class label
5 classes
Car charger for Samsung SGH-900 This car charger works fine. Designed without prongs to get broken off in the phone's plug. Not a fast way to charge a cell phone though. Great for an emergency when caught with a low battery!
34 stars
Don't Waste Your Money, Buy A Samsung I will have to say that this phone is the most annoying piece of garbage ever. I think it was functional for about 30 min out of the box new. I picked it up from T-Mobile (Also go with Verizon, TMobile eats it!) Limited Text Messages, no ringtones that are worth while, alerts are constant and repetitive for a drained battery ( Here's a tip motorola - save battery power, STOP THE DAMN ALERTS!) Next, how about a functional T9 dictionary, because the suggestions and predictions that this one makes are like wierd spelled w3ird and of instead of the...home instead of good...and people is puprse....I know that it's made for gooks but still keep your slope grammer elsewhere cuz we don't want it in the USA...bottom line...don't waste your money on any motorola cell phone products because they are a parasitic device hellbent on destroying every last hope of a functional and user friendly Cell Phone.
01 star
Exactly what I need! I think the hands-free things you stick in your ear or wear on your head are a complete pain. This device is similar to the integrated and hard install hands-free car kits without the expense and wiring. Just clip it on the visor and DONE! Even on the freeway I can hear well enough and be heard. It's one button to answer calls and you don't have to be a tech-brain to figure it out. The only down-side is remembering to keep it charged, but with the included car-charger you're covered. I also find the blinking bright blue "on" indicator light to be distracting when driving after dark, but have solved the issue to my satisfaction by attaching the device to the top of my visor and flipping the visor down when I need to use the hands-free. All in all, the perfect and cost-effective solution for a person like me who only infrequently talks on the phone while driving.
45 stars
It is bad no matter how much it is The person on the other side can't hear you well and you have to keep repeating yourself, so I don't care how cheap it is or even free, it is not usable. Check out the Plantronics headsets instead.
12 stars
Could hear but couldn't speak Kind of defeats the point. I could hear someone quietly through the earpiece- but was not heard when I spoke. I don't know what I was expected paying so little, I guess I was hoping against the odds. But you get what you pay for... next time I'll buy from someone legitimate.
01 star
You get what you pay for......... With this California law going into effect, I purchased a Bluetooth. Normally, I stick with Plantronics as they simply produce the best quality and sound. I opted to go with this Samsung. Samsung has relatively very good quality electronic devices, but this one is ......well...so-so at best.The BT fits fine and it's snug and light. But let's get to the real question; does the thing work? Yes and no.It works fine in a quiet environment.It has NO noise canceling, so it WILL pick up everything.You sound far away 4 out 5 times making a call.Functionality, it pairs well and it's a quality made product, but it's working capability is 50-50.I'll use this till it breaks or get's lost (in my case, it'll get lost).If you all have a few extra bucks and want the best of the best, then I recommend you pick up a higher end Plantronics or Jawbone bluetooth. Unless you're prone to lose things or break them, then go with the cheaper BT's.Hey - you get what you pay for.I'll pay for a Plantronics or Jawbone next time.
23 stars
Works, Generates RF Interference Works as advertised, construction is solid, LED glows green or red, depending on charging status which is nice. Treo end of the cable was extremely tight initially, so tight I was actually concerned about pushing it in as hard as I did. However, it loosened up after two or three times.The cord generates a tremendous amout of RF interference, to the point that AM radio stations cannot be heard depending on the station's strength. However, I'm listening to the radio less and less so its most likely not an issue. Interference was not detected on Ham 2M radio or commercial FM, just commercial AM.
23 stars
OEM Parts This is the disc and cable that came with the phone originally. Works and does what it is supposed to do.
34 stars
Fantastic Price-fast delivery After seeing the same battery at Best Buy for $40, I could not believe such a good deal could be found on Amazon.This has become my place for cell batteries!
34 stars
Not worth the price My Motorola C139 with Net10 crashed on me. I called Net10 and they promptly sent me out a new phone, except they sent me this flip phone (V171). I liked my candy bar phone and didn't want this flip piece of junk. I was happy with Net10 service up to the point of my old phone failing, and then things quickly went downhill. Net10 would not transfer my number to the replacement phone, even though I had minutes available on the old phone.I gave my wife the V171 to use and took back from her our Cingular phone, which works awesome with no problems. She had problems all the time with the V171. She had to always type in the area codes for all numbers dialed, even the local numbers. She also had problems trying to dial a number and the phone would not dial after pressing all the numbers in the phone and hitting send. In my opinion, the V171 is completely worthless.Overall, I am a very dissatisfied customer. My recommendation is to stay away from this phone and this service. Go shop Cingular for all the great deals they have!
01 star
01 star
subtle yet snazzy... Love it! The original black faceplate was quite satisfactory but my husband (having already selected Turbo Red for himself) brought home Blue Mist for me. Nice, but didn't do anything for me. We took it back and I immediately knew Silve Snake was it for me. The glossy grey/silver/black snake pattern doesn't detract from the display at all, nor does it strain the eyes. I don't regret my choice :)
45 stars
false advertising got my order today,i'm very dissapointed because it is not new!used.they make money out of ready for recycling battery.i hope it has enough juice for the price,i'll just let this review be a warning.
01 star
Best phone I have Used After using the Pearl and other phone. Palm 750 is the best phone so far. All my friends have got one now and the phone is just very quick. It may not be the smallest phone, but who said the smallest is the best? In a phone you can only be so small before it starts working against you... I dont want a phone, i want a hand held computer that small enought to be used as a phone.. The PALM 750 is It...
