Methadone I suffered chronic pain for years. Every opiate I took caused me to abuse them. Until I found methadone for my pain. I take 20-30 mg daily with meloxicam and eat very well and I am able to work, function and live life like a normal human being. I believe doctors don't like to write this medicine for pain because it is not as costly as the others and also they don't receive kickback from prescribing a 20 dollar a month medication. It costs 20 bucks for 120 pills and for perc 10s it cost 200- 300. Just sad how the government and some doctors will work.
Etonogestrel I’ve been on Nexplanon for 7 months now & like it. At first I bled for about a month (light bleeding) than my periods became light around 3 days of bleeding, now I don’t get one at all. Haven’t noticed any other side effects that I’ve read. Maybe a little weight gain but almost every BC affects your weight I would recommend :)
Tarceva My husband diagnosed with Stage III b NSCLC 10 1/2 years ago!!! Thank you 150 mg TARCEVA!
Sertraline I wish that I would have started this drug much sooner. I was very reluctant to take an antidepressant mainly due to stigma. I felt immediate relief from anxiety, paranoia, irritability, hopeless, helpless, suicidal, depressed and feeling out of control. I have had major symptoms for several years premenstrual and it has been premenstrual dysphoric disorder. I am very thankful for Zoloft and I don't ever want to be caught without it it is the best thing that has happened to me in a very long time. The side effects are very minimal my side effects would include just being a little tired some gas and Mild diarrhea at times. I would trade this any day for the problems that I was having before I started taking Zoloft it truly has saved my life .
Adalimumab Humira gave me my life back! I received four different diagnosis by four different Rheumatologists. Diagnosis: Fibromalagia, Connective Tissue Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, lastly Lupus. I used to have severe joint pain, mostly in my legs, difficulty walking long distances, inflammation, insomnia, depression, 60lb weight gain from steroids, stomach bloating, joint stiffness throughout the night, I would toss and turn throughout the night due to the stiff achey joint pain. My legs were the most achey, I would cry at night because the pain was so unbearable. I hated when it was time for bed, because I knew pain would accompany sleep with stiffness. I felt like I was 90 years old. I was a"Hot Mess!" Thank GOD for Humira!!
Celexa I was suffering from extreme panic disorder, could barely leave the house, didn't think I would ever feel like myself again. I was put on Celexa and within a few weeks I started doing things that I thought I would never do again. I didn't think I would be able to go to college but with the help of Celexa I went off to college and felt like myself again after a few months. It was still a struggle at first, don't get me wrong, it is not magic, but it makes the panic manageable. I would definitely recommend the combination of this and CBT.
Desipramine Did not notice any effect whatsoever.
Milnacipran I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia after suffering from pains in various parts of my body, exhaustion, and overall lack of interest in most everything. I've now been on Savella 50 me 2 X day for about two months. My results are astounding. Significant reduction in pain, no more feeling exhausted, more active, and weight loss which I needed anyway. I do have episodes of mania though. There are times it seems like I can't stop talking. I have experienced no negative side effects and truly feel like after about 8 years I've finally gained my life back. I know this is just my story, but I hope others can get the same positive results from this medicine.
Sumatriptan If you are a migraine sufferer this is a MIRACLE DRUG! Yes the "injection" is sort of painful (for like 10 secs) and I only experienced a little soreness in the spot afterwards.. But within 15 mins of the injection my DEBILITATING MIGRAINE WITH NAUSEA AND BLURRED VISION WAS GONE! I was able to head to work and put in a full 10 hours as normal! No nausea, no follow up dosage, no pills, just a little sleepiness. I'm a 35 yr old female that suffers from 1-4 migraines with vomiting, light sensitivity, blurred vision per month. Yes, they are expensive, but I am lucky enough to have great insurance coverage thru my employer and only pay $15 per mon for 6 of these
Phentermine I can't believe how I lost 13lbs taking 15 mg in 7 days. I do exercise and eat 2 healthy meals a day .
Venlafaxine It helped with my anxiety, but to the point that I didn't care and started taking risks. I had major mood swings, was full of rage and started self harming again for the first time in decades. I've had to be weaned off it to start another medicine.
Balsalazide Didn't help much at all with my symptoms.
Levonorgestrel I am 255lbs/5'1 height and 33 years old. I say this because I read many reviews and doctor's explanation that the pill sometimes does not work on obese or overweight people. It worked for me. I took it within 4 hours of being intimate with my boyfriend. You feel like you are pregnant because for at least 5 days I felt like activity was going on in my uterus, and the day before my period arrived I had really bad cramps, when I have not had cramps since I was in high school, at 120lbs and a size 2. Yes, it throws off your period. I was not due to have my period for another 2.5 weeks. However, my period came 7 days after being intimate and taking the pill, immediately. So, it works! You might be a little paranoid and feel like your pregnant because of cramps and what feels like activity going on in your uterus, but it works!
