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D-Link DUB-H7 High Speed USB 2.0 7-Port HubI found that using this hub, the performance was quicker and better than another brand I was using.
Another money making liar. If you decide to go against what you have always believed to be true, the easiest way to ease your conscience is to totally turn against those you once loved and try to justify yourself above them. Boring banter. If ya wanna quit your church, just leave! Of course, there's $$$ in making up stories! My deceased wife was a JW for 21 years and all it did to her, was make her a better and better person! She quit smoking cigs and pot, stopped cursing, developed a sweeter personality and cared more about others. I know enough about the JW's that I am positive this book is all lies and inflated personal problems. If I was going to join a church, it would be a truly loving group like the JW's. When my wife was living her last 9 months and dieing of cancer,not a day went by that her congregation didn't stop by with food, house cleaning, encouragement, etc. Some days more than a dozen individual came by. Don't believe this crap book. If you want to see what JW's are really like, spend a couple of hours at their meetings and see for yourself! I've been to many of their meetings, so I know.
Book similar in context to "Does God Play Dice?" (Ian Stewart) and the book "The Descent of Mind".For more information, check out my review of "The Descent of Mind". (ISBN 0586090371)Chris Norman, 2 Beynon Street, Newbridge, Gwent, NP1 4GH, Wales, UK.
Ahhhhhhhhh! , this movie is still about as bad as movie horror can get. Sean S. Cunningham's Friday the 13th is the initial chapter of the horrible, horrendous, mindboggling, unforgivable, and unspeakably bad horror franchise that single-handedly killed the horror genre in the 1980's. This film is the epitome of lazy, moraless, unsophisticated, and pitiful filmmaking. Nothing more than a relocated generic remake of John Carpenter's classic Halloween minus any creativity. Friday bursts with one-dimensional performances, obvious plot trends, chessy non-thrills, excessive and unconvincing sex to distract the audience from a lack of a plot, and an onslaught of dated blood and guts that somehow spawned EIGHT SEQUELS! This movie is a shameful excuse for entertainment that is a disgrace to real moviemakers like Hitchcock and Craven. If you really believe this film is brillant or scarry, watch Tobe Hooper's Texas Chainsaw Masacre or Carpenter's Halloween to really see how inept and insulting this mess really is.Watch this movie at your own risk!
Well folks I don't know which is more boring Suze's long-winded response to customer comments or her book. I am happy that I bought this book because it will save me thousands of dollars in sleep aids in the years to come. zzzzzzzzzz Sleep well my friends.
WYSIWYG - the one I received was slightly longer than advertised (not more than 1/8"), and had very minor surface rust, just like the stock image. It was packaged better than I would have done, and arrived within the expected time. What more can you ask for?
This gate was very difficult to install, and even after it was assembled, it was not sturdy. We had to add some extra screws to attach the two pieces of the gate together and make sure they did not come apart when our one-year-old pushed on them - they are not actually supposed to be physically attached at all, but insecurely secured together with some plastic pieces around the ends (it's hard to explain). The non-wooden attachment parts are fairly flimsy plastic. We have a lot of experience with baby gates (and have been happy with other Kidco gates), but this is by far the worst we have ever seen.
HELLLLLOOO people this movie tanked in the theaters for a reason - it is complete GARBAGE!!! We turned it off 1/2 way through, we could not bear to watch anymore. I feel sorry for the shallow tasteless people that find this funny. I wanted to give it zero stars but Amazon made me put a minimum of one star.
With ABBA fans chomping at the bit for ABBA material on DVD, Universal has chopped and spliced together a new DVD called ABBA Live. it should be called ABBA Lame. If you were hoping to experience a night at an ABBA show, think again. It starts out with Waterloo, which was usually the encore number and then after the first verse it cuts off into a documentary. There are snippets of interviews with all four members and Eagle and Take A Chance on Me play in the background. The show finally starts with the second verse of Voulez-Vous and the edit of Chiquitita and half way through I Have a Dream the documentary starts again. Gimme, Gimme, Gimme is shown in it's entirety and then you get only the first verse and end chorus of Knowing Me, Knowing You. There are strange clips added in of people skating and the lights of the Vegas strip as the full intro version of Summer Night City begins. Dancing Queen, Does Your Mother Know, and Hole In Your Soul round out the DVD. most of the focus is on Agnetha and much of it has been seen in the stills from the On & On & On video. The camera angels are mostly from behind or far shots with hardly any close ups on Frida unless she is singing lead. The girls have almost no interaction with each other and you seem to see the background singers more than Bjorn or Benny. Fernando is missing as is SOS and Mamma Mia. The bonus features are the full versions of The Way Old Friends Do, I Have A Dream, and Thank You For The Music. If this is Universal's attempt at quality ABBA product I'll stick to the fan bootlegs. I can only hope that they do better on remastering ABBA The Movie.
Per product description, this was the original Spanish movie from 1955 with English subtitles. The product that I received was a dubbed, English only DVD. I had purchased the DVD for my Spanish classes. Unable to use the video and had to return it.
I am a huge fan of the Marx brothers. I own all of their movies except "Love Happy" and "At the Circus". They both stink. It's not the acting, it's the writing. The story is really terrible, and the Marx brothers don't have the same energy they used to. They are in their late 50's to early 60's. It's really sad to see how MGM ruined them. I couldn't even finish Love Happy. Rent it before you buy it.
i am sorry but this book was boring, in my opinion of course. i was forced to read it in english. this is one of those books that i had to physically sit myself down and force myself to read it. i didn't like a majority of this book and i'm glad we are done reading it.
I purchased this movie after a long search for a compatable region. Upon receipt, I attempted to run the Blu-Ray movie but the blu-ray player identified it as having "the wrong format". I then called Panasonic, who walked me through the firmware update and said that the player was designed to play in region A or A/B/C and that it should now work if the movie is as advertised. It didn't. Another movie I just purchased this week having been released last week, plays just fine. Panasonic said it was the disc that was faulty or the format was not as advertised. I will just have to wait until the US decides at some point to release Miss Potter for a local audience. I have returned the item for a full refund as "not as advertised".
i recomend it if you are taking guitar classes or studying any stringed instrument . it's very educational into what performing music with great musicians like the ones playing with vai. Exellent. i consider this a piece of art and a must have for any serious guitar player arrond the world.
I recently bought this tape as a gift for my girlfriend because she always complained that she needed to see what feminine salsa dancing looks like since the dance instructors we had been to were all males trying to dance like females.She can't stop talking about how happy she is that I found this tape and I have seen the great results in her dancing.When I finally saw the tape I realized why there was such an impact. Josie thoroughly breaks down everything from head to toe and demonstrates the techniques with smoothness and sensuality.I feel like I'm dancing with Josie herself!
This book uses the same low and tactless charges to bash conservatives that been used by liberals for years. The opinions within this book represent the opinions of about 10 percent of the american people. Such viewpoints are based on hate of opposing opinions and an unrealistic and fase ideology.
What can i say.He's a class act.If you like Innovative,tasty instrumental cds this is just one of his many albums you have got to listen to.The album isn't over produced,just the essential instruments for the mood and vibe, therefore brings me to say that its one of my favorites.A bass player and a drummer would also like this album because all instruments are very clear and up front.Not a ruff note anywhere.Nothing but talent.The only reason i don't give it five stars is its fairly short and its only greg on everything.
I must say that the song "God Must Have Spent Alittle More Time On You" is a wonderfull song! But, I dont like the fact that it was taken from a group called N Sync! N sync made this song, and very well I might add. But I dont think it is necessary to take another groups song and re write the music! Alabama is a very nice group and sing well, but I think they can think of there own songs!
