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terrific This book, is a personal favorite. I started to read it and could not put it down for the life of me. Mr. Steinbeck did an amazing job and has written a spectacular novella. If there were one book I could recomend to anybody, this is it. The tale of Lennie and George is one with laughter, tears(the book brought me to them), and truth about the cold heartedness that exists in the human factor.
NOW OR NEVER RULES If you like pop rock music and you are looking for soemthing different to listen to then I highly recommend Now or Never. It is a different sound from the Backstreet Boys. This album reminds me of Bon Jovi and Bryan Adams. This album is an amazing album for a first solo album.
Did not expect it to be this good. . . I gave 5 stars for this first season of, well, surprise. Yeah, sure, graphics are 10/10, but geez, for a tv show, they're not bad. The story continues with each new episode with small stories within each new episode.Many tv shows have a small story with BIG stories that start new each episode. Since Falling Skies doesn't do that, I gave it 5/5. I'd rather the story continue at a good pace than slow as the writers bore us with new individual story lines each new episode.Definitely worth a watch if you like end of world and science fiction events. Waiting for the BluRay version of Season 2! :)
Will it work today? I've had this item for less than a year, and already it has problems reading some brand new bought CD's as well as most burned CD-R's. The same CD's and CD-R's work fine on my computer and in other players. After having the problem, I tried a cleaning disk but that didn't make any difference, and I'm really doubtful that is the issue.It seems more likely that this is just a poor product and I got gipped.Further, I was very disappointed that although it "claims" to be a Super VHS player, it doesn't support SVideo output for the VCR (nor composite).Unlike another reviewer, I am able to get the RCA video out to work with the VCR function.
My daughter didn't even like it, we threw it out. I'm sorry Miss Underwood, but I don't even think that we need to have another mediocre country artist. She just needs to wisen up.
Venus: the Forrest Gump of the Solar System To believe Velikovsky we have to disregard the fundamental laws of physics that govern planetary orbits. These laws were proposed by Kepler, given a rigorous theoretical underpinning by Newton, and refined by Einstein to match the most accurate observations we have been able to make. We use these laws to make pinpoint accurate predictions of astronomical events and plot paths of space probes over distances of many hundreds of millions of miles. But Velikovsky is clearly ignorant of their work.If you believe that direct divine intervention produced the miracles explained by Velikovsky's theories, fine -- that is a simple and irrefutable position. However, if you are looking for scientific explanations for religious or mythical events, keep looking because Velikovsky knows too little of science.If you're interested in a whimsical astronomical tale, with Venus acting like Forrest Gump and participating in an astonishing array of amazing events, I heartily recommend this book.
Does the trick and very affordable This cover fits my grill like a glove and will even expand when I get my smoker attachment. If you own a Char Griller you have to have this to keep it out of the elements.Well worth the money.
Best Harry Potter book yet This is the best Harry Potter book yet. Really, it's amazingly good. I had tears in my eyes many times throughout the story. I only wish it could have been longer--now that I'm finished with it, I really miss reading it. I'm extremely grateful to J.K. Rowling for having written this book, because reading it was one of the most wonderful experiences I've ever had.
Realistic Family Problems This book deals with the subjects of Domestic Violence, caring for an ill parent and a family pulling it together. Not the most pleasant topics for pleasure reading, but something that is very real and something we may have to deal with in our lifetime.Meet 3 siblings; Rick, Gina and Sydney. Each of them has their own personal issues and a ill mother, who needs their assistance. Only one child, Sydney, is willing to make the sacrifices to care for her mother and while trying to take care of her issues. She resents the lack of help from her other siblings, but they see her as the one their mother prefers and the one most able to care for their mother. Afterall, Rick is being pressed into a committment and his inablility to make this committment can cost him greatly. Gina, can't even leave the house with out her husband consent or she will have to face dire consequences, inflicted by her husband. And nobody knows about the demons that Sydney is fighting. These 3 siblings will make you want to scream, fuss and take their hand and show them the way. I think this book paints a very realistic picture of what could happen in any family USA.
didn't last long ordered this belt in november was broke by january checked everything moves freely can find no reason for it to break, the original lasted 1 1/2 years. thats what happens when you buy because of price. its my fault i knew better.
Good message but poorly written, unconvincing This is the type of book that inspires Al Franken and Michael Moore. There are some good arguments to be made against the secularization of America and other conservative authors have made them decently, some better than others, but this book shows an amateur. Read something by Bill O'Reilly and you get the sense that his argument is mildly reasonable, even if you hold different views. The man it seems is trying to convince you that his argument is valid. Read the pages of this book and you are embarrassed to be a conservative. Savage's goal isn't to convince his detractors or even the undecided person, that he, Savage is right, but merely to please everyone who already agrees with him. Then again, anyone who is as ashamed of his religion as savage is hard to take seriously anyway.
Not a pleasant read I kind of got the existential point the author was making here about how all our lives are redundant, inauthentic cycles of meaningless events, blah blah blah. I guess in the end I fall into the category of readers who likes a cohesive plot. Just because you are trying to be existential does not mean you can just string a bunch of events together without any thought to the book as a whole. You don't have to answer every mystery for me, but the book started out with such an interesting premise and so many promising mysteries to be solved that I was disappointed when none -- not one -- was revealed. I enjoyed the beginning third or so of the book, but once the narrator started re-enacting a series of meaningless (or were they? I guess we'll NEVER KNOW) events, it became so tedious a read I began to feel that I, like the narrator, was going insane. Possibly that was the author's point. Well done if so, but it didn't make for a very enjoyable read.
PLEASE READ ! I purchased this book while on vacation as it looked like a good book to read at the beach. The book reviews on the 1st couple of pages looked great but ...I am sorry I did not open it and read a few pages. It is a book that is full of extremely bad language ...#%*#...not my style. It is not well done. I am tired of authors and movie directors who think the average guy on the street wants this kind of trash...To make matters worse the author teaches college literature. He should know better. this is not literature...pure trash. The College of the Atlantic in Maine can do much better. I cannot believe I am the 1st person to give this book the review it deserves. I would have given it 0 stars if this were an option...If a book full of 4 letter words is your style, go for it. But when your kids start to talk this way- don't blame their friends. I am taking a stand and burning this book instead of trading it at a used book store.
great radio! Love this radio! We leave it in our outdoor shower. It has been through downpours and still works like a charm! All of our favorite stations come in clearly. The only issue is the weather band - we don't have good reception on that. We highly recommend it.
The 'Original' My mother started reading this to us when I was about 5 years old; we all finished it on our own before the year was out. Engaging characters and an entire new world; this story was the basis for most of the grand adventure fantasy that has been written in the last fifty years. I used to re-read it yearly, now it's only about every 4-5 years...Excellent story.
Lacking Plot I read this book to help my son with his book report. I'm in awe that this book won a Newbery award. It tells about some exploits of a boy and his cat, but lacks a main plot. There isn't much action. I kept waiting for something to happen, maybe a twist at the end about Tom's dad. I was pretty disappointed at the end.My son has had problems finding good books to read for book reports. So many revolve around female main characters and narrators. He picked this book because it has a male main character and a cat - my son loves cats. Sadly this book is missing something vital.
