class label
5 classes
Quinoa is Gold! My family uses Quinoa as the main breakfast food. Ancient Harvest Quinoa Flakes have been the favorite for years and years. We simply put the flakes in a cereal bowl; add cinnamon, vanilla and boiling water; stir and let sit for a minute. Instant YUM!Quinoa is a great source of protein--more than any other cereal! Check it out for yourself and try the other recipes on the box for some delicious, healthy snacks.Who would have thought a humble cereal could be as good as Gold?! Discover your own "Gold Mine in a Box" with Ancient Harvest Quinoa Flakes.
45 stars
Weak Espresso I've used three pods so far to see if it was something I'm doing, but it's not. The espresso is just weak. I'm going back to using ground Starbucks espresso.
12 stars
Satisfied. I saw the price on Amazon, and I jumped at it! It was a great deal compared to others that I found on the Internet. Bought the box of Jelly Belly Tangerine Jelly Beans as wedding favors. Great Steal!
45 stars
Retiree I've been using Adagio Teas for several years. I love the 1812 Gunpowder Tea and have it sent repeatedly, I've also bought tons of their Berry Teas for the college kids. They love it and its a great pick-me-up. Because of the stress at college many of them use the Chamomile or Peppermint tea for their tummies.The people with Adagio are very helpful. And all their teas are excellent and reasonably priced.
45 stars
if you miss ginger snaps because of an allergy, these are great My son has a gluten allergy and his favorite cookies before were ginger snaps, so we were wondering how we were going to find a substitute. These are perfect. Crispy, crunchy and great ginger snap flavor. He loves them. I even sneak one now and again to enjoy with my tea!
34 stars
Great sandwiches, great deal with subscribe and save! This is great for making a fast sandwich for school or work. We add a bit of mayo, but you don't have to add that if you don't want to. It makes two hearty sandwiches, or three regular sandwiches. The subscribe and save price is great. Highly recommend this to anyone that wants to make quick, tasty sandwiches in a hurry!
45 stars
Healthy family I was looking for something sweet that I as a diabetic and my husband and son could all share. Usually if it says sugar free then it means it has a chemical taste. But not these cookies they taste just like the regular cookies. I highly recommend them. You do not have to be a diabetic to eat them. They are made with splenda and I use splenda in a lot of things, I also use the brown sugar splenda in my cooking. These cookies are great.
45 stars
No more "We're out of Gum" This is my wife's favorite gum because of the good taste and that it is one of the few doesn't stick to her dental work. She also has "dry-mouth" so must have gum all the time. I got tired of having to stop on the road to buy a pack. So bought two 24 pack lots. Got plenty now!!Don't get fooled: green is peppermint, blue is spearmint.
45 stars
Amish Kitchens Home-Style Egg Noodles These are the most tasteless noodles I have ever had. I thought they would be good, but they have NO taste whatsoever. I have to donate them to the commoditiy kitchen. Shame, should not have ordered them.
23 stars
Very good snack bar. I discovered the KIND fruit & nut bars recently. This is my favorite, good taste and texture, but tends to get very hard if a bit stale. Nevertheless, I would recommend, especially for someone gluten-free, in which case there aren't enough options.
34 stars
Love the spiciness of this spcied chai tea! I have tried many different tea brands to find the best levels of spiciness, and this and Starbucks' Tazo brand are the only two I have found satisfactory.
45 stars
Walker's is the best Walker's Shortbread Cookies (Biscuits) are THE shortbreads that all others are measured up against!No other shortbreads that I've had compare to Walker's...
45 stars
Yummy but still has a lot of carbs. These taste good and say they are sugar free, but they use cane juice which still makes them quite high in carbs. Tried them, but as a diabetic would not buy again.
23 stars
Best Price!!!! Thank God I found these on Amazon, it was over $4++ at my neighborhood natural food store. Good job Amazon! It came all fresh and "Allergy baby" enjoys his snack cookies everytime.
45 stars
It's really good! This is extremely tasty coconut oil. I decided to try it because it is so inexpensive. It smells wonderful and like another reviewer stated "you can eat it right out the jar", and a huge jar it is....54oz is quite a lot. I won't fry with it, but I'll definitely make some popcorn and bakery goods using it. I was using another brand, but like this better. Excellent quality at a great price.