Apparently not. First of all it was called Star Wars. Isn't Mr. Lucas rich enough? I have not been able to find the original version from 1977 on dvd, you know what that mean Mr. Lucas, it means you don't get my money. I don't want the new edition of a classic film. Time to get a life and move on George. It is a shame that such a talented director got stuck for so long on the same theme. So many from Hollywood have opinions about corporate greed, well they should know. New versions of old movies, new scenes, changed scenes, basically a different film. Spielberg has the same problem. Making new movies is great but changing past movies and ensuring that you can't get the original reminds me of what George Orwell said about controlling the future by rewriting the past. Lucas should know better. Some day they will be doing this with history if they aren't already. That's why we are moving to a paperless society.
This is going to sound like a weird comparison.When Mark Sandman died in 1999, I was certain that I would never love another new song again. Sandman's work touched me (like it did a lot of people) in an undescribable way, both musically and lyrically. I really believed nothing would reach that level again.Then came Coldplay, with Parachutes. Absolutely, hands down, one of my top ten albums of all time. I never thought I'd say this about a "guitar" band, but the music is incredible. The lyrics, although simple, are heart-wrenching or inspiring. The singing, while not operatic, is impressive and emotional.I have rocked out and wept while listening to this album, and can't wait to hear more from this great band.
The item descriptions states that this is real white chocolate. At $8.50 a pound, I was thinking this might be a better quality chocolate than the chips you buy at the grocery store. However, chocolate and cocoa butter are not listed on the bag. It does state "artificial flavor added." Cocoa butter is brown, so I guess it would stand to reason that there is no such thing as white chocolate. These discs are good. There is no denying that. But they are not any better than Nestle white chocolate chips at half the price. Save your money.
I'm afraid this book reduces to only one stupid white man: Michael Moore. I really wanted to like this book, and I have loved his earlier work. This book, however, devolves into juvenile and unsupported rantings about things as wide ranging as day care and affirmitive action. Michael Moore proposes superficial and laughable fixes to our society . His proposals read like the naive opinions of an adolescent, not an educated adult. I understand that Moore has found this provocative style useful in the past. In "Stupid White Men," this style only casts doubt on the legitimacy of many of his arguments. I was especially disappointed because I found his dissection of the Florida episode of the 2000 election intriguing. Unfortunately, the rest of the book made me wonder how much I should really believe anything he says. He reminded me of today's far right broadcasters who mold the facts to fit their agendas. Perhaps, Michael Moore should broaden his horizons by taking a few of those college courses that he finds so worthless.
Went on a tear and read each one of Murakami's books in the past 3 months. Loved them all. Then picked up this one. This is by far Murakami's weakest effort. Had to set it aside after getting 1/3 of the way through it. Story line not close to believable - plot convoluted and incomprehensible. Characters are thinly described. Painful journey this was. Take a pass and try any one of Murakami's other major works (Kafka, Sheep, Norwegian Wood, Bird, Dance, West of Sun).
There are not only recipes for the great Mexican standard dishes, but also desserts, and drinks of the alcoholic and non-alcohol variety. A must have for the Mexican food fanatic!
Having farmed cotton for over 30 years, I am familiar with the subject of this book. The inaccuracies are numerous, an example being, the caption under the picture of a cottonpicker opposite page 239 stating " Mechanical harvesters span ten to twelve rows at a time." The largest picker today is only six rows wide. I found the same type of inability to get the facts correct and exaggeration throughout the book. There was also a feeling of a slant, as if, the author already had an opinion on the subject before he started his research on the book and made the research meet the opinion.It seems the author should continue writing fiction and leave alone historical subjects where accuracy and objectivity are needed. I would skip this one.
Really helped me see the value of my life. Explanations are well documented and understandable. I get more out of it every time a read it.
As is the case with several Tarzan films from the 1930s, "Tarzan the Fearless" was originally released as a 12-part serial. The interesting historical footnote is that theater were given the option of showing the first four chapters edited together as a feature film to get kids interested in the serial and apparently many theaters showed the "film" without ever airing the rest of the serial (or even the trailer for the next exciting episode). Apparently all that is left is the "film," which explains why "Tarzan the Fearless" is a prime candidate for the bottom of the heap of Tarzan movies. Tarzan is played by Buster Crabbe, who won the gold medal in the 400-meter free-style at the 1932 Olympics, one of three formers Olympians to play the Lord of the Jungle that decade.The story (or the first third of it since the rest of the serial is apparently long gone) begins with Dr. Brooks (E. Allyn Warren), studying ancient tribes in darkest African when he is captured by the people of Zar, the god of the Emerald Fingers. Tarzan aids the doctor's daughter, Mary (Jacqueline Wells) in trying to find and rescue her father, along with everybody else who has fallen captive to Eltar, the High Priest of Zar (Mischa Auer). However, "Tarzan the Fearless" pretty much ends before it gets interesting after about 85 minutes, which is a blessing.Keep in mind that this is a 1933 film, which means pre-code and explains the reason Tarzan's loin cloth is the skimpest you have ever seen (hopefully). Crabbe, whose previous film role was Kaspa the Lion Man in the Tarzan ripoff "Lord of the Jungle," is given little to do and is also in the running for the least articulate Tarzan of all time. So if it was not for purient interests, there would probably be no interest in this particular Tarzan movie at all.
I am so stoked to see the Wild Swans reissued on cd. I've been searching for this one for a long time. Before buying this I had only heard Bible Dreams and Young Manhood on those Sire Records "Just Say..." samplers. Just on the merit of those two songs I was sparked to locate this cd. And it was well worth the search. This is an awesome set of songs. From start to finish it's pure delight. Lush guitars woven with subtle keyboards and the guy's cool voice makes this an all time favorite for me. You won't be sorry.
I have never written a review or letter to the editor, but I am compelled to do so for this book.Dr. Pinsky has become famous, and rich, treating the downtrodden, or those he likes to think of in that manner, and claiming the moral highground for doing so. His nauseatingly self-congratulatory book, which could be accurately subtitled "I'm-so-much-better-than-the-poor-wretches-I-treat," reveals more about his own neuroses than the plight of those who are admitted to the (outrageously expensive) treatment center he runs at Las Encinas in Pasadena. The book is nothing more than another self-promoting advertisement in the Hollywood side-show that he operates alongside his legitimate medical practice.I say this based on my direct experience with him in the treatment program at Las Encinas, where I unfortunately landed nine years ago for a prescription drug problem. I am typical of those he loves to treat and to feel better than. I graduated summa cum laude from college; have a graduate degree from a top university; was on law review at a top law school. While I was there, a federal judge was also being treated. The place was populated with rich, successful individuals who feed this physician's addiction to dispensing advice to largely helpless people in the throes of despair. I found him, both as a physician and as an individual, to be overweeningly arrogant, uncaring, and egocentric -- many of the very traits that lead his "wards" (perhaps the most accurate description of those he treats there) to suffer the abuse problems he allegedly treats. It does not surprise me that in his pages he expresses ultimate mystification as to why people abuse substances and frequently return to the practice. The irony is that, for all his medical knowledge of addiction, he knows little about the people who suffer from it, as indeed he cannot given his own self-absorption.When I arrived at Las Encinas -- broken, a career threatened, wife and child potentially lost, everything I was and had worked for on the line -- Dr. Drew, who describes himself as "putting broken lives back together," put me through a cursory 10-minute medical exam in which he was more concerned to answer incessant telephone calls that were put through to the office than to care for me or answer my plaintive questions. He fielded at least six calls (he couldn't have put them into voicemail?), in one of which he yelled at his medical secretary ("I have told you over and over again to tell the patient -- no pain medication, no pain medication, no pain medication!"), and, when I asked him about the health effects of my pill popping -- a serious question from my perspective -- he impatiently blurted out some dry facts and then ushered me out of the room.Before buying this book, which narcissistically promotes this TV pop-physician, it is important for someone to know that the author is, at least from the perspective of this reviewer, a publicity-seeking, heartless hypocrite. I've stayed clean not because of Dr. Drew, but in spite of him. So much for the physician who puts broken lives together.