Mirtazapine Worked well but with terrible side effects--agitation, insomnia, suicidal ideation and constipation. Other side effects too numerous to mention.
Dextromethorphan I took this late at night expecting it to work and I should have read the reviews first it didn't stop my cough at all and I think made it worse I ended up just sucking on a cough drop which worked better than this. It is now 5:30am and my stomach feels twisted like I'm going to vomit but I don't have anything to vomit because I haven't eaten anything and it has to be the cough syrup because I have had the cough drops before. I'm never going to use this medicine again.
Methocarbamol Didn't help with the pain much at all , and made me very tired for about 36 hour, I only took 1 500mg pill
Ativan I started taking Ativan about 4 months ago and I found it was very effective. It saved my life. I suffered really badly with depression, anxiety and panic attacks. This tablet stops the thoughts racing through my mind and calms me down straight away.
Campral I am on day 5 of Campral. The first day I took it, it was like the depressed empty void inside of me (which I now know to be alcohol withdrawal), was filled and I felt whole again. Now, day 5, I feel even better. It's like a dream to be free of cravings and withdrawal, I spent so many years drinking and now I have my life back. It's opened my eyes to what it is to feel normal. No side effects, and I'm on four tablets a day. I tried Aa/Na for 2 years but couldn't stay sober longer than 8 months. Finally I have some peace of mind, no cravings at all, and I'm functioning like a normal person. Thank you doc.
Ledipasvir / sofosbuvir Been taking Harvoni thirteen days now. I never realized how bad I was till I started taking Harvoni. I feel ten years younger and have much more energy. Hard to go to sleep at night but not tired. My aches and pains in wrist and hand have disappeared. I feel like I have a new life in front of me. I am 72 yrs. Had Hep C since 1980 from transfusion. Good luck to all.
Levonorgestrel my boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years now, and the condom broke while have sex. I took plan b 50 hours after intercourse and it worked
Ciclesonide My Pulmonary Function Tests were the best they have been in 12 years since I switched from Advair Diskus to Alvesco. I feel SO much better.
Pristiq I have been taking Pristiq for 3 days now. I take it to help with anxiety. I have lost 7 pounds in 3 days and I feel great. I'm calmer now and I have more patience with my two year old son. I had a slight problem with nausea and I had no appetite, but apart from that I can feel a huge difference in only 3 days.
Nexplanon I decided to take this because the birth control and Plan B was not working and I got pregnant. Thank god I delivered a healthy and beautiful baby boy. I got this Dec 29, 2015 and it was the most terrible experience of my whole entire life. I bled almost immediately after the insertion till now April 5, 2016. I finally got in out today because my bleeding got worse. I would sweat even if I barely did anything that day, extreme migraines and it worsened my depression and anxiety to the point I could not sleep and had no energy. Please ladies reconsider this because I would NOT quit bleeding. It destroyed my sex life and self esteem too. As if today I actually feel great and trying Yasmin because this is awful!!!!!! Zero stars for me
Ledipasvir / sofosbuvir Yeah I really had no side effects during the pills except for fatigue and the occasional shooting pain in the liver area. After I was finished with my dosage I started having pain in my liver this went on for about two months (I was drinking a lot though). Now I feel as fit as a fiddle and energy is back no pains and I can have a glass wine from time to time.
Benzonatate Tessalon has been extremely effective in controlling a cough and starts working immediately. This med is wonderful.
Miconazole The first night I used it, it burned so bad I couldn't even sleep/ I was in tears & I tried to wash it out in a bath and to no avail, I was completely red faced miserable/crying/ could barely walk with such intense burning. But by the second day, it was almost all cleared up!!! Just mild itching! SO STICK WITH IT FOR THE FULL 7 DAYS!!!! By day two I had almost 0 discharge (mostly just the cream coming back out) I'm on night 3 now, and penetration of the application tube doesn't hurt anymore but I still have mild itching:( hopefully by day 7 I'll be good to go!!
Mesalamine I was diagnosed with UC when I was 20 years old. I am now 64 so 44 years with this annoying condition. Over the years I have been put on various medications but Asacol tablets along with occasional Asacol foam enemas have kept me well. I take 8 x 400mg tablets a day (4 first thing in the morning and 4 last thing at night), no side effects whatsoever. I only need the foam enemas if I get a bit of mucous or that 'colitis feeling' and the enemas work within two or three days. I use the enemas for a week though, to be on the safe side.
