class label
5 classes
Excellent braces These are the best wrist braces I've seen. I particularly like the design feature that allows each brace to be strapped around the wrist by a single velcro fastener, with a second smaller strap going around the thumb. It's fast and easy. And the braces are very comfortable. They are somewhat bulky, however, and typing while wearing them is awkward, though possible.
45 stars
Great buy. We use these as poop catchers at daycare. They are nicely sized, and will hold up to 2-3 washes if no pooping occurs. My little one only attends daycare 2-3 days a week, so our first package lasted us about 7 months. They are well worth a little bit higher price. The only drawback is that they are not as soft as some of the other brands, but they caused no irritation on the bum.
34 stars
Daily Shower Spray Daily Shower Spray, Ylang-Ylang Formula, 28-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 8)My first experience with a daily shower spray came with the purchase of my house. The previous owner had a bottle of the original "Clean Shower" daily shower spray under the bathroom sink which obviously hadn't been used much. I didn't think much of it as I had been using a squeegee every morning to wipe the shower and shower door after I was done taking a shower. I had noticed a build up on the fixtures & shower walls and was looking for something to clean the shower with. That's when I came across the bottle of "Clean Shower" again so I decided to give it a try. One of things I liked was that it said it worked on well water which up in my area of Michigan has issues with iron bacteria & staining.The odor wasn't pleasant, but after 3 days of use I noticed that the streaks on the walls and fixtures was gone! My glass looked clean as well, so I was now convinced that this stuff wasn't a gimmick and actually worked! Great! So now I go to the internet to find out where I can get the half gallon refills mentioned on the bottle only to find out that "Clean Shower" doesn't exist anymore. I was finally able to figure out that it is now the Arm & Hammer product offering. The cost on the Arm & Hammer is a bit expensive and given the odor issue I started looking for something else to try.I landed on this product and read several reviews from several different sources and all rated this product fairly high and in their opinion an overall better product than the Arm & Hammer offering. That being the case, I ordered a case. When I got the box, which looked like it had been through a tumbling machine, 2 of the 8 had cracked sprayers with one of them smashed so bad I had to empty the contents into the old "Clean Shower" bottle in order to use it. I then gave two bottles away to friends to try on their showers just to see what they thought of it as well. Initial feedback indicated that they could see a noticeable difference in their showers, but thought the aroma of this product was a little overpowering at times (I tend to agree, although it does help keep your bathroom smelling fresh).I have been using it on my shower on a daily basis, but have not been very happy with it's effectiveness on glass. It does not dry clear on the glass and it leaves a film. I have now gone back to using the squeegee on the glass. As for the fixtures and walls, well, I'm not convinced this is the product that I'm going to stick with. While the Arm & Hammer product might be a bit more expensive, I think when I'm out of this stuff I'm going to order the Arm & Hammer and see if it still performs like the original. If it does, I'll stick with that.
23 stars
LIke it, except for a bit of aftertaste Great specs... high protein, low sugars (though not necessarily very low carbs). Quite filling. I use them before or after weight training. So far quiet happy. Feels like real fruit in there.Now only if I could get over the synthetic aftertaste, it would be perfect...
34 stars
Wonderful product for my dog I have been using it for my dog for a few years now. She is old and started having blood in her urine. She's old, diabetic and blind. This cured her bladder infection and the blood disappeared within about 2 or 3 days. I just mix it in her food every morning. It works great!
45 stars
So Useful Such a simple design that my father in law just loves. I would highly recommend this product.Makes getting in and out of his car so much easeier.
45 stars
would not cut This same model shaved well for me for over a year but I lost it during travel. The replacement arrived in standard package that appeared a little repaired or corrected. I soon discovered that the unit would not cut my beard at all. Most of my investment was refunded but the supplier would not accept a return of used personal items for full refund.
01 star
A solid creatine supplement This product proves you don't need to spend a mint to experience the benefits of creatine. I take it about 15 minutes before my workout with a drink containing carbs and then each morning between workouts. Highly recommmended.
