class label
5 classes
Just like from the factory site Not really being able to afford $35-$40 for the blades, I went on this site and it was less than half the price.......and you know what....they are just like when I pay retail at a store or from Norelco.......love the product, will return again!
45 stars
45 stars
Jobst Men's knee-high compression socks. Bought these for my husband who has circulatory problems and occasional edema in his legs. These are the best, comfortable and wear like iron. They machine wash, but should not be put in the dryer.
34 stars
A close shave but no cigar! Shaving closeness-pretty good for the first year, when the sidburn shaver stopped working, and I replaced it with a Braun Syncho 7526! The batteries in the Remington gave me five shaves max. The Braun: 11 and still counting! Replace the Remington cutters in a year. The Braun: 18mos!No comparison between the Remington and the Braun!
12 stars
5 Stars if it weren't $50 I used to use a oscillating fan to help me sleep. But when it's cold you don't want a fan circulating air in your room all night. For some reason the noise this machine puts out is much more soothing than an electric fan. Just turned off a little by the price but hey, tons of people have nothing but good things to say and I am backing them up!
34 stars
Best Battery Charger there is This battery charger is for those who want to know exactly how good their batteries are. You can just put in your batteries and charge or take control and play with the many options to optimize each battery for maximum performance (and weed out the not so good ones).
45 stars
Love Licorice If you are a licorice lover this tea will be a specialtreat without all the calories.
45 stars
Happy The stethoscope came quickly and is very nice. Only issue is it is not the color I ordered. It is blue not pule.
45 stars
review of moist heat neck wrap I purchased the item as a gift for christmas at my friend's request. she just phoned me and told me the item is not good. she stated the velcro does not stick. she asked me to return it. therefore, although i did not have direct use of this item, I now have to return it. I would not recommend it as it does not do what it promises.
01 star
Pathetic If you like the taste of talcum powder in water, go for it.It tastes incredibly chalky and has an overwhelming chemical taste.
01 star
simply the best I was doubtful. Could the design of a toothbrush really make that much difference? The short answer: YES. My teeth and gums are healthier than ever. In fact, I've become a bit of an addict to tooth brushing. Stop fooling around and buy one now.
45 stars
Great shaver but my previous one died after 2 years I had a vortex shaver (previous version) before and I was very happy with it. It died after 2 years and I had to buy a new one. I would have given it 5 stars otherwise.
34 stars
Nice and Large Got for my spouse. Loves it. Nice and large, meds don't easily spill. Large letters. Great for travel.
45 stars
Works perfectly and looks fabulous! Our old Peanut died so we had to get a new one. I was a little hesitant buying off line, but not anymore! I would totally buy from this seller again! They came perfectly in the mail AND work perfectly too!
45 stars
BonAmi -- THE BEST Having used Bon Ami years ago to clean a stain in my kitchen sink I have found that it beats ALL the other cleaners at removing stains on porcelain surfaces (WITHOUT scratching, too).
45 stars
This is for your foot? I was not aware this was for your foot. i have been using it with my boyfriend and we have never thought of it as a device for your foot. but me and him are still giving it 5 stars because it still makes us say wow! :-D
45 stars
Great Customer Support We ordered this screen but when it came, it was dented and smashed due to the lack of protective packaging. Customer support called and offered a replacement. The replacement came and this time was well protected. I will always turn to this company when I need products they have.
45 stars
Living would be more difficult without this product During the summer and autumn of 2008 I was experiencing some rather bad constipation, which was interferring with my work, my personal life and made me very, very unpleasant to be around. The remedies from the various doctors I saw during those months only made things worse! On my own initiative, after countless hours of searching the internet, I discovered this product. Things got a lot better, and the GI doctor I saw said that if things were going okay for me then I shouldn't change a thing. And I haven't. I rarely miss a day taking this product which has not only helped with the above-mentioned malady but has helped to improve my overall health!
45 stars
great product Great cleaner, works as must be and doesn't get black. 3 times per day and tongue is almost shiny!unfortunately, i didn't get the color i wanted.
34 stars
worked well when used once or twice a day in small amounts over the period of a week this cleared my skin amazingly (instructions I was given for use). I'm not sure what was in it, but I had bad hand eczema and was pretty desperately looking for something to clear it up.
