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I'm returning it today I purchased this camera as a Christmas gift to myself after reading reviews for all the 4mp and 5mp cameras I could find. I used it yesterday for the first time, and was terribly disappointed. This is not my first digital, and my old Olympus Camedia 2.1mp took better pictures. ALL the photos I took at a family gathering were very dark. Yes, they were all taken indoors, however my Olympus turned out great photos under the same conditions. Of course I can edit and lighten them, however the software packaged with the camera is very imprecise, so adjusting for printing is sheer guesswork. I'll be packing this one up and returning it today. Now I need to start my research all over again!
linux-unfriendly, forget audio, otherwise fine I really wanted to like this KVM switch, because it seemed the perfect way to share connections between my linux box running Mandriva 2006 (kernel v. 2.6.12) and my new Mac Mini running 10.4. Unfortunately, I don't.Basically, in contrast to a previous reviewer's experience, I find that this switch does not work reliably with my linux box. Neither the keyboard nor the mouse work well, either when both are connected or singly. The keyboard, which is a plain vanilla USB keyboard, does not register some keys when typed, and will go into key repeat mode randomly, and much too often (your chances of typing in your password correctly are about 3 in 5). My Logitech USB mouse is slow and erratic in motion, and will sometimes just run off the screen, which I guess is the mouse equivalent of key repeat. Both peripherals work perfectly when connected directly to the linux box, so I am sure it the KVM switch which is acting up.The other problem with this unit is the audio - it is simply abominable. There was a marked decrease in the frequency response and an increase in noise level, which made listening to music very unpleasant.On the other hand, its USB performance with the Mac and video switching performance are exemplary, and it probably works just as well with Windows. So I gave it a couple of stars, but the audio performance is really not good.And for linux, at least in my experience, this is not the thing to get. My search for a KVM switch continues.
Not as simple as it seems. Read the reviews before purchasing! This seemed like a simple solution to connect my PC or laptop to my TV that does not have a VGA input. It does not work! Not all TVs are able to receive "inter-laced" signals which this creates. Unless you are sure that your TV supports this don't buy. Its not expensive but I was very frustrated when it would not work. I am also stuck with a DVI/HDMI cable that is useless. Not even worth returning due to shipping costs.
best little CF card hold I love this little Compact Flash (CF) card holder and have been using it for over a year for my photography. Not only is the case soft and flexible (great for packing in tight with your camera gear) - it holds a good deal of CF cards (6 at least, and a big pocket on the end that could hold 2 more). It's secured by a nice zipper and the back belt loop is strong with a velcro bottom so you can strap this onto the loops of other Lowepro bags, etc for quick access. The best but expensive here at [...]+ shipping. You can get it for [...] elsewhere.
Netgear MR814 802.11b refurbished wireless router This refurbished product only worked for about 1-2 hours after first set up. I then had to turn it off for 12-18 hours to get it to work again. I also learned Netgear only offers e-mail support for refurbished products as they have NO SERIAL NUMBER to register online, via mail, or telephone. There is no recourse for return of the item except to the person from whom it was purchased.
hardware problem I have been very happy with the performance of the G5 but for one very annoying feature. Very recently, a high-pitch sound appeared from the otherwise very quiet desktop unit. Browsing of the large internet Mac community pages revealed that my unit is not the only one with that problem. While the final diagnostic awaits confirmation, the majority of comments points to flaws in the design of the processor control and/or in the powersupply. To my great dismay, Apple customer service showed itself very uncorporative. For such an expensive equipment, low-end service is not acceptable. In conclusion, the computer performance warrants 4 stars, the recent problems led to a very annoying noise problem that lowers it to 2 stars, and the response from Apple is just disappointing (does not qualify for any star). One Apple a day keeps the doctor away. But only one without worms...
Extremely good value UPDATE JUNE 2009 UPDATE 11/2010 not that it matters, but still going strong... it's on 24x7UPDATE JUNE 2009. What can I say, this unit runs almost continuously in the summer, I turn it off in the winter. It's running under a 6 ohm load which is really pushing it. I have 3 pairs of outdoor speakers with separate impedence matching volume controls, that sort of help with the impedence, and this thing has held up really well. If I crank the volume too high (like really loud) due to the low impedence it will go into protection, but that's not the fault of the unit, it's rated at 8 ohms.So, in all this has been a great purchase.===I have what appears to be the BESTBUY version of this receiver, the Insignia NS-R2000. It is identical in all respects, except for the name, and the remote control even works with the Sherwood. So, with that in mind, I replaced a Sherwood 4105 with this unit. I have 3 pairs of speakers connected to impedence matching transformer volume controls. 2 pair are 4 ohms and 1 pair is 8 ohms. The transformers are supposed to present an 8+ ohm impedence to the receiver.With the 4105 the receiver would go into protection if I put the volume control on -50. I have now run the same speaker configuration with the 4109 for 18 hours and it has worked fine.In most other respects, this is very similar to the 4105. Exceptions are that the 4109 has much better speaker binding posts and the remote control has bass and treble controls. The 4105 has satisfactory spring loaded speaker connectors and lacks the tone controls on the remote. The 4109 also has a Phono input.I would say that all of the comments on the 4105 apply to this unit as well. I seems underpowered for a 100w/channel amp. But I am driving outdoor speakers and I don't want them to get very loud anyway.For the money, this is an extremely good value. I am not sure how they do it. I have paid more money for earbud headphones. This unit was $70 after all the spiffs.Oddly, this unit does not show up on the Sherwood website, either as a current or discontinued model.It should be noted that all of the receivers I have looked at in this price range only support a minimum total load of 8 ohms.
For Those Of Us......... ........who still have camcorders that run with tapes, this Maxell tape is top-notch in that it provides crystal-clear picture quality and the best stereo sound for a premium recording experience. One can really appreciate the overall superior quality when images give the impression as if you're right there when viewing a recording, or when walking on hard snow gives that crunchy, crisp sound, for example. I've really come to love these tapes, and wouldn't use any other brand, now that I've tried most other brands. Maxell is a name one can trust. I recommend these reasonably-priced tapes to capture all of life's great moments.