45 stars
needs improvement Sure it works as designed. Intended to backup your contacts on your phone. Although I had the understanding that I could copy the contacts to my computer and/or import them into Outlook. As far as I can see (correct me if I'm wrong) all I can do is edit and create contacts stored on the cellstick from my computer. I don't see a way to export them to any importable format for my computer. Or copy contacts from Outlook onto the cellstick for transfer to my phone. Not a big deal though, obviously if I need the cellstick to begin with that just means I didn't invest much in my phone in the beginning. I'm learning I just need a new phone.
23 stars
Servicable holster - but one problem Works well. Nice finish. Strap holds phone securely. Would rate higher, but for one issue. Plastic from belt clip rises up above the back of the holster about 2 inches. Even when the holster is swiveled at 90 degrees, the plastic clip still sticks up above your belt line. Can be uncomfortable in some situations. But for that, I am very happy with the holster.
23 stars
Jabra Headset You can't have too high expectations for such a cheap headset. Everything about it is fine and reasonable for the price i.e. sound quality and comfort. I would however have been happy to pay double the price for double the quality and comfort and then it would be perfect. The most annoying part about this is putting it on as you have to loop it around your ear and to do this, you need both hands. I think Jabra is one of the few headset manufacturers that make such a wide range that is suitable for my DUALphone VOIP/DECT cordless phone.
34 stars
Good Phone Let me first say that I also own the SE P910I, which is the best PDA/Phone that I know of. Recently I dropped it into the pool. Given that they are so pricey, I decided to go with this guy and got it for a penny.Anyway, the phone rocks as phone. The internal antenna is extremely powerful. You will notice a buzzing noise if you set the phone near a TV, computer or any other speaker. This is the antenna making the interference. It is pretty annoying but it's a reasonable trade-off for having great reception.The phone's FM radio works pretty well. You can save presets or scan. You do have to have the headphones plugged into the phone for it to work due to the FM antenna being in the headset.Interfacing with your computer is fairly easy, though I did notice that its hard to get the phone to reconnect to your computer after it had already been connected. In other words I am having to reboot (to reset the USB) in between connections. And this is with XP and the latest drivers. The interface allows you to load anything onto the phone, including MP3's, video etc. You can use it as a thumb drive if you like. Oh and my phone, purchased from Amazon came with a 256MB card, but you can get those cards at up to 4GB's now.The menu is easy to use and the phone comes with some good applications. Music DJ, PhotoDJ, Remote Control are fun. There are many limited games on the phone, meaning they will ask you to purchase them after the first level. They can be deleted.The contacts list is very easy to navigate. Its very easy to transfer contacts to and from this phone via blue-tooth, and there is an option to send all of them at once.The camera is pretty good for a phone (better than the P910). It also takes video that is good enough to upload to youtube.The flash/light is nice. I makes the videos much better. You can also assign the light to you main direction pad; which means that you can push direction right to turn the light on. Very helpful.I also got the W300 for my wife. It is basically the same phone but with a worse camera and it did not come with a memory card.Annoyances: It's ridiculous that there is a dedicated button for Cingular prominently displayed on the front of the phone. If this button gets pushed while the phone is unlocked, it will connect to the data line and you may get charged. I have read that unlocked and reflashing the phone will allow your to use the button for other things. Apparently this phone is fairly hard to unlock and reflash though. You could easily turn it into a paper weight.The speed dial numbers do not show you who you are calling before you hit send. This was a feature of the P910. Basically I would open the phone and hit 1 and the phone would display the name of that person the speed dial is assigned to before I hit send. This phone does not do that.
34 stars
Be careful I had a LG Rumor touch, when I bought it. They recommended this and put it on for me. I used the phone for almost a month. The protector was still on, but I can not see very clear through it.BUT BE CAREFUL, it said that it should be replace once a month. This means it will cost a lot and I don't think keep putting on and taking off this thing is good for the screen.I returned the phone with this product. I got a new phone and looking for a more durable screen protector.
23 stars
Do not trust DataVision's honesty I bought this product and I had trouble charging it. The CD that came with the product was just a fake copy of an original Motorola CD. The contents of this CD have nothing to do with the purpose. Unfortunetely I have to leave USA, so I could not return this phone. I took this phone to an authorized motorola dealer and they found out that this phone was a used one. They even noticed rust in the inside. This phone was sold as new altough it seemed it was refurbished the technician mentioned. I was completely dissapointed. I would never buy a product from DataVision again. I am sure they knew they were selling a defective item. Be careful, really careful!!!
01 star
BoxWave Stylus LOVE this little stylus. Quality is good, a medium weight pen with an attachment so you can attach it to your Kindle. Liked it so well that I bought three more for Christmas gifts for the grandkids and my son!
45 stars
Ok Phone My son purchased his Razr at a HIGH dollar price. It does have GREAT features but he only had it a little more than a month and the whole screen went white !!! For the price and "high technise" of this phone you would think the screen would be Higher quality.If you purchase one be very careful.Dont just carry it in your pocket.
23 stars
High quality and comfortable Works very well. Mic volume is clear and screens out background noise very well. Between the three inner-ear pieces, one will likely fit well. I use the large piece and can wear it for a couple hours comfortably.Like many others have noted, the most irritating thing about the headset is that the power button is very small and can be difficult to press. It's not a deal-breaker, though.The wrap-around style helps keep the device against your head. Unlike other headsets that just hang next to your ear, this one actually feels like it's a part of your head. You can move your head briskly and lean it any which way without any fear that the headset will fall off.All around it's a great headset. It's not small, but the size only matters if you're overly concerned about style. The arm swivels and folds up to leave the headset reasonably flat, and it rotates both directions equally well and works just as well over either ear.
