], [89, 87], [91, 3], [93, 91], [98, 31], [98, 40], [98, 49], [98, 58], [98, 67], [98, 76], [98, 85], [98, 94]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/d6f1c4fccbb8fc2066c0c7749389636df7b33c67e152dc8852a86b3a79bd4c3d_d6f1c4fccbb8fc2066c0c7749389636df7b33c67e152dc8852a86b3a79bd4c3d.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_503731", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_503731(__int64 a1, unsigned int a2, __int64 a3)\n{\n__int64 v3; // rax\n__int64 result; // rax\n\nv3 = sub_43801A(a1, a2);\nswitch ( sub_438146(v3) )\n{\ncase 1LL:\nsub_4046FC(a3, \"le\");\nresult = sub_51203E(a1, 2LL);\nbreak;\ncase 2LL:\nsub_4046FC(a3, \"gt\");\nresult = sub_51203E(a1, 3LL);\nbreak;\ncase 3LL:\nsub_4046FC(a3, \"ge\");\nresult = sub_51203E(a1, 4LL);\nbreak;\ncase 4LL:\nsub_4046FC(a3, \"eq\");\nresult = sub_51203E(a1, 5LL);\nbreak;\ncase 5LL:\nsub_4046FC(a3, (const char *)&off_60A9BB);\nresult = sub_51203E(a1, 6LL);\nbreak;\ncase 6LL:\nsub_4046FC(a3, \"false\");\nresult = sub_51203E(a1, 7LL);\nbreak;\ncase 7LL:\nsub_4046FC(a3, \"true\");\nresult = sub_51203E(a1, 8LL);\nbreak;\ndefault:\nsub_4046FC(a3, \"lt\");\nresult = sub_51203E(a1, 1LL);\nbreak;\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,sub_503731,sub_43801A,sub_438146,sub_4046FC,sub_51203E,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'O', 'a1': 'MI', 'a2': 'Op', 'sub_503731': 'printXOPCC', 'sub_43801A': 'MCInst_getOperand', 'sub_438146': 'MCOperand_getImm', 'sub_4046FC': 'SStream_concat0', 'sub_51203E': 'op_addXopCC'}"}
int sim_addr_acl_check (const char *validate_addr, const char *acl) { int status = -1; int done = 0; struct addrinfo *ai_validate; unsigned long bits = 0; const char *c; char *c1, v_cpy[256]; if (validate_addr == NULL) return status; c = strchr (validate_addr, '/'); if (c != NULL) { bits = strtoul (c + 1, &c1, 10); if ((bits == 0) || (bits > 128) || (*c1 != '\0')) return status; if ((c - validate_addr) > sizeof (v_cpy) - 1) return status; memcpy (v_cpy, validate_addr, c - validate_addr); /* Copy everything before the / */ v_cpy[1 + c - validate_addr] = '\0'; /* NUL terminate the result */ validate_addr = v_cpy; /* Use the original string minus the prefix specifier */ } if (p_getaddrinfo(validate_addr, NULL, NULL, &ai_validate)) return status; if (acl == NULL) { /* Just checking validate_addr syntax? */ status = 0; if ((ai_validate->ai_family == AF_INET) && (bits > 32)) status = -1; p_freeaddrinfo (ai_validate); return status; } status = -1; while ((*acl != '\0') && !done) { struct addrinfo *ai_rule, *ai, *aiv; int permit; unsigned long bits = 0; const char *cc; char *c,*c1, rule[260]; permit = (*acl == '+'); cc = strchr (acl, ','); if (cc != NULL) { if ((cc - acl) > sizeof (rule)) break; /* Too big - error */ memcpy (rule, acl + 1, cc - (acl + 1)); rule[cc - (acl + 1)] = '\0'; } else { if (strlen (acl) >= sizeof (rule)) break; /* Too big - error */ strcpy (rule, acl + 1); } acl += strlen (rule) + 1 + (cc != NULL); c = strchr (rule, '/'); if (c != NULL) { bits = strtoul (c + 1, &c1, 10); if ((bits == 0) || (bits > 128) || (*c1 != '\0')) break; *c = '\0'; } if (p_getaddrinfo(rule, NULL, NULL, &ai_rule)) break; for (ai = ai_rule; (ai != NULL) && (done == 0); ai = ai->ai_next) { for (aiv = ai_validate; aiv != NULL; aiv = aiv->ai_next) { if ((ai->ai_addrlen == aiv->ai_addrlen) && (ai->ai_family == aiv->ai_family)) { unsigned int bit, addr_bits; unsigned char *da, *dav; if (ai->ai_family == AF_INET) { da = (unsigned char *)&((struct sockaddr_in *)ai->ai_addr)->sin_addr; dav = (unsigned char *)&((struct sockaddr_in *)aiv->ai_addr)->sin_addr; addr_bits = 32; } #if !defined(AF_INET6) else { done = 1; break; } #else else { if (ai->ai_family == AF_INET6) { da = (unsigned char *)&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)ai->ai_addr)->sin6_addr; dav = (unsigned char *)&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)aiv->ai_addr)->sin6_addr; addr_bits = 128; } else { done = 1; break; } } #endif if (bits == 0) /* Bits not specified? */ bits = addr_bits; /* Use them all */ for (bit=0; (bit < bits) && (bit < addr_bits); bit++) { unsigned int bitmask = 1 << (7 - (bit & 7)); if ((da[bit>>3] & bitmask) != (dav[bit>>3] & bitmask)) break; } if (bit == bits) { /* All desired bits matched? */ done = 1; status = permit ? 0 : -1; break; } } } } p_freeaddrinfo (ai_rule); } p_freeaddrinfo (ai_validate); return status; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_45BD07", "function_addr": 4570375, "binary_name": "f5f55431a8be04d049221013e4b7a1767d2084367d904e420b352ad44425444d.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 2B0h"], [3, "mov [rbp+s], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_2B0], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [8, "cmp [rbp+s], 0"], [9, "jnz short loc_45BD48"], [10, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [11, "jmp locret_45C214"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+s]"], [13, "mov esi, 2Fh "], [14, "mov rdi, rax"], [15, "call _strchr"], [16, "mov [rbp+var_48], rax"], [17, "cmp [rbp+var_48], 0"], [18, "jz loc_45BE16"], [19, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [20, "lea rcx, [rax+1]"], [21, "lea rax, [rbp+endptr]"], [22, "mov edx, 0Ah"], [23, "mov rsi, rax"], [24, "mov rdi, rcx"], [25, "call _strtoul"], [26, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [27, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 0"], [28, "jz short loc_45BDA7"], [29, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 80h"], [30, "ja short loc_45BDA7"], [31, "mov rax, [rbp+endptr]"], [32, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [33, "test al, al"], [34, "jz short loc_45BDAF"], [35, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [36, "jmp locret_45C214"], [37, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [38, "sub rax, [rbp+s]"], [39, "cmp rax, 0FFh"], [40, "jbe short loc_45BDCA"], [41, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [42, "jmp locret_45C214"], [43, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [44, "sub rax, [rbp+s]"], [45, "mov rdx, rax"], [46, "mov rcx, [rbp+s]"], [47, "lea rax, [rbp+dest]"], [48, "mov rsi, rcx"], [49, "mov rdi, rax"], [50, "call _memcpy"], [51, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [52, "add rax, 1"], [53, "sub rax, [rbp+s]"], [54, "mov [rbp+rax+dest], 0"], [55, "lea rax, [rbp+dest]"], [56, "mov [rbp+s], rax"], [57, "mov r8, cs:qword_520A68"], [58, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_70]"], [59, "mov rax, [rbp+s]"], [60, "mov rcx, rdx"], [61, "mov edx, 0"], [62, "mov esi, 0"], [63, "mov rdi, rax"], [64, "call r8 "], [65, "test eax, eax"], [66, "jz short loc_45BE47"], [67, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [68, "jmp locret_45C214"], [69, "cmp [rbp+var_2B0], 0"], [70, "jnz short loc_45BE8A"], [71, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [72, "mov rax, [rbp+var_70]"], [73, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [74, "cmp eax, 2"], [75, "jnz short loc_45BE72"], [76, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 20h "], [77, "jbe short loc_45BE72"], [78, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [79, "mov rdx, cs:qword_520A60"], [80, "mov rax, [rbp+var_70]"], [81, "mov rdi, rax"], [82, "call rdx "], [83, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [84, "jmp locret_45C214"], [85, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [86, "jmp loc_45C1E0"], [87, "mov [rbp+var_28], 0"], [88, "mov rax, [rbp+var_2B0]"], [89, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [90, "cmp al, 2Bh "], [91, "setz al"], [92, "movzx eax, al"], [93, "mov [rbp+var_4C], eax"], [94, "mov rax, [rbp+var_2B0]"], [95, "mov esi, 2Ch "], [96, "mov rdi, rax"], [97, "call _strchr"], [98, "mov [rbp+var_58], rax"], [99, "cmp [rbp+var_58], 0"], [100, "jz short loc_45BF37"], [101, "mov rax, [rbp+var_58]"], [102, "sub rax, [rbp+var_2B0]"], [103, "cmp rax, 104h"], [104, "ja loc_45C1FA"], [105, "mov rax, [rbp+var_2B0]"], [106, "lea rdx, [rax+1]"], [107, "mov rax, [rbp+var_58]"], [108, "sub rax, rdx"], [109, "mov rdx, rax"], [110, "mov rax, [rbp+var_2B0]"], [111, "lea rcx, [rax+1]"], [112, "lea rax, [rbp+var_2A0]"], [113, "mov rsi, rcx"], [114, "mov rdi, rax"], [115, "call _memcpy"], [116, "mov rax, [rbp+var_2B0]"], [117, "lea rdx, [rax+1]"], [118, "mov rax, [rbp+var_58]"], [119, "sub rax, rdx"], [120, "mov [rbp+rax+var_2A0], 0"], [121, "jmp short loc_45BF6F"], [122, "mov rax, [rbp+var_2B0]"], [123, "mov rdi, rax"], [124, "call _strlen"], [125, "cmp rax, 103h"], [126, "ja loc_45C1FD"], [127, "mov rax, [rbp+var_2B0]"], [128, "lea rdx, [rax+1]"], [129, "lea rax, [rbp+var_2A0]"], [130, "mov rsi, rdx"], [131, "mov rdi, rax"], [132, "call _strcpy"], [133, "lea rax, [rbp+var_2A0]"], [134, "mov rdi, rax"], [135, "call _strlen"], [136, "mov rdx, rax"], [137, "cmp [rbp+var_58], 0"], [138, "setnz al"], [139, "movzx eax, al"], [140, "add rax, rdx"], [141, "add rax, 1"], [142, "add [rbp+var_2B0], rax"], [143, "lea rax, [rbp+var_2A0]"], [144, "mov esi, 2Fh "], [145, "mov rdi, rax"], [146, "call _strchr"], [147, "mov [rbp+var_60], rax"], [148, "cmp [rbp+var_60], 0"], [149, "jz short loc_45C00E"], [150, "mov rax, [rbp+var_60]"], [151, "lea rcx, [rax+1]"], [152, "lea rax, [rbp+var_190]"], [153, "mov edx, 0Ah"], [154, "mov rsi, rax"], [155, "mov rdi, rcx"], [156, "call _strtoul"], [157, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [158, "cmp [rbp+var_28], 0"], [159, "jz loc_45C1FA"], [160, "cmp [rbp+var_28], 80h"], [161, "ja loc_45C1FA"], [162, "mov rax, [rbp+var_190]"], [163, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [164, "test al, al"], [165, "jnz loc_45C1FA"], [166, "mov rax, [rbp+var_60]"], [167, "mov byte ptr [rax], 0"], [168, "mov r8, cs:qword_520A68"], [169, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_188]"], [170, "lea rax, [rbp+var_2A0]"], [171, "mov rcx, rdx"], [172, "mov edx, 0"], [173, "mov esi, 0"], [174, "mov rdi, rax"], [175, "call r8 "], [176, "test eax, eax"], [177, "jnz loc_45C200"], [178, "mov rax, [rbp+var_188]"], [179, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [180, "jmp loc_45C1BC"], [181, "mov rax, [rbp+var_70]"], [182, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [183, "jmp loc_45C1A5"], [184, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [185, "mov edx, [rax+10h]"], [186, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [187, "mov eax, [rax+10h]"], [188, "cmp edx, eax"], [189, "jnz loc_45C199"], [190, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [191, "mov edx, [rax+4]"], [192, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [193, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [194, "cmp edx, eax"], [195, "jnz loc_45C199"], [196, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [197, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [198, "cmp eax, 2"], [199, "jnz short loc_45C0BC"], [200, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [201, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [202, "add rax, 4"], [203, "mov [rbp+var_38], rax"], [204, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [205, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [206, "add rax, 4"], [207, "mov [rbp+var_40], rax"], [208, "mov [rbp+var_30], 20h "], [209, "jmp short loc_45C0FD"], [210, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [211, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [212, "cmp eax, 0Ah"], [213, "jnz short loc_45C0F1"], [214, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [215, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [216, "add rax, 8"], [217, "mov [rbp+var_38], rax"], [218, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [219, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [220, "add rax, 8"], [221, "mov [rbp+var_40], rax"], [222, "mov [rbp+var_30], 80h"], [223, "jmp short loc_45C0FD"], [224, "mov [rbp+var_8], 1"], [225, "jmp loc_45C1B0"], [226, "cmp [rbp+var_28], 0"], [227, "jnz short loc_45C10B"], [228, "mov eax, [rbp+var_30]"], [229, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [230, "mov [rbp+var_2C], 0"], [231, "jmp short loc_45C15E"], [232, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2C]"], [233, "not eax"], [234, "and eax, 7"], [235, "mov edx, 1"], [236, "mov ecx, eax"], [237, "shl edx, cl"], [238, "mov eax, edx"], [239, "mov [rbp+var_64], eax"], [240, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2C]"], [241, "shr eax, 3"], [242, "mov edx, eax"], [243, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [244, "add rax, rdx"], [245, "movzx edx, byte ptr [rax]"], [246, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2C]"], [247, "shr eax, 3"], [248, "mov ecx, eax"], [249, "mov rax, [rbp+var_40]"], [250, "add rax, rcx"], [251, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [252, "xor eax, edx"], [253, "movzx eax, al"], [254, "and eax, [rbp+var_64]"], [255, "test eax, eax"], [256, "jnz short loc_45C171"], [257, "add [rbp+var_2C], 1"], [258, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2C]"], [259, "cmp [rbp+var_28], rax"], [260, "jbe short loc_45C172"], [261, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2C]"], [262, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_30]"], [263, "jb short loc_45C114"], [264, "jmp short loc_45C172"], [265, "nop"], [266, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2C]"], [267, "cmp [rbp+var_28], rax"], [268, "jnz short loc_45C199"], [269, "mov [rbp+var_8], 1"], [270, "cmp [rbp+var_4C], 0"], [271, "jz short loc_45C18F"], [272, "mov eax, 0"], [273, "jmp short loc_45C194"], [274, "mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [275, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [276, "jmp short loc_45C1B0"], [277, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [278, "mov rax, [rax+28h]"], [279, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [280, "cmp [rbp+var_20], 0"], [281, "jnz loc_45C05B"], [282, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [283, "mov rax, [rax+28h]"], [284, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [285, "cmp [rbp+var_18], 0"], [286, "jz short loc_45C1CD"], [287, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [288, "jz loc_45C04E"], [289, "mov rdx, cs:qword_520A60"], [290, "mov rax, [rbp+var_188]"], [291, "mov rdi, rax"], [292, "call rdx "], [293, "mov rax, [rbp+var_2B0]"], [294, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [295, "test al, al"], [296, "jz short loc_45C201"], [297, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [298, "jz loc_45BE96"], [299, "jmp short loc_45C201"], [300, "nop"], [301, "jmp short loc_45C201"], [302, "nop"], [303, "jmp short loc_45C201"], [304, "nop"], [305, "mov rdx, cs:qword_520A60"], [306, "mov rax, [rbp+var_70]"], [307, "mov rdi, rax"], [308, "call rdx "], [309, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [310, "leave"], [311, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[8, 3], [9, 8], [10, 5], [12, 3], [14, 12], [16, 15], [17, 16], [18, 17], [19, 16], [20, 19], [21, 19], [23, 21], [24, 20], [26, 25], [27, 26], [28, 27], [29, 26], [30, 29], [32, 31], [33, 32], [34, 33], [35, 5], [37, 16], [38, 3], [38, 37], [39, 38], [40, 39], [41, 5], [43, 16], [44, 3], [44, 43], [45, 44], [46, 3], [47, 44], [48, 46], [49, 47], [51, 16], [52, 51], [53, 52], [53, 3], [54, 53], [55, 53], [56, 55], [58, 45], [59, 3], [59, 56], [60, 58], [63, 59], [64, 57], [65, 64], [66, 65], [67, 5], [69, 4], [70, 69], [73, 72], [74, 73], [75, 74], [76, 26], [76, 7], [77, 76], [81, 80], [82, 79], [83, 71], [83, 78], [88, 4], [88, 142], [89, 167], [89, 88], [90, 89], [91, 90], [91, 89], [92, 91], [93, 92], [94, 142], [94, 4], [96, 94], [98, 97], [99, 98], [100, 99], [101, 98], [102, 4], [102, 101], [102, 142], [103, 102], [104, 103], [105, 142], [105, 4], [106, 105], [106, 61], [106, 289], [106, 167], [107, 98], [108, 107], [108, 106], [109, 108], [110, 4], [110, 142], [111, 110], [111, 171], [111, 248], [111, 60], [111, 167], [112, 110], [113, 111], [114, 112], [116, 142], [116, 4], [117, 167], [117, 116], [117, 109], [118, 98], [119, 118], [119, 117], [120, 119], [122, 142], [122, 4], [123, 122], [125, 124], [126, 125], [127, 142], [127, 4], [128, 167], [128, 127], [128, 61], [128, 289], [129, 127], [130, 128], [131, 129], [133, 119], [133, 132], [134, 133], [136, 135], [137, 98], [138, 137], [138, 135], [139, 138], [140, 136], [140, 139], [141, 140], [142, 4], [142, 142], [142, 141], [143, 141], [145, 143], [147, 146], [148, 147], [149, 148], [150, 147], [151, 150], [151, 248], [151, 60], [151, 167], [151, 171], [151, 111], [152, 150], [154, 152], [155, 151], [157, 156], [158, 157], [159, 158], [160, 157], [161, 160], [163, 167], [163, 162], [164, 163], [165, 164], [166, 147], [167, 166], [169, 153], [169, 136], [170, 146], [170, 166], [171, 169], [174, 170], [175, 168], [176, 175], [177, 176], [179, 178], [182, 181], [184, 179], [184, 284], [185, 184], [185, 167], [186, 279], [186, 182], [187, 186], [187, 167], [188, 187], [188, 185], [189, 188], [190, 179], [190, 284], [191, 190], [191, 167], [192, 182], [192, 279], [193, 192], [193, 167], [194, 191], [194, 193], [195, 194], [196, 284], [196, 179], [197, 196], [197, 167], [198, 197], [199, 198], [200, 179], [200, 284], [201, 200], [201, 167], [202, 201], [203, 202], [204, 279], [204, 182], [205, 204], [205, 167], [206, 205], [207, 206], [210, 179], [210, 284], [211, 210], [211, 167], [212, 211], [213, 212], [214, 179], [214, 284], [215, 167], [215, 214], [216, 215], [217, 216], [218, 182], [218, 279], [219, 218], [219, 167], [220, 219], [221, 220], [226, 157], [226, 87], [226, 229], [227, 226], [228, 222], [228, 208], [229, 228], [232, 230], [232, 257], [233, 232], [234, 233], [236, 234], [237, 236], [237, 235], [238, 237], [239, 238], [240, 230], [240, 257], [241, 240], [242, 241], [243, 217], [243, 203], [244, 243], [244, 242], [245, 167], [245, 244], [246, 257], [246, 230], [247, 246], [248, 247], [249, 221], [249, 207], [250, 249], [250, 248], [251, 167], [251, 250], [252, 251], [252, 245], [253, 252], [254, 253], [254, 239], [255, 254], [256, 255], [257, 257], [257, 230], [258, 230], [258, 257], [259, 229], [259, 87], [259, 157], [259, 258], [260, 259], [261, 230], [261, 257], [262, 261], [262, 208], [262, 222], [263, 262], [266, 230], [266, 257], [267, 157], [267, 87], [267, 266], [267, 229], [268, 267], [270, 93], [271, 270], [275, 272], [275, 274], [277, 182], [277, 279], [278, 167], [278, 277], [279, 278], [280, 182], [280, 279], [281, 280], [282, 179], [282, 284], [283, 167], [283, 282], [284, 283], [285, 284], [285, 179], [286, 285], [287, 6], [287, 224], [287, 269], [288, 287], [291, 290], [292, 289], [293, 4], [293, 142], [294, 293], [294, 167], [295, 294], [296, 295], [297, 224], [297, 269], [297, 6], [298, 297], [307, 306], [308, 305], [309, 85], [309, 275], [311, 10], [311, 83], [311, 41], [311, 35], [311, 309], [311, 67]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/f5f55431a8be04d049221013e4b7a1767d2084367d904e420b352ad44425444d_f5f55431a8be04d049221013e4b7a1767d2084367d904e420b352ad44425444d.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_45BD07", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_45BD07(char *a1, char *a2)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\nsize_t v3; // rax\nunsigned int v4; // eax\nchar *v5; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-2B0h]\nchar *s; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-2A8h]\nchar v7[272]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-2A0h] BYREF\nchar *v8; // [rsp+120h] [rbp-190h] BYREF\n__int64 v9; // [rsp+128h] [rbp-188h] BYREF\nchar dest[264]; // [rsp+130h] [rbp-180h] BYREF\nchar *endptr; // [rsp+238h] [rbp-78h] BYREF\n__int64 v12; // [rsp+240h] [rbp-70h] BYREF\nint v13; // [rsp+24Ch] [rbp-64h]\nchar *v14; // [rsp+250h] [rbp-60h]\nchar *v15; // [rsp+258h] [rbp-58h]\n_BOOL4 v16; // [rsp+264h] [rbp-4Ch]\nchar *v17; // [rsp+268h] [rbp-48h]\n__int64 v18; // [rsp+270h] [rbp-40h]\n__int64 v19; // [rsp+278h] [rbp-38h]\nunsigned int v20; // [rsp+280h] [rbp-30h]\nunsigned int k; // [rsp+284h] [rbp-2Ch]\nunsigned __int64 v22; // [rsp+288h] [rbp-28h]\n__int64 j; // [rsp+290h] [rbp-20h]\n__int64 i; // [rsp+298h] [rbp-18h]\nunsigned __int64 v25; // [rsp+2A0h] [rbp-10h]\nint v26; // [rsp+2A8h] [rbp-8h]\nunsigned int v27; // [rsp+2ACh] [rbp-4h]\n\ns = a1;\nv5 = a2;\nv27 = -1;\nv26 = 0;\nv25 = 0LL;\nif ( !a1 )\nreturn v27;\nv17 = strchr(s, 47);\nif ( v17 )\n{\nv25 = strtoul(v17 + 1, &endptr, 10);\nif ( !v25 || v25 > 0x80 || *endptr )\nreturn v27;\nif ( (unsigned __int64)(v17 - s) > 0xFF )\nreturn v27;\nmemcpy(dest, s, v17 - s);\ndest[v17 + 1 - s] = 0;\ns = dest;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)qword_520A68(s, 0LL, 0LL, &v12) )\nreturn v27;\nif ( a2 )\n{\nv27 = -1;\nwhile ( *v5 && !v26 )\n{\nv22 = 0LL;\nv16 = *v5 == 43;\nv15 = strchr(v5, 44);\nif ( v15 )\n{\nif ( (unsigned __int64)(v15 - v5) > 0x104 )\nbreak;\nmemcpy(v7, v5 + 1, v15 - (v5 + 1));\nv7[v15 - (v5 + 1)] = 0;\n}\nelse\n{\nif ( strlen(v5) > 0x103 )\nbreak;\nstrcpy(v7, v5 + 1);\n}\nv3 = strlen(v7);\nv5 += v3 + (v15 != 0LL) + 1;\nv14 = strchr(v7, 47);\nif ( v14 )\n{\nv22 = strtoul(v14 + 1, &v8, 10);\nif ( !v22 || v22 > 0x80 || *v8 )\nbreak;\n*v14 = 0;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)qword_520A68(v7, 0LL, 0LL, &v9) )\nbreak;\nfor ( i = v9; i && !v26; i = *(_QWORD *)(i + 40) )\n{\nfor ( j = v12; j; j = *(_QWORD *)(j + 40) )\n{\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(i + 16) == *(_DWORD *)(j + 16) && *(_DWORD *)(i + 4) == *(_DWORD *)(j + 4) )\n{\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(i + 4) == 2 )\n{\nv19 = *(_QWORD *)(i + 24) + 4LL;\nv18 = *(_QWORD *)(j + 24) + 4LL;\nv20 = 32;\n}\nelse\n{\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(i + 4) != 10 )\n{\nv26 = 1;\nbreak;\n}\nv19 = *(_QWORD *)(i + 24) + 8LL;\nv18 = *(_QWORD *)(j + 24) + 8LL;\nv20 = 128;\n}\nif ( !v22 )\nv22 = v20;\nfor ( k = 0; v22 > k; ++k )\n{\nif ( k >= v20 )\nbreak;\nv13 = 1 << (~(_BYTE)k & 7);\nif ( ((unsigned __int8)v13 & (unsigned __int8)(*(_BYTE *)((k >> 3) + v19) ^ *(_BYTE *)((k >> 3) + v18))) != 0 )\nbreak;\n}\nif ( v22 == k )\n{\nv26 = 1;\nif ( v16 )\nv4 = 0;\nelse\nv4 = -1;\nv27 = v4;\nbreak;\n}\n}\n}\n}\nqword_520A60(v9);\n}\nqword_520A60(v12);\nresult = v27;\n}\nelse\n{\nv27 = 0;\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(v12 + 4) == 2 && v25 > 0x20 )\nv27 = -1;\nqword_520A60(v12);\nresult = v27;\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,v5,s,v7,v8,v9,dest,endptr,v12,v13,v14,v15,v16,v17,v18,v19,v20,k,v22,j,i,v25,v26,v27,sub_45BD07,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'validate_addr', 'a2': 'acl', 'v5': 'acla', 's': 'validate_addra', 'v7': 'rule', 'v8': 'c1_0', 'v9': 'ai_rule', 'dest': 'v_cpy', 'endptr': 'c1', 'v12': 'ai_validate', 'v13': 'bitmask', 'v14': 'c_0', 'v15': 'cc', 'v16': 'permit', 'v17': 'c', 'v18': 'dav', 'v19': 'da', 'v20': 'addr_bits', 'k': 'bit', 'v22': 'bits_0', 'j': 'aiv', 'i': 'ai', 'v25': 'bits', 'v26': 'done', 'v27': 'status', 'sub_45BD07': 'sim_addr_acl_check'}"}
void hci_dump_setup_header_bluez(uint8_t * buffer, uint32_t tv_sec, uint32_t tv_us, uint8_t packet_type, uint8_t in, uint16_t len){ little_endian_store_16( buffer, 0u, 1u + len); buffer[2] = in; buffer[3] = 0; little_endian_store_32( buffer, 4, tv_sec); little_endian_store_32( buffer, 8, tv_us); buffer[12] = packet_type; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_419805", "function_addr": 4298757, "binary_name": "9b77144fc462e220c73de576c69ed0fe3d0a9aae6d065dbec16cb7a57190910d.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_C], esi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_10], edx"], [6, "mov edx, ecx"], [7, "mov ecx, r8d"], [8, "mov eax, r9d"], [9, "mov [rbp+var_14], dl"], [10, "mov edx, ecx"], [11, "mov [rbp+var_18], dl"], [12, "mov [rbp+var_1C], ax"], [13, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_1C]"], [14, "add eax, 1"], [15, "movzx edx, ax"], [16, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [17, "mov esi, 0"], [18, "mov rdi, rax"], [19, "call sub_40AD28"], [20, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [21, "lea rdx, [rax+2]"], [22, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_18]"], [23, "mov [rdx], al"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [25, "add rax, 3"], [26, "mov byte ptr [rax], 0"], [27, "mov edx, [rbp+var_C]"], [28, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [29, "mov esi, 4"], [30, "mov rdi, rax"], [31, "call sub_40ADEF"], [32, "mov edx, [rbp+var_10]"], [33, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [34, "mov esi, 8"], [35, "mov rdi, rax"], [36, "call sub_40ADEF"], [37, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [38, "lea rdx, [rax+0Ch]"], [39, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [40, "mov [rdx], al"], [41, "nop"], [42, "leave"], [43, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[9, 6], [10, 7], [11, 10], [12, 8], [13, 12], [14, 13], [15, 14], [16, 3], [18, 16], [20, 3], [21, 15], [21, 20], [22, 11], [23, 22], [23, 21], [24, 3], [25, 24], [26, 25], [27, 4], [28, 3], [30, 28], [32, 5], [33, 3], [35, 33], [37, 3], [38, 26], [38, 32], [38, 37], [39, 9], [40, 38], [40, 39], [43, 39]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/9b77144fc462e220c73de576c69ed0fe3d0a9aae6d065dbec16cb7a57190910d_9b77144fc462e220c73de576c69ed0fe3d0a9aae6d065dbec16cb7a57190910d.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_419805", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_419805(_BYTE *a1, int a2, int a3, unsigned __int8 a4, char a5, __int16 a6)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n\nsub_40AD28((__int64)a1, 0, a6 + 1);\na1[2] = a5;\na1[3] = 0;\nsub_40ADEF((__int64)a1, 4u, a2);\nsub_40ADEF((__int64)a1, 8u, a3);\nresult = a4;\na1[12] = a4;\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,a5,a6,sub_419805,sub_40AD28,sub_40ADEF,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'tv_us', 'a4': 'packet_type', 'a1': 'buffer', 'a2': 'tv_sec', 'a5': 'in', 'a6': 'len', 'sub_419805': 'hci_dump_setup_header_bluez', 'sub_40AD28': 'little_endian_store_16', 'sub_40ADEF': 'little_endian_store_32'}"}
void message_bar_encode_repeated_inner( struct pbtools_encoder_t *encoder_p, int field_number, struct message_bar_repeated_t *repeated_p) { pbtools_encode_repeated_inner( encoder_p, field_number, (struct pbtools_repeated_message_t *)repeated_p, sizeof(struct message_bar_t), (pbtools_message_encode_inner_t)message_bar_encode_inner); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4338D2", "function_addr": 4405458, "binary_name": "c0889e43b9fb99e0a15d5a45e58572120bf2a06ee20b165810a3d68c382cd705.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_C], esi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdx"], [6, "mov rax, cs:qword_4EEBC0"], [7, "add rax, 1"], [8, "mov cs:qword_4EEBC0, rax"], [9, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [10, "mov esi, [rbp+var_C]"], [11, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [12, "mov r8d, offset sub_4335FD"], [13, "mov ecx, 10h"], [14, "mov rdi, rax"], [15, "call sub_415FFD"], [16, "mov rax, cs:qword_4EEBC8"], [17, "add rax, 1"], [18, "mov cs:qword_4EEBC8, rax"], [19, "nop"], [20, "leave"], [21, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[7, 6], [8, 7], [9, 5], [10, 4], [11, 3], [14, 11], [17, 16], [18, 17], [21, 17]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/c0889e43b9fb99e0a15d5a45e58572120bf2a06ee20b165810a3d68c382cd705_c0889e43b9fb99e0a15d5a45e58572120bf2a06ee20b165810a3d68c382cd705.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4338D2", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_4338D2(unsigned __int64 a1, int a2, unsigned __int64 a3)\n{\n++qword_4EEBC0;\nsub_415FFD(a1, a2, a3, 16LL, (void (__fastcall *)(unsigned __int64, __int64))sub_4335FD);\nreturn ++qword_4EEBC8;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,sub_4338D2,sub_415FFD,sub_4335FD,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'repeated_p', 'a1': 'encoder_p', 'a2': 'field_number', 'sub_4338D2': 'message_bar_encode_repeated_inner', 'sub_415FFD': 'pbtools_encode_repeated_inner', 'sub_4335FD': 'message_bar_encode_inner'}"}
static int math_random (lua_State *L) { lua_Integer low, up; lua_Unsigned p; RanState *state = (RanState *)lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)); Rand64 rv = nextrand(state->s); /* next pseudo-random value */ switch (lua_gettop(L)) { /* check number of arguments */ case 0: { /* no arguments */ lua_pushnumber(L, I2d(rv)); /* float between 0 and 1 */ return 1; } case 1: { /* only upper limit */ low = 1; up = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1); if (up == 0) { /* single 0 as argument? */ lua_pushinteger(L, I2UInt(rv)); /* full random integer */ return 1; } break; } case 2: { /* lower and upper limits */ low = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1); up = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2); break; } default: return luaL_error(L, "wrong number of arguments"); } /* random integer in the interval [low, up] */ luaL_argcheck(L, low <= up, 1, "interval is empty"); /* project random integer into the interval [0, up - low] */ p = project(I2UInt(rv), (lua_Unsigned)up - (lua_Unsigned)low, state); lua_pushinteger(L, p + (lua_Unsigned)low); return 1; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4364C5", "function_addr": 4416709, "binary_name": "38bb5bcc430e0fa7d34733714ee56efeac7c173483e07cba4dab1c923e34ac41.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 40h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_38], rdi"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [5, "mov esi, 0FFF0B9D7h"], [6, "mov rdi, rax"], [7, "call lua_touserdata"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [10, "mov rdi, rax"], [11, "call sub_4362F4"], [12, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [13, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [14, "mov rdi, rax"], [15, "call lua_gettop"], [16, "cmp eax, 2"], [17, "jz loc_43658F"], [18, "cmp eax, 2"], [19, "jg loc_4365BB"], [20, "test eax, eax"], [21, "jz short loc_436522"], [22, "cmp eax, 1"], [23, "jz short loc_43654E"], [24, "jmp loc_4365BB"], [25, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [26, "mov rdi, rax"], [27, "call sub_4363CC"], [28, "movq rax, xmm0"], [29, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_38]"], [30, "movq xmm0, rax"], [31, "mov rdi, rdx"], [32, "call lua_pushnumber"], [33, "mov eax, 1"], [34, "jmp locret_436647"], [35, "mov [rbp+var_8], 1"], [36, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [37, "mov esi, 1"], [38, "mov rdi, rax"], [39, "call luaL_checkinteger"], [40, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [41, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 0"], [42, "jnz short loc_4365D3"], [43, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_20]"], [44, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [45, "mov rsi, rdx"], [46, "mov rdi, rax"], [47, "call lua_pushinteger"], [48, "mov eax, 1"], [49, "jmp locret_436647"], [50, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [51, "mov esi, 1"], [52, "mov rdi, rax"], [53, "call luaL_checkinteger"], [54, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [55, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [56, "mov esi, 2"], [57, "mov rdi, rax"], [58, "call luaL_checkinteger"], [59, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [60, "jmp short loc_4365D4"], [61, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [62, "mov esi, offset aWrongNumberOfA"], [63, "mov rdi, rax"], [64, "mov eax, 0"], [65, "call luaL_error"], [66, "jmp short locret_436647"], [67, "nop"], [68, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [69, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [70, "setle al"], [71, "movzx eax, al"], [72, "test rax, rax"], [73, "jnz short loc_4365FF"], [74, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [75, "mov edx, offset aIntervalIsEmpt"], [76, "mov esi, 1"], [77, "mov rdi, rax"], [78, "call luaL_argerror"], [79, "test eax, eax"], [80, "nop"], [81, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [82, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [83, "sub rax, rdx"], [84, "mov rcx, rax"], [85, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [86, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [87, "mov rsi, rcx"], [88, "mov rdi, rax"], [89, "call sub_43641D"], [90, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [91, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [92, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [93, "add rax, rdx"], [94, "mov rdx, rax"], [95, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [96, "mov rsi, rdx"], [97, "mov rdi, rax"], [98, "call lua_pushinteger"], [99, "mov eax, 1"], [100, "leave"], [101, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [6, 4], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 9], [12, 11], [13, 3], [14, 13], [16, 15], [17, 16], [18, 15], [19, 18], [20, 15], [21, 20], [22, 20], [23, 22], [25, 12], [26, 25], [29, 3], [30, 28], [31, 29], [36, 3], [38, 36], [40, 39], [41, 40], [42, 41], [43, 12], [44, 3], [45, 43], [46, 44], [50, 3], [52, 50], [54, 53], [55, 3], [57, 55], [59, 58], [61, 3], [63, 61], [68, 54], [68, 35], [69, 59], [69, 68], [69, 40], [70, 68], [71, 70], [72, 71], [73, 72], [74, 3], [77, 74], [81, 59], [81, 40], [82, 35], [82, 54], [83, 82], [83, 81], [84, 83], [85, 8], [86, 12], [87, 84], [88, 86], [90, 89], [91, 54], [91, 35], [92, 90], [93, 92], [93, 91], [94, 93], [95, 3], [96, 94], [97, 95], [101, 33], [101, 48], [101, 99]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/38bb5bcc430e0fa7d34733714ee56efeac7c173483e07cba4dab1c923e34ac41_38bb5bcc430e0fa7d34733714ee56efeac7c173483e07cba4dab1c923e34ac41.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4364C5", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_4364C5(_QWORD *a1)\n{\nint v1; // eax\n__int64 v2; // rdx\n__int64 v3; // rcx\n__int64 v4; // r8\n__int64 v5; // r9\ndouble v6; // xmm0_8\n__int64 v8; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-28h]\n__int64 v9; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-20h]\n__int64 *v10; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-18h]\n__int64 v11; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-10h]\n__int64 v12; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv10 = (__int64 *)lua_touserdata(a1, -1001001);\nv9 = sub_4362F4(v10);\nv1 = lua_gettop((__int64)a1);\nif ( v1 == 2 )\n{\nv12 = luaL_checkinteger(a1, 1u);\nv11 = luaL_checkinteger(a1, 2u);\n}\nelse\n{\nif ( v1 > 2 )\ngoto LABEL_10;\nif ( !v1 )\n{\nv6 = sub_4363CC(v9);\nlua_pushnumber((__int64)a1, v6);\nreturn 1LL;\n}\nif ( v1 != 1 )\nLABEL_10:\nluaL_error((__int64)a1, (__int64)\"wrong number of arguments\", v2, v3, v4, v5);\nv12 = 1LL;\nv11 = luaL_checkinteger(a1, 1u);\nif ( !v11 )\n{\nlua_pushinteger((__int64)a1, v9);\nreturn 1LL;\n}\n}\nif ( v12 > v11 )\nluaL_argerror(a1, 1, (int)\"interval is empty\");\nv8 = sub_43641D(v9, v11 - v12, v10);\nlua_pushinteger((__int64)a1, v12 + v8);\nreturn 1LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,v9,v10,v11,v12,sub_4364C5,sub_4362F4,sub_4363CC,sub_43641D,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'L', 'v9': 'rv', 'v10': 'state', 'v11': 'up', 'v12': 'low', 'sub_4364C5': 'math_random', 'sub_4362F4': 'nextrand', 'sub_4363CC': 'I2d', 'sub_43641D': 'project'}"}
static void putString(SFLReceiver *receiver, SFLString *s) { putNet32(receiver, s->len); memcpy(receiver->sampleCollector.datap, s->str, s->len); receiver->sampleCollector.datap += (s->len + 3) / 4; /* pad to 4-byte boundary */ }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_42B35A", "function_addr": 4371290, "binary_name": "e06e82e33962ccdafb2610ab0aae086ad1a7cb07a02af22643ec5a6ca586e363.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [5, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [6, "mov edx, [rax]"], [7, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [8, "mov esi, edx"], [9, "mov rdi, rax"], [10, "call sub_42B1A1"], [11, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [12, "mov eax, [rax]"], [13, "mov edx, eax"], [14, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [15, "mov rcx, [rax+8]"], [16, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [17, "mov rax, [rax+21D0h]"], [18, "mov rsi, rcx"], [19, "mov rdi, rax"], [20, "call _memcpy"], [21, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [22, "mov rdx, [rax+21D0h]"], [23, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [24, "mov eax, [rax]"], [25, "add eax, 3"], [26, "shr eax, 2"], [27, "mov eax, eax"], [28, "shl rax, 2"], [29, "add rdx, rax"], [30, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [31, "mov [rax+21D0h], rdx"], [32, "nop"], [33, "leave"], [34, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 3], [8, 6], [9, 7], [11, 4], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 4], [15, 14], [16, 3], [17, 16], [18, 15], [19, 17], [21, 3], [22, 21], [23, 4], [24, 23], [25, 24], [26, 25], [27, 26], [28, 27], [29, 22], [29, 28], [30, 3], [31, 29], [31, 30], [34, 30]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/e06e82e33962ccdafb2610ab0aae086ad1a7cb07a02af22643ec5a6ca586e363_e06e82e33962ccdafb2610ab0aae086ad1a7cb07a02af22643ec5a6ca586e363.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_42B35A", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_42B35A(__int64 a1, unsigned int *a2)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n\nsub_42B1A1(a1, *a2);\nmemcpy(*(void **)(a1 + 8656), *((const void **)a2 + 1), *a2);\nresult = a1;\n*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8656) += 4LL * ((*a2 + 3) >> 2);\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,sub_42B35A,sub_42B1A1,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'receiver', 'a2': 's', 'sub_42B35A': 'putString', 'sub_42B1A1': 'putNet32'}"}
JanetAssembleResult janet_asm(Janet source, int flags) { return janet_asm1(NULL, source, flags); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "janet_asm", "function_addr": 4253658, "binary_name": "34d708bcb60d5af2e39328b237b23bc6bb4df80dc158ca9262fb4bf1d3328aba.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_14], edx"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [7, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_14]"], [8, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_10]"], [9, "mov esi, 0"], [10, "mov rdi, rax"], [11, "call sub_40D19A"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [13, "leave"], [14, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 3], [7, 5], [8, 4], [10, 6], [12, 3], [14, 12]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/34d708bcb60d5af2e39328b237b23bc6bb4df80dc158ca9262fb4bf1d3328aba_34d708bcb60d5af2e39328b237b23bc6bb4df80dc158ca9262fb4bf1d3328aba.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "janet_asm", "query": "\n\n\n_QWORD *__fastcall janet_asm(_QWORD *a1, __int64 a2, unsigned int a3)\n{\nsub_40D19A(a1, 0LL, a2, a3);\nreturn a1;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,sub_40D19A,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'flags', 'a1': 'retstr', 'a2': 'source', 'sub_40D19A': 'janet_asm1'}"}
void pager_init(const char *pager_env) { subcmd_config.pager_env = pager_env; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_41C0BE", "function_addr": 4309182, "binary_name": "61ba9f6965c62b9103833fb2c81c424e1f2942fe348b2c86c7d2a7a4e1e7e1be.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [3, "mov rax, offset off_430880"], [4, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [5, "mov [rax+20h], rdx"], [6, "nop"], [7, "pop rbp"], [8, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 2], [5, 4], [5, 3], [7, 0], [8, 3]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/61ba9f6965c62b9103833fb2c81c424e1f2942fe348b2c86c7d2a7a4e1e7e1be_61ba9f6965c62b9103833fb2c81c424e1f2942fe348b2c86c7d2a7a4e1e7e1be.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_41C0BE", "query": "\n\n\nchar **__fastcall sub_41C0BE(char *a1)\n{\nchar **result; // rax\n\nresult = &off_430880;\n*(&off_430880 + 4) = a1;\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_41C0BE,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'pager_env', 'sub_41C0BE': 'pager_init'}"}
bool pg_is_ascii(const char *str) { while (*str) { if (IS_HIGHBIT_SET(*str)) return false; str++; } return true; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_45C672", "function_addr": 4572786, "binary_name": "06da0488267dd12f9cfef76fa3ce57da628849c8d7a4879a3dd7f0e5e3ba1747.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [3, "jmp short loc_45C693"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [5, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [6, "test al, al"], [7, "jns short loc_45C68E"], [8, "mov eax, 0"], [9, "jmp short loc_45C6A3"], [10, "add [rbp+var_8], 1"], [11, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [12, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [13, "test al, al"], [14, "jnz short loc_45C67C"], [15, "mov eax, 1"], [16, "pop rbp"], [17, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 10], [4, 2], [5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 6], [10, 10], [10, 2], [11, 10], [11, 2], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 13], [16, 0], [17, 15], [17, 8]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/06da0488267dd12f9cfef76fa3ce57da628849c8d7a4879a3dd7f0e5e3ba1747_06da0488267dd12f9cfef76fa3ce57da628849c8d7a4879a3dd7f0e5e3ba1747.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_45C672", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_45C672(char *a1)\n{\nwhile ( *a1 )\n{\nif ( *a1 < 0 )\nreturn 0LL;\n++a1;\n}\nreturn 1LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_45C672,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'str', 'sub_45C672': 'pg_is_ascii'}"}
unsigned lodepng_get_channels(const LodePNGColorMode* info) { return getNumColorChannels(info->colortype); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_408684", "function_addr": 4228740, "binary_name": "a5e86073c100148569b977a9da309b1b428cd0b5d9d1279452bf16ba74396409.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 8"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [5, "mov eax, [rax]"], [6, "mov edi, eax"], [7, "call sub_40822E"], [8, "leave"], [9, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [6, 5], [9, 7]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/a5e86073c100148569b977a9da309b1b428cd0b5d9d1279452bf16ba74396409_a5e86073c100148569b977a9da309b1b428cd0b5d9d1279452bf16ba74396409.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_408684", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_408684(int *a1)\n{\nreturn sub_40822E(*a1);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_408684,sub_40822E,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'info', 'sub_408684': 'lodepng_get_channels', 'sub_40822E': 'getNumColorChannels'}"}
static int perl_start_script(const char *script, int argc, const char **argv) { const char **command_line; int i, err = 0; command_line = malloc((argc + 2) * sizeof(const char *)); command_line[0] = ""; command_line[1] = script; for (i = 2; i < argc + 2; i++) command_line[i] = argv[i - 2]; my_perl = perl_alloc(); perl_construct(my_perl); if (perl_parse(my_perl, xs_init, argc + 2, (char **)command_line, (char **)NULL)) { err = -1; goto error; } if (perl_run(my_perl)) { err = -1; goto error; } if (SvTRUE(ERRSV)) { err = -1; goto error; } run_start_sub(); free(command_line); return 0; error: perl_free(my_perl); free(command_line); return err; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4F3ADE", "function_addr": 5192414, "binary_name": "decb9d72b93d941cc30c251e69b1ae930ef147e67c065af3feea2db57aca5f08.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 40h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_28], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_2C], esi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_38], rdx"], [6, "mov rax, fs:28h"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [8, "xor eax, eax"], [9, "mov [rbp+var_14], 0"], [10, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2C]"], [11, "add eax, 2"], [12, "cdqe"], [13, "shl rax, 3"], [14, "mov rdi, rax"], [15, "call _malloc"], [16, "mov [rbp+ptr], rax"], [17, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [18, "mov qword ptr [rax], offset unk_52C119"], [19, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [20, "lea rdx, [rax+8]"], [21, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [22, "mov [rdx], rax"], [23, "mov [rbp+var_18], 2"], [24, "jmp short loc_4F3B78"], [25, "mov eax, [rbp+var_18]"], [26, "sub eax, 2"], [27, "cdqe"], [28, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [29, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [30, "add rax, rdx"], [31, "mov edx, [rbp+var_18]"], [32, "movsxd rdx, edx"], [33, "lea rcx, ds:0[rdx*8]"], [34, "mov rdx, [rbp+ptr]"], [35, "add rdx, rcx"], [36, "mov rax, [rax]"], [37, "mov [rdx], rax"], [38, "add [rbp+var_18], 1"], [39, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2C]"], [40, "add eax, 2"], [41, "cmp [rbp+var_18], eax"], [42, "jl short loc_4F3B42"], [43, "call _perl_alloc"], [44, "mov cs:my_perl, rax"], [45, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [46, "mov rdi, rax"], [47, "call _perl_construct"], [48, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2C]"], [49, "lea esi, [rax+2]"], [50, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [51, "mov rdx, [rbp+ptr]"], [52, "mov r8d, 0"], [53, "mov rcx, rdx"], [54, "mov edx, esi"], [55, "mov esi, offset xs_init"], [56, "mov rdi, rax"], [57, "call _perl_parse"], [58, "test eax, eax"], [59, "jz short loc_4F3BD7"], [60, "mov [rbp+var_14], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [61, "jmp loc_4F4374"], [62, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [63, "mov rdi, rax"], [64, "call _perl_run"], [65, "test eax, eax"], [66, "jz short loc_4F3BF6"], [67, "mov [rbp+var_14], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [68, "jmp loc_4F4374"], [69, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [70, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [71, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [72, "mov rax, [rax]"], [73, "test rax, rax"], [74, "jz short loc_4F3C24"], [75, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [76, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [77, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [78, "jmp short loc_4F3C4D"], [79, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [80, "mov rcx, [rax+670h]"], [81, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [82, "mov edx, 0"], [83, "mov rsi, rcx"], [84, "mov rdi, rax"], [85, "call _Perl_gv_add_by_type"], [86, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [87, "mov rax, [rax]"], [88, "test rax, rax"], [89, "setnz al"], [90, "movzx eax, al"], [91, "test rax, rax"], [92, "jz loc_4F435C"], [93, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [94, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [95, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [96, "mov rax, [rax]"], [97, "test rax, rax"], [98, "jz short loc_4F3C90"], [99, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [100, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [101, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [102, "jmp short loc_4F3CB9"], [103, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [104, "mov rcx, [rax+670h]"], [105, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [106, "mov edx, 0"], [107, "mov rsi, rcx"], [108, "mov rdi, rax"], [109, "call _Perl_gv_add_by_type"], [110, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [111, "mov rax, [rax]"], [112, "mov eax, [rax+0Ch]"], [113, "and eax, 200000h"], [114, "test eax, eax"], [115, "setnz al"], [116, "movzx eax, al"], [117, "test rax, rax"], [118, "jz short loc_4F3D40"], [119, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [120, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [121, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [122, "mov rax, [rax]"], [123, "test rax, rax"], [124, "jz short loc_4F3CFF"], [125, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [126, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [127, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [128, "jmp short loc_4F3D28"], [129, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [130, "mov rcx, [rax+670h]"], [131, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [132, "mov edx, 0"], [133, "mov rsi, rcx"], [134, "mov rdi, rax"], [135, "call _Perl_gv_add_by_type"], [136, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [137, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [138, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [139, "mov rsi, rdx"], [140, "mov rdi, rax"], [141, "call _Perl_mg_get"], [142, "test eax, eax"], [143, "nop"], [144, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [145, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [146, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [147, "mov rax, [rax]"], [148, "test rax, rax"], [149, "jz short loc_4F3D6E"], [150, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [151, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [152, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [153, "jmp short loc_4F3D97"], [154, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [155, "mov rcx, [rax+670h]"], [156, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [157, "mov edx, 0"], [158, "mov rsi, rcx"], [159, "mov rdi, rax"], [160, "call _Perl_gv_add_by_type"], [161, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [162, "mov rax, [rax]"], [163, "mov rdx, cs:my_perl"], [164, "add rdx, 138h"], [165, "sub rax, rdx"], [166, "cmp rax, 48h "], [167, "ja short loc_4F3E24"], [168, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [169, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [170, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [171, "mov rax, [rax]"], [172, "test rax, rax"], [173, "jz short loc_4F3DDF"], [174, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [175, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [176, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [177, "jmp short loc_4F3E08"], [178, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [179, "mov rcx, [rax+670h]"], [180, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [181, "mov edx, 0"], [182, "mov rsi, rcx"], [183, "mov rdi, rax"], [184, "call _Perl_gv_add_by_type"], [185, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [186, "mov rax, [rax]"], [187, "mov rdx, cs:my_perl"], [188, "add rdx, 138h"], [189, "cmp rax, rdx"], [190, "setz al"], [191, "jmp loc_4F434F"], [192, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [193, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [194, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [195, "mov rax, [rax]"], [196, "test rax, rax"], [197, "jz short loc_4F3E52"], [198, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [199, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [200, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [201, "jmp short loc_4F3E7B"], [202, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [203, "mov rcx, [rax+670h]"], [204, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [205, "mov edx, 0"], [206, "mov rsi, rcx"], [207, "mov rdi, rax"], [208, "call _Perl_gv_add_by_type"], [209, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [210, "mov rax, [rax]"], [211, "mov eax, [rax+0Ch]"], [212, "and eax, 0FF00h"], [213, "test eax, eax"], [214, "jz loc_4F434A"], [215, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [216, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [217, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [218, "mov rax, [rax]"], [219, "test rax, rax"], [220, "jz short loc_4F3EBC"], [221, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [222, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [223, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [224, "jmp short loc_4F3EE5"], [225, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [226, "mov rcx, [rax+670h]"], [227, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [228, "mov edx, 0"], [229, "mov rsi, rcx"], [230, "mov rdi, rax"], [231, "call _Perl_gv_add_by_type"], [232, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [233, "mov rax, [rax]"], [234, "mov eax, [rax+0Ch]"], [235, "and eax, 400h"], [236, "test eax, eax"], [237, "jz loc_4F40AA"], [238, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [239, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [240, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [241, "mov rax, [rax]"], [242, "test rax, rax"], [243, "jz short loc_4F3F26"], [244, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [245, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [246, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [247, "jmp short loc_4F3F4F"], [248, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [249, "mov rcx, [rax+670h]"], [250, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [251, "mov edx, 0"], [252, "mov rsi, rcx"], [253, "mov rdi, rax"], [254, "call _Perl_gv_add_by_type"], [255, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [256, "mov rax, [rax]"], [257, "mov rax, [rax]"], [258, "test rax, rax"], [259, "jz loc_4F409B"], [260, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [261, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [262, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [263, "mov rax, [rax]"], [264, "test rax, rax"], [265, "jz short loc_4F3F8C"], [266, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [267, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [268, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [269, "jmp short loc_4F3FB5"], [270, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [271, "mov rcx, [rax+670h]"], [272, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [273, "mov edx, 0"], [274, "mov rsi, rcx"], [275, "mov rdi, rax"], [276, "call _Perl_gv_add_by_type"], [277, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [278, "mov rax, [rax]"], [279, "mov rax, [rax]"], [280, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [281, "cmp rax, 1"], [282, "ja loc_4F4094"], [283, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [284, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [285, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [286, "mov rax, [rax]"], [287, "test rax, rax"], [288, "jz short loc_4F3FF7"], [289, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [290, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [291, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [292, "jmp short loc_4F4020"], [293, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [294, "mov rcx, [rax+670h]"], [295, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [296, "mov edx, 0"], [297, "mov rsi, rcx"], [298, "mov rdi, rax"], [299, "call _Perl_gv_add_by_type"], [300, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [301, "mov rax, [rax]"], [302, "mov rax, [rax]"], [303, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [304, "test rax, rax"], [305, "jz short loc_4F409B"], [306, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [307, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [308, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [309, "mov rax, [rax]"], [310, "test rax, rax"], [311, "jz short loc_4F405D"], [312, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [313, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [314, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [315, "jmp short loc_4F4086"], [316, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [317, "mov rcx, [rax+670h]"], [318, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [319, "mov edx, 0"], [320, "mov rsi, rcx"], [321, "mov rdi, rax"], [322, "call _Perl_gv_add_by_type"], [323, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [324, "mov rax, [rax]"], [325, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [326, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [327, "cmp al, 30h "], [328, "jz short loc_4F409B"], [329, "mov eax, 1"], [330, "jmp short loc_4F40A0"], [331, "mov eax, 0"], [332, "test eax, eax"], [333, "setnz al"], [334, "jmp loc_4F434F"], [335, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [336, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [337, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [338, "mov rax, [rax]"], [339, "test rax, rax"], [340, "jz short loc_4F40D8"], [341, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [342, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [343, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [344, "jmp short loc_4F4101"], [345, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [346, "mov rcx, [rax+670h]"], [347, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [348, "mov edx, 0"], [349, "mov rsi, rcx"], [350, "mov rdi, rax"], [351, "call _Perl_gv_add_by_type"], [352, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [353, "mov rax, [rax]"], [354, "mov eax, [rax+0Ch]"], [355, "and eax, 100h"], [356, "test eax, eax"], [357, "jz short loc_4F417C"], [358, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [359, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [360, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [361, "mov rax, [rax]"], [362, "test rax, rax"], [363, "jz short loc_4F413E"], [364, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [365, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [366, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [367, "jmp short loc_4F4167"], [368, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [369, "mov rcx, [rax+670h]"], [370, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [371, "mov edx, 0"], [372, "mov rsi, rcx"], [373, "mov rdi, rax"], [374, "call _Perl_gv_add_by_type"], [375, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [376, "mov rax, [rax]"], [377, "mov rax, [rax]"], [378, "mov rax, [rax+20h]"], [379, "test rax, rax"], [380, "setnz al"], [381, "jmp loc_4F434F"], [382, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [383, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [384, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [385, "mov rax, [rax]"], [386, "test rax, rax"], [387, "jz short loc_4F41AA"], [388, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [389, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [390, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [391, "jmp short loc_4F41D3"], [392, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [393, "mov rcx, [rax+670h]"], [394, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [395, "mov edx, 0"], [396, "mov rsi, rcx"], [397, "mov rdi, rax"], [398, "call _Perl_gv_add_by_type"], [399, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [400, "mov rax, [rax]"], [401, "mov eax, [rax+0Ch]"], [402, "and eax, 800h"], [403, "test eax, eax"], [404, "jz loc_4F42C4"], [405, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [406, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [407, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [408, "mov rax, [rax]"], [409, "test rax, rax"], [410, "jz short loc_4F4214"], [411, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [412, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [413, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [414, "jmp short loc_4F423D"], [415, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [416, "mov rcx, [rax+670h]"], [417, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [418, "mov edx, 0"], [419, "mov rsi, rcx"], [420, "mov rdi, rax"], [421, "call _Perl_gv_add_by_type"], [422, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [423, "mov rax, [rax]"], [424, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [425, "mov eax, [rax+0Ch]"], [426, "and eax, 100000h"], [427, "test eax, eax"], [428, "jz loc_4F4339"], [429, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [430, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [431, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [432, "mov rax, [rax]"], [433, "test rax, rax"], [434, "jz short loc_4F4282"], [435, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [436, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [437, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [438, "jmp short loc_4F42AB"], [439, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [440, "mov rcx, [rax+670h]"], [441, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [442, "mov edx, 0"], [443, "mov rsi, rcx"], [444, "mov rdi, rax"], [445, "call _Perl_gv_add_by_type"], [446, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [447, "mov rax, [rax]"], [448, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [449, "mov rax, [rax]"], [450, "mov rax, [rax]"], [451, "mov eax, [rax+0Ch]"], [452, "and eax, 10000000h"], [453, "test eax, eax"], [454, "jz short loc_4F4339"], [455, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [456, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [457, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [458, "mov rax, [rax]"], [459, "test rax, rax"], [460, "jz short loc_4F42F2"], [461, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [462, "mov rax, [rax+670h]"], [463, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [464, "jmp short loc_4F431B"], [465, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [466, "mov rcx, [rax+670h]"], [467, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [468, "mov edx, 0"], [469, "mov rsi, rcx"], [470, "mov rdi, rax"], [471, "call _Perl_gv_add_by_type"], [472, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [473, "mov rcx, [rax]"], [474, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [475, "mov edx, 0"], [476, "mov rsi, rcx"], [477, "mov rdi, rax"], [478, "call _Perl_sv_2bool_flags"], [479, "test al, al"], [480, "jz short loc_4F4340"], [481, "mov eax, 1"], [482, "jmp short loc_4F4345"], [483, "mov eax, 0"], [484, "and eax, 1"], [485, "jmp short loc_4F434F"], [486, "mov eax, 0"], [487, "test al, al"], [488, "jz short loc_4F435C"], [489, "mov [rbp+var_14], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [490, "jmp short loc_4F4374"], [491, "call sub_4F3A02"], [492, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [493, "mov rdi, rax"], [494, "call _free"], [495, "mov eax, 0"], [496, "jmp short loc_4F4392"], [497, "mov rax, cs:my_perl"], [498, "mov rdi, rax"], [499, "call _perl_free"], [500, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [501, "mov rdi, rax"], [502, "call _free"], [503, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [504, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_8]"], [505, "sub rsi, fs:28h"], [506, "jz short locret_4F43A6"], [507, "call ___stack_chk_fail"], [508, "leave"], [509, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[7, 6], [10, 4], [11, 10], [13, 11], [14, 13], [16, 15], [17, 16], [18, 17], [19, 16], [20, 19], [20, 18], [21, 3], [22, 21], [22, 20], [25, 38], [25, 23], [26, 25], [28, 20], [28, 35], [29, 5], [30, 29], [30, 28], [31, 38], [31, 23], [32, 31], [33, 33], [34, 16], [35, 34], [35, 33], [36, 37], [36, 18], [36, 22], [36, 30], [37, 35], [37, 36], [38, 23], [38, 38], [39, 4], [40, 39], [41, 23], [41, 40], [41, 38], [42, 41], [44, 43], [45, 44], [46, 45], [48, 4], [49, 18], [49, 22], [49, 48], [49, 37], [50, 44], [51, 16], [53, 51], [54, 49], [56, 50], [58, 57], [59, 58], [62, 44], [63, 62], [65, 64], [66, 65], [69, 44], [70, 22], [70, 37], [70, 18], [70, 69], [71, 37], [71, 18], [71, 22], [71, 70], [72, 71], [72, 37], [72, 18], [72, 22], [73, 72], [74, 73], [75, 44], [76, 75], [76, 37], [76, 18], [76, 22], [77, 76], [77, 37], [77, 18], [77, 22], [79, 44], [80, 79], [80, 37], [80, 18], [80, 22], [81, 44], [83, 80], [84, 81], [86, 85], [86, 37], [86, 18], [86, 22], [87, 18], [87, 77], [87, 22], [87, 86], [87, 37], [88, 87], [89, 88], [90, 89], [91, 90], [92, 91], [93, 44], [94, 37], [94, 18], [94, 93], [94, 22], [95, 22], [95, 94], [95, 37], [95, 18], [96, 95], [96, 37], [96, 18], [96, 22], [97, 96], [98, 97], [99, 44], [100, 99], [100, 37], [100, 18], [100, 22], [101, 37], [101, 18], [101, 22], [101, 100], [103, 44], [104, 37], [104, 18], [104, 22], [104, 103], [105, 44], [107, 104], [108, 105], [110, 109], [110, 37], [110, 18], [110, 22], [111, 101], [111, 110], [111, 37], [111, 18], [111, 22], [112, 37], [112, 18], [112, 22], [112, 111], [113, 112], [114, 113], [115, 114], [116, 115], [117, 116], [118, 117], [119, 44], [120, 37], [120, 18], [120, 22], [120, 119], [121, 37], [121, 18], [121, 22], [121, 120], [122, 121], [122, 37], [122, 18], [122, 22], [123, 122], [124, 123], [125, 44], [126, 37], [126, 18], [126, 22], [126, 125], [127, 126], [127, 37], [127, 18], [127, 22], [129, 44], [130, 22], [130, 37], [130, 18], [130, 129], [131, 44], [133, 130], [134, 131], [136, 135], [136, 18], [136, 22], [136, 37], [137, 37], [137, 18], [137, 22], [137, 127], [137, 136], [138, 44], [139, 137], [140, 138], [142, 141], [144, 44], [145, 37], [145, 144], [145, 18], [145, 22], [146, 145], [146, 37], [146, 18], [146, 22], [147, 18], [147, 22], [147, 146], [147, 37], [148, 147], [149, 148], [150, 44], [151, 150], [151, 37], [151, 18], [151, 22], [152, 151], [152, 37], [152, 18], [152, 22], [154, 44], [155, 37], [155, 18], [155, 22], [155, 154], [156, 44], [158, 155], [159, 156], [161, 37], [161, 18], [161, 22], [161, 160], [162, 161], [162, 37], [162, 18], [162, 22], [162, 152], [163, 44], [164, 163], [165, 164], [165, 162], [166, 165], [167, 166], [168, 44], [169, 37], [169, 18], [169, 22], [169, 168], [170, 169], [170, 37], [170, 18], [170, 22], [171, 170], [171, 37], [171, 18], [171, 22], [172, 171], [173, 172], [174, 44], [175, 37], [175, 18], [175, 22], [175, 174], [176, 175], [176, 37], [176, 18], [176, 22], [178, 44], [179, 178], [179, 37], [179, 18], [179, 22], [180, 44], [182, 179], [183, 180], [185, 18], [185, 22], [185, 184], [185, 37], [186, 37], [186, 176], [186, 185], [186, 18], [186, 22], [187, 44], [188, 187], [189, 186], [189, 188], [190, 189], [190, 186], [192, 44], [193, 18], [193, 22], [193, 192], [193, 37], [194, 37], [194, 18], [194, 22], [194, 193], [195, 37], [195, 194], [195, 18], [195, 22], [196, 195], [197, 196], [198, 44], [199, 37], [199, 18], [199, 22], [199, 198], [200, 199], [200, 37], [200, 18], [200, 22], [202, 44], [203, 202], [203, 37], [203, 18], [203, 22], [204, 44], [206, 203], [207, 204], [209, 208], [209, 37], [209, 18], [209, 22], [210, 200], [210, 209], [210, 37], [210, 18], [210, 22], [211, 210], [211, 37], [211, 18], [211, 22], [212, 211], [213, 212], [214, 213], [215, 44], [216, 215], [216, 37], [216, 18], [216, 22], [217, 216], [217, 37], [217, 18], [217, 22], [218, 37], [218, 18], [218, 22], [218, 217], [219, 218], [220, 219], [221, 44], [222, 37], [222, 18], [222, 22], [222, 221], [223, 18], [223, 22], [223, 222], [223, 37], [225, 44], [226, 37], [226, 18], [226, 22], [226, 225], [227, 44], [229, 226], [230, 227], [232, 37], [232, 18], [232, 22], [232, 231], [233, 223], [233, 232], [233, 37], [233, 18], [233, 22], [234, 37], [234, 18], [234, 22], [234, 233], [235, 234], [236, 235], [237, 236], [238, 44], [239, 238], [239, 37], [239, 18], [239, 22], [240, 37], [240, 18], [240, 22], [240, 239], [241, 37], [241, 18], [241, 22], [241, 240], [242, 241], [243, 242], [244, 44], [245, 37], [245, 18], [245, 22], [245, 244], [246, 37], [246, 18], [246, 22], [246, 245], [248, 44], [249, 37], [249, 18], [249, 22], [249, 248], [250, 44], [252, 249], [253, 250], [255, 37], [255, 18], [255, 22], [255, 254], [256, 18], [256, 22], [256, 37], [256, 246], [256, 255], [257, 37], [257, 18], [257, 256], [257, 22], [258, 257], [259, 258], [260, 44], [261, 18], [261, 22], [261, 37], [261, 260], [262, 261], [262, 37], [262, 18], [262, 22], [263, 262], [263, 37], [263, 18], [263, 22], [264, 263], [265, 264], [266, 44], [267, 37], [267, 18], [267, 22], [267, 266], [268, 37], [268, 18], [268, 22], [268, 267], [270, 44], [271, 270], [271, 37], [271, 18], [271, 22], [272, 44], [274, 271], [275, 272], [277, 276], [277, 37], [277, 18], [277, 22], [278, 22], [278, 268], [278, 277], [278, 37], [278, 18], [279, 37], [279, 18], [279, 22], [279, 278], [280, 18], [280, 22], [280, 279], [280, 37], [281, 280], [282, 281], [283, 44], [284, 37], [284, 18], [284, 283], [284, 22], [285, 37], [285, 284], [285, 18], [285, 22], [286, 37], [286, 18], [286, 22], [286, 285], [287, 286], [288, 287], [289, 44], [290, 289], [290, 37], [290, 18], [290, 22], [291, 18], [291, 22], [291, 290], [291, 37], [293, 44], [294, 22], [294, 37], [294, 293], [294, 18], [295, 44], [297, 294], [298, 295], [300, 37], [300, 18], [300, 22], [300, 299], [301, 37], [301, 18], [301, 22], [301, 291], [301, 300], [302, 301], [302, 22], [302, 37], [302, 18], [303, 37], [303, 18], [303, 302], [303, 22], [304, 303], [305, 304], [306, 44], [307, 37], [307, 18], [307, 306], [307, 22], [308, 22], [308, 307], [308, 37], [308, 18], [309, 308], [309, 37], [309, 18], [309, 22], [310, 309], [311, 310], [312, 44], [313, 22], [313, 312], [313, 37], [313, 18], [314, 37], [314, 18], [314, 22], [314, 313], [316, 44], [317, 37], [317, 316], [317, 18], [317, 22], [318, 44], [320, 317], [321, 318], [323, 322], [323, 37], [323, 18], [323, 22], [324, 22], [324, 314], [324, 323], [324, 37], [324, 18], [325, 37], [325, 18], [325, 324], [325, 22], [326, 325], [326, 37], [326, 18], [326, 22], [327, 326], [328, 327], [332, 329], [332, 331], [333, 332], [335, 44], [336, 335], [336, 37], [336, 18], [336, 22], [337, 22], [337, 336], [337, 37], [337, 18], [338, 18], [338, 22], [338, 337], [338, 37], [339, 338], [340, 339], [341, 44], [342, 341], [342, 37], [342, 18], [342, 22], [343, 22], [343, 342], [343, 37], [343, 18], [345, 44], [346, 22], [346, 345], [346, 37], [346, 18], [347, 44], [349, 346], [350, 347], [352, 37], [352, 18], [352, 22], [352, 351], [353, 37], [353, 18], [353, 343], [353, 352], [353, 22], [354, 353], [354, 22], [354, 37], [354, 18], [355, 354], [356, 355], [357, 356], [358, 44], [359, 22], [359, 37], [359, 18], [359, 358], [360, 18], [360, 22], [360, 359], [360, 37], [361, 360], [361, 37], [361, 18], [361, 22], [362, 361], [363, 362], [364, 44], [365, 364], [365, 37], [365, 18], [365, 22], [366, 37], [366, 18], [366, 22], [366, 365], [368, 44], [369, 368], [369, 37], [369, 18], [369, 22], [370, 44], [372, 369], [373, 370], [375, 374], [375, 37], [375, 18], [375, 22], [376, 18], [376, 366], [376, 22], [376, 375], [376, 37], [377, 37], [377, 18], [377, 22], [377, 376], [378, 22], [378, 37], [378, 18], [378, 377], [379, 378], [380, 379], [382, 44], [383, 37], [383, 382], [383, 18], [383, 22], [384, 22], [384, 383], [384, 37], [384, 18], [385, 37], [385, 18], [385, 22], [385, 384], [386, 385], [387, 386], [388, 44], [389, 22], [389, 388], [389, 37], [389, 18], [390, 37], [390, 18], [390, 22], [390, 389], [392, 44], [393, 37], [393, 18], [393, 22], [393, 392], [394, 44], [396, 393], [397, 394], [399, 37], [399, 18], [399, 22], [399, 398], [400, 37], [400, 18], [400, 22], [400, 390], [400, 399], [401, 37], [401, 400], [401, 18], [401, 22], [402, 401], [403, 402], [404, 403], [405, 44], [406, 18], [406, 22], [406, 405], [406, 37], [407, 37], [407, 18], [407, 22], [407, 406], [408, 407], [408, 37], [408, 18], [408, 22], [409, 408], [410, 409], [411, 44], [412, 37], [412, 18], [412, 22], [412, 411], [413, 412], [413, 37], [413, 18], [413, 22], [415, 44], [416, 415], [416, 37], [416, 18], [416, 22], [417, 44], [419, 416], [420, 417], [422, 421], [422, 37], [422, 18], [422, 22], [423, 37], [423, 18], [423, 413], [423, 422], [423, 22], [424, 37], [424, 423], [424, 18], [424, 22], [425, 18], [425, 22], [425, 424], [425, 37], [426, 425], [427, 426], [428, 427], [429, 44], [430, 22], [430, 429], [430, 37], [430, 18], [431, 37], [431, 18], [431, 22], [431, 430], [432, 37], [432, 18], [432, 431], [432, 22], [433, 432], [434, 433], [435, 44], [436, 18], [436, 22], [436, 435], [436, 37], [437, 37], [437, 436], [437, 18], [437, 22], [439, 44], [440, 37], [440, 18], [440, 22], [440, 439], [441, 44], [443, 440], [444, 441], [446, 445], [446, 37], [446, 18], [446, 22], [447, 437], [447, 446], [447, 37], [447, 18], [447, 22], [448, 447], [448, 37], [448, 18], [448, 22], [449, 448], [449, 37], [449, 18], [449, 22], [450, 37], [450, 18], [450, 22], [450, 449], [451, 37], [451, 18], [451, 22], [451, 450], [452, 451], [453, 452], [454, 453], [455, 44], [456, 455], [456, 37], [456, 18], [456, 22], [457, 456], [457, 37], [457, 18], [457, 22], [458, 37], [458, 18], [458, 22], [458, 457], [459, 458], [460, 459], [461, 44], [462, 461], [462, 37], [462, 18], [462, 22], [463, 18], [463, 22], [463, 462], [463, 37], [465, 44], [466, 18], [466, 22], [466, 37], [466, 465], [467, 44], [469, 466], [470, 467], [472, 471], [472, 37], [472, 18], [472, 22], [473, 37], [473, 18], [473, 22], [473, 463], [473, 472], [474, 44], [476, 473], [477, 474], [479, 478], [480, 479], [484, 481], [484, 483], [487, 486], [487, 333], [487, 484], [487, 190], [487, 380], [488, 487], [492, 16], [493, 492], [497, 44], [498, 497], [500, 16], [501, 500], [503, 67], [503, 489], [503, 60], [504, 7], [505, 504], [506, 505], [509, 495], [509, 503]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/decb9d72b93d941cc30c251e69b1ae930ef147e67c065af3feea2db57aca5f08_decb9d72b93d941cc30c251e69b1ae930ef147e67c065af3feea2db57aca5f08.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4F3ADE", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_4F3ADE(__int64 a1, int a2, __int64 a3)\n{\n_QWORD *v3; // rax\n__int64 v4; // rax\n_QWORD *v5; // rax\n_QWORD *v6; // rax\nchar v7; // al\n__int64 v8; // rax\n__int64 v9; // rax\n_QWORD **v10; // rax\n__int64 v11; // rax\n__int64 v12; // rax\n__int64 v13; // rax\n_BOOL4 v14; // eax\n__int64 v15; // rax\n__int64 v16; // rax\n__int64 v17; // rax\n__int64 v18; // rax\n__int64 v19; // rax\nchar v20; // al\n__int64 result; // rax\nint i; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-18h]\n_QWORD *ptr; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-10h]\n\nptr = malloc(8LL * (a2 + 2));\n*ptr = &unk_52C119;\nptr[1] = a1;\nfor ( i = 2; i < a2 + 2; ++i )\nptr[i] = *(_QWORD *)(8LL * (i - 2) + a3);\nmy_perl = perl_alloc();\nperl_construct();\nif ( (unsigned int)perl_parse() || (unsigned int)perl_run() )\ngoto LABEL_81;\nv3 = (_QWORD *)(**(_QWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) ? *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) : *(_QWORD *)(Perl_gv_add_by_type() + 16));\nif ( !*v3 )\ngoto LABEL_80;\nif ( **(_QWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) )\nv4 = *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL);\nelse\nv4 = *(_QWORD *)(Perl_gv_add_by_type() + 16);\nif ( (*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v4 + 12LL) & 0x200000) != 0 )\n{\nif ( !**(_QWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) )\nPerl_gv_add_by_type();\nPerl_mg_get();\n}\nv5 = (_QWORD *)(**(_QWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) ? *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) : *(_QWORD *)(Perl_gv_add_by_type() + 16));\nif ( (unsigned __int64)(*v5 - (my_perl + 312)) > 0x48 )\n{\nv8 = **(_QWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) ? *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) : *(_QWORD *)(Perl_gv_add_by_type() + 16);\nif ( (*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v8 + 12LL) & 0xFF00) != 0 )\n{\nv9 = **(_QWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) ? *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) : *(_QWORD *)(Perl_gv_add_by_type() + 16);\nif ( (*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v9 + 12LL) & 0x400) != 0 )\n{\nv10 = (_QWORD **)(**(_QWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) ? *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648)\n+ 16LL) : *(_QWORD *)(Perl_gv_add_by_type() + 16));\nv14 = 0;\nif ( **v10 )\n{\nv11 = **(_QWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) ? *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) : *(_QWORD *)(Perl_gv_add_by_type() + 16);\nif ( *(_QWORD *)(**(_QWORD **)v11 + 16LL) > 1uLL\n|| (!**(_QWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) ? (v12 = *(_QWORD *)(Perl_gv_add_by_type() + 16)) : (v12 = *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL)),\n*(_QWORD *)(**(_QWORD **)v12 + 16LL)\n&& (!**(_QWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) ? (v13 = *(_QWORD *)(Perl_gv_add_by_type() + 16)) : (v13 = *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL)),\n**(_BYTE **)(*(_QWORD *)v13 + 16LL) != 48)) )\n{\nv14 = 1;\n}\n}\nv7 = v14;\n}\nelse\n{\nv15 = **(_QWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) ? *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) : *(_QWORD *)(Perl_gv_add_by_type() + 16);\nif ( (*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v15 + 12LL) & 0x100) != 0 )\n{\nv16 = **(_QWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) ? *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) : *(_QWORD *)(Perl_gv_add_by_type() + 16);\nv7 = *(_QWORD *)(**(_QWORD **)v16 + 32LL) != 0LL;\n}\nelse\n{\nv17 = **(_QWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) ? *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) : *(_QWORD *)(Perl_gv_add_by_type() + 16);\nif ( (*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v17 + 12LL) & 0x800) != 0 )\n{\nv18 = **(_QWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) ? *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) : *(_QWORD *)(Perl_gv_add_by_type() + 16);\nif ( (*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)v18 + 16LL) + 12LL) & 0x100000) == 0 )\ngoto LABEL_75;\nv19 = **(_QWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) ? *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) : *(_QWORD *)(Perl_gv_add_by_type() + 16);\nif ( (*(_DWORD *)(***(_QWORD ***)(*(_QWORD *)v19 + 16LL) + 12LL) & 0x10000000) == 0 )\ngoto LABEL_75;\n}\nif ( !**(_QWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) )\nPerl_gv_add_by_type();\nif ( !(unsigned __int8)Perl_sv_2bool_flags() )\nv20 = 0;\nelse\nLABEL_75:\nv20 = 1;\nv7 = v20 & 1;\n}\n}\n}\nelse\n{\nv7 = 0;\n}\n}\nelse\n{\nv6 = (_QWORD *)(**(_QWORD **)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) ? *(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(my_perl + 1648) + 16LL) : *(_QWORD *)(Perl_gv_add_by_type() + 16));\nv7 = *v6 == my_perl + 312;\n}\nif ( v7 )\n{\nLABEL_81:\nperl_free();\nfree(ptr);\nresult = 0xFFFFFFFFLL;\n}\nelse\n{\nLABEL_80:\nsub_4F3A02();\nfree(ptr);\nresult = 0LL;\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,ptr,sub_4F3ADE,sub_4F3A02,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'argv', 'a1': 'script', 'a2': 'argc', 'ptr': 'command_line', 'sub_4F3ADE': 'perl_start_script', 'sub_4F3A02': 'run_start_sub'}"}
void gfa_cleanup(gfa_t *g) { gfa_arc_rm(g); if (!gfa_arc_is_sorted(g)) { gfa_arc_sort(g); if (g->idx) free(g->idx); g->idx = 0; } if (g->idx == 0) gfa_arc_index(g); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40D39B", "function_addr": 4248475, "binary_name": "7edca93a2ba0c1200fd3719bdf7a252f8ed4b48db527e141b990e2559266aceb.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [5, "mov rdi, rax"], [6, "call sub_40D191"], [7, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [8, "mov rdi, rax"], [9, "call sub_40C6B4"], [10, "test eax, eax"], [11, "jnz short loc_40D3F8"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [13, "mov rdi, rax"], [14, "call sub_40C725"], [15, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [16, "mov rax, [rax+58h]"], [17, "test rax, rax"], [18, "jz short loc_40D3EC"], [19, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [20, "mov rax, [rax+58h]"], [21, "mov rdi, rax"], [22, "call _free"], [23, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [24, "mov qword ptr [rax+58h], 0"], [25, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [26, "mov rax, [rax+58h]"], [27, "test rax, rax"], [28, "jnz short loc_40D411"], [29, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [30, "mov rdi, rax"], [31, "call sub_40C84A"], [32, "nop"], [33, "leave"], [34, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [7, 3], [8, 7], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 3], [13, 12], [15, 3], [16, 15], [17, 16], [18, 17], [19, 3], [20, 19], [21, 20], [23, 3], [24, 23], [25, 3], [26, 24], [26, 25], [27, 26], [28, 27], [29, 3], [30, 29], [34, 31], [34, 27]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/7edca93a2ba0c1200fd3719bdf7a252f8ed4b48db527e141b990e2559266aceb_7edca93a2ba0c1200fd3719bdf7a252f8ed4b48db527e141b990e2559266aceb.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40D39B", "query": "\n\n\n_QWORD *__fastcall sub_40D39B(__int64 a1)\n{\n_QWORD *result; // rax\n\nsub_40D191(a1);\nif ( !sub_40C6B4(a1) )\n{\nsub_40C725(a1);\nif ( *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 88) )\nfree(*(void **)(a1 + 88));\n*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 88) = 0LL;\n}\nresult = *(_QWORD **)(a1 + 88);\nif ( !result )\nresult = sub_40C84A(a1);\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_40D39B,sub_40D191,sub_40C6B4,sub_40C725,sub_40C84A,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'g', 'sub_40D39B': 'gfa_cleanup', 'sub_40D191': 'gfa_arc_rm', 'sub_40C6B4': 'gfa_arc_is_sorted', 'sub_40C725': 'gfa_arc_sort', 'sub_40C84A': 'gfa_arc_index'}"}
static void fsum(limb *output, const limb *in) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < 10; i += 2) { output[0+i] = (output[0+i] + in[0+i]); output[1+i] = (output[1+i] + in[1+i]); } }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40145B", "function_addr": 4199515, "binary_name": "2b3059e15ecb8fbf7b271369f91eb3e625d14e5ab2f1150bd03687d413670051.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_20], rsi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [5, "jmp loc_40150A"], [6, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [7, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [9, "add rax, rdx"], [10, "mov rcx, [rax]"], [11, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [12, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [13, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [14, "add rax, rdx"], [15, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [16, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [17, "lea rsi, ds:0[rax*8]"], [18, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [19, "add rax, rsi"], [20, "add rdx, rcx"], [21, "mov [rax], rdx"], [22, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [23, "add eax, 1"], [24, "mov eax, eax"], [25, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [26, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [27, "add rax, rdx"], [28, "mov rcx, [rax]"], [29, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [30, "add eax, 1"], [31, "mov eax, eax"], [32, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [33, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [34, "add rax, rdx"], [35, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [36, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [37, "add eax, 1"], [38, "mov eax, eax"], [39, "lea rsi, ds:0[rax*8]"], [40, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [41, "add rax, rsi"], [42, "add rdx, rcx"], [43, "mov [rax], rdx"], [44, "add [rbp+var_4], 2"], [45, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 9"], [46, "jbe loc_401473"], [47, "nop"], [48, "nop"], [49, "pop rbp"], [50, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 44], [6, 4], [7, 42], [8, 2], [9, 8], [9, 7], [10, 43], [10, 9], [10, 21], [11, 44], [11, 4], [12, 7], [13, 3], [14, 13], [14, 12], [15, 21], [15, 14], [15, 43], [16, 44], [16, 4], [17, 39], [18, 2], [19, 18], [19, 17], [20, 10], [20, 15], [21, 19], [21, 20], [22, 44], [22, 4], [23, 22], [24, 23], [25, 20], [26, 2], [27, 25], [27, 26], [28, 21], [28, 27], [29, 44], [29, 4], [30, 29], [31, 30], [32, 25], [33, 3], [34, 33], [34, 32], [35, 34], [35, 21], [36, 4], [36, 44], [37, 36], [38, 37], [39, 17], [40, 2], [41, 40], [41, 39], [42, 35], [42, 28], [43, 42], [43, 41], [44, 44], [44, 4], [45, 4], [45, 44], [46, 45], [49, 0], [50, 41]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/2b3059e15ecb8fbf7b271369f91eb3e625d14e5ab2f1150bd03687d413670051_2b3059e15ecb8fbf7b271369f91eb3e625d14e5ab2f1150bd03687d413670051.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40145B", "query": "\n\n\n_QWORD *__fastcall sub_40145B(__int64 a1, __int64 a2)\n{\n_QWORD *result; // rax\nunsigned int i; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nfor ( i = 0; i <= 9; i += 2 )\n{\n*(_QWORD *)(8LL * i + a1) += *(_QWORD *)(8LL * i + a2);\nresult = (_QWORD *)(8LL * (i + 1) + a1);\n*result += *(_QWORD *)(8LL * (i + 1) + a2);\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,sub_40145B,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'output', 'a2': 'in', 'sub_40145B': 'fsum'}"}
t_stat sim_set_telnet (int32 flag, CONST char *cptr) { char *cvptr, gbuf[CBUFSIZE]; CTAB *ctptr; t_stat r; if ((cptr == NULL) || (*cptr == 0)) return SCPE_2FARG; while (*cptr != 0) { /* do all mods */ cptr = get_glyph_nc (cptr, gbuf, ','); /* get modifier */ if ((cvptr = strchr (gbuf, '='))) /* = value? */ *cvptr++ = 0; get_glyph (gbuf, gbuf, 0); /* modifier to UC */ if ((ctptr = find_ctab (set_con_telnet_tab, gbuf))) { /* match? */ r = ctptr->action (ctptr->arg, cvptr); /* do the rest */ if (r != SCPE_OK) return r; } else { if (cvptr) /* if we removed a = sign */ *(--cvptr) = '='; /* restore it */ if (sim_con_tmxr.master) /* already open? */ sim_set_notelnet (0, NULL); /* close first */ r = tmxr_attach (&sim_con_tmxr, &sim_con_unit, gbuf);/* open master socket */ if (r == SCPE_OK) sim_activate_after(&sim_con_unit, 1000000); /* check for connection in 1 second */ else return r; } } return SCPE_OK; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4633B8", "function_addr": 4600760, "binary_name": "9acbc7c1ba7e49eb8c0cc5dd5e3feb9b4a180e4e252c42715e31fa33694bae23.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10B0h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_10A4], edi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_10B0], rsi"], [5, "cmp [rbp+var_10B0], 0"], [6, "jz short loc_4633EC"], [7, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10B0]"], [8, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [9, "test al, al"], [10, "jnz loc_46351A"], [11, "mov eax, 5Eh "], [12, "jmp locret_463531"], [13, "lea rcx, [rbp+s]"], [14, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10B0]"], [15, "mov edx, 2Ch "], [16, "mov rsi, rcx"], [17, "mov rdi, rax"], [18, "call sub_44AC0B"], [19, "mov [rbp+var_10B0], rax"], [20, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [21, "mov esi, 3Dh "], [22, "mov rdi, rax"], [23, "call _strchr"], [24, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [25, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [26, "jz short loc_463449"], [27, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [28, "lea rdx, [rax+1]"], [29, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdx"], [30, "mov byte ptr [rax], 0"], [31, "lea rcx, [rbp+s]"], [32, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [33, "mov edx, 0"], [34, "mov rsi, rcx"], [35, "mov rdi, rax"], [36, "call sub_44ABCF"], [37, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [38, "mov rsi, rax"], [39, "mov edi, offset off_52B240"], [40, "call sub_43C972"], [41, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [42, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 0"], [43, "jz short loc_4634B1"], [44, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [45, "mov rcx, [rax+8]"], [46, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [47, "mov eax, [rax+10h]"], [48, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [49, "mov rsi, rdx"], [50, "mov edi, eax"], [51, "call rcx"], [52, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [53, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 0"], [54, "jz short loc_46351A"], [55, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [56, "jmp locret_463531"], [57, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [58, "jz short loc_4634C4"], [59, "sub [rbp+var_8], 1"], [60, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [61, "mov byte ptr [rax], 3Dh "], [62, "mov eax, cs:dword_5299F0"], [63, "test eax, eax"], [64, "jz short loc_4634DD"], [65, "mov esi, 0"], [66, "mov edi, 0"], [67, "call sub_463533"], [68, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [69, "mov ecx, 0"], [70, "mov rdx, rax"], [71, "mov esi, offset unk_529380"], [72, "mov edi, offset unk_5299E0"], [73, "call sub_4816CE"], [74, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [75, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 0"], [76, "jnz short loc_463515"], [77, "mov esi, 0F4240h"], [78, "mov edi, offset unk_529380"], [79, "call sub_482FA9"], [80, "jmp short loc_46351A"], [81, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [82, "jmp short locret_463531"], [83, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10B0]"], [84, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [85, "test al, al"], [86, "jnz loc_4633F6"], [87, "mov eax, 0"], [88, "leave"], [89, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 4], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 9], [13, 69], [13, 45], [14, 19], [14, 4], [16, 13], [17, 14], [19, 18], [20, 18], [22, 20], [24, 23], [25, 24], [26, 25], [27, 24], [28, 30], [28, 61], [28, 27], [28, 15], [29, 28], [30, 27], [31, 13], [32, 23], [32, 27], [34, 31], [35, 32], [37, 36], [38, 37], [41, 40], [42, 41], [43, 42], [44, 41], [45, 30], [45, 61], [45, 44], [46, 41], [47, 61], [47, 46], [47, 30], [48, 29], [48, 24], [49, 48], [50, 47], [51, 45], [52, 51], [53, 52], [54, 53], [55, 52], [57, 29], [57, 24], [58, 57], [59, 29], [59, 24], [60, 59], [61, 60], [63, 62], [64, 63], [68, 63], [68, 67], [70, 68], [74, 73], [75, 74], [76, 75], [81, 74], [83, 4], [83, 19], [84, 61], [84, 83], [84, 30], [85, 84], [86, 85], [89, 81], [89, 87], [89, 55], [89, 11]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/9acbc7c1ba7e49eb8c0cc5dd5e3feb9b4a180e4e252c42715e31fa33694bae23_9acbc7c1ba7e49eb8c0cc5dd5e3feb9b4a180e4e252c42715e31fa33694bae23.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4633B8", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_4633B8(__int64 a1, char *a2)\n{\nchar *v3; // rax\nchar *v4; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-10B0h]\nchar s[4236]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-10A0h] BYREF\nunsigned int v6; // [rsp+109Ch] [rbp-14h]\n_QWORD *v7; // [rsp+10A0h] [rbp-10h]\nchar *v8; // [rsp+10A8h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv4 = a2;\nif ( !a2 || !*a2 )\nreturn 94LL;\nwhile ( *v4 )\n{\nv4 = sub_44AC0B(v4, s, 44);\nv8 = strchr(s, 61);\nif ( v8 )\n{\nv3 = v8++;\n*v3 = 0;\n}\nsub_44ABCF(s, s, 0);\nv7 = sub_43C972(&off_52B240, s);\nif ( v7 )\n{\nv6 = ((__int64 (__fastcall *)(_QWORD, char *))v7[1])(*((unsigned int *)v7 + 4), v8);\nif ( v6 )\nreturn v6;\n}\nelse\n{\nif ( v8 )\n*--v8 = 61;\nif ( dword_5299F0 )\nsub_463533(0LL, 0LL);\nv6 = sub_4816CE(&unk_5299E0, &unk_529380, s, 0LL);\nif ( v6 )\nreturn v6;\nsub_482FA9(&unk_529380, 1000000LL);\n}\n}\nreturn 0LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a2,a1,v4,s,v6,v7,v8,sub_4633B8,sub_44AC0B,sub_44ABCF,sub_43C972,sub_463533,sub_4816CE,sub_482FA9,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a2': 'cptr', 'a1': 'flag', 'v4': 'cptra', 's': 'gbuf', 'v6': 'r', 'v7': 'ctptr', 'v8': 'cvptr', 'sub_4633B8': 'sim_set_telnet', 'sub_44AC0B': 'get_glyph_nc', 'sub_44ABCF': 'get_glyph', 'sub_43C972': 'find_ctab', 'sub_463533': 'sim_set_notelnet', 'sub_4816CE': 'tmxr_attach_ex', 'sub_482FA9': 'tmxr_activate_after'}"}
void u8g2_Setup_t6963_256x64_1(u8g2_t *u8g2, const u8g2_cb_t *rotation, u8x8_msg_cb byte_cb, u8x8_msg_cb gpio_and_delay_cb) { uint8_t tile_buf_height; uint8_t *buf; u8g2_SetupDisplay(u8g2, u8x8_d_t6963_256x64, u8x8_cad_100, byte_cb, gpio_and_delay_cb); buf = u8g2_m_32_8_1(&tile_buf_height); u8g2_SetupBuffer(u8g2, buf, tile_buf_height, u8g2_ll_hvline_horizontal_right_lsb, rotation); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_41E458", "function_addr": 4318296, "binary_name": "bddd6776f1019b5476f11cff727555ff1ce953b5d63681da044418d28c92cc46.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 30h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_20], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_28], rdx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_30], rcx"], [7, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_30]"], [8, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_28]"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [10, "mov r8, rcx"], [11, "mov rcx, rdx"], [12, "mov edx, offset sub_428EA2"], [13, "mov esi, offset sub_43CF41"], [14, "mov rdi, rax"], [15, "call sub_44088A"], [16, "lea rax, [rbp+var_9]"], [17, "mov rdi, rax"], [18, "call sub_407DF6"], [19, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [20, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_9]"], [21, "movzx edx, al"], [22, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_20]"], [23, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_8]"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [25, "mov r8, rcx"], [26, "mov ecx, offset sub_424158"], [27, "mov rdi, rax"], [28, "call sub_425671"], [29, "nop"], [30, "leave"], [31, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[7, 6], [8, 5], [9, 3], [10, 7], [11, 8], [14, 9], [16, 15], [17, 16], [19, 18], [21, 20], [22, 4], [23, 19], [24, 3], [25, 22], [27, 24], [31, 28]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/bddd6776f1019b5476f11cff727555ff1ce953b5d63681da044418d28c92cc46_bddd6776f1019b5476f11cff727555ff1ce953b5d63681da044418d28c92cc46.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_41E458", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_41E458(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4)\n{\nunsigned __int8 v5; // [rsp+27h] [rbp-9h] BYREF\nvoid *v6; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-8h]\n\nsub_44088A(a1, sub_43CF41, sub_428EA2, a3, a4);\nv6 = sub_407DF6(&v5);\nreturn sub_425671(a1, v6, v5, sub_424158, a2);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,v5,v6,sub_41E458,sub_44088A,sub_43CF41,sub_428EA2,sub_407DF6,sub_425671,sub_424158,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'byte_cb', 'a4': 'gpio_and_delay_cb', 'a1': 'u8g2', 'a2': 'rotation', 'v5': 'tile_buf_height', 'v6': 'buf', 'sub_41E458': 'u8g2_Setup_t6963_256x64_1', 'sub_44088A': 'u8x8_Setup', 'sub_43CF41': 'u8x8_d_t6963_256x64', 'sub_428EA2': 'u8x8_cad_100', 'sub_407DF6': 'u8g2_m_32_8_1', 'sub_425671': 'u8g2_SetupBuffer', 'sub_424158': 'u8g2_ll_hvline_horizontal_right_lsb'}"}
int eloop_register_timeout(unsigned int secs, unsigned int usecs, void (*handler)(void *eloop_ctx, void *timeout_ctx), void *eloop_data, void *user_data) { struct eloop_timeout *timeout, *tmp, *prev; timeout = (struct eloop_timeout *) malloc(sizeof(*timeout)); if (timeout == NULL) return -1; gettimeofday(&timeout->time, NULL); timeout->time.tv_sec += secs; timeout->time.tv_usec += usecs; while (timeout->time.tv_usec >= 1000000) { timeout->time.tv_sec++; timeout->time.tv_usec -= 1000000; } timeout->eloop_data = eloop_data; timeout->user_data = user_data; timeout->handler = handler; timeout->next = NULL; if (eloop.timeout == NULL) { eloop.timeout = timeout; return 0; } prev = NULL; tmp = eloop.timeout; while (tmp != NULL) { if (timercmp(&timeout->time, &tmp->time, <)) break; prev = tmp; tmp = tmp->next; } if (prev == NULL) { timeout->next = eloop.timeout; eloop.timeout = timeout; } else { timeout->next = prev->next; prev->next = timeout; } return 0; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_403F97", "function_addr": 4210583, "binary_name": "e86e49667f6b00cc7d0bb57409294a9bff21055ebd53fab82ced44f717353073.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 40h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_24], edi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_28], esi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_30], rdx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_38], rcx"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_40], r8"], [8, "mov edi, 30h "], [9, "call _malloc"], [10, "mov [rbp+tv], rax"], [11, "cmp [rbp+tv], 0"], [12, "jnz short loc_403FD0"], [13, "mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [14, "jmp locret_404151"], [15, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [16, "mov esi, 0"], [17, "mov rdi, rax"], [18, "call _gettimeofday"], [19, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [20, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [21, "mov eax, [rbp+var_24]"], [22, "add rdx, rax"], [23, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [24, "mov [rax], rdx"], [25, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [26, "mov rdx, [rax+8]"], [27, "mov eax, [rbp+var_28]"], [28, "add rdx, rax"], [29, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [30, "mov [rax+8], rdx"], [31, "jmp short loc_404036"], [32, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [33, "mov rax, [rax]"], [34, "lea rdx, [rax+1]"], [35, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [36, "mov [rax], rdx"], [37, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [38, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [39, "lea rdx, [rax-0F4240h]"], [40, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [41, "mov [rax+8], rdx"], [42, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [43, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [44, "cmp rax, 0F423Fh"], [45, "jg short loc_40400D"], [46, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [47, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_38]"], [48, "mov [rax+10h], rdx"], [49, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [50, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_40]"], [51, "mov [rax+18h], rdx"], [52, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [53, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_30]"], [54, "mov [rax+20h], rdx"], [55, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [56, "mov qword ptr [rax+28h], 0"], [57, "mov rax, cs:qword_415318"], [58, "test rax, rax"], [59, "jnz short loc_404097"], [60, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [61, "mov cs:qword_415318, rax"], [62, "mov eax, 0"], [63, "jmp locret_404151"], [64, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [65, "mov rax, cs:qword_415318"], [66, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [67, "jmp short loc_404103"], [68, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [69, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [70, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [71, "mov rax, [rax]"], [72, "cmp rdx, rax"], [73, "jnz short loc_4040D7"], [74, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [75, "mov rdx, [rax+8]"], [76, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [77, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [78, "cmp rdx, rax"], [79, "setl al"], [80, "jmp short loc_4040EB"], [81, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [82, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [83, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [84, "mov rax, [rax]"], [85, "cmp rdx, rax"], [86, "setl al"], [87, "test al, al"], [88, "jnz short loc_40410C"], [89, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [90, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [91, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [92, "mov rax, [rax+28h]"], [93, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [94, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [95, "jnz short loc_4040AC"], [96, "jmp short loc_40410D"], [97, "nop"], [98, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 0"], [99, "jnz short loc_404130"], [100, "mov rdx, cs:qword_415318"], [101, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [102, "mov [rax+28h], rdx"], [103, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [104, "mov cs:qword_415318, rax"], [105, "jmp short loc_40414C"], [106, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [107, "mov rdx, [rax+28h]"], [108, "mov rax, [rbp+tv]"], [109, "mov [rax+28h], rdx"], [110, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [111, "mov rdx, [rbp+tv]"], [112, "mov [rax+28h], rdx"], [113, "mov eax, 0"], [114, "leave"], [115, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 11], [15, 10], [17, 15], [19, 10], [20, 19], [21, 3], [22, 21], [22, 20], [23, 10], [24, 23], [24, 22], [25, 10], [26, 25], [26, 24], [27, 4], [28, 27], [28, 26], [29, 10], [30, 29], [30, 28], [32, 10], [33, 36], [33, 24], [33, 30], [33, 32], [33, 41], [34, 28], [34, 30], [34, 39], [34, 41], [34, 36], [34, 24], [34, 33], [35, 10], [36, 34], [36, 35], [37, 10], [38, 41], [38, 36], [38, 37], [38, 30], [39, 34], [39, 36], [39, 38], [40, 10], [41, 40], [41, 39], [42, 10], [43, 30], [43, 41], [43, 36], [43, 24], [43, 42], [44, 43], [45, 44], [46, 10], [47, 6], [48, 47], [48, 46], [49, 10], [50, 7], [51, 50], [51, 49], [52, 10], [53, 5], [54, 53], [54, 52], [55, 10], [56, 55], [58, 57], [59, 58], [60, 10], [61, 60], [66, 65], [68, 10], [69, 56], [69, 24], [69, 51], [69, 30], [69, 41], [69, 48], [69, 68], [69, 36], [69, 54], [70, 66], [70, 93], [71, 56], [71, 24], [71, 51], [71, 30], [71, 48], [71, 41], [71, 70], [71, 36], [71, 54], [72, 69], [72, 71], [73, 72], [74, 10], [75, 51], [75, 74], [75, 30], [75, 48], [75, 41], [75, 36], [75, 54], [75, 56], [75, 24], [76, 66], [76, 93], [77, 76], [77, 30], [77, 48], [77, 41], [77, 36], [77, 54], [77, 56], [77, 24], [77, 51], [78, 77], [78, 75], [79, 78], [79, 77], [81, 10], [82, 56], [82, 24], [82, 51], [82, 81], [82, 30], [82, 48], [82, 41], [82, 36], [82, 54], [83, 66], [83, 93], [84, 41], [84, 36], [84, 54], [84, 56], [84, 24], [84, 51], [84, 83], [84, 30], [84, 48], [85, 82], [85, 84], [86, 85], [86, 84], [87, 86], [87, 79], [88, 87], [89, 93], [89, 66], [90, 89], [91, 66], [91, 93], [92, 24], [92, 51], [92, 30], [92, 48], [92, 41], [92, 91], [92, 36], [92, 54], [92, 56], [93, 92], [94, 66], [94, 93], [95, 94], [98, 64], [98, 90], [99, 98], [101, 10], [102, 100], [102, 101], [103, 10], [104, 103], [106, 90], [106, 64], [107, 24], [107, 106], [107, 51], [107, 30], [107, 48], [107, 112], [107, 41], [107, 36], [107, 109], [107, 54], [107, 56], [108, 10], [109, 108], [109, 107], [110, 90], [110, 64], [111, 10], [112, 111], [112, 110], [115, 62], [115, 13], [115, 113]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/e86e49667f6b00cc7d0bb57409294a9bff21055ebd53fab82ced44f717353073_e86e49667f6b00cc7d0bb57409294a9bff21055ebd53fab82ced44f717353073.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_403F97", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_403F97(unsigned int a1, unsigned int a2, __time_t a3, __time_t a4, __suseconds_t a5)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\nstruct timeval *tv; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-18h]\n__time_t *v11; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-10h]\n__time_t *i; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-8h]\n\ntv = (struct timeval *)malloc(0x30uLL);\nif ( !tv )\nreturn 0xFFFFFFFFLL;\ngettimeofday(tv, 0LL);\ntv->tv_sec += a1;\nfor ( tv->tv_usec += a2; tv->tv_usec > 999999; tv->tv_usec -= 1000000LL )\n++tv->tv_sec;\ntv[1].tv_sec = a4;\ntv[1].tv_usec = a5;\ntv[2].tv_sec = a3;\ntv[2].tv_usec = 0LL;\nif ( qword_415318 )\n{\nv11 = 0LL;\nfor ( i = (__time_t *)qword_415318; i; i = (__time_t *)i[5] )\n{\nif ( tv->tv_sec == *i ? tv->tv_usec < i[1] : tv->tv_sec < *i )\nbreak;\nv11 = i;\n}\nif ( v11 )\n{\ntv[2].tv_usec = v11[5];\nv11[5] = (__time_t)tv;\n}\nelse\n{\ntv[2].tv_usec = qword_415318;\nqword_415318 = (__int64)tv;\n}\nresult = 0LL;\n}\nelse\n{\nqword_415318 = (__int64)tv;\nresult = 0LL;\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,a5,tv,v11,i,sub_403F97,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'handler', 'a4': 'eloop_data', 'a1': 'secs', 'a2': 'usecs', 'a5': 'user_data', 'tv': 'timeout', 'v11': 'prev', 'i': 'tmp', 'sub_403F97': 'eloop_register_timeout'}"}
int RS232_PollComport(int comport_number, unsigned char *buf, int size) { int n; n = read(Cport[comport_number], buf, size); return(n); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4036A7", "function_addr": 4208295, "binary_name": "ba0fbbc6ab55f830024bc46358931972407b4390d1d7d3fceb4ba0dd11534095.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_14], edi"], [4, "mov [rbp+buf], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_18], edx"], [6, "mov eax, [rbp+var_18]"], [7, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [8, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [9, "cdqe"], [10, "mov eax, ds:fd[rax*4]"], [11, "mov rcx, [rbp+buf]"], [12, "mov rsi, rcx"], [13, "mov edi, eax"], [14, "call _read"], [15, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [16, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [17, "leave"], [18, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 3], [11, 4], [12, 11], [13, 10], [15, 14], [16, 15], [18, 16]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/ba0fbbc6ab55f830024bc46358931972407b4390d1d7d3fceb4ba0dd11534095_ba0fbbc6ab55f830024bc46358931972407b4390d1d7d3fceb4ba0dd11534095.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4036A7", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_4036A7(int a1, void *a2, int a3)\n{\nreturn (unsigned int)read(fd[a1], a2, a3);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,sub_4036A7,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'size', 'a1': 'comport_number', 'a2': 'buf', 'sub_4036A7': 'RS232_PollComport'}"}
struct object make_string_object_with_length(const char *str, size_t length) { struct object obj; obj.type = OBJ_STRING; obj.value.string = malloc(sizeof(*obj.value.string) + length + 1); assert(obj.value.string != NULL); obj.value.string->gc_meta.marked = false; obj.value.string->value = (char*) (obj.value.string + 1); strcpy(obj.value.string->value, str); obj.value.string->length = length; return obj; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_408A90", "function_addr": 4229776, "binary_name": "9aa37731b2707e37cd79de5068e66e6d9985f3564390ff920fbafd5b9139a8e2.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "push rbx"], [3, "sub rsp, 28h"], [4, "mov [rbp+src], rdi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_30], rsi"], [6, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_20], 5"], [7, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [8, "add rax, 21h "], [9, "mov rdi, rax"], [10, "call _malloc"], [11, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [13, "test rax, rax"], [14, "jnz short loc_408ADE"], [15, "mov ecx, offset aMakeStringObje"], [16, "mov edx, 3Ah "], [17, "mov esi, offset aSrcObjectC"], [18, "mov edi, offset aObjValueString"], [19, "call ___assert_fail"], [20, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [21, "mov byte ptr [rax+18h], 0"], [22, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [23, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [24, "add rdx, 20h "], [25, "mov [rax], rdx"], [26, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [27, "mov rax, [rax]"], [28, "mov rdx, [rbp+src]"], [29, "mov rsi, rdx"], [30, "mov rdi, rax"], [31, "call _strcpy"], [32, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [33, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_30]"], [34, "mov [rax+8], rdx"], [35, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [36, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [37, "mov rcx, rax"], [38, "mov rbx, rdx"], [39, "mov eax, ecx"], [40, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_8]"], [41, "leave"], [42, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[7, 5], [8, 7], [9, 8], [11, 10], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 13], [20, 11], [21, 20], [22, 11], [23, 11], [24, 22], [25, 23], [25, 24], [26, 11], [27, 25], [27, 26], [28, 4], [29, 28], [30, 27], [32, 11], [33, 5], [34, 33], [34, 32], [35, 6], [36, 11], [37, 35], [38, 36], [39, 37], [42, 39]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/9aa37731b2707e37cd79de5068e66e6d9985f3564390ff920fbafd5b9139a8e2_9aa37731b2707e37cd79de5068e66e6d9985f3564390ff920fbafd5b9139a8e2.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_408A90", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_408A90(const char *a1, __int64 a2)\n{\n_BYTE *v3; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-18h]\n\nv3 = malloc(a2 + 33);\nif ( !v3 )\n__assert_fail(\"obj.value.string != NULL\", \"src/object.c\", 0x3Au, \"make_string_object_with_length\");\nv3[24] = 0;\n*(_QWORD *)v3 = v3 + 32;\nstrcpy(*(char **)v3, a1);\n*((_QWORD *)v3 + 1) = a2;\nreturn 5LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,v3,sub_408A90,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'str', 'a2': 'length', 'v3': 'obj_8', 'sub_408A90': 'make_string_object_with_length'}"}
static void parse_text(void) { FILE *file; char *filename, *line = NULL; size_t len = 0; int ret; if (show_raw) return; filename = user_csv ? user_csv : def_csv; file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!file) { /* Fallback to a csv in the same dir */ file = fopen("./cpuid.csv", "r"); } if (!file) { printf("Fail to open '%s'\n", filename); return; } while (1) { ret = getline(&line, &len, file); flines++; if (ret > 0) parse_line(line); if (feof(file)) break; } fclose(file); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_401B6E", "function_addr": 4201326, "binary_name": "bafc0dc977900ad7aab79d928a089767508e3d2c699797ae671eb30a85c593e0.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 30h"], [3, "mov [rbp+lineptr], 0"], [4, "mov [rbp+n], 0"], [5, "movzx eax, cs:byte_40524E"], [6, "test al, al"], [7, "jnz loc_401C5F"], [8, "mov rax, cs:qword_405230"], [9, "test rax, rax"], [10, "jz short loc_401BAA"], [11, "mov rax, cs:qword_405230"], [12, "jmp short loc_401BB1"], [13, "mov rax, cs:off_4050E0"], [14, "mov [rbp+filename], rax"], [15, "mov rax, [rbp+filename]"], [16, "mov esi, offset modes"], [17, "mov rdi, rax"], [18, "call _fopen"], [19, "mov [rbp+stream], rax"], [20, "cmp [rbp+stream], 0"], [21, "jnz short loc_401BE4"], [22, "mov esi, offset modes"], [23, "mov edi, offset filename"], [24, "call _fopen"], [25, "mov [rbp+stream], rax"], [26, "cmp [rbp+stream], 0"], [27, "jnz short loc_401C03"], [28, "mov rax, [rbp+filename]"], [29, "mov rsi, rax"], [30, "mov edi, offset aFailToOpenS"], [31, "mov eax, 0"], [32, "call _printf"], [33, "jmp short locret_401C60"], [34, "mov rdx, [rbp+stream]"], [35, "lea rcx, [rbp+n]"], [36, "lea rax, [rbp+lineptr]"], [37, "mov rsi, rcx"], [38, "mov rdi, rax"], [39, "call _getline"], [40, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [41, "mov eax, cs:dword_405250"], [42, "add eax, 1"], [43, "mov cs:dword_405250, eax"], [44, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 0"], [45, "jle short loc_401C3E"], [46, "mov rax, [rbp+lineptr]"], [47, "mov rdi, rax"], [48, "call sub_4017FD"], [49, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [50, "mov rdi, rax"], [51, "call _feof"], [52, "test eax, eax"], [53, "jnz short loc_401C50"], [54, "jmp short loc_401C03"], [55, "nop"], [56, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [57, "mov rdi, rax"], [58, "call _fclose"], [59, "jmp short locret_401C60"], [60, "nop"], [61, "leave"], [62, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 5], [7, 6], [9, 8], [10, 9], [14, 13], [14, 11], [15, 14], [17, 15], [19, 18], [20, 19], [21, 20], [25, 24], [26, 19], [26, 25], [27, 26], [28, 14], [29, 28], [34, 19], [34, 25], [35, 35], [35, 4], [36, 52], [36, 3], [36, 18], [36, 24], [37, 35], [38, 36], [40, 39], [41, 43], [42, 41], [43, 42], [44, 40], [45, 44], [46, 3], [47, 46], [49, 25], [49, 19], [50, 49], [52, 51], [53, 52], [56, 25], [56, 19], [57, 56], [62, 32], [62, 58], [62, 6]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/bafc0dc977900ad7aab79d928a089767508e3d2c699797ae671eb30a85c593e0_bafc0dc977900ad7aab79d928a089767508e3d2c699797ae671eb30a85c593e0.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_401B6E", "query": "\n\n\nint sub_401B6E()\n{\nint result; // eax\nchar *v1; // rax\nsize_t n; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-28h] BYREF\nchar *lineptr; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-20h] BYREF\nint v4; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-14h]\nchar *filename; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-10h]\nFILE *stream; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-8h]\n\nlineptr = 0LL;\nn = 0LL;\nresult = (unsigned __int8)byte_40524E;\nif ( !byte_40524E )\n{\nif ( qword_405230 )\nv1 = (char *)qword_405230;\nelse\nv1 = off_4050E0;\nfilename = v1;\nstream = fopen(v1, \"r\");\nif ( !stream )\nstream = fopen(\"./cpuid.csv\", \"r\");\nif ( stream )\n{\ndo\n{\nv4 = getline(&lineptr, &n, stream);\n++dword_405250;\nif ( v4 > 0 )\nsub_4017FD(lineptr);\n}\nwhile ( !feof(stream) );\nresult = fclose(stream);\n}\nelse\n{\nresult = printf(\"Fail to open '%s'\\n\", filename);\n}\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[n,lineptr,stream,sub_401B6E,sub_4017FD,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'n': 'len', 'lineptr': 'line', 'stream': 'file', 'sub_401B6E': 'parse_text', 'sub_4017FD': 'parse_line'}"}
