class label
5 classes
it's ok My weight jumped about 10 pounds in the first two weeks using this product. But 6 months later of working out, I haven't gained a single pound more . . .I just mix it with my protein shakes and I don't even taste it. It doesn't mix that well though, a good portion just sinks to the bottom of my cup, but this is a non-issue for me.
34 stars
Great Product I have a hard time finding replacement blades at local stores so I use Amazon.Better price and fast shipping, you can't go wrong.
45 stars
Heating pad delivers pain relief. I got this heating pad on the recommendation from an older friend. I didn't believe that the moist heat would really be any different from any other type of heating pad. Wow was I wrong. This pad delivers such extreme targeted heat that my lower back pain disappears within minutes of applying.The only feature I would add to the pad is that I would have it cycle on and off automatically rather than having to manually hold the switch.
23 stars
Beyond expectations A number of previous reviews talked about problems utilizing the comb. Having used this as a 3rd attempt, I can say that even with very thick hair on young girls, this was an amazing, amazing product. I'm indebted to the Health Department nurse who recommended it.
45 stars
Nice for young infants This was the first bathtub we bathed our newborn in when he was born almost three years ago. We got it as a shower gift. I love how portable it is - it folds up very nicely for storing. It is the perfect size for bathing your little one, and is nice and padded so they stay comfortable. The Safety First Space Saver Fold Up Tub works great on a counter, in a sink or in a bathtub.The main down-side to this product is that I feel like the baby isn't covered with ENOUGH water to stay warm. It IS nice that the seat is reclined just so so that baby is comfortable, but I always felt like my little one was cold when he was in the tub!We used this tub for awhile, but soon upgraded to bathing our son in the sink with a cushion-y foam bath pad. We didn't get a TON of use out of the Safety First tub, but we will probably use it again when we have our second child, at least when they are a very small infant.
34 stars
Works for me! Every Women's multiple seems like it has all the necessary ingredients. Along with eating well and taking Every Woman, I feel energetic and rarely get sick, I also sleep well. So if your looking for a multiple that will satisfy your mood a keep you energetic and healthy, try "Every Woman". It's working for me, I just may work for you.New Chapter - Every Woman, 180 tablets
45 stars
Love the gloss I love the gloss color and it makes my lips tingle. Great taste too!
45 stars
Legbag When this arrived I looked at it and thought what the ____is this, the hole for my cast was maybe at best 3inches but I gave it a run and it was the neatest,most secure item to keep my leg-cast completely dry was very comforting.
45 stars
great product easy to use I first got acquainted with this product at the dentist's office.I now own it and find it very convenient to use and store.Recommend it to anyone needing such an appliance.
45 stars
Teeth Feel Really Clean Although I use "Go Betweens" as floss, I always finish up my teethbrushing routine with the Water Flosser. There is definitely a difference in how your teeth/mouth feel after using this product. Am very satisfied after using it for more than a year. I have also had better dental check-ups since.
45 stars
I like it This is a big improvement from the first ones that came out many years ago! I've used it several times and it does a pretty good job. After the first use, it's not that painful. I'm glad I got it.
34 stars
Perfect brush I recommend paying a few extra dollars for the oral B Floss Action instead of the regular because of the floss action. However, the price is not the cheapest at Amazon. I went to Costco and notice a difference in price. Costco sells a pack of eight for around $45 bucks. However, I'm single and there is no need to buy a large amount. I hope this helps everyone.
45 stars
Blood pressure monitor Very easy to use. Has feature to take 3 readings 30 second apart and combine these to get average.Have not downloaded info yet but look forward to doing so.
45 stars
sonicare elite the sonicare system is superior. Similar systems, by other brands, do not clean and stimulate the gums as well. My dentist recommended sonicare to me, and in turn I recommend this product to anyone considering an electronic toothbrush system.
45 stars
I sleep great! I use this every night and sleep very well. Before this sound machine, I used the fan in the bathroom. If you like that sound, then you will like this product!
45 stars
Grooming appliance This item is the complete package and has all the tools necessary to keep neatly groomed at all times. Love it.
45 stars
Great tub, but we are done with it at 5 months This is a great INFANT tub. We used the infant side for our son for the first 3 months and he has been on the "toddler" side for the last 2 months. He is just too big and long for this tub now, so we got a $7 tub from IKEA yesterday that is more like a real tub with grippy rubber on the bottom so he won't slide. I would recommend this tub but caution parents that in my opinion, you won't use this much beyond the first 6 months or so. Worth the 18 bucks though for the first few months, and my son loves playing in it.