(...) special I bought this system (...) with a MX70 17" monitor. Its's a good system for what I want it for. I will upgrade the Ram and get more probably 512 because of the pictures I want to keep. I am learning a lot about the XP and how it is not linked to many programs and how you need to download a lot of stuff to use it with the computer. I have a laptop too and tried to download the Microsoft office upgrade but it wouldn't recogize it because it had Works and not Word. Mostly software problems.The system is easy to put together. The hard drive is a bit noisy the fan noise.The USB ports are convenient in front.The CDrom drive is hard to open, a straight bar across got to push it just right.For the price I like it. I'm hoping the Athlon will perform well.
PGI-5BK The produck was as it stated Genuine Canon. I own a canon printer and Genuine canon products seem to work the best in my printer.
Even though the price is low, the quality is lower I purchased these not expecting much at all due to the low price, however, they're much worse than I could ever have imagined. The static makes them a burden to listen to. I tried adjusting the WMP's equalizer for about an hour to no avail. Unfotunately, I'm stuck with them because the shipping to return would almost be as much as the price. Oh well, lesson learned!!Might I say, however, this rating is for the Speakers and not Amazon - Amazon would get a 5 Star from me everytime!!
Konked..Not just once Hokay, I agree iPod is good and all that.This is my personal experience with iPods.Got iPod -> konked(screen just freezes)..went in for a replacement..Got replacement iPod -> gone...this time a refund...But Amazon was pretty clean about the refund and the replacement.No issues at all...am going in for a Creative piece
By far the worst PDA I have ever used. I've had this PDA for just over a year, obtaining it as an early birthday present in early April of 2006. In that time I have been nothing but inordinately frustrated with the defects inherent in this device.Defect number one: Video Problems. According to specs, the Palm T/X is supposed to offer video playback. As a football coach, I have literally hundreds of hours of video. I've compressed these files with two different video compression tools, and they play back fine on both of my computers. However, once dragged through the Palm conduit for installation onto the T/X, sound is out of synch and video is choppy. In short; it does not perform as it is supposed to and advertised to.Defect number two: Touch Screen Misalignment. The lower 1/4th inch of the screen does not align the pointer properly. This makes it impossible to write notes, or even to tap out messages using the keyboard, since no matter how carefully you place the stylus, the device records pressure slightly to the side. This makes note taking, document editing, and other routine PDA mechanics into an exercise in frustration. (Indeed, it defeats the purpose of even HAVING a palmtop computer.) Resetting the screen does nothing.Defect number three: Palm's lack of support. After contacting them within six weeks of purchase regarding these problems, Palm's "answer" was for me to shell out shipping to send the device in for repair/replacement with no guarantee that they would not turn about and try to foist the problem back onto me as "misuse" of some form. (Or the old standby, "We can't find a problem, sorry.")Defect number four: Macintosh compatibility. With the Microsoft blunder called "Vista," more and more people are switching to different operating systems. The Mac version of the Palm desktop is barely compatible with the operating system, and some blunders are absolutely inexcusable: color codes do not transfer between iCal and the Palm device, for example. Notes sometimes do not transfer clearly and are either garbled or strung together as one long note. The only thing that somewhat compensates for these screwups is the use of "The Missing Synch" to offer cross compatibility. Why third party software should be needed to connect the leading palmtop operating system with the number two desktop computer operating system is beyond my understanding, but it's an extra thirty bucks Mac users need to shell out to get the darn thing to work.Defect number five: Network access. The T/X is billed as a laptop replacement, especially in the wireless computing area. With modern broadband connectivity everywhere, web developers are using more and more graphics and video, things that take time to download. The extremely S-L-O-W wireless network card in the Palm T/X means that it can take several minutes to even load a basic Amazon.com search page, or reference your email. It's both faster and more productive to tote the laptop instead, since the network interface is quicker and the typing generally moves faster than trying to get "Grafitti 2" to understand your handwriting.My wife received a Dell Axim as a gift, and the more I played with it to set it up (also requiring Missing Synch, unfortunately, but seeming to work much better with the built in Macintosh applications.), the more I began to like it. Unless I can find a decent cell phone/PDA, my next palmtop computer will be a Dell Axim. Or possibly a notepad and paper, which would still be more productive than the Palm T/X that I stopped using out of frustration several months ago. $299 down the drain.
Totally Unusable The pictures are extremely blurry. I am not saying that it lacks the detail of a more expensive camera. I'm saying you cannot distinguish one person from another. One of those disposable cameras for under $10 takes a picture that is a thousand times more clear. All it creates is one big incomprehensible blurr. The 800-number support line is worthless. Just irrelevant recordings. The Kodak website has EasyShare-One which is not the same camera, but I cannot find any info on this EasyShare C300. The software won't work on our Macintosh. I guess next time we'll just buy a Japanese camera.
Price is great...when it works. I've been using my router for a few months now, sharing our cable connection through out the house.Though the price is GREAT, it doesn't work consistenly. It often loses the connection, and only regains it when you unplug the unit, and wait a minute before plugging it back in.This happens at least once an hour with heavy traffic. A true impossibility for those of us staying connected to a gnutella network, downloading large files, or connecting to an outside server.I'm very disappointed with this product and am leaving this review as I sift through routers looking for a NEW ONE!
Love this boombox My daughter has had this boombox for 2 years. Never had one problem with it. The sound is GREAT. My husband wants one of his own now. I would highly recommend it to anyone. My daughter says it ROCKS.
it works Armor works well. I wouldn't drop the thing with the armor but it protects it from minor scratches and dust. And it makes it look like batman's camera (black armor)!