Celexa My doctor prescribed this for my Menopausal mood swings and headaches. It worked for a while and then I started having profuse sweating, not that I needed any help in that department due to my hot flashes! I would be soaked at work and if I just did the smallest chore at home. I weaned off and am now trying Effexor.
Allopurinol I've had undisguised symptoms for 20 year causing mild discomfort e.g. Uric acid buildup on earlobes. Chronic wrist pain. Moderate two attacks , all annoying but I never figured it to be gout or realize the horror about unleash itself on me at a fit 49 years old. I exercise, only about 10 lbs overweight and eat healthy. I was a heavy beer drinker though. Last year my left wrist and thumb swoll to the size of a red grotesque boxing glove. No pain medication could touch it. Imagine bone fracture pain with no relief. I was in chronic pain, depressed despondent and close to suicidal. Because I had ignored symptoms for so long the rheumatologist told me I had "entrenched" gout and the allopurinol was going to make it worse before it got better.
Quetiapine I have been taking this for five years and have never been better. I think you just have to find what works for you. My Psych Doc is the best!
Sertraline I suffered from anxiety which turned really serious and ended in a 5-6 month depression. I never believed that depression or anxiety existed but now I really know. It is a medical tradition that needs treatment. I was on lorazepram and Abilify for awhile and it didn't do a thing for me except for make me really tired. I was hopeless and finally told my therapist how I WAS really feeling and she worked with my psychiatrist to prescribe my Zoloft. It didn't work for awhile. I started on 50mg and then was moved up to 100mg. I remember about a month later I was driving home and actually felt happy for the first time in a long long time. I felt like my old self before my anxiety and depression happened. This medicine along with counseling worked.
Depo-Provera I LOVE Depo-Provera! Only 1 shot every 3 months. Unlike the stupid pill which I keep forgetting to take. Weight gain is the only negative thing for me, which I don't really care for. No mood swings, no period. So I'm super happy with my shot yay!
Levonorgestrel I am 20 years old and I've never had children. I got Skyla about a month ago because I have gallbladder problems and my body doesn't like the extra estrogen. No one had warned me about the insertion. It wasn't the worst pain I've ever experienced but it was a lip biter. It also took her awhile to do it. BUT I wasn't on my period when I had it inserted because her schedule was booked . I would highly recommend taking some pain reliever before going in just in case. Everyone is totally different. The first week I was a little tender. You should pamper yourself for the day you get it done and the day after. I've had light pink spotting and some pain here and there but it's suppose to be normal.
Amitriptyline Had fibromyalgia due to chronic sleep deprivation which caused severe swelling in my hands giving me carpel tunnel pain every night also had swollen knees and severe stiffness. After months of trying alternative therapies with no improvement I finally gave in and started taking 20mg amitriptyline. Within 3 days this medicine changed my life and I felt like a different person. Went up to 50mg but now back to 25mg and only about 75% of the time. If your health problems are caused by lack of phase four sleep, give this medicine a try.
Ethinyl estradiol / etonogestrel I have been on the nuvaring since I was 16; I'm 25 now. It really is the best thing I have tried. The only side effects I have experienced are breast tenderness, being really dry or really wet at times and possible uti's. Although I'm still unsure of that because I have gotten uti's for as long as I could remember. I got off it recently because my doctor prescribed me a pill with less hormones but I felt the difference right away. I didn't feel myself at all. I'm giving my body a break for a month or two and will probably go back on the ring.
Baclofen after just a few days' dosing at 1 20mg every six hours, I started to feel peculiar in the GI tract...all kinds of strangeness. The drug didn't do enough good for the purpose prescribed, so I quit it and returned the drug to the pharmacy for disposal.
Fluconazole I had a yeast infection to the 10th Power. I tried some OTC vaginal medicines and definitely didn't work out for me. Seem like it got worse. Very embarrassing and uncomfortable NOT A GOOD FEELING! My Dr prescribed me 2 doses at 150mg each. Took the 1st pill at noon and I could really feel relief within hours. I highly recommend this pill for quick relief. Thank goodness for Fluconazole!
Imiquimod Absolutely awful. Reaction to this was so bad I was told I almost 100% had herpes (due to Aldara causing severe blisters). Made it 3 days with this medicine and started to have severe vaginal swelling to the point where I had to sit in a warm bath to urinate or dump a water bottle on myself while going (TMI). Stabbing pains, nausea, could not sleep, rawness like I never knew was possible, missed a week of work because I could not even move after I had stopped using it. Took about 2 weeks, 4 doctors appointments, countless tests for various STIs/STDs for my body to fully recover.
