I had been on generic Lexapro 10mg for about 18 months and it treated my depression well, but I gained almost 40 pounds, was a bit sleepy, and was experiencing sexual side effects. I was scared to try something else but the weight gain was just too much, especially since it seemed to continue. My doctor gave me Trintellix 10mg samples which I've taken for a month and what a difference! I no longer feel sleepy all of the time and the difficulty in achieving orgasm is gone. As for the weight issue, i'll have to see if it helps. I feel much more "normal" than on Lexapro as far as energy and mental focus. The only downside is I do feel more anxious and have more nervous energy, so I don't know how well this drug would treat anxiety.
I used this for 6 weeks at first few days I felt great then bam I felt so much worse. I have major depression , panic disorder and OCD , I'm currently in counselling too while on this med , this is my 3rd medication for my symptoms I've tried now my doc prescribed lexapro and I will take that in 3 days, side affects I got while on venlafaxine was weird dreams , low sex drive (only for a few weeks then went back to normal) migraines and irritated my IBS . I came off the drug myself without my docs consent as I wasn't feeling myself and knew it wasn't working I was on 37.5mg and then upped to double the dose and higher dose didn't suit so went back down to 37.5mg . Only side affects coming off them was cold sweats and my migraines n IBS went
Most Antdepressant(AD) medications have been ineffective for me. My primary concern is anxiety with depression being also a concern. Wellbutrin in my experience has been one of the few which isn't aweful. It's honestly no miracle worker and I'm not sure AD's are the way to go. That said if your going to take an AD wellbutrin is well worth trying. I presently take 150mg but 300mg was most effective. Pros: Helpful on sexual side of things, weight-loss, helps a lot with feeling happier. Cons: Little or no effect on anxiety, slight weird feeling (I noted I should be sad yet I'm not. I guess that's it doing it's job.), can cause insomnia (be careful what time you take), not available on PBS (In Aus).
Honestly, I felt better about 4 hours after begging treatment with this for an infected/abcessed tooth. Surprisingly quick, considering the amount of pain I was in. The downside, for me at least, seems to be slight nausea/dizziness. I had taken ibuprofen earlier due to pain, so this meant bad times in front of the toilet. Be careful with other meds that may upset your stomach.
Did not help my cough or sickness at all.
Mirena has been good for me. When I got it in I cramped for the first hour, and then I didn't feel much after that throughout the first week. Mirena has cleared my face from acne, I lost 12 pounds, and has stopped my period completely. I haven't had a baby before so my doctor gave me something to dilate my cervix, I took a Tylenol extra strength thirty minutes before, and the insertion felt only like bad cramping. I always used to forget to take my birth control pills even with an alarm. Mirena is one of the greatest things I've done. It works so well. The only thing I would say is a downfall about the Mirena is that I am a little more emotional now.
After reading some of these comments I realize I'm not alone I just broke down about an hour ago not understanding why am so depressed I'm not sad but I'm depressed I am a cancer patient that is 40 years old and I've been battling cancer and severely depressed since I was 24 I just recently spent a month in bed because I was in such horrible pain I finally ended up in the hospital because my cancers back once again and they upped my dose from 30 mg to 60 mg to help with pain and depression. I haven't noticed that it helps with any pain but I have had all the side effects but I've read in these comments I'm so glad I found this now I know to stop taking this med but I'm terrified of the side effects to come I haven't worked since January 5 I get discharge from the hospice house on February 20 and all I can do is go to the bathroom and lay in my chair I'm fighting so hard to be happy but nothing is working
Got the typical starter pack. One week at 10mg - noticeable antidepressant effect, side effects of diarrhea and weird dreams. One week at 20 mg - suddenly had tons of energy. Found myself getting lots of housework done, starting up projects I had been putting off for months, but no true enjoyment of things I loved. Diarrhea remained, some insomnia started. 5 weeks at 40 mg - Energy remained good at first, wasn't depressed but wasn't happy either. Just became numb like with all other SSRI's I've tried. Diarrhea persisted. Had trouble getting up each morning and felt foggy all day but still had energy to get things done. NO libido. Anhedonia persisted. Not the right drug for me.
Cluster sufferer
While it makes me drowsy, gives me dry mouth and can make my scalp tingle/itch it is the only antihistamine that works for my severe hay fever. The 4 hour pills work most of the time and when my symptoms are really bad the 8 or 12 hour ones make my life normal.
Works great for me, with no side effects. I went from 140-150s/90-105 to 120/80 or better within 48 hours. I take biso2.5/hctz6.25. Less is better with this med for me, which l love.
Tried all of the diets and many of the supplements. Simple 5'4 203 pounds six month later I have lost 38 pounds. This works and that has been my journey so far.
