class label
5 classes
I don't like it I'm not going to extend myself too long but, just let me say first that the sound is really awful. After some songs, the only thing I wish is turn it off. As for the music, it has three nice songs and that's all. This RED ROOM Is galaxies distant from the first album. Curiously, the sound of the first one is amazing good and special. It is really sad how bad productions are being made these daysRegards
12 stars
A great movie, but substantially inferior to earlier DVD This is actually the second DVD release of platoon on DVD, and this later version is very poor compared to the first edition. There is no commentary from either Director Oliver Stone nor Dale Dye, the military consultant, even though both these alternate tracks were available in the first release. Still a great movie, but I am at a loss to explain why you would put out a DVD with less features than before.
23 stars
Short stories I found this book to be completely entertaining and always wondering who dun it. Very good book and I enjoyed reading it. Would love to find more like it. I read one of the authors - about his 3 books about being an old geyser. And I enjoyed those and knew I would enjoy his short story - but I enjoyed them all!!!
45 stars
The Euro Hiker, one fits all This great outdoor shoes, has a very price-quality relation. Are you loocking for a outdoor shoes ???. Look at that. Confortable and good price.
34 stars
THE PERFECT REMASTER. THE PERFECT ALBUM. THE BEST SINGLE. When i came home with Thriller, a remaster, i couldnt believe what i was hearing. The songs are the same, but you sorta get closer to mike through the bonus items on the cd. To me, this CD was a must buy at the store because i couldnt believe what rythem Mike had back then. Even listening to his new stuff...i can say hes one of the few artists from the 80s that can change, and make new stuff with new eras.People, start your engines. Michael mania is about to start again, and Thriller, the remaster is just the start. its got all his greatest hits. Forget about Nsync or Backstreet Boys. They are good, but Michael Jackson takes all pop and R and B and makes into something out of this world.Buy Thriller and you will be doing yourself a favor for the rest of your life.
45 stars
A wonderful intimate musical about healing and love. Violet is a musical theater piece about a young woman in the 1960's south searching for both physical and emotional healing. She boards a bus to visit a healing preacher in hopes he will make a scar on her face (from an accident as a child) disappear. The lives that she affects on the trip and the healing that takes place within her heart make this a unique and wonderful story. The cast is top-notch all around and the music and lyrics are original, interesting and melodic. Highly recommended. This show played Off-Broadway in 1998 and will have many regional productions soon.
45 stars
Very impressed~ I was so impressed with not only the cost of the Azodyl but the timeliness of the delivery of the product to me on Kauai. I have two elderly pets that are both on Azodyl every day, so it gets pretty costly every month. But Entirely Pets was able to get it to me for a low cost so I will definitely use them again!
45 stars
as good as a paperback my kindle was a present and this is the first book that I have read on it. Very pleased, will be reading more on my kindle, less clutter in my house in future.
45 stars
Great pictures, great history This gorgeous picture book presents an excellent history of world mountaineering. I'm really particular about the mountain picture books I buy. All too many of them have fuzzy or poorly printed photos. Not this one. The photographs, both color and black and white, are printed on high quality, glossy paper with a very fine line screen, probably well above 200 lpi. Many of the photographs are absolutely outrageous. Check out the chapter on the Patagonian Andes. That chapter alone is worth the price of the book for extensive coverage of perhaps the most jaw-dropping mountain landscape in the world. Besides the modern color photographs, there are many historical black and white photographs of equal quality and sharpness, plus many early engravings of mountain scenes by 18th century explorers. The text itself is well-written with a satisfying level of detail that makes you want to keep reading, page after page. Most mountain picture books I wind up buying I just skip the words and relish the pictures. But you'd be missing a lot not to actually READ this one. Even if you don't, however, the pictures alone are more than worth the price of this book. Given the high quality of the reproductions and the quality of the compositions chosen, this book is a bargain.
45 stars
Awesome!!! My daughter loves this little buggy. It is the best investment I have made as far as toys. I took it to her daycare and they turned around and bought one. It's awesome. She loves to ride in it. It's closer to the ground and gives her more to look at than a stroller. I would buy another one in a minute.
45 stars
butterfingers had these sent to my granddaughter in college. Butterfingers are her favorite! I was able to have them mailed directly to her. I love that Amazon allows you to store many addresses! my granddaughter was "sweetly" surprised!!
45 stars
Cool! Interested in knowing where you are going? How about the current temperature? Are you just the slightest bit interested in what your current altitude may be? GO BUY THIS WATCH! 'Course for those Suunto enthusiasts, this ISN'T a watch, its a Wristop Computer that just so happens to be able to tell time. Unlike the Suunto Observer which is about half the size (and more than a little extra spendy), this baby will do all that and still look great doing it. From the 3 different Suunto models I personally own, I must admit that they make a great wristop computer, or for the picky out there, watch. I mostly use mine to tell simple time, but I must say that as I drive over the mountains up to Montana or over to Oregon and Washington, it IS handy to know a few extra details just by looking down at my wrist. Oh, I almost forgot the barometer! It tracks the barometric pressure and helps you track and even predict the weather! I must say that I haven't been able to figure out the finer points of how to do that just yet, but I AM working on it.
45 stars
As it says in the Title.... A chance meeting with a Mr Powell leads Marlow to recollect his chance connections To the Feins-and Mrs Feins' brother Captain Anthony ; his chance meeting with Flora De Barrel,daughter of a disgraced financier,and their elopement on Anthonys ship.Chance occurances and happenings connect lifes machinations according to Conrad, and this story unfolds gracefully on such chances ,with the proceedings kept in witty check by Marlows narration.Conrad is the master of descriptive, meticulously detailed story telling and 'Chance' is no exception to this rule. Perhaps a little over long, and your sympathies wax and wane at times, but a great tale written in a style and manner few in the past-and possibly none today-could match and master,
34 stars
Sage insight into software architecture, project management I find this book enormously helpful with its wise insight into all aspects of software project management, in all the technical, managerial, political, marketing, and personnel areas that influence the success of software projects. Its emphasis on good architecture and design as the basis for good project management is essential for current and future project managers to understand and appreciate. The book is well-written, well researched, and very readable, particularly valuable in the insights from a manager who has worked in multiple divisions, multiple product domains, and in multiple countries with international engineering teams.
45 stars
Great Device! What is a slingbox? It's a device that will forward your video signals (i.e. cable, dvd, tivo, etc) to your computer over the internet. What does the slingbox require? First, it requires a video source. In my case, I have a directv box. Second, it requires a router. Third, it requires internet access if you plan on viewing video away from home. I required about 5 minutes to hook up the cables and about 10 minutes to load the program on my pc and indicate the model of my directv tivo box. After that, voila, I was watching directv on my pc!I primarily picked up the slingbox to get access to my directv tivo from any pc in my house and it works quite well. I have also used it away from home and received similar results. There is even a version for your pocketpc which I have used.There are three flavors of slingbox.1. Tuner (for antenna or cable tv) only2. AV (one video source using either composite cable or s-video)3. PRO (two video sources (composite or s-video) and tuner(for antenna or cable tv). For an additional $50, you can addan additional high definition video source using component videocables.PROS:1. Can observe video source on any networked pc in your houseor via the internet (if you have internet access).2. Video quality is pretty good and automatically adjusts asnetwork/internet becomes congested.CONS:1. High action scenes are not always perfectly rendered.2. Tuner is not high definition (obselete in a couple of years).3. High definition source option is $50 more.4. Computer challenged people might have troubles settingup the system.5. Latest players have encrypted the image which currently makesrecording the video impossible.CONCLUSIONS:I have been satisfied with my purchase though disappointed that the fourth video source on the slingbox pro requires a $50 purchase.