static void rfcomm_multiplexer_prepare_idle_timer(rfcomm_multiplexer_t * multiplexer){ if (multiplexer->timer_active) { btstack_run_loop_remove_timer(&multiplexer->timer); multiplexer->timer_active = 0; } if (rfcomm_multiplexer_has_channels(multiplexer)) return; // start idle timer for multiplexer timeout check as there are no rfcomm channels yet btstack_run_loop_set_timer(&multiplexer->timer, RFCOMM_MULIPLEXER_TIMEOUT_MS); btstack_run_loop_set_timer_handler(&multiplexer->timer, rfcomm_multiplexer_timer_handler); btstack_run_loop_set_timer_context(&multiplexer->timer, multiplexer); btstack_run_loop_add_timer(&multiplexer->timer); multiplexer->timer_active = 1; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_430966", "function_addr": 4393318, "binary_name": "266b6bceb9d3f5222a007f960f0190a531bfea0cb420d862c9ab53bf7bbb75b7.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [5, "mov eax, [rax+28h]"], [6, "test eax, eax"], [7, "jz short loc_430998"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [9, "add rax, 8"], [10, "mov rdi, rax"], [11, "call sub_408204"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [13, "mov dword ptr [rax+28h], 0"], [14, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [15, "mov rdi, rax"], [16, "call sub_42F4E6"], [17, "test eax, eax"], [18, "jnz short loc_430A06"], [19, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [20, "add rax, 8"], [21, "mov esi, 0EA60h"], [22, "mov rdi, rax"], [23, "call sub_40817F"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [25, "add rax, 8"], [26, "mov esi, offset sub_4308EF"], [27, "mov rdi, rax"], [28, "call sub_407F74"], [29, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [30, "lea rdx, [rax+8]"], [31, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [32, "mov rsi, rax"], [33, "mov rdi, rdx"], [34, "call sub_4081AF"], [35, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [36, "add rax, 8"], [37, "mov rdi, rax"], [38, "call sub_4081DC"], [39, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [40, "mov dword ptr [rax+28h], 1"], [41, "jmp short locret_430A07"], [42, "nop"], [43, "leave"], [44, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 3], [9, 8], [10, 9], [12, 3], [13, 12], [14, 3], [15, 14], [17, 16], [18, 17], [19, 3], [20, 19], [22, 20], [24, 3], [25, 24], [27, 25], [29, 3], [30, 29], [30, 13], [30, 40], [31, 3], [32, 31], [33, 30], [35, 3], [36, 35], [37, 36], [39, 3], [40, 39], [44, 39], [44, 17]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/266b6bceb9d3f5222a007f960f0190a531bfea0cb420d862c9ab53bf7bbb75b7_266b6bceb9d3f5222a007f960f0190a531bfea0cb420d862c9ab53bf7bbb75b7.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_430966", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_430966(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, int a5, int a6)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n__int64 v7; // rdx\n__int64 v8; // rcx\nint v9; // er8\nint v10; // er9\n__int64 v11; // rdx\n__int64 v12; // rcx\nint v13; // er8\nint v14; // er9\n\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 40) )\n{\nsub_408204(a1 + 8, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 40) = 0;\n}\nresult = sub_42F4E6(a1);\nif ( !(_DWORD)result )\n{\nsub_40817F(a1 + 8, 60000LL, v7, v8, v9, v10);\nsub_407F74(a1 + 8, (__int64)sub_4308EF);\nsub_4081AF(a1 + 8, a1);\nsub_4081DC(a1 + 8, a1, v11, v12, v13, v14);\nresult = a1;\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 40) = 1;\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_430966,sub_408204,sub_42F4E6,sub_40817F,sub_407F74,sub_4308EF,sub_4081AF,sub_4081DC,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'multiplexer', 'sub_430966': 'rfcomm_multiplexer_prepare_idle_timer', 'sub_408204': 'btstack_run_loop_remove_timer', 'sub_42F4E6': 'rfcomm_multiplexer_has_channels', 'sub_40817F': 'btstack_run_loop_set_timer', 'sub_407F74': 'btstack_run_loop_set_timer_handler', 'sub_4308EF': 'rfcomm_multiplexer_timer_handler', 'sub_4081AF': 'btstack_run_loop_set_timer_context', 'sub_4081DC': 'btstack_run_loop_add_timer'}"}
static void mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) { int ret = pthread_mutex_lock(mutex); if (ret) die2(ret, "pthread_mutex_lock"); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4162EE", "function_addr": 4285166, "binary_name": "cc7eb91bd0d1f267d417b082eda72b746468e69048449bb22bfbc4468f0e77da.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+mutex], rdi"], [4, "mov rax, fs:28h"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [6, "xor eax, eax"], [7, "mov rax, [rbp+mutex]"], [8, "mov rdi, rax"], [9, "call _pthread_mutex_lock"], [10, "mov [rbp+var_C], eax"], [11, "cmp [rbp+var_C], 0"], [12, "jz short loc_41632D"], [13, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [14, "mov esi, offset aPthreadMutexLo_0"], [15, "mov edi, eax"], [16, "call sub_41625A"], [17, "nop"], [18, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [19, "sub rax, fs:28h"], [20, "jz short locret_416342"], [21, "call ___stack_chk_fail"], [22, "leave"], [23, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [7, 3], [8, 7], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 11], [13, 10], [15, 13], [18, 5], [19, 18], [20, 19], [23, 19]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/cc7eb91bd0d1f267d417b082eda72b746468e69048449bb22bfbc4468f0e77da_cc7eb91bd0d1f267d417b082eda72b746468e69048449bb22bfbc4468f0e77da.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4162EE", "query": "\n\n\nunsigned __int64 __fastcall sub_4162EE(pthread_mutex_t *a1)\n{\nint v2; // [rsp+14h] [rbp-Ch]\nunsigned __int64 v3; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv3 = __readfsqword(0x28u);\nv2 = pthread_mutex_lock(a1);\nif ( v2 )\nsub_41625A(v2, \"pthread_mutex_lock\");\nreturn v3 - __readfsqword(0x28u);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_4162EE,sub_41625A,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'mutex', 'sub_4162EE': 'mutex_lock', 'sub_41625A': 'die2'}"}
static int hfp_ag_send_retrieve_indicators_status_cmd(uint16_t cid){ char buffer[40]; const int size = sizeof(buffer); int offset = snprintf(buffer, size, "\r\n%s:", HFP_INDICATOR); offset += hfp_ag_indicators_status_join(buffer+offset, size-offset-9); offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, size-offset, "\r\n\r\nOK\r\n"); return send_str_over_rfcomm(cid, buffer); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_455F7F", "function_addr": 4546431, "binary_name": "5f5ebc3b2168d6c920c5b624ab2da0e280b9a03146ff50175d9a3c121396694a.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 40h"], [3, "mov eax, edi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_34], ax"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_4], 28h "], [6, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [7, "movsxd rsi, eax"], [8, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [9, "mov ecx, offset aCind"], [10, "mov edx, offset aS_2"], [11, "mov rdi, rax"], [12, "mov eax, 0"], [13, "call _snprintf"], [14, "mov [rbp+var_8], eax"], [15, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [16, "sub eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [17, "lea edx, [rax-9]"], [18, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [19, "cdqe"], [20, "lea rcx, [rbp+s]"], [21, "add rax, rcx"], [22, "mov esi, edx"], [23, "mov rdi, rax"], [24, "call sub_455C7F"], [25, "add [rbp+var_8], eax"], [26, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [27, "sub eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [28, "cdqe"], [29, "mov edx, [rbp+var_8]"], [30, "movsxd rdx, edx"], [31, "lea rcx, [rbp+s]"], [32, "add rcx, rdx"], [33, "mov edx, offset aOk_0"], [34, "mov rsi, rax"], [35, "mov rdi, rcx"], [36, "mov eax, 0"], [37, "call _snprintf"], [38, "add [rbp+var_8], eax"], [39, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_34]"], [40, "lea rdx, [rbp+s]"], [41, "mov rsi, rdx"], [42, "mov edi, eax"], [43, "call sub_44F7F0"], [44, "leave"], [45, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 6], [11, 8], [14, 13], [15, 5], [16, 15], [16, 14], [17, 10], [17, 16], [18, 14], [20, 9], [21, 18], [21, 20], [22, 17], [23, 21], [25, 24], [25, 14], [26, 5], [27, 25], [27, 26], [29, 25], [30, 29], [31, 20], [32, 31], [32, 30], [34, 27], [35, 32], [38, 25], [38, 37], [39, 4], [40, 33], [41, 40], [42, 39], [45, 43]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/5f5ebc3b2168d6c920c5b624ab2da0e280b9a03146ff50175d9a3c121396694a_5f5ebc3b2168d6c920c5b624ab2da0e280b9a03146ff50175d9a3c121396694a.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_455F7F", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_455F7F(unsigned __int16 a1)\n{\nint v1; // eax\nint v2; // eax\nchar s[40]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-30h] BYREF\nint v5; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-8h]\nint v6; // [rsp+3Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nv6 = 40;\nv5 = snprintf(s, 0x28uLL, \"\\r\\n%s:\", \"+CIND\");\nv1 = sub_455C7F((__int64)&s[v5], v6 - v5 - 9);\nv5 += v1;\nv2 = snprintf(&s[v5], v6 - v5, \"\\r\\n\\r\\nOK\\r\\n\");\nv5 += v2;\nreturn sub_44F7F0(a1, s);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,s,v5,v6,sub_455F7F,sub_455C7F,sub_44F7F0,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'cid', 's': 'buffer', 'v5': 'offset', 'v6': 'size', 'sub_455F7F': 'hfp_ag_send_retrieve_indicators_status_cmd', 'sub_455C7F': 'hfp_ag_indicators_status_join', 'sub_44F7F0': 'send_str_over_rfcomm'}"}
static int _getopt_internal (int argc, char *const *argv, const char *optstring, const struct pj_getopt_option *longopts, int *longind, int long_only) { pj_optarg = NULL; if (pj_optind == 0 || !__getopt_initialized) { if (pj_optind == 0) pj_optind = 1; /* Don't scan ARGV[0], the program name. */ optstring = _getopt_initialize (argc, argv, optstring); __getopt_initialized = 1; } /* Test whether ARGV[pj_optind] points to a non-option argument. Either it does not have option syntax, or there is an environment flag from the shell indicating it is not an option. The later information is only used when the used in the GNU libc. */ #define NONOPTION_P (argv[pj_optind][0] != '-' || argv[pj_optind][1] == '\0') if (nextchar == NULL || *nextchar == '\0') { /* Advance to the next ARGV-element. */ /* Give FIRST_NONOPT & LAST_NONOPT rational values if OPTIND has been moved back by the user (who may also have changed the arguments). */ if (last_nonopt > pj_optind) last_nonopt = pj_optind; if (first_nonopt > pj_optind) first_nonopt = pj_optind; if (ordering == PERMUTE) { /* If we have just processed some options following some non-options, exchange them so that the options come first. */ if (first_nonopt != last_nonopt && last_nonopt != pj_optind) exchange ((char **) argv); else if (last_nonopt != pj_optind) first_nonopt = pj_optind; /* Skip any additional non-options and extend the range of non-options previously skipped. */ while (pj_optind < argc && NONOPTION_P) pj_optind++; last_nonopt = pj_optind; } /* The special ARGV-element `--' means premature end of options. Skip it like a null option, then exchange with previous non-options as if it were an option, then skip everything else like a non-option. */ if (pj_optind != argc && !pj_ansi_strcmp(argv[pj_optind], "--")) { pj_optind++; if (first_nonopt != last_nonopt && last_nonopt != pj_optind) exchange ((char **) argv); else if (first_nonopt == last_nonopt) first_nonopt = pj_optind; last_nonopt = argc; pj_optind = argc; } /* If we have done all the ARGV-elements, stop the scan and back over any non-options that we skipped and permuted. */ if (pj_optind == argc) { /* Set the next-arg-index to point at the non-options that we previously skipped, so the caller will digest them. */ if (first_nonopt != last_nonopt) pj_optind = first_nonopt; return -1; } /* If we have come to a non-option and did not permute it, either stop the scan or describe it to the caller and pass it by. */ if (NONOPTION_P) { if (ordering == REQUIRE_ORDER) return -1; pj_optarg = argv[pj_optind++]; return 1; } /* We have found another option-ARGV-element. Skip the initial punctuation. */ nextchar = (argv[pj_optind] + 1 + (longopts != NULL && argv[pj_optind][1] == '-')); } /* Decode the current option-ARGV-element. */ /* Check whether the ARGV-element is a long option. If long_only and the ARGV-element has the form "-f", where f is a valid short option, don't consider it an abbreviated form of a long option that starts with f. Otherwise there would be no way to give the -f short option. On the other hand, if there's a long option "fubar" and the ARGV-element is "-fu", do consider that an abbreviation of the long option, just like "--fu", and not "-f" with arg "u". This distinction seems to be the most useful approach. */ if (longopts != NULL && (argv[pj_optind][1] == '-' || (long_only && (argv[pj_optind][2] || !my_index (optstring, argv[pj_optind][1]))))) { char *nameend; const struct pj_getopt_option *p; const struct pj_getopt_option *pfound = NULL; int exact = 0; int ambig = 0; int indfound = -1; int option_index; for (nameend = nextchar; *nameend && *nameend != '='; nameend++) /* Do nothing. */ ; /* Test all long options for either exact match or abbreviated matches. */ for (p = longopts, option_index = 0; p->name; p++, option_index++) if (!strncmp (p->name, nextchar, nameend - nextchar)) { if ((unsigned int) (nameend - nextchar) == (unsigned int) strlen (p->name)) { /* Exact match found. */ pfound = p; indfound = option_index; exact = 1; break; } else if (pfound == NULL) { /* First nonexact match found. */ pfound = p; indfound = option_index; } else /* Second or later nonexact match found. */ ambig = 1; } if (ambig && !exact) { nextchar += strlen (nextchar); pj_optind++; pj_optopt = 0; return '?'; } if (pfound != NULL) { option_index = indfound; pj_optind++; if (*nameend) { /* Don't test has_arg with >, because some C compilers don't allow it to be used on enums. */ if (pfound->has_arg) pj_optarg = nameend + 1; else { nextchar += strlen (nextchar); pj_optopt = pfound->val; return '?'; } } else if (pfound->has_arg == 1) { if (pj_optind < argc) pj_optarg = argv[pj_optind++]; else { nextchar += strlen (nextchar); pj_optopt = pfound->val; return optstring[0] == ':' ? ':' : '?'; } } nextchar += strlen (nextchar); if (longind != NULL) *longind = option_index; if (pfound->flag) { *(pfound->flag) = pfound->val; return 0; } return pfound->val; } /* Can't find it as a long option. If this is not pj_getopt_long_only, or the option starts with '--' or is not a valid short option, then it's an error. Otherwise interpret it as a short option. */ if (!long_only || argv[pj_optind][1] == '-' || my_index (optstring, *nextchar) == NULL) { nextchar = (char *) ""; pj_optind++; pj_optopt = 0; return '?'; } } /* Look at and handle the next short option-character. */ { char c = *nextchar++; char *temp = my_index (optstring, c); /* Increment `pj_optind' when we start to process its last character. */ if (*nextchar == '\0') ++pj_optind; if (temp == NULL || c == ':') { pj_optopt = c; return '?'; } /* Convenience. Treat POSIX -W foo same as long option --foo */ if (temp[0] == 'W' && temp[1] == ';') { char *nameend; const struct pj_getopt_option *p; const struct pj_getopt_option *pfound = NULL; int exact = 0; int ambig = 0; int indfound = 0; int option_index; /* This is an option that requires an argument. */ if (*nextchar != '\0') { pj_optarg = nextchar; /* If we end this ARGV-element by taking the rest as an arg, we must advance to the next element now. */ pj_optind++; } else if (pj_optind == argc) { pj_optopt = c; if (optstring[0] == ':') c = ':'; else c = '?'; return c; } else /* We already incremented `pj_optind' once; increment it again when taking next ARGV-elt as argument. */ pj_optarg = argv[pj_optind++]; /* pj_optarg is now the argument, see if it's in the table of longopts. */ for (nextchar = nameend = pj_optarg; *nameend && *nameend != '='; nameend++) /* Do nothing. */ ; /* Test all long options for either exact match or abbreviated matches. */ for (p = longopts, option_index = 0; p->name; p++, option_index++) if (!strncmp (p->name, nextchar, nameend - nextchar)) { if ((unsigned int) (nameend - nextchar) == strlen (p->name)) { /* Exact match found. */ pfound = p; indfound = option_index; exact = 1; break; } else if (pfound == NULL) { /* First nonexact match found. */ pfound = p; indfound = option_index; } else /* Second or later nonexact match found. */ ambig = 1; } if (ambig && !exact) { nextchar += strlen (nextchar); pj_optind++; return '?'; } if (pfound != NULL) { option_index = indfound; if (*nameend) { /* Don't test has_arg with >, because some C compilers don't allow it to be used on enums. */ if (pfound->has_arg) pj_optarg = nameend + 1; else { nextchar += strlen (nextchar); return '?'; } } else if (pfound->has_arg == 1) { if (pj_optind < argc) pj_optarg = argv[pj_optind++]; else { nextchar += strlen (nextchar); return optstring[0] == ':' ? ':' : '?'; } } nextchar += strlen (nextchar); if (longind != NULL) *longind = option_index; if (pfound->flag) { *(pfound->flag) = pfound->val; return 0; } return pfound->val; } nextchar = NULL; return 'W'; /* Let the application handle it. */ } if (temp[1] == ':') { if (temp[2] == ':') { /* This is an option that accepts an argument optionally. */ if (*nextchar != '\0') { pj_optarg = nextchar; pj_optind++; } else pj_optarg = NULL; nextchar = NULL; } else { /* This is an option that requires an argument. */ if (*nextchar != '\0') { pj_optarg = nextchar; /* If we end this ARGV-element by taking the rest as an arg, we must advance to the next element now. */ pj_optind++; } else if (pj_optind == argc) { pj_optopt = c; if (optstring[0] == ':') c = ':'; else c = '?'; } else /* We already incremented `pj_optind' once; increment it again when taking next ARGV-elt as argument. */ pj_optarg = argv[pj_optind++]; nextchar = NULL; } } return c; } }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_468C2E", "function_addr": 4623406, "binary_name": "d8d3ef21e51c96db765e8f0d32e6b1df14da5354e4a3a9cd3b6492c5bc4a8750.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "push rbx"], [3, "sub rsp, 98h"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_74], edi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_80], rsi"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_88], rdx"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_90], rcx"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_98], r8"], [9, "mov [rbp+var_78], r9d"], [10, "mov cs:nptr, 0"], [11, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [12, "test eax, eax"], [13, "jz short loc_468C79"], [14, "mov eax, cs:dword_7B4F08"], [15, "test eax, eax"], [16, "jnz short loc_468CB6"], [17, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [18, "test eax, eax"], [19, "jnz short loc_468C8D"], [20, "mov cs:dword_4CBE60, 1"], [21, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_88]"], [22, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_80]"], [23, "mov eax, [rbp+var_74]"], [24, "mov rsi, rcx"], [25, "mov edi, eax"], [26, "call sub_468B91"], [27, "mov [rbp+var_88], rax"], [28, "mov cs:dword_7B4F08, 1"], [29, "mov rax, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [30, "test rax, rax"], [31, "jz short loc_468CD4"], [32, "mov rax, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [33, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [34, "test al, al"], [35, "jnz loc_468F9C"], [36, "mov edx, cs:dword_7B4F2C"], [37, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [38, "cmp edx, eax"], [39, "jle short loc_468CF0"], [40, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [41, "mov cs:dword_7B4F2C, eax"], [42, "mov edx, cs:dword_7B4F28"], [43, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [44, "cmp edx, eax"], [45, "jle short loc_468D0C"], [46, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [47, "mov cs:dword_7B4F28, eax"], [48, "mov eax, cs:dword_7B4F18"], [49, "cmp eax, 1"], [50, "jnz loc_468DD3"], [51, "mov edx, cs:dword_7B4F28"], [52, "mov eax, cs:dword_7B4F2C"], [53, "cmp edx, eax"], [54, "jz short loc_468D49"], [55, "mov edx, cs:dword_7B4F2C"], [56, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [57, "cmp edx, eax"], [58, "jz short loc_468D49"], [59, "mov rax, [rbp+var_80]"], [60, "mov rdi, rax"], [61, "call sub_4689D7"], [62, "jmp short loc_468D65"], [63, "mov edx, cs:dword_7B4F2C"], [64, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [65, "cmp edx, eax"], [66, "jz short loc_468D76"], [67, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [68, "mov cs:dword_7B4F28, eax"], [69, "jmp short loc_468D76"], [70, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [71, "add eax, 1"], [72, "mov cs:dword_4CBE60, eax"], [73, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [74, "cmp [rbp+var_74], eax"], [75, "jle short loc_468DC7"], [76, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [77, "cdqe"], [78, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [79, "mov rax, [rbp+var_80]"], [80, "add rax, rdx"], [81, "mov rax, [rax]"], [82, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [83, "cmp al, 2Dh "], [84, "jnz short loc_468D67"], [85, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [86, "cdqe"], [87, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [88, "mov rax, [rbp+var_80]"], [89, "add rax, rdx"], [90, "mov rax, [rax]"], [91, "add rax, 1"], [92, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [93, "test al, al"], [94, "jz short loc_468D67"], [95, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [96, "mov cs:dword_7B4F2C, eax"], [97, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [98, "cmp [rbp+var_74], eax"], [99, "jz loc_468E78"], [100, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [101, "cdqe"], [102, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [103, "mov rax, [rbp+var_80]"], [104, "add rax, rdx"], [105, "mov rax, [rax]"], [106, "mov esi, offset asc_4AE002"], [107, "mov rdi, rax"], [108, "call _strcmp"], [109, "test eax, eax"], [110, "jnz short loc_468E78"], [111, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [112, "add eax, 1"], [113, "mov cs:dword_4CBE60, eax"], [114, "mov edx, cs:dword_7B4F28"], [115, "mov eax, cs:dword_7B4F2C"], [116, "cmp edx, eax"], [117, "jz short loc_468E4A"], [118, "mov edx, cs:dword_7B4F2C"], [119, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [120, "cmp edx, eax"], [121, "jz short loc_468E4A"], [122, "mov rax, [rbp+var_80]"], [123, "mov rdi, rax"], [124, "call sub_4689D7"], [125, "jmp short loc_468E66"], [126, "mov edx, cs:dword_7B4F28"], [127, "mov eax, cs:dword_7B4F2C"], [128, "cmp edx, eax"], [129, "jnz short loc_468E66"], [130, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [131, "mov cs:dword_7B4F28, eax"], [132, "mov eax, [rbp+var_74]"], [133, "mov cs:dword_7B4F2C, eax"], [134, "mov eax, [rbp+var_74]"], [135, "mov cs:dword_4CBE60, eax"], [136, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [137, "cmp [rbp+var_74], eax"], [138, "jnz short loc_468EA9"], [139, "mov edx, cs:dword_7B4F28"], [140, "mov eax, cs:dword_7B4F2C"], [141, "cmp edx, eax"], [142, "jz short loc_468E9F"], [143, "mov eax, cs:dword_7B4F28"], [144, "mov cs:dword_4CBE60, eax"], [145, "mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [146, "jmp loc_469855"], [147, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [148, "cdqe"], [149, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [150, "mov rax, [rbp+var_80]"], [151, "add rax, rdx"], [152, "mov rax, [rax]"], [153, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [154, "cmp al, 2Dh "], [155, "jnz short loc_468EEF"], [156, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [157, "cdqe"], [158, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [159, "mov rax, [rbp+var_80]"], [160, "add rax, rdx"], [161, "mov rax, [rax]"], [162, "add rax, 1"], [163, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [164, "test al, al"], [165, "jnz short loc_468F37"], [166, "mov eax, cs:dword_7B4F18"], [167, "test eax, eax"], [168, "jnz short loc_468F03"], [169, "mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [170, "jmp loc_469855"], [171, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [172, "lea edx, [rax+1]"], [173, "mov cs:dword_4CBE60, edx"], [174, "cdqe"], [175, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [176, "mov rax, [rbp+var_80]"], [177, "add rax, rdx"], [178, "mov rax, [rax]"], [179, "mov cs:nptr, rax"], [180, "mov eax, 1"], [181, "jmp loc_469855"], [182, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [183, "cdqe"], [184, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [185, "mov rax, [rbp+var_80]"], [186, "add rax, rdx"], [187, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [188, "cmp [rbp+var_90], 0"], [189, "jz short loc_468F87"], [190, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [191, "cdqe"], [192, "lea rcx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [193, "mov rax, [rbp+var_80]"], [194, "add rax, rcx"], [195, "mov rax, [rax]"], [196, "add rax, 1"], [197, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [198, "cmp al, 2Dh "], [199, "jnz short loc_468F87"], [200, "mov eax, 1"], [201, "jmp short loc_468F8C"], [202, "mov eax, 0"], [203, "cdqe"], [204, "add rax, 1"], [205, "add rax, rdx"], [206, "mov cs:qword_7B4F10, rax"], [207, "cmp [rbp+var_90], 0"], [208, "jz loc_469383"], [209, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [210, "cdqe"], [211, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [212, "mov rax, [rbp+var_80]"], [213, "add rax, rdx"], [214, "mov rax, [rax]"], [215, "add rax, 1"], [216, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [217, "cmp al, 2Dh "], [218, "jz short loc_46903C"], [219, "cmp [rbp+var_78], 0"], [220, "jz loc_469383"], [221, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [222, "cdqe"], [223, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [224, "mov rax, [rbp+var_80]"], [225, "add rax, rdx"], [226, "mov rax, [rax]"], [227, "add rax, 2"], [228, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [229, "test al, al"], [230, "jnz short loc_46903C"], [231, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [232, "cdqe"], [233, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [234, "mov rax, [rbp+var_80]"], [235, "add rax, rdx"], [236, "mov rax, [rax]"], [237, "add rax, 1"], [238, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [239, "movsx edx, al"], [240, "mov rax, [rbp+var_88]"], [241, "mov esi, edx"], [242, "mov rdi, rax"], [243, "call sub_46899E"], [244, "test rax, rax"], [245, "jnz loc_469383"], [246, "mov [rbp+var_28], 0"], [247, "mov [rbp+var_2C], 0"], [248, "mov [rbp+var_30], 0"], [249, "mov [rbp+var_34], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [250, "mov rax, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [251, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [252, "jmp short loc_46906B"], [253, "add [rbp+var_18], 1"], [254, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [255, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [256, "test al, al"], [257, "jz short loc_469081"], [258, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [259, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [260, "cmp al, 3Dh "], [261, "jnz short loc_469066"], [262, "mov rax, [rbp+var_90]"], [263, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [264, "mov [rbp+var_38], 0"], [265, "jmp loc_469127"], [266, "mov rdx, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [267, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [268, "sub rax, rdx"], [269, "mov rdx, rax"], [270, "mov rcx, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [271, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [272, "mov rax, [rax]"], [273, "mov rsi, rcx"], [274, "mov rdi, rax"], [275, "call _strncmp"], [276, "test eax, eax"], [277, "jnz short loc_46911E"], [278, "mov rdx, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [279, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [280, "sub rax, rdx"], [281, "mov ebx, eax"], [282, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [283, "mov rax, [rax]"], [284, "mov rdi, rax"], [285, "call _strlen"], [286, "cmp ebx, eax"], [287, "jnz short loc_469100"], [288, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [289, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [290, "mov eax, [rbp+var_38]"], [291, "mov [rbp+var_34], eax"], [292, "mov [rbp+var_2C], 1"], [293, "jmp short loc_469137"], [294, "cmp [rbp+var_28], 0"], [295, "jnz short loc_469117"], [296, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [297, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [298, "mov eax, [rbp+var_38]"], [299, "mov [rbp+var_34], eax"], [300, "jmp short loc_46911E"], [301, "mov [rbp+var_30], 1"], [302, "add [rbp+var_20], 20h "], [303, "add [rbp+var_38], 1"], [304, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [305, "mov rax, [rax]"], [306, "test rax, rax"], [307, "jnz loc_469098"], [308, "cmp [rbp+var_30], 0"], [309, "jz short loc_469186"], [310, "cmp [rbp+var_2C], 0"], [311, "jnz short loc_469186"], [312, "mov rbx, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [313, "mov rax, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [314, "mov rdi, rax"], [315, "call _strlen"], [316, "add rax, rbx"], [317, "mov cs:qword_7B4F10, rax"], [318, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [319, "add eax, 1"], [320, "mov cs:dword_4CBE60, eax"], [321, "mov cs:dword_4CBE64, 0"], [322, "mov eax, 3Fh "], [323, "jmp loc_469855"], [324, "cmp [rbp+var_28], 0"], [325, "jz loc_469307"], [326, "mov eax, [rbp+var_34]"], [327, "mov [rbp+var_38], eax"], [328, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [329, "add eax, 1"], [330, "mov cs:dword_4CBE60, eax"], [331, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [332, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [333, "test al, al"], [334, "jz short loc_469207"], [335, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [336, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [337, "test eax, eax"], [338, "jz short loc_4691D0"], [339, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [340, "add rax, 1"], [341, "mov cs:nptr, rax"], [342, "jmp loc_46929D"], [343, "mov rbx, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [344, "mov rax, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [345, "mov rdi, rax"], [346, "call _strlen"], [347, "add rax, rbx"], [348, "mov cs:qword_7B4F10, rax"], [349, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [350, "mov eax, [rax+18h]"], [351, "mov cs:dword_4CBE64, eax"], [352, "mov eax, 3Fh "], [353, "jmp loc_469855"], [354, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [355, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [356, "cmp eax, 1"], [357, "jnz loc_46929D"], [358, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [359, "cmp [rbp+var_74], eax"], [360, "jle short loc_46924E"], [361, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [362, "lea edx, [rax+1]"], [363, "mov cs:dword_4CBE60, edx"], [364, "cdqe"], [365, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [366, "mov rax, [rbp+var_80]"], [367, "add rax, rdx"], [368, "mov rax, [rax]"], [369, "mov cs:nptr, rax"], [370, "jmp short loc_46929D"], [371, "mov rbx, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [372, "mov rax, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [373, "mov rdi, rax"], [374, "call _strlen"], [375, "add rax, rbx"], [376, "mov cs:qword_7B4F10, rax"], [377, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [378, "mov eax, [rax+18h]"], [379, "mov cs:dword_4CBE64, eax"], [380, "mov rax, [rbp+var_88]"], [381, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [382, "cmp al, 3Ah "], [383, "jnz short loc_469293"], [384, "mov eax, 3Ah "], [385, "jmp loc_469855"], [386, "mov eax, 3Fh "], [387, "jmp loc_469855"], [388, "mov rbx, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [389, "mov rax, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [390, "mov rdi, rax"], [391, "call _strlen"], [392, "add rax, rbx"], [393, "mov cs:qword_7B4F10, rax"], [394, "cmp [rbp+var_98], 0"], [395, "jz short loc_4692D3"], [396, "mov rax, [rbp+var_98]"], [397, "mov edx, [rbp+var_38]"], [398, "mov [rax], edx"], [399, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [400, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [401, "test rax, rax"], [402, "jz short loc_4692FB"], [403, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [404, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [405, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_28]"], [406, "mov edx, [rdx+18h]"], [407, "mov [rax], edx"], [408, "mov eax, 0"], [409, "jmp loc_469855"], [410, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [411, "mov eax, [rax+18h]"], [412, "jmp loc_469855"], [413, "cmp [rbp+var_78], 0"], [414, "jz short loc_469355"], [415, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [416, "cdqe"], [417, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [418, "mov rax, [rbp+var_80]"], [419, "add rax, rdx"], [420, "mov rax, [rax]"], [421, "add rax, 1"], [422, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [423, "cmp al, 2Dh "], [424, "jz short loc_469355"], [425, "mov rax, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [426, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [427, "movsx edx, al"], [428, "mov rax, [rbp+var_88]"], [429, "mov esi, edx"], [430, "mov rdi, rax"], [431, "call sub_46899E"], [432, "test rax, rax"], [433, "jnz short loc_469383"], [434, "mov cs:qword_7B4F10, offset unk_4AE005"], [435, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [436, "add eax, 1"], [437, "mov cs:dword_4CBE60, eax"], [438, "mov cs:dword_4CBE64, 0"], [439, "mov eax, 3Fh "], [440, "jmp loc_469855"], [441, "mov rax, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [442, "lea rdx, [rax+1]"], [443, "mov cs:qword_7B4F10, rdx"], [444, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [445, "mov [rbp+var_39], al"], [446, "movsx edx, [rbp+var_39]"], [447, "mov rax, [rbp+var_88]"], [448, "mov esi, edx"], [449, "mov rdi, rax"], [450, "call sub_46899E"], [451, "mov [rbp+var_70], rax"], [452, "mov rax, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [453, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [454, "test al, al"], [455, "jnz short loc_4693D1"], [456, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [457, "add eax, 1"], [458, "mov cs:dword_4CBE60, eax"], [459, "cmp [rbp+var_70], 0"], [460, "jz short loc_4693DE"], [461, "cmp [rbp+var_39], 3Ah "], [462, "jnz short loc_4693F2"], [463, "movsx eax, [rbp+var_39]"], [464, "mov cs:dword_4CBE64, eax"], [465, "mov eax, 3Fh "], [466, "jmp loc_469855"], [467, "mov rax, [rbp+var_70]"], [468, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [469, "cmp al, 57h "], [470, "jnz loc_469756"], [471, "mov rax, [rbp+var_70]"], [472, "add rax, 1"], [473, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [474, "cmp al, 3Bh "], [475, "jnz loc_469756"], [476, "mov [rbp+var_58], 0"], [477, "mov [rbp+var_5C], 0"], [478, "mov [rbp+var_60], 0"], [479, "mov [rbp+var_64], 0"], [480, "mov rax, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [481, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [482, "test al, al"], [483, "jz short loc_46945E"], [484, "mov rax, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [485, "mov cs:nptr, rax"], [486, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [487, "add eax, 1"], [488, "mov cs:dword_4CBE60, eax"], [489, "jmp short loc_4694BE"], [490, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [491, "cmp [rbp+var_74], eax"], [492, "jnz short loc_469494"], [493, "movsx eax, [rbp+var_39]"], [494, "mov cs:dword_4CBE64, eax"], [495, "mov rax, [rbp+var_88]"], [496, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [497, "cmp al, 3Ah "], [498, "jnz short loc_469487"], [499, "mov [rbp+var_39], 3Ah "], [500, "jmp short loc_46948B"], [501, "mov [rbp+var_39], 3Fh "], [502, "movsx eax, [rbp+var_39]"], [503, "jmp loc_469855"], [504, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [505, "lea edx, [rax+1]"], [506, "mov cs:dword_4CBE60, edx"], [507, "cdqe"], [508, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [509, "mov rax, [rbp+var_80]"], [510, "add rax, rdx"], [511, "mov rax, [rax]"], [512, "mov cs:nptr, rax"], [513, "mov rax, cs:nptr"], [514, "mov [rbp+var_48], rax"], [515, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [516, "mov cs:qword_7B4F10, rax"], [517, "jmp short loc_4694DB"], [518, "add [rbp+var_48], 1"], [519, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [520, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [521, "test al, al"], [522, "jz short loc_4694F1"], [523, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [524, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [525, "cmp al, 3Dh "], [526, "jnz short loc_4694D6"], [527, "mov rax, [rbp+var_90]"], [528, "mov [rbp+var_50], rax"], [529, "mov [rbp+var_68], 0"], [530, "jmp loc_469598"], [531, "mov rdx, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [532, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [533, "sub rax, rdx"], [534, "mov rdx, rax"], [535, "mov rcx, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [536, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [537, "mov rax, [rax]"], [538, "mov rsi, rcx"], [539, "mov rdi, rax"], [540, "call _strncmp"], [541, "test eax, eax"], [542, "jnz short loc_46958F"], [543, "mov rdx, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [544, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [545, "sub rax, rdx"], [546, "mov ebx, eax"], [547, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [548, "mov rax, [rax]"], [549, "mov rdi, rax"], [550, "call _strlen"], [551, "cmp rbx, rax"], [552, "jnz short loc_469571"], [553, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [554, "mov [rbp+var_58], rax"], [555, "mov eax, [rbp+var_68]"], [556, "mov [rbp+var_64], eax"], [557, "mov [rbp+var_5C], 1"], [558, "jmp short loc_4695A8"], [559, "cmp [rbp+var_58], 0"], [560, "jnz short loc_469588"], [561, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [562, "mov [rbp+var_58], rax"], [563, "mov eax, [rbp+var_68]"], [564, "mov [rbp+var_64], eax"], [565, "jmp short loc_46958F"], [566, "mov [rbp+var_60], 1"], [567, "add [rbp+var_50], 20h "], [568, "add [rbp+var_68], 1"], [569, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [570, "mov rax, [rax]"], [571, "test rax, rax"], [572, "jnz loc_469508"], [573, "cmp [rbp+var_60], 0"], [574, "jz short loc_4695ED"], [575, "cmp [rbp+var_5C], 0"], [576, "jnz short loc_4695ED"], [577, "mov rbx, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [578, "mov rax, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [579, "mov rdi, rax"], [580, "call _strlen"], [581, "add rax, rbx"], [582, "mov cs:qword_7B4F10, rax"], [583, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [584, "add eax, 1"], [585, "mov cs:dword_4CBE60, eax"], [586, "mov eax, 3Fh "], [587, "jmp loc_469855"], [588, "cmp [rbp+var_58], 0"], [589, "jz loc_469741"], [590, "mov eax, [rbp+var_64]"], [591, "mov [rbp+var_68], eax"], [592, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [593, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [594, "test al, al"], [595, "jz short loc_469652"], [596, "mov rax, [rbp+var_58]"], [597, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [598, "test eax, eax"], [599, "jz short loc_469628"], [600, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [601, "add rax, 1"], [602, "mov cs:nptr, rax"], [603, "jmp loc_4696D7"], [604, "mov rbx, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [605, "mov rax, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [606, "mov rdi, rax"], [607, "call _strlen"], [608, "add rax, rbx"], [609, "mov cs:qword_7B4F10, rax"], [610, "mov eax, 3Fh "], [611, "jmp loc_469855"], [612, "mov rax, [rbp+var_58]"], [613, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [614, "cmp eax, 1"], [615, "jnz short loc_4696D7"], [616, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [617, "cmp [rbp+var_74], eax"], [618, "jle short loc_469695"], [619, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [620, "lea edx, [rax+1]"], [621, "mov cs:dword_4CBE60, edx"], [622, "cdqe"], [623, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [624, "mov rax, [rbp+var_80]"], [625, "add rax, rdx"], [626, "mov rax, [rax]"], [627, "mov cs:nptr, rax"], [628, "jmp short loc_4696D7"], [629, "mov rbx, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [630, "mov rax, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [631, "mov rdi, rax"], [632, "call _strlen"], [633, "add rax, rbx"], [634, "mov cs:qword_7B4F10, rax"], [635, "mov rax, [rbp+var_88]"], [636, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [637, "cmp al, 3Ah "], [638, "jnz short loc_4696CD"], [639, "mov eax, 3Ah "], [640, "jmp loc_469855"], [641, "mov eax, 3Fh "], [642, "jmp loc_469855"], [643, "mov rbx, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [644, "mov rax, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [645, "mov rdi, rax"], [646, "call _strlen"], [647, "add rax, rbx"], [648, "mov cs:qword_7B4F10, rax"], [649, "cmp [rbp+var_98], 0"], [650, "jz short loc_46970D"], [651, "mov rax, [rbp+var_98]"], [652, "mov edx, [rbp+var_68]"], [653, "mov [rax], edx"], [654, "mov rax, [rbp+var_58]"], [655, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [656, "test rax, rax"], [657, "jz short loc_469735"], [658, "mov rax, [rbp+var_58]"], [659, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [660, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_58]"], [661, "mov edx, [rdx+18h]"], [662, "mov [rax], edx"], [663, "mov eax, 0"], [664, "jmp loc_469855"], [665, "mov rax, [rbp+var_58]"], [666, "mov eax, [rax+18h]"], [667, "jmp loc_469855"], [668, "mov cs:qword_7B4F10, 0"], [669, "mov eax, 57h "], [670, "jmp loc_469855"], [671, "mov rax, [rbp+var_70]"], [672, "add rax, 1"], [673, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [674, "cmp al, 3Ah "], [675, "jnz loc_469851"], [676, "mov rax, [rbp+var_70]"], [677, "add rax, 2"], [678, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [679, "cmp al, 3Ah "], [680, "jnz short loc_4697C0"], [681, "mov rax, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [682, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [683, "test al, al"], [684, "jz short loc_4697A5"], [685, "mov rax, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [686, "mov cs:nptr, rax"], [687, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [688, "add eax, 1"], [689, "mov cs:dword_4CBE60, eax"], [690, "jmp short loc_4697B0"], [691, "mov cs:nptr, 0"], [692, "mov cs:qword_7B4F10, 0"], [693, "jmp loc_469851"], [694, "mov rax, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [695, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [696, "test al, al"], [697, "jz short loc_4697ED"], [698, "mov rax, cs:qword_7B4F10"], [699, "mov cs:nptr, rax"], [700, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [701, "add eax, 1"], [702, "mov cs:dword_4CBE60, eax"], [703, "jmp short loc_469846"], [704, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [705, "cmp [rbp+var_74], eax"], [706, "jnz short loc_46981C"], [707, "movsx eax, [rbp+var_39]"], [708, "mov cs:dword_4CBE64, eax"], [709, "mov rax, [rbp+var_88]"], [710, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [711, "cmp al, 3Ah "], [712, "jnz short loc_469816"], [713, "mov [rbp+var_39], 3Ah "], [714, "jmp short loc_469846"], [715, "mov [rbp+var_39], 3Fh "], [716, "jmp short loc_469846"], [717, "mov eax, cs:dword_4CBE60"], [718, "lea edx, [rax+1]"], [719, "mov cs:dword_4CBE60, edx"], [720, "cdqe"], [721, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [722, "mov rax, [rbp+var_80]"], [723, "add rax, rdx"], [724, "mov rax, [rax]"], [725, "mov cs:nptr, rax"], [726, "mov cs:qword_7B4F10, 0"], [727, "movsx eax, [rbp+var_39]"], [728, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_8]"], [729, "leave"], [730, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[12, 11], [13, 12], [15, 14], [16, 15], [18, 17], [19, 18], [21, 6], [22, 5], [23, 4], [24, 22], [25, 23], [27, 26], [30, 29], [31, 30], [33, 32], [34, 33], [35, 34], [37, 20], [38, 36], [38, 37], [39, 38], [40, 20], [41, 40], [43, 20], [44, 42], [44, 43], [45, 44], [46, 20], [47, 46], [49, 48], [50, 49], [51, 47], [52, 41], [53, 52], [53, 51], [54, 53], [55, 41], [56, 20], [57, 55], [57, 56], [58, 57], [59, 5], [60, 59], [63, 41], [64, 20], [65, 64], [65, 63], [66, 65], [67, 20], [68, 67], [70, 72], [70, 20], [71, 70], [72, 71], [73, 72], [73, 20], [74, 4], [74, 73], [75, 74], [76, 72], [76, 20], [78, 63], [78, 78], [78, 87], [78, 55], [79, 5], [80, 79], [80, 78], [81, 80], [82, 81], [83, 82], [84, 83], [85, 72], [85, 20], [87, 78], [88, 5], [89, 88], [89, 87], [90, 89], [91, 90], [92, 91], [93, 92], [94, 93], [95, 72], [95, 20], [96, 95], [97, 72], [97, 20], [98, 4], [98, 97], [99, 98], [100, 72], [100, 20], [102, 42], [102, 55], [102, 78], [102, 87], [102, 63], [103, 5], [104, 102], [104, 103], [105, 104], [107, 105], [109, 108], [110, 109], [111, 72], [111, 20], [112, 111], [113, 112], [114, 68], [114, 47], [115, 41], [115, 96], [116, 114], [116, 115], [117, 116], [118, 41], [118, 96], [119, 113], [120, 119], [120, 118], [121, 120], [122, 5], [123, 122], [126, 47], [126, 68], [127, 41], [127, 96], [128, 127], [128, 126], [129, 128], [130, 113], [131, 130], [132, 4], [133, 132], [134, 4], [135, 134], [136, 135], [136, 72], [136, 20], [137, 4], [137, 136], [138, 137], [139, 68], [139, 131], [139, 47], [140, 41], [140, 133], [140, 96], [141, 140], [141, 139], [142, 141], [143, 131], [143, 47], [143, 68], [144, 143], [147, 72], [147, 20], [147, 135], [149, 78], [149, 87], [149, 63], [149, 118], [149, 126], [149, 42], [149, 55], [149, 102], [150, 5], [151, 150], [151, 149], [152, 151], [153, 152], [154, 153], [155, 154], [156, 135], [156, 72], [156, 20], [158, 149], [159, 5], [160, 159], [160, 158], [161, 160], [162, 161], [163, 162], [164, 163], [165, 164], [167, 166], [168, 167], [171, 72], [171, 20], [171, 135], [172, 149], [172, 158], [172, 171], [173, 172], [175, 172], [176, 5], [177, 176], [177, 175], [178, 177], [179, 178], [182, 72], [182, 20], [182, 135], [184, 158], [185, 5], [186, 185], [186, 184], [187, 186], [188, 7], [189, 188], [190, 72], [190, 20], [190, 135], [192, 22], [193, 5], [194, 193], [194, 192], [195, 194], [196, 195], [197, 196], [198, 197], [199, 198], [204, 202], [204, 200], [205, 187], [205, 204], [206, 205], [207, 7], [208, 207], [209, 72], [209, 20], [209, 135], [211, 187], [211, 21], [212, 5], [213, 212], [213, 211], [214, 213], [215, 214], [216, 215], [217, 216], [218, 217], [219, 9], [220, 219], [221, 135], [221, 72], [221, 20], [223, 211], [224, 5], [225, 224], [225, 223], [226, 225], [227, 226], [228, 227], [229, 228], [230, 229], [231, 72], [231, 20], [231, 135], [233, 223], [234, 5], [235, 233], [235, 234], [236, 235], [237, 236], [238, 237], [239, 238], [240, 27], [240, 6], [241, 239], [242, 240], [244, 243], [245, 244], [250, 206], [251, 250], [253, 253], [253, 251], [254, 251], [254, 253], [255, 254], [256, 255], [257, 256], [258, 253], [258, 251], [259, 258], [260, 259], [261, 260], [262, 7], [263, 262], [266, 206], [267, 253], [267, 251], [268, 266], [268, 267], [269, 268], [270, 206], [271, 302], [271, 263], [272, 271], [273, 270], [274, 272], [276, 275], [277, 276], [278, 206], [279, 251], [279, 253], [280, 278], [280, 279], [281, 280], [282, 302], [282, 263], [283, 282], [284, 283], [286, 281], [286, 285], [287, 286], [288, 263], [288, 302], [289, 288], [290, 303], [290, 264], [291, 290], [294, 297], [294, 246], [295, 294], [296, 263], [296, 302], [297, 296], [298, 303], [298, 264], [299, 298], [302, 263], [302, 302], [303, 264], [303, 303], [304, 263], [304, 302], [305, 304], [306, 305], [307, 306], [308, 301], [308, 248], [309, 308], [310, 292], [310, 247], [311, 310], [312, 206], [313, 206], [314, 313], [316, 315], [316, 312], [317, 316], [318, 72], [318, 20], [318, 135], [319, 318], [320, 319], [324, 297], [324, 289], [324, 246], [325, 324], [326, 291], [326, 249], [326, 299], [327, 326], [328, 135], [328, 72], [328, 20], [329, 328], [330, 329], [331, 251], [331, 253], [332, 331], [333, 332], [334, 333], [335, 289], [335, 297], [335, 246], [336, 335], [337, 336], [338, 337], [339, 251], [339, 253], [340, 339], [341, 340], [343, 206], [344, 206], [345, 344], [347, 346], [347, 343], [348, 347], [349, 297], [349, 246], [349, 289], [350, 349], [351, 350], [354, 246], [354, 289], [354, 297], [355, 354], [356, 355], [357, 356], [358, 330], [359, 4], [359, 358], [360, 359], [361, 330], [362, 361], [362, 278], [362, 239], [362, 211], [362, 269], [362, 223], [363, 362], [365, 362], [366, 5], [367, 365], [367, 366], [368, 367], [369, 368], [371, 206], [372, 206], [373, 372], [375, 374], [375, 371], [376, 375], [377, 289], [377, 297], [377, 246], [378, 377], [379, 378], [380, 6], [380, 27], [381, 380], [382, 381], [383, 382], [388, 206], [389, 206], [390, 389], [392, 388], [392, 391], [393, 392], [394, 8], [395, 394], [396, 8], [397, 327], [398, 397], [398, 396], [399, 289], [399, 297], [399, 246], [400, 398], [400, 399], [401, 400], [402, 401], [403, 289], [403, 297], [403, 246], [404, 403], [404, 398], [404, 407], [405, 289], [405, 297], [405, 246], [406, 398], [406, 407], [406, 405], [407, 404], [407, 406], [410, 289], [410, 297], [410, 246], [411, 398], [411, 410], [413, 9], [414, 413], [415, 135], [415, 72], [415, 20], [417, 269], [417, 278], [417, 223], [417, 239], [417, 211], [418, 5], [419, 417], [419, 418], [420, 419], [421, 420], [422, 421], [423, 422], [424, 423], [425, 206], [426, 425], [427, 426], [428, 27], [428, 6], [429, 427], [430, 428], [432, 431], [433, 432], [435, 20], [435, 135], [435, 72], [436, 435], [437, 436], [441, 206], [442, 187], [442, 427], [442, 441], [442, 21], [442, 239], [442, 211], [443, 442], [444, 441], [445, 444], [446, 445], [447, 27], [447, 6], [448, 446], [449, 447], [451, 450], [452, 443], [453, 452], [454, 453], [455, 454], [456, 135], [456, 72], [456, 20], [457, 456], [458, 457], [459, 451], [460, 459], [461, 445], [462, 461], [463, 445], [464, 463], [467, 451], [468, 467], [469, 468], [470, 469], [471, 451], [472, 471], [473, 472], [474, 473], [475, 474], [480, 443], [481, 480], [482, 481], [483, 482], [484, 443], [485, 484], [486, 135], [486, 72], [486, 458], [486, 20], [487, 486], [488, 487], [490, 72], [490, 458], [490, 20], [490, 135], [491, 4], [491, 490], [492, 491], [493, 445], [494, 493], [495, 6], [495, 27], [496, 495], [497, 496], [498, 497], [502, 501], [502, 499], [504, 72], [504, 458], [504, 20], [504, 135], [505, 504], [505, 446], [506, 505], [508, 505], [509, 5], [510, 509], [510, 508], [511, 510], [512, 511], [513, 485], [513, 512], [514, 513], [515, 514], [516, 515], [518, 514], [518, 518], [519, 514], [519, 518], [520, 519], [521, 520], [522, 521], [523, 514], [523, 518], [524, 523], [525, 524], [526, 525], [527, 7], [528, 527], [531, 516], [532, 514], [532, 518], [533, 532], [533, 531], [534, 533], [535, 516], [536, 528], [536, 567], [537, 536], [538, 535], [539, 537], [541, 540], [542, 541], [543, 516], [544, 514], [544, 518], [545, 543], [545, 544], [546, 545], [547, 528], [547, 567], [548, 547], [549, 548], [551, 546], [551, 550], [552, 551], [553, 567], [553, 528], [554, 553], [555, 568], [555, 529], [556, 555], [559, 562], [559, 476], [560, 559], [561, 528], [561, 567], [562, 561], [563, 568], [563, 529], [564, 563], [567, 567], [567, 528], [568, 568], [568, 529], [569, 528], [569, 567], [570, 569], [571, 570], [572, 571], [573, 478], [573, 566], [574, 573], [575, 557], [575, 477], [576, 575], [577, 516], [578, 516], [579, 578], [581, 577], [581, 580], [582, 581], [583, 488], [583, 506], [584, 583], [585, 584], [588, 476], [588, 554], [588, 562], [589, 588], [590, 564], [590, 479], [590, 556], [591, 590], [592, 514], [592, 518], [593, 592], [594, 593], [595, 594], [596, 476], [596, 554], [596, 562], [597, 596], [598, 597], [599, 598], [600, 514], [600, 518], [601, 600], [602, 601], [604, 516], [605, 516], [606, 605], [608, 604], [608, 607], [609, 608], [612, 476], [612, 554], [612, 562], [613, 612], [614, 613], [615, 614], [616, 488], [616, 506], [617, 4], [617, 616], [618, 617], [619, 488], [619, 506], [620, 508], [620, 534], [620, 619], [620, 446], [620, 543], [621, 620], [623, 620], [624, 5], [625, 623], [625, 624], [626, 625], [627, 626], [629, 516], [630, 516], [631, 630], [633, 632], [633, 629], [634, 633], [635, 27], [635, 6], [636, 635], [637, 636], [638, 637], [643, 516], [644, 516], [645, 644], [647, 643], [647, 646], [648, 647], [649, 8], [650, 649], [651, 8], [652, 591], [653, 652], [653, 651], [654, 562], [654, 476], [654, 554], [655, 654], [655, 653], [656, 655], [657, 656], [658, 476], [658, 554], [658, 562], [659, 658], [659, 653], [659, 662], [660, 554], [660, 562], [660, 476], [661, 653], [661, 662], [661, 660], [662, 661], [662, 659], [665, 476], [665, 554], [665, 562], [666, 665], [666, 653], [671, 451], [672, 671], [673, 672], [674, 673], [675, 674], [676, 451], [677, 676], [678, 677], [679, 678], [680, 679], [681, 443], [682, 681], [683, 682], [684, 683], [685, 443], [686, 685], [687, 135], [687, 72], [687, 458], [687, 20], [688, 687], [689, 688], [694, 443], [695, 694], [696, 695], [697, 696], [698, 443], [699, 698], [700, 72], [700, 458], [700, 20], [700, 135], [701, 700], [702, 701], [704, 135], [704, 72], [704, 458], [704, 20], [705, 704], [705, 4], [706, 705], [707, 445], [708, 707], [709, 27], [709, 6], [710, 709], [711, 710], [712, 711], [717, 135], [717, 72], [717, 458], [717, 20], [718, 717], [718, 446], [719, 718], [721, 718], [722, 5], [723, 722], [723, 721], [724, 723], [725, 724], [727, 715], [727, 445], [727, 713], [730, 384], [730, 352], [730, 180], [730, 439], [730, 169], [730, 663], [730, 411], [730, 145], [730, 639], [730, 666], [730, 727], [730, 610], [730, 322], [730, 465], [730, 586], [730, 386], [730, 669], [730, 408], [730, 502], [730, 641]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/d8d3ef21e51c96db765e8f0d32e6b1df14da5354e4a3a9cd3b6492c5bc4a8750_d8d3ef21e51c96db765e8f0d32e6b1df14da5354e4a3a9cd3b6492c5bc4a8750.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_468C2E", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_468C2E(int a1, __int64 a2, _BYTE *a3, const char **a4, int *a5, int a6)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\nint v7; // eax\n_BOOL4 v8; // eax\nint v9; // ebx\nchar *v10; // rbx\nchar *v11; // rbx\nint v12; // eax\nchar *v13; // rbx\nchar *v14; // rbx\nchar *v15; // rax\nint v16; // eax\n__int64 v17; // rbx\nchar *v18; // rbx\nchar *v19; // rbx\nint v20; // eax\nchar *v21; // rbx\nchar *v22; // rbx\nint v23; // eax\n_BYTE *v26; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-88h]\n_BYTE *v28; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-70h]\nint v29; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-68h]\nint v30; // [rsp+3Ch] [rbp-64h]\nint v31; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-60h]\nint v32; // [rsp+44h] [rbp-5Ch]\nconst char **v33; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-58h]\nconst char **v34; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-50h]\nchar *v35; // [rsp+58h] [rbp-48h]\nchar v36; // [rsp+67h] [rbp-39h]\nchar v37; // [rsp+67h] [rbp-39h]\nint v38; // [rsp+68h] [rbp-38h]\nint v39; // [rsp+6Ch] [rbp-34h]\nint v40; // [rsp+70h] [rbp-30h]\nint v41; // [rsp+74h] [rbp-2Ch]\nconst char **v42; // [rsp+78h] [rbp-28h]\nconst char **v43; // [rsp+80h] [rbp-20h]\nchar *i; // [rsp+88h] [rbp-18h]\n\nv26 = a3;\nnptr = 0LL;\nif ( !dword_4CBE60 || !dword_7B4F08 )\n{\nif ( !dword_4CBE60 )\ndword_4CBE60 = 1;\nv26 = sub_468B91((unsigned int)a1, a2, a3);\ndword_7B4F08 = 1;\n}\nif ( !qword_7B4F10 || !*qword_7B4F10 )\n{\nif ( dword_7B4F2C > dword_4CBE60 )\ndword_7B4F2C = dword_4CBE60;\nif ( dword_7B4F28 > dword_4CBE60 )\ndword_7B4F28 = dword_4CBE60;\nif ( dword_7B4F18 == 1 )\n{\nif ( dword_7B4F28 == dword_7B4F2C || dword_7B4F2C == dword_4CBE60 )\n{\nif ( dword_7B4F2C != dword_4CBE60 )\ndword_7B4F28 = dword_4CBE60;\n}\nelse\n{\nsub_4689D7(a2);\n}\nwhile ( a1 > dword_4CBE60\n&& (**(_BYTE **)(8LL * dword_4CBE60 + a2) != 45 || !*(_BYTE *)(*(_QWORD *)(8LL * dword_4CBE60 + a2) + 1LL)) )\n++dword_4CBE60;\ndword_7B4F2C = dword_4CBE60;\n}\nif ( a1 != dword_4CBE60 && !strcmp(*(const char **)(8LL * dword_4CBE60 + a2), \"--\") )\n{\n++dword_4CBE60;\nif ( dword_7B4F28 == dword_7B4F2C || dword_7B4F2C == dword_4CBE60 )\n{\nif ( dword_7B4F28 == dword_7B4F2C )\ndword_7B4F28 = dword_4CBE60;\n}\nelse\n{\nsub_4689D7(a2);\n}\ndword_7B4F2C = a1;\ndword_4CBE60 = a1;\n}\nif ( a1 == dword_4CBE60 )\n{\nif ( dword_7B4F28 != dword_7B4F2C )\ndword_4CBE60 = dword_7B4F28;\nreturn 0xFFFFFFFFLL;\n}\nif ( **(_BYTE **)(8LL * dword_4CBE60 + a2) != 45 || !*(_BYTE *)(*(_QWORD *)(8LL * dword_4CBE60 + a2) + 1LL) )\n{\nif ( !dword_7B4F18 )\nreturn 0xFFFFFFFFLL;\nv7 = dword_4CBE60++;\nnptr = *(char **)(8LL * v7 + a2);\nreturn 1LL;\n}\nv8 = a4 && *(_BYTE *)(*(_QWORD *)(8LL * dword_4CBE60 + a2) + 1LL) == 45;\nqword_7B4F10 = (char *)(*(_QWORD *)(8LL * dword_4CBE60 + a2) + v8 + 1LL);\n}\nif ( a4\n&& (*(_BYTE *)(*(_QWORD *)(8LL * dword_4CBE60 + a2) + 1LL) == 45\n|| a6\n&& (*(_BYTE *)(*(_QWORD *)(8LL * dword_4CBE60 + a2) + 2LL)\n|| !sub_46899E(v26, *(char *)(*(_QWORD *)(8LL * dword_4CBE60 + a2) + 1LL)))) )\n{\nv42 = 0LL;\nv41 = 0;\nv40 = 0;\nv39 = -1;\nfor ( i = qword_7B4F10; *i && *i != 61; ++i )\n;\nv43 = a4;\nv38 = 0;\nwhile ( *v43 )\n{\nif ( !strncmp(*v43, qword_7B4F10, i - qword_7B4F10) )\n{\nv9 = (_DWORD)i - (_DWORD)qword_7B4F10;\nif ( v9 == (unsigned int)strlen(*v43) )\n{\nv42 = v43;\nv39 = v38;\nv41 = 1;\nbreak;\n}\nif ( v42 )\n{\nv40 = 1;\n}\nelse\n{\nv42 = v43;\nv39 = v38;\n}\n}\nv43 += 4;\n++v38;\n}\nif ( v40 && !v41 )\n{\nv10 = qword_7B4F10;\nqword_7B4F10 = &v10[strlen(qword_7B4F10)];\n++dword_4CBE60;\ndword_4CBE64 = 0;\nreturn 63LL;\n}\nif ( v42 )\n{\n++dword_4CBE60;\nif ( *i )\n{\nif ( !*((_DWORD *)v42 + 2) )\n{\nv11 = qword_7B4F10;\nqword_7B4F10 = &v11[strlen(qword_7B4F10)];\ndword_4CBE64 = *((_DWORD *)v42 + 6);\nreturn 63LL;\n}\nnptr = i + 1;\n}\nelse if ( *((_DWORD *)v42 + 2) == 1 )\n{\nif ( a1 <= dword_4CBE60 )\n{\nv13 = qword_7B4F10;\nqword_7B4F10 = &v13[strlen(qword_7B4F10)];\ndword_4CBE64 = *((_DWORD *)v42 + 6);\nif ( *v26 == 58 )\nresult = 58LL;\nelse\nresult = 63LL;\nreturn result;\n}\nv12 = dword_4CBE60++;\nnptr = *(char **)(8LL * v12 + a2);\n}\nv14 = qword_7B4F10;\nqword_7B4F10 = &v14[strlen(qword_7B4F10)];\nif ( a5 )\n*a5 = v39;\nif ( !v42[2] )\nreturn *((unsigned int *)v42 + 6);\n*(_DWORD *)v42[2] = *((_DWORD *)v42 + 6);\nreturn 0LL;\n}\nif ( !a6 || *(_BYTE *)(*(_QWORD *)(8LL * dword_4CBE60 + a2) + 1LL) == 45 || !sub_46899E(v26, *qword_7B4F10) )\n{\nqword_7B4F10 = (char *)&unk_4AE005;\n++dword_4CBE60;\ndword_4CBE64 = 0;\nreturn 63LL;\n}\n}\nv15 = qword_7B4F10++;\nv36 = *v15;\nv28 = sub_46899E(v26, *v15);\nif ( !*qword_7B4F10 )\n++dword_4CBE60;\nif ( !v28 || v36 == 58 )\n{\ndword_4CBE64 = v36;\nreturn 63LL;\n}\nif ( *v28 == 87 && v28[1] == 59 )\n{\nv33 = 0LL;\nv32 = 0;\nv31 = 0;\nv30 = 0;\nif ( *qword_7B4F10 )\n{\nnptr = qword_7B4F10;\n++dword_4CBE60;\n}\nelse\n{\nif ( a1 == dword_4CBE60 )\n{\ndword_4CBE64 = v36;\nif ( *v26 == 58 )\nv37 = 58;\nelse\nv37 = 63;\nreturn (unsigned int)v37;\n}\nv16 = dword_4CBE60++;\nnptr = *(char **)(8LL * v16 + a2);\n}\nv35 = nptr;\nqword_7B4F10 = nptr;\nwhile ( *v35 && *v35 != 61 )\n++v35;\nv34 = a4;\nv29 = 0;\nwhile ( *v34 )\n{\nif ( !strncmp(*v34, qword_7B4F10, v35 - qword_7B4F10) )\n{\nv17 = (unsigned int)((_DWORD)v35 - (_DWORD)qword_7B4F10);\nif ( v17 == strlen(*v34) )\n{\nv33 = v34;\nv30 = v29;\nv32 = 1;\nbreak;\n}\nif ( v33 )\n{\nv31 = 1;\n}\nelse\n{\nv33 = v34;\nv30 = v29;\n}\n}\nv34 += 4;\n++v29;\n}\nif ( v31 && !v32 )\n{\nv18 = qword_7B4F10;\nqword_7B4F10 = &v18[strlen(qword_7B4F10)];\n++dword_4CBE60;\nreturn 63LL;\n}\nif ( !v33 )\n{\nqword_7B4F10 = 0LL;\nreturn 87LL;\n}\nif ( *v35 )\n{\nif ( !*((_DWORD *)v33 + 2) )\n{\nv19 = qword_7B4F10;\nqword_7B4F10 = &v19[strlen(qword_7B4F10)];\nreturn 63LL;\n}\nnptr = v35 + 1;\n}\nelse if ( *((_DWORD *)v33 + 2) == 1 )\n{\nif ( a1 <= dword_4CBE60 )\n{\nv21 = qword_7B4F10;\nqword_7B4F10 = &v21[strlen(qword_7B4F10)];\nif ( *v26 == 58 )\nresult = 58LL;\nelse\nresult = 63LL;\nreturn result;\n}\nv20 = dword_4CBE60++;\nnptr = *(char **)(8LL * v20 + a2);\n}\nv22 = qword_7B4F10;\nqword_7B4F10 = &v22[strlen(qword_7B4F10)];\nif ( a5 )\n*a5 = v30;\nif ( v33[2] )\n{\n*(_DWORD *)v33[2] = *((_DWORD *)v33 + 6);\nresult = 0LL;\n}\nelse\n{\nresult = *((unsigned int *)v33 + 6);\n}\n}\nelse\n{\nif ( v28[1] == 58 )\n{\nif ( v28[2] == 58 )\n{\nif ( *qword_7B4F10 )\n{\nnptr = qword_7B4F10;\n++dword_4CBE60;\n}\nelse\n{\nnptr = 0LL;\n}\nqword_7B4F10 = 0LL;\n}\nelse\n{\nif ( *qword_7B4F10 )\n{\nnptr = qword_7B4F10;\n++dword_4CBE60;\n}\nelse if ( a1 == dword_4CBE60 )\n{\ndword_4CBE64 = v36;\nif ( *v26 == 58 )\nv36 = 58;\nelse\nv36 = 63;\n}\nelse\n{\nv23 = dword_4CBE60++;\nnptr = *(char **)(8LL * v23 + a2);\n}\nqword_7B4F10 = 0LL;\n}\n}\nresult = (unsigned int)v36;\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,a5,a6,v26,v28,v29,v30,v31,v32,v33,v34,v35,v37,v38,v39,v40,v41,v42,v43,i,sub_468C2E,sub_468B91,sub_4689D7,sub_46899E,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'optstring', 'a4': 'longopts', 'a1': 'argc', 'a2': 'argv', 'a5': 'longind', 'a6': 'long_only', 'v26': 'optstringa', 'v28': 'temp', 'v29': 'option_index_0', 'v30': 'indfound_0', 'v31': 'ambig_0', 'v32': 'exact_0', 'v33': 'pfound_0', 'v34': 'p_0', 'v35': 'nameend_0', 'v37': 'ca', 'v38': 'option_index', 'v39': 'indfound', 'v40': 'ambig', 'v41': 'exact', 'v42': 'pfound', 'v43': 'p', 'i': 'nameend', 'sub_468C2E': '_getopt_internal', 'sub_468B91': '_getopt_initialize', 'sub_4689D7': 'exchange', 'sub_46899E': 'my_index'}"}
static void bestlineEditLeftWord(struct bestlineState *l) { l->pos = BackwardWord(l, l->pos); bestlineRefreshLine(l); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_406067", "function_addr": 4218983, "binary_name": "c518bc3ec7ac1de5c9ce166122c3a25fdcee604b732539449a3c567eb8a11f73.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [5, "mov eax, [rax+30h]"], [6, "mov edx, eax"], [7, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [8, "mov rsi, rdx"], [9, "mov rdi, rax"], [10, "call sub_405E57"], [11, "mov edx, eax"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [13, "mov [rax+30h], edx"], [14, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [15, "mov rdi, rax"], [16, "call sub_405A98"], [17, "nop"], [18, "leave"], [19, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 3], [8, 6], [9, 7], [11, 10], [12, 3], [13, 12], [13, 11], [14, 3], [15, 14], [19, 16]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/c518bc3ec7ac1de5c9ce166122c3a25fdcee604b732539449a3c567eb8a11f73_c518bc3ec7ac1de5c9ce166122c3a25fdcee604b732539449a3c567eb8a11f73.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_406067", "query": "\n\n\nunsigned __int64 __fastcall sub_406067(__int64 a1)\n{\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 48) = sub_405E57(a1, *(unsigned int *)(a1 + 48));\nreturn sub_405A98(a1);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_406067,sub_405E57,sub_405A98,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'l', 'sub_406067': 'bestlineEditLeftWord', 'sub_405E57': 'BackwardWord', 'sub_405A98': 'bestlineRefreshLine'}"}
int bam_cigar2rlen(int n_cigar, const uint32_t *cigar) { int k, l; for (k = l = 0; k < n_cigar; ++k) if (bam_cigar_type(bam_cigar_op(cigar[k]))&2) l += bam_cigar_oplen(cigar[k]); return l; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_45B6E8", "function_addr": 4568808, "binary_name": "2caebfd0ee800d381f130da1ff10e10e2428563dc4c26171a2343037a6a7bf2a.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_14], edi"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_20], rsi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [5, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [7, "jmp short loc_45B756"], [8, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [9, "cdqe"], [10, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*4]"], [11, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [12, "add rax, rdx"], [13, "mov eax, [rax]"], [14, "add eax, eax"], [15, "and eax, 1Eh"], [16, "mov edx, 3C1A7h"], [17, "mov ecx, eax"], [18, "sar edx, cl"], [19, "mov eax, edx"], [20, "and eax, 2"], [21, "test eax, eax"], [22, "jz short loc_45B752"], [23, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [24, "cdqe"], [25, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*4]"], [26, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [27, "add rax, rdx"], [28, "mov eax, [rax]"], [29, "shr eax, 4"], [30, "mov edx, eax"], [31, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [32, "add eax, edx"], [33, "mov [rbp+var_8], eax"], [34, "add [rbp+var_4], 1"], [35, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [36, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [37, "jl short loc_45B702"], [38, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [39, "pop rbp"], [40, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 5], [8, 6], [8, 34], [10, 18], [10, 30], [11, 3], [12, 10], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 13], [15, 14], [17, 15], [18, 17], [18, 16], [19, 18], [20, 19], [21, 20], [22, 21], [23, 34], [23, 6], [25, 18], [26, 3], [27, 25], [27, 26], [28, 27], [29, 28], [30, 29], [31, 4], [31, 33], [32, 31], [32, 30], [33, 32], [34, 34], [34, 6], [35, 34], [35, 6], [36, 2], [36, 35], [37, 36], [38, 4], [38, 33], [39, 0], [40, 38]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/2caebfd0ee800d381f130da1ff10e10e2428563dc4c26171a2343037a6a7bf2a_2caebfd0ee800d381f130da1ff10e10e2428563dc4c26171a2343037a6a7bf2a.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_45B6E8", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_45B6E8(int a1, __int64 a2)\n{\nunsigned int v3; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]\nint i; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nv3 = 0;\nfor ( i = 0; i < a1; ++i )\n{\nif ( ((246183 >> ((2 * *(_DWORD *)(4LL * i + a2)) & 0x1E)) & 2) != 0 )\nv3 += *(_DWORD *)(4LL * i + a2) >> 4;\n}\nreturn v3;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,v3,sub_45B6E8,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'n_cigar', 'a2': 'cigar', 'v3': 'l', 'sub_45B6E8': 'bam_cigar2rlen'}"}
void od_init_qm(int16_t *x, int16_t *x_inv, const int *qm) { int i; int j; int16_t y[OD_BSIZE_MAX*OD_BSIZE_MAX]; int16_t y_inv[OD_BSIZE_MAX*OD_BSIZE_MAX]; int16_t *x1; int16_t *x1_inv; int off; int bs; int xydec; for (bs = 0; bs < OD_NBSIZES; bs++) { for (xydec = 0; xydec < 2; xydec++) { off = od_qm_offset(bs, xydec); x1 = x + off; x1_inv = x_inv + off; for (i = 0; i < 4 << bs; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 4 << bs; j++) { /*This will ultimately be clamped to fit in 16 bits.*/ od_val32 mag; int16_t ytmp; #if OD_DEBLOCKING || OD_DISABLE_FILTER mag = OD_DEFAULT_MAG; #else /*FIXME: Do this rounding when generating OD_BASIS_MAG.*/ mag = OD_ROUND32(OD_DEFAULT_MAG*OD_BASIS_MAG[xydec][bs][i]* OD_BASIS_MAG[xydec][bs][j]); #endif if (i == 0 && j == 0) { mag = OD_DEFAULT_MAG; } else { #if defined(OD_FLOAT_PVQ) mag /= 0.0625*qm[(i << 1 >> bs)*8 + (j << 1 >> bs)]; #else int qmv; qmv = qm[(i << 1 >> bs)*8 + (j << 1 >> bs)]; mag *= 16; mag = (mag + (qmv >> 1))/qmv; #endif OD_ASSERT(mag > 0.0); } /*Convert to fit in 16 bits.*/ #if defined(OD_FLOAT_PVQ) y[i*(4 << bs) + j] = (int16_t)OD_MINI(OD_QM_SCALE_MAX, (int32_t)floor(.5 + mag*OD_QM_SCALE)); y_inv[i*(4 << bs) + j] = (int16_t)floor(.5 + OD_QM_SCALE*OD_QM_INV_SCALE/(double)y[i*(4 << bs) + j]); #else y[i*(4 << bs) + j] = (int16_t)OD_MINI(OD_QM_SCALE_MAX, mag); ytmp = y[i*(4 << bs) + j]; y_inv[i*(4 << bs) + j] = (int16_t)((OD_QM_SCALE*OD_QM_INV_SCALE + (ytmp >> 1))/ytmp); #endif } } od_raster_to_coding_order_16(x1, 4 << bs, y, 4 << bs); od_raster_to_coding_order_16(x1_inv, 4 << bs, y_inv, 4 << bs); } } }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4502EB", "function_addr": 4522731, "binary_name": "e3d332886c18631eb372d9962b58e0dd7b335903e6edf0cd135d1e37ebbfa91b.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 4050h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_4038], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_4040], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_4048], rdx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_C], 0"], [7, "jmp loc_450601"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [9, "jmp loc_4505F3"], [10, "mov edx, [rbp+var_10]"], [11, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [12, "mov esi, edx"], [13, "mov edi, eax"], [14, "call sub_4502A7"], [15, "mov [rbp+var_18], eax"], [16, "mov eax, [rbp+var_18]"], [17, "cdqe"], [18, "lea rdx, [rax+rax]"], [19, "mov rax, [rbp+var_4038]"], [20, "add rax, rdx"], [21, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [22, "mov eax, [rbp+var_18]"], [23, "cdqe"], [24, "lea rdx, [rax+rax]"], [25, "mov rax, [rbp+var_4040]"], [26, "add rax, rdx"], [27, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [28, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [29, "jmp loc_450576"], [30, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [31, "jmp loc_45055B"], [32, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [33, "movsxd rcx, eax"], [34, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [35, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [36, "mov rax, rdx"], [37, "add rax, rax"], [38, "add rax, rdx"], [39, "add rax, rax"], [40, "add rax, rcx"], [41, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [42, "lea rax, off_4776A0"], [43, "mov rdx, [rdx+rax]"], [44, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [45, "cdqe"], [46, "shl rax, 3"], [47, "add rax, rdx"], [48, "movsd xmm1, qword ptr [rax]"], [49, "movsd xmm0, cs:qword_4695D8"], [50, "mulsd xmm1, xmm0"], [51, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [52, "movsxd rcx, eax"], [53, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [54, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [55, "mov rax, rdx"], [56, "add rax, rax"], [57, "add rax, rdx"], [58, "add rax, rax"], [59, "add rax, rcx"], [60, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*8]"], [61, "lea rax, off_4776A0"], [62, "mov rdx, [rdx+rax]"], [63, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [64, "cdqe"], [65, "shl rax, 3"], [66, "add rax, rdx"], [67, "movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rax]"], [68, "mulsd xmm1, xmm0"], [69, "movsd xmm0, cs:qword_4695E0"], [70, "addsd xmm1, xmm0"], [71, "movq rax, xmm1"], [72, "movq xmm0, rax"], [73, "call _floor"], [74, "cvttsd2si eax, xmm0"], [75, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [76, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [77, "jnz short loc_45043E"], [78, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [79, "jnz short loc_45043E"], [80, "mov [rbp+var_14], 800h"], [81, "jmp short loc_4504B3"], [82, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [83, "lea edx, [rax+rax]"], [84, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [85, "mov ecx, eax"], [86, "sar edx, cl"], [87, "mov eax, edx"], [88, "lea esi, ds:0[rax*8]"], [89, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [90, "lea edx, [rax+rax]"], [91, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [92, "mov ecx, eax"], [93, "sar edx, cl"], [94, "mov eax, edx"], [95, "add eax, esi"], [96, "cdqe"], [97, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*4]"], [98, "mov rax, [rbp+var_4048]"], [99, "add rax, rdx"], [100, "mov eax, [rax]"], [101, "mov [rbp+var_2C], eax"], [102, "shl [rbp+var_14], 4"], [103, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2C]"], [104, "sar eax, 1"], [105, "mov edx, eax"], [106, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [107, "add eax, edx"], [108, "cdq"], [109, "idiv [rbp+var_2C]"], [110, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [111, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 0"], [112, "jg short loc_4504B3"], [113, "mov edx, 169h"], [114, "lea rsi, aSrcPvqC"], [115, "lea rdi, aAssertionFaile_132"], [116, "call sub_42EBD7"], [117, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [118, "xor ax, 7FFFh"], [119, "mov edx, eax"], [120, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 7FFEh"], [121, "setle al"], [122, "movzx eax, al"], [123, "neg eax"], [124, "and edx, eax"], [125, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [126, "mov esi, 4"], [127, "mov ecx, eax"], [128, "shl esi, cl"], [129, "mov eax, esi"], [130, "imul eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [131, "mov ecx, eax"], [132, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [133, "add eax, ecx"], [134, "xor dx, 7FFFh"], [135, "cdqe"], [136, "mov [rbp+rax*2+var_2030], dx"], [137, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [138, "mov edx, 4"], [139, "mov ecx, eax"], [140, "shl edx, cl"], [141, "mov eax, edx"], [142, "imul eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [143, "mov edx, eax"], [144, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [145, "add eax, edx"], [146, "cdqe"], [147, "movzx eax, [rbp+rax*2+var_2030]"], [148, "mov [rbp+var_2E], ax"], [149, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_2E]"], [150, "sar ax, 1"], [151, "cwde"], [152, "add eax, 800000h"], [153, "movsx edi, [rbp+var_2E]"], [154, "cdq"], [155, "idiv edi"], [156, "mov esi, eax"], [157, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [158, "mov edx, 4"], [159, "mov ecx, eax"], [160, "shl edx, cl"], [161, "mov eax, edx"], [162, "imul eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [163, "mov edx, eax"], [164, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [165, "add eax, edx"], [166, "mov edx, esi"], [167, "cdqe"], [168, "mov [rbp+rax*2+var_4030], dx"], [169, "add [rbp+var_8], 1"], [170, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [171, "mov edx, 4"], [172, "mov ecx, eax"], [173, "shl edx, cl"], [174, "mov eax, edx"], [175, "cmp [rbp+var_8], eax"], [176, "jl loc_45037B"], [177, "add [rbp+var_4], 1"], [178, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [179, "mov edx, 4"], [180, "mov ecx, eax"], [181, "shl edx, cl"], [182, "mov eax, edx"], [183, "cmp [rbp+var_4], eax"], [184, "jl loc_45036F"], [185, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [186, "mov edx, 4"], [187, "mov edi, edx"], [188, "mov ecx, eax"], [189, "shl edi, cl"], [190, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [191, "mov edx, 4"], [192, "mov esi, edx"], [193, "mov ecx, eax"], [194, "shl esi, cl"], [195, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_2030]"], [196, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [197, "mov ecx, edi"], [198, "mov rdi, rax"], [199, "call sub_44FF43"], [200, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [201, "mov edx, 4"], [202, "mov edi, edx"], [203, "mov ecx, eax"], [204, "shl edi, cl"], [205, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [206, "mov edx, 4"], [207, "mov esi, edx"], [208, "mov ecx, eax"], [209, "shl esi, cl"], [210, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_4030]"], [211, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [212, "mov ecx, edi"], [213, "mov rdi, rax"], [214, "call sub_44FF43"], [215, "add [rbp+var_10], 1"], [216, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 1"], [217, "jle loc_450323"], [218, "add [rbp+var_C], 1"], [219, "cmp [rbp+var_C], 4"], [220, "jle loc_450317"], [221, "nop"], [222, "nop"], [223, "leave"], [224, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[10, 8], [10, 215], [11, 6], [11, 218], [12, 10], [13, 11], [15, 14], [16, 15], [18, 10], [18, 16], [19, 3], [20, 19], [20, 18], [21, 20], [22, 15], [24, 18], [24, 22], [25, 4], [26, 25], [26, 24], [27, 26], [32, 6], [32, 218], [33, 32], [34, 215], [34, 8], [35, 34], [36, 35], [37, 36], [38, 35], [38, 37], [39, 38], [40, 33], [40, 39], [41, 35], [42, 40], [43, 42], [44, 177], [44, 28], [46, 44], [47, 43], [47, 46], [48, 47], [50, 49], [50, 48], [51, 6], [51, 218], [52, 51], [53, 215], [53, 8], [54, 53], [55, 54], [56, 55], [57, 54], [57, 56], [58, 57], [59, 52], [59, 58], [60, 54], [61, 59], [62, 61], [63, 30], [63, 169], [65, 63], [66, 62], [66, 65], [67, 66], [68, 50], [68, 67], [70, 68], [70, 69], [71, 70], [72, 71], [74, 73], [74, 72], [75, 74], [76, 177], [76, 28], [77, 76], [78, 30], [78, 169], [79, 78], [82, 177], [82, 28], [83, 62], [83, 82], [84, 6], [84, 218], [85, 84], [86, 83], [86, 85], [87, 86], [88, 156], [88, 12], [89, 30], [89, 169], [90, 89], [90, 86], [91, 6], [91, 218], [92, 91], [93, 90], [93, 92], [94, 93], [95, 88], [95, 94], [97, 93], [98, 5], [99, 97], [99, 98], [100, 99], [101, 100], [102, 75], [103, 101], [104, 103], [105, 104], [106, 102], [107, 106], [107, 105], [109, 101], [110, 107], [111, 110], [112, 111], [114, 88], [115, 155], [115, 13], [117, 110], [117, 80], [118, 117], [119, 118], [120, 110], [120, 80], [121, 118], [122, 121], [123, 122], [124, 119], [124, 123], [125, 6], [125, 218], [127, 125], [128, 126], [128, 127], [129, 128], [130, 28], [130, 129], [130, 177], [131, 130], [132, 169], [132, 30], [133, 132], [133, 131], [134, 124], [136, 134], [136, 133], [137, 218], [137, 6], [139, 137], [140, 139], [140, 138], [141, 140], [142, 141], [142, 177], [142, 28], [143, 142], [144, 30], [144, 169], [145, 144], [145, 143], [147, 136], [147, 145], [148, 147], [149, 148], [150, 149], [152, 150], [153, 148], [155, 153], [156, 152], [157, 6], [157, 218], [159, 157], [160, 158], [160, 159], [161, 160], [162, 177], [162, 161], [162, 28], [163, 162], [164, 30], [164, 169], [165, 163], [165, 164], [166, 156], [168, 166], [168, 165], [169, 30], [169, 169], [170, 6], [170, 218], [172, 170], [173, 172], [173, 171], [174, 173], [175, 174], [175, 30], [175, 169], [176, 175], [177, 28], [177, 177], [178, 6], [178, 218], [180, 178], [181, 180], [181, 179], [182, 181], [183, 28], [183, 182], [183, 177], [184, 183], [185, 6], [185, 218], [187, 186], [188, 185], [189, 188], [189, 187], [190, 6], [190, 218], [192, 191], [193, 190], [194, 192], [194, 193], [195, 191], [196, 21], [197, 189], [198, 196], [200, 6], [200, 218], [202, 201], [203, 200], [204, 203], [204, 202], [205, 218], [205, 6], [207, 206], [208, 205], [209, 208], [209, 207], [210, 206], [211, 27], [212, 204], [213, 211], [215, 215], [215, 8], [216, 8], [216, 215], [217, 216], [218, 218], [218, 6], [219, 6], [219, 218], [220, 219], [224, 214]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/e3d332886c18631eb372d9962b58e0dd7b335903e6edf0cd135d1e37ebbfa91b_e3d332886c18631eb372d9962b58e0dd7b335903e6edf0cd135d1e37ebbfa91b.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4502EB", "query": "\n\n\nvoid __fastcall sub_4502EB(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3)\n{\n__int16 v4[4096]; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-4030h] BYREF\n__int16 v5[4097]; // [rsp+2020h] [rbp-2030h] BYREF\n__int16 v6; // [rsp+4022h] [rbp-2Eh]\nint v7; // [rsp+4024h] [rbp-2Ch]\n_WORD *v8; // [rsp+4028h] [rbp-28h]\n_WORD *v9; // [rsp+4030h] [rbp-20h]\nint v10; // [rsp+4038h] [rbp-18h]\nint v11; // [rsp+403Ch] [rbp-14h]\nint j; // [rsp+4040h] [rbp-10h]\nint i; // [rsp+4044h] [rbp-Ch]\nint l; // [rsp+4048h] [rbp-8h]\nint k; // [rsp+404Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nfor ( i = 0; i <= 4; ++i )\n{\nfor ( j = 0; j <= 1; ++j )\n{\nv10 = sub_4502A7(i, j);\nv9 = (_WORD *)(2LL * v10 + a1);\nv8 = (_WORD *)(2LL * v10 + a2);\nfor ( k = 0; k < 4 << i; ++k )\n{\nfor ( l = 0; l < 4 << i; ++l )\n{\nv11 = (int)floor(\n*((double *)*(&off_4776A0 + 6 * j + i) + k)\n* 2048.0\n* *((double *)*(&off_4776A0 + 6 * j + i) + l)\n+ 0.5);\nif ( k || l )\n{\nv7 = *(_DWORD *)(4LL * (8 * ((2 * k) >> i) + ((2 * l) >> i)) + a3);\nv11 *= 16;\nv11 = ((v7 >> 1) + v11) / v7;\nif ( v11 <= 0 )\nsub_42EBD7(\"assertion failed: mag > 0.0\", \"../src/pvq.c\", 0x169u);\n}\nelse\n{\nv11 = 2048;\n}\nv5[k * (4 << i) + l] = (v11 <= 32766 ? v11 ^ 0x7FFF : 0) ^ 0x7FFF;\nv6 = v5[k * (4 << i) + l];\nv4[k * (4 << i) + l] = ((v6 >> 1) + 0x800000) / v6;\n}\n}\nsub_44FF43(v9, 4 << i, v5, 4 << i);\nsub_44FF43(v8, 4 << i, v4, 4 << i);\n}\n}\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,j,i,sub_4502EB,sub_4502A7,sub_42EBD7,sub_44FF43,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'qm', 'a1': 'x', 'a2': 'x_inv', 'v4': 'y_inv', 'v5': 'y', 'v6': 'ytmp', 'v7': 'qmv', 'v8': 'x1_inv', 'v9': 'x1', 'v10': 'off', 'v11': 'mag', 'j': 'xydec', 'i': 'bs', 'sub_4502EB': 'od_init_qm', 'sub_4502A7': 'od_qm_offset', 'sub_42EBD7': 'od_fatal_impl', 'sub_44FF43': 'od_raster_to_coding_order_16'}"}
size_t HUF_readCTable (HUF_CElt* CTable, U32* maxSymbolValuePtr, const void* src, size_t srcSize) { BYTE huffWeight[HUF_SYMBOLVALUE_MAX + 1]; /* init not required, even though some static analyzer may complain */ U32 rankVal[HUF_TABLELOG_ABSOLUTEMAX + 1]; /* large enough for values from 0 to 16 */ U32 tableLog = 0; U32 nbSymbols = 0; /* get symbol weights */ CHECK_V_F(readSize, HUF_readStats(huffWeight, HUF_SYMBOLVALUE_MAX+1, rankVal, &nbSymbols, &tableLog, src, srcSize)); /* check result */ if (tableLog > HUF_TABLELOG_MAX) return ERROR(tableLog_tooLarge); if (nbSymbols > *maxSymbolValuePtr+1) return ERROR(maxSymbolValue_tooSmall); /* Prepare base value per rank */ { U32 n, nextRankStart = 0; for (n=1; n<=tableLog; n++) { U32 current = nextRankStart; nextRankStart += (rankVal[n] << (n-1)); rankVal[n] = current; } } /* fill nbBits */ { U32 n; for (n=0; n<nbSymbols; n++) { const U32 w = huffWeight[n]; CTable[n].nbBits = (BYTE)(tableLog + 1 - w); } } /* fill val */ { U16 nbPerRank[HUF_TABLELOG_MAX+2] = {0}; /* support w=0=>n=tableLog+1 */ U16 valPerRank[HUF_TABLELOG_MAX+2] = {0}; { U32 n; for (n=0; n<nbSymbols; n++) nbPerRank[CTable[n].nbBits]++; } /* determine stating value per rank */ valPerRank[tableLog+1] = 0; /* for w==0 */ { U16 min = 0; U32 n; for (n=tableLog; n>0; n--) { /* start at n=tablelog <-> w=1 */ valPerRank[n] = min; /* get starting value within each rank */ min += nbPerRank[n]; min >>= 1; } } /* assign value within rank, symbol order */ { U32 n; for (n=0; n<nbSymbols; n++) CTable[n].val = valPerRank[CTable[n].nbBits]++; } } *maxSymbolValuePtr = nbSymbols - 1; return readSize; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_493F26", "function_addr": 4800294, "binary_name": "8344e4f2e71647113a4027b2f26417ee1a42cf3c0de632f9252e1b29c5147f05.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 1E0h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_1C8], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_1D0], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_1D8], rdx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_1E0], rcx"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_174], 0"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_178], 0"], [9, "mov rdi, [rbp+var_1D8]"], [10, "lea rsi, [rbp+var_174]"], [11, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_178]"], [12, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_170]"], [13, "lea rax, [rbp+var_130]"], [14, "sub rsp, 8"], [15, "push [rbp+var_1E0]"], [16, "mov r9, rdi"], [17, "mov r8, rsi"], [18, "mov esi, 100h"], [19, "mov rdi, rax"], [20, "call sub_48AEDE"], [21, "add rsp, 10h"], [22, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [23, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [24, "mov rdi, rax"], [25, "call sub_493894"], [26, "test eax, eax"], [27, "jz short loc_493FC2"], [28, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [29, "jmp locret_494206"], [30, "mov eax, [rbp+var_174]"], [31, "cmp eax, 0Ch"], [32, "jbe short loc_493FD9"], [33, "mov rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFD4h"], [34, "jmp locret_494206"], [35, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1D0]"], [36, "mov eax, [rax]"], [37, "lea edx, [rax+1]"], [38, "mov eax, [rbp+var_178]"], [39, "cmp edx, eax"], [40, "jnb short loc_493FFB"], [41, "mov rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFD0h"], [42, "jmp locret_494206"], [43, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [44, "mov [rbp+var_4], 1"], [45, "jmp short loc_49403B"], [46, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [47, "mov [rbp+var_30], eax"], [48, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [49, "mov edx, [rbp+rax*4+var_170]"], [50, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [51, "sub eax, 1"], [52, "mov ecx, eax"], [53, "shl edx, cl"], [54, "mov eax, edx"], [55, "add [rbp+var_8], eax"], [56, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [57, "mov edx, [rbp+var_30]"], [58, "mov [rbp+rax*4+var_170], edx"], [59, "add [rbp+var_4], 1"], [60, "mov eax, [rbp+var_174]"], [61, "cmp [rbp+var_4], eax"], [62, "jbe short loc_49400B"], [63, "mov [rbp+var_C], 0"], [64, "jmp short loc_49408C"], [65, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [66, "movzx eax, [rbp+rax+var_130]"], [67, "movzx eax, al"], [68, "mov [rbp+var_2C], eax"], [69, "mov eax, [rbp+var_174]"], [70, "mov edx, eax"], [71, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2C]"], [72, "sub edx, eax"], [73, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [74, "lea rcx, ds:0[rax*4]"], [75, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1C8]"], [76, "add rax, rcx"], [77, "add edx, 1"], [78, "mov [rax+2], dl"], [79, "add [rbp+var_C], 1"], [80, "mov eax, [rbp+var_178]"], [81, "cmp [rbp+var_C], eax"], [82, "jb short loc_49404F"], [83, "mov [rbp+var_1A0], 0"], [84, "mov [rbp+var_198], 0"], [85, "mov [rbp+var_190], 0"], [86, "mov [rbp+var_188], 0"], [87, "mov [rbp+var_1C0], 0"], [88, "mov [rbp+var_1B8], 0"], [89, "mov [rbp+var_1B0], 0"], [90, "mov [rbp+var_1A8], 0"], [91, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [92, "jmp short loc_49412E"], [93, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [94, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*4]"], [95, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1C8]"], [96, "add rax, rdx"], [97, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+2]"], [98, "movzx eax, al"], [99, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [100, "movzx edx, word ptr [rbp+rdx*2+var_1A0]"], [101, "add edx, 1"], [102, "cdqe"], [103, "mov word ptr [rbp+rax*2+var_1A0], dx"], [104, "add [rbp+var_10], 1"], [105, "mov eax, [rbp+var_178]"], [106, "cmp [rbp+var_10], eax"], [107, "jb short loc_4940F6"], [108, "mov eax, [rbp+var_174]"], [109, "add eax, 1"], [110, "mov eax, eax"], [111, "mov word ptr [rbp+rax*2+var_1C0], 0"], [112, "mov [rbp+var_12], 0"], [113, "mov eax, [rbp+var_174]"], [114, "mov [rbp+var_18], eax"], [115, "jmp short loc_494185"], [116, "mov eax, [rbp+var_18]"], [117, "movzx edx, [rbp+var_12]"], [118, "mov word ptr [rbp+rax*2+var_1C0], dx"], [119, "mov eax, [rbp+var_18]"], [120, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+rax*2+var_1A0]"], [121, "add [rbp+var_12], ax"], [122, "shr [rbp+var_12], 1"], [123, "sub [rbp+var_18], 1"], [124, "cmp [rbp+var_18], 0"], [125, "jnz short loc_49415F"], [126, "mov [rbp+var_1C], 0"], [127, "jmp short loc_4941E5"], [128, "mov eax, [rbp+var_1C]"], [129, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*4]"], [130, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1C8]"], [131, "add rax, rdx"], [132, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+2]"], [133, "movzx edx, al"], [134, "movsxd rax, edx"], [135, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+rax*2+var_1C0]"], [136, "lea ecx, [rax+1]"], [137, "movsxd rdx, edx"], [138, "mov word ptr [rbp+rdx*2+var_1C0], cx"], [139, "mov edx, [rbp+var_1C]"], [140, "lea rcx, ds:0[rdx*4]"], [141, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_1C8]"], [142, "add rdx, rcx"], [143, "mov [rdx], ax"], [144, "add [rbp+var_1C], 1"], [145, "mov eax, [rbp+var_178]"], [146, "cmp [rbp+var_1C], eax"], [147, "jb short loc_494194"], [148, "mov eax, [rbp+var_178]"], [149, "lea edx, [rax-1]"], [150, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1D0]"], [151, "mov [rax], edx"], [152, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [153, "leave"], [154, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[9, 5], [10, 7], [11, 8], [14, 2], [15, 6], [16, 9], [17, 10], [19, 13], [21, 14], [22, 20], [23, 22], [24, 23], [26, 25], [27, 26], [28, 22], [30, 7], [31, 30], [32, 31], [35, 4], [36, 35], [37, 12], [37, 36], [38, 8], [39, 37], [39, 38], [40, 39], [46, 43], [46, 55], [47, 46], [48, 44], [48, 59], [49, 48], [49, 58], [50, 44], [50, 59], [51, 50], [52, 51], [53, 52], [53, 49], [54, 53], [55, 43], [55, 54], [55, 55], [56, 59], [56, 44], [57, 47], [58, 56], [58, 57], [59, 59], [59, 44], [60, 7], [61, 44], [61, 60], [61, 59], [62, 61], [65, 79], [65, 63], [66, 65], [67, 66], [68, 67], [69, 7], [70, 69], [71, 68], [72, 70], [72, 71], [73, 63], [73, 79], [74, 11], [74, 52], [74, 74], [75, 3], [76, 74], [76, 75], [77, 72], [78, 77], [78, 76], [79, 79], [79, 63], [80, 8], [81, 80], [81, 79], [81, 63], [82, 81], [93, 104], [93, 91], [94, 57], [94, 77], [94, 37], [94, 101], [95, 3], [96, 95], [96, 94], [97, 78], [97, 96], [98, 97], [99, 98], [100, 99], [101, 100], [103, 101], [103, 98], [104, 91], [104, 104], [105, 8], [106, 104], [106, 105], [106, 91], [107, 106], [108, 7], [109, 108], [110, 109], [111, 110], [113, 7], [114, 113], [116, 114], [116, 123], [117, 112], [117, 122], [118, 117], [118, 116], [119, 114], [119, 123], [120, 103], [120, 119], [121, 112], [121, 120], [121, 122], [122, 121], [123, 114], [123, 123], [124, 114], [124, 123], [125, 124], [128, 126], [128, 144], [129, 57], [129, 77], [129, 117], [129, 37], [129, 101], [129, 142], [130, 3], [131, 129], [131, 130], [132, 78], [132, 143], [132, 131], [133, 132], [134, 133], [135, 111], [135, 134], [135, 118], [136, 78], [136, 135], [136, 11], [136, 52], [136, 143], [136, 74], [136, 140], [137, 133], [138, 137], [138, 136], [139, 126], [139, 144], [140, 136], [141, 3], [142, 141], [142, 140], [143, 142], [143, 135], [144, 126], [144, 144], [145, 8], [146, 145], [146, 126], [146, 144], [147, 146], [148, 8], [149, 78], [149, 142], [149, 151], [149, 57], [149, 148], [149, 77], [149, 143], [149, 117], [149, 37], [149, 101], [150, 4], [151, 150], [151, 149], [152, 22], [154, 33], [154, 28], [154, 41], [154, 152]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/8344e4f2e71647113a4027b2f26417ee1a42cf3c0de632f9252e1b29c5147f05_8344e4f2e71647113a4027b2f26417ee1a42cf3c0de632f9252e1b29c5147f05.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_493F26", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_493F26(__int64 a1, _DWORD *a2, unsigned __int8 *a3, unsigned __int64 a4)\n{\n__int16 v5; // ax\n__int64 v6[3]; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-1C0h]\nint v7; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-1A8h]\n__int64 v8[3]; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-1A0h]\nint v9; // [rsp+60h] [rbp-188h]\nunsigned int v10; // [rsp+70h] [rbp-178h] BYREF\nunsigned int v11; // [rsp+74h] [rbp-174h] BYREF\nint v12[16]; // [rsp+78h] [rbp-170h] BYREF\nchar v13[256]; // [rsp+B8h] [rbp-130h] BYREF\nint v14; // [rsp+1B8h] [rbp-30h]\nint v15; // [rsp+1BCh] [rbp-2Ch]\nunsigned __int64 v16; // [rsp+1C0h] [rbp-28h]\nunsigned int m; // [rsp+1CCh] [rbp-1Ch]\nunsigned int l; // [rsp+1D0h] [rbp-18h]\nunsigned __int16 v19; // [rsp+1D6h] [rbp-12h]\nunsigned int k; // [rsp+1D8h] [rbp-10h]\nunsigned int j; // [rsp+1DCh] [rbp-Ch]\nint v22; // [rsp+1E0h] [rbp-8h]\nunsigned int i; // [rsp+1E4h] [rbp-4h]\n\nv11 = 0;\nv10 = 0;\nv16 = sub_48AEDE((__int64)v13, 0x100uLL, v12, &v10, &v11, a3, a4);\nif ( sub_493894(v16) )\nreturn v16;\nif ( v11 > 0xC )\nreturn -44LL;\nif ( *a2 + 1 < v10 )\nreturn -48LL;\nv22 = 0;\nfor ( i = 1; i <= v11; ++i )\n{\nv14 = v22;\nv22 += v12[i] << (i - 1);\nv12[i] = v14;\n}\nfor ( j = 0; j < v10; ++j )\n{\nv15 = (unsigned __int8)v13[j];\n*(_BYTE *)(4LL * j + a1 + 2) = v11 - v15 + 1;\n}\nv8[0] = 0LL;\nv8[1] = 0LL;\nv8[2] = 0LL;\nv9 = 0;\nv6[0] = 0LL;\nv6[1] = 0LL;\nv6[2] = 0LL;\nv7 = 0;\nfor ( k = 0; k < v10; ++k )\n++*((_WORD *)v8 + *(unsigned __int8 *)(4LL * k + a1 + 2));\n*((_WORD *)v6 + v11 + 1) = 0;\nv19 = 0;\nfor ( l = v11; l; --l )\n{\n*((_WORD *)v6 + l) = v19;\nv19 += *((_WORD *)v8 + l);\nv19 >>= 1;\n}\nfor ( m = 0; m < v10; ++m )\n{\nv5 = *((_WORD *)v6 + *(unsigned __int8 *)(4LL * m + a1 + 2));\n*((_WORD *)v6 + *(unsigned __int8 *)(4LL * m + a1 + 2)) = v5 + 1;\n*(_WORD *)(4LL * m + a1) = v5;\n}\n*a2 = v10 - 1;\nreturn v16;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,v6,v8,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15,v16,m,l,v19,k,j,v22,i,sub_493F26,sub_48AEDE,sub_493894,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'src', 'a4': 'srcSize', 'a1': 'CTable', 'a2': 'maxSymbolValuePtr', 'v6': 'valPerRank', 'v8': 'nbPerRank', 'v10': 'nbSymbols', 'v11': 'tableLog', 'v12': 'rankVal', 'v13': 'huffWeight', 'v14': 'current', 'v15': 'w', 'v16': 'readSize', 'm': 'n_3', 'l': 'n_2', 'v19': 'min', 'k': 'n_1', 'j': 'n_0', 'v22': 'nextRankStart', 'i': 'n', 'sub_493F26': 'HUF_readCTable', 'sub_48AEDE': 'HUF_readStats', 'sub_493894': 'ERR_isError_17'}"}
int mbedtls_asn1_write_tag( unsigned char **p, unsigned char *start, unsigned char tag ) { if( *p - start < 1 ) return( MBEDTLS_ERR_ASN1_BUF_TOO_SMALL ); *--(*p) = tag; return( 1 ); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_473A80", "function_addr": 4668032, "binary_name": "dd1bb0f93352aea0ff0f7e0a20f97ad9676f10a40a8c4b9354a3f6316a448e84.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [4, "mov eax, edx"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_14], al"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [7, "mov rax, [rax]"], [8, "sub rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [9, "test rax, rax"], [10, "jg short loc_473AA8"], [11, "mov eax, 0FFFFFF94h"], [12, "jmp short loc_473ACC"], [13, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [14, "mov rax, [rax]"], [15, "lea rdx, [rax-1]"], [16, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [17, "mov [rax], rdx"], [18, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [19, "mov rax, [rax]"], [20, "movzx edx, [rbp+var_14]"], [21, "mov [rax], dl"], [22, "mov eax, 1"], [23, "pop rbp"], [24, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 2], [7, 6], [8, 3], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 9], [13, 2], [14, 13], [15, 14], [16, 2], [17, 15], [17, 16], [18, 2], [19, 18], [19, 17], [20, 5], [21, 19], [21, 20], [23, 0], [24, 11], [24, 22]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/dd1bb0f93352aea0ff0f7e0a20f97ad9676f10a40a8c4b9354a3f6316a448e84_dd1bb0f93352aea0ff0f7e0a20f97ad9676f10a40a8c4b9354a3f6316a448e84.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_473A80", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_473A80(_QWORD *a1, __int64 a2, char a3)\n{\nif ( *a1 - a2 <= 0 )\nreturn 4294967188LL;\n*(_BYTE *)--*a1 = a3;\nreturn 1LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,sub_473A80,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'tag', 'a1': 'p', 'a2': 'start', 'sub_473A80': 'mbedtls_asn1_write_tag'}"}
void gap_ssp_set_authentication_requirement(int authentication_requirement){ hci_stack->ssp_authentication_requirement = authentication_requirement; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4169B9", "function_addr": 4286905, "binary_name": "4f50d4a61abfbd8c407aba68361e53a458c52f761b528ded37cf6ddc166819b1.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_4], edi"], [3, "mov rax, cs:ptr"], [4, "mov edx, [rbp+var_4]"], [5, "mov [rax+76h], dl"], [6, "nop"], [7, "pop rbp"], [8, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 2], [5, 4], [5, 3], [7, 0], [8, 3]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/4f50d4a61abfbd8c407aba68361e53a458c52f761b528ded37cf6ddc166819b1_4f50d4a61abfbd8c407aba68361e53a458c52f761b528ded37cf6ddc166819b1.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4169B9", "query": "\n\n\nvoid *__fastcall sub_4169B9(char a1)\n{\nvoid *result; // rax\n\nresult = ptr;\n*((_BYTE *)ptr + 118) = a1;\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_4169B9,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'authentication_requirement', 'sub_4169B9': 'gap_ssp_set_authentication_requirement'}"}
void mbedtls_aes_xts_free( mbedtls_aes_xts_context *ctx ) { if( ctx == NULL ) return; mbedtls_aes_free( &ctx->crypt ); mbedtls_aes_free( &ctx->tweak ); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40548D", "function_addr": 4215949, "binary_name": "beb4e411e43286c5aba1760a3a546b99c054c23bdf969d135fac49a556cd0b91.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [5, "jz short loc_4054C0"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [7, "mov rdi, rax"], [8, "call sub_405437"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [10, "add rax, 120h"], [11, "mov rdi, rax"], [12, "call sub_405437"], [13, "jmp short locret_4054C1"], [14, "nop"], [15, "leave"], [16, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [6, 3], [7, 6], [9, 3], [10, 9], [11, 10], [16, 12]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/beb4e411e43286c5aba1760a3a546b99c054c23bdf969d135fac49a556cd0b91_beb4e411e43286c5aba1760a3a546b99c054c23bdf969d135fac49a556cd0b91.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40548D", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_40548D(__int64 a1)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n\nif ( a1 )\n{\nsub_405437(a1);\nresult = sub_405437(a1 + 288);\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_40548D,sub_405437,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'ctx', 'sub_40548D': 'mbedtls_aes_xts_free', 'sub_405437': 'mbedtls_aes_free'}"}
int PropertyTolerance(char *name, int fnum, char *key, int ival, double dval) { struct property *kl = NULL; struct nlist *tc; int result; if ((fnum == -1) && (Circuit1 != NULL) && (Circuit2 != NULL)) { result = PropertyTolerance(name, Circuit1->file, key, ival, dval); result = PropertyTolerance(name, Circuit2->file, key, ival, dval); return result; } tc = LookupCellFile(name, fnum); if (tc == NULL) { Printf("No device %s found for PropertyTolerance()\n", name); return -1; } kl = (struct property *)HashLookup(key, &(tc->propdict)); if (kl == NULL) { Printf("No property %s found for device %s\n", key, name); return -1; } else { switch (kl->type) { case PROP_DOUBLE: case PROP_VALUE: case PROP_STRING: kl->slop.dval = dval; break; case PROP_INTEGER: case PROP_EXPRESSION: kl->slop.ival = ival; break; } } return 0; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_429458", "function_addr": 4363352, "binary_name": "34e1f47d7c3f4a6a8540956845e947b127c61352252002721d774608d8656d0e.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 40h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_28], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_2C], esi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_38], rdx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_30], ecx"], [7, "movsd [rbp+var_40], xmm0"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [9, "cmp [rbp+var_2C], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [10, "jnz short loc_4294FD"], [11, "mov rax, offset unk_463DC8"], [12, "mov rax, [rax]"], [13, "test rax, rax"], [14, "jz short loc_4294FD"], [15, "mov rax, offset unk_463DD0"], [16, "mov rax, [rax]"], [17, "test rax, rax"], [18, "jz short loc_4294FD"], [19, "mov rax, offset unk_463DC8"], [20, "mov rax, [rax]"], [21, "mov esi, [rax]"], [22, "mov rdi, [rbp+var_40]"], [23, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_30]"], [24, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_38]"], [25, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [26, "movq xmm0, rdi"], [27, "mov rdi, rax"], [28, "call sub_429458"], [29, "mov [rbp+var_C], eax"], [30, "mov rax, offset unk_463DD0"], [31, "mov rax, [rax]"], [32, "mov esi, [rax]"], [33, "mov rdi, [rbp+var_40]"], [34, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_30]"], [35, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_38]"], [36, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [37, "movq xmm0, rdi"], [38, "mov rdi, rax"], [39, "call sub_429458"], [40, "mov [rbp+var_C], eax"], [41, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [42, "jmp locret_4295C7"], [43, "mov edx, [rbp+var_2C]"], [44, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [45, "mov esi, edx"], [46, "mov rdi, rax"], [47, "call sub_40E200"], [48, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [49, "cmp [rbp+var_18], 0"], [50, "jnz short loc_42953B"], [51, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [52, "mov rsi, rax"], [53, "lea rdi, aNoDeviceSFound_1"], [54, "mov eax, 0"], [55, "call sub_406043"], [56, "mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [57, "jmp locret_4295C7"], [58, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [59, "lea rdx, [rax+68h]"], [60, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [61, "mov rsi, rdx"], [62, "mov rdi, rax"], [63, "call sub_40AA09"], [64, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [65, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [66, "jnz short loc_429580"], [67, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_28]"], [68, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [69, "mov rsi, rax"], [70, "lea rdi, aNoPropertySFou"], [71, "mov eax, 0"], [72, "call sub_406043"], [73, "mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [74, "jmp short locret_4295C7"], [75, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [76, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+9]"], [77, "movzx eax, al"], [78, "cmp eax, 4"], [79, "jg short loc_4295C2"], [80, "cmp eax, 3"], [81, "jge short loc_4295A7"], [82, "test eax, eax"], [83, "jz short loc_4295A7"], [84, "test eax, eax"], [85, "js short loc_4295C2"], [86, "sub eax, 1"], [87, "cmp eax, 1"], [88, "ja short loc_4295C2"], [89, "jmp short loc_4295B7"], [90, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [91, "movsd xmm0, [rbp+var_40]"], [92, "movsd qword ptr [rax+20h], xmm0"], [93, "jmp short loc_4295C2"], [94, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [95, "mov edx, [rbp+var_30]"], [96, "mov [rax+20h], edx"], [97, "nop"], [98, "mov eax, 0"], [99, "leave"], [100, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[9, 4], [10, 9], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 13], [16, 15], [17, 16], [18, 17], [20, 19], [21, 20], [22, 7], [23, 6], [24, 5], [25, 3], [26, 22], [27, 25], [29, 28], [31, 30], [32, 31], [33, 7], [34, 6], [35, 5], [36, 3], [37, 33], [38, 36], [40, 39], [41, 40], [43, 4], [44, 3], [45, 43], [46, 44], [48, 47], [49, 48], [50, 49], [51, 3], [52, 51], [53, 46], [58, 48], [59, 58], [59, 43], [60, 5], [61, 59], [62, 60], [64, 63], [65, 64], [66, 65], [67, 3], [68, 5], [69, 68], [70, 62], [75, 64], [76, 75], [77, 76], [78, 77], [79, 78], [80, 77], [81, 80], [82, 77], [83, 82], [84, 82], [85, 84], [86, 84], [87, 86], [88, 87], [90, 64], [91, 7], [92, 91], [92, 90], [94, 64], [95, 6], [96, 95], [96, 94], [100, 98], [100, 73], [100, 41], [100, 56]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/34e1f47d7c3f4a6a8540956845e947b127c61352252002721d774608d8656d0e_34e1f47d7c3f4a6a8540956845e947b127c61352252002721d774608d8656d0e.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_429458", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_429458(__int64 a1, unsigned int a2, __int64 a3, unsigned int a4, double a5)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n__int64 v6; // rdx\n__int64 v7; // rcx\n__int64 v8; // r8\n__int64 v9; // r9\n__int64 v10; // rcx\n__int64 v11; // r8\n__int64 v12; // r9\n__int64 v15; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-18h]\n__int64 v16; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-8h]\n\nif ( a2 == -1 && qword_463DC8 && qword_463DD0 )\n{\nsub_429458(a1, (unsigned int)*qword_463DC8, a3, a4, a5);\nresult = (unsigned int)sub_429458(a1, (unsigned int)*qword_463DD0, a3, a4, a5);\n}\nelse\n{\nv15 = sub_40E200(a1, a2);\nif ( v15 )\n{\nv16 = sub_40AA09(a3, (unsigned int *)(v15 + 104));\nif ( v16 )\n{\nif ( *(unsigned __int8 *)(v16 + 9) <= 4u )\n{\nif ( *(unsigned __int8 *)(v16 + 9) < 3u && *(_BYTE *)(v16 + 9) )\n{\nif ( (unsigned int)*(unsigned __int8 *)(v16 + 9) - 1 <= 1 )\n*(_DWORD *)(v16 + 32) = a4;\n}\nelse\n{\n*(double *)(v16 + 32) = a5;\n}\n}\nresult = 0LL;\n}\nelse\n{\nsub_406043(\"No property %s found for device %s\\n\", a3, a1, v10, v11, v12);\nresult = 0xFFFFFFFFLL;\n}\n}\nelse\n{\nsub_406043(\"No device %s found for PropertyTolerance()\\n\", a1, v6, v7, v8, v9);\nresult = 0xFFFFFFFFLL;\n}\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,a5,v6,v7,v15,v16,sub_429458,sub_40E200,sub_40AA09,sub_406043,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'key', 'a4': 'ival', 'a1': 'name', 'a2': 'fnum', 'a5': 'dval', 'v6': 'key', 'v7': 'ival', 'v15': 'tc', 'v16': 'kl', 'sub_429458': 'PropertyTolerance', 'sub_40E200': 'LookupCellFile', 'sub_40AA09': 'HashLookup', 'sub_406043': 'Printf'}"}
