class label
2 classes
Be careful I'm not sure how good this product is, because I am still having installation problems. After installing the program, I was then told my product key was expired (Unless the store gave me a pirated version - which I doubt from the apple store.) I attempted to uninstall the current version and now can't reinstall. after exhausting my web and user guide resources, I attempted to call ANYONE at parallels and spent an hour being frustrated before calling apple and asking for help. they somehow got someone on the line. So now, finally I have a person to talk to. To add insult to injury - the "tech support" has a decidedly heavily accented english and is talking on a static filled internet phone such that he can barely understand me or I him.Keep in mind that if I hadn't called apple, I would be paying 29.99 for this wonderful service PER INCIDENT!!! I sincerely hope that I never need customer service again, because if I do it will likely be for a refund.
Adrien Paul , the only reason to watch The Breed. I rented this movie because i love adrien paul in highlander and well the premise that he is a vampire makes it all the sweeter. Unfortunatly he alone could not carry the film. The movie is set in an skewed alternate version of the reality we all know. The version we get is a neo nazi like world in a bleak black and blue hue. The funny thing right off is the human police station is littered with propaganda messages and posters. Why the filmakers put that in this movie is beyond me. I guess their trying to convey the surrealism of this world. Vampires in this "reality" exist and recently exposed themsleves to humans at a risk of being demonized. Then when the process is at its critical stage, a serial killer emerges from the shadows and starts picking off young college girls. We find out that the killer is a vampire and has a political agenda. Which is to stop the vampires assimilation into humanity. A great premise which is killed at the very begining.The acting at best was a classic b-film. The actors look as though they know that the script sucks but they try to make it seem as if it doesn't. Adrien Paul is very convincing in his role as vampire cop Aaron. He is the only bright spot in the film. Bai Ling is a eccentric female vampire who falls for Bookem Woodbine's character. I forget his characters name because he was as wooden as you can be. He doesn't fit the whole "tough cop in a bad situation trying to make the most of it" kinda guy. The scenes in themselves seem ridiculous. At one point in the film Adrien Paul's character is shooting at human cops because they attacked first i guess. He does this spinning in the air thing and you can obviously tell that he's spinning on wires. The sex scene reminded me of well a soft core porno because the music in that scene sounded just like the chessy music in such a film. Minus the nudity. You see them bumping and grinding but it never really goes anywhere. And they like showing a pillar apparently in the "bedroom" with ivy and water pouring down it. Maybe that is an innuendo. The nudity that is in the film is downright ridiculous and makes the audience feel embarrased to watch it. Over all i think it could have been done better and i only watch it to see adrien paul in all his sexy vampire glory. I'd let him bite me anytime.
Spectacular Western, Splendidly Presented on Blu-Ray Sergio Leone's masterwork is as fresh and powerful as ever as it recounts the slaying of the McBain family at the hands of the cold-blooded Frank (Henry Fonda), a hired gun for a railroad maven who wants the McBain property for its water source. The family patriarch's new bride (a luminous Claudia Cardinale) arrives to find them dead, a gang leader (Jason Robards) framed for the crime and a harmonica-playing rebel (Charles Bronson) who wants to kill Frank for reasons of his own."Once Upon a Time in the West" feels like a natural progression for Leone after his Eastwood spaghetti westerns, offering a melancholy tone, more defined characters and sumptuously composed widescreen images. The film moves leisurely, accentuated by a gorgeous Ennio Morricone score that alternates with sound effects and stretches of silence in rendering an effective sound design - it all makes for a western classic that looks just splendid in high-def.Paramount's Blu-Ray serves up an HD reprise of its 2003 DVD edition, which included both the movie's original theatrical cut as well as an extended 166-minute unrated version. The AVC encoded 1080p transfer is fairly detailed, boasting appreciable gains over its standard-def counterpart, though some of the elements do appear in healthier condition than others throughout (no surprise given the extensive work involved in the film's restoration). The DTS MA 5.1 audio is mostly subdued while extras are carried over from that prior standard-def release, including several retrospective featurettes, a terrific commentary track involving directors John Carpenter, John Milius, cast and crew members, and historian Sir Christopher Frayling among others.
Fantastic Book to opening a believer or non believers mind. Thomas Paine remains one of the most logical, rational, and reason driven writers in the history of the human race. It is my pleasure to recommend this book to any individual questioning the blind theology that we, as humans, are force fed from the day of our birth. The format of the first part of this book is composed of logic driven arguments as to the validity of biblical text. Paine uses the tools of reason and intellect to condemn the most influential text of the modern world with incredible precision. The second part of this book is the reaction to the average priests attempt to blindly nullify his arguments in the first part. With this Paine takes each section of the bible systematically and tears down the validity of every part of the new and old testament alike using the bible as its own weapon. A truly timeless and inspiring book.
The Very Best! I have read this book four times! It seems to strike a chord in me. I don't know why. Each chapter is like a slice of heaven. Bradbury just hits on every note of "What Could Happen But You Were Afraid to Ask". And he does this in the simplist way. No long ordeals of "tension" and "conflict". He just rips into your brain with the ease of a good brain surgeon. How can I review this book without giving anything away? Alright. I will try. The Martians at the funeral will chill your bones. The astronauts finding their homes on earth after they land on Mars will force you to be with them and share their elation. How wonderful! Spender's compassion will make you question his solution. And you will feel for him. The astronauts dealings with the Martian psychiatrist will make you re-live all your experiences with doctors and dentists. You will feel like them. The appeal of this book is rough to figure out. I think it's because Bradbury gives us "snapshots" of our own fears and desires in short and brief chapters that make us feel untouched but shaken. He gets the needle into us deeply while seemingly doing nothing in order to do so. In other words, he delightfully blows our minds. Thank you.
Not user friendly This calculator disappointed me. When doing almost any calculation I must push far more buttons than on any other calculator I have used.A few examples:Why do x2, sqrt etc have to be followed by a =?.If you push for example + in error instead of -, you must back up and delete the + before you push -, otherwise you get a syntax error.Some of the most common functions are secondary functions.I prefer HP's calculators to any calculator. I don't expect the same user friendliness from a TI calculator but this one is irritatingly slow and wastes too much time.I cannot recommend this calculator.
Classic...Yet Not a Favorite I first heard of the classic novel "The Scarlet Letter" when I was in fifth grade. My mom told me a brief description of the story, and her thoughts on the book made me want to read it. I finally got the chance to read it this year, and I was greatly disappointed. The novel failed to hold my interest at any point in the story. I could only read so many pages at one time as I found my thoughts wandering away from the story of Hester Prynne, her young daughter Pearl, and the affair that she had with one of the ministers in Boston. The vocabulary was quite advanced and often hard to comprehend. The lengthy descriptions of Hester's agony over this great sin she has committed were quite repetitive. When Nathaniel Hawthorne adds the complicated vocabulary to the descriptions of Hester that go on page after page, it creates frustration and a sense of hopelessness for the reader. Most of the time, I knew what Hester was thinking or what she was going to say before she thought it or said it. Even through all of the tedious descriptions, it was hard for me to identify with Hester Prynne since I have never been in her type of situation before. The only aspect of the novel that I really understood was the Puritan way of life. Hawthorne's description of the way that the Puritans lived was quite accurate. The Puritans were a very religious society based on high morals and respect. Once one did something to shame those morals, they were ultimately shunned from society. This aspect of Puritan society was one of the only points that was well illustrated by Hawthorne. Overall, the book was lifeless. I would recommend this book only to someone who has a large amount of both patience and time.
Dracula I do not like this story. It is boring to me. I like to read stories and books that are useful to my knowledge.
Elie Wiesel's "Night" Elie Wiesel's book "Night" highlights the horrors of the Holocaust as it chronicles the journey of a young Jewish boy (Wiesel) and his father through Nazi concentration camps.Using straightforward language and simple sentence structure, Weisel paints a picture of life in the death camps. He repeatedly uses the symbolism of fire and of nighttime, with excerpts that could move someone to tears. He says that he would never "forget that night... which has turned my life into one long night." He would "never forget those flames which consumed my faith forever."Most of the book however, simply tells a story. It relates terrors with no particularly pretty words or fancy writing. Usually it reflects limited anger or sadness, but simply says what must be said.
A classic novel from Maugham Other reviewers have summarized the plot of this novel pretty well. I would add that it is very well-written and constructed by a master hand.There is a one-star review which complains that the novel is too class-conscious. But of course, you could hardly write a novel about England of those times without describing the reign of social class in England. What may need saying is that a lot of that description was written with a pen dipped in vitriol! Actually, the emphasis on class is something that still surprises me in Englishmen; it seems to be all-pervasive, and I think the sneer is still ready for "the working class" (what an odd name for a class!) and for "people in trade." ("The working class" strikes Americans as strange because Americans basically assume that everyone works, except the idle rich, children, and oldsters. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett were hardly layabouts.)Ostensibly a novel about writers, and about Edward Driffield in particular, the character of Driffield's wife Rosie ends up stealing the show. She also gets the last line in the book, which will leave most readers wondering whether to laugh or cry.A highly enjoyable and stimulating read, right up there withThe Moon and Sixpence (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading).
meh, this seems like its more hype than anything. I would have to say I love Monty Python, but this has be the least funny of the 3 movies. Wheres the wit? Wheres the exaggeration? wheres the low blows? the movie feels like a bad episode of Family Guy where the tired out the jokes are repeated. The characters were not believable either. what happen to the social commentary? while it does poke at religion, the jokes seem more stereotypical than smart (wheres the history lesson?). Was the joke about the nose poking at the Jews or was it just a bit they stuck in? It seems like they got all the right elements for a super funny movie, but they decided not to refine it. Maybe the movie was just still too PC and not offensive enough to be funny.