34 stars
Awesome I thought this book was excellent! I read it completely in 2 days! I am just considering starting my own business and I appreciated Suzanne sharing such valuable infomation. I don't think a designer "in the business" would share any of this information with you. I would recommend it to anyone just starting out in the business.
34 stars
Read Below Catcher in the Rye is a book, that if we all do not like at least, can relate to. We all make the same mistakes and complain and we all dream about the impossible. Or in Holden's case, for the teenager nowadays, do the impossible... J.D Salinger is a master of the art of writing.
45 stars
The Greatest Rap Album to ever be created I remember the day I first day I bought this album. It was February 1996, and Tupac's Me Against the World had been in my rotations for a LONG time. It was at that point, the greatest rap album. I knew Death Row Records had a "rap sheet," that contained The Chronic and Doggystyle, two of the best CD's in the history of music. On the negative side, the label had dropped some alright soundtracks and the Dogg Pounds album which did not blow any one away. The early reviews I heard on the album was that Pac was back to that "thug sh--" and not the depth we saw on his Me Against the World. I literally ran home from the shopping center and threw the CD in my player and sat down at a desk chair. "I won't deny it Im a straight ridah, you dont want to f--k with me!" the chorus sang out. My head was already bobbing. This album touches on every issue Pac had experienced. It was so strong musically and the beats complimented Tupac's lyrics and delivery perfectly. I can honestly say that his album was Tupac's greatest and can almost promise that no rap artist will do an album as good as this one simply because Tupac talked about world issues not the crap that modern rap is all about. I can honestly say this is a perfect album. That was well more than three years ago when I bought this album and it still gets constant play. If you do not own this album, you're missing out on the greatest album an artist from our generation ever produced. You *have* to buy this album ASAP... it is quite possibly the greatest album of all time. The only sad thing you feel when you hear this is album is that Tupac probably could have done an album better than this one. He was the King of Rap and remains the King of Rap. A hero to our generation, Pac's words spoke to our souls, buy this album or you're robbing yourself of a great experience.
45 stars
Nothing Special In HD Picture but Still A Great Film. Well, I don't know what to say here. No real difference (I could see) between the standard def and high def print. Sound was very good but nothing earth-shattering. Still... it's Total Recall and I always loved this movie. Regardless it was a must buy for me. If you too love this film, go with your soul... otherwise you may want to move on.
23 stars
Heartwarming Story of Four Sisters Deep down inside many women, there is a person who wishes she lived in a simpler time. When people tied letters in ribbons, took cooking, sewing, knitting and quilting seriously and men brought women flowers. Yes, that still all happens today, but somehow some of us dream of the romance of the era. A time, long gone, as we rush towards the future.No time for a tea party, dressing up in lace, wearing gloves. How about finding time to sit on a park bench and steal a kiss? Then there are those wonderful attics, filled with mementos and treasures, just waiting to be discovered. Well, at least we can find time to escape into a movie and live the daydream through the characters. I have never had a sister, but when watching this movie, I always think how wonderful it would have been to have had a sister.To provide some background for this movie: Little Women was written in 1868 and the story takes place during the early 1860's. Many Americans were moving Westward and women like Jo March in this story, embraced the changes as they rode the wave into the new future. Because men had to go off to war (Civil War 1861-1865), women became more self-reliant and Marmee (Jo's Mother) represents a woman who faces the challenge with dignity and resolve. She is determined to make life wonderful for her family.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was ahead of her time. Her main ambition in life was to relieve her family of financial heartache and Jo also strives for this in Little Women. Her writing talents eventually did help to support her family. When her Boston publisher suggested she should write a story for girls, she decided to try the experiment. The girls she knew best were herself and her three sisters, so she based her book on her family and created Jo March as her own fictional counterpart.Like Louisa, Jo struggles to conceal her strong-willed nature in a time when women were much more docile. She is the real Jo march. Anna (Meg) is Louisa's older sister. Elizabeth (Beth) was ill for two years before she died in 1858. May (Amy) became a painter in Paris and actually illustrated the first edition of Little Women in 1868. Abba (Marmee) is Louisa's mother who understood her daughter and encouraged her to be all she could be.Bronson Alcott, Louisa's father had a vision for an ideal world, but often he tended to ignore the realities of life. In this movie, he goes off to war and is injured.In Concord, Massachusetts, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau and Nathaniel Hawthorne helped to kindle Louisa's ambitious nature. She was the first woman registered to vote in Concord, Massachusetts. The March family home in the story is actually the Alcotts Orchard House in Concord, Massachusetts where the family lived for 20 years.There are two versions of this story that have been brought to the screen most wonderfully, in my own opinion. I have not seen all the movies made, but think perhaps if they were all combined into one, the perfect movie will have been created. There are quite a few details left out of this one that I really missed. Some should be in this movie to give it more depth and were included in the 1949 movie.This version of 1994 and the 1949 movie are my absolute favorites. To know the full story, you must watch both. If you also read the book, you can fill in the tidbits that are not included.The story begins in winter when there are to be no presents for Christmas and a family in need is blessed by the March family giving them their entire breakfast. The women in this story are like angels, they strive to be good and have such great character.This movie is delightfully filled with kittens, fall leaves, books, lace gloves, romantic letters, snow, opera, art and tea parties. It is truly the most beautiful adaptation of the classic story. The New England countryside around Concord is incredible in the Autumn. The seasons change as the characters lives evolve and as life moves on.Jo is the main character and has a mind of her own, we follow her story as she finds out who she really is and what she wants from life. She occasionally seems to burst from her quietness with such exuberance for life. She would have been quite happy running off to war and is a bit of a tomboy, but seems just quite modern to women today. She is so unaware of her own deep desires (except wanting to be published) until she experiences losses that bring her to a new understanding of her own need for love.The four sisters have such fun at home acting out the stories Jo writes, that their neighbor Laurie wants to join their society. He is infatuated with Jo, but she only feels a love of friendship for him.When Jo leaves to go to N.Y. she meets a more mature man who intrigues her. She shares her love of writing with him until one day he slightly criticizes her work and deeply hurts her when he says: "There is more to you than this, if you have the courage to write it." We think that perhaps Jo will never grow up and find love.Will Jo ever find what she is looking for and will she be a successful writer? If you are looking for a movie that is perfect for winter viewing, this will warm your heart! If you love this movie, you must also see Gone with the Wind.Watch this movie at night with candles. Oh, and have some oranges close by. ;>~The Rebecca Review
45 stars
MCMXC A.D. "The Limited Edition" MCMXC A.D. "The Limited Edition" being Enigma's debut album and their 1990 release is an album that brings back many memories for me. I remeber seeing the video Sadness on MTV back in my first year of going to Spyken. Here we get classic tracks such as "Sadeness", "Principles of Lust" and "Mea Culpa". The limited edition also includes 4 additional remixes not included on the original release. The artwork is quite nice and was done by H.P. Uertz. None of the lyrics are included. Allmusic gave this album a 4/5 in the review and I concur with this assessment. 4/5.
34 stars
sublime Truly the best soundtrack of 2007, this is even better than dario's Marianelli pride and prejudice.favorite track: Elegy for Dunkirk
45 stars
Not only the greatest trilogy ever... But Asimov is one of the greatest science-fiction authors to have every lived. His massive work adding itself to works by other such sci-fi masters: "Childhood's End", "Rendezvous with Rama", "Stranger in a Strange Land" as well as the more modern cyberpunk works like "Neuromancer", "Mona Lisa Overdrive", "Snow Crash", "Prey", and "Darkeye: Cyber Hunter". All are must-reads for any hardcore science-fiction and cyberpunk collector.