Great -until it stopped working! I loved this headset, it was so easy to use, and had great sound quality. Having my hands free allowed me to get things done around the house while chatting on the phone and then one day the microphone stopped working. I heard, "What?? I can't hear you!" They heard nothing. I have had this headset for 2 months and it is still under warranty, so I will call the 800-number and see what can be done.
Bought two - right side went out on both after about 6 months Tried two of these and they both broke in the connection to the right ear piece. There is definately a design flaw. Fits kinda tight, too. Moving on to a different brand.
Preferred presenter in my company This presenter is preferred in my company because it is absolutely dead simple. Forward, back, blank, etc. It also requires no software install so it can be easily moved and plugged in to any computer without IT assistance. We do not use the laser functionality at all, so there are no complaints mirroring those here.
100% This product is as all the reviews say it works well. It does not slide on a dash. Rare to find a product which is 100%. This is one.
Best gaming mouse to date (EDIT: After reading through the negative reviews on this mouse many people seem to complain about the battery life and constantly swapping them. Don't use the "boost mode" it is a fast charge method and completely useless other than to ruin your batteries. If you stick to "normal mode" including your first charge of the batteries you should get at minimum a day out of the battery or more than likely a week or more out of them like I do. Also, wait for the battery to die or the mouse to blink red before swapping them out, store the extra in the charger and you are good to go.")The feet on this thing are incredible. Glides great on most surfaces. Stick a pad under it and you can't even tell you have a mouse in your hand when you move it. (recommend skipping the typical mouse pads or the gamming pads. hit hobby lobby up and get a fabric cutting mat, cheaper and can get different sizes all jsut as smooth as anything you can buy in mouse pads)The variable speed is great. I mostly use the variable speed for Battlefield games (FPS game). Run around with one setting then when you get in a tank turn it up a notch. Can spin the turret just as fast as you can could spin your body. Zoom in and turn it up another notch. Can still spin just as fast as you could before.The other use of the variable speed is to turn it down. Run around with it at high speed and turn it down when you go for the kill shot to improve aim.Battery Life: It doesn't matter. When it's dead/dying you pop the other battery out of the charge and swap them. Takes a whole 2 seconds. Once you see the notice blinking you can do it in the middle of a fire fight and not miss a step.Productivity wise, it's still a great mouse. Has a scroll wheel that acts as the third mouse button and can also tilt it to scroll sideways. Has the good ol back button on the side that i find many people don't use to thier full potential. The only thing it's lacking is a forward button.If you do some research on the mouse you will find that it has problems with the main mouse buttons. Some of the mice will have problems due to weak springs. The problem that occurs is either they quit clicking when you hit the button or in my case they start to double or tripple click when you hit it once. This isn't the norm but it is a problem out there. If it happens, talk to logitech and after going through the run around of testing stuff the final result will put you in awe of thier customer support.Pros: Best darn thing aroundCons: No forward button, possiblity of malfunctioning buttons after a few months of hard use.Highly recommend.
makes junk radios great, great radios better This is small enough to toss in my luggage when going to the mountains or back home, and it really boosts the long-range stations. Bear in mind, it's better at looking for a known station than scanning for new ones (you have to tune it), but it gives you those long-range radio stations very easily. A great companion for a digital radio with poor AM reception...really boosts things. There are more powerful loops, like the Select-A-Tenna, but you can actually overload your radio with those sometimes, and they cost more. If you put this loop and your radio on the same book or board, turning for direction becomes easy. A real fun product for low-hassle late-night AM distance hunting. I use it with the $10 sony AM/FM pocket radio or the Grundig $30 digital pocket radio when travelling...the combo is a lot cheaper and smaller for the same performance than a single radio, and no long wires..it's great. As with all other AM gear, remember: turn off all dimmers, and find a corner away from PCs and other AM noise-makers. This is amazing out camping, away from house wires, or in your back yard.
Perfect for the medical transcriptionist. I am a medical transcriptionist and these are the best I have found. I tried several other types of headphones, etc. You would be amazed at how so many words sound alike on dictations, but these earphones really do help you to hear with more clarity. I had tried to avoid earbuds because I do not like things inside my ear, but this is something I have had to get used to and is really not so bad. These come with different tips and also a tool with which to change the tips. I may have the wrong tips on, but I have gotten used to the ones I use. I can't say that these block out all the noise, just that the quality of what you are hearing is better. I work at home with a family going on around me. If it gets really noisy, I put my Able Planet noise cancelling headphones on my head OVER these!
Great value for money, glad I got it! This kit had 3 large sheets of screen protectors. There was enough to cover the screens of my 3 Canon digital cameras and there is still one and a half sheets left over. You do need to cut the sheet to the right size - some screen sizes are marked at the back upto 2.2 inches. For a larger screen you will have to measure and cut which I did for my 2.5 inch screen.The only annoyance was teeny tiny bubbles were still left on the screen even after using the squeezee card to take out bubbles. They were only visible when you look at the dark screen though, as soon as the screen is lit they disappear, which was fine by me. I double coated my SD450 as it has supposedly a pretty delicate screen and I feel much more confident carrying it around.
Good Value for Money This was an excellent value for the money compared to others I saw. They look nice and the on speaker volume control is a nice feature. I would recommend
CD/MP3 playback became unusable within 1 week because of periodic static Within the first week or so of use, the CD playback on this system became unusable. When playing a CD or MP3 disk, every few seconds the player injects a burst of loud static on top of the audio playback, thus rendering the CD playback so annoying that the system cannot be used. The display and controls all look as if the unit is working correctly, but the audio results demonstrate that it is not. This happens with every disk we have tried, so it is clearly a malfunctioning system, not an isolated case of one damaged CD.
