class label
2 classes
I purchased these brushes for my wifes' Sonicare toothbrush and they fit and work well. She has had no problem with this product.
Great for at home or in traveling, both as an alternative to chewing gum or mints and as an aid to help with digestion.
electric heating pad that does not sut off after a period time has burded my 16 year old daughter. very dangerous item sjould be removed befor oyher people are injured. i will eat cost not worth the effert to return. please advise what you will be doing about this for the safty of others bill beeby
After using this product twice, the spring broke making it unusable.I would not purchase again.
sure, this Safety 1st is definitely 1st in safety. your baby cannot drown in this special tub because it doesn't hold water long enough. this product looked so convenient but don't be fooled. i was going to return this one for another one at the local Toys R Us, but now, after reading about similar problems from other customers, i am going to exchange it for one that doesn't leak water... one that is one piece and costs much less. heck, maybe i'll settle for an aluminum roasting pan.p.s. there should be an option for 0 stars...
I would have paid twice the price in the store than what I paid on Amazon. I am happy that it arrived so quickly, I was suprised! I just opened them up this morning and are using them!
It wasn't painful at all to use it. But I have really high pain tolerance. I already pluck my armpits and I can tweeze the hair from my legs without feeling anything. Even if it was painful, I would have put up with it as long as it worked. IT DID NOT. I followed the instructions carefully and even applied Tend Skin before and after I used it. Not only it broke off so many hair, leaving me with prickly skin, but I also got major folliculitis. It's been almost 2 weeks since I last used it (I actual tried it twice. Really shouldn't have done that.) and the folliculitis are slowly healing. I just hope it won't leave any scars but I know I can't show my legs for the rest of this summer. If you are prone to getting razor bumps after shaving, waxing, etc. I suggest that you try something else. This is such a disappointment and I was so excited to try it too.
OMRON H003D Large Adult Accessory CuffBought this in 2008 as the blood pressure cuff I previously had was a bit snug on my arm as I was a bit overweight. I purchased this cuff as it said it would work with 13" to 17" arms & I was about 13". Being on the smaller end of the scale I found it to be a tad big for me as. Although I am a larger woman for my height (I'm 5' 2"), I am still petite in arm length, although not in arm diameter.Due to my petite length arm the cuff sits a bit high on my upper arm and doesn't seem to fit well. I just don't have enough shoulder to crook of arm length. I think anyone purchasing this needs to be aware of their arm length before buying. Anyone who needs to purchase petite length shirts or sweaters will probably find this cuff too tall to sit properly on their arms.
I've had my scale for a few years and it continues to work really well. I did a bod pod test a few weeks ago and the fat % was very close to what the scale says. I've heard that the amount of water you drink can affect the results but over time I think it averages out and you have a good idea for how much you weigh and the body fat %.
Recently diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, I invested in several items to keep my wrists from suffering further damage. This is the one I use at the computer (on top of the Handeze - a little glove - so I can't remark on comfort except to say it IS comfortable used with the glove). My complaint is - this thing is almost impossible to undo (VERY strong Velcro), especially with hands already affected by pain. I had to somehow wriggle my hand out, then pull apart the Velcro with pliers! I solved the problem by affixing a tab of duct tape on the end of the band, covering all but about 3/4" of the gripper (stiff) part, making a loose end to grab more easily. The manufacturer should add something similar.
I purchased the chlorella powder and incorporate it into my morning smoothie. It is a quick and easy supplement to take. If you have never used an algae type of supplement before, it has a very distinct taste that may take a little getting used to. A little goes a long way. The jar will last for a very long time since the serving size in only 1/2 teaspoon.
This product may work for others, but since I've been taking it for about 2 weeks, my anxiety levels have gone over the top and even my blood pressure is higher. I'm sure the L-Tryptophan hasn't caused my pressure to rise, but anxiety can do that; and I've been experiencing very high anxiety since using this product. I stopped it. Scary...
