Voting System Project Using Django Framework
{% extends 'base.html' %}{% block content %}<a class ="btn btn-secondary btn-sm mb-3" href ="{% url 'polls:index' %}">Back To Polls</a><h1 class ="text-center mb-3">{{ question.question_text }}</h1>??????{% if error_message %}<p cla"alert alert-danger">????????????????????????<strong>{{ error_message }}</strong></p>??????{% endi"{% url 'polls:vote' %}" method ="post">????????????????????????{% csrf_token %}????????????????????????{% for choice in question.choic"form-check">?????????????????????????????"radio" name ="choice" class ="form-check-input" id ="choice{{ forloop.counter }}"????????????????????????value ="{{ }}" />????????????????????????????"choice{{ forloop.counter }}">{{ choice.choice_text }}</label>????????????????????????</div>????????????????????????{"submit" value ="Vote" class ="btn btn-success btn-lg btn-block mt-4" /></form>{% endblock %}
#Output : pip install pipenv
Voting System Project Using Django Framework {% extends 'base.html' %}{% block content %}<a class ="btn btn-secondary btn-sm mb-3" href ="{% url 'polls:index' %}">Back To Polls</a><h1 class ="text-center mb-3">{{ question.question_text }}</h1>??????{% if error_message %}<p cla"alert alert-danger">????????????????????????<strong>{{ error_message }}</strong></p>??????{% endi"{% url 'polls:vote' %}" method ="post">????????????????????????{% csrf_token %}????????????????????????{% for choice in question.choic"form-check">?????????????????????????????"radio" name ="choice" class ="form-check-input" id ="choice{{ forloop.counter }}"????????????????????????value ="{{ }}" />????????????????????????????"choice{{ forloop.counter }}">{{ choice.choice_text }}</label>????????????????????????</div>????????????????????????{"submit" value ="Vote" class ="btn btn-success btn-lg btn-block mt-4" /></form>{% endblock %} #Output : pip install pipenv [END]
Voting System Project Using Django Framework
{% extends 'base.html' %}{% block content %}<h1 class ="mb-5 text-center">{{ question.question_text }}</h1>??????<ul cla"list-group mb-5">????????????????????????{% for choice in question.choice_set.all %}???"list-group-item">????????????????????????????????????????????????{{ cho"badge badge-success float-right">{{ choice.votes }}????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????vote{{ choice.votes | pluralize }}</span>??"btn btn-secondary" href ="{% url 'polls:index' %}">Back To Polls</a><a class ="btn btn-dark" href ="{% url 'polls:detail' %}">Vote again?</a>{% endblock %}
#Output : pip install pipenv
Voting System Project Using Django Framework {% extends 'base.html' %}{% block content %}<h1 class ="mb-5 text-center">{{ question.question_text }}</h1>??????<ul cla"list-group mb-5">????????????????????????{% for choice in question.choice_set.all %}???"list-group-item">????????????????????????????????????????????????{{ cho"badge badge-success float-right">{{ choice.votes }}????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????vote{{ choice.votes | pluralize }}</span>??"btn btn-secondary" href ="{% url 'polls:index' %}">Back To Polls</a><a class ="btn btn-dark" href ="{% url 'polls:detail' %}">Vote again?</a>{% endblock %} #Output : pip install pipenv [END]
Voting System Project Using Django Framework
<nav class ="navbar navbar-dark bg-primary mb-4">????????????????????"container">??????????????????????????"navbar-brand" href ="/">Pollster</a>????????????????????
#Output : pip install pipenv
Voting System Project Using Django Framework <nav class ="navbar navbar-dark bg-primary mb-4">????????????????????"container">??????????????????????????"navbar-brand" href ="/">Pollster</a>???????????????????? #Output : pip install pipenv [END]
Voting System Project Using Django Framework
<! DOCTYPE html><html lang ="en"><head>???????????????????"stylesheet" href =" / bootstrap / 4.4.1 / css / bootstrap.min.css"????????????????integrity ="sha384-Vkoo8x4CGsO3 + Hhxv8T / Q5PaXtkKtu6ug5TOeNV6gBiFeWPGFN9MuhOf23Q9Ifjh" crossorigin ="anonymous">????????????????????????<title>Pollster {% block title %}{% endblock %}</title></head>??????<body>????????????????????????<!--NavBar-->????????????????????????{% i"container">????????????????????????????"row">????????????????????????????????????".col-md-6 m-auto">????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????{% block content %}{% endblock %}??????????????????
#Output : pip install pipenv
Voting System Project Using Django Framework <! DOCTYPE html><html lang ="en"><head>???????????????????"stylesheet" href =" / bootstrap / 4.4.1 / css / bootstrap.min.css"????????????????integrity ="sha384-Vkoo8x4CGsO3 + Hhxv8T / Q5PaXtkKtu6ug5TOeNV6gBiFeWPGFN9MuhOf23Q9Ifjh" crossorigin ="anonymous">????????????????????????<title>Pollster {% block title %}{% endblock %}</title></head>??????<body>????????????????????????<!--NavBar-->????????????????????????{% i"container">????????????????????????????"row">????????????????????????????????????".col-md-6 m-auto">????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????{% block content %}{% endblock %}?????????????????? #Output : pip install pipenv [END]
Voting System Project Using Django Framework
from django.shortcuts import render # Create your views here. def index(request): return render(request, "pages / index.html")
#Output : pip install pipenv
Voting System Project Using Django Framework from django.shortcuts import render # Create your views here. def index(request): return render(request, "pages / index.html") #Output : pip install pipenv [END]
Voting System Project Using Django Framework
from django.urls import path from . import views urlpatterns = [ path("", views.index, name="index"), ]
#Output : pip install pipenv
Voting System Project Using Django Framework from django.urls import path from . import views urlpatterns = [ path("", views.index, name="index"), ] #Output : pip install pipenv [END]
Voting System Project Using Django Framework
{% extends 'base.html' %}{% block content %}??????<div cla"card text-center">????????????????????"card-body">????????????????????????????????????????????????<h1>Welcome To Pollster</h1>??????????????????????????????????????????????????????<p>T"btn btn-dark" href ="{% url 'polls:index' %}">????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????View Avail
#Output : pip install pipenv
Voting System Project Using Django Framework {% extends 'base.html' %}{% block content %}??????<div cla"card text-center">????????????????????"card-body">????????????????????????????????????????????????<h1>Welcome To Pollster</h1>??????????????????????????????????????????????????????<p>T"btn btn-dark" href ="{% url 'polls:index' %}">????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????View Avail #Output : pip install pipenv [END]
Voting System Project Using Django Framework
from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import include, path urlpatterns = [ path("", include("pages.urls")), path("polls/", include("polls.urls")), path("admin/",, ]
#Output : pip install pipenv
Voting System Project Using Django Framework from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import include, path urlpatterns = [ path("", include("pages.urls")), path("polls/", include("polls.urls")), path("admin/",, ] #Output : pip install pipenv [END]
How to add Google reCAPTCHA to Django forms?
