I'm a little over a month using this cream to help clear mild acne. The first few weeks were horrible. Face would sting especially around mouth & corner of eyes. Skin was peeling & super dry, with dry patches appearing during the day. I use it every night & if needed would take a night off. However I stopped feeling them around week 3. My routine is: exfoliate face w/ philosophy exfoliating wash, followed with cleanse with their face wash. I apply a vitamin c serum (trueskin is the brand) leave to air dry for 2 mins then I use CeraVe daily moisturizer applying a generous amount. Wait 5mins then apply one pump epiduo forte gel on cheeks/chin. My skin looks drastically clearer. Still get break outs around cycle but they don't last long at all
My mother started taking Tarceva after being diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. So far she is doing okay - very chilled and developed a rash on her face which they say is not uncommon. Took her off of it for a few days to clear up the rash and hopefully she can continue. Her cancer travelled to her brain so we had a few more set backs but they tell us Tarceva has been known to help the brain in some cases just praying for the best.
I am on a 24 week regimen and into my 12th week. Some increased fatigue, way too much gas, increased appetite, and some insomnia are my current side affects. These are nothing compared to Interferon/Ribraviron. My only disappointment is my doc told me that my fatigue might not improve due to the fact that I have cirrhosis, but my bloodwork (low platelets, liver enzymes and viral count) is all normal. She told me that some of the fog associated with Hep C will be gone. I am very happy with the medication and course of treatment.
It would be nice if there were a once daily extended release capsule. 3 times daily is hard. Don't forget either.
When I first started the shot, everything was great. I wasn't bleeding, it worked as a birth control. Then, a month later I started bleeding heavily. I bled for the entire month and longer. I also suffer from bipolar disorder, and this shot only enhanced both my manic and depression episodes. I became extremely irritable, erratic, and finally, I became suicidal. After being hospitalized my doctor expressed concern that the shot had worsened everything. If you suffer from any mood or anxiety disorder I strongly caution you against using this form of birth control. I have used the pill before and never suffered such severe side effects with my mood.
Depression got worse..I gained 16 pounds in less than three months and I had very elevated liver enzymes..please be careful with this medication
I did a lot of research and asked my doctor to put me on Loestrin, being that it had a lower estrogen dosage. I started taking it before I went to bed every night, as instructed by my doctor, so as to sleep off some of the initial side effects. I had some small headaches week 1, but other than that I've loved this medication! The only issue was that I had some mild spotting about a week before my placebo pills for the first two packs. Lighter shorter periods, smoother skin, and NO CRAMPS! Love this pill.
Do not use this birth control. I was on yaz for a year and it did a great job at keeping facial hair and acne at bay for my PCOS. I had no negative side effects except for breakthrough bleeding which after dealing with this Tri Sprintec, doesn’t even compare. The first two days I felt fine. After that, forget it. I started to get extremely bloated, gassy, nausea, and heartburn. It would come for a couple hours each day. Now, 5 days later everything is constant and won’t go away I feel absolutely horrible. I went to the ER last night thinking I had a bowel obstruction but now thinking, it has to be the birth control. Can’t wait until this horrible pill gets out of my system.
I've had back pain for years. Then I started getting really bad pain in my knee and found out I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis and I'm only 28 yrs old. I have been on Lortab 10/500 for 6 yrs. Then started going to a pain specialist and I'm now on Tramadol ER 300mg 1x a day and Norco 10/325 4-6x a day and it works miracles. I also take the muscle relaxer, Flexeril and it helps very well too. I still have pain but I always will for the rest of my life because of my arthritis. But these medicines makes life much better.
I have been taking the Gianvi for about a year now. The first three months I felt fine, once in a blue moon I would experience nausea. But after the first three months my body was completely used to it. It was my first birth control I've ever taken. My gyno recommended it to me because she herself had been taking it for 12 years. So I trusted her opinion completely and I'm glad I did. While taking Gianvi gained 6 pounds. I needed it though and it all went to my breasts and bottom. I have grown a full cup size and my bottom looks good. Nothing went to my waist or face. My sex drive has severely gone down though, and I cry at the drop of a dime. Both developed after taking this, but I'm willing to work on these things for myself.