I have tried other bunion products/ toe alignment products and this is the first one that has worked so far. What you get is one brace as pictured. I first tried one and because of the results I order one for my left foot.The brace is for nighttime use or while siting/lounging. You can not wear the brace with shoe and the directions on the box recommends not walking with the brace on.Here is the size chart per manufacture:WomenSmall:7Medium:8-10Large:11+MenSmall:Medium:6-8Large:9+The first time I put the splint on I could fell the tendons in my big toe stretch.Like lifting weights and feeling the muscle burn. I did not read the direction so I wore the brace for 7 hours. when I took it off my big toe was hurting like hell. However, after the tendons relaxed I was able to walk flat on my foot without pain for the first time in a long time.So I would recommend doing as the direction state "Limit initial usage periods to 30 minutes each. Gradually wear splint for longer durations and increase band tension as comfort level improves.".After using it for a week I am almost to the point where I can wear it all night and not remove it. For a person with a not so severe bunion you may not experience the same discomfort I did.In the short time I have been using this product I have notice an improvement with my bunion.I can now walk without walking on the side of my feet to avoid bunion pain. So for now it gets 5 stars.Also as noted by other reviewers, if you adjust the brace very tight the plastic does irritate/dig into the skin and becomes very uncomfortable. I use myinjinji Performance Mini Crew Toesocksto keep the plastic off of my skin.To clean the manufacture recommends:"Hand wash in warm water and mild soap. Rinse thoroughly. Press flat in a clean towel to remove excess moisture then air dry completely, away from direct heat and sunlight, before reuse."Update: 02/09/2012I have been using this for almost a month now and I have noticed that my big toe has straighten up a bit. It has not moved back to the normal position but it did move enough for me to notice the difference. Also, when I stand my big toe does not push against my second toe as much. The only issue I have is I wish the plastic brace for the splint had a little bit more of a curve to it that way more pressure would be applied to the big toe to keep it straight. This is a problem because after a month of use I can now wear the splint on its tightest level and the burn is not as strong as before. Its still a good product and I am happy I bought it.Update: 3/30/2012After 2 months of use I am now able to wear the regulator all night long as tight as I can get it. My toe is still misaligned and has not returned to the normal straight position.(not that I was expecting too). Although this product did not return my toe to its normal position it did move my toe just enough to relieve my bunion pain. Now when I come home from work my feet do not feel like they have been in a vise all day. I no longer have to walk like I am walking on broken glass. If your big toe is not badly misaligned then this product may work better for you. If your bunion is severe then the best this product can do for you is relieve bunion pain. Don't expect a miracle (getting your big toe perfectly straight) from this product. It helped relieve my bunion pain and for this alone I thing this product is worth it.Update: 01/14/2013Well its been a year since I posted this review so I felt I should do one last update. The straps have begun to tear but they still do the job. Yes my big toes are still not perfectly straight but my feet feel great. Since I started using this product I haven't had to soak my feet in Epsom salt after working all day. I would recommend it for anyone searching for relief from Bunion pain.
after soaking for 30-60 minutes, 3 tablets in a sink full of hot water: No change in residue on baking sheets and skillets.
First of all, I know cameras,flash units & slaves. I'm in my late 50's, I started taking pictures with my mother's Kodak Brownie and separated lite bulbs when I was in third grade. Long story short,some pictures you just cannot retake. For me dependability outweights free shipping or a clearance price. I recommend Duracell for endurance and faster recycling if used in a flash unit.
This product is a really good boost of energy and gives me the strength I need for my workout. It keeps me pumped for two hours and still longing for more. I would recommend dymatize expand for anyone serious about working out
The reviews on this product seemed fine, it's just that the product didn't work for the pain I have associated with my peripheral neuropathy.
I prefer old design over new. I found the new design to be too shear as evidenced by two runs destroying two stockings shortly after putting them on. Also, the stockings are harder for me to put on.Is it still possible to buy stockings with older design?
I have back trouble and lost the ice packs I got from my chiropractor. I tried to substitute these, but even when left overnight in the freezer, they did not get or stay that cold. They were not useless, but I would look for a better product.
I've been having knee issues for about ten years now and I've tried several knee brace but none of them seem to help. The mueller hg80 is easily the best knee brace by far, I'm at the point now where I feel absolutely no pain in my knee.
The only problem I have is that I ordered this item and after receiving it was sad to discover that Country Life DOES NOT make an infant iron supplement. The item I received was the multi vitamin drops (which does not contain iron) and decided to keep the bottle since this was the multi that I already use (and really love) and decided it wasn't worth the trouble of returning/ refunding etc.The only reason that I am giving this item 1 star is because the company assured me that they would fix the title of the product. This is false advertising, so fix it already!
I used the product for two weeks and slowly worked up to two, three times a day. Then I came down with gout!
We tried this on the sample size.We mixed it with 2% milk, so that will affect the flavor results, I am sure.We used one of our shakers, not a blender (no need with Spiru-tein mixes unlessyou really want to). The powder is tan, and doesn't smell like cookies in any way.What I DIDN'T like about this flavor was the little bits of cookie. I don't know, butI don't want chunks in a liquid drink! A blizzard has chunks of cookies, but you eat thosewith a spoon. This you drink, so the little cookies chunks are a little weird on the tongue.However, it isn't the worst flavor. I thought there would be more cookie dough flavor, butit is more like melted ice cream with bits of a chocolate chip cookie (not the chip part,but the actual cookie part) mixed in. It adds crunch to the drink.I really did not like having chunks of things that needed to be chewed when I wastrying to drink a liquid shake. I would imagine that you could mix this up and freeze it,and have a very healthy and tasty frozen snack, but we have not tried that.Not the worst tasting mix out there, for sure, and it has a nice load of vitamins.The weird texture mix caused it to lose a star, down to only two. It doesn't taste "bad",but hated the cookies on my tongue.Would I buy it again? No, I definitely would not.I love Spiru-tein products, but not this flavor.
Much more practical than an electrical heating pad.It won't fail like those do.
The Omron HEM-780 Blood Pressure Monitor works really great.I use it everyday and have not had any problems. It is accurateand my Doctor is pleased I finally have one. I am extremely satisfied.
