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USB Cable is missing. I am dissapointed. I think I am going to return it. Sellers should write these kind of stuff in the item description...
This was highly recommended by my daughter's music teacher and has served her well. Plus it is so compact that it fits in her viola case so she is never without it. A perfect fit.
No 64-bit drivers yet i believe. And didn't work too well when i got everything working for a 32-bit system either.
This was for my daughter in the 7th grade, you get what you pay for so if you are expecting something more than a very inexpensive violin, get something else. It's working fine for her now, but out of the box the strings broke as the music teacher set it up, then it would not hold tune so we had to purchase additional parts to keep the knobs tight to keep the instrument in tune. I read the same complaints from others, bad strings and tuning knobs (not sure what they are called, but the part that the strings wrap around that you tighten to tune the strings) so I expected it, but what do you want for the price. The case is also very flimsy, not much protection offered at all. And ok yea, as other stated, the rosin was a joke.
I recently bought a PG-56 from "miss-mdm" (the seller). The product did not arrive in the right conditions. The packaging was open and there were missing some "included" items, the bag (pouch) was missing, the drum clip was missing (sold separately in AMAZON at $15), and the XLR cable does not seem to match the original SHURE-quality cables, (the canon connectors are cheap). Taking into consideration the obviously mishandled package I would even dare to believe the mic is not completely brand-new, some tiny dents in the Mic may also suggest that...Terrible Choice, the mic seems to work fine, but the rest was a awful surprise! I have been buying from Amazon for years and it is the first time I receive and article in such condition!!
I realy couldn't go wrong with this one. At under $100 with free shipping and Amazons return policy... I got one just to test it out. I sent the first one back because it made my speakers squeal when I turned the amp on. Audiosource said it may be a problem when bridging 4ohm speakers. It was a problem with 4ohm, 8ohm, bridged or stereo. Anyway, the second one was fine. This amp doesn't have much power, so don't expect to run much of a subwoofer with it. It will power a sub, but when pushed, it may dammage your speakers, so keep your hand on the volume control when testing. You'll know when to turn it down... trust me. This amp is great for versitillity. With two speaker sets and the ability to run one set at 4ohm or 2 sets at 8ohm. Or if your like me, bridge A and B. I use a 4ohm butkicker for quiet nightime listening on speaker A or hit speaker B for a 4ohm 12" Sony explode subwoofer. (Run 2 4ohm speaker at the same time bridged at your own risk!) This, I set up for my son's xbox360 as a perfect solution so I don't hear guns and bombs going off all night long. Bottom line is, for the price, it's great. I plan on taking it outside this summer to hook up to speakers on a gazebo. It's light enough to to carry around. It's a snap to connect. Just connect an mp3 player with a small headset to rca adapter and I'm done. Bannana connections are always a plus as well. A small complaint i have is the auto signal detector. It doesn't work at low volume. This is a bit annoying if you want good sound quality when somebody is sleeping in the next room. I'm being way to picky here. I just set it to manual. God forbid I have to push an extra button. If this thing breaks, I won't get to excited. Under $100 delivered! Amazon realy takes care of customers who buy damaged stuff "shipped and sold from Amazon". They don't pad their shipping items very well though...
UPDATE November 19, 2011: I got the replacement guitar today and lo and behold, this is missing the markers again! This is the second time I've received an incomplete order for this item. The markers that help make this guitar so neat are nowhere to be found AGAIN. Amazon opened a work order to inspect if other sets are also missing the markers. I'm so glad they are because I wouldn't want anyone else to go through this frustrating experience.Original Review November 15, 2011: I was very excited to find this guitar for my niece forChristmas present. However, upon receiving it, I saw that the markers it was supposed to come with were missing! I can't tell you how disappointed and frustrated I was. I immediately called Amazon for a replacement, which was processed but with a delay of at least a week for more inventory. Before purchasing the guitar, I had read the overall good reviews. However, I do remember reading a review from someone who encountered the same problem. I thought what were the chances that the same thing would happen to me....Despite all the trouble, the guitar still seems like a good piece. The lesson here is to PLEASE check your order as soon as you get it. The entire order should include guitar, gig bag and markers. I almost waited to open the box until closer to Christmas, in an effort to maintain the secrecy. But I am so glad to have done otherwise.The hassle of contacting customer service, repackaging the item, going to UPS, waiting for the item to get here -- it's all a big, unnecessary ordeal. How can the manufacturer (Luna Guitars) miss such a key component of this item? I also wonder what Amazon could have done, as far as quality control, knowing that missing accessories was a previous concern.
Seriously, this is a great pedal. I can't improve upon what others have said, but I will mention a few points.1. I use this after the preamp or dirt boxes for a lead tone, or to add more crunch to my Fender Frontman 212 when inserted in the effects loop. It's run before time based effects (delay, phaser, etc) for me.2. I sometimes use it before the distortion as a clean booster, while focusing one of the sliders to boost a few frequencies.3. If it gets noisy or "self oscillates" after a while, change the battery to a fresh one. Better yet, use an AC adapter.I found out about the last issue after reading a few Harmony Central reviews. Otherwise, it's been on my setup for about seven years. I take care of my stuff.
This item was bought for a Christmas gift. Item was opened on Christmas day. Did not work. Was told we had to pay to ship it back, no guarantee that a new one would work, and if we recieved another one that was defective also, we'd have to pay to ship it back again!! Was told by seller that it was "only fair" that they not have to pay to ship the broken item back to them and the new item to us! Yes, I believe that's exactly what they should do. It is their responsibilty to provide items that are in working order, and if not, to replace at NO cost to buyer! If you do buy from this seller, pray it works, if not, you're on your own!