I have had my Implanon for not even 5 weeks and I have had the worst moods swings and depression. It's been ruining my relationship with my boyfriend because I constantly ask myself if he loves me anymore and things like that (I know he does but the implanon says different) it's given me severe anxiety, super upset and breaking down in tears everyday and have an empty feeling in my stomach. I've never felt so emotional and sad before. I really want it out but they said wait 6 months and it might change and I might get used to it but it seems so long. Anything can happen within 6 months. I really do not suggest this if you do not like crying over everything, especially TV ad's because they had a puppy.
Aftera are the BEST!! I have taken these pills days after I had a lapse in pills with my Hubby and they ALWAYS work!! I mean it was like 3 days later and they still worked. One time the pregnancy test was slightly showing a faint line but my period came on time! I was worried because my breasts were getting bigger and I was throwing up and everything, but they worked!! The people who say they took the pills and ended up pregnant might want to reevaluate their timing or sexual activity.
I started this medicine five weeks ago and I'm down 22lbs. Some jitters, some insomnia, some constipation, but not enough to stop the meds. I've always been an emotional eater and with this medicine I don't even think about eating, and I have no desire to snack. This medicine absolutely addresses my food addiction.
My doctor prescribed me loestrin to help my painful menstrual cramps and heavy periods. The first month went well; A light period, no menstrual pain and my skin started to look better. My second month, not so well. I am known to be the grounded, always positive and level headed person in my family. I became very emotional and started having really bad anxiety about 2 weeks into my second month. I started my period 9 days early; thats when I got a horrible pain in the back of my head that spread to the side and top of my head over a few days. I never get headaches. I had knots in the back of my head/ shoulders and lower back. Within days of stopping Loestrin my anxiety disappeared, My headache is going away and i'm not emotional anymore.
TWO WEEK UPDATE:I have lost weight and feel like myself again but I had to take the fourth day after insertion off work because I had a meltdown and the worst of pain from it. Next day and after it hasn't come back! However, my sex drive is completely gone. It's nice to know I won't get pregnant, but it's like I have absolutely no interest in even kissing. No bleeding tho! 22, no kids, small and etropian cervix. Will update after a couple more weeks...
I have taken Adderall XR for 6 years now. I started with 20mg once a day and now I am taking 25mg twice a day. I had severe ADHD since I was very young and Adderall XR seems to have taken me out of a fog I felt for many years. After reading other postings I question If I am taking too much of this drug. I do not have any side effects, but I can definitely tell when it is wearing off. It seems I cannot wake up without it and my second dose at noon is never forgotten, or I will start to really drag. I'm worried I am dependent on this drug and it scares me. Now it seems like the dosage is not as effective as I am very tired by 8:00 pm. Overall this drug has helped me tremendously with ADHD and depression.
It works. Don't fart unless your able to change your pants right away if you know what I mean
Lawd! This stuff is ghastly! Barely got the 1st dose down with some minor gagging, but then the gas, cramps and bloating started. After 30 minutes it was working so that was good because I vomited almost all of the 2nd dose. This is my 4th colonoscopy and by far the worst. I will find another prep next time.
Have never experienced such a high quality of sleep since 8 years, was very promising. Experienced night sweats and vivid dreams at the beginning . But I didn't mind at all because I thought finally I can stop taking benzos and go with this healthier alternative. After the 3rd day and increasing with each day, my preexisting stuttering condition worsened significantly and I began to experience severe anxiety and felt dizzy during the day. My doctor saw me during treatment and a week after stopping and was shocked at how much my stuttering decreased and anxiety reduction. I am so disappointed it didn't work for me. I still recommend people try it.
Was on lexapro for maybe 3 years for panic attacks and anxiety. That made me kinda numb. Not really any sex drive, I used to sweat at night with lexapro, it helped with PA & A, but gained weight, and raised cholesterol levels dramatically! I asked to start welbutritin to quit smoking and slowly tapered off lexapro. I'm now taking .5 lexapro maybe 2 times a week till brain zaps disappear..... Now on to the welbutritin... 3 months of Xl 150 a day in the morning, I lost ten pounds! Feel amazing.... And the sex drive is Wonderful. Until I started Wellbutrin I didn't realize how much lexapro affected that because, you just don't think about it, that's part of the numbing I guess. I'm very happy that I switched!