34 stars
Are you allergic?? As my wife thought she was allergic to Latex, we found out that it may be the adhesives used on band-aids and other medical tapes that causes a reaction. This tape is very sticky and does not cause any kind of reaction from the adhesive. She used it to hold long stretches of bandaging after surgery and being 3" wide, it covered the bandages with room to spare. When done, just pull the whole strip off and you're done! Highly recommend if you have alergies to adhesives...It also cuts with scissors and tears by hand very easy.
45 stars
I didn't see any results but.... I've been on a weight mgmt plan since Jan 1 2008, training in the gym 4x per week and eating about 1200 cals a day. I took this product as suggested, but didn't see any differences in weight loss. Energy wise the caffeine in it seemed to help, but perhaps you have to take it longer to see results, each bottle is just 20 day supply. So the verdict is not in yet on it, it would be better to have a month or two supply, so that I could evaluate it better.
23 stars
good support these suppory hose are everything as described. My legs felt better and were less swollen after wearing them for 8 hours a day as a nurse. The only porblem is that because they don't stretch out like normal pantyhose, they have a tendancy to creep down my legs. Like most pantyhose, the crotch wanted to be somewhere around my knees and insisted on taking my pant with them. Difficult to work like that. over all a good buy for the price.
34 stars
Mixed reviews from my clients.. This is the usual good stuff that BIOTONE provides..however, be advised that this blend has an initial cooling effect when first applied..even after warming in your hands first. Men tend to like this...Women..not so much..and 95% of my clients are Women. I am ordering something else and giving this to the female CMT's I work with.-Markkus
34 stars
Vinyl Exam Gloves Was looking for an affordable glove for household cleaning. They hold up to most of the routine household cleaning chores.
45 stars
LOVE this Neck Ease and the Sinus Pillow TOO! I purchased the Large NeckEase by BodySense for my husband and the Sinus Pillow for myself and let me tell you, I can only say I wish I'd gotten them sooner! We both go to the Chiropractor and have the Mediflow Waterbased pillows (see my review for those and the pillow case) but the addition of these 2 items was a great investment. We both suffer from neck and back pain and arthritis so we have tried many different things to help ease our pain and discomfort.My husband has used the NeckEase several times already and I used it the other night...heated it in the micro, wrapped it around my neck and climbed into bed for the night. Was very comfortable laying there with my head on my Mediflow Waterbased pillow and before I knew it I was fast asleep!I've used the Sinus Pillow twice now. We live in West TN and this time of year we can have some crazy weather - in the 70s one day and down to the 40s the next. This weather wreaks havoc on my sinuses, causing me lots of sinus pain and pressure and some pretty strong and painful, pounding headaches. I just heat my Sinus Pillow in the micro for the recommended time, lay down and place it over my eyes and nose and once again, it's not long until I'm fast asleep. Now, I'm not going to say it took my headache away completely each time, but it sure does relieve the sinus pressure and greatly reduces the pounding pain in my head so that I can relax and fall asleep quite easily. The various scents given off from each pillow is wonderful and very soothing.I would recommend both of these products and look forward to using them for years. And after reading the reviews of the BodySense Large Pack and Extra Large Pack I am putting those on my wishlist for purchase of one or both in the very near future!
45 stars
Not good It makes a gurgling sound all night and puts out a very low amount of steam. I don't find it to be useful at all. It's worse than having nothing because of the annoying sound and the night light that I find distracting.
01 star
beneficial I have always had issues with my gums and this product is the solution to those issues. It helps in my case reduce the inflamations I get in my gums and has helped somewhat with my receding gum line. It is a product I would recommend if you wanted to do some additional gum conditioning.
45 stars
I like these a lot better than foamies for concerts and live music I've used Hero's for quite a while and I a huge fan. My expectations are on Par with the price, I expect them to be better than Foamies for live music and I think they are far superior. I am also a guitar player and singer, now some people are pretty critical about the Hearos for these applications but I think relative to the cost they are great. Yes, there is some frequency loss with these but my $250 custom in-ear filters with 7db aren't perfect either.I primarily use my Hearos for watching live music and they are amazing for that.If you are looking for low cost ear protection that passes more frequency content than foamies, these are a great buy
45 stars
Excellent Knee wraps I bought these for my husband at Christmas. He is a body builder and uses knee wraps all the time. He is very pleased with the Quality of these and would definitely recommend them to other weight lifters.P. Gallagher
45 stars
What does this do??? I mean seriously, one order will not work. I just finished the bottle and still have acne. This is no miracle cure. This is a supplement that you would have to continuously take just like any other daily vitamin. Maybe after a year I would see a difference, but nothing now. I'm going to see if I can find this in a Whole Foods or local health food store to save on shipping.
