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Yes, I know. I'm a big tv & book snob. We home school and eschew many things in pop culture. So if you try to tell me that this show is not good enough you are preaching to the chior. It's corny. And silly. And sickeningly sweet. And unrealistic. And I could go on, but think about it. People talk baby talk to little ones all the time and that's corny, silly, sickeningly sweet and unrealistic. We do it because we think they are cute & also because they respond to simple, animated, happy interaction. The producers of this show understand that. This is the only show my one-year-old loves. She has been hooked since about 9 months. As much as I hate to admit it, it grew on me and my husband. Our 13-yr.old rolls his eyes & bangs his head against the wall when it comes on, but even he can't deny how adorable it is to see the huge grin on her face & the little diapered bob & sway this show always elicits.After a while I noticed that the primaries in the show are extremely talented. There are hints of classical training in music & dance and copious talent. I also realized that they consistently integrate musical terminology and concepts in each show. As I understand it, the song writers for the show have backgrounds in award-winning commercial songs which explains why each number is catchy & memorable. If you really listen, you'll hear a difference between the music on this show & a lot of music content offered elsewhere. Over Thanksgiving my SIL played God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen on the grand piano in our parent's living room. Guess who got up & danced AND got the beat right? My one-year-old Fresh Beats fan. Everyone was delighted! No, this show is probably not good enough, but you know what? I watched the Bugaloos, Land of the Lost and Gigglesnort Hotel when I was little & I turned out just fine.
Funny dark humor but still just plain stupid.Could have been alot better. And did I mention retarded. Certainly not for young viewers.
I've always loved this movie and was thrilled to get it on DVD but the picture quality is horrendous. This is the worst DVD I've ever seen from a major studio. The colorized version was done back in the 80's before the process was refined and it looks awful. The black and white version is even worse. It looks like someone dragged the film down the street and then transfered it to DVD. Shame on Fox for leaving this version the only one available.Postscript-I picked up the remastered release in the pink package and it's a fine transfer of the movie-about time Fox! Hopefully the rest of the good Temple vehicles will be released in as good a shape as this one. Recommended.
A lion separates the prey from the herd.I've laughed harder and worked harder to predict plot twists, but rarely in the same movie. Regardless, I won't go out of my way to watch it again.Billy Bob makes some nice money teaching wimps to grow some sack. Napoleon sprouts a fairly massive pair and then the two of 'em fight over the girl. Billy Bob is clever and ruthless. Napoleon is energetic and (somewhat) sincere.Nowhere as dark and funny as "Bad Santa". The partly twisty plot takes up some of the slack.
.This is a film I will watch again. The movie is filmed in Ireland and the scenery is gorgeous, lush, and amatory. The cast is delightful, and the plot filled with humorous scenes.Leap year is a romantic comedy about a Anna (Amy Adams) who wants to get married to Jeremy (Adam Scott) her boyfriend of four years. He, not wishing the commitment, travels to Ireland on business. She takes her grandfather's advice and also travels to Ireland, where it is rumored that a girl can propose marriage on the 29th of February.Anna having trouble getting an airline to Dublin, takes alternate travel and lands in Wales. Desperate for time she hires a boat that, due to a storm, drops her on the beach at a small village on the wrong side of Ireland.The village is only served by a weekly bus, has no Inn for lodging, and the only business open is a bar. She meets the handsome bartender, Declan (Matthew Goode), who informs her that the rumored practice is a myth, not a tradition. And the fun begins.I do not usually watch romantic movies, but my wife likes them, so I agreed to watch Leap Year with her. I enjoyed the film. It is funny, includes brilliant repartee, outstanding scenery, and some decent acting. I recommend this film. I will watch it again, if only for the views of the majestic Irish landscape.
Every single moment of new footage and new scoring is a raging miscalculation. You're left bewildered, scratching your head, wondering how good-intentioned people could screw up so comprehensively. Get the great Elite edition instead.
Recently cited by THE GUARDIAN as the best film adaptation ever, THE LEOPARD is an absolutely stunning movie. A study of a Sicilian bourgeois family during a period of social upheaval in nineteenth century Italy, it contains a stunning central performance from Burt Lancaster as the Prince. Director Luchino Visconti's camera focuses on every minute gesture and facial movement to communicate his disillusion. The film's mise-en-scene is quite simply ravishing: every social detail both in the foreground and background of each shot is carefully assembled and stunningly photographed. Visconti's camera never misses a chance to show how constricting this seemingly opulent world can be. Nino Rota's florid music complements the visual effects. Add to that a wonderful cast including Claudia Cardinale, Alain Delon and Leslie French. Merchant-Ivory have a reputation for creating beautifully crafted films; despite their obvious talents, their work pales into insignificance beside this great movie, that provides an object lesson in how to translate period drama to the screen.
This incredible movie, with a cast of just four people (and a one-line performance from a barman) is breathtaking in terms of the acting and dialogue.It starts out with ascerbic wit and dark humour and goes on to become filled with unexpected turns from the cast, and cruelty and violence of the mind.George (Richard Burton) is a washed out history professor, with a sardonic but quiet manner, and his wife Martha (Elizabeth Taylor) is a slovenly, alcoholic with a permanently vicious tongue.They invite Nick (George Segal) and Honey (Sandy Dennis) to late night drinks at their home, where the older couple tear each other to pieces, drawing the innocent younger couple into their warped and vicious mind-games with large quantities of alcohol for all, to help the destructive process along.The dialogue draws from hilarious humour, such as where George refers to Martha's University Dean father as having `beady red eyes', and where quiet and sweet Honey becomes drunk and for the first time, vocal , to scenes of horror , such as where George becomes more vicious than his wife.While Martha certainly brought this on herself, it is with a sense of disgust that we see him turn unprovoked on Honey, who he tears to shreds- a classic case of the depraved savaging the innocent.The story draws on to reveal through various twists and turns to reveal just how depraved the older couple are, while one wonders why the younger couple stay on at their house....
The way you can get some decent enjoyment from this movie is a laThe Mystery Science Theater 3000. Invite some friends over and have fun interjecting dialogue while you watch the movie. Even then, you better make sure you've got something else on hand to pop in the DVD player in case the guests get restless.It's a shame that good directors were getting blacklisted as suspected communists, while bad directors were allowed to continue making bad movies. Director Monte Hellman was destined to go on to direct the likes of "Silent Night, Deadly Night III: Better Watch Out!" This film was produced by Gene Corman, Roger Corman's far less accomplished younger brother.The movie does go somewhat against stereotype. Here, even the guys fall down and get outrun by the lumbering monster. I believe the monster is a spid-o-pus (somewhere between a spider and an octopus). Interestingly, Natalie the barmaid (Linné Ahlstrand), one of the early victims, was Playmate of the Month for July 1958, a year before this movie came out.Like an Ed Wood'sPlan 9 from Outer Space, you probably won't be scared, but you still might get in a few good laughs.
I can't say anything clever or good about this. My wife wanted to watch this because she likes vampire films. We watched the whole thing because she's willing to watch movies all the way through even if they're bad. She said it was one of the worst things she's ever watched and she usually likes anything. Don't waste your money on this. Your money would be better spent on the Three Wolf Moon shirt.
if you like the Mad Max series of movies you will enjoy this, not as good as the Resident Evil series though.
This sexy thrill ride with the delicious Norman Reedus was better than I expected. The tension between "the snake lady" & Archie was beyond steamy & addictive. Seriously Norman is on a level above everyone else. The twists & turns never end right up till the end, which by the way you will never see coming. If you are a fan of Norman I highly recommend this!!
If it was possible for me to gain access to a time machine I would go back to the moment before I watched this abomination and stab out my own ears and eyes just so a version of me existed that has never seen or heard this crime against humanity.