When this generic was added to my large list of drugs (including one other anti depressant) I became the most mellow person in the world. Nothing upsets me. Everything moves along nicely. Feel a little disassociated with the world actually. BUT I QUIT SMOKING! So now I won't let them take it away.
this is the worst thing that ever happened to me i decided to get it as i heard it helps with cramps it sure did BUT ITS BEEN A YEAR AND ONE MONTH AND IVE HAD MY PERIOD NON-STOP FOR THE WHOLE TIME my self-esteem is down, i feel unattractive and disgusting i am getting rid of this thing as soon as possible im typing this out with tears in my eyes. this is the worst thing that i have ever used.
Prescribed well given to use by face surgeon for acne and used 3 days I basically ended up with a home chemical peel meaning my face was dry flaking and shedding old skin off lol. Applied and treated and now only use when I see a pimple coming I dot it on it and it takes care of it asap without why face peeling. I found this works best for me. I only wash my face with PCA skin line face wash works great for makeup and everything buy online cost way to much at doctor or spa etc.
I haven't been on the pills for a month yet, 3 weeks, and I'm going to try and stay on them for at least 2 months and if I don't see an improvement I'm probably going to change my prescription. I feel nauseous at least 30 minutes a day and now that I've gotten my period it's gotten 10x worse. Good helps for maybe 10 short minutes and I'm back to feeling gross and sick. I'm constantly tired yet it's so difficult for me to sleep. And my cramps have gotten worse, I didn't even think it was possible. My back and abdomin cramp at the same time (that's usual) and normally the only way to get rid of them is heat, so I take a bath and not even that is helping and of course the heat would make me more nauseous. Has anyone had this problem?
I use Cialis occasionally on new encounters. Have noticed that although it works perfectly well most of the times, I have experienced occasions when there was little or no effect at all. The price is high so I restrict its use at a minimum.
I have been taking this medicine for a year now, and it works great for me. I have relapsing-remitting MS, and I experience balance and coordination issues while walking (among other things). The FIRST time I took this (10mg extended release tablet) I noticed an immediate improvement in my ability to walk. All of a sudden, I was dashing up the stairs, which normally gave me trouble. I'm able to walk most of the time without my cane now! I have also noticed better bladder control. I know it is not a cure, but it greatly helps my MS symptoms. Ampyra has been a great blessing.
I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in August 2005. I am 33 years old now. I tried Enbrel that worked for a little while in combination with methotrexate. Then on to Humira and methotrexate. After that didn't work I started Remicade infusions with Arava in April 2007. I have been pain free ever since. I have not had one flare up or stiffness since. Occasionally when the weather is bad I know it is coming but that is expected with arthritis. Remicade is wonderful.
I was very unhappy on this drug. My pain was not reduced as it should have been. I spotted for the entire 6 months I was on it. I was extremely depressed, had no libido whatsoever and gained 20 pounds. This did not work well for me for this condition at all. Unfortunately once it is in your system you are stuck with it. It took a full year for my body to readjust once I was off it and to stop spotting. It was also hard to lose that weight afterwards.
Seemed to help the first month but after that it didn't and it gave me the dry eyes.
I've taken most of the statins. I ALWAYS ended up with leg cramps. At 44, I had to have a Stent placed due to a 95% blockage. And that's when I started seeing my cardiologist. Upon hearing of the leg cramps, he ran a simple blood test and told me that my vitamin D was extremely low (4) and the real cause of the cramps. I now take 50k iu of vitamin D 3x weekly. I have NEVER had a cramp on Crestor, except when I forgot to take my vitamin D. As soon as I started the D back up, the cramps ceased. Even at 50k iu 3x weekly, my regulnar blood tests indicate that my vitamin D is now in the normal range (>29). And my cholesterol went from over 300 to down around 150. If u have cramps, I recommend the D check.
I was pretty much forced into trying this injection because I have history of premature labor. I did it every week same day of the week for 6 months and I still went into labor at 36weeks same as my son without the injection. It made my bones hurt like I had arthritis and I felt weak. I wouldn't suggest this for anyone. It did nothing for me. And I was worried what it did do to my baby if it didn't help at all.
My daughter gets ear infections and along with that she gets nightly vomiting. Keeping the oral antibiotics down is difficult then after 10 days its still not gone. Thanks for Rocephin it is the only thing that really gets the job done. Why have your little one suffer?