int main (void) { /* The symmetric can_24 Harwell/Boeing matrix, including upper and lower * triangular parts, and the diagonal entries. Note that this matrix is * 0-based, with row and column indices in the range 0 to n-1. */ Long n = 24, nz, Ap [ ] = { 0, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 48, 57, 61, 70, 76, 82, 88, 94, 100, 106, 110, 119, 128, 137, 143, 152, 156, 160 }, Ai [ ] = { /* column 0: */ 0, 5, 6, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 21, /* column 1: */ 1, 8, 9, 13, 14, 17, /* column 2: */ 2, 6, 11, 20, 21, 22, /* column 3: */ 3, 7, 10, 15, 18, 19, /* column 4: */ 4, 7, 9, 14, 15, 16, /* column 5: */ 0, 5, 6, 12, 13, 17, /* column 6: */ 0, 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 19, 21, 23, /* column 7: */ 3, 4, 7, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, /* column 8: */ 1, 8, 9, 14, /* column 9: */ 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 17, 18, /* column 10: */ 3, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, /* column 11: */ 2, 6, 11, 12, 21, 23, /* column 12: */ 0, 5, 6, 11, 12, 23, /* column 13: */ 0, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, /* column 14: */ 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 14, /* column 15: */ 3, 4, 7, 15, 16, 18, /* column 16: */ 4, 7, 15, 16, /* column 17: */ 0, 1, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 18, 19, /* column 18: */ 0, 3, 7, 9, 10, 15, 17, 18, 19, /* column 19: */ 0, 3, 6, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, /* column 20: */ 2, 10, 19, 20, 21, 22, /* column 21: */ 0, 2, 6, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, 22, /* column 22: */ 2, 20, 21, 22, /* column 23: */ 6, 11, 12, 23 } ; Long P [24], Pinv [24], i, j, k, jnew, p, inew, result ; double Control [AMD_CONTROL], Info [AMD_INFO] ; char A [24][24] ; /* here is an example of how to use AMD_VERSION. This code will work in * any version of AMD. */ #if defined(AMD_VERSION) && (AMD_VERSION >= AMD_VERSION_CODE(1,2)) printf ("AMD version %d.%d.%d, date: %s\n", AMD_MAIN_VERSION, AMD_SUB_VERSION, AMD_SUBSUB_VERSION, AMD_DATE) ; #else printf ("AMD version: 1.1 or earlier\n") ; #endif printf ("AMD demo, with the 24-by-24 Harwell/Boeing matrix, can_24:\n") ; /* get the default parameters, and print them */ amd_l_defaults (Control) ; amd_l_control (Control) ; /* print the input matrix */ nz = Ap [n] ; printf ("\nInput matrix: %ld-by-%ld, with %ld entries.\n" " Note that for a symmetric matrix such as this one, only the\n" " strictly lower or upper triangular parts would need to be\n" " passed to AMD, since AMD computes the ordering of A+A'. The\n" " diagonal entries are also not needed, since AMD ignores them.\n" , n, n, nz) ; for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) { printf ("\nColumn: %ld, number of entries: %ld, with row indices in" " Ai [%ld ... %ld]:\n row indices:", j, Ap [j+1] - Ap [j], Ap [j], Ap [j+1]-1) ; for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++) { i = Ai [p] ; printf (" %ld", i) ; } printf ("\n") ; } /* print a character plot of the input matrix. This is only reasonable * because the matrix is small. */ printf ("\nPlot of input matrix pattern:\n") ; for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) { for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) A [i][j] = '.' ; for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++) { i = Ai [p] ; A [i][j] = 'X' ; } } printf (" ") ; for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) printf (" %1ld", j % 10) ; printf ("\n") ; for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { printf ("%2ld: ", i) ; for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) { printf (" %c", A [i][j]) ; } printf ("\n") ; } /* order the matrix */ result = amd_l_order (n, Ap, Ai, P, Control, Info) ; printf ("return value from amd_l_order: %ld (should be %d)\n", result, AMD_OK) ; /* print the statistics */ amd_l_info (Info) ; if (result != AMD_OK) { printf ("AMD failed\n") ; exit (1) ; } /* print the permutation vector, P, and compute the inverse permutation */ printf ("Permutation vector:\n") ; for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++) { /* row/column j is the kth row/column in the permuted matrix */ j = P [k] ; Pinv [j] = k ; printf (" %2ld", j) ; } printf ("\n\n") ; printf ("Inverse permutation vector:\n") ; for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) { k = Pinv [j] ; printf (" %2ld", k) ; } printf ("\n\n") ; /* print a character plot of the permuted matrix. */ printf ("\nPlot of permuted matrix pattern:\n") ; for (jnew = 0 ; jnew < n ; jnew++) { j = P [jnew] ; for (inew = 0 ; inew < n ; inew++) A [inew][jnew] = '.' ; for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++) { inew = Pinv [Ai [p]] ; A [inew][jnew] = 'X' ; } } printf (" ") ; for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) printf (" %1ld", j % 10) ; printf ("\n") ; for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { printf ("%2ld: ", i) ; for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) { printf (" %c", A [i][j]) ; } printf ("\n") ; } return (0) ; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "main", "function_addr": 4198802, "binary_name": "d7c3e24b3724a86f450c9625c85328be04c8467c0698f7c2c23f9efc6ae0ff3d.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 0AA0h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_38], 18h"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_110], 0"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_108], 9"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_100], 0Fh"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_F8], 15h"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_F0], 1Bh"], [9, "mov [rbp+var_E8], 21h "], [10, "mov [rbp+var_E0], 27h "], [11, "mov [rbp+var_D8], 30h "], [12, "mov [rbp+var_D0], 39h "], [13, "mov [rbp+var_C8], 3Dh "], [14, "mov [rbp+var_C0], 46h "], [15, "mov [rbp+var_B8], 4Ch "], [16, "mov [rbp+var_B0], 52h "], [17, "mov [rbp+var_A8], 58h "], [18, "mov [rbp+var_A0], 5Eh "], [19, "mov [rbp+var_98], 64h "], [20, "mov [rbp+var_90], 6Ah "], [21, "mov [rbp+var_88], 6Eh "], [22, "mov [rbp+var_80], 77h "], [23, "mov [rbp+var_78], 80h"], [24, "mov [rbp+var_70], 89h"], [25, "mov [rbp+var_68], 8Fh"], [26, "mov [rbp+var_60], 98h"], [27, "mov [rbp+var_58], 9Ch"], [28, "mov [rbp+var_50], 0A0h"], [29, "lea rax, [rbp+var_610]"], [30, "lea rdx, unk_402300"], [31, "mov ecx, 0A0h"], [32, "mov rdi, rax"], [33, "mov rsi, rdx"], [34, "rep movsq"], [35, "lea r8, aMay42016"], [36, "mov ecx, 6"], [37, "mov edx, 4"], [38, "mov esi, 2"], [39, "lea rdi, format"], [40, "mov eax, 0"], [41, "call _printf"], [42, "lea rdi, s"], [43, "call _puts"], [44, "lea rax, [rbp+var_7C0]"], [45, "mov rdi, rax"], [46, "call _amd_l_defaults"], [47, "lea rax, [rbp+var_7C0]"], [48, "mov rdi, rax"], [49, "call _amd_l_control"], [50, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [51, "mov rax, [rbp+rax*8+var_110]"], [52, "mov [rbp+var_40], rax"], [53, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_40]"], [54, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_38]"], [55, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [56, "mov rsi, rax"], [57, "lea rdi, aInputMatrixLdB"], [58, "mov eax, 0"], [59, "call _printf"], [60, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [61, "jmp loc_401414"], [62, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [63, "add rax, 1"], [64, "mov rax, [rbp+rax*8+var_110]"], [65, "lea rdi, [rax-1]"], [66, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [67, "mov rdx, [rbp+rax*8+var_110]"], [68, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [69, "add rax, 1"], [70, "mov rcx, [rbp+rax*8+var_110]"], [71, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [72, "mov rax, [rbp+rax*8+var_110]"], [73, "sub rcx, rax"], [74, "mov rsi, rcx"], [75, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [76, "mov r8, rdi"], [77, "mov rcx, rdx"], [78, "mov rdx, rsi"], [79, "mov rsi, rax"], [80, "lea rdi, aColumnLdNumber"], [81, "mov eax, 0"], [82, "call _printf"], [83, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [84, "mov rax, [rbp+rax*8+var_110]"], [85, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [86, "jmp short loc_4013EF"], [87, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [88, "mov rax, [rbp+rax*8+var_610]"], [89, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [90, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [91, "mov rsi, rax"], [92, "lea rdi, aLd"], [93, "mov eax, 0"], [94, "call _printf"], [95, "add [rbp+var_28], 1"], [96, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [97, "add rax, 1"], [98, "mov rax, [rbp+rax*8+var_110]"], [99, "cmp [rbp+var_28], rax"], [100, "jl short loc_4013C2"], [101, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [102, "call _putchar"], [103, "add [rbp+var_10], 1"], [104, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [105, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [106, "jl loc_40134D"], [107, "lea rdi, aPlotOfInputMat"], [108, "call _puts"], [109, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [110, "jmp loc_4014E2"], [111, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [112, "jmp short loc_401470"], [113, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [114, "mov rax, rdx"], [115, "add rax, rax"], [116, "add rax, rdx"], [117, "shl rax, 3"], [118, "lea rdx, [rbp+rax+var_s0]"], [119, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [120, "add rax, rdx"], [121, "sub rax, 0AA0h"], [122, "mov byte ptr [rax], 2Eh "], [123, "add [rbp+var_8], 1"], [124, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [125, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [126, "jl short loc_401445"], [127, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [128, "mov rax, [rbp+rax*8+var_110]"], [129, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [130, "jmp short loc_4014C7"], [131, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [132, "mov rax, [rbp+rax*8+var_610]"], [133, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [134, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [135, "mov rax, rdx"], [136, "add rax, rax"], [137, "add rax, rdx"], [138, "shl rax, 3"], [139, "lea rdx, [rbp+rax+var_s0]"], [140, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [141, "add rax, rdx"], [142, "sub rax, 0AA0h"], [143, "mov byte ptr [rax], 58h "], [144, "add [rbp+var_28], 1"], [145, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [146, "add rax, 1"], [147, "mov rax, [rbp+rax*8+var_110]"], [148, "cmp [rbp+var_28], rax"], [149, "jl short loc_40148C"], [150, "add [rbp+var_10], 1"], [151, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [152, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [153, "jl loc_40143B"], [154, "lea rdi, asc_402247"], [155, "mov eax, 0"], [156, "call _printf"], [157, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [158, "jmp short loc_40155F"], [159, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_10]"], [160, "mov rdx, 6666666666666667h"], [161, "mov rax, rcx"], [162, "imul rdx"], [163, "mov rax, rdx"], [164, "sar rax, 2"], [165, "mov rsi, rcx"], [166, "sar rsi, 3Fh"], [167, "sub rax, rsi"], [168, "mov rdx, rax"], [169, "mov rax, rdx"], [170, "shl rax, 2"], [171, "add rax, rdx"], [172, "add rax, rax"], [173, "sub rcx, rax"], [174, "mov rdx, rcx"], [175, "mov rsi, rdx"], [176, "lea rdi, a1ld"], [177, "mov eax, 0"], [178, "call _printf"], [179, "add [rbp+var_10], 1"], [180, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [181, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [182, "jl short loc_40150B"], [183, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [184, "call _putchar"], [185, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [186, "jmp short loc_4015F9"], [187, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [188, "mov rsi, rax"], [189, "lea rdi, a2ld"], [190, "mov eax, 0"], [191, "call _printf"], [192, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [193, "jmp short loc_4015E0"], [194, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [195, "mov rax, rdx"], [196, "add rax, rax"], [197, "add rax, rdx"], [198, "shl rax, 3"], [199, "lea rdx, [rbp+rax+var_s0]"], [200, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [201, "add rax, rdx"], [202, "sub rax, 0AA0h"], [203, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [204, "movsx eax, al"], [205, "mov esi, eax"], [206, "lea rdi, aC"], [207, "mov eax, 0"], [208, "call _printf"], [209, "add [rbp+var_10], 1"], [210, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [211, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [212, "jl short loc_40159F"], [213, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [214, "call _putchar"], [215, "add [rbp+var_8], 1"], [216, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [217, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [218, "jl loc_40157D"], [219, "lea r8, [rbp+var_860]"], [220, "lea rdi, [rbp+var_7C0]"], [221, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_6D0]"], [222, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_610]"], [223, "lea rsi, [rbp+var_110]"], [224, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [225, "mov r9, r8"], [226, "mov r8, rdi"], [227, "mov rdi, rax"], [228, "call _amd_l_order"], [229, "mov [rbp+var_48], rax"], [230, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [231, "mov edx, 0"], [232, "mov rsi, rax"], [233, "lea rdi, aReturnValueFro"], [234, "mov eax, 0"], [235, "call _printf"], [236, "lea rax, [rbp+var_860]"], [237, "mov rdi, rax"], [238, "call _amd_l_info"], [239, "cmp [rbp+var_48], 0"], [240, "jz short loc_401689"], [241, "lea rdi, aAmdFailed"], [242, "call _puts"], [243, "mov edi, 1"], [244, "call _exit"], [245, "lea rdi, aPermutationVec"], [246, "call _puts"], [247, "mov [rbp+var_18], 0"], [248, "jmp short loc_4016DC"], [249, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [250, "mov rax, [rbp+rax*8+var_6D0]"], [251, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [252, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [253, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [254, "mov [rbp+rax*8+var_790], rdx"], [255, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [256, "mov rsi, rax"], [257, "lea rdi, a2ld_0"], [258, "mov eax, 0"], [259, "call _printf"], [260, "add [rbp+var_18], 1"], [261, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [262, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [263, "jl short loc_40169F"], [264, "lea rdi, asc_4022B8"], [265, "call _puts"], [266, "lea rdi, aInversePermuta"], [267, "call _puts"], [268, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [269, "jmp short loc_401735"], [270, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [271, "mov rax, [rbp+rax*8+var_790]"], [272, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [273, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [274, "mov rsi, rax"], [275, "lea rdi, a2ld_0"], [276, "mov eax, 0"], [277, "call _printf"], [278, "add [rbp+var_10], 1"], [279, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [280, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [281, "jl short loc_401708"], [282, "lea rdi, asc_4022B8"], [283, "call _puts"], [284, "lea rdi, aPlotOfPermuted"], [285, "call _puts"], [286, "mov [rbp+var_20], 0"], [287, "jmp loc_401823"], [288, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [289, "mov rax, [rbp+rax*8+var_6D0]"], [290, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [291, "mov [rbp+var_30], 0"], [292, "jmp short loc_4017A9"], [293, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_30]"], [294, "mov rax, rdx"], [295, "add rax, rax"], [296, "add rax, rdx"], [297, "shl rax, 3"], [298, "lea rdx, [rbp+rax+var_s0]"], [299, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [300, "add rax, rdx"], [301, "sub rax, 0AA0h"], [302, "mov byte ptr [rax], 2Eh "], [303, "add [rbp+var_30], 1"], [304, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [305, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [306, "jl short loc_40177E"], [307, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [308, "mov rax, [rbp+rax*8+var_110]"], [309, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [310, "jmp short loc_401808"], [311, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [312, "mov rax, [rbp+rax*8+var_610]"], [313, "mov rax, [rbp+rax*8+var_790]"], [314, "mov [rbp+var_30], rax"], [315, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_30]"], [316, "mov rax, rdx"], [317, "add rax, rax"], [318, "add rax, rdx"], [319, "shl rax, 3"], [320, "lea rdx, [rbp+rax+var_s0]"], [321, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [322, "add rax, rdx"], [323, "sub rax, 0AA0h"], [324, "mov byte ptr [rax], 58h "], [325, "add [rbp+var_28], 1"], [326, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [327, "add rax, 1"], [328, "mov rax, [rbp+rax*8+var_110]"], [329, "cmp [rbp+var_28], rax"], [330, "jl short loc_4017C5"], [331, "add [rbp+var_20], 1"], [332, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [333, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [334, "jl loc_401764"], [335, "lea rdi, asc_402247"], [336, "mov eax, 0"], [337, "call _printf"], [338, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [339, "jmp short loc_4018A0"], [340, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_10]"], [341, "mov rdx, 6666666666666667h"], [342, "mov rax, rcx"], [343, "imul rdx"], [344, "mov rax, rdx"], [345, "sar rax, 2"], [346, "mov rsi, rcx"], [347, "sar rsi, 3Fh"], [348, "sub rax, rsi"], [349, "mov rdx, rax"], [350, "mov rax, rdx"], [351, "shl rax, 2"], [352, "add rax, rdx"], [353, "add rax, rax"], [354, "sub rcx, rax"], [355, "mov rdx, rcx"], [356, "mov rsi, rdx"], [357, "lea rdi, a1ld"], [358, "mov eax, 0"], [359, "call _printf"], [360, "add [rbp+var_10], 1"], [361, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [362, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [363, "jl short loc_40184C"], [364, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [365, "call _putchar"], [366, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [367, "jmp short loc_40193A"], [368, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [369, "mov rsi, rax"], [370, "lea rdi, a2ld"], [371, "mov eax, 0"], [372, "call _printf"], [373, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [374, "jmp short loc_401921"], [375, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [376, "mov rax, rdx"], [377, "add rax, rax"], [378, "add rax, rdx"], [379, "shl rax, 3"], [380, "lea rdx, [rbp+rax+var_s0]"], [381, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [382, "add rax, rdx"], [383, "sub rax, 0AA0h"], [384, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [385, "movsx eax, al"], [386, "mov esi, eax"], [387, "lea rdi, aC"], [388, "mov eax, 0"], [389, "call _printf"], [390, "add [rbp+var_10], 1"], [391, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [392, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [393, "jl short loc_4018E0"], [394, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [395, "call _putchar"], [396, "add [rbp+var_8], 1"], [397, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [398, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [399, "jl loc_4018BE"], [400, "mov eax, 0"], [401, "leave"], [402, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[32, 29], [33, 30], [39, 32], [42, 39], [44, 43], [45, 44], [47, 46], [48, 47], [50, 3], [51, 50], [52, 51], [53, 52], [54, 3], [55, 3], [56, 55], [57, 48], [62, 60], [62, 103], [63, 62], [64, 63], [65, 101], [65, 64], [65, 57], [66, 103], [66, 60], [67, 66], [68, 60], [68, 103], [69, 68], [70, 69], [71, 60], [71, 103], [72, 71], [73, 72], [73, 70], [74, 73], [75, 103], [75, 60], [76, 65], [77, 67], [78, 74], [79, 75], [80, 65], [83, 103], [83, 60], [84, 83], [85, 84], [87, 95], [87, 85], [88, 87], [89, 88], [90, 89], [91, 90], 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290], [308, 307], [309, 308], [311, 325], [311, 309], [312, 311], [313, 254], [313, 312], [314, 313], [315, 314], [316, 315], [317, 316], [318, 315], [318, 317], [319, 318], [320, 315], [320, 319], [321, 286], [321, 331], [322, 321], [322, 320], [323, 322], [324, 323], [325, 325], [325, 309], [326, 290], [327, 326], [328, 327], [329, 328], [329, 309], [329, 325], [330, 329], [331, 331], [331, 286], [332, 286], [332, 331], [333, 3], [333, 332], [334, 333], [335, 284], [340, 360], [340, 338], [342, 340], [343, 341], [344, 343], [345, 344], [346, 340], [347, 346], [348, 345], [348, 347], [349, 348], [350, 349], [351, 350], [352, 349], [352, 351], [353, 352], [354, 353], [354, 340], [355, 354], [356, 355], [357, 357], [357, 335], [360, 338], [360, 360], [361, 360], [361, 338], [362, 361], [362, 3], [363, 362], [368, 396], [368, 366], [369, 368], [370, 364], [370, 394], [375, 396], [375, 366], [376, 375], [377, 376], [378, 375], [378, 377], [379, 378], [380, 379], [380, 375], [381, 373], [381, 390], [382, 381], [382, 380], [383, 382], [384, 143], [384, 324], [384, 383], [384, 122], [384, 302], [385, 384], [386, 385], [387, 370], [387, 387], [390, 390], [390, 373], [391, 373], [391, 390], [392, 3], [392, 391], [393, 392], [396, 396], [396, 366], [397, 396], [397, 366], [398, 3], [398, 397], [399, 398], [402, 400]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/d7c3e24b3724a86f450c9625c85328be04c8467c0698f7c2c23f9efc6ae0ff3d_d7c3e24b3724a86f450c9625c85328be04c8467c0698f7c2c23f9efc6ae0ff3d.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "main", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall main(int a1, char **a2, char **a3)\n{\n__int64 v4[48]; // [rsp+310h] [rbp-790h]\n__int64 v5[160]; // [rsp+490h] [rbp-610h] BYREF\n__int64 v6[25]; // [rsp+990h] [rbp-110h]\n__int64 v7; // [rsp+A58h] [rbp-48h]\n__int64 v8; // [rsp+A60h] [rbp-40h]\n__int64 v9; // [rsp+A68h] [rbp-38h]\n__int64 n; // [rsp+A70h] [rbp-30h]\n__int64 j; // [rsp+A78h] [rbp-28h]\n__int64 m; // [rsp+A80h] [rbp-20h]\n__int64 l; // [rsp+A88h] [rbp-18h]\n__int64 i; // [rsp+A90h] [rbp-10h]\n__int64 k; // [rsp+A98h] [rbp-8h]\nchar vars0[8]; // [rsp+AA0h] [rbp+0h] BYREF\n\nv9 = 24LL;\nv6[0] = 0LL;\nv6[1] = 9LL;\nv6[2] = 15LL;\nv6[3] = 21LL;\nv6[4] = 27LL;\nv6[5] = 33LL;\nv6[6] = 39LL;\nv6[7] = 48LL;\nv6[8] = 57LL;\nv6[9] = 61LL;\nv6[10] = 70LL;\nv6[11] = 76LL;\nv6[12] = 82LL;\nv6[13] = 88LL;\nv6[14] = 94LL;\nv6[15] = 100LL;\nv6[16] = 106LL;\nv6[17] = 110LL;\nv6[18] = 119LL;\nv6[19] = 128LL;\nv6[20] = 137LL;\nv6[21] = 143LL;\nv6[22] = 152LL;\nv6[23] = 156LL;\nv6[24] = 160LL;\nqmemcpy(v5, &unk_402300, sizeof(v5));\nprintf(\"AMD version %d.%d.%d, date: %s\\n\", 2LL, 4LL, 6LL, \"May 4, 2016\");\nputs(\"AMD demo, with the 24-by-24 Harwell/Boeing matrix, can_24:\");\namd_l_defaults();\namd_l_control();\nv8 = v6[v9];\nprintf(\n\"\\n\"\n\"Input matrix: %ld-by-%ld, with %ld entries.\\n\"\n\" Note that for a symmetric matrix such as this one, only the\\n\"\n\" strictly lower or upper triangular parts would need to be\\n\"\n\" passed to AMD, since AMD computes the ordering of A+A'. The\\n\"\n\" diagonal entries are also not needed, since AMD ignores them.\\n\",\nv9,\nv9,\nv8);\nfor ( i = 0LL; i < v9; ++i )\n{\nprintf(\n\"\\nColumn: %ld, number of entries: %ld, with row indices in Ai [%ld ... %ld]:\\n row indices:\",\ni,\nv6[i + 1] - v6[i],\nv6[i],\nv6[i + 1] - 1);\nfor ( j = v6[i]; j < v6[i + 1]; ++j )\n{\nk = v5[j];\nprintf(\" %ld\", k);\n}\nputchar(10);\n}\nputs(\"\\nPlot of input matrix pattern:\");\nfor ( i = 0LL; i < v9; ++i )\n{\nfor ( k = 0LL; k < v9; ++k )\nvars0[24 * k - 2720 + i] = 46;\nfor ( j = v6[i]; j < v6[i + 1]; ++j )\n{\nk = v5[j];\nvars0[24 * k - 2720 + i] = 88;\n}\n}\nprintf(\" \");\nfor ( i = 0LL; i < v9; ++i )\nprintf(\" %1ld\", i % 10);\nputchar(10);\nfor ( k = 0LL; k < v9; ++k )\n{\nprintf(\"%2ld: \", k);\nfor ( i = 0LL; i < v9; ++i )\nprintf(\" %c\", (unsigned int)vars0[24 * k - 2720 + i]);\nputchar(10);\n}\nv7 = amd_l_order();\nprintf(\"return value from amd_l_order: %ld (should be %d)\\n\", v7, 0LL);\namd_l_info();\nif ( v7 )\n{\nputs(\"AMD failed\");\nexit(1);\n}\nputs(\"Permutation vector:\");\nfor ( l = 0LL; l < v9; ++l )\n{\ni = v4[l + 24];\nv4[i] = l;\nprintf(\" %2ld\", i);\n}\nputs(\"\\n\");\nputs(\"Inverse permutation vector:\");\nfor ( i = 0LL; i < v9; ++i )\n{\nl = v4[i];\nprintf(\" %2ld\", l);\n}\nputs(\"\\n\");\nputs(\"\\nPlot of permuted matrix pattern:\");\nfor ( m = 0LL; m < v9; ++m )\n{\ni = v4[m + 24];\nfor ( n = 0LL; n < v9; ++n )\nvars0[24 * n - 2720 + m] = 46;\nfor ( j = v6[i]; j < v6[i + 1]; ++j )\n{\nn = v4[v5[j]];\nvars0[24 * n - 2720 + m] = 88;\n}\n}\nprintf(\" \");\nfor ( i = 0LL; i < v9; ++i )\nprintf(\" %1ld\", i % 10);\nputchar(10);\nfor ( k = 0LL; k < v9; ++k )\n{\nprintf(\"%2ld: \", k);\nfor ( i = 0LL; i < v9; ++i )\nprintf(\" %c\", (unsigned int)vars0[24 * k - 2720 + i]);\nputchar(10);\n}\nreturn 0LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a2,a3,a1,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,n,j,m,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a2': 'argv', 'a3': 'envp', 'a1': 'argc', 'v4': 'Pinv', 'v5': 'Ai', 'v6': 'Ap', 'v7': 'result', 'v8': 'nz', 'v9': 'n', 'n': 'inew', 'j': 'p', 'm': 'jnew'}"}
static int test5_1(void) { bstring b, c; struct tagbstring t; int i, ret; debug("TEST: bconcat aliasing"); for (ret = i = 0; i < longBstring.slen; i++) { b = bstrcpy(&longBstring); c = bstrcpy(&longBstring); bmid2tbstr(t, b, i, longBstring.slen); ret += 0 != bconcat(c, &t); ret += 0 != bconcat(b, &t); ret += !biseq(b, c); bdestroy(b); bdestroy(c); } b = bfromcstr("abcd"); c = bfromcstr("abcd"); for (ret = i = 0; i < 100; i++) { bmid2tbstr(t, b, 0, 3); ret += 0 != bcatcstr(c, "abc"); ret += 0 != bconcat(b, &t); ret += !biseq(b, c); } bdestroy(b); bdestroy(c); if (ret) { debug("\t\talias failures(%d) = %d", __LINE__, ret); } return ret; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4039D0", "function_addr": 4209104, "binary_name": "971338c11c703c7316f12234720df93fe2351b819b513d16f4f7f06a46846f52.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 50h"], [3, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [4, "mov ecx, 17Ch"], [5, "mov edx, offset filename"], [6, "mov esi, offset aDebugSDTestBco"], [7, "mov rdi, rax"], [8, "mov eax, 0"], [9, "call _fprintf"], [10, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [11, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [12, "mov [rbp+var_8], eax"], [13, "jmp loc_403B51"], [14, "mov edi, offset longBstring"], [15, "call bstrcpy"], [16, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [17, "mov edi, offset longBstring"], [18, "call bstrcpy"], [19, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [20, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [21, "mov [rbp+var_38], rax"], [22, "cmp [rbp+var_38], 0"], [23, "jz loc_403AC5"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [25, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [26, "test rax, rax"], [27, "jz short loc_403AC5"], [28, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [29, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [30, "test eax, eax"], [31, "js short loc_403AC5"], [32, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [33, "mov [rbp+var_C], eax"], [34, "mov eax, cs:dword_4210E4"], [35, "mov [rbp+var_10], eax"], [36, "cmp [rbp+var_C], 0"], [37, "jns short loc_403A76"], [38, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [39, "add [rbp+var_10], eax"], [40, "mov [rbp+var_C], 0"], [41, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [42, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [43, "sub eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [44, "cmp [rbp+var_10], eax"], [45, "jle short loc_403A92"], [46, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [47, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [48, "sub eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [49, "mov [rbp+var_10], eax"], [50, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 0"], [51, "jg short loc_403AA9"], [52, "mov [rbp+var_48], offset unk_41A008"], [53, "mov [rbp+var_4C], 0"], [54, "jmp short loc_403AD4"], [55, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [56, "mov rdx, [rax+8]"], [57, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [58, "cdqe"], [59, "add rax, rdx"], [60, "mov [rbp+var_48], rax"], [61, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [62, "mov [rbp+var_4C], eax"], [63, "jmp short loc_403AD4"], [64, "mov [rbp+var_48], offset unk_41A008"], [65, "mov [rbp+var_4C], 0"], [66, "mov [rbp+var_50], 0FFFFFE80h"], [67, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_50]"], [68, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [69, "mov rsi, rdx"], [70, "mov rdi, rax"], [71, "call bconcat"], [72, "test eax, eax"], [73, "setnz al"], [74, "movzx eax, al"], [75, "add [rbp+var_8], eax"], [76, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_50]"], [77, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [78, "mov rsi, rdx"], [79, "mov rdi, rax"], [80, "call bconcat"], [81, "test eax, eax"], [82, "setnz al"], [83, "movzx eax, al"], [84, "add [rbp+var_8], eax"], [85, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_28]"], [86, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [87, "mov rsi, rdx"], [88, "mov rdi, rax"], [89, "call biseq"], [90, "test eax, eax"], [91, "setz al"], [92, "movzx eax, al"], [93, "add [rbp+var_8], eax"], [94, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [95, "mov rdi, rax"], [96, "call bdestroy"], [97, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [98, "mov rdi, rax"], [99, "call bdestroy"], [100, "add [rbp+var_4], 1"], [101, "mov eax, cs:dword_4210E4"], [102, "cmp [rbp+var_4], eax"], [103, "jl loc_403A0D"], [104, "mov edi, offset aAbcd"], [105, "call bfromcstr"], [106, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [107, "mov edi, offset aAbcd"], [108, "call bfromcstr"], [109, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [110, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [111, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [112, "mov [rbp+var_8], eax"], [113, "jmp loc_403C9B"], [114, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [115, "mov [rbp+var_30], rax"], [116, "cmp [rbp+var_30], 0"], [117, "jz loc_403C29"], [118, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [119, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [120, "test rax, rax"], [121, "jz short loc_403C29"], [122, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [123, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [124, "test eax, eax"], [125, "js short loc_403C29"], [126, "mov [rbp+var_14], 0"], [127, "mov [rbp+var_18], 3"], [128, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 0"], [129, "jns short loc_403BDA"], [130, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [131, "add [rbp+var_18], eax"], [132, "mov [rbp+var_14], 0"], [133, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [134, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [135, "sub eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [136, "cmp [rbp+var_18], eax"], [137, "jle short loc_403BF6"], [138, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [139, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [140, "sub eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [141, "mov [rbp+var_18], eax"], [142, "cmp [rbp+var_18], 0"], [143, "jg short loc_403C0D"], [144, "mov [rbp+var_48], offset unk_41A008"], [145, "mov [rbp+var_4C], 0"], [146, "jmp short loc_403C38"], [147, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [148, "mov rdx, [rax+8]"], [149, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [150, "cdqe"], [151, "add rax, rdx"], [152, "mov [rbp+var_48], rax"], [153, "mov eax, [rbp+var_18]"], [154, "mov [rbp+var_4C], eax"], [155, "jmp short loc_403C38"], [156, "mov [rbp+var_48], offset unk_41A008"], [157, "mov [rbp+var_4C], 0"], [158, "mov [rbp+var_50], 0FFFFFE76h"], [159, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [160, "mov esi, offset aAbc"], [161, "mov rdi, rax"], [162, "call bcatcstr"], [163, "test eax, eax"], [164, "setnz al"], [165, "movzx eax, al"], [166, "add [rbp+var_8], eax"], [167, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_50]"], [168, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [169, "mov rsi, rdx"], [170, "mov rdi, rax"], [171, "call bconcat"], [172, "test eax, eax"], [173, "setnz al"], [174, "movzx eax, al"], [175, "add [rbp+var_8], eax"], [176, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_28]"], [177, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [178, "mov rsi, rdx"], [179, "mov rdi, rax"], [180, "call biseq"], [181, "test eax, eax"], [182, "setz al"], [183, "movzx eax, al"], [184, "add [rbp+var_8], eax"], [185, "add [rbp+var_4], 1"], [186, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 63h "], [187, "jle loc_403B8E"], [188, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [189, "mov rdi, rax"], [190, "call bdestroy"], [191, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [192, "mov rdi, rax"], [193, "call bdestroy"], [194, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [195, "jz short loc_403CF2"], [196, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [197, "mov edx, [rbp+var_8]"], [198, "mov r9d, edx"], [199, "mov r8d, 192h"], [200, "mov ecx, 192h"], [201, "mov edx, offset filename"], [202, "mov esi, offset aDebugSDAliasFa"], [203, "mov rdi, rax"], [204, "mov eax, 0"], [205, "call _fprintf"], [206, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [207, "leave"], [208, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[7, 3], [11, 10], [12, 11], [16, 15], [19, 18], [20, 16], [21, 20], [22, 21], [23, 22], [24, 21], [25, 24], [26, 25], [27, 26], [28, 21], [29, 28], [30, 29], [31, 30], [32, 100], [32, 10], [33, 32], [35, 34], [36, 33], [37, 36], [38, 33], [39, 35], [39, 38], [41, 21], [42, 41], [43, 40], [43, 33], [43, 42], [44, 35], [44, 39], [44, 43], [45, 44], [46, 21], [47, 46], [48, 47], [48, 40], [48, 33], [49, 48], [50, 49], [50, 35], [50, 39], [51, 50], [55, 21], [56, 55], [57, 40], [57, 33], [59, 57], [59, 56], [60, 59], [61, 49], [61, 35], [61, 39], [62, 61], [67, 56], [67, 85], [67, 5], [67, 66], [68, 19], [69, 67], [70, 68], [72, 71], [73, 72], [74, 73], [75, 74], [75, 12], [75, 93], [76, 67], [76, 66], [77, 16], [78, 76], [79, 77], [81, 80], [82, 81], [83, 82], [84, 75], [84, 83], [85, 19], [86, 16], [87, 85], [88, 86], [90, 89], [91, 90], [92, 91], [93, 92], [93, 84], [94, 16], [95, 94], [97, 19], [98, 97], [100, 10], [100, 100], [102, 100], [102, 10], [102, 101], [103, 102], [106, 105], [109, 108], [111, 110], [112, 111], [114, 106], [115, 114], [116, 115], [117, 116], [118, 115], [119, 118], [120, 119], [121, 120], [122, 115], [123, 122], [124, 123], [125, 124], [128, 126], [129, 128], [130, 126], [131, 127], [131, 130], [133, 115], [134, 133], [135, 126], [135, 132], [135, 134], [136, 135], [136, 127], [136, 131], [137, 136], [138, 115], [139, 138], [140, 139], [140, 132], [140, 126], [141, 140], [142, 141], [142, 127], [142, 131], [143, 142], [147, 115], [148, 147], [149, 132], [149, 126], [151, 148], [151, 149], [152, 151], [153, 141], [153, 127], [153, 131], [154, 153], [159, 109], [161, 159], [163, 162], [164, 163], [165, 164], [166, 165], [166, 112], [166, 184], [167, 148], [167, 5], [167, 85], [167, 158], [167, 176], [168, 106], [169, 167], [170, 168], [172, 171], [173, 172], [174, 173], [175, 174], [175, 166], [176, 109], [177, 106], [178, 176], [179, 177], [181, 180], [182, 181], [183, 182], [184, 175], [184, 183], [185, 110], [185, 185], [186, 110], [186, 185], [187, 186], [188, 106], [189, 188], [191, 109], [192, 191], [194, 112], [194, 184], [195, 194], [197, 184], [197, 112], [198, 197], [203, 196], [206, 184], [206, 112], [208, 206]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/971338c11c703c7316f12234720df93fe2351b819b513d16f4f7f06a46846f52_971338c11c703c7316f12234720df93fe2351b819b513d16f4f7f06a46846f52.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4039D0", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 sub_4039D0()\n{\nint v0; // eax\nint v1; // eax\nint v2; // eax\nint v3; // eax\nint v4; // eax\nint v5; // eax\nint v7; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-50h] BYREF\nint v8; // [rsp+4h] [rbp-4Ch]\nvoid *v9; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-48h]\n__int64 v10; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-38h]\n__int64 v11; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-30h]\n__int64 v12; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-28h]\n__int64 v13; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-20h]\nint v14; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-18h]\nint v15; // [rsp+3Ch] [rbp-14h]\nint v16; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-10h]\nint v17; // [rsp+44h] [rbp-Ch]\nunsigned int v18; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-8h]\nint v19; // [rsp+4Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nfprintf(stderr, \"DEBUG %s:%d: TEST: bconcat aliasing\\n\", \"tests/bstr_tests.c\", 380LL);\nv19 = 0;\nv18 = 0;\nwhile ( v19 < dword_4210E4 )\n{\nv13 = bstrcpy(&longBstring);\nv12 = bstrcpy(&longBstring);\nv10 = v13;\nif ( v13 && *(_QWORD *)(v10 + 8) && *(int *)(v10 + 4) >= 0 )\n{\nv17 = v19;\nv16 = dword_4210E4;\nif ( v19 < 0 )\n{\nv16 += v17;\nv17 = 0;\n}\nif ( v16 > *(_DWORD *)(v10 + 4) - v17 )\nv16 = *(_DWORD *)(v10 + 4) - v17;\nif ( v16 > 0 )\n{\nv9 = (void *)(*(_QWORD *)(v10 + 8) + v17);\nv8 = v16;\n}\nelse\n{\nv9 = &unk_41A008;\nv8 = 0;\n}\n}\nelse\n{\nv9 = &unk_41A008;\nv8 = 0;\n}\nv7 = -384;\nv0 = bconcat(v12, &v7);\nv18 += v0 != 0;\nv1 = bconcat(v13, &v7);\nv18 += v1 != 0;\nv2 = biseq(v13, v12);\nv18 += v2 == 0;\nbdestroy(v13);\nbdestroy(v12);\n++v19;\n}\nv13 = bfromcstr(\"abcd\");\nv12 = bfromcstr(\"abcd\");\nv19 = 0;\nv18 = 0;\nwhile ( v19 <= 99 )\n{\nv11 = v13;\nif ( v13 && *(_QWORD *)(v11 + 8) && *(int *)(v11 + 4) >= 0 )\n{\nv15 = 0;\nv14 = 3;\nif ( *(int *)(v11 + 4) < 3 )\nv14 = *(_DWORD *)(v11 + 4) - v15;\nif ( v14 > 0 )\n{\nv9 = (void *)(*(_QWORD *)(v11 + 8) + v15);\nv8 = v14;\n}\nelse\n{\nv9 = &unk_41A008;\nv8 = 0;\n}\n}\nelse\n{\nv9 = &unk_41A008;\nv8 = 0;\n}\nv7 = -394;\nv3 = bcatcstr(v12, \"abc\");\nv18 += v3 != 0;\nv4 = bconcat(v13, &v7);\nv18 += v4 != 0;\nv5 = biseq(v13, v12);\nv18 += v5 == 0;\n++v19;\n}\nbdestroy(v13);\nbdestroy(v12);\nif ( v18 )\nfprintf(stderr, \"DEBUG %s:%d: \\t\\talias failures(%d) = %d\\n\", \"tests/bstr_tests.c\", 402LL, 402LL, v18);\nreturn v18;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[v7,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15,v16,v17,sub_4039D0,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'v7': 't', 'v10': 'bstrtmp_s', 'v11': 'bstrtmp_s_0', 'v12': 'c', 'v13': 'b', 'v14': 'bstrtmp_len_0', 'v15': 'bstrtmp_left_0', 'v16': 'bstrtmp_len', 'v17': 'bstrtmp_left', 'sub_4039D0': 'test5_1'}"}
static void CheckLabelName (const char* Label) /* Check if the given label is a valid label name */ { const char* L = Label; if (strlen (L) < 256 && (IsAlpha (*L) || *L== '_')) { while (*++L) { if (!IsAlNum (*L) && *L != '_') { break; } } } if (*L) { Error ("Label name '%s' is invalid", Label); } }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_403103", "function_addr": 4206851, "binary_name": "2d7157ae4ddaf5a252147da4e56bb5b4f7c4cfc96d65cbd8652698412d3c3be1.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [5, "mov [rbp+s], rax"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+s]"], [7, "mov rdi, rax"], [8, "call _strlen"], [9, "cmp rax, 0FFh"], [10, "ja short loc_403180"], [11, "mov rax, [rbp+s]"], [12, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [13, "movsx eax, al"], [14, "mov edi, eax"], [15, "call sub_404627"], [16, "test eax, eax"], [17, "jnz short loc_40316D"], [18, "mov rax, [rbp+s]"], [19, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [20, "cmp al, 5Fh "], [21, "jnz short loc_403180"], [22, "jmp short loc_40316D"], [23, "mov rax, [rbp+s]"], [24, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [25, "movsx eax, al"], [26, "mov edi, eax"], [27, "call sub_404656"], [28, "test eax, eax"], [29, "jnz short loc_40316D"], [30, "mov rax, [rbp+s]"], [31, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [32, "cmp al, 5Fh "], [33, "jnz short loc_40317F"], [34, "add [rbp+s], 1"], [35, "mov rax, [rbp+s]"], [36, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [37, "test al, al"], [38, "jnz short loc_40314D"], [39, "jmp short loc_403180"], [40, "nop"], [41, "mov rax, [rbp+s]"], [42, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [43, "test al, al"], [44, "jz short loc_4031A1"], [45, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [46, "mov rsi, rax"], [47, "mov edi, offset aLabelNameSIsIn"], [48, "mov eax, 0"], [49, "call sub_4013AF"], [50, "nop"], [51, "leave"], [52, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 6], [9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 5], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 13], [16, 15], [17, 16], [18, 5], [19, 18], [20, 19], [21, 20], [23, 34], [24, 23], [25, 24], [26, 25], [28, 27], [29, 28], [30, 34], [31, 30], [32, 31], [33, 32], [34, 34], [34, 5], [35, 34], [36, 35], [37, 36], [38, 37], [41, 5], [41, 34], [42, 41], [43, 42], [44, 43], [45, 3], [46, 45], [52, 43]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/2d7157ae4ddaf5a252147da4e56bb5b4f7c4cfc96d65cbd8652698412d3c3be1_2d7157ae4ddaf5a252147da4e56bb5b4f7c4cfc96d65cbd8652698412d3c3be1.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_403103", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_403103(const char *a1)\n{\n__int64 v1; // rdx\n__int64 v2; // rcx\n__int64 v3; // r8\n__int64 v4; // r9\n__int64 result; // rax\nchar *s; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]\n\ns = (char *)a1;\nif ( strlen(a1) <= 0xFF && ((unsigned int)sub_404627((unsigned int)*a1) || *a1 == 95) )\n{\ndo\n++s;\nwhile ( *s && ((unsigned int)sub_404656((unsigned int)*s) || *s == 95) );\n}\nresult = (unsigned __int8)*s;\nif ( (_BYTE)result )\nsub_4013AF(\"Label name '%s' is invalid\", (__int64)a1, v1, v2, v3, v4);\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,s,sub_403103,sub_404627,sub_404656,sub_4013AF,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'Label', 's': 'L', 'sub_403103': 'CheckLabelName', 'sub_404627': 'IsAlpha', 'sub_404656': 'IsAlNum', 'sub_4013AF': 'Error'}"}
static pj_bool_t refresh_permission(pj_turn_permission *perm) { pj_gettimeofday(&perm->expiry); if (perm->channel == PJ_TURN_INVALID_CHANNEL) perm->expiry.sec += PJ_TURN_PERM_TIMEOUT; else perm->expiry.sec += PJ_TURN_CHANNEL_TIMEOUT; return PJ_TRUE; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40538C", "function_addr": 4215692, "binary_name": "d4ed0248ecf0b71e46b6ba1555cac8234904a28ed79445617a3fd566e7483f9c.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [5, "add rax, 30h "], [6, "mov rdi, rax"], [7, "call sub_41B17F"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [9, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax+28h]"], [10, "cmp ax, 0FFFFh"], [11, "jnz short loc_4053CF"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [13, "mov rax, [rax+30h]"], [14, "lea rdx, [rax+12Ch]"], [15, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [16, "mov [rax+30h], rdx"], [17, "jmp short loc_4053E6"], [18, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [19, "mov rax, [rax+30h]"], [20, "lea rdx, [rax+258h]"], [21, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [22, "mov [rax+30h], rdx"], [23, "mov eax, 1"], [24, "leave"], [25, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [6, 5], [8, 3], [9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 3], [13, 12], [14, 13], [15, 3], [16, 15], [16, 14], [18, 3], [19, 18], [20, 19], [21, 3], [22, 20], [22, 21], [25, 23]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/d4ed0248ecf0b71e46b6ba1555cac8234904a28ed79445617a3fd566e7483f9c_d4ed0248ecf0b71e46b6ba1555cac8234904a28ed79445617a3fd566e7483f9c.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40538C", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_40538C(__int64 a1)\n{\n__int64 v1; // rdx\n\nsub_41B17F(a1 + 48);\nif ( *(_WORD *)(a1 + 40) == 0xFFFF )\nv1 = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 48) + 300LL;\nelse\nv1 = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 48) + 600LL;\n*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 48) = v1;\nreturn 1LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_40538C,sub_41B17F,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'perm', 'sub_40538C': 'refresh_permission', 'sub_41B17F': 'pj_gettimeofday'}"}
static void debug_output_one(unsigned int cpu) { char *driver; struct cpufreq_affected_cpus *cpus; struct cpufreq_available_frequencies *freqs; unsigned long min, max, freq_kernel, freq_hardware; unsigned long total_trans, latency; unsigned long long total_time; struct cpufreq_policy *policy; struct cpufreq_available_governors *governors; struct cpufreq_stats *stats; if (cpufreq_cpu_exists(cpu)) return; freq_kernel = cpufreq_get_freq_kernel(cpu); freq_hardware = cpufreq_get_freq_hardware(cpu); driver = cpufreq_get_driver(cpu); if (!driver) { printf(_(" no or unknown cpufreq driver is active on this CPU\n")); } else { printf(_(" driver: %s\n"), driver); cpufreq_put_driver(driver); } cpus = cpufreq_get_related_cpus(cpu); if (cpus) { printf(_(" CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: ")); while (cpus->next) { printf("%d ", cpus->cpu); cpus = cpus->next; } printf("%d\n", cpus->cpu); cpufreq_put_related_cpus(cpus); } cpus = cpufreq_get_affected_cpus(cpu); if (cpus) { printf(_(" CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: ")); while (cpus->next) { printf("%d ", cpus->cpu); cpus = cpus->next; } printf("%d\n", cpus->cpu); cpufreq_put_affected_cpus(cpus); } latency = cpufreq_get_transition_latency(cpu); if (latency) { printf(_(" maximum transition latency: ")); print_duration(latency); printf(".\n"); } if (!(cpufreq_get_hardware_limits(cpu, &min, &max))) { printf(_(" hardware limits: ")); print_speed(min); printf(" - "); print_speed(max); printf("\n"); } freqs = cpufreq_get_available_frequencies(cpu); if (freqs) { printf(_(" available frequency steps: ")); while (freqs->next) { print_speed(freqs->frequency); printf(", "); freqs = freqs->next; } print_speed(freqs->frequency); printf("\n"); cpufreq_put_available_frequencies(freqs); } governors = cpufreq_get_available_governors(cpu); if (governors) { printf(_(" available cpufreq governors: ")); while (governors->next) { printf("%s, ", governors->governor); governors = governors->next; } printf("%s\n", governors->governor); cpufreq_put_available_governors(governors); } policy = cpufreq_get_policy(cpu); if (policy) { printf(_(" current policy: frequency should be within ")); print_speed(policy->min); printf(_(" and ")); print_speed(policy->max); printf(".\n "); printf(_("The governor \"%s\" may" " decide which speed to use\n within this range.\n"), policy->governor); cpufreq_put_policy(policy); } if (freq_kernel || freq_hardware) { printf(_(" current CPU frequency is ")); if (freq_hardware) { print_speed(freq_hardware); printf(_(" (asserted by call to hardware)")); } else print_speed(freq_kernel); printf(".\n"); } stats = cpufreq_get_stats(cpu, &total_time); if (stats) { printf(_(" cpufreq stats: ")); while (stats) { print_speed(stats->frequency); printf(":%.2f%%", (100.0 * stats->time_in_state) / total_time); stats = stats->next; if (stats) printf(", "); } cpufreq_put_stats(stats); total_trans = cpufreq_get_transitions(cpu); if (total_trans) printf(" (%lu)\n", total_trans); else printf("\n"); } get_boost_mode(cpu); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_409E51", "function_addr": 4234833, "binary_name": "460c289354d06d5f8173c83902ab5dff8aff4f37d680ce049020dd3b138c2ca5.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "push rbx"], [3, "sub rsp, 88h"], [4, "mov [rbp+cpu], edi"], [5, "mov eax, [rbp+cpu]"], [6, "mov edi, eax"], [7, "call _cpufreq_cpu_exists"], [8, "test eax, eax"], [9, "jnz loc_40A418"], [10, "mov eax, [rbp+cpu]"], [11, "mov edi, eax"], [12, "call _cpufreq_get_freq_kernel"], [13, "mov [rbp+var_38], rax"], [14, "mov eax, [rbp+cpu]"], [15, "mov edi, eax"], [16, "call _cpufreq_get_freq_hardware"], [17, "mov [rbp+var_40], rax"], [18, "mov eax, [rbp+cpu]"], [19, "mov edi, eax"], [20, "call _cpufreq_get_driver"], [21, "mov [rbp+ptr], rax"], [22, "cmp [rbp+ptr], 0"], [23, "jnz short loc_409ECB"], [24, "mov edi, offset aNoOrUnknownCpu"], [25, "call _gettext"], [26, "mov rdi, rax"], [27, "mov eax, 0"], [28, "call _printf"], [29, "jmp short loc_409EF8"], [30, "mov edi, offset aDriverS"], [31, "call _gettext"], [32, "mov rdx, rax"], [33, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [34, "mov rsi, rax"], [35, "mov rdi, rdx"], [36, "mov eax, 0"], [37, "call _printf"], [38, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [39, "mov rdi, rax"], [40, "call _cpufreq_put_driver"], [41, "mov eax, [rbp+cpu]"], [42, "mov edi, eax"], [43, "call _cpufreq_get_related_cpus"], [44, "mov [rbp+first], rax"], [45, "cmp [rbp+first], 0"], [46, "jz short loc_409F7C"], [47, "mov edi, offset aCpusWhichRunAt"], [48, "call _gettext"], [49, "mov rdi, rax"], [50, "mov eax, 0"], [51, "call _printf"], [52, "jmp short loc_409F4C"], [53, "mov rax, [rbp+first]"], [54, "mov eax, [rax]"], [55, "mov esi, eax"], [56, "mov edi, offset aD_1"], [57, "mov eax, 0"], [58, "call _printf"], [59, "mov rax, [rbp+first]"], [60, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [61, "mov [rbp+first], rax"], [62, "mov rax, [rbp+first]"], [63, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [64, "test rax, rax"], [65, "jnz short loc_409F29"], [66, "mov rax, [rbp+first]"], [67, "mov eax, [rax]"], [68, "mov esi, eax"], [69, "mov edi, offset aD_2"], [70, "mov eax, 0"], [71, "call _printf"], [72, "mov rax, [rbp+first]"], [73, "mov rdi, rax"], [74, "call _cpufreq_put_related_cpus"], [75, "mov eax, [rbp+cpu]"], [76, "mov edi, eax"], [77, "call _cpufreq_get_affected_cpus"], [78, "mov [rbp+first], rax"], [79, "cmp [rbp+first], 0"], [80, "jz short loc_40A000"], [81, "mov edi, offset aCpusWhichNeedT"], [82, "call _gettext"], [83, "mov rdi, rax"], [84, "mov eax, 0"], [85, "call _printf"], [86, "jmp short loc_409FD0"], [87, "mov rax, [rbp+first]"], [88, "mov eax, [rax]"], [89, "mov esi, eax"], [90, "mov edi, offset aD_1"], [91, "mov eax, 0"], [92, "call _printf"], [93, "mov rax, [rbp+first]"], [94, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [95, "mov [rbp+first], rax"], [96, "mov rax, [rbp+first]"], [97, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [98, "test rax, rax"], [99, "jnz short loc_409FAD"], [100, "mov rax, [rbp+first]"], [101, "mov eax, [rax]"], [102, "mov esi, eax"], [103, "mov edi, offset aD_2"], [104, "mov eax, 0"], [105, "call _printf"], [106, "mov rax, [rbp+first]"], [107, "mov rdi, rax"], [108, "call _cpufreq_put_affected_cpus"], [109, "mov eax, [rbp+cpu]"], [110, "mov edi, eax"], [111, "call _cpufreq_get_transition_latency"], [112, "mov [rbp+var_50], rax"], [113, "cmp [rbp+var_50], 0"], [114, "jz short loc_40A045"], [115, "mov edi, offset aMaximumTransit"], [116, "call _gettext"], [117, "mov rdi, rax"], [118, "mov eax, 0"], [119, "call _printf"], [120, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [121, "mov rdi, rax"], [122, "call sub_409676"], [123, "mov edi, offset asc_40E70F"], [124, "call _puts"], [125, "lea rdx, [rbp+max]"], [126, "lea rcx, [rbp+min]"], [127, "mov eax, [rbp+cpu]"], [128, "mov rsi, rcx"], [129, "mov edi, eax"], [130, "call _cpufreq_get_hardware_limits"], [131, "test eax, eax"], [132, "jnz short loc_40A0A9"], [133, "mov edi, offset aHardwareLimits"], [134, "call _gettext"], [135, "mov rdi, rax"], [136, "mov eax, 0"], [137, "call _printf"], [138, "mov rax, [rbp+min]"], [139, "mov rdi, rax"], [140, "call sub_40937B"], [141, "mov edi, offset asc_40E725"], [142, "mov eax, 0"], [143, "call _printf"], [144, "mov rax, [rbp+max]"], [145, "mov rdi, rax"], [146, "call sub_40937B"], [147, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [148, "call _putchar"], [149, "mov eax, [rbp+cpu]"], [150, "mov edi, eax"], [151, "call _cpufreq_get_available_frequencies"], [152, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [153, "cmp [rbp+var_20], 0"], [154, "jz short loc_40A136"], [155, "mov edi, offset aAvailableFrequ"], [156, "call _gettext"], [157, "mov rdi, rax"], [158, "mov eax, 0"], [159, "call _printf"], [160, "jmp short loc_40A104"], [161, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [162, "mov rax, [rax]"], [163, "mov rdi, rax"], [164, "call sub_40937B"], [165, "mov edi, offset asc_40E747"], [166, "mov eax, 0"], [167, "call _printf"], [168, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [169, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [170, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [171, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [172, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [173, "test rax, rax"], [174, "jnz short loc_40A0DA"], [175, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [176, "mov rax, [rax]"], [177, "mov rdi, rax"], [178, "call sub_40937B"], [179, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [180, "call _putchar"], [181, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [182, "mov rdi, rax"], [183, "call _cpufreq_put_available_frequencies"], [184, "mov eax, [rbp+cpu]"], [185, "mov edi, eax"], [186, "call _cpufreq_get_available_governors"], [187, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [188, "cmp [rbp+var_28], 0"], [189, "jz short loc_40A1B4"], [190, "mov edi, offset aAvailableCpufr"], [191, "call _gettext"], [192, "mov rdi, rax"], [193, "mov eax, 0"], [194, "call _printf"], [195, "jmp short loc_40A18C"], [196, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [197, "mov rax, [rax]"], [198, "mov rsi, rax"], [199, "mov edi, offset aS_2"], [200, "mov eax, 0"], [201, "call _printf"], [202, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [203, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [204, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [205, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [206, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [207, "test rax, rax"], [208, "jnz short loc_40A167"], [209, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [210, "mov rax, [rax]"], [211, "mov rdi, rax"], [212, "call _puts"], [213, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [214, "mov rdi, rax"], [215, "call _cpufreq_put_available_governors"], [216, "mov eax, [rbp+cpu]"], [217, "mov edi, eax"], [218, "call _cpufreq_get_policy"], [219, "mov [rbp+policy], rax"], [220, "cmp [rbp+policy], 0"], [221, "jz loc_40A25A"], [222, "mov edi, offset aCurrentPolicyF"], [223, "call _gettext"], [224, "mov rdi, rax"], [225, "mov eax, 0"], [226, "call _printf"], [227, "mov rax, [rbp+policy]"], [228, "mov rax, [rax]"], [229, "mov rdi, rax"], [230, "call sub_40937B"], [231, "mov edi, offset aAnd"], [232, "call _gettext"], [233, "mov rdi, rax"], [234, "mov eax, 0"], [235, "call _printf"], [236, "mov rax, [rbp+policy]"], [237, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [238, "mov rdi, rax"], [239, "call sub_40937B"], [240, "mov edi, offset asc_40E7AC"], [241, "mov eax, 0"], [242, "call _printf"], [243, "mov rax, [rbp+policy]"], [244, "mov rbx, [rax+10h]"], [245, "mov edi, offset aTheGovernorSMa"], [246, "call _gettext"], [247, "mov rsi, rbx"], [248, "mov rdi, rax"], [249, "mov eax, 0"], [250, "call _printf"], [251, "mov rax, [rbp+policy]"], [252, "mov rdi, rax"], [253, "call _cpufreq_put_policy"], [254, "cmp [rbp+var_38], 0"], [255, "jnz short loc_40A268"], [256, "cmp [rbp+var_40], 0"], [257, "jz short loc_40A2C1"], [258, "mov edi, offset aCurrentCpuFreq"], [259, "call _gettext"], [260, "mov rdi, rax"], [261, "mov eax, 0"], [262, "call _printf"], [263, "cmp [rbp+var_40], 0"], [264, "jz short loc_40A2AB"], [265, "mov rax, [rbp+var_40]"], [266, "mov rdi, rax"], [267, "call sub_40937B"], [268, "mov edi, offset aAssertedByCall"], [269, "call _gettext"], [270, "mov rdi, rax"], [271, "mov eax, 0"], [272, "call _printf"], [273, "jmp short loc_40A2B7"], [274, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [275, "mov rdi, rax"], [276, "call sub_40937B"], [277, "mov edi, offset asc_40E70F"], [278, "call _puts"], [279, "lea rdx, [rbp+total_time]"], [280, "mov eax, [rbp+cpu]"], [281, "mov rsi, rdx"], [282, "mov edi, eax"], [283, "call _cpufreq_get_stats"], [284, "mov [rbp+stats], rax"], [285, "cmp [rbp+stats], 0"], [286, "jz loc_40A409"], [287, "mov edi, offset aCpufreqStats"], [288, "call _gettext"], [289, "mov rdi, rax"], [290, "mov eax, 0"], [291, "call _printf"], [292, "jmp loc_40A3B8"], [293, "mov rax, [rbp+stats]"], [294, "mov rax, [rax]"], [295, "mov rdi, rax"], [296, "call sub_40937B"], [297, "mov rax, [rbp+stats]"], [298, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [299, "test rax, rax"], [300, "js short loc_40A327"], [301, "pxor xmm0, xmm0"], [302, "cvtsi2sd xmm0, rax"], [303, "jmp short loc_40A340"], [304, "mov rdx, rax"], [305, "shr rdx, 1"], [306, "and eax, 1"], [307, "or rdx, rax"], [308, "pxor xmm0, xmm0"], [309, "cvtsi2sd xmm0, rdx"], [310, "addsd xmm0, xmm0"], [311, "movsd xmm1, cs:qword_40ED08"], [312, "mulsd xmm1, xmm0"], [313, "mov rax, [rbp+total_time]"], [314, "test rax, rax"], [315, "js short loc_40A360"], [316, "pxor xmm0, xmm0"], [317, "cvtsi2sd xmm0, rax"], [318, "jmp short loc_40A379"], [319, "mov rdx, rax"], [320, "shr rdx, 1"], [321, "and eax, 1"], [322, "or rdx, rax"], [323, "pxor xmm0, xmm0"], [324, "cvtsi2sd xmm0, rdx"], [325, "addsd xmm0, xmm0"], [326, "divsd xmm1, xmm0"], [327, "movq rax, xmm1"], [328, "movq xmm0, rax"], [329, "mov edi, offset a2f"], [330, "mov eax, 1"], [331, "call _printf"], [332, "mov rax, [rbp+stats]"], [333, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [334, "mov [rbp+stats], rax"], [335, "cmp [rbp+stats], 0"], [336, "jz short loc_40A3B8"], [337, "mov edi, offset asc_40E747"], [338, "mov eax, 0"], [339, "call _printf"], [340, "cmp [rbp+stats], 0"], [341, "jnz loc_40A300"], [342, "mov rax, [rbp+stats]"], [343, "mov rdi, rax"], [344, "call _cpufreq_put_stats"], [345, "mov eax, [rbp+cpu]"], [346, "mov edi, eax"], [347, "call _cpufreq_get_transitions"], [348, "mov [rbp+var_60], rax"], [349, "cmp [rbp+var_60], 0"], [350, "jz short loc_40A3FF"], [351, "mov rax, [rbp+var_60]"], [352, "mov rsi, rax"], [353, "mov edi, offset aLu"], [354, "mov eax, 0"], [355, "call _printf"], [356, "jmp short loc_40A409"], [357, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [358, "call _putchar"], [359, "mov eax, [rbp+cpu]"], [360, "mov edi, eax"], [361, "call sub_40998E"], [362, "jmp short loc_40A419"], [363, "nop"], [364, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_8]"], [365, "leave"], [366, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 5], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 4], [11, 10], [13, 12], [14, 4], [15, 14], [17, 16], [18, 4], [19, 18], [21, 20], [22, 21], [23, 22], [26, 25], [32, 31], [33, 21], [34, 33], [35, 32], [38, 21], [39, 38], [41, 4], [42, 41], [44, 43], [45, 44], [46, 45], [49, 48], [53, 61], [53, 44], [54, 53], [55, 54], [59, 61], [59, 44], [60, 59], [61, 60], [62, 44], [62, 61], [63, 62], [64, 63], [65, 64], [66, 61], [66, 44], [67, 66], [68, 67], [72, 61], [72, 44], [73, 72], [75, 4], [76, 75], [78, 77], [79, 78], [80, 79], [83, 82], [87, 95], [87, 78], [88, 87], [89, 88], [93, 95], [93, 78], [94, 93], [95, 94], [96, 95], [96, 78], [97, 96], [98, 97], [99, 98], [100, 78], [100, 95], [101, 100], [102, 101], [106, 95], [106, 78], [107, 106], [109, 4], [110, 109], [112, 111], [113, 112], [114, 113], [117, 116], [120, 112], [121, 120], [125, 32], [127, 4], [128, 126], [129, 127], [131, 130], [132, 131], [135, 134], [139, 138], [145, 144], [149, 4], [150, 149], [152, 151], [153, 152], [154, 153], [157, 156], [161, 152], [161, 170], [162, 161], [163, 162], [168, 152], [168, 170], [169, 168], [170, 169], [171, 152], [171, 170], [172, 171], [173, 172], [174, 173], [175, 170], [175, 152], [176, 175], [177, 176], [181, 152], [181, 170], [182, 181], [184, 4], [185, 184], [187, 186], [188, 187], [189, 188], [192, 191], [196, 187], [196, 204], [197, 196], [198, 197], [202, 187], [202, 204], [203, 202], [204, 203], [205, 204], [205, 187], [206, 205], [207, 206], [208, 207], [209, 204], [209, 187], [210, 209], [211, 210], [213, 204], [213, 187], [214, 213], [216, 4], [217, 216], [219, 218], [220, 219], [221, 220], [224, 223], [227, 219], [228, 227], [229, 228], [233, 232], [236, 219], [237, 236], [238, 237], [243, 219], [244, 243], [247, 244], [248, 246], [251, 219], [252, 251], [254, 13], [255, 254], [256, 17], [257, 256], [260, 259], [263, 17], [264, 263], [265, 17], [266, 265], [270, 269], [274, 13], [275, 274], [279, 125], [280, 4], [281, 279], [282, 280], [284, 283], [285, 284], [286, 285], [289, 288], [293, 284], [293, 334], [294, 293], [295, 294], [297, 284], [297, 334], [298, 297], [299, 298], [300, 299], [302, 299], [302, 301], [304, 299], [305, 304], [306, 299], [307, 306], [307, 305], [309, 307], [309, 308], [310, 309], [312, 310], [312, 302], [312, 311], [314, 313], [315, 314], [317, 316], [317, 314], [319, 314], [320, 319], [321, 314], [322, 321], [322, 320], [324, 323], [324, 322], [325, 324], [326, 325], [326, 317], [326, 312], [327, 326], [328, 327], [332, 334], [332, 284], [333, 332], [334, 333], [335, 334], [336, 335], [340, 284], [340, 334], [341, 340], [342, 284], [342, 334], [343, 342], [345, 4], [346, 345], [348, 347], [349, 348], [350, 349], [351, 348], [352, 351], [359, 4], [360, 359], [366, 361], [366, 8]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/460c289354d06d5f8173c83902ab5dff8aff4f37d680ce049020dd3b138c2ca5_460c289354d06d5f8173c83902ab5dff8aff4f37d680ce049020dd3b138c2ca5.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_409E51", "query": "\n\n\nint __fastcall sub_409E51(unsigned int a1)\n{\nint result; // eax\nchar *v2; // rax\nchar *v3; // rax\nchar *v4; // rax\nchar *v5; // rax\nchar *v6; // rax\nchar *v7; // rax\nchar *v8; // rax\nchar *v9; // rax\nchar *v10; // rax\nchar *v11; // rax\nchar *v12; // rbx\nchar *v13; // rax\nchar *v14; // rax\nchar *v15; // rax\nchar *v16; // rax\nsigned __int64 v17; // rax\ndouble v18; // xmm0_8\nunsigned __int64 v19; // rdx\ndouble v20; // xmm1_8\ndouble v21; // xmm0_8\nunsigned __int64 total_time; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-78h] BYREF\nunsigned __int64 max; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-70h] BYREF\nunsigned __int64 min; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-68h] BYREF\nunsigned __int64 v25; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-60h]\nstruct cpufreq_policy *policy; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-58h]\nunsigned __int64 v27; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-50h]\nchar *ptr; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-48h]\nunsigned __int64 v29; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-40h]\nunsigned __int64 v30; // [rsp+58h] [rbp-38h]\nstruct cpufreq_stats *stats; // [rsp+60h] [rbp-30h]\nstruct cpufreq_available_governors *v32; // [rsp+68h] [rbp-28h]\nstruct cpufreq_available_frequencies *v33; // [rsp+70h] [rbp-20h]\nstruct cpufreq_affected_cpus *first; // [rsp+78h] [rbp-18h]\n\nresult = cpufreq_cpu_exists(a1);\nif ( !result )\n{\nv30 = cpufreq_get_freq_kernel(a1);\nv29 = cpufreq_get_freq_hardware(a1);\nptr = cpufreq_get_driver(a1);\nif ( ptr )\n{\nv3 = gettext(\" driver: %s\\n\");\nprintf(v3, ptr);\ncpufreq_put_driver(ptr);\n}\nelse\n{\nv2 = gettext(\" no or unknown cpufreq driver is active on this CPU\\n\");\nprintf(v2);\n}\nfirst = cpufreq_get_related_cpus(a1);\nif ( first )\n{\nv4 = gettext(\" CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: \");\nprintf(v4);\nwhile ( first->next )\n{\nprintf(\"%d \", first->cpu);\nfirst = first->next;\n}\nprintf(\"%d\\n\", first->cpu);\ncpufreq_put_related_cpus(first);\n}\nfirst = cpufreq_get_affected_cpus(a1);\nif ( first )\n{\nv5 = gettext(\" CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: \");\nprintf(v5);\nwhile ( first->next )\n{\nprintf(\"%d \", first->cpu);\nfirst = first->next;\n}\nprintf(\"%d\\n\", first->cpu);\ncpufreq_put_affected_cpus(first);\n}\nv27 = cpufreq_get_transition_latency(a1);\nif ( v27 )\n{\nv6 = gettext(\" maximum transition latency: \");\nprintf(v6);\nsub_409676(v27);\nputs(\".\");\n}\nif ( !cpufreq_get_hardware_limits(a1, &min, &max) )\n{\nv7 = gettext(\" hardware limits: \");\nprintf(v7);\nsub_40937B(min);\nprintf(\" - \");\nsub_40937B(max);\nputchar(10);\n}\nv33 = cpufreq_get_available_frequencies(a1);\nif ( v33 )\n{\nv8 = gettext(\" available frequency steps: \");\nprintf(v8);\nwhile ( v33->next )\n{\nsub_40937B(v33->frequency);\nprintf(\", \");\nv33 = v33->next;\n}\nsub_40937B(v33->frequency);\nputchar(10);\ncpufreq_put_available_frequencies(v33);\n}\nv32 = cpufreq_get_available_governors(a1);\nif ( v32 )\n{\nv9 = gettext(\" available cpufreq governors: \");\nprintf(v9);\nwhile ( v32->next )\n{\nprintf(\"%s, \", v32->governor);\nv32 = v32->next;\n}\nputs(v32->governor);\ncpufreq_put_available_governors(v32);\n}\npolicy = cpufreq_get_policy(a1);\nif ( policy )\n{\nv10 = gettext(\" current policy: frequency should be within \");\nprintf(v10);\nsub_40937B(policy->min);\nv11 = gettext(\" and \");\nprintf(v11);\nsub_40937B(policy->max);\nprintf(\".\\n \");\nv12 = policy->governor;\nv13 = gettext(\"The governor \\\"%s\\\" may decide which speed to use\\n within this range.\\n\");\nprintf(v13, v12);\ncpufreq_put_policy(policy);\n}\nif ( v30 || v29 )\n{\nv14 = gettext(\" current CPU frequency is \");\nprintf(v14);\nif ( v29 )\n{\nsub_40937B(v29);\nv15 = gettext(\" (asserted by call to hardware)\");\nprintf(v15);\n}\nelse\n{\nsub_40937B(v30);\n}\nputs(\".\");\n}\nstats = cpufreq_get_stats(a1, &total_time);\nif ( stats )\n{\nv16 = gettext(\" cpufreq stats: \");\nprintf(v16);\nwhile ( stats )\n{\nsub_40937B(stats->frequency);\nv17 = stats->time_in_state;\nif ( v17 < 0 )\n{\nv19 = stats->time_in_state & 1 | ((unsigned __int64)v17 >> 1);\nv18 = (double)(int)v19 + (double)(int)v19;\n}\nelse\n{\nv18 = (double)(int)v17;\n}\nv20 = 100.0 * v18;\nif ( (total_time & 0x8000000000000000LL) != 0LL )\nv21 = (double)(int)(total_time & 1 | (total_time >> 1)) + (double)(int)(total_time & 1 | (total_time >> 1));\nelse\nv21 = (double)(int)total_time;\nprintf(\":%.2f%%\", v20 / v21);\nstats = stats->next;\nif ( stats )\nprintf(\", \");\n}\ncpufreq_put_stats(0LL);\nv25 = cpufreq_get_transitions(a1);\nif ( v25 )\nprintf(\" (%lu)\\n\", v25);\nelse\nputchar(10);\n}\nresult = sub_40998E(a1);\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,v25,v27,ptr,v29,v30,v32,v33,first,sub_409E51,sub_409676,sub_40937B,sub_40998E,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'cpu', 'v25': 'total_trans', 'v27': 'latency', 'ptr': 'driver', 'v29': 'freq_hardware', 'v30': 'freq_kernel', 'v32': 'governors', 'v33': 'freqs', 'first': 'cpus', 'sub_409E51': 'debug_output_one', 'sub_409676': 'print_duration', 'sub_40937B': 'print_speed', 'sub_40998E': 'get_boost_mode'}"}
static size_t HUF_decompress4X1_DCtx_wksp_bmi2(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize, int bmi2) { const BYTE* ip = (const BYTE*) cSrc; size_t const hSize = HUF_readDTableX1_wksp (dctx, cSrc, cSrcSize, workSpace, wkspSize); if (HUF_isError(hSize)) return hSize; if (hSize >= cSrcSize) return ERROR(srcSize_wrong); ip += hSize; cSrcSize -= hSize; return HUF_decompress4X1_usingDTable_internal(dst, dstSize, ip, cSrcSize, dctx, bmi2); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4307F7", "function_addr": 4392951, "binary_name": "1f4870939c6a06e209cc6778e1d9d9213935f5ce1a00659358f41e29118ddf0a.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 40h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_20], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_28], rdx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_30], rcx"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_38], r8"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_40], r9"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [10, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [11, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_40]"], [12, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_38]"], [13, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_30]"], [14, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [15, "mov r8, [rbp+arg_0]"], [16, "mov rdi, rax"], [17, "call sub_42AFA5"], [18, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [19, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [20, "mov rdi, rax"], [21, "call sub_42AAB2"], [22, "test eax, eax"], [23, "jz short loc_430855"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [25, "jmp short locret_43089E"], [26, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [27, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [28, "jb short loc_430868"], [29, "mov rax, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFB8h"], [30, "jmp short locret_43089E"], [31, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [32, "add [rbp+var_8], rax"], [33, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [34, "sub [rbp+var_38], rax"], [35, "mov r8d, [rbp+arg_8]"], [36, "mov rdi, [rbp+var_18]"], [37, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_38]"], [38, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [39, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_28]"], [40, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [41, "mov r9d, r8d"], [42, "mov r8, rdi"], [43, "mov rdi, rax"], [44, "call sub_430532"], [45, "leave"], [46, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[9, 6], [10, 9], [11, 8], [12, 7], [13, 6], [14, 3], [16, 14], [18, 17], [19, 18], [20, 19], [22, 21], [23, 22], [24, 18], [26, 18], [27, 7], [27, 26], [28, 27], [31, 18], [32, 31], [32, 10], [33, 18], [34, 7], [34, 33], [35, 32], [36, 3], [37, 34], [38, 32], [39, 5], [40, 4], [41, 35], [42, 36], [43, 40], [46, 24], [46, 29], [46, 44]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/1f4870939c6a06e209cc6778e1d9d9213935f5ce1a00659358f41e29118ddf0a_1f4870939c6a06e209cc6778e1d9d9213935f5ce1a00659358f41e29118ddf0a.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4307F7", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_4307F7(unsigned int *a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3, unsigned __int8 *a4, unsigned __int64 a5, _DWORD *a6, unsigned __int64 a7, int a8)\n{\nunsigned __int64 v11; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-10h]\n\nv11 = sub_42AFA5(a1, a4, a5, a6, a7);\nif ( sub_42AAB2(v11) )\nreturn v11;\nif ( v11 < a5 )\nreturn sub_430532(a2, a3, (unsigned __int16 *)&a4[v11], a5 - v11, a1, a8);\nreturn -72LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,a5,a6,a7,a8,v11,sub_4307F7,sub_42AFA5,sub_42AAB2,sub_430532,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'dstSize', 'a4': 'cSrc', 'a1': 'dctx', 'a2': 'dst', 'a5': 'cSrcSize', 'a6': 'workSpace', 'a7': 'wkspSize', 'a8': 'bmi2', 'v11': 'hSize', 'sub_4307F7': 'HUF_decompress4X1_DCtx_wksp_bmi2', 'sub_42AFA5': 'HUF_readDTableX1_wksp', 'sub_42AAB2': 'ERR_isError_8', 'sub_430532': 'HUF_decompress4X1_usingDTable_internal'}"}
int UTIL_Key_Last( mvar *var) // point at last subs in mvar { int last = -1; // return value int i = 0; // idx into var->key[] while (i < var->slen) // while any there { last = i; // save beginning if (var->key[i++] < 64) // negative number while ((var->key[i++] != 255) && (i < var->slen)); // scan to end else // positive or string while ((var->key[i++] != 0) && (i < var->slen)); // scan to end } return last; // return the index }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_435E20", "function_addr": 4415008, "binary_name": "29fe55199f7a59edb5da76ece7916ac4cb5a36de96cf9c076de382553a47c236.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [5, "jmp short loc_435EAA"], [6, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [8, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [9, "lea edx, [rax+1]"], [10, "mov [rbp+var_8], edx"], [11, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [12, "cdqe"], [13, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rdx+rax+23h]"], [14, "cmp al, 3Fh "], [15, "ja short loc_435E81"], [16, "nop"], [17, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [18, "lea edx, [rax+1]"], [19, "mov [rbp+var_8], edx"], [20, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [21, "cdqe"], [22, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rdx+rax+23h]"], [23, "cmp al, 0FFh"], [24, "jz short loc_435EAA"], [25, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [26, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+22h]"], [27, "movzx eax, al"], [28, "cmp [rbp+var_8], eax"], [29, "jl short loc_435E57"], [30, "jmp short loc_435EAA"], [31, "nop"], [32, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [33, "lea edx, [rax+1]"], [34, "mov [rbp+var_8], edx"], [35, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [36, "cdqe"], [37, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rdx+rax+23h]"], [38, "test al, al"], [39, "jz short loc_435EAA"], [40, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [41, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+22h]"], [42, "movzx eax, al"], [43, "cmp [rbp+var_8], eax"], [44, "jl short loc_435E82"], [45, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [46, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+22h]"], [47, "movzx eax, al"], [48, "cmp [rbp+var_8], eax"], [49, "jl loc_435E38"], [50, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [51, "pop rbp"], [52, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 4], [6, 19], [6, 34], [7, 6], [8, 4], [8, 19], [8, 34], [9, 8], [9, 20], [9, 35], [10, 9], [11, 2], [13, 8], [14, 13], [15, 14], [17, 10], [17, 19], [18, 17], [18, 20], [18, 11], [19, 18], [20, 2], [22, 17], [23, 22], [24, 23], [25, 2], [26, 25], [27, 26], [28, 27], [28, 19], [29, 28], [32, 34], [32, 10], [33, 11], [33, 35], [33, 32], [34, 33], [35, 2], [37, 32], [38, 37], [39, 38], [40, 2], [41, 40], [42, 41], [43, 42], [43, 34], [44, 43], [45, 2], [46, 45], [47, 46], [48, 47], [48, 4], [48, 19], [48, 34], [49, 48], [50, 3], [50, 7], [51, 0], [52, 50]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/29fe55199f7a59edb5da76ece7916ac4cb5a36de96cf9c076de382553a47c236_29fe55199f7a59edb5da76ece7916ac4cb5a36de96cf9c076de382553a47c236.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_435E20", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_435E20(__int64 a1)\n{\nint v1; // eax\nint v2; // eax\nint v3; // eax\nint v5; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-8h]\nunsigned int v6; // [rsp+14h] [rbp-4h]\n\nv6 = -1;\nv5 = 0;\nwhile ( v5 < *(unsigned __int8 *)(a1 + 34) )\n{\nv6 = v5;\nv1 = v5++;\nif ( *(_BYTE *)(a1 + v1 + 35) > 0x3Fu )\n{\ndo\nv3 = v5++;\nwhile ( *(_BYTE *)(a1 + v3 + 35) && v5 < *(unsigned __int8 *)(a1 + 34) );\n}\nelse\n{\ndo\nv2 = v5++;\nwhile ( *(_BYTE *)(a1 + v2 + 35) != 0xFF && v5 < *(unsigned __int8 *)(a1 + 34) );\n}\n}\nreturn v6;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,v6,sub_435E20,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'var', 'v6': 'last', 'sub_435E20': 'UTIL_Key_Last'}"}
static void print_counter_aggr(struct perf_evsel *counter, char *prefix) { struct perf_stat *ps = counter->priv; double avg = avg_stats(&ps->res_stats[0]); int scaled = counter->counts->scaled; double uval; if (prefix) fprintf(output, "%s", prefix); if (scaled == -1) { fprintf(output, "%*s%s", csv_output ? 0 : 18, counter->supported ? CNTR_NOT_COUNTED : CNTR_NOT_SUPPORTED, csv_sep); fprintf(output, "%-*s%s", csv_output ? 0 : unit_width, counter->unit, csv_sep); fprintf(output, "%*s", csv_output ? 0 : -25, perf_evsel__name(counter)); if (counter->cgrp) fprintf(output, "%s%s", csv_sep, counter->cgrp->name); fputc('\n', output); return; } uval = avg * counter->scale; if (nsec_counter(counter)) nsec_printout(-1, 0, counter, uval); else abs_printout(-1, 0, counter, uval); print_noise(counter, avg); if (csv_output) { fputc('\n', output); return; } if (scaled) { double avg_enabled, avg_running; avg_enabled = avg_stats(&ps->res_stats[1]); avg_running = avg_stats(&ps->res_stats[2]); fprintf(output, " [%5.2f%%]", 100 * avg_running / avg_enabled); } fprintf(output, "\n"); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4339DB", "function_addr": 4405723, "binary_name": "decb9d72b93d941cc30c251e69b1ae930ef147e67c065af3feea2db57aca5f08.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 50h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_48], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+s], rsi"], [5, "mov rax, fs:28h"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [7, "xor eax, eax"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [9, "mov rax, [rax+2C0h]"], [10, "mov [rbp+var_30], rax"], [11, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [12, "mov rdi, rax"], [13, "call avg_stats"], [14, "movq rax, xmm0"], [15, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [16, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [17, "mov rax, [rax+90h]"], [18, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [19, "movsx eax, al"], [20, "mov [rbp+var_34], eax"], [21, "cmp [rbp+s], 0"], [22, "jz short loc_433A4F"], [23, "mov rdx, cs:stream"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+s]"], [25, "mov rsi, rdx"], [26, "mov rdi, rax"], [27, "call _fputs"], [28, "cmp [rbp+var_34], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [29, "jnz loc_433B93"], [30, "mov rdx, cs:qword_563518"], [31, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [32, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+2ECh]"], [33, "test al, al"], [34, "jz short loc_433A76"], [35, "mov ecx, offset aNotCounted"], [36, "jmp short loc_433A7B"], [37, "mov ecx, offset aNotSupported"], [38, "movzx eax, cs:byte_563520"], [39, "test al, al"], [40, "jz short loc_433A8D"], [41, "mov esi, 0"], [42, "jmp short loc_433A92"], [43, "mov esi, 12h"], [44, "mov rax, cs:stream"], [45, "mov r8, rdx"], [46, "mov edx, esi"], [47, "mov esi, offset aSS_11"], [48, "mov rdi, rax"], [49, "mov eax, 0"], [50, "call _fprintf"], [51, "mov rcx, cs:qword_563518"], [52, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [53, "mov rdx, [rax+2B0h]"], [54, "movzx eax, cs:byte_563520"], [55, "test al, al"], [56, "jz short loc_433AD4"], [57, "mov eax, 0"], [58, "jmp short loc_433ADA"], [59, "mov eax, cs:dword_553C80"], [60, "mov rdi, cs:stream"], [61, "mov r8, rcx"], [62, "mov rcx, rdx"], [63, "mov edx, eax"], [64, "mov esi, offset aSS_10"], [65, "mov eax, 0"], [66, "call _fprintf"], [67, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [68, "mov rdi, rax"], [69, "call perf_evsel__name"], [70, "mov rdx, rax"], [71, "movzx eax, cs:byte_563520"], [72, "test al, al"], [73, "jz short loc_433B19"], [74, "mov esi, 0"], [75, "jmp short loc_433B1E"], [76, "mov esi, 0FFFFFFE7h"], [77, "mov rax, cs:stream"], [78, "mov rcx, rdx"], [79, "mov edx, esi"], [80, "mov esi, offset aS_26"], [81, "mov rdi, rax"], [82, "mov eax, 0"], [83, "call _fprintf"], [84, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [85, "mov rax, [rax+2C8h]"], [86, "test rax, rax"], [87, "jz short loc_433B7A"], [88, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [89, "mov rax, [rax+2C8h]"], [90, "mov rcx, [rax]"], [91, "mov rdx, cs:qword_563518"], [92, "mov rax, cs:stream"], [93, "mov esi, offset aSS_9"], [94, "mov rdi, rax"], [95, "mov eax, 0"], [96, "call _fprintf"], [97, "mov rax, cs:stream"], [98, "mov rsi, rax"], [99, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [100, "call _fputc"], [101, "jmp loc_433CBB"], [102, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [103, "movsd xmm0, qword ptr [rax+2A8h]"], [104, "movsd xmm1, [rbp+var_28]"], [105, "mulsd xmm0, xmm1"], [106, "movsd [rbp+var_20], xmm0"], [107, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [108, "mov rdi, rax"], [109, "call sub_43054E"], [110, "test eax, eax"], [111, "jz short loc_433BDE"], [112, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_20]"], [113, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [114, "movq xmm0, rdx"], [115, "mov rdx, rax"], [116, "mov esi, 0"], [117, "mov edi, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [118, "call sub_431B14"], [119, "jmp short loc_433BFD"], [120, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_20]"], [121, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [122, "movq xmm0, rdx"], [123, "mov rdx, rax"], [124, "mov esi, 0"], [125, "mov edi, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [126, "call sub_43273C"], [127, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_28]"], [128, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [129, "movq xmm0, rdx"], [130, "mov rdi, rax"], [131, "call sub_4318CE"], [132, "movzx eax, cs:byte_563520"], [133, "test al, al"], [134, "jz short loc_433C36"], [135, "mov rax, cs:stream"], [136, "mov rsi, rax"], [137, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [138, "call _fputc"], [139, "jmp loc_433CBB"], [140, "cmp [rbp+var_34], 0"], [141, "jz short loc_433CA7"], [142, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [143, "add rax, 28h "], [144, "mov rdi, rax"], [145, "call avg_stats"], [146, "movq rax, xmm0"], [147, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [148, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [149, "add rax, 50h "], [150, "mov rdi, rax"], [151, "call avg_stats"], [152, "movq rax, xmm0"], [153, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [154, "movsd xmm1, [rbp+var_10]"], [155, "movsd xmm0, cs:qword_50FFF0"], [156, "mulsd xmm0, xmm1"], [157, "divsd xmm0, [rbp+var_18]"], [158, "movq rdx, xmm0"], [159, "mov rax, cs:stream"], [160, "movq xmm0, rdx"], [161, "mov esi, offset a52f"], [162, "mov rdi, rax"], [163, "mov eax, 1"], [164, "call _fprintf"], [165, "mov rax, cs:stream"], [166, "mov rsi, rax"], [167, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [168, "call _fputc"], [169, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [170, "sub rax, fs:28h"], [171, "jz short locret_433CCF"], [172, "call ___stack_chk_fail"], [173, "leave"], [174, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 5], [8, 3], [9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 11], [15, 14], [16, 3], [17, 16], [18, 17], [19, 18], [20, 19], [21, 4], [22, 21], [24, 4], [25, 23], [26, 24], [28, 20], [29, 28], [31, 3], [32, 31], [33, 32], [34, 33], [39, 38], [40, 39], [45, 30], [46, 41], [46, 43], [48, 44], [52, 3], [53, 52], [55, 54], [56, 55], [61, 51], [62, 53], [63, 57], [63, 59], [67, 3], [68, 67], [70, 69], [72, 71], [73, 72], [78, 70], [79, 74], [79, 76], [81, 77], [84, 3], [85, 84], [86, 85], [87, 86], [88, 3], [89, 88], [90, 89], [94, 92], [98, 97], [102, 3], [103, 102], [104, 15], [105, 104], [105, 103], [106, 105], [107, 3], [108, 107], [110, 109], [111, 110], [112, 106], [113, 3], [114, 112], [115, 113], [120, 106], [121, 3], [122, 120], [123, 121], [127, 15], [128, 3], [129, 127], [130, 128], [133, 132], [134, 133], [136, 135], [140, 20], [141, 140], [142, 10], [143, 142], [144, 143], [146, 129], [147, 146], [148, 10], [149, 148], [150, 149], [152, 129], [153, 152], [154, 153], [156, 154], [156, 155], [157, 147], [157, 156], [158, 157], [160, 158], [162, 159], [166, 165], [169, 6], [170, 169], [171, 170], [174, 170]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/decb9d72b93d941cc30c251e69b1ae930ef147e67c065af3feea2db57aca5f08_decb9d72b93d941cc30c251e69b1ae930ef147e67c065af3feea2db57aca5f08.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4339DB", "query": "\n\n\nunsigned __int64 __fastcall sub_4339DB(__int64 a1, const char *a2)\n{\nconst char *v2; // rcx\nint v3; // esi\nint v4; // eax\nconst char *v5; // rdx\nint v6; // esi\nint v8; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-34h]\n__int64 v9; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-30h]\ndouble v10; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-28h]\ndouble v11; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-20h]\ndouble v12; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-18h]\ndouble v13; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-10h]\nunsigned __int64 v14; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv14 = __readfsqword(0x28u);\nv9 = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 704);\nv10 = avg_stats(v9);\nv8 = **(char **)(a1 + 144);\nif ( a2 )\nfputs(a2, stream);\nif ( v8 == -1 )\n{\nif ( *(_BYTE *)(a1 + 748) )\nv2 = \"<not counted>\";\nelse\nv2 = \"<not supported>\";\nif ( byte_563520 )\nv3 = 0;\nelse\nv3 = 18;\nfprintf(stream, \"%*s%s\", v3, v2, qword_563518);\nif ( byte_563520 )\nv4 = 0;\nelse\nv4 = dword_553C80;\nfprintf(stream, \"%-*s%s\", v4, *(const char **)(a1 + 688), qword_563518);\nv5 = (const char *)perf_evsel__name(a1);\nif ( byte_563520 )\nv6 = 0;\nelse\nv6 = -25;\nfprintf(stream, \"%*s\", v6, v5);\nif ( *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 712) )\nfprintf(stream, \"%s%s\", qword_563518, **(const char ***)(a1 + 712));\n}\nelse\n{\nv11 = *(double *)(a1 + 680) * v10;\nif ( sub_43054E(a1) )\nsub_431B14(-1, 0, a1, v11);\nelse\nsub_43273C(-1, 0, a1, v11);\nsub_4318CE(a1, v10);\nif ( !byte_563520 && v8 )\n{\nv12 = avg_stats(v9 + 40);\nv13 = avg_stats(v9 + 80);\nfprintf(stream, \" [%5.2f%%]\", 100.0 * v13 / v12);\n}\n}\nfputc(10, stream);\nreturn v14 - __readfsqword(0x28u);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,sub_4339DB,sub_43054E,sub_431B14,sub_43273C,sub_4318CE,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'counter', 'a2': 'prefix', 'v8': 'scaled', 'v9': 'ps', 'v10': 'avg', 'v11': 'uval', 'v12': 'avg_enabled', 'v13': 'avg_running', 'sub_4339DB': 'print_counter_aggr', 'sub_43054E': 'nsec_counter', 'sub_431B14': 'nsec_printout', 'sub_43273C': 'abs_printout', 'sub_4318CE': 'print_noise'}"}
void dump_bytes( char *buf, int len) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 8) { printf("\t%3.3o: ", i); for (j = i; j < len && j < i + 8; j++) printf("%3.3o ", buf[j] & 0xff); printf("%*s", (i + 8 - j) * 4, ""); for (j = i; j < len && j < i + 8; j++) { int c = buf[j] & 0xff; if (!isprint(c)) c = '.'; putchar(c); } putchar('\n'); } }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_401639", "function_addr": 4199993, "binary_name": "c3be97e05a4adbdef1a38c3ef0f314fa42a63ebc25ec8fa31c122889ce36daa8.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_1C], esi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [6, "jmp loc_40174B"], [7, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [8, "mov esi, eax"], [9, "mov edi, offset a33o"], [10, "mov eax, 0"], [11, "call _printf"], [12, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [13, "mov [rbp+var_8], eax"], [14, "jmp short loc_40169B"], [15, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [16, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [17, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [18, "add rax, rdx"], [19, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [20, "movsx eax, al"], [21, "movzx eax, al"], [22, "mov esi, eax"], [23, "mov edi, offset a33o_0"], [24, "mov eax, 0"], [25, "call _printf"], [26, "add [rbp+var_8], 1"], [27, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [28, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_1C]"], [29, "jge short loc_4016AE"], [30, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [31, "add eax, 7"], [32, "cmp [rbp+var_8], eax"], [33, "jle short loc_401670"], [34, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [35, "add eax, 8"], [36, "sub eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [37, "shl eax, 2"], [38, "mov edx, offset unk_40419A"], [39, "mov esi, eax"], [40, "mov edi, offset aS"], [41, "mov eax, 0"], [42, "call _printf"], [43, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [44, "mov [rbp+var_8], eax"], [45, "jmp short loc_40172A"], [46, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [47, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [48, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [49, "add rax, rdx"], [50, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [51, "movsx eax, al"], [52, "and eax, 0FFh"], [53, "mov [rbp+c], eax"], [54, "call ___ctype_b_loc"], [55, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [56, "mov eax, [rbp+c]"], [57, "cdqe"], [58, "add rax, rax"], [59, "add rax, rdx"], [60, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax]"], [61, "movzx eax, ax"], [62, "and eax, 4000h"], [63, "test eax, eax"], [64, "jnz short loc_40171C"], [65, "mov [rbp+c], 2Eh "], [66, "mov eax, [rbp+c]"], [67, "mov edi, eax"], [68, "call _putchar"], [69, "add [rbp+var_8], 1"], [70, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [71, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_1C]"], [72, "jge short loc_40173D"], [73, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [74, "add eax, 7"], [75, "cmp [rbp+var_8], eax"], [76, "jle short loc_4016D8"], [77, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [78, "call _putchar"], [79, "add [rbp+var_4], 8"], [80, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [81, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_1C]"], [82, "jl loc_401654"], [83, "nop"], [84, "nop"], [85, "leave"], [86, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[7, 5], [7, 79], [8, 7], [12, 79], [12, 5], [13, 12], [15, 13], [15, 26], [16, 15], [17, 3], [18, 17], [18, 16], [19, 18], [20, 19], [21, 20], [22, 21], [26, 13], [26, 26], [27, 13], [27, 26], [28, 4], [28, 27], [29, 28], [30, 79], [30, 5], [31, 30], [32, 13], [32, 31], [32, 26], [33, 32], [34, 5], [34, 79], [35, 34], [36, 13], [36, 26], [36, 35], [37, 36], [39, 37], [43, 5], [43, 79], [44, 43], [46, 44], [46, 69], [47, 46], [48, 3], [49, 48], [49, 47], [50, 49], [51, 50], [52, 51], [53, 52], [55, 54], [56, 53], [58, 56], [59, 55], [59, 58], [60, 59], [61, 60], [62, 61], [63, 62], [64, 63], [66, 53], [66, 65], [67, 66], [69, 44], [69, 69], [70, 44], [70, 69], [71, 4], [71, 70], [72, 71], [73, 5], [73, 79], [74, 73], [75, 44], [75, 74], [75, 69], [76, 75], [79, 5], [79, 79], [80, 5], [80, 79], [81, 80], [81, 4], [82, 81], [86, 80]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/c3be97e05a4adbdef1a38c3ef0f314fa42a63ebc25ec8fa31c122889ce36daa8_c3be97e05a4adbdef1a38c3ef0f314fa42a63ebc25ec8fa31c122889ce36daa8.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_401639", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_401639(__int64 a1, int a2)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\nint c; // [rsp+14h] [rbp-Ch]\nint j; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]\nint k; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]\nunsigned int i; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nfor ( i = 0; ; i += 8 )\n{\nresult = i;\nif ( (int)i >= a2 )\nbreak;\nprintf(\"\\t%3.3o: \", i);\nfor ( j = i; j < a2 && j <= (int)(i + 7); ++j )\nprintf(\"%3.3o \", *(unsigned __int8 *)(j + a1));\nprintf(\"%*s\", 4 * (i + 8 - j), (const char *)&unk_40419A);\nfor ( k = i; k < a2 && k <= (int)(i + 7); ++k )\n{\nc = *(unsigned __int8 *)(k + a1);\nif ( ((*__ctype_b_loc())[c] & 0x4000) == 0 )\nc = 46;\nputchar(c);\n}\nputchar(10);\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,j,sub_401639,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'buf', 'a2': 'len', 'j': 'ja', 'sub_401639': 'dump_bytes'}"}
static vmscond_t dir_1_arg( FILE *of, options_t options, struct dirstats *stats, char *filespec ) { char res[NAM$C_MAXRSS + 1] = { "" }, rsa[NAM$C_MAXRSS + 1] = { "" }; vmscond_t status; uint32_t nobackup = 0, contigb = 0, contig = 0, directory = 0, writeback = 0, readcheck = 0, writecheck = 0, locked = 0, spool = 0, badblock = 0, markdel = 0; uint16_t retlen = 0; struct NAM nam = cc$rms_nam; struct FAB fab = cc$rms_fab; struct XABDAT dat = cc$rms_xabdat; struct XABFHC fhc = cc$rms_xabfhc; struct XABPRO pro = cc$rms_xabpro; struct XABITM itm = cc$rms_xabitm; struct item_list xitems[] = { { XAB$_UCHAR_NOBACKUP, sizeof(nobackup), NULL, 0 }, { XAB$_UCHAR_CONTIG, sizeof(contig), NULL, 0 }, { XAB$_UCHAR_CONTIGB, sizeof(contigb), NULL, 0 }, { XAB$_UCHAR_DIRECTORY, sizeof(directory), NULL, 0 }, { XAB$_UCHAR_WRITEBACK, sizeof(writeback), NULL, 0 }, { XAB$_UCHAR_READCHECK, sizeof(readcheck), NULL, 0 }, { XAB$_UCHAR_WRITECHECK, sizeof(writecheck), NULL, 0 }, { XAB$_UCHAR_LOCKED, sizeof(locked), NULL, 0 }, { XAB$_UCHAR_SPOOL, sizeof(spool), NULL, 0 }, { XAB$_UCHAR_MARKDEL, sizeof(markdel), NULL, 0 }, { XAB$_UCHAR_BADBLOCK, sizeof(badblock), NULL, 0 }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; nam.nam$l_esa = res; nam.nam$b_ess = NAM$C_MAXRSS; fab.fab$l_nam = &nam; fab.fab$l_xab = &dat; dat.xab$l_nxt = &fhc; fhc.xab$l_nxt = &pro; pro.xab$l_nxt = &itm; xitems[0].buffer = &nobackup; xitems[0].retlen = &retlen; xitems[1].buffer = &contig; xitems[1].retlen = &retlen; xitems[2].buffer = &contigb; xitems[2].retlen = &retlen; xitems[3].buffer = &directory; xitems[3].retlen = &retlen; xitems[4].buffer = &writeback; xitems[4].retlen = &retlen; xitems[5].buffer = &readcheck; xitems[5].retlen = &retlen; xitems[6].buffer = &writecheck; xitems[6].retlen = &retlen; xitems[7].buffer = &locked; xitems[7].retlen = &retlen; xitems[8].buffer = &spool; xitems[8].retlen = &retlen; xitems[9].buffer = &markdel; xitems[9].retlen = &retlen; xitems[10].buffer = &badblock; xitems[10].retlen = &retlen; itm.xab$b_mode = XAB$K_SENSEMODE; itm.xab$l_itemlist = xitems; fab.fab$l_fna = filespec; fab.fab$b_fns = filespec? (uint8_t)strlen(fab.fab$l_fna): 0; fab.fab$l_dna = "*.*;*"; fab.fab$b_dns = (uint8_t)strlen(fab.fab$l_dna); if( $SUCCESSFUL(status = sys_parse(&fab)) ) { char dir[NAM$C_MAXRSS + 1] = { "" }; size_t namelen; size_t dirlen = 0; uint32_t dirfiles = 0; uint32_t dirblocks = 0, diralloc = 0; size_t printcol = 0; nam.nam$l_rsa = rsa; nam.nam$b_rss = NAM$C_MAXRSS; fab.fab$l_fop = 0; while( $SUCCESSFUL(status) && $SUCCESSFUL(status = sys_search( &fab )) ) { if (dirlen != (size_t)nam.nam$b_dev + nam.nam$b_dir || memcmp(rsa, dir, (size_t)nam.nam$b_dev + nam.nam$b_dir) != 0) { if (dirfiles > 0 && (options & dir_trailing)) { if (printcol > 0) fputc( '\n', of ); printmsg( DIRECT_FILETOTAL, MSG_TEXT|MSG_NOCRLF|MSG_TOFILE, of, dirfiles ); dirtotal( of, options, dirblocks, diralloc ); fputs(".\n", of); } dirlen = (size_t)nam.nam$b_dev + nam.nam$b_dir; memcpy(dir, rsa, dirlen); dir[dirlen] = '\0'; if( options & dir_heading) printmsg( DIRECT_DIRHEAD, MSG_TEXT|MSG_NOCRLF|MSG_TOFILE, of, dir ); stats->filecount += dirfiles; stats->totblocks += dirblocks; stats->totalloc += diralloc; stats->dircount++; dirfiles = 0; dirblocks = 0; diralloc = 0; printcol = 0; } rsa[nam.nam$b_rsl] = '\0'; namelen = (size_t)nam.nam$b_name + nam.nam$b_type + nam.nam$b_ver; if ((options & (dir_heading|dir_extra|dir_full)) == dir_heading) { if( options & dir_names ) { if (printcol > 0) { size_t newcol = (printcol + 20) / 20 * 20; if (newcol + namelen >= 80) { fputs( "\n", of ); printcol = 0; } else { fprintf( of, "%*s", (int)(newcol - printcol), " " ); printcol = newcol; } } fputs( rsa + dirlen, of ); printcol += namelen; } } else { if (options & dir_names) { if ( (options & dir_heading) == 0 ) fprintf( of, "%s", dir ); if( options & dir_pack ) { if( namelen > 18 ) { fprintf( of, "%s", rsa + dirlen ); if( options & dir_extra ) fprintf( of, "\n " ); } else { fprintf( of, "%-19s", rsa + dirlen ); } } else fprintf( of, "%s\n", rsa + dirlen ); } if( $FAILS(status = sys_open(&fab)) ) { printmsg( status, MSG_TOFILE, of ); status = SS$_NORMAL; } else { status = sys_close(&fab); if (options & dir_fileid) { char fileid[30]; /* 24 bits, 16 bits. 8 bits = 8 + 5 + 3 digits = 16 + (,,)\0 => 21 */ if( options & dir_full) fprintf( of, "%sFile ID:", (options & dir_pack)? " ": "" ); (void) snprintf(fileid, sizeof(fileid), "(%u,%u,%u)", (nam.nam$w_fid.fid$b_nmx << 16) | nam.nam$w_fid.fid$w_num, nam.nam$w_fid.fid$w_seq, nam.nam$w_fid.fid$b_rvn ); fprintf( of, " %-22s", fileid ); } diralloc += fab.fab$l_alq; if (options & dir_used) { uint32_t filesize; filesize = fhc.xab$l_ebk; /* VBN of eof */ if( filesize == 0 ) /* none, use allocated size */ filesize = fab.fab$l_alq; else { if( fhc.xab$w_ffb == 0 ) filesize--; } dirblocks += filesize; if (options & dir_names) { /* Don't print w/o names (e.g. totals) */ if( options & dir_full) printmsg( DIRECT_FULLSIZE, MSG_TEXT|MSG_NOCRLF|MSG_TOFILE, of, filesize ); else fprintf( of, "%9u", filesize ); if( options & (dir_allocated|dir_full)) fprintf( of, "/%-9u", fab.fab$l_alq ); if( options & (dir_allocated | dir_full) ) { if( options & dir_pack ) fputs( " ", of ); else fputc( '\n', of ); } } } else { if ( (options & (dir_allocated|dir_names)) == (dir_allocated|dir_names)) { fprintf( of, "%9u", fab.fab$l_alq ); } } #define pprot(val, pos, del) do { \ unsigned int v = ~(((val) >> (pos)) & xab$m_prot); \ if( v & xab$m_noread ) fprintf( of, "R" ); \ if( v & xab$m_nowrite ) fprintf( of, "W" ); \ if( v & xab$m_noexe ) fprintf( of, "E" ); \ if( v & xab$m_nodel ) fprintf( of, "D" ); \ fprintf( of, del ); \ } while( 0 ) if (options & dir_full) { int pos = 0; printmsg( DIRECT_OWNER, MSG_TEXT|MSG_TOFILE, of, ((pro.xab$l_uic>>16)&0xFFFF), pro.xab$l_uic&0xFFFF); printmsg( DIRECT_CREATED, MSG_TEXT|MSG_NOCRLF|MSG_TOFILE, of ); prvmstime( of, dat.xab$q_cdt, "\n" ); printmsg( DIRECT_REVISED, MSG_TEXT|MSG_NOCRLF|MSG_TOFILE, of ); prvmstime( of, dat.xab$q_rdt, " (" ); fprintf( of, "%u)\n", dat.xab$w_rvn ); printmsg( DIRECT_EXPIRES, MSG_TEXT|MSG_NOCRLF|MSG_TOFILE, of ); prvmstime( of, dat.xab$q_edt, "\n" ); printmsg( DIRECT_BACKUP, MSG_TEXT|MSG_NOCRLF|MSG_TOFILE, of ); prvmstime( of, dat.xab$q_bdt, "\n" ); #define MSG(x) getmsg( DIRECT_ ## x, MSG_TEXT|MSG_NOCRLF ) pwrap( of, &pos, MSG( FILEORG ) ); switch( fab.fab$b_org ) { case FAB$C_SEQ: pwrap( of, &pos, MSG( SEQORG) ); break; case FAB$C_REL: pwrap( of, &pos, MSG( RELORG ) /*, Maximum record number %u", fab.fab$l_mrn*/ ); break; case FAB$C_IDX: pwrap( of, &pos, MSG( IDXORG ) ); break; /*, Prolog: 3, Using 4 keys\nIn 3 areas */ default: pwrap( of, &pos, MSG( UNKORG ), fab.fab$b_org ); break; } pwrap( of, &pos, MSG( FILEATT ) ); pwrap( of, &pos, MSG( ALLOC ), fab.fab$l_alq ); pwrap( of, &pos, MSG( EXTEND ), fab.fab$w_deq ); /* Missing: , Maximum bucket size: n*/ pwrap( of, &pos, MSG( GBC ), fab.fab$w_gbc ); if( fhc.xab$w_verlimit == 0 || fhc.xab$w_verlimit == 32767 ) { if( directory ) pwrap( of, &pos, MSG(NODIRLIMIT) ); else pwrap( of, &pos, MSG(NOVERLIMIT ) ); } else { if( directory ) pwrap( of, &pos, MSG(DIRLIMIT), fhc.xab$w_verlimit ); else pwrap( of, &pos, MSG(VERLIMIT), fhc.xab$w_verlimit ); } #define pattr(bit, text) \ if( bit ) \ pwrap( of, &pos, MSG(text) ) pattr( contig, CONTIG ); pattr( contigb, CONTIGB ); pattr( nobackup, NOBACKUP ); pattr( directory, DIRECTORY ); pattr( writeback, WRITEBACK ); pattr( readcheck, READCHECK ); pattr( writecheck, WRITECHECK ); pattr( locked, LOCKED ); pattr( spool, SPOOL ); pattr( markdel, MARKDEL ); pattr( badblock, BADBLOCK ); pwrap( of, &pos, "\n" ); #undef pattr pwrap( of, &pos, MSG(EOFPOS), fhc.xab$l_ebk, fhc.xab$w_ffb ); pwrap( of, &pos, MSG(RECFMT) ); switch( fab.fab$b_rfm ) { default: case FAB$C_UDF: pwrap( of, &pos, MSG(RECUDF) ); break; case FAB$C_FIX: pwrap( of, &pos, MSG(RECFIX), fab.fab$w_mrs ); break; case FAB$C_VAR: pwrap( of, &pos, MSG(RECVAR), fhc.xab$w_lrl ); break; case FAB$C_VFC: pwrap( of, &pos, MSG(RECVFC), (fab.fab$b_fsz? fab.fab$b_fsz: 2), fhc.xab$w_lrl ); break; case FAB$C_STM: pwrap( of, &pos, MSG(RECSTM) ); break; case FAB$C_STMLF: pwrap( of, &pos, MSG(RECSTMLF) ); break; case FAB$C_STMCR: pwrap( of, &pos, MSG(RECSTMCR) ); break; } pwrap( of, &pos, "\n" ); pwrap( of, &pos, MSG(RECATT) ); if( fab.fab$b_rat == 0 ) pwrap( of, &pos, MSG(RECATT_NONE) ); else { const char *more = ""; if( fab.fab$b_rat & FAB$M_FTN ) { pwrap( of, &pos, MSG(RECATT_FTN), more ); more = ", "; } if( fab.fab$b_rat & FAB$M_CR ) { pwrap( of, &pos, MSG(RECATT_CR), more ); more = ", "; } if( fab.fab$b_rat & FAB$M_PRN ) { pwrap( of, &pos, MSG(RECATT_PRN), more ); more = ", "; } if( fab.fab$b_rat & FAB$M_BLK ) { pwrap( of, &pos, MSG(RECATT_BLK), more ); } } fprintf( of, "\n" ); /* * RMS attributes: None * Journaling enabled: None */ fprintf( of, MSG(PROT_SYS) ); pprot(pro.xab$w_pro, xab$v_system, MSG(PROT_OWNER) ); pprot(pro.xab$w_pro, xab$v_owner, MSG(PROT_GROUP) ); pprot(pro.xab$w_pro, xab$v_group, MSG(PROT_WORLD) ); pprot(pro.xab$w_pro, xab$v_world, "\n"); if( options & dir_mappings ) { struct dsc$descriptor devnam; unsigned clustersize = 0; struct HEAD *buf = NULL; struct fiddef lastfid, fid; unsigned vbn = 1; memset( &devnam, 0, sizeof( devnam ) ); devnam.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T; devnam.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S; devnam.dsc$w_length = nam.nam$b_dev; devnam.dsc$a_pointer = nam.nam$l_dev; fid = nam.nam$w_fid; do { if( $SUCCESSFUL(status = get_fileheader( of, &devnam, &fid, &clustersize, &buf )) ) { print_fileheader( of, buf, &vbn, clustersize ); } lastfid = fid; fid = buf->fh2$w_ext_fid; free( buf ); buf = NULL; } while( $SUCCESSFUL(status) && (fid.fid$w_num | fid.fid$w_seq | fid.fid$b_rvn | fid.fid$b_nmx) != 0 && memcmp( &fid, &lastfid, sizeof( fid ) ) != 0 ); } } else { /* !full */ if (options & dir_date) { if( options & dir_created ) status = prvmstime( of, dat.xab$q_cdt, NULL ); if( options & dir_modified ) status = prvmstime( of, dat.xab$q_rdt, NULL ); if( options & dir_expired ) status = prvmstime( of, dat.xab$q_edt, NULL ); if( options & dir_backup ) status = prvmstime( of, dat.xab$q_bdt, NULL ); } if (options & dir_owner) { printmsg( DIRECT_UIC, MSG_TEXT|MSG_NOCRLF|MSG_TOFILE, of, ((pro.xab$l_uic>>16)&0xFFFF), pro.xab$l_uic&0xFFFF ); } if (options & dir_prot) { fprintf( of, " (" ); pprot(pro.xab$w_pro, xab$v_system, ","); pprot(pro.xab$w_pro, xab$v_owner, ","); pprot(pro.xab$w_pro, xab$v_group, ","); pprot(pro.xab$w_pro, xab$v_world, ")"); } } #undef pprot if (options & dir_names) fprintf( of, "\n" ); } } dirfiles++; } if( status == RMS$_NMF ) status = SS$_NORMAL; if( printcol > 0 ) fprintf( of, "\n" ); if (options & dir_trailing) { printmsg( DIRECT_FILETOTAL, MSG_TEXT|MSG_NOCRLF|MSG_TOFILE, of, dirfiles ); dirtotal( of, options, dirblocks, diralloc ); fputs( ".\n", of ); } stats->filecount += dirfiles; stats->totblocks += dirblocks; stats->totalloc += diralloc; } fab.fab$b_fns = nam.nam$b_ess = fab.fab$b_dns = 0; nam.nam$b_nop = NAM$M_SYNCHK; (void) sys_parse( &fab ); return status; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4110A1", "function_addr": 4264097, "binary_name": "b57dc741ab89a18d2d7bde13dc91979a52dfdc00913ec7c57afdd64909a03a5c.