34 stars
Best I've seen through 2008 The BC-9000 buttery charger by La Crosse Technology.I have been a rechargeable battery user for quite some time now. I'd say close to 15 years. Every few years I get tired of buying disposable batteries, thinking that it is a pure waste of money. Then I tell myself, "you know Mike, you could save a lot of money, not to mention also keeping the landfill a little bit less full, if you would just use rechargeable batteries." So, after talking myself in to it, I'll purchase the newest and best rechargeable batteries. The ones with the highest amp HRS available at the time. And A charger that a find locally.This has always ended up with the same outcome in the past. The batteries at first are great. The life of them is very comparable and sometimes better than their disposable counterpart. So I'm happy. But then, after some time, when a new battery is needed, It find them dead, without any charge left. So naturally, I have always thought that is just the way rechargeable batteries are. So then I give my rechargeable battery collective to somebody I feel at the time could use such a thing.So here I am a $100 less wealthy and nothing to show for it. Of course I still have a good feeling that I tried something good. I at least know the flaws in this technology and I can tell other people what to expect, as to save them time and money. So at least I can feel that I have bought and something for my money.But, with my persistence, I have finally uncovered the error of my ways. I was pretty sure if I kept at this long enough I could make it work. It turns out that the batteries are not of poor quality, but rather the charger. The run of the mill chargers do not FULLY charge the battery, so after a short time the battery will show up dead. The trouble is that it was never REALLY charged to begin with.In a charger available at almost any store, there is more than one battery per circuit; usually two or four. The problem begins when using such a device, one battery might fill up first and then the other continues to charge until it reaches full. All the time, "burning" the first battery. Now this may be irrelevant for a month or two, but that's when your little collection becomes worthless to you. Each time a battery is "burned" by overcharging, it loses a little bit of its capacity. After 10-20 cycles, this can really be noticed easily.But this little charger has a separate circuit for each battery, and you can put batteries of different domination (AA or AAA) into each circuit. And when the charging cycle is completed, the charger will switch over to a "trickle charge" mode. This will keep the battery full charge without "burning" it. It also has a refresh mode that says it will revive your old batteries which have developed a "memory" effect by not being fully charged. This is different from the memory effect caused by not fully draining batteries, of which NiMH are said not to obtain. I cannot review or this feature as the only batteries I have left in my collective are new.Since I have not had this device for long, I will make an amendment to this article as time goes on.So in short, rechargeable batteries do not suck, just the charger in the stores do. With a charger such as this, you WILL take on a different outlook on batteries. In combination with the advent of new "low discharge" batteries, you can keep the batteries charged for an entire year with only a 15% loss. I want as many people as possible to learn from my very costly mistake.
45 stars
Good support, but the seams came loose. I'm an active 48 year old male and I purchased two of these knee support strap for my doubleheader softball games and normal workouts. They were working very well, but after just six weeks, the seams on one of them came completely apart. I don't know if I can get it replaced and I'm a little reluctant to purchase this product again.
23 stars
It really works I use it when I go to my Zumba class and helped me alot on my knee pain, I love it.
45 stars
Temperature My husband has wanted one of these for a long time so I finally got him one, he loves it!
45 stars
Best tasting protein on the market This is by far in my opinion the best tasting chocolate protein by far. It easily mixes with water or milk with a spoon or shaker cup. When mixed with almond milk or milk of your choice and a few ice cubes it tastes like a frosty from wendy's. I love this stuff.
45 stars
Herbalifeline for the all important QUALITY Omega 3 Omega 3 fatty acids are considered essential fatty acids, which means that they are essential to human health but cannot be manufactured by the human body.Uses: High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Heart disease, Stroke, Diabetes, Weight Loss, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Depression, Manic Depression (Bi-Polar), Schizophrenia, ADHD, Eating Disorders, Burns, Skin disorders, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Asthma, Macular Degeneration, Mentrual Pain, Colon Cancer, Breast Cancer, Prostrate Cancer, Ulcers, Migraine Headaches, Preterm Labor, emphysema, psoriasis, glaucoma, Lyme disease, Lupus and Panic attacks.
45 stars
The only pad for a heavy leaker Yes, they are thick- that also means that they are super absorbant and for a heavy leaker like me, that is essential. All of my clothing that is tight enough to show the pad through is still in my closet so that's not a worry for me. The adhesive is pretty useless but again it doesn't matter for me as they seem to fit me just right (38C) adn don't move around. the Gerber pads (aside from being the only dry thing on my top half, were way too big and bunched up). At first they stuck to my nipple a lot, but that was when I was having serious cracking issues and I didn't know to dry them first before putting them away (the nipples not the pads).
45 stars
Good book stand. Just as advertised. I am pleased with the stand. It's simple yet effective.
45 stars
A 5 Star Multi In Lyle MacWilliams Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements, an unbiased guide to multi vitamins in North America, there are not many 5-star multis, but this is one of them! Most other 5 stars are very expensive, but this one is very affordable. I highly recommend them!!!
45 stars
Great lotion at a reasonable price! This lotion has been a long time favorite of mine due to it's simple ingredients that don't create an allergic reaction in my patients!
45 stars
Great Stuff Finally bought this for my husband birthday gifts after reading all the reviews on here. He tried it for the first time and loved it, infact he loved it so much we will be ordering a few more as xmas gifts this year for his brother! Yay for tweezerman!
45 stars
Not as advertised ... Received the correct quantity but came as loose items in an envelope and not in a box for easy retrieval... had to find my own container to store these in.
12 stars
OVERRATED! I bought mine a few months ago but only took them like 10 times or so. I only tried these because of the Rave reviews on here & I must say Im disappointed. Not only are they WAY TOO BIG, and have to take 2 which makes it a choir to take, a forgetful one at that; but they dont really do much at all for me. It generally doesnt make me feel noticeably calm, relaxed, energized or anything. I expected so much better. Ill stick to my oneaday.
01 star
As Bad as old version NiMH I think this kind of Enelxxp battery is only for marketing purpose. I ordered and believed that it can hold the charge as least better than my old NiMH, or per their advertisement said. As other review mentioned, this kind of "new" battery cannot hold the charge, it will dis-charge in few days. NOT RECOMMENDED.
01 star
Interesting ... I liked using this spray, but I can't say it really calmed me down for more than a few minutes in times of stress. I'd say this product is best suited to dealing with annoying phone calls, being stuck in traffic jams, or other minor annoyances. I have an anxiety disorder, and while I'd never try to use this in place of my prescription medicine, I did wonder if it might sooth my nerves. The answer? Not really.
