class label
5 classes
Return to form but still trying new styles This is the best since Follow the Leader. Jon is yelling again but not the all out screaming like in the past. The guitars are brutal and the riffs are very cool. The bass and drums are solid as always but its really Jon vocals that really shine on this one. He does everything from screaming, sings(his best yet)and the infamous Jon what the hell is he saying rant.
45 stars
Soulful is worth the ride As a debut album, Soulful is one of the better that I have heard. I was (and am) an American Idol fan and watched Ruben's rise to the top. This album only begins to show the variety to Ruben's talents. We're driven to forgive him anything after hearing "Sorry 2004," hop in his ride and head on down to the club to jam to "Can I Get Your Attention." As Ruben promised, there is something for everyone on this album. To contradict an earlier, hateful poster, who boldly states: "This CD doesn't appeal to fans of his music on the show, ...." Obviously, this is not true, since I was a fan of his music on the show. I am happy that he is doing new, fresh music, rather than the old, re-done and re-done songs that performers on AI are forced to endure. Regardless of all the hatred spewed here by obviously lifeless, disgruntled clay fans, Soulful is burning up the charts, both pop and R&B. Soulful is one of those rare albums that people hear and want to own. Case in point: I gave one to my file clerk at work. She loves it. She let her cousin listen, and she ran out to buy her own copy. The true appreciation of this young man's works grows by leaps and bounds. The album has earned this praise. Give Soulful a listen; I guarantee you'll enjoy the ride.
45 stars
Bloody Brilliant! Undisputed Attitude.*****For a cover album - this f*cking rules. I wouldn't expect your average modern Metallica fan to get this album. Not trendy enough. Nor would I expect the Dave Mustaine band aka Megadeth fans to get this either. Not poppy enough. I won't even comment about the hordes of Nu-Metal garbage out there.So who gets this record? Slayer fans, specifically old school Slayer fans.Slayer is at times a punk band masquerading as a Metal Band. Most of the time its a fusion of the two. Thats why going back to the 80s they've always been so different from the bands who turned their back on the real deal to be embraced by MTV.Some Slayer fans don't get this. They are I'd presume just into the metal angle of Slayer. I'm cool with that. I grew up listening to alot of the stuff covered here - Stooges, DRI, Minor Threat. So needless to say I totally dig where they are coming from. Showing thier influences *AND* showing us a cover album can be interesting especially when pulling out deep, deep sh*t from that influenced many of us in the day. Bob Segar covers? Not on this album - go to the Smashing Pumpkins of metal for that.Now, the music. What can I say but a resounding F*CK YA. The mix is tight the band is on fire. Bustaph earned respect from me here. The man is just rapid fire. Even in the years without Lombardo Slayer still managed to find great drummers. (one of the keys to thier success)Tunes wise - I love the feracity of the Verb stuff. First four tracks will knock you on your ass both literally and figuretively. The agression, fire and drums are all there. Its some vicious, vicious punk. Perfect - the way its supposed to be. Other highlights include the Minor Threat covers. I hate to say this, but Slayer takes the anger and adds feracity to it. Never thought I'd want to see anyone cover 'Threat, but they take it to another level. The cover of Richard is also very good.Overall, this album is nothing more than Slayer showing old school roots. For that they should be cheered. The band has never kissed anyone's ass and this is an example of it. I don't expect 20 year olds to get it. This is more something 30-35 year olds will get.Only odd thing here is the lone new cut. Doesn't fit in with the rest of the album.Overall, highly recommend this one. To the 20 year old Slayer fan or younger - this release is key to understanding Slayer. This is exactly what separates them from the Smashing Pumpkins of metal - punk roots and not loosing perspective. These covers say who they are, where they have come from and speaks volumes about thier integrity to cover alot of scene stuff while in no way kissing radio or MTV's hind quarters.Now, if you Metallica fans could get quality like this out of your band..... Poor Cliff is rolling in his grave.
45 stars
Classic performers and a pleasant surprise from Downey I've read other reviews that slam Robert Downey Jr.'s singing abilities but I have to disagree. I thought his contributions to the soundtrack were a great expression of his talent. The CD as a whole was diverse and exciting, it stays in my car stereo. I think most critics don't appreciate a good collection that you can sing along with on the daily commute. Overall, Barry White is always good, Vonda Shepard is good but should try some original material. The standout performance is Downey Jr.'s "Snakes". Considering the great hurdles he has struggled with,I applaud his considerable talent and his willingness to try new directions. Highly recommended if you like a enjoyable music experience!
45 stars
A MUST LISTEN Real hardcore golden age hip hop music!!!! Of course the beats and the rapping styles are signature of the time it was made, but definitely takes no backseat to anything ever made.
45 stars
EWF tries to attract a younger audience and fails I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE EWF. However, this attempt to pull in younger fans (age 20-30) doesn't come together well at all!! The best song on this CD is the "Show Me the Way" which is produced by Raphael Saddiq. Thank goodness I spent less than $5.
12 stars
Not what expected....but does the job. k,not a kid, just too lazy to sign up.Anyways, i agree with 'me' before me about the ripoffs GC use in their record. They stood out like a sore thumb, and i feel so bad that for a band like GC, who say in their liner notes that they've doing music for just over 10 years, can go and release a 'fairly anticipated' album with songs that seem unoriginal to say the least at some parts.but dont get me wrong, the band hooked me a few years back with their 'loser anthem' which brings back many memories, and i have been fairly a close fan since then. I didnt though buy 'Chronicles' cause it didnt amaze me, but for some reason they had me hooked with the 'return album' and after hearing 'keep your hands off my girl' and 'river', i had a positive feeling of something fresh and bought it on release. Now my opinions...:Starts off nice. The intro is very soft and quiet,but is basically just leads into the first song misery. which starts off the album well i think. it kicks in with a different sound with synth's and what have you and its generally a good vibe. the content of 'misery',many may argue, might be hypocritical, but anyways, i dont care, its a nice solid song.Next up is my favourite that made me buy the record in the first place, 'River'. This song is magic. As someone said before, this song is basically the only real 'rockish' song on the album, and it might be influenced by the guest appearnce of M. Shadows and S. Gates from A7X that give this song a nice rocky edge. Great song. Love it.Following up river is the very poppy 'Dance floor anthem'. The moment i read the song title, i felt a little confused and maybe betrayed inside because, like i said, the song that got me into this band in the first place was called 'Loser Anthem'. Now they have a 'dance floor anthem'. Pretty weird. But anyways... Nice song. I realy wouldnt be suprised that this would be the next single. I actually would like it to be. Got a good vibe and is an overall another great, solid song off the album. Very nice. I like.Next up, which to me, is the suprise first single "keep your hands off my girl". Which to correct someone before me is NOT about Joel beating up someone eyeing his chick, but its about other guys telling HIM to stop eyeing thier chick. Anyways, doesnt matter realy. The song...is different. It carries on the 'dance' vibe from the song before it, and to me, i think its a nice fun song. To have it taken seriously as a first single suprises me, i wouldve hold back on it for maybe a bit later. maybe single 2 or 3, but they made a bold move to showcase their 'newish' direction. overall, fun song. nothing more.Then came the song that ruined it for me. Victims of love. As soon as he opened his mouth in the first verse i almost threw up when i heard TATU's melody play through my car stereo. From that moment, the smile dissapeared and i became more cautious at what i was listening too. It doesnt, luckily, carry on through too much of the song, which makes me think that it was a melody that was TOTALLY unnecesary to use. Anyways, overall, rather bland song. The tatu inspired bit ruined it for me.Where Would We Be, is another song which is also rather boring and bland. a sad ballad effort, which made me worry about the direction the rest of the record was going... The Coldplay piano bit also saddened me...'Break her heart' picks the record and energy back up a bit. I enjoy the song quite a bit. Its a nice jump in energy from the previous 2 songs, and its a fairly solid song.Following up is 'All Black'. Which is nice as well. A sort of 'teenager anthem'. Would relate to this a few years back. And again to the other guy, hes not talking about BLACK CASH(money), but about JOHNNY CASH's all black image. Overall fun song. I enjoy it.'Beautiful place'. Bland song. Almost sounds realy unoriginal. nothing fresh. boring. dont quite dig it.Something Else is alright. Its almost an obvious point to say that this song is pretty much directed at Joel and his new girl, Nicole Richie.Alright song. Pretty much like a 'Lady and the Tramp' theme going..Broken heart parade is a kewl song. Nice suprise to find at the end of the album. the trumpets give a nice up-beat ska feeling. Yet cant help but make a connection with My Chem's Black Parade. Overall, another nice solid,fresh song... Makes me think how the album is going to end...And Finally, March on. To be honest, i skip this song back to the begining of the album if needed. Its a fairly short, whimper of a finale. Some albums sometimes save a best for last, that realy treat you with one last slendour before the album credits run, but in this case, not so much.Cant say ive REALY listened to it, but not a favourite song of mine, and wouldve been fine if the album ended at Broken Heart Parade.Anyways, overall, nice effort by the Maryland boys. Nothing 100% original, nothing 100% fresh, but when the album shines, you'll find some nice solid songs. The bits which hinder the album are dissapointing, and seems realy unnecesary for whatever reason, but yeah. I dont regret impulsely buying it. I'd give the album 70/100.And one last thing. Again to that guy. Revival DOESNT mean a band playing again at a later date, it means a return. a return in anything. Usually in essence. The title of the album trys to refer to waking up to a brand new day/a brand new life. A start over.Anyways peace.x
34 stars
BOB MARLEY...DA MAN!!! This CD is a classic for anyone's music collection. A MUST HAVE CD for bbq's and the summertime!