45 stars
3 1/2* Informative, but Narrative Lacks Appeal This is a factual, but sometimes unimaginative biography of the famously multi-talented Benjamin Franklin: Statesman, philosopher (indeed, perhaps the founder of American "pragmatism), politician, writer, scientist, diplomat, community organizer, publisher, and self-help pioneer. (Isaakson writes that Franklin was motivated by the belief that "to put forth benefits for the common good is divine"). Franklin played an important role in treaties with England and France, and was an initially reluctant but thereafter adamant proponent of independence from England. His Albany Plan (1754) and Articles of Confederation (1775) were early and eventually influential efforts to balance federal sovereignty and union with states' interests.The fault of the book, then, is its subject, but how Isaacson writes about him. Its chief fault is the lack of narrative flair: With the notable exception of the first and last chapters, we have a chronological account broken into small sections. Here's one particularly mundane succession: "Constitutional Ideas" (a mere 2 pages)," "Meeting Lord Howe Again (5 pages)," "To France, with Temple and Benny (4 pages)." A more satisfying approach would have traced Franklin's domestic political thought in one larger chapter, but this would violate Isaakson's chronological imperative. At times the book's equally weighted, well-ordered facts yield a pace that is both plodding and boring. The book is best when it manages to integrate larger themes with the strictly biographical details.Comparing this biography with David McCullough's popular "John Adams," shows that McCullough's book is more fully realized and more "modern," as he interprets themes and implications within broader contexts. Isaacson, at his worst, reads more like a chronicler as he emphasizes neatly compartmentalized facts that tend to obscure larger themes. McCullough simply writes with greater narrative flair: His book contains both precision and drama, and, contrary to this book, it's never a struggle to get through. Although Franklin's pragmatism perhaps limits how analytic Isaakson can be, there is, generally speaking, not enough about the larger context of American intellectual and cultural history (with the exceptions noted above). For example, there is only superficial discussion of whether Franklin's dream of a great middle class has been realized. Moreover, while some critics claim that McCullough is too admiring of Adams, Isaakson somewhat glosses over Franklin's negative personal qualities. Franklin was a great political compromiser, but he appears somewhat rigid in other matters.Only in the last chapter does Isaacson fully delve into larger themes. He accomplishes this in 17 excellent pages showing American intellectual reaction to him from the time of his contemporaries through the present. He describes the variations in criticism, such as the great esteem for Franklin among rationalists (during the Age of Enlightenment) and American pragmatists, but also describes the Romantics' disdain of bourgeois practicality, and the critiques written by early 20th century intellectuals (e.g., Max Weber wrote "All Franklin's moral attitudes are colored with utilitarianism."). In October 2000, however, critic David Brooks wrote that our "founding Yuppie" would be comfortable in today's middle class, sharing their "optimistic, genial, and kind" values and their secular and religious-based activism. At the conclusion of the book, Isaacson briefly weighs the evidence, and, not surprisingly, praises Franklin's values and his deeply felt "faith in the wisdom of the common citizen." Had the rest of the biography been written with more of the insight and depth shown in this chapter, the book would have been much better.
23 stars
Connelly and Bosch are Tired I almost put this one down, and have read with great pleasure all of the Harry Bosch books (ok, except the Brass Verdict, which I read but without much pleasure either--guess what both these lemons have in common?). The plot cuts between endless and rather boring courtroom scenes and the plodding of the can't-stay-retired Bloodwork guy. The whole subplot of whether Harry is guilty of murder fails to entice, as you know he's not (even though I guess he kind of is, in the end). And the semi-twisting ending, which reveals an existential showdown between Bosch and McCaleb over all this, is a let down simply because everything else leading up to it lacked sufficient gravitas. Every artist has their low points, and this is Connelly's. He'd rebound and give us the Lincoln Lawyer a few years later, so I guess he (and Bosch) just needed to slow down and catch his breath. Unless you're a die-hard Connelly fan, skip this one.
23 stars
Much better than the Other Boelyn Girl, but... Spoilers (In this review and in history!):So I was one of those crazy people who didn't like "The Other Boleyn" girl because of the bad history and undeveloped characters. I found "The Boleyn Inheritance" to be a better in both departments, although so little is known about the three protagonists of this novel it would be much harder to mess it up.Anne of Cleves- Was the most interesting character of the first half of the novel, for the short time she was Queen. I found her to be the the most likeable, and I thought her story (escaping from one bad situation, right into another) was amazingly relatable to anyone, even in the 21st century. I don't know much about her history, so I can't comment on whether Philippa Gregory's depiction of her was very accurate or not. However, when Katharine Howard becomes Queen, Anne's chapters begin to dwindle and soon become far and few in between as she no longer really participates in daily court life and lives single far away from her new "brother" the King. I began to miss her character!Jane Boleyn - Her character was kind of odd and delusional. I understand that the author intended to have her portrayed as mad, but I actually felt a little awkward when reading her chapters while she talked about how much she missed Anne and George who were portrayed in the last book as never liking her, not even a little bit. Plus her story presented a plot hole in the continuity of the story from the Other Boleyn girl, as a lot of the things that Mary Boleyn discovered to be true about Anne (and George) in the first book were then seen as lies Jane made up in the second book. Just kind of odd.Katharine Howard - I think some people might have found her endearing but to me her whole repetitive "I want pretty dresses, jewels, and presents" got quite boring after a while for me. I understand that she was supposed to be very young (Howard's age is debated, but Gregory seems to always like to make her protagonists very young) but please give us young women some credit - we're not all so stupid! Although Katharine WAS actually reported to be quite dim, I found it hard to believe that she would not grasp the danger she was in by the end of the novel - she knew what happened to Anne. However, Kitty Howard (her nickname in the book) provided some real comic relief, so she could make an enjoyable read sometimes.Other things:Okay, I am a college student and I usually multi-task, one thing I do being read and eat at the same time. The long and repetitive descriptions of the king's open leg wound stinking and filling with pus, plus his digestive problems made this very hard to do!Gregory sometimes uses words and phrases that would not have been natural to use in the 16th century. Minor, but still kind of bothersome.The story did suck me in for the most part, and I felt the characters all had good and bad sides (minus the King who is now just completely off his rocker all the time).You CAN read this if you haven't read TOBG. Just brush up on your history prior to this time and you're good to go!3.5/5 Stars
23 stars
Gone Too Far Fast paced , great characters, suspense, humor with ongoing story lines of multiple characters both in present time and times in the past. It also , once again, brings characters from past stories back into the present story. That is like getting to say hi again to old friends. Once again Suzanne Brockmann has put out a great tale if not one of her best to date. Finally, we can all read about the story of Lt.Sam Starrett and FBI agent Alyssa Locke. It was worth the wait. This story delivers. Enjoy !!
45 stars
Sublime is for everyone! This album is a great blend of punk, ska, reggae, and a touch of hip-hop. Bradley's lyrics are autobiographical, and at times quite funny. The lyrics range from just plain funny (Burritos) to slightly perverted (Caress Me Down). Every song on the album is unique, no two songs are exactly alike. There is not a song on this album that I don't LOVE!! No household should be without this CD. I would reccommend it to anyone, though I can't imagine anyone not owning it.
45 stars
Works Great and for a great price Great for people that have an HD tv but not the HD cord. Works amazing for people that want to experience there games in HD.
45 stars
Not worth the money. I wish I hadn't purchased this movie. It really is awful. It is all fantasy and music. The story line is really bad. It reminds of that movie Moulin Rouge but the fantasy version of that story.
