class label
5 classes
Works great This replacement battery looks exactly like the oem battery that came with the phone. The old stock battery was not holding a charge (ie needed to be recharged with 12 hours on standby). Replacement battery holds its charge for days of normal use.
45 stars
not bad for the price The sound quality is OK - it sounds a little muffled, but good enough to carry on a conversation if you're not in a noisy area. It's a little difficult to put on with one hand (such as while you're driving), but it fits well once it's on. All in all, it was worth the $10 I paid for it.
23 stars
Great, But has one problem During normal driving, the unit plus your own mirror begin to self adjust downward toward the floor, so I found myself constantly adjusting it back upwards. There may be a way on some auto mirrors to tighten the swivel device to make it more rigid.In terms of the operatino of the device, it was wonderful. The sound is clear, and it lights up with incoming messages, and is far less hassle than ear pieces and 12 other devices I have tried. I loved it except the mirror kept showing the tops of my shoes.
34 stars
As promised, on time and accurate Delivered on time and correctly. Plantronics has always worked well for our support staff. I didn't feel we needed the most up-to-date version. These are working well with our VOIP phones.
45 stars
Average... The case fits well, has a good texture and protects the sides and back nicely. It does make it slightly more difficult to adjust the volume as it's tough to feel the buttons on the side. I also seem to accidentally turn it off more frequently as the skin is very close to the power button. My biggest complaints are how long it took to ship (said "delivery in 3 to 5 days - actual was 9) and the case detracts from the overall appearance of the iPhone. Overall, decent case.
23 stars
Excellent Phone The new Samsung E715 is an excellent phone. It has great features, such as a Camera, games (golf is the best), downloadable ringtones and browsing abilities, a color display, picture messaging, and a powerful organizer. The battery life is not extensive, but that shouldn't be an issue for most cell phone users. Honestly, it's quite simple: charge the phone every night and you'll be FINE, and you can even throw it on a charger at the office so that you ALWAYS have a full battery. The phone is powerful and sleek, and excellent combination.
45 stars
Phone is great but amazon.com sucks... I ordered the phone on Dec 29, 2004 by looking on amazon.com that they promised free delivery in 2 days for cell phones. I really had some urgent need. But phone arrived on Jan 5, 2005. It was totally useless as my need was beofe that.So just be creful about amazon.com as they do not deliver it on time.Phone is excellent, T-mobil service in my area, NH, is good too.Amazon.com do not deliver item on time.... though they say so..
45 stars
Get a free unlocked Motorola RAZR v3i instead! Why settle for less, or commit yourself to a specific cellular provider and service plan, when you can get a complimentary unlocked top of the line Motorola RAZR v3i cell phone that works with any cellular service provider and any SIM card. I got mine free at this web site: ilikethis.info/razrv3i
34 stars
Motorola H700 This product arrived and did not work; I ended up mailing it to Motorola in Fort Worth Texas for a replacement--7 days after receiving it. Have not received a replacement as of this date.
01 star
45 stars
very good product for the price it is a very good product and i am satisfied with it and the price
45 stars
Decent but a fuel cell would have been a better power option I purchased this phone @the price of $264. I previously owned the V60 and was dissapointed at the features and the major antenna problem. I also had difficulty justifying upgrading to the GSM/GPRS network. Motorola listened to customer feedback, and delivered a phone loaded with features. It's not quite a PDA but darn close. The phone itself is heavy, solid and sturdy, which leads me to believe its fairly durable, however, I did find a reccuring "glitch" in the display function. Which became quite annoying, as I couldn't read the time when I needed to. The biggest flaw I found in the phone was the battery life. I recently spent the weekend in seattle, and was fortunate that I had the charger with me, because I had to recharge 3 times that weekend.IMHO, If you're looking for a good phone with PDA features, you'll have to wait for another generation. If anybody needs me, I'll be on my digital service with my Panasonic Duramax phone.
23 stars
Nice phone, but flat keypad is a pain to use I just got this phone a few days ago to replace my broken SonyEricsson Z520a. I'm attracted to this Samsung because of the thin form factor and pretty impressive spec.But the first time I used it, I was totally disappointed. My biggest complaint is the flat keypad. The keypad doesn't give you enough tactile feedback when you press it. And for some reasons some keys are harder to press than the others. This really annoys me since I text message a lot.Other than the keypad, this is a very nice phone. The screen is high resolution (320 x 240) and very bright. IMHO the user interface is not as intuitive as Sony Ericsson's.I tried Bluetooth on this phone and was able to transfer my phonebook from my laptop without a hitch.But for me, the keypad is the killer. That's the reason I rated it 2 stars. This phone is going back to Amazon for sure.
12 stars
DO NOT BUY THIS ITEM With a little more than two weeks my phone is dead with no apparent reason. I only wanted to charge but then now it's completely dead. I cannot even power on the darn thing. And with lousy verizon service you will be stuck like me. Please DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I MADE. AVOID THIS PHONE BY ANY MEANS, ESPECIALLY IF IT'S OFFERED BY VERIZON. Terrible, Terrible, Terrible. There is no other way to describe how I feel. I have never come across an electronic product that went dead after two weeks without any damage. NEVER in my life.One other thing about verizon: I went to one of the stores and this lady tried to give me a refurbished one but then guess what? that phone did not turn on either. I wasted good one hour and half. And she said please bring the box with you and we will exchange with a new one. Today I found out that she thought I bought at one of retail verizon store. So she can only give me a refurbished one. What am I going to do with a refurbished one without any power on? Maybe they think I can just carry the dead cell phone to tell everyone how bad the phone is and how bad service I'm getting.Anyway, until I resolve my issue, this is the most horrible experience I ever experienced with electronics. I will never buy motorola and possibly avoid verizon but at this point I have no choice.