I love it This was my favorite movie when I was younger and I had never had it of my own...i recently went to a show to see it and my younger sister came with me and had never seen the actually movie so I purchased it and I love it. Was in good condition and I love the shirt cover that it came in,
Overall an entertaining read... The Wasp Factory is a tale about an isolated and very eccentric clan of Scotsmen, ensconced on an island in northern Scotland. Frank Cauldhame, the teenager from whose viewpoint the book is related, lives a free lifestyle with his crippled father, eagerly awaiting the return home of his elder brother Eric. They have a matronly housekeeper who brings them food and news, but otherwise live in peaceful seclusion.There the fairytale stops. Frank is a cruel, callous, but utterly irresistible youth who delights in tormenting animals, and has already killed three people to date. Eric is a raving lunatic with an anti-canine fixation and the minor challenge of escaping from the police and his psychiatric guardians. Their father, Angus, has totally rejected the national education system and has taken to educating his progeny by himself (starting with false place names, bogus literary characters, and inaccurate French). Given the immense diversity of characters and potential cliches, the writer skilfully avoids excessive violence, and tempers his bleak outlook with a macabre brand of humor.Although the novel is set in Scotland, the narration is in perfectly clear English, and the surroundings (lonely house, empty beach, open fields, and smoky bars)are universally recognisable. The bizarre jokes and black comedy are appreciable by anybody with the requisite morbidity, and the shocking nature of the various escapades and histories of the characters only serve to fuel the reader's admiration for the mighty imagination of the writer. Though a few factual errors arise (maggots do not eat living flesh, for example) and some of the relationships might seem too outlandish, the general manic mood and immense climax of the story are so gripping that the reader is prepared to forgive them, if he even notices in the first place.This is Iain Banks' first novel, and its effect will be the same upon the reader as it was on the critics after its release. You will either love it or loathe it, and your feelings w! ill be completely justifiable either way.
A great novel Alice Walker did a wonderful job in writing this novel and the only thing that I am upset with is that it took me so long to pick up this wonderful book. Celie, is a dynamic character who has the most generous and forgiving heart, but I found Shug to be Celie's guardian angel from Albert's rage and violence. The relationships between the characters were so dynamic and evolved in a manner that confused me, but kept me reading for more. If you have only watched the movie then you have not truly received the core meaning of the "Color Purple". All I have to say is read the book and judge the characters and their lives for yourself.
"A Christian and an Arab team up for a masterpiece!" Let me heartily recommend this book on Revelation--IF you can find it! Along with Tim Lahaye's 'Revelation Illustrated and Made Plain', these are the two best layman's commentaries on Revelation from a pretribulational, premillennial point of view.As other reviewers have correctly pointed out, the authors include careful interpretation based on scripture, and thus avoid having John actually see helicopters and call them locusts (e.g., Hal Lindsey). As a former seminary student, I appreciate the lack of wild speculation by these authors, and their Middle Eastern background ands a depth of understanding lacking in other works.The drawings and photos are excellent additions, and the charts are wonderful. Throughout this book, one is carefully led through the text line upon line (as Isaiah directs), and solid footing across difficult passages is the strength of this work. Almost makes Revelation an easy book to understand--especially as the events of today transpire around us!I would recommend this commentary without hesitation. One can go deeper (Thomas; Walvoord) or more shallow (McGee), and still learn much from excellent commentaries. But one can hardly do better than this one. The sincerity, expertise, and desire to make sure we are never lost is ever evident through these pages. Exceptionally well done!!
The events are unfortunate, but the movie is spectacular. Being a fan of the Series of Unfortunate Events books, I had deep fears that this movie would be horrible. Boy, was I wrong. Three wealthy siblings, Violet Baudelaire (Emily Browning), Klaus Baudelaire (Liam Aiken), and little Sunny Baudelaire (Kara and Shelby Hoffman) are shocked when their parents and gigantic mansion perish in a mysterious fire. The kids are then sent to live with one of their relatives--although they've never met before, Count Olaf (Jim Carrey). To their surprise, Count Olaf is a wicked man, who makes them do chores every day, and it's not long before they realize he's trying to steal the enormous Baudelaire fortune. Now their terrible luck is an attempt to survive, and the three kids must use everything they've got to escape the wraths of their evil guardian.Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events is an incredible dark comedy. Some parts will make you gasp with shock, and other parts will have you burst out with laughter. Although this may seem like a kids movie, it's really more for teens, and adults will enjoy it too. Probably the best part of this movie is little Sunny, and the two little girls who play her will definitely make it big. I recommend this movie to absolutely anyone.
The most overblown movie ever ! I want to give it 0 stars! I don't recomend this movie to anyone at all. The two people in it fell in love in one minute and the whole movie was about their affairs and their ! The only reason I give it a single darn is because of the special effects. It was a big ball of nothing!
Beautiful, but misses a lot of the real story As our nation teeters on the brink of what may be another Great Depression, it's poignant to look back on the last one. This movie was visually beautiful and artistically ground breaking, but the real story was much richer and darker.They did not meet when Clyde was trying to steal Emma Parker's car; they met at a gathering of mutual friends and relatives when Bonnie was out of work.Clyde was not gay or impotent, but an accomplished Cassanova who had serveral girlfriends, some serious, before he ever met Bonnie. Everyone who actually knew him testified to that. Also, banks were not his favorite target; convenience stores, gas stations, drug stores, and fruit stands were more his speed. He kept moving like a haunted man; when the owner got the death car back, she found he'd averaged 300 miles a day on the odometer. He was brutalized and sodomized at Eastham prison farm, and this experience gave him a mission he eventually carried out (which is not depicted in the movie): to go back and free as many cons as he could. It was the killing of a prison guard by a man he freed that set in motion the task force that would eventually ambush him. They never kidnapped or humiliated Frank Hammer, he never saw them till the day he helped kill them.Clyde's gang was much bigger than the movie showed. C. W. Moss was a composite of W. D. Jones (a teenager who didn't drive as much as the movie showed), and Henry Methvin. Henry and his family would eventually betray Bonnie and Clyde in return for a plea bargain. We also don't see Raymond Hamilton, the gentleman bandit, or his unpopular girlfriend Mary O'Dare. It was she who was obnoxious and demanded a share of the loot, not Blanche. Hamilton was eventually captured and went to the Texas electric chair at 21, right after Joe Palmer who had killed the guard at Eastham. Ralph Fults, Floyd Hamilton, and many others are not mentioned in the movie. We also don't see Bonnie's limp from a horrendous burn in a car accident.Blanche Barrow was much younger, slimmer, prettier and more charming than Estelle Parsons played her. She did wear riding breaches towards the end. In her memoirs there were two occasions where she pointed out to Clyde that people were acting funny, but he brushed her off. The gunfights at Platte City and Joplin could have been evaded if they'd listened to her. When Buck and Blanche went to meet Clyde, Buck had a full pardon and a paid-for car. If they'd left one day sooner, they could have died of old age together. Buck did not die at Dexfield, but five days later in a hospital, of infection following surgery. Blanche did time in prison where she wrote her memoirs, was eventually parolled, and remarried.After Clyde got out of prison, and he did chop off two toes to escape Eastham farm duty, the Dallas police hassled him so frequently he couldn't hold a job. Clyde, Bonnie, Buck, and Blanche were slim, tiny people, and Clyde felt that this might be why there was so much violence around them, because they weren't taken seriously. Also there was no mention of the rabbit Bonnie got for her mother and carried around for a time. ("Keep him away from the police - he's been in two gunfights" when she handed him over)The movie also didn't include the ghastly postmortem exam and embalming, the mobs at the funerals, and the harboring trial where even the moms got jail time. Bonnie's sister who nursed her burns, Henry Barrow the hard working ex-share cropper, and many other key figures were also absent. Faye Dunnaway did not look or dress at all like Bonnie. All in all, a warning of how NOT to cope with hard times.My Life With Bonnie And ClydeRunning With Bonnie and Clyde: The Ten Fast Years of Ralph FultsDepression Desperado: The Chronicle of Raymond HamiltonThe Family Story of Bonnie and ClydeThe true story of Bonnie & Clyde, (A Signet book, P-3437)Bonnie and Clyde: A Twenty-First-Century Update
What the heck is this? I've seen this movie several times, the first time some years ago in the middle of the night. I watched frozen in horror, unable to look away. I admit I have not read the book, so I wasn't too worried about following some kind of story (I could watch with the sound turned off). The visuals are striking, but so very ugly - the long eyebrows, the boils, and what was that ghastly octopus thing in the tank giving orders?!!! The absurd comic-opera costumes, like palace guards in Lichtenstein. The bald nuns or whatever, and their creepy costumes. Loved the sandworms, so I give it a star for them, and loved Kyle /Paul, I give it another star for his performance. He stood out like a lilly on a dungheap, as beautiful as the others were ugly. (and his mom wasn't bad, either).