Sent it Back This product was a disaster. It sputtered through its vapor hole in the lid and sent rice starch everywhere. I must have gotten a defective one because it was not possible to make rice with it. It would not shut off (actually I never let it run long enough to find out after smelling burning rice).I went to Target and bought 19 dollar "Aroma" rice cooker based on the recommendation of a Korean friend. It works great!! I use it constantly for making rice and steaming vegetables. I can cook an entire meal with it at once. I don't can't imagine how spending another 80 to 180 dollars could improve upon it.You don't need to spend 100 to 200 dollars to get a decent rice cooker for the home.
Bad supplier I would not buy Sango products from Amazon if I were you. Their supplier is terrible. There is nothing wrong with Sango products, it is just that Amazon and the supplier do not care about product quality or customer happiness.The first set that I received had bubbles in the glaze and it was easy to send it back. However, the second set I received came broken. Things like this do happen in the mail, but what upset me was the fact that there were wrapped up pieces and notes from a previous customer. What this told me was that the supplier was sending out already returned broken items and trying to pass them off as new. I brought this to Amazon's attention twice and all I received was a generic response. I recommend you buy your Sango products elsewhere.
Decent Thriller This is essentially two books; an espionage story set largely in Portugal during WWII and a police procedural in contemporary Portugal. The WWII story sets the stage for the contemporary mystery. Wilson is a competent writer and each story is handled fairly well. These two threads are brought together at the end in a needlessly complicated conclusion. There is a good deal of gratuitous, both in the conventional sense and in the sense that it doesn't really advance the plot, violence and sex. Books with repeated scenes of rape are usually not very appealing.
Cheap Chinese CRAP and that's being nice This greenhouse is typical of horrible Chinese quality especially where anything made of metal or plastic is involved. The connectors for the frame is the main weak link and are manufactured of incredibly brittle, breaks if you look at it, cheap plastic. When the wind blows and the greenhouse shakes, the frame connector pieces crack appart easily. They even cracked and broke appart while erecting the frame. The frame itself could have been a little heavier but for the money it would have been OK were it not for the totally crappy connectors. The door zippers are crap easily ripping away from the greenhouse material. This is a great idea done poorly. Buyer beware before buying anything of Chinese origin. By the way, the Green house's plastic material appears to be fairly sturdy other than anywhere something is sewn to it. MY ADVICE: Look for one of those free standing jobs with the flexable, easily replaceable poles. If it's chinese and has to be put together then it is probably going to fall appart easily because they are incappable of producing products where all components are of acceptable quality. There is always a weak link ! I might try and build a frame from what's left of this piece of junk next spring. Right now it's a heap out in the back yard, which is where yours will be if you buy one. BUYER BEWARE !
Antec cooling pad This pad keeps the laptop very cool, but the power jack where the laptop cooling pad plugs into is a little flimzy.. I would still buy this product again. you will be happy and it will last a long time as long as you take care of it. If you give it to the kids for their laptop and they spill flintstones cereal in it..it may not work!
American Ugly "American Beauty" is a new low in American cinema. The buzz that you might have heard from critics needs to be put in perspective: You see, many of the top film professors and critics read the film text as a pointed criticism of Reaganism and the fall of the WASP male. With this in mind, they praise the film for politics rather than power. Moreover, the studios are trying to turn a British director into a mainstream, American director, a move which always requires a little push from the liberal-minded critics. Furthemore, the film is problematic because it tries to present left-wing politics as a middle-American staple. Many people would like to labor under the illusion that this scenario is all too familiar in America; but rather the reverse is true. What exists in "Beauty" can hardly be labeled typical. I've often wondered why a British director intrepreting middle American life receives less flack than when a male directs a feminist film. Ridley Scott was criticized as being unqualified to film "Thelma and Louise," because it was a feminist film, and, obviously, he was male. But the same outrage doesn't take place from the critics when British director Sam Mendes interprets American life--he too is unqualified for a balanced take; especially since he embodies leftist politics. But that's precisely it, isn't it? He is reinforcing a view of America that most critics would like everyone else to believe in. It's also a little known fact, except in Hollywood circles, that "American Beauty" is considered a joke amongst filmmakers, just like the tag-line which equated "Traffic" with "The Godfather." Most people in the industry are so familiar with the politics and intrigue that was used to package a terrible film like "Beauty" to everyday Joes, that they write it off. "American Beauty" is not really considered a classic amongst professionals, but rather by people who are too ignorant to realize they are being swept up in agenda. There were many foreign films that easily could have garnered Best Picture from the Academy--films that far surpassed "Beauty" in subject and style; but they were pigeon-holed by the superflous "Best Foreign Picture" category, in order to keep Hollywood as the film mecca. A film like "American Beauty," however, suggests that America might be losing that claim.
Great Tool Have been using it to cut down limbs and small trees around my lake property, it has worked well.Definetly reccomend a second battery, to allow you to continue working after one is done.So far so good.Oops i acutally purchsed the 20 volt, please disregard this review.
QUEENSRYCHE GOING DOWN... I lost some credibility for Queenryche when they released RAGE FOR ORDER, succumbing to pressures to dress thjemselves like Motley Cure or Poison or Dokken or Bon Jovi. But with EMPIRE and OPERATION... they proved once and for all their autenticity and special place in the metal world. It was hard to follow those two great albuns and one had to be expecting a brief decline in thheir next album. And it came in the form of PROMISED LAND, a really weak album, withou any firm orientation, lacking punch, over produced, totally synthesized.
Do not purchase I purchased this monitor w/TV tuner and it was a very bad decision. The TV does not recieve digital signals. I had to purchase a digital to analog converter($30.00) The speakers are tiny and I cannot hear it in the boat cabin. I had to purchase a set of wireless headphones($25.00) I tried to get a refund with no results(Paypal). The monitor looks good on the boat bulkhead but that is all that was good.
Makes decent coffee; flimsy carafe Brews a decent cup of coffee; however, the carafe is poorly designed and as other have noted the cap does not make a decent seal, and the interior elastic is flimsy. Elastic band pulled off after less than a month's use; replacement caps are not available, and replacement carafe + shipping from DeLonghi is almost the cost of a new coffeemaker. Avoid. Buy the 4-cup Cuisinart unit (DCC-450) instead.
Horrible As mentioned many times, the math questions are extremely out of date.Furthermore, while the vocab in the verbal sections reflects what is actually on the test, the questions are poorly put together, seemingly by an out of work English Grad Student in need of work who was given a list of vocab words and told to make a practice test with them. It's very clear that the same minds writing the actual GRE were not behind these practice tests, as the book's cover suggests.Avoid this one. If you need a test-prep book, I suggest looking at other books with better marks in the reviews section.
Best Baby Food Cookbook out there!!! I used this cookbook for my first child and I loved the diversity of the menu!! I am just now beginning to use it again for my second and I love it even more!! The recipes are easy to follow, many options are given to make certain recipes a little different, and the combinations of food for the liitlest babies are unique. I never would have thought to put vegetables with fruit(i.e. mixing sweet potatoes with applesauce!)But both my kids love it!! Great Book!
CLARKE GABLE WAS A GOD The most gorgeous man to walk the earth. These two have unmatched screen chemistry. One of the handful of movies that withstand the test of time. Vivian Leigh is also amazing.