23 stars
Very short lifespan... Well, it worked as advertised the first four or five times I used it. Now its dead. Tried everything imaginable to make it work. Nope. Nada. Just will not charge my batteries at all. Should have read the reviews here first. Just stay away from this product.
01 star
This thing is freaking awesome No one was more skeptical then me before bying this, my hair is thinning so i like to keep it shaved, nice down to the scalp look, i have been using my electric remington7500 or 8500 year an number of years now with no real problem , i just takes a bit longer to do it with the electric and my facial hair is pretty thick an stubborn, so one day at work, i was talking to a lady and she mentioned that her husband uses this new M3 and loves it, but i haven't used a regular razor in about 6-8 years, so i thought about it for a few weeks, and then finally broke down and bought one, I HAVE NOT USED MY ELECTRIC SINCE. i can't believe i'm writing a review for a razor all my other reviews are for music , but if u r thinking about buying this , stop thinking and just go get it, it is hands down the best hand razor(hybrid) or whatever u want to call it period, it cuts thru all my thick hair like a weed wacker, an i also like it cause my brother works the 3rd shift, and most electrics even my remington are pretty loud, this thing u cannot practically even hear just feel.Go buy it now , you'll love it, and could possibly be the last razor you'll ever buy.
45 stars
Great blood pressure Since adding Blood Pressure Formula to my daily supplements I have not had to increase my BP med for 18 months. Previously I was constantly having to up the dose and was soon to add a second prescription. After about 2-3 months my BP is 120/60 to 70. I am 70 yrs old and not able to be active. So I know the improvement is a better diet and Blood Pressure Formula.Blood Pressure Formula - 180 - Tablet
45 stars
It's okay For the amount of toothpaste given for $10, I can't justify buying it again. But, it has made my teeth a shade or two whiter after a month and a half.
34 stars
Seems to help... I purchased this in an effort to reduce my blood pressure. I closely monitor it and it has read lower for the last few weeks by as much as 10 points in both the upper and lower numbers. Of course this may just be how it affects me, but its a small capsule which is easy to take and has not had any side effects whatsoever.
45 stars
It's a razor, people....A good one! Funny, I read some of the reviews here, and wonder about the people who are reviewing the product.*I own a different razor, but am reviewing this one...*You can't get it wet, but it doesn't say that in the product manual...*You have to replace the "expensive" cutter/head every 18 months...*The cleaning stand is too large...Good grief, is this stuff made up? It cannot be for real, can it? "Here's your sign..."Did any of these people do ANY research before purchase? You can see this thing in any Wal-Mart or Target in America....I think these are the people who sue companies for having 'Hot coffee'....sheesh.Come on, folks, it is a RAZOR! I used a Norelco wet/dry for years, and was never quite satisfied. Too many passes, and the razor burn was bad. So, after dropping it on the floor and breaking it beyond repair, I tried this. With the rebate from Amazon, it was less than a Franklin bill to purchase shipped!The razor is great! almost as close as a blade. After 6 years in the Navy, where I learned to hate shaving _EVERY DAY_, I am finally doing it again, with no problems. There's no 'tug' like the lift and cut of Norelco, and I get less ingrown hairs, a continuous problem with the lift and cut system. The 'hum' of the Braun is different than the 'whirr' of the Norelco, but no louder or more annoying. The cleaning stand is great. I clean all the whiskers from my razor with the brush before putting it in the stand, and then remove the cleaning fluid after cleaning to slow evaporation. I will easily get two months, perhaps 3 from a cleaning cartridge, and that is with 6 days a week shaving (I skip Saturdays). After a trip, the deep clean makes this razor sparkling new!In the long run, a disposable razor, or even a Mach 3 replacable blade, will cost about 50 cents a day. (Including shaving cream, hot water, etc.) Heck, say 20 cents a day. After a year, that 20 cents a day adds up to $70...I got this convenient razor (I use it in the car, at my desk, in the bathroom, etc.) for just a few dollars more than that. Even after replacing the cutters at 18 months, I come out ahead on the $$$. A no-brainer.Electric razors are environmentally friendlier than disposable razors, cost effective, and just about as close as a blade with the newest technology. Do yourself a favor...get into the 21st century, and buy this razor, or buy a Norelco, but give up the Bic, cheapskate!
45 stars
Nice ramp works great. Has lifetime warranty. Fast service. Will buy again. Nice and secure ramp. Easy to handel and light weight. The 3' works great. I have a 2" and 4" exit step down. It works great on either one...
45 stars
Re: Differences among 8000-series shavers To address some of the questions K Martin raised in his review:1. The only diff. betw. the ES8092NC & 8095NC is the color. Gotta ask yourself: How much is the "gold" vs. "silver" worth to you?2. ES8097A is a model, formerly exclusive to The Sharper Image, which subs the metallic blue color & fancier LCD status window in place of silver/gold & the simple red/green LED indicators, above3. The new ES8152NC is cheaper than any of the above, because it deletes both the (silly, IMO) LCD of the 8097 & the fancier, induction-based charging system of all the 8090-series shavers. That is, instead of just setting the bottom of the shaver on its charging base, you have to actually plug in a normal elec. cord directly into the shaver in order to recharge it. Woo-hoo.
