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it' jst EGRAMRODGER MALLIGON- FW STAR-TEL SURE BEATSWORKINGThe Democrats in theTexas legislature go onthe lam to avoid votingon a controversial plan.They sing, they relax,they bond By JOEL STEIN NE REASON POLITICIANSseem so dorky is thatother than thefilibuster, there aren'tany cool parliamentaryprocedures. But the ultimatemovethe one thats makingAaron Sorkin even more upsetthat he won't be writingThe West Wing next KICKING BACK G.O.P. Representative LoisKolkhorst in the house chamber on Tuesdayseasonis to halt a vote byhightailing it out of town andthen evading the cops lookingto drag you back. Its alwaysa ratings grabber, like whensome Republicans in the U.S.Senate locked themselves intheir offices to quash a voteon a campaign-finance-reformbill in 1988, causing asergeant at arms to carryBob Packwood feetfirstto the Senate floor afterdetermining that LowellWeicker was too heavy.The stunt pulled byDemocrats
memeaTee abe Facing the Fury44Americans dont fear the wrathof protesters. It is those whocarried out the heinous attack whomust face the rage of the world.77ROBERT SOLOMONNew York City ENOUGH HAND WRINGING OVER ANGRYMuslims THE TALIBAN, Oct. 15! Ameri-cans are angrier, and we're ready to fighttoo. These people are the enemy, and Imsick of seeing them on my TV screen. Re-member Sept. 11, America, and let youranger rage until we've made the world abetter place for everyone.WEs REEVESAmarillo, Texas HAVE HAD IT WITH THE NOTION THAT WEAmericans had better be careful or wemight make them more angry thanthey already are, and then we'll be in realtrouble. There is a grain of truth to it, butI am tired of it. What about my anger?What about my fury? Five thousandAmericans were
10 QuestionsQuintessentially British novelistlan McEwan on wandering spouses,long-lost brothers and MagnetoYour new novel The ChildrenAct is about a decades-oldmarriage in crisis. Doestime increase the chancethat a marriage will survivean affair?In my experience, its moreof an explosion after 35 yearsthan it would be after five.The marriages can resume,but they dont quite resumeon the same terms. Even ifthey patch it together, thepatches will show.So your advice is, if youregoing to cheat, do it early?Yes. If youre going to cheat, doit before you get married.The husband is aggrieved afterseven weeks and one day with-out sex. Do you consider thatan egregiously long time?Thats what my characterbelieves is an egregiously longtime. One female reader said,Yeah, tell him to get over it.A family in the book wants towithhold medical treatmentfor their child because theyreJehovahs
NancyGibbs Essay Roaring Tigers, Anxious Choppers. Onesure thing about parenting: no one cancrack the codeTHE ASIAN TIGER MOM THAT AMY CHUA PORTRAYS INher new book may seem like just one more species in thegenus Extreme Parentthe counterpart to the hoveringAmerican Parens helicopterus or the Scandinavian CurlingParents, who frantically rush ahead of their children,sweeping their paths clear of the tiniest obstacles.The common characteristics include an obsessionwith a childs success, a reflex to treat kids as extensionsor reflections of oneself and patterns of conduct that im-partial observers might class as insane if not criminal, ifnot both. In Chuas case, this famously includes prohibit-ing grades lower than an A, TV, playdates and sleepovers,and warning her pianist child that if the next times notPERFECT, Im going to TAKE ALLYOUR STUFFED ANIMALS ANDBURN
This summary contains important information about VIAGRA. It isNot meant to take the place of your doctor's instructions. Read thisinformation carefully before you start taking VIAGRA. Ask yourdoctor or pharmacist if you do not understand any of this informationor if you want to know more about VIAGRA.This medicine can help many men when it is used as prescribed bytheir doctors. However, VIAGRA is not for everyone. It is intended foruse only by men who have a condition called erectile dysfunction.VIAGRA must never be used by men who are taking medicines thatcontain nitrates of any kind, at any time. This includes nitroglyc-erin. If you take VIAGRA with any nitrate medicine your blood pres-sure could suddenly drop to an unsafe or life threatening level. What Is VIAGRA?VIAGRA is a pill
The Culture ecGlam Camspet FeBy Harry McCrackenFOR YEARS, THE SNAPSHOTS TAKEN WITHcamera phones were too grainy to put onyour fridge, let alone in a frame. But nowthat todays most impressive modelssuch as Apples iPhone 4S and SamsungsGalaxy S IIcan capture pictures you canlove unreservedly, why would anyonebother to buy a mundane point-and-shoot?Its a good question, and the photo indus-trys giants are working overtime to answerit. They too have upped the ante on imagequality. The most intriguing models packsuperzoom lenses, built-in projectors andother nifty features that arent yet commonon phones. And they let you shoot photos asfast as you can press the shutter button.Camera phones still tend to be sluggish.But theyre missing Internet-savvy appslike the iPhone photo-sharing serviceInstagram, which in barely over a year hassigned up 12 million shutterbugs