23 stars
It really makes a difference... I have used this for a couple of years for pain from different situations and it always helps.
45 stars
helpful I ordered this before I went to have hip replacement. Very happy with the way it fit the toilet, it is very secure and easy to keep clean. A must have for hip surgery, couldn't get along without it. Order before surgery so you have it when you go home, delivery took about 5 days.
45 stars
This Product Really Works!!!... A friend told me about this product, as they knew how I suffer from allergies all year long. I was so bad before I started using this product that I was not able to talk on the phone without choking on the continous post-nasel drip. Per labeling, I take two in the morning and two at night. I take them after a meal. I went through the last half of winter feeling great! I was recently tested, and I am allergic to 5 kinds of mold, which I believe this product really helps. I tested at a category 5 of 5 for dust mites, and the doctor told me to get pillow covers and a mattress covering designed for this. I found them at Linens and Things locally, but Amazon may sell them. Anyway, I hate taking pills, but this works so well without side effects I have bought 7 bottles of this! The tree buds have just come out, and I am feeling bad again. I am just trying the Solaray Pollenblock. If Pollenblock works as well as Histamine SP-33, I will write a report on that product in a few months. 04/02/04 SFL
45 stars
A Bit Disappointed Based on the reviews I read, I was expecting a closer shave. Though it often claims to shave nearly as close as a traditional bladed razor, logic should have convinced me otherwise. It does not shave nearly that well. Additionally, the maker would lead you to believe that it is virtually impossible to cut yourself with this unit, yet I managed to do just that in a (private) area of very soft, flexible skin. On the other hand, if you just want a compact motorized shaver that can shave close (for its kind), this is probably a decent unit. However, for the price, I'm not sure it would be competitive in that class. I found nothing impressive with the other two trimmers in this trio, either.
23 stars
I think this stuff is amazing I should begin by saying I had never had problems with hemorrhoids before, so I don't have a litany of things I had tried over a long period of time. I called my doctor's office and they recommended a doughnut cushion, Preparation-H sitz baths and plenty of fiber and liquids. I tried all that and experienced little relief.I saw good reviews for this cream and ordered some for next day delivery. IMMEDIATE relief. It was very cooling and soothing, very much like putting an ice cube on the area as other reviewers have noted. After using the cream for 4 days, my hemorrhoids were gone. I don't know if this cream helped them go away, or whether all of my doctor's prescibed actions finally took hold, but if I find myself in the unpleasant position of needing hemorrhoid assistance again, this cream will be the first thing I use.
45 stars
Satisfied ThreeLac User I am on my second order of Threelac. I have been suffering with Candida for over 20 years and more recently the problem has become systemic. I have taken all but a week's supply of the first order and have experienced increased energy, greater mental clarity and my toe nail infection is also showing signs of improvement. The product is easy to take: it is a powder and dissolves easily in water. Best of all the product has given me real hope for a return to good health.
34 stars
Works better than some prescriptions My wife suffers from back and shoulder pain. Her doctor prescribed several different types of meds. She also sent her to physical therapy, and the therapist used this Biofreeze. She loves it. Says it has a cooling effect and reduces and even eliminates pain for hours.
45 stars
Better than ordinary recargables. They stay charged for a long time and hold above there rated charge. They are really shine with digital cameras. We have one camera you could barely be used because it would eat up alkaline batteries in a handful of shots. The flash will also recharge more quickly than with normal rechargeable or primary cells.The only thing better if you know you are going to use a lot of shots is the regular Sanyo 2700 but they loose a lot of their charge when you let them sit around. I end up using the Eneloops more. The Raovack do well but cant stand up to the same high drain output the Sanyos can.
45 stars
Flexible lower back support I looked online for a while to find a back brace that would give me both the support and flexibility that I needed. This brace supports the very lower back from the small of your back up to just below the middle (at least on me). The brace fits right against your skin, so you can wear it under your clothes and it has adjustable velcro sides so it can be made to fit just about anyone. This brace really helps when I have to stand for long periods of time.
