class label
5 classes
Pros:-- Great looking gate compliments our hardwoods much more so than a white plastic gate (ugh).-- The HL and HS are almost 8" taller than the other Richell gates. The extra height is definitely needed if your dog(s) is larger than a tea-cup breed. The Freestanding design is fairly sturdy although I would be concerned if it could really hold up against very large dogs.Cons:-- Definitely expensive. But worth it if looks are important and you forsee using it for a long period of time.-- The gate folds nice and slim - but the freestanding legs stick out from the unit making it wider than I had hoped. But still easy to carry.-- Not easy to adjust the width on the fly because there are four screws that secure the two pieces of gate together.-- I would suggest coating the unit with a coat or two of polyurethane so that your dogs will not scratch the finish on top with their nails if they jump up or "hang" over the top of the gate.
34 stars
This potty is one of the most simple and efficient designs I've seen! I've been using it for a couple months now for my 4 month old and she just loves to sit on it -(with help, of course:). It has no folding or opening parts to break or get pinched on, just one piece. (We were using a regular potty chair, (SafetyFirst), and just about everytime we used it the darn thing fell apart in some way or another, emptying it was another story!) The splash guard works great, also good for holding baby up, and the seat is smooth with a great shape for little bums. It also is nice for traveling if you have a place to empty it, though for traveling I use a seat that takes a bag. Another thing I love about it is that my older children, (3-5), can easily empty it when they're trying to help. I would recommend this potty to anyone and everyone with a baby, especially if doing early training.
45 stars
Got these as replacements. They say to replace them every 3 months or so. Sounds good to me. Best deal I found. These work on all 3 types of Avent pumps, I have the manual, the Uno and the Duo.
45 stars
I love the concept behind this. My son uses a white noise machine to fall asleep and we wanted one for our baby due next month. I liked what I read about being able to mix sounds. First of all, you can only mix certain sounds together - not whatever you want. But, the real reason this is getting returned is that it is way too quiet. Even at it's loudest, there is no way it will block out noises. My husband and I could whisper near it when it was on full volume, and still hear each other just fine. This one goes back!
12 stars
i have been through so many strollers since i started having babies 12 years ago, this is my best purchase so far. i searched the net for a light weight, i had the aria with my 6 year old, it was just worn out, so i updated. it took about 2 minuts to put it together, the color is much better than online. i love the harness, my 7 month old can move about as he likes. the sunshade can be pulled all the way down infront of the baby which is great for when the sun is hitting in an annoying angle. its very smooth to push, very light weight, and wow, one hand , click, and its folded. love it... i have only had iy a month, so i dont know about bits falling off, hope not... if its like my 2002 aria then it should be fine.
45 stars
This item has saved my daughter many bumps and bruises and probably even a few cuts!! This is a great item although the child can pull it off the table when he gets bigger. I still would not do without mine!!!
34 stars
I almost didn't buy it because of how much more it costed compared to other pottys, but I'm sure glad that I did! The bag that comes with it is nice, but I have 2 year old twins...so I needed to be able to carry two extra sets of clothes, so I carried the potty in a backpack. I have a boy and a girl and they both love to use their "to-go" potty. We always use the handicap stalls, so that we have more room...it's so nice to let them go to the bathroom in public restrooms without worring about all the germs. So to sum it up, my twins and I are VERY satisfied with our purchase.
45 stars
I bought this playmat for my second son. I paid about $70 for mine, at the time, that was a good deal. It was still a little more than I wanted to spend. However, I am glad I bought it, my son loved it and from the time he was a couple of weeks old until last week (he is now 7 months old and getting ready to crawl) he used that mat several times every day! The music has volume control - which I love, and an option to stop playing until activated by the baby moving the poles. I never had to replace the batteries.SO why the four stars? Well, the price is a little steep, even a drop to $55 would be more appropriate. Also, one of the poles would come out. Now, I do have a 2 year old, and he also liked to "play" with the mat, so it is possible that our mat got a little rougher play than most, but it was still something we had to keep an eye on.
34 stars
We are satisfied with this purchase! It is so nice to be able to stick everything in the dishwasher, and the base is quick and easy to clean. We couldn't be happier. If you are deciding to go with this or a more expensive high chair, try this and you will likely be happy you did.
45 stars
I have tried several brand diapers, and really like Pampers Swaddlers and Pampers Cruisers most. (I did not like Pampers Baby Dry!) Cruisers are definitely worth the price. I have never had any issues with Amazon shipping, as mentioned in some of the other reviews - I always seem to get my order within a few days. I order in bulk when Amazon is having gift certificate promotions (i.e. spend $100, get $30), and usually get my gift certificate just in time for my next order...so, it saves even more money...not to mention they show up at my doorstep for no extra charge! You can't go wrong.**Addendum*** While I DID receive my diapers within just a few days of ordering, I am still waiting for the wipes that I ordered at the same time - it's been several weeks. Now I know what some of the other reviewers were talking about.
45 stars
I hated this stroller. It was so huge and super heavy. With only one toddler in it I couldn't even make a turn without having to put all my strength into it. It was awful. I immediately sent it back to Amazon.
01 star
Overall, I like this bed rail. Safety is of upmost concern, and I loved the fact this style of bed rail prevented the child from becoming entrapped between the rail and the bed. (Children have actually died or been injured by this....) It does take up some of the actual space on top of the mattress, but it's worth it, and the loss of space is really minimal. I found the rail to be secure; I could even roll against it and it didn't budge. After only 4-5 months of use, however, it did break where one of the side rails lock into the base section. Despite this, I'm going out to Target to get the same thing again. Overall, I think it's a great, safe design that perhaps needs a little tweaking.... I'd buy it again (and will do so today!)...
