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Impressed This is the fifth FM transmitter I have tried since I got my ipod 3rd gen. The first three I tried in my Ford Expedition had static at unacceptable levels (I consider these transmitters high end by price). With that I used a cassette adapter which worked very well until the cassette player quit. I then tried a Griffin iTrip LCD Dock Connector which has such a weak transmission I had to turn the volumes all the way up and it stll was not loud enough. The Monster RadioPlay 300 was the last transmitter I was going to try before changing out the radio and the RadioPlay worked well beyond my expectations even with Expedition antenna in the right rear window. It's still not as good as a direct connection and an angle plug would have been nice.
Poor sound The headset pair's very easy but the sound is poor. It's like listening to a 60's radio in your ear. On the other hand, if you use it for more than ten minutes, it is very uncomfortable
Insert Sims Problem with Samsung C417 Cingular phone I have now received my second Samsung C417 phone from Cingular that has a problem with the Sims Card. I'm not sure why Cingular is selling a product that does not work with their service. The only option after purchasing this new phone is to take a refurbished phone. Not a very fair practice. Now I know why Cingular is giving them away...4 at a time!
WORKS GREAT This Plantronics Voyager 510 works great.I bought these because, I used one of these owned by my company in 2008, it was left in my shirt pocket by accident, went through the full washer cycle, went through the full dryer cycle, I found it in the dryer, I left it overnight on charger, and it worked fine after all that. However, even though it worked, I DO NOT recommend doing that to the headset.
thanks the service of the OEM shop is wonderful they always are doing the best to please they costumer I,m very happy the way they treat me I will buy again from this company thankyou very much and god bless you all
Good headset I bought this for my mom to use while she drives. What I don't like is the oddly designed ear piece because it takes some getting used to. Read the manual CAREFULLY.
It Came Free The only reason I got mine was because it came free with my screen protectors and I noticed it was cheaper than just getting the screen protectors themselves. The package looks cheap so I don't expect it to be anything but that.
so bad the Motorola HS850 bluetooth head isn't work, I don't feel comfortable with it but inside the package I didn't found any bill to send back the product. Motorola refused to accept back the product because I bought it with others.
It's great for the price... I bought this item recently, and it took longer to ship than expected. Overall I think this product works well. It's not a high-end bluetooth device but it's not cheap either. The volume works great for me, I actually have it on a medium setting because the volume all the way up is far too loud. The only complaint I have is if another person is on a bluetooth or speakerphone, it sounds as if I am in a tunnel.
great deal and it works perfectly This cable is OEM and it works perfectly. I use it to load music on my mp3 player in my nokia 6275i. I didn't even have to do any set up, I just plugged it into my mac and it was ready to go. Great deal.
My first bluetooth headset I use this headset with my treo 650. The sound quality is good, it's very comfortable, and the battery last as long as my treo's battery. It takes 2-3 seconds for the headset to connect to my treo if I answer the call thru my treo. It would be nice if it could connect a little quicker. All in all I think this is a great headset. My friend even got one for himself and his girlfriend after he tried mine out. I plan to keep this headset until the battery goes dead.
would not work with vista I had to load the driver manually because it would not detect my phone. Once loaded, it would not recognize my phone attached. I was told that it was a vista problem. Downloaded several patches, still does not work.
Not so hot The holes for the earpiece and mic don't line up and the belt clip protrudes a lot (so does the knob that is part of the cover) - and isn't strong enough - it keeps falling off my belt. It was REALLY hard to get on and the plastic has a lot of glare. Pbbbtttt - I have one for each of my phone and they both stink.
Excellent but Bulky The phone is excellent with great features. Apart from being bulky, I did not find anything wrong in the phone.
Get a free unlocked Motorola RAZR v3i instead! Why settle for less, or commit yourself to a specific cellular provider and service plan, when you can get a complimentary unlocked top of the line Motorola RAZR v3i cell phone that works with any cellular service provider and any SIM card. I got mine free at this web site: stuffgratis.biz/razrv3i
Best Phone Yet !!! I recently purchased this phone as an upgrade from my i95cl. This is a great phone. I've heard some people say on other review boards that it is big and bulky. I think they were writing about the WRONG phone.This phone is thin and lightweight (esp. compared to i95). Clarity is EXCELLENT. My calls sound like a landline phone and it is so great. The menus are easy to navigate.The only con I have about the phone is the rubber piece that covers the charger hole. Sometimes it is hard to open, especially when you need to access it quickly to plug your phone in. I'm sure after a couple of weeks I will get the hang of it and it will loosen up a bit to make it easier to open as well.This is a great phone and I'd recommend it to anyone! I'm so glad I upgraded. I just can't say enough good things about this phone and it's too many to mention.
Nxzen 5000 Bluetooth Headset The noise reduction feature is very effective. Only downside is that the unit is a little big ...
best buy ever works as well as the battery they charge $35.00 for. definately a good buy, and an excellent product.