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "push r12"], [3, "push rbx"], [4, "sub rsp, 6A0h"], [5, "mov [rbp+stream], rdi"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_69C], esi"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_6A8], rdx"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_6B0], rcx"], [9, "mov [rbp+var_180], 0"], [10, "mov [rbp+var_178], 0"], [11, "mov [rbp+var_170], 0"], [12, "mov [rbp+var_168], 0"], [13, "mov [rbp+var_160], 0"], [14, "mov [rbp+var_158], 0"], [15, "mov [rbp+var_150], 0"], [16, "mov [rbp+var_148], 0"], [17, "mov [rbp+var_140], 0"], [18, "mov [rbp+var_138], 0"], [19, "mov [rbp+var_130], 0"], [20, "mov [rbp+var_128], 0"], [21, "mov [rbp+var_120], 0"], [22, "mov [rbp+var_118], 0"], [23, "mov [rbp+var_110], 0"], [24, "mov [rbp+var_108], 0"], [25, "mov [rbp+var_100], 0"], [26, "mov [rbp+var_F8], 0"], [27, "mov [rbp+var_F0], 0"], [28, "mov [rbp+var_E8], 0"], [29, "mov [rbp+var_E0], 0"], [30, "mov [rbp+var_D8], 0"], [31, "mov [rbp+var_D0], 0"], [32, "mov [rbp+var_C8], 0"], [33, "mov [rbp+var_C0], 0"], [34, "mov [rbp+var_B8], 0"], [35, "mov [rbp+var_B0], 0"], [36, "mov [rbp+var_A8], 0"], [37, "mov [rbp+var_A0], 0"], [38, "mov [rbp+var_98], 0"], [39, "mov [rbp+var_90], 0"], [40, "mov [rbp+var_88], 0"], [41, "mov [rbp+s1], 0"], [42, "mov [rbp+var_278], 0"], [43, "mov [rbp+var_270], 0"], [44, "mov [rbp+var_268], 0"], [45, "mov [rbp+var_260], 0"], [46, "mov [rbp+var_258], 0"], [47, "mov [rbp+var_250], 0"], [48, "mov [rbp+var_248], 0"], [49, "mov [rbp+var_240], 0"], [50, "mov [rbp+var_238], 0"], [51, "mov [rbp+var_230], 0"], [52, "mov [rbp+var_228], 0"], [53, "mov [rbp+var_220], 0"], [54, "mov [rbp+var_218], 0"], [55, "mov [rbp+var_210], 0"], [56, "mov [rbp+var_208], 0"], [57, "mov [rbp+var_200], 0"], [58, "mov [rbp+var_1F8], 0"], [59, "mov [rbp+var_1F0], 0"], [60, "mov [rbp+var_1E8], 0"], [61, "mov [rbp+var_1E0], 0"], [62, "mov [rbp+var_1D8], 0"], [63, "mov [rbp+var_1D0], 0"], [64, "mov [rbp+var_1C8], 0"], [65, "mov [rbp+var_1C0], 0"], [66, "mov [rbp+var_1B8], 0"], [67, "mov [rbp+var_1B0], 0"], [68, "mov [rbp+var_1A8], 0"], [69, "mov [rbp+var_1A0], 0"], [70, "mov [rbp+var_198], 0"], [71, "mov [rbp+var_190], 0"], [72, "mov [rbp+var_188], 0"], [73, "mov [rbp+var_284], 0"], [74, "mov [rbp+var_288], 0"], [75, "mov [rbp+var_28C], 0"], [76, "mov [rbp+var_290], 0"], [77, "mov [rbp+var_294], 0"], [78, "mov [rbp+var_298], 0"], [79, "mov [rbp+var_29C], 0"], [80, "mov [rbp+var_2A0], 0"], [81, "mov [rbp+var_2A4], 0"], [82, "mov [rbp+var_2A8], 0"], [83, "mov [rbp+var_2AC], 0"], [84, "mov [rbp+var_2AE], 0"], [85, "mov rax, cs:qword_45F940"], [86, "mov rdx, cs:qword_45F948"], [87, "mov [rbp+var_340], rax"], [88, "mov [rbp+var_338], rdx"], [89, "mov rax, cs:qword_45F950"], [90, "mov rdx, cs:qword_45F958"], [91, "mov [rbp+var_330], rax"], [92, "mov [rbp+var_328], rdx"], [93, "mov rax, cs:qword_45F960"], [94, "mov rdx, cs:qword_45F968"], [95, "mov [rbp+var_320], rax"], [96, "mov [rbp+var_318], rdx"], [97, "mov rax, cs:qword_45F970"], [98, "mov rdx, cs:qword_45F978"], [99, "mov [rbp+var_310], rax"], [100, "mov [rbp+var_308], rdx"], [101, "mov rax, cs:qword_45F980"], [102, "mov rdx, cs:qword_45F988"], [103, "mov [rbp+var_300], rax"], [104, "mov [rbp+var_2F8], rdx"], [105, "mov rax, cs:qword_45F990"], [106, "mov rdx, cs:qword_45F998"], [107, "mov [rbp+var_2F0], rax"], [108, "mov [rbp+var_2E8], rdx"], [109, "mov rax, cs:qword_45F9A0"], [110, "mov rdx, cs:qword_45F9A8"], [111, "mov [rbp+var_2E0], rax"], [112, "mov [rbp+var_2D8], rdx"], [113, "mov rax, cs:qword_45F9B0"], [114, "mov rdx, cs:qword_45F9B8"], [115, "mov [rbp+var_2D0], rax"], [116, "mov [rbp+var_2C8], rdx"], [117, "mov rax, cs:qword_45F9C0"], [118, "mov [rbp+var_2C0], rax"], [119, "mov rax, cs:qword_45FA20"], [120, "mov rdx, cs:qword_45FA28"], [121, "mov [rbp+s], rax"], [122, "mov [rbp+var_388], rdx"], [123, "mov rax, cs:qword_45FA30"], [124, "mov rdx, cs:qword_45FA38"], [125, "mov [rbp+var_380], rax"], [126, "mov [rbp+var_378], rdx"], [127, "mov rax, cs:qword_45FA40"], [128, "mov rdx, cs:qword_45FA48"], [129, "mov [rbp+var_370], rax"], [130, "mov [rbp+var_368], rdx"], [131, "mov rax, cs:qword_45FA50"], [132, "mov rdx, cs:qword_45FA58"], [133, "mov [rbp+var_360], rax"], [134, "mov [rbp+var_358], rdx"], [135, "mov rax, cs:qword_45FA60"], [136, "mov rdx, cs:qword_45FA68"], [137, "mov [rbp+var_350], rax"], [138, "mov [rbp+var_348], rdx"], [139, "mov rax, cs:qword_456380"], [140, "mov rdx, cs:qword_456388"], [141, "mov [rbp+var_3C0], rax"], [142, "mov [rbp+var_3B8], rdx"], [143, "mov rax, cs:qword_456390"], [144, "mov rdx, cs:qword_456398"], [145, "mov [rbp+var_3B0], rax"], [146, "mov [rbp+var_3A8], rdx"], [147, "mov rax, cs:qword_4563A0"], [148, "mov rdx, cs:qword_4563A8"], [149, "mov [rbp+var_3A0], rax"], [150, "mov [rbp+var_398], rdx"], [151, "mov rax, cs:qword_4563C0"], [152, "mov rdx, cs:qword_4563C8"], [153, "mov [rbp+var_3E0], rax"], [154, "mov [rbp+var_3D8], rdx"], [155, "mov rax, cs:qword_4563D0"], [156, "mov rdx, cs:qword_4563D8"], [157, "mov [rbp+var_3D0], rax"], [158, "mov [rbp+var_3C8], rdx"], [159, "mov rax, cs:qword_456400"], [160, "mov rdx, cs:qword_456408"], [161, "mov [rbp+var_3F0], rax"], [162, "mov [rbp+var_3E8], rdx"], [163, "mov rax, cs:qword_4563E0"], [164, "mov rdx, cs:qword_4563E8"], [165, "mov [rbp+var_410], rax"], [166, "mov [rbp+var_408], rdx"], [167, "mov rax, cs:qword_4563F0"], [168, "mov [rbp+var_400], rax"], [169, "lea rax, [rbp+var_530]"], [170, "mov esi, offset unk_43B860"], [171, "mov edx, 24h "], [172, "mov rdi, rax"], [173, "mov rcx, rdx"], [174, "rep movsq"], [175, "lea rax, [rbp+var_180]"], [176, "mov [rbp+var_340], rax"], [177, "mov byte ptr [rbp+var_2C8+1], 0FFh"], [178, "lea rax, [rbp+var_340]"], [179, "mov [rbp+var_380], rax"], [180, "lea rax, [rbp+var_3C0]"], [181, "mov [rbp+var_378], rax"], [182, "lea rax, [rbp+var_3E0]"], [183, "mov [rbp+var_3C0], rax"], [184, "lea rax, [rbp+var_3F0]"], [185, "mov [rbp+var_3E0], rax"], [186, "lea rax, [rbp+var_410]"], [187, "mov [rbp+var_3F0], rax"], [188, "lea rax, [rbp+var_284]"], [189, "mov [rbp+var_528], rax"], [190, "lea rax, [rbp+var_2AE]"], [191, "mov [rbp+var_520], rax"], [192, "lea rax, [rbp+var_28C]"], [193, "mov [rbp+var_510], rax"], [194, "lea rax, [rbp+var_2AE]"], [195, "mov [rbp+var_508], rax"], [196, "lea rax, [rbp+var_288]"], [197, "mov [rbp+var_4F8], rax"], [198, "lea rax, [rbp+var_2AE]"], [199, "mov [rbp+var_4F0], rax"], [200, "lea rax, [rbp+var_290]"], [201, "mov [rbp+var_4E0], rax"], [202, "lea rax, [rbp+var_2AE]"], [203, "mov [rbp+var_4D8], rax"], [204, "lea rax, [rbp+var_294]"], [205, "mov [rbp+var_4C8], rax"], [206, "lea rax, [rbp+var_2AE]"], [207, "mov [rbp+var_4C0], rax"], [208, "lea rax, [rbp+var_298]"], [209, "mov [rbp+var_4B0], rax"], [210, "lea rax, [rbp+var_2AE]"], [211, "mov [rbp+var_4A8], rax"], [212, "lea rax, [rbp+var_29C]"], [213, "mov [rbp+var_498], rax"], [214, "lea rax, [rbp+var_2AE]"], [215, "mov [rbp+var_490], rax"], [216, "lea rax, [rbp+var_2A0]"], [217, "mov [rbp+var_480], rax"], [218, "lea rax, [rbp+var_2AE]"], [219, "mov [rbp+var_478], rax"], [220, "lea rax, [rbp+var_2A4]"], [221, "mov [rbp+var_468], rax"], [222, "lea rax, [rbp+var_2AE]"], [223, "mov [rbp+var_460], rax"], [224, "lea rax, [rbp+var_2AC]"], [225, "mov [rbp+var_450], rax"], [226, "lea rax, [rbp+var_2AE]"], [227, "mov [rbp+var_448], rax"], [228, "lea rax, [rbp+var_2A8]"], [229, "mov [rbp+var_438], rax"], [230, "lea rax, [rbp+var_2AE]"], [231, "mov [rbp+var_430], rax"], [232, "mov byte ptr [rbp+var_408+1], 1"], [233, "lea rax, [rbp+var_530]"], [234, "mov [rbp+var_400], rax"], [235, "mov rax, [rbp+var_6B0]"], [236, "mov [rbp+s], rax"], [237, "cmp [rbp+var_6B0], 0"], [238, "jz short loc_411834"], [239, "mov rax, [rbp+s]"], [240, "mov rdi, rax"], [241, "call _strlen"], [242, "jmp short loc_411839"], [243, "mov eax, 0"], [244, "mov byte ptr [rbp+var_350], al"], [245, "mov [rbp+var_388], offset asc_43B7D0"], [246, "mov rax, [rbp+var_388]"], [247, "mov rdi, rax"], [248, "call _strlen"], [249, "mov byte ptr [rbp+var_350+1], al"], [250, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [251, "mov rdi, rax"], [252, "call sub_42302D"], [253, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [254, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [255, "and eax, 1"], [256, "test eax, eax"], [257, "jz loc_413657"], [258, "mov [rbp+s2], 0"], [259, "mov [rbp+var_688], 0"], [260, "mov [rbp+var_680], 0"], [261, "mov [rbp+var_678], 0"], [262, "mov [rbp+var_670], 0"], [263, "mov [rbp+var_668], 0"], [264, "mov [rbp+var_660], 0"], [265, "mov [rbp+var_658], 0"], [266, "mov [rbp+var_650], 0"], [267, "mov [rbp+var_648], 0"], [268, "mov [rbp+var_640], 0"], [269, "mov [rbp+var_638], 0"], [270, "mov [rbp+var_630], 0"], [271, "mov [rbp+var_628], 0"], [272, "mov [rbp+var_620], 0"], [273, "mov [rbp+var_618], 0"], [274, "mov [rbp+var_610], 0"], [275, "mov [rbp+var_608], 0"], [276, "mov [rbp+var_600], 0"], [277, "mov [rbp+var_5F8], 0"], [278, "mov [rbp+var_5F0], 0"], [279, "mov [rbp+var_5E8], 0"], [280, "mov [rbp+var_5E0], 0"], [281, "mov [rbp+var_5D8], 0"], [282, "mov [rbp+var_5D0], 0"], [283, "mov [rbp+var_5C8], 0"], [284, "mov [rbp+var_5C0], 0"], [285, "mov [rbp+var_5B8], 0"], [286, "mov [rbp+var_5B0], 0"], [287, "mov [rbp+var_5A8], 0"], [288, "mov [rbp+var_5A0], 0"], [289, "mov [rbp+var_598], 0"], [290, "mov [rbp+n], 0"], [291, "mov [rbp+var_24], 0"], [292, "mov [rbp+var_28], 0"], [293, "mov [rbp+var_2C], 0"], [294, "mov [rbp+var_38], 0"], [295, "lea rax, [rbp+s1]"], [296, "mov [rbp+var_338], rax"], [297, "mov byte ptr [rbp+var_2C8+3], 0FFh"], [298, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_360], 0"], [299, "jmp loc_41354E"], [300, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_2C8+5]"], [301, "movzx edx, al"], [302, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_2C8+6]"], [303, "movzx eax, al"], [304, "add rax, rdx"], [305, "cmp [rbp+n], rax"], [306, "jnz short loc_411A7D"], [307, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_2C8+5]"], [308, "movzx edx, al"], [309, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_2C8+6]"], [310, "movzx eax, al"], [311, "add rdx, rax"], [312, "lea rcx, [rbp+s2]"], [313, "lea rax, [rbp+s1]"], [314, "mov rsi, rcx"], [315, "mov rdi, rax"], [316, "call _memcmp"], [317, "test eax, eax"], [318, "jz loc_411C08"], [319, "cmp [rbp+var_24], 0"], [320, "jz loc_411B0D"], [321, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [322, "and eax, 100h"], [323, "test eax, eax"], [324, "jz short loc_411B0D"], [325, "cmp [rbp+var_38], 0"], [326, "jz short loc_411AB1"], [327, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [328, "mov rsi, rax"], [329, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [330, "call _fputc"], [331, "mov edx, [rbp+var_24]"], [332, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [333, "mov ecx, edx"], [334, "mov rdx, rax"], [335, "mov esi, 488h"], [336, "mov edi, 8598C9Bh"], [337, "mov eax, 0"], [338, "call sub_42B40B"], [339, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_2C]"], [340, "mov edx, [rbp+var_28]"], [341, "mov esi, [rbp+var_69C]"], [342, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [343, "mov rdi, rax"], [344, "call sub_41369D"], [345, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [346, "mov rcx, rax"], [347, "mov edx, 2"], [348, "mov esi, 1"], [349, "mov edi, offset asc_43B7CD"], [350, "call _fwrite"], [351, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_2C8+5]"], [352, "movzx edx, al"], [353, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_2C8+6]"], [354, "movzx eax, al"], [355, "add rax, rdx"], [356, "mov [rbp+n], rax"], [357, "mov rdx, [rbp+n]"], [358, "lea rcx, [rbp+s1]"], [359, "lea rax, [rbp+s2]"], [360, "mov rsi, rcx"], [361, "mov rdi, rax"], [362, "call _memcpy"], [363, "lea rdx, [rbp+s2]"], [364, "mov rax, [rbp+n]"], [365, "add rax, rdx"], [366, "mov byte ptr [rax], 0"], [367, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [368, "and eax, 40h"], [369, "test eax, eax"], [370, "jz short loc_411B8B"], [371, "lea rdx, [rbp+s2]"], [372, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [373, "mov rcx, rdx"], [374, "mov rdx, rax"], [375, "mov esi, 488h"], [376, "mov edi, 8598C83h"], [377, "mov eax, 0"], [378, "call sub_42B40B"], [379, "mov rax, [rbp+var_6A8]"], [380, "mov edx, [rax]"], [381, "mov eax, [rbp+var_24]"], [382, "add edx, eax"], [383, "mov rax, [rbp+var_6A8]"], [384, "mov [rax], edx"], [385, "mov rax, [rbp+var_6A8]"], [386, "mov edx, [rax+4]"], [387, "mov eax, [rbp+var_28]"], [388, "add edx, eax"], [389, "mov rax, [rbp+var_6A8]"], [390, "mov [rax+4], edx"], [391, "mov rax, [rbp+var_6A8]"], [392, "mov edx, [rax+8]"], [393, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2C]"], [394, "add edx, eax"], [395, "mov rax, [rbp+var_6A8]"], [396, "mov [rax+8], edx"], [397, "mov rax, [rbp+var_6A8]"], [398, "mov eax, [rax+0Ch]"], [399, "lea edx, [rax+1]"], [400, "mov rax, [rbp+var_6A8]"], [401, "mov [rax+0Ch], edx"], [402, "mov [rbp+var_24], 0"], [403, "mov [rbp+var_28], 0"], [404, "mov [rbp+var_2C], 0"], [405, "mov [rbp+var_38], 0"], [406, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_2C8+4]"], [407, "movzx eax, al"], [408, "cdqe"], [409, "mov byte ptr [rbp+rax+s1], 0"], [410, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_2C8+7]"], [411, "movzx edx, al"], [412, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_2C0]"], [413, "movzx eax, al"], [414, "add rdx, rax"], [415, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_2C0+1]"], [416, "movzx eax, al"], [417, "add rax, rdx"], [418, "mov [rbp+var_50], rax"], [419, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [420, "and eax, 25Fh"], [421, "cmp eax, 40h "], [422, "jnz loc_411D35"], [423, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [424, "and eax, 80h"], [425, "test eax, eax"], [426, "jz loc_41354A"], [427, "cmp [rbp+var_38], 0"], [428, "jz loc_411D08"], [429, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [430, "add rax, 14h"], [431, "mov rdx, 0CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCDh"], [432, "mul rdx"], [433, "shr rdx, 4"], [434, "mov rax, rdx"], [435, "shl rax, 2"], [436, "add rax, rdx"], [437, "shl rax, 2"], [438, "mov [rbp+var_78], rax"], [439, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_78]"], [440, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [441, "add rax, rdx"], [442, "cmp rax, 4Fh "], [443, "jbe short loc_411CD0"], [444, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [445, "mov rsi, rax"], [446, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [447, "call _fputc"], [448, "mov [rbp+var_38], 0"], [449, "jmp short loc_411D08"], [450, "mov rax, [rbp+var_78]"], [451, "mov edx, eax"], [452, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [453, "mov ecx, eax"], [454, "mov eax, edx"], [455, "sub eax, ecx"], [456, "mov edx, eax"], [457, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [458, "mov ecx, offset asc_43B7D6"], [459, "mov esi, offset aS_6"], [460, "mov rdi, rax"], [461, "mov eax, 0"], [462, "call _fprintf"], [463, "mov rax, [rbp+var_78]"], [464, "mov [rbp+var_38], rax"], [465, "lea rdx, [rbp+s1]"], [466, "mov rax, [rbp+n]"], [467, "add rdx, rax"], [468, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [469, "mov rsi, rax"], [470, "mov rdi, rdx"], [471, "call _fputs"], [472, "mov rax, [rbp+var_50]"], [473, "add [rbp+var_38], rax"], [474, "jmp loc_41354A"], [475, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [476, "and eax, 80h"], [477, "test eax, eax"], [478, "jz loc_411E21"], [479, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [480, "and eax, 40h"], [481, "test eax, eax"], [482, "jnz short loc_411D6E"], [483, "mov rdx, [rbp+stream]"], [484, "lea rax, [rbp+s2]"], [485, "mov rsi, rdx"], [486, "mov rdi, rax"], [487, "call _fputs"], [488, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [489, "and eax, 80000h"], [490, "test eax, eax"], [491, "jz short loc_411DFA"], [492, "cmp [rbp+var_50], 12h"], [493, "jbe short loc_411DD1"], [494, "lea rdx, [rbp+s1]"], [495, "mov rax, [rbp+n]"], [496, "add rdx, rax"], [497, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [498, "mov rsi, rax"], [499, "mov rdi, rdx"], [500, "call _fputs"], [501, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [502, "and eax, 1Fh"], [503, "test eax, eax"], [504, "jz short loc_411E21"], [505, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [506, "mov rcx, rax"], [507, "mov edx, 14h"], [508, "mov esi, 1"], [509, "mov edi, offset asc_43B7DC"], [510, "call _fwrite"], [511, "jmp short loc_411E21"], [512, "lea rdx, [rbp+s1]"], [513, "mov rax, [rbp+n]"], [514, "add rdx, rax"], [515, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [516, "mov esi, offset a19s"], [517, "mov rdi, rax"], [518, "mov eax, 0"], [519, "call _fprintf"], [520, "jmp short loc_411E21"], [521, "lea rdx, [rbp+s1]"], [522, "mov rax, [rbp+n]"], [523, "add rdx, rax"], [524, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [525, "mov esi, offset aS_7"], [526, "mov rdi, rax"], [527, "mov eax, 0"], [528, "call _fprintf"], [529, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [530, "mov rdi, rax"], [531, "call sub_425403"], [532, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [533, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [534, "and eax, 1"], [535, "test eax, eax"], [536, "jnz short loc_411E64"], [537, "mov rdx, [rbp+stream]"], [538, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [539, "mov esi, 400h"], [540, "mov edi, eax"], [541, "mov eax, 0"], [542, "call sub_42B40B"], [543, "mov [rbp+var_14], 1"], [544, "jmp loc_41354A"], [545, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [546, "mov rdi, rax"], [547, "call sub_424E7B"], [548, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [549, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [550, "and eax, 2"], [551, "test eax, eax"], [552, "jz loc_411F3F"], [553, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [554, "and eax, 200h"], [555, "test eax, eax"], [556, "jz short loc_411ECA"], [557, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [558, "and eax, 80000h"], [559, "test eax, eax"], [560, "jz short loc_411EAC"], [561, "mov edx, offset asc_43B7FB"], [562, "jmp short loc_411EB1"], [563, "mov edx, offset unk_43B805"], [564, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [565, "mov esi, offset aSfileId"], [566, "mov rdi, rax"], [567, "mov eax, 0"], [568, "call _fprintf"], [569, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_2F8+4]"], [570, "movzx esi, al"], [571, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_2F8+2]"], [572, "movzx ecx, ax"], [573, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_2F8+5]"], [574, "movzx eax, al"], [575, "shl eax, 10h"], [576, "mov edx, eax"], [577, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_2F8]"], [578, "movzx eax, ax"], [579, "or edx, eax"], [580, "lea rax, [rbp+var_550]"], [581, "mov r9d, esi"], [582, "mov r8d, ecx"], [583, "mov ecx, edx"], [584, "mov edx, offset aUUU"], [585, "mov esi, 1Eh"], [586, "mov rdi, rax"], [587, "mov eax, 0"], [588, "call _snprintf"], [589, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_550]"], [590, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [591, "mov esi, offset a22s"], [592, "mov rdi, rax"], [593, "mov eax, 0"], [594, "call _fprintf"], [595, "mov eax, dword ptr [rbp+var_368+4]"], [596, "add [rbp+var_2C], eax"], [597, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [598, "and eax, 10000h"], [599, "test eax, eax"], [600, "jz loc_412070"], [601, "mov eax, dword ptr [rbp+var_3D8+4]"], [602, "mov [rbp+var_3C], eax"], [603, "cmp [rbp+var_3C], 0"], [604, "jnz short loc_411F75"], [605, "mov eax, dword ptr [rbp+var_368+4]"], [606, "mov [rbp+var_3C], eax"], [607, "jmp short loc_411F85"], [608, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_3D8+2]"], [609, "test ax, ax"], [610, "jnz short loc_411F85"], [611, "sub [rbp+var_3C], 1"], [612, "mov eax, [rbp+var_3C]"], [613, "add [rbp+var_28], eax"], [614, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [615, "and eax, 80h"], [616, "test eax, eax"], [617, "jz loc_4120A1"], [618, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [619, "and eax, 200h"], [620, "test eax, eax"], [621, "jz short loc_411FD2"], [622, "mov edx, [rbp+var_3C]"], [623, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [624, "mov ecx, edx"], [625, "mov rdx, rax"], [626, "mov esi, 488h"], [627, "mov edi, 8598C8Bh"], [628, "mov eax, 0"], [629, "call sub_42B40B"], [630, "jmp short loc_411FEE"], [631, "mov edx, [rbp+var_3C]"], [632, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [633, "mov esi, offset a9u"], [634, "mov rdi, rax"], [635, "mov eax, 0"], [636, "call _fprintf"], [637, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [638, "and eax, 8200h"], [639, "test eax, eax"], [640, "jz short loc_41201C"], [641, "mov edx, dword ptr [rbp+var_368+4]"], [642, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [643, "mov esi, offset a9u_0"], [644, "mov rdi, rax"], [645, "mov eax, 0"], [646, "call _fprintf"], [647, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [648, "and eax, 8200h"], [649, "test eax, eax"], [650, "jz short loc_4120A1"], [651, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [652, "and eax, 80000h"], [653, "test eax, eax"], [654, "jz short loc_41205A"], [655, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [656, "mov rcx, rax"], [657, "mov edx, 3"], [658, "mov esi, 1"], [659, "mov edi, offset asc_43B82E"], [660, "call _fwrite"], [661, "jmp short loc_4120A1"], [662, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [663, "mov rsi, rax"], [664, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [665, "call _fputc"], [666, "jmp short loc_4120A1"], [667, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [668, "and eax, 8080h"], [669, "cmp eax, 8080h"], [670, "jnz short loc_4120A1"], [671, "mov edx, dword ptr [rbp+var_368+4]"], [672, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [673, "mov esi, offset a9u"], [674, "mov rdi, rax"], [675, "mov eax, 0"], [676, "call _fprintf"], [677, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [678, "and eax, 200h"], [679, "test eax, eax"], [680, "jz loc_41314F"], [681, "mov [rbp+var_554], 0"], [682, "mov eax, dword ptr [rbp+var_3E8+4]"], [683, "movzx ecx, ax"], [684, "mov eax, dword ptr [rbp+var_3E8+4]"], [685, "shr eax, 10h"], [686, "mov edx, eax"], [687, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [688, "mov r8d, ecx"], [689, "mov ecx, edx"], [690, "mov rdx, rax"], [691, "mov esi, 408h"], [692, "mov edi, 8598CBBh"], [693, "mov eax, 0"], [694, "call sub_42B40B"], [695, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [696, "mov rdx, rax"], [697, "mov esi, 488h"], [698, "mov edi, 8598CC3h"], [699, "mov eax, 0"], [700, "call sub_42B40B"], [701, "lea rax, [rbp+var_3C0]"], [702, "lea rcx, [rax+14h]"], [703, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [704, "mov edx, offset asc_43B832"], [705, "mov rsi, rcx"], [706, "mov rdi, rax"], [707, "call sub_405F48"], [708, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [709, "mov rdx, rax"], [710, "mov esi, 488h"], [711, "mov edi, 8598CCBh"], [712, "mov eax, 0"], [713, "call sub_42B40B"], [714, "lea rax, [rbp+var_3C0]"], [715, "lea rcx, [rax+24h]"], [716, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [717, "mov edx, offset asc_43B834"], [718, "mov rsi, rcx"], [719, "mov rdi, rax"], [720, "call sub_405F48"], [721, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_3B8+2]"], [722, "movzx edx, ax"], [723, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [724, "mov esi, offset aU"], [725, "mov rdi, rax"], [726, "mov eax, 0"], [727, "call _fprintf"], [728, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [729, "mov rdx, rax"], [730, "mov esi, 488h"], [731, "mov edi, 8598CD3h"], [732, "mov eax, 0"], [733, "call sub_42B40B"], [734, "lea rax, [rbp+var_3C0]"], [735, "lea rcx, [rax+1Ch]"], [736, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [737, "mov edx, offset asc_43B832"], [738, "mov rsi, rcx"], [739, "mov rdi, rax"], [740, "call sub_405F48"], [741, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [742, "mov rdx, rax"], [743, "mov esi, 488h"], [744, "mov edi, 8598CDBh"], [745, "mov eax, 0"], [746, "call sub_42B40B"], [747, "lea rax, [rbp+var_3C0]"], [748, "lea rcx, [rax+0Ch]"], [749, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [750, "mov edx, offset asc_43B832"], [751, "mov rsi, rcx"], [752, "mov rdi, rax"], [753, "call sub_405F48"], [754, "mov esi, 88h"], [755, "mov edi, 8598CE3h"], [756, "mov eax, 0"], [757, "call getmsg"], [758, "mov rdx, rax"], [759, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [760, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [761, "mov rsi, rcx"], [762, "mov rdi, rax"], [763, "mov eax, 0"], [764, "call sub_406080"], [765, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_350+4]"], [766, "movzx eax, al"], [767, "cmp eax, 20h "], [768, "jz loc_4122E8"], [769, "cmp eax, 20h "], [770, "jg loc_41231F"], [771, "test eax, eax"], [772, "jz short loc_412277"], [773, "cmp eax, 10h"], [774, "jz short loc_4122B1"], [775, "jmp loc_41231F"], [776, "mov esi, 88h"], [777, "mov edi, 8598CEBh"], [778, "mov eax, 0"], [779, "call getmsg"], [780, "mov rdx, rax"], [781, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [782, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [783, "mov rsi, rcx"], [784, "mov rdi, rax"], [785, "mov eax, 0"], [786, "call sub_406080"], [787, "jmp loc_41235E"], [788, "mov esi, 88h"], [789, "mov edi, 8598CF3h"], [790, "mov eax, 0"], [791, "call getmsg"], [792, "mov rdx, rax"], [793, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [794, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [795, "mov rsi, rcx"], [796, "mov rdi, rax"], [797, "mov eax, 0"], [798, "call sub_406080"], [799, "jmp short loc_41235E"], [800, "mov esi, 88h"], [801, "mov edi, 8598CFBh"], [802, "mov eax, 0"], [803, "call getmsg"], [804, "mov rdx, rax"], [805, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [806, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [807, "mov rsi, rcx"], [808, "mov rdi, rax"], [809, "mov eax, 0"], [810, "call sub_406080"], [811, "jmp short loc_41235E"], [812, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_350+4]"], [813, "movzx ebx, al"], [814, "mov esi, 88h"], [815, "mov edi, 8598D03h"], [816, "mov eax, 0"], [817, "call getmsg"], [818, "mov rdx, rax"], [819, "lea rsi, [rbp+var_554]"], [820, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [821, "mov ecx, ebx"], [822, "mov rdi, rax"], [823, "mov eax, 0"], [824, "call sub_406080"], [825, "nop"], [826, "mov esi, 88h"], [827, "mov edi, 8598D0Bh"], [828, "mov eax, 0"], [829, "call getmsg"], [830, "mov rdx, rax"], [831, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [832, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [833, "mov rsi, rcx"], [834, "mov rdi, rax"], [835, "mov eax, 0"], [836, "call sub_406080"], [837, "mov ebx, dword ptr [rbp+var_368+4]"], [838, "mov esi, 88h"], [839, "mov edi, 8598D13h"], [840, "mov eax, 0"], [841, "call getmsg"], [842, "mov rdx, rax"], [843, "lea rsi, [rbp+var_554]"], [844, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [845, "mov ecx, ebx"], [846, "mov rdi, rax"], [847, "mov eax, 0"], [848, "call sub_406080"], [849, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_358]"], [850, "movzx ebx, ax"], [851, "mov esi, 88h"], [852, "mov edi, 8598D1Bh"], [853, "mov eax, 0"], [854, "call getmsg"], [855, "mov rdx, rax"], [856, "lea rsi, [rbp+var_554]"], [857, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [858, "mov ecx, ebx"], [859, "mov rdi, rax"], [860, "mov eax, 0"], [861, "call sub_406080"], [862, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_358+4]"], [863, "movzx ebx, ax"], [864, "mov esi, 88h"], [865, "mov edi, 8598D23h"], [866, "mov eax, 0"], [867, "call getmsg"], [868, "mov rdx, rax"], [869, "lea rsi, [rbp+var_554]"], [870, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [871, "mov ecx, ebx"], [872, "mov rdi, rax"], [873, "mov eax, 0"], [874, "call sub_406080"], [875, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_3C8+2]"], [876, "test ax, ax"], [877, "jz short loc_412462"], [878, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_3C8+2]"], [879, "cmp ax, 7FFFh"], [880, "jnz short loc_4124E0"], [881, "mov eax, [rbp+var_290]"], [882, "test eax, eax"], [883, "jz short loc_4124A6"], [884, "mov esi, 88h"], [885, "mov edi, 8598D43h"], [886, "mov eax, 0"], [887, "call getmsg"], [888, "mov rdx, rax"], [889, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [890, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [891, "mov rsi, rcx"], [892, "mov rdi, rax"], [893, "mov eax, 0"], [894, "call sub_406080"], [895, "jmp loc_412568"], [896, "mov esi, 88h"], [897, "mov edi, 8598D3Bh"], [898, "mov eax, 0"], [899, "call getmsg"], [900, "mov rdx, rax"], [901, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [902, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [903, "mov rsi, rcx"], [904, "mov rdi, rax"], [905, "mov eax, 0"], [906, "call sub_406080"], [907, "jmp loc_412568"], [908, "mov eax, [rbp+var_290]"], [909, "test eax, eax"], [910, "jz short loc_41252A"], [911, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_3C8+2]"], [912, "movzx ebx, ax"], [913, "mov esi, 88h"], [914, "mov edi, 8598D33h"], [915, "mov eax, 0"], [916, "call getmsg"], [917, "mov rdx, rax"], [918, "lea rsi, [rbp+var_554]"], [919, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [920, "mov ecx, ebx"], [921, "mov rdi, rax"], [922, "mov eax, 0"], [923, "call sub_406080"], [924, "jmp short loc_412568"], [925, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_3C8+2]"], [926, "movzx ebx, ax"], [927, "mov esi, 88h"], [928, "mov edi, 8598D2Bh"], [929, "mov eax, 0"], [930, "call getmsg"], [931, "mov rdx, rax"], [932, "lea rsi, [rbp+var_554]"], [933, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [934, "mov ecx, ebx"], [935, "mov rdi, rax"], [936, "mov eax, 0"], [937, "call sub_406080"], [938, "mov eax, [rbp+var_28C]"], [939, "test eax, eax"], [940, "jz short loc_4125A7"], [941, "mov esi, 88h"], [942, "mov edi, 8598D4Bh"], [943, "mov eax, 0"], [944, "call getmsg"], [945, "mov rdx, rax"], [946, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [947, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [948, "mov rsi, rcx"], [949, "mov rdi, rax"], [950, "mov eax, 0"], [951, "call sub_406080"], [952, "mov eax, [rbp+var_288]"], [953, "test eax, eax"], [954, "jz short loc_4125E6"], [955, "mov esi, 88h"], [956, "mov edi, 8598D53h"], [957, "mov eax, 0"], [958, "call getmsg"], [959, "mov rdx, rax"], [960, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [961, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [962, "mov rsi, rcx"], [963, "mov rdi, rax"], [964, "mov eax, 0"], [965, "call sub_406080"], [966, "mov eax, [rbp+var_284]"], [967, "test eax, eax"], [968, "jz short loc_412625"], [969, "mov esi, 88h"], [970, "mov edi, 8598D5Bh"], [971, "mov eax, 0"], [972, "call getmsg"], [973, "mov rdx, rax"], [974, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [975, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [976, "mov rsi, rcx"], [977, "mov rdi, rax"], [978, "mov eax, 0"], [979, "call sub_406080"], [980, "mov eax, [rbp+var_290]"], [981, "test eax, eax"], [982, "jz short loc_412664"], [983, "mov esi, 88h"], [984, "mov edi, 8598D63h"], [985, "mov eax, 0"], [986, "call getmsg"], [987, "mov rdx, rax"], [988, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [989, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [990, "mov rsi, rcx"], [991, "mov rdi, rax"], [992, "mov eax, 0"], [993, "call sub_406080"], [994, "mov eax, [rbp+var_294]"], [995, "test eax, eax"], [996, "jz short loc_4126A3"], [997, "mov esi, 88h"], [998, "mov edi, 8598D6Bh"], [999, "mov eax, 0"], [1000, "call getmsg"], [1001, "mov rdx, rax"], [1002, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [1003, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1004, "mov rsi, rcx"], [1005, "mov rdi, rax"], [1006, "mov eax, 0"], [1007, "call sub_406080"], [1008, "mov eax, [rbp+var_298]"], [1009, "test eax, eax"], [1010, "jz short loc_4126E2"], [1011, "mov esi, 88h"], [1012, "mov edi, 8598D73h"], [1013, "mov eax, 0"], [1014, "call getmsg"], [1015, "mov rdx, rax"], [1016, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [1017, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1018, "mov rsi, rcx"], [1019, "mov rdi, rax"], [1020, "mov eax, 0"], [1021, "call sub_406080"], [1022, "mov eax, [rbp+var_29C]"], [1023, "test eax, eax"], [1024, "jz short loc_412721"], [1025, "mov esi, 88h"], [1026, "mov edi, 8598D7Bh"], [1027, "mov eax, 0"], [1028, "call getmsg"], [1029, "mov rdx, rax"], [1030, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [1031, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1032, "mov rsi, rcx"], [1033, "mov rdi, rax"], [1034, "mov eax, 0"], [1035, "call sub_406080"], [1036, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2A0]"], [1037, "test eax, eax"], [1038, "jz short loc_412760"], [1039, "mov esi, 88h"], [1040, "mov edi, 8598D83h"], [1041, "mov eax, 0"], [1042, "call getmsg"], [1043, "mov rdx, rax"], [1044, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [1045, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1046, "mov rsi, rcx"], [1047, "mov rdi, rax"], [1048, "mov eax, 0"], [1049, "call sub_406080"], [1050, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2A4]"], [1051, "test eax, eax"], [1052, "jz short loc_41279F"], [1053, "mov esi, 88h"], [1054, "mov edi, 8598D8Bh"], [1055, "mov eax, 0"], [1056, "call getmsg"], [1057, "mov rdx, rax"], [1058, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [1059, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1060, "mov rsi, rcx"], [1061, "mov rdi, rax"], [1062, "mov eax, 0"], [1063, "call sub_406080"], [1064, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2AC]"], [1065, "test eax, eax"], [1066, "jz short loc_4127DE"], [1067, "mov esi, 88h"], [1068, "mov edi, 8598D93h"], [1069, "mov eax, 0"], [1070, "call getmsg"], [1071, "mov rdx, rax"], [1072, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [1073, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1074, "mov rsi, rcx"], [1075, "mov rdi, rax"], [1076, "mov eax, 0"], [1077, "call sub_406080"], [1078, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2A8]"], [1079, "test eax, eax"], [1080, "jz short loc_41281D"], [1081, "mov esi, 88h"], [1082, "mov edi, 8598D9Bh"], [1083, "mov eax, 0"], [1084, "call getmsg"], [1085, "mov rdx, rax"], [1086, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [1087, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1088, "mov rsi, rcx"], [1089, "mov rdi, rax"], [1090, "mov eax, 0"], [1091, "call sub_406080"], [1092, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [1093, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1094, "mov edx, offset asc_43B832"], [1095, "mov rsi, rcx"], [1096, "mov rdi, rax"], [1097, "mov eax, 0"], [1098, "call sub_406080"], [1099, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_3D8+2]"], [1100, "movzx r12d, ax"], [1101, "mov ebx, dword ptr [rbp+var_3D8+4]"], [1102, "mov esi, 88h"], [1103, "mov edi, 8598DA3h"], [1104, "mov eax, 0"], [1105, "call getmsg"], [1106, "mov rdx, rax"], [1107, "lea rsi, [rbp+var_554]"], [1108, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1109, "mov r8d, r12d"], [1110, "mov ecx, ebx"], [1111, "mov rdi, rax"], [1112, "mov eax, 0"], [1113, "call sub_406080"], [1114, "mov esi, 88h"], [1115, "mov edi, 8598DABh"], [1116, "mov eax, 0"], [1117, "call getmsg"], [1118, "mov rdx, rax"], [1119, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [1120, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1121, "mov rsi, rcx"], [1122, "mov rdi, rax"], [1123, "mov eax, 0"], [1124, "call sub_406080"], [1125, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_350+6]"], [1126, "movzx eax, al"], [1127, "cmp eax, 6"], [1128, "ja short def_4128D6"], [1129, "mov eax, eax"], [1130, "mov rax, ds:jpt_4128D6[rax*8]"], [1131, "jmp rax"], [1132, "mov esi, 88h"], [1133, "mov edi, 8598DB3h"], [1134, "mov eax, 0"], [1135, "call getmsg"], [1136, "mov rdx, rax"], [1137, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [1138, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1139, "mov rsi, rcx"], [1140, "mov rdi, rax"], [1141, "mov eax, 0"], [1142, "call sub_406080"], [1143, "jmp loc_412A9F"], [1144, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_358+6]"], [1145, "movzx ebx, ax"], [1146, "mov esi, 88h"], [1147, "mov edi, 8598DBBh"], [1148, "mov eax, 0"], [1149, "call getmsg"], [1150, "mov rdx, rax"], [1151, "lea rsi, [rbp+var_554]"], [1152, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1153, "mov ecx, ebx"], [1154, "mov rdi, rax"], [1155, "mov eax, 0"], [1156, "call sub_406080"], [1157, "jmp loc_412A9F"], [1158, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_3D0+4]"], [1159, "movzx ebx, ax"], [1160, "mov esi, 88h"], [1161, "mov edi, 8598DC3h"], [1162, "mov eax, 0"], [1163, "call getmsg"], [1164, "mov rdx, rax"], [1165, "lea rsi, [rbp+var_554]"], [1166, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1167, "mov ecx, ebx"], [1168, "mov rdi, rax"], [1169, "mov eax, 0"], [1170, "call sub_406080"], [1171, "jmp loc_412A9F"], [1172, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_3D0+4]"], [1173, "movzx r12d, ax"], [1174, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_350+3]"], [1175, "test al, al"], [1176, "jz short loc_4129BA"], [1177, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_350+3]"], [1178, "movzx ebx, al"], [1179, "jmp short loc_4129BF"], [1180, "mov ebx, 2"], [1181, "mov esi, 88h"], [1182, "mov edi, 8598DCBh"], [1183, "mov eax, 0"], [1184, "call getmsg"], [1185, "mov rdx, rax"], [1186, "lea rsi, [rbp+var_554]"], [1187, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1188, "mov r8d, r12d"], [1189, "mov ecx, ebx"], [1190, "mov rdi, rax"], [1191, "mov eax, 0"], [1192, "call sub_406080"], [1193, "jmp loc_412A9F"], [1194, "mov esi, 88h"], [1195, "mov edi, 8598DD3h"], [1196, "mov eax, 0"], [1197, "call getmsg"], [1198, "mov rdx, rax"], [1199, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [1200, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1201, "mov rsi, rcx"], [1202, "mov rdi, rax"], [1203, "mov eax, 0"], [1204, "call sub_406080"], [1205, "jmp short loc_412A9F"], [1206, "mov esi, 88h"], [1207, "mov edi, 8598DDBh"], [1208, "mov eax, 0"], [1209, "call getmsg"], [1210, "mov rdx, rax"], [1211, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [1212, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1213, "mov rsi, rcx"], [1214, "mov rdi, rax"], [1215, "mov eax, 0"], [1216, "call sub_406080"], [1217, "jmp short loc_412A9F"], [1218, "mov esi, 88h"], [1219, "mov edi, 8598DE3h"], [1220, "mov eax, 0"], [1221, "call getmsg"], [1222, "mov rdx, rax"], [1223, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [1224, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1225, "mov rsi, rcx"], [1226, "mov rdi, rax"], [1227, "mov eax, 0"], [1228, "call sub_406080"], [1229, "nop"], [1230, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [1231, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1232, "mov edx, offset asc_43B832"], [1233, "mov rsi, rcx"], [1234, "mov rdi, rax"], [1235, "mov eax, 0"], [1236, "call sub_406080"], [1237, "mov esi, 88h"], [1238, "mov edi, 8598DEBh"], [1239, "mov eax, 0"], [1240, "call getmsg"], [1241, "mov rdx, rax"], [1242, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [1243, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1244, "mov rsi, rcx"], [1245, "mov rdi, rax"], [1246, "mov eax, 0"], [1247, "call sub_406080"], [1248, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_350+5]"], [1249, "test al, al"], [1250, "jnz short loc_412B3C"], [1251, "mov esi, 88h"], [1252, "mov edi, 8598DF3h"], [1253, "mov eax, 0"], [1254, "call getmsg"], [1255, "mov rdx, rax"], [1256, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_554]"], [1257, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1258, "mov rsi, rcx"], [1259, "mov rdi, rax"], [1260, "mov eax, 0"], [1261, "call sub_406080"], [1262, "jmp loc_412C90"], [1263, "mov [rbp+var_48], offset unk_43B805"], [1264, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_350+5]"], [1265, "movzx eax, al"], [1266, "and eax, 1"], [1267, "test eax, eax"], [1268, "jz short loc_412B99"], [1269, "mov esi, 88h"], [1270, "mov edi, 8598DFBh"], [1271, "mov eax, 0"], [1272, "call getmsg"], [1273, "mov rdi, rax"], [1274, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_48]"], [1275, "lea rsi, [rbp+var_554]"], [1276, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1277, "mov rcx, rdx"], [1278, "mov rdx, rdi"], [1279, "mov rdi, rax"], [1280, "mov eax, 0"], [1281, "call sub_406080"], [1282, "mov [rbp+var_48], offset asc_43B83C"], [1283, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_350+5]"], [1284, "movzx eax, al"], [1285, "and eax, 2"], [1286, "test eax, eax"], [1287, "jz short loc_412BEE"], [1288, "mov esi, 88h"], [1289, "mov edi, 8598E03h"], [1290, "mov eax, 0"], [1291, "call getmsg"], [1292, "mov rdi, rax"], [1293, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_48]"], [1294, "lea rsi, [rbp+var_554]"], [1295, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1296, "mov rcx, rdx"], [1297, "mov rdx, rdi"], [1298, "mov rdi, rax"], [1299, "mov eax, 0"], [1300, "call sub_406080"], [1301, "mov [rbp+var_48], offset asc_43B83C"], [1302, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_350+5]"], [1303, "movzx eax, al"], [1304, "and eax, 4"], [1305, "test eax, eax"], [1306, "jz short loc_412C43"], [1307, "mov esi, 88h"], [1308, "mov edi, 8598E0Bh"], [1309, "mov eax, 0"], [1310, "call getmsg"], [1311, "mov rdi, rax"], [1312, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_48]"], [1313, "lea rsi, [rbp+var_554]"], [1314, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1315, "mov rcx, rdx"], [1316, "mov rdx, rdi"], [1317, "mov rdi, rax"], [1318, "mov eax, 0"], [1319, "call sub_406080"], [1320, "mov [rbp+var_48], offset asc_43B83C"], [1321, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_350+5]"], [1322, "movzx eax, al"], [1323, "and eax, 8"], [1324, "test eax, eax"], [1325, "jz short loc_412C90"], [1326, "mov esi, 88h"], [1327, "mov edi, 8598E13h"], [1328, "mov eax, 0"], [1329, "call getmsg"], [1330, "mov rdi, rax"], [1331, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_48]"], [1332, "lea rsi, [rbp+var_554]"], [1333, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1334, "mov rcx, rdx"], [1335, "mov rdx, rdi"], [1336, "mov rdi, rax"], [1337, "mov eax, 0"], [1338, "call sub_406080"], [1339, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1340, "mov rsi, rax"], [1341, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [1342, "call _fputc"], [1343, "mov esi, 88h"], [1344, "mov edi, 8598E1Bh"], [1345, "mov eax, 0"], [1346, "call getmsg"], [1347, "mov rdx, rax"], [1348, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1349, "mov rsi, rdx"], [1350, "mov rdi, rax"], [1351, "mov eax, 0"], [1352, "call _fprintf"], [1353, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_3E8+2]"], [1354, "movzx eax, ax"], [1355, "and eax, 0Fh"], [1356, "not eax"], [1357, "mov [rbp+var_64], eax"], [1358, "mov eax, [rbp+var_64]"], [1359, "and eax, 1"], [1360, "test eax, eax"], [1361, "jz short loc_412D02"], [1362, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1363, "mov rsi, rax"], [1364, "mov edi, 52h "], [1365, "call _fputc"], [1366, "mov eax, [rbp+var_64]"], [1367, "and eax, 2"], [1368, "test eax, eax"], [1369, "jz short loc_412D20"], [1370, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1371, "mov rsi, rax"], [1372, "mov edi, 57h "], [1373, "call _fputc"], [1374, "mov eax, [rbp+var_64]"], [1375, "and eax, 4"], [1376, "test eax, eax"], [1377, "jz short loc_412D3E"], [1378, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1379, "mov rsi, rax"], [1380, "mov edi, 45h "], [1381, "call _fputc"], [1382, "mov eax, [rbp+var_64]"], [1383, "and eax, 8"], [1384, "test eax, eax"], [1385, "jz short loc_412D5C"], [1386, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1387, "mov rsi, rax"], [1388, "mov edi, 44h "], [1389, "call _fputc"], [1390, "mov esi, 88h"], [1391, "mov edi, 8598E23h"], [1392, "mov eax, 0"], [1393, "call getmsg"], [1394, "mov rdx, rax"], [1395, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1396, "mov rsi, rdx"], [1397, "mov rdi, rax"], [1398, "mov eax, 0"], [1399, "call _fprintf"], [1400, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_3E8+2]"], [1401, "shr ax, 4"], [1402, "movzx eax, ax"], [1403, "and eax, 0Fh"], [1404, "not eax"], [1405, "mov [rbp+var_68], eax"], [1406, "mov eax, [rbp+var_68]"], [1407, "and eax, 1"], [1408, "test eax, eax"], [1409, "jz short loc_412DBE"], [1410, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1411, "mov rsi, rax"], [1412, "mov edi, 52h "], [1413, "call _fputc"], [1414, "mov eax, [rbp+var_68]"], [1415, "and eax, 2"], [1416, "test eax, eax"], [1417, "jz short loc_412DDC"], [1418, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1419, "mov rsi, rax"], [1420, "mov edi, 57h "], [1421, "call _fputc"], [1422, "mov eax, [rbp+var_68]"], [1423, "and eax, 4"], [1424, "test eax, eax"], [1425, "jz short loc_412DFA"], [1426, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1427, "mov rsi, rax"], [1428, "mov edi, 45h "], [1429, "call _fputc"], [1430, "mov eax, [rbp+var_68]"], [1431, "and eax, 8"], [1432, "test eax, eax"], [1433, "jz short loc_412E18"], [1434, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1435, "mov rsi, rax"], [1436, "mov edi, 44h "], [1437, "call _fputc"], [1438, "mov esi, 88h"], [1439, "mov edi, 8598E2Bh"], [1440, "mov eax, 0"], [1441, "call getmsg"], [1442, "mov rdx, rax"], [1443, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1444, "mov rsi, rdx"], [1445, "mov rdi, rax"], [1446, "mov eax, 0"], [1447, "call _fprintf"], [1448, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_3E8+2]"], [1449, "shr ax, 8"], [1450, "movzx eax, ax"], [1451, "and eax, 0Fh"], [1452, "not eax"], [1453, "mov [rbp+var_6C], eax"], [1454, "mov eax, [rbp+var_6C]"], [1455, "and eax, 1"], [1456, "test eax, eax"], [1457, "jz short loc_412E7A"], [1458, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1459, "mov rsi, rax"], [1460, "mov edi, 52h "], [1461, "call _fputc"], [1462, "mov eax, [rbp+var_6C]"], [1463, "and eax, 2"], [1464, "test eax, eax"], [1465, "jz short loc_412E98"], [1466, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1467, "mov rsi, rax"], [1468, "mov edi, 57h "], [1469, "call _fputc"], [1470, "mov eax, [rbp+var_6C]"], [1471, "and eax, 4"], [1472, "test eax, eax"], [1473, "jz short loc_412EB6"], [1474, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1475, "mov rsi, rax"], [1476, "mov edi, 45h "], [1477, "call _fputc"], [1478, "mov eax, [rbp+var_6C]"], [1479, "and eax, 8"], [1480, "test eax, eax"], [1481, "jz short loc_412ED4"], [1482, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1483, "mov rsi, rax"], [1484, "mov edi, 44h "], [1485, "call _fputc"], [1486, "mov esi, 88h"], [1487, "mov edi, 8598E33h"], [1488, "mov eax, 0"], [1489, "call getmsg"], [1490, "mov rdx, rax"], [1491, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1492, "mov rsi, rdx"], [1493, "mov rdi, rax"], [1494, "mov eax, 0"], [1495, "call _fprintf"], [1496, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_3E8+2]"], [1497, "shr ax, 0Ch"], [1498, "movzx eax, ax"], [1499, "and eax, 0Fh"], [1500, "not eax"], [1501, "mov [rbp+var_70], eax"], [1502, "mov eax, [rbp+var_70]"], [1503, "and eax, 1"], [1504, "test eax, eax"], [1505, "jz short loc_412F36"], [1506, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1507, "mov rsi, rax"], [1508, "mov edi, 52h "], [1509, "call _fputc"], [1510, "mov eax, [rbp+var_70]"], [1511, "and eax, 2"], [1512, "test eax, eax"], [1513, "jz short loc_412F54"], [1514, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1515, "mov rsi, rax"], [1516, "mov edi, 57h "], [1517, "call _fputc"], [1518, "mov eax, [rbp+var_70]"], [1519, "and eax, 4"], [1520, "test eax, eax"], [1521, "jz short loc_412F72"], [1522, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1523, "mov rsi, rax"], [1524, "mov edi, 45h "], [1525, "call _fputc"], [1526, "mov eax, [rbp+var_70]"], [1527, "and eax, 8"], [1528, "test eax, eax"], [1529, "jz short loc_412F90"], [1530, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1531, "mov rsi, rax"], [1532, "mov edi, 44h "], [1533, "call _fputc"], [1534, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1535, "mov rsi, rax"], [1536, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [1537, "call _fputc"], [1538, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [1539, "and eax, 40000h"], [1540, "test eax, eax"], [1541, "jz loc_413527"], [1542, "mov [rbp+var_574], 0"], [1543, "mov [rbp+ptr], 0"], [1544, "mov [rbp+var_590], 1"], [1545, "lea rax, [rbp+var_570]"], [1546, "mov edx, 10h"], [1547, "mov esi, 0"], [1548, "mov rdi, rax"], [1549, "call _memset"], [1550, "mov [rbp+var_56E], 0"], [1551, "mov [rbp+var_56D], 0"], [1552, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_2C8+5]"], [1553, "movzx eax, al"], [1554, "mov [rbp+var_570], ax"], [1555, "mov rax, [rbp+var_330]"], [1556, "mov [rbp+var_568], rax"], [1557, "mov eax, dword ptr [rbp+var_2F8]"], [1558, "mov [rbp+var_58C], eax"], [1559, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_2F8+4]"], [1560, "mov [rbp+var_588], ax"], [1561, "lea rdi, [rbp+ptr]"], [1562, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_574]"], [1563, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_58C]"], [1564, "lea rsi, [rbp+var_570]"], [1565, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1566, "mov r8, rdi"], [1567, "mov rdi, rax"], [1568, "call sub_413771"], [1569, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [1570, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [1571, "and eax, 1"], [1572, "test eax, eax"], [1573, "jz short loc_413094"], [1574, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_574]"], [1575, "mov rsi, [rbp+ptr]"], [1576, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_590]"], [1577, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1578, "mov rdi, rax"], [1579, "call sub_413D71"], [1580, "mov eax, [rbp+var_58C]"], [1581, "mov [rbp+var_586], eax"], [1582, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_588]"], [1583, "mov [rbp+var_582], ax"], [1584, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [1585, "mov edx, [rax+0Eh]"], [1586, "mov [rbp+var_58C], edx"], [1587, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax+12h]"], [1588, "mov [rbp+var_588], ax"], [1589, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [1590, "mov rdi, rax"], [1591, "call _free"], [1592, "mov [rbp+ptr], 0"], [1593, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [1594, "and eax, 1"], [1595, "test eax, eax"], [1596, "jz loc_413527"], [1597, "movzx edx, word ptr [rbp+var_58C]"], [1598, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_58C+2]"], [1599, "or eax, edx"], [1600, "movzx edx, ax"], [1601, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_588]"], [1602, "movzx eax, al"], [1603, "or edx, eax"], [1604, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_588+1]"], [1605, "movzx eax, al"], [1606, "or eax, edx"], [1607, "test eax, eax"], [1608, "jz loc_413527"], [1609, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_586]"], [1610, "lea rax, [rbp+var_58C]"], [1611, "mov edx, 6"], [1612, "mov rsi, rcx"], [1613, "mov rdi, rax"], [1614, "call _memcmp"], [1615, "test eax, eax"], [1616, "jnz loc_413036"], [1617, "jmp loc_413527"], [1618, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [1619, "and eax, 1"], [1620, "test eax, eax"], [1621, "jz loc_413230"], [1622, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [1623, "and eax, 1000h"], [1624, "test eax, eax"], [1625, "jz short loc_413194"], [1626, "lea rax, [rbp+var_3C0]"], [1627, "lea rcx, [rax+14h]"], [1628, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1629, "mov edx, 0"], [1630, "mov rsi, rcx"], [1631, "mov rdi, rax"], [1632, "call sub_405F48"], [1633, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [1634, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [1635, "and eax, 4000h"], [1636, "test eax, eax"], [1637, "jz short loc_4131C8"], [1638, "lea rax, [rbp+var_3C0]"], [1639, "lea rcx, [rax+24h]"], [1640, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1641, "mov edx, 0"], [1642, "mov rsi, rcx"], [1643, "mov rdi, rax"], [1644, "call sub_405F48"], [1645, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [1646, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [1647, "and eax, 2000h"], [1648, "test eax, eax"], [1649, "jz short loc_4131FC"], [1650, "lea rax, [rbp+var_3C0]"], [1651, "lea rcx, [rax+1Ch]"], [1652, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1653, "mov edx, 0"], [1654, "mov rsi, rcx"], [1655, "mov rdi, rax"], [1656, "call sub_405F48"], [1657, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [1658, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [1659, "and eax, 800h"], [1660, "test eax, eax"], [1661, "jz short loc_413230"], [1662, "lea rax, [rbp+var_3C0]"], [1663, "lea rcx, [rax+0Ch]"], [1664, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1665, "mov edx, 0"], [1666, "mov rsi, rcx"], [1667, "mov rdi, rax"], [1668, "call sub_405F48"], [1669, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [1670, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [1671, "and eax, 4"], [1672, "test eax, eax"], [1673, "jz short loc_413274"], [1674, "mov eax, dword ptr [rbp+var_3E8+4]"], [1675, "movzx ecx, ax"], [1676, "mov eax, dword ptr [rbp+var_3E8+4]"], [1677, "shr eax, 10h"], [1678, "mov edx, eax"], [1679, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1680, "mov r8d, ecx"], [1681, "mov ecx, edx"], [1682, "mov rdx, rax"], [1683, "mov esi, 488h"], [1684, "mov edi, 8598E3Bh"], [1685, "mov eax, 0"], [1686, "call sub_42B40B"], [1687, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [1688, "and eax, 8"], [1689, "test eax, eax"], [1690, "jz loc_413527"], [1691, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1692, "mov rcx, rax"], [1693, "mov edx, 3"], [1694, "mov esi, 1"], [1695, "mov edi, offset asc_43B83F"], [1696, "call _fwrite"], [1697, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_3E8+2]"], [1698, "movzx eax, ax"], [1699, "and eax, 0Fh"], [1700, "not eax"], [1701, "mov [rbp+var_54], eax"], [1702, "mov eax, [rbp+var_54]"], [1703, "and eax, 1"], [1704, "test eax, eax"], [1705, "jz short loc_4132D3"], [1706, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1707, "mov rsi, rax"], [1708, "mov edi, 52h "], [1709, "call _fputc"], [1710, "mov eax, [rbp+var_54]"], [1711, "and eax, 2"], [1712, "test eax, eax"], [1713, "jz short loc_4132F1"], [1714, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1715, "mov rsi, rax"], [1716, "mov edi, 57h "], [1717, "call _fputc"], [1718, "mov eax, [rbp+var_54]"], [1719, "and eax, 4"], [1720, "test eax, eax"], [1721, "jz short loc_41330F"], [1722, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1723, "mov rsi, rax"], [1724, "mov edi, 45h "], [1725, "call _fputc"], [1726, "mov eax, [rbp+var_54]"], [1727, "and eax, 8"], [1728, "test eax, eax"], [1729, "jz short loc_41332D"], [1730, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1731, "mov rsi, rax"], [1732, "mov edi, 44h "], [1733, "call _fputc"], [1734, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1735, "mov rsi, rax"], [1736, "mov edi, 2Ch "], [1737, "call _fputc"], [1738, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_3E8+2]"], [1739, "shr ax, 4"], [1740, "movzx eax, ax"], [1741, "and eax, 0Fh"], [1742, "not eax"], [1743, "mov [rbp+var_58], eax"], [1744, "mov eax, [rbp+var_58]"], [1745, "and eax, 1"], [1746, "test eax, eax"], [1747, "jz short loc_413375"], [1748, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1749, "mov rsi, rax"], [1750, "mov edi, 52h "], [1751, "call _fputc"], [1752, "mov eax, [rbp+var_58]"], [1753, "and eax, 2"], [1754, "test eax, eax"], [1755, "jz short loc_413393"], [1756, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1757, "mov rsi, rax"], [1758, "mov edi, 57h "], [1759, "call _fputc"], [1760, "mov eax, [rbp+var_58]"], [1761, "and eax, 4"], [1762, "test eax, eax"], [1763, "jz short loc_4133B1"], [1764, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1765, "mov rsi, rax"], [1766, "mov edi, 45h "], [1767, "call _fputc"], [1768, "mov eax, [rbp+var_58]"], [1769, "and eax, 8"], [1770, "test eax, eax"], [1771, "jz short loc_4133CF"], [1772, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1773, "mov rsi, rax"], [1774, "mov edi, 44h "], [1775, "call _fputc"], [1776, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1777, "mov rsi, rax"], [1778, "mov edi, 2Ch "], [1779, "call _fputc"], [1780, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_3E8+2]"], [1781, "shr ax, 8"], [1782, "movzx eax, ax"], [1783, "and eax, 0Fh"], [1784, "not eax"], [1785, "mov [rbp+var_5C], eax"], [1786, "mov eax, [rbp+var_5C]"], [1787, "and eax, 1"], [1788, "test eax, eax"], [1789, "jz short loc_413417"], [1790, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1791, "mov rsi, rax"], [1792, "mov edi, 52h "], [1793, "call _fputc"], [1794, "mov eax, [rbp+var_5C]"], [1795, "and eax, 2"], [1796, "test eax, eax"], [1797, "jz short loc_413435"], [1798, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1799, "mov rsi, rax"], [1800, "mov edi, 57h "], [1801, "call _fputc"], [1802, "mov eax, [rbp+var_5C]"], [1803, "and eax, 4"], [1804, "test eax, eax"], [1805, "jz short loc_413453"], [1806, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1807, "mov rsi, rax"], [1808, "mov edi, 45h "], [1809, "call _fputc"], [1810, "mov eax, [rbp+var_5C]"], [1811, "and eax, 8"], [1812, "test eax, eax"], [1813, "jz short loc_413471"], [1814, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1815, "mov rsi, rax"], [1816, "mov edi, 44h "], [1817, "call _fputc"], [1818, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1819, "mov rsi, rax"], [1820, "mov edi, 2Ch "], [1821, "call _fputc"], [1822, "movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+var_3E8+2]"], [1823, "shr ax, 0Ch"], [1824, "movzx eax, ax"], [1825, "and eax, 0Fh"], [1826, "not eax"], [1827, "mov [rbp+var_60], eax"], [1828, "mov eax, [rbp+var_60]"], [1829, "and eax, 1"], [1830, "test eax, eax"], [1831, "jz short loc_4134B9"], [1832, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1833, "mov rsi, rax"], [1834, "mov edi, 52h "], [1835, "call _fputc"], [1836, "mov eax, [rbp+var_60]"], [1837, "and eax, 2"], [1838, "test eax, eax"], [1839, "jz short loc_4134D7"], [1840, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1841, "mov rsi, rax"], [1842, "mov edi, 57h "], [1843, "call _fputc"], [1844, "mov eax, [rbp+var_60]"], [1845, "and eax, 4"], [1846, "test eax, eax"], [1847, "jz short loc_4134F5"], [1848, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1849, "mov rsi, rax"], [1850, "mov edi, 45h "], [1851, "call _fputc"], [1852, "mov eax, [rbp+var_60]"], [1853, "and eax, 8"], [1854, "test eax, eax"], [1855, "jz short loc_413513"], [1856, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1857, "mov rsi, rax"], [1858, "mov edi, 44h "], [1859, "call _fputc"], [1860, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1861, "mov rsi, rax"], [1862, "mov edi, 29h "], [1863, "call _fputc"], [1864, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [1865, "and eax, 80h"], [1866, "test eax, eax"], [1867, "jz short loc_41354A"], [1868, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1869, "mov rsi, rax"], [1870, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [1871, "call _fputc"], [1872, "add [rbp+var_24], 1"], [1873, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [1874, "and eax, 1"], [1875, "test eax, eax"], [1876, "jz short loc_413578"], [1877, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [1878, "mov rdi, rax"], [1879, "call sub_421AD4"], [1880, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [1881, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [1882, "and eax, 1"], [1883, "test eax, eax"], [1884, "jnz loc_411A28"], [1885, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 182CAh"], [1886, "jnz short loc_413588"], [1887, "mov [rbp+var_14], 1"], [1888, "cmp [rbp+var_38], 0"], [1889, "jz short loc_4135A3"], [1890, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1891, "mov rsi, rax"], [1892, "mov edi, 0Ah"], [1893, "call _fputc"], [1894, "mov eax, [rbp+var_69C]"], [1895, "and eax, 100h"], [1896, "test eax, eax"], [1897, "jz short loc_41360E"], [1898, "mov edx, [rbp+var_24]"], [1899, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1900, "mov ecx, edx"], [1901, "mov rdx, rax"], [1902, "mov esi, 488h"], [1903, "mov edi, 8598C9Bh"], [1904, "mov eax, 0"], [1905, "call sub_42B40B"], [1906, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_2C]"], [1907, "mov edx, [rbp+var_28]"], [1908, "mov esi, [rbp+var_69C]"], [1909, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1910, "mov rdi, rax"], [1911, "call sub_41369D"], [1912, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [1913, "mov rcx, rax"], [1914, "mov edx, 2"], [1915, "mov esi, 1"], [1916, "mov edi, offset asc_43B7CD"], [1917, "call _fwrite"], [1918, "mov rax, [rbp+var_6A8]"], [1919, "mov edx, [rax]"], [1920, "mov eax, [rbp+var_24]"], [1921, "add edx, eax"], [1922, "mov rax, [rbp+var_6A8]"], [1923, "mov [rax], edx"], [1924, "mov rax, [rbp+var_6A8]"], [1925, "mov edx, [rax+4]"], [1926, "mov eax, [rbp+var_28]"], [1927, "add edx, eax"], [1928, "mov rax, [rbp+var_6A8]"], [1929, "mov [rax+4], edx"], [1930, "mov rax, [rbp+var_6A8]"], [1931, "mov edx, [rax+8]"], [1932, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2C]"], [1933, "add edx, eax"], [1934, "mov rax, [rbp+var_6A8]"], [1935, "mov [rax+8], edx"], [1936, "mov byte ptr [rbp+var_350+1], 0"], [1937, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_350+1]"], [1938, "mov byte ptr [rbp+var_2C8+1], al"], [1939, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rbp+var_2C8+1]"], [1940, "mov byte ptr [rbp+var_350], al"], [1941, "mov byte ptr [rbp+var_2C0+2], 8"], [1942, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [1943, "mov rdi, rax"], [1944, "call sub_42302D"], [1945, "mov eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [1946, "add rsp, 6A0h"], [1947, "pop rbx"], [1948, "pop r12"], [1949, "pop rbp"], [1950, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[87, 85], [88, 86], [91, 89], [92, 90], [95, 93], [96, 94], [99, 97], [100, 98], [103, 101], [104, 102], [107, 105], [108, 106], [111, 109], [112, 110], [115, 113], [116, 114], [118, 117], [121, 119], [122, 120], [125, 123], [126, 124], [129, 127], [130, 128], [133, 131], [134, 132], [137, 135], [138, 136], [141, 139], [142, 140], [145, 143], [146, 144], [149, 147], [150, 148], [153, 151], [154, 152], [157, 155], [158, 156], [161, 159], [162, 160], [165, 163], [166, 164], [168, 167], [169, 167], [172, 169], [173, 171], [175, 169], [175, 9], [176, 175], [178, 176], [178, 175], [179, 178], [180, 141], [180, 178], [181, 180], [182, 153], [182, 180], [183, 182], [184, 161], [184, 182], [185, 184], [186, 184], [186, 165], [187, 186], [188, 73], [188, 186], [189, 188], [190, 188], [190, 84], [191, 190], [192, 190], [192, 75], [193, 192], [194, 192], [194, 84], [195, 194], [196, 74], [196, 194], [197, 196], [198, 84], [198, 196], [199, 198], [200, 76], [200, 198], [201, 200], [202, 84], [202, 200], [203, 202], [204, 77], [204, 202], [205, 204], [206, 204], [206, 84], [207, 206], [208, 78], [208, 206], [209, 208], [210, 84], [210, 208], [211, 210], [212, 210], [212, 79], [213, 212], [214, 212], [214, 84], [215, 214], [216, 80], [216, 214], [217, 216], [218, 216], [218, 84], [219, 218], [220, 81], [220, 218], [221, 220], [222, 84], [222, 220], [223, 222], [224, 222], [224, 83], [225, 224], [226, 224], [226, 84], [227, 226], [228, 226], [228, 82], [229, 228], [230, 228], [230, 84], [231, 230], [233, 230], [234, 233], [235, 8], [236, 235], [237, 8], [238, 237], [239, 236], [240, 239], [244, 243], [244, 241], [246, 245], [247, 246], [249, 248], [250, 236], [250, 248], [251, 250], [253, 252], [254, 253], [255, 254], [256, 255], [257, 256], [295, 41], [295, 256], [296, 295], [301, 300], [303, 302], [304, 301], [304, 303], [305, 356], [305, 290], [305, 304], [306, 305], [308, 307], [310, 309], [311, 310], [311, 308], [312, 1681], [312, 656], [312, 358], [312, 1627], [312, 1692], [312, 1296], [312, 458], [312, 1639], [312, 173], [312, 624], [312, 506], [312, 1651], [312, 1242], [312, 1562], [312, 1277], [312, 1663], [312, 583], [312, 1574], [312, 373], [312, 1256], [312, 1609], [312, 1334], [312, 312], [312, 1315], [312, 258], [313, 41], [313, 310], [314, 312], [315, 313], [317, 316], [318, 317], [319, 1872], [319, 291], [320, 319], [321, 6], [322, 321], [323, 322], [324, 323], [325, 294], [325, 405], [325, 473], [326, 325], [327, 5], [328, 327], [331, 1872], [331, 291], [332, 5], [333, 331], [334, 332], [339, 596], [339, 293], [339, 404], [340, 613], [340, 292], [340, 403], [341, 6], [342, 5], [343, 342], [345, 5], [346, 345], [352, 351], [354, 353], [355, 354], [355, 352], [356, 355], [357, 356], [358, 1663], [358, 583], [358, 1256], [358, 1609], [358, 1334], [358, 312], [358, 1692], [358, 458], [358, 1315], [358, 1681], [358, 346], [358, 624], [358, 1242], [358, 656], [358, 358], [358, 1562], [358, 1627], [358, 1296], [358, 1574], [358, 373], [358, 1639], [358, 173], [358, 506], [358, 1651], [358, 41], [358, 1277], [359, 258], [359, 355], [360, 358], [361, 359], [363, 357], [363, 258], [364, 356], [365, 363], [365, 364], [366, 365], [367, 6], [368, 367], [369, 368], [370, 369], [371, 363], [371, 258], [372, 5], [373, 371], [374, 372], [379, 7], [380, 401], [380, 390], [380, 379], [380, 384], [380, 396], [380, 366], [381, 291], [381, 1872], [382, 380], [382, 381], [383, 7], [384, 383], [384, 382], [385, 7], [386, 385], [386, 384], [386, 390], [387, 613], [387, 403], [387, 292], [388, 387], [388, 386], [389, 7], [390, 388], [390, 389], [391, 7], [392, 390], [392, 391], [392, 396], [393, 293], [393, 404], [393, 596], [394, 392], [394, 393], [395, 7], [396, 394], [396, 395], [397, 7], [398, 396], [398, 397], [398, 401], [399, 394], [399, 396], [399, 398], [400, 7], [401, 399], [401, 400], [407, 406], [409, 407], [411, 410], [412, 118], [413, 412], [414, 411], [414, 413], [416, 415], [417, 414], [417, 416], [418, 417], [419, 6], [420, 419], [421, 420], [422, 421], [423, 6], [424, 423], [425, 424], [426, 425], [427, 294], [427, 405], [427, 473], [428, 427], [429, 294], [429, 405], [429, 473], [430, 429], [432, 431], [433, 432], [434, 433], [435, 434], [436, 433], [436, 435], [437, 436], [438, 437], [439, 438], [440, 418], [441, 440], [441, 439], [442, 441], [443, 442], [444, 5], [445, 444], [450, 438], [451, 450], [452, 473], [452, 294], [452, 405], [453, 452], [454, 451], [455, 453], [455, 454], [456, 455], [457, 5], [460, 457], [463, 438], [464, 463], [465, 456], [465, 414], [465, 41], [465, 439], [466, 356], [466, 290], [467, 465], [467, 466], [468, 5], [469, 468], [470, 467], [472, 418], [473, 464], [473, 448], [473, 294], [473, 405], [473, 472], [473, 473], [475, 6], [476, 475], [477, 476], [478, 477], [479, 6], [480, 479], [481, 480], [482, 481], [483, 5], [484, 481], [484, 258], [485, 483], [486, 484], [488, 6], [489, 488], [490, 489], [491, 490], [492, 418], [493, 492], [494, 483], [494, 414], [494, 41], [495, 356], [495, 290], [496, 495], [496, 494], [497, 5], [498, 497], [499, 496], [501, 6], [502, 501], [503, 502], [504, 503], [505, 5], [506, 505], [512, 414], [512, 483], [512, 41], [513, 356], [513, 290], [514, 513], [514, 512], [515, 5], [517, 515], [521, 483], [521, 414], [521, 41], [522, 356], [522, 290], [523, 521], [523, 522], [524, 5], [526, 524], [529, 510], [529, 477], [529, 236], [529, 503], [529, 528], [529, 519], [530, 529], [532, 531], [533, 532], [534, 533], [535, 534], [536, 535], [537, 5], [538, 532], [540, 538], [545, 535], [545, 236], [546, 545], [548, 547], [549, 6], [550, 549], [551, 550], [552, 551], [553, 6], [554, 553], [555, 554], [556, 555], [557, 6], [558, 557], [559, 558], [560, 559], [564, 5], [566, 564], [570, 569], [572, 571], [574, 573], [575, 574], [576, 575], [577, 104], [578, 577], [579, 576], [579, 578], [580, 578], [581, 570], [582, 572], [583, 579], [586, 580], [589, 584], [590, 5], [592, 590], [596, 404], [596, 596], [596, 595], [596, 293], [597, 6], [598, 597], [599, 598], [600, 599], [602, 601], [603, 602], [604, 603], [606, 605], [609, 608], [610, 609], [611, 602], [612, 611], [612, 602], [612, 606], [613, 613], [613, 292], [613, 403], [613, 612], [614, 6], [615, 614], [616, 615], [617, 616], [618, 6], [619, 618], [620, 619], [621, 620], [622, 611], [622, 602], [622, 606], [623, 5], [624, 622], [625, 623], [631, 611], [631, 602], [631, 606], [632, 5], [634, 632], [637, 6], [638, 637], [639, 638], [640, 639], [642, 5], [644, 642], [647, 6], [648, 647], [649, 648], [650, 649], [651, 6], [652, 651], [653, 652], [654, 653], [655, 5], [656, 655], [662, 5], [663, 662], [667, 6], [668, 667], [669, 668], [670, 669], [672, 5], [674, 672], [677, 6], [678, 677], [679, 678], [680, 679], [683, 682], [685, 684], [686, 685], [687, 5], [688, 683], [689, 686], [690, 687], [695, 5], [696, 695], [701, 700], [701, 183], [702, 396], [702, 384], [702, 366], [702, 401], [702, 390], [702, 689], [702, 701], [703, 5], [705, 702], [706, 703], [708, 5], [709, 708], [714, 183], [714, 713], [715, 702], [715, 384], [715, 714], [715, 396], [715, 366], [715, 401], [715, 390], [716, 5], [718, 715], [719, 716], [722, 721], [723, 5], [725, 723], [728, 5], [729, 728], [734, 733], [734, 183], [735, 396], [735, 715], [735, 366], [735, 401], [735, 390], [735, 384], [735, 734], [736, 5], [738, 735], [739, 736], [741, 5], [742, 741], [747, 746], [747, 183], [748, 396], [748, 384], [748, 366], [748, 401], [748, 390], [748, 735], [748, 747], [749, 5], [751, 748], [752, 749], [758, 757], [759, 681], [759, 748], [760, 5], [761, 759], [762, 760], [766, 765], [767, 766], [768, 767], [769, 766], [770, 769], [771, 766], [772, 771], [773, 771], [774, 773], [780, 779], [781, 681], [781, 759], [782, 5], [783, 781], [784, 782], [792, 791], [793, 681], [793, 759], [794, 5], [795, 793], [796, 794], [804, 803], [805, 681], [805, 759], [806, 5], [807, 805], [808, 806], [813, 812], [818, 817], [819, 681], [819, 814], [820, 5], [821, 813], [822, 820], [830, 829], [831, 681], [831, 805], [831, 781], [831, 793], [831, 821], [832, 5], [833, 831], [834, 832], [842, 841], [843, 681], [843, 838], [844, 5], [845, 837], [846, 844], [849, 134], [850, 849], [855, 854], [856, 851], [856, 681], [857, 5], [858, 850], [859, 857], [863, 862], [868, 867], [869, 864], [869, 681], [870, 5], [871, 863], [872, 870], [876, 875], [877, 876], [879, 878], [880, 879], [881, 76], [882, 881], [883, 882], [888, 887], [889, 681], [889, 871], [890, 5], [891, 889], [892, 890], [900, 899], [901, 871], [901, 681], [902, 5], [903, 901], [904, 902], [908, 76], [909, 908], [910, 909], [912, 911], [917, 916], [918, 681], [918, 913], [919, 5], [920, 912], [921, 919], [926, 925], [931, 930], [932, 681], [932, 927], [933, 5], [934, 926], [935, 933], [938, 75], [939, 938], [940, 939], [945, 944], [946, 920], [946, 889], [946, 934], [946, 901], [946, 681], [947, 5], [948, 946], [949, 947], [952, 74], [953, 952], [954, 953], [959, 958], [960, 920], [960, 889], [960, 934], [960, 901], [960, 681], [960, 946], [961, 5], [962, 960], [963, 961], [966, 73], [967, 966], [968, 967], [973, 972], [974, 920], [974, 889], [974, 934], [974, 901], [974, 681], [974, 946], [974, 960], [975, 5], [976, 974], [977, 975], [980, 76], [981, 980], [982, 981], [987, 986], [988, 974], [988, 920], [988, 889], [988, 934], [988, 901], [988, 681], [988, 946], [988, 960], [989, 5], [990, 988], [991, 989], [994, 77], [995, 994], [996, 995], [1001, 1000], [1002, 960], [1002, 974], [1002, 920], [1002, 889], [1002, 934], [1002, 901], [1002, 681], [1002, 946], [1002, 988], [1003, 5], [1004, 1002], [1005, 1003], [1008, 78], [1009, 1008], [1010, 1009], [1015, 1014], [1016, 1002], [1016, 681], [1016, 946], [1016, 960], [1016, 974], [1016, 920], [1016, 988], [1016, 889], [1016, 934], [1016, 901], [1017, 5], [1018, 1016], [1019, 1017], [1022, 79], [1023, 1022], [1024, 1023], [1029, 1028], [1030, 901], [1030, 1002], [1030, 681], [1030, 946], [1030, 960], [1030, 974], [1030, 1016], [1030, 920], [1030, 988], [1030, 889], [1030, 934], [1031, 5], [1032, 1030], [1033, 1031], [1036, 80], [1037, 1036], [1038, 1037], [1043, 1042], [1044, 934], [1044, 901], [1044, 681], [1044, 946], [1044, 960], [1044, 1002], [1044, 974], [1044, 1016], [1044, 920], [1044, 988], [1044, 1030], [1044, 889], [1045, 5], [1046, 1044], [1047, 1045], [1050, 81], [1051, 1050], [1052, 1051], [1057, 1056], [1058, 920], [1058, 988], [1058, 1030], [1058, 889], [1058, 934], [1058, 901], [1058, 1002], [1058, 681], [1058, 946], [1058, 1044], [1058, 1016], [1058, 960], [1058, 974], [1059, 5], [1060, 1058], [1061, 1059], [1064, 83], [1065, 1064], [1066, 1065], [1071, 1070], [1072, 920], [1072, 988], [1072, 1030], [1072, 889], [1072, 934], [1072, 901], [1072, 1002], [1072, 681], [1072, 946], [1072, 1044], [1072, 960], [1072, 1058], [1072, 974], [1072, 1016], [1073, 5], [1074, 1072], [1075, 1073], [1078, 82], [1079, 1078], [1080, 1079], [1085, 1084], [1086, 681], [1086, 946], [1086, 1044], [1086, 1016], [1086, 960], [1086, 1058], [1086, 1030], [1086, 974], [1086, 1072], [1086, 920], [1086, 988], [1086, 889], [1086, 934], [1086, 901], [1086, 1002], [1087, 5], [1088, 1086], [1089, 1087], [1092, 974], [1092, 1072], [1092, 920], [1092, 1044], [1092, 988], [1092, 1086], [1092, 889], [1092, 934], [1092, 901], [1092, 1002], [1092, 681], [1092, 946], [1092, 1016], [1092, 960], [1092, 1058], [1092, 1030], [1093, 5], [1095, 1092], [1096, 1093], [1100, 1099], [1106, 1105], [1107, 681], [1107, 1102], [1108, 5], [1109, 1100], [1110, 1101], [1111, 1108], [1118, 1117], [1119, 681], [1119, 1110], [1120, 5], [1121, 1119], [1122, 1120], [1126, 1125], [1127, 1126], [1128, 1127], [1129, 1126], [1131, 1130], [1136, 1135], [1137, 681], [1137, 1119], [1138, 5], [1139, 1137], [1140, 1138], [1145, 1144], [1150, 1149], [1151, 1146], [1151, 681], [1152, 5], [1153, 1145], [1154, 1152], [1159, 1158], [1164, 1163], [1165, 681], [1165, 1160], [1166, 5], [1167, 1159], [1168, 1166], [1173, 1172], [1175, 1174], [1176, 1175], [1178, 1177], [1185, 1184], [1186, 681], [1186, 1181], [1187, 5], [1188, 1173], [1189, 1178], [1189, 1180], [1190, 1187], [1198, 1197], [1199, 681], [1199, 1119], [1200, 5], [1201, 1199], [1202, 1200], [1210, 1209], [1211, 681], [1211, 1119], [1212, 5], [1213, 1211], [1214, 1212], [1222, 1221], [1223, 1119], [1223, 681], [1224, 5], [1225, 1223], [1226, 1224], [1230, 1199], [1230, 1153], [1230, 681], [1230, 1211], [1230, 1223], [1230, 1167], [1230, 1189], [1230, 1137], [1231, 5], [1233, 1230], [1234, 1231], [1241, 1240], [1242, 1230], [1242, 681], [1243, 5], [1244, 1242], [1245, 1243], [1249, 1248], [1250, 1249], [1255, 1254], [1256, 1242], [1256, 681], [1257, 5], [1258, 1256], [1259, 1257], [1265, 1264], [1266, 1265], [1267, 1266], [1268, 1267], [1273, 1272], [1274, 1263], [1275, 681], [1275, 1269], [1276, 5], [1277, 1274], [1278, 1273], [1279, 1276], [1284, 1283], [1285, 1284], [1286, 1285], [1287, 1286], [1292, 1291], [1293, 1282], [1293, 1263], [1294, 681], [1294, 1288], [1295, 5], [1296, 1293], [1297, 1292], [1298, 1295], [1303, 1302], [1304, 1303], [1305, 1304], [1306, 1305], [1311, 1310], [1312, 1301], [1312, 1282], [1312, 1263], [1313, 1307], [1313, 681], [1314, 5], [1315, 1312], [1316, 1311], [1317, 1314], [1322, 1321], [1323, 1322], [1324, 1323], [1325, 1324], [1330, 1329], [1331, 1301], [1331, 1282], [1331, 1263], [1331, 1320], [1332, 681], [1332, 1326], [1333, 5], [1334, 1331], [1335, 1330], [1336, 1333], [1339, 5], [1340, 1339], [1347, 1346], [1348, 5], [1349, 1347], [1350, 1348], [1354, 1353], [1355, 1354], [1356, 1355], [1357, 1356], [1358, 1357], [1359, 1358], [1360, 1359], [1361, 1360], [1362, 5], [1363, 1362], [1366, 1357], [1367, 1366], [1368, 1367], [1369, 1368], [1370, 5], [1371, 1370], [1374, 1357], [1375, 1374], [1376, 1375], [1377, 1376], [1378, 5], [1379, 1378], [1382, 1357], [1383, 1382], [1384, 1383], [1385, 1384], [1386, 5], [1387, 1386], [1394, 1393], [1395, 5], [1396, 1394], [1397, 1395], [1401, 1400], [1402, 1401], [1403, 1402], [1404, 1403], [1405, 1404], [1406, 1405], [1407, 1406], [1408, 1407], [1409, 1408], [1410, 5], [1411, 1410], [1414, 1405], [1415, 1414], [1416, 1415], [1417, 1416], [1418, 5], [1419, 1418], [1422, 1405], [1423, 1422], [1424, 1423], [1425, 1424], [1426, 5], [1427, 1426], [1430, 1405], [1431, 1430], [1432, 1431], [1433, 1432], [1434, 5], [1435, 1434], [1442, 1441], [1443, 5], [1444, 1442], [1445, 1443], [1449, 1448], [1450, 1449], [1451, 1450], [1452, 1451], [1453, 1452], [1454, 1453], [1455, 1454], [1456, 1455], [1457, 1456], [1458, 5], [1459, 1458], [1462, 1453], [1463, 1462], [1464, 1463], [1465, 1464], [1466, 5], [1467, 1466], [1470, 1453], [1471, 1470], [1472, 1471], [1473, 1472], [1474, 5], [1475, 1474], [1478, 1453], [1479, 1478], [1480, 1479], [1481, 1480], [1482, 5], [1483, 1482], [1490, 1489], [1491, 5], [1492, 1490], [1493, 1491], [1497, 1496], [1498, 1497], [1499, 1498], [1500, 1499], [1501, 1500], [1502, 1501], [1503, 1502], [1504, 1503], [1505, 1504], [1506, 5], [1507, 1506], [1510, 1501], [1511, 1510], [1512, 1511], [1513, 1512], [1514, 5], [1515, 1514], [1518, 1501], [1519, 1518], [1520, 1519], [1521, 1520], [1522, 5], [1523, 1522], [1526, 1501], [1527, 1526], [1528, 1527], [1529, 1528], [1530, 5], [1531, 1530], [1534, 5], [1535, 1534], [1538, 6], [1539, 1538], [1540, 1539], [1541, 1540], [1545, 1540], [1545, 1554], [1548, 1545], [1553, 1552], [1554, 1553], [1555, 91], [1556, 1555], [1557, 104], [1558, 1557], [1560, 1559], [1561, 1543], [1561, 1548], [1561, 1613], [1561, 1592], [1562, 1277], [1562, 1256], [1562, 1609], [1562, 1334], [1562, 1542], [1562, 1315], [1562, 1296], [1562, 1242], [1563, 1586], [1563, 1611], [1563, 1546], [1563, 1558], [1564, 1554], [1564, 1547], [1564, 1612], [1565, 5], [1566, 1561], [1567, 1565], [1569, 1568], [1570, 1569], [1571, 1570], [1572, 1571], [1573, 1572], [1574, 1542], [1575, 1543], [1575, 1592], [1576, 1563], [1576, 1544], [1577, 5], [1578, 1577], [1580, 1586], [1580, 1558], [1581, 1580], [1582, 1560], [1582, 1588], [1583, 1582], [1584, 1592], [1584, 1543], [1585, 366], [1585, 401], [1585, 390], [1585, 384], [1585, 1584], [1585, 396], [1586, 1585], [1587, 390], [1587, 1584], [1587, 396], [1587, 384], [1587, 366], [1587, 401], [1588, 1587], [1589, 1543], [1589, 1592], [1590, 1589], [1593, 1569], [1594, 1593], [1595, 1594], [1596, 1595], [1597, 1586], [1599, 1597], [1599, 1598], [1600, 1599], [1601, 1588], [1602, 1601], [1603, 1600], [1603, 1602], [1605, 1604], [1606, 1603], [1606, 1605], [1607, 1606], [1608, 1607], [1609, 1581], [1609, 1562], [1609, 1574], [1610, 1586], [1610, 1607], [1612, 1609], [1613, 1610], [1615, 1614], [1616, 1615], [1618, 6], [1619, 1618], [1620, 1619], [1621, 1620], [1622, 6], [1623, 1622], [1624, 1623], [1625, 1624], [1626, 1624], [1626, 183], [1627, 583], [1627, 396], [1627, 373], [1627, 506], [1627, 366], [1627, 401], [1627, 656], [1627, 358], [1627, 312], [1627, 390], [1627, 1626], [1627, 624], [1627, 384], [1628, 5], [1630, 1627], [1631, 1628], [1633, 1632], [1634, 6], [1635, 1634], [1636, 1635], [1637, 1636], [1638, 1636], [1638, 183], [1639, 312], [1639, 1627], [1639, 390], [1639, 624], [1639, 1638], [1639, 384], [1639, 583], [1639, 396], [1639, 373], [1639, 506], [1639, 366], [1639, 401], [1639, 656], [1639, 358], [1640, 5], [1642, 1639], [1643, 1640], [1645, 1644], [1646, 6], [1647, 1646], [1648, 1647], [1649, 1648], [1650, 183], [1650, 1648], [1651, 366], [1651, 401], [1651, 656], [1651, 358], [1651, 312], [1651, 1627], [1651, 390], [1651, 1639], [1651, 624], [1651, 384], [1651, 1650], [1651, 583], [1651, 396], [1651, 373], [1651, 506], [1652, 5], [1654, 1651], [1655, 1652], [1657, 1656], [1658, 6], [1659, 1658], [1660, 1659], [1661, 1660], [1662, 183], [1662, 1660], [1663, 384], [1663, 583], [1663, 396], [1663, 373], [1663, 506], [1663, 312], [1663, 390], [1663, 366], [1663, 401], [1663, 656], [1663, 358], [1663, 1627], [1663, 1662], [1663, 1639], [1663, 624], [1663, 1651], [1664, 5], [1666, 1663], [1667, 1664], [1669, 1668], [1670, 6], [1671, 1670], [1672, 1671], [1673, 1672], [1675, 1674], [1677, 1676], [1678, 1677], [1679, 5], [1680, 1675], [1681, 1678], [1682, 1679], [1687, 6], [1688, 1687], [1689, 1688], [1690, 1689], [1691, 5], [1692, 1691], [1698, 1697], [1699, 1698], [1700, 1699], [1701, 1700], [1702, 1701], [1703, 1702], [1704, 1703], [1705, 1704], [1706, 5], [1707, 1706], [1710, 1701], [1711, 1710], [1712, 1711], [1713, 1712], [1714, 5], [1715, 1714], [1718, 1701], [1719, 1718], [1720, 1719], [1721, 1720], [1722, 5], [1723, 1722], [1726, 1701], [1727, 1726], [1728, 1727], [1729, 1728], [1730, 5], [1731, 1730], [1734, 5], [1735, 1734], [1739, 1738], [1740, 1739], [1741, 1740], [1742, 1741], [1743, 1742], [1744, 1743], [1745, 1744], [1746, 1745], [1747, 1746], [1748, 5], [1749, 1748], [1752, 1743], [1753, 1752], [1754, 1753], [1755, 1754], [1756, 5], [1757, 1756], [1760, 1743], [1761, 1760], [1762, 1761], [1763, 1762], [1764, 5], [1765, 1764], [1768, 1743], [1769, 1768], [1770, 1769], [1771, 1770], [1772, 5], [1773, 1772], [1776, 5], [1777, 1776], [1781, 1780], [1782, 1781], [1783, 1782], [1784, 1783], [1785, 1784], [1786, 1785], [1787, 1786], [1788, 1787], [1789, 1788], [1790, 5], [1791, 1790], [1794, 1785], [1795, 1794], [1796, 1795], [1797, 1796], [1798, 5], [1799, 1798], [1802, 1785], [1803, 1802], [1804, 1803], [1805, 1804], [1806, 5], [1807, 1806], [1810, 1785], [1811, 1810], [1812, 1811], [1813, 1812], [1814, 5], [1815, 1814], [1818, 5], [1819, 1818], [1823, 1822], [1824, 1823], [1825, 1824], [1826, 1825], [1827, 1826], [1828, 1827], [1829, 1828], [1830, 1829], [1831, 1830], [1832, 5], [1833, 1832], [1836, 1827], [1837, 1836], [1838, 1837], [1839, 1838], [1840, 5], [1841, 1840], [1844, 1827], [1845, 1844], [1846, 1845], [1847, 1846], [1848, 5], [1849, 1848], [1852, 1827], [1853, 1852], [1854, 1853], [1855, 1854], [1856, 5], [1857, 1856], [1860, 5], [1861, 1860], [1864, 6], [1865, 1864], [1866, 1865], [1867, 1866], [1868, 5], [1869, 1868], [1872, 291], [1872, 402], [1872, 1872], [1873, 253], [1873, 1633], [1873, 543], [1873, 1645], [1873, 1569], [1873, 1657], [1873, 1669], [1873, 1880], [1873, 548], [1874, 1873], [1875, 1874], [1876, 1875], [1877, 1875], [1877, 236], [1878, 1877], [1880, 1879], [1881, 1880], [1882, 1881], [1883, 1882], [1884, 1883], [1885, 1657], [1885, 1669], [1885, 1880], [1885, 548], [1885, 253], [1885, 1633], [1885, 543], [1885, 1645], [1885, 1569], [1886, 1885], [1888, 294], [1888, 405], [1888, 473], [1889, 1888], [1890, 5], [1891, 1890], [1894, 6], [1895, 1894], [1896, 1895], [1897, 1896], [1898, 291], [1898, 1872], [1899, 5], [1900, 1898], [1901, 1899], [1906, 404], [1906, 596], [1906, 293], [1907, 613], [1907, 292], [1907, 403], [1908, 6], [1909, 5], [1910, 1909], [1912, 5], [1913, 1912], [1918, 7], [1919, 366], [1919, 1923], [1919, 401], [1919, 1935], [1919, 390], [1919, 384], [1919, 396], [1919, 1929], [1919, 1918], [1920, 1872], [1920, 291], [1921, 1919], [1921, 1920], [1922, 7], [1923, 1921], [1923, 1922], [1924, 7], [1925, 390], [1925, 1924], [1925, 1923], [1926, 613], [1926, 292], [1926, 403], [1927, 1926], [1927, 1925], [1928, 7], [1929, 1927], [1929, 1928], [1930, 7], [1931, 1930], [1931, 1929], [1931, 396], [1932, 293], [1932, 404], [1932, 596], [1933, 1932], [1933, 1931], [1934, 7], [1935, 1934], [1935, 1933], [1937, 1936], [1938, 1937], [1939, 1938], [1940, 1939], [1942, 1939], [1942, 236], [1943, 1942], [1945, 1633], [1945, 543], [1945, 1645], [1945, 1887], [1945, 1569], [1945, 1657], [1945, 1669], [1945, 1880], [1945, 548], [1945, 253], [1946, 4], [1947, 3], [1948, 2], [1949, 0], [1950, 1945]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/b57dc741ab89a18d2d7bde13dc91979a52dfdc00913ec7c57afdd64909a03a5c_b57dc741ab89a18d2d7bde13dc91979a52dfdc00913ec7c57afdd64909a03a5c.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4110A1", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_4110A1(FILE *a1, unsigned int a2, _DWORD *a3, char *a4)\n{\nchar v4; // al\nint v5; // er8\nint v6; // er9\nint v7; // ecx\nint v8; // er8\nint v9; // er9\nconst char *v10; // rdx\nint v11; // ecx\nint v12; // er8\nint v13; // er9\nint v14; // ecx\nint v15; // er8\nint v16; // er9\nint v17; // ecx\nint v18; // er8\nint v19; // er9\nint v20; // ecx\nint v21; // er8\nint v22; // er9\nint v23; // edx\nint v24; // ecx\nint v25; // er8\nint v26; // er9\nconst char *v27; // rax\n__int64 v28; // r8\n__int64 v29; // r9\nint v30; // edx\nint v31; // ecx\nint v32; // er8\nint v33; // er9\nconst char *v34; // rax\n__int64 v35; // r8\n__int64 v36; // r9\nint v37; // edx\nint v38; // ecx\nint v39; // er8\nint v40; // er9\nconst char *v41; // rax\n__int64 v42; // r8\n__int64 v43; // r9\nconst char *v44; // rax\n__int64 v45; // r8\n__int64 v46; // r9\nunsigned int v47; // ebx\nconst char *v48; // rax\n__int64 v49; // r8\n__int64 v50; // r9\nconst char *v51; // rax\n__int64 v52; // r8\n__int64 v53; // r9\nunsigned int v54; // ebx\nint v55; // edx\nint v56; // ecx\nint v57; // er8\nint v58; // er9\nconst char *v59; // rax\n__int64 v60; // r8\n__int64 v61; // r9\nunsigned int v62; // ebx\nint v63; // edx\nint v64; // ecx\nint v65; // er8\nint v66; // er9\nconst char *v67; // rax\n__int64 v68; // r8\n__int64 v69; // r9\nunsigned int v70; // ebx\nint v71; // edx\nint v72; // ecx\nint v73; // er8\nint v74; // er9\nconst char *v75; // rax\n__int64 v76; // r8\n__int64 v77; // r9\nint v78; // edx\nint v79; // ecx\nint v80; // er8\nint v81; // er9\nconst char *v82; // rax\n__int64 v83; // r8\n__int64 v84; // r9\nint v85; // edx\nint v86; // ecx\n__int64 v87; // r8\n__int64 v88; // r9\nunsigned int v89; // ebx\nconst char *v90; // rax\n__int64 v91; // r8\n__int64 v92; // r9\nconst char *v93; // rax\n__int64 v94; // r8\n__int64 v95; // r9\nconst char *v96; // rax\n__int64 v97; // r8\n__int64 v98; // r9\nconst char *v99; // rax\n__int64 v100; // r8\n__int64 v101; // r9\nconst char *v102; // rax\n__int64 v103; // r8\n__int64 v104; // r9\nconst char *v105; // rax\n__int64 v106; // r8\n__int64 v107; // r9\nconst char *v108; // rax\n__int64 v109; // r8\n__int64 v110; // r9\nconst char *v111; // rax\n__int64 v112; // r8\n__int64 v113; // r9\nconst char *v114; // rax\n__int64 v115; // r8\n__int64 v116; // r9\nconst char *v117; // rax\n__int64 v118; // r8\n__int64 v119; // r9\nconst char *v120; // rax\n__int64 v121; // r8\n__int64 v122; // r9\nconst char *v123; // rax\n__int64 v124; // r8\n__int64 v125; // r9\nunsigned int v126; // er12\nunsigned int v127; // ebx\nint v128; // edx\nint v129; // ecx\nint v130; // er8\nint v131; // er9\nconst char *v132; // rax\n__int64 v133; // r9\nint v134; // edx\nint v135; // ecx\nint v136; // er8\nint v137; // er9\nconst char *v138; // rax\n__int64 v139; // r8\n__int64 v140; // r9\nint v141; // edx\nint v142; // ecx\nint v143; // er8\nint v144; // er9\nconst char *v145; // rax\n__int64 v146; // r8\n__int64 v147; // r9\n__int64 v148; // r8\n__int64 v149; // r9\nunsigned int v150; // ebx\nconst char *v151; // rax\n__int64 v152; // r8\n__int64 v153; // r9\nunsigned int v154; // ebx\nconst char *v155; // rax\n__int64 v156; // r8\n__int64 v157; // r9\nunsigned int v158; // er12\nunsigned int v159; // ebx\nconst char *v160; // rax\n__int64 v161; // r9\nconst char *v162; // rax\n__int64 v163; // r8\n__int64 v164; // r9\nconst char *v165; // rax\n__int64 v166; // r8\n__int64 v167; // r9\nconst char *v168; // rax\n__int64 v169; // r8\n__int64 v170; // r9\nint v171; // edx\nint v172; // ecx\nint v173; // er8\nint v174; // er9\nconst char *v175; // rax\n__int64 v176; // r8\n__int64 v177; // r9\nint v178; // edx\nint v179; // ecx\nint v180; // er8\nint v181; // er9\nconst char *v182; // rax\n__int64 v183; // r8\n__int64 v184; // r9\nconst char *v185; // rax\n__int64 v186; // r8\n__int64 v187; // r9\nconst char *v188; // rax\n__int64 v189; // r8\n__int64 v190; // r9\nconst char *v191; // rax\n__int64 v192; // r8\n__int64 v193; // r9\nconst char *v194; // rax\n__int64 v195; // r8\n__int64 v196; // r9\nint v197; // edx\nint v198; // ecx\nint v199; // er8\nint v200; // er9\nconst char *v201; // rax\nint v202; // edx\nint v203; // ecx\nint v204; // er8\nint v205; // er9\nconst char *v206; // rax\nint v207; // edx\nint v208; // ecx\nint v209; // er8\nint v210; // er9\nconst char *v211; // rax\nint v212; // edx\nint v213; // ecx\nint v214; // er8\nint v215; // er9\nconst char *v216; // rax\nchar v218; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-6B0h]\nchar v219; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-6B0h]\nchar v220; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-6B0h]\nchar v221; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-6B0h]\nchar v222; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-6B0h]\nchar v223; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-6B0h]\nchar v224; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-6B0h]\nchar v225; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-6B0h]\nchar v226; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-6B0h]\nchar v227; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-6B0h]\nchar v228; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-6B0h]\nchar v229; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-6B0h]\nchar v230; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-6B0h]\nchar v231; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-6B0h]\nchar v232; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-6B0h]\n__int64 s2[32]; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-690h] BYREF\nint v235; // [rsp+120h] [rbp-590h] BYREF\nint v236; // [rsp+124h] [rbp-58Ch] BYREF\n__int16 v237; // [rsp+128h] [rbp-588h]\nint v238; // [rsp+12Ah] [rbp-586h] BYREF\n__int16 v239; // [rsp+12Eh] [rbp-582h]\nvoid *ptr; // [rsp+130h] [rbp-580h] BYREF\nunsigned int v241; // [rsp+13Ch] [rbp-574h] BYREF\n__int16 v242; // [rsp+140h] [rbp-570h] BYREF\nchar v243; // [rsp+142h] [rbp-56Eh]\nchar v244; // [rsp+143h] [rbp-56Dh]\n__int64 v245; // [rsp+148h] [rbp-568h]\nint v246; // [rsp+15Ch] [rbp-554h] BYREF\nchar v247[32]; // [rsp+160h] [rbp-550h] BYREF\n__int64 v248[36]; // [rsp+180h] [rbp-530h] BYREF\n__int64 v249; // [rsp+2A0h] [rbp-410h] BYREF\n__int64 v250; // [rsp+2A8h] [rbp-408h]\n__int64 *v251; // [rsp+2B0h] [rbp-400h]\n__int64 *v252; // [rsp+2C0h] [rbp-3F0h] BYREF\n__int64 v253; // [rsp+2C8h] [rbp-3E8h]\n__int64 *v254; // [rsp+2D0h] [rbp-3E0h] BYREF\n__int64 v255; // [rsp+2D8h] [rbp-3D8h]\n__int64 v256; // [rsp+2E0h] [rbp-3D0h]\n__int64 v257; // [rsp+2E8h] [rbp-3C8h]\n__int64 *v258; // [rsp+2F0h] [rbp-3C0h] BYREF\n__int64 v259; // [rsp+2F8h] [rbp-3B8h] BYREF\n__int128 v260; // [rsp+300h] [rbp-3B0h] BYREF\n__int128 v261; // [rsp+310h] [rbp-3A0h] BYREF\nchar *s; // [rsp+320h] [rbp-390h] BYREF\nchar *v263; // [rsp+328h] [rbp-388h]\n__int64 **v264; // [rsp+330h] [rbp-380h]\n__int64 *v265; // [rsp+338h] [rbp-378h]\n__int64 v266; // [rsp+340h] [rbp-370h]\n__int64 v267; // [rsp+348h] [rbp-368h]\n__int64 v268; // [rsp+350h] [rbp-360h]\n__int64 v269; // [rsp+358h] [rbp-358h]\n__int64 v270; // [rsp+360h] [rbp-350h]\n__int64 v271; // [rsp+368h] [rbp-348h]\n__int64 *v272; // [rsp+370h] [rbp-340h] BYREF\n__int64 *v273; // [rsp+378h] [rbp-338h]\n__int64 v274; // [rsp+380h] [rbp-330h]\n__int64 v275; // [rsp+388h] [rbp-328h]\n__int64 v276; // [rsp+390h] [rbp-320h]\n__int64 v277; // [rsp+398h] [rbp-318h]\n__int64 v278; // [rsp+3A0h] [rbp-310h]\n__int64 v279; // [rsp+3A8h] [rbp-308h]\n__int64 v280; // [rsp+3B0h] [rbp-300h]\n__int64 v281; // [rsp+3B8h] [rbp-2F8h]\n__int64 v282; // [rsp+3C0h] [rbp-2F0h]\n__int64 v283; // [rsp+3C8h] [rbp-2E8h]\n__int64 v284; // [rsp+3D0h] [rbp-2E0h]\n__int64 v285; // [rsp+3D8h] [rbp-2D8h]\n__int64 v286; // [rsp+3E0h] [rbp-2D0h]\n__int64 v287; // [rsp+3E8h] [rbp-2C8h]\n__int64 v288; // [rsp+3F0h] [rbp-2C0h]\n__int16 v289; // [rsp+402h] [rbp-2AEh] BYREF\nint v290; // [rsp+404h] [rbp-2ACh] BYREF\nint v291; // [rsp+408h] [rbp-2A8h] BYREF\nint v292; // [rsp+40Ch] [rbp-2A4h] BYREF\nint v293; // [rsp+410h] [rbp-2A0h] BYREF\nint v294; // [rsp+414h] [rbp-29Ch] BYREF\nint v295; // [rsp+418h] [rbp-298h] BYREF\nint v296; // [rsp+41Ch] [rbp-294h] BYREF\nint v297; // [rsp+420h] [rbp-290h] BYREF\nint v298; // [rsp+424h] [rbp-28Ch] BYREF\nint v299; // [rsp+428h] [rbp-288h] BYREF\nint v300; // [rsp+42Ch] [rbp-284h] BYREF\n__int64 s1[32]; // [rsp+430h] [rbp-280h] BYREF\n__int64 v302[33]; // [rsp+530h] [rbp-180h] BYREF\nunsigned __int64 v303; // [rsp+638h] [rbp-78h]\nint v304; // [rsp+640h] [rbp-70h]\nint v305; // [rsp+644h] [rbp-6Ch]\nint v306; // [rsp+648h] [rbp-68h]\nint v307; // [rsp+64Ch] [rbp-64h]\nint v308; // [rsp+650h] [rbp-60h]\nint v309; // [rsp+654h] [rbp-5Ch]\nint v310; // [rsp+658h] [rbp-58h]\nint v311; // [rsp+65Ch] [rbp-54h]\nunsigned __int64 v312; // [rsp+660h] [rbp-50h]\nconst char *v313; // [rsp+668h] [rbp-48h]\nunsigned int v314; // [rsp+674h] [rbp-3Ch]\nunsigned __int64 v315; // [rsp+678h] [rbp-38h]\nunsigned int v316; // [rsp+684h] [rbp-2Ch]\nunsigned int v317; // [rsp+688h] [rbp-28h]\nint v318; // [rsp+68Ch] [rbp-24h]\nsize_t n; // [rsp+690h] [rbp-20h]\nunsigned int v320; // [rsp+69Ch] [rbp-14h]\n\nv218 = (char)a4;\nv302[0] = 0LL;\nv302[1] = 0LL;\nv302[2] = 0LL;\nv302[3] = 0LL;\nv302[4] = 0LL;\nv302[5] = 0LL;\nv302[6] = 0LL;\nv302[7] = 0LL;\nv302[8] = 0LL;\nv302[9] = 0LL;\nv302[10] = 0LL;\nv302[11] = 0LL;\nv302[12] = 0LL;\nv302[13] = 0LL;\nv302[14] = 0LL;\nv302[15] = 0LL;\nv302[16] = 0LL;\nv302[17] = 0LL;\nv302[18] = 0LL;\nv302[19] = 0LL;\nv302[20] = 0LL;\nv302[21] = 0LL;\nv302[22] = 0LL;\nv302[23] = 0LL;\nv302[24] = 0LL;\nv302[25] = 0LL;\nv302[26] = 0LL;\nv302[27] = 0LL;\nv302[28] = 0LL;\nv302[29] = 0LL;\nv302[30] = 0LL;\nv302[31] = 0LL;\ns1[0] = 0LL;\ns1[1] = 0LL;\ns1[2] = 0LL;\ns1[3] = 0LL;\ns1[4] = 0LL;\ns1[5] = 0LL;\ns1[6] = 0LL;\ns1[7] = 0LL;\ns1[8] = 0LL;\ns1[9] = 0LL;\ns1[10] = 0LL;\ns1[11] = 0LL;\ns1[12] = 0LL;\ns1[13] = 0LL;\ns1[14] = 0LL;\ns1[15] = 0LL;\ns1[16] = 0LL;\ns1[17] = 0LL;\ns1[18] = 0LL;\ns1[19] = 0LL;\ns1[20] = 0LL;\ns1[21] = 0LL;\ns1[22] = 0LL;\ns1[23] = 0LL;\ns1[24] = 0LL;\ns1[25] = 0LL;\ns1[26] = 0LL;\ns1[27] = 0LL;\ns1[28] = 0LL;\ns1[29] = 0LL;\ns1[30] = 0LL;\ns1[31] = 0LL;\nv300 = 0;\nv299 = 0;\nv298 = 0;\nv297 = 0;\nv296 = 0;\nv295 = 0;\nv294 = 0;\nv293 = 0;\nv292 = 0;\nv291 = 0;\nv290 = 0;\nv289 = 0;\nv273 = (__int64 *)qword_45F948;\nv274 = qword_45F950;\nv275 = qword_45F958;\nv276 = qword_45F960;\nv277 = qword_45F968;\nv278 = qword_45F970;\nv279 = qword_45F978;\nv280 = qword_45F980;\nv281 = qword_45F988;\nv282 = qword_45F990;\nv283 = qword_45F998;\nv284 = qword_45F9A0;\nv285 = qword_45F9A8;\nv286 = qword_45F9B0;\nv287 = qword_45F9B8;\nv288 = qword_45F9C0;\nv263 = (char *)qword_45FA28;\nv266 = qword_45FA40;\nv267 = qword_45FA48;\nv268 = qword_45FA50;\nv269 = qword_45FA58;\nv270 = qword_45FA60;\nv271 = qword_45FA68;\nv259 = qword_456388;\nv260 = xmmword_456390;\nv261 = xmmword_4563A0;\nv255 = qword_4563C8;\nv256 = qword_4563D0;\nv257 = qword_4563D8;\nv253 = qword_456408;\nv249 = qword_4563E0;\nv250 = qword_4563E8;\nqmemcpy(v248, &unk_43B860, sizeof(v248));\nv272 = v302;\nBYTE1(v287) = -1;\nv264 = &v272;\nv265 = (__int64 *)&v258;\nv258 = (__int64 *)&v254;\nv254 = (__int64 *)&v252;\nv252 = &v249;\nv248[1] = (__int64)&v300;\nv248[2] = (__int64)&v289;\nv248[4] = (__int64)&v298;\nv248[5] = (__int64)&v289;\nv248[7] = (__int64)&v299;\nv248[8] = (__int64)&v289;\nv248[10] = (__int64)&v297;\nv248[11] = (__int64)&v289;\nv248[13] = (__int64)&v296;\nv248[14] = (__int64)&v289;\nv248[16] = (__int64)&v295;\nv248[17] = (__int64)&v289;\nv248[19] = (__int64)&v294;\nv248[20] = (__int64)&v289;\nv248[22] = (__int64)&v293;\nv248[23] = (__int64)&v289;\nv248[25] = (__int64)&v292;\nv248[26] = (__int64)&v289;\nv248[28] = (__int64)&v290;\nv248[29] = (__int64)&v289;\nv248[31] = (__int64)&v291;\nv248[32] = (__int64)&v289;\nBYTE1(v250) = 1;\nv251 = v248;\ns = a4;\nif ( a4 )\nv4 = strlen(s);\nelse\nv4 = 0;\nLOBYTE(v270) = v4;\nv263 = \"*.*;*\";\nBYTE1(v270) = strlen(\"*.*;*\");\nv320 = sub_42302D(&s);\nif ( (v320 & 1) == 0 )\ngoto LABEL_218;\ns2[0] = 0LL;\ns2[1] = 0LL;\ns2[2] = 0LL;\ns2[3] = 0LL;\ns2[4] = 0LL;\ns2[5] = 0LL;\ns2[6] = 0LL;\ns2[7] = 0LL;\ns2[8] = 0LL;\ns2[9] = 0LL;\ns2[10] = 0LL;\ns2[11] = 0LL;\ns2[12] = 0LL;\ns2[13] = 0LL;\ns2[14] = 0LL;\ns2[15] = 0LL;\ns2[16] = 0LL;\ns2[17] = 0LL;\ns2[18] = 0LL;\ns2[19] = 0LL;\ns2[20] = 0LL;\ns2[21] = 0LL;\ns2[22] = 0LL;\ns2[23] = 0LL;\ns2[24] = 0LL;\ns2[25] = 0LL;\ns2[26] = 0LL;\ns2[27] = 0LL;\ns2[28] = 0LL;\ns2[29] = 0LL;\ns2[30] = 0LL;\ns2[31] = 0LL;\nn = 0LL;\nv318 = 0;\nv317 = 0;\nv316 = 0;\nv315 = 0LL;\nv273 = s1;\nBYTE3(v287) = -1;\nLODWORD(v268) = 0;\nwhile ( (v320 & 1) != 0 )\n{\nv320 = sub_421AD4(&s);\nif ( (v320 & 1) == 0 )\nbreak;\nif ( n != BYTE5(v287) + (unsigned __int64)BYTE6(v287) || memcmp(s1, s2, BYTE6(v287) + (unsigned __int64)BYTE5(v287)) )\n{\nif ( v318 && (a2 & 0x100) != 0 )\n{\nif ( v315 )\nfputc(10, a1);\nsub_42B40B(140086427, 1160, (_DWORD)a1, v318, v5, v6);\nsub_41369D(a1, a2, v317, v316);\nfwrite(\".\\n\", 1uLL, 2uLL, a1);\n}\nn = BYTE5(v287) + (unsigned __int64)BYTE6(v287);\nmemcpy(s2, s1, n);\n*((_BYTE *)s2 + n) = 0;\nif ( (a2 & 0x40) != 0 )\nsub_42B40B(140086403, 1160, (_DWORD)a1, (unsigned int)s2, v5, v6);\n*a3 += v318;\na3[1] += v317;\na3[2] += v316;\n++a3[3];\nv318 = 0;\nv317 = 0;\nv316 = 0;\nv315 = 0LL;\n}\n*((_BYTE *)s1 + BYTE4(v287)) = 0;\nv312 = (unsigned __int8)v288 + (unsigned __int64)HIBYTE(v287) + BYTE1(v288);\nif ( (a2 & 0x25F) == 64 )\n{\nif ( (a2 & 0x80) != 0 )\n{\nif ( v315 )\n{\nv303 = 20 * ((v315 + 20) / 0x14);\nif ( v303 + v312 <= 0x4F )\n{\nfprintf(a1, \"%*s\", v303 - v315, \" \");\nv315 = v303;\n}\nelse\n{\nfputc(10, a1);\nv315 = 0LL;\n}\n}\nfputs((const char *)s1 + n, a1);\nv315 += v312;\n}\ngoto LABEL_208;\n}\nif ( (a2 & 0x80) != 0 )\n{\nif ( (a2 & 0x40) == 0 )\nfputs((const char *)s2, a1);\nif ( (a2 & 0x80000) != 0 )\n{\nif ( v312 <= 0x12 )\n{\nfprintf(a1, \"%-19s\", (const char *)s1 + n);\n}\nelse\n{\nfputs((const char *)s1 + n, a1);\nif ( (a2 & 0x1F) != 0 )\nfwrite(\"\\n \", 1uLL, 0x14uLL, a1);\n}\n}\nelse\n{\nfprintf(a1, \"%s\\n\", (const char *)s1 + n);\n}\n}\nv320 = sub_425403(&s);\nif ( (v320 & 1) == 0 )\n{\nsub_42B40B(v320, 1024, (_DWORD)a1, v7, v8, v9);\nv320 = 1;\ngoto LABEL_208;\n}\nv320 = sub_424E7B(&s);\nif ( (a2 & 2) != 0 )\n{\nif ( (a2 & 0x200) != 0 )\n{\nif ( (a2 & 0x80000) != 0 )\nv10 = \" \";\nelse\nv10 = (const char *)&unk_43B805;\nfprintf(a1, \"%sFile ID:\", v10);\n}\nsnprintf(v247, 0x1EuLL, \"(%u,%u,%u)\", (unsigned __int16)v281 | (BYTE5(v281) << 16), WORD1(v281), BYTE4(v281));\nfprintf(a1, \" %-22s\", v247);\n}\nv316 += HIDWORD(v267);\nif ( (a2 & 0x10000) != 0 )\n{\nv314 = HIDWORD(v255);\nif ( HIDWORD(v255) )\n{\nif ( !WORD1(v255) )\n--v314;\n}\nelse\n{\nv314 = HIDWORD(v267);\n}\nv317 += v314;\nif ( (a2 & 0x80) != 0 )\n{\nif ( (a2 & 0x200) != 0 )\nsub_42B40B(140086411, 1160, (_DWORD)a1, v314, v5, v6);\nelse\nfprintf(a1, \"%9u\", v314);\nif ( (a2 & 0x8200) != 0 )\nfprintf(a1, \"/%-9u\", HIDWORD(v267));\nif ( (a2 & 0x8200) != 0 )\n{\nif ( (a2 & 0x80000) != 0 )\nfwrite(\" \", 1uLL, 3uLL, a1);\nelse\nfputc(10, a1);\n}\n}\n}\nelse if ( (a2 & 0x8080) == 32896 )\n{\nfprintf(a1, \"%9u\", HIDWORD(v267));\n}\nif ( (a2 & 0x200) == 0 )\n{\nif ( (a2 & 1) != 0 )\n{\nif ( (a2 & 0x1000) != 0 )\nv320 = sub_405F48(a1, (char *)&v260 + 4, 0LL);\nif ( (a2 & 0x4000) != 0 )\nv320 = sub_405F48(a1, (char *)&v261 + 4, 0LL);\nif ( (a2 & 0x2000) != 0 )\nv320 = sub_405F48(a1, (char *)&v260 + 12, 0LL);\nif ( (a2 & 0x800) != 0 )\nv320 = sub_405F48(a1, (char *)&v259 + 4, 0LL);\n}\nif ( (a2 & 4) != 0 )\nsub_42B40B(140086843, 1160, (_DWORD)a1, HIWORD(HIDWORD(v253)), WORD2(v253), v6);\nif ( (a2 & 8) != 0 )\n{\nfwrite(\" (\", 1uLL, 3uLL, a1);\nv311 = ~(BYTE2(v253) & 0xF);\nif ( (v253 & 0x10000) == 0 )\nfputc(82, a1);\nif ( (v311 & 2) != 0 )\nfputc(87, a1);\nif ( (v311 & 4) != 0 )\nfputc(69, a1);\nif ( (v311 & 8) != 0 )\nfputc(68, a1);\nfputc(44, a1);\nv310 = ~((WORD1(v253) >> 4) & 0xF);\nif ( ((WORD1(v253) >> 4) & 1) == 0 )\nfputc(82, a1);\nif ( (v310 & 2) != 0 )\nfputc(87, a1);\nif ( (v310 & 4) != 0 )\nfputc(69, a1);\nif ( (v310 & 8) != 0 )\nfputc(68, a1);\nfputc(44, a1);\nv309 = ~(HIBYTE(WORD1(v253)) & 0xF);\nif ( (v253 & 0x1000000) == 0 )\nfputc(82, a1);\nif ( (v309 & 2) != 0 )\nfputc(87, a1);\nif ( (v309 & 4) != 0 )\nfputc(69, a1);\nif ( (v309 & 8) != 0 )\nfputc(68, a1);\nfputc(44, a1);\nv308 = ~((WORD1(v253) >> 12) & 0xF);\nif ( ((WORD1(v253) >> 12) & 1) == 0 )\nfputc(82, a1);\nif ( (v308 & 2) != 0 )\nfputc(87, a1);\nif ( (v308 & 4) != 0 )\nfputc(69, a1);\nif ( (v308 & 8) != 0 )\nfputc(68, a1);\nfputc(41, a1);\n}\ngoto LABEL_206;\n}\nv246 = 0;\nsub_42B40B(140086459, 1032, (_DWORD)a1, HIWORD(HIDWORD(v253)), WORD2(v253), v6);\nsub_42B40B(140086467, 1160, (_DWORD)a1, v11, v12, v13);\nsub_405F48(a1, (char *)&v260 + 4, \"\\n\");\nsub_42B40B(140086475, 1160, (_DWORD)a1, v14, v15, v16);\nsub_405F48(a1, (char *)&v261 + 4, \" (\");\nfprintf(a1, \"%u)\\n\", WORD1(v259));\nsub_42B40B(140086483, 1160, (_DWORD)a1, v17, v18, v19);\nsub_405F48(a1, (char *)&v260 + 12, \"\\n\");\nsub_42B40B(140086491, 1160, (_DWORD)a1, v20, v21, v22);\nsub_405F48(a1, (char *)&v259 + 4, \"\\n\");\nv27 = (const char *)getmsg(140086499, 136, v23, v24, v25, v26, v218);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v27, (__int64)&v246, v28, v29);\nif ( BYTE4(v270) == 32 )\n{\nv44 = (const char *)getmsg(140086523, 136, v30, v31, v32, v33, v219);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v44, (__int64)&v246, v45, v46);\n}\nelse\n{\nif ( BYTE4(v270) > 0x20u )\ngoto LABEL_67;\nif ( !BYTE4(v270) )\n{\nv34 = (const char *)getmsg(140086507, 136, v30, v31, v32, v33, v219);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v34, (__int64)&v246, v35, v36);\ngoto LABEL_68;\n}\nif ( BYTE4(v270) == 16 )\n{\nv41 = (const char *)getmsg(140086515, 136, v30, v31, v32, v33, v219);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v41, (__int64)&v246, v42, v43);\n}\nelse\n{\nLABEL_67:\nv47 = BYTE4(v270);\nv48 = (const char *)getmsg(140086531, 136, v30, v31, v32, v33, v219);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v48, v47, v49, v50);\n}\n}\nLABEL_68:\nv51 = (const char *)getmsg(140086539, 136, v37, v38, v39, v40, v220);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v51, (__int64)&v246, v52, v53);\nv54 = HIDWORD(v267);\nv59 = (const char *)getmsg(140086547, 136, v55, v56, v57, v58, v221);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v59, v54, v60, v61);\nv62 = (unsigned __int16)v269;\nv67 = (const char *)getmsg(140086555, 136, v63, v64, v65, v66, v222);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v67, v62, v68, v69);\nv70 = WORD2(v269);\nv75 = (const char *)getmsg(140086563, 136, v71, v72, v73, v74, v223);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v75, v70, v76, v77);\nif ( WORD1(v257) && WORD1(v257) != 0x7FFF )\n{\nv89 = WORD1(v257);\nif ( v297 )\nv90 = (const char *)getmsg(140086579, 136, v78, v79, v80, v81, v224);\nelse\nv90 = (const char *)getmsg(140086571, 136, v78, v79, v80, v81, v224);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v90, v89, v91, v92);\n}\nelse\n{\nif ( v297 )\nv82 = (const char *)getmsg(140086595, 136, v78, v79, v80, v81, v224);\nelse\nv82 = (const char *)getmsg(140086587, 136, v78, v79, v80, v81, v224);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v82, (__int64)&v246, v83, v84);\n}\nif ( v298 )\n{\nv93 = (const char *)getmsg(140086603, 136, v85, v86, v87, v88, v225);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v93, (__int64)&v246, v94, v95);\n}\nif ( v299 )\n{\nv96 = (const char *)getmsg(140086611, 136, v85, v86, v87, v88, v225);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v96, (__int64)&v246, v97, v98);\n}\nif ( v300 )\n{\nv99 = (const char *)getmsg(140086619, 136, v85, v86, v87, v88, v225);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v99, (__int64)&v246, v100, v101);\n}\nif ( v297 )\n{\nv102 = (const char *)getmsg(140086627, 136, v85, v86, v87, v88, v225);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v102, (__int64)&v246, v103, v104);\n}\nif ( v296 )\n{\nv105 = (const char *)getmsg(140086635, 136, v85, v86, v87, v88, v225);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v105, (__int64)&v246, v106, v107);\n}\nif ( v295 )\n{\nv108 = (const char *)getmsg(140086643, 136, v85, v86, v87, v88, v225);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v108, (__int64)&v246, v109, v110);\n}\nif ( v294 )\n{\nv111 = (const char *)getmsg(140086651, 136, v85, v86, v87, v88, v225);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v111, (__int64)&v246, v112, v113);\n}\nif ( v293 )\n{\nv114 = (const char *)getmsg(140086659, 136, v85, v86, v87, v88, v225);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v114, (__int64)&v246, v115, v116);\n}\nif ( v292 )\n{\nv117 = (const char *)getmsg(140086667, 136, v85, v86, v87, v88, v225);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v117, (__int64)&v246, v118, v119);\n}\nif ( v290 )\n{\nv120 = (const char *)getmsg(140086675, 136, v85, v86, v87, v88, v225);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v120, (__int64)&v246, v121, v122);\n}\nif ( v291 )\n{\nv123 = (const char *)getmsg(140086683, 136, v85, v86, v87, v88, v225);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v123, (__int64)&v246, v124, v125);\n}\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, \"\\n\", (__int64)&v246, v87, v88);\nv126 = WORD1(v255);\nv127 = HIDWORD(v255);\nv132 = (const char *)getmsg(140086691, 136, v128, v129, v130, v131, v225);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v132, v127, v126, v133);\nv138 = (const char *)getmsg(140086699, 136, v134, v135, v136, v137, v226);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v138, (__int64)&v246, v139, v140);\nswitch ( BYTE6(v270) )\n{\ncase 1:\nv150 = HIWORD(v269);\nv151 = (const char *)getmsg(140086715, 136, v141, v142, v143, v144, v227);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v151, v150, v152, v153);\nbreak;\ncase 2:\nv154 = WORD2(v256);\nv155 = (const char *)getmsg(140086723, 136, v141, v142, v143, v144, v227);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v155, v154, v156, v157);\nbreak;\ncase 3:\nv158 = WORD2(v256);\nif ( BYTE3(v270) )\nv159 = BYTE3(v270);\nelse\nv159 = 2;\nv160 = (const char *)getmsg(140086731, 136, v141, v142, v143, v144, v227);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v160, v159, v158, v161);\nbreak;\ncase 4:\nv162 = (const char *)getmsg(140086739, 136, v141, v142, v143, v144, v227);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v162, (__int64)&v246, v163, v164);\nbreak;\ncase 5:\nv165 = (const char *)getmsg(140086747, 136, v141, v142, v143, v144, v227);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v165, (__int64)&v246, v166, v167);\nbreak;\ncase 6:\nv168 = (const char *)getmsg(140086755, 136, v141, v142, v143, v144, v227);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v168, (__int64)&v246, v169, v170);\nbreak;\ndefault:\nv145 = (const char *)getmsg(140086707, 136, v141, v142, v143, v144, v227);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v145, (__int64)&v246, v146, v147);\nbreak;\n}\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, \"\\n\", (__int64)&v246, v148, v149);\nv175 = (const char *)getmsg(140086763, 136, v171, v172, v173, v174, v228);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v175, (__int64)&v246, v176, v177);\nif ( BYTE5(v270) )\n{\nv313 = (const char *)&unk_43B805;\nif ( (v270 & 0x10000000000LL) != 0 )\n{\nv185 = (const char *)getmsg(140086779, 136, v178, v179, v180, v181, v229);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v185, (__int64)v313, v186, v187);\nv313 = \", \";\n}\nif ( (v270 & 0x20000000000LL) != 0 )\n{\nv188 = (const char *)getmsg(140086787, 136, v178, v179, v180, v181, v229);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v188, (__int64)v313, v189, v190);\nv313 = \", \";\n}\nif ( (v270 & 0x40000000000LL) != 0 )\n{\nv191 = (const char *)getmsg(140086795, 136, v178, v179, v180, v181, v229);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v191, (__int64)v313, v192, v193);\nv313 = \", \";\n}\nif ( (v270 & 0x80000000000LL) != 0 )\n{\nv194 = (const char *)getmsg(140086803, 136, v178, v179, v180, v181, v229);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v194, (__int64)v313, v195, v196);\n}\n}\nelse\n{\nv182 = (const char *)getmsg(140086771, 136, v178, v179, v180, v181, v229);\nsub_406080(a1, &v246, v182, (__int64)&v246, v183, v184);\n}\nfputc(10, a1);\nv201 = (const char *)getmsg(140086811, 136, v197, v198, v199, v200, v229);\nfprintf(a1, v201);\nv307 = ~(BYTE2(v253) & 0xF);\nif ( (v253 & 0x10000) == 0 )\nfputc(82, a1);\nif ( (v307 & 2) != 0 )\nfputc(87, a1);\nif ( (v307 & 4) != 0 )\nfputc(69, a1);\nif ( (v307 & 8) != 0 )\nfputc(68, a1);\nv206 = (const char *)getmsg(140086819, 136, v202, v203, v204, v205, v230);\nfprintf(a1, v206);\nv306 = ~((WORD1(v253) >> 4) & 0xF);\nif ( ((WORD1(v253) >> 4) & 1) == 0 )\nfputc(82, a1);\nif ( (v306 & 2) != 0 )\nfputc(87, a1);\nif ( (v306 & 4) != 0 )\nfputc(69, a1);\nif ( (v306 & 8) != 0 )\nfputc(68, a1);\nv211 = (const char *)getmsg(140086827, 136, v207, v208, v209, v210, v231);\nfprintf(a1, v211);\nv305 = ~(HIBYTE(WORD1(v253)) & 0xF);\nif ( (v253 & 0x1000000) == 0 )\nfputc(82, a1);\nif ( (v305 & 2) != 0 )\nfputc(87, a1);\nif ( (v305 & 4) != 0 )\nfputc(69, a1);\nif ( (v305 & 8) != 0 )\nfputc(68, a1);\nv216 = (const char *)getmsg(140086835, 136, v212, v213, v214, v215, v232);\nfprintf(a1, v216);\nv304 = ~((WORD1(v253) >> 12) & 0xF);\nif ( ((WORD1(v253) >> 12) & 1) == 0 )\nfputc(82, a1);\nif ( (v304 & 2) != 0 )\nfputc(87, a1);\nif ( (v304 & 4) != 0 )\nfputc(69, a1);\nif ( (v304 & 8) != 0 )\nfputc(68, a1);\nfputc(10, a1);\nif ( (a2 & 0x40000) != 0 )\n{\nv241 = 0;\nptr = 0LL;\nv235 = 1;\nmemset(&v242, 0, 0x10uLL);\nv243 = 0;\nv244 = 0;\nv242 = BYTE5(v287);\nv245 = v274;\nv236 = v281;\nv237 = WORD2(v281);\ndo\n{\nv320 = sub_413771(a1, &v242, &v236, &v241, &ptr);\nif ( (v320 & 1) != 0 )\nsub_413D71(a1, ptr, &v235, v241);\nv238 = v236;\nv239 = v237;\nv236 = *(_DWORD *)((char *)ptr + 14);\nv237 = *((_WORD *)ptr + 9);\nfree(ptr);\nptr = 0LL;\n}\nwhile ( (v320 & 1) != 0\n&& (unsigned __int8)v237 | (unsigned __int16)(v236 | HIWORD(v236)) | HIBYTE(v237)\n&& memcmp(&v236, &v238, 6uLL) );\n}\nLABEL_206:\nif ( (a2 & 0x80) != 0 )\nfputc(10, a1);\nLABEL_208:\n++v318;\n}\nif ( v320 == 99018 )\nv320 = 1;\nif ( v315 )\nfputc(10, a1);\nif ( (a2 & 0x100) != 0 )\n{\nsub_42B40B(140086427, 1160, (_DWORD)a1, v318, v5, v6);\nsub_41369D(a1, a2, v317, v316);\nfwrite(\".\\n\", 1uLL, 2uLL, a1);\n}\n*a3 += v318;\na3[1] += v317;\na3[2] += v316;\nLABEL_218:\nBYTE1(v287) = 0;\nLOWORD(v270) = 0;\nBYTE2(v288) = 8;\nsub_42302D(&s);\nreturn v320;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,v135,s2,v235,v236,v238,ptr,v241,v242,v246,v247,v248,v249,v252,v254,v258,s,v272,v289,v290,v291,v292,v293,v294,v295,v296,v297,v298,v299,v300,s1,v302,v303,v304,v305,v306,v307,v308,v309,v310,v311,v312,v313,v314,v315,v316,v317,v318,n,v320,sub_4110A1,sub_42302D,sub_421AD4,sub_42B40B,sub_41369D,sub_425403,sub_424E7B,sub_405F48,sub_406080,sub_413771,sub_413D71,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'stats', 'a4': 'filespec', 'a1': 'of_0', 'a2': 'options', 'v135': 'filespec', 's2': 'dir', 'v235': 'vbn', 'v236': 'fid', 'v238': 'lastfid', 'ptr': 'buf', 'v241': 'clustersize', 'v242': 'devnam', 'v246': 'pos', 'v247': 'fileid', 'v248': 'xitems', 'v249': 'itm', 'v252': 'pro', 'v254': 'fhc', 'v258': 'dat', 's': 'fab', 'v272': 'nam', 'v289': 'retlen', 'v290': 'markdel', 'v291': 'badblock', 'v292': 'spool', 'v293': 'locked', 'v294': 'writecheck', 'v295': 'readcheck', 'v296': 'writeback', 'v297': 'directory', 'v298': 'contig', 'v299': 'contigb', 'v300': 'nobackup', 's1': 'rsa', 'v302': 'res', 'v303': 'newcol', 'v304': 'v_2', 'v305': 'v_1', 'v306': 'v_0', 'v307': 'v', 'v308': 'v_6', 'v309': 'v_5', 'v310': 'v_4', 'v311': 'v_3', 'v312': 'namelen', 'v313': 'more', 'v314': 'filesize', 'v315': 'printcol', 'v316': 'diralloc', 'v317': 'dirblocks', 'v318': 'dirfiles', 'n': 'dirlen', 'v320': 'status', 'sub_4110A1': 'dir_1_arg', 'sub_42302D': 'sys_parse', 'sub_421AD4': 'sys_search', 'sub_42B40B': 'printmsg', 'sub_41369D': 'dirtotal', 'sub_425403': 'sys_open', 'sub_424E7B': 'sys_close', 'sub_405F48': 'prvmstime', 'sub_406080': 'pwrap', 'sub_413771': 'get_fileheader', 'sub_413D71': 'print_fileheader'}"}
static gml_value_t gml_eval_statement(gml_state_t *gml, ast_t *expr, gml_env_t *env) { switch (expr->class) { case AST_DECLFUN: return gml_eval_declfun(gml, expr, env); case AST_DECLVAR: return gml_eval_declvar(gml, expr, env); case AST_IF: return gml_eval_if(gml, expr, env); case AST_WHILE: return gml_eval_while(gml, expr, env); case AST_FOR: return gml_eval_for(gml, expr, env); default: return gml_nil_create(gml); } }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40B5B6", "function_addr": 4240822, "binary_name": "74b9bae92bf15d3c07bd6c4f6dcc00bf09379d9e677587f337d4692088d39983.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdx"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [7, "mov eax, [rax]"], [8, "sub eax, 0Ch"], [9, "cmp eax, 6"], [10, "ja def_40B5E6"], [11, "mov eax, eax"], [12, "mov rax, ds:jpt_40B5E6[rax*8]"], [13, "jmp rax"], [14, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [15, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_10]"], [16, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [17, "mov rsi, rcx"], [18, "mov rdi, rax"], [19, "call sub_40AD39"], [20, "movq rax, xmm0"], [21, "jmp loc_40B692"], [22, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [23, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_10]"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [25, "mov rsi, rcx"], [26, "mov rdi, rax"], [27, "call sub_40ADB2"], [28, "movq rax, xmm0"], [29, "jmp short loc_40B692"], [30, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [31, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_10]"], [32, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [33, "mov rsi, rcx"], [34, "mov rdi, rax"], [35, "call sub_40AE43"], [36, "movq rax, xmm0"], [37, "jmp short loc_40B692"], [38, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [39, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_10]"], [40, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [41, "mov rsi, rcx"], [42, "mov rdi, rax"], [43, "call sub_40AF22"], [44, "movq rax, xmm0"], [45, "jmp short loc_40B692"], [46, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [47, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_10]"], [48, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [49, "mov rsi, rcx"], [50, "mov rdi, rax"], [51, "call sub_40B3F2"], [52, "movq rax, xmm0"], [53, "jmp short loc_40B692"], [54, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [55, "mov rdi, rax"], [56, "call sub_408C79"], [57, "movq rax, xmm0"], [58, "movq xmm0, rax"], [59, "leave"], [60, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 4], [7, 6], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 8], [13, 12], [14, 5], [15, 4], [16, 3], [17, 15], [18, 16], [22, 5], [23, 4], [24, 3], [25, 23], [26, 24], [30, 5], [31, 4], [32, 3], [33, 31], [34, 32], [38, 5], [39, 4], [40, 3], [41, 39], [42, 40], [46, 5], [47, 4], [48, 3], [49, 47], [50, 48], [54, 3], [55, 54], [58, 28], [58, 52], [58, 36], [58, 57], [58, 20], [58, 44], [60, 28], [60, 52], [60, 36], [60, 57], [60, 20], [60, 44]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/74b9bae92bf15d3c07bd6c4f6dcc00bf09379d9e677587f337d4692088d39983_74b9bae92bf15d3c07bd6c4f6dcc00bf09379d9e677587f337d4692088d39983.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40B5B6", "query": "\n\n\ndouble __fastcall sub_40B5B6(__int64 a1, _QWORD *a2, __int64 a3, double a4)\n{\ndouble v4; // rax\n\nswitch ( *(_DWORD *)a2 )\n{\ncase 0xC:\nv4 = sub_40AE43(a1, (__int64)a2, a3, a4);\nbreak;\ncase 0xE:\nv4 = sub_40AF22(a1, (__int64)a2, a3, a4);\nbreak;\ncase 0xF:\nv4 = sub_40ADB2(a1, (__int64)a2, a3, a4);\nbreak;\ncase 0x10:\nv4 = sub_40AD39(a1, (__int64)a2, a3);\nbreak;\ncase 0x12:\nv4 = sub_40B3F2(a1, a2, a3, a4);\nbreak;\ndefault:\nsub_408C79(a1);\nv4 = a4;\nbreak;\n}\nreturn v4;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,sub_40B5B6,sub_40AE43,sub_40AF22,sub_40ADB2,sub_40AD39,sub_40B3F2,sub_408C79,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'env', 'a1': 'gml', 'a2': 'expr', 'sub_40B5B6': 'gml_eval_statement', 'sub_40AE43': 'gml_eval_if', 'sub_40AF22': 'gml_eval_while', 'sub_40ADB2': 'gml_eval_declvar', 'sub_40AD39': 'gml_eval_declfun', 'sub_40B3F2': 'gml_eval_for', 'sub_408C79': 'gml_nil_create'}"}
static void LzmaDec_WriteRem(struct CLzmaDec *p, size_t limit) { if (p->remainLen != 0 && p->remainLen < kMatchSpecLenStart) { uint8_t *dic = p->dic; size_t dicPos = p->dicPos; size_t dicBufSize = p->dicBufSize; unsigned len = p->remainLen; uint32_t rep0 = p->reps[0]; if (limit - dicPos < len) len = (unsigned)(limit - dicPos); if (p->checkDicSize == 0 && p->prop.dicSize - p->processedPos <= len) p->checkDicSize = p->prop.dicSize; p->processedPos += len; p->remainLen -= len; while (len-- != 0) { dic[dicPos] = dic[(dicPos - rep0) + ((dicPos < rep0) ? dicBufSize : 0)]; dicPos++; } p->dicPos = dicPos; } }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_425E9C", "function_addr": 4349596, "binary_name": "ae207ac45aa8bee554fa1f01241399c332563571f7cbfd5f424e3c2bbdf94b13.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_38], rdi"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_40], rsi"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [5, "mov eax, [rax+5Ch]"], [6, "test eax, eax"], [7, "jz loc_425FD9"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [9, "mov eax, [rax+5Ch]"], [10, "cmp eax, 111h"], [11, "ja loc_425FD9"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [13, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [14, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [15, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [16, "mov rax, [rax+30h]"], [17, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [18, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [19, "mov rax, [rax+38h]"], [20, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [21, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [22, "mov eax, [rax+5Ch]"], [23, "mov [rbp+var_C], eax"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [25, "mov eax, [rax+4Ch]"], [26, "mov [rbp+var_24], eax"], [27, "mov rax, [rbp+var_40]"], [28, "sub rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [29, "mov rdx, rax"], [30, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [31, "cmp rdx, rax"], [32, "jnb short loc_425F27"], [33, "mov rax, [rbp+var_40]"], [34, "mov edx, eax"], [35, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [36, "mov ecx, eax"], [37, "mov eax, edx"], [38, "sub eax, ecx"], [39, "mov [rbp+var_C], eax"], [40, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [41, "mov eax, [rax+44h]"], [42, "test eax, eax"], [43, "jnz short loc_425F57"], [44, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [45, "mov edx, [rax+0Ch]"], [46, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [47, "mov ecx, [rax+40h]"], [48, "mov eax, edx"], [49, "sub eax, ecx"], [50, "cmp [rbp+var_C], eax"], [51, "jb short loc_425F57"], [52, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [53, "mov edx, [rax+0Ch]"], [54, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [55, "mov [rax+44h], edx"], [56, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [57, "mov edx, [rax+40h]"], [58, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [59, "add edx, eax"], [60, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [61, "mov [rax+40h], edx"], [62, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [63, "mov eax, [rax+5Ch]"], [64, "sub eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [65, "mov edx, eax"], [66, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [67, "mov [rax+5Ch], edx"], [68, "jmp short loc_425FC0"], [69, "mov edx, [rbp+var_24]"], [70, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [71, "sub rax, rdx"], [72, "mov rcx, rax"], [73, "mov eax, [rbp+var_24]"], [74, "cmp [rbp+var_8], rax"], [75, "jnb short loc_425F9B"], [76, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [77, "jmp short loc_425FA0"], [78, "mov eax, 0"], [79, "lea rdx, [rax+rcx]"], [80, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [81, "add rax, rdx"], [82, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_18]"], [83, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [84, "add rdx, rcx"], [85, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [86, "mov [rdx], al"], [87, "add [rbp+var_8], 1"], [88, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [89, "lea edx, [rax-1]"], [90, "mov [rbp+var_C], edx"], [91, "test eax, eax"], [92, "jnz short loc_425F7F"], [93, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [94, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [95, "mov [rax+30h], rdx"], [96, "nop"], [97, "pop rbp"], [98, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 2], [5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 2], [9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 2], [13, 12], [14, 13], [15, 2], [16, 15], [17, 16], [18, 2], [19, 18], [20, 19], [21, 2], [22, 21], [23, 22], [24, 2], [25, 24], [26, 25], [27, 3], [28, 27], [28, 17], [29, 28], [30, 23], [31, 29], [31, 30], [32, 31], [33, 3], [34, 33], [35, 17], [36, 35], [37, 34], [38, 36], [38, 37], [39, 38], [40, 2], [41, 40], [42, 41], [43, 42], [44, 2], [45, 44], [46, 2], [47, 46], [48, 45], [49, 48], [49, 47], [50, 49], [50, 23], [50, 39], [51, 50], [52, 2], [53, 52], [54, 2], [55, 54], [55, 53], [56, 2], [57, 61], [57, 56], [57, 67], [57, 55], [58, 39], [58, 23], [59, 57], [59, 58], [60, 2], [61, 60], [61, 59], [62, 2], [63, 61], [63, 62], [64, 23], [64, 63], [64, 39], [65, 64], [66, 2], [67, 65], [67, 66], [69, 26], [70, 17], [70, 87], [71, 69], [71, 70], [72, 71], [73, 26], [74, 73], [74, 17], [74, 87], [75, 74], [76, 20], [79, 67], [79, 76], [79, 69], [79, 78], [79, 55], [79, 61], [79, 86], [80, 14], [81, 80], [81, 79], [82, 14], [83, 87], [83, 17], [84, 83], [84, 82], [85, 55], [85, 86], [85, 61], [85, 67], [85, 81], [86, 85], [86, 84], [87, 17], [87, 87], [88, 90], [88, 39], [88, 23], [89, 61], [89, 65], [89, 86], [89, 88], [89, 67], [89, 55], [89, 84], [90, 89], [91, 88], [92, 91], [93, 2], [94, 87], [94, 17], [95, 93], [95, 94], [97, 0], [98, 9], [98, 93], [98, 6]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/ae207ac45aa8bee554fa1f01241399c332563571f7cbfd5f424e3c2bbdf94b13_ae207ac45aa8bee554fa1f01241399c332563571f7cbfd5f424e3c2bbdf94b13.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_425E9C", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_425E9C(__int64 a1, __int64 a2)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n__int64 v3; // rax\nunsigned int v5; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-24h]\n__int64 v6; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-20h]\n__int64 v7; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-18h]\nunsigned int v8; // [rsp+34h] [rbp-Ch]\nunsigned __int64 v9; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-8h]\n\nresult = *(unsigned int *)(a1 + 92);\nif ( (_DWORD)result )\n{\nresult = *(unsigned int *)(a1 + 92);\nif ( (unsigned int)result <= 0x111 )\n{\nv7 = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 24);\nv9 = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 48);\nv6 = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 56);\nv8 = *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 92);\nv5 = *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 76);\nif ( a2 - v9 < v8 )\nv8 = a2 - v9;\nif ( !*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 68) && v8 >= *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 12) - *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 64) )\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 68) = *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 12);\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 64) += v8;\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 92) -= v8;\nwhile ( v8-- )\n{\nif ( v9 >= v5 )\nv3 = 0LL;\nelse\nv3 = v6;\n*(_BYTE *)(v7 + v9) = *(_BYTE *)(v3 + v9 - v5 + v7);\n++v9;\n}\nresult = a1;\n*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 48) = v9;\n}\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,sub_425E9C,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'p', 'a2': 'limit', 'v5': 'rep0', 'v6': 'dicBufSize', 'v7': 'dic', 'v8': 'len', 'v9': 'dicPos', 'sub_425E9C': 'LzmaDec_WriteRem'}"}
