class label
5 classes
Greece fought all battles mainly to enslave herself
45 stars
This book scared the living daylights out of me
45 stars
Every Woman's Book: Dr. Airola's
45 stars
A book for mystery buffs, action lovers, and fantasy seekers
45 stars
34 stars
Not as marred in adaptation as others
34 stars
Good, down-to-earth practical guide to problem solving
45 stars
45 stars
Curriculum Improvement: Decision Making and Process 9th Ed.
34 stars
the search is over
45 stars
Best book for English history and English literature
45 stars
Worth the time
45 stars
This is an overrated window
23 stars
A modern tale and probably just as relevant
45 stars
Excellent condition
45 stars
Excellent book for getting started.
45 stars
A middle of the road effort for Herbert.
23 stars
A Most Excellent Read
45 stars
When life gives you lemons......
34 stars
A fine book for every body
34 stars
E. Roberts
45 stars
Awesome Book, good for newbies...
34 stars
A new kind of Terror is in these pages
45 stars
A Classic
45 stars
Why all the fuss?
01 star
12 stars
I received this book on time or before.
34 stars
very boring
12 stars
A daring read.
45 stars
Superb Sea Drama.
45 stars
This book is being revised - so the FACTS can be adjusted
01 star
45 stars
Excellent book for breast cancer survivors
45 stars
34 stars
Roller Coaster Ride of a Story
45 stars
45 stars
I LOVE this book!
45 stars
Well Written Account Of Serial Murder
34 stars
So you're interested in purchasing Brave New World...?
45 stars
A Must Have!
45 stars
Great read!
45 stars
Afformations Turns The Old Affirmations Model On Its Head
45 stars
45 stars
You MUST buy this!
45 stars
Seriously cool book!
45 stars
Frugality wins
45 stars
Clean, clear, understated, and thoroughly enjoyable
45 stars
Literary marvel; not for everyone
45 stars
Exactly So
45 stars
An amazing read
45 stars
Lovely book about from a child's perspective in Haiti
45 stars
Thoought provoking
45 stars
This book sticks with you
34 stars
This book was an OK book but with a twisted ending.
23 stars
Revealing the Magic Underpinnings of Comics
45 stars
Great for a first novel ...
34 stars
Yes, he is a Dillirgaf!
34 stars
Good book
45 stars
good but
34 stars
Just ugh
12 stars
Mostly about the Reformation
34 stars
A 'must read' for all bird lovers
45 stars
the old man and sea
45 stars
Kyle Longley wrote a passionate book about Figueres
45 stars
jonathan livingston seagull
45 stars
Beyond Voodoo
45 stars
Iron Hand, Hardened Heart, Man of Duty
45 stars
Avoid the new translation!!
45 stars
Fair entertainment
23 stars
Dull narrative earns this short novel 1 star
01 star
This book was an eye opener!
45 stars
Very Good
45 stars
Moving, Haunting Story of a Unique Love *Quadrilateral*
45 stars
Soothing to Mommy and Baby
34 stars
Good continuation of first book, but a cop-out of an ending
34 stars
Engaging & Enchanting
45 stars
Rick Steves Delivers Rome!
45 stars
One of the best Dianic volumes I have ever read
45 stars
She gets it now...
45 stars
The book was delivered damaged. Embarrasing!
01 star
Venture adventure that is worth the trip
45 stars
Horrible printing - Blurry pages
01 star
45 stars
Comming of Age
45 stars
A Great Book by a Great Man
45 stars
simply excellent
45 stars
The ring of truth
45 stars
used books
45 stars
Disappointing mess of a book
23 stars
very slow
12 stars
For Economists and Noneconomists
45 stars
A Very Good Book!
45 stars
The land a metaphor for the people
34 stars
45 stars
To Find the Deeper Answers
34 stars
34 stars
This sleeper classic tops most books written today
34 stars
A celebration of life!
45 stars
Didn't fill the bill
12 stars
Summer Reading Triumph
45 stars