45 stars
I expect more from Nokia I didn't buy from this seller, so maybe he/she has somehow found better quality phones than what I have in my pocket, but I doubt it.My intended use for this piece of equipment is as A PHONE. I'm not sure why I would care more about the camera than I do about the sound quality. It's not very good. I have a Nokia 6102i that has wonderful voice quality. This one doesn't come close. Yes, the 6102i is not even available anymore - mine is old, but I won't give it up until it quits working. If it was available, I would replace this one with another one. I am now in search of something to replace this one with, because when you use a phone for business you want your customers to be able to make out what you are saying.I had to return the first phone (purchased from Radio Shack) - we thought there was something wrong with it because if you let the battery die you can't turn it on again unless you pull the battery out and put it back in. But this one does the same thing. I wrote the manufacturer an e-mail but they didn't respond. But really the sound quality is what gets me. I can live with the battery trick.The signal is probably average for an internal antenna phone. I carry them both, and my 6102i has a MUCH better signal.My suggestion - shop around a little more. Only get this phone if it is the only Nokia that they will give you for free. Don't pay for it. Nokia makes some good stuff. I am at the point where I won't own a phone that isn't a Nokia. I've been carrying them for 15 years. But this one is definately not their best work. That is, if you are looking for a PHONE and not a camera, or a music player, or a nice display. If those are all you care about, check out the other reviews who address these things, because I don't care about them.
23 stars
Poor Design This item is worthless mostly due to the poor quality plastic at the hinge of the attachment. Broke in the second day of use. Don't buy this
01 star
Works well I have been using it for about a month and have had no problems. It is comfortable and good sound quality.
45 stars
its what I asked for. It's one iof the best I've ever had. Its not as strong as some may be but it stays in the holster without falling out but it comes out easy when I take it out.Lightning Raign
45 stars
Pretty Good for the Money!! Actually much easier to use than expected. It took me about 3 minutes to set up and the headset was ready to go. Since this is my first bluetooth headset, I have no point of reference to use as a comparison. However, I will say the battery life is better than expected. With moderate use, I can go days without charging. Sound quality is decent, slightly less than with a wired headset. Overall, based on the previous reviews, I'm was quite suprised and ultimately very satisfied.
34 stars
Absolutely an awesome answer to the ear piece and safe driving This is a great little blue tooth. I didn't like wearing a blue tooth in my ear, so I heard about this and it is very good! The sound is clear and plenty loud enough. And it allows me to take important calls and make them while I am driving without breaking the law and with safety in mind. And all for a very affordable price.
45 stars
PROBLEMS !! I have a Treo 650, that is paired to the HF820.However, with the Treo on, and within 3 ft, the HF820 turns itself off after being idle for about 5 minutes. The speaker is not the best, and the mic is poor.Also, it comes with a car charger, not a home charger. So, you have to have it plugged into the car cig lighter for 2 hours to charge it. This while your driving ! Very poor planning on Moto's part.There are better choices available.
01 star
poor design. This rubber piece cover is a bad design. The plastic face included with the product pops out of rubber cover and scratches the phones screen.
01 star
Excellent Replacement Battery When my battery on my W810i died after a year and a half, it was time to find a replacement. I bought my first battery form a company on ebay and was really frustrated with it. It wouldn't hold a charge for more than 24 hours and kept shutting down. I read the reviews here and decided to give this one a try. I have to say I think it is just as good as the original. It also arrived really fast. If you need a replacement battery you really can't beat the value here.
45 stars
Good unit but rapidly diminishing battery life Very comfortable fit. Voice is loud and clear. No complaints regarding the mic either. That said, I've had this unit for about 6 months now and the battery life is going down rapidly.....to the point that I now have to recharge after a 1-hour call. No comparision to my Motorola HS-500, which simply lasts and lasts.
23 stars
two thumbs up This phone is great! I only wish I didn't have to return it do to a lack of coverage areas offerd by T-Mobile. The Mortorola V600 has a lot going for it. Easy menu, great signal strength, (when you have proper area coverage)Instant downloads, sleak design, and so much more. The Camera is fairly decent as well, whith the ability to zoom. I would have switched it over to ATT&T; if not for the reports of poor coverage for them as well.I can only speak for the T-Mobile coverage when I say this phone is not for you if you need to roam, it's really not an option in certain areas and I wish that someone else would have pointed that out before I purchased this phone. I will tell you that T-Mobile has an excellent service department and I will look to sign up with T-mobile in the future IF they get better coverage.I hope this review helps.Good Luck!
45 stars
Best Bluetooth Headset I've Used Your first question is what other headsets am I comparing this to. See my reviews of the Motorola HS850, Jabra BT250v, Plantronics 320 Explorer for reference. Now let's consider this headset in terms of the four key performance categories: pairing, sound quality, ease of use, and comfort.Pairing - I was able to pair this headset with my LG VX-9800 on the first try. The instructions in the manual are straightforward so I will not repeat them hear. The experience is similar to what I had with the BT250v.Sound Quality - This is really the top area to question with a headset. I'm happy to report that this headset delivers nicely in this area. I am able to use less than the max volume setting in most cases which is definite progress over the other headsets I have used. On the other end, it is important that you don't have the volume louder than you need it because otherwise people hear an echo of themselves due to the close proximity of the speaker to the microphone. However, I have found the echo to be less of an issue than it is on the HS850.Ease of Use - The key to a Jabra headset is holding the multifunction button down until it flashes. This turns the headset on and off after pairing. You will hear reports of people winding up redialing the last number called when trying to turn the headset off. If you don't wait for the flash, this will happen. I've also heard this reported during pairing, but that shouldn't be the case because you start pairing with the headset turned off. Finally, the volume buttons are easy to use. I only use the headset on my right ear so I can't speak to what it is like when the headset is flipped over and the buttons are on top.Comfort - I also found this headset to be the clear winner in the area over the other three that I have used. I wear glasses so the over the ear hook is a necessity. I think that they have also hit the sweet spot on placement of the speaker. The speaker is raised from the surface of the headset as opposed to the HS850 which is flush with the main body of the headset. However, it does not go into your ear like the BT250v or the Plantronics 320. I guess another way to put it is it rests just outside of the ear canal so the speaker is as close to being inside your ear without actually being so. I think that this maximizes comfort and contributes to the better sound quality. Finally, the vibrate feature is very disturbing if you are not used to it. Don't let that stop you though because it is something that you can turn off if you so desire.