Great Idea But Does Not Work :( The idea of a signal booster is a great idea, but you are lucky if it works. I read the reviews before buying and thought, hey maybe my phone would be different, maybe my service are would be different, but I am lucky if I get an extra bar and if you are in a building, home or basement, I do not get anything different than what I used to. It was cheap and at least I did not waste a lot of money, but still it would have been nice for it to work. Also installing it was a little fumbling jsut because of the way that it has to be stuck on. I would suggest to anyone buying this product to not, it just does not work.
male body part! I owned this for a while and the latch that latches on the ear stinks. It always feels like it will fall off. I wore it for a long time and taking it on and off a lot caused the earpiece to get loose and then eventually break. I called Logitech and they said there is no replacement part. So now I have a headset with no way to attach it to my head. I now have to buy a new one when this one is still working great. Unless someone has one that doesn't work and I can have the ear latch? I would suggest you keep looking. Plus I had people tell me it looked like I had male body part on my ear. Look at the design and you will know what part that is.
Travelers This was the best gift for my son-in-law who travels alot on business. He loves it!
I love my env~ This phone is the best i ever had!!!!! Everything works and it is a little on the bulky side but i really got use to it i love the full keyboard not just for texting but for adding contacts too.The photos it takes are soooooo clear and come out soo nice i like the orange it is a fun color to have but i like birght colors presonally. Sending a txt is fast and same with calling someone . If you are a texter here is the phone for you the singal is great were i live i use to not get barley anything this i get 4 bars.Buy it~ it is great!!!!
Different is better I love all the features and the style just cuz its not like the flips that everyone has.......i dnt like the camera quality, its bad, and when i bougt the phone i was lookin forward to customizin with ringtones of the inernet (not the verizon get it now ringtones) but when i sent myself the ringtones the phone just shut off and restarted itself...i was kinda dissapointed that i couldnt get mp3/midi ringtones so u need to get the data cable for which is about 50$. The swivel is sturdy and the phone is built good and u can actually pull the screen up like a flip, just a little bit though cuz it does that anyway when u swivel it.....so overall i like the phone, good features, good style and design, good reception, good battery life, i would tell people to buy it.
IS NOT COMBO, THE DEAL IS A FAKE The only thing of value in the combo pack is the car charger/power supply. The cover/case for the phone is a joke and wouldn't be worth having if it was free. I tossed the cover/case, kept the charger and bought separate holster for the cell phone. Don't waste money on this combo.Its no fix to RAZR V3.
counter-intuitive weak software at best I just picked this up here in Italy. Desperately seeking an alternative shareware or another commercial software package that will work with this Bluetooth adapter.The saga:Motorolla V550 4 band phone in order to be able to use it in the U.S. and all over the world as well.Picked up this Motorolla PC820 Mobile PhoneTools Bluetooth Adapter mostly for amusement (customize ringer, screens, etc.) but also to synch address book/calendar. Already synching yahoo address book/calendar with Outlook via Yahoo's software - reliable. Cannot comment on this synch between mobile and Outlook though initial take is that Outlook's calendar was at least not entirely scrambled - I only had one disturbing birthday reminder from four years ago (bizarre?) though my non-standard numbers did not come across into the mobile - okay normal in view of the fact I store everything in my contacts and in non-standard formats. Though yahoo and outlook play well together. The software did blame the mobile phone, error message: "1 or more of your 170 contacts weren't imported correctly" - then shows you the list of the 170 contacts. Very useful indeed!Installation of the software - fully warned not to plug in USB bluetooth until software said to - then apparently Windows XP SP2 took over the install from then on completely overrunning bvrp.com's install of the adapter. The software from bvrp.com then could not find my telephone. (Yes, settings, connection, bluetooth, setup, find me enabled!) Post-firing up the bvrp.com software I was able to press F6, Communication tab, find modem, select "generic bluetooth" and it seems to find it fine, identifies it correctly and you can perform some tasks. However; each time I fire up the software I seem to have to do this - even though I save the settings.I mostly played with their "Multimedia Studio". Transfering photos seems to work fine. Music clips on the other hand - if you "save as" them as MP3's they have a file length of zero bytes - interesting BUG - and hence won't transfer to the mobile. You must save them as ".amr" in order to successfully transfer them and use them on your mobile. If this is intentional it is certainly not specified in the brief Help files - (note: no mention of their website in help files - that is why I write it here - it *is* in the PDF). Also I believe my mobile does indeed supports mp3's.I haven't tried using my bluetooth USB/mobile combination and this software to connect my PC to the net. I understand that 97% of you who buy this package are perhaps seeking that. With some luck either bvrp.com's development team was *really* working on that or perhaps Win XP has you covered there so you don't need to use this software anyhow - not sure.Also right click on mobile phone icon, setup, liveupdate to download a newer 23meg version of the software which doesn't solve any of the problems above. But still you'd think if they had a newer version of the software they would at least prompt to check for an update during the install. Now each time I fire up the software it says it is an unregistered copy. I go under right click cell, Help, Online Registration and it says I already registered!Why do companies like Motorolla choose shoddy software to accompany their hardware? It does not reflect well on them.Once again if anyone out there knows of another software that is reliable shareware or commercial please do post it here.