34 stars
It's OK I did not find this product to be any better or worse than other lime remover products. We have apartments that sometimes need serious cleaning and this just doesn't do it. I'll continue to hunt for a product that works really well. PROS: (1)Environmentally friendly (2) Sprays out as almost a foam, so it doesn't just run off -- it stays put. CONS: (1) No matter which of the six bottles I try, I always end up with a little that has leaked out on my hand after spraying. (2) Doesn't really clean the tough stuff.
34 stars
Aspen is essential My German shepherd developed severe apprehension for no known reason--fearful of the dark, acting like something dark and dreadful was present, slinking, seeming like the ceiling was about to fall on him. We tried "puppy Prozak," which made him dopy but still fearful. Tried burning sage sticks. Tried pherenomes. Etc. Nothing helped. The a friend who is knowledgeable about herbal and holistic treatments suggested Aspen. Aspen restored my dog to his normal self. I don't have an explanation for this. I just know it worked when nothing else did.
45 stars
Moist heat pack I bought the duro-med natural pain relief microwavable therabee moist hear pack for lower back pain. It has worked great. I'm a smaller woman so it covered well. A larger person might want a larger size. If I microwave it for 2 minutes (longer than suggested) it will stay pretty hot for about 25 minutes, which is just about right. My daughter bought two, just in case she needs to cover her entire back.
34 stars
review Mine holds a charge for 4 days.shaves only slightly better than other cordless.
23 stars
Disposable Dress Shields Provide protection but are very large! Not really something you can wear under a t-shirt without some adjustments. Really made for long sleeve shirts, are somewhat bulky.
23 stars
the wahl detailer i was in the UK when i first saw the detailer...initially, i was capitivated by the size but was more astonished by the workability....there is no gainsaying, the detailer is by far the best trimmer i have ever used..and believe me, it details just as the name implies! Highly recommended!
45 stars
7-Keto So far, so good! I didn't start taking them right off the bat, but I can tell a difference in how I am looking in just a few weeks. I am of coarse, still exercising, but the difference is noticeable to me. I also feel like I have a little more energy without needing as much caffeine during the day. I will be buying more.
34 stars
Disgusting!!! This is the first review I have ever written, and I am only writing this to tell everyone how gross this stuff is. I figured I would give this a shot as I am in the middle of training for a marathon. I purchased the Orange flavor, and was excited to give it a try. First thing I noticed was it really didn't mix very well with water. There was quite a bit of sediment floating around and powder at the bottom of my shaker. I then took a sip, and it is disgusting! It only has a slight flavor to it, which makes it even worse. Finally, it makes my stomach feel terrible after drinking it.I have tried to drink this stuff multiple times, hoping it will get better. But, its safe to say it's going in my trash can.
01 star
Great product I've been using this detergent because I didn't want the risk of ingesting toxic chemicals left on the dishes. My dishes come out clean and I only fill the dishwasher cup 3/4 full and run the dishes on the speedy cycle. If I fill the cup completely fully, the dishes tend to have bits of detergent left behind. I purchased this for way less in Canada (Canadian Tire) about $5. I'm using tap water (hard water) and I have no problems with residue on the dishes although the bottom of the dishwasher has a slight film of hard water residue.
45 stars
The WORST of the rechargeables. I purchased a high-end battery charger (Lacrosse)and of the 3 different brands of batteries that I use, these are by far the worst in terms of how long they hold the charge. I fully charged two of them 3 days ago, and just put them in a Logitech mouse. Immediately got a warning that the battery level was "critical." Never again!
01 star
Love it! Small and discrete, gets the job done and quickly. Perfect for when you need to have some alone time. ;)
45 stars
Knee support. This knee strap works wonderfully...I bought 2. Would recommend itfor a slightly unstable knee. Product arrived promptly!
45 stars
A Real Gem! My wife has used both the Vitaminder Pill Case Stacker for her meds and theVitaminder Vitamin Dispenserfor her vitamins. She discovered the pill case stacker was perfect for keeping her small pierced earrings and rings separated when we travelled. Never mind the expensive leather jewelry travel case that I bought for her! By the way, she's a Gem too - but I couldn't quite fit her in the pill stacker! ~ The Boss
45 stars
Dry out easily. The taste is "different" but with the nutrition I was willing to give it a try. I mistakenly kept the berries in the same package, sealing with the seal provided on the package. All of the berries were as hard as a rock in a few days. I measured and added water to reconstitute them and for muffins and they were fine. But not for salads or eating like raisins. I recommend that you package in an air-tight container.