It's a Scream baby! So you liked scream, but didn't think Scream 2 was up to the same standard? Worried this film will be the same? DON'T! This brings back the comedic Horrer that made scream such a big box office smash, and of coarse more of that trademark poking fun of the horrer genre that we all love, trust me this is "A Scream baby!"It is set around the set of "Stab 3" The only one of the stab films not based on real life or a book written By Gale Weathers (Courteney Cox, Scream 1 & 2 and Friends). But someone wants to make his own sequal and ofcoarse its up to our beloved heroine (Neve Campbell Scream 1 & 2, Party of Five) to track down the killer/s but not without a little help from her buddies Gale and Dewey (David Arquette Scream 1 & 2). there are Some great Scream New comers introduced in this film, probably the most memorable being Parker Posey Playing the Hilarious Jeniffer Jolie theres also Patrick Dempsey, Jenny McCarthy and Felicity's Scott Foley. Also Liev Schreiber and Jamie Kennedy make small but Awsome Cameos. Believe me this movies got it all and all i can say is that it's all over and it goes of with a bang!And remember the Last scream is always the most terrifying! SCR3AM
Buggy product - but JVC extends the warranty These units have a well documented "Loading Bug" problem. Search videohelp.com or avsforum.com to verify. After as little as a few days, the "Loading" message flashes on screen intermittently, each time wiping the disk clean. The frequency increases until the unit is unusable.My Loading Bug started at 8 weeks. It was repaired under warranty, but the bug is back at 13 weeks, just past the 90 day warranty period and the JVC service facility's 30 day repair guarantee. It takes 1.5 hours of labor at $90 per hour to fix the Loading Bug. JVC told me, however, they would re-fix the unit as a "courtesy."Incidentally, JVC offers extended warranties for its products on its website. I tried to purchase an extended warranty for the DR-M10S, but JVC doesn't even offer one for this model.UPDATE 02/16/05: JVC now offers to fix this model free of charge, apparently even after the warranty expiration. See the FAQ page on JVC's website.
A Shuffle? This album is outstanding. What makes it so great is its replay value. I can listen to the great lyrics and diverse beats without ever getting sick of the album. Too often albums are pegged as classics without being given enough time to have their replay value evaluted. With Masters of the Universe, this is not the case. The lyrics are clever, and the delivery is natural. The beats vary greatly from track to track. You never hear the same sounds twice. My favorite track is probably New Hip Hop, but they are all great. I highly recomend this album. This is an excellent debut from a talented group.
NCSoft MMO Killers NCSoft is a horrible company to deal with, they have a long history of canceling successful MMOs and leaving fans out cold. MMOs are a great social experience and they become a significant part of the player's life. If you value those aspects, then don't look at anything published by this company. Sooner than later they WILL cancel the game on you.
Shortness of Novel Belies its Depth Joseph Conrad created a small masterpiece with the writing of Heart of Darkness (along with the near-miss of masterpiece status of the Secret Sharer, included in this volume) that still reverberates as an examination of the human pysche. Kurtz is a powerful creation that lasts because he is both so frighteningly unreal as he grows in Marlow's imagination but, in the end, too devastingly real as a product of the horrors around him. The territory surrounding the Congo river was truly as horrible as anything brought forth in this novel and reading Adam Hochschild's history, King Leopold's Ghost, along with this book by Joseph Conrad will give the reader a powerful view of the effects of colonization on the continent of Africa. A terrifying journey down the Congo that is important to take.
A Possibly Good Book Dr. Hutton writes from a very narrow academic perspective that has the effect of invalidating almost all other possible research done by any academic who isn't a British Historian.This narrowness allows him to dismiss Nora Chadwick and almost any other researcher as irrelevant to any discussion of his topic.He makes a number of broad assertions concerning religion and magical practices. The instance that comes to mind is his statement that no religious groups work nude. What about the Jains, the various Tantric orders, or the European Anabaptists?His distinction between magic and religion is a product of the Anglican church, and is generally not accepted as valid within other academic disciplines.By dismissing all folkloric research as irrelevant, as well as ignoring the entirety of comparitive mythic studies, he is able to ignore entire bodies of evidence.While he is probably correct that many features of modern Europaganism are invented, he should be willing to follow the evidentiary threads more completely. How can one even begin to discuss the grail materials or Ross Nichols without a full discussion of Wagner's seminal article on the Grail, or Jesse Weston's place in this, or the importance of the Surrealists and Welsh poets of the 1930's?Hutton is firmly within the anti-nativist camp of Celtic studies, without bothering to discuss the transparent agendas of its founders, or to consider the evidence or counters discussed by Patrick Ford and others to the notion that the Celts had no religion before Christianity.Each generation re-invents its own mythologies and histories in accordance with the agendas of its proponents. This is as true of British historians as it is of Europagans.
Probably incredible. I have to wait on this one. There is no firmware upgrade for a Magnavox Blu-ray player availible yet. Unless someone out there knows of one. I have the movie I just can't watch it.
King Kong This movie is about the King-Kong that is a big ape was attacked from people in antrodden island.I thought the movie was very sad because a big ape die in finish.I would recommend this movie because this movie is very impression.
JAMES BOND 007 IS OUT OF HIS USUAL LEAGUE WOW! I think that any 007 fan would be abosolutly CRAZY if they didn't buy this movie. Even if you are not a 007 fan but you like action then this is the movie for you! full of suspence , action ,thrills , and a twist in the story!
DO NOT buy the enhanced edition. The new graphics are TERRIBLE. Instead of restoring the existing scenes, George Lucas has gone through and put in these ridiculous computerizations that are very clearly different from the rest of the scene.DO NOT BUY.
Horrible, don't even rent it The acting is bad. The CG is worse. The script is horrendous. I can't believe I rented this. Look it was a shot in the dark. I was delirious. An hour had passed and finally I just grabbed and dashed. I felt sick as my hand closed over the copy but pushed the nausea away believing it to be a symptom from browser fatigue.Never consider this movie. Oh and Asylum movies in general. The previews showed at least 4 movies there could have been more but they all blended into one. I couldn't tell them apart because they use the SAME CG SEQUENCES FOR DIFFERENT MOVIES. Talk about your shoestring budgets.I feel bad for the actors in this.
A Nit-Picking, Profit-engineering diatribe This add-book by deWalt attempts to stir up more money by scraping the bottom of the barrel to bring up transcripts of altittude-addled interviews. Worse, the Salon sword-crossing with Jon Krakauer is so phony that deWalt appears mostly to be clutching at straws to defend a man whose biggest mistake wasnt that he did not fulfil his guiding duties - but rather the inability to admit a mistake. And the Salon excerpts do go on interminably.Boukreev is a flawed hero but a hero nonetheless.Krakauer's own compelling version of the events bear testimony to this. And as for the sniping by deWalt, has he donated even a dollar of his profits to various mountaineering causes or organisations?The very silence on this issue begs the question whether or not such a book should ever have come out.I suggest all armchair climber thinking of buying this spend their money on World Mountaineering by Audrey Salkeld instead
Release date?!? 1) When are we finally going to get a release date for this? It's OCTOBER - to still not even know when to expect this is ridiculous.2) Enough with all the "it's not exactly like the books" blah blah. Of course it's not. Were you really expecting otherwise? As with any adapation of a book to the screen, you need to evaluate each independently. And in my opinion, if you forget about the books, and just look at this series for what it is, it's excellent.
