class label
5 classes
Good message but not a well-told story The movie had a good message but the execution of the story was not compelling. The acting was adequate but not exceptional.
23 stars
top gear season 15 This top gear season is one of my favorites it has the esp. where the guys make their own rv motorhomes. Jermerys rv is great the way it sways in the wind and almost hits the top of a gas station.
45 stars
Funny, but unusual! I love this movie...it's one of my favorites, and I am a big Jackie Chan fan. I like it MOSTLY because its not your typical Jackie Chan movie...it's romantic, funny, and kind of corny...perfect for a light night. I think its great.
45 stars
A Small Town Perspective Not a bad little movie. A little weak in the story line at times. A little disappointing at times, mainly with the ending.It was a low budget film, but once you start watching, you tend to forget about that completely.
34 stars
one of van damme's best this is a must own for van damme fans. the action will please action fans a lot. should i mention the plot? no,the plot's not important.
34 stars
Wolfen, the other New York Being a New Yorker I recognize this movie as having perhaps the most haunting and revealing shots of New York locations I've even seen in a movie.
45 stars
Yesireee it's good This magical experience into the 'Garden of Madea' (my term, no trademark infringement Tyler - please don't sue me!) --- was a wonderful and delightful journey through the vast and wild wilderness of 'Madea The Great' (I swear I made that up too). I went to see this movie during the summer when my family was out of town and I was looking for entertainment. At the time I didn't know anything about Madea. I became a huge fan after watching this movie; which is why I rented it and also received the DVD for Christmas. I have since watched other Madea productions (plays and movies) and this one to me is the funniest of them all -- some by far. Some of the Madea plays are overboard preachy and downright sad. I found myself fast forwarding through some of the gut wrenching story lines of the plays. I only mention that (not to piss you off Tyler!) but to let you know this is light and airy throughout (it's funny and overall happy and funny preachy - not sad preachy). So if you don't know Madea -or- if you've watched some of the other Madea stuff and didn't like it for the reasons I mentioned above --- KEEP THE FAITH and watch this one. It's the best of the bunch IMO - and my family agrees. It's fun. Signed, Annonymous :o)
45 stars
Great dvd from a great series... I got hooked on this series recently. I have now seen all 5 seasons that are available on DVD. I thought I was hooked on CSI Las Vegas. But this is just as good, at least in my opinion.
45 stars
STILL FUNNY!! season 11 is imho one of the best seasons yet. as the show has matured the animation along with social satire reflecting current trends, the show has really come into its own. despite some other opinions, i dont see the jokes getting old at all as the characters have shown great transformation with this and indeed every coming season.
45 stars
"A thing worth having's worth cheating for!" This set of Fields flicks is long overdue. While it's wonderful to see "Its a Gift" on DVD, we already had the Criterion issue of "The Bank Dick". "Chicadee" and "Honest Man" are always welcome and "International House" has its moments but I cannot fathom why "The Man On The flying Trapeze", "The Old Fashioned Way", "If I Had A Million", "Tillie and Gus", Never Give a Sucker an even Break", "You're Telling Me, "Million Dollar Legs", "Missisippi" and "Poppy" are withheld year after year from DVD. I love Fatty Arbuckle but shouldn't Fields come first? Does Fields not stand shoulder to shoulder with Chaplin? Does the honesty and human frailty of Harold Bissonette (pronounced Bissone') not rival the brilliance of "The Little Tramp" in "The Gold Rush?" Do we not deserve the opportunity to see all the performances of arguably the funniest man who ever lived?How do we expect to nurture new generations of great writers and directors when the above mentioned "American Splendors" are witheld from view. How sad that the history of Vaudeville, The Cigar Box Routine and all of these other great hours of comedic brilliance must be seen on homemade VHS copies in the year 2005 while video outlets are shrines to the likes of "Sharkey's Machine".As my dad so aptly said: "It's not the money, IT'S THE MONEY!" Rise up Fields fans! Buy a dozen copies of this box set so the powers that be will be forced to release the rest of these gems. Think Fast Mr. Motos! Sincerely, Carl LaFong! (Captol L , small A etc.)
34 stars
I ain't no KID! from SP777 First of all, I just wanted to solidly agree with 'The Box of Doom's over-the-top, but, OBJECTIVE opinion about AvP. As a matter of fact, I like all the objective ones.I mean come on...the movie wasn't THAT bad! It wasn't the 'oh-my-gosh' & spectacular action flick it could have been but I thought it entertaining from the middle on to the end.Being familar with the book of Predator vs Alien, I wasn't surprised that a woman survived at the end at all, I thought for sure she would have left with them, but..oh well.Yeah, it should have been R-rated but since this IS Fox studios we're talking about [..a studio I can't stand because they've been shady in the past against popular shows and their stars] I shouldn't be surprised. Personally they should STICK to kiddie cartoons/shows and leave the adult movies ALONE.Other than that, the fact it took place on Earth in Antartica was DIFFERENT. This movie was meant to be placed on neutral ground, not in space OR in the jungle.I like the fact it showed to ME..and should have to you...that the Predator race aren't invincible! The Predators realized they are fighting a prey that IS stronger and more agile than them. But that is what the Hunt was all about..a test of strength! In a pyramid built for that purpose...and the humans just got in the way.Also, the Predators aren't stupid creatures, they are HIGHLY intelligent..to the point of cocky...but even they RECOGNIZE a no-win situation and for the fact the last Predator even let a HUMAN assist in his fight showed they DO consider all options of survival IF there is one.Anyway, I didn't want this to be long, but I was a bit disappointed that there were people out there thrashing this movie MORE than the freakin' critics.I'd give this movie 3 1/2 stars if I could, but will lean towards 4, I think there are some casual fans of action out there who will appreciate this movie.Oh, and IF there is to be a sequel, I say any movie studios out there with guts for a R-rated film, get a hold of it and get the best director out there who can deliver the goods.
34 stars
Really can't say I watched this once out of boredom and felt only slightly less bored when I was done. Haven't seen it enough to get a feel for the actors.
45 stars
Thinly Veiled Hatred For Others This is nothing but Maher's hatred for others who believe differently than him put to film. You would be better off watching something by Penn & Teller if you want entertainment from the atheist point of view.
01 star
CHILDISH and INFERIOR I am a devout Trekker, I came of age during the time that the original series aired. I found it childish and I had no interest in watching it. However, Gene Roddenberry's vision inspired me, I had the feeling that better things were on the way. I was right, the Next Generation series was proof that his vision was alive. Further proof was provided by Deep Space Nine and Voyager.The fetus, the original series, was simply an absurd "William Shatner Show", the acting was ludicrous and Shatner's overweight and over acting destroyed the essence Roddenberry intended.The Star Trek legend was born when Patrick Stewart and company came on TV in 1987. Before TNG, Star Trek was childs play and nothing more. No exploration of characters was possible with Shatner's vanity, he ruined the original series. Majel Roddenberry said that and I agree with her.
01 star
it ain't as bad as they say it is.... being a very harsh critic of 'newer' movies, as i'm semi-old at 44, and have been exposed to the classics, as well as your standard fare of 80's, 90's and the new millenium offerings, i had been a huge skeptic of this film, especially after reading it's theater debut reviews. myself, being a drama/suspense fan, sci-fi originally had been merely an afterthought for most of my life, save for the first alien film, the thing, and the first star wars films. be that as it may, as an avid movie goer, i still, on occasion, found myself in the unconfortable seats of my local movie plex, viewing the latest sci-fi offering, but had skipped this one because of the terrible reviews i had read. well, when this finally, or i should say quickly, made it to dvd, i hesitated, but eventually succumbed, and rented it. while watching it, i was not unimpressed, nor bored at all, but it held my interest quite easily. the c.g. was imprsssive, and the storyline, while not oscar worthy, was acceptable. the acting no better or worse than your avg. sci-fi flick, or any genre, for that matter, of the day. while it drums up memories of a few other sci-fi offerings of the last ten years, it has enough fresh moments of it's own to stand apart from those films, albeit on a slim margin. it's tough to give more specifics, without giving up the ghost, so to speak. i have to disagree with the critics, and give this film a 'worth watching' rating. after all, what sci-fi movies ever win an award anyway?