ANGSTY YOUNGMAN: At 24,Oberst has madenine albums, noneof them feel-goodIndie Rocks Dark PrinceOn a pair of CDs, minstrel of misery Conor Obersta.k.a. Bright Eyes proves greatone out of two triesBy JOSH TYRANGIELONOR OBERST HAS AMASSED SUCH Aprodigious discography of pessimismthat he has supplanted Sylvia Plathas the go-to source for art that willmake you want to open a vein. The sheervolume and relentlessness of Obersts agonyat 24, he has made nine albums frontingfour bandsmost famously Bright Eyes, arotating group of musically inclined de-pressives, combined with his puppy-dog gaze and lock of drooping-raven hair, givehim an inescapable aura of adolescentwallowing. He looks the way a My So-Called Life script sounds.The choice with Oberst is fairly sim-ple: laugh at him or cry with him. Laugh-ter is certainly the path of least
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT SYMBICORTuPlease read this summary carefully andthen ask your doctor about SYMBICORT.No advertisement can provide all the informationneeded to determine if a drug is right for you or takethe place of careful discussions with your health careprofessional. Only your health care professional hasthe training to weigh the risks and benefits of aprescription drug.WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANTINFORMATION SHOULD KNOWABOUT SYMBICORT? In patients with asthma, long-acting beta,-agonistLABA medicines, such as formoterol one of themedicines in SYMBICORT, may increase the chanceof death from asthma problems. n a large asthmastudy, more patients who used another LABA medicineed from asthma problems, compared with patients whod not use that LABA medicine. Talk with your health careprofessional about this risk and the benefits of treatingyour asthma with SYMBICORT SYMBICORT does not relieve
Childrens film festivals:made for adultsMOVIES, PAGE 53 O MOVIES O TELEVISION 0 BOOKS O MUSIC O SHORT LISTMOVIESTim Burton,Wonder Boy.BY RICHARD CORLISSDID MANY CHILDREN TRULY LOVE LEWISCarroll's Alice books? Did they embrace theabsurdities and antique wordplay of AlicesAdventures in Wonderland and Through theLooking-Glass with the same rapt fervorthey invested in other favorite stories, ordid they find the Carroll works dry andremote? Couldnt it be that kids were listening out of politeness to the big person sitting by their bed? Martin Gardner, authorof the 1960 The Annotated Alice, thought so.It is only because adultsscientists andmathematicians in particularcontinueto relish the Alice books, he wrote, thatthey are assured of immortality. Makethat scientists, mathematicians and 60spotheads, who saw Alices descent intothe rabbit hole, the Eat Me cake and themushroom-borne caterpillar as evidenceof
The CultureoOy;ustatalsoze inrholifeChery Strayed MY FRIEND DAHMERBy pure, horrific chance, Back-derf went to high school withJeffrey Dahmer. Mining hismemories, Backderf createsa shockingly recognizable,almost tragic portrait of thefuture serial killer as an alien-ated kid in a toxic family.FAR FROM THE TREE3 Andrew SolomonA vast, ambitious book thatexplores the gulf betweenparents and children who aredivided by dwarfism, schizo-phrenia, deafness and otherslips of fate or genetics.2 THE PASSAGE OF POWER Robert A. CaThe fourth volume of Carosmasterly, definitive life ofLyndon Baines Johnson coversJohnsons term as Vice Presi-dent and his abrupt elevationto the presidency.NONFICTIONIRON CURTAIN Anne ApplebaumBeginning in 1944,Stalin. undertook thepolitical and culturalsubjugation of thevast territory theSoviet Unionrolled over dunngWorld War ii, Apbaum records tbrutality and meticulous detail with whictthis doomed projectWas Carried olthe crushing of theCatholic Church, theaemonization of inte!lectuals, the
Another AbuGhraib inThe MakingAFGHANISTANThe Germanmagazine DerSpiegel publishedthree explicitphotographs thatshow U.S. soldiers,members of a self-designated KillTeam, celebratingthe deaths ofAfghan civilians.In one, SpecialistJeremy Morlock isgrinning as he liftsthe head of a blood-streaked body.Morlock and fourother soldiers havebeen charged withmurdering threeAfghan civilians.He pleaded guiltyMarch 23. U.S.officials issued anapology, calling theimages repugnant.A senior NATOofficial warned thatthe photos could bemore damning thanthose taken in 2004at Iraq's Abu Ghraibprison and worsentensions betweenthe two nations.Cornered and Betrayed, an Autocrat Circles the WagonsYEMEN Ali Abdullah Saleh, who has ruled for more than 32 years, clung grimly to power inthe face of widespread protests and the defection of key allies. Weeks of upheaval and callsfor Salehs resignationhis opponents accuse the Yemeni President of stifling politicalA PainfulReckoningBAHRAIN Theisland kingdom'sSunni monarchyratcheted up itscounteroffensiveagainst protestersdemanding politicalreform, the bulkof whom are