hrtime_t gethrpxtime (void) { hrtime_t rc = 0; static int initted = 0; static hrtime_t ns_per_tick; if (!initted) { static long ticks_per_sec; ticks_per_sec = sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK); ns_per_tick = 1000000000 / ticks_per_sec; initted = 1; } struct tms mytms = {0}; clock_t curtick = times (&mytms); if (curtick == 0) return rc; rc = (mytms.tms_utime + mytms.tms_stime) * ns_per_tick; return rc; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "gethrpxtime", "function_addr": 4212661, "binary_name": "d10e9a5f5048fed402126d0687193873c2065519ed0560660f837ec3bdc108da.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 30h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [4, "mov eax, cs:dword_411EC0"], [5, "test eax, eax"], [6, "jnz short loc_404802"], [7, "mov edi, 2"], [8, "call _sysconf"], [9, "mov cs:qword_411EC8, rax"], [10, "mov rcx, cs:qword_411EC8"], [11, "mov eax, 3B9ACA00h"], [12, "cqo"], [13, "idiv rcx"], [14, "mov cs:qword_411ED0, rax"], [15, "mov cs:dword_411EC0, 1"], [16, "mov [rbp+buffer.tms_utime], 0"], [17, "mov [rbp+buffer.tms_stime], 0"], [18, "mov [rbp+buffer.tms_cutime], 0"], [19, "mov [rbp+buffer.tms_cstime], 0"], [20, "lea rax, [rbp+buffer]"], [21, "mov rdi, rax"], [22, "call _times"], [23, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [24, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 0"], [25, "jnz short loc_40483F"], [26, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [27, "jmp short locret_40485D"], [28, "mov rdx, [rbp+buffer.tms_utime]"], [29, "mov rax, [rbp+buffer.tms_stime]"], [30, "add rdx, rax"], [31, "mov rax, cs:qword_411ED0"], [32, "imul rax, rdx"], [33, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [34, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [35, "leave"], [36, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 5], [9, 8], [10, 9], [13, 10], [14, 11], [20, 5], [20, 11], [21, 20], [23, 22], [24, 23], [25, 24], [26, 3], [28, 16], [29, 17], [30, 29], [30, 28], [31, 14], [32, 31], [32, 30], [33, 32], [34, 33], [36, 34], [36, 26]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/d10e9a5f5048fed402126d0687193873c2065519ed0560660f837ec3bdc108da_d10e9a5f5048fed402126d0687193873c2065519ed0560660f837ec3bdc108da.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "gethrpxtime", "query": "\n\n\nclock_t gethrpxtime()\n{\nclock_t result; // rax\nstruct tms buffer; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-30h] BYREF\nclock_t v3; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv3 = 0LL;\nif ( !dword_411EC0 )\n{\nqword_411EC8 = sysconf(2);\nqword_411ED0 = 1000000000 / qword_411EC8;\ndword_411EC0 = 1;\n}\nbuffer.tms_utime = 0LL;\nbuffer.tms_stime = 0LL;\nbuffer.tms_cutime = 0LL;\nbuffer.tms_cstime = 0LL;\nif ( times(&buffer) )\nresult = (buffer.tms_stime + buffer.tms_utime) * qword_411ED0;\nelse\nresult = v3;\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[buffer,v3,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'buffer': 'mytms', 'v3': 'rc'}"}
int curl_to_cacheserver_addGeo(const char *sessionid, const char *longitude, const char *latitude) { /* ====给服务端的协议==== https://ip:port/cache [json_data] { cmd: "addGeo", key: "ONLINE_DRIVER_GEO_ZSET", member: "online-driver-xxxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxx", longitude: "98.123123123", latitude: "39.123123123" } ====得到服务器响应数据==== //成功 { result: "ok", recode: "0" } //失败 { result: "error", recode: "2", //1 代表此key不存在 //2 操作失败 reason: "why...." } */ int ret = 0; cJSON* request_json = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddStringToObject(request_json, "cmd", "addGeo"); cJSON_AddStringToObject(request_json, "key", KEY_ONLINE_DRIVERS_GEO_ZSET); cJSON_AddStringToObject(request_json, "member", sessionid); cJSON_AddStringToObject(request_json, "longitude", longitude); cJSON_AddStringToObject(request_json, "latitude", latitude); char * request_json_str = cJSON_Print(request_json); curl_response_data_t res_data; memset(&res_data, 0, sizeof(res_data)); if (curl_send(URI_DATA_SERVER_CHE, request_json_str, &res_data, 1) != 0) { ret = -1; goto END; } cJSON_Delete(request_json); free(request_json_str); cJSON *res_root = cJSON_Parse(; cJSON *result = cJSON_GetObjectItem(res_root, "result"); if (result && (strcmp(result->valuestring, "ok") == 0)) { //succ LOG(LOG_MODULE, LOG_PROC_REMOTE_CURL, "add Geo succ\n"); } else { //fail cJSON *reason = cJSON_GetObjectItem(res_root, "reason"); if (reason) { LOG(LOG_MODULE, LOG_PROC_REMOTE_CURL, "add Geo error, reason = %s\n", reason->valuestring); } else { LOG(LOG_MODULE, LOG_PROC_REMOTE_CURL, "add Geo error, unknow reason, res_data=%s\n",; } ret = -1; } cJSON_Delete(res_root); END: return ret; return ret; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40A0F0", "function_addr": 4235504, "binary_name": "f045fa32fdb3b7128d72d0c3f2aa2fd3208b081eb226f5754b7c891eaa5718b2.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 1060h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_1048], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_1050], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_1058], rdx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [7, "call sub_405FB4"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [9, "mov edi, offset aAddgeo"], [10, "call sub_405F4A"], [11, "mov rdx, rax"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [13, "mov esi, offset aCmd"], [14, "mov rdi, rax"], [15, "call sub_40595C"], [16, "mov edi, offset aOnlineDriverGe"], [17, "call sub_405F4A"], [18, "mov rdx, rax"], [19, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [20, "mov esi, offset aKey"], [21, "mov rdi, rax"], [22, "call sub_40595C"], [23, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1048]"], [24, "mov rdi, rax"], [25, "call sub_405F4A"], [26, "mov rdx, rax"], [27, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [28, "mov esi, offset aMember"], [29, "mov rdi, rax"], [30, "call sub_40595C"], [31, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1050]"], [32, "mov rdi, rax"], [33, "call sub_405F4A"], [34, "mov rdx, rax"], [35, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [36, "mov esi, offset aLongitude"], [37, "mov rdi, rax"], [38, "call sub_40595C"], [39, "mov rax, [rbp+var_1058]"], [40, "mov rdi, rax"], [41, "call sub_405F4A"], [42, "mov rdx, rax"], [43, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [44, "mov esi, offset aLatitude"], [45, "mov rdi, rax"], [46, "call sub_40595C"], [47, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [48, "mov rdi, rax"], [49, "call sub_40410A"], [50, "mov [rbp+ptr], rax"], [51, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [52, "mov edx, 1004h"], [53, "mov esi, 0"], [54, "mov rdi, rax"], [55, "call _memset"], [56, "lea rdx, [rbp+s]"], [57, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [58, "mov ecx, 1"], [59, "mov rsi, rax"], [60, "mov edi, offset aHttps101200190_0"], [61, "call sub_407B0C"], [62, "test eax, eax"], [63, "jz short loc_40A21B"], [64, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [65, "jmp loc_40A350"], [66, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [67, "mov rdi, rax"], [68, "call sub_402EE7"], [69, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [70, "mov rdi, rax"], [71, "call _free"], [72, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [73, "mov rdi, rax"], [74, "call sub_4040E6"], [75, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [76, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [77, "mov esi, offset aResult_0"], [78, "mov rdi, rax"], [79, "call sub_4057FC"], [80, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [81, "cmp [rbp+var_28], 0"], [82, "jz short loc_40A2AA"], [83, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [84, "mov rax, [rax+20h]"], [85, "mov esi, offset aOk_2"], [86, "mov rdi, rax"], [87, "call _strcmp"], [88, "test eax, eax"], [89, "jnz short loc_40A2AA"], [90, "mov r9d, offset aAddGeoSucc"], [91, "mov r8d, offset aCurlToCacheser_7"], [92, "mov ecx, 45Ah"], [93, "mov edx, offset aRemoteStoreC"], [94, "mov esi, offset aRemoteCurl"], [95, "mov edi, offset aOboBusi_1"], [96, "mov eax, 0"], [97, "call sub_40DF1D"], [98, "jmp loc_40A344"], [99, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [100, "mov esi, offset aReason_0"], [101, "mov rdi, rax"], [102, "call sub_4057FC"], [103, "mov [rbp+var_30], rax"], [104, "cmp [rbp+var_30], 0"], [105, "jz short loc_40A303"], [106, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [107, "mov rax, [rax+20h]"], [108, "sub rsp, 8"], [109, "push rax"], [110, "mov r9d, offset aAddGeoErrorRea"], [111, "mov r8d, offset aCurlToCacheser_7"], [112, "mov ecx, 460h"], [113, "mov edx, offset aRemoteStoreC"], [114, "mov esi, offset aRemoteCurl"], [115, "mov edi, offset aOboBusi_1"], [116, "mov eax, 0"], [117, "call sub_40DF1D"], [118, "add rsp, 10h"], [119, "jmp short loc_40A33D"], [120, "sub rsp, 8"], [121, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [122, "push rax"], [123, "mov r9d, offset aAddGeoErrorUnk"], [124, "mov r8d, offset aCurlToCacheser_7"], [125, "mov ecx, 463h"], [126, "mov edx, offset aRemoteStoreC"], [127, "mov esi, offset aRemoteCurl"], [128, "mov edi, offset aOboBusi_1"], [129, "mov eax, 0"], [130, "call sub_40DF1D"], [131, "add rsp, 10h"], [132, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [133, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [134, "mov rdi, rax"], [135, "call sub_402EE7"], [136, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [137, "leave"], [138, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[8, 7], [11, 10], [12, 8], [14, 12], [18, 17], [19, 8], [21, 19], [23, 3], [24, 23], [26, 25], [27, 8], [29, 27], [31, 4], [32, 31], [34, 33], [35, 8], [37, 35], [39, 5], [40, 39], [42, 41], [43, 8], [45, 43], [47, 8], [48, 47], [50, 49], [51, 49], [54, 51], [56, 52], [57, 50], [59, 57], [62, 61], [63, 62], [66, 8], [67, 66], [69, 50], [70, 69], [72, 71], [73, 72], [75, 74], [76, 75], [78, 76], [80, 79], [81, 80], [82, 81], [83, 80], [84, 83], [86, 84], [88, 87], [89, 88], [99, 75], [101, 99], [103, 102], [104, 103], [105, 104], [106, 103], [107, 106], [108, 2], [109, 107], [118, 108], [120, 2], [121, 102], [122, 121], [131, 120], [133, 75], [134, 133], [136, 132], [136, 64], [136, 6], [138, 136]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/f045fa32fdb3b7128d72d0c3f2aa2fd3208b081eb226f5754b7c891eaa5718b2_f045fa32fdb3b7128d72d0c3f2aa2fd3208b081eb226f5754b7c891eaa5718b2.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40A0F0", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_40A0F0(const char *a1, const char *a2, const char *a3)\n{\n_DWORD *v3; // rax\n_DWORD *v4; // rax\n_DWORD *v5; // rax\n_DWORD *v6; // rax\n_DWORD *v7; // rax\nchar s[4112]; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-1040h] BYREF\n__int64 **v11; // [rsp+1030h] [rbp-30h]\n__int64 **v12; // [rsp+1038h] [rbp-28h]\nvoid *v13; // [rsp+1040h] [rbp-20h]\nvoid *ptr; // [rsp+1048h] [rbp-18h]\n_DWORD *v15; // [rsp+1050h] [rbp-10h]\nunsigned int v16; // [rsp+105Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nv16 = 0;\nv15 = sub_405FB4();\nv3 = sub_405F4A(\"addGeo\");\nsub_40595C((__int64)v15, \"cmd\", (__int64)v3);\nv4 = sub_405F4A(\"ONLINE_DRIVER_GEO_ZSET\");\nsub_40595C((__int64)v15, \"key\", (__int64)v4);\nv5 = sub_405F4A(a1);\nsub_40595C((__int64)v15, \"member\", (__int64)v5);\nv6 = sub_405F4A(a2);\nsub_40595C((__int64)v15, \"longitude\", (__int64)v6);\nv7 = sub_405F4A(a3);\nsub_40595C((__int64)v15, \"latitude\", (__int64)v7);\nptr = (void *)sub_40410A((__int64)v15);\nmemset(s, 0, 0x1004uLL);\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_407B0C((__int64)\"\", (__int64)ptr, (__int64)s, 1) )\nreturn (unsigned int)-1;\nsub_402EE7(v15);\nfree(ptr);\nv13 = sub_4040E6(s);\nv12 = sub_4057FC((__int64)v13, \"result\");\nif ( v12 && !strcmp((const char *)v12[4], \"ok\") )\n{\nsub_40DF1D(\n(unsigned int)\"OBO_BUSI\",\n(unsigned int)\"remote_curl\",\n(unsigned int)\"remote_store.c\",\n1114,\n(unsigned int)\"curl_to_cacheserver_addGeo\",\n(unsigned int)\"add Geo succ\\n\");\n}\nelse\n{\nv11 = sub_4057FC((__int64)v13, \"reason\");\nif ( v11 )\nsub_40DF1D(\n(unsigned int)\"OBO_BUSI\",\n(unsigned int)\"remote_curl\",\n(unsigned int)\"remote_store.c\",\n1120,\n(unsigned int)\"curl_to_cacheserver_addGeo\",\n(unsigned int)\"add Geo error, reason = %s\\n\",\nv11[4]);\nelse\nsub_40DF1D(\n(unsigned int)\"OBO_BUSI\",\n(unsigned int)\"remote_curl\",\n(unsigned int)\"remote_store.c\",\n1123,\n(unsigned int)\"curl_to_cacheserver_addGeo\",\n(unsigned int)\"add Geo error, unknow reason, res_data=%s\\n\",\ns);\nv16 = -1;\n}\nsub_402EE7(v13);\nreturn v16;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,s,v11,v12,v13,ptr,v15,sub_40A0F0,sub_405FB4,sub_405F4A,sub_40595C,sub_40410A,sub_407B0C,sub_402EE7,sub_4040E6,sub_4057FC,sub_40DF1D,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'latitude', 'a1': 'sessionid', 'a2': 'longitude', 's': 'res_data', 'v11': 'reason', 'v12': 'result', 'v13': 'res_root', 'ptr': 'request_json_str', 'v15': 'request_json', 'sub_40A0F0': 'curl_to_cacheserver_addGeo', 'sub_405FB4': 'cJSON_CreateObject', 'sub_405F4A': 'cJSON_CreateString', 'sub_40595C': 'cJSON_AddItemToObject', 'sub_40410A': 'cJSON_Print', 'sub_407B0C': 'curl_send', 'sub_402EE7': 'cJSON_Delete', 'sub_4040E6': 'cJSON_Parse', 'sub_4057FC': 'cJSON_GetObjectItem', 'sub_40DF1D': 'dumpmsg_to_file'}"}
static uint16_t handle_read_by_group_type_request(att_connection_t * att_connection, uint8_t * request_buffer, uint16_t request_len, uint8_t * response_buffer, uint16_t response_buffer_size){ uint16_t attribute_type_len; switch (request_len){ case 7: attribute_type_len = 2; break; case 21: attribute_type_len = 16; break; default: return setup_error_invalid_pdu(response_buffer, ATT_READ_BY_GROUP_TYPE_REQUEST); } uint16_t start_handle = little_endian_read_16(request_buffer, 1); uint16_t end_handle = little_endian_read_16(request_buffer, 3); return handle_read_by_group_type_request2(att_connection, response_buffer, response_buffer_size, start_handle, end_handle, attribute_type_len, &request_buffer[5]); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_431040", "function_addr": 4395072, "binary_name": "1cdcd09e088b6ff1db54fa3ae8a0c70f8f219b2e121d0ce2b5639ebfe341cfd3.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 30h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_20], rsi"], [5, "mov eax, edx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_30], rcx"], [7, "mov edx, r8d"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_24], ax"], [9, "mov eax, edx"], [10, "mov [rbp+var_28], ax"], [11, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_24]"], [12, "cmp eax, 7"], [13, "jz short loc_431073"], [14, "cmp eax, 15h"], [15, "jz short loc_43107B"], [16, "jmp short loc_431083"], [17, "mov [rbp+var_2], 2"], [18, "jmp short loc_431096"], [19, "mov [rbp+var_2], 10h"], [20, "jmp short loc_431096"], [21, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [22, "mov esi, 10h"], [23, "mov rdi, rax"], [24, "call sub_42FB6E"], [25, "jmp short locret_4310F3"], [26, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [27, "mov esi, 1"], [28, "mov rdi, rax"], [29, "call sub_4094AD"], [30, "mov [rbp+var_4], ax"], [31, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [32, "mov esi, 3"], [33, "mov rdi, rax"], [34, "call sub_4094AD"], [35, "mov [rbp+var_6], ax"], [36, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [37, "lea rdi, [rax+5]"], [38, "movzx r9d, [rbp+var_2]"], [39, "movzx r8d, [rbp+var_6]"], [40, "movzx ecx, [rbp+var_4]"], [41, "movzx edx, [rbp+var_28]"], [42, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_30]"], [43, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [44, "sub rsp, 8"], [45, "push rdi"], [46, "mov rdi, rax"], [47, "call sub_430D5B"], [48, "add rsp, 10h"], [49, "leave"], [50, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[8, 5], [9, 7], [10, 9], [11, 8], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 11], [15, 14], [21, 6], [23, 21], [26, 4], [28, 26], [30, 29], [31, 4], [33, 31], [35, 34], [36, 4], [37, 33], [37, 36], [38, 19], [38, 17], [39, 35], [40, 30], [41, 10], [42, 6], [43, 3], [44, 2], [45, 37], [46, 43], [48, 44], [50, 24], [50, 47]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/1cdcd09e088b6ff1db54fa3ae8a0c70f8f219b2e121d0ce2b5639ebfe341cfd3_1cdcd09e088b6ff1db54fa3ae8a0c70f8f219b2e121d0ce2b5639ebfe341cfd3.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_431040", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_431040(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int16 a3, _BYTE *a4, unsigned __int16 a5)\n{\nunsigned __int16 v8; // [rsp+2Ah] [rbp-6h]\nunsigned __int16 v9; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-4h]\nunsigned __int16 v10; // [rsp+2Eh] [rbp-2h]\n\nif ( a3 == 7 )\n{\nv10 = 2;\n}\nelse\n{\nif ( a3 != 21 )\nreturn sub_42FB6E(a4, 16);\nv10 = 16;\n}\nv9 = sub_4094AD(a2, 1);\nv8 = sub_4094AD(a2, 3);\nreturn sub_430D5B(a1, a4, a5, v9, v8, v10, (const void *)(a2 + 5));\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,a5,v8,v9,v10,sub_431040,sub_42FB6E,sub_4094AD,sub_430D5B,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'request_len', 'a4': 'response_buffer', 'a1': 'att_connection', 'a2': 'request_buffer', 'a5': 'response_buffer_size', 'v8': 'end_handle', 'v9': 'start_handle', 'v10': 'attribute_type_len', 'sub_431040': 'handle_read_by_group_type_request', 'sub_42FB6E': 'setup_error_invalid_pdu', 'sub_4094AD': 'little_endian_read_16', 'sub_430D5B': 'handle_read_by_group_type_request2'}"}
void btstack_run_loop_execute_on_main_thread(btstack_context_callback_registration_t * callback_registration){ btstack_assert(the_run_loop != NULL); btstack_assert(the_run_loop->execute_on_main_thread != NULL); the_run_loop->execute_on_main_thread(callback_registration); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_405A2E", "function_addr": 4217390, "binary_name": "ef3e83fa7cd2ea82c8d52009344d188bc01d84108831282655bc59beb173d4ac.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov rax, cs:qword_472D10"], [5, "test rax, rax"], [6, "jnz short loc_405A5F"], [7, "mov ecx, offset aBtstackRunLoop_13"], [8, "mov edx, 140h"], [9, "mov esi, offset aSrcBtstackRunL"], [10, "mov edi, offset aTheRunLoopVoid"], [11, "call ___assert_fail"], [12, "mov rax, cs:qword_472D10"], [13, "mov rax, [rax+60h]"], [14, "test rax, rax"], [15, "jnz short loc_405A88"], [16, "mov ecx, offset aBtstackRunLoop_13"], [17, "mov edx, 141h"], [18, "mov esi, offset aSrcBtstackRunL"], [19, "mov edi, offset aTheRunLoopExec"], [20, "call ___assert_fail"], [21, "mov rax, cs:qword_472D10"], [22, "mov rdx, [rax+60h]"], [23, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [24, "mov rdi, rax"], [25, "call rdx"], [26, "nop"], [27, "leave"], [28, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 5], [13, 12], [14, 13], [15, 14], [22, 21], [23, 3], [24, 23], [25, 22], [28, 25]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/ef3e83fa7cd2ea82c8d52009344d188bc01d84108831282655bc59beb173d4ac_ef3e83fa7cd2ea82c8d52009344d188bc01d84108831282655bc59beb173d4ac.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_405A2E", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_405A2E(__int64 a1)\n{\nif ( !qword_472D10 )\n__assert_fail(\n\"the_run_loop != ((void *)0)\",\n\"../../src/btstack_run_loop.c\",\n0x140u,\n\"btstack_run_loop_execute_on_main_thread\");\nif ( !*(_QWORD *)(qword_472D10 + 96) )\n__assert_fail(\n\"the_run_loop->execute_on_main_thread != ((void *)0)\",\n\"../../src/btstack_run_loop.c\",\n0x141u,\n\"btstack_run_loop_execute_on_main_thread\");\nreturn (*(__int64 (__fastcall **)(__int64))(qword_472D10 + 96))(a1);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_405A2E,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'callback_registration', 'sub_405A2E': 'btstack_run_loop_execute_on_main_thread'}"}
static int ecp_randomize_mxz( const mbedtls_ecp_group *grp, mbedtls_ecp_point *P, int (*f_rng)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t), void *p_rng ) { int ret = MBEDTLS_ERR_ERROR_CORRUPTION_DETECTED; mbedtls_mpi l; size_t p_size; int count = 0; #if defined(MBEDTLS_ECP_RANDOMIZE_MXZ_ALT) if( mbedtls_internal_ecp_grp_capable( grp ) ) return( mbedtls_internal_ecp_randomize_mxz( grp, P, f_rng, p_rng ); #endif /* MBEDTLS_ECP_RANDOMIZE_MXZ_ALT */ p_size = ( grp->pbits + 7 ) / 8; mbedtls_mpi_init( &l ); /* Generate l such that 1 < l < p */ do { MBEDTLS_MPI_CHK( mbedtls_mpi_fill_random( &l, p_size, f_rng, p_rng ) ); while( mbedtls_mpi_cmp_mpi( &l, &grp->P ) >= 0 ) MBEDTLS_MPI_CHK( mbedtls_mpi_shift_r( &l, 1 ) ); if( count++ > 10 ) return( MBEDTLS_ERR_ECP_RANDOM_FAILED ); } while( mbedtls_mpi_cmp_int( &l, 1 ) <= 0 ); MBEDTLS_MPI_CHK( mbedtls_mpi_mul_mod( grp, &P->X, &P->X, &l ) ); MBEDTLS_MPI_CHK( mbedtls_mpi_mul_mod( grp, &P->Z, &P->Z, &l ) ); cleanup: mbedtls_mpi_free( &l ); return( ret ); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40EDC4", "function_addr": 4255172, "binary_name": "5ee93d36985e936bbd6f8188afebd6a24e0643eb24f160595f27ac160461f335.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 50h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_38], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_40], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_48], rdx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_50], rcx"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0FFFFFF92h"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [10, "mov rax, [rax+0B0h]"], [11, "add rax, 7"], [12, "shr rax, 3"], [13, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [14, "lea rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [15, "mov rdi, rax"], [16, "call sub_404D7A"], [17, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_50]"], [18, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_48]"], [19, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_10]"], [20, "lea rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [21, "mov rdi, rax"], [22, "call sub_4098AF"], [23, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [24, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [25, "jnz loc_40EEEB"], [26, "jmp short loc_40EE52"], [27, "lea rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [28, "mov esi, 1"], [29, "mov rdi, rax"], [30, "call sub_40696E"], [31, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [32, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [33, "jnz loc_40EEEE"], [34, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [35, "lea rdx, [rax+8]"], [36, "lea rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [37, "mov rsi, rdx"], [38, "mov rdi, rax"], [39, "call sub_406CA7"], [40, "test eax, eax"], [41, "jns short loc_40EE34"], [42, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [43, "lea edx, [rax+1]"], [44, "mov [rbp+var_8], edx"], [45, "cmp eax, 0Ah"], [46, "jle short loc_40EE82"], [47, "mov eax, 0FFFFB300h"], [48, "jmp short locret_40EF01"], [49, "lea rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [50, "mov esi, 1"], [51, "mov rdi, rax"], [52, "call sub_406FFB"], [53, "test eax, eax"], [54, "jle loc_40EE0D"], [55, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_40]"], [56, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_40]"], [57, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_30]"], [58, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [59, "mov rdi, rax"], [60, "call sub_40C913"], [61, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [62, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [63, "jnz short loc_40EEF1"], [64, "mov rax, [rbp+var_40]"], [65, "lea rdi, [rax+30h]"], [66, "mov rax, [rbp+var_40]"], [67, "lea rsi, [rax+30h]"], [68, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_30]"], [69, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [70, "mov rcx, rdx"], [71, "mov rdx, rdi"], [72, "mov rdi, rax"], [73, "call sub_40C913"], [74, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [75, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [76, "jmp short loc_40EEF2"], [77, "nop"], [78, "jmp short loc_40EEF2"], [79, "nop"], [80, "jmp short loc_40EEF2"], [81, "nop"], [82, "lea rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [83, "mov rdi, rax"], [84, "call sub_404DA7"], [85, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [86, "leave"], [87, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[9, 3], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 12], [15, 14], [17, 6], [18, 5], [19, 13], [20, 53], [20, 16], [21, 20], [23, 22], [24, 23], [25, 24], [27, 40], [29, 27], [31, 30], [32, 31], [33, 32], [34, 3], [35, 35], [35, 34], [35, 18], [36, 34], [37, 35], [38, 36], [40, 39], [41, 40], [42, 8], [42, 44], [43, 42], [43, 35], [44, 43], [45, 42], [46, 45], [49, 42], [51, 49], [53, 52], [54, 53], [55, 4], [56, 4], [57, 17], [58, 3], [59, 58], [61, 60], [62, 61], [63, 62], [64, 4], [65, 64], [65, 59], [66, 4], [67, 66], [67, 56], [68, 55], [69, 3], [70, 68], [71, 65], [72, 69], [74, 73], [75, 74], [82, 22], [82, 73], [82, 30], [82, 60], [83, 82], [85, 61], [85, 23], [85, 31], [85, 74], [87, 85], [87, 47]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/5ee93d36985e936bbd6f8188afebd6a24e0643eb24f160595f27ac160461f335_5ee93d36985e936bbd6f8188afebd6a24e0643eb24f160595f27ac160461f335.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40EDC4", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_40EDC4(_QWORD *a1, int *a2, void (__fastcall *a3)(__int64, unsigned __int64, unsigned __int64), __int64 a4)\n{\nint v4; // eax\n_QWORD v8[4]; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-30h] BYREF\nunsigned __int64 v9; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-10h]\nint v10; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-8h]\nunsigned int v11; // [rsp+4Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nv11 = -110;\nv10 = 0;\nv9 = (unsigned __int64)(a1[22] + 7LL) >> 3;\nsub_404D7A((__int64)v8);\nwhile ( 1 )\n{\nv11 = sub_4098AF((__int64)v8, v9, a3, a4);\nif ( v11 )\nbreak;\nwhile ( (int)sub_406CA7(v8, (__int64)(a1 + 1)) >= 0 )\n{\nv11 = sub_40696E((__int64)v8, 1uLL);\nif ( v11 )\ngoto LABEL_11;\n}\nv4 = v10++;\nif ( v4 > 10 )\nreturn 4294947584LL;\nif ( (int)sub_406FFB(v8, 1LL) > 0 )\n{\nv11 = sub_40C913(a1, a2, (__int64)a2, (char *)v8);\nif ( !v11 )\nv11 = sub_40C913(a1, a2 + 12, (__int64)(a2 + 12), (char *)v8);\nbreak;\n}\n}\nLABEL_11:\nsub_404DA7((__int64)v8);\nreturn v11;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,v8,v9,v10,sub_40EDC4,sub_404D7A,sub_4098AF,sub_406CA7,sub_40696E,sub_406FFB,sub_40C913,sub_404DA7,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'f_rng', 'a4': 'p_rng', 'a1': 'grp', 'a2': 'P', 'v8': 'l', 'v9': 'p_size', 'v10': 'count', 'sub_40EDC4': 'ecp_randomize_mxz', 'sub_404D7A': 'mbedtls_mpi_init', 'sub_4098AF': 'mbedtls_mpi_fill_random', 'sub_406CA7': 'mbedtls_mpi_cmp_mpi', 'sub_40696E': 'mbedtls_mpi_shift_r', 'sub_406FFB': 'mbedtls_mpi_cmp_int', 'sub_40C913': 'mbedtls_mpi_mul_mod', 'sub_404DA7': 'mbedtls_mpi_free'}"}
static void intel_get_token () { char *end_op; const reg_entry *reg; struct intel_token new_token; new_token.code = T_NIL; new_token.reg = NULL; new_token.str = NULL; /* Free the memory allocated to the previous token and move cur_token to prev_token. */ if (prev_token.str) free (prev_token.str); prev_token = cur_token; /* Skip whitespace. */ while (is_space_char (*intel_parser.op_string)) intel_parser.op_string++; /* Return an empty token if we find nothing else on the line. */ if (*intel_parser.op_string == '\0') { cur_token = new_token; return; } /* The new token cannot be larger than the remainder of the operand string. */ new_token.str = (char *) malloc (strlen (intel_parser.op_string) + 1); if (new_token.str == NULL) abort (); new_token.str[0] = '\0'; if (strchr ("0123456789", *intel_parser.op_string)) { char *p = new_token.str; char *q = intel_parser.op_string; new_token.code = T_CONST; /* Allow any kind of identifier char to encompass floating point and hexadecimal numbers. */ while (is_identifier_char (*q)) *p++ = *q++; *p = '\0'; /* Recognize special symbol names [0-9][bf]. */ if (strlen (intel_parser.op_string) == 2 && (intel_parser.op_string[1] == 'b' || intel_parser.op_string[1] == 'f')) new_token.code = T_ID; } else if ((*intel_parser.op_string == REGISTER_PREFIX || allow_naked_reg) && ((reg = parse_register (intel_parser.op_string, &end_op)) != NULL)) { new_token.code = T_REG; new_token.reg = reg; if (*intel_parser.op_string == REGISTER_PREFIX) { new_token.str[0] = REGISTER_PREFIX; new_token.str[1] = '\0'; } strcat (new_token.str, reg->reg_name); } else if (is_identifier_char (*intel_parser.op_string)) { char *p = new_token.str; char *q = intel_parser.op_string; /* A '.' or '$' followed by an identifier char is an identifier. Otherwise, it's operator '.' followed by an expression. */ if ((*q == '.' || *q == '$') && !is_identifier_char (*(q + 1))) { new_token.code = '.'; new_token.str[0] = '.'; new_token.str[1] = '\0'; } else { while (is_identifier_char (*q) || *q == '@') *p++ = *q++; *p = '\0'; if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "NOT") == 0) new_token.code = '~'; else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "MOD") == 0) new_token.code = '%'; else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "AND") == 0) new_token.code = '&'; else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "OR") == 0) new_token.code = '|'; else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "XOR") == 0) new_token.code = '^'; else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "SHL") == 0) new_token.code = T_SHL; else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "SHR") == 0) new_token.code = T_SHR; else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "BYTE") == 0) new_token.code = T_BYTE; else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "WORD") == 0) new_token.code = T_WORD; else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "DWORD") == 0) new_token.code = T_DWORD; else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "FWORD") == 0) new_token.code = T_FWORD; else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "QWORD") == 0) new_token.code = T_QWORD; else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "TBYTE") == 0 /* XXX remove (gcc still uses it) */ || strcasecmp (new_token.str, "XWORD") == 0) new_token.code = T_TBYTE; else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "XMMWORD") == 0 || strcasecmp (new_token.str, "OWORD") == 0) new_token.code = T_XMMWORD; else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "PTR") == 0) new_token.code = T_PTR; else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "SHORT") == 0) new_token.code = T_SHORT; else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "OFFSET") == 0) { new_token.code = T_OFFSET; /* ??? This is not mentioned in the MASM grammar but gcc makes use of it with -mintel-syntax. OFFSET may be followed by FLAT: */ if (strncasecmp (q, " FLAT:", 6) == 0) strcat (new_token.str, " FLAT:"); } /* ??? This is not mentioned in the MASM grammar. */ else if (strcasecmp (new_token.str, "FLAT") == 0) new_token.code = T_OFFSET; else new_token.code = T_ID; } } else if (strchr ("+-/*%|&^:[]()~", *intel_parser.op_string)) { new_token.code = *intel_parser.op_string; new_token.str[0] = *intel_parser.op_string; new_token.str[1] = '\0'; } else if (strchr ("<>", *intel_parser.op_string) && *intel_parser.op_string == *(intel_parser.op_string + 1)) { new_token.code = *intel_parser.op_string == '<' ? T_SHL : T_SHR; new_token.str[0] = *intel_parser.op_string; new_token.str[1] = *intel_parser.op_string; new_token.str[2] = '\0'; } else as_bad (_("Unrecognized token `%s'"), intel_parser.op_string); intel_parser.op_string += strlen (new_token.str); cur_token = new_token; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_42251A", "function_addr": 4334874, "binary_name": "53a05aad0cf55e21d871bf84231d41994b161191fed8e17cf3096e52dd9ca4c2.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "push rbx"], [3, "sub rsp, 58h"], [4, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_58], 0"], [6, "mov [rbp+dest], 0"], [7, "mov rax, cs:qword_455760"], [8, "test rax, rax"], [9, "jz short loc_422555"], [10, "mov rax, cs:qword_455760"], [11, "mov rdi, rax"], [12, "call _free"], [13, "mov rax, cs:qword_455730"], [14, "mov rdx, cs:qword_455738"], [15, "mov cs:qword_455750, rax"], [16, "mov cs:qword_455758, rdx"], [17, "mov rax, cs:qword_455740"], [18, "mov cs:qword_455760, rax"], [19, "jmp short loc_422593"], [20, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [21, "add rax, 1"], [22, "mov cs:dest, rax"], [23, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [24, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [25, "cmp al, 20h "], [26, "jz short loc_422581"], [27, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [28, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [29, "test al, al"], [30, "jnz short loc_4225D5"], [31, "mov rax, [rbp+var_60]"], [32, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_58]"], [33, "mov cs:qword_455730, rax"], [34, "mov cs:qword_455738, rdx"], [35, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [36, "mov cs:qword_455740, rax"], [37, "jmp loc_422C0A"], [38, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [39, "mov rdi, rax"], [40, "call _strlen"], [41, "add rax, 1"], [42, "mov rdi, rax"], [43, "call _malloc"], [44, "mov [rbp+dest], rax"], [45, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [46, "test rax, rax"], [47, "jnz short loc_422602"], [48, "call _abort"], [49, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [50, "mov byte ptr [rax], 0"], [51, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [52, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [53, "movsx eax, al"], [54, "mov esi, eax"], [55, "mov edi, offset a0123456789_0"], [56, "call _strchr"], [57, "test rax, rax"], [58, "jz loc_4226CF"], [59, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [60, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [61, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [62, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [63, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 1"], [64, "jmp short loc_422664"], [65, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_20]"], [66, "lea rax, [rdx+1]"], [67, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [68, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [69, "lea rcx, [rax+1]"], [70, "mov [rbp+var_18], rcx"], [71, "movzx edx, byte ptr [rdx]"], [72, "mov [rax], dl"], [73, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [74, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [75, "movzx eax, al"], [76, "cdqe"], [77, "movzx eax, ds:byte_455300[rax]"], [78, "test al, al"], [79, "jnz short loc_422647"], [80, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [81, "mov byte ptr [rax], 0"], [82, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [83, "mov rdi, rax"], [84, "call _strlen"], [85, "cmp rax, 2"], [86, "jnz loc_422BCC"], [87, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [88, "add rax, 1"], [89, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [90, "cmp al, 62h "], [91, "jz short loc_4226C3"], [92, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [93, "add rax, 1"], [94, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [95, "cmp al, 66h "], [96, "jnz loc_422BCC"], [97, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 0Dh"], [98, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [99, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [100, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [101, "cmp al, 25h "], [102, "jz short loc_4226E7"], [103, "mov eax, cs:dword_4556B0"], [104, "test eax, eax"], [105, "jz short loc_422752"], [106, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [107, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_40]"], [108, "mov rsi, rdx"], [109, "mov rdi, rax"], [110, "call sub_420C0C"], [111, "mov [rbp+var_38], rax"], [112, "cmp [rbp+var_38], 0"], [113, "jz short loc_422752"], [114, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 2"], [115, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [116, "mov [rbp+var_58], rax"], [117, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [118, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [119, "cmp al, 25h "], [120, "jnz short loc_422737"], [121, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [122, "mov byte ptr [rax], 25h "], [123, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [124, "add rax, 1"], [125, "mov byte ptr [rax], 0"], [126, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [127, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [128, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [129, "mov rsi, rdx"], [130, "mov rdi, rax"], [131, "call _strcat"], [132, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [133, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [134, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [135, "movzx eax, al"], [136, "cdqe"], [137, "movzx eax, ds:byte_455300[rax]"], [138, "test al, al"], [139, "jz loc_422ADD"], [140, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [141, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [142, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [143, "mov [rbp+s1], rax"], [144, "mov rax, [rbp+s1]"], [145, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [146, "cmp al, 2Eh "], [147, "jz short loc_422799"], [148, "mov rax, [rbp+s1]"], [149, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [150, "cmp al, 24h "], [151, "jnz short loc_4227EF"], [152, "mov rax, [rbp+s1]"], [153, "add rax, 1"], [154, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [155, "movzx eax, al"], [156, "cdqe"], [157, "movzx eax, ds:byte_455300[rax]"], [158, "test al, al"], [159, "jnz short loc_4227EF"], [160, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 2Eh "], [161, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [162, "mov byte ptr [rax], 2Eh "], [163, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [164, "add rax, 1"], [165, "mov byte ptr [rax], 0"], [166, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [167, "mov rdx, [rbp+s1]"], [168, "lea rax, [rdx+1]"], [169, "mov [rbp+s1], rax"], [170, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [171, "lea rcx, [rax+1]"], [172, "mov [rbp+var_28], rcx"], [173, "movzx edx, byte ptr [rdx]"], [174, "mov [rax], dl"], [175, "mov rax, [rbp+s1]"], [176, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [177, "movzx eax, al"], [178, "cdqe"], [179, "movzx eax, ds:byte_455300[rax]"], [180, "test al, al"], [181, "jnz short loc_4227D2"], [182, "mov rax, [rbp+s1]"], [183, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [184, "cmp al, 40h "], [185, "jz short loc_4227D2"], [186, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [187, "mov byte ptr [rax], 0"], [188, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [189, "mov esi, offset aNot"], [190, "mov rdi, rax"], [191, "call _strcasecmp"], [192, "test eax, eax"], [193, "jnz short loc_422839"], [194, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 7Eh "], [195, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [196, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [197, "mov esi, offset off_44B3DD"], [198, "mov rdi, rax"], [199, "call _strcasecmp"], [200, "test eax, eax"], [201, "jnz short loc_42285A"], [202, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 25h "], [203, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [204, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [205, "mov esi, offset off_44B3E1"], [206, "mov rdi, rax"], [207, "call _strcasecmp"], [208, "test eax, eax"], [209, "jnz short loc_42287B"], [210, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 26h "], [211, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [212, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [213, "mov esi, offset aOr"], [214, "mov rdi, rax"], [215, "call _strcasecmp"], [216, "test eax, eax"], [217, "jnz short loc_42289C"], [218, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 7Ch "], [219, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [220, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [221, "mov esi, offset aXor"], [222, "mov rdi, rax"], [223, "call _strcasecmp"], [224, "test eax, eax"], [225, "jnz short loc_4228BD"], [226, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 5Eh "], [227, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [228, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [229, "mov esi, offset aShl"], [230, "mov rdi, rax"], [231, "call _strcasecmp"], [232, "test eax, eax"], [233, "jnz short loc_4228DE"], [234, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 0Eh"], [235, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [236, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [237, "mov esi, offset aShr"], [238, "mov rdi, rax"], [239, "call _strcasecmp"], [240, "test eax, eax"], [241, "jnz short loc_4228FF"], [242, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 0Fh"], [243, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [244, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [245, "mov esi, offset aByte"], [246, "mov rdi, rax"], [247, "call _strcasecmp"], [248, "test eax, eax"], [249, "jnz short loc_422920"], [250, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 3"], [251, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [252, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [253, "mov esi, offset aWord"], [254, "mov rdi, rax"], [255, "call _strcasecmp"], [256, "test eax, eax"], [257, "jnz short loc_422941"], [258, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 4"], [259, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [260, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [261, "mov esi, offset aDword"], [262, "mov rdi, rax"], [263, "call _strcasecmp"], [264, "test eax, eax"], [265, "jnz short loc_422962"], [266, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 5"], [267, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [268, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [269, "mov esi, offset aFword"], [270, "mov rdi, rax"], [271, "call _strcasecmp"], [272, "test eax, eax"], [273, "jnz short loc_422983"], [274, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 6"], [275, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [276, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [277, "mov esi, offset aQword"], [278, "mov rdi, rax"], [279, "call _strcasecmp"], [280, "test eax, eax"], [281, "jnz short loc_4229A4"], [282, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 7"], [283, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [284, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [285, "mov esi, offset aTbyte"], [286, "mov rdi, rax"], [287, "call _strcasecmp"], [288, "test eax, eax"], [289, "jz short loc_4229CE"], [290, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [291, "mov esi, offset aXword"], [292, "mov rdi, rax"], [293, "call _strcasecmp"], [294, "test eax, eax"], [295, "jnz short loc_4229DA"], [296, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 8"], [297, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [298, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [299, "mov esi, offset aXmmword"], [300, "mov rdi, rax"], [301, "call _strcasecmp"], [302, "test eax, eax"], [303, "jz short loc_422A04"], [304, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [305, "mov esi, offset aOword"], [306, "mov rdi, rax"], [307, "call _strcasecmp"], [308, "test eax, eax"], [309, "jnz short loc_422A10"], [310, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 9"], [311, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [312, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [313, "mov esi, offset aPtr"], [314, "mov rdi, rax"], [315, "call _strcasecmp"], [316, "test eax, eax"], [317, "jnz short loc_422A31"], [318, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 0Ch"], [319, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [320, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [321, "mov esi, offset aShort"], [322, "mov rdi, rax"], [323, "call _strcasecmp"], [324, "test eax, eax"], [325, "jnz short loc_422A52"], [326, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 0Ah"], [327, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [328, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [329, "mov esi, offset aOffset"], [330, "mov rdi, rax"], [331, "call _strcasecmp"], [332, "test eax, eax"], [333, "jnz short loc_422AB0"], [334, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 0Bh"], [335, "mov rax, [rbp+s1]"], [336, "mov edx, 6"], [337, "mov esi, offset aFlat"], [338, "mov rdi, rax"], [339, "call _strncasecmp"], [340, "test eax, eax"], [341, "jnz loc_422BCC"], [342, "mov rbx, [rbp+dest]"], [343, "mov rdi, rbx"], [344, "call _strlen"], [345, "add rax, rbx"], [346, "mov dword ptr [rax], 414C4620h"], [347, "mov word ptr [rax+4], 3A54h"], [348, "mov byte ptr [rax+6], 0"], [349, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [350, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [351, "mov esi, offset aFlat_0"], [352, "mov rdi, rax"], [353, "call _strcasecmp"], [354, "test eax, eax"], [355, "jnz short loc_422AD1"], [356, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 0Bh"], [357, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [358, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], 0Dh"], [359, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [360, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [361, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [362, "movsx eax, al"], [363, "mov esi, eax"], [364, "mov edi, offset asc_44B447"], [365, "call _strchr"], [366, "test rax, rax"], [367, "jz short loc_422B2B"], [368, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [369, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [370, "movsx eax, al"], [371, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], eax"], [372, "mov rdx, cs:dest"], [373, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [374, "movzx edx, byte ptr [rdx]"], [375, "mov [rax], dl"], [376, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [377, "add rax, 1"], [378, "mov byte ptr [rax], 0"], [379, "jmp loc_422BCC"], [380, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [381, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [382, "movsx eax, al"], [383, "mov esi, eax"], [384, "mov edi, offset asc_44B456"], [385, "call _strchr"], [386, "test rax, rax"], [387, "jz short loc_422BB3"], [388, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [389, "movzx edx, byte ptr [rax]"], [390, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [391, "add rax, 1"], [392, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [393, "cmp dl, al"], [394, "jnz short loc_422BB3"], [395, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [396, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [397, "cmp al, 3Ch "], [398, "jnz short loc_422B7A"], [399, "mov eax, 0Eh"], [400, "jmp short loc_422B7F"], [401, "mov eax, 0Fh"], [402, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_60], eax"], [403, "mov rdx, cs:dest"], [404, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [405, "movzx edx, byte ptr [rdx]"], [406, "mov [rax], dl"], [407, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [408, "mov rdx, [rbp+dest]"], [409, "add rdx, 1"], [410, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [411, "mov [rdx], al"], [412, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [413, "add rax, 2"], [414, "mov byte ptr [rax], 0"], [415, "jmp short loc_422BCC"], [416, "mov rax, cs:dest"], [417, "mov rsi, rax"], [418, "mov edi, offset aUnrecognizedTo_0"], [419, "mov eax, 0"], [420, "call sub_40B609"], [421, "mov rbx, cs:dest"], [422, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [423, "mov rdi, rax"], [424, "call _strlen"], [425, "add rax, rbx"], [426, "mov cs:dest, rax"], [427, "mov rax, [rbp+var_60]"], [428, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_58]"], [429, "mov cs:qword_455730, rax"], [430, "mov cs:qword_455738, rdx"], [431, "mov rax, [rbp+dest]"], [432, "mov cs:qword_455740, rax"], [433, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_8]"], [434, "leave"], [435, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[8, 7], [9, 8], [11, 10], [15, 13], [16, 14], [18, 17], [20, 22], [21, 20], [22, 21], [23, 22], [24, 23], [25, 24], [26, 25], [27, 22], [28, 27], [29, 28], [30, 29], [31, 4], [32, 5], [33, 31], [34, 32], [35, 6], [36, 35], [38, 22], [39, 38], [41, 40], [42, 41], [44, 43], [45, 44], [46, 45], [47, 46], [49, 44], [50, 49], [51, 22], [52, 51], [52, 50], [53, 52], [54, 53], [57, 56], [58, 57], [59, 44], [60, 59], [61, 22], [62, 61], [65, 67], [65, 62], [66, 65], [66, 78], [66, 50], [66, 72], [67, 66], [68, 60], [68, 70], [69, 69], [69, 50], [69, 68], [69, 72], [70, 69], [71, 65], [71, 50], [71, 72], [72, 71], [72, 68], [73, 67], [73, 62], [74, 73], [74, 50], [74, 72], [75, 74], [78, 77], [79, 78], [80, 70], [80, 60], [81, 80], [82, 22], [83, 82], [85, 84], [86, 85], [87, 22], [88, 87], [89, 72], [89, 81], [89, 88], [89, 50], [90, 89], [91, 90], [92, 22], [93, 92], [94, 81], [94, 93], [94, 50], [94, 72], [95, 94], [96, 95], [99, 22], [100, 50], [100, 99], [101, 100], [102, 101], [104, 103], [105, 104], [106, 22], [107, 14], [108, 107], [109, 106], [111, 110], [112, 111], [113, 112], [115, 111], [116, 115], [117, 22], [118, 117], [118, 50], [119, 118], [120, 119], [121, 44], [122, 121], [123, 44], [124, 123], [125, 124], [126, 111], [127, 122], [127, 126], [127, 125], [127, 50], [128, 44], [129, 127], [130, 128], [133, 22], [134, 50], [134, 133], [135, 134], [138, 137], [139, 138], [140, 44], [141, 140], [142, 22], [143, 142], [144, 143], [145, 50], [145, 144], [146, 145], [147, 146], [148, 143], [149, 50], [149, 148], [150, 149], [151, 150], [152, 143], [153, 152], [154, 153], [154, 50], [155, 154], [158, 157], [159, 158], [161, 44], [162, 161], [163, 44], [164, 163], [165, 164], [167, 143], [167, 169], [168, 174], [168, 183], [168, 167], [168, 50], [168, 180], [169, 168], [170, 141], [170, 172], [171, 170], [171, 174], [171, 50], [171, 171], [172, 171], [173, 174], [173, 167], [173, 50], [174, 170], [174, 173], [175, 143], [175, 169], [176, 175], [176, 174], [176, 50], [177, 176], [180, 179], [181, 180], [182, 143], [182, 169], [183, 182], [183, 50], [183, 174], [184, 183], [185, 184], [186, 141], [186, 172], [187, 186], [188, 44], [190, 188], [192, 191], [193, 192], [196, 44], [198, 196], [200, 199], [201, 200], [204, 44], [206, 204], [208, 207], [209, 208], [212, 44], [214, 212], [216, 215], [217, 216], [220, 44], [222, 220], [224, 223], [225, 224], [228, 44], [230, 228], [232, 231], [233, 232], [236, 44], [238, 236], [240, 239], [241, 240], [244, 44], [246, 244], [248, 247], [249, 248], [252, 44], [254, 252], [256, 255], [257, 256], [260, 44], [262, 260], [264, 263], [265, 264], [268, 44], [270, 268], [272, 271], [273, 272], [276, 44], [278, 276], [280, 279], [281, 280], [284, 44], [286, 284], [288, 287], [289, 288], [290, 44], [292, 290], [294, 293], [295, 294], [298, 44], [300, 298], [302, 301], [303, 302], [304, 44], [306, 304], [308, 307], [309, 308], [312, 44], [314, 312], [316, 315], [317, 316], [320, 44], [322, 320], [324, 323], [325, 324], [328, 44], [330, 328], [332, 331], [333, 332], [335, 169], [335, 143], [338, 335], [340, 339], [341, 340], [342, 44], [343, 342], [345, 342], [345, 344], [346, 345], [347, 345], [348, 345], [350, 44], [352, 350], [354, 353], [355, 354], [360, 22], [361, 360], [361, 50], [362, 361], [363, 362], [366, 365], [367, 366], [368, 22], [369, 378], [369, 368], [369, 375], [369, 50], [370, 369], [371, 370], [372, 22], [373, 44], [374, 372], [374, 375], [374, 50], [374, 378], [375, 374], [375, 373], [376, 44], [377, 376], [378, 377], [380, 22], [381, 50], [381, 380], [382, 381], [383, 382], [386, 385], [387, 386], [388, 22], [389, 50], [389, 388], [390, 22], [391, 390], [392, 50], [392, 391], [393, 389], [393, 392], [394, 393], [395, 22], [396, 395], [396, 50], [397, 396], [398, 397], [402, 401], [402, 399], [403, 22], [404, 44], [405, 403], [405, 411], [405, 406], [405, 414], [405, 50], [406, 404], [406, 405], [407, 22], [408, 44], [409, 408], [410, 406], [410, 407], [411, 410], [411, 409], [412, 44], [413, 412], [414, 413], [416, 22], [417, 416], [421, 22], [422, 44], [423, 422], [425, 421], [425, 424], [426, 425], [427, 194], [427, 63], [427, 310], [427, 202], [427, 318], [427, 160], [427, 402], [427, 258], [427, 266], [427, 234], [427, 242], [427, 210], [427, 358], [427, 326], [427, 97], [427, 218], [427, 334], [427, 356], [427, 274], [427, 4], [427, 296], [427, 282], [427, 250], [427, 371], [427, 114], [427, 226], [428, 5], [428, 116], [429, 427], [430, 428], [431, 44], [432, 431], [435, 35], [435, 431]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/53a05aad0cf55e21d871bf84231d41994b161191fed8e17cf3096e52dd9ca4c2_53a05aad0cf55e21d871bf84231d41994b161191fed8e17cf3096e52dd9ca4c2.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_42251A", "query": "\n\n\nchar *sub_42251A()\n{\nchar *result; // rax\nsize_t v1; // rax\nchar *v2; // rdx\nchar *v3; // rax\nchar *v4; // rdx\nchar *v5; // rax\n__int64 v6; // rdx\n__int64 v7; // rcx\n__int64 v8; // r8\n__int64 v9; // r9\nint v10; // eax\nchar *v11; // rbx\n__int64 v12; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-60h]\n__int64 *v13; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-58h]\nchar *dest; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-50h]\nchar *v15; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-40h] BYREF\n__int64 *v16; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-38h]\nchar *s1; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-30h]\nchar *v18; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-28h]\nchar *v19; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-20h]\nchar *v20; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-18h]\n\nLODWORD(v12) = -1;\nv13 = 0LL;\nif ( qword_455760 )\nfree(qword_455760);\nqword_455750 = qword_455730;\nqword_455758 = qword_455738;\nqword_455760 = qword_455740;\nwhile ( *::dest == 32 )\n++::dest;\nif ( *::dest )\n{\nv1 = strlen(::dest);\ndest = (char *)malloc(v1 + 1);\nif ( !dest )\nabort();\n*dest = 0;\nif ( strchr(\"0123456789\", *::dest) )\n{\nv20 = dest;\nv19 = ::dest;\nLODWORD(v12) = 1;\nwhile ( byte_455300[(unsigned __int8)*v19] )\n{\nv2 = v19++;\nv3 = v20++;\n*v3 = *v2;\n}\n*v20 = 0;\nif ( strlen(::dest) == 2 && (::dest[1] == 98 || ::dest[1] == 102) )\nLODWORD(v12) = 13;\n}\nelse if ( (*::dest == 37 || dword_4556B0) && (v16 = sub_420C0C(::dest, &v15)) != 0LL )\n{\nLODWORD(v12) = 2;\nv13 = v16;\nif ( *::dest == 37 )\n{\n*dest = 37;\ndest[1] = 0;\n}\nstrcat(dest, (const char *)*v16);\n}\nelse if ( byte_455300[(unsigned __int8)*::dest] )\n{\nv18 = dest;\ns1 = ::dest;\nif ( (*::dest == 46 || *s1 == 36) && !byte_455300[(unsigned __int8)s1[1]] )\n{\nLODWORD(v12) = 46;\n*dest = 46;\ndest[1] = 0;\n}\nelse\n{\nwhile ( byte_455300[(unsigned __int8)*s1] || *s1 == 64 )\n{\nv4 = s1++;\nv5 = v18++;\n*v5 = *v4;\n}\n*v18 = 0;\nif ( !strcasecmp(dest, \"NOT\") )\n{\nLODWORD(v12) = 126;\n}\nelse if ( !strcasecmp(dest, off_44B3DD) )\n{\nLODWORD(v12) = 37;\n}\nelse if ( !strcasecmp(dest, off_44B3E1) )\n{\nLODWORD(v12) = 38;\n}\nelse if ( !strcasecmp(dest, \"OR\") )\n{\nLODWORD(v12) = 124;\n}\nelse if ( !strcasecmp(dest, \"XOR\") )\n{\nLODWORD(v12) = 94;\n}\nelse if ( !strcasecmp(dest, \"SHL\") )\n{\nLODWORD(v12) = 14;\n}\nelse if ( !strcasecmp(dest, \"SHR\") )\n{\nLODWORD(v12) = 15;\n}\nelse if ( !strcasecmp(dest, \"BYTE\") )\n{\nLODWORD(v12) = 3;\n}\nelse if ( !strcasecmp(dest, \"WORD\") )\n{\nLODWORD(v12) = 4;\n}\nelse if ( !strcasecmp(dest, \"DWORD\") )\n{\nLODWORD(v12) = 5;\n}\nelse if ( !strcasecmp(dest, \"FWORD\") )\n{\nLODWORD(v12) = 6;\n}\nelse if ( !strcasecmp(dest, \"QWORD\") )\n{\nLODWORD(v12) = 7;\n}\nelse if ( !strcasecmp(dest, \"TBYTE\") || !strcasecmp(dest, \"XWORD\") )\n{\nLODWORD(v12) = 8;\n}\nelse if ( !strcasecmp(dest, \"XMMWORD\") || !strcasecmp(dest, \"OWORD\") )\n{\nLODWORD(v12) = 9;\n}\nelse if ( !strcasecmp(dest, \"PTR\") )\n{\nLODWORD(v12) = 12;\n}\nelse if ( !strcasecmp(dest, \"SHORT\") )\n{\nLODWORD(v12) = 10;\n}\nelse if ( !strcasecmp(dest, \"OFFSET\") )\n{\nLODWORD(v12) = 11;\nif ( !strncasecmp(s1, \" FLAT:\", 6uLL) )\nstrcpy(&dest[strlen(dest)], \" FLAT:\");\n}\nelse if ( !strcasecmp(dest, \"FLAT\") )\n{\nLODWORD(v12) = 11;\n}\nelse\n{\nLODWORD(v12) = 13;\n}\n}\n}\nelse if ( strchr(\"+-/*%|&^:[]()~\", *::dest) )\n{\nLODWORD(v12) = *::dest;\n*dest = *::dest;\ndest[1] = 0;\n}\nelse if ( strchr(\"<>\", *::dest) && (v6 = (unsigned __int8)*::dest, (_BYTE)v6 == ::dest[1]) )\n{\nif ( *::dest == 60 )\nv10 = 14;\nelse\nv10 = 15;\nLODWORD(v12) = v10;\n*dest = *::dest;\ndest[1] = *::dest;\ndest[2] = 0;\n}\nelse\n{\nsub_40B609(\"Unrecognized token `%s'\", (__int64)::dest, v6, v7, v8, v9, -1);\n}\nv11 = ::dest;\n::dest = &v11[strlen(dest)];\nqword_455730 = v12;\nqword_455738 = (__int64)v13;\nresult = dest;\nqword_455740 = dest;\n}\nelse\n{\nqword_455730 = v12;\nqword_455738 = 0LL;\nresult = 0LL;\nqword_455740 = 0LL;\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[v12,v15,v16,s1,v18,v19,v20,sub_42251A,sub_420C0C,sub_40B609,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'v12': 'new_token', 'v15': 'end_op', 'v16': 'reg', 's1': 'q_0', 'v18': 'p_0', 'v19': 'q', 'v20': 'p', 'sub_42251A': 'intel_get_token', 'sub_420C0C': 'parse_register', 'sub_40B609': 'as_bad'}"}
int l2cap_reserve_packet_buffer(void){ return hci_reserve_packet_buffer(); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_41B89D", "function_addr": 4307101, "binary_name": "4f50d4a61abfbd8c407aba68361e53a458c52f761b528ded37cf6ddc166819b1.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "call sub_40EA98"], [3, "pop rbp"], [4, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[3, 0], [4, 2]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/4f50d4a61abfbd8c407aba68361e53a458c52f761b528ded37cf6ddc166819b1_4f50d4a61abfbd8c407aba68361e53a458c52f761b528ded37cf6ddc166819b1.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_41B89D", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_41B89D(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, int a5, int a6)\n{\nreturn sub_40EA98(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[sub_41B89D,sub_40EA98,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'sub_41B89D': 'l2cap_reserve_packet_buffer', 'sub_40EA98': 'hci_reserve_packet_buffer'}"}
int imported2_foo_bar_imported3_message_v4_alloc( struct imported2_foo_bar_imported3_message_t *self_p) { return (pbtools_sub_message_alloc( (struct pbtools_message_base_t **)&self_p->v4_p, self_p->base.heap_p, sizeof(struct foo_bar_imported2_message_t), (pbtools_message_init_t)foo_bar_imported2_message_init)); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_43CB89", "function_addr": 4443017, "binary_name": "c0889e43b9fb99e0a15d5a45e58572120bf2a06ee20b165810a3d68c382cd705.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov rax, cs:qword_4F10A0"], [5, "add rax, 1"], [6, "mov cs:qword_4F10A0, rax"], [7, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [8, "mov rdx, rax"], [9, "shr rdx, 3"], [10, "add rdx, 7FFF8000h"], [11, "movzx edx, byte ptr [rdx]"], [12, "test dl, dl"], [13, "jz short loc_43CBC8"], [14, "mov rdi, rax"], [15, "call ___asan_report_load8"], [16, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [17, "mov rax, [rax]"], [18, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [19, "lea rdi, [rdx+20h]"], [20, "mov ecx, offset sub_43A6F9"], [21, "mov edx, 10h"], [22, "mov rsi, rax"], [23, "call sub_415D88"], [24, "mov rdx, cs:qword_4F10A8"], [25, "add rdx, 1"], [26, "mov cs:qword_4F10A8, rdx"], [27, "leave"], [28, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 3], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 7], [16, 3], [17, 16], [18, 3], [19, 18], [19, 14], [22, 17], [25, 24], [26, 25], [28, 23]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/c0889e43b9fb99e0a15d5a45e58572120bf2a06ee20b165810a3d68c382cd705_c0889e43b9fb99e0a15d5a45e58572120bf2a06ee20b165810a3d68c382cd705.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_43CB89", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_43CB89(unsigned __int64 a1)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n\n++qword_4F10A0;\nif ( *(_BYTE *)((a1 >> 3) + 0x7FFF8000) )\n__asan_report_load8();\nresult = sub_415D88(\n(__int64 *)(a1 + 32),\n*(_QWORD *)a1,\n16,\n(void (__fastcall *)(__int64, unsigned __int64))sub_43A6F9);\n++qword_4F10A8;\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_43CB89,sub_415D88,sub_43A6F9,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'self_p', 'sub_43CB89': 'imported2_foo_bar_imported3_message_v4_alloc', 'sub_415D88': 'pbtools_sub_message_alloc', 'sub_43A6F9': 'foo_bar_imported2_message_init'}"}
static void w5100_socket_recv( nic_w5100_t *self, nic_w5100_socket_t *socket ) { if( socket->state == W5100_SOCKET_STATE_UDP || socket->state == W5100_SOCKET_STATE_ESTABLISHED || socket->state == W5100_SOCKET_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT ) { socket->rx_rsr -= socket->rx_rd - socket->old_rx_rd; socket->old_rx_rd = socket->rx_rd; if( socket->rx_rsr != 0 ) socket->ir |= 1 << 2; } }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_406A8C", "function_addr": 4221580, "binary_name": "b8f42ceebcfe53c10c0abd17ace48afa33ee6219db2d208115badc5da27bf7aa.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [5, "mov eax, [rax+0Ch]"], [6, "cmp eax, 22h "], [7, "jz short loc_406ABC"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [9, "mov eax, [rax+0Ch]"], [10, "cmp eax, 17h"], [11, "jz short loc_406ABC"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [13, "mov eax, [rax+0Ch]"], [14, "cmp eax, 1Ch"], [15, "jnz short loc_406B11"], [16, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [17, "movzx ecx, word ptr [rax+20h]"], [18, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [19, "movzx edx, word ptr [rax+24h]"], [20, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [21, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax+22h]"], [22, "sub edx, eax"], [23, "add edx, ecx"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [25, "mov [rax+20h], dx"], [26, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [27, "movzx edx, word ptr [rax+22h]"], [28, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [29, "mov [rax+24h], dx"], [30, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [31, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax+20h]"], [32, "test ax, ax"], [33, "jz short loc_406B11"], [34, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [35, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+10h]"], [36, "or eax, 4"], [37, "mov edx, eax"], [38, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [39, "mov [rax+10h], dl"], [40, "nop"], [41, "pop rbp"], [42, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 3], [9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 3], [13, 12], [14, 13], [15, 14], [16, 3], [17, 16], [18, 3], [19, 18], [20, 3], [21, 20], [22, 19], [22, 21], [23, 22], [23, 17], [24, 3], [25, 23], [25, 24], [26, 3], [27, 25], [27, 26], [28, 3], [29, 28], [29, 27], [30, 3], [31, 29], [31, 25], [31, 30], [32, 31], [33, 32], [34, 3], [35, 39], [35, 29], [35, 25], [35, 34], [36, 35], [37, 36], [38, 3], [39, 38], [39, 37], [41, 0], [42, 32], [42, 38], [42, 13]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/b8f42ceebcfe53c10c0abd17ace48afa33ee6219db2d208115badc5da27bf7aa_b8f42ceebcfe53c10c0abd17ace48afa33ee6219db2d208115badc5da27bf7aa.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_406A8C", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_406A8C(__int64 a1, __int64 a2)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(a2 + 12) == 34\n|| *(_DWORD *)(a2 + 12) == 23\n|| (result = *(unsigned int *)(a2 + 12), (_DWORD)result == 28) )\n{\n*(_WORD *)(a2 + 32) += *(_WORD *)(a2 + 36) - *(_WORD *)(a2 + 34);\n*(_WORD *)(a2 + 36) = *(_WORD *)(a2 + 34);\nresult = *(unsigned __int16 *)(a2 + 32);\nif ( (_WORD)result )\n{\nresult = a2;\n*(_BYTE *)(a2 + 16) |= 4u;\n}\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a2,a1,sub_406A8C,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a2': 'socket', 'a1': 'self', 'sub_406A8C': 'w5100_socket_recv'}"}
static void spi_clock_high(void) { txbits <<= 1; txbits |= !!(pia_a & 2); bitcnt++; if (bitcnt == 8) { rxbits = sd_spi_in(sdcard, txbits); if (trace & TRACE_SPI) fprintf(stderr, "spi %02X | %02X\n", rxbits, txbits); bitcnt = 0; } }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4026A3", "function_addr": 4204195, "binary_name": "b2470140fe241e0bd4ba7a04cd28e0632bafc1f756ae7bfe0f121c1e0a915f61.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "movzx eax, cs:byte_51E089"], [3, "add eax, eax"], [4, "mov cs:byte_51E089, al"], [5, "movzx eax, cs:byte_51E08B"], [6, "movzx eax, al"], [7, "and eax, 2"], [8, "test eax, eax"], [9, "setnz al"], [10, "mov edx, eax"], [11, "movzx eax, cs:byte_51E089"], [12, "or eax, edx"], [13, "mov cs:byte_51E089, al"], [14, "movzx eax, cs:byte_51E088"], [15, "add eax, 1"], [16, "mov cs:byte_51E088, al"], [17, "movzx eax, cs:byte_51E088"], [18, "cmp al, 8"], [19, "jnz short loc_402758"], [20, "movzx eax, cs:byte_51E089"], [21, "movzx edx, al"], [22, "mov rax, cs:qword_41E030"], [23, "mov esi, edx"], [24, "mov rdi, rax"], [25, "call sub_406C48"], [26, "mov cs:byte_51E08A, al"], [27, "mov eax, cs:dword_51E084"], [28, "and eax, 1000h"], [29, "test eax, eax"], [30, "jz short loc_402751"], [31, "movzx eax, cs:byte_51E089"], [32, "movzx ecx, al"], [33, "movzx eax, cs:byte_51E08A"], [34, "movzx edx, al"], [35, "mov rax, cs:stderr"], [36, "mov esi, offset format"], [37, "mov rdi, rax"], [38, "mov eax, 0"], [39, "call _fprintf"], [40, "mov cs:byte_51E088, 0"], [41, "nop"], [42, "pop rbp"], [43, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[3, 2], [4, 3], [6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 4], [12, 10], [12, 11], [13, 12], [15, 14], [16, 15], [17, 16], [18, 17], [19, 18], [20, 13], [21, 20], [23, 21], [24, 22], [26, 25], [28, 27], [29, 28], [30, 29], [31, 13], [32, 31], [33, 26], [34, 33], [37, 35], [42, 0], [43, 39], [43, 17], [43, 29]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/b2470140fe241e0bd4ba7a04cd28e0632bafc1f756ae7bfe0f121c1e0a915f61_b2470140fe241e0bd4ba7a04cd28e0632bafc1f756ae7bfe0f121c1e0a915f61.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4026A3", "query": "\n\n\nint sub_4026A3()\n{\nint result; // eax\n\nbyte_51E089 *= 2;\nbyte_51E089 |= (byte_51E08B & 2) != 0;\nresult = (unsigned __int8)++byte_51E088;\nif ( byte_51E088 == 8 )\n{\nbyte_51E08A = sub_406C48(qword_41E030, (unsigned __int8)byte_51E089);\nresult = dword_51E084 & 0x1000;\nif ( (dword_51E084 & 0x1000) != 0 )\nresult = fprintf(stderr, \"spi %02X | %02X\\n\", (unsigned __int8)byte_51E08A, (unsigned __int8)byte_51E089);\nbyte_51E088 = 0;\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[sub_4026A3,sub_406C48,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'sub_4026A3': 'spi_clock_high', 'sub_406C48': 'sd_spi_in'}"}
static void func_free(void* p) { func_t* func = (func_t*)p; array_clean(&func->args, NULL); _free(p); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_407D4D", "function_addr": 4226381, "binary_name": "9a3e08e7852652cbf105036d4a624732017995e2ae79a2f1cddc5f178b6b3c04.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [7, "add rax, 18h"], [8, "mov esi, 0"], [9, "mov rdi, rax"], [10, "call sub_401C50"], [11, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [12, "mov rdi, rax"], [13, "call sub_4014DD"], [14, "nop"], [15, "leave"], [16, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 6], [9, 7], [11, 3], [12, 11], [16, 13]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/9a3e08e7852652cbf105036d4a624732017995e2ae79a2f1cddc5f178b6b3c04_9a3e08e7852652cbf105036d4a624732017995e2ae79a2f1cddc5f178b6b3c04.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_407D4D", "query": "\n\n\nint __fastcall sub_407D4D(void *a1)\n{\nsub_401C50((__int64)a1 + 24, 0LL);\nreturn sub_4014DD(a1);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,sub_407D4D,sub_401C50,sub_4014DD,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'p', 'sub_407D4D': 'func_free', 'sub_401C50': 'array_clean', 'sub_4014DD': '_free'}"}
float GetParamFieldFLOAT ( const RestoreState_t *rs, // valid restore-state structure ccp name, // name of member float not_found // return this value if not found ) { DASSERT(rs); DASSERT(name); ParamFieldItem_t *it = GetParamField(rs,name); return it ? strtof((ccp)it->data,0) : not_found; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_43A11F", "function_addr": 4432159, "binary_name": "76c05f321c4703deb67fa538c2cf508c66723817fc1ebd22a9f48d40487c4c60.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "sub rsp, 38h"], [1, "mov [rsp+38h+var_20], rdi"], [2, "mov [rsp+38h+var_28], rsi"], [3, "movss [rsp+38h+var_2C], xmm0"], [4, "mov rdx, [rsp+38h+var_28]"], [5, "mov rax, [rsp+38h+var_20]"], [6, "mov rsi, rdx"], [7, "mov rdi, rax"], [8, "call sub_439F1E"], [9, "mov [rsp+38h+var_10], rax"], [10, "cmp [rsp+38h+var_10], 0"], [11, "jz short loc_43A171"], [12, "mov rax, [rsp+38h+var_10]"], [13, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [14, "mov esi, 0"], [15, "mov rdi, rax"], [16, "call _strtof"], [17, "movd eax, xmm0"], [18, "jmp short loc_43A175"], [19, "mov eax, [rsp+38h+var_2C]"], [20, "movd xmm0, eax"], [21, "add rsp, 38h"], [22, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 2], [5, 1], [6, 4], [7, 5], [9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 9], [13, 12], [15, 13], [19, 3], [20, 17], [20, 19], [21, 0], [22, 17], [22, 19]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/76c05f321c4703deb67fa538c2cf508c66723817fc1ebd22a9f48d40487c4c60_76c05f321c4703deb67fa538c2cf508c66723817fc1ebd22a9f48d40487c4c60.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_43A11F", "query": "\n\n\n__m128i __fastcall sub_43A11F(__int64 a1, const char *a2, __m128i a3)\n{\nunsigned int v3; // eax\n__int64 v5; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-10h]\n\nv5 = sub_439F1E(a1, a2);\nif ( v5 )\n{\n*(float *)a3.m128i_i32 = strtof(*(const char **)(v5 + 16), 0LL);\nv3 = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(a3);\n}\nelse\n{\nv3 = a3.m128i_i32[0];\n}\nreturn _mm_cvtsi32_si128(v3);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,a3,v5,sub_43A11F,sub_439F1E,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'rs', 'a2': 'name', 'a3': 'not_found', 'v5': 'it', 'sub_43A11F': 'GetParamFieldFLOAT', 'sub_439F1E': 'GetParamField'}"}
ACPI_STATUS AcpiNsParseTable ( UINT32 TableIndex, ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE *StartNode) { ACPI_STATUS Status; ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE (NsParseTable); /* * Executes the AML table as one large control method. * The point of this is to execute any module-level code in-place * as the table is parsed. Some AML code depends on this behavior. * * Note: This causes the table to only have a single-pass parse. * However, this is compatible with other ACPI implementations. */ ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_PARSE, "%s: **** Start table execution pass\n", ACPI_GET_FUNCTION_NAME)); Status = AcpiNsExecuteTable (TableIndex, StartNode); return_ACPI_STATUS (Status); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_479DD3", "function_addr": 4693459, "binary_name": "1af1ae2e55417ac009d60b916804817b31888fa80e08f75439dc6c514c24a822.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "push rbx"], [3, "sub rsp, 28h"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_24], edi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_30], rsi"], [6, "mov ecx, 10h"], [7, "mov edx, offset aNsparse"], [8, "mov esi, offset aAcpinsparsetab"], [9, "mov edi, 1A6h"], [10, "call sub_48990D"], [11, "mov eax, cs:dword_51AEB4"], [12, "and eax, 40h"], [13, "test eax, eax"], [14, "jz short loc_479E4D"], [15, "mov eax, cs:dword_51AEB8"], [16, "and eax, 10h"], [17, "test eax, eax"], [18, "jz short loc_479E4D"], [19, "sub rsp, 8"], [20, "push offset aAcpinsparsetab"], [21, "mov r9d, offset aSStartTableExe"], [22, "mov r8d, 10h"], [23, "mov ecx, offset aNsparse"], [24, "mov edx, offset aAcpinsparsetab"], [25, "mov esi, 1B1h"], [26, "mov edi, 40h "], [27, "mov eax, 0"], [28, "call sub_48984B"], [29, "add rsp, 10h"], [30, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_30]"], [31, "mov eax, [rbp+var_24]"], [32, "mov rsi, rdx"], [33, "mov edi, eax"], [34, "call sub_47976C"], [35, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [36, "mov ebx, [rbp+var_14]"], [37, "mov r8d, ebx"], [38, "mov ecx, 10h"], [39, "mov edx, offset aNsparse"], [40, "mov esi, offset aAcpinsparsetab"], [41, "mov edi, 1B6h"], [42, "call sub_489B9F"], [43, "mov eax, ebx"], [44, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_8]"], [45, "leave"], [46, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 13], [16, 15], [17, 16], [18, 17], [19, 3], [29, 19], [30, 5], [31, 4], [32, 30], [33, 31], [35, 34], [36, 35], [37, 36], [43, 36], [46, 43]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/1af1ae2e55417ac009d60b916804817b31888fa80e08f75439dc6c514c24a822_1af1ae2e55417ac009d60b916804817b31888fa80e08f75439dc6c514c24a822.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_479DD3", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_479DD3(unsigned int a1, __int64 a2)\n{\nunsigned int v2; // ebx\n\nsub_48990D(422LL, \"AcpiNsParseTable\", \"nsparse\", 16LL);\nif ( (dword_51AEB4 & 0x40) != 0 && (dword_51AEB8 & 0x10) != 0 )\nsub_48984B(\n64,\n433,\n(unsigned int)\"AcpiNsParseTable\",\n(unsigned int)\"nsparse\",\n16,\n(unsigned int)\"%s: **** Start table execution pass\\n\");\nv2 = sub_47976C(a1, a2);\nsub_489B9F(438LL, \"AcpiNsParseTable\", \"nsparse\", 16LL, v2);\nreturn v2;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,sub_479DD3,sub_48990D,sub_48984B,sub_47976C,sub_489B9F,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'TableIndex', 'a2': 'StartNode', 'sub_479DD3': 'AcpiNsParseTable', 'sub_48990D': 'AcpiUtTrace', 'sub_48984B': 'AcpiDebugPrintRaw', 'sub_47976C': 'AcpiNsExecuteTable', 'sub_489B9F': 'AcpiUtStatusExit'}"}
void dohelp() { register struct helpstruct *p; register char *fmt = CplusplusFlag ? " %s\n" : " %s\n"; for (p = helptext; p->text; p++) if (CplusplusFlag && p->cpptext) (void)printf(fmt, p->cpptext); else (void)printf(fmt, p->text); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_405B79", "function_addr": 4217721, "binary_name": "67d0f763a503bb70db7fdcb4fac3a387514f51f89faf73f363b4195d3ad92eb2.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "push r12"], [3, "push rbx"], [4, "mov eax, cs:dword_40C580"], [5, "test eax, eax"], [6, "jz short loc_405B91"], [7, "mov eax, offset aS_0"], [8, "jmp short loc_405B96"], [9, "mov eax, offset aS_1"], [10, "mov r12, rax"], [11, "mov ebx, offset off_40C2E0"], [12, "jmp short loc_405BE0"], [13, "mov eax, cs:dword_40C580"], [14, "test eax, eax"], [15, "jz short loc_405BC9"], [16, "mov rax, [rbx+8]"], [17, "test rax, rax"], [18, "jz short loc_405BC9"], [19, "mov rax, [rbx+8]"], [20, "mov rsi, rax"], [21, "mov rdi, r12"], [22, "mov eax, 0"], [23, "call _printf"], [24, "jmp short loc_405BDC"], [25, "mov rax, [rbx]"], [26, "mov rsi, rax"], [27, "mov rdi, r12"], [28, "mov eax, 0"], [29, "call _printf"], [30, "add rbx, 10h"], [31, "mov rax, [rbx]"], [32, "test rax, rax"], [33, "jnz short loc_405BA0"], [34, "nop"], [35, "nop"], [36, "pop rbx"], [37, "pop r12"], [38, "pop rbp"], [39, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 5], [10, 9], [10, 7], [14, 13], [15, 14], [16, 30], [16, 11], [17, 16], [18, 17], [19, 30], [19, 11], [20, 19], [21, 10], [25, 30], [25, 11], [26, 25], [27, 10], [30, 30], [30, 11], [31, 11], [31, 30], [32, 31], [33, 32], [36, 3], [37, 2], [38, 0], [39, 32]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/67d0f763a503bb70db7fdcb4fac3a387514f51f89faf73f363b4195d3ad92eb2_67d0f763a503bb70db7fdcb4fac3a387514f51f89faf73f363b4195d3ad92eb2.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_405B79", "query": "\n\n\nchar *sub_405B79()\n{\nconst char *v0; // rax\nconst char *v1; // r12\nchar **i; // rbx\nchar *result; // rax\n\nif ( dword_40C580 )\nv0 = \" %s\\n\";\nelse\nv0 = \" %s\\n\";\nv1 = v0;\nfor ( i = &off_40C2E0; ; i += 2 )\n{\nresult = *i;\nif ( !*i )\nbreak;\nif ( dword_40C580 && i[1] )\nprintf(v1, i[1]);\nelse\nprintf(v1, *i);\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[sub_405B79,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'sub_405B79': 'dohelp'}"}
int stack_init_thread(void) { tcache_init_perthread(stack_tcache, &perthread_get(stack_pt)); return 0; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_41431A", "function_addr": 4277018, "binary_name": "02ab506b54df7f54386bbabc9f0031f99aeada0abe8b24d56b27e2544d2a9bfb.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov edi, 220h"], [3, "call sub_413F6F"], [4, "mov rdx, rax"], [5, "mov rax, cs:qword_4554E0"], [6, "mov rsi, rdx"], [7, "mov rdi, rax"], [8, "call sub_418835"], [9, "mov eax, 0"], [10, "pop rbp"], [11, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [6, 4], [7, 5], [10, 0], [11, 9]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/02ab506b54df7f54386bbabc9f0031f99aeada0abe8b24d56b27e2544d2a9bfb_02ab506b54df7f54386bbabc9f0031f99aeada0abe8b24d56b27e2544d2a9bfb.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_41431A", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 sub_41431A()\n{\n__int64 v0; // rax\n\nv0 = sub_413F6F(544LL);\nsub_418835(qword_4554E0, v0);\nreturn 0LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[sub_41431A,sub_418835,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'sub_41431A': 'stack_init_thread', 'sub_418835': 'tcache_init_perthread'}"}
__attribute__ ((weak)) bool nala_mock_current_is_set(void) { return (false); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40271A", "function_addr": 4204314, "binary_name": "c0889e43b9fb99e0a15d5a45e58572120bf2a06ee20b165810a3d68c382cd705.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov eax, 0"], [3, "pop rbp"], [4, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[3, 0], [4, 2]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/c0889e43b9fb99e0a15d5a45e58572120bf2a06ee20b165810a3d68c382cd705_c0889e43b9fb99e0a15d5a45e58572120bf2a06ee20b165810a3d68c382cd705.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40271A", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 sub_40271A()\n{\nreturn 0LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[sub_40271A,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'sub_40271A': 'nala_mock_current_is_set'}"}
uint32_t cc_lfsr_init(cc_lfsr_t* lfsr, uint32_t init_val, uint32_t width) { lfsr->value = init_val; lfsr->width = width; lfsr->mask = get_mask(width); uint32_t* taps = get_taps(width); uint32_t idx = 0; while(taps[idx] != -1 && idx < LFSR_MAX_TAPS) { lfsr->taps[idx] = taps[idx]; idx++; } if (idx >= LFSR_MAX_TAPS) printf("ERROR: cclfsr.c - missing null terminator in taps specification?\n"); // add the last "-1" to the array too lfsr->taps[idx] = taps[idx]; return 0; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_402011", "function_addr": 4202513, "binary_name": "1de2c3337aaf04b7ee4dad5e073bb67f4d7e04ad036e42b1fb685508087efd11.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_1C], esi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_20], edx"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [7, "mov edx, [rbp+var_1C]"], [8, "mov [rax], edx"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [10, "mov edx, [rbp+var_20]"], [11, "mov [rax+4], edx"], [12, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [13, "mov edi, eax"], [14, "call sub_401EB2"], [15, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [16, "mov [rdx+8], eax"], [17, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [18, "mov edi, eax"], [19, "call sub_401F8B"], [20, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [21, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [22, "jmp short loc_402081"], [23, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [24, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*4]"], [25, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [26, "add rax, rdx"], [27, "mov ecx, [rax]"], [28, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [29, "mov edx, [rbp+var_4]"], [30, "mov [rax+rdx*4+0Ch], ecx"], [31, "add [rbp+var_4], 1"], [32, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [33, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*4]"], [34, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [35, "add rax, rdx"], [36, "mov eax, [rax]"], [37, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [38, "jz short loc_4020A0"], [39, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 9"], [40, "jbe short loc_40205E"], [41, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 9"], [42, "jbe short loc_4020B0"], [43, "mov edi, offset aErrorCclfsrCMi"], [44, "call _puts"], [45, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [46, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*4]"], [47, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [48, "add rax, rdx"], [49, "mov ecx, [rax]"], [50, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [51, "mov edx, [rbp+var_4]"], [52, "mov [rax+rdx*4+0Ch], ecx"], [53, "mov eax, 0"], [54, "leave"], [55, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 3], [7, 4], [8, 6], [8, 7], [9, 3], [10, 5], [11, 10], [11, 9], [12, 5], [13, 12], [15, 3], [16, 15], [16, 14], [17, 5], [18, 17], [20, 19], [23, 31], [23, 21], [24, 33], [25, 20], [26, 24], [26, 25], [27, 16], [27, 30], [27, 8], [27, 11], [27, 26], [28, 3], [29, 31], [29, 21], [30, 27], [30, 28], [31, 31], [31, 21], [32, 31], [32, 21], [33, 29], [33, 15], [34, 20], [35, 33], [35, 34], [36, 16], [36, 30], [36, 11], [36, 8], [36, 35], [37, 36], [38, 37], [39, 21], [39, 31], [40, 39], [41, 31], [41, 21], [42, 41], [45, 31], [45, 21], [46, 33], [47, 20], [48, 47], [48, 46], [49, 16], [49, 11], [49, 8], [49, 52], [49, 30], [49, 48], [50, 3], [51, 31], [51, 21], [52, 49], [52, 50], [55, 53]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/1de2c3337aaf04b7ee4dad5e073bb67f4d7e04ad036e42b1fb685508087efd11_1de2c3337aaf04b7ee4dad5e073bb67f4d7e04ad036e42b1fb685508087efd11.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_402011", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_402011(_DWORD *a1, int a2, unsigned int a3)\n{\n_DWORD *v5; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-10h]\nunsigned int i; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\n*a1 = a2;\na1[1] = a3;\na1[2] = sub_401EB2(a3);\nv5 = sub_401F8B(a3);\nfor ( i = 0; v5[i] != -1 && i <= 9; ++i )\na1[i + 3] = v5[i];\nif ( i > 9 )\nputs(\"ERROR: cclfsr.c - missing null terminator in taps specification?\");\na1[i + 3] = v5[i];\nreturn 0LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,v5,i,sub_402011,sub_401EB2,sub_401F8B,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'width', 'a1': 'lfsr', 'a2': 'init_val', 'v5': 'taps', 'i': 'idx', 'sub_402011': 'cc_lfsr_init', 'sub_401EB2': 'get_mask', 'sub_401F8B': 'get_taps'}"}
static int cmp_arg(char **argv, int *pos, const char *long_template, const char *short_template, char **param) { int err; if (long_template) { err = do_cmp_arg(argv, pos, long_template, 0, param); if (err == ARG_MATCH || err == ARG_ERROR) return err; } err = ARG_NOMATCH; if (short_template) err = do_cmp_arg(argv, pos, short_template, 1, param); return err; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_402FE0", "function_addr": 4206560, "binary_name": "c2867cc63bc0ff01cd1d20f59aaada9e9601190227cbfec7c9d3038bdad25533.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "sub rsp, 48h"], [1, "mov [rsp+48h+var_20], rdi"], [2, "mov [rsp+48h+var_28], rsi"], [3, "mov [rsp+48h+var_30], rdx"], [4, "mov [rsp+48h+var_38], rcx"], [5, "mov [rsp+48h+var_40], r8"], [6, "cmp [rsp+48h+var_30], 0"], [7, "jz short loc_403041"], [8, "mov rcx, [rsp+48h+var_40]"], [9, "mov rdx, [rsp+48h+var_30]"], [10, "mov rsi, [rsp+48h+var_28]"], [11, "mov rax, [rsp+48h+var_20]"], [12, "mov r8, rcx"], [13, "mov ecx, 0"], [14, "mov rdi, rax"], [15, "call sub_402E6A"], [16, "mov [rsp+48h+var_C], eax"], [17, "cmp [rsp+48h+var_C], 0"], [18, "jz short loc_40303B"], [19, "cmp [rsp+48h+var_C], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [20, "jnz short loc_403041"], [21, "mov eax, [rsp+48h+var_C]"], [22, "jmp short loc_40307D"], [23, "mov [rsp+48h+var_C], 1"], [24, "cmp [rsp+48h+var_38], 0"], [25, "jz short loc_403079"], [26, "mov rcx, [rsp+48h+var_40]"], [27, "mov rdx, [rsp+48h+var_38]"], [28, "mov rsi, [rsp+48h+var_28]"], [29, "mov rax, [rsp+48h+var_20]"], [30, "mov r8, rcx"], [31, "mov ecx, 1"], [32, "mov rdi, rax"], [33, "call sub_402E6A"], [34, "mov [rsp+48h+var_C], eax"], [35, "mov eax, [rsp+48h+var_C]"], [36, "add rsp, 48h"], [37, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 3], [7, 6], [8, 5], [9, 3], [10, 2], [11, 1], [12, 8], [14, 11], [16, 15], [17, 16], [18, 17], [19, 16], [20, 19], [21, 16], [24, 4], [25, 24], [26, 5], [27, 4], [28, 2], [29, 1], [30, 26], [32, 29], [34, 33], [35, 23], [35, 34], [36, 0], [37, 21], [37, 35]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/c2867cc63bc0ff01cd1d20f59aaada9e9601190227cbfec7c9d3038bdad25533_c2867cc63bc0ff01cd1d20f59aaada9e9601190227cbfec7c9d3038bdad25533.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_402FE0", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_402FE0(__int64 a1, int *a2, const char *a3, const char *a4, _QWORD *a5)\n{\nunsigned int v8; // [rsp+3Ch] [rbp-Ch]\nunsigned int v9; // [rsp+3Ch] [rbp-Ch]\n\nif ( a3 )\n{\nv8 = sub_402E6A(a1, a2, a3, 0, a5);\nif ( !v8 || v8 == -1 )\nreturn v8;\n}\nv9 = 1;\nif ( a4 )\nv9 = sub_402E6A(a1, a2, a4, 1, a5);\nreturn v9;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,a5,v8,sub_402FE0,sub_402E6A,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'long_template', 'a4': 'short_template', 'a1': 'argv', 'a2': 'pos', 'a5': 'param', 'v8': 'err', 'sub_402FE0': 'cmp_arg', 'sub_402E6A': 'do_cmp_arg'}"}
static int read_trace(struct thread_data *td, struct blktrace_cursor *bc) { int ret = 0; struct blk_io_trace *t = &bc->t; read_skip: /* read an io trace */ ret = fread(&t, 1, sizeof(t), bc->f); if (ferror(bc->f)) { td_verror(td, errno, "read blktrace file"); return ret; } else if (feof(bc->f)) { if (!bc->length) bc->length = bc->t.time; return ret; } else if (ret < (int) sizeof(*t)) { log_err("fio: iolog short read\n"); return -1; } if (bc->swap) byteswap_trace(t); /* skip over actions that fio does not care about */ if ((t->action & 0xffff) != __BLK_TA_QUEUE || t_get_ddir(t) == DDIR_INVAL) { ret = discard_pdu(bc->f, t); if (ret < 0) { td_verror(td, -ret, "blktrace lseek"); return ret; } goto read_skip; } t->time = (t->time + bc->iter * bc->length) * bc->scalar / 100; return ret; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4A7912", "function_addr": 4880658, "binary_name": "da112328d43ad283d891ef745b1d04f93c0e61c8af6f1658d5fe5192a776b52b.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 30h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_28], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_30], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [7, "add rax, 18h"], [8, "mov [rbp+ptr], rax"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [10, "mov rdx, [rax+8]"], [11, "lea rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [12, "mov rcx, rdx"], [13, "mov edx, 8"], [14, "mov esi, 1"], [15, "mov rdi, rax"], [16, "call _fread"], [17, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [18, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [19, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [20, "mov rdi, rax"], [21, "call _ferror"], [22, "test eax, eax"], [23, "jz loc_4A7AA3"], [24, "call ___errno_location"], [25, "mov eax, [rax]"], [26, "mov [rbp+var_10], eax"], [27, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [28, "mov eax, [rax+2DEC0h]"], [29, "test eax, eax"], [30, "jnz short loc_4A79ED"], [31, "mov edx, [rbp+var_10]"], [32, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [33, "mov [rax+2DEC0h], edx"], [34, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [35, "mov eax, [rax+2E96Ch]"], [36, "test eax, eax"], [37, "jnz short loc_4A79EE"], [38, "call ___errno_location"], [39, "mov eax, [rax]"], [40, "mov edi, eax"], [41, "call _strerror"], [42, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_28]"], [43, "lea rdi, [rdx+2EA40h]"], [44, "sub rsp, 8"], [45, "push rax"], [46, "mov r9d, offset aReadBlktraceFi"], [47, "mov r8d, 29Dh"], [48, "mov ecx, offset aBlktraceC"], [49, "mov edx, offset aFileSDFuncSErr_23"], [50, "mov esi, 80h"], [51, "mov eax, 0"], [52, "call sub_4A586D"], [53, "add rsp, 10h"], [54, "jmp short loc_4A79EE"], [55, "nop"], [56, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [57, "mov rax, [rax+2DC70h]"], [58, "test rax, rax"], [59, "jz loc_4A7A9B"], [60, "call ___errno_location"], [61, "mov eax, [rax]"], [62, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [63, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [64, "mov rax, [rax+2DC70h]"], [65, "mov eax, [rax+2DEC0h]"], [66, "test eax, eax"], [67, "jnz short loc_4A7A9A"], [68, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [69, "mov rax, [rax+2DC70h]"], [70, "mov edx, [rbp+var_14]"], [71, "mov [rax+2DEC0h], edx"], [72, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [73, "mov rax, [rax+2DC70h]"], [74, "mov eax, [rax+2E96Ch]"], [75, "test eax, eax"], [76, "jnz short loc_4A7A9B"], [77, "call ___errno_location"], [78, "mov eax, [rax]"], [79, "mov edi, eax"], [80, "call _strerror"], [81, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_28]"], [82, "mov rdx, [rdx+2DC70h]"], [83, "lea rdi, [rdx+2EA40h]"], [84, "sub rsp, 8"], [85, "push rax"], [86, "mov r9d, offset aReadBlktraceFi"], [87, "mov r8d, 29Dh"], [88, "mov ecx, offset aBlktraceC"], [89, "mov edx, offset aFileSDFuncSErr_23"], [90, "mov esi, 80h"], [91, "mov eax, 0"], [92, "call sub_4A586D"], [93, "add rsp, 10h"], [94, "jmp short loc_4A7A9B"], [95, "nop"], [96, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [97, "jmp locret_4A7CD3"], [98, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [99, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [100, "mov rdi, rax"], [101, "call _feof"], [102, "test eax, eax"], [103, "jz short loc_4A7ADC"], [104, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [105, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [106, "test rax, rax"], [107, "jnz short loc_4A7AD4"], [108, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [109, "mov rdx, [rax+20h]"], [110, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [111, "mov [rax+10h], rdx"], [112, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [113, "jmp locret_4A7CD3"], [114, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 2Fh "], [115, "jg short loc_4A7AFB"], [116, "mov edi, offset aFioIologShortR"], [117, "mov eax, 0"], [118, "call log_err"], [119, "mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [120, "jmp locret_4A7CD3"], [121, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [122, "mov eax, [rax+48h]"], [123, "test eax, eax"], [124, "jz short loc_4A7B12"], [125, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [126, "mov rdi, rax"], [127, "call sub_4A6665"], [128, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [129, "mov eax, [rax+1Ch]"], [130, "movzx eax, ax"], [131, "cmp eax, 1"], [132, "jnz short loc_4A7B36"], [133, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [134, "mov rdi, rax"], [135, "call sub_4A6765"], [136, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [137, "jnz loc_4A7C81"], [138, "mov rdx, [rbp+ptr]"], [139, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [140, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [141, "mov rsi, rdx"], [142, "mov rdi, rax"], [143, "call sub_4A5925"], [144, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [145, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [146, "jns loc_4A7935"], [147, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [148, "neg eax"], [149, "mov [rbp+var_8], eax"], [150, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [151, "mov eax, [rax+2DEC0h]"], [152, "test eax, eax"], [153, "jnz short loc_4A7BD2"], [154, "mov edx, [rbp+var_8]"], [155, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [156, "mov [rax+2DEC0h], edx"], [157, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [158, "mov eax, [rax+2E96Ch]"], [159, "test eax, eax"], [160, "jnz short loc_4A7BD3"], [161, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [162, "neg eax"], [163, "mov edi, eax"], [164, "call _strerror"], [165, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_28]"], [166, "lea rdi, [rdx+2EA40h]"], [167, "sub rsp, 8"], [168, "push rax"], [169, "mov r9d, offset aBlktraceLseek"], [170, "mov r8d, 2B0h"], [171, "mov ecx, offset aBlktraceC"], [172, "mov edx, offset aFileSDFuncSErr_23"], [173, "mov esi, 80h"], [174, "mov eax, 0"], [175, "call sub_4A586D"], [176, "add rsp, 10h"], [177, "jmp short loc_4A7BD3"], [178, "nop"], [179, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [180, "mov rax, [rax+2DC70h]"], [181, "test rax, rax"], [182, "jz loc_4A7C7C"], [183, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [184, "neg eax"], [185, "mov [rbp+var_C], eax"], [186, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [187, "mov rax, [rax+2DC70h]"], [188, "mov eax, [rax+2DEC0h]"], [189, "test eax, eax"], [190, "jnz short loc_4A7C7B"], [191, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [192, "mov rax, [rax+2DC70h]"], [193, "mov edx, [rbp+var_C]"], [194, "mov [rax+2DEC0h], edx"], [195, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [196, "mov rax, [rax+2DC70h]"], [197, "mov eax, [rax+2E96Ch]"], [198, "test eax, eax"], [199, "jnz short loc_4A7C7C"], [200, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [201, "neg eax"], [202, "mov edi, eax"], [203, "call _strerror"], [204, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_28]"], [205, "mov rdx, [rdx+2DC70h]"], [206, "lea rdi, [rdx+2EA40h]"], [207, "sub rsp, 8"], [208, "push rax"], [209, "mov r9d, offset aBlktraceLseek"], [210, "mov r8d, 2B0h"], [211, "mov ecx, offset aBlktraceC"], [212, "mov edx, offset aFileSDFuncSErr_23"], [213, "mov esi, 80h"], [214, "mov eax, 0"], [215, "call sub_4A586D"], [216, "add rsp, 10h"], [217, "jmp short loc_4A7C7C"], [218, "nop"], [219, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [220, "jmp short locret_4A7CD3"], [221, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [222, "mov rcx, [rax+8]"], [223, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [224, "mov eax, [rax+50h]"], [225, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [226, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [227, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [228, "imul rax, rdx"], [229, "lea rdx, [rcx+rax]"], [230, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [231, "mov eax, [rax+4Ch]"], [232, "cdqe"], [233, "imul rax, rdx"], [234, "mov rcx, [rbp+ptr]"], [235, "shr rax, 2"], [236, "mov rdx, 28F5C28F5C28F5C3h"], [237, "mul rdx"], [238, "mov rax, rdx"], [239, "shr rax, 2"], [240, "mov [rcx+8], rax"], [241, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [242, "leave"], [243, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 4], [7, 6], [8, 7], [9, 4], [10, 9], [11, 9], [11, 8], [12, 10], [15, 11], [17, 16], [18, 4], [19, 18], [20, 19], [22, 21], [23, 22], [25, 24], [26, 25], [27, 3], [28, 27], [29, 28], [30, 29], [31, 26], [32, 3], [33, 31], [33, 32], [34, 3], [35, 33], [35, 34], [36, 35], [37, 36], [39, 33], [39, 38], [40, 39], [42, 3], [43, 40], [43, 33], [43, 42], [44, 2], [45, 41], [53, 44], [56, 3], [57, 56], [57, 33], [58, 57], [59, 58], [61, 33], [61, 60], [62, 61], [63, 3], [64, 63], [64, 33], [65, 33], [65, 64], [66, 65], [67, 66], [68, 3], [69, 33], [69, 71], [69, 68], [70, 62], [71, 69], [71, 70], [72, 3], [73, 71], [73, 72], [74, 73], [74, 71], [75, 74], [76, 75], [78, 77], [78, 33], [78, 71], [79, 78], [81, 3], [82, 33], [82, 81], [82, 71], [83, 71], [83, 82], [83, 79], [83, 33], [84, 53], [84, 2], [85, 80], [93, 84], [96, 17], [98, 4], [99, 98], [100, 99], [102, 101], [103, 102], [104, 4], [105, 104], [106, 105], [107, 106], [108, 4], [109, 108], [110, 4], [111, 110], [111, 109], [112, 17], [114, 17], [115, 114], [121, 4], [122, 121], [123, 122], [124, 123], [125, 8], [126, 125], [128, 8], [129, 128], [130, 129], [131, 130], [132, 131], [133, 8], [134, 133], [136, 135], [137, 136], [138, 8], [139, 4], [140, 139], [141, 138], [142, 140], [144, 143], [145, 144], [146, 145], [147, 144], [148, 147], [149, 148], [150, 3], [151, 150], [152, 151], [153, 152], [154, 149], [155, 3], [156, 154], [156, 155], [157, 3], [158, 156], [158, 157], [159, 158], [160, 159], [161, 144], [162, 161], [163, 162], [165, 3], [166, 156], [166, 165], [166, 163], [167, 2], [168, 164], [176, 167], [179, 3], [180, 179], [180, 156], [181, 180], [182, 181], [183, 144], [184, 183], [185, 184], [186, 3], [187, 186], [187, 156], [188, 187], [188, 156], [189, 188], [190, 189], [191, 3], [192, 191], [192, 156], [192, 194], [193, 185], [194, 192], [194, 193], [195, 3], [196, 194], [196, 195], [197, 194], [197, 196], [198, 197], [199, 198], [200, 144], [201, 200], [202, 201], [204, 3], [205, 204], [205, 156], [205, 194], [206, 205], [206, 202], [206, 156], [206, 194], [207, 176], [207, 2], [208, 203], [216, 207], [219, 144], [221, 8], [222, 221], [223, 4], [224, 223], [225, 224], [226, 4], [227, 226], [228, 225], [228, 227], [229, 228], [229, 225], [230, 4], [231, 230], [233, 229], [233, 231], [234, 8], [235, 233], [237, 236], [238, 237], [239, 238], [240, 239], [240, 234], [241, 17], [243, 119], [243, 112], [243, 96], [243, 219], [243, 241]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/da112328d43ad283d891ef745b1d04f93c0e61c8af6f1658d5fe5192a776b52b_da112328d43ad283d891ef745b1d04f93c0e61c8af6f1658d5fe5192a776b52b.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4A7912", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_4A7912(__int64 a1, __int64 a2)\n{\nint *v2; // rax\nchar *v3; // rax\nint *v4; // rax\nchar *v5; // rax\n__int64 v7; // rdx\n__int64 v8; // rcx\n__int64 v9; // r8\n__int64 v10; // r9\nchar *v11; // rax\nchar *v12; // rax\n__int64 ptr; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-20h] BYREF\nint v14; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-14h]\nint v15; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-10h]\nunsigned int v16; // [rsp+24h] [rbp-Ch]\nunsigned int v17; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-8h]\nunsigned int v18; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nv18 = 0;\nptr = a2 + 24;\ndo\n{\nv18 = fread(&ptr, 1uLL, 8uLL, *(FILE **)(a2 + 8));\nif ( ferror(*(FILE **)(a2 + 8)) )\n{\nv15 = *__errno_location();\nif ( !*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 188096) )\n{\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 188096) = v15;\nif ( !*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 190828) )\n{\nv2 = __errno_location();\nv3 = strerror(*v2);\nsub_4A586D(\n(char *)(a1 + 191040),\n0x80uLL,\n\"file:%s:%d, func=%s, error=%s\",\n(__int64)\"blktrace.c\",\n669LL,\n(__int64)\"read blktrace file\",\nv3);\n}\n}\nif ( *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 187504) )\n{\nv14 = *__errno_location();\nif ( !*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 187504) + 188096LL) )\n{\n*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 187504) + 188096LL) = v14;\nif ( !*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 187504) + 190828LL) )\n{\nv4 = __errno_location();\nv5 = strerror(*v4);\nsub_4A586D(\n(char *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 187504) + 191040LL),\n0x80uLL,\n\"file:%s:%d, func=%s, error=%s\",\n(__int64)\"blktrace.c\",\n669LL,\n(__int64)\"read blktrace file\",\nv5);\n}\n}\n}\nreturn v18;\n}\nif ( feof(*(FILE **)(a2 + 8)) )\n{\nif ( !*(_QWORD *)(a2 + 16) )\n*(_QWORD *)(a2 + 16) = *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 32);\nreturn v18;\n}\nif ( (int)v18 <= 47 )\n{\nlog_err(\"fio: iolog short read\\n\", 1LL, v7, v8, v9, v10);\nreturn 0xFFFFFFFFLL;\n}\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(a2 + 72) )\nsub_4A6665(ptr);\nif ( (unsigned __int16)*(_DWORD *)(ptr + 28) == 1 && (unsigned int)sub_4A6765(ptr) != -1 )\n{\n*(_QWORD *)(ptr + 8) = (*(_QWORD *)(ptr + 8) + *(int *)(a2 + 80) * *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 16))\n* *(int *)(a2 + 76)\n/ 0x64uLL;\nreturn v18;\n}\nv18 = sub_4A5925(*(FILE **)(a2 + 8), ptr, ptr, v8, v9, v10);\n}\nwhile ( (v18 & 0x80000000) == 0 );\nv17 = -v18;\nif ( !*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 188096) )\n{\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 188096) = v17;\nif ( !*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 190828) )\n{\nv11 = strerror(-v18);\nsub_4A586D(\n(char *)(a1 + 191040),\n0x80uLL,\n\"file:%s:%d, func=%s, error=%s\",\n(__int64)\"blktrace.c\",\n688LL,\n(__int64)\"blktrace lseek\",\nv11);\n}\n}\nif ( *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 187504) )\n{\nv16 = -v18;\nif ( !*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 187504) + 188096LL) )\n{\n*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 187504) + 188096LL) = v16;\nif ( !*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 187504) + 190828LL) )\n{\nv12 = strerror(-v18);\nsub_4A586D(\n(char *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 187504) + 191040LL),\n0x80uLL,\n\"file:%s:%d, func=%s, error=%s\",\n(__int64)\"blktrace.c\",\n688LL,\n(__int64)\"blktrace lseek\",\nv12);\n}\n}\n}\nreturn v18;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,ptr,v14,v15,v16,v17,sub_4A7912,sub_4A586D,sub_4A6665,sub_4A6765,sub_4A5925,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'td', 'a2': 'bc', 'ptr': 't', 'v14': '____e_0', 'v15': '____e', 'v16': '____e_2', 'v17': '____e_1', 'sub_4A7912': 'read_trace', 'sub_4A586D': 'nowarn_snprintf_25', 'sub_4A6665': 'byteswap_trace', 'sub_4A6765': 't_get_ddir', 'sub_4A5925': 'discard_pdu'}"}
static int r_Step_5b(struct SN_env * z) { z->ket = z->c; /* [, line 107 */ if (!(eq_s_b(z, 1, s_27))) return 0; z->bra = z->c; /* ], line 107 */ { int ret = r_R2(z); if (ret == 0) return 0; /* call R2, line 108 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } if (!(eq_s_b(z, 1, s_28))) return 0; { int ret = slice_del(z); /* delete, line 109 */ if (ret < 0) return ret; } return 1; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_41E988", "function_addr": 4319624, "binary_name": "9acf456e98009cb498ed5cac4153ab67c8dd7caf33921402739ca86e36cd0298.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [5, "mov edx, [rax+8]"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [7, "mov [rax+18h], edx"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [9, "lea rdx, aSsieeeeyyition+3Bh"], [10, "mov esi, 1"], [11, "mov rdi, rax"], [12, "call sub_433530"], [13, "test eax, eax"], [14, "jnz short loc_41E9C5"], [15, "mov eax, 0"], [16, "jmp short locret_41EA3C"], [17, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [18, "mov edx, [rax+8]"], [19, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [20, "mov [rax+14h], edx"], [21, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [22, "mov rdi, rax"], [23, "call sub_41DA76"], [24, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [25, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [26, "jnz short loc_41E9EF"], [27, "mov eax, 0"], [28, "jmp short locret_41EA3C"], [29, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [30, "jns short loc_41E9FA"], [31, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [32, "jmp short locret_41EA3C"], [33, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [34, "lea rdx, aSsieeeeyyition+3Ch"], [35, "mov esi, 1"], [36, "mov rdi, rax"], [37, "call sub_433530"], [38, "test eax, eax"], [39, "jnz short loc_41EA1D"], [40, "mov eax, 0"], [41, "jmp short locret_41EA3C"], [42, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [43, "mov rdi, rax"], [44, "call sub_433CFE"], [45, "mov [rbp+var_8], eax"], [46, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [47, "jns short loc_41EA37"], [48, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [49, "jmp short locret_41EA3C"], [50, "mov eax, 1"], [51, "leave"], [52, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [6, 3], [7, 6], [7, 5], [8, 3], [9, 5], [11, 8], [13, 12], [14, 13], [17, 3], [18, 17], [18, 20], [18, 7], [19, 3], [20, 19], [20, 18], [21, 3], [22, 21], [24, 23], [25, 24], [26, 25], [29, 24], [30, 29], [31, 24], [33, 3], [34, 18], [36, 33], [38, 37], [39, 38], [42, 3], [43, 42], [45, 44], [46, 45], [47, 46], [48, 45], [52, 40], [52, 15], [52, 27], [52, 48], [52, 31], [52, 50]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/9acf456e98009cb498ed5cac4153ab67c8dd7caf33921402739ca86e36cd0298_9acf456e98009cb498ed5cac4153ab67c8dd7caf33921402739ca86e36cd0298.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_41E988", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_41E988(_DWORD *a1)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\nint v2; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]\n_BOOL4 v3; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\na1[6] = a1[2];\nif ( !(unsigned int)sub_433530(a1, 1LL, \"llyYyYYy\") )\nreturn 0LL;\na1[5] = a1[2];\nv3 = sub_41DA76((__int64)a1);\nif ( !v3 )\nreturn 0LL;\nif ( v3 < 0 )\nreturn v3;\nif ( !(unsigned int)sub_433530(a1, 1LL, \"lyYyYYy\") )\nreturn 0LL;\nv2 = sub_433CFE(a1);\nif ( v2 >= 0 )\nresult = 1LL;\nelse\nresult = (unsigned int)v2;\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,v2,sub_41E988,sub_433530,sub_41DA76,sub_433CFE,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'z', 'v2': 'ret_0', 'sub_41E988': 'r_Step_5b', 'sub_433530': 'eq_s_b', 'sub_41DA76': 'r_R2_11', 'sub_433CFE': 'slice_del'}"}
int get_uptime (void) { FILE *fff; float exact_uptime; int uptime_seconds=-1; int result; fff=fopen("/proc/uptime","r"); if (fff!=NULL) { result=fscanf(fff,"%f",&exact_uptime); fclose (fff); if (result==1) { uptime_seconds=exact_uptime; } } return uptime_seconds; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_406806", "function_addr": 4220934, "binary_name": "ff497cda46283249d90d669dd3754f7408878227c2de540fbcc2d2da798d03ce.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [4, "mov esi, offset aR_1"], [5, "mov edi, offset aProcUptime"], [6, "call _fopen"], [7, "mov [rbp+stream], rax"], [8, "cmp [rbp+stream], 0"], [9, "jz short loc_40686A"], [10, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [11, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [12, "mov esi, offset asc_40AFE7"], [13, "mov rdi, rax"], [14, "mov eax, 0"], [15, "call ___isoc99_fscanf"], [16, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [17, "mov rax, [rbp+stream]"], [18, "mov rdi, rax"], [19, "call _fclose"], [20, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 1"], [21, "jnz short loc_40686A"], [22, "movss xmm0, [rbp+var_18]"], [23, "cvttss2si eax, xmm0"], [24, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [25, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [26, "leave"], [27, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[7, 6], [8, 7], [9, 8], [11, 7], [13, 11], [16, 15], [17, 7], [18, 17], [20, 16], [21, 20], [23, 19], [23, 22], [24, 23], [25, 3], [25, 24], [27, 25]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/ff497cda46283249d90d669dd3754f7408878227c2de540fbcc2d2da798d03ce_ff497cda46283249d90d669dd3754f7408878227c2de540fbcc2d2da798d03ce.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_406806", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 sub_406806()\n{\nfloat v1; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-18h]\nint v2; // [rsp+Ch] [rbp-14h]\nFILE *stream; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-10h]\nunsigned int v4; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nv4 = -1;\nstream = fopen(\"/proc/uptime\", \"r\");\nif ( stream )\n{\nv2 = __isoc99_fscanf();\nfclose(stream);\nif ( v2 == 1 )\nv4 = (int)v1;\n}\nreturn v4;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[v1,v2,stream,v4,sub_406806,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'v1': 'exact_uptime', 'v2': 'result', 'stream': 'fff', 'v4': 'uptime_seconds', 'sub_406806': 'get_uptime'}"}
U32 HUFv07_selectDecoder (size_t dstSize, size_t cSrcSize) { /* decoder timing evaluation */ U32 const Q = (U32)(cSrcSize * 16 / dstSize); /* Q < 16 since dstSize > cSrcSize */ U32 const D256 = (U32)(dstSize >> 8); U32 const DTime0 = algoTime[Q][0].tableTime + (algoTime[Q][0].decode256Time * D256); U32 DTime1 = algoTime[Q][1].tableTime + (algoTime[Q][1].decode256Time * D256); DTime1 += DTime1 >> 3; /* advantage to algorithm using less memory, for cache eviction */ return DTime1 < DTime0; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_437C02", "function_addr": 4422658, "binary_name": "cf0f13b18d786551ec60dbb0ef7c9a852a8a4469a59c2f8b44477ffb0cde585e.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_20], rsi"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [5, "shl rax, 4"], [6, "mov edx, 0"], [7, "div [rbp+var_18]"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [10, "shr rax, 8"], [11, "mov [rbp+var_8], eax"], [12, "mov edx, [rbp+var_4]"], [13, "mov rax, rdx"], [14, "add rax, rax"], [15, "add rax, rdx"], [16, "shl rax, 3"], [17, "add rax, 458A60h"], [18, "mov ecx, [rax]"], [19, "mov edx, [rbp+var_4]"], [20, "mov rax, rdx"], [21, "add rax, rax"], [22, "add rax, rdx"], [23, "shl rax, 3"], [24, "add rax, 458A64h"], [25, "mov eax, [rax]"], [26, "imul eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [27, "add eax, ecx"], [28, "mov [rbp+var_C], eax"], [29, "mov edx, [rbp+var_4]"], [30, "mov rax, rdx"], [31, "add rax, rax"], [32, "add rax, rdx"], [33, "shl rax, 3"], [34, "add rax, 458A68h"], [35, "mov ecx, [rax]"], [36, "mov edx, [rbp+var_4]"], [37, "mov rax, rdx"], [38, "add rax, rax"], [39, "add rax, rdx"], [40, "shl rax, 3"], [41, "add rax, 458A6Ch"], [42, "mov eax, [rax]"], [43, "imul eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [44, "add eax, ecx"], [45, "mov [rbp+var_10], eax"], [46, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [47, "shr eax, 3"], [48, "add [rbp+var_10], eax"], [49, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [50, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [51, "setb al"], [52, "movzx eax, al"], [53, "pop rbp"], [54, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [7, 2], [8, 5], [9, 7], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 8], [13, 12], [14, 13], [15, 14], [15, 12], [16, 15], [17, 16], [18, 17], [19, 8], [20, 19], [21, 20], [22, 19], [22, 21], [23, 22], [24, 23], [25, 24], [26, 11], [26, 25], [27, 18], [27, 26], [28, 27], [29, 8], [30, 29], [31, 30], [32, 31], [32, 29], [33, 32], [34, 33], [35, 34], [36, 8], [37, 36], [38, 37], [39, 36], [39, 38], [40, 39], [41, 40], [42, 41], [43, 42], [43, 11], [44, 35], [44, 43], [45, 44], [46, 45], [47, 46], [48, 45], [48, 47], [49, 48], [50, 49], [50, 28], [51, 50], [51, 49], [52, 51], [53, 0], [54, 52]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/cf0f13b18d786551ec60dbb0ef7c9a852a8a4469a59c2f8b44477ffb0cde585e_cf0f13b18d786551ec60dbb0ef7c9a852a8a4469a59c2f8b44477ffb0cde585e.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_437C02", "query": "\n\n\n_BOOL8 __fastcall sub_437C02(unsigned __int64 a1, __int64 a2)\n{\nunsigned int v3; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-10h]\nint v4; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]\nint v5; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nv5 = 16 * a2 / a1;\nv4 = a1 >> 8;\nv3 = dword_458A60[6 * v5 + 2] + v4 * dword_458A60[6 * v5 + 3];\nreturn (v3 >> 3) + v3 < dword_458A60[6 * v5] + v4 * dword_458A60[6 * v5 + 1];\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,v3,v4,v5,sub_437C02,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'dstSize', 'a2': 'cSrcSize', 'v3': 'DTime1', 'v4': 'D256', 'v5': 'Q', 'sub_437C02': 'HUFv07_selectDecoder'}"}