Best smartphone on the market to date!! Hands down!!!!!!!!!!! Love it, love it, love it!I bought this phone for my husband because I absolutely despised his PalmOne Treo. I would refuse to talk to him when he called my nextel phone. His reception was horrible! The worst part was the speakerphone feature. Echo mania!! It drove me crazy! And oh my goodness, let's not forget the most annoying part...the RESET after RESET! I had to redo all his info over and over again. Okay, so why am I going on and on about the treo. Well, simply put, all these flaws with the Treo does not exist with our blackberry! I'm so happy I finally get to actually have a nice conversation with my husband when he calls. No more, "What was that? I can't hear you!" BTW, both the treo and blackberry had/has service with TMobile. So we can eliminate the bad reception due to service.The design is beautiful and lightweight. I gotta admit, the blackberrys never appealed to me in the past because I thought they looked too bulky and that was one of the reasons i opted for the treo. Windows CE...yeah right, absolutely out of the question! Too many problems...okay going off track...where was I?...oh yeah, beautiful design. I find the keyboard easy to use without making mistakes. It just responds better than the treo. The trackwheel is different for me, i was used to touchscreens, but I must say, I don't know how I lived without it! I can summon any application and reveiw mostly everything with just one hand! WHOO HOOO! Let's not forget the amazing screen clarity and brightness. Visibility in direct sunlight is the best I've seen.So you're like, come on...theres gotta be something you don't like! Well, there is something that it doesn't have...which is a camera. But I can count on one hand how many pictures my husband took with his treo. The pictures he took was just "let's see how this works photos". No big deal to us at all. Don't have a use for this feature, don't miss it. If blackberry adds it in the future than great...Overall, you won't be dissapointed if you're like us...looking for a personal digital assistant that makes great phone calls too!!!!!!!!!
Awesome looking phone, quality appears great.. shiny, but its more like bronze than gold This phone seemed soooooo awesome out of the box! It looks bodacious! It feels like high quality. You turn it on and its easy to use, sounds good, and has a great speakerphone.But here are a couple problems I had with the phone...Poor reception! About 3 or 4 times in the first 2 weeks of owning this phone, my reception would cut out for hours at a time no matter where I was in town.ALARM PROBLEMS!!! I set an alarm for everyday when I wake up. Well I switched shifts so I disable the alarm on the phone... but it still wouldn't shut off!!! Every day it went off at the same time no matter how many times I deleted the alarm! and if the phone is locked it's very hard to shut the alarm off before you want to throw the phone against the wall.... Also it would activate the alarm about 50 times in the same moment, causing the device to freeze and no way to reset it, unless you take the battery out. WHICH CAN BE VERY FRUSTRATING when you're trying to sleep in.I have read in online posts that this has happens to lots of S710 owners.Everything else is great! good wi-fi, calls, etc.
bluetooth I had this ear piece before and withtin months, it broke.. But I decided to take a chance and buy it again. So far I haven't had any problems with it.. It's in very good condition just like it was when I received it
665 Discovery bluetooth This little earpiece is amazing. The sound quality is very impressive. Teh fit in the ear canal helps block out so much sound that it can actually be difficult to hear someone if you are NOT using the phone!It weighs next to nothing and the sound quality on theother end, I'm told, is as good as if I wasn't using my headset at all.Very affordable, very comfortable, great sound quality. The only downside is the batter life is short. Make sure you have your charger with you - it doesnt' take long to recharge it, but you will have to charge it more often than you expect.
JUNK!!! Do NOT by this phone. One of the worst. Freezes up, the camera does not work. BAD SERVICE
life time of this battery i went for the price and got this battery over the original sony one, but it lasted exactly six months. And right after, it cannot charge anymore. guess we get what we pay for..
Good phone, lousy form factor/user interface. My previous two PalmOS phones were a Kyocera 6035 and a Samsung i500. Had I not needed Bluetooth to work with my new Toyota Prius, I'd have stuck with the i500. In fact, if Samsung/Sprint had released the i550 (SD memory slot, faster, etc.) I would have never considered the Treo 650. So, let's talk about the positives of the 650:Camera w/movies is nice. Memory card slot is nice. It's fast. Bluetooth sync with my Mac Powerbook is awesome - no more plugging up cables to HotSync! Handfree in the Prius works great. Having a PalmOS 5 based machine gives a more powerful web browser that can view more sites. Higher rez screen is nice.On the downside, the lack of graffiti would be okay if this keyboard was as good as the one in the old Motorola PageWriter, but instead, it's as small as they could make it, requiring shift-keys to get to slashes, @ symbols, numbers, etc. A real hassel and even though I could blaze on the PageWriter, I've been reduced to about half the speed on this keyboard due to all the extra work. Having software-graffiti would have been nice, and the third-party add-on "write on screen" apps are okay, but not as accurate as what my 6035 or i500 had.No voice recognition at all, but for $20 you can get a program that is awesome and doesn't have to be trained. "Call 5 5 5 1 2 1 2" and it does. "Call Bob Tompson Mobile" and it matches it to the address book -- no training, beyond numbers. VERY NICE.Battery life is so-so. You have to charge it each day if you use the 'net much. i500 was poor, too, but better than this. The 6035 I could use for almost a week without charging it! (6035 and i500 had analog modes, too, while the 650 is digital only.)So, it's okay, I'm okay with it, it crashes/reboots randomly all the time, but ... there's really no other option on Sprint.I would have taken a flip phone over this huge brick phone in a heartbeat... But there is none, so, with that said, the Treo 650 is okay. More steps back, a few steps forward, but no other choiuce.
wireless cell phone receiver The Blue Ant wirless receiver is by far the best unit out there in wireless communication, easly mounts on car visor and the reception is crystal clear, stanby time is great lasts long time before needing charge.as the ear piece type beat amile , yes costs more but you will love it if you do lots of hands free cell phone talking in your car. Amazon has best price around also with quick delivery.