# from django import forms from captcha.fields import ReCaptchaField from captcha.widgets import ReCaptchaV2Checkbox class ContactForm(forms.Form): email = forms.EmailField() feedback = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea) captcha = ReCaptchaField(widget=ReCaptchaV2Checkbox)
#Output : django-admin startproject dj_recaptcha
How to add Google reCAPTCHA to Django forms? # from django import forms from captcha.fields import ReCaptchaField from captcha.widgets import ReCaptchaV2Checkbox class ContactForm(forms.Form): email = forms.EmailField() feedback = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea) captcha = ReCaptchaField(widget=ReCaptchaV2Checkbox) #Output : django-admin startproject dj_recaptcha [END]
How to add Google reCAPTCHA to Django forms?
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head>????????????????????????<title>Contact</title></head><body>????????????????????????<h2>Contac"post">????????????????????????????????????????????????{% csrf_token %}????????????????????????????"submit">Submit</button>????????????????????????</for
#Output : django-admin startproject dj_recaptcha
How to add Google reCAPTCHA to Django forms? <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head>????????????????????????<title>Contact</title></head><body>????????????????????????<h2>Contac"post">????????????????????????????????????????????????{% csrf_token %}????????????????????????????"submit">Submit</button>????????????????????????</for #Output : django-admin startproject dj_recaptcha [END]
How to add Google reCAPTCHA to Django forms?
# from django.shortcuts import render, HttpResponse from .forms import ContactForm def contact(request): if request.method == "POST": form = ContactForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): return HttpResponse("Yay! you are human.") else: return HttpResponse("OOPS! Bot suspected.") else: form = ContactForm() return render(request, "contact.html", {"form": form})
#Output : django-admin startproject dj_recaptcha
How to add Google reCAPTCHA to Django forms? # from django.shortcuts import render, HttpResponse from .forms import ContactForm def contact(request): if request.method == "POST": form = ContactForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): return HttpResponse("Yay! you are human.") else: return HttpResponse("OOPS! Bot suspected.") else: form = ContactForm() return render(request, "contact.html", {"form": form}) #Output : django-admin startproject dj_recaptcha [END]
How to add Google reCAPTCHA to Django forms?
# from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path from contact import views urlpatterns = [ path("",, name="index"), path("admin/",, ]
#Output : django-admin startproject dj_recaptcha
How to add Google reCAPTCHA to Django forms? # from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path from contact import views urlpatterns = [ path("",, name="index"), path("admin/",, ] #Output : django-admin startproject dj_recaptcha [END]
Youtube video downloader using Django
<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>????????????<h1>Youtube video downloader</h1>?????????????"" method="post">????????????{% csrf_token %}???????????"link">Enter URL:</label>????????????<inp"text" id="link" name="link"><br><br>????????????<inp"submit" value="Submit"></form>????????????</body
#Output : pip install pytube
Youtube video downloader using Django <!DOCTYPE html><html><body>????????????<h1>Youtube video downloader</h1>?????????????"" method="post">????????????{% csrf_token %}???????????"link">Enter URL:</label>????????????<inp"text" id="link" name="link"><br><br>????????????<inp"submit" value="Submit"></form>????????????</body #Output : pip install pytube [END]
Youtube video downloader using Django
# importing all the required modules from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from pytube import * # defining function def youtube(request): # checking whether request.method is post or not if request.method == "POST": # getting link from frontend link = request.POST["link"] video = YouTube(link) # setting video resolution stream = video.streams.get_lowest_resolution() # downloads video # returning HTML page return render(request, "youtube.html") return render(request, "youtube.html")
#Output : pip install pytube
Youtube video downloader using Django # importing all the required modules from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from pytube import * # defining function def youtube(request): # checking whether request.method is post or not if request.method == "POST": # getting link from frontend link = request.POST["link"] video = YouTube(link) # setting video resolution stream = video.streams.get_lowest_resolution() # downloads video # returning HTML page return render(request, "youtube.html") return render(request, "youtube.html") #Output : pip install pytube [END]
Youtube video downloader using Django
from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path from . import views urlpatterns = [ path("admin/",, path("youtube",, name="youtube"), ]
#Output : pip install pytube
Youtube video downloader using Django from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path from . import views urlpatterns = [ path("admin/",, path("youtube",, name="youtube"), ] #Output : pip install pytube [END]
College Management System using Django - Python Project
from django.shortcuts import render, HttpResponse, redirect, HttpResponseRedirect from django.contrib.auth import logout, authenticate, login from .models import CustomUser, Staffs, Students, AdminHOD from django.contrib import messages def home(request): return render(request, "home.html") def contact(request): return render(request, "contact.html") def loginUser(request): return render(request, "login_page.html") def doLogin(request): print("here") email_id = request.GET.get("email") password = request.GET.get("password") # user_type = request.GET.get('user_type') print(email_id) print(password) print(request.user) if not (email_id and password): messages.error(request, "Please provide all the details!!") return render(request, "login_page.html") user = CustomUser.objects.filter(email=email_id, password=password).last() if not user: messages.error(request, "Invalid Login Credentials!!") return render(request, "login_page.html") login(request, user) print(request.user) if user.user_type == CustomUser.STUDENT: return redirect("student_home/") elif user.user_type == CustomUser.STAFF: return redirect("staff_home/") elif user.user_type == CustomUser.HOD: return redirect("admin_home/") return render(request, "home.html") def registration(request): return render(request, "registration.html") def doRegistration(request): first_name = request.GET.get("first_name") last_name = request.GET.get("last_name") email_id = request.GET.get("email") password = request.GET.get("password") confirm_password = request.GET.get("confirmPassword") print(email_id) print(password) print(confirm_password) print(first_name) print(last_name) if not (email_id and password and confirm_password): messages.error(request, "Please provide all the details!!") return render(request, "registration.html") if password != confirm_password: messages.error(request, "Both passwords should match!!") return render(request, "registration.html") is_user_exists = CustomUser.objects.filter(email=email_id).exists() if is_user_exists: messages.error( request, "User with this email id already exists. Please proceed to login!!" ) return render(request, "registration.html") user_type = get_user_type_from_email(email_id) if user_type is None: messages.error( request, "Please use valid format for the email id: '<username>.<staff|student|hod>@<college_domain>'", ) return render(request, "registration.html") username = email_id.split("@")[0].split(".")[0] if CustomUser.objects.filter(username=username).exists(): messages.error( request, "User with this username already exists. Please use different username", ) return render(request, "registration.html") user = CustomUser() user.username = username = email_id user.password = password user.user_type = user_type user.first_name = first_name user.last_name = last_name if user_type == CustomUser.STAFF: Staffs.objects.create(admin=user) elif user_type == CustomUser.STUDENT: Students.objects.create(admin=user) elif user_type == CustomUser.HOD: AdminHOD.objects.create(admin=user) return render(request, "login_page.html") def logout_user(request): logout(request) return HttpResponseRedirect("/") def get_user_type_from_email(email_id): """ Returns CustomUser.user_type corresponding to the given email address email_id should be in following format: '<username>.<staff|student|hod>@<college_domain>' eg.: '' """ try: email_id = email_id.split("@")[0] email_user_type = email_id.split(".")[1] return CustomUser.EMAIL_TO_USER_TYPE_MAP[email_user_type] except: return None