45 stars
Newby to the cleaner stuff My BBQ hadn't been washed for a year. We just placed aluminum foil over it and burned it off but it never got real clean. I have never used a cleaner for a BBQ before so I can't don't know if its better than others, but it took 4 applications with the use of a medium soft brass wire brush with a blade scrapper (by rubbermaid). It looks almost new except for some stains that I lost motivation on. I would suppose that it would clean up much easier if I hadn't waited a year to work on it. The cleaner didn't hurt my bare hands, but kept washing them off. There was no obvious bubbling, it just softened things up for the brush. I gave it 5 stars since I have nothing to compare it too. Was kinda expecting some bubbling, but nope.
45 stars
Great Product! I bought this binder to use to provide pain relief in the upper left quad of my abdomen. Worked like a charm! As a registered nurse, I get a lots of aches and pains from moving and lifting patients. This binder worked great to provide pain relief and also helped ease upper abdominal muscle tightness. Works great as a splinting device when coughing as well! I hope you have great luck as I did!
45 stars
Review of my purchase: Braun Shaver cutter & Foil Purchased a new Braun shaver cutter and foil for my shaverand received it in about 6 days. The package arrived as itwas ordered and fit perfectly. No problem any where and Iwas pleased completely with Amazon.Com. Thanks a lot.R.S.SweeneyHouston,TexasMarch 31,2009
45 stars
My Choice I have a lot of iron and keep this brush by the sink. I have no problem with this one and I love the long handle. They hold up well for me, and I can tell when it's time to toss. I find the value on Amazon to be much better than the stores on this product.
45 stars
mucinex inhibits sinus infections I've been taking mucinex tablets for 2 to 3 years. I have had very few (less than 3)colds or sinus problems since taking it twice a day during this time. Prior to this time I frequently suffered sinus problems requiring treatment with antibiotics.
45 stars
Smells nice, works great Very pleasant smell, not overpowering, and I'm not allergic to it. Probably cheaper than cans of shaving cream since it lasts forever, and it travels well.
45 stars
Delivered right away, works as advertised. The Myotape was delivered at the agreed upon time, and it works quite well. Now if it only magically took off unwanted inches on my waist...
45 stars
This condom was of excellent quality and the ... This condom was of excellent quality and the lubrication was sufficient. Strong fruity scents made it feel like I'd opened a piece of candy rather than a condom. Nonetheless, a fun product to test! Would recommend to anyone looking for a little extra spice in his or her experiences.
34 stars
Blood Sugar Control Everyone seems to be taking this product for different things but I read it controlled blood sugar...I have been taking it for 2 months now and I love it. It has helped me lose 17 pounds by not snacking. I never get "starving" anymore. I get hungry but I can usually wait until lunch or dinner. I take one every morning. The other thing that has helped me is Nature's Way 5HTP. It can be used as an antidepressant but I read it controled carb cravings and it has helped me cut down on my need for a chocolate fix! Just be sure and take it in the evening because it can make you sleepy.
45 stars
Hammer Gel I have switched from GU to Hammer Gel. I like the flaver better and it is not quite as thick which is a plus. I am impressed with Hammer's research and attention to detail in the preparation of their products.
45 stars
Great for your immune system I've been taking these immune boosters for a number of years now and I can say that the effects have been positive. For health maintenance, I take 1-2 capsules each day. If I'm feeling a little off-balance(like when the weather gets unseasonbly cold) I'll take 3-6 capsules each day until I feel better. The recommended dosage on the bottle is different. I've experimented a bit and found that this amount works for me.The ingredients come from herbs and plants. I have had no nasty side-effects whatsoever from taking these(unlike when I use to take conventional meds). Overall my health has been great and I rarely ever get sick. I do maintain a healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise along with eating nutritionally sound food. If you are inactive and eat mostly junk food, then these supplements won't be too useful.Amazon always seems to offer a great deal for these(along with the free shipping and no-tax). I recommend getting the bottle with 240 capsules as that is the best deal. One note of caution though, the smell is a bit strong. I'm used to it but for some others, it might be a bit much. Overall though this is a great product and I strongly recommend it to help maintain your immune system.
45 stars
Only 3 1/2" This is a good cushion but it is NOT 4" thick as stated. It is only 3 1/2" ONLY. They need to tell the truth for once.