Modern day `political' celebrities can't hold a candle to Robeson, who always flaunted his politics even when it was most dangerous to do so. Sadly, his memory seems only to serve as a reminder of how little room there remains in modern society for either dissent or meaningful social engagement.In that light, Robeson is also a reminder of a time when it actually seemed possible to engage with the idea of a political alternative (whether you find the idea pleasing or not). His evasive refusal to denounce Stalin in his House of Un-American Activities Committee hearings is certainly a difficult piece of history for white people to accept; but it's also not difficult to understand why Robeson would not be particularly eager to deliver these criticisms to the disgraceful HUAC to serve as handy propaganda for a country that had essentially marginalised his ability to speak and segregated him from the global community (Robeson's massive and FBI files can be found online). Instead, Robeson simply stated that "whatever has happened to Stalin, gentlemen, is a question for the Soviet Union .. I will discuss Stalin when I may be among the Russian people some day, singing for them, I will discuss it there". (Testimony of Paul Robeson before the House Committee on Un-American Activities, 12 June 1956.)Real figures of political dissent now seem a long way off; it's worth remembering that most American Communists were NOT blindly supporting Stalin, but were demanding local rights like basic workers' conditions and racial and sexual equality that we now take for granted (even when we fail to live up to the ideals). If there's no HUAC now, it's not because Robeson would no longer be targeted, but because we seem to be endlessly effective at making sure that Robesons rarely emerge. Adopting the seemingly-neutral tone of modern liberal tolerance seems to be the new method for diverting any real social or political action that may carry any disruptive element. Who needs HUAC when we can police ourselves and target even moderately progressive ideas as `dangerously radical'?It would be hard to exaggerate how amazing this collection is and how vital it is that Robeson's history be preserved and passed down. Each film is a priceless time capsule of a creativity and path finding on film with Native Land being particularly poignant. Check out Robeson's recently voluminous wikipedia pages to get an idea of the magnitude of his unparalleled life. Robeson's example of principled courageous agency, his mistakes and his courage, stands for all to learn from.
A gigantic flying object is headed straight for Central Park at speeds guaranteed to destroy all life on Earth. There's only a slim chance of stopping it, so what does the American military industrial complex do? Gather all of the world's best scientists and put them in a helicopter hovering right next to the predicted site of impact, so they can cross their fingers and pray, hoping for the object to slow down.The opening scene of this silly science fiction affair -- where Keanu Reeves in an apparently fake beard with clear skin and no signs of having weathered anything wanders through an obviously fake Antarctic blizzard -- made it clear that this wouldn't best the original through convincing realism or special effects. This impression was confirmed later as a poorly animated CGI snake wiggled (it couldn't manage a slither) its way towards a shining globe.The story didn't fare any better as American military bluster and incompetence (channeled by the odd choice of Kathy Bates as a paranoid US secretary of defense) met with vague and unemotional incomprehension and disappointment on the part of Reeves as Klaatu. The screenplay includes some pretty bizarre elements, that could almost pass for surreal if the film didn't seem to want to be taken so seriously.Some have complained about the acting - but as far as I can tell the actors did the best they could with a plodding and silly script. Keanu Reeves was doing a slightly more wooden version of the wooden actor he plays in almost everything he's ever been in apart from his finer moments (in, of course,Bill & Ted's Excellent AdventureandThe Matrix) - but that's what the script called for. Jennifer Connolly did the best you can do with horribly written part - the beautiful astrobiologist who is also a struggling single mother to a stepson played by Will Smith's kid. Will Smith's kid, Jaden, did as well as he could with an enormously overwritten and unnecessary role for which it's pretty clear his dad called in a favor with the producer. The kid's got a decent screen presence but only a modest emotional range - he doesn't yet have anything like the acting chops of other young screen stars like Dakota Fanning. (So why, on the brink of global disaster and with the clock ticking did the main characters have to spend several important minutes working through this kid's emotional rollercoaster hangups? Why were the ostensibly tender reconciliatory moments between a woman and her stepson, that were supposed to convince Klaatu that humanity was worth saving, written so full of cliches and so completely unmoving?)The CGI work was only a notch up from the really bad B-movies that are increasingly showing up on cable. For a hint at how to do this kind of disaster movie right check outKnowing. It had a lot of goofy elements thrown in there as well, and was downright silly in a number of spots, but the atmosphere was creepy, the script was, well, much smarter than this one, and in spite of everything it was a lot of fun to watch, and not quite so heavyhanded with its message. I'm sorry, but this one was just painful and boring. Do yourself a favor and rent the much more enjoyable original film instead.
I apologize if I'm breaking the rules, but instead of reviewing the DVD package itself I'm going to complain about the way Amazon has described it. What exactly is on these disks? Instead, of a product description that lists all the titles, we get a set of incoherent movie reviews that mention fewer than half of them. I can't even read all the titles listed on the box cover because when I blow up the image a couple of them are still illegible. Why would I buy this set without knowing what's in it?
...than the brits for this sort of thing. worth it just for the stunning cinematography, location, and near-perfect art direction. yes, the dialogue and social depiction suffers slightly from anachronistic polyannaism: probably the upstairs folk not really that tolelrant, nor the downstairs ever so dastardly in their day. but the major fault is that the plot is just laboriously so very soap-opera-ish. rolled my eyes a lot. look to fellows' MONARCH OF THE GLEN for a similar effect: started strong, then got silly towards the end. honestly, disappointed the first season 6 hours didn't offer a conclusion; it would probably have made for much better writing choices. still, all in all a gorgeously entertaining piece.
The majority of 5 star reviews really made me want to see this movie. Unbelievable! 5 Star Reviews . . . REALLY? That MUST be a reflection of the immaturity of the viewers or the sheer ignorance of the viewers, it's hard to tell.While the theme and concept are good, the reality of REALITY is just ignored and create success in each pivotal scene just absurd. They're just not even remotely plausible. Liam's character seems to be a combination of a Navy Seal, James Bond, Batman, and maybe a tinge of the six million dollar man who never misses a shot, escapes all harm . . . effortlessly and just ridiculously cannot be stopped by machine guns or anything else. This makes me want to see a science fiction movie just so I can get a plausible story line.Interesting!
The Mark of CainAn excellent movie for many reasons, and you'll find multiple important themes.For me, this movie goes far beyond the current issues existing in the wars in Afghanistan and what I imagine happened in Iraq. From what I have read, this is common in all wars.The immense pressure to "go along" with others or suffer the consequences. But in this movie, the tale continues after the soldiers return home.Here, you will see how those who are lowest in status within their micro-society, the regiment, are sacrificed for the "good of the regiment." When in reality, it's the usual theme of people in various positions of power just covering their crimes and protecting their careers.For those who still believe in doing what is right, they are confronted with the power behind those who have essentially sold their souls.I highly recommend The Mark of Cain.
Really scary movies give me nighmares. Suspense thrillers make me think, "Can this really happen" like The Sixth Sense. If you have surround sound, this is an excellent movie to watch if you thrive on jumping during unexpected times.There's already tons of reviews out there to let you know what White Noise is about. This is my opinion of it.I find the idea of communicating with the deceased through EVP messaging (white noise on tv/radio) interesting although I was too chicken to learn more about it on the special feature section. The scenery was beautiful and I loved the architecture of the modern homes where Johnathon (Michael Keaton) lived. I watched through the credits (something I never do) to find out that this movie was filmed in Canda ~ very beautiful!White Noise is filled with suspense but the ending was a little cheesy and could have been better.
Don't get me wrong, I love this movie. So I thought that getting a newer copy of the DVD would be in my best interest. WRONG. The lip sync is 2 seconds off and the video is watermarked. The whole thing is just poor quality. I guess that's what I get for trying to save a buck!
I am a horror fanatic and was excited to see this follow-up to a pretty decent "I Know What You Did.." To say I was disappointed is an understatement. First of all, it should have been titled "I Still Know What You Did Two Summers Ago" or something. Secondly, this trash had more holes in it than Swiss Cheese. Third, it wasn't scary at all, just stupid. They tried to add twists, but they were very weak and dumb. The only people who liked this movie are NOT true horror fans and probably haven't hit puberty!
Out of this mediocre film I will only remember two of the songs,"Old Mac Donald" and "I love only one girl".The second one is an english version of the French oldie "Au pres de ma blonde" heard also in the Doris Day film "April in Paris".