01 star
Customer Service Difficult if Problems Arise I ordered the 2 year Cingular subscription in conjunction with the Motorola Razr phone. While the quality of the phone and Cingular's network has been great, the headaches I experienced when something went wrong were excessive and took me two weeks to resolve. First off, the phone would not connect to the network. So I called Cingular to see what was up, and they said they had no record of my account in their system--so they told me to head into a Cingular store for assistance. I went to a store, where I was told basically the same thing, and they said I would have to take it up with Amazon. Easier said than done...Amazon does not provide, anywhere in its vast piece of cyberspace, an email address or phone number for customer support. They simply provide an online form, which was not working, to submit your problem. So with the trusty help of Google, I was able to find the actual customer service number and reported my problem. They logged my problem and referred the issue to their wireless department. Two days later I received an email informing me that my account was activated and should be working properly. No such luck I'm afraid. After contacting Cingular [again], they informed me that my information was now in the system, but the SIM would not respond. They informed me that I would have to come into a Cingular store [again] to get a new SIM card. This finally resolved my issue.The long and short of it is this: Amazon is a great place to get a cellphone for cheap, but be prepared for a royal headache if there is a problem. There really is no such thing as a free lunch.
12 stars
Cardo Scall 700 Bluetooth headset The feel is great and the sound is very good as well. I've tried a few Motorola headsets and they just don't fit very well. This one was great.
45 stars
Total SCAM Much like the fad with magic stickers, (promoted as signal "boosters" and "enhancers") this is a total sham- but I fell for it. Has no discernible effect whatsoever on cell signal, regardless of where placed in vehicle. (tried directly touching it) - Would never buy again. Had no additional benefit in stronger areas, useless in rural dead zones- will probably have to consider a proper signal amplifier system. ($100+)
01 star
Excellent phone at an Excellent Price Bought this phone last week and received it a few days ago.I was on a month-to-month plan with AT&T; but renewed a 2 year contract with AT&T; through Amazon to take advantage of this great price.So far I LOVE this phone, it's packed with many cool features and programs. Since it's windows-based, it's quite simple to navigate around the features, especially if you are already a "PC User".Based on my experience with the phone thus far, here are a few tips that will hopefully save you time:-When you purchase this phone through amazon, don't be fooled into thinking you have to change/upgrade your current phone plan if you are an existing customer. AT&T; told me that my family talk plan was no longer available and that I had to upgrade to the current family plan that was $10 more per month, yet gave me 50 less minutes per month?! Do what I did, tell them you are simply upgrading your phone and adding the required PDA package and that this should have nothing to do with having to change your mobile plan. I should know, I've had my account for 9 years and every time my contract runs out and I upgrade my phone, I've NEVER been required to change my talk plan.-The 208 pg. operation manual comes on a CD Rom. Either print it out for easy reference, or expect to have to keep turning on your computer to access the manual.-If you already have wireless internet at home, you can access this connection with your phone and surf the internet this way. However, call AT&T; directly and have them walk you through setting up wi-fi access via the AT&T; network. This will give you wi-fi access when you are away from home. (very important because when you buy the phone through amazon, it's an AT&T; phone, but it's not configured to run off the AT&T; network right out of the box).-To set up access to your email accounts, again, call AT&T; and have them walk you through it. The manual can be somewhat vague and confusing, and don't bother using the Xpress Email function, set everything up manually with AT&T.;-I live in San Diego and have Cox internet and also have a cox email account. I set up the phone to access my cox wi-fi internet, then proceeded to set up access to my personal cox email account. I later noticed that when I was away from home, I could not access my cox email account via the AT&T; network. Turns out that if I want to access my cox email account, I had to set it up using the AT&T; network settings vs. using my home wi-fi access. Bottom line, if you want to access your email accounts away from home, set them up using the AT&T; networks settings and have AT&T; walk you through it.-If you want to buy a carry case for this phone DO NOT buy a case that uses a magnetic closure! I read a few reviews and some people ruined their 8525 by carrying it in a case with a magnetic closure. Somehow the magnets affect the phone's screen when it's on. I went to Fry's to look for a case and while my phone was on, I put it in a case with magnets and I noticed that my screen went from portrait mode to landscape mode each time it came near the magnetic field! Anyway, don't risk it.-If you plan on surfing the internet a lot or accessing email, be sure to buy a car charger or carry your wall charger around because the battery will drain fast.Don't be afraid to call AT&T; for tech support. They are extremely knowledgeable and were more helpful to me than the manual.Good luck and have fun!
45 stars
Doesn't hold charge I bought two batteries for both mine and my husband's phones. Although supposed to be new batteries, I question that. They never keep their charge for more than a day. My original battery would stay charged for three or more days! I think these batteries are sitting on a shelf way too long before being shipped out. These are not new batteries, in my opinion.
12 stars
I don't (can't) use it anymore I purchased this product over a little over a year ago to use with my RAZR based on mostly good reviews. After some initial usage, now I rarely use it. Why?1. Battery life deteriorated rapidly, and the battery cannot be replaced. I now can talk only 10 mins before I get the beeping and then a sudden disconnect. So it has become useless. I don't like paying a lot for a premium item that is throw-away.2. Volume is ok, but only when I press it close to my ear. Unless I do that, it sits too far away from my ear to be heard well except in very quiet conditions. This is true even at max volume, so I found that for important calls I usually have to switch to using the phone directly.3. Fit: I can find no way to make it feel like it is securely on my ears (which are not unusually shaped or sized in any way). It has a tendency to fall off easily so I always feel uneasy when wearing it.I bought a corded earpiece as an alternative, and although the cord is a nuisance, at least it always works reliably!
