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It's Not Aliens I watched it once and would not watch it again or recommend it to others. I am glad I did not go to the theatre to see the movie.
Garmin Forerunner 305 I use this mainly for biking and I am using it with the bike mount kit. I LOVE it ! I would recommend this product. I use it for running, too and it is great to have a GPS for running and biking. The workouts load great into the Garmin Training Center and provide a great and convenient record of workouts. This version does not give the elevation on the ride, but I pick it up in the download to the Training Center - having the elevation available on the ride is the ONE FEATURE I wish I had with this product.
Finding Meaning in Suffering Dr. Vivian Bearing is a professor of English, specializing in the poetry of John Donne. When she is diagnosed with stage IV metastatic ovarian cancer she dives into the poetry she knows so well to find relief from the pain and meaning in her suffering. Set against a backdrop of the Holy Sonnets, particularly "Death Be Not Proud," Vivian shares her struggle to make sense of her imminent death. As Vivian goes through her struggle alone her doctor, Kelekian, and fellow Jason Posner (a former student of Dr. Bearing) struggle to keep her alive, not so they can heal her, but so they can continue using her as a research project even to the point of ignoring her "do not resuscitate" order.At under one-hundred pages, Wit, is a quick play to read but loses something not being performed. As a student of English I enjoyed the references to John Donne, but for someone less interested in early British literature the comparisons might border on the tedious. To enjoy this play it's important to see past the cerebral stream-of-consciousness of the professor and see the woman being faced with the end of her life.Written beautifully, Edson brings the poetry of Donne to modern day relevance to show that death, and coming to terms with suffering, are things humanity has been trying to understand for centuries. While the written play does this topic some justice I'd strongly recommend going to see it being performed if that's an option for you.
Street Fighter is the best Van Damme movie ever made!!! This movie is something else. I just have to tell how much I think of it. This movie is based on the game so it contains most of the original characters from the first ever PC games of Street Fighter of nine or ten years ago. (As well as new characters like Cammy that appeared in later games) This movie has virtually everything. As the theme plays a nice little build up at Bison's headquarters appears. All of the danger and excitement is based around one thing, rescuing the hostages from Bison's evil clutches. And I think that it is very important not to step far away from the main purpose of the movie. The climax is breath-taking and some parts are very funny. Like the part where Bison's troops sourround Guile high up on M.Bison's headquarters with massive rifles and Guile responds by grinning with confidence and pulling out a penknife! It's only then that the camera moves and we see Guile's troops behind him with even bigger guns! To sum up, Street Fighter has its funny sides, ultra violence, tactical espionage and swear words! 10 out of 10!
A compelling triump "Pictures in My Head" demonstrates Gabriel Byrne's uncanny ability to convey the essence of time and place with an economy of words. This slim volume of vignettes from Mr. Byrne's life transports the reader from his early childhood through his success in Hollywood as an adult until 1995.Mr. Byrne's writing is unique and lyrical. His style of writing mimics the disjointed, natural flow of internal thinking, jumping from one fragment of an idea to another. For that reason, in addition to vocabulary and cultural references unfamiliar to the American reader, the text is sometimes difficult to digest upon first reading. Many passages require a second pass, but upon re-reading I found myself effectively transported into Mr. Byrne's world. The title of the book "Pictures in My Head" perfectly embodies the essence of what this book is about.The stories from the early part of Mr. Byrne's life are particularly enthralling. The retelling of events of his early childhood in Ireland include incredible detail. Mr. Byrne has the rare talent of recalling small details that most people wouldn't notice, much less recall. Rarer still is his ability to then take those small details, recount them and essentially capture a moment with words. However, I agree with another reviewer who found the second half of the book less satisfying. In addition to seeming a bit more rushed, Mr. Byrne's desire to protect the privacy of his friends, family and himself in the second half of the book unfortunately hinders his ability to write with the same freedom and compelling detail that made the first half of the book so captivating.Despite this criticism, the same honesty, intelligence and sensitivity that contribute to Mr. Byrne's success as an actor translates well into his foray as an author. "Pictures in My Head" is a compelling triumph. Gabriel Byrne's capacity for conveying the beauty and poignancy of life as a human being is remarkably gripping. I sincerely hope Mr. Byrne will continue to write.
Text book This was exactly what I needed and I got it quickly. was in great condition when i opened that mailing package and was not disappointed.
Took my money and never delivered the book! To rate the actual item, it cannot be done because I never received it. It was ordered over a month ago and they wont even respond.
No patterns, not what I expected This is a compendium of pictures and history of the makers for a juried show.No patterns, not much on the really rare animals I had hoped for.I'd really like to return it.Also had marking in it, like someone had tried to edit the book after printing.
What a yawner! I really don't see what the attraction was with this book. It went nowhere fast. Poor character development....it read like a dream. I felt like I was reading the Condensed version published for a magazine. I felt like something was missing...all of a sudden there was this whole IRA issue....Oprah picked a yawner here.
Very little payoff Although this movie is beautifully filmed, I felt disappointed in the end and wished that I hadn't spent three hours watching it. It is interesting from a historical point of view, but there is only one genuinely good character in this movie (the father) and he dies fairly close to the beginning. Other characters seem to change drastically with no explanation. You have to sit through a gruesome torture scene and several incredibly ridiculous sex scenes and to me, in the end, it just wasn't worth it.
Not too thrilled This might be an okay clock for a garage, shed or barn but it doesnt seem to perform well in the raw elements like the rain.I had a similar protraction problem that caused faulty readings as a result of the rain, like someone else had described. They should not present this as a no outdoor clock.In a sheltered area, it might be a 5 star clock.
Apocalypto meets Braveheart meets the Ten Commandments ...or something. I mean, this is such a mishmash that it's hard to know where to begin.spoilers belowSo cavemen are living in the Ice Age, but if they walk a few miles, they discover savannas and deserts. Oh, and there are slaves and mammoths being used to build pyramids. Is this Africa or South America or what? And the abducted young woman never gets her makeup messed up, even when she's dragged along and beaten and kept as a slave. Riiiiiight.And check this out: this woman receives a fatal wound but recovers a few minutes later because some old lady back in her home camp dies and lets her live, or whatever. Really, what does it matter by then? Grab some candy and a drink, sit back and be entertained, but for gosh sakes, don't expect a history lesson.
This book was one of the BEST books I have EVER read! This book was a heart-warming story about Billy and his two dogs, Old Dan and Little Ann. The best part was when Billy found the red fern were Ann and Dan were buried. The native indian legend said that where ever the red fern grew, the dead buried beneath it was a blessing from God, for the fern was so beautiful and no one could grow it themselves. I started crying! The book Where The Red Fern Grows was one of the BEST I've EVER read!
Hum and volume problems It looked cool, so I bought it. However, the second week it began to hum intermittently, and the volume fluctuates. I am able to get it to stabilize after several power off/on sequences.DON'T BUY IT!
A very poorly researched book Having read through a couple dozen reviews on this book I have to add one more because I so totally disagree with what has been written in them and am shocked that so few people realized that the ending of "Three" was so completely implausible. I don't want to give away the ending for those who are thinking of reading it, but if, unlike the author, you know something about what is revealed, well then you will regret having wasted your time reading the book. My advice to Dekker, were he to read this, would be that he needs to do better research or stick to what he knows. This book is a diservice to the public because it creates a false impression for the reader with regards to the issue that Dekker brings up.