The title sequence of "Getting Straight" conveys its one recurrent, noticeable flaw -- the opening credit ("A Film By the Organization," instead of "A Richard Rush Film"), the zoom out to an image of the Earth in space, the title of the film that wiggles down onto the screen like Sesame street graphics, and the Association-like folk band on the soundtrack (##"Oh, say, by the dawn's early light, can't you see?"##) are all symptoms of how terribly the film has aged.Many films from the late sixties and early seventies relied on "modish" camerawork (rack focus, soft focus, speed zooms, freeze frame) to convey the feel of their "era"... the true test of these films is their ability to withstand the test of time. (Consider, for example, "The Graduate" -- a film that will, I hope, be highly regarded and studied for decades).Bob Kaufman's script for "Getting Straight" is extremely well-polished, involving, funny, and, yes, relevant -- it does convey the transition from the revolutionary attitudes of the late sixties to the conservatism of the 1970s. And Elliott Gould gives a deliciously over-the-top performance.But the trick camerawork (by Laszlo Kovacs) calls attention to itself -- he films a number of super-pretentious shots, including one shot up through the bottom of a typewriter, and another shot where he rack focuses about eight times, without cutting once. This is pure, unadulterated seventies camerawork -- and incredibly irritating.One interesting sidelight of the film: a bit part from Harrison Ford, at about twenty-years-old, as a hippie.The college riot scenes function well as social documents, but when you consider Haskell Wexler's outstanding, X-rated "Medium Cool," where Wexler actually filmed the riots at the '68 Democratic national convention and sent his actors into the middle of the crowd, somehow this staged film isn't quite as impressive.
So what happened to Selma Blair's character? It is her search for self-discovery that spins Greg Kinnear's into all that follows for the rest of the film. Every role gets a development and conclusion -- except the lesbian? A filmmaker who starts something he can't handle shouldn't bother looking through the lens to begin with.
This is a movie that is fast paced fun but without any subtlety at all; it is just nonstop action where the plot serves to further the character development that is the essence of the story. In addition, the plot increasingly strains credulity as the story evolves, so you just have to accept the premise and go with the flow as the twists and turns eventually lead to a somewhat contrived feel good ending. Nevertheless, the performances are first rate, and Ridley Scott keeps the story moving rapidly along so that the almost two hours seems to fly by.As the movie begins, we meet Roy Walker, marvelously played by Nicholas Cage, and Frank Mercer (Sam Rockwell) as these two partners engage in one of the many flim flams which enable them to successfully con a gullible couple out of a few hundred dollars. Frank believes that he has located a mark in Chuck Frechette (Bruce McGill) who they can scam for several thousand dollars, but Roy is unwilling to proceed and would rather consistently hit the smaller marks as a safer strategy. Integral to the storyline is that Roy suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder, and a lot of the early movie is Nicholas Cage wonderfully portraying Roy's neuroses and their effect on his life and chosen career. Roy's search for a new analyst unites him with Dr. Klein (Bruce Altman), who forces Roy to delve into his past in an attempt to try to treat his problems rather than just mask the symptoms through medication. Thus, Roy meets a daughter Angela (Alison Lohman) who he never knew existed (from a failed marriage) and the plot complications begin. The relationship convinces him that he should make one big score and then retire; meanwhile she becomes fascinated with his life, wants to learn how to run a con, and seems to be a natural. As you can undoubtedly imagine, once the background setting is established the plot quickly becomes complicated. I will stop there, since to reveal more of the storyline would detract from the enjoyment of watching the action evolve, which is undoubtedly one of the best elements of watching a film of this genre.The plot twists are quite clever, and the casting is first rate. While Nicholas Cage is clearly the star of this film, Rockwell's and Lohman's characters are well developed and the credibility of their performances are integral to the film's success. However, while I chose to round up my rating to four stars, there are a few serious flaws that kept this film from living up to its potential. First, the director not only wants to tell a story, but deliver a message, and the somewhat contrived ending allows him to do that in a feel good but very superficial manner. More importantly, the cumulative probability of the coincidences that were necessary for the scam to work was so low that no true scam artist would have expected them to occur. Thus, while I was totally absorbed while watching the film, my reaction afterward with regard to several of the crucial elements was disbelief. I felt - wait a minute, how could that have really been arranged? So I recommend this film if you want to watch a fun movie with an ingenious plot and several surprising twists. You'll have an enjoyable time as long as you don't expect it to adhere to a realistic scenario.Tucker Andersen
TCMTB is one of the most brutal movies I've seen, and by that I mean brutal in a good way. I've seen worse violence on film, but yet this movie strikes me as more hardcore than most horror movies. I'm not a fan of movies like Cannibal Hollocost and Ginniepig, but I like my horror and gore, and The Beginning is right up my alley. With the beautiful photography combined with gruesome actions and terrifying soundtrack, The Beginning stands out as one of my favorite slashers of all time. I'm pushing it a bit, but I would go as far as calling it an instant classic....That said, I'm really tired at the moment, and maybe I would feel different after a couple of hours sleep...But as you might figured... I really loved this film.... :)
A bold claim, I know. But, what Breaking Bad did well in Season 1 (maybe better than anything else on at that time as well) it ramps up and hits its stride in Season 2. There may be shows that do "comedy" better, "drama" better, "buddy-interaction" better, but when all the ingredients are cooked up in the Breaking Bad kitchen, its sum is even better than its high-quality parts.There is a tension throughout Breaking Bad, even in the smallest things, that makes the show at times exhausting, but it has a perfection to all 13 episodes that I can't recall in many years of TV. There are a lot of quality shows on these days, and if you read my review of Season 1, you'll know I firmly believe it is the Golden Age of television. Still, there are breakout shows that trump even the greats, and this little 13 episode series about a meth-cooking terminal high school chemistry teacher manages to bring a depth to it that I don't think the most high-dollar, CGI effect, big-name actor shows and movies can touch. Its quality from the intro to the ending, and it demonstrates with virtuoso precision the interconnectedness that our lives and actions have on everything else, a lesson to be learned for certain.
So when this program started back in 2005, I was into it, but sort of was in the state of mind where I could have forgotten to watch an episode and wouldn't have bothered catching up. You know, dangerous TV-watching ground. But last year, I decided after watching the first season (and thinking it was good but not great) that I would buy the first season and watch it all at once. Since I missed season 2 on television, I decided that once I'd watched all of season 1, I'd buy season 2 and jump right in.Which is exactly what I did.And I freakin' LOVED it!!It's been a year, but in those 4 and a bit weeks (where I watched one episode every weeknight), I was so glued to my TV set that I would tap my fingers watching the clock at 4:49pm, waiting to get home so I could watch the next episode. I suppose in such a tempting situation I'm lucky I didn't just ruin it and watch it all in one gigantic go.What you have here is the epitome of excellent television. It seriously rivals the first season of 24. Michael and Lincoln's escape from the law is fast paced, and every episode ends on a cliffhanger.One of the things I loved about this season was that everybody kept dying. Well, not just that. Everything kept changing. Main characters were offed. Their locations were different in every episode. New characters popped in and out (including a particularly psychotic detective hot on their trail who isn't out to re-capture them, but to clearly - and sometimes quite successfuly - kill them all). The 2 dimensional characters who were merely misguided inmates in the first season were suddenly morphed into desperate, frightened people with hearts and loves, who only wanted their right to freedom. Take C-Note for instance (his storyline in particular intrigued me).And Sarah... well, she went from monotonous prison doctor to Sydney Bristow in the blink of an eye. Sarah Tencredi was the one character who held my attention the most throughout the series, I just couldn't believe what she did/went through to survive. But that's another story.The last episode of season 2, though, is a little bit of a let-down personally, but it sets things up for season 3, which I haven't seen yet.
It was awesome to see Jack Bauer back in action after a year of waiting! 3 years after season 6, Jack is living in Africa helping a friend, Carl Benton run a school for rescued war orphans. When the children are being forced to become soldiers, Jack steps in to kill the bad guys! The movie takes place on Inauguration Day where Allison Taylor is being sworn in as President. It's an awesome build up to the next season. If you love 24, you'll love 24: REDEMPTION!!!
It`s hillarous and it`s got great music.I saw it 3 times and i want to see it again.
GREAT PAGEANTRY..The Red Earth Festival. Indians proudly representing their native tribes in Dance. Seeing all the beautiful colors in their fantastic costumes was a spectacular sight. Many of these costumes are made with beads and feathers as they demonstrate their many kinds of dance. There is the CHICKEN DANCE which is a jerking action of the neck, The womens SHAWL DANCE preformed in their very beautiful colored shawls, and there is the JINGLE DANCE. This is indian CULTURE, TRADITION, and BEAUTY. You will also see a competition display of Indian Art, BASKETRY, SCULPTURE, JEWELRY, and PAINTINGS. I have given this documentary just 4 stars, I think for a fine documentary such as this, the picture quality could have been a little better.