Sorry J.C, you deserve so much more.... (I would have given this film a ZERO but 1 star is the lowest I was allowed to choose.)We all waited so long for a really wonderful , beautiful film about this great artist ,but what we got was an insult. This"film" is the most dreadfull piece of rubbish imaginable. All involved should be ashamed of themselves.It starts with an extremely annoying jumble of flash images of Leyendeckers work, put to an obnoxious(and inappropriate) jazz track that is worse than fingernails on a chalkboard. Then Ossie Davis (a good man, but he couldnt have been a worse choice for this project) does his best to narrate this incredibly inept and superficial look at an important 20th century artist. The interviews are worthless, with no one offering any real insight into this mans complex life, not to mention his contributions to pop culture.I guess the reason im so upset is that this artist deserves so much more than this truly pathetic attempt ,that fails so miserably on all levels.Hopefully a real filmaker will take on this neglected artist and put the same love and respect into a film bio , that Leyendecker himself put into his art. He truly deserves it. Thanks for listening.
Problamatic nightmare M-Audio ought to be sued for stateing the hype that they do concerning this product, I had to email thier tech support several times, software would not install, would knock out the drivers to my sound card, would have to reinstall sound card after uninsalling it.. it ended up taking about 6 days and 30 hours to get it to work. And then it knocked out my GuitarPort, so I had to uninstall it and reinstall it and lost all of my saved presets... what a nightmare, these types of problems are fairly common with this, the tech guy even said that they deal with this kinda stuff day in and day out!!!!!! Even once it was installed it has a very low voloume. I would have gave it a 0 stars but that was not a choice. Check out a Line6 GuitarPort, install software, plug in the USB GuitarPort, plug in yur guitar and go. Tons of features and easy to install and use. I now have this working (I guess) but I really only wanted to to use as a mic interface, I can do the same thing with a preamp and the GuitarPort, if you just have $100.00 you want to through away then eigher buy this or just send me the money.
Solves the Modern Liberation vs Romance Paradox Gray's book is quite helpful for all of the woman who were raised in the past twenty years. While asking guys out on the first date is liberating, eventually many of those relationship falter. The plain truth is that if you are looking for a romantic relationship, then, as a woman, you need to let the guy take the lead in the first stages of dating or else you won't be happy. Gray has helped me realize this fact in his funny, straight forward work.
A Major Disappointment When I first found out that Metropolis had been produced in DVD I was thrilled. When I played it, I was disappointed to say the least.I had expected the DVD would be of the American release of the 80's (two thumbs-up from Siskel & Ebert) with the rock music score (which it was not) but the quality of the video is the real disappointment -- it would have to improve to be poor -- unwatchable when compared to the copy of a copy of a tape I already had.I should have read the other reviews before purchasing. I now have a shiny... beer coaster.
Physco I loved this film...especially when Taylo{Diesel} kicks the junk outta the bouncer. When matty, in the end shoots Teddy{Malkovich} is awesome too. I fyou looking for a great movie, then c thiss...."Getting the bag involves some gunshots, getting cut, and getting brutally beaten...TWO THUMBS WAY UP..."
Wretchedly Poor DVD Transfer This Alpha Video DVD release of an impressively moody and generally underrated Italian horror yarn is a wretched, unwatchable mess. The image is blurred and smeary, and appears to have been taken from a murky fourth-generation bootleg videotape transfer. The horribly garbled sound renders nearly all of the dialogue unintelligible, and absolutely ruins Aldo Piga's score. This is one of the absolute worst legitimate DVD releases I've ever seen, easily on par with Madacy's hideous TRACK OF THE VAMPIRE/NIGHTMARE CASTLE combo. Barbara Steele and Euro-Horror fans are strongly advised to steer clear of this one, despite the tantalizingly cheap list price.
Very disappointing.... I guiltily admit I bought this book because of pre-release hype. Now I remember why I never read books "expected" to be earthshattering: they never are. "Lovely Bones" is yet another example.Early on, I was intrigued by Susie's abduction and subsequent Heaven, but it wasn't long before I found myself getting annoyed. Her Heaven wears thin quickly because it seems to lack true comfort and joy. Perhaps it more represents Purgatory. After all, there were so many references about moving on, away from Earth and further into Heaven. And one seemingly minor characteristic was huge in it's implication....Susie's friend, the deceased Holly, spoke perfect English because it was her wish to have no foreign accent in Heaven. Heaven is only American English? Anyway, moving on....Halfway through I put the book down and didn't pick it back up for a good month. All the characters were completely empty of any emotion. I saw absolutely no true mourning of Susie, with the exception of her father. The mother was one of the most self-absorbed, indifferent women I've ever read in a novel (would readers be so understanding of her if it was a man behaving that way?) Lindsey began by cutting herself off emotionally from the world but there was never any development of that tendency, or her growing out of it. Buckley grew up to be bitter, but his character was completely dropped from the all-too-neat roundup at the end. Ray never seemed that taken by Susie or that broken up by her death, and there was no evidence of him holding her in his heart (even after his final, contrived and blockbuster film rip-off encounter with her). Ruth....I couldn't figure out if she was supposed to be a psychic with lesbian tendencies or just a girl touched by stories of murdered women. The grandmother was just plain annoying. And as for Susie, she watches all from Heaven/Purgatory but seems so emotionless; there isn't joy or pain, and it isn't long before the interesting twist of the dead observing from Heaven becomes just plain, old fashioned third-person narrative.Also, Susie and Lindsey, as young girls, are written far too maturely. Particularly Lindsey, who embarks on a sexual relationship at a frighteningly young age, yet with total womanly maturity. It is the rare author who can successfully write children; Sebold is clearly NOT one of them.So many more things were hinted at and abandoned: Len's emotional loneliness, Harvey's childhood, Ray's mother, the investigation, I don't have time to complete the list. I cannot recommend this book.
Give it a try! I began reading this book with the wrong attitude. More than anything, I was worried that I would have a difficult time getting through it, and didn't even want to try. To be honest, the first page alone scared me to death. Joyce jumps from wetting the bed, to the smell of his mother, to songs from his childhood. (ALL IN ONE PAGE!) Once I got past the initial confusion and frustration, I really enjoyed all that Joyce had to offer.Coming from a religious household, I really got into all of the Roman Catholicism that Joyce shares with the reader. I was able to relate to the moral and religious struggles Stephen encounters throughout his maturation. On a personal level, I can identify with the many high and low points that occur during one's spiritual journey. It is a great book for teens, who often begin to doubt what they believe, whether they are of a religious persuasion or not.The best part of Joyce's work, by far, is the stream of consciousness writing style he uses. At the beginning of the book, his writing is very disconnected, jumpy, and rather confusing. But this writing style (which can be a stumbling point for many) is meant to show the way the mind of a child functions. As Stephen gets older, his thoughts become more and more cohesive, and the reader has a much easier time getting through each chapter. By using this style, Joyce shows us in writing what constantly goes on in our heads without consciously acknowledging it.All in all, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is a very thought-provoking, and even addictive book. Give it a try, even if you are timid about reading James Joyce for the first time. This book has something in it for any person of any belief system.
Disappointing Good book by good author. However, I was VERY disappointed to pay $17 (including S&H and tax) only to receive a book thinner than my average grocery list and to find that it's only an "installment." While I love the author, I won't be buying any other installments. This was a monumental rip-off.
Awful!!! An awful movie from start to finish -- truly painful to watch. Vincent Price gives the worse performance of his career and one of the worst in the film -- I can honestly say that no actor (or the sole actress) in the film was credible or even mildly entertaining. A terrible film.
Worked for sometime - no longer usable The product worked for sometime and suddenly I see some holes on the polyester and it is completely useless. The polyester material is not of high quality. I am sure that I havent misused it and it was well kept/maintained. I havent used the umbrella that much and the lifetime warranty considering the shipping and wait times is a waste of time.Looking for another umbrella any suggestions?
Great Price - Bad Purchase! I bought this spindle to put my LP's on CDR. I've done hundreds in the past and had very few complaints from quite a variety of CD-R manufacturers. However, this spindle from Verbatim are absolutely useless for music CD-R's. My computer burns them, and recognizes them. My car recognizes them and plays them; and my car is usually pretty picky about CD-R's. My TV (ie. DVD/CD player) even plays them. My upper-end Kenwood multi-disc player, where I usually play music, won't find them and it will normally play almost anything!After trying 6, just in case, I give up. What a bad purchase. They'll now be saved for data only use, and 100 discs (oops, 94 discs) will last me for years. Meantime I have to run over to Wally World and buy some music compatible discs to finish my current project.
