class label
5 classes
I just deleted my original review, simply because it seemed to attract the rage of those who feel this is somehow a legitimate lifestyle. I see the characters in the series as being immature and narcissistic. That is my impression. It has decent production values that make it watchable when it hits Netflix streamingI've decided it's not worth paying money outright and I couldn't handle watching something like this through bundles of mindless commercials.It is what it is. Watchable, but there have been dozens of better series and far more interesting subjects than brown-lunged, drugged-out biker gangster failures. It's a melodrama geared to those who fantasize living some silly rebel life and calling it a subculture.To each, his or her own.
23 stars
This is a ridiculously fun movie. It is also far more excellently done than any of us anticipated. We watched it twice in one weekend. Enjoy!
45 stars
This is a hilarious movie about a cross-country road race. Burt Reynolds and Dom Deluise make a perfect pair as an egotistical playboy and an insecure fat man. Together, they pair up with a duo of fake nuns and pursue the million dollar jackpot that awaits them in Connecticut. This is a pretty tame movie, except for the grotesque moment in which hot stud Burt has to make out with grandma psychic, Shirley McClaine! Even worse, Marilu Henner, a hottie since her days on Taxi, wants to jump in the back seat with...DOM DELUISE!!!EEEEWWWWWWWW!If you can move past the horrible romantic pairings, then check out the rest of this movie, which is actually pretty funny. The original Rat Pack shows up (including Frank, sans Jerry and Joey, thank heavens)for a cameo, and the soundtrack boasts a theme from Menudo. That's right - Menudo! If you don't believe me, just buy this movie and see for yourself! Luckily, Ricky Martin did not include the theme on his later albums, but that's for the music department to discuss. One thing that really irked me though - even though it's a cross-country race, the movie which was shot entirely in Tucson, AZ, never seems to LEAVE Tucson! You can tell by looking at the mountins in the background. Or better yet - check out the ending credits, which admits it was shot entirely in Tucson. I guess Dom wanted the cast and crew to stick around for all the great tasting Mexican food we serve here! By the way - I was drunk when I watched this movie.
34 stars
Why is Ronald Howard not pictured on the DVD cover? Could it be that no one would purchase this DVD otherwise? There is only one Sherlock Holmes and this DVD was a waste of time and money!
01 star
Third season was a let down.... :(But It's still Veronica Mars so BuY it and SEE IT!!
23 stars
Limitless potential, terrible execution. Nothing noteworthy to write about, the movie has terrible screenplay and direction. The polt loses ground quickly though is the end is not to bad.
01 star
So FUN! The animals in this are great. Each of the characters addso much to the good feel it shares with each of us. It is rich in actionand storyline. I always enjoy the water scenes and felt like I wason vacation. This DVD is sometimes difficult to find, but a treasureyou may hold on to, if found. Good hunting.
45 stars
Forgot how cheesey this low budget movie really was. The last time i saw this movie I was 12, and I think twice in a lifetimeis more then enough.
12 stars
Yep this film sucks. Saw this at Cannes two years ago and was bored rigid by the whole affair.Whilst the idea is okay, it feels little more than a cheap , poorly made remake of the far better 'The Warriors'.Gordon Alexander (the real star of the film), Brandan Carr, Cecily Faye and Jamie Choo are all superb if all under used where as Chris Jones, Silvio Symac and Shane Steyn (as well as many other great UK action stars) are pushed aside for the less talented Monaghan.What bugged me the most was the over use of sloooooowwwww mooootioooon for EVERY fight.Jobson, former rock icon and solid director in his own right, is well out of his depth here and generally does a really bad job of making a poor film better.Please avoid. It may make them Stop them making pap like this.
01 star
I was a creative director doing a demo read project for a Boeing TV campaign when I first heard the extraordinary voice of Ashley Judd. As she did the demo, and was so wonderfully humble and sweet the entire time, she told us about this new project she was doing. It was called 'Bug'. I am ashamed to say that I just saw it. Somehow I never got around to it. Whatever you might think of the film, this is one of the bravest performances you will ever see. It's why Judd is one of the top 2-3 actors on the planet. Bar none. See this movie. Judge the film for yourself. I might have taken it to another place. But it doesn't matter what I would have done. I just wish more people could see it and experience it for themselves. Shannon is amazing. Connick is always great. But Judd has redefined what it means to be a real, honest actor and a brave woman who refuses to be afraid to take a chance. I wish more people would see this film.
34 stars
Maybe it gets better later on, but I don't' think I laughed once during the nearly two hours I watched.
12 stars
Manslaughter tells the story of a late middle-age Danish man who is deliriously in love with a woman many, many years his junior. She is a former student who has made the fateful choice of committing herself to a radical politics that transcends her lover's unwillingness to cross the line from discourse to social action. But he does leave his wife, a political act of a sort. Then he puts even more on the line. He loses as he inevitably must. Things get worse. The love story is told within the context of a murder case. It is told with the eye to detail that any narrative preoccupied with obsession should be told. It is bleak but true.
34 stars
This movie is one of my favorites of all-time. The characters are appealing, the media situation is very true-to-life, and you never know what will happen next. This movie has a great script with such classic lines as "This is the part I hate: the talking part"(Sheriff to Malaysian girl 'the next morning') I usually have one or two complaints about any movie (nothing's perfect) but it took me ten months to think of any for this one and they are the most asinine flaws ever: the names of some characters like MJ Major and Beth Eastern were a little weird and the powdered wigs the members of the Malysian court wear (but I'm sure they actually wear them in real life so I have to forgive them) This movie was one of the only movies of 1998 that REALLY moved me. But don't take my word for it. You all MUST see it! If you don't find yourself moved by any of the characters (namely Lewis wonderfully played by Joaquin Phoenix and Sheriff by Vince Vaughn) there must be a problem with you. *On a side note,it's nice to see a Vince Vaughn character take credit for his mistakes. If you watch him in The Lost World:Jurassic Park, you'll notice that,eventhough he's the big hero, many of the problems that arise are because of his actions.*
45 stars
Breaking Bad is the best show on TV. After watching the first three seasons, everything else seems boring. I am bugging out waiting on season four to be released.
45 stars
There really isn't much for me to say about this movie. Three college students go into the woods investigating the Blair Witch. Unfortunately the audience isn't given enough information on the Blair Witch to understand what makes the legend so intriguing.I can appreciate the way it was filmed. There were times when it seemed like you were watching an actual documentary rather than a movie. I can also appreciate that, unlike most films, you are not readily presented with what you are supposed to fear. A good job was done of presenting an atmosphere. There was no "horror movie formula" being followed, which made the outcome unpredictable.I guess my problem was that I didn't enough of a connection with the characters to care whether they lived or died. All I saw was two male brats led by an arrogant female brat. Their favorite word is the "F" word. They have no idea how to navigate through the woods. They scream, they yell, they die. End of story!
12 stars
This movie is great to watch. It is a pleasure visually, specially in full HD. The scenes are typical Guy Ritchie, which is always funny in an interesting kind of way.I definitely think I like the story behind Snatch or Lock Stock better, but this one is just so cool to watch!Also, the Digital Copy worked as advertised on my Macbook and AppleTV as an alternate option (but as mentioned above, watch it full HD).Definitely a must.