34 stars
My son is now 2 and has been a bottle baby. We have atleast 10 different cups and he has always refused them and screamed for his bottle.Lastnight we bought this terrific cup and he has not asked for the bottle yet! I will now be putting the bottles away for good this time! I will be ordering a few more so we always have one on hand.They are pricey, but if I wouldn't have bought all the other cups, I'd have had plenty of money saved just by buying these in the first place!
45 stars
This potty seat with step ladder is very stable and easy to use. It gives my nearly three-year-old daughter complete independence on the potty. There are no messy little potties to empty and clean. I realized how independent the Freedom Trainer helps my daughter be when she told me she used the potty in the night without waking me! Love it!
45 stars
We were so happy with this gate which worked well for nearly 5 months. Then yesterday, the entire metal bottom of the gate snapped in half. The warranty is only 90 days and they didn't have a part they could ship to fix it. The only option is to buy a brand new gate. I'm not going to do that just to have it break again. So irritating and a huge waste of money. I'll add a picture later.
01 star
I have a bunch of these covers and they have held up well. Some of them have been used for a couple babies and the velcro still works. The leg openings are a bit large for my daughter, but she is slender. It would probably be ideal for most other babies.
34 stars
I have been using these bottles since 1996. My oldest daughter was colic and ever since I changed the bottles to this, the colic stopped. Now I am on my third child and plan to use them again. I like these bottles because my children liked them. Easier to clean and the plastic are easy to dispose of. A MUST HAVE!!!
45 stars
Everything that happened to the other reviewers also happened to me. The most frustrating and dangerous of them all is that the monitor will turn off without notice--even when it is plugged in!!!! It does not go 800 feet as it claims. I can't even get my mail without the out of range alarm going off. I have been searching for a recall of the monitor, simply because of the danger of turning off without notice, but haven't found anything.
01 star
These diapers are supposed to be for moving babies and in that respect they are pretty good. However, they do not withstand much liquid in them before they start filtering through.
12 stars
I co-slept with my older children, but when I had 3 at once, I had to look at alternatives. For the first 2 months I swaddled the triplets, lined them up on the co-sleeper and they slept right beside me. It was WONDERFUL to have them right there. I got as much sleep as possible as a mommy of newborn triplets.The only thing I would change is the mattress pad is very hard, but the babies did not seem to mind.Team the co-sleeper up with the "Miracle Blanket" and you have a WONDERFUL combination!!!!!
34 stars
What can you say about a toilet seat lock? It works! The lock is very easy to install by following the directions. For an adult it is extremely easy to unlock, and it has kept our 15 month out of his newest place to explore.The only thing I am forseeing is with 3 older boys in the house, I can only imagine how nasty the plastic that hangs into the bowl is going to get...but this isn't a product issue.
45 stars
My son loves to color (even in the car), so I decided to buy this to make it easier for him. He loves it because it gives him a nice flat surface for his coloring books and crayons. It also keeps everything organized with the side pockets. It does slant toward him a little, so I cut a piece of non-skid drawer liner to put his crayons on to keep them from rolling around. Overall I think it is a great product, especially since it is soft enough not to hurt him in case of an accident.
45 stars
Purchased two of these teethers and will definitely replace them if they get lost. Our infant will not take a pacifier, but loves to chew on these while teething. So adorable too!The RaZ-berry teethers are chunky enough for babies to grasp and manipulate easily. The "fruit" is bumpy enough to feel good on sore gums, but not too rough to cause pain. Both the handle and the "leaves" also have raised sections that our baby loves to chew on.When refrigerated, they maintain their softness/pliability. Even after the teeth have erupted, this product has maintained its continuity.No complaints here. So glad we found them.
45 stars
At first I liked the product even though it is a pain to wash and a somewhat gross task. I figured its for the environment. When my daughter was 15 months more than half of the diapers started coming apart with the velcro. I spend over 400 dollars in diapers and they are defective. The company gave me a hard time returning them to be fixed. I had to pay my own shipping and handling for their defective product. I would not recommend these as it has been a huge inconvenience.
01 star
We have been using our diaper genie for almost seven months now, and probably wouldn't use any others. It is easy to use and replace bags once you learn how. Our only problem is that when you open the lid to put in a new dity diaper, the smell comes out from the other diapers. We empty probably every other day, and we also clean it with Lysol every time we empty it, but it doesn't seem to help. It's better than taking the diaper outside every time though...you just have to plug your nose when you open it! I would still recommend it over some other brands.
23 stars
We started off with the generic removable car seats (one was Graco, I don't remember what the other one was) when my son was born. He always fussed and cried and was never happy riding in the car.When he was about 7 months old and getting too large for those, my pediatrician recommended the Britax seats. We checked them out, but at $269 each (ane we wanted one for my car and my husband's car), I thought they were just too expensive. I did some research online, and found fantastic reviews. There were several reviews from people who had been in car accidents, and the children were uninjured because these seats are so safe and secure. That sold me on them.When we first put our son in the seat, he didn't cry! He sits up high enough that he can look around. It's much more comfortable for him, and I really wish we had purchased them when he was about 4 months old. They say these work for newborns, but my pediatrician doesn't recommend them until the baby has some head control.My son loves it even more now that he's a year old and we turned the seats to be forward facing. To me, that was the main reason (other than safety) that I was willing to pay this much for a car seat. This seat is convertable from rear to forward facing, and fits children up to 4 or 5 years.Another benefit is the adjustable straps. Every time you put your child in the seat, you snug down the straps. When you take them out, you loosen them and pull them out of they way. I remember what a hassle it was with the old car seats to loosen the straps when they got too tight. Not only that, but the straps were always in the way when I put him in or took him out of the seat. With the Britax, I can take my son out of the seat while he's sleeping and not wake him up by having to wrestle his arms out from under fixed straps.I chose the All-Star Blue pattern because it's a blueish-silver color with a faint pattern. I sell real estate, so I wanted something nice looking and professional in my car. I love the look of this seat. My husband chose the camo pattern for his car.