12 stars
Bluetooth Headset This is a great headset. The battery last a long time, and you do not have the static-no one knows you are on a bluetooth. Great price, fast shipping. I recommmend this bluetooth.
45 stars
Simple Protection - Highly Recommended Infinitely better than a bulky leather case or a belt holster!The case is good enough to protect against minor impacts, the silicone texture offers fantastic grip. Fits in jeans pockets as long as you haven't purchased skin-tight jeans. Does attract some lint but is easily brushed off.
45 stars
I miss it =[ I had this phone until i got it wet =[ Thats my own fault but this phone was awesome! I miss it now im stuck with a used phone that screens broke YOU SHUD SO BUY THIS PHONE!
34 stars
Synchronization between v66 & Outlook Contacts doesn't work The included synchronization software, TrueSync, is supposed to work by searching the Outlook Contacts for entries that are members of either the "SIM Card" or "Phonebook" categories, which need to be created by the user. However, in using this software with Outlook 2000 and attempting to download approximately 175 contacts and phone numbers to my Motorola v66, the TrueSync synchronization software would only bring down the first 25 or so. If a contact had only a company name with no person name, then the downloaded contact name was displayed on the v66 by phone number only without a text name. I tried using the included TrueSync Desktop PIM and it didn't work any better. The synchronization software is just plain defective.
01 star
--Not so good-- Quality Merchandise My wife and I just recently upgraded our cell phones to the LG1400. I saw this package deal and thought 'What a good price for a case, charger, and hands free set'.BUT it all goes back to the old saying: '...you get what you pay for...'The hands free accessory did not work. We could not hear people nor could they hear us.The car charger worked at first but then the charger head became loose and would work 50% of the time.The cases fit our phones but the belt clip is really tight and does not clip on to my belt or my wife's purse without pulling and adjusting it forcefully.Buyer beware - cheap made products @ cheap prices.
12 stars
Spare Charger I bought this package for the spare chargers which are always handy. I have used the chargers extensively without any problems. I never used the phone cover and gave it to a friend who found it very useful.
45 stars
a good solution for headset echo, but iffy connections do people constantly tell you that they hear an echo when you're talking to them on your bluetooth headset? that's because the mike is about an each from the speaker. i had given up on finding an affordable headset without this echo problem until i found this one. the quality of the individual components of the headset - earpiece, mike - aren't fantastic, but it's easy to put the clip on mike wherever it's comfy, and keep it far enough away from the earpiece to avoid the echo. too many unexplained dropped bluetooth connections for my liking, but overall a good headset for the price. i use it much more than any other i've had
23 stars
Happy first time PDA Cell phone buyer I have to confess that this is the first PDA cell phone that I've purchased even though I work in IT for a living. I've resisted the crackberry for as long as I possibly could. But no more...I did try out the Treo 680 and found it to be dated. I remember using the Palm OS back in the late 90's and the Treo is still using it. The Treo graphics weren't as sharp or crisp either.So I ended up with the Blackjack. And I have to say that I'm really enjoying it so far. The battery life was an issue or so I've read but I've found a way around it. Just turn off the Bluetooth and you're fine. Bluetooth eats the battery. And while I work, I just keep the phone charged via the USB cable. I have not had a battery issue since.That being said, the navigation controls are a little bit cramped. I do find myself hitting the wrong button at times. The OS is a little bit slow at times. That's life. Nothing is perfect and nor is this phone. But it's pretty darn close. I like the OS a lot. I found out how to drag and drop files onto my phone. I've got a 2GB micro SD card in here and listen to music at the gym with my phone. I love being able to tweat pieces of the start menu just by using Windows and the USB cable to browse out to the phone.That being said, I'm very happy. I've ditched my PDA and I walk around with my contacts 24/7. Sending email from the road is a snap and I'm in touch more often than not. I'd recommend this phone over the Treo in a heartbeat. Can speak to the Blackberry but I will say the color on this phone is sharper than the Blackberry Pearl and 8730. I also can't say whether this phone is better than the Cingular 8525. It just looked too big compared to the sleek Blackberry.
34 stars
Good quality..but the quality is outstanding..probably the best I've ever had..but the quality of the little thing that wraps around your ear is very cheesey and cheap. I am on my third one as the first two broke. I would definitely recommend this product in terms of sound quality and it works well with my HTC Mogul
23 stars
Quick, Cheap, Works After months struggling to find a car charger for my Samsung phone I gave up and ordered online via Amazon. At the tiny price, I bought 2, but didn't expect much. The items arrived fast--within 2 days-- and worked fine. I would buy from this retailer again.
34 stars
H700 Bomb I had a H500 but when it stoped working I went to get the H700 and I like it much better. Sound a quality is as good if not better than the H500 And the H700 has some better features than the H500 now if it would only I can listen to my MP3 sounds from it with my Razor it would be that much better
45 stars
woW880 The title may be a little corny but this phone is great. The size of the phone is smaller then most if not all Sony Ericsson phones and it is definately a thin phone for being a 3G phone. The only downside to the phone is the minor learning curve to using smaller buttons, but that only takes a few days to get used to. Overall, this is a great phone.
34 stars
Nice DuiSuit This Razr Maxx cover fits well and looks good. I have to remove it to plug my Razr into the clock-radio charger at night, and the cover hasn't lost any of its fit or toughness with the frequent switches.