It seems like that anything tupac touches becomes gold...this project from amaru records on tupac poetry is another must have for pac fans everywhere....thanks to guest appearances from the outlawz, mos def, q-tip, mac mall, etc this cd is not as boring as you might think by just reading what this cd is about....the tracks from this cd is not just about poetry reading, there are also singings and rapping included and the beats are pretty good too...the best tracks in this cd are "in the event of my demise" (great performance by outlawz, nice beat), "starry night" (QD III once again produced another dope track for us), the title song(r&b singing), and "family tree"....overall a good album but if u only like rap think twice about buying it
This is a neat movie about teamwork. There are two police officers played by Shawn Pen and Bob Duvall. They live in California in fairly average homes. The cost of living is high there, so if they were on the same salary in Nebraska, their houses would be bigger. They spend the whole movie at war with these two groups of kid. One group dresses in blue and the other dresses in red. They are called the Crips(for crippled, I'm assuming?) and the bloods(Blood is red). They show great teamwork and recruiting ability in getting kids to join their club. I don't really like their club much. I was a cub scout and we did things like go camping and chase raccoons with bows and arrows. This club was like the cub scouts, but instead of camping, they sold drugs and shot people. I don't want my kid in this club.I'm not going to give away the ending, but I will give away a little of my hungry man chicken dinner if you ask nicely. They give you three very generous pieces of chicken, potatoes, corn and a brownie. I just can't eat the whole thing. Just write me a letter if you want some of my chicken, I'll send you a piece. Hungry Man is better than average, in the race of my life, average blew an engine on lap 15 and never came back to race.
After buying non-Epson brands over the years I've decided to switch back to Epson for my wife's printer. Other inks do not print as well and there always seems to be an ink issue when she wants to print. Mine takes the same type of ink and for that I'll save the money and put up the extra effort. My wife gets frustrated though and after switching back to these EOM packs she can now print without the stress. The packs I have purchased are through Amazon and have come with good expiration dates.
I still enjoy this video collection, and i am Glad they are back together. 1."Hero Takes a Fall" We see the band playing on the street to make money sothat they get mannequins of themselves! And Each member fools around with their own mannequin-Vicki roping up cowboy, Michael Business Stock exchange with mannequin's arm falling off, Susanna as a maid with mannequin's head falling off, and Debbi with one that's about to explode. 2."Going Down To Liverpool" The ladies ride with Leonard Nimoyand then play in the Tunnel. 3."Manic Monday" A look at our Hectic working world. 4."If She Knew What She Wants" They Play on a little stage and get their own Boyfriend. 5."Walk Like an Egyptian" The Bangles Play a live gig with intercut scenes of people in New York Walking like Egyptians, Even dogs and the Staue of Liberty get into the Act. 6. "Walking Down Your Street" They are Called "The Love Beats" in this video, They win a contest to open for Little Richard, When It's time for them to quit, they ignore him and play a little more. 7."In Your Room" The music video where we see the band in different rooms, clothes, etc. 8."Eternal Flame" I fell in looooove with this song, and in this video, They fool around on the Beach and sort of dance, but what's with Susanna crossing her hands over her heart for? 9."Be with You" directed by thesame guy who directs videos for Aerosmith. This was shot on their last concet tour until reuniting in 2000. Don't expect "Hazy Shade Of Winter" because of it Being from "Less Than Zero", Still a Great collection of videos. HAPPY VIEWING!!
With stand out performances by Cher, Maggie Smith, Judi Dench, Joan Plowright, Lily Tomlin; beautiful scenery of Florence; Italians with their dramatic sense; a captivating story about the growing up of a boy under the auspicious guidance of American & English ladies who are from very different backgrounds through the turbulent time of World War 2, this is a movie not to be missed. The movie slowly transgresses & gradually, we are charmed by the sheer simplicity of the story. A story about love, friendships, girl-power, togetherness through the thick & thin during the worst of time, triumph of the human spirit. Highly recommended.
Great price and very fast shipping. I love it and now I can put all my coffee choices out for everyone to pick and choose their favorite flavors.
I had thought that the action film genre was pretty much dead and bereft of anything resembling originality, buried by Jean Claude Van Damme, Steven Seagal and the like. Then I discovered John Woo. Like French contemporary Luc Besson (The Professional, Le Femme Nikita) Woo has decided to try the novel idea of developing his characters while at the same time orchestrating the most jaw dropping, aesthetically delirious action sequences ever made. In Face/off Woo does a wonderful job of suspending the audiences disbelief about the face swapping premise with the slightly campy, over the top scene depicting the procedure and then John Travolta and Nicholas Cage carry off the rest through well-acted characterizations of each other. The action scenes are choreographed like a ballet containing a type of beauty only a discriminating action fan could enjoy. If you are the type of action fan who actually liked Con Air (Cage's borethon that came out the same year) don't both with this, you probably won't appreciate it. If, however, you seek a film that ups the quality bar on the entire action film genre definitely check this gem out.
If you like Oscar and Hammerstein's The King and I, be aware that this is different. Jodie Foster may have trouble with the English accent, but I think only she could fulfill the part of the lovely, but lonely school teacher Anna. Chow Yun Fat shines in his role as King Mongkut of Siam. Together they make a love story that streches across the world. Could it be possible that two different people from two different world's could find out that they're hearts are forever intwined with each other? Should they think of the social concept of husband/ wife in the 1860's, or follow they're hearts? A true love story for any age, and a great family film.
This new Bond is stupid. You're not even 007 to start with. Also it just does not ring true with the Bond theme to be bad, James Bond is supposed to be the good guy, while in this, the main highlight is shooting innocent people. The pathetic idea of dragging in two ancient Bond villains, who died, to war against each other is so incredibly moronic that it ruins the entire gameplot, reducing it to mindlessly shooting random people. Extremely disappointing, permanently damaging Bond's reputation.
Of all of Adam Rikin's films, LOOK is by far my favorite. I was afraid the movie being filmed from the point of view of surveillance cameras would grow very old or be very gimmicky from the start- but that was completely NOT the case. The voyeuristic medium was realistic and undoubtedly the only way to tell the interweaving stories of random people living their lives in some random city on one random given week. It's dramatic, it's funny, and it's REAL.
I use to repent myself for such long time after sin. This repentation make me so despair. I heve had read some book about Christ but finally i don't get what i searching for. This book revealed the truth that we lost for a long time ago. I belive this doctrine is new for you all but you will use it. I felt mericle the moment i face it(truth). The choice is yours either you want life or destruction. And life is born again of Water and the Spirit. I belive that you are not sure where will you go after death what will you say? This Gospel will tell you and give detail explaination. What i want to mention here is these book will change you from misunderstanding in bible teology. I have no idea to tell you how great i am after born of Water and Spirit. Maybe you don't belive until now but the moment you read it i belive and thank God, your eyes will open.