45 stars
Tasty but out of date... Very tasty. I began to use them in baking cookies for xmas time but noticed they had sent an expired bag. Amazon refunded me right away but never was able to get a current bag.
34 stars
Best mexican seasoning hands-down I use this when cooking shrimp, shredded chicken tacos, beef, you name it...it has an AMAZING flavor and goes a long way. I usually buy in store, but seeing it online is tempting. Absolutely wonderful stuff. Guests and my girlfriend rave over anything I make with this seasoning.
45 stars
Great buy!!!! I'm not sure why I'm always running out of coriander seed - though I use a lot of it to roast lamb (using the recipe in Mark Bittman'sHow to Cook Everything, Completely Revised 10th Anniversary Edition: 2,000 Simple Recipes for Great Food), and we do love lamb.Finding coriander seed in local grocery stores (in the eastern panhandle of WV) can be difficult, and I'd been buying it on shopping trips to DC. I discovered this product on Amazon and love it. The seed seems to be as good as any I bought in a grocery store, and I was paying about 1/3 the cost of this for a tiny little jar - 0.9 ounces - that's 2.7 ounces for the same price as this 10-oz. jar!
45 stars
Pure and Not Bitter Green tea can be very bitter especially if you brew it too long. This tea brews quickly and has a very pure taste and delicate aroma. I like drinking each cup with a packet of stevia. It seems to sweeten it just enough without masking the subtle silky flavors. This tea is made of rare white tea and green tea. White tea actually has more antioxidants than green tea and has less caffeine. So this particluar tea is very healthy. However you will probably drink it often because it tastes so good.~The Rebecca Review
45 stars
Great salad dressing I've used this fat-free italian dressing for years, Much better than any brand pre-prepared in bottles. A few years ago all the stores in the Denver area ceased carrying it, although it always seemed to be a good seller. I finally found it at Kraft Foods website, then this year when that ran out aGoogle search led me to Amazon. Good service and reasonable price. Hope you keep up selling this kind of items that are difficullt or impossible to find in local supermarkets.
45 stars
Tasty and Easy The Thai Coconut Ginger Noodles are quick and easy to prepare. You will be rewarded with delicious noodles to enjoy by yourself or share as a side dish with another noodle enjoyer.
34 stars
Great chocolate chip cookies Pamela's Chocolate Chip Mini Cookies are wonderful to keep on hand. I am working a lot of over time and don't have time to bake. I take 2 or 3 of these in my lunch and/or dinner. I get my "chocolate" and "sugar fix" with no work and no fuss. When I have time, I love to bake my own cookies, but Pamela's fits the bill for me at this time.
45 stars
Excellent BBQ Sauce There is no doubt this sauce is excellent. Only home-made sauces might beat it. This is excellent on ribs, chicken, steaks anything.
45 stars
WONDERFUL! This is my all-time favorite go-to spice mix in the world. Whether you add it to your home made chicken soup or your own secret recipe pasta sauce, you will love the results. Cannot figure what a blah dish needs to shine? Add a dash of Herbamare! Highly recommended
45 stars
Excellen black tea, plain no milk or surgar A good cup of tea in the afternoon to me is a bit of heaven. My old standby for years has been Tetley's British Blend. I then spent a month in Egypt, where they love their tea. I came away craving Lipton Yellow Label loose tea, which seemed to be a favorite in Egypt. The Yellow Label's a bit on the strong side so I usually add a bit of sugar. Then one day,I found a unopened pouch of Taylor's Pure Assam Tea on the window sill. My wife goes out with her girl friends to these decadent over priced tea houses where they have tea, sweets and plenty of gossip. Well the pouch of Taylors had arrived via one of those tea houses. Actually it had been on that window sill for at least a month before I somehow of other decided to try it. Boy, talk about surprised, it was really good, no milk, no sugar, just tea. It had all the qualities of a perfect tea, just strong enough, taste was of that magical flavor that has tea the choice of billions of people around the world. This was one of the best teas I had ever tasted.
45 stars
Yuck bland and dry; lots of salt and little bit of... I don't know... it's like a dusty taste. I love cheese but this is really not pleasant.
01 star
Hot! This tea is delicious and if you brew a big pot on the stove, your kitchen will smell like baked apples or apple pie! That's worth it in itself! If you like cinnamon, you will like this tea.
