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2 classes
I bought this phone because it was a cheap flip phone. The battery does not last long at all and the quality of my calls are poor. I constantly drop calls and sometimes I don't receive my calls. Also it is difficult to hear from the earpiece even when on high. It's annoying when the envelope doesn't dissapear after you have checked your voicemail messages! It is also very flimsy. I like T-mobile, but I don't care much for the phones that are offered.
The only problem some people may have with this product is following the directions given in the manual. It is so easy to put together...you plug the male and female plugs together and put the wiring into the socket. Then put the top on and it is ready to go. What the manual does not say is that the battery has not been installed into the top. The battery is found inside the tubing and if one does not turn the tube upside down so that it falls out, they may not know the battery is there. That may be part of the reason that some people say this does not work properly. I hear a 'beep' periodically, which I do not mind, as long as it keeps the moles out. When the beeping is no longer heard, you know you need to replace the rechargeable battery.
It doesn't look like much... which was a selling point for me. The unit is small and easily used. It doesn't look like some Mars lunar lander strapped to your head. Simple and straightforward, it acomplishes it's intended purpose. It's battery life is good... and for my first Bluetooth headset, I'm very pleased. At the price this headset is definately a keeper. Nothing other-worldly about its performance, but it does what I could reasonably expect it to, without a single problem. Samsung's WEP200 is a winner in my book.
It's not because I love them: It is because they don't last and it's easier to buy a new one than to get Motorola to honor their warranty policy. No one likes to be put on hold, especially three times. I was connected to a tech that described how to pair a bluetooth device, then I was connected to another tech who repeated the description. Wow guys, I already read the how to and had it working for a little while there...all on my own. When I told them that their quick fixes didn't work they connected me to their "Alaska Help Center" After twenty MORE minutes, I hung up. I bought new one March 19th. It has already gone kaput. They are light and nice when they work....
Case is designed well; all of the buttons are still accessible while in the phone is in the case, back opens for use of the camera/light. It is durable, tough, and really looks great in regards to the color scheme. Best phone case I've ever owned.
This item worked great, but it broke after 6 months of use. I give it one star because of the poor quality.
This holster was good for the first day or two, but after that if you don't have the clip TOTALLY locked in place, the phone will fall out..I do not recommend this holster at all for the Treo 700 to anyone. In less than five days my phone has fell out of the holster three times for no reason which has scratched the face all up now... I'm very frustrated what has happened to my phone because of this product.
I am using this keyboard with a Nokia ExpressMusic 5800 (running Symbian OS3). I also tested it on an iphone but the primary use of it will be with the Nokia. For the 5800 I downloaded Nokia's bluetooth keyboard app and the seller had kindly included some instructions on how to link the phone and the keyboard. It turns out that it's easy to find those instructions online but it also would have been very easy to do it without any instructions at all. Open the app, app recognizes bluetooth components nearby, select the keyboard and you're on your way.From YouTube videos I expected to need to modify the prop-device on the keyboard in order to support the 5800 but I didn't even need to that. Perhaps this is a newer model of the keyboard.The only problem I've had is that the shift keys and the bottom left control key are sticky. It doesn't seem to effect my use of it, e.g. hitting the shift key to capitalize a letter doesn't lead to a string of capital letters. This might be a problem only with this particular keyboard since I bought this one used.Pros:- easy to set up- feels great to type on (like a normal keyboard)- lies flat on a table- phone prop works, unmodified, with my Nokia 5800- only 6.6 oz!Cons:- some sticky keys (although this does not decrease functionality)- expensive!
i have owned 5 bluetooth headsets and this is by far the best. i would recommend this very highly. Only one drawback keeps me from rating it 5 stars (see below).pro:- I never get complaints from the people I'm speaking with.- It never cuts out in the middle of call.- i don't have to the turn the volume up to the highest settingcon:-The goofy charging interface is the only down side. Message toPlantronics: have you heard of mini usb?Hal
NO sound does not work at all?must be defective right out of the box!Had a BELKIN for several years and it worked fine this did not work from day one!
I ordered this item thinking it would work, this item is not real. Its only made of plaste and have no way of helpping your cell phone singal.
My biggest hang up (no pun intended) is standby time. M previous bluetooth headsets neededto be recharged every few days whtrh I used it or not. Though this one has a standby time of a week or so, it will hold its charge even long when it's off. That may sound right but it does. You buy one, you'll see exactly what I mean. Also, the multicolor light and audible warnings let you knowwhen it's time to recharge. Recharge time is a couple of hours or so. In my previous life, I always found that the headset was suddenly dead when I needed it in the car.
I tried one out at the prada store and was really unimpressed. The apps are all kinda crappy looking, and typing is absolutely impossible. Only saving grave is that its really small.
Not for my device Coolpad 4g. Very small. This support is for old cell phones that have small screens. useless!
I purchased this phone as I use my phone to connect my laptop online, so the G3 is essential. I like the phone, it's been difficult to get used to, only because I've had Motorola's for so long, but I really like like, and it seems to be a great phone so far.
