Develop a concise narrative using the text snippet as a seed.
A big celebration! My son's 4th birthday party and housewarming party all in one. Finally getting moved in after Hurricane Florence flooded our brand new home.
It's been a whirlwind month for my family and I. Just as we finally saved enough for a down payment on a new home, we also got hit by one of the worst hurricanes the state has ever seen. Our soon to be new home was flooded! I was shocked and very upset. I can remember the exact moment when we were told by the realtor that the sale may not happen at all. The house would have to be reinspected. I prayed that things would work out. About a week after the original closing date the news came in. We would be able to move in! We were all very happy, especially my son Jimmy. Coincidentally, this was also Jimmy's birthday week. Jimmy was so excited not only about the house, but his birthday. He's always very excited when it comes to this time of year. So this year we decided to do something special. We organized a fourth birthday party and housewarming party all in one! We wanted to share this special time with all our friends and family who were very supportive all along. I can remember the joy on little Jimmy's face that day. It's something I'll never forget.
Craft a mini-tale where 'My cat got sick. I took him to the vet. He passed away a few weeks later. It was a fairly crappy event, but I don't know how it could have been avoided.' plays a vital role.
Well, he was acting funny for a couple days, being lethargic and not having any appetite at all. Finally one night it was just too much, so I took him to the very expensive emergency vet. Well they said they'd take a peek at him, so they took him in the back and I made myself comfortable in the waiting room. It was quite a wait. Many folks with their sick and wounded animal came and went, and still I waited patiently. I read a magazine for a while. If I remember correctly I think it was a national geographic. I forget what article it was I read, but that's not really important. Anyhow, where was I? Oh yeah, so eventually the vet returned from the back rooms and flagged me down. They said they'd run this test and that, and had him in an oxygen cabinet for the better part of an hour to see if that didn't help him. Well they'd sent some x-rays out to another doctor to get a second opinion, and the verdict was that the poor little guy had lung cancer. Well I was pretty upset at the news, as you'd imagine. The vet said there wasn't much of anything that could be done, so I took him back home and made him as comfortable as could be. He lasted for another three or four weeks. Eventually though it got to the point where we had to have him put down. So that was that.
Build a short story that incorporates: 'I went to a wedding of a long time friend. I hadn't seen him in a while so it was great to catch up.'.
I recently went to a wedding for a friend who I grew up with. It was a lot of fun. I took a train to get there and then hung out with a different buddy until we went to the wedding. I got there 1 day and then we ended up drinking that night and reminiscing because we hadn't hung out in a good 5 years before that so it was nice to catch up. I got to meet his new girlfriend who seemed pretty cool and chill. We all had a good time that night. I woke up the next morning before anyone else. I took a shower, got dressed, and made some food. I was really nervous about seeing everyone again and I had a lot of anxiety. I started drinking pretty early just to calm the nerves. They eventually got up and got dressed and we headed out. We got there late because they were messing around so that really annoyed me. Then, they were speeding because of this. Like, if you didn't sleep all day, we could have avoided this. We got there and sat down and the wedding was basically over so I was pretty annoyed about that. It was an open bar so I just kept drinking. I talked to a bunch of people I hadn't seen in a while and it was nice. They did all the wedding stuff you know, speeches and crap. We ate some food and I went back to drinking. We left when the night was over and headed back to dudes house to hang out and then passed out.
Embed this statement in a short narrative: 'In June of this year I turned 26 and graduated from college after a long journey filled with many ups and downs. It was an emotional ceremony because my father was not able to be there as he recently passed away from cancer. The rest of my family joined me to be a part of this momentous occasion.'.
This past June was a momentous time in my life for a couple of reasons. Towards the beginning of the month I turned 26 years old and a week or so after that I graduated from UC San Diego with an engineering degree. It marked the beginning of my true independence and adulthood, though I may have been considered an adult before. Upon graduating I began to realize the responsibility and pressures that life was staring to lay upon me. Before I graduated life was very simple and my only responsibilities were to complete my education and enjoy my time in sunny San Diego. After graduating I was tasked with finding a career that I truly enjoyed and that would also provide me with the opportunity to live comfortably for the rest of my life. The stresses of this event were compounded by the fact that I lost my father to cancer a few months prior to graduation. This would mean that I have to contribute to my family financially and emotionally during a time that was meant to be unique and special. I went from enjoying the college life to stressing about the future. The loss of my father had a profound impact on my studies and my view of the world. My mother and sister flew in from far away to watch me graduate. We spent the week together sightseeing and visiting places that we would enjoy. We also visited places that my father would have enjoyed seeing such as Naval museums and where he used to live. It was an emotional graduation ceremony because we all knew how hard I had worked over the past six years and that my father was not there to see it through. There were many ups and downs, including transferring from a community college to a good university, family health issues, as well as money issues. All of these issues and triumphant events made the graduation ceremony much more meaningful to us all. I still do not know where my life is headed, however this was a major stepping stone in my life's story and I am proud of my accomplishments. As I look forward I hope to find a meaningful career that I can utilize the skills I have developed over the past several years.
Make a brief story. Use the lead-in as your starting point.
Me and five friends went to dallas for a convention and stayed at an air bnb in the area. We met up with everyone there hung out and played games all weekend. After the weekend we headed home said goodbyes and enjoyed the time we spent there.
So I and some old school friends decided to go to a music concert in LA. we stayed at a motel close to the event center. Everyone came together we hung out and had some fun, played VR games all night. the next morning we had breakfast and headed for our music concert. When it ended we headed home and said goodbyes and enjoyed the time we spent there. Some of us got together later that day. We had lunch, spaghetti to be precise. our little high school reunion was a memorable one. There's really no reason for that. "Grease" predates my high school years and bears no resemblance to my experience at a small, all-girls Catholic school in Manhattan. We tended to listen to the Cranberries, who were popular at the time, more than anything else. But the words seemed to capture the love we have for one another and the desire to stay a part of one another's lives. That said, we probably would have articulated our sentiments in full diagrammable sentences, or at least actual SAT vocabulary words. We were trying to remember the words to the song a few of our classmates wrote for our junior ring day, but I don't think we made it beyond recalling the first stanza. Back then, we didn't record everything on our phones, because we used the school payphone if we needed to make a call, so I don't have hopes of finding a recording! thank you.
Create a brief narrative with this cue.
I wrote about the day my niece was born. I mentioned how the experience was like and what it was like to hold a baby.
My baby niece was born a month ago. It was an emotional moment for me and my brother, who was the father. Seeing a new family member brought into the world was very touching and exciting. She is very cute and a calm baby. That is unusual but no one is really complaining. I was the second person to hold her. She was very light and delicate. It was hard not to tear up. I can't believe he's had his first kid! Maybe soon I'll have my first kid and he'll be thinking the same about me. I don't think that'll be anytime soon. I wish I could hold onto that memory of holding her for the first time forever, especially when she's older. After getting home I could barely hold in my excitement. I will be watching her when they need a break so that will be fun. I can't wait.
Spin a brief, engaging tale including: 'I wrote an article and pitched it to several horror sites. To my surprise on of the first ones that I pitched to bought it. After it was published the reception to it was very positive, and I felt proud and as though my efforts were well worth it.'.
Gosh I feel accomplished. HP love craft has always been an inspiration of mine but I never dreamed I'd be a writer. And now I wonder if I made the right decision sticking with the first publisher to come along. But I can't worry about that right now because I'm a writer! Ah it's so exciting and My parents and wife are so proud of me. We went out to eat at a fancy restaurant the night I found out I was going to get a publication. I don't think I'll be on the best seller list or anything but fingers crossed. "We've never seen anything like this before we love it". It was incredible hearing that from someone with an unbiased opinion. I always am the type of person to doubt those closes to me. But now I have to make sure to keep it up. I've already started brainstorming and writing down ideas for a new article maybe even a book! All this positive motivation has me feeling like I could do anything. There's a lot of nervous anxiety sprinkled in but that's normal. I hope to have a rough draft written up by next month and see what they think. Well, time to break out the story board! Wish me luck!
Use the lead-in text as a springboard for a brief, rich narrative.
I tried to throw a surprise party for my wife's 30th birthday, but when the party was spoiled by her best friend giving up the secret I devised a secondary surprise. I got a cake custom printed with a picture from a YouTube video that she and her friends love and surprised her with it.
A month ago I threw my wife what started out as a surprise birthday party but didn't quite end up as planned. Before we even got to the day of, my wife's best friend texted her apologizing for not being able to make it to her party, which led to a bunch of questions from my wife and a spoiled secret birthday surprise. Nonetheless, we pressed on and had a bunch of her friends come out and I saved a small surprise for the day of. My sister came to visit from out of town the weekend of the party so I was running around like mad to prepare, all the while trying to show my sister around town and get in a bit of sightseeing. I spent far too much on decorations to get giant foil "30" balloons since you only turn thirty once and I wanted to go all out for my wife, and just before we left for the party we picked up the final, most important part of the party: the ice cream cake with a custom picture printed on the front. Now, my wife and her friends have had a long running inside joke with her college friends about a guy they were classmates with. This guy made YouTube videos back when they were in college that have become infamous among their friend group, and only one remains on YouTube to this day. I've seen the video a hundred times since it somehow always comes up and we watch it whenever enough of her friends from college get together and start riffing about the days they were in school together. So my genius self decided to screenshot a still from the video and get it printed on my wife's birthday cake as a surprise since the surprise birthday didn't quite work out. We went to the party and I made sure my wife didn't see the cake the entire time we were there. I did my best to get all the food prepared and set out and make sure everyone had drinks and my sister didn't feel left out or awkward, all the while waiting for the moment I could reveal the cake. Later into the evening, the moment finally felt right to bring the cake out but I wanted to get the video playing first just for that extra effect when I brought the cake out. I asked one of my wife's friends for help bringing up the video, who brought over a different friend who, I kid you not, said "Yeah definitely, give me like 2 minutes" and 30 seconds later, got my wife to bring up her classmate who made the YouTube videos. A few moments later, the video was up on the TV and my plan was set in motion. I hung back a bit as we watched the video so I could escape away unnoticed and prepare the cake with candles. When I brought the cake out after the video ended, we all sang happy birthday and as I set down the cake my wife began to howl with laughter. Everyone was in tears laughing at the cake and the picture on it of the video we had just watched moments ago. Even though I didn't pull off the surprise party, the surprise cake was just as sweet a victory.
'This talks about how the birth of my nephew has caused a break in my grief of my late best friend. It goes on to discuss the emotions I experience in this new person entering my life after losing someone so important to me.'. Weave this into a short and engaging tale.
Dear Diary,About two and a half months ago, my little family became complete. I became an aunt, actual blood related aunt. My brother and his wife gave birth to a baby boy the day after my late best friend's birthday. His birth on this date was very special to me because it was like he was a gift sent from heaven. It was almost like my best friend that had taken his life a few months ago had looked down on me, saw how sad I was, and decided that this beautiful little boy was exactly what I needed to help alleviate the relentless grief that I have been feeling. Little Ben was born a couple weeks early, and happy and healthy. He truly was a wonderful blessing to our family. I find it amusing that he has the same ears and blues eyes as my late best friend. Ben has only been in this world for two months and my life has already seemed to gotten better with him in it. I look forward to the new memories I will make with my new nephew. I am now happy that the future will be possible for new and happy memories to be made. It helps to take focus off of all the future memories that I lost when my friend died. Ben is the best thing to happen to my family. He is such a sweet and well behaved baby. I love that he was hand picked as my nephew.
'I was baptized as a Jehovah's Witness in April. The baptism helped me to accomplish a goal of two years of bible study and reading. I have been dead to my past way of life and reborn to serving Jehovah.'. Create a small story where this is somehow significant.
I'll never forget that day in April last year. How could I? Even though I was born 27 years ago I was really born on that day. All of my childhood and young adult years feel like such a blur now. Such a waste. Not that I didn't have fun experiences and all. I did. I have had many and many good friends and times out of fun. But through all of those years, I had never known truly what I was here for. For Jehovah. I never even knew his name, can you believe it? The creator of the universe and all that we see about us, and I never once stopped to think of him. Now, he is all I think about. My daily scripture readings have opened my eyes for the first time in my life. I now see the meaning behind everything people do and my life has become more fulfilling where once it was empty. How could I have been so blind before? No matter, scripture teaches us to look forward and become better, not dwell in the past. And so I do that, every day, rising to meet Jehovah and thinking of him when I go to bed. My life is full now. I can die happy. For I have Jehovah in my corner.
Spin a quick story that includes elements from: "The event was a wedding. It was my old college roommates' wedding and I got to see many college and high school friends there. It was a very nostalgic night full of laughs, alcohol, and dancing.".
In April, i went to my old college roommate's wedding. It was a great time. I knew him and his fiance very well because she was always at our house. I had not seen them in quite some time so I was ecstatic. it was a very nostalgic event. We ate lobster, shrimp, and other seafood. There was also an open bar. Many people were there so the line for the bar was pretty long. However, it was a great time. I got to catch up with old high school and college friends. I went to the same high school and college with the groom so it was a very memorable and nostalgic event. I think the most surprising part for me was near the end. We all got pretty drunk and started dancing. I am not the best dancer but I just did not care. It was nice because we all had rooms in the hotel too. I could not remember how I got to my room. That is how I knew it was a good night. We all woke up and got pho the next morning. Except the bride and groom, they were busy dealing with family and the venue. It was a great time.
Consider the text cue as a spark to ignite your succinct narrative.
My family and I went on a short vacation to Chicago, Illinois. While there, we saw many museums and did some shopping, and experienced a tremendous thunderstorm!
Five weeks ago, we arrived in Chicago on a Sunday. From our hotel room this city spread out before us like a jewel. We walked along Lake Michigan and looked at the Azure water. We felt the warm breeze coming off the Lake. Sailboats cruised in the distance. We went to the Chicago Museum of Art. They had a large exhibition of folk art, which we enjoyed. They even had some van Goghs. We stayed there for hours, enjoying the beauty of creation. We then went to the Magnificent Mile. We enjoyed all the departments stores. We spent too much money but we had a lot of fun. As we walked back to the hotel along Lake Michigan. We saw big storm roiling the lakes waters. Though it was only 3:30 in the afternoon, it became as dark as midnight. A huge gust blew on me. I try to keep my balance, but I was thrown right into the waters of the Lake. The water was deeper than I was tall. I flailed and splashed around. Suddenly, a man in an orange vest appeared next to me. He put his arm around me and pushed me up where another man grabbed me. An EMS Scooter took me to a warm room where I was given some hot soup. What a surprising turn for my trip to take!
Take 'I was finally promoted after four years of neglect and disrespect from other places of employment. Today was my inaugural day of being a manager in charge.' as inspiration, and write a brief narrative.