23 stars
A Enjoyable 80's war movie I will start off by saying that this movie is enjoyable. It has some good 80's acting with some good 80's action. Most people around this time were making films along these lines. It is a war Movie, it is Fictional but it adresses a few issues that were around for that time that were going through alot of people's minds. Movies like all of the Rambo movies and other War movies that came out in the 80's it was adressing some of the things that went on in that war. If your a Chuck Norris fan this movie is a must is has the typical things that made him Famous in films.Another thing is alot of the Negitive Reviews done here were by people who are attempting to Compare this movie and/or it's actors to others and making a judgment based on that or by people who were and are not 80's movies fans and or people who just want to bash a good movie.This movie is very enjoyable but you either hate it or you love it either way its enjoyable
34 stars
boring story Starts out okay but then it`s down hill the rest of the way. Once you know the guy is insane (not hard to figure out) it doesn`t need to be illustrated over and over until you finally get to the end of the film. It just gets boring along the way.
12 stars
compelling overwhelming this is almost too much to take, it just overwhelming and must never ever be forgotten thank you for offering this and hope to see more of what you have on the subject
45 stars
Nathan Fillion is my hero. Watch this show! Don't waste your time reading this review! If you liked Cap'n Mal, you will love this show! Fillion is in top form as he opens the third season of Castle. Seriously, stop reading! Go! Watch! Now!
45 stars
Cute but shameless advertising It's a cute story that little girls will like but it's also a shameless marketing ploy by Skechers to advertise their $50+ shoes for girls who will likely outgrow them in less than a year.
23 stars
Are You Kidding Me? If you're looking for science fiction, I strongly suggest avoiding this film. Don't waste your money, too much boohoo la la land drama, and virtually "ZERO" science, strategy, or adventure. I would not force my worst enemy.... No, on second thought, I "would" force my worst enemy to watch this dumbed down garbage! IMHO it seems that this series was meant to amuse the elements of society who are (for lack of a better phrase) "a little slow".
01 star
Classic western and classic Stewart This is one of my favorite westerns and definitely one of my favorite Jimmy Stewart movies. In this film, Deputy Tom Destry rides into the rough town of Bottleneck to clean the place up...without a gun. Although he's an officer of the law, he's also a firm believer in taking care of business without a shooting iron. His father was the legendary Tom Destry, Sr., who was shot in the back in cold blood. Although he had the fastest hand in the West and the sharpest eye, as young Destry says of his dad and guns, "They didn't seem to do him much good."But don't worry. There's still plenty of shoot-'em-up action in DESTRY RIDES AGAIN as well as the kind of rare, witty dialogue you just couldn't find in most westerns from way back when or today. DESTRY also features one of the defining performances in the career of Marlene Deitrich. For those who love the parody of her in BLAZING SADDLES, most of that was taken from DESTRY.Although DESTRY RIDES AGAIN is now 66 years old, it has aged quite gracefully, and is still funner than ever to watch. It's a great movie, which very few people will not be pleased to watch over and over again.
45 stars
One of the Best Comedies of 2003 I went to see "Somethin's Gotta Give" expecting a romantic comedywith little or no comedy,but five minutes into this film I discovered I was wrong.The movie is about Harry played by Jack Nicholson a fity something bachelor who has been dating much younger women for years.When his girlfriend Marren played by Amanda Peet takes him to her mothers house the two meet quite hilariously.Erica is an uptight playwright played by Diane Keatonwho hasn't dated a man since her divorce and ends up finding her special someone in Harry.But after Harry suffers a heart attack and is forced to stay with Erica romance blossoms.But Harry's younger doctor played by Keanu Reeves has fallen in love with Erica.Now also bringing light to an already hilarious film is Frances McDormand as Erica's sister Zoe.This film is one of the funniest filns of the year,with Keaton and Nicholson excellently cast this is one great movie
45 stars
Bad. Bad. Bad. I don't even know where to begin with this movie. It was a badly made movie all around. There were no redeeming qualities anywhere in the movie and it makes me want to apologize to the new viewers who didn't grow up with the TV series. Okay, I'm sorry. really, really, sorry. There I said it. These were not the Angels I grew up with, in character, theme, style, class or charm. The plot line, if you can call it that, ughh, never mind. Two thumbs down. Minus the star rating. Sad. Sad. Sad. Bad. Bad. Bad. My suggestion to make it just barely decent (spoof at worst) would have been to (what maybe I had expected) would be some cameo appearances by the original cast (like Lost in Space). I would have enjoyed it for that sake alone. Maybe had Farrah took over Bosely's place and made it perfectly clear that these were not the original Angel's. I'm sorry again, it could have been a great movie since it was already based on a cult TV series and I was expecting to fall in love all over again, but alas it just turned into a plain ole' booty call. Oh by the way, the soundtrack was good only in that it had great blasts from the past songs, and not because of anything remotely connected to the movie. Not to mention I would have enjoyed listening to the TV theme song again which it didn't have. Didn't want for that to slip by either. I could have made this soundtrack myself by merely slapping my favorite songs on CD recorder.
01 star
Excellent, But Do We Need This Much Blade Runner When the five disc Complete Collector's Edition of Blade Runner was released in December it was a cause for rejoicing among the many Blade Runner fans who made Ridley Scott's 1982 film a cult hit. The film, based upon Phillip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? was a critical failure when it was released but with constant tweaking by the director has reached cult status. The presentation offered in this package is probably the must complete coolection of edits and variations of any film on the market today and Warner Brothers must be commended for the effort put forth here.The package opens with the 2007 Final Cut of the film. Introduced by Scott as his perferred cut the film features added materials (albeit one short scene) resynched dialogue in a few scenes and a face replacement that was long overdue in another critical scene. The Final Cut is essentially the Director's Cut of the 1982 International Version without the voice over. The Final Cut features three commentaries: by Scott;by writers Hampton Fancher and David Peeples with added comments by Producer Michael Deeley and Production Executive Katherine Haber; and by the films design team including Syd Mead, Laurence Paull, David Snyder, Douglas Trumball and others.The Second Disc features the 3.5 hour making of feature Dangerous Days. This film interviews all of the surviving member of the cast and crew and presents possibly the most in depth making of feature I have ever seen.Disc Three is the film archive and presents the three versions of the film that have been seen in theatres up to now. This was one of the reasons that I bought the set. It is here that the casual viewer finally gets the long unavailable Theatrical Cut from 1982. This is the version with the voice over narration that Ridley Scott is so critical of. This version has many fans and there have been complaints over the years about its lack of availability. In my own view this is the version that I perfer the best having only been able to see the "Director's Cut" in the late 1990's. The International Theatrical Cut (1982)is presented next with its few seconds of added violence. This version also contains the voice over narration. The 1992 Director's Cut minus voice over and with the infamous added unicorn scene rounds out the disc.Disc Four is titled Enhancement Files and contains a plethora of bonus features divided into three catagories: Inception, Fabrication and Longevity. These may be played all together or separately. If played together make sure that you go back and listen to the audio only interview clips with writer Phillip K. Dick for his unique insight on the production. There are also three separate features on the importance of the poster design, a discussion of whether Harrison Ford's character is really a replicant and a discussion on the film's influence on other filmakers.Disc Five contains the rarely seen Workprint Version of the film. This version with some 70 plus variations from the released versions is closer in spirit to the Final Cut. Do not miss the commentary on this version by author Paul Sammon. Sammon wrote Future Noir: The Making of Blade Runner and his commentary is probably the best of the four commentaries presented. Also on this dis is the featurette All Our Future Varients detailing the differences between the versions and the Final Cut.All in all this is a detailed set which may be too much for the more casual fan but it does give a complete look into the making of the film and is highly recommended.
45 stars
I Like This DVD! I Like The DVD Because It Has The Hurricane Episodes The Episodes Is Been Some The Scenes Edit But I Still Like This DVD!Is About The Hurricane Is Coming On Sesame Street And Everybody Prepares For The Big Storm After The Hurricane Big Bird Was Upset Because His Nest Is Destory And Big Bird And His Friends Is Gonna Rebuild Big Bird's Nest I Like The Songs And I Like This DVD!