Wild, dark, wickedly funny You probably know him best for "Amelie" and "A Very Long Engagement," but Jean-Pierre Jeunet did an entirely different kind of comedy in "Delicatessen," a wicked black comedy that deals with... um, cannibalism. It's a twisted, dark story populated by the oddest characters that the writer could possibly have imagined -- and man, is it funny.It's the postapocalyptic future, where food is so scarce that grain is used as money, and meat is completely gone. The setting is an apartment building run by a local butcher (Jean-Claude Dreyfus), who feeds his tenants in an unusual way: he hires assistants, then turns them into tomorrow's din-din. His newest assistant is the gentle vegetarian ex-clown Louison (Dominic Pinon).But the butcher's plans get thrown for a loop when his cello-playing daughter Julie (Marie-Laure Dougnac) falls for Stanley and (unsurprisingly) wants to save her love from a fate worse than entrees. So she contacts the vegetarian resistance, the Troglodytes, and tricks them into invading her father's house, on the night when he plans to slaughter Louison.Okay, let's get this straight: cannibalism is not funny. But comedies about cannibalism CAN be very funny. And "Delicatessen" manages to be a funny comedy in the tradition of Terry Gilliam, with the warped direction and strange settings. What was later precious in "Amelie" is weirdly ominous here... not that that's a bad thing.It's also a challenge to create such a dark, bleak setting and somehow inject offbeat comedy into it. For example, one sex scene is juxtaposed against various activities (carpet beating, cello playing) -- all in the same rhythm. It's a moment of pure comic skill. But at the same time, Jeunet slips a bittersweet love story into the middle of the strangeness, relying on Pinon and Dougnac's strong chemistry.The oddities of the characters are what take this dark comedy to the next level: a tough postman; a pair of brothers who make "moo" boxes, and an aristocratic old lady who goes to great -- and unsuccessful -- lengths to kill herself, Rube Goldberg-style. Julie and the innocent Louison are a bright spot, but the Troglodytes are a bit over-the-top. Really, must they be THAT dumb?"Delicatessen" is an acquired taste. Okay, now that I've got that out of my system, here's the real end of the review: Jean-Pierre Jeunet's dark comedy is a bit hard to swallow at first, but the wickedly funny characters and offbeat script are winning.
it can't get any better than this. ever felt confused or lost? kind of like if your homeplanet had been obliterated by the ugliest creatures in the univers just after sombody ran down you house with a bulldozer? then you know how Arthur Dent feel, when he's flying around through spacetime out there. and i'd just like to say to everybody that this kind of books should not be read by someone who expects any realism at all. you have to have a really open mind to like it. you can't critizise it for not being realistic since nobody ever said it was supposed to be. it's just fun and easy reading wich you really shouldn't expect anything from cause you wont get what you expect. and when Marvin is around, it's even more so. This book is just wonderful, i spent a couple of weeks just laughing and reading. then i read it again and laught a bit more. it really rocks. REALLY rocks. if you haven't bought it, this is the time to do so.
awful awful awful This is at least one of the top 5 worst movies I've ever seen. My parents brought it over, and it's the first time I've fallen asleep while they were here in a long time. When I got up my mom yelled at me, because she said I made her stay up and watch that freaky gory dentist movie (The Dentist 2) one time. This movie is supposed to be a comedy and I didn't laugh once. Charlie Sheen is a jackass. I hope his house catches on fire. Jackass #2 from that awful show Two and a Half Man is also in this movie. This piece of crap is selling on amazon for $0.01 and that is way overpriced if you ask me. The best is people left comments like "extremely funny" and "what more could you want?" what more I could want is a knife in my penis head instead of ever having to watch just 15 minutes of this again. It even made my dreams suck. I don't remember what I dreamed, but I woke up with a lot of self doubt.
looks real This is an unusual aquarium decoration. Most look so fake you are better off to leave your tank empty.This is the best I have ever seen. Everyone that sees it love it and have never seen anything like it before. I have it in a 55 gallon tank and it is perfect.
Yoga as a spiritual practice After watching this film I was struck by the timeliness of Dona's message. She says we cannot look for saviors and that we must take self responsibility for the kind of life environment we create. This reminds me of a quote by Mirabei, "If we could reach the Lord through immersion in water, I would have asked to be born a fish in this life."Dona also points out that it is in time of stress that people begin to question old values. When will the people of the world, to paraphrase the quote from "Eleventh Hour", begin to understand that our values are not possessions but we are like the fish who do not possess the water they swim in-it supports their life!
Inner soles.... I am a fan of Clarks. Probably last 10 years I haven't worn any other shoes except Clarks.Couple of weeks ago I ordered two pairs of this shoe: one black and one brown, Black one's inner sole got teared after 1st week and brown one even didn't go that well. It was damaged after 1st DAY!Completely frustrated!
Worth the high price I was skeptical about mechanix gloves, just couldn't see myself paying 25-30$ for gloves that usually last me a week or two. I work on steel doors and frames. Install is hell on your hands, and gloves. Dealing with sharp steel edges and holding screws normally tears new gloves within a day or two. I would just get the cheap 9$ HD brand ones. I decided to splurge this last November, and I'm glad i did. These are my new favorites. I have worked with a few other designs of mechanix but the mpact outlast them all. 1 pair will last me a month. For this design, be sure to order the size you would normally order,NOT a size smaller for a tight fit.
Very good, not great, balance. Another terrific surround-mix for a Moody Blues classic. I am only giving this one four stars, however, because of a couple (minor) shortcomings. The bass on this mix is decidedly weak, and I am not one who likes a lot of bass. As well, Justin Hayward's guitar solos are frequently buried in the mix. That's a shame because Justin hit a peak on this album, matched only by "Seventh Sojourn", in lyricism and relevance, with his guitar work. Otherwise, this latest iteration of "A Question of Balance" is wonderful.
Nostalgia Can Be Deadly or A Compendium of Discomfort Food I, like everyone else who reviewed this book, can remember when they first pried open a Fannie Farmer Cookbook. I was ten years old and remember reading about how the book said how important it was to follow directions. Eighteen years later and I still follow directions, but these are the wrong ones.This weekend I've been rather busy cooking two dishes that I wanted to get out of the way: lasagna and cheesecake. Now, I'm a casual cook and have gotten shockingly positive responses for my efforts. Not this time. What I ended up with was WASP lasagna and sweet-as-a-tootache cheesecake.THIRTY FIVE DOLLARS LATER and two failed recipes: the recipe for lasagna says to add A QUARTER OF A POUND OF PARMESAN (hellishly salty) on top to finish off the layers. This is unheard of by everyone I know even though no one is Italian. Every time I bit into a morsel of this food my tastebuds overloaded. The cheesecake says to put a quarter of a cup of sugar in the crust which makes it sickeningly sweet and instead of cooking it at 350 (11 other recipes say 350), it says 325. Guess what? The result is mushy, too fine, too light while the crust blasts your mouth with too much sweet.What worries me is that someone who has NO previous experience cooking will pick this up and think they're on solid ground. If you're a new bride, a gay guy cooking for that special someone, a metrosexual cooking for that special gal, or a cook of any caliber, these recipes will SICKEN those you inflict them on and dash your hopes of being labelled competent. Good luck if you have a weekend of hosting and somehow think to base ALL the food on these recipes. Your guests will have mood swings, fights will ensue, marriages will break up, and relationships will be put under an unbearable strain. People will become walking pinball machines. This all comes from TOO salty (INSANELY salty) & TOO sweet. I don't know who could handle this food over a prolonged period of time and if you cook for others, good luck trying to save your reputation as a host and amatuer chef or even as a likable person (who could handle such a bombing of the tastebuds and still like or trust you?).Before I decided to wander back down memory lane I read some of the reviews. There was only one negative one I remember that mentioned the brownie recipe. Well, my sister took the original Fannie Farmer from the house I grew up in and I got the recipe from her. That is the only one that worked. I've never found a brownie recipe that worked and now I have it, but it's completely unavailable in this book because it's "new and improved."In closing, I will NEVER use another recipe from this book. In addition to making me wince when I eat the salty/sweet it would give me mood swings and probably prompt someone I fed this stuff to to take a swing at me. Please, I exhort you, if you want to make a good impression cooking get other recipes and pick and choose from other books and friends. That's how I got my best stuff. You've been warned.Update July 11th: I didn't want to leave this half-baked so to speak. I redid the cheesecake without the quarter cup of sugar in the crust (dramatic difference) and cooked it at 325 instead of 350: it makes it lighter and fluffier (I used other recipes also to figure out how to bake it). Before I threw the book out I ripped out the page on chocolate chip cookies. I've baked this twice and I've gotten rave reviews from them: REALLY RAVE reviews. I used the exact ingredients (except salt) and have a way of doing my mixtures: butter into sugars, egg and vanilla mixed, etc. that the end result is better than any cookie dough: it's actually edible before you cook it. Don't overcook them. If you want this recipe, just buy the paperback edition; I wouldn't recommend the hardback because I think it's treating this whole book too reverentially. The book is gone, but I wanted to add the chocolate chip review in because if the other recipes were shooting myself in the foot, this one is the PERFECT recipe for these cookies: people MARVELLED at them. I think it's important to be as honest and as helpful as possible when it comes to cooking and that's why I added this update. My previous experience was a nightmare (ESPECIALLY the lasagna), but I finetuned ONLY the cheesecake. The chocolate chip cookies are out of this world, but my previous points still stick. I just wanted this to be out there.