Plantronics Bluetooth Voyager 510 Headset Product works well, different sized ear-pieces make it easy to fit. Sound quality is very good. Noise from sound-boom is very slight. Overall, very good quality and easy to use.
Reception has proven to be fine; Palm OS is fantastic; Be sure to download 1.17 from Cingular and volume utility (December 24, 2005) Bought two of these 650s on a deal from Cingular before reading all of the negative reviews here, so when I opened the first I was very careful to check it out before opening the second. We live in a "fringe area" in the outskirts of Memphis. Many phones here at home do not work, so I considered home as a pretty good baseline for my tests.Both Treo 650s up and they are absolutely receving as well as my Motorloa 557, my previous best performer. I was very relieved that the reception is fine because the rest of the functionality is pretty awesome --the bad rap that the 650s do not do well as a cell phone is not so in my careful test.The remaining functionality of the Palm is great, a Volume Boost Utility helped, bottom line,I would recommend the Treo 650, with the downloadable Cingular software upgrade, ver 1.17, to anyone. (this patch is very important)Feb 2006 "edit:" The phones are still great, Cingular has been very helpful with minor issues, most have been my need for educaton. Cingular has set up my first hold time option as "press '1' for Treo Support." This has helped wait times, though sometimes they are a little lengthy. Nevertheless, two months later, I would definitely buy Treo again . . .
Motorola Q Sadly, this case does not fit a Motorola Q with the extended life battery. I can not use this case for my Q.
ideal living life in a fast pace makes this bluetooth very convenient for me. Not too complicated and the flexibility of the product is great.
WHY? Why would anyone pay so much for some retarded looking phone when you can get one for free at any carrier. Amazing how utterly shallow people are that they have to have some ridiculous pimped out phone that they will just replace in six months or so. Grow up people!
Just hope your phone never quits working I had been very happy with my Motorola phone until the battery started losing its charge within a day, even when the phone was turned off. The friendly but incompetent customer support kept me on the phone for an average of 40 minutes for the repeated calls trying to figure out the problem. After the phone had finally been sent to their technical service center, they returned it to me that the phone was irreperable "due to customer abuse." I have done nothing to that phone that could have caused any damage (unless using it to make phone calls counts as "customer abuse"), but got the same comment, without explanation after I had sent the phone in for a second time for reevaluation. It seems that Motorola is just trying to get out of fixing or replacing the phone free of charge under warranty. You'll be fine with a Motorola phone as long as it works. After that, you're on your own.
Great Product for the Price I've had my WEP200 for nearly 2 years now. My only issue with it has been the size. Like others, I've lost it several times. Beyond that, this is an amazing piece of electronics. Mine has been washed and dried (when I forgot to take it out of my pocket) at least 15 times now, and still works as well as the day I bought it. Clarity and volume are great. The person on the other end can hear me fine as well. Can't comment on the ear clip, as Samsung did not sell it with one when I bought mine. Definitely worth a look.
Nice I just got this headset today, I have it paired with my Blackberry 8320 Curve....So for it's awsome!! sound quality is there, for both me and the other person on the line. No problems as of yet, I'll post again if feelings change.
The best I've ever had! I've had several blue tooth headsets. This is BY FAR the best. Comfort is great, I can hear the person on the other end and they can hear me even when walking down a busy street. Battery life seems great too. Can't say enough about this headset!
Crack Head...I mean screen My feelings are quite similar. I initially purchased a Samsung D807 upon signing a contract with Cingular (of course, they couldnt be more pleased) I hadn't dropped or jarred said phone, in the least...and yet the screen cracked in my pocket while I was entering my vehicle, 3 months afterwards. It was thereby rendered useless. I entered Cingular to see how and/or if they could remedy the problem. I got nothing short of a scoff and a few snide remarks letting me know it was my fault, and I was **** Out of Luck (in those exact words). Samsung was less help, contending the phone was dropped. Billed me for the replacement. 6 months elapse, Same thing happens. I will never, and I mean never even if it involves a 200% markup, purchase another Samsung product as long as I live. Why you ask? Because quality control slipped through the folds undetected. No compensation. No validation. As for AT&T, I hope Ma Bell understands that history repeats itself. BTW, if AT&T has a commercial (business account) division, then how the bloody hell can it bear fruit if there isnt an incentive to sign a business plan; ie we were told the friends and family is less costly than the business plan (and were by no means small). Insane (and yes I know "they were" trying to fist me like a dummy.) And this is encouraged. I know he was! Meh.