ryyMMUNEGLOBAL a port 2HEAL THHELPINGHOMELESSCHILDRENFIND AMEDICAL HOMEHomeless and other disadvantaged children are particularlyvulnerable to illness and are more likely to suffer from chronic andacute conditions that are left undiagnosed or untreated. Sometimes,it's not the lack of medicine that keeps children from being healthy:its the lack of access to quality medical care. And thats not right.That's why GlaxoSmithKline has teamed up with The ChildrensHealth Fund CHF as the sole supporter of CHF's ReferralSPECIAL ADVERTISING FEATURE i,-.. Ae Pe, 4 a. a- g ,: oanlses PwcnManagement Initiative RMI program. RMI teams helpdisadvantaged children and their parents connect with medicalspecialists such as cardiologists and neurologists by offeringtelephone reminders and transportation to hospitals and by actingas translators and go-betweens for doctors and patients.RMI has transformedthe lives of tens ofthousands of medicallyunderserved children.Irwin
The CultureUSICadTaTA DECIDER:SHOULD YOUBUY HIGHHOPES?i like Born toRun and Borninthe U.S.A.I've got fiveBruce albums,and I've seenhim play a fewtimes. Bridge to Nowhere. Bru:a2 I a mYtei've seen Bruceplay 35 times,and lt own all hisalbums.By Douglas WolkAS CHRIS CHRISTIES GEORGE WASHINGTON BRIDGE SCANDALspread earlier this month, there was a string of jokes on Twitterthat alluded to the New Jersey governors adoration for his statescultural hero: Tunnel of Love Gets Shut Down Next, work-ing on the highway, laying down the traffic cones and so on.But the gags using the hashtag ChristieSpringsteenLyrics werevirtually all references to songs Bruce Springsteen recordeddecades ago. You'd never have guessed from looking at them thatthe original Boss was about to release a new album.Theres a certain kind of record that rock stars make whentheir creative wells
The Culture Television visiting, he says. He shoots Louie lateinto the night on days when the girls arewith his ex-wife and edits the show, onhis laptop, when theyre in school.And the freedom was priceless. Thefirst season of Louie was a loose-knit an-thology of anxiety comedy, combiningsmall vignettes, meatier stories and clipsof stand-up. Some stories were gross-outfunny, like a bit in which Louie's doctorRicky Gervais mocks his middle-agedbody during an exam. Others were poi-gnant and even dramatic: Louie has adate ruined when hes humiliated by ahigh school bully; Louie remembers hischildhood Catholic-school guilt. YoungLouie freaks out and breaks into churchto free a statue of Christ from the cross;in an epilogue, a blas, cigarette-smokinghandyman nails him back up.The show blissfully ignores continuity.Last season Louie had a brother; this sea-son he
FOR IF ONELaNATURESCHAIN MIGHTBE LOST,ANOTHERMIGHT BE LOST,UNTIL THE15 Oh sisles mad aeVANISH BYPIECEMEAL.ne of the National Park Services majorgoals is the preservation of the plantsand animals that live in Americas parks. TheWe oaree miner lie mececle Ce CM itl isefaceted, involving protection, habitat restora-tion, species restoration and research. Whena park has an endangered species, the stafffocuses on how many exist at the park andwhether special management is required tomaintain or increase the population. Parkmanagers also consider whether species thatformerly lived in the park can be reestablished.National parks have played prominentroles in the recovery of bison buffalo, elk,sea turtles and other species in decline.Preventing the extinction of species is animportant goal for many reasons. Everyspeciesfrom the largest mammal to the smallest beetleplays a role in its ecosystem, so theloss
ror. Everyone is running around scared,Said Dr. Sanjana Chaturvedi, a San Diegoresident who fled her home with her husband and two children. No one knowswhat to do. There is no place to go. I haveno place to go.Often the flames moved faster than theresidents. When Jay Blankenbeckler wentto bed the night of Oct. 21 at his home inRancho Bernardo, he could see smoke, butthe fire still seemed far away. Upon awakning early the next morning and turningon the TV, he saw a newscaster reportingin front of a blazeone that was less thanhalf a mile from Blankenbecklers house.rIME November S, 2007It had already burned through an entireneighborhood, he says. Thats when Ithought, This is real.The Government Steps InSTATE AND FEDERAL OFFICIALS DID THEIRbest to quell the anxiety of refugees
invulnerable, morally incorruptible alienwho shoots heat rays out of his eyes. In Manof Steel, his fatherplayed with the gravityof a planetoid by Russell Crowehopesthat Superman will give the people an ide-al to strive toward. But who the hell wantsthat? Superman is like the star studentwho ruins the curve for everybody else.Snyder, of course, sees it differently:I just felt likeno disrespect to anyother moviesI just felt like there wasmore to say with that character thanwas being said. So he set out to make aSuperman so realistic, visceral and trueto the original that it would shock usinto re-embracing him, make him seemfresh and new. With Man of Steel, Snyderis effectively attempting to erase allprevious Superman adaptations from ourcollective memory.But first he had to find his Superman.Theres a fairly small pool