24 is like going to the movies but it's a television programme & the made for t.v movie redemption is no exception . It sets up series 7 very well , the movie is 2 hours set in real time which works very well & is a test case as they look to put 24 on the big screen , the test case worked a treat so look for 24 the movie at cinemas in the next few years " can't wait " .
This film is a pastiche of several short films about love in its various incarnations in NYC. If this premise sounds familiar that's because it's produced by the same people as Paris, Je T'Aime. New York, I Love You has more A-List clout (James Caan, Orlando Bloom, Shia LeBouf, Christina Ricci, Ethan Hawk, Natalie Portman, Andy Garcia, Bradley Cooper, and many more) and the short films interweave much more fluidly than its Parisian predecessor. It's a magical movie experience with a lot of humor, a lot of heart, and a slight wisp of sadness thrown in for good measure (no such thing as love without sorrow to some degree). Bottom line is you don't have to love New York in order to love this film--but it doesn't hurt.
I had a lot of fun watching this movie. The three kids actually acted their age! Teasing each other, casually misusing their power until they were forced into recognizing that they could hurt others. The growth of their powers and their relationships with each other was just really well portrayed. Andrew and Steve were people that clicked after re-encountering each other in a stressful situation. Steve opening up to Andrew was just really well done.You could totally see the inspiration for Chronicle in the progression of the movie, as it really reminded me of that awe-inspiring anime, Akira. Kids playing with their powers, then using them to become "cool" and escalating from there! Fun fun movie!
My husband and I went and seen this play live and it was another wonderful play by Tyler Perry. He is amazing and always right on point. This is a must see and I will definetly be buying the dvd in january.
This show, 24, is the best writing ever in the entire world and in the entire history of television writing. These days the rest of Television is just the most dispicible flop shows but 24 is ethical, leaves out the porno and the language is honorable all of which the rest of TV has left me with the turning to news because the entertainment shows have gotten so indecent in their language. 24, even if they wrote a season that was less than we have seen, would be so far better than the rest of television. They could run for 50 years and still be interesting, exciting and leaving the person on the edge of their seat unable to even get out of the chair to go and get a snack.Each season of 24 is written so well that when things get bad you think it couldn't get any worse and it does - and when you think it couldn't get any worse than that it does, and it so many twists that you think the writers couldn't possibly think of another twist and they do. I can hardly wait until December 4 when season 6 is released because I'll be there to sit for 24 hours to watch unable to get out of my chair.Oh, if you haven't started watching the seasons yet start with season One. You also had better wait until you have two days off from work because you won't be able to turn off the television until you have seen the last scene and you will be left wishing there were more. You will be lucky because you will have 5 more seasons to watch. I'm always left waiting until the next December waiting for the next season and then I'm sad because I have to wait another year. AHA...such is life. I wish there were another series that were as good as that so I wouldn't have to wait so long for something interesting made for television.KC
Good character study but not nearly as funny as I expected; especially with Cruz winning the Oscar for best supporting actress in a comedy.
This movie had a great storyline but the ending was a little harsh, especially for younger viewers. Despite the ending I felt as though it was an interesting movie and would recommend it to others.
For my wife and I to go to the movies we need to arrange for a sitter for the kids and that is usually my mother. We don't ask often and therefore make the most of our movie time. Simply put we want those two hours back! This was horrible. I couldn't wait for them to start dying. I love horror movies when the audience can't see the cause of the terror, but this did not instill any fear. We found ourselves annoyed at the obnoxious characters, the terrible camera work and a painfully weak story. The only thing this movie proved is that you don't have to spend a lot of money to waste money. I can't believe this scared anyone and I question those that it did. My prayers are with you.
I did not watch this movie, but overheard it in the next room as my girls watched it. The movie may be 99% wholesome and appropriate, but there is one line in it that is so offensive and over the top that I cannot recommend it to anybody. It is where these pre-teens who have arranged a date for their dad, broach the topic of "safe sex" with him. He says something like "I'm 40 years old and know what I'm doing." Excuse me?I don't know the plot. Are the dad and his date divorced? Are they widowed? I don't know - but in the real world children do not get so geeked about their parent having premarital sex with someone that is not their parent. The fact is that most children of divorce wish their parents would get back together and are horrified about their parents (especially the parent of the opposite sex) sleeping with someone else. And if the children are "modern" and "resilient" as this movie's stars are portrayed, still they tend to cope with the topic of parental sex with a non-parent by not thinking about it.My kids seemed to really enjoy this movie. But I am offended that a "G" movie would imply the normality of discussion about sex-with-a-non-parent between children of divorce and their parents. Our society looks the other way at the emotional toll divorce exacts on its children, and the looseness with which we portray sexuality. Family courts, divorce attorneys, and some counselors give us "happy talk" about how divorce can actually be a good thing for kids. Apparently now "G" rated movies can be added to the list.
Be cautious about downloading because it never was able to show anything because of the buffering. I needed to show my students this video, but had to make other plans so in truth I have no idea how the video is as far as quality.
This movie tried to be funny and had a fast flow to it but I couldn't engage with it. After 15 minutes I turned it off. Boring and lacking in laughs. OVERALL GRADE: C minus.
No studio executive would ever admit that directors of music videos and commercials - who they often engage in thrift - seldom transition well to feature filmmaking. Preoccupied with the technical aspects of a production larger than what they're accustomed to, most of them are ill-equipped to properly attend to plot and characterization; as a result, these commercial craftsmen usually turn out attractive, ultimately superficial movies. However, British director Jonathan Glazer - whose prior work consists of memorable music videos for Radiohead, Massive Attack and Blur - imparts surprising depth to his first feature-length picture. Birth is virtually gimmick-free, filled with gorgeous long takes and lengthy static close-ups in order to develop tension and facilitate his gifted cast. Too few contemporary filmmakers actually give their performers sufficient space to act, but Glazer's uncommon treatment of the medium is almost Soviet in its execution.Waif-thin, sporting a red pixie cut and a tremulous, nasal American accent, Nicole Kidman looks and sounds more than a bit like Mia Farrow in Rosemary's Baby as a Manhattanite widow. Her engagement to her desperately devoted fiancé (Danny Huston) is disrupted by a child (Cameron Bright) who claims to be the reincarnation of her dead husband. Exhibiting an inexplicable knowledge of their relationship, the boy's presence throws the betrothal into turmoil and bewilders the couple's family and friends. For the uninitiated, it's best not to know any more of the story, which amounts to little even after a novel plot twist, but prompts great performances from its leads and distinguished supporting cast (Lauren Bacall, Peter Stormare, Anne Heche). Furthermore, this film's characters are subordinate to its themes: in spite of popular Corinthian assertion, love can be jealous, obsessive and cruelly unrequited, often in relations where this dynamic is neither recognized nor expected.Of course, this picture was destined to fail miserably in the States. Despite Harris Savides' exquisite photography and a novel score by prolific composer Alexandre Desplat, most Americans can't handle Glazer's profound deliberation or a scene in which a grown woman bathes nude with a ten-year-old. Nonetheless, this is a sleeper that's well worth waking.
this movie dont make any sense at all one of dumb segal action movie where he never get hurt when he is shot at 115 times. the only good part its the credit where they show that fat comdeian in a talk show but thats only 4 mins this movie aint worth it.
Having purchased this movie without ever having seen it, I was a little apprehensive that I would wind up disappointed. David Copperfield is without question one of my top 3 all tme favorite novels, and I was really hoping to see it done the justice I feel it is owed. The BBC did not let me down.The beautiful scenery, and the phenomanol performances blend together to bring the novel to life with all the color and richness Dickens deserves. I personnally loved the performances of Hoskins as Micawber, and Maggie Smith simply steals every scene she is in playing the eccentric Betsy Trotwood. Also big Kudos I thought to Trevor Eve for his brilliant portrayal of the truly despised Mr. Murdstone.I can only hope any future film versions of this novel can live up to this one.
Along with Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine, Religulous ranks as one of the most deceptive portrayals of any subject matter as presented in a modern day mockumentary. Since he seems incapable of simply presenting a compelling case directly, Maher relies on video manipulation and sarcasm to pretend he is making a irrefutable point. Many times he asks someone what he wants viewers to think is a "gotcha" question, then cuts the scene before the person can fully reply or even reply at all. Other times it is apparent that a scene has been modified so that the person he is interviewing just sits dumbfounded and speechless after another Maher "zinger", when it is obvious that a clip from a different part of the interview has been edited in instead of the response.Add to this using some of the kookiest representatives for different religions, as well as overlaying mocking text to distract from a half complete interview and you one have of the most pointless attempts of examining a subject that really does need a deeper look.Viewers who are fans of Bill Maher or those who already follow his philosophy will be profoundly moved by this massive cow pie. But any thinking person who is looking to further understand the topic of religion and it's flaws will likely be staring at the screen with their mouths agape by the time the end credits roll.