12 stars
Good product for a good price I've had my trimmer for 6 to 8 months and I've had not trouble with it. There was some learning curve in getting the look that I wanted but I was able to achieve a one week growth's look after about 3 to 4 tries. I now use the first position for that look. I don't use the small trimmer because I don't need it. The acculok head serves all my needs. From time to time I will use position 2 or 3 for eyebrows.I recently dropped the unit and damaged the acculok attachment. I contacted Wahl via their web site and recieved a reply within a day or two with instructions on how to order a replacement part.I've had Wahl products for many years and this trimmer lived up to their standards for quality and value.
45 stars
Andis Professional 04710 T-Outliner Personal Trimmer Andis Professional 04710 T-Outliner Personal Trimmer is great to shape up or line up your face. Andis Professional 04710 T-Outliner Personal Trimmer is a great thing to have.
45 stars
Good basic fiber This fiber has very little taste, it's just a little chalky when mixed with water. However, I got it primarily to add to cooking. So far so good, I made pancakes with it and they turned out fine.
45 stars
Perfect for dog lovers This paper is unusual because it features a light blue color; that is rather unusual in a Christmas wrap. The quality of the paper is fantastic. It looks especially striking with black ribbon and or a black bow.
45 stars
care apparel fleece walker grip covers These care apparel fleece walker grip covers do not fit standard walker grips. They are too big. The standard walker grip measures 4.5in long while this product measures 8.75in long. If you cut them in half like I did in order to avoid product return, the fleeces falls out. The product length should have been stated/listed in product review to avoid misrepresentation. Would not have ordered if review stated that these walker fleece covers are 8.5in in length. Surely one size does not fit all. The only reason that I am giving this review two stars instead of one is that RTA medical shipped quickly and filled order immediately. Arrived before the expected date.
12 stars
Decent Product I am trying this product now. I can say it has a good amount of lather and the aroma is very pleasant. The lather is not as rich as either Taylor of Old Bond Street, Proraso, or Geo. Trumper. The product comes out of the tube a bit too freely for my taste, but I figured that if you squeeze the tube in the middle, it works better. You won't be disappointed.
34 stars
Sharp, but have to hold them funny There is a guide on the end that causes you to have to twist your hand oddly to use. Very sharp though.
23 stars
Very smooth! Love these! Compared to the Tinkle ones I used, which would nick and cut my skin all the time, these are very smooth and provide a close shave. They are so smooth in fact that when I first tried them on the chin and eyebrows I didn't feel a thing. I wondered if they even trimmed anything but when I looked the small hairs I had trouble tweezing were gone! I use these on my legs too since I have super sensitive skin and can't use traditional leg shavers or waxing. Great product! I will keep ordering these in the future.
45 stars
We like this option We have added coconut oil to our diet, and my husband prefers the capsules to eating it on his food. This works for us.
45 stars
no flavor at all but Now, I love coffee, coffee flavored things and coffee scented things. This is none of the above. The reason I'm not sending it back is because it is an awesome lip balm in general.update: My Zombie lip balm came in and I LOVE it! It does smell just like the drink. I plan on ordering some more soon!
34 stars
There are much better Stevia products This was one of the most bitter stevia products I've tried. The best I've had is probably Nirvana stevia, but it's based out of Australia, so shipping's pretty high. Second best is NuStevia's packets that have stevia mixed with a sugar alcohol. NuStevia's regular stevia is not good, in my opinion, though not as bad as Spoonable stevia.
01 star
Lactose free milk alternative For those among us who are lactose intolerant, it's wonderful to have several alternatives. This is delicious, very digestible, easy to use. The chocolate version has great flavor and makes superb hot chocolate.
45 stars
at the dentist? I bought a Philips Sonicare, just because it's a Philips. I have many good products bought in the past from Philips. I never expected this brush to be this good. In the beginning it feels a bit strange, because of the speed and sound of this brush. It also feels as if the dentist is working on your teeth... not pleasant. After a couple of times the unpleasant feeling turns into a pleasant feeling (have to get used to it). Then you can see your teeth to begin to whiten. So no expensive whitener needed, just good toothpaste should do the trick with this brush.