Metronidazole I was prescribed 3 400mg tablets a day orally for a week. I am now on my 7th day and the only symptoms I experienced was tiredness on one day but that may of been from the medication. For women who are worried about the nausea and vomiting, I think the reason I did not experience that was because I never missed a dose where I didn't eat with a substantial amount of food close to a meal. Make sure you eat when you take it and not just a snack! Also try and regulate the times you take them everyday , try and make it around the same time. The smell went about day 3! Hope you all get treated and your issue resolves!
Tramadol I'm taking it for Pain From Joint Hypermobility Syndrome. Wonderful medication aside from a little minor increase in agitation/irritability
Saphris I'm sleeping for the 1st time in YEARS without the screaming-clawing-gasping-horrors (the thing people refer to as "nightmares"). Waking up was the worst part. Waking up found me in a dead panic, or a blood-red rage, unable to function. Nothing helped, some things made me worse. I have been labeled "medication resistant" because nothing helped & I'd given up. No med-of-the-month for me. I've been suicidal for awhile, but hadn't told anyone. Had a breakdown while with Mom. I called my shrink, put her on speakerphone, & she called in a prescription for Saphris. I stayed with Mom. We got the medicine. Starting calming with the 1st dose. I now remember what sleep & rest feel like! Cleared my head. I still have my artistic creativity, too!
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone I'm seeing so many negative reviews, and I understand everyone's bodies react differently, but I have ZERO complaints about this pill! I've been on it for almost a year now (was put on for heavy/painful periods and acne) and it solved all of my menstrual problems! I have not had a period since starting this pill which has been great for me considering how bad they were prior. my acne has cleared, I haven't had mood swings/weight gain etc! I couldn't be happier! 10/10!
Relpax My experience with Relpax mirrors those reported by many other users on this site: its a miracle. I've suffered from migraines since childhood through my adulthood and have been prescribed a number of medicines with no success. Relpax was most effective for me when taken upon onset, however a standard dose will vanquish a migraine within 45 minutes. I can't tell you how this medicine increased my quality of life and how relieved I felt to finally locate something that worked after 20 years of suffering. Again, this medication is expensive even with co-insurance. But for me it was worth having my life back.
Medroxyprogesterone Despite my weight/exercise habits, I have genetically high blood pressure and cannot take birth control with estrogen. The first two injections are the most difficult due to the spotting and bloating - seems to be the case for many. What I found to help is incorporating a large amount of soy/flaxseed into my diet - it completely stopped the spotting. I suppose the plant estrogens in both help when you're not getting estrogen from BC. I haven't experienced any moodiness or hair loss like some complain about. I take extra calcium/magnesium/vitamin D as bone density is a concern on this shot long term.
Phentermine / topiramate I have been on Qsymia for about 5 weeks and lost 15lbs. While I am very pleased with the loss, I have had a lot of cramping & extreme diarrhea for the past week. It started out always hitting me about 7PM & then increased to mornings and then during the night as well. Has anyone else had this problem. I am calling the Dr., but haven't seen anyone else with it and wonder if it could be caused by something else. I don't really want to give this up yet.
Amphetamine / dextroamphetamine Wellbutrin did nothing for me and Strattera caused erectile dysfunction and significant sleep disorders. My doctor slowly increased my Adderall XR dosage until I hit the "sweet spot" which was 30mg for me. 40mg made me a little jittery and anxious. In the correct dosage Adderall has improved my quality of life with no side effects. I should note that if I miss a day I am fine but any longer without it and I become lethargic - so remember to refill your prescription as soon as you can so you don't run out. I take the generic of this drug and it works great.
Fexofenadine Allegra is the only allergy medicine that helps me. Other prescription or over the counter medicines just seem to mask the problem, and they do not even do it that well for me. My insurance company (Aetna) stopped covering it last year and I decided to use other brands because of the price of Allegra. Next year I think I'll pay the money for the Allegra.
Viberzi Worked the second day I took it and I have been on it since. Had IBS-D for 6 months and was having trouble getting ANY kind of food to work with me. I can actually eat now and not have to make a run for the restroom the minute I swallow the first or second bite. Thanks to all the med-chemists, clinicians, volunteers, toxicologists and people who worked on it and made this drug a reality.
Lifitegrast I have been using Xiidra for about a month for chronic dry eye disease and chronic keratocojunctivitis. I also use a steroid twice a day. The burning sensation when I first started using this has gone. I still get a little blurry vision after using, it lasts about 10 minutes, I still get the weird taste it also lasts about 10 minutes. Overall I'm pretty happy with the results I've had so far.