First, for anyone who might care, I currently have two different H700's paired with my Blackberry phone. Only one (but either one) can connect at a time but you can switch during a call with only a momentary interuption that the other party is unlikely to notice.Next, why I have two. I bought me first one several years ago and connected it to a non Bluetooth cell phone through a separate device. My having limitted reak need for hands free at the time, needing to keep three devices charged, and the marginal performance of the intermediate device all led to the H700 being left in a drawer with no use for a couple of years. Then I got a Motorola cell phone and decided to try my old H700. It worked flawlessly but, because it was old I didn't treat it with kid gloves. When it wasn't on my ear, it was in my pants pocket with my car keys. It eventually began to look a little beat up and lost a piece of chrome trim from the boom, so I became concerned that its days might be limmited.So when I upgraded to my BlackBerry, I tried a couple of newer and more "attractive" headsets to only discover how superior the H700 was. So I ordered a new one from Amazon at a much lower price than I paid for the first one. Now I can carry a spare but have never needed it so far. I will let you know when either headset quits working, but don't hold your breath.
The phone does not work well. No paper work or address came with it to return if you are not satisfied. I emailed and they sent me an address but I felt insecure about sending it away and not even having a receipt that I could copy. When you open the phone it has a blank screen about 50% of the time. Can't be used until the screen finally reappears. (Can be a long time.)
My employer made everyone purchase a Nextel phone. After 5 months, the ear speaker quit and Nextel wants $55 to fix. Per the service rep, this is a common problem with the 730. Service is non-existant at the house and very spotty around the US. I'm going to eat the contract fines and go with another wireless provider.
The protective covers were flexible, but didn't have enough magnetic pull to stay on the glass that needed protecting. The flimsy paper "spatula" that is given with the product to help iron out any air bubbles did not work well, it created more air pockets. The film was easily gummed up and became blurry and fogged. I never got a first use out of it. It was no where near the strength claimed in the description. Honestly, the protective film that comes with the new phone works better... and that's not saying much.
I ordered the wrong item, but It wasn't much money. I was looking for a radio/recorder, that sounds good when I am in a building such as the YAny suggestions?Ian Anderson
The headset works fine, with good audio clarity, and the talk time is exceptionally long; however, the phone must be in close proximity to get good reception. Overall, a very good product at a great price!
I really needed an extra battery for my phone because of how much i use it, This battery fitted perfect and was a great deal in price. I recommended wireless technologies
Overall, i fell in love with this phone...it has so many incredible features especially for the price. I was looking for a digital camera, an MP3 player, and a really good phone. Well buying this sort of killed three birds with one stone. I was very surprised to learn you can record a 1 hour video on the phone with sound! however, it can only be recorded to store on your phone...you cannot send it.I haven't downloaded music yet for the MP3 player, but I'm sure from what i heard it will be no different from the original thing itself. Int terms of listening to the music or video through the speakers, they're not the best of quality. If you record something kind of loud, it won't really sound like the thing you are recording....only kind of a loud blare...you can still faintly hear it though.The pictures are very clear (especially when outdoors). there are so many light features and shades and tones for the camera, it really is quite a deal. Indoors, however, the pictures can get a little grainy, but very seldom. it really depends on the lighting of the room. The films you can record do turn out a little grainy in comparison to the photos, and you can't move it fast at all or you'll just get a colored blur.Another thing that i could have changed if i was to be very picky, is the placement of the camera on the back of the phone. Granted it looks very cool, most people i show it to think its just a camera when closed. However, when you are holding the phone and texting, your fingers are right on top of the closed lens, which slowly shifts...it can get annoying how it slightly moves on your fingers when trying to hold the phone firm to text.on than these downsides, it a great, great Phone/Camera/MP3 player!
Was initially skeptical of this battery because it was so cheap and it came with no packaging, it was just in a clear plastic bag. However, it works like the original. I've been using it for a few weeks now, and with normal usage, like 0-2 hours talk time/day, I just recharge it probably every 3-4 days.
I can't really rate this product because I could not get it to work with my phone. I don't think my phone was compatible. This product should give a list of phones it is compatible with. My office phone with the headset would not pair.
it is a cute charm but broke way too easily at the attachment and wasnt repairable. but its ok the cost wasnt so high where i was too concerned about that
I've tried a bunch of Bluetooth headsets, mostly about a year or so back when I first got a Bluetooth phone. Went through the Moto HS-820, which had horrible battery life, then the Logitech Mobile Freedom (which was pretty good! but w/o DSP allowed too much noise through), Logitech Mobile Traveller (which I got for free from Logitech because an in-warranty headset broke -- this thing felt like it was making my ear bleed it was so uncomfortable), and finally the Gennum nxZen Plus. The nxZen is a sweetheart, a lovely headset that I had no complaints against.But, well, I started a new job and could expense a headset, and I liked the idea of being able to charge my headset using a Nokia adapter (which you can get separately with the 655, and comes with the 645). So I got the 655.Ugh.Problems with it:1. It occasionally makes a three-tone sound that is completely undocumented in the book. I *think* it means the phone is re-establishing connectivity with the headset, but it looks like it's already connected. It's just disconcerting;2. The button to answer/end calls is so stiff that you have two options -- you either hold the headset between two fingers and press the button, or you press the button, mashing the headset into your ear. Neither is a particularly pleasant option;3. Most importantly, callers complained about poor sound quality -- especially as compared with the Gennum nxZen Plus. That basically killed it for me.I'll be returning this headset on Monday.-roy
This headset did not work right out of the package. It took two weeks to get a replacement and Motorola replaced it with a cheaper model that no one can understand me on. I'll have to buy another headset but never another Motorola.