Easy to use and works great! Easy instructions and works like a charm! I recommend this for anyone who needs to drive and receive phone calls at the same time. It will do the trick! A MUST HAVE!!!Jim
Some of the best money I ever spent! If you are on the phone a lot, you need this headset system. Quality is fantastic, has great range (I can go any place in my house (including my back and front yards) while on a call and see no drop in quality. I have been on calls for up to 7 hours and the battery never died. Adapters available for various types of use, like ear piece, headset or then one I like best, hangs over both ears and wraps around back of neck, which prevents headset hair ;-).The CS50 has a button to mute the mic, turn volume up/down and if you order the optional lifter kit for your phone, you can pick up or hang up the phone from any place in your home.The company website is very high priced and you can find it for 1/2 their price through other websites, so shop around. Other than that it will be one of the best investments you will make if you are on the phone a lot.
bad very bad the battery sucks. it is definately used. my old battery is even better then this one . it only lasts 1 day.
A bluetooth that actually works.......HOLY COW!, FINALLY! I have owned two bluetooth headsets (Which I might add were expensive and pieces of crap), My past bluetooth headsets produced noise and a lot of echo to where the people I was talking to said they can hear themselves talking in the background. I would have to say I almost gave up on trying another bluetooth, until I came across this one, I saw how many people purchased this one and how much positive feedback I read about this product and I had to try it out. As soon as I got it, I was able to Pair it with my phone within' 30 seconds or less and I was able to hear people very clear as they were able to hear me just as well. Finally a real bluetooth that is worth the money. You have to get this bluetooth if you're looking for one, you won't be sorry.
It lifts stuff I don't have previous experience with a handset lifter, but this one certainly lifts the handset. It works just fine, and I enjoy the feature which rings the headset when the phone rings. It was a bit tricky to get the device positioned correctly with the double sided tape provided, but everything's still working well after a few months.
took some getting used to I have to admit when I first got this phone I did not like it at all. In fact I had every intention of getting rid of it ASAP. I have since decided to keep it because it really is a nice phone. I had a Motorola before this and the reception was horrible. This phone has outstanding reception and in response to a previous review yes there is a way to adjust the volume. I had the opposite problem...my volume was too low and I could not figure out how to adjust it. There is NO mention of it in the handbook which is odd, but just google it and you will find the instructions how to do it. Once I got the volume controls taken care of it was smooth sailing. I would like a few more choices for wallpaper and ringtones but if you need a tough little phone that gets the job done this is it.
Run as fast as you can to another service provider!!!! We had Cingular wireless as a provider for over 4 years. The first 2.5 years were OK, no problems. Then about 2 years ago they started switching to a new technology. It was at this time that our contract was up. We happily traded in our old phones for a dual signal phone, so it would be compatible with the new towers. BIG... HUGE mistake! From day one, we were dropping calls left and right. If I was driving through our metropolitan area (not exactly the boonies), I would drop a 30 minute call a total of 5 times!! I could predict at exactly which points I would drop a call driving along the interstate in our city. To make matters worse, it would consistently take up to 5 days for a voice mail to pop up in my mailbox!! Unacceptable! We contacted Cingular and were talked through a series of steps to take with the phone(turn off, turn on, hold down this button, press this and that button together) for about 15 minutes. After several calls to customer service and visits to the mall store and when nothing they told us to do helped , we were instructed to make a 1 hour drive to the main sales location in our area so they could "fix" the problem. It didn't "fix" the problem. We were told by sales reps at several different Cingular kiosks and stores to "buy a new phone" because the one we were given with the service contract was worthless. Despite several complaints to the customer service line, numerous in store attempts to fix the problems, Cingular REFUSED to let us out of our 2 year service contract. Several of our friends and family have Cingular Wireless and they all have different phones ranging from the basic free up to the most expensive Razor phone. They all experience the same service problems as we did. It is NOT the phone. It is the service provider! As soon as our contract was up, we called to cancel... and would you believe the phone dropped the call?!?!?!We switched to another service provider and have absolutely NO problems whatsoever!
read reviews then purchased! here's my opinion Super impressed at previous rating's accuracy. Doesn't make the phone look big; does hide the light of the letters/numbers so you do have to know them (most people know their "home row" by now); trackball is a little deeper so limits being able to scroll fast--relevent if you are an avid and fast user. I also read that it slightly muffles speakerphone, which I also agree with. BUT, this is the best cover I've owned. I've had a lot of phones with different covers, holsters, etc. But this one is great! If it's in my pocket or bag, the screen doesn't get as scratched because the thin rubber is raised from the screen, so anything that rubs against will hit the rubber before the screen. I've also dropped it with no software glitches. I was also worried about taking the skin on and off frequently because I thought it would stretch, but it hasn't and I've had to take it off at least once a day. Finally, I often put it in my car somewhere while driving, and the rubber allows it to sit perfectly wherever as opposed to diving into the opposite corner of my car when I turn a corner.Only additional negative I would add is that the rubber makes it sticky to shove the phone into your back pocket. OH! and I read complaints on a blackberry forum that users were complaining about their trackball getting stuck--any many people replied that it was because the phone was being tucked into pants pockets. This skin eliminates that because it adds that slightly extra depth so your track ball isn't pushed or abused in your pocket.Shoot, I should get paid to endorse this! Haha!