COURTESY WILLIAMS FAMILYCHILDS PLAYWilliams ineighth gradeHe was very shy and possibly a littleembarrassed by his fame. Inside, he wasreally a comic. He was the first of our littleclan of San Francisco comedians to becomea starand not just a star, a megastar. Sohe was a symbol of hope for a lot of us. MARGARET CHO, COMEDIANTIME August 25, 2014 ROBIN WILLIAMS 1951-2014Nichols 1988 Lincoln Center production of Wait-ing for Godot.Whatever the compulsion, Williams took thelead as the suburban dad facing Job-like calami-ties in The World According to Garp. He was theRussian immigrant in Moscow on the Hudson, thepsychologist with catatonic patients in Awaken-ings, the dead man searching for his wife in WhatDreams May Come. He earned three Best ActorOscar nominationsas the DJ in Good Morning,Vietnam, the sainted teacher in
a single independent center to coordinateall terrorist threats. The center finallyopened a few months ago, after weeks ofpredictable bureaucratic warfare. Housedtemporarily at the CIA, it is known aroundWashington as the Tricor TeeTickforTerrorist Threat Integration Center. Hometo 100 agents, analysts and computerwhizzes from half a dozen agencies, theTTIC is supposed to be the four-chamberedheart through which information passesfrom original source to all armsand legs of the governmentsstate, local and federal.But who is responsible if, asConnecticut Republican ChrisShays asked at a House hearinglast week, some bit of intelli-gence is not properly viewed orvetted for what it is and some-thing bad happens as a result?Who takes responsibility? Hedidn't really get an answer. Why?Said a witness: Its not clear onthe bureaucratic chart wherethis lands.m FOLLOWING THE MONEYEver since 911, the fight overturf
ArtsO MOVIES O EXHIBITION O SHORT LISTXen S gee: alte ancMOVIESAll atesUp. enseae rillerThe Hurt Lockerearns its stripesas a great war filmaSat BY RICHARD CORLISSU.S. SOLDIERS HEADING TO IRAQ, ESPEcially before the 2007 surge, had little tolook forward to. Just the 130 heat andstreets full of men, women and kids, anyone of whom could detonate an improvised explosive device IED and blow astreet and all its people, American andraqi, to bits. In this hell-storm, whats leftfor an ordinary soldier to do? His job.American movies took ages to addressIraq and its satellite wars, and then tendedto point fingers at the military. Documenta Public Enemies is like theOlympics of bank-robbingMOVIES, PAGE 59 ries said that soldiers were bred to be mindless killers The Ground Truth and thendiscarded when they lost
2004 ELETION IN THE ARENAknown to say privately. In this scenario, Bush will not only hang the Pentagon, but the President may decide that a fresh starttough in Iraq, he'll also confront Iran about its nuclear armsprogram, not give an inch to North Korea and stand shoulderto shoulder with Ariel Sharon. He will aggressively pursue theprivatization of Social Security, the voucherization of healthcare and the dramatic simplification of the tax code. He will dothis, supporters say, because he thinks he is a leader of rarevisionor because, detractors say, he is a leader of rare arro-gance. You saw how bold he was without a mandate in 2000,the thinking goes; imagine how he'll be with a victory in 2004.Of course, politics is never as simple as all that. Reality forceseven
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inboxObama on the OffensiveDESPITE WHAT THE NAYSAYERStell us about Senator BarackObamas supposed inexperience, he is what this countryneeds after seven years of out-rageous mismanagement bythe grossly incompetent incumbent Dec. ro. In my nativeland, the pessimists said Corazon Aquino and her lack of experience didnt stand a chanceagainst President FerdinandMarcos in 1986. History provedthem wrong. A unifying figurelike Aquino, without the usualpolitical baggage that accompanies experience, was whatthe Philippines needed at thetime. Obama presents himselfas a conciliatory figure whosecrossover appeal can helpCanon MAILBAGBiggest mailgetter: MichaelKinsley on stemcells- 1437,7 The GOPhindered life-Saving advanceswhen it cutfederal funding forembryonic stemcell researchy 57 The breakthroughwith skin cellsvalidatesPresident Bush'sethical policybridge the gap between peoplein the blue and the red states.He is a much needed breath offresh air in the musty corridorsof governmental power.Cheers Echevarria-l