34 stars
Rock the house These are seriously the only choice for monogamous couples, regardless of your persuasion. Sure they are pricy but think about it, what's the cost of diapers and college tuition? And what's the cost of dinner and a movie? I would rather stay home by the fire on a cold night and make our own entertainment at less than $5.00 a condom - why not? Even my husband who is not a condom fan now that we are married, agrees that for family planning, these are a super alternative to the "latex noose" of regular condoms. Despite the lubricant being a bit messy there is no nasty toxic spermacide and for me they beat the pill or other feminine contraception hands down. Lambskins rock the house!
45 stars
Works well I like the brush, works well with Proraso soap. Once I was able to get the loose hairs out, the brush works great. Seems like my beard is softer and using.
34 stars
This thing is so awesome and economical! I recieved one for mother's day. It was so easy to use, and the refills are affordable. It did a great job. I used it on my legs, underarms, face, bikini area, and neckline. Sometimes you have to get someone to help you with hard to reach areas. This will save me tons of money since now I don't have to go to the salon. I would reccomend this product to anyone. It makes a great gift for that hard to buy for lady, just make sure she won't be offended!!!
45 stars
purchased for someone else as said above, this was for someone else. i assume it is working alright for her; have not heard otherwise.
34 stars
Works with some quirks These little strips do what they promise to do. The main negative I have for these is the price. They come in an extremely sturdy plastic box (that can't really be re-used for anything else). Occasionally, a strip will come loose after it is applied and it becomes un-usable. I had minor irritation with these but it went away as I used them. Teeth definitely became whiter. I was also able to make a few extra "mini strips" from the ones for the lower teeth by cutting some excess from the strip and applying to other teeth. If these were about 5.00 less per box, I would rate them a 5.
34 stars
Good for vegetarians This is a good vitamin. I highly recommend it. Not very fond of the taste though. Very light on stomach.
45 stars
Actual size is too small The actual size of the pad is too small to be functional, so I will have to return it. The dimensions of the pad would only fit a newborn. The product photo is misleading.
12 stars
New cutter is quiet I think this cutter might be a new design because it made my 8585 much more quiet in addition to giving a better shave than the old worn cutter. It's definitely worth getting a new one every 18 months or so like Braun recommends.
45 stars
We love it! My daughter is 4 months old, and I still love this tub. The sling was so nice in the beginning. Now she is using the infant reclined seat, but I left the sling attached at that end, so the foam would give extra padding. She kicks and plays now! She loves it. I use it in the bathtub, because we have a heater in the bathroom, and our kitchen is a bit cool for winter baths. It will be great as she grows though; I won't have to buy a bath seat for a while, if ever. I can just use this!
45 stars
Great Ingedients But Gave Me Very Bad Heartburn I agree that the ingredients in this product are plentiful but after starting and stopping them to make sure that it was indeed these that gave me real bad heartburn, I had to stop taking them and am now taking a liquid product that suits me just fine and should even be more absorbable. No matter how good the product if you cannot tolerate it then no point.
12 stars
From the Inside Out Doctors such as Murad and Perricone are making much of the idea that beauty is also from the inside out. And it makes sense. I have been taking these vitamins for at least a year and have noticed a diminish in fine lines. Read the ingredients and find many substances commonly believed to be good for the skin together in these pills. I used to take vitamins and supplements such as grape seed extract separately. Now I only take Youth Builder Supplement in conjunction with DMAE, Alpha Lipoic Acid and CoQ-10. Dr. Murad also touts the benefits of pomegranite for the skin so I've started drinking the juice. With all this I look better and feel better too.
45 stars
Pretty good item. This product works pretty good. It was pre-charged so you don't need to charge it for initial use. Good product.
45 stars
stretched and shrunk This towel stretched and shrunk, so now it is long and narrow. Thin fabric, I bought a regular adult towel and use this as an additional towel to cover my baby.