great show I have been obsessed with this show It just gets better and better every single episode. It has such a great story, the actors are great, I cant say enough about it. We need more seasons. I was so upset when ABC stopped airing it. I think it would fit wonderful on the SyFy network. I really hope the writers can get this back on tv for more seasons. There is a huge following for this show. There are 2 fan site pages on Facebook with updates and lots of neat info about the show. (Defying Gravity and Save Defying Gravity) I would trade all shows that I normally watch on TV for this ONE SHOW!!! (i no longer watch ABC)
In Search of Memories and Experiences More than a commentary on Swann's jealousy or M. Charlus's homosexuality or the frivolity of the Guermantes' sorties, Marcel Proust's monumental work In Search of Lost Time paints the unsuccessful reconstruction of a forgone world and a lost existence from fickle memories, which like morning mists would fade with the rising sun. The narrator Marcel, longing for a past that didn't exist but must be created, sought to experience Bergson's continuous time rather than the fragmented and still-framed instantaneous moments by attempting to blur the boundaries between Cambray and Paris, childhood and adolescence, and Swann and himself and integrate here and there, before and after, and him and me through memory fragments of previous objects, people and sensations. As in a neural network or a mind-map, the madeleine linked his aunt to his mother, who in turn was linked to Albertine through jealousy, which also connected Marcel with Saint Loop and Swann, who, as with his (Marcel's) grandmother, linked his childhood and adolescence. And through recollection, Marcel would try to relive the buried years and resurrect his grandmother and Albertine.But even during the narrative, Marcel realized memory's willfulness and the variation in hues, shapes, pitch and timbre between the actual object and its mental reconstruction. When he encountered an old friend, the facial features were so different from his recollection and reconstruction, for better or for worse pregnant with all the emotions, preoccupation, biases, that he could not match face with voice.Because recollected sensation can never equate with the actual experience and time, like a patient thief, steals memories a morsel at a time until one day the owner would realize he was ruined, Marcel ultimately would fail to recapture and assemble stolen sensations and decayed seconds and in the end, must create new moments, new sensations and ultimately a new biography, through the synergy between past experiences and creative imagination. From those deceased hours and decayed memories sprouted In Search of Lost Time, not only Proust's novel but also that of the narrator.Whether we savor Marcel's frailness, Swann's infatuation, Charlus's pompousness, Franscoise's independent-mindedness, the sorties' frivolousness or the social revelation of the Dreyfuss Affair, we can enjoy Proust's classic without resorting to Marxist or Freudian or Feminist critique. And the sentences, like the serpentine Amazon, seemed to flow unceasingly into the distant horizon carrying with it the sparkling sunlight. Although ascending the novel's three thousand pages appears precipitous, the effort will be well worth the while and, at the end of the adventure, the reader can rest on the crisp apex and savor time's transience and memory's playfulness as if they were alpine zephyrs.Leonard Seet[...]
Beautifully written This is the best book I have read about long-distance solo racing. It's the first book on the Vendee Globe in English, and it's incredibly well-done. Lundy does a great job of moving the book along with the race, while addressing some of the larger, equally interesting issues about this sort of sailing: what drives these men and women to risk life and limb, what is the role of the sea in the collective human experience. Its structure is sophisticated, and not for the reader he needs to be held by the hand and spoon fed. The introduction of Gerry Roufs at the beginning, with his fate unresolved, was a masterful touch -- it leaves a pall of dread over the book that kept me reading, mesmerized. Lundy never talks down to the reader or over-simplifies; one of the most audacious and courageous points he makes is that this sort of racing, while mind-bogglingly exciting at times, can also be mind-numbingly boring for long stretches. Readers who can't acknowledge this and who need to be constantly dazzled by fireworks and disasters, are advised to go see Star Wars. This is a classic.
SOLID ACTION PACKED INSTALLMENT! RESURRECTION?... THIS SERIES NEVER NEEDED IT! 3 1/2 STARS! Action packed forth installment is actually very good! We get to see more aliens than ever in this fun and fast paced finale(so far??). While the first and third 'Alien' movies were deliberately slow, building tension along the way. This film feels more like 'Aliens' (part 2) with lots of action and fast paced fun! I didn't remember liking this film as much the first time I saw it, but it seems to have grown on me.While we could all argue that this franchise could have stopped after the first film.....or maybe part 2. I feel that the last two entries did have something to say and there was a lot of thought care in these projects. These are not paint by numbers sequels. Much better than almost any other series that gets into these kind of numbers! How many part 3 or 4 films can you name that are any good at all? If you love the first film, maybe you should give the sequels another chance. I found the three sequels all fairly intelligent and entertaining.
Professional, predictable, and pedantic. Starswarm was written by someone who has fabricated several pounds of novels and read even more. The plot has been used in dozens of novels and hundreds of video games and thousands of movies. Viz: Plucky youth with secret identity sneaks thru villains to find the holy grail, claim his birthright, and win the girl.In this case the hero Kip is a "prince of the blood" gone into hiding with a faithful retainer, and a "magic" helper. An ursurper is on his tail. At no time is there any suspense. At no time is any character other than a cardboard cut-out. At no time is the history and society of Kip's world other than briefly sketched in.Been there, done that, have the T-shirt.
What a True Working Expirience This Movie is a necessity for any person working in corporate America.It describes very well all the instances and the reality that some many of us go thru when getting to work on a daily basis.
This one made me quit the series. I picked up The Path of Daggers after a several year hiatus from The Wheel of Time. While the distance between volumes certainly caused me to lose enthusiasm, and I realize my taste in fiction has changed somewhat, this book seemed worse than the others by far. After about one hundred pages of hair-pulling, ear-boxing, saidar-drawing, women grumbling about men, and vice versa, I realized I simply couldn't finish it. There's nothing wrong with a plotless novel (or plot-minimal, here) but they need substance otherwise, I wasn't getting anything from The Path of Daggers. Other reviewers talk of character development, but most of the thousand or so characters populating WoT seem to have changed little since they were introduced, and I find most unlikable. This is the only book I've completely given up on in the last five years.Thanks for the early books, Robert.
GOOD FERTILIZER FOR YOUR GARDEN TO MAKE THE SEEDS GROW Wasteful and distasteful. Those are the KINDEST words that can be applied to Cathy. She is truly a villainess. She is Olivia's granddaughter, all right. The same unquenchable thirst for revenge and the same cruel streak that colors her personality.Her oldest son Jory is a goody two dancing shoes and is boring and clueless for the most part. Jory's wife is a tired, pathetic cliche. She is a weak character who is very foolish like Alicia before her. Cathy's brother and lover Chris is a good man who allowed himself to make bad decisions, such as having a long standing incestuous relationship with his disgusting sister.Cindy, 16 at the opening of the story which is set in the late 1990s is Cathy and Chris' adopted daughter. A spoiled little tart, she takes advantage of anything and everyone and does some really stupid things. One singularly stupid act was for her to entertain a lover in the house where her "parents" and "brothers" were. Why she didn't check into a motel with the guy or at the very least lock her door remains a mystery. Of course we have a shadowy figure from the past. Bart is the only main character one could like. Cathy still treats him like dirt. The best part was when Bart spanked Cindy after she tried to spoil his party by dressing like a tart and humiliating him. She taunts him and Bart shows incredible restraint with this silly brat. Cindy was truly loathsome and odious, like Cathy. The best exchange was when Bart tells odious Cathy that "you all see what's wrong with me, but you close your eyes to the sins of your favorites!" He was right. Cathy was a monster who belonged in the compost heap.The attic again. The issues that launched the horrendous "Flowers in the Attic" play a "swan song" appearance in this last book. Fortunately, Cathy sang her swan song. She was for the birds.