45 stars
We bought this for our son when he was 5 months old, after using several mobiles that just didn't cut it. We tried several of the wind up mobiles but they make loud clicking noises when you wind them and they last 2 minutes tops! We were looking for a mobile with a remote that we could use to start/stop the mobile from the door so we didn't wake him back up when he was drifting off or we could use it from our bedroom when he stirred in the middle of the night to occupy him and send him back off to sleep. This mobile seemed like just the thing! Unfortunately, the remote control is not very useful for those purposes. It only starts the mobile up if you click the single button on it within a few minutes of the mobile turning off. However, since the mobile itself is battery-powered and the music/sounds last 12 minutes, the remote is hardly ever needed. He's nearly always off to sleep prior to the music/sounds ending. A few of the reviews state the volume isn't loud enough. I don't find this to be true at all. There are two settings and the loud is plenty loud for a baby drifting off to sleep. Since we've gotten this, I find he'll even wake up and play contentedly in his crib for a bit before letting me know he's ready to get out. He'd wake up and scream immediately prior to this. Our son is nearly 7 months old now and the colors, sounds, moving leaves and animals still captivate him. I highly recommend this mobile. Definitely worth the money.
45 stars
I just started using this sling for a few days, but so far, so good! I had friends highly recommend this particular sling. Let me first say as a complaint that their instructions online stink!! Unless I missed it, I couldn't find any instructions that showed step-by-step how to fold the sling the right way and put it on your shoulder correctly and get it all set up before sliding the baby in! The video showed how to put the baby in but nothing before that. The written instructions with pictures that show how to fold the sling, etc. were not user-friendly. I felt like I needed a rocket science degree to get it right, based on the limited instructions they gave on that piece!On a positive note, after a couple of tries, I was able to get the baby situated in the sling correctly. The first few tries were a bit of a debacle and baby was NOT happy about the whole process of getting her into the sling and then settled in the correct position inside. And for other mother's who are also "top heavy" like I am, it's not quite as easy to just slide the baby into the sling as it shows on the video when you have two "mountains" to have to work around. But once we played with it a bit and I got the sling situated correctly on my shoulder so it wasn't cutting into my shoulder it worked nicely and baby seemed very happy to hang out there. I think part of it was me getting used to the fact that being curled up like that was pleasant and "womb like" for the baby. It seemed to me like she'd be squished and uncomfortable but she really likes it.The wonderful thing about the sling is it allows you to go about your daily business (to some degree) and have some use of both hands! At the same time, baby is nice and close to you. I'm a new mom and it took me about a month before I started using this and I'd feel a little guilty putting her in her swing or a bouncer when I had to get things done (or let's be honest, sometimes you have to go to the bathroom!). But beware...it's not like you're as mobile as you'd be without a baby strapped to your chest! It's still more challenging to do things because the baby limits one of your arm's movement (the one that has the sling over the shoulder) and you still have the baby's weight and general presence to account for. Bending over or squatting is still challenging and you have to make sure you aren't knocking the baby into things. But I can at least go to the restroom and work at my computer with no problems!
34 stars
I've tried a few different trash bins for my new car. This one is pretty good.Pros:- sand bag that can go in the bottom to anchor it down- pocket in the front- fairly spacious- the right size for grocery bags as linersCons- sides don't stand up as well as it says- lid/cover is heavy and can cause the sides to sag inward even more- sandbag is oddly shaped and when it's inside the bottom of the bin it causes the base to be uneven
34 stars
I don't find myself using it as much as I thought I would. It's cute, and useful, but a bit pricey for how little I've found myself using it. I guess that's not really the product's fault, but that still makes me consider it just average.
23 stars
Our child soon grew too long for most strollers and this was the only reasonably-priced alternative for a tall child. We travelled to Europe with it and strolled ten hours a day for nearly a month, even on pavers. It folds to a very convenient size an therefore is convenient in restaurants, planes etc. Easy to assemble with sturdy parts (no hammering the wheels in as with other, poorer designs). Sun visor goes all the way so you won't need a rain guard. There is a complete system with baby car seat and the anchors fold in so they won't stick out later. Two things to know: the wheels needed oiling after a month of travelling (started dragging to one side) and the basket is secure but not as easy as others to take large items in and out. This is due to a bar above that helps it fold to that convenient size mentioned above. Small issue for an otherwise excellent product.
45 stars
My husband brought this pump for me when our daughter was two weeks old. I had the pump for two weeks and used it maybe four times, when the motor started to go bad. I called playtex and they sent me a new one. One week later that motor went bad. I called playtex again and received another pump, and yet again the motor went bad. That's three pumps in a little less than six weeks, and I need one because I work full time. However, when I called playtex to get my money back, which I still haven't received they told me I would need a copy of the original receipt, which I no longer had, and that I would need to mail the pump back to them at my expense. I asked to speak to a suprvisor and left a contact phone number. I've yet to actually talk to a supervisor, and I've called several times. Go buy the Medela breast pump, it's actually worth the money you're spending. If you do buy this pump, save your receipt for at least the first three months.