I ordered this DVD for my private collection by choosing "seanmart" as a provider. I never ordered anything from this provider bhefore, but I must say that "seanmart" provided excellent and expeditious service. I got my DVD in perfect condition two days after I ordered it! I recommend the move and using "seanmart" to all customers.
All that I'm going to say about this 'film' other than what the title of this review has implied, is that there is absolutely nothing in this film that qualifies as something redeemable. It is wholly bereft of anything that resembles comedy, talent, or taste. When I saw this film, honestly, after it was over, I felt physically ill. Yes, it's that bad. And it apparently can be hazardous to your health. Avoid it at all costs.
Has quite a few interesting innovation, but it is so stupid, I had to force myself to watch it and I could not even finish it.
I was very pleased to find this movie on DVD. It was one of my favorites in High School! Thanks for the speedy and cost effective service!
Hollywood sure has a knack for building up great possibilities and then knocking them down with weak delivery. David Mamet has skills, don't get me wrong. State and Main was very entertaining. And the acting in the Heist is quite convincing. So the blame rests squarely on Mamet's head. He tries so hard to twist and trick you, usually unsuccessfully, that you end up being annoyed every time the truth is revealed. Sadly, the devices that Mamet uses that could have elevated this film to true excellence fail miserably. The quirky lines are delivered like 'One Night at the Roxbury' pick up lines; the heist itself has holes you could fly a Swiss jet through; and the pacing of the scenes where someone is getting conned are painfully laborious. Finally, the big switcheroo ending made me actually say 'puh-leeez' outloud. Perhaps if the any of the seven (!) producers actually watched this film all the way through, they would have realized that it needed a lot of trimming. This is a somewhat entertaining film that could have been great. Kudos to Theodore Shapiro for an excellent film score. I am looking forward to all of the movie reviewers that will make some sort of 'heist' pun. Perhaps 'Steal this movie.....'
Ok let's theoretically say that a bunch of astronauts get stranded in their space shuttle in space. In real life, they would 1)Play the hero and try to land their busted space shuttle, 2)Ask Nasa to send up another one, to pick 'em up and take 'em down.....oh wait how can I be so silly, Nasa, that deprived, third-world nation space agency only has one space shuttle. Oh then everything makes (non)sense. Avoid this movie like the plague. It's more fun to watch rocks grow. If it it were possible to give this movie a 0 star review I'd do it.
Sara is lovely, genuinely nice, small wonder she got so much work. No doubt her future is even brighter than her smile. (No, I'm not a friend or relative.)
Perhaps that viewer from Spain and a lot of realistic viewers lost the major point this, and i would say, every film has: you go to movies to be transported to another world, to watch dreams come alive. That was the whole point of Hitchcock's masterpiece, who was always very interested in surreal signs and in the world of dreams. You can't go to see Vertigo with a notebook writing down every single flaw because the sensation the movie transmits is what really matters. Vertigo to me, is mainly a surrealistic movie which uses the argument as an excuse to communicate all the hidden secrets that lie in our subconscious. Hitchcock uses camera work, and all the tricks in his magic hat. by the way how can anyone criticize Vertigo without mentioning its music? This is one of the best soundtracks ever written by another genius, Bernard Herrmann. So keep it in mind: if you are a mathematician who likes to see "perfect" arguments and cant understand the feelings of an art work, please accompany the Spaniard to that parade he is talking about, meanwhile I'll be watching Vertigo again.
Gotta say, this was pretty horrid. Only one good song in the whole thing. Nice concept I guess. Only die hard Phantom fans would bother with this.
A vivid and comic look at dour Britain in the early 50's, just as Princess Elizabeth (the future Queen) is about to get married. Local celebrations are hampered by food rationing - and a stolen pig becomes the centre of attention. Lizzie Smith as the old mum is brilliant, Richard Griffiths excellent (he is in "Withnail and I" too) and Dame Maggie Smith as Michael Palin's wife is just right.Denholm Eliot, as a local bigwig, is a revelation. Buy it! Pity it's not on DVD.
Yes, it's fun to go treasure hunting in abandoned storage units. But it's good to keep in mind this stuff did not just pop up from nowhere. Behind the scenes are other people's losses. According to California law, 'abandoned' means just three months of unpaid rent. Why would anyone abandon a unit full of property - coin collections, restaurant equipment - unless due to some personal tragedy, death, prison, illness? I would have more respect for this show if they occasionally went and interviewed the people who were forced to give up these units, and learned why. That would be more of a true "reality" program and not just a vulture program.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is one of the weirdest movies that I've ever seen. It's also one of the most moving. The basic plot of the movie is this: A shy Joel (Carrey) meets the outgoing Clementine (Winslet), and the two fall in love. After a horrible fight/break up, Clementine undergoes a procedure that erases Joel from her memory. In the heat of anger, Joel himself signs up for a similar procedure. However, mid-way through the erasure, he changes his mind. The viewer is granted an opportunity to inhabit Joel's mind as he tries to hold on to the final shreds of his love with Clementine.The movie interestingly explores themes relating to love. When you really love someone, and the realtionship ends badly, you ARE tempted to wish the whole mess had never happened. This movie shows us what a tragedy it would be if our wishes were granted.I thought Jim Carrey did a fabulous job in this film; I don't think I've seen him turn in such a layered performance in anything else he's ever done. It's just such an original concept - the thought that you could erase people, places, things, from your memory. But if you erase things that bring you pain, you also erase some of the joy out of your life. And you erase part of who you are. If you erase your mistakes, you don't learn from them. And you don't grow stronger because of them.
I rented this movie thinking it would be a great suspense film as I had heard. To my dismay... the movie was like an independent film. Although there is some great acting, it was as difficult to sit through as the Blair Witch Project. Basically I asked for my money back.
this is a very lively telling of the origins of the pony express mail routes,full of action, indians, stagecoaches et al i could even cope with the really irritating charlton heston ,the female stars,the beautiful rhonda fleming and the plain but feisty jan sterling are what give this movie its edge.sterling has the slimmest waist ever seen on the screen!!The real suprise after looking for a copy of this movie for many years is that olive films have released a perfect colour print,crisp clear and vivid,which make it a joy to watch.. as is their other recent western release"the jayhawkers"in short if you like colourful action westerns its well worth the money.
This movie is made very nice. funny, action, songs, romance, three of the best things, lol. Its an indian comedy made in china.
This is a great movie. I have never been interested in India but this movie introduced me to the cultural and the wonderful people of this country. The story is engaging and once "Mr. Toad" (Todd) immerses himself into the ways of India does he begin to appreciate and love the people and their goodness. He begins to care about them and they in-turn appreciate him. Of course there is a romantic plot. Sasha works for the company and she is intelligent and very capable but until Todd tells her that she never truly believed that about herself.I wish they would have made an "Outsourced 2" to see if they ever get together (as Sasha is betrothed to another), but I guess they will leave that up to our imaginations.
Yes, very good movie and scary!! You must see it and don't be scream hahaahah!
"Amores Perros" (Love Is a Bitch) has three stories which intersect at several points, most notably at the site of a deadly automobile crash. All three segments have dogs as a key element, and each is about hopeless love. In the first story two brothers share a dog and a wife. One brother uses their rottweiler in vicious dog fights (viewers beware), and the married brother works in and robs pharmacies on the side.The second story concerns a super model and her older boyfriend who has deserted his wife. Her little lap dog gets trapped under some flooring, and all hell breaks loose.In the third story a bearded street person with a pack of loyal dogs was a revolutionary and is currently a hired hitman. He tries to get in touch with his daughter who believes him dead.In this devastating movie none of the characters are particularly admirable. It's exceptionally well done and well-acted, but be prepared for a downer. Mexico City is the milieu for the action. The movie sometimes moves back and forth in time so we see events reenacted from another angle; a feature that makes the narrative more exciting.Each of the dog owners reacts differently. Is it a dog-eat-dog world we're living in? This is a film well worth watching.