23 stars
Good for new wearers, but quickly became not worth the trouble I'm a new contact wearer who has 46 years of don't-touch-your-eye-phobia imprinted into my brain. It took two visits to the eye doctor's "Lens Trainer" (who was incredibly patient with me) before I was able to perform insert and removal to their satisfaction. But, of course, it was still a harrowing experience. This product came up on a Google search, and I figured that *anything* would be helpful.I never found it helpful for insertion. Your aim has to be pretty precise to avoid catching eyelashes or eyelids, and this tool made that harder to do. A finger is more precise, and once you overcome your blink reflex, holding the lens against your eye until it seats is not at all uncomfortable.For removal, it was a helpful crutch. In the early weeks when extraction was a 30 minute ordeal, I would switch off between the tool and my fingers. The tool would win about 60% of the time in the beginning, and as I progressed that number kept dropping until I just switched to fingers.The "aha!" moment was discovering that the lens was getting stuck to my cornea. The tool doesn't help in that situation. I found that I just have to really pour on the rewetting drops (every 10-15 min) in the hour before I take them out. Once the contacts freely slide on my eye, finger extraction is very simple.I agree with other reviewers in that the rubber is too soft. I know it's a fine line---they don't want it too firm as that would risk eye injury. But the rubber is so soft that it's difficult to get it to actually grip the lens. A few times I ended up applying pressure that was probably excessive, in order to get the tweezer end to spread out enough to grip and extract the lens.Given it's fairly inexpensive, and helpful as a training tool, I'd recommend it. But getting good with your fingers is important in the long run, as you don't want to be dependant on something so easy to lose or forget to bring with you.
23 stars
great product woks how they say it will. very happy with this buy. would buy it again. well worth the money spent.
45 stars
Finally, I can sleep well Noisy college housemates, drunk people screaming on the streets (and in my house) late into the night, cars blasting music driving past my house. These are among the things that used to wake me up, but with this sound conditioner, I can FINALLY sleep through the night with few to no startling moments that jerk me awake. I'm a super light sleeper and noises really throw me off, but this helps so much with that.I really don't know why it costs over $50 to produce a box with a fan inside of it. The loudest setting requires that you open all the vents creating the highest pitch sound. I would prefer a louder lower pitch setting, but once I get into my bed and the white noise becomes a nice background sound, I really don't care. When I wake up, I hardly even notice that it's on. Awesome product.
45 stars
Poor design; waste of $$ It seemed like a good idea. wish i'd saved my money. Within 2 weeks, the holder had black mold or mildew in it. We live in Dallas - it's certainly not from ambient humidity. it comes apart and the little cup comes out for cleaning, but you can't clean this out. not even a bottlebrush gets into the crevices.
01 star
Flimsy Like the others, I am so disappointed in this product. I live in an apartment and was really anxious to have something so compact (since my home has been taken over by baby items) but I can't use it. As soon as I put my baby in the sling, the foot snap comes undone and folds up on my baby. This can't be safe!! And how are you supposed to hold this down and wash an infant at the same time?? We had to go buy a regular tub because I just couldn't use this product for my little one. Don't waste your money!!
01 star
A good product from a great seller. Very pleased. Arrived on time just as advertised. A very positive transaction.
45 stars
Happy Mom & Dad! We decided to go with this bath tub after reading lots of reviews about it...they were all positive!When we received it via courier, we were happy with the quality although found it a bit big.Our daughter is 5 weeks old and we've used it about 6 times or so. Unfortunately we have to use it in the bath tub since it's so big which makes it difficult for us having to bend over all the time to wash her. We don't have that much kitchen counter space so it won't work in that manner.All in all, our daughter enjoys it and seems quite secure in it. She's not slipping around and she is well supported.PROS:-plastic seems durable, not flimsy-no foam/anti slip material in tub = less mildew, bacteria growth-has drain in tub-infant is well supportedCONS:-a little pricey-bigCompared to all the other tubs we saw, this one is a lot better in quality and function. I would definitely recommend this to my friends!
45 stars
Tastes like cough syrup I normally buy a different B12 that's more expensive and has a wonderful sweet flavor, without any added ingredients. It's just pure B12. However, I tried this product because I thought the price was great and if I bought in bulk I could save money. Ugh.. bad idea. It tastes like cough syrup!!! I can't even swallow it. Terrible flavor, I'm sorry.
01 star
Great product without harmful chemicals When I started brushing my little one's teeth, I bought the "training toothpaste" from a famous company. Little did I know that the toothpaste of a child would be filled with parabens and other harmful chemicals. A child's toothpaste!! I was so incredulous that the big companies care so little about the future generation and their health. So after doing some research I found Welada children's toothgel. Its wonderful as it lacks the sulphates, sorbitol, parabens, flouride.Thank you Welada for making a product I can use without compunction.
