Superb!!!! Better than the book. Meryl Streep dominates this movie as the hard, cold blooded exec of one of the leading fashion magazines. Although her character is humorless, she and the other individuals with whom she interacts add a nice level of sophisticated comedy. Also, in the end, Streep shows a half smile or smirk in acknowledgment to Anne Hathaway's decision to leave the cut throat fashion industry to lead a more normal life and have a family. Streep has been in too long to be able to leave and it appears as if she may have regretted her initial decision to stay in the fashion business.
Big, Lavish Hollywood Epic I used to love these types of big, bold, colorful costume epics as a kid and I still like them today. It's been a number of years since I've seen The Buccaneer but it was always one of my favorites. Directed by Anthony Quinn the film stars Charlton Heston as General Andrew Jackson and Yul Brynner as pirate Jean LaFitte and is sent against the backdrop of the war of 1812. Lafitte and his pirates control a local and strategically placed Island near New Orleans. While he refrains from attacking American vessels he's still not in the good graces of Jackson. Jackson is faced with a dire dilemma...the British are massing a large force and planning to attack New Orleans and the American forces are vastly outnumbered. They turn to ally with LaFitte. Lafitte's men want them to side with England as they think they will certainly win, but LaFitte gets assurances from Jackson that his men will be pardoned if they aid the Americans. This deal is complicated when one of the Pirates under LaFittes command attacks an American ship and kills everyone except a boy who escapes. Even though LaFitte new nothing about the attack he accepts responsibility.This is a truly lavish epic with great costumes, epic battles and dramatic performances by the entire cast. Some might argue that Heston and Brynner tend to ham it up a bit but I think this is more of a product of their era when bold, over-the-top performances like this were the norm and subtlety was not in the equation. The battles are staged quite well with lots of action. The fine supporting cast includes Charles Boyer, E.G. Marshall, and Lorne Greene. Quite well done and I hope we will see a DVD release soon. It's too good to be only on VHS and out of print.
Lacks Subtitles and Closed Captioning Just a warning: While the video is OK, I can give only two stars to this set because I am hearing impaired and need subtitles or closed captions, neither of which are available on these discs. I feel they are considerably over-priced without these features. If you can hear fine, you probably will enjoy this set.(This is true of the season 2 set as well.)
Come Back! Shane is more than a movie, it's a legend, supported by one of the finest casts of people ever assembled for one film, and directed by the master of the craft, George Stevens. Mr. Stevens also directed such notables as "Giant" ; "Hud" and he was in a class by himself at the time.For me, there was only one critique - a real cowboy's horse never wore a bridle such as the one worn by Shane's horse and Tory comes home remarkably clean across his saddle after having been shot dead into a large mud puddle in front of the saloon, but oh, well. You can't have everything, and with this remarkable film, the viewer almost does, so that must be forgiven.The story is based on fact, and a lot of that comes through starkly, harshly in spots, as intended in true artistry, muted in other places, since history always has many facets - such as the night scene in the corral between Starrett's family, Shane and Jack Wilson, the hired gun. You feel a certain amount of empathy for the hard-bitten old rancher, Riker, as he makes his last stand against the encroachment of a new people he sees as the only - and final - threat he hasn't been able to handle thus far - people with "rights".This is, in fact, loosely based on the true story of the Johnson County Cattle War, Johnson County, Wyoming. The actual location of the history unfolded near Buffalo, but it was filmed in Jackson for visual effects, with the magnificent Tetons as the silent "supporting" actors in a film destined to become one of the best ever filmed. The Johnson County War was a cold-blooded attempt by big ranchers, some headquartered out of the country, with no interest in anything other than free range without fences - to drive out homesteaders, and the method didn't matter. The lawless action was actually supported by the Governor at that time. Once intimidation failed, hired guns (such as Jack Wilson) were brought in from Texas and Oklahoma, killers who took money for their work. Though modified by an excellent screen play (and a haunting, unforgettable soundtrack) to fit the story line of a good man gone bad coming full circle - trying to outdistance his past and begin anew, this cattle war is what the underlying current that powers the story is all about.The immediate attraction between Shane and Marion, the homesteader's wife, is subtle, but electric. The glances at the table; the scene in the wagon as they prepare to head for town; the dance; all are masterfully done with no doubt left to the viewer as to the portent, though not a word is passed.Jack Palance as Jack Wilson is as important as the character work done by Alan Ladd for his "Shane." His role rounded out the story, making it not only a great film, but one of a kind, all things taken separately. The "showdown" is poignant, gripping, sad and final for everyone, those still standing do not escape the outcome.The last words spoken in the film by the little boy not only make chills come to your back, they will follow you forever, as will the last glimpse of Shane.I had to write this review, though this is an old movie, for younger people who may be looking for something spectacular from out of the past - and because I have seen it over and over, like an old friend. I hope you enjoy it and look for the special beauty between the lines as well as in the superlative filmography.
3rd time was the charmer... I had to watch this three times before I fell absolutely in love with it. Helped that my friends all love it, but I admit, it took me a while to absorb the hilarity. One of my faves now!
Wonderfully annoying for kids! This is an excellent DVD to get your youngster (6-10 years old...mine is starting at 5) started on the drums. Do not go out and purchase an expensive drum set. Buy some sticks and a practice pad. The "Zuchini Brothers" have engaging and outgoing personalities that kids love. The lessos start very basic, and are best done with short segments, practice inbetween, and lots of rewards (kids love stickers). Keep a notebook with lots of praise. When your child completes the lessons, and has a real love for drums, it may be time to purchase that first piece, or junior set. Lots of silly faces, expressions, and laughter, all while a 3 piece talented band plays catchy tunes that kids love. "You are what you eat" and other such songs keep your child's interest. A great job done by the producers.
best movie ever, its a classic. filming, directing, acting, all the way down to lighting. I would rate "Braveheart" the best movie of the yearBHS Live TV & Video student, and analizer - Neal
The incredible Hulk will never die! I saw the death of the hulk in 1990, and I had to buy the video. The movie had the excitment of the early days, and it kept you interested until the end. The only problem is that Hulk can not die from falling from a plane he is much too strong, and he could have sustain injuries. It still was a good movie to a great show.
How to lose track of what's going on It's a pretty fair action movie - a "stealing from the mob" plot, with claustrophic indoor settings. Suspense is good, despite and because of big fat clues in the very first scene. The balance of power tips back and forth at a pace that just increases to the very end.It has pretty characters, too. Violet is the trophy broad, all young curves, heels, and knit minidresses with hems high and necklines low. Corky, the wiry ex con, looks just as good in her cargo pants and sleeveless T-shirts. The movie's real claim to fame is a few brief scenes of hot snogging between these hot ladies early on. Jeez, what a way to get guy's attention. The mob film was pretty good, but those early scenes kept distracting me even an hour after they were over.The movie is mostly about suspense, with high-strung but not high-budget tension. It's pretty good in that respect even though my taste usually runs in other directions. What I'll remember is those few early minutes of Corky and Violet getting steamy on each other.//wiredweird
Classic Like so many other Disney films based off fairy tales, all the dark, nasty parts have been cut out and lots of music has been put in. The original versions sometimes had as many as a dozen fairies to give Sleeping Beauty various blessings, but in this movie, the number has been pared down to three (not including the bad fairy)The bad fairy has been given a considerably more prominent role in this film, and Sleeping Beauty (Aurora) is not raised as a princess - the fairies foster her in a cabin hidden away in the woods and name her Briar Rose. Considerable liberties have been taken with this tale, such as causing the Prince to fight Maleficient, but this movie is actually a pretty good retelling of the Sleeping Beauty tale.
AWESOME! This is one of the best movies ever.Its good for kids.Its good for christians.Its good for parents.I am waiting for the next installment.I am not giving a synopsis except to say it is written by C.S. Lewis; J.R.R. Tolkiens close friend.And it exemplifies what it is like to live a life of a christian metaphorically.Our temptations, addictions, sins.Our stuggle over evil.Our faith and ultimate victory.And our crowning rewards.I did not, however, like the extras on this 4 disc set.Disney could've done a MUCH better job w/ that.I dont even think Disney did them.I didnt even bother to watch the 4th disc.But this set has the bookends and that alone is worth it.