You Get What You Pay For I bought this thinking that I would save money. It worked great for 1 month. Then it just died. Now I must buy a new CD player. I would have been better off buying a higher quality player in the first place.
sony wide lense I purchased this product while on a deployment in AZ, had it shipped to my Hotel, I had to leave before I could recieve my product so I had the Hotel staff return the product. This was in July I believe, and I have yet to see a refund... my first negative experience, while I know it was not directly Amazons fault, probably the shipping company or Comp USA's, but it was still my first negative experience....
apple has it cheaper right now you can get Apple 1 GB iPod Shuffle AAC/MP3 Player Metal (2nd Generation) that is refurbished (but with 1 full year apple warranty) so whats there to lose? if it breaks in 6month, just go claim the warranty it is a great product but since there is 3rd generation out, i suggest a lower price would be efficient to selling this product
Warning! Worked for a while then sucks! I bought this wireless mouse a few months ago and have had numerous problems. This mouse just plain hasn't worked for me. I've tried every type of surface known to man and the mouse still has problems working properly. Buttons don't work, my left-right scroll doesn't work, pointer doesn't move correctly. My old Microsoft wired optical mouse was fine on the same surface. I seem to have good connection and battery, but can't continue to fight with this thing. I'm plugging in my wired mouse. I do have a Logitech wireless at home and it works great. Make sure you really shop around before you buy.
Lies, lies, lies! Does NOT support older operating systems. The Amazon description says it will work with Windows 2000/ME. So does the description on the box. So do the instructions on the inside. After 2 hours setting this thing up, I got to the last instruction, which was to download the drivers. To make a long story short, YOU CAN'T GET THEM from Lexmark. The helpful tech support people suggested I buy a new computer! After searching for a couple of hours, I managed to find the drivers on a website called Open Drivers, and now I can print and scan. Lexmark was no help.
Causes hand fatique! The keys are very hard to press - within 1 minute of typing, I am already feeling cramps in my hands. It's going back to the store tonight!
Not recommended Tried to use this to connect a PC's serial port to a RS-485 device. Sometimes this device would allow communication one way, and sometimes it would allow communication the other way, but we could not get it working reliably after about a week of fiddling with it.In contrast, one of the other adapters that we tested (which cost $99) worked very reliably without any trouble (so it wasn't a problem with the cabling, the PC, or the RS485 device). Overall I would not recommend this product as it was very unreliable for us.
OVERPRICED I'd highly recommend buying the Altec Lansing iM7 over this Bose SoundDock.The Altec Lansing iM7 has superior sound and costs half the price, plus it's portable!
Review of Ergo Keyboard Very well desinged keyboard that has taken very little time to adapt to after using standard keyboard for many years.
Comfy Nice long cord, comfortable over the ears, good sound.These are a nice pair of budget headphones; the collapsible part doesn't save much space, but doesn't make them feel flimsier.
Great speakers-Great sound Very easy to connect to PC. The speakers are a bit bulky, but they are well made, and they do look very nice. The sound quality is very good for the price. I haven't had any problems with the volume control or bass. Definitely recommend.
Great until they break. I'm a web/graphic designer and multi-media person, and somewhat of an audiophile. Audio quality was amazing, until the right piece broke apart. Yes, they were getting about an hour's usage a day at the gym - but these are static items (once secured in your ear), so I'm sure how it even fell apart.Again, wonderful while they work. They really knock out outside sound when you purchase additional foam ear buds, but then - they break. They did last a little over year before this happened, but I expect something this expensive should last at least 7-9 years.
Generates strong RFI On the positive side the Pyramid PSV300 runs cool while supplying power to my 100W amateur radio rig.The description says that the fan is thermostatically controlled - hmmm why does it run all the time? Thankfully its pretty quiet.I have RFI suppression cores on the DC leads and on the USB line from my SignaLink modem. When I turn on the PSV300 the PSK-31 waterfall turns yellow! Same if the rig is running on another supply - turn on the PSV300 (anywhere in the room - on either circuit) and the waterfall goes yellow.Yes there is a warranty and perhaps Pyramid would fix it but sending it to NJ along with $15 for return shipment isn't my idea of cost effective!I would suggest that anyone having an application where RFI would be a problem purchase something else - a comparable MFJ power supply is less than $100.
Simple and dodes what it does. Radio Shack "The Shack" didn't have them I mean come on how do they stay in business? So Amazon to the rescue. They do the job connecting to peaces of coax for my home theater. nothing fancy I just could not use a single peace of cable in this application.
The DVD are Good but the Box... I received the Verbatim 100-Disc Spindle DVD in good conditions. However, the box was too damaged. Please, tell UPS that this material should be "Handled with Care" for future references. Thanks
An absolute waste of money I'm an 8 months user. Price is cheap & quality is excellent. Yes. The catch is it eats a lot of ink. And they are not cheap. No generic ink replacement available. This not the worst yet - if say the color ink is finished, even though back is still available. This printer won't print ! STUPID design !!! (or rather this is a smart way to drain your wallet). It creates unneccesary down-time. Actually my color ink became dry because I didin't use it for 5 months. Then I have to waste $30 to buy new color cartridge JUST TO MAKE the black ink prints !Beware - first time users will be impressed by this printer, but wait until several months. Better still, just don't waste your money on this machine.Other model like Epson 880 could be a better choice if you want to have generic ink replacements.
Wonderful gaming headset This usb headset is exactly what I was looking for. It is easy to use, and the sound is clear coming and going. You plug in the usb cable and you're ready to go. There are controls on the cable to change volume and to mute the microphone. I have been able to hear everything very clearly, and I have had no complaints of garbled sound on my end. I definitely recommend this headset.