45 stars
Consistently the best I've been using this product for my daughter for the past 3 years. I've tried at least 10 other brands and this one remains the clear winner. It even turns out great on our rapid bake bread machine setting. The volume of the loaves is really impressive. They don't come out like a small brick as so many of the other mixes produce.
45 stars
did not receive bulk package in my order only received single bottle yellow quanity 2 Believe it or not, my daughter and I thought that this was hair jell. We received a single tube of the yellow color but no others.Also still waiting for lavender earrings that was ordered around May 19. Was charged for item and went ahead and ordered another set so that I would not loose the chance of having this item. Absolutely love it. Look of multiple holes but only need to use one ear hole.
23 stars
Pretty bad This tastes nothing like miso or ramen so I'm not sure why they bothered labeling it as such. It does turn into a soupy substance when you add your own water though. So, how does it taste you ask? Bad. Not inedibly bad but bad nonetheless. The two things that immediately popped into my mind were 1) What's the point? and 2) So this must be what meals in 3rd world prisons taste like. This is not a product for someone who actually enjoys food.
01 star
Tummy Tea!! This tea worked wonders. I really liked it. Was smooth and worked pretty fast. I will buy this product again.
45 stars
Healthy Pre-Made Bar, But Not Very Tasty Given the choice between a Pure bar and any other non-homemade fast food snack, the Pure bar is about as good as it gets. But because this bar is likely aimed at raw foodists and folks with other dietary restrictions, self-imposed or otherwise, I've compared it to other healthy raw bars I've made and tried.PROS- Certified Organic, Raw, Vegan, Gluten-free- High in healthy, satiating fat- Lower calorie count makes this a snack, not a mealCONS- Sweetened with agave, even though it also contains dates- Contains brown rice protein, which must be non-GMO but is still processedDespite the double sweeteners (possibly countered by the lemon juice concentrate), the bar tasted bland and had a citrus edge to it. I could taste blueberries, but the lingering flavor was tart. The walnuts are added for their nutritionals, and I'm happy to report I could not taste them. The texture is similar to that of a Larabar without the excellent chunks of cashew--a little sticky and you'll need to wash it down with water. I did like the fact that it didn't crumble and could be stored in a backpack or purse, and broken off in little pieces to share with my children throughout the day.Since many of our favorite raw food bars are being bought up by General Mills and the like, we are all on the lookout for snack options we can grab on the go when we can't make our own (my favorite: 1c cashews, 6 medjool dates, 1/4c chia seeds in the food processor). I wanted to like the Pure bar, but it was not sweet enough for my personal palate.
23 stars
Yummy I like ZICO as a thirst quencher. It feels healthy and refreshing. I do wish it was a bit cheaper though.
45 stars
Too Bad I use crackers in my preschool snacks and the children and staff have turned thumbs down to this particular cracker. The cheese ones are OK but these are a bit too bland and boring. Peanut butter helps.
12 stars
Clever Idea - needs a tweak First the bottle cap tripod. Works great I give it a 5 star rating. But the pod is a little small. Worse, both it and the bigger pod tends to shift the beads inside around until the thing gets "out of whack".It would work better with lead shot but that is an environmental no-no I suppose. A denser bead of some sort would help and the part that is in the bag needs to have a bigger footprint to prevent the thing from settling on one side.It works pretty good for a mini-cam placed on the dashboard while driving down the road.. I rate it a 3 star. Average of the 2 - 4 stars
34 stars
Sweet Golden Syrup This has the consistency of honey and tastes like a toffee. It's surprisingly quite strong. It's good on baked goods, but not good for everything (like drinks, I suppose). You would like this, if you're looking for something new and sweet to put on your pancakes.
34 stars
Unbelievably good! Only the person with dietary restrictions needs to know that these delicious brownies are gluten free! I baked them in a mini-scone pan for a friend who has Celiac's so there were 14 perfect portions. However, I gave a some to others who simply thought they were among the best brownies they had ever consumed. (They did not know they were gluten free.) I had one warm with Vanilla Bean ice cream and was in heaven.
45 stars
Complex vs simple carbs its not if its lower in carbs, its that its "complex" carbs.you have simple carbs "white floor, white rice, etc,and complex carbs, which is sweet potato "good", simple carbs, reg white potato " bad"THEN, you have portion control, and that goes with everything you eat.