34 stars
I was looking for a new show to watch after I finished watching Ally McBeal, a friend recommended Better off Ted and it's exactly what I was looking for, a fun modern energetic smart comedy... I can't believe they cancelled this show after second season, it's awesome... Ted should be back
45 stars
I emailed the company and asked them when season 2 is coming out...they told me the target date is "MARCH!" Can't wait to get all seasons of this awesome show!!!!!!!
45 stars
If any particular film epitomized the lush exotic feel of silent filmmaking in the 1920's then "Son of the Sheik", would most definately be it. This 1926 effort captured legendary silent star Rudolph Valentino at his cinematic peak and sadly proved to be his last film before his tragically early death at age 31. Here he happily had a perfect vehicle for his farewell performance full of sensual romance in exotic places with just a hint of menace under the surface, beautiful photography and costumes, and the handsome Valentino playing the dual roles of both father and son to mos tinteresting effect. A sequel to Valentino's earlier star making role in "The Sheik", this followup filmed 5 years later was blessed with a much bigger budget and has a far more polished look to it at a time when Valentino was also maturing as a performer as is seen in his capable playing of the father role which showed his developing character actor skills in a less glamourous type of role that perhaps indicated Valentino's ability to take on more serious characters in his future films had he lived longer.Like this films famous parent "The Sheik", produced in 1921 which was largely responsible for making Valentino a full fledged star and matinee idol, this effort was based in part on the Edith Maude Hull novel "The Sons of the Sheik". The original two sons of the story were reduced to one in the first film and in "The Son of the Sheik", we are treated to the next generation where we are introduced to the headstrong young Ahmed, son of the original Sheik Ahmed Ben Hassan (both plyed by Rudolph Valentino) and Diana (Agnes Ayres - repeating her role from the original film). The action opens with a travelling show arriving in the area run by the the corrupt Andre a frech merchant who makes most of his money from robbing his patrons. he has a beautiful daughter Yasmin (Vilma Banky), who dances in the shows and is used by Andre to entice men in so that Andre can rob them. Ahmed sees the performance and is instantly smitten by Yasmin. The pair fall in love and plan a future together despite the fact that his controlling father has another young girl in mind for him as a bride. Andre follows Yasmin one evening when she is to meet Ahmed and without her actually knowing plans to kidnap the young man and hold him for ransom. After allowing Yasmin and Ahmed to share some tender moments together in some ruins on the edge of the desert Andre and his corrupt band of followers then set upon the unarmed Ahmed and tie him up hoping to secure ransom money from his father. Ahmed luckily manages to escape but before he does get away one of the thieves tells him falsely that Yasmin was actually in on the trap and does this kind of thing on a regular basis to rob unsuspecting young men taken with her obvious charms. Not knowing the real truth Ahmed swears revenge against her and when he encounters her again later he manages to break up her performance at a tavern and kidnaps her, taking her back to his desert camp where he intends to punish her for supposedly betraying him. Yasmin tries to convince him of her innocence but Ahmed is intent upon humiliating her for all the pain he suffered. Even under the threat of a brutal rape however it is obvious that Ahmed still loves Yasmin and when his father intervenes she is released to go back to the unsavoury life she led with her father and his pack of theives. Ahmed however finally learns from Ramadan (Karl Dane), that Yasmin was indeed innocent of any wrong doing against him Ahmed seeks to get her back and in the exciting finale manages to literally sweep her off her feet in a fast paced pursuit on horseback across the desert sands until the final embrace.While modern sensibilities might object to the controversial rape scene in Ahmed's tent which is all off screen this film is remarkable for its incredible sensual quality and really explains fully the real mystique of Rudolph Valentino as one of cinema's most charismatic lovers. At age 31 just prior to his tragic death Valentino's features had matured making him a far more attractive screen personality and while his acting still adheres largely to silent film expectations it has a smoothness to it in "Son of the Sheik", that makes his character very believable. Physically Valentino was in top form in this effort which is ironic considering that he did not long survive the filming and the scene showing his torture reveals a well muscled body full of health and fitness guarenteed to quicken th epulse of many movie goers of th etime. Valentino's playing (at his own insistence), of the dual roles of father and Son is most interesting and the split screen technique when both men are in the same shot is amazingly sophisticated and smooth for this early period. Seeing Valentino done up as an old man complete with greying beard and wrinkles makes for an interesting observation and Valentino does succeed well in giving both men a very different personality much to his credit. In "Son" he is reunited with very popular actress Vilma Banky who costarred with him in the classic "The Eagle". She is still probably best remembered for her two roles opposite Valentino but her accent sadly made her one of the first victims of sound when it came in after 1929. Here however she is at her peak and is perfect casting for the at times fragile carnival dancer who almost loses the great love of her life thanks to her deceitful father. She and Valentino have a great screen chemistry and their scenes after Ahmed feels that Yasmin has betrayed him and swears revenge are first rate. The whole look and feel of "Son of the Sheik", is far superior to its predecessor with William Cameron Menzies' sublime production designs a real stand out. The extensive location photography taken in the boiling Yuma Desert really giving you the feel of being in the real desert. Certainly this film's higher budget shows in every frame from the superb costumes, to Ahmed's elaborate tent and the wonderful sepia photography incorporated into many scenes. For a film made in 1926 the surviving print is nothing short of amazing and has a clarity and crispness about it that is unexpected in such an old film. The original theatre organ score by Jack Ward that was created to accompany this film is also highly appropriate and gives a very clear indication of the original live music that would have been provided during the original screenings of "The Son of the Sheik" back in the silent era.Anyone wanting to enjoy a first class silent era romantic drama or to simply see just what made the legendary Rudolph Valentino such a special identity need go no further than "The Son of the Sheik". it is my favourite Valentino performance made all the more piognant by the fact that it was also his last and was a great financial success after he had already passed away. The sight of Valentino in his Sheik outfit riding over the Sand Dunes after abducting a young woman is one of the most enduring and classic images from the silent era and certainly all later "heartthrobs", on the Hollywood scene for many a decade had their mettle measured against that of the legendary Valentino. For exotic drama full of romance, seduction, and good old fashioned "lust in the dust", you cannot better the 1926 silent melodrama "The Son of the Sheik", starring the one and only Rudolph Valentino.
45 stars
Ever since I was a kid, I've loved this movie! Hulk Hogan is awesome and hilarious as Sean Armstrong, who is an ex-wrestler who is soon hired by Alex Mason, Sr to protect his kids. Mr. Mason is developing a new anti-missile system and a man by the name of Tommy Thanatos is after the microchip that has the information. Mason's kids; Alex and Kate make Sean's job harder because they want to get rid of him by setting up 'Home Alone' style traps so Sean will leave. Sean doesn't back down and the kids slowly begin to like him. After the Mason family is kidnapped, Sean does whatever it takes to get them back. I highly recommend MR. NANNY!!!
45 stars
Don't forget the crackers for this cheese fest of a movie with your typical predictable story line and over-used Julia Roberts and Hugh. Why do people like the same old recycled s**t. Now an "Ultimate Edition" is being released. C'mon...please! Get a life! What a waste of money filming this one. This is for brains with limited bandwidth. Do your self a favor and skip this one.
12 stars
Most of the other versions run 95 minutes or more but this one only runs 75 minutes. I suspect it is a shortened version, but the price is very attractive.
23 stars
Indeed, the fifth season of 24 is the best season thus far... And I thought the fourth season was good.... Boy was I wrong when I saw season 5... Right from the first hour onwards, you will be hooked to find out what is going to happen next... Unpredictability, suspense and great acting. This one had it all..The fifth season of 24 was also the winning season as they dominated the 2006 Emmys... It was just a brilliant season!Fox, bring on season 6!!!