I figured out how to get it to work easily after several attempts to get this to work on my XP computer, I finally got it, the directions are terrible, I installed the cd, then rebooted my system, I plugged in the keychain to my usb drive, then on the keychain I selected usb update and pressed the center button on the keychain, waited a few seconds and the computer said found new hardware and went through the steps of installing it, when it said new hardware installed ready to use or wording near that, I started the program and IT WORKED YAHHH, uploading images was great from that point. I will be ordering another one for my husband
WARRNING Don't buy a Syntax Olevia! I bought one and it died almost to the day the warranty went out. Customer service said I would have to pay to ship it back and pay the parts and labor to fix it and that would cost over half of the TV's cost. They wouldn't offer to help with anything and they said they lost my registration card, the same one they used to call me with to ask me how I liked it a week after I bought the TV. So all I can do is to post this to every blog I can to try to inform others.
Spyware Included!! Mouse works great. The problem is that when you load the included disc in Vista, you are asked if you want "set point update.exe" to acess your computer every time you go online. If you remove the logitech files the mouse no longer works. This is just more built in spyware that Logitech uses. Why does my mouse need constant updates? I am now looking for another brand of bluetooth mouse. This one is going in the trash!
Adequate, with Trade-offs I already own Zuiko's excellent f2.8 300mm fixed lens,Olympus 300mm f/2.8 Super Telephoto ED Lens for Olympus Digital SLR Cameras. It's a superb lens, and works very well with both Zuiko's 1.4X teleconverter,Olympus EC14 1.4x Teleconverter Lens (for at f/2.8 on E-System lenses), and its 2.0X teleconverter,Olympus Zuiko EC-20 2x Teleconverter for Olympus Digital SLR Cameras.But there are situations in which you need more flexibility; the bird or the animal is too close for a fixed 300mm, for example. So I purchased the 90-250mm. And after two weeks of field photography, I have to say it's a decidedly mixed bag.On its own, without a teleconverter, the lens is good. For a wide range, powerful telephoto, it gathers an impressive amount of light, and has the same f2.8 aperture across the entire zoom range. It's simply not as razor sharp as the fixed 300mm, but it's still quite sharp. The teleconverters are a different story, however. The 1.4X is adequate, unless you want exceptional detail. With the 2.0X teleconverter, though, results are generally unacceptable for my work. I suppose that the additional lensing required for a zoom cross some tipping point.And the lens is definitely slower-focusing than my 300mm on my E-3 body. Birds in flight are possible with the lens by itself, but combined with a teleconverter, the lens can't keep up, even in bright light.Which leaves the lens in a special, fairly niche: if you need just a 90-250mm, wide aperture lens, this is a fine product. If you are looking for a bit more flexibility, or if you are photographing rapidly moving targets, perhaps not. And teleconverters significantly impair sharpness, especially the 2.0X. It will have a place in my camera bag - a large space. But it's simply not as useful as I hoped.
Awesome! This mount is fantastic! I was definitely skeptical at first, but so far it has not let me down one bit! It stays in place even during tight fast turns, and is super convenient! A great purchase!
Very good First disk did not work properly after recording - skipped, audio was not synchronized with the video. The second one was fine. LightScribe takes very long to draw an image. I don't see myself using LightScribe in the future.UPDATE 11/18/09: I ran out of non-Lightscribe DVDs so I was forced to start using these on my laptop (HP dv2000). I actually like them now and I am changing my rating to 4 stars.At lower speeds (6x) they record just fine. As LightScribe goes, I stopped trying to use images on labels, and now just type the title of what's on the disk. It takes 4 minutes to inscribe two lines of 16 pt. text (one above the center and one below). Disks come out looking very nice.Unfortunately, at current prices, these discs are ~2.5 times more expensive than AmazonBasics DVD+Rs. So, because of the price, I still don't see myself converting to using only LightScribe disks.
Great price; doesn't work I was happy to buy these cheap cables that Amazon and Cnet said worked well. I bought 2 of these cables, one for the DirecTV HD receiver and one for my PS3. Neither of them worked well. I connected the first cable to my PS3. The PS3 wouldn't play a blu ray disc - it flickered a graphic across the screen about once every 30 seconds but was otherwise black. It did play a regular DVD, but the picture quality was horrible - lots of horizontal lines and fuzzy dots on the screen. I then took that same cable and instead connected it from the HD receiver to the tv. This time, the picture showed up but audio paused every 5 seconds, horizontal lines showed up, and the score ticker for the football game I was watching wasn't very clear.Some of you may say that maybe my tv and/or PS3 are bad. I'm pretty sure both are fine. The tv is a brand new Sony W5100 and the PS3 is also brand new. I took both of them out of the box the same day I tried the cables. And the TV and PS3 were fine when I used them with the HDMI cable that came with the DirecTV receiver. I didn't expect the free cable to be so much better than the ones I paid for. But maybe I just got a bad batch. Still, it only cost me about $6 for both cables, so that softens the blow of having to throw them out.
Great All-In-One This printer works great! I have not had any problems with this printer. Text and photos are excellent quality. Copies and scans are good. I really like the ability to copy, scan and fax without having to turn on my computer.Cons: 1) for the price HP could add a paper handler (minor).2) It would be nice to be able to remove background color when coping colored paper (minor).3) Paper tray is small (minor).
BEST MP3 PLAYER EVER!!! I got the 4GB pink iPod mini in May 2005. The colour is great and it has never got scratched. It is so easy to use. The click wheel is great! iTunes is really easy to use aswell. Unlike many other MP3 players the iPod mini has games and a calendar and an alarm and a clock and lots of other extras on it aswell. My sister loved my iPod so much that she got a shuffle. I love my mini so much!
Poor service I purchased this card because the Linksys web site said this card (PCM200) worked in both 16-bit and 32-bit slots. It does not. I sent them email about the incorrect page and told them that, because of the error, I have to pay to ship the card back to Amazon. A person from Linksys replied with a two-word email: "Thank You." I'm not looking for perfection, but courtesy would not seem too much to expect.They have now updated the web page to say that a 32-bit slot is required. I'm giving the card one star based on the fact that it didn't perform as originally advertised.