45 stars
Wake Up I workout everyday at 5 A.M due to my heavy schedule, and it works great. Never fails to wake me up. I would avoid to take it at night time (maybe just half the amount), however.
34 stars
DO NOT PURCHASE THIS PRODUCT!!!!! Not only does this product NOT WORK, but when I called the number to cancel the order after the 14 days, I was told that it was 14 days fromt he day I placed the order, not received it. I only had it for a week!!! They charged my credit card for $88 and refused to let me speak to a supervisor, told me they "were in a meeting" - are you kidding me? DO NOT BY ANY PRODUCTS BY NATURE CLEANSE!!!!
01 star
Hot and Cold pack...think again I'm sure if I was using this for heat it would be pretty good. I stuck it in the freezer overnight and the coldness only lasted 30 minutes max. Disappointed and will be using the blue ice packs that are for lunches for my migraines.
12 stars
Just right I use this every night. The volume can be adjusted very low. I like the ocean waves option, having never lived anywhere near an ocean. The white noise is good too.
45 stars
moist heat - ahhhh, feels great I've been using this product now for several weeks and have become fairly addicted to it. It's not perfect but it works very well. The only thing I would say that might be a slight negative is that it only lasts 15 minutes or so. Personally, that is enough time for it to make a fairly big difference in how my back is feeling.I have had 5 back surgeries so I know back pain. This product has made my life better and I recommend it for those who want moist heat that works.
34 stars
Useful addition I bought this it for use when I'm in the US. It was certainly useful during my last visit there.
34 stars
Birthday Present for my wife Bought as a birthday present for my wife. So good her sister stole the last one I bought her and I like the smell of it really nice.Sophisticated Adult smell not something a young school girl would wear.Certainly makes people notice you are wearing perfume
45 stars
Get your distance run back, immediately This is my second pair, I used my first pair for several years. I went from limping in pain and skipping distance runs to two marathons thanks to this great product. It provides the stretch those with plantar fasciitis are missing, and cushions the arch while in use. When worn throughout the day in work or dress shoes (men's, anyway), you end the day pain free. If you are in a severe plantar crisis, you will initially still need to keep the stretching at night (if you don't know how: take a good strong knee sock, and tie a few strands of thread or dental floss from the toe back up to a point about center calf, in front. Wear the sock while you sleep. It holds the foot at a right angle, to keep the tendon from shrinking or pulling back). But after a few days, you can drop the night streching and just wear these pads. Remember to have them when you buys shoes, especially running shoes.
45 stars
This Is NOT muscle milk typed in muscle milk in the search bar and this popped up, with a pic of a muscle milk can. It got to my house and the can was not as it was in the pic. it was the normal cytosport with yellow and white.
23 stars
rollator This rollator was easy to assemble and performed as advertised. It is bigger than I expected when it is folded up. It takes up almost entire back seat of car. Also, the basket is not well secured and can be knocked loose quite easily. Overall, I have been pleased with purchase. -
34 stars
Great floor cleaner and polish This is an amazing product. I have a mobile dog grooming van that has great linoleum, but is has become heavily tracked through the years, especially the entry area (the place my customers see first!). This polish vastly reduced the dark tracking stains--I wasn't expecting that. It also laid out a very non slippery shine that has lasted for quite some time. I will be buying more of this "miracle" Shinekeeper soon.
45 stars
Personal Favorite Halls Breezers come in berry and strawberry. The local WalMart stopped carrying the strawberry, which is my personal favorite. The Breezers have a nice flavor without any menthol, which is in almost every kind of throat drop available. Yes, they are a delightful throat soother and help when you may have a dry mouth. I was delighted to find them here on Amazon. When the local stores stop carrying things, you can almost always find them here!
45 stars
Sleek and sexy little thing... I got mine on clearance at Target for about twenty five bucks, but mainly use it as a trimmer. The foil shaver is good but still not as easy and close as using a plain old razor blade, and does irritate my skin unless I use some sort of aftershave toning cream afterwards. So instead I now use the trimmer to shave...this leaves me with a five o'clock shadow look but it's much faster and doesn't require the lather-up-and-rinse process of using a blade and shaving cream.Really appreciate the ergonomics of this thing, it fits perfectly in my hand. The battery holds a decent charge, I recharge it maybe twice a month tops. It's not too loud either, which is a plus.If I had to do it all over again I'd probably buy one of those Norelco Beard Trimmers and use it for shaving because they have a vaccuum which means that your hairs are tidily sucked up so there's no mess you have to clean up afterwards...but for the time being am pretty happy with this thing. I also like that it's water resistant, so I can use it in the shower if I want to.