01 star
Of course the suction does not hold when a baby/toddler tries to pull the bowl up. It does do a good job of keeping the bowl from sliding around & tipping over. My grandson liked the colors & his Mom liked the covers as can use this for storage or transporting food.
34 stars
My son is 4 months old and has outgrown TWO bouncers. He is quite long for his age, and always tries to sit up. Finally, I decided to try this seat because of the size and the better quality strap. He fits in this seat much better, and because he is able to sit up more, doesnt try to sit up. The toys on it keep him amused very well. Also, my son has reflux so has to sit up for 30+ minutes after eating and it is perfect. The like bar that you can kick up reclines very nicely, so that when he falls asleep in it, I just put in up so he is relcining more and I dont have to wake him up to move him, and he isnt slumped over. I LOVE this seat and regret NOT getting it in the first place. I recommend this seat to all of my friends!!
45 stars
It is a great, small and a light pump. However I find that it leaks a little around the valve it you turn it at 45 degrees angle. I also wish it was stronger as I still have to squeeze my breast to get the most milk.
34 stars
I have five children and have been diapering for 13 years now. Each child has had a different diaper that worked best for them -- Huggies for some, Pampers for others, and one even did well with a store brand. I can tell you Baby Dry has come a long way in 13 years! It is a great daytime diaper, not as nice as Cruisers, but if you're going to be around your child and able to change them as needed, this is the better deal. I didn't care for it overnight, as the silica gel often leaked out, and I've preferred to use a nighttime diaper for my really wet babies, especially as they get older. I think this diaper is a really good value.Looking forward to the last one out of diapers this summer!
34 stars
Before buying this stroller, I did alot of research in reviews and products on all types of strollers. I chose to buy this stroller for my grandson before he went on a trip to the east coast. With the layovers and the traveling, it was incredible! Very light weight and folds up quickly for Mom. Extremely soft and cushy for him as well. He loved it and napped comfortably during layovers. The stroller manuevers very well in tight places and the color is very eye catching! Would recommend this stroller to everyone! LOVE IT! A snap to assemble, as well! Thank you Kolcraft!
45 stars
This rocker has been so helpful to me when I need my hands free and a safe place to put my daughter! I registered for this because I knew three other babies that had it and loved it. We started using it when our daughter was one month old. Friends/family had stopped coming around to help each day so I could no longer just hand the baby off when I needed to eat, go to the restroom, or do the dishes, etc., and baby would scream if I put her down. So I started putting the rocker next to me and rocking it with my foot while I made/ate my meals each day or typed at the computer. Now that she's older (12 weeks) and content for longer without being rocked, I can even put her in her rocker just outside the shower and talk/sing to her while I get ready. She's never really liked the vibration feature as the other babies I know do, but she loves to rock. If you place it on a hard floor baby can rock herself when she kicks. The toy attachments still seem to overstimulate her at this point (she stares at them way too hard and gets very frustrated) so I just dont use them. Since I breastfeed, I still hold my baby most of the day, but when I need to get things done where she can still be right next to me this rocker has been a real life saver. Even if you're a big proponent of slings and wraps as I am, there are times when it's safer not to "wear" your baby, e.g. eating, cooking, restroom. A couple things I recommend: put a soft hand towel or blanket under a younger baby's head in it because the fabric is a little rough on their heads/hair if they move around a lot--just be sure you're with them at all times if you do. If your baby falls asleep in the rocker, you'll probably want to roll up a soft cloth and place it between their head and the frame so their head and neck are supported.
45 stars
It is cheap. That was the best thing. It is also easy to use. The bad thing is the bottle is either way to cold or burning hot. There is a very small window of time when the bottle is perfect temp. So, you have to stand there and test the bottle temp several times or else it gets too hot. It is not convienent when your baby is screaming and you have to hold her and keep testing the bottle on you arm. I am looking for a new bottle warmer. Cheap, but not worth it.
12 stars
I am very pleased with the purchase of the Fisher Price Space Saver High Chair. It is compact without being too small and it has all the features I was looking for in a high chair: dishwasher safe tray, reclining seat and a seat cover that can be wiped clean. It attached to my dining room chair easily and can also easily be removed if the chair is needed for a dinner guest. I would absolutely recommend this product.
45 stars
You can't just throw the attachment anywhere onto the stroller you feel like putting it, and expect it to work perfectly! It takes a bit of trial and error to get any type of after-market accessory to attach to a stroller...and guess what?? They're not all going to work on every stroller! Also, many stroller makers are purposely making their strollers now so that there isn't anywhere to attach these items, because of the potential for accidents or injuries. Peg made their tubing oval shaped for that exact reason: LIABILITY. And that's also why most upper-price-range good quality stroller makers don't include a snack tray or a cupholder; they don't want to be held responsible if some yuppie mommy spills her frappucino on her baby. Use your brainds, mamas.
45 stars
The colors are great but the quality not so much. I love that the comforter has 2 colors but becuase it wraps around the edge of the mattress it is not reversable. The sheets are NOT soft at all. Even fresh out of the dryer they are a wrinkled mess & very stiff. I was very diappointed because I really love the colors for my little mans room.