12 stars
Best batteries are not without their caveats. Aside from the ludicrous pricing, Lithium cells do vent small amounts of gas when you use them. This is normal in case you smell something when you open your device. Don't inhale the gas.Check out their web site and you will find not all devices run 7 times longer, it depends on the drain of the device. These batteries do NOT hold 7 times the mA power.Let's put it in perspective. A typical Alkaline AA holds about 2565 mA of power. Though 1.5v is nominal, they actually measure 1.6v when fresh. Voltage naturally drops as you use the battery.Lithium AA's hold about 2900 - 3000 mA. Again, 1.5v is nominal, but they measure about 1.7v - 1.8v. Lithium also has a naturally straighter discharge curve and sustains usable voltage for longer periods of time. This is partly due to Lithiums having a higher wattage capacity than Alkalines.When an Alkaline measures 0.9v and heads for the dead zone, it may still hold 1/3 of its' power, or more. This goes to waste as most devices simply stop when the voltage drops too far. Lithium not only has a higher mA rating, but they sustain higher voltage for longer times, and thus, drain much more deeply.In a low drain device, this appears to last 7x longer. In reality, Lithium AA holds about 20% more power than Alkaline, and thus you may only see +/- 20% of extended run time. All depends on the device.While your AA Lithium will eventually die, you could probably get some more use out of it in a good LED flashlight - though at reduced light output. Don't drain them too deeply, or they can explode like any other battery. When you stop getting usable light, replace the batteries.Their resistance to heat and cold and longer life make them ideal for vehicle emergency devices, such as flashlights.
45 stars
title. Works, probably isn't as good as one of those fancy blender bottles, but it was much cheaper.
34 stars
Awesome! Great Product. My boyfriend loves it! . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
45 stars
The best protein bars! I have tried so many protein bars out there by far this is one of the best tasting bars on the market if you like peanut butter so give it a try!
45 stars
love this product and the seller for being honest! i love the lil bassket i'll use it for my daughters toys! all the things i need for bathtime and changings! works perfect i'v always loved johnson and johnsons because i know if for some reason it got in my angels eyes it wont hurt her at all. i'v already put the things i need in the diaper bag for trip to the hospital.so that will be amazing. the rest goes in the bathroom for when i get to bath her! only complaint is i wish the baby oil & diaper rash cream was the same size as everything else. i highly recommend it to all starting moms
45 stars
Clear Blue should be ashamed to still be selling this Bought this product and was over the moon to get a positive. Doctor did blood test and I am not pregnant. doctor says I am not the first to get a false positive with the digital test! I have done some research and clear blue only tested this on 400 women. I personally don't feel this is enough to justify calling it over 99% effective! Reviews speak for themselves - come on clear blue do something about it!
01 star
Great Independent channel charger Much better than the paired charger that is coming with most eneloop packs now, smart charging for single cells means no worries.
34 stars
Great shave This is one of the best shavers I have had, it is easy to handle and performs well. My Amazon purchase was easy and by far the cheapest on the market. Thanks
34 stars
Answers a lot of questions I found this an easy to read book and it answers a lot of questions about thyroid deficiency and especially the epidemic of breast cancer and prostate cancer. I have purchased 8 copies for my friends and family as I think it is a very important book about a nutrient that is in very short supply. This book also addresses chlorine and Floride in our drinking water and the hazards they are creating to health.
45 stars
Didn't work for my Cavalier King Charles It actually made him sleep deeper, making his snores louder. I'm afraid there's no hope for my little snoring dog.
01 star
Quite Easy The spray is thick, with a mild stinging. Takes about 5-8 minutes to get all the hair. The only thing is that you have to dedicate one wash cloth just for rubbing the hair off. Once you used it, it smells for ever. I would recommend this one over the "extra strength" hair remover by Sally Hansen because the foam is quite thin, and it will slide off your leg.
34 stars
Misleading The picture shows the original Old Spice sent. What you get is the classic, which is not the same. I was very disappointed and felt they were misleading. Sent back the four bottles I ordered.
01 star
White Diamonds body powder Thank you Amazon for offering body powder. Especially not only White Diamond but other well known brands. I believe most women like to use it but cannot find it. White Diamond body powder not only makes your skin feel good but it also makes you smell good.
45 stars
Chewy, not soft These are okay. I expected them to be sweet, but they're not. I put them in my cereal and they're kind of tough to chew.
12 stars
Still Looking I decided to ditch the Sensor/Mach 3/Fusion thing and get into the double-edge "safety razor" rerto thing and I've been looking for just the pefect razor. I tried a vintage Gillette Slim Boy adjustatale which was pretty good--except that the "adjustment" dial has no discernible effect--and a new off-brand Parker which is just so-so. Now this.The good thing. It's very clean stainless steel with a nice long handle. It feels good to hold.But: It doesn't shave close at all! The problem is that when you tighten the handle all the way, the blade is pressed down so hard against the body of the razor that it's not able to really reach the hair. I found that if I unscrew the handle slightly and let the blade rise up a little bit, it shaves really close. But then you're dealing with a loose razor head and it seems like you're risking slashing yourself.Also, the three-piece razor is much less convenient than the Gillette butterfly system, both for changing blades and for rinsing the blade. Also, if you want to keep track of which edge of the blade you are shaving with, so that you can use one side for a few shaves and then switch to the other, you can't tell which side you're using--The razor is completely symmetrical with no way to differentiate either side. I used a magic marker to mark one side, but it washes off. Seems to me they should place some sort of permanent mark or logo to distinguish the two sides.Finally, for what they charge, Merkur is evidently too damn cheap to give you ANYTHING extra. No case or pouch or even a plastic cover to protect the razor head if you're throwing this thing in a kit or taking it somewhere. Heck, even a disposable Bic comes with a cover for the head!Bottom line: OK, but Merkur could have easily made it better.