Your Grandmothers Tango This album is good for what it is- and as the previous review states the sound is awesome for recordings from 1930-40's. I was looking for something a little more soulful. If you want 1930's -40's sounding tango.. then this CD will suit you just fine. Not the best tango out there.
Wuthering Heights Wuthering Heights great example of mid-18th century literature but lacks the hook needed to engage the reader. The overly dramatic love scenes and long drawn out sections provide the periods of ennui. The characters are poorly developed, and the lack of minor characters leaves the reader wandering. The novel seems to start off sluggishly, and then it picks up, only to be followed by the slowness again. If anything, Wuthering Heights shows the destructiveness of love and revenge through the character Heathcliff. The novel seemed to be one long drawn out soap opera, where the characters rarely changed and new characters were rarely added. Overall, this novel does not meet the adoration that it is constantly given.
Trauma Inducing!!! I had high hopes that this would work on my 4-year old daughter who suffers from eczema. However, as soon as I applied this soap she started screaming. Screaming like I have never heard!! Her entire back from her neck to ankles turned bright red. I couldn't get it off fast enough. It was upsetting for both of us and I feel just horrible for putting her through that. I ended up soaking her in an oatmeal bath and it seemed to help. I'm glad it has worked for some people, but definetly a NO for us!!!
Cool Just what I expected. Ding fries are done. I gotta run. I work at Burger King make flame boiled whoppers.
Mostly Fabricated I don't know about everybody else, but when I pick up an autobiography, I want the truth. If I want fiction, I pick up a fiction. Knowing what I do about aviation and its history and yes, even mechanics, I started having some doubts about whether this was a true story or not and came online to do my research. My suspicions proved true. As a fellow reviewer already stated, Jackie's childhood is fabricated. She was not really an orphan, but was born Bessie Lee Pittman with two parents. She did, indeed, grow up on mills in Florida but apparently, her food and clothing situations were greatly exagerated. She did not wear a flour sack or starve. Seeing as her entire childhood is fabricated in order to I suppose, gain public sympathy, I don't doubt that some of her accomplishments may be somewhat exagerated as well.. Are we really supposed to believe that a woman that didn't make it thru the second grade managed to solo fly and dead stick land a plane a mere 48 hours after first sitting in one? Not to mention, she manages to fly to Canada without even knowing what a compass is. If this is true, I hope the school that issued her license has since been shut down. Scary to think there may be pilots up there that don't know what they're doing!I won't deny this was an amazing woman that set a lot of records and paved the way for other women in aviation, but I want an honest account of her life, not just a good story.Also something I am curious about is how she managed to conveniently leave out the fact she was married once before Floyd (to a man named Robert Cochran.. that is how she got the name, not from a phone book) and had a 5 year old son that burned himself to death in her backyard. I think that is something that belongs in one's autobiography.I made to page 100 and felt like I was reading mythology.
Useless mindset Why would you wish to believe that you live in hell? That babies are born impure? That the rain forest tree roots are fighting amongst themselves? This is just a mish-mosh of beliefs picked from here and there (mostly Christian) and filtered through a belief system of Gnostic Christianity that believes that the universe is sick and to promote ACIM. Ya ya ya, the world is hell, forgive everyone/everything 24/7 and go straight to heaven, etc. And if you have an interest in Taoism, Buddhism, please go to the source teachings and not this book. You might actually learn something about what they teach, and not what this book wants you to believe. I'm surprised they didn't refer to the Buddha as the Big B and Lao Tzu as Tao-Man. Just consider that maybe you are here to experience the joy of co-creation as God and you have nothing and no one to forgive? That you'll "get home" when you get there, so don't get so stressed? That's it's all really pretty easy? Wow, what a concept!
Does its job I use this water cup for my society and zebra finches who are messy, messy, messy birds. I had been using an open bowl, which they enjoyed, but in addition to using it for their water intake, they also bathed in it and pooped frequently in it. It was disgusting. I finally bought this water cup, which is blessedly poo-free. At first, it was a little stiff to remove. You have to give it a little twist to unlock it and it tried to fight me the first few days. Now, it slides easily for removal and I am quite content with it.
Insulting and Infuriating Just a couple of hours ago I would have thought it impossible to really screw up a World War II documentary to the point of it being unwatchable. Well, after less than five minutes of this abomination I stand corrected. To say that this set is "in color" with "never-before-seen" footage may be technically true, but it is also completely disingenuous. This set consists predominantly (if not entirely, I'm not watching any more of it to find out) of COLORIZED black-and-white footage (poorly and obviously colorized at that) that has never been seen before because no one has had the audacity to butcher perfectly good black-and-white film like this before. Adding insult to injury is the fact that underneath all of the ridiculously unnatural looking color is some pretty good and interesting footage. I'm really almost at a loss for words; this hatchet job on history was so poorly conceived, so poorly done, and just so very unnecessary that it boggles the mind as to why it was done in the first place. To ruin otherwise good material just to be able to sell it as being "in color" is shameful and pathetic. I got this for $7.95 mere hours ago and tomorrow I am going to get that $7.95 back. I wouldn't keep this if I had gotten it free in the mail. Just awful. What were they thinking?
Can someone or explain to me the hype.... This disc contains the worst operatic recital I have heard in a long time.Ms. Eaglen does possess a voice that, as the liner notes to the cd point out, "suggests columnar solidity rather than pillowy plasticity." Well, while I wouldn't call it "pillowy," plasticity of voice is precisely what the arias contained in this recital require. But Ms. Eaglen's voice is fairly inflexible (despite some competence in the area of coloratura), and it is wholly monochromatic. In addition, her dramatic talents appear to be minimal. For example, there is no brief lightening in Suor Angelica's voice when she says that her baby can come down from the heaven's, no hint of Butterfly's mixture of shame about her prior career as a geisha and the pride that will not allow her to return to that world, and no differentiation between the "tenderness, joy and sorrow" that Adriana can embody as the humble handmaid of the arts. Thus, a recital that includes some of the most heart-rending arias -- most notably Butterfly's and Suor Angelica's arias mentioned above and Santuzza's "Voi lo sapete" -- elicits absolutely no emotional response from the listener.Nevertheless, I would have been will to give this disc more stars if it contained some evidence of musicianship on the part of Ms. Eaglen. Unfortunately, rushed phrases and foreshortened notes ruin the flow of the music. And while Ms. Eaglen does produce some very nice notes, as at the end of "Senza mamma," the utter absence of legato in her singing deprves those notes of any meaning or impact. To top it all off, Ms. Eaglen's voice does not even have (for me, at least) a pleasing timbre, and despite the claim of the author of the liner notes that it emphasizes the "youth and helplessness" of certain characters, her voice with its at-times heavy beat (which is heard most notably in the sustained final notes of Tosca's aria) make Ms. Eaglen sound too old for many of the characters she attempts to portray.I'm sorry, but I just don't get it.
Worked great....for three weeks. My friend has one of these hot air brushes, and I loved it, so I got one just like it. It worked great for a few weeks. Then one day, it sputtered and got really hot and stopped working. What a shame. I am returning it. I wanted a replacement, but was informed by Amazon that I could only get a refund, not an exchange. So now I have to go through the ordering process again, too. Just inconvenient. I will order a replacement and hope I have better luck. My friend has had hers for years and it still works, so perhaps I just got a bad one.
Love it!! This adaptation is exactly how Mansfield Park is supposed to be. Fanny Price is portrayed faithfully to the novel, as well as the characters of Mary Crawford and Sir Thomas Bertram. The portrayal of Aunt Norris is very honest and true, eventhough irritating at times. However, this adaptation is really not for the viewers who expect more romance and glamour. The pace is quite slow, but eactly how it is supposed to be in the novel.Would gladly watch it again and again.
Tastes like Dandelions I understand this has many, many health benefits. However, I really dislike the true dandelion taste it has. I would like to continue it for the health benefits, but I need to find something to add to cut that bitter dandelion taste. I drink a lot of different herbal and flavoured teas, but this is not something I could drink on a regular basis. I find it very unpleasant tasting. We all taste things differently, and this taste is not for me.
Repackaged Rip Off - Exactly The Same As Candy Colored Blues This Is the Same exact DVD As Candy Colored Blues In A Cooler Looking BoxWorst Thing Is Amazon Is Offering It Bundled On There Web Site Buy The Two Same Movies For $36.98. Thanks For The Favor Amazon.
Sony Headphones.... Maybe I just have incredibly small ears, but these are probably the worst headphones I have ever bought. Not only did the sound quality suck, but they were so large they constantly fell off my ears. When they did stay on, they caused quite a bit of pain behind my ear lobe. I also found that they unplugged from my Ipod a lot, and can get a lot of static. I'm not sure what they mean by "non slip design," but I consider constantly falling out of ears slipping. Don't waste your time or your money.