It works just for one month... At first it works well... I've a camera that uses SD cards and it's useful to have a card reader... After the second week I have problems to detect the cards on the computer... sometimes work others not... By the month I decided to dispose of it becasuse it didn't work on any computer I try on...
reads pretty much everything This is a great DVD player, especially if you plan to use it for more than just watching movies. Image and sound are very good and the design is beautiful. It is very fast loading DVDs and CDs. I have tested it with DVD, DVD+R, and DVD+RW. All work fine in spite of the manual saying the player will not work with DVD+RW. I have used CDRs and CDRWs with MP3 and JPEG files, no problem whatsoever. I also used one VCD produced on my computer and it worked fine. The remote has a good size and layout. So far no complaints, but I have had this player for only a few weeks. I am very happy with this player.
VERY inconvenient to load photos, poor instructions and tech support I purchased three of these as gifts at another retailer and will be returning two (I didn't save the package for the first one, so I guess I'm stuck with it). You have to be fairly skilled with computers (I am...but the intended recipients are not) to install the software, especially since I had to call tech support and download updated software off of their site after the included software (for Windows XP) didn't work and gave me a strange error message obviously written by someone who doesn't speak English. The tech support people were easy to reach by phone and very friendly, but they gave quick answers and did not stay on the phone with me while I tried their solutions, so I had to make several calls. Then it took me about 20 more minutes to figure out how to get the software to start. I did finally manage to get the photos loaded after about an hour of total work. The finished product is decent, and it's a wonderful concept, but I will search and wait for a digital photo keychain that is MUCH more user-friendly.
Nice ..... if you like a paperweight I bought this computer 6 months ago, and it has been nothing but trouble. The motherboard has went down 3 times now, and it has been in service more than it has been used.HP customer service is now horrible. Following others leads they have now outsourced to India, and they refuse to work with you.The computer has wonderful specs, but will not stay runnning for over two months at a time. Each time it has been sent in for service, it comes back with files missing, or additional hardware problems.I own a small company, and purchase computers 1-2 times per month. HP has permanently lost my business due to lack of customer care, and fualty workmanship.I would avoid this particular model at all costs. If you need further proof, type in HP Pavilion a815n Desktop PC and look at the number of refurbished units being sold through a huge national chain, this speaks volumes. Enough said.
Turn up the volume Purchased these headphones for my son to use with his portable CD/MP3 player. The sound was ok but the headphones are not very efficiant. To hear enough sound, you had to turn the volume all the way up. Even with the volume up high, the headphones just did not deliver.
NOT an outdoor speaker I bought four of these to replace Dual speakers on a boat. No one was sure how old the previous speakers were they had lasted so long. These new speakers were completely different. The grills started rusting within 2 weeks and are now half covered with rust (very unsightly), the mounting brackets were so flimsy they droop from the weight of the speakers and will not hold the speakers in the position you want them to point. These speakers will have to be trashed. Whatever the previous history of Dual, these are just cheap Chinese POS.
Good Telephoto Lens, but not the Best... First of all this is a Telephoto lens and is meant to take photos of far away objects. For closer shots, there's a problem in auto-focus, but far-away shots are zoomed by approx 50% and appear sharp and focussed. This lens is big and hence blocks the camera flash. But flash is used for closer photos and not for far-away photos. When we attach the lens to camera, there is a black circle in the viewable area. This disappears when we zoom a bit which is quite OK since the photos to be taken with lens are meant to be zoomed. The lens is quite heavy, but the whole assembly (camera + lens) looks very professional. This lens is good but I would recommend to go for higher zoom (3x or 5x).
Unusable Both Plug 'n Play installation and the supplied CD Driver installer repeatedly hang Windows XP SP2. The modem is unusable. I'm returning it.
WORKS AS ADVERTISED Works as expected and is faster than my old 802.11b adapter. Tivo recognized it immediately. I like the fact that it sticks up so it can be placed anywhere.
poor quality I bought this for my iPod. It works ok but the sound quality is awfull. I have an very old Panasonic adapter and even Panasoic sounds much better than this Belkin. Also Belkin adapter is very poorly constructed that there is a lot of hissling and noise while playing. Only buy this adapter if you like heavy metal music so that you can supress the static noise with heavy drums and bass:)
Poor quality I enjoyed the camera until about two months after the warrenty ran out the zoom feature broke. I called Kodak and the cost of repair and shipping was excessive.Regarding batteries, I found that Lithium work very well and give good long life.
works until the warranty runs out We bought this dvd player just before Christmas, and it worked pretty well until the warranty expired (3months). It started to skip and have jerky playback on all movies. Even brand new flawless dvd's only play part way before it stops working correctly. It also gives off a lot of heat, and with a (big)fan running on it constantly, we do get extra play time before it has problems. Overall it has been a waste of our money, and we should have gotten something higher quality. You get what you pay for, and this is junk.
Not good for jumbo frames It works well as a standard gigabit ethernet switch, but if you are looking for jumbo frame support you really should look elsewhere. It works well as some other reviewers on other sites have said up to around 6k packets, after which packet loss starts to increase. Additionally you can find analysis of this switch online showing blocking after about 4.5k packets, with a performance cliff around 7k packets. This is exactly what I saw, and would cause my fairly expensive Intel e1000 NIC to reset its own port back to 100 mbps. According to what I've found online there are actually two models, so it could be this problem is only with the original model (which I purchased in 2007). Anyway, I replaced this switch with a managed gigabit dlink switch and now have no problems. Anyway, it works well if all you want is regular gigabit, but stay away if you need reliable jumbo packets.
Was great - now can't record video only audio We had this camera for about 1.5 years before it konked out. We can now only record audio. Every blue moon we'll get video for about a minute before it goes black. My husband works in the film industry and this camera was meant to be used at home for the kiddos and he spent hours researching video equipment before he bought this product. I can't stand spending money fixing a camera that was $400 and from the looks of other reviewers, I won't be calling Sony for customer support.