45 stars
once again after reading the rest of the reviews I am shocked at people thoughts. Scariest of all time???? U have to be kidding! Granted the movie could have been great and Angela Bettis gets 5 STARS cause she acted her (skinny little) booty off in what could have been an award winning performance in a better movie. why make a movie that could have been so deep comical and almost unbearable to watch the 1st 2 3rds of the movie?? The shocking, nauseating gore (which i loved hehehe) at the end couldnt make up for it. Very upset after waiting so long to see it but lets hope Bettis's agents get this wonderful actress some a good rolePS WHAT HAPPENED TO HER PARENTS!!
12 stars
Now considering its a SciFi Channel production. Its a huge success. On normal film standards its a maybe rent it from blockbuster. good sequal to a low-budget film and just as low brow.
23 stars
The quailty is even better than the original broadcast. Brings back memories of one of the greatest TV series of all time.
45 stars
I don't usually watch "scary" movies because they don't scare me. Given the hype of the BWP I decided to give it a try. But I was never scared, never felt a moment of suspense at all.It was *very* realistic. If I didn't know that the cast was carrying GPS units with them, I would say that there was no doubt they were actually lost. You do feel for these three lost fools, but the movie is not about any Blair Witch; most of the film is about three kids lost in the woods. Yes, the movie gets pretty creepy after Josh disappears, but its never really scary.Actually, the best parts of the movie for me were the funny ones: Heather pushing the camera into the marshmallows ("soft...soft..."); Heather's wet shoes; Mike singing "God Bless America"...or was it "America the Beautiful"?This movie was totally over-hyped, though it legitimately breaks new ground in film-making. Sorry, I know you all loved it, but I wasn't very impressed.
23 stars
Ghosts of the Abyss.I caught this last weekend on DVD. This film is a curious mix of entertainment and science. In some cases it works, in others it doesn't.First, what works: The Titanic. Going and exploring the innards of the great doomed liner. Great premise, especially considering that the level of exploration would be the most indepth ever. Letting the ship tell its story with minimal interference is essentual.The crew as the explore in the MIRs is also good.The overlaying CG to orientate where you were in the ship was a nice touch in the unrecognizable areas.What doesn't work: Bill Paxton. Now, don't get me wrong as an actor I did like Bill Paxton. As a observer and narrator his bits about bathroom breaks in a sub, the nervous fussy demeanor and finally musing about going to his trailor - just one word. UGH. I know Jim Cameron is buddies with Bill but c'mon. Paxton totally took me out of the Titanic and made me focus on him. I'm sure it was unintended, but its an annoyance.Getting in the way of the Titanic story. The long pieces with the crew above the ocean. I would've much rather seen more Titanic and less crew.Feeling genuine. Paxton's stuff is absolutely scripted. That works against the realism of this piece in general. The beauty of Dr. Robert Ballard's National Geographic piece about the Titanic is that was very very honest. It was human. Cameron's piece while having touches of honesty, has elements of scriptedness. Which doesn't play well with me. This shouldn't be a piece of fiction, let the real people speak.In the end, I can't say I loved this. I didn't. Much like Cameron reducing the real story of the Titanic to a background story in his 1997 film. He just clutters up the presentation with things he shouldn't. I love the Titanic story. Its an essentual life lesson and will continue to teach people as long as its told. I wish Jim Cameron had gotten more out of the way and let the ship be the star.So, rent this. Then buy Dr. Robert Ballard's National Geographic special. Its far better.
23 stars
Television's most murderous county is Midsomer, England, and the show has been solving multiple murders in episodes for over a decade. John Nettles, Midsomer's DCI Tom Barnaby, is the cop leading the investigation team. Expect some smiles (& LOL), a touch of romance, some awesome scenic footage of beautiful village life in England, of course crime mystery, some blood-but not too much, and a sensational support cast with always the sub-plots through relationships. If you are new to Midsomer Murders, they are based on books by Caroline Graham. And many leading British guest stars, as huge stars beg to be on an episode to kill or be killed.I have never watched a less-than GREAT episode of Midsomer Murders.
45 stars
I had forgotten how great this anime is. Fun plot, amusing characters, and a great soundtrack. Good quality on the DVDs, which arrived on schedule.
45 stars
Our whole family enjoys this British series about two small communities and the people who live there. Careful....you'll get hooked.
45 stars
This is the only vidoe I've ever bought (not that I have tons of movies) that I'd never seen before. And I like it, but I would've been better off just renting it first to see if I liked it. But it's still jolly good fun. Ken Marshall is a prince on his way to marry princess Lysette Anthony and unite their two feuding cultures. But the night of the ceremony, the Princess is captured by Slayers, and taken to the Black Fortress, controlled by the Beast. Now Prince Colwyn must save his bride-to-be, with the help of a wise old man named Ynyr (Freddie Jones), the amateur and somewhat looney magician Ergo the Magnificent (David Barttley, who gets to pack it up as comedy relief), a cyclops (Bernard Bresslaw), and a band of thieves, led by Alun Armstrong, and save his planet Krull from anhiliation. The plot may sound weak and corny (and it does get that way sometimes), but it's very original stuff, actually. The final duel between Colwyn and the Beast, is totally disappointing. Otherwise, it's a good adventure movie (especially for those classic damsel-in-distress-is-held-captive-by-evil-forces-and-macho-prance-must-save-the-day situation fans). And if you look hard, you can spot Liam Neeson as one of the thieves!
23 stars
Don't go into this movie expecting an oscar, go into this movie to have fun and you will love it. I was fearing that this was going to be like GI Joe and be campy and...well lets just admit it that the GI Joe remake was a huge flaming turd of a movie. Well this movie was exciting, fun, well acted, well directed, a couple editing issues but otherwise I loved this movie. It was the perfect action movie, not gory, not stupid, it was a bit unrealistic in some moments but that is an action movie for you. Every role from the TV show was recast perfectly. It was awesome seeing the guy who played Wikus from District 9 play Murdock.
45 stars
I was required to watch by an anthropology teacher. It was ok, but not something I would normally want to watch.
23 stars
The original Solaris reminds me what the sci-fi genre used to be about. Back in the days before special effects and computer generated graphics transformed the genre beyond repair. Solaris is not an "effects movie".This film is admittedly not for everyone, (least of all those who feel the Matrix is a great science fiction film), but the original Solaris is sci-fi at its most intellectual. This is a "heady" movie that really makes you think. Some of its immagery is absolutely haunting. It stays with you. There is some beautiful photography going-on in this film with some breathtakingly classic imagery. The more you watch it, the more you'll see that I am right.Although Solaris is often compared to Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey", I think it's closer in tone to his posthumous "A.I.". Solaris, to me, is what Spielberg was attempting with "A.I." but failed. Solaris does a much better job and is a much better film. Sure, the stamp of Stanley Kubrick's 2001 is felt all over it, but there's some wonderful casting in with this film. These aren't hollywood cardboard cutouts, these are genuine real people and though the Russian actors don't speak a word of English, they are so full of depth and emotion - you really get to know the characters in this film is what I really enjoyed about it.The Criterion Collection DVD 2-set is a great package. A bit on the pricey side, but for fans, shouldn't be a complaint. I doubt this film will draw in many new fans, especially considering the high price tag, but for those who wish to absorb sci-fi when it really meant something, this is a great movie.Just the fact that we have a chance to see how the other side of the Cold War looked at science-fiction and space travel is worth it to me. The space program of the U.S.S.R. was nothing to sneeze at - (Sputnik anyone?)! The fact that this is a Russian film about outer space is enough for me. Have a look, you probably won't be disappointed either.