Andrew Unfortunately, I did not received this product on time so I had to wear something else. This will not stop me from ordering from Amazon again. When I receive it I will give a further review.
Fundamentally Flawed Due to Lack of Footnotes This book provides several hundred pages of interesting stories about the Jewish revolution during Israel's real war of independence -- the war against the British. Even for readers of other volumes about this period, there are new stories and new details about familiar stories. If this was the only criterion for a book of this type I would give it two more stars.However, the book contains no footnoting or endnoting, thereby greatly reducing its usefulness and requiring readers to take author Golan's word that the events he reports actually occurred. In my opinion, that is not nearly good enough. Books about Zionism's center and right need to be well footnoted for all of the usual reasons and also to be links in a chain allowing/encouraging interested Zionists to know where to find source documents. (The book even fails to provide a bibliography, further reducing its value.) Regrettably, "Free Jerusalem" simply fails on this count.Hopefully, author Golan will continue to research and write, and in future works will correct this easily fixable problem.
My Favorite of HIs Early Work As an obsessive-compulsive Herbie Hancock collector, I should point out that this CD is in my player more than any of his other early albums. It's one of those rare CD's that works whether you're intently listening or using it for background noise. The songs and playing are exceptional all the way through. I personally would have prefered the alternate takes at the end of the album (hearing two versions of "Oliloqui Valley" back-to-back can bore you if you're not in the mood). That's a quibble, not a critique, though - whether you're new to jazz or no, pick it up.
great if had this movie ever since i was a little kid and every time i watch it i still laufh if seen it a hundreed times and me my mom my grandma and my sister thank its great a film for kids and family.
COOLEST BOOK I EVER READ!!! I read this book in sixth grade. I'm an advanced reader but I thought this was going to be to hard. It gave me just the chalenge I wanted. I was so glad they turned it into a movie! I recomened this book for people who love sci-fi or adventure. WHAT A THRILLER!
Tim Dee Just came back from shootin' hoops with my new Chuck Taylor Hi Tops. Been wearing them since '64 -as good now as they were then!
Ouch! Oy! That hurt! Stan Lee gave us Spider Man and it was great but then he threw this at us! JJJJJUUUUNNNNKKKKK! Very mildly entertaining but I gotta say: I nearly fell asleep! Don't waste your time. You might like it but best stick with spider Man.
Ruth has no compassion First of all this book is very slanted, it is not a TRUE CRIME book, it does not cover all sides of the story. Ruth wrote this book because she is one nosy, selfish person. In no way does she care about any person in that book, if she did then the book would not exist. Nothing can bring Elaine and Maryann back to life. Both were women who were filled with compassion and a true love of life itself and neither would ever want their lives/names used for Ruth's immmoral, money-hungry book. The fact that Ruth attacks reviews that do not agree with her opinion, shows exactly what type of person is she. If you want a true crime book, look elsewhere. If you really feel the need to read this sorry excuse for a book, go borrow it from you library, this greedy *itch doesn't deserve a dime!
I'll be honest - Just another dissapointment! I am a huge Queensryche fan! Most fans will be optimist and try to write things positive about this Q2k. I'am usually the same type of person. However I have lost my patience. I though the last CD was OK but not up to par. This CD (Q2K) is another attempt by a once great band to sound "modern". What happened to awesome solo's or song lyrics that grab you and make your heart pound and give that lift that only great hard rock/metal music can do. If your looking for material simiar to: The first EP, The Warning, Rage For Order, Operation Mindcrime or even Promise Land it's NOT here! Q2K is just non-memorable stuff that will collect dust in your cd collection while you wear out your copies The Warning or Operation Mindcrine. Buy it for the collection but don't have high expectations. A One word description - LAME
We did NOT need a new translation..... The pop-ups are wonderful but I sincerely dislike the new translation. If you fell in love with The Little Prince as translated by Katherine Woods, think twice about buying this. It is, after all, the story that we truly love.
Delicious! c c c classic! The funniest movie I've ever seen. Really.
Freaking awesome I'm a big ST fan so may be biased but loved this movie. Great casting, storyline,and acting not to mentiong top notch effects. Have seen it three times since it came out and will be one of my favorites on my yearly rewatch list. Althought there have been many sci fi movies made over the years, a vast majority usually fall flat one at least one of the criterias mentioned earlier but not this one. It's all that and a bag of chips. Especially if you've seen every episode of all the variants of Star Trek over the years. They opened it up to a whole new fresh direction. Unlike the Alien movie that is kiind of stuc in the same old story (was let down with the story with Promethus . Expected more) that is not the case with Star Trek.
DVD Commentary for South Park - The Complete First Season If you would like to get the commentary all you have to do is:1) Order South Park - The Complete First Season2)Go to http://www.comedycentral.com/tv_shows/southpark/dvd/3)Follow further instructions from that site
Much better than the first one..... Okay, this was a better than the first one. Mainly due to Stuart Townsend's preformance as Lestat. His portrayal of Lestat was very good. He made sure that Lestat was a still the smug, arrogrant vampire. But, Townsend also shows that Lestat still feels underneath that darkness, that makes him a vampire. Aaliyah wasn't too bad as Akasha. Basically what happens in this movie is simple. When Lestat wakes up from his hundred year rest. He decides to reinvent himself as a goth rock singer. However in the process, he decides to reveals some of the vampire secrets in the process. Which not only angers the other vampire covens, Lestat's music manages to awake the Queen of all who are damned, Akasha. But, once Akasha is awake. She decides, she wants to feed again and take Lestat as her king!!! Now Marius and the other ancients must try and stop her.
Some Solid Sections, Others Not So Great Halo Legends is a film that follows in the footsteps of the Batman: Gotham Knight film that was recently released. It is a compilation of sub-stories created within an overall film, but with each sub-story or section being created by a different artist. This can create a great viewing experience, seeing how it allows the viewer to see different artists' rendering of beloved characters such as Batman and Master Chief. Did Halo Legends pull it off as well as Batman: Gotham Knight did? Not really. It had some excellent sections, while others left a lot to be desired.Halo Legends is a compilation of seven short stories, created by various artists throughout the anime/cartoon world. Some of these sections are done beautifully, truly resembling the anime that the original creator is associated with, but with a Halo twist thrown in.-Origins: Origins is a great way to open up the film. These sections talk about the Forerunners who originally fought off the Flood upon their initial invasion of the galaxy. The Forerunners had no choice but to create a final resort weapon, known as Halo, that would wipe out the entire galaxy. Before doing so, the Forerunners had collected data of specimens from the entire galaxy. These specimen would multiply once the Flood was no longer in existence, allowing the galaxy to once again re-populate itself to its former state.-The Duel: Produced by Mituhisa Ishikawa, best known for his work on the Ghost in the Shell films as well as Immortal Grand Prix, this section feels out of place. The art style resembles a painting, except that it moves. Whenever the visuals are stationary, this art style looks amazing, resembling something one may find in a museum. However, upon each motion that the characters take, it feels "awkward" almost as if it shouldn't be moving at all. This may be because the visuals appear fuzzy due to the design of the characters, making it difficult at times to view what is actually occurring. This section follows the fight between the Arbiter and his fellow covenant, and the brutal slaying of his wife at the hands of an Elite. This was all in an attempt to betray the Arbiter, all set up by one of the Prophets.-Homecoming: Directed by Koji Sawai, best known for his work on anime titles such as Wolf's Rain and .Hack, this section follows the story of the process of Spartan creation. The corporation responsible for the creation of Spartans, kidnapped children, cloned them, and put them through intense training, leaving them mentally scarred. Upon escaping and returning home, one female Spartan finds out the truth about her creation and must find a way to cope with it. Other Spartans who met their clones committed suicide, but the female protagonist is able to proceed with her missions, until the end of the story where she meets a grim fate in the midst of combat.-Odd One Out: Created by Daisuke Nishio, animator for both Dragonball and Dragonball Z, this section feels exactly like these series as well. It follows the tale of a Spartan dropped off on a planet left to fight a Covenant opponent on his own. He gets the assistance from two human teenagers who are capable of flying, and pulling trees out of the ground, ala DBZ. The Spartan even ditches his traditional heavy artillery guns in favor of hand to hand combat, all the while acting goofy, true to Dragonball fashion. The enemy even at one point "powers up" reminiscent of Dragonball Z. Daisuke truly added to Halo Legends what he is used to doing with anime.-Prototype: Created by Shinji Aramaki, the character designer for series such as Gundam, the Prototype section feels exactly like a Gundam episode. Utilizing giant Mechs, thrusters, and explosions associated with the Gundam series, Prototype is non-stop action. It follows the tale of a commander of marine team, named Ghost. Ghost received his nickname due to his constant lack of emotions. He has been assigned with the responsibility of destroying the prototype mech suit. He instead uses the suit to fight off the enemy Covenant long enough for his squad to retreat, before self destructing. A great section, and my personal favorite of the entire film, possibly due to the fact that I am a huge Gundam fan.-The Babysitter: Eiko Tanaka, creator of animes such as Beyond and Kiki's Deliver Service, was the lead producer on this segment. It follows a team of Drop Shock Troopers who are assigned to kill a Prophet of the Covenant, from a distance of two miles away. In order to assist with the assassination assignment, the team is lead by a Spartan. The Spartan becomes side-tracked from the mission due to the constant screw ups of the Drop Shock Troopers, who constantly rely on the Spartan for saving. Until the end, when the Spartan is attacked and must leave the assassination shot to one of the most arrogant of the Troopers. Upon learning the truth about the Spartan, the whole squad quickly feels like they are to blame for its death.-The Package: The Package is a fully 3D rendered segment that is visually stunning. At times the story switches to a first person view, and it feels as if it is truly a videogame during these sections. It follows Master Chief as he and his squadron try to rescue a scientist from the grasp of the Covenant. Truly remarkable animation, and a nice balance of story and action make this a great segment.Overall, the film has its ups and downs. Sections such as The Package, The Prototype, and The Babysitter are top notch, adding enough action, story, and art style to truly satisfy fans. However, sections such as The Duel feel too awkward and out of place. It's interesting to see each segment and see how each artist throws in their own art style that utilize for their own shows for this film. This gives each segment the personality to match its director/producer and add a layer of familiarity to each story. An overall great film that is a must buy for fans of Halo, or fans of anime, such as myself.
