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2 classes
Awesome Mics I bought this mic for a school project because I needed to make a CD and needed a mic for vocals. This works great for that (just make sure to use a wind screen). Im also the sound tech for my choir class and in the past we have used individual Audix handheld microphones for each singer. However this year we are taking a different approach to mic the singers. We just had an all day gig to sing Christmas songs at all the elementary schools in my town. Ive had some bad luck in the past with using condenser mics for choirs and live sound mainly because of feedback being so easy to get. When setting up for the gig at the schools, I forgot to grab cables to run my EQ so I knew that it was just going to be a wreck. But I decided to give it a try anyway. All of our gigs for that day were in school gyms so that defiantly wasnt going to help with my feedback issues of the past. I used 3 of these mics for a choir of about 25 kids. Ran them into a 6 channel Peavey Mixing board and directly out to 2 QSC K10 active speakers that were used for mains. No EQ except for the 80Hz Cutoff option on the board. I placed the speakers about 10 feet in front of the mics and gave it a shot. To my surprise they didnt feedback AT ALL. Even with the terrible acoustics in the gyms. I was easily able to project the sound of the choir without feedback issues. I was even told by one of the school administrators to turn the volume down at one point. So basically what Im saying is that for the money, these mics are great for many different uses. Whether it is recording at home or micing a choir for a live gig. These mics sound great. We will be buying about 6 more for our spring show in our performing arts center just because they are so cheap.
Very Noisy The DI is clean - I have 5 of the Behringer DI100 and they have been reliable for 3+ years.When the 4x12 emulation is turned on with the GI100 there is a LOT of noise, so much so that it is not useable. Still a good DI, but for me, the emulation is a disappointment. I wish I had bought another DI100 because I always have to check this unit to make sure the emulation is turned off.
harp, harp This is an awesome playing harp. It draws and blows really smooth. There is oftentimes the case of holes getting stuck of more aptly the reed gets stuck but not the case with this harp. I am just a clown playing away on it but it really plays nice, it bends really nicely and is very responsive. The case that it comes in has a nice durable feel. I have a couple of other harps ie Lee Oskar, cheap Hohner and cheap Sousa band. I would say that it plays better than all of them except for the Lee Oskar. All I can really say is that you are getting your moneys worth on this harp
Broken parts may not get fixed... This guitar was given to my daughter,she loves anything zebra related. But doesn't really play.The guitar has always been gently used. The strap broke within two weeks and was quickly replaced by Austin Bazaar.Within two months the fretboard nut snapped in two and the emails began. I still have not heard a peep from Austin Bazaar. I started to pursue the issue with Amazon directly and this was not an easy process either. Kept getting back that I didn't email within 90 days of purchase which is NOT the truth. FINALLY after some direct phone calls Amazon has offered to reimburse up to a certain amount for the repair.When we got an estimate today on fixing the nut at a local guitar shop they quoted us $50 to $60-. This was not as much as Amazon offered us. We'll see what happens....
Nice but not safe for a baby's mouth I found this product after searching for 'baby drum' on Amazon. Upon arrival the drum looked well made and our little 5.5 month old immediately like it. Like all teething babies, he wanted to put his mouth on it. The drum did not look like a toy so I called the company Remo to ask about product safety.The customer service representative was very nice but gave me bad news. She said that she would never let her children put this drum near their mouths. In the manufacturing process many chemicals are used. She said the drum is made from recycled paper or something like that. Bummer! My question is why does the company advertise the product for 0-2yrs without a disclaimer that it's not safe for mouthing?Again, nice looking product but not for infants.
Really Good ! BUT it's missing one major part!!! GRRRR!!!! I bought this digital drum set and when it arrived at my house i was really excited, i opened it up and found that it didn't come with the DC cord to turn it on and i did not have any of the 6 c size batteries it required or any of the cords to connect it to different speakers so i could not use it at all. i was really mad i had to wait a few days until i could find one of the only 2 DC cords that work, both Yamaha ones and quite hard to find....I tried to DC cords i had but they didn't work because they weren't on of the special Yamaha DC cords you need.However when i did get to try it this drum set was quite good....BUT i had to wait 3 days...and another 7 days for the shipping..... ...
Great tones They sound great and we will see how long they last. I wish they would come as a 3 pack though.