45 stars
Great Option for a Healthy Snack! I have never had sardines before, and wasn't sure what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised by these. The sardines are firm and meaty, the flavor is great and the olive oil helps keep them moist and easy to swallow. Highly recommend!
45 stars
Great product! I purchased this for a Homemade Movie Popcorn recipe. We never make the microwave kind anymore; this makes our popcorn taste just like the theater's!
45 stars
Tastes great! My son is allergic to chocolate and I found these. He says they are very good and he loves having "chocolate chips" again. I am allergic to carob so I cannot taste them and give my review. I am going off of what he says :) He gives them 5 stars. (He is 14)
45 stars
Excellent rice Substitute!!! Very, very easy to prepare...great rice substitute...my family use to eat rice every day, now we eat delicious quinoa...will continue to eat it...have never tried another brand of quinoa because i'm very satisfied with the quality of this brand
45 stars
Actually works. I was surprised to see that this product actually works, but they don't warn you about the god-awful smell. It's horrid, truly.
34 stars
Great flavor, low price This is probably the most flavorful tea I have ever tried! The price for each box when buying a pack of 6 is a lot lower than what it would cost to get an individual box at a grocery store.
45 stars
Good for Some Things, Not So Much for Others I bought this because I'm trying to find a decent alternative to Splenda that I can use in beverages and baking.I drink LOTS of iced tea, all year round and that's primarily what I hoped to use this for. Unfortunately, I did not like the taste of it in my beloved iced tea. I admit I'm picky about my iced tea and this just didn't taste good to me.It's pretty good in hot teas and I made an apple cake that was heavenly! I'd recommend using the tartest apples you can find such as granny smith because the recipe called for one cup of sugar and I used only a scant half cup of the agave, it was plenty sweet. When I make the recipe again, I'll use slightly less.I made peanut butter oatmeal cookies and they were good but I did notice that the bottoms brown MUCH MUCH faster when I use this syrup than when I use Splenda. I'd definitely recommend using insulated cookie sheets or slightly lowering the oven temp for cookie recipes. Also though my recipe calls for creamy peanut butter, next time I'll use crunchy because the cookie batter was pretty sticky which can also cause the bottoms to brown faster. To "fix" the cookie batter I made, I added chopped peanuts and that seemed to help.I also made banana bread with this and usually my banana bread (made with half whole wheat flour and half white flour) has a pretty dense texture. Using this syrup made it have a "fall apart" density/texture which sort of annoyed me though it did have a good flavor. Next time I'll try using slightly less and see if that doesn't help it hold together more.The downside to this syrup is that I, like many other reviewers, received one bottle that had leaked and WHAT A HORRIBLE MESS! Also the bottles are just wrong. The opening causes drips and no matter how hard I tried not to let it, it would always drip down the side of the bottle and required wiping off with a wet paper towel. I didn't see on the bottle if this required refrigeration after opening or not. I just refrigerated just in case and it fell over inside my refrigerator and though the cap was tightly screwed on and closed, it leaked in there too and was a big pain to clean off the glass shelf and I cannot imagine the nightmare if you have the open wire kind of shelves because at least it was contained on just one shelf in my fridge.Bottom line: Unfortunately, I still like the taste of Splenda better though I'm afraid it's not good for me and also, the agave is NOT portable and cannot really be taken with you easily to use away from home. I would buy this again to use in baking but will continue to search for something else to use in beverages.
34 stars
Beetlejuice Was in great shape and we got it very fast! I love shopping @ Amazon because I can get some very good deals and I love to save money!
45 stars
Delicious This brownie mix is absolutely delicious. If all the products are this good I will definately be buying them. Simply fantastic. Grandkids loved thre for snack. Bought 4 pack got 1 left.
45 stars
Love this hot chocolate mix! Dads are hard to shop for, but this was a hit for Christmas last year. It was just a fun little *extra* stocking stuffer for dad! Would definitely shop with this company again.
45 stars
old time favorite Fresh, chewy, the best candy on the market.I just love it. I keep it in my car, night stand, purse & right next to my computer. "SNAPS" is the best ever.
45 stars
Soooo Cheesy! I really love these. My 5 year old can even make them for herself because they're so easy. If you're a cheese lover, you'll love these because they're really cheesy!
45 stars
Ahhh, the old stand-by Not sure these are the best way to stop a cough, but like a grilled-cheese sandwich, they are comforting. And they get better with age -- after years in your bathroom drawer, they get soft and crumbly on the outside. Yum!