34 stars
it really works Its effect is as others have reviewed, it really works.To me, I like the plug-less dock. It is designed for heavy humidity environment.
45 stars
Try it out I thought it would taste like chocolate but i barely could taste it but what ever its natural and mixes well with spoon.
45 stars
It's for use INSIDE A REGULAR TUB... Okay, I don't understand the issues with this bath station. It's very clearly made for use INSIDE A FULL SIZE TUB. I've had mine two months, and love it. The sling is fine. You're never supposed to take both hands off a baby while giving a bath. We move it in and out of the tub all the time, and I have a 4 and 5 year old as well who play with this, and no problems! I'm looking forward to continued use of this tub until my daughter's old enough to take a full tub bath by herself.
34 stars
Royal Copenhagen After Shave Lotion I was thilled to order this for a Christmas present for my husband. I can't find it in any local stores anymore. It was delivered fast and in great condition. The price was an exceptional bargain also.
45 stars
Awesome and cheap(er) We used to use Desitin. Then we switched to this because it doesn't have any fragrances in it. Hooray! Dollar General sells it. You can email Johnson and Johnson and they'll send you a list of all the stores around you that sell it-that's what I did!
45 stars
Your nose knows! If you have allergies, you know what damage cheap tissues can do to your nose. If you just try one box of Puffs Plus, you will never return to (Heaven forbid!) store brands again. An excellent product, well worth the higher price.
45 stars
It's really whitening This is a third Supersmile what we are using. I am recommending to everyone. I have tried many whitening toothpastes before, but they didn't help. My dentist recommended Supersmile and my teeth are really white in a very short time. This toothpaste is really very very very very good for smokers, as well. This is the best toothpaste so far what we have use. Fast delivery. Good price. Happy for my purchase.
45 stars
monitor This monitor works very well, it is easy to operate, and very easy to read. I am very satisfied with the purchase.Marge
45 stars
Great while it worked, but it quit working after a year A friend introduced me to this heating pad, and its flexibility has been useful for some neck and shoulder aches I've experienced. As another reviewer mentioned, the cord attachment can be a bit awkward to position, but it hasn't been that much of an issue for me.In the past few days, I've noticed the light next to the "high" setting flashing, while no heat is being generated. None of the buttons - neither the Off/On buttons nor the heat up/down buttons - will get rid of the flashing. Unplugging the heating pad for a few seconds and replugging it worked/seemed to reset it a few times, but now when I try the unplug/replug thing, once I plug it back in and hit the On button, the light next to "low" comes on for a moment, then the "high" light starts flashing again.I found the instruction manual online and reviewed it, but it doesn't mention this behavior. But another review that I read here indicates that this has happened to at least one other person and seems to signal the death of the heating pad.I checked my order info, and I see that I bought this one year ago today from Amazon; I would estimate that I've used it about 20 times, mostly on the low setting. For $45, I would expect it to last longer than 20 uses on low. I won't be replacing it with the same model, given the other experiences that I've read here.
23 stars
excellent service and low price I ordered from this seller because it was the lowest price I found. The product was delivered 3 days later. What more needs to be said? Excellent service!
45 stars
Do Yourself a Favor -- Buy These An orthopedist recommended Spenco Rx Orthotics to me several years ago when I thought I had plantar fasciitis, and I have been using them regularly since then. (To save money, I would move them from one shoe to another, and bought the recent pair to have the luxury of avoiding that task. The original pair are still fine.) I do not have flat feet, but the firm support that the Spenco arches provide has many positive effects. First, my feet do not hurt, and I can walk long distances. Second, my knees no longer hurt, and I was having great difficulty walking up stairs. Your knees are affected by the way in which your feet touch the ground, and the Spenco arch has made all the difference without any other changes (for example, no knee brace or surgery). Yes, they are more expensive than drugstore arch supports (though the Amazon price was far lower than any other, including eBay). But do yourself a favor and buy the Spenco Rx Orthotics. (P.S. I don't work for Spenco or their advertisers, and I rarely praise a product with so much enthusiasm.)