Cheap plastic ear hook must be disconnected each time you charge, so as I'm snapping it back on (after 4 uses), the clip snaps off. And only one 30 cent clip with the unit. Now it's gathering dust. Easy come easy go...
The first time I talked to a friend, he complained abt echo. And then it happened quite frequently. There were also complaints that most people can not hear my voice. Not just that, I couldn't hear what my friends are saying most of the times. This headset is pretty bad and I wouldn't recommend to anyone.
I love the color and the fact that it snaps right on to my phone. I had a problem with the front cover so I e-mailed customer service and they got right back to me. After determining that I needed a new front cover they sent it to me right away. Excellent customer service!!
I wish I could tell you how Nokia helped us out and gained our loyalty for life. Unfortunately, they balk in the face of known manufacturer defects and give paying customers the proverbial palm to talk to. I ask simply, where has customer service gone? Why does it seemt that companies no longer care whether you choose to do busines with them. THE STORY: less than 30 days into our new 2-year contract with T-Mobile, the rubber coating began peeling away from the phone near the flip-button. Both T-Mobile and Nokia claim its not a known issue, though a Nokia rep told us originally that it IS a known issue on the 6103 model which this model replaced. There are several chat rooms and forums where several folks are experiencing the same thing (I don't have the address for the forum - my wife found them) and are being given the same bull crap song and dance from Nokia. How many complaints do they have to receive before it becomes a "known issue?" And since they're only offer to help is for you to ship the phone at your cost to them to examine and see if they believe its a manufacturer defect, leaving you without a phone, meantime, I doubt many folks take them up on such a helpful offer, letting them continue to disavow knowledge. Additionally, we're told that if they deem the damage to be cosmetic, then we'll be charged for the repair. Well, the damage IS cosmetic, but its still a manufacturer defect. There seem to be plenty of users of this phone that are happy with it, but I say purchase at your own risk. And please, Nokia & T-Mobile, at least act like you care about your customers. The glib, bottled responses aren't appreciated and are enough to force us to make the only decision we have power over, which is to choose not to do business with you anymore. Truly saddenned, in Cincinnati.
The battery received was a brand new Nokia battery with Nokia factory seal. It is performing perfectly.
It works fine as hands free and sounds as you would expect for being fairly cheap, but it's completely useless to me as it won't even FIT inside my ear. I have to hold it to my ear to even use it. I'd like to use something else, but bluetooth seems to be the only other option and I don't want to spend that kind of money for a hands-free.
It works fine. Just have a hard time with turning it on and off.Not sure when the device is completely off.
...... all these loosers up here.... u guyz jus dunt hv the resources to use this phone to the fullest....trust me if u hv em...u'll love this phone.... a camcorder....a remote control... all gameboy game..... torch.....ngage games..... world time.... map.... shopping list....money manager.... lotsa other crazy stuff....if you own this phone surf the web.... hint try forums!.....
I did not like the way it fit my phone. I have bought another cover since which fits much better. The cut outs for the viewing window and camera lenz do not match very well even thought the cover is snapped in place and can not be adjusted. The buttons on the side of the phone are difficult the actuate with the cover in place. Not a good buy at all.
I use this with my Motorola K1 (KRZR)and spend quite a bit of time sea kayaking, off-road driving, and at the beach with my daughter all in Southern California. I bought it to keep water, dust and sand away from my phone. I put the phone in a Pelican case (airtight, waterproof).Sound volume is more than adequate and is the first headset (or handset for that matter) I've not had the volume constantly maximized. The mic also works with good sound quality. Occasionally after the headset has gotten wet, people on the other end say it sounds like I'm speaking into a plastic bottle. This is ONLY when it has gotten wet and NOT every time it gets wet, either. After a few hours of drying, the mic sound quality returns.The headset comes with an impressive set of charging options including a car cigarette lighter adapter to USB. I charge mine using a USB port on my notebook PC. There are also two around the ear "rings" that didn't work for me but I can see how they'd work for others. I use the over-the-ear clip with the ear bud inserted in my ear.Compared to the Motorola HS850, the Bluetrek X2 substantially under performs in both mic and audio quality. It is an easy trade for me though. I'd rate the Motorola HS850 5 stars to the Bluetrek X2 4, but the HS850 is also always at home -- safe from the elements. I recently lost my Bluetrek X2 and am replacing it. I can't say I'd do the same if I lost my Motorola HS850.
I am very disappointed about the quality of this item. First time that I am dissatisfied with something I bought at Amazon. It broke the first time I touched it. I tried to fix it buying some crazy glue and after two days I let it dry, I was going to use it and it broke again! I was careful and hit the side bottom to try to release one of the sides of the cell holder but quality was terrible.
It eliminated all the headache I was having with my phone when it was getting low of battery very frequently.
Installed a few days ago. Grips phone well, in various positions. Releases easily (one button). Careful w/ mounting hooks. They are thin (to fit into vent slats) and have to be bowed when removed (to disengage hook). Just be careful and take your time. Installed, seems solid. Design allows for lots of vent/dash designs. For the price, don't think you can go wrong.