The Edwardian Sherlock in the twenty first century ! All the sites of today's London as backdrop to up dated murder only the English do so well. The up dated Sherlock is very much the same man, just given the tools of this day and time. His personal short comings of old are very much with him, but we are given a better look inside the workings of this man. Just Fun.
Tedious, pretentious movie Terrence Malick is one of those directors that should have stayed retired. Or at least don't make war movies. What was with all of those stream-of-consciousness monologues, anyway? How many soldiers while away their hours pondering the deeper meanings of the universe...often in the middle of combat! ...Great filmmaking is often about passing on new concepts and ideas to your audience, subtly being the most effective method. Contrast this with Mr. Malik's ham-fisted "Isn't-this-movie-Deep" directing style. I've read over some of the reviews for this DVD with amazement. It's time somebody told the Emperor that he isn't wearing any clothes.It's been said that this TRL has as little to do with WWII as "Apocalypse Now" has to do with Vietnam. So its complete disconnect with history should be forgiven.Oh? Look, if the director wasn't interested in telling the story of what actually happened there, maybe he could have misused a legend instead. Malick would find ample material in the story of Paul Bunyan or King Arthur to make the point of his sermon, whatever it was...
Boo! Great movie but may not be appropiate for all ages. Our Middle Schooler loved it but the younder one's were a little scared!
Absolutely essential Spy TV for smart people Despite the superfluity of attention lavished on THE PRISONER, you get much the best of John Drake and Patrick McGoohan in the original series, DANGER MAN (shown in the US as SECRET AGENT). Originally written as a spy for NATO, Drake eventually became a British agent in the Bond tradition, but with a decidedly sardonic working-class flavor that meshed neatly with McGoohan's Brooklyn upbringing.There is something for everyone in the one-hour SECRET AGENT teleplays. The writing and character-acting (featuring the cream of the British TV troupe of the time) are superb, so that your intellect is diverted regardless of the subject matter. Although the location budget was limited, the producers managed to convey a genuinely exotic flavor week after week in luminous black-and-white. Noticeable wisps of LA DOLCE VITA suffuse the wardrobe and coiffure of these swinging-60's episodes. The music is exquisite, often using a single harpsichord or spare brass and drums to convey a wide range of moods. And has been noted, Drake takes on assignment after assignment using his own brains and a certain amount of brawn, often under his own name, and often in the face of local (including British) authorities. Towards the end of the series, when McGoohan's celebrity value had maxed and the limitations of the DANGER MAN formula were evident, a remarkably freewheeling style emerged, one that made THE PRISONER a logical next step or perhaps a reaction.I have watched these shows for years with fierce affection. To develop a taste for DANGER MAN is to partake of some of the very best British TV of the 20th century. Their release on DVD is an occasion of great joy, and I intend to collect everything issued.
A 20TH Century Human has a "Damn" Bad Time in Ape City!!! +++++(Note that this review is for the 35TH Anniversary DVD Edition of this movie released by Fox Home Entertainment in Feb. 2004.)This movie, based on the excellent and imaginative 1963 novel of the same name by French author Pierre Boulle, is about four astronauts who crash-land on an unknown planet in the year 3978. One dies in the spacecraft and the three remaining astronauts Commander Taylor (Charlton Heston), Dodge (Jeff Burton), and Landon (Robert Gunner) explore the planet that according to Taylor is "320 light years from orbit around a star in the constellation of Orion."These three soon discover a terrifying truth: this "madhouse" planet is ruled by intelligent apes that hunt primitive, mute humans. The ones they don't kill for sport are captured and used in scientific experiments that leave those experimented on either in a vegetative state or dead.Dodge is not so fortunate in a hunt (where gorillas hunt humans) but Landon, Taylor and a mute woman Taylor befriends named Nova (Linda Harrison) are captured and brought back to Ape City. Luckily, Taylor or "Bright Eyes" meets two open-minded chimpanzee scientists Dr. Zira (Kim Hunter) and Dr. Cornelius (Roddy McDowall) that try to protect him due to his obvious uniqueness from the close-minded orangutan High Minister of Science Dr. Zaius (Maurice Evans). Unfortunately, Landon was not so lucky.Dr. Zaius is also the Minister of Religion who keeps the sacred scrolls of the ape "Lawgiver." (These scrolls are like the human Bible.) One of these scrolls provides a warning:"Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil's pawn, alone among God's primates. He kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death."This movie is grand entertainment from its visually stimulating beginning to its chilling, unforgettable last moment where Taylor, realizing what's happened, yells "Damn you, God damn you all to Hell." It is a first-rate science fiction adventure that both thrills and poses to the viewer some soul-searching questions.The acting is superb. This was Linda Harrison's first movie role. All actors in their ape make-up do good acting jobs especially Kim Hunter and Roddy McDowall. Special mention should go to Maurice Evans for his fine performance as the stern Dr. Zaius. The legendary Charlton Heston carries the movie as the cynical Taylor.The ape make-up is very convincing. It's obvious why this movie won an Honorary Academy Award for Outstanding Make-up Achievement.The spell-binding background music definitely adds to each scene. It's easy to see why this movie was nominated for an Oscar for Original Score.The brilliant screenplay for this movie was co-written by the late, great Rod Serling and it shows on-screen.This DVD picture and sound are exceptional (certainly better than my VHS version). There are eighteen extras in the form of such things as commentaries, documentaries, promos, outtakes, and galleries.Finally, there is a sequel to this movie called "Beneath the Planet of the Apes" (1970) also on DVD. There are also three prequels to this movie made in the early 1970s. A "remake" of this original 1968 movie was also made in 2001. (Actually, there is no similarity between the remake and the original.) Charlton Heston and Linda Harrison were the only actors from the original to appear in this "remake."In conclusion, this is a unique, exciting movie that makes you think and is now on a special DVD. Never has Ape City looked so good!! Also see why Charlton Heston yells the memorable line, "Take your stinking paws off me, you damn, dirty ape!"(1968; 110 min; 2 discs; widescreen)+++++
Good box and no frills I just got this last week on the 16th with the preorder delivery. It is a nice assortment and is for people who don't watch all the extras that are packed into a disc, like me. The disc quality is excellent and is the same ones that come in the larger pack. It is simple, the movies look great, but if you want extra features get the ultimate collection and if you're interested in the movie only get this version.
Exceptional Adapting this novel with its tricky, time-shifting narrative was always going to be a big task, but Scott Hicks pulls it off. He and co-writer Ron Bass move quickly into the courtroom and wisely use the trial to drive the plot, telling the backstory - the real story in this case - through a finely-woven complex of flashbacks. The difficulty is that this story is a rich, long and emotional tale which requires a fair degree of exposition for it to be satisfying. The screenplay is superbly economical in this regard, but there is no escaping the fact that the only way to cover so much ground in a film of tolerable length is to fly over it at 30,000 feet. The necessarily distant treatment this requires only occasionally dilutes the emotional force which would have come from a more thorough and leisurely telling. Hicks compensates with a powerfully emotive score - this works, but it doesn't always hit the mark. Rather than engendering emotion, James Newton Howard's music is often so insistently overpowering that it locks the audience out. But that's a minor flaw in an otherwise excellent production. Overall, this is an intelligent and considered adaptation - probably the best that could be made from a novel which would have been incredibly difficult to bring to the screen. It's solidly acted, immaculately lit, and offers some of the most achingly beautiful imagery to illuminate the screen in years. (The opening sequence is magnificent.) Most rewarding of all is the fact that Hicks takes some real stylistic risks with this film. They don't always pay off, but when they do it's magical.
GO BACK JACK I thought the 19th Century Cockney prostitutes in the Jack The Ripper film, "From Hell" were going to break into a musical number from "Oliver" at any given moment. They were so darn Cockney and seemed forever on the verge of fully realizing their Dickens-like caricatures. They could have belted out "Consider yourself a friend, consider yourself one of the family!", at the most inappropriate moment, like when Jack slashes them into what could only be described as a big plate of spaghetti and meatballs and I don't believe I would have batted an eye. Just expecting the unexpected. Old Jack's evil legendary status gets a bit tarnished here. It turns out he's a Simon Legree type or something a little more vague, like ancient Druids. I think I get it though. Jack The Ripper didn't kill those prostitutes, society did. I suppose society built The Pyramids and killed John F. Kennedy as well. Ho-hum. The only mystery left is how much time was spent coming up with the wonderfully creative title of this film. Towards the end I thought, "Oh it is a farce! The cast is going to break into a chorus of "The Sound Of Music" on a European mountaintop!", but no, no, forget it Jack, it's Londontown. Big budget sequel minded merry London. I can see it now. Jack is Back! Just when you thought it was safe to parade around old London in a frilly dress.