45 stars
Yummy! A friend and I compared this syrup to the best store brand grade B syrup I could find, and there was NO comparison. This syrup is so dark and rich in color and flavor. I use it for a cleanse, so the rich nutrients are very important. Not to mention the fact that it tastes yummy!
45 stars
Great way to spice up rice This product works as well as the powder form of Puliogare paste. Honestly I prefer the powder, since it store better after opening. The paste form here has oil that oxidizes if not used quickly enough. Really isn't a problem using up a pouch quickly enough if one likes puliogare rice. I recommend this product for anyone who wants to make spicy Indian food at home.
45 stars
Disappointing!!! Wow! I use Pacific Foods beef and chicken stock all the time & I guess I expected more! Convenience isn't worth it if the soup is super salty and tastes processed!!!! Hardly any barley or beef! I cooked up one bag & I'm throwing the rest out!
01 star
adolphs tenderizer-steak flavor this item has been removed from my local grocery stores shelf. please have florida grocers to restock if available.this is the best tenderizer i have ever used.
45 stars
Not impressed Not impressed at all - first they are so small it was a joke. Second the taste is horrible. I have tried the other flavors and they aren't bad but this one has no distinct taste and not something I will buy again
01 star
34 stars
thick-skin mush thick skin has more substance than the mush inside; called pepperoni but who knows why; so maybe try cut up in soup as last chance, or just for the animals
01 star
Childhood Favorite These cookies are one of those childhood favorites that cannot help but please the palette.They arrived in perfect condition and having these little 4 cookie packages is perfect for a sweet treat.
45 stars
Not impressed with the taste Unlike the other reviewer, I am pleased with the texture of this product but the taste of the Original or "Natural" flavor is not pleasant. I can't quite describe the taste. It's almost a medicinal flavor. Just at the start. Once you begin chewing the taste mellows.
01 star
Torani Suryp I haven't tried the syrup as it is to make Mai Tai's with but it did arrive very quickly. Great service!!
34 stars
Awesome bread. My kids were never thrilled at the idea of a sandwich until we started using this bread mix. I use it in the bread machine and it's fluffy and tasty every time. Nothing like the frozen rice bread options out there.
45 stars
Didn't work for me... Actually, it made my insomnia worse. I guess I'm built backward for things that are supposed to make a person sleepy - they keep me awake instead. Good luck to everyone for better success than I had! By the way - the taste is very acceptable even with the valerian in it.
23 stars
good strong oolong This is a strongly flavored, astringent oolong tea. It is reasonably priced (that is priced as a beverage) and the same tea being sold at several times the cost by various vendors pushing it for its weight loss properties. It produces a cloudy, medium brown brew with strong, slightly rough flavor. Oolongs from this particular location are reputed to aid in losing weight. I prefer smoother oolongs with a lighter, clearer brew, but this is a matter of taste. This is a good, solid but not inspiring tea.
23 stars
Even my 5-year old insists on it This is just great. It is true that if you get a newly bottled bottle, then the flavors will be a little sharp. The solution? Let it sit - it mellows wonderfully in a few months time.My 5-year old refers to it as "Daddy's special oil" and she refuses to eat the usual grocery store suspects. I think she'd drink it if we let her.
45 stars
Frozen Hot Chocolate The whole family loves this delicious treat! I first saw it reviewed on Oprah and I have been ordering it about twice a year for 4 years now!
45 stars
Makes a refresing iced tea This isn't one of my favorite Stash blends; I feel the hot tea it makes is a little weak. It does make a delicious iced tea, though, with a fairly pronounced mango taste. It won't be a regular tea for me, but I'll buy a box now and then to brew a batch.
23 stars
Horrible This tea is pretty horrid. It is finely ground, almost to the size of instant coffee grounds. Most filters will let this "loose tea" fall right through. Its flavor tastes like dirt, and I believe it made me dizzy and nauseous. I'd describe the flavor as a very low quality bagged tea. The tin is not even air tight, so if you're going to be bold after reading this review and still order it, at least get it in the bag. I would not ever purchase this tea again.I also boughtLicorice Root Tea 4 oz tin of loose teafrom the same company, and that actually tastes alright. It has a very pleasant sweet flavor, with a very very mild hint of wood shavings. Although the tin is still as described above.