45 stars
Doesn't work well with Nokia phone! I've had several Motorola headsets (HS850, HS810, H700) and none of them seemed to work well consistently with the phones I've had (people always complained that my voice sounded too far away and couldn't hear me). Since I own a Nokia N80 I thought that the Nokia BH-800 would work perfectly with it. Unfortunately, not only do people still complain about barely hearing me, but now I can barely hear people with the volume on maximum! On top of that, if I put my phone in my pocket (same side as the headset) I start to hear static in the headset! Add to this the fact that it doesn't stay in place and always falls out and you have the greatest disappointment ever. This was my first (and probably last) Nokia headset. I love their phones but I'm staying away from their headsets from now on. I thought my Motorolas were bad, but I found something that's even worse. I did however buy the Plantronics Voyager 510 even though I was intimidated by it's large size, it turned out to be very comfortable to wear (actually feels light), the volume is great (I have to keep it on low so I don't hurt my ears), and people can actually here me loud and clear for a change. It also works great with my MacBook Pro and especially with Skype.
01 star
I'm happy with it. Finally. I use this headset with my Blackberry Curve and have for the past six months. I've never been told that the sound quality is bad, it is comfortable to wear...I have no complaints at all actually. Just wanted to put my two cents in.
45 stars
Ms Walker It's very Handy. I an attach it to my waist pack when I ride my bike. The pouch keeps it from getting tangled in my handbag. I love it.
45 stars
Great item This is a great case for those who want something comfortable to hold and that looks nice. Accidental warranties nowadays allow for less bulky cases to be used. This case is the perfect cross for comfort for holding the phone, and enough protection to keep it looking nice.Recommended for those who want a decent case at a nice price.
45 stars
Car Jack recharger The price was certainly right.. $.01!! Shipping was prompt and it works fine.. Couldn't ask for more.
45 stars
Signal Enhancer It is what they advertised. Can say it enhanced my cell signal any. Slow delivery time.
12 stars
Works, But Not The Best Quality I bought the Krusell Active Multidapt to protect my Sony Ericson from falls, scratches, etc. It did the job, and I used it for about 2 years.Pro'sProtected the phone very well.Con'sThe plastic that covers the screen and keys is cheaply made and began cracking from everyday use. Takes away from the sleek look of the phone and makes it look bulky and not as attractive. You have to open a flap on the back to use the camera if I am remembering correctly.Overall its not a bad protective case, but I would buy something different next time.Read my reviews - Buy with confidence
12 stars
Bad Phone I have owned 2 phone since December 2005. Since then, screws came loose in the swivel mechanism and the top half of the phone is about ready to fall off. The phone NEVER went through excessive heat and was never dropped, just by using the swivel it became detatched. It's hanging on by a single screw now.Sony fixed the screws on the first phone, and broke the light, and when they fixed the light the phone was not able to get any signals.I'm buying a nokia phones to replace my 2 phones.
01 star
...It depends on how bad you want it... Now, in all fairness, this website does an excellent job of showing off this handy little gadget wanted by every teenager in the country. However, what they don't tell you when you buy this trouble maker is that after you've spent $229.00 (not including tax), you have to pay for everything that you thought you had already invested in. Make sense? You see, the phone is a cute little gift for Christmas and everyone rushes out to get it. What they don't realize is that everything you want must be downloaded. For example, all the hot new songs that teens want as their ringers cost extra money to download. Getting a connection to the web costs extra money. Text messaging your friends cost extra money. Sending pictures (which the phone takes for "free") to your friends costs extra money. SO what exactly is it that you're paying for? The style of course. If you don't mind not having the hippest ringers or keeping all your pictures to yourself or not being able to check the weather on the web via your phone, then this is the phone for you. Oh, and not to mention, if you want to protect this expensive beauty, you'll have to invest in the $30.00 case that fits it. Worth it? It depends on how bad you want it.
23 stars
Weird fit, nice price The price of this is unbeatable! But the fit of it in my families ipod touch and iphone is a little off. It is a tad tougher to push into the charge hole then the normal cable. and if it is not perfectly in it will say charging not enabled with this device. also, it seems to take longer to get a full charge with this cable. Good as a back up cable though.
23 stars
No to underage people having to have parents signature! i think that if you have to have a parents signature you should be under 13 to have parents signature for a cell phone cause as long as the say it's okay and you have good subscription reports on magzines and etc. You shouldn't have to have parents signature i like the phone and my parents says it'as okay for me to have it but they don't want to sign something for their kids specially if you have a f on your report card! yeah well i have hope i proved my point on this stuff! Now you ahve heard what I think about having a parents signature!
23 stars
Does it's job Bought this to carry with me on my trips. It takes up less space in my backpack than the charger the Headset came with. Don't worry that the cable isn't long enough, this one could connect to an outlet on the moon.