This does not work. I bought it about a year and a half ago. It just didn't whiten my teeth AT ALL. Don't waste your money.Plus, a year and a half ago when I wrote this same review, the company begged me to remove it, in exchange for a refund. I agreed, but no refund was ever given. So it's a useless product AND deceptive customer service.
I bought this product for an extremely noisey second floor loft. The product helped to screen out about 80% of the noise coming off the street making it easier to sleep. My only complaint is that for what the product is, a fan, the price seems high.
Tired of shaving cream and gel, I decided to improve my mornings with an enjoyable shave. This set is both functional and handsome. My wife loves the crome on the vanity. I love being able to apply the shaving soap with the badger brush. The razor is perfectly shaped and more easily handled than the typical drug store brands. As for the shaving soap, it seems to last forever. It has a faint likeable aroma and applies most easily. The soap comes in it's own container so a mug is not required. Best of all, the shave is excellent. Hot lather and extremely sharp blades do make a difference.
I bought this kit for a work compact digital camera. They seemed to work OK for the first two charges. Then I'd get batteries where only one or two out of four were adequately charged. I'd have to keep swapping the batteries until I found the two strongest. Not sure if its a charger or battery problem, but either way, they're not worth the raw materials they're made of! And no, I didn't have a multimeter at my disposal to check the voltages.
sizes are much smaller than what is recomended in the chart. I tried to put it and sheer it!. I guess you should not buy this item in the internet..it is better to go to the store and check it
This is the worse model water jet I have ever owned. The company replaced the first one that worked intermittently within 30 days. The second one is no better. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't work. Even when I can get it to work, it often needs to be turned off and on multiple times. Sometimes the water tank needs removed and put back on several times to get the unit to function. In addition it is flimsy, you need to push it against the wall to get it to hold still so you can turn it on. Their previous model worked fine but sprung pin hole leaks in the water feed tube. Since that is not replaceable, I patched it numerous times with epoxy, which did get me an additional 6 months use out of it. I was here, on Amazon, searching for a replacement when I noticed this unit for sale. This is a poorly designed and poorly manufactured piece of equipment, I strongly advise that you look to another brand. The company representative I spoke with was very good but good customer service is hardly a substitute for a quality product, this is most definitely not a quality product.
The directions say to take two to three tabs every 4 hours as needed. I took two one night, (it didnt do anything)..then took three tabs the next night,(Same results) . If anything, I got more awake waiting for the stuff to work,,,Dont waste your money.
Just wanted to let everyone know that this product is NOT gluten free, it contains Malt Diastase. Amazon was top notch in issuing a refund though and for that 5 stars. Also, 5 stars for enzymes as they really help a lot with digestive problems.
As soon as I received this product, it made nothing more than a weak whirring noise. I thought maybe it needed to warm up for first-time use, but after a few minutes it shut itself off. Then it would not power on at all. Obviously, I ended up returning it and I was very disappointed since I was looking forward to using this product daily. I would have purchased another, however I fear it will be defective as well; quite a shame.
The bed of the foot spa had a very awkward hill that provided excessive arch support. The textured foot bed was also rather uncomfortable as it was too textured to be comfortable.
Great scrubber, and they are disposable. No more dealing with a brush or scrubber you have to store...just the handle you slip the refill onto, and then off when you are through.
I just rec'd this and attempted installation. This definitely was not made to fit my Kohler Cimmaron elevated toilet. This must be designed for older model toilets that are of normal height only. First, my toilet does not have an opening between the seat and the toilet bowl -- there is a plastic plate there -- so the bracket for installation cannot slip in between the toilet seat and the bowl. So, we had to remove the bracket (against the recommendation of the installation instructions). Then, as MANY reviews on the internet state...the legs wobble and do not sit flush on the floor -- especially if you are trying to install it on an ADA height toilet (16 inches or greater). So, we removed one of the padded cushions on each arm which allowed the legs to be extended to the floor -- it barely sits on the floor now. There is quite a bit of the seat that fits into the toilet bowl, so it should not come up when rising off the seat to get up after use. BUT, my elderly, overweight mother has not used it yet, so we will see. BUYER BEWARE: this will NOT fit an elevated toilet and do your research on the internet before purchase -- the internet reviews are not as good as the ones on Amazon. Also, the width between the hand rails is 19 3/4 inches -- so if the person is wider than that, it will be too small. THIS PRODUCT CANNOT BE RETURNED, so please make sure it will work for you before purchasing!!
Couldn't even get them over my feet and went with the size for my shoe size. Total waste of money. Plan on sending them back
*NOTHING gets stains off like a magic eraser. Not bleach, polish remover, or heavy scrubbing. Yes, it removes permanent marker too! I have a tyrannous four year old who's been that way since he was one. He draws murals on the walls instead of scribble here, and there. This got every single mark off. I used bleach, and of course it splattered, and got on the carpet, acetone remover, and yes it took off some of the paint, but not all of the writing, and even hand sanitizer which worked well, but fumigated the room badly. So I got a Magic Eraser, and without messing up the paint, or carpet, harsh fumes or heavy scrubbing with little difference, it magically erased the writing, scuffs, and any other mark I could find. It does crumble to bits, but it's nothing a trash can, and a little vacuuming won't fix. However, it's not sensible to think this will clean a carpet, an entire room, your oven, or anything like that. So for the few of you who will try, don't bother.