t_stat set_dev_debug (DEVICE *dptr, UNIT *uptr, int32 flags, CONST char *cptr) { int32 flag = flags & 1; t_bool uflag = ((flags & 2) != 0); char gbuf[CBUFSIZE]; DEBTAB *dep; t_stat r = SCPE_OK; if ((dptr->flags & DEV_DEBUG) == 0) return SCPE_NOFNC; if (cptr == NULL) { /* no arguments? */ if (uflag) uptr->dctrl = flag ? (dptr->debflags ? flag : 0xFFFFFFFF) : 0;/* disable/enable w/o table */ else dptr->dctrl = flag ? (dptr->debflags ? flag : 0xFFFFFFFF) : 0;/* disable/enable w/o table */ if (flag && dptr->debflags) { /* enable with table? */ for (dep = dptr->debflags; dep->name != NULL; dep++) if (uflag) uptr->dctrl = uptr->dctrl | dep->mask; /* set all */ else dptr->dctrl = dptr->dctrl | dep->mask; /* set all */ } return SCPE_OK; } if (dptr->debflags == NULL) /* must have table */ return sim_messagef (SCPE_ARG, "The %s device doesn't have DEBUG options.\n", dptr->name); while (*cptr) { cptr = get_glyph (cptr, gbuf, ';'); /* get debug flag */ for (dep = dptr->debflags; dep->name != NULL; dep++) { if (strcmp (dep->name, gbuf) == 0) { /* match? */ if (flag) if (uflag) uptr->dctrl = uptr->dctrl | dep->mask; else dptr->dctrl = dptr->dctrl | dep->mask; else if (uflag) uptr->dctrl = uptr->dctrl & ~dep->mask; else dptr->dctrl = dptr->dctrl & ~dep->mask; break; } } /* end for */ if (dep->mask == 0) /* no match? */ r = sim_messagef (SCPE_ARG, "Invalid DEBUG option '%s' for %s device\n", gbuf, dptr->name); } /* end while */ return r; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_425950", "function_addr": 4348240, "binary_name": "1812cddc11d5d37e1bfd4b1269e60e52c00acecac170e6456fc2ba2cddc55918.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10C0h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_10A8], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_10B0], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_10B4], edx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_10C0], rcx"], [7, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10B4]"], [8, "and eax, 1"], [9, "mov [rbp+var_10], eax"], [10, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10B4]"], [11, "and eax, 2"], [12, "test eax, eax"], [13, "setnz al"], [14, "movzx eax, al"], [15, "mov [rbp+var_14], eax"], [16, "mov [rbp+var_C], 0"], [17, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10A8]"], [18, "mov eax, [rax+70h]"], [19, "and eax, 8"], [20, "test eax, eax"], [21, "jnz short loc_4259B8"], [22, "mov eax, 59h "], [23, "jmp locret_425C55"], [24, "cmp [rbp+var_10C0], 0"], [25, "jnz loc_425ABD"], [26, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 0"], [27, "jz short loc_425A02"], [28, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 0"], [29, "jz short loc_4259EE"], [30, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10A8]"], [31, "mov rax, [rax+78h]"], [32, "test rax, rax"], [33, "jz short loc_4259E7"], [34, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [35, "jmp short loc_4259F3"], [36, "mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [37, "jmp short loc_4259F3"], [38, "mov eax, 0"], [39, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_10B0]"], [40, "mov [rdx+0B8h], eax"], [41, "jmp short loc_425A33"], [42, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 0"], [43, "jz short loc_425A24"], [44, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10A8]"], [45, "mov rax, [rax+78h]"], [46, "test rax, rax"], [47, "jz short loc_425A1D"], [48, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [49, "jmp short loc_425A29"], [50, "mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [51, "jmp short loc_425A29"], [52, "mov eax, 0"], [53, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_10A8]"], [54, "mov [rdx+74h], eax"], [55, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 0"], [56, "jz short loc_425AB3"], [57, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10A8]"], [58, "mov rax, [rax+78h]"], [59, "test rax, rax"], [60, "jz short loc_425AB3"], [61, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10A8]"], [62, "mov rax, [rax+78h]"], [63, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [64, "jmp short loc_425AA7"], [65, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 0"], [66, "jz short loc_425A85"], [67, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10B0]"], [68, "mov edx, [rax+0B8h]"], [69, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [70, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [71, "or edx, eax"], [72, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10B0]"], [73, "mov [rax+0B8h], edx"], [74, "jmp short loc_425AA2"], [75, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10A8]"], [76, "mov edx, [rax+74h]"], [77, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [78, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [79, "or edx, eax"], [80, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10A8]"], [81, "mov [rax+74h], edx"], [82, "add [rbp+var_8], 18h"], [83, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [84, "mov rax, [rax]"], [85, "test rax, rax"], [86, "jnz short loc_425A5A"], [87, "mov eax, 0"], [88, "jmp locret_425C55"], [89, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10A8]"], [90, "mov rax, [rax+78h]"], [91, "test rax, rax"], [92, "jnz loc_425C40"], [93, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10A8]"], [94, "mov rax, [rax]"], [95, "mov rdx, rax"], [96, "mov esi, offset aTheSDeviceDoes"], [97, "mov edi, 48h "], [98, "mov eax, 0"], [99, "call sub_43DEF6"], [100, "jmp locret_425C55"], [101, "lea rcx, [rbp+s2]"], [102, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10C0]"], [103, "mov edx, 3Bh "], [104, "mov rsi, rcx"], [105, "mov rdi, rax"], [106, "call sub_433593"], [107, "mov [rbp+var_10C0], rax"], [108, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10A8]"], [109, "mov rax, [rax+78h]"], [110, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [111, "jmp loc_425BF7"], [112, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [113, "mov rax, [rax]"], [114, "lea rdx, [rbp+s2]"], [115, "mov rsi, rdx"], [116, "mov rdi, rax"], [117, "call _strcmp"], [118, "test eax, eax"], [119, "jnz loc_425BF2"], [120, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 0"], [121, "jz short loc_425BA4"], [122, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 0"], [123, "jz short loc_425B85"], [124, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10B0]"], [125, "mov edx, [rax+0B8h]"], [126, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [127, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [128, "or edx, eax"], [129, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10B0]"], [130, "mov [rax+0B8h], edx"], [131, "jmp loc_425C07"], [132, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10A8]"], [133, "mov edx, [rax+74h]"], [134, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [135, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [136, "or edx, eax"], [137, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10A8]"], [138, "mov [rax+74h], edx"], [139, "jmp short loc_425C07"], [140, "cmp [rbp+var_14], 0"], [141, "jz short loc_425BD1"], [142, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10B0]"], [143, "mov edx, [rax+0B8h]"], [144, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [145, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [146, "not eax"], [147, "and edx, eax"], [148, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10B0]"], [149, "mov [rax+0B8h], edx"], [150, "jmp short loc_425C07"], [151, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10A8]"], [152, "mov edx, [rax+74h]"], [153, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [154, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [155, "not eax"], [156, "and edx, eax"], [157, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10A8]"], [158, "mov [rax+74h], edx"], [159, "jmp short loc_425C07"], [160, "add [rbp+var_8], 18h"], [161, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [162, "mov rax, [rax]"], [163, "test rax, rax"], [164, "jnz loc_425B30"], [165, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [166, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [167, "test eax, eax"], [168, "jnz short loc_425C40"], [169, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10A8]"], [170, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [171, "lea rax, [rbp+s2]"], [172, "mov rcx, rdx"], [173, "mov rdx, rax"], [174, "mov esi, offset aInvalidDebugOp"], [175, "mov edi, 48h "], [176, "mov eax, 0"], [177, "call sub_43DEF6"], [178, "mov [rbp+var_C], eax"], [179, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10C0]"], [180, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [181, "test al, al"], [182, "jnz loc_425AF7"], [183, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [184, "leave"], [185, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[7, 5], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 5], [11, 10], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 13], [15, 14], [17, 3], [18, 17], [19, 18], [20, 19], [21, 20], [24, 6], [25, 24], [26, 15], [27, 26], [28, 9], [29, 28], [30, 3], [31, 30], [32, 31], [33, 32], [34, 9], [39, 4], [40, 34], [40, 36], [40, 38], [40, 39], [42, 9], [43, 42], [44, 3], [45, 44], [46, 45], [47, 46], [48, 9], [53, 3], [54, 53], [54, 48], [54, 50], [54, 52], [55, 9], [56, 55], [57, 3], [58, 40], [58, 57], [58, 54], [59, 58], [60, 59], [61, 3], [62, 61], [62, 54], [62, 40], [63, 62], [65, 15], [66, 65], [67, 4], [68, 54], [68, 40], [68, 81], [68, 67], [68, 73], [69, 82], [69, 63], [70, 73], [70, 54], [70, 40], [70, 81], [70, 69], [71, 68], [71, 70], [72, 4], [73, 71], [73, 72], [75, 3], [76, 54], [76, 40], [76, 81], [76, 73], [76, 75], [77, 82], [77, 63], [78, 77], [78, 54], [78, 40], [78, 81], [78, 73], [79, 76], [79, 78], [80, 3], [81, 80], [81, 79], [82, 82], [82, 63], [83, 82], [83, 63], [84, 54], [84, 40], [84, 81], [84, 83], [84, 73], [85, 84], [86, 85], [89, 3], [90, 89], [91, 90], [92, 91], [93, 3], [94, 93], [95, 94], [101, 172], [101, 101], [102, 107], [102, 6], [104, 101], [105, 102], [107, 106], [108, 3], [109, 108], [109, 138], [109, 149], [109, 158], [109, 130], [110, 109], [112, 110], [112, 160], [113, 138], [113, 149], [113, 158], [113, 112], [113, 130], [114, 103], [114, 114], [115, 114], [116, 113], [118, 117], [119, 118], [120, 9], [121, 120], [122, 15], [123, 122], [124, 4], [125, 130], [125, 124], [125, 138], [125, 149], [125, 158], [126, 110], [126, 160], [127, 138], [127, 126], [127, 149], [127, 158], [127, 130], [128, 125], [128, 127], [129, 4], [130, 128], [130, 129], [132, 3], [133, 132], [133, 138], [133, 149], [133, 158], [133, 130], [134, 160], [134, 110], [135, 138], [135, 149], [135, 158], [135, 130], [135, 134], [136, 135], [136, 133], [137, 3], [138, 137], [138, 136], [140, 15], [141, 140], [142, 4], [143, 142], [143, 149], [143, 158], [143, 130], [143, 138], [144, 110], [144, 160], [145, 149], [145, 158], [145, 144], [145, 130], [145, 138], [146, 145], [147, 146], [147, 143], [148, 4], [149, 148], [149, 147], [151, 3], [152, 138], [152, 149], [152, 158], [152, 151], [152, 130], [153, 110], [153, 160], [154, 138], [154, 149], [154, 158], [154, 153], [154, 130], [155, 154], [156, 155], [156, 152], [157, 3], [158, 156], [158, 157], [160, 110], [160, 160], [161, 110], [161, 160], [162, 161], [162, 149], [162, 158], [162, 130], [162, 138], [163, 162], [164, 163], [165, 110], [165, 160], [166, 165], [166, 149], [166, 158], [166, 130], [166, 138], [167, 166], [168, 167], [169, 3], [170, 169], [170, 130], [170, 138], [170, 149], [170, 158], [171, 169], [172, 170], [173, 171], [178, 177], [179, 107], [179, 6], [180, 130], [180, 138], [180, 179], [180, 149], [180, 158], [181, 180], [182, 181], [183, 178], [183, 16], [185, 87], [185, 22], [185, 99], [185, 183]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/1812cddc11d5d37e1bfd4b1269e60e52c00acecac170e6456fc2ba2cddc55918_1812cddc11d5d37e1bfd4b1269e60e52c00acecac170e6456fc2ba2cddc55918.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_425950", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_425950(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, char a3, _BYTE *a4, int a5, int a6)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\nint v7; // eax\nint v8; // eax\nint v9; // er8\nint v10; // er9\n_BYTE *v11; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-10C0h]\nchar s2[4236]; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-10A0h] BYREF\n_BOOL4 v13; // [rsp+10ACh] [rbp-14h]\nint v14; // [rsp+10B0h] [rbp-10h]\nunsigned int v15; // [rsp+10B4h] [rbp-Ch]\n__int64 i; // [rsp+10B8h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv11 = a4;\nv14 = a3 & 1;\nv13 = (a3 & 2) != 0;\nv15 = 0;\nif ( (*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 112) & 8) == 0 )\nreturn 89LL;\nif ( a4 )\n{\nif ( *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 120) )\n{\nwhile ( *v11 )\n{\nv11 = (_BYTE *)sub_433593(v11, s2, 59LL);\nfor ( i = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 120); *(_QWORD *)i; i += 24LL )\n{\nif ( !strcmp(*(const char **)i, s2) )\n{\nif ( v14 )\n{\nif ( v13 )\n*(_DWORD *)(a2 + 184) |= *(_DWORD *)(i + 8);\nelse\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 116) |= *(_DWORD *)(i + 8);\n}\nelse if ( v13 )\n{\n*(_DWORD *)(a2 + 184) &= ~*(_DWORD *)(i + 8);\n}\nelse\n{\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 116) &= ~*(_DWORD *)(i + 8);\n}\nbreak;\n}\n}\nif ( !*(_DWORD *)(i + 8) )\nv15 = sub_43DEF6(\n72,\n(unsigned int)\"Invalid DEBUG option '%s' for %s device\\n\",\n(unsigned int)s2,\n*(_QWORD *)a1,\nv9,\nv10);\n}\nresult = v15;\n}\nelse\n{\nresult = sub_43DEF6(\n72,\n(unsigned int)\"The %s device doesn't have DEBUG options.\\n\",\n*(_QWORD *)a1,\n(_DWORD)a4,\na5,\na6);\n}\n}\nelse\n{\nif ( v13 )\n{\nif ( v14 )\n{\nif ( *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 120) )\nv7 = v14;\nelse\nv7 = -1;\n}\nelse\n{\nv7 = 0;\n}\n*(_DWORD *)(a2 + 184) = v7;\n}\nelse\n{\nif ( v14 )\n{\nif ( *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 120) )\nv8 = v14;\nelse\nv8 = -1;\n}\nelse\n{\nv8 = 0;\n}\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 116) = v8;\n}\nif ( v14 && *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 120) )\n{\nfor ( i = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 120); *(_QWORD *)i; i += 24LL )\n{\nif ( v13 )\n*(_DWORD *)(a2 + 184) |= *(_DWORD *)(i + 8);\nelse\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 116) |= *(_DWORD *)(i + 8);\n}\n}\nresult = 0LL;\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,v11,s2,v13,v14,v15,i,sub_425950,sub_433593,sub_43DEF6,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'flags', 'a4': 'cptr', 'a1': 'dptr', 'a2': 'uptr', 'v11': 'cptra', 's2': 'gbuf', 'v13': 'uflag', 'v14': 'flag', 'v15': 'r', 'i': 'dep', 'sub_425950': 'set_dev_debug', 'sub_433593': 'get_glyph', 'sub_43DEF6': 'sim_messagef'}"}
static void razf_flush(RAZF *rz){ uint32_t tout; if(rz->buf_len){ _razf_write(rz, rz->inbuf, rz->buf_len); rz->buf_off = rz->buf_len = 0; } if(rz->stream->avail_out){ #ifdef _USE_KNETFILE write(rz->x.fpw, rz->outbuf, RZ_BUFFER_SIZE - rz->stream->avail_out); #else write(rz->filedes, rz->outbuf, RZ_BUFFER_SIZE - rz->stream->avail_out); #endif rz->stream->avail_out = RZ_BUFFER_SIZE; rz->stream->next_out = rz->outbuf; } while(1){ tout = rz->stream->avail_out; deflate(rz->stream, Z_FULL_FLUSH); rz->out += tout - rz->stream->avail_out; if(rz->stream->avail_out == 0){ #ifdef _USE_KNETFILE write(rz->x.fpw, rz->outbuf, RZ_BUFFER_SIZE - rz->stream->avail_out); #else write(rz->filedes, rz->outbuf, RZ_BUFFER_SIZE - rz->stream->avail_out); #endif rz->stream->avail_out = RZ_BUFFER_SIZE; rz->stream->next_out = rz->outbuf; } else break; } rz->block_pos = rz->out; rz->block_off = 0; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4056DE", "function_addr": 4216542, "binary_name": "18ba826ac31830a73aba61dc9990ca60507abe36300168b1d3124d77e38500a7.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [5, "mov eax, [rax+84h]"], [6, "test eax, eax"], [7, "jz short loc_40573B"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [9, "mov edx, [rax+84h]"], [10, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [11, "mov rcx, [rax+60h]"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [13, "mov rsi, rcx"], [14, "mov rdi, rax"], [15, "call sub_40559F"], [16, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [17, "mov dword ptr [rax+84h], 0"], [18, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [19, "mov edx, [rax+84h]"], [20, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [21, "mov [rax+80h], edx"], [22, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [23, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [24, "mov eax, [rax+20h]"], [25, "test eax, eax"], [26, "jz short loc_40579A"], [27, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [28, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [29, "mov eax, [rax+20h]"], [30, "mov edx, 1000h"], [31, "sub edx, eax"], [32, "mov edx, edx"], [33, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [34, "mov rcx, [rax+68h]"], [35, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [36, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [37, "mov rsi, rcx"], [38, "mov edi, eax"], [39, "call _write"], [40, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [41, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [42, "mov dword ptr [rax+20h], 1000h"], [43, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [44, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [45, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [46, "mov rdx, [rdx+68h]"], [47, "mov [rax+18h], rdx"], [48, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [49, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [50, "mov eax, [rax+20h]"], [51, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [52, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [53, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [54, "mov esi, 3"], [55, "mov rdi, rax"], [56, "call _deflate"], [57, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [58, "mov rdx, [rax+28h]"], [59, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [60, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [61, "mov ecx, [rax+20h]"], [62, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [63, "sub eax, ecx"], [64, "mov eax, eax"], [65, "add rdx, rax"], [66, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [67, "mov [rax+28h], rdx"], [68, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [69, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [70, "mov eax, [rax+20h]"], [71, "test eax, eax"], [72, "jnz short loc_405846"], [73, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [74, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [75, "mov eax, [rax+20h]"], [76, "mov edx, 1000h"], [77, "sub edx, eax"], [78, "mov edx, edx"], [79, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [80, "mov rcx, [rax+68h]"], [81, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [82, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [83, "mov rsi, rcx"], [84, "mov edi, eax"], [85, "call _write"], [86, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [87, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [88, "mov dword ptr [rax+20h], 1000h"], [89, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [90, "mov rax, [rax+10h]"], [91, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [92, "mov rdx, [rdx+68h]"], [93, "mov [rax+18h], rdx"], [94, "jmp loc_40579A"], [95, "nop"], [96, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [97, "mov rdx, [rax+28h]"], [98, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [99, "mov [rax+48h], rdx"], [100, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [101, "mov qword ptr [rax+50h], 0"], [102, "nop"], [103, "leave"], [104, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 3], [9, 8], [10, 3], [11, 10], [12, 3], [13, 11], [14, 12], [16, 3], [17, 16], [18, 3], [19, 18], [19, 17], [20, 3], [21, 20], [21, 19], [22, 3], [23, 22], [23, 17], [23, 21], [24, 17], [24, 21], [24, 23], [25, 24], [26, 25], [27, 3], [28, 21], [28, 27], [28, 47], [28, 42], [28, 17], [29, 47], [29, 42], [29, 17], [29, 28], [29, 21], [31, 29], [31, 30], [32, 31], [33, 3], [34, 21], [34, 47], [34, 33], [34, 42], [34, 17], [35, 3], [36, 47], [36, 42], [36, 17], [36, 35], [36, 21], [37, 34], [38, 36], [40, 3], [41, 40], [41, 42], [41, 17], [41, 21], [41, 47], [42, 41], [43, 3], [44, 42], [44, 43], [45, 3], [46, 45], [46, 42], [47, 44], [47, 46], [48, 3], [49, 48], [49, 93], [49, 47], [49, 88], [49, 42], [49, 17], [49, 67], [49, 21], [50, 93], [50, 47], [50, 49], [50, 88], [50, 42], [50, 17], [50, 67], [50, 21], [51, 50], [52, 3], [53, 52], [53, 93], [53, 47], [53, 88], [53, 42], [53, 17], [53, 67], [53, 21], [55, 53], [57, 3], [58, 88], [58, 42], [58, 17], [58, 67], [58, 21], [58, 57], [58, 93], [58, 47], [59, 3], [60, 21], [60, 93], [60, 59], [60, 47], [60, 67], [60, 88], [60, 42], [60, 17], [61, 93], [61, 47], [61, 88], [61, 42], [61, 17], [61, 67], [61, 21], [61, 60], [62, 51], [63, 61], [63, 62], [64, 63], [65, 58], [65, 64], [66, 3], [67, 65], [67, 66], [68, 3], [69, 67], [69, 68], [70, 88], [70, 42], [70, 67], [70, 69], [71, 70], [72, 71], [73, 3], [74, 73], [74, 93], [74, 47], [74, 88], [74, 42], [74, 17], [74, 67], [74, 21], [75, 42], [75, 17], [75, 74], [75, 67], [75, 21], [75, 93], [75, 47], [75, 88], [77, 76], [77, 75], [78, 77], [79, 3], [80, 47], [80, 67], [80, 88], [80, 42], [80, 17], [80, 21], [80, 93], [80, 79], [81, 3], [82, 93], [82, 47], [82, 88], [82, 42], [82, 17], [82, 81], [82, 67], [82, 21], [83, 80], [84, 82], [86, 3], [87, 93], [87, 47], [87, 86], [87, 88], [87, 42], [87, 17], [87, 67], [87, 21], [88, 87], [89, 3], [90, 88], [90, 89], [91, 3], [92, 88], [92, 91], [93, 90], [93, 92], [96, 3], [97, 17], [97, 47], [97, 67], [97, 88], [97, 42], [97, 99], [97, 101], [97, 21], [97, 96], [97, 93], [98, 3], [99, 97], [99, 98], [100, 3], [101, 100], [104, 100]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/18ba826ac31830a73aba61dc9990ca60507abe36300168b1d3124d77e38500a7_18ba826ac31830a73aba61dc9990ca60507abe36300168b1d3124d77e38500a7.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4056DE", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_4056DE(__int64 a1)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\nint v2; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nif ( *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 132) )\n{\nsub_40559F(a1, *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 96), *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 132));\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 132) = 0;\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 128) = *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 132);\n}\nif ( !*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16) + 32LL) )\ngoto LABEL_5;\ndo\n{\nwrite(\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 8),\n*(const void **)(a1 + 104),\n(unsigned int)(4096 - *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16) + 32LL)));\n*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16) + 32LL) = 4096;\n*(_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16) + 24LL) = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 104);\nLABEL_5:\nv2 = *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16) + 32LL);\ndeflate();\n*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 40) += (unsigned int)(v2 - *(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16) + 32LL));\n}\nwhile ( !*(_DWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 16) + 32LL) );\n*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 72) = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 40);\nresult = a1;\n*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 80) = 0LL;\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,v2,sub_4056DE,sub_40559F,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'rz', 'v2': 'tout', 'sub_4056DE': 'razf_flush', 'sub_40559F': '_razf_write'}"}
void snis_collect_netstats(struct network_stats *ns) { netstats = ns; netstats->bytes_sent = 0; netstats->bytes_recd = 0; gettimeofday(&netstats->start, NULL); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "snis_collect_netstats", "function_addr": 4251573, "binary_name": "5a31e0d18063429d016b74adb542768dc1c9a0a5c454a56601ac17c8a09820f4.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [5, "mov cs:qword_6FDD00, rax"], [6, "mov rax, cs:qword_6FDD00"], [7, "mov qword ptr [rax], 0"], [8, "mov rax, cs:qword_6FDD00"], [9, "mov qword ptr [rax+8], 0"], [10, "mov rax, cs:qword_6FDD00"], [11, "add rax, 10h"], [12, "mov esi, 0"], [13, "mov rdi, rax"], [14, "call _gettimeofday"], [15, "nop"], [16, "leave"], [17, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 5], [9, 8], [10, 5], [11, 10], [13, 11], [17, 14]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/5a31e0d18063429d016b74adb542768dc1c9a0a5c454a56601ac17c8a09820f4_5a31e0d18063429d016b74adb542768dc1c9a0a5c454a56601ac17c8a09820f4.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "snis_collect_netstats", "query": "\n\n\nint __fastcall snis_collect_netstats(_QWORD *a1)\n{\nqword_6FDD00 = (__int64)a1;\n*a1 = 0LL;\n*(_QWORD *)(qword_6FDD00 + 8) = 0LL;\nreturn gettimeofday((struct timeval *)(qword_6FDD00 + 16), 0LL);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'ns'}"}
void memorymap (int megabytes) { int readCnt = 0; int bRead = 0; int writeCnt = 0; int bWritten = 0; int otherIOCnt = 0; int bytes; /* * First, see how much time it takes to mmap all the files. * * Second, pull in just a few pages of information to see how much * time the "How much IBM do I hold?" question would take. * * Next, compare updating the database shared with updating it private * and then recopying the changed segments. * (We could catch the pages that we have altered by mapping the * entire BIS read-only and then punching holes in it via an * mprotect call as we catch segfaults. This gives us a list * of the pages that we need to write, at the added expense of * handling lots of interrupts.) * (Notice that we don't test the case where we are adding to * the BIS files. This is an interesting situation as we either * have to open the last page past the last write point or reopen * extendable in some way. We could do that by opening /dev/zero * with MAP_ANON for addresses above our current usage point. */ int i; stop = start + 1024 * 1024 * (long long) megabytes; printf ("Creating %d random numbers\n", SIZE); for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) buffer[i] = random (); // set pseudo-bis to noise printf ("Done creating random numbers\n"); /* * Write a database consisting of 16 megabyte files. * Each filename contains the memory address into which * the file should be reloaded. */ printf ("Writing pseudo-bis files\n"); unsigned char* base = start; nblocks = 0; for (i = 0; i < megabytes; i += 16) { nblocks++; // write data in 16MB files char filename[256]; sprintf (filename, "bistest.%p.%d", base, i); int fd = open (filename, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, 0660); otherIOCnt++; if (fd == -1) { printf ("open of %s failed: %s\n", filename, strerror (errno)); exit (0); } bytes = write (fd, buffer, SIZE); bWritten += bytes; writeCnt++; close (fd); otherIOCnt++; printf ("\twrote %d megabytes\n", i + 16); base += 16 * 1024 * 1024; } printf ("Done writing files from %p to %p\n", start, stop); int j; printf ("Memory map all the files (private)\n"); for (i = 0; i < megabytes; i += 16) { unsigned char* base = start; base += i * 1024 * 1024; char filename[256]; sprintf (filename, "bistest.%p.%d", base, i); int fd = open (filename, O_RDWR); otherIOCnt++; if (fd < 0) printf ("open of %s failed: %s\n", filename, strerror (errno)); unsigned char *mp = (unsigned char*) mmap ((char*) base, SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_FIXED, fd, 0); if (mp == MAP_FAILED || mp != base) { printf ("mmap of %s failed: %s\n", filename, strerror (errno)); exit (1); } printf ("mapped %d bytes at %p\n", SIZE, base); close (fd); // mmap will hold the file open for us otherIOCnt++; } printf ("Mapping done\n"); fflush (stdout); otherIOCnt++; int ranlimit = 1000; printf ("Access %d bytes at random\n", ranlimit); int sum = 0; for (i = 0; i < ranlimit; i++) { unsigned char *where = start + (((unsigned long) random ()) % (stop - start)); sum += (int) *where; } printf ("Random byte access done\n"); ranlimit = 1000; int ranrange = 256; printf ("Alter %d random locations, %d bytes each (private)\n", ranlimit, ranrange); for (i = 0; i < ranlimit; i++) { unsigned char *where = start + (((unsigned long) random ()) % (stop - start)); for (j = 0; j < ranrange; j++) *where++ = j; } printf ("Memory alteration done\n"); fflush (stdout); otherIOCnt++; printf ("Copy all memory back to disk\n"); for (i = 0; i < megabytes; i += 16) { unsigned char* base = start; base += i * 1024 * 1024; char filename[256]; sprintf (filename, "bistest2.%p.%d", base, i); int fd = open (filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0660); otherIOCnt++; if ((bytes = write (fd, base, SIZE)) == -1) { printf ("write of %s failed: %s\n", filename, strerror (errno)); exit (1); } bWritten += bytes; writeCnt++; close (fd); otherIOCnt++; } printf ("Disk copy complete\n"); fflush (stdout); otherIOCnt++; printf ("Unmap all segments\n"); for (i = 0; i < megabytes; i += 16) { unsigned char* base = start; base += i * 1024 * 1024; if (munmap ((char*) base, SIZE) == -1) { printf ("munmap failed: %s\n", strerror (errno)); exit (1); } printf ("unmapped %d bytes at %p\n", SIZE, base); } printf ("Segment unmapping complete\n"); fflush (stdout); otherIOCnt++; printf ("Remap all segments as shared\n"); for (i = 0; i < megabytes; i += 16) { unsigned char* base = start; base += i * 1024 * 1024; char filename[256]; sprintf (filename, "bistest.%p.%d", base, i); int fd = open (filename, O_RDWR); otherIOCnt++; char* mp = mmap ((char*) base, SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | MAP_FIXED, fd, 0); if (mp == MAP_FAILED || (unsigned char*) mp != base) { printf ("re mmap of %s failed: %s\n", filename, strerror (errno)); exit (1); } printf ("remapped %d bytes at %p\n", SIZE, base); close (fd); // mmap will hold the file open for us otherIOCnt++; } printf ("Remapping complete\n"); fflush (stdout); otherIOCnt++; ranlimit = 1000; ranrange = 256; printf ("Alter %d random locations, %d bytes each (shared)\n", ranlimit, ranrange); for (i = 0; i < ranlimit; i++) { unsigned char* where = start + (((unsigned long) random ()) % (stop - start)); for (j = 0; j < ranrange; j++) *where++ = j; } printf ("Memory alteration done\n"); fflush (stdout); otherIOCnt++; printf ("Unmap all segments\n"); for (i = 0; i < megabytes; i += 16) { unsigned char *base = start; base += i * 1024 * 1024; if (munmap ((char*) base, SIZE) == -1) { printf ("munmap failed: %s\n", strerror (errno)); exit (1); } printf ("unmapped %d bytes at %p\n", SIZE, base); } printf ("Segment unmapping complete\n"); fflush (stdout); otherIOCnt++; base = start; for (i = 0; i < megabytes; i += 16) { // write data in 16MB files char filename[256]; sprintf (filename, "bistest.%p.%d", base, i); if (unlink (filename) != 0) { printf ("unlink of %s failed: %s\n", filename, strerror (errno)); } base += 16 * 1024 * 1024; otherIOCnt++; } for (i = 0; i < megabytes; i += 16) { unsigned char* base = start; base += i * 1024 * 1024; char filename[256]; sprintf (filename, "bistest2.%p.%d", base, i); if (unlink (filename) != 0) { printf ("unlink of %s failed: %s\n", filename, strerror (errno)); } otherIOCnt++; } bWritten += 102; /* the number of bytes are written by the next fprintf */ writeCnt++; fflush (fid2); otherIOCnt++; /* Record accounting record */ fprintf (fid2, "X %14d %14d %17d %15d %17d memorymap\n", bRead, readCnt, bWritten, writeCnt, otherIOCnt); printf ("Deleted scratch files\n"); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "memorymap", "function_addr": 4234816, "binary_name": "d10e9a5f5048fed402126d0687193873c2065519ed0560660f837ec3bdc108da.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "push rbx"], [3, "sub rsp, 1C8h"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_1C4], edi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_44], 0"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_48], 0"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_14], 0"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_18], 0"], [9, "mov [rbp+var_1C], 0"], [10, "mov rdx, cs:start"], [11, "mov eax, [rbp+var_1C4]"], [12, "cdqe"], [13, "shl rax, 14h"], [14, "add rax, rdx"], [15, "mov cs:stop, rax"], [16, "mov esi, offset unk_1000000"], [17, "mov edi, offset aCreatingDRando"], [18, "mov eax, 0"], [19, "call _printf"], [20, "mov [rbp+var_20], 0"], [21, "jmp short loc_409EC6"], [22, "call _random"], [23, "mov edx, eax"], [24, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [25, "cdqe"], [26, "mov ds:buffer[rax*4], edx"], [27, "add [rbp+var_20], 1"], [28, "cmp [rbp+var_20], offset unk_FFFFFF"], [29, "jle short loc_409EAF"], [30, "mov edi, offset aDoneCreatingRa"], [31, "call _puts"], [32, "mov edi, offset aWritingPseudoB"], [33, "call _puts"], [34, "mov rax, cs:start"], [35, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [36, "mov cs:nblocks, 0"], [37, "mov [rbp+var_20], 0"], [38, "jmp loc_409FF6"], [39, "mov eax, cs:nblocks"], [40, "add eax, 1"], [41, "mov cs:nblocks, eax"], [42, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_20]"], [43, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_28]"], [44, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [45, "mov esi, offset aBistestPD"], [46, "mov rdi, rax"], [47, "mov eax, 0"], [48, "call _sprintf"], [49, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [50, "mov edx, 1B0h"], [51, "mov esi, 241h"], [52, "mov rdi, rax"], [53, "mov eax, 0"], [54, "call _open"], [55, "mov [rbp+fd], eax"], [56, "add [rbp+var_1C], 1"], [57, "cmp [rbp+fd], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [58, "jnz short loc_409F98"], [59, "call ___errno_location"], [60, "mov eax, [rax]"], [61, "mov edi, eax"], [62, "call _strerror"], [63, "mov rdx, rax"], [64, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [65, "mov rsi, rax"], [66, "mov edi, offset aOpenOfSFailedS"], [67, "mov eax, 0"], [68, "call _printf"], [69, "mov edi, 0"], [70, "call _exit"], [71, "mov eax, [rbp+fd]"], [72, "mov edx, offset unk_1000000"], [73, "mov esi, offset buffer"], [74, "mov edi, eax"], [75, "call _write"], [76, "mov [rbp+var_90], eax"], [77, "mov eax, [rbp+var_90]"], [78, "add [rbp+var_18], eax"], [79, "add [rbp+var_14], 1"], [80, "mov eax, [rbp+fd]"], [81, "mov edi, eax"], [82, "call _close"], [83, "add [rbp+var_1C], 1"], [84, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [85, "add eax, 10h"], [86, "mov esi, eax"], [87, "mov edi, offset aWroteDMegabyte"], [88, "mov eax, 0"], [89, "call _printf"], [90, "add [rbp+var_28], 1000000h"], [91, "add [rbp+var_20], 10h"], [92, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [93, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_1C4]"], [94, "jl loc_409F04"], [95, "mov rdx, cs:stop"], [96, "mov rax, cs:start"], [97, "mov rsi, rax"], [98, "mov edi, offset aDoneWritingFil"], [99, "mov eax, 0"], [100, "call _printf"], [101, "mov edi, offset aMemoryMapAllTh"], [102, "call _puts"], [103, "mov [rbp+var_20], 0"], [104, "jmp loc_40A186"], [105, "mov rax, cs:start"], [106, "mov [rbp+addr], rax"], [107, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [108, "shl eax, 14h"], [109, "cdqe"], [110, "add [rbp+addr], rax"], [111, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_20]"], [112, "mov rdx, [rbp+addr]"], [113, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [114, "mov esi, offset aBistestPD"], [115, "mov rdi, rax"], [116, "mov eax, 0"], [117, "call _sprintf"], [118, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [119, "mov esi, 2"], [120, "mov rdi, rax"], [121, "mov eax, 0"], [122, "call _open"], [123, "mov [rbp+var_A4], eax"], [124, "add [rbp+var_1C], 1"], [125, "cmp [rbp+var_A4], 0"], [126, "jns short loc_40A0D1"], [127, "call ___errno_location"], [128, "mov eax, [rax]"], [129, "mov edi, eax"], [130, "call _strerror"], [131, "mov rdx, rax"], [132, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [133, "mov rsi, rax"], [134, "mov edi, offset aOpenOfSFailedS"], [135, "mov eax, 0"], [136, "call _printf"], [137, "mov edx, [rbp+var_A4]"], [138, "mov rax, [rbp+addr]"], [139, "mov r9d, 0"], [140, "mov r8d, edx"], [141, "mov ecx, 12h"], [142, "mov edx, 3"], [143, "mov esi, offset unk_1000000"], [144, "mov rdi, rax"], [145, "call _mmap"], [146, "mov [rbp+var_B0], rax"], [147, "cmp [rbp+var_B0], 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh"], [148, "jz short loc_40A11F"], [149, "mov rax, [rbp+var_B0]"], [150, "cmp rax, [rbp+addr]"], [151, "jz short loc_40A153"], [152, "call ___errno_location"], [153, "mov eax, [rax]"], [154, "mov edi, eax"], [155, "call _strerror"], [156, "mov rdx, rax"], [157, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [158, "mov rsi, rax"], [159, "mov edi, offset aMmapOfSFailedS"], [160, "mov eax, 0"], [161, "call _printf"], [162, "mov edi, 1"], [163, "call _exit"], [164, "mov rax, [rbp+addr]"], [165, "mov rdx, rax"], [166, "mov esi, offset unk_1000000"], [167, "mov edi, offset aMappedDBytesAt"], [168, "mov eax, 0"], [169, "call _printf"], [170, "mov eax, [rbp+var_A4]"], [171, "mov edi, eax"], [172, "call _close"], [173, "add [rbp+var_1C], 1"], [174, "add [rbp+var_20], 10h"], [175, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [176, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_1C4]"], [177, "jl loc_40A03B"], [178, "mov edi, offset aMappingDone"], [179, "call _puts"], [180, "mov rax, cs:stdout"], [181, "mov rdi, rax"], [182, "call _fflush"], [183, "add [rbp+var_1C], 1"], [184, "mov [rbp+var_4C], 3E8h"], [185, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4C]"], [186, "mov esi, eax"], [187, "mov edi, offset aAccessDBytesAt"], [188, "mov eax, 0"], [189, "call _printf"], [190, "mov [rbp+var_30], 0"], [191, "mov [rbp+var_20], 0"], [192, "jmp short loc_40A22C"], [193, "mov rbx, cs:start"], [194, "call _random"], [195, "mov rdx, rax"], [196, "mov rax, cs:stop"], [197, "mov rcx, cs:start"], [198, "sub rax, rcx"], [199, "mov rcx, rax"], [200, "mov rax, rdx"], [201, "mov edx, 0"], [202, "div rcx"], [203, "mov rax, rdx"], [204, "add rax, rbx"], [205, "mov [rbp+var_98], rax"], [206, "mov rax, [rbp+var_98]"], [207, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [208, "movzx eax, al"], [209, "add [rbp+var_30], eax"], [210, "add [rbp+var_20], 1"], [211, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [212, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_4C]"], [213, "jl short loc_40A1DD"], [214, "mov edi, offset aRandomByteAcce"], [215, "call _puts"], [216, "mov [rbp+var_4C], 3E8h"], [217, "mov [rbp+var_50], 100h"], [218, "mov edx, [rbp+var_50]"], [219, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4C]"], [220, "mov esi, eax"], [221, "mov edi, offset aAlterDRandomLo"], [222, "mov eax, 0"], [223, "call _printf"], [224, "mov [rbp+var_20], 0"], [225, "jmp short loc_40A2CE"], [226, "mov rbx, cs:start"], [227, "call _random"], [228, "mov rdx, rax"], [229, "mov rax, cs:stop"], [230, "mov rcx, cs:start"], [231, "sub rax, rcx"], [232, "mov rcx, rax"], [233, "mov rax, rdx"], [234, "mov edx, 0"], [235, "div rcx"], [236, "mov rax, rdx"], [237, "add rax, rbx"], [238, "mov [rbp+var_38], rax"], [239, "mov [rbp+var_2C], 0"], [240, "jmp short loc_40A2C2"], [241, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [242, "lea rdx, [rax+1]"], [243, "mov [rbp+var_38], rdx"], [244, "mov edx, [rbp+var_2C]"], [245, "mov [rax], dl"], [246, "add [rbp+var_2C], 1"], [247, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2C]"], [248, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_50]"], [249, "jl short loc_40A2AD"], [250, "add [rbp+var_20], 1"], [251, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [252, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_4C]"], [253, "jl short loc_40A26C"], [254, "mov edi, offset aMemoryAlterati"], [255, "call _puts"], [256, "mov rax, cs:stdout"], [257, "mov rdi, rax"], [258, "call _fflush"], [259, "add [rbp+var_1C], 1"], [260, "mov edi, offset aCopyAllMemoryB"], [261, "call _puts"], [262, "mov [rbp+var_20], 0"], [263, "jmp loc_40A3F2"], [264, "mov rax, cs:start"], [265, "mov [rbp+buf], rax"], [266, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [267, "shl eax, 14h"], [268, "cdqe"], [269, "add [rbp+buf], rax"], [270, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_20]"], [271, "mov rdx, [rbp+buf]"], [272, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [273, "mov esi, offset aBistest2PD"], [274, "mov rdi, rax"], [275, "mov eax, 0"], [276, "call _sprintf"], [277, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [278, "mov edx, 1B0h"], [279, "mov esi, 242h"], [280, "mov rdi, rax"], [281, "mov eax, 0"], [282, "call _open"], [283, "mov [rbp+var_8C], eax"], [284, "add [rbp+var_1C], 1"], [285, "mov rcx, [rbp+buf]"], [286, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8C]"], [287, "mov edx, offset unk_1000000"], [288, "mov rsi, rcx"], [289, "mov edi, eax"], [290, "call _write"], [291, "mov [rbp+var_90], eax"], [292, "cmp [rbp+var_90], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [293, "jnz short loc_40A3D0"], [294, "call ___errno_location"], [295, "mov eax, [rax]"], [296, "mov edi, eax"], [297, "call _strerror"], [298, "mov rdx, rax"], [299, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [300, "mov rsi, rax"], [301, "mov edi, offset aWriteOfSFailed"], [302, "mov eax, 0"], [303, "call _printf"], [304, "mov edi, 1"], [305, "call _exit"], [306, "mov eax, [rbp+var_90]"], [307, "add [rbp+var_18], eax"], [308, "add [rbp+var_14], 1"], [309, "mov eax, [rbp+var_8C]"], [310, "mov edi, eax"], [311, "call _close"], [312, "add [rbp+var_1C], 1"], [313, "add [rbp+var_20], 10h"], [314, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [315, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_1C4]"], [316, "jl loc_40A309"], [317, "mov edi, offset aDiskCopyComple"], [318, "call _puts"], [319, "mov rax, cs:stdout"], [320, "mov rdi, rax"], [321, "call _fflush"], [322, "add [rbp+var_1C], 1"], [323, "mov edi, offset aUnmapAllSegmen"], [324, "call _puts"], [325, "mov [rbp+var_20], 0"], [326, "jmp short loc_40A4A7"], [327, "mov rax, cs:start"], [328, "mov [rbp+var_80], rax"], [329, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [330, "shl eax, 14h"], [331, "cdqe"], [332, "add [rbp+var_80], rax"], [333, "mov rax, [rbp+var_80]"], [334, "mov esi, offset unk_1000000"], [335, "mov rdi, rax"], [336, "call _munmap"], [337, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [338, "jnz short loc_40A488"], [339, "call ___errno_location"], [340, "mov eax, [rax]"], [341, "mov edi, eax"], [342, "call _strerror"], [343, "mov rsi, rax"], [344, "mov edi, offset aMunmapFailedS"], [345, "mov eax, 0"], [346, "call _printf"], [347, "mov edi, 1"], [348, "call _exit"], [349, "mov rax, [rbp+var_80]"], [350, "mov rdx, rax"], [351, "mov esi, offset unk_1000000"], [352, "mov edi, offset aUnmappedDBytes"], [353, "mov eax, 0"], [354, "call _printf"], [355, "add [rbp+var_20], 10h"], [356, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [357, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_1C4]"], [358, "jl loc_40A431"], [359, "mov edi, offset aSegmentUnmappi"], [360, "call _puts"], [361, "mov rax, cs:stdout"], [362, "mov rdi, rax"], [363, "call _fflush"], [364, "add [rbp+var_1C], 1"], [365, "mov edi, offset aRemapAllSegmen"], [366, "call _puts"], [367, "mov [rbp+var_20], 0"], [368, "jmp loc_40A5DD"], [369, "mov rax, cs:start"], [370, "mov [rbp+var_68], rax"], [371, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [372, "shl eax, 14h"], [373, "cdqe"], [374, "add [rbp+var_68], rax"], [375, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_20]"], [376, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_68]"], [377, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [378, "mov esi, offset aBistestPD"], [379, "mov rdi, rax"], [380, "mov eax, 0"], [381, "call _sprintf"], [382, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [383, "mov esi, 2"], [384, "mov rdi, rax"], [385, "mov eax, 0"], [386, "call _open"], [387, "mov [rbp+var_6C], eax"], [388, "add [rbp+var_1C], 1"], [389, "mov edx, [rbp+var_6C]"], [390, "mov rax, [rbp+var_68]"], [391, "mov r9d, 0"], [392, "mov r8d, edx"], [393, "mov ecx, 11h"], [394, "mov edx, 3"], [395, "mov esi, offset unk_1000000"], [396, "mov rdi, rax"], [397, "call _mmap"], [398, "mov [rbp+var_78], rax"], [399, "cmp [rbp+var_78], 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh"], [400, "jz short loc_40A57C"], [401, "mov rax, [rbp+var_78]"], [402, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_68]"], [403, "jz short loc_40A5B0"], [404, "call ___errno_location"], [405, "mov eax, [rax]"], [406, "mov edi, eax"], [407, "call _strerror"], [408, "mov rdx, rax"], [409, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [410, "mov rsi, rax"], [411, "mov edi, offset aReMmapOfSFaile"], [412, "mov eax, 0"], [413, "call _printf"], [414, "mov edi, 1"], [415, "call _exit"], [416, "mov rax, [rbp+var_68]"], [417, "mov rdx, rax"], [418, "mov esi, offset unk_1000000"], [419, "mov edi, offset aRemappedDBytes"], [420, "mov eax, 0"], [421, "call _printf"], [422, "mov eax, [rbp+var_6C]"], [423, "mov edi, eax"], [424, "call _close"], [425, "add [rbp+var_1C], 1"], [426, "add [rbp+var_20], 10h"], [427, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [428, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_1C4]"], [429, "jl loc_40A4E9"], [430, "mov edi, offset aRemappingCompl"], [431, "call _puts"], [432, "mov rax, cs:stdout"], [433, "mov rdi, rax"], [434, "call _fflush"], [435, "add [rbp+var_1C], 1"], [436, "mov [rbp+var_4C], 3E8h"], [437, "mov [rbp+var_50], 100h"], [438, "mov edx, [rbp+var_50]"], [439, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4C]"], [440, "mov esi, eax"], [441, "mov edi, offset aAlterDRandomLo_0"], [442, "mov eax, 0"], [443, "call _printf"], [444, "mov [rbp+var_20], 0"], [445, "jmp short loc_40A699"], [446, "mov rbx, cs:start"], [447, "call _random"], [448, "mov rdx, rax"], [449, "mov rax, cs:stop"], [450, "mov rcx, cs:start"], [451, "sub rax, rcx"], [452, "mov rcx, rax"], [453, "mov rax, rdx"], [454, "mov edx, 0"], [455, "div rcx"], [456, "mov rax, rdx"], [457, "add rax, rbx"], [458, "mov [rbp+var_40], rax"], [459, "mov [rbp+var_2C], 0"], [460, "jmp short loc_40A68D"], [461, "mov rax, [rbp+var_40]"], [462, "lea rdx, [rax+1]"], [463, "mov [rbp+var_40], rdx"], [464, "mov edx, [rbp+var_2C]"], [465, "mov [rax], dl"], [466, "add [rbp+var_2C], 1"], [467, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2C]"], [468, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_50]"], [469, "jl short loc_40A678"], [470, "add [rbp+var_20], 1"], [471, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [472, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_4C]"], [473, "jl short loc_40A637"], [474, "mov edi, offset aMemoryAlterati"], [475, "call _puts"], [476, "mov rax, cs:stdout"], [477, "mov rdi, rax"], [478, "call _fflush"], [479, "add [rbp+var_1C], 1"], [480, "mov edi, offset aUnmapAllSegmen"], [481, "call _puts"], [482, "mov [rbp+var_20], 0"], [483, "jmp short loc_40A747"], [484, "mov rax, cs:start"], [485, "mov [rbp+var_60], rax"], [486, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [487, "shl eax, 14h"], [488, "cdqe"], [489, "add [rbp+var_60], rax"], [490, "mov rax, [rbp+var_60]"], [491, "mov esi, offset unk_1000000"], [492, "mov rdi, rax"], [493, "call _munmap"], [494, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [495, "jnz short loc_40A728"], [496, "call ___errno_location"], [497, "mov eax, [rax]"], [498, "mov edi, eax"], [499, "call _strerror"], [500, "mov rsi, rax"], [501, "mov edi, offset aMunmapFailedS"], [502, "mov eax, 0"], [503, "call _printf"], [504, "mov edi, 1"], [505, "call _exit"], [506, "mov rax, [rbp+var_60]"], [507, "mov rdx, rax"], [508, "mov esi, offset unk_1000000"], [509, "mov edi, offset aUnmappedDBytes"], [510, "mov eax, 0"], [511, "call _printf"], [512, "add [rbp+var_20], 10h"], [513, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [514, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_1C4]"], [515, "jl loc_40A6D1"], [516, "mov edi, offset aSegmentUnmappi"], [517, "call _puts"], [518, "mov rax, cs:stdout"], [519, "mov rdi, rax"], [520, "call _fflush"], [521, "add [rbp+var_1C], 1"], [522, "mov rax, cs:start"], [523, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [524, "mov [rbp+var_20], 0"], [525, "jmp short loc_40A7F4"], [526, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_20]"], [527, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_28]"], [528, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [529, "mov esi, offset aBistestPD"], [530, "mov rdi, rax"], [531, "mov eax, 0"], [532, "call _sprintf"], [533, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [534, "mov rdi, rax"], [535, "call _unlink"], [536, "test eax, eax"], [537, "jz short loc_40A7E4"], [538, "call ___errno_location"], [539, "mov eax, [rax]"], [540, "mov edi, eax"], [541, "call _strerror"], [542, "mov rdx, rax"], [543, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [544, "mov rsi, rax"], [545, "mov edi, offset aUnlinkOfSFaile"], [546, "mov eax, 0"], [547, "call _printf"], [548, "add [rbp+var_28], 1000000h"], [549, "add [rbp+var_1C], 1"], [550, "add [rbp+var_20], 10h"], [551, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [552, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_1C4]"], [553, "jl short loc_40A787"], [554, "mov [rbp+var_20], 0"], [555, "jmp short loc_40A884"], [556, "mov rax, cs:start"], [557, "mov [rbp+var_58], rax"], [558, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [559, "shl eax, 14h"], [560, "cdqe"], [561, "add [rbp+var_58], rax"], [562, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_20]"], [563, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_58]"], [564, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [565, "mov esi, offset aBistest2PD"], [566, "mov rdi, rax"], [567, "mov eax, 0"], [568, "call _sprintf"], [569, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [570, "mov rdi, rax"], [571, "call _unlink"], [572, "test eax, eax"], [573, "jz short loc_40A87C"], [574, "call ___errno_location"], [575, "mov eax, [rax]"], [576, "mov edi, eax"], [577, "call _strerror"], [578, "mov rdx, rax"], [579, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [580, "mov rsi, rax"], [581, "mov edi, offset aUnlinkOfSFaile"], [582, "mov eax, 0"], [583, "call _printf"], [584, "add [rbp+var_1C], 1"], [585, "add [rbp+var_20], 10h"], [586, "mov eax, [rbp+var_20]"], [587, "cmp eax, [rbp+var_1C4]"], [588, "jl loc_40A808"], [589, "add [rbp+var_18], 66h "], [590, "add [rbp+var_14], 1"], [591, "mov rax, cs:fid2"], [592, "mov rdi, rax"], [593, "call _fflush"], [594, "add [rbp+var_1C], 1"], [595, "mov rax, cs:fid2"], [596, "mov r8d, [rbp+var_14]"], [597, "mov edi, [rbp+var_18]"], [598, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_44]"], [599, "mov edx, [rbp+var_48]"], [600, "sub rsp, 8"], [601, "mov esi, [rbp+var_1C]"], [602, "push rsi"], [603, "mov r9d, r8d"], [604, "mov r8d, edi"], [605, "mov esi, offset aX14d14d17d15d1_1"], [606, "mov rdi, rax"], [607, "mov eax, 0"], [608, "call _fprintf"], [609, "add rsp, 10h"], [610, "mov edi, offset aDeletedScratch"], [611, "call _puts"], [612, "nop"], [613, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_8]"], [614, "leave"], [615, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[11, 4], [13, 11], [14, 10], [14, 13], [15, 14], [23, 22], [24, 27], [24, 20], [26, 23], [27, 20], [27, 27], [28, 20], [28, 27], [29, 28], [35, 34], [39, 41], [39, 36], [40, 39], [41, 40], [42, 91], [42, 37], [43, 35], [43, 90], [44, 40], [46, 44], [49, 48], [52, 49], [55, 54], [56, 9], [56, 83], [57, 55], [58, 57], [60, 59], [61, 60], [63, 62], [64, 62], [65, 64], [71, 55], [74, 71], [76, 75], [77, 76], [78, 77], [78, 8], [78, 78], [79, 7], [79, 79], [80, 55], [81, 80], [83, 56], [84, 91], [84, 37], [85, 84], [86, 85], [90, 35], [90, 90], [91, 37], [91, 91], [92, 91], [92, 37], [93, 4], [93, 92], [94, 93], [95, 15], [97, 96], [106, 105], [107, 103], [107, 174], [108, 107], [110, 108], [110, 106], [111, 174], [111, 103], [112, 110], [113, 108], [115, 113], [118, 117], [120, 118], [123, 122], [124, 173], [124, 9], [124, 83], [125, 123], [126, 125], [128, 127], [129, 128], [131, 130], [132, 130], [133, 132], [137, 123], [138, 110], [140, 137], [144, 138], [146, 145], [147, 146], [148, 147], [149, 146], [150, 149], [150, 110], [151, 150], [153, 152], [154, 153], [156, 155], [157, 155], [158, 157], [164, 110], [165, 164], [170, 123], [171, 170], [173, 124], [174, 174], [174, 103], [175, 103], [175, 174], [176, 175], [176, 4], [177, 176], [181, 180], [183, 83], [183, 9], [183, 173], [185, 184], [186, 185], [195, 194], [196, 15], [198, 197], [198, 196], [199, 198], [200, 195], [202, 199], [203, 201], [204, 203], [204, 193], [205, 204], [206, 205], [207, 206], [208, 207], [209, 208], [209, 209], [209, 190], [210, 191], [210, 210], [211, 210], [211, 191], [212, 184], [212, 211], [213, 212], [218, 217], [219, 216], [220, 219], [228, 227], [229, 15], [231, 230], [231, 229], [232, 231], [233, 228], [235, 232], [236, 234], [237, 236], [237, 226], [238, 237], [241, 243], [241, 238], [242, 241], [242, 245], [242, 244], [242, 234], [243, 242], [244, 239], [244, 246], [245, 244], [245, 241], [246, 246], [246, 239], [247, 239], [247, 246], [248, 217], [248, 247], [249, 248], [250, 250], [250, 224], [251, 224], [251, 250], [252, 216], [252, 251], [253, 252], [257, 256], [259, 183], [265, 264], [266, 313], [266, 262], [267, 266], [269, 267], [269, 265], [270, 313], [270, 262], [271, 269], [272, 267], [274, 272], [277, 276], [280, 277], [283, 282], [284, 312], [284, 259], [285, 269], [286, 283], [288, 285], [289, 286], [291, 290], [292, 291], [293, 292], [295, 294], [295, 245], [296, 295], [298, 297], [299, 297], [300, 299], [306, 291], [307, 307], [307, 78], [307, 306], [307, 8], [308, 79], [308, 7], [308, 308], [309, 283], [310, 309], [312, 284], [313, 262], [313, 313], [314, 262], [314, 313], [315, 4], [315, 314], [316, 315], [320, 319], [322, 312], [322, 259], [328, 327], [329, 355], [329, 325], [330, 329], [332, 328], [332, 330], [333, 332], [335, 333], [337, 336], [338, 337], [340, 245], [340, 339], [341, 340], [343, 342], [349, 332], [350, 349], [355, 325], [355, 355], [356, 355], [356, 325], [357, 4], [357, 356], [358, 357], [362, 361], [364, 322], [370, 369], [371, 367], [371, 426], [372, 371], [374, 372], [374, 370], [375, 426], [375, 367], [376, 374], [377, 372], [379, 377], [382, 381], [384, 382], [387, 386], [388, 364], [388, 425], [389, 387], [390, 374], [392, 389], [396, 390], [398, 397], [399, 398], [400, 399], [401, 398], [402, 374], [402, 401], [403, 402], [405, 404], [405, 245], [406, 405], [408, 407], [409, 407], [410, 409], [416, 374], [417, 416], [422, 387], [423, 422], [425, 388], [426, 367], [426, 426], [427, 426], [427, 367], [428, 427], [428, 4], [429, 428], [433, 432], [435, 425], [435, 364], [438, 437], [439, 436], [440, 439], [448, 447], [449, 15], [451, 450], [451, 449], [452, 451], [453, 448], [455, 452], [456, 454], [457, 456], [457, 446], [458, 457], [461, 463], [461, 458], [462, 461], [462, 465], [462, 245], [462, 464], [462, 454], [463, 462], [464, 466], [464, 459], [465, 461], [465, 464], [466, 459], [466, 466], [467, 466], [467, 459], [468, 467], [468, 437], [469, 468], [470, 470], [470, 444], [471, 444], [471, 470], [472, 471], [472, 436], [473, 472], [477, 476], [479, 435], [485, 484], [486, 512], [486, 482], [487, 486], [489, 485], [489, 487], [490, 489], [492, 490], [494, 493], [495, 494], [497, 465], [497, 245], [497, 496], [498, 497], [500, 499], [506, 489], [507, 506], [512, 482], [512, 512], [513, 512], [513, 482], [514, 513], [514, 4], [515, 514], [519, 518], [521, 479], [523, 522], [526, 524], [526, 550], [527, 548], [527, 523], [528, 551], [530, 528], [533, 532], [534, 533], [536, 535], [537, 536], [539, 538], [539, 245], [539, 465], [540, 539], [542, 541], [543, 541], [544, 543], [548, 548], [548, 523], [549, 549], [549, 521], [550, 524], [550, 550], [551, 524], [551, 550], [552, 4], [552, 551], [553, 552], [557, 556], [558, 554], [558, 585], [559, 558], [561, 557], [561, 559], [562, 585], [562, 554], [563, 561], [564, 559], [566, 564], [569, 568], [570, 569], [572, 571], [573, 572], [575, 465], [575, 245], [575, 574], [576, 575], [578, 577], [579, 577], [580, 579], [584, 549], [584, 521], [584, 584], [585, 554], [585, 585], [586, 585], [586, 554], [587, 4], [587, 586], [588, 587], [589, 307], [589, 78], [589, 8], [590, 308], [590, 79], [590, 7], [592, 591], [594, 584], [594, 549], [594, 521], [596, 590], [597, 589], [598, 5], [599, 6], [600, 3], [601, 594], [602, 601], [603, 596], [604, 597], [606, 595], [609, 600], [615, 611]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/d10e9a5f5048fed402126d0687193873c2065519ed0560660f837ec3bdc108da_d10e9a5f5048fed402126d0687193873c2065519ed0560660f837ec3bdc108da.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "memorymap", "query": "\n\n\nint __fastcall memorymap(int a1)\n{\nint *v1; // rax\nchar *v2; // rax\nint *v3; // rax\nchar *v4; // rax\nint *v5; // rax\nchar *v6; // rax\n__int64 v7; // rbx\n__int64 v8; // rbx\n_BYTE *v9; // rax\nint *v10; // rax\nchar *v11; // rax\nint *v12; // rax\nchar *v13; // rax\nint *v14; // rax\nchar *v15; // rax\n__int64 v16; // rbx\n_BYTE *v17; // rax\nint *v18; // rax\nchar *v19; // rax\nint *v20; // rax\nchar *v21; // rax\nint *v22; // rax\nchar *v23; // rax\nchar s[268]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-1C0h] BYREF\nint fd; // [rsp+11Ch] [rbp-B4h]\nvoid *v27; // [rsp+120h] [rbp-B0h]\nint v28; // [rsp+12Ch] [rbp-A4h]\nvoid *addr; // [rsp+130h] [rbp-A0h]\nunsigned __int8 *v30; // [rsp+138h] [rbp-98h]\nint v31; // [rsp+140h] [rbp-90h]\nint v32; // [rsp+144h] [rbp-8Ch]\nvoid *buf; // [rsp+148h] [rbp-88h]\nvoid *v34; // [rsp+150h] [rbp-80h]\nvoid *v35; // [rsp+158h] [rbp-78h]\nint v36; // [rsp+164h] [rbp-6Ch]\nvoid *v37; // [rsp+168h] [rbp-68h]\nvoid *v38; // [rsp+170h] [rbp-60h]\nconst void *v39; // [rsp+178h] [rbp-58h]\nint v40; // [rsp+180h] [rbp-50h]\nint v41; // [rsp+184h] [rbp-4Ch]\nunsigned int v42; // [rsp+188h] [rbp-48h]\nunsigned int v43; // [rsp+18Ch] [rbp-44h]\n_BYTE *v44; // [rsp+190h] [rbp-40h]\n_BYTE *v45; // [rsp+198h] [rbp-38h]\nint v46; // [rsp+1A0h] [rbp-30h]\nint j; // [rsp+1A4h] [rbp-2Ch]\nchar *v48; // [rsp+1A8h] [rbp-28h]\nint i; // [rsp+1B0h] [rbp-20h]\nint v50; // [rsp+1B4h] [rbp-1Ch]\nunsigned int v51; // [rsp+1B8h] [rbp-18h]\nunsigned int v52; // [rsp+1BCh] [rbp-14h]\n\nv43 = 0;\nv42 = 0;\nv52 = 0;\nv51 = 0;\nv50 = 0;\nstop = start + ((__int64)a1 << 20);\nprintf(\"Creating %d random numbers\\n\", &unk_1000000);\nfor ( i = 0; i <= (int)&unk_FFFFFF; ++i )\nbuffer[i] = random();\nputs(\"Done creating random numbers\");\nputs(\"Writing pseudo-bis files\");\nv48 = (char *)start;\nnblocks = 0;\nfor ( i = 0; i < a1; i += 16 )\n{\n++nblocks;\nsprintf(s, \"bistest.%p.%d\", v48, (unsigned int)i);\nfd = open(s, 577, 432LL);\n++v50;\nif ( fd == -1 )\n{\nv1 = __errno_location();\nv2 = strerror(*v1);\nprintf(\"open of %s failed: %s\\n\", s, v2);\nexit(0);\n}\nv31 = write(fd, buffer, (size_t)&unk_1000000);\nv51 += v31;\n++v52;\nclose(fd);\n++v50;\nprintf(\"\\twrote %d megabytes\\n\", (unsigned int)(i + 16));\nv48 += 0x1000000;\n}\nprintf(\"Done writing files from %p to %p\\n\", (const void *)start, (const void *)stop);\nputs(\"Memory map all the files (private)\");\nfor ( i = 0; i < a1; i += 16 )\n{\naddr = (void *)((i << 20) + start);\nsprintf(s, \"bistest.%p.%d\", addr, (unsigned int)i);\nv28 = open(s, 2);\n++v50;\nif ( v28 < 0 )\n{\nv3 = __errno_location();\nv4 = strerror(*v3);\nprintf(\"open of %s failed: %s\\n\", s, v4);\n}\nv27 = mmap(addr, (size_t)&unk_1000000, 3, 18, v28, 0LL);\nif ( v27 == (void *)-1LL || v27 != addr )\n{\nv5 = __errno_location();\nv6 = strerror(*v5);\nprintf(\"mmap of %s failed: %s\\n\", s, v6);\nexit(1);\n}\nprintf(\"mapped %d bytes at %p\\n\", &unk_1000000, addr);\nclose(v28);\n++v50;\n}\nputs(\"Mapping done\");\nfflush(stdout);\n++v50;\nv41 = 1000;\nprintf(\"Access %d bytes at random\\n\", 1000LL);\nv46 = 0;\nfor ( i = 0; i < v41; ++i )\n{\nv7 = start;\nv30 = (unsigned __int8 *)(v7 + random() % (unsigned __int64)(stop - start));\nv46 += *v30;\n}\nputs(\"Random byte access done\");\nv41 = 1000;\nv40 = 256;\nprintf(\"Alter %d random locations, %d bytes each (private)\\n\", 1000LL, 256LL);\nfor ( i = 0; i < v41; ++i )\n{\nv8 = start;\nv45 = (_BYTE *)(v8 + random() % (unsigned __int64)(stop - start));\nfor ( j = 0; j < v40; ++j )\n{\nv9 = v45++;\n*v9 = j;\n}\n}\nputs(\"Memory alteration done\");\nfflush(stdout);\n++v50;\nputs(\"Copy all memory back to disk\");\nfor ( i = 0; i < a1; i += 16 )\n{\nbuf = (void *)((i << 20) + start);\nsprintf(s, \"bistest2.%p.%d\", buf, (unsigned int)i);\nv32 = open(s, 578, 432LL);\n++v50;\nv31 = write(v32, buf, (size_t)&unk_1000000);\nif ( v31 == -1 )\n{\nv10 = __errno_location();\nv11 = strerror(*v10);\nprintf(\"write of %s failed: %s\\n\", s, v11);\nexit(1);\n}\nv51 += v31;\n++v52;\nclose(v32);\n++v50;\n}\nputs(\"Disk copy complete\");\nfflush(stdout);\n++v50;\nputs(\"Unmap all segments\");\nfor ( i = 0; i < a1; i += 16 )\n{\nv34 = (void *)((i << 20) + start);\nif ( munmap(v34, (size_t)&unk_1000000) == -1 )\n{\nv12 = __errno_location();\nv13 = strerror(*v12);\nprintf(\"munmap failed: %s\\n\", v13);\nexit(1);\n}\nprintf(\"unmapped %d bytes at %p\\n\", &unk_1000000, v34);\n}\nputs(\"Segment unmapping complete\");\nfflush(stdout);\n++v50;\nputs(\"Remap all segments as shared\");\nfor ( i = 0; i < a1; i += 16 )\n{\nv37 = (void *)((i << 20) + start);\nsprintf(s, \"bistest.%p.%d\", v37, (unsigned int)i);\nv36 = open(s, 2);\n++v50;\nv35 = mmap(v37, (size_t)&unk_1000000, 3, 17, v36, 0LL);\nif ( v35 == (void *)-1LL || v35 != v37 )\n{\nv14 = __errno_location();\nv15 = strerror(*v14);\nprintf(\"re mmap of %s failed: %s\\n\", s, v15);\nexit(1);\n}\nprintf(\"remapped %d bytes at %p\\n\", &unk_1000000, v37);\nclose(v36);\n++v50;\n}\nputs(\"Remapping complete\");\nfflush(stdout);\n++v50;\nv41 = 1000;\nv40 = 256;\nprintf(\"Alter %d random locations, %d bytes each (shared)\\n\", 1000LL, 256LL);\nfor ( i = 0; i < v41; ++i )\n{\nv16 = start;\nv44 = (_BYTE *)(v16 + random() % (unsigned __int64)(stop - start));\nfor ( j = 0; j < v40; ++j )\n{\nv17 = v44++;\n*v17 = j;\n}\n}\nputs(\"Memory alteration done\");\nfflush(stdout);\n++v50;\nputs(\"Unmap all segments\");\nfor ( i = 0; i < a1; i += 16 )\n{\nv38 = (void *)((i << 20) + start);\nif ( munmap(v38, (size_t)&unk_1000000) == -1 )\n{\nv18 = __errno_location();\nv19 = strerror(*v18);\nprintf(\"munmap failed: %s\\n\", v19);\nexit(1);\n}\nprintf(\"unmapped %d bytes at %p\\n\", &unk_1000000, v38);\n}\nputs(\"Segment unmapping complete\");\nfflush(stdout);\n++v50;\nv48 = (char *)start;\nfor ( i = 0; i < a1; i += 16 )\n{\nsprintf(s, \"bistest.%p.%d\", v48, (unsigned int)i);\nif ( unlink(s) )\n{\nv20 = __errno_location();\nv21 = strerror(*v20);\nprintf(\"unlink of %s failed: %s\\n\", s, v21);\n}\nv48 += 0x1000000;\n++v50;\n}\nfor ( i = 0; i < a1; i += 16 )\n{\nv39 = (const void *)((i << 20) + start);\nsprintf(s, \"bistest2.%p.%d\", v39, (unsigned int)i);\nif ( unlink(s) )\n{\nv22 = __errno_location();\nv23 = strerror(*v22);\nprintf(\"unlink of %s failed: %s\\n\", s, v23);\n}\n++v50;\n}\nv51 += 102;\n++v52;\nfflush(fid2);\nfprintf(fid2, \"X %14d %14d %17d %15d %17d memorymap\\n\", v42, v43, v51, v52, (unsigned int)++v50);\nreturn puts(\"Deleted scratch files\");\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,s,v27,v28,addr,v30,v31,v32,buf,v34,v35,v36,v37,v38,v39,v40,v41,v42,v43,v44,v45,v46,v48,v50,v51,v52,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'megabytes', 's': 'filename', 'v27': 'mp', 'v28': 'fd_0', 'addr': 'base_0', 'v30': 'where', 'v31': 'bytes', 'v32': 'fd_1', 'buf': 'base_1', 'v34': 'base_2', 'v35': 'mp_0', 'v36': 'fd_2', 'v37': 'base_3', 'v38': 'base_4', 'v39': 'base_5', 'v40': 'ranrange', 'v41': 'ranlimit', 'v42': 'bRead', 'v43': 'readCnt', 'v44': 'where_1', 'v45': 'where_0', 'v46': 'sum', 'v48': 'base', 'v50': 'otherIOCnt', 'v51': 'bWritten', 'v52': 'writeCnt'}"}
int pg_strfromd(char *str, size_t count, int precision, double value) { PrintfTarget target; int signvalue = 0; int vallen; char fmt[8]; char convert[64]; /* Set up the target like pg_snprintf, but require nonempty buffer */ Assert(count > 0); target.bufstart = target.bufptr = str; target.bufend = str + count - 1; = NULL; target.nchars = 0; target.failed = false; /* * We bound precision to a reasonable range; the combination of this and * the knowledge that we're using "g" format without padding allows the * convert[] buffer to be reasonably small. */ if (precision < 1) precision = 1; else if (precision > 32) precision = 32; /* * The rest is just an inlined version of the fmtfloat() logic above, * simplified using the knowledge that no padding is wanted. */ if (isnan(value)) { strcpy(convert, "NaN"); vallen = 3; } else { static const double dzero = 0.0; if (value < 0.0 || (value == 0.0 && memcmp(&value, &dzero, sizeof(double)) != 0)) { signvalue = '-'; value = -value; } if (isinf(value)) { strcpy(convert, "Infinity"); vallen = 8; } else { fmt[0] = '%'; fmt[1] = '.'; fmt[2] = '*'; fmt[3] = 'g'; fmt[4] = '\0'; vallen = snprintf(convert, sizeof(convert), fmt, precision, value); if (vallen < 0) { target.failed = true; goto fail; } #ifdef WIN32 if (vallen >= 6 && convert[vallen - 5] == 'e' && convert[vallen - 3] == '0') { convert[vallen - 3] = convert[vallen - 2]; convert[vallen - 2] = convert[vallen - 1]; vallen--; } #endif } } if (signvalue) dopr_outch(signvalue, &target); dostr(convert, vallen, &target); fail: *(target.bufptr) = '\0'; return target.failed ? -1 : (target.bufptr - target.bufstart + target.nchars); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_415FF1", "function_addr": 4284401, "binary_name": "ce6238578c46b0be420ee05d5faa73253ad947408d8a965cba7aba12ccf1ef79.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 0A0h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_88], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_90], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_94], edx"], [6, "movsd [rbp+s1], xmm0"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_88]"], [9, "mov [rbp+var_30], rax"], [10, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [11, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_90]"], [13, "lea rdx, [rax-1]"], [14, "mov rax, [rbp+var_88]"], [15, "add rax, rdx"], [16, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [17, "mov [rbp+var_18], 0"], [18, "mov [rbp+var_10], 0"], [19, "mov [rbp+var_C], 0"], [20, "cmp [rbp+var_94], 0"], [21, "jg short loc_416073"], [22, "mov [rbp+var_94], 1"], [23, "jmp short loc_416086"], [24, "cmp [rbp+var_94], 20h "], [25, "jle short loc_416086"], [26, "mov [rbp+var_94], 20h "], [27, "movsd xmm0, [rbp+s1]"], [28, "movsd xmm1, [rbp+s1]"], [29, "ucomisd xmm0, xmm1"], [30, "jnp short loc_4160B2"], [31, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [32, "mov dword ptr [rax], 4E614Eh"], [33, "mov [rbp+var_8], 3"], [34, "jmp loc_4161C3"], [35, "movsd xmm1, [rbp+s1]"], [36, "pxor xmm0, xmm0"], [37, "comisd xmm0, xmm1"], [38, "ja short loc_4160FD"], [39, "movsd xmm0, [rbp+s1]"], [40, "pxor xmm1, xmm1"], [41, "ucomisd xmm0, xmm1"], [42, "jp short loc_416120"], [43, "pxor xmm1, xmm1"], [44, "ucomisd xmm0, xmm1"], [45, "jnz short loc_416120"], [46, "lea rax, [rbp+s1]"], [47, "mov edx, 8"], [48, "mov esi, offset unk_41CE50"], [49, "mov rdi, rax"], [50, "call _memcmp"], [51, "test eax, eax"], [52, "jz short loc_416120"], [53, "mov [rbp+var_4], 2Dh "], [54, "movsd xmm0, [rbp+s1]"], [55, "movq xmm1, cs:qword_41CE60"], [56, "xorpd xmm0, xmm1"], [57, "movsd [rbp+s1], xmm0"], [58, "movsd xmm0, [rbp+s1]"], [59, "movq xmm1, cs:qword_41CE70"], [60, "andpd xmm0, xmm1"], [61, "ucomisd xmm0, cs:qword_41CE80"], [62, "setbe al"], [63, "xor eax, 1"], [64, "test al, al"], [65, "jz short loc_41614D"], [66, "mov eax, 1"], [67, "jmp short loc_416152"], [68, "mov eax, 0"], [69, "test al, al"], [70, "jz short loc_416174"], [71, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [72, "mov rcx, 7974696E69666E49h"], [73, "mov [rax], rcx"], [74, "mov byte ptr [rax+8], 0"], [75, "mov [rbp+var_8], 8"], [76, "jmp short loc_4161C3"], [77, "mov [rbp+format], 25h "], [78, "mov [rbp+var_37], 2Eh "], [79, "mov [rbp+var_36], 2Ah "], [80, "mov [rbp+var_35], 67h "], [81, "mov [rbp+var_34], 0"], [82, "mov rsi, [rbp+s1]"], [83, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_94]"], [84, "lea rdx, [rbp+format]"], [85, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [86, "movq xmm0, rsi"], [87, "mov esi, 40h "], [88, "mov rdi, rax"], [89, "mov eax, 1"], [90, "call _snprintf"], [91, "mov [rbp+var_8], eax"], [92, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 0"], [93, "jns short loc_4161C3"], [94, "mov [rbp+var_C], 1"], [95, "jmp short loc_4161EF"], [96, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [97, "jz short loc_4161DA"], [98, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_30]"], [99, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [100, "mov rsi, rdx"], [101, "mov edi, eax"], [102, "call sub_416310"], [103, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_30]"], [104, "mov ecx, [rbp+var_8]"], [105, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [106, "mov esi, ecx"], [107, "mov rdi, rax"], [108, "call sub_416219"], [109, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [110, "mov byte ptr [rax], 0"], [111, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [112, "test al, al"], [113, "jz short loc_416205"], [114, "mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [115, "jmp short locret_416217"], [116, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [117, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_28]"], [118, "sub rax, rdx"], [119, "mov edx, eax"], [120, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [121, "add eax, edx"], [122, "leave"], [123, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[8, 3], [9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 4], [13, 12], [14, 3], [15, 14], [15, 13], [16, 15], [20, 5], [21, 20], [24, 5], [25, 24], [27, 6], [28, 6], [29, 27], [29, 28], [30, 20], [30, 24], [31, 15], [32, 31], [35, 6], [37, 35], [37, 36], [38, 20], [38, 24], [39, 6], [41, 40], [41, 39], [42, 20], [42, 24], [44, 41], [44, 43], [45, 20], [45, 24], [46, 6], [46, 15], [49, 46], [51, 50], [52, 51], [54, 6], [56, 55], [56, 54], [57, 56], [58, 57], [58, 6], [60, 59], [60, 58], [61, 60], [62, 20], [62, 15], [62, 24], [62, 51], [63, 62], [64, 63], [65, 64], [69, 66], [69, 68], [70, 69], [71, 69], [73, 71], [73, 72], [74, 71], [82, 57], [82, 6], [83, 5], [83, 22], [83, 26], [84, 13], [84, 77], [84, 47], [85, 69], [86, 82], [88, 85], [91, 90], [92, 91], [93, 92], [96, 53], [96, 7], [97, 96], [98, 9], [98, 84], [98, 13], [98, 47], [99, 53], [99, 7], [100, 98], [101, 99], [103, 47], [103, 98], [103, 9], [103, 84], [103, 13], [104, 91], [104, 75], [104, 33], [105, 102], [105, 31], [105, 90], [105, 71], [106, 104], [107, 105], [109, 9], [110, 109], [111, 19], [111, 94], [112, 111], [113, 112], [116, 9], [117, 11], [118, 117], [118, 116], [119, 118], [120, 18], [121, 119], [121, 120], [123, 121], [123, 114]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/ce6238578c46b0be420ee05d5faa73253ad947408d8a965cba7aba12ccf1ef79_ce6238578c46b0be420ee05d5faa73253ad947408d8a965cba7aba12ccf1ef79.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_415FF1", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_415FF1(_BYTE *a1, __int64 a2, int a3, double a4)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\ndouble s1; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-A0h] BYREF\nunsigned int v6; // [rsp+Ch] [rbp-94h]\n__int64 v7; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-90h]\n_BYTE *v8; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-88h]\nchar s[72]; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-80h] BYREF\nchar format[8]; // [rsp+68h] [rbp-38h] BYREF\n_BYTE *v11; // [rsp+70h] [rbp-30h] BYREF\n_BYTE *v12; // [rsp+78h] [rbp-28h]\n_BYTE *v13; // [rsp+80h] [rbp-20h]\n__int64 v14; // [rsp+88h] [rbp-18h]\nint v15; // [rsp+90h] [rbp-10h]\nchar v16; // [rsp+94h] [rbp-Ch]\nint v17; // [rsp+98h] [rbp-8h]\nunsigned int v18; // [rsp+9Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nv8 = a1;\nv7 = a2;\nv6 = a3;\ns1 = a4;\nv18 = 0;\nv11 = a1;\nv12 = a1;\nv13 = &a1[a2 - 1];\nv14 = 0LL;\nv15 = 0;\nv16 = 0;\nif ( a3 > 0 )\n{\nif ( (int)v6 > 32 )\nv6 = 32;\n}\nelse\n{\nv6 = 1;\n}\nif ( s1 < 0.0 || s1 == 0.0 && memcmp(&s1, &unk_41CE50, 8uLL) )\n{\nv18 = 45;\ns1 = -s1;\n}\nif ( fabs(s1) <= 1.797693134862316e308 )\n{\nstrcpy(format, \"%.*g\");\nv17 = snprintf(s, 0x40uLL, format, v6, s1);\nif ( v17 < 0 )\n{\nv16 = 1;\ngoto LABEL_16;\n}\n}\nelse\n{\nstrcpy(s, \"Infinity\");\nv17 = 8;\n}\nif ( v18 )\nsub_416310(v18, &v11);\nsub_416219(s, (unsigned int)v17, &v11);\nLABEL_16:\n*v11 = 0;\nif ( v16 )\nresult = 0xFFFFFFFFLL;\nelse\nresult = (unsigned int)((_DWORD)v11 - (_DWORD)v12 + v15);\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,a4,s1,v6,v7,v8,s,format,v11,v17,v18,sub_415FF1,sub_416310,sub_416219,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'precision', 'a1': 'str', 'a2': 'count', 'a4': 'value', 's1': 'valuea', 'v6': 'precisiona', 'v7': 'counta', 'v8': 'stra', 's': 'convert', 'format': 'fmt', 'v11': 'target', 'v17': 'vallen', 'v18': 'signvalue', 'sub_415FF1': 'pg_strfromd', 'sub_416310': 'dopr_outch', 'sub_416219': 'dostr'}"}
int unblock(int sk) { int r = fcntl(sk, F_GETFL); return (r < 0) ? r : fcntl(sk, F_SETFL, r | O_NONBLOCK); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4013FB", "function_addr": 4199419, "binary_name": "7a36795343989adf26b2fa23113bdb254341bb485ec7f2c889a478e63297145e.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+fd], edi"], [4, "mov eax, [rbp+fd]"], [5, "mov esi, 3"], [6, "mov edi, eax"], [7, "mov eax, 0"], [8, "call _fcntl"], [9, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [10, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [11, "js short loc_401441"], [12, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [13, "or ah, 8"], [14, "mov edx, eax"], [15, "mov eax, [rbp+fd]"], [16, "mov esi, 4"], [17, "mov edi, eax"], [18, "mov eax, 0"], [19, "call _fcntl"], [20, "jmp short locret_401444"], [21, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [22, "leave"], [23, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [6, 4], [9, 8], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 9], [13, 12], [14, 13], [15, 3], [17, 15], [21, 9], [23, 19], [23, 21]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/7a36795343989adf26b2fa23113bdb254341bb485ec7f2c889a478e63297145e_7a36795343989adf26b2fa23113bdb254341bb485ec7f2c889a478e63297145e.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4013FB", "query": "\n\n\nunsigned int __fastcall sub_4013FB(int a1)\n{\nunsigned int result; // eax\nint v2; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nv2 = fcntl(a1, 3);\nresult = v2;\nif ( v2 >= 0 )\n{\nBYTE1(result) = BYTE1(v2) | 8;\nresult = fcntl(a1, 4, result);\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,v2,sub_4013FB,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'sk', 'v2': 'r', 'sub_4013FB': 'unblock'}"}
void /* PRIVATE */ png_handle_PLTE(png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr, png_uint_32 length) { png_color palette[PNG_MAX_PALETTE_LENGTH]; int num, i; #ifdef PNG_POINTER_INDEXING_SUPPORTED png_colorp pal_ptr; #endif png_debug(1, "in png_handle_PLTE"); if (!(png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IHDR)) png_error(png_ptr, "Missing IHDR before PLTE"); else if (png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_IDAT) { png_warning(png_ptr, "Invalid PLTE after IDAT"); png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length); return; } else if (png_ptr->mode & PNG_HAVE_PLTE) png_error(png_ptr, "Duplicate PLTE chunk"); png_ptr->mode |= PNG_HAVE_PLTE; if (!(png_ptr->color_type&PNG_COLOR_MASK_COLOR)) { png_warning(png_ptr, "Ignoring PLTE chunk in grayscale PNG"); png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length); return; } #ifndef PNG_READ_OPT_PLTE_SUPPORTED if (png_ptr->color_type != PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) { png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length); return; } #endif if (length > 3*PNG_MAX_PALETTE_LENGTH || length % 3) { if (png_ptr->color_type != PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) { png_warning(png_ptr, "Invalid palette chunk"); png_crc_finish(png_ptr, length); return; } else { png_error(png_ptr, "Invalid palette chunk"); } } num = (int)length / 3; #ifdef PNG_POINTER_INDEXING_SUPPORTED for (i = 0, pal_ptr = palette; i < num; i++, pal_ptr++) { png_byte buf[3]; png_crc_read(png_ptr, buf, 3); pal_ptr->red = buf[0]; pal_ptr->green = buf[1]; pal_ptr->blue = buf[2]; } #else for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { png_byte buf[3]; png_crc_read(png_ptr, buf, 3); /* Don't depend upon png_color being any order */ palette[i].red = buf[0]; palette[i].green = buf[1]; palette[i].blue = buf[2]; } #endif /* If we actually need the PLTE chunk (ie for a paletted image), we do * whatever the normal CRC configuration tells us. However, if we * have an RGB image, the PLTE can be considered ancillary, so * we will act as though it is. */ #ifndef PNG_READ_OPT_PLTE_SUPPORTED if (png_ptr->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) #endif { png_crc_finish(png_ptr, 0); } #ifndef PNG_READ_OPT_PLTE_SUPPORTED else if (png_crc_error(png_ptr)) /* Only if we have a CRC error */ { /* If we don't want to use the data from an ancillary chunk, * we have two options: an error abort, or a warning and we * ignore the data in this chunk (which should be OK, since * it's considered ancillary for a RGB or RGBA image). */ if (!(png_ptr->flags & PNG_FLAG_CRC_ANCILLARY_USE)) { if (png_ptr->flags & PNG_FLAG_CRC_ANCILLARY_NOWARN) { png_chunk_benign_error(png_ptr, "CRC error"); } else { png_chunk_warning(png_ptr, "CRC error"); return; } } /* Otherwise, we (optionally) emit a warning and use the chunk. */ else if (!(png_ptr->flags & PNG_FLAG_CRC_ANCILLARY_NOWARN)) { png_chunk_warning(png_ptr, "CRC error"); } } #endif png_set_PLTE(png_ptr, info_ptr, palette, num); #ifdef PNG_READ_tRNS_SUPPORTED if (png_ptr->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) { if (info_ptr != NULL && (info_ptr->valid & PNG_INFO_tRNS)) { if (png_ptr->num_trans > (png_uint_16)num) { png_warning(png_ptr, "Truncating incorrect tRNS chunk length"); png_ptr->num_trans = (png_uint_16)num; } if (info_ptr->num_trans > (png_uint_16)num) { png_warning(png_ptr, "Truncating incorrect info tRNS chunk length"); info_ptr->num_trans = (png_uint_16)num; } } } #endif }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4248B5", "function_addr": 4343989, "binary_name": "fffb6272767da13c39d1d18926358bd63f012dd0292202aa9c26bfad4d90e94a.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "sub rsp, 358h"], [1, "mov [rsp+358h+var_340], rdi"], [2, "mov [rsp+358h+var_348], rsi"], [3, "mov [rsp+358h+var_34C], edx"], [4, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [5, "mov eax, [rax+11Ch]"], [6, "and eax, 1"], [7, "test eax, eax"], [8, "jnz short loc_4248F0"], [9, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [10, "mov esi, offset aMissingIhdrBef_1"], [11, "mov rdi, rax"], [12, "call sub_410BB9"], [13, "jmp short loc_424950"], [14, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [15, "mov eax, [rax+11Ch]"], [16, "and eax, 4"], [17, "test eax, eax"], [18, "jz short loc_42492C"], [19, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [20, "mov esi, offset aInvalidPlteAft"], [21, "mov rdi, rax"], [22, "call sub_410EBB"], [23, "mov edx, [rsp+358h+var_34C]"], [24, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [25, "mov esi, edx"], [26, "mov rdi, rax"], [27, "call sub_423E43"], [28, "jmp loc_424BA1"], [29, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [30, "mov eax, [rax+11Ch]"], [31, "and eax, 2"], [32, "test eax, eax"], [33, "jz short loc_424950"], [34, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [35, "mov esi, offset aDuplicatePlteC"], [36, "mov rdi, rax"], [37, "call sub_410BB9"], [38, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [39, "mov eax, [rax+11Ch]"], [40, "or eax, 2"], [41, "mov edx, eax"], [42, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [43, "mov [rax+11Ch], edx"], [44, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [45, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+24Fh]"], [46, "movzx eax, al"], [47, "and eax, 2"], [48, "test eax, eax"], [49, "jnz short loc_4249AB"], [50, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [51, "mov esi, offset aIgnoringPlteCh"], [52, "mov rdi, rax"], [53, "call sub_410EBB"], [54, "mov edx, [rsp+358h+var_34C]"], [55, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [56, "mov esi, edx"], [57, "mov rdi, rax"], [58, "call sub_423E43"], [59, "jmp loc_424BA1"], [60, "cmp [rsp+358h+var_34C], 300h"], [61, "ja short loc_4249D8"], [62, "mov ecx, [rsp+358h+var_34C]"], [63, "mov edx, ecx"], [64, "mov eax, 0AAAAAAABh"], [65, "imul rax, rdx"], [66, "shr rax, 20h"], [67, "shr eax, 1"], [68, "mov edx, eax"], [69, "add edx, edx"], [70, "add edx, eax"], [71, "mov eax, ecx"], [72, "sub eax, edx"], [73, "test eax, eax"], [74, "jz short loc_424A24"], [75, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [76, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+24Fh]"], [77, "cmp al, 3"], [78, "jz short loc_424A12"], [79, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [80, "mov esi, offset aInvalidPalette"], [81, "mov rdi, rax"], [82, "call sub_410EBB"], [83, "mov edx, [rsp+358h+var_34C]"], [84, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [85, "mov esi, edx"], [86, "mov rdi, rax"], [87, "call sub_423E43"], [88, "jmp loc_424BA1"], [89, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [90, "mov esi, offset aInvalidPalette"], [91, "mov rdi, rax"], [92, "call sub_410BB9"], [93, "mov eax, [rsp+358h+var_34C]"], [94, "movsxd rdx, eax"], [95, "imul rdx, 55555556h"], [96, "shr rdx, 20h"], [97, "sar eax, 1Fh"], [98, "mov ecx, eax"], [99, "mov eax, edx"], [100, "sub eax, ecx"], [101, "mov [rsp+358h+var_1C], eax"], [102, "mov [rsp+358h+var_C], 0"], [103, "lea rax, [rsp+358h+var_328]"], [104, "mov [rsp+358h+var_18], rax"], [105, "jmp short loc_424ABA"], [106, "lea rcx, [rsp+358h+var_32B]"], [107, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [108, "mov edx, 3"], [109, "mov rsi, rcx"], [110, "mov rdi, rax"], [111, "call sub_423DEC"], [112, "movzx edx, [rsp+358h+var_32B]"], [113, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_18]"], [114, "mov [rax], dl"], [115, "movzx edx, [rsp+358h+var_32A]"], [116, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_18]"], [117, "mov [rax+1], dl"], [118, "movzx edx, [rsp+358h+var_329]"], [119, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_18]"], [120, "mov [rax+2], dl"], [121, "add [rsp+358h+var_C], 1"], [122, "add [rsp+358h+var_18], 3"], [123, "mov eax, [rsp+358h+var_C]"], [124, "cmp eax, [rsp+358h+var_1C]"], [125, "jl short loc_424A60"], [126, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [127, "mov esi, 0"], [128, "mov rdi, rax"], [129, "call sub_423E43"], [130, "mov ecx, [rsp+358h+var_1C]"], [131, "lea rdx, [rsp+358h+var_328]"], [132, "mov rsi, [rsp+358h+var_348]"], [133, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [134, "mov rdi, rax"], [135, "call sub_42C753"], [136, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [137, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax+24Fh]"], [138, "cmp al, 3"], [139, "jnz loc_424BA1"], [140, "cmp [rsp+358h+var_348], 0"], [141, "jz loc_424BA1"], [142, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_348]"], [143, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [144, "and eax, 10h"], [145, "test eax, eax"], [146, "jz short loc_424BA1"], [147, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [148, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax+248h]"], [149, "mov edx, [rsp+358h+var_1C]"], [150, "cmp ax, dx"], [151, "jbe short loc_424B68"], [152, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [153, "mov esi, offset aTruncatingInco"], [154, "mov rdi, rax"], [155, "call sub_410EBB"], [156, "mov eax, [rsp+358h+var_1C]"], [157, "mov edx, eax"], [158, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [159, "mov [rax+248h], dx"], [160, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_348]"], [161, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax+22h]"], [162, "mov edx, [rsp+358h+var_1C]"], [163, "cmp ax, dx"], [164, "jbe short loc_424BA1"], [165, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_340]"], [166, "mov esi, offset aTruncatingInco_0"], [167, "mov rdi, rax"], [168, "call sub_410EBB"], [169, "mov eax, [rsp+358h+var_1C]"], [170, "mov edx, eax"], [171, "mov rax, [rsp+358h+var_348]"], [172, "mov [rax+22h], dx"], [173, "add rsp, 358h"], [174, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 1], [5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 7], [9, 1], [11, 9], [14, 1], [15, 14], [16, 15], [17, 16], [18, 17], [19, 1], [21, 19], [23, 3], [24, 1], [25, 23], [26, 24], [29, 1], [30, 29], [31, 30], [32, 31], [33, 32], [34, 1], [36, 34], [38, 1], [39, 38], [40, 39], [41, 40], [42, 1], [43, 41], [43, 42], [44, 1], [45, 43], [45, 44], [46, 45], [47, 46], [48, 47], [49, 48], [50, 1], [52, 50], [54, 3], [55, 1], [56, 54], [57, 55], [60, 3], [61, 60], [62, 3], [63, 62], [65, 63], [65, 64], [66, 65], [67, 66], [68, 67], [69, 68], [70, 67], [70, 69], [71, 62], [72, 70], [72, 71], [73, 72], [74, 73], [75, 1], [76, 43], [76, 75], [77, 76], [78, 77], [79, 1], [81, 79], [83, 3], [84, 1], [85, 83], [86, 84], [89, 1], [91, 89], [93, 3], [94, 93], [95, 94], [96, 95], [97, 93], [98, 97], [99, 96], [100, 98], [100, 99], [101, 100], [103, 100], [104, 103], [106, 106], [106, 98], [107, 1], [109, 106], [110, 107], [113, 104], [113, 122], [114, 113], [114, 112], [116, 104], [116, 122], [117, 116], [117, 115], [119, 104], [119, 122], [120, 119], [120, 118], [121, 121], [121, 102], [122, 104], [122, 122], [123, 121], [123, 102], [124, 101], [124, 123], [125, 124], [126, 1], [128, 126], [130, 101], [131, 118], [131, 96], [132, 2], [133, 1], [134, 133], [136, 1], [137, 120], [137, 117], [137, 114], [137, 43], [137, 136], [138, 137], [139, 138], [140, 2], [141, 140], [142, 2], [143, 142], [143, 117], [143, 114], [143, 43], [143, 120], [144, 143], [145, 144], [146, 145], [147, 1], [148, 120], [148, 147], [148, 117], [148, 114], [148, 43], [149, 101], [150, 148], [150, 149], [151, 150], [152, 1], [154, 152], [156, 101], [157, 156], [158, 1], [159, 157], [159, 158], [160, 2], [161, 159], [161, 120], [161, 117], [161, 160], [161, 114], [161, 43], [162, 101], [163, 161], [163, 162], [164, 163], [165, 1], [167, 165], [169, 101], [170, 169], [171, 2], [172, 170], [172, 171], [173, 0], [174, 87], [174, 171], [174, 137], [174, 27], [174, 161], [174, 145], [174, 58]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/fffb6272767da13c39d1d18926358bd63f012dd0292202aa9c26bfad4d90e94a_fffb6272767da13c39d1d18926358bd63f012dd0292202aa9c26bfad4d90e94a.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4248B5", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_4248B5(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, unsigned int a3)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\nchar v5[3]; // [rsp+2Dh] [rbp-32Bh] BYREF\nchar v6[780]; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-328h] BYREF\nint v7; // [rsp+33Ch] [rbp-1Ch]\nchar *v8; // [rsp+340h] [rbp-18h]\nint v9; // [rsp+34Ch] [rbp-Ch]\n\nif ( (*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 284) & 1) != 0 )\n{\nif ( (*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 284) & 4) != 0 )\n{\nsub_410EBB(a1, \"Invalid PLTE after IDAT\");\nreturn sub_423E43(a1, a3);\n}\nif ( (*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 284) & 2) != 0 )\nsub_410BB9(a1, (__int64)\"Duplicate PLTE chunk\");\n}\nelse\n{\nsub_410BB9(a1, (__int64)\"Missing IHDR before PLTE\");\n}\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 284) |= 2u;\nif ( (*(_BYTE *)(a1 + 591) & 2) == 0 )\n{\nsub_410EBB(a1, \"Ignoring PLTE chunk in grayscale PNG\");\nreturn sub_423E43(a1, a3);\n}\nif ( a3 > 0x300 || a3 % 3 )\n{\nif ( *(_BYTE *)(a1 + 591) != 3 )\n{\nsub_410EBB(a1, \"Invalid palette chunk\");\nreturn sub_423E43(a1, a3);\n}\nsub_410BB9(a1, (__int64)\"Invalid palette chunk\");\n}\nv7 = (int)a3 / 3;\nv9 = 0;\nv8 = v6;\nwhile ( v9 < v7 )\n{\nsub_423DEC((_DWORD *)a1, (__int64)v5, 3LL);\n*v8 = v5[0];\nv8[1] = v5[1];\nv8[2] = v5[2];\n++v9;\nv8 += 3;\n}\nsub_423E43(a1, 0);\nsub_42C753(a1, a2, v6, (unsigned int)v7);\nresult = *(unsigned __int8 *)(a1 + 591);\nif ( (_BYTE)result == 3 )\n{\nif ( a2 )\n{\nresult = *(_DWORD *)(a2 + 8) & 0x10;\nif ( (_DWORD)result )\n{\nif ( *(_WORD *)(a1 + 584) > (unsigned __int16)v7 )\n{\nsub_410EBB(a1, \"Truncating incorrect tRNS chunk length\");\n*(_WORD *)(a1 + 584) = v7;\n}\nresult = *(unsigned __int16 *)(a2 + 34);\nif ( (unsigned __int16)result > (unsigned __int16)v7 )\n{\nsub_410EBB(a1, \"Truncating incorrect info tRNS chunk length\");\nresult = a2;\n*(_WORD *)(a2 + 34) = v7;\n}\n}\n}\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,v5,v6,v7,v8,sub_4248B5,sub_410EBB,sub_423E43,sub_410BB9,sub_423DEC,sub_42C753,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'length', 'a1': 'png_ptr', 'a2': 'info_ptr', 'v5': 'buf', 'v6': 'palette', 'v7': 'num', 'v8': 'pal_ptr', 'sub_4248B5': 'png_handle_PLTE', 'sub_410EBB': 'png_warning', 'sub_423E43': 'png_crc_finish', 'sub_410BB9': 'png_error', 'sub_423DEC': 'png_crc_read', 'sub_42C753': 'png_set_PLTE'}"}
static int cmp_mod_name(void *name, const void *mod) { return pj_stricmp((const pj_str_t*)name, &((pjsip_module*)mod)->name); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_429343", "function_addr": 4363075, "binary_name": "a3e4f2ea093fcaf3e709fc4fd522bb0a36accac0c86ea61615c7de8c1eafc2c8.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [5, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [6, "lea rdx, [rax+10h]"], [7, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [8, "mov rsi, rdx"], [9, "mov rdi, rax"], [10, "call sub_481486"], [11, "leave"], [12, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 3], [8, 6], [9, 7], [12, 10]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/a3e4f2ea093fcaf3e709fc4fd522bb0a36accac0c86ea61615c7de8c1eafc2c8_a3e4f2ea093fcaf3e709fc4fd522bb0a36accac0c86ea61615c7de8c1eafc2c8.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_429343", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_429343(__int64 a1, __int64 a2)\n{\nreturn sub_481486(a1, a2 + 16);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,sub_429343,sub_481486,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'name', 'a2': 'mod', 'sub_429343': 'cmp_mod_name', 'sub_481486': 'pj_stricmp'}"}
static int reloc_prog_func_and_line_info(const struct bpf_object *obj, struct bpf_program *main_prog, const struct bpf_program *prog) { int err; /* no .BTF.ext relocation if .BTF.ext is missing or kernel doesn't * supprot func/line info */ if (!obj->btf_ext || !kernel_supports(FEAT_BTF_FUNC)) return 0; /* only attempt func info relocation if main program's func_info * relocation was successful */ if (main_prog != prog && !main_prog->func_info) goto line_info; err = adjust_prog_btf_ext_info(obj, prog, &obj->btf_ext->func_info, &main_prog->func_info, &main_prog->func_info_cnt, &main_prog->func_info_rec_size); if (err) { if (err != -ENOENT) { pr_warn("prog '%s': error relocating .BTF.ext function info: %d\n", prog->name, err); return err; } if (main_prog->func_info) { /* * Some info has already been found but has problem * in the last btf_ext reloc. Must have to error out. */ pr_warn("prog '%s': missing .BTF.ext function info.\n", prog->name); return err; } /* Have problem loading the very first info. Ignore the rest. */ pr_warn("prog '%s': missing .BTF.ext function info for the main program, skipping all of .BTF.ext func info.\n", prog->name); } line_info: /* don't relocate line info if main program's relocation failed */ if (main_prog != prog && !main_prog->line_info) return 0; err = adjust_prog_btf_ext_info(obj, prog, &obj->btf_ext->line_info, &main_prog->line_info, &main_prog->line_info_cnt, &main_prog->line_info_rec_size); if (err) { if (err != -ENOENT) { pr_warn("prog '%s': error relocating .BTF.ext line info: %d\n", prog->name, err); return err; } if (main_prog->line_info) { /* * Some info has already been found but has problem * in the last btf_ext reloc. Must have to error out. */ pr_warn("prog '%s': missing .BTF.ext line info.\n", prog->name); return err; } /* Have problem loading the very first info. Ignore the rest. */ pr_warn("prog '%s': missing .BTF.ext line info for the main program, skipping all of .BTF.ext line info.\n", prog->name); } return 0; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_418F76", "function_addr": 4296566, "binary_name": "feda8be2137e1ca53e8082ecae6cfbea19ddaf0e7963aa620ad58be1c3aa369b.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 30h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_20], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_28], rdx"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [7, "mov rax, [rax+180h]"], [8, "test rax, rax"], [9, "jz short loc_418FAB"], [10, "mov edi, 3"], [11, "call sub_413D2B"], [12, "xor eax, 1"], [13, "test al, al"], [14, "jz short loc_418FB5"], [15, "mov eax, 0"], [16, "jmp locret_4191B2"], [17, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [18, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [19, "jz short loc_418FD3"], [20, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [21, "mov rax, [rax+0B0h]"], [22, "test rax, rax"], [23, "jz loc_4190B0"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [25, "lea r8, [rax+0B8h]"], [26, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [27, "lea rdi, [rax+0BCh]"], [28, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [29, "lea rcx, [rax+0B0h]"], [30, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [31, "mov rax, [rax+180h]"], [32, "lea rdx, [rax+8]"], [33, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_28]"], [34, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [35, "mov r9, r8"], [36, "mov r8, rdi"], [37, "mov rdi, rax"], [38, "call sub_418C97"], [39, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [40, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [41, "jz loc_4190B3"], [42, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0FFFFFFFEh"], [43, "jz short loc_419058"], [44, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [45, "mov rax, [rax+30h]"], [46, "mov edx, [rbp+var_4]"], [47, "mov ecx, edx"], [48, "mov rdx, rax"], [49, "mov esi, offset aLibbpfProgSErr"], [50, "mov edi, 0"], [51, "mov eax, 0"], [52, "call sub_409E9F"], [53, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [54, "jmp locret_4191B2"], [55, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [56, "mov rax, [rax+0B0h]"], [57, "test rax, rax"], [58, "jz short loc_41908F"], [59, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [60, "mov rax, [rax+30h]"], [61, "mov rdx, rax"], [62, "mov esi, offset aLibbpfProgSMis"], [63, "mov edi, 0"], [64, "mov eax, 0"], [65, "call sub_409E9F"], [66, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [67, "jmp locret_4191B2"], [68, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [69, "mov rax, [rax+30h]"], [70, "mov rdx, rax"], [71, "mov esi, offset aLibbpfProgSMis_0"], [72, "mov edi, 0"], [73, "mov eax, 0"], [74, "call sub_409E9F"], [75, "jmp short loc_4190B4"], [76, "nop"], [77, "jmp short loc_4190B4"], [78, "nop"], [79, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [80, "cmp rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [81, "jz short loc_4190D8"], [82, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [83, "mov rax, [rax+0C0h]"], [84, "test rax, rax"], [85, "jnz short loc_4190D8"], [86, "mov eax, 0"], [87, "jmp locret_4191B2"], [88, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [89, "lea r8, [rax+0C8h]"], [90, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [91, "lea rdi, [rax+0CCh]"], [92, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [93, "lea rcx, [rax+0C0h]"], [94, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [95, "mov rax, [rax+180h]"], [96, "lea rdx, [rax+18h]"], [97, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_28]"], [98, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [99, "mov r9, r8"], [100, "mov r8, rdi"], [101, "mov rdi, rax"], [102, "call sub_418C97"], [103, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [104, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [105, "jz loc_4191AD"], [106, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0FFFFFFFEh"], [107, "jz short loc_41915A"], [108, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [109, "mov rax, [rax+30h]"], [110, "mov edx, [rbp+var_4]"], [111, "mov ecx, edx"], [112, "mov rdx, rax"], [113, "mov esi, offset aLibbpfProgSErr_0"], [114, "mov edi, 0"], [115, "mov eax, 0"], [116, "call sub_409E9F"], [117, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [118, "jmp short locret_4191B2"], [119, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [120, "mov rax, [rax+0C0h]"], [121, "test rax, rax"], [122, "jz short loc_41918E"], [123, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [124, "mov rax, [rax+30h]"], [125, "mov rdx, rax"], [126, "mov esi, offset aLibbpfProgSMis_1"], [127, "mov edi, 0"], [128, "mov eax, 0"], [129, "call sub_409E9F"], [130, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [131, "jmp short locret_4191B2"], [132, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [133, "mov rax, [rax+30h]"], [134, "mov rdx, rax"], [135, "mov esi, offset aLibbpfProgSMis_2"], [136, "mov edi, 0"], [137, "mov eax, 0"], [138, "call sub_409E9F"], [139, "mov eax, 0"], [140, "leave"], [141, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 3], [7, 6], [8, 7], [9, 8], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 13], [17, 4], [18, 17], [18, 5], [19, 18], [20, 4], [21, 20], [22, 21], [23, 22], [24, 4], [25, 24], [26, 4], [27, 26], [27, 10], [28, 4], [29, 28], [30, 3], [31, 30], [32, 31], [33, 5], [34, 3], [35, 25], [36, 27], [37, 34], [39, 38], [40, 39], [41, 40], [42, 39], [43, 42], [44, 5], [45, 44], [46, 39], [47, 46], [48, 45], [53, 39], [55, 4], [56, 55], [57, 56], [58, 57], [59, 5], [60, 59], [61, 60], [66, 39], [68, 5], [69, 68], [70, 69], [79, 4], [80, 5], [80, 79], [81, 80], [82, 4], [83, 82], [84, 83], [85, 84], [88, 4], [89, 36], [89, 88], [90, 4], [91, 72], [91, 90], [91, 10], [91, 37], [92, 4], [93, 92], [93, 29], [94, 3], [95, 94], [96, 95], [96, 32], [96, 70], [97, 5], [98, 3], [99, 89], [100, 91], [101, 98], [103, 102], [104, 103], [105, 104], [106, 103], [107, 106], [108, 5], [109, 108], [110, 103], [111, 110], [112, 109], [117, 103], [119, 4], [120, 119], [121, 120], [122, 121], [123, 5], [124, 123], [125, 124], [130, 103], [132, 5], [133, 132], [134, 133], [141, 53], [141, 117], [141, 66], [141, 130], [141, 139], [141, 86], [141, 15]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/feda8be2137e1ca53e8082ecae6cfbea19ddaf0e7963aa620ad58be1c3aa369b_feda8be2137e1ca53e8082ecae6cfbea19ddaf0e7963aa620ad58be1c3aa369b.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_418F76", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_418F76(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3)\n{\n__int64 v4; // rcx\n__int64 v5; // r8\n__int64 v6; // r9\n__int64 v7; // rcx\n__int64 v8; // r8\n__int64 v9; // r9\nunsigned int v11; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-4h]\nunsigned int v12; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nif ( !*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 384) || !sub_413D2B(3u) )\nreturn 0LL;\nif ( a2 == a3 || *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 176) )\n{\nv11 = sub_418C97(\na1,\na3,\n(unsigned int **)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 384) + 8LL),\n(void **)(a2 + 176),\n(_DWORD *)(a2 + 188),\n(_DWORD *)(a2 + 184));\nif ( v11 )\n{\nif ( v11 != -2 )\n{\nsub_409E9F(\n0,\n(__int64)\"libbpf: prog '%s': error relocating .BTF.ext function info: %d\\n\",\n*(_QWORD *)(a3 + 48),\nv11,\nv5,\nv6);\nreturn v11;\n}\nif ( *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 176) )\n{\nsub_409E9F(0, (__int64)\"libbpf: prog '%s': missing .BTF.ext function info.\\n\", *(_QWORD *)(a3 + 48), v4, v5, v6);\nreturn 4294967294LL;\n}\nsub_409E9F(\n0,\n(__int64)\"libbpf: prog '%s': missing .BTF.ext function info for the main program, skipping all of .BTF.ext func info.\\n\",\n*(_QWORD *)(a3 + 48),\nv4,\nv5,\nv6);\n}\n}\nif ( a2 != a3 && !*(_QWORD *)(a2 + 192) )\nreturn 0LL;\nv12 = sub_418C97(\na1,\na3,\n(unsigned int **)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 384) + 24LL),\n(void **)(a2 + 192),\n(_DWORD *)(a2 + 204),\n(_DWORD *)(a2 + 200));\nif ( v12 )\n{\nif ( v12 != -2 )\n{\nsub_409E9F(\n0,\n(__int64)\"libbpf: prog '%s': error relocating .BTF.ext line info: %d\\n\",\n*(_QWORD *)(a3 + 48),\nv12,\nv8,\nv9);\nreturn v12;\n}\nif ( *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 192) )\n{\nsub_409E9F(0, (__int64)\"libbpf: prog '%s': missing .BTF.ext line info.\\n\", *(_QWORD *)(a3 + 48), v7, v8, v9);\nreturn 4294967294LL;\n}\nsub_409E9F(\n0,\n(__int64)\"libbpf: prog '%s': missing .BTF.ext line info for the main program, skipping all of .BTF.ext line info.\\n\",\n*(_QWORD *)(a3 + 48),\nv7,\nv8,\nv9);\n}\nreturn 0LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,v12,sub_418F76,sub_413D2B,sub_418C97,sub_409E9F,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'prog', 'a1': 'obj', 'a2': 'main_prog', 'v12': 'err', 'sub_418F76': 'reloc_prog_func_and_line_info', 'sub_413D2B': 'kernel_supports', 'sub_418C97': 'adjust_prog_btf_ext_info', 'sub_409E9F': 'libbpf_print'}"}