I started by powering 1 stomp box on this chain and it worked, but when I tried to add a second/third stomp box, I couldn't get any guitar sound only a loud buzz. I returned this product I did further testing, I would not recommend it to anyone. With my personal experience in mind, I would advise you to save your money and get a pedalboard power supply. hope this helps
A Little History:I have been a guitar player for forty-odd (some of them, VERY odd) years. For the first thirty of them, I tuned by ear - starting by guessing at what a low E sounded like, then tuning the other five strings by fretting, listening and tuning. I could never understand why the tuning often sounded perfect for one chord, yet remained `off' for others... it took quite a long time to get it right. Then, about ten years ago, I thought I had figured it out. The problem (I thought) was that my guesses at a true "E" were off - so I got myself an "E" tuning fork (320 cycles) and used it to tune the first string. Then, I did as I had always done - fretted and tuned the other five. Not much better as a result - kept having to tune and retune for quite a while to get all chords to sound right. During those years, I tried tuning all six strings to (what I believed was an accurately tuned) piano as well as by ear to tones available online. Nothing gave me better tuning on the first try. Then, I saw an ad for a Chromatic Tuner and lightening struck.The Realization:There have been many - each of which has led me closer to what I have now - near perfect tuning on the first go `round! First off, I realized that when we say "E", that is not just one note. It is a range of literally hundreds - perhaps even thousands- of specific tones. The same is true for every note. This is akin, I guess, to the realization as a child, that no matter how many shades of `blue' are in a box of crayons, the chanced of having the precise shade you want for a specific drawing are rare. Purchasing my first Chromatic Tuner (a CT440, manufactured by SwitchMucic and sold through MusiciansFriend.com) moved me a long way along the continuum of learning and accurate tuning. However, that tuner had at least two limitations. Firstly, it's construction is rather light and flimsy - it works OK, but has a second limitation that conaused me to buy the Korg (for about the same price) That is that the Korg has a built in tone generator and speaker allowing the option of tuning that way rather than having only the single option of having tones made by the instrument read and metered back to you. Both tuners have plug-in for electric instruments, and, so far as I can tell, their accuracies are similar. I prefer the Korg for the reasons I have mentioned. Additionally, the Korg can be manually recalibrated for special tuning needs - and `remembers' the original tuning/tones so you can return to it for more `standard' usage. A nice, extra piece of flexibility. The LCD meter is easy to read and colored lights tell you, right away, whether you are sharp, flat (and by how much!) or right on!As a point of surprising interest, the tuning fork I had used for years turns out to be profoundly FLAT! A shock to me - given that I had grown up learning that tuning forks gave off perfect tones! I have saved it as a reminder that all things are not what they are promoted to be. I guess the round pitch pipe that Ms. Sweeny used to tune up the class in the 5th grade was probably not quite as precise as she would have presumed!And Finally:This is a marvelous little (and inexpensive) device - well constructed, accurate and flexible to allow for many different tuning need situations and circumstances. I assume that there will be still higher places for my `learning curve' in this area to rise to - but for right now, this is it. I am using it, regularly, on all my stringed instruments (two six-string Martins, a twelve string Epiphone and a frailing banjo. The time it saves tuning the 12-string alone makes it more than it's own price!)If you have not discovered Chromatic Tuning (maybe I really WAS the last one to discover these things!?), I suggest you do so immediately and spend your time enjoying the pleasures of making music rather than sitting in frustration trying to adjust the tunings by ear so it sounds `really' right. Perhaps people with `perfect pitch' can do very nicely without a Chromatic Tuner - I am not one of them. Are you?
Taylor ships this guitar with these strings - and for a good reason! They sound wonderful - right out of the box! Like with most/all 12-string guitars, lights or extra lights are most often appropriate - the feel of these Nanowbs is smoth and easy and the tome they generate, in tandum with the instrument, bring out it's best resonance and sustainability.Give 'em a try!
Bought it for my son and he stop using it so now I use it. It has a great sound for practicing in the house.. it stays in the living room and my wife don't give me a hard time for throng off her living room look. I also use the headphones and tie in with a CD or sound on the computer. The sounds blend in pretty good. Great for the money.
I've owned the Lexicon Omega for 2 years. It worked for a few months, then began behaving very erratically. It will connect/disconnect from the computer constantly, and even caused my computer to get the 'blue screen of death.' (My computer has never been the same and I am having to replace it now.) I returned it to the manufacturer while it was still under warranty. However, it still did not work when they returned it to me. Now it is out of warranty. It definitely has defective craftsmanship. I have heard some good reviews for this product, so if you get a good one, then you are in luck. However I'm not willing to take that chance again. I definitely do NOT recommend this product to anyone.
Warning for Windows 7 users, especially 64-bit versions: Do not purchase! M-Audio advertises that the product is Windows 7 compatible, both on website product description and a sticker on the box. I bought mine from Guitar Center for my son in college, and he could not install it at school. I came to his dorm and tried with no luck, so I took it home to get it going.The reality is that if you try to install from the included CD, it will not work at all. Then you go to the M-Audio web site, and there is a Win7 driver, both for 32 & 64 bit. Fine. However, the KeyRig 49 software player DOES NOT FUNCTION with Win7 of any flavor, and M-Audio has no intention of supporting Win7 at all. This is really deceptive advertising. Unfortunately, I can't take it back to GC, as his dorm-mate pitched the box, and it's after the 30-day limit.Note that this USB MIDI interface does work with third-party software like the NI KONTAKT4 player, but the point of the product for our use was a low-cost "mini-piano" for his keyboarding class. Unfortunately, this sort of SW costs at least $100. All of the freeware and shareware virtual instrument players are ancient, supporting only XP at best. Most are Win98!I looked around at other M-Audio products, and it appears their software development staff are either Mac-only types, or are newer Windows version ignorant. I'd suggest going elsewhere for modern Windows supported solutions for music HW & SW.
Waste of money. The headphone out was not even a second input so i couldnt cue up tracks. Half the knobs are useless, and the outputs are so random!