45 stars
Does not work with iPhone 3GS This charger does not work with iPhone 3GS. A error message pops up on my iPhone 3GS screen saying "Charging is not supported with this accessory".I called the DataVision customer service department to request the refund only to find out that they refuse to pay the shipping fee for the return. They were claiming that this product is not supposed to work with iPhones and it is Amazon.com's fault to put a wrong description of the product. I'm really disappointed by the way they treat their customers and Amazon putting a wrong description of the product.
01 star
BlueAnt Supertooth Light I have had the product for 3 weeks. It performs as advertized. I still have trouble, at highway speeds, understanding what the other party is saying. The clarity of the other party's voice could be better.
34 stars
Beware 3rd Party Cables & Sony Ericsson Tech Support Well, it technically does what it is supposed to do--that is, allows you to transfer files from your phone to your computer or vice versa. But, it is rude & puts up a fight to do so. The thing came with no instructions, so it took forever to install. Once installed, it creates a desktop icon which can't be removed or modified...because it's not actually a desktop icon (when I figure out what exactly this thing is, I'll post it) or in the registry at all. Actual transfer of files takes over the entire computer (don't have anything else running) and is slower than a floppy drive! I've found a ton of settings and such that the software changed without asking (rude in my book), so I'm probably going to have to re-install Windows to get everything back the way I like it. Although, it's nice to have the pics off my phone to email and have a custom wallpaper & ringtones on my phone, I'm really thinking of returning this rude little punk. If I could, I'd give it zero stars.(I'm not 100% sure that this will make a difference since the main problem appears to be Sony's software that you download from them, but the cable appears to be made by someone other than Sony and the oficial Sony Data cable is pretty much only sold through Sony's website.)Update on 6/4/2006:I was given a data cable for my Sony Ericsson z500a as a gift (turned out to be a 3rd party cable like this product is). At first, I was happy that I'd be able to transfer pictures taken with my camera phone to my computer to email to friends back home...but after installing everything, the thing only worked a few times at a nerve-rackingly slow pace. After tons of headaches messing with that, I contacted Sony's tech support. They don't seem to know how to figure out problems very well, and about all they could do on that call was get my info to send out a new cable. The new cable (Sony Ericsson cable) doesn't seem to work either, and I've called them several times now--each time speaking with 2-3 reps.So, my advice would be to not bother with the data cable (third party or Sony's) since neither will work properly. If you have a third party cable such as this product, don't tell Sony tech support because then they won't help you, so you're basically just out the money you spent on a cheap unofficial cable. Just enjoy your Sony Ericsson z500a & watch anyone who has a camera phone that has a working data cable for ideas for your next phone.
01 star
BlueAnt X5 I love this product!I did a lot of reseach before settling on this stereo-bluetooth/wireless-headset.I have had it for about 1 month and have used it considerably. At work, I listen to my MP3 player (Samsung P2) for 5-6 hours a day. It is comfortable (as much as anything can be on your head for that long).It connects very easily and holds the connect perfectly up to about 8-10 meters before begining to drop out. Setup was a breeze.The blue tooth works perfectly with my AT&T; Tilt phone. It puts the music on hold and answers everytime with no problem. Callers dont even know I am on a hands free device.The stereo music is crisp and clear with great seperation.I definitely would recommend this unit to anyone!
45 stars
It's GREAT this is a brilliant phone i would recommemd to not anyone but everyone. you'll love taking pictures & sending them to you mates with this high resollution colour screen. also great games are available from java. all at a resonable price!
45 stars
Tactical quality I picked this up for it's rugged quality. I use it for a phone that is smaller than what it was made for, and it works great weather in tactical gear at work or running around with the family.
45 stars
RUSH The cellphone is sleek and excellent......but b preapred for sum nastiness by CINGULAR for sure....they charge u and start billing u the day u order the celphone online.....its so ridiculous.....u get billed for the time u havent even recieved the handset,leave alone starting it...so buyers beware u wanna take this wit some other service provider.....the phone is good,no doubts about it,problem is the service provider!!!and their customer service is soooo sloppy,they dont operate on sundays and even on other days only till 9 pm...if u r on a call wit them,it automatically gets disconnected at 9 !!! how ridiculous can they get???
23 stars
Do NOT do business with bargaincell! Bought a cell phone battery that, of course, died one week past their return/refund deadline. Refused to refund or replace even though the product is CLEARLY defective. This company is a ripoff and will never do business with them again. Consider yourself warned.
01 star
Bluetooth Headset Worked as advertized, USB charger great you don't need additional chargers works with other USB device chargers with same connectors.Clear sound and good controls for answering and volume
34 stars
Green Mist looks o.k. in pictures - looks awesome in person! I am so thrilled with the Green Mist faceplate that I am taking a moment out of my hectic day to write about it. This color complements the screen color of the Palm more than you can tell from the pictures. A more accurate name for it would be Green Gold.I bought it because I read somewhere that it looked better in person and it was cheaper than others, and I'm much happier than I thought I would be with it - I can't take it off!It's one of the lowest priced **true** Palm faceplates, and after testing a series of off-brand faceplates for less than a dollar each I purchased on eBay, I want to warn everyone DO NOT BUY OFF-BRAND FACEPLATES - THEY CAN DAMAGE YOUR PALM AND GENERALLY DO NOT FIT THE DEVICE PROPERLY. Palm's faceplates cost a lot more than imitations, but at least you know they are fitted to the device correctly. Don't make the same mistake I did - only buy Palm manufactured faceplates!