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Sn ADVERTISEMENT OUTSMARTING CYBERCROOKSProtect your company against online theft by using the right security software.mall businesses have plenty toworry about these days, with ris-ing costs and shrinking profits,ever changing technology and regula-tory uncertainty. So its no surprise thatInternet security fails to get even a sec-ond thought from most entrepreneursfocused on meeting their companysday-to-day needs. After all, aren't cy-bercrooks more interested in stealingmassive databases? What could my busi-ness have, the entrepreneurs might ask,that online muggers would want?That's easy, says Jay Foley, execu-tive director of the San DiegobasedIdentity Theft Resource Center ITRC.Cybercrooks are after your small firmsmoneyall of it. And, tragically, its be-coming far too easy for them to get it.Cases in point:e A Texas machine equipment com-pany discovered that cybercriminalshad siphoned more than 800,000from its bank accounts in just
A KERRY JAMES MARSHALL,BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN, 2009A monumental woman who stirs up4 FRANK ALBERT JONES, DEVILSGOT THE DRINKING WOMAN,CIRCA 1965-69 ose vac hrictlAy wineA cornvicspecially was Ori Ing, imaginarywall assemblages so richly imaginedand executed, they make self-trainingseem a much better idea than the M.F.A.program at Yale. His metal works madefrom scrap-heap materials are a sophisti-cated descendant of the yard show dis-plays he saw in the African-Americanneighborhoods he grew up in, yards fullof DIY sculptures and ragged glories hisneighbors made from discarded household items. Some of that same spirit, atender regard for things put aside, invests Dials darkly radiant painting from2013, Old Documents, in which bits of flot-sam from his studio and relics of Bessemer are embedded in the paint likesedimentary layers of memory.Even some of the academically trainedartists
THE MANHUNTposed to al-Qaeda. Another group ofZamans forces tried to set up a base inthe town of Pachir, within sight of ToraBora; the next night a U.S. warplanestruck the building, killing everyone in-side. The commanders greeted reportsof limited advances in the mountainswith tempered enthusiasm, mindful of the difficulty of penetrating such a lab-yrinthine redoubt.Though the American commandersstill counseled patience last week, they willnot put up with inaction for long. Afghanforces told TIME they spotted U.S. andBritish commandos heading into the ToraBora mountains last week, traveling inpairs, shouldering heavy supplies andcarrying rifles. There were more soldierson the way, backed by U.S. gunships,bombers and Predator drones, ready topounce on their prey. Its a safe bet that ifbin Laden is holed up in the snowdrifts ofTora Bora, with his hosts defeated
The World10 ESSENTIAL STORIES10 Russian troops await orders to pull out ofGeorgia almost two weeks after invading1 RussiaUnintended ConsequencesThe recent shooting war between Russiaand Georgia continued to reverberateas Russia formally endorsed theindependence of breakaway Georgianregions South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Theclash has had repercussions elsewhere:1 Unnerved by the conflict, globalinvestors have bailed out of Russiancompanies, causing Russia's RTS stockindex to plunge more than 6 since theinvasion began.2 A high-profile agreement betweenRussia and the U.S. to open up nuclearmarkets between the two nations islikely to be shelved.3 If friction escalates betweenWashington and Moscow, the U.S. couldfind itself shut out of the InternationalSpace Station. After it retires the spaceshuttle in 2010, NASA will be dependenton Russian spacecraft until 2015.Briefing oi 12. 2a5Of TimingU.S. and Iraqi officials continued Prime Minister tougher negotiatingto
The backgrounds in Gustav Klimts paintings have fascinateddecorative artists for over a hundred years. They seem asintoxicating now as they must have seemed to Fin-de-SiecleVienna in the 1890's. Rich and sparkling they merge mosaiclike blocks of color with swirling oriental pattern and they makemagnificent needlepoint cushions.All designs by Candace Bahouth KLIMT RED top left16 x 16", 10 holes to the inch canvas90.00 now 78.00KLIMT JADE bottom left14 x 12. 10 holes to the inch canvas90.00 now 78.00KLIMT CHOCOLATE top right14 x 14. 10 holes to the inch canvas90.00 now 78.00KLIMT CORAL above14 x 14". 10 holes to the inch canvas90.00 now 78.00KLIMT SILVER right14 x 14. 10 holes to the inch canvas90.00 now 78.00Needlepoint has never beenmore popular with peoplerediscovering the joy of makingsomething unique and personalfor the