23 stars
Outstanding taste I would presume as a result of the slightly higher fat content in this product versus other like it, the taste is simply outstanding. Mix-ability is also very good and the protein sources are diverse. I'm subscribed to one tub a month and don't plan on canceling anytime soon. Would recommend.
45 stars
LOVE IT - works great for stabilizing blood sugar This product is great. I have definitely noticed fewer blood sugar spikes and have better appetite control. I've only been taking it for a week now, so I looking forward to potential weight-loss effects and improved insulin sensitivity. Definitely recommend.
45 stars
too many straps I've tried on one other tennis elbow brace and the Champion Neoprene brace just did not meat the level of comfort that I was expecting. There are two layers of velcro straps on the brace which are not necessary and make the brace too stiff for me. The pressure pad on the brace feels over sized and when i wear the brace, it feels uncomfortable.
01 star
Blood pressure Easy to use. Accurate. Love it. Recommend for anyone needing to monitor blood pressure at home. Make sure get right cuff size though
45 stars
Elegence This is a supple combination of superior design, functionality, and sexiness.I was lost in the woods once, and a pack of natives surrounded me. It was obvious to any untrained eye that a white man was a new sight to them. Slowly, they began to surround me.When I realized that I was probably going to be the main course that night, I whipped out my Cross Tech3 Satin Black Multi-Function Pen.They bowed in reverence at its sheen, at its overall durability, at the complete package that it is.Sadly, I had to leave the pen behind. It was a small price to pay for my life. Needless to say, I never leave home without one of these pens.
45 stars
Clic Sunglasses are great! I have several pair of clic regular glasses which I really love. The new sunglass version of clics are really great on the beach. Just the thing for reading that great summer book.
45 stars
first time use! This is the first time I had tried a electric shaver!And trust me stick with your old mach 3 ! I can now see a crop of pimples and a irreguar shaved small beard as a token from my first time use!And that, in this winter, when my skin dried up makes it look even worse!
01 star
It works I have this condition called hyperhidrosis which means I sweat excessively. I have that both on hands and feet. I bought this product after some research to cure my foot order. As others have said, it works like a charm. Unlike many other people, I don't have to stay outside for a long time in order to start sweating. In fact a half an hour walk on any weather will make my feet sweat. After I get home, I spray this thing in my shoes and I am good to go. Even the smell of this thing is nice.However, I still sweat a lot but the odor from my shoes is almost gone.I recommend this for everyone, especially those people who are on their feet for most of the day doing physical labor under hot weather.
45 stars
Great Shave and Greater Prices If you have ever had your spouse or significant other tell you "you missed a spot" right after you just shaved this razor will eliminate those bothersome areas of stubble around your mouth and chin. The razor shaves cleaner than standard hand held models, enabling you to see those areas more clearly in a steamy shower. I am impressed by everything except the price of the replacement cartridges. Hope those blades stay sharp a long long time.
45 stars
Use of Thermoskin Flexible Thumb Splint. I have worn this type of splint before and so this is a second go-round, but it is helpful in stabilizing my thumb and protecting my wrist. However I have a very tiny wrist and it's a little difficult to adapt the size to my increasing arthritic hands and wrists so that it offers maximum support and yet doesn't hurt the bone spurs.
34 stars
Really Useful Pill Organizer =) It has been nice to have a pill organizer that fits nicely anywhere because now I don't have to use a plastic bag. Other "travel size" pill bottles were too bulky for how often I used them, and now my friends don't look at me weird when I pull out a baggy with pills in it.The outer shell has only opened once and the middle fell out, but that was after a student of mine flung my purse around. Overall, this product is exactly what it says, and I'm definitely going to be getting another two.
34 stars
Comfortable and convenient for light days or as ... Comfortable and convenient for light days or as a tampon backup. The wings prevent leakage, and the covering is more comfortable than many others. There's also enough adhesive to keep it in place, and the wrapper is large enough to use for disposal as well. All in all, a good product -- and better than its imitators.
45 stars
Great Product, no jitters, stay alert and concentrate without side effects No jitters, no problem sleeping at night. Alert during the day, concentration is great, and reduces appetitie. I have taken this product for two years and lost 46lbs slowly without trying. If I want McD, I eat it, but the Metabolife helps reduce my appetitie and I only eat half of a quarter pounder etc and still get full. I love this product.
45 stars
They work I've been taking enzymes for years to aid in the digestion of cooked foods. This particular brand has worked well for me especially when I overeat especially this time of year. If you feel bloated or indigestion just drop one or two of these and they help you feel normal. MUCH better for you than pepcid, tagamet, etc. These are naturally occurring in the foods you already eat. I highly recommend them because they are a good value and they work!
34 stars
Better than a fancier machine. I bought this for ambient night noise while I'm sleeping after having previously purchased a Marsona that had all kinds of fancy sounds on it. I've had this for eight years and it works better than the more elaborate machine. I notice a lot of doctor offices use it too. It only has two settings, "surf" and "rain/waterfall." The problem with the surf is that the sound is intermittent, maybe nice for relaxation but not sound blockage. It's a very small size and so ideal for traveling.