01 star
Book Review: The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges is a very practical book sustained by theological underpinnings that challenges the reader to take seriously the charge to "be holy, for I am holy" (cf. 1 Pet. 1:16). The book is a superb example of biblical exposition and a humble heart.The book reads like a devotional, and the narrator is slow and soothing, which encourages deeper reflection on the truths and challenges throughout. I would suggest readingThe Holiness of Godby R.C. Sproul prior to this one, as it gives a strong picture of the absolute holiness of God and would be a great vantage point for looking at our own pursuit of holiness. But Bridges' book does provide a theological base, giving reasons why we should pursuit holiness and explaining the difference between justification and sanctification.From there, the book hits home on every front, whether it be the importance of Bible study and reliance on the Holy Spirit for illumination, analyzing our actions, behaviors, habits, and thought life for holiness, dealing with temptation, and living as salt and light in a broken and fallen world.The last chapter, which details the joy of holiness, could have come in the beginning, and it reminds me of John Piper'sDesiring God. From the numerous quotations from John Owen and other Christians past and present, Jerry Bridges has written a book that is grounded in Scripture, reformed in its heritage, and practical to the Christian walk. I strongly recommend it.Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from ChristianAudio as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
45 stars
Couldn't put it down Once you accept the premise of Ted Bundy surviving his execution then the book is a terrific read. I'm surprised it hasn't been made into a movie. It is a much better book than his follow-up, "Skelter". I think Perry got into Ted Bundy's personality much better than many of the non-fiction books on Bundy. The friend of a friend of mine actually narrowly missed being a Bundy victim---she was in Tacoma and was followed home by a guy. She got into her house, turned on the porch light and saw the guy's face through the window, but he left. She didn't see his face again until she saw Bundy on TV the night before he was executed.
45 stars
One of the Most Fascinating Cases in History Cleveland. 1935. Detectives Emil Musil and Orly May were the first Cleveland policemen on the scene. They found not only one headless man, but two, both washed and drained of blood. The police report dated September 23, 1935, described what they found at the foot of East 49th St. and Praha Avenue: "the bodies of two white men, both beheaded, lying in the weeds; both bodies were naked except that one of them had socks on. After an extensive search the heads of both men were found buried in separate places, one about 20 feet away from one of the bodies and the other head was buried about 75 feet away from the other body (...)". This was the beginning of one of the most bizarre and interesting Unsolved cases in US History.The Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run. The Torso Killer. The Phantom. Cleveland's Torso Murderer. It doesn't matter how you call him, one thing is sure: This unidentified killer was the first "Superstar" Serial killer in the history of the United States, he was the US's first Jack the Ripper. Details of his crimes were all over the newspapers, newspapers and reporters covered the case even when no victims had been discovered in a long time, some investigators became obsessed with the case, people all over the country were talking about it... Decades before the Zodiac Killer, the Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run terrorized an entire city before disappearing into the night. Who was he ?? Why was he committing these crimes ?? In "Torso: Eliot Ness and the Hunt for the Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run a True Story", author Steven Nickel take a look at this fascinating case. He shares all the information you need to know about the murders and the investigation into these crimes. This book also examines the life of Eliot Ness and how he became obsessed with the case. The book is a wonderful read, and since this case is one of my favorites then I don't have a lot of bad things to say about it. The book was published in the early 1990's, back when there wasn't much information available on some of the murders, so in my opinion mr. Nickel did a wonderful job researching this book and I applaude his efforts. This book was published when the case was basically forgotten by most people and because of mr. Nickel's work a lot of people discovered this case and more people has finally learned about the first "Superstar" killer in US history. This case is very important in the annals of Criminology, and mr. Nickel did a great job researching the many murders and theories.Now the negative. As much as I enjoy reading about the history of law enforcement and Organized crime, I thought that too many chapters were spent talking about Eliot Ness and Al Capone. For every chapters about the killer and his crimes there's two about Eliot Ness, that was a disappointment. Ness is an interesting character, but if I want to learn more about his life then I'll buy his biography. There's also a number of inaccuracies about other cases, for example the murder of Elizabeth Short, aka the Black Dahlia. Mr. Nickel wrote that Elizabeth Short was a call girl hooked on drugs and alcohol, and that she had a lesbian lover. No big deal, I guess mr. Nickel didn't had a lot of information about Elizabeth ( she wasn't a prostitute and drug user, as far as we know she wasn't gay ), but let's say that as a True Crime buff I wasn't very impressed by this statement about her. I just wanted to point that out. ;)Overall I highly recommend this book to anybody having an interest for True Crime stories, Serial killers, Unsolved cases and real life mysteries. This case is one of the most fascinating you'll ever find, and I hope that one day we'll find the solution to this mystery. If you want to buy a book only about the Mad Butcher case then I highly recommend " In the Wake of the Butcher : Cleveland's Torso Murders " by James Badal, by far the best book ever written on the case. :)
34 stars
Great collection Great collection of videos for the classic musical lover. Just one problem in the shipping. After it had not arrived 2 weeks after ordering, I initiated a trace. Interestingly, it arrived the next day. Watching these two screen legends dance is so very worth it.
45 stars
Un clásico Una de las grabaciones más importantes del jazz. Música tranquila y memorable. Es la unión de grandes músicos y todo coleccionista debe tenerla.
45 stars
Stick with this hypnotic film Johnny Depp and Jim Jarmusch are ideal collaborators. Both come up with such eccentric ideas that work more often than not. "Dead Man" is proof of both men's twisted genius. Things start out painfully slow, so a fair amount of patience is required. Bill Blake (Depp), an accountant from Cleveland, is boarding a train for the town of Machine. He has just been hired by Old Man Dickinson (Robert Mitchum) to work in his steel mill. Blake's parents are recently deceased, his fiance ran out on him, and he used his last penny to buy a horrible suit and train ticket to get to Machine. He is looking for a fresh start. When Blake arrives at the steel mill he learns that due to a mailing error the accounting position has already been filled. Blake is furious and when he demands to speak with Dickinson he is chased out by the old man himself with a shotgun. Things don't get any better for Blake. By the end of the night he will be fatally wounded in a gunfight and wrongfully accused of a double murder which includes Dickinson's son (Gabriel Byrne). Three bounty hunters (Lance Henriksen, Michael Wincott, and Eugene Byrd) have been hired by Dickinson to bring Blake in. The only relief Blake finds is an Indian named Nobody (Gary Farmer), who tends to his wounds and offers him spiritual enlightenment. Nobody promises Blake that he will help him get back to where he came from. Through the character of Nobody Jarmusch unleashes this film's dark, dark, wit. Nobody is constantly putting down the "stupid white man" and his scenes with Depp are brilliant. These two actors have an unexpected team work and play off each other beautifully. Nobody is also the film's conscience as he tries to teach Blake about spirituality and quotes endlessly the real William Blake's' poetry. I haven't even gotten to Billy Bob Thornton, Iggy Pop in drag, or the brain smashing, and cannibalism that Jarmusch also sees fit to throw in. It is a film well worth taking a chance on. In addition to all the weirdness you are rewarded with hypnotic black and white images from Robby Mueller and a thrashing and moody electric score from Neil Young. A minor masterpiece.
23 stars
stainless bucket was not the same in the picture The bucket was the right size but not the same bucket in the picture. I wanted the one with the raised tabs for the bail but got a different model.
23 stars
Very interesting Although a remake this is a great movie. The plot is full of twists and keeps you captivated during the whole movie and the casting and directing are superb.I will not got into details as I do not want to ruin the movie for the ones that have not seen it yet. I will jusst say that it is a mob and police movie. I should warn that there is a lot of graphic violence so if someone has underage kids or does not like seeing violence then maybe you should stay away from it.All in all a great movie that you will enjoy
45 stars
Skip it The film is inaccurate (ignorant of how early porno films began), shows boring parts of boring films (explicitly cuts hard-core scenes), a know-it-all narrator won't shut up with his useless unimaginative commentary, absurd newsreel intercuts that the director thinks gives the film "weight". Gets two stars instead of one for a contribution to history of cinema. The real history of porno is a 1970s film called "History of the Blue Movie" which apparently was allowed to copy some early stuff from the Kinsey archives; this film was definitely available on VHS at one time, and is well-worth tracking down.