45 stars
didnt work i used it for about a monthand it didnt work at allnoticed nothing
01 star
Does what it says I love this company! I was a little skeptical of this wash at first because typically lavender would be used for oilier skin but this is hydrating and cleans fantastic. It lasts a long time too because of the foaming pump.
45 stars
Great service, a bit pricey Best PowerBar made. For bulk purchases, the price and shipping felt high ($1.75 per bar).Very timely delivery, though.
34 stars
Just as Described Works like a champ! Its actually higher quality than what it looks like in the pictures. Would buy it again.
34 stars
Great Product!! This electric neck wrap actually gets hot, unlike some other ones. I bought an electric neck wrap from a popular chain store and had to return it because it just didn't get hot enough. So then I searched the web and found this. You can choose your own temperature. And it actually covers a lot of area in the upper back, shoulders, and neck...unlike some other ones. I actually bought one for myself and one for a gift. I highly recommend this product!
45 stars
will make you itch! be careful purchasing this product, it seperates into an oily mess...and it made my hands and face break out in tiny bumps that resembled poison Ivy and itched like crazy! some of which might leave permanent scars!
01 star
Pure JUNK!!! I recently had a fever of 104 but when I used this thermometer few seconds apart I got readings of 101 to 102.5 in one ear and 102 to 104.5 in the other ear. Who wants to have to guess which reading is the correct one.Pass this one by, it's worthless.
01 star
Excellent Great! Exactly what I needed, ts perfect, works fine, I love it! perfect timing, good for my health, Excellent for the price.
45 stars
Taste is Excellant Protein bar does not taste like the typical vitamin protein bar. Lots of protein and only 300 calories! It tastes really good, almost like a candy bar...I highly recommend them.
45 stars
Very useful for a short time This did exactly what it was supposed to do. How useful that is for you depends on your parenting style. It's probably most helpful during early days of babyhood if you're trying to keep up any type of routine or schedule, whether that be a strict one, or simply eating "at least every _____". For me it was great because I could see how long it had been since my baby had eaten, and also set an alarm to go off if a certain amount of time passed without me resetting. Also, if I hit the reset when he started nursing, I could see how much time had elapsed on the first side before he switched the second. It shows elapsed time and has an optional alarm function for 4 different things, though you don't need to use all four and we certainly didn't. (One of those was great for ME to see when I could take more pain meds!) I could also see it being very useful if handing off care duties from one adult to another - though we didn't do that much since I'm stay-at-home and breastfeeding.Honestly, this was useful for us for only a few weeks. After that I wasn't so tired and confused, and things just weren't as hectic. Glancing at the clock worked just fine. So it made me question a little whether the timer had been worth having. But I remember several times during the time I was using it saying "I am SO glad we have this!" And anything that makes the first few weeks any easier is probably worth the purchase price, especially on a registry if lots of people are looking for things to give you - WAY better than one more cute blanket. Once when it ran out of batteries, my husband and I were trying to figure out how long it had been since the baby had eaten, and for the life of us we could not - we were just that tired!Downsides - you do have to keep it with you for it to be useful (alarm isn't that loud, and it's only helpful if you hit reset when you start feeding the baby, change a diaper, etc.) But the clip worked pretty well for that. And you've got to keep it in batteries; we used rechargeable, which will then come in useful for some other gadget as your child grows up. On the positive side, it's generally well designed for what it's supposed to do, and I really love that it lights up so you can read it in the dark.
34 stars
Nice My sex life and penis size arent relative. I just broke up with someone I slept with atleast once a day (good sex) and I was large for her size. The pump has nothing to do with being small (for me) It is a fun tool, that can increase your girth over extended, careful use. It also (in my opinion) Increases pleasure and blood flow.Also now being single, decided to try the flesh light. It is very decent. It has a weird smell.. that will grow on you. Soon youll learn to love it. (its like a rubber smell.. hard to explain, not foul or gross) It is long enough, tight enough (I am girthy, if it was to small I would recommend pulling out the pink insert, and wrapping it with something to increase the tightness) It is easy to keep clean, bottom is removable, also creates the suction when sealed (suction = good) I also recommend keeping it somewhere warm. I keep mine on the cable box, once it is warm it is About as similar as you can get to the real thing.
45 stars
Fabulous! So far I have about 30 of her balms, and 1 Body Butter Stick. They are all fabulous! The balms are smooth and leave a subtle shine on your lips. The scents are very true to their names. My favorites are probably Margarita, Coconut Lemongrass, and Brown Sugar and Cinnamon. I've reccommended My Lip Stuff to all my friends, and I highly reccommend it to you!