Works with the Nintendo Revolution aswell Most of my thoughts have already been expressed in previous customer reviews, and they are all true in my opinion aswell. However, it is also important to note that this will be compatible with the GC ports on the Next-Gen system, The "Revolution". Note that this is a codename: the real name will be revealed at E3 on May 9-12, 2006. The revolution plays gamecube games out-of-the-box with the traditional two-handed controller. It features four gamecube controller port, aswell as two gamecube memory card ports.Source:IGN interview with Satoru Iwata by Matt Casamassina September 12, 2005Date of posting: March 26, 2006
A complex, balanced portrait of USSR/USA espionage Usually in these 1980's Cold War films, the Russians are portrayed as bungling, evil idiots, and the Americans are portrayed as wonderful, virtuous, absolutely perfect people. Here in Clint Eastwood's Firefox, the Russians are portrayed as intelligent professionals who are simply trying to do their job (to prevent the Firefox from being stolen), and who do screw up. And the Americans are portrayed as people who are just doing their jobs as well, but who also screw up. In other words, they are HUMAN, not cartoons. Many critics disliked this film, saying it was too slow until (SPOILER) Clint steals the plane. This is completely wrong. The film creates an unbearable, claustrophobic tension until the final chase sequence. Critics these days complain about films having too many special effects in them. Well, back in 1982, they were doing the opposite. I think this is one of Clint's best films. There is a featurette on the DVD, made at the time of the film's release for British TV. It's a very subdued, interesting feature, where Clint is very business like with his observations, and it's a nice contrast to the slick "featurettes" you get nowadays, which are really infomercials and have the depth of an Entertainment Tonight interview. To me, Clint seems more interested in his work than doing the Hollywood scene. Considering Clint is still making great films, I think he made the right choice and became an artist, instead of just a celebrity...
good reading Good price and fast shipping. I finished the first book in a week and now iut is number 2. Can't wait to rea\d more
Hysterical!! Great gift for soon-to-be-parents! My parents ran across this book as a gift for my sister-in-law. I couldn't stop laughing when I was reading it and just had to buy it a friend of mine that is expecting. It is full of valuable information but written in such a way that will keep you in stitches!
Two and a half stars ..... Braun's blurb about this model tells it like it is: "The perfect shaver series from Braun for demanding beginners .... "I should have believed it. My Braun 6520 was much better. I wish I could get it fixed.
AJS Amazon offered this at an attractive price. I received the product in perfect condition. This order completes my collection the Harry Potter movie series.
powerful for the patient This book surprised me. I mean, I knew it was a classic, but it isn't structured like any other book I've read. It starts out as a conventional story about this guy names Ishmael, it turns into a recasting of the whole whaling tradition in terms of American enthusiasm and resourcefullness, and then finishes as pure drama. Yes, there are some slow parts, but they seem real. As if Ismael/Melville is trying to convince the reader, a landlocked American in 1851, that being a whaler is interesting, understandable, and as stark a struggle with nature as the life of any frontiersman or explorer.
Amazing Movie This is the first film in Roger Corman's famous Edgar Allen Poe adaptations that went so well in the 1960s. Vincent Price starred in nearly all of them. Of the first batch, this is undeniably the best. The DVD features a great audio commentary by Corman himself. The only shame is that so many of our great actors have passed on before these times - imagine Vincent Price doing an audio commentary on this film...oh well.
I highly recommend this for the amateur cook at home My wife and I have already used this product a couple of times, and it's worked great so far. It's very powerful and easy to clean. I highly recommend this for the everyday cook that wants to take it to the next level.
"You haven't even made room for yourself." Have you ever thought that someone (a deceased uncle perhaps) was watching your every move from heaven? I think we all have, at one time or another. And maybe some of us change our behavior accordingly. What if your every life experience was being recorded to a hard-drive implanted in your brain? This is the premise of this intriguing, multi-layered drama, told with style and confidence by its director. In many ways its an intellectual heir to The Matrix but darker and less comic-book.I think this is the most thought-provoking film I've seen in a long time. What is the permanence of memory? What do we do when no one is looking? How to account for a man's life? How do we handle persistent guilt? Robin Williams is lucky to be able to do these small films between his Doubtfire paydays. And while he's OK here, he's really not a very good actor. When he scrunches up his face to indicate endearment its really cringe-inducing. Check out his work in Secret Agent for an another performance of interest.Highly recommended. Demands multiple viewings and considerable reflection.
wonderful love story This was excellent. A love story set in Germany during World War II; it is about the lives of a community, a woman, the war--all of it. The main character is wise and insightful. Her descriptions of life around her, all that is ugly and beautiful are full, crisp. This book is complex, engaging, and surprising.
If this is going to be your first Bollywood movie...pick another! I LOVE Bollywood movies. I saw my first "Kahbi Kushi" at a film festival and I was hooked. The love scenes were so sexy (And yet nobody even kissed! Amazing!). I loved the dancing and singing. I laughed at the silly misunderstandings. I cried (a LOT). Since then I've purchased many and loved most of them. Except this one. The first 30 minutes or so are as charming a Bollywood plot as any of the other movies. Poor boy sees rich girl, falls madly in love, follows her to another country, and woos her away from her family-approved wealthy fiance. Cute. But now there's 2 plus hours left of movie to go. And their relationship gets ugly. He can't get past her family's wealth and, though she never complains about their living situation, he's in a constant state of drama - scheming to succeed, blaming her when things don't go well...they split up, he makes a drunken scene outside her aunt's home.... Blah, blah, blah. As hammy as Shah Rukh Khan can be at times, he's never been unlikeable - until this movie. He was egotistical, arrogant, abrasive, annoying and I, frankly, wanted to reach through the screen and smack him.In short, if you want to dip your toe into the Bollywood ocean - and it's worth giving this genre a try - pick a different film.
Awful I hope I never have to meet people like anyone in this movie ever again. Unfunny, unemotional, and completely unlikeable. Did I mention that the film itself it awful? Almost as unlikeable as the characters.
Inspiring Unstoppable is truly a marvelous read!! I picked up the book while on vacation and found I could not put it down.The stories are inspiring; it shows how anyone can achieve success if they choose too. Each of the 7 Characteristics have supporting stories, plus the personal action plans to help ones focus. And the quotes at the end of every story by the person in story are very up lifting.This is a book I have and will continue to recommend. It can help you focus, be inspired and renew your spirit. You will realize you can achieve if you believe in yourself!!
Too Bad... there's absolutely no singing talent in this joke of a band. None. Is this some new hipster trend? To perceive sub-sophomoric junk that shouldn't have ever been recorded as somehow great? I can sing better than this -- and I can't sing. And the lyrics are dumb, too.
mishap i was really excited to receive this dvd, but whenever i tried to view it, it would not work. i have sent it back, and hope to receive a credit for it.
Awesome Cd! A.F.I is one of my fav bands, and this cd is no exception. I have to warn you though, if you started with Sing the Sorrow, which many A.F.I "fans" have been doing, thsi cd will be a VERY radical change for you. Just know that it was the smae way for the people that ahve been with A.F.I since the bitter sweet beginning. I highly recommend thsi cd to all rockers out there, and all peopel who just enjoy good music.