45 stars
This is a good one! I will not write a lengthy review as others have stated my sentiments.Just suffice it to say that this is a very well done documentary on the subject examined.Highly recommended if you are a student of the Nazi's mindset and cruelty.
45 stars
You people... I know first hand how real this movie is. I'm only fourteen, going on fifteen, but I've been through a lot similar to what the lead in this movie has been through. I've never done more than pot, but even then the drug issue hit close to home when I was thirteen. I've had 4 of my best friends nearly overdose on heroin, and cocain. They were all related so they all got into it and each were no older than fourteen.As for the cutting issue. I've been battling the same problem since I was thirteen, another home run back to my stadium. It never just evolves from no where, one day you just feel like you have nothing else to help yourself but to bleed to see if you're alive. I NEVER endorse it, nor does this movie. She cries with no visable tears because she's crying so hard, ever had that happen, when you cry so hard your eyes cry dry tears? I have. It's hard, and I'm still in battle with myself. This movie represents a lot of things in my life that I feel for.The sex, I've never gotten that far, because I've had very bad issues with it all too. All I'm trying to say is this well acted and written movie is VERY realistic, not garbage as most of you are saying. It made me cry more than I've ever cried at the end of a movie, and all I could do was hold onto my friend and cry on her shoulder, wishing my mom would save me in her arms like her mom did in the movie (I can't remember the names). It's was beautiful, and a very close movie to many of us teens. You'd be surprised the number you'd see if you came to where I live who live like that poor girl did.Sorry to argue so much over this, but it sickens me to see so many people sheltered from these realistic acts that are consuming most of us.This movie was amazing, wonderful, and brilliant, but above all it's my favorite. Five stars.
45 stars
Not who I pictured as Stephanie Katherine Heigl was good even though I never thought of her in the lead character, the story moved fast and was entertaining. Almost as good as the book
34 stars
Painting a World "Pollock" is an underrated masterpiece by actor/director Ed Harris. It is a mesmerizing portrayal of the 20th century's most polarizing artists. Whether you enjoy or dislike Pollock's paintings, this movie is quite moving. Ed Harris studied the character of Pollock deeply--the rough Wyoming artist who hit it big in New York City. He shows Pollock in all his aspects--from an admirable artist to a violent alcoholic to an overweight womanizer. Marcia Gay Harden is equally great as Pollock's pained wife, Lee Krasner."Pollock" is not only historically accurate, but authentic when dealing with the characters' emotional struggles. Pollock is not without his faults--alcoholism among them. Harris' real-life wife, Amy Madigan, stars as socialite Peggy Guggenheim, and Val Kilmer stars as Willem De Kooning. Jennifer Connelly appears later as Pollock's much younger mistress, who supplants Krasner in Pollock's passions."Pollock" is an artful work, painting on the big screen!
45 stars
Some things never change.... After all these years, the performances of Omar Epps and my boy Pac are STILL among the most powerful I've seen. Juice brings back memories of growing up and I would recommend it to anyone, even though everyone will not be able to understand it.
45 stars
Two Girls and A Guy brought to life by its actors "Two Girls and a Guy" is among the wittiest and most realistic dramas I have seen n recent years. Although it has been criticized for being too "talky" and not following a structured plot, this movie struck me by its realism. The characters and their conversations are rich and engaging. This is one of Heather Graham's finest performances. Natasha Gregson Wagner is also impressive and successful as the other woman. The relationship and comradery between these two characters--total opposites--is very enjoyable. And then there is Robert Downey Jr. Stealing the focus of every scene he is in, he is extraordinary. He is flawless in his portrayal of Blake, the lying, cheating, needy, and defensive actor. His interaction with himself is as captivating as the scenes where all three actors are conversing. He invokes so much emotion and frustration from his audience, and creates one of the most complex and fascinating characters in modern cinema.
45 stars
"How Can You Find Yourself if No One Can See You?" With a name likeTowelhead, one already anticipates a certain level of discomfort. (That's the first "caution sign.") Moreover, with minimal investigation, the potential viewer knows this film addresses issues physical and sexual abuse (in frank detail). (That's the second "caution sign"). And, dig slightly deeper into synopses and one discovers that the film addresses issues of "consensual sex" between a thirteen-year-old interracial couple (Jasira's father is an unapologetic racist, so this becomes an issue) AND repeated scenes involving the minutia of menstruation. (There's the third hint of "caution"). Now, assemble all these pieces and what one may conclude is that he/she may not want to share this work with his/her teen. And there is nothing prudish about that decision. This is an extraordinarily complex film--amidst all the horrifying events, there are glimpses of love. This may confuse a young person. And, honestly, it may not be a sage choice to let a teen watch it privately if one is too fearful to enter into a discussion about it later (though I am personally not an advocate of censorship). So, please, don't buy this DVD for family-night--it probably won't run past the three-minute mark.With this said, I was impressed with Allan Ball's adaptation of Alicia Erian's novel. The film resounds a note of authenticity--though it's a truth most will not want to acknowledge. Watching young Jasira (Summer Bishil) attempt to navigate a her Texas school (where she is presumed Mexican because of her skin color) is excruciating. The audience wants to rush to her defense. Moreover, her callous, intimidating, abusive father renders her home uncertain and uncomfortable. He seems entirely unreachable. Even in her part-time job as a babysitter, Jasira is assaulted with racial epithets from her ten-year-old charge...and lasciviously leered at by child's father (played by Aaron Eckhart). These trials seem all too real. Yes, it is an uncomfortable film ... but reality can be uncomfortable. And, I think that every place Todd Solondz failed withHappiness(equally as controversial but not nearly as valuable), this film succeeds. Told from the perspective of an battered and confused young woman, this film (and the novel) opens a much needed dialogue. Regardless of race, many women are going to find some sliver of themselves in Jasira's character: even if it's only her attempts to come-to-terms with her sexuality (she notes our "Playboy" culture and how these air-brushed women represent one "ideal" ... and tries to understand her own sexuality in light of this.)Moreover, it is crucial to note that the film isn't a pitch-black examination of abuse. A neighboring family offers a haven to Jasira. They provide her with the care and attention she so desperately deserves. Likewise, there are moments of dark humor which prevent the film from being unbearably tragic.Summer Bishil was nominated for Best Female Lead by the 2008 Independent Spirit Awards for her role as Jasira. This should spark some confidence that this work isn't simply salacious or unreasonably inflammatory. And, it may actually help to know that while Bishil appears young on-screen, she was actually nineteen when the film was shot (twenty when released).With so many negative reviews (both from professional critics and lay-people), I was prepared to dislike this film. Instead, I walked away feeling strangely connected to it. I was touched by this young woman's struggle (although you might not be). It's a gamble. My suggestion is (if you are already interested in this work) to buy it and watch it in your leisure (perhaps alone, to avoid discomfort). And, return and post your own review ... regardless of the outcome.
34 stars
Very funny I've seen just about every American Pie movie and this was another funny slice of the pie. This was a great buy and also helped to build up my American Pie collection of films. If you like funny movies, you'd like this one as well.
45 stars
scream 2 The Scream series was directed by Wes Craven.He must be a brilliant man because Iknow so many people that love the series.Scream series is basically about 6main carachters who are being stalked bya masked killer.In every scream movie the begininghas a little catch to it.I won't tell youwhat,that's for you to find out.There aremany movies that come from scream that arecomedy, but also horror.Comedy are:Scary movieand scary movie 2.Horror are:I know what you didlast Summer and I still know what you did last summer.The I know what you did last summer series is abouta group of friends who are being stalked by a killerin a cloak with a hook.In scream the carachters arebeing stalked by a killer with a knife.Scream movies have many stars in them like:Drew Barrymore,Neve Campbell and Courtney Cox just to name a few!
45 stars
Star Trek TOS! This was an awesome gift for my wife who is a big trekky from way back. Actually, It is I who remember the Captain & Spock during the original broadcasts. She was too young, but when she saw them for the first time (during repeats) thought they where new, and became hooked. This DVD collection really is cool! We play them on our Sony DVD player and enjoy the exploits of the orginal Star Trek team in action all over again. What a great gift. I know, because my wife reminds me all of the time how much she really enjoys it. The price is right too! Target sells this item for much more then Amazon. I say get it while you can. If your a true TOS fan, you will by all means love this product.