Difficult to get through, putting it away unfinished I picked up this book as part of a monthly club and was excited to get started. Reading the book was difficult, first my disappointment with the author for not sharing the reasons for her divorce but forcing us to decipher the aftermath not knowing the entire story. Elizabeth Gibert's experiences, however real to her, came across superficial and I kept waiting to be moved by her revelations, but wasn't. Only one of the group of 7 women managed to get through the book, the rest put it away and watched her TIVO'd interview on Oprah instead.
Great radio for its purpose I got this radio for Christmas last year and use it on my daily 3 mile walk. The earphones sound fine and are comfortable. I replaced the battery after 6 months to ensure it wouldn't go dead while in use. At over 25 hours of use per month, that was over 150 hours on one battery. The analog tuner is great. I placed it in local, tuned in my station then switched to DX & it's never lost the station. Love it.
HEY MR. DIRECTOR, GET A GRIP! YOU RUINED THIS DVD!! This DVD COULD BE GREAT but IT IS BAD, AWFUL. It looks like it was edited/directed by a 14-year old that has just discovered that he can use 100 different cameras. There is so many distractions going around that you just can't enjoy the show! You can not even LISTEN to the show because there are all these stupid interviews going ON THE TOP of the songs! This coulda been a great DVD had it been recorded with 2 or 3 cameras and 10% of the budget if only the editor/director had half a clue of what he/she was doing. Avoid it unless you are 12 years old.
Not Good I didn't like this movie at all. That doesn't mean that you won't though. I don't know you or what you like. Maybe you like the kinds of movies I like and maybe not. So really it's all up to what you like and not what I like. But if you are a friend of mine you probably won't like it because I only pick friends who like the same movies as I do. So if you know me and are my friend then I would say you wouldn't like this movie. Or maybe you will which just shows you that I don't know you at all. I think we can still be friends though.
What is going on here? It seems this book creates strong reactions. People either loved it or they hated it. I hated it. It's been said by many other reviewers but it bears repeating: the artwork is terrible. There is no movement in the frames and nearly every page has the same generic layout of squares or rectangles. And the characters are just plain ugly. It looks like the artists of Beavis and Butthead took a shot at drawing the X-Men. It's a distraction. I kept stopping just to wonder why Marvel couldn't afford to hire real artists.If the writing was really good, it could compensate for the lousy art but the writing is pretty terrible, too. As other reviewers have said, it's like Morrison paid absolutely no attention to the pre-existing characterization but just choose random character to deliver the "witty" one-liners. The worst thing is the story events jump around so sporadically (I'm sure to maintain high drama) but with such poor art and writing, it comes off as disconnected and confusing. Several times I had to flip backwards to see if I'd missed something that would make the page make sense.All in all, I'm very disappointed and am putting my copy up for sale.
commendable "Mark Twain was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens in Florida, Missouri, in 1835, and died at Redding, Connecticut, in 1910." He is well known for the great humoristic writings through "a miscellany of history, all balanced by his most complex narrative." On his fourth travel book, Life on the Mississippi (1883), he deliberately described the tension surrounding of his life as well as the events history that was happening. His vivid working inspired and kept me on the edge from reading chapter after chapter.
Cave Bear Crap Clan of the Cave Bear was good. I would recommend it. This book is pure crap, and reads like a cheap romance novel. It is boring, repetitive, and trite. Characters are stereotypical, and the dialog belongs more in a bad twentieth century soap opera. I feel compelled to get the star rating for this book lower...since it is listed as a 4!!!
Doesn't cut it for me I detested "Something About Mary"....so that should have told me in some way that I would find this film as unentertaining (unless your mind is fully in the gutter). I am a Johnny-come-lately fan of Jim Carry....having started to see his films The Majestic and The Truman show first and working my way back. The Mask was brilliant, and so was Cable Guy for dark comedy. If it were not for Jim and Rene Zelweger, I couldn't have lasted through it. For story line, it sinks, but it is a perfect set up for Jim Carrey. Too bad he couldn't have made it work better. Rene is an excellent actress who is hugely underused in this film. Interesting premise, and my dad loved it, but personally, I expected more.
Wonderful, charming book This is the first of a series of sort-of-autobiographical books written by "James Herriot," a real-life country veterinarian in Yorkshire, England. The first book covers his arrival in "Darrowby" in 1937, when new research and new technology were just beginning to change both farming and veterinary medicine. We meet James' boss, Siegfried Farnon, and Siegfried's fun but irresponsible brother Tristan, as well as a wide variety of local farmers and pet owners. As good as the BBC series is, the books are so much more. I think readers of any age (these books are perfectly suitable for older grade school age children) who like animals will enjoy the stories here, as will anyone with an interest in English country life, or stories of days gone by.
THE BEST BROADWAY VOICE TODAY I have recently become aware of the powerful vocal prowess of this amazing singer. She has such a variety of vocal colors to her voice. She combines the best qualities of Ethel Merman, Mary Martin, and Julie Andrews. Highly recommended!
Big disappointment This is a bad documentary. The book it was based on was wonderful and informative. And Berlin itself is one of the most interesting and historically important cities in the world. So how can the film be so bad? It shows many, many buildings, landmarks and sites without telling you what they are and why they're important. I only know, from having read the book. This film seems to focus more on medieval history than on the last hundred years. It offers no insights and very explanations of why the building or site you're seeing is important. What a waste. This could have been so useful or at least interesting. Save your money. Read the book.
Weak Springs The product description was for a heavy duty spring. I would hate to see the lighter spring. Ended up not using ait and pluging hole.
This gets the Worst-Remake-Ever Award. It's hard to explain how a scene-by-scene remake can fall so short of the original, but somehow, this does. Maybe it's the familiarity of the original actors and the way they say those famous lines (e.g. "We all go a little mad sometimes", "Oh God Mother! Blood!", etc.). Maybe it's the way color film is less menacing than black-and-white. Or maybe it's because you resent the fact that Hollywood is so uncreative these days it has to rip off of classics in the name of making a buck.
Every woman's hero. At the end, I closed the book and I cried. Then I wanted to open it and start reading all over again from the beginning. Janie is a woman who has endured oppression, suppression, and tragedy. She found love and she found herself. She not only survived but discovered her own strength and accepted life without self-destructing. Janie, is every woman's hero, most certainly mine.