34 stars
Oh Howard. What a life you have made. "Private Parts" is an interesting look into big city ratings driven lunacy. By saying anything that came to his mind without concern for control or civility, Howard made a name for himself..and now he is a mult-millionaire drenching himself in material comforts.This movie does have some very funny scenes which people in radio recognize as extremely comical. From encounters with fickle station management to botched gigs and fragile egos, the movie is alive with interesting personalities, or as my mother would say, "characters."
34 stars
A hugely, hugely, underrated gem chronicling what it takes for one man to reach his breaking point. Altman's techniques (long shots, people chattering over each other) were tremendously effective in establishing the escalating level of external stress on Gere's character. The comedy wasn't focused on punch lines, so it flew over most people's heads. The film's twin miracles that cap it off were as brilliant as those in P. T. Anderson's great Magnolia, if a bit easier to swallow. This seems to be one of the most overlooked films of recent years... I am sure time will reevaluate it kindly.
45 stars
Ok, so a young woman is on the verge of a meltdown? Now what? This German film was neither moving nor emotional for me. A young teacher heads to another town for a teaching position. She is homely, lonely, weak, frustrated, messy, and much more. She attempts to make friends with the neighbor girl, but comes on more pesky. Soon, the neighbor girl decides she has had enough of the weird behavior.As a young teacher, it becomes clear she has no control over the classroom, as the students learn quickly that they can take over. One student throws a box of chocolate milk at her.Another male teacher gets closer to her, but his interests are best saved for the school. She doesn't connect with anyone, including the school staff who view her as meek.There is no musical soundtrack in this film, few characters, none memorable. It is slow, and the only interesting aspect is wondering when she will create a change, or make some dramatical impression. The film is about lonliness, alienation, that can lead to mental breakdown as we see a young woman head further into demise. We don't see events with great turmoil, just basic issues within the mental state. ...... Rizzo
23 stars
I am a fan of this show and I got the second season DVD and it was great I enjoyed it, but I needed to see the back story so I bought season one. Bones is one of the best television programs around and I would recommend that other viewers get a chance to watch it.David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel are the best TV dou they hot up the screen with their constant bickering and sexual tension. I hope Bones will be around for a couple more seasons. As the show progress it gets better every season.
34 stars
Lance Armstrong has the funniest scene in this movie, and that's no strike at the pedaler. It is legitimately funny. Other funny shizzle:1) Numerous shots to the bathing suit parts (Immature? Yes. Always funny? Yes.)2) A bar is named after something disgusting/funny/disgusting again.3) Vince Vaughn occasionally reminds you that his dry wit still exists.4) The blooper scene with the ref--"Laughing really ...."5) The "alternate" ending.All told, this list comprises roughly three and one half minutes of the movie. After the tag-team debacle that is Starsky-->Dodgeball, it will be difficult for me to go see another heavily pimped Stiller production."Laughing the whole movie...""Funniest movie I've ever seen...""Non-stop hilarity..."?
12 stars
One of the best movies I've seen in a long time! I'm so glad to have it in my DVD collection.
45 stars
My favorite show!!! Now I can watch the episodes over and over and over and over and over and over....
45 stars
a hilarous comedy. rickey tells it like it is and has you laughing at the same time. a great buy.
45 stars
Val kilmer is in this movie. He's not the star of this really, he's only in a few scenes including the end scenes. This is a "ghosthouse" (a horror brand) horror flick on blu ray. The picture is really good of course being that this is a recent movie. The story revolves around infected people in a artic outpost. It's lifted right out of the x files actually as that was a episode and this is very similiar. The bugs infect people and such and the people in the artic station must fight to survive them and each other. Ok, it's a average movie but the effects are pretty good. It's worth owning in you like lower budget sci fi movies on blu ray.
23 stars
It was really funny and the story plot was unusual. The actors did a good job making it believable. I rented the HD version for $.99 what a bargain.
34 stars
I am fan of the Babylon 5 series and the DVD has given me the chance to watch each of the stories. Some of which I missed when the show was on TV. I have always enjoyed Science Fiction and I knew that I would enjoy the Babylon 5 when I purchased it. I have to pace my watching the DVD too extend the anticipation of watching, other wise I would set through all five seasons in one marathon setting. Thanks for a great series.
45 stars
This episode is interesting but it's hard to believe. In this episode Amy and the Doctor go to the future on a spaceship that is only for British people. It's like the biblical Noah's Ark theme but it's in outer space without the animals. Many people live in this spaceship but some of them have questions about the ship that has cost them their lives. Amy and the Doctor have the same questions too so they start to look for answers that get them into trouble.Just about any idea can be used convincingly in a science fiction story so long as you tell it properly. It's sad for me to say that this episode didn't convince me of some key elements of the story. I won't bore you with most of the things I was unconvinced in but I really wasn't convinced that the entire spaceship was powered by a huge spacewhale straped on his back like a backpack. It made the story weak because there wasn't enough details to make me believe this can be possible.Overall, I think this was a fair episode for both Matt Smith and Karen Gillan. They tried their best to sell this story but, at least for me, I didn't get into it.
23 stars
I was enamored with the Stargate SG-1 series right from the beginning. I watched each episode, and wanted more and more. Few TV series survive to ten seasons, especially Sci-Fi. I guess that I am unreasonable to want the show to continue, but the SG-1 crew was primo entertainment to me. I really think that it was a crime that the Sci-Fi Channel arbitrarily ended the series, as the program had so much more potential to explore. After all, what will the SG-1 team do next? Earth's main enemies had been either neutralized, or eliminated. I would have been fascinated to see what technology would have been developed by Stargate Command. And don't give me any guff about the supposed "movies" scheduled, I'll believe them when I see them. We may get one or two "movies", then the Idea of the SG-1 team dies a quiet death because nobody cares anymore. I'm too old to wait 10 or 20 years for the series to be resurrected in another form (as in Star Trek). Stargate Atlantis had possibilities, but the same idiots that ruined SG-1 are controlling Stargate Atlantis, so I do not expect this show to survive another two seasons. Too Bad!!!!!!
45 stars
Re-released 27 years later, one of the greatest horror films of all-time is still deeply unnerving. Much has been made about the new "director's cut", that the newly-included, never-before-seen footage detracts from the original rather than adds. It is true that the film's epilogue is dragged out for no apparent reason but that is not a significant enough reason to keep people from watching it again. It's simply one of the best films around.
45 stars
45 stars
I did enjoy this film. Its not as good as THE RING ( english version) or even the THE EYE ( Asian version, I have not yet seen the english version); however, the one consistent comment that is annoying when it comes to polarising films like this, is the use of terms like "true Horror Fan". I eventually want to see the original version, and its neat that there's a cute cover model, but Things like the Cover of the english version of ONE MISSED CALL are never given any credit ( minor point). Anyways, wether the call is from the future, or from some source that has a self-fulfulling prophecy in it, it does not matter; If you let your self go on this ride its quite enjoyable, and who knows, you might start checking for that one, missed call.
45 stars
This is fabulous...saw it on TV - and when I saw the DVD had to have it... could listen to them for hours...and enjoyed the interviews with all of them.