Classic not to be out-done I have loved this film since I first saw it years ago. I don't know why it hasn't been re-released, what with gems like Nicol Williamson and Alan Arkin. But it's SO rare to find it even on VHS nowadays. I'm glad to have gotten it - it was worth the (exhorbitant) price!
picked up where Gone with the wind left off To be able to pick up where Scarlett left off and to still be able to capture the atmosphere of the original was a genious IdeaI loved gone with the wind and I had always wondered what had happened to scarlett and rett and I enjoyed the answer to my question and I beleive there could still be another in the makingI have watched this movie over and over again over the years I had a copy and lost it and I will continue to view it for years to come.
good was expensive in the stores- and the product was what they said and arrived in good time and in good shape
If you have ever been to Scotland you will love this movie. By far, the best movie I have ever experienced. Who gives a fly rat's ace if it is historically accurate?
Great Movie Although this movie takes great license with Pres. Lincoln's life, they weave it in such a way as to make you believe that if Vampires did exist, it would be spot on. Arrived early and was in the shape stated. Would definitely buy again!
High Expectations - Low Return This happens to be the worst movie I have seen in a long time. The plot meanders everywhere, the actors are stiff as boards, and even when they do show some acting ability, there is not enough direction to create any character development. Finally, until one explosive moment there is no action to speak of. I actually fell asleep during the movie and had to be awakened because my snoring was louder than the vapid dialogue.If I were Sean Penn I would be embarrassed - he is truly a good actor who probably was too awestruck by the usually great Sydney Pollack to complain. Nicole Kidman - sorry but I can't see you in this role. You are not weathered enough.Plot has so many holes and unbelievable sequences. How can a single person be allowed to float around the UN building during at any time of the day and end up overhearing news that will shake the world ... in a rare language no less? Come on!!!The one star I gave it is for the banter I had with my fellow viewers making fun of this garbage. I am thankful that I rented this as a $40 trip to the theater would have been too painful!Do yourselves a favor and skip this unless you enjoy poking fun at poor cinema.
Persuasion This story even though a little too long but is a beautiful story with full beauty on language and caracters. Very instructive.
When it comes to love, we are all in the dark Liam Neeson and Laura Linney are superb as Alfred Kinsey and Claire McMillen, a scientist and his understanding wife. Though Alfred Kinsey was a brilliant scientist who collected and catalogued thousands of gall wasps, and wasn't too shabby on the piano, either, even the smartest people have blind spots. One of his was that he couldn't accept that his son was more interested in athletics than science, and he was repeating the pattern of his own father, who also tried to force him into a mold that he didn't fit. Mac, his wife, played by Laura Linney, could see this plainly, as well as many other quirks and blind spots, but she loved him just the same. For instance, when he turned his attention from wasps to human sexuality she could see that the reaction of society at large would make things very difficult, but she stood by him nevertheless. Linney is very good at playing the understanding wife, as her performance as Abigail Adams in John Adams adamantly demonstrates."Kinsey" paints a portrait of a scientist, and it also places him in an historical context that shows how his groundbreaking work changed things forever. Kinsey thought he was a rational scientist who just wanted to measure and record things, but with a subject like human sexuality he was opening a Pandora's Box that would have a devastating effect on him, his family, and his colleagues on the project; not to mention the country, and the whole world. Such a provocative subject made for a fascinating film.Along with the excellent performances by the two leads there was ample support from John Lithgow, as Kinsey's father; and Tim Curry, who played Dr. Frank-N-Furter in the cult film "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" in an ironic twist, as a priggish professor who undercuts the progressive ideas of Kinsey at every opportunity. Oliver Platt plays a more supportive faculty member. Peter Sarsgaard, Timothy Hutton, and Chris O'Donnell play research assistants who can't help but bring their work home on occasion.----------Alfred Kinsey: Mac, did I ever tell you about the Mbeere?Clara McMillen: No, not that I recall.Alfred Kinsey: They're an ancient East African tribe. They believe that trees are imperfect men... eternally bemoaning their imprisonment. The roots that keep them stuck in one place. But I've never seen a discontented tree. Look at this one! The way its roots are gripping the ground. I believe it really loves it.=====================Ah, sweet mystery of life. I wonder what Alfred Kinsey would have thought of this film. I'll bet you that he would have liked it, especially the performances of Liam Neeson and Laura Linney.----------------------Reporter: Any plans on a Hollywood picture based on the book?Alfred Kinsey: I can't think of anything more pointless.================================Jindabyne(2006) Laura Linney was ClaireThe Squid and the Whale (Special Edition)(2005) Laura Linney was Joan BerkmanBeautiful Girls(1996) Timothy Hutton was Willie ConwayNell(1994) Liam Neeson was Jerome LovellIndecent Proposal(1993) Oliver Platt was JeremyScent of a Woman(1992) Chris O'Donnell was Charlie SimmsPostcards from the Edge(1990) Oliver Platt was Neil BleeneThe Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension(1984) John Lithgow was Lord John Whorfin / Dr. Emilio LizardoFootloose(1984) John Lithgow was Reverend Shaw MooreThe Rocky Horror Picture Show (Widescreen Edition)(1975) Tim Curry was Dr. Frank-N-Furter - A Scientist----------------------------Alfred Kinsey: When it comes to love, we are all in the dark.===================================
Satisfied Customer I really do like this product which is why I'm giving a 5 star rating since I have no complaints about just the fact the product does what it's supposed to do, and I would recommend this product to anyone who wants it.
Code Red DVD Is Great! The 5 stars is for the new Code Red DVD that was released on October 27 not for all those PD eyesores! This movie is now available in its OAR (2.35:1) with tons of extras!!! A Must Buy!!!
The Best? The Only good match on the DVD is the HBK-Marty Jannetty match from 1993. The rest stink. this was just a mindless filler dvd. My advice: Go buy The History of the Intercontinental Championship 3 disc set. I give this DVD a 2 out of 10.
Must see for the horror afficianado I seen this movie at the local neighborhood theater on a Saturday afternoon when I was just a kid (I'm 43 now) and I'm here to tell you, It left a lasting impression on me. I couldn't get to sleep at night for the longest time. To make matters worse my older brother and sister knew this and did all sorts of mean tricks to scare me. (such as removing one of my sister's doll's eyes and putting in a hole in the wall FACING MY BED.) Imagine waking up to that! Anyway, Vincent Price is PRICELESS. His typical wonderful performace. The rest of the cast was alright too. Mainly the scares were the star of the movie. Nothing grisly, but old fashioned scares. A must see for all you Scream and Haunting fans. Much better!
Terrible waste of money. I'm sorry...They have spoiled this classic film with a new score that sounds like it's from 1981, and terrible new scenes that don't fit in at all with the original film. This project had my hopes up, but just didn't pan out at all. I wish I'd spent my money on something else. Yuck!
Dam you Hines-Dam you Pendragon. When I first came to the website I was enthralled with the excitement that was being generated by what was to be the second to none version of HG Wells as told by him and in the era he described.Out of what orifice did Tim Hines pull this slug??? From the moment the film started changing tones, from color to black and white to sepia, I thought that maybe it was to capture that old silent era feeling which would have been very welcome if that was the case, but seeing as this was not the case as the film developed I became incensed.The Martian cyclinders and the martians themselves were actually not bad, and the first viewing of the heat ray was true to Wells description, but it was those stupid tripods that looked like they were sliding across the ground rather then stomping over it that put the final nail in this films coffin. Obviously they were superimposed on the enviorment.Laughable was this attempt create the illusion of panic by having the same xtras walk hurridley, first in one direction and then back the opposite way.Was the Thunderchild warship some persons bathtub toy??? cause thats what it looked like in closeups firing at the Martians, without any crew to be seen, not even a couple of CGI sailors.Ive never felt so burned, and I dont care about the money, I would have been glad to pay double for a 3hr worthwhile film of WOW.Shame on Pendragon, a pox on all those involved in this sham production, this vaporware adaption.Pendragon owes everyone an explanation.