I am 50 yrs old and post menopausal - basically in full menopause.. I was prescribed this cream for thinning of the vaginal wall. I had increased urinary tract infections. I believe it helps with my libido which had dropped to zero! I hope this review helps. I didn't have dryness or pain with intercourse. My urologist prescribed it for me. It is really great to have doctors who "KNOW" what we are going through as females.
Unfortunetly abilify didn't work for me, and there were no bad side effects from it. I have heard some good things about abilify. It just wasn't for me.
I am taking this medication on a trial basis while I try to get my health plan to cover it and so my physician gave me a ton of samples and I am a few weeks into my treatment and my boss, my coworkers, my boyfriend and myself all see a change. A fantastic positive one! I did get the nauseous feeling for two weeks but that fades. I have NOT gained ANY weight on this pill. WARNING: IT CAN CAUSE BRUISING AND BLEEDING. I am getting some bruises here and there and I had oral surgery which bled A LOT. But for my depression it is working fantastic. So much so that I am going to fight with my insurance company for this to be added to the formulary. Literally NOTHING ELSE works with me. I was diagnosed with MDD about 12 years ago so this is nice.
I've been on Mirena for about a month and a half, the insertion hurt and I've been on my period since then. It's not at all heavy, actually light enough to wear 1 panty liner all day. I think I want to get it taken out soon because I'm also feeling real crampy throughout the day.
Absolutely amazing! My partner and I have nasal congestion for weeks but 10 minutes after taking one, we coughed and all of a sudden were clear! I feel like I haven't used the bottom half of my lungs in weeks. A little bit expensive.
I love thus stuff if you have a cough this stuff is like gold. I don't know why others say it doesn't work. It does on my family.
This has helped my mom along with gabapentin for her disc problems.
I'm a 21 year old college student. I was diagnosed with Narcolepsy without Cataplexy recently, even though it's been there basically my whole life. I'm currently on 250mg Nuvigil in the morning, and he's going to add another medication soon to help my brain sleep at night. Since I have such anxiety levels and it affects my sleep. It has helped me stay awake in class, but I still can't focus. I really don't feel much difference. I still take naps a few times a day, and I feel like the medication wears off by around 2:00PM and then I'm falling asleep again. The side effects I'm feeling are daily migraines, extreme cotton mouth, and sometimes an upset stomach.
I was using Tri-Previfem for 2 1/2 years (absolutely loved), but last June when we moved my new pharmacy changed my brand to Tri-Sprintec. Low and behold, four months into the new pill, I got pregnant. My youngest is 6 and my oldest is 10. Never had an issue with birth control before. I'm very upset with this brand and I don't recommend it.
The absolute perfect benzo. The long half life is there, the potency is there, great muscle relaxing properties, great for sleep, I can go on and on with this. I'm prescribed 1mg 3x daily, and that's my perfect dose..I take 1 in the am, 1 in the afternoon, and 1 in the pm, and it works like magic. I've tried other benzos, Xanax, Valium, and Ativan..although those benzos were also very helpful, but Klonopin is my #1
Been taking Febuxostat for 20 months or so. Prior to doing so I had major agony gout attacks every two weeks. First year the tablets activated all the stored crystals and I was in agony, but not as frequent...anyway I stuck with it and have had 2 minor not too painful attacks in the last 8 months...after 2 yrs I should have cleared all the joints and won't have any further attacks. I'm running and in the gym for the first time in nearly 3 years, so feel better all round. Stick with it, is my advice. The only downside has been a reduction in libido, but I'll take that over the agony of gout.
Had very bad side effects with this medication.
Was the sickest I have ever even been in my nightmares!! Not fun - don't get with a habit and I feel like it does nothing for cravings its just like oh I can't cuz it won't do anything., but that doesn't mean anything if ur urge to use is still there. I had a heavy heroin addict before I got shot worst withdrawals of my life!!! Worse then methadone suboxone heroin mixed into 1 times 10 tough stuff. Each is own. If u are serious about getting off the shit this is one way.. Good luck
My boyfriend and I had always used condoms. I was not on the pill and relied on them heavily. Unfortunately for us, one day the condom had ripped and neither of us had noticed. It was only after that we realized that he had ejaculated inside of me as well. Being in a state of panic, we drove straight to get plan b. Our pharmacist recommended "Next Choice" to us and I had taken it within one hour of having sex. The side effects for me personally weren't all that bad. I had headaches throughout the month and the occasional cramping but none of that compared to the paranoia! Safe to say that I had received my period one week earlier than expected and am now on birth control just to be extra cautious! Be safe and try not to stress yourself out!