EZdrummer from Toontrack is great. It was easy to register and install and has been great for me. I have also picked up EZdrummer Electronic expansion pack while on sale here at Amazon.com for $40. The loops are easy to use, and I also have mapped them with my Yamaha DTXplorer and put down my own beats as well. Great quality sounds for laying down beats in garageband 09. After much debate between EZdrummer and BFD, I went with this and have been very happy with my decision so far.
The item showed up broken, they never refunded my money or replaced the item. I strongly recommend that you do not buy from this company. They do not value their customers.
Perfect for my 11 year old. No complaint. A friend of mine lent us his $2000 violin and after tuning this one, it sounds almost just as good as my friend's violin side by side.
Monitors have a good bass and reproducehigh's fairly well if you have enoughamp driving them, but do not come thruwell in the critical voice range.
Worked like a charm for some of the rarer instruments, like bagpipes. Came recommended by a few bagpipe instructors, and was well worth the money.
Holds sticks well. No issues. Sturdy, easy to clamp on. A bit on the smaller side, so if you have tons of sticks, seek another solution. Three pairs works just fine.
This is a very cheaply made keyboard that should probably go for $25 or less. The volume control doesn't work for the mic, which is ear-piercingly loud, and the volume buttons are incorrectly placed (the "volume up" button is pointing to the left and the "volume down" is pointing to the right) which can be very confusing for children who are learning. It didn't even come in black; it was royal blue which makes it look as cheap as it sounds.
I'll warn you now, the FaderPort does NOT work with Logic running in 64-bit mode. And the latest firmware won't install properly without an error message. I attempted to work with tech support, but they insisted on giving me instructions for Windows even though I told them twice I was on a Mac. I give up.This has been broken under Logic 64-bit for months, check the PreSonus forum, everyone is complaining about it. The company simply does not care.
If you don't mind a metronome click that is an actual tone (sounds like a high "D") you will give this 4 or 5 stars like most people. My old metronome emitted a percussive click which I think is better. If one is playing notes/tones on your instrument and the metronome click is a tone as well I think that isn't good. It is also very annoying. If this is your first metronome it might not bother you.
I've had these on my banjo for 24 hours now, so enough time to "settle in" a bit. I absolutely hate the thin 3rd (.013) string. It feels flabby, and sounds really weak. Not only that, but it vibrates so wildly (due to being so loose) that it actually goes out of tune for a second after you strike it, returning to proper pitch only if you wait. But then, in banjo playing, you strike the strings wildly, so it never even has the chance to return to the proper pitch.I'm going to give them another day or two to see if they settle in any more, but chances are I'll be swapping them out sooner rather than later.
The bench was good and slides under the piano well out of the way. A little easy for my 2 year old to knock over though.
Waste of money. This unit has to re-cyle and re-heat every minute or so (random) even if it is not spraying smoke. Hitting a "smoke cue" is impossible because it is always warmimg up. Then if you are lucky enough to get smoke when needed, it cools off after a few seconds of smoke and has to re-cycle again. Useless design.
Got this rake cause I had great experience with jazz rake from years ago.In my opinion, these Vic Firth plastic rakes are better cause it bends and gives easier then the wooden sticks.And does not rust like the steel jazz rakes.
Just out of the box 4 days ago I was ready to ship it back. Now I've worked with it, found a schematic and have a better idea of how to make it suit me. The amp doesn't trim the lows like say, a Line 6 Micro Spyder to keep the speaker from splattering- it has a built in limiter that you can't adjust, so it's too easy to get that over-compressed grabbing before you get a comfortable volume if the Bass or Low Mid control is too hot. There are ways around this-1) If you will be using a mic put that in first and adjust the tone for it.2) The tone section builds out of the Bass control, so turn all the tones to -0- then turn the volume to about as loud as you will need. Then add Bass, Lo Mid, etc. in that order till you get the tone you want. If it breaks up too much back off the volume.3) The amp doesn't trim the highs as much as a regular guitar amp AND it has a piezo tweeter so it's easy to get hiss from outboard gear. If you plug in an effect to get reverb, chorus, etc. It can start hissing like something's busted. My Digitech RP100 was incredibly noisy, even with internal tone muted. I had to turn the amp's highs way down and reprogram my effects. Taking some of the lows out of the effects stopped rumbling and limiter grabbing in the amp as well. *By pre-eq-ing I can get considerable more volume without as noticeable limiting.* -but- I will have to get a quieter effects pedal if I'm going to run a mic at the same time (since both channels share the tone section, and vocals need highs).4) The amp's breakup/sustain is very slight and not that great for my guitar solos. The tone controls are somewhere between guitar and vocal, and since mic and vocal get summed then limited, you can end up choking and distorting your vocals with your instrument. Again, a multi-effect or mini mixer seems to be the answer, but getting this little amp with two channels was supposed take care of that.I'm resisting voiding my warrantee by modding this amp, so I'm not saddled with extra boxes to carry (clipping some of the lows and highs, adding a reverb and mounting a control somewhere, and adding a stand adapter). The TX50 Limo has effects and a lot of my gripes are dealt with, but its much heavier, and bigger, costs over twice as much, and that's just not an option for me. So I'm keeping this, selling my Micro Spyder, and fiddling with battery operated pedals.
I just needed a cable to connect my pedals to my amp. After the first day, I noticed that the sound would cut out, and I had to move the cable around to try to restore the sound. After the third day it stopped working completely. Clearly I received a defective product and it was a tremendous waste of money. Hopefully my case is an anomaly and it doesn't happen to anyone else.
This stand proves an absolute god-send, when doubling on other instruments. Not only do you not have to worry whether the bassoon or bass clarinet you have, will be trampled on by perpetual feet, the instrument fits snugly onto the stand, so you wont have to worry should it collapse or not. The stand is deceptively heavy=studier, and makes doubling, or simply giving your arms and hands a rest, easy! Definitely worth every penny!