Two sleepless nights. I took 10mg the first night and 15mg the second night. Giving them back to the doctor since she gave me samples.
I started on the Nuva Ring because I was diagnosed with PMDD, (premenstrual dsyphoric disorder - mood disorder). I've had other birth control in the past and could never remember to take it on time. I started Nuvaring in January while on a mood stabilizer. The first month I thought I was pregnant. I mean with all the mood swings, weight gain, it was overwhelming. The second month was uneventful but I was noticing a feeling of dullness. March and April were scary. I became very depressed. I continued with the Nuvaring. I found that days I skipped my mood stabilizer I felt better but once I took them again I started to feel horrible once more. I asked my doctor to take me off the mood stabilizers. I felt better. I'm still on Nuvaring and feeling fine.
Pristiq is the most effective antidepressant I have taken in more than 25 years of treatment. I feel energetic and am untroubled by side effects.
I have been on Lutera now for 8 months and it has made a very positive difference in my life. This was my first time going on birth control, and it was originally because I had such horrible headaches and cramps, but now I have a lighter period, headaches and cramps are rare, and I don't get depressed every month. Overall, it has worked really well for me. Only downside is having to remember to take it at the same time every day...and for the first week or two I just felt a little off and had some headaches and breast tenderness. Everyone is different, but after my experience, would recommend Lutera.
I am 21 years old and have a 3 year old daughter. I had Mirena placed a month postpartum. It was great at first. I had the dizziness and cramping after placement but a few hours and it was gone. I had my last period in December of 08, which has been great but the negative effects out number the 2 good effects. (No periods and no unwanted pregnancy) I have had Mirena for just over 3 years now and I feel like crap. I have bad mood swings, nausea, abdominal pains so severe sometimes I want to cry, headaches at least 3 times a week, weight gain, bloating (badly) and extreme tiredness. I didn't want to believe it is my Mirena because it works so well, but the worse my symptoms get, the more difficult it is not to blame Mirena. Getting it removed!
This did NOT suit me I was given 100 mg twice a day. After the first dose, suddenly Blood Pressure and pulse rate shot up in a spike. I have been having high BP and Pulse already. So took those medicines and the parameters came down to normal. Second doze was in the night. It didn't cause that trouble, but after sometime started getting hot flushes. However, I tolerated that. After taking the pill next day after lunch, after say 5 minutes, heart started beating God damn fast, This time the discomfort was 3 times than the previous one. BP and Pulse were even higher. Took the pills for BP, Pulse, and double dose of tranquilizers to slowly pacify the effect. I was about to be taken to ER. Got to discard them
Apart from gas and drowsiness, I don't feel anything bad.
This medication created a terrible fracture to my femur after 4 years of taking it. I am a relatively healthy 75-year-old female. I am now in a great deal of pain and in rehab after having a rod placed in my shattered femur. I am sorry I ever took this medication, and have stopped taking it.
My son was diagnosed with ADHD last week he has always been super hyper, climbs on furniture, spins, sticks tongue out and can't look anyone in the eyes without fidgeting around. I didn't want to believe it but when my parents and my grandparents, also the dentist asked about him...I knew things were getting worse. He was seen by 3 specialists in NH and was given 5mg of Ritalin 1/2 morning 1/2 afternoon, he has already had a profound change in his behavior. He doesn't stick his tongue out of his mouth at all and makes crazy noises, he can sit calmly now and concentrate, he actually played with some of his toy which he didn't really do before, only con so far..after 4 hours he has aggressive behavior and crying over nothing. Just started maybe that's why.
I am almost done my second pack and I love this medication. I didn't get depressed or nausea like a lot of other reviews. I am seeing a little weight gain, however my breasts have started at a C and are now a D. I think I am switching off of this though simply due to cost per month.
I have used this medicine for 7 years and it works great. I was using 30 mg but now I am using 15 mg. I sleep well but I heard I talk in my sleep alot. I haved stopped sugar and caffine and all sweets 4 hours prior to bed. I feel it helps alot better that way. Relaxing shower before bed as well.
I was prescribed these only today (40mg) along with sertraline (50mg) my my anxiety which has become severe. I'm a third year student required to carry out a number of presentations on my course but previously was so anxious and would break down that I couldn't do them in front of anyone and had to pre-record. I have a presentation due in November and one in December and I have to say after reading everyone's comments I realise I'm not alone and feel so much more confident and am determined to do the presentations face-to-face.
After finally dad was diagnosed with Dementia/Alzeihmer's he went through aggressive behavior, tried to hurt himself. Risperidone helped with aggression but the constant yelling and crying started. After lots of trials the doctor prescribed Nuedexta, which took away most of the yelling and crying. He is more alert and thinking clearer. We are truly happy to be able to visit and enjoy the time together.