12 stars
I rarely write reviews or comments, however after purchasing yet another Diaper Champ, I decided to add my two cents for this product. Firstly, I am not a parent, altho I hope to be someday soon. I am, however, an Uncle to many many children of dear friends and family. And the first gift I send upon the announcement of a new born on-the-way is the Diaper Champ - yes, it's my default baby gift. I would like to add that I used to give the Genie but after learning that the great thing about the Diaper Champ is the flexibility of bags that it houses - very important upon emergency - it was a no-brainer... Once, a friend's wife was somewhat unappreciative of my offering - she's of the HM type - and thot I should've given something more glamorous. That became an after thot on the first day of a few good poops. I immediately received a call with a sincere apology and was blessed enough to never need another visit to a church again. My reiteration that altho "this gift ain't sexy, you may just name your next child after me for it," may yet hold true. Other than that one time, I've never heard anything other than praise for the Champ. Two couples even bought extras after they had twins... The only CON to this product that from now on, whenever my friends see "ka-ka," they'll think of me... Could be worse I guess.
45 stars
I bought one of these and it worked magnificently. It closed easily, the plunger moved slowly and it was easy to clean. It had a star-shaped piece of plastic in the bottom.I purchased a second one which is a never-ending headache to use: hard to open, the plunger sticks and then shoves the entire contents through, and then it is hard to fill, so that the medicine spurts out while trying to snap it closed. When I try to administer the medicine, it causes choking! It has a circular piece of plastic in the bottom.I bought more, hoping to get another star, but got more circles and every one of them is useless! I recommend opening up the reservoir as soon as you get it and sending back any without the star shape. It's just not worth the stress!
12 stars
This chair is definitely worth the money. One reviewer stated she could not use the cushion with the 5 point harness, and that information is incorrect. All you have to do is undo the top bucle close to the neck (it is split in the back, you just don't see it), and feed it through. I just bought a second chair for my daughter. I should have purchased this chair years ago instead of wasting my money on a graco high chair. The german ebay website sells aftermarket trays for this. It defeats the purpose of this chair since the main reason for it is for the child to sit with the adults at the table, but i just wanted to throw it out there for the parents that do want a tray.
45 stars
This was the best price I found. These trays and cookbook are great. My daughter loves the food. It gives me a sense of assurance that I know I am feeding my daughter something fresh. I am a busy working first time mom and I was able to fit making food for my baby.
45 stars
I love the Halo Sleepsack. While I never recommend them for babies younger than four months (I'm of the opinion that babies should be swaddled for sleeping prior to four months of age), they are perfect for when swaddling is no longer useful or practical. They are lightweight and perfect for winter and summer, keep little tootsies warm outside of footie pajamas, and come in three sizes so that they are always roomy and comfortable. The zippers are durable and zip from top to bottom, not vice versa, so that your little one can't unzip themselves. My oldest is 20 months, 25 lbs. and he wears a large with lots of room to spare. He is still too little to know how to keep a regular blanket on himself at night and naptime, so the sleepsack is perfect to keep him warm on cold nights and chilly afternoons. They are also available in microfleece, which might be better for colder climates, but even on our coldest nights in Ohio I still prefer the regular cotton - I found the microfleece too hot.
45 stars
When my daughter was 4 months old and ready to start some solids, we got her this booster seat. I looked at some high chairs but then decided that it would be better to have a booster seat as it would take up less space and not create a storage problem down the line. This little chair is great. My daughter loves being in it. She will sit in the chair nicely while dad and I eat dinner and she is learning about "dinner time" and eating together as a family. It is easy to clean as well. We even take it with us when we go out to eat. She can sit in it and entertain herself with a few toys while mom and dad enjoy their meal. Great buy. Highly recommend it.
45 stars
I've found the manufacturer's claims this item is "durable" to be untrue. The tub literally cracked under my son's foot when he stood in it (yes, he was within the recommended age range). Fortunately, my son was not injured but he could have very easily been pinched or severely cut by the hard cracked plastic jutting out of the tub. The tub did not experience any excessive wear, other than daily baths, and was stored hanging in a closet. I contacted Primo by email to report the incident and provided them with pix of the defective tub. They wanted me to destroy the tub and then pay freight shipping charges based on a 30 lb. item for a replacement. I told them I wasn't interested in a replacement if the defects in the manufacturing process hadn't been changed or improved and I definitely was not paying for a 30 lb. shipping charge when the EuroBath couldn't even weigh 10 lbs. Here's where it gets unbelievable - after that I still am continuing to receive rude and harassing emails from some anonymous person at Primo. Primo and the EuroBath have been reported are now being investigated by the Better Business Bureau and the Consumer Product Safety Commision.
01 star
Our baby is now six months old. She has been feed exclusively on expressed breast milk. And she is lovely.The first Swing lasted 3 month and was replace under warranty. The motor unit of the Swing is very fragile with paper thin seals that require a new motor unit to replace. Don't drop a Swing.We have just returned the second Swing unit for a full refund. The second unit was sucking hard but not producing milk.When the first unit broke we purchased a Avent Isis IQ as a stop gap. Initially my wife didn't like it as it did not seem to suck as well as the Swing. We got a new Swing under warranty. My wife decided to use both pumps to save time. She preferred the Swing as it seemed to suck harder. It took a while for it to become apparent although the Avent was gentler it was producing more milk.The design of the Avent is much more robust than the Swing and the materials seem to last longer. Because of the cup design the Avent is more comfortable to use. With the Swing it is possible to get milk inside the motor unit.Having said that the day after we bought a second Avent Isis to speed up the process our original Avent machine's motor burnt out. This was replaced under warranty but it lasted no longer than the Swing. I wonder what the pigeon pumps are like.