45 stars
The only 2 memorable things from the movie was the great performance by Charlize Theron and that Ben Affleck's character is from Signaw Michigan (Which I think is supposed to be my old home town of Saginaw). Theron gave an impressive performance as the mysterious, yet sweet...pen pal of Affleck's cell mate. The movie had me interested until the final act which turned into a typical pier six brawl. Two stars for the movie and one extra star for Theron and Signaw, Michigan.Oh, the movie is supposed to take place in Michigan, but I don't think any of it was filmed there. The movie doesn't really name any Michigan landmarks, so I'm going to assume Affleck is released from Jackson State prison at the begining of the film, travels someplace down river Detroit, let say Wyandotte, to hook up with Theron. From there he heads up north to rob the casino in say Mount Pleasant, or someplace off US-27. Finally, Affleck's drivers license lists his home as Signaw, which has to Saginaw!
23 stars
As this movie was both written, produced and directed by the same man -Stuart Urban, then he's the one who should be severely disciplined and humiliated for this pathetic comedic look at London's BDSM scene. Being British myself and knowing what could have been made of this fascinating and erotic subject, makes it even more painful. As a movie there is no sense of structure, no sense of comedic or satiric form. It's all been done before and much better back in the 1970's when British studios were really turning out "Sex-Coms" on an assembly line basis. Brit's love the whole culture of spanking, domination, black stockings and alike. And once upon a time they knew how to get us all aroused and to give us a few laughs in between the whacks and the kisses.This film seems to have more slaves in it than "Spartacus" and as for anything remotely erotic to get you in the mood, well it's a torture in itself just to watch the going's on let alone wanting to join in!
01 star
I've never felt more empty and cold after watching a movie before in my life. I could completely relate to the Wheelers sense of "entrapement" in their average, suburban lives but where I feel that the story goes awry is that there is no redemptive, overall message at the end. I'm not of the camp that says there has to be a clear, concise message at the end of every film, but this one is so depressing it needed something at the end to balance it out! Otherwise, what's the point of sitting through the entire movie? The Wheeler's aspire for something "more" (what that is exactly is never clear), their plans are foiled for various reasons and then things just spiral horrifically out of control at that point. THE END! Maybe in 1961 when this story was written the theme of "quiet desperation" was new and interesting for people to contemplate but in 2008, I don't think there was anything new to bring to the table and of limited interest for most people!The only semi-interesting thing that I can point out about this film is that both Wheelers want something more out of life but Frank at some point seems to realize that what they already have isn't so bad. April, on the other hand, never seems to reach this realization! Maybe that makes Frank a "coward" and maybe it makes him the smart one?!? Who knows! Everything's relative!Lots of people lead lives of quiet desperation, some do something about it and are very successful, some try and fail and others never try at all. There are a myriad of reasons (some within our control and others not) that contribute to these potential outcomes. That's life and this isn't new ground!!I gave the film 2 stars because Kate and Leo gave good performances, but unfortunately they were not good enough to elevate this movie above anything other than depressing!!
12 stars
You could spend all day googling these guys, what they've done, why you should care, and still you wouldn't come close to having all the info, insights, and ideas in this documentary.(Not to mention, experience the roller coaster of emotions that comes from watching it.)The first time I watched it on my laptop as a $2.99 download. But then I bought the DVD. Because I wanted to watch it on a large screen and because I was "hooked" by intriguing list of "Special Features."Got my money's worth.For me, the top three extras are:> "The Man on Lincoln's Nose" (For Alfred Hitchcock fans, a must-see documentary);> "North by Northwest: String Quartet" (one of ten "Deleted Scenes");> Unedited, 23-minute video of Robert Boyle teaching at the world's best film school.
45 stars
Ever since I saw the first season of Downton Abbey, the UK edition, I have been waiting for the next season to come out. From a reviewer, I learned that the UK version is better than the US version because the US version cut out some scenes. When I received my movie it was in great condition and it came right before its due date! I can't wait to watch this! I loved the first season.
45 stars
this movie was fantastic! it was a budget movie, so dont expect top quality camera work. but this is a solid movie. funny as hell. the deleted scenes and extras were all great.BUY IT
45 stars
This movie for die hard fans just opens your eyes up to even more. I fully enjoyed this movie and though it well worth the price!
45 stars
I love it!!! Cry Baby is my favorite movie!!! Going to buy it for my sister! I would totally recommend to everyone! Johnny Depp is so cute in this movie!
45 stars
This movie was simply amazing. I thought that everyone was cast well and did there parts brilliantly. After I found out that this was made from a book I am inspired to read the book as soon as time is available. One thing I would love to know is that name and artist of the song during the closing credits, I really liked it.
45 stars
Talk about a sequel that outdoes its predecessor, this one is over the top. Lots of shock value, gore, suspense and twists. If you liked The Descent, you will love Decent Two.
34 stars
It is hard not feel for this young man who lives in the slums of Mumbai and whose grit and determination landed him in a pile of poop the first few minutes of the movie. I was pulled in immediately. The young Jamal was excellent in this role! His young squeaky voice yelling out "Amitabh Bachchan" was a cute as can be. And oh, the love he felt for Latika was heart wrenching. The more his mean-spirited brother Salim was determined to keep them apart, the more it seemed they were destined to be together. I loved this film so much I watched it 3 x the first week I bought it. It was so unexpected and I couldn't help it. This movie is right up there with my favorite love stories of all time: "Officer & a Gentlemen," "Pretty Woman," "Indecent Proposal," and "The Titanic." I loved this movie...I loved their story. I guess you could say I'm a romantic at heart. And I always root for the underdog. So three cheers and two thumbs up for the Slumdog of Mumbai!
45 stars
Nora (Marsha Mason) is a single mother who lives with her son Michael (Mathew Broderick). Their modest life is turned upside down when Nora's estranged father Max Dugan (Jason Robards) shows up in the middle of the night offering stolen money in exchange for a dying wish: time to get to know his grandson. Further complicated by the fact that Nora is dating a policeman (played brilliantly by an inquisitive Donald Sutherland) who can't help get the feeling that the new houseguest isn't who he claims to be.Marsha Mason and Jason Robards are brilliantly funny together exchanging loving father-daughter quips. A young Mathew Broderick holds his own (showing many of his classic mannerisms) as Nora's son caught in the middle of it all. Recommended to all who want a warm-hearted laugh from a unique family story.
45 stars
"Cool Runnings" is one of the best movies I have seen.The story line, John Candy and the Jamaican Bobsledders,the switch from warm Jamaica to cold Calgary all make for awarm and funny movie. I'm going to take the advice of anotherreviewer and watch it now to revive the "feel-good" feelingof the entire movie. A classic to buy and keep. A truecomedy.
45 stars
when you think the episode is going to get good, it doesn't, very disapointing and not worth your money, don't by it the one hour episodes are really boring, there's driftwood stuff thats in there but doesn't really effect the story at all, do me a favor and don't make the same mistake I did, which is me watching the episodes... AND DONT BUY IT!
01 star
After immensely enjoying the first movie, we were not only disappointed but often disgusted by the second. Instead of making witty and funny movie like the first, they made a stupid, crass and gross movie.don't waste your time or money on this!
01 star
This movie was a total waste of time for them to make and me to see. Not a very well written , so I give it two thumbs down!
01 star
Intelligent comedy for those who care about politics in the world in which we live. Nice sarcasm, w/ a tone similar to the great "Curb Your Enthusiasm" (except that Albert Brooks actually has much better social skills than Larry David on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Only complaint is that it didn't go on long enough!