#Output : django-admin startproject student_management_project
College Management System using Django - Python Project from django.shortcuts import render, HttpResponse, redirect, HttpResponseRedirect from django.contrib.auth import logout, authenticate, login from .models import CustomUser, Staffs, Students, AdminHOD from django.contrib import messages def home(request): return render(request, "home.html") def contact(request): return render(request, "contact.html") def loginUser(request): return render(request, "login_page.html") def doLogin(request): print("here") email_id = request.GET.get("email") password = request.GET.get("password") # user_type = request.GET.get('user_type') print(email_id) print(password) print(request.user) if not (email_id and password): messages.error(request, "Please provide all the details!!") return render(request, "login_page.html") user = CustomUser.objects.filter(email=email_id, password=password).last() if not user: messages.error(request, "Invalid Login Credentials!!") return render(request, "login_page.html") login(request, user) print(request.user) if user.user_type == CustomUser.STUDENT: return redirect("student_home/") elif user.user_type == CustomUser.STAFF: return redirect("staff_home/") elif user.user_type == CustomUser.HOD: return redirect("admin_home/") return render(request, "home.html") def registration(request): return render(request, "registration.html") def doRegistration(request): first_name = request.GET.get("first_name") last_name = request.GET.get("last_name") email_id = request.GET.get("email") password = request.GET.get("password") confirm_password = request.GET.get("confirmPassword") print(email_id) print(password) print(confirm_password) print(first_name) print(last_name) if not (email_id and password and confirm_password): messages.error(request, "Please provide all the details!!") return render(request, "registration.html") if password != confirm_password: messages.error(request, "Both passwords should match!!") return render(request, "registration.html") is_user_exists = CustomUser.objects.filter(email=email_id).exists() if is_user_exists: messages.error( request, "User with this email id already exists. Please proceed to login!!" ) return render(request, "registration.html") user_type = get_user_type_from_email(email_id) if user_type is None: messages.error( request, "Please use valid format for the email id: '<username>.<staff|student|hod>@<college_domain>'", ) return render(request, "registration.html") username = email_id.split("@")[0].split(".")[0] if CustomUser.objects.filter(username=username).exists(): messages.error( request, "User with this username already exists. Please use different username", ) return render(request, "registration.html") user = CustomUser() user.username = username = email_id user.password = password user.user_type = user_type user.first_name = first_name user.last_name = last_name if user_type == CustomUser.STAFF: Staffs.objects.create(admin=user) elif user_type == CustomUser.STUDENT: Students.objects.create(admin=user) elif user_type == CustomUser.HOD: AdminHOD.objects.create(admin=user) return render(request, "login_page.html") def logout_user(request): logout(request) return HttpResponseRedirect("/") def get_user_type_from_email(email_id): """ Returns CustomUser.user_type corresponding to the given email address email_id should be in following format: '<username>.<staff|student|hod>@<college_domain>' eg.: '' """ try: email_id = email_id.split("@")[0] email_user_type = email_id.split(".")[1] return CustomUser.EMAIL_TO_USER_TYPE_MAP[email_user_type] except: return None #Output : django-admin startproject student_management_project [END]
College Management System using Django - Python Project
from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path, include from . import views from . import HodViews, StaffViews, StudentViews urlpatterns = [ path("admin/",, path("", views.home, name="home"), path("contact",, name="contact"), path("login", views.loginUser, name="login"), path("logout_user", views.logout_user, name="logout_user"), path("registration", views.registration, name="registration"), path("doLogin", views.doLogin, name="doLogin"), path("doRegistration", views.doRegistration, name="doRegistration"), # URLS for Student path("student_home/", StudentViews.student_home, name="student_home"), path( "student_view_attendance/", StudentViews.student_view_attendance, name="student_view_attendance", ), path( "student_view_attendance_post/", StudentViews.student_view_attendance_post, name="student_view_attendance_post", ), path( "student_apply_leave/", StudentViews.student_apply_leave, name="student_apply_leave", ), path( "student_apply_leave_save/", StudentViews.student_apply_leave_save, name="student_apply_leave_save", ), path("student_feedback/", StudentViews.student_feedback, name="student_feedback"), path( "student_feedback_save/", StudentViews.student_feedback_save, name="student_feedback_save", ), path("student_profile/", StudentViews.student_profile, name="student_profile"), path( "student_profile_update/", StudentViews.student_profile_update, name="student_profile_update", ), path( "student_view_result/", StudentViews.student_view_result, name="student_view_result", ), # URLS for Staff path("staff_home/", StaffViews.staff_home, name="staff_home"), path( "staff_take_attendance/", StaffViews.staff_take_attendance, name="staff_take_attendance", ), path("get_students/", StaffViews.get_students, name="get_students"), path( "save_attendance_data/", StaffViews.save_attendance_data, name="save_attendance_data", ), path( "staff_update_attendance/", StaffViews.staff_update_attendance, name="staff_update_attendance", ), path( "get_attendance_dates/", StaffViews.get_attendance_dates, name="get_attendance_dates", ), path( "get_attendance_student/", StaffViews.get_attendance_student, name="get_attendance_student", ), path( "update_attendance_data/", StaffViews.update_attendance_data, name="update_attendance_data", ), path("staff_apply_leave/", StaffViews.staff_apply_leave, name="staff_apply_leave"), path( "staff_apply_leave_save/", StaffViews.staff_apply_leave_save, name="staff_apply_leave_save", ), path("staff_feedback/", StaffViews.staff_feedback, name="staff_feedback"), path( "staff_feedback_save/", StaffViews.staff_feedback_save, name="staff_feedback_save", ), path("staff_profile/", StaffViews.staff_profile, name="staff_profile"), path( "staff_profile_update/", StaffViews.staff_profile_update, name="staff_profile_update", ), path("staff_add_result/", StaffViews.staff_add_result, name="staff_add_result"), path( "staff_add_result_save/", StaffViews.staff_add_result_save, name="staff_add_result_save", ), # URL for Admin