It took me a while to get where I am now and a lot of hardship. I always wanted to be the manager of a workplace. I didn't have the specifics as to where but I still knew that for sure. I worked in many places to gain my experience and different areas. I also even did volunteer work about 120 hours worth that is. I then got hired a place that I really wanted to work at It didn't matter the position. I just wanted to be there so they hired me on a entry level role. I picked it up because I had the time and wanted the money. It was a pretty easy job which was good because I just wanted to be there and get to the next level. Sometimes I did things for the managers helping them out with their work when I am free. I did that for months up until I got a call to the office. It was an important meeting in the office. I was finally promoted after four years of neglect and disrespect from other places of employment. Today was my inaugural day of being a manager in charge. I was really excited this is what I worked for.
Invent a mini-story where "My husband taught me so many things that have impacted me and changed the way I think and feel. He was the first person who I truly fell in love with and I can safely say that it is from him that I have learned to love unconditionally." plays a crucial role.
My husband has done so much for me over the years. Without this man, I would surely be lost in this life. I think that it would be fair to say that he is the glue that holds this family together. I am so glad that way back in 2011, I agreed to be his girlfriend. That was one of the best decisions I have ever made. 2019 was a rather rough year for us though. It tested us in ways that I never thought would be possible. About six months ago, I was laid off from my current job due to "budget cuts." The lay off came out of nowhere and I was under the impression that I was secure in my job. I was devastated about it and it sent me into a depression over the following weeks. The depression continues to get worse because I was struggling to find another job. It got so bad, to the point where I wouldn't even get out of bed some days. I was a mess. Nothing was getting done around the house and the clutter was just making me feel worse about the entire situation. My husband quickly noticed. Normally, he is this stone cold guy, who rarely shows affection or his emotion. However, over this course of that week, my husband pulled out all the stops to get me out of my funk. He would come home from work and draw me a bubble bath and immediately begin dinner. There were even a few occasions that week where he would bring home flowers and a nice card for no reason at all. He left me sticky notes with little affirmations about how much he loved me and how amazing I was all over the house. He even did the dishes a few times, the right way. Not once did he make me feel bad about not being able to find a new job after the layoff. I knew he was stressing out about it, but he never let on that he was stressed at all. He was doing anything that he could think of to just make me smile and make me feel like I wasn't worthless. That week, I realized I won the lottery with him. My husband truly and unconditionally loves me.
With this quick situation: 'This was our first family vacation.We went to the Outer Banks.It was the girls first time seeing the beach.', please form a brief narrative.
For 7 months we'd been saving for a family vacation. The first family vacation we'd taken as a family of four (plus the in-laws). We'd invited my in-laws to join us an extra set of eyes to help keep an eye on the girls while we went to the beach (you never know when one of them is going to want to run off and we didn't want anyone alone in or near the water). Not only was this our first family vacation as a family of four, but it was to the beach. The girls had never been to the beach before. We went to The Outer Banks, or OBX as the locals and annual visitors call it. We were so excited to see the expression on our 1 yr old and 2 yr old faces; would it be joy or even possibly fear that they'd express . Shockingly the girls aren't as much of a fan of the beach as their mother is. The response of our 2 yr old as she first stepped into the sand " ew, yuck so dirty!" was a laugh for all of us but it should have also been a sign as to how they would like or dislike the beach. What kid doesn't enjoy getting a little dirty or at least one would normally think. But not our girls. We didn't last more than 30 minutes building sand castles and standing on the sand as the waves washed over our feet. They'd talk about going to the beach but as soon as we'd get there, they'd be bored or tired of walking on the sand. Although the beach itself didn't go over as well as we'd anticipated, at least the girls enjoyed getting away and "seeing" the beach from a distance. And at least we got pictures we can look back at...however short the time was. And the memories...oh the memories we created were priceless. Our first family vacation may not have gone over as well as we anticipated, but we all had a great time relaxing and enjoying time together. That's what matters anyway.
'I had a migraine at work and EMTs were called. I had a migraine at work and EMTs were called. This is the story. This is the story. I had a migraine at work and EMTs were called. This is the story.'. Develop a short story based on this.
I was in a meeting at work. I had recently been promoted to a lead position. It was a meeting about a new ugrade to our electronic medical system. While the meeting was happening I started to feel weird. I started to have tingling and numbness. I had experienced it more and more. I knew it was a hemiplegic migraine. I had had these in the past. They often can mimic strokes. All of the sudden someone commented on how quiet I had been which is not like me, and I started to tear up. I realized I couldn't move. My face drooped, I couldn't stand. THey lowered me to the floor I work at a clinic so a triage team was called. Unfortunately, my coworker who knows best about my issues was not there and my doctor was not either, but another doctor assessed me I had a transient ischemic attack (TIA or small stroke) previously so an ambulance was called. The EMTs and fire department arrived. I was put on a stretcher and put into the elevator the whole time the EMTs told me to stop faking and told me I was having pseudo seizures. I was unable to talk.
'I was sitting in my car with the windows down when a cat jumped onto the hood of my car. The cat then came up to the glass, stared at me, and suddenly jumped through the open window into my lap.'. How could this be the foundation of a compelling story?
Well I seem to have made a new friend today. More importantly I have a new four legged roommate. I was sitting in my car waiting for Beth to get out of school when all of a sudden I her a thud on the hood of my car. I looked and saw the biggest cat I've ever seen standing there looking at me. Then this furry beast jumped threw the open window and into my lap. He looked right at me then kneaded my lap and sat down. By the time Beth jumped into the back seat he was purring away like a little engine. Of course she was smitten right away. She went on about how cute and friendly he was. According to Beth the cat had chosen us so now we needed to take him home. I'm a big softy when it comes to animals so we headed to the pet store. An hour later Tom-Tom had a new litter box and scratching post. Not to mention a nice soft bed and a huge bag of cat food. When we got home he leaped out of my arms and strod into the house like he owned it. I guess cats really do choose their people.
Build a brief narrative from the ground up, using the lead-in as a starting point.
In the event, my roommate and I got into a small argument. I thought that I knew her side of view, and she thought that she knew how I felt as well. It helped us to talk things out.
My roommate and I have been roommates for the past two years. For the most part, we see eye to eye on many things. However, we got into an small argument last week about something small. It was our first ever type of interaction that could be construed as an argument. Her side of view is very valid, as is mine, but is vastly different in approach. As a result, we decided to talk things out. She wasn't mad. I wasn't mad. We were both very passionate about our positions on the matter. As we talked it out, she told me that his personal experiences shaped her side of view. This was irony at its finest. My point of view was shaped by my personal experiences. As a result, we talked about our personal experiences and realized that we both are really in the same boat, but through different circumstances. It really helped to talk things out. It made me feel that our friendship became stronger as a result.
Expand the fragment into a short story.
I celebrated my birthday last month in August. I travel to Saint Lucia with a sex worker as a companion.
Last month, the month of August, was my birthday month. To celebrate my birthday and to for general relaxation I decided to take a vacation. I went to Saint Lucia for 10 days and 9 nights. This in and of itself is not out of the ordinary or remarkable, as I have done something to commemorate the date of my birth every year since I was born. What was notable about this particular vacation was that it was the first time that I travel with a sex worker as a companion. I was a bit apprehensive about the idea at first. I did not want to a bad experience with someone who has a disagreeable personality. I am experienced in dealing with sex workers, but only on a short term basis i.e. a matter of hours. Also, I spent some time living in Saint Lucia during my childhood. This vacation was going to be nostalgic and had sentimental value to me and I did not want to spoil that. After much deliberation I decided to travel with a beautiful provider I have been working with for nearly two years now. She has been quite lovely and professional through out the time that I have had the pleasure of working with her. One of the things I enjoyed about her was that she was comfortable sharing the same bungalo at the resort. We made time to spend together and also had separate engagements. I even visited the town of Black Bay where I lived as a child.
Ready, set, write a short story! Use the text clue to inspire you.
Coming home from a party I watched a family of deer cross a road. Then when I got home I fed a stray cat.
It was a rainy night and I was out getting drinks. I was alone and feeling lonely. I bought a few drinks, and after feeling a bit tipsy went out to walk around. While it was raining I stood up against a wall and just stood there. A woman comes up and we start talking. While talking we joke about life and we both find out that we're both a bit tipsy. After awhile she wants me to help her home and I agree. While walking home she almost walks into traffic and I pull her back. She is scared and I hold her for a moment in the rain. She starts to cry and I tell her everything is okay. She thanks me and says "You're my guardian angel". We manage to get back to her place and before I leave she ask me for my name because she forgot. I tell her my name and she says she wishes more people were like me. She hugs me and says that she hopes to see me again. I say goodbye and walk back home alone.
'I was in a car accident coming home from the movies with my brother about 3 months ago. The driver of the other vehicle was intoxicated. Luckily, nobody was injured.'. Narrate a short story that features this somehow.
So basically my brother and I were in a car accident a while back coming off after seeing a movie. Everyone ended up being alright, but it was pretty terrifying at the time. It happened at night near the mall a few blocks from where I live. We had just seen a movie and were coming back to my house when we were hit out of nowhere. The driver of the other car got out and was visibly intoxicated. He seemed very nervous and wanting to get out of there before the cops arrived. There were some cops right down the street so it didn't take them long to arrive. They asked a few questions and took a few pictures. I saw in the distance that they were giving the other driver a field sobriety test. After that, I just remember seeing them put the other driver in handcuffs and loading him into the back of a cruiser. It actually ended up being a bit fortuitous, in that we received a decent payout from the other driver's insurance, most likely because he had been intoxicated. Neither of us have any lasting injuries. I had a little soreness in my neck for a few days, but the doctor said it was just some minor whiplash. I actually haven't even thought about it since the last time I did the essay, since there really wasn't any lasting consequences. The car was totaled out, but still drives fine (in fact, it was already totaled out before that due to some hail damage on the body). I'm just relieved that nobody was hurt and it wasn't more severe.
Given the brief details in 'My reflection of the grief of losing a loved one. My cousin had recently passed and I wanted to honor her memory and remember and celebrate her.', create a short tale.
My heart was broken. I don't know how to process this. I just received news today that E had passed. I am just so sad and numb. I can't believe she is gone. I am relieved for her but glad that she no longer has to be strong and brave. She can finally find peace. Selfishly, I wish I wish she were still here. I can't help but reflect on the last year of emails and all the thoughts and memories that we shared. We learned we were more alike that I think each of us ever expected. We found joy and humor in same things. A good comedy, a book and always in pursuit of those foods that reminded us of childhood. I am flooded with memories and thoughts of her. She was creative and so smart. She was daring and bold. Fierce. My mind always goes back to when we were kids at our first swimming lesson. We were tasked with jumping in the water that well over heads. She was was first to go as I sat on edge with her sister, scared and nervous. When it was Edie's turn she bravely jumped in without hesitation. She immediately popped out of the water, with a big smile across her face. This gave me the courage to follow her lead. And through out our childhood as we came of age and tried new experiences she was like an older sister to me, even if it only by nine months. These are the thoughts that make me miss her feel nostalgic for a different time.I will always think of her fondly and miss her for all my days. I will find inspiration and remember how knowing her made me a better person.
Invent a mini-story where "i went to travel overseas with my college. I had a couple real meaningful experiences while there and had some fun as well." plays a crucial role.
i went to a study abroad program through my university and i stayed a bit longer after the trip was over as a personal choice. As we were walking through the city and meeting with CEOs i realized just how small we all are. We went up to this place called MT etna and i secretly took acid with one other member of our group and i just had a sense of clarity up on the volcano that i dont think i will ever have again any time soon. Everything up there seemed in place looking at how the bees would fly around and the grass would sway even looking out over the city it all felt as if it was in its place. It all somehow came together to form life in a strangely organized way. Afterwards on my own i took the time to visit a cemetery one of which was rough a mile long it was a big circle (the city was catania). There i wept for the child graves and the graves that were forgot by everyone, i wept for my own death and the deaths to come of everyone i knew and loved. At the end of it though i had a much deeper understanding of why it is we must be grateful to even wake up in the morning. There was alot of joyful moments however as we went out to eat and explore. The professor with us had gone before and roughly knew were to go and even knew a bit of Italian. I was the youngest in the group unfortunately. This obviously lead to teasing but i dont think it was ever out of bad intention. While walking around i ran into a lot of stray animals which was great cause it would always be the cats who ran away but the dogs who would run up to you. The ocean also took my breathe away because they have rocks along the edge and ive always seen sand so naturally i jumped off some rocks into the ocean. The timing couldn't have been better because at the time i was there apparently there was a lot of other people from other university visiting Italy at the time too. There were times where i was scared i was going to have my bag stolen from me so i kept a broken bottle in my bag just encase i had to defend myself which looking back it now was kinda dramatic.
Make use of "Went went out for my sons birthday. With his friends. And went to the places he chose to go. He chose the board walk with the fun fair and his favorte noodle bar" in a creative way to craft a brief story.
My son just turned 10 the other day. Since it was the big 10 and finally those double digits, we wanted to do something special for him. He was finally old enough to make all the choices on his own and we told him that any thing he wanted, he could have. Within reason of course! We told him to inviate all the freinds from class if he wanted and anybody else that he had in mind. We as parents, also included the parents in on a lot of this since its as much a vacation away from the kids for some, as it is for hanging out and drinking with the other parents can be just as much fun. My son always has loved the fiar on the baord walk. It was a lot of fun to go there as we have always been going his entire life. He loves going on the ferris wheel and playing all the carnival games they have there. We try to do our best to make sure he doesnt get too too discouraged playing the games though! After the fair, we took a trip to his favorite noodle bar. He loves being able to choose his own dinner. Mom usually keeps a tight lease around us at dinner time, so whenever he gets a chance to do his own thing, he absolutely loves. Afterwards we all went home and opened presents with him. Some kids choose to leave early since it was a long day, whereas others wanted to come over and hang out in the pool. Overall, i would like to imagine the little guy had an amazing birthday, atleast according to how fast he went to bed that evening and fell asleep, I would say he did as well!
"Finally move out of the apartment my partner and I shared for 7 years. She starts to have emotional infidelity with the person we move in with. And now she's divorcing me with reasons that do not correlate to my observations.". Create a small story where this is somehow significant.
This all started about 3 months ago on the dot from this date. My wife and I were finally moving out of the apartment we shared for over 7 years and were ready to make a change. We had an extremely small place we were going to move into on some families lot just to hold us over. We planned on living there for a bit, saving a bunch of money, and doing other things like travel and a search for long term housing options in the meantime. Well, the option on the families lot fell through with less than a month to move out from our apartment. The next day, a young woman who had recently moved into our complex was having a party outside. 1 of her male friends came to visit and partake in the party. He offered my wife and I a place to park a travel trailer on his lot, for incredibly cheap and also have access to a house. This is where everything started to go downhill. My wife started to disappear, sometimes for 2 days at a time during the move out process, leaving me feeling responsible for it all. So, it's the end of April, our lease is up April 31st, and we're finally moving out after purchasing a travel trailer. We end up on the lot, it's in a very seedy neighborhood, but it's nice enough. We have full access to a home, our trailer, and now a yard. I slowly but surely start to see my wife starting to form an emotional affair right before my eyes with the male roommate. We were in a bit of a rough patch, but nothing unworkable in my eyes. She's still disappearing with him in his car, sleeping away from me, becoming extremely distant, indifferent, and all around completely out of her character. To cut the story short as it honestly is deeply upsetting me, June 2nd rolls around and as she's getting out of the shower after avoiding me like a plague, she tells me she no longer wants to try in our relationship. 8.5 years treated like a tissue that can just be thrown away. The betrayal I have felt since then has been unimaginable. Our court date is set for dissolution and my heart hurts every second of every day.