First of all, I would advise level-headed readers to ignore the one-star extremists. These people are so cynical that if Jesus Christ Himself were to make a comeback in their living rooms, they would scorn Him as a sellout because He wasn't still wearing the original crown of thorns.Frankly, I don't care why Cream decided to make this concert happen - I'm just overwhelmed with gratitude that they did it before one of them left us. Let's get real. These three men are closing in on 70, and they have absolutely no right to play as well, sing as beautifully or sound as incredible as they do on this DVD. Basically, what you have here are three grandfathers playing a young man's hard driving blues, and doing a d**n fine job. In the music business, perhaps only B.B. King, Ray Charles, Willie Nelson and Johnny Cash have worn their years as magnificently as Eric, Jack and Ginger do here.This isn't a "comeback" or a "reunion," despite what the DVD credits would have us believe. Musically, this is a continuation, a new chapter in the annals of Cream. Yes, they play most of their original hits, and yes there are (many) moments when you'll hear the young men they once were coming out in their voices and in their playing. But a perfect recreation of their 1968 sound is not what this concert is about.Instead, this is like classical pianist Glen Gould's "Book End" recordings of the Goldberg Variations. He recorded them first in his 20's and then again in his 70's. The songs are the same, the brilliance is the same; the interpretations are subtly but powerfully different, as one would expect from a man who has gathered fifty years of life experience between them.Any attempt by Cream to exactly reproduce their sound from 1968 for the May 2005 R.A.H. concert would have turned this into a sad caricature, in the same way that it would have been pathetic for them to have grown out their hair and squeezed into polyester bell bottoms. As Jack says in one of the interviews, "We didn't want to become a tribute band to ourselves; that would have been awful." I couldn't agree more, and if we want to experience Cream circa 1968, that's what "Fresh Live Cream," "Cream Farewell Concert" and "Cream Live Vols 1 & 2" are for.Instead, what this DVD gives us is a miraculous concert by three of the greatest musicians ever to pick up the fundamental classic rock instruments. The songs are familiar, and so is the general sound, but the music itself is new in a way that is magnificent.As for the production: The sound quality is flawless, the video is perfect, the camera angles are occasionally irritating but often quite good, and the band is tastefully presented alone on stage with no backup musicians or overdubbing. While I would have enjoyed seeing more extra materials on the 2nd DVD, such as an interview with all three at the same time and some vintage film footage, what we get in the whole set is still worth several times the selling price.Real fans of this trio will be overwhelmed and overjoyed to experience what they have given us on this DVD. They were purists then, and they are purists now.
I personally do not like this metronome because of the red light that flashes each time it sounds. I find it distracting and headache inducing. If this would bother you look for something else.
I bought this for my son's 16" Djembe drum so that he could carry it around to various places. We saw this at the local stores for almost twice this price. It is a solid piece of work. Great price!!!
I bought this for my husband, who has an acoustic guitar. It's extremely handy to have, since all he had was a hard case. It's soft, and has extra storage, and is easy to carry.
This guitar is a wonderful example of the innovative spirit at Ovation. The entire body of the guitar has a textured enamel finish that gives it a toughness suitable for stage use and frequent handling. It comes in Pewter and Black. Amazingly, Ovation has engineered this coating so that it actually contributes to the projection of the guitar as opposed to deadening it, as you would expect. The 1778t has an unusual array of soundholes and a special bracing pattern that also contribute to its projection.The guitar has a low action and the narrow Ovation neck making it very playable by someone with small hands. The action would also make it an excellent first "good" guitar.The solid spruce top, even though hidden under the enamel finish, has a mellow tone especially at the low end, UNAMPLIFIED.The on board preamplifier has two preset sound shape settings that, to be honest, are beyond my comprehension. They are likely useful to a professional musician. It also has a built in equalizer to personalize the sound of your guitar. In addition, the OP30 electronics has a built in electronic tuner! You do NOT need an amplifier to use the tuner.The 1778t is an "acoustic-electric" guitar. That means it can be played without or with an amplifier. Either way, it sounds fantastic!
HelloI've been playing Electric Bass for 6 years now, piano for 3 years, and Electric Guitar for 2 years. When it comes to my Fender P - Bass, Nickel Plated strings are the way to go.As some one who has gone through the pain of trying multiple brands of strings, probably tried at least 12 different types, all at over $20 a package! I must say, Nickel is King!Something about them, the way they "glide" is just right. Although other types may give the heavy "boom" that you're looking for, these are not only versatile, long lasting & warm, but they are the best for your fret-ting hand.As opposed to something that is nylon, for example, you can quickly any easily move up and down the neck of the Bass. & whether you play fingers, pick, or slap/pop; every-one can find something they like with these.Seriosly, if you play Bass & never played Nickel Plated strings, then do yourself a favor & try these ones out!
Ignore the dummy who gave this Casio a bad review, and complained that "The size is too big if you don't have a stand". Well, DUH - Buy a stand! I'm a pro musician who has owned lots of more expensive keyboards, and I'm here to tell ya: You can't beat this keyboard for the price. With full-size keys, built-in amp & speakers, and great sounds you have all the basics covered. Even the piano sound (a real test for an inexpensive keyboard) is remarkably good. More keys would be better, but what do you want for around $100?! Besides, then you'd have to buy a BIGGER stand, LOL!
Wow!! I'm studying production of radio and tv in the university and this Mic is excellent for the productions we have to do for school!! I have an intel based Mac (black one) and it works perfectly great. I use it with Sound Studio 3.5 and the sound is really great, no hiss or anything. Obvoiusly it will get some popping but that's what poppers are made for!!! It is actually great because my Mac deosn't have a Mic input so the USB port is a really good sollution. It is REALLY plug and play, don't have to open system preferences in order to use it (other users might not know how to use it).