For once, Disney did it! I am a 12 year old girl who saw this movie in the theater last summer. I would probably recommend it. Even some of my friends who are up to age 17 loved it even more than me. It includes an awesome soundtrack. I would not recommend it, however, for a parent who's child did not like "Bambi". There are two sads parts in the movie, one almost exactly like "Bambi". I typically hate Disney movies such as "Snow White" or "Cinderella", but this movie was pretty good. The part when Tarzan is sliding down the trees is VERY stupid and unrealistic, and I did not see the first part of the movie, so I cannot tell you about that.
I 4th 5th etc it! I ADORE Animal House. Is it THAT hard to do this the right way? C'mon, a decent Audio Commentary, an easter egg or two, and for God's sake, get your advertising across some other way without those *$!@#+ ads. Thanks for nuttin.
good buy I bought this for my son who needed it for a school project. I could not find it in any of the stores so when I found it on Amazon I was pleased. I was even happier for the low price and it arrived at my house in a timely manner.
Very big disappointment 1) There were no motivations for the characters: the movie just "started" and continued. The viewer was just expected to believe that a 16 year old boy would SPONTANEOUSLY start hunting for a a specific Nazi war criminal that happened to live in his hometown. We don't even get a sense of "why". 2)Brad Renfro was unconvincing as an actor: there was no passion. I think another actor may have been better suited. When he showed "anger" it seemed contrived and when he showed "fear" it was more akin to a B grade horror movie than a holocaust drama. Ditto for his parents, and guidance councilors in the film. This poor casting turned the movie into something substandard. Perhaps it was because Ian McKellan was so strong an actor in this film. 3) The ending was simply ridiculous. As with most films based on Stephen King books, it was slapped together with the "gee,how do I tie this up?" dilemma. Perhaps an Ed Norton should have been cast in the roll. Even Jonathan Brandeis would have at least given the acting ability. It really could have been better. 4) I agree with those who felt they needed to fast-forward. I was on cable. I had no such luxury.
makes me want to join the sideshow if you are any sort of romantic person, any sort of artist or poet, or simply enjoy watching original films- check this out. aside from being a stylish lesbian love story involving performers with fire and such, it is a story about taking risks and letting go of what identifies, and mis-identifies us as humans.the set/design and cinematography are lush, the women in the lead rolls are relatable, and the plot is tangeable. great mix.i saw this movie in the theatre when it first came out, instantly adored it. When Night is Falling had such a lasting impression on me that i have been urging others to see it since.
Please, somebody stop him! Stupid, boring and irksome. Proves that Shyamalan wasn't just a one hit BLUNDER after the just slightly less stupid Sixth Sense.
Bad Movie Don't Watch It This Has about 60 swear words beggining with F nudety and is nothing like martial arts this film should not be for sale. Or to be shown on T.v (I watched It yesterday)
BORING Was the twist supposed to THRILL us? It didn't thrill me that's for sure
2.4stars rounded down. I am reviewing the Kurt Russell movie Dark Blue released in 2003. The is the story of a third generation LAPD cop named Eldon, who is a corrupt cop. The movie is set during the time of the Rodney King jury verdict. My DVD was very difficult to watch as it kept losing the picture, breaking up and freezing.The movie sets up the juxtaposition of the cops view of the King situation and the view of a couple of thugs who express their hope that the cops get convicted. They then walk in to a store and murder 4 people for no reason. As the movie goes along one starts making assumption about where it is going, but surprisingly it takes turns and folds back into its self. In the end it comes together as it must with the rule of law prevailing, for Eldon, as LA burns after the King acquittals.This movie is curse laden, has brief nudity and simulated sex.We ask our cops to be boy scouts while bring in the bad guys. In the old west it was common for US Marshals to have been wanted men and gunslingers. No one else was going to preserve order and protect justice. In a concluding speech as Eldon turns on the Boss of the bad cops he says something like...My grand-dad was a gunslinger wearing the badge of an LA cop that chased after the bad guys. So was my daddy. I am a gunslinger like my family before me. People want results, but forbid us the tools we need to get the job done. I was a great gunslinger. I would shot the bad guys and cover it up. I was good at it. My son hates cops so the family business ends with me. Come and cuff me now.
outstanding domestic drama THE DOOR IN THE FLOOR is a reimagining of part of John Irving's book, A WIDOW FOR ONE YEAR. Ted Cole (Jeff Bridges), a monumentally self-absorbed children's book author, hires a teen age boy named Eddie (Jon Foster) as an assistant for a summer on Long Island. Quite a bit of the book is a coming-of-age story of Eddie's affair with Ted's wife Marion (the excellent Kim Basinger), who is racked with grief over the death of the couple's twin boys. The young daughter Ruth (Elle Fanning) was conceived to "replace" the boys, but Marion cannot emotionally attach to her daughter.Jeff Bridges, in a monumental performance, takes center stage in the film. Ted orchestrates the summer in order to try to assuage Marion's grief while indulging his appetites in an affair with Mrs Vaughn (Mimi Rogers), a lonely neighbor. Things don't go as planned, and while it while i could describe the turns of the plot at length, suffice it to say that this is a film for adults, about love, loss, parenthood, the male ego, and so much more. Bridges and Basinger both do Oscar caliber work and the final image is indelibly haunting. One of the year's best.....Also with Bijou Phillips and Donna Murphy....
As Good as Being There I don't recall the exact year, however I was fortunate enough to see Cat Stevens in concert in Chicago, perhaps during the same tour as this film. I just bought the DVD yesterday and have to say that this video, the quality of recording and the amazing talent displayed by the artist, matches my memory of being there. Cat Stevens has remained near the top of my favorite live performances for more than 30 years, right up there with Bob Dylan and Carlos Santana. This is a beautiful DVD in both visual and audio quality. A "Must Have" for anyone who likes his recordings.
Still a Classic The story line, the music and the age old musicians plus the comedy styles of Belushi and Aykroyd make this a timeless movie. One that can be enjoyed by many a generation for years and years to come.The 25th anniversary edition includes 2 versions of the film. Twice the enjoyment factor plus the expanded version is great against the original theatrical version.
cant ever get enough of Patrick Swayze One of my ALL TIME FAVORITES. The story can never get too old. Patrick and Demi are such a great combination.
A very entertaining depiction of Secret Societies This movie is a SciFi depiction aboutSecret Societiesand the way they operate that I review about onSecret Messages: Concealment, Codes, and Other Types of Ingenious Communication.The author probably find out about it and decided to write a screenplay to portrait and maybe make sense of what he discover. And from the way the movie portrait that they do not know how long the Aliens been around, I can tell that the author does not know as much as I do about these secret societies.It is a very good depiction of secret societies. All you have to do is replace "Aliens" with "Secret Societies" & the "Sunglass" that allow the wearer to see the Aliens with a "Secret Message Translator" that allow you to understand these Secret Societies and you are pretty close to it.When I saw this movie over 20 years ago, I sense some truth to it but was not able to grasp the whole truth. After 20 years I was able to put it on the review mentioned above.If you watch this movie and like it, then I would recommend you read my review mentioned above to further stimulate your mind from the stimulation you already got in this movie.This movie is one of those movie you would want to keep in your movie collections.
The movie was great, you have to see it for yourself. Robert Townsend, was the perfect actor to play this part. The movie had excellent songs, and great dancing. I rate this movie with 5 stars. Anyone to rate it any less should watch it over again to get the full understanding of what it was really about.
An Awe Inspiring Rendition of the Timeless Epic Peter Jackson's Fellowship of the Ring is an awe inspiring rendition of Tolkein's timeless epic. It is one of those rare films that brings tears to one's eyes even while it makes one want to cheer (which the audience did in several places, including the end.) My only problem with the film is that I was led to believe that Peter Jackson shot it in New Zeeland. Clearly Jackson found some way to get a camera crew to Middle Earth and somehow get some of the original participants in the War of the Ring to recreate the events they actually lived. I do not believe that, for example, we see Ian McLellan playing Gandalf. I will wager that Gandalf is playing himself.--Mark R. Whittington (...)