34 stars
Hard Rock to Prog Epic When I was a teenager I bought a lot of albums because of the cover. Salisbury was one of those because it looked so much like a Gustav Klimt painting. Uriah Heep was hard, elegiac, symphonic, rocking, and at times corny, in short, they were a typical 70's arena band. This CD/LP is at the top of early prog music along with King Crimson in a way that where Robert Fripp/Greg Lake played off of the jagged edges of jazz and rock, Uriah Heep played off of the edges of a Berlioz style Romantic symphony and Rock. I saw them just before Demons and Wizards and thought it was a great concert, very alive and very hard rock. The vocals were up there with Plant and later 80's metal and had a scratchy howl that searched out the dark side of music in the 70's. The Hammond B3 organ perfectly complements the wah wah guitar on the shorter songs. On the epic, Salisbury the keyboard moves in and out with a stoney leslie sound that was able to hold the vocals just close enough to the front to keep the song a "rock" song. The first four Uriah Heep albums make it possible for a lot of later bands in the 1980's, in particular Guns N Roses. Why?When I heard Sweet Child O' Mine I thought that it was a Uriah Heep reunion song.If you are at all interested in the whole of Hard into Progressive Rock then an inspection of Uriah Heep up through Magicians Birthday is essential. If you are to own only three Heep albums then let it be the first, Salibury, and Demons And Wizards. You will be surprised.And finally to the "Judge" reviewer: if you play the Strokes first cd over Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers first LP you find a glaring line by line theft of the music. A music lover loves music, period. Strokes and White Stripes have nothing to do with Uriah Heep.
34 stars
Patrick Doyle's IN PACE This song is like a hymn. Sarah sings it in Latin, but an English adaptation would be: "Cherish righteousness, oh people of the earth. The souls of the fair ones are in God's hands, and the torment of eternal death will not touch them. In the sight of the fools they seem to die, and their departure is taken for misery, but they are at peace. The evil ruler has no hope, and even if he lives long, he will be rewarded with nothing. But the fair prince will sleep peacefully."
45 stars
The Singles, The Best If you haven't heard a Clash album yet and you want to hear what all the fuss is about then this album is the one for you. It gives you all the greatest hits that they had over their time together as a band. From their version of "I Fought the Law" to "London Calling" to "Mag. 7". If you are to get just one album of The Clash make it this one, you won't be disappointed by what you hear.
45 stars
Guster is great! This CD is one of my favorites. The music and lyrics are wonderful. The only thing that betters this CD is Guster live! BUY IT!
45 stars
Good, but could be better I was a little disappointed in this CD...I was under the impression that artist's release CD's to release singles from that CD. I really can't see anyone of these songs standing on its own as a single. Don't get me wrong, I definitely think everyone should buy this CD only because it is Madonna but it is rather weak to me. American Life did not do too well on radio as it was, but a rock version? Nah...It just doesn't cut it. The other remixes are ok but I expected better. The unreleased song from the "Bedtime Stories" CD, "Your Honesty" is a good song for the time it was written. I do not think it would do well now. I could see "Into the Hollywood Grove" with Missy Elliot being played on radio. To me, it the best song on the CD.
23 stars
WTF is wit all the haters? This is for all the people who wrote about KoRn suckin as they supposedly always have......... Get F@#& over yourselves, if you did not like them in the first place WTF did you write a review of their album for? If you can not be constructive in your criticisms do not write them, we all know you do not have anything better to do but dont vent on a public site and subject us to your idiocy. Now that thats done, people KoRn does not have a standard sound their albums reflect that, as for the meaning of the songs and whether or not it is angsty and whether or not that is a good thing now a days thats mute. It is called personal preference, if you want to hear lyrics without meaning go find some rage band or some Sh*% that has no meaning and stop hating on people that do not need or care for your stupidity. All in all this album has true style with the haunting lyrics andd deserves some respect for what it is, a transistional album, they lost a creative member of their band so give it time and give them some slack or go out and do better rather than waste peoples times with your meaningless and rather hurtful rants.
45 stars
The Apex of Pop Music I knew when I saw the cover back in '66 things had changed a bit, just as the cover of "Rubber Soul" heralded something different from the Fab Four. An actual artist's rendering of the boys in black & white (by band friend Klaus Voormann)? Strange song titles like "Yellow Submarine","And Your Bird Can Sing" and "Tomorrow Never Knows"- what was happening here?As it turned out, a new sophistication and experimentalism in the the songwriting was beginning. Nearing the end of their touring days, the Beatles began to find the time to discover how the studio (with the priceless assistance of producer George Martin) could be utilized to create whole new sounds and textures to compliment their wonderful but still growing songcraft expertise. The seeds of "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" were planted here as conventional rock instrumentation was replaced by strings in songs like Paul's lovely and haunting "Eleanor Rigby" and "For No One", horns on his gorgeous "Here, There and Everywhere" and the 'plastic soul' (Paul's phrase) of "Got to Get You Into My Life"; sitar and tablas on George's terrific "Love You To"; tape loops on John's weirdly amazing "Tomorrow Never Knows" (with lyrics inspired by "The Tibetan Book of the Dead" and title suggested by Ringo) and their trademark backward guitar parts (first heard on the "Rain" single) on songs like John's dreamy "I'm Only Sleeping".As for the rock songs with more traditional backing, George's rollicking satire "Taxman" kicks things off with a bang. It's amazing that George could find so much humor (albeit dark) in something as irritating as the tax system. Interestingly, the lead guitar on this track is played by Paul. Perhaps that's why he and John let this 'Harrisong' start this incredible album. John's "She Said, She Said" has some subtle references to the LSD experience and the country-tinged "Dr. Robert" is another satire, this time a comment on a real life Dr. Feelgood whose 'patients' included some of the Andy Warhol entourage as well as the Beatles themselves. The other gems on this disc are Paul's uplifting, piano-based "Good Day Sunshine", John's remarkable "And Your Bird Can Sing" with a killer guitar riff grounding it and George's other rocker, "I Want To Tell You" which features a nice, kind of off-kilter piano figure. The harmonies on this album are sheer perfection. For me, the weakest link on "Revolver" is the childrens' anthem "Yellow Submarine" sung by Ringo. I'm not saying I don't dig this song- it's just that the rest of the album is so strong this track pales a bit in comparison. For the tricky time signatures on most of these tunes, Ringo's drumming is magnificent- flowing and organic, strong and steady.A couple of parting notes on a personal level- my own music has been tremendously influenced by this record. I use backward guitar and tape loops pretty frequently to add textures to my songs and God knows Lennon has been a huge influence on my lyrics and poetry. Though "Sgt. Pepper's" is my favorite album of the Fabs, this one is an extremely close second. So "turn off your mind, relax and float downstream" to your record store and pick up one of the crowning artistic achievements of the sixties, "Revolver"!
45 stars
Great Dance Music I don't like all the songs on this album although i still give it 5 STARS though.....I didn't buy this particular cd i bought some version that still has all the french tracks but it has 2 bonus tracks that features the english versions of TU ES FOUTU and IN-TANGO...<<personally i dont like the english versions to those 2 songs>> my favorite songs are1- TU ES FOUTU2- IN-TANGO3- MAIS LA NUIT...IL DORT!4- SHOCK5- DANS MA MEMOIRE6- POUR TOUJOURS7- I'M FOLLE DE TOI8- JE NE CROIS PAS9- ESCLAVE DE TOI
45 stars
Off tha hinges This is a tight Cd, it isn't a sequel to his X's latest album though, its unreleased verses. And after listening to them, i don't see why they went unreleased, THIS CD IS MADDD ILL!
45 stars
Rock and roll ain't noise pollution ... Earlier this spring, I was watching the rock and roll hall of fame induction special on VH1 and caught the induction of AC/DC. I found myself enjoying their performance a lot. Nice to know that some things haven't changed and AC/DC's brand of bluesy hard rock is one of those constant presences in life that you're glad that it hasn't changed. After the special, I put "Back in Black" on my mental wish list of cds that I had to have. Much to my surprise, I found a copy of the new remastered version of the cd ... I immediately snatched it up. I haven't heard this album in over ten years and much to my amazement, the music sounds as fresh as it did back in the late '80s, early '90s for me. The familiar power chords of the Young brothers, the thunderous rhythm section of Phil Rudd and Cliff Williams, and the amazing howling from Brian Johnson sounds as amazing as did for me in high school. The cd sounds even more incredible when the volume has been cranked up. Songs like "Hells Bells" and the perennial classic "You Shook Me All Night Long" are mindblowing to say the very least. I feel like I have rediscovered an old friend with "Back in Black". Truly one of the best rock and roll albums of all time, at least for me.