The Unsuspecting Mage Good read, interesting writting style, the writting perspective almost felt like a DnD game. This book, will not change your life, but it is entertaining.
I wouldn't recommend this product. Chewing it was ... I wouldn't recommend this product. Chewing it was like chewing tin foil ... it left a metallic taste in my mouth. I chewed all of it, as directed on the package, in hopes of growing to like it - but, no luck. I could stand to chew it for only about 5 minutes but the taste got increasingly more metallic. The package says it cleans your teeth and freshens your breath, but any mint gum will do the same thing. I personally would prefer a tic-tac.
great game This game is able to deliver you into the world of the matrix. Although you are not Neo or Morpheus, the characters from the movie are integrated with each level and your success is vital to the survivol of mankind. This game shows you how deep the rabbit hole truly is.
Good Shaver, but it doesn't last long I bought this razor and was really happy with it. It gave a close shave, but as it neared the end of the warranty I noticed that it didn't seem to hold a charge for very long. I had assumed that it was just getting moved around on the charger, causing it to not charge. But within a few weeks after the warranty expired, the battery died, and would no longer charge at all. This was my second Panasonic Shaver, both of them lasted just a little longer than a year, before they became virtually unusable. I ended up going back to my nine year old Remington shaver after this shaver died, because it gave a better shave than my other Panasonic. They both gave a great shave, but if you are looking for something to last longer than a year, I would probably recommend a Remington.
It's Antigone! Can't go wrong with Sophocles! This is an okay version of Antigone. A great value for the price and Antigone is always a good read!
Poor design - will not keep TV up and DANGEROUS This product may be appropriate if you have a VERY light TV, but it will not keep even a moderate weight LCD in the up position. To add to the problem, the design is such that when the TV "sags" down, it also slides backward, causing it to drop very hard.First, I'll explain the problem in function, then the DANGER in trying to use this product.I tried to use it to support a 15" Toshiba. The weight as mounted was 12 pounds. The product says it can be used for TV's up to 18 pounds. The TV would not stay either up or down. It would just hang in a position about halfway in between. The adjustment for this is a set screw which is supposed to increase the friction of the mnount so that it will hold the TV. The set screw is turned by a provided hex wrench. I turned this wrench as hard as I could, but got very little movement of the screw and no improvement in product performance. I then took the mount down, took it to my workbench, and tightened the screw to the full limit of it's travel. This resulted in some improvement - instead of returning immediately to the not-up-or-down position, the TV returned there slowly. THERE IS NO WAY THAT THIS PRODUCT WILL SUPPORT A 12 POUND TV. I would be very reluctant to trust it with anything over about 5 pounds.Now to the DANGER. The mount has a very nice slide feature that allows the TV to move forward as it is moved to the up position. This allows a sightly larger TV to be mounted without hitting the wall as you move it up. Unfortunately, there is no friction at all on the sliding mechanism. The result is that as the TV sags back down from the up position, it reaches a point where it suddenly slides back. The result is essentially that the TV falls about 2 - 3 inches. The mount keeps it from hitting the counter top, but the action is very jarring on the TV itself, and if anything happens to be on the counter top under the TV when this happens real damage could result.THIS IS A BAD PRODUCT! There are far better and safer mounts available.
Diego's disapointing Safari The blocks do not fit together snug enough to stay together, never mind playing with it assembled, it falls apart trying to assemble... My son is 3 and was very excited to get it from Santa but very disappointed to find that he is unable to play with it as advertised because it is so poorly made.
Undersea Adventure This book is, by far, one of the best books I have read in the last year. It proves that classics are still the best books to read. In this undersea adventure, two unique characters travel 20,000 leagues facing everything from giant squids to themselves. This book is a must read for anyone whether you like science fiction to drama. You will enjoy it no matter what. I know I did.The book is truly unique. Jules Verne brings the wonders of science and drama to this book. If you are smart, you will read this book because it will make you smart. It is awesome, a must read, unbelievable. Highly recomend.
All around great camera! I am a student Photographer and I recently upgraded to the D80 from a D50 and have been very impressed. This camera was purchased refurbished from Adorama for $600 (Body) and paired with a Nikon 18-55dx lens.Wonderful Updates1) This camera can shoot in RAW + JPG Fine2) This camera supports SDHC Cards3) The Image quality is much better than the D50 or new D404) No lens limitations and works well with my sunpak flash.5) On camera flash works great. A huge improvement over the D50.6) Very good auto focus!Nice Extras1) Big screen and onboard editing capability2) High ISODownsides1) Cost (the D40x can be purchased refurbished for $400 with less features)Overall I am pleased that I went with the D80 over the D40x and it is miles more advanced than the D50. The auto focus system in the D80 is great and with one wedding the camera will more than pay for itself.
Captivating as the Big Sky The wide open spaces seen during the first few minutes of the film establishes the land as a character in itself. I have been to that part of west Texas and remember well the impression of being able to see into infinity. For someone living most of their life "back East", suddenly being able to see 20 miles or so to the horizon does not sit comfortably in the brain. Usually landscape scenes in cinema, captivating as they can be utilizing lighting, are limited just by the very physical properties of film. It lacks depth. Not so in this film. The country takes you in to a place where, as the title suggests, old age is getting to be a rare condition. Violent crime is eating into society like a raging cancer. Men die young, and old lawmen are struck by the sheer body count, and can't quite wrap their mind around what is happening within the land of their jurisdiction. They reminisce among themselves of earlier generations and of simpler times.Other reviews have given the gist of the story and the described quite accurately my impressions of the characters, so I will not delve so much into the plot. But what I want to express is that there is a pure power to this film, captivating imagery, elevated tensions and the dynamic energy. This film is an instant classic that will be studied by future film makers for many years to come.It's characters are unique, as are the locations where the story takes you. It is not a high action packed film, in fact most of the action takes place before you as a viewer arrive on the scene and try along with the sheriff to make sense of it. But as it all unfolds you do find yourself engrossed with the various characters.If you love movies, and art of the film, this is definitely one you will want to view over and over.
The greatest book ever written on the subject of how there can be pain, suffering and injustice if God is a loving, merciful God C. S. Lewis is one of the top two Christian authors of the last two hundred years (the other is Francis Schaeffer). His book, Mere Christianity, is perhaps the leading classic book stating the case for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and what it means to those who believe and sincerely invite the living Christ into their hearts. In the Problem of Pain, this great author, inspired by the Holy Spirit, tackles the question which has caused doubt among Believers, and is used by opponents of the Gospel to argue against its truth and credibility. Why do apparently "good" people get cancer, are victims of horribly violent crimes, and suffer from all kinds of other tragedy? How could a good and loving God allow the Holocaust to occur to his "chosen people"? How could God allow babies or infants to die before old enough to commit conscious sin, or even make an intelligent decision to believe in Christ as one's personal Lord and Savior? This book, with Lewis' prose and profound writing, explains the answers to these questions in a logical fashion, but one which will resonate with your heart and the Holy Spirit who dwells in all Believers. It is too profound and inspired of God to review. But in the opinion of this avid reader and Christian, Jewish lawyer, The Problem of Pain represents the finest work on this difficult topic. It is deep as C.S. Lewis is not a sports writer (and I love sports). But if you allow yourself to fully immerse yourself in the depths of this God inspired, great book, you will draw closer to God, and at least have some ability to understand one of life's great mysteries.
Franklin TG-450 I was sooooo excited to receive the Franklin TG-450 12 Language Translator, that as soon as it came in the mail, I immediately opened it and followed the instructions to begin using this language translator. Boy was I surprised when NONE of the words of phrases I typed in the translator to be translated from English to German were in there! Simple words like eat, bathroom, dog, cat.... you know, the things we need to find our way in another country! Well, needless to say, I returned the product the very next day and I guess I will be going to Germany without a language translator--wish me luck!