Lucas has officially ruined the saga Why Lucas, Why? Why Mess with Perfection? I can see you touching up cracks and dust on the original master, or adding a few tactful special effects here and there, but seriously? I mean this killed it for me (from the BlueRay): [...]. Vader screaming NOOOOOO! as he chooses his son over the Emperor? Also this? [...]. I mean seriously, is there anything Lucas won't do to ruin his legacy? I was ok with the re-releases of the OG Trilogy. Sure the Mos Eisley spaceport became a little overwhelming and the Jabba's palace dancers were just plain wrong, but I had faith in the man. Sure Greedo shooting first kinda took away from Han's swagger, but dammit, he was coming out with THE Prequels!! Then, Episode I came out. I waited in line like a lunatic for 4 hours on the first night. Eagerly anticipating the movie after 16 years of waiting, I was stunned when I saw the final product. Needless to say, Episodes 2 and 3 did nothing to restore my faith in the franchise. And now, he further bastardizes the original trilogy with these ridiculous add-ons. I implore you all to watch the YouTube scenes before shelling out $80 for this steaming pile! Release the original, unedited versions on Blue Ray George! DO NOT BUY THIS!!
terrific reading this a stunning book--astronishing in its depth, captivating as story, masterfully researched, and consistently well written. not a crime story, but a book about human emotions. you won't be disappointed.
1 star for music, 1 for dancing . . . 0 for sense Some friends and I watched this now-18-year-old flick last weekend, and all I can say is . . . what a feeling.The plot concerns 18 year-old Alex, welder by day, dancer by night, who lives in a converted Pittsburgh warehouse loft and dreams of becoming a ballerina as her grandmother once was. (How Alex has managed to acquire exceptional dance AND blowtorch skills by her 18th birthday is never explained.)As Alex "chases" her dream (she can't even work up the nerve to take an application to the local dance school from its frosty secretary), things happen. What happens and why is also largely unexplained, but the main sub-plot concerns the blossoming relationship between Alex and the owner of her construction company (who is perhaps twice her age but owns a Porsche). One minute Alex is shy and reluctant to date the boss; the next she's slipping off her bra while asking him if he's ever "seen" the music. On a later date, she's seductively sucking crab legs in a chic restaurant when his ex-wife (looking like some lost tsarina in her enormous fur hat) comes out of nowhere and provokes a verbal cat-fight, provoking Alex to reveal her revealing "tuxedo vest." And when Alex finds out that her man has used his influence to get her a dance audition at the school, she transforms into a wild-eyed, chain-smoking, trenchcoat-wearing hellion. (There's also a sub-plot about rescuing a friend from the "bad" nude dance club--as opposed to the good one where Alex dances--that is little more than melodramatic filler . . . well, there's a lot of filler, and still the movie barely makes 90 minutes. Not that that's really a bad thing.)The soundtrack is engaging; some of the dancing is exhilarating (even though Jennifer Beals didn't do most of it!). However, this movie is neither a romance nor a drama: it's a long, warped music video. Taken as such, it can be fun. Enjoy for some '80's nostalgia--what a feeling indeed.
Narcassitic Drivel I have always been a fan of Joan Lunden, but this tape is nothing more than narcissistic musing of her path to growth supported by The Golden Gate Spa and a high dollar fitness club in New YorkThe tape contributed no new or practical knowledge which one could make use of on their own path to growth.
I am impressed. Pigeonholing this record in with mere hardcore is an insult to potential listeners. Calling it plain old stereotypical hard rock is even more insulting. Why? Well, if I didn't know any better, I might mistake the opening of "Eating a Book" for a lost Van Halen riff. "Domestica"-era Cursive forms the basis for "The Creature Walks." Santana's body double for the night steps in on "Dinner With a Gypsy," my personal favorite, which features rubbery, singing guitar passages that go on and on to the rapt delight of anyone within earshot. These are only three songs. With influences so radically different from one another, it's hard to go wrong, assuming the execution is up to par. It is. He Is Legend mesh the aforementioned sounds into their own brand of hellish, chaotic rock.About the only common element all ten of these songs share is volume, volume and more volume. Unless you're used to getting the senior citizens discount from the Thursday afternoon matinee, this shouldn't be a bad thing.However, it is a bit tacky the way in which He Is Legend insist on "tacking on" bits of hardcore thrash to the ends of most of the songs on this record. The title track -- a clunky exercise in shiftless musical drama -- is coincidentally the most influenced by hardcore of the ten cuts here: a dissonant car wreck with eponymous lyrics that cryptically describe a bizarre kidnapping and ransom.For the most part, though, the number of worthy moments outweigh the bordering-on-unlistenable ones by a fairly large margin. Worth a look for something not quite the norm in the realm of hard rock.
Dated little thriller Seventeen year old Julie Jameson is faced with the biggest challenge of her life: driving from Florida to Illinois. Julie, her mother and her grandmother are all enjoying their time at the beach when they learn that Julie's father and uncle have been in a car crash. Her mother flies back, as there's no time to spare. This leaves Julie - indecisive, shy Julie - with the responsibility of driving her grandmother and all their stuff back.Poor Julie. From the opening pages, the reader is doused liberally in her insecurities. She's by no means a failure - good grades, good looking, good boyfriend, good future - but Julie's never been able to find her own way. "She feels unworthy of her parents", Julie describes herself (in the third person), "she wanted to be the bystander, not the star" (12). In fact, Julie only defines herself by her outgoing boyfriend, Peter. Slightly older and a much more dominant person, Peter lets Julie do what she wants: follow.The challenge of cross-country driving terrifies Julie. She's terrible behind the wheel and has no sense of direction. Plus, this is late December and the very idea of driving on snow (not a problem in Florida, but definitely a challenge once in the Midwest), leaves her petrified. Her grandmother is good company, but has her own (real) problems to deal with, like being very old and very ill. Julie exclaims for a bit, but is overruled. She's going to have to grow up and make the drive.Things start off badly. Julie is badly scared by some dangerous drivers in a "jalopy". Despite her grandmother's reassurances, it is clear that neither of them think that Julie has the ability to complete the journey. With this in mind, they stop to pick up a pair of "college boy" hitch-hikers. Julie needs help driving, and the two women want the reassurance of male company.The decision, to no one's surprise, is a terrible one. The two hitch-hikers, Hal and Johnny, turn out to be disastrous companions. Although Johnny is a good driver, that's small consolation for his boorish behaviour and irritable manners. Hal, the other boy is standoffish and icy, communicating only in sinister giggles. Why, they're not even in college.Matters go from bad to worse. Hal and Johnny refuse to leave. While Julie and her grandmother spend the night in the motel, the two hitch-hikers stay in the car. Eventually their indiscreet stalking turns into outright criminality - Julie and her grandmother become hostages in their own vehicle. Her grandmother's health begins to collapse, the boys grow more vicious and poor Julie is left to save the day.Which, for all practical purposes, she never does. Julie only overcomes her crippling security to make tiny feints in the direction of heroism. Mostly, she sits in the car, fiddles with her knitting and hopes desperately that her boyfriend will show up soon. (Spoiler: he does.) The best she does is hide her grandmother's rings. Yet, somehow, the final chapters of the book (post-rescue) are spent with Julie applauding herself for her newfound confidence. Her family ooh and aaah over her, and her boyfriend admits that he now sees her, if not as an equal, as someone that might have opinions of her own.Take Me to My Friend (later re-released as Three Desperate Days) has dated badly. If nothing else, the entire situation is rendered moot by a single cell phone. (In fact, I can't remember why Julie doesn't just call the police from a payphone or a motel - there's some reason.) There's also the wonderfully outdated sense of threat. These hostile hitch-hikers might steal her grandmother's rings or wreck their car. In any modern thriller, they would've been menaced by cannibal serial sex killers. Still, at fifty years old, the age of the book is the only excuse for Julie's marginal character growth. She begins the book as an insecurely passive lump and ends it as a lump secure in her passivity. Julie never learns to act, she merely endures - surviving the challenge, not overcoming it. Her eventual reward? To become the sort of girlfriend that her boyfriend "consults".