45 stars
Stargate Season 10 I am happy with the quality of the DVD and the time it took to receive it.
45 stars
Non-Kosher Delicatessen! I almost gave it four stars... Some people may find this movie 'shocking,' yet I think it is wacky, weird and very entertaining!
23 stars
Essential viewing This DVD is essential viewing for parents, grandparents and young people alike. We all need to take a serious look at how we live affects our home, and the home of our progeny.
45 stars
Weak My bet - this thing is completely fake. From it's content I do not get the feeling there is life after death, only that I've helped Aaron pay for his summer trip to the States.Let me ask anyone who's reading: If there was a group of people walking around a so-called haunted building and what appears to be a person is seen walking hurriedly by a doorway ten or so feet away from you who cannot be accounted for, do you not think there would be some excitement within the group as a reaction to this? If nothing else, don't you think one of the women would have screamed or something? Or just possibly a group of 'ghost investigators' would bolt down the hallway to check it out? I do and none of that happened. Instead you hear the guy we hear too much of giving a calm 'what the f was that' with a smirk on his face while he says it as if he's feeling embarrassed in front of the the group of people he lassoed into dong this phony documentary with him. Top of that, the second so-called ghost seems to be dressed in the fashion of the day, wearing his hair in like manner and of the same age as the rest of the group.I agree with the comment about Aaron's demeanor . He's obnoxiously loud, disrespectful and gives the impression he wouldn't know what to say to a ghost if it slapped him across the face let alone stood in the room with him. He doesn't seem in the least bit qualified. The parapsychologist seems bored out of her mind and you can see how Aaron's getting on her nerves as well.There are countless moments in this thing which can be debunked as staged. It's not worth mentioning as this movie is equally not worth purchasing. It's crap!
01 star
Dexter 2 I love this series and would reccommend it to everyone. It has a good twist on the look at a serial killer.
45 stars
Sweetest love story of the century There've been some great ones, but to me, nothing can surpass "Dirty Dancing" as the sweetest love story of the century. The theme is age-old, a depiction of a maturing college-bound young woman, Frances "Baby" Houseman (Jennifer Grey), who falls seriously in love with her dance instructor, Johnny Castle (Patrick Swayze). So, what makes this film so different?First released in the eighties, I loved it, but didn't fully appreciate what Grey had gone through to pull it off. Professional dancers, instructors, recently told me that at the start of film production, she was a good dancer --- but that's all. However, through intensive daily training and mind numbing determination, she became, in a matter of months, a world class dancer --- a near impossibility.It's Grey's personal attributes that come shining through as Baby depicts a beginner who has exactly one week to master the elusive Mambo. The scenes, some hilariously funny, others poignant and touching, are accurate and wonderfully portrayed. I mean, it's not just the script that makes a great film: where would Casablanca be without Bogart ---- or The African Queen without Hepburn?You can't help falling in love with Baby, she's so fresh, so vivacious, and, in the finale, dances so beautifully that your heart is captured forever. Everyone I've met who's seen the film loves it and all own both the DVD and the CD soundtracks.If you haven't seen it, do so now --- you won't regret it. It's a film you'll watch over and over, one love story that will never grow old. (DVD)
45 stars
P.S. I Love You It's a wonderful movie. Be prepared for tears :) I do wish they elaborated a little more in the end.
45 stars
Can't Wait to See! This Barbie movie looks super! I can't wait to get it. Everytime my sisters and I sit down to watch a Barbie movie for the first time we gets this kind of magic feeling. I love all the Barbie movies and can't wait to add this to our collection. I also suggest the follwing Barbie movies in order of how they were released.1. Barbie in the Nutcraker2. Barbie as Rapunzel (My favorite)3. Barbie in Swan Lake4. Barbie in the Princess and the Pauper5. Fairytopia
45 stars
Diversity of Cultures; Unified Human Justice; Intelligence I purchased all the CBS VHS tapes available in teh 90s, and then the first season when it became available. Both VHS and DVD versions offer high technical quality, but the DVDs are less than 10% the price, and, more easy to store and use.Again, the episodes written by Gene Roddenberry are the ones that pop your eyes open, not because of technical reasons, but because in the 50s, his view of humanity was more inclusive... and he knew how to present those views in an intelligent manner. It is interesting that Mr. Roddenberry will always be remembered for "Star Trek" (and justly so) but his best writing (particularly in the context of a homogenous 50s America) is almost certainly in this series.Richard Boone is magnificent.It is amazing to me how a series like HGWT could go decades with almost no syndication.
45 stars
Surprisingly not a perfect 5 stars Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore, Stephen Dillane, John C. Reilly, Ed Harris, Miranda Richardson, Allison Janney, Claire Danes, Jeff Daniels, Eileen Atkins, Toni Collette, and Claire Danes. Even with this cast, though, I couldn't get myself to give this film a 10. For some reason, I felt unattached to the Nicole Kidman - Stephen Dillane segment.Not surprisingly, I was most affected by the Meryl Streep - Ed Harris segment. I thought that their unrequited love, which is brought to both characters attention constantly, was genuinely constructed by all the characters involved. It shows how this unrequited love affects not only Ms. Streep and Mr. Harris, but also Ms. Janney and Mr. Daniels. Everyone in the segment knows that Ms. Streep and Mr. Harris should have been together, and that in most intimate ways, they are.The segment that I found myself most drawn to was the Julianne Moore - John C. Reilly segment. Watching Ms. Moore hide her true feelings from her son and Mr. Reilly was heartwrenching. And while Mr. Reilly has the face of a true character actor, I am constantly amazed at the emotions that come across on Ms. Moore's face. She has a face as smooth and beautiful as a Michaelangelo statue ... a porcelain skin too beautiful for words. And yet she manages to use this face as an awesome tool in her considerble acting resource "closet". This becomes very clear as her face is hidden beneath latex in later scenes. Underneath the latex, she becomes less interesting and lucky for us director Stephen Daldry notices this as well and keeps that scene as short as possible.Unfortunately Ms. Kidman does not fare as well. Her performance - and that of Stephen Dillane - is great, no doubts about it. But for some reason I was strangely uninvolved in her segment. I found the other two to be so much less conventional that this segment, even anchored by the great work of Mr. Dillane and Ms. Kidman, seemed somewhat pedestrian. I venture to guess that this segment was the easiest to write and direct.In the end, I thought it was cool the way Harold Pinter and Stephen Daldry (and, I presume, Michael Cunningham) tied it all together. Thematically it was tied together all the way through, but they really tie it up well.Perhaps the greatest comment I can give the movie is to say that I am curious to read MRS. DALLOWAY now. That, and that the film would make a great double feature with Ms. Moore's FAR FROM HEAVEN.
34 stars
it's an awesome movie after all it is very true & realistic about the event that occured on Sept. 11 2001 , it will jerk some tears , garunteed
45 stars
Sweet movie but hard to swallow Hard Candy starts out looking poorly written, with stronge innuedoes of sexually language with a 16 year old girl, but when the plot opens up to the real reasons of her being with him, it draws you in to her sick world. You will find yourself rooting of her success and her pity all in the same scene. Overall this movie stay in my must see list of Great Plot Twist ever. .....Look out for actress ELLEN PAGE.
34 stars
A Mighty Wind This was a wonderful spoof on a special time in music. There is some good music on the video and fun to watch with a glass of wine and friends!
