class label
5 classes
Dreams Work Dreams work, By, Joey La FayetteI believe in my dreams and it works. Believe in your selfs no quirks. Believe in everything your heart desires, for you can set the world on fire. Believe in the love that abides in you, dreams can become real it's true. Yes I believe in my dreams and it works, I believe in my heart no doubts, no hurts. Believe in yourself most of all, and nothing can beat what's within us all. Dreams work. Dreams work. Believe in your true friends thier a part of you, but be careful, and true to your self, just a little clue. Work on your dreams they'll become reality. Live your dreams it's not a tragedy, cause dreams work, dreams work......
45 stars
A Fistful of Dynamite I saw the original movie on TV and I thought it was great. So I purchased it from Amazon.com (VHS) and little did I know it was an edited version. They need to release a DVD/VHS uncut version. The edited version messed up the whole movie.
23 stars
AWESOME!!! BATTLE SCENES IN THIS MOVIE ROCK!!! Couple of parts scared the crap outta me and the dialog was very witty, funny, and it made you feel for the characters I WOULD GIVE 6 STARS IF I COULD
45 stars
Showtime's best I personally really enjoy this series, however it is not for everyone. For example, my husband doesn't like it because to him it "feels like school." I think it's a lavish production that is very well-acted and reminds me of The Tudors. Having said that, I was a bit disappointed by the Season 2 opener. I always appreciated the fact that The Borgias was more tasteful than many other 'period' shows. At the beginning of season 2, they felt like it was necessary to add more naked females. Oh well. At least my husband will be complaining less!
34 stars
Long awaited arrival After years of waiting, this cult favorite is finally (semi) available. Too bad it's not on DVD yet, but I'm hoping. *** 2008 Update. This film is now available on DVD ***In brief the movie is about a man sentenced to hang for the murder of his fiancee`. After the murder, he marries the corpse holding the clergyman at gunpoint.Demented? I'll say. After the trial, he is being transported by train to the prison. The guard handcuffs him to a brakewheel while he goes back for luggage. During this time the convict loosens the bolt holding the brakewheel, takes a fireax and jumps the train into the river ... where he escapes by cutting off his own hand with the ax. From there, the story centers around his revenge on those who sent him to prison vs the amatuer detective who tries to find out who is behind the latest seriel killings.This is a semi-gothic horror show and is well done in spite of the melodrama. Some of the most interesting footage is of the wax museam, the chamber of horrors, at which Anthony Draco (the amatuer detective) works. It's a true mystery, although we as the audience know who the killer is. The sidelights of famous murderers of the past is as interesting as the psycotic man they are currently after. All in all a well done film themed in turn of the century Baltimore.One of the unique features of this flick are the "horror horn" and the "fear flasher", which display and sound each time a grusome killing is about to take place. They are really superflueous though as no gore and little blood is shown in the picture. The most frightening thing about it is the soft-spoken killer who seems to strike out of nowhere and keeps eluding the police.This film may not keep you glued to your seat in suspense, though I'll wager that you'll find it very entertaining and worth watching at least once.Suitable for viewers age 8 and up (yes, I suppose a 7-year-old would be ok), this is a good cult classic which has been unavailable for much too long. Hopefully it will be on DVD soon.Recommended.~P~
34 stars
Buena Esta genial la película, me gusto mucho los efectos en 3D y los colores, tienen que verla si o si
45 stars
Good acting, but very boring!!! If you're looking for a suspenseful movie, don't look here. The acting is good, but there is no suspense because it's slow character driven drama that is base on murder that doesn't unfolds until the very end of the movie.
12 stars
ENGAGING ALL THE WAY! This film has it all. Quaid is kinetic and just fun to watch. The film also shows off Campbell's Hero's Adventure pattern perfectly. Go for this film!
45 stars
"Jason X is a creative step for the tired series !" I have to be honest about this as bad as I actually want to say this movie was pooh,I just can't! After seeing "Jason goes to Hell" and 9,8,7 I was truley convinced there wasn't any hope for this franchise. But I have to honestly say this was done very well and was alot of fun to watch. This movie contains 28 interesting funny creative kills! The special effects are really cool and colorful to look at. This is a fun movie people,we all know who and what Jason is! I think people are abit hard on Jason because they expect to much. I think considering how horrible the past 3 efforts were, the did wonders cleaning it up. If you are not a Jason fan, or if you are going in to this to critique the film? This is definitley not for you! But if you are going into this with an open mind and to laugh at the kills and the quirky characters ? This is definitley going to be an enjoyable experience for the non serious watcher. I think even the producers of the movies are beginning to not take it so seriously. "Jason's character every since the early 80's was basically a uproarious character. But back then there wasn't mush out that was scary so people took the creative kills more seriously. Now generations have changed and all od these cheesy teen slasher films have taken over which makes "Jason" silly in most peoples Eye's! But I would have to say that "Jason X" is definitly a step above all other slasher films, like it or not! This delivered a extreme creativity plot wise and some nice scenery to look at. And it was written to be funny to add some comic relief to the horrible murders that take place. On the DVD it even has a section/option where you can just watch the kills and there all labeled..can you believe that? I feel the only thing that really messed this film up plot wise was the whole Uber Jason Idea ! That was abit over the top being that Jason was already invincible and couldn't be killed. That takes alot of fun out of him being somewhat human..ya know! Then the way he changed was completely unbelievable. I can understand if he was experimented on and he was given this gift. But for this to just natural happen after he was destroyed for the 50th time, was a bit more than I could swallow. Then the whole thing with the ship blowing up and him floating through space.Then he was coming back toward the ship to and another just so happen astronaut knocked him away? That was just really silly and then the astronaut was riding on Jason's back? Anyway other than the ridiculious hard to believe ending this is a entertaining film to watch take nothing from it. The Dvd is well put together it has great Audio, a beautifully crafted Menu! The documantary's and Commentary's are well put together. Actually this movie is better on Dvd than it was at the theater. You actually get a chance to look at behind the scene footage with "Kane Hodder" the guy who plays Jason. Also they go into the history of the other films and the original creater "Sean Cunningham!" Also they go into the making of Jason X , and they explain abit about who JAson is why he is hard to kill. They also touch on the Jason vs Freddy movie coming very soon! This is a good package, If you are a true Jason fan. I have to honestly say "Jason Lives" was basically the last one I actually thought was decent before this! Personally people I don't think they could have done better than this, there back was against the wall! There really wasn't much left to bring Jason back! He was really ruined with "Jason Takes Manhattan" and the Horrible "Goes to Hell!" They really made a huge effort and I respect it and I am glad they made the decision they did. I don't think another boring day at the lake would have cut it.I think the only reason this movie was ridiculed and critiqued so bad because it was Jason. You took Jason out of this and put some lame Alien aboard the ship killing everyone..then it would have been excepted better. That is just the way the world is when people have an opinion made up about a person or something they stick to it. The world is full of myopic individuals that it why we are so behind other countries in Music etc.Arish
34 stars
Highly implausible, but lots of fun I was almost turned off at the beginning of this movie. I don't care how good technology has gotten, you CANNOT put ashes back together. And what a lucky coincidence that all the ashes just happened to scan into the computer right-side-up! Even better that the first two words they just happened to manage to put together were the numbers 822 and the French word for train, so they could figure out where Angelina's character, Elise, was going. After all, they didn't really need to know the rest of the message until later! Well, I am a big fan of Angelina Jolie, so of course I kept watching, and the movie was much better from that point on.This was a pretty interesting role for Johnny Depp. He usually does such weird stuff, and Frank had to be his most normal character ever. It was actually WEIRD to see him playing someone so normal! Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie were a decent match, although I was never really sure what Frank saw in Elise besides the fact that she was gorgeous.And of course the scenery was beautiful. I totally wanted to go back to Venice after watching the movie. (If only I could stay in one of those hotels instead of a group hostel!) It is one of the most gorgeous cities in the world and absolutely the most unique.
34 stars
True Men called to arms Have you ever wondered how you would measure up if you were plucked from your daily life & dropped into a frozen hell of a war zone. Watch "Chosin" & you'll find out. This is a little known, seldom told story of brave men trapped & outnumbered in a 20th century Alamo. These wonderful normal guys tell their story & cause hardened old vets to weep. God bless & keep them everyone.~Ram Rod~
45 stars
Ecological science fiction becomes science fact I still wonder if Universal got the idea for Earth 2 from this film? All kidding aside. Silent Running is a classic science fiction adventure that has a strong, if not serious message to it. It depicts what our future might be like in the 8th year of the 21st Century, 2008 AD, and how the human race could easily cause a worldwide outbreak of pollution. It asks the the question of what would you do if you were in astronaut Lowell's (Bruce Dern)position. I like everything about this movie. From the special effects, to costumes, to set designs, to the plot, etc. Bruce Dern plays the character of Lowell extremely well. A conflicted man who sadly goes to extremes to save the last of Earth's forests from being destroyed. And the drones Huey, Dewey, and Louie were really cool. Obviously the model for R2-D2 in The Star Wars saga, the drones had a unique personality of their own. The other characters played by Cliff Potts, Ron Rifkin, and Jesse Vint truly represent the implicit cynicism that is in our world today. People who don't care about anything anymore. Only caring about the Almighty Dollar. Douglas Trumbull did an extraordianry job directing the film. His experience as a special effects technician in both 2001 and The Andromeda Strain really shows and pays off in this wonderful film. A film that has a personality of its own. If you enjoy good science fiction, you'll enjoy this cult-classic.Interesting trivia note-stock footage of this film was used in another science ficion cult-classic. Battlestar Galactica.