You won't see results for about 2 months after you start taking it but be patient it works. You might have to refill 1-3 times and go about six months between them but it does works. It takes time. The first time it killed about 30% then the second time about 30% now on the third round almost gone.
This is my third time on vesicare. After seeing several doctors with symptoms of UTIs and having pathology determine there was no infection I was diagnosed with urethral syndrome. I usually take 5mg per day and the condition clears up within a week and I can stop the medication. No more tenderness, spasms or urgency. Some dry mouth, but that's easily solved.
I started taking Contrave about a month and a half ago and I am down about 7 lbs. I did not notice much weight loss in the first month because I was actually taking the medication as prescribed. I am 5'6 about 154lbs. I only want to drop about 20lbs for my wedding and I was told this is not habit forming. I exercise and I am on a low cal diet. This medication does not curb my appetite but it does curb my intake which I LOVE. I don't want to stop eating all together and gain all the weight back as soon as I stop taking it. This medication still lets me eat but not as much. I am on the second month and I notice I am losing about 3lbs a week which is a healthy way to lose weight. Every now and then I will get a headache but overall...GREAT!!
Only been on this pill a month but it is the only one so far that stopped the irregular bleeding I was having. I have tried Lo Estrin and Kariva and so far this is the winner! I will update after my second pack.
I've taken Veramyst for 11 days. My cavity fluid was "moderate." In one week the fluid was reduced to "small." A moderate amount of fluid is very uncomfortable to me, with shortness of breath and sinking oxygen level. Blood oxygen went from 91% to 96% in that first week of using Veramyst. It's now at 98%. A huge difference to me in how I feel with the moderate amount of fluid to the small amount. No side effects noted.
I've been taking Adipex for almost 2 weeks now, it is amazing. I feel great and it has suppressed my appetite. It has changed my eating behavior and the most amazing part is I haven't missed it. I'm not one for dieting but I've lost 7lbs and counting. I do experience dry mouth, but it is manageable. Good luck.
My Migraine did Not go away . It might have only marginally lessened it . I went to bed for two hours and have felt terrible all day . This medication made me very sleepy . I took a Second Wafer some hours later but there was Still No Improvement ! Now I cannot take any other migraine medication for a whole 24 hours. Which is far too long . I made the mistake of taking the second wafer when the first one wasn't helping. I already had Jaw Pain so reading that others get it as a side effect makes me wonder. It reminds me of Imigraine and I thought that useless. Sydney Australia 2015.05.18
Wow! That's all I can say. I had my doubts. Withdrawals- fever, cold sweats, chills, dilated pupils, upset stomach, shakes, extreme anxiety, loss of appetite, should I say more - well I did not have one of them. Suboxone - a miracle drug.
I took Levora for the first time when I was 21 and the first day I felt really bad. I felt nauseated all day, I wanted to quit there then but I am honestly glad I did not. It was great after that, I did not experience any weight gain or acne issues.
I have been taking Seasonique 10 years now. I got put on it when I was 15 due to huge Ovarian Cyst and very bad periods that made me super sick! I've had no issue with this medication at all, until the beginning of 2016- now I have had no period. Every 3 months I get the symptoms of a period but never bleed. But I have been fine on this medication. I recommend it to anyone!
Used as directed. itching mostly gone, but a burning sensation arose. Ignored it and slept, only to be awoken by a very intense discomfort on the vulva. The internet entries were submitted over a year ago with no solution. 12 hours after initial application I am very uncomfortable doing anything and everything. Sitting, walking, doing nothing hurts and now burns. The burning doesnt hurt, moving anything more than 1 cm in my chair or walking is horribly painful. So I decide to examine the area and discover a swollen and terrifying area that no longer resembles a labia. Nothing has ever taken a huge toll on my self esteem and body than this.See your OBGYN unlike my dumb a**, I might be allergic to the egg part. 24hrs later little less swollen
I have been on Paxil for about 6 years now and it has really helped lower my anxiety and elevate my mood. When I first started taking it, I noticed I felt calmer and in a better mood within the first 2 days on 10 mg per day. After a couple of months on Paxil, I felt a lot better, but was starting to build up tolerance so my doctor had me increase the dosage to 40 mg/day. The side effects were mostly sexual (decreased sex drive and harder to reach orgasm). I also have experienced weight gain, increased appetite and sleeping more while on Paxil. I highly recommend this drug but make sure not to stop cold turkey because the withdrawal symptoms can be severe with Paxil.