01 star
Bought this (in store) less than 24 hours ago and have applied it to our 18 month old son a handful of times. Literally within hours we noticed an improvement in his skin!Our son had fabulous skin since the day he was born. This past February he started developing rashes. Originally it was thought to be related to a virus, then complications from his heart as he was needing surgical repairs. His surgery was in late March and while in the hospital the rashes cleared up. About a week after being home he started back to the sitters house where the rashes flared up again...this time even worse. The doctors said the next culprit was believed to be allergies, and then finally eczema. He scratches his chest, sides, and scalp even until he bleeds and often finds it dificult to sleep at night from the discomfort. Typically when he gets really bad he turns red in the affected areas. He has displayed both swollen/splotchy patches as well as small red dots all over his trunk, throat, in his elbow creases, and behind his knees. Being in a hot climate has definitely made it worse.We have tried Cetaphil, Aveeno, Aquafor, Oatmeal baths, allergy meds...everything! This is the first product to actually help our son find relief. We highly recommend it and we will continue to use it even if it is a little pricey.
45 stars
It warms your wipes great just when you get to the bottom they are dried out. We use ours everyday and they still dry out. But having warm wipes to clean her and wash her off when we are in a hurry definately outweighs the dried out wipes at the bottom.
34 stars
We actually have the Animal Fun one, not Doodle Bugs, but I couldn't find the one we have on Amazon. Anyway, my 7 1/2 month-old LOVES this thing! She's totally captivated by the fun activity stations and loving to walk around the table. This entertainer is great, because it combines the fun toys and standing up of an Exersaucer with the ability to "walk", except it's much safer than a walker because you can't actually go anywhere. I highly recommend!
45 stars
Our baby has slept in his Swaddleme every night since he was born. He loves it and wouldn't sleep without it! It also keeps him warm through the night without risking using a blanket. Now that he's two months old, he's decided he doesn't want his right arm wrapped in the swaddle. This doesn't alter the usefulness of the swaddle, though.We haven't had any problems with him breaking out of the swaddle.It was an excellent purchase and we have two flannel and four fleece. We use them daily. Excellent purchase.
45 stars
This is a very practical, comfortable and good-looking booster seat for a toddler or small child. It is reminiscent of the booster seats from old-style diners, and seems much more appealing than some of the stiff block-like boosters out there. It is very easy to strap onto a chair, easy to clean, and easy to strap the child into. Unlike some of the booster seats on the market, this will look attractive with many adult dining sets instead of jumping out and screaming "baby booster seat". It's also comfortable for a slightly older child who still is more comfortable sitting a little higher while dining, which can help with neatness and table manners.Highly recommended.
45 stars
Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers, Size 1-2, 192 Count is good for my baby. She is 3.5 months old and weighs nearly 10 lbs.
45 stars
This piggy bank is truly adorable, but it is very misleading. I searched for large piggy banks and this one pooped up, large is in the title, but it is TINY!!It is maybe one for a newborn, basically you can't use it, it would be full in weeks. So for the price i could have gotten a large cute one on etsy... I would not reccomend the product due to misleading title and its overall tiny tiny size.
12 stars
Great price, great product. This is a pretty hard to find size mattress, and some of them are very flimsy. This seems to be good quality.
34 stars
01 star
We got this item as a gift and at 1st it was great!! We stored everything in it full sized diaper wipe bin on top diapers and the holing area and creams, meds, and other gadgets in cubby holes on sides. Let just say it cracked in half. I would not ever buy this again.
12 stars
This little pump is great! I had the Medela Pump In Style with my first two children, but got rid of it, thinking we were done with babies! Low and behold, baby #3 comes along! I didn't want to buy the Medela PIS again, so I took a chance on the Avent Isis. It works like a champ! It is very easy to operate, and much more comfortable then the electric pump. I can nurse my baby on one side and pump with the Isis on the other! Talk about multi-tasking!! :o) Anyway, I was very leary of manual pumps, but glad I took a chance on this one.
45 stars
I bought two of these seats because I didn't have a big enough kitchen for three highchairs. I use these seats on the kitchen chairs and it works out GREAT! They are plenty big and comfortable for the kids. And I can even push the seat under the table! They are super easy to take along too. I highly recommend this item!
45 stars
the monitor is almost perfect! It's very durable, we have it since my son was a new born, and he's now 17 months old and it's still working like when it's new. The movement sensor works really good. So far it gives us very few false alarms. His crib has those metal springy bottom with big holes, so the sensor was a little too sensitive but after putting a piece of wood above the metal bottom to set the sensor, then no more false alarm.The only complaint I have with it is the static... the one in our living room is great, and when we turn the volume to the loudest setting, we can even hear him breathing. The one in our bedroom picks up static. so we have to turn the volume to the lowest, but the alarm works so good that even with the lowest setting, we can hear our son.
34 stars
After checking out all of the boppys, I decided to get the bare naked one and purchase slipcovers. I have received so many compliments on the pink slipcover -- even the nurses at the hospital loved it! It is so soft, and I have washed it a few times with no problems (I haven't put it in the dryer, though). It does not protect the boppy itself from spit-up, etc., of course, since it is not a waterproof cover. However, I was not expecting it to be waterproof, and the regular boppys without slipcovers are not waterproof, so it's not a big deal to me. Since I have the plain white boppy, nothing shows through, but this might be an issue for decorated boppys.
45 stars
This is the BEST toy in our house for our baby. He laughs and smiles the whole time he is in it, and he can last quite awhile in it too. If you are having a hard time deciding whether or not to get this product-JUST GET IT! You won't regret the purchase!