45 stars
NOFX, the kings of Punk This is the album that threw NOFX where they are: the punk rock elite! I personally didn't like that album that much, but like for Nevermind (Nirvana) that I also reviewed, this album is a classic, and every one should have it!
34 stars
Fantastic! Its one of those CD's you can just pop on and listen to the whole album with out having to flip from song to song. Love it!
34 stars
Think twice This recording does not feature The Byrds, nor does it feature any of the original members of The Byrds.This is a no-name band playing seven Byrds songs and twenty-nine other songs which are completely unrelated to The Byrds.This is a ... product, distributed as an import through some loop-hole in European law. Many artists have been victims of these kinds of pseudo-bootleg ..., like Crosby & Nash, Jefferson Airplane and Jimi Hendrix. The weird thing about this Byrds ... is that it is not even The Byrds playing on the CD! Unfortunately, these tracks are available under many different names and in many different packagings, posing as greatest hits of The Byrds. They are on the shelves throughout the record stores of Europe - often cheap - and I would hate that any American would pay any huge sums for this ... on import.So, don't support these small, European fly-by-night labels putting out this bad product, masquerading as The Byrds. Avoid it.Here is the track list of this particular bogus CD, if you are interested.1. Mr tambourine man 2. Home again 3. All I really want to do 4. Do you remember 5. Turn, turn, turn 6. Tell Sarah Jane 7. He was a friend of mine 8. Out of sight 9. Eight miles high 10. Time and place 11. You ain't going nowhere 12. Quit this 13. It won't be wrong 14. Quicksand 15. Tell it like is 16. As if we didn't know 17. The panther 18. Dragon's eye 19. Slip away 20. Dangerous game 21. My Marie 22. Washington Square 23. Prisoners of time 24. You better move on 25. One more two time 26. You just love cocaine 27. Love's a loaded word 28. Boyfriends, girlfriends 29. Carry on 30. Reconsider me 31. Where does the love go 32. Next time around 33. Fair game 34. Mary Sue 35. Love deluxe 36. United or divided
01 star
Off the Hook!! I don't fell as if I did this artist justice in my first review So I am doing it again. This is the second CD that I have purchased without knowing a whole lot about the artist music other than the hit single. But again i was really pleased. I was told that this would be one of the best R&B cds to be released this year and they were right. It is! This cd has flashes of so many other music legends before him along with his own flavor and signature. I heard a combination of D angelo, Steve Wonder, and Prince. Other than D'angelo who I think he can go toe to toe with, I think that he is head and shoulders above the R&B artists of this genere. Every song on this track is slammin.My favorites are , L is Gone, It's gonna be alright, Speechless and seetle for my love just to name a few along with Just Friends.. This is a collectors item to say the least.Go pick it up, I promise you will not regret it!...Peace!
45 stars
rare earth, greatest motown band i used to have this cd but lost it.i rate this the 4th geatest live recording of all time. someone please tell motown to reissue this cd. rare earth to me was the greatest motown band ever.these guys were funkier than parliament. only the meters top them. barry gordy must have lost his mind when a bunch of white and latino guys came to his office and presented him with thier demo of bad funky jams that was thier trademark.i grew up in africa, in the 70's if you are having a party and you did'nt play rare earth, you don't have a party. in case you wanted to know my number 1,2,& 3 greatest live cds of all time?,-they are 1.black magic night by osibisa 2.band of gypys-hendrix 3. babylon by bus-bob marley & the wailers. another revelation- my biggest cultural chock when i came to the u.s was that i knew more about american music than the average american.
45 stars
TREMENDOUSLY OVERRATED Reba McEntire is so overrated it is ridiculous. Only "She Thinks His Name Was John" and "Till You Love Me" are worth it here. The rest of this CD is just filler! Buy her traditional stuff of the 1980s instead or the brilliant "For My Broken Heart", but forget this mess!!
01 star
Cafe Atlantico Cesaria Evora is the best. Beautifully melodic voice. One of the best vocalists. I love the mood that this CD creates.
45 stars
The perfect Christmas collection My parents were huge classical music fans, but liked John Denver. My younger brothers loved John Denver. We were all huge Muppets fans, and never missed an episode of "The Muppet Show." When this Christmas special first aired, we were absolutely hooked. My dad bought the album, and it became a tradition to play the album on Christmas morning while opening our gifts and eating breakfast.When the CD finally came out, I bought copies for every one of my family members, as the album had finally given up the ghost a few years before, and we had not been able to enjoy.My personal favorite is the haunting "Noel: Christmas Eve, 1913," sung with Denver's beautifully clear voice. However, I have to say my memories of "Christmas is Coming" are pretty funny - I love Miss Piggy, especially when she's being bossy.There are no second-rate songs on this album. Every one is perfect just the way it is.I've now introduced it to my own family at long last, and we too will be decorating our tree, and unwrapping presents, to the very tunes that made some of my Christmas memories so special.
45 stars
Solid CD We attended a Pam Tillis concert at Silver Dollar City. Her show was fantastic, good band, lots of instruments too. Several songs we heard in the show were on this CD. Usually I do not order live show CD's, however since she is her own emcee during concerts,it was like we were there again. Fun CD for us, she is a good musician, singer and entertainer! Shipped quick!
45 stars
and it looks like even more emo kids are wetting theyre pants because of real punk rock look its clear that everyone that writes a neg. review on here is just some little kid that had his fillings hurt because he realized just how weak emo is and how less like real punk rock it is and how he had to make up lies about real punk rock bands to try and make all of that girly emo crap look just a little better compared to it but the problem is that anyone with half a brain and that knows anything about real punk rock could see all of the lies that you kids say every time you post a review here (anyone that knows anything about the sex pistols knows that they are as far from some boyband that you can get!) and we wont stand for it and as far as blaming this backlash on that saylor person you can stop that also you've got to realize that real punk rockers are not going to stand by and let the little poptarts of this world ruin the most hardcore and meaningful geare of music there has ever been!
45 stars
A Good Listen Symphony X has done it again! Those familiar with the band will recognize the heavy riffs and backup flute jams. I gave this album only 4 starts because I felt the band did not build upon the album "Live on the Edge of Forever" which was just as heavy and just as hard.
34 stars
Why I Love Ferro's Music Some artists create records that are specific: there is an easily identifiable aim, sound, and feel to the entire work. Then there are those who refuse to be pigeonholed into a specific genre, simply creating sounds that can be at once uniting and estranged. On his third record, "Nessuno è Solo", Italian singer-songwriter Tiziano Ferro falls into the latter variety, with an album that stretches across musical boundaries, capturing different emotions and sounds.Some of the criticism that I've seen of this work is due to its breadth. Ferro began his career with 2002's "Rosso Relativo", a mainly rap- and R&B-inspired; work. However, on this one, he is seemingly all over the place. Songs like 'Stop! Dimentica' and 'E Raffaella è Mia' definitely channel this earlier sound, while 'Baciano le Donne' is decidedly 80s-influenced dance. These sounds are contrasted by acoustic-driven darker songs like 'E Fuori è Buio' and 'Tarantola d'Africa'. Mix that with ballads such as 'Salutandotiaffogo' and 'Già Ti Guarda Alice', and it's easy to see why some listeners are confused. On the other hand, this wide range is one of the reasons I love Ferro's music. Here is a young talent who is capable of writing and performing across a wide variety of styles, and he's shown that he can be successful in many areas. No one person listens to one specific type of music; I'm sure all of our CD collections and iPods reflect a variety of tastes. Why should a singer be any different?This album is about, to put it bluntly, life. In the linear notes, Ferro muses on the concept of fear (one reason to purchase a physical rather than a digital copy of this is for the notes themselves - he's surprisingly eloquent in English) and how the record was a journey of exploring this idea. It's evident in songs like 'La Paura Che...' ('The Fear That...') that he has done so, though there is definitely a hint of sadness underneath, with heart-wrenching tunes like 'Ed Ero Contentissimo' ('And I was So Happy') and 'Ti Scatterò Una Foto' ('I will Take a Picture of You'), which may be one of his greatest songwriting achievements.Overall, "Nessuno è Solo" is a record of Tiziano Ferro doing what he does best - writing amazing songs. Does the genre truly matter if the songs are great? I don't think so. Somehow he has a knack for coming up with different sounds that suit his unique voice, and as long as he continues to do this, I'll keep listening.