: IndependentsBarack ObamaHe called onBla ia geeaA ee aethan spurn theBU eserel before entering into the public square.Last month Obama was joined by Edwards and Clinton at the Sojourners forumon Faith, Values and Poverty, where the progressive evangelical leader Jim Wallis pressedthem to show some spiritual skin. Edwardsexplained how he reconciled evolution,which he accepts, with creationism, which hewas taught growing up as a Southern Baptist.The hand of God today, he said, is in everystep of what happens with me and every hu Fundamentalist Mormon Muslim Atheist DivorcedChristian 1s5946 4029 29 All registered voters Protestants Republicans49 52 63 74 TBARACK OBAMARaisedSecularCurrent Home ChurchTrinity United Church of Christ,ChicagoCrisis of FaithBecoming Christian after college wasa choice and not an epiphany.Favorite HymnAmazing Graceman being that exists on this planet. Clintonshared the content
SeigeMountain'sfete eh eR adiM eee glfor some beansree rlsTrade farmerseee 4cTe etaand health centersMany firms seea marketingadvantage inselling politicallycorrect beans.Will Starbucksget hurt?er ARESMMMMM BY MARGOTROOSEVELT HUATUSCOIN A CORNER OF A DILAPIDATED BRICK COFFEE MILL, LINDSEYBolger is deep in concentration. Outside the window, the lush cloudforest of Mexicos Veracruz state stretches to a blue-green horizon, andhummingbirds dip into the wild hibiscus. The American, 40, closesher eyes, bending over a row of 12 white cups on a round metal table. Each contains coffee from the new harvest, toasted at 400F in a smallroaster on the counter. Bolger shakes each cup and sniffs deeply. Tmlooking for defects, she says. Underripe beans, overripe beans, sourflavors, mold. If even one bean out of 60 is flawed, you can tell.Bolger is chief buyer for
INAUGURATION The PermanentCampaignLinked by e-mail and Facebook, millionsof Obama backers are staying involvedand gearing up for 2012BY MICHAEL SCHEREROWINGS, MD.FOR KENNETH RICHARDSON II OF OWINGS,Md., Barack Obamas election-night vic-tory was not the end but the beginning.We cant let this go, the 58-year-old fatherof three remembers thinking. People feelinvested. They feel they can actually dosomething. So he did. A couple of weeksafter the confetti settled, he posted an alerton MyBarackObama.com proposing anewactivist group in Calvert County, a ruralexurb of Washington where the rollingfarmland is dotted by weathered barns andcrab shacks. Complete strangers signed up.48A retired Air Force pilot, Phil Pfanschmidt,and his wife Joyce, both 71, came to thefirst meeting in December. So did ChrisMelendez, a self-employed art dealer wholives about 30 miles away. Richardsonsold motorcycle buddy Al Leandre broughthis
AdvertisementA floor lamp that spreadssunshine all over a roomThe HappyEyes Floor Lamp brings the benefits of naturaldaylight indoors for glare-free lighting thats perfect fora variety of indoor activities. ob uinf i oe atrs naibh oeThe HappyEyes Floor Lamp will change theway you see and feel about your living ora dark cave and built a fire, people work spaces. F ver since the first human went intohave realized the importance ofproper indoor lighting. Unfortunately,since Edison invented the light bulb,lighting technology has remained rela-tively prehistoric. Modern light fixtures dolittle to combat many symptoms ofimproper lighting, such as eye strain, dry-ness or burning. As more and more of usspend longer hours in front ofa computer monitor, the results are com-pounded. And the effects of indoor light-ing are not necessarily limited to
SHANNON TAGGART FOR TIME ProfileBriefing NationSister Simone CampbellHoly StrategistAnun takes onbishops with a bustour and TwitterBy John CloudNUNS HAVE PLAYED MANY ROLES INCatholic history, from convent monas-tics to street activists, but its difficult tothink of another nun like Sister SimoneCampbell. A registered lobbyist and po-litical strategist, she has exercised quietbut important influence in advancingliberal Catholic causes in Washington.And now, with U.S. nuns taking thebrunt of a Vatican backlash against de-cades of liberal church practices, Camp-bell is mounting a counterattack.From behind sensible eyewear andunfailing politeness, Campbell is us-ing the shrewd tools of politicalcampaignsfrom a social-media blitzto an appearance on The Colbert Reportto outflank the church hierarchy. Herboldest move yet: on June 18, Campbelland the lobbying group she runs,Network, launched the Nuns on the Bustour, which is taking groups of
LETTERSi aaWeran eeBoB FRANZ The Legacy of Abraham44Because Muslims, Christians andJews all claim Abraham as theirfather, are Americans supposed toforget about Sept. 11777Placentia, Calif. AS AN AMERICAN MUSLIM, I GREATLYappreciated your article on AbrahamRELIGION, Sept. 30. It was thought pro-voking and opened my eyes to connec-tions among the three great faiths. It wasnice to read something that didnt vilifyIslam and the Muslim tradition. Articleslike this make me feel there are reason-able, objective people out there who arewilling to accept their differences in or-der to understand the commonalities.FAIZ FASEEHUDDINNashville, Tenn.WHAT MAKES ANYONE THINK THAT CHRIS-tians, Muslims and Jews can unite be-hind any man, when they cannot live inpeace under the one true God they allbelieve in? The search for peace throughAbraham will lead only along the path wehave already