45 stars
I love my Kangaroos! From Tina, not Mark (hey y'all, this review is for a totally chick item! My husband wears cammo when he hunts, not printed on a cute little "accessory case" to hang his phone around his neck!):This case is a welcome addition to my darling wardrobe of about five Kangaroo "fashion statement" cell phone cases in which I can carry my little Motorola flip phone, even when I don't have my purse, or a handy pocket.I've received LOTS of compliments on this cool cammo one (I live in rural Arizona, which is crawling with cammo-garbed hunters - turkey, deer, elk, rattlesnake... yum! - and this fits right in with everyone's hunting garb. It even matches the cool cammo-trimmed nylon shirt my darling Mark bought me at Wal-Mart in the hunting section!)If you have a smart phone, it probably won't fit. However, I don't have a "smart phone" because I don't want one. I don't text, because: a) I'm an unabashed Luddite; b) I'm an English teacher, and I can't stand to read "textese," with all the punctuation, capitalization, spelling and general language abominations, and c) I don't want to shuffle around with glazed eyes like a zombie, shoulders hunched, with my thumbs working to text some illiterate message, ignoring people walking towards me, tripping over curbs, and running into walls or whatever, maybe even drooling... you avid, zone-out texters are really missing out on real life.Stand up straight, look me in the eyes, smile, and dial my number for a live chat, for heaven's sake!This little gem is well-made (I bought a couple of cases from another company, and they frayed and disintegrated in about 6 months - Kangaroos are tough... I still have the ones I bought about 6 years ago, and they're fine, even after they're handwashed (the neck strap can get a mite grimy.) I even wear the non-washable gold lamme one when I dress up!Highly recommended to any woman out there who has a basic phone, and wants to keep it handy. I can always find my phone, no matter where I go, and never have to fumble for it in pocket or puse.
45 stars
Bellin F5X005 I got this item for my XM radio in my car. The item works every good. I would recommend this item to everyone
45 stars
Didn't work with my Treo 300 I figured it would work with my Treo 300 since most accessories seem to work with all Treo flavors. However, it would charge, but the hotsync did not work.
01 star
good This products works well with more expensive phones like the Smart Phones. My phone isn't as fancy so it works ok. I did have to have it professionally installed in my 2007 Toyota Tundra.
23 stars
Do NOT do business with Bargaincell! Bought a cell phone battery that, of course, died one week past their return/refund deadline. Refused to refund or replace even though the product is CLEARLY defective. This company is a ripoff and will never do business with them again. Consider yourself warned.
01 star
Sufficient, but NOT new... I received my battery, and it is at least a MOTOROLA battery, but not a BT50- it's a BT51. The code off the back was partially rubbed off. I charged the battery for a full 24 hours before using the phone, and it would not get to a fully charged point. My battery meter would only read 4 of 6 complete. So for the price- it's fine as my old battery would give me 20 minutes of time even in standby mode before shutting off- but there is no way to convince me this battery was NEW as indicated in the extended description. Shipping time was fine, and shipping was either nominal or free.
23 stars
I LOVE MY BLACKBERRY!!!!!! I just recently bought the Blackberry Pearl and I love the device. Its stylish, beautiful, small, and it has some awsome features. However, since i bought it from Amazon, Cingular took forever just to approve me and give me a new number. So I constantly had to call amazon and ask them about my order. Then I receive the phone almost a week later than the day I placed my order and as I follow the instructions my phone didn't want to work. So the representatives told me there was something wrong with my SIM card... when it wasn't. Luckily I called Cingular and a very HELPFUL representative helped me set up my account and ACTUALLY the service when Amazon told me there was something wrong with my SIM card LOL. Overall, Amazon should be more careful how they describe their phone activation process because it wasn't easy. But whatever I love shopping @ Amazon and I truly love my phone and I bet you will love it too. :)!!!
45 stars
A miniature walkman I am returning this midget sized unlocked cellphone. It lacks everything that a working Man needs for his everyday work week. Do not be mislead by all the fancy options that come with this pint sized downgraded version of the famous walkman. In this case it is simply a matter of what you get for the money that you have spent.
01 star
awesome case its really easy to access my phone with this case I had a case similar to this one but it had a snap button closer, this one is all magnetic so getting in and out and making sure it is close is in one smooth motion.
45 stars
Great product I use this in Chicago, back and forth from the city to the suburbs. I get far better reception with this transmitter than I did with my previous one (a Belkin). It's not 100% intuitive to use, even though it has only 3 buttons but a handy instructions tag on the cord solved any confusion I had.With my old FM transmitter, the sound was a little bit hollow but I don't have that problem with this one at all. It sounds great. Two thumbs up!
45 stars
Excellent value bluetooth This is actually my second purchase of the Plantronics Bluetooth-I bought the first one for my husband & loved it when I tried it out. The sound quality is fantastic, even when he's driving down the road in his big truck. Very comfortable & comes with 3 sizes of earbuds so most everyone can find one to fit. The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars is because the on/off button is really tiny. Other than that, save your money & buy this fantastic product!
34 stars
Save's time I use the Home Travel Wall AC Adapter just about everyday or every other day. It saves so much time to just plug it and let it charge without having to leave the computer on all the time for my Creative Zen MP3 player to charge. I really like it a lot.
34 stars
Bluetooth Wonder Wow! If your looking for a headset with no background noise, then this is for you. I work outside and no one can hear wind noise when I'm talking to them. This headset sounds no different then when I'm talking on my cell phone. The one draw back I see with this headset is it's size. It looks rather big on the side of your head compared to some of the other headsets out their. But for quality sound I give it a A+
45 stars
Can you hear me now? NO! I have had this device for about a week now and i am a little disappointed. It doesn't fit well on my ears however that could be due to my ears being smaller than Normal. Also everyone has a hard time hearing me. They either say that i am muffled or to quiet even when i am talking loud. Its a decent product and seems durable but i own a business and need people to hear me when im talking. It cam with a car charger, wall charger and a number of ear muffs and ear holsters.I dont care about the blue light but would rather not have it.