O.K.---as far as it goes I had the free version for years, then upgraded.The free version is full of bugs. Naturally tech support is arrogant and unhelpful, and basically consists of "buy the upgrade (Jukebox) because that is what we support."Finally I did buy Jukebox at about version 5 or 6. Unfortunately, most of the same annoying bugs exist, and the tech support is not any better. (The web site help is usually down.)The worst thing is that the program (both free and purchased) is too stupid to recognize that your computer is already connected to the internet, which is vital to take advantage of the program options and save tons of time when ripping. So easily three-quarters of the time you just quit in frustration from trying to convince ("trick") the program into realizing you ARE on the net already!Ripping is easiest when the program locates on the web the album & track info. This is very hit and miss. If someone has submitted that info a few days ago (it takes a while to get into the system) up to several months ago (the info often drops out of the system after a few months), then when you put in your CD (and IF the program knows you are connected to the internet), the info pops up right away and you take off ripping. If this is not the case, you spend a lot of time typing in all of the info; worst of all, often the program will send your typing to the net but not enter it into the tracks you are ripping!!! (In this case, you end up going into the tagging feature and retyping it all over again! Plus you really need to go change the actual computer file names as well!---VERY annoying.)Some other specific comments:Yes, you do get 5 free burns with the free version---they are worth every cent you pay for them, absolutely nothing! They are terrible, usually full of annoying skips. The good news is that if you buy the upgrade, the burning is very good.It is true that "suborganizing" is possible in spite of what some have said. In the library you simply click the window/column heading to resort by track number, album, or any other sub-category, just like you would in any program/file window.It is true that there is a lot of neat tagging info you can enter to have an incredible, comprehensive library with all kinds of background, your own ratings, etc. The bad news is that even a very minor computer crash will wipe all of this work out and you end up with nothing. There is no way to save this info to files, so if your software becomes corrupted and you have to reinstall, you've just lost and wasted all of that time with your great tagging.Playlists are similarly sensative. While being able to create some super playlists (I've had some thousands of songs long!), you will lose them in a computer crash. (You're supposed to be able to save them as a file that can be backed up, but it doesn't work.) In fact, just upgrading from 7 to 8 or 8 to 9 will destroy your playlists. You have to figure out ways around this annoying problem. I burn CD's for any playlist short enough to fit on one CD (which I can then rip and recreate after a crash). For any long playlists, I end up writing them out, and then physically recreating (a bother but not too bad) after an upgrade.It is true you have no control over how and where files are ripped. You will end up relabeling, resorting, and re-nesting/imbedding folders to fit a descent organization system; however, I don't know that any program would do this acceptably anyway, you'll want do you own sorting to make things workable. (And you have to delete from your library and re-add any moved files.)When burning CD's, Jukebox often makes errors about how much will fit on a CD. It will tell you that you still have room, but when you add one more song, during the burn the program will tell you that the disc is full and all songs could not be reocorded! (Worst, the one song that gets dropped off is NOT the last one you added, but a randomly selected one between the first and last!) It's best to do your own math adding up the song times to know how many songs will fit on your CD.I upgraded to 9 recently. It is nice how easy it is to plug in your key for the free upgrade from one version to another, or from the free version if you have to reinstall after a computer crash. I can't say that there has been any improvements over the versions to the bugs in the BASIC functionality, especially the problem of not recognizing being already connected to the net.It is true that the program is much better than Windows Media Player, but com'on, what kind of compliment is that? Idiots can make something better than Microsoft. For the last five years I've only used MM, so I have nothing recent to compare to. After all the time and effort of getting used to the quirks of Jukebox, I find myself very reluctant to go through another Huge learning curve-so in a way I'm stuck with Jukebox.
Good pick holder This pick holder works for me. It holds a number of picks well and easily discharges when needed. It fits my Jasmine well. Buy it from GO-DPS since they have one of the best customer service and quality products!
Great Strings I am a beginner guitar player, so I don't have too much experience with different types of strings. But, I can say that when compared to the stock strings of my Fender Acoustic guitar, these things are like night and day. A much brighter sounds and a little easier on the fingers. Highly recommended.
Surdy, colorful and nice tone. Love this drum, but pay attention to age recommendations. I purchased this for a 1 yr. old, but the mallets used to do the drumming, are long wooden ones. I quickly realized my mistake as Baby can only play this drum with one-on-one adult supevision. It's too easy to fall onto one of these mallets and cause permanent damage to the throat, vocal cords, etc. The warning was there in the description, but I didn't thinkt this one through. Even a three year old should need complete supervision, It's alright, just make it be a family or group experience.
Works just as I expected it would I purchased this about a month ago. It must have gotten lost in the mail. I contacted the company and they sent another one immediately. I'm pleased!
Not a fan of this Woo, yamaha really did get carried away this time... I thought they could stick with something practical, but er.. this isn't it. I tried it in a store, and you can't even really mix with it, much less actually use it in a club or at a rave. If you wanna be a DJ and scratch, use turntables. If you are bent on scratching with a cd player then get the cd scratch mixer from American DJ, because it's a good bit better than this abomination.
Quality The black light did not work and The vendor never responded to my email regarding my request to return the merchandise. This is the first bad experience I have had ordering on line.
Good instrument wax This was a gentle and effective wax. Applied smoothly in circular motions. Then easily wiped off the instrument without a residue.
Firebox not for everyone Now that I have been able to run the Presonus Firebox through the paces I am starting to not like it. Everything I have done with it so far is all VO work so none of this review is based on instrument recording. There are a few of us that have done VO work through the Firebox and I would rate all of our voices as mid to high on volume. Thus I have not run into any problems with the unit until I recorded someone with a softer voice. I had everything cranked and it still was not enough. Now I have a noisy VO that needs to be redone. Yes, I have spent many, many hours trying to repair the audio and bring the noise down but have come to the conclusion that it will take less time to re-record than to continue to beat the dead horse.I will not put all the blame on Presonus, the unit comes with a software booster that adds about 12dB and if I crank the levels on the Firebox and record into Soundtrack it becomes useable for a softer voice but still not great. The software gain does ad noise so it is not a great solution.Since running into this problem I have read a number of other folks out there with similar issues. So if you have a medium to loud voice the Firebox has a very nice warm sound for the money. If you might record someone with a softer voice I would look elsewhere.
Great buy It's what I expected it to be. Fast and reliable. I may order one more for my sister in law.