I just wish the bleeding would stop. It's light, but annoying. I took Seasonique before and I loved the comfort of having only 4 periods a year. I just hope I can make it long enough for this discomfort to end. I'm on my third month and the bleeding started 3 weeks ago.
I used to have mild panic attacks, was always depressed, and just felt like I had the world on my back all the time. My doctor prescribed me 20mg of citalopram and it works good. My side affects are I'm usually tired throughout the day, I get the shakes on and off, consistent yawning, skin itches a little and a bit of a bowel problem. Other than that, I have found my moods to be much better, my depression is not as bad and I'm more up beat. Definitely, would recommend.
Dr put me on lavalo, I took it for a few months, 2 mg, then he increased to 4 mg. I did start very bad upper back pain, hot flashes, weak but the worst side effect was horrible hives. The hives gradually got worse until I pinpointed livalo as being the culprit. Took myself off and gradually the hives diminished. I'm still having hives just not as bad , but bad enough to bring me to tears. I was also diagnosed with eczema a few years back, which I don't think I have. It's a mystery to most. The hives have not completely went away, now every night I get them. The first time I went to the Dr she told me to take Benadryl at night and losartin in the morning. It helped for a few weeks but the hives started coming back. I'm miserable
I started using phentermine 30mg on 2/1/14. My starting weight was 216 (I'm 5'3")...on 2/8/14 I weighed in at 209 and on 2/15/14 I weighed in at 205 (while on my period, which usually makes me gain 4-6 lbs) 11 LBS in two weeks is soooo motivating. I was recommended the Atkins diet but I workout really hard (power lift, insanity, boot camp) so for the past two weeks I didn't do the practically no carb plan I was given, but I did lower my carbs significantly (I used to eat a lot of oats, wheat bread, sweet potato) the doctor said I'm doing great because most people my age, height, and starting weight, lose about 10LBS a month. Phentermine curbs my appetite like nothing ever has and I'm loving my results so far. I'll update next week.
Very good it works for me ! I just started this pill my pain is not gone . But it's better I hope it keeps working for . Happy me, wow, it's like night and day for me . Peace u all have a blessed day.
I currently take Zonegran --I love love love it!!!--- Prior to this I took Depakote--for me this drug sucked-- I was lethargic, my hair fell out in clumps I went from weighing 225lbs to 389lbs and I developed Sleep apnea. I was taking 500 mg of Depakote four times per day---2000mg of this stuff-- I had several seizures in my sleep one where I fractured my ankle on the bed frame. The weight was the worst I could not control it. I wish I could submit a picture of myself while being on this stuff. After I got off this drug I lost 160lbs. My dad saw the b4 pic and didn't know who I was. Maybe this works for some, but not for me I would never take this again!!!
I was born without a thyroid and I've been taking Synthroid every night. I'm only 13. I have to tell you this is the best thing ever. If I didn't have this medication I would be barely alive. I wouldn't be this tall either (5'7). This medicine is my life-line.
I was diagnosed with MS about 3 months ago. My MS is mild so I could try weaker drugs which are usually injections (every other day). But I hate needles so my doctor prescribed tecfidera for me. It has been really good for me so far with almost no side effects.
Why do most doctors not like to prescribe this? They say it's a bad medicine. It's the only one that has ever worked for muscles spasms for me.
I had been using Benicar with good results except an occasional headache and lightheadedness upon getting up quickly. Because of the high price, I asked my doctor to prescribe a cheaper product - Lisinopril. I have only been on it a short time but have experienced so many side effects that I'm asking to go back on Benicar - high cost or not.
The first three weeks at 20 mg was tempestuous at best, however I truly felt as if I was turning the corner so to speak. I suffer from somatic anxiety more then the mental part of it. Fatigue, and headaches were common. Sleep disturbances also. I had some great half days. After increasing the meds to 40 mg a day for two months, I decided to drop back down to 20 mgs. I lost a fair bit of weight the first 6 weeks, around 6 kilos, however after 3 months I've put it back on and then some. Will be discussing other options with my Docter soon. I would also say that anxiety or manic episodes were increased during the dosage increase, which was treated with Clonazapam.
It's an amazing drug. I have started having GAD due to the nature of my job, I had tried several meds and nothing worked for me. Pristiq made a huge difference in my life, where I felt alive again. For people afraid of withdrawal symptoms, I have weaned off Pristiq over a period of 2 months with no issues. Now after 2 months pristiq free , I am scheduling an appointment with my GP to go back on pristiq as stress levels has heightened again. The only side affect I had was lower sex drive which can be stressful, yet manageable. That's the only reason I have rated it 9
So far, not so good. I've been using it for about a week and a half and I still sweat. My dermatologist said I CAN use my regular deodorant/antiperspirant if I'm paranoid this might not work. Well, I didn't the first time I used Hypercare because I wanted to see if it would work. I smelled an odor so the next day I used my deodorant. Also, I DO NOT like the applicator. I have been using a sponge to apply mine.