'Village People - Can't Stop The Music' This 1980 Masterpiece so exemplifies the nexus between 70's Disco & the emerging New Wave - New Romantics scene of the late '70s, beginning of the 1980's; the line, repeated in Can't Stop The Music' "this is the eighties...", '78 - '81 really was a unique time, all of its own vibe, not part of mainstream '70s & not a soundtrack of the overproduced 80s yet to come. Village People's next venture was the 1981 album 'Renaissance', another gem reflecting the '81 zenith. I'm not being cynical or sarcastic here, as a previous reviewer has written; Can't Stop the Music so well captured the essence of that era, in all its acres flowing, sequined chiffon, the Macho scene that rivaled Gen X, Y, Z's current Narcissi & above all, the thumping Disco music. Such a shame this movie lit up the silver screen as Disco was being delivered the last rights. Within a couple of years, Studio 54 would be shuttered, Ronnie Raygun would be bombing Russia & pump priming Star Wars at the expense of medical help for the newly emerging HIV - AIDS epidemic sufferers. 'Can't Stop The Music' reflects that so brief halcyon, hedonistic time where America was beginning to forget the ravages of Vietnam, the Iran Hostages had been released; all was good
Review My daughter had learned the hard way about loaning movies to friends, she loaned Chicago to a friend 3 years ago and never got it back. Needless to say she was pleased to get a replacement.
5 disks and it's region free This is a film ahead of it's time...HDTV and blu-ray are what this film was made for!I remember the first video of this...good but just another sci-fi movie, with blu-ray and recut/remastered it is almost real. Every version and comment on the movie and for those not in North America this version is region free.The best bargain you will get in Amazon everyone should buy it and see what blu-ray is all about
Not quite a bird brain The title of this short documentary refers to the high mortality of wild crows from a variety of reasons: predators, car crashes, diseases, extreme weather, people shooting at them. Only 40% of hatchlings make it to their first year, another 50% don't see their second birthday. Crows can recognize a face out of a crowd, especially the ones who have been enemies of the crows, and tell the rest of their flock who the bad guys are. Thus the title of this work.This 52-minute-long documentary is about behaviorial experiments several ornithologists from the U of Washington (UoW)in Seattle and the Konrad Lorenze Institut in Austria have been conducting to prove the intelligence of these fascinating birds. One of these researchers, John Marsluff, is a wildlife biologist at UoW who provides most of the scientific data. Crows are smart, highly sociable, opportunistic, grieve for their dead partners, "scold" passersby and learn from other crows. They are grossly misunderstood. They communicate within their flocks, have over 250 distinct crow calls and are very territorial. They can remember a face for up to two years. Although they don't have the largest brains in the bird world, they are the most intelligent of all birds and have benefitted from evolutionary intelligence.The Seattle ornithologists show the viewing audience the unique "tricks" crows can do, including recording the antics of a crow sibling pair, White Wing and her brother, who are followed around via radio transmitter for the first year to record their behavior. This team walks around the UoW campus wearing spooky-looking full-face masks during the experiments which probably had passersby watching the film crew wondering what was going on.This is narrated by Nora Young, a soft and feminine voice that is accompanied by violin music whenever the scientists aren't speaking about their subject matter.A lot of stuff mentioned in this documentary has already been extensively written about by Berndt Heinrich in his books on birds as well "Mind of a Raven" and "Ravens in Winter," books I highly recommend to anyone who wants to read more about crows and ravens.Although this short documentary may not win any awards for cinematography, this is an interesting and enjoyable documentary for any bird or crow lover. I'd wish it were another hour longer, though. By the end of the documentary I was becoming attached to the crow subjects. I'm sure I won't be the only one after watching this!I'm not sure why it says here "Released 11 January 2011" when this DVD is already on sale on the PBS website.
Perfect! I've been meaning to see this movie for a long time, but no where carried it. Until recently, where I picked it up without watching it first, I was so I excited I found it! It is one of the best movies I've ever seen, it literally has everything. If the gore makes you sick, cute little puppets and loveable characters will keep you watching, and vice versa. A must see for everyone!!
Good movie My grandaughter loved it. A good remake of a wonderful movie. I remember this movie from my childhood.Good and informative
Even the Losers. . . It is so healing to the soul to see that even the "losers" get lucky sometimes. Chuck and Lyle stick it to the system in this hilarious story of bad songwriters "making it big." I recommend it to those who would suspend (undeserved) bad reviews and think for themselves. END
Read the book I read the book first, and hated it. The movie was even worse.
No poker heroes here. Just a riveting portait. As a poker player and gambler, I sat down to watch this film with a certain expectation.What I got was something totally different. And for me as a person, much better.You see, what Stu Ungar had to teach us wasn't really about how he played certain poker hands or how he won the WSOP three times: but rather that none of that is important, and has no value without people you care about around you to share it with.This film got to me in a big way. It has flaws, unquestionably, but the way it captures the life of a guy who could've done so much more with his talents is deeply affecting, with much of the credit going to a maginificant performance by Michael Imperioli. At turns it is both funny and sad, depressing and uplifting. For a couple of days after I've been thinking about how I've been spending MY time, and with whom. I'm looking forward to watching it again when I get the DVD.I fully understand those that are disappointed (or even enraged) that High Roller isn't the story of a poker hero who fights his way back to triumph, chock full of poker action (although there are several great scenes), and justifying the existence of gamblers everywhere.But for me, a movie that makes me think about my own life, and what I want from it, is the move that makes my permanent collection.
flawed but powerful drama The most startling revelation about Norman Jewison's film `The Hurricane' is that this true-life account of middleweight champion Ruben `Hurricane' Carter turns out to be more about the glories of writing than of boxing. In fact, almost no time at all in the film is dedicated to chronicling the details of Carter's fighting career but rather to the attempts made by him and others on his behalf to prove his innocence in a murder case that resulted in his serving a nearly 20-year long prison sentence.The sympathies of the filmmakers clearly lie with Carter, although a number of people have, since the release of the film, challenged some of the film's reliability and veracity. As one completely unacquainted with the facts of the case as they initially played themselves out, I am certainly in no position to adjudge the authenticity and accuracy of the film. As a piece of drama, however, `The Hurricane' generates an impressive amount of interest in the viewer and even attains emotional greatness in a few scenes. Because the film is trying to come at the story from so many different angles, it occasionally feels a bit like a patchwork - part boxing film, part prison drama, part investigative thriller, part inspirational feel-good drama - rather than a completely unified work of art. And, understandably, the film is more successful in some of those areas than in others.The first half of the film is pretty standard issue stuff. We get, perhaps, a somewhat overly sketchy portrayal of the events in Carter's life before the fateful night in Paterson, NJ when he found himself the prime suspect at a murder scene. We see Carter as an 11-year old boy getting in trouble with the law for defending himself against a pedophile who turns out to be a well-respected and highly placed figure in the local community. This incident introduces him to the Paterson sergeant (Dan Hedaya) who plays the Javert to Carter's Jean Valjean, dedicating his life to seeing that Carter never lives his life outside prison, hounding him out of a misguided sense of self-righteous zeal - an obsession aggravated by the galling fact that Carter has since gone on to achieve international notoriety in the ring. As in many of the early sections of the film, the writers Armyan Bernstein and Dan Gordon fail to portray the incidents in Carter's life in a well-rounded, totally believable way. We find it hard to understand just why this one black child - among a vast number in Paterson one presumes - would fire up this sergeant's passion so intensely. We also are rushed along through Carter's early stints in prison, his time in the military, his rise to fame in the boxing world, sometimes with little more than voice-over excerpts from Carter's novel to inform us of how much he has learned and changed from his experiences. The script is so jumpy at times that we never feel we get to know much about the young Carter at all.Luckily for us, this is not all there is to `The Hurricane.' The writers and director wisely enlarge the canvas of their story to include the teenager, Lesra Martin, whose contact it was with Carter, languishing almost forgotten in prison, that ultimately set the wheels of justice rolling that would lead to Carter's eventual release. And herein lies the real emotional core of the story. Lesra, a near-illiterate inner city boy from Brooklyn, living with some benevolent white liberals in Canada, purchases an old copy of the autobiographical best-selling novel Carter wrote in prison - the first book Lesra has ever read - and becomes so caught up in the similarities to his own life pouring off the pages that he decides to write to Carter in prison. A warm relationship develops between the aging convict and the budding youngster which eventually leads to Lesra's introducing Carter to his mentors who then take up the cause of getting Carter's case overturned. The highlight of the film is clearly the mesmerizing, emotionally riveting first encounter between Lesra and Carter; we sit spellbound as the two hurting individuals grope tentatively towards one another, each seeking that connection with (and recognition from) the other on the common ground of their parallel life experiences that they need so desperately. As the two discuss the liberating effect their writing has on both of them, the film becomes a glorious paean to the power and might of the written word. It is a truly unforgettable scene.Unfortunately, the film only achieves that gripping emotional power a few times afterwards and in each occasion it is the connection between Lesra and Carter that brings it about. The three Canadian activists who take on the case for Carter's innocence remain underdeveloped as characters. We wonder how they can afford to leave their jobs in Canada and dedicate themselves exclusively to Carter's cause. And why are they always together? Do they have any other relationships in their lives or have they taken a vow of celibacy to go along with their social crusading? Their successful attempts to unravel the mystery of what really happened on that night in 1966 are interesting on the level of historicity but these sequences weaken the emotional drama at the film's core. Since we do not get to know these characters as fully fleshed-out human beings, we watch these scenes with an attitude of detached disinterest rather than intense emotional involvement Perhaps, the story of Ruben `Hurricane' Carter is too diverse a one to be successfully encapsulated even in a film that runs an impressive 146 minutes.I realize, of course, that I have not yet mentioned Denzel Washington's impressive performance as Carter. He literally holds the film together since there is virtually no scene in which he is not present. This tour-de-force role allows him to run the emotional gambit from sullen rage and explosive fury to warmhearted tenderness and stoic idealism (and how many 40-something actors could still convincingly portray a man in his early '20's)? Equally impressive, though, is young Vicellous Reon Shannon's work as the disadvantaged but ever idealistic Lesra. Together these two extraordinary actors take `The Hurricane' to impressive emotional heights. This is their film all the way and it undoubtedly does `The Hurricane' himself proud.