45 stars
A Truly Stunning Album!!! I was highly anticipating this release from Ani, because it's just been within this last year that I've become a fan, and I have all of her albums and the EP's too...so I was ready to see where she was headed next.I am just so blown away by this CD! The fact that she invited other artists to co-produce & play is NOT one you should fear, she (of course) managed to maintain the qualities we all know and love that make her Ani.The strings and the stand up bass are just gorgeous. The only way I can describe it is like a delicious wine! It's so smooth and sensual, so rich & so relaxing! I know it was dumb to compare it to a beverage...lol, but I couldn't think of another way to say it. The strings and bass are especially beautiful on "Studying Stones," "Sunday Morning," and "Recoil."The poem "Parameters" is so chilling! I read the lyrics on her site before it was released, and I thought it would prepare me for it. Nope! When I listened to it the first time at home, it was just fine. But then I was listening in my car at night on the back way home and it was just CREEPY! She is such a wonderful story teller, such an effective poet.As far as the content goes...I know there's gonna be some people who are angry that this isn't an overtly political project. Well, I absolutely love it despite whatever messages it has in it! Besides, Ani says she's writing political songs for her upcoming tours. But personally, I think that some of Ani's best stuff is when she's dealing with relationships; she knows how to say it like it is, without any qualms whatsoever, in a way that, while sometimes shocking, is never arrogant or rude. She just lays it out like she sees it, honestly. But if you think about it, such a big part of who Ani is is politics, that there will never be an absence of those type of subjects in her songs. Some you just have to look harder to find.I would without a doubt say that this album is one of her best (although EVERY CD is awesome). This one stands out to me as one that I'd use to get my friends into Ani.If you're hesitating to buy this because you weren't into Evolve or Educated Guess, DON'T HESITATE! It's nothing like them (well, the first song kind of picks up where Educated Guess left off if you ask me). It is a whole new sound for Ani, one that suits her very well. The added instrumentation only complements her already stunning style and sound! BUY IT!
45 stars
I WOULD CONSIDER THIS ONE OF THE BEST DISNEY MOVIES IN THE LAST DECADE I first laughed at my friend when she showed me the cd....then I watched the show, and my entire perspective changed. I would consider this one of the best movies that disney has turned out in a long time: it rekindles the same emotions that once spawned from Aladdin and the Lion King. The music is ridiculously catchy, to the point where it stays in your head for hours. I honestly thought this movie should have come out in theatres, and reintroduced the theme of Musicals as something socially acceptable, and in this case, perfect for the teenage audiences. I normally don't watch Disney Channel movies-however their series are great-because I expect the monotony of Brother Bear and Chicken Little to drone the little patience I have for a possible recreation of childhood memories. But this movie is different- it's fantastic. Buy the CD, encourage Disney to continue doing things right, and regenerate the following that once promoted the careers of stars like Lindsay Lohan and Hilary Duff. Truly blown away, I await for the release of the DVD. For the time being, I am completely content with the CD, and justifiably so.
45 stars
Pretty Decent The first time i listened to this album i really only liked two songs(Stunt 101 and the first track, i forgot the name,) and i wanted my money back. But when i kept listening to it i learned to love most and stand to listen to the rest. It is an alright c.d for G-Unit's first i can't wait for their next.
34 stars
Elvis's best work ever - stands the test time. I was a pleasantly surpised at how good this album was when I first bought it back around 1979. I was surprised because of the average length of each song (around two minutes) and because Nick Lowe produced it. But it really has stood the test of time and sounds better today than it ever did. Overall, I think this is his best album/CD.
45 stars
Not that good Her voice is great but this album has less variety when compared with Alanis. She try too much to write the sophisticate and overintellectual lyrics.Anyway, there are some great songs on this album.
23 stars
Change Everything All of the previous reviews say it all but I feel that it's important to add one more. As a lover of great music, this CD is the best in my book. Unique but brooding, it takes you on the full range of emotions not quite unlike your own. I bought this CD back when "Always the Last To Know"came out in the early 90's, and had the unusual opportunity to hear the whole CD from the beginning. I have never been so blown away. In fact, though I reserve it for special fiends that can "relate", whenever I introduce someone to this music it is always a big big hit. Why oh why didn't this CD make this band the best ever? I have now heard from a friend that lives in Scotland that they have disbanded. It brought tears to my eyes.
45 stars
The Epitome of the late '60s Blue Note Organ Funk Groove ! This CD will go in and out of print. If its in print, grab it, if its out - - pray it comes back or a used copy is posted because this is *THE* definitive funky organ groove CD. Recorded in December of '69, its a strong follow up to Reuben's funky LOVE BUG CD - - despite not having the dream team line up of his previous CD which featured George Coleman, Grant Green, Lee Morgan and Idris Muhammad, this one is actually stronger and funkier, thanks in part to the presence of Melvin Sparks on the guitar. (John Manning on sax, Tommy Derrick on drums) - - The groove is timeless organic Memphis Soul meets JB funk - - Reuben kicks those trademark boogaloo style basslines, while firing all those mean licks with his right hand... John Manning's playing is gritty and wicked - - clearly if you want to go deep down in the vaults looking for the best '60s Blue Note funk you can find, this *is* it. If you like this CD, check out some Charles Kynard too !
45 stars
Yikes, I never thought I'd give Keith less than 5 stars. Hmmmm... As with all new Keith releases, I was pretty fired up about hearing this one. Last year Keith released the brilliant "First Come, First Served" album AND the notable "Black Elvis/Lost in Space" LP, and this year will see the release of the Analog Brothers album in addition to "Matthew." The first cut from the new album points back toward "No Chorus" from the Dr. Dooom LP. Unfortunately, almost every single other song on the CD does the same. Yes, Keith is my favorite MC, and he is entitled to rhyme about the lousy MCs and Kool Keith copy-cats currently plaguing the hip-hop record industry, but I definitely don't need an album full of these songs. The reason I like Kool Keith is because he has an incredible knack for making me laugh, and his more ridiculous songs are my favorites. Very little of this album is entertaining, and it doesn't produce more than a modest chuckle. The biggest gripe that I have about this album is the beats (and they were done by Kut Masta Kurt!). Almost every track sounds the same (a couple are dead ringers for the beat from the track "Black Elvis"), and with the similar subject matter of each song, it's tough to distinguish one track from the other. A complaint that I've heard about the Dr. Dooom album was that the beats were too stripped-down, and this album is so stripped-down that it lacks every bit of raw power that the Dr. Dooom album produced. These beats are so weak they sound like one of the keyboard accompaniments from a Wesley Willis album. For people who have never heard anything from Kool Keith (or have only heard the Dr. Octagon album) should pick up Sex Style or Dr. Dooom before looking at the Matthew LP. I hold Keith and Kut Masta Kurt to an extremely high standard, and with that said, I'm calling this new album a disappointment.
23 stars
bucket of tears He has talent for pulling on heart strings and making the tears flow. His wife is one lucky lady if he sings like that to her.
45 stars
High School Orchestra Save your money, the performances are mediocre at best. The string section sounds muddy and cannot keep time. The recording seems to be done by amateurs.
01 star
Not your normal JT I'm not one for long analytical reviews, so I'll get right to the point.The songs are form the most part low, indistinct downers. The experimental sounds, the lack of any uplifting or toe-tapping material makes listening to this CD a pretty disappointing experience.Take a listen to any other CD (as I write this I play his last live set), then listen to October Road.I just hope we don't have to wait another 5 years for him to make something fun and enjoyable to listen to.Also, I was kind of expecting and hoping for some reference to 9/11, just a little bit of JTs unique interpretation of the feelings so many of us shared. I got the sense he was deliberately avoiding it.
12 stars
could've been better i thought Mef was good on this album, but the beats were kinda weak. there were a few tracks i really liked but not enough for a full 5 stars.
23 stars
What a great album! My husband and I bought this album in a record shop in Italy in 1991. We bought it for the album cover--my husband is a disgruntled Oakland Raiders fan who thought it would be funny to hear what an Italian wearing an L.A. Raiders cap would have to say. We thought it would be a one-time joke, since we had no idea of how the music would sound. Were WE surprised when we got home!Lorenzo Jovanotti shows a great range of talent in this album: everything including rap, hiphop, jazz, and romance. It's one of our favorite albums, and suits every mood from workout music or party music to a fun evening at home. This album is great!
45 stars
Absolutely Fabulous Simply the best R&B and Soul album on the market right now. R Kelly doesn't hide his fantasies or ... experiences and joys. While other R&B or Rap artists talk about sex and women quite nasty, Kelly shows nuff respect to women. A true classic....
45 stars
Should be illegal Do not buy this CD! It is not the original! It has been re-recorded! This is a terrible offense to all Ozzy fans and music fans in general. Reissuing albums like this should not be allowed and should not be tolerated. Demand that the original albums be put back in print!