Buy this for the case, not the harps. The carrying case is great, but the harps, not so much. Cheaply made, very strong plastic-y smell and taste which makes playing them unpleasant to say the least. Only 2 harps in my set worked correctly - the other ones squeaked and sounded all wrong. If you are in the market for a nice carrying case for your harps, then this is a great choice. If you're looking for an inexpensive set of harps for gigging with or learning on, this is not the set for you. Steer clear.
RECORDING & MIXING VOL. 1 (Word to the wise) I bought this DVD package expecting great things but, was HIGHLY disappointed !!! I would DEFINITELY NOT recommend this video to anyone wanting to learn about what goes on in the recording studio. as it is a complete rip off !!! at best, It could be regarded as a vague overview of recording. but even THAT... is stretching it !!!
Decent product, lousy registration policy I purchased Sound Forge 6 on the recommendation of a friend. It seems to work pretty well on XP, no real hassles, didn't need the manual much at all as its pretty intuitive. You can have multiple files in different sampling frequencies open and cut/paste, make modifications like envelope and echo, quick fade out, etc.Its not a full featured effects editor, I can't for instance specify a point in the file and say I want this to be at exactly 3.5 seconds in and I do wish it did multi-track so I could more easily line up sounds before merging them together. It also doesn't have a very good system for handling sampling frequency changes while cutting and pasting, it does tell you that the 2 files are different but fails to give you a "make it right" option, forcing you to cancel, then go figure out what the sample rate on the original was, then switch to the 2nd file, open its sample rate change dialog and type in that number..Then the bad news happened. It had occasionally asked for registration during startup but all the "do you want to register" screen offered if I registered was that they would send me promotional materials, so I passed. Then one day the software informed me that the files (mp3) that I had saved yesterday could no longer be opened until I registered the software! I think this is a really lousy policy on their part. Plus they admit (quoted from the privacy policy) "Sonic Foundry may from time to time share or provide your identifiable contact information to approved third parties" and have a big "Digital Marketing Associates" logo right on their privacy page. They do offer a "opt out" feature but its really hard to find and understand...being embedded in a generic "customer service form" that says "your message" and "Submitting Customer Service request through this form will significantly delay a response."While it is not an excessive to require that customers register the software, I feel that Sony Pictures Digital (which is where you end up when going to Sonic Foundrys privacy page) should tell them upfront that the software will cripple itself unless they are registered
shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake that's what it does, and it does it well. Took a minute to get here. 2-pack action is good.
Great metronome, chromatic tuner and drone tone generator! It does what it promises! It's has almost all the features of the Dr. Boss DB 90 and costs a fraction of the price! And it's still smaller, so it's easier to carry it around. The only "problem" is that the speaker is at the back, so, if you put it on the stand, it won't sound as loud. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
Smaller then the picture makes it look This is a great little kit for a small kid, but the picture definitely makes it look bigger then it really is. The bass drum is about the size of a large pot you would cook pasta in. I was a little disappointed when I saw the size, should have read the measurements more carefully.
clear and pure sound I have been playing the recorder for many years. For just a few dollars more than the cheap beginner's models, you can get this very nice Yamaha YRS-312B.The sound is pure and sweet. However the low C and D have a slight "purr" when played. My daughter loves the character the "purr" gives to the instrument.It is also perfectly matched in pitch with the YRS-302B.
Interesting I only really have one complaint. The coating just does not feel right somehow. The sound is interesting. You have to get used to them. The only thing for me is that I feel I not really playing. They are kind of neat but is it not the same. I think I will have to try a lot more different Regular strings. My view or another persons view does not cut it. You have to try things for your self. Even though they are kind of neat in some ways I will move on for the time being. They are worth trying one time though. If you had a lot of guitars and could put some on one that you only used when you wanted to and the cost did not bother you, then I would have given them a five star. Coating is just not that great to have to have on all the time. My experience is limited. If I get more experience and change my mind I will come back and amend. These strings have not held up at all for me. I would not even recommend them if you had more than one guitar. I do not see they are any better than regular cheaper strings. I do not feel they are as good either.
Fender Accesories Guitar Tools El product arrived with damage, the wax pulled out of the container and we need to clean thes rest of the accesories
OMG! This is so beautiful we love it so much! we get so many compliments on it and it sounds wonderful!
Portable PA System I really like this, but after 2 weeks, I charged it and it spoilt. I don't know why it suddenly spoilt...
Nice Amp I've had this amp running now for about 3 weeks. Very clean sound. I'm using it to drive old Bose 901's through the Bose equalizer from a Harmon-Kardon preamp out. Nice complement to the system. Just what I wanted at a great price also.
Not for my Yamaha Soprano Saxophone! I should have been tipped off by the lack of reviews by folks using this case to actually carry a soprano saxophone versus an EWI. (I had to Google the term EWI to figure out what folks were referring to.)While I enjoy my Protec Alto Saxophone case, this Soprano case completely misses the mark. Inside, the cavity is essentially a big rectangular space. They provide two small movable padded pieces with velcro, intended to "customize" the rectangular space to fit your instrument. It doesn't even come close to being acceptable for cradling a $3000+ professional Yamaha soprano saxophone. The instrument can still shift in every direction, including rolling left and right. What were they thinking? It took all of 45 seconds to make the decision to pack this product up and send it back.Maybe they should call it the Protec EWI case.