path("admin_home/", HodViews.admin_home, name="admin_home"), path("add_staff/", HodViews.add_staff, name="add_staff"), path("add_staff_save/", HodViews.add_staff_save, name="add_staff_save"), path("manage_staff/", HodViews.manage_staff, name="manage_staff"), path("edit_staff/<staff_id>/", HodViews.edit_staff, name="edit_staff"), path("edit_staff_save/", HodViews.edit_staff_save, name="edit_staff_save"), path("delete_staff/<staff_id>/", HodViews.delete_staff, name="delete_staff"), path("add_course/", HodViews.add_course, name="add_course"), path("add_course_save/", HodViews.add_course_save, name="add_course_save"), path("manage_course/", HodViews.manage_course, name="manage_course"), path("edit_course/<course_id>/", HodViews.edit_course, name="edit_course"), path("edit_course_save/", HodViews.edit_course_save, name="edit_course_save"), path("delete_course/<course_id>/", HodViews.delete_course, name="delete_course"), path("manage_session/", HodViews.manage_session, name="manage_session"), path("add_session/", HodViews.add_session, name="add_session"), path("add_session_save/", HodViews.add_session_save, name="add_session_save"), path("edit_session/<session_id>", HodViews.edit_session, name="edit_session"), path("edit_session_save/", HodViews.edit_session_save, name="edit_session_save"), path( "delete_session/<session_id>/", HodViews.delete_session, name="delete_session" ), path("add_student/", HodViews.add_student, name="add_student"), path("add_student_save/", HodViews.add_student_save, name="add_student_save"), path("edit_student/<student_id>", HodViews.edit_student, name="edit_student"), path("edit_student_save/", HodViews.edit_student_save, name="edit_student_save"), path("manage_student/", HodViews.manage_student, name="manage_student"), path( "delete_student/<student_id>/", HodViews.delete_student, name="delete_student" ), path("add_subject/", HodViews.add_subject, name="add_subject"), path("add_subject_save/", HodViews.add_subject_save, name="add_subject_save"), path("manage_subject/", HodViews.manage_subject, name="manage_subject"), path("edit_subject/<subject_id>/", HodViews.edit_subject, name="edit_subject"), path("edit_subject_save/", HodViews.edit_subject_save, name="edit_subject_save"), path( "delete_subject/<subject_id>/", HodViews.delete_subject, name="delete_subject" ), path("check_email_exist/", HodViews.check_email_exist, name="check_email_exist"), path( "check_username_exist/", HodViews.check_username_exist, name="check_username_exist", ), path( "student_feedback_message/", HodViews.student_feedback_message, name="student_feedback_message", ), path( "student_feedback_message_reply/", HodViews.student_feedback_message_reply, name="student_feedback_message_reply", ), path( "staff_feedback_message/", HodViews.staff_feedback_message, name="staff_feedback_message", ), path( "staff_feedback_message_reply/", HodViews.staff_feedback_message_reply, name="staff_feedback_message_reply", ), path("student_leave_view/", HodViews.student_leave_view, name="student_leave_view"), path( "student_leave_approve/<leave_id>/", HodViews.student_leave_approve, name="student_leave_approve", ), path( "student_leave_reject/<leave_id>/", HodViews.student_leave_reject, name="student_leave_reject", ), path("staff_leave_view/", HodViews.staff_leave_view, name="staff_leave_view"), path( "staff_leave_approve/<leave_id>/", HodViews.staff_leave_approve, name="staff_leave_approve", ), path( "staff_leave_reject/<leave_id>/", HodViews.staff_leave_reject, name="staff_leave_reject", ), path( "admin_view_attendance/", HodViews.admin_view_attendance, name="admin_view_attendance", ), path( "admin_get_attendance_dates/", HodViews.admin_get_attendance_dates, name="admin_get_attendance_dates", ), path( "admin_get_attendance_student/", HodViews.admin_get_attendance_student, name="admin_get_attendance_student", ), path("admin_profile/", HodViews.admin_profile, name="admin_profile"), path( "admin_profile_update/", HodViews.admin_profile_update, name="admin_profile_update", ), ]
#Output : django-admin startproject student_management_project
College Management System using Django - Python Project from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path, include from . import views from . import HodViews, StaffViews, StudentViews urlpatterns = [ path("admin/",, path("", views.home, name="home"), path("contact",, name="contact"), path("login", views.loginUser, name="login"), path("logout_user", views.logout_user, name="logout_user"), path("registration", views.registration, name="registration"), path("doLogin", views.doLogin, name="doLogin"), path("doRegistration", views.doRegistration, name="doRegistration"), # URLS for Student path("student_home/", StudentViews.student_home, name="student_home"), path( "student_view_attendance/", StudentViews.student_view_attendance, name="student_view_attendance", ), path( "student_view_attendance_post/", StudentViews.student_view_attendance_post, name="student_view_attendance_post", ), path( "student_apply_leave/", StudentViews.student_apply_leave, name="student_apply_leave", ), path( "student_apply_leave_save/", StudentViews.student_apply_leave_save, name="student_apply_leave_save", ), path("student_feedback/", StudentViews.student_feedback, name="student_feedback"), path( "student_feedback_save/", StudentViews.student_feedback_save, name="student_feedback_save", ), path("student_profile/", StudentViews.student_profile, name="student_profile"), path( "student_profile_update/", StudentViews.student_profile_update, name="student_profile_update", ), path( "student_view_result/", StudentViews.student_view_result, name="student_view_result", ), # URLS for Staff path("staff_home/", StaffViews.staff_home, name="staff_home"), path( "staff_take_attendance/", StaffViews.staff_take_attendance, name="staff_take_attendance", ), path("get_students/", StaffViews.get_students, name="get_students"), path( "save_attendance_data/", StaffViews.save_attendance_data, name="save_attendance_data", ), path( "staff_update_attendance/", StaffViews.staff_update_attendance, name="staff_update_attendance", ), path( "get_attendance_dates/", StaffViews.get_attendance_dates, name="get_attendance_dates", ), path( "get_attendance_student/", StaffViews.get_attendance_student, name="get_attendance_student", ), path( "update_attendance_data/", StaffViews.update_attendance_data, name="update_attendance_data", ), path("staff_apply_leave/", StaffViews.staff_apply_leave, name="staff_apply_leave"), path( "staff_apply_leave_save/", StaffViews.staff_apply_leave_save, name="staff_apply_leave_save", ), path("staff_feedback/", StaffViews.staff_feedback, name="staff_feedback"), path( "staff_feedback_save/", StaffViews.staff_feedback_save, name="staff_feedback_save", ), path("staff_profile/", StaffViews.staff_profile, name="staff_profile"), path( "staff_profile_update/", StaffViews.staff_profile_update, name="staff_profile_update", ), path("staff_add_result/", StaffViews.staff_add_result, name="staff_add_result"), path( "staff_add_result_save/", StaffViews.staff_add_result_save, name="staff_add_result_save", ), # URL for Admin