Only improvement would be a pen
For the first couple of months I really liked Loestrin, but between the mid cycle bleeding, being overly emotional and the bloating I am done. I have been on this pill 9 months, following the birth of my son. Over the last 2 months the bloating has gotten so bad that I had to buy larger pants! I almost look pregnant again. Yes I had lighter periods, and my skin is clearer but the rest is just not worth it.
This is awesome.
Changed my life. Taken at the first sign of anxiety my symptoms will disappear within minutes or taken before known anxiety triggering situations, prevents symptoms completely.
I've been on this medication for about three years now. The first few months were terrible. I broke out, had severe mood swings, I'd cry for no reason. After month four I felt completely fine. No more mood swings or acne outbreaks. My period got lighter, I stopped cramping as much. The only problem I have now is that I don't get as wet as I used to. But that's what lube is for. And hey, I'm not pregnant. So it's doing its job.
I have been on Contrave since 11/28/15 and I have lost 9lbs. I am eating around 1200-1300 calories a day and exercising moderately. The only side effects are dry mouth, constipation and a teensy bit of nausea if I haven't eaten for awhile. I combat the nausea by making sure I'm eating 5 small meals a day as opposed to three meals and no snacking. So that's 9lbs in less than three weeks! I'm loving it! I do notice that I have no desire to drink alcohol. I also get very sick to my stomach if I happen to overeat or eat sugar. I've always been an emotional eater, so I think this is really helping me overcome that. I am looking forwarding to see what happens at week 4 and forward!
I have been using Kerydin for over a year every day on my toenails. I have seen NO improvement. Very disappointed and would not recommend using thus medication.
Suffer with back pain since 1984 after 3 operations, also have had severe headaches since 1967. Some meds work on back pain but nothing ever had helped my headaches until I found methadone. Now one medicine has offered more relief than any other has for more than 40 years.
Gave me awful stomach pain and nausea after just one dose.
I am on the third month. I am still only achieving 3-4 hours of restless sleep each night despite dedicating 8 hours to laying in bed with my eyes mostly closed.
When I was 16 I had the WORST period. Major cramps to where I couldn't go to school, bloated super bad. So my dr. Recommended the shot. I got it. And since then I've had not even the slightest spotting. And it's been 2 years. One night the condom broke completely and I was so worried. But didn't get pregant. I've gained 5-10 pounds over the course. But I for sure recommend.
It was like a wonder drug at first. Then, even though I went up to the maximum dose of 60 mg, I can no longer tell I am even taking it. I stop it - then start it back up - still no help. It's just no good anymore.
Had back surgery in 2000. 3 rods 6 screws and bone put in L4 L5 S1. Had severe pain for 12 years. No sleep, ( 3 1/2 to 5 hours a night). No energy, seldom in good mood because of the pain. Sometimes down for 3 weeks at a time. Began Butrans 10 mcg last year and man what a difference. First week was getting 7 hours sleep and pain level went from 10 to 1 or 2. Has been that way for the last 11 months. Now getting blisters and rash at application site. Going to doctor this week. Hope he doesn't take me off. Really not looking forward to the return of a painful life.
I have suffered from severe migraines since I was 15 and the older I got the more severe they got I have been on numerous medications over the years but 5 years ago I found a neurologist that gave me Topamax and my life has changed completely 50g in the morning and 50g at night and I don't get any anymore I had a few at the start but haven't had a headache now for a few years thank God for Topamax
I never got pregnant taking Loestrin 24 Fe, so it was successful at doing its job, however, there were a few side effects. I actually lost weight while taking it- since that was my aim. But, it did make me very emotional and very sexually interested. Also, I spot bled throughout the entire month. I would typically just wear a panty liner every day- kind of annoying. That's why I give it a 7/ 10- it was effective at doing what it was supposed to do, but it certainly did not improve the overall quality of my life.
Too strong for me. If taking Opana 30's for the first time, I suggest starting off with smaller doses then increase gradually. Took one the other night, nausea set in and I vomited. Great loss in appetite, like on Adderall minor drowsiness.