It's a good hair cut set for $35. I love the hair clippers, the case, and allthat is included except the trimmer; the "trimmer" is useless. Theclipper attachments fits perfectly, It's good to do fades with the taper levels,but the clipper cuts slower on more textured, thick hair; so if youknow you have textured, thick hair, buy a more powerful clipper.Without the trimmers I would rate it a 5. It's the best cheap clipperI ever bought.
I received this as a shower gift and have used it three times so far. The shower portion of it stopped working after the second use. The button needed a lot of pressure to make it work and then it gets stuck. When you release the button, the shower continues to spray. Now it no longer works at all. It's also difficult to hold the shower head and hold the button down, they could've had a better design there.The size of the tub isn't great either, but then again my baby was born at 23" so I guess a smaller baby would fit better. The sling they give you isn't so great for a newborn either, my little one slid down and rolled side to side and he appeared to be very uncomfortable. So, I bought the BRU teddy bear sponge to put inside the tub and he lays on that much better. The shower idea is great, it just need a lot of improving.
It doesn't taste or smell like Grand Marnier I was very disappointed. I would rather have my chapstick in cherry flavor. Atleast It has a taste.
I purchased this pillow as I get a lot of neck strains and pain... the usual look one way and it pulls..I'm on a computer all day.. etc... I thought it may be a comfortable option to have a "better" pillow that supports my neck..I found this pillow very uncomfortable and actually replaced with my old pillow on my first night trying it... Its now collecting dust..I understand that for people with serious neck injuries this may keep your head in place as to avoid pain or further injury..I won't doubt the science behind it..But for the daily sleeper looking to buy something random on amazon when their neck hurts... I don't recommend it...
In 2010 after 2 years of trying the old fashion way we bought the Clear blue easy monitor. My husband was on deployment so there was no presser to get pregnant, so for 3 months I used the monitor, when he came back we went on a mini vacation at the time of ovulation and Yeah a baby was made. So now comes the fun part, I had no presser at the time I used it because I had told myself if it don't work then I knew there are more things to try, but the monitor is easy to use if you read the directions, you do need to watch it daily, and pee the same time of day but it gives you a large time frame to pee, have fun with the knowledge it gives you, exercise to take the stress off and buy this product. Im buying it again to have my 2nd, so excited to try again!!! Please read the directions, Talk with your doctor to about what you are trying and call the number if you need help using it. I heard about it from a friend of a friend who had PCO who has 2 kids by using it and I told my friend about the monitor who had trouble having a baby now has her second on the first try with the monitor. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!! It priceless the moment you hold your baby, thank you CLEAR BLUE EASY for making a wonderful product.Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor (Packaging May Vary)
Now, I love coffee, coffee flavored things and coffee scented things. This is none of the above. The reason I'm not sending it back is because it is an awesome lip balm in general.update: My Zombie lip balm came in and I LOVE it! It does smell just like the drink. I plan on ordering some more soon!
I've always thought tongue scrapers were disgusting so when someone told me about the tongue brush, i thought it was just another name for a scraper. When I found out it really was a brush, I dismissed it, thinking it wouldn't be any different from brushing with a toothbrush. Curiosity got the best of me and I tried it. It really is a great little tool. The bristles clean thoroughly. It's really comfortable. Definitely a necessary hygiene tool.
Maybe I have a defective product, but this thing hardly cuts anything. Even if I make 10 passes over an area it still won't get everything. On top of that it pulls hair regularly and the cutting block falls out easily. It's unusable.
While this is a good idea, a hand-held version of the popular water-pik, this implementation could have used more work. On the unit I purchased, the nozzle-tip will not stay in the unit. This is likely because there is only one small catch to hold the nozzle-tip. The 'classic' water-pik hand-unit has four catches. Without the additional holders the nozzle may pop-off into the mouth and create a choking hazard. Another design issue is the small reservoir - I doubt I could finish my entire set of teeth without multiple fill-ups. Guess I should just break down and buy a replacement 'classic' water-pik.
So far this hot water bottle seems to be quite good. I would have gave it a 5 star if it stayed warm longer than my other one but I still think I like it better than other hot water bottles because of the thickness.
I needed a bath stool because of extensive foot surgery. I previously used one I borrowed, but had to return it so needed another one. It was hard to find a stool that fit in my narrow bottomed tub, so I was glad to find this one that advertised it fit in small spaces. The one I had before was pretty stable so I had no reason to believe this would not be too. Unfortunately, it does tend to tip when I am transfering from the side of the tub onto the stool or vice versa. Since I am non weight bearing, this can be a little scary. I can keep it from tipping if I am extremely careful to keep weight in the middle, but I don't understand why my first one (which was a different manufacturer and I could not find an identical one)was more stable since they both have essentially the same footprint. My next complaint was also voiced by other reviewers. The rubber bottoms on the legs have a tendency to pull off the legs when the stool is moved. The legs then scratch the bottom of the tub as I shift about. This was the only stool that made it clear it fit small spaces. I found one other that looked like it might fit, but no sizes were given so I did not want to take the chance and decided to buy this one. Thankfully, it fits, but next time I would spend more time researching and contacting sellers to find exact sizes.