Best Book I've ever Read!!!!! This book is the best one I've read in a long time. If you don't read another book this year make it this one. Thomas Harris is a literary genius. This book is unpredictable once you think something is going to happen Thomas Harris does the exact opposite making you not wanting to put this book down unless you absolutely have to.
A Timeless Christmas Collection I am delighted that this album has been released in a CD! When I first heard it as a child, it introduced me to many Christmas carols rarely heard elsewhere. The songs and beautiful arrangements from this recording stay fixed in my mind even now, years after I last heard it on an LP. It is a wonderful addition to anyone's collection.
snooze I am an avid Blue Nile fan and immediately bought the "HIGH" CD the day it was released. Paul could sing the phone book and it would sound awesome. So imagine by disappointment when I listened (repeatedly) to this venture only to have it lull me to sleep...out of boredom. It is a soporific effort that is, incredibly, boring and listless. I can't believe it! I keep listening to it hoping it is one of those that will grow on me, but to no avail. buchanan has such a rich and powerful voice that he does not use AT ALL on this album. No power. No fluctuation. No energy. No nothing. And what's worse, there is no melody! Not one of the songs will you hum despite repeated listenings. It is as though he is making it up as he sings--and putting himself to sleep doing it.Take a listen to the 30 sec. samples on Amazon (or wherever)...that is what all the songs are like--slow, boring and void of any "energy". If you like the Hats album (as I do--a nice blend of melody, ballads and arrangement--all those songs are awesome!) you will be very dissapointed in this one. Very.Waiting for another 8 years,Ron
Short on plot, but long on action While it's predecessor certainly didn't have a deep, complex storyline, I Still Know What You Did Last Summer boasts one of the shallowest plots in recent horror history. However, since plot always takes a backseat to scares in horror films, I Still Know won't disappoint the avid horror fan.The survivors of I Know What You Did Last Summer, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Freddie Prinze Jr., and of course the fisherman, return along with a slew of new characters to be served up for slaughter. Brandy stars as Julie's best friend who wins a trip to the Bahamas via a radio contest. Mekhi Phifer and Matthew Settle are also along for the weekend in paradise.Unfortunately, the fisherman also joins the party, and the hotel staff quickly begins to meet its demise at his hand (or hook).The young cast does a decent job, especially the lovely Jennifer Love Hewitt, who wears a tank top that would be small on a five-year-old throughout the movie.While it won't be known as a cinema classic, I Still Know will certainly satisfy fans of the horror genre.
Great Product at a reasonable price These cables work fine as a 5.1 analog sound setup for my dvd player. They are well made with nice heavy connections that make secure contacts with my dvd player and AV receiver. I think they are just as good as Monster cables but are at a much better price. It doesn't say in the description, but they are 2 meters long, ie. slightly over 6 feet. Instead of one cable, there are 6 separate cables which can cause a lot of clutter in a crowded entertainment center. I got around this by bundling the cables with velcro ties into one large cable with 6 ends. This made it easier to pass the cables through the back of my home entertainment system rack. If you buy these cables, I don't think you will be disappointed.
Not leakproof I don't know if this is standard or I recieved a bad box, but the seat of my baby's pants is always damp! Like the diaper isn't totally waterproof. We usually use Up&Up and have never had that problem. Aside from that, they fit him well and seem comfortable. I won't be buying them again though, and only use these for when I know he can be changed within an hour or so, otherwise he'll need new pants.
The worst Jaws and in the top 100 worst films ever made I'm sure there are better reviews than mine but I had to warn anyone who is thinking of watching this..or worse, buying it, that it is literally in my top 100 worst films ever made. There is one stupid after another. In fact, one cannot attach a single positive word to this film. The silliest thing in the entire film, and there are many, is having the shark growl. I cannot believe that the fool who directed this actually got funding.
"GOOD AFTERNOON, said Death." This book, which is a sequel to "The Wee Free Men" has got one of Discworld's greatest young adult heroines AND some old favorites like the Nac Mac Feegle (the sheep-stealing, kilt-swinging little blue men), Granny Weatherwax, and Death, Himself.Pratchett brings his usual weird energy to the story of Tiffany Aching, a nine-year-old sheep-herder's daughter, who is also a witch. She proved herself in "The Wee Free Men" when she rescued her sticky little brother from Faerie AND became Kelda (Queen) of the Nac Mac Feegle--at least temporarily. Anyone who hangs around with the little blue men for any length of time will soon be glugging Granny Aching's Special Sheep Liniment and saying things like "Ach, Crivens!" and "oot." However, Tiffany wants to become a `real' witch, not just the Nac Mac Feegle's wee big hag. So off she goes to apprentice herself to Miss Tick (a split personality if there ever was one).Unfortunately for Tiffany, a fell creature comes crackling out of Faerie, searching for the mind of a powerful but untrained dealer in magic. It needed a new mind/body after months of drifting in the void. A young witch's mind would be like a dollop of Cheese Wiz on the Cracker of Life.The Wee Free Men ken the weird beastie that's tracking Tiffany, but she herself doesn't have a clue. She thinks her biggest challenge lies in confronting a snobbish clique of goth witches, who absolutely jingle with occult jewelry, but don't seem to have a clue as to what a real witch does."A Hat Full of Sky" has a wonderful climax where Tiffany and her feisty blue friends go face-to-face with Annagramma, the leader of the jewelry-laden apprentice-witch clique. To top matters off, the young sheep-herder's daughter participates in the celebrated Sheercliff Witch Trials, confronts her inner monster, and goes a round with Death, Himself:"I WAS NOT EXPECTING A NAC MAC FEEGLE TODAY, said Death. OTHERWISE I WOULD HAVE WORN PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, HA HA.""The Wee Free Men" is the first book in a trilogy starring Tiffany and the Nac Mac Feegle. Read their continuing adventures in the third book, "Wintersmith." I can truly say these books changed me forever--at least, they changed my vocabulary--"Ach, crivens, ye daft loonies, don't just sit there and watch yer life gae doon the cludgie. Read these books!"
one step above junk Plastic case is not weather tight.. filled with rain water.. screws and bolts are not stainless.. and they rust..sound is OK....NOT FOR SALT WATER USAGE FOR SURE
Unintentionally Hilarious! The plot of Crack in the World is pretty simple (and cliched): Dr. Stephen Sorenson (Dana Andrews) plans to tap the geothermal energy of the Earth's interior by detonating a thermonuclear device deep within the Earth despite the dire warnings of Scientist Ted Rampion (Kieron Moore). Naturally, things go wrong and the Earth's crust cracks, threatening to split the planet in half. Millions die and dozens overact as doomsday approaches. Add to that the fact that Andrews is dying of cancer and that Moore is in love with Andrews' young pretty wife Maggie (Janette Scott) and suddenly Irwin Allen and Roland Emmerich look like masters of subtlety in comparison.I saw Crack in the World when I was ten on TV. It's pretty bad when, even at that young age, you realize just how stupid the plot and dialogue really are. At one point, the audience is treated to this exchange:Sir Charles Eggerston (Alexander Knox): The question now is not who is to blame, but how we can stop the catastrophe.Dr. Ted Rampion: At present we don't know any way we can stop it. First, we have to learn to understand the natural forces involved, and if possible, find some way to control them in the time that is permitted to us.Sir Charles Eggerston: What is being done? Now?Dr. Ted Rampion: Every university, every scientist, every thinking military leader is helping us.Sir Charles Eggerston: Is there anything that we can do?Dr. Ted Rampion: Pray.Not exactly All About Eve quality dialogue, is it? I certainly wasn't unusually sophisticated or mature for my age, but even back then I rolled my eyes and laughed.But for me, the highlight of the movie -- the scene that transformed Crack in the World from a serious sci-fi/disaster film to an unintentional comedy -- was when Moore devises a plan to stop the crack. How does he attempt to save the world? No, not by using a giant band-aid, but by detonating another nuclear weapon in the path of the advancing crack. In this sequence, Moore demonstrates his plan with a large piece of plywood with a circle cut in the center. Theoretically, Moore states, the crack will stop when it reaches the large hole caused by the second nuclear explosion. As a ten year old, I remember watching the scene and saying out loud, "That's stupid -- won't the explosion just cause the crack to move faster?" Not that I claim to be smarter than any scientist -- even a fictitious scientist -- but this plan seemed akin to trying to stop the bleeding by sticking a razor blade into the wound. Sure enough, the crack accelerates and a large chunk of the Earth splits off forming a new moon. Of course, I learned later than with the tectonic plates, the Earth's surface is full of cracks already and that gravity would prevent a chunk of the planet's surface to split off. However, even with the limited knowledge I had at that early age, I already realized just how ridiculous the plot was.Andrews, of course, was in classics like Laura and The Best Years of Our Lives. Moore and Scott were together in the far superior Day of the Triffids. The director, Andrew Marton, helmed The Longest Day and was a second unit director on Ben-Hur, Catch-22, Kelly's Heroes, and The Day of the Jackal. In other words, Crack in the World isn't something that would rank high on the resume of anyone involved. In the annals of unintentional comedy, however, it's a masterpiece.