Humira gave me my life back. It's so convenient because I can take it at home and not have to wait in the hospital for infusions.
I took this particular kind of birth control because it is suppose to be similar to Yasmin and my health providers covered it at no cost. I suffer with mild acne and zarah made it worse. The only time my skin would clear was during the off week I wasn't taking. I also think zarah may be the cause of gaining around 10 pounds. I tried zarah for about 4 months and saw no improvements.
Very good for nausea and shaking.
It's very useful. Nothing more. It saved my life
While propofol is great for knociking you out of uncomfortable procedures, I've used it twice and both times have had a runny nose (i.e., constant dripping) for a couple of days following its use. This last time when I told the anestesiologist he said that wasn't related. But I have the exact same problem as last time.
Using Stelara has been nothing short or amazing for me. I didn't have 95% body-coverage like some of the people here but my hands were completely covered and it seemed to be spreading onto my wrists and up my forearms. The pain was excruciating and I was emotionally exhausted from constantly trying to hide what was happening to me. I'm a musician/educator and spend a great deal of time in front of people. I do feel that Stelara saved my life. I am 100% clear of all signs of psoriasis. No itch, no bleeding, no pain, just normal looking skin. I am also completely alleviated from the mental strain, anxiety, self-consciousness, etc. What an amazing change in my life.
These pills really work. I was 242 November 23, 2016. Today is December 17, 2016 and I'm at 224 and I don't even take the pills everyday nor the water pill.
I was nervous at first reading some of the negative reviews and I talked with my doctor about it a while before I switched. I went back and told him it wasn't enough and he told me that was just the "starting dose" and we'll go up each week until we get to the right dose for me. I was skeptical to say the least but holy cow he was right! At 750 I can't believe the difference. This drug is incredible!
I have been on Camrese for 2+ years and I am very happy with it- I ask for this specific brand every time I refill and won't accept anything else. For me Camrese has not caused any weight gain whereas other extended cycle brands did cause weight gain, acne, and constant/heavy break through bleeding. I did have to be patient through the first several months for mild spotting to cease being an issue with Camrese. Understand that extending your cycle from the typical 28 days to nearly 90 days does take time for your body to get used to. As I adjusted to Camrese if mid-cycle spotting lasted for more than a day or two I would simply take a week off from the pills and allow myself to have a period before picking back up with the pills again.
I can only describe my experience as horrendous. I was given topi max to balance out the severe anxiety and restlessness and insomnia I had on abilify. It had the opposite effect, after about three weeks taking it I developed severe fatigue, inability to swallow properly, paranoia and the anxiety and restlessness went through the roof, I have never been so close to ending it all to get out of the hell that had become my head. I stopped taking both abilify and topomax and resumed on my original aerogel. Within 24 hours all the symptoms of anxiety and suicidality had gone. A trully terrifying experience that nearly saw my children without a mother
started Seroquel at night combined with Effexor during the day for bipolar and it's changing my life and saving my marriage. Where I used to have one good day a week, I have one bad day a week. Upped from 50mgs to 100mgs because it's effectiveness wore off mid day and recently added topamax because I've been attempting to lose weight (I have not gained, but it's harder to lose).
I have severe chest pain from my esophagus and my doctor gave me 60 pills of Oxycontin 40mg and 10/500 Percocet. The Oxycontin was for major episodes and the Percocet was too take 4 times a day.
At first Celexa really helped. I had more energy, was happy and was like my old self. That lasted only about 3 weeks before I started feeling bad again and wanting to sleep all the time. I also had a claustrophobic feeling like I couldn't breathe. I told my doctor and he also prescribed trazodone to take with it because he thought this would level me out. The combination of the 2 made me dizzy, sick and very tired all the time. I couldn't even wake up when my baby was crying in the room next to me. Needless to say, I had to quit taking the medicine. I wished it would have continued to work like it did those first 3 weeks. Also, I started to eat more after the euphoric 3 weeks were gone.
I take Allegra for allergies, but was still having side effects. Flonase was added to my regime, and now I have no more runny, itchy nose, itchy ears and eyes, or sneezing.
I've had really bad migraines since I was 30 (now 53). I tried everything! Last medication I was on was Fioricet. It worked most times but not all the time. I also had to lay down when I took it. I have missed so many great events over the years due to migraines. I heard about Maxalt and asked my doctor to prescribe it. My quality of life is amazing. My migraine is gone within 30 minutes every time. I don't have to lay down with it either.