34 stars
Forget the snakes. Check out the beautiful ladies! I rented this movie because, well, uh...I have no idea why I rented this movie but I'm glad I did because Jaime Bergman is one of the most breathtakingly beautiful women I've ever seen in my life. I actually made a "Oh!" sound when she came onscreen. I haven't done that since the Nazi girl in ED GEIN. Sadly, Jaime did not get naked. How rude.Angel Boris, the other female lead, does get naked for about a minute and while she's nowhere near as hot as Jaime I'm still grateful. Thank you. Also at the very beginning of the movie there is a very good looking waitress.Oh yea there's also some snakes. The CGI reptiles are pretty bad, but first time director David Flores manages to pull it off and make this film kinda fun thanks to a good sense of humor and some interesting characters including a reporter who blames all of the destruction on Al Queda; a group of gung-ho hunters who kill a rabbit with a hand grenade and a cop who gets excited, slips and falls face first into a pile of guts. "I think you have a piece of liver on your face."Worth watching as long as you remember not to expect too much from a movie called BOA VS. PYTHON.
12 stars
Boring Movie By "The Man Who Invented The Internet" What an awful movie. From an entertainment standpoint what can be more boring then Al Gore standing in front of an audience lecturing for 90 minutes. I was expecting a documentary in the vein of "Who Killed The Electric Car" or "Fahrenheit 911." The information about global warming is there but it is presented in such an analytical form that all the numbers seem to just not make sense after a while. This movie also seems to be a bit of an ego trip for Al Gore. Half the movie is about his personal life which I truly couldn't give a rats a** about. Al Gore also seems like a bit of a hypocrite. While talking about saving the earth, Al Gore drives around his ranch in a truck and flies around the world in highly pollutant airplanes. I just didn't enjoy this movie. If its on TV and you have an No-Doz capsule available try giving it a viewing. If not, you don't have half a chance of staying awake through the whole movie.
12 stars
A song to remember I was most surprised to find the D V D was available and delighted with the service provided by the supplier, certainly deserves 10 out of 10.Many thanks.R Horwood
45 stars
The Beauty with a Hidden Fault Blonde Ice, 1948 filmThe film begins with a view of the San Francisco Bay Bridge that connects to Marin county. Then there is view of the northern part of Frisco. Cars are parked by a mansion, there will be a wedding. Claire Cummings descends the staircase looking lovely to join Carl Hannemann in Holy Matrimony. Claire talks to an old boyfriend! At the racetrack Claire bets $100 on a horse. Should Claire throw away money on a horse? Carl learns about her true character and decides to end the marriage. The Community Property law will apply. Does Claire need rest? The story runs on. Claire sees Les again. They find Carl dead at home! "We were so happy." Captain Bill questions Claire about the shooting, there were no fingerprints on the gun. A reporter wants to investigate the death.Could Les be implicated in the murder? Les Burns is questioned by the DA. No powder marks on Carl's hands, so it was murder. Claire wants her old job back at the newspaper. Congressman Mason shows up at the restaurant with a new girlfriend. The police want to question Les Burns again, they were checking on him. Claire visits Stanley Mason on estate business. The police investigate Claire's alibi (she was in Los Angeles). Les figures out Claire. That airplane pilot turns up to ask for $50,000. Claire is friendly with Stanley Mason now. She is a very charming hostess. Then a telephone call asks for more money. Claire irons out this winkle. Next the Congressman tells of his engagement. "I can't help it" says Claire. But Stanley throws her over; was this a mistake? Les returns to a big surprise. The evidence is against him. Can Dr. Klipinger do anything to help Les? He has a plan, he used to be a consulting psychiatrist for the police. There is a confession and dramatic action! Could such a beautiful woman have a hidden personality fault? "She wasn't even a good newspaper woman." What an epitaph?This story is good but the ending seems forced, as if they had to end it quickly. Leslie Brooks had the most angelic face for any screen villainess. The film seems like some example of an article on a psychiatric disease. Did no one notice anything before?
34 stars
Terrible sound Meth and Red are the sh&% but Method Man's mic at this live show is too low and you can't hear anything when he's spittin. It's so frustrating I couldn't watch after 5 minutes. Don't waste your money.
12 stars
Glad to Finally Find This... We were so happy to find this movie. It was the only one we didn't have in the set. It came to us in perfect shape...case and tape. It runs wonderfully, also. Thanks.
45 stars
Then it'll take hours. Motorama is a wondrous journey from bad to odd for the protagonist. In a world that is a mirror of contemporary society with everything but kindness magnified, the "hero" must do what he can to survive. Sadly Motorama is not very well known but if you enjoy surreal situations and an adolescent being treated as an adult along with black humor, please check this film out. Endless quotable and obscure enough to make you part of a special little club.Honestly, I cannot truly describe the journey because it would take some of the fun out of the movie but watch it; it'll take hours.
45 stars
Only one word can describe this movie - BORING The only reason I can think of that other 1-star reviews get such low "was this review helpful" ratings is that mostly only people who like the movie read these reviews. Because this was one BAD MOVIE. It was HORRIBLY paced, moving slower than a dead turtle in molasses, then suddenly near the ends it shifts into a totally different pace, and it's almost as if it's a different movie. The last 25 minutes or so relate IN NO WAY to the rest of the movie, and it really makes you wonder "why the heck didn't I just skip to this part of the movie in the first place?" But even then, it's horribly done, and very hard to swallow. Not only that, but the characters are very unbelievable as well. And to top it off, the movie is filled with as many Hollywood cliches as possible.This truly is one of the most boring movies I've seen in years, and I'd advise you skip it and watch something more interesting, like the ceiling.
01 star
must have This was shown on TVs Comedy Central but the DVD is more reminiscent of the actual live concert. A MUST HAVE for any real fan of Weird Al.
45 stars
A Most Fitting Tribute to Charisse's Terpsichorean Talents With the passing of Cyd Charisse last week at age 86, it's worth seeking out what is probably her finest work on celluloid. Granted as an actress, she was bland, and as a singer, she was dubbed (this time by the sonorous-sounding Carol Richards). But as a dancer, she was extraordinary. Along with Vera-Ellen, the ballet-trained Charisse was in the top echelon of the female dancers that MGM showcased during the studio's golden years of which this film is one of its final stops. The clearest evidence of this claim can be found in the title tune when she dances with beauty and precision elegantly changing from her drab street clothes into silk and satin. It's a remarkable number, no small feat since her co-star is Fred Astaire. Directed by early musical maven Rouben Mamoulian (Love Me Tonight) in what turned out to be his last film, the movie also marks Astaire's swan song as a musical comedy leading man. Symbolically, he smashes his top hat at the end of his final solo number, "The Ritz Roll and Rock". The wear barely shows in his dancing where he pulls off some of his most acrobatic numbers, but other than the professionalism of the two leads, the inspiration seems sadly missing.The film is a partial remake of Ernst Lubitsch's 1939 classic comedy,Ninotchka- in fact, some scenes are repeated verbatim - although certain elements have been altered to accommodate Cole Porter's musical score. This musical translation first showed up on Broadway two years earlier, but further revisions have obviously been made to tailor the story to the dancing talents of the leads. Charisse has the unenviable task of stepping into Greta Garbo's shoes as top Soviet envoy Ninotchka Yoschenko, who is sent to Paris to retrieve three lesser envoys swept up by the City of Lights. They had already botched their mission to lure famous Russian composer Peter Boroff back to the mother country. At the same time, American movie producer Steve Canfield wants Boroff to score his next picture, a musical bowdlerization of Tolstoy'sWar and Peacestarring comically curvaceous Peggy Dayton, a parody of an Esther Williams-style swimming star whose been in the pool too long. As Dayton uses her feminine wiles to entice Boroff, Canfield tries to seduce Ninotchka, a far frostier proposition though the eventual thawing is inevitable. Porter's music tends to have that effect or so we're led to believe.Playing another variation on the worldly photographer he played in the same year'sFunny Face, Astaire is still at the top of his game, but his dance numbers are less elegant and appear markedly shorter than usual here. Charisse cannot compare to the legendary Garbo when it comes to line readings as a stoic communist. However, her dancing truly transcends - not only the title tune but also "The Red Blues", an impressive ensemble number showcasing Charisse in a variety of dance styles, and the two duets with Astaire to "All of You" - the first a romantic defrosting of Ninotchka and the second a jauntier, rhythmic pas-de-deux. I wish the rest of the film was as good, but sadly, the energy wavers and the pacing flags during its 117-minute running time. The rest of the cast is serviceable, in particular, Janis Paige on familiar ground as Peggy (nicely paired with Astaire on the energetically cynical "Stereophonic Sound") and George Tobias as the deadpan Soviet commissar. Peter Lorre (M) and Jules Munshin (Ozzie inOn the Town) show up as two of the bumbling envoys. The 2003 DVD has some interesting extras beginning with a ten-minute short featuring a 2003 interview with the still-elegant Charisse in "Cole Porter in Hollywood: Satin and Silk". Because of the Porter tie-in, there is also a 1934 Bob Hope short, "Paree, Paree", a silly musical comedy with Hope wooing singer Dorothy Stone. Also included is the original theatrical trailer, as well as "Poet and Peasant Overture" with Alfred Wallenstein conducting the MGM symphony orchestra playing the Franz Von Suppe piece as an overture to the movie.