i ee aiHANDan! a ee eventually executed. As the U.S. preparedto invade Iraq in 2003, he joined Americancovert teams in the western desert, thoughhe declines to discuss the missions. I cameback to fight for my sons, he says. We didwhat was required.Alj-Shahwanis current strategy is alsofraught with risk. He helped broker thetruce that ended the April uprising in Fal-lujah by setting up the Fallujah Brigade,drawn from the insurgents themselves, topolice the restive city. It has left the place asanctuary for terrorists. But he argues thatthe current cease-fire, flimsy as it is, servesto keep the lid on. If we went to war there,we could lose thousands ofpeople, he says. Or wecan have peace and cap-ture the insurgents as theycome and go from theirsafe haven. That, he says,is all the
Personal TimeDEMYSTIFIERWhats Branded on Yo YOUR MEAT CHIC? THEN NO DOUBT YOUVE GERARDO SOMOZA FOR TIME WUEMESHF:: the first time sinceSspuzzled over the many pedigree labels stampedon meat these days. This month new federal8 rules for organic food become law, and you canexpect to see another designation: USDA organic. This means that neither the animal you eat nor its mother in the last three months of pregnancy re-ceived antibiotics or hormones. It enjoyed a diet consisting of only certified organic feed grownwithout synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, on soilfree of chemicals for at least three years. Only atiny percentage of ranchers are expected to liveup to the exacting standard. And only a smallpercentage of consumers are expected to ponyup the price for organic, which runs two to threetimes that
so enekonnesn ffPye et ek Peenein AGHPTL ee Le tls 1 ahs fibrin ast' bf ly Bb ing !lp 71aaaie OE. Pia ree PEAS deed FS WELCOME TOCHINA'S CHINAA second wave of growth inbig interior cities such asChengdu has companiesscrambling for positionBy Michael SchumanPhotographs for TIME byAriana LindquistThe citys shop-happy youths make the scene ata basketball court outside the new Panda Mall ANG LI MAY LIVE DEEP IN CHINASinterior, in a city you may neverhave heard ofthe provincial cap-ital of Chengdubut that doesntstop her from shopping like the bigspenders of Tokyo, Hong Kong orShanghai. One Friday evening, Wang, 28, trollsdown Chunxi Street, a jam-packed thoroughfareof flashing neon signs, McDonalds restaurantsand boutiques, looking for the latest fashionsshes admired in Cosmopolitan magazine. First stop is a store selling oddly streaked
SPECIALADVERTISINGCIGNA presents The Power Of Caring PEAT ReKelly Preston Is PassionateAbout Protecting Childrenn the 10 years since her son,Jett, fell critically ill withKawasaki Disease KD, actressKelly Preston has been commit-ted to creating a healthy homefor Jett, now 11, three-year-oldElla Bleu, husband John Travoltaand herself. Nothing in theirenvironmentfood, air, water, Preston with daughter Ella Bleu is committedto helping other parents build healthy environments.clothing, toysis free from Pres-tons scrutiny.Its a passion born of panic.When Jett was 18 months old,he developed a high fever thatwouldnt abate for days. Final-ly, after his temperature spikedto 105, his pediatrician diag-nosed KD, a rare illness ininfants and young children thatcauses inflammation of bloodvessels throughout the body. Jettwas put in the ICU. It took awrenching day and a half beforedoctors told Preston her sonwould survive.Doctors arent
Power of One Jeffrey D. Sachs 3 Act Now, Eat LaterThe world saw it coming but did little. Now the globalfood shortage has become a crisis. Heres how to end itTHE WORLD ECONOMY HAS RUN INTO Abrick wall. Despite countless warningsin recent years about the need to addressa looming hunger crisisin poor countries and a looming energy crisis worldwide,world leaders failed to think ahead. Theresult is a global food crisis. Wheat, cornand rice prices have more than doubledin the past two years, and oil prices havemore than tripled since the start of 2004.These food-price increases combinedwith soaring energy costs will slow ifnot stop economic growth in many partsof the world and will even underminepolitical stability, as evidenced by theprotest riots that have erupted in placeslike Haiti, Bangladesh and
DIEPIIID PIII PIII PP II PPP IPPPVIP PP IIP PIII PIPPI D PI PII PIII PPP PPP PIII PIID PIII PIPPI I PIII PPIPPP PIPPI PII PPI IV PP IPP PIPPI P PIII PIII DIP PID PIII VII IP IIP PIPPI PIPmoney and beat out other teams, saysRonzone, is a huge high.With so many people helping him findtalent and keep secrets, Ronzone nowspends as much time maintaining contacts asscouting players. Some of the favors he doesare fairly minor. When an Israeli journalisthe knows asks for an interview witha Pistons Ronzones latest project is a 7-ft. Greek player the Pistons drafted last year, AndreasGlyniadakis. He's tall, hes agile, but hesgetting a little soft playing in the Greekleagues, says the scout. No offense to theGreeks; its just a soft league.