This medication demolished my libido. Two weeks after stopping it, my libido is back to normal now.
This drug just about killed me.. so be careful. I took it for several months then I had an unexpected severe reaction. I woke up one morning numb/tingling from head to toe - (like when your arm falls asleep). I stopped taking it - it took about 4 weeks before all the tingling to finally go away.
Every time I'm prescribed Amoxil I have yeast infections for a week or so. Diflucan is also a given.
I have severe cramps every month. The Doctor gave me 10mg of Ketorolac and it worked better than the Vicodin that I have taken. It really took the pain away quickly and for a long period of time! I have no negative side affects. This medicine really works. I would not know what to do without it every month! Hope this feedback helps someone.
I love this medication because of the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. I have such a hard time getting motivated and not wanting to sleep all the time. This medication helps me stay awake. I just wanted to let everyone know that there is a prescription card out there usually at the doctors office. It will help with the co-pay and usually takes up to $50.00 off of the cost of the medication.
I've taken this birth control for 6-7 months now, and have been happy with my experience. At first, it definitely affected my mood and made me noticeably more irritable than before. However, I stuck with it and my mood has improved. It cleared my skin, and my acne is more controlled that it has been in years. It eliminated almost all cramps that come with my period, and my period is much shorter than before. It has also been effective in preventing pregnancy. All around, I've been happy with Reclipsen. If anything, my only complaint would be a slight rise in moodiness that has been manageable with time.
I have RSD. This is a chronic pain disease. When hydromorphone was added to my medications it alleviated my pain level to the point where for most of the day it was zero. I have 100% better quality of life. I have had this disease for over 12 years.
If you are debating on whether to take this, please don't hesitate. I was in car accident Dec 2012 and have whiplash/cervical strain. Injured my neck and shoulder. I was in pain for the past 9 months and no doctor would prescribe me narcotics due to Ohio law. I was miserable, crying, irritable and nothing I took (IB, Tylenol) wouldn't touch the pain. I got a prescription for Gabapentin, which I am allergic to BAD side effects. Finally the doc gave me Lyrica, within 15 min of taking pain GONE. I feel like I'm back to normal again (like the day before accident). Lyrica is a miracle although pricey. There is a program you can get through Lyrica website to qualify for free prescription. Try it.
Took this for a month and had no side effects was doing great. Then when I started the second month I broke out in a horrible rash with aching joints and swelling in my feet and then it slowly progressed to arms. I ran a low grade fever...I was miserable! I was so hoping this would work for me. I just can't understand after taking a whole month why it took so long for side effects to show up. I would've rated this to 10 a month ago!
I had insomnia due to severe itchy skin from Hodgkin's disease. All of the prescription sleeping pills I had tried either didn't work or made me feel like a zombie the next day. I was barely managing life when a Dr suggested 25mg of Quetiapine nightly, and it has been life changing! It takes me about half an hour to fall asleep and I sleep soundly for 8-9hrs and wake up feeling like I had a good nights sleep. At first I had very vivid strange dreams but after a few months I adjusted. I did feel an increase of appetite and gained about 5lbs in the first 3 minutes this but then that side effect stopped as well. I have been able to reduce my dose to 6.5mg (I have to cut the pill into quarters) and sleep just as well on that ammount.
There's no generic for this medication and it is quite expensive, but definitely worth the money. My husband had a post-nasal drip cough that just wouldn't go away, and it kept both of us up at night. He took a teaspoon of this and we both slept through the night, he didn't cough once. Felt great in the morning too, no drowsiness. Great stuff.
THE PILL WORKS! My period ended on June 9th. Days after on the 17th, I had unprotected sex and was not sure if my boyfriend had came in me or not. Seven hours later I had bought the pill and drank it just in case.Stupidly, on the 20th, I had sex again. This time my boyfriend had a condom on. But it broke and he came inside of me completely. I was freaking out cause I'm only 17, and can't afford to be pregnant. But I bought the pill three hours later and drank it. Some side effects I was experiencing was backaches, headaches, nausea, vaginal discharge and brown spotting. Lucky to say I got my period today! At the expected time. Thank you plan B! Any side effects you experience ladies are all alike to pregnancy, just don't stress!.