Fees, Fees, and more fees. Telecommunications are taxed higher than many income brackets. This is getting out of hand.
i am a sprint dealer i purchased this device for a large company i sold phones to and they went from one bar of service to 3 or 4 in their office from what they tell me it was well worth the $450.00 i sold it to them for.
After using no fewer than ten headsets with wires over the years and having wires wear out, break, snag or whatever, the idea of a wireless headset caught my attention. I spend HOURS in the car with my phone and this headset is comfortable, light, easy to use and has great voice quality. It can be a little sensitive, but it's easy to adjust.The best part is that if you get out of the car for gas, etc. you don't have to "rewire" yourself. The phone can stay in a charger base and you are free to wander up to 30 feet. (Yep, it works!)Well worth the money!
This is a great product. It was a little bigger than I expected but it fits very comfortably. It comes with several different ear pieces that help fit the bluetooth to your ear perfectly. The sound is crisp and clear. Sounds great on both ends.
i just got this unit and paired it directly with my SE T616 (which has bluetooth support). I use the base unit only for charging the headset. If you have a bluetooth phone and get this unit you will need to lookup the jabra website for documentation on how to pair it to a phone directly. I can answer and end calls simply using the button on the headset, no need to use my phone. The call quality is pretty good. The only issue ive had so far is that the headset can be a little too loud. The main caveat with using any headset, wired or wireless is the voice activation on your phone. I find that my phone frequently does not match my voice commands.
You get what you pay for. My wife had a set of head phones come with her phone and I wanted some for my phone too so I ordered these. What a difference in quality. These are very quiet and poor in quality. The factory set that came with her phone are so much better. If you want quality, spend a few extra bucks.
I'm not sure what reason it is but this has not worked well since day one with my phone. Maybe its because I have an LG enV and it isn't compatible or whatnot but the microphone is horrible. The clarity of the 'phones is great but the microphone just doesn't work well at all. Every time I use this thing in the car people just can't hear me. I have to hold the mic up to my mouth just so that people can hear my voice, but even then all my friends tell me that the sound quality they hear is horrible. I would've thought thata gold tipped WIRED headset would be good clarity on the receiving end but this just isn't the case.
When I ordered this I felt pretty confident, considering all of the positive reviews, but it's mostly been a big disappointment.1) The headset is uncomfortably big behind my ear, and always feels like it's going to fall off. It's almost impossible to wear sunglasses while I have this on.2) It has a very noticeable and distracting echo. I've heard that this may be lessened by turning the volume down, but....3) It is way too quiet, even at the maximum volume. I mostly use it in my car, and I often have to press it into my ear in order to hear a conversation. It comes with multiple earpieces with different shapes and sizes, but even the best fitting one doesn't really help.4) The mute button is really, really stiff and hard to press. I actually have to take it out of my ear in order to be able to activate mute. The mute button is also the on/off button, and I have to squeeze it in with my fingernail for several seconds to turn it on or off. This is (of course) impossible to do while I'm wearing it, but also unnecessarily difficult to do when I'm not, and usually takes two hands to accomplish.It does have a few positives. It appears to be well constructed, and the battery life is at least as long as advertised. People on the other end of conversations tell me that I sound clear, and at a good volume. But all in all, I wish that I'd bought something else.
I purchased the Motorola H700 from CCMA Accessories in December 2007. The product was always slow to synch up with my Motorola K1 Krazr phone, but the problem has gotten worse over time, and now the battery is practically dead. The battery's talk time is down to less than one hour, and the battery runs down within a couple days even when the headset is not even turned on. The headset often takes several minutes to synch up with my phone, even if they are placed within inches of each other, and it tends to disconnect spontaneously after a few minutes of use.The bottom line is "watch out" for this product from this vendor.
I purchased this battery based on price. I guess you get what you pay for. When I received the battery, I promptly charged it for the required time, then put it in my phone with great expectations and got nothing, nada, zilch! Upon further inspection I noticed that the battery terminals were improperly manufactured which prevented the battery from working in my phone.Sigh, good thing Amazon promptly refunded my money.
For the life of me, I can't figure out how this is supposed to hook up to a V300 or V330. Anyone have any ideas?
Works as expected. It sync'd with my phone easily. Set up is a snap. Instructions were good. Sound quality is good. Fit my ear well.Only thing keeping my rating from 5 stars is some periodic issues connecting on the first power one (sometimes takes two), and an occasional delay in pressing the button and picking up a call. Can be annoying as I've pressed twice thinking it didn't pick up initially, only to disconnect the caller when both presses are recognized.
The phone is piece junk.I was excited when i got it but so dissapointed when i used it.Phone doesn't work.It just wasting my money.We returned the phone last 22nd of december but until now we never get any response and dont get our money back yet.Out of 5 star i would rate this 0.
This product works as expected. No problems with use or performance of this product. Product arrived in "new" condition without any blemishes, scratches or other types of damage.
great headphones. fairly easy to pair (I gave them to a semi-techno friend for Xmas), and she LOVES them.having your cell calls automatically come onto the phones is like magic, and these worked from 2 rooms away from the transmitter.