I flat out refused to even view this tepid turkey for several years on principle alone. Carrie White DIED at the end of the film "Carrie", so I have to wonder how in the h*ll can there be a sequel?!?! Anyways, I finally let my morbid curiosity get the better of me when I came across a copy of this on VHS a few years ago for only $3.When someone goes to Hell in a burning house in the first film, that ought to be pretty sequel-proof, don't you think? And you'd think Amy Irving (whose character is the lone survivor in the first picture's slaughter finale) would run screaming from a follow-up. But no, we have to go through the Carrie Thing again, with Irving playing a school guidance counselor and Emily Bergl playing Rachel, a Different Kind of Girl with the ability to send coffee cups flying. Only reason to watch this: the grisly reward Irving receives for being in this picture."Carrie" was genius. This is trash! No Sissy Spacek. No Brian De Palma. No Piper Laurie. No "They're all gonna laugh at you!". No characters called Carrie. No soul. No pulse. No point. As generic in every aspect as Brian De Palma's original was inventive.How dare someone give this piece of garbage 5 stars???!! I believe that everyone has the right to their own opinions, but the prints to this film should have been burned by the studios before it got released on the unsuspecting public. This is considered one of the all-time worst films ever. But, if people like it, more power to them, but don't ever question MY taste in films just because I don't.As for "The Rage" (I refuse to acknowledge this garbage as "Carrie 2"), even Stephen King hated this trash so bad that he remade his novel "Carrie" so people could have a modern day version of the Carrie story. However, "The Rage" had NOTHING whatsoever to do with De Palma's classic horror film "Carrie"! I know, they wrote that Rachel is Carrie's half sister, but how lame. That was also done in "Halloween 2", another useless sequel.The current edition uses the original as a blueprint, but leaves out all the wit, sympathy and bravado. Though ideas and scenes are shamelessly recycled from "Carrie" and other horror pics - including gratuitous inserting of some 1976 clips - "The Rage" seems hellbent on diluting every exploitable aspect.Maybe there's a real use for this film after all. Stand it up against the original, and you have a pretty good lesson in what's happened to the movies in the last couple of decades.This simply repeats the story without extending it; it's little more than "Carrie" without the embarrassing '70s threads and puffy hair, and with some "hey dude" updating of the teen dialogue. It's also "Carrie" without the skill, intensity or excitement of the original. It's a prime example of the pointless remake, adding nothing substantial and only making its predecessor look even better.Even among the misguided, unethical, numskull ranks of so many, many film producers, it's hard to believe anyone had the idea to revisit Brian De Palma's "Carrie", which enjoyed a certain perverse perfection and narrative completion."The Rage" is the kind of film that gets unintentional laughs. They happen when Sue takes Rachel to the site of the burned-out old high school, where nobody has even cleaned up the rubble after 20 years, and every time there's a flashback to the original movie, mostly showing Sissy Spacek covered in blood. Yes, the central character visits the scorched wreckage of the old high school, which, for no discernible reason, has been allowed to stand for 20-odd years. Of the many clumsy sequences in "The Rage: Carrie 2", this one was one of the lamest.The original "Carrie" helped launch both Stephen King and Brian De Palma into their respective big leagues and kicked off the whole gutted teen genre. Unlike the truckload of horror flicks that followed it, "Carrie" didn't rely on knife-wielding bad boys in scary masks for its frights, but on a gawky little slip of a girl - which was, in lots of ways, much scarier.What makes a movie like "The Rage" difficult to pull off is that its entirely lacking in suspense. The bad kids may pull their cruel stunts, but we all know that once they really piss her off, their puny spear guns will be no match for Rachel's Incredible Hulk anger-management style. Because the movie's all about bad coping skills, Rachel can't let her anger leak out a little at a time - she's got to grit her teeth until she finally, cataclysmically, loses her cool. What this means is that most of the action takes place in the last few minutes, as bodies are impaled, castrated, decapitated, drowned and creatively dispatched via flying CDs in such rapid succession it's hard to tell what's going on in all the grisly mayhem. All that's certain is that it's really gross and it's over really fast. Before then, and for a huge chunk of the film, "Rage" actually bears no resemblance to "Carrie" whatsoever! Best to avoid this garbage! Thank you! :>)
Deckmate Round Steel & Black Fire BowlWhat a disappointment when opening the box the first thing I see is a mashed in bowl rim! I used pliers to somewhat bend it back to its' intended shape and in doing so chipped black paint off of it. Next when assembling the legs for some reason one of the screws needed to be a 1/4" longer than the others to get it to fit! Finally after finding a screw I thought I just might be able to use it when I saw the handle to the fire screen was completely broken off at its weld spot. Now how do you add the logs without the handle?!!! The manufacturer of this piece of crap should be ashamed and to price it at $85 is ridiculous!!!
I bought this about an year ago. It worked fine till about a month ago. The first thing that I noticed is that the camera would zoom in all by itself. I had to have my finger firmly holding the zoom out button so that it would not zoom in. Reading about it now, I find out that this is a common problem with this particular camcorder. Wish I had read reviews from people who had been using this for a while. Most of the reviews (when I bought it) were from people who were happy with it and had it for less than couple of weeks.It was good while it lasted. But I would never buy JVC again.
This CD was never received and attempts to obtain tracking information from the carrier were never received either.....Oh but somehow there was no problem in receiving the bill for this CD. Amazing how that works huh?
First, buy a hygrometer to measure humidity. Without that, you don't know if your humidifier is doing it's job or not. A $8 Chaney wall thermometer (also sold by acu-rite) works just fine. I calibrated mine, for info just google "hygrometer calibrate potassium carbonate".This *could* be a great humidifier, but there are major problems with it.1. Barely puts out any water. I have a whole house humidifier (which I HIGHLY recommend) and keep it at 40%. I put the Crane in my 10'x12' baby's room and kept door shut for two days, and humidity only rose to 43% -- barely worth using.2. tiny opening in the tank (about 1.75"), so it's really hard to clean it well. And tank is a medium blue plastic and most of it is textured so you can't see in clearly.Unless you clean it every few days with a 10% bleach solution (as recommended by the Mayo Clinic), it will get funked up. Since you can't see in easily, it's easy to miss dirty areas until they become nasty. I sometimes forgot to clean mine for a week -- and once it gets funked up you can't get in there with your hand or a brush to thoroughly clean out the funk, so it has to be thrown away. Much better to spend $70 and have one that is easy to clean and puts out a lot of humidity.
[Note: This is coming from a 21-year-old reviewer]I don't see why people are having a problem with this game. Personally, I was a big fan of the 3d-cartoony style of RPGs from when they first made big splashes on the Dreamcast. Games like Grandia, Skies of Arcadia... I just love how these games are done, and Pokemon XD is no exception.So what the XD for? An "extra dimension" of play. Apparently, all this really means is that you get a new character, a new storyline, and get to set out on the usual Pokemon adventures. Which isn't bad- I haven't played a Pokemon game yet I didn't like (excluding the smaller spinoff games, of course). This game supports the full cast of characters from Sapphire / Ruby / Emerald, and that's a whole lotta Pokemon.You start as (since you name yourself, I'll call the character Hero), a kid who finds out, as usual, that you're responsible for saving the world by battling cute little monsters with monsters of your own. This time, you're given a sort of cybernetic arm attachment and headset that allows you to analyze and capture Shadow Pokemon- who must be converted back to the "light side" through love and affection in order to regain their former power.What's new? If you played Colliseum, basically nothing. There's a new story, and the new Shadow Lugia Pokemon wandering the continent. Other than that, however, you'll only want this game if you just enjoy "catching them all" that much.For fans like me who missed Colliseum, but have played the original games, you get to experience Pokemon in a well-thought-out 3d setting that's just gorgeous. Shadow Pokemon come equipped with Shadow type moves when you get them, so Pokemon you never would have thought about bringing out before suddenly become extremely useful as you'll always have Shadow moves to fall back on. Very nice. Speaking of which- yes, you have to steal Shadow Pokemon from the villians who use them for battling. What you'll really do is defeat all of the opponent's other Pokemon and from there, it's no different from capturing rare Pokemon in earlier games- only this time, the enemy can't run away, and if you accidentally defeat it instead of capturing, you can re-battle almost any time you want!Never played Pokemon? It's an extremely easy to learn game, complete with insanely cute and cool Pokemon to battle, and it's family-friendly, as not even the wildest situations would rate above PG.A lot of reviewers have said you can't catch wild Pokemon- and that's not exactly true. There are many "spots" where you can leave out treats and try to capture wild Pokemon- leaving more treats means Pokemon stay longer, so they're easier to capture. It's not quite like crawling through the grass in the old games, but it gets the job done. I saw a few other reviewers comment that converting the Shadow Pokemon takes too long- just through battling in the early game, I was able to cleanse more than one Pokemon per hour of play, and that included time it took to unlock an area to complete the process. Doesn't seem so bad to me! Plus, I haven't even opened up the secondary cleansing method available in the game.Overall- It's another Pokemon game, and a pretty good one. It's colorful, it's cute, and it's been extremely fun to play. If you're plopping down money for a Pokemon game, isn't that exactly what you expect? Sure, stealing Shadow Pokemon and cleansing their hearts is a little different- but it's fun. The only people I wouldn't reccomend this game to are Colliseum fanatics who don't feel like starting the experience over- the two games are basically very similar. My girlfriend played Colliseum tons, and I could barely pull her away from the Gamecube on this one, but apparently other Colliseum fans feel otherwise.