My mother in law is bedridden, but needs to have her hair washed every other day. Her nurses have been using this for the last 6 months and LOVE it. No problems, and extremely useful for this type of situation.
I bought this item based on good reviews and now I'm regretting it! When am I going to learn to stop buying perfumes based on other people's opinions!??? I mean honestly the first thing I thought of, when I sprayed this perfume on is powder! It smells like you're in a makeup room where you powder your nose. Also this scent is more of a grandma scent in my honest opinion. I'm 19 years old and that's what I think of with this perfume. I think it's a bit too strong and mature for younger girls. I don't think guys will be attracted to the scent (At least not in my age group). This is my honest opinion and I hope I can help someone from spending their money and regretting it (like me). From now on I'm just going to buy perfumes at stores AFTER I smell them. Lesson well learned!!!
I bought this at my local GNC, and didn't really notice a difference with anything. I would take them exactly as directed. Didn't notice a thing. Don't waste your money.
This heating pad would be the most incredible thing I have purchased for my aching back, except that despite my reading the directions four times and following them exactly, the heating pad keeps getting hotter and hotter, ignoring the temperature it has been set at, to the point of almost cooking my flesh, leaving it bright red. With deep regret, and wishing the thermostat worked, I am returning this item.
This is the first toothpaste I've used that has actually whitened my teeth noticeably. The difference is quite astonishing and I would recommend this to anyone who is an avid coffee drinker like me. The downside however is that is makes your teeth sensitive, so it would be best to alternate between this and another normal toothpaste. Otherwise, given the amazing results and cheap price, this toothpaste is a miracle.
The best for aches and pains, works super fast. I love the bulk size bottle, having so many blue pills available at any given time makes me feel rich :D
Have been on this for 3 weeks now and still having night sweats a lot and hot flashes during the day I would not recommend it at all
According to this pad's instructions that come inside the box, and according to some product information I found published elsewhere, this pad presumably has an auto-shutoff feature. The instructions included in the box with the pad are for multiple models of pads, and state that if the controller for your pad has a red light in the upper left corner of the control pad, then it has auto-shutoff and will shut off automatically after 2 hours (the red light lets you know when it's on). Some reviews here, written by Amazon.com users, have praised the lack of an auto-shutoff on this unit, and I join them. I have searched high and low, and this is one of VERY few pads I've found that I've been able to confirm do NOT turn off on their own after a certain amount of time, without giving you the option of leaving them on continuously. Thus, I just bought 3 of these pads in case they might be discontinued, assuming from the reviews, and seeing no contrary information on the product page, that they were possibly the last models available without that auto-shutoff feature I find annoying.By the way, note that Sunbeam has a heating pad that I also reviewed that does definitely have the option of continuous use, without that pesky auto-shutoff, that's called the Sunbeam Xpressheat Microplush/Softtouch Heating Pad. I HIGHLY recommend that other pad over this one for reasons clarified in that review. You can search for it here at Amazon.com by entering its ASIN number into the search field: B005NZ66KU.Back to the heating pad reviewed here...I received my pads, and have only used one thus far (the boxes and pads all appear identical, though). I read the instructions and was disappointed that it seemed these do have auto-shutoff now. But it occurred to me at one point soon after beginning to use the pad that it had been on continuously for much longer than 2 hours. Thus, regardless of what the instructions say or imply, this pad MIGHT not have auto-shutoff when you buy it, or at least not yet. It seems that everyone else in every model of their heating pads has now put auto-shutoff into them. It might be just a matter of time before this pad is also changed to deny you the possibility of continuous use. Perhaps someone got burned by leaving it on continuously, sued a manufacturer, and got the lawyers to agree to include automatic shut-off features on all pads from now on to avoid more lawsuits. Perhaps it's just a matter of depleting the older inventory before this Sunbeam pad will have auto-shutoff as well. The instructions seem to me to have been written in anticipation of that being the case.I just thought you should know not to absolutely count on the lack of auto-shutoff on this pad. There's nothing on the box or in the instructions that says it doesn't have it. And there is the suggestion in the instructions that it does or will, even though the one I just bought and tried didn't (early January, 2012).On the other hand, if you feel like gambling (like I did, seemingly successfully, in ordering three at once), you might still be able to get one that is from the pre-auto-shutoff era, when WE controlled the machines and told THEM what to do and not to do. I hope this isn't the start of what science fiction has been telling us for many decades: beware the rise of the machines, our own creations dethroning us and assuming the role of the creator themselves; or the eventual abolition of human free will and choice if not by our technology, then by powerful and purely profit-driven corporations (and, of course, their trusty lawyers).In general, this is a fairly satisfactory, common heating pad. It has a very thin removable sponge that goes between the plastic pad and the cloth cover in case you want wet heat (my health care providers seem to recommend that a lot).The size is okay, but the low end of "King Size." You've probably seen that the "King" size is not uniform, and some other pads are 14" wide (this one is 12"), and up to 27" long (this is 24" long). I had preferred a larger one given the purposes I have for it. I only bought these three because of the hopes that they