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Delightful item After shopping around at the various baby stores and checking out all the competition I decided on this play yard for my grandchild as it was colorful, sturdy and easy to put together. The toys on the mobile are bright and delightful. Other portacribs only have funky toys on the mobiles and have too much in the way of diaper changing accessories that are nice but not necessary. The music it plays is great. The price is right too. I recommend this one.
This Pump Left Welts... I thought this pump would be a good buy! I had a hospital grade pump and knew I would eventually need to buy a better pump. I got the Evenflow Single Pump from my shower and I didn't want to rely on that for my pumping needs. I thought by getting this one I didn't have to shell out more money for the Medela Pump and boy was I wrong!I was so excited to try this pump that when I was finished there were welts on my breasts! I thought it was the speed so I lowered it for the other side and the same thing happened! Of course the box tells you to call the 800 number before returning it, well, I called the number and they automatically hung up on me and said: We cannot take your call at this time. What's up with that?! Well, I ended up returing, since I got it as a "gift", so I had credit to target.com. Hey, I can buy diapers with that.
Its a MUMMY WRAP Its horrible, I dont know why anyone would pay 40 bucks for a length of fabric you need to wrap yourself and the baby up with.Beware, if you do not do it correctly and tie a good knot, the baby will fall out.
Not sturdy enought Loved the idea but not the hassle. It needs to be adjusted constantly and more often than not I end up placing my drink somwhere else.
Not for girls!! We bought this chair when our daughter was 12 months old because her doctor said she was ready for potty training. We had been practicing EC and having plenty of diaper free time. She was using the words and ASL signs for potty training and had been telling us when she had to go and squatting. We chose this seat, because it had many great reviews and seemed simple and attractive, but this chair has set us back in training! She used it a couple of times with assistance, but on her own has hurt herself on it quite a few times. It's terrible for a younger toddler girl. Our daughter is now 17 months and refuses to sit on this chair. When she has to use the potty, she says she has to, then yells "no!" if you attempt to have her sit on this chair. The urine guard is VERY big and hurts her thighs unless she sits on it just right. The chair is also long and narrow, and can only be sat on from one perfect angle. We've had to go out and purchase another seat, the Hopop Donut. I believe our daughter would be much further along in her training if we'd bought another potty to begin with. Do not buy this seat for EC or diaper free training or for a young or small girl!
Love this sling! I love this sling. It is lightweight, not hot and sweaty and holds the baby in safely without adding pressure on my shoulder and back. My daughter is 4 months old and has grown out of her other sling so we bought this one. We love it! :)
Great playpen This playpen works really well. We wanted something simple - some of the pack and plays are so complicated it makes them less functional. This definitely is simple and easy to assemble. I don't see the point of the toys on it, even with the basinette in, the baby can only look but not really play with them. We have her own toys we put in with her. We didn't really want this for the toys anyway though.
Super easy to use I have purchased three Gracos over the past 15 years and really appreciate the improvements. This is by far the best. It is the lightest and has no fold up glitches. I also really like how easy it is to put in the bassinet. It has rounded clips that go over each bar on the 4 sides and is very secure. This model does not come with any extras which is why I bought it. Over the years I have learned that models with lots of extras also means an extra headache when you want to store or travel with the extras. Generally the bag these come with only fits the playpen, the bassinet and the pad. Changing tables did not fit in. I don't know about toy bars because I never bought them. In my opinion, keep it simple. When you want to travel you don't want all the extras anyway. This model does the job just as well as all the models with all the bells and whistles...
Helpful Very helpful for a child that has a bed wetting problem. This item saves your mattress. Can help also with an elderly person.
waste of money The Dr. Brown bottle was a great product at first. Then after a couple of weeks I noticed that the bottle started leaking all over the place every time she ate out of it. Then about 3 months after haveing the bottle the top part of the bottle that holds the straw in started to get mildew on it. I was very disapointed and I suggest do not waste your money on this bottle.
great easy to use/clean potty! Love this potty. No messy parts to clean. Rubber feet grab the floor to prevent slipping when the kid sits down. Large bowl with lip for boys is a nice feature, no more "flippy" to fish out of the potty bowl. Can't say enough great things about this potty! Buy it already!
zipper broke during first use I will be returning this because the first time we attempted to take it on vacation the zipper broke in the airport- nice start to the vacationSInce the entire point of the bag goes away with a broken zipper I can only give it 1 star
wipes, please Another easy way to stock up on something that you use every day! I like these-- no scent.
Not as shown! These are not the handy drop-in liners as shown in the picture. You must wrap the top over the bottle. The first time I used, it spilled and I lost half a bottle of milk (not ideal as my supply was questionable anyway).In addition, the measurements on the side are extremely inaccurate. I used these with my Playtex 4-oz bottle (the bottomless kind) and it didn't fit correctly! The edges push against the sides so what reads as 3 oz is really only maybe 1.5. This would not be safe for formula feeding.Worst product ever!
This Monitor Is Not Worth It I have read a lot of reviews and have to tell you that those that have only been using this monitor for less than 1 year are unaware that is about how long it will last. I was given this monitor at my shower in June 2003. By January 2004, the video had stopped working. However, Safety 1st did replace it. I happened to save the box but we needed to send it to them first before they sent the replacement. Then, sometime in November/Deceber 2004, the video monitor went again. Again, Safety 1st replaced it because it was within the one year warranty. However, since early December 2005, our video monitor is slowly going and it is only a matter of time before it stops working. I now have a 5 month old and my husband and I are looking for another model since, Safety 1st will now not replace it. I wouldn't buy it.