I've been saving up and waiting for the perfect HDTV, and the time finally arrived. After much research I settled on the HL-T6187S. The 6189S has a few extra features, like Bluetooth Headphone capability,HDMI 1.3, USB 2.0 and PIP, but I didn't really need these features.The 6187S uses the new LED Light engine technology which, for most people, completely eliminates the Rainbow Effect (RBE). The Picture Quality (PQ) for this TV is absolutely amazing. I was blown away the first time I played an xbox 360 game in HD. Watching HD content on this TV is a surreal experience. The colors are very crisp and very accurate. It's nice to be able to use the 1080P over component so having an xbox 360 elite is not necessary. Anything you throw at this set is going to look great. Even SDTV content, like regular non-HD tv stations look decent. Better than I expected. I have some old VHS tapes that don't look as great, but that is kind of expected.Buying from Amazon was a must! They were so much cheaper than the other local brick and mortar stores. I was leary about buying such a large expensive item over the internet as returning it would not be as easy as simply taking it back to the local store, but with the price savings (over $500) I decided that I would take the plunge and hope for the best. The shipping was superb. Eagle delivered the TV early and it came in perfect condition. They would have unpacked it too, but I wasn't ready with my stand yet so they just left it in the box.Overall, I couldn't be more happy with my purchase. It's an amazing TV for an amazing price. If you are looking to buy a new 2007 HDTV, look no further than the 6187S.
Great Album! I love the new direction. It just makes me want more and more. Guys keep playin and recording. I'll be front row for the Walkers This Way Tour straight out of Boston's Nursing Home!
I just recently upgraded my Verizon phone to the LG VX8300. I scoured the internet searching for the cheapest prices on MicroSD cards. Noticing the unusually low price for Kingston, I did a little research (if something is too good to be true, it probably is), and discovered that Kingston MicroSD cards have a known (or did) bug that prevented them from being recognized by certain LG phones. Well, I wasn't having any of that. SanDisk has never given me problems with flash drives before, so I spent a little extra money, and purchased the 1GB card. I've had it for over a month, with no problems. I've taken pictures and video, transferred songs and uploaded new backgrounds on it. The transfer rate is quite fast, and the adapter works perfectly allowing me to easily move files between my phone and my laptop using my memory card reader.
Phew! This is one graphic and disturbing movie. I'm just thankful that I only paid two bucks for the rental and didn't waste more money on it. See it once, make sure it's your kind of movie before you even consider buying it. Natural Born Killers is definitely not in my taste. Take this with a grain of salt as I'm not a big Oliver Stone fan to begin with, and Tarantino is pretty much hit or miss with me.
Very funny. Jim Carey always knows how to make the audience laugh. As will all his movies, parts or the movie had their corny parts but all in all a very funny movie
This film is a cinematic masterpiece in every sense, story, dialogue, characterization, casting, performances, cinematography...a pure delight of a genius filmmaker.There is one shot that's totally amazing whereas the camera sees a long aerial view of a soccer stadium at night, then travels over the playing field with a game in progress, then continues outside into the massive crowd into a medium shot without a single cut! That's followed by a foot chase scene in the stadium whereas the prey is going one way, camera relentlessly moving in a different direction catching up with the pursued from a different angle, ending on the playing field. Both shots are unconventional and amazing, an education!I sing this film's praises! Not to be missed.
I got this phone 3 weeks ago and I am already returning it. It had the worst reception from all the phones I've had. I live about a mile from a Sprint tower and calls are dropped all the time. My wife has a Samsung i-500 and that phone never drops a call in the house.I tried going on the web on both phones at the same time, her phone worked without any problems. My phone did not even connect.I've tried the web access and tried making calls from many different places and most of the time it just does not work. Last week I spent 20 minutes trying to make a call. Twice it went through just to be dropped within seconds. The phone showed a strong signal, then it dropped a few bars, then back up, etc. I never had these problems on the same area with my 3.5 years old Motorola Timeport.Also, the camera quality is nowhere near all it's hyped up to be.
Many people have experiences in life where they find themselves in a situation where their opinion does not follow what a larger group may think. In the book A Confederacy of Dunces, by John Kennedy O'Toole, the main character Ignatius finds himself in this situation through out the whole story. The book does a great job displaying a situation where the reader can relate to certain sitations that the main character is in. At the same time, the author does a great job creating a character that evokes powerful emotions from the reader.The book is about a man, Ignatius, who finds himself to be living in a world where he is surrounded by people who are ignorant about what really matters in the world. His subliminal goal is to help people realize this and set them in a direction where they can continue living their life in a way that is more real and fulfilling. Ignatius seems also to be caught between his mother and her dimentia of thinking that the world, including her son, are against her. Ignatius ends up being forced through different jobs and he burns a scandalous past through every place that he becomes apart of. In the end, Ignatius loses his last job as hot dog vendor, sparks a 500 thousand dollar law suit, retires a woman who has wanted to have been retired for years, but someone was convinced that she wanted to work where she was, is sent to a mental hospital by his confused and mentally blocked mother, and elopes with his ex girlfriend who he keeps in touch with through mail through out the story.The book does a great job displaying the theme of ignorance through a variety of characters who the reader can watch lie and cheat their way into the hopeful dream of achieving the American Dream of being happy and making money easily. Although the book is written in a way that can be tiring and sluggish at times, once the reader completes the book, looking back on it leaves one with a feeling of accomplishment and a new knowledge and view on life and the people in it.
Armageddon 2419 A.D. (1928) by Philip Francis Nowlan - 98 pages - rating: 5.5/10This story never gets into outer space. The plot surrounds the struggle of Americans fighting a guerilla war against invaders who have taken control of US soil hundreds of years earlier.The name "Buck" as in Buck Rogers never appears in this book. The characters name is actually Anthony Rogers. He is referred to only as "Rogers" throughout the story. The name Buck was introduced in subsequent graphic novels to presumably improve marketing appeal.It is interesting to read this short novel to gain a historical perspective on the origins of science fiction adventure. Although entirely straightforward the writing style itself is not particularly engaging or exciting. The term "flat" best describes the result. I read this book primarily for research reasons.Much to my surprise the sequel entitled "The Airlords of Han"(1929 - 102 pages) which was included in the same volume, was quite enjoyable (7.0/10). The two stories are integrated into a single novel of 195 pages, 17 chapters, without any indication as to the point at which one novel ends and the second begins.Overall I enjoyed having read the 2 stories although one could say that while The Airlords of Han would be enjoyed by anyone who likes early science fiction adventure, the original Buck Rogers story itself (Armageddon 2419 A.D.) should be saved for readers under 12 years of age.Claus Kellermann2006 March 26Sci_Fi_Researcher@yahoo.com
i did everything i could to download the files to my computer but no luck only been able to save 10 min segments...i only used the usb tough...so if anyone can pls tell me again how to do it,i'd appppreciate it,cause otherwise i love this camerathank you!