23 stars
If you have a teen this is the best phone! I have a problem with breaking cell phones. I have broken two of them. One being this phone, but that was my own fault. Both phones that I broke had to do with them being at the bottom of my backpack and my backpack falling off a bench. But, anyways. My first phone was a Motorola T720i. It was a decent phone, it was my first, so I didn't know anything better. Then I purchased the 4500. It was perfect! I am basically any teenage girl, I love to talk on my phone and now, text! The battery life was great. I could go somewhere for the weekend and I would have 2 out of the 4 bars left and it worked like it was on 4. I loved that phone. The speaker was great, and the one thing that I really loved about this phone was the High Ring and Vibrate. I really liked that, because if I didn't hear it, I felt it. Then I broke it. That was my own fault. When you have a backpack that is at least 5 pounds or more and your cell phone is in the bottom of your bag, it's not a pretty picture.
34 stars
Great Bluetooth at a Good Price This thing works great! If you have a Motorola phone (other than RAZR) you have the extra advantage that it uses the same charger. Good battery life. Good phone quality. All around a very good device.
45 stars
Stylish add on The flip face place is a nice add on to the Versio phone. Its well-designed and very sharp -- the blue is a very nice color. The only downside is the cost-- ...
34 stars
Poor Reception I purchased this phone for my wife, as a replacement to her broken RAZR V3.She has complained ever since that the reception is terrible. I spoke to a young man who unlocks phones for a living and his response was that it was not properly unlocked. For the money spent, I expected a phone to provide identical results as the same model it was replacing. As this has no warranty I am stuck.
12 stars
Reliable headset I had another bluetooth headset before this (Jawbone) and this one compared to the other one is better fitting on the ear and has better noise canceler.
45 stars
First I Was All Like "Yeah!" Then I Was All Like "What?" I happened to stumble across this Regulatory Cost Recovery Fee purely by chance a few weeks ago and boy was I excited! I mean, one minute I'm browsing Amazon looking for a replacement colostomy bag (I like the ones with Hello Kitty on them but sometimes have to settle for stupid Miffy) and the next thing I come across this awesome buy on Regulatory Cost Recovery Fees! Naturally I forewent the bag and tried to add the Regulatory Cost Recovery Fee to my cart instead. Well, you can imagine how quickly my elatement turned to disappointment when I was told that the Regulatory Cost Recovery Fee was currently out of stock! How can that be? How much room can a Regulatory Cost Recovery Fee possibly occupy in Amazon's warehouse? Of course they have no estimate on when they'll be back in stock either. I guess I'm gonna have to go back to getting my Regulatory Cost Recovery Fees on the outside.
01 star
Wrong Item sent Horrible service from Target who advertized the battery on Amazon! They sent the wrong item! It was not even close to what was advertized and ordered. When I complained, they said they had no more batteries like the one I ordered in stock. I'll never do businesss with Target again!P.S. Amazon.com helped me correct the problem and sold me the correct battery--even cheaper than what I ordered from Target. Hooray for Amazon.com!
01 star
Perfect so Far My Thoughts Overview:I am a mobile professional and I have used several different phones, starting all the back with a brick Qualcom phone. I have used Palm, windows and blackberry. I have had my phone now for a week, and could not be happier. My last phone a Treo 600 (which I loved) does not even come close to this phone.The Goods:All the functionality the Mobile professional needs, WIFI, Bluetooth, Cingular Edge, you can connect virtually anywhere. I have been able to log in on the road read my email, close a sale or two much easier than I ever have. I was a bit nervous about the phone functionality, but that proved wrong. My only complaint as a phone was the key board. I found a free app on the web that changed my dialing skin. This was an easy change and now everything works well.Final Thoughts:I recommend this phone to any body who understands technology and how to use it. I don't think this would be a good phone/pda for somebody who wants an out of the box solution for a phone those people should get the Treo (another good phone but not connected). That said, once you get it up and running it's purely awesome. I highly recommend this phone!!!
45 stars
Not the phone for me... In June of '04, I purchased the V600 when switching from ATT to Cingular. My old Nokia 6500 series worked just fine, and the service was satisfactory. Since changing phones and service, the V600 was replaced, replaced again, recalled and replaced, and finally replaced for the fourth time with a Motorola 551. (I will be reviewing that one also.)I cannot even count the ways that I hated the V600. No electronic device, especially a phone, should cause someone to cuss out loud at least a half a dozen times each and every day. I don't care if it can take a picture or walk the dog. I want it to answer when the time comes to answer. I want the ringer to work when and how I choose. I expect it to start dialing when I start pressing the keypad. The V600 didn't do any of these things consistently...and there were a whole host of other maddening quirks that drove me to the aforementioned cussing.Buyer beware.Oh, and I also purchased the Motorola HS810 bluetooth headset. It now drops a call and needs re-charging after about 10 to 15 minutes.
01 star
Good product that could have been even better The call and sound quality of this product is reasonably good. Not much echo or static noise. Once it is turned on, my cell phone connects to it in just a second or two.Contraray to what others have said, I like the "giant" LED a lot. Finally some one has designed a LED that has HIGH CONTRAST colors(BLUD and RED) instead of the the "usual" yellow, green, and amber that I can't never make out the differences.The build-in battery can store a good amount of power for my hour long commute for a week or so.2 things I think it can be improved.First, the not-so-easy to feel power button needs to held for about 2~3 seconds in order to activate the system. This is obviously a design concept incorrectly and blindly copied from cell phones. This device does NOT need the power-on delay proection like a cell phone does.Second, it should be operated on-demand instead so that that we answer the phone AND turn the device on in the SAME push of a button. When we are done talking, we hang up and turn it off in another single push of button. There is really no need to keep the device on all the time(a complete waste of battery power). This is a typical flaw in the product design process where the focus is on the technology(Blue tooth) but not on the user practicality.