12 stars
Good book on hardware common to embedded systems This is a practical introduction to embedded hardware, so to write software for the hardware presented in this book, you will need to consult other books. This book is only an introduction and if you want to gain more knowledge and experience in the field of hardware design, further study is required. In the first part of the book the author gives an introduction to computer architecture and describes the components that you find in a PC. The author goes on to explain basic electronics, just enough to understand the explanations about the electronic components. There are the basic equations to calculate voltage and current. The functionality of resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes and crystals is explained. There is advice on how you can build or have built your own integrated circuit board. Some simple microprocessors and micro controllers are described including the currently available and commonly used PIC and AVR micro controllers, the 68000-series microprocessor and a DSP based controller. The functionality of the components is described and it is shown how the component can be used with a few other basic components to exercise a minimum of functionality. The book also covers useful topics like the protocols SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) and I2C, Inter Integrated Circuit, which show how components can communicate with each other or the outside world. Various serial port and network protocols are discussed like RS232C and USB. Chapter 13 was particularly interesting, covering analog to digital conversion and applications. For example, the book explains how to use an amplifier to connect a digital circuit to a temperature or light sensor, or a motor control. The one thing I did not like about the book was the dedication of an entire chapter to the ancient language of Forth. This space might have been better spent on expanding the book's discussion of assembly language or the more timely topic of embedded networks.This book might be too elementary for practicing engineers, particularly if they are already familiar with the devices commonly used in embedded circuits. However, for those engineers that have been writing software since they graduated, this book is a good fast-paced introduction to the hardware commonly found in embedded systems. A good follow-on to this book is "Programming Embedded Systems with C and C++" by the same publisher.
34 stars
Great Reading This is the best book I have ever read. His way of telling a story is like being led through the journey in an invisible cart. The story unfolds with you wanting to see around the next corner. Remarkable true tale and a remarkable story teller. History is so much more interesting than fiction.
45 stars
Wonderful Book for all ages! I read this book when I was 12 and loved it. Now I'm 21 and recendly read it again, and I liked it even more. The plot is great. The characters are alive, and the writing is superb.A must for anyone that wants to laugh, love and cry with the town from Avonlea.
45 stars
Fantastic quality Book came when it said it would. Perfect quality. I payed 4.50USD shipping incl. for this and was expecting it a bit ratty. Nope. It's like I bought it new in-store. Very pleased.Needed it for a History class.
45 stars
THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE: THE NEXT GENERATION (1994: Originally Filmed) (1997: Released Theatrically) I was very excited to hear about a fourth installment to THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE. I ran to Blockbuster Video, rented a copy of the movie, ran back home, and watched it then and there. I cannot believe how disappointed I was in the results of this film.A group of teenagers, HEATHER (played by Lisa Marie Newmyer), her boyfriend, SEAN (played by John Harrison), and their geeky friend, JENNY (played by Renee Zellweger) decide to leave their prom a little early and end up getting into a car accident. They end up at an insurance office in the middle of nowhere, and meet up with a seemingly normal woman named, DARLA SAWYER (played by the sexy Tonie Perensky), who offers to have her husband tow their car. Unfortunately for the teens, this woman is married to a psychopath named VILMER SAWYER (played by Matthew McConaughey) whose brother is the cannabalisic serial killer, LEATHERFACE (played by Robert Jacks). The teens are taken to a secluded, old farmhouse where the previously cannibalistic family of the earlier films live.As I said before, this film was a major disappointment to me, as well as other TCM fans. After watching this film, you all might want to run out to buy the 2003 remake of THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE, as well as its 2006 prequel, THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE: THE BEGINNING.It should be noted that this film is often labeled as either a remake or semi-remake of the original 1974 film. Let it be known by fact that this film is not a remake, nor is it a semi-remake. It is simply the third sequel to the original film that was released back in 1974.
45 stars
Amazing book, shameless price $16.99 (as of 4/24/11) for an ebook? Shameless to the point of being disgusting. One of the best novels of its genre deserves better than to end up as a posterboy for the lessons that book publishers refuse to learn from the music industry. 4 1/2 stars for the novel itself, 1 star for Peguin's stupidity in doing all they can to encourage piracy amongst fans who would be all too happy to pay a fair price.
23 stars
a great book about the hard times in early 20th century "The Grapes of Wrath" takes place in the 30's. It starts with Nate Joad coming back from prison to his hometown in Oklahoma. He returns to find that the banks are repossessing land because the farmers could no longer afford to pay their loans back. (Also, the stock market crashed which brought "The Great Depression") When he returned his family was evicted from their land and living at their parents (his grandparents) house. The family had received fliers about California. From there, they decide to head west. The Joads loaded up the old Studebaker truck, full with all belongings, and went to "Get their kicks on Route 66". Which was the only highway connecting east and west coast. Many problems were encountered on the way there. This is where life took on a whole different meaning.This book was like a real person. It had flaws, imperfections, but also had character and personality of it's own. "The Grapes of Wrath" wondered in and out of little sub stories while, all the way it kept on a main story. The little sub stories served a purpose though, they all had a little meaning that built into the main one. Sometimes the sub stories became a nuisance, because when the real story was getting interesting, it switch to something else. The book was also slightly long winded, but was still well done all in all.
34 stars
I couldn't put it down...! I am a huge fan of Danielle Steele. This is undoubtedly one of her best novels yet. I could hardly put it down. She has a talent for writing about the human soul. I think that's what makes her so good. Read this book, it will really touch your heart!
45 stars
One Of The Best Animated Films Ever I found myself saying "wow" over and over as I watched this movie on DVD went it came out just before Thanksgiving of 2005. Since then, I've seen it a half-dozen times and it continually amazes Each time I think I'm watching the most beautiful or amazing artwork I've ever seen drawn for a movie. The visuals are just stunning, scene after scene.The sound ain't bad, either! Those not playing this on a surround system are missing an integral part of this movie and a lot of fun. The roar of train as it comes and goes, for one example, is awesome.It isn't just the great visuals and audio; the story is extremely entertaining all the way with some very adventurous scenes. There are a couple of roller coaster-type scenes which were especially fun, and actually thrilling.Normally, 100 minutes is a bit long for me to sit through an animated film but this was filled with so many amazing sights and fun action scenes that time was no problem. Along the way are some touching messages about sharing life with other humans, and about giving.
45 stars
A landmark book in conservative thought Kirk provides insight and analysis into the proud British and American traditions of limited governemnt, deference to the practices of tradition, prescription, custom and convention as understood by those who would resist the "leveling fancies" of today's government-oriented socialists. His loving discussion of Burke, John Randolph of Roanoke, etc., is insightful and memorable. The Blackstone recording is also excellent, and if you listen with the book nearby, you can mark memorable quotes. Also, speeches Kirk mentions by John Randolph are re-printed in another Kirk book, John Randolph of Roanoke, available through Liberty Press. The Conservative Mind is a book everyone must read.
45 stars
not your fiddler on the roof Malamud's novel dramatized the Beyliss "blood libel"; the movie brings to life the true anti-semitism of Czarist Russia. Bates as "everyman" thrust into role of martyr and hero is very credible without false sentiment. Fine supporting cast. Does justice to both the novel and the underlying historical events. Good educational tool for HS and undergrads. Truly the most authentic movie look at Jewish life in Czarist Russia.
45 stars
Pathetic Unfortunately, Ms. Coulter is turning into the Marilyn Manson of conservative punditry. In her need to be shocking, she has to continually ratchet up the outrageousness until she starts becoming a parody of herself.The book is actually quite funny. Unintentionally of course, but still quite funny.
01 star
Fortune is a woman It was one of the most wonderful book I have and would recommend it to anyone that reads and already have.The relationship between the two of them was was what made read this book in two days.Quite amazing.