Monistat 3-Day Combination Pack I was scared to take this because of the reviews but I experienced ZERO burning or itching from the medication. I had itching from the yeast infection but not excessive itching that was said in the reviews. Every body reacts to medicines differently so don't completely write off trying monistat just because of the bad reviews below. I didn't experience any of that and I felt relief on the second day and now is completely gone. I took it night and tried not to get up a lot until the morning. The ointment also somewhat helped.
Chlordiazepoxide My GP saved my life by (a) getting me to admit to alcohol problems ( three bottles of wine daily seven days a week ) (b) sending me for a biopsy for potential cirrhosis ( clear ) but being in the hospital ward for two days showed me the effects of alcohol abuse and realising I wanted my life back. This was the first two days in over twenty years of not drinking alcohol. (c) the real life saver Chlordiazepoxide prescribed to me. Now alcohol free over three years, got my life back, no more dry vomits each day all day, no more obvious signs externally; the sweating or panics. Do not ignore the medical offer of this drug if prescribed to you it could save YOUR life as it has mine. Aged 53 - male.
Ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate I'm almost done with my first month of the pill. So far, its been quite a ride. I noticed a change in my acne right away, so I was super optimistic.. and then my period was late by about a week.. and then I got super moody and today i am stuck in bed vommitting. To me, its a small price to pay for clear skin and pregnancy free. The pill is extremely effective.
Ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel I've been taking this pill for about 10 months & like the others, the only good thing about this pill is the fact that I'm not pregnant. This is my first time taking birth control so at first, I wasn't able to tell the side effects. Until later on, it got so much worse. I had terrible mood swings to the point people were referring me to other brands. My period was extremely light as if I barely even had it at all, which made me worried sometimes. I lost weight which is the opposite of what I want & my skin got so bad. The worst was really just the depression I occurred during this time & my " craziness ". I wouldn't recommend anyone to be on this & I'll definitely ask my doctors for a different brand.
Janumet I love this medication. Not only has it reduced my blood sugar levels, I lost 12 pounds in 2 months. I take 50/1000 twice a day with no side effects.
Miconazole This is my first yeast infection and I'm 18. My mom gets them too, not frequently, but enough to where she knows her meds. She told me not to use M1 but that I should use m3. I wanted to get this over with and just use the one day treatment but she warned me there was no way I was sleeping if I did, reading the reviews also convinced me not to. But even using M3 it's impossible to sleep, regardless of taking two Advil. I don't have any burning but just the most intense itching I've ever felt in my life. This is night 1 and I hope it gets better and not worse on the next two nights. After an hour and a half the itching let up a little. The less I move the less I feel it, either that or the Advil is kicking in. So far, I expected worse.
Carisoprodol Severe lumbar and cervical muscle spasms. Tried Parafon Forte with no relief I would rate this drug a 0 out of 1-10. Robaxin 750 I would rate this a 3 out of 10. Flexeril I cannot stay awake had to discontinue. Skelaxin I had to discontinue due to chest tightness and stomach issues. Zanaflex I had to discontinue due to severe hypotension. Soma I will give a 10 it is the only drug in its class that actually smooths muscle tone. I have taken it numerous times over many year's. It is a shame that professional sports were handing them out like candy and athletes were abusing the drug leading to a class IV reclassification. It is difficult to even find a doctor who will prescribe Soma a drug around since 1959.
Citalopram I have dealt with depression for many years. Was put on Celexa 2 months ago and its been amazing for me! The panic attacks went away in a matter of days and I still have emotions, not walking around like a zombie. I feel and enjoy every moment! I highly recommend Celexa.
Suboxone This medication has changed my life! Welcome world :)
Baclofen This medication work miracles in alcohol addiction.
Mirtazapine I've been taking 30mg of mirtazipine for over two years with excellent success and regular 8-hour sleep periods that leave me feeling refreshed and well rested.
Hydroxyzine This stuff is terrible. A few months ago, my Dr. prescribed me actually makes my anxiety worse. To top that, my legs get so restless I can barely hold still. The funny part is, it does make me tired....but it's like it's not blocking the anxiety. It's so frustrating, I'm ready to flush the remainder down the toilet where it belongs!
Carbamazepine This is the only medcine I am allergic to. Extreme itching! I couldn't stop taking it too fast. Luckily, it doesn't have a very long half life.
Chlordiazepoxide I've been drinking for about three years now! To try and take away the depression and anxiety. (I do realise drink is the worst thing to madicate with) As I write this, I had just woke up on my back, vomiting. Four day drinking session. Not a morsel of food past my lips. 25/30 cans of Guinness per day. I've lost the ability to walk properly. For several years now, when I stand up, my legs just buckle. I take diazepam too. They are of no help anymore! I was taken into hospital two months ago. Family had rang an ambulance. I had alcohol poisoning, and taken a seizure. Librium really helped with the withdrawals in hospital. I wish any of you suffering all the very best! Alcohol dependancy is such a lonely road to walk.