An absolutely brilliant and engrossing novel. The best book that I have ever read. As a seventeen year old who read the book for the first time more than three years ago, I truly resent people who claim that this book could only appeal to whiny baby boomers. That comment is ludicrously narrow-minded. This book spoke to me like no other book ever had before or has had since. I felt as if it was written for me. It was a truly incredible read. Hands down the best book that I have ever read!
Sinister Ending for a Romance Movie At the end of this movie Janet Jackson's character drives her soon to be ex-husband to his death and winds up grinning at the end of the movie as she gazes upon her next sexual prospect. This movie ended like a horror movie. It is a terrible example for any Black women who might be watching. That kind of aggressive, sadistic behavior is what you might read in the news, not in a romantic comedy or drama or whatever this melodrama was supposed to be.I hope Black women do not watch this movie and think this movie ending was okay because it was quite sinister. The Black men also seem unusually weak while the Black women appear dominant. No man really wants a loud mouthed, dominant woman, no matter what Tyler Perry says. This movie gave me nightmares.
Different scent I was finding it hard to purchase the Scruples Shampoo I loved. So, I ordered it from this website. The scent has been changed, so it is not as wonderful! I was hoping it was the same, for the bottle looked the same. I am disappointed!
Perfect for my 4 and 6 year old Good selection on stories and great for a new reader. They needed something with a little more meat in it and this bible works.
Very impressive I got off to a bit of a rocky start with this book, but I quickly got into it after a short time.This is a radical book. It stands much of what I have presumed to be true on its head. I realize that I have assumptions of life so basic that I never have examined them until now.I especially relate to the psychological notions of past (memory; life story) and future (worry and seeking fulfillment in the future). I had a vague idea of these two states, but this book has put them into sharp focus for me. I relate this to Carlos Castaneda and stopping the world and erasing personal history, which i now understand better now than ever before. I'm not sure I buy into the Don Juan idea of recapitalization or of the Eagle devouring our value added awareness at death unless we are clever enough to escape it, but this book has certainly been a life changer for me.My only complaint is that I am now finding that I have drifted off and have been captured in some meaningless monkey chatter of future or past, trying to rewrite the past, reliving something from the past, worrying about the future, running dialogs with someone about something someday. It's all very maddening.Fortunately, I retain a realization of this is what it is like to begin to awaken from such madness. I'm noticing what has been going on all of my life that I had not noticed before.The jig is up, the ego is mounting a final battle, and it looks to be shaping up to be a doosey. Well, it is entertaining, I'll give it that, as my mind does everything it can to avoid the now.My wife and I watched the 60's movie "Charley" (which is based on the story "flowers for Algernon" with some sex and sixties angst thrown in for good measure). I trust this awakening will not be followed by the death of the little mouse and a subsequent reversion to the mean. That would be mean indeed.
love the mastiffs I just love the Mastiff breeds. They're like a bunch of big softies. This is such a nice series for dog breeds. Come on Amazon! When are you going to give us Season 3???
There is more to Harry Potter than this! With the space limitation it would be impossible for me to tell everything that's wrong with the Harry Potter movie, but if you're a die-hard fan like me then I'm sure you already know. From bad special effects (the troll, the centaur), a disjointed screenplay (Why do H,H,and R first discover Fluffy in the apparent afternoon, but by the time they get back to the dormitory scurry off to bed?), choppy editing (That cut to the hut-on-the-rock scene is appalling and the music is overbearing throughout the film.), and bad directing (could *someone* have told Emma she didn't have to enunciate everything?!) the movie really could've of been much better.Of course the truth is that it's Harry so I can't help but at least liking it. The sets may've been quite good, I'll admit, but the spirit of the books just wasn't there. The movie is worth it only if you're a fan, but if you're just discovering Harry do focus on the books and not this mediocre bit of celluloid.On a related note, I've still not figured out how exactly to watch the extra footage, or even if it's on my DVD, though apparently it is, and I'm fed up with trying. I don't find it amusing that I have to work through a (very) poorly constructed "game" just to view extra footage.All in all my advice is to go read the book (again and again)!
Great Basil/Nigel film This film is one of the best,if not the best of the Rathbone/Bruce pairings.However,"Prelude to Death" has already been marketed along with the other Sherlock Holmes films of the duo as "Dressed to Kill".If you already own the set of SHerlock Holmes DVDs with Rathbone/Bruce,be aware this is a duplicate.The color rendering is marvelous.Much better than earlier attempts.The color rendition is worth the price of the DVD I suppose if you don't mind a duplicate."
A Classic. Orwell's striking story about the dangers of, basically, communism. It still strikes a chord ALL these years later. It may seem daunting, being an "out of touch old book" but better chance than not, you'll love it. ~Andy
It would be nice if this book was based on facts... Dr. O'Callaghan forces his own unbalanced opinions upon the reader. Hopefully, anyone reading this book will also take the time to read information based upon facts and widely accepted viewpoints and theories, not just one person's beliefs. It would be nice to think that all problems children have could be resolved as simply as the author implies. Recent studies have shown otherwise. But, one could chose to ignore these facts and studies,as Dr. O'Callaghan does.
Great for use as PC backup. No problems. Would purchase again. I've been using this as a backup for both my desktop and laptop for over two years, and have had absolutely no issues with it. Am about to purchase a unit with larger capacity, and will likely purchase another Seagate. Fast, reliable, data easily retrieved. Can't comment on the quality of customer support, b/c haven't needed any to date. Waited this long to post a review to gauge how it performed over time. My previous unit, of a different brand, crapped out after just a year. I don't use this as a portable unit, as I prefer flash drives for that purpose, so can't comment along those lines either. For a stationary backup on a home network, I highly recommend it.
Please do not read this book I had to read this book in school. After the first chapter I could tell that I would not enjoy this novel. The characters were not realistic. This was especially true of Francesca's children who seemed totally ok with the fact that Francesca cheated on her husband. Some people say that they were moved by this novel, I was not. All the pseudo-romantic babble (Cowboy, Falcon) made me feel ill. Not because it failed to move me, but because some people actually like it and think that this is good stuff.
Doggie door replacement The product was as expected , was just what we needed and does the job it should do. I am extremely satisfied.
Very Entertaining This reminded me a lot of "The 13th Warrior" and "Beowolf". I really liked this french version of an unearthly "beast" that no mortal could seem to slay.The martial arts and action is very impressive. I would recomend it to anyone who enjoys kick [butt] movies.This is not just a "Guy" action thriller.
A pure waste This movie was dumb and extremely LONG
Not useful for everyday conversation I speak french fluently and am always looking to increase my knowledge of colloquial french. This book is mostly filled with vulgar sayings and will only really help you if you're trying to offend someone. For a real slang dictionary, try Harrap's. It will help you more with day to day idioms and stuff that will help you express yourself more like a local. Don't waste your money on this book. I threw mine in the trash.