45 stars
Not Great, Not Awful I picked this up because I enjoy the Teen Titans series, but I was decidedly underwhelmed. There are much better episodes in the show, notably some of the multipart arcs, which made this feel average by comparison. Also, they committed a cardinal filmmaking sin by cutting away in the middle of an action scene and resolving it off-camera with little to no explanation. Considering that this DVD costs almost as much as an entire season of the show, it's hard to give it anything more than a lukewarm recommendation.
23 stars
Timeless ... This animated story was one of my favorites when I was a child. There are no special effects, other than the time and effort it took to make this full-length feature the artful jewel that it is.It's unfortunate that most children today will never get a chance to see the magic that others besides Disney were creating in the thirties. But rather than lament the fact, I found it on Amazon and bought it to share with a co-worker who has two small children. They loved it, of course, and are continuing to play it over and over again before returning it. Now they're asking their mother where they can get a "Glory" figurine. Hm? That might be a little harder to find ....
34 stars
American Perspective I love Kenneth Branagh and I love the fact that this is not from the Ingmar Bergman school of Swedish film. That said, it seems as though Americans are far from the intended audience. It's just sort of boring. It's not horribly written or poorly acted. There's just nothing to recommend it.There's a bit of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo to the first plot and an odd occurrence in the first scene, that taken together give the feel that the writer was following a formula and adding bits in when required.I might be premature in reviewing this, as other reviewers have lauded KB's acting, but I didn't see any exceptional acting in the first episode.
23 stars
Roy Rogers The King of the Cowboys and Trigger. What can I say - - it's Roy Rogers! A must if you are a fan. B-westerns are alive and well and this one is better than most.
45 stars
Tinkerbell 2nd Movie I received this item in 2 days and in great shape. My 3yr old daughter has loved this movie.
45 stars
10 Commandments One of my favorite movies. Amazing special effects for such an old movie and the colors are amazing. Crisp and clear. I originally wanted to just rent this movie to watch, but it was not available for rent. I have seen it many times in my life and enjoyed every moment, so it was a no-brainer to buy it so that I can watch it anytime I want to. I can't imagine how long it took to make this movie with all the people involved, props built and used, creation of the scenery and all the other things that had to be built, that today are just simply created on computer. This is a must watch movie for the whole family! I believe Gods own hand was in its making!
45 stars
No trouble with downloads, great series especially season 3. I did not have any trouble downloading any of the videos from Star Trek Enterprise from seasons one, two or three. I enjoyed watching most of the episodes so far, but I especially like season three. It is awesome!
45 stars
Junk Seriously disappointed. Aside from the missing episodes, that I was aware of before purchasing. The quality of the disc is sub-standard. There is a ridge around the edge of the disc which may or may not contribute to the main problem. The audio and video go out of sinc making any enjoyment nearly impossible. Just started the fourth disc and if the problem continues it is unlikely I will ever finish watching the series. This was a favorite show and unfortunatly this seems to be the only option to view it again.
01 star
Jeepers Creepers!! Well, while some people say this was the stupidest movie, I say not. This isn't your average horror/slasher movie, folks. This is your creepy, orginal movie. You'll be getting the creeps for the first half of the movie and my god, the Creeper is scary until you actually see him up close. Aw, but the whole shadowy-undertaker-figure makes this guy look...scary. The movie has got pretty much everything here: Your comedy, chills, and what not many scary movies have...not exactly a happy ending! For once the "good guys" didn't completely win! It's a fun movie to watch at night-you'll be entertained thorughout the movie.
34 stars
"Ward, I'm worried about the Beaver." This is it! The long-awaited DVD release of the first (1957-58) season of that perennial middle-class kids' classic, LEAVE IT TO BEAVER, has arrived, and I am both tickled and impressed. Tickled because the situations and dialog of these sitcom gems are as funny as I remember, if not more so; and impressed at the high level of craft, talent and expertise that went into every episode.Baby Boomers who caught most of the sitcom later during its first run may be surprised to find the Cleaver family in a smaller house than they remember. Their residence on "Mapleton" lasted only the first two seasons, after which MCA and Universal merged, a better outside set became available, and the Cleaver family moved up to "Pine Street" or what Desperate Housewives fans would today call "Wisteria Lane." Even so, we can already see the show's large repertory cast starting to firm up: within the first five episodes we are introduced to pompous Fred Rutherford (Richard Deacon) and daughter Violet, Beaver's pretty rookie teacher Miss Canfield, and no-nonsense but lovable school principal Cornelia Rayburn. The Farfara brothers, Stanley and Tiger, play Beav and older brother Wally's contemporaries Whitey and Toohey Whitney, respectively. Burt Mustin is on hand in nearly every episode as "Gus" the elderly fireman, and the biggest rat/hypocrite in kids' TV makes his debut, the smarmy and cynical (and immensely funny) Eddie Haskell (Ken Osmond).It's hard to differentiate what makes "Beaver" as admired and delightful a series as that other fun-around-the-house family show, "The Brady Bunch," which shares a similar kids'-eye-view of the world. Perhaps it's that the Brady Bunch children tend to get into trouble as often in bunches of two or three as individually, and the alliances between boys and girls, older vs. younger kids is forever shifting; but in "Beaver" the focus, especially in the early years, deals with eight-year-old Beaver's singular difficulties and failures in adapting to an adult-driven world. Beaver, who has been warned not to lose his haircut money, does just that; and after he and Wally try to cut his hair they introduce what must be Mayfield's first Mohawk. After receiving an affectionate peck on the cheek from his pretty new next-door neighbor, Beaver is persuaded by that devil Eddie Haskell that her muscle-bound husband is really going to "mess him up." In a later episode, Beaver gets slugged and develops an embarrassing shiner - not from the neighbor, of course, but courtesy of little Violet Rutherford -- whom Beav has accused of "drinking gutter water." Beaver refuses to implicate Violet in the fight, leaving father Ward to believe that his son ran away from a boy-on-boy fight. Of course, we understand Beaver's gallantry in refusing to hit a girl -- that code was so well accepted in the Fifties that the script with its fine sense of character nuance doesn't have to state it outright.Despite Ward's supposed enthusiasm for corporal punishment ("Boy, my father used to wallop me!") he and wife June solve their sons' misbehavior with sweet reason and the lightest of punishments. Not to imply that the script is sticky-sweet. As a very middle-aged adult I am impressed by the amount of sly adult humor that goes on. Good playing helps, of course: Richard Deacon's Fred Rutherford is a study in adult narcissism and keeping up with the Joneses, and of course the prematurely cynical Eddie Haskell's behavior and motivation could inspire reams of psychoanalytic study. After a typical Beaver misunderstanding, Principal Rayburn, thinking Ward was in the hospital, sends him flowers with a wish that she "hope[s] to see you back on your feet soon." June asks Ward who this woman is and why she had seen Ward off his feet!Indeed, even Beaver aficionados will find June noticeably more clever and pert in this first season than in later years. Verbally, she gives Ward as good as she gets and in more than one episode, is caught without pearls. The following year, after the studio merger, Barbara Billingsley's role was deliberately softened and "feminized," the pearls were epoxy-glued on, and June joined the ranks of other complaisant Eisenhower-era spouses like those played by Jane Wyatt ("Father Knows Best") and Donna Reed ("The Donna Reed Show").The main bonus feature of this set is the pilot for the show. There are quite a few differences: Ward and Wally are played by different actors, Richard Deacon plays the head of the local milk company, and "Miss Canfield" plays his secretary. Jerry Mathers as second-grade Beaver is right on cue, though, along with his unique vocabulary ("'spelled" instead of "expelled," for instance). While I object to the silly lunchbox-looking deluxe version, this standard compilation gave me much more than I expected. Each episode lasts a good 25 minutes, which left time for a teaser, an epilog, and perhaps a touch more plot development than today's skinny 22 minutes. And a "season" of sitcom paralleled the school year, 39 episodes, nine months' worth. (Today, about 22 is the norm.) Quality-wise, this restoration leaves in the occasional speck, especially during the end credits, but will satisfy most people.If you're already familiar with "Leave it to Beaver" from its original show and many re-runs, I think you'll enjoy this very much. And if you're new to the series, welcome aboard! This series could only have come out of the Fifties, but a young boy's struggles to understand the adults' world, and their troubles coming to terms with him, remain universal, no pun intended.NB: I am indebted to Dave von Pein, Amazon reviewer, for his help in editing this review.
45 stars
Terrible experience I placed an order for a movie on 6/25 and as of today 7/27 I still haven't received it. Terrible customer service, they keep telling me to check with the post office and giving me the run around when I ask them to re-ship or refund me. This is the last time I order from them, buyers beware they are not professional and will not take responsibility when an order is not received!
01 star
The worst movie ever! In comparison to the book, this movie was not fully accurate and it moved very slowly. I did not enjoy watching this movie, nor did it add any insight to the novel. However, the parts that were included from the novel were correct and fairly accurate. The cast did a good job acting, but they did not have a good script to act out. It is not worth renting this movie, let alone purchasing it.