01 star
A very good album My best gal pal and I were lucky enough to bump into Todd Kerns and Scott McCargar in West Edmonton Mall when Static in Stereo played at Red's on September 30, 2002.She and I knew who Todd was from his former band, Age of Electric, and we were ecstatic when both Todd and Scott offered to put us on their guest list to see their show for free that day. So not only are they nice guys, but they play a kick ass live show as well.Let's just say that she and I are now fans for life, and we regard this CD as one of the best from that year.And it's absolutely true. This CD is one of the best rock albums from a Canadian band that year, and possibly, well, ever.From the opening song "Superdrop" (which was co-written by Matt Good, one of Todd's friends, and an amazing artist himself) to the final track of "No Reply", the guys from Static in Stereo know how to create a perfectly catchy rock and roll album, that will not disappoint.Trust me, this is one CD that you can listen to over and over again, and not get sick of. It's just that good.
45 stars
Puts helium in your heart--an anthem CD for melody lovers Here! Here! I agree with the previous reviews. This is best CD I have purchased in years and years. I listen to it nearly constantly. I almost never love a song the first time I hear it, but when I heard "Don't know why" I was mezmerized. I hastely grabbed a pen and scribbled the name and artist on my ARM while driving! Her voice and pitch is perfect, dynamic, haunting and exhilerating. I LOVE the arrangements of her own songs. Yeah, the covers of the "classics" are nice, but I really like her (and her co-writers) stuff the best. Like "One flight down" --man, how deep can you get?! These songs just take me away to a great place in my mind. Thank you, Nora Jones! I cannot BELIEVE she's only 22!!!
45 stars
GREAT trio music here . Do you like Esbjorn Svensson , Brad Mehldau and similar ? Here you will have a so strong piano trio in that vein , with taste ,great interplay , wonderful impro and great sound . Too much underrated in my opinion ! Take a chance and hear this pls .....
45 stars
Something warm on a rainy day Harriet Wheeler reminded me of a mouse.I had listened to this tape while studying in the UK until I'd almost worn the darn thing out. And then The Sundays came to play in the town in which I was living. And onstage, even towering above the crowd, Harriet Wheeler reminded me of a mouse.She's tiny - even standing onstage you can tell just how short and petite she is. And then there's her voice - it's big, but in a small sort of way. It's been described (elsewhere, as well as here) as ethereal and lilting, and both of those words apply. It's a voice that takes you away from wherever you are, and plants you down firmly in Never-Never Land - not a bad place to be, if it sounds like this.I've often thought her voice (and this album as a whole) are great for those rainy days here in the Pacific Northwest - these songs make you not mind staying indoors, snuggled up by the fire with a cup of something warm. And, of course, a rainy Sunday is best.
45 stars
review - twenthy century... this CD is a wonderful collection of hits. The CD takes the listener on many levels of emotion.The harmony from the guys from Fort Payne shows through on this album. prime examples are on Then we Remember and on the current single God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You.The tone of the album is not one that can be easily explained since there are so many different sounding songs.Alabama has done it again, people should give it a listen
45 stars
An Amazing Performance For those who are really into the band, the director's cut includes extra footage of them recording in the studio and candid shots of them interacting with each other. Many people have commented on how the extra footage is edited in odd places and breaks the flow. I feel the original concert film resolves that issue. You can watch them perform each track continuously one after another without any awkward breaks. The director's cut is just there to give some insight on the band and is just an effort by the director to create a different perspective.I was amazed to see how well the original concert film was re-mastered. I couldn't believe that something filmed in the early 70s could be so crisp and sound so awesome. The band playing to an empty amphitheater sets the perfect mood and atmosphere for the concert. I have never felt so drawn into the music before. I liked how some of the songs were filmed at night. The dark setting adds to the eerie mood, as does the clips of the lava.The DVD also has a nice feature where you can skip to whatever track you want to listen to. The photo gallery also had some interesting shots. I'm so glad it was finally released on DVD because I haven't been able to stop watching it.
45 stars
Christmas.....A Time For Peace Dino has once again given us a beautiful mastepiece to listen to. This CD has over a dozen songs on it.....I'll Be Home For Christmas/A Time For Peace, I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day/Dona Nobis Pacen, Merry Christmas Darling, The Christmas Song, I Wonder as I Wander/The Wanderer, O Little Town of Bethlehem, A Time For Peace, Silent Night, Heirlooms, Let There Be Peace on Earth/A Time for Peace.He has such a wonderful way of expressing music it almost brings tears to my eyes every time I listen to it. I would give this CD 10 stars if I could. You will not be disappointed with this one, I promise.
45 stars
Nowhere near the same level as Discovery After being a huge fan of the go-to Daft Punk songs such as Harder Better Faster Stronger, Digital Love, and so on, I decided to go back and purchase all the Daft Punk CDs. While I immediately loved both Discovery and Human After All, I found Homework simply grating to my ears and really rough around the edges. It seems Daft Punk really improved with subsequent albums.
01 star
Change the world When I listen to this CD, I am surprised at how optimistic it sounds. There appears to be a genuine belief in the power to change the world. With the possible exception of Neil Young, who is a grounding influence. This album captures the "Summer of Love" spirit. It was a time when songs like CHICAGO and OHIO were sung as if singing them would make the world better. It's a time machine which records the unchallenged hopes of youth. The performance is solid. Graham Nash has an interesting song in KING MIDAS IN REVERSE, and David Crosby sings so well on TRIAD. The mistakes which so many are found of pointing out offer no distraction, and are up to any performance of any other band from that era. Steven Stills is always good and is exceptionally so on CARRY ON. Neil Young sings his songs with hearfelt emotion. SOUTHERN MAN is powerful with its condemning lyrics and fiery guitars. It is a bittersweet turn of history that the most jaded of the four is also the one to become most successful. I enjoyed getting a glimpse of those times through this CD. It is an amazing document. If you are interested in political songs of the sixties, or Folk Blues Music, this CD will be interesting to you.
45 stars
Boingos best, and a loss to their fans Simply put...The best. I listened to Boingo for many years and this is by far the best music they have ever put out in my opinion...They combined the best of their old with their newest and then Elfman did his most masterful job of leading a great band. It is a loss to their fans and to many that Boing no longer exists except in the hearts of their fans.
45 stars
I love Scottish Christmas This is actually the second time I've bought this CD - my daughter took my original copy that I've had for at least five years. I especially enjoy this at Christmas, but I also listen to it at different times of the year, also. It's made me a big fan of Celtic music!
45 stars
Nostalgia and the Future One thing about Duran Duran is that every album is different from the rest. Interestingly enough, several of the tracks on "Pop Trash" have a nostalgic feeling to them...reminiscent of songs from previous albums.My favorites are: "Mars Meets Venus" - personal classifieds woven into a great dance tune that follows in the footsteps of "Electric Barbarella" and "All She Wants Is". "Someone Else, Not Me" - musically it's "Come Undone", lyrically it's "I Don't Want Your Love" with a heart. "Playing with Uranium" - the lyrics are just too clever, and the heavy guitar riffs set the mood. "Lava Lamp" - fusion of the 70's, the Orient, and a little techno...it's up beat and catchy.All in all, it's definitely worth a listen.
34 stars
Nice "out-lite" record Don't let the whole thing about "improvised music" fool you - this is not like an Ornette Coleman or Art Ensemble of Chicago disc. It's very structured and accessible - you wouldn't realize it was all improvised unless you read the liner notes.It's a side of Herbie Hancock you probably haven't heard before. First, he's playing over Latin-tinged grooves. Second, it's rather minimalist, both in instrumentation and in the simplicity and repetitiveness of the melodies. That said, he really tears it up - this is one of my favorite Herbie records. Practically anyone who's into jazz in general or Herbie in particular would dig this side.
34 stars
Great Videos If you are an Offspring fan who wants a nice compilation of their videos made during the first half of their career, then you will like this DVD. This DVD is not for the hard core fan but it doesn't pretend to be anything other than what it is.
45 stars
my 15-month-old loves it Got the audiotape version of this as a gift when my son was born. I started playing it for him around 6-8 months of age. He now loves it and listens to it every day in the car going to and from the babysitter. I myself also enjoy the songs and singers (both adult and children). I am particularly impressed by the kids who sings and recite the little rhymes on this recording. The lullabies (second half of the CD)are soothing and well-sung.
45 stars
Reissue of country duets album Most of the albums in the Super hits series of albums are greatest hits collections, but this is a straight re-issue of Ray's 1984 album of duets with country singers, originally titled Friendship. It was originally released on vinyl, then later on CD with the same artwork. That version of the CD was replaced by this album, but the title Super hits is very confusing. (More recently, the album has been re-issued again, this time with the original artwork and title but re-mastered and with two bonus tracks.)It is fitting that Ray should have recorded this album - after all, he recorded R+B versions of country songs back in the sixties and took them high in the pop charts including I can't stop loving you, a number one in Britain and America. Those records didn't sound country, but twenty years later, here is Ray singing country and having a great time doing it.The big hit here (a country number one) is Seven Spanish angels, the duet with Willie Nelson that closes the album. I love all the songs but I particularly like Who cares (with Janie Fricke, the only female singer featured), Two old cats like us (with Hank Williams Junior) and We didn't see a thing (with George Jones and Chet Atkins). Other guests include Johnny Cash, B J Thomas, Ricky Skaggs, Merle Haggard and the Oak ridge boys.This is an upbeat country album that shows just how talented Ray Charles was - one of the few singers equally brilliant in several different genres of music.