01 star
Great, But Small Packages These are good, but the packages are kinda small. You could probably get 3 bowls out of each bag.I eat them with golden raisins and dried fruits. It gives them more flavor, otherwise they are a little bland eaten alone.
34 stars
A Tasty Purchase This collection of bread mixes is wonderful! The directions were clear and easy, and the breads themselves were delicious! I can't wait to try more mixes from the Prepared Pantry!
45 stars
mom I order these crackers for my mom who eats them to stay regular. I call them dog biscuits yuck yuck.
45 stars
Best condiment made Huli Huli sauce is that condiment that you can't find or describe anywhere else but just by taste. It isn't soy sauce or huisan sauce or worschire(sic)or Maggi nor any combination of either. It is the sauce that restaurants use on take-out teriyaki chicken with rice or gyoza dip.Yes, it is expensive but aren't all the best things in life that way? I purchased 6 bottles, gave 2 away and am nearly finished with the first one my family and I have used.
45 stars
Clif-Shot Blok Strawberry Review These are great! I do a lot of running and biking, and these bloks are great to take along. Strawberry is pretty good, but when I order another supply, I will probably try a different flavor just for some variety.
34 stars
NOT COFFEE... Despite claims that CAFIX is a "coffee substitute," suffice it to say, that it does NOT, in any way, taste like coffee, at least to me. If you remember a product from the past called POSTUM, CAFIX tastes exactly like this. Whether or not it has a good taste is very subjective. I recently bought the CAFIX because I am trying to stop drinking coffee, but honestly, there is no comparison between the two. Many may love CAFIX right from the start, some may dislike it, some may absolutely hate it. One thing is for sure: CAFIX is a healthier alternative to coffee and if you do not like the taste and can figure out some sweeteners to make it palatable, then by all means, go for it. This is precisely what I am doing. I do not particularly care for the taste of CAFIX, but am going to try to let it grow on me over time, because coffee makes me too hyper, and is generally not a healthful beverage, although obviously it quite the favorite among millions of people. I certainly want to LOVE Cafix, but only time will tell.
23 stars
Not as colorful as the photo These candy blocks are great for a Lego party! Only complaint is the photo shows more colors. I didn't get any white, there was only one "red" color and I only got a few green blocks. Just FYI if you are specifically looking for multiple colors.
34 stars
Ok- does not taste like peanut butter I don't know if other people have forgotten what peanut butter tastes like, but this does not taste anything like peanut butter. This taste exactly like crushed soy nuts, which is exactly what it is. Its not a bad product, it has the same consistency as peanut butter and looks like peanut butter, but tastes like soy nuts. Which, by the way, do not taste like peanuts. (soy nuts are baked soy beans if you aren't aware) It is a fairly strong soy nut taste, you can taste the soy nut taste even with jam. I like soy nuts ok, but I think I will go back to almond butter or peanut butter.
23 stars
THE BEST, if you are looking for a strong ginger bite First discovered this while on vacation in the UK. The bite of this Ginger beer is so strong that I suggest it to folks who are trying to give up alcohol. I LOVE this stuff. First ingredient water, 2nd is ginger, and sugar is way down the list. I have NOT found it at whole foods (I wish) but the local world market sometimes sells its at $2.50 a bottle. Emphasis on the sometimes. Its also a good thing to drink if you have an upset stomach (better than american ginger ale which has no actual ginger in it)
45 stars
Contains wheat ingredients Not a treat for anyone who is sensitive or allergic to gluten. The first two ingredients are wheat flour and wheat glucose syrup. (My wife was soooo disappointed when I told her the rest of the bag was hers!) That being said this is a soft, chewy licorice with a definite molasses undertone. I find the combination of flavors interesting- not my choice of an "everyday" licorice but I'm keeping this one on my Food wishlist.NB: The packaging is confusing but within Amazon's disclaimer (whatever it is, it's not our problem). Sweet Gourmet apparently buys Kookaburra Australian Black Licorice in bulk then sells it in "store brand" packaging. This seems to have upset some other reviewers but there're no conspiracies here, just business. Also note the company's web address is simply <...>.
34 stars
Faulty Packaging Some of the packages broke and leaked all over the box; so some of them were inedible. Probably won't order again.