From this brief statement: "I talk about my first day at work. I was worried, over dressed, and excited to get started. At then end, I think I learned not to worry so much and just be happy", create a short narrative.
My first day of work was about 6 months ago. I was so stressed. I was over dressed. I didn't pay enought attention when walking through after my interview. I was wearing a full suit when everyone else was wearing shorts and t-shirts. That's ok though. I was happy to be part of the new team and get started. This was a new beginning. Everyone was so helpful and willing to help me. We joked about the nervousnes of the first day of work. My supervisor led us through some team building excersizes that really help me to break out of my shell and be a part of the team. By the end of the day, I was just one of the members of the team. I took off my sports coat and rolled up my sleaves. Luckily, I had a pair of sneakers in the car. I was able to relax a bit and just be happy to work alongside such a great team.
Utilize the following input text as a starting point to craft a brief narrative.
I went to a club on the first night of vacation with my friends. I met a handsome dude at a club. I drop the handsome dude off home and he asks me to be his side-girlfriend.
In the last three to six months the most memorable event I had was turning the legal and tender age of twenty-one years old. My friends had convinced me that I need to plan a girls' getaway trip to Atlanta, Georgia to celebrate. I obliged and soon we were off to the party capital of the southeastern United States. I spared literally no expense, because I wanted to be comfortable and have great posts for my social media profiles such as Facebook and Instagram. Therefore the trip went something like this. The very first day of the trip we checked into our hotel and immediately ordered room service. My friends chose the more expensive dishes like steak and potatoes. I however opted to get the seafood platter since I myself am a native Marylander. We then went clubbing into the wee hours of the morning. They convinced a couple of guys to buy us drinks and I ended up making out with one really handsome dude in particular. He gave me his phone number and said we should meet up the next day. The very next day though my friends made plans to go sightseeing downtown. I cut out early to meet with this guy. We had a lot in common so we continued to hang out at a local bar and dance club into the wee hours of the evening. He told me his car was in the shop and asked if I could drop him off at his home. I agreed naively, assuming this guy was telling me the truth. He said he did not want to sleep with me on the first night because he is a traditional dude. 'Once we arrived at his house we started to make out in the car in front of his home. By the time we were done I saw little hands hitting my passenger side car window. There was a small child calling me a tramp and telling me not to kiss his father. I asked him what was going on and he said I was not supposed to find out like this. I replied, "Like what?" He then said he forgot to mention that he had a wife and a family. He wanted to ask me without all the drama if I would be complicit in being his girlfriend though. I replied that I absolutely would not and drove away. I could not stop crying the entire evening until the time I left Atlanta two days later.
"A Forth of July Birthday Party. The Party included fireworks and a cookout. The whole family came and had a good time.;". Expand upon this in your own unique storytelling style.
About 2 weeks ago we had a 4th of July party at my cousin's house. Everyone started showing up around 2 in the afternoon for a cookout. Almost everyone in the family was there plus some of my cousins friends. it was great to see family that I haven't seen in awhile and little nieces and nephews. My cousin just cooked the usual hamburgers and hot dogs and as it got close to dinner time they put steaks and chicken on the grill. My aunt had made macaroni and cheese and salad. I brought apple pies and chocolate cake. Everyone stayed in the backyard and the kids played in the pool. There ended up being at least 10 little kids at the party. The adults served the food, cleaned up and caught up on the latest family news. Everyone brought fireworks they had bought to make one big pile. My brother made a safe area in the backyard to shoot fireworks off at dark. We actually got started a little early since the kids couldn't wait any longer. My cousins were in charge of lighting most all of the fireworks while we set back and watched the show. I was quite surprised at how many fireworks we had. It seemed like they were shooting off fireworks for hours and it was well after 10 p.m. before some started leaving. The kids were so tired and most of them had fallen asleep. We stayed and helped clean up the backyard. I thanked my cousin for such a great family event. I can't wait till we do it again next year and possibly at my house.
Narrate a short, intriguing tale that revolves around: "A brief look at my travels through Vietnam. I wrote this journal as if it was a letter to my friend Peter. I keep a travel journal on a regular basis.".
I really wish that you had come with it Peter Vietnam is beautiful. The flight from London Heathrow Airport really wasn't that bad with only one stop. I was so excited i didn't want to sleep . The hotel was beautiful and right next to Phu Quoc Island. I went to the beach everyday of my stay. I don't even know where too begin. What i pictured is nothing like what I thought .Vietnam reminds me of New York. Bursting with nightlife bars everywhere. People in a rush everywhere to take in all the site. On the recommendation of a friend I signed up for a bike tour. I found it a fantastic way of getting around and see things that i would of never had access to on foot. I worried that I would see some small signs of the war that happens years ago. But there wasn't any that i found not any mention of it anywhere. I wondered was it because they didn't want tourists too feel uncomfortable. I would liek to go back and learn more of the history. Maybe next time you can go with me.
Utilize the following input text as a starting point to craft a brief narrative.
My journal entry is about my trip to the Oregon Coast with my family. It's about the time we spent walking along the beach, collecting seashells, sitting in the hot tub, and playing games.
In May my mom, sister, niece and nephew took a wonderful trip to the Oregon Coast. We rented a rustic beach house in Lincoln. The beach house sat high above the ocean with a set of stairs that lead down to the beach. Our mornings were filled with coffee and relaxing on our deck or in the hot tub overlooking the water. Then followed a morning walk along the beach looking for seashells. In the afternoons we enjoyed playing board games and sometimes took a nap. In the evenings we would make a scrumptious dinner, return to stroll along the water while watching the sunsets, and then again to the hot tub with a glass of wine. We watched movies in the evenings. The only disappointing part of the trip is how we did not get much sunshine. We had quite a bit of drizzly rain. However you can't expect anything different on the Oregon Coast that time of year. I really enjoy having a niece and nephew who are twins. They are each other's best friends and are the kindest, most thoughtful kids I know. They have brought much joy to our family. This was a special vacation I will remember for the rest of my life.
Transform this idea into a brief narrative: "My friend's grandpa died, which affected her a lot. She opened up to me about the death of her grandpa and her feelings, as well as struggles about it. She went to his funeral and honored him in a really meaningful way. We've been more close that ever since.".
It happened about three weeks ago. I have a best friend named Elizabeth, and she had a grandfather named Thomas. Her grandfather had passed away from complications due to his heart and cholesterol. Elizabeth was overcome with grief. So much so that it paralyzed her. She had an emptiness in her eyes that claimed her soul and her ability to do even the simplest of tasks. I knew that she needed me. In her darkest moment, I stayed with her in her home leading up to the funeral. I stayed with her for around one week. It felt like a lifetime we had spent with each other. I helped her do all the things she did not have the strength to do. All of the funeral arrangements can be difficult to handle. I knew that she needed me. In that time, the emptiness in her eyes became different emotions. Emotions like sorrow and regret. She told me she regretted not seeing him and speaking to him more. She was sad that she did not tell him that she loved him more often. As a person who had also lost a loved one, I understood this and helped her understand that it is not her fault. As a result we have been closer ever since.
Use your creativity to transform the inspiration text into a concise full-length story.
I was included in helping with the preparations and was able to suggest ideas to make the event even more special. We worked on this for several days and finally decided on a romantic dinner on the beach with musicians being done at sunset.
After working very hard we were able to pre-order the dinner. We used several different tactics/questions to figure out what to order for the couple, without them knowing anything. It was fun picking out the food. We talked to the concierge about having musicians come also. We talked with them and discussed the type of music we were hoping to have as well. We went to a bakery. Had them prepare a special dessert. It was personalized with their names. We had stopped at a florist. We obtained flowers to put on the table. We did this prior to the couple's arrival time. Everything was in place and went smoothly. We watched for a few minutes in the beginning. We saw that she was extremely surprised and happy, which was the goal. We were also to take several pictures from where we were hiding.
'We bought junk food. We ate the junk food all day long. We watched movies from the 80's and 90's all day long with our son and had a wonderful goofy day.'. How could this be the foundation of a compelling story?
This day was a great day. My parents live with us in the basement and they went to visit my sister in another state. We decided while they were gone we were going to do a whole bunch of fun things we would normally not be able to do while they were here and we had to take care of them. On this day we bought ice cream, chips and made cookies. We made a list of all the 80's and 90's movies that we wanted to see. We made a "bed" on the living room floor and got all of our junk food out. We watch video's and ate junk food all day long. We would go from one movie to another and only stop if we needed the bathroom or more junk food. After part of the day was over we changed TV's and moved to a real bed as even with all the pillows and blankets we were starting to feel the floor digging in. My son was so excited about this day. Some of the movies he loved and some he was not that impressed with. My husband was really relaxed and happy. It was a day of no one having to say no or argue with our pre-teen that he would not be allowed to do something. We would love to do this day again. We are waiting for summer when the next opportunity will be to do movie marathon day again.
Build a short story that incorporates: "In June of this year I turned 26 and graduated from college after a long journey filled with many ups and downs. It was an emotional ceremony because my father was not able to be there as he recently passed away from cancer. The rest of my family joined me to be a part of this momentous occasion.".
My graduation date is approaching soon and I am getting more and more excited -I can't believe I am finally going to graduate! It has been a hard, last 6 months! I had to work extremely hard the last little while to keep my grades up, especially when my father passed away. I almost fell into a deep depression but with the help of my friends and family, I was able to pull out of it. The visit from my mother made all the difference in the world. I can see the strength, hope and courage she displays and her encouragement to me during this time -when she is hurting so much herself- really has helped me turn a corner in my grief. She has helped me understand that my father is not truly gone, he will always be here in our memories. So, I started today with a fresher, happier outlook, and I believe I received divine confirmation that everything will be ok, by several things that happened today. I was walking from my dorm to my first class and something caused me to look up. It was a beautiful day and not a cloud in the sky, but I plainly saw not one, but two rainbows! And the were just as clear as day! And that wasn't the end of it either -as today progressed, other things happened! I found seven pennies after my fifth class! My dad's birthday was the seventh of May! Then, after it got dark this evening, something caught my eye out the window. I looked and saw three shooting stars right in a row! Three was my dad's favorite number! Now I know, my dad is not really gone and he will be here by my side even though I can't see him, and everything is going to be alright. I'm really looking forward to seeing the rest of my family next week for my graduation ceremony!
Here's a quick situation: 'We celebrated my mom's birthday together this year and I really wanted to make her feel special. She told us that was the first time someone bought her a cake and did a celebration for her. We heard that and we were in tears together.'. Write a brief story around it.
Things were a little different this year, Diary. 5 weeks ago was mom's birthday and this time we wanted to do something special. Sis and I have plenty of fond memories of our birthdays growing up over the years, but now that we're older we realized that it had always been about us; we didn't have any memories in particular about celebrating our mom's birthdays by doing anything special. We had a hard time even remembering how old she was! Can you imagine that? We took it upon ourselves to make her know that we did appreciate her this time around. We went out and got ingredients, inspired and determined to make a cake for her with our own hands. We don't bake much, but we found a recipe that looked pretty good and got started on it. I'm not going to say it was the hardest thing in the world, but the labor was satisfying in a way. It made is reflect on the effort that mom must have put in for our birthdays, as we've always had homemade cake. In the end, we managed to bring it together. It wasn't a surprise party or anything like that. We told her that we wanted to celebrate with her at home and have a little party to ourselves. She sounded happy on the phone, but I didn't realize just what it would mean to her. The party was simple; just the 3 of us. We had each gotten her little gifts; knick nacks. I got her a new light for her bike (her last one had been stolen) and sis got her a new scarf. We opened the presents first and enjoyed the day a little bit before we brought in our homemade cake to surprise her. You should have seen the light shining in her eyes! They were glistening with the sun as tears began to well up. "I've never had a cake before!" she said. Talked about how she hadn't even stopped to think about her birthdays while we were growing up. She was always working hard doing her best to make us feel safe and taken care of. Well, my sister and I started crying too. We all held each other together and wept with joy that we could share this together.
Develop a short narrative from the seed.
The situation was that our 17 year marriage was in serious trouble. During the last few years my wife had seemed out of sorts with me.Nothing I did was right. Our sex life had also dwindled away to nothing.
I was very happy when i saw her on first time in college. I think on that time she was my spouse and everything in my life. we are in same class and good friends. I proposed to her and she accepted after a couple of days only. After we finished our course and graduation we go for work in same office. we worked very hard for 5 years and we both got promoted. we got married and got 2 kids. we built a new house and lived happily with our kids and parents. But i do know what happened my wife always fighting with me for last few years. Our sex life is dwindled. we both are restless in our life. Our kids are very sad about us. They wanted us to be united together back. We both decided to go for council. we got council and united back with our happy life with kids.
Turn 'I've been having some toxic eating habits and emotions about eating. I talked to my therapist about it. She diagnosed me with binge eating disorder.' into a short story.
I've always been really concerned with my weight. Despite obsessing over my figure and the scale, I've never been a healthy weight. I really do try to eat healthily, but food is more than just sustenance. It's a reward. It's comfort. When I've had a bad day or am under a lot of stress, a switch flips off in my brain, the switch that cares about what I'm eating. And so, I stuff my face full of every rich, fattening food I can get my hands on. Then, I feel really bad about it, so guess what I do? I have a good cry. I put on my determined face. I look up healthy recipes and resolve not to do it again, but I still hate myself for having done it, and the switch flips off again. I finally decided that enough is enough. Normal people aren't like this. I booked a therapist and waited and ate my way through the month until I could finally talk to her. I told her about my habits and my relationship with food. And I was right, there was something wrong with me. She told me I had something called a binge eating disorder. Being overweight and being told that I have an eating disorder was a shock. I'd only heard of anorexia and bulimia, but I wasn't a rail thin supermodel with body dysmorphia. She told me some healthy ways to cope with my emotions that don't involve food. This was the root of the problem after all.
Expand the fragment into a short story.
I have injured my hip and had to quit my job of 21 years. I need to get somewhat better so I can still do things' with my wife on the weekends .
So today my thoughts are I can not let this unexpected Hip injury interfere with my quality of life or life style. I am in pain and uncomfortable but HAVE to get better soon. The sooner I heal and recover from this injury the sooner I can get back to doing the things I enjoy with my lovely wife. I WILL overcome this and once again get back to enjoying the things i once took for granted. I will work hard and make sure to do my part to participate in my recovery so I can get back to MY LIFE. I with my wife's support will achieve my goal in getting better. This hip injury that I obtained after being careless will not take from me. i will not allow it to. i know as important as it is for myself to recover it is important for my family as well. I will make sure to pay more attention when i am on the go. I will also make sure that i look down more often when walking so that I will not trip over anything of have any more unexpected falls. I will care for my body more. I will appreciate my functional abilities of my body more from now on. i will overcome this. I will be a victor in this journey of healing.