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The CultureVioviesThey DreamedaDream. LesMiserables Is a4a.ee igre asTv i f 3 Ay oe, a sae : OTona eT i Danny Cohen hadmovie musicalPEEP ED POIVa or TRC R Merete CMa ysat onceBy Jesse DorrisIN JUNE 1832, A GROUP OF STUDENTS,immigrants and insurrectionists took tothe streets of Paris, demanding change.lhe fervor of the French Revolution hadwithered amid vast economic inequality,food shortages and a cholera outbreak.The rebels occupied half the city usingmakeshift barricades: trembling stacksof stolen saplings and planks. While theinsurgency ended overnight, it lasted longenough for novelist Victor Hugo to becaught in its crosshairs, pinned to a wallas bullets flew.The events would inspire Hugosmasterpiece, Les Misrableswhich, 118years later, inspired Alain Boublil andClaude-Michel Schonbergs musical. Sinceits Paris premiere in 1980, the star-crossedepic of good vs. evil has won eight Tonys,been
Forts and castles made of arsenic-treated wood lastfor years, but should kids be playing on them?By JEFFREY KLUGER F THERES ONE THING WOOD KNOWS HOWto do, its rot. Expose lumber to the ele-ments, and within as few as five years,sun, rain, termites and fungus can reduceit to pulp. Thats why builders were so en-thusiastic in the 1970s when the lumberindustry introduced pressure-treatedboardsordinary planks and posts injectedwith an extraordinary preservative known ascca that can extend the life of wood fivefold,eliminating repairs and saving millions oftrees annually. What got less attention at thetime is the fact that cca stands for chromat-ed copper arsenatea form of arsenic. Andthats turned out to be a problem.Though cca is infused deep into thefibers of wood under very high pressure, thepoisonwhich keeps the insects awayoe
aON THE JOB Gabriel at work in East Hampton, where landscaping attracts immigrants, legal and illegallike so many suburban areas facing thesame deluge, are feeling the strain.The communitys complaints againstthe newcomers are varied and vigorous.Neighbors rail against single-family homesthat are carved into hostels housing a dozenor more men at a time. Uninsured drivers,some of whom display the daredevil drivingstyle of rural Latin America, anger local mo-torists. Day laborers looking for work clogparking lots, and they are more than just aninconvenience. Flooding the market withcheap labor, they're driving down wages foreveryone. Even some of the more estab-lished undocumented workers are critical ofthe newcomers. A hard worker used to beable to make 15 an hour here, says Gabriel,33, a Tuxpan native who owns a small gar-dening business and who, like
12080TUUTTEUTTE TERETEBo""PETE3TE4309009,900PPUUTEL UTEDCORONARY-CALCIUM SCAN03.10.2014 O23;05PM BriefingTEU aveceePeeUeA Smarter Heart-Health Test Screening forcalcium could get millions off statinsBY ALICE PARKWHEN IT COMES TO PREDICT-ing heart trouble, doctors es-sentially play a guessing game.So among all the factors theyconsidersuch as a personsage, weight, family medical his-tory and cholesterol levelsitturns out that one of the mostreliable indicators may also bea bit unexpected: calcium.According to the latest re-search, led by scientists fromBaptist Health South Floridamedical center in Miami, atleast 35 of people who havecalcium buildup in theirblood vessels but no otherheart-disease risk factors arealmost four times as likely tohave a heart event in sevenyears, compared with thosewho have zero calcium andsome risk factors. Althoughthe correlation was knownbefore, as studies like Baptistsgain traction, doctors aretaking it more seriously.20 Theres no evidence con-necting these calcium