34 stars
Has my Stamp of Approval! This is another good example of a great DVD and what DVD is all about. First off let me say, I'm not really a big fan of Soderbergh(mainly because of "Out of Sight"), but after watching this movie, I had a different perspective. The movie is good and Soderbergh is effective in using a series of flashbacks/flashforwards, to tell the story and thoughts of Terrance Stamp. The audio/video is good and there is enough extra material to keep you happy. If you're a fan of Soderbergh or Stamp, you can't go wrong with this DVD. If you're just like me and looking for something different and good to watch, you're sure to enjoy this movie.
45 stars
Fatastic Breaking Bad is the best drama on television. The writing is superb & Bryan Cranston as Walter White is just chilling.
45 stars
Funniest Movie I know If you want to see a movie that will make you cry from laughing, see this. I saw it in the theater, and it brought tears to my eyes 3 times from laughing so hard. ChodaBoy is the coolest character ever. Just the way he says his name. It's awesome. This movie isn't for people who can't take a joke with a light- heart. If you like BASEketball, you'll love this movie. I saw it 2 times in the theater. Absolutely hilarious. A must see.
45 stars
One of the best sci-fi thrillers This movie was a blast! It had excellent graphics and a suspencful plot. It was a low budget film but very well put together. Keanu Reeves plays a very intense character and he plays it very well. I would recommend this to any sci-fi thriller addict and I feel everyone would enjoy it.
45 stars
i give this show 5 stares i love this show it keeps me on my toei have to watch the whole season in one night becouse its that good
45 stars
Best movie since Land Before Time. It takes a bad movie for me to waste time writing a review. This movie is aMAZEing if you like corn fields and a horrible plot followed by horrible acting and ideas.Step 1) Take lighter outStep 2) Burn house downStep 3) Make PopcornStep 4) End of movie
01 star
Awesome Nice twist on the brother Grimm stories. Good update to the classics. The characters are strong and add to the story line.
45 stars
Good but definitly not trilogy material! Clear rivers was gonna fry in this one for sure, ya all saw that one coming right?, Like the movie case said "you can't cheat death twice! This movie in my opinion was pretty good all in all, but as for that opening scene of total carnage candy!, yea baby! gimme a cavity right? ha-ha, it could have been a little more graphic with a few more people getting lit up like a firecracker, god knows i like to see some thourough destruction just like the rest of us! Even though the scenes where each person getting the ax were pretty cool, i didn't like how they would kill someone off and then cut right to the next scene. They could have extended each scene a little! Really now, how many of us would have liked to have seen them pull that glass plate off that kid after it made a red pancake out of him? Or what about the first one to go, the lottery kid driving the sports car. They could have had him fall over the railing and then get impaled right? But relax gore fans, the movie does not bid farewell without a charbroiled arm on someones plate, bon appetite! Other than all that, i must say that this is a sequel done not too badly. If you're looking for some good suspense and some carnage not for the weak stomached one, then this movie is for you!
34 stars
Best Girlfriend Movie I think I like this one better than the first one...best girlfriend/chick flick movie...such great all around movie!
45 stars
so good i watched this movie for the third time the other night and it never gets old. the music, the dancing, the romance, and the whole story are still as good as the first time i watched it. it makes me cry every time. it is a chick flick of sorts but it is more than that too, it also is about social classes and how love is more complicated than it first seems. a really well done movie.
45 stars
truly a classic the writing, the acting, the setting and costumes, it doesn't get much better. Plus there are extra scenes that didn't make it onto the US screens.
45 stars
Scored big points for Christmas I bought this as a Christmas present for my boyfriend and although it didn't arrive by the time he came home from Christmas vacation with his family in Florida, when he finally got to open it he was floored! It scored me huge brownie points. Even his boys were like "Dude, your girl is the best!" So all-in-all, it was a great product, although it would have been nice had it gotten here sooner.
45 stars
Bridges the gap between SG-1 and Atlantis From the very get-go the episode attempts to join story arcs from both series. First we see the introduction of the Carter/McKay gate bridge. Now this may seem that it is just a continuation of a storyline that we had seen in previous episodes it is actually the first in a series of storylines that bring SG-1 ideas and Atlantis ideas together.After Shepperd successfully tests the gate bridge the crew of the Daedalus comes across and unidentified ship traveling just under the speed of light. Making contact with the unknown ship the team learn that the ship is actually crewed by Ancients. This is the second in the series of storylines shared between the two shows, as the Ancients were introduced season 1 of SG-1 and eventually became the foundation for Atlantis.After the Daedalus returns the Ancients to Atlantis the Ancients retake control of Atlantis. And so the third bridge is achieved as General Jack O'Neill(spelled with two L's) joins the Atlantis set. Even though O'Neill is unable to keep Atlantis under the supervision of Dr. Weir it becomes the gateway for the forth bridge to appear. Returning to Earth we see the Atlantis team not only in their natural habitat again(as we haven't seen since episode one), but alongside the people that operate Stargate Command in Cheyenne Mountain.The fifth bridge is when the Replicators take control of Atlantis (the Replicators being an invention of SG-1). Of course the Atlantis team are not going to sit back and let that happen so they devise a plan to retake the city. Even though there are far more instances of the bridges written into the episode by the writers the five listed above are the major foundation for the episode. The idea of the episode is very large in nature and continues into the second part with as much action and suspense as the first.Highly recommended episode.
45 stars
AMELIE meets SAVING PRIVATE RYAN. A VERY LONG ENGAGEMENT, the World War I romance that I saw in sneak preview yesterday, was directed by the same guy who made AMELIE and starred the same actress from AMELIE and looked a lot like AMELIE and seemed like it really, really wanted to remind us of AMELIE. But A VERY LONG ENGAGEMENT is darker and way more complicated than AMELIE, and, to me, it was confusing and a lot less satisfying.A VERY LONG ENGAGEMENT is beautiful to look at, first of all. It gives us beautiful shots of Brittany - and it features some amazing battle sequences from the trenches of World War I.Its love story features two young, innocent kids named Manech and Mathilde, who have loved each other since they were very small. Mathilde caught polio as a child and, in the film, walks with a limp. (In the novel, she's in a wheelchair.)The movie begins by showing us that Manech, sent to the front, goes crazy, tries to get out of the war, gets convicted for treason and sentenced to a horrible, horrible death. He's sentenced to walk out onto the battlefield unarmed with four other men, where the enemy will attack at morning.A few years later, Mathilde, who has been told that Manech was killed, refuses to believe it and investigates the intricacies of what happened on that battlefield that day.As details pile up and characters from the trenches start to reveal layers of secrets, the film becomes a confusing, twisted puzzle involving dozens of characters, some of whom are hard to keep straight.A VERY LONG ENGAGEMENT is another story from Jeunet featuring complications of fate and how a plucky, moon-faced girl chooses to navigate her way through it. You still cheer for Audrey Tautou and want her character to find what she's looking for. But it doesn't "work" the way AMELIE does.
34 stars
From A Long-time Spidey fan I'm really looking forward to this big-screen version of my favourite comic - I've been reading all the Spidey titles for 20 years. I think Tobey Mcguire is an excellent actor, although I'm not sure about the new-look Green Goblin...but I guess I'll get used to it. My only fear is the usual one people have when a cherished franchise recieves an adaptation into a new medium - will it capture the essence of the comics correctly? I don't know how Sam Raimi will cope with handling such a big project as this, so different to his other work, but I'm pretty confident he'll do the best job possible. Let's hope so!