I don't like to give away the plot of a film that I've seen, so I won't on this one, either. Suffice it to say, I wasn't a big Will Ferrell fan, but, I AM NOW. I also LOVED Queen Latifah and the rest of this cast. Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson! I'm still reeling! But, honestly, who amazes me the most with her incredibly inspired performance is Maggie Gyllenhaal! She is priceless in this role I can't take my eyes off her when she is on screen. She is the glue that made this film work as well as it did! Kudos To Maggie!I didn't think I was going to like this film, in fact, I was prepared to dislike it as I figured it was going to be another over the top Ferrell comedy. How refreshing to find out that it isn't.In his first dramatic role (of sorts) Will Ferrell turns in an incredibly believable performance as the main character.This film is ingenious in it's execution of a plot that will leave you in awe, wondering "who thinks these things up??"I was so thoroughly entertained by this film that as soon as it was over, I started it again and watched it one more time. I wanted to catch each nuance of the performances and of the plot development.Since then I have watched the film at least 8 to 10 additional times, showing it to friends who had the same opinion of Will Ferrell that I did and those who didn't but, hadn't seen the film yet. They are all Ferrell fans now!We ALL agree, this is a sleeper hit that should have at least gotten more oscar nods than it did and should have won. Brilliant script, superior ensemble cast, great direction and eye candy to watch because it is filmed with such great attention to detail. Probably one of the best films of 2006 and an instant addition to my own library at home! This is one film you must see.
If you want to buy this movie,..don't. It wasn't even scary. The "murderers" or the killers looked like nomes from the lord of the rings.. it was a horrible movie.
The Gillette Mach3 Turbo is a perfectly good razor, but when I bought theses blades from Amazon they turned out to be fake- ineffective, painful, unusable. They gave me a refund, but I'm not going to buy razor blades online again.
This video is meant to be about an aquarium not just animals of the sea. My 3 year old son and I enjoyed learning about the staff and what makes an aquarium work. It also gives you information about the fish and animals at this aquarium and we do know alot about a jellyfish now. At first I was disappointed that there was not more information about the ocean but then I realized that was not the focus of this fun children's video.
I love this shoe so much I bought 3 different pairs and 2 for my daughter, all in different sizes. Normally very high priced, but on sale once in a while on Amazon for under $20. Have held up very well to my 4 year old's running around. I love that they breath, no more stinky feet for him!
Nota Bene: Once purchased, my Kindle download page contained this note near the download button: "This title has complex layouts and has been optimized for reading on Kindle DX's larger screen, but can still be viewed on other Kindle devices." This message disappeared after a few minutes.Regardless, the formatting on my Kindle 2 looks good. I use the smallest font available. There is no Table of Contents and no jogability.
The book was not simple, but anyone who thinks it is a good read must be. It is hard to believe the number of people that have given this book rave reviews. It is not so much a work of fiction as it is completely and utterly ridiculous science fiction.
I thought this album had potential.... unfortunately, I should have listened to the online cuts b4 ordering it. The sound quality is "early sixties transistor radio" and is full of those anoying discjockey overdubs and "interviews" we all love and cherish. Reminds me of the "early years" scenes from "this Is Spinal Tap" video, especially "I ain't got you" which sounds verbatim like "Gimme sum Money"...Not recommended... buy something recorded in a decent sound studio
We read this book in hope of enjoying, it but what is there to like when you have read it before. It starts out interesting but the characters are boring and don't seem real. The ending is just plain bad.
The 1 star is for the lack of ingredient listing that states from milk from amazon for informed buyers. It clearly states that it has ingredients from milk. Amazon please list this as a possible allergy on your product description. It's very distressing when you see your newborn and then infant child go through any type of allergic reactions whether mild rash to severe vomiting or even fatal anaphylactic shocks. NO THANK YOU is your new response for any possible triggers. So NO THANK YOU it is.
I have looked at this product in the store since the December 11th re-release and the box doesn't say anything about special features. I wouldn't mind if the DVD is two sided, but I don't want to buy it without the same special features the original release had. If I knew it had the special features, I would buy it from Amazon. Can anyone tell me if it has them?
I have read several of Tess Gerritsen's other novels, but this one just didn't do it for me. It wasn't even the whole demon storyline that bothered me, which is surprising, since I don't like crime stories with a supernatural element. It was actually the recurring characters - mainly Jane Rizzoli - that never seem to grow or change throughout the books. At first her quirks were acceptable, but after a few books she has become boring. We get it - she's underappreciated in her family, a woman in a sexist man's profession, etc. Move on or develop her character a little better.Another thing that annoyed me about this book were the desciptions of demons and mythology. It reminded me of the DaVinci code, and I don't mean that in a good way. Once she started to explain the history and symbols of demons, it sounded more like a textbook than a novel. There must be a better way to weave an author's research into a novel than such awkward descriptions that sound like an encyclopedia entries.One benefit of this book was that I was able to get through it quickly. But I always scan through the autopsy scenes in all of Gerritsen's books. They don't interest me that much, and by scanning I can still get wind of the "Ah-ha!" they find on the autopsy table that moves the story forward.
Having been part of the Enron experience, I was very interested to read this book: The Rise Of The Rogue Executive - How Good Companies Go Bad And How To Stop The Destruction by Leonard R. Sayles and Cynthia J. Smith. It's amazing how we allowed ourselves to get to this point...Contents: The Tipping Point - How Good Companies Go Bad And Executives Become Rogues; American Business At Risk - Picking Up The Pieces And Looking Ahead; The Stock Market And Executive Decision Making; Black Boxes And Big Black Lies; The Shocking Destruction Of Arthur Andersen, Auditing's Gold Standard; Auditing The Public's Auditors; Directors - Why The Weak Oversight; Too Silent Critics - Journalism; Too Silent Critics - Academe; Fees Galore; How We Nearly Lost American Capitalism; The Mythic CEO - Why Real Leaders Became An Endangered Species; Seeking And Valuing Real Leadership; We Can Do Better; Endnotes; From The Authors; Addendum - Supreme Court Overturns Arthur Andersen Conviction; IndexSo many things were considered normal and were not questioned. Sayles and Smith take a look at some of the elements that led to the rise and fall of companies like Enron and Worldcom. Obviously Enron serves as a model whipping boy for most (if not nearly all) of the examples, as there was so much going on there. Rise lays out the abuses in a clear and concise manner, with a myriad of example cases to back them up. I especially appreciated the chapters on directors and journalism. I didn't realize that directors were often no more than a glamorous collection of big names put on the board to make the company look good. It's incredible that people charged with overseeing a company's direction can have so little knowledge and involvement in far too many cases. And we all know how few dissenting voices existed in the mass media pointing out the flaws of these companies. Ones that did try and raise objections were too often shut out by others and were quickly drowned out. If only we as the public had listened and paid attention...While the book is supposed to offer remedies on how to stop this abuse, it seemed like there was less of that and more emphasis on pointing out the abuses. To be sure, the first step in stopping an abuse is finding out about it in the first place. But for whatever reason, I didn't feel a strong "call to action" in terms of a series of proposed changes. I can't quite put my finger on it, to be truthful. Maybe I was just too close to one of the meltdowns, or maybe the carnage of the abuse overpowered the rest of the material.Regardless of that, it's still an important book to read. I'd like to think that what's happened in the last two or three years has allowed us to turn the corner on these types of situations. Realistically however, you know it's still happening. Rise will open your eyes and make you think twice about what's going on in the executive suite...
This playmat was not worth 52$...at the most maybe $30. My son was not amused but I guess every child is different. I feel it was a total waste of money.
Just received this and it DOES NOT have DTS. Very disappointing. Nothing different or special about this edition. Do not waste your time.