Pure Junk I can't see why Amazon would sell a piece of junk like this or even offer it for sale.I took two different sized boxes,taped them together with packing tape and got substantially better tone quality with the boxes than I did with the Bongos.Don't waste your time buying this item because it's not even close to poor quality. It's garbage and would make a much better side-by-side flower pot than a drum.
Recomanded by violin teacher My daughter's violin teacher recomanded it for my 7 years old girl and she said it's it the right one for everyone.My girl said it very confortable and much better than other one she used use before.
Dobro instruction at the highest level? ... Really? Jerry Douglas is one of the best dobro players in the world! So why make a DVD with relatively basic dobro playing like this one? I'm pretty disappointed- I wish the elite on any instrument would make Instructional DVD's that are "too hard" for everyone, and then we can leave the basic "note-for-note-breakdown" to all the rest of the instrumentalists.I mean, where do you go when there's no "meat" on Jerry Douglas' instructional DVD?!?!To back it up I'll mention instructional DVDs like Brent Mason's and George Benson's, where you time after time, year after year, can put it on and get your a"# kicked, be inspired and catch some new little thing.If I want note for note breakdown I will go to anyone but the masters!
I thought I could take the smell I thought I could take the smell. I couldn't.Otherwise it would be a decent deal and not bad sounding.The case is nice too, but everything smells like the Chinese rubber smell at Harbor Freight Tools. (sulfur?)I tried airing it out for a week with no success.If you have no sense of smell, get one.
Total Control I'm very satisfied with this product. I can program since a clean sound to a killer distortion, in a easy way, some like an analogic control, catch?
not worth the money I bought this thing from an Amazon affiliate. It takes forever to tune my guitar with it. Hitting the same string over and over you get a different result each time only seconds later. It is very frustrating to use and I would rather just tune my guitar by ear. I would like to return it but it is an affiliate of Amazon and you can't get a return label. You have to email the store and request an authorization code and pay for your own shipping return. By the time I do all of that and waist my time dropping it off at UPS - well it's not worth it. I'm extremely disappointed in Amazon that this item is difficult to return. I will think twice next time I buy from an affiliate of Amazon.
Great The produt came in before I even expected it. It works great no issues with it at all. I definitely recommend this product.
arrgh why the hell all of these stands I've used out gigging on ships, clubs, my music college, recital halls have the ones with the all metal construction and I got the one with the PLASTIC BALL JOINT???? WHY???
product could be OK, but the service needs to be improved I've made a decision to purchase this mouthpiece here after checking the sound, a shape, and the price at the local store.Of course the price is better than a local store.But when I received the mouthpiece, the condition of gold plating on the ligature had a little bit scratch, and the sound was not the same what I experienced at the local store.The seller asked me to charge the shipping charge of the return the item when I asked RMA.After calculating the shipping charge I didn't returned it to prevent an expected much loss..Still i don't understand why I need to pay the shipping charge of the product which had a defect..
Mic does not come with the system I bought this system with the idea that the system would come with the lavalier mic as described in the product details. It did not come with it and when I contacted Sam Ash they said they do not sell the combined system and I would have to send the whole system back for a refund. I was not happy with this and someone should make this right. I bought this thinking that this price included the mic.
Disappointed I was very disappointed in this tuner. Even alone in a room with no other noise, it is hard to tune my instrument. I have to pluck the string several times before it will even register, whether it is in tune or not.Boss TU-80C Chromatic Tuner & Metronome
The worst of 3 different CD-burning programs I've owned. Despite the overall positive reviews you'll see here, BUYER BEWARE. This software is by far the least user-friendly and most cumbersome CD burning program I've owned. Eventually I had no problems learning how to rip and burn CDs, but it still requires too many steps and clicks to get to the action.My complaints largely center around 2 issues: Burning data CDs and storing track lists. Burning data CDs is truely a pain in the arse using MusicMatch. Programs such as this should have simple drag-and-drop options. But if you're trying to update a data file already on the CD-R, it is not that easy -- it requires extra steps to manually delete the old versions of your data. I have many many data CD-Rs for both work and home, and burning/updating them was an extraordinarily burdensome process.In regards to saving track lists, I'm an audiophile, and I prefer listening to stored tracks in their original track listing order. If you prefer this too, do not buy MusicMatch. It can only store tracks by name (alphabetically), and does not allow you to listen to the tracks in album track # order. This makes listening to classical, jazz, or any other instrumental album really undesirable. It also makes burning music CDs a pain, because you have to drag-and-drop each track in the desired order. This should be automatic! Freeware like Real Player even lets you store tracks in album listing order...Why not this? Ugh.
I've always loved these strings Elixir's are my favorite guitar strings hands down. For both acoustic and electric, Elixir deliver's on quality every time. I bought this set for my brand new acoustic. I wanted to switch out the store string set.As always, the quality is unmatched and the sound/tone produced from these wonderful strings is worth every penny. I'll never use another brand again.
Good for my purpose The Korg CA-30 tuner was just what I wanted--a very basic but accurate tuner that is easy to use.
Hidden Limitation On Ripping from CD to MP3 Product box leads you to believe that you can rip CD to MP3 and then write a CD with tracks you like. As soon as you start out they inform you that in order to rip more than 30 tracks you will have to give them more money. I could find no mention of this annoying restriction until the software was installed.