34 stars
Slow and Easy It has been some time since I just sat and relaxed and let a movie just wash over me.This is a hard subject to project on screen. We are all searching for the answer to this topic in many ways and forms. This movie made it easy to think about the various answers people come up with.I liked the melding of the story line with age old question what happens after we die. The acting was good and the characters were well developed.The pace was slow and easy.
34 stars
Excellent Movie Mercury Rising was a story about an autistic 9 year old boy named Simon Lynch (Miko Hughes,Pet Sematary,Jack The Bear,Kindergarten Cop ) and an FBI agent,Art Jeffries (Bruce Willis,Sixth Sense,Die Hard).One day,Simon comes across a secret code in a puzzle book that his teacher gave him.When Art learns of Simon's ability to crack codes,he realizes that Simon's life is in danger.He battles the FBI to protect Simon's life and develops quite the reputation.I won't give away the ending,but I will say that this is worth watching.I plan to buy the movie as soon as I get a chance.If Bruce Willis and Miko Hughes read this review,you both did an excellent job.If you or anyone else has any comments about my review,my email address is posted with this review.
45 stars
what should i say? i really wanted to like this... unfortunately i didnt =(and some suff that they missed too... some mistakes at the end... not one of the best
23 stars
LOVE DOWNTON ABBEY GREAT SERIES I started watching this on PBS and then I received my copy from Amazon and I was ecstatic! I watched the whole series on a Saturday and I was not disappointed. This is a great series the writer and the actors are wonderful and I can't wait till the next one. This is great programming and we need more of it. I plan on watching both series over and over again.
45 stars
It wasn't funny, it was cruel I'm a woman and I loved the first book. I expected a funny, sharp movie. Instead I got a movie with horrible lighting and production, characters I hated, and just general grossness. I loved Slingblade in the book--and I just finished AFF and I loved his Mr. Peepers routine...but in the movie he sounded like a serial killer, and frankly I just don't like serial killers. I guess I don't have a good sense of humor.
01 star
This movie is money! This movie is all about Sports Handicapping!It's based on a true story. I know the guy it's based on and Matthew McConaughey does a great job portraying him!I am a top rated professionally sports handicapper, check out my website!
45 stars
The best film of 2006! And one of my new favorites... This is one of the most amazing, powerful films that I have seen in a long time! I doubt that there will be anything quite like it in the years to come. Every performance is amazing. Phyllis Somerville was robbed of an Oscar nod for her awesome performance as Ronnie's mother. This is a film about adults who just don't want to grow up, hence the title. The book was equally amazing. I love this film! It's the best film about suburbia ever. I love it because it is honest, and at it's heart is a message of redemption, forgiveness, and hope. See it. NOW.
45 stars
<3 I love this pack! It has my favorites from when I was a child and I don't have to spend a lot of money buying 4 different movies.
45 stars
Very interesting play between Brando & Nicholson. Brando & Nicholson give interesting performances. Plot is a little weak, but it isn't boring and it certainly isn't the worst film ever made as one critic would have you believe. In my opinion it's one of the better western movies made and well worth seeing.
23 stars
Did not translate from the written version America's Finest News Source makes for fantasatic entertaining print. Unfortunately, it didn't translate too well for the movie. There was some humor (a parody of Brittney Sprears and Steve Seagal doing a self-parody) but overall it didn't translate well to the screen. The subversive dark humor was there, but perhaps a little too much Leslie Nielsenesque humor with it.The movie was 80 minutes long, and that was at least 20 minutes too much.
23 stars
Buccaneers Great addition to my collection of movies. Will definitely buy more classic movies like this one. Highly recommend Amazon for all your movie needs.
34 stars
It's really great This is what DVD was made for. Great pictures.
45 stars
ALEXANDRIA REBORN A brilliant and beautiful film that goes in unexpected ways to move the viewer. Fine performances by all but Rachel Weiss stands as tall as the great lighthouse of Alexandria in a nuanced, deeply felt performance as Hypatia. the screenplay too is a star here and shows great insight and an unbiased look at religious intolerance by the three religious groups in Alexandria at the end of the Roman Empire.The realization of a gorgeous if slightly faded Alexandria is stunningly achieved in this film. Bringing to mind and even surpassing the sets of Joseph L Mankiewicz' 1963 'Cleopatra'. This city that stood as a beacon of learning, art, architecture and wonders seems to breath and move as if sixteen centuries were blown away by a magical wind from the desert.The film will raise a lot of questions in the minds of viewers who may have very fundamental beliefs in Judaism or Christianity and could be construed by the less astute as anti Christian. It is not. the film simply shows true events of the clash of belief at the end of the classical age. Many were guilty of barbarism in the name of their gods then, just as some are today.Finally the tragic end of the film is heart rending for not only the obvious reasons but for the fact that had men been more enlightened towards the wonders of the minds and brilliance of women we might be a lot further along in our evolution as a species than we are today.
45 stars
A discombobulated family comes together A fine cast helped garner the critical acclaim that the feel good comedic drama, "Little Miss Sunshine" richly deserved. A dysfunctional family headed by unsuccessful motivational speaker Richard Hoover played by Greg Kinnear and his wife Sheryl played by Toni Collette embark on a 800 mile journey in a VW bus to a childrens beauty contest their daughter Olive played by the irresistable Abigail Breslin is a late entrant. Olive had been choreographed and nurtured by her vulgar, heroin snorting grandfather played by Oscar winning Alan Arkin. Also along for the ride were her gay and suicidal Proust professor uncle played nicely by Steve Carrell and brother Dwayne who'd taken a vow of silence played by Paul Dano.The Hoovers encounter a staggering array of obstacles that are capable of derailing the plans for their odyssey. Family members become confronted with the decimation of their own personal aspirations during the trip. They nonetheless pull together to assure that young Olive is able to fufill her destiny, the ability to compete in the Little Miss Sunshine contest.Directors Faris and Dayton brilliantly capture the inane but heartfelt interactions between family members as the acting ensemble portray a discordant group that rally together in a display of solidarity.
45 stars
"Slither" Withers With a cast loaded with third-tier stars and up-and-comers such as the ever-reliable Michael Rooker, Nathan Fillion, Elizabeth Banks, Gregg Henry and Tania Saulnier and a writing/directing crew raised on Troma Pictures and cheesy 70's/80's gore flicks, you'd expect "Slither" to be both funny and vomit-inducing. It's got the vomit-inducing part down, but the "funny" falls a little bit short of expectations.The story is a rehash (or homage) of a ton of old gore flicks. An alien craft crashes in small town Wheelsy, South Carolina. Said craft contains an alien parasite who latches onto the first unlucky bumpkin to stumble upon it (Michael Rooker). It then goes about impregnating another bumpkin to spawn even more splatter-happy creatures. These creatures are all mentally connected with the alpha alien and they systematically begin to take over the town. All the while a bumbling sheriff (Fillion), a saucy sidekick (Banks), and an unlikely hero (Saulnier) come together and devise a plan to destroy the alien. Sounds very formulaic, but that's part of the humor of this flick.The cast does a very good job with what they have to work with. Especially Rooker, who's character actually garners the sympathy of the audience. It's a tragic love story not unlike "Dracula." However, this story plays out under the guise of "Dawn of the Dead," "Critters," "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" and "Shaun of the Dead," among other horror flicks.The entire story, from character names to local stores, is an homage to old horror flicks. That's a nice touch, but the story's humor doesn't keep up to par with the gore.I will say that the DVD is spectacular, including the standard commentary, deleted scenes, gags, etc. and a few unique features such as a segment which teaches the viewer how to make home-made blood.It's all done with very good intentions, but it comes off as a bloated SciFi channel Saturday Scinema flick. In fact, I expect to see this film ending up on SciFi before the end of the year. Fans of gore will appreciate all of the nods to older flicks. Fans of "Firefly" will be happy to see Fillion once again. Unfortunately, "Slither" just isn't worth a purchase in my book. Better films to buy would include any of the aforementioned titles, as well as any of the "Evil Dead" flicks for those who enjoy humor in their horror.