I am a Christmas movies fan!! I watched tens of them and I tell you that I am one of few people who agrees with this review!! it is silly. What a lesson will your children learn from the little girl who trust a stranger that he is really an angel!! Oh No!!!!!!!!!!! now bad guys can pretend to be angels. Do you really like it that you little daughter and son leave the house in the night to talk to a stranger who will convince the mother that Santa is real?!!!!! so mom is the stupid one here who does not believe in Santa!! Do not forget that Santa is the ONE who will bring the father (who got shot during the movie) to life., Let Santa solve our problems and make our children with limited thinking.. All those who watched with me thought it was really silly movie with bad roll models and wrong lessons for children. I am glad my children were old enough to think that it was silly.
with At Carnegie Hall the lp's of the Colpix-period of Nina Simone is complete on cd. That is for Nina Simone lovers a fantastic fact. This album is a must. The instrumental tracks shows Nina Simone as a classical pianist.
It's not often that every song in an orchestral album seems to complement each other, but Jobim has done it on this gem.You can't help but to just feel good when you listen to this album- no matter how many times. The mix ellicits memories of innocent times, love, or just a relaxing day in some tropical location. There are some simple, yet hauntingly beautiful ranges of melodies. The interplay between the piano and violins (and sambas) are masterfully done.
-Here's another five-star vote for an excellent translation showing care and faithfulness. The Introduction is itself a wonderful introduction to Buddhist thought and concepts, and the footnotes and index are commendable. The author often advises the reader when some controversy exists in translation and how this was resolved. Reading such a fine translation can add tremendous depth to your practice, help refine your compassion and wisdom, and give you an irreplaceable understanding of Buddhism.-Although many good modern authors have published books with their own interpretations of Buddhist teachings, nothing can speak to you like the originals (this is also a good way to think for yourself).-The individual suttas are just about right for reading one per day (even one sutta per week would be a good goal). You can easily finish the book in less than a year, and have enough time left over to read the Introduction as well.-This is an excellent work of scholarship and IMHO would be a useful addition to the library of anyone interested in Buddhism.
Purchased this, expecting better functionality. Sure it doesn't rust, but my $5 Wustoff pealer works much better.
We ordered these Bibles to provide them in a men's study group my husband just started at work. Most men coming did not bring/have their own Bibles. We appreciated getting NIV Bibles for such a great price.However, they are very basic - not a lot of "extras." Definitely not a study Bible or one you would want as your primary Bible.They work great for the purpose we bought them!
This book was a catalyst in changing my own focus from that of reforming the classified intelligence community, to that of creating a "virtual intelligence community" that served as an on-going educational program for government and business leaders. "If there was ever a moment in history when a comprehensive strategic view was needed, not just by a few leaders in high (which is to say visible) office but by a large number of executives and other generalists in and out of government, this is certainly it. Meeting that need is what should be higher about higher education."
If you need proof that the basic repertoire of the rock era is barely a no-show, listen to this! Yes, some of these aging rockers have finally realized there are hundreds of great timeless songs, written mainly before they were born! Compared to Tony, Frank, or Ella, it is best simply to refer to this concoction as insipid, and leave it at that. But this old goat can't even begin to match Old Blues Eyes, who leaves all the ex-rockers with their grade school efforts with these great classics in the dust!
We have two cats that are two years old. One is very energetic and practically figured the ball out right away." WACK, out comes food. I like this game!" Her littler mate took a little more encouragement.I didn't take the food away immediately. I started to limit what would go into their regular bowl. I sat with the second cat and nudged the ball so that she could see that food would come out of it. She started to nudge it more and more. After a few days she got the hang of it.It's been great for their health, especially the second cat since she is a bit of a scarfer. It's gets her more active. I love that it's dishwasher safe!
I bought 3 pairs and they are to big for him. They seem to be running a size larger than marked
I ordered this item based on some of the reviews, but won't be showing it in my Spanish 1 classes. It would probably be o.k. for juniors and seniors, but my freshmen are not ready for this. After previewing it myself and not being sure about its classroom potential, I asked two of my seniors to preview it. They thought it was a fun movie, but felt that it wasn't appropriate for my freshmen or even the sophomores. They thought it would be o.k. for the juniors and seniors since they'd be a little bit more mature.
If your car sound system allows you to plug in an external source like a CD player, get a cable that plugs into the car sound system and then plug into the jack on the Nuvi. The phone calls you make will be played over your sound system and you can adjust the volume on your stereo. Personally I have a cassette adaptor that goes into my cassete player and nuvi.This gives you the best sound for only $13.Sony Cassette Adapter for MP3, MiniDisc, and Discman Players
This one is worse than 10. Morelli should dump Stephanie she is such a pain, still going up and down on the same spot. Ranger and Stephanie deserve each other, she's an immature child and he is an egomaniac with big raps on himself. Janet Evanovich has also lost her touch with the humour in her books, I no longer find them funny because the situations are so repetative. I no longer buy the books, I wouldn't waster my money, I borrow them from the library. I only buy books that I feel are worth reading. It's a great pity because I really loved her early books, but unfortunately the only character that has shown any growth is Morelli. In an ongoing series characters have to grow and change otherwise they become very boring. Which is exactly what has happened with this series.
Sister Carrie is a marvelous story. Dreiser has created a fascinating heroine. She, like Zola's Nana, makes her living off of other people. However, Carrie is a sympathetic character where Nana is not. Carrie brings down the men with whom she consorts in much the same way as Nana. Both girls are actresses, though Carrie has true talent while Nana makes it on the thrust of her hip. Carrie has only a few more virtues and redeeming qualities than did Nana, but I at least was just as overjoyed at Carrie's success in the theatre as I was satisfied at Nana's revolting end. This is a sign of how well written Sister Carrie is. Dreiser has taken a potentially weak or even vile (with different writing) character, and made her into quite the heroine! A wonderful read-I sat down one night and finished it at three in the morning-I couldn't put it down! The only problem I had was that Carrie never really overcame her bad characteristics, and she did ruin a few lives, but her ending was perfect. I think somehting should have been done to make up for that, but that's strictly personal opinion. It's still five stars despite that!
There's some rather mixed reviews on this one. My opinion falls into the middle territory, neither is it the greatest album in the past 20 years (or 2 years), nor is it the worst. It's an above-average album by competant musicians.There has been some criticism of the White Siblings' musical talent. I would agree with the minimalist view (just listen to "In the Cold Cold Night" and "I Don't Know What to Do with Myself" - two of my favorites btw). I don't really see what warrrants the harsh criticism of White's songwriting abilities. While no John Lennon, he can write a catchy song with the best of them (his style reminds me of Paul McCartney - for good or bad).If you've ever seen the White Stripes live, you would agree that a live setting is their medium for showing off their skills. But like all good albums, they don't indulge in fancy/meaningless riffs/fills. It's simplicity at it's best and a lot of people used to modern music can't comprehend simplicity. In that regard, Jack White reminds me of Stevie Ray Vaughan - not in guitar virtuosity, but in minimalism. Playing only what is necessary, not what is pop at the time.Meg White singing on "In the Cold Cold Night" is fantastic and reminds me of all that Japanese Pop singing. And "Girl You Have No Faith in Medicine" is a great little blues/punk tune. People seem to take this band too seriously, even the band isn't taking themselves seriously. Overall this is a great album to add to your collection. Not the best album, but a memorable one nevertheless.
The sound recordings on this album are terrible. There are far better versions of the same songs on just about any other Bing and Frank album. I am a fan, and was very disappointed.
Cats don't seem to want to lay on it, just play with the hang-up hook. Hope they will soon realize it is a bed of sorts.
This has to be one of the worst productions in the history of music.There comes a time when a person should really take a long, hard look to see if it is time to hang it up. For Babs, that time has come.The good thing is that I have the answer to her introspective undertaking - STOP SINGING NOW!!