Simply good My bluetooth ear piece gave me a headache after awhile. This alternative doesn't. It has good sound quality. Only downside, I lost the clip that attaches to your shirt within the 1st week.
Not as described...NOT FULLY COMPATIBLE!!! Good case...functional charger...*headset NOT COMPATIBLE with the Nokia 1100!!!* Completely different connector type...LOOK CLOSELY at the product photo!
Great Headset! I was leery of purchasing a headset online without trying it out first but my husband did a lot of research and thought this would be a good one. I have been very happy with it. The sound is great, it is comfortable to wear and easy to use. It comes with different size ear pieces to fit different size ears which is nice because I have very small ear holes. The only small thing that I have had to get used to is that the answer/hang up button is right where you would put your hand to re-adjust the head set in your ear so I have accidentally hit it while talking and hung up on people. Once you get used to it you remember to be careful not to hit the button when you are talking. I would highly recommend this bluetooth headset. It is a good value for the price.
I will never buy anything from them again When I first received the items they didn't work and them I returned and had to spend more money and they still don't work. I even had the computer specialist at work try and they couldn't even get them to work. I sent them a e-mail to receive my money back, because I didn't want to keep spending money to send items back that don't work back. Who would have guessed, but they never replied. Thanks for waisting my time and money. I will never buy any from you again and will inform others to beware!
Don't drive without one! I've used all types of hands free devices, wired and wireless. The Jabras so far are the best, and I prefer the 500 over my earlier model. Buy it , use it, love it!
Money-sucking device (but cute) I almost returned this because it "had" no voice memo support. It does have Voice Memo, an undocumented feature that Verizon Support couldn't find either. Lucky for them I found a knowledgeable person in the store.The most annoying thing about this phone is the giant sucking sound of consume, consume, consume. Almost everything is a pay-extra feature. $30 for a music kit (and then spend hours online trying to make it work). A couple hundred more to buy a micro-SD card to hold more than 12 songs. Or buy each song from "Get It Now" and pay $2 each. It's easy to accidentally click on the "connect to web" and start racking up charges. Seems like everywhere you click in the menus, they are trying to suck more money out of you. Even your own items - like the small selection of generic ring tones, the photos you take, anything mailed to you - are stored under the "Get It Now" menu item. The constant exhortation to buy more (now!) is enough of a drumbeat in our culture without having my phone do it too.It does seem to have features you can use while on the phone, which is cool. Unfortunately it's easy to accidentally activate them with the gentle-touch buttons if you accidentally touch the phone to your face while listening. It was almost impossible to navigate a voice-prompt system (Verizon Support) because of that.You can get past the extra $$ and the headache of their Music Kit by buying your own Micro-SD (1 gig $40 at Fry's) and feeding in your own songs.Originally rated one star when I was returning it, I'd give it 3 stars now. It works and has the features I need, but they are buried in clunky menus and spottily documented.
Not worth the money you pay for it ! Bought it and hate it.Looks 1000 times better in the picture than in reality.It's nothing else than a cheap piece of plastic,which wouldn't be as tragic if at least it worked and the cost would be under 10$.Disappointing to the last screw.
short battery life The battery was delivered promptly and is a Nokia branded battery. Apparently an old battery or stored incorrectly. Battery life of my original battery was days. Battery life of this battery is about one day in stand-by mode only, shorter life if talk time added in.
defective product Unfortunately this particular model which I think is the newest has a defect. The batery stops working so the earpiece can't be charged. I got a replacement and it did the same thing. I am much happier with the older 250 model.
Great product! I bought these to pair with my cell phone and laptop, only to find out my laptop did not have the bluetooth card in it, eventhough it had the symbol ON the keyboard!! But they have worked beautifully and sound great! The only downside, like others have mentioned, is that they can get bumped &/or accidentally turned on. That is really my only complaint. I have listened to music- all sorts, with great sound and also used them for phone calls and people say they can hear me just fine. Glad I purchased them.
Used, Came set up for the left ear!supposed to be shipped for the right ear! Bulk packaged? What the heck is that! In a plastic baggie thats what. next time I will read more closer. I thought mine was gonna be in a retail package new.NOT! Motorola clearly states it comes shipped for the right ear, someone, or some other customer switched mine to be set up for the left!No more bulk item package for me,BEWARE. Its supposed to come from the right ear from the factory, if it came for the left ear ,you got a used one.
Good Quality for the Price Very comfortable to wear,easy to set up and has clear reception.I purchased 8 units at one time and they all have the same good quality.I searched the internet high and low and did not find a better headsetfor the price.I would definitely recommend this product.
Tried and truly not for 700p The keyboard worked well for about five minutes. Next thing you know it StartEd typIng likE thIS. SO I sent It Back.