path("admin_home/", HodViews.admin_home, name="admin_home"), path("add_staff/", HodViews.add_staff, name="add_staff"), path("add_staff_save/", HodViews.add_staff_save, name="add_staff_save"), path("manage_staff/", HodViews.manage_staff, name="manage_staff"), path("edit_staff/<staff_id>/", HodViews.edit_staff, name="edit_staff"), path("edit_staff_save/", HodViews.edit_staff_save, name="edit_staff_save"), path("delete_staff/<staff_id>/", HodViews.delete_staff, name="delete_staff"), path("add_course/", HodViews.add_course, name="add_course"), path("add_course_save/", HodViews.add_course_save, name="add_course_save"), path("manage_course/", HodViews.manage_course, name="manage_course"), path("edit_course/<course_id>/", HodViews.edit_course, name="edit_course"), path("edit_course_save/", HodViews.edit_course_save, name="edit_course_save"), path("delete_course/<course_id>/", HodViews.delete_course, name="delete_course"), path("manage_session/", HodViews.manage_session, name="manage_session"), path("add_session/", HodViews.add_session, name="add_session"), path("add_session_save/", HodViews.add_session_save, name="add_session_save"), path("edit_session/<session_id>", HodViews.edit_session, name="edit_session"), path("edit_session_save/", HodViews.edit_session_save, name="edit_session_save"), path( "delete_session/<session_id>/", HodViews.delete_session, name="delete_session" ), path("add_student/", HodViews.add_student, name="add_student"), path("add_student_save/", HodViews.add_student_save, name="add_student_save"), path("edit_student/<student_id>", HodViews.edit_student, name="edit_student"), path("edit_student_save/", HodViews.edit_student_save, name="edit_student_save"), path("manage_student/", HodViews.manage_student, name="manage_student"), path( "delete_student/<student_id>/", HodViews.delete_student, name="delete_student" ), path("add_subject/", HodViews.add_subject, name="add_subject"), path("add_subject_save/", HodViews.add_subject_save, name="add_subject_save"), path("manage_subject/", HodViews.manage_subject, name="manage_subject"), path("edit_subject/<subject_id>/", HodViews.edit_subject, name="edit_subject"), path("edit_subject_save/", HodViews.edit_subject_save, name="edit_subject_save"), path( "delete_subject/<subject_id>/", HodViews.delete_subject, name="delete_subject" ), path("check_email_exist/", HodViews.check_email_exist, name="check_email_exist"), path( "check_username_exist/", HodViews.check_username_exist, name="check_username_exist", ), path( "student_feedback_message/", HodViews.student_feedback_message, name="student_feedback_message", ), path( "student_feedback_message_reply/", HodViews.student_feedback_message_reply, name="student_feedback_message_reply", ), path( "staff_feedback_message/", HodViews.staff_feedback_message, name="staff_feedback_message", ), path( "staff_feedback_message_reply/", HodViews.staff_feedback_message_reply, name="staff_feedback_message_reply", ), path("student_leave_view/", HodViews.student_leave_view, name="student_leave_view"), path( "student_leave_approve/<leave_id>/", HodViews.student_leave_approve, name="student_leave_approve", ), path( "student_leave_reject/<leave_id>/", HodViews.student_leave_reject, name="student_leave_reject", ), path("staff_leave_view/", HodViews.staff_leave_view, name="staff_leave_view"), path( "staff_leave_approve/<leave_id>/", HodViews.staff_leave_approve, name="staff_leave_approve", ), path( "staff_leave_reject/<leave_id>/", HodViews.staff_leave_reject, name="staff_leave_reject", ), path( "admin_view_attendance/", HodViews.admin_view_attendance, name="admin_view_attendance", ), path( "admin_get_attendance_dates/", HodViews.admin_get_attendance_dates, name="admin_get_attendance_dates", ), path( "admin_get_attendance_student/", HodViews.admin_get_attendance_student, name="admin_get_attendance_student", ), path("admin_profile/", HodViews.admin_profile, name="admin_profile"), path( "admin_profile_update/", HodViews.admin_profile_update, name="admin_profile_update", ), ] #Output : django-admin startproject student_management_project [END]
College Management System using Django - Python Project
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect from django.contrib import messages from import FileSystemStorage from django.urls import reverse import datetime from .models import ( CustomUser, Staffs, Courses, Subjects, Students, Attendance, AttendanceReport, LeaveReportStudent, FeedBackStudent, StudentResult, ) def student_home(request): student_obj = Students.objects.get( total_attendance = AttendanceReport.objects.filter(student_id=student_obj).count() attendance_present = AttendanceReport.objects.filter( student_id=student_obj, status=True ).count() attendance_absent = AttendanceReport.objects.filter( student_id=student_obj, status=False ).count() course_obj = Courses.objects.get( total_subjects = Subjects.objects.filter(course_id=course_obj).count() subject_name = [] data_present = [] data_absent = [] subject_data = Subjects.objects.filter(course_id=student_obj.course_id) for subject in subject_data: attendance = Attendance.objects.filter( attendance_present_count = AttendanceReport.objects.filter( attendance_id__in=attendance, status=True, ).count() attendance_absent_count = AttendanceReport.objects.filter( attendance_id__in=attendance, status=False, ).count() subject_name.append(subject.subject_name) data_present.append(attendance_present_count) data_absent.append(attendance_absent_count) context = { "total_attendance": total_attendance, "attendance_present": attendance_present, "attendance_absent": attendance_absent, "total_subjects": total_subjects, "subject_name": subject_name, "data_present": data_present, "data_absent": data_absent, } return render(request, "student_template/student_home_template.html") def student_view_attendance(request): # Getting Logged in Student Data student = Students.objects.get( # Getting Course Enrolled of LoggedIn Student course = student.course_id # Getting the Subjects of Course Enrolled subjects = Subjects.objects.filter(course_id=course) context = {"subjects": subjects} return render(request, "student_template/student_view_attendance.html", context) def student_view_attendance_post(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method") return redirect("student_view_attendance") else: # Getting all the Input Data subject_id = request.POST.get("subject") start_date = request.POST.get("start_date") end_date = request.POST.get("end_date") # Parsing the date data into Python object start_date_parse = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d").date() end_date_parse = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d").date() # Getting all the Subject Data based on Selected Subject subject_obj = Subjects.objects.get(id=subject_id) # Getting Logged In User Data user_obj = CustomUser.objects.get( # Getting Student Data Based on Logged in Data stud_obj = Students.objects.get(admin=user_obj) # Now Accessing Attendance Data based on the Range of Date # Selected and Subject Selected attendance = Attendance.objects.filter( attendance_date__range=(start_date_parse, end_date_parse), subject_id=subject_obj, ) # Getting Attendance Report based on the attendance # details obtained above attendance_reports = AttendanceReport.objects.filter( attendance_id__in=attendance, student_id=stud_obj ) context = {"subject_obj": subject_obj, "attendance_reports": attendance_reports} return render(request, "student_template/student_attendance_data.html", context) def student_apply_leave(request): student_obj = Students.objects.get( leave_data = LeaveReportStudent.objects.filter(student_id=student_obj) context = {"leave_data": leave_data} return render(request, "student_template/student_apply_leave.html", context) def student_apply_leave_save(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method") return redirect("student_apply_leave") else: leave_date = request.POST.get("leave_date") leave_message = request.POST.get("leave_message") student_obj = Students.objects.get( try: leave_report = LeaveReportStudent( student_id=student_obj, leave_date=leave_date, leave_message=leave_message, leave_status=0, ) messages.success(request, "Applied for Leave.") return redirect("student_apply_leave") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Apply Leave") return redirect("student_apply_leave") def student_feedback(request): student_obj = Students.objects.get( feedback_data = FeedBackStudent.objects.filter(student_id=student_obj) context = {"feedback_data": feedback_data} return render(request, "student_template/student_feedback.html", context) def student_feedback_save(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method.") return redirect("student_feedback") else: feedback = request.POST.get("feedback_message") student_obj = Students.objects.get( try: add_feedback = FeedBackStudent( student_id=student_obj, feedback=feedback, feedback_reply="" ) messages.success(request, "Feedback Sent.") return redirect("student_feedback") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Send