Ever thought of turning a hint into a short story? Try it.
I reconnected with a girl that I had had an on-off relationship with and we both went to a theme park together for a day. It was a fun and memorable experience for both of us, and at the end, a romance began anew.
To be fair, this girl really was my first love, though I admit I never thought I would see her again. The way that we ended things the first time was a, I supposed. You see, I started smoking marijuana when I met this girl. I was about 19 years old, she around 24. I was a Criminal Justice student and pretty straight-laced, unbeknownst to me she was a struggling drug addict that was trying to turn her life around. We started smoking weed together. I like it a lot more now, but back then I wasn't too crazy about it. I just wanted to impress her and seem cool, because at the time I definitely felt like a kid in the relationship. Shortly after I started smoking with her, I started selling as well. She was one of my best and worst customers. I didn't have a lot of money at the time so I couldn't just give her free weed, but I'd sell to her either at my cost or taking a slight loss. I just couldn't keep up with her demand. That girl smoked A LOT. Eventually it got to the point where I had realized she was really just using me for the drugs, and I started to get extremely impatient about the money she owed me (again, keep in mind I was already selling to her at an amazing price because I liked her). Eventually this lead to me banging at her door at 3 A M trying to figure out just where the heck my money was. Her dad answered, and she wasn't too happy about that at all. I made up a BS story about being strung out on crack and wound up getting the money just a few days later. Crazy times. And to think we'd be back together all of these years later...
Embed the elements of 'I was included in helping with the preparations and was able to suggest ideas to make the event even more special. We worked on this for several days and finally decided on a romantic dinner on the beach with musicians being done at sunset.' into a short story.
My best friend told me that he was proposing to his girlfriend, but he needed help with how to make it romantic. My friend is not the most romantic type of guy. I wanted him to have a special moment with his girlfriend so I went along with it. I told him I'd look into it at night when I was off of work. We collaborated via chat from then on out to look for the perfect scenario. We decided that a romantic dinner on the beach would be perfect for them. I even got to add more details to help him out since he was drawing a blank. I suggested that there be a live band playing some romantic songs as well so it wasn't awkward silence when he got down on one knee. He really liked that idea. He's kind of an awkward guy at heart. We planned it out until we had all the details perfectly planned. We even had a little runthrough a few hours before he was going to ask his girlfriend to marry him. I recorded the whole thing because his girlfriend would definitely get a kick out of it. It was finally time for the big moment and I had to wait a few hours before he texted me that she had said yes! He had sent me a picture of her wearing the engagement ring in the exact spot we had planned. It was so fulfilling to help out a guy I've known for years.
Spin a brief, engaging tale including: 'I took my kids to California for a 1 month long vacation to stay with family. We got to build family relationships and play the whole time!'.
We've been planning this trip to California for a long while now. My wife and kids I've been really excited about this trip to California. We have great plans to visit Hollywood studios and we really want to see the Hollywood sign. Then we want to see that area where they have the Stars footprints and hands in it. This will be a great chance the visit with my wife's parents who live in California. My kids we'll have a good chance to reconnect with their grandparents. We had such a great time visiting the stars homes. My son Eric was fascinated buy the stars homes. I will have a great memory I've going to my cousins Ashley's wedding. Everybody was so surprised when a belly dancer came out at the reception. No one was more surprised and Ashley's husband who had the dance with the belly dancer. But sadly we have to come home now but we will always have the memories of our California trip. Once we we're home we started to watch all the videos we have taken. The first video we watched was of the wedding reception. But the video we watched the most was the video of the homes of the Stars.
From this brief statement: 'Buddy came into my life with love. My life changed for the better when I got my companion dog. In two short months, by heart was broken', create a short narrative.
As I sit here today I think about the ones I have lost. I pause for a second just to think back to someone that was with me for what felt like such a short time. People or animals come into our lives and leave us as well pretty normally but few are truly special. That brings me to why I feel like I do today. Around two months ago I lost my friend someone close and I loved. It was my companion dog Buddy, the best dog a person could every have. Buddy was brought into my life from love and at a time when I needed him the most. He was caring and loving and was always by my side, loyal in every way possible. I needed him the most when he came to me to pull me back to happiness. He came to me and even though it was brief he lead me back to happiness. I don't know if I just got lucky to have him but he made an impact in my life that I have rarely felt. As I reflect back now in a state of sadness I am also happy. I know that sounds strange but I am happy because I knew him but sad because I lost him as well. I can only thank the lord for bringing him to me and showing me that I can be okay. So tonight I will drink to my friend Buddy, lost but never forgotten. This two months have been hell but memories will get me through, thank you Buddy I will never forget you.
'My parents' celebrated their fiftieth anniversary. My dad came down to join the rest of us for a family dinner, though he was a little late and a little lost.'. Build a short story that somehow involves this.
I've been avoiding writing about this for 7 weeks. It's hard to watch your parents change as they get older. Seven weeks ago was my parent's fiftieth wedding anniversary. I can't believe they made it that long, it's a huge deal. We threw a party, nothing too crazy because of their mobility issues, but we had a bunch of family fly out and a few close friends too. My brother couldn't make it out, or at least he chose not to. Maybe it's better he wasn't there, he always adds stress and I don't think he would've handled things well. In any case, during the day we all sat around and watched old family videos and looked through photo albums. My father went upstairs to take a nap before dinner. My mom and most of the family sat in the living room chatting and playing games. Rob and Jess and I went to the kitchen to start making dinner. We made a huge spread with everyone's favorites, or most of everyone's favorites anyway. We planned to eat at 6:00pm and we finished cooking almost exactly as the yellowthroat on my mother's bird clock cheeped 6. My father hadn't come down yet and my mother said to let him rest a little longer. I went and hung out in the living room with everyone and had a little wine. Before we knew it, it was 6:30 and the food was starting to get cold, still no Pop. Jess went up and knocked on his door and told him dinner was ready and he yelled back that he was coming. When he got downstairs he was pale, his foot falls seemed heavy, and he had this lost look on his face somewhere between a blank stare and scowl. He asked what everyone was doing here. We reminded him it was his anniversary and he seemed even more confused. He didn't even seem to recognize anyone except Mom. It was terribly awkward. My Mom lives with him so she is most familiar with his forgetfulness, but even she didn't think he'd forget their fiftieth wedding anniversary, especially after spending time with the family all morning. I'll never forget the desperate look on my Mother's face — then again, maybe I will if this runs in the family. I need to stop.
'We had a birthday party for my 5 year old grandson on fathers day. We combined the two events and had a bbq also. It was so much fun for everyone.'. How would you turn this into a gripping micro story?
Well we have a annual family get together now for the last 5 years. On Fathers day I have a bbq and invite my sons family over. My grandson has his birthday shortly after Fathers Day so we combine the two. We had so much fun with the kids and having everyone over also. I have a younger grandson his brother, and we have a yard bbq party for him also now in August. Last time he got a helium balloon for him and I and he accidently released ir. We all wathed the balloon for a long time and got it on video. He watched it after about 10 minutes it disappeared. We all so much look forward to our yearly bbq now. We are planning another next year. I have wore out my bbqer and need to get a new one for next year. We always have good weather in June for the occasion. I go out of my way to get the yard looking good. We usually have 3 to 4 bbqs each summer. Hope to have a great one again this year.
Your mission: Convert the text cue into a quick, engaging narrative.
I have a therapy dog, named Sheriff, and he and I visit Shriners Hospital for children. Over the course of a few months I saw the power of a therapy dog with a patient named Rebecca. Sheriff and I were there with her the day she left this earth to become an angel,
I have three huskies, who are incredible dogs, and one of them is a certified therapy dog. His name is Sheriff, and him and I have been going to Shriners Hospital for Children once a week for the past year. About 6 months ago when we were there I noticed a young girl about 7 years old. she would stand way in the back of the auditorium away from the other children. She look so sad, and in turn it made me feel so sad. I've learned that you can't force someone to participate, only encourage. At times I felt disheartned as it seemed we were not making any progress. And I had to remind myself that this was a long term therapy program and she was battling a terminal illness. Over about 4 weeks I would slowly get closer to her with Sheriff. During this time I would make more and more eye contact with her and hold it for longer period of times. Eventually we were about 5 feet in front of her and I could sense her curiousity. So I asked if she would like to pet Sheriff. I still remember her smile and her hesitation as she walked up to her Sheriff. She sowly reached out and touched him then backed away quickly. The next week she came up to him on her own , and the following week she came up to him and hugged him. My heart felt like it would burst. I knew then without a doubt that she would remember this moment, as I would. Over the course of the next few months we grew close and would talk, as she relaxed with the help of Sheriff. About a month ago, the director of the program asked if Sheriff and I would come in one day to visit Rebecca in her room. Her illness had taken a turn for the worse and she had a matter of days, if that, to live. It was an extremely sad day and a difficult day. Her mom told me that Rebecca's wish was to spend time with Sheriff as he made her happy. I knew then the power a therapy dog has to heal and warm the heart. I also knew that I would never forget this day , this experience.
Write a short narrative using this primer.
The event that I can most vividly recall that happened in the last 6 months was the passing of my father. It was very unexpected and an event that will forever shape my life.
Dear Diary, About 4 months ago I had a horrific thing happen in my life. My life will be forever changed. My dad had been sick with what everyone thought was the flu. He was throwing up and complaining of being very tired and hot. He didn't even have a fever. He had been sick for a few days, but on a Tuesday in the early evening everything quickly spiraled out of control. My mom called my husband and asked him to hurry over to the house because she thought something was wrong with my dad. He went over there and my dad was not doing well at all. He didn't know his name, where he was at and who my mom or my husband were. My mom immediately called 9-1-1. When the ambulance got there they immediately checked my dads vitals and got him loaded to rush to the hospital. They took him to the intensive care unit and got him hooked up to a million different machines to see if they could figure out what was going on with him. By this time it was late into the night on Tuesday. We were all sitting in the waiting room until more information was known. It was a very long night of millions of tests and no answers. Finally early in the morning on Wednesday a doctor came out and told my mom that my dad was suffering of kidney failure. We were all in shock because he hadn't been sick long at all. We asked what we could do and the doctor said it was too late too do anything and that if they even tried to operate he would die. The doctor could not give us a timeline of how long he would live, but that it wouldn't be more than six weeks. Well, it turns out it would be even sooner than that. By early the next morning my dad had passed away. We were all in shock because there hadn't been any warning signs and just a week ago he had been happy and hanging out with us. We were devastated and from that moment on our lives had changed forever.
Use the clue text as a stepping stone to create a compact story.
I officiated my first wedding this summer for my best friend. It was one of the best moments of my life.
I had the opportunity to be an officiant for my best friends wedding last month and it was one of the best days of my life. I met with the couple leading up to the wedding and made sure to go through their wants and wishes in detail. From that I made a list of what to include and not include during the ceremony and began writing a script. Building the script was probably the single most stressful part of this work. I generally have a lot of words. Still, finding the right ones to say proved to be incredibly challenging here. I went through at least five different drafts of the speech before I settled on something that I really loved. This really was a labor of love. At the rehearsal I made significant modifications to the script based on my own experience and understanding of the couple. The initial reaction was incredibly positive. Still, I wanted perfection and went back to the drawing board. On the day of the ceremony I was incredibly excited but nervous. My friend was a wreck and needed a lot of emotional support. As we walked up to the altar together I gave him words of encouragement and got into my speech. It was a beautiful ceremony and something I will never forget. Being able to do this for him is one of the highlights of my life.
Here is your writing prompt: 'We dropped our oldest son off at college. I reflected on all the emotions I felt. Saying goodbye was emotional, even for our younger son who had not previously indicated that he was sad or worried.'. Turn it into a quick story.
Two months ago, my son started college in another state. My husband, younger son, and I all made the trip to get him moved into his dorm. It was a very emotional experience for all of us. As we first drove onto his campus, his new home for the next 4 years, I felt very reflective. I thought about how quickly his childhood had gone. I thought about all of the hopes I had for him to have a happy experience. I also thought about my fears and concerns, and the fact that he was not going to be as protected by us anymore. I started to get teary-eyed, but then as we pulled up to the dorm, I was struck by the warmth and enthusiasm of the upperclassmen who were there to welcome the new freshmen. The next few hours were a blur of activity, as we got him settled into his dorm, met his roommate, and walked around campus a bit. Finally it was time to leave. The moment to say goodbye was very emotional for me. My husband got teary-eyed as well. But what really surprised us all was the reaction of our youngest son. He had been acting very aloof the whole day, as if he was indifferent. When the moment to say goodbye was actually upon us, he sobbed. His emotional reaction took us all off guard, and then we all had to struggle to keep our emotions in check.
Based on this brief scenario: 'I helped a good friend of mine get through a tough time of addiction. when he got out of rehab, i got him a job and really supported him. about a month later, he relapsed and died of a drug overdose.', could you compose a mini-story?
a few months back a really good friend of my brother and i passed of a drug overdose. it was one of the hardest times in my life. we had known brian for years, since we were both in high school. he was a great guy, dealt a crappy life and a lot to fight through. we had just helped him through rehab after his family had given up and wouldn't support him, even to get into a rehab. he got out, reunited with his family, and i got him a job at the print shop i work at. it wasn't the greatest place, but it was a decent solid living for him and i. he was only there about a month. when the paychecks started really kicking in, he must have gone out and picked up one night. he never made it to work the day after payday. we had to call to see if he was coming in, and his aunt who he was staying with told us what happened. we all made it through so much together, and honestly he might have been the best among, it just shouldn't have been him. It was terrible, and a week later I went to his funeral. We said goodbye to him. We keep in touch with his family, they are like family now. His sisters really took it hard, and from time to time we all get together to have lunch and remember brian.
Develop a concise narrative using the text snippet as a seed.
We took a long awaited trip to French Polynesia after I had been there 27 years ago. We visited five islands and I got my long awaited shark pictures. This was our 25th wedding anniversary and we had a wonderful time.
We stayed in a hotel right near the airport on Jacksonville. There had been fires in the area near the freeway that had stopped traffic and we wanted to make sure we got on the plane for the first leg of our trip to Los Angeles. So the next day we got on the plane and made it to Los Angeles. We stayed overnight there in the Crowne Plaza hotel right near the airport also. Our flight to French Polynesia was and unusual one in that it took off in the afternoon and got to Papeete at about 9 pm at night. We got on the plane for the long flight. We got there and were met at the airport by a group that our Tahiti Legends had on the ground to take us to our overnight stay in the island of Tahiti until the next day when we would get on the ferry to go to Moorea. Papeete was a typical city atmosphere which we really didn't like that much. I knew that from when I went there 27 years ago. So we really didn't consider our vacation had started until we got to Moorea. The next day we got to Moorea on the ferry and began to see the beauty of what I had experienced 27 years ago. When we got to the Moorea dock, we were picked up for our ride to our hotel with an over water bungalow. The ride was kind of sad because I remembered Moorea from 27 years ago and it had been built up and was more crowded, which was to be expected. Not as nice as 27 years ago. We made it to our hotel and were escorted to our bungalow. Now our vacation had started. It was a beautiful place to stay with the view over the water. The most beautiful things we saw was a rainbow over the water the next morning.