45 stars
Better then some....still tin can echo Purchased this for the mrs. Overall it performs well, but as a receiver of her calls with this headset, I do hear a tin can echo.She has been happy with it, saying it fits well, callers voice is clear, and she likes having the mic closer to her mouth.
23 stars
LG CU500 Extended Life Battery Works great! I definitely could see an increase in battery life after using this product.
45 stars
don't be fooled by picture in website when I saw this on amazon.com, what I liked was antique brown color, pure leather look. Unfortunately, when I got it, it didn't look like what it posted online. It looks and feels like plastic. so far I am still not sure if it is leather, because no leather smells at all. I really disappointed.
23 stars
Durable I have had this case for almost a month. It is a pain to get on and off. I can't get the cover to line up with everything perfectly, but it still works fine. Dust and little pieces of hair get stuck inside pretty easily. The clear plastic over the screen has an odd bubble thing going on. You don't really notice it unless the screen is off or if you are on the orange Walkman screen. Then it looks like there are little water droplets. I've gotten used to it. The clip is over the camera so you have to unbutton that part of the protector to take pictures. It can be a little irritating, but it's better then a busted phone. I have dropped it only once so far. I forgot to clip it to my pants and it fell off my lap into a small puddle of water. Other than the silver button in the middle getting scratched, as that's the only part not covered, it worked perfectly. A little bit of water got under the protector, but I got it out, dried it off, and it was fine.I think this cover is great. I haven't had any problems with the quality of the protector, other than a few threads popping up, but that's not a big deal. It would be nice if the plastic covered the entire thing instead of leaving the middle button uncovered, but I don't think it is possible to cover it as it seems to protrude a little more than the rest of the buttons. I think this is a good buy and I suggest it. It definitely holds up and it relieves my paranoia of scratching my phone. Plus it's a Swedish company, and we Swede's make quality products.
34 stars
Flops all over the place The microphone may work alright, but no matter how I tried, the earpiece refused to stay in place. This came with neither the triple-flange nor the foam earpieces I would have expected from Shure. None of the 6 rubber earpieces that came with the Shure would stay in place, and the over-the-ear hook was extremely flimsy - its only apparent purpose being to hang the device from your ear so it wouldn't fall onto the seat. When I held the earpiece in place, the sound was tinny and volume very weak.I returned it and bought the ETY*COM mobile phone headset instead, which performs very well - the way this one should have.
12 stars
Cellet Elite Clip for Treo 650 The clip is very sturdy and so far it has held up. I've had it for about two weeks. It only cost $0.65 plus S/H which was about ten times the price of the product and it came in the original package. For the price you can't beat it but you always remember you get what you pay for.Chicago, IL
34 stars
Boxwave Aluarmour for note Just recieved my new Boxwave AluArmour case for my Galaxy Note...Came in an attractive presentation- style box with fabric sleeve around product.Case feels nice to the touch, opens and closes well, phone is secured inside byfoam liner, fit was perfect. All funtions easily accessed.Product appearance is industrial and beefy, hinge and clasp a bit pronouncedbut likely strong enough to survive long use. After trying several other casesthis is definitely the best, as it is easy to remove the phone for docking.(By the way the Samsung dock is excellent.)I would recommend this to anyone not upset by a bigger case.
34 stars
power charger for Motorola RAZR V3 I recieved my charger real quick and was emailed details of shipping status. Thanks
45 stars
Much better than the original I recently purchased these as a replacement for my Treo 755. My original plastic stylus had broken and I was looking for something sturdier to replace it.These were exactly what I was looking for. A strong metal barrel to the stylus makes it feel much stronger. I would often find that the original stylus would flex or bend in my hand as I used it on the touchscreen. This is no longer an issue with this product.I would recommend this to people even if they have not yet lost their original Palm stylus.
45 stars
Hard to Hear in Car I thought the AAA battery power was a great idea ... one less thing to recharge. Unfortunately, that's the only good thing about this headset. There is no soft ear piece to fit in your ear or form a seal between the speaker and your ear. This is not a problem if you're somewhere quiet, but it is very difficult to hear when in the car even with the headset volume turned all the way up. Also, the ear hook is not very snug so the unit bounces on your ear when you move your head. I found myself having to push the headset toward my ear or cupping my hand over it ... kind of defeats the whole purpose of having a hands-free headset.
01 star
Great Phone I've owned my phone for about 8 months now and once you get used to it, it rocks!!!
45 stars
Decent Product I was expecting the Data cable to come with the software to sync contacts, photos, music, etc but it only has the capability to sync contacts. If your just looking to sync contacts, this product works great! Enjoy!
34 stars
great product Love this product and wonder why we didn't get it sooner! It fits our Blackberry Pearls perfectly and makes them so easy to hold on to. Now can lay the phones anywhere and not worry if they will slide off. Alternate colors also make them easier to see/harder to lose.
45 stars
Fun, Distinctive and Ok for the Office Once I knew there were faceplates, I knew I just had to have one. But given I use my m100 in the office as well, I couldn't go with the red (too bold) or the green mist (too artsy). The silver really isn't that much more exciting than the black, so I decided to go with the blue. I settled for Pacific Blue, though the Blue Mist would have been ok. The nice thing about the blues is that they go well with the Royal Blue PalmGlove. In case you're wondering: the faceplates REPLACE the black faceplate that the m100 comes with, which is easily removed. Once removed, the new faceplate just snaps on. If you want, you can then reinstall the cover the cover that comes with the m100.
45 stars
Good car charger I bought this item for my Zen Micro. This car charger can work as the description. No more excellent funstion it can be provided.