Feedback.") return redirect("student_feedback") def student_profile(request): user = CustomUser.objects.get( student = Students.objects.get(admin=user) context = {"user": user, "student": student} return render(request, "student_template/student_profile.html", context) def student_profile_update(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method!") return redirect("student_profile") else: first_name = request.POST.get("first_name") last_name = request.POST.get("last_name") password = request.POST.get("password") address = request.POST.get("address") try: customuser = CustomUser.objects.get( customuser.first_name = first_name customuser.last_name = last_name if password != None and password != "": customuser.set_password(password) student = Students.objects.get( student.address = address messages.success(request, "Profile Updated Successfully") return redirect("student_profile") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Update Profile") return redirect("student_profile") def student_view_result(request): student = Students.objects.get( student_result = StudentResult.objects.filter( context = { "student_result": student_result, } return render(request, "student_template/student_view_result.html", context)
#Output : django-admin startproject student_management_project
College Management System using Django - Python Project from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect from django.contrib import messages from import FileSystemStorage from django.urls import reverse import datetime from .models import ( CustomUser, Staffs, Courses, Subjects, Students, Attendance, AttendanceReport, LeaveReportStudent, FeedBackStudent, StudentResult, ) def student_home(request): student_obj = Students.objects.get( total_attendance = AttendanceReport.objects.filter(student_id=student_obj).count() attendance_present = AttendanceReport.objects.filter( student_id=student_obj, status=True ).count() attendance_absent = AttendanceReport.objects.filter( student_id=student_obj, status=False ).count() course_obj = Courses.objects.get( total_subjects = Subjects.objects.filter(course_id=course_obj).count() subject_name = [] data_present = [] data_absent = [] subject_data = Subjects.objects.filter(course_id=student_obj.course_id) for subject in subject_data: attendance = Attendance.objects.filter( attendance_present_count = AttendanceReport.objects.filter( attendance_id__in=attendance, status=True, ).count() attendance_absent_count = AttendanceReport.objects.filter( attendance_id__in=attendance, status=False, ).count() subject_name.append(subject.subject_name) data_present.append(attendance_present_count) data_absent.append(attendance_absent_count) context = { "total_attendance": total_attendance, "attendance_present": attendance_present, "attendance_absent": attendance_absent, "total_subjects": total_subjects, "subject_name": subject_name, "data_present": data_present, "data_absent": data_absent, } return render(request, "student_template/student_home_template.html") def student_view_attendance(request): # Getting Logged in Student Data student = Students.objects.get( # Getting Course Enrolled of LoggedIn Student course = student.course_id # Getting the Subjects of Course Enrolled subjects = Subjects.objects.filter(course_id=course) context = {"subjects": subjects} return render(request, "student_template/student_view_attendance.html", context) def student_view_attendance_post(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method") return redirect("student_view_attendance") else: # Getting all the Input Data subject_id = request.POST.get("subject") start_date = request.POST.get("start_date") end_date = request.POST.get("end_date") # Parsing the date data into Python object start_date_parse = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d").date() end_date_parse = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d").date() # Getting all the Subject Data based on Selected Subject subject_obj = Subjects.objects.get(id=subject_id) # Getting Logged In User Data user_obj = CustomUser.objects.get( # Getting Student Data Based on Logged in Data stud_obj = Students.objects.get(admin=user_obj) # Now Accessing Attendance Data based on the Range of Date # Selected and Subject Selected attendance = Attendance.objects.filter( attendance_date__range=(start_date_parse, end_date_parse), subject_id=subject_obj, ) # Getting Attendance Report based on the attendance # details obtained above attendance_reports = AttendanceReport.objects.filter( attendance_id__in=attendance, student_id=stud_obj ) context = {"subject_obj": subject_obj, "attendance_reports": attendance_reports} return render(request, "student_template/student_attendance_data.html", context) def student_apply_leave(request): student_obj = Students.objects.get( leave_data = LeaveReportStudent.objects.filter(student_id=student_obj) context = {"leave_data": leave_data} return render(request, "student_template/student_apply_leave.html", context) def student_apply_leave_save(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method") return redirect("student_apply_leave") else: leave_date = request.POST.get("leave_date") leave_message = request.POST.get("leave_message") student_obj = Students.objects.get( try: leave_report = LeaveReportStudent( student_id=student_obj, leave_date=leave_date, leave_message=leave_message, leave_status=0, ) messages.success(request, "Applied for Leave.") return redirect("student_apply_leave") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Apply Leave") return redirect("student_apply_leave") def student_feedback(request): student_obj = Students.objects.get( feedback_data = FeedBackStudent.objects.filter(student_id=student_obj) context = {"feedback_data": feedback_data} return render(request, "student_template/student_feedback.html", context) def student_feedback_save(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method.") return redirect("student_feedback") else: feedback = request.POST.get("feedback_message") student_obj = Students.objects.get( try: add_feedback = FeedBackStudent( student_id=student_obj, feedback=feedback, feedback_reply="" ) messages.success(request, "Feedback Sent.") return redirect("student_feedback") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Send Feedback.") return redirect("student_feedback") def student_profile(request): user = CustomUser.objects.get( student = Students.objects.get(admin=user) context = {"user": user, "student": student} return render(request, "student_template/student_profile.html", context) def student_profile_update(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method!") return redirect("student_profile") else: first_name = request.POST.get("first_name") last_name = request.POST.get("last_name") password = request.POST.get("password") address = request.POST.get("address") try: customuser = CustomUser.objects.get( customuser.first_name = first_name customuser.last_name = last_name if password != None and password != "": customuser.set_password(password) student = Students.objects.get( student.address = address messages.success(request, "Profile Updated Successfully") return redirect("student_profile") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Update Profile") return redirect("student_profile") def student_view_result(request): student = Students.objects.get( student_result = StudentResult.objects.filter( context = { "student_result": student_result, } return render(request, "student_template/student_view_result.html", context) #Output : django-admin startproject student_management_project [END]
College Management System using Django - Python Project