BUYER BEWARE - THIS MIC DOES NOT WORK WITH VISTA BUYER BEWARE!!! As of July 2007, this product will not work on PCs running Windows Vista. If you require a microphone that will work on Windows Vista, be sure to contact the manufacturer BEFORE buying this product to ensure that they have upgraded the firmware to support Windows Vista.
best acoustic tuner on the market this is my 4th or 5th set of Grover tuners...not all on the same guitar. Wouldn't buy any other. They have it right.
Go for Audio-Technica In the price range, these are reasonable wireless mics, but don't expect to get any reception if you're are running more than 2 wireless mics at a time. If you're set on this price range, check out the Audio Technica counterpartsAudio-Technica PRO88W-R35 VHF Wireless Microphone System for Camcorder UseThese are better mic quality and have better reception - they are a little more expensive, but are worth the upgrade. These mics are great for use with camcorders - I have used both Azdens and Audio-Technica mics with my sony XDCAM and the Azdens work OK, but the Audio Technica's just work and sound better and pickup almost no background noise.
Light CAN SOMEONE HELP ME! I just got this light for Christmas and when i plugged it in the light did not turn on. The light bulbs were rotating when i plugged it in but no light emitted from it. PLEASE HELP ME IF YOU HAD THIS PROBLEM! or if can anyone give me the address so i can return it because it has a limited one year warranty.
disappointed I bought it believing that what I was getting is what the photo shows. in the box the mic came without the goose neck. now what do I do - go in search of a goose neck. very disappointing.
11 months in and the speakers need repair! I enjoyed these speakers thoroughly for the first 11 months but then they developed an annoying buzz. I switched electrical outlets, unplugged all non electrical cables and wires but the sound remained even when playing music through the speakers.It's not even worth trying to get these repaired as M-Audio requires the purchaser to pay for shipping both ways and possibly a nominal handling fee. Plus, if they decide the problem was caused by "regular wear" then they will pro-rate the cost of the repairs for you. No thanks!
This product causes more problems than it does good... I bought this program, and I stopped using it within 2 months... why?This program, at least for me, tends to bug a lot, and it does a lot of screwy things that you never intended. For example, notes that I never entered in appeared towards the end of my pieces, and there was no way that I could delete them.Also, it would randomly bug at some times, and I would have to quit the program, losing everything that I worked hard on (wouldn't you all be frusterated if that happened?).Also, and it may be because I didn't figure it out entirely, I couldn't have two different note heads on the same beat (example, half note and quarter note on beat one) on the same staff. It just wouldn't work.I would strongly consider buying another notation program. I use Cakewalk Scorewriter, which is about as cheap as this, and I hope someday to get Sibelius... when I have the money to do so (...)
Lots of noise.... I bought this cable a while back and was impressed by the quality of the materials. However, when I plugged it into my new mic the signal-to-noise ratio was so bad that I thought the mic was bad. I got a different cable and it sounded great! Maybe I was unlucky...
sounds great for the price It sounds really good for its price. You won't regret buying this as your first guitar. But you won't really appreciate its sounds for the price, unless you've had several guitars before. Don't fall in love with the purple in the picture, though. I did and I was disappointed. But if you want an affordable, great sounding, purplish guitar, this is a definite buy.
Works for lighter material, collapses with heavy books I bought this for my fiancee to use with her digital piano and it works well enough for lighter books and sheet music however the extending piece on top can not hold the heavier Joplin music book that she bought. The piece that's supposed to keep the upper part extended slips and the stand goes down to half size -- not very good.So this stand works well enough to hold lighter music but fails completely with heavier music books. For the price though, works decently well.
Not warm, but dull I am a big fan of the D'addario phosphor bronze round wound strings, but wanted a slightly warmer sound. Thw flat tops just seemed dull sounding to me. After about a week I dumped them.
Go For It! The World Tour Deluxe Padded Keyboard Bench is world class! Wide enough for movement and soft enough for looooong sitting. A butts best friend. Height is just right. Looks great near my black piano! Maybe I should have paid more? Of course I'm joking! Great buy for sure.
can't go wrong with boomers inexpensive . durable, won't rust or corrode. sound great. good punch. full sound. play very well. recommend. [see title for more information]
Bad Recording When I record my vinyl, the program is just recording from the Mac's speakers, resulting with quiet, tight sound quality. So basically, it records everything, even me talking. I'm not sure if I set it up wrong, or if that's the way is works. When it's recording, the record sound fine. I can even put in my headphones and it would sound just like a regular song I bought from iTunes. But instead, it records through the speakers, not the computer. If you know the solution, please help!
Great bass and git pick Best picks I have played yet! The feel is great and the rounded edges deliver a killer tone. I have big hands so this is a great pick to hold and feel.
is the worse article I ever bought I am not satisfied with the quality of this product . I think it must be retired of production as soon as posible
Elixir Disappoints I play at least ten hours a week, and typically change strings once a month. They get thoroughly cleaned after each session. Thought I'd try the Elixir strings (mediums) to see if they'd hold their tone better between changes than what I had been using. The experiment was very disappointing. When new, the tone wasn't as full as it was with my regular (much less expensive) strings, and what tone there was began to deteriorate in just a few days. In fact, the high E string already displays rust spots. After one week with these overpriced, underperforming strings, I'm changing back to economical, great sounding D'addario nickel mediums tomorrow.