01 star
Pushing Tin, or Pulling Teeth ! From previous reviews the feelings are mixed about this one ( and for good reasons)! From the positive angle- Finally, a movie that let's the average viewer catch an exciting glimpse into the world of air traffic controllers. Although, real life air traffic controllers would probably like to put their two cents worth as to what was reality and what was Hollywood sensationalism ! Also, where did Cusack and Thornton learn to speak so fast while guiding the pilots and yet maintaining such verbal clarity skills ? Amazing ! The special videogame-like graphic effects showing a 3-dimensional airspace field on their visual monitors was an incredible plus. Billy Bob Thornton is one of those rare talents;The audience never knows exactly what personality he will undertake when doing his characters until you see him act (exception being Slingblade). Cusack sometimes seems to always fall in that rut of so many of his previous film characters; His characters often place themselves in catastrophic predicaments where he then has to create a plethora of excuses, excuses, and more excuses--and he's a smooth talker at doing it if it wasn't for his guilty boyish comical expressions and nervous body language that usually lead him into the demise of his characters.The humor and sarcastic jokes and comments made by the various characters throught the film are, at best, sharp and witty. The icing on the cake was seeing Angelina Jolie ( or rather a little more of her than was expected). She's sweet candy for the male eyes!On the negative perspective- the ending was incredibly hokey (especially with the pilots allowing their transmission path being used for a ludricous personal converstion between passenger and air-traffic controller). The film starts out spontaneous enough and ends with a typical all too familiar ending.The last few minutes towards the finale will make some viewers look forward to a root canal session with their dentist than sit through an ending like this again ! The closing was too formulaic and sloppily polished.I would actually rate this film at 3.5 stars for the superb acting and special effects...
23 stars
Unbelievably Bad The acting and writing is atrocious and I was dumbfounded that some people would rate this movie highly.The little brother's spoken parts are so British it is laughable and the hero, his brother, has a Scandanavian accent. The main character is no actor and it is embarrassing at times listening to him and watching him. The whole movie is so contrived and corny I gave up watching it more than halfway through. Just because it is based on a real character doesn't make it a good, or watchable movie.
01 star
Mr. Mom Is Back Its good to see Michael Keaton back in a film after what seems like quite a long hiatus. He's always had some indescribable charisma and he puts it to good use here in 'White Noise'. The film itself is based on an interesting, but obscure, real life subject: electronic voice phenomena.The movie unfortunately doesn't really do anything with its fairly original premise. Its fairly by-the-numbers with no major surprises. But the thing thats stands out in the film is the four or five times that you are literally chilled to the bone. Some scenes are truly terrifying. Too bad the rest of the film wasn't as well done as these bits were creepy.All in all, 'White Noise' isn't a bad film, but its not great either. What it is though is a good film to reintroduce Michael Keaton back in to leading man status. And those few creepy moments that I'm still thinking about...
23 stars
THE FINEST " B " FILM NOIR. Quite possibly the bleakest and most nihilistic of the genre, it is well-known among film buffs that DETOUR was filmed on a shoe string budget in six days. Today this little gem enjoys an outstanding critical reputation for its depiction of a man caught in the grip of forces beyond his control. Neal is hitchhiking to Los Angeles to join his fiance. He is picked up by McDonald who tells him of a female hitchhiker he picked up earlier; she scratched him when he made advances toward her. When it begins to rain, Neal (who is driving while McDonald sleeps) tries to awaken the car's owner in order to put the convertible top up - and finds he's dead. Lo and behold, Neal stops to picked up Savage, the gal who was previously picked-up by the man he's just dumped - lifeless - in the the desert...Think you've got it figured out? Forget it, Charley, you haven't even scratched the surface! As the despicable vixen Vera, Ann Savage is no less than sensational and her comeuppance is the highlight of the film. A very significant, fine motion picture.
45 stars
Awesome! We absolutely love this show. Si, Jace, Phil and the whole crew leave us laughing every episode. Good clean redneck fun! =)
45 stars
There is always choices in life. This movie epitomizes the devistation that the drug life style can do to families. It became evident that all it takes is one family member and the right choice, to break that devistating cycle.From my viewing of this movie, I was deeply moved by Jackson's determination to break that cycle of destrucion and save his mothers life.Having lived this life, I am truly greatful to the director and producer for having the insite to bring these critical issues to the screen.I would encourage others experiencing similar issues to allow this movie to inspire them to change.
45 stars
Absolutely Awful Horror Movie,Such a disappointment For all the hype Blair Witch had back in 1999 they made it sound good and people said it was creepy and frightening,Yeah right this movie is laughable that this makes Fresh Prince of Bel-Air look scarier by comparison and the way those teens ran around in the woods doing a so-called documentary.This no-budget timewaster is a completely unwatchable mess that has no plot and a bunch of bad words with even worse bad acting,no special effects or blood,no monster or killer.The only good part was the end if you could make it that far.
01 star
Worst vacation EVER OK boys and girls, pay attention. The lesson we learned inTuristas,Hostel, andHostel 2is that nubile and virile young Americans on vacation shouldn't A) Trust foreigners, or B) Go to remote locations without firearms. Guess what happens when a group of college students and some newly acquired foreign friends - none of whom know Spanish, or any other useful, local foreign language for that matter - decide to do some remote exploration while on vacation in Mexico?Couples Jeff (Jonathan Tucker) and Amy (Jena Malone), and Stacy (Laura Ramsey) and Eric (Shawn Ashmore - Iceman from X-Men) decide to eschew leisurely beach resort activities to visit a remote archeological dig, proposed by their new friends Mathias (Joe Anderson) and Dimitri (Dimitri Baveas), discovering a remote Mayan temple. Immediately thereafter, armed men on horseback ride up and surround the tourists. Hostilely barking orders, the locals shoot an arrow into Dimitri's chest, following it up with revolver fired head shot, splattering brains everywhere. Terrified, the friends make their way up the vine-covered ruins that look suspiciously sacrificial. For some reason, however, the men do not pursue, leaving the tourists quarantined. Once atop the pyramid, the tourists learn they have more to fear than the men below.For a fairly predictable horror movie, the filmmaking and script is nonetheless terrifying. Creeping, insidious terror and obvious danger are used efficiently in this film. Add in a healthy dosage of gore, a vicious amputation, the worst two surgeries one could wish upon their worst enemy, and the result is a complete loss of all hope. Even though the character development was nonexistent I didn't care. What I did care about was the fact that not a single person tried to actively fight back against their impending deaths (vine grenades anyone?); that was aggravating.Despite the fact that I could constantly predict the next scene, it's nonetheless heart-stopping. A new, creative perspective on suspenseful horror-thriller without sparing quality, The Ruins will cause me to stay ON the beaten path more often than not.SPOILER:For those who doubt the believability of this film, and the evolutionary concepts proposed, I encourage looking up the plant Nepenthes Attenboroughii, and following it up with the talented exploits of the Lyre Bird (great video on Youtube). And if that doesn't convince you, watchLittle Shop of Horrors...shudder.
34 stars
Gosh...I thought I was the only person that liked this movie **** REVIEW INCLUDES "GREAT DIALOG" SPOILERS ****Wow was I surprised to see all the positive reviews of this movie here on Amazon. I thought I was alone in being entertained by this. External reviews often completely trash this movie without finding anything positive.Well get this chemical makeup: Stunning and popular star Lara Flynn Boyle overtly titillating us and wearing skimpy outfits even including a bikini(!), Timothy Hutton, habitual scene stealer Oliver Platt during younger and thinner days, superstar Faye Dunaway, and Steven Webber from the TV show "Wings." How's that for voltage? Add in a proven plotline with a long pedigree (Hand that rocks the cradle, Single White Female, many more), some great whacky dialog, and top it off with the inspired idea of a corporate thriller set in a cookie company with the climax in an industrial kitchen, and yeah...I'll bank that. How could you possibly lose?Actually I really like this movie, even just watching it straight. The only problem I have is Faye Dunaway's really bad, hammy, mugging acting, and toward the end Boyle picks up some of the same style, but other than that I like it. However, if you make me analyze it, ok, it's riddled with plot holes, dropped threads, unanswered questions, implausabilities, etc, but that really doesn't matter if the movie succeeds in entertaining me. And it does. So with that in mind, you could look at it as one of the "so bad it's good" genre, and it does succeed on that level. I agree with others that the ending seems as tho it was written on the spot when someone lost the rest of the script.It actually has a lot of good stuff in it. For example:One of my favorite literary devices is the "buddy thing," which is an entertainment staple: Laurel and Hardy, Skipper and Gilligan, Kip and friend in Bosom Buddies, Balky and Larry in "Perfect Strangers," etc. This movie features that, but in four directions: Hutton and his boss, Hutton and his buddy (Webber), Hutton and his rival (Platt), Hutton and Boyle. Lots of fun there.The highlight for me is some of the whacky dialog, which I'm still quoting years later. For example:"You're BLOWIN' it man.""YOU'VE GOT THIS PROBLEM."And one of the greatest lines ever:"Good gosh how hard can it be? I'm not asking you to splice DNA you just DO IT!"Wonderful stuff.Finally, it's no surprise that Hutton and Platt both turn in performances that are well worth watching.