Ritalin made me able to block out everything and focus on reading my boring, tedious nursing books. Take it at least 12 hours before you go to sleep, or else it will keep you up at night with thoughts racing. It suppresses appetite and makes most people lose weight- I actually gained weight because I would be starving and binge eat at the end of the night. I did like Ritalin, but it made me too irritable so I switched to Adderall. That is much more pleasant and even more effective. Focalin 10 mg is good for people with mild ADHD symptoms.
I recently came across a new product that's on the market called Lubricity and I LOVE IT. It's an oral spray & so far seems to last MUCH longer than any other dry mouth spray I have ever used. I suffer from dry mouth & have for about 5 years. I ordered this product online since it's not sold in any stores near me. I came across it when doing some research online. They did offer a coupon code on the website when I bought it, seems like they have a different % off discount now but always seem to offer something. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS!
Very addictive neurotoxin. Stops working after a few months. Withdrawals include problems like psychosis, and dementia.
I wanted to go on the shot because the ease of only having to go to the doctor every 3 months and the chance of not having periods anymore were really attractive to me. So far ive only gotten my first shot and i can say without a doubt that i never want to go back for my 2nd one. I have had nonstop bleeding for TWO MONTHS. I cant have sex because i bleed too much which is ridiculous since the reason i got the shot was to have sex! My doctor never explained just how much people actually bleed on the depo shot and how common it is! If i knew id bleed everyday consistently for months on end i wouldve ran out of that office! I can only hope these symptoms will go away once the final 3rd month is over....
When taking macrobid I felt slightly nauseous and had a headache for a few hours. My advice is to eat a light meal with it. I didn't hence I felt sick. After 5 days symptoms improved though. Glad I stuck through it the last 4-5 days :)
I have been on Seasonique for almost 6 months now. I love it. At first I spotted, cried for no reason, terrible headaches, was very moody, achy, had acne (which I have never had, and I'm almost 20) and was tired but now it's great. Just take them on time everyday and DO NOT miss a pill or you will start spotting. I have no symptoms and do not have to eat with it anymore either.
I just turned 30 last month. I started Adipex in November 2012. Lost 10 lbs and thought I could keep going without the pills. Ended up gaining all the 10 back, plus another 10 after all the holidays. I was 230 lbs, 5ft 7 in. I got back on Adipex 4 weeks ago and I am now 210 lbs!! I only get to the gym maybe 3 times a week. I used to get dry mouth, so drank more water. I pretty much ate what I wanted, but a lot less of it considering the pills make me not hungry at all. So now starting strict diet, I should be able to lose more than 20 lbs a month!
I have eczema, which is a form of dermatitis. I get it most predominantly in the fall through the spring on different parts of my body. I take an antihistamine for the itching sensation and use pramosone for the dry, cracked, painful physical reaction. It has saved my life (and my mind) more than a few times; however, once it expires it doesn't have the same amazing effect.
I am currently taking 2 Hydrocodone every 4 hours. Without it, my pain would be too much to handle. My surgery is in 10 days so I will be on Hydrocodone until then. Thank goodness for drugs that can take the pain away - if just for 4 hours.
I'm 19 and have been on epiduo for around 3 weeks and have so far seen no improvements in my acne, I have more black heads now than I did before starting the treatment and the burning and itching sensation will not go away even when the product is washed off. It seems to have made my skin hypersensitive and I'm hoping that if I stick with it that it will be worth it in the end
Feet ankles and legs still badly swollen each day.
So I'm barely on my first pack of this but I'm a little worried. I've been on probably 5 different birth controls. Sprintec, ortho tri cyclen lo, lomedia 24 l, amethyst, etc etc. With those I would eventually have breakthrough bleeding that wouldn't stop so I kept switching. Ortho tri cyclen lo was awful I broke our so bad. So my doctor suggest a higher hormone dosage since I kept having breakthrough bleeding. Since I've started this, my stomach hurts a lot kinda like cramps, I have headaches, my breasts have gotten a lot bigger and they hurt to barely be touched, I also see to have gained weight obviously with my breast being bigger. I'm scared kinda but I read to give it a few months and hopefully it goes away. No bleeding though
I've been prescribed Medrol Dosepak on two occasions over the last 10 years. Each time I experienced relief from the pain and swelling within a few days. I did not experience any side effects.
Anxiety has always been a big part of my life. A younger me was able to treat it with my brain but now that I am 45 I was not able to control my fears of what bad thing will happen next. Being the father of 2 kids including a handicapped little boy plus my wife that doesn't work, she needs to take care of my little boy. My fears of losing my job, car breaking down, my son's medical condition and a bad set of eyes were some of my major worries, all things that were unrealistic and mostly out of my control. Living in fear creates more problems then solutions. I started taking Paxil about two months ago and I will tell you that it helps. I feel normal no more fear and able to deal with life's problems.