Outstanding The case is great, its not meant for the super shallow guitars, but is works just fine for mine. It arrived quick and has a solid construction. I recommended it to a friend who also bought it and loves it.
Software is for Windows only . . . First, let me say that Fasttrack works perfectly for my needs -- i needed to get a mic signal through an XLR cable into my mac powerbook for demos, absent of my usual protools software and clunky hardware. the mac sees the fasttrack immediately. BUT you should also know that none of the bundled software works with the laptop.and considering this is an input box AND software you and i are paying for -- if you're on a mac you should go elsewhere to buy the box alone instead of this package. i saw 2 new units at the amazon "new and used" link at the top of this page (sans sessions software) for a much lower price.Not exactly fair dealing from M-Audio as they flat-out name Garage Band in their product description and then talk about how great the accompanying software is--for that reason alone this package only gets 2 stars from this mac/protools user.
Poor quality product.. Nady DKW-Duo.. not worth it Purchased the DUO wireless microphone system thru Amazon (seller Electronic Basket LLC) in Sep 2011 for about $48 (free shipping). The product arrived promptly in a few days.However, after just the first use, one of the microphones stopped working. As it was still under the 90-day warranty I contacted Nady, the manufacturer. Unfortunately the customer service agent wasn't very helpful. The rep wanted me to send the whole unit back at MY cost so that they could take a look. Also I was informed that if the new unit was defective, they would only replace it with a refurbished unit.When I requested to speak with a supervisor, I was told that Toby who owns the company was in a meeting and would be unable to speak to me. My request for Toby to call me back was declined as it was not the "company's policy".The company cannot even afford a toll-free number to their customer service office. During my long distance call, I was periodically placed on hold for extended periods of time while they were "researching" options. I am not wasting my money anymore on phone calls to a company that really did not seem to care about their customers.I am sending the unit back to Amazon. Hopefully I will get a full refund. No more Nady products for me.
You're Better Off Paying a Few Extra $ On A Better One... At first i thought these were okay and got the job done just fine. After a few weeks I started noticing that the adapter was falling apart and becoming unusable. My little microphone might have been a little too heavy for it im guessing. The adapter that screws on to your mic stand detached from the actual plastic of the mic holder. It was fixable, but just really annoying to fix everyday. I suggest you spend a little extra money on a better mic clip holder because this clip doesn't last very long. The plastic and screws feel flimsy, and the construction is really bad. From my experience, anything labeled "Musician's Gear" on Amazon, like this mic clip, is in the long run, not a very good investment. They're cheap, and basic. They get the job done yeah, but not a very good job. They end up falling apart after a few weeks or months.
Inaccurate description. This is NOT a Voyager stand. Music123 is a company in Ohio that sells music stands among other things. They have good prices and ship quickly. However, this item is misdescribed. If you order this, you will NOT receive a Voyager stand (short or otherwise). You will receive a Manhasset 48C, which is a short version of the standard Manhasset stand.A Voyager stand is one that has a foldable base, and an easily detachable desk, making it much easier to transport in a car or on the bus. It is more expensive than a standard Manhasset stand.I ordered this in December 2012, and after ordering, found out the description is inaccurate. I returned the stand and reported the problem to Music123 and to Amazon, but it has not been corrected. It also took several emails to get my money refunded.You can see the different models of Manhasset music stands athttp://www.manhasset-specialty.com/index.cfm?pageID=3If you want a standard Manhasset stand, it is model M48, here:http://www.amazon.com/Manhasset-Model-Sheet-Music-Stand/dp/B0002FOBJYIf you want a SHORT Manhasset stand, it is model M48C, here:http://www.amazon.com/Manhasset-48CA-Concertino-Stand/dp/B0002E390WIf you want a Manhasset VOYAGER stand, it model M52, here:http://www.amazon.com/Manhasset-M52-Voyager-Music-Stand/dp/B003HZQQLCIf you want a SHORT Manhasset VOYAGER stand, it model M52C, here:http://www.amazon.com/Manhasset-M52C-Voyager-Concertina-Stand/dp/B001IR7SP4
Pleasantly Surprised The Eureka has gotten a lot of buzz. The box feels solid and substantial. It comes with gain, hard/soft compression, three band parametric eq, and master volume. The patch order of the eq and compresion can be switched, depending on your needs. Other useful features include phase inversion, variable impedence, and a saturation knob. A backlit analog meter can display incoming signal level or gain reduction. Inputs and outputs are both TRS and XLR. An effects insert point is included. An optional digital output card is available.I bought the Eureka on the recommendation of a trusted music salesperson (yes, they exist) to power my Royer 121 ribbon mic. There were no preamps anywhere close to this price that he would consider recommending. As it turns out, he did me a great favor. The Eureka does a very solid job with the Royer mic (although I haven't heard the Royer on anything else, so I can only speak to the pairing of the two). Better yet, it gives me new options for almost every other piece of gear I own. I have an inexpensive Precision bass that really benefits from this box - the compression and preampe give it the fullness of a better instrument, while the eq helps to control the noisiness and unevenness between strings. The variable impedence allows users to try those DIY tricks on Shure SM57 mics without pulling out a soldering iron. Other budget-to-midrange mics also benefit. I run my Mojave tube mic through the Eureka to control peaks with good results. I haven't found anything that doesn't benefit at least a bit from the Eureka. I have even heard of mixes being run through the Eureka (one side at a time) to remove the dreaded "digital chill". Between the quiet operation and the versatility of the Eureka, it is no wonder that it is quickly becoming a "best kept secret" among many home recordists and even sine professionals.Downsides: The knobs are close together and seem vulnerable to being bent. Three sweep eq's with no shelving eq are less than I'd prefer, but they do their job. The optional digital card can take signals from two Eurekas run in tandem, but the signal from the second Eureka must pass to the card in the "analog domain" before it is converted to a digital signal. As with any analog gear, favorite settings must be written down instead of being saved to memory for instant recall. None of these issues is a deal-killer - they just illustrate how hard I had to work to come up with any complaints at all.If you're looking for a way to bring your home recording quality up a notch, or a way to give old gear a new lease on life, the Eureka may be just the ticket. Its quality sound, versatility and bang-for-the-buck put it in a niche that will make many bugdet-minded recordists very happy.