23 stars
Very boring, very slow, horrible script. The idea for this movie could have been good. But whoever wrote it needs a serious crash course on punk and what is means, and more importantly what it meant when it first became a major movement.The story moves painfully slow, having no real plot line whatsoever, and constantly changing direction. The acting leaves a lot to be desired, as does the basic script, as if the horrible outline wasn't bad enough, even the actors lines are written by someone who obviously doesn't know how to write, or write for the type of film this was supposed to be.I could not even finish this movie, it was that bad. I love indie films, and have a lot of respect for the people that put all that time and effort in making them, but this film flat out sucks. I don't recommend it for anyone.
01 star
A Blonde Beauty and a Savage Beast... alone in the Jungle! I didn't enjoy this film as much as I thought I would. I didn't have high expectations for this movie, but I thought with Curt Siodmak and Lon Chaney, Jr., there would be more entertainment here than there really was...written and directed by Curt Siodmak, writer of such films as The Wolf Man (1941), Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943), and Son of Dracula (1943), all three which also starred Lon Chaney, Jr., come together to bring us this bargain basement entry into the occult horror drama genre that was popular in the late 30's and 40's.Bride of the Gorilla starts out with promise, but soon gets mired in too much melodrama for my tastes. The story goes an older plantation owner dies through the actions of one of his hired hands, Barney Chavez (Raymond Burr), as the hired hand covets the man's younger wife, Dina (Barbara Peyton). Commissioner Taro (Lon Chaney, Jr.) investigates, but due to lack of evidence, can't bring a case against Barney. Where modern law fails, the law of the jungle takes over as an elderly servant woman, who witnessed the death of her boss, and who is also somewhat of a voodoo witch of sorts, extracts poison from the leaves of a rare plant and secretly feeds it to Barney, causing him to turn into a gorilla at times, mostly during the night.I thought Raymond Burr did alright, when he wasn't chewing up the scenery with his sometimes over the top performance, and Barbara Peyton also played her character serviceably well, even thought she seemed a bit dense at times, I supposed due to a love for Barney that I couldn't quite fathom, as he was quite the jerk. Lon Cheney, Jr. seemed out of place and miscast as police commissioner Taro, a man of the jungle with a college education who often, through his often-awkward dialogue, struggled with his modern, educated side, and his more primal jungle upbringing. The dialogue was a bit disjointed at some points, and the use of stock footage a bit too liberal, as it really only served to take me out of the story due to the fact it was so obvious. And then there was the gorilla suit...for the time, I guess it worked, but I couldn't help think of it looking like one used in a Three Stooges short. We really didn't get to see it a lot, but when we did, it didn't really convey a sense of danger or suspense, but more of a guy in a fake gorilla suit. I did like the scenery, as it helped achieve the feel of being in the jungle, surrounded and trapped within a living, breathing entity, and Barbara Payton certainly was attractive to look at whenever she appeared on the screen. It's unfortunate her career was cut short at the age of 39 due to a combination of heart and liver failure, as her personal life spiraled out of control due to abusive relationships and addiction to alcohol. She did manage to put out a tell all biography of her life in 1963 titled, "I Am Not Ashamed" that detailed her struggles and misery of her life as a Hollywood screen actress.Mercifully, the movie lasts only 66 minutes, as the end brings about no great surprises. The print here is pretty good, but it does have a number of noticeable flaws as the picture loses a frame here and there. There is a trailer at the very end of the movie, but nothing else in the way of special features. I wasn't expecting a masterpiece here by any means, but I was hoping for a little more given all the talent involved.Cookieman108
12 stars
Tragic and Beautiful... Like Life I've read all of Bukowski's work, but I'm not sure there's a connection here. Sean Penn dedicated this film to Henry (Charles) Bukowski because the two were friends and Bukowski died before this film was released. Anyway, this IS NOT a Bukowski-esque work in any way.However, this film is a very believable and touching film about how rage and the desire for revenge can completely consume a person. It's also about the power and beauty of forgiving those who have wronged you.I don't think the film contains a lot of cliches, in fact, I think there are many moments of fresh, believable dialogue. Especially the scenes between Nicholson and Houston. Amazing!This film shares many of the same themes as 21 Grams, which is also good, but not as good as The Crossing Guard.
45 stars
love this movie this was always a favorite movie of mine!!i remember watching it when i was younger with all my friends. it's also cool the see all the stars before they where stars!
45 stars
Watch with a open mind. FOOD, Inc. is not gospel. It's not 100% FACT. It doesn't show the WHOLE picture of what is going on but it will give you a nice start into doing your own thinking. It really takes you back and makes you wonder.Good or Bad. My wife and I realize that eating fast food is not good. But it is part of the world today. We try to eat as much natural and organic as we can, yet we know it's not practical to eat 100%. We try to buy organic milk, eggs and vegetables as much as we can but we will not pay double.Watch this movie. Its TWO THUMBS UP. Eat KFC if you are in a hurry or craving it. Just don't live off it. :) Be Smart.
45 stars
Good Neighbors This television series was produced in England, during the 80's. It depicts life in an attempt at self sufficiency. The antics of the budding farmers and ther interplay with their upper class neighbors is hilasious.
34 stars
The exact aerobics video I've been looking for!!! What an awesome aerobics video!!!From the moment the video starts to the moment the video ends, Angie has you in constant motion. She gives you the perfect blend of cardio and weight training.I first started and thought my legs were going to fall off, but within minutes, I had undergone the perfect warm-up. By the time the video was over, I felt as if I put an excellent workout to all of my muscles.Awesome job, Angie! You said in the begining of the video I was going to get in a work out. Believe me, I definitely did!
45 stars
Bones is an AMAZING show!! I wanted to let people know that Bones with David Boreanez and Emily Deschanel is a complex, suspenseful, witty and like my title...an AMAZING show! I enjoyed all of season two of Bones as I did with season one. I have followed David Boreanez since Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel and have seen him in other movies. I also own all the seasons of those shows as well. Both Dr. Temperance Brennan and Agent Seeley Booth's characters play off one another extremely well and the chemistry with each character is undeniable. They are both great actors and the team at the Jefferesonian Institute add to all of the chemistry in the show! A MUST SEE!
45 stars
somewhat entertaining, but still really stupid. This movie was only slightly better than your basic horror cliche; the nuclear testing/mutant premise seemed promising, but all the main characters were stupid/annoying. Seemingly to make up for the lack of interesting characters, the script-writers/director threw in lots of unnecessary gore. For the most part, though, the special effects were at least well-done; however, a few of the effects were somewhat misguided. For instance, blood on bodies that have been sitting out for awhile in the hot desert is red; wouldn't it dry to brown very shortly in that kind of heat?? Acting was mediocre. I've never seen the original, so I cannot say whether this is better or worse. The movie is not for the faint-of-heart simply because of the gore, but it definitely wasn't very scary. Two stars.
12 stars
34 stars
love love love this movie!! great wonderful perfect movie!!! good condition. and on time. I watch it over and over again. LOVE IT!
45 stars
A classic that doesn't hold well with age 1. I like Robert Duvall and I like military themed movies and I liked this movie when I watched it many moons ago.2. With the above being said, watching the DVD recently just left me... modestly disappointed. Everything about the movie (ie picture quality, the music, the style of acting etc...) let the viewer know that it was an "old" film. The most "dated" and frankly unrealistic thing about the movie (and thus the greatest disappointment) was the actual portrayal of the Lt Col Meecham. I'm not a military expert but after spending 4 years on a carrier and working with both Naval and Marine aviators, I know that there are some gungho folks out there but there are no goofballs. Unfortunately, in this movie, Meecham comes off as a... goofball; a very bad stereotype that in the end does a disservice to the many intelligent and complex aviators out there. I know this is going a little too deep, but in the end, this movie could have been great, but the character is too stereotypical = unrealistic.
12 stars
My Very Favorite "Bad" Movie! I have been waiting for a DVD version of WATER. What a hoot. It is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. So what if the comedy is completely lowbrow, but then, what do I care. The music is actually quite good and I would love to have a soundtrack for it. The Concert for Cascara is a wonderful - talk about a rock hall of fame - it's all there.So it's not sophisticated. What do I care? I'm in it for the laughs!
45 stars
Wonderful performances highlight and great movie The late director James Whale, horror master of "Frankenstein" and "Bride of Frankenstein" is portrayed brilliantly by the haunting Ian McKellen. His housekeeper Hanna is the best character in the movie played by Lynn Redgrave, who stole the show. Brendan Fraser also stars as Clayton Boone Whale's gardener. The movie recieved great reviews and I must agree, This is one of the great films of the year and real story of one man's times through and troubled time in Hollywood.
34 stars
Highly recommend this DVD! After being disappointed by black plays with the same tired and hashed-over plots and over the top buffoonery, I was very pleasantly surprised by this production. It had just the right touch of humor and drama, and had me laughing one minute and tearing up the next. The acting was superbly professional. If you want to see a refreshing and satisfying play, check this one out! You will not be disappointed.