12 stars
Apple Pie From what my niece told me, the part of the pie that she was able to salvage tasted fine. Due to the poor packing (a block of ice was placed on top!),half of the pie was damaged. She wasn't able to display the pie properly on Thanksgiving day. I would advice the vendoe to take care when packing.
12 stars
Spicy! and I love it. This is a great "tea". Technically, it's not a tea-or so I'm told. It looks like a tea, smells like a tea, brews like a tea, etc you get the idea. It is naturally caffeine free so that is a bonus for those trying to avoid caffeine. I expected this particular flavor to be somewhat like pinacolda but found that it is a light tea flavor with a cinnamon zing to it (which I happen to love). Adagio teas are some of the best. They come in a nice tin as loose leaf. You will need a steeper of some sort or just brew a small batch in your coffee pot. For me this is a great iced tea sweetened with a bit of sugar. Oh I forgot to mention that this tea has a naturally sweet flavor to it so you could go easy on the sugar. (But hey you only live once)
45 stars
THANK YOU The stores that use to stock this item no longer carry it. I don't know why. Thank you AMAZON. I have been drinking this for years and now I don't have to worry about not finding it. I LOVE IT !!!!
45 stars
Great tasting egg free cookies I thought that cookies needed eggs to taste good. I was wrong!Tastes great and is fun to make with young kids with peanut andegg allergies.
45 stars
Caramel I am a fan of Lipton pyramid tea bags. Not only do they look pretty, but I haven't found a variety I didn't like yet. I don't often see the Lipton pyramid teas offered in the grocery store where I shop, so it's a great deal when I find it online for about $12 shipped! That's less than $3/box. The Vanilla Caramel Truffle is a great flavor when combined with honey and milk. It's not a strong tea, so this may not be for you if you like something with a kick. Make sure you let it brew for a few minutes to get the best taste.
45 stars
It's O.K. Not bad coffee for the price but for less money you can get a good Sumatra from the same supplier.
23 stars
why!?!?! why would someone make a huge bag of unnecessary candy.I love candy and all but sometimes too much is too much!
12 stars
Works for me ! ! ! I have been using this tea for a few years now, and I drink the full 2 cups every night before I go to bed. It begins to take effect the next morning. I gave a bag to a friend to try & she loved it as well, she now orders it online.
45 stars
Poor Most of the twinkies were smashed a bit. Could of been packed a little safer/better. Still delicious though. Nice to have a box for yourself :)
12 stars
Not bad and you get a little heat from them I was pleasantly surprised when I got these. The taste was great and you get a little heat from them while eating them. Great Candy product.
45 stars
Quick and easy with plenty of flavor A quick and easy addition to any meal or is a great quick meal in itself. Plenty of flavor with a spiciness that is just right. This is so good, I plan to try Comida's other offerings.
34 stars
balsalmic vinegar i make my own salad dressings. my balsalmic dressing has never been better. the reason is elsa's balsamic vinegar, 12 year old. absolutely delicious. a must try. i purchased this item at amazon.com.
45 stars
Savory 1 of the best combination of spices I've ever tasted! It is too bad that they discontinued this item? I hope they consider bringing it back!
45 stars
Delicious lasagna for the whole family Our whole family enjoyed this lasagna. I used the noodles dry, which was very convenient. Just ensure that the top layer of noodles is sufficiently covered with sauce or meat or cheese, so that it doesn't remain dry. We ate this as leftovers. Non celiac members of the family loved it as well. I'm ordering my second case today!