45 stars
Jobst stockings These black, mens Jobst stockings are great! Legs felt better the first day!Stay up even after several washings. Don't fade out. Will be ordering more of these! Highly recommend!
45 stars
Great product - Don't mind those reviews saying you can't hear Both the cuff and stethoscope are of great quality. I'm using them at home to keep better track of my own blood pressure. The many reviews saying that you can't hear through the stethoscope are missing the fact that it is a convertible stethoscope - it has two listening pieces, and it must be turned to the side with the little dot to hear from that side.
45 stars
Mattress Genie Rocks I was skeptical about the Genie being able to lift my thick 13" mattress, but, because of medical reasons, thought I'd give it a try. I'm sleeping like a log by lifting the head about 1". It can lift it the full way for reading as well. I love it.It is a bit loud, but you don't need to use the pump all the time as it keeps the air pretty well. If you sleep alone on a queen bed, it does get a bit lopsided if you stay on one side, but if you move slightly to the middle, it isn't a problem.
34 stars
Very nice warmth and just the right amount of pressure These fingerless gloves have just the right amount of thickness to provide for easy finger manipulation while keeping the joints warm and providing a bit of pressure which also lessens pain a bit. I would recommend for anyone suffering from osteo-arthritis. The seams don't bother me but the ends of the finger holes could have been better constructed and sewn.
34 stars
ONLY for those who want to keep it on the longer side I do realize that this is a trimmer and not a razor. I did not expect to get that bare skin feeling. With that being said, I feel like this trimmer is only for those with, dare I say it, a bush. I experience a lot of irritation with shaving (after 6 laser treatments no less) and still get quite a few ingrowns/razor rash in certain places. I purchased this to keep those areas short but not shaved so I wouldn't have to worry about irritation and bumps. The shortest setting on this trimmer is 1/8" but it does not get hair down that length. I could see where this could plow through a large quantity of longer hair quite well but it simply didn't work for someone with less hair that was about 1/2"-1/4" to begin with. That's just too much hair for my preference.
23 stars
Wow! Not for the timid! I bought this for a gift for Christmas 2006. Needless to say, the recipient is VERY impressed with the way it cleans her teeth. She had a different model by a different manufacturer and this one definitely works much better. The one drawback so far is that the travel case has a flimsy plastic latch on it that looks like it may only last a few times opening and closing. We will see. Overall, this is a very solid product with just the amount of bells and whistles and not a lot of "extras" that are not needed.
45 stars
pretty good diet pills I have been taking cortislim for about a week now i have lost about 3 lbs.i have alot of energy and sometimes i don't feel like eating. try for yourself i am gonna stick to it and see what the results will be.
34 stars
Not worth purchasing This deodorant smells really awesome on it's own, but when you put it on it doesn't block the smell of sweat at all, the smell of apricot and sweat just sort of mix together (as someone else mentioned) and you're left with this other strange smell that isn't really an improvement from not wearing anything at all. It also feels a bit greasy for a while after you put it on. I don't sweat much either because I'm almost always cold. Definitely won't be purchasing this again.
12 stars
hollywood somemore i say hollywood somemore because i think it should had been a little more powerful being that the stares was surpose to be thin from taking this product.
12 stars
Nice gift for my lil brother This was a very cute gift! Appropriate for children, specially for the Packers fans! Totally worth the purchase. I recommend this product.
45 stars
Not good for cats I actually got this for my cat. The brand before this (no longer made) worked for cats, and the strips were cheaper than the ones made for cats. My veterinarian was all for the prior one, and studies verified that it was as good as the veterinarian version. But I tested this against the veterinarian one, and the disparity in readings was 150 points. . . so it was no help to me.
01 star
Too much repetition I was really looking forward to the thunder storm & rain, but it repeats too often & becomes monotonous--which doesn't help sleep. It needs more variation. I can listen to the stream successfully, however. Maybe I need less variety in sounds & longer playing time before repetion.
23 stars
LOOKS NOTHING LIKE PICTURE, but smells nice. Sometimes, when you purchase an item online, you can expect it to look a little different when you see it in person....But this candle looked nothing like the pic. Just wax poured into a plain glass. It does smell nice, but for the price I feel angry. I bought it for the look as well as the scent.
12 stars
Good for diabetics, & antidepressant users This is such a good product. My husband lost weight immediately, but after a month they gave him real bloating and he had to stop.I think this is good for diabetics, and hypoglycemics because they have trouble with carbs, and staying away from them completely is a difficult thing to pull off.And some taking anti-depressants will find they gain weight quickly, which is often caused by problems with carbs. I wish doctors would tell people about this ahead of time, but then people might be fearful of taking them.This is a good brand, and you need to take them before any carb meal. The price here on Amazon is good compared to other places.I think this is a very good addition to the above mentioned conditions, as a sort of preventative medicine.