45 stars
love the show, it's hilarious :D I love this show. Man it remind me of the stupid style of CSI Miami but in a hilarious freakish way!I hate CSI Miami and how they over show tech stuff or even the color in the show, its tooooo soft and colorish! They dont do it here! everything in the show is actual happening somehow, but with little bit of tv/hollywood exaggeration !This is my first experience to buy tv shows. I never bought episode, ( usually get them free ;) ) So I saw the show in the middle, and I couldn't resist, and went on bought them. Amazon has nice pricingI liked it, but its not AMAZING! so don't expect too much out of it, its nice to watch when there is worthing watching!I recommend taking a peak and see for yourself
45 stars
little known musical (refering to VHS)This is one of the lesser known musicals and perhaps it doesn't have some of the innovation of "Singing in the Rain," or "An American in Paris," it is still a delightful musical. I have been a big fan of musicals for years and of Gene Kelly in particular. Kay Kendall is a delight, Taina Elg is lovely and very Parisien, and Mitzi Gaynor is darling as the down to earth American that keeps Gene's feet on the ground. The success of "Chicago," hopefully shows Hollywood that musicals appeal is not gone just more sophisticated. Buy it for the fun of it.
34 stars
Does it go with my dark curtains? First time director, Pablo Proenza brings a dash originality and a nice hint of film making skill to 2009's independent thriller, Dark Mirror. A film about a lonely house wife Deborah (Lisa Vidal) that is going through the motions of moving into a huge new house and spending most of her time alone in it while her husband Jim (David Chisum)is away at work. All of this alone time gives Deborah a little too much time spent in her own head, and after she takes a photo of her bathroom mirror, she begins seeing things around her house that cause her to question her sanity. It's not the most original of stories,but you will find yourself engaged in this tale either way. There is some very solid acting, mainly from Vidal, who's Deborah character caries the film on her shoulders, and Vidal is quite capable of carrying the heavy load. When Chism is on screen, he brings some solid game too, and some of the best scenes involve interaction between Deborah and Jim, as they have some great back and forth banter guided by some witty and well written dialogue.There is some impressive film making to be found at times throughout Dark Mirror. Shot on Super 16, it is a crisp looking film considering it is very low budget, the camerawork is solid with a feeling of claustrophobia as you are trapped in the house along side the Deborah character. There is also some very cool and different looking visual effects to portray the supernatural aspects of Dark Mirror, and one of the cooler effects is when Deborah takes the photo of the bathroom mirror and it has a ripple effect with a constant flash from her camera's flash bulb as it goes throughout the mirror's multiple dimensions.Overall, Dark Mirror is a solid afternoon supernatural thriller, that is worth a look for what it achieves with its meager budget. Outside of the great opening scene (that I will keep to myself!), there's almost no violence in the film, nor is there much blood spilt, and while some of the deaths are a little on the weak side, Dark Mirror is enjoyable for a number of reasons. While I enjoyed this movie, and I am a dude, I would feel comfortable in saying that Dark Mirror is a film that may be great for woman, as it covers themes that many women in Deborah's position can relate to.
34 stars
love it it was exactly what i was looking for. my son loves the movies. i think the older movies are better then then the new ones
45 stars
45 stars
A New Halloween Tradition In The Making I just got done watching this, and I thought it was great. It was just a fun movie to watch. It wasn't to scary (all though it did have its moments) it was more suspencefull and unsettling/disturbing at times, cause alot of stuff has to do with children. The different stories tie in well and will definitely warrant a second viewing because I'm sure I'll pick up some things I missed. I'm only giving it 4 stars because I wish it had been longer with more developed characters. A couple of these stories could be made into full length movies in my opinion; and because of that I felt like I needed more story from them. But they do a good job getting the point across in the time they have so this is a minor complaint. So if you're thinking of getting this, go for it, this is a great watch.
34 stars
I only wish that I'd seen this movie sooner! I'm ashamed to admit that it's taken me four years to finally see Roman Polanski's The Pianist. Why? I have absolutely no idea. I guess I thought I wouldn't enjoy it for some strange reason. I will say that I've always considered Chinatown to be Mr. Polanski's best film, but I now have to change that and put The Pianist at the top of the list. This film is literally his masterpiece. Why it didn't beat out Chicago for the best movie of 2003, I don't know. Maybe the Academy members were smoking too much weed that year and didn't realize what film they were actually voting for. Whatever the reason, The Pianist is definitely an Oscar-caliber motion picture, while Chicago is only a decent musical. Of course, I didn't know that at the time. About the only thing I remember from the 2003 Academy Awards is Adrien Brody putting a real lip-lock on the beautiful Halle Berry when he won for Best Actor.With over three hundred reviews, I think most everybody now knows that The Pianist is a true story based on the personal experiences of Wladyslaw Szpilman, a Polish Jew and concert pianist who lived in Warsaw during World War II and struggled to survive the Holocaust with the aid of both Jewish and non-Jewish lovers of music, especially a German officer who fed him and allowed him to hide in the attic of the German field station as the Russians made their way into Warsaw. That Mr. Szpilman was able to survive the horrors of what transpired in Warsaw is a testament to his perseverance, inner strength, and the kindness of others who risked their lives to hide him.Mr. Polanski was able to bring to life the cold harshness of war-torn Warsaw and the infamous Ghetto through his brilliant Production Designer, Allan Starski and the Director of Photography, Pawel Edelman. There was one scene in particular when Szpilman climbs over a wall to escape from burning up in a deserted hospital and sees the skeleton remains of hundreds of buildings in the near distance. This was a jaw-dropping moment of pure movie magic. The cruelty of the German soldiers, though not as explicit as it was in Schindler's List, still resonates with the poignant message of what evil man is capable of perpetrating on his fellow human beings. There were scenes in the movie that left you utterly speechless like when the Germans throw an old man in a wheelchair off a third floor balcony because he's unable to stand when they enter his home, or when a German officer orders several Jewish prisoners to lie face down on a street for no apparent reason, and then shoots each of them in the back of the head, having to reload for the last person. That grabbed you in the gut and made you feel a deep sorrow for what was allowed to happen. It's difficult to believe that this was only sixty years ago and that forms of genocide are still taking place in the world of today. Needless to say, The Pianist is an extremely powerful movie with an amazing performance by Adrien Brody, who's in almost every single scene. This man certainly deserved his Academy Award, not to mention that delicious kiss with Halle Berry. I would highly recommend this film to anyone who enjoyed Schindler's List, or simply loves an excellent movie with great performances.
45 stars
Hardly Stallone's worst, but it's not worth mentioning. Arguably Sylvester Stallone's last box office hit (unless you count Cop Land), The Specialist is not the typical Stallone testosterone fest. In fact, it remains a fairly atmospheric thriller revolving around obsession and revenge. But it's not as interesting as it may sound, thanks to the generally lackluster script and mostly unlikeable characters.Stallone plays Ray Quick, an ex-bomb specialist who works for hire. After the movie's requisite prologue, he's in Miami working for May Munro (Sharon Stone), who wants him to kill three mobsters, especially the head mobster's son, Tomas (Eric Roberts), because they murdered her parents when she was a little girl. Quick contacts her only by phone, they are to never meet, but he's admittedly intrigued by her and vice versa. However, she's actually working for Ned Trent (James Woods), Quick's former colleague who's out for revenge.Action fans expecting bombastic and over-the-top action sequences should steer clear, this movie will be too sluggish for them. The Specialist has no desire to function as a typical Stallone actioner. There are no large-scale gun battles, fisticuffs, or car chases. In fact, I gather Stallone received the role purely on the basis of his box office clout (and perhaps also his ability to brood and act generally depressed fairly well).So what is The Specialist, then? Is it a thriller? Yeah, sort of, there are a few suspenseful moments, mostly pertaining to Stallone using his bombs to knock off the mobsters. Surprisingly enough, the twist of having the hero kill the bad guys with explosives (Speed and Blown away came out the same year) works well enough, mostly because the villains' impending doom bears a certain inevitability that plays to the movie's advantage.But there's little else about the movie worth recommending. The story doesn't make much sense; as soon as it's revealed Roberts' murdered Stone's parents when she was a child, I scratched my head in confusion. He couldn't possibly be more than a year or two older than Stone, meaning he committed the murders when he was about, what, ten or eleven? More likely, it appears the filmmakers are trying to pass off Stone as a twenty-year old bombshell. Sure, Stone looks great (and I do mean great) in this film, but she can't even pass for thirty.The romance is unsurprisingly perfunctory and generic. As soon as the hero and heroine meet, they almost immediately tear their clothes off and go at it. This is neither romantic nor sexy, even with the undeniably hot Sharon Stone as part of this tryst. I've always kind of liked Stallone, subpar an actor as he may be. He's always had a fairly commandable screen presence, though he has yet to translate that to genuine charisma (which is what puts him considerably behind that other big lug, Arnold Scwarzenegger).Neither suspenseful nor exciting enough to recommend, The Specialist is of little interest to anyone except for Stallone and Stone fans (and maybe James Wood fans, who will either delight or wince at his maniacally over-the-top performance). I'm still waiting for Stallone to revive his career with a big-budget action blockbuster, but I don't see it happening. Hey, I'm one of the few guys out there who actually liked D-Tox, so I wouldn't necessarily say his career has gone down the drain.* 1/2 out of *****
12 stars
Great!!! This season is great like all the others. The thing i like most about it is the gag reel and how you can get it to repeat the entire disc of episodes when you put it on repeat title. I like to have something play on a loop thru the night for lord only knows what reason its how i sleep. So if you do too you'll love his disc even more!
45 stars
This is not the Dvd! Most of the revies here are making references to the criterion release of slacker. This is not the movie but a companion book released at the time of the movies theatrical premiere.It is, however, intelligent and very funny. It contatins the workprint, or script used on set(it's 4 pages long) and a transcrption of the movie. ALso included are interviews with amny of the actors, and several intelligent essays. Many of the actors interviewed reveal that they are actually weirder than the roles they play.The essays help explain the meaining of the wokr in context (there's alot about autin broguht up).If you liked the movie the book is definetly worth reading.