It is hard to find "Brown" so get it! The swivel makes it easy to place or remove your blackberry with one hand.
I've used a lot of bluetooth headsets including some reputed to be the best like the Jabra 250. The iogear headset is almost as good and less than half the price. Mine paired quickly, has good sound quality and range and works quite well with my SE 610's voice commands. Battery life is very good and I like that I can charge it from my notebook with the include USB charging cable (as well as normal AC charger that is 110-240, important when I travel). I also find it very light and small. It is comfortable and easy to put on. The only problem I've noted is that if the phone is in a holster on my left side and the headset is on my right ear, my head seems to cause interference. Otherwise, a good headset at a very good price.
Bought this for my wife, as she is on the road alot. She loves it. Ambient/road noise cancellation works really great. Pairs really easily with her iphone. Use and design is really straight forward. Once paired, will remember phone and will automatically pair when opened (turned on). Volume is adequate, unlike other similar devices. Great product at a very reasonable price. Only problem I've found......The sun visor may have to be angled down slightly for shorter people, but that's no real problem. Standby time is forever. Only charge about every 2 weeks, and charge time is just a couple hours.
This phone is really nice. Before buying it I read many reviews. Some were negative and others were positive. I was a little bit worried about buying this phone after all of the negative things I read about it, but I pushed that aside and bought it.I don't regret it, but I wish that I had researched it a bit more. When I first heard and saw the RAZR, I originally wanted the V3 in silver and kind of wish that I had just bought that one, but only because the V3 qualifies for the protection plan if it were to get stolen or lost. But it IS nice having an iPod on it. Mine holds 100 songs, I expected 50, but was surprised to find that it holds a lot more!A few cons that I've discovered so far (I have only had this phone since Nov 14th!):~It really IS slippery, I've dropped it twice, luckily no damage has been done.~The front of it picks up fingerprints like a magnet. I find myself cleaning my phone all the time.~The address book can get a teeny bit annoying, so I don't put anyone's emails in there unless I HAVE to. It makes the address book's appearance too cluttered in my opinion. I don't know WHY it wasn't made to include the email with the phone number, name, address, etc in just ONE entry and not several.~Not a wide selection of ringers. For a hip-looking phone, you would think that there would be many ringtones.~There is no protection plan on it, well at least for Cingular, I don't know about the other companies. But if my phone gets stolen or lost, I'm **** out of luck!~The volume could be a little bit better for the headphones, great bass though on them. Also the volume of when you press keys to dial, you can barely hear them, so I can understand people being frustrated of not knowing whether they are actually dialing...but then again, you can always watch the numbers go on the screen. You don't necessarily need to "hear" the numbers being pressed.As for Pros with the phone, anything that I didn't list as a con is a pro in my book if that makes sense!I would still recommend this phone, it is a pretty neat little gadget! And listening to a person on the other end is great too and it doesn't sound like a tin can, as some people have said!Great price and offer. I still wouldn't pass it up. :o)
It was easy to set up and has been working well. Good clairity. Am enjoying it very much.
I bought this in October 2006 and 3 months later - December 2006 two of the items stopped working. The car charger no longer charges the phone and the hands free ear piece also suddenly stopped working. The case still "works" in that it stays on the phone, nothing to break on that. Very unsatisfied.
for those teens out there. this is a really [...] faceplate. It resembles the Chrons'. it is awesome! it looks good with basically any buttons! but dont take my word for it, buy it and see what you think! its great! i love it, its a real head turner. peace!
Fits great My Wife likes the bright color as it is easier for her to find in her purse and protects her phone.
The earpiece is comfortable. When it worked, I enjoyed using it. But, the Bluetooth connection to my Motorola Razr phone was spotty at best. In the middle of about 33% of my calls, I would get a "bluetooth connection weak" message from my phone, even though I was holding the phone in my hand, 2 feet from the phone. Disappointing performance to say the least.UPDATE: Turns out the problem was really with the phone, not the ear piece.
I read the reviews on this new smartphone and was convinced it would help me out. I did not want to go with a full keyboard like a Blackberry or Treo. It sounded great to get your emails and messages read back to you instead...especially in traffic! However, the voice command needs a little work. I usually have to say a name about 5 or 6 times before it gets it right. Otherwise I love the small size and all the features. Wish they could make it look a little more cool. I had some trouble when I first got it with the volume on the ear piece, but after working out with HPs live chat support everything works great. I also love the new Microsoft 6. I am looking forward to using the internet phone feature to save some minutes on my cell plan. Just remember that the screen is small so if you need glasses-don't get it!
Dont ever buy this instrument. I have been putting up with this piece of crap for the past one year just because i was bound by contract.Every 12 minutes into my call the signal gets lost with this phone. Imagine the situation when you are on an important call and the connection gets severed because of the faulty phone.When i call the customer support people to complain about the signal they remorselessly say its bacause of the phone. Then i wonder why the heck they are offering such a piece to customers. Are they trying to loose customers? The battery life isn't good either - just about 2 hours.
Does everything it said it would 4 the 8940...I thought it would b difficult...everything installed and worked fine...fast delivery
The adapter was purchased to enable me to use a solar phone charger which did not include a compatable USB connector for my phone. This article was located and I thought it would fit but it didn't. S/H charges made it more expensive to return so I ate the original cost and still can't use the solar charger.