I just have one question. WHY, WHY, WHY, in the name of the all the powers that be, is this movie not yet on DVD??? I was about 15 the first time I saw Licence to Drive and, apart from finding it an absolutely brilliant move, I also fell instantly in love with Cory Haim! I'm now in my 20's and I'm dying to add it to my DVD collection and for the last couple of years I've been checking the internet regularly to see if it's been released on DVD but still no luck! This is a movie that anyone of any age can enjoy and it's a crime that it seems to have been forgotten about.
One more reason why sequels so seldom work. Kris Kristopherson should have stayed dead. This movie is more like "A tribute to Wesley Snipes". The storyline is weak, the plot thin, and if the producers had actually ever read the comic book this was based on, it might have had some promise. The only thing going for this movie is action, probably to cover the pitiful dialogue. If you are looking for a bloodbath, you found it and that's about all. The first Blade was good, Blade II is redundant.
Rosewood is a great movie!! The cast is well directed, and the subjectmatter is not sugar-coated, so get ready for racial violence & prejudice typical of the early 1900's.Now, as for the DVD, I HATE IT!! For some strange reason, Warner Brothers felt the need to split the movie into halves, so that you have to turn the disc over during the movie!! What's up with that ?? The VHS version is on one tape, and this DVD lacks any special bonus features to warrant a 'mono layered' disc.They did the same thing to the great'Goodfells' movie, so try to read DVD specs on the back of any Warner Brothers case.They have a habit of making lackuster DVDs!!
Well, there go those abominable Europeans again, messing up the pristine Bornean wilderness with their self-hatred, greed, corruption, racism, and sexual perversion! Not what the dvd cover appears to promise? Definitely not. For while prospective viewers are lured by images of an adventurous romance in exotic climes, the film delivers absolutely nothing beyond a sordid wallow in decadence, degradation, and hopelessness. The female protagonist, who is described by her man as "so beautiful", is instead a dowdy, dumpy, frazzled frump who can't even seem to keep her sweaty, greasy, stringy hair out of her face. Her sloppy clothes are perpetually rumpled, damp-looking, and dirty. Her fingernails are filthy, though she does little else but sprawl about while her live-in is away surveying the tropical forest. Why this slattern bothers with a corset is anyone's guess, unless the director had her don it as a symbol of European antifeminism.The post's other two women--as well as the jungle-trekking male protagonist--look like they stepped out of a band box in comparison. Of course, one of the females wears her dead husband's underwear, and the other does nasty things with her former ward. But what can one expect of uncivilized Europeans? Well, to answer that--drunkenness, prostitution, theft, battery, murder, and suicide.It's difficult to discern whether the acting is good in this movie because the actors do little besides listlessly plodding or lolling about. The sex scenes are wooden, abortive, and/or downright disgusting. Obviously, the audience is meant to feel no sympathy for the main characters. They are, after all, Europeans.
Despite the recent creation of this Charles Dickens' dramatization, it feels as if it were done decades ago. The acting quality, the cinematography, the picture quality just didn't give the reality one expects now for classic novel dramatizations.
It was the best movie. The play was at the end of the movie instead of in the beginning. It wasn't very true to the first 3 books. but if you never read the books you would still understand.It was a VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERY GOOD movie
I have been waiting for this film to be released in theatrers or on DVD--it gets 5 stars automatically --It is not an insult to say that it may not be as great as Pontecorvo'sbut I am told it deals with Setif-- my father was there and watched on May 8th in horror and though a doctor was prevented from helping the Algerians who were being butcheredI will check comments from time to time--to see about theatrical release--I have alerted Amazon about DVD release
THis is filth! Liberal FILTH! I mean come on! The Grudges are represented horridly! They have rights too ya know! They are HUMANS TOO! TO make a movie exploting them like this is sick! I hope any one who sees this gets castrated and thrown in the desert! I have talked to numerous Grudges and all of them seem nice and friendly. Why theres mama grudge and papa grudge and even Tiny TIm Grudge! I AM SICK OF LIBERAL AMERICA! Now excue me, I am watching a movie of substance......Showgirls!
This movie is the parallel of what it would be like if a gay person would become if kept in the closet all his life, to become a monster. During the movie, there is a Clark Kent/Superman type of thing going between the main leads, cause whenever the macho lead has his glasses taken off, the woman falls hopelessly in a love like trance, until he immediately puts them back on to his former Clark Kent state, and she is again, normal. The monster rampages throughout the movie with no hope in sight of destroying in my any scientific means or army approach, but it takes the lovelorn look of the monster to view the leading man by accident without his specs to fall head over heels. This makes the monster travel on a doomed trek to the capital of homosexuality, San Francisco, where he finally runs out of steam, and collapses with the continuing seductive eyes of a very unafraid male captive who suddenly becomes released back to heterosexual freedom.Apart from the gay innuendo of a tortured monster not being able to find true love until the end, this movie ranks as your local station channel fodder.
thought it was a great movie an layed out well, an excellent choice for family . action keeps going on an keeps ya thinking
This movie is a little different than I thought it would be. Surprises, so funny, just watch it and enjoy. I would recommend it to all my friends.
I'll admit it, I decided to watch this film for the express purpose of hating it. It just sounded so stupid and self-important, I had to check it out. And midway thru the film I was a little concerned; it was ridiculously single-minded and repetitive and populated with shallow cardboard cutout characters, but it wasn't as offensively stupid as I'd anticipated. It was a solid C movie at that point. Fortunately, 'Crash' went COMPLETELY to hell in the second half with a bunch of hopelessly implausible, utterly asinine and unintentionally comic episodes. Let me assure you, the second half of this movie is one long guffaw. I anticipated being angry at this film, but it's almost charmingly moronic and cheap. Almost. I *am* angry, however, at the people who are labeling this a great film. I particularly enjoy Roger Ebert's defense he wrote for it a while ago, where he's just short of saying that yes, it is an utterly moronic, hopelessly manipulative piece of junk, but it has GOOD INTENTIONS!!! dammit, so take your damn medicine! I especially love the great language people use to rename the worst aspects of `Crash': These aren't shallow, cliched characters, they're `archetypes', this movie isn't a bunch of simplistic, contrived scenarios, it's a series of `parables'. (Yeah, 20 parables, each of which has exactly the same message. And parables aren't exactly known for their dramatic value either. And finally, parables are at least vaguely symbolic; these scenarios aren't) Of course, they've gotta do this, cause if they described it accurately it'd sound like a terrible film, sound like the sorta film they'd all pan if it weren't a VERY IMPORTANT FILM!!!!! The critics are correct, however, in saying that most of the performances are excellent, but the movie is just too idiotic and manipulative allow this to really help any. In a way it makes it worse, to see these people put the effort into such an absurd farce of a film.Yes, this movie does contain the thrilling, shocking message that RACISM IS BAD! People think this movie is gonna reduce racial tension? Give me a frickin' break. First of all, no movie ever really changes anyone, and second, it doesn't even really make any sort of intelligible statement. People are racist, the film says, and that makes bad things happen, or it at least makes bad things happen in the hilarious fantasy land of 'Crash', where everyone is a raving lunatic. That is absolutely all their is to it. There is no real discussion of racism in this film whatsoever. But, surprisingly, it isn't the shallow, heavy handed message which gets to me. It's the fact that in order to facilitate this supposed message they created some of the most dramatically lame scenes imaginable.This movie doesn't really have a plot, actually, it's mostly just a pile of random scenes and coincidences. I don't mind this in and of itself, really, but most of the individual scenarios prove to be very stupid, and again, exactly the same. The characters are absurdly flat and simplistic, though they do all show a tendency to behave in a manner utterly inconsistent with that which we saw earlier: The ravingly racist cop risks his life to save a black woman in a staggeringly melodramatic scene, (the scene where the movie really went to hell, by the way); the calm, arguably cowardly black man flips out and takes on a couple of armed thieves and whole pack of cops and so on. The film has a ton of characters, so they couldn't have fleshed them out much, but Haggis doesn't even seem to try.But, again, up until the midpoint the film is just kinda stupid and simple-minded, but not really offensively bad. It's repetitious, as it's just people being racist or complaining about racism and so on, but it's still all right. But then when Haggis tries to make things come together, oh my god! The second half of this film has 3 major climactic scenes which are just unbearable, the latter 2 of which are amongst the weakest scenes of all-time. First we've got the aforementioned racist cop and black woman whom he molested earlier scene. This scene is just so amusing because it's unbelievably operatic, as if I care about either of these losers. Let `em burn. The real rock-bottom centerpiece of the film, the scene that really earns it the resounding F, is the confrontation between Daniel and the Iranian shop owner. I don't wanna specifically spoil it, but this is by far the most manipulative scene I can think of in any film I've ever seen. I could see where it might be going, and I thought, no, no way Haggis thinks this little of me. No way he'd use such a low, obvious tactic, such easy, forced emotion. And then he actually does it, and what's more he shot it in such an over the top fashion that I actually laughed aloud at the climactic, supposedly tragic moment. And then, after all that, he uses a ridiculous cop out, unwilling to go through with the forced emotional manipulation that he just thrust on the audience. Seriously, this scene is so bad that I wanna hit Paul Haggis in the face. He deserves it. And then we've got another major scene where Phillipe's character picks up a hitchhiker that is just so stupidly, contrived, and all based on the sort of bullsh*t movie miscommunication that never happens in the real world that it just really makes me angry. (And it also involves characters behaving in a way utterly incosistent with what we've seen earlier.) Shortly thereafter the movie just ends, kinda randomly, what with it's not having a central plot or anything, and thank god. The rest of the film was just kind of foolish and inconsequential, but man, that stuff just really irritates me. How about you get to work on a `Walker: Texas Ranger' film Haggis. (Which he created, amusingly enough.) You ain't prepared to deal with serious topics.Uhh, what a pathetic joke this film is. Just when you thought mainstream film criticism couldn't get any more ridiculous they go around declaring this laughable PC pap one of the best films of the year. [sigh]Grade: F
Was not expecting a great movie, just a simple action movie. Even though I knew the movie was bad based on the reviews I've read before watching the movie, I could not imagine it was going to be so bad. Terrible movie overall.Do not get fooled by the trailer of the movie.