23 stars
Worth the 25$ I have been using Bluetooth headsets for mostly Motorola cell phones for about five years. Price is important because these tiny devices have a tendency to get lost or stepped on. I have used this small and lightweight device for a month. since I have the Jabra earpieces, I replaced the current "clip" with this - fits/works nicely.The Samsung unit provides good sound and volume control. The feature button needs a certain pressure to activate and sometimes I have to depress it a bit extra to work right. With voice activation technology, I find I have to repeat myself a bit more then I did with the more expensive Logitech bluetooth headsets.In sum, size, fit, cost and basic operation are the big pluses....this was worth the 25$ (with free shipping)!
34 stars
Too much money for too little phone I have CDMA version and battery life is short even not using games, the color display looks faded, its case looks cheap and fragile, buttons don't work well (sometimes you have to force them), there's no software for downloading from PC, so every little thing you want to load on the phone (ringtones, wallpapers, etc) you have to pay for. Not even want to mention the camera...Pure waste of money.
01 star
Nokia data cable My wife's Nokia phone, for whatever reason could not be set up to transfer photo's to our PC.We ordered the cable in hopes that would allow us to retrieve the photo'ds- but no such luck.We have returned the cable to the vendor, and have been issued a credit. We REALLY would wantyed the pictures-
23 stars
GREAT battery battery works great. great price. THANK you!! would do business again. if i need a another battery for another phone maybe.
45 stars
ear bud's don't stay in ear very well The wire piece that wraps around the ear is too small and is difficult to use..The ear buds you push in and turn either right or left depending on what ear your putting it on.. The plantronics 320 I previously purchased is in my opinion easier to use.. Sound wise there both adequate..
23 stars
Awkward to attach Not bad. Once you get it attached to the phone and hooked around your ear, then the sound and quality is very good. I have a Treo 600 and have a little trouble getting the plug to attach. I often need to push in a little harder from time to time. Also, earpiece is a little tricky and awkward to wrap around your ear. Takes a little getting used to and then falls out rather easily.
23 stars
Works with Samsung SGH-T509 The charger seems to do the job getting the cellphone charged.My only complaint is that the labeling of the plug that goes into the phone is wrong.The arrow (triangle) is on the wrong side of the plug. So minus one star.Just flip the plug over and it inserts into the phone with no problem.The item then charges the phone and that's all I needed.
34 stars
Pretty sweet headset I may look a little silly with this thing on, but it works pretty well. The sound quality is great and I rarely have people tell me they can't hear me during a conversation.The only issue I have is that some times when the headset is not fully charged, it won't connect with my phone. Other than that it is awesome.
34 stars
Drops calls I bought this to replace a wonderful GE 900 MHz cordless.phone that quit working but is no longer made.The Plantronics works great -- as long as you're in the same room. Leave the room and it drops the call. If I wanted to stay in the room, I wouldn't have bought a cordless phone.
01 star
Siemens S56 I used this phone for about a year as my main phone, I think it is one of the coolest looking phones ever made. It supports downloadable ringtones, games, and graphics. It also has wireless internet. It has a color screen although it can only support 256 colors. It also has a speakerphone that can come in handy when wanting to talk handsfree. Overall I love this phone and would definatley recommend it.
34 stars
Does NOT work with XBOX. In some reviews it says this works for XBOX360. Sounds are barely audible, and I do mean barely. In a totally silent room you might be able to hear it slightly.
01 star
Great for the money My wife and I bought these as replacements for our bluetooths (blueteeth?), because it seemed like neither of them ever provided a good connection. I read the reviews here and these seemed decent, but I was skeptical due to the price. We ordered them and figured if they didn't work well, we wouldn't be out much. We were very pleasantly surprised. It is actually clearer than NOT using a headset. My wife drives our son home every day and we usually talk on her way home. When she talked directly into her cell, often she had to hang up if he was crying or screaming because I couldn't hear her. With the noise cancellation, I can still hear him but it sounds like he's further away and even full-on tantrum I can still hear her clearly. The downsides? It's not incredibly comfortable, but it's OK for an hour or so and it fits securely. Plus it only takes a second or two to put it on your ear anyway if you don't care to keep it in all the time. It also doesn't have the features of a bluetooth, like a button to make or answer calls, and the actual headset doesn't make any sound when you receive a call. But seriously, what do you want at this price? Excellent product - very highly recommended.
45 stars
Stock Replacement for Sony Ericcson Headphones / Handsfree For a stock set of headphones these actually have acceptable bass and pretty good clarity even at high volume. Surely not a Shure pair of head phones but not bad. Also not a bad option if you don't want to go with Bluetooth having to deal with charging etc. and those not always the best for music except for a rare few stereo bluetooth devices which your phone may not support or an awkward additional Bluetooth music headphones. These were way cheaper than a replacement at the phone store, that's for sure. I'll probably lose them again and be back.
34 stars
Works great on my MacBook I don't have a Bluetooth phone, but bought the 510 to work with my MacBook (and Mac Mini). Well it works great. No drivers, it just works. I'm using it with Skype, Photo Booth, and as a headset for Itunes and other apps that would normally use the speakers but I need private listening.
45 stars
can you hear me when i first got this device , i thought it was the greatest invention , its great when you are driving.the big problem is when you call someone , they can not hear youso they hang up on you, also you have to speak loudly .