45 stars
DR Oz, "New SUPER 2x FOOD FROM Dr OZ SHOW 10/2011!" ON DR OZ show IN Oct 2011 Announced these SUPER SUPER Berries as new SUper FOOD DISCOVERED!FOR ITS proven Antioxident Properties , possibly cancer fighting plus moreHe said compared to Blueberries : The LIGONBERRY TOPS the Blueberry!Dr Oz Had a Guest TRAINER/Nutrition Expert on too that said OAtmeal can be eaten raw Uncooked in smoothies or protein shakes for added good fiber without heat losing nutrition valuesSO I CREATED My OWN Breakfast "SUPER YOGURT TREAT" , Its So Nutritious and Filling, PACKED FULL OF tasty stuff U will Be So FULL ! You Never eat a Boring egg again LOLYou can eat this anytime but I love it as Breakfast or LUNCH or even early evening snack if you r really hungry , eat No later than 7pm alwaysHere we Go " DONNA D's Super Yogurt Treat"Take 8 OZ. of PLAIN Non Fat Yogurt or lo fat(Greek My Fav):IN a BOWL MIX Together the following : 1 cup Plain Non-fat Yogurt Along , 1/4 Cup Raw Oatmeal , handful of choppedcrushed Walnuts OR Raw Almonds, add 3 Chopped Prunes , add handful of Flaxseeds, dash Cinnamon , add 1/2 shredded Apple w/ skin or chopped well, Add 1/2 shredded Raw Carrot, Add 2 Tablespoons of Ligoneberries, Add 1/4 cup raw blueberries , add 1 Scoop of Vanilla Designer Whey Protein shake mix (this adds 23grsm Protein= to 3 eggs!,) Add small amount of Almond or Soy Milk to wet the mix , stir very WELL. ENJOY! To make sweeter u can add a splenda or teaspoon real sugar, depends of your view of courseTIP MAke SURE ALL fruits and vege are Cold as Possible from Fridge. VERY VERY FILLING.Here is the Nutrition SURPRISE!This "Super Yogurt" I CALL IT, Will Give You 7 Sources of Raw Fiber! 4 Fruit servings! 1 VEGE serving, Also Gives U Protein Over 23 GRAMS, 1 Dairy, 3 Whole grain servings.(nuts, flaxseed and oatmeal)Also Yields 2 or more Anitoxidant souces, Flaxseed Properties, Yogurt Gives good Bacterias, . 7 Fibers, Unbelievable! Its all whole RAW FIBERIf U like this, (a TIP, 4 Better Health) Always SOAK ANY Dried fruits you use, like prunes, raisins, apricots for a minimum of 4 hrs . If going into the yogurt i do it overnight, if eating as a quick snack then a quick rinse off.The sticky sugar on outside of dried fruits adds sugar we dont need and preservativesFROZEN TREAT ALTERANTE:FOR a Sorbet styled Filling ICy Treat, FREEZE ALL for 2 hours, then put in BLENDER and BLEND Pump for Under 10 seconds and U have an RAW frozen Fruity Fiber Delicious Snack to eat by spoon , it will totally fill you UP , Satsify sweet tooth, and keep U from the COOKIES at NIGHT!enjoy
45 stars
Excellent quality licorice I love licorice and I am often disappointed when I buy a licorice flavoured candy.This was definitely not the case with this product and I enjoyed it a lot!I recommend it to every people loving the licorice taste.
45 stars
WOW! What a deal, and what gorgeous flowers! I wasn't sure what to expect, but the reviews were very good, so I gave it a whirl. Growers Choice delivered a dozen and a half roses to my friend who had just gotten home from the hospital! Absolutely gorgeous! Fresh, a couple buds were still closed so they will be beautiful for a while. (I've added a photo in the area where customers can share their images.) This is my new secret!! Absolutely wonderful!!!
45 stars
Nostalgia in a bottle This product remains in my memory from pies and cookies made by my great grandmother. Finding it consistently every holiday season has been a private delight. It is a perfect blend of raisins, apples, cinnamon and other spices - no it doesn't have discernible "meat". I add walnuts to my signature pie and an abundant crust. Enjoy!
45 stars
An emphatic NO! Texas Pete is the worst. First of all, its made in Winston-Salem North Carolina and served in all the diners here in the Carolinas like ketchup, which it complements very well, but doesn't add any heat too.Rates out at about 500 Scoville units, Texas Pete can only be described as "hot sauce flavored thinned-out tomato sauce." Don't go out of your way to find this stuff, it ain't worth it.
12 stars
390mg SALT/SODIUM = STILL TOO HIGH 390mg SODIUM/SALT PER 3.25oz TIN/CAN "STILL TO HIGH" Based on some of the canned fish products Ive reviewed ; Herring is "ABOVE AVERAGE" Fish Product , so I give it 2 STARS BECAUSE OF THE "HIGHER SODIUM/SALT" WHICH "RUINS/DEGRADES" THE "A" "ABOVE AVERAGE/QUALITY" FISH(HERRING).
12 stars
Succulent Salmon, Delectable Flavor The servings of this well-seasoned salmon are generous. Directions for reheating are included in the packaging. I prepared my portions in the microwave. The package contained at least three servings of these delectably prepared fillets. Consider this a good buy.
45 stars