Impossible to Get On By Yourself This carrier is impossible to get on by yourself. Every time I wear it my husband needs to help me. In addition, no matter how tight we make it, the carrier and baby keeps sliding down. It doesn't support her head properly either. I would buy another one but the babies can use it for such a short time that it is not worth it to spend the money on a new one. 2009 - I am adding on that my daughter was injured by one of the clasps on the carrier and we got rid of it and replaced it with a new one.
Must have for breastfeeding moms This nursing stool drastically improved the usefulness of my old-fashioned rocking chair as a place to nurse my newborn. Prior to the stool my lap was slanted in a way that made it difficult to position baby and my back was leaned too far back to be useful. The stool converted my lap into a flat horizontal stretch that could support my baby and improved my posture so I didn't end my sessions with a backache. However, I also found it useful while nursing on the couch or other armchairs (same benefits) and my husband loves to use it when he is getting baby dressed after a bath as it helps him keep his lap horizontal as well. An added bonus is that it is incredibly easy to put together (5-10 minutes tops) and comes with it's own allen wrench tool.
Not for the heavy user Allow me to clarify, if you own a minivan, use this in malls and stores - its fantastic!HOWEVERIt does not travel well or handle any kind of non perfect terrain well. It took some small damage on our very first airplane trip. Every flight it got a little more beat up.We are on buisness assignment outside the US, I thought this would answer my needs as I have a 1 and 3 yr old and alot of walking is required here. However, the sidewalks are not always perfect, sometimes you must maneuver on non paved surfaces, the front wheels do not handle this well.It alwasy felt like the wheels were about to break.Also, if you are going to be putting this into a rental, make sure the trunk is larger than a mazda3. Getting this in and out was HELL. Because of the rigid shade on top, there is no give and it makes the stroller longer than most.Finally, the foot rest broke on it, my sons feet almsot were dragging on the ground. The stroller withstood about 6 months, then i had to replace it with the peg. The peg is sturdier and more compact. My daughter does fine standing on the stand in the back.(she is almsot 4)
Awesome potty, especially for boys! LOVE this potty - it's so easy and comfortable for our son to sit on. Picked this one up after starting out with a Fisher Price potty that didn't have a splash guard (stupid me!), which was frustrating for everyone involved (trying to tell/help a 2-year old to "point it down"... yeah, right) - as soon as our son tried this one out for the first time, his motivation level skyrocketed and he quickly became excited about peeing in the potty, instead of dreading it. The design and height are perfect, and the seat is easy to remove and empty (so much better than the ones where you have to slide the potty part out to empty it). Best potty ever!
Looks and cleans great, fatal design flaw... This chair looks great!!! Beautiful design!!! Cleans easily!!! However, the pedestal design means that the chair has a super-high center of gravity and the chair moves when he does. Add the poor brake mechanism, and our baby (9months) slams himself into the back of the chair, or side to side, rythmically "walking" the chair across the room, and making lots of noise. Because this is more fun for him than eating, mealtime has become a chore.He's doing it right now. A chair with four solid legs will not move around like this one. I just took him out of the chair and threw the chair out the back door.Unless your baby doesn't move a muscle while eating, DO NOT buy this chair at any price.
Love these bottles! After breastfeeding, my son had no problem latching on to these bottles. We initially used the 4 oz and have since moved up to the 9 oz for formula, but we now use the 4 oz for juice & they work perfect. The size 1 nipple on the 4 oz is perfect for juice, which is thinner than formula. My son has never had any problems with colic and although I don't know if these bottles had anything to do with that, they certainly didn't hurt. He has never had excess gas or air on his tummy after feeding. I have 9 - 4oz bottles & 8 - 9 oz bottles and NONE of them have EVER leaked! In fact, I tried a cheaper bottle when we moved up to a bigger size and ended up giving them away & going back to Avent. They are a little expensive, but worth it. I'll definietly use them for our next baby!
DON'T BUY THIS!!TRUST ME!! This monitor is completely useless. No matter which of the 2 lousy channels I have it switched to, I get LOUD, OBNOXIOUS STATIC. Sometimes the static will last a moment and stop, sometimes I have to move the receiver around in order for it to stop (only to start again in mere minutes), but most of the time it DOES NOT STOP. And when it seems to be working fine, all of a sudden the silence is shattered with static- LOUD static(you wouldn't belive how loud).It is so infuriating when you are awaken from sleep to this static, then realize that it is not going to stop and you have to get up to switch channels,(you must get up to change the channel setting on the unit in the baby's room as well as the receiver) probably with no avail,or mess around with the stupid thing for 15 minutes before realizing nothing will work and turning it off completely, not able to hear your child, thus not being able to sleep.This is my experience with this piece of junk. I will be returning it to BRU this week after I read reviews of other monitors, which I should've done before registering for this one. Save yourself the agony. DONT BUY THIS!
Gate Works Just Right The gate is great,..its a mid-level gate,...sturdy, stays up fine,..perfect to use throughout the house. I really do not understand the negative reviews,...its perfect for the money. Dont expect features from a $80 gate, but definitely worth the price.We had the wood-style gate before this oneNorth States Diamond Mesh Wood Gate - Pressure Mount, same concept,..but glad we made the upgrade.