Blasé for most, heaven for fans Although extremely happy that Viz has decided to release Ranma on DVD, as a big fan of Ranma, this title was quite disappointing in many ways.The DVD authoring on this title, was downright, awful. There are no extras, the subtitling was horrible -- much worse than fan subtitles. Hard to read. I really despise subtitles that are expressive to a point, where you have to struggle to read it in order to determine what on earth the person is saying. Put in your head the idea of translating Principal Kuno's Haiwaiian accent... Also the English-voice actor for guy-Ranma is shocking. It must have changed from the OAVs, cos this guy is, in one word, hopeless.Viz's decision to start releasing from this point in the series (Season 6 out of 7 Seasons) is silly. Most of the people buying this would assume this is Volume 1. It's like Episode 113 (or 95 starting from Nettouhen). How would people know who all the characters are? Viz should release Season 1 and 2 first.Finally, i agree with other reviews... Where's girl-Ranma?? These were pretty mediocre episodes. The only good episode was the 2nd one on this disc. I'd rent this one and buy it only if you are collecting the series.
Wonderful Adventure/Fantasy Brilliant! Peter Jackson has done it! It's about time someone adapted the wonderful Tolkien book into the faithfull adaptation.I found this movie very enjoying to watch. It is very faithful to the book and many of the lines are from the book. It is not as slow as the book, in fact, it adds brief battle sequences to make it more upbeat. (For book fans, it dropped Tom Bombadill and the Old Forest thankfully!) The batles are exciting and intense, the acting is masterfull. I haven't seen any characters in any movie played so realistically and with so much depth. The orcs are gross and the Nazgul scary, but that is a plus! Any one wwho watches this movie will love it!
One of Disney's Best Unknown Movies The movie is about Max, Goofy's son, who has a crush on a girl and invites her to a party to watch a big radio star perform live. He's thrown for a loop though when his Dad announces they are going on a vacation for bonding. Max fibs to the crush, telling her he's going to be at the rock concert and that he'll join them onstage at the end. Then it's up to him to figure out how to get to CA instead of Lake Destiny for fishing.I have watched this movie with my nephew a hundred times and I still laugh at Big Foot dancing to the song Staying Alive. The songs are engaging and even as an adult I find myself enjoying them. The movie itself is witty, funny and teaches kids that honesty is the best policy and it's ok to love your weird family. It's easy to relate with Max, as a love struck teenager, and with Goofy, who just wants his son to be successful and law abiding.I cannot recommend this movie enough. It's not as popular as other Disney movies but it should be!
It could have been better I loved almost everything about this movie. I loved the look of the movie, the actors, the acting, the music and even the plot. But I think it was too long and the script wasn't funny enough. I was kinda bored by the end.
Perhaps THE worst movie ever made! My friends and I decided to rent this one Friday night, thinking it couldn't possibly be as bad as we heard. We were wrong of course; It was much much worse. The plot was nonexistant, the dialogue was horrible, and the two leads had no chemistry whatsover. The only redeeming quality was Justin Bartha, who played Brian. Poor kid thought he was getting a big break by being in a Bennifer movie. Tough Luck!Three things went through my mind while watching this mess.1-How in the world did this movie get greenlit?2-How could Martin Brest, the writer/director of "Scent of a Woman" be behind it?3-When will this trash come to an end?There is absolutely nothing for me to recommend Gigli, not even to see how bad it is. That's exactly what we wanted to know and every one of us regretted it. One friend fell asleep, the other could take no more and left, while the rest of us said if we could sit through the whole thing, we could accomplish anything. Well, we did it, but for what? Gigli was ultimately pointless, possibly the worst film ever made. Why? Because while other films know they are bad and laugh at it, Gigli takes itself seriously, making it a hell of a lot worse than it should have been. It was a shame seeing such a talented supporting cast (Lainie Kazan, Christopher Walken, Al Pacino) wasted away. What was Martin Brest thinking? What were the actors thinking? You'd expect this from J. Blo, but Al, Lainie, and Chris? NO!Please avoid this film at all costs.
It touches my heart It makes me cry
Rainer Werner Fassbinder--Remember the Man and his Films This could be a good introduction to the terse, emotionally-layered films of Fassbinder, who is becoming recognized as having had a great impact during his short 37 years (deceased in 1982). His films focus on human themes that transcend era or epoch. Here we find a fruit-peddler, who, although seemingly doomed in his early forays into the world and cursed by his mother, continues to work to find meaning in his relationships with women, men, and the world of commerce. Yet, this well-meaning man sinks further into despair and depression, as life goes on. A poignant tale that is timeless, and as visionary today as it was the day it was released. Very highly recommended!
Good (ship lollipop) Good movie in so-so condition. Honestly the actress they picked was too annoying for words and the disk was scratched the first time I opened it but once cleaned it worked fine: you just have to clean it EVERY time. However, it was only 10 muffins so would I buy it again? Sure I would.
Love it! This is a great gift idea for the Laverne and Shirley fan! If you liked the show, you'll love this DVD!
We can't stop here this is bat country Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is truly one of my favorite movies of all time, I purchased the Criterion Collection version because it had a cool cover and DTS sound, not much to some but believe me there is tons of stuff in the 2nd disc that if you are a Thompson fan, you will love the extras and, if you are not a Thompson fan, you will become one. A slight suggestion from me to you my friend, read the book before you watch the movies, believe me. I regret not following my friend's advice so much, I would have gotten everything so much better and been able to appreciate the movie as much as I do the 1st time I watched it, instead of the 5th time I watched it.Notes on the movie, Johnny's acting is probably his best in this movie, if you've watched Pirates of the Caribbean, you'll know where he got those moves, Benicio is absolutely wonderful if not totally unrecognizable, good god man, I did not believe it was him till the credits ran, I thought my friends were just messing with me. I need sleep, or at least to study for exams tomorrow, good night, rent the movie 1st then go ahead and buy it.
limited but respectful adaptation and subtitles galore! Ralph Bakshi's 1978 vision of the first half of Tolkien's trilogy respects the spirit of the written work. I saw this when it first came out and was pretty disappointed, so I was curious to watch it again. I have to say it's not horrible, and there are some interesting foreshadowings here as well. Some of the scenes are repeated faithfully by Peter Jackson; animation over live action, which works well for the Dark Riders but not so well anywhere else, is Waking Life 25 years early; and the Dark Riders look a lot like Lucas's sand people in A New Hope. Things are cut. Lots of things are cut. But after having a 20-year dry spell between filmmakers taking a crack at Tolkien, you've got to appreciate the attempt.The screenplay is well written and faithful to Tolkien's ideas. Bakshi wisely drops the songs (The Hobbit really suffers from the dated schmaltzy singing) but the soundtrack is still a weakness here -- a very 70s orchestrated feel, like Peter Gunn with hairy feet. Animations of the hobbits were a little bit weird-looking but certainly not the worst I've seen. In general the animation style is heavy and dark, so the elven lands suffer. John Hurt's voice for Strider doesn't really work for me personally, but William Squire does a nice voice for Gandalf, and the others are fine. This is a fine effort and definitely worth watching for Tolkien or animation fans.Extra features include a few screens of minimal information about Tolkien, the cast & crew, and the races of Middle Earth.The best feature on the disk is the incredible number of available subtitles -- English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Thai and Korean! Awesome.