45 stars
Love this movie Black Dynamite feeds off the stereotype of the 70's B movie. It's got some awesome writing and acting. Had me laughing so hard the first time I watched it, I almost shot pop out of my nose. I will say, if you don't get sarcasm, than this movie isn't for you. Otherwise, grab some popcorn and give it a whirl, it won't disappoint.
45 stars
Mediocre slasher highlighted by Jennifer Morrison 2000's "Urban Legends: Final Cut" is a non-sequel sequel about a group of film students vying for an award who are targeted by a serial killer that patterns his (or her) murders after urban legends.This is an okay slasher with a fairly engaging story and a good cast, but it's never scary or horrifying and sometimes it's downright cartooney. Take, for instance, the scene where the killer is revealed or the hackneyed slasher costume, in this case a fencer's mask and hooded cloak (Why sure!).The cast is highlighted by the attractive Jennifer Morrison and detracted by Eva Mendes' obnoxious lesbian character (Eva is fine but her character, as written, is unattractive and annoying).Almost the entire film takes place on an isolated university campus, shot at Trent University in Peterborough, Canada, NE of Toronto. The exception is a carnival sequence shot at a Toronto amusement park. These restrictive locations give the film a confined, TV-budget air.The climax is cartoonish and overlong.BOTTOM LINE: Not bad, but practically every Friday the 13th sequel is more entertaining (yes, even "Jason Takes Manhattan"). It's mainly worthwhile for the Scooby Doo-ish elements and quality cast, particularly Jennifer Morrison and Marco Hofschneider.GRADE: C
23 stars
Unwatchable Love Dangerfield and Deluise and couldn't watch this movie........one of the worst movies I ever saw....a shame.
01 star
When being 'naughty' was still nice. The best of British humor with the lovable and witty Alastair Sim who teaches you how to win in life by turning the tables in YOUR direction and against your opponents. It also shows you how innocent being a bit naughty could be in the late 50's.
45 stars
Great Show, Fine Transfer We loved this show when we first saw it on PBS and had been thinking about buying the DVD. Eventually we did, and it's a fine transfer of the show. We haven't watched any of the bonus features yet, just making our way through the episodes again. What makes this show unique is the combination of live re-enactors, computer generated reenactments, and the two presenters going live to the actual battlefields and doing some simulations of the technology of the time. The father/son team do a great job presenting the show in a fun but informative manner, and it's kind of fun seeing the dad taking advantage of his son sometimes, making him do the dirty work. Apparently the son didn't want to work with his dad originally, and you can see some of that in their interactions sometimes. Recommended if you're interested in British history, or history presented in a new, fun and interesting way.
34 stars
Awesome movie This movie is one of my favs! I couldn't find it anywhere until I looked on amazon:) great quality and fast shipping thanks will do business again.
45 stars
cheyenne Cheyenne is one of my favorite long running westerns.It ran for 8yrs. I wish they would make the other seasons. Brings back memories!
45 stars
One of the best written shows on TV This season has my favorite episode - about D&D.; Simply hilarious writing. The seasons explores a lot of character arcs while sticking to the tried and true (i.e. Abed and Troy, Britta and Jeff). Some really good laughs.Honestly - I think this is the best written 'sitcom' I have seen.
45 stars
Good film Very good film enjoyed watching it very much. Would recommend it to others to watch. The quality of the film was great.
45 stars
Decent Movie I call it a movie because that's what it is, not a documentary. They take a set of facts and start filling in the blanks with their own beliefs and assumptions. I'm not saying that some or most of the facts aren't true but it's a crafted tale. The movie really starts to fall apart at the end when they suggest Jenna Bush is buying hundreds of thousands of acres in Paraguay (for water rights). They offer no support, only rumors and here say. An equally funded set of producers could spin a tale that shows our water supply is in no harm and we will not run out anytime soon.Keep your mind open and watch how they connect the dots.
23 stars
"Waking the Dead" is a vicious attack on the United States Rarely does one find a film that is so intensely hostile towards American values. Jennifer Connelly brilliantly portrays the young radical Leftist, Sarah Williams, who has nothing but contempt for the United States. She meets her soul mate Fielding Pierce (Billy Crudup) and proceeds to guilt trip him into also sharing her political beliefs. How anti-American is Sarah? In one scene she tells Fielding that she hopes he does not go to Vietnam because she supports the North Vietnamese Communists! Sarah perceives America as the beginning and end of most evil in the world. Fielding is ironically committed to becoming the President of the United States. There is much friction between the two lovers because Fielding sees the importance of compromise. Sarah, however, will settle for nothing less than absolutist ideological purity."Waking the Dead" flash backs from the early 1980s to the early 1970s. The lovers meet and eventually Sarah gets involved with a very Left wing religious group who is bringing into the country a couple escaping from Chile. All three are supposedly murdered in a car bomb explosion. But is Sarah really dead? Were theauthorities truly able to identify her body after the blast? Fielding is not sure whether he is losing his mind. He is running for the U.S. Congress and constantly imagines hearing Sarah's voice and seeing her on the street. Fielding is involved with Juliet (Molly Parker) who is the niece of his political mentor, Issac. Juliet is sexually available and she might make an appropriate wife for an aspiring politician. But will she be able to compete against the memory of the missing Sarah? The story line becomes very convoluted at this point. One's patience is severely tested for the rest of the film.Should anyone make a point to see "Waking the Dead?" The answer is in the affirmative if you wish to observe Jennifer Connelly at her best. She is truly a remarkable actress and it is easy to understand why Connelly was later picked to star in the very recent "A Beautiful Mind." Connelly brings a presence to the screen that is almost always riveting and unforgettable. That alone might be a valid reason for adding "Waking the Dead" to your collection. Does Director Keith Gorton actually believe that America is such a despicable nation? If so, I will have to remind myself to ignore his future movies.
12 stars
There's not enough extras Everyone on here has already talked about the story of Blacula. I will not bother talking about it because enough of you already did that. What I want to talk about it the lack of extras on the DVD.Where is the interviews with the actors? They could have put on an interview with William Marshall. Will did enough of them in the 1970s on the radio and talk shows. He was still alive, he died in 2003, when this came out. The studio could have interviewed him to find out more on his method.I buy DVDs to get more than just the movie. I want interviews, behind the scene clips, deleted scenes, and much more. It wasn't on this. I gave four stars for the story itself. Nothing more.
34 stars
Double-crossing the ironic age, Part Two. July 3, 2002Plenty of shows today can boast of good writing andearnest production. What separates Buffy, particularlyits second season, is the humanity that Buffy producerand creator Joss Whedon instilled into his creation.I suspect Whedon took a long look around the televisionuniverse and lamented at its glut of narcissisticcharacters, particularly its YOUNG narcissistic characters.Aware that he was making a show about and primarily foryoung people, he seemed to forge Buffy as a rebuke to allof television's cry baby teenager fare.The tribulations of growing into maturity are truly banaland commonplace, unless couched inside of some suitablyentertaining allegory. How crushing is a nose pimple or arelationship break-up compared to the possible invasionof Earth by brain-eating demons? Demonic teachers andvampire boyfriends don't only make strong metaphors;handled correctly they make for razor sharp melodrama andcharacters that learn to live as much for their friendsand community as much as for themselves. It makes forstories that aren't only fun, but spiritually uplifting.This balancing act, performed to perfection in Buffy:Season Two (and again in season three) is near impossibleto perform at length. Even Whedon couldn't keep it goingforever, and Buffy's later seasons have adopted some ofthe same whiny tones and character narcissism that infestother, lesser programs.This collection, Season Two, is Buffy at its melodramaticheight (although Season Three perfected the show's pacing)and can hardly be beat.
45 stars
Supernatural Season 2 rocks! Great season. Fantastic characters and plot. Very good show. Can't wait to get the next season. Highly reccomended.