45 stars
IT WORKS! It really does work! Not permanent results, but put it on under your makeup, follow the instructions and it defiantly makes the fine lines less noticeable. If you use it everyday it seems to have a lasting effect. What I like best is it is not greasy at all, it is not a moisturizer and it does not dry out my skin. I do not use a moisturizer over it, I use it alone. But beware, they make another product that has the same name, but is a moisturizer. It does not work the same and in fact I really see nothing special about it. So make sure you buy the skinlastic LIFT.
45 stars
good deal good and cheap! I like that you have the 3's 6's and 9's in one pill (or two actually) rather than three diffrent bottles..
45 stars
Great Heel Inserts These heel inserts have made such an incredible difference in my foot pain. It is nearly gone completely! Highly recommend these HTP Heel Cup Inserts and this super seller!
45 stars
Bath Chair Having been chronically ill and always afraid to take a shower or bath and then having a hip replacement, it was even worse! when we ordered this Shower seat with a bath, it has changed my life. Rather than fearing the shower, I anticipate it with all of the joy of a spa day! I totally enjoy my showers now and can feel secure with the handheld shower and the Wonderful Bath chair.Quick delivery, ease of construction LOL, and a secure experience.Thank you so much.
45 stars
Does not last I usually love Oxo products. However, I find this one highly frustrating. The dish brush would be great except for 2 problems. The rubber button you push often develops a split. This makes it lose the pressure to dispense the soap. I have replaced the brush several times due to this. This could be due to the fact the the soap doesn't often seem to dispense unless the reservior is nearly full and you keep pushing harder hoping it will work. Either this or else it has already developed an unseen split in the rubber. It is a very handy scrub brush but not that cheap to keep replancing.Update: Latest dish brush experience. The last time I purchased this brush I tried to just push lightly on the brush to dispense the soap. This last one has lasted longer doing this. In order to not fill up the handle with dish soap all the time, I tried opening the rubber stopper to let air in and then pressing on it to dispense the soap. A little nuisense but it seems to work. The rubber stopper split yet and I don't keep refilling it with soap. The leaks from the rubber stopper others report may be do to it being spit. Try not to use very mush pressure. You need enough soap but also some air pressure in order for it to dispense properly. Good luck.
34 stars
nothing works better I looked at all the online stores as well as locally for this. It is fantastic for removing stains. I had several badly stained coffee cups which now look like new. I've seen several posts about using other things to remove stains but Dip-it works faster and requires no effort on my part other than boiling some water to dissolve it. I was even able to make several frying pans shine again. What sold me though was an old coffee carafe that I was ready to toss out as the stains inside of it had been there for a long while and nothing would remove them. I found an old box of dip-it under my sink and decided to give it one last effort. WOW-- All stains gone in minutes and the carafe looks like the day I bought it.
45 stars
Great Product The vitamins were shipped quick. Great packaging. Work Great to help with your health needs. I use them to help keep my energy levels up and can see a difference when I take Magnesium along with other vitamins.
45 stars
Great at first but fell apart quickly I did like the pumice for a week or so, but it fell apart (into small pieces) very quickly. Just not worth the money overall, as it did not last long.
12 stars
REVOLTING I stupidly bought 20 packets of this garbage, along with the 20 packets of 'chocolate mousse' flavour because they were on special. Now, I have tried many brands of protein, and obviously some are better than others, but this was a whole new dimension of bad taste. I literally felt nauseous every time I drank one - I only drank them because I could't give them away to my friends and couldnt bring myself to throw $80 in the bin. I had to mix it with like 500ml of water (milk made it too thick and even more disgusting) to dilute the taste, and make the bitterness less noticable.The flavours sound deliceous, however, they are not.
01 star
Straps not long enough! This is a Very comfortable mask, HOWEVER maybe I just have a big head lol but the straps just barely fit around my head and sometimes the straps will come apart due to this. So for all those "small head" people, buy it. For all those woman with "Elaine" from Seinfeld heads: buyer beware! lol
12 stars
Comfort on an ordinary chair This cushion appears to be designed for use in wheel chairs and walkers. In our house, I use it on dinning room chairs. It works very well and allows me to sit without pain in my damaged hip. It is a thick cushion and it takes a while for get used to it, but it is comfortable and does what I expected very well. The handles make it easy to transport. All-in-all, a fine product.