Disappointing This "novel" is more of a tourist guide (isn't Holland great!) to Holland and its history than a story. I am about half way through (it's been a slog and a struggle). The author introduces Hans Brinker and his sister and their plights at the beginning and I was intriqued. Now I'm slogging away through a bunch of boys running around Holland visiting its museums and talking about its history (like that's what boys generally do). Kind of ridiculous. Hopefully the "real" story about the race and the skates that gets you interested in the book in the first place will pick up before the book ends.
White Zombie Rules! I love Robs solo albums but i like White Zombie too. I have to admit that i like Astro-Creep 2000 better than this one though. This has some awesome songs on it. Great rythyms and lyrics. I must-have for any metal fan. Why do people say its mainstream? Its not mainstream at all. Its just 14 songs of fast crushing metal. Rob Zombie rules! So dont down him cause you think he's mainstream(he's not). Some lyrics are inspired by horror movies like Spiderbaby(awesome song!) J is an awesome guitarist. He can play fast and slow really good. IF you like Robs solo, you will love this. But get Astro-Creep first.
Angel eyes I have been using Angels eyes since my purebred Bichon Frise was just a pup. I sprinkle a wee bit onto her dry foot then sprinkle a wee b it of water to mix. Never once has she had staining, eyes are clear and receive so many compliments on how white and clean she it. Angel eyes was recommended but my pet shop and I have recommended to other pet owners with excellent results.. The price here is much more cost effective than in pet catalogs, so I will now order on line. EXcellent product with award winning results. THANK YOU!!!!
Look Good These boots feel and fit great. I am interested in how long they will hold up. They look pretty sturdy. I will put them to the test for sure.
Sit back and fantasize and you'll be in it. To people who rate this movie a 1 star... C'mon, these movie ain't real... so, don't try so hard to find good dialogue or realism... just enjoy it and let yourself sucked into the movie...Great effects, fun actions, non-stop excitement... what else could you ask for from an "alien invasion" movie? This is the type of INVASION movie I've dreamt for since I heard about ALIENS... BEST BEST BEST!
Not Happy Nor My Son !!! whats with the bump My Newborn baby(who came long and about 8 pounds) dropped in the sling to the bottom hitting the stupid bump and when we remove the sling the stupid bump made it 'again' hard for us to adjust our son in the tub , this tub is not right for you if ur baby isn't small or tiny !We are not pleased with this tub Surely because of the BUMP!! it might be a good tub if the remove the bump and change the quality of the sling to make tighter so it will be much safer
Dark, cryptic, disturbing, and absolutely brilliant. I very rarely write movie reviews, mainly because I'm not that good at it, but I have to make an exception for this one. "Sin City" is by far one of the most creative and stunningly well-made movies I've seen in quite some time. I got the same feeling from watching it as I did "Kill Bill", in that I couldn't believe what I was seeing, and couldn't stop thinking about it for days afterward, simply because it's so freaking good.First of all, there's the cinematography, which is just unbelievable. The whole movie was filmed in a studio here in Austin, and nearly everything but the characters is digitally inserted. They used basically no set for the whole thing, but everything looks so real (in a surreal kind of way). And, the use of color is just brilliant. The movie is mostly black and white, but other colors are sporadically thrown in for emphasis, and to brilliant effect. The flashes of red blood, the cold, murderous stare of Elijah Wood, Alexis Bledel's gorgeous blue eyes, the vivid, um yellowness of the Yellow Bastard, all are brought out wonderfully amidst a black and white world.Now, just the special effects alone are enough to make this an entertaining movie, but it doesn't stop there. The performances are all great as well. I've never cared much for Mickey Rourke, but he does a spectactular job as the relentlessly vindictive Marv. Bruce Willis has long shed his action hero image, for which he was once well-known, but here, he returns to that style with a vengeance (no "Die Hard" pun intended) as the hard-boiled Detective Hardigan. Elijah Wood is just amazing as the silent but deadly Kevin, and of course we have Rosario Dawson, Jessica Alba, Alexis Bledel, and many other lovely women with sedutive and memorable roles (I wish I'd known when they were filming this; so many girls I could have hit on ;).I don't want to reveal too much about the story, but basically it consists of several smaller stories, that all weave together into one larger plot. The constant shifting of main characters, and the voice-over narrations of each one help to keep things interesting, and to demand your attention. Much like "Kill Bill", it sort of skips around chronologically, but I think the story is initially much easier to follow overall. And, like "Kill Bill", there's a lot of graphic, over-the-top violence, but the black and white sort of helps to dull it over a bit, so it doesn't really seem quite as gory as it is.Anyway, this is a fantastic movie that any fan of excellent cinema should see. Robert Rodriguez has said that he wants to make movies of the entire "Sin City" series (and Johnny Depp is even slated to be in one), so I greatly look forward to the next installment.
This video will not enlighten you. Shot on video. In German with English subtitles.All of the main actors first names is also the first name of the character they play.Both Uwe Ochsenknecht and Gustav Peter Wohler were in "Am I Beautiful? (Binich schon? [1988]). Uwe Ochsenknecht was also in, Das Boot (1980) English title: The Boat (1980).Uwe plays a father. Currently all of his kids seem to be crying all the time. It is driving him nuts. He is a real estate agent. Gustav is a married man too, but his wife is a nag. He is a feng shui consultant. Uwe and Gustav are brothers. Uwe's wife has left him (well he finally has peace) and he begs Gustav to take him to the Sojij Monastery. Gustav wants to go alone because he reserved it a year ago, but relents and decides to take his brother along. Their vacation takes a turn for the worst when a taxi cab driver gets them lost.Don't pick this film because of what you see on the cover, it has nothing to do with a bath house and really isn't about feng shui.If you like films about travelers getting lost, may I recommendThe Out-of-Towners(1970) starring Jack Lemmon and Sandy Dennis.
Good quality metal If you want to make your own 2 inch square tube hitch of some type this 12 inch piece will work well. I would recomend a good coating of a Por15 or equivalent to be able to take the outside envronment if you are going to leave it in place on your vehicle, otherwisw just a coat of rustoleum primer and topcoat will be fine.
Absolute Trash! Carl Hiassen has only one thing on his mind in this book--Trash Disney no matter how unfactual and biased it may be. For Hiassen to be a journalist I have no idea how he has ever made any money because he doesn't know the first thing about objective writing. As a Disney Cast Member I can honestly say that Walt Disney World is better off that Carl Hiassen never visit our park again!!
Only Julia could make this character remotely likeable Having heard all the hoopla surrounding this film, I was fairly eager to see it, so when my father-in-law gave it to me for Christmas, I didn't waste much time.I was pretty disappointed, though. The title character, who I guess we are all supposed to see as a sharp, tough woman, seemed to me little more than someone with such a chip on her shoulder she was bowing under the weight. Her law partner (who was excellently played by Albert Finney) was nothing but kind to her, and she was constantly accusing him of trying to cheat her or of going behind her back. He gave her a car, for Heaven's sake, and she was still treating him like the enemy. Her refusal to dress professionally wasn't funny, either..it was an indication to me that she was a person who was determined to be rude to others.Since seeing the film, I have read more about Ms. Brockovitch and discovered that the story in the film is only half of the truth anyway. Many people in the town she "saved" found that their settlements were much smaller than the settlements of people who were particular "buddies" of Erin's..not to mention the fact that the chemical everyone in the film was so upset about is certainly present in Erin's cigarettes in far greater concentration than it was in the water, and that that particular chemical has STILL never been proven to do damage to people.An interesting film, I guess, but certainly not one I have a desire to see again.