void test_suite_5(void) { double zero = 0.0; /* msvc is silly (workaround for error C2124) */ JSON_Value *val_from_file = json_parse_file(get_file_path("test_5.txt")); JSON_Value *val = NULL, *val_with_parent; JSON_Object *obj = NULL; JSON_Array *interests_arr = NULL; JSON_Value *remove_test_val = NULL; JSON_Array *remove_test_arr = NULL; val = json_value_init_object(); TEST(val != NULL); obj = json_value_get_object(val); TEST(obj != NULL); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "first", "John") == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "last", "Doe") == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_object_set_number(obj, "age", 25) == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_object_set_boolean(obj, "registered", 1) == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_object_set_value(obj, "interests", json_value_init_array()) == JSONSuccess); interests_arr = json_object_get_array(obj, "interests"); TEST(interests_arr != NULL); TEST(json_array_append_string(interests_arr, "Writing") == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_array_append_string(interests_arr, "Mountain Biking") == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_array_replace_string(interests_arr, 0, "Reading") == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_object_dotset_string(obj, "favorites.color", "blue") == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_object_dotset_string(obj, "", "running") == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_object_dotset_string(obj, "favorites.fruit", "apple") == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_object_dotremove(obj, "favorites.fruit") == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "utf string", "lorem ipsum") == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "utf-8 string", "あいうえお") == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "surrogate string", "lorem𝄞ipsum𝍧lorem") == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_object_set_string_with_len(obj, "string with null", "abc\0def", 7) == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "windows path", "C:\\Windows\\Path") == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_value_equals(val_from_file, val)); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, NULL, "") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "last", NULL) == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, NULL, NULL) == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_value(obj, NULL, NULL) == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_dotset_string(obj, NULL, "") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_dotset_string(obj, "favorites.color", NULL) == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_dotset_string(obj, NULL, NULL) == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_dotset_value(obj, NULL, NULL) == JSONFailure); TEST(json_array_append_string(NULL, "lorem") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_array_append_value(interests_arr, NULL) == JSONFailure); TEST(json_array_append_value(NULL, NULL) == JSONFailure); TEST(json_array_remove(NULL, 0) == JSONFailure); TEST(json_array_replace_value(interests_arr, 0, NULL) == JSONFailure); TEST(json_array_replace_string(NULL, 0, "lorem") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_array_replace_string(interests_arr, 100, "not existing") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_array_append_string(json_object_get_array(obj, "interests"), NULL) == JSONFailure); TEST(json_array_append_string(interests_arr, "Writing") == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_array_remove(interests_arr, 0) == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_array_remove(interests_arr, 1) == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_array_remove(interests_arr, 0) == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_array_remove(interests_arr, 0) == JSONFailure); /* should be empty by now */ val_with_parent = json_value_init_null(); TEST(json_object_set_value(obj, "x", val_with_parent) == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_object_set_value(obj, "x", val_with_parent) == JSONFailure); val_with_parent = json_value_init_null(); TEST(json_array_append_value(interests_arr, val_with_parent) == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_array_append_value(interests_arr, val_with_parent) == JSONFailure); val_with_parent = json_value_init_null(); TEST(json_array_replace_value(interests_arr, 0, val_with_parent) == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_array_replace_value(interests_arr, 0, val_with_parent) == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_remove(obj, "interests") == JSONSuccess); /* UTF-8 tests */ TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "correct string", "κόσμε") == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "boundary 1", "\xed\x9f\xbf") == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "boundary 2", "\xee\x80\x80") == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "boundary 3", "\xef\xbf\xbd") == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "boundary 4", "\xf4\x8f\xbf\xbf") == JSONSuccess); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "first continuation byte", "\x80") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "last continuation byte", "\xbf") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "impossible sequence 1", "\xfe") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "impossible sequence 2", "\xff") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "impossible sequence 3", "\xfe\xfe\xff\xff") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "overlong 1", "\xc0\xaf") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "overlong 2", "\xc1\xbf") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "overlong 3", "\xe0\x80\xaf") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "overlong 4", "\xe0\x9f\xbf") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "overlong 5", "\xf0\x80\x80\xaf") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "overlong 6", "\xf0\x8f\xbf\xbf") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "overlong 7", "\xf0\x8f\xbf\xbf") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "overlong null 1", "\xc0\x80") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "overlong null 2", "\xe0\x80\x80") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "overlong null 3", "\xf0\x80\x80\x80") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "overlong null 4", "\xf8\x80\x80\x80\x80") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "overlong null 5", "\xfc\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "single surrogate 1", "\xed\xa0\x80") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "single surrogate 2", "\xed\xaf\xbf") == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_string(obj, "single surrogate 3", "\xed\xbf\xbf") == JSONFailure); /* Testing removing values from array, order of the elements should be preserved */ remove_test_val = json_parse_string("[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"); remove_test_arr = json_array(remove_test_val); json_array_remove(remove_test_arr, 2); TEST(json_value_equals(remove_test_val, json_parse_string("[1, 2, 4, 5]"))); json_array_remove(remove_test_arr, 0); TEST(json_value_equals(remove_test_val, json_parse_string("[2, 4, 5]"))); json_array_remove(remove_test_arr, 2); TEST(json_value_equals(remove_test_val, json_parse_string("[2, 4]"))); /* Testing nan and inf */ TEST(json_object_set_number(obj, "num", 0.0 / zero) == JSONFailure); TEST(json_object_set_number(obj, "num", 1.0 / zero) == JSONFailure); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40475F", "function_addr": 4212575, "binary_name": "e4621a88173fd519d2bf7bc019f36c7464b313ee0255ccd0184b305769b7fdf1.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 40h"], [3, "pxor xmm0, xmm0"], [4, "movsd [rbp+var_8], xmm0"], [5, "mov edi, offset aTest5Txt"], [6, "call sub_40781A"], [7, "mov rdi, rax"], [8, "call sub_40B7EB"], [9, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [10, "mov [rbp+var_18], 0"], [11, "mov [rbp+var_20], 0"], [12, "mov [rbp+var_28], 0"], [13, "mov [rbp+var_30], 0"], [14, "mov [rbp+var_38], 0"], [15, "call sub_40C215"], [16, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [17, "cmp [rbp+var_18], 0"], [18, "jz short loc_4047CF"], [19, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [20, "add eax, 1"], [21, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [22, "jmp short loc_4047F7"], [23, "mov edx, offset aValNull"], [24, "mov esi, 18Bh"], [25, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [26, "mov eax, 0"], [27, "call _printf"], [28, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [29, "add eax, 1"], [30, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [31, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [32, "mov rdi, rax"], [33, "call sub_40C026"], [34, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [35, "cmp [rbp+var_20], 0"], [36, "jz short loc_40481F"], [37, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [38, "add eax, 1"], [39, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [40, "jmp short loc_404847"], [41, "mov edx, offset aObjNull"], [42, "mov esi, 18Eh"], [43, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [44, "mov eax, 0"], [45, "call _printf"], [46, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [47, "add eax, 1"], [48, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [49, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [50, "mov edx, offset aJohn"], [51, "mov esi, offset aFirst"], [52, "mov rdi, rax"], [53, "call sub_40D564"], [54, "test eax, eax"], [55, "jnz short loc_404872"], [56, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [57, "add eax, 1"], [58, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [59, "jmp short loc_40489A"], [60, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS"], [61, "mov esi, 190h"], [62, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [63, "mov eax, 0"], [64, "call _printf"], [65, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [66, "add eax, 1"], [67, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [68, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [69, "mov edx, offset aDoe"], [70, "mov esi, offset aLast"], [71, "mov rdi, rax"], [72, "call sub_40D564"], [73, "test eax, eax"], [74, "jnz short loc_4048C5"], [75, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [76, "add eax, 1"], [77, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [78, "jmp short loc_4048ED"], [79, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_0"], [80, "mov esi, 191h"], [81, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [82, "mov eax, 0"], [83, "call _printf"], [84, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [85, "add eax, 1"], [86, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [87, "mov rdx, cs:qword_413288"], [88, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [89, "movq xmm0, rdx"], [90, "mov esi, offset aAge"], [91, "mov rdi, rax"], [92, "call sub_40D619"], [93, "test eax, eax"], [94, "jnz short loc_40491F"], [95, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [96, "add eax, 1"], [97, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [98, "jmp short loc_404947"], [99, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetN"], [100, "mov esi, 192h"], [101, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [102, "mov eax, 0"], [103, "call _printf"], [104, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [105, "add eax, 1"], [106, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [107, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [108, "mov edx, 1"], [109, "mov esi, offset aRegistered"], [110, "mov rdi, rax"], [111, "call sub_40D671"], [112, "test eax, eax"], [113, "jnz short loc_404972"], [114, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [115, "add eax, 1"], [116, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [117, "jmp short loc_40499A"], [118, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetB"], [119, "mov esi, 193h"], [120, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [121, "mov eax, 0"], [122, "call _printf"], [123, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [124, "add eax, 1"], [125, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [126, "call sub_40C291"], [127, "mov rdx, rax"], [128, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [129, "mov esi, offset aInterests"], [130, "mov rdi, rax"], [131, "call sub_40D2CE"], [132, "test eax, eax"], [133, "jnz short loc_4049C8"], [134, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [135, "add eax, 1"], [136, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [137, "jmp short loc_4049F0"], [138, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetV"], [139, "mov esi, 195h"], [140, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [141, "mov eax, 0"], [142, "call _printf"], [143, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [144, "add eax, 1"], [145, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [146, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [147, "mov esi, offset aInterests"], [148, "mov rdi, rax"], [149, "call sub_40BAA7"], [150, "mov [rbp+var_28], rax"], [151, "cmp [rbp+var_28], 0"], [152, "jz short loc_404A1D"], [153, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [154, "add eax, 1"], [155, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [156, "jmp short loc_404A45"], [157, "mov edx, offset aInterestsArrNu"], [158, "mov esi, 197h"], [159, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [160, "mov eax, 0"], [161, "call _printf"], [162, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [163, "add eax, 1"], [164, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [165, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [166, "mov esi, offset aWriting"], [167, "mov rdi, rax"], [168, "call sub_40D0F3"], [169, "test eax, eax"], [170, "jnz short loc_404A6B"], [171, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [172, "add eax, 1"], [173, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [174, "jmp short loc_404A93"], [175, "mov edx, offset aJsonArrayAppen"], [176, "mov esi, 198h"], [177, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [178, "mov eax, 0"], [179, "call _printf"], [180, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [181, "add eax, 1"], [182, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [183, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [184, "mov esi, offset aMountainBiking"], [185, "mov rdi, rax"], [186, "call sub_40D0F3"], [187, "test eax, eax"], [188, "jnz short loc_404AB9"], [189, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [190, "add eax, 1"], [191, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [192, "jmp short loc_404AE1"], [193, "mov edx, offset aJsonArrayAppen_0"], [194, "mov esi, 199h"], [195, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [196, "mov eax, 0"], [197, "call _printf"], [198, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [199, "add eax, 1"], [200, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [201, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [202, "mov edx, offset aReading"], [203, "mov esi, 0"], [204, "mov rdi, rax"], [205, "call sub_40CE39"], [206, "test eax, eax"], [207, "jnz short loc_404B0C"], [208, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [209, "add eax, 1"], [210, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [211, "jmp short loc_404B34"], [212, "mov edx, offset aJsonArrayRepla"], [213, "mov esi, 19Ah"], [214, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [215, "mov eax, 0"], [216, "call _printf"], [217, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [218, "add eax, 1"], [219, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [220, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [221, "mov edx, offset aBlue"], [222, "mov esi, offset aFavoritesColor"], [223, "mov rdi, rax"], [224, "call sub_40D947"], [225, "test eax, eax"], [226, "jnz short loc_404B5F"], [227, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [228, "add eax, 1"], [229, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [230, "jmp short loc_404B87"], [231, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectDots"], [232, "mov esi, 19Ch"], [233, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [234, "mov eax, 0"], [235, "call _printf"], [236, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [237, "add eax, 1"], [238, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [239, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [240, "mov edx, offset aRunning"], [241, "mov esi, offset aFavoritesSport"], [242, "mov rdi, rax"], [243, "call sub_40D947"], [244, "test eax, eax"], [245, "jnz short loc_404BB2"], [246, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [247, "add eax, 1"], [248, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [249, "jmp short loc_404BDA"], [250, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectDots_0"], [251, "mov esi, 19Dh"], [252, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [253, "mov eax, 0"], [254, "call _printf"], [255, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [256, "add eax, 1"], [257, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [258, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [259, "mov edx, offset aApple"], [260, "mov esi, offset aFavoritesFruit"], [261, "mov rdi, rax"], [262, "call sub_40D947"], [263, "test eax, eax"], [264, "jnz short loc_404C05"], [265, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [266, "add eax, 1"], [267, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [268, "jmp short loc_404C2D"], [269, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectDots_1"], [270, "mov esi, 19Eh"], [271, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [272, "mov eax, 0"], [273, "call _printf"], [274, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [275, "add eax, 1"], [276, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [277, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [278, "mov esi, offset aFavoritesFruit"], [279, "mov rdi, rax"], [280, "call sub_40DB74"], [281, "test eax, eax"], [282, "jnz short loc_404C53"], [283, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [284, "add eax, 1"], [285, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [286, "jmp short loc_404C7B"], [287, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectDotr"], [288, "mov esi, 19Fh"], [289, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [290, "mov eax, 0"], [291, "call _printf"], [292, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [293, "add eax, 1"], [294, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [295, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [296, "mov edx, offset s2"], [297, "mov esi, offset aUtfString"], [298, "mov rdi, rax"], [299, "call sub_40D564"], [300, "test eax, eax"], [301, "jnz short loc_404CA6"], [302, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [303, "add eax, 1"], [304, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [305, "jmp short loc_404CCE"], [306, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_1"], [307, "mov esi, 1A0h"], [308, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [309, "mov eax, 0"], [310, "call _printf"], [311, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [312, "add eax, 1"], [313, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [314, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [315, "mov edx, offset byte_40FD3D"], [316, "mov esi, offset aUtf8String"], [317, "mov rdi, rax"], [318, "call sub_40D564"], [319, "test eax, eax"], [320, "jnz short loc_404CF9"], [321, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [322, "add eax, 1"], [323, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [324, "jmp short loc_404D21"], [325, "mov edx, offset unk_4118A8"], [326, "mov esi, 1A1h"], [327, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [328, "mov eax, 0"], [329, "call _printf"], [330, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [331, "add eax, 1"], [332, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [333, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [334, "mov edx, offset aLorem_2"], [335, "mov esi, offset aSurrogateStrin"], [336, "mov rdi, rax"], [337, "call sub_40D564"], [338, "test eax, eax"], [339, "jnz short loc_404D4C"], [340, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [341, "add eax, 1"], [342, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [343, "jmp short loc_404D74"], [344, "mov edx, offset unk_4118F8"], [345, "mov esi, 1A2h"], [346, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [347, "mov eax, 0"], [348, "call _printf"], [349, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [350, "add eax, 1"], [351, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [352, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [353, "mov ecx, 7"], [354, "mov edx, offset aAbc"], [355, "mov esi, offset aStringWithNull"], [356, "mov rdi, rax"], [357, "call sub_40D5B9"], [358, "test eax, eax"], [359, "jnz short loc_404DA4"], [360, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [361, "add eax, 1"], [362, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [363, "jmp short loc_404DCC"], [364, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_2"], [365, "mov esi, 1A3h"], [366, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [367, "mov eax, 0"], [368, "call _printf"], [369, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [370, "add eax, 1"], [371, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [372, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [373, "mov edx, offset aCWindowsPath"], [374, "mov esi, offset aWindowsPath"], [375, "mov rdi, rax"], [376, "call sub_40D564"], [377, "test eax, eax"], [378, "jnz short loc_404DF7"], [379, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [380, "add eax, 1"], [381, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [382, "jmp short loc_404E1F"], [383, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_3"], [384, "mov esi, 1A4h"], [385, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [386, "mov eax, 0"], [387, "call _printf"], [388, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [389, "add eax, 1"], [390, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [391, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [392, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [393, "mov rsi, rdx"], [394, "mov rdi, rax"], [395, "call sub_40DF57"], [396, "test eax, eax"], [397, "jz short loc_404E47"], [398, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [399, "add eax, 1"], [400, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [401, "jmp short loc_404E6F"], [402, "mov edx, offset aJsonValueEqual_5"], [403, "mov esi, 1A5h"], [404, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [405, "mov eax, 0"], [406, "call _printf"], [407, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [408, "add eax, 1"], [409, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [410, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [411, "mov edx, offset unk_4103E3"], [412, "mov esi, 0"], [413, "mov rdi, rax"], [414, "call sub_40D564"], [415, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [416, "jnz short loc_404E9B"], [417, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [418, "add eax, 1"], [419, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [420, "jmp short loc_404EC3"], [421, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_4"], [422, "mov esi, 1A7h"], [423, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [424, "mov eax, 0"], [425, "call _printf"], [426, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [427, "add eax, 1"], [428, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [429, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [430, "mov edx, 0"], [431, "mov esi, offset aLast"], [432, "mov rdi, rax"], [433, "call sub_40D564"], [434, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [435, "jnz short loc_404EEF"], [436, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [437, "add eax, 1"], [438, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [439, "jmp short loc_404F17"], [440, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_5"], [441, "mov esi, 1A8h"], [442, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [443, "mov eax, 0"], [444, "call _printf"], [445, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [446, "add eax, 1"], [447, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [448, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [449, "mov edx, 0"], [450, "mov esi, 0"], [451, "mov rdi, rax"], [452, "call sub_40D564"], [453, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [454, "jnz short loc_404F43"], [455, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [456, "add eax, 1"], [457, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [458, "jmp short loc_404F6B"], [459, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_6"], [460, "mov esi, 1A9h"], [461, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [462, "mov eax, 0"], [463, "call _printf"], [464, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [465, "add eax, 1"], [466, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [467, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [468, "mov edx, 0"], [469, "mov esi, 0"], [470, "mov rdi, rax"], [471, "call sub_40D2CE"], [472, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [473, "jnz short loc_404F97"], [474, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [475, "add eax, 1"], [476, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [477, "jmp short loc_404FBF"], [478, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetV_0"], [479, "mov esi, 1AAh"], [480, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [481, "mov eax, 0"], [482, "call _printf"], [483, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [484, "add eax, 1"], [485, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [486, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [487, "mov edx, offset unk_4103E3"], [488, "mov esi, 0"], [489, "mov rdi, rax"], [490, "call sub_40D947"], [491, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [492, "jnz short loc_404FEB"], [493, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [494, "add eax, 1"], [495, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [496, "jmp short loc_405013"], [497, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectDots_2"], [498, "mov esi, 1ACh"], [499, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [500, "mov eax, 0"], [501, "call _printf"], [502, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [503, "add eax, 1"], [504, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [505, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [506, "mov edx, 0"], [507, "mov esi, offset aFavoritesColor"], [508, "mov rdi, rax"], [509, "call sub_40D947"], [510, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [511, "jnz short loc_40503F"], [512, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [513, "add eax, 1"], [514, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [515, "jmp short loc_405067"], [516, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectDots_3"], [517, "mov esi, 1ADh"], [518, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [519, "mov eax, 0"], [520, "call _printf"], [521, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [522, "add eax, 1"], [523, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [524, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [525, "mov edx, 0"], [526, "mov esi, 0"], [527, "mov rdi, rax"], [528, "call sub_40D947"], [529, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [530, "jnz short loc_405093"], [531, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [532, "add eax, 1"], [533, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [534, "jmp short loc_4050BB"], [535, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectDots_4"], [536, "mov esi, 1AEh"], [537, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [538, "mov eax, 0"], [539, "call _printf"], [540, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [541, "add eax, 1"], [542, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [543, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [544, "mov edx, 0"], [545, "mov esi, 0"], [546, "mov rdi, rax"], [547, "call sub_40D70D"], [548, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [549, "jnz short loc_4050E7"], [550, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [551, "add eax, 1"], [552, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [553, "jmp short loc_40510F"], [554, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectDots_5"], [555, "mov esi, 1AFh"], [556, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [557, "mov eax, 0"], [558, "call _printf"], [559, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [560, "add eax, 1"], [561, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [562, "mov esi, offset aLorem"], [563, "mov edi, 0"], [564, "call sub_40D0F3"], [565, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [566, "jnz short loc_405134"], [567, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [568, "add eax, 1"], [569, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [570, "jmp short loc_40515C"], [571, "mov edx, offset aJsonArrayAppen_1"], [572, "mov esi, 1B1h"], [573, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [574, "mov eax, 0"], [575, "call _printf"], [576, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [577, "add eax, 1"], [578, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [579, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [580, "mov esi, 0"], [581, "mov rdi, rax"], [582, "call sub_40D0AD"], [583, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [584, "jnz short loc_405183"], [585, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [586, "add eax, 1"], [587, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [588, "jmp short loc_4051AB"], [589, "mov edx, offset aJsonArrayAppen_2"], [590, "mov esi, 1B2h"], [591, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [592, "mov eax, 0"], [593, "call _printf"], [594, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [595, "add eax, 1"], [596, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [597, "mov esi, 0"], [598, "mov edi, 0"], [599, "call sub_40D0AD"], [600, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [601, "jnz short loc_4051D0"], [602, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [603, "add eax, 1"], [604, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [605, "jmp short loc_4051F8"], [606, "mov edx, offset aJsonArrayAppen_3"], [607, "mov esi, 1B3h"], [608, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [609, "mov eax, 0"], [610, "call _printf"], [611, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [612, "add eax, 1"], [613, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [614, "mov esi, 0"], [615, "mov edi, 0"], [616, "call sub_40CCDB"], [617, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [618, "jnz short loc_40521D"], [619, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [620, "add eax, 1"], [621, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [622, "jmp short loc_405245"], [623, "mov edx, offset aJsonArrayRemov"], [624, "mov esi, 1B5h"], [625, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [626, "mov eax, 0"], [627, "call _printf"], [628, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [629, "add eax, 1"], [630, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [631, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [632, "mov edx, 0"], [633, "mov esi, 0"], [634, "mov rdi, rax"], [635, "call sub_40CDA3"], [636, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [637, "jnz short loc_405271"], [638, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [639, "add eax, 1"], [640, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [641, "jmp short loc_405299"], [642, "mov edx, offset aJsonArrayRepla_0"], [643, "mov esi, 1B6h"], [644, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [645, "mov eax, 0"], [646, "call _printf"], [647, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [648, "add eax, 1"], [649, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [650, "mov edx, offset aLorem"], [651, "mov esi, 0"], [652, "mov edi, 0"], [653, "call sub_40CE39"], [654, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [655, "jnz short loc_4052C3"], [656, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [657, "add eax, 1"], [658, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [659, "jmp short loc_4052EB"], [660, "mov edx, offset aJsonArrayRepla_1"], [661, "mov esi, 1B7h"], [662, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [663, "mov eax, 0"], [664, "call _printf"], [665, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [666, "add eax, 1"], [667, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [668, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [669, "mov edx, offset aNotExisting"], [670, "mov esi, 64h "], [671, "mov rdi, rax"], [672, "call sub_40CE39"], [673, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [674, "jnz short loc_405317"], [675, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [676, "add eax, 1"], [677, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [678, "jmp short loc_40533F"], [679, "mov edx, offset aJsonArrayRepla_2"], [680, "mov esi, 1B8h"], [681, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [682, "mov eax, 0"], [683, "call _printf"], [684, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [685, "add eax, 1"], [686, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [687, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [688, "mov esi, offset aInterests"], [689, "mov rdi, rax"], [690, "call sub_40BAA7"], [691, "mov esi, 0"], [692, "mov rdi, rax"], [693, "call sub_40D0F3"], [694, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [695, "jnz short loc_405373"], [696, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [697, "add eax, 1"], [698, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [699, "jmp short loc_40539B"], [700, "mov edx, offset aJsonArrayAppen_4"], [701, "mov esi, 1BAh"], [702, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [703, "mov eax, 0"], [704, "call _printf"], [705, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [706, "add eax, 1"], [707, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [708, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [709, "mov esi, offset aWriting"], [710, "mov rdi, rax"], [711, "call sub_40D0F3"], [712, "test eax, eax"], [713, "jnz short loc_4053C1"], [714, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [715, "add eax, 1"], [716, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [717, "jmp short loc_4053E9"], [718, "mov edx, offset aJsonArrayAppen"], [719, "mov esi, 1BCh"], [720, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [721, "mov eax, 0"], [722, "call _printf"], [723, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [724, "add eax, 1"], [725, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [726, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [727, "mov esi, 0"], [728, "mov rdi, rax"], [729, "call sub_40CCDB"], [730, "test eax, eax"], [731, "jnz short loc_40540F"], [732, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [733, "add eax, 1"], [734, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [735, "jmp short loc_405437"], [736, "mov edx, offset aJsonArrayRemov_0"], [737, "mov esi, 1BDh"], [738, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [739, "mov eax, 0"], [740, "call _printf"], [741, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [742, "add eax, 1"], [743, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [744, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [745, "mov esi, 1"], [746, "mov rdi, rax"], [747, "call sub_40CCDB"], [748, "test eax, eax"], [749, "jnz short loc_40545D"], [750, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [751, "add eax, 1"], [752, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [753, "jmp short loc_405485"], [754, "mov edx, offset aJsonArrayRemov_1"], [755, "mov esi, 1BEh"], [756, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [757, "mov eax, 0"], [758, "call _printf"], [759, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [760, "add eax, 1"], [761, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [762, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [763, "mov esi, 0"], [764, "mov rdi, rax"], [765, "call sub_40CCDB"], [766, "test eax, eax"], [767, "jnz short loc_4054AB"], [768, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [769, "add eax, 1"], [770, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [771, "jmp short loc_4054D3"], [772, "mov edx, offset aJsonArrayRemov_0"], [773, "mov esi, 1BFh"], [774, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [775, "mov eax, 0"], [776, "call _printf"], [777, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [778, "add eax, 1"], [779, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [780, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [781, "mov esi, 0"], [782, "mov rdi, rax"], [783, "call sub_40CCDB"], [784, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [785, "jnz short loc_4054FA"], [786, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [787, "add eax, 1"], [788, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [789, "jmp short loc_405522"], [790, "mov edx, offset aJsonArrayRemov_2"], [791, "mov esi, 1C0h"], [792, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [793, "mov eax, 0"], [794, "call _printf"], [795, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [796, "add eax, 1"], [797, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [798, "call sub_40C4C3"], [799, "mov [rbp+var_40], rax"], [800, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_40]"], [801, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [802, "mov esi, offset asc_410E17"], [803, "mov rdi, rax"], [804, "call sub_40D2CE"], [805, "test eax, eax"], [806, "jnz short loc_405555"], [807, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [808, "add eax, 1"], [809, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [810, "jmp short loc_40557D"], [811, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetV_1"], [812, "mov esi, 1C3h"], [813, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [814, "mov eax, 0"], [815, "call _printf"], [816, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [817, "add eax, 1"], [818, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [819, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_40]"], [820, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [821, "mov esi, offset asc_410E17"], [822, "mov rdi, rax"], [823, "call sub_40D2CE"], [824, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [825, "jnz short loc_4055A8"], [826, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [827, "add eax, 1"], [828, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [829, "jmp short loc_4055D0"], [830, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetV_2"], [831, "mov esi, 1C4h"], [832, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [833, "mov eax, 0"], [834, "call _printf"], [835, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [836, "add eax, 1"], [837, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [838, "call sub_40C4C3"], [839, "mov [rbp+var_40], rax"], [840, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_40]"], [841, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [842, "mov rsi, rdx"], [843, "mov rdi, rax"], [844, "call sub_40D0AD"], [845, "test eax, eax"], [846, "jnz short loc_405601"], [847, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [848, "add eax, 1"], [849, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [850, "jmp short loc_405629"], [851, "mov edx, offset aJsonArrayAppen_5"], [852, "mov esi, 1C7h"], [853, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [854, "mov eax, 0"], [855, "call _printf"], [856, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [857, "add eax, 1"], [858, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [859, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_40]"], [860, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [861, "mov rsi, rdx"], [862, "mov rdi, rax"], [863, "call sub_40D0AD"], [864, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [865, "jnz short loc_405652"], [866, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [867, "add eax, 1"], [868, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [869, "jmp short loc_40567A"], [870, "mov edx, offset aJsonArrayAppen_6"], [871, "mov esi, 1C8h"], [872, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [873, "mov eax, 0"], [874, "call _printf"], [875, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [876, "add eax, 1"], [877, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [878, "call sub_40C4C3"], [879, "mov [rbp+var_40], rax"], [880, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_40]"], [881, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [882, "mov esi, 0"], [883, "mov rdi, rax"], [884, "call sub_40CDA3"], [885, "test eax, eax"], [886, "jnz short loc_4056AD"], [887, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [888, "add eax, 1"], [889, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [890, "jmp short loc_4056D5"], [891, "mov edx, offset aJsonArrayRepla_3"], [892, "mov esi, 1CBh"], [893, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [894, "mov eax, 0"], [895, "call _printf"], [896, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [897, "add eax, 1"], [898, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [899, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_40]"], [900, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [901, "mov esi, 0"], [902, "mov rdi, rax"], [903, "call sub_40CDA3"], [904, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [905, "jnz short loc_405700"], [906, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [907, "add eax, 1"], [908, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [909, "jmp short loc_405728"], [910, "mov edx, offset aJsonArrayRepla_4"], [911, "mov esi, 1CCh"], [912, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [913, "mov eax, 0"], [914, "call _printf"], [915, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [916, "add eax, 1"], [917, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [918, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [919, "mov esi, offset aInterests"], [920, "mov rdi, rax"], [921, "call sub_40DB4A"], [922, "test eax, eax"], [923, "jnz short loc_40574E"], [924, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [925, "add eax, 1"], [926, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [927, "jmp short loc_405776"], [928, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectRemo"], [929, "mov esi, 1CEh"], [930, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [931, "mov eax, 0"], [932, "call _printf"], [933, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [934, "add eax, 1"], [935, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [936, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [937, "mov edx, offset unk_4120CC"], [938, "mov esi, offset aCorrectString"], [939, "mov rdi, rax"], [940, "call sub_40D564"], [941, "test eax, eax"], [942, "jnz short loc_4057A1"], [943, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [944, "add eax, 1"], [945, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [946, "jmp short loc_4057C9"], [947, "mov edx, offset unk_4120E8"], [948, "mov esi, 1D1h"], [949, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [950, "mov eax, 0"], [951, "call _printf"], [952, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [953, "add eax, 1"], [954, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [955, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [956, "mov edx, offset unk_412134"], [957, "mov esi, offset aBoundary1"], [958, "mov rdi, rax"], [959, "call sub_40D564"], [960, "test eax, eax"], [961, "jnz short loc_4057F4"], [962, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [963, "add eax, 1"], [964, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [965, "jmp short loc_40581C"], [966, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_7"], [967, "mov esi, 1D3h"], [968, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [969, "mov eax, 0"], [970, "call _printf"], [971, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [972, "add eax, 1"], [973, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [974, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [975, "mov edx, offset unk_412191"], [976, "mov esi, offset aBoundary2"], [977, "mov rdi, rax"], [978, "call sub_40D564"], [979, "test eax, eax"], [980, "jnz short loc_405847"], [981, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [982, "add eax, 1"], [983, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [984, "jmp short loc_40586F"], [985, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_8"], [986, "mov esi, 1D4h"], [987, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [988, "mov eax, 0"], [989, "call _printf"], [990, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [991, "add eax, 1"], [992, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [993, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [994, "mov edx, offset unk_4121E9"], [995, "mov esi, offset aBoundary3"], [996, "mov rdi, rax"], [997, "call sub_40D564"], [998, "test eax, eax"], [999, "jnz short loc_40589A"], [1000, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1001, "add eax, 1"], [1002, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1003, "jmp short loc_4058C2"], [1004, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_9"], [1005, "mov esi, 1D5h"], [1006, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1007, "mov eax, 0"], [1008, "call _printf"], [1009, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1010, "add eax, 1"], [1011, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1012, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1013, "mov edx, offset unk_412241"], [1014, "mov esi, offset aBoundary4"], [1015, "mov rdi, rax"], [1016, "call sub_40D564"], [1017, "test eax, eax"], [1018, "jnz short loc_4058ED"], [1019, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1020, "add eax, 1"], [1021, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1022, "jmp short loc_405915"], [1023, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_10"], [1024, "mov esi, 1D6h"], [1025, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1026, "mov eax, 0"], [1027, "call _printf"], [1028, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1029, "add eax, 1"], [1030, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1031, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1032, "mov edx, offset unk_4122A5"], [1033, "mov esi, offset aFirstContinuat"], [1034, "mov rdi, rax"], [1035, "call sub_40D564"], [1036, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [1037, "jnz short loc_405941"], [1038, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1039, "add eax, 1"], [1040, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1041, "jmp short loc_405969"], [1042, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_11"], [1043, "mov esi, 1D8h"], [1044, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1045, "mov eax, 0"], [1046, "call _printf"], [1047, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1048, "add eax, 1"], [1049, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1050, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1051, "mov edx, offset unk_41230E"], [1052, "mov esi, offset aLastContinuati"], [1053, "mov rdi, rax"], [1054, "call sub_40D564"], [1055, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [1056, "jnz short loc_405995"], [1057, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1058, "add eax, 1"], [1059, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1060, "jmp short loc_4059BD"], [1061, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_12"], [1062, "mov esi, 1D9h"], [1063, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1064, "mov eax, 0"], [1065, "call _printf"], [1066, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1067, "add eax, 1"], [1068, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1069, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1070, "mov edx, offset unk_412375"], [1071, "mov esi, offset aImpossibleSequ"], [1072, "mov rdi, rax"], [1073, "call sub_40D564"], [1074, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [1075, "jnz short loc_4059E9"], [1076, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1077, "add eax, 1"], [1078, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1079, "jmp short loc_405A11"], [1080, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_13"], [1081, "mov esi, 1DBh"], [1082, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1083, "mov eax, 0"], [1084, "call _printf"], [1085, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1086, "add eax, 1"], [1087, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1088, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1089, "mov edx, offset unk_4123DC"], [1090, "mov esi, offset aImpossibleSequ_0"], [1091, "mov rdi, rax"], [1092, "call sub_40D564"], [1093, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [1094, "jnz short loc_405A3D"], [1095, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1096, "add eax, 1"], [1097, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1098, "jmp short loc_405A65"], [1099, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_14"], [1100, "mov esi, 1DCh"], [1101, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1102, "mov eax, 0"], [1103, "call _printf"], [1104, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1105, "add eax, 1"], [1106, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1107, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1108, "mov edx, offset unk_412444"], [1109, "mov esi, offset aImpossibleSequ_1"], [1110, "mov rdi, rax"], [1111, "call sub_40D564"], [1112, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [1113, "jnz short loc_405A91"], [1114, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1115, "add eax, 1"], [1116, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1117, "jmp short loc_405AB9"], [1118, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_15"], [1119, "mov esi, 1DDh"], [1120, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1121, "mov eax, 0"], [1122, "call _printf"], [1123, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1124, "add eax, 1"], [1125, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1126, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1127, "mov edx, offset unk_4124B8"], [1128, "mov esi, offset aOverlong1"], [1129, "mov rdi, rax"], [1130, "call sub_40D564"], [1131, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [1132, "jnz short loc_405AE5"], [1133, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1134, "add eax, 1"], [1135, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1136, "jmp short loc_405B0D"], [1137, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_16"], [1138, "mov esi, 1DFh"], [1139, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1140, "mov eax, 0"], [1141, "call _printf"], [1142, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1143, "add eax, 1"], [1144, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1145, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1146, "mov edx, offset unk_41250D"], [1147, "mov esi, offset aOverlong2"], [1148, "mov rdi, rax"], [1149, "call sub_40D564"], [1150, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [1151, "jnz short loc_405B39"], [1152, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1153, "add eax, 1"], [1154, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1155, "jmp short loc_405B61"], [1156, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_17"], [1157, "mov esi, 1E0h"], [1158, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1159, "mov eax, 0"], [1160, "call _printf"], [1161, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1162, "add eax, 1"], [1163, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1164, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1165, "mov edx, offset unk_412565"], [1166, "mov esi, offset aOverlong3"], [1167, "mov rdi, rax"], [1168, "call sub_40D564"], [1169, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [1170, "jnz short loc_405B8D"], [1171, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1172, "add eax, 1"], [1173, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1174, "jmp short loc_405BB5"], [1175, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_18"], [1176, "mov esi, 1E1h"], [1177, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1178, "mov eax, 0"], [1179, "call _printf"], [1180, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1181, "add eax, 1"], [1182, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1183, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1184, "mov edx, offset unk_4125C1"], [1185, "mov esi, offset aOverlong4"], [1186, "mov rdi, rax"], [1187, "call sub_40D564"], [1188, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [1189, "jnz short loc_405BE1"], [1190, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1191, "add eax, 1"], [1192, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1193, "jmp short loc_405C09"], [1194, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_19"], [1195, "mov esi, 1E2h"], [1196, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1197, "mov eax, 0"], [1198, "call _printf"], [1199, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1200, "add eax, 1"], [1201, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1202, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1203, "mov edx, offset unk_412619"], [1204, "mov esi, offset aOverlong5"], [1205, "mov rdi, rax"], [1206, "call sub_40D564"], [1207, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [1208, "jnz short loc_405C35"], [1209, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1210, "add eax, 1"], [1211, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1212, "jmp short loc_405C5D"], [1213, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_20"], [1214, "mov esi, 1E3h"], [1215, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1216, "mov eax, 0"], [1217, "call _printf"], [1218, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1219, "add eax, 1"], [1220, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1221, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1222, "mov edx, offset unk_41267D"], [1223, "mov esi, offset aOverlong6"], [1224, "mov rdi, rax"], [1225, "call sub_40D564"], [1226, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [1227, "jnz short loc_405C89"], [1228, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1229, "add eax, 1"], [1230, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1231, "jmp short loc_405CB1"], [1232, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_21"], [1233, "mov esi, 1E4h"], [1234, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1235, "mov eax, 0"], [1236, "call _printf"], [1237, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1238, "add eax, 1"], [1239, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1240, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1241, "mov edx, offset unk_41267D"], [1242, "mov esi, offset aOverlong7"], [1243, "mov rdi, rax"], [1244, "call sub_40D564"], [1245, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [1246, "jnz short loc_405CDD"], [1247, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1248, "add eax, 1"], [1249, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1250, "jmp short loc_405D05"], [1251, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_22"], [1252, "mov esi, 1E5h"], [1253, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1254, "mov eax, 0"], [1255, "call _printf"], [1256, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1257, "add eax, 1"], [1258, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1259, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1260, "mov edx, offset unk_412735"], [1261, "mov esi, offset aOverlongNull1"], [1262, "mov rdi, rax"], [1263, "call sub_40D564"], [1264, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [1265, "jnz short loc_405D31"], [1266, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1267, "add eax, 1"], [1268, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1269, "jmp short loc_405D59"], [1270, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_23"], [1271, "mov esi, 1E7h"], [1272, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1273, "mov eax, 0"], [1274, "call _printf"], [1275, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1276, "add eax, 1"], [1277, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1278, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1279, "mov edx, offset unk_412792"], [1280, "mov esi, offset aOverlongNull2"], [1281, "mov rdi, rax"], [1282, "call sub_40D564"], [1283, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [1284, "jnz short loc_405D85"], [1285, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1286, "add eax, 1"], [1287, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1288, "jmp short loc_405DAD"], [1289, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_24"], [1290, "mov esi, 1E8h"], [1291, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1292, "mov eax, 0"], [1293, "call _printf"], [1294, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1295, "add eax, 1"], [1296, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1297, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1298, "mov edx, offset unk_4127F6"], [1299, "mov esi, offset aOverlongNull3"], [1300, "mov rdi, rax"], [1301, "call sub_40D564"], [1302, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [1303, "jnz short loc_405DD9"], [1304, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1305, "add eax, 1"], [1306, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1307, "jmp short loc_405E01"], [1308, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_25"], [1309, "mov esi, 1E9h"], [1310, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1311, "mov eax, 0"], [1312, "call _printf"], [1313, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1314, "add eax, 1"], [1315, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1316, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1317, "mov edx, offset unk_412862"], [1318, "mov esi, offset aOverlongNull4"], [1319, "mov rdi, rax"], [1320, "call sub_40D564"], [1321, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [1322, "jnz short loc_405E2D"], [1323, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1324, "add eax, 1"], [1325, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1326, "jmp short loc_405E55"], [1327, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_26"], [1328, "mov esi, 1EAh"], [1329, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1330, "mov eax, 0"], [1331, "call _printf"], [1332, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1333, "add eax, 1"], [1334, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1335, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1336, "mov edx, offset unk_4128CE"], [1337, "mov esi, offset aOverlongNull5"], [1338, "mov rdi, rax"], [1339, "call sub_40D564"], [1340, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [1341, "jnz short loc_405E81"], [1342, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1343, "add eax, 1"], [1344, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1345, "jmp short loc_405EA9"], [1346, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_27"], [1347, "mov esi, 1EBh"], [1348, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1349, "mov eax, 0"], [1350, "call _printf"], [1351, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1352, "add eax, 1"], [1353, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1354, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1355, "mov edx, offset unk_412942"], [1356, "mov esi, offset aSingleSurrogat"], [1357, "mov rdi, rax"], [1358, "call sub_40D564"], [1359, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [1360, "jnz short loc_405ED5"], [1361, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1362, "add eax, 1"], [1363, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1364, "jmp short loc_405EFD"], [1365, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_28"], [1366, "mov esi, 1EDh"], [1367, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1368, "mov eax, 0"], [1369, "call _printf"], [1370, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1371, "add eax, 1"], [1372, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1373, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1374, "mov edx, offset unk_4129B1"], [1375, "mov esi, offset aSingleSurrogat_0"], [1376, "mov rdi, rax"], [1377, "call sub_40D564"], [1378, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [1379, "jnz short loc_405F29"], [1380, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1381, "add eax, 1"], [1382, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1383, "jmp short loc_405F51"], [1384, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_29"], [1385, "mov esi, 1EEh"], [1386, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1387, "mov eax, 0"], [1388, "call _printf"], [1389, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1390, "add eax, 1"], [1391, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1392, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1393, "mov edx, offset unk_412A19"], [1394, "mov esi, offset aSingleSurrogat_1"], [1395, "mov rdi, rax"], [1396, "call sub_40D564"], [1397, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [1398, "jnz short loc_405F7D"], [1399, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1400, "add eax, 1"], [1401, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1402, "jmp short loc_405FA5"], [1403, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetS_30"], [1404, "mov esi, 1EFh"], [1405, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1406, "mov eax, 0"], [1407, "call _printf"], [1408, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1409, "add eax, 1"], [1410, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1411, "mov edi, offset a12345"], [1412, "call sub_40B89B"], [1413, "mov [rbp+var_30], rax"], [1414, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [1415, "mov rdi, rax"], [1416, "call sub_40E2CD"], [1417, "mov [rbp+var_38], rax"], [1418, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [1419, "mov esi, 2"], [1420, "mov rdi, rax"], [1421, "call sub_40CCDB"], [1422, "mov edi, offset a1245"], [1423, "call sub_40B89B"], [1424, "mov rdx, rax"], [1425, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [1426, "mov rsi, rdx"], [1427, "mov rdi, rax"], [1428, "call sub_40DF57"], [1429, "test eax, eax"], [1430, "jz short loc_406005"], [1431, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1432, "add eax, 1"], [1433, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1434, "jmp short loc_40602D"], [1435, "mov edx, offset aJsonValueEqual_6"], [1436, "mov esi, 1F5h"], [1437, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1438, "mov eax, 0"], [1439, "call _printf"], [1440, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1441, "add eax, 1"], [1442, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1443, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [1444, "mov esi, 0"], [1445, "mov rdi, rax"], [1446, "call sub_40CCDB"], [1447, "mov edi, offset a245"], [1448, "call sub_40B89B"], [1449, "mov rdx, rax"], [1450, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [1451, "mov rsi, rdx"], [1452, "mov rdi, rax"], [1453, "call sub_40DF57"], [1454, "test eax, eax"], [1455, "jz short loc_40606F"], [1456, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1457, "add eax, 1"], [1458, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1459, "jmp short loc_406097"], [1460, "mov edx, offset aJsonValueEqual_7"], [1461, "mov esi, 1F7h"], [1462, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1463, "mov eax, 0"], [1464, "call _printf"], [1465, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1466, "add eax, 1"], [1467, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1468, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [1469, "mov esi, 2"], [1470, "mov rdi, rax"], [1471, "call sub_40CCDB"], [1472, "mov edi, offset a24"], [1473, "call sub_40B89B"], [1474, "mov rdx, rax"], [1475, "mov rax, [rbp+var_30]"], [1476, "mov rsi, rdx"], [1477, "mov rdi, rax"], [1478, "call sub_40DF57"], [1479, "test eax, eax"], [1480, "jz short loc_4060D9"], [1481, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1482, "add eax, 1"], [1483, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1484, "jmp short loc_406101"], [1485, "mov edx, offset aJsonValueEqual_8"], [1486, "mov esi, 1F9h"], [1487, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1488, "mov eax, 0"], [1489, "call _printf"], [1490, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1491, "add eax, 1"], [1492, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1493, "pxor xmm0, xmm0"], [1494, "divsd xmm0, [rbp+var_8]"], [1495, "movq rdx, xmm0"], [1496, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1497, "movq xmm0, rdx"], [1498, "mov esi, offset aNum"], [1499, "mov rdi, rax"], [1500, "call sub_40D619"], [1501, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [1502, "jnz short loc_40613B"], [1503, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1504, "add eax, 1"], [1505, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1506, "jmp short loc_406163"], [1507, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetN_0"], [1508, "mov esi, 1FCh"], [1509, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1510, "mov eax, 0"], [1511, "call _printf"], [1512, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1513, "add eax, 1"], [1514, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1515, "movsd xmm0, cs:qword_413250"], [1516, "divsd xmm0, [rbp+var_8]"], [1517, "movq rdx, xmm0"], [1518, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [1519, "movq xmm0, rdx"], [1520, "mov esi, offset aNum"], [1521, "mov rdi, rax"], [1522, "call sub_40D619"], [1523, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [1524, "jnz short loc_4061A1"], [1525, "mov eax, cs:dword_417184"], [1526, "add eax, 1"], [1527, "mov cs:dword_417184, eax"], [1528, "jmp short loc_4061C9"], [1529, "mov edx, offset aJsonObjectSetN_1"], [1530, "mov esi, 1FDh"], [1531, "mov edi, offset aD72sFailed"], [1532, "mov eax, 0"], [1533, "call _printf"], [1534, "mov eax, cs:dword_417188"], [1535, "add eax, 1"], [1536, "mov cs:dword_417188, eax"], [1537, "nop"], [1538, "leave"], [1539, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [7, 6], [9, 8], [16, 15], [17, 16], [18, 17], [20, 19], [21, 20], [29, 28], [30, 29], [31, 16], [32, 31], [34, 33], [35, 34], [36, 35], [37, 21], [38, 37], [39, 38], [46, 30], [47, 46], [48, 47], [49, 34], [52, 49], [54, 53], [55, 54], [56, 39], [56, 21], [57, 56], [58, 57], [65, 48], [65, 30], [66, 65], [67, 66], [68, 34], [71, 68], [73, 72], [74, 73], [75, 39], [75, 21], [75, 58], [76, 75], [77, 76], [84, 30], [84, 67], [84, 48], [85, 84], [86, 85], [88, 34], [89, 87], [91, 88], [93, 92], [94, 93], [95, 77], [95, 58], [95, 39], [95, 21], [96, 95], [97, 96], [104, 67], [104, 48], [104, 86], [104, 30], [105, 104], [106, 105], [107, 34], [110, 107], [112, 111], [113, 112], [114, 77], [114, 58], [114, 97], [114, 39], [114, 21], [115, 114], [116, 115], [123, 86], [123, 67], [123, 106], [123, 48], [123, 30], [124, 123], [125, 124], [127, 126], [128, 34], [130, 128], [132, 131], [133, 132], [134, 21], [134, 77], [134, 116], [134, 58], [134, 97], [134, 39], [135, 134], [136, 135], [143, 48], [143, 30], [143, 86], [143, 125], [143, 67], [143, 106], [144, 143], [145, 144], [146, 34], [148, 146], [150, 149], [151, 150], [152, 151], [153, 21], [153, 77], [153, 136], [153, 116], [153, 58], [153, 97], [153, 39], [154, 153], [155, 154], [162, 145], [162, 125], [162, 67], [162, 106], [162, 48], [162, 30], [162, 86], [163, 162], [164, 163], [165, 150], [167, 165], [169, 168], [170, 169], [171, 77], [171, 136], [171, 116], [171, 58], [171, 97], [171, 39], [171, 21], [171, 155], [172, 171], [173, 172], [180, 86], [180, 145], [180, 125], [180, 67], [180, 106], [180, 48], [180, 30], [180, 164], [181, 180], [182, 181], [183, 150], [185, 183], [187, 186], [188, 187], [189, 58], [189, 116], [189, 39], [189, 173], [189, 21], [189, 155], [189, 97], [189, 77], [189, 136], [190, 189], [191, 190], [198, 182], [198, 67], [198, 106], [198, 48], [198, 30], [198, 164], [198, 86], [198, 145], [198, 125], [199, 198], [200, 199], [201, 150], [204, 201], [206, 205], [207, 206], [208, 155], [208, 77], [208, 136], [208, 191], [208, 58], [208, 97], [208, 116], [208, 39], [208, 173], [208, 21], [209, 208], [210, 209], [217, 30], [217, 164], [217, 86], [217, 145], [217, 200], [217, 125], [217, 182], [217, 67], [217, 106], [217, 48], [218, 217], [219, 218], [220, 34], [223, 220], [225, 224], [226, 225], [227, 210], [227, 97], [227, 77], [227, 136], [227, 191], [227, 21], [227, 58], [227, 116], [227, 39], [227, 173], [227, 155], [228, 227], [229, 228], [236, 30], [236, 164], [236, 219], [236, 86], [236, 145], [236, 200], [236, 125], [236, 67], [236, 106], [236, 48], [236, 182], [237, 236], [238, 237], [239, 34], [242, 239], [244, 243], [245, 244], [246, 229], [246, 116], [246, 39], [246, 173], [246, 155], [246, 210], [246, 97], [246, 77], [246, 136], [246, 191], [246, 21], [246, 58], [247, 246], [248, 247], [255, 67], [255, 238], [255, 106], [255, 48], [255, 30], [255, 164], [255, 219], [255, 86], [255, 145], [255, 200], [255, 125], [255, 182], [256, 255], [257, 256], [258, 34], [261, 258], [263, 262], [264, 263], [265, 248], [265, 116], [265, 39], [265, 173], [265, 155], [265, 229], [265, 97], [265, 77], [265, 136], [265, 191], [265, 21], [265, 210], [265, 58], [266, 265], [267, 266], [274, 67], [274, 238], [274, 125], [274, 48], [274, 182], [274, 30], [274, 164], [274, 219], [274, 106], [274, 86], [274, 145], [274, 200], [274, 257], [275, 274], [276, 275], [277, 34], [279, 277], [281, 280], [282, 281], [283, 248], [283, 116], [283, 39], [283, 173], [283, 155], [283, 229], [283, 97], [283, 77], [283, 136], [283, 21], [283, 210], [283, 267], [283, 58], [283, 191], [284, 283], [285, 284], [292, 125], [292, 48], [292, 182], [292, 164], [292, 219], [292, 276], [292, 106], [292, 86], [292, 145], [292, 200], [292, 257], [292, 30], [292, 67], [292, 238], [293, 292], [294, 293], [295, 34], [298, 295], [300, 299], [301, 300], [302, 248], [302, 116], [302, 173], [302, 285], [302, 58], [302, 229], [302, 97], [302, 39], [302, 21], [302, 155], [302, 210], [302, 267], [302, 77], [302, 136], [302, 191], [303, 302], [304, 303], [311, 257], [311, 125], [311, 48], [311, 182], [311, 294], [311, 164], [311, 238], [311, 106], [311, 86], [311, 145], [311, 30], [311, 219], [311, 276], [311, 67], [311, 200], [312, 311], [313, 312], [314, 34], [317, 314], [319, 318], [320, 319], [321, 21], [321, 155], [321, 210], [321, 267], [321, 304], [321, 77], [321, 136], [321, 191], [321, 248], [321, 116], [321, 173], [321, 285], [321, 58], [321, 229], [321, 97], [321, 39], [322, 321], [323, 322], [330, 145], [330, 200], [330, 30], [330, 276], [330, 67], [330, 313], [330, 257], [330, 125], [330, 48], [330, 182], [330, 294], [330, 164], [330, 219], [330, 238], [330, 106], [330, 86], [331, 330], [332, 331], [333, 34], [336, 333], [338, 337], [339, 338], [340, 58], [340, 155], [340, 229], [340, 97], [340, 323], [340, 136], [340, 21], [340, 210], [340, 267], [340, 304], [340, 77], [340, 191], [340, 248], [340, 116], [340, 39], [340, 173], [340, 285], [341, 340], [342, 341], [349, 30], [349, 219], [349, 276], [349, 313], [349, 86], [349, 200], [349, 257], [349, 125], [349, 48], [349, 182], [349, 294], [349, 67], [349, 164], [349, 238], [349, 106], [349, 332], [349, 145], [350, 349], [351, 350], [352, 34], [356, 352], [358, 357], [359, 358], [360, 323], [360, 136], [360, 191], [360, 248], [360, 116], [360, 173], [360, 58], [360, 304], [360, 229], [360, 97], [360, 39], [360, 285], [360, 342], [360, 21], [360, 155], [360, 210], [360, 267], [360, 77], [361, 360], [362, 361], [369, 200], [369, 257], [369, 125], [369, 48], [369, 182], [369, 294], [369, 351], [369, 164], [369, 238], [369, 106], [369, 332], [369, 145], [369, 30], [369, 219], [369, 276], [369, 67], [369, 313], [369, 86], [370, 369], [371, 370], [372, 34], [375, 372], [377, 376], [378, 377], [379, 39], [379, 285], [379, 342], [379, 21], [379, 155], [379, 210], [379, 267], [379, 77], [379, 323], [379, 136], [379, 191], [379, 248], [379, 116], [379, 173], [379, 362], [379, 58], [379, 304], [379, 229], [379, 97], [380, 379], [381, 380], [388, 86], [388, 332], [388, 145], [388, 30], [388, 219], [388, 276], [388, 67], [388, 313], [388, 200], [388, 257], [388, 125], [388, 48], [388, 182], [388, 371], [388, 294], [388, 351], [388, 164], [388, 238], [388, 106], [389, 388], [390, 389], [391, 16], [392, 9], [393, 391], [394, 392], [396, 395], [397, 396], [398, 39], [398, 285], [398, 342], [398, 21], [398, 155], [398, 210], [398, 267], [398, 381], [398, 77], [398, 323], [398, 136], [398, 191], [398, 248], [398, 116], [398, 173], [398, 362], [398, 58], [398, 304], [398, 229], [398, 97], [399, 398], [400, 399], [407, 48], [407, 332], [407, 351], [407, 30], [407, 164], [407, 219], [407, 276], [407, 390], [407, 313], [407, 86], [407, 145], [407, 200], [407, 257], [407, 125], [407, 182], [407, 371], [407, 294], [407, 67], [407, 238], [407, 106], [408, 407], [409, 408], [410, 34], [413, 410], [415, 414], [416, 415], [417, 116], [417, 173], [417, 362], [417, 58], [417, 304], [417, 229], [417, 97], [417, 400], [417, 39], [417, 285], [417, 342], [417, 21], [417, 155], [417, 210], [417, 267], [417, 381], [417, 77], [417, 323], [417, 136], [417, 191], [417, 248], [418, 417], [419, 418], [426, 257], [426, 125], [426, 182], [426, 371], [426, 294], [426, 67], [426, 351], [426, 164], [426, 238], [426, 106], [426, 409], [426, 48], [426, 332], [426, 145], [426, 30], [426, 219], [426, 276], [426, 390], [426, 313], [426, 86], [426, 200], [427, 426], [428, 427], [429, 34], [432, 429], [434, 433], [435, 434], [436, 116], [436, 362], [436, 419], [436, 58], [436, 304], [436, 229], [436, 97], [436, 400], [436, 39], [436, 173], [436, 285], [436, 342], [436, 21], [436, 155], [436, 210], [436, 267], [436, 381], [436, 77], [436, 323], [436, 136], [436, 191], [436, 248], [437, 436], [438, 437], [445, 125], [445, 182], [445, 371], [445, 428], [445, 67], [445, 313], [445, 238], [445, 106], [445, 409], [445, 48], [445, 294], [445, 351], [445, 30], [445, 164], [445, 219], [445, 276], [445, 390], [445, 86], [445, 332], [445, 145], [445, 200], [445, 257], [446, 445], [447, 446], [448, 34], [451, 448], [453, 452], [454, 453], [455, 342], [455, 21], [455, 155], [455, 210], [455, 267], [455, 381], [455, 438], [455, 77], [455, 323], [455, 136], [455, 191], [455, 248], [455, 116], [455, 173], [455, 362], [455, 419], [455, 58], [455, 304], [455, 229], [455, 97], [455, 400], [455, 39], [455, 285], [456, 455], [457, 456], [464, 351], [464, 30], [464, 164], [464, 219], [464, 276], [464, 390], [464, 447], [464, 86], [464, 332], [464, 145], [464, 200], [464, 257], [464, 125], [464, 182], [464, 371], [464, 428], [464, 67], [464, 313], [464, 238], [464, 106], [464, 409], [464, 48], [464, 294], [465, 464], [466, 465], [467, 34], [470, 467], [472, 471], [473, 472], [474, 342], [474, 21], [474, 155], [474, 210], [474, 267], [474, 97], [474, 381], [474, 77], [474, 323], [474, 457], [474, 136], [474, 191], [474, 248], [474, 362], [474, 58], [474, 304], [474, 438], [474, 229], [474, 116], [474, 400], [474, 39], [474, 173], [474, 285], [474, 419], [475, 474], [476, 475], [483, 351], [483, 30], [483, 164], [483, 219], [483, 276], [483, 390], [483, 447], [483, 86], [483, 332], [483, 145], [483, 200], [483, 257], [483, 125], [483, 182], [483, 371], [483, 428], [483, 67], [483, 313], [483, 238], [483, 106], [483, 409], [483, 48], [483, 466], [483, 294], [484, 483], [485, 484], [486, 34], [489, 486], [491, 490], [492, 491], [493, 58], [493, 304], [493, 229], [493, 116], [493, 400], [493, 39], [493, 173], [493, 457], [493, 285], [493, 342], [493, 476], [493, 21], [493, 155], [493, 210], [493, 267], [493, 97], [493, 381], [493, 438], [493, 77], [493, 323], [493, 136], [493, 191], [493, 248], [493, 362], [493, 419], [494, 493], [495, 494], [502, 351], [502, 485], [502, 30], [502, 164], [502, 219], [502, 276], [502, 390], [502, 447], [502, 86], [502, 332], [502, 145], [502, 200], [502, 257], [502, 371], [502, 428], [502, 67], [502, 313], [502, 238], [502, 106], [502, 125], [502, 409], [502, 48], [502, 182], [502, 466], [502, 294], [503, 502], [504, 503], [505, 34], [508, 505], [510, 509], [511, 510], [512, 58], [512, 381], [512, 304], [512, 438], [512, 495], [512, 229], [512, 116], [512, 39], [512, 173], [512, 362], [512, 285], [512, 419], [512, 342], [512, 476], [512, 155], [512, 210], [512, 267], [512, 97], [512, 77], [512, 400], [512, 323], [512, 457], [512, 136], [512, 191], [512, 248], [512, 21], [513, 512], [514, 513], [521, 428], [521, 67], [521, 485], [521, 313], [521, 238], [521, 106], [521, 409], [521, 48], [521, 182], [521, 466], [521, 294], [521, 351], [521, 30], [521, 164], [521, 219], [521, 276], [521, 390], [521, 447], [521, 86], [521, 504], [521, 332], [521, 145], [521, 200], [521, 257], [521, 125], [521, 371], [522, 521], [523, 522], [524, 34], [527, 524], [529, 528], [530, 529], [531, 97], [531, 77], [531, 400], [531, 323], [531, 457], [531, 136], [531, 191], [531, 514], [531, 248], [531, 21], [531, 58], [531, 381], [531, 304], [531, 438], [531, 495], [531, 229], [531, 116], [531, 39], [531, 173], [531, 362], [531, 285], [531, 419], [531, 342], [531, 476], [531, 155], [531, 210], [531, 267], [532, 531], [533, 532], [540, 67], [540, 390], [540, 313], [540, 447], [540, 504], [540, 238], [540, 125], [540, 48], [540, 182], [540, 371], [540, 294], [540, 428], [540, 351], [540, 485], [540, 164], [540, 219], [540, 276], [540, 106], [540, 86], [540, 409], [540, 332], [540, 466], [540, 145], [540, 200], [540, 523], [540, 257], [540, 30], [541, 540], [542, 541], [543, 34], [546, 543], [548, 547], [549, 548], [550, 229], [550, 97], [550, 77], [550, 400], [550, 323], [550, 457], [550, 136], [550, 191], [550, 514], [550, 21], [550, 210], [550, 267], [550, 58], [550, 381], [550, 304], [550, 438], [550, 495], [550, 248], [550, 116], [550, 39], [550, 173], [550, 362], [550, 285], [550, 419], [550, 342], [550, 476], [550, 155], [550, 533], [551, 550], [552, 551], [559, 106], [559, 390], [559, 86], [559, 332], [559, 466], [559, 145], [559, 200], [559, 523], [559, 257], [559, 371], [559, 67], [559, 313], [559, 447], [559, 504], [559, 238], [559, 125], [559, 409], [559, 48], [559, 182], [559, 294], [559, 428], [559, 351], [559, 485], [559, 30], [559, 164], [559, 219], [559, 542], [559, 276], [560, 559], [561, 560], [565, 564], [566, 565], [567, 381], [567, 304], [567, 438], [567, 495], [567, 552], [567, 191], [567, 248], [567, 116], [567, 39], [567, 173], [567, 362], [567, 285], [567, 419], [567, 342], [567, 476], [567, 155], [567, 533], [567, 229], [567, 97], [567, 77], [567, 400], [567, 323], [567, 457], [567, 136], [567, 514], [567, 21], [567, 210], [567, 267], [567, 58], [568, 567], [569, 568], [576, 390], [576, 313], [576, 447], [576, 504], [576, 238], [576, 561], [576, 125], [576, 48], [576, 182], [576, 371], [576, 294], [576, 428], [576, 351], [576, 485], [576, 164], [576, 219], [576, 542], [576, 276], [576, 106], [576, 86], [576, 409], [576, 332], [576, 466], [576, 145], [576, 200], [576, 523], [576, 257], [576, 30], [576, 67], [577, 576], [578, 577], [579, 150], [581, 579], [583, 582], [584, 583], [585, 21], [585, 267], [585, 58], [585, 381], [585, 304], [585, 438], [585, 495], [585, 552], [585, 248], [585, 116], [585, 39], [585, 173], [585, 362], [585, 285], [585, 419], [585, 342], [585, 476], [585, 155], [585, 210], [585, 533], [585, 229], [585, 97], [585, 77], [585, 400], [585, 323], [585, 457], [585, 136], [585, 191], [585, 514], [585, 569], [586, 585], [587, 586], [594, 48], [594, 182], [594, 371], [594, 294], [594, 428], [594, 351], [594, 485], [594, 164], [594, 219], [594, 542], [594, 238], [594, 106], [594, 86], [594, 409], [594, 332], [594, 466], [594, 145], [594, 200], [594, 523], [594, 578], [594, 30], [594, 276], [594, 67], [594, 390], [594, 313], [594, 447], [594, 504], [594, 561], [594, 257], [594, 125], [595, 594], [596, 595], [600, 599], [601, 600], [602, 285], [602, 419], [602, 342], [602, 476], [602, 155], [602, 533], [602, 229], [602, 97], [602, 77], [602, 587], [602, 400], [602, 323], [602, 457], [602, 136], [602, 514], [602, 569], [602, 21], [602, 210], [602, 267], [602, 58], [602, 381], [602, 304], [602, 438], [602, 495], [602, 552], [602, 191], [602, 248], [602, 116], [602, 39], [602, 173], [602, 362], [603, 602], [604, 603], [611, 523], [611, 578], [611, 30], [611, 219], [611, 276], [611, 67], [611, 390], [611, 313], [611, 447], [611, 504], [611, 561], [611, 200], [611, 257], [611, 125], [611, 48], [611, 182], [611, 371], [611, 294], [611, 428], [611, 351], [611, 485], [611, 164], [611, 542], [611, 238], [611, 106], [611, 86], [611, 596], [611, 409], [611, 332], [611, 466], [611, 145], [612, 611], [613, 612], [617, 616], [618, 617], [619, 116], [619, 173], [619, 362], [619, 604], [619, 419], [619, 58], [619, 476], [619, 533], [619, 304], [619, 229], [619, 97], [619, 587], [619, 400], [619, 39], [619, 457], [619, 514], [619, 285], [619, 569], [619, 342], [619, 21], [619, 155], [619, 210], [619, 267], [619, 381], [619, 438], [619, 77], [619, 495], [619, 552], [619, 323], [619, 136], [619, 191], [619, 248], [620, 619], [621, 620], [628, 125], [628, 48], [628, 182], [628, 371], [628, 613], [628, 294], [628, 428], [628, 351], [628, 485], [628, 164], [628, 542], [628, 238], [628, 106], [628, 596], [628, 409], [628, 332], [628, 466], [628, 145], [628, 523], [628, 578], [628, 30], [628, 219], [628, 276], [628, 67], [628, 390], [628, 313], [628, 447], [628, 86], [628, 504], [628, 561], [628, 200], [628, 257], [629, 628], [630, 629], [631, 150], [634, 631], [636, 635], [637, 636], [638, 342], [638, 21], [638, 155], [638, 210], [638, 267], [638, 621], [638, 381], [638, 438], [638, 77], [638, 495], [638, 552], [638, 323], [638, 136], [638, 191], [638, 248], [638, 116], [638, 173], [638, 362], [638, 604], [638, 419], [638, 58], [638, 476], [638, 533], [638, 304], [638, 229], [638, 97], [638, 587], [638, 400], [638, 39], [638, 457], [638, 514], [638, 285], [638, 569], [639, 638], [640, 639], [647, 578], [647, 30], [647, 219], [647, 276], [647, 630], [647, 67], [647, 390], [647, 313], [647, 447], [647, 504], [647, 561], [647, 200], [647, 257], [647, 125], [647, 48], [647, 182], [647, 371], [647, 613], [647, 294], [647, 428], [647, 351], [647, 485], [647, 164], [647, 542], [647, 238], [647, 106], [647, 86], [647, 596], [647, 409], [647, 332], [647, 466], [647, 145], [647, 523], [648, 647], [649, 648], [654, 653], [655, 654], [656, 640], [656, 587], [656, 400], [656, 39], [656, 323], [656, 457], [656, 136], [656, 514], [656, 569], [656, 21], [656, 155], [656, 210], [656, 267], [656, 621], [656, 381], [656, 304], [656, 438], [656, 77], [656, 495], [656, 552], [656, 191], [656, 248], [656, 116], [656, 173], [656, 362], [656, 604], [656, 285], [656, 419], [656, 58], [656, 342], [656, 476], [656, 533], [656, 229], [656, 97], [657, 656], [658, 657], [665, 86], [665, 504], [665, 561], [665, 200], [665, 257], [665, 125], [665, 182], [665, 371], [665, 613], [665, 294], [665, 428], [665, 67], [665, 351], [665, 485], [665, 542], [665, 238], [665, 106], [665, 649], [665, 596], [665, 409], [665, 48], [665, 332], [665, 466], [665, 145], [665, 523], [665, 578], [665, 30], [665, 164], [665, 219], [665, 276], [665, 630], [665, 390], [665, 313], [665, 447], [666, 665], [667, 666], [668, 150], [671, 668], [673, 672], [674, 673], [675, 640], [675, 587], [675, 400], [675, 39], [675, 457], [675, 514], [675, 285], [675, 569], [675, 342], [675, 21], [675, 155], [675, 210], [675, 267], [675, 621], [675, 381], [675, 438], [675, 77], [675, 495], [675, 552], [675, 323], [675, 136], [675, 191], [675, 248], [675, 116], [675, 173], [675, 362], [675, 604], [675, 419], [675, 58], [675, 476], [675, 533], [675, 304], [675, 658], [675, 229], [675, 97], [676, 675], [677, 676], [684, 649], [684, 596], [684, 409], [684, 332], [684, 466], [684, 145], [684, 523], [684, 578], [684, 30], [684, 219], [684, 276], [684, 630], [684, 67], [684, 390], [684, 313], [684, 447], [684, 86], [684, 504], [684, 561], [684, 200], [684, 257], [684, 125], [684, 48], [684, 182], [684, 371], [684, 613], [684, 294], [684, 428], [684, 351], [684, 485], [684, 164], [684, 542], [684, 667], [684, 238], [684, 106], [685, 684], [686, 685], [687, 34], [689, 687], [692, 690], [694, 693], [695, 694], [696, 457], [696, 514], [696, 285], [696, 342], [696, 21], [696, 155], [696, 210], [696, 267], [696, 621], [696, 381], [696, 438], [696, 77], [696, 495], [696, 552], [696, 323], [696, 136], [696, 191], [696, 677], [696, 569], [696, 248], [696, 116], [696, 173], [696, 362], [696, 604], [696, 419], [696, 58], [696, 476], [696, 533], [696, 304], [696, 658], [696, 229], [696, 97], [696, 640], [696, 587], [696, 400], [696, 39], [697, 696], [698, 697], [705, 48], [705, 332], [705, 466], [705, 145], [705, 523], [705, 578], [705, 30], [705, 219], [705, 276], [705, 630], [705, 390], [705, 313], [705, 447], [705, 86], [705, 504], [705, 561], [705, 200], [705, 686], [705, 257], [705, 125], [705, 182], [705, 371], [705, 613], [705, 294], [705, 428], [705, 67], [705, 351], [705, 485], [705, 164], [705, 542], [705, 667], [705, 238], [705, 106], [705, 649], [705, 596], [705, 409], [706, 705], [707, 706], [708, 150], [710, 708], [712, 711], [713, 712], [714, 381], [714, 438], [714, 640], [714, 77], [714, 495], [714, 552], [714, 323], [714, 136], [714, 191], [714, 677], [714, 569], [714, 248], [714, 116], [714, 173], [714, 362], [714, 604], [714, 419], [714, 621], [714, 58], [714, 476], [714, 533], [714, 304], [714, 658], [714, 229], [714, 97], [714, 587], [714, 400], [714, 39], [714, 457], [714, 514], [714, 285], [714, 342], [714, 21], [714, 155], [714, 210], [714, 267], [714, 698], [715, 714], [716, 715], [723, 707], [723, 630], [723, 390], [723, 447], [723, 86], [723, 504], [723, 561], [723, 332], [723, 145], [723, 200], [723, 686], [723, 257], [723, 125], [723, 182], [723, 371], [723, 613], [723, 294], [723, 428], [723, 67], [723, 485], [723, 542], [723, 313], [723, 667], [723, 238], [723, 106], [723, 649], [723, 596], [723, 409], [723, 48], [723, 466], [723, 523], [723, 578], [723, 351], [723, 30], [723, 164], [723, 219], [723, 276], [724, 723], [725, 724], [726, 150], [728, 726], [730, 729], [731, 730], [732, 677], [732, 569], [732, 248], [732, 362], [732, 419], [732, 621], [732, 58], [732, 304], [732, 495], [732, 658], [732, 229], [732, 552], [732, 116], [732, 587], [732, 400], [732, 39], [732, 173], [732, 604], [732, 285], [732, 716], [732, 342], [732, 476], [732, 21], [732, 155], [732, 210], [732, 533], [732, 267], [732, 698], [732, 97], [732, 381], [732, 438], [732, 640], [732, 77], [732, 323], [732, 457], [732, 136], [732, 191], [732, 514], [733, 732], [734, 733], [741, 686], [741, 578], [741, 257], [741, 125], [741, 182], [741, 371], [741, 613], [741, 428], [741, 67], [741, 485], [741, 542], [741, 313], [741, 667], [741, 238], [741, 106], [741, 596], [741, 409], [741, 48], [741, 466], [741, 523], [741, 294], [741, 725], [741, 351], [741, 30], [741, 164], [741, 219], [741, 276], [741, 707], [741, 630], [741, 390], [741, 447], [741, 649], [741, 86], [741, 504], [741, 561], [741, 332], [741, 145], [741, 200], [742, 741], [743, 742], [744, 150], [746, 744], [748, 747], [749, 748], [750, 438], [750, 640], [750, 77], [750, 495], [750, 323], [750, 136], [750, 191], [750, 677], [750, 569], [750, 248], [750, 116], [750, 734], [750, 173], [750, 362], [750, 604], [750, 419], [750, 621], [750, 58], [750, 476], [750, 533], [750, 304], [750, 658], [750, 229], [750, 552], [750, 97], [750, 587], [750, 400], [750, 39], [750, 457], [750, 514], [750, 285], [750, 716], [750, 342], [750, 21], [750, 155], [750, 210], [750, 267], [750, 698], [750, 381], [751, 750], [752, 751], [759, 485], [759, 542], [759, 313], [759, 667], [759, 238], [759, 106], [759, 596], [759, 409], [759, 48], [759, 466], [759, 523], [759, 294], [759, 725], [759, 351], [759, 30], [759, 164], [759, 219], [759, 276], [759, 707], [759, 390], [759, 447], [759, 649], [759, 86], [759, 504], [759, 561], [759, 332], [759, 145], [759, 200], [759, 686], [759, 578], [759, 257], [759, 125], [759, 743], [759, 182], [759, 371], [759, 613], [759, 428], [759, 630], [759, 67], [760, 759], [761, 760], [762, 150], [764, 762], [766, 765], [767, 766], [768, 734], [768, 362], [768, 419], [768, 621], [768, 58], [768, 304], [768, 438], [768, 495], [768, 658], [768, 229], [768, 552], [768, 116], [768, 587], [768, 400], [768, 39], [768, 173], [768, 604], [768, 285], [768, 716], [768, 342], [768, 476], [768, 21], [768, 155], [768, 210], [768, 533], [768, 267], [768, 698], [768, 97], [768, 381], [768, 640], [768, 77], [768, 752], [768, 323], [768, 457], [768, 136], [768, 191], [768, 514], [768, 677], [768, 569], [768, 248], [769, 768], [770, 769], [777, 125], [777, 743], [777, 182], [777, 371], [777, 613], [777, 428], [777, 630], [777, 67], [777, 485], [777, 542], [777, 313], [777, 667], [777, 238], [777, 106], [777, 596], [777, 409], [777, 48], [777, 466], [777, 523], [777, 294], [777, 725], [777, 351], [777, 30], [777, 164], [777, 219], [777, 276], [777, 707], [777, 390], [777, 447], [777, 649], [777, 86], [777, 504], [777, 761], [777, 561], [777, 332], [777, 145], [777, 200], [777, 686], [777, 578], [777, 257], [778, 777], [779, 778], [780, 150], [782, 780], [784, 783], [785, 784], [786, 229], [786, 552], [786, 677], [786, 116], [786, 734], [786, 39], [786, 173], [786, 362], [786, 604], [786, 285], [786, 419], [786, 716], [786, 342], [786, 476], [786, 155], [786, 210], [786, 533], [786, 267], [786, 698], [786, 658], [786, 97], [786, 770], [786, 640], [786, 77], [786, 587], [786, 400], [786, 752], [786, 323], [786, 457], [786, 136], [786, 191], [786, 514], [786, 569], [786, 248], [786, 21], [786, 621], [786, 58], [786, 381], [786, 304], [786, 438], [786, 495], [787, 786], [788, 787], [795, 667], [795, 238], [795, 561], [795, 106], [795, 596], [795, 409], [795, 48], [795, 182], [795, 466], [795, 523], [795, 294], [795, 725], [795, 351], [795, 30], [795, 164], [795, 219], [795, 276], [795, 707], [795, 390], [795, 779], [795, 447], [795, 649], [795, 86], [795, 504], [795, 761], [795, 332], [795, 145], [795, 200], [795, 686], [795, 578], [795, 257], [795, 125], [795, 743], [795, 371], [795, 613], [795, 428], [795, 630], [795, 67], [795, 485], [795, 542], [795, 313], [796, 795], [797, 796], [799, 798], [800, 799], [801, 34], [803, 801], [805, 804], [806, 805], [807, 677], [807, 116], [807, 734], [807, 39], [807, 173], [807, 362], [807, 604], [807, 285], [807, 419], [807, 716], [807, 342], [807, 476], [807, 155], [807, 210], [807, 533], [807, 267], [807, 698], [807, 658], [807, 97], [807, 770], [807, 640], [807, 77], [807, 587], [807, 400], [807, 752], [807, 323], [807, 457], [807, 136], [807, 191], [807, 514], [807, 569], [807, 248], [807, 21], [807, 621], [807, 58], [807, 381], [807, 304], [807, 438], [807, 788], [807, 495], [807, 229], [807, 552], [808, 807], [809, 808], [816, 106], [816, 779], [816, 649], [816, 86], [816, 596], [816, 409], [816, 761], [816, 332], [816, 466], [816, 145], [816, 200], [816, 523], [816, 578], [816, 257], [816, 30], [816, 630], [816, 67], [816, 390], [816, 313], [816, 447], [816, 797], [816, 504], [816, 238], [816, 561], [816, 686], [816, 125], [816, 743], [816, 48], [816, 182], [816, 371], [816, 613], [816, 294], [816, 428], [816, 725], [816, 351], [816, 485], [816, 164], [816, 219], [816, 542], [816, 276], [816, 707], [816, 667], [817, 816], [818, 817], [819, 799], [820, 34], [822, 820], [824, 823], [825, 824], [826, 809], [826, 514], [826, 569], [826, 248], [826, 21], [826, 621], [826, 58], [826, 381], [826, 304], [826, 438], [826, 788], [826, 495], [826, 658], [826, 229], [826, 552], [826, 677], [826, 116], [826, 734], [826, 39], [826, 173], [826, 362], [826, 604], [826, 285], [826, 419], [826, 716], [826, 342], [826, 476], [826, 155], [826, 210], [826, 533], [826, 267], [826, 698], [826, 97], [826, 770], [826, 640], [826, 77], [826, 587], [826, 400], [826, 752], [826, 323], [826, 457], [826, 136], [826, 191], [827, 826], [828, 827], [835, 667], [835, 238], [835, 561], [835, 686], [835, 125], [835, 743], [835, 48], [835, 182], [835, 371], [835, 613], [835, 294], [835, 428], [835, 725], [835, 351], [835, 485], [835, 164], [835, 219], [835, 542], [835, 276], [835, 707], [835, 106], [835, 779], [835, 649], [835, 86], [835, 596], [835, 409], [835, 761], [835, 332], [835, 466], [835, 145], [835, 200], [835, 818], [835, 523], [835, 578], [835, 257], [835, 30], [835, 630], [835, 67], [835, 390], [835, 313], [835, 447], [835, 797], [835, 504], [836, 835], [837, 836], [839, 838], [840, 839], [841, 150], [842, 840], [843, 841], [845, 844], [846, 845], [847, 21], [847, 621], [847, 58], [847, 381], [847, 304], [847, 438], [847, 788], [847, 495], [847, 229], [847, 552], [847, 677], [847, 116], [847, 734], [847, 39], [847, 173], [847, 362], [847, 604], [847, 285], [847, 419], [847, 716], [847, 342], [847, 476], [847, 155], [847, 210], [847, 828], [847, 533], [847, 267], [847, 698], [847, 658], [847, 97], [847, 770], [847, 640], [847, 77], [847, 587], [847, 400], [847, 752], [847, 323], [847, 457], [847, 136], [847, 191], [847, 809], [847, 514], [847, 569], [847, 248], [848, 847], [849, 848], [856, 686], [856, 125], [856, 743], [856, 48], [856, 182], [856, 371], [856, 613], [856, 294], [856, 428], [856, 725], [856, 351], [856, 485], [856, 164], [856, 219], [856, 837], [856, 542], [856, 276], [856, 707], [856, 667], [856, 106], [856, 779], [856, 649], [856, 86], [856, 596], [856, 409], [856, 761], [856, 332], [856, 466], [856, 145], [856, 200], [856, 818], [856, 523], [856, 578], [856, 257], [856, 30], [856, 630], [856, 67], [856, 390], [856, 313], [856, 447], [856, 797], [856, 504], [856, 238], [856, 561], [857, 856], [858, 857], [859, 839], [860, 150], [861, 859], [862, 860], [864, 863], [865, 864], [866, 210], [866, 267], [866, 698], [866, 621], [866, 58], [866, 381], [866, 304], [866, 438], [866, 495], [866, 552], [866, 849], [866, 191], [866, 677], [866, 248], [866, 116], [866, 734], [866, 39], [866, 173], [866, 362], [866, 604], [866, 285], [866, 419], [866, 716], [866, 342], [866, 476], [866, 155], [866, 828], [866, 533], [866, 788], [866, 658], [866, 229], [866, 97], [866, 770], [866, 640], [866, 77], [866, 587], [866, 400], [866, 752], [866, 323], [866, 457], [866, 136], [866, 809], [866, 514], [866, 569], [866, 21], [867, 866], [868, 867], [875, 686], [875, 257], [875, 125], [875, 743], [875, 48], [875, 182], [875, 371], [875, 613], [875, 294], [875, 428], [875, 725], [875, 351], [875, 485], [875, 164], [875, 837], [875, 542], [875, 797], [875, 667], [875, 238], [875, 106], [875, 779], [875, 649], [875, 86], [875, 596], [875, 409], [875, 761], [875, 332], [875, 466], [875, 145], [875, 818], [875, 523], [875, 578], [875, 30], [875, 219], [875, 276], [875, 707], [875, 630], [875, 67], [875, 390], [875, 313], [875, 447], [875, 504], [875, 561], [875, 858], [875, 200], [876, 875], [877, 876], [879, 878], [880, 879], [881, 150], [883, 881], [885, 884], [886, 885], [887, 173], [887, 362], [887, 604], [887, 419], [887, 716], [887, 58], [887, 476], [887, 533], [887, 304], [887, 788], [887, 658], [887, 229], [887, 97], [887, 849], [887, 770], [887, 640], [887, 587], [887, 400], [887, 39], [887, 457], [887, 514], [887, 285], [887, 569], [887, 342], [887, 21], [887, 155], [887, 210], [887, 828], [887, 267], [887, 698], [887, 621], [887, 381], [887, 438], [887, 77], [887, 495], [887, 752], [887, 552], [887, 323], [887, 136], [887, 191], [887, 809], [887, 677], [887, 248], [887, 116], [887, 734], [887, 868], [888, 887], [889, 888], [896, 48], [896, 182], [896, 371], [896, 613], [896, 294], [896, 428], [896, 725], [896, 351], [896, 485], [896, 164], [896, 542], [896, 797], [896, 667], [896, 238], [896, 106], [896, 779], [896, 649], [896, 86], [896, 596], [896, 409], [896, 761], [896, 332], [896, 466], [896, 145], [896, 818], [896, 523], [896, 578], [896, 30], [896, 877], [896, 219], [896, 837], [896, 276], [896, 707], [896, 630], [896, 67], [896, 390], [896, 313], [896, 447], [896, 504], [896, 561], [896, 858], [896, 200], [896, 686], [896, 257], [896, 125], [896, 743], [897, 896], [898, 897], [899, 879], [900, 150], [902, 900], [904, 903], [905, 904], [906, 210], [906, 828], [906, 267], [906, 698], [906, 621], [906, 381], [906, 304], [906, 438], [906, 77], [906, 495], [906, 752], [906, 552], [906, 136], [906, 191], [906, 809], [906, 677], [906, 248], [906, 116], [906, 734], [906, 868], [906, 173], [906, 362], [906, 604], [906, 285], [906, 419], [906, 716], [906, 58], [906, 476], [906, 533], [906, 788], [906, 658], [906, 229], [906, 889], [906, 97], [906, 849], [906, 770], [906, 640], [906, 587], [906, 400], [906, 39], [906, 323], [906, 457], [906, 514], [906, 569], [906, 342], [906, 21], [906, 155], [907, 906], [908, 907], [915, 30], [915, 877], [915, 219], [915, 276], [915, 707], [915, 630], [915, 67], [915, 390], [915, 313], [915, 447], [915, 504], [915, 561], [915, 858], [915, 686], [915, 257], [915, 125], [915, 743], [915, 48], [915, 182], [915, 371], [915, 613], [915, 294], [915, 428], [915, 725], [915, 351], [915, 485], [915, 164], [915, 837], [915, 542], [915, 797], [915, 667], [915, 238], [915, 898], [915, 106], [915, 779], [915, 649], [915, 86], [915, 596], [915, 409], [915, 761], [915, 332], [915, 466], [915, 145], [915, 200], [915, 818], [915, 523], [915, 578], [916, 915], [917, 916], [918, 34], [920, 918], [922, 921], [923, 922], [924, 752], [924, 552], [924, 323], [924, 136], [924, 191], [924, 809], [924, 677], [924, 248], [924, 116], [924, 734], [924, 868], [924, 173], [924, 362], [924, 604], [924, 419], [924, 58], [924, 476], [924, 533], [924, 304], [924, 788], [924, 658], [924, 229], [924, 97], [924, 849], [924, 770], [924, 640], [924, 908], [924, 587], [924, 400], [924, 39], [924, 457], [924, 514], [924, 285], [924, 569], [924, 716], [924, 342], [924, 21], [924, 155], [924, 210], [924, 828], [924, 267], [924, 698], [924, 621], [924, 889], [924, 381], [924, 438], [924, 77], [924, 495], [925, 924], [926, 925], [933, 561], [933, 858], [933, 200], [933, 818], [933, 686], [933, 257], [933, 917], [933, 125], [933, 743], [933, 48], [933, 182], [933, 371], [933, 613], [933, 294], [933, 428], [933, 725], [933, 351], [933, 485], [933, 164], [933, 542], [933, 797], [933, 667], [933, 238], [933, 898], [933, 106], [933, 779], [933, 649], [933, 596], [933, 409], [933, 761], [933, 332], [933, 466], [933, 145], [933, 523], [933, 578], [933, 30], [933, 877], [933, 219], [933, 837], [933, 276], [933, 707], [933, 630], [933, 67], [933, 390], [933, 313], [933, 447], [933, 86], [933, 504], [934, 933], [935, 934], [936, 34], [939, 936], [941, 940], [942, 941], [943, 39], [943, 457], [943, 514], [943, 285], [943, 569], [943, 342], [943, 21], [943, 155], [943, 210], [943, 828], [943, 267], [943, 698], [943, 621], [943, 889], [943, 381], [943, 438], [943, 77], [943, 495], [943, 926], [943, 752], [943, 552], [943, 323], [943, 136], [943, 191], [943, 809], [943, 677], [943, 248], [943, 116], [943, 734], [943, 868], [943, 173], [943, 362], [943, 604], [943, 419], [943, 716], [943, 58], [943, 476], [943, 533], [943, 304], [943, 788], [943, 658], [943, 229], [943, 97], [943, 849], [943, 770], [943, 640], [943, 908], [943, 587], [943, 400], [944, 943], [945, 944], [952, 409], [952, 761], [952, 332], [952, 466], [952, 145], [952, 818], [952, 523], [952, 578], [952, 30], [952, 877], [952, 219], [952, 837], [952, 276], [952, 707], [952, 630], [952, 67], [952, 390], [952, 313], [952, 447], [952, 504], [952, 935], [952, 561], [952, 858], [952, 200], [952, 686], [952, 257], [952, 917], [952, 125], [952, 743], [952, 48], [952, 182], [952, 371], [952, 613], [952, 294], [952, 428], [952, 725], [952, 351], [952, 485], [952, 164], [952, 542], [952, 797], [952, 667], [952, 238], [952, 898], [952, 106], [952, 779], [952, 649], [952, 86], [952, 596], [953, 952], [954, 953], [955, 34], [958, 955], [960, 959], [961, 960], [962, 39], [962, 457], [962, 514], [962, 285], [962, 945], [962, 716], [962, 342], [962, 21], [962, 155], [962, 210], [962, 828], [962, 267], [962, 698], [962, 889], [962, 381], [962, 438], [962, 640], [962, 77], [962, 495], [962, 926], [962, 752], [962, 552], [962, 323], [962, 136], [962, 191], [962, 809], [962, 677], [962, 569], [962, 248], [962, 116], [962, 734], [962, 868], [962, 173], [962, 362], [962, 604], [962, 419], [962, 621], [962, 58], [962, 476], [962, 533], [962, 304], [962, 788], [962, 658], [962, 229], [962, 97], [962, 849], [962, 770], [962, 908], [962, 587], [962, 400], [963, 962], [964, 963], [971, 409], [971, 48], [971, 332], [971, 466], [971, 523], [971, 578], [971, 954], [971, 351], [971, 30], [971, 164], [971, 219], [971, 837], [971, 276], [971, 707], [971, 630], [971, 390], [971, 313], [971, 447], [971, 86], [971, 504], [971, 935], [971, 761], [971, 561], [971, 145], [971, 200], [971, 818], [971, 686], [971, 257], [971, 917], [971, 125], [971, 743], [971, 877], [971, 182], [971, 371], [971, 613], [971, 294], [971, 428], [971, 725], [971, 67], [971, 485], [971, 542], [971, 797], [971, 667], [971, 238], [971, 898], [971, 106], [971, 858], [971, 779], [971, 649], [971, 596], [972, 971], [973, 972], [974, 34], [977, 974], [979, 978], [980, 979], [981, 734], [981, 868], [981, 173], [981, 362], [981, 604], [981, 419], [981, 58], [981, 476], [981, 533], [981, 304], [981, 788], [981, 964], [981, 658], [981, 229], [981, 97], [981, 849], [981, 770], [981, 908], [981, 587], [981, 400], [981, 39], [981, 457], [981, 514], [981, 285], [981, 945], [981, 716], [981, 342], [981, 21], [981, 155], [981, 210], [981, 828], [981, 267], [981, 698], [981, 621], [981, 889], [981, 381], [981, 438], [981, 640], [981, 77], [981, 495], [981, 926], [981, 752], [981, 552], [981, 323], [981, 136], [981, 191], [981, 809], [981, 677], [981, 569], [981, 248], [981, 116], [982, 981], [983, 982], [990, 917], [990, 125], [990, 743], [990, 877], [990, 182], [990, 371], [990, 613], [990, 294], [990, 428], [990, 725], [990, 67], [990, 351], [990, 485], [990, 164], [990, 542], [990, 797], [990, 973], [990, 667], [990, 238], [990, 898], [990, 106], [990, 858], [990, 779], [990, 649], [990, 596], [990, 409], [990, 48], [990, 332], [990, 466], [990, 145], [990, 523], [990, 578], [990, 954], [990, 30], [990, 219], [990, 837], [990, 276], [990, 707], [990, 630], [990, 390], [990, 313], [990, 447], [990, 86], [990, 504], [990, 935], [990, 761], [990, 561], [990, 200], [990, 818], [990, 686], [990, 257], [991, 990], [992, 991], [993, 34], [996, 993], [998, 997], [999, 998], [1000, 734], [1000, 868], [1000, 362], [1000, 419], [1000, 621], [1000, 58], [1000, 476], [1000, 304], [1000, 788], [1000, 964], [1000, 658], [1000, 229], [1000, 552], [1000, 97], [1000, 849], [1000, 983], [1000, 908], [1000, 587], [1000, 400], [1000, 39], [1000, 173], [1000, 457], [1000, 604], [1000, 285], [1000, 945], [1000, 716], [1000, 342], [1000, 21], [1000, 155], [1000, 210], [1000, 828], [1000, 533], [1000, 267], [1000, 698], [1000, 889], [1000, 381], [1000, 770], [1000, 438], [1000, 640], [1000, 77], [1000, 495], [1000, 926], [1000, 752], [1000, 323], [1000, 136], [1000, 191], [1000, 809], [1000, 514], [1000, 677], [1000, 569], [1000, 248], [1000, 116], [1001, 1000], [1002, 1001], [1009, 125], [1009, 743], [1009, 877], [1009, 182], [1009, 371], [1009, 613], [1009, 428], [1009, 67], [1009, 485], [1009, 542], [1009, 313], [1009, 797], [1009, 973], [1009, 667], [1009, 238], [1009, 106], [1009, 858], [1009, 779], [1009, 649], [1009, 917], [1009, 596], [1009, 409], [1009, 48], [1009, 466], [1009, 523], [1009, 294], [1009, 578], [1009, 954], [1009, 725], [1009, 351], [1009, 30], [1009, 164], [1009, 219], [1009, 837], [1009, 276], [1009, 707], [1009, 630], [1009, 898], [1009, 390], [1009, 447], [1009, 86], [1009, 504], [1009, 935], [1009, 761], [1009, 561], [1009, 332], [1009, 145], [1009, 992], [1009, 200], [1009, 818], [1009, 686], [1009, 257], [1010, 1009], [1011, 1010], [1012, 34], [1015, 1012], [1017, 1016], [1018, 1017], [1019, 342], [1019, 21], [1019, 155], [1019, 1002], [1019, 210], [1019, 828], [1019, 267], [1019, 698], [1019, 889], [1019, 381], [1019, 770], [1019, 438], [1019, 640], [1019, 77], [1019, 495], [1019, 926], [1019, 752], [1019, 552], [1019, 323], [1019, 136], [1019, 983], [1019, 191], [1019, 809], [1019, 677], [1019, 569], [1019, 248], [1019, 116], [1019, 734], [1019, 868], [1019, 173], [1019, 362], [1019, 604], [1019, 419], [1019, 621], [1019, 58], [1019, 476], [1019, 533], [1019, 304], [1019, 788], [1019, 964], [1019, 658], [1019, 229], [1019, 97], [1019, 849], [1019, 908], [1019, 587], [1019, 400], [1019, 39], [1019, 457], [1019, 514], [1019, 285], [1019, 945], [1019, 716], [1020, 1019], [1021, 1020], [1028, 125], [1028, 743], [1028, 877], [1028, 182], [1028, 371], [1028, 613], [1028, 428], [1028, 630], [1028, 67], [1028, 485], [1028, 542], [1028, 313], [1028, 797], [1028, 973], [1028, 667], [1028, 238], [1028, 106], [1028, 858], [1028, 917], [1028, 596], [1028, 409], [1028, 48], [1028, 466], [1028, 523], [1028, 294], [1028, 954], [1028, 725], [1028, 351], [1028, 30], [1028, 164], [1028, 1011], [1028, 219], [1028, 837], [1028, 276], [1028, 707], [1028, 898], [1028, 390], [1028, 779], [1028, 447], [1028, 649], [1028, 86], [1028, 504], [1028, 935], [1028, 761], [1028, 561], [1028, 332], [1028, 145], [1028, 992], [1028, 200], [1028, 818], [1028, 686], [1028, 578], [1028, 257], [1029, 1028], [1030, 1029], [1031, 34], [1034, 1031], [1036, 1035], [1037, 1036], [1038, 342], [1038, 476], [1038, 21], [1038, 155], [1038, 210], [1038, 828], [1038, 533], [1038, 964], [1038, 267], [1038, 698], [1038, 1021], [1038, 889], [1038, 97], [1038, 381], [1038, 770], [1038, 640], [1038, 77], [1038, 752], [1038, 323], [1038, 457], [1038, 136], [1038, 191], [1038, 809], [1038, 514], [1038, 677], [1038, 569], [1038, 945], [1038, 248], [1038, 868], [1038, 1002], [1038, 362], [1038, 621], [1038, 58], [1038, 304], [1038, 438], [1038, 788], [1038, 495], [1038, 658], [1038, 926], [1038, 229], [1038, 552], [1038, 849], [1038, 983], [1038, 908], [1038, 116], [1038, 587], [1038, 734], [1038, 400], [1038, 39], [1038, 173], [1038, 604], [1038, 285], [1038, 419], [1038, 716], [1039, 1038], [1040, 1039], [1047, 954], [1047, 725], [1047, 351], [1047, 30], [1047, 164], [1047, 1011], [1047, 219], [1047, 837], [1047, 276], [1047, 707], [1047, 898], [1047, 390], [1047, 447], [1047, 649], [1047, 86], [1047, 504], [1047, 935], [1047, 761], [1047, 561], [1047, 332], [1047, 145], [1047, 992], [1047, 200], [1047, 818], [1047, 686], [1047, 578], [1047, 257], [1047, 125], [1047, 743], [1047, 877], [1047, 182], [1047, 371], [1047, 613], [1047, 428], [1047, 630], [1047, 67], [1047, 485], [1047, 542], [1047, 313], [1047, 797], [1047, 973], [1047, 667], [1047, 1030], [1047, 238], [1047, 106], [1047, 858], [1047, 779], [1047, 917], [1047, 596], [1047, 409], [1047, 48], [1047, 466], [1047, 523], [1047, 294], [1048, 1047], [1049, 1048], [1050, 34], [1053, 1050], [1055, 1054], [1056, 1055], [1057, 621], [1057, 58], [1057, 304], [1057, 788], [1057, 495], [1057, 658], [1057, 926], [1057, 229], [1057, 552], [1057, 97], [1057, 849], [1057, 983], [1057, 1040], [1057, 908], [1057, 116], [1057, 587], [1057, 400], [1057, 39], [1057, 173], [1057, 457], [1057, 604], [1057, 285], [1057, 716], [1057, 342], [1057, 476], [1057, 21], [1057, 155], [1057, 210], [1057, 828], [1057, 533], [1057, 964], [1057, 267], [1057, 698], [1057, 1021], [1057, 889], [1057, 381], [1057, 770], [1057, 438], [1057, 640], [1057, 77], [1057, 752], [1057, 323], [1057, 136], [1057, 191], [1057, 809], [1057, 514], [1057, 677], [1057, 569], [1057, 945], [1057, 248], [1057, 734], [1057, 868], [1057, 1002], [1057, 362], [1057, 419], [1058, 1057], [1059, 1058], [1066, 351], [1066, 485], [1066, 30], [1066, 164], [1066, 219], [1066, 837], [1066, 542], [1066, 973], [1066, 276], [1066, 707], [1066, 1030], [1066, 898], [1066, 390], [1066, 779], [1066, 447], [1066, 649], [1066, 86], [1066, 935], [1066, 761], [1066, 332], [1066, 145], [1066, 200], [1066, 818], [1066, 523], [1066, 686], [1066, 578], [1066, 954], [1066, 257], [1066, 743], [1066, 877], [1066, 1011], [1066, 371], [1066, 428], [1066, 630], [1066, 67], [1066, 313], [1066, 797], [1066, 504], [1066, 667], [1066, 238], [1066, 561], [1066, 106], [1066, 858], [1066, 992], [1066, 1049], [1066, 917], [1066, 125], [1066, 596], [1066, 409], [1066, 48], [1066, 182], [1066, 466], [1066, 613], [1066, 294], [1066, 725], [1067, 1066], [1068, 1067], [1069, 34], [1072, 1069], [1074, 1073], [1075, 1074], [1076, 621], [1076, 58], [1076, 381], [1076, 304], [1076, 438], [1076, 788], [1076, 495], [1076, 926], [1076, 229], [1076, 552], [1076, 849], [1076, 983], [1076, 677], [1076, 1040], [1076, 908], [1076, 116], [1076, 734], [1076, 39], [1076, 173], [1076, 362], [1076, 604], [1076, 285], [1076, 419], [1076, 716], [1076, 342], [1076, 476], [1076, 155], [1076, 210], [1076, 828], [1076, 533], [1076, 964], [1076, 267], [1076, 698], [1076, 658], [1076, 1021], [1076, 889], [1076, 97], [1076, 770], [1076, 640], [1076, 77], [1076, 587], [1076, 400], [1076, 752], [1076, 323], [1076, 457], [1076, 136], [1076, 191], [1076, 809], [1076, 514], [1076, 569], [1076, 945], [1076, 248], [1076, 21], [1076, 868], [1076, 1002], [1076, 1059], [1077, 1076], [1078, 1077], [1085, 428], [1085, 630], [1085, 67], [1085, 485], [1085, 313], [1085, 797], [1085, 973], [1085, 667], [1085, 238], [1085, 561], [1085, 106], [1085, 858], [1085, 1049], [1085, 917], [1085, 596], [1085, 409], [1085, 48], [1085, 182], [1085, 466], [1085, 523], [1085, 294], [1085, 954], [1085, 725], [1085, 351], [1085, 30], [1085, 164], [1085, 219], [1085, 837], [1085, 542], [1085, 276], [1085, 707], [1085, 1030], [1085, 898], [1085, 390], [1085, 779], [1085, 447], [1085, 649], [1085, 86], [1085, 504], [1085, 935], [1085, 761], [1085, 332], [1085, 145], [1085, 992], [1085, 200], [1085, 818], [1085, 686], [1085, 578], [1085, 257], [1085, 125], [1085, 743], [1085, 877], [1085, 1011], [1085, 1068], [1085, 371], [1085, 613], [1086, 1085], [1087, 1086], [1088, 34], [1091, 1088], [1093, 1092], [1094, 1093], [1095, 621], [1095, 58], [1095, 381], [1095, 304], [1095, 438], [1095, 495], [1095, 926], [1095, 552], [1095, 849], [1095, 983], [1095, 191], [1095, 677], [1095, 1040], [1095, 248], [1095, 908], [1095, 116], [1095, 734], [1095, 39], [1095, 173], [1095, 362], [1095, 604], [1095, 285], [1095, 419], [1095, 716], [1095, 342], [1095, 476], [1095, 155], [1095, 828], [1095, 533], [1095, 788], [1095, 964], [1095, 658], [1095, 1021], [1095, 229], [1095, 889], [1095, 97], [1095, 1078], [1095, 770], [1095, 640], [1095, 77], [1095, 587], [1095, 400], [1095, 752], [1095, 323], [1095, 457], [1095, 136], [1095, 809], [1095, 514], [1095, 569], [1095, 945], [1095, 21], [1095, 868], [1095, 1002], [1095, 210], [1095, 1059], [1095, 267], [1095, 698], [1096, 1095], [1097, 1096], [1104, 630], [1104, 67], [1104, 390], [1104, 313], [1104, 447], [1104, 797], [1104, 504], [1104, 667], [1104, 935], [1104, 238], [1104, 561], [1104, 858], [1104, 992], [1104, 1049], [1104, 917], [1104, 125], [1104, 596], [1104, 743], [1104, 48], [1104, 182], [1104, 613], [1104, 294], [1104, 428], [1104, 725], [1104, 351], [1104, 485], [1104, 164], [1104, 219], [1104, 837], [1104, 542], [1104, 973], [1104, 276], [1104, 707], [1104, 1030], [1104, 898], [1104, 106], [1104, 1087], [1104, 779], [1104, 649], [1104, 86], [1104, 409], [1104, 761], [1104, 332], [1104, 466], [1104, 145], [1104, 200], [1104, 818], [1104, 523], [1104, 686], [1104, 578], [1104, 954], [1104, 257], [1104, 30], [1104, 877], [1104, 1011], [1104, 1068], [1104, 371], [1105, 1104], [1106, 1105], [1107, 34], [1110, 1107], [1112, 1111], [1113, 1112], [1114, 1021], [1114, 229], [1114, 889], [1114, 97], [1114, 1078], [1114, 770], [1114, 640], [1114, 77], [1114, 587], [1114, 400], [1114, 752], [1114, 323], [1114, 457], [1114, 136], [1114, 191], [1114, 809], [1114, 514], [1114, 569], [1114, 945], [1114, 21], [1114, 868], [1114, 1002], [1114, 210], [1114, 1059], [1114, 267], [1114, 698], [1114, 621], [1114, 58], [1114, 381], [1114, 304], [1114, 438], [1114, 495], [1114, 926], [1114, 552], [1114, 849], [1114, 983], [1114, 677], [1114, 1040], [1114, 248], [1114, 908], [1114, 116], [1114, 734], [1114, 1097], [1114, 39], [1114, 173], [1114, 362], [1114, 604], [1114, 285], [1114, 419], [1114, 716], [1114, 342], [1114, 476], [1114, 155], [1114, 828], [1114, 533], [1114, 788], [1114, 964], [1114, 658], [1115, 1114], [1116, 1115], [1123, 1030], [1123, 898], [1123, 106], [1123, 1087], [1123, 390], [1123, 779], [1123, 649], [1123, 86], [1123, 761], [1123, 332], [1123, 466], [1123, 145], [1123, 200], [1123, 818], [1123, 523], [1123, 686], [1123, 578], [1123, 954], [1123, 257], [1123, 743], [1123, 877], [1123, 1011], [1123, 1068], [1123, 371], [1123, 428], [1123, 630], [1123, 67], [1123, 313], [1123, 447], [1123, 797], [1123, 504], [1123, 667], [1123, 935], [1123, 238], [1123, 561], [1123, 858], [1123, 992], [1123, 1049], [1123, 917], [1123, 125], [1123, 596], [1123, 1106], [1123, 409], [1123, 48], [1123, 182], [1123, 613], [1123, 294], [1123, 725], [1123, 351], [1123, 485], [1123, 30], [1123, 164], [1123, 219], [1123, 837], [1123, 542], [1123, 973], [1123, 276], [1123, 707], [1124, 1123], [1125, 1124], [1126, 34], [1129, 1126], [1131, 1130], [1132, 1131], [1133, 1021], [1133, 229], [1133, 889], [1133, 97], [1133, 1078], [1133, 770], [1133, 640], [1133, 587], [1133, 400], [1133, 323], [1133, 457], [1133, 136], [1133, 514], [1133, 569], [1133, 945], [1133, 21], [1133, 1002], [1133, 210], [1133, 828], [1133, 1059], [1133, 267], [1133, 698], [1133, 1116], [1133, 621], [1133, 381], [1133, 304], [1133, 438], [1133, 77], [1133, 495], [1133, 926], [1133, 752], [1133, 552], [1133, 849], [1133, 983], [1133, 191], [1133, 809], [1133, 677], [1133, 1040], [1133, 248], [1133, 908], [1133, 116], [1133, 734], [1133, 1097], [1133, 868], [1133, 39], [1133, 173], [1133, 362], [1133, 604], [1133, 285], [1133, 419], [1133, 716], [1133, 58], [1133, 342], [1133, 476], [1133, 155], [1133, 533], [1133, 788], [1133, 964], [1133, 658], [1134, 1133], [1135, 1134], [1142, 667], [1142, 1030], [1142, 898], [1142, 106], [1142, 1087], [1142, 779], [1142, 649], [1142, 86], [1142, 596], [1142, 409], [1142, 761], [1142, 332], [1142, 466], [1142, 145], [1142, 200], [1142, 818], [1142, 523], [1142, 578], [1142, 954], [1142, 257], [1142, 30], [1142, 877], [1142, 1011], [1142, 1068], [1142, 276], [1142, 1125], [1142, 630], [1142, 67], [1142, 390], [1142, 313], [1142, 447], [1142, 797], [1142, 504], [1142, 935], [1142, 238], [1142, 561], [1142, 858], [1142, 992], [1142, 686], [1142, 1049], [1142, 917], [1142, 125], [1142, 743], [1142, 1106], [1142, 48], [1142, 182], [1142, 371], [1142, 613], [1142, 294], [1142, 428], [1142, 725], [1142, 351], [1142, 485], [1142, 164], [1142, 219], [1142, 837], [1142, 542], [1142, 973], [1142, 707], [1143, 1142], [1144, 1143], [1145, 34], [1148, 1145], [1150, 1149], [1151, 1150], [1152, 495], [1152, 926], [1152, 552], [1152, 849], [1152, 983], [1152, 191], [1152, 809], [1152, 677], [1152, 1040], [1152, 248], [1152, 908], [1152, 116], [1152, 734], [1152, 1097], [1152, 39], [1152, 173], [1152, 362], [1152, 604], [1152, 285], [1152, 419], [1152, 716], [1152, 342], [1152, 476], [1152, 155], [1152, 533], [1152, 788], [1152, 964], [1152, 658], [1152, 1021], [1152, 229], [1152, 889], [1152, 97], [1152, 1078], [1152, 770], [1152, 1135], [1152, 640], [1152, 77], [1152, 587], [1152, 400], [1152, 752], [1152, 323], [1152, 457], [1152, 136], [1152, 514], [1152, 569], [1152, 945], [1152, 21], [1152, 868], [1152, 1002], [1152, 210], [1152, 828], [1152, 1059], [1152, 267], [1152, 698], [1152, 1116], [1152, 621], [1152, 58], [1152, 381], [1152, 304], [1152, 438], [1153, 1152], [1154, 1153], [1161, 504], [1161, 935], [1161, 238], [1161, 561], [1161, 858], [1161, 992], [1161, 686], [1161, 1049], [1161, 917], [1161, 125], [1161, 743], [1161, 1106], [1161, 48], [1161, 182], [1161, 371], [1161, 613], [1161, 294], [1161, 428], [1161, 725], [1161, 351], [1161, 485], [1161, 164], [1161, 219], [1161, 837], [1161, 542], [1161, 973], [1161, 276], [1161, 707], [1161, 667], [1161, 1030], [1161, 898], [1161, 106], [1161, 1087], [1161, 779], [1161, 1144], [1161, 649], [1161, 86], [1161, 596], [1161, 409], [1161, 761], [1161, 332], [1161, 466], [1161, 145], [1161, 200], [1161, 818], [1161, 523], [1161, 578], [1161, 954], [1161, 257], [1161, 30], [1161, 877], [1161, 1011], [1161, 1068], [1161, 1125], [1161, 630], [1161, 67], [1161, 390], [1161, 313], [1161, 447], [1161, 797], [1162, 1161], [1163, 1162], [1164, 34], [1167, 1164], [1169, 1168], [1170, 1169], [1171, 495], [1171, 926], [1171, 752], [1171, 552], [1171, 323], [1171, 136], [1171, 983], [1171, 191], [1171, 809], [1171, 677], [1171, 1040], [1171, 248], [1171, 116], [1171, 734], [1171, 1097], [1171, 868], [1171, 173], [1171, 1154], [1171, 362], [1171, 604], [1171, 285], [1171, 419], [1171, 716], [1171, 58], [1171, 476], [1171, 533], [1171, 788], [1171, 964], [1171, 658], [1171, 1021], [1171, 229], [1171, 889], [1171, 97], [1171, 1078], [1171, 849], [1171, 770], [1171, 1135], [1171, 640], [1171, 908], [1171, 587], [1171, 400], [1171, 39], [1171, 457], [1171, 514], [1171, 569], [1171, 945], [1171, 342], [1171, 21], [1171, 155], [1171, 1002], [1171, 210], [1171, 828], [1171, 1059], [1171, 267], [1171, 698], [1171, 1116], [1171, 621], [1171, 381], [1171, 304], [1171, 438], [1171, 77], [1172, 1171], [1173, 1172], [1180, 504], [1180, 935], [1180, 561], [1180, 858], [1180, 992], [1180, 200], [1180, 686], [1180, 1049], [1180, 257], [1180, 917], [1180, 125], [1180, 743], [1180, 1106], [1180, 48], [1180, 182], [1180, 1163], [1180, 371], [1180, 613], [1180, 294], [1180, 428], [1180, 725], [1180, 351], [1180, 485], [1180, 164], [1180, 837], [1180, 542], [1180, 797], [1180, 973], [1180, 667], [1180, 1030], [1180, 238], [1180, 898], [1180, 106], [1180, 1087], [1180, 779], [1180, 1144], [1180, 649], [1180, 86], [1180, 596], [1180, 409], [1180, 761], [1180, 332], [1180, 466], [1180, 145], [1180, 818], [1180, 523], [1180, 578], [1180, 954], [1180, 30], [1180, 877], [1180, 1011], [1180, 219], [1180, 1068], [1180, 276], [1180, 707], [1180, 1125], [1180, 630], [1180, 67], [1180, 390], [1180, 313], [1180, 447], [1181, 1180], [1182, 1181], [1183, 34], [1186, 1183], [1188, 1187], [1189, 1188], [1190, 587], [1190, 400], [1190, 39], [1190, 323], [1190, 457], [1190, 514], [1190, 569], [1190, 945], [1190, 21], [1190, 155], [1190, 1002], [1190, 210], [1190, 828], [1190, 1059], [1190, 267], [1190, 698], [1190, 1116], [1190, 621], [1190, 1173], [1190, 381], [1190, 304], [1190, 438], [1190, 77], [1190, 495], [1190, 926], [1190, 752], [1190, 552], [1190, 136], [1190, 983], [1190, 191], [1190, 809], [1190, 677], [1190, 1040], [1190, 248], [1190, 908], [1190, 116], [1190, 734], [1190, 1097], [1190, 868], [1190, 173], [1190, 1154], [1190, 362], [1190, 604], [1190, 285], [1190, 419], [1190, 716], [1190, 58], [1190, 342], [1190, 476], [1190, 533], [1190, 788], [1190, 964], [1190, 658], [1190, 1021], [1190, 229], [1190, 889], [1190, 97], [1190, 