45 stars
A great documentary. There is a message for us all in this film. It puts many things in perspective when you see how other people live particularly the poverty of the Das family. If you are North American and you think you are poor or have no opportunity, this film will put it all in perspective.
45 stars
Kevin Smith's "Red State" is such a bold and angry film, there's a tendency to forgive its many faults. It's telling that almost an hour after watching this work, my friends and family were still discussing the plot's ebbs and flows and ultimately, its thematic significance. Smith should be applauded for writing and directing an unorthodox statement on some of the more troubling aspects of society, but he sabotages his own efforts with his trademark snark dialog and an ambition which surpasses an obviously low budget.I have always considered Smith's work to be overrated, thoughClerks (Collector's Series)is a classic statement of its era. "Red State," for the most part, is unlike anything he's ever attempted. He mixes a variety of genres, tilting what is essentially a horror film upon its head to become a satirical statement on religion, oppression, human rights and violence. He has a brilliant cast at his disposal, though I question the hiring of Michael Parks in the crucial role of the Reverend Abin Cooper. It's a gimmicky choice, as Parks' Hopperesque persona is better served for supporting work. A more substantial actor would have raised the level of this film several notches. Of course, Parks gives the greatest performance of a long and peculiar career, but opposed to what?Death Wish V: The Face of Death?The Evictors? Anyway, he's the leader of an especially sinister religious clan, a sort of combination of David Koresh and Fred Phelps, regularly protesting homosexuality while stockpiling a deadly arsenal of weapons at his rural compound.Three teenagers (Michael Angarano, Nicholas Braun, Kyle Gallner) decide to borrow the parents' car and drive to the country to visit a middle-aged woman encountered on-line for an evening of casual sex. They meet Sara (Melissa Leo) at a rundown trailer and are drugged and kidnapped. They awaken to discover they are hostages of Cooper's religious compound, being lined up for sacrifice due to their sinful ways. Reverend Cooper gives a fascinating 10-minutes-long sermon before dragging the first hostage on stage, gagged and wrapped in cellophane. I'm not sure I can forgive Smith for this extended sequence of misery and murder, though one does not have a doubt as to these fanatics' intentions. Almost to the minute the ATF arrives on the scene in preparation of a raid, led by none other than John Goodman. As usual, Goodman steals just about every scene he's in due to his intensely natural presence, an underrated actor who is the Robert Duvall of modern times. Things immediately go awry, as they usually do when the ATF decides to strong-arm religious compounds (Waco - The Rules of Engagement), and people drop dead about as quickly as they did in Peckinpah's Battle of Bloody Porch (The Wild Bunch - The Original Director's Cut).Ultimately, the ATF are given the green light to kill everyone on-site after government executives dub the compound's inhabitants as terrorists, thus even women and children become opportunities for target practice. Quite a few interesting characters are introduced, only to be unceremoniously killed in shocking fashion. I can see what Smith is doing here, going against conditioned expectations of traditional Hollywood flow. There's even one very good supporting actor you suspect to have a more substantial role whose head is blown off after barely a line of dialog. Such intentional chaos hurts the film, but your mouth will be agape.The already-mentioned low budget is apparent during the ATF's attempts to attack the compound. It's clear there is no military order, and a hand-held camera mixed with rapid editing camouflages what is essentially a home movie reproducing chaos. When the smoke finally clears, there's barely an actor left standing and a minutes-long speech attempting to analyze all that has come before lacks the poetic depth Smith was attempting. But this is truly a brave film revealing signs of a spiritually enraged artist. Smith said he plans to retire from directing, which to me sounds like the pontifications of a drama queen. He has shown a level of promise in "Red State" not seen in his past work. If he throws the gimmicks out the window and eliminates the bawdy snark, he's going to hit a home run soaring so far it will shock even him.
34 stars
If you do not like South Park or your pantys are just a bit too binding then you will probably won't like this hysterical movie from producer Trey Parker, co-creator of South Park. When a young Mormon and his cohort travel around Los Angelos in hopes to pass the power of the Mormons, they are in for more than they bargained for. And, when our young hero rings the doorbell of a porn director, his life changes in a direction he never thought of, and pretty soon he is known as Orgazmo, crime fighter with his orgazmorator ray! What follows is total lunacy and raunchy fun. Porn star Ron Jeremy is also in this farce; and in my opinion, Ron could become a very good comedic character actor, so Hollywood take notice. You'll laugh till you wet yourself!
45 stars
Jack Black seems to be on a mission; make a screwball comedy in every sort of movie genre possible. From playing wrestling monk to a school music teacher, to now a caveman, he finds all that is disgusting, revolting, insinuating and vulgar in any possible situation, and puts it on screen for all to see. His latest release, Year One, is a perfect example. Set in a condensed past of human history, Mr. Black and costar Michael Cera play two cavemen who leave their tribe and go traveling around the ancient world where they encounter numerous biblical characters in important events, such as Cain killing Abel. The movie takes every opportunity to mock episodes from the Bible, though the comedy is cruder and less involved than the stuff used by Monty Python or other takes on the Bible. Was there some funny scenes? Yes, but they were few and far between as much of the movie is copied of other comedies. A prime example are the two protagonists; a fat guy (Jack Black's character) who is bossy and a skinny guy (Michael Cera's character) who is a wimp. This sounds awfully like the Laurel and Hardy comedies.Overall, not worth the money to buy this DVD, and a lot of TV shows are a better watch than this. So don't waste your time.
12 stars
I like Seed of Chucky as much as The Bride of Chucky. It has the same kind of camp effect as Bride of Chucky. Jennifer Tilly is fantastic, she offers comedy relief and she doesn't take her character too seriously. It's also bizarre to watch the spawn of Chucky, it's fun to watch "it" in action. There's some funny campy lines in Seed of Chucky. "U can always smell it on girls who sell it". Haha. Seed of Chucky has some cool special effects, an interesting story and some gory scenes like a good horror movie should have.
45 stars
It's Super Bowl Sunday at the Los Angeles Coliseum and there is a sniper ready to shoot. This movie has an all-star cast: Charlton Heston, John Cassavetes and his wife, actress Gena Rowlands, Martin Balsam, Beau Bridges, Marilyn Hassett, David Janssen, Jack Klugman, Walter Pidgeon, David Groh, Pamela Bellwood, Ron Sheldon and many more. The sniper is ready to shoot at one person sitting in the stadium. (Which Hollywood star will be the one he shoots?) Watch the film to know the secret. Who is the sniper? When will he shoot? Who will he shoot? All these secrets will be revealed as the suspense builds. This DVD version is the original theatrical version. This is not the NBC Network version were 63 minutes of new footage was added and the sniper storyline changed. NBC also cut out some of the shooting. This original version on DVD may be okay to watch three hours before the real Super Bowl Football game in January.
12 stars
this movie is worth the cash. i saw it a) at the test screening b) 3 times in the theaters with different groups of friends c) and bought it on dvd. why? hmmmm....because, well...it's GOOD.the cinematography is excellent, the direction is phenomenal (seriously!), the acting is believable, the plot is unique (trust me!) and the soundtrack is perfect.The ONLY (and I mean only) reservation I have about giving this film 5 stars is the unavoidable cornyness that finds its way into all movies about twins...especially if the same actor plays the role of both (as in Mercy Streets). BUT David White pulls it off quite well...considering this 'fact'.RENT it...BUY it...whatever...just SEE it.