I starred Prozac around 21 months ago. It really seems to help first couple if months except for the severe migraines. So my Dr added fiorcet. And it helped a lot. Until around Aug of this year I have been feeling out if control , mood swings, easily angered, I got hateful a lot. Suicidal thoughts are very common and I'm a recovering alcoholic but I've been wanting to get drunk bad. On Monday 11-27-17, my Dr changed my Prozac from 20mg twice daily to 40mg in morning and 20 mg at bedtime. My urge to drink has about doubled. I dislike this all, I used to be active and fit, did everything for my children and husband. Laundry , cooking, clean house. Shopping, and Now I'm disabled and don't have a life
I started using Liraglutide some time in September 2011 and so far I have lost around 12lbs! I had some major nausea issues at first though. However, since I went up to '50 clicks' the nausea seems to have subsided! I feel fuller for longer, aren't eating half as much as I used to and I am not constantly thinking about eating neither! I actually feel very good already and it's making me really happy noticing little changes to my body that have come with losing 12lbs! I hope the weight loss continues. It's fabulous.
Effective medication for panic disorder and for highly somatisation patients also very helpful for insomnia. I suggested maprotiline for patient with no response to SSRis or tricyclic antidepressants.
My daughter had an non IGE mediated allergic reaction to this medication in Sept 2016 and in May 2017. It caused to her have high fever and chills, temps of 104.6 for 5 days in a row and stomach pain behind her belly button. She threw up one morning from the fever.
Started 4 days ago and already seeing results! Only thing that Has bothered me is the dry sensation around the nose (no dryness was visible but I felt it when smiling) Definitely worth it! Not expensive either!!!
I have very bad panic and anxiety attacks. Attack would last for up to 3 to 4 hours. It first started when I was 30 years old and was admitted to a mental institution for a month for my own protection. I am now 46 years old ,when I now feel an attack coming on I can basically control it now and take 1 mg of Klonopin. It does take some time to work, but when it kicks in, it works great. I did at one stage try go off it, but the withdrawals were so bad I had to go back on it. I take 1mg at night and then as needed. To all you people out there who think you are alone with this monster in your head, you are not. Think and say positive thoughts, its works.
I got it implanted about 9 months ago and my period is exactly opposite from a normal period. I get about one week off from bleeding every month! I have an extremely high sex drive, lost/gained no weight at all, and haven't noticed any changes in my hair growth/loss. I cry and had mood swings but I'm not sure if that is just me or the hormones because I have always been sensitive! Every one is different but I really like this birth control method and I would love it if I didn't bleed every two seconds. It always me to live my life and stay not pregnant until I am ready.
It works great and also works excellent for bladder pain. I love it. I discovered this medicine while in South America. I had a urinary tract infection and Doctor prescribed it along with antibiotics. It was a life saver. In USA it is very expensive and Insurance would not cover it. I wish I could afford it. Too bad.
Update. 32 weeks on Saxenda. 62 pounds. 4X to 2X shirt. 52 pants to 46 pants. 58 year old male. This has been the only medication that has ever worked for me. I am doing a low carb/high protein diet. Never hungry, which is really great. Protein drinks in the morning and eat small meals all day long. Celery, pork rinds, rotisserie chicken, etc help quite a bit.
I am about 65 pounds overweight and decided to ask my doctor for a diet supplement to assist with weight loss. Because of the medications that I was already taking, Contrave seemed like the best weight loss supplement for me. The first week of taking this medication I lost 4 pounds and was very excited. However, my excitement was short lived. I did not lose any more weight during the entire two and a half months that I was taking this drug. I exercised, modified my diet, ate smaller portions and nothing seemed to help. The only thing I did get from taking Contrave was a bad case of dry mouth.
This is the first medication I have taken in years that has actually worked in lessening my depressive episodes along with decreasing my anxiety. I have had no significant weight changes (which is important as I am also in recovery from Anorexia Nervosa). For the first time in so long I finally feel better! I am so grateful my Physician Assistant had me switch! Previous medicine: Zoloft, Cymbalta, Lexapro, Lamictal, Seroquel, Risperdal, Vistaril, Effexor. Current: Pristiq, Dexedrine, Klonopin when required.
I have used this medication for about 8 years and without it I don't sleep. I wake every night without fail and it takes me hours to get back to sleep. This medication can be taken before bed or in the middle of the night as it's out of your system in about 4 hours. I become very relaxed in about 15 minutes upon taking it and able to rest peacefully.