Azelastine / fluticasone MIRACLE DRUG. Seriously. Hayfever my entire life. Hayfever x 10000 in Melbourne, Australia. Tried at least 10 different allergy tablets and sprays and eye drops, from both US and Australia. I eat local pollen honey and have an air purifier in my house that runs 24/7 and still my symptoms persisted. Dymista immediately relieved my allergic symptoms -- I can breathe, I can go outside, my eyes don't itch, my hives have stopped, sneezing stopped, runny nose has stopped, headache stopped. I can't rave enough about this one. Can't believe I didn't start it sooner. If you're suffering seasonal allergies just go to your doctor, get a prescription and feel the relief.
Magnesium sulfate / potassium sulfate / sodium sulfate For me Suprep was very effective, but very unpleasant. I have an irritable bowel already so this was like adding a turbo booster. First dose at 7pm kicked in around 45 minutes after I started. I was back and forth to the bathroom for about 3 hours and then was able to sleep until 4am for second dose. Forced down about 2/3rds of that dose (gagging badly) and was on the toilet for another 2 hours. Like many others, I found the taste to be terrible. It started out as bearable, but with each chug it got worse. Was swallowing so much air that I was nauseous until I could finally get some burps out. I also had chills (normal). Following a smooth procedure this morning, lunch went right through me. Took Imodium, hoping things settle down
Lo Loestrin Fe I'm 26, first birth control pills I've ever used. I'm on my fourth month, getting close to starting the fifth pack. Pros thus far: no breast tenderness (they did increase in size), no acne (skin actually cleared up), no weight gain (I'm very active to begin with), no nausea or headaches, much lighter periods (prior to the pill, my periods were heavy enough where both a pad and a tampon were needed... Now a tampon alone is good enough!) Cons: ever since starting it, I've been having two periods a month.. 15 day cycle and it's about two days longer than period prior to taking this pill. The pros definitely outweigh the con, but I can't stand having two periods a month!
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone I am 33 years old and started taking these pills the first day of my period on September 26, 2015. This was my first time using birth control since 2012. I bleed for 15 days and then very light on the 16th day. On the 17th day, October 12th I saw no bleeding. It is October 19 and I started to bleed again yesterday morning, October 18. I don't understand why I'm having a second bout with a period not more than 1 week later from my first period. All my life my periods lasted no more than 5 days. The only other birth control I used was Ortho tri Cyclen and my periods only lasted 5 days. I'm going to a gynecologist today as I consider to switch birth controls.
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone This birth control protected me from pregnancy every time ! Sometimes I would take it a few hours later as well and it would still work. There is a lot of estrogen in it so it caused me to get headaches. Super light, predicted period every month. No cramps. No weight gain other then your typical bloating.
Makena I regret taking this. They will tell you that more progesterone isn't a bad thing, and then you'll get all the info on side effects from Makena. It increases the risk of every pregnancy complication except preterm labor. I've dealt with no complications except preterm birth in my first two pregnancies. On Makena, it's been a ride with painful injections, site reactions, fetal arrhythmia, gestational diabetes, low fluid, and I have felt like a crazy person. I was not informed, and I'd take my perfectly healthy 36 week pregnancy over this one any day.
Triamcinolone This is the best medicine I have ever used. Nothing in the past ever stopped the itch of flea bites. This medicine started working right away. Thank goodness for this cream.
Lisinopril Not sure if I like this drug, one pill and have a raspy voice already.
Mucinex Fast-Max Severe Congestion & Cough Took it an hour ago. Now I'm drowsy but also heart racing and shaky and nauseous ... so 3 more hours of this, and i have to get my kids off the bus. Never again will I take this. Did wonders for my cold but these side effects aren't even worth it....
Venlafaxine in 2005 at age 61, I had breast cancer. 32 radiation treatments later and it was decided NOT to prescribe a post-cancer med because of continuing menopausal hot spells oncologist prescribed Venlafaxine 75mg two times a day. as an RN I kept a hair dryer in my locker for when my hair would become drippy wet during hot spells. it is now 2014 and I do not experience the hot spells any longer! My moods are totally better and more positive...I know it sounds weird, but if I miss a dose, my mood plummets. Once, while on a trip, I had a terrible reaction when I ran out of my prescription and went without Venlafaxine for 3 days! The doctor knew immediately I was in withdrawals. Yucky spaced-out symptoms.