DO NOT BUY THIS PHONE- I RATE LESS THAN ZERO STARS!! I am writing this to help potential buyers not make the same mistake I did. I am usually okay with Sprint, but Sanyo is the least satisfying of their products. I was at the Sprint store and felt pressured to pick a phone, the salesman reassured me that Sayno is great. I would have been better off buying the Brookline Bridge. I should have known not to get a Sanyo, my sister had the SCP 200, and it would not work AT ALL!! She would need to take the battery out, warm it in her hand, and then flip it in. Try repeating that process 5 times to turn on the phone. Now my phone the Sanyo 3100, after 30 days stopped working. It stopped the call history and id, which is a major part of the phone. Then I replaced it. Except after I recieved the reconditioned phone, I got the same messages as my sister would on the SCP 200. I would turn it on and it would say "Service Required Please Call" then the number. But the darn thing would not even let me make a call. Getting a Sanyo is the biggest regret I have.I am now out $29.95, because I did not get insurance. But I also must stick with a HORRIBLE phone for 2 years!!! I advise EVERYONE DO NOT BE FOOLED! SANYOS ARE NOT GOOD PHONES!! Whenever I am at the Sprint store and they say, well thats the best phone, I laugh and say "FAT CHANCE!!!"
Excellent Buy My husband and I have owned this type of Plantronics headset in the past - I prefer the wireless ones now but my husband still prefers this one. He literally couldn't go without it- he is a long distance truck driver and needs to contact customers while driving to different locations. It keeps him hands free and ticket free! He loves it and when he wears this one out I hope they are still in production so I can get him another one.
NOT compatible with Samsung A950 Amazon indicates that this item is a "related item" to the Samsung A950. NOT TRUE. This is not compatible with this phone!
Handspring bi-fold leather case The handspring case does not come with 3 note pads. I received only 2 pads. I like the case but the add is not correct. This should be corrected.
Best "teardrop" design I've seen This is the best "teardrop" (small dangling microphone)low-profile design headset I've seen. The only one that compares is the "Motorola Hands Free Silver Headset for all Motorola Headset Compatible Phones" which doesn't stay in as well, but has a better distance between the mic and the earphone. But the problem with both is that they break easily.
Not as secure as their other cases Unlatches rather easily. Still should protect your PDA from light to moderate splashing if you're careful handling it so it won't open. It's actually bigger than I thought from looking at the pictures (it easily fit my old Compaq iPaq). If you want a MUCH better case, look at the Otterbox 1900.
Excellent Seller Item was in original package just as described and works great. I would definitely do business with this seller again.
Poor product, worse customer service from Toshiba Purchased these headphones from Toshiba, volume control non-functional straight out of the packaging. Range is very poor, only 10-12 feet. Toshiba customer service less than minimally responsive.
charger/converter Works good, easy to use and portable. Hope it lasts as it seems made out of cheap plastic and not well made.
Good, But there some problems This product is really good and easy to operate, but it's battery don't last too long and it's get really hot when you use it more then 10 minutes. The price is very good, so it's worth to try it!!!!
Love the product, not sure about the vendor I love this jawbone. People say they can hear me so clearly they can't even tell I'm in a bluetooth. THis is the 4th one I've bought (for 4 different phones) and this vendor packaging was incomplete. They said it was new but it wasn't ina new box with all the ear pieces in tact. It just came in a plastic bag. If it was new, it was previuosly purchased and returned without proper packaging. It works fine though.
Very Good Headset This is the only headset that I owned, but it is great!! Would recommend.
Would like to have it BUT... Amazon does not stock this, even though it is not indicated with the product. I have had this on order for approx 2 months with no product and then was informed that they cannot get this product, and cancelled my order. Yet still today it is being displayed as available... questionable service!
not quite right The holster is supposed to be designed to fit the motorola KRZR, but when I got it, the holster is just slightly too small. occasionally the phone "pops" out of the holster. I figured it would cost me more to try and return it than it would just to buy a different one.
Not pratical Like everyone else has said, it's not pratical to use. It looks very cool, but you just can't see a thing in bright daylight. It leaves a dirty mark every time you touch the screen.
didn't work so well for me I wanted to listen to podcasts on ipod classic. I read reviews before ordering and was hoping to be one of those that found it worked well. Didn't happen for me. There was too much interference once I neared the city and audio became bad -- too much static, like a weak radio station. Since that is my regular commute and the reason for the purchase, using this product just doesn't perform well for me. I've reverted to making cd's if there's something I want to listen to on the drive. It's a pain but the audio is clear, which is important when listening to spoken word.
Very Satisfied - Great Product - Highly Recommended My friend had one in white, his showed dirt and use marks, so I was very happy to find the same product in black. They also sell in red. I got it because it's the smallest one out there that i've seen. It doesn't take up your whole face, or prevent you from hearing when it is on standby. Pairing was very easy, the volume on the side is great, and the multi-function button does everything and its easy to remember all the functions. Sound quality and battery life has been great. I had to get used to it fitting in my ear, it hurt a little in the beginning, but i got used to it. There are three different sized fitment pieces that come with it. Very convenient.Over all, great product, very inexpensive, but thats just amazon for you!
Fantastic Seller! The product is exactly as advertised. Unbeatable price and seller shipped the product a lot faster than I expected. I would definitely buy products from this vendor again.
Really great Would deal with again. Just as described. You know when you don't have much to say, you don't have much to say.