Pterry here has managed to be not only funny but serious. Carrot comes across a bit too stereotypically, but Vimes is the most human of the characters, indeed one of the most human of teh series. There are indeed Tolkien references, (and also Casablanca! Note the flickering sign outside Vimes's window - so traditional it's very hard to leave out, but stil . . . )Lady Ramkin is still a tad flat (She doesn't come into her own, really, until Jingo) but her relationship with Vimes is very well done, and very . . . there. It wrenches at you. It's one of the best parts of the book. (i think that the Patrician's view on life, as explained to Vimes, is even better, but I'm a real Vetinari fan.)If you haven't read any other Discworld books yet, START HERE. (or possily at Mort.) t's the best in the series, excepting Jingo, which builds too much on it to be a starting point. My only reget when I read this was that I had read Men at Arms and Feet of Clay before I got my hand! s on it.
This satirical novel tells the interconnected stories of Yossarian the bombadier and the men who serve in a military camp on an Italian island during WWII. Nearly every character in this story is crazy, some because they have become unbalanced through their horrific battle experiences and others because they serve so well as functionaries in a system that has normalized the killing of other people. Yossarian retains his sanity through a tight focus on the necessity of his own survival. He becomes a hero by ultimately refusing to capitulate to the forces that demand him to sublimate this most basic and healthy of natural urges to the convenience of a system of death based on the spurious logic of "Catch-22," a series of mutually exclusive choices that make true choice impossible and lead one by default down the most destructive path.This is a very funny book, although I felt that some of the more outlandish satire didn't sit well with the more graphically realistic elements of the novel. The narrative is presented in a disjointed manner that heightens the chaos of the situation.Some may be put off by the manner in which Heller attacks the mentality of war without any consideration for the specific conditions that may have provided some justification for the prosecution of WWII.
I won't repeat what others have already said about the historical significance of this film or its contents. I do want to share my opinions about the Kino restoration vs the Moroder version.I already owned the Moroder version when I purchased the Kino restoration on DVD. Like many others, I was amazed at the incredible visual clarity of the Kino restoration when compared to the Moroder version, as others have said it looks like it was shot yesterday, not 70+ years ago. Also, seeing it with a performance of the original score provided a different experience.Some of the other differences are:1. The Kino version contains some footage missing from the Moroder version, but not a lot more. The scene that stands out most for me is the first scene in Frederson's office - we gain a better understanding of how hard he works and how much he expects from those below him, so the firing of Josephat and Josaphat's reaction makes more sense than it does in the Moroder version. Another scene that is significantly different is the first meeting between Frederson and Rotwang - their rivalry is portrayed in greater depth in the Kino restoration, although it is also perfectly clear in the Moroder version.2. Many `purists' have complained about the music in the Moroder version. I disagree, I think that the music and the lyrics greatly enhance the emotional impact of the Moroder version. Don't misunderstand, I think the original orchestral score as presented in the Kino version is great, but words and music together are far more powerful than either alone.3. The story is a bit different. Personally, I think that the story as presented in the Moroder version makes more sense, why would Frederson want his workers to revolt? But this is his motivation for having Rotwang create the machine-man in the Kino restoration.4. Many `purists' complain about the colorization in the Moroder version. I admit, there were places where I found it a bit jarring, but overall I think it adds to the emotional tone of the film. Still, I think the Kino restoration is valuable for what it is, a restoration.The point I am trying to make is this. The Kino restoration is an incredible piece of work that will be of great value to all who wish to experience as much of the original film as is possible today. But, in my opinion the Moroder version, with its modern lyrical score is also of great value, maybe not as much in a historical context but as a separate film experience. Think of the Moroder version as a new work based on an old work, not as a restoration.My recommendation? See them both, but see the Moroder version first, the Kino version second. Otherwise, you'll be distracted by the degraded video quality in the Moroder version and you'll miss the incredible soundtrack. Someday when home computers become more powerful and video production software is cheaper and easier to use I'll probably dub the Moroder soundtrack to the Kino video and have the best of both worlds. Until then, the Moroder video isn't that bad, it is about what you would expect from a 70+ year old silent film, but the Kino video, in comparison, is incredible.And, by the way, the Japanese animated film produced a couple of years ago bears only the most superficial resemblance to the original, I was seriously disappointed.
I've been buying Dickies,particularly the 874's for over 20 years and I wasn't impressed with these ones at all..While the item was clearly marked as a Dickies product,it didn't look or feel like any pair of Dickies I've ever bought before.The material seemed very thin, and the pants had no factory crease..Live and learn..
I've never been a fan of fantasy so I'm a little bias. I thought 3 hours way too long.
My first guitar instructor, "Bob" turned me onto the CAGED system by handing me a photocopy of a page from the book, "Scales & Modes in the Beginning" by Don Middelbrook. I loved that book because it taught everything from a pattern point-of-view which made soloing easy & learning all the scales WAY easier.But I still didn't fully understand the concept of the fretboard & WHY it was laid out the way it was. That is until I bought THIS book, Fretboard Logic!TYou know that proverbial Eureka! that everyone jokes about? It came on in my head when I began to study it because it took the CAGED system & made it accessible to me. I already knew how to play the CAGED system because I'd already learned the patterns BUT I was wholly inept at explaining why the system is laid out the way it is. "Bob" just couldn't explain it to me in laymen's terms even though he was a welder by day & guitar instructor by night.The section on Diatonic Lead Patterns really helped me understand the need for vertical runs & how they're achieved. Yeah I knew you cold take a few of the CAGED patterns &/or Modes & connect the dots & root notes but again, you're talking about dexterity & proficiency versus deeper understanding. I feel once you grasp that deeper understanding, then the rest is WAY easier! Why? Once you know the why & how of it, then all you need to do is spend time practicing the scales, licks & leads so you can gain the finger dexterity.Do I consider myself a musician? No. I'm just an afternoon plunker but I can still hold my own with just about anyone in any key & that's where I'm happiest. I can jam with just about anyone & stay in the melody & yet solo when I get the nod.I seriously suggest you spend the little money this book costs & set aside an hour each day to study it thoroughly THEN practice it religiously. By doing so, your understanding & grasp of music (an abstract thing I might add) will begin to nudge you towards the Eureka! or epiphany like I had. Will it come overnight? No, don't kid yourself. Mine didn't either BUT I promise you it WILL come if you're diligent & persistent.I rate this manual 5 out of 5 stars for ease of understanding, completeness & layout. My only gripe is that I wish it were bound on rings so it would lay flat on my music stand. (Hint, Hint!) I'm thinking about taking my copy, cutting off the spine & having it bound in wire rings so it can do that. I hate paperback & hardback music books because they don't lay flat on the music stand.
This is one of my favorite films, and of course, Criterion is now on board with the definitive version of this wonderfully complex thriller. No matter how many times you've seen it, you will never be able to guess where the twists and turns come from because they never let up. The story of a womanizing school headmaster who is brutal to both his wife and his mistress has shocked and influenced both filmmakers and audiences since it was first released in 1954. After the women decide to do away with the beast, the fun starts and bodies start disappearing and, well, to give anything else away to those who have not seen the film would be criminal on my part. Henri-George Clouzot's masterpiece will tickle anybody who loves intelligent horror. The film is expertly mounted, lit, and is accompanied by an eerie, smoky score that accompany the amazing images perfectly. Avoid the terrible Hollywood remake and get this incredible film in Criterion's deluxe edition, which is up to their usual excellent standards. In French with English subtitles.
I was very disappointed when I stuck the game in my AMD K7-600 machine and found out that it even slowed my computer down. I do have to admit the graphics are outstanding, but graphics don't help much if you can't play the game. I did check Lucas Arts site and they said that to run it you had to have 85% of your resources free. Not an easy thing to do considering all the stuff I have on my computer. I am hoping that adding another 128 MB chip into my computer will correct the problem. If it does I will resubmit my review. It is a great looking game. I am just hoping it isn't my Creative Labs TNT2 Ultra 32MB video card.
This movie was brilliant...as an aspiring English teacher I can definitely relate to the characters. This is a kind of movie that anyone can relate to in some way or another. Check it out and enjoy, it's truly a wonderful, intelligent, and inspiring classic!