Bundle Me Product Comparison I own the Original Bundle me and bought the new Urban bundle me for my cousin's baby. The Original Bundle Me seems to be warmer with the faux sheepskin on the inside instead of the micro-fleece on the inside of the Urban version. The faux sheepskin seems to be cozier for baby, too. When it is super cold outside, you have to add your own blankets inside either bundleme, but having the bundle me definitely helps keep the blankets where you put them.One aspect of the Urban version that I liked better is that the nylon exterior of the Urban picks up less "debris" than the fleece exterior of the Original. The fleece seems to attract hair, dirt, etc. The nylon Urban is also rain/water resistant. The Original fleece one never seemed to get wet even though it doesn't make the claim that it is water resistant.Another point to make is that I bought the Bundle Me Lite for the spring and fall months, but didn't really use it all that much. Unless you live in an area where the spring and fall months are cool for an extended period of time, I would just stick with the Original or Urban version. Here I guess the weather goes straight from Summer to Winter!The whole line of BundleMe products is an AMAZING god-send if you have ever had to put a baby into a coat or snowsuit and then tried to put the car seat straps around them. I can't tell you which one will suit your needs more, just trying to help make your selection process more successful!! Whichever one you choose will definitely make your life SOOO much easier!This is a link to the Bundle Me Original that I own:JJ Cole Original Bundleme Graphite
Wasn't the one I ordered... The quality of this blanket was very nice, but unfortunately, it didn't have the cars on it like in the picture and I was super disappointed. I had looked high and low for this exact cars blanket because it is my grandson's favorite sleepy time blankie and his original was in bad shape.
Very simple, stylish My son is not actually anywhere close to understanding the concept of this, but my impression is that it is VERY simple to clean up (which I LOVE the idea of). It seems comfy, he sits in it often and plays with it sometimes :)
Suction for snake bite is not recommended The Center for Disease Control and other medical authorities do NOT recommendsuction for snake bite. And I must say, the reviews here sound....)
Garden Theme Nursery....snails! snails! snails! I was so tickled to find a bedding set that had SNAILS on it :) It fits perfect with my garden theme nursery. Daddy even pulled the pink and purple colors to paint strips on the walls. The bedding is very girly and cheerful.
Great value sturdy little toy box. 1 year old likes it and can manipulate the hinge top to empty & fill box. Very pleased with it. Also it arrived fast
Perfect fit for my infant seat, base and more We bought this bag to use when traveling (which we do quite frequently). We have both a convertible car seat (Britax Marathon) and an infant seat (Graco SnugRide) and both would easily fit in there (separately) depending on which one we wanted to check. We checked the SnugRide and its base and had a LOT of extra room in there so I added in all 4 of our winter coats, the bundle me, and a few other things and even had room left over. I (the mommy) was able to wear the shoulder strap and carry it myself. I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 only because it doesn't look like it will last forever. While durable, it is not as thick as it appears in the ad pictures.
Great for about 7 months of fun and learning. My daughter got this for her "shower" and she absolutely loved it. She would lie mesmerized by the musical star and also loved playing with, reaching for, grabbing, and eventually even taking off all the things that hang from the various loops. It's got great colors and shapes and overall is just terrific. This is a great great item - one of the best we've found.At about 7-8 months, the thrill wore off. Now she crawls over/through it and moves on.: )
Good idea but not as practical as I had hoped I registered for this swing because I wanted a swing that would fold up and not take up too much space while not in use. Although the swing has met expectations in terms of being space saving, it does not work as well as I had hoped. I may have received a dud, but I find that I often have to push the swing to get it going. It either does not start swinging properly or slows randomly during use. It is a bit loud as others have commented, but it doesn't seem to bother my son, so I'm fine with the noise. If this product worked a bit better it would be a fantastic swing. Good idea, just needs improvement.
Great! This shade works great- used it for a Florida vacation and it kept the sun off my six month old entirely. I have a MacClaren Quest. I like the fact that it folds up so easily and fits in the little bag as well. I also like the fact that I can fold up the stroller with the shade attached with no problem. Great product!
What a disappointment.... We were so impressed withthe Peg Perego Pilko stroller that we registered for this infant car seat to use them as a travel system. We still love the stoller, but hate the carseat. Our son is by no means big (3 mos and 12 pounds) and is already starting to outgrow this carseat. Whenever I put him in it he screams. The five point harness it outdated. (It's hard to explain, but you'll see if you compare them. Other models snap together, Peg's straps slide into a cheap piece of plastic, which means you have to pull the straps tight over the baby's chest to connect them.) The fabric does not breath at all. Even with the air conditioner on high he still sweats. The sun shade is worthless. It is really difficult to adjust and when you get it pulled forward it is so short I have to put him in the shade or use a blanket to cover him. It does not snap into shopping carts. It is very heavy compared to the other ones on the market. Not to mention its expensive price tag. I am purchasing the graco snug ride heatwave car seat today as well as the universal carrier. (Together the cost the same as this seat.) He rode in a friends the other day and was an angel; did not cry when I put him in it, slept great, even woke up and smiled. If I only knew sooner! We cant wait to use Peg Perego stroller, but this car seat was a waste of money.
Falling apart This bed is nice to look at but has hardly been used and is falling apart already. I think paying a little more for a bettter quality bed would have been more worth my money.
Not worth the money this is a very expensive monitor and it is not worth the cost. It has given us trouble from the beginning. It makes the parent finder alarm sound randomly and usually at night when we are trying to get some sleep. The pet detection goes off at any time so we don't even use it. I called Evenflo and asked for a replacement and the one they sent to us had even more problems. They ended up just letting me keep both so I guess they know that the problems cannot be fixed.
The only ones worth buying I tried every brand of diaper for my daughter but these are the only ones that would cut it and always came back to them. They worked for 12 hour sleeping periods and day time play with no leaks. Worth the money for the comfort and security
I like Fischer Price, however,,, I put this baby monitor on my registry without really looking at other monitors because I thought the light show would be interesting for the baby to look at. I really like Fischer Price products, however, I would not recommend this particular monitor to a new parent. We never took the opportunity to use the light show and there is a constant hum that drones from the monitor. There are also sudden bursts of loud static from the receiver portion that is kept in the baby's room.I went to Toys R Us to purchase another monitor and ended up purchasing a Sony monitor that I am extremely happy with. There are 27 channel settings on it, it has excellent clarity and it is super quiet. I wish the Sony monitor was listed online so that I could write a review, I would give it 5 stars!