Outstanding 3D surround sound Amazing 3D Surround sound from this little device.Makes the music sound like you're actually there.
Great for the price These maracas are definitely nice for the inexpensive price. Without the made in china stickers you will never know they aren't from old Mexico. Nice lacquer finish and a soft, sandy rattle.
High quality I'll be short and quick. Simply the best audio cables for instruments. I play bass guitar and these are making a difference. Theses cables are built to last a lifetime. They're expensive but well worth it. Don't buy cheap cables because you will regret it.
you get what you pay for um...how can i put this? you are taught when you are young that if you don't have anything NICE to say, then you should say nothing at all, so...at least i didn't waste alot of money on this unit.
NOT recommended -STAY AWAY! I bought this unit (MOTU micro lite) to be able to easily do a Midi merge between devices, but there is no software available to map the midi ports or configure the device. It was a total waste of money for me and I give it zero (0) stars because when you read the description it gives you the impression that it does this easily. The product manual is ridiculous in that it covers 5 different MOTU products and most of the content doesn't apply to the micro lite. There is almost no specific content in the manual for the micro lite. I wrote to tech support and still have no response after a week. I don't understand how you can run a business this way. Highly disappointed and NOT recommended.
Strictly an entry level mandolin, but not a bad one. I bought this mandolin (but not from Amazon) for about seventy dollars, including the shipment, from an eBay auction house. It has a bright tone, but not a particularly resonant one. The intonation and bridge height required adjustment (and the bridge /is/ adjustable), but other than that it played well out of the box, without needing to adjust the action at the nut. The gig bag is barely adequate ... no padding, a weak zipper, no pockets.My only real beef with this was with the packaging ... although the box showed an instrument with a truss rod cover, and the instrument came with an allen wrench for adjusting a truss rod, the mando in the box had no truss rod. So, in a way, I felt that I didn't get what I ordered. But for $70, I felt I got my money's worth.It's still on the string set I got with it, but I'm keen to see whether putting a decent set of strings on it will make much of a difference.
Extremely HOT You cannot run one of these for any longer then 15 minutes without having to worry about it burning the outlet it's plugged into. The shell also reaches temperatures hot enough to burn you if touched. Since realizing this I've discontinued the use of them.Though, they are extremely bright, and simply designed.Beware : These do not come with color shields, nor clamps. They must be purchased aside from this individually.
Good Microphone If you want to start some great home recording, this is the microphone to use! soooooooooo cheap and great quality, I haven't had any issues with any of the mics I purchased and the sound is arguably broadcast quality.
Audio-Technica ATR30 Microphone I had no problems with purchase or delivery. The microphone is performing well so far (voice only recording into a laptop computer).
Works great! When attached to my music stand, his device completely solves all lighting problems when playing a gig in poorly light conditions.
not included We bought the psr280 at another store. They didn't mention that we needed an adaptor. They did however tell us about the headphones we wanted, and then sold us the wrong set.
Excellent Sound. I like this overdrive. It make my guitar sound like as a professional player performing. I'm just a beginner.
good The product came quickly and was in good condition. My brother loved it as a christmas present. It work effectively.
Quality Production As a musician I generally find concert films frustrating, as they rarely capture the complete performance of any band. Porcupine Tree's Anesthetize is a beautiful exception to that rule. Lasse Hoile clearly understands PT's artistic vision, and respects the musical capability of all 5 band members, giving quality screen time to each. At no point did I feel that I missed a portion of the performance. Hoile has edited the concert footage in such a way that you almost feel as though you're at the concert. Truly a spectacular showcase of an amazingly talented band. If you're a progressive music fan, this Blu-ray is an absolute must own.
Wasen't what I expected It was a collectable toy to put on a shelf, I thought I was buying an instrument...
Guitar Cable Pack Washburn Pedal Cable PackI choose an item by what I see and read as described in Amazon. If what I get is same or close to what I saw and read, I am very satisfied. This pedal cable pack was just that.
Not bad to start with I got a pair of these used a few months back. I'm fairly new to spinning, I spin mostly techno, and happy hardcore. For the price I payed for them they are decent, with a good amount of torque making them good to learn on. Only thing is they could use a bit more feature. But over all they are worth it.
It strips bolts! Buyer beware. The phillips #1 screwdriver they include (and tell you to use) stripped the bolts that fasten the reeds to the comb. Now I have a defunct harmonica that cannot be repaired.