One of the best!!! This is my all time favorite movie. nothing comes close. If you haven't seen it already, I highly recommend it. you will like this movie.
Young and proud and fearless. The heroine, Valerie, played by Virginie Ledoyen, is young, proud, and fearless. In a culture, where individualism and rationalism have reached their logical extreme, the only force that is left to work free is the physical beauty that has not been tamed or tainted by the insatiable desires of the old and aged ones. Valerie is too young to know that her beauty will fade one day, and her power will be gone. She enjoys others attentions, and she disdains their lack of spirit.If you find the above introduction confusing, you should watch the film. The film portrays a young woman, who courageously makes tough choices, despite all the external forces that attempt to pull her life apart into pieces. Many forces are at work here, but Valerie decides not to succomb to "others", but to make her life beautiful. It's a story of triumph.
What was the point I wasnt gonna even bother reviewing this mess, it was so ridiculous, but judging from the reviews I guess it appealed to the audience it was trying to reach. I hope that Master P would be banned from making anymore movies but I am only dreaming, I am glad I only watched it on VHS and didnt pay any money because I would have really been upset. I thought it was going to be funny like Friday but it was demeaning and embarrassing to African Americans. 1 star is being to generous for this travesty, 0 stars would have been too much for this mess.
Carousel - the movie Originally a play called "Liliom" by the Hungarian playwright and novelist Ferenc Molnar, this was the second collaboration by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein, a successor to their show Oklahoma. The Broadway show dates from 1945 and the film from 1956. It tells the story of the romance between a cotton mill worker (Shirley Jones) and a carousel barker (Gordon Macrae) who works at a fairground. It was filmed in CinemaScope and Eastmancolor and contains another crop of fresh tunes, some of which have become "evergreens": `You'll never walk alone', `If I loved you', `June is bustin' out all over', and the Carousel waltz that opens the show. Waltzes were a speciality amongst Rodgers' many compositions with both Hart and Hammerstein. The film is a little wistful in that our hero, Billy Bigelow, the barker, dies in an attempted robbery, but he is allowed back to earth for a while to see how his daughter has grown up, which also gives him a chance to repent for his sins. The original story is not one that lends itself to adaptation as a happy-go-lucky musical and other reviewers are right to question the whole morality of the piece. However, I'm sure the storyline made for good dramatic theatre. The music is sumptuously orchestrated and played by the studio orchestra conducted by Alfred Newman, who has very many film scores to his credit. Thoroughly recommended.
Both arms? Arnold is amazing. So is Lou.Lou has big arms. They both lift a lot.I like when Arnold says: "Make a line.."This may be the most deliberate movie ever.Everyone should buy it and watch it. Then they should lift a lot of weight. Da.
This set is NOT edited I got this set just a few days ago and watched all of it and, dispite someone's review that this set is edited and had cut out the part where Rick and the group pull a mangled walker into their departmant store and hack it up with an axe to cover themselves in the zombie goo to walk amongst the walkers to get to a construction company to escape, is actually THERE and NOT edited out. Just FYI. So, go ahead and buy it. Enjoy! I did :)
An American Classic This is the funniest movie I have ever seen, and now that it's available on DVD makes owning it even better. It's great to be able to jump instantly to your favorite scene, and the narration with Paul Reubens and Tim Burton is a really nice extra.Paul (aka Pee-Wee Herman} can make me laugh harder doing something as simple as brushing his teeth with a giant toothbrush than all of today's comedians and their crude language put together. The man has so much talent, it's a shame he was exiled from tv for something so harmless. I hope he brings Pee-Wee back to television or the movies soon.Now if MGM/United Artists will just bring the Playhouse episodes out on DVD, Happy will be my Secret Word.
I love Blood+ I love the series and its music. Thank you for sharing such a good show with the world. Blood+ is awesome!
Dissapointed Let me begin by saying that the movie itself deserves 5 stars. Having said that I admit to being very dissapointed with this release. I bought this version mainly because of the remastered video and sound. The video is excellent, crisp, clear and dynamic..a definite improvement over the original dvd. The sound on the other hand..ugh! The mix done on this is just terrible, I am not exxagerating. They say it's in DTS 5.1 and they're lying...most of the time everything comes from the center channel and muffled at that...what little surround effects there are ( they are few and far between )also sound muffled. I put in my original release copy and in Dolby 2.0 it sounded 10 times better than this new version.In closing...if you don't care about sound quality and just want an excellent movie pick it up...but if you care at all about the sound..AVOID.
Famous For Being Famous The attention this movie receives is just not deserved. Dustin Hoffman's casting is often described as "perfect" - but it is actually a distraction. His character is supposed to be physically but not intellectually impressive (the book on which the movie is based describes the character as resembling a surfboard). His physical appeal is the only reason Mrs. Robinson dallies with him - he's a boy-toy she doesn't respect. But Hoffman just isn't physically impressive - so there is nothing motivating the relationship. His acting is also too nervous and wirey for the part - it suggests an obvious potential danger in his character, putting it far from the malleable and then disposable stud Mrs. R desires. Similarly, the Hoffman character breaks up Robinson's daughter's wedding when she foolishly gives into his surface appeal - just as her mother did.Essentially all motivating structure is lost in the movie. The Hoffman character is supposed to be motivated to steal the bride by his juvenile male competition with her studly husband-to-be. But Hoffman plays the role in a way that forecloses any real motivation for this bizarre act. The destruction of the wedding is presented as a confused way of breaking up the afternoon's boredom. In short, the script is a flashy mess.It is true that the film's fancy camerawork and the sophomoric, pseudo-ironic Simon & Garfunkel music brilliantly conceal the incoherence of the story. The film contributed those techniques - which are so valuable to today's Hollywood director. The director also made lemonade of the lack of structure by using it to enhance the film's atmosphere of a bad dream. The film deserved to be a commercial success. Even after all these years, it may even worth the time needed to see it - if you're stuck in a foggy city with no friends in town.But a great movie? Please. That's like calling one's first smash-and-grope of your girlfriend's breasts in the neighbor's basement a "great romance."
a must see This is one of my favourites of all time.i dont realy know why but i like is about a man(costner) who with another inmate escape from jail. In the process of escaping butch (costner) kidnaps a small boy as a hostage sort of thing. as they travel accross the states, being chased by sheriff Clint Eastwood butch and boy form a bond.As the movie turns into a buddy movie we never loose sight of the fact that Butch is a criminal and being tracked down but we dont seem to care. the boy is in need of a father figure and we want to see more of their relationship.We never see much of a bad side of costners character and yet we are aware that he has his priorities straight. With a nice little twist at the end you cant help but wonder after the film"what if?"make this one of your favourites.
Let it rain frogs... Wow! What more can I say? This was probably the best ending to a great movie I've ever seen. The whole movie sets up for what's coming at the end, and I guarantee you'll like it!What a great cast with a good story and music. I'm usually not for mushy dramatic movies, but this one won me over. How could anyone not like this? It has comedy, romance, drama, action, and brains...all the ingredients the perfect movie needs.This movie is simply about a day in the lives of several different people who are all connected in some way with either blood or chance meeting. All of their lives cross each other and mix into one on this fine day. However it takes a few viewings to understand...but not fully. To completely understand it, you'd have to live it.The DVD is exactly what this fine film deserves...the royal treatment. The packaging and cover are nice to look at and the DVD comes with many bonus features that could keep you busy for hours.It makes you laugh and cry all at the same time. When I think of The Perfect Movie, I think of this. Be prepared for the ending...
mixing genres lost me Trying to mix Benigni's over-hysteric bufoonery with a Woodyallenesqe love comedy with the trauma of the Iraq war didn't come together well. I didn't find it funny, sad or touching.
perverse, but interesting Yes, I have to admit that the real reason why I watch this movie is the sex that Penthouse magazine kept advertising about. Yet, sex turned out to be, with the exception of a few scenes, the boring part of the movie. There is only so much one can take of seeing nude people prancing around, or performing various acts of simulated and real copulation. The decadent Rome and the deranged Caligula as portrayed in this movie are fascinating, making the unwieldy 150+ minute movie watchable (provided that one can stomach the gratuitous violence). The performances are mixed with outstanding work by the pros such as Malcolm McDowell, and very weak job by the half-naked (or naked) actresses (with the notable exception of Helen Miren). The DVD image quality is poor at times - the opening titles are simply horrible. The accompanying documentary is a must-see howler.