12 stars
Not so great for me.... I got this earlier in the year to alleviate neck problems from using my phone at work. I called to find out if it was compatible with my VOIP phone and they said it was. It is absolutely not compatible with the Comdial ConversiIP EP100. This lifter is made for a completely different type of phone. I had to tape the lifter with packing tape just to keep it attached to the phone. While the earpiece is great, the lifter is the real problem. It has lazy days where it just lifts very slowly then it won't lower all the way. I have had problems since day one with the lifter not working well in addition to not fitting well. So, I would be wary. If I could return it I would.
23 stars
Worked fine with Motorola Karma QA1 Your mileage may vary. I am still using these chargers nearly 3 years later. Highly recommend. I actually need a new phone, I hope these chargers work with whatever new phone I get.
45 stars
Dont Go for it unless you fell for looks I have this phone from past 6 months from T-Mobile, first of all usability is cumbersome, you have to click lot of buttons even for small things. next reception is very poor, my wife has Samsung E105 from T-Mobile, thatworks every where in the house and T610 does not, it will drop calls if i move from one room to other and in some rooms it will have no signal. it only shows half the signal strength of what e 105 shows in most of the places.Dont fall for the looks, its a beauty with no brains.
12 stars
Best Bluetooth headset on the market I have had numerous BT headsets and this one out performs them all in every area. I have been using it now for almost 6 months and feel comfortable reporting that the inbound and outbound voice quality is very good. I travel and am in the car and airport frequently. That said, I no longer have people telling me they can't hear me or they hear too much background noise. To me, this is what makes this unit a great headset.This unit also has good battery life (3-4 hours).
45 stars
Disappointed...........very disappointed I finally decided to purchase the Razr based on the facts that my current service is not very good in my are, my GF has Cingular(free wireless to wireless), the Razr had tons of cool features, my old phone's battery is dead, and it's the only phone that came close to the thinness of my Sanyo SCP 6200. Well, I have had this phone for about 4 days, and I am planning on returning it as soon as the replacement battery for my scp 6200 arrives. I expected a brand new phone to have better audio clarity than my 4 year old phone. The sound is so weak, even with the vloume all the way up, that I can not hear anything if there is the slightest amount of background noise, like when driving.......Extremely disappointing. I'm also concerned with durability, I have a tendency to drop my phones and the V3 does not seem very sturdy. My Sanyo has survived dozens of drops on blacktop without ill effect. Luckily, I found a place to buy a battery for it for only $10.00! In short, unless you have superb hearing(suprman) I would avoid this phone. All of the whiz-bang gadgets are useless if the item won't even preform it's main duty of being a phone. I have also learned that my previous provider is expanding coverage in my are, so I'm glad I didn't cancel my service with them.
01 star
great piece great price the battery was exactly as advertised, and at a great price. shipped quickly and arrived much earlier than anticipated. sometimes all you want is something that you already have to continue working not the new 200 dollar phone, so extremely satisfied. and would order again
45 stars
Useless refurb junk, and you just know Spanish So whoever allegedly "quality checked" these phones should be deported. The phone is in Spanish, and spent over an hour and still couldn't get it to English. The phones are refurb, not new. I got 2, and each comes with its own cosmetic defects.So I did managed to make and receive a few calls from my pure Spanish guessing. It's volume and signal strength is average at best.What a waste of money and time.
01 star
Good, if it would stay on my ear The sound quality of this headset was very good. However, I had to return it because it would not stay in my hear. It was extremly frustrating because I could not walk with it and found myself tilting my head to the side so it would stay in. Maybe I have abnormally small ears, but I doubt it. I went back to using a different headset that stays in and is easier to turn on and off.
12 stars
Don't know what phone the previous reviewer used... But it wasn't this one. Personally i love this phone, works great, never had a single problem with the quality, sound or reception. Easy to use programming. For someone who doesn't want a lot of extras, ive had mine for a year, and would not trade it for nothing. It may not have a lot of bells and whistles, but as long as i can get my calls, and receive them hassle free, im satisifed. Customer service and support from Verizon is excellent. For those who do not want to get caught up in payment plans, this pre-paid cell phone is the one to buy. Plus you don't need to email me to ask. It gets a solid 5 stars from me.
45 stars
very handy I bought this for my wife's SD550 that I got for her Christmas. It fits perfectly, it doesn't get in the way of camera operation too much and is far less bulky than a real case. I didn't find the included screen protector much use, it fell out to easily. I got an additional case for "real" protection, I bought the skin for a little additional protection and because it's pink. :)
45 stars
Sound is great but not so comfortable I was very happy about the sound quality of Jawbone. However after extended wearing back of my ear starts to hurt. I guess it's not meant to stay on my ear? Also there were times when people cannot hear me clearly but I hear them very well. Maybe the noise canceling feature is only on my end.
34 stars
dirt sticks to it what can I say, didn't like it and doubt it would protect my moto if I dropped it. lint sticks to it
12 stars
good deal My $15 car charger for my Samsung Sync got damaged beyond repair and I was not looking forward to spending money on another one. I bought this set for primarily the car charger. I received the items quickly and the car charger works just fine so far. I have not had the chance to try the other charger or the USB cable. For what was essentially $5 for the items and the shipping, this was a great deal.
45 stars
Power in Pink The Moto RAZR V3 represents an assault on your vision.At first impression, you are struck with its bold magenta color and slim profile. Surely this can't be a phone! Once you get it open, you are taken by the intensity of its huge main screen and the clean curvy lines of its backlit keypad.Before the "ooh" factor has worn off, take a tour of its features and you will be blown away. Motorola didn't skimp on the technology in this model.And oh yeah... the camera is decent too. For a phone that comes in a camera.
45 stars