Very entertaining for all... Kiddy and adult, with humour, friendly....I would say that this is a rare gem,for a sequel it actually manages to surpass the first instalment...z. Very good indeed.
I really enjoyed the Theatrical release of Payback. However, I heard at the time that it was not the intended version of the film. Upon seeing this version, you can understand how different those versions are. This is a leaner, meaner version of the film, and it gets rid of the silly, rotary car phones, for instance. Definitely pick this up if you're a fan of Payback.
Where the Buffalo Roam: Taken from the writings of Hunter S. Thompson' "Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas"....This was a typical Bill Murray film....Full of slapstick and innuendo....With the addition of Mr Peter Boyle (The monster in Young Frankenstein) it was a "Cast of Two"....The script stayed much closer to the original writings than the later Johnny Depp film "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"....Although, I would say that Depp's performance showed a much scarier side of Thompson....A must see for those who remember doing those "uppers and downers, screamers and shouters"....Please do yourself a favor and read the book first....You will have a better understanding of where Hunter is coming from....red
Watch Malle's "May Fools" (Milou En Mai) instead-- similar theme, but much better. I like Bunuel's work for the most part, but I thought this one a dud. Later, after picking up the Region 2 Louis Malle vol 2 collection which has Milou En Mai, I enjoyed all the films and thought Milou En Mai would be better named, "The Discreet Charm Of The Bourgeoisie"...
Movie addresses what we in the military have know for a long time that sexual assaul has been running rampant and some our our leaders are the perpetrators as well as accessories to the crime. I hope now that's its out in the open more leaders will stand up and pledge I will not be a perpetrator of these actions and I will use the UCMJ to effectively punish those within my command who commit this crime against our service men and women.
Since I have all the CLOSURE episodes--had followed Brenda's "adventures"--I wondered how the transition would work.It works. The old CLOSURE crew has stepped up to take the lead in cases. Mary McDonnell in her role has becomea facilitator AND incisive thinker. We saw her in the past as a strong driving woman. We now have been shown another sideof her--one softer and caring. VERY nice! I'm anxious to see more of Major Crimes. The story lines remain strong andinteresting.
I was severely disheartened to see my current favorite actress, Catherine Keener, involved in such a juvenile, vulgar and surprisingly unfunny movie. To her credit, it was mostly tolerable when she was on screen. I can only hope that she was not aware of how badly improvised this movie would be and accepted based on some other factor.This may appeal to 15-year-old virgins since they may find the quality of humor directly proportional to the amount of expletives used. I was merely annoyed and bored.
it looks amazing in HD. the whole of downton abbey seems tangible. the expressions on the actors are timeless. much better than attempting to pick up PBS with rabbit ears.
WAGONS EAST was a sad epitaph to John Candy's career. The plot is good, but the screenplay is terrible. Sadly, Candy passed away during the last two weeks of filming. At the time the film company announced that Candy's scenes were already completed and in the can, but the reality is that John Candy is inexplicably missing from a couple of scenes. His absence is most notable in the "Snow in Summertime" scene. A padded stand-in wearing Candy's buckskins is seen sauntering away in the background, but John Candy is nowhere to be seen at the critical fireplace dialogue.Filmed in Mexico, WAGONS EAST is a BLAZING SADDLES wanna-be. Instead it looks more like a low-budget television movie. Actor Ed Lauter plays the bad guy. Unfortunately, his stereotypical character is almost a rip-off of Kirk Douglas' accident prone heavy in 1979's comedy THE VILLAIN. Lauter has been in television and movies a long time. He appeared in both versions of THE LONGEST YARD. He could have found a better cinematic vehicle than this.The story is simply this: The residents of a lackluster western town decide that it was a mistake to ever move west. They hire John Candy to lead them back east. Unfortunately, the publicity generated by this eastward march causes influential land speculators to panic. As such, they attempt to foil returning settlers plans by sending a professional bad guy to intercept them.Much as I enjoy John Candy movies, this one is a disappointment. I cannot even say that it was good to see Candy on the big screen again as he appeared to be laboring through each scene. In Candy's last two films, CANADIAN BACON and WAGON'S EAST, he sported a scraggily beard. This was not the same energetic John Candy from STRIPES, BREWSTER'S MILLIONS, SPLASH, UNCLE BUCK, PLANES, TRAINS & AUTOMOBILES, ONLY THE LONELY, or SUMMER RENTAL.Okay, enough bashing the film. The DVD is very affordable and if you are a John Candy fan, then this should probably find its way into your movie collection. It is just a shame that Candy's last film was this one.
The first time I viewed this movie was the theatrical version and thought it was a good film with a disappointing climax.Once I seen the uncut version that is included in this package I thought it was a great movie all around.This Blu Ray Ultimate Collector's Edition is incredibly packaged its the best collectors edition dvd or blu ray I own and I have more than a few.The original blu ray release packed both versions of the film on one dual layer 50-BD disc,in this release each version is on separate disc with 1080p/VC-1 encode which does improve video quality on both versions.You also get a digital copy all three disc are in one nice package within the very large box that everything else is in.Some of the other things included is a 44 page concept sketch book,6 art cards that shows city's devastated by the plague and also a pretty cool holographic lenticular of a few seconds of the film.Im not gonna sit here and say this film is great enough to have such a royal treatment but in my opinion it is a really good film and this new packaging is just top notch A+ better than anything I have seen.So if your a fan of the movie or like nice collectors editions or cool packaging or looking for a gift for someone who has or will have a blu ray player soon this is a great choice.The price is way,way worth the packaging.
Great video on what Werner Erhard has been up to since he left the United States. Great man who has never received much credit for the enormous difference he has made with his earlier transformational programs and starting Landmark Education
I saw this on it's first theatrical run as a teenager, and it has been my favorite film ever since. This DVD is a very nice 16 by 9 transfer of this fun movie! And in my opinion, the cheesy special affects actually make this movie more endearing. Jane has nothing to be ashamed of here, as she is quite beautiful and very funny. The print that was used needs some restorative work, but it looks great on an HD set, and the sound quality is good as well, considering it is monophonic. It would be great if they did a special edition of this some day while some of the cast members can still participate. But that probably won't happen until another Barbarella movie gets made. Highly, highly recommended!