45 stars
Amazing, Fantastic, Wonderful, Astonishing, Incredible! I think that 3 Doors Down has to be one of the best Rock bands in recent years. They did the impossible with this album, made it better than the original. If you are a fan of 3 Doors Down and the album "The Better Life", then you will love this. "Away From the Sun" is the perfect album. Any song on this record are good enough to be a single. I don't dance, but man did I feel like dancing while listening to this! I couldn't help but move when I listen. If you are a fan, you will think this album rocks! And you will be correct.
45 stars
Best of Hip Hop Album in a Long Time After listening to this cd I was totally amazed. Little T brings true hip hop back with the cd. The music on the whole cd is perfect. There are a couple of songs that are not very good but the other songs make up for it. Best songs on this cd are Fome is Dape, Immune, J, Guidance Counselor, and Deadman. I read other people comparing him with Eminem(which I hate) and they are totally different artists with totally different ideas. Eminem is just about yelling and screaming and killing his wife while Little T is about funny songs, clever lyrics, and what rap music should really be about. If you like Bloodhound Gang you will love this cd. GET IT NOW.
45 stars
Badly recorded I dont know if I got a defective copy, but there is distortion and breaking up of sound on this set. listen to a download before you get it.
01 star
Awesome record. Daft Punk's "Homework" is a fantastic record, with some of the catchiest dance tracks ("Around The World") and most rocking anthems ("Da Funk").1. Daftendirekt- A nice start to the record. Distorted bass vocals lead into a good beat and cool synths. (8/10)2. WDPK 83.7 FM- A little clip of a radio station ad. Short but totally sweet. (8/10)3. Revolution 909- A funky bassline and some house synthesizers make up this 5 min. track. Nice party track. (8/10)4. Da Funk- A clap-along beat, pulsing bass, then those awesome guitars/synths...2 words: freaking awesome. My favorite song off this record. (10/10)5. Pheonix- A kick, hi-hats, then those synth riffs. Cool track. (8/10)6. Fresh- The title describes this track right off the bat. Not only does it feel clean and fresh, it's funky fresh. (8/10)7. Around the World- Ah, my other fave track. Bubbly synths, funky bass, nice beat, the vocoder-ized vocals...fantastic dance track. (10/10)8. Rollin' and Scratchin'- This, in my opinion, is the worst track on the record. The kick is distorted to a crunchy noise, and the screechy fuzz is annoying. The beat's okay, though. (3/10)9. Teachers- "Dr. Dre is in the house, yeah." Daft Punk name artists who have inspired them over a funky 70's bass guitar and a raw beat. (8/10)10. High Fidelity- Daft Punk's style of sampling split-seconds of songs to create a collage of unintelligible (did I spell that right?) vocals over a beat was used later in "Discovery", but this is where it started, and this is the one which does it best. A cool track. (8/10)11. Rock 'n Roll- A better (but not much better) version of "Rollin' and Scratchin'" with handclaps. I'm still saying the screechy fuzz is annoying. (3.5/10)12. Oh Yeah- I tend to skip this one, it just is people saying "oh yeah" over a noisy beat. Not horrible, but not that good. (5/10)13. Burnin'- This track's fuzz is much less screechy and annoying, this one's a pretty quality track. The walking bassline is funky and cool, and the drum machine beat is cool too. (7.5/10)14. Indo Silver Club- Great for the dance clubs. It's cool how the flange beat warps in and out. (7.5/10)15. Alive- There's a very raw, live feel to this track. The kick and the beat almost sound like factory noises, and the synths are cool. (7/10)16. Funk Ad- A little 50-second clip of "Da Funk" reversed. Like "WDPK 83.7 FM", short but sweet, and a good way to end the record.Well, this is a great record and I'd reccomend it. Can't wait for "Human After All" to come out! =)
34 stars
Suavemente is still one of the best! No matter how old the CD is, Suavemente will always be a hit. Tu Sonrisa will also be a great song for a long time. I love to dance both of these songs (especially Suavemente) with my girl. She loves the way I try to seduse her while we are dancing.
34 stars
Telling it like it is... >There are a lot of good singer/songwriters and bandsaround today but their lyrics are bland, they don'tget to grips with the modern world and its' issues.Here's one singer/songwriter who does.Having trumpeted the American protest singer David Rovicsmore than once, I think I should now give my impressionsof him now that I've finally seen him.On his recent British tour I caught up with him at theNorth Bridge Inn at Exeter.The posters outside the pub announcing 'David Rovics'Seemed to show two big bearded guys singing, but I couldn'tsee any big bearded guys in the place - in fact about20 mins before the show there were only about 8 of us inthe pub.The landlord went over to the door to collect the ticketsand the people started coming in - a thin talldistinguished guy first with a black-African girlfriendin national dress.The armchairs and sofas filled up and there must havebeen about 60 people in the place with some playing cardsup the back. The tall distinguished guy (looked like ateacher about 33 years of age) was talking to someoneand I realised he must have been David Rovics.David Rovics sung his set just accompanying himself withurgent guitar. I think he kicked off with 'Shut themDown' about shutting down the multi-national companieswhich are potentially doing so much harm to the environment.The audience listened appreciatively, laughing at thesatirical jokes in the lyrics, and clappingenthusiastically. Strong social comment, very anti-war,as a mate of mine said "Dave is no wishy washy liberalfolk singer!". Another friend told me "He's got a bettervoice than Dylan."David lounged back on a sofa with his girlfriend atthe interval about to enjoy a magic moment and I stuck myhead between them:"David could I ask you a couple of questions?"~ "O.K.""With America being more conservative than England,when you perform over there do you get a lot ofpeople protesting at you from the audience?"~ "No, generally the audiences are very supportive.""I thought that you might have got some criticism fromJewish groups because of the pro-Palestinian stance youtake in some of your songs?"~ "I'm not anti-Semitic - my father is Jewish. A lotof Jewish people in America are anti - Zionist. We objectto the aggressive/acquisitive actions of Israel towardsthe Palestinians.""In my magazine I suggest that they solve the problem bymoving Israel to Montana - the least populated state inthe U.S."~ "If you're going tongue-in-cheek, Israel should be movedto Bavaria and all the people from Bavaria moved intoAustria, that would be ironic as Bavaria wasHitler's homeland!"If you want an insight on the Israel/Palestinian'ssituation you should read The Absence of Peace byNicholas Guyatt.""People are saying that you are the new Bob Dylan whatdo you think about that?"~ "Well I'm very flattered, but Dylan is a far morepersonal songwriter than I am.""Thankyou very much".I had to leave the Inn soon after but I feel David hitthe nail on the head there on why he hasn't been heardof, or played on the radio stations like Dylan. Tworeasons:There are standard folk song tunes and David employs alot of these to carry his lyrics, this results in thelyrics being great but the tunes sounding samey. Heshould try writing a few of his own tunes. Dylan's tunesare always a twist away from what's been written before.That's if David wants to take his message to a wideraudience.Secondly, he's right about Dylan's songs being morepersonal. I love David's overt political lyrics, couldlisten to him all night long, but to the majority of rockand folk fans too many protest songs one after theother becomes like a party political broadcast,and they switch off. Throw in a couple of love songs,or a song about sailing or something; or a Dylan/Beatlestype psychological song to break things up. You've gotthe protest singing off pat.Having said that I bought David's `Behind the Barricades -the best of David Rovics' CD while in the pub and ithasn't been off my record player since (except toplay Morrissey, Gillian Welch, Twista, Jackie Leven,Josh Ritter, Bob Dylan...) - but Dave's been in there with them.
34 stars
Welcome Back! Finally, a song worthy of Tiffany's voice. I really want to give this a five star rating, but rap just doesn't do it for me. Fortunatly it's a very small part of the song. Tiffany's performance on the other hand is stellar. She sings with strength and grace. I disagree with the reviewer who compared her to Alanis. I think this song demonstrates that Tiffany has a style all her own that Alanis's whiny anxst just doesn't compare to. I will definitely be buying the album on it's release date.
23 stars
Never Gone...SO TRUE! Their sound is as they were litteraly NEVER GONE. They have the same Backstreet sound with them! This is one of the best albums to date for them. If you are 'thinking' about getting this album....DONT THINK! Get it, you will NOT regret it. Its one of the best albums of the year. I can't wait to hear this music on tour. Awesome awesome Cd, A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
45 stars
moood lifter I find this music very uplifting when I need to have my spirits uplifted. A soak in the tub glass of wine and Jazz Around Midnight is a little slice of heaven to take away the days troubles and wash them down the drain. Soo any time I need a lift I just pop in Jazz Around Midnight.