Let me first address experiance with T-mobile.I had a really bad experiance with T-mobile their service is really really bad and I guess thats why they are giving highest number of minuttes and best phones ,which are actually useless as u wont get any reception most of the time and when I tried to replace within 30 day trial period they are asking for full month payment??Lets get to the phone.The outer looking of this phone is very good big screen and crisp image, good camera, good ring tones and even u can create your own tunes.But if you are using this "gadget" as a "phone" it is bad idea to buy this one.Take Verizon instead of T-mobile.I have LG VX4500 with Verizon great service great phone works everywhere.I went to Carmel, CA none of my friend's cell phones were working except mine.
Yeah it looks cool, but it's got terrible sound quality, even with an ear-piece. Additionally, they've crammed a lot of stuff into the menus that would probably be desirable to some people, but if you don't want it, it's just more junk to have to navigate through.Might want to keep looking.
I have used almost every headset in the last week and the H700 looks better then any onther headset on the market but sounds the worst. I had static when my motorola v551 was in my pocket. Also had complaints of an echo on the other end. Went to the Plantronics Voyager 510, the best I found at least.
when installilng the battery I realized that it was thicker than the original battery, however I was able to close the cover with a great deal of pressure . I was also disappointed that a charge only lasted about 15 minutes of talking. Sadly to say, my first experience with amazon.com has not been an ideal one.
I returned the set after trying out the hands-free and charger adaptors. The hands-free adaptor has an earpiece that does not stay on my ear and does not hold the speaker tightly to the ear. The charger charges well enough, but not like the Motorola. With this one, the phone light stays on constantly while the charger is plugged in. I don't know if this is a problem, but I decided not to find out. I didn't try the vent clip attacher; it requires "permanently" sticking a piece to the phone--something I didn't want to do. Maybe I expected too much: 100% compatibility.
I bought this phone about two months ago and it has been nothing but trouble. The features are great and the size is amazing but the thing has problems. The most significant problem is with the wireless aspect turning off by itself. Because the phone can be used for so many things other than a phone it lets you turn off the wireless (cell phone) aspect of the device. This saves battery power and lets you use the other features while in places that cell phones are required to be turned off (hospital and airplane for example). The problem is that the wireless turns itself off with any gentle vibration of the phone. This results in dropped calls at the least opportune moments. My co workers and clients HATE speaking with me when I am on the cell phone since the device continually turns of in mid-call.When I went to my service provider to have the phone replaced they said I could send it in for repair. They would not exchange it or provide a temporary replacement. I subscribe to unlimited data usage and the highest minute plan my provider offers (and still exceed those minutes). I have been with the provioder since 1997. They want to take care of me but say that the policy with Handspring (manfacturer of the phone) is to send warrantied models back for repair.I am going to get rid of this horible device and get a Blanckberry or some other such phone that allows me to have cell phone and email service.
This was exactly what I was looking for!! I have seen many iPhone users with this matte looking screen protector that had such a nice feel to it. Me being a Droid 2 user my search for a similar product has ended! This has a smooth slide and a matte look that doesn't interfere with visibility.Installation was easy, only took 20 minutes. Word of advice, keep your work area extremely clean. Bubbles around the edges take the most work to remove, other than that it slaps right on!So if you don't like those shiny, almost rubbery screen protectors, get this!Cons - Little pricey, but worth it
On the strength of the very high rating and huge reviewer feedback here on Amazon, I bought this Bluetooth device -- my first bluetooth headset ever. I finally have a phone that has Bluetooth capability, and I was keenly interested in a wireless headset that wouldn't have the cord tangle issues of corded headsets.This device does exactly what I wanted it to do. It was a piece of cake to setup on my Verizon Samsung u540 phone. You wouldn't even need to crack open the user manual except to discover the 4-digit code you have to plug-in to your phone (it's 0000, btw). After that, it's a snap to turn on and link to my phone.My other important concern was voice clarity, both on sending and receiving. Thus far, after several hours of use, I can tell you that the voice reception I hear is crystal clear. No crackling, no hollowing or echoing. On the other end, I've not had anyone complain about being unable to hear my voice or that my voice is coming across muddled -- interestingly, I've had such complaints while using my old, corded headset!The power button *is* small and it *is* a tad more difficult to depress than you might want, but then, you won't accidentally turn on or turn off this device because of the way it's designed. I agree with others -- turn on the device before putting it on your ear, and do the same when you're turning it off.As for noise canceling, my wife and I tested out this device in very noisy home with four small kids, and I was very pleasantly surprised at how well this headset communicated my voice but not the ambient noise in the room.Using the volume control on the headset was pretty easy to do. Note that you can control voice volume either through the phone handset volume control or the control on this Plantronics headset. If other reviewers are complaining about low volume from this headset, it's likely because one of the two volume controls is turned down too low, or perhaps the mobile phone their using doesn't have much by way of signal output. This Plantronics headset has *plenty* of loud volume if that's what you want.As for ear comfort, I found it to be very comfortable, although I haven't worn it all day long. I talked to a friend for an hour yesterday, and I had absolutely no discomfort at all. The device comes with three earpieces (small, medium and large). I use the medium with great results.The phone fits snuggly on my ear and it doesn't move around at all, although I'm not jogging or even walking much while using it.I like the more discreet look of having the "guts" of this device behind my ear, with a thin microphone on the side of my face, rather than the fat Motorola designs.Other reviewers have cautioned about the headset breaking, so I just take very gentle care while handling it. I suspect I won't have a problem with it falling apart.I can't speak to battery life, because after a lengthy phone call, I just recharge it so it's ready for the next call I might make. Charging it is easy to do and doesn't take long, either.In sum, I'm very satisfied with this device. As long as it doesn't break, it's performance and comfortable design make this an excellent choice.