would not have auto-shutoff. But if you are fine with the 12x24 size rather than the larger "Kings" that are 14x27 (my first preference is the larger), then this pad is fine.The cord is a nice length, and it seems like the pad will last as long as you'd expect from one of these things in this general price range.The pad is, like others in this price range, stiff and not very pliable. You can't mold it against your skin like you could something pliable like a towel. That becomes less the case the more hot it is, as with other pads. But it's always a limitation of this pad (in contrast with the pad I mentioned above that Sunbeam calls their Xpressheat model, which is FAR more pliable).I'd recommend the Sunbeam Xpressheat model mentioned above rather than this pad (see that review regarding why).If you want to save a few bucks in the short term and don't care as much about the greater comfort and pleasure that other pad will give you, and are going to buy a very common heating pad, I suppose I'd half-heartedly recommend this pad assuming you can get one like mine which is apparently still magically devoid of the auto-shutoff that the instructions indicated to me that it'd have. Note that even if you were to get this apparent pad with auto-shutoff (although it SHOULD have a different item number if that's the case, in my opinion), this pad at least according to the instructions included with it would give you TWO HOURS before auto-shutdown. That's as long as the longest period of time I've seen other heating pads give you when they have auto-shutoff, with most seeming to be less time than that as their maximum operating time before refusing to keep working without further explicit instruction to do so.The cloth is soft and feels good to me, although I note that other people have found it to not feel good at all according to other reviews by Amazon.com customers. It's not NEARLY as soft as the Xpressheat model.The control switch is very easy to use. At first, you might have a hard time knowing which setting it's on, but when you get used to it, it's a piece of cake from there. Just have good light, and tilt the controller the right way, and you'll see the small area where the words "high," "medium," "low," or "off" appear. They could have been made easier to see for sure, since you can't see them at all unless you have it tilted the right way in relation to your eyes. But it's a simple device and once you learn it by feel, you can deal with the fact that you might not actually be able to see the word indicating the setting you're on most of the time you're using it.For NOT having auto-shutoff, at least at the time of this review (again, don't assume that for sure), I would be tempted to rate this pad 5 stars. BUT, there are problems with the pad, and the model by the same company that I've mentioned above (Xpressheat) is so superior to this pad, so that these things make this product more clearly average at best.I gave the product 2 stars (below average but not terrible) rather than 3 (average) in particular because:(1) the other Sunbeam model's very clear superiority (see my review for that one) makes this model more clearly only average at best,(2) this pad does make a buzzing sound that's annoying when that part of the pad is near your ear (as other reviewers noted),(3) this pad gets crinkled up and very annoyingly stuck like that when it's turned off (as other reviewers noted), &(4) this pad might not still have auto-shutoff when you buy it if you buy it, which clearly makes it of far lesser value.If they do start only shipping out heating pads with auto-shutoff in the future, including an updated version of this pad, I hope that the product number is different to reflect that the product has changed and that reviews for the version with auto-shutoff do not apply. If the manufacturer and Amazon don't separate the products into clearly different products via their identification numbers and different product pages, then having auto-shutoff as part of the product in the future (assuming it becomes the case) should be made crystal clear at the top of the Amazon.com page for this product, as well as below in any part of the product descriptions. This is only so important in this case because of the multiple reviews that say it doesn't have auto-shutoff, and because it's clear that for at least some of them, the rating was ONLY as high as it was because of it not having auto-shutoff. In case it's not made clear, or in case there's a lag between when the product changes and when they change the product ID & Amazon pages, I just don't want anyone to experience any unpleasant surprises without knowing it's possible to experience this particular one if they sell out the rest of these pro-libertarian, "you-choose-how-long-it's-on" pads.Happy heating to you!Sunbeam Health at Home Easy To Use King Size Moist/Dry Heating Pad, Blue
This product is a waste of money, is poorly made, and the customer service from the buyer is awful. I've rarely encountered such nasty customer service reps as I did with this buyer. Additionally, the product is not manufactured well, is difficult to use, and overall does not stablize the knee. A one star rating equates to "I hate it", which sums it up nicely. However, I wish I could rate this product with less than one star to also account for the seller's poor service!
I use a Hoffritz slant-blade safety razor, a badger hair brush and shave every other day. Sometimes if I let it go for a while, I'll add the Anthony pre-shave oil. Great product. Anyhow, the Anthony cream lathers well (as well as Trumper but provides a less gunked-up shaving experience) and has an unoffending odor with a little tingle (like the Baxter shaving cream, which unfortunately fails to lather at all.) I finish things off with the Baxter aftershave balm. Love that stuff. After trying numerous other creams, the Anthony shaving cream is superior. It's an outstanding product and I highly recommend it. Four stars ONLY because it's pricy.
I like the Boiron products and can depend on the company. The dispenser makes despensing the remedy very easy. The remedy "works like magic" on Poison Ivy. The only thing that slowed me down was the entity I bought it from said to expect deliver 7 to 10 days, so KEEP IT ON HAND!
OEM products at great prices. This helps defer the ongoing costs of keeping the shaver system up to date.