23 stars
the CD does not contain what was on the lp I liked this recording so much I decided to purchase the CD, to replace the album and to accent the DVD that I have. I was shocked to discover that all the chatter between songs was eliminated. This should have been noted on the CD description.Sure the songs are great, but some of the whole sense of their being "in concert", i.e., all the asides and such, are missing. I give it two stars only because I wish that producers of CDs and DVDS would be more forthcoming about what they cut from a title of the same name.
12 stars
genial!!!!!!!!!!! This girl is dangerous. What a good idea to sample Herbie's old song. All nite is a fresh song with good vibe just that you want for fun. Janet is so sexy. With Janet nothing is "vulgaire" is just "artistique" and nobody can do that like Janet.Buy it, it's cool and [fresh]
45 stars
This sucks HOW can ANYONE call this crap punk? It's not even rock, it's jus boring crappy pop! If you want punk get albums from The Misfits, Bad Religion, Sex Pistols, The Ramones, Pennywise, The Virus, Rancid, From Autumn to Ashes(if you look oast the screaming vocals, you'll know it's more punk), The Clash, NoFX, Dead Kennedys, Dropkick Murphys, The Unseen, and other bands like that! Now back to the album, it sucks, every song sucks, everything about this album sucks. She can't even play a guitar. I bet I'M better than her, and i'm still taking lessons!! There's really nothing else for me to say.
01 star
Gggreat I must say that this album has totally blown me off... To my opinion it's one of Aphrodites best, if not THE best.I'm no newby in DnB, so take my word and get this album... I've played it to a lot of my friends, and they all really loved it.My favourite track is probably Ganja Man, but they all trully do kick ass.
45 stars
A Change of Style! The sound and style of Little Feat gradually changed during their early Lowell George years from southern blues-rock towards the refined funky jazzy sound that the band has been known for in recent years.Their most radical change probably happened with the release this album, which at a point obviously was thought to be their last. Its predecessor was "Feats Don't Fail Me Now" ,their roughest sounding album, with Lowell George's vocals and slideguitar as the most dominating elements.Here the sound is polished and George isn't the dominant figure he used to be. It's a very homogeneous album with few obvious stand-out tracks. Keyboards and synthesizers are pretting dominating throughout the album and acoustic guitars are apparently totally absent.George was unquestionably their most important songwriter (member), but here he only contributes three songs of which only "Long Distance Love" and "Mercenary Territory" are up to his usual high standards. Surprisingly Paul Barrére's "All That You Dream" is probably the most catchy track on the album.
34 stars
A Mendelssohn "Greatest Hits" if you will This is as fine a disc of Mendelssohn music as you are likely to find on the market today. Three of his most engaging and consistently enjoyable works are programmed together here, with stunning results. The Berlin players are in complete harmony with Karajan's vision of this music, and one wonders how these pieces could be played any other way. This is really the Berlin Philharmonic at their peak of the Karajan days. The recorded sound is excellent (if anything a bit too bright in spots), and the march at the end of the "Scottish" which highlights the brass sounds thrilling (Mendelssohn here echoing the finale of Beethoven's Seventh very successfully). This is perhaps the finest "Scottish" on record in my opinion in its ability to involve the listener. The "Italian" is equally fine, though I have a personal preference for the former. The only other coupling of the 3rd and 4th symphonies I am aware of that can compete with this disc is Herbert Blomstedt with the San Francisco Symphony on Decca. To sum up, this is an essential disc.
45 stars
Martina is So Magical! I have shivers down my spine just listening to this album. I've already played it about 5 times and I just bought it today when it came out. Definitely Martina's best album, this album is a mixture of Evolution and Emotion. Martina's vocals are better than ever (if that is even posssible). Tracks that show off her voice are "How Far" (a beautiful ballad), "When You Love Me", and "So Magical" has her hitting all the right notes. Even when Martina's voice is less powerful, she is an exremely effective vocalist ("God's Will"-the album's best song and Martina's best recorded song to date will make any one teary eyed). "She's a Butterfly", "Learning to Fall", and "Wearring White" are produced beautifully. The bonus track on the Wal-Mart edition of the album, "Show Me"is probably the second best song after "God's Will". It is more pop than the rest of the album (which is probably why it got cut) but it is gorgeous nonetheless. It's amazing that Martina McBride gets better after each album. It's amazing that her already extraordinary voice gets better as well. The music on this album is exquisite. Every song is truly a gem and Martina never lets us down with bad material. This is the best album of 2003. It's the best album of Martina's career. If any female country artist will ever put out an album as good or better than this one...my guess is it will be Martina McBride.
45 stars
Patchy The fact that this is a Led Zeppelin album does not excuse that it is twice as long as it should be. If you are going to buy it, snap the second cd in half... That alone will raise the rating of the CD to 5 stars. All the good songs are on the first disc.If you're after a decent double album (from start to finish), have a listen to Exile On Main Street by the Rolling Stones. That album is far more convincing than this, and is far more coherent.Kashmir *is* a great song, but it does happen to appear on the Remasters double album...This one is not their best, and due to the huge ups (first half) and downs(2nd half), is recommended for fans, not newbies
34 stars
Deception on some tracks NOT THE SAME TRACKS! I have a 30 year old cassette tape of this greatest hits album and realized how wonderful it would be to now buy it in CD. Amazon review promissed original recording, merely remastered. At least two of the tracks on the original recording are especially moving and beautiful, with a slow, hypnotic rhythm that defies description - Colours, and Catch the Wind - beautiful tunes that defined an era of the 60's. NEITHER IS THE SAME ON THIS DISC - both are re-done, solo singing by Donovan on a bad day and a terrible disappointment - these are probably THE two tracks I wanted to hear and preserve in identical sound to the original sound from the original album. When Amazon promisses a CD is the same as another, only "re-mastered", they OUGHT TO DISCLOSE MORE HONESTLY if some tracks literally are re-recordings (even if by the same artist) so that the tracks ARE NOT THE SAME AS THE ORIGINAL ALBUM. If you are a purest old enough to remember the ORIGINAL sound of these tracks, DO NOT BUY THIS DISC - instead look for a recording that is not "re-mastered" - get the original sound you remember. I'm going to go buy that now and get what I should have gotten had Amazon been candid and I've learned a lesson - I hope you learn it too.
12 stars
WSCG WORLDWIDE WESTSIDE!!!!! Hell yeah, WSCG is back mfz! This is the best album of the year in my opinion. Truly all the stuff that gets played on the radio is bs. Westside Connection has always put it down for the bestside (the Westside). None other compares to them. They are living legends. The production on all of the tracks are top notch like any other Cube, Mack, or Dub album. It's a classic every time. Now you know how we do it on the westcoast!
45 stars
Pretty Good CD All Around Decent CD. There are really some great and innovative songs on here, though by far my favorite is still the perennial classic of "Been Caught Stealing." Not only does this song bring back great memories from High School, but its full of just a pumped up vital spirit that truly makes me want to change the world. That being said there are several other great songs on this CD. I think "No One's Leaving" is a great song with really poignant lyrics and a telling message. It is songs like this that really keep me coming back to Jane's Addiction. This is definitely still there best album. I guess the reason it gets 4 stars instead of 5 is just that I feel it doesn't have that quality of having every single song being stupendous, but still a definite CD for any good collection.
34 stars
Better sound quality! The remastered version sounds much better than the previous issue of this, I heard new chords & sounds in the mix I'd never noticed before. The second CD is OK, the DVD of the Paris concert is not by today's standards but is OK as a historical piece.
45 stars
Very difirent... Hmm, if you been a fan of their other albums? Like lucid interval and exploiting dysfunction? Like most fans noticed it? Its way, way difirent but still pretty damn good like c.c always is and always will be and it still damn brutal and heavy as f*ck. If you expecting those skips? Dont bother cause they're not here. Still give it a try. Get cephalic carnage's " anomalies" without even thinking twice !
45 stars
God don't like it but the Devil don't mind!!! Dirt track folky blues with a twist of Golightly. Dave, with his famous hair from Hill, Texas is brilliant on this release. Dave is Holly's stand-up bass player for tours in America. Holly is the best songstress since ever. Love em, buy it now ! ! ! See them live for a different sound. That is all.
45 stars
Amazing This was the first time I listened to Tom Jobim. It's one of his best works, a true work of art! How can someone not like it?
45 stars
Worth the money? Let's be realistic people. This is not Destiny's Child, and it hasn't been since The Writing's on the Wall. And sorry to say it, but has anyone heard Michelle sing? It's AWFUL. In "Lose My Breath", I can't even understand what she's saying..."Consay dishay ooh?" translation? "Can you make me say ooh?" The other members try to mesh her voice in, but when it's that terrible, it's hard to. Don't waste your money on this rushed and halfassed project- as an MSNBC article said of the girls' attitude- "We always insisted we would do another group project together after going solo, so here it is, obligation taken care of, now let's move on with our lives."