23 stars
Corny, light, Alda carries it Got this for the store as I am a big fan of Alda, and at least in that category it did not disappoint.A story of dysfunction, memory loss, Alzheimer's and a priceless baseball card. Really, the only description worth the time is the story between Alda and Broderick's characters as uncle and nephew. Both have memory loss issues for different reasons, and they try to muddle through a couple unplanned days together. The centerpiece of their new found time is deciding what to do with their lives and a million dollar baseball card.All of the performances are painful except for Alda. He alone gives this corny film three stars. I played it in the store which both helped and hurt, as any scene where dumb people are doing dumb things it looks like a slapstick comedy, but when Alda gives those looks of pain and forgetfulness - it seems like a masterpiece. No special features, would be rated R for the tons of "F" bombs and other language.
23 stars
GREAT BIO FLICK ON ONE OF THE GREATS Like RAY, this bio flick is both entertaining and informative on the life of Frankie Lymon, teen idol from the late fifties and early sixties. The excitement of his rise to stardom along with the pathos he encountered through drug abuse are both there.Top notching acting from Lorenz Tate and Halle Berry. If you are a music fan of the PBS series MY MUSIC and like A&E's BIOGRAPHY, this movie is right up your alley.
34 stars
AWESOME MOVIE--DEEP AND MOVING! [...]This film was deeply moving from my perspective because it was so well produced. The subtleties and nuances are what truly distinguished the film. Thus, for instance, the very low current of homosexuality which undergirds the two main characters is always present, always acting, but doing so behind the scenes, in a way that keeps the viewer unsure of exactly where the deeper feelings stand between the two men. Another nuance is the love-hate relationship our two protagonists share with one another. They example the classic case of "can't live with him--can't live without him". [...]In essence, what I found so truly impressive about the film was its realness, a realness disguised under character persona. Joe and Ratso had not truly cared about any other male until they met one another and had to rely on one another. The ending of the film is quite tender, depicting how caring and gentle and loving Joe is in nurturing Ratso during his debilitating illness on their bus trip to Florida. The film indicates a transformation, an expansion, a growth for both characters, as they come to realize that their lives are much more than about parochial and narrow self interests.This film won several academy awards (1969) and, in my opinion, deserves its classic moniker. Both Hoffman and Voight turned in excellent and dynamic and exceptionally convincing performances, and I would say this film showed them at their best acting potential. I have added this one to my small collection and expect to enjoy it for years.
45 stars
Excellent horror film Clooney/Soderbergh's "Wind Chill" has been misjudged very harshly by most viewers--perhaps the problem lies with that first 15 minutes (character development, plot building) and the noticeable absence of people being set on fire, stabbed, led into porn/grindhouse brothels, etc. These are the kinds of old tricks most "horror fans" expect these days.What we have instead, fortunately, is a genuinely frightening exercise in a re-emerging horror technique that rarely fails to deliver: two young people (Emily Blunt as a very unappealing, rude, cold girl who undergoes a transformation a la Nietzsche through extreme physical duress) and Ashton Holmes (a bookish guy who, at the beginning, we imagine may be a little like Ted Bundy--the film plays with our perceptions very aptly) find themselves accidentally stuck on an obscure stretch of road near the college they attend. The director suggests that the babyfaced but extremely creepy Holmes may have done this on purpose, but it seems that it really was an accident, or a disturbing hand of occult fate which shoved them into a confrontation with a power too tortured to be alone for very long.The wintry, cold feel and the imaginative detours which turn out not to be imagination at all but the supernatural answer to "deja vu" make the whole sequence of events deeply disturbing. The ghost of a murderous sherrif from the past continues his quest via the psyche of these two young people who are freezing to death. The scenes in the car with the two are really show how two people can connect, even under real suspicious circumstances, when the comforts of civilization are stripped away. Emily Blunt makes it all totally believable. Rather like an enhanced episode of "Night Gallery", this may represent a turning point in horror, and I hope it does.
34 stars
Oliver cannot replace Jeff - and ruins everything, trying to I was dismayed to discover early in the first episode of Season 4 that Jeff was aparently already en route to Lesbos (!) and wouldn't be seen for the remainder of the Series!Instead we get this inserted look & sound-alike, called Oliver, who Moffatt gives all the Jeff-like lines & situations to, but the poor Newbie just can't handle them, and anyone who has got as far as Season 4 with the wonderful (so-far) 'Coupling' will be just left cringing and WISHING Jeff could be there delivering the lines in HIS inimitable and wonderfully zany and accomplished way!The rest of the cast are Wonderful, as we have come to expect & love, but each time the Oliver character appears, one is left feeling like fingernails have been dragged down a blackboard, and the whole scene is ruined by it.Stick with Seasons 1 - 3 !
12 stars
dreamy and delightful I loved this film! I LOVE Gael Garcia Bernal! I bought the dvd for my mother as I knew she would be thrilled to see the main character is portrayed as 1/2 Mexican 1/2 French- she thinks (or rather, "LIKES to think") we are the only family in the world with this mix! She enjoyed the film, although she did say it was a bit strange... maybe not her cup of "standard film" tea, however delightful none the less.
45 stars
Saddest love story ever Aside from all the negative issues about this movie, it was one of the saddest love stories I've ever seen. After seeing the movie, I read the short story it was based on. Movie was very true to the story. This story was very moving, and I recommend seeing it for all who have been hesitant. The gay issue was handled very tastefully. In fact, as you watch the movie, this issue will take a back seat to the real story about two lonely people who weren't experienced in love relationships, and together found the closeness they were missing in their lives.
45 stars
THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is one of the best movies of all time! You really should buy it. The acting is great, the action and suspense and really good too! This is real intertainment!
45 stars
highly recommended! I recommend Idiocracy to everyone. Luke Wilson is very funny, the movie is insightful and made me laugh so hard I had tears running down my face several times.Keep an eye out for a cameo by the guy from the Mac commercials as Dr. Lexus. I found his performance Oscar-worthy, especially considering what Oscars have been handed out for in the last few years...besides, he's cute.In short, Idiocracy is a fatally funny glimpse into a possible future where people are named after product brand names (the president's middle name is Mountain Dew), hospital visits cost $5 billion dollars, there are mountains of garbage because no one is smart enough to figure out what to do with it all, and nobody cares about anything but money. All because only stupid people are breeding. Sounds familiar to me, somehow.Seriously, watch this movie. On a scale of 1 to 10, I give it a brilliant! Now pass the twinkies, scrote...
45 stars
Loved it! Yea, so I'm a major Kate fan but this movie speaks volumes to me. I see where some people couldn't "get into it" or found it boring. THose are the people who think every movie out there must have blockbuster special effects and some award winning story line. Revolutionary Road is a wonderful movie and I highly suggest others watch it. To me, it shows what happens when people DO fall into the mundane motions of every day so called normal life. Why is it that we are expected to grow up, marry, have kids and just survive day to day. When we are all younger, we have dreams and fantasies of what life should be like. It's only when we reach adulthood that our dreams are crushed by society and it's definition of what is right and wrong. Sam Mendes, Kate and Leo were brave enought to make a statement about that with this movie. Another part I liked was the idea of taking someones dreams away from them. I won't comment too much more on that because of spoiler issues but take away someone's dreams....you take away their very will to live. They begin to just exist. Watch this movie. If you don't like it because it's boring, go watch some multi million dollar blockbuster. It's more your speed.
45 stars
JUST A MATTER OF TIME 12 MONKEYS is certainly one of the most innovative scifi films of the nineties, with a complex performance from Bruce Willis and a showy Oscar nominated turn from Brad Pitt. Terry Gilliam directs with a fierce impending sense of doom, and the supporting cast features a particularly effective Madeleine Stowe. Time travel movies are often hard to construct, and Gilliam tries novel approaches to the theme. I found myself getting confused at various times, not sure of what Willis' role was in stopping the virus, and just who the people were that were manipulating him. Willis gives a fierce performance and Stowe is very good as the psychiatrist who finds herself Willis' soulmate. The movie's cryptic ending left me wondering what had happened and what would happen in the future. Technically a good film, but somehow it left me wanting more.
23 stars