It doesn't smell or taste like garlic so it's easy to get down and its a very smooth gel capsule.
It drives me crazy when I open my dishwasher and find water floating on top of my tupperware and other plastic dishes. Finish Jet-Dry makes a huge difference and that is why I will continue to purchase Jet Dry.When I forget to fill my little 'jet dry holder' in the dish washer I notice a huge difference in my dishes so it's worth keeping some of this on hand at all times, it's worth the price.
The chai tea bars are my favorite. The coating on the top is a mix of creamy topping with cinnamon and ginger, but not overpowering. I used to be starving a couple hours after breakfast, hours before lunch....one of these at 10 o'clock sees me through even past my normal lunch time.It's packed with calcium and other goodness women (and men) need. If you're expecting some gooey mess you'll be disappointed, but if you're looking for some tasty nutrition, this is it.
This putty was very hard and not flexible like the other medium resistance putty I have had. Can't even use it.
I really love Schick Quattro For Women Razor!The blades shaves smooth and quickly. I enjoymy shaving days.Takako Masuda
I bought this for 15.00 at a linen store for my kids to use to sweep kitchen hardwood floor after dinner. It lasted one week. The handles come unscrewed and some dirt just gets pushed around (1/4"hard food crumbs or flat crumbs) - it seems to get hair/lint/dust okay if you clean brushes after each use. I don't want to do that as it is for my children's chores. Then after one week - it started making a clunking noise and the roller brush falls partway off when opening dust chamber to empty. I will return this and get a more expensive but worth it Oreck brush sweeper. (I have an older model oreck brush sweeper I use on the back screen porch - it even picks up pollen)
These are the only nursing pads I use because they are soft and control leaks well. The disposable kind always make me itch so I have to go with the washable.
This is an awesome body wash and it appaers to do what it's intended for. I have been using it for a month now and the results have been great.
I have to be honest, I wasn't a big fan of this at first. I wished I had one of those plastic tubs when my daughter was a bit younger so that I could stand and bath her on the counter. But now that she is 2 months old I have changed my mind. She loves to lay on this pillow in the water and kick like crazy. It's wonderful because I have an extra hand, one that would normally have to hold her up in the water. I think it is relaxing for a young baby. I highly reccomend this item.
I got this tub from a close friend and the first time I tried to use it, it leaked! I found that if you don't extend the tub it leaks to much. Not a good tub to buy!
This pill holder makes it easy to separate up to a several good sized pills. It easily fits in jean pockets and stays closed. The material is durable and hasn't shown any sign of cracking or of the hinges loosening even after a dozen excursions.
I take a lot of vitamins / supplements during the week, and use this to keep track. Works great, and I love the fact that each day's pack is removable so I don't have to take the entire thing with me to work. Lid hinges seem a little flimsy but I haven't had any problems with them so far.
I think that this Lip Smacker - Dr. Pepper lipgloss is just great! It gives you a cherry red hue, but it doesn't look to red, it's just right. (...)
I ordered one about 6 months ago. It never worked. It would initialize normally, but once batteries were put into it, the charger would reset and initialize itself every 10 seconds or so. I sent it back for replacement and after talking to the rudest customer support person, got a RMA number. They sent me a new one and this one does the exact same thing! This is with any capacity of battery I use. Maybe the newer version is better (mine is a version 32), but this one is a complete disappointment.
I purchased this hygrometer/thermometer mainly to measure the humidity in my house, but I don't know if it works. It has read 41 since I got it. Is that the normal humidity in a house?It seems awfully high. I live in Arizona, where it hardly ever rains and when it finally rained the other day, the reading never changed. I don't think it's working. The thermometer part seems to work fine though.
This is what I was looking for. It cuts close and gives smooth shave. Very satisfied with the Remington. Surely, buy again in future.
I used the very excelent Sea Foam motor treatment to clean the carbs on a very rough sounding motorcycle after being stored for the winter. Biased on my success with that product I decided to give this penetrating fluid product a try. In the past I have used many types of fluids that claim to help break up rust and grime that keep bolts from coming lose. Most are junk for a number of reasons but Deep Creep seems to work.Deep Creed claims to be paint safe, working around cars this can be very important. I tested this and those claims seem to be true (be sure to test for yourself before going crazy). Next up is that the product foams and seems to stay mostly where you spray it. Light fluid sprays like WD40 just seem to run but Deep Creep clings much better for a few seconds until the foam slowly turns to liquid. I would say the foaming is much like the old Break Free products. So for a large area Deep Creep would not be my first choice but for stubborn bolts and such it works perfectly.My first test of this product was some stubborn bolt/screw combo heads used to hold a license plate on the back of my wife's car, your standard SUV that has been covered in salt and grime for years without ever removing the plates. The bolts were of course cheep and started to strip as soon as they saw a screwdriver. More then that, getting behind the bolts would be hard because they had a wide head and the way the plate rested inset into a decorative bracket directly against the SUV. Basically the rusted bolts were half striped, hard to reach, and right next to surfaces I didn't want to damage. A quick squirt of this product with 5 mins of waiting and the bolts came right out, no problem. The foam quality really helped get behind the bolt and license plate to reach the body panel insert where the bolt connected.This is the best thing I have ever used to tackle rusted bolts and worth giving a try.