45 stars
Olive leaf extract I have been using this product for years. Just happened to find it here a bit cheaper than at my normal source. It is a good product to help boost the immune system.
45 stars
Bed rail Assembly was easy and it fit under a select comfort mattress. It has many adjustments to accommodate many purposes. It is working great to prevent my mother from rolling off bed. The construction quality was also good. Very pleased.
45 stars
Carob chips instead of peanut butter Love all the Probars, but this one is great because it does not contain peanut butter. Thought the blueberry taste would be overpowering, but it is not. The big surprise here are the carob chips, very yummy. This is my favorite Probar!
45 stars
This cream really works well for me! My body absorbs this cream and I can really feel a difference. My pain is gone. I can sleep deeper and my body can repair now. The price was really good too.
45 stars
Size labeling confusing. Am now stuck with a bunch of unusable batteries. Have ordered from this company before and all was well. This time, I ordered multiple packages for a discount. Then, when I pulled out the first package and realized the batteries didn't fit, it was past the return policy deadline. Am contacting the seller directly to see if the situation can be rectified; but, I don't have much hope.
01 star
Wonderful! My husband bought this for me when I was achy and sore while recovering from surgery. The pad works beautifully! It helps relieve the knots and tension without feeling too heavy or awkward. It also retains heat well. Depending on where I place it, I dont feel the need to reheat it until a half hour to an hour has passed. It was also a lifesaver; our heat went out recently due to the cold. Our microwave was the only source of heat in sub-freezing temperatures. Sleeping with the heating pad helped keep us comfortably warm. We will be buying another pad in the near future.
45 stars
Have tried many others. These hit the spot! I've got many pairs of reading glasses scattered all over the house. Have tried so many different styles/brands, I can't track them all. My pet peeve is the trend for smaller lenses. I had to have to move my head up or down while reading to keep the page in the field of view. These full-size lenses eliminate that. Some brands are just uncomfortable over time - too small. These fit well, are comfortable for hours of reading and I just like the spring hinges, not sure why.After using these for a couple of months, I just ordered 3 more pair and plan to toss out the others I have laying around. I'll let my wife keep my pair of mini-readers in a tube in her purse for when we go to a restraunt and I have to read a menue. :)Gordon
45 stars
Fish Oil that taste like fruit This product is more expensive than the fish oil capsules but taste better. I have had no after taste so far. You only have to take one packet a day rather than two fish oil capsules to get the 2,000 mg you need. I cannot comment on the effectivness but I cannot comment on the capsules either.
34 stars
Worth every penny! This vibrator is great! Although, it is slightly larger than I anticipated, which makes insertion a bit uncomfortable. I strictly use this for clitoral stimulation and I love it! The material it is made of does smell awful, but I don't mind because it gets the job done :)
34 stars
rids a person of bugs! (parasites) This product is excellent and easy to use. Unless you are allergic to walnuts in the form the walnut hull is extracted (RARE) you should not feel any effects. This product has helped many of my friends and saved my life when the intestinal fluke caused me great harm. Ulceration of the colon, couldn't eat or drink anything much than water......instead of going to have part of my colon removed, I did this and felt better than I had in years! I didn't have to food combine for digestion anymore, my skin cleared up and energy was stronger than ever! hurray Every so many years depending on what little parasites I may of picked up, I take this as a preventative.
45 stars
The Best! I'm so glad these are available again because they are the best ear candles ever. Each one burns about 30 minutes, and only one cut is necessary, rather than having to cut off the burned end every few minutes (with the flimsy ones) & risking hot ashes falling. They seem much safer to me and wow, are they effective. I would say the wax & debris extracted from each ear would be equivalent to using 4 or 5 regular sized ones.Great product!
45 stars
Taste nice, even to me! My daughter has been eating these since she was 1 1/2, and really likes them. she would eat the whole bottle if i let her. I tried them myself, and surprised at how pleasent they tasted. A nice strawberry flavor, and the fish oil seems fresh, high quality, because it really has just a trace "fishy" taste, but not in a bad way. And i do NOT eat fish- it's the one food I am picky about, so I must admit I am very sensitive to anything tasting very fishy. I would buy these myself but they are a tad expensive. I give them to my now 3 year old when she won't go for a straight up spoonful of fish oil (which is by far the most economical). I highly recommend!Nordic Naturals really is the gold standard of fish oils :)
45 stars
easy and accurate I have verified the accurracy of the Omron HEM-637 and found it to be very close to what my doctor said my blood pressure was. It is very easy to set up and use, The history feature is great, and my old eyes find the screen easy to see. I would purchase another one if I had to do this again.