This is a great way to add mass to your Curry mouthpiece for less than some of the "heavy" mouthpieces available on the market. I use a variety of horns and usually my Curry 8.5Z mouthpiece (as I mainly play commercial and 'lead' gigs) so I was interested in checking out the monster sleeve (mostly for fun)but to my surprise I noticed some extra punch behind attacks and a greater ability to play FFFF above high C. It is heavy and it does fit only the standard blank. I have always believed that the Curry products were top notch and I continue to go back to this over other more expensive mouthpieces.
Tried this on MAC OS 10.7.4 . Didn't work. The provided USB cable was intermitent and didn't work, I replaced it to no avail. There were no apparent drivers. Next, tried it on a windows 7 PC again to no avail. No driver recognised typical error code 43. This is junk and since we fiddled with it so long it's too late to return and I'm out 145 bucks. Had a lot of teckie guys try to get it going also to no avail. Oh well, junk
Great product, very durable! I am very happy with this. it was just what i needed. I highly recommend to anyone.
Great mic for the price. I use it to speak weekly and has great sound both for the live audience as well as for those listening to the recording.
We've played with bells similar to this at the library story time. My 11 month old LOVES these. They are easy to hold and make for some great shaking noise (that isn't completely annoying for Mom and Dad). I think these aren't rated for kids younger than three, so definitely make sure they are a supervised toy if purchased for an infant!
DR are my favorite acoustic strings by far. I've played guitar; mostly fingerstyle; for a long time, and I build acoustic guitars. My advice is get the green box, not the coated ones. Also, you can find these at your local mega-guitar-store for about $5.
When we first got this guitar we were impressed with its sound and size.now approx. 8 months later the neck has split from the body. To make matters worse amazon doesn't even show I made this purchase or any of my other purchases in my account under 2007. So basically I am sol in trying to get any type of retribution for this problem. Buy at your own risk.
I bought this for my son for xmas. I was very dissappointed in it. Usually I love First Act instruments. But this one was seriously out of tune when we opened the package. After trying to tune it myself with their tool I took it to my local music store for them to tune. No matter what she did the instrument wouldn't stay in tune. She finally gave up trying to tune it to the notes they said it was supposed to be tuned to and just generally tuned it so at least it was in tune to itself. By the next day it was out of tune yet again. I was really disappointed and have since started looking for a better quality lap harp..which in case you decided to look else where, is also called a hog nosed psaltery.
For people who like to make audio mixes:The crossfade feature for burning audio CDs could be much better like in Easy CD Creator, it doesn't have many options or settings and doesn't have a preview option so it's all guess work, and the Nero SoundTrax program (which seems to have more crossfade options) doesn't appear to extract digital audio from CDs which would be nice rather than having to extract it with the basic burning program and save it as wav files, then open soundtrax and build a compilation. Would like to have one audio burning program that doees it all. Maybe I will give Easy CD Creator 6 a try, though people don't seem very happy with it either...
I am a complete beginner and I bought this drum machine used off ebay for about $120. The only problem I have with it is the drum stick hitting the pad is usually louder than the closed hi-hat sound and I have to change the sensitivity. Other than that, great machine and perfect for me to learn on.
This cable is exactly what it says and works perfectly. I'm using a Rode NTG-2 a Tascam DR-1 and it sounds beautiful.
Although the microphone unit itself feels heavy and well-built, the wireless portion is junk. The base of the mic will accept either the included XLR cable or a wireless 'stub.' There is a small base unit with an extending antenna (about 12" long) which connects to your audio equipment. You'll need to buy an extra 1/8" to 1/8" mono cable to connect to a PC sound card.The wireless reception is abysmal. If you move around while singing into the mic, it keeps dropping signal and emitting a loud static 'snow.' Even standing nearby (10 feet) and carefully orienting the microphone with the base antenna, the signal inexplicably fades in and out.At least the unit was very inexpensive...not worth my time to issue a return. The mic may work fine with the XLR cable, but I didn't test it that way (that's why 2 stars instead of only 1).
this is like a straight from china, poor quality, waste of space. It worked for about a month or so then the mic inputs just stopped working. the product feels cheap, looks cheap, and resembles an old school cheap DVD player.look elsewhere, not vocopro.
Poorly constructed and not for anyone past the first day-of-use-beginner! Very upset with this and should have opened it before I gave it to my niece. Spots were covering the finish that had to be removed by rubbing vigorously, one of the strings broke as she tried to use it. The fretts are uneven. I buy much from Amazon and was so disappointed in this quality. Do not buy this.
1. This product is not manufactured by Yamaha.2. My Yamaha YPT-400 does not fit on this stand.3. No assembly instructions.
The RP100 combines the versatility of a room full of vintage and modern amps with full-featured, studio-quality effects. With 26 programmable effects to choose from and up to twelve available at once, the RP100 offers endless possibilities.Each effect includes up to three adjustable parameters. The built-in Rhythm Trainer plays sampled drum beats in an infinite loop and allows you to change patterns, tempo, and volume level. The RP100 comes with forty ready-to-use factory presets, all of which can be adjusted and stored as user presets.Other features include 24-bit A/D-D/A, a simple user interface, chromatic tuner, stereo output, and an expression pedal input.* 6 programmable effects* Twelve effects available at once Three adjustable parameters pereffect Rhythm Trainer* Forty factory presets* Chromatic tuner
If u search a good stereo sound card (and have had a decent stereo speaker..or headphones of course), that's plug and play, ease of installation driver, get this turtle beach advance micro...,the sound it produced is so loud and clear like turtle beach webs promised...and it is really improve sound quality of my sennheiser HD 555 if i try to connect it in my laptop. The only thing that i dunt rate 5 of this thing is bcoz ... it is not compatible somewhat in mac os, and i guess it's ONLY compatible with win os platform
I rated this device with four stars only because the software package, though it's quite sufficient for my needs, is all old revisions. This does NOT mean it doesn't work well, only that none of it is the most recent release. That said, I found the applications pretty easy to use after a little experimentation and delving into the help file. If all else fails, read the instructions.Like so many other reviewers, I'm a baby boomer with an LP collection of about 150 or more vinyl discs. I wanted to preserve them digitally so I could burn CD's or download them as MP3's to an iPod, and also to make sure I could keep my music in case of fire, flood, storm, or other disaster. Only a few are available in digital format, so the preservation job is up to me. While surfing around Amazon recently, I chanced upon this little gem and, seeing that it's exactly what I need, I ordered one. For less than $20 including shipping, why not?The device worked perfectly! I'm running WinXP Pro SP3 on the laptop I'm using, and the software installed without a hiccup or hesitation. There were two reasons I had a false start with the first record: I didn't clean the record as well as I should have, and there was a noticeable amount of 60-Hertz hum on the saved .wav file due to a ground loop. A velvet record cleaner took care of the first problem, and unplugging the laptop power supply from the wall and running on the battery during my dubbing session took care of the second one.For those who had a software issue and rated this device poorly because of it, I don't know what to say, other than it works perfectly on my four year old computer with the nine year old software.