34 stars
Great results for cellulitis!!! I got cellulitis that started on my feet and ended up spreading to my ears and neck. After seeing the doctor he wanted to put me in the hospital on IV antibiotics. We begged him to prescribe something orally. (he was reluctant but finally consented) He started me on 5 different antibiotics. (It was spreading rapidly with the edge of it moving about 1 inch in 1 1/2 hours) I got the antibiotics at noon 1 day and he said if it did not stop spreading by morning I would need to be hospitalized. It had stopped spreading by morning. Over the next 2 weeks I reacted to each of the different antibiotics one by one and had to stop taking them. The cellulitis cleared up though and he said after my skin looked normal for 24 hours I could stop taking the last antibiotic I was on. less than 24 hours after I quit taking that antibiotic my cellulitis was back full fledged. I was so discouraged and sick of the reactions. We called a nturopathic physician. He told me to take Silver Biotics (no other silver will do he said) He had me take 1 teaspoon every hour and spray it on topically 3 times a day. I started at 10am and by 5 pm that evening the cellulitis was starting to dry up. By the next morning all of my cellulitis was completely dried out. (all the skin on both feet and my neck up to my ears and some on my chest) I continued the Silver Biotics at that dosage for another 3 days before I cut back and was off it completely 2 weeks later. So after 2 weeks of misery on the antibiotics and hundreds of dollars later we discovered Silver Biotics. I thank God for saving my life.
45 stars
IT DOESN'T WORK I wore the Reliefband while flying on a floatplane and lost my breakfast and didn't make it to lunch.
01 star
Its okay....... Dont get me wrong but it hurt like hell. I thought maybe I was doing it wrong at first but I wasnt and it just hurt so bad I had to return it.
12 stars
Safe, powerful & works!!! This product really works and is very safe. I shared it with my regular M.D. and she agreed that it was safe to use, nomatter how long you use it--I have used it regularly for 3 years. Nothing else I tried ever worked.
45 stars
Buy something else This thing will never give you the same reading twice. You can take 20 different readings (within a few minutes) and get 20 significantly different results. In addition, the printer is flimsy and difficult to use. I purchased this to keep a printed file. What a mistake!
01 star
eeeeyaahhhh....its' OKAY.... Probably not worth what I paid for it. You're going to have to do alot of back and forth work to get a decent shave out of it. Don't try and shave your neck or you're gonna get some razor burn. Actually shaves better dry than wet. I'm on my 3rd blade so far and shaving quality is average to below average. I've owned about 6 electric shavers. Best one I've had yet was a Remington I bought back in the 80's. Only problem is that I can't find the replacement blades and screen for it anymore and when its' running it sounds like I triggered an alarm at a military base.On the positive side it looks futuristic.
23 stars
Must Buy If you purchase a home ultra sound machine this is the gel to use. It is the same that was used when I went to physical therapy. Great product.
45 stars
not stiff stick this product needs to be much stiffer to be able to do the job that it is suppose to, should only be considered for travel use that is about all it could be good for
12 stars
Great, but not like the original... This is my second Poetic Waxing Kit & I really can't complain, because I love the concept behind the kit. The blue wax is great because you can (a) see it for application & removal, (b) use it without waxing strips. Because my first kit was the stove-top cup (which I loved, even with the long melt time), my complaints with the newer microwavable kit is that they give you less pre & post cleanser and oil and wax, they also changed the scent of the cleanser and oil from a lavender blend to the rose blend, which can be overpowering (I smelled it before I opened the amazon mailing package).Ultimately, I would recommend this kit to anyone who wants to save $$ on waxing.
45 stars
Must Own for Parents There is nothing more difficult than trying to get a small child to hold still while you take their temperature. Holding a thermometer under their tongue or under their arm, or sticking it in unmentionable places; all of these are difficult and make dealing with a sick child that much worse. The in-ear thermometers are fine for adults, but constantly having to buy the covers is a pain, and getting it in the ear of a small child can be a huge challenge. However, the temporal artery thermometer is wonderful. Our daughter was sick with a temperature the week after we bought this. This allowed us to take her temperature without moving her from her bed, even without waking her from sleeping. If you have small children, this is a must! Kids don't mind having their temperature taken with this and some even find it fun. If you follow the instructions, you will get an accurate reading almost every time. It makes dealing with sick kids a little more tolerable.