High Quality, Low Price - Excellent Buy This is a great PC. It has a processor fast enough to run all of the newest games, and a hard-drive big enough to store them all, right out of the box. The PC comes with Windows XP Media Center 2005 pre-installed, which is essentially identical to Windows XP Pro, so this PC can be used for just about anything you want to use it for. Photo-editing, gaming, software development - Windows XP Media Center Edition is fine to use for any of them.I would recommend this PC to anybody looking for a relatively cheap PC with a lot of horsepower.
Not equivalent This claims to be equivalent to LSE9802A2060, but it isn't. The AC plug that goes into the computer has a slightly smaller diameter than the LSE9802A2060 and doesn't make snug contact. While I was using it recently, it jiggled at an inopportune time, causing a power interruption during a critical disk access, and now I can't boot anymore.
Cat6? Says its a cat6 but i purchased a different one that is cat 5e and it works better then this cable.S*** my wifi works better then this cable. Do not buy waist your money your better off with wifi.
Nikon D70 I really like this camera. The best thing about it is the speed, which operates as fast as you can press buttons. The picture quality is wonderful and the size and handling are exemplary. The only negative I could say is that it is Nikon's least expensive DSLR and feels that way. Not exactly "cheap" feeling, but more like "well made in Thailand" rather than "well made in Japan". The best way to sum up this camera is that if offers all the speed, flexibility, customization, and picture quality of cameras costing 2 or 3 times more, but wraps it in a package that feels like a budget camera. The plus side of this though is that you don't feel so bad traveling around with it, being paranoid about it getting stolen, damaged, etc. - it's not a huge cost to replace it compared to more expensive cameras that offer the same performance and picture quality. I used the money I saved on the body to buy quality Nikon lenses and am exrtemely pleased with the quality of pictures I'm getting. I would buy it again in a second.(...)
Poorly described product It really would have been nice if it had been made known in the product description that it would work only on XP and would not install on Vista, 64 bit. Additionally, since it cannot be returned to Amazon as it has been opened is another major drawback and one that has convinced me to consider not making future purchases of non-returnable products from Amazon.
Thick and robust cable Cable is thick and robust, which makes it hard to bend. Must make long loops if there is a lot of leftover length. Cable has a high quality feel to it.
the smell of the disk make me nausea Bought a 100-disc spindle and the smell of the blank disc is horrible. When I open the box, the disc smells like burning plastics on fire. I don't want to open the box again and immediate return it.
Not holding charge very well I bought three of these for my little digital Elph and unfortuantely, they haven't worked out so well. The price point was nice, but I am having trouble getting them to hold their charge and not go dead within an hour of coming off the charger. Not very satisfied. They have done in a pinch, but haven't been very reliable.
Greta monitor cable The cable works great. It seems to be of very high quality. I would definately recommend and use again.
does what it says, says what it does. this is great. its small, packs tight. there are never enough outlets when traveling. im a techie guy, so i have many devices to be charged. This fills the void of missing plugs and makes it all available in one place. You do not have to spread your equipment around just to charge. It’s a little narrower than a chalkboard/dry erase eraser. I had purchased this for my trip to Europe. I purchased a voltage converter and adapter and pugged this in. only need one adapter plus this. Would highly recommend if you are power hungry like I am.
Not as good as some others, and at this price. :{ Ussually I am very fond of KLH pieces, but this one has left a very bad taste in my mouth. Going from my other KLH set to this one is like going from candy to eating what the dog left behind. Well I guess they aren't that bad.
WHEN it works, it's great. I never thought I would have made such a bad purchase when I bought my HK DVD 5. The unit is in for repairs more than it is playing DVDs. The worse part is that practically no one in America is qualified to repair these things so you have to ship your unit half way across the US to get it fixed (at your expense). Mine just stopped working for no reason at all. I eventually found out that the power supply went bad, after owning it for 14 months (the warranty was over). Strictly from a warranty / repair viewpoint I will never buy HK again. I purchased a Panasonic DVD player while my HK DVD was in for repairs and I swear the picture is just as good if not better.
Not what I expected... I was really excited to get my hands on a quality B+W filter to see what it could do compared to my 20+ year old Vivitar c-pol and man was I disappointed. Pictures look desaturated and the effect of the polarizer isn't right. Skies became more gray and reflections weren't reduced in the same fashion as before. Some colors shifted pretty badly in pictures. Overall I feel like this was a bad purchased and I'm looking for another filter. I bought the slim version to reduce vignetting, but not at the expense of picture quality.
They're okay but most of them are not even specially if you put two CD They're okay but a lot of them are not perfectly even when you put the CD in. There is no way you can put CDs on each side because the plastic would go up/down. Next time I'll try another brand.
Ram upgrade Arrived Fast and worked with my dell dimension 5150 lowest price anywhere thank you easy to install and plenty of support on their web page
Very good product If you need a new monitor for your home or work, this is a great one. 19" seems fine for most apps.
can't turn it off! I bought this for my room because I wanted a clock radio that would also play my ipod. After just 3 days, the power button stopped working and it stayed on. I took it back to the store, exchanged it for another one and the second one did the same thing!! This time it took about 3 weeks to screw up. Now I can't turn the power off and am forced to awake to the horrible buzzer sound every morning. Sound quality not great but adequate. Never did have the hissing sound.
good fidelity; could use a preamp AudioSource AMP-100 Stereo Power AmplifierThis amp powers a pair of medium two-way speakers for my home theater. Very good sound for the money. As others have noted, the line inputs are not terribly sensitive, and my Blue-ray player's line outs put out barely enough; I crank the amp's volume control almost all the way up with most movies. No one has complained of insufficient volume. (Someone wrote that there is a line-in sensitivity adjustment or a max gain adjustment or the like, but I cannot find it.) A preamp with a 3- or 4-volt line out would solve this problem and add needed spectrum control, but at greatly increased cost. You can power either of two pairs of speaker connections but not both; the spec sheet is a little vague on this point. I wouldn't upgrade from this amp before spending at least $2000 on speakers.