Subutex I'm a mom of an 8 month old. I took Subutex during my whole pregnancy and was told it was okay to breatfeed. My son was born perfectly normal, is the cutest baby alive and is hitting milestones right on schedule. Subutex saved my life and so did my son.
Etonogestrel I've had this since mid march and i absolutely hate it. Im going to get it removed this week. The side effects are horrible. I have extreme nausea everyday ( especially when i get up in the morning ) and randomly multiple times throughout the day, its hard for me to go to school and do normal things because i feel so sick. I've been spotting/had my period for the last 3 months and i don't think its stopping anytime soon, and I've recently started to get back and stomach cramps everyday also. which is horrible! who wants to bleed for months straight and have bad cramps?!?! Definitely keeps you form getting pregnant considering you can't have sex bc of constant bleeding. I would never suggest this to anyone!
Pristiq I have been taking Pristiq for 1 week. 43y Male. First time treating depression. I could "feel" a difference within hours. Hard to believe maybe, but it was a slight improvement. Every day (EVERY SINGLE DAY) has been better than the one before. It is gradual, but VERY noticeable. My wife says "you are coming back" and my son says "thank you for not freaking out so much" and my co-workers are noticing. I even told a joke in a crowd this week (instead of just feeling like I want to leave and be alone) - I am AMAZED. I had sweats and some minor side effects in the first 4 days, but they are completely gone. I am so thankful for this medication. Thank you to the scientists who developed this. You are changing my life for the better!
Suvorexant I struggle with PTSD and being able to relax and fall asleep and stay asleep at night due to my anxiety and PTSD. My problem with most sleeping meds is that they tend to give me awful nightmares (my whole point of taking sleeping pills is to relieve those nightmares) so others haven't been effective. This medication on the other hand has helped me a lot. I have pleasant dreams and no side effects. I don't wake up if at all in the middle of the night. If anyone else has these same issues I do I would recommend it for sure.
Meloxicam I have tried every single medication for my Fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. My rheumatologist gave me Meloxicam for non-specific joint swelling, and it actually was more beneficial for my fibromyalgia. Within 5 days, I stopped having morning stiffness, and my generalized muscle pain is almost completely gone! I am amazed and now have a much more optimistic outlook on living!
Ethinyl estradiol / etonogestrel I love the Nuvaring. Since I've been on it, I've been emotionally normal (at least I think so) and my doctor put me on an extended regimen so that I only have my period every 9 weeks. It definitely makes those periods tolerable. Yay for Nuvaring.
Femring This is the only product that works for me. The patent expires in December, 2015. I hope it gets cheaper!
Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone This medication so far has worked well. I am defiantly less moody on this pill, my periods have for most part fully stopped. I do get more migraines and slight abdominal cramping during placebo week, no change in sex drive, weight and no melasma, so I'd say this definitely a better pill on the market for me!
Vilazodone The first couple of weeks were not good; gastrointestinal issues, night sweats and some nightmares. I have been on it for four weeks now with little to no side effects the last two weeks. I do have vivid dreams now that are pleasant or not affective. I feel better and have gotten my motivation back.
Etonogestrel I got it and for me it's been very easy to manage my periods come farther apart now and dot a little after that's all.
Ativan Ativan helps when I start feeling panicky and to rest easier when I find it hard to relax.
Nevirapine This has been good for me.
Etonogestrel I got the Implanon 41/2 months ago and let's just say I don't hate it but I don't love it. The good part was it made my period super light and a few times I didn't get my period at all. I have always had really bad cramps when I got my period, but when I got the Implanon it went away. The only side effects I did not like was I got really bad acne, not just on my face but on my back and chested as well. I've gained a lot of weight and I have been getting headaches and been moody. I think Implanon is a really good Birth Control, but I just don't think its good enough for me. I'm thinking of getting it removed and going back on Loestrin 24Fe. The pill worked better for me. I was good at remembering to take my pill. I hope this helped.
Promethazine I absolutely live by Promethazine. I keep it on hand when I'm nauseated. It's such a versatile medication. It sedates you but not in the way that benzodiazapines or narcotics do. Lastly, whenever I go out drinking, I take this at the end of the night along side a bottle or 2 of water..I wake up the next day not hungover or nauseated! It's a fabulous hangover "cure"!! ;)
Prozac I have had depression and anxiety for several years, and have been on many anti-depressants and none have been as effective as Prozac has been for me. I was previously on Celexa and although it did help my depression it also made me gain a lot of weight. Since being ok Prozac though my appetite has went down tremendously and I feel amazing. I have never been this happy even before depression hit me.