A Good Idea That Desperately Needed To Be Workshopped "Charming Billy" isn't the worst book I read all year, it's just the worst award-winning one. And that alone is worth an extra star. The writing is fine in places but, as many others have already said, is so hard to follow as to render it meaningless. Also, I had a major problem with how the narrator (Dennis' daughter) came upon some of the information she was now telling us. I won't give away the plot or any surprises but when reading it, ask yourself how she possibly could have known about certain events in the past? Unless I'm missing something, it was physically impossible for her to know some of what went on while Billy was away. It's hard to believe that such a fundamental mistake could have passed by an editor. Or, maybe it's not. And that's too bad.
The Best Book Ever This book was required reading by a Jewish teacher in my 8th grade English class, in Brooklyn. Being a know-it-all Black girl from Brooklyn, I never wanted to read it because I thought I knew it all. Fast forward 10+ years and I finally read the book as a semi-adult. Fast forward 10+ more years and I read it AT LEAST twice a year. This is, in my opinion, the best book for any young woman to read, EVER. It made me read everything else that Betty Smith wrote. It makes me check my local library's supply to make sure they have adequate copies for other young (or older, wiser) girls to read. I have searched and found a 1st printing of the book and I hold it more dearly that my most profound treasure. I would suggest this book to anyone that can read. It will surely teach you something about love, sacrifice and the complexity of the human heart. It is full of romantic love, child-parent love, hopes, dreams, fears, innocence, everything! I recently purchased the movie and I've watched it at least 15 times already. This is a really good book. Oprah thinks so too; she lists it as one of the few books that changed her life. I wholeheartedly agree.
2011 BluRay DVD combo & 2 disc DVD special edition I love the Harry Potter series. This is not a review about the movie itself. Go to IMDB for that. This is a review of the product. I am a total visual quality snob. This is without a doubt one of the worst movie transfers I have ever seen. HORRIBLE!!! I bought the 2 disc special edition DVD first. My initial thought was that Warner Bros had purposefully sabotaged the DVD quality in order to provoke people into investing in BluRay, which would then reveal the true potential of quality. So I returned the 2 disc special edition DVD for the DVD/BluRay combo. Alas! The BluRay was just as horrible. I know it's hard to wait, but I would really encourage people to NOT let Warner Bros make a profit on such a shoddy product: reject this release. Maybe they will get the hint that with general sales getting lower and lower each year, that they can't just abuse their customers without consequences.
Make sure you have time... This book is just a must-read for those who are interested in ultras, whether as an active athlete or just out of curiosity. Each of the stories are very personal and full of passion as well as experience that you can both draw and enjoy.When finishing it, I simply longed for more and wished it had been a 500 pager or more...
Lord of the Rings This Box set of Lord of the Rings is great I love this book and this set is great I have never been happier with a book set.
Its phenomenal The titanic movie has moved each and everyone's heart. Although, my kids didnt watch it but this made me introduce the story through ebook to them. They all like the story aside from its histroy, it also is suitable for a fantasy story.The Earth Dog Story
Only the 1st DVD is worth watching Only the 1st DVD is worth watching. All 5 other ones are nothing but still pictures of dead people and same stuff shows in all of them. Quality of the videos are horrible. Looks like everything was recorded in the 70s or 80s. Very disappointed, but again if you think the $$$ is worth it for only 1 DVD go ahead.
Bram Stoker may have written Dracula about his blood sucking widow Based on Bram Stoker's novel, "Dracula", the names have been changed for the safety of those involved. The other reason is because Stoker's estate denied director F.W. Murnau the rights to reproduce it. Now, here is the genius of Murnau...He changes the name to "Nosferatu" and changes the main character to "Count Orlok" and bam!!! One of the greatest examples of silent films is made.Murnau's faithful adaptation of the story brings images to the screen, the likes of which had not been seen. The inherent sense of sinister makes the scenes that by today's standards are tame, for the time where considered edgy. The amount of evil brought to the role of Count Orlok by Max Schreck has never been duplicated, not even by Bela Lugosi. Lanky and slightly stooped, with oversized, pointed ears and haunted, sunken eyes, this was Max Schreck's greatest screen role and would have no doubt made him a star, had it not been for that pesky lawsuit brought on by Stoker's widow (the real Dracula)...
This CD Apesta !!!!!!!!!!! Don't Buy This CD For Any Reason Is a Piece of sweepings Only The Song "Tender" Could Be Listen and it`s Not The Big Deal. Don`t Waste Your Money And Your Time Please.
How to Discover the History of England and Enjoy the Ride Rural Rides is today William Cobbett's best known work, and new editions are available. Even if you don't know who William Cobbett was, you may be simply attracted to this book's title, which was why I picked it up nearly a decade ago and have been re-reading parts of it ever since. Who doesn't like a rural ride?You are about to discover a treasure if: you love English history; you like to read travelogues or journals even if written long ago; you enjoy observing things in the landscape, including soil conditions and what is growing there. And, if you believe that reading journals is a superb pathway to the past, this is a perfect selection for you.Cobbett was an English radical social and political commentator (writer and speaker) of the latter 18th century and early 19th century. He was born in 1762 and died in 1835. As an example of his forthrightness, he was imprisoned in England for speaking out against the use of flogging in the army, in which he had served. He also spent many years in the United States.Cobbett was the local food advocate of his time, keeping up on the latest soil science and imparting his first-hand experience on the best growing practices. He published Cottage Economy in the 1820's, the same period of these travels. He founded the journal Political Register. He was very well known in England and America.I have the two-volume Everyman's Library edition, without a date of its publication, but certainly early 20th century. These two small, green cloth volumes have been a joy to have and to read.Rural Rides was more than a travelogue, of course. It was Cobbett's medium for commenting on society, nature and science. He was obsessed with the improvement of agricultural practices, and he was thrilled with natural phenomena. I recently reread a passage describing how, while riding on horseback with a friend, he saw ahead in the distance what he thought was a cloud of dust apparently arising from the passage of a stagecoach on an intersecting road, only to discover upon getting closer that it was a cloud - fog - on a sunny day, passing through a low point in the road. You will find plenty of these sorts of things, and observances upon the growing of turnips, corn and many crops, the types of soil in a particular town, what is growing there, the hospitality of people along the way, their political prejudices, remembrances of America for comparisons, horses, bad beds, good pubs, wild birds, cattle, dogs, hares, etc. etc. Each passage is given a place and a date. I sometimes leaf through to find a passage for the current date.It is helpful to know something of the history of the time. Otherwise you will have to gloss over his mention of such things as "the Pitt-system" that to Cobbett resulted in social decay and destruction of the rural economy. Not current on English political history? You can still enjoy the wealth of such passages as this: "Nov. 11, 1822: Uphusband once more, and, for the sixth time this year, over the North Hampshire Hills, which, notwithstanding their everlasting flints, I like very much. As you ride along, even in a green lane, the horses' feet make a noise like hammering. It seems as if you were riding on a mass of iron. Yet the soil is good, and bears some of the best wheat in England. All these high and, indeed, all chalky lands, are excellent for sheep...this pasture is on the very tops of these lofty hills, from which you can see the Isle of Wight."I hope you will find a copy that suits you and enjoy it as I have. Rural Rides is one of my great treasures and I never tire of reading it. I especially enjoy the passages describing places I have visited in England. It is one of the true marvels in this world that so many of the places Cobbett describes are much as they were, a testament to England's passion and determination to preserve its countryside.