34 stars
I am no great Jackie Chan fan, but I have seen this movie several times. It is very much a live action comic book, and if you're a fan of live comic book action (like the Batman TV series, for example), then you should enjoy this movie. There is the trademark Chan slapstick and stunts, but if for nothing else, you have to see the live-action Streetfighter 2 sequence where Jackie turns into various video game characters while fighting the nefarious "Ken".
23 stars
I've always enjoyed this movie, and I'm glad it's finally available on DVD. The acting, music and plot all worked together beautifully.
45 stars
It was even scarier than Scream. I loved the movie and the acting was realy good.If you see this movie you are going love it...and you will never want to drive again...
45 stars
Derivative and disjointed, VOODOO MOON nonetheless manages to be an entertaining little horror movie, with good performances and production values.A demon has wiped out an entire village, resulting in its being flooded to make a lake for a new water supply. Two of its survivors, Corey and Heather, are gifted with varying psychic powers. He's like an exorcist and she can draw pictures that foretell the future. Corey has dedicated his life to fighting this nasty demon but now has one final showdown in which he enlists the help of people he has saved from this demon in the past. He also convinces his sister to join in his quest. It's all been done before and it's reminiscent of the tv series SUPERNATURAL and even the PROPHECY movie franchise. Eric Mabius is a buffed up, stolid hero; BUFFY'S Charisma Carpenter is his sister; Rik Craig is the demonic Daniel; the ageless John Amos looking pretty fit for a man in his sixties plays a biker; the ubiquitous Jeffrey Combs is the zombie-like cop; and Dee Wallace shows up as some kind of healer whom Corey rescued.It's all pretty hokey but it's tale of good vs. evil is given some refreshing life.
23 stars
This movie is great! Keith Price has an amazing personality that jumps out and you from the screen and keeps you laughing. This movie is definitely like nothing you have seen before, its funny and touching. It teaches you about the many different stereotypes and communities that many people so easily fall into and become accepted without much thought about it. Keith Price tells his story about being a gay, black man and trying to become accepted in two very different communities. You definitely DON'T have to be gay to enjoy this movie. I am a straight female and loved this movie all the same!
45 stars
I love this show as kid once you watch it again the memories are back but rearranged. The episodes are mostly themed best of CD which is ok however everything thing feels rushed and there is no pacing. I would like to say the video quality does live up to 90's tv show standards. Try a episode download first before you buy the DVD.
34 stars
I hate how they turned this into the show about the ghost. She evolved from a frightened murder victim to empowered supernatural being over the first three seasons. But killing off all the characters but her, it's essentially a different show - and worse for it.
45 stars
The best way to describe this movie is hilarious. There really isn't any plot just great one liners and a lot of really fake looking gore. This movie is like 28 days later mixed with night of the living dead, with the twist of insanity from rodriguez and tarantino. If it weren't for the comedic aspect of this movie, it would've been a complete failure. this movie along with death proof are a good start to the grindhouse movement.
23 stars
Drag Me to Hell: 4 out of 10: Great another movie that achieved universal critical acclaim that I did not enjoy. Oh make matters worse it is a horror film (which almost never achieves universal acclaim and which I love) and is by director Sam Raimi whom I genuinely enjoy.Drag me to Hell is all about gypsy curses. In the tradition of the superior Thinner and Buffy the Vampire Slayer our heroine Alison Lohman is a bank manager who turns down a third extension on an old gypsy's house mortgage causing her to lose the home.. (Lohman is eyeing a promotion and her boss told her to be tough) The Gypsy in question attacks Lohman (in the films best scene) and then places a curse on her. She has three days to get rid of the curse or she will literally be dragged to hell.In those three days, the demon in question will torment Lohman, so far so good. Then the movie falls of the rails. Lohman does something so horrific and unnecessary to get rid of the curse she becomes a Black Hat extraordinaire. Now a twist like that certainly can work if the film acknowledges it, but Raimi keeps his cards too close to the vest.It quickly comes apparent that Lohman, despite acting as a younger, blonder, more innocent Kirsten Dunst, is the most evil thing in the film. The film simply does not really pull this switcheroo off or may not even realize it on some level.The main fault lies with the lead performance of Alison Lohman who seems to skip through the movie with one confused expression, another confused expression and a decent scream. Raimi knows his buttons too well and fixates on violating the chaste Loman's mouth with flies, maggots, blood, fists, entire arms, and in the most disgusting thing ever; an old ladies mouth without her dentures.Loman cannot pull off a fun evil so instead she is more the brain-dead banal evil. This is a role that requires a Linda Ferrentino style touch. I simply do not think Loman had the chops for the role.The films tone is strange as well. Many scenes are clearly tongue in cheek (a giant anvil held by a rope for instance) but others are so horrific (The aforementioned horrible act that shall not be named) that it takes one out of the story.The rest of the cast is decent with Justin Long giving a particularly strong performance as the really nice guy with the evil girlfriend from hell. (Well going to hell... you know what I mean.) Long is best known as the Apple guy and the film keeps sticking him in front of Apple product placements handicapping his effectiveness.There is also some strangely bad CGI in the mix. While Raimi really knows how to push the gross-out buttons and the jump scares, he would have been better off with some old school effects.Overall I am beyond disappointed. Nevertheless, I guess once again I will be that guy who didn't like the film everyone else loved. It is 'Rushmore' all over again.
12 stars
Okay, I really don't understand what the big deal is with guys who say that this is a woman's movie. This movie is the combination of romance and spirituality, both are qualities of all human beings, not just for women. In fact, I went to this movie with my book club. There are both men and women in this group, and we voted, unanimously, that this should be the best picture winner.Of course, we all know what Oscar did after that...Another sexist move, but expected considering that men dominated the Oscar board.Oh, and the reviewer who said that this is a girl movie, not guys, and that straight guys should not watch this movie, you might be interested to know that I reported your comment to Amazon as inappropriate. Sexists comments like that should not exist anywhere on this board, if not the world!
45 stars
There have been so many excellent reviews of this landmark film that there is not much to add so here are a few observations about the film and the extras:- The film has a dark and sombre mood which is unexpected and surprising. The backstage glimpses have a harshness and the comedy is very sharp and venal - nothing light and frothy here.- Warner Baxter and Bebe Daniels had at least 10 years experience behind them when they made the film and their performances have great depth. Baxter portrays a very sick man and Daniels captures the prospect of being over the hill movingly.- Ruby Keeler's ingenuousness maybe real but the casting makes her perfect here. Never was such blank innocence so convincing which explains why her reviews at the time were so good. It was only as her career progressed that her limitations became obvious, although she always improved. Her tap dancing is a legacy of a different style from heavy shoes and timber floored speakeasies when she really had "to put 'em down" to be heard. Later in the decade, her tap lightened up.- Dick Powell is also perfectly cast and his devilish way with the lyrics of "Young and Healthy" suggest an active libido. He is underrated.The print of the film is excellent but Warner's seemed to have messed up the extra features. The documentary on this film appears on the DVD of "Goldiggers of 1933" with a short on the promotion of the film when Warner's hired a train, the 42nd Street Special, to cross America to reach Washington for President Roosevelt's birthday. What remains is a poor short film on Harry Warren, who wrote the songs, and other shorts promoting Warner Brothers which in fact were made 2 years later and refer to other musicals. It is all a bit confusing.Unless you purchase this DVD as part of the Busby Berkeley set, the DVD is only OK value.