34 stars
oem Better than Verizon If you have a Honda like me, you cannot use the courtesy package car charger from Verizon; the nipple is too long. This product is a Motorola branded product that is both elegrant, useful and reliable. It is my second one.
45 stars
About the same as Nokia's Although the Jabra ear-gel was much more comfortable than the normal piece of foam, the unit didn't work as well as I expected it to. When I bought my phone, I was given the Nokia hands-free kit for free. THe only time I really used it was in low-reception situations, since I wouldn't have to move my phone a whole lot. WHen I bought the Jabra Classic EarSet, I was expecting it to work better than the Nokia's, which picked up a lot of background noise. Upon receipt of the earpiece, I did not notice a difference between either of the two, other than the color and feel of it in my ear. Over all, it's a great product, but I recommend the other Jabra product, as it's only a few dollars more and worth the price.
23 stars
Motorola V276 My mom got this phone several months ago. I really can't speak to all its bells and whistles because even if they were the easiest in the world, my mom still couldn't figure them out.What I will say - the phone has EXCELLENT reception and voice clarity compared to her old verizon motorola phone.Verizon, despite all their commercials, has pretty limited coverage in some areas, including at my mother's house in SouthEastern Michigan - right smack dab in the middle of a major city with cell phone towers everywhere. All other verizon phones do not work there either, or drop calls after 30 or 60 seconds. (Including my old Audiovox verizon phone, and those of many friends and family who have visited.) This one works just fine.My mother's hearing is going, and she can actually understand most of the stuff that is said on it. So, that is all good.I'm thinking of getting one too, so I can be at her house and still make cell phone calls. I'm a little wary of the reviews that say other features are hard to use - but most of my phones were hard to figure out at first...All I really want out of a cell phone is one that works really, really well where I can't get the maximum number of bars. Most phones seem to just really poor in those situations. So, having "great menu features" seems pretty moot. These bad phones are like speaking into a bad teleconference phone that drops the first and last sylable of every thing said - and both people can't talk at the same time like on a land line phone. Once this people figure out how to make phones that don't do that, I'll be happy. So far, this Motorola V276 seems better than others I've used.
34 stars
Best Bluetooth headset so far... I have been through 4 different bluetooth headsets so far, and this one is far and away the best. The first was too bulky. The second (Jawbone) couldn't be carried easily when not in use, and got repeatedly crunched in my pocket until it wasn't functional. The third was a motorola flip version, and didn't stay on my ear well. This one fixes all those problems. The carrying case is truly inspired. It works great, and protects the earpiece when not in use. Best of all, you can charge it while it is secure in the carrying case. It fits well, even if you can't easily see the physics of how it will work from the images. Sound quality is great, but wind noise is still a problem. Always has been with headsets, so maybe next model. Overall, a great headset.
45 stars
barely gets the job done The good - It fits perfectly. Unlike most other bluetooth headsets, it is very adjustable, so it fits in just the right spot - for anyone. The volume it fantastic. And it is fairly easy to use, without reading the instructions. As soon as I read the instructions, it will probably become extremely easy to use. The battery life is good, it has no problems making it through two days in my car without recharging. When it connects well, it sounds great. And people on the other end usually think I sound just fine (if not great.) But notice the "when it connects well..."That leads us to the bad: I can't understand why there is so much static and interference. My phone can be on my hip, with my earpiece in my ear and I am getting a bunch of static. The other Bluetooth headsets I tried did not have this problem. This one does not come close to its 30 ft of range. And if I put it in a case, or in my pocket, or even just wrap my hand around it, I usually get a bunch of static. Sometimes the interference is noticable to the person on the other end of the line, other times they don't notice any problem.Final Word - I will probably keep it. It works well in my car, and most of the other important times for me. If I was someone who relied on this non-stop, I would probably return it. For now, it meets my needs (considering it is one of the least expensive options out there. Once the technology improves, I will replace it.
23 stars
It works good in my opinion I didn't expect much from this but it definitely increases cell phone strength slightly, one full bar if you are pretty close to the antenna. I had low to zero expectations so I was pleased with the difference. I am using it in a concrete shop with poor reception and mounting one on the window has helped a bit. I am going to get two more to see if that makes an even bigger difference.
34 stars
Samsung Earpiece The WEP200 I bought is a back-up for the one I already own. I lost the charger/carry case, so it was cheaper to buy another unit than to get just the charger. I had 3 Motorolas & 2 Plantronics before this one, and I am happy with the reliability of the Samsung. Sometimes I have trouble keeping it in my ear, but switching ears is as simple as twisting the ear loop. Plus with 3 different sizes of loops, its easy to find the perfect fit. The Samsung website had these units for more money than Amazon.com. E-Bay is cheaper, but when you buy cheap, you get cheap! Plus, I've had nothing but trouble with E-Bay. Amazon.com is great, especially when they offer free shipping on some items. i'll be back for future purchases.
34 stars
Sporty & Handy This cell phone is handy for me especially I don't like carrying phone in the pocket. This is very handy for me even if I'm wearing a jacket. It's so easy with the velcro to take off or slide on. Ilove mine. I tried holters but always snagged eventually.This works great for me.
45 stars
Amazon Rebate Scam Amazon rebate is a scam. I purchased this headset on 1/23/2007, and received it on 1/25/2007. However, the RebatesHQ site was not functioning on 1/25/2007. When it works the next day, it can not locate the offer number, nor could this rebate be located from the manufacture. If you click on the URL link supplied by Amazon Rebate form, you will be able to find the offer by Amazon order number, however, they will disconnect you in the next step saying 'session expired'. There is no way around, what a scam. It's a shame for Amazon to squeeze the last penny out of its customers. It's $5.99, come on!