45 stars
fine--and classic--Marx Brothers comedy A Night At The Opera is indeed one of the greatest films starring The Marx Brothers. The plot moves along at a good pace; the acting is convincing and the gags are timed to perfection. The actors are well cast and the script shines. Harpo Marx even does his own stunts! Who could ask for anything more?The action begins presumably in Italy or somewhere in Europe when Otis B. Driftwood (Groucho Marx) has increasing difficulty mooching off a wealthy older woman named Mrs. Claypool (Margaret Dumont). Driftwood is supposed to introduce Mrs. Claypool to high society; but all he ever actually does is take his paycheck and stall Mrs. Claypool. Mrs. Claypool is running out of patience; she wants Driftwood to introduce her to high society now that her wealthy husband died and left her eight million dollars. (Why she does this four years after he died and not sooner is left unexplained.) Unfortunately, Otis Driftwood is great at cracking one liners at the expense of Mrs. Claypool--that is, until Mrs. Claypool meets Herbert Gottlieb (Sig Ruman). Eventually Mrs. Claypool is convinced to make a generous donation to an opera company also under the control of Herbert Gottlieb. They sail to New York with Gottlieb's promise to Mrs. Claypool that his star tenor Rodolfo Lassparri (Walter Woolf King) will be a huge financial success. Then Mrs. Claypool will finally look wonderful in the eyes of high society--and Gottlieb just might get his hands on Mrs. Claypool for her money.But complications arise: Otis Driftwood and two of his peers (Harpo Marx and Chico Marx) tag along on the ocean voyage to America; ever hopeful to win Mrs. Claypool back from the snobby Herbert Gottlieb. Yet another stowaway comes along--Ricardo Baroni (Allan Jones) because he loves opera singer Rosa Castaldi (Kitty Carlisle) even though Rosa is loved and pursued by star tenor Rodolfo Lassparri himself.What will happen next? Will they all get to America safely? Will the police have to be brought in? How will The Marx Brothers' characters and Ricardo try to convince or manipulate Gottlieb so that Ricardo can be in the opera starring alongside his sweetheart Rosa Castaldi? Will they succeed? No spoilers here, folks--you'll just have to watch the movie to find out!Many reviewers have correctly pointed out the funniest scenes in this movie already; so I won't risk boring you with too many details of them. The choreography shines in the classic stateroom scene in which everyone crowds into Otis B. Driftwood's cabin onboard ship; and the cinematography exceeds my expectations with song and dance numbers including Cosi Cosa on the steamship to America.The DVD comes with a commentary by Leonard Maltin; and Kitty Carlisle is one of several interesting people who add their own commentary in extra features. You also get Robert Benchley's comedy short entitled How To Sleep and there is another extra short called Sunday Night At The Trocadero with Connie Boswell and a brief cameo by Groucho.If anybody tells you to skip this film, ignore their advice. A Night At The Opera shines as the very best example of The Marx Brothers doing comedy on film; and the performances by Kitty Carlisle, Sig Ruman and Walter Woolf King enhance the quality of the movie.Enjoy!
45 stars
much better than I and II This Home Alone was very funny and it provoked alot of laughs from me and mine. I preferred this child actor to Macauley and found his performance more natural and believable. If you love slap stick this is a good one. I give it a thumbs up!
45 stars
Bad DVD I am not sure if anyone else ran into Bad Audio on this DVD, but the quality was terrible. At some points the Audio Double like Echo but mad the movie seem like two movies were running at the same time. You could not understand a word. Oh well cheap move anyways.
01 star
addictive great script and acting!my husband and i watched the first season and eagerly waited for this season. we watched all episodes in 1 weekend. addictive!
34 stars
Must see This video simply must be seen to understand where the US really stands in relation to the rest of the world. If I had my way it would be required to view and review it in order to graduate high school.
45 stars
If you like gore..... Fulci was brilliant. If you like real gore movies you will love this. if you don't, go watch scream or some other pg-13 teen "horror" flick.The scene where the chick vomits up her intestines is awesome!!!!!
45 stars
Can the Cycle be Broken? I think this was one of the better After Dark movies in the 2nd year batch, it certainly kept my interest throughout and that's more than I can say about some of the other movies in this "event."This may not be a true horror film but it has enough elements to fit into the genre, more than Borderland or Tooth and Nail! The story revolves around a man that keeps getting killed (is it a dream or reality?) and then wakes up to face death again. Every day this cycle is happening and there is a girl that keeps showing up in his many "lives."The film has an interesting premise and it was a lot better than I had anticipated it being. A horror groundhog day is not a bad way to put it but it's a little more than that. There are some very intense scenes that almost leave you claustrophobic wondering if the protagonist is going to be able to ever get out of this ongoing cycle of death.The film is not overly bloody but there are some "painful" moments that the central character has to suffer through. Others here have given a deeper synopsis of the plot but part of the fun in this movie is learning what is going on, so I will not go into any further detail. I think this movie was fun and entertaining and it kept my interest, while it's not the greatest movie in the world it is a fun ride for 90 minutes no matter how implausible it might be. If you want a rollercoaster ride this is a good one to check out as the action really never stops as the main character slowly unravels the mystery.
23 stars
Twins rock! what can be said? Basket-boy seemed more upset that he had been seperated from his brother by a Veteraniarian, rather than a human doctor. since both kinds of doctors have the exact same training, it seems a bit thin that Buliah (Basket-boy) couldn't fine anything alse to be mad about. Perhaps that arm that grows out of the top of his head is a bit annoying. there is some interesting animation of Buliah that reminds me of much older films. he travels the city by toilet plumbing (oh yuuccch!) looking for his sworn enemy and kills innocent people with aplomb. His brother scolds him, but Basket-boy can't be stopped and unleashes terror that's unspeakable! It's so gross. it's funny, and repulsive simetanianously. If you're looking for a cult film, you have found it in Basketcase.
23 stars
RED VELVET? Solid gold! Even the stylish opening credits made me smile! With gorgeous intense color from the beginning, the credits' partially "animated" characters fascinated me. Some letters are not so much letters as they are exotic figures, changing before your eyes. Perhaps a hint of what's to come, and what is to come is more than a little magical plot shifting, stories unfolding and changing before your eyes!And that's the joy of this dark red gem of a movie! I laughed, I puzzled, I doubted, I marveled. I even said "ooh" and "ahh" at some of it. Oh, those gorgeous color-washed walls and halls! Gorgeous Bava-esque color-drenched scenes! And the titular blood red color here and there, from tomato sauce to car to settee to cake (red velvet cake is not normally my first choice of flavor, but I was craving it by the end of this movie).I made some notes as I watched--and then afterwards I watched the EXTRAS. I wanted to see what caught my eye without having anything called to my attention beforehand. It pleased me that I singled out a number of the very things the filmmakers chose to comment on in their EXTRAS section.These are a few of my favorite things:As I said before--the color, which often made me think of Bava. But I thought of David Hockney's L.A. paintings, too, and Argento's stylish dark scenes. RED VELVET is its own work of art, though, and I promise you, the sets and lighting won't fail to impress and delight!Laundromat. Oh, now the fun begins, the wonderful dialogue that snips and snaps and twines in and out. Henry Thomas and Kelli Garner are wonderful, sounding each other out, poking and prodding and playing. And the look of the place! The folded laundry skull made me laugh. I love the place's cheesy painted window--WASH & FLUFF, BIG LOADS. And from the laundromat they move to the Thai restaurant (look for a sweet, small cameo shot of the late Forry Ackerman chatting up a pretty girl! Forry's last film appearance, I think?)--and Henry and Kelli--with surreal roach and wok images interspersed--caught up in the story-telling that becomes the film's plot.There is a marvelous "family" story-within-story, a family group David Lynch would love--Oh, no, NOT the spilled sauce! NOT the marinara! My god, I have known families not too dissimilar from this one, families that shouldn't exist, but--do! The mom (with the eye! marvelous eye efx!) was a treat. And the little boy was excellent, looking more than a little like a young Henry Thomas.Sex--a little here and there, and attractive bodies (something for everybody!), as required in every self-respecting slasher flick. Not too much--just enough!The maniacal killer--his wonderful "body language", and the disguise--what a great bit of business, the polaroid camera recording last moments, and the other techno additions! The bunny ear look made me laugh--and creeped me out, too. I don't want to make any spoilers here--you KNOW this is a slasher movie, so you know there will be killing going on! Excellent killings...a double hammer bash, a wonderful lumberjack saw (and a musical saw solo!!)--and an alligator. I laughed out loud there, too! Funny, inventive takes on the slasher flicks of a couple decades back.The movie never let me down--never dragged or bored. It was a treat to be jerked around a bit--to figure out what is going on, have the rug pulled out from under me, re-figure what's happening..a wonderful combo of suspense and comedy. A gleeful take on the old slasher flicks--this one, though, is a slasher flick for the intelligent! And again, the look of it--the camera work. Lovely, seamless cinematography!And Henry Thomas, period--he was wonderful, and Kelli Garner was equally fine. Everyone's acting was excellent, as was direction, as were the mind-bending effects. Effects! Some brilliant things done by way of carnage efx in this movie! Nothing about the film said "first effort", nothing shoestring about it. It was witty, it was wonderfully off-kilter, it was fun. And it was GOOD!Kudos to everyone involved. I highly recommend RED VELVET both to the casual thrill-flick fan and to the discriminating cinephile!
45 stars
A noble failure Director Otto Preminger's stab at the George Bernard Shaw play was pilloried for the miscasting of Jean Seberg in the title role, but she's hardly the sole reason why this well-intentioned film version doesn't work. Richard Widmark gives one of his silliest screen performances as the Dauphin, and many of the smaller roles are quite hammily portrayed as well.Still, this VHS version does include a very well-made behind-the-scenes featurette (for once, you don't have to have a DVD player to enjoy this sort of extra). SAINT JOAN is still worth seeing, if only to appreciate how much more confident an actress Seberg would become in BONJOUR TRISTESSE (also directed by Preminger) and, of course, in Godard's BREATHLESS.(And if you're a fan of this movie or of Seberg in general, don't miss Mark Rappaport's amazing un-documentary FROM THE JOURNALS OF JEAN SEBERG.)
23 stars
Holds Your Interest I started watching this movie and turned off of it in five minutes because it looked just like a million other horror films so I assumed it would have the same formula. The next day I decided to give the film a chance so I watched it. It actually wasn't very bad. It's nothing new or unique except maybe this time people are being tormented by dogs and not ghosts or zombies, but it keeps you watching.The acting is decent enough seeing how I didn't expect much to begin with. I had low expectations when I watched the film so I was pleasantly surprised in some areas. By how the film ended I wouldn't be surprised if many sequels to this will follow.If you're in the mood for a decent horror that will at least keep you interested until the end, you won't lose anything by checking this out. I would say this film is a cut above a lot of B-movie horror flicks.