The tracfone prepaid airtime cards make the best gift. We really wanted to give my parents a cell phone; they are retired and on the road a lot in their motorhome. We wanted to be able to contact them. But, we did not want to stick them with a monthly fee on their fixed income. So the trackphone with these prepaid airtime cards was perfect. We can give them airtime in advance. And it makes it easy to give a gift they can use anytime.
After owning the Palm Treo 600 and enjoying all the features of this "smart phone," I was anxiously anticipating the use of it's replacement the Palm Treo 700P. After Hot Syncing old data, I found the interface, and several features including; "Find", application switching, and SMS text messaging to be noticeably SLOWER on the Treo 700P than on the older Treo 600. Additionally, I have had the phone "freeze" up immediately after sending a text message (at times more than 5 minutes), as well as being unable to answer a call because of freezing up when attempting to switch between SMS and Phone applications. Several users groups and blogs have published user accounts of these exact issues; [...] As of today, 24 January 2007, Verizon and Palm have not addressed these issues. I am currently considering a non-Palm pda/smartphone for the first time since my Palm Pilot Pro, Palm Pilot III, Palm Pilot m505, Palm Pilot m515, Palm Treo 600, Palm Treo 700p, ... Apple iPhone anyone?
This is the worst product that I have ever bought. I never got the chanceto use it because both times that I bought, brand new, it didn't work.I am currently sending the other one back. The both had the same problem, Neither of them would charge and so the headset was always dead. The worst part is that I have already lost money in shipping that I can't get back. In the end this experiance has been bad. Don't buy this product.
I have ordered twice for the same battery from the same company in July, 2009,After I got the first order, I charged it and put to my cell phone, but the battery can only last 3 hours. I thought maybe the one I got was not good, then I ordered the second one since I saw the customer review was 5 star. After I got the second one, it was the same bad as the first one. The power only last 3 or 4 hours, then I should recharge again. I called the company several times, there were always nobody answered the phone. I lest message for them. I didn't get call back so far. The battery is the worst one I've had and you have no way to reach the customer service.
I've had this thing for 3 days so far, & spent most of today at the SPRINT PCS service center trying to get this monster working properly! I wish I would've read some of these reviews first! After going through 3 Handspring Treo 600's in 9 months,(No joke! 2 broken ear speakers & 1 bad OS) I thought that this would be a Godsend. After spending the better part of today at the service center, I was told that they would have to send me another phone! I immediately asked if it would be a reconditioned phone, & was told "YES"...but it will still have a SIX month warrantee. My 3 day old phone came with a ONE YEAR WARRANTEE! I said absolutely not!After much back & forth, I got them to agree to provide with a brand new unit of any manufacturer & price of MY choice when the new line of phones came out this fall. ...& yes, I got it in writting! Dealing with them, or ANY carrier for that matter is at very best difficult. If you can keep your cool, & keep "pressing in", you'll eventually come across someone who has the ability to say "YES", when all others have said no. Keep in mind that you don't need to take "NO" from anyone who can't tell you "YES". Good luck! (& wish me luck too! LOL!)
I contacted Amazon that this product didn't work well (noisy, disconnects, etc) and that I would like to return it. I received an email that said the unit would be replace so that I could try it again on April 17th, but I haven't seen it yet, a month later.
I bought this for my KRZR and it doesn't fit. It's too tight and feels like I'd break it or my phone if I try to foce it on. The hole for the phone-charger is on the WRONG SIDE! I'm very displeased.
I bought these headphones for my new Blackberry Pearl from AT&T. In the past, I have bought two sets of Sennheiser PC gaming headphones because they are the best I have ever used. So, I decided to give their cell phone headphones a try. These sound just as amazing as my gaming headphones. I am VERY pleased! They are comfortable and the stereo sound is great!
The Logitechh Mobile Bluetooth Headset has a great design and I found it easy on the ear. There was just one big problem with it for me - it didn't work with my phone, the Nokia 3650. Seems Logitech made a boo-boo and implemented the bluetooth spec really out of spec on this baby, hence the reason the headset doesn't work with the 3650.It seems like it would be a good headset otherwise (minus the annoying bright blue LED), but if you have a 3650, go with the $79.99 Jabra bluetooth headset instead (not the $69.99 one!), as it supposively works with the 3650.