01 star
Why all the negativity? It's a decent case for what it is. I picked it up on sale for $7 just as some insurance against scratches from sliding across different surfaces.Will it protect my phone in a fall? Probably not. Insurance will though.Back to the product, I received the black version and the white line around the phone, ports and buttons is high contrast. Could have gone with a gray maybe? I like the look though.Around the front of case surrounding the screen, there is a polished edge that is similar to the bezel on the white iPhone 5. Looks good, without being too flashy or distracting.Will report back later if I have any issues with this case.
34 stars
Great price good sound not very comfortable For the price is an amazing bluetooth headset, the sound is good but not excellent. The earpiece is very small for my big ears :-) and is not very comfortable.
23 stars
Superb I have had 1 of these phones and i must say that it is by far one of the best phones i have ever had. It has a lot of different features and there is so much versitility thaat the owner can actually customize the phone to suit their personility.It has excellent internal memory and sound quality. The only drawback to this phone is thet the camera is not all that good. but hey who cares about video recording capability or the quality of the pics when you can have 10+ CD's downloaded to your phone which u can listen to anywhere and the battery life far outlasts that of others.Plus this phone comes with neopets mobile so all you neopet fans here is your chabce to create a Laturi pet.
34 stars
Makes momma happy? Bought this for the wife's kindle. She loves it. I don't have anything else to say about this item. How much can be said?
45 stars
Bad Purchase Even though the item was really cheap, it does not fit my phone as advertised. It is too big (too long) and my phone slops around in it. If the top get pushed open, the phone can fall out, like when you sit for hours on an airplane. Go to the store any buy one so you know it fits. One size fits all means that it does not fit any very well.
01 star
THE BOMB!!!! This is a REALLY great product!!! The only (if) bad this is that, it does not have a volume control but it still works great. I love my Jawbone. I think my wife just talks quiet though. It was a well-worth purchase and you know this.. MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
45 stars
good one look sleek and style and cheap. Cost $50 in fry but only $32 at amazon.
45 stars
Good Bluetooth Good for the price - fit comfortably, sounds excellent. Best bluetooth I've had yet.
45 stars
stereo headphone adapter for Treo 650 Primary use case is for listening to music on airplane flights, with the mobile phone radio off. Connection to Palm Treo 650 requires quite a bit of force. The electrical signal connection is spotty, but fiddling a bit gets the earphone output working consistently.
12 stars
Decide carefully I read all the review before I decided to buy this phone. But unfortunately I ended up with bad experience with it. Here is my story. I got this phone last year with 1 year contract with Verizon, but now my battery is close to not functioning unless I charge it very often. It definitely decrease dramatically from when I first got it. Another annoying thing about this version is it's very weak. My spouse has same provider with same manufacturer but newer version (LG V6000) will have signal while mine is beeping out of range. I also agree with some earlier review about not able to see the screen under the sun. I don't think it was that big of a deal, but it is. You will have to take off your sunglass whenever there is sun.Below are my complains as well, but I guess it's more of a preference:Vibrate mode only when the ring tone is on loudest or silent. Would be nice to be able to have vibrate when the ring tone is regular.I consider myself as a very basic phone user. I only need a phone that works when I need to make a call, I don't really care much about any gadget that much. But I am very dissappointed at this phone.
01 star
Amazon has POOR customer service. DO NOT BUY A CELL PHONE FROM AMAZON!!!I bought this phone on Dec 15th, they delayed my ship date from the one promised when I placed the order so I had to call them and change shipping to 2nd day so I can get it by Xmas. They charged me extra. Then after I received the phone I found out the pictures are terrible, it comes out blurry and washed out.I called Amazon to try to get them to upgrade my phone. I was willing to pay extra. I just get the run around. Amazon blames Verizon, Verizon says call Amazon, and so on. I spent 2 days and 4 hours and got absolutely nowhere.Now they say if I cancel I have to pay a $175 per line cancellation fee!This is within 14 days of starting my service.Think about it, if you have a problem with your order, would they help you? Can you even find a phone number to call them? Or do you have to trade emails back and forth? How much is your time worth?DO NOT BUY A CELL PHONE FROM AMAZON!
01 star
Not worth The Frustration These simply break, and oftenThey are cheaply made and either the top clip breaks off or the belt clip breaks.Do yourself a favor and buy the Seidio Spring Clip Holster for Blackberry Curve 8300, 8310, 8320, 8330, 8900 (Wireless Phone Accessory.I did and wish I had bought it a year ago.
12 stars
Built to last I've had this phone for three years. It is basic--no frills (other reviews list the features)--but never irritating. What a delight to own one device that fulfills its intended function.My calls don't drop, and the menu navigation is intuitive. The backlighting is excellent--I can always read the screen. Every month or so I drop the phone on concrete, tile, or some other hard surface, with the only result being scars on the casing. I've dropped it in a sink filled with dirty dishwater and, um, down a toilet--soaped it up after the latter adventure and it was a little funny-acting for 12 hours until the battery contacts dried, but then everything was back to normal. Amazing.A year ago I noticed that the hinge action was not as tight as it used to be, so thinking it was on its way out, I was going to upgrade my phone. For silly reasons I missed the upgrade boat when I re-upped my T-Mobile contract. However, the hinge loosening turned out not to be an issue--it hasn't gotten worse. The phone has outlasted three chargers and several friendships. Pretty great for a planned obsolecence product.I gather battery life of newer cell models is generally two hours longer than the e105 (up from 3 to 5), and I bet the memory cards are bigger--I'm a text-message pack-rat and don't get to store as many as I'd like. I never set it to view pic messages--don't even know if it can. These are nominal downsides given how I use it. And, I dunno, I feel sort of attached to it at this point.