I bought this amp because the internal speakers in my new LCD widescreen TV were totally inadequate for rendering proper stereo sound from my DVD player. I attached the amp to the L/R audio out RCA jacks of the DVD player because the only audio output from the TV was optical audio, and I really needed better sound from my DVD's, and I don't actually watch the TV stations that much. I also bought a pair of Sony bookshelf speakers to attach to the amp, and I am very pleased with the result.If you need better sound than that provided by internal speakers in your new TV, especially for DVD's, this amp is a great choice.
bought the 2.0 three pack, and every single one of the reeds came with the edges broken (useless) even though they were all in a sealed package.
It's easy to put on once you figure out how it works. It's easily adjusted, but it also slips off easily. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but it didn't come with any instructions on how it works. Regardless, it is comfortable, and it sure beats using a sponge and a rubber band.
Perfect! just as expected. Great for my beginer drum students. works well. fits nicely on snare. kids love it and can take it to school in their backpacks.
These Hercules stands will break because of cheap plastic parts that are used and then it is not possible to find replacement parts to fix them. Do not buy these stands.
The "Adjustable, padded shoulder strap for ease of carrying." claim in the product description is wrong and misleading. There is another version of this bag with model number LSB-6500 (note the "S" in the name) that comes with the advertised shoulder strap, but not the LB-6500 which Amazon is selling. The two products seem otherwise identical. If you look carefully at the pictures on the web, you can see the difference between the two models. Other than that the product is as advertised. I'm using it to store my 9.5' light stand (Impact LS-96HAB)and my PLM 64" umbrella and I also stuff in a box that holds my Cheetah Speed Pro bracket with my Sony HVL-F58AM speed light. There is still room to add another similar light stand or two. The overall quality of the product is very good for the price.
I purchased this product for my Niece. After two months of use, the item was barely playable. Her band teacher said this was one of the worse quality products she had ever seen. DO NOT BUY.
I looked at one of these oboe's and was surprised that these were called"oboes". I don't think the life expectancy of a Barrington to be morethan a year. I tried to post my disappointment on woodwind-brasswindonly to be shut down. I've never in my life saw such a horribleinstrument (and I've been playing oboe's for approximately20 years now, in community bands).
Sadly Lexicon seems to have decided that no one actually needs 64-bit support, and Windows 7 support is still nowhere in sight. This is across their entire line of products. If you have a new computer with the latest OS, then the Lexicon line of products is NOT for you. They just flat out will NOT work. If you have an old XP machine lying around that you don't plan on upgrading, then the Lexicon line of recording studio hardware has a lot of bang for the buck. Just don't purchase their products with the thought of upgrading...I'm now trying to find a similar product that supports 64-bit Windows 7.I gave this product 2-Stars because it still works great under old OS's, but I cannot give it any more Stars due to Lexicon's attitude towards 64-bit OS's, and they lackidasical approach to Windows 7 compatibility.
Works extremely well with Traktor once you download the mapper (the default one is crap) and it works fine with VDJ. Some of the lights do not turn on all the time, but it really doesn't matter. This budget friendly gem will have you mixing in no time!
I received Easy CD Creator 4 basic which has never worked. Friends advised me to buy Easy CD Creator 5 Platinum which has never worked either. Their tech-support is rude and incompetent that have never been able to install their own software.Roxio is the worst breed of the worst. A friend of mine just got Easy CD Creator 6, which did not work too. Roxio's tech-support advised him to pay $35 if he wants his software fixed !!! Roxio makes buggy software and requires people to pay to try to fix it !!!! Roxio is really abusing of people.
I live in an apartment, so I try and make my practicing as quiet as possible. That said this was not the way to go for me. This didn't quiet the violin a whole lot. I ended up going with a metal heavy mute which really dampens the sound, and alas- no complaints from neighbors!
You get what you pay for. The Olympus ME-15 is a small, lightweight lavalier style microphone. The cord is just three feet long, which makes it too short for most uses except recording your own voice. The mic is omnidirectional (picks up sound from all directions), which means it's pretty useless except under very quiet conditions. If you use the attached clip, the mic has a tendency to pick up extraneous sounds like clothing rubbing against it. If you don't use the clip, your fingers can cause annoying extraneous sounds, too. Bottom line, it's compact and works as designed. It just isn't designed all that well. And for the price, I suppose that's all you can really expect. I'll keep it as an emergency back-up travel mic, but it's really no better than the built-in mic on my Olympus 300M.
Finally broke down and bought a bag for all my sticks. So far great product with lots of room, lots of pockets - plenty of space all around. Only complaint is the jingling of all the zippers makes me sound like Santa Claus is walking right next to me.