Euflexxa was a waste of my time. I had 3 injections, one every week. I did have some relief from the pain but I still have pain some days worse than others. It's been 3 months now and I have to do something else. I had the synvisc about 8 years ago and that worked good till now its starting to hurt so I am now in a pickle with both knees. Problem with synvisc is that is horrific pain going in. But it only takes a short time. I would rather endure that pain and have it help and eventually be pain free than this Euflexxa that only little relief. I still have to take over the counter pain meds to my disappointment. But I try to take them every other day.
I've now had 2 depo shots. About 4 weeks into my second shot and I've been bleeding now for 14 days. It's weak but just isn't stopping. It's not painful but more annoying than anything. Experiencing ongoing mood swings and gained 5kg in first 2months with no other change to diet/exercise. Unsure if I need to keep taking the shot to let my body adjust or to stop now. Have read stories of getting pregnant later can be much harder after depo too. Lots of uncertainty, wish I had researched more before starting and perhaps tried the iud first.
I have been on lorazepam for anxiety for a few years now. I started 1mg three times a day, then increased to 2mg three times a day. After the years on it I decided to stop taking it and the other seventeen medicines I was taking. I didn't have any withdrawal per say. After a two month break from it I have started it again today due to rough times in life causing me anxiety.
I got this shot in January after having my son ever since then I haven't stopped bleeding I'm certainly thinking of taking the pill better I guess my body isn't working with this shot. But it is very effective!
I have cervical dystonia and have been treated with Botox for 2.5 years. Botox had many many side effects for me in the beginning. Trouble swallowing, severe headaches, floppy head. It does take away the spasms where it is injected but I am finding help with trigger point injections and osteopathic adjustments. They don't stop as much of the pain but they have less side effects than Botox.
I was experiencing extreme stiffness and pain from ankylosing spondylitis and my rheumatologist put me on Clinoril, prednisone, and Azulfidine. Within two days I was feeling much better than I had felt for weeks.
I have depression since 2007 and already have three relapses till now. For my first treatment, I was given Lexapro and as most anti-depressants it took around 3-4 weeks for this drug to fully take effect. Side effect to me was minor eg. dizziness, loss of appetite. With a combination of exercise. I did recover although not fully, after 1 year. On my 2nd relapses (failed biz investment), I was again given Lexapro, nothing new to me and the drug itself took effect fast and I felt better after around 3 weeks and move on to a new job. Recently due some persistent health problems (stomach ache), my depression again came back. I saw my doctor and again given Lexapro. The effect was good and felt better within 2 weeks and now I try to exercise 4 times a week.
I have major Acid Reflux which dramatically disrupts sleep/completely prohibits my ability to fall asleep. My esophogus began being negative effected from the the aciid reflux whiich would in turn give me esophogeal spasms thus messing with my heart rate...you ever try to fall asleep while your body is shaking...near impossible. So I went to the ER with an irregular heart rate due to these spasms and the doc prescribed me 30 mg of Temazapam. I had not had a night's rest like that in years....years. Sure, it knocked me the hell out for 8 hours straight and when I awoke, I need a shower and a cup of coffee before having my wits but after that it was all good. This was back in Dec 2014; I have been taking them each night since. It is July 2015
I am 52 and have been taking statins for 25 years. From mevecor, zocor, to Lipitor, zetia and now Crestor. I am lucky to have had no side effects but will say the Crestor has worked best at 40mg daily it helps keep it down around 230. Had a 95% blockage at age 28 and 1 stent last year. I believe statins have protected my heart over the years! My brother can not take them and had a quadruple bypass at 49. Also everyone should have a calcium scan, simple and life saving.
Lexapro has given me back my life! Before I started on Lexapro, my job performance suffered, my relationships suffered and my school work suffered. I would cry randomly and have panic attacks. Now, I am happier and get along with people better. I am doing well at work and school.
I've been on Synthroid my whole life, it works like a charm. I'm on a dose of 120 right now and its helping.
I've been on Belviq for 5 days. I'm taking it for thyroid related weight gain. I'm 39, 5'2", and 30 lbs overweight - diet and exercise have not worked. The first few days were rough. Severe dizziness, headaches, etc. In general, I could barely function, mostly because of the dizziness. Now at day 5, I'm feeling much better, no headaches, dizziness is greatly improved, etc. I have lost 1lb. in 5 days - this is impressive, as I was gaining 2 lbs weekly before Belviq. I don't have enough time on Belviq to give a real review, just wanted to say hang in there, the side effects will subside after a few days. Mine were bad, I wanted to stop taking it, luckily I stuck it out. I'm very excited about what Belviq can help me accomplish!
My son is 12 years old. He has had the tics for 8 years. The Neurologist put him on Clonidine 1 tablet a day as needed. He just started taking it 2 days ago. We will see how it goes from here. It breaks my heart to see him going through this. During these times when he has the tics, I try my best to make sure he has No added stress. It does get him sleepy after an hour or two with one pill. And it seems to slow the tics down a bit.