Musically Disappointing I was disappointed with the musical quality of the songs. Yes, Frank Sinatra's performance was quite good and the lyrics were poignant. However, I found it hard to connect to the lyrics and the feelings that Sinatra was trying to relate because of the dryness of the music. There have been many sad songs written which were far superior musically to anything here. Examples which come to mind are: Another Day by Paul McCartney, Goodbye to Love by the Carpenters or what I think is the saddest song that I've ever heard - Alone Again, Naturally, by Gilbert O'Sullivan.
Kay Sage 'A House of Her Own' by Judith D. Slater This isn't the saddest life story I've read, but it is sadness at a most unusual point in the scale of melancholy. Riddled with irony, too. Almost 50 years to the day after Andre Breton commented that Sage's work 'must have been done by a man' Sage was not even listed by name in the surrealist art catalogs and none of her work was to be found in galleries or museums. Only a couple of solo shows and one painting at the 1958 World's Fair. Being the wife of a major surrealist such as Yves Tanguy did not bolster Kay Sage's career in art to say the least. Sage was already well-schooled in art before she met Yves and she came from a wealthy family. The images of her art shown in this book is well worth the money for the picures alone. It will show you 'unofficial personal surrealism' that Women and American Artists from all walks of life have had to face and overcome. Sage's work stands on it's own, yet the enigmatic energy of her ill-fated life and career are revealed in "A House Of Her Own".The book has several illustrations of paintings, drawings, and early photos including interior/exterior photos of the home Sage and Tanguy shared in Woodbury, Connecticut.For the Tanguy fans out there, this is a 'must read' book. Anyone that has sought out literature on the life of Yves Tanguy knows there isn't much to be found. A House Of Her Own reveals many details of a well-researched and authored biographer in Judith D. Suther.
Everything you need to know about dating between the covers My daughter gave me this Everything Dating Book 2nd Edition by Alison Blackman Dunham as a Christmas Gift because she knows I am a fan of The Advice Sisters, and I am a recent widow. I didn't think I could learn anything new from a book about dating, but I read it anyway because I didn't want my daughter to think I didn't like her gift. I'm amazed how much I have learned and how empowered I feel in just a few days since I've finished the book and felt I should share my views with other readers who might be searching for something new in the relationships section.Anyway, I started at the first chapter as the author suggests, and before I knew it, I had read half of it in one sitting. It is an easy read so I completed it in just a few hours, but I know I will be going back over the chapters again and again for advice and motivation.This book is just wonderful. It is organized in a logical way so that you start at the beginning when you are just thinking about what kind of relationship you might want, and then Ms. Blackman Dunham leads you through a few chapters of helping you to clarify your goals. The rest of the book helps you find out where to find the kind of people you would most like to meet in a way that is most interesting to you. For example, it never occurred to me that I could actually meet someone by volunteering, but that sounds so rewarding to me. The stories that are placed throughout each chapter are real and relevant, and made me think more carefully about my own social habits. I really learned a lot from those stories. There is also an entire chapter about online dating that I found fascinating, especially since we didn't even have computers, let alone the internet, last time I went out on a date. After you know what kind of person you might want to meet and where you can meet them, you can read about how to actually make the most of your dating situation, from how to sk someone out (which I never had to do in the old days) to how to handle who pays, making small talk, image issues, and even less enticing aspects of dating (eg. drugs & alcohol). I liked the fact that while the author doesn't try to scare you, she understands that dating can be challenging and she doesn't avoid the difficult topics singles really need to know how to handle "just in case."Finally, the book shows you how to assess a budding relationship and how to keep it strong through the various stages a couple encounters from "just dating" to a long-term relationship. The short but thought-provoking E-facts and the easy to do questionnaires and check-lists are very useful tools to help someone assess their relationship and keep it on track. The information on dealing with children and blending families, will be really useful for me once I do find that man of my dreams. With The Everything Dating Book 2nd Edition to guide me in the coming months, I am sure I will find him. This is an exceptional book. Thoughtful,comprehensive and intelligent. Whether you are young, middle aged, or a senior you will be able to benefit from the wisdom in this book. I give it an A+
Buy a router instead of a firewall. It's worth the money. After having a hacker leave a virus on my computer, I finally decided I need some protection. I went back and forth between getting a firewall or a router. Routers were pricier, so I looked at reviews for firewall software. If you look too, you'll notice none of them on Amazon get fantastic reviews. They have some serious potential to screw up your system. I figured that I have Norton AntiVirus, so their firewall should work fine. Plus, I get a discount since I have another product of theirs. I bought and installed it. Once that was done, I realized that to get the discount I need proof that I own the earlier product. Good luck getting proof of ownership from a downloaded product. I'm pretty sure that's a dead end.Like many others, though, it really screwed up my system. I get 5 - 10 error screens I have to Enter through when booting up, nothing is loaded in my system tray, peripherals can't be found, and it hangs on shutdown. Oh, and the firewall program says it is disabled. Why? Who knows. But when I go to enable it it says that I don't have the necessary rights/priviledges etc. to do so. I'm the only user on the computer. How can that be? Again, who knows. Maybe Symantec, but I ain't paying $30 to call them.The best part to this whole thing is that the hacker who originally acessed my system didn't really do any damage. I had to pay 50 bucks for my "protection" to really screw me over.Thanks, Symantec. Get bent.
Seriously??? Big let down. Had high hopes for this show & it let me down. Week Lead actor!!!! Or perhaps bad directing. Bad writing & editing. Leaves you hanging at the end. I can't go on about how bad this series was anymore. Anyway this purchase was a waste of money for me & will trade in asap. Blade 1 & 2 were great!!!
a spiritual twinkie I was very disappointed in this book. It is not theologically sound at all. It uses very few scriptures, and when it does they are taken way out of context. It looks at things more through the lens of secular psychology than a Christian viewpoint. It's scary to think that this is being used as Bible study material for young women at churches when it is not based on the Bible at all. Starting the chapters off with quotes from Bob Dylan and Aretha Franklin?? Lord, please forgive us!
Not the Best Book on Credit Derivatives The book is divided into 3 parts: Part 1 talks about the market and some accounting and regulatory implications. This part is very dry and difficult to get through. For me, this is partly because of the subject matter and more the way it was written. There are lots of generalizing statements that don't seem to add value. Part 2 goes over the actual building blocks such as asset swaps, credit default swaps, credit linked notes, etc. This section was not very insightful compared to other research and credit derivatives books I have read. A much better book on the mechanics is "Credit Derivatives" by Tavakoli. Part 3 discusses "credit derivative models" but is not very deep. There are no partial differential equations or a discussion of modeling the credit process. A better book on modeling is "Derivatives" by Wilmott. As a credit derivatives professional, I would not recommend this as your first CD book. It might add incremental knowledge as your third/ fourth book. Basically, I thought that the content could have be compressed. Overall, it seemed difficult to believe that the author could be a practitioner in the field. It makes more sense when you find out that this is only 1 out of 115 books he has written on a variety of topics.
The Cross and the Switchblade Friend of mine said that he actually got saved by reading this book. Although I bought it, I allowed him to let a co-worker borrow it. Never know how He can work.
Perfect My 7 pound dog would climb all over us while trying to drive because he wanted to see out the window, a friend had this car seat and it was the best $60 bucks I spent. I never write reviews but I had to because it's working so well for us. He hasn't climbed in my lap one time since we put it in the front seat, and I do not strap him in with the buckle that came with.I thought a car seat for a dog, you don't need it but yes you do!
Should be labeled "unbelieveable fiction." While "What if" questions in history are intriguing, book length treatments of "alternate histories" should be classified as fiction, not "history." Distrubingly, the author attempts to pass this book off as a "history," to the point of mixing fictional sources in with real sources in his "footnotes." Thus a reader with limited knowledge on the battle would have no idea what is "real" and what is "fiction." Footnotes in this type of book are unnessary and misleading.Just as bad is the fact that the scenario layed out in the book is completely unbelieveable. The strageties of the opposing commanders and subsequent movements of the troops are ludicrous. It would almost be funny, if not for the fact that many readers (who only have a casual interest in Gettysburg) will be fooled into believing this "history" was actually possible.