34 stars
Babylon 5 is the best science fiction series ever made. Check out some of the other reviews for details of episodes and what extras are on the discs.
45 stars
I seen this movie last year when it was called AVATAR....... Same plot, if Cameron is getting sued copywright infringement, THIS should be the reason why, he lifted the entire plotline and storyand added new special effects.
34 stars
This 2002 movie is based upon Joseph Girzone's novel, Joshua: A Parable for Today. The idea behind the story is that Jesus has returned to earth to help his people find their way and teach them how to love again. I read the book many years ago, along with Girzone's other Joshua books. My husband purchased Joshua, the movie, for me a few years ago as a Christmas gift.While the premise is basically the same, as is typical with book to movie projects, Joshua barely resembles the written story. The story was modernized a bit, so the residents of Auburn now have cell phones, but overall filmmakers captured the charm of small town American well. I was less than thrilled, however, with certain aspects of the movie: the romantic feelings Joshua's appearance awaken in Maggie (though handled in a family friendly way); having Joshua make a statue of Peter for the Catholic church instead of a statue of Moses for the synagogue (book); and the divisive relationship between Father Pat and Father Tardone.Part of the appeal of the book, is that Jesus comes back and reaches out to all people, just like he did during his first time on earth. By having the movie focus on the Catholic church and Joshua helping rebuild a Baptist church that was destroyed by a storm, they remove the powerful element of Joshua reaching out to the Jews, which was a big part of the book. They make a point to mention there is a Jewish person in Auburn, but it's a humorous moment where this man enters the Catholic confessional to tell Father Tardone about one of Joshua's miracles.Maggie's interest in Joshua, while depicted purely, adds nothing to the film. Perhaps they were going for a modern-day Mary Magdalene--as some people believe she saw the Lord as something more than a teacher--by portraying the character this way, but I felt it fell flat.While the book did have the religious leaders of Auburn confronting Joshua about his motives, the man steering the destroy Joshua committee is Father Tardone. He preaches more about fear of God, than about God's love. At one point, Father Tardone invites Joshua to Mass, where he proceeds to give a sermon on how you cannot hide your sins from God. They exchange words after the service, and it's obvious they have a different version of who God is and the message he gives to us through his Word. I also didn't like to see Father Pat placed at such odds with is superior or the way they made Father Pat to be more awkward and unsure of himself.It is the moving scenes when Joshua interacts with certain people that save this movie. Joshua and the blind woman at the revival meeting; Joshua and Theo after his accident; Joshua and Father Tardone in Rome (where Joshua has been called to be interviewed by the cardinal about his actions); and the tear-jerking scene between Joshua and the Pope.Despite its departure from the book, Joshua is filled with many talented actors who perform well with the material they were handed. I also feel, the message of God's love shines through.
23 stars
Growing up I always watched Mr. Roger...this is a great follow up. The concepts taught are wonderful and my daughter loves the music and characters.
45 stars
I watched this over a month ago, and my way of life has changed completely. I cannot purchase commercially produced meat, eggs, or milk -- now I know the high cost of misery and suffering (both human and animal) involved in it's production. I lent this movie to my friends and family, and they were also sobered by it's message. This is a life changing film that everyone who eats needs to see. Americans have closed their eyes for far too long to what goes into the food they eat.Watch this film, wake up, and take responsibility for the part you play in this horrifying drama.
45 stars
I didn't enjoy it yes it was well made but it is very overhyped and isn't anything to rave about , Not really worth your time unless you love long dull films.
01 star
This video is junk. Every b and c documentary covers the watts riots and the eventual lack of leadership leading up to the 2 gangs. It explains nothing of how it started or why it started. It actually covers very little of the 2 gangs themselves. I myself am a former blood gang member out of Las Vegas, Nevada. As I know it, the crips started out of a need to belong to something and a need for a fatherly figure. As the gladiators, slausons, and the buisiness before them they fought other gangs with their fists. through time the the fights began to get worse with bats, pipes, and knives being used. The crips gang became the largest and most dominant gang at the time. The smaller gangs that were being "picked on" decided enough was enough. A meeting of 5 different gangs took place (the brimms, the compton boys, and the avenues are the only 3 i know). In this meeting the gangs decided to start an alliance. Now at the time most of the gangs wore blue due to everybody wanting to be like the crips. So this new alliance decided to change their color to red and come up with a name, Pirus/bloods. The name Piru is a street in Compton, California and the name blood because of the family concept such as blood brothers. That as far as I know is where the bloods came from. The idea was for the bloods to protect them and the others in their neighborhoods from the crips. Somewhere some how someone was killed by one side and the other side took revenge by killing one from the other side. This is why it has been so bloody over the years. When someone kills your bestfriend or ur family member, the first thought that comes to your mind is revenge. The hate for eachother runs so deep over these deaths that getting these two gangs to stop is nearly impossible. this war is has as much emotion as any relugous ar cultural war has. Its also very addicting a young man cause yes you do feel extremely powerful, almost like a god to hold a gun in your hand and know that you have the power to take life and to allow it to live. People who look at you in fear cause they know what you are or may be makes you feel even more powerful, here is this grown man looking terrified of me and im only a teen. The sad thing is if you dont look at them with fear they will want to put that fear into you, Fear is respect and respect is the only thing that matters on the streets. I have been out of the gang for 4 years now and 7 years in the gang. Even to this day when I see somone wearing blue or recognize them as a crip member i catch myself wanting to harm them. I have lost to many friends to ever forget about who i once was or who i once fought.
01 star
Beautiful piece in the style of 'Umbrellas of Cherbourg'. Honore employs the talents of some wonderful young actors as well as his own brand of storytelling to create a tender journey of realization.
45 stars
I discovered Robert Knight on the internet while looking up Rock Photographers almost 10 years ago. I came across his Zeppelin photos and wanting to be rock photog myself I contacted him via email and would ask him questions on the industry as he has a ton of experience. I have found him to be extremely passionate about what he does and very willing to share his experiences. A lot of photogs have such massive egos (as I have come to discover in my own experiences)that just asking a question will get you a dirty look or a nasty comment.I was fortunate enough to be at the screening of Rock Prophecies here in Las Vegas where I met Robert for the second time. The documentary for me was a personal journey of his passion for music and photography. His journey is one that I could only hope to have.How many people get to have the experiences in music that he has? Shooting Zeppelin in Hawaii getting off the plane holding the masters for Led Zep 2, last photos of Jimmy Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughn, and not to mention gaining the trust and friendship of some of my hero's!If you love music and rock photography, this is an awesome documentary to have in a collection.Cathy SkrinakLas Vegas, NV
45 stars
It is beautiful to watch. There is no gore or sex (sort of) but just stories that span theages. I love the interaction between the staff and the Lords and Ladies. Them have areal caringfamily type relationship, except for a few devious souls. You'll have to watch todiscover them. Can't wait till season three.
45 stars
(Direct to video) Like-able 'Critters' return in this 3rd installment. The movie is watchable. The acting is average. Watch out for a young Leo DiCaprio.Filmed back to back with Critters 4.
34 stars
Yeah, so maybe this is not the message you want to send to kids, but it is a movie. A good movie with a story behind it. Certaintly adults don't care much for it. "They Shouldn't" It's a kids movie. I recomend you watch is more than once before you judge it. Besides Its not like Children don't hear about theft on the news.
34 stars
I did not buy it for myself but the person I did like a whole lot, and wants to buy one more
23 stars