I've been on Gilenya for 5 months. People posting on blogs seem very concerned about the initial drop in heart rate. Mine dropped from 86 to 66 within a few hours and then went back to normal. They said that if it falls below 55 you just have to get up and walk around until it goes back up, so it's not as big a deal. I have had no other side effects and am thankful that I was diagnosed after there was a pill as a treatment option.
I'm 19, and I got the implanon towards the end of last year. My experience has been very positive so far. For the first two months i had a week or two of random spotting, with very light periods maybe once a month for 2-3 days. Now i barely have a period at all, and it completely got rid of my awful cramps! I do get headaches occasionally, however they are easy to fix with painkillers. Otherwise i have had no side effects, and i've actually lost some weight (however i attribute it more to lifestyle). It's also a big plus not having to remember to take a pill everyday. Remember that Implanon experiences vary for different people, however for me it worked out perfectly and i would highly recommend it :)
I found that within a day of taking Bactrim the infection got better, which was GREAT because I had had it for a while. I experienced a few side effects, dizziness, lack of energy, insomnia if I took the pill a few hours before bed (I found to overcome this I took the pill just before going to sleep) and headaches but they seemed to dissipate after 2-3 days.
I've been using Qvar for about two weeks. I used Advair before for years, and though it was extremely effective in treating my asthma, it kept making me lose my voice, so my doctor suggested trying Qvar. I happen to be out of my Albuterol inhaler until I see my doctor later this week, so I'm experiencing Qvar with no backup system, and I find it to be very ineffective against my asthma. I'm using it twice a day, two puffs each time, as prescribed, and though it doesn't make my asthma worse, it doesn't appear to improve it either. Except for short spurts during the middle of the day, which might just be incidental. Anyway, I'm going to ask my doctor for another alternative to Advair because Qvar's just not working.
Have been on multiple antidepressants in my lifetime, all were duds. They caused weight gain, fluctuating moods, extreme sadness. My doctor has recently prescribed me 20mg of Cymbalta, after 2 weeks I will switch to 40mg, 20mg in the morning and 20mg in the evening. After reading reviews online I am hopeful, as everyone has reviewed it mainly positive. Currently after being on it for 5 days I am experiencing MAJOR nausea. I can barely breathe without wanting to throw up everywhere. Thankfully, a coworker has given me "phenergan", which is used for nausea, but it is a prescription pill. I called my doctor and explained that this has helped, and she refused putting me on another prescription just to treat the side effects of Cymbalta. SOS!
I received a shot last week of this at the hospital. It was great at first and was working great for my severe panic attacks, then about 45 minutes later, I started seeing Mickey mouse bumper boats and pink pigs standing in cake. The hospital didn't do anything for me and this is considered a severe side effect. They sent me home and then I slept for 36 hours and had a Migraine for 2 days after. I image it works for others but not me, way to many side effects, when I have 2 kids I have to take care of.
I am 29 years old and have never been pregnant or have had kids. I've been on the pill for about 15-16 years consecutively. I decided to get Skyla because my husband I are thinking about trying in 3 years, which would be perfect for the duration of Skyla. I just had it inserted today. My doctor had prescribed me the drug to soften your cervix and I was advised to take 800mg of Motrin BEFORE I came into my appointment. I experienced some discomfort during insertion but mostly all of my pain was after. A lot of cramping, dizziness and nausea. I wouldn't trade it for anything though, nothing to remember!
This pill has really worked for me. It's the only BC I've ever been on and it's been close to two years of no worries. The first week I started taking it, I had to pee like crazy. I've gained some weight, but I don't know if I can blame it on the pill.
I have been on Zoloft for quite a few years. I absolutely love it, except for recently (the last few months) I have been getting headaches if I miss a couple. Otherwise, I've had no other side effects and it has helped with the suicidal thoughts. It's helped me gain perspective and think about my feelings instead of just automatically feeling down.
LOVE NuvaRing! I have had the ring for 3 years and wouldn't want any other kind of birth control now. I took the pill for a while and I always cramped really bad and my periods varied from crazy bad to light and easy. Now I have a regular period and my migraines are gone and I hardly ever cramp. I have about a 4 day period and not heavy at all! Only down fall is right before my period there is a little discharge but a little liner is all I need, and TELL your man you have it.
I can see why this medication isn't for everyone. I have racing thoughts when I attempt to sleep. I take a 20mg Belsomra, make room dark and set myself up for sleep. My mind must calm because I wake up 5-9 hours later. This doesn't make you drowsy or euphoric. It helps me fall asleep like a normal person. Never will go back to benzos (for sleep) zopiclone, ezoplicone etc.