Great bottle I tried the Dr. Browns bottles but for my 7 week old dd, but it came out too fast even with a 1 nipple. The avent bottle is the only bottle she doesn't seem to choke on. And she has switched back and forth from bottle to breast from 3 days old with no confusion. I would recomend itleast trying this bottle. Every baby is different, but mine prefers avent.
not for my baby My son is breast fed, but we have given him an occasional bottle. He refused these. I got them because of all the great things I heard about them. I thought it would be easier for him to switch back and forth. No chance. He hates them. He hate the Playtex disposables too. He now takes Gerber bottles, traditional and New Traditions.
Safe 100% Second product with the same characteristics I purchase. My toddler girl is now safe since she decided to "steal" our queen bed.
Molded Disk :( I loved the playtex VentAire Natural shape bottle. I bought them instead of the Playtex drop-in kind for money reasons. I have had these bottles for 5 months and they keep getting MOLD in the tiny holes in the bottom disk. I have boiled them and put them in the dishwasher. I ALWAYS let them completly dry before I reassemble them. I called Playtex and they said they were sorry and would only send more disk after I sent them all of mine?? What was I to do for a bottle?? This was their defect, not mine! I just wanted them to at least give me some sort of credit toward the Playtex drop-in kind as that was the only nipple my son would take and they said "SORRY". Now I have to buy more bottles for 5 more months!Don't make the same mistake I did!
Get the Over the Shoulder Baby Holder instead Neither my husband nor I could live without a sling for our newborn! We got this one as a gift but quickly concluded that it just has too much fabric, which makes it difficult to position the baby properly and securely without "drowning" her in it. And the shoulder pad is huge -- can't get it to sit right on my shoulder (and I'm not petite).We then got a Maya Wrap, but either we're not "advanced" enough sling-users or it's better for bigger babies. Too little padding. (This is beginning to sound like the three little bears...)So now I have an Over the Shoulder Baby Holder, which is just right! Baby fits in it perfectly, the fabric is much lighter, and the shoulder pad gives me support in the right place.
Had to return it! This gate sure looks nice, but after 1 1/2 hrs of tring to install and widen the gate - we have to return it. My husband's thumbs were throbbing for hours later. You have to press in so hard to extend it- it was ridiculous! Well, after it was installed, I had to test the "easy one hand operation." I could not press in the button to open the handle for my life. My fingers too were throbbing. I couldn't keep it if I couldn't open it with one hand. I even tried two hands - and no go.
Moby Wrap Product arrived on time. I still haven't been able to use it, since my baby isn't here yet BUT I know I know it's something I will use a lot. Can't wait!
Baby Slides down BETWEEN Bumpers....dangerous My 3 month old slid down between the bumpers the first night I used it...I almost had a heart attack when I saw her in the morning. This could be very dangerous...babies can suffocate.
Great at first, but just wait!! We bought the diaper champ because you could use your own bags and didn't have to buy the expensive refills. At first it was great. The only time we smelled something was when it was time to change the bag. Once my son started on solids I started smelling it more. So I changed the bag more frequently. That worked for a while, but now nothing works. I took the champ outside cleaned it with clorox clean up, sprayed it with lysol and left it open outside for two days. As soon as the first poopy diaper went in, the smell returned. We are on the look out for a new one. Don't waste your money!!!
Avoid this product if you don't want it breaking This product is not recommended unless you don't mind it breaking every 12 months.I've owned two now that start off working pretty well. After about 8 months, things start to no longer function:- Adjusting the volume button results in speak not working. You must jiggle it to make it work- Static/noise appearing in the signal when nothing else has changed (e.g. receiver and monitor are in the same location with the same channel)- Random spikes in the volume of the receiverOverall, its not a good product and fisher price should be ashamed to have their name attached to it. If this cost $[...] i may consider buying it.
Perfect Has been our favorite. Worked perfectly with our elder daughter and working perfectly with our younger daughter now. Price is great too with "Amazon subscribe and save".
good price, bad quality I buy these diapers through subscribe and save, so they come out at reasonable price. BUT the quality is not good enough. My daughter is a pretty good pooper and these diapers spil all the time! I have to change her clothes or wash sheets and mattress cover every day! The money I save on diapers i spend on detergent, energy and water.Huggies are so much better!
it smells girly i bought it for my 4 month old son who has what seems like a severe case of eczema and dry skin, so like every concerned mother i have been trying and testing out any product hoping it will help his skin,or suits him best, unfortunately this one didnt work on him like i expected, moreover it made him smell a bit girly,the sweet almond oil reminded me of an asian indian sweet store LOL!but the packaging was nice and pretty, tiny like travel sized, and smells sweet ; if you have a little doll :)
Safety 1st Alpha Omega Carseat We purchased this Alpha Omega Carseat after our 6 month old was too big for his carrier. We had a Graco comfort Sport, but didn't like having to transport it from car to car. I didn't think it was the safest option. So I opted to buy the "Escalade" of carseats to have at all times in my car. We use the Graco for my husband's since the baby doesn't ride in it that often. We had a tough time installing it for the first time in Rear Facing- 07 Ford Escape, center position. The seat slants in and it was making the recline be more upright, which isn't cozy for a sleeping baby. We had to put 2 towels and a noodle, but it is very sturdy and doesn't move. It's very tricky. But once you get it in properly the first time, you won't have to mess with it for a long time. I have two friends, both with twins, and they both love this seat. They love the recline feature for the FF seat. The price online is much cheaper than from Babies R Us. So for us, it was a great investment. Also it was ordered on Monday and at the house on Friday.Two thumbs up from over protective parents.