23 stars
45 stars
Fun movie My husband and I had a fun night at home with this show.Bruce Willis was good, and the two kids were gTypical kids of their age
34 stars
Great Ukrainian story co-opted into obvious Russian nationalist propagandic lie Zaparozian kozaks were Ukrainian, not Russian. For a more entertaining and 'non-Russian propagandic' film version of Nikolai Gogol (Mykola Hohol, in Ukrainian) novella, buy or rent Taras Bulba, starring Yul Brynner, Tony Curtis, Christine Kaufmann, etc. I gave this one star for Stupka's acting and the colorful kozak outfits. Besides the propagandic issue, it's surprising that the fight scenes in this big budget film shot in 2009 are so uncinematically klunky.Russians also tried unsuccessfully co-opting the Ukrainian-American actor Jack Palance, See 'Jack Palance rejects Russian award.' [...]
01 star
Milo and Otis..... what needs to be said? one of the best movies of all time! every kid should have this to watch! I really don't think anything needs to be said about the movie itself haha.
45 stars
A Good Year Another Ridley Scott triamph. An excellent story told well and filmed magnificiently. Have just visiy=ted the south of France and this movie drought it all back. A good people story. Wonderful
34 stars
Well Acted, But A Shaky Plot A disgruntled day trader who blames his broker house for his sudden reversal of fortune opens fire with an automatic weapon, killing 11 and injuring 5 before he commits suicide. A senseless tragedy where there is no one left to punish, nothing for the grieving families to go after - except the gun manufacturer. Convinced that the gun people were responsible, one of the widows sues the manufacturer and the case ends up in court over a year later.Enter Ranklin Fitch (Gene Hackman), jury expert. Ranklin is well known for fixing juries and getting his clients the verdict they are paying him very well for. In fact, he has never lost a case. For Ranklin, laws were made to be broken. As soon as the jury summons are mailed out to citizens in the local area, all of them are studied, scrutinized and evaluated. Some are definites, in that they support the right to bear arms, others are bleeding heart liberals who no one wants on the jury. Still others are wild cards - like Nicholas Easter...Nicholas Easter is your typical citizen who works, plays and sleeps, living his life in a normal fashion. He is upset when the jury summons comes, of course, but is willing to do his civic duty, albeit begrudgingly. At least that is the way he appears. When Nicholas is seated on the jury, it soon becomes apparent that there is something not quite right about him. And when the mysterious Marlee (Rachel Weisz) starts offering the jury to the highest bidder - Ranklin Fitch for the defense or Wendell Rohr (Dustin Hoffman) for the prosecution, Ranklin is stunned. He has never been bested at his own game and he isn't about to start now. Ranklin knows that Wendell is a straight arrow and will refuse to dabble in jury tampering, but Ranklin just wants to win - no matter what it takes...Runaway Jury sounds like an exciting, well-made film, but it just isn't. The cast is tremendously talented and they do their best to make their characters something about the norm, but they cannot elevate the holes in the plot. It is fairly obvious what is going on from the beginning, an issue that is forgivable if there are still little surprises along the way, which there were, but there are just big gaps in the storyline. First of all, I cannot get past the whole issue of the trial. There is no way that anyone would be able to sue the gun manufacturers for an incident like this and win. It would be difficult for the case to be won against big tobacco, as has been proved time and again, but impossible against guns. They are two completely different stories. Grisham wrote a book about the smoking issue, a book that I found so stultifying that I couldn't even finish it, but the movie would have been much stronger if they had stuck with this issue - who cares if it had been compared to The Insider! Doesn't Hollywood always make movies in 2s and 3s anyway? Regardless of the lack of plot, the movie is worth renting just to watch some wonderful acting going on. John Cusack, Gene Hackman, Dustin Hoffman, and Rachel Weisz all did a fabulous job in their roles, adding depth and dimension to a movie that so easily could have been bland and colorless. Give these guys an actual script to work off of and who knows what would have happened?
23 stars
An intertesting film, just plain different This is an interesting film and one of the more unusual mainstream films I have seen. Despite the full frontal nudity (obviously non-sexual nudity) It is an overall good film.A young woman and her little brother are abandoned in the Australian outback by their father who has committed suicide. The two encounter an young aborigine man who is on 'walkabout' a ritual where individuals are sent out to see if they can survive on their own. He eventually leads them back to a populated area.The original music score by John Barry is superb and sounds very similar to the music he did in the earlier James Bond films.The Criterion collection DVD has an excellent audio commentary by director Nick Roeg and leading actress Jenny Agutter who was in the film. Jenny Agutter is also well known for her role in the film Logan's Run. This movie
23 stars
The Dude, not the Duke, but great nonetheless! ..In 1969 and 1975 anti-hero Marshal Rooster Cogburn was portrayed by John Wayne. Cogburn is portrayed as an anti-hero, a breakout from the typical strait-laced hero Wayne normally played. It earned the Duke his only Oscar for the first of the two movies. I hope history, repeats itself in this 2010 film remake. Jeff Bridges' Cogburn is perhaps an even more perfect a portrayal of the blustering character created by Charles Portis in his 1968 novel. Perhaps, closer to the original story overall in this adaptation has murderer Tom Chaney hunted by a 14-year-old farm girl who means to capture her father's killer with the aid of the toughest U.S. marshal she can find. The Marshal is a man with "true grit, never having had a dry day in his entire life." The two are joined by Texas Ranger LaBoeuf, played with just a pinch of bumbling by Matt Damon, who wants Chaney for a large Texas bounty. The mismatched trio find snow, snakes and surprises on the journey, and each has their "grit" tested in typical Coen Brother fashion.
45 stars
1918 DVD I purchased this DVD, thinking it may have much info regarding the 1918 flu pandemic. It doesn't - just briefly alluded to. But, an interesting glimpse into this very interesting era.
12 stars
Unbelievable - Literally I had to laugh at Kris playing the young Billy The Kid. Just not believable at all. Gruff talker and always walking around as if he is 80 years old with a stiff back. Hilarious. Dillon was good in it. I loved him, he was the only good thing in the whole farce. They have not made the real Billy The Kid movie yet. We have to wait until Hollywood figures out that the real story is way, way better that anything they can make up. Hang in there. Maybe one day they will make that movie and even include the Lincoln County War, which they completely ignored in this little ditty.
01 star
Easy to figure out the villain Not the worst one I've seen, but not one of the best either. It was too easy to figure out who the supposed other "Grimm" was. And I found it odd that the first Wesen they brought in was so vocal about Nick being out to get him. I thought they didn't want to be identified.Also I'm getting a little tired of Juliette. If this woman really loved Nick she wouldn't have accused him of being crazy at the end of Season 1. Nick deserves someone better.
23 stars
Great Movie! Funny movie with a good story line. Way better than some of the stuff that is out there targeted at this age group.
34 stars
Steven Spielberg goes berserk! I must say I was suprised when reading a newspaper I came across a papragraph which stated that Steven Spielberg's new movie "War of the Worlds" did not earn as much money as many had hoped. And out of curiosity I went to see it myself.The movie was not at all close to what I originally thought it would be. Basically it was an hour and a half of very confusing and unrealistic scenes. Almost every five minutes Tom Cruise and his "children" are involved in very risky and lifethreatening situatuions which only they "magically" survrive. I can't say that I completely regret seeing it though, at least my friend and I had a good laugh. One of those scenes included where Tom and Dakota were staying in the basement of a house with some other creepy guy, who was "not at all well". The part where Tom Cruise was comforting his "daughter" and in the background there was the same strange guy sharpening his axe was really funny. Since Tom Crise cried in almost evey scene, the movie seemed more like a one big soap opera.Even thought the movie was silly, I still do give credit where necesary, including the special effects, which, as in every movie directed by Spielberg, were undeniably good.In conclusion, the whole idea of the movie was very confusing, more of a fairy tale. The ending especially, where Tom finally comes to Boston, to find his son by some mistery alive and well. Which to me, just seemed the "last straw" because the explosion that followed right after Tom parted with his "son" would leave everybody a dead corpse. What was a also brought to my attension was that Boston stayed mostly unaffected, where as the rest of the world seemed to be experiencing this alien disaster all over, since these "alien machines" were buried everywhere on earth.Some people are seriously comming to their wits' end.I cannot suggest to watch or not to watch the movie, the choice is completely up to you.Thank you for your time,mirage.
01 star
The Green Hornet The movie had its funny moments Kato was great I would buy it on dvd because I love my superhero movies but the movie is only so so.
23 stars
A Star is Born Fan of martial arts? YES, then you will love this movie. Not a fan of martial arts, you will still at least appreciate this Man's physical ability. With no wires, no computer enhancing this guy shows you just some flat out jaw dropping stunts, and martial arts. It is a great blend of old school traditional ways meeting the new world, and winning haha so you gotta love that too. Enjoy you won't regret it!!
45 stars
revision 2 I Did A Review After I Received The GoodsSo Something I Did Must Have Gone A Stray, Goods Received On Time, Wrapped Secure, Addressed CorrectlyThank You
34 stars
Spectacular Absolutely great season. If you liked the first season, you'll like the second one for sure.
45 stars