I am a big believer in the guitars that Rondo sells.I now have seven of their guitars; 4 SX's, 1 Douglas, and 2 Agile's.The Agile is the top of the line out of a line up of three makes inthe order I have given.The Agiles I have are the Al-3100 and the AD-2300.I just sent an email to Kurt Zentmaier (the owner) expounding myliking of the AD-2300 (a new p-90 design) that just blows awayany dual P-90 guitar I have at a fraction of the cost.The only dual P-90 guitars that would compete with this guitarare a couple of $3,000 Gibson Custom Shops I have.Do not think twice about buying one of these guitars, as even theSX line are quality guitars that are built in the same place andfactories as the big name brands and sold at a fraction of the price.
The reviews for this item seem to be generally pretty good. How could they not be? It's such a basic device, no moving parts. It's an adapter. There's not much to get wrong. BUT, with mine, the 1/4" jack is either mildly warped or a little thick, out of round, or something because it does not plug in easily to any of my amps and because you basically have to force the snug connection, the end is beginning to come loose. I wouldn't bother returning it since it's only fifty-five cents, but maybe I'm just reporting that, in hindsight, I should have bought four or five of them, thrown the ill-fitting ones away and still ended up ahead.
What I received was the piano music and not the violin part. The violin music was too small to be readable and for piano player reference only. If you are looking for the violin music this is not it unless you have a magnifyingglass. Usually you receive both parts with notes large enough to be read by each part. Very disappointing.
These stings do last longer but they def have a "Sound". Not better or worse than traditional strings just different. Worked really well on a rock tune I've been recording. Not a traditional sounding string. The high end on them is screwy.
Silk & Steel have a reputation of being "easy to play". My friend recommended these strings to me, and I went out and bought a set.They are very easy to play, and the sound of the strings complements my cedar and rosewood guitar really well! They stay in tune very regularly and are awesome for those who are wanting to have a more fingerstyle approach.They have a more melodic, less twangy, but not "dull" sound. I'll be playing these ones for quite a while.
Like Todd, I received the "guardian" bench, not the one on the website, even though I ordered directly from Amazon Prime because of his review. In addition, the stool had clearly made the rounds on the order-return circuit: The box was beat up, there were absolutely no labels/logos anywhere, and the item was already assembled and scratched up. In addition, the stool they sent is 3" too short (had ordered the "on stage" one because it's the height I needed). Called to complain, and they are sending me a new one to see if it's "the right one this time!" We'll see tomorrow...
The seller Woodwind and Brasswind who offers a "free shipping", also collects the "sales tax" even though he is shipping from other state (New Mexico). RIGHT..... If I wanted to pay a sales tax, I'd go to the store. Interestingly enough, the amount of tax pretty much covers shipping charged by other sellers. BTW, you'd be chrged a tax after you press the button. They forgot to mention in their ad that they will be playing a tax man...
This cable lasted only 6 months. It was never abused and only played at home. Buying a decent cable is tough
I glued the sensors to the bridge with crazy glue gel and elimnated the clip popping off problem. It sounded terrible with the clips but better with the glue. The sound is still pretty high end with weak bass. Even with my amp equalizer set to fully attenuate everything above 250 Hz, it has no bottom. If you like the high end sound, OK. But I wanted more depth.
QUICK REVIEW:---CONS:1. Bring your own light!!! It's not backlit (which doesn't matter at all really). At certain points during various gigs when I first got this and was becoming accustomed to the layout, I was straining to see everything. This is easily remedied with a small lamp or LED rig of some sort.2. The FX knobs aren't notched at the center like the EQ knobs are. A minor issue when you're Deejaying after you've become familiar with the device though.3. Not ideal for scratching or excessively or forceful use because the sliders aren't replaceable. (See below for more detail on this point).4. No headphone cueing (see solutions to this item below).---PROS:1. It weighs less than a hummingbird.2. The EQ knobs are notched at the center.3. The sliders feel surprisingly authentic.4. It's ultra portable.EXTENSIVE REVIEW:---Who should buy this?DJ's who use Torq, Traktor, Live, etc.---What do you need if you wan't to cue in Torq/Traktor/Live?X-Session doesn't have a headphone jack for headphone cueing.You'll need an external audio I/O midi device such as M-Audio Conectiv, or Traktor Audio 6.I recommend the Traktor Audio 6 or Traktor Audio 10 because then you can output multiple virtual decks to a physical mixer as well as output Live to the same mixer and give them all their own physical channels via midi and cue via the mixer or the Traktor I/O device. Another benefit to the Traktor Audio 6 or the Conectiv is that they're 'scratch' capable, meaning that, with the right software setup, you can use time-coded vinyl to control your virtual decks in Torq or Traktor. Please research all the options before making a purchase on such a setup though, don't just take my word for it.---But the sliders aren't replaceable?????!?!I use this to mix in a fairly mellow fashion (House, Trance, Drum and Bass, Dub-Step, etc). I don't scratch with this. If you wan't something more sturdy with replaceable items, get something else like a real mixer. If you're marginally rough with this and not pounding the sliders all over the place it's probably not going to break. M-Audio makes very good products that last years and years if you treat them appropriately. DON'T GET THIS IF YOU WANT TO SCRATCH. Get a Traktor Audio 2, 6, or 10 if you want to scratch, then you can bus things out to a physical mixer that can withstand scratching and excessive abuse.---How does it feel?Great! The volume and pitch sliders both have a certain resistance to them that feels fantastic when mixing in both Torq, Traktor or Live. The sliders feel really great. I can't understate that. They feel better than my DJM 3000 sliders did when it was brand new (which costs about $800 dollars more). Compared to a Tech 1200, I'd say the sliders are about half way to feeling that good. For a midi device, I think that's impressive.---Is it easy to set up?On OSX, yes. You don't need drivers for OSX and programs that are midi capable (Live, Torq, Traktor, etc.) all make it very easy to set up each control very, very quickly.---Can you play this like an air guitar at a big event?Yes, but it won't make any music :(---Should you play this like an air guitar at a big event at the risk of looking very silly?No, but if you do it will make people smile (some experience required).