Expand the fragment into a short story.
This story is about me going back to college. Through hard work and determination I learned a lot along the way and became a better person because of it.
It has been 3 months since I finally went back to college. So much has happened already! So many new friends and teachers. I moved into the dorms with a roommate. She is really nice and we have become best friends!! She has the same major as me so we are in most of the same classes together. We haven't been roommates for very long and I was alone for the first month. It was so fun when she moved in and we immediately were friends! She has also introduced me to a lot of people since I am not from here. One of the people will be getting me a job soon. College is a lot more expensive then I thought so I NEED a job right now! I haven't felt homesick yet! Last year I was for months and months. Maybe having a best friend as a roommate helps. She keeps me busy! We do have a break coming up soon so I get to go home to see my family for a couple weeks. I really should start saving up for that. Time to get back to studying. Until tomorrow.
Consider the text cue as a spark to ignite your succinct narrative.
A trip along the east coast of North America. Highlights of some of the places visited and the sights seen.
I took a road trip with a friend along the East coast of the USA and Canada. We took the trip with very little planning, and just kind of decided where to go as we went along. We visited many small towns and it was very beautiful. At one point, we saw a mountain with a waterfall, and decided to go climb it. It was really amazing. We even found a place near the top where the water cascaded into a pool, and then out the other side of the pool to continue down the mountainside. We took a dip in the water, which was ice cold. As we drove along the coast we stopped in many little towns, and browsed around in some really cool antique shops. We also visited a place in Canada with a giant lobster statue, because the place was considered the lobster capital of Canada, and of course, we stopped to have a seafood lunch with a lobster bisque soup that was out of this world good. As we went up the coast and into Canada, even though it was already spring, some places were still snow covered and quite cold. We even got stuck in a snowdrift on a remote highway, and had to wait hours until we got lucky, and passing by snowplow pulled us free of the snowbank with a heavy chain. We ate poutine in a small french Canadian town in Quebec, and it was delicious. I had never eaten cheese curds before, and they were really chewy and tasty! My favorite part was all the little towns in New England. They were so quaint and pretty, and in every one, there were these amazing antique shops full of odds and ends that really told stories of the history of the place. I bought an old licence plate from a shop in New Hampshire that had the saying on it, Live free, or die, which I thought was really cool for a State slogan. It was a great trip overall, and I cherish the memories of all the wonderful places we visited.
"I became really depressed from losing my job. I got bad anxiety bad for thinking about my past. I had to be patient for something better.". Compose a narrative where this plays a significant role.
I lost my job and had bills to pay and couldnt. I was really depressed and sad. This happend about 6 months ago. I stayed in my room and hardly came out. I hardly ate and drank. It really bothered me bad. I don't like being at the city I'm in. It's where I'm from and the opportunity sucks. I just have up a little bit. My past negative thoughts started popping up. All the bad things that I been through and almost died at the age of 20 in the hospital bed. It really still affects my mind, anxiety and panic attacks. I had to meditate and stay focused. Losing my job at the time really messed me up. I had to be patient for something better.
Try to include 'I attended my brother's wedding. It was in a beautiful outdoor location. I helped set up the event and served as best man.' in your short storytelling.
My brother was getting married. I went to attend his wedding. The wedding was being held several hours from where I lived. I carpooled there with the brother of my brother's wife. We arrived at the wedding. It was the day before so I helped set up some things. They had rented out an entire resort with cabins for all the guests. It was in a beautiful location. The wedding happened the next day and it was lovely. The weather was very nice the whole time. The food was also very good. I served as a best man, so I was involved in the wedding ceremony itself. After the wedding ceremony, there was live music and people danced and drank beer, wine, and other beverages. When it got late, I retired to the cabin I was staying in. The next day I drove back home. It was a lot of fun. I felt very happy for my brother and his wife.
Compose a short story inspired by the given prompt.
This story when my dad was still alive. It was the memorable moment for me. I want to happen it again.
I. Purpose The purpose of this experiment was to find the empirical formula of a hydrous copper sulfate by finding the percent water, which is done by determining how much the mass of the sample changed after heating it. Finding the percent copper spectrophotometrically using ammonium hydroxide to increase the sensitivity of the technique or method for copper. Lastly, finding the percent of sulfate by precipitating it with barium from added barium chloride. II Procedure\tPercent Water An empty cleaned crucible was on a very high heat in order to remove any substance or left-over samples. Then hydrous sulfate was weighted and added to the crucible and heat it with a gentle flame (approx. 150\uf0b0C). The sample was monitored to maintain a very light blue or white. If the sample is green or yellow the copper sulfate had decomposed; start over. After the sample was cooled, reweight the sample and it must be no more than 2mg. M_y X_z∙nH_2 O ⟶ M_y X_z+nH_2 O \tPreparing the Standard Solution and Beer's Law GraphFour standard solution were prepared by diluting the stock solution with aqueous ammonia. The Standard solutions differ in amount of stock in each. The new solutions were discharged back and forth between the graduated cylinder and mix the solution well. The final standard solution will be a non-diluted sample of the primary stock solutionnNH_3+Cu(H_2 O) 6^(2+)→Cu(H_2 〖O)〗_(6-n) (NH_3 ) n^(2+)+nH_2 O\tPreparing the Unknown Hydrous Copper Sulfate SolutionThe other partner did prepare his own unknown solution. I add copper sulfate (approximately 0.06g), add 0.5 M NH_3 solution (approximately 25mL) in a 50mL graduated cylinder and kept stirring until all of the particles dissolved. The absorbance of this sample will be measured, and its concentration will be determined from the Beer's law graph.\tUsing Colorimeter I was using the LabQuest app for Colorimeter. I need to wait 5 minutes before I calibrate the samples. Insert the first sample in the cuvette slot and once the reading stabilized tap on the KEEP button and enter the concentration. Repeat this procedure for the rest of the samples. The absorbance and concentration will create a Beer's Law Graph.\tPercent Copper in ExcelRecord the absorbance of the 5 samples including the unknown solution. Create an Excel Graph of Absorbance vs. Concentration. I included the trendline and r-squared value of my graph.
Based on "Buying a house for the first and and adjusting to home ownership. We are excited for the process! It was very memeroable getting the keys to our first house and making our first house a home.", write a short yet interesting story.
When we bought our house for the first time we felt like it was dream a come true. We definitely had our work cut out for us since we had to do a lot of work to our new house. The back yard was full of dirt and rocks and we it needed to be clean in order for our son to be able to play outside. We had always dreamed about having a backyard that my sin could play in, so our priority was to make sure the yard was in good condition for our son to play with. We were so excited to be home owners that wed did not mind working hard every day to make our house nice. My husband will get off work in the evenings and the three of us will go outside and work. It was very special to me to see my son working in the yard because it will be a nice memory for us to look back on. We also painted the inside of the house and especially my sons room. I am never going to forget the look on my sons face when he saw that we painted his room blue just like how he wanted. We all continue to work hard to fix our new house and make it a home. We still have a lot more to do and a lot to fix but we are already feel like its out home. We like to look at the pictures of when we first bought our home a few months ago and see how much it has improved in such a small time. We are happy to be making memories in our new home. And we are happy to continue to work hard to fixing our home. We are looking forward to more memories and looking back at old.
'The story is about my family's current health scare. It talks about what we collectively experienced emotionally and physically and how it made me decide to change my life.'. Imagine a scenario around this and write it down.
About 6 months ago I had a tragic situation happen in my life. It was a real scare for me and my family. At the time that it happened I didn't know how to react or feel about what was going on. I just couldn't get a grasp of it. being that my mom was badly sickend and she didn't have much time to live. we had asked the doctors if there was anything extra they could do. we wanted to pay top dollar for anything that could maybe save or even prolong her life. Unfortanetly there wasn't anything they could further do to try and help her. It was devastating to hear that. we just couldn't get over all the times we've spent together. everyone was very sad at the hospital. It was bad some of was going through it emotionally and physcially that made things even scarier. It made me think to my self about being strong and doing that benefits my life and body. I decided to be on the healthy side of things for the rest of my life. That situation really made me decide to change my life.
Write a short narrative based on or inspired by "My son and i found a dog on the street under a car. After taking the dog to the vet we got the news that the dog had a brother. We decided to adopt both of them, we couldnt separate a family. we live with 2 lovely dogs now and we are so very happy with them.".
Last year we had a very interesting thing happening to us, to me and my son. this was something that happened around the begining of winter so that was something that made the whole event even more dramatic for us. we were walking around the neighborhood amd we saw something moving underneath a car. we were extremely courious to let it pass so we started to investigate the surroundings. we realized that the "thing" doing the noise was a dog. we were so intrigued about everything because it was so cold. we didnt know what to do because we have 1 dog in the house. after a long thinking process we decided to take the dog first to the vet. the doctor told us that the dog was in perfect condition leaving on a side that he was starving. we were so moved by all the things going on we wanted to stay with the dog but it was so late and we had 1 dog waiting for us. at the end we decided to leave the dog at the vet and hoping everthing was going to be better for him. the next day first thing we did was to go to the vet and check on the dog we felt so happy that he was doing so good. he ate and he was all happy to see us. we looked at each other and it was instant we didnt even need to talk about it we wanted to keep him with us. now we live with 2 wonderfull dogs that we love dearly. we are very happy with them.
Compose a short story inspired by the given prompt.
My husband and I have decided to move out of state. When I told my local family, they were very unhappy about it. However, we feel that it is for the best.
My phone pinged on my way to work: It was a meeting invite from my director for 9:30 a.m. that same morning. Weird. Our weekly check-in was yesterday. My heart rocked in my chest as I quickened my pace. At the conference room table, my director and our CTO sat on the same side, a piece of paper between them. Fuck. The company was losing money and non-essential personnel would be let go, effective immediately. Tears smarted in my eyes and then fell in ample waves down my cheeks. I signed the termination letter. The rest of the day, I roamed through the city with no sense of a destination, doubled down on my anxiety and hit shuffle on my mental playlist of worries. In four weeks time, I was planning to move out of the apartment I shared with my boyfriend. He was bound for Chicago and I'd already planned to spend a month at my mom's in the suburbs until I secured a new place to live. He and I had recently made the joint decision to separate; it was a choice the two of us lauded as a mature while burying our grief for a relationship we just couldn't support anymore. And now I was unemployed.
It's mini-story time! Use the guide text as your guide.
This was my first experience with a major code in the hospital I worked at. I wasn't used to performing CPR, as I generally work on a psychiatric floor with physically healthier patients.
Today at work, I went out for a smoke break after lunch. The hospital had been pretty quiet, when all of a sudden a Condition A was called in the main lobby as I was walking through. An older man was turning blue, and had collapsed to the floor. I was terrified to respond to my first major code, particularly that I would do something wrong. A nurse was going to get the crash cart and I had to begin CPR. Thankfully, the man had a button down shirt and I was able to get to his chest quickly. He was a very large man, and I was afraid my chest compressions weren't strong enough. I can still hear the sounds of his rib cage cracking as we quickly worked to resuscitate him. The crash cart arrived, and I was able to switch off with another nurse as I grew exhausted. Fifteen minutes and several shocks later, the man came to. He was wheeled away to the ER with a nurse supplementing his weak breathsusing the ambu-bag. I think about him from time to time--I hope he's doing alright. I don't like that I get so emotional during serious events, I've always considered myself to be a calm and rational person. I couldn't help but shake and fight back tears as the gravity of the situation settled in. Needless to say, I had taken a little extra time on my smoke break that day.
Transform the clue into a compact story.
my graduation ceremony with a little set back,my dry cleaner did not deliver my cloth of the day on time which gave me sweat feet. .But it was successful eventually and we celebrated it in a grand style with family and friends.
This even took place at my convocation party. I had planned to wear a particular outfits for this event just to standout.But unfortunately ,my dry-cleaner almost ruined it and that would have got me upset really. But i was happy at the end of the day one of my friend came trough for me by making sure the outfit made it to me at the last minute .Just when i had lose hope completely. As if that was not enough. Just when we thought it was over, we planned to have some time out as buddies who just graduated. we went partying at a club downtown. It was fun all night. The music was loud , there were enough drinks to go round. The girls were dancing and happy. The guys were having good laughs and drinks. There were alcohol for everyone. we really had mad fun all this while till when suddenly. One of us started misbehaving and convulsing. He was rushed by the guys for help. I think he had too much to drink not considering his health. One of us attended to him by giving him CPR . after sometime , he gain consciousness . By this time we took him ot of the club. And planning to take him to the hospital but he refused going . He only wants to go home as he was hungover . We left the party and headed to his apartment some miles away from the club. When we go to his apartment, He had his shower and was calm. He made sure he threw-up the alcohol intake from the party. He was calm afterwards. Daniel decided to stay with him to keep eye on him. We left his place to our various homes after all the party was over. I left for my place and when i got home ,dinner was set. Had dinner with my family. I checked on my buddy from the club earlier and my friend [Daniel] told me he was okay.
Synthesize a concise story based on the inspiration drawn from the suggestion text.
Earlier this year I traveled from America to London, England. It was my first time out of the country and I was meeting a friend. We had a great time together and I enjoyed my first trip outside my home country!
About four months ago I went out of the country for the first time. I was traveling from southern USA to London, England. The reason for me going there was because I was going to meet a special friend of mine I hadn't seen in over a year. I was extremely nervous as flying is a very nerve-wracking experience for me. I'm also incredibly shy and don't like being in places full of people. On the plane I was so scared of everything. The person next to me was an older woman who didn't seem to mind at all. I couldn't sleep at all and mostly just sat there waiting to land. When we finally did I felt relieved but also so exhausted. When I saw my friend it was like all my energy had returned. I was so happy to see him and ran up and hugged him really hard. I could tell he was happy to see me too! He drove us back to his place and my exhaustion finally caught up with me and after we spoke for a bit I passed out on his couch for a few hours. Luckily he was understanding of this. When I got back up we spent a lot of time talking. It was so refreshing to hear his voice again and listening to him tell me about how his life was in London brought me a lot of joy. I stayed at his place for over a week while we saw all the sights together. I was nervous a lot of the time being in a new country and so far away from home. I also felt a little isolated being around so many people from a different country than I. All of those feelings paled in how happy I felt being around him though. When it was time to leave I was ready to go home, but I knew I would miss him immensely. I gave him one final hug as I boarded my plane back to America. My hope now is that sometime again this year I can go back, or have him come here!