1078], [1190, 849], [1190, 770], [1190, 1135], [1190, 640], [1191, 1190], [1192, 1191], [1199, 649], [1199, 86], [1199, 596], [1199, 409], [1199, 761], [1199, 332], [1199, 466], [1199, 145], [1199, 200], [1199, 818], [1199, 523], [1199, 578], [1199, 954], [1199, 30], [1199, 877], [1199, 1011], [1199, 1068], [1199, 276], [1199, 707], [1199, 1125], [1199, 630], [1199, 67], [1199, 1182], [1199, 390], [1199, 313], [1199, 447], [1199, 504], [1199, 935], [1199, 561], [1199, 858], [1199, 992], [1199, 686], [1199, 1049], [1199, 257], [1199, 917], [1199, 125], [1199, 743], [1199, 1106], [1199, 48], [1199, 182], [1199, 1163], [1199, 371], [1199, 613], [1199, 294], [1199, 428], [1199, 725], [1199, 351], [1199, 485], [1199, 164], [1199, 219], [1199, 837], [1199, 542], [1199, 797], [1199, 973], [1199, 667], [1199, 1030], [1199, 238], [1199, 898], [1199, 106], [1199, 1087], [1199, 779], [1199, 1144], [1200, 1199], [1201, 1200], [1202, 34], [1205, 1202], [1207, 1206], [1208, 1207], [1209, 908], [1209, 587], [1209, 400], [1209, 39], [1209, 457], [1209, 514], [1209, 285], [1209, 945], [1209, 716], [1209, 342], [1209, 21], [1209, 155], [1209, 1002], [1209, 210], [1209, 828], [1209, 1059], [1209, 267], [1209, 698], [1209, 1116], [1209, 621], [1209, 889], [1209, 381], [1209, 438], [1209, 77], [1209, 1192], [1209, 495], [1209, 926], [1209, 752], [1209, 552], [1209, 323], [1209, 136], [1209, 983], [1209, 191], [1209, 809], [1209, 677], [1209, 569], [1209, 1040], [1209, 248], [1209, 116], [1209, 734], [1209, 1097], [1209, 868], [1209, 173], [1209, 1154], [1209, 362], [1209, 604], [1209, 419], [1209, 58], [1209, 1173], [1209, 476], [1209, 533], [1209, 304], [1209, 788], [1209, 964], [1209, 658], [1209, 1021], [1209, 229], [1209, 97], [1209, 1078], [1209, 849], [1209, 770], [1209, 1135], [1209, 640], [1210, 1209], [1211, 1210], [1218, 649], [1218, 596], [1218, 1201], [1218, 409], [1218, 332], [1218, 466], [1218, 145], [1218, 523], [1218, 578], [1218, 954], [1218, 30], [1218, 877], [1218, 1011], [1218, 219], [1218, 837], [1218, 1068], [1218, 276], [1218, 707], [1218, 1125], [1218, 630], [1218, 1182], [1218, 390], [1218, 313], [1218, 447], [1218, 86], [1218, 504], [1218, 935], [1218, 761], [1218, 561], [1218, 858], [1218, 992], [1218, 200], [1218, 818], [1218, 686], [1218, 1049], [1218, 257], [1218, 917], [1218, 125], [1218, 743], [1218, 1106], [1218, 48], [1218, 182], [1218, 1163], [1218, 371], [1218, 613], [1218, 294], [1218, 428], [1218, 725], [1218, 67], [1218, 351], [1218, 485], [1218, 164], [1218, 542], [1218, 797], [1218, 973], [1218, 667], [1218, 1030], [1218, 238], [1218, 898], [1218, 106], [1218, 1087], [1218, 779], [1218, 1144], [1219, 1218], [1220, 1219], [1221, 34], [1224, 1221], [1226, 1225], [1227, 1226], [1228, 248], [1228, 116], [1228, 734], [1228, 1097], [1228, 868], [1228, 173], [1228, 1154], [1228, 362], [1228, 604], [1228, 1211], [1228, 419], [1228, 716], [1228, 58], [1228, 476], [1228, 533], [1228, 304], [1228, 788], [1228, 964], [1228, 658], [1228, 1021], [1228, 229], [1228, 97], [1228, 1078], [1228, 849], [1228, 770], [1228, 1135], [1228, 640], [1228, 908], [1228, 587], [1228, 1192], [1228, 400], [1228, 39], [1228, 457], [1228, 514], [1228, 285], [1228, 569], [1228, 945], [1228, 342], [1228, 21], [1228, 155], [1228, 1002], [1228, 210], [1228, 828], [1228, 1059], [1228, 267], [1228, 698], [1228, 1116], [1228, 621], [1228, 889], [1228, 1173], [1228, 381], [1228, 438], [1228, 77], [1228, 495], [1228, 926], [1228, 752], [1228, 552], [1228, 323], [1228, 136], [1228, 983], [1228, 191], [1228, 809], [1228, 677], [1228, 1040], [1229, 1228], [1230, 1229], [1237, 649], [1237, 917], [1237, 596], [1237, 1201], [1237, 409], [1237, 48], [1237, 466], [1237, 523], [1237, 294], [1237, 578], [1237, 954], [1237, 351], [1237, 30], [1237, 164], [1237, 1011], [1237, 219], [1237, 837], [1237, 1068], [1237, 276], [1237, 707], [1237, 1125], [1237, 630], [1237, 898], [1237, 1182], [1237, 390], [1237, 447], [1237, 86], [1237, 504], [1237, 935], [1237, 761], [1237, 561], [1237, 332], [1237, 145], [1237, 992], [1237, 200], [1237, 818], [1237, 686], [1237, 1049], [1237, 257], [1237, 125], [1237, 743], [1237, 1106], [1237, 877], [1237, 182], [1237, 1163], [1237, 371], [1237, 613], [1237, 1220], [1237, 428], [1237, 725], [1237, 67], [1237, 485], [1237, 542], [1237, 313], [1237, 797], [1237, 973], [1237, 667], [1237, 1030], [1237, 238], [1237, 106], [1237, 1087], [1237, 858], [1237, 779], [1237, 1144], [1238, 1237], [1239, 1238], [1240, 34], [1243, 1240], [1245, 1244], [1246, 1245], [1247, 116], [1247, 734], [1247, 868], [1247, 173], [1247, 362], [1247, 604], [1247, 1116], [1247, 419], [1247, 621], [1247, 58], [1247, 1173], [1247, 476], [1247, 1230], [1247, 533], [1247, 304], [1247, 788], [1247, 964], [1247, 658], [1247, 1021], [1247, 229], [1247, 97], [1247, 849], [1247, 770], [1247, 908], [1247, 587], [1247, 1097], [1247, 400], [1247, 39], [1247, 1154], [1247, 457], [1247, 1211], [1247, 514], [1247, 285], [1247, 945], [1247, 716], [1247, 342], [1247, 21], [1247, 155], [1247, 1002], [1247, 210], [1247, 828], [1247, 1059], [1247, 267], [1247, 698], [1247, 889], [1247, 1078], [1247, 381], [1247, 1135], [1247, 438], [1247, 640], [1247, 77], [1247, 1192], [1247, 495], [1247, 926], [1247, 752], [1247, 552], [1247, 323], [1247, 136], [1247, 983], [1247, 191], [1247, 809], [1247, 677], [1247, 569], [1247, 1040], [1247, 248], [1248, 1247], [1249, 1248], [1256, 686], [1256, 1049], [1256, 257], [1256, 917], [1256, 125], [1256, 743], [1256, 1106], [1256, 877], [1256, 182], [1256, 1163], [1256, 371], [1256, 613], [1256, 1220], [1256, 294], [1256, 428], [1256, 725], [1256, 67], [1256, 485], [1256, 542], [1256, 797], [1256, 973], [1256, 667], [1256, 1030], [1256, 238], [1256, 898], [1256, 106], [1256, 1087], [1256, 858], [1256, 779], [1256, 1144], [1256, 649], [1256, 596], [1256, 1201], [1256, 409], [1256, 48], [1256, 466], [1256, 523], [1256, 578], [1256, 954], [1256, 351], [1256, 30], [1256, 164], [1256, 1011], [1256, 219], [1256, 837], [1256, 1068], [1256, 276], [1256, 707], [1256, 1125], [1256, 630], [1256, 1182], [1256, 390], [1256, 1239], [1256, 313], [1256, 447], [1256, 86], [1256, 504], [1256, 935], [1256, 761], [1256, 561], [1256, 332], [1256, 145], [1256, 992], [1256, 200], [1256, 818], [1257, 1256], [1258, 1257], [1259, 34], [1262, 1259], [1264, 1263], [1265, 1264], [1266, 734], [1266, 868], [1266, 1002], [1266, 1059], [1266, 362], [1266, 1116], [1266, 419], [1266, 621], [1266, 58], [1266, 1173], [1266, 1230], [1266, 304], [1266, 788], [1266, 495], [1266, 658], [1266, 926], [1266, 229], [1266, 552], [1266, 849], [1266, 983], [1266, 1040], [1266, 908], [1266, 116], [1266, 587], [1266, 1097], [1266, 400], [1266, 39], [1266, 173], [1266, 1154], [1266, 604], [1266, 1211], [1266, 285], [1266, 716], [1266, 342], [1266, 476], [1266, 21], [1266, 155], [1266, 210], [1266, 828], [1266, 533], [1266, 964], [1266, 267], [1266, 698], [1266, 1021], [1266, 889], [1266, 97], [1266, 1078], [1266, 381], [1266, 770], [1266, 1135], [1266, 438], [1266, 640], [1266, 77], [1266, 1192], [1266, 752], [1266, 1249], [1266, 323], [1266, 457], [1266, 136], [1266, 191], [1266, 809], [1266, 514], [1266, 677], [1266, 569], [1266, 945], [1266, 248], [1267, 1266], [1268, 1267], [1275, 686], [1275, 578], [1275, 1049], [1275, 257], [1275, 125], [1275, 743], [1275, 1106], [1275, 877], [1275, 182], [1275, 371], [1275, 613], [1275, 428], [1275, 630], [1275, 67], [1275, 1182], [1275, 485], [1275, 1239], [1275, 542], [1275, 313], [1275, 797], [1275, 973], [1275, 667], [1275, 1030], [1275, 238], [1275, 106], [1275, 1087], [1275, 858], [1275, 779], [1275, 917], [1275, 596], [1275, 409], [1275, 48], [1275, 1163], [1275, 466], [1275, 1220], [1275, 523], [1275, 294], [1275, 954], [1275, 725], [1275, 351], [1275, 30], [1275, 164], [1275, 1011], [1275, 219], [1275, 837], [1275, 1068], [1275, 276], [1275, 707], [1275, 1125], [1275, 898], [1275, 390], [1275, 1144], [1275, 447], [1275, 649], [1275, 86], [1275, 1201], [1275, 504], [1275, 935], [1275, 761], [1275, 1258], [1275, 561], [1275, 332], [1275, 145], [1275, 992], [1275, 200], [1275, 818], [1276, 1275], [1277, 1276], [1278, 34], [1281, 1278], [1283, 1282], [1284, 1283], [1285, 945], [1285, 716], [1285, 1268], [1285, 342], [1285, 21], [1285, 155], [1285, 210], [1285, 828], [1285, 533], [1285, 964], [1285, 267], [1285, 698], [1285, 1021], [1285, 889], [1285, 1078], [1285, 381], [1285, 770], [1285, 1135], [1285, 438], [1285, 640], [1285, 77], [1285, 1192], [1285, 495], [1285, 926], [1285, 752], [1285, 1249], [1285, 323], [1285, 136], [1285, 191], [1285, 809], [1285, 514], [1285, 677], [1285, 569], [1285, 248], [1285, 116], [1285, 734], [1285, 868], [1285, 1002], [1285, 1059], [1285, 362], [1285, 1116], [1285, 419], [1285, 621], [1285, 58], [1285, 1173], [1285, 476], [1285, 1230], [1285, 304], [1285, 788], [1285, 658], [1285, 229], [1285, 552], [1285, 97], [1285, 849], [1285, 983], [1285, 1040], [1285, 908], [1285, 587], [1285, 1097], [1285, 400], [1285, 39], [1285, 173], [1285, 1154], [1285, 457], [1285, 604], [1285, 1211], [1285, 285], [1286, 1285], [1287, 1286], [1294, 1220], [1294, 523], [1294, 294], [1294, 578], [1294, 954], [1294, 725], [1294, 1277], [1294, 351], [1294, 30], [1294, 164], [1294, 1011], [1294, 219], [1294, 837], [1294, 1068], [1294, 276], [1294, 707], [1294, 1125], [1294, 630], [1294, 898], [1294, 1182], [1294, 390], [1294, 447], [1294, 86], [1294, 1201], [1294, 504], [1294, 935], [1294, 761], [1294, 1258], [1294, 561], [1294, 332], [1294, 145], [1294, 992], [1294, 200], [1294, 818], [1294, 686], [1294, 1049], [1294, 257], [1294, 125], [1294, 743], [1294, 1106], [1294, 877], [1294, 182], [1294, 1163], [1294, 371], [1294, 613], [1294, 428], [1294, 67], [1294, 485], [1294, 1239], [1294, 542], [1294, 313], [1294, 797], [1294, 973], [1294, 667], [1294, 1030], [1294, 238], [1294, 106], [1294, 1087], [1294, 858], [1294, 779], [1294, 1144], [1294, 649], [1294, 917], [1294, 596], [1294, 409], [1294, 48], [1294, 466], [1295, 1294], [1296, 1295], [1297, 34], [1300, 1297], [1302, 1301], [1303, 1302], [1304, 1230], [1304, 533], [1304, 304], [1304, 788], [1304, 964], [1304, 1287], [1304, 658], [1304, 229], [1304, 552], [1304, 97], [1304, 849], [1304, 1040], [1304, 908], [1304, 587], [1304, 1097], [1304, 400], [1304, 39], [1304, 1154], [1304, 457], [1304, 1211], [1304, 514], [1304, 285], [1304, 945], [1304, 716], [1304, 1268], [1304, 342], [1304, 21], [1304, 155], [1304, 1002], [1304, 210], [1304, 828], [1304, 267], [1304, 698], [1304, 1021], [1304, 889], [1304, 1078], [1304, 381], [1304, 770], [1304, 1135], [1304, 438], [1304, 640], [1304, 77], [1304, 1192], [1304, 495], [1304, 926], [1304, 752], [1304, 1249], [1304, 323], [1304, 136], [1304, 983], [1304, 191], [1304, 809], [1304, 677], [1304, 569], [1304, 248], [1304, 116], [1304, 734], [1304, 868], [1304, 173], [1304, 1059], [1304, 362], [1304, 604], [1304, 1116], [1304, 419], [1304, 621], [1304, 58], [1304, 1173], [1304, 476], [1305, 1304], [1306, 1305], [1313, 1220], [1313, 523], [1313, 294], [1313, 954], [1313, 725], [1313, 1277], [1313, 351], [1313, 30], [1313, 164], [1313, 1011], [1313, 219], [1313, 837], [1313, 276], [1313, 707], [1313, 1030], [1313, 898], [1313, 1087], [1313, 390], [1313, 779], [1313, 1144], [1313, 447], [1313, 649], [1313, 86], [1313, 1201], [1313, 504], [1313, 935], [1313, 761], [1313, 1258], [1313, 561], [1313, 332], [1313, 145], [1313, 992], [1313, 200], [1313, 818], [1313, 686], [1313, 578], [1313, 257], [1313, 125], [1313, 743], [1313, 877], [1313, 182], [1313, 1068], [1313, 371], [1313, 613], [1313, 1125], [1313, 428], [1313, 630], [1313, 67], [1313, 1182], [1313, 485], [1313, 1239], [1313, 542], [1313, 313], [1313, 797], [1313, 973], [1313, 1296], [1313, 667], [1313, 238], [1313, 106], [1313, 858], [1313, 1049], [1313, 917], [1313, 596], [1313, 1106], [1313, 409], [1313, 48], [1313, 1163], [1313, 466], [1314, 1313], [1315, 1314], [1316, 34], [1319, 1316], [1321, 1320], [1322, 1321], [1323, 889], [1323, 1078], [1323, 381], [1323, 1135], [1323, 438], [1323, 640], [1323, 77], [1323, 1192], [1323, 495], [1323, 926], [1323, 752], [1323, 1249], [1323, 552], [1323, 323], [1323, 136], [1323, 983], [1323, 191], [1323, 809], [1323, 1306], [1323, 677], [1323, 569], [1323, 1040], [1323, 248], [1323, 116], [1323, 734], [1323, 868], [1323, 173], [1323, 362], [1323, 604], [1323, 1116], [1323, 419], [1323, 621], [1323, 58], [1323, 1173], [1323, 476], [1323, 1230], [1323, 533], [1323, 304], [1323, 788], [1323, 964], [1323, 1287], [1323, 658], [1323, 1021], [1323, 229], [1323, 97], [1323, 849], [1323, 770], [1323, 908], [1323, 587], [1323, 1097], [1323, 400], [1323, 39], [1323, 1154], [1323, 457], [1323, 1211], [1323, 514], [1323, 285], [1323, 945], [1323, 716], [1323, 1268], [1323, 342], [1323, 21], [1323, 155], [1323, 1002], [1323, 210], [1323, 828], [1323, 1059], [1323, 267], [1323, 698], [1324, 1323], [1325, 1324], [1332, 1125], [1332, 428], [1332, 630], [1332, 67], [1332, 1182], [1332, 485], [1332, 1239], [1332, 542], [1332, 313], [1332, 797], [1332, 973], [1332, 1296], [1332, 667], [1332, 1030], [1332, 238], [1332, 106], [1332, 858], [1332, 779], [1332, 917], [1332, 596], [1332, 1106], [1332, 409], [1332, 48], [1332, 1163], [1332, 466], [1332, 1220], [1332, 523], [1332, 294], [1332, 954], [1332, 725], [1332, 1277], [1332, 351], [1332, 30], [1332, 164], [1332, 1011], [1332, 219], [1332, 837], [1332, 1068], [1332, 276], [1332, 707], [1332, 898], [1332, 1087], [1332, 390], [1332, 1144], [1332, 447], [1332, 649], [1332, 86], [1332, 1201], [1332, 504], [1332, 935], [1332, 761], [1332, 1258], [1332, 561], [1332, 332], [1332, 145], [1332, 992], [1332, 200], [1332, 818], [1332, 1315], [1332, 686], [1332, 578], [1332, 1049], [1332, 257], [1332, 125], [1332, 743], [1332, 877], [1332, 182], [1332, 371], [1332, 613], [1333, 1332], [1334, 1333], [1335, 34], [1338, 1335], [1340, 1339], [1341, 1340], [1342, 97], [1342, 1078], [1342, 381], [1342, 770], [1342, 1135], [1342, 438], [1342, 640], [1342, 77], [1342, 1192], [1342, 752], [1342, 1249], [1342, 323], [1342, 457], [1342, 136], [1342, 191], [1342, 809], [1342, 1306], [1342, 514], [1342, 677], [1342, 569], [1342, 945], [1342, 248], [1342, 734], [1342, 868], [1342, 1002], [1342, 1059], [1342, 362], [1342, 1116], [1342, 419], [1342, 621], [1342, 58], [1342, 1173], [1342, 1230], [1342, 304], [1342, 788], [1342, 1287], [1342, 495], [1342, 658], [1342, 926], [1342, 229], [1342, 552], [1342, 849], [1342, 983], [1342, 1040], [1342, 908], [1342, 116], [1342, 587], [1342, 1097], [1342, 400], [1342, 39], [1342, 173], [1342, 1154], [1342, 604], [1342, 1211], [1342, 285], [1342, 716], [1342, 1268], [1342, 342], [1342, 476], [1342, 21], [1342, 155], [1342, 210], [1342, 828], [1342, 1325], [1342, 533], [1342, 964], [1342, 267], [1342, 698], [1342, 1021], [1342, 889], [1343, 1342], [1344, 1343], [1351, 1125], [1351, 428], [1351, 630], [1351, 67], [1351, 1182], [1351, 1239], [1351, 313], [1351, 797], [1351, 1296], [1351, 504], [1351, 667], [1351, 935], [1351, 238], [1351, 561], [1351, 858], [1351, 992], [1351, 1049], [1351, 917], [1351, 125], [1351, 596], [1351, 1106], [1351, 409], [1351, 48], [1351, 182], [1351, 1163], [1351, 613], [1351, 1220], [1351, 294], [1351, 725], [1351, 1277], [1351, 351], [1351, 485], [1351, 30], [1351, 164], [1351, 219], [1351, 837], [1351, 1334], [1351, 542], [1351, 973], [1351, 276], [1351, 707], [1351, 1030], [1351, 898], [1351, 106], [1351, 1087], [1351, 390], [1351, 779], [1351, 1144], [1351, 447], [1351, 649], [1351, 86], [1351, 1201], [1351, 761], [1351, 1258], [1351, 332], [1351, 466], [1351, 145], [1351, 200], [1351, 818], [1351, 1315], [1351, 523], [1351, 686], [1351, 578], [1351, 954], [1351, 257], [1351, 743], [1351, 877], [1351, 1011], [1351, 1068], [1351, 371], [1352, 1351], [1353, 1352], [1354, 34], [1357, 1354], [1359, 1358], [1360, 1359], [1361, 1344], [1361, 552], [1361, 97], [1361, 849], [1361, 983], [1361, 1040], [1361, 908], [1361, 587], [1361, 1097], [1361, 400], [1361, 39], [1361, 173], [1361, 1154], [1361, 457], [1361, 604], [1361, 1211], [1361, 285], [1361, 945], [1361, 716], [1361, 1268], [1361, 342], [1361, 21], [1361, 155], [1361, 210], [1361, 828], [1361, 1325], [1361, 533], [1361, 964], [1361, 267], [1361, 698], [1361, 1021], [1361, 889], [1361, 1078], [1361, 381], [1361, 770], [1361, 1135], [1361, 438], [1361, 640], [1361, 77], [1361, 1192], [1361, 495], [1361, 926], [1361, 752], [1361, 1249], [1361, 323], [1361, 136], [1361, 191], [1361, 809], [1361, 1306], [1361, 514], [1361, 677], [1361, 569], [1361, 248], [1361, 116], [1361, 734], [1361, 868], [1361, 1002], [1361, 1059], [1361, 362], [1361, 1116], [1361, 419], [1361, 621], [1361, 58], [1361, 1173], [1361, 476], [1361, 1230], [1361, 304], [1361, 788], [1361, 1287], [1361, 658], [1361, 229], [1362, 1361], [1363, 1362], [1370, 276], [1370, 707], [1370, 1030], [1370, 898], [1370, 1087], [1370, 390], [1370, 779], [1370, 1144], [1370, 447], [1370, 649], [1370, 86], [1370, 1201], [1370, 504], [1370, 935], [1370, 761], [1370, 1258], [1370, 332], [1370, 145], [1370, 200], [1370, 818], [1370, 1315], [1370, 523], [1370, 686], [1370, 578], [1370, 257], [1370, 125], [1370, 743], [1370, 877], [1370, 1011], [1370, 1068], [1370, 371], [1370, 613], [1370, 1125], [1370, 428], [1370, 630], [1370, 67], [1370, 1182], [1370, 485], [1370, 1239], [1370, 313], [1370, 797], [1370, 973], [1370, 1296], [1370, 667], [1370, 238], [1370, 1353], [1370, 561], [1370, 106], [1370, 858], [1370, 992], [1370, 1049], [1370, 917], [1370, 596], [1370, 1106], [1370, 409], [1370, 48], [1370, 182], [1370, 1163], [1370, 466], [1370, 1220], [1370, 294], [1370, 954], [1370, 725], [1370, 1277], [1370, 351], [1370, 30], [1370, 164], [1370, 219], [1370, 837], [1370, 1334], [1370, 542], [1371, 1370], [1372, 1371], [1373, 34], [1376, 1373], [1378, 1377], [1379, 1378], [1380, 1344], [1380, 552], [1380, 849], [1380, 983], [1380, 677], [1380, 1040], [1380, 908], [1380, 116], [1380, 734], [1380, 1097], [1380, 39], [1380, 173], [1380, 1154], [1380, 362], [1380, 604], [1380, 1211], [1380, 285], [1380, 419], [1380, 716], [1380, 1268], [1380, 342], [1380, 476], [1380, 155], [1380, 210], [1380, 828], [1380, 1325], [1380, 533], [1380, 964], [1380, 267], [1380, 698], [1380, 1021], [1380, 889], [1380, 97], [1380, 1078], [1380, 770], [1380, 1135], [1380, 640], [1380, 77], [1380, 587], [1380, 1192], [1380, 400], [1380, 752], [1380, 1249], [1380, 323], [1380, 457], [1380, 136], [1380, 191], [1380, 809], [1380, 1306], [1380, 514], [1380, 569], [1380, 945], [1380, 248], [1380, 1363], [1380, 21], [1380, 868], [1380, 1002], [1380, 1059], [1380, 1116], [1380, 621], [1380, 58], [1380, 1173], [1380, 381], [1380, 1230], [1380, 304], [1380, 438], [1380, 788], [1380, 1287], [1380, 495], [1380, 658], [1380, 926], [1380, 229], [1381, 1380], [1382, 1381], [1389, 973], [1389, 276], [1389, 707], [1389, 1030], [1389, 898], [1389, 106], [1389, 1087], [1389, 779], [1389, 1144], [1389, 649], [1389, 86], [1389, 596], [1389, 1201], [1389, 409], [1389, 761], [1389, 1258], [1389, 332], [1389, 466], [1389, 145], [1389, 200], [1389, 818], [1389, 1315], [1389, 523], [1389, 578], [1389, 954], [1389, 257], [1389, 1372], [1389, 30], [1389, 877], [1389, 1011], [1389, 1068], [1389, 1125], [1389, 630], [1389, 67], [1389, 1182], [1389, 390], [1389, 1239], [1389, 313], [1389, 447], [1389, 797], [1389, 1296], [1389, 504], [1389, 667], [1389, 935], [1389, 238], [1389, 1353], [1389, 561], [1389, 858], [1389, 992], [1389, 686], [1389, 1049], [1389, 917], [1389, 125], [1389, 743], [1389, 1106], [1389, 48], [1389, 182], [1389, 1163], [1389, 371], [1389, 613], [1389, 1220], [1389, 294], [1389, 428], [1389, 725], [1389, 1277], [1389, 351], [1389, 485], [1389, 164], [1389, 219], [1389, 837], [1389, 1334], [1389, 542], [1390, 1389], [1391, 1390], [1392, 34], [1395, 1392], [1397, 1396], [1398, 1397], [1399, 752], [1399, 1249], [1399, 323], [1399, 457], [1399, 136], [1399, 191], [1399, 809], [1399, 1306], [1399, 514], [1399, 677], [1399, 569], [1399, 945], [1399, 248], [1399, 1363], [1399, 868], [1399, 1002], [1399, 1059], [1399, 362], [1399, 1116], [1399, 621], [1399, 58], [1399, 1173], [1399, 1230], [1399, 304], [1399, 438], [1399, 788], [1399, 1287], [1399, 495], [1399, 658], [1399, 926], [1399, 229], [1399, 1344], [1399, 552], [1399, 849], [1399, 983], [1399, 1040], [1399, 908], [1399, 116], [1399, 587], [1399, 734], [1399, 1097], [1399, 39], [1399, 173], [1399, 1154], [1399, 604], [1399, 1211], [1399, 285], [1399, 419], [1399, 716], [1399, 1268], [1399, 342], [1399, 476], [1399, 21], [1399, 155], [1399, 210], [1399, 828], [1399, 1325], [1399, 533], [1399, 964], [1399, 267], [1399, 1382], [1399, 698], [1399, 1021], [1399, 889], [1399, 97], [1399, 1078], [1399, 381], [1399, 770], [1399, 1135], [1399, 640], [1399, 77], [1399, 1192], [1399, 400], [1400, 1399], [1401, 1400], [1408, 973], [1408, 1391], [1408, 667], [1408, 1030], [1408, 238], [1408, 898], [1408, 106], [1408, 1087], [1408, 779], [1408, 1144], [1408, 649], [1408, 86], [1408, 596], [1408, 1201], [1408, 409], [1408, 761], [1408, 1258], [1408, 332], [1408, 466], [1408, 145], [1408, 200], [1408, 818], [1408, 1315], [1408, 523], [1408, 578], [1408, 954], [1408, 1372], [1408, 30], [1408, 877], [1408, 1011], [1408, 219], [1408, 1068], [1408, 276], [1408, 707], [1408, 1125], [1408, 630], [1408, 67], [1408, 1182], [1408, 390], [1408, 1239], [1408, 313], [1408, 447], [1408, 1296], [1408, 504], [1408, 935], [1408, 1353], [1408, 561], [1408, 858], [1408, 992], [1408, 686], [1408, 1049], [1408, 257], [1408, 917], [1408, 125], [1408, 743], [1408, 1106], [1408, 48], [1408, 182], [1408, 1163], [1408, 371], [1408, 613], [1408, 1220], [1408, 294], [1408, 428], [1408, 725], [1408, 1277], [1408, 351], [1408, 485], [1408, 164], [1408, 837], [1408, 1334], [1408, 542], [1408, 797], [1409, 1408], [1410, 1409], [1413, 1412], [1414, 1413], [1415, 1414], [1417, 1416], [1418, 1417], [1420, 1418], [1424, 1423], [1425, 1413], [1426, 1424], [1427, 1425], [1429, 1428], [1430, 1429], [1431, 1078], [1431, 770], [1431, 1135], [1431, 640], [1431, 77], [1431, 587], [1431, 1192], [1431, 400], [1431, 752], [1431, 1249], [1431, 323], [1431, 457], [1431, 136], [1431, 1306], [1431, 514], [1431, 569], [1431, 945], [1431, 1363], [1431, 21], [1431, 868], [1431, 1002], [1431, 210], [1431, 828], [1431, 1059], [1431, 267], [1431, 698], [1431, 1116], [1431, 621], [1431, 58], [1431, 1173], [1431, 381], [1431, 1230], [1431, 304], [1431, 438], [1431, 1287], [1431, 495], [1431, 926], [1431, 1344], [1431, 552], [1431, 849], [1431, 983], [1431, 191], [1431, 809], [1431, 1401], [1431, 677], [1431, 1040], [1431, 248], [1431, 908], [1431, 116], [1431, 734], [1431, 1097], [1431, 39], [1431, 173], [1431, 1154], [1431, 362], [1431, 604], [1431, 1211], [1431, 285], [1431, 419], [1431, 716], [1431, 1268], [1431, 342], [1431, 476], [1431, 155], [1431, 1325], [1431, 533], [1431, 788], [1431, 964], [1431, 1382], [1431, 658], [1431, 1021], [1431, 229], [1431, 889], [1431, 97], [1432, 1431], [1433, 1432], [1440, 898], [1440, 106], [1440, 1087], [1440, 779], [1440, 1144], [1440, 649], [1440, 86], [1440, 596], [1440, 1201], [1440, 409], [1440, 761], [1440, 1258], [1440, 332], [1440, 466], [1440, 145], [1440, 200], [1440, 818], [1440, 1315], [1440, 523], [1440, 578], [1440, 954], [1440, 257], [1440, 1372], [1440, 30], [1440, 877], [1440, 1011], [1440, 1068], [1440, 1125], [1440, 630], [1440, 67], [1440, 1182], [1440, 390], [1440, 1239], [1440, 313], [1440, 447], [1440, 797], [1440, 1296], [1440, 504], [1440, 667], [1440, 935], [1440, 238], [1440, 1353], [1440, 561], [1440, 858], [1440, 992], [1440, 1410], [1440, 686], [1440, 1049], [1440, 917], [1440, 125], [1440, 743], [1440, 1106], [1440, 48], [1440, 182], [1440, 1163], [1440, 371], [1440, 613], [1440, 1220], [1440, 294], [1440, 428], [1440, 725], [1440, 1277], [1440, 351], [1440, 485], [1440, 164], [1440, 219], [1440, 837], [1440, 1334], [1440, 542], [1440, 973], [1440, 276], [1440, 1391], [1440, 707], [1440, 1030], [1441, 1440], [1442, 1441], [1443, 1417], [1445, 1443], [1449, 1448], [1450, 1413], [1451, 1449], [1452, 1450], [1454, 1453], [1455, 1454], [1456, 734], [1456, 1097], [1456, 39], [1456, 173], [1456, 1154], [1456, 362], [1456, 604], [1456, 1211], [1456, 285], [1456, 419], [1456, 716], [1456, 1268], [1456, 342], [1456, 476], [1456, 155], [1456, 1325], [1456, 533], [1456, 788], [1456, 964], [1456, 1382], [1456, 658], [1456, 1021], [1456, 229], [1456, 889], [1456, 97], [1456, 1078], [1456, 770], [1456, 1135], [1456, 640], [1456, 77], [1456, 587], [1456, 1192], [1456, 400], [1456, 752], [1456, 1249], [1456, 323], [1456, 457], [1456, 136], [1456, 809], [1456, 1306], [1456, 514], [1456, 569], [1456, 945], [1456, 1363], [1456, 21], [1456, 868], [1456, 1002], [1456, 210], [1456, 828], [1456, 1433], [1456, 1059], [1456, 267], [1456, 698], [1456, 1116], [1456, 621], [1456, 58], [1456, 1173], [1456, 381], [1456, 1230], [1456, 304], [1456, 438], [1456, 1287], [1456, 495], [1456, 926], [1456, 1344], [1456, 552], [1456, 849], [1456, 983], [1456, 191], [1456, 1401], [1456, 677], [1456, 1040], [1456, 248], [1456, 908], [1456, 116], [1457, 1456], [1458, 1457], [1465, 1144], [1465, 649], [1465, 86], [1465, 596], [1465, 1201], [1465, 409], [1465, 761], [1465, 1258], [1465, 332], [1465, 466], [1465, 145], [1465, 818], [1465, 1315], [1465, 523], [1465, 578], [1465, 954], [1465, 1372], [1465, 30], [1465, 877], [1465, 1011], [1465, 219], [1465, 1442], [1465, 1068], [1465, 276], [1465, 707], [1465, 1125], [1465, 630], [1465, 67], [1465, 1182], [1465, 390], [1465, 1239], [1465, 313], [1465, 447], [1465, 1296], [1465, 504], [1465, 935], [1465, 1353], [1465, 561], [1465, 858], [1465, 992], [1465, 200], [1465, 1410], [1465, 686], [1465, 1049], [1465, 257], [1465, 917], [1465, 125], [1465, 743], [1465, 1106], [1465, 48], [1465, 182], [1465, 1163], [1465, 371], [1465, 613], [1465, 1220], [1465, 294], [1465, 428], [1465, 725], [1465, 1277], [1465, 351], [1465, 485], [1465, 164], [1465, 837], [1465, 1334], [1465, 542], [1465, 797], [1465, 973], [1465, 1391], [1465, 667], [1465, 1030], [1465, 238], [1465, 898], [1465, 106], [1465, 1087], [1465, 779], [1466, 1465], [1467, 1466], [1468, 1417], [1470, 1468], [1474, 1473], [1475, 1413], [1476, 1474], [1477, 1475], [1479, 1478], [1480, 1479], [1481, 1154], [1481, 362], [1481, 604], [1481, 1211], [1481, 285], [1481, 419], [1481, 716], [1481, 58], [1481, 476], [1481, 533], [1481, 788], [1481, 964], [1481, 1287], [1481, 658], [1481, 1021], [1481, 229], [1481, 1344], [1481, 889], [1481, 97], [1481, 1078], [1481, 849], [1481, 770], [1481, 1401], [1481, 1135], [1481, 1458], [1481, 640], [1481, 908], [1481, 587], [1481, 1192], [1481, 400], [1481, 39], [1481, 1249], [1481, 457], [1481, 514], [1481, 569], [1481, 945], [1481, 1268], [1481, 342], [1481, 21], [1481, 155], [1481, 1002], [1481, 210], [1481, 828], [1481, 1433], [1481, 1325], [1481, 1059], [1481, 267], [1481, 1382], [1481, 698], [1481, 1116], [1481, 621], [1481, 1173], [1481, 381], [1481, 1230], [1481, 304], [1481, 438], [1481, 77], [1481, 495], [1481, 926], [1481, 752], [1481, 552], [1481, 323], [1481, 136], [1481, 983], [1481, 191], [1481, 809], [1481, 1306], [1481, 677], [1481, 1040], [1481, 248], [1481, 1363], [1481, 116], [1481, 734], [1481, 1097], [1481, 868], [1481, 173], [1482, 1481], [1483, 1482], [1490, 48], [1490, 182], [1490, 1163], [1490, 371], [1490, 613], [1490, 1220], [1490, 294], [1490, 428], [1490, 725], [1490, 1277], [1490, 351], [1490, 485], [1490, 164], [1490, 837], [1490, 1334], [1490, 542], [1490, 797], [1490, 973], [1490, 1391], [1490, 667], [1490, 1030], [1490, 238], [1490, 898], [1490, 106], [1490, 1087], [1490, 779], [1490, 1144], [1490, 649], [1490, 86], [1490, 596], [1490, 1201], [1490, 409], [1490, 761], [1490, 1258], [1490, 332], [1490, 466], [1490, 145], [1490, 818], [1490, 1315], [1490, 523], [1490, 578], [1490, 954], [1490, 1372], [1490, 30], [1490, 877], [1490, 1011], [1490, 219], [1490, 1442], [1490, 1068], [1490, 276], [1490, 707], [1490, 1125], [1490, 630], [1490, 67], [1490, 1182], [1490, 390], [1490, 1239], [1490, 313], [1490, 447], [1490, 1296], [1490, 504], [1490, 935], [1490, 1353], [1490, 561], [1490, 858], [1490, 992], [1490, 200], [1490, 1410], [1490, 686], [1490, 1049], [1490, 257], [1490, 1467], [1490, 917], [1490, 125], [1490, 743], [1490, 1106], [1491, 1490], [1492, 1491], [1494, 4], [1494, 1493], [1495, 1494], [1496, 34], [1497, 1495], [1499, 1496], [1501, 1500], [1502, 1501], [1503, 136], [1503, 1306], [1503, 514], [1503, 569], [1503, 945], [1503, 1363], [1503, 21], [1503, 868], [1503, 1002], [1503, 210], [1503, 828], [1503, 1433], [1503, 1059], [1503, 267], [1503, 698], [1503, 1116], [1503, 621], [1503, 58], [1503, 1173], [1503, 381], [1503, 1483], [1503, 1230], [1503, 304], [1503, 438], [1503, 1287], [1503, 495], [1503, 926], [1503, 1344], [1503, 552], [1503, 849], [1503, 983], [1503, 191], [1503, 809], [1503, 1401], [1503, 677], [1503, 1040], [1503, 248], [1503, 908], [1503, 116], [1503, 734], [1503, 1097], [1503, 39], [1503, 173], [1503, 1154], [1503, 362], [1503, 604], [1503, 1211], [1503, 285], [1503, 419], [1503, 716], [1503, 1268], [1503, 342], [1503, 476], [1503, 155], [1503, 1325], [1503, 533], [1503, 788], [1503, 964], [1503, 1382], [1503, 658], [1503, 1021], [1503, 229], [1503, 889], [1503, 97], [1503, 1078], [1503, 770], [1503, 1135], [1503, 1458], [1503, 640], [1503, 77], [1503, 587], [1503, 1192], [1503, 400], [1503, 752], [1503, 1249], [1503, 323], [1503, 457], [1504, 1503], [1505, 1504], [1512, 1296], [1512, 504], [1512, 935], [1512, 1353], [1512, 561], [1512, 858], [1512, 992], [1512, 200], [1512, 818], [1512, 1410], [1512, 686], [1512, 1049], [1512, 257], [1512, 917], [1512, 125], [1512, 743], [1512, 1106], [1512, 48], [1512, 182], [1512, 1163], [1512, 371], [1512, 613], [1512, 1220], [1512, 294], [1512, 428], [1512, 725], [1512, 1277], [1512, 351], [1512, 485], [1512, 164], [1512, 1334], [1512, 542], [1512, 797], [1512, 973], [1512, 1391], [1512, 667], [1512, 1030], [1512, 238], [1512, 898], [1512, 106], [1512, 1087], [1512, 779], [1512, 1144], [1512, 1467], [1512, 649], [1512, 86], [1512, 596], [1512, 1201], [1512, 409], [1512, 761], [1512, 1258], [1512, 332], [1512, 466], [1512, 145], [1512, 1315], [1512, 523], [1512, 578], [1512, 954], [1512, 1372], [1512, 30], [1512, 877], [1512, 1011], [1512, 219], [1512, 837], [1512, 1442], [1512, 1068], [1512, 276], [1512, 707], [1512, 1125], [1512, 630], [1512, 67], [1512, 1182], [1512, 390], [1512, 1492], [1512, 1239], [1512, 313], [1512, 447], [1513, 1512], [1514, 1513], [1516, 1515], [1516, 4], [1517, 1516], [1518, 34], [1519, 1517], [1521, 1518], [1523, 1522], [1524, 1523], [1525, 381], [1525, 1483], [1525, 1135], [1525, 438], [1525, 640], [1525, 77], [1525, 1192], [1525, 495], [1525, 926], [1525, 752], [1525, 1249], [1525, 552], [1525, 323], [1525, 136], [1525, 983], [1525, 191], [1525, 809], [1525, 1306], [1525, 677], [1525, 569], [1525, 1040], [1525, 248], [1525, 1363], [1525, 116], [1525, 734], [1525, 1097], [1525, 868], [1525, 173], [1525, 362], [1525, 604], [1525, 419], [1525, 621], [1525, 58], [1525, 1173], [1525, 476], [1525, 1230], [1525, 533], [1525, 304], [1525, 788], [1525, 964], [1525, 1287], [1525, 658], [1525, 1021], [1525, 229], [1525, 1344], [1525, 97], [1525, 1078], [1525, 849], [1525, 770], [1525, 1401], [1525, 1458], [1525, 908], [1525, 587], [1525, 400], [1525, 39], [1525, 1154], [1525, 457], [1525, 1211], [1525, 514], [1525, 285], [1525, 945], [1525, 716], [1525, 1268], [1525, 342], [1525, 21], [1525, 155], [1525, 1002], [1525, 210], [1525, 828], [1525, 1433], [1525, 1325], [1525, 1059], [1525, 267], [1525, 1382], [1525, 698], [1525, 1116], [1525, 1505], [1525, 889], [1526, 1525], [1527, 1526], [1534, 630], [1534, 1182], [1534, 390], [1534, 1492], [1534, 1239], [1534, 313], [1534, 447], [1534, 86], [1534, 1296], [1534, 504], [1534, 935], [1534, 761], [1534, 561], [1534, 992], [1534, 200], [1534, 818], [1534, 686], [1534, 1049], [1534, 257], [1534, 1372], [1534, 917], [1534, 125], [1534, 743], [1534, 1106], [1534, 877], [1534, 182], [1534, 1163], [1534, 371], [1534, 613], [1534, 1220], [1534, 294], [1534, 428], [1534, 725], [1534, 67], [1534, 1277], [1534, 351], [1534, 485], [1534, 1334], [1534, 542], [1534, 797], [1534, 973], [1534, 667], [1534, 1030], [1534, 1514], [1534, 238], [1534, 1353], [1534, 898], [1534, 106], [1534, 1087], [1534, 858], [1534, 779], [1534, 1410], [1534, 1144], [1534, 1467], [1534, 649], [1534, 596], [1534, 1201], [1534, 409], [1534, 48], [1534, 1258], [1534, 332], [1534, 466], [1534, 145], [1534, 1315], [1534, 523], [1534, 578], [1534, 954], [1534, 30], [1534, 164], [1534, 1011], [1534, 219], [1534, 837], [1534, 1442], [1534, 1068], [1534, 276], [1534, 1391], [1534, 707], [1534, 1125], [1535, 1534], [1536, 1535], [1539, 1526], [1539, 1535]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/e4621a88173fd519d2bf7bc019f36c7464b313ee0255ccd0184b305769b7fdf1_e4621a88173fd519d2bf7bc019f36c7464b313ee0255ccd0184b305769b7fdf1.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40475F", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 sub_40475F()\n{\n__int64 v0; // rdi\n__int64 v1; // rax\n__int64 v2; // rax\n__int64 v3; // rax\n__int64 v4; // rax\n__int64 v5; // rax\n__int64 v7; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-40h]\n__int64 v8; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-40h]\n__int64 v9; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-40h]\n__int64 v10; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-38h]\n__int64 v11; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-30h]\n__int64 v12; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-28h]\n__int64 v13; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-20h]\n__int64 v14; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-18h]\n__int64 v15; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-10h]\n\nv0 = sub_40781A(\"test_5.txt\");\nv15 = sub_40B7EB(v0);\nv14 = sub_40C215();\nif ( v14 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 395LL, \"val != NULL\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nv13 = sub_40C026(v14);\nif ( v13 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 398LL, \"obj != NULL\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"first\", \"John\") )\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 400LL, \"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"first\\\", \\\"John\\\") == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"last\", \"Doe\") )\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 401LL, \"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"last\\\", \\\"Doe\\\") == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D619(v13, \"age\", 25.0) )\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 402LL, \"json_object_set_number(obj, \\\"age\\\", 25) == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D671(v13, \"registered\", 1LL) )\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 403LL, \"json_object_set_boolean(obj, \\\"registered\\\", 1) == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nv1 = sub_40C291();\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D2CE(v13, \"interests\", v1) )\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n405LL,\n\"json_object_set_value(obj, \\\"interests\\\", json_value_init_array()) == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nv12 = sub_40BAA7(v13, \"interests\");\nif ( v12 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 407LL, \"interests_arr != NULL\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D0F3(v12, \"Writing\") )\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 408LL, \"json_array_append_string(interests_arr, \\\"Writing\\\") == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D0F3(v12, \"Mountain Biking\") )\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 409LL, \"json_array_append_string(interests_arr, \\\"Mountain Biking\\\") == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40CE39(v12, 0LL, \"Reading\") )\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 410LL, \"json_array_replace_string(interests_arr, 0, \\\"Reading\\\") == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D947(v13, \"favorites.color\", \"blue\") )\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 412LL, \"json_object_dotset_string(obj, \\\"favorites.color\\\", \\\"blue\\\") == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D947(v13, \"\", \"running\") )\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n413LL,\n\"json_object_dotset_string(obj, \\\"\\\", \\\"running\\\") == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D947(v13, \"favorites.fruit\", \"apple\") )\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n414LL,\n\"json_object_dotset_string(obj, \\\"favorites.fruit\\\", \\\"apple\\\") == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40DB74(v13, \"favorites.fruit\") )\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 415LL, \"json_object_dotremove(obj, \\\"favorites.fruit\\\") == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"utf string\", \"lorem ipsum\") )\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 416LL, \"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"utf string\\\", \\\"lorem ipsum\\\") == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"utf-8 string\", &byte_40FD3D) )\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 417LL, aJsonObjectSetS_32);\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"surrogate string\", aLorem_2) )\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 418LL, aJsonObjectSetS_33);\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D5B9(v13, \"string with null\", \"abc\", 7LL) )\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n419LL,\n\"json_object_set_string_with_len(obj, \\\"string with null\\\", \\\"abc\\\\0def\\\", 7) == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"windows path\", \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\Path\") )\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n420LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"windows path\\\", \\\"C:\\\\\\\\Windows\\\\\\\\Path\\\") == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40DF57(v15, v14) )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 421LL, \"json_value_equals(val_from_file, val)\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, 0LL, &unk_4103E3) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 423LL, \"json_object_set_string(obj, NULL, \\\"\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"last\", 0LL) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 424LL, \"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"last\\\", NULL) == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, 0LL, 0LL) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 425LL, \"json_object_set_string(obj, NULL, NULL) == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D2CE(v13, 0LL, 0LL) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 426LL, \"json_object_set_value(obj, NULL, NULL) == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D947(v13, 0LL, &unk_4103E3) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 428LL, \"json_object_dotset_string(obj, NULL, \\\"\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D947(v13, \"favorites.color\", 0LL) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 429LL, \"json_object_dotset_string(obj, \\\"favorites.color\\\", NULL) == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D947(v13, 0LL, 0LL) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 430LL, \"json_object_dotset_string(obj, NULL, NULL) == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D70D(v13, 0LL, 0LL) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 431LL, \"json_object_dotset_value(obj, NULL, NULL) == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D0F3(0LL, \"lorem\") == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 433LL, \"json_array_append_string(NULL, \\\"lorem\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D0AD(v12, 0LL) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 434LL, \"json_array_append_value(interests_arr, NULL) == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D0AD(0LL, 0LL) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 435LL, \"json_array_append_value(NULL, NULL) == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40CCDB(0LL, 0LL) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 437LL, \"json_array_remove(NULL, 0) == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40CDA3(v12, 0LL, 0LL) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 438LL, \"json_array_replace_value(interests_arr, 0, NULL) == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40CE39(0LL, 0LL, \"lorem\") == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 439LL, \"json_array_replace_string(NULL, 0, \\\"lorem\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40CE39(v12, 100LL, \"not existing\") == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n440LL,\n\"json_array_replace_string(interests_arr, 100, \\\"not existing\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nv2 = sub_40BAA7(v13, \"interests\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D0F3(v2, 0LL) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n442LL,\n\"json_array_append_string(json_object_get_array(obj, \\\"interests\\\"), NULL) == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D0F3(v12, \"Writing\") )\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 444LL, \"json_array_append_string(interests_arr, \\\"Writing\\\") == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40CCDB(v12, 0LL) )\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 445LL, \"json_array_remove(interests_arr, 0) == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40CCDB(v12, 1LL) )\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 446LL, \"json_array_remove(interests_arr, 1) == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40CCDB(v12, 0LL) )\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 447LL, \"json_array_remove(interests_arr, 0) == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40CCDB(v12, 0LL) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 448LL, \"json_array_remove(interests_arr, 0) == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nv7 = sub_40C4C3();\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D2CE(v13, \"x\", v7) )\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 451LL, \"json_object_set_value(obj, \\\"x\\\", val_with_parent) == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D2CE(v13, \"x\", v7) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 452LL, \"json_object_set_value(obj, \\\"x\\\", val_with_parent) == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nv8 = sub_40C4C3();\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D0AD(v12, v8) )\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 455LL, \"json_array_append_value(interests_arr, val_with_parent) == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D0AD(v12, v8) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 456LL, \"json_array_append_value(interests_arr, val_with_parent) == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nv9 = sub_40C4C3();\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40CDA3(v12, 0LL, v9) )\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 459LL, \"json_array_replace_value(interests_arr, 0, val_with_parent) == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40CDA3(v12, 0LL, v9) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 460LL, \"json_array_replace_value(interests_arr, 0, val_with_parent) == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40DB4A(v13, \"interests\") )\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 462LL, \"json_object_remove(obj, \\\"interests\\\") == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"correct string\", &unk_4120CC) )\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 465LL, aJsonObjectSetS_34);\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"boundary 1\", &unk_412134) )\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n467LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"boundary 1\\\", \\\"\\\\xed\\\\x9f\\\\xbf\\\") == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"boundary 2\", &unk_412191) )\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n468LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"boundary 2\\\", \\\"\\\\xee\\\\x80\\\\x80\\\") == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"boundary 3\", &unk_4121E9) )\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n469LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"boundary 3\\\", \\\"\\\\xef\\\\xbf\\\\xbd\\\") == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"boundary 4\", &unk_412241) )\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n470LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"boundary 4\\\", \\\"\\\\xf4\\\\x8f\\\\xbf\\\\xbf\\\") == JSONSuccess\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nelse\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"first continuation byte\", &unk_4122A5) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n472LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"first continuation byte\\\", \\\"\\\\x80\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"last continuation byte\", &unk_41230E) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n473LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"last continuation byte\\\", \\\"\\\\xbf\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"impossible sequence 1\", &unk_412375) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n475LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"impossible sequence 1\\\", \\\"\\\\xfe\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"impossible sequence 2\", &unk_4123DC) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n476LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"impossible sequence 2\\\", \\\"\\\\xff\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"impossible sequence 3\", &unk_412444) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n477LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"impossible sequence 3\\\", \\\"\\\\xfe\\\\xfe\\\\xff\\\\xff\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"overlong 1\", &unk_4124B8) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 479LL, \"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"overlong 1\\\", \\\"\\\\xc0\\\\xaf\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"overlong 2\", &unk_41250D) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 480LL, \"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"overlong 2\\\", \\\"\\\\xc1\\\\xbf\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"overlong 3\", &unk_412565) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n481LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"overlong 3\\\", \\\"\\\\xe0\\\\x80\\\\xaf\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"overlong 4\", &unk_4125C1) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n482LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"overlong 4\\\", \\\"\\\\xe0\\\\x9f\\\\xbf\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"overlong 5\", &unk_412619) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n483LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"overlong 5\\\", \\\"\\\\xf0\\\\x80\\\\x80\\\\xaf\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"overlong 6\", &unk_41267D) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n484LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"overlong 6\\\", \\\"\\\\xf0\\\\x8f\\\\xbf\\\\xbf\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"overlong 7\", &unk_41267D) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n485LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"overlong 7\\\", \\\"\\\\xf0\\\\x8f\\\\xbf\\\\xbf\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"overlong null 1\", &unk_412735) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n487LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"overlong null 1\\\", \\\"\\\\xc0\\\\x80\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"overlong null 2\", &unk_412792) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n488LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"overlong null 2\\\", \\\"\\\\xe0\\\\x80\\\\x80\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"overlong null 3\", &unk_4127F6) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n489LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"overlong null 3\\\", \\\"\\\\xf0\\\\x80\\\\x80\\\\x80\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"overlong null 4\", &unk_412862) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n490LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"overlong null 4\\\", \\\"\\\\xf8\\\\x80\\\\x80\\\\x80\\\\x80\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"overlong null 5\", &unk_4128CE) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n491LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"overlong null 5\\\", \\\"\\\\xfc\\\\x80\\\\x80\\\\x80\\\\x80\\\\x80\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"single surrogate 1\", &unk_412942) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n493LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"single surrogate 1\\\", \\\"\\\\xed\\\\xa0\\\\x80\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"single surrogate 2\", &unk_4129B1) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n494LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"single surrogate 2\\\", \\\"\\\\xed\\\\xaf\\\\xbf\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D564(v13, \"single surrogate 3\", &unk_412A19) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\n\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\",\n495LL,\n\"json_object_set_string(obj, \\\"single surrogate 3\\\", \\\"\\\\xed\\\\xbf\\\\xbf\\\") == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nv11 = sub_40B89B(\"[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\");\nv10 = sub_40E2CD(v11);\nsub_40CCDB(v10, 2LL);\nv3 = sub_40B89B(\"[1, 2, 4, 5]\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40DF57(v11, v3) )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 501LL, \"json_value_equals(remove_test_val, json_parse_string(\\\"[1, 2, 4, 5]\\\"))\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nsub_40CCDB(v10, 0LL);\nv4 = sub_40B89B(\"[2, 4, 5]\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40DF57(v11, v4) )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 503LL, \"json_value_equals(remove_test_val, json_parse_string(\\\"[2, 4, 5]\\\"))\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nsub_40CCDB(v10, 2LL);\nv5 = sub_40B89B(\"[2, 4]\");\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40DF57(v11, v5) )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 505LL, \"json_value_equals(remove_test_val, json_parse_string(\\\"[2, 4]\\\"))\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D619(v13, \"num\", 0.0 / 0.0) == -1 )\n{\n++dword_417184;\n}\nelse\n{\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 508LL, \"json_object_set_number(obj, \\\"num\\\", 0.0 / zero) == JSONFailure\");\n++dword_417188;\n}\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_40D619(v13, \"num\", 1.0 / 0.0) == -1 )\nreturn (unsigned int)++dword_417184;\nprintf(\"%d %-72s - FAILED\\n\", 509LL, \"json_object_set_number(obj, \\\"num\\\", 1.0 / zero) == JSONFailure\");\nreturn (unsigned int)++dword_417188;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[v7,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15,sub_40475F,sub_40781A,sub_40B7EB,sub_40C215,sub_40C026,sub_40D564,sub_40D619,sub_40D671,sub_40C291,sub_40D2CE,sub_40BAA7,sub_40D0F3,sub_40CE39,sub_40D947,sub_40DB74,sub_40D5B9,sub_40DF57,sub_40D70D,sub_40D0AD,sub_40CCDB,sub_40CDA3,sub_40C4C3,sub_40DB4A,sub_40B89B,sub_40E2CD,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'v7': 'val_with_parent', 'v10': 'remove_test_arr', 'v11': 'remove_test_val', 'v12': 'interests_arr', 'v13': 'obj', 'v14': 'val', 'v15': 'val_from_file', 'sub_40475F': 'test_suite_5', 'sub_40781A': 'get_file_path', 'sub_40B7EB': 'json_parse_file', 'sub_40C215': 'json_value_init_object', 'sub_40C026': 'json_value_get_object', 'sub_40D564': 'json_object_set_string', 'sub_40D619': 'json_object_set_number', 'sub_40D671': 'json_object_set_boolean', 'sub_40C291': 'json_value_init_array', 'sub_40D2CE': 'json_object_set_value', 'sub_40BAA7': 'json_object_get_array', 'sub_40D0F3': 'json_array_append_string', 'sub_40CE39': 'json_array_replace_string', 'sub_40D947': 'json_object_dotset_string', 'sub_40DB74': 'json_object_dotremove', 'sub_40D5B9': 'json_object_set_string_with_len', 'sub_40DF57': 'json_value_equals', 'sub_40D70D': 'json_object_dotset_value', 'sub_40D0AD': 'json_array_append_value', 'sub_40CCDB': 'json_array_remove', 'sub_40CDA3': 'json_array_replace_value', 'sub_40C4C3': 'json_value_init_null', 'sub_40DB4A': 'json_object_remove', 'sub_40B89B': 'json_parse_string', 'sub_40E2CD': 'json_array'}"}
void mesh_upper_transport_init(){ mesh_lower_transport_set_higher_layer_handler(&mesh_upper_transport_pdu_handler); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4433CD", "function_addr": 4469709, "binary_name": "1f4b836241663a98d995a650a671acd1dabc7b5a96a4160d7267c822f4bbfdca.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov edi, offset sub_44204A"], [3, "call sub_43D299"], [4, "nop"], [5, "pop rbp"], [6, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 0], [6, 3]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/1f4b836241663a98d995a650a671acd1dabc7b5a96a4160d7267c822f4bbfdca_1f4b836241663a98d995a650a671acd1dabc7b5a96a4160d7267c822f4bbfdca.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4433CD", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 (__fastcall *sub_4433CD())(_QWORD, _QWORD, _QWORD)\n{\nreturn sub_43D299((__int64 (__fastcall *)(_QWORD, _QWORD, _QWORD))sub_44204A);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[sub_4433CD,sub_43D299,sub_44204A,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'sub_4433CD': 'mesh_upper_transport_init', 'sub_43D299': 'mesh_lower_transport_set_higher_layer_handler', 'sub_44204A': 'mesh_upper_transport_pdu_handler'}"}
PJ_DEF(pjsip_rr_hdr*) pjsip_rr_hdr_init( pj_pool_t *pool, void *mem ) { pjsip_rr_hdr *hdr = (pjsip_rr_hdr*) mem; PJ_UNUSED_ARG(pool); init_hdr(hdr, PJSIP_H_RECORD_ROUTE, &routing_hdr_vptr); pjsip_name_addr_init(&hdr->name_addr); pj_list_init(&hdr->other_param); return hdr; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_41CF1A", "function_addr": 4312858, "binary_name": "d8d3ef21e51c96db765e8f0d32e6b1df14da5354e4a3a9cd3b6492c5bc4a8750.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_20], rsi"], [5, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [7, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [8, "mov edx, offset off_4CAB90"], [9, "mov esi, 1Dh"], [10, "mov rdi, rax"], [11, "call sub_419B81"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [13, "add rax, 40h "], [14, "mov rdi, rax"], [15, "call sub_424D27"], [16, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [17, "add rax, 60h "], [18, "mov rdi, rax"], [19, "call sub_419A6E"], [20, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [21, "leave"], [22, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 6], [10, 7], [12, 6], [13, 12], [14, 13], [16, 6], [17, 16], [18, 17], [20, 6], [22, 20]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/d8d3ef21e51c96db765e8f0d32e6b1df14da5354e4a3a9cd3b6492c5bc4a8750_d8d3ef21e51c96db765e8f0d32e6b1df14da5354e4a3a9cd3b6492c5bc4a8750.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_41CF1A", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_41CF1A(__int64 a1, __int64 a2)\n{\nsub_419B81(a2, 0x1Du, (__int64)off_4CAB90);\nsub_424D27(a2 + 64);\nsub_419A6E((_QWORD *)(a2 + 96));\nreturn a2;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a2,a1,sub_41CF1A,sub_419B81,sub_424D27,sub_419A6E,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a2': 'mem', 'a1': 'pool', 'sub_41CF1A': 'pjsip_rr_hdr_init', 'sub_419B81': 'init_hdr', 'sub_424D27': 'pjsip_name_addr_init', 'sub_419A6E': 'pj_list_init_3'}"}
static int load_and_enter_debugger(struct sd_state *state, char *filename) { uint8_t response[8]; uint8_t file[512+(4*sizeof(uint16_t))]; memset(file, 0xff, sizeof(file)); // Load in the debugger stub if (read_file(filename, file, 512)) return 1; sd_mmc_dat4_crc16(file, file+(sizeof(file)-8), sizeof(file)-8); while(1) { int ret; int tries; // Actually enter factory mode (sends CMD63/APPO and waits for response) ret = -1; for (tries=0; ret<0; tries++) { ret = sd_enter_factory_mode(state, 0); if (-1 == ret) printf("Couldn't enter factory mode, trying again\n"); } // Couldn't enter factory mode, abort if (-1 == ret) return 1; xmit_mmc_dat4(state, file, sizeof(file)); sd_toggle_clk(state, 8); //rcvr_mmc_cmd(state, response, 1); //printf("Immediate code-load response: %02x\n", response[0]); for (tries=0; tries<2; tries++) { if (-1 != rcvr_mmc_cmd_start(state, 50)) break; usleep(50000); } // Couldn't enter debugger, try again if (-1 == rcvr_mmc_cmd_start(state, 32)) { printf("Never got start-of-data command from debugger\n"); continue; } rcvr_mmc_cmd(state, response, sizeof(response)); break; } return 0; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_405CC0", "function_addr": 4218048, "binary_name": "a2460b8f783498371f2bba9d16c5d85a8b8d9490a9973b0156d824eb54dd785f.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 230h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_228], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_230], rsi"], [5, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [6, "mov edx, 208h"], [7, "mov esi, 0FFh"], [8, "mov rdi, rax"], [9, "call _memset"], [10, "lea rcx, [rbp+s]"], [11, "mov rax, [rbp+var_230]"], [12, "mov edx, 200h"], [13, "mov rsi, rcx"], [14, "mov rdi, rax"], [15, "call sub_405C38"], [16, "test eax, eax"], [17, "jz short loc_405D1E"], [18, "mov eax, 1"], [19, "jmp locret_405E47"], [20, "lea rax, [rbp+s]"], [21, "add rax, 200h"], [22, "lea rcx, [rbp+s]"], [23, "mov edx, 200h"], [24, "mov rsi, rax"], [25, "mov rdi, rcx"], [26, "call sub_405088"], [27, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [28, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [29, "jmp short loc_405D7D"], [30, "mov rax, [rbp+var_228]"], [31, "mov esi, 0"], [32, "mov rdi, rax"], [33, "call sub_404E94"], [34, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [35, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [36, "jnz short loc_405D79"], [37, "mov edi, offset aCouldnTEnterFa"], [38, "call _puts"], [39, "add [rbp+var_8], 1"], [40, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [41, "js short loc_405D52"], [42, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0FFFFFFFFh"], [43, "jnz short loc_405D93"], [44, "mov eax, 1"], [45, "jmp locret_405E47"], [46, "lea rcx, [rbp+s]"], [47, "mov rax, [rbp+var_228]"], [48, "mov edx, 208h"], [49, "mov rsi, rcx"], [50, "mov rdi, rax"], [51, "call sub_402E5F"], [52, "mov rax, [rbp+var_228]"], [53, "mov esi, 8"], [54, "mov rdi, rax"], [55, "call sub_4029F7"], [56, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [57, "jmp short loc_405DF5"], [58, "mov rax, [rbp+var_228]"], [59, "mov esi, 32h "], [60, "mov rdi, rax"], [61, "call sub_4031C2"], [62, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [63, "jnz short loc_405DFD"], [64, "mov edi, 0C350h"], [65, "call _usleep"], [66, "add [rbp+var_8], 1"], [67, "cmp [rbp+var_8], 1"], [68, "jle short loc_405DCE"], [69, "jmp short loc_405DFE"], [70, "nop"], [71, "mov rax, [rbp+var_228]"], [72, "mov esi, 20h "], [73, "mov rdi, rax"], [74, "call sub_4031C2"], [75, "cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [76, "jnz short loc_405E26"], [77, "mov edi, offset aNeverGotStartO"], [78, "call _puts"], [79, "jmp loc_405D42"], [80, "lea rcx, [rbp+var_10]"], [81, "mov rax, [rbp+var_228]"], [82, "mov edx, 8"], [83, "mov rsi, rcx"], [84, "mov rdi, rax"], [85, "call sub_40377A"], [86, "nop"], [87, "mov eax, 0"], [88, "leave"], [89, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[8, 5], [11, 4], [13, 10], [14, 11], [16, 15], [17, 16], [20, 16], [21, 20], [22, 10], [24, 21], [25, 22], [30, 3], [32, 30], [34, 33], [35, 34], [36, 35], [39, 39], [39, 28], [40, 34], [40, 27], [41, 40], [42, 34], [42, 27], [43, 42], [46, 22], [46, 46], [47, 3], [49, 46], [50, 47], [52, 3], [54, 52], [58, 3], [60, 58], [62, 61], [63, 62], [66, 66], [66, 56], [67, 66], [67, 56], [68, 67], [71, 3], [73, 71], [75, 74], [76, 75], [80, 46], [81, 3], [83, 80], [84, 81], [89, 18], [89, 87], [89, 44]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/a2460b8f783498371f2bba9d16c5d85a8b8d9490a9973b0156d824eb54dd785f_a2460b8f783498371f2bba9d16c5d85a8b8d9490a9973b0156d824eb54dd785f.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_405CC0", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_405CC0(int *a1, const char *a2)\n{\nunsigned __int8 s[512]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-220h] BYREF\nchar v4[16]; // [rsp+210h] [rbp-20h] BYREF\nchar v5[8]; // [rsp+220h] [rbp-10h] BYREF\nint i; // [rsp+228h] [rbp-8h]\nint v7; // [rsp+22Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nmemset(s, 255, 0x208uLL);\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_405C38(a2, s, 512) )\nreturn 1LL;\nsub_405088((__int64)s, v4, 512);\nwhile ( 1 )\n{\nv7 = -1;\ni = 0;\nwhile ( v7 < 0 )\n{\nv7 = sub_404E94(a1);\nif ( v7 == -1 )\nputs(\"Couldn't enter factory mode, trying again\");\n++i;\n}\nsub_402E5F(a1, s, 520);\nsub_4029F7((__int64)a1, 8);\nfor ( i = 0; i <= 1 && (unsigned int)sub_4031C2((__int64)a1, 50) == -1; ++i )\nusleep(0xC350u);\nif ( (unsigned int)sub_4031C2((__int64)a1, 32) != -1 )\nbreak;\nputs(\"Never got start-of-data command from debugger\");\n}\nsub_40377A((__int64)a1, v5, 8);\nreturn 0LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,s,v5,i,sub_405CC0,sub_405C38,sub_405088,sub_404E94,sub_402E5F,sub_4029F7,sub_4031C2,sub_40377A,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'state', 'a2': 'filename', 's': 'file', 'v5': 'response', 'i': 'tries', 'sub_405CC0': 'load_and_enter_debugger', 'sub_405C38': 'read_file', 'sub_405088': 'sd_mmc_dat4_crc16', 'sub_404E94': 'sd_enter_factory_mode', 'sub_402E5F': 'xmit_mmc_dat4', 'sub_4029F7': 'sd_toggle_clk', 'sub_4031C2': 'rcvr_mmc_cmd_start', 'sub_40377A': 'rcvr_mmc_cmd'}"}
void CityHashCrc128(const char *s, size_t len, uint64_t *result) { if (len <= 900) { uint128 res = CityHash128(s, len); result[0] = res.first; result[1] = res.second; } else { uint64_t res[4]; CityHashCrc256(s, len, res); result[0] = res[2]; result[1] = res[3]; } }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_414C2E", "function_addr": 4279342, "binary_name": "a3bb29302dcbadc3cc646d325f886c48f3a9739c79ada54a6dd32b27a3225533.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 50h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_38], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_40], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_48], rdx"], [6, "cmp [rbp+var_40], 384h"], [7, "ja short loc_414C83"], [8, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_40]"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [10, "mov rsi, rdx"], [11, "mov rdi, rax"], [12, "call sub_4138E5"], [13, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [14, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdx"], [15, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_10]"], [16, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [17, "mov [rax], rdx"], [18, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [19, "lea rdx, [rax+8]"], [20, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [21, "mov [rdx], rax"], [22, "jmp short loc_414CB4"], [23, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_30]"], [24, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_40]"], [25, "mov rax, [rbp+var_38]"], [26, "mov rsi, rcx"], [27, "mov rdi, rax"], [28, "call sub_414BCF"], [29, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_20]"], [30, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [31, "mov [rax], rdx"], [32, "mov rax, [rbp+var_48]"], [33, "lea rdx, [rax+8]"], [34, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [35, "mov [rdx], rax"], [36, "nop"], [37, "leave"], [38, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 4], [7, 6], [8, 4], [9, 3], [10, 8], [11, 9], [13, 12], [14, 8], [15, 13], [16, 5], [17, 15], [17, 16], [18, 5], [19, 18], [19, 15], [19, 17], [20, 14], [21, 19], [21, 20], [24, 4], [25, 3], [26, 24], [27, 25], [30, 5], [31, 29], [31, 30], [32, 5], [33, 29], [33, 32], [33, 31], [35, 33], [35, 34], [38, 20], [38, 34]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/a3bb29302dcbadc3cc646d325f886c48f3a9739c79ada54a6dd32b27a3225533_a3bb29302dcbadc3cc646d325f886c48f3a9739c79ada54a6dd32b27a3225533.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_414C2E", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_414C2E(void *a1, size_t a2, _QWORD *a3)\n{\n__int64 v3; // rdx\n__int64 result; // rax\n__int64 v6[3]; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-30h] BYREF\n__int64 v7; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-18h]\n__int64 v8; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-10h]\n__int64 v9; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-8h]\n\nif ( a2 > 0x384 )\n{\nsub_414BCF(a1, a2, v6);\n*a3 = v6[2];\nresult = v7;\na3[1] = v7;\n}\nelse\n{\nv8 = sub_4138E5((unsigned int *)a1, a2);\nv9 = v3;\n*a3 = v8;\nresult = v9;\na3[1] = v9;\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,v3,v6,sub_414C2E,sub_414BCF,sub_4138E5,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'result', 'a1': 's', 'a2': 'len', 'v3': 'result', 'v6': 'res_0', 'sub_414C2E': 'CityHashCrc128', 'sub_414BCF': 'CityHashCrc256', 'sub_4138E5': 'CityHash128'}"}
static JanetSlot do_add(JanetFopts opts, JanetSlot *args) { return opreduce(opts, args, JOP_ADD, JOP_ADD_IMMEDIATE, janet_wrap_integer(0), janet_wrap_integer(0)); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_415447", "function_addr": 4281415, "binary_name": "34d708bcb60d5af2e39328b237b23bc6bb4df80dc158ca9262fb4bf1d3328aba.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [5, "pxor xmm0, xmm0"], [6, "call janet_nanbox_from_double"], [7, "mov rdx, rax"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [9, "mov rsi, [rbp+var_10]"], [10, "sub rsp, 8"], [11, "push [rbp+arg_20]"], [12, "push [rbp+arg_18]"], [13, "push [rbp+arg_10]"], [14, "push [rbp+arg_8]"], [15, "push [rbp+arg_0]"], [16, "mov r8, rdx"], [17, "mov ecx, 5"], [18, "mov edx, 6"], [19, "mov rdi, rax"], [20, "call sub_41453A"], [21, "add rsp, 30h"], [22, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [23, "leave"], [24, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[7, 6], [8, 3], [9, 4], [10, 2], [13, 4], [14, 3], [16, 7], [19, 8], [21, 10], [22, 3], [24, 22]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/34d708bcb60d5af2e39328b237b23bc6bb4df80dc158ca9262fb4bf1d3328aba_34d708bcb60d5af2e39328b237b23bc6bb4df80dc158ca9262fb4bf1d3328aba.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_415447", "query": "\n\n\n_QWORD *__fastcall sub_415447(_QWORD *a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, __int64 a5, __int64 a6, __int64 a7, __int64 a8, __int64 a9, __int64 a10, __int64 a11)\n{\n__int64 v11; // rax\nint v12; // er9\n\nv11 = janet_nanbox_from_double(0.0);\nsub_41453A(a1, a2, 6, 5, v11, v12, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11);\nreturn a1;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,a7,sub_415447,sub_41453A,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'retstr', 'a2': 'args', 'a7': 'opts', 'sub_415447': 'do_add', 'sub_41453A': 'opreduce'}"}
static backslashResult exec_command_t(PsqlScanState scan_state, bool active_branch) { bool success = true; if (active_branch) { char *opt = psql_scan_slash_option(scan_state, OT_NORMAL, NULL, true); success = do_pset("tuples_only", opt, &pset.popt, pset.quiet); free(opt); } else ignore_slash_options(scan_state); return success ? PSQL_CMD_SKIP_LINE : PSQL_CMD_ERROR; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_408851", "function_addr": 4229201, "binary_name": "592aa8f1f1ae96a9c37fd14d9865a3e006c47cbaa3a809f9a1eeed5b088456c2.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov eax, esi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_1C], al"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_1], 1"], [7, "cmp [rbp+var_1C], 0"], [8, "jz short loc_4088BE"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [10, "mov ecx, 1"], [11, "mov edx, 0"], [12, "mov esi, 0"], [13, "mov rdi, rax"], [14, "call sub_42813E"], [15, "mov [rbp+ptr], rax"], [16, "movzx eax, cs:byte_4A3F22"], [17, "movzx edx, al"], [18, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [19, "mov ecx, edx"], [20, "mov edx, offset qword_4A3DF0"], [21, "mov rsi, rax"], [22, "mov edi, offset aTuplesOnly"], [23, "call sub_40AF10"], [24, "mov [rbp+var_1], al"], [25, "mov rax, [rbp+ptr]"], [26, "mov rdi, rax"], [27, "call _free"], [28, "jmp short loc_4088CA"], [29, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [30, "mov rdi, rax"], [31, "call sub_40928F"], [32, "cmp [rbp+var_1], 0"], [33, "jz short loc_4088D7"], [34, "mov eax, 2"], [35, "jmp short locret_4088DC"], [36, "mov eax, 5"], [37, "leave"], [38, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [7, 5], [8, 7], [9, 3], [13, 9], [15, 14], [17, 16], [18, 15], [19, 17], [21, 18], [24, 23], [25, 15], [26, 25], [29, 3], [30, 29], [32, 6], [32, 24], [33, 32], [38, 34], [38, 36]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/592aa8f1f1ae96a9c37fd14d9865a3e006c47cbaa3a809f9a1eeed5b088456c2_592aa8f1f1ae96a9c37fd14d9865a3e006c47cbaa3a809f9a1eeed5b088456c2.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_408851", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_408851(__int64 a1, char a2)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\nvoid *ptr; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-10h]\nchar v4; // [rsp+1Fh] [rbp-1h]\n\nv4 = 1;\nif ( a2 )\n{\nptr = (void *)sub_42813E(a1, 0LL, 0LL, 1LL);\nv4 = sub_40AF10(\"tuples_only\", ptr, &qword_4A3DF0, (unsigned __int8)byte_4A3F22);\nfree(ptr);\n}\nelse\n{\nsub_40928F(a1);\n}\nif ( v4 )\nresult = 2LL;\nelse\nresult = 5LL;\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,ptr,v4,sub_408851,sub_42813E,sub_40AF10,sub_40928F,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'scan_state', 'a2': 'active_branch', 'ptr': 'opt', 'v4': 'success', 'sub_408851': 'exec_command_t', 'sub_42813E': 'psql_scan_slash_option', 'sub_40AF10': 'do_pset', 'sub_40928F': 'ignore_slash_options'}"}
static void doc_exec_scope(const struct doc *dc, struct doc_state *st) { st->st_stats.nlines = 0; doc_exec1(dc->dc_doc, st); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_407CF0", "function_addr": 4226288, "binary_name": "52717776acda8a7daffd4b2004e65afc2870dcccd317c12ec9c51d6ff44b5c63.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [5, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [6, "mov dword ptr [rax+64h], 0"], [7, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [8, "mov rax, [rax+18h]"], [9, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_10]"], [10, "mov rsi, rdx"], [11, "mov rdi, rax"], [12, "call sub_406CE3"], [13, "nop"], [14, "leave"], [15, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 3], [8, 7], [8, 6], [9, 4], [10, 9], [11, 8], [15, 12]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/52717776acda8a7daffd4b2004e65afc2870dcccd317c12ec9c51d6ff44b5c63_52717776acda8a7daffd4b2004e65afc2870dcccd317c12ec9c51d6ff44b5c63.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_407CF0", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_407CF0(__int64 a1, _DWORD *a2)\n{\na2[25] = 0;\nreturn sub_406CE3(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 24), a2);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,sub_407CF0,sub_406CE3,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'dc', 'a2': 'st', 'sub_407CF0': 'doc_exec_scope', 'sub_406CE3': 'doc_exec1'}"}
int spn_value_equal(const SpnValue *lhs, const SpnValue *rhs) { /* first, make sure that we compare values of the same type * (values of different types cannot possibly be equal) */ if (valtype(lhs) != valtype(rhs)) { return 0; } switch (valtype(lhs)) { case SPN_TTAG_NIL: { return 1; /* nil can only be nil */ } case SPN_TTAG_BOOL: { return boolvalue(lhs) == boolvalue(rhs); } case SPN_TTAG_NUMBER: { return numeric_equal(lhs, rhs); } case SPN_TTAG_RAWPTR: { return ptrvalue(lhs) == ptrvalue(rhs); } case SPN_TTAG_OBJECT: { return spn_object_equal(objvalue(lhs), objvalue(rhs)); } default: SHANT_BE_REACHED(); } return 0; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "spn_value_equal", "function_addr": 4285882, "binary_name": "473b941682ea09b07b603dfb71d2a7d8480485ec92dc551c93613ac8ed3c5b1d.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 10h"], [3, "call cs:mcount_ptr"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [7, "mov edx, [rax]"], [8, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [9, "mov eax, [rax]"], [10, "xor eax, edx"], [11, "movzx eax, al"], [12, "test eax, eax"], [13, "jz short loc_4165EF"], [14, "mov eax, 0"], [15, "jmp locret_4166B1"], [16, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [17, "mov eax, [rax]"], [18, "movzx eax, al"], [19, "cmp eax, 4"], [20, "ja def_416621"], [21, "mov eax, eax"], [22, "lea rdx, ds:0[rax*4]"], [23, "lea rax, jpt_416621"], [24, "mov eax, ds:(jpt_416621 - 42E460h)[rdx+rax]"], [25, "cdqe"], [26, "lea rdx, jpt_416621"], [27, "add rax, rdx"], [28, "jmp rax"], [29, "mov eax, 1"], [30, "jmp locret_4166B1"], [31, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [32, "mov edx, [rax+8]"], [33, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [34, "mov eax, [rax+8]"], [35, "cmp edx, eax"], [36, "setz al"], [37, "movzx eax, al"], [38, "jmp short locret_4166B1"], [39, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_10]"], [40, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [41, "mov rsi, rdx"], [42, "mov rdi, rax"], [43, "call sub_416462"], [44, "jmp short locret_4166B1"], [45, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [46, "mov rdx, [rax+8]"], [47, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [48, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [49, "cmp rdx, rax"], [50, "setz al"], [51, "movzx eax, al"], [52, "jmp short locret_4166B1"], [53, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [54, "mov rdx, [rax+8]"], [55, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [56, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [57, "mov rsi, rdx"], [58, "mov rdi, rax"], [59, "call spn_object_equal"], [60, "jmp short locret_4166B1"], [61, "lea rcx, aSpnValueEqual_0"], [62, "mov edx, 0EDh"], [63, "lea rsi, aSrcApiC"], [64, "lea rdi, aVoidCodePathMu_2"], [65, "call ___assert_fail"], [66, "leave"], [67, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 4], [7, 6], [8, 5], [9, 8], [10, 9], [10, 7], [11, 10], [12, 11], [13, 12], [16, 4], [17, 16], [18, 17], [19, 18], [20, 19], [21, 18], [22, 7], [23, 21], [26, 22], [27, 24], [27, 26], [28, 27], [31, 4], [32, 31], [33, 5], [34, 33], [35, 32], [35, 34], [36, 34], [36, 35], [37, 36], [39, 5], [40, 4], [41, 39], [42, 40], [45, 4], [46, 45], [47, 5], [48, 47], [49, 46], [49, 48], [50, 49], [50, 48], [51, 50], [53, 5], [54, 53], [55, 4], [56, 55], [57, 54], [58, 56], [67, 59], [67, 37], [67, 43], [67, 51], [67, 14], [67, 29]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/473b941682ea09b07b603dfb71d2a7d8480485ec92dc551c93613ac8ed3c5b1d_473b941682ea09b07b603dfb71d2a7d8480485ec92dc551c93613ac8ed3c5b1d.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "spn_value_equal", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall spn_value_equal(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n\nmcount(a1, a2, a3);\nif ( (unsigned __int8)*(_DWORD *)a1 != (unsigned __int8)*(_DWORD *)a2 )\nreturn 0LL;\nswitch ( (unsigned __int8)*(_DWORD *)a1 )\n{\ncase 0u:\nresult = 1LL;\nbreak;\ncase 1u:\nresult = *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 8) == *(_DWORD *)(a2 + 8);\nbreak;\ncase 2u:\nresult = sub_416462(a1, a2, a2);\nbreak;\ncase 3u:\nresult = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8) == *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 8);\nbreak;\ncase 4u:\nresult = spn_object_equal(*(__int64 **)(a1 + 8), *(__int64 **)(a2 + 8), *(_QWORD *)(a2 + 8));\nbreak;\ndefault:\n__assert_fail(\"((void)(\\\"code path must not be reached\\\"), 0)\", \"src/api.c\", 0xEDu, \"spn_value_equal\");\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,sub_416462,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'lhs', 'a2': 'rhs', 'sub_416462': 'numeric_equal'}"}
static void initCodeIterator(u2 *pCode, u4 codeSize, u4 startCodeOff) { code_ptr = pCode; code_end = pCode + codeSize; dex_pc = 0; cur_code_off = startCodeOff; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_419804", "function_addr": 4298756, "binary_name": "adf8f3f32558035a43de6a2794e05c617fd356387dc6999991cbc942fd311076.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_C], esi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_10], edx"], [5, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [6, "mov cs:qword_44E468, rax"], [7, "mov eax, [rbp+var_C]"], [8, "lea rdx, [rax+rax]"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [10, "add rax, rdx"], [11, "mov cs:qword_44E470, rax"], [12, "mov cs:dword_44E478, 0"], [13, "mov eax, [rbp+var_10]"], [14, "mov cs:dword_44E47C, eax"], [15, "nop"], [16, "pop rbp"], [17, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 2], [6, 5], [7, 3], [8, 7], [9, 2], [10, 8], [10, 9], [11, 10], [13, 4], [14, 13], [16, 0], [17, 13]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/adf8f3f32558035a43de6a2794e05c617fd356387dc6999991cbc942fd311076_adf8f3f32558035a43de6a2794e05c617fd356387dc6999991cbc942fd311076.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_419804", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_419804(__int64 a1, unsigned int a2, unsigned int a3)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n\nqword_44E468 = a1;\nqword_44E470 = 2LL * a2 + a1;\ndword_44E478 = 0;\nresult = a3;\ndword_44E47C = a3;\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,sub_419804,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'startCodeOff', 'a1': 'pCode', 'a2': 'codeSize', 'sub_419804': 'initCodeIterator_2'}"}
void dev_pic32_uart_reset (cpu_mips_t * cpu, struct vdevice *dev) { struct pic32_uart_data *d = dev->priv_data; d->mode = 0; d->sta = PIC32_USTA_RIDLE | /* Receiver is idle */ PIC32_USTA_TRMT; /* Transmit shift register is empty */ d->txreg = 0; d->rxreg = 0; d->brg = 0; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_406012", "function_addr": 4218898, "binary_name": "88424ee5a5245c37ff242a8659d5e1bc52d42784d25fa569a567fbb8ea10d4c1.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_20], rsi"], [4, "mov rax, [rbp+var_20]"], [5, "mov rax, [rax+20h]"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [7, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [8, "mov dword ptr [rax+28h], 0"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [10, "mov dword ptr [rax+2Ch], 110h"], [11, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [12, "mov dword ptr [rax+30h], 0"], [13, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [14, "mov dword ptr [rax+34h], 0"], [15, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [16, "mov dword ptr [rax+38h], 0"], [17, "nop"], [18, "pop rbp"], [19, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [6, 5], [7, 6], [8, 7], [9, 6], [10, 9], [11, 6], [12, 11], [13, 6], [14, 13], [15, 6], [16, 15], [18, 0], [19, 15]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/88424ee5a5245c37ff242a8659d5e1bc52d42784d25fa569a567fbb8ea10d4c1_88424ee5a5245c37ff242a8659d5e1bc52d42784d25fa569a567fbb8ea10d4c1.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_406012", "query": "\n\n\n_DWORD *__fastcall sub_406012(__int64 a1, __int64 a2)\n{\n_DWORD *result; // rax\n_DWORD *v3; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv3 = *(_DWORD **)(a2 + 32);\nv3[10] = 0;\nv3[11] = 272;\nv3[12] = 0;\nv3[13] = 0;\nresult = v3;\nv3[14] = 0;\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a2,a1,v3,sub_406012,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a2': 'dev', 'a1': 'cpu', 'v3': 'd', 'sub_406012': 'dev_pic32_uart_reset'}"}
static void getopt_atexit(void) { free(opts); opts = NULL; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_405C1B", "function_addr": 4217883, "binary_name": "d8b983260aeaccb3e35dad38fbf39307e867d71d8b642f07c9773e4cb973cd11.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov rax, cs:qword_433CA8"], [3, "mov rdi, rax"], [4, "call _free"], [5, "mov cs:qword_433CA8, 0"], [6, "nop"], [7, "pop rbp"], [8, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[3, 2], [7, 0], [8, 4]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/d8b983260aeaccb3e35dad38fbf39307e867d71d8b642f07c9773e4cb973cd11_d8b983260aeaccb3e35dad38fbf39307e867d71d8b642f07c9773e4cb973cd11.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_405C1B", "query": "\n\n\nvoid sub_405C1B()\n{\nfree(qword_433CA8);\nqword_433CA8 = 0LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[sub_405C1B,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'sub_405C1B': 'getopt_atexit'}"}
DUK_EXTERNAL duk_bool_t duk_is_dynamic_buffer(duk_hthread *thr, duk_idx_t idx) { duk_tval *tv; DUK_ASSERT_API_ENTRY(thr); tv = duk_get_tval_or_unused(thr, idx); DUK_ASSERT(tv != NULL); if (DUK_TVAL_IS_BUFFER(tv)) { duk_hbuffer *h = DUK_TVAL_GET_BUFFER(tv); DUK_ASSERT(h != NULL); return (DUK_HBUFFER_HAS_DYNAMIC(h) && !DUK_HBUFFER_HAS_EXTERNAL(h) ? 1 : 0); } return 0; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_412287", "function_addr": 4268679, "binary_name": "8637b53fba300d2bbda36edc905b4ce0ac17bbe93b75784d9e0ff8ef770869f2.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_1C], esi"], [5, "mov edx, [rbp+var_1C]"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [7, "mov esi, edx"], [8, "mov rdi, rax"], [9, "call sub_40D2D8"], [10, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [11, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [12, "mov eax, [rax]"], [13, "cmp eax, 0Ah"], [14, "jnz short loc_4122F4"], [15, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [16, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [17, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [18, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [19, "mov eax, [rax]"], [20, "mov eax, eax"], [21, "and eax, 80h"], [22, "test rax, rax"], [23, "jz short loc_4122ED"], [24, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [25, "mov eax, [rax]"], [26, "mov eax, eax"], [27, "and eax, 100h"], [28, "test rax, rax"], [29, "jnz short loc_4122ED"], [30, "mov eax, 1"], [31, "jmp short locret_4122F9"], [32, "mov eax, 0"], [33, "jmp short locret_4122F9"], [34, "mov eax, 0"], [35, "leave"], [36, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 3], [7, 5], [8, 6], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 13], [15, 10], [16, 15], [17, 16], [18, 17], [19, 18], [20, 19], [21, 20], [22, 21], [23, 22], [24, 17], [25, 24], [26, 25], [27, 26], [28, 27], [29, 28], [36, 34], [36, 30], [36, 32]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/8637b53fba300d2bbda36edc905b4ce0ac17bbe93b75784d9e0ff8ef770869f2_8637b53fba300d2bbda36edc905b4ce0ac17bbe93b75784d9e0ff8ef770869f2.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_412287", "query": "\n\n\n_BOOL8 __fastcall sub_412287(__int64 a1, int a2)\n{\n_DWORD *v3; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-10h]\nconst char *v4; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv4 = sub_40D2D8(a1, a2);\nif ( *(_DWORD *)v4 != 10 )\nreturn 0LL;\nv3 = (_DWORD *)*((_QWORD *)v4 + 1);\nreturn (*v3 & 0x80) != 0 && (*v3 & 0x100) == 0;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,v3,v4,sub_412287,sub_40D2D8,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'thr', 'a2': 'idx', 'v3': 'h', 'v4': 'tv', 'sub_412287': 'duk_is_dynamic_buffer', 'sub_40D2D8': 'duk_get_tval_or_unused'}"}
void lv_style_set_color_filter_opa(lv_style_t * style, lv_opa_t value) { lv_style_value_t v = { .num = (int32_t)value }; lv_style_set_prop(style, LV_STYLE_COLOR_FILTER_OPA, v); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_47244A", "function_addr": 4662346, "binary_name": "53faff7486da2db257c0486a573e49eb3e70656a42b3e2ad40ce428af0925783.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "mov eax, esi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_1C], al"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_8], 0"], [7, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_1C]"], [8, "mov dword ptr [rbp+var_8], eax"], [9, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [10, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [11, "mov esi, 62h "], [12, "mov rdi, rax"], [13, "call sub_470D51"], [14, "nop"], [15, "leave"], [16, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [7, 5], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 3], [12, 10], [16, 13]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/53faff7486da2db257c0486a573e49eb3e70656a42b3e2ad40ce428af0925783_53faff7486da2db257c0486a573e49eb3e70656a42b3e2ad40ce428af0925783.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_47244A", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_47244A(__int64 a1, unsigned __int8 a2)\n{\nreturn sub_470D51(a1, 0x62u, a2);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,sub_47244A,sub_470D51,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'style', 'a2': 'value', 'sub_47244A': 'lv_style_set_color_filter_opa', 'sub_470D51': 'lv_style_set_prop'}"}
int brtrimws (bstring b) { int i; if (b == NULL || b->data == NULL || b->mlen < b->slen || b->slen < 0 || b->mlen <= 0) return BSTR_ERR; for (i = b->slen - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!wspace (b->data[i])) { if (b->mlen > i) b->data[i+1] = (unsigned char) '\0'; b->slen = i + 1; return BSTR_OK; } } b->data[0] = (unsigned char) '\0'; b->slen = 0; return BSTR_OK; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "brtrimws", "function_addr": 4219144, "binary_name": "f80fce60a1c6c5d72197f6716ad274285d5f735ea4a56e8230f0a67845b1a087.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdi"], [4, "cmp [rbp+var_18], 0"], [5, "jz short loc_40614E"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [7, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [8, "test rax, rax"], [9, "jz short loc_40614E"], [10, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [11, "mov edx, [rax]"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [13, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [14, "cmp edx, eax"], [15, "jl short loc_40614E"], [16, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [17, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [18, "test eax, eax"], [19, "js short loc_40614E"], [20, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [21, "mov eax, [rax]"], [22, "test eax, eax"], [23, "jg short loc_406158"], [24, "mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [25, "jmp locret_4061F5"], [26, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [27, "mov eax, [rax+4]"], [28, "sub eax, 1"], [29, "mov [rbp+var_4], eax"], [30, "jmp short loc_4061D4"], [31, "call ___ctype_b_loc"], [32, "mov rdx, [rax]"], [33, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [34, "mov rcx, [rax+8]"], [35, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [36, "cdqe"], [37, "add rax, rcx"], [38, "movzx eax, byte ptr [rax]"], [39, "movzx eax, al"], [40, "add rax, rax"], [41, "add rax, rdx"], [42, "movzx eax, word ptr [rax]"], [43, "movzx eax, ax"], [44, "and eax, 2000h"], [45, "test eax, eax"], [46, "jnz short loc_4061D0"], [47, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [48, "mov eax, [rax]"], [49, "cmp [rbp+var_4], eax"], [50, "jge short loc_4061BC"], [51, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [52, "mov rdx, [rax+8]"], [53, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [54, "cdqe"], [55, "add rax, 1"], [56, "add rax, rdx"], [57, "mov byte ptr [rax], 0"], [58, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [59, "lea edx, [rax+1]"], [60, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [61, "mov [rax+4], edx"], [62, "mov eax, 0"], [63, "jmp short locret_4061F5"], [64, "sub [rbp+var_4], 1"], [65, "cmp [rbp+var_4], 0"], [66, "jns short loc_406167"], [67, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [68, "mov rax, [rax+8]"], [69, "mov byte ptr [rax], 0"], [70, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [71, "mov dword ptr [rax+4], 0"], [72, "mov eax, 0"], [73, "leave"], [74, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [5, 4], [6, 3], [7, 6], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 3], [11, 10], [12, 3], [13, 12], [14, 13], [14, 11], [15, 14], [16, 3], [17, 16], [18, 17], [19, 18], [20, 3], [21, 20], [22, 21], [23, 22], [26, 3], [27, 26], [28, 27], [29, 28], [32, 31], [33, 3], [34, 33], [35, 64], [35, 29], [37, 35], [37, 34], [38, 37], [39, 38], [40, 39], [41, 40], [41, 32], [42, 41], [43, 42], [44, 43], [45, 44], [46, 45], [47, 3], [48, 47], [49, 64], [49, 48], [49, 29], [50, 49], [51, 3], [52, 51], [53, 64], [53, 29], [55, 53], [56, 55], [56, 52], [57, 56], [58, 64], [58, 29], [59, 57], [59, 32], [59, 52], [59, 61], [59, 58], [60, 3], [61, 60], [61, 59], [64, 64], [64, 29], [65, 29], [65, 64], [66, 65], [67, 3], [68, 67], [69, 68], [70, 3], [71, 70], [74, 72], [74, 24], [74, 62]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/f80fce60a1c6c5d72197f6716ad274285d5f735ea4a56e8230f0a67845b1a087_f80fce60a1c6c5d72197f6716ad274285d5f735ea4a56e8230f0a67845b1a087.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "brtrimws", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall brtrimws(__int64 a1)\n{\nint i; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nif ( !a1 || !*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8) || *(_DWORD *)a1 < *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 4) || *(int *)(a1 + 4) < 0 || *(int *)a1 <= 0 )\nreturn 0xFFFFFFFFLL;\nfor ( i = *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 4) - 1; ; --i )\n{\nif ( i < 0 )\n{\n**(_BYTE **)(a1 + 8) = 0;\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 4) = 0;\nreturn 0LL;\n}\nif ( ((*__ctype_b_loc())[*(unsigned __int8 *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8) + i)] & 0x2000) == 0 )\nbreak;\n}\nif ( i < *(_DWORD *)a1 )\n*(_BYTE *)(*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 8) + i + 1LL) = 0;\n*(_DWORD *)(a1 + 4) = i + 1;\nreturn 0LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'b'}"}
int tlsv12_key_x_server_params_hash(u16 tls_version, u8 hash_alg, const u8 *client_random, const u8 *server_random, const u8 *server_params, size_t server_params_len, u8 *hash) { size_t hlen; struct crypto_hash *ctx; enum crypto_hash_alg alg; switch (hash_alg) { case TLS_HASH_ALG_SHA256: alg = CRYPTO_HASH_ALG_SHA256; hlen = SHA256_MAC_LEN; break; case TLS_HASH_ALG_SHA384: alg = CRYPTO_HASH_ALG_SHA384; hlen = 48; break; case TLS_HASH_ALG_SHA512: alg = CRYPTO_HASH_ALG_SHA512; hlen = 64; break; default: return -1; } ctx = crypto_hash_init(alg, NULL, 0); if (ctx == NULL) return -1; crypto_hash_update(ctx, client_random, TLS_RANDOM_LEN); crypto_hash_update(ctx, server_random, TLS_RANDOM_LEN); crypto_hash_update(ctx, server_params, server_params_len); if (crypto_hash_finish(ctx, hash, &hlen) < 0) return -1; return hlen; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_445065", "function_addr": 4477029, "binary_name": "eee7ae2b1fa6343f62d0787a4b4e729e68108fcf48944de5e880c8604be20f95.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 50h"], [3, "mov eax, edi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_30], rdx"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_38], rcx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_40], r8"], [7, "mov [rbp+var_48], r9"], [8, "mov [rbp+var_24], ax"], [9, "mov eax, esi"], [10, "mov [rbp+var_28], al"], [11, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_28]"], [12, "cmp eax, 6"], [13, "jz short loc_4450C4"], [14, "cmp eax, 6"], [15, "jg short loc_4450D5"], [16, "cmp eax, 4"], [17, "jz short loc_4450A2"], [18, "cmp eax, 5"], [19, "jz short loc_4450B3"], [20, "jmp short loc_4450D5"], [21, "mov [rbp+var_4], 4"], [22, "mov [rbp+var_18], 20h "], [23, "jmp short loc_4450DF"], [24, "mov [rbp+var_4], 6"], [25, "mov [rbp+var_18], 30h "], [26, "jmp short loc_4450DF"], [27, "mov [rbp+var_4], 7"], [28, "mov [rbp+var_18], 40h "], [29, "jmp short loc_4450DF"], [30, "mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [31, "jmp locret_44516F"], [32, "mov eax, [rbp+var_4]"], [33, "mov edx, 0"], [34, "mov esi, 0"], [35, "mov edi, eax"], [36, "call sub_454EE6"], [37, "mov [rbp+var_10], rax"], [38, "cmp [rbp+var_10], 0"], [39, "jnz short loc_445105"], [40, "mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [41, "jmp short locret_44516F"], [42, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_30]"], [43, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [44, "mov edx, 20h "], [45, "mov rsi, rcx"], [46, "mov rdi, rax"], [47, "call sub_45538A"], [48, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_38]"], [49, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [50, "mov edx, 20h "], [51, "mov rsi, rcx"], [52, "mov rdi, rax"], [53, "call sub_45538A"], [54, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_48]"], [55, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_40]"], [56, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [57, "mov rsi, rcx"], [58, "mov rdi, rax"], [59, "call sub_45538A"], [60, "lea rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [61, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [62, "mov rsi, [rbp+arg_0]"], [63, "mov rdi, rax"], [64, "call sub_455442"], [65, "test eax, eax"], [66, "jns short loc_44516B"], [67, "mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh"], [68, "jmp short locret_44516F"], [69, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [70, "leave"], [71, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[8, 3], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 11], [13, 12], [14, 11], [15, 14], [16, 11], [17, 16], [18, 11], [19, 18], [32, 21], [32, 27], [32, 24], [35, 32], [37, 36], [38, 37], [39, 38], [42, 4], [43, 37], [45, 42], [46, 43], [48, 5], [49, 37], [51, 48], [52, 49], [54, 7], [55, 6], [56, 37], [57, 55], [58, 56], [60, 22], [60, 25], [60, 28], [60, 54], [61, 37], [63, 61], [65, 64], [66, 65], [69, 25], [69, 22], [69, 28], [71, 40], [71, 67], [71, 30], [71, 69]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/eee7ae2b1fa6343f62d0787a4b4e729e68108fcf48944de5e880c8604be20f95_eee7ae2b1fa6343f62d0787a4b4e729e68108fcf48944de5e880c8604be20f95.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_445065", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_445065(__int64 a1, unsigned __int8 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, __int64 a5, __int64 a6, __int64 a7)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n__int64 v12; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-18h] BYREF\n__int64 v13; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-10h]\nunsigned int v14; // [rsp+4Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nif ( a2 == 6 )\n{\nv14 = 7;\nv12 = 64LL;\n}\nelse\n{\nif ( a2 > 6u )\nreturn 0xFFFFFFFFLL;\nif ( a2 == 4 )\n{\nv14 = 4;\nv12 = 32LL;\n}\nelse\n{\nif ( a2 != 5 )\nreturn 0xFFFFFFFFLL;\nv14 = 6;\nv12 = 48LL;\n}\n}\nv13 = sub_454EE6(v14, 0LL, 0LL);\nif ( !v13 )\nreturn 0xFFFFFFFFLL;\nsub_45538A(v13, a3, 32LL);\nsub_45538A(v13, a4, 32LL);\nsub_45538A(v13, a5, a6);\nif ( (int)sub_455442(v13, a7, &v12) >= 0 )\nresult = v12;\nelse\nresult = 0xFFFFFFFFLL;\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a2,a5,a6,a1,a7,v12,v13,v14,sub_445065,sub_454EE6,sub_45538A,sub_455442,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'client_random', 'a4': 'server_random', 'a2': 'hash_alg', 'a5': 'server_params', 'a6': 'server_params_len', 'a1': 'tls_version', 'a7': 'hash', 'v12': 'hlen', 'v13': 'ctx', 'v14': 'alg', 'sub_445065': 'tlsv12_key_x_server_params_hash', 'sub_454EE6': 'crypto_hash_init', 'sub_45538A': 'crypto_hash_update', 'sub_455442': 'crypto_hash_finish'}"}
void lv_obj_set_tile_id(lv_obj_t * tv, uint32_t col_id, uint32_t row_id, lv_anim_enable_t anim_en) { lv_obj_update_layout(tv); lv_coord_t w = lv_obj_get_content_width(tv); lv_coord_t h = lv_obj_get_content_height(tv); lv_coord_t tx = col_id * w; lv_coord_t ty = row_id * h; uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < lv_obj_get_child_cnt(tv); i++) { lv_obj_t * tile_obj = lv_obj_get_child(tv, i); lv_coord_t x = lv_obj_get_x(tile_obj); lv_coord_t y = lv_obj_get_y(tile_obj); if(x == tx && y == ty) { lv_obj_set_tile(tv, tile_obj, anim_en); return; } } LV_LOG_WARN("No tile found with at (%d,%d) index", (int)col_id, (int)row_id); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_462FF9", "function_addr": 4599801, "binary_name": "1ba19119f39f257e698158d43e5d3674346db96601f10ff9792919370406ff3a.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 40h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_28], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_2C], esi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_30], edx"], [6, "mov [rbp+var_34], ecx"], [7, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [8, "mov rdi, rax"], [9, "call sub_43078D"], [10, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [11, "mov rdi, rax"], [12, "call sub_431267"], [13, "mov [rbp+var_6], ax"], [14, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [15, "mov rdi, rax"], [16, "call sub_4312B7"], [17, "mov [rbp+var_8], ax"], [18, "movsx eax, [rbp+var_6]"], [19, "mov edx, eax"], [20, "mov eax, [rbp+var_2C]"], [21, "imul eax, edx"], [22, "mov [rbp+var_A], ax"], [23, "movsx eax, [rbp+var_8]"], [24, "mov edx, eax"], [25, "mov eax, [rbp+var_30]"], [26, "imul eax, edx"], [27, "mov [rbp+var_C], ax"], [28, "mov [rbp+var_4], 0"], [29, "jmp short loc_4630C8"], [30, "mov edx, [rbp+var_4]"], [31, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [32, "mov esi, edx"], [33, "mov rdi, rax"], [34, "call sub_42A5B0"], [35, "mov [rbp+var_18], rax"], [36, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [37, "mov rdi, rax"], [38, "call sub_43107B"], [39, "mov [rbp+var_1A], ax"], [40, "mov rax, [rbp+var_18]"], [41, "mov rdi, rax"], [42, "call sub_431134"], [43, "mov [rbp+var_1C], ax"], [44, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_1A]"], [45, "cmp ax, [rbp+var_A]"], [46, "jnz short loc_4630C4"], [47, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_1C]"], [48, "cmp ax, [rbp+var_C]"], [49, "jnz short loc_4630C4"], [50, "mov edx, [rbp+var_34]"], [51, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_18]"], [52, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [53, "mov rsi, rcx"], [54, "mov rdi, rax"], [55, "call sub_462F77"], [56, "jmp short locret_4630D9"], [57, "add [rbp+var_4], 1"], [58, "mov rax, [rbp+var_28]"], [59, "mov rdi, rax"], [60, "call sub_42A636"], [61, "cmp [rbp+var_4], eax"], [62, "jb short loc_463063"], [63, "leave"], [64, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[7, 3], [8, 7], [10, 3], [11, 10], [13, 12], [14, 3], [15, 14], [17, 16], [18, 13], [19, 18], [20, 4], [21, 19], [21, 20], [22, 21], [23, 17], [24, 23], [25, 5], [26, 24], [26, 25], [27, 26], [30, 57], [30, 28], [31, 3], [32, 30], [33, 31], [35, 34], [36, 35], [37, 36], [39, 38], [40, 35], [41, 40], [43, 42], [44, 39], [45, 22], [45, 44], [46, 45], [47, 43], [48, 27], [48, 47], [49, 48], [50, 6], [51, 35], [52, 3], [53, 51], [54, 52], [57, 57], [57, 28], [58, 3], [59, 58], [61, 57], [61, 60], [61, 28], [62, 61], [64, 55], [64, 60]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/1ba19119f39f257e698158d43e5d3674346db96601f10ff9792919370406ff3a_1ba19119f39f257e698158d43e5d3674346db96601f10ff9792919370406ff3a.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_462FF9", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_462FF9(__int64 *a1, __int16 a2, __int16 a3, unsigned int a4)\n{\n__int64 result; // rax\n__int16 v7; // [rsp+24h] [rbp-1Ch]\n__int16 v8; // [rsp+26h] [rbp-1Ah]\n__int64 v9; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-18h]\n__int16 v10; // [rsp+34h] [rbp-Ch]\n__int16 v11; // [rsp+36h] [rbp-Ah]\nunsigned int i; // [rsp+3Ch] [rbp-4h]\n\nsub_43078D((__int64)a1);\nv11 = sub_431267(a1) * a2;\nv10 = sub_4312B7(a1) * a3;\nfor ( i = 0; ; ++i )\n{\nresult = sub_42A636((__int64)a1);\nif ( i >= (unsigned int)result )\nbreak;\nv9 = sub_42A5B0((__int64)a1, i);\nv8 = sub_43107B(v9);\nv7 = sub_431134(v9);\nif ( v8 == v11 && v7 == v10 )\nreturn sub_462F77((__int64)a1, v9, a4);\n}\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a4,a1,a2,v7,v9,v10,sub_462FF9,sub_43078D,sub_431267,sub_4312B7,sub_42A636,sub_42A5B0,sub_43107B,sub_431134,sub_462F77,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'row_id', 'a4': 'anim_en', 'a1': 'tv', 'a2': 'col_id', 'v7': 'y', 'v9': 'tile_obj', 'v10': 'ty', 'sub_462FF9': 'lv_obj_set_tile_id', 'sub_43078D': 'lv_obj_update_layout', 'sub_431267': 'lv_obj_get_content_width', 'sub_4312B7': 'lv_obj_get_content_height', 'sub_42A636': 'lv_obj_get_child_cnt', 'sub_42A5B0': 'lv_obj_get_child', 'sub_43107B': 'lv_obj_get_x', 'sub_431134': 'lv_obj_get_y', 'sub_462F77': 'lv_obj_set_tile'}"}
void avdtp_sink_register_reporting_category(uint8_t seid){ avdtp_stream_endpoint_t * stream_endpoint = avdtp_stream_endpoint_for_seid(seid, avdtp_sink_context); avdtp_register_reporting_category(stream_endpoint); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_44C260", "function_addr": 4506208, "binary_name": "4f50d4a61abfbd8c407aba68361e53a458c52f761b528ded37cf6ddc166819b1.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 20h"], [3, "mov eax, edi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_14], al"], [5, "mov rdx, cs:qword_489D20"], [6, "movzx eax, [rbp+var_14]"], [7, "mov rsi, rdx"], [8, "mov edi, eax"], [9, "call sub_4416DE"], [10, "mov [rbp+var_8], rax"], [11, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [12, "mov rdi, rax"], [13, "call sub_444C17"], [14, "nop"], [15, "leave"], [16, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[4, 3], [6, 4], [7, 5], [8, 6], [10, 9], [11, 10], [12, 11], [16, 13]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/4f50d4a61abfbd8c407aba68361e53a458c52f761b528ded37cf6ddc166819b1_4f50d4a61abfbd8c407aba68361e53a458c52f761b528ded37cf6ddc166819b1.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_44C260", "query": "\n\n\nint __fastcall sub_44C260(unsigned __int8 a1)\n{\n__int64 v1; // rsi\n__int64 v2; // rdx\n__int64 v3; // rcx\n__int64 v4; // r8\n__int64 v5; // r9\n__int64 v7; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]\n\nv1 = qword_489D20;\nv7 = sub_4416DE(a1, qword_489D20);\nreturn sub_444C17(v7, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,v7,sub_44C260,sub_4416DE,sub_444C17,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'seid', 'v7': 'stream_endpoint', 'sub_44C260': 'avdtp_sink_register_reporting_category', 'sub_4416DE': 'avdtp_stream_endpoint_for_seid', 'sub_444C17': 'avdtp_register_reporting_category'}"}
void test_header_nread_value () { http_parser parser; http_parser_init(&parser, HTTP_REQUEST); size_t parsed; const char *buf; buf = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nheader: value\nhdr: value\r\n"; parsed = http_parser_execute(&parser, &settings_null, buf, strlen(buf)); assert(parsed == strlen(buf)); assert(parser.nread == strlen(buf)); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_40A83C", "function_addr": 4237372, "binary_name": "4698b45c104d0d8c22b5894ac6080c5f9a1b4ca7bb113fcfb9a68fd1d2c0c579.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "push rbx"], [3, "sub rsp, 38h"], [4, "lea rax, [rbp+var_40]"], [5, "mov esi, 0"], [6, "mov rdi, rax"], [7, "call sub_40690E"], [8, "mov [rbp+s], offset aGetHttp11Heade"], [9, "mov rax, [rbp+s]"], [10, "mov rdi, rax"], [11, "call _strlen"], [12, "mov rcx, rax"], [13, "mov rdx, [rbp+s]"], [14, "lea rax, [rbp+var_40]"], [15, "mov esi, offset unk_92CC00"], [16, "mov rdi, rax"], [17, "call sub_40159C"], [18, "mov [rbp+var_20], rax"], [19, "mov rax, [rbp+s]"], [20, "mov rdi, rax"], [21, "call _strlen"], [22, "cmp [rbp+var_20], rax"], [23, "jz short loc_40A8B1"], [24, "mov ecx, offset aTestHeaderNrea"], [25, "mov edx, 0F04h"], [26, "mov esi, offset aTestC"], [27, "mov edi, offset aParsedStrlenBu"], [28, "call ___assert_fail"], [29, "mov eax, [rbp+var_3C]"], [30, "mov ebx, eax"], [31, "mov rax, [rbp+s]"], [32, "mov rdi, rax"], [33, "call _strlen"], [34, "cmp rbx, rax"], [35, "jz short loc_40A8E0"], [36, "mov ecx, offset aTestHeaderNrea"], [37, "mov edx, 0F06h"], [38, "mov esi, offset aTestC"], [39, "mov edi, offset aParserNreadStr"], [40, "call ___assert_fail"], [41, "nop"], [42, "mov rbx, [rbp+var_8]"], [43, "leave"], [44, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 4], [9, 8], [10, 9], [12, 11], [13, 8], [14, 11], [16, 14], [18, 17], [19, 8], [20, 19], [22, 18], [22, 21], [23, 22], [30, 29], [31, 8], [32, 31], [34, 30], [34, 33], [35, 34], [44, 33]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/4698b45c104d0d8c22b5894ac6080c5f9a1b4ca7bb113fcfb9a68fd1d2c0c579_4698b45c104d0d8c22b5894ac6080c5f9a1b4ca7bb113fcfb9a68fd1d2c0c579.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_40A83C", "query": "\n\n\nsize_t sub_40A83C()\n{\n__int64 v0; // rax\nsize_t v1; // rax\n__int64 v2; // rbx\nsize_t result; // rax\nchar v4[4]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-40h] BYREF\nunsigned int v5; // [rsp+4h] [rbp-3Ch]\n__int64 v6; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-20h]\nchar *s; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-18h]\n\nsub_40690E(v4, 0);\ns = \"GET / HTTP/1.1\\r\\nheader: value\\nhdr: value\\r\\n\";\nv0 = strlen(\"GET / HTTP/1.1\\r\\nheader: value\\nhdr: value\\r\\n\");\nv6 = sub_40159C((__int64)v4, (__int64)&unk_92CC00, (unsigned __int8 *)s, v0);\nv1 = strlen(s);\nif ( v6 != v1 )\n__assert_fail(\"parsed == strlen(buf)\", \"test.c\", 0xF04u, \"test_header_nread_value\");\nv2 = v5;\nresult = strlen(s);\nif ( v2 != result )\n__assert_fail(\"parser.nread == strlen(buf)\", \"test.c\", 0xF06u, \"test_header_nread_value\");\nreturn result;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[v4,v6,s,sub_40A83C,sub_40690E,sub_40159C,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'v4': 'parser', 'v6': 'parsed', 's': 'buf', 'sub_40A83C': 'test_header_nread_value', 'sub_40690E': 'http_parser_init', 'sub_40159C': 'http_parser_execute'}"}
void reflect(vec3 l, const vec3 v, const vec3 n) { vmul(l, 2.f * vdot(v, n), n); vsub(l, v, l); }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_401E16", "function_addr": 4202006, "binary_name": "f60bb23897c0a2cca2bef1b77d051080ce89c1739e69669f6953292ec36b5e94.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "sub rsp, 18h"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [4, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_18], rdx"], [6, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_18]"], [7, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [8, "mov rsi, rdx"], [9, "mov rdi, rax"], [10, "call sub_4014AB"], [11, "addss xmm0, xmm0"], [12, "movd edx, xmm0"], [13, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_18]"], [14, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [15, "mov rsi, rcx"], [16, "movd xmm0, edx"], [17, "mov rdi, rax"], [18, "call sub_401366"], [19, "mov rdx, [rbp+var_8]"], [20, "mov rcx, [rbp+var_10]"], [21, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [22, "mov rsi, rcx"], [23, "mov rdi, rax"], [24, "call sub_4012E7"], [25, "nop"], [26, "leave"], [27, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[6, 5], [7, 4], [8, 6], [9, 7], [12, 11], [13, 5], [14, 3], [15, 13], [16, 12], [17, 14], [19, 3], [20, 4], [21, 3], [22, 20], [23, 21], [27, 24]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/f60bb23897c0a2cca2bef1b77d051080ce89c1739e69669f6953292ec36b5e94_f60bb23897c0a2cca2bef1b77d051080ce89c1739e69669f6953292ec36b5e94.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_401E16", "query": "\n\n\nfloat *__fastcall sub_401E16(float *a1, float *a2, float *a3, __m128i a4)\n{\n*(float *)a4.m128i_i32 = sub_4014AB(a2, a3);\n*(float *)a4.m128i_i32 = *(float *)a4.m128i_i32 + *(float *)a4.m128i_i32;\nsub_401366(a1, a3, COERCE_FLOAT(_mm_cvtsi128_si32(a4)));\nreturn sub_4012E7(a1, a2, a1);\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a3,a1,a2,sub_401E16,sub_4014AB,sub_401366,sub_4012E7,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a3': 'n', 'a1': 'l', 'a2': 'v', 'sub_401E16': 'reflect', 'sub_4014AB': 'vdot', 'sub_401366': 'vmul', 'sub_4012E7': 'vsub'}"}
bool mycss_declaration_state_ident(mycss_entry_t* entry, mycss_token_t* token, bool last_response) { switch (token->type) { case MyCSS_TOKEN_TYPE_WHITESPACE: { break; } case MyCSS_TOKEN_TYPE_COLON: { entry->parser = entry->parser_switch; break; } default: { /* parse error */ entry->parser = mycss_declaration_state_parse_error; return false; } } return true; }
{"metadata": {"project_name": "lmpa-bins-ret", "function_name": "sub_4100B9", "function_addr": 4260025, "binary_name": "fae6ec7055d349e9fa0a2e92e40c5a6b2d3d093ec925c965855a0e8611ff28e5.elf_extract.pkl\n"}, "code": [[0, "push rbp"], [1, "mov rbp, rsp"], [2, "mov [rbp+var_8], rdi"], [3, "mov [rbp+var_10], rsi"], [4, "mov eax, edx"], [5, "mov [rbp+var_14], al"], [6, "mov rax, [rbp+var_10]"], [7, "mov eax, [rax]"], [8, "cmp eax, 1"], [9, "jz short loc_41010B"], [10, "cmp eax, 18h"], [11, "jnz short loc_4100F2"], [12, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [13, "mov rdx, [rax+0A0h]"], [14, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [15, "mov [rax+98h], rdx"], [16, "jmp short loc_41010C"], [17, "mov rax, [rbp+var_8]"], [18, "mov rdx, offset sub_4103F7"], [19, "mov [rax+98h], rdx"], [20, "mov eax, 0"], [21, "jmp short loc_410111"], [22, "nop"], [23, "mov eax, 1"], [24, "pop rbp"], [25, "retn"]], "data_dep": [[5, 4], [6, 3], [7, 6], [8, 7], [9, 8], [10, 7], [11, 10], [12, 2], [13, 12], [14, 2], [15, 14], [15, 13], [17, 2], [19, 17], [19, 18], [24, 0], [25, 23], [25, 20]]}
{"prompt": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.\n Human: Help user generate meaningful names for variables and functions in the following code snippet.\n\n\n", "prog_name": "gh-dataset-dirty/bins/fae6ec7055d349e9fa0a2e92e40c5a6b2d3d093ec925c965855a0e8611ff28e5_fae6ec7055d349e9fa0a2e92e40c5a6b2d3d093ec925c965855a0e8611ff28e5.jsonl.gz", "strip_func_name": "sub_4100B9", "query": "\n\n\n__int64 __fastcall sub_4100B9(__int64 a1, _DWORD *a2)\n{\nif ( *a2 != 1 )\n{\nif ( *a2 != 24 )\n{\n*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 152) = sub_4103F7;\nreturn 0LL;\n}\n*(_QWORD *)(a1 + 152) = *(_QWORD *)(a1 + 160);\n}\nreturn 1LL;\n}\n\n\n\nQ:[a1,a2,sub_4100B9,sub_4103F7,]\nAssistant: ", "hints": "[]", "response": "{'a1': 'entry', 'a2': 'token', 'sub_4100B9': 'mycss_declaration_state_ident', 'sub_4103F7': 'mycss_declaration_state_parse_error'}"}