Etonogestrel I've had the nexplanon for over 2 years now. The whole time I never really had a period, light spotting here and there. Now it's close time to get removed and out of no where I have a full blown cycle, HEAVY.
Ciprofloxacin Cleared up the UTI right away, but I took the third dose on an empty stomach because my doctor said not to take it within 2 hours of dairy and I'm a regular coffee with cream drinker. Threw up that dose within about 20 minutes. That's pretty common with antibiotics so it's annoying, but a UTI is worse and I'll be fine once I've eaten. Some of these scary reviews are pure conjecture and people seldom write reviews when they're happy. I found this page when googling whether vomiting with cipro was common and if it would be better not to take on an empty stomach.
Duragesic Although the 12mcg/hour patch did help with my pain it did not offer the relief I thought it might for 72 hours which is the life of a single patch. I still had pain, just not as severe. Then I broke out in a rash on chest, arms, thighs and back. Along with the rash a rise in blood pressure which had previously been well within acceptable range for my age of 62. I was placed on a blood pressure medication but have not seen a satisfactory drop in numbers. After finding information that 1 person in 10 will experience either very high blood pressure or very low blood pressure and given my history of hypersensitivity to drugs, I am thinking that I have no other alternative than to get off the fentanyl patch.
Medroxyprogesterone I was on the shot for 2 years and 6 months. My first 6 months on the shot I bleed lightly but nonstop. After that I did not have a period for the 2 years. I gained 40 pounds and experienced major emotional side effects. I did not get pregnant on the shot because mainly my sex drive is nonexistant and I am so tired all the time. I have also believed this shot has messed with my blood sugar and blood pressure. I am ending my shot because of all the side effects.
Tioconazole I was prescribed diflucan and for some reason that pill didn't work this time. I then went to the store and bought Monistat One Day, (I've never used this product before. Only Monistat 7 and 3), and was hoping it would just make the itchiness and discomfort go away ASAP. But instead, when I woke and some cream had come out when I went to pee, I started getting an allergic reaction...that's what I would call it. I just started burning and itching more on the outside of my vagina and I had to spritz it down with cold water. And no, it didn't cure my yeast infection. This stuff is strong! No joke, it's trial and error. It works for some, but you're only lucky if it does. I'm never using this product on my poor vagina ever again.
Metronidazole One of the BEST out there for Trich or any bacterial issue. Is a little hard on the system... but mostly in ones head and in SOME cases in ones head. I eat and wait about 10 minutes and than take. Need to eat something of substance with the medication, if it nauseates you. I do experience having to pee more often which makes me wonder if its hard on my kidneys.. but drinking plenty of water is a MUST with medication. All in all .. its a LIFE saver
Phentermine / topiramate Amazing! I started this medication May 2015 at 265. It's now November 2015 & I'm down 46 pounds! Hate hate hate dry mouth!!!
Sofosbuvir / velpatasvir Have been taking Epclusa for just over a week now constantly feel tired, but after 35yrs of living with hep c I reckon it's a small price to pay. I'm also on Suboxone 8 mg a day wondering if this has anything to do with tiredness. Can only hope that it knocks this disease on the head and I can get a few extra years out of this abused body of mine. Glad it's on the PBS scheme here in Australia
Adderall I have been suffering through ADD and Dyslexia my whole life. Together, the two work together to make your life a hell pit. Dyslexia made it harder for me to understand things and ADD made it hard for me to keep my focus long enough to understand it. I have been on and off ADD medications throughout my life, all which had negatives which outweighed the positives. I am now 17, I also lost hope in myself that I would ever be, "normal". It was taking me as least 10 times as long to complete task as my classmates. I started to become a burnout... until, I was prescribed Adderall. My head that once felt like a rock, now feels totally capable of thinking. My grades went up and now I have hope. I still have challenges, but they are manageable.
Etonogestrel Been on Nexplanon for 3 years now and I can say it's the best birth control there is out there. I dont have to worry about taking pills or using a back up at all. I'm definitely be going back to get my second one. I only get headaches and I haven't had a period but other then that it's all good.
Mobic I have been using Mobic to relieve the pain from my Spinal Fusion I had in March/2001. I was previously on Bextra that was discontinued. I find this medication to work just as good as Bextra did.
Ritalin I was diagnosed post traumatic stress disorder from Iraq war and also which goes along with adult ADHD and depression. They say it has a lot to do with my mind, has so many thoughts of what happened, what is happening, etc. racing through it that I guess it basically just gets worn out like exercising but once they started Ritalin 20 mg three times a day it helped a lot. More focused, less worried and in time just felt more rested and calm. But did have to force to eat at first. Lost my appetite until I got used to it.