I love it! But.. when i saw the bow 1 of the hairs were loose. & i think the violin itself is made of fiber glass not Plastic! I think its a beautyful violin & different & i like that. If yer looking for a good bargain buy 1 today! :)
If you don't mind eye strain these tiny little lines will take a lot of music notation. I got this same brand in a notebook, because it was all the music store had in stock. I tired it out and did not like it. I am now shopping for some music notation paper with big lines. Please consider that hand written notation is harder to read than mass produced notation. The color of this paper is also beige and not white or off white.
I got Easy CD & DVD Creator 6 bundled with a DVD+/-RW drive. Needless to say, I was eager to get burning. I've used Roxio Easy CD Creator 5 for 1.5 years and have been very happy. But, that's neither here nor there. I'll cut to the chase.After installing, I found that all of my hard drives and partitions had been assigned new drive letters, seemingly at random. Furthermore, in Disk Management, most partitions didn't show a letter and those that did show a letter, appeared twice in Windows Explorer. Windows was notifying me that \System Volume Information\tracking.log was corrupt and that I needed to run chkdsk. To make matters worse, Windows no longer identified my system boot drive with the "(System)" designation, meaning I could delete the partition if I wanted!Uninstalling did not resolve this, so I backed up all my data to an external disk. I then performed a fresh install of Windows XP. I then installed Service Pack 1 and all critical updates. I also installed DirectX 9.0b and Windows Media Player 9. After that, I installed Office XP, followed by Easy CD & DVD Creator 6.I rebooted, and found the exact same problem. Clearly there is some serious problem with this software. I'm going back to version 5.For kicks, since I knew I'd need to reinstall XP again, I tried to delete the system partition. It let me.A bug this serious should've been caught before beta testing.
Good Strings. Quick Shipping. Recommend this seller. I was trying out different strings for my Seagull Folk SWS and I thought I would try these Elixir 10s. They feel pretty good. I mostly fingerpick and needed a smaller gauge string and these fit the bill. I like them and will probably buy more of them.
The guitar I bought had terrible sound. Strings were too high from the fret board making it hard to play. On top of which it is badly made in China and the guitar cracked at the joint between the neck and the body.Gig bag and other accessories are a hoax. The bag is thin as paper and wont last a month. The only credit I gave was to the pitch pipe tuner. Strings that come along with this guitar are absolutely the worst I have ever seen.
I'm old school, as in trained on mutlitrack tape recording live classical & acoustic performances. While this software is great for the techno-geek with electronica in every corner of the studio, this is not user friendly, has poor edit functions, and has a built-in "auto-shutdown" mechanisim that's a real pain in the you-know-what.When trying to edit pre-recorded performances -ie, from analog tape or digital sources, I cannot find any instructions on mixing, editing, and combining tracks into a seamless finished recording. The instructions are written for metered, digital loops, not continuous playing tracks.So, in all, if you record and mix/master "loops" and little songs, this software is excellent. But, if you're working with a piano concerto, I'd rethink purchasing this product.
We bought this drum set for our 4yr old son & he loves it! It was easy to assemble & it is very stable. It produces great sound & it will last for years!
I bought this tuner about six months ago, and the metronome function has quit working. The screen starts to flash, then the whole thing shuts off. Also, the case looks poorly fitted and the batteries are very hard to get in and out. I would not buy another one of these.
I'm not frugal, just differently incomed, and I'm really glad I got this stand instead of a cheaper one. It's sturdy and has a clean design and I love that it's open underneath to accommodate sitting. The fact that it ships with no instructions tells you all you need to know: just unfold it and adjust the width and height with thumbscrews--no tools needed. It has a very urban chic aesthetic which fits in perfectly in my home studio.
This is a very easy to use product. I especially like the ease of gentle blowing produces clear notes. Others I have require more forceful blowing which I feel isn't really needed. I have several other Hohner products but I sense this one will be my favorite for the feature mentioned previously.
My teenage son recently purchased an electric piano and wanted to take it places with him. I was concerned about it getting banged around. He really likes the bag.
This Violin comes un assembled. It was a mistake I did even though the violin teacher of my child said that it is not worth buying this item. For a lay person this is not a good purchase. I would recommend to buy violin from a qualified music store than from a general market place.
It came fast, it came packaged with all the proper paper work, and is overall amazing for the price and smells brandnew
This is probably one of the most worthless pieces of equipment that I've ever purchased. The company that markets them doesn't have the drivers updated and the ones that you can download only load half the time (if you're lucky). I threw this in the trash heap.
this DVD/performance is excellent. it is well worth viewing/owning.it is wonderful to see these men matured and seasoned, playing the music from long ago with new zip and gusto. let me state here and now that for years i have been impressed by eric clapton as a vocalist alone!! no one ever says that; but its' true! he exudes pure soul!! he would probably be delighted to know that someone thinks highly of him as a singer. nevertheless, his guitar playing shines here as well.as for jack bruce and ginger baker, both are also without equal; jack bruce having been on death's doorstep some time ago. ginger baker's performance is worth the price of the dvd alone.there is no 'arty' camera crap like on cream farewell and the sound is quite good. if you ever liked the cream at all, buy this; its' a keeper.
How do you make a mic stand that doesn't... stand? Maybe they should rename this mic limp. Because that's what it does. It limps over. I bought this brand new. Just mounted it. Put a Shure SM58 on it. And (cue sad violins) wah wah wahhhhh.... limp.Piece of junk. Don't buy.
The double X in this stand and wide legs make this a fairly stable base for anything.The only real problem is that there is no way of securing anything to it, things such as keyboards simply lay flat across it (the bars don't even match with the grooves in the bottom of Yamaha keyboards).If you're looking for a generic base that fits multiple brands of keyboards this is a good choice.However, for those with Yamaha keyboards looking for a secure base, I would recommend that Yamaha LC3 keyboard stand which screws into the bottom of most Yamaha keyboards.
simulated redwood finish is beautiful. plays smoothly with nice tone quality.