45 stars
expensive but looks good This small vent is intended for installation in a small utility trailer. Although I can not yet report on how it works when installed, I found the battery operation of the light, fan and directionality of airflow works well. No sunlight indoors so do not yet know how the solar works. The fan makes minimal noise when the unit is held as it will be when mounted, however that disappears to no sound when tilted as little as 5/10 degrees.
34 stars
Does What It Promises ... I'm buying another one I've read a lot of bad reviews about the 5 inch headset adapters so I went with this one instead. No problems so far. No clicking, no losing connections. I use this to listen to music and watch movies on the Treo 650. I'm pleased and will buy another one for backup or travelling on my next order from Amazon - just in case.Update: bought a second one - I still like this style.
45 stars
A nice replacement Could not locate the original charger so I chose this. It is a great replacement and does the job well. However, the radio units fits rather wobbly on the charger and so it's not a snug fit. Still, it does the job of charging and that "fits" well with me.
34 stars
Cheap, but ineffective Thought I would try the cover, as I was buying some related things. It really is not a "robust" design, as it was pulling up in the corners rather quickly. Perhaps some trimming would help, but I doubt it. I have no ill feelings towards the product....you get what you pay for though.
01 star
erisson well i like the product and it si strong seeing it alone u can say it is a nice phone that every living soul have to get he or she thanks
45 stars
Didn't Work with SE47 The charger did not work with the phone. The seller sent another free of charge but it did not work either.
01 star
great portable sound this nokia music stand is a great way to supply back ground music with out having to wait for adds. Just hook up a mp3 unit and listen to your tunes.
34 stars
Great Product HiI have bought it for my wife's car - Brand new Honda CR-V. I took it to a local certified Parrot installer.The quality is amazing - very clear sound, uses all the car speakers regardless if the radio is on or off, automatic mutes the speakers on a call.People can't believe that we are actually in the car!Note: I had to buy the harness kit for the CR-V which was additional $50 or so.I plan to buy another bluetooth for the 2nd car. I will be Parrot for sure!
45 stars
Works as advertized, just follow the directions I went from nearly zero coverage in the house to 4 out of 5 bars (both AT&T and Verizon, haven't tried Sprint PCS yet). Mounted the antenna in the attic and put the base on a second floor table. Coverage within 1000 sq. ft. of the base is quite good but drops off quickly after that.
34 stars
Doesn't Fall Out of Your Ear I never met a headset that would work for me. After doing a lot of research (and looking at the Motorola website) I thought I'd give this gizmo a whirl. It is a dream! When I'm not driving around, it's charging up with the included car charger (but it will also work with my cell phone wall charger, too, so as I write this it is charging in the house.) When driving, I clip the receiver to the visor. When a call comes in, the slightest touch on the front button and, shazam, I am connected and taking the call. A week ago I was driving my twin toddler grandchildren home and their mother called; they were able to hear her on the phone and it delighted them. Earbuds don't do it for me; the several Bluetooth headsets I tried didn't do it, but this really does. I recommend it absolutely.
45 stars
You get what you pay for Charging end would not seat securely in phone socket. Tip broke off within a month of purchase. I should know better by now.
01 star
do not buy I've owned this phone for a month and the call gets dropped off frequently.
12 stars
Great Little Headset This little headset works really well with my RAZR V3 phone. The phone picks its signal up immediately. The operating range is about 30 feet as stated by the manufactor. The only reason I gave it a 4 rating is because the volume could be a tad louder. It is comfortable to wear, and easily fogotten that you even have it on your ear.
34 stars
Blackberry storm case Great product, keeps phone (BB storm) snug in place. Only minor drawback is cannot be use with any skin or protective cover for the BB. Great look, great product for the price.
34 stars
Logitech Bluetooth No problems with headset so far works as advertised. Great price too, and not to bulky like the others. The headset is very sleek and slender.
45 stars
Phone shuts off on its own. I got this new battery. When I started using it the phone just shuts off on its own once in a while.I have to power-on the phone again, then it works fine for a few hours.Then same thing happens.Seems like the battery connections are not good.
01 star
Battery Very inexpensive replacement battery for my Motorola V557 cell phone. Exact replacement, not a "compatible" one. Works great, just like when the phone was new...
45 stars
a cute bundle of love i absolutly love this phone i just got this phone today i got the pay as you go one.PROS:$nice and small$camera has cool features: sepia,b&w;, line drawing, solarization, negative, embossing and it has flash too and you can take multiple pictures at a time and you can put a timer on$can take pictures with camera open or closed$its very cute$has IM and caller id and stuff like thatCONS:%sometimes the buttons are a bit too small but its easy to get used to and you find ways to get arounf that.%NOTHING ELSE YETT and hopefully nothing else.i would recomend this phone.but not if you are a giant..or close too one.
45 stars
Love them! We love our covers, they cover the phones perfectly. The cling a little to the inside of your pocket, but we'd rather have the protection.A friend bought ONE for $20 at a cell store! We got TWO for $6!
34 stars
love this case purchased this case on the recommendation of a friend and I'm glad I did. Getting the iphone out of the case with one hand seemed a bit awkward at first but after 2 days, I didn't even think about it. Openings allow easy listening (both with headphone and without) and access to the silence button. Mini-velcro closure is seccure yet doesn't snag clothes. Clip holds the phone close to the body. An elegant case.
34 stars