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, JsonResponse from django.contrib import messages from import FileSystemStorage from django.urls import reverse from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.core import serializers import json from .models import ( CustomUser, Staffs, Courses, Subjects, Students, SessionYearModel, Attendance, AttendanceReport, LeaveReportStaff, FeedBackStaffs, StudentResult, ) def staff_home(request): # Fetching All Students under Staff print( subjects = Subjects.objects.filter( print(subjects) course_id_list = [] for subject in subjects: course = Courses.objects.get( course_id_list.append( final_course = [] # Removing Duplicate Course Id for course_id in course_id_list: if course_id not in final_course: final_course.append(course_id) print(final_course) students_count = Students.objects.filter(course_id__in=final_course).count() subject_count = subjects.count() print(subject_count) print(students_count) # Fetch All Attendance Count attendance_count = Attendance.objects.filter(subject_id__in=subjects).count() # Fetch All Approve Leave # print(request.user) print(request.user.user_type) staff = Staffs.objects.get( leave_count = LeaveReportStaff.objects.filter(, leave_status=1 ).count() # Fetch Attendance Data by Subjects subject_list = [] attendance_list = [] for subject in subjects: attendance_count1 = Attendance.objects.filter( subject_list.append(subject.subject_name) attendance_list.append(attendance_count1) students_attendance = Students.objects.filter(course_id__in=final_course) student_list = [] student_list_attendance_present = [] student_list_attendance_absent = [] for student in students_attendance: attendance_present_count = AttendanceReport.objects.filter( status=True, ).count() attendance_absent_count = AttendanceReport.objects.filter( status=False, ).count() student_list.append(student.admin.first_name + " " + student.admin.last_name) student_list_attendance_present.append(attendance_present_count) student_list_attendance_absent.append(attendance_absent_count) context = { "students_count": students_count, "attendance_count": attendance_count, "leave_count": leave_count, "subject_count": subject_count, "subject_list": subject_list, "attendance_list": attendance_list, "student_list": student_list, "attendance_present_list": student_list_attendance_present, "attendance_absent_list": student_list_attendance_absent, } return render(request, "staff_template/staff_home_template.html", context) def staff_take_attendance(request): subjects = Subjects.objects.filter( session_years = SessionYearModel.objects.all() context = {"subjects": subjects, "session_years": session_years} return render(request, "staff_template/take_attendance_template.html", context) def staff_apply_leave(request): print( staff_obj = Staffs.objects.get( leave_data = LeaveReportStaff.objects.filter(staff_id=staff_obj) context = {"leave_data": leave_data} return render(request, "staff_template/staff_apply_leave_template.html", context) def staff_apply_leave_save(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method") return redirect("staff_apply_leave") else: leave_date = request.POST.get("leave_date") leave_message = request.POST.get("leave_message") staff_obj = Staffs.objects.get( try: leave_report = LeaveReportStaff( staff_id=staff_obj, leave_date=leave_date, leave_message=leave_message, leave_status=0, ) messages.success(request, "Applied for Leave.") return redirect("staff_apply_leave") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Apply Leave") return redirect("staff_apply_leave") def staff_feedback(request): return render(request, "staff_template/staff_feedback_template.html") def staff_feedback_save(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method.") return redirect("staff_feedback") else: feedback = request.POST.get("feedback_message") staff_obj = Staffs.objects.get( try: add_feedback = FeedBackStaffs( staff_id=staff_obj, feedback=feedback, feedback_reply="" ) messages.success(request, "Feedback Sent.") return redirect("staff_feedback") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Send Feedback.") return redirect("staff_feedback") @csrf_exempt def get_students(request): subject_id = request.POST.get("subject") session_year = request.POST.get("session_year") # Students enroll to Course, Course has Subjects # Getting all data from subject model based on subject_id subject_model = Subjects.objects.get(id=subject_id) session_model = SessionYearModel.objects.get(id=session_year) students = Students.objects.filter( course_id=subject_model.course_id, session_year_id=session_model ) # Only Passing Student Id and Student Name Only list_data = [] for student in students: data_small = { "id":, "name": student.admin.first_name + " " + student.admin.last_name, } list_data.append(data_small) return JsonResponse( json.dumps(list_data), content_type="application/json", safe=False ) @csrf_exempt def save_attendance_data(request): # Get Values from Staf Take Attendance form via AJAX (JavaScript) # Use getlist to access HTML Array/List Input Data student_ids = request.POST.get("student_ids") subject_id = request.POST.get("subject_id") attendance_date = request.POST.get("attendance_date") session_year_id = request.POST.get("session_year_id") subject_model = Subjects.objects.get(id=subject_id) session_year_model = SessionYearModel.objects.get(id=session_year_id) json_student = json.loads(student_ids) try: # First Attendance Data is Saved on Attendance Model attendance = Attendance( subject_id=subject_model, attendance_date=attendance_date, session_year_id=session_year_model, ) for stud in json_student: # Attendance of Individual Student saved on AttendanceReport Model student = Students.objects.get(admin=stud["id"]) attendance_report = AttendanceReport( student_id=student, attendance_id=attendance, status=stud["status"] ) return HttpResponse("OK") except: return HttpResponse("Error") def staff_update_attendance(request): subjects = Subjects.objects.filter( session_years = SessionYearModel.objects.all() context = {"subjects": subjects, "session_years": session_years} return render(request, "staff_template/update_attendance_template.html", context) @csrf_exempt def get_attendance_dates(request): # Getting Values from Ajax POST 'Fetch Student' subject_id = request.POST.get("subject") session_year = request.POST.get("session_year_id") # Students enroll to Course, Course has Subjects # Getting all data from subject model based on subject_id subject_model = Subjects.objects.get(id=subject_id) session_model = SessionYearModel.objects.get(id=session_year) attendance = Attendance.objects.filter( subject_id=subject_model, session_year_id=session_model ) # Only Passing Student Id and Student Name Only list_data = [] for attendance_single in attendance: data_small = { "id":, "attendance_date": str(attendance_single.attendance_date), "session_year_id":, } list_data.append(data_small) return JsonResponse( json.dumps(list_data), content_type="application/json", safe=False ) @csrf_exempt def get_attendance_student(request): # Getting Values from Ajax POST 'Fetch Student' attendance_date = request.POST.get("attendance_date") attendance = Attendance.objects.get(id=attendance_date) attendance_data = AttendanceReport.objects.filter(attendance_id=attendance) # Only Passing Student Id and Student Name Only list_data = [] for student in attendance_data: data_small = { "id":, "name": student.student_id.admin.first_name + " " + student.student_id.admin.last_name, "status": student.status, } list_data.append(data_small) return JsonResponse( json.dumps(list_data), content_type="application/json", safe=False ) @csrf_exempt def update_attendance_data(request): student_ids = request.POST.get("student_ids") attendance_date = request.POST.get("attendance_date") attendance = Attendance.objects.get(id=attendance_date) json_student = json.loads(student_ids) try: for stud in json_student: # Attendance of Individual Student saved on AttendanceReport Model student = Students.objects.get(admin=stud["id"]) attendance_report = AttendanceReport.objects.get( student_id=student, attendance_id=attendance ) attendance_report.status = stud["status"] return