JUST A MANICURE Jeff Sutton (Richard Wyler)shows up in Rio with a suitcase with 10 million stolen dollars. The money is wanted by both a crime boss (George Sanders) and by Sumitra (Shirley Eaton)who is building a female army by kidnapping wealthy people and taking this money. These are your typical female army with exposed legs and a woman's usual 24 inch waist.In one scene Jeff brings a gun to a knife fight, but then uses his fist. The film also has prisoners in glass cages, women being tortured, brief girl/girl action, and the worse soundtrack I have heard in a long time. There was a background buzz for much of the film, plus the music was horrible with terrible lyrics. The pink phone with the long extension cord that can be dragged through a swimming pool was funny. The film has a fair amount of camp value. Also known as "Rio 70" and "Future Women."Parental Guide: No f-bombs. Sex, nudity (Maria Rohm, Beni Cardoso)
bread knife purchase bread pal and it was this knife that they recomened. It does what the company says it does,the knife is very sharp and cuts warm bread perfect. they go hand in hand.
The DaVinci Code I read this book about a week before I went to Paris and felt compelled to go to Saint-Sulpice and look for the Rose Line. I figured I was just being a big dork, but then I noticed three couples searching the floor of the church. I studied them for a while and then said, "Davinci Code?" To which they all began to laugh and responded with a yes.One of the couples scanning the floor of the church informed me that they had just been in Rome and while there they followed the quest in Angels and Demons, through the city.
It just ain't Biggie OK, so i'm a big 2Pac fan, but i have NUTHIN at all against Biggie. I've never been a real fan of him and haven't really heard much of his stuff. But, i have heard enough to know that he was a great rapper, much better than this CD 'makes him out' to be. The songs are so unmoving! I can't see how a commercial, hardcore, whatever kind of rap fan, could see much in this album. Just look at both the number of people featured on the album (despite who they are) and who executive producer is and you can guess what i mean. (No offence to Puffy, i know how much Biggie meant to him). I find it hard to understand though how, like them or not, some of the best rappers today are featured, including Jay-Z, Meth, Red, Nas and Eminem, and still the songs are so weak! (I know that people will disagree). If Biggie woz around today i know that this would have been MUCH better. I'd of given this album one star but i know how great Biggie was, and no matter how good or bad this is as he wasn't around to produce it. Nuthin under his name deserves a one star rating! However, the outro featuring Biggie's mom is really moving. It says it all about the REAL Christopher Wallace.Bottom line, this isn't Biggie, face it, itz a completely different style. If you luv Biggie's stuff i don't think you'll feel the same way about this. R.I.P Biggie. We know what a great MC you really were. *Peace*.
Big foot Still a classic movie. It was as funny this time as the first time I watched it. My grandson watched it with me because he has been afraid of bigfoot ever since he saw a commercial on tv for the finding bigfoot series. He seems to have gotten over it now that he has watched this movie a couple of times and really thought it was funny also.
Wouldn't buy again Despite its claim to being 300-count, these sheets were thin and scratchy. Very uncomfortable to sleep on - returned promptly!
Time to Grow Up and Read Sci-Fi or just watch TV This is the book that convinced me I needed to stop reading Fantasy. I started off on Tolkien in my early teens when stories of young, misunderstood adventurers really appealed to me. I "graduated" to George RR Martin, Robert Jordan, Terry Goodkind, and Terry Brooks. All of them are more or less worth reading in their better moments. If you've got time after that, maybe try some of Raymond Feist's early stuff.But after that - and we're talking about a lot of reading material - you're just wasting your time (okay, you were already wasting your time), there are only so many fantasy stories worth reading.This isn't one of them.I won't even bother talking about this book in detail. Runes that imbue powers, monsters, adventure. It was horrible and I hate myself for reading it, like how you might look at a pizza box after devouring everything inside, and think to yourself, I'll have to jog three marathons to make up for that, what have I done? But pizza at least tastes good, and you'll have to read the complete works of Shakespeare to make up for this book if you read it.
I Paid For This? Shoot me. I can see now why our library doesn't carry this series, it is "god-awful". I sloughed my way through 150 pages of this before tossing it in the garbage. I was sorely tempted to send it back to the publisher with a note, "Did you actually read this before publishing it?"The dialogue is erractic, the prose nonexistent, and the characters so thin and carboard it's hard to say they even have two dimensions.I've read some of the other reviews and they hit the nail on the head: it's bad, bad, bad, bad.If you rarely read, were born in the ghetto, and never finished elementary school, then this book is for you. Otherwise, don't look twice at the fancy artwork on the cover, it is the best thing about this farce posing as a novel.
not what picture advertises Bought this item for a costume party and wish I would have seen the review stating it is not what it appears. In the picture the hat looks like it could be fake leather for something with substance, it is in fact made of cheap thin fabric. The scarf is very short and the goggles are even cheaper. I looked everywhere for this costume online and this appeared to be the best one. It's not.
Too dramatic for my 3 year old... Although the content of this movie is realistic in that it shows a swarm of angry bees chazing Pooh, my 3 year old was scared and covered her eyes and then requested that it be turned off. I'm not saying that this is a bad movie, but this is just a warning for other parents out there who may have more sensitive children. Granted, I'm very picky with what I let my kids watch and they aren't used to too much drama and TV stimulation. Maybe when they're a bit older it won't seem so scary and dramatic to them.
Very, very, very good As for one who has been a fan since the HIGH N DRY days I must tell you this album, IMO, does not really harken back to the PYROMANIA or HND type of music. It's an extension of HYSTERIA and ADRENALIZE. It's a just a tad below excellent piece of work. The only reason I am not giving an "excellent" is b/c of "Back in Your Face". Its a piece of garbage or something that might be sub-B-side. Highly enjoyable album, perfect for summer, and nice variations in the pieces.Van Halen wishes "3" was this good
This book redefined the art of writing. This book had to be one of the greatest books ever written. It stands out with books like Ulysses by James Joyce and Gone with the Wind. This book was a frightening prediction that will probably come true. I'm not saying that it'll come true in the near future, but in, maybe, 1000 years or so. I don't want to give away too much of the story, but this book does contain many fictional things, but those fictional things might become factual 1000 years from now. Like, for example, telescreens, mind reading, vaporizing (which is something you'll learn about in the book) which includes brainwashing. I, personally, thought that this was by far the best book I have ever read. But when you read it, read it with an open mind. If you are not thinking strait you may miss out on an important plot twist or quote that can change the story. Again, this is one of the greatest books in the world, and it'll be bad if you don't read it with an open mind; it would be a major shame if you didn't understand this material. The story line could change the way you see things, almost completely, as did mine and my other, sane, may I add friends who also read it. I hope you'll love it, or should I say I guarantee you'll love it!
Bravo! Wow! A FANTASTIC read! Larry Elder exposes contemporary "taboos" with cold, hard facts. There isn't an idea in this book that isn't backed up with logic and reason, and most importantly, unbiased statistics.Elder goes after black racists, gun-grabbers, the biased media, and nanny-statists with a vengence!! If you're interested in factual information and well-reasoned commentary, pick up this book!
Pay attention and do not waste time and money I am very disappointed at HP and their L7590 Printer that uses the 88 printer-heads. I had a problem with printing the black and after having replaced the ink I proceeded to replace the yellow/black head. My printer has been used very slightly so I was very disappointed at the investment I had to make. I changed the head and after hours spent trying to get it to work I discovered that this is a known defect and that the problem is with the printer. HP is doing absolutely nothing to inform their customers and correct the issue.If you are having a similar issue make sure that it is a printer-head problem and not something else.