Twists and turns This is a great movie that keeps you guessing until the end! I saw this movie on the big screen and had to buy it as soon as it came out! This movie is worth the money and then some! Enjoy!
Still holds up well Watching this series again, I was taken back to a time when I was a single lady with nothing better to do than watch La Femme Nikita and dream of Michael. Now that I am older, wiser and married I half expected to be viewing the show with more cynical eyes. But no, again I found myself totally enthralled by the chemistry between Roy Dupuis and Peta Wilson. At times the show does look a little dated but overall it stands up fairly well. My husband attempted to watch it with me but he gave up, commenting that in the 90s, tv shows were short on action. It's true that there may only be two or three action sequences per show which was fairly normal in those days, but that doesn't bother me as I'm not an action junkie. So glad I bought this and relived my youthful memories.
Best black comedy The Coen brothers don't always get it right. Their darkly comic, surreal style is one of the most original in the business but on occasions the end result doesn't quite hit the mark. This is definitely not one of those films. The Big Lebowski introduces us to the world of the dude, a world in which so much happens from a mere obession with a household rug. But where this film really succeeds is in the sheer quality of the dialogue between the Dude, and the excellent John Goodman as the pacificst hating, Jewish convert, Walter. In a new departure from previous roles, Jeff Bridges copes more than admirably and produces some of the films most memorable scenes. Notably his inarticulate rambling in the back of the limo, trying to justify to the Big Lebowski why they failed to deliver the ransom money. But this film is clearly not another run of the mill film about greed and how it affects the human character. The Coen brothers are no where near pretentious enough for that. In fact the Big Lebowski isn't a film about all that much. Just two laid back bowling obsessives who see their chance to make a quick buck and fail miserably. The results aren't quite slapstick. The quality of the script ensures that. Although when they are, they emphatically hit the bullseye of the comedy dartboard. Who can forget the ashes scene on the cliff? The plot occasionally meanders, but such is the lifestyle of the Dude and Walter, this is all the more appropiate. What really makes the film is the small touches the Coen brothers use - Walter's obsession with remaining faithful to his Jewish vows and the use of characters like poor old Donny, a vehicle purely for the use of the Dude and Walter. The film, however, far from relies solely on gimics. The overall characterisation, humour and originality ensure that The Big Lebowski is the best black comedy of the nineties.
Great gift I bought this for my mom for Mother's Day and she absolutely loves it. It came in perfect condition. Lots of laughs!
Not Recently-divorced Emma Moriarty (Sally Field) picks up and moves to Arizona with her 13-year-old son Jake (Corey Haim) to start a horse boarding and training business. Love is soon in the air when the local pharmacist, Murphy Jones (James Garner), brings a horse to her ranch but a wrench is thrown into the works when Emma's lazy, no-good ex-husband Bobby Jack (Brian Kerwin) shows up on her doorstep. Good mix of drama, romance, and comedy... not your typical chick flick.Staci Layne Wilson
Tops for Parodies! As far as Comedies go, this one takes the cake. Years after not being able to view it (due to it not being available on dvd in a dvd only household) my family is *still* quoting the movie. It is so funny you won't be able to forget it! When we found out it was on dvd, we HAD to buy it. If you love comedies, you will love this movie...
An underrated Carpenter classic "Christine" is one of director John Carpenter's finest yet less appreciated films. Carpenter himself sounded his slight disappointment with the film in some interviews which ultimately led it to be labeled as a failure. Well it isn't. The film based on Stephen King's novel, is an intriguing, atmospheric and extremely suspensful story that works both as a macabre chiller and a psychological thriller. The film also contains some of Carpenter's best visuals as his compositions in this film show his unique talent and taste in composing with the Panavision frame as well as featuring one of his most ambient synth scores. With good performances by John Stockwell, Keith Gordon and Harry Dean Stanton, this is a classic supernatural\psychological mystery that is recommended for Carpenter fans and fans of thrillers alike.
The Palme d'Or was certainly justified Michael Moore articulates many feelings of those citizens vastly dissapointed with George W in a very entertaining documentary. Thank God someone exposed Bush's real character. This is real patriotism!
Someone must of missed something. this is a GOOD movie I will no longer let theater reviews move my wants to see a movie. I read the reviews and didn't go see it. waited till it came out on dvd, then rented i own it. Somebody must of missed something...or is missing a piece of their heart not to of liked this movie. I admit it... i cried. And at the end i was lil was actually a happy ending....which i didn't think it would be. If you like movies like Pay it Forward or what dreams may come....then you will like this one.
the best you gotta love archer everything about the show is just huh larious. " I hope I can fire this thing with a huge throbbing erection " classy!
Great collection! A must have for any Harry Potter fan.Better yet, this movie collection is great for anyone interested in film production, as it has hours of behinds the scenes footage.
Very good slapstick This is a VERY good spoof/slapstick movie. Like the Airplane and Naked Gun series, you'll see something new every time you watch it. This is a dead-on hit.
The scene that hooked me Carrie is in a restauraunt having her first "drink thing" with Big. He brings a male friend and they ogle other women in the restaraunt together. In the most classy scene of all 6 seasons, Carrie stands up, smiles big, pays for their drinks, tells him to have a great time, and walks out, unresponsive to his pleas for her to stay. This is the scene that made me watch every episode of this show at least twice. Totally brilliant! Season one, while not as beautiful visually as the others, is still the very best.
One Of My Absolute Favorites Of All Time I saw this movie for the first time in theaters when I was eight years old and it has always been way up there on my favorites list a great movie for both kids and adults. Johnny and Wynonna did excellent performances in this movie. I would have to say the best in thier careers.
Bonus Materials Alone Worth The Price - Predator I've been waiting for ten years for the collector's edition of the Predator to be released. Included in this release are the behind the scenes interviews and CMG's from Lucas Arts.I watched this movie as a 13 year old and couldn't sleep for three nights in a row. I kepted expecting a Predator to come through my window and killed me. I kepted thinkin that there were a triangle of laser lights on my forehead but I would wakey up and it would be time for breakfast.This movie is the ultimate terrific science-fiction thriller that was released in 1987. Arnold Schwarzenegger leads an all star cast of an elite squad of U.S. Army commandos to a remote region of South American jungle where they, meet, for, the, first, time, a, predator, from, outer, space. Only one of the elite squad members survives and it isn't Jesse "WWF" Ventura.The bonus disk contains a very high quality Windows PC Predator vs. Mankind game. Also included are a frame by frame description that show the making of the movie in frame to frame detail. The first 100,000 DVD's that ship will include a 72MM frame.This release is being released for all of us fans.
Wow, what a movie! Most people know James Cameron from making TITANIC. I know him from making ALIENS.Of all the movies I have ever seen no one movie sets a mood like Cameron does in this one. Every set conveys the image of being in a true foreign world. How this movie failed to win an Oscar for set design still escapes me. The sets are wonderful. The props (and there's a ton of them) are all great-looking and believable. James Hoerner won the Academy Award for best score in Titanic and could have also won that same award here. His eerie score is terrific and is instrumental to setting the mood. The music from this movie's climax has been used to promote at least 5 other movies.The Special-Edition DVD version adds about 15 minutes to the film. Too bad it was removed from the theatrical release because it really explains why Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) risks her life to save that of a little girl. Also, this version has an interview with Cameron, shows pre-production test shots and has over 100 photos of story boards, set designs and actor biographies.If you like action or science-fiction this is a must see. If you've already seen it watch it again and pay particular attention to the sets, props and score. They are all terrific.