I was very surprised at how well of reviews this phone has. The reason I purchased my sony is because I saw all good reviews, then, after I got it, the screen went out just from a minor drop on our carpet. Cingular exchanged it but it cost me and I could only get the same phone. The new one I got flipped out on me and kept going off and wouldn't come back on. When it did come on it would flip out and flash and act crazy. It also would call me and have someones name that wasn't even calling me!!! Cingular exchanged this one for free because I didn't drop it and this time the phone I got flipped out again. It did the same thing as the second one only not as bad. I owned a Nokia 6010 for 2 years and sold it and it was still in good condition and NEVER had a problem with it. Heck, before I had Cingular I had a tracfone and my Nokia worked no problem, no complaints. Cingular, again after talking to a million supervisors sent me a new phone and I have yet to get it but I wouldn't order or upgrade to this phone again if I had to choose between it and chop suey! Get a Nokia you will get a better deal and quality.
This handsfree set is not compatible with my NOkia 6100 phone. The jack is too small for the phone.
This one deserves zero stars, but that's not an option.I have used Palm devices since the Palm III and I liked their original idea of a simple yet powerful Operating System(OS). Previous to buying my Treo 650 I owned a Palm-based Kyocera Smartphone which worked qutie well. But the Treo 650 is worthless. Mine is constantly locking up, requiring me to reset the device. Many times my non-responsive phone needs to have the battery removed just to reset (even the reset button won't work).The phone is just plain poor, both in reception and sound quality. My friends with inexpensive Motorola, Nokia, LG and no-name phones have much better reception. Although this could be a fault of Verizon as I have never used their service. I have a hard time getting good reception since I bought my Treo 650 and exchanged it once already for this reason (it didn't help). My previous provider was Sprint. Their service was very good, but they did not offer me a decent "trade-up" phone deal. I'll probably return to them or move to Cingular as soon as this year contract is up.The Voice dialing software (by VoiceSignal) supplied through Palm is not ready for primetime, it too acts up quite a bit. And at an additional $19 is NOT worth the extra expense. Another sad thing about the Treo is that you cannot get support through Palm, you must go through your provider...and many times they are clueless about Treos. My local Verizon stores will not even trade out a bad phone any more, you need to contact the 800 support line to have a working phone shipped to you.Since Palm sold the Operating System software to a "little-known" Japanese software company I have even less faith that this kludgey OS (5.4) will ever be fixed. I liked the Palm because it is easily used with Linux, but even this won't keep me as a customer. As soon as my year is up with Verizon I'm getting a Blackberry!I will be writing about this further at www.nostabo.net/blog
It is kind of hard to get a defective charger, so on this note, this was a Great buy for the use. Works great and recharges the P.D.A. with no problems.
This is clearly labeled as a Motorola V3 charger, and so it gets a maximum of 500ma, which is not enough to power an AT&T 8525 during a call. I am extremely displeased that Eforcity would deliberately mislabel an item like this.
Good product. Good fidelity and comfortable. Only downside is a problem with Bluetooth itself -- audio is delayed enough to be noticeable when when viewing a video or TV. If speakers are on at the same time it is very annoying.
this wi-fi- fone is one hot looking fone and i was in love whan it came in mail ! i will not give it 0 ,had fone not evin a day and all calls to linksys was bad and not helpfullall thy sayed is call the ones you got it from for help !ok 3 of 7 calls to linksys guys sayed that ,not all ,and or sayed send it back to whar you got it fromi/we was doing a update it ,so all of the fone wood work but it is no go(all the bad things sayed about this wi-fi fone is true!i.e. no hand free use ,and linksys dos not care about it !? as of my calling ,so do not get this hot looking fone if you be a geek go for it! by the way amazon rocks big time all ways good to me !!!!
very great battery.i put in my razar and it fits perfectecly.this battery is long last atleast 2 years worl very good.i am happy with this battery. igive 5star rate.
Motorola H500 Bluetooth Headset Soft Touch - Black [Motorola Retail Packaging]I love this Bluetooth headset. Hands free is real good
Battery works very well, shipping took 3 weeks. Very poor shipping times on all items pruchased through Amazon
I recently purchased this - very excited to use it in my car - and wish I'd kept the packaging before testing it because otherwise I'd return it because the sound quality is AWFUL! This is one of those purchases I regret making. I advise others not to make the same mistake.
I have had Cingular for two years and found the service to be very unreliable. I have had tons of missed calls, people try to call and it goes directly to voicemail even though my phone is on, and I won't get voicemails for hours after people call.Also Motorola makes the worst phones. The V551 is better than the last Motorola phone I had (V120 I think). I went throught four in a year and I did nothing to the phones except try to use it.Overall I can't wait for my contract to be over and don't bet a Motorola phone.
This is not the original cable from Sony Ericsson, But it's a good substitute. The built tend to be of an inferior quality and require some care while we use it. Other than that it's fine.
Unlike most reviewers here, I don't have anything to compare this headset to because it's my first bluetooth headset. I CAN say that I have no problem hearing my callers and my callers have no problem hearing me. The sound is clear and the volume adequate on both ends. I've never lost the connection with my phone, but my phone is always either on my person or in my purse when I'm using the headset, so I can't really comment on the distance specs.I'm pretty picky by nature but, for my purposes, this headset was the perfect solution. I don't use it in noisy environments or anything. I bought it to use when I'm in the car, outside gardening, or just around the house doing things that I don't want to stop doing just because somebody calls me. For those things, it's the perfect solution for me. No complaints at all.