Think twice before you switch I used Verizon for 3 years before switching to AT&T.; Price plans seemed identical so I wasn't too concerned. Problem is I had to pay $60 to activate the two phones I got. Didn't care too much about that until I got the first bill and found $20 in bogus fees and charges tacked on to the bill. Verizon's bogus junk was always less than $10.I'll be switching back to Verizon when the contract is done. Customer service was mediocre (about the same as Verizon's). Bogus charges kill the deal.
Won't work with Treo 650 I bought this to use with my TREO 650. It will synch but not operate as a headset. I am taking it back and getting something that is recommended by Palm even though the reviews here are the best for this item.
Piece of crap This is the biggest piece of crap, waste of time. Dont even think about buying it. The voice quality and microphone or horrible.
amazing how quickly they discharge I have 3 cell phones: Mexico; US, and Europe.I thought my Mexican OEM battery was near death, so I bought another - I have to charge them every day!What a joke!
does not work dont waste your money.. does NOT work... I got it thinking that my cell phone would pick up better in our mobile home.. but it done nothing.. I would of returned it.. but i paid very little for it.. so it got filed in the trash...
Second failure I bought this Razar battery through Amazon and received it in non-working form. My experience with Amazon has not been good. Despite the above items might not be expensive purchases, I expect to get service for the money I have spent, especially in these bad economic times. I wish that Amazon would check the merchandise before releasing it to customers.
WOW!!!!!!! Great product!!! My shop is in a bad cell location, and is half undergound surrounded by concrete and steel. ZERO signal in the shop. Can't even place a call. On the roof of the second story I can get 4 bars no problem, so I mounted the antenna on the top of the roof. 4-5 BARS ANYWHERE IN THE SHOP NOW!!! Every 15min or so I'll drop down to 2-3 bars for a min or so, but this could be the main signals. If your situation is like this, you can't go wrong!!!!
How does that Microphone work? This headset works great and although the microphone just hangs there on the cord, it picks up your voice great! Try it and you'll find yourself always plugging in when driving!
The regulatory cost recovery fee is bad I do not like the regulatory cost recovery fee. All it does is cost you money every month. I would advise you not to buy it, but I guess you don't have a choice if you want a cell phone. LOL!!!
Gets the job done. Why pay more? It's compact and does what it's supposed to do...charge the phone battery quickly and efficiently without taking up excessive space. I use it all of the time, not just when traveling.
What about the screen? The reason I wanted a thin soft case was obviously not to protect my ipod against bumps and drops, but rather, to protect the screen -- the video screen -- from scratches. I really don't mind if the back gets scratched or the click wheel gets a scratch on it... I want the screen to be free of scratches so I can watch video clearly. When this case came, I was confused and shocked to learn that someone would make a case that protects every part from scratches except the screen. I'm sure if I go back and read the product description, this is explained somewhere and I just missed it. However, it baffles me what the purpose is of protecting everything but the screen. I'm obviously going to have to read the descriptions better as I look for a an ipod cover to protect the screen.
review.. My tracfone has worked out good so far. Customer service is fine and the free voicemail was easy to set up and use. If you decide to get a tracfone, please email me for a quick referral before activating it- we each will get 120 free minutes from the 'refer a friend' program. I'll also send you the simple instructions to follow. I've used Tracfone for quite a while, so i should be able to answer any questions you might have.ps even if you have activated in the last few weeks i should be able to get us the free minutes.
Great for Motorola ear buds This review is for the X-small case. I purchased this for my Katana DLX, however, it turned out to be too small. I could not fasten the velcro tab. So many of the cell phone cases are too big. I have since used it for my ear bud. The small ear bud case for the motorola ones have been reviewed as being so small that the center button is depressed while in it. I ordered a zippered ear bud case to solve the problem. I use to put just the bud in a zippered part of my purse but often needed to put other things there too and was afraid of it being ruined. I also had it slide out of a purse pocket unnoticed on to the floor of the car. I saw it a day or two later. Hence, my search for a case colorul enough to reckonize quickly. This phone case turned out to be no larger than the harder bud case and attaches to the handles of my purse. Does it look great? No. But it does stay securely inside the case and the case does stay securely attached to the handle of my purse which happens to be a casual nylon one for carting around for everyday use. This way it is readily available. I no longer have to hunt for it in my purse! If I forget to put it on before I start driving, it is a simple matter to rectify. This really helps make life simpler for one grandmother taking care of young school age grandchild. Things get hectic enoungh with school dropoffs and pickups with errands inbetween!
Battery is not good at all Battery is not good at all. The new battery could not handle vibration mode. The battery goes dies after 2/3 phone call receive in vibration mode
No show and no refund yet Ordered May 20th and is June 3rd, no product or refund.Anyone want to loose some money, and time trying to get it back?Just order from these people and don't expect much.Emailed them twice, called Amazon and still waiting.......
Best Bluetooth Headset As the title of my review says, this is the best bluetooth headset I've ever owned. I have tried numerous headsets to see if they match a wired one in sound quality, including numerous Motorola and previous Plantronics sets. This is the first headset that gives acceptable sound quality both sending and receiving on my Treo 700P. I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a bluetooth headset, no matter what the price.