Best Sounding Bronze Punchy, accurate and rich in character. These. Strings make all the difference in the world , elixirs yield true sonic goodness
Makes my Mac Garage Band program sing, almost These extra garage band loops have really added to my ability to create my own arrangements. I have no musical training or any particular musical aptitude. I thought, at first, the price was too high, but the price is worth it.
Not very pleasing This lyre would not fit around my clarinet nor my friends' clarinets! Not recommendable! Looks as described but just not suitable for a clarinet.
HO-HUM Is Chrissie embarassed of her past? Why was so much early material omitted? The dead guys were GREAT!!! This could have been great too if it were more complete.
stylus order was quick and just what i wanted. it worked perfectly and had good audio.good company to deal with. i have perchused other things and had no problems
cello strings these strings have a very metallic and unpleasant sound. I do not recommend them to anyone with a cello
Do your research, and expect absolutely no support. Astatic has a series of podium microphone mute switches in the 40-11x range. Based on the descriptions that I was seeing on most people's website, I thought I was buying a base that I could toggle back and forth between muted and not. It appeared that it had a "programmable" LED light that would show me when I was on mute or not.Unfortunately, I bought the wrong one, which only had a momentary-contact switch in it, meaning that it would only mute OR talk (that's the "programmable" part) WHEN the button was actually being held down. My 40-116 didn't have an LED light in it at all.I knew that the vendor that I purchased mine from stated up front that this was a drop-ship item that could not be returned (and after getting a hold of them around their squirly weekend hours, they confirmed that). I tried for days to contact Astatic directly, and FINALLY go a hold of a warm body today, only to be told that they won't support it, and I'd have to buy a new one.So I am, I'm buying an Audio-Technica...If you buy the Astatic, make sure you know EXACTLY what you're buying.
Good for studio...NOT for live sound, period! I have gone through three of these and I give up! The first time I bought one for a outdoor gig where I used a 6k Honda Inverter generator. The PRO 3500 outlets all shut down before the first set. Total watt draw was about 1800 watts at the time. We used a $12 Ace Hardware power strip and finished the gig. I sent the unit to Monster (their service is excellent for returns, RMA's, etc.) in San Rafael and received a brand new in-the-box replacement. I quickly used that one for another live gig (with commercial power) and that unit shut down as well. I became leary of them at that point and found out that many others shared the same dilemma. Nonetheless, I just got a new one back after returning the 2nd one and this one did the very same thing at my Relay For Life gig. Strike Three! Monster products are usually top-of-the-line and very well made. I just bought their "lesser" model 1000 Pro and I will give that a try. I need power protection and I need reliablility. I believe the 3500 PRO is over-circuited for live sound. Please respond if you have had similar or different experiences.
Good machine at a good price When I purchased this product it was labeled as the PreSonus FireBox 6x10. This turned out to be the same as the FireBox 6x8. As far as I know, PreSonus doesn't even make a 6x10 version (although maybe they used to), but I bought it because it was way cheaper than any FireBox 6x8. It is exactly the same.Product was shipped promptly and arrived within days. The FireBox is built well and seems like it can endure some rugged use (although I only use it in my home recording studio). The pre-amps do improve recording quality and it is easy to adjust imput levels. For some reason, however, my mac does not recognize the 2, 1/4 inch inputs in the back. I haven't needed to use these inputs yet, so I haven't looked into whether or not it is an issue with a computer setting or a hardware issue. Regardless of this problem, I think that the PreSonus Firebox is a great first audio interface for the aspiring home recorder. Understand that although this is not necessarily a professional grade product, it is certainly sufficient for good quality home recordings.
Impossible to use the software, WORST activation process I have seen I tried to use the Guitar Combo software but the serial number printed in the CD cover did not work.Then tried to use online support but the site puts you in a mad loop that ask to login and informe the serial number again and again.Why the customer should be annoyed and punished to use the product?
Excelente sonido y Muchos efectos Este amplificador es todo lo que esperaba de el, tiene una calidad de sonido muy buena, asi como una potencia increible para ser de 75 watts. De hecho cuando me propuse probar la potencia en volumen 7 tuve que bajar el volumen inmediatamente porque a mi papa le di un susto increible jejeje.Tambien trae unos 400 efectos distintos que le dan mucha versatibilidad, asi que si buscan algo bueno bonito y barato, no busquen mas!
full size electric violin good shipping, product was as described but needed to be setup, bridge was to tall, head phones worked good, has been a good addition and fun to play
Excellent! I bought this tuner because I recently bought a violone and wanted to be able to accurately tune the frets. Just about everybody I know has an iPhone and also has the very cool tuner app, but I don't have an iPhone and don't plan to buy one soon. This machine was at deep discount, perhaps because everyone is now tuning to the iPhone app, and looked like it would do everything I need it to.And it does.And besides that, I have dropped it twice already off my music stand onto a wooden floor (clumsy in old age I guess) and it has survived just fine. The second time, after cursing myself, I noticed that the battery cover flew off and batteries exited at the same time. I thought this is the end for sure but I put the batteries back in, slipped the unbroken cover back on, and it still works. And not even a mark on it.So, physical durability has been tested thoroughly. Other functions work very well and logically, too, including picking up low bass frequencies without problem.Highly recommended.
Super cute, but plays terrible This guitar is really cute, love the artwork. It made me sad that I had to return it due to the fact it wouldn't tune. Should be only $20 guitar. If you are serious about wanting your child to play I don't recomend it.If you want an expensive toy this is it.