'I had a disjointed relationship with my former best friend and went home for his wedding. During that time we spend a ton of time hanging out and became best friends again while putting all of our old problems in the past. We had a lot of good conversations about past, present and future things in both of our lives. It was a good reminder of our friendship and all of the great times we have had together.'. Narrate a short story that features this somehow.
My friend and I were really close for a period of high school and college before there was a period were things just felt different to the both of us. This story is really timely because he was actually almost going to be in the city that I live in this weekend and we were going to spend some time hanging out which would have been really nice. Things were strained for a period that felt long where we didn't talk or hang out as much and you could just tell that we were not as close as we had been in the past. There were times where we would actually yell at each other and get in this big blow up fights. Our relationship felt much more competitive and cut throat than it was before which was strange. Then a while back I got a wedding invitation in the mail which started the events that would change things back to the way things were. The way things were when things were good and we really felt like best friends. I think I mentioned before that I would still text him when I was back in town but we didn't always hang out or if we did it still felt weird. For whatever reason things were way different this time when we were hanging out the night before his wedding. We talked about things like we used to and there was an openness that reminded me of the past. We stayed up really late and both felt really happy, we didn't need to hash out everything that happened before because we had talked about it a lot. It was a lot of fun and then we got to hang out a few more times after that during the time after the wedding/reception. From the time past that point we communicate a lot more which I think continues to help. I really make it a point to do that because there were some long period in the past where we would kind of "ghost" each other. Now I feel like I can go back to my home town and hit him up with no problems or second guessing like before. I am really glad things went back because we are close and have tons of memories to share.
Craft a short story that includes this scenario: 'I received a letter on the door from my landlord saying that the property has been sold. My rent increased which has made it hard to save and prepare to move.'.
I unexpectedly received a letter on my door saying that my apartments had been sold. This was right before the school year began and my rent was increased. I have been trying to save to move but I don't want to waste money on another apartment. I would rather save up for a house. I felt confused and felt like I was running out of time. With me having 2 children, I can't just up and leave because I don't have a lot of money to buy food, clothes, housing deposit, plus moving expenses. I felt overwhelmed by the situation. When it first happened, I was planning the summer break for my children. We were not able to take them to the beach since this happened. We didn't know whether or not we would have to pay extra utility bills along with the new property owners and increase in rent. I have started to save but it has not been easy. The first day of school was yesterday and I had to buy new clothes, shoes, and school supplies for my daughter. My son will be starting school next year which will make it even harder. Also, my car battery died a few days ago which needed to be replaced. I feel like I'm running out of money and trapped. I feel trapped because every time I think I'm saving money, some unexpected expense comes up.
"ibeforeA person I had previously been close to asked me to get them drugs which I reluctantly did. They later overdosed and died from those drugs. I had to talk to the police of course but ultimately was not charged with a crime.". Please narrate a quick story that connects with this.
Last summer I was working at a landscaping chimpscompany with my boyfriend. A girl who I'd once considered my good friend but who I now considered more of a nuisance started messaging me asking if I could get her opiates. I tried to ignore her at first. I told her I was busy. She had her boyfriend start messaging my boyfriend. Eventually, I agreed to go. She had been taking xanax and drinking. I was so mad at what I felt was her pressuring me. The next night, I got a message from a friend informing me she had died from an overdose. I knew that I could potentially be facing a second degree murder chargeMymother called me one day to inform me the police had been by her house but that they only wanted to know if i knew her cell phone code. That her father had mentioned my name as a possible source who might know. I called her boyfriend and asked him to come over. His words were almost exactly the same as the police. Her father probably provided my name. I asked him if they'd asked him about me And he told me yes, a couple wks before. He moved out of state a couple if weeks later and the police called me for a meeting the same day. I met and tasked with the inspector who, oddly enough, was named John Holmes. Ultimately, I wasn't in any legal troublebut it was a transformative experience. I felt a mixture of relief, guilt, sorrow for her twin brother and parents loss. Pissed at her for putting me in that position, glad I had said no and was not in trouble. Recognition of my ownluck and realization that if I wasn't a whitefemale from a middle class background, things could have been much different.
Use the clue text as a stepping stone to create a compact story.
I went back to playing magic again. I did well at the event that I went to. This was surprising and I think I am going to go back to playing magic on the regular now.
I had always been interested in playing magic tricks even as a kid. I was always doing something to make my friends laugh. So no one was surprised when I wanted to do it as a paying side job. I felt that I was really ready. My first gig wasn't in front of a very large crowd. It was at a ten year old's birthday party. I started off with a few card tricks. The kids seemed very underwhelmed with that. They were a tough crowd. So then I did my rabbit trick which kids seem to really enjoy, except it didn't go according to plan. My rabbit got stuck in the magic hat and started making sounds like she was in pain. The kids began to get upset. I pulled and pulled, but the rabbit wouldn't come out. One kid started crying. Mothers were giving me death glares. The rabbit finally came free but my show was a bust. I gave up playing magic for about a year. A friend of mine convinced me to do my act at her anniversary party. I left my rabbit at home. Amazingly it went really well. I added a few comedy bits and everyone seemed to really enjoy it. I'm going to go back to doing magic regularly now, just going to leave Bugs at home.
Picture a brief tale that arises from the springboard text.
My girlfriend randomly visited me without telling me. We spent a lot of time together and created many fun memories.
She usually plans hanging out with me and coming over within a specific date. This time she had told my brother and my mom that she was going to be coming over. I was working on the computer whenever she sent me pictures of my city. I was confused to why she was sending me that so I checked my front door camera and I saw car. It shocked me since she told me that she was going to be having a meeting out of town and she has before. When she arrived we spent it many different places just enjoying each other's company. It was really fun going all over town and showing her around. I also enjoyed her at my house while we played video games or us watching videos. It was a great experience and I thank her for randomly surprising me. She had originally wanted to stay for 5 days but she ended up staying for 8 days. During the last day she was crying a bit and was sad that she was not going to be seeing me for a few months. Because of that our goodbyes were very tough to do. We finally did it and I thanked her for coming over. Once she had left and time passed by we planned a new time for us to see each other. Thankfully that we will be seeing each other in a short amount of time.
It's mini-story time! Use the guide text as your guide.
I want my niece to understand the power of the gospel. It is rare when I am able to plant any seeds because she is so resistant to it. I had the opportunity on our last visit!
My niece lives about 350 miles away so we do not get to see each other in person very often. Faith is the most important thing in my life, and family is a very close second. My niece is not spiritual at all, nor religious. She is a typical teenager who thinks she knows everything. When religion does come up, she tunes herself out of the conversation. She was visiting not long ago, and naturally religion came up in conversation. My wife and I were taking her school shopping, and she is actually the one who brought up something she thought was derogatory to women in the bible. That opened up the conversation because I was able to explain what the scripture actually meant. She was hesitant to listen at first, but I could tell that I had piqued her interest. She quickly changed the subject after my explanation because she didn't like the true meaning rather than the meaning she and her friends had chosen to believe because they took the scriptures out of context. That was okay though. She is a smart kid, and I know she is going to ponder on what I told her. I don't push religion on her at all because I know she puts those walls up. I love moments like this though because they are so few and far between. I am able to plant seeds that I know are going to be watered by the Lord, and that just thrills me to no end.
Expand the fragment into a short story.
My fiance and I went to the hospital because she was in labor, and nearly 15 hours later, we had our newborn daughter. The doctor urged for us to get a C-section. The experience was very stressful but at the same time it was wonderful to have our daughter.
I need to write about the birth of Josie, my daughter! As you know, we had everything planned for this. The labor bags, the doctors numbers on call, I had everything I could think of ready! Sadly, you can't prepare for everything. When Susan went into labor, we were at her mother's home. I was scared since we had to drive all the way to our home to get the bags and information. In the car, I kept saying we should have kept all of this in the car in case this happened! Susan wasn't thrilled, but took it better than I did. We got the things and went to the hospital. We waited for the longest time to get helped by someone. We eventually called our doctor and he sent information down for us. We got our room and then the issues really started. She was in labor and despite everything, she wasn't progressing like she should have been. We were there 15 hours before the doctor said she was going to need a c-section. I fought against it and so did Susan. We wanted a natural birth! The doctor urged more and we ended up allowing it. It was stressing Susan and the nurses all said that stress was the last thing that she needed. In the end, everything worked out really well and Josie was born health and happy!
Your story should involve 'Received my patent on water reclamation methods. After many long years and setbacks, it is done. As a bonus, I now own the intellectual property.' in a brief, concise manner.
A most memorable event happened last week. I received my completed patent. I have been working on a novel method for reclaiming wastewaters. There have been many struggles along the way. Anything from machine failures to group infighting which led to project disbandment. It was surprising that after all this time, the technology would end up belonging to me. This makes me happy and proud as an inventor and developer. The technology has been used successfully in mining applications. It cleans AMD to potable levels. It uses no chemicals and is low power. System can be used at any altitude. Power requirements are now low enough for offgrid power. As the inventor and lead developer I am more than proud of this accomplishment. It took so long to complete. I felt like giving up many times along the way. So glad I didn't.
"After a bout of debilitating insomnia, I developed a heart flutter. This worried my friend so much that I realized how close we were.". Let's hear a short tale that involves this.
I had a long bout of insomnia. The exhaustion caused me to develop a heart flutter. I was always tired and often dizzy and short of breath. I wasn't sure what was causing it, but I knew I was having trouble sleeping and I picked up some over the counter sleep aids. It turned out that this was exactly what I needed. The heart flutter went away and I felt fine after that. I told my friend the story and it worried him. I told him I was fine now, but that didn't seem to satisfy him. We went to a street fair and he kept telling me to slow down and take it easy. Again, I told him I was fine. He didn't have to worry. I was good. But he insisted. I was touched by how concerned he was. I was also a little annoyed.
Craft a short story that includes this scenario: "This was about my first day as a volunteer at the local Humane Society. I can't have dogs where I live, so I thought I could meet plenty of them if I volunteer at Humane Society. It was quite an adventure.".
Four months ago, I was at the humane society at 7am. The first thing that I was asked to do was feed all of the animals. There were were a lot more dogs than there were cats, which made me pretty happy because I don't care for cats that much. I finished doing all of that and watched them all chow down on some good quality kibble that someone had donated the day before. I was told that they don't receive a lot of high quality food donations, so this was really helpful. There are so many dogs here that it takes a large bag of kibble a day just to keep them fed. After feeding them all, it was time to start bathing the new pets that were brought to us this morning. I'm most comfortable washing small dogs, so I washed the 2 pomeranians that were brought in and left the Rottweiler to someone more experienced than me. I loved both of the little fluff balls, but the white one (a girl) was not happy with her bath at all. She was nervous and whining the entire time, while the brown one (a boy) was a champ about the whole thing. I bathed the white one first so she could get out and get dried off I was able to use a blow dryer on her, so she got dry pretty quickly. The boy pom was a lot easier to deal with, so it didn't take me long to bathe him off. They were both infested with fleas, the poor things. I get upset when I see animals mistreated like this. There's no excuse to be eaten up with fleas like that at all. All it takes is a regular bath to keep them mostly off and I don't understand why people can't do that like they're supposed to. I wish I could take both of these babies home with me. I think I'm going to move.
"The 15 years old birthday celebration of my niece was on May, but initially i was not expecting to be there. I made several arrange to make possible to me be there with her, and be part of her celebration.". Create a small story where this is somehow significant.
At the time I was working with Corporate Vestus Enterprises. I was working a lot of hours and flying around all over the place. Now obviously, this can often come at odds with family and friend matters, it becomes increasingly difficult to have a personal life with people other than co-workers. Anyways, so yet again I was seeing some issues regarding my business schedule and how I could make time for family. I felt really bad, prior to working for this company my niece and I were extremely close. In fact, I practically raised her myself when her parents were not around to handle matters (things were pretty tight with them so they had to work a lot). I finally had made up my mind and firmly resolved I could not miss this. So I spoke with some of my co-workers and really, REALLY had to twist their arms about it. I didn't want to bring it up with upper-management because I knew they would react with cold disregard. In this company, your company is your personal life and if you aren't cut out for this, the door is right there. So I convinced my co-workers to cover this one project for me, it was not easy. I had to really sweeten the deal, I told each of them I would cover twice as many projects for them (if and when they needed it). I added in that whatever projected time off they had, I would take a lot of the paper work-load off their hands for them (we never REALLY get a vacation). My niece was overjoyed to see me and honestly, just that look on her face would've been worth 5X what I offered my coworkers. We celebrated not just that weekend but the following week as well. That girl is my life, I'll never be able to pass up an opportunity to be in her life again. Maybe it's time to find a new line of work..
Use the lead-in text as a springboard for a brief, rich narrative.
I went on a trip with a group of friends that we go to every year. I had a great time and so did our new trip attendee. I look forward to going again next year.
Every year like clockwork, my friends and I head down to the shore for a week at the beach. This year my best friend decided to invite his friend from work. This was the first time I had met him, but we all seemed to get along well. Like usual we rented out the same house we have been coming to for years now. The house is always clean and the owner is great to deal with. In all of the years we have been coming, we have never had an issue with the house. We lucked out this year and got some great weather. Every day was hot and sunny, but not so hot that it was uncomfortable. I was surprised to see how crowded our stretch of the beach was this year. Usually there aren't this many people, but we didn't let it bother us. Every night we hit a different beach bar. The live bands were fantastic this year and we spent almost every night until closing time just enjoying the music and the beer. By the time the week ended, we had all become good friends with the new person. It was like he was a part of our little group now. He had just as much fun as the rest of us and we are all looking forward to coming back again next year.
Build a quick narrative from the source.
In one moment, paths to the future became clear. My music duo was splitting, but in an afternoon, in a matter of minutes, future plans were formed.
I was in a musical duo that had decided to part ways. We wanted to fulfill our obligations though, so we performed at a large outdoor festival. I had been wondering what I'd do with my time, and I was also concerned my partner would have some direction forward. We played, but I guess due to nerves we rushed through our set with time to spare. Someone in the crowd asked my partner to play one of her solo songs. I was so happy her own work was appreciated. I got off stage as she played. I got into conversation with some people who are in another local band I like. Without knowing the duo was splitting, they suggested I "try out" for them. Really, a formality. They wanted me in. It was pretty remarkable that in a matter of minutes, both her direction forward and mine were made clear. I was relieved. I was also excited we could part with no bad feelings. Once she got off stage, I told her what happened. She was happy for me. I was happy for her.
Hey, take this prompt and write a brief, interesting narrative.
I booked a high paying profile gig, only to have one band mate leave early in the middle of the show. This hurt our band as a whole, disrupting our reputation and our business. She wasn't as committed as we'd thought, and perhaps her boyfriend is abusive and controlling.