45 stars
I absolutely love the little pillows that were made to complement the Zanzibar set. They are really cute and made from the same material and pattern ad the Zanzibar Quilt. I would say that they are a must have for anyone who has pruchased the Zanzibar bedding.
45 stars
We have several toilets so I bought other potty seats intially so I didn't have to carry up and down stairs. The handles are a must for the user to get on and for the cleaner to take the seat out without touching icky stuff. The boy cup in this one is not removable by the user. On one other model I had, the cup didn't last a day. This ring is by far the most stable. As for the reviews about it being unstable, I wonder if the foam supports were put on. In addition, your child is supposed to be supervised in the bathroom! Good grief! They shouldn't be leaning over for anything... hand them the book! And chafing? How long is the kid sitting there? Overall and excellent seat. I ended up replacing all the potty seats in the house with this model.
45 stars
They aren't 100%, but they've been the best diaper we've tried so far. Closer to about 85%. Others we've tried include Kirkland and Huggies. I've been told that the size of your child is a little above average in height and weight, so this may have been the case with the other diapers.
23 stars
we live in an apartment and tried basic monitors and had interference from the neighbors monitors but couldnt pick up what was going on in our house. since getting the digital ones we haven't had any problems. The Graco ones are just as efficient as the fancy ones and are half the price. I recommend these for people who have problems with the basic monitors.
45 stars
We got this for my 1 year old granddaughter. This chair is very sturdy - she climbs on and off it constantly - does not tip over. Overall look and quality is wonderful. Would buy another one - love this brand.
45 stars
I have major problems with the rechargable battery on this monitor. First of all it has a short battery life - won't make it through the night. However, now when I put it on the charger or plug it in directly, it shuts off completely. Of course this first happened at 3am, and I was left without a working monitor. So the monitor won't run while plugged in and has a battery that won't charge. Because I tossed the box (huge mistake!) I am stuck with it.
01 star
I love this item... I think It looks beautiful in her room. The only down fall I have with the collection is that I cant seem to find the end table in the picture. I have looked on line for hours at a time and nothing. Why would they put something with collection you cant even find?
45 stars
I purchased this item when our daughter moved from the bassinet to the crib. We were struggling to get her to sleep and were looking for something to help.The first night that I used the sleep sheep, she fell asleep in 10 minutes. And since then, she has fallen asleep every night quickly with her sheep. This toy is a life saver for parents! I would have easily paid ten times the listed price.The unit itself is very high quality. The sheep is soft and adorable. The music box has variable volume and a variety of sounds. The timer can be set for 23 of 45 minutes. I have been using the heartbeat for 45 minutes. I have not played with the other settings.So far battery life is great. For almost the past two months, we have been using the sheep every night for 45 minutes at moderate volume and it is still going strong.Great Product!
45 stars
I bought this stroller after much research and deliberation. It is comfortable for my [...]as well as my [...]daughter. It handles wonderfully. It folds pretty well too. The front swivel wheel makes a huge difference with manuverability and the adjustable handle bar is a great feature. I am tall and it helps to have the handle where I need it. I have used this for both walking, shopping and jogging and think it is perfect! From purchase to delivery it took maybe 5 days. I am extremely happy with all aspects of this purchase. I love this stroller!!
45 stars
I gave this to my room mates girlfriend for her baby shower. She is kinda edgy so this was totally her style. They both love the bag. It is true . It is more a dad's diaper bag. He loved it WAY more than she did.
45 stars
I'm amazed at the extremely low reviews these Summer Infant gates are getting. These gates are absolutely wonderful. They are very sturdy, smooth in motion and they latch with a nice, solid feel. They look great and can easily be painted to match your decor. I didn't want hideous plastic gates uglifying my nice house.I played with all kinds of gates, from plastic ones to wood ones to wire ones. I have 2 of these. I bought them because they are strong metal gates with reliable locking mechanisms and are extremely adjustable to varying-sized openings. I have one opening that is 5 feet wide and another that is 3 feet wide. My dogs and my son all beat on these gates and they're both doing great after 2 years.Just like with any semi-permanent gate structure, installation is VERY important. Don't let someone with no mechanical ability install this(OR ANY) gate. You need to know where the wall-studs are and you need to properly install gates plumb and level to be happy with the functionality. If you don't know what you're doing, find your neighborhood handyman and pay him(or her) with the beverage of their choice. :) You know your abilities/shortcomings.
45 stars
I love this for my baby. It stays on really well ( both the pinkie and the clasp) and it is a cute accessory.
45 stars
We are adopting and will be travelling to pick up our baby. We bought this product to bathe our newborn in since we will be away from home for several weeks. As far as people saying it's slippery, we bought one of those really small nonskid pads and put it in the bottom. The one that we got is a soft foam and that will take care of the sliding. You can find them in the bathroom/kitchen area of your local store. It's great for travel and easy to store. Hope this helps.
45 stars
This seat is great to take back and forth to family gatherings. It folds up very well! easy to use!
45 stars
These bottles are great -- we've used nothing else since we brought our baby home from the hospital. However, in hindsight, the 4oz bottles are useless. In no time our daughter was drinking more than 4oz. Save your money on the 4oz bottles and just buy more 8oz bottles -- they'll last longer! But the Dr. Brown's do seem to work. Our baby has never had a problem with colic, reflux, etc.
34 stars
I like this high chair but again it came with parts to put together however it was very simple to put together and I love the three back positions, and height adjustment. I would recommend this chair to others it is well worth the money.