45 stars
Great Value! The OXO dish brush does a great job cleaning dirty dishes. It's comfortable to hold and is durable and sturdy. At a price of around $5, it is a bargain.
45 stars
Seems to work ok. I purchased this for an upcoming surgery. I have been taking four a day. It has helped with my muscle soreness. Not sure if it is ok to take all four at one time or throughout the day.
23 stars
It works as well as the user can operate it i like the idea of this, but it may be a while before i am consistent in how i am able to use it to measure myself. definitely easier to have someone else do it (but then you have to train them!).
34 stars
Fabulous! So far I have about 30 of her balms, and 1 Body Butter Stick. They are all fabulous! The balms are smooth and leave a subtle shine on your lips. The scents are very true to their names. My favorites are probably Margarita, Coconut Lemongrass, and Brown Sugar and Cinnamon. I've reccommended My Lip Stuff to all my friends, and I highly reccommend it to you!
45 stars
keeps the beds dry! My twin girls just moved to their big girl beds, but aren't quite potty trained yet. The mattress pads work really well, and are very nice. The only complaint I have, which really isn't a complaint, is they are very DEEP. If you have a VERY thick mattress that would be perfect, but for smaller mattresses, you have to tuck in a lot of excess pad. But they protect really well.
34 stars
Good. In a few short words: Very easy. Kinda chewy. Sufficient energy. More enjoyable than goo by far. I definitely recommend.
34 stars
not worth buying them online this is a great product, but i can get them several dollars cheaper in the store, so i don't think it is worth buying them online.
23 stars
Pumpkin Seed Oil (very good) The product is very good!I bought it for my mom, and she liked it. Would recommend it.
45 stars
An absolute necessity for a nursing mother With my daughter I had sore, cracked nipples for almost 2 months. If it wasnt for the fact that I was so determined (and stubborn) I would have given up breastfeeding. With baby #2, my worst fear came true. I could feel my nipples cracking the minute he latched on. With both kids, the lactation consultants told me the latch and positioning were correct, and they couldn't see anything wrong. Unfortunately that didnt do much to give me any relief! Luckily the last lactation consultant I saw recommended these and swore that I would be thanking her within days. She was so right! I'm not sure what these things do or how they work, but they gave me immediate relief and have prevented any further damage. I've been wearing them about a week (since my son was born) and they have been a lifesaver. I still have some pain with the initial latch on, but I can tell everything is healing quickly. I bought two pairs and I think after I wear the second ones for a week or so I should be set. I did use these in conjuction with a Medela nipple shield, so I'm sure that helped. It didnt make the process completely pain free, but definitely bearable!
45 stars
Fantastic I have bought all kinds of orthotics; even custom made and these are the best for me. I don't leave work in all that pain in my feet as I did before and I love that. I have an hour ride home from work and when I get home I can barely stand on my feet, it was like trying to stand on sharp stones and nails in your bare feet. Not now! I love them!
45 stars
Like an On Call Chiropractor This provides a gentle stretch and alignment to my neck and shoulders. It is a bit unstable, so I use it on the floor. A lot of relief for a low price.
45 stars
Excellent! This cushion is great! Memory foam works very well, is very soft/maleable and comfortable. The motor is quiet enough to use at the office, which is a great feature. And it works quite well... The only minor downside is that the battery pack on the bottom right part sometimes jabs into my back a little.
45 stars
It appears to have helped raise my good cholesterol. I started taking this on the advice of my endocrinologist. She told me it's a good supplement to help raise HDL levels. I was on this and Tricor for Triglycerides/Cholesterol. After 3 months or so my Triglycerides were drastically reduced (due to the Tricor) and my choloesterol was in the normal range for both HDL and LDL (thanks to the combination). I gave it 3 stars instead of 4 or 5 due to the fact I can't prove 100% how much of the change is the Tricor and how much the Policosonal. But since things are vastly improved I'm not going to stop taking it just to see.
23 stars
It is not for a size 7 foot. It is not for a size 7 foot. It is too big probably this is okay with sneakers.
23 stars