45 stars
War is Hell * "Stephen Crane wrote a book depicting war that still holds up, even though it was written many decades ago. Crane shows how young boys can look at the soldier from home and see a hero to be imitated. He then puts his main character, a boy, in the center of the war by making him enlist. Crane's description of war is so clear and accurate. First of all, war kills people in groups. War leaves many more soldiers with loses. Loses of limbs, organs, and mental health. Every time I hear a young person in the subway discuss enlisting into the military, I wonder if he has read Red Badge of Courage."
34 stars
Star Trek Original Season 1 HD An original that I still enjoy. Gene Roddenberry put together a cast that clicks and the characters mesh well. " Star Trek, the Next Generation" is likewise entertaining for the same reasons. However "Star Trek Voyager" destroys the feeling of a "tight knit" group because the characters have evolved into a stress based, ego wielding self serving crew.I don't mind reviewing the shows I have watched, but I don't like the fact that I have to sign in to do it.
34 stars
Essential trackball to complement other mouse Have had this trackball for about two years now, mainly after having some issues with RSI (tendonitis). It is now an essential component to my computer peripherals (at work they joke "command center").I use on my left hand, guide with one mouse and click with the trackball's easy BIG buttons. And it stays put, takes minimal space, so I could even use it as my main mouse in an AIRPLANE. I played Warcraft 3 on my flight in for the holidays.Anyway, I recommend it, enough said.
45 stars
awesome & hilarious Great holiday movie for kids, adults, and families. We watched it again after not seeing it for over a decade and laughed relentlessly. Pesci & Culkin are memorable. Awesome. Fun.
45 stars
Tribute at its best This James Taylor tribute is a tonic for those who believe all of these made-for-tv events are somewhat lame and overdone. These musicians truly care about Taylor, they were influenced by Taylor, they made this a special event and they make it a special dvd for those of us who grew up with James Taylor as a principal performer in the soundtrack of our lives.
45 stars
Their Aim Was True Starting out as a musical sketch on Saturday Night Live and performing at a New York City after-hours bar for SNL cast, crew and guests, comedians Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi took their appreciation for the blues and R&B; through the Blues Brothers and delivered a new appreciation for the music in an era of punk, stadium rock and disco.Recorded live at the Universal Amphitheater in Los Angeles, California, the vocals of Joliet Jake and Elwood Blues are bolstered by an all-star lineup of musicians, including Matt Murphy and Steve Cropper (g), "Duck" Dunn (b), Paul Shaffer (k), Tom Scott (sax) and Lou Marini (sax).Released in December 1978 by Atlantic Records, the album achieved double-platinum status, while reaching number one on the Billboard Hot 200 chart. The two singles - released in 1979 - Rubber Biscuit and Soul Man, peaked at numbers 37 and 14, respectively, on the Billboard Hot 100.Aykroyd and Belushi had fun - especially with the oftentimes over-the-top stage antics - but their aim was true in singing the blues.
45 stars
TOP QUALITY!!! I purchased these straps after being disappointed with various straps that were sold by local sporting goods stores. These straps have far outperformed all of the previous and I feel absolutely NO pain or tension in my wrists when bench pressing over 375 lbs!Some of my lifting buddies have straps that are black and red, and always ask me where I got mine as they look better and outperform their own straps. Can't beat the price for this product. Happy lifting!
45 stars
A fun game If you liked any of the Monkey Island games than you will like this one. Most puzzles are logical, the Osiris temple not so much. I am only 1/3 to 1/2 the way thru it but it is fun and the graphics are pleasing.
45 stars
I loved this movie I don't know if it deserved a bunch of accademy awards but I loved it. Cairo in the forties is a very compelling background for the story to unfold. The only two people I really cared about were Kip and Hana. The main characters were not very lovable but that they are real people with strengths and weakness just like everybody else is the point. It is not unimaginable for two people to be overwelmed with desire in the desert wilderness and to disregard the consequences. However I don't think anybody would have depended on a madman of a pilot who knows they're sleeping with his wife to pick them up in the middle of the desert. I've watched this movie 4 times now and I'll watch it again soon. I do hope that Kip and Hana lived happily ever after.
45 stars
I only hope Ms. Evanovich won't keep us hanging long. I loved this book. It has lots of wonderful stories going at once. Stephanie Plum is every woman, she has real emotions and I could relate to her. I have loved this series and since One for the Money, have been hooked. The story is fast paced and interesting but the ending will leave you begging for one more page. I highly reccomend this for some fun summer reading. Janet, if you aren't already writing "Six", GET TO WORK, PLEASE.
34 stars
To Kill a Mockingbird I think Harper Lee's novel was a warm and pure piece of American literature. The last two chapters really affected me the most, as Scout starts to loose her innocence that carried her through many events in her childhood. When Scout finally realizes what her fathter meant when he said, " To really understand a person you have to step in their shoes and walk around in them for awhile," you really see how much she is starting to mature. He teaches them through his actions and his words what is right and wrong and you should follow your conscience no matter what anyone says. I recomend this book to readers of all ages.
45 stars
Not a Movie This was not a movie. It is only 25 minutes of shooting. Want my money back or send me the movie.
01 star
Good pair of globes Good pair of globes. Good feel on the material. You might want to go to next higher size since they are a little narrow.
34 stars
Freude, freude! A beautifully performed and exquisitely videoed performance of the Triple and Choral Fantasy. Orchestral and choral fans alike will be awed by the sheer beauty of this music. And what better orchestra to perform these masterpieces than the Berlin Philharmonic?
45 stars
Buy the original, not this one I bought both this one and the Riverdance - The Show, which started it all. Please do not waste your money on the New York show. There is too much choppiness in the camera work. Very little camera work from head to toe, which will give you the full magitude and absolute beauty of the dance movement. I believe the great Fred Astaire had stated that he wanted his dance steps to always be filmed from head to toe, to give the full beauty and grace of his dance steps. This video is ridiculous, to much cutting, head shots, feet shot's and even dumb camera shots from way back in the theatre. If you get Riverdance "The Show" you will see tremendous footwork and coordination that you can fully appreciate. I have seen Riverdance LIVE at the Wang theatre in Boston and at Radio City Music Hall. You have to see the full movement of the Riverdance troup to see the grace and skill involved. This tape does not give you that, does not allow you to focus, on the skillfull dancing to appreciate it, to see the grace of it all. The camera work tries to do too much and in the end completely fails at what it is suppose to pass to viewer, the beauty and grace of Riverdance.
01 star
Waaaiiiit a Minute People....!!!!!! Sheesh!!!! What did you expect??? This is a summer beach read potboiler---and for that purpose it's perfect! This is not high literature. If you enjoyed Dan Brown, you'll enjoy this. If you are into Templars and the Gnostic Gospels, you'll enjoy it even more. Sure, it has the typical cardboard characters, but we're not reading this for them. It has action, murders, grave-openings (underwater even!), the works. I thought the Templar interludes were very well done--normally I find it annoying when novels bounce back and forth in time, but this was kept to a minimum, just enough to illuminate the story.
34 stars
Product design damaged existing software making it unusable Miscrsoft dais tough sh t Installation of MS Office 2007 deleted the spell check function of my existing Microsoft Outlook Express. THe spell check function only is in FRENCH. No longer can I run spell check on my outgoing e-mails.Microsoft said tough. Even though it is their software, their programming removed the english language spellcheck. They must have developed the programs in ???. Google this problem and also Microsoft web pages I am not alone with this fault. MICROSOFT IS IRRESPONSIBLE.
23 stars
Prefect! Anything under armour is amazing, period. bought this for my boyfriend (he hunts and is outside all the time playing baseball), and in the cold weather he said this keeps him completely warm! Best buy here.
45 stars
Why I can't leave Las Vegas Excellant performances by both Nick Cage and Elisabeth Shue. Mike Figgis direction of this video was superb and kept the viewer in tune and kept the flim on an pace perfect for the story. Always keeping the viewer interested in the developing plot. Also the soundtrack for the flim really help set the mood and made the flim much more emotional for the viewer. Figgis wrote and played much of the original score showing he is not only a talented director but also a musican. Sting also lends his help to a few tracks during the movie. Overall this was a great movie, having not only a great story but also top notch directing as well as acting. Highly recomended.