Moves around when you hit bumps Bought this thinking I could view my son when at stop sign and light. Boy was I wrong, every bump you hit, this thing moves and even though you try to reposition it, it still moves. Not worth the money, wish I had returned it.
not easy to use I bought this highchair mostly because I liked the looks of it, it fit well with my kitchen decor. It took about 1/2 hour to put together, every piece was separate. What I dislike the most about it is that the tray is almost impossible to use with one hand. Also, it doesn't get close enough to my son who is five months old, but loves being up with the rest of the family. The tilt also doesn't move easily with one hand which is also very inconvenient. Overall, I would not buy this high chair again.
Hang up your snowsuits! This is one of my favorite things for baby. I have it installed in my Graco MetroLite Marta print car seat and it matches so nice. But that is not why I love it so much. I see other poor women who do not have this and their kid looks like Ralphie's younger brother in A Christmas Story. They are shoved into a snow suit with arms straight out and they can't move.This item makes life so easy. I just put my baby girl in here, zip her up and off we go. No coat, no snowsuit, just what she is wearing. She looks so snug. And if it is snowing, then I just flip the fabric over her head until we get to the car and she is safe from the elements. This is truly a must have.I am really having trouble figuring how this would be a safety hazard...installed correctly, the kid is very well secured to the seat. hmmmmmm......
Never again- these diapers fell apart These diapers fell apart and left a huge mess of falling apart diaper. I now know I need to use a different kind for overnight but then they shouldn't be advertised as baby dry.
Cooshie Booster best booster out there let me start by saying I have twins that are 2.5.I have never written a review before and I wanted to do so for this item. I was reluctant to purchase a Cooshie due to the cost and purchased the hard plastic ones from Wal-mart instead. The hard plastic ones were leaving small bruises on my girls' backs right along their spine from leaning back into the hard seat. They also will rub the finish off of the seats of your hard wood chairs without putting something under them. Also the hard plastic ones are hard to clean and difficult to remove from the seats to clean under them, because crumbs will get under it and in it and around it. The cooshie is light enough that my girls can carry it around them selves and they love to sit in them to watch TV. I love the ease of being able to move the seats without unstrapping them in case we need the extra adult space. Mine came with carry bags so we can take them with us to a restaurant and not have to use the germ infested seats there.Cooshie seats are well worth the money. I plan to use ours for several years to come. They are also a breeze to clean!
Fine as long as you don't mind poop everywhere These are the worst! Bought a box of Huggies Snug & Dry's after Huggies were recommended by a friend over Pampers. Little did I realize that Huggies also has two lines - their premium line and their cheapo/crappy line. Well - the Snug & Drys are the cheapo/crappy line.Attributes of the Snug & Dry:- they smell mildly toxic, and in any case far from pleasant; when a clean diaper smells nasty, you've got problems- no absorbency- poor/loose fit.But really, at the end of the day, the one star (ideally zero) is cause the diapers DO NOT ABSORB anything. Pampers Swaddlers and even their inferior Baby Dry lines both absorb. Not so with these. Apparently Huggies thinks the poop and pee will stay in the diaper by sheer force of will or the shape of the diaper?! In any case, I don't need to write a long review - these are horrible. Dumped the remaining 70 out of a 100 box, after repeated leaks. If a diaper doesn't even hold stuff in - it shouldn't be on the market. FAIL.
Simply Wonderful This stroller is wonderful! It's compact and lightweight. Both babies can fit in it and it works perfectly with the chicco keyfit 30 carseat. Would highly recommend.
no bargins here the cost of these diapers are way more than you would pay at any local retailer or national chain...then to use a coupon on top of that...wow what a difference. Save your money and shipping costs and go to Target. Do price per diaper comparisons and you would be surprised how much diapers cost and how to save money!!
not that impressed My son is now 11months old, and this is the only diaper pail I have had, but I would definetly try something else for my next child.The good things about this diaper pail are the price, and it is easy to use and change the bags. It doesn't require any special bags which is cost efficent.The thing I can't stand about it and the reason I only gave it 2 stars is because of the smell. My childs room always smells like I just changed his diaper. I use scented bags in the diaper pail, I have a deoderizer stuck on the inside of the pail, and I have an odor neutralizer on the outside of the pail. It still smells, so I would not recommend this product.
Love this car seat I researched for the right car seat for almost the whole time I knew I was pregnant and I knew I wanted a bigger one to hold my baby longer. This seat was all that I wanted and the price was very reasonable. My baby was 7 pounds 9 ounces when she was born and this seat protected her nicely. She is now four months and 26 inches long and would be almost to big for the regular seat. I have a Buick LeSabre so my back seat is roomy, but we also have a Jeep and her seat fits nicely in the middle with the base installed. I would definately buy another seat like this for our next baby and recommend this seat for anyone looking. I also choose this pattern because it could go for either a boy or a girl. This seat is heavier and larger than most seats but it is well worth the money!
Winter Baby Must Have This is a must for any parent that lives in a cold climate, we use this item on a daily basis and I could not imagine having to struggle with my newborn trying to get her into a snowsuit. I have had many comments on how cute the bundle me is and have found that is washes up very nicely, and provides the utmost in convienence.