The heart cut out of a great story. I love every volume in the Hornblower series, and purchasedthis audio edition in a bookstore with the anticipation of enjoyingthem again driving around in the car. The audio cassette was well produced and very well read. It was with growing shock, however, that I realized that the parts I loved most had been cut out of this edition: the bare bones of the action remained, but the heart and soul of Hornblower had been snipped away. ...I encourage everyone to read Hornblower: these books have enriched my life and brought me hours of joy. But I would avoid these audio editions.
One Of The Best Straight Ahead Jazz Albums Ever Made! This Cd Is amazing! It features the great altoist Bobby Watson and John Hicks on piano,Victor Lewis on drums and Curtis Lundy on bass .. This cd will send you into a trance after the first song! it is so amazing how watson hicks and lundy and lewis work together as a group every song is played so great and will leave you wanting to hear more.. This is something that I will keep in my collection forever --- The standout tracks on this cd are " Elementary Mr.Watson " and " Someday Soon " and "Soul Eyes " and Watson's Amazing alto solo on " Pent Up House " trust me... If you like jazz or bobby watson or just want to hear a relaxing musicial masterpiece that is well played this is the cd for you!
Minus 5 Stars Absolutely one of the worst movies I've sat through....I could kick myself for wasting 2 hours and 42 minutes of my life. I like Tom Clancy, the internet and these actors...unfortunately for them, this movie had no redeeming qualities.
just plain awesome i have love this movie since i was a kid and watched it everyday with my best friend i love the big monster guy and the whole movie i have been searching for years to own it....altho i can rent it, i want it a copy of my own
HORRIBLE ACTING! EDITING! SCREENPLAY! YOU NAME IT, IT STINKS I remember this movie came out about the same time as "The Exorcist", when I was a kid. All the kids talked about it, because we were under age to see either movie, and if you saw a "R" picture you were cool. So we all said we saw it, and what our imaginations brought to the forefront were much better than what I saw in this horrible film. I rented it a year ago to finally see what all my friends said it was about.....and the conclusion was my friends never saw it...24 years later I come to the result that my 10 year old friends never saw the film, but should of been the advisors of the film. Because they would of made a better and more exciting film like "The Exorcist" which I do have in my DVD collection. No horror film has ever come close to "The Exorcist" an absolute classic. Miss this one and see "The Exorcist" or "The Omen" again for the 50th time. You will still be scared out of your wits. "It's Alive" should of been retitled "It Should Be Killed".
Did NOT fit as represented The caps did not fit the bottles on my Bemis 497-300 humidifier. They looked like they would fit but the thread size was wrong. The caps I was sent had four crenelation-gaps around the edge, whereas the ones on my unit (and the ones in the photo) only have two gaps or notches. I contacted the vendor and was told that they "should" fit. Ultimately I had to return these and order from another source - and those did work. The vendor did give me a full refund but I was out the cost of shipping back the misrepresented item.
Velvet!!! I just love the how pretty Velvet look when i put it in her hair. She is a Yorkie-Poo who is all black.
It's Ink What can I say? It's ink... It works.I did buy this refurbished, there was an issue with availability and the company contacted me immediately, fixed the issue, and promptly send out my ink. Great service. I believe the company name is: schoolcartridgereplacement.com you'll know it if you see it on the amazon page of other sellers.They have a great offer for replacement cartridges where they will donate $2.00 to the school of your choice when you use their mail-in replacement program. Check them out.
"The Long Walk" is better Why is this book so over-hyped? I cannot see the point. Frazier writes competently, but I find it hard to be enthused about his subjects. Maybe I'm just tired of reading about low-lifers and their disgusting appetites and vices. Call me old fashioned, but I don't see the need to wallow in the mud, even if it is elegantly described mud. If you want a compelling story of a heroic journey that is impossible to put down, read Slavomir Rawicz's "The Long Journey," available in paperback from Amazon.com for less than $11. This is a true story of the author's escape from a Siberian prison camp and his trek to India. It involves no graphic violence, rutting, or even cursing. Long Walk will restore your belief in the basic decency of your fellow human beings. It is also, in contract to Cold Mountain, impossible to put down.
Great Experience Got the movie in excellent condition. A little later than expected but Amazon took care of the confusion right away. Thanks Amazon
No Way Back from buying this clunker The first six minutes were promising. With a cast that included Russell, Kelly and Ian, I thought this would be a B movie that would be an enjoyable romp. Was I ever wrong. This movie just went straight downhill from the get go. Besides there being absolutely no chemistry between Crowe and Slater, it was painful to watch them. It was a painful experience all the way around.
Skip this one. Pros-Price is nearly as as good as it gets.-it does work, sort of.-plug and play, even with Linux.-Some of the Special keys actually work with LinuxCons-Cheaply made (Most cheaply made mouse and keyboard I have ever used)-keys feel "soft"-backspace key is very small-The Mouse will not work if further than 1.5' away from receiver.-Lag sometimes in communication between mouse and keyboard and computer.-Ink on keys poorly done, and hard to see.-Sounds terrible in use, like a loose spring rattling around in a ball point pen.-Description says 4 AA batteries required, you need two AAA and two AA.Overall, you will likely be happier with a used mouse/keyboard for the same price, or better yet, spend a little more cash up front, and get a decent product.
good for the money This product accomplishes simple slicing tasks but is not versatle in terms of thickness. It is simple to use and a good value.
woodstock doesn't compare This double-CD's bill has just about everybody who was somebody on the rock scene in 1970, and I must admit - and I'm sticking my neck way out here - it's BETTER than the Woodstock soundtrack!Ironically Jimi Hendrix's contribution is sloppy and uninteresting. It's too bad he died a few weeks later; even worse that the recordings from the interim will probably never make it onto authorized CD.ELP and Ten Years After are best left for the history books and if you take a listen to their 10-minute exhibitions you'll know why.Leonard Cohen is great; Joni Mitchell isn't far behind. John Sebastian (remember him?) gets a torpid couple of minutes in the limelight, and fortunately that's as generous as the compilers wanted to get. Jim Morrison...I don't get it (luckily, I must admit).The hardest act to follow is Miles Davis and his electric septet, who deliver 16 minutes of cryptic mutant jazz, not a wasted note (alright, maybe a few bars). But the Who don't slouch by any means. Between the two groups you have enough energy to reward your generosity at the checkout counter.Check out the companion video if you want a "visual aid"
An Awesome CD I would reccomend this cd to everyone! Jesse has a lot of talent that some people just don't appreciate!All my friends not only love his music but love him!Buy this CD if you want to be surpirsed by his talent many ignored during his career on Dream Street and his current career on the hit televison show SummerLnad!AWESOME CD!
Furry Lewis Fourth & Beale (The 1969 home recordings) This was a recording, that took place in Furry Lewis' bedroom in 1969. The quality could have been cleaner, but still a bit of history from a great blues slide guitarist. I feel this is a must for any blues collection. The recording is by far a much better that your typical home recording. Volume varies from song to song somewhat. Also there are not a bunch of musicians on this CD with the exception of Bucca White, simple and clean slide work for the most part. Order and enjoy!!!
Discordant Concerto I am big fan of Anne-Sophie Mutter but this piece is a disappointment. Her playing is beautiful but the piece (which I did not know) is very discordant and I am not a fan of discordant music. This CD was a disappointment for me. It is the first Mutter CD I have not enjoyed.