45 stars
I LOVE this pad! I almost purchased one for twice as much $ at a local major baby department store. SO glad I didn't. This pad is just as thick as the other at half the price. This one ALSO comes four sided, while the other was only raised on two of the four sides. So final diagnosis... equally padded for baby AND more reassurance for parents. It's also rather long so I feel it will work throughout the entire diapering phase. This is the ONLY changing pad to purchase as far as I'm concerned. You WILL NOT be disappointed. I've found that the Carter's Super Soft changing pad covers fit perfectly even after being washed and dryed (on low heat setting).
45 stars
Pampers swaddlers are the best. They are so soft for baby, they don't have weird bunches of fluff inside and they don't leak like others. Cheap for subscribe and save.
45 stars
This has been a great help! It is worth the money if you are on the road a lot - or, a working mom. Just remember that the pump frequency increases with this adapter so just turn it down low.
45 stars
My wife and I really like this version because it kept our baby cool and it is very comfortable to wear for both of us. It also washes very well in the washing machine. If you are considering a Baby Bjorn, we would recommend the Air version over the original...
45 stars
The cups work great. Add a few cubes of ice and they stay cool for quite a while, even when left in a hot car. My son sometimes asks me to remove the valve so he can drink faster, even without the valve, they spill very little if accidentally tipped. All in all these are great cups.
45 stars
I bought the breast pump that came with extra bottles so I figured I would just use only these bottles and didn't bother to buy any others. The only time the bottle doesn't seem to leak is when I put the collar on with a storage cap instead of a nipple. That's rediculous that 95% of the time the bottle leaks all over my son. My husband and I are so fed up with these bottles that we continually throw them into the sink after they have leaked all over our hands when trying to mix powdered formula. It's also outrageous that people are saying that you need to tighten to a certain amount. I don't have time for that when my son is screaming for a bottle after waking up from a nap. We've gone on to finally use other brands of bottles after 3 months of this madness. I have no problem using the pump or storing the milk in these bottles for my next child, but will never use them with the nipples again. Very disappointed, especially when you even see celebs using this product.
01 star
Works as expected. We also love using it for tummy time. I wish that there was a handle on it, like there is on the lounger.
45 stars
The basic idea may be good but after 4 days I am ready to hurl this piece of junk out a window. Even when it worked "right" it was a pain because it is so cheaply made that it is very top-heavy. When you try to swing the lever to drop the diaper you have to stand firmly on the tiny foot braces with both feet, or the whole thing just falls over. That's mainly because the door thing doesn't work smoothly at the best of times, and now 4 days into it the seal ring is coming off and getting in the way making it nearly impossible to work. Add to that the fact that wipes, etc. are getting stuck and coming back out.The only good thing about this product is that unlike most of the others it uses standard garbage bags. I wish it cost twice as much and was twice as well constructed -- if it worked right it would be well worth it -- but as it is it's a waste of money.Especially if you're a new parent with your first child please believe the negative reviews and avoid this thing. The last thing you need with a new baby is to be stressed and angry over a stupid diaper pail.
01 star
I just ordered another one for my second child. This seat is awesome. It's lightweight, easy to clean, and doesn't slip off the chair at all. My kids love it too. A must buy after the highchair is done.
45 stars
This was the only thing my daughter would chew on when she was teething. I had to buy several more & keep them in plastic bags in the freezer so she always had one cold to chew on.
45 stars
This giraffe works great in helping my baby fall asleep, and he loves to cuddle with it too! The sounds are pleasant..2 of them seem to relax him and 2 of them help put him to sleep. We love it!
34 stars
I bought this toy hammock so I could get all of the stuffed animals that my sons don't play with, but I'm not ready to get rid of, off of the floor. Installation was easy and the hammock holds a lot of stuffed animals. If I could recommend one thing it would be to hang it a little higher than you think because it will hang low due to the weight of what you put int there. I ended up tying the ends into a knot a few times to take away a bit of the length because I didn't want to have more holes in the wall. It doesn't affect the function of the hammock and the overall look is very appealing. I would definitely purchase this product again.
34 stars
We got this for the power strip in our livingroom by our tv. It does a great job of hiding the strip and the plugs and I like that you can open the part of the on/off switch separate from the section where the plugs are. But there also lies the problem with this. The clips on the side are not easy to reattach. So as long as you don't plan on opening and closing this a lot then it works great.... but if you need a cover over a strip that you need to access a lot, then this one will most likely frustrate you quickly!
34 stars
It is exactly what I expected, Easy to use and to put away. I take it where ever I go. I would recommended
45 stars
My son's been using this for 2 years (2-4 years old). only 3 pieces, so it's much easier to clean than fancier brands that have 5-6 components.
45 stars
i loved this item but i gonna move out of the country , so i had to cancel. My baby never had problem with these diapers.thanks.
45 stars
Good wipes for what they are. Natural, chlorine free etc. Not as thick as the more processed ones but worth the compromise to go natural.
34 stars
I was hesitant about buying these diapers because of the cost and skeptical if they would work. Let me tell you, THEY WORK GREAT! My 6 month old son was wet every morning he would wake up, I went through the endless attempts of getting his diaper on just right, trying a bigger size, ect and nothing worked, until I bought these. They are worth every dime and he wakes up dry each morning. He is almost a year and they still work great.
45 stars
I am very happy with this purchase. The high chair is adorable and well-made. It is made of wood and much cuter than plastic high chairs. I gave this to my granddaughter for her 2nd birthday and she loves it. I highly recommend this high chair.
45 stars