I booked this really solid gig at a hotel not far away in a capital city. I was really excited about this gig because it was difficult to get, it payed really well, plus I got our whole band of 10 people free drinks as well as nice meals from this hotel club gig. We arrived at the venue around 6:30pm, as the booking agent had requested for a sound check. The venue was beautiful, and as it turns out, has a great reputation and is a valued spot to get into. We set up, ran our sound check with most of the band, except our new saxophone player. She showed up a bit later, but still in time to get some sort of sound check. She asked about dinner and myself and our two singers handed her a menu. I told her that her meal is compt, but her boyfriends would not be. This was the first time any of us had ever seen her boyfriend, or even heard of him existing, but we didn't think too much of it because she'd only been playing with us for a few months. We all eat, then it's show time. We play our first set, the people love it, so does the booking agent. We take a set break, then return to the stage for set 2 of 3 for the night. Also well received. We take our second set break, and suddenly, our saxophone player says she has to go and didn't know we were playing "so late".This seemed very strange to all of the rest of us, as the whole show should be done in another hour, which still would be relatively early, by usual musician standards. Her announcement was made even more strange by her "boyfriend" standing arms crossed, looking very menacing at everyone, telling her repeatedly, "we got to go". She seemed under duress. Her mouth was saying things that didn't match up to her body language. This made things very uncomfortable for everyone, except her boyfriend, who was bad vibing everyone. I immediately thought out the many ways this could go down, and decided to not argue, but just to let her go before the start of our last set of the night. We were all very upset by this, but after she and her boyfriend left, we all talked about how letting her go was the best thing to do, and also a fire able offense at a gig. On top of all of that drama, the boyfriend ate for free, and we got stuck with the bill at the end of the night! Just in case she was being abused by this boyfriend, we told her family what had happened, and how it all seemed really strange to all of us, male and female in the band. Never heard from her again, and not sure what ever happened. It made me sad though, as I did like her, and had looked forward to making music and a friendship with her.
Build a short story that incorporates: 'I was scalded by boiling water while camping this summer. I received second and third degree burns over 45 percent of my body. It was the worst pain I've ever felt in my life.'.
While camping this summer, I was scalded by boiling water. I was boiling water with my hiking stove to prepare oatmeal for breakfast. A gust of wind blew over the windscreen set up around the stove and toppled the pot of water off of the stove. The water was forced out of the pot and onto my abdomen. Fortunately, I had cell service and called 911. I was instructed to put cold water on the burn while I waited for the ambulance to arrive, but the only thing I had available was a cold bottle of Gatorade. I held the cold bottle to my abdomen while the dispatcher was trying to figure out exactly where I was located. My call had hit a cell tower in a different county. It took the ambulance 30 minutes to get to me and another 30 minutes to get me to the hospital. The wait seemed like an eternity, and I was feeling the worst pain I ever felt in my life. The emergency department doctor told me I had second and third degree burns over 45 percent of my abdomen. I passed out immediately after they gave me a shot of morphine. When I woke up, I no longer felt pain. They put a special ointment on my burn that totally relieved the pain. I needed to get back to my campsite, where my vehicle was located. The hospital called a taxi for me, and I was sent back to my primitive campsite. I felt very weak and could not pack my camping gear into my vehicle, so I ended up sleeping in my hammock. I spent two days in that hammock, trying to get the strength for the two and a half hour drive home. When I finally arrived home, I had to go to another emergency room to have my burn cleaned. It was one of the scariest experiences of my life, and I am still recovering from my burn both physically and emotionally.
Use this short prompt as an inspiration for a quick tale: 'Write the date, day and time, then start with Dear Diary (as diary is like a friend).Begin the entry with general sentence describing the day or momentary feelings.In the body, you may discuss an event, your feelings towards it...Conclude with final remark and future course of action.'.
Think about who is going to read your story...Just start writing...Write the Scenes of Your Life...Decide How to Organize Your Story...Choose a Theme...Use Friends and Family...Use Photos to Jog Your Memories...Add a Range of Emotions. Use a hook. A "hook" is your opener. It's the attention-getter, the question or quote that immediately hooks your listener or reader...Tell the story. A story has natural momentum to it...Reflect. Many people seem to tell stories just to tell them...Your story is waiting… I've helped lots of people tell their stories. When an author writes a book about someone's life, it's called a biography. When a person writes about his or her own life, that is called an autobiography. Biographies and autobiographies are popular books. Do not pursue publishing...Seriously, don't pursue publishing...Read my posts about writing memoir...Begin immediately writing down your story...Meanwhile, create a reading plan for yourself...Begin to craft your book.
Given the brief details in "I went to a family gathering event on a Sunday morning. I'd been invited a week prior and I'd been excited to go, it was a Family Fishing derby being held at my aunt's fishing stock ponds. It was a potluck type event and there was plenty of good food to be and games and contents for all the kids.", create a short tale.
About two days ago I went to a family gathering event on a Sunday morning, and there was a lot of people there. I had been invited about a week prior and I had been very excited to go to the event. The event was a Family Fishing derby being held for family and family friends at one of my aunt's fishing stock ponds near her house. It was a potluck type event, but there was plenty of good food to be had like hotdogs, burgers, and macaroni salad. I ate a lot more than I anticipated and gave myself a bit of a stomachache but I still don't regret it either because I enjoyed it all. Along with the fishing contest there were other activities like frog catching with nets, with prizes for catching the biggest frog or fish. After that was the annual picture with all the kids and young adults who hadn't reached thirty yet, I was in that photo too. Then after we did that we watched the littler kids all participate in the frog race, where on a sheet they would race the captured frogs to win other prizes. I didn't participate in the games because I had already outgrown the age range of the kids participating. It was fun just watching the kids and teens have fun though, and I got to eat more while I watched. I indulged myself in dessert and talking to some of the family members I didn't usually get many chances to see casually. Also I nearly had a frog jump on me during the frog race for the kids. While I like frogs, I don't like slimy feels so I jumped back a bit when the kids were releasing all the caught frogs back into the pond. At the end of the event we all got commemorative coins for the event that my aunt had specially prepared for the occasion and I was happy to get one. Before I left the event to go home, I picked some wild apples from an apple tree near the road entrance on my aunt's property with my mom, who'd attended the event with me. I think I'll remember the family fishing derby that occurred this year very fondly for years to come.
"We arrived to Portland. There was a protest. Homeland Security broke up the protest and everyone went away.". Build a short story that somehow involves this.
Last summer, about five an a half months ago, My wife an I went to Portland, Oregon. We had left from our home that morning ready to embark on a two week vacation which would take us from Portland to Seattle to Vancouver. Upon arrival to Portland, we got our baggage from baggage claim and ordered a Lyft. Our Lyft driver picked us up, and we directed him to our hotel in downtown Portland. Once we told our driver where our hotel was located, he informed us of the protest that was occurring near our hotel. He informed us that liberal protesters, members of a group named Anti-Fa, and members of Gay Pride groups were violently protesting near where we were staying. He assured us that this was normal for Portland. After our Lyft driver dropped us off we entered into our hotel and walked to the front desk. The front desk attendant reiterated the ongoing protests. My Wife and I got to our room, and opened the windows in time to see trucks carrying officers from the Department of Homeland Security speeding down the street toward the protests. News stations on the television were also covering the protests. Later my Wife and I left the hotel, in another Lyft in the opposite direction from the protests. By the evening the protesters had left. The very next morning, My Wife and I walked to the site of the protests, and it looked as if nothing had happened. We ate our breakfast from a food truck, sitting the in the very square where the protests had occurred only hours before.
'I have decided to pursue becoming a Dive Master. There are many certifications that it requires getting but I am greatly looking forward to it.'. Create a small story where this is somehow significant.
So I've been thinking of becoming a dive master for a long time. I remember the first time I went diving as a child. It was one of the best days. My dad took me out diving and it was so incredible. We had so many great Saturday afternoons spent on the water. As I grew older and started to go to different places I met other dive masters. I did't realize that people could get paid to go diving. It was pretty cool to think that maybe I could do that for a job. I put off getting my certifications because it's expensive. It's also kind of scary to think that I will be responsible for other's peoples lives. But the truth is that anytime you are diving you are responsible to help out the people that are around you. I really think that now is the right time in my life to pursue this. I've looked around at some different schools and I've picked the one that is going to be right for me. It looks like the program is going to take awhile to finish, but that's ok. I can probably pick up a parttime job in the dive shop while I'm working through all the certifications.
From the following brief hint: 'I ripped my pants while walking down a public street. A car passed by and the occupants saw my underwear.', create a concise narrative.
I decided to go to the store and buy myself a new outfit. I wanted to buy a new outfit for church. I walked to the store with my daughter since the retail store is not far from my house. We went to the store and I began looking at some clothes. I found some stuff and I tried it on. I put some of it back and tried on some more stuff. Finally, I found something I really liked and it looked good on me. I paid for the dress and we began to walk back to our home. Well, I dropped something on the ground and I picked it up. I thought I heard a ripping sound but was not sure. I picked up the item and kept walking. Later, I felt a slight draft then I saw a car slow down and the people were staring at me. I said what are they looking at and then my daughter and I both realized my pants were torn and you could see my underwear. I am so glad I always wear clean underwear and thankfully they were the full size undies. I was so embarrassed. We rushed home and my daughter tried to walk behind me close so people could not see it.
Develop a short narrative from the seed.
My mom fell and was hospitalized. She went to rehab. She then went to the nursing home because the doctors did not feel that she could live safely at home. She died in the nursing home.
Three months ago a trail of events happened that was really awful for me and my family. First my mom fell and was hospitalized. The she had to go to rehab to be able to function better but instead of getting better she had to go to a nursing home. The doctors really didn't think she could live safely at home. Shortly after she died in the nursing home. It was the day we got the whole family together to visit her. I am really devastated about this all happening so fast. I still feel like I should be able to contact her anytime. I sometimes wonder if I just speak into the sky if she will hear me. I really should know better. I have never believed in that stuff. My family has been really supportive of one another. I am really glad they are all able to lean on each other. I am happy I have my boyfriend and my son to help me keep my mind off of it. I just don't know if I will ever stop grieving.
Use the lead-in text as a springboard for a brief, rich narrative.
I came out as transgender last year, and started hormone replacement therapy in January. This was my first birthday, celebrated as a man, and not a woman. I got to celebrate a new year of living with my family and friends who support me and my decision. The event is my 23rd birthday.
July 17th, 2019 -Today is my 23rd birthday as my real self, I finally get to celebrate my first birthday as who I was always meant to be. It's so crazy how time is a test of patience. Time really does heal all things. I'm excited to see what the future holds. Looking back, after so many months of depressive episodes, therapy, and criticism from them, I'm finally content with my life, and I'm finally accepted. I've lived my whole life pretending to be fine, and conforming to societal norms. Who would've thought mom and dad would accept me in due time. Growing up with conservative, strict parents, and living a culture where LGBTQ+ is frowned upon, this is a mile stone in creating a narrative within the family that everyone is different, and everyone is beautiful, regardless of gender identity and sexuality. I'm looking forward to the months, and years ahead as I further my transition. What will my 24th birthday be like? Where will I go from here? And do I have the courage to be the voice of young Asians who are going through the same process and transition as I am? Is Vietnam ready to open their minds to a world outside of their microcosm? It will be a trek to get that far, but I don't think it's impossible. Thinking about the younger children within the family, I need to set an example for them. Everything will be okay, as long as you don't lose yourself in the process.
Ever thought of turning a hint into a short story? Try it.
I had a very positive doctor's appointment. She understood my rare conditions and told me she believed me. She correctly guessed I had been mistreated before.
I recently had an appointment with a new doctor. I was terrified as all the doctors blow me off. I have rare conditions and now suffer from medical PTSD from all of the horrible things that have happened to me at the hands of medical "professionals." My heart was racing, my blood pressure was up and I was a mess in the waiting room. I nervously answered all of the nurse's questions. Several minutes later, a young female doctor walked in. I liked her right away. She told me that she believed me, knew about what I have, and guessed that I had been mistreated in the past. I could have cried. I had waited years for someone to understand me and actually want to help me. I felt such a flood of emotions. I now have hope for the medical journey going forward. I could have screamed from the rooftops after my appointment. It felt like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I know that some people go through horrible doctors for years as well. That fact makes me angry but I can't help but be thankful that the search might be over for me.
Incorporate the concept of "I went on a camping trip with my family and friends to Perris Lake. The heat was was awful and I will never forget that. I did enjoy being my friends and family and making memories." in a brief creative piece.
Me and my wife are suburbanites and never really leave the house on hot summer days. But we do get together with friends because we like them so much. Our friends are avid campers and invited us to go with them over the weekend in the middle of summer. Of course we accepted and we looked at each other when we got home and wondered what supplies we might need. We had no idea what to bring nor what to expect. So we did the best we could considering we didn't even have sleeping bags much less a tent. We arrived at the campsite where our friends were already. The place was serene and had a good atmosphere but the heat was unbearablly hot. There was no place to hide from the heat. We didn't move much during the day at all and hoping that the sun would go down quicker than usual. We took short hikes around the campground just to see what type of facilities were there. Not much in the form of relief from the heat. Well the sun finally went down and then we had to deal with the mosquitoes. I hate mosquitoes. Fortunately we did bring insect repellant and our friends saw that we were a bit frustrated about the whole thing. Our friends started a bonfire and that was wonderful. That took away the mosquitoes and was warming the coolness of the night. We drank beer and told stories of our past and then had a good time from that point on. I am glad it lasted only two days because I just am not cut out to be a big time camper like my friends. Me and my wife were surprised at the empathy that our friends took on us. I felt that they had been in the same position when they first started out camping as well. Me and my wife learned a lot about ourselves and our friends during that lost weekend of our lives. We cherish our friends even more now and next time will be prepared to tackle the campsite.
Craft a mini-tale where 'My sister and were not the most cooperative siblings as we were growing up. That is why it was so surprising that I had an effect on her development as a professional musician due to the music that I would play for my own satisfaction and emotional fulfillment.' plays a vital role.
In my past I had a surprising relationship with my sister. When we were kids we fought a lot. She liked chocolate I liked strawberry, ice cream. I liked rock music, she liked jazz. We would argue a lot. We had different friend groups. That was that. This was about 10 years ago. We were both musicians growing up. I played rock music in a band and she was always practicing classical violin. We never paid much attention to each other due to this difference in stylistic taste. When she went to music school 2 months ago I knew she would broaden her musical tastes, and I supported her work. I was extremely surprised last week at her concert. Her jazz band played music that was very angular and dynamic the way that certain rock music is. I asked her about this. She said that she ended up with some members in her band that had rock music tastes like me. She was able to see that as something they had in common to make music about. I never expected her to make any music like that.
Craft a short, engaging narrative using the kickstarter text as a guide.
On the day I became a naturalized US citizen, the ceremony was unorganized and I was very stressed. But once the ceremony started, and the judge began to speak, that faded away as I was lost in the moment. It was an emotionally charged day.