Died an early death... I've owned a lot of power strips in my day, and I've never had one just die like this. This particular model must be a real lemon as I see many other reviewers had the same problem.Mine died less than 2 years old on a day with no storms, no changes to normal setup, etc. All that's plugged into it is some AV equipment (a Plasma TV, a TiVo, a Receiver, a cable box, and a couple of little accessories).Save yourself some misery and buy a different unit.
great pc for the money I just bought the Sony PCV-RS 520, and I love it, it's fast and does everything I want it to do, before that I mainly bought HP computers, they were a good value for the money, but the last one I bought had one too many problems,let me just say that after two weeks it needed a new hard drive, and it only got worse from there, my advice is get the Sony, it cost's a little more, but the quality is well worth it.
Awesome Radio Great set of radio's. I have tried them at over 6 miles and they are crystal clear and work well. The earpiece and remote mic work well also.
Stay away from Olympus I regret having to give this camera even "1" star. I see someone else below has had the same problem as me. It is a cheap camera case and Olympus will not stand behind their warranty. Unless you want to hire an attorney to enforce your warranty rights and waste your money on an inferior camera, I recommend that you spend your money on a sturdy and dependable camera such as Canon. Olympus is a waste of time and money.
H07 strikes again I was one of the unfortunate few that bought my DVD player (as part of a Home Theater System) a few years back when everyone seemed to have glowing reviews for this DVD player. I recently started playing mp3 disks in it and got the "H07" code. I had a lengthy conversation with a Panasonic representative (nameless) who stated that Panasonic does have motor problems "but only if you do not subject the player to continual use." Therefore, I can only recommend not buying this if you intend on using mp3 disks or else drill several holes into the casing (voiding the warranty) that will allow for proper ventilation.DO NOT buy this product. I know there are plenty of reviewers that have stated this already. I was very, very happy with my player prior to this past week. Yes - you can temporarly fix the DVD player with some different forms of maintenance but you either 1) need to continue this every 5 - 6 months or 2) you will end up burning out your motor (or worse) by waiting too long to have your system checked. Best of luck in finding another DVD player with similar qualities - I guess that is my next order of business. Please e-mail if you know of any that are comparable in features but not too pricey. Thanks!
Nice CD Great Value... Great CD's... Great Brand... I've always recorded "Maxell" as long as I can remember from cassette tapes to VCR tapes to discs.
Not worth it! If you want to save yourself time and money don't take a chance on this headset. I did, and I should have listen to the advice of past buyers. The headset looks nice. Is comfortable, but did not work right out of the box. After spending a large amount of time with out being able to get the mic to work I gave up. I will put it under a lesson learned. Take my advice, save up and get something that has some quality. The old saying "you get what you pay for" is true in this case.
Perfect This item is perfect for my sidekick 3, holds so many pictures and songs
Won't stay in AND sounds muffled I bought these because I really wanted a pair with volume control on the cord, plus, they were really affordable. But, they do not stay in your ears! To try to get them to stay in, you have to push them really far down in your ears, but then they sound muffled. DO NOT BUY THESE!
SkyFi XM Radio Easy to use, easy to set up. Had same unit in another vehicle, enjoying the sounds of XM radio on the road.
A Great mouse to have!! Well this is the mouse that I now use! It is great and very comfortable. it is also one of the rare mice breed that actually meets my preferencial requirements. It works great and I have ordered three of these things (The other two are being used by some close family members of mine for their computers) They are awesome!
Shocked by the sound quality Got this as a boombox replacement for my backyard and my annual jaunt to the desert where a large wooden man is burned and was seriously impressed by the sound. At 75% volume its got clear sound with tons of bass on everything from Bad Brains to Barber's Adagio For Strings Remix. I haven't turned it up higher then this because honestly I don't want complaints from my neighbors. I have never heard anything at this low of a price range that remotely comes close to the sound this puts out.The CD changer seems kind of clunky when switching discs but when your getting 11 hours of music on one mp3 CD it really dosent matter.
Pretty good price/value ratio I have had this machine for several months now and I have to say that I'm fairly satisfied. It performs pretty much as expected and the quality of recordings is very good - both from TV and VHS. The only negatives (and reason for 4/5 rating) I have with the product is the fact that it doesn't play VCDs and it sometimes hangs if you press a number of buttons in succession or touch a button while it is initially trying to read a disk. The remote is not much worse than any others I have used - just have to get used to the button placements and functions. I have always used DVD-R/RW disks since they have historically been the most compatible so that was not an issue.All the negative comments about players not recognizing the disks might be due to three things:1. Make sure the disk is finalized properly in the Setup Menu, this allows other players to understand the information written on the disk.2. Most new DVD Recorders seem to format disks as DVD-VR by default. This is great if you're planning to do some minor editing of the footage on the DVD Recorder. If you want the disks to be more universal, reformat the disk to the DVD-V mode BEFORE YOU START RECORDING (if you do it after it wipes whatever you already have), but you loose the ability to edit the shows (eg. take out commercials) unless you transfer the footage onto an editing program on your PC.3. DVD-VR disks are hard to read on older DVD players (both standalone and PC). I had to buy a new Samsung Double Layer DVD-Burner for my computer so that I can transfer multiple recordings from DVD-VR disks. I could not do it with an older NEC Single Layer DVD-Burner, I could only import the first recorded show, and WinDVD would only play the last recorded show! The newer DVD-Burners should state in the specification that that they read multi-session disks which is what DVD-VR allows you to do.So before giving up on this machine, try formating disks in the DVD-V mode, and make sure you finalize the disk using the Setup menu before playing it on other machines.
Works Fine! I don't know why people complain about the clip, its not that big to be a distraction. I'm glad that the thing is available so I can use my still camera on a heavier tripod when outdoors.