The Best Faucet Cover I've Found, But Not Perfect I struggled to find a faucet cover that fit my bath tub. Some were too small and others were too large. Covers that were designed with cute animals actually drew my daughter's attention to them and since these were likely too big, they were quickly removed and used as a bath toy.I like that this faucet cover is not made to attract your child's attention, but instead, to perform a function - to protect your child from the sharp edges of the faucet and to deflect the water. It succeeds in these functions but I have had to modify it. It's simply too easy for a child to remove, so I've been using zip ties to hold it on.A third function it was intended to have is to disperse bubble bath soap. I've found that this constantly leaks and since pouring it into the stream of water is simpler than pouring it into the small opening at the top then pressing the button to disperse it, I opt for the easier and less wasteful route.It is a little challenging to keep clean - especially the bubble bath part - but I've had this product for months now and have managed to keep it sanitary. I gave it 4 stars because it isn't perfect, but I really don't think there's anything better suited for my tub.
Relief, with one caveat... These shells gave me instant relief from sore nipples associated with breastfeeding. However, know that breast shells can increase milk production (ask your lactation consultant or doctor, or just Google it). This may be fine or even welcomed for some mothers, but for me, it was an undesired side effect. Still, because they worked so well, I'd definitely use them again!
Don't waste your money!!! For the price of the Diaper Genie, we would have been better off getting a regular trash can! The only good thing I can say is that it is compact enough to fit in a smaller space. The bags are outrageously priced and difficult to change. There is NO odor control whatsoever. We bought separate diaper pail deodorizers and they did little to nothing to help. We dreaded changing the bags. It was very time consuming and when you took out the old ones, they start coming unwound and stinking to high heaven! Also, as the baby (and diapers) got bigger, it became increasingly difficult to fit them into the opening. We are expecting our third child and already have a Diaper Genie but we WILL NOT be using it. I would never recommend this product to ANYONE! I worked at a day care center where we had a plain, inexpensive diaper pail. It was much easier to use and locked in the smell. In one day we would FILL this diaper pail and it did not stink!
Wow!!! This is horrible item!!! Don't throw your money away!!! I have twins and I used this once. Thank God my mom was visiting, because we had to hold and watch each baby very close. Babies are 5 months and this pillow is not giving any support, seat is huge and it sinks. You cant even take it out of tub when is wet because is soooo heavy!!! worst item ever!!!!!
Frustrating My 10-month old son can't get a drink from this cup. Granted that maybe he needs to learn to suck on the spout instead of bite down on it, he does well with a bottle otherwise. Also, the spout does not end up centered between the handles when tightened.
LOVE the print and softness...but sheet was extremely too big This might have fit better on a larger cradle but it was WAY too big for my regular sized bassinet. I kept it because I loved the print and it was super soft but had to really tuck it in good because of how big it was.
Baby likes it ok 1. It was not the same as the photo, but I was too lazy to contact Amazon about it.2. Baby only likes it slightly.
Pick another Jumper I find the seat of the jumper to be too large. My son siting in it hanging to one side. He is a large baby too.Also, once adjusted properly for height the strap needs readjustment at each use.It is easy to put on the door frame and my son enjoys the stuffies it came with. This was a better solution for our home than the exersaucer size jumpers.Also, my son was able to scrape off the GRACO logo and had blue all under his nails and probably consumed some. I contacted GRACO and they reported the paint is non-toxic.
Australian secret My daughter requested a baby sheepskin for her infant son, so of course I was happy to oblige. Well why not? She was raised on one. When we were shopping for baby things during her pregnancy she snagged a cheapie at a local baby store. I told her no sheepskin was going to touch my grandbaby's bottom unless it was made especially for baby, had to be washable and have no nasty chemicals on it from the tanning process and to take it back. She went on a hunt for the right one. We weren't satisfied until we found the Bowron products. We were unsure if we should get shorn or unshorn so we chose the shorn. We found that her son loves it. He sleeps wonderfully on and and we can wash it whenever it needs. We may get the unshorn for a handy carry along later. We were happy with the cost. Don't let cheap ones fool you, they can't be washed and they fall apart and smell. This is a quality product.
Must have in COLD climates! My husband and I love this bundleme! Our daughter was born in early December and she has been warm and cozy every time we've had to leave the house. We live in South Dakota so the winter can be quite cold and very windy. We have not had any worries that our baby isn't warm enough. Definitely worth every penny.
Digital picture did not look great. I liked the compact design of this monitor, but unfortunately the reception was not great. I had some type of intereference every 2 minutes or so. I could see 'pixels' on the screen and in some cases over half of the screen was just blue or black when the monitor was looking for a signal (all over the house). This used to happen with digital cable when it was new I remember. When the picture did come in, the quality of it reminded me of watching a movie on the internet. Quick movements were choppy and there seemed to be a 2 second delay. That also meant when our baby cried, I heard the real cry and then heard the cry on the monitor echo 2 seconds later (and then again and again at lower volumes). It is also a little annoying that when you higher or lower the volume, the picture shuts off and has to find a signal again which takes a few seconds. Overall, I expected a much clearer picture from a monitor that uses digital technology and was this expensive.
All it needs is to be 2.4 Ghz This monitor is really entertaining BUT it does not work well as a monitor because of the loud static. It sounds like you are trying to tune into a radio station on AM. If you want it for entertainment it is great, but if you want it for a monitor don't waste your time buying it. The best monitor I have found after trying 3 different monitors is the 2.4 Ghz monitors. Ours works perfect!
Stay away from this High-Chair: Very Poor Quality Terrible Item. Stay away from this model.We ordered two of these high chairs for our church fellowship hall. Both arrived within two days, and that's where the good experience stopped.Here's a quick list of the issues we ran into when attempting to assemble one of the high chairs.1. Seat was broken in half right out of the box. (Used the seat board out of the other high chair box)2. Belt buckle is made of VERY brittle plastic.3. Alignment is off: Some of the drilled out spots are off/different sizing and thus made the High Chair look terrible.4. Poor Quality: The screw post pulled out of the bottom front rung.I had one high-chair almost complete (even with a broken buckle). I began tightening down the screws and got to the front rung on the bottom when the screw post began to pull out of the one side of the rung. I'd had it... Both are now waiting to be picked up by UPS.These will be returned, and I will not be re-ordering one of these brand high chairs...