I couldn't believe how worried I was! After all the work and all the money and all the preparation that took place, I didn't think I'd be able to get my citizenship three months ago. The whole event is still fresh in my mind as though it happened yesterday! I was surprised at how disorganized the entire event was considering the solemnity of it all. I really thought my new home country would be more organized than my birth country. Everything did settle down and we got down to business fairly quickly once the judge came out. She looked quite regal in her black robes, but she was quite stern. I could tell she was no-nonsense since when she entered the room, everyone scrambled to get things right. When the swearing in began, I couldn't believe how quickly the previous disorganization around me faded into the background. With just a few words, I was now a brand new United States citizen! The one thing that brought me into the present as I raised my hand to take the oath was how my new American friends cried tears of joy when I spoke the words pledging my allegiance to the U.S. I knew they cared, but I didn't know how happy they were for me until that moment. Getting my citizenship was the best day of my life. All the effort was more than worth it when I left the courthouse with my brand new citizenship. I never had to worry about not being protected from deportation ever again. I'm going to love my new life!
Shape a brief story influenced by the ideas in the kickstarter text.
My oldest daughters first day of kindergarten. While we were all apprehensive, she was the most confident.
My oldest daughter starting Kindergarten was one of the most teeth chattering mornings of my life. Her mother and I had the talks with her. We know that she's a smart kid, and generally stays out of trouble. But this is a rough school district, and it can't be said for sure that every single person is safe. I took the day off from work so that I could drop my daughter off myself. I know that I can't do this every day and she'll eventually need to take the bus, but I wanted her to have some sense of familiarity. My daughter was fearless. As much as we warned her to stay clear of trouble, she didn't fully grasp the concept of how dangerous this school is. Truth be told, I didn't want to lay it all out on the table for her. Perhaps I lulled her into a false sense of security? But more likely this is a childlike, innocent fearlessness. She grew up in this rough neighborhood, but of course we always kept a very close eye on her, and she hasn't had to face many of the harsh realities of "the hood".One day I'll get her out of this neighborhood. She'll be able to ride the bus to and from school every day without being exposed to the ugliness around her. The homeless, the addicts, the criminals. My daughter deserves better, but I can't give it to her just yet. As she steps out of the car and skips into her class, all I can hope is that this school does not break her.
Let the provided seed guide your mini-storytelling.
I went to rehab. I was terrified and I didn't know what was going on or who anyone was. I bought a pack of cigarettes, threw up my dinner, and did yoga before falling asleep.
In July I went to rehab. My husband and I had been fighting about finances a lot and my absences from work. For years I had been telling myself that I would quit drinking and quit smoking cannabis, but every day I would tell myself I would start tomorrow. I realized I couldn't do it on my own so I made the call, was accepted into a program to start the next day, and after a restless night I set off to rehab. I bought a pack of cigarettes on the way there, my first in nearly three years. I was so nervous as I sat in the lobby waiting to be called. What would the days look like? Would I be taken seriously since my addiction was to a substance everyone says you can't get addicted to? What would the others be like? Would I be the youngest or the oldest? Finally my name was called and I spent the next few hours signing paperwork, paying for treatment up front, and meeting with a medical professional. I was told to strip and put on scrubs, though the pair of pants they tried to give me were much too small, and I laughed for the first time that day when they hardly slid over my knees. I was able to keep my own sweatpants, but the horrid green scrub shirt made me feel like the inmates I've seen on tv. Eventually they dropped me off down in the kitchen where a group of people were playing Cards Against Humanity. I didn't know what the plan was for the rest of the evening but that half hour spent watching these people laugh gave me some time to get my bearings. I heard names and tried to match them with faces. I saw two others in scrubs and realized it was their first day too. Some faces were happy; others looks tired, worn down, half asleep. Dinner was challenging because I don't eat animal products and usually had the assistance of marijuana to quell the nausea. The nurse offered me Ativan but I refused; I asked her for some when I threw up some sad lettuce and yellow rice a few minutes later. During one of the cigarette breaks I familiarized myself with the others there and was convinced to sign up for a yoga class. The class was relaxing, but I cried the whole time. I was so scared, for myself, for my husband, for the future. When it was all said and done I went into my room, lay down on the small twin mattress with the plastic cover, and cried myself to sleep.
Shape a brief story influenced by the ideas in the kickstarter text.
I survived the crash and was able to be with my family. I am grateful I am alive today and now always live each day like it is my last day.
five months ago me and my friend went to a picnic with our family. while we are went to the particular place we met an small accident. our car was crashed with another car. our car is fully damaged. wit the god's grace we were escaped from the death. we met a death within the 5 second. it is like dream. it happens with in a second. we were very scarred. we were escaped with the small injury. we were admitted in the hospital. me and my friend were sat in the front seat. so we were injuried more when compared to others. our family members were recovered within 2 days. i was had a 2 weeks bed rest. it is really very grateful i am alive today. i felt on that time it was my last day. i cannot live any more. with the god's grace i am alive now.
Generate a story that's rooted in the trigger text, but keep it brief.
I got married three months ago in North Carolina in front of 50 of our closest friends and family. We opted out of a big wedding and had a small ceremony on the coast. It was far more special than having people we didn't know there.
It still feels surreal. I recently got married to the love of my life. The planning might not have gone very smoothly but we both agreed on one thing - we wanted a small, intimate wedding. We decided that 50 guests is ideal for the wedding we both envisioned. The challenging part is choosing who among our family and friends are included in that list. That list is pretty tight! Well, we first made our own list. We decided that each of us get to choose 25 people each to include in the list. After that, we both discussed if we're okay with it. It was a very long discussion for such a short list. It was of course because of the fact that certain people might feel left out if we didn't invite them. However, that was how we wanted it so that's how it was going to be. It is our wedding after all. Anyway, after the tedious decision on who are invited, everything else went smoothly. Even the weather was on our side during the wedding day. It was drizzling the day before and the sky looked a bit gloomy all week before our wedding day. The weather forecast even said that it is going to rain. However, on the day, the weather was on our side. We got married by the coast and the sky and ocean was very nice at that time. It was a very intimate, solemn and amazing celebration. A day we both surely will not forget.
Produce a short story that evolves from the given idea text.
The big day that turned into one of the worst days ever. The day students dream about did not turn out as planned for me. Graduation was a bust.
It has been 5 months now since I experienced what was sough to to be the best day of my life, but instead it was the worst ever! I arrived early at Macys to pick up my customized cape and gown. Prior to my graduation date, my grandmother had said she was going to pay for it in full and by the time I had to pick it up it would be handled. I attempted to grab my cape and gown from the clerk, and she said "will this be cash or card?" I was stunned because I thought it was already taken care of. I frantically called my grandmother, and she said she had not made it down here yet. I was frazzled! I had less than 2 hours before graduation, and my cape and gown was not even ready to be picked up. After 45 minutes, she came and made sure to pay off my cape and gown. Now after this minor hiccup, I had 1 hour and 15 minutes until the ceremony. I still had to go to my stylist, and buy shoes! I arrived at the stylist 5 minutes late. She then tells me she took her next client and I would have to wait. I was a mess at this point. I decided I was going to rush to my dorm, and get my own hair ready. I did it in under 30 minutes. It was not what I had planned, but I made it work. With less than 30 minutes left, I had to buy dress shoes now. Upon arriving at the shoe store, I started searching for shoes. It seemed every shoe that matched my gown was not in my size! I ended up purchasing a shoe that was a 1/2 a size too big! I rushed as fast as I could to the ceremony. When I walked in, I went to sit down with my other classmates. They all gave me a strange look. One of them exclaims "you missed your name being called!" I was distraught. At that point I burst into tears and left.
Develop a short narrative from the seed.
my nephew was born in September and I had the chance to go meet him in the hospital. It was very emotional holding him for the first time. I look forward to watching him grow up.
This past September, my nephew was born. He is first baby to be born in my family since I was born 25 years ago. He is the first child of my oldest brother and his wife. I drove up from NYC to Boston the day after he was born to meet him. I am very close with my brother, so meeting him was very emotional and sentimental in the hospital room, especially with my parents around. I felt an instant bond and I instantly fell in love with the little guy. He was the first newborn baby I ever got to hold and he was so squirmy! He also had a full head of hair, which was so soft and a gorgeous shade of light brown. His skin was so pink and smooth. I think he was pretty comfortable with me because he pooped while I was holding him. That got a laugh out of everyone, including the nurses. I can't wait to be there with him and watch him grow up. It was also so amazing seeing my brother and sister-in-law take on this new role. I'm sure they'll be great parents to my nephew. We've already joked about which baseball team he will be a fan of considering the rivalry between the NY Yankees and the Boston Red Sox.
'I was medically retired within the last six months. The entire process was too long. The entire process was financially and mentally draining.'. Weave this into a short and engaging tale.
Being medically retired has affected my emotional stability. Although I am grateful to be able to have an income, it saddens me to know that my physical condition will only decline from here on out. While going through the process, I was dedicated to meeting all the requirements necessary to comply with the documentation needed for my case evaluation. Now that the process has finished, I strive to work not only with my physical limitations but my emotion needs as well. Many people stop the process in the middle because of the time it takes for evaluations and constantly being turned down. Most people give up. Those of us who stay in the fight for our rights do so at many risks. We may not have the funds to wait out the decision or the time frame to live while we wait. It is a nerve racking process to say the least. I was told about a lady who lost her house while waiting for a decision. She was so distraught. Just before she was about to receive her disability, she died. This happens more often than not. Although seeing a judge via video can help with the time frame, there is still more that needs to be done to help people in need. It's hard for people to understand unless they or a loved one is going through it.
The text prompt is a hint. Write a story that follows it, but keep it brief.
My wife and I took our three sons to a park several weeks ago. This was the first family outing we had taken since the birth of our youngest son several weeks earlier.
It was just the beginning of the summer break. My wife had a maternity leave and is yet to resume. I made sure my own 12 days leave coincided with the particular time my wife had her maternity leave. So three weeks ago, after some days planning, we set on this picnic to the park. It was the first we had since we gave birth to our youngest son about 6 weeks earlier. I took my ford, stocked it with drinks and some food in the warmer and we set out. With me is my wife and our 3 sons. This park is a popular park and it's only a 2 hours drive from our apartment. By 7 am, we were already on our way. I stepped on the gas such that my wife had to caution me not to kill us. We blasted our favorite song "Shakira - Try Everything" and my eldest son with his brother were bouncing on the back seat. Our youngest son was suckling on the breast of his mother like his life depended on it. In no time, we were at the park. We packed our stuffs and headed for a cool spot. We took a walk around while my wife and I were talking about our last visit here before kids starting coming into our lives. We helped ourselves to the food in the warmer while I set music to the portable I brought along. We spent some 3 hours singing, dancing, eating, taking a walk and playing family games. When we were satisfied, we took our leave. All our sons slept on the way back. I guess it because they had an enjoyable time.
"My dad dying alone in an assisted living facility for people with Parkinson's and other chronic mental issues.". Use this to inspire a captivating yet brief narrative.
4 months ago my dad was put in assisted living facility. He had been dealing with Parkinson's and not doing to hot. On top of that, he has other chronic mental issues. This is taking a huge toll on my family. He is dying alone while everyone else goes on with their day. This does not feel good to me and I can't do much about it being miles and miles away. I can only see him so much and no one else is doing their part. This hurts really bad. My brother and him were really close, but when push comes to shove, he is lacking the skills to see him. My dad can't really do much on his own. His mind is going and needs people he knows to be around him. The thought that I will get that call soon hurts really bad. The thought of my dad being alone scares me and hurts me. I wish I could pick up and move closer, but I have my life here. This is sad and hurts me and affects my family. I wish there would be people in there that would visit him and make him more comfortable. This really sucks. Please help and think about my father.
Take the guide text as an initial idea and create a short, compelling story from it.
I was playing basketball in a tournament. I got fouled during a play and ruptured a ligament in m knee. I had to get surgery and was unable to walk for a couple of weeks.
Recently I was playing in a local basketball tournament with my team. We won the first two games easily without much trouble. Then we faced the toughest team in the city in the finals. Despite having a nice lead at half time, we struggled in the second half. The game came down to the final few minutes, where we led by a mere one point. In an effort to grab a rebound and give us a nice advantage, I was fouled extremely hard and came down badly on my knee. Right away I knew it was bad. I spent a few minutes writhing around in pain before being helped off the court. I was forced to sit on the bench and ice my knee while the final minutes ticked away. Unfortunately we did not have the size on our bench to replace my height, and it cost us the chance for the championship. The final score was 85-84, and we ended up leaving with a second place trophy. After the game I went to the hospital and they immediately told me I had ruptured a ligament, and would not be able to do much of anything for a while. Thankfully I had surgery quickly, but was unable to walk for a few weeks which was quite frustrating. My main goal however, is to get back to full health in time for next year's big tournament. I think we are more than capable of winning next year if we set our minds to it and can stay healthy!
'I was leaving for a job out of town, my wife was ill and angry because she thought I wasn't paying enough attention to her and told me not to come back. That was 2 1/2 months ago. I haven't talk to her since then.'. Create a story using this as a core idea.
On June 10th of this year I was preparing to travel 100 miles from home to my job in the North Carolina mountains. I work there every Summer at a music institute for 8 weeks. Well at that same time my wife became ill. Not sure what was wrong with her but it may have been Lyme disease that she got from a tick bite while on a camping trip a few weeks before. So not only was she ill she was an ill mood. She started taking out her anger and dissatisfaction at being sick on me because she said I wasn't "taking care of her." Not sure what she wanted me to do but I was busy packing. Then at one point she flew into a rage and said I shouldn't come back after I finished my work in the mountains. I was taken aback by this but didn't say anything. I knew if I started arguing with her it would erupt into a huge argument. I couldn't do it. So I didn't say anything. I could not have my travel preparations interrupted. I was already afraid I was going to be late because I had started preparing later than I should have. That was 2 1/2 months ago. I haven't called her or spoken to her since that day nor has she called me. Although I'm sad about breaking up I feel it was time for that to happen. Too many un-resolvable problems in that relationship. Overall I'm happy, and I'm living on my own still in the mountains.
It's mini-story time! Use the guide text as your guide.
Went to a baseball game and caught a foul ball for the first time in my life. But it's what I did with it that really mattered.
This story has a bit of a modern fable to it. Have a goal, achieve it, but decide something else is more important. It was a baseball game around the beginning of the season. And if you're an adult male that's loved sports their whole life, one of the bucket list items is to catch a foul ball at a game. I still remember this moment months later, and how it felt. The headline was man catches foul ball, which probably happens dozens of times each baseball game, but the better story is how I made a friend after catching it. I remember it being late in the game, and a ball was lofted in my direction. The stands were nearly empty so I figured I had a shot at it. It was going to land short. It bounced way short actually, hit a railing and deflected into my chest. Unfortunately I was still holding my beer at this point, so it caused it to soak my entire shirt, but who cares?! I grabbed the ball, but after I had it a minute, it didn't feel as special as I thought it would be. So I found a little kid I had been watching nearby for much of the game, and gave it to him. He was so happy he hugged me. His parents appreciated that as well, and we wound out talking the rest of the game (it was a boring game) about life, philosophy, just a regular nice conversation that matters that we tend to overlook in life. And that's the part I remember. The connection I made with someone else. The foul ball probably sits somewhere in his room, and I bet he remembers that moment too.