I take a very low dose-5mg of Ambien at bedtime when I know I need a great night's sleep! I had one experience of taking this after drinking and it wasn't an experience I'd ever like to relive! Crazy- to say the least! I have not done any sleep walking or strange night activities!
Being dry for ten months. Never had cravings. Brilliant. Naltima was the best thing that could happened to me.
So i had to start this at 4pm the day before the colonoscopy, and let me tell you, NASTIEST tasting thing ive ever had to ingest. Very strong taste which is semi nauseating. Got the first bottle down and it took about a half hour for it to kick in. Once it kicked in, there was no stopping. It made my stomach very upset the next day which made it 20 times harder to finish the second bottle. Over all very effective but one of the worst tastes ive ever tasted.
The process did hurt a lot but, it's worth it. Especially if you want to figure out what life really truly has to offer, without the worry of a child. I didn't cramp as bad as I did while on the pill. However, I did cramp like I was on my period. I did spot/ have light bleeding for 2months. Doctors said that was normal. Overall I love the skyla and thinking about getting annoying November, no my 3years won't be up, just don't need any mishaps when it's really time for anew one.
This medication had to have been made by a man. I'm older and recently got a YI after taking Augmentin for an ear infection. I have always used Monistat 7 in the past. However the one time I tried the single dose I literally thought I was going to die...never ever ever again. Now I get the same blinding pain with Monistat 7. I started texting my husband letting him know men have ABSOLUTELY no idea the literal pain women endure with a YI. Going to request the pill form tomorrow. Good luck everyone!
I had terrible acne at 13. PhisoHex was an over counter cleanser. I was instructed to use it daily and that my acne may get worse at first, but after about two weeks my skin would begin to clear up. This is exactly what happened. I used it for at least 5 years and my skin was flawless. I stopped using it because it was taken off the market
Issues with tremors of the trapezious muscles ( bobble head). Dizziness, nausea within 30 minutes of taking first dose. Currently only medication on my list of "Medications allergic to".
I have been taking Kariva for about 8 months, and so far I love it. My skin has cleared up, I have less cramps and far less moodiness before my period. Also, my periods are usually only about 3 days long when they used to be almost a week. I love this birth control! Also, I haven't gotten pregnant yet which is a huge plus. Only negative is I have gained about 15 pounds since starting Kariva (much of which went straight to my breasts). This weight gain could however be from the stress of college and a new boyfriend. Also, the first month I took the pill I would get incredibly nauseous everyday around 8 or 9 pm, but thankfully that subsided. Occasionally I will get this way on the first pill of a new pack but it is bearable. Overall, love it.
I promised I would write this because just like you I was scouring the Internet for answers. I had unprotected sex on April 17th, the last day of my period, and my BF finished in me. He said not to worry since I was on my period but I was already freaking out so the next day I bought the plan B pill. I never had any side effects and it didn't make me sick. May 13th was when I was supposed to start my perod..and I didn't. So begins the freaking out even more and buying multiple pregnancy tests. Every test I took was negative but that didn't reassure me. My period is 11 days late but I finally started today!! I know it's hard not to but try not to worry. If you took this pI'll how you're supposed to it will work.
I took one and then several hours later to another. When I woke up I felt really sick in my stomach cramps were excruciating. I ran to the bathroom and got incredibly dizzy and felt horribly sick to the point where I was vomiting. I broke out into a horrible sweat and was laying on the floor literally felt like I was having an allergic reaction to the pill or something other. It was a horrible experience and two days later my stomach still hurts. Great for some people but I was too sensitive for this. I will never take it again. It says gentle relief, it felt more like a beginning stages of labor and I've had four kids so I can say this
I really wish the Mirena worked for me because I loved it... for a while. My body just plain didn't like it. I had it for a year and the last 4 months were horrible. I had about 12 yeast and bacteria infections that my doctor had no explanation for (I had never had them before). At a follow up ultrasound due to ovarian cysts they noticed my Mirena had become displaced and decided to remove it. PAINFUL in one word- because it had become implanted in my cervix. After it was removed the infections stopped miraculously. I really, really wish my body had accepted the Mirena because I liked the worry-free birth control it offered. I will definitely try it again after I have kids and hopefully these problems wont happen again.