45 stars
Buy it! It's fast, efficient, inexpensive and long lasting. I have used Egyptian "halwa," hot and cold wax and "threading" for depilation or removing hair by the roots. This is because of Middle Eastern common belief that women should always remove hair and only men should shave. Never shave, say women in Middle Eastern beauty saloons because it causes the hair to grow back more thickly. Additionally, hair removed from the root gives most almost one month of smooth skin.The problem is that all other options are expensive (if done as a service in saloons) and time consuming. I often do halwa myself, but I must set aside as much as an hour for a self-treatment.I love this small, relatively inexpensive device because it removes the hair instead of cutting it off and because I can completely finish my legs in less than 10 minutes.While all forms of removing hair by the root -- halwa, threading, waxing, etc., require some pain tolerance, and I handle them all quite well, this device made me conscious of the discomfort. I hadn't expected to feel it. I expected that waxing, halwa and threading would be more painful, but in fact, they are about equal.The most important thing is to go slowly over the surface. This helps to ensure the device is getting all the hair and provides for more complete pulling. If you can avoid breakage of the hair, you'll be hairfree for longer.Buy it!
45 stars
Best Electric I've Owned First thing, nothing shaves as close as a blade. Having said that I'm very happy with my Braun. Shaving with a blade is not a pleasure for me. It's too much trouble and I bleed easily. My new (reconditioned)Braun does the job for me. I get a close shave in a minimal amount of time. It's quite and comfortable in my hand. The trimmer works better than any I've used in the past. I do apply a pre-shave. I was somewhat skeptical buying a reconditioned shaver, but the 2-year guarantee helped relieve my anxiety.
34 stars
An energy bar that you can actually eat. I came across Luna Bars one day when I was running to the subway, hoping to make it to rehearsal on time. As I passed a deli, I realized I hadn't eaten breakfast. I figured it would only take a second to grab an energy bar, and Luna Bars were a dollar cheaper than Powerbars (which my friends all swear by) and had a slightly more appealing flavor. S'mores always wins. Now, pre-Luna, I had a pretty typical view of an energy bar. They're either those expensive bricks of inedible something that only masochistic athletes eat because the steroids killed their taste buds, or a jumped-up candy bar --*cough*SNICKERS MARATHON*cough*-- that does nothing. My plan was to either choke down half of it, spend the rest of the day trying to dig the sand out of my tastebuds, and try to figure out if I'd gotten anything out of it. The 'Better Than Nothing' plan. Or, find out it wasn't completely disgusting, manage to choke down all of it, and then be starving two hours later. The 'Better Than Nothing But Slightly More Edible' plan.I was pleasantly surprised to discover that this bar not only tastes like s'mores with just the tiniest hint of energy bar aftertaste- it actually kept me going for four hours. All I had in that space of time was half a bottle of water and some gummy bear heads from playing French Revolution. Granted, I was not being unduly athletic. I did do a lot of running --up and down six steep flights of stairs, through the hallways, around the theater. I broke a bit of a sweat and my heart was pumping-- but nothing officially considered a workout. I had breaks, I could slow down, I wasn't trying to push myself. I certainly worked my muscles, but it wasn't a complete workout. I have testimony from two friends that Luna Bars kept them going through a day of intensive biking. I'm sure that when I get on my bike again for the first time this year --two days-- I will say the same.Overall, Luna bars
45 stars
Designer Whey Protein/Amazon.com:The Best Protein @The Best Price Designer Whey - Designer Whey French Vanilla, 2.1 lb powderThis product does what it says;provides results!For those who want to gain lean muscle mass thru light weight workouts,some cardio,sensible low fat/cholestrol diets;Designer Whey Protein is the perfect starting block!!!!This high quality lean protein provides the necessary nutrients,ease of mixing & flavor I look forward to every day!I mix the french vanilla with a combination of water & grape juice for a tantilizing refreshing taste each morning!Whether you workout or not this protein powder is a helpful support for your body & mind.Wanting weight loss or lean muscle gain in a healthy way,or just maintaining what you have;Designer Whey Protein can help.
45 stars
Well they are tweezers, but they are great so far They are tweezers so its not like they can blow someone away but i really like em. They have a cool black painted finish and are easy to hold. I guess that makes them great tweezers!
45 stars
it's OK it did remove my corn but the liquid dries up even more the more i use it. i still have some more corns to remove so i guess i'll have to buy more. it does turn the affected area white but new skin grew back quick so that was good. also right after i bought i saw this at my local walmart so i could have just bought it there instead of waiting for it to arrive. the shipping was quick though.
23 stars
Tried one pair of socks and then threw them all in the trash These were supposed to be Support Hose.....they wouldn't support anything. I threw all three pairs in the trash.....bad purchse.Phil gunn
01 star
helps diabetes for me My acupuncturist recommended this product to help metabolize my sugar I find it helps - not a cure but a help
45 stars
Decent I bought this for a six month deployment to SW Asia. It's worked well and been quite convenient. For the price it's a good shaver. It does chew up my face a little bit, but not too bad.
23 stars
Good, but some ice cubes will break-Be careful I purchased the Ice bandana replacement to go with my Icey cool bandana for my tonsillectomy. I found this product to be very good and soothing to my throat. But, whenever I put the replacement packs in the freezer one or two of the little segments that holds the water will break and leak water. The breakages mostly happend in the middle. Just be careful with them. It would be a good product it the plastic was more stronger. It will stay cold for about 30 minutes.
23 stars
Try Sonicare Elite 7750 If you like 7500, then you may want to try 7750. It is nothing but a package of two 7500 in one box that cost me only $114 (ie $57/each). I got it at casco
34 stars