45 stars
Best hand massager I've owned I was able to experience this massager in my chiropractor's office. When I came home and told my husband about it, he said to go ahead and order it. I should have known I was getting myself into being the one doing the massaging! I do manage to get some time with it too and it's helped immensely with my lower back problem. You definitely need a second person to operate it to get the full benefit. I ordered the one with variable speed which is nice, but I should have ordered the cover for it too. It works fine without it, but it would be nice. I told my chiropractor that I had purchased one and she commented that the older ones she has in her office are still going strong. But she's had a couple of the newer models go out. So far mine is working great and I hope it continues to do so. I would definitely recommend it.
45 stars
Nicorette is a Good Alternative For a Troubling Habit Everyone could do without the artificial sweeteners, for the cost per piece I'm sure stevia would work at least as well.
34 stars
You'll receive 1 case of 24, not "Pack of 2" We use a lot of these in our home theater and the kids love them. Great product and great company to buy from, but Amazon's discription is wrong. You will receive one case of twenty-four boxes of 40 straws each, for a total of 960 straws. I don't know where the "(Pack of 2)" fits in.
45 stars
My 1st go to for overall immunity boost and wellness I use this along with the echinacea goldenseal as my go to for immune support. I love this product the very best due to it's ability for an all around immunity support. (I've just reveiwed the echinacea goldenseal - so this is part is a copy paste since it applies here as well) I really like the liquid caps. I get the benefits of fast absorption of the liquid and the ease of a capsule. I also have found that Gaia is the best for Astragaus. I get consistent results.
45 stars
The best Bought this when I noticed the PTs using it after I had knee replacement surgery ... it's a wonderful all around cream.
45 stars
best stuff ever rip fuel has to be the best diet supplement i've ever tried. i havn't lost all that much weight but i have gone done two pants sizes. i've also noticed more definition in my arms, shoulders, and neck. i also has quite a kick to it. it gives me the energy to get through my 2-3 hr. work out. i havn't noticed any real side efects, it does take me a little longer to get to sleep at night but thats about it.
45 stars
Expensive, but it works I really like this aftershave. It is great for helping with razor burn. However, it is quite expensive. Since I last used it, I have switched toProraso Liquid Cream After-Shave 3.4 fl oz (100 ml)because it seems to work better and is nearly half the price.
34 stars
After a month they don't even last THREE HOURS! AWFUL! I use mine in an LED booklight for my Kindle (AAA) and in the Wii Mote for the kids (AA). I've only used the AAA about 5 times and each time they hold the charge less and less. Last night I put 3 freshly charged AAA in myBelkin Clip-On Reading Light for Kindle (White) [Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging] and it didn't even go THREE HOURS until it dimmed to where I couldn't see. Unbelievable.I can get cheap AAA batteries at the dollar store - and they at least LAST. I've had better luck with the Energizer rechargable AA batteries lasting a bit longer and holding a charge a bit more but these AAA ones are just the ultimate in craptastic.Save your money. Chose a different brand!
01 star
adds ease to using a necessary item easy to install and to keep clean. Much less expensive then a new tolet which we did in another location.
45 stars
Acument defective - - Seller Heart Rate Monitors USA a nighmare to deal with Acumen did not work and the seller, HEART RATE MONITORS USA, were extremely rude and unhelpful. They refused repeated requests to even let me speak to a manager or supervisor to resolve my concerns. DO NOT ORDER FROM THIS SELLER HEART RATE MONITORS USA, you will regret it. My advice is to buy a better heart rate monitor and buy it from a good seller . . . .
01 star
WASTE OF MONEY! I am 23 weeks pregnant and cannot hear anything with this stethoscope. I can barely hear my own heartbeat! VERY DISAPPOINTED!
01 star
never been unhappy with 7th gen products Yes, this toilet paper is thin, but it is 1-ply. If you want something thicker, there is 2-ply. I think it's just fine and am happy that it is recycled. I order through subscribe & save to save money and it arrives in one large cardboard box without any plastic wrap.
45 stars