45 stars
5 pack Litter Locker refill cartridges I really like this product. Being able to buy the cartridge refills in multiples really saves on the cost. Also, being able to purchase this product online saves a trip to the store.Regarding the product itself, the refill easily disposes of waste in convenient plastic bagging. Also, the cartridges last quite a while.
45 stars
Excellent Written in the same form as "The Total Woman" I found this book to be very enlightening. I learned much from the author and was not disappointed when I finished it. We need more books like this!
34 stars
6061 This material has good machining characteristics. Easily drilled, cut, milled or turned in a lathe. 6061 aluminum can be welded as well.
45 stars
Good Good very Good Loose fit...very nice.I purchased khaki, it is very nice.If you hesitated whether to buy it, don't do that!Buy it right now~
45 stars
War Weary, Top 10 Greatest Sci-Fi Books William goes to the stars a warrior and returns to a world changed beyond recognition. Everyone he ever loved is long gone and is own humanity altered beyond recognition.Haldeman has written one of the most thought provoking books I've ever read. He literally puts you in the shoes of a weary warrior learning the hard lessons of war. Bitter sweet but an awesome read.
45 stars
excellent I am using this card in a Minolta D7i and have had no trouble with it whatsoever.
45 stars
Outstanding Excellent product... Have not tried the MP3 player yet, but the side mounted buttons make the device especially easy to use... The only drawback to the device is the case color... The dark case makes the device harder to see from outside the vehicle... Otherwise, highly recommend the product, price was outstanding, delivery was very fast...
45 stars
34 stars
A Phun Time for All ! I had a gggrrreat time reading this 3rd installment.It had all the phun and phantasy of the previous books in this series.Keep up the phantastic work guys :-)
45 stars
Complex, but worth the effort This book is complex but worth the effort if you have an IQ of more than room-temperature.The comment by a previous reviewer is worth taking up:"And now I have an even bigger reason to dislike this book. I happen to hate reading screeds that trash the author's own ancestors. I'm sure homo sapiens were not perfect, but please show me a race or culture of people who are." Well, I'd agree, strongly. But it's not as simple as that: the Homo Sapiens Sapiens in The Inheritors are not shown as deliberately and strategically wiping out the last Homo Sapiens Neanderthalus. Rather, they are terrified of them. They think they are defending themselves against horrifying demons - why do they submit to the discipline of the whip to drag the canoe up the portage? Plainly they are half out of their minds with terror, which the Neanderthals cannot comprehend. Further, the Neanderthals, though gentle and innocent, are plainly inadequate. The process of their replacement by the Homo Sapiens Sapiens, or Cro-Magnards, is cruel but it is not morbid. The Neanderthals, it is clearly demonstrated, are at a dead-end (they are only a vestige of a tribe at the beginning of the story). The survival of the Neanderthal infant means some of their gentleness and innocence may survive into the new world. It is actually a relief to get into the Cro-Magnards' minds in the final chapter after the limitation of having to see everything from a Neanderthal point of view. The Cro-Magnards are at one point called "the people of the fall" - in religious terms they are the people of the "Fall" indeed - Postlapsarian Man. Unlike the Neanderthals, they do have knowledge of good and evil, and we see at the end even the rudiments of conscience - which is not to say the end of the Neanderthals is not utterly tragic.Like all Golding's earlier works, this is the exploration of difficult moral dilemnas. There are lessons there but they are not easy.
45 stars
Moby is back I bought the album yesterday and listened to the cd on my way home from work, the album is awesome, its Moby at his best.I love the opening song on the album We are made of stars, I keep playing the song over and over. I definitely recommend buying this cd, it an album you put on nice and loud on your stereo, kick back and relax....
34 stars
Pretty good for a last effort While not even coming close to the first, this album is pretty good in its own right. My fave is "so young so bad" But really there isnt a turkey track on the whole album. This is one album worth owning, you wont regret it.
34 stars
Music! The Universal Language For Which Josh Is A Master Communicator Incredible. A word so often over used in todays society and yet that singular description speaks of Josh Groban's music. This album is perfect for long road trips. Ensconced in that new car, the world outside muted so that not even pot holes in the road interrupt the peace inside, this album is all one needs to while away the miles.What a blessing it is to find Josh Groban on CD. Otherwise that gifted voice would be kept all to himself.
45 stars
Great choice Very beautiful pendant! I bought it as a gift to my Mom and she loved it! Great price, great product
34 stars
Stossel shines in an old book I have enjoyed watching John Stossel's segments on 20/20 over the years, and recently bought this book used for about $3. It was a very entertaining read and certainly worth the price, but a couple "bewares."This book was published in 1980. I had forgotten just how much things have changed in the consumer world since then. And it's not just things like information on the Internet and email addresses. Lemon laws regarding used cars have changed some things, and the books section on airline travel is quite outdated. The section on telephones is also a laugher. For this reason, I am unable to give it five stars.But there are some helpful tips which will save you money on several fronts: from buying a car (by a car at the end of the month, as salesman are up against sales quotas) to buying a house (get an energy audit), to shopping at the supermarket (a chart on when fruits and vegetables are the freshest and cheapest) and Health, Cosmetics, and Drugs (a lot of rip-offs here).Stossel's prose is just as entertaining in this early consumer guide book. I think he would be quite surprised to know that people are still reading this book today. If you find this book used, it's certainly worth the money.
34 stars
Avatar - A Good Choice For Your Movie Library This movie has action, love, a good story line and some incredible graphics that makes this movie easy to enjoy. This is not the 3D version, and that's ok because I have not found a 3D version that I can enjoy. I wear glasses and none of the 3D glasses I have had access to have worked well enough with my glasses for me to enjoy the 3D movies.Having said that, Blu-ray has come to the rescue and this edition has been one of the best we have seen. If I said I didn't believe it could get better the movie industry will probably find a way to improve it but on this version I don't see how - It's simply splendid.One other item that we appreciate is that it does not have all the advertising that comes with so many movies today. We find those bothersome because a month after you have the new movie all the movie trailers that came as advertising are old and out dated. It takes us 10 minutes to fast forward past the advertising and we find that annoying. We like the option of loading directly to the movie and we appreciate that they dropped the advertising and that it loads right to the movie. This also helps make this version a winner.This Blu-ray edition was a 5 Star choice for our movie library.
45 stars
great The book is in great condition and it came in a timely fashion. great company
45 stars
MUNSTER FANS: UNITE!! The Munsters have never looked better. All 36 episodes of the first season on a 3 disc set. Slim pickings on the extras, just an awesome unused color pilot. The picture quality is outstanding, clear with an occassional scratch.Throw an old school Munster-fest in your own home! HUH-HUH-HUH-HUHHHHHH!
45 stars
ONE OF THE BEST FANTASY BOOKS I'VE EVER READ! "Dealing with dragons" is a fantasy book about a rather "improper" princess. She is called princess Cimorene. unlike her 5 sisters, who are all perfectly normal proper princesses, all having long blond hair and sweet dispositions, Cimorene is tall, with jet black hair.And instead of wanting to do embroidery and dancing lessons, Cimorene would much rather take fencing and magic lessons. But after her parents (king and Queen of Linderwall) ban her from taking magic and fencing lessons, Cimorene decides to do something about it. She runs away to become a dragon's princess. After almost being eaten by a hungry, not so nice,dragon, she becomes the dragon kazul's princess. While with Kazul she befriends another dragon's princess, has an encounter with a jinn, and has to deal with some very tricky, nasty wizards who are determined to kill the dragon kazul.This was a very well-written book. It had many fairy tales mixed in, while still making Sense. For being a book about a princess, it was very original; I've never seen any other book like this one. It has alot of adventure and just the right amount of humor. I like how each chapter starts with "in wich...", it adds to the fairy tale atmosphere. This is one of those books where are never bored reading it; it's non-stop fun from beginning to end. This is a book you could read in one day.There reallly weren't any negative points in this book, because it's so good. Maybe it could have been a little longer, because I always feel like there should be more. That's really all I can think of; it's such a good book, there are hardly any negative points in it at all.If you want to find out what happens between Cimorene and Kazul, and the wizards of course, Then definitely read this book. Partricia C. Wrede did a wonderful job writing this book (and the whole series) If you like fantasy stories, improper princesses and mischeivous wizards, then read " Dealing with dragons" by Patricia C. Wrede.