12 stars
the mystics 16 golden classics This is a very good cd with excellent songs included on this cd. They are a very good doo woop group and very enjoyable to listen to.John from Palmdale
45 stars
Pure Soul DAVES GOT THE SOUL THAT van lacks. sorry boys ya missed again. aint about van anyway . david lee could do his material Acappella and still get my vote. SHOWMAN. the record shows hey we need more . review ......top album big showman. ROCK ON DAVE. SEE YA IN VEGAS.
34 stars
A Must Have The Mendelssohn violin concerto is perhaps one of the best pieces written for that instrument. Every violinist of quality has recorded it and because of this, of course, I have not listened to every available version. However, this recording and the duo Mutter/Karajan exhude such style, such strength and such raw sexual energy that all other recordings for me have fallen flat. Karajan with the baton and Mutter with the violin spar, argue, make up, lay in each others arms, go their seperate ways and come back together in exchanges of lyrical and sensual love-making the likes of which I have rarely heard in music before. Listening to this CD is like watching a passionate and deep relationship unfold. It's beautiful. It's unexpected. And yet it never loses sight of the poetic Mendelssohn--and this is why it is a great recording: for all the love the performers throw around, they love the composer just as much. Unfortunately, the Brahms concerto ends up a little weak in comparison, but that is only in comparison. This CD is a must have.
45 stars
Martina's voice blew me away. I've loved Martina since I first heard her voice 6 years ago. With this CD she really shows her vocal prowess. Her amazing voice is second to none particularly on "Oh Holy Night" and "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas". She has never sounded better.
45 stars
Two hit songs, a remix, a ditty and two music videos This is a good buy, because it has the original version of Beautiful People, a remix of it called the Horrible People, which provides good variety. Then it has Sweet Dreams, which put them on the musical map with their original rendition of the Eurhythmics song from the 80s. The CD closes out with the brisk melody of Cryptorchid from the Antichrist Superstar album. When you get done listening to the music, you can pop the CD into your computer and watch the Beautiful People and Sweet Dreams in full screen video. Incase you haven't seen the Beautiful People, it has the normal Manson oddity and some nice special effects to it such as Manson's stilt legs which grow and shrink. There is even a nice parody of Nine Inch Nails playing the Beautiful People throughout the video. Meanwhile, Manson's third video ever is on the CD as well, Sweet Dreams, which is more artistic, featuring lots of different fashions for Manson. From wearing a tutu and candy striped tights to covered completely in mud with a cowboy hat riding a pig! There are other interesting inventions of his in the video such as his stilts that he wears to walk around stage at his concerts. It's a very nice video.
45 stars
GREAT foot-stomping, party music! If you're an AC/DC fan, you'll love this CD! There are a few cuts that are so-so, but, the majority are ROCKING, hard-driving, typical AC/DC! The heavy bass and drums make it impossible not to bop along!
34 stars
Industrial Quality Great album. Love the layout, the tracks are solid, Funker Vogt sets the bar!
45 stars
Great CD This CD is a combination of most of Glen Campbell's hits, his voice sounds just like it did way back when. I would recommend purchasing this CD to anyone who likes the tracks on "All the Best."
45 stars
Talking Heads' greatest album More Songs about Buildings and Food is Talking Heads' best album, not only because it combines punkiness evident on their first album (77) but because it expands on that format to include funkiness and a more rounded sense of songwriting. "Found a Job" is still my favorite Heads song ever, and my other favorites are "With Our Love" and "I'm not in Love", which show David Byrne's obvious discontent with love and lovers. "Thank you for sending me an angel" kicks off the album sprightly, and "Stay Hungry" showcases an energy that even Heads emulators couldn't duplicate. Other highlights are "Take me to the river", the Al Green cover that later became a hit, and the album closer, the definitive "Big Country". More Songs showcases the Heads during their earlier period, before the synths dominated the music and before Byrne started parodying his own nasal, affected delivery.
45 stars
Jazz Lady This is in some respects an unlikely assemblage of talents. When's the last time you heard a major popular singer accompanied not by an orchestra or big band, not by a rhythm section (piano, bass, drums), not even by a rhythm section plus tenor saxophone but by a rhythm section plus trumpet? The trumpet player, Pete Candoli (referred to as "Cootie Chesterfield" on the original LP), moreover provides just enough brightness and fire to offset the "cool," low-key approach of Peggy as well as to push this normally controlled, perfectionist performer into some uncharacteristically spontaneous, even surprising, readings of familiar material. Compared to her straight-laced, flawless but stiff and sterile "live" session with George Shearing's trio, this is great jazz singing, as worthy of the description as any recording by a Billie Holiday or Carmen McRae.As for individual tracks, Peggy makes practically each of these songs the standard by which all other readings of the same tune can be compared (give "I've Got You Under My Skin" to Sinatra-Riddle, but the others I can scarcely "hear" any more when performed by anyone other than Lee). Besides the sultry, bluesy "Black Coffee," listen to her set fire to "Make Room for Daddy," register vulnerability and a hint of pain on the sublime "Easy Living," celebrate life as a "Grand" affair with her swinging anapests on "I Didn't Know What Time It Was," and make you succumb to her alternate gospel on "It Ain't Necessarily So." But for me the highlights are the meditative reading of "When the World Was Young," the whispery, ethereal "You're My Thrill," and the positively sinful "There a Small Hotel" (if a more seductive invitation has ever been offered in music, I have yet to hear it).Unlike other "torch singers," there are few traces of angst, masochism, and "hard-knocks" in Peggy's storytelling, yet she makes each song stick indelibly. There's something utterly transparent about her approach to her material, a quality that makes you forget she's singing for you rather than conversing with you. She draws you into her intimate circle, making you her privileged confidant.
45 stars
Quite possibly the best album ever I absolutely loved this cd. From the riff-based "Black Dog" to the hard blues "When the Levee Breaks", this cd is incredible. Black Dog is one of the best classic rock songs that I've ever heard. R&R follows immediately after, with a very memorable beginning, and Plant seems to be enjoying himself. The Battle of Evermore has a backing vocalist, Sandy Denny, whom I'm not particularly fond of, but she's pretty good. It's a very folksy/acoustic type of song, that probably would fit in more on "Led Zeppelin III". Stairway to Heaven is the best song I've ever heard from any group or artist. It's also, in my opinion, the most overplayed. It's been played over 3 million times on the radio since LedZepIV came out. The guitar piece is amazingly good, and John Bonham really helps, providing a steady backbone that makes Page sound even better. This song proved that Led Zeppelin would be a force to be reckoned with, selling over 23 million copies of LZIV, and over 80 million cds total... Misty Mountain Hop may sound VERY familiar. Whenever I think of the 70's, I think of Misty Mountain Hop. Don't ask why, I really don't know, know, know.... Anyways, on to Four Sticks. The song grows on you. You probably won't like it at first, but after a while you'll start to like it. Going to California is another seemingly out-of-place song, being quiet and acoustic, but providing a necessary change from "Black Dog" and the other rock songs on LZIV. When the Levee Breaks is another of LedZep's absolute best songs. This song constantly changes, just a little, so it never becomes tiresome. Overall, an incredible cd, and well worth your money.
45 stars
Flaming Fearless Fanciful Freaks "The Fearless Freaks" is a fascinating documentary about the outsider band- Oklahoma's own Flaming Lips. They began as a psychedelic,hillbilly rock band that admiredThe Who: The Ultimate CollectionandLed Zeppelin 1. Wayne Coyne is a down-to-earth rocker;he's been married to the same woman for years,he mows his front lawn, he soaks his white suit covered with fake blood in cold water... What's refreshing is that the band deems themselves talentless. They're unpretentious. Bono might be the Next Messiah--but Wayne is the next door neighbor with the way cool haunted house."Fearless Freaks" charts their journey--how they managed to snag Warner Brothers--get some mainstream airplay--to the current avant-garde rockers they are now. They do performance art with car radios, Wayne sings with puppets, and they film an experimental movie about a suicidal Santa Claus who gives birth--mpregChristmas On Mars"Fearless Freaks" is fanciful--but it also tackles difficult issues,like a band member's heroin addiction (disturbingly,he shoots up onscreen) It's one of the best documentaries ever. Rock on!
45 stars
Sublime and Very Special The story of this album is already told, so it's really about the music now. It's just brilliant. Following the debut "Zilch" and lost for years, "Waterpistol" delivers the extraordinary songwriting and everyman vocals of Michael Head. "Neighbours" is an absolute classic, followed by song after song of brilliant and soul-stirring authenticity. The capper, "London Town", sets the tone for many of the future Shack albums that end with an acoustic, intimate glimpse of life through the lens of Michael Head. "Waterpistol" is an unconventional album that was nearly lost in a fire, took years to emerge, and was completely worth the wait. A masterful work.
45 stars
Mellow Jazz Cool in every way. Lounge at its best jazz rep. Very melancholic in the most original way. I mean, even in historical context w/ Cambodia et al.
34 stars