The stakes turn deadly for four friends when their bachelor party lands them in a seedy nightclub off the Las Vegas Strip that is run by the secretive Elite Hunting organization! With creator Eli Roth out of the picture for the third film in the popular HOSTEL franchise, Scott Spiegel seemed like an ideal candidate to take over in his place. After all, Spiegel has worked closely with childhood friend Sam Raimi on numerous pictures, and even directed the cult Slasher INTRUDER, a film in which he deployed the same twisted sense of humor that is often found in the HOSTEL series. Despite these facts, Spiegel turns out a painfully stupid and uninviting sequel that is completely devoid of the most entertaining elements of the original. The dark, Eastern European setting has been exchanged for the bright lights of Vegas, only the majority of the film takes place off of the strip, making the location of the events irrelevant. None of the characters are perceived as being heroic or even remotely likeable for that matter, making their prolonged deaths a matter of celebration. And if that weren't enough, the inventive torturing devices for which the series has become notorious are reduced to the same tired methods of dispatch that you could find in any dollar bin DVD. With SAW already on its "final chapter," it seems that the Torture Porn genre has finally run its course, so HOSTEL may be closing its doors for good after this disaster.-Carl ManesI Like Horror Movies
I saw this film on Netflix, and I chose to watch it based on the name alone. Normally I read the description/actors/genre before watching movies I've never heard of, but the title of this one was just too good to ignore. Not knowing what I was in for, I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of good acting, good writing, and good filming in this movie. The humor is just right, and actors all played their rolls perfectly. It has just the right amount of cheesiness, while still maintaining a dark somewhat serious air too it. Very well done. Have, and will continue to recommend this film to friends. Definitely worth a watch.
Mourning Wood has gotten some really positive reviews on horror websites. After watching the movie, I think the reviewers who liked it must be on drugs. It is a very stupid movie with only a couple of funny moments. Very little gore, too. I'd say to avoid this even if you like Lloyd Kaufman's Troma movies. This makes his movies look like masterpieces in comparison.
Out of brand name loyalty, I bought this when loading up my collection of Segal flicks. It's right up there with a couple other DVDs that serve better as coasters for jumbo mugs and such. I like Segal flicks mostly for the fight scenes. Let's face it. No one likes Segal movies because they are Oscar material or Cannes Film Festival candidates. And even when his better movies dip into catch phrases and cliches, they're tolerable because of decent story line and acceptable plausibility. When you don't have either of the latter, neither of the former works well. That's the case with "Exit Wounds." From the word go, this flick dings the cliche-o-meter, including the shameless stereotypical casting, and the over the top, insults your intelligence fight sequences. Even by Segal standards, there's just too much in this movie that tests one's patience in the believability department. His character alone is razor thin, feeding off interaction with archetypes and more cheese than a Wisconsin grocer. Even placing Jill Hennessey in her role was a reach to please certain demographics. I watch most Segal movies repeatedly. Some way more than others. This one, if on TV, I may put it on for background noise alone. There's nothing gripping about it to maintain my focus. This is a terrible movie. There's many movies Segal fans quote and recite freely from. This isn't one of them
I've had this DVD for some time now and recently watched this fine movie on cable and was surprised to see additional footage not on the original disc. Much like the movie Gettysburg, even though I had the DVD version, I kept seeing scenes not on the original movie when it was played on TNT and other cable channels. I kept asking the studio about it and later Gettysburg was re-released in Blu Ray with the additional scenes added-this despite the studios assurance the original DVD contained the "full and complete presentation". It is hopeful this DVD will come out on Blu-Ray with the additional footage added to make the plot more understanding and enjoyable. With all the terrible movies done about Air Traffic Control this was a refreshing change and a great picture.
John Wayne stars as Hondo Lane, a half-Indian message carrier and gunslinger in New Mexico. He first shows up at the ranch of Mrs. Angie Lowe after getting away from Apache attackers. This takes place in the ending days of the "Indian round-up" years, when only a few bands of Apache were left. Hondo takes a liking to Angie and her young son, but soon heads out to deliver the message.In the meantime, the Apache have always been fond of Mrs. Lowe and had a good relationship with her - and the chief takes a personal interest in her son. He tries to convince Angie to choose a new husband from amongst his braves. She insists that her husband will be back soon to stay on the remote ranch with her.Hondo runs into the wayward husband in a bar, only learning his name after punching him out. In an attempt to get the husband back to his wife, Hondo takes the man's horse and says that Mr. Lowe can retrieve it at the ranch. Angry, Lowe pays a guy to go with him after Hondo. Apaches attack and kill the paid bodyguard, and Hondo shoots an Apache to save Lowe's life. Lowe repays Hondo by attempting to shoot him in the back. Hondo is forced to kill him. He takes Lowe's tintype of Lowe's son to bring back to the mom.Along the way, the Apaches find Hondo and are about to torture him to death when the Apache chief recognizes the tintype. Hondo still has to fight - and triumph over - the brother of the Apache he killed. The Apache chief brings Hondo back to Mrs. Lowe, who claims Hondo as her husband in order to get him in away from the Apaches. Hondo tries several times to tell Angie what happened, but each time she doesn't want to hear it. She does end up hearing the truth from someone else, but when Hondo then attempts to tell the boy, Angie refuses to let him do it. She scolds Hondo that his need for the truth is so great that he'd damage the boy's sense of well being and security to achieve it.The movie is a rather complex story, based almost exactly on the story by Louis L'Amour. John Wayne loved the story so much that he specifically hired a favorite script writer to adapt it into a movie for him. It was filmed to be watched in 3D, so there are several scenes with knives poking at the screen and people standing in the foreground. You might think this would make the movie look cheesy, but really you're normally lost in the storyline or the gorgeous landscapes.This movie came out in 1953 and for an era that saw many "slaughter the Indians" movies, it's pretty impressive in its even handedness. Angie likes the Apaches and has been friends with them since childhood. Hondo is a half Indian, and had an Apache wife while he lived with them for 5 years. You get treated to many scenes with Apaches speaking in their native Apache tongue. Hondo makes it pretty clear that the only reason that the Apache are rising up are that the US government has been actively deceiving them and betraying them. He explains that the Apache are very much against lying, and that he is the same way.Compared to many other westerns, this does a reasonably good job of showing shades of grey, not just 'Good' and 'Bad'. The Apaches were pushed into the war, but they're prepared to kill an innocent woman who has lived on this land from birth. The settlers are sometimes obnoxious about their desire to get rid of the "natives". In the end, Hondo says that he imagines this will be the end of the Apache way of life, and that it's a shame.
The "lost Tobe Hooper film"? Whoever rediscovered this should be flogged! It's not even classy trash like Hooper's own "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre." I can forgive a lot in a low-budget "B" flick, but this pointless film doesn't even register on the watchability scale. The trailer for the film tries to cash in on the success of "Jaws" by comparing this slop to it! This is how I would write the script for the trailer of "Eaten Alive": "ENDURE an agonizingly slow 89 minutes of Judd mumbling incoherent and mostly unintelligible ramblings. WATCH in ambivalent indifference scene after scene that has neither a foundation, nor leads anywhere. EXPERIENCE the monotony of 32 scenes of a little girl crawling in circles over and over underneath a porch." This DVD should be on a clearance table, and even then it wouldn't be considered a bargain unless you had a 75% off coupon. Even if you like cheesy-but-classy "B" flicks, like "Shock Waves", stay away from this completely inane film that will make you want to reach for the EJECT button long before the halfway point.
It just happened. Whatever is was, it was atrocious. M. Night Shyamalan's latest movie may leave you asking, what happened to make me watch this? Maybe Mark Wahlberg? I respect that Shyamalan is an innovator. "The Sixth Sense", "Unbreakable", and "Signs" are all evidence that he is willing to step outside the box. So what went wrong with "The Happening"?The story was very far fetched...a neurotoxin being carried by the wind is making people feel confused, hallucinate and then kill themselves. People are in a state of panic and flee as far away as they can. Eventually the groups of people whittle down to Elliot Moore (Wahlberg), his wife Alma (Zooey Deschanel) and Elliot's colleague's daughter Jess (Ashlyn Sanchez). But, where does the neurotoxin come from?...is it terrorists?...is it a nuclear gas leak?...nope it's a chemical reaction from plants. Beware."The Happening" was just ridiculously bad. The dialogue was poor and some scenes were just incredibly stupid, especially the one where Mark Wahlberg pleads with a plastic plant to spare his life. Not to mention, the ending was a little reminiscent of "28 Weeks Later". Did Shyamalan get lazy? Who knows? But what do you expect with a film that only took 44 days to complete. Stay away at all costs.