This product works well to cut down the inflammation on your joints and muscular area. Repeated use helps those areas heal and helps me to return to my normal workout routines.
This is a comfortable sleep mask that keeps out the light, and I usually sleep through the middle of the day. The only downside is that a LITTLE light gets in around the nose (not enough to see through eyelids) and it sits a little snugly on the nose. I imagine that could be solved with trimming the fabric, since noses have different shapes and all.
I received my order fast and it was new and I would shop here again.They have a much better price than stores do.
I have bought these replacement batteries before but the ones I received this time both have a life of less than three hours - far too short and shorter than any previous ones I've had.
for what i paid for this for a little more i could by quality protein...not a bunch of fillers...and it takes 2 scoops of this to make 24 grams...not good..i recommend the dymatize brand whey...awesome stuff.
The item description is incorrect and I was mislead. The box only contained 25 packets of two tablets each not 50 as the description leads you to believe. Yes. technically the math is correct 25 packs x 2 tables = 50 but I expected 50 packets. I would not buy this agian via amazon. I did get a box of 50 packets from CVS.
So far I have about 30 of her balms, and 1 Body Butter Stick. They are all fabulous! The balms are smooth and leave a subtle shine on your lips. The scents are very true to their names. My favorites are probably Margarita, Coconut Lemongrass, and Brown Sugar and Cinnamon. I've reccommended My Lip Stuff to all my friends, and I highly reccommend it to you!
This thing has NO rigidity or stiffness. As you bring the unit up to your eye and press it against the eye orbit it collapses, and the tip of the eye drop bottle can make contact with the surface of the eye. How this ever got into production is a mystery.
I find the wide leather strap that rests on my bunion to be very comfy. I also found that the sizing choices helped get the most comfortable fit which is important since you sleep in it so after a couple of nights you no longer notice it. The plastic regulator's bar that controls the amount you can spread your toe is rigid enough to hold. Others complained of different brands not being strong enough so I went with this one and I'm glad I did! I had a problem with the velcro strap's tab separating where it was glued/heated together, but PediFix's customer service replaced it ASAP with one call! Great service from Amazon & PediFix.
Can someone please tell me a natural dish detergent that actually works? With so many smart, caring people, it shouldn't be this hard. I ordered a case of Seventh Generation Dishwasher Detergent, and it was so awful, but I thought it must be my dish washer, so I actually bought a new dish washer! Nope, it was the detergent. I tried the Seventh Generation in the new dish washer, and the dishes were dirty. The dish washer is a good one, a portable GE, so I tried the old dish washer with chemical laden cascade, and lo and behold clean dishes. Worked in both dish washers. I just cannot poison the waters, so I tried Method, and the same thing - it doesn't clean dishes. I ran the dish washer on pots and pans cycle, even though it was just dishes. I ran it on high temp wash, and I ran it through twice for the same load. Still, the dishes were dirty. I hear that Mrs Meyers Dish Washer Detergent works great. It costs more, so I didn't get it, but I only wasted my money on these awful products.
You have to try this flavor!! It is one of my favorites in the Lip Stuff Line. I have ordered multiple flavors and this one is one of my favorites so far!1 I hope to try them all some day!!
I use this on my feet every time I shower. This really does work. If you are skeptical at first I suggest you buy the 6oz bottle. Once you see that it works, buy the 13.5oz bottle. This is a good purchase if you are embarrassed of showing your feet to people.
I had my first one for 3 years before I felt it was to gross and bought a new one, but it still worked! Little pricey but worth the money
Chocolate is still the best but the tropical punch mixed with some other low calorie drink mix makes it taste good.
I have been very pleased with this. The instructions make a lot of sense, and it's easy to use. It gives a lot of info and saves it in memory. I'm very happy with my purchase.
I bought these tweezers to use for facial hair removal. I'm sure they're well made, but the edges were so sharp, they cut the hair instead of allowing me to pull it out. Making them useless, sad to say.
Churning stomachA lot of bloatingLots of gas...but no poopThis product has done more harm than good, for me.I keep waiting for the vestiges of my last dosage to go away.Next time I'll go with seed fiber.
I could not tell much about it because when I received it, it doesn't work after charged times. I returned it.
I purchased four of these bars - three to use in the shower and one just outside the shower door. The three bars in the shower began to show signs of rust after about 2 week of use. I called a Mabis customer service rep who told me that the rust was probably due to the screws. They sent me new bars and I purchased 18 stainless steel screws at a local hardware store. Once installed the new bars also began to rust- obviously more than the screws were rusting! The layer of chrome seems to be very thin (it showed signs of pitting after only a few weeks). For the life of me, I can't believe a company would sell a a rust-prone product for use in a wet environment.I gave them two stars only because their customer service was extremely responsive and courteous.
Very bad taste, horrible, difficult to dissolve, such gritty and hard, not easy to digest. I could not take two doses beyond
The zombie flavor is just gross. The chap stuck its selfs is smooth and nice but I couldn't get over the smell of this flavor.