Completely Unrealistic! Robert Mitchum turned down the role of "Joker' in the movie "The Defiant Ones," the role that would eventually be given to Tony Curtis. Mitchum was quoted as pretty much saying that a white man being chained to a black man in the deep south at that time, was "unrealistic." Welp, things don't get anymore unrealistic than this movie. Through a series of twists and turns that started with a young boy (Cast as Janet Leigh's son), Ms. Leigh keeps running into this unemployed Macy's store clerk (Robert Mitchum). She's already in a relationship with a very sucessful lawyer (Wendell Corey). Ms. Leigh once again, continues to run into Mitchum, who's just a little too cool for his own shoes (that's putting it mildly). Anyhow, Leigh eventually invites Mitchum to her apartment, where her mom and dad and man she is supposed to marry (Corey), for a holiday dinner (She supposedly invited him because he was alone during the holidays). During dinner, Mitchum, in front of everyone, explains why Leigh is not going to marry Corey, but instead, HIM! There is absolutely NO opposition from Corey, however, Ms. Leigh asks Mitchum to leave. To make a long story short, in the end, with the endorsement of Leigh's little boy and to make matters worse, Corey, Ms. Leigh and her son run to a train which occupies Mitchum, on their way to living happily ever after.Now here's my question to the ladies. Are you going to leave your relationship with a kind, sucessful lawyer to marry a "brash" UNEMPLOYED Macy's clerk? Please think clearly. This movie is a put down to GOOD men, and especially to women. This movie should appeal in particular, to women with self esteem issues and neighborhood pimps all over the world.
A story from the creepy basement of human nature One of those stories that you know the gist of, but don't know where it came from. Or, like me, you associate it with the old Bugs Bunny episode -- which in fact captures some essential details of the story. Worth reading and re-reading; the more you read it the deeper you'll follow it into the depths of human nature. The creepy part of nature. The places in the basement you usually avoid because of the darkness and rats and monsters.
"A Heartwarming Story for the Whole Family" In this marvalous book, Trumpet of the Swan, you can have loads of fun, laughing, crying, and flying with these touching characters. In the begining a young boy that went by the name of Sam Beaver he was camping in Canada when he found a small pond with a nest of eggs, there was also a female swan garding the eggs and a male garding her. Sam loved birds and knowing so much about them, he knew that these rare birds were a species of swans, Trumpeter swans to be exact. As this exciting and thrilling story continues, Louis, a swan born from one of the eggs that Sam had seen was born with an annoying speech defect. Read this touching story and find out how Louis's father saves Louis from his speech defect and risks his life to help repay Louis's debt. Read this truly amazing this truly amazing book and discover friendship, loalty and love as this breathtaking story unfolds!
soundtrack without a theme song I buy soundtrack recordings primarily to hear the theme of the show or movie. In the case of Sex and the City, there were two variations of the Douglas Cuomo theme at the beginning and end of the show which,I don't know..I thought the producers of the cd might pick up on the fact that this is what people would like to hear. Instead we have a collection of tunes in which there are some standouts even though I haven't heard them in the show like the ballad by Trisha Yearwood and the reworking of the Gregory Issacs tune Dreams Come True. Take note producers of this cd, people buy soundtracks to hear the THEME of the show ...why else would you buy a soundtrack cd?
Golf Lessons Much ado about nothing. Repetitive, self-serving, and generally not helpful. Golf is trial and error, there are fundamental technical skills that must be developed, and the feel-good approach does little for improvement.
Some of the Pups' best stuff, or anyone's, for that matter The stuff added onto the reissue is very cool -- makes you want to fire up your own jam session -- but the original six tracks still constitute a terrific EP in their own right. Basically, this EP bridges the subtlety of "Up On The Sun" and the punch of "Huevos" (overlooking "Mirage", where despite some fine tracks the muse felt a little forced). And its best tracks have a certain "magical" quality that is impossible to describe, but instantly recognizable. Agree w/ previous reviewer re "Out My Way" -- simply an amazing, hypnotic spin on so-called "classic rock". "Down in its cave/My heart lays/Its own sun/Lights the day". Incredible stuff. Also superb is "Not Swimming Ground", with a wondrous solo and joyous bass, seriously threatening to get you a speeding ticket. These two alone are among the very best stuff by the band, probably among the most transcendent hundred-odd rock songs I know of (from "Rubber Soul" up through the present -- I admit I kind of lost track of most stuff after "Too High To Die" or so. Maybe because I turned 30 around then or something). "Other Kinds of Love" is the other standout, a psychedelic gem, and the rest range from solid to fun, with nary a dog in the bunch.
A waste of money This book is a aimed at the terminally retarded. The simplicity of this book is beyond belief. The worst part is that in an effort to be ultra-simple, the author is just flat wrong. Anyone who can't explain the difference between a class and an object should not be allowed to write a book on java. This book is a total waste of money
I love reading astrology books! I had this book years ago and lost it when my house burned down. Although I love to read many different types of books, this is one that is fun. Especially when you have over friends and we are astrological info to each and determine if we are compatable! :}
Soccer had never been pleasurable like with these Adidas I ordered these soccer shoes, got them on time and really love them on the soccer field. Soccer has never been as pleasurable to play as when I have these Adidas. They are the perfect thing I had always looking for for outdoor games. Love them and the price is reasonable for the quality. I frankly used many soccer shoes before but I just never got shoes that please the eyes, feat the foot and are comfortable for all 90 minutes!
Nofx is funny and political Nofx is funny, and political at the same time, I give this cd 4 stars. The reason being most of these songs you can buy on the regular records, they have. This is good for a best of, I got this for the sense of politcal humor, politics in general. Funny band
THE MOON POOL by Abraham Merritt The Moon Pool is a 1919 "lost world" fantasy novel by Abraham Merritt based on two of his short stories. Here, a scientist leads a small band beneath the surface of the Earth in pursuit of others abducted by an evil entity called "the Shining One," whereupon they discover a lost civilization on the brink of war.Merritt's writing is wonderfully imaginative and extraordinarily detailed. His ideas, his places, his devices, and his underground world are enthralling. The Moon Pool does have a certain charm. And yet the writing has a lot of problems.Pacing is the most egregious issue. The book crawls in many places, and for long stretches. This shouldn't be; there's plenty happening in the story, but Merritt's writing ranges between verbose and extremely verbose. The storytelling is further hampered by a cast of flattish characters spouting corny dialogue, a great deal of which neither develops the characters in meaningful ways nor moves the story along.Merritt devotes paragraph upon paragraph to his vivid descriptions of subterranean wonders, and yet the reader's sense of place is often poor, as Merritt can scarcely ever be bothered to tell the reader where, specifically, his characters are, or where that might be in relation to the other places he's depicted.There are other issues. It's painfully convenient how quickly all the characters learn the subterranean language. Much of the mystery of the underground world isn't resolved until much too late in the book, and then by way of a massive expository dump. The book's climax, an epic clash between warring factions, should be exciting, but the resolutions are clichéd and predictable.The Moon Pool has been cited as an influence on Lovecraft's "Call of Cthulhu." As far as horrific creatures emerging from lost cities beneath the sea to ravage humanity go, that seems reasonable. Beyond some basic thematic similarities, however, there's really no comparison.Merritt isn't read a great deal these days, and now you know why. On the whole, The Moon Pool feels like a missed opportunity, and it's too bad. As it is, there are no doubt plenty of better books in the genre. And yet...The Moon Pool would probably make a pretty good film.
Buyer beware! How was I to know that this was a fake?Nothing led me to believe it was a fake. I trust Amazon to sell legit items. It's not like I bought it used, or on eBay, or even from a market vendor that might have been shady.No, i ordered it off the rack from Amazon so to speak. It didn't work right, though, so I sent it to Nintendo for a repair. And they sent it back with a BIG FAT COUNTERFEIT sticker on it.Amazon is helping work this out with me, and I say huge thanks to them for that. But, it makes me question whether I will ever purchase electronics from here again. Which is unfortunate, because I was about to make kind of a big purchase. Glad my Wii itself is legit. Did I just get lucky? I wonder.
Dissatisfied I placed an order for a book that I could have picked up in any popular bookstore but wanted the convenience of online ordering. I placed my order online December 6th, 2011 and have discovered my order will probably not arrive until after Christmas. I would not recommend this site to anyone!!!!
Fantastic I just thought it was really good y
What Would Walt Do? The Author never really answers this Obviously a self-published pamphlet, no proof reading done with the manuscript at all! D.M. Miller poorly recants small stories about his life, a few of them include checking out the construction of Walt Disney World, and several of them are repeated again and again through out the book, to fill space. Extremely poorly written, many mistakes. Not worth the paper that the book is printed on. Skip it!
Limited help. The book covers J2EE 1.3 security with hello-world level security examples beyond I find nothing but an introductory Java Security API guide. The chapters also lack details on when and where you should use these APIs. I bought this book before 'Core Security Patterns' by Christopher Steel that is much more helpful and example driven than this book.