45 stars
Slick but disappointing This book disappointed: the plot, while full of twists and complications, was unconvincing, and the characterization was inconsistent. I enjoy Regencies that are full of fun, but I expect more than this book provided.
23 stars
what's everyone so excited about? A buddy loaned this to me, claiming I was going to love Alan Rickman's reading.While I am a huge fan of this book (in my opinion, Hardy's best), Rickman's reading, while far from bad, is nothing special.His pace is monotonous and he makes scant effort to mimic the voices of various characters. It's a reading, pure and simple. Not a dramatization by any means, or a single sound effect. It is completely unabridged, however.Alan Rickman, in case you don't know, is the guy who's made a career out of playing fey villains, such as the Sheriff of Nottingham in that 80's version of "Robin Hood," with Kevin Costner.
23 stars
A mature book, hard to understand...but for all ages... I am twelve years old, and I read this book when I turned eleven. when I finished this book, I sort of re-read some of it, and scanned the pages over, and I said to myself, how in the world did I read this book with pure English language, written years ago, with a totally advanced vocabulary. Yet, yes, this book is at an advanced level, but so many girls between 12-15 read this book. And the funny thing is, that I don't understand the words, but when I read the book, I have a clear view of what the words mean. This is such a great book to give to your kids. I read it like, on my 11th birthday, and it is good for girls 11 and older. I would recomend this book for teens or pre-teens, and parents, don't give them Nancy Drew books. That could ruin them completely. Give them something that can make thier grades go up. They'll thank you later.
45 stars
The Right Stuff - is a classic! I had this movie on VHS and finally bought the DVD. Worth every penny and could watch this over and over again!
45 stars
Ruben comes through again. It doesn't matter how many Clayfans don't have a life and spammed these reviews. Clay's no God and this is Ruben's album, so on to the review.Ruben effortlessly switches from hip-hop to R&B to Gospel, and showed tons of diversity with his debut album. Now, there was a song or two on the album with bad production, but as far as his voice and lyrics, etc. it's flawless. If you enjoy any of the already mentioned genres, this is an album to look into. If you're a Clay fan who likes straight pop, get out of these reviews.A great album from an awesome talent.
45 stars
Brothers Mets Jersey Got it in a good time. Didn't help the Mets win the playoffs.
34 stars
Fit Great, Nice Quality! These coveralls are great! Light weight and fit perfectly. I had a problem with a different brand because the length from the shoulders to the bottom of the zipper was too short. Since I have a long torso they didn't fit unless I hunched over. These coveralls are a great length for me!Dickies has recently stopped selling their short sleeve khaki coveralls. It is mandatory that I get khaki so this was a fantastic find!
45 stars
Great Stuff, Too Bad All The Singles Weren't Included Overshadowed by brother Michael's solo career and best known for their career establishing, oft-packaged tenure at Motown (1969-1975), the Jackson brothers made some fine music for the Epic label from 1976-1989. Surprisingly, their Epic hits had not been anthologized until this new 14-track Essential set.Having lost their Jackson 5 moniker and brother Jermaine to a solo career when they left Motown, the newly christened Jacksons - with youngest brother Randy now in the fold - were assigned to legendary Philly soul writer-producers Gamble & Huff for their first two Epic albums The Jacksons (1976) and Goin' Places (1977). These albums showcased a significant maturation in the group's sound, led by their more intricate harmonies. But aside from the snappy "Enjoy Yourself," the hits ("Show You The Way To Go," "Goin' Places," and "Find Me A Girl") are indistinctive pleasantries that could have just as easily been performed by Gamble & Huff's primary act, The O'Jays.Starting with their third Epic album Destiny in 1978, the Jacksons - especially Michael, Jackie, and Randy - began writing and producing their own material. Destiny was, amazingly, a vast improvement over the Gamble & Huff albums. Its two hit singles "Blame It On The Boogie" and "Shake You Body" (Down To The Ground)" stand among the most potent hits of the disco era, highlighted by Michael's sunny lead vocals, smooth backgrounds from the brothers, and a supple bass line. Unlike most dance hits from the late '70s, these recordings still sound fresh today.Michael followed up Destiny with his megastar-making solo vehicle Off The Wall in 1979. The confidence brought on by that project's success was immediately evident when he re-teamed with his brothers for Triumph in 1981. Triumph, on which Michael had a hand in writing nine of its ten tracks, was a topically diverse, sonically exciting masterpiece. The dramatic epic "This Place Hotel" - with its shrieking and slamming door sound effects - offered a small taste of the theatrics that Michael would later meld into the title track of his landmark solo album Thriller. Meanwhile, "Can You Feel It" delivered Michael's first save/improve the world anthem - a topic he would revisit on his subsequent solo projects.After Thriller's release in 1982 made Michael one of, if not THE most famous musicians on the planet, he cut back on his musical involvement in the Jacksons. He contributed only three compositions to their slight, over-hyped 1984 album Victory that featured the return of Jermaine to the act. Victory's lead-off single "State Of Shock" - a lyrically empty riff - owed its success primarily to the vocal event pairing of Michael and Mick Jagger. It's the only recording from Victory included on this set.With the Jacksons' next project, 1989's 2200 Jackson Street, Michael limited his participation to one track: the sweet, autobiographical title hit that featured vocal contributions from all of the Jackson siblings except the then-ostracized LaToya. It's other single, the Jermaine-led "Nothin (That Compares 2 You)" was a slice of new jack swing that recalls - far too much - producers LA & Babyface's work with Bobby Brown. Dropped by Epic after sluggish sales, 2200 Jackson Street remains the Jackson brothers last collaborative effort to date.This Essential collection concludes with the brothers' live rendition of Michael's solo hit "Don't Stop `Til You Get Enough." Had this murky recording's spot been filled by Victory's haunting "Torture" and the Caribbean flavored "Body" (the only Epic singles excluded here), this retrospective of the most underappreciated phase of the Jacksons' illustrious career would have earned its Essential name.
45 stars
Wonderful family movie A good movie for kids and adults who have special talents, who stand alone in the crowd, to show them that they are not alone, and that they do have a place in this world. It also makes points about true friendship, and how a dream can come true if you try hard enough and have enough faith in yourself. Also touches on the art of compromise. Great story line.
45 stars
Market liberal loves this book! I want to thank all of the collectivists, central planners, socialists and would be tyrants of both Left and Right affiliations for their low rankings and bad reviews of this book. If my entire worldview was shattered by a single book, I supposed I would be angry and irrational as well.Anyway, this is a great book to learn not only why central planning and regulation of markets fail, but the mentality behind those type of people. This book exposes the myth that National Socialism and Soviet Communism were somehow radically different, and not in reality just different sides of the same coin. I have had many arguments with Lefists on how different socialism is from National Socialism, but with this book I can show them the error of their ways.To sum up: If you are a market liberal, a fiscal conservative or libertarian, read this book and buy it for any central planning, anti-market advocates you know. If you are a collectivist or anti-market conserviative or liberal, please read this book and try to convince your fellows of the danger of their actions.
45 stars