Regulating the Desperation in Hearts The only reason Hearts even got one star from me is that it was written by Mr. King. The literary content was worth the read but not the story. Although I felt the way all three stories overlapped (reminicent of The Regulators and Desperation) was clever, the story just didn't do it for me.Believe me when I say that I was so hoping I'd love it! I read a Carrie paperback in the fall of 1974 wrapped in a blanket, curled up in a chair on our porch and have been King-hooked ever since. Many of his books have made it past my eyes twice and now, since a lot are on tape, I have "listened" to many of them again and again. His books are so character driven that it's like visiting with old friends when I reread them! Usually I hate getting to the end of a King book because I have to "say goodbye" to those I've met within but with Hearts in Atlantis, I never really felt like I knew any of the characters at all.Don't worry, Mr. King, I am still your greatest fan (although no stalker as in Misery) and cannot wait for your next novel. I'm sure you are writing up a storm (er, pardon the pun). I have downloaded The Plant (sent the $1.00 and everything!) and find your unconventional style in that quite interesting. By the way, Carlos Detweiller could be a distant relative of mine!So, to all the other King fans out there, by all means read Hearts in Atlantis! It certainly may be your cup of tea even though it wasn't mine. dd
Good Razer, but bad promotion on amazon.com part Its a good razor, i liked it, but i bought this razor in february thinking that i will get $40 off. never got an email never got any confirmation of any sort about my $40 for future purchase. so if anyone wants to get this razor for the $40 off look else where because you wont get it. other wise its a good razor.
An Outstanding Blu ray release Amidst an ever increasing number of mediocre and lackluster Bluray releases it is nice to find one that lives up to the potential of the format and is worth paying the ridiculously elevated prices that Bluray currently commands. The movie itself is decent but the Bluray presentation is exceptional. Coming with a generous 4 pairs of glasses (and for those of you whining about only 4 pairs, please consider that 2 pairs have been the previous standard on 3D home releases) the 3D transfer is amazing with lots of dimensionality. This IS anaglyphic 3D but it is not the usual red and blue lenses. These glasses are a much lighter pink and green and eye strain typical of anaglyphic 3D is greatly reduced. Images fly off the screen and the film takes on a beautiful psychadelic color pallet unlike anything I have seen before. The 2D transfer also included on this disc is prestine with no film dirt or blemishes of any sort. The high def photography practically flys off the screen in the 2D version. The 5.1 audio mix is exceptional with plenty of surround effects for your rear speakers. Also included on the disc is an informative and entertaining commentary track from Bendan Fraser and director Eric Brevig. Three brief documentaries round out the disc that comes packaged in a 3D holographic cover. This is one Bluray release that really delivers and does not feel like an over priced rip off.
Racist Comments See the recent stories of Shawn Brooks, an account executive for the Philadelphia Eagles radio station. While I am a conservative, white male, in sales, I can clearly see where the comments in this book about how a black or Hispanic salesperson should dress when selling to white people would offend a black or Hispanic person.The particular chapter is titled, "When Blacks and Hispanics Sell to Whites (And Vice Versa)." As stated in the Philadelphia Inquirer, Sunday, March 24, 2002: "The chapter starts with a lukewarm disclaimer about racial prejudice and proceeds to embrace the crudest of stereotypes, ones so disturbing that they led Brooks to eventually resign and file a discrimination suit with the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, which found in his favor.""One passage from the offending chapter in the best-seller reads: "Blacks selling to whites should not wear Afro hair styles or any clothing that is African in association. If you're selling to corporate America it is very important that you dress, not as well as the white salesmen, but better than them.""Another excerpt reads: "If you're black selling to white middle America, dress as a white. Wear conservative pinstripe suits, preferably with vests, accompanied by all the establishment symbols, including the Ivy League tie.""The chapter continues: "If you are a Hispanic (Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban or other Latin American), you should avoid pencil-line mustaches, any articles of clothing that have Hispanic associations, and anything that is very sharp or precise. Also avoid any hair tonic that tends to give a greasy or shiny look to the hair; this also triggers a strong negative reaction."It turns out that the NAACP is joining this suit with intentions of bringing national attention to it. We will probably be hearing more on this soon.
Bad screws My order came with the wrong screws or a bad nut thread, the thing is that one of the main screws just go 2 turnes in the nut inside the arm piece. Now I am trying to find the right screw for the piece.
Diablo 2 compatablity issues I updated all my computers to Windows XP service pack 3. I tried play the game after a one year hiatus. the gamefreezes at the start of the level. I have no intentions of buying Diablo 3. It seems that blizzard is an inferiorcompany compared with the likes of Valve and the makers of the Call of Duty and Gears of War series
The greatest band to ever walk the planet! There are no words to desrcibe the genius of this record. No matter what I say about it, I still would not be doing it justice. Everyone should own and expierence this album. You can't just listen to it, it won't let you simply listen to it, you expierence the mood and the feeling of the wall. Take a TRIP through a true genius's mind and buy The Wall. And if you can handle it let me also recommend seeing the movie. The only other rock albums you can even compare the Wall too, are the other Pink Floyd albums. They are truely the greatest band EVER!
A Glorious Memory from the 70's!!!!! A wonderful story set in the disco era of the 1970's which stars a young Donna Summer as a struggling singer trying to get a foothold in the magical era of dance music. Her performance of one of her greatest hits of all time, Last Dance, is a gem!!!! She is young and beautiful here and NOT to be missed. She is gone now, but this movie will always stand as a watermark for her great talent. And besides that, it's just a FUN movie which is authentic in its portrayal of the 70's dance era.
Looks Tough Looks are deceiving. I haven't taken this item out on any serious adventure yet but out of the box it feels rather flimsy. The light in the back that swivels is tough to maneuver and I think it will probably break off sometime. The front light is kind of dim. The radio and flasher are OK. Everything works as supposed to, I just wish I shopped around before I picked this one up.
The age of rocks NOT the rock of ages The hidden premise of Behe's Darwin's Black box is this: "If I poke enough holes in Darwinism then Creationism wins by default" Sorry, it doesn't work that way.Let's assume that natural selection over long periods of time did not account for life as we know it today, then why is it that we NEVER find fossilized remains of modern mammals? Is it any wonder we don't find ANY fossilized remains of Homo erectus mixed in with dinosaur fossils??If Mr. Behe is so damn smart, instead of trying to pull a rabbit out of his hat all he has to do to pull a rabbit (or any other modern mammal) out of the Cambrian or Jurassic Period then he would be able to turn Darwinism on its head. Yes, it should be that easy!!!!Even if Darwin was not 100% correct on all the details, Evolution is still a fact!!!Accept it and move on!!!
In every sense, a nightmare. There is one reason to read this book, and that is if you want to experience a waking nightmare.Conrad's book is the simple story of a man witnessing mad horror, writ large and scary. The prose itself is not worthwhile; much like a dream, it wages a losing battle with coherency, and ultimately is almost unreadable. However, as Marlow maundered on and on about The Darkness, The Gloom, and so on and so forth, Conrad somehow managed to instill a sense of mad, fearful anticipation me. There is no reason to be afraid, and every once in a while I would stop, blink, and realize the preceding text was stupid. However, reading each word, I couldn't *help* but agree with Marlow that something *felt* terribly wrong.The very idea of writing which can force a reader to experience subtle changes in disposition would be worth 3 and a half stars to me, but like so many nightmares, this book bubbles and builds, and finally never goes anywhere. I finished it about the same as I left it, with no real care to keep the memories, and continued on to other dreams.
Great album (if you have the luxury of tv adverts) This is a fantastic raw and beautiful album. Only thing is, most people would probably not even have heard of it, if it was not for a UK tv advert. How many wonderful artists would we be enjoying today if they had the ability to be given a prime time tv advert run? This only proves that hidden gems do exist and this is a hidden gem now mainstream in popularity.