Exactly what I was looking for and needed After living in SE Asia for the last 7 months, I noticed that the restaurants are not toddler/child friendly. When my husband and I go out to eat, we never know if the restaurant will have a high chair, much less a booster seat for our 2 year old. This item is not only useful for these situations, but it's so light and compact that it's not a hassle to carry around. Additionally, it is perfect for packing in the suitcase. I am so glad I bought this one. And even better, my daughter loves it.
Worst Monitor Imaginable. Don't waste your money!!! This monitor hardly works. We live in a 1700 sq. ft. house and this thing could not transmit the sound of our baby crying on to the screen monitor at night time. He has apnea problems and we need to hear him at all times...for the one week that we have used this thing it alerted us 1 time out of about 10 of his crying just with the sound. If we woke up we could see the red signal at the top lighting up but no sound. Not very good for someone that needs or wants to keep a close eye on their baby.Also the screen does not transmit a clear imagine if you happen to stand up or switch positions when laying in bed. That is also not a good feature. The only positive point is the hand held portable transmitter. That works wonderfully BUT the batteries die after about 15 hours of use. Not very pratical.I would suggest not waisting your money on this product as the efficiency of it is non-existant. I suggest getting a 2.4ghz one for better reception and notification.
Ignore bad reviews if you want a STINKY room: At first we were pleased with the Diaper Champ because of its easy-to-use function and the fact that we did not have to buy special refills or bags. However, we quickly learned that the biggest drawback to the Champ is its inability to seal in odor. We frequently empty the bags and clean the pail (including Lysol, chlorine bleach, and anti-bacterial wipes) but have found the odor to be overwhelming and ever present regardless of disinfectant or frequent bag changes. Recently in a popular parenting magazine, they reviewed various diaper disposal systems and used Limburger cheese (a very potent and stinky cheese) to measure odor levels among the various systems. Diaper Champ received the worst rating for odor (4 cheese wedges indicating the worst odor rating possible.) I would avoid the hassle, spend a few extra bucks and get one of the other, higher-rated and popular systems.
Must Have!! I thought the picture and sound of this video monitor were great. I would definitely recommend this product to anyone who is thinking of buying it. I now feel much more at ease putting my 2 month old in her own room for the night. The picture is so clear I can see my baby smile and the sound is better than an of the baby monitors we tried. Thanks to the reviews I read it helped me make the right decision in buying this product!!!
Didn't want it but... I got one for my baby shower and I figured I'd give it a try. It worked fine until we had to change the bag for the first time then my husband, who can manage to put together computers and Playstation 2s, couldn't figure out how to get the dang thing to work again. We now just use it as a garage can... don't waste your money, just buy the Diaper Champ.
Stopped the pain! Without going too much into why i had to pump in the first few weeks after my daughter was born, i was using the Medela severla times a day, but i found especially on one side (for some reason!) that most of my nipple and areola was being sucked into the pump, making the whole thing swell and enlarge painfully, and it looked... gross and obscene quite honestly! I was convinced i was doing damage to my nipples so i did some online research and found i could get these smaller shields for my pump. They are shorter as well as slightly (only very slightly) smaller in diameter, but they seem to do the trick - now not so much of my breast gets pulled into the pump, which is great.What i would say is, breast size has NOTHING to do with it. Its the size of your nipples and areolathat are cruical. I have pretty big bosoms :) (size DD) but relatively small nipples.
Great for my back, if it fit right Upon the recommendations here I bought the size above what was indicated for me personally, moving from a medium to a large. I am currently 34.5 weeks pregnant & am wearing the large on the smallest setting. If the belt were tighter I really think it would be helping my back, but right now it is still a bit too big. Hopefully in a couple weeks it will fit better so that I can get some relief. So, while the reviews saying to buy a bigger size might be relevant for women moving from small to medium, I think the sizing recommendation might have been more accurate for the larger sizes.
Bring back the old Pampers Ok, so I read all about how the new Pampers are causing rashes and blisters, but I am such a die hard Pampers fan that I still asked for them at my baby shower after using them for my twins. My baby hasn't had any issues with rashes or blisters so that is not a concern for us. What I didn't read about was how little these diapers actually hold when compared to the old Pampers. Take my comparison for instance. My baby girl is 2 1/2 months old now and sleeps ~10 to 12 hours per night without a diaper change. She weighs 14 lbs. I have a box of the old style Pampers Swaddlers (without dry max) in size 1-2 which I can barely get on her now (I bought a huge box so I am going to use them until I just can't get them fastened anymore!!) and a package of the Pampers Baby Dry size 2 which actually fit her much better for her size. Since the Baby Dry version boasts up to 12 hour protection right on the box I thought I would try it. When she woke up in the morning at about hour 8... she was completely soaked. I had to give her a bath because her outfit was soppy wet, her sheet was soppy wet, and her extra pad underneath was completely soaked. Enter the "too small" old style Pampers Swaddlers and she was dry without soaking through to her clothes after 12 hours. Granted the diaper was HUGE and heavy, but she was still dry.Since I really did love the Pampers brand, I thought maybe I would just have to use a different diaper at night and use the Baby Dry during the day. So, I tried it. She managed to poop completely out the leg and up the back and out of a brand new diaper within the first thirty minutes. Again... I thought it was just a fluke and maybe I didn't have the diaper on right or she was positioned just right for it to happen so I tried again. The second one lasted a total of 45 minutes before we needed a new diaper and another new outfit. On outfit change number three, I decided that I would finally try out those Huggies Snugglers that someone gave me at my baby shower and I had been avoiding in my closet. Too bad we have stock in Proctor and Gamble rather than Kimberly-Clark because right now they are a MUCH superior diaper to the new Pampers.
Very Weak Aside From George Clinton who else here has had John Lennon's Impact or Depth?The Music&Arrangements here are Lacking.It's Important to Have Artists that Bring Equal Importance&talent to a Project such as this.
Great for cloth diapers Most diaper hangers have one compartment for a big stack of disposables. We use a variety of cloth diapers and this organizer is great because it has space to hold our prefolds, fitteds, doublers, pockets and inserts, and covers. I haven't loaded heavy things onto it, but I've never had a problem with the shelves being unstable as another reviewer did.
soothes baby to sleep i bought the moby as one of several carriers as i have found that there is no single perfect carrier for every occasion. and i could not do without it! for us the moby is ideal for use at home. i find all the fabric to be cumbersome when out & about - i don't like that the ends drag on the dirty street/ground while wrapping - and the fabric is a bit thick, so it's hot to wear outside in the summer (these are the only cons for me).my little newborn girl never slept well unless being held by me or her father, and then started to resist falling asleep at about 6 weeks of age. i learned that when i put her in this she can no longer resist sleep and drifts off. i am then free to go about my day or evening - mostly - and she wakes up happy & well rested. or, at night i just peel off the wrap and she stays asleep while i put her into our bed. she easily sleeps for 2 - 3 hour stretches because this is like being swaddled & held at the same time. also, if your little one has that evening "witching hour" where she cries a lot and just needs to sleep but can't, this will be your savior. our babe protests being put in at first, but is inevitably under the sleeping spell of this thing! another perk is that it's possible to breastfeed without taking her out, which is so great since she can just fall back to sleep.btw - if you'd like a wrap that is thinner and therefore cooler, check out 'the baby pouch'. more expensive, but great. the baby pouch brand is more stretchy too, which is a great feature.
Sadly Disappointed I thought this item was so cute and the pictures that were displayed showed the stars projecting clearly on the ceiling in three different colors. However when I got it, It seemed to only partially work. The stars displayed on the ceiling but not very clear and the three colors.... well those only lasted one night. We would turn the light on and when we pushed to see another color it shut the whole thing off. My daughter is young and doesn't know the difference. She is happy to see the red stars on her wall when she holds it right next to the wall. I wanted something that could project a scenery on her ceiling to help her sleep and this just wasn't what I expected.
Best product ever!!! My son who is almost 6 months just absolutly loves this product. We have given him bananas and pears and he just can't get enough of them. This is an absolute must for any baby who is eating baby food. You don't have to worry about them choking at all! I will definatly be giving this product to people I know who are having a baby from now on.
Satisfied!! I bought this after moving & my husband disposed of our old high chair. I didn't want another high chair because they take up too much space in the dining room and to store between babies. I am very happy with how durable the material & frame is. It is easy to take apart to wash & cleans up really well (just put it in the wash & air dry). It is sturdy when attached to the table & it isn't at all wobbly. My kids put anything new "through the wringer" and this chair is definately standing up to the challenge.
First Potty Chair and hopefully our last! Son liked it from the beginning. Although we haven't had success on it yet, it is comfortable enough and roomy enough that he can sit on it for a while to get used to it.
Halo Sleep Sak! Halo Sleep Sak's are wonderful! I love that they help Children from kicking theblanket off and the blanket cannot get over their face.I just discovered these Sleep Saks Lately and I wish I had known about them whenmy nephew was born. Halo Sleep Sak has all kinds of products to keep babies Safe.
I don't see how it could ever work My one year old had no trouble figuring it out. It's neither sturdy nor intelligent in its design. I could not recommend it for the purpose it's being sold.
Fantastic Love these. I use them everywhere. I really can't imagine not having them, since my son throws down all plates and napkins still.
Good Product The medela bags are a good product. I like that they stand when full. They seal and freeze very well. I have also tried the Lansinoh brand and find he medela are more durable (the plastic is not as soft and easy to nick as the Lansinoh). They are a bit costly however and the medela company should consider better perforation on the top of the bag where you tear off the section that you can use to pump directly into the bag. Although you can easily pump into the bags, I find it difficult to accurately measure the volume in each bag so I pump into the bottles and transfer to the bags. If you are not going to freeze and are just pumping for the next day or so, you could save money by using the Lansinoh brand.
Great for the car! I LOVE this blanket and everytime someone sees it, they ask me about it. I keep it in the car and we use it all the time. Washing is fairly easy. I put it in the machine but then air dry it as I don't think it would stand up to the dryer. Great item!
stay away Stay as far away from Avent feeding bottles as you can. This product is total junk, the bottles leak all the time. We have tried many, different sizes, different nipples, purchased at different stores and different times. They are all the same, they leak from under the lid no matter how tight you screw it on. Complete garbage.
Blown out back door!!!! I got these diapers for my retarted uncle. He suffered a kick to the head from a horse at 15 when he was trying to shave his back end. Ever Sence my uncle has been unable to do basic bodly functions. So we put these on him after we hose him down. He just loves the feel on his chaped hairless hair. Saddly to say tho after a night with a hungry man meal my poor uncle blew the ass end out of these diapers! The smell was terrable and my Dad had to get the hose and not only beat my uncle he also had to hose down our poor cat. I called up the manufactor trying to get them to pay for the damages. They refused!!!!