HttpResponse("OK") except: return HttpResponse("Error") def staff_profile(request): user = CustomUser.objects.get( staff = Staffs.objects.get(admin=user) context = {"user": user, "staff": staff} return render(request, "staff_template/staff_profile.html", context) def staff_profile_update(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method!") return redirect("staff_profile") else: first_name = request.POST.get("first_name") last_name = request.POST.get("last_name") password = request.POST.get("password") address = request.POST.get("address") try: customuser = CustomUser.objects.get( customuser.first_name = first_name customuser.last_name = last_name if password != None and password != "": customuser.set_password(password) staff = Staffs.objects.get( staff.address = address messages.success(request, "Profile Updated Successfully") return redirect("staff_profile") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Update Profile") return redirect("staff_profile") def staff_add_result(request): subjects = Subjects.objects.filter( session_years = SessionYearModel.objects.all() context = { "subjects": subjects, "session_years": session_years, } return render(request, "staff_template/add_result_template.html", context) def staff_add_result_save(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method") return redirect("staff_add_result") else: student_admin_id = request.POST.get("student_list") assignment_marks = request.POST.get("assignment_marks") exam_marks = request.POST.get("exam_marks") subject_id = request.POST.get("subject") student_obj = Students.objects.get(admin=student_admin_id) subject_obj = Subjects.objects.get(id=subject_id) try: # Check if Students Result Already Exists or not check_exist = StudentResult.objects.filter( subject_id=subject_obj, student_id=student_obj ).exists() if check_exist: result = StudentResult.objects.get( subject_id=subject_obj, student_id=student_obj ) result.subject_assignment_marks = assignment_marks result.subject_exam_marks = exam_marks messages.success(request, "Result Updated Successfully!") return redirect("staff_add_result") else: result = StudentResult( student_id=student_obj, subject_id=subject_obj, subject_exam_marks=exam_marks, subject_assignment_marks=assignment_marks, ) messages.success(request, "Result Added Successfully!") return redirect("staff_add_result") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Add Result!") return redirect("staff_add_result")
#Output : django-admin startproject student_management_project
College Management System using Django - Python Project from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, JsonResponse from django.contrib import messages from import FileSystemStorage from django.urls import reverse from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.core import serializers import json from .models import ( CustomUser, Staffs, Courses, Subjects, Students, SessionYearModel, Attendance, AttendanceReport, LeaveReportStaff, FeedBackStaffs, StudentResult, ) def staff_home(request): # Fetching All Students under Staff print( subjects = Subjects.objects.filter( print(subjects) course_id_list = [] for subject in subjects: course = Courses.objects.get( course_id_list.append( final_course = [] # Removing Duplicate Course Id for course_id in course_id_list: if course_id not in final_course: final_course.append(course_id) print(final_course) students_count = Students.objects.filter(course_id__in=final_course).count() subject_count = subjects.count() print(subject_count) print(students_count) # Fetch All Attendance Count attendance_count = Attendance.objects.filter(subject_id__in=subjects).count() # Fetch All Approve Leave # print(request.user) print(request.user.user_type) staff = Staffs.objects.get( leave_count = LeaveReportStaff.objects.filter(, leave_status=1 ).count() # Fetch Attendance Data by Subjects subject_list = [] attendance_list = [] for subject in subjects: attendance_count1 = Attendance.objects.filter( subject_list.append(subject.subject_name) attendance_list.append(attendance_count1) students_attendance = Students.objects.filter(course_id__in=final_course) student_list = [] student_list_attendance_present = [] student_list_attendance_absent = [] for student in students_attendance: attendance_present_count = AttendanceReport.objects.filter( status=True, ).count() attendance_absent_count = AttendanceReport.objects.filter( status=False, ).count() student_list.append(student.admin.first_name + " " + student.admin.last_name) student_list_attendance_present.append(attendance_present_count) student_list_attendance_absent.append(attendance_absent_count) context = { "students_count": students_count, "attendance_count": attendance_count, "leave_count": leave_count, "subject_count": subject_count, "subject_list": subject_list, "attendance_list": attendance_list, "student_list": student_list, "attendance_present_list": student_list_attendance_present, "attendance_absent_list": student_list_attendance_absent, } return render(request, "staff_template/staff_home_template.html", context) def staff_take_attendance(request): subjects = Subjects.objects.filter( session_years = SessionYearModel.objects.all() context = {"subjects": subjects, "session_years": session_years} return render(request, "staff_template/take_attendance_template.html", context) def staff_apply_leave(request): print( staff_obj = Staffs.objects.get( leave_data = LeaveReportStaff.objects.filter(staff_id=staff_obj) context = {"leave_data": leave_data} return render(request, "staff_template/staff_apply_leave_template.html", context) def staff_apply_leave_save(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method") return redirect("staff_apply_leave") else: leave_date = request.POST.get("leave_date") leave_message = request.POST.get("leave_message") staff_obj = Staffs.objects.get( try: leave_report = LeaveReportStaff( staff_id=staff_obj, leave_date=leave_date, leave_message=leave_message, leave_status=0, ) messages.success(request, "Applied for Leave.") return redirect("staff_apply_leave") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Apply Leave") return redirect("staff_apply_leave") def staff_feedback(request): return render(request, "staff_template/staff_feedback_template.html") def staff_feedback_save(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method.") return redirect("staff_feedback") else: feedback = request.POST.get("feedback_message") staff_obj = Staffs.objects.get( try: add_feedback = FeedBackStaffs( staff_id=staff_obj, feedback=feedback, feedback_reply="" ) messages.success(request, "Feedback Sent.") return redirect("staff_feedback") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Send Feedback.") return redirect("staff_feedback") @csrf_exempt def get_students(request): subject_id = request.POST.get("subject") session_year = request.POST.get("session_year") # Students enroll to Course, Course has Subjects # Getting all data from subject model based on subject_id subject_model = Subjects.objects.get(id=subject_id) session_model = SessionYearModel.objects.get(id=session_year) students = Students.objects.filter( course_id=subject_model.course_id, session_year_id=session_model ) # Only Passing Student Id and Student Name Only list_data = [] for student in students: data_small = { "id":, "name": student.admin.first_name + " " + student.admin.last_name, } list_data.append(data_small) return JsonResponse( json.dumps(list_data), content_type="application/json", safe=False ) @csrf_exempt def save_attendance_data(request): # Get Values from Staf Take Attendance form via AJAX (JavaScript) # Use getlist to access HTML Array/List Input Data student_ids = request.POST.get("student_ids") subject_id = request.POST.get("subject_id") attendance_date = request.POST.get("attendance_date") session_year_id = request.POST.get("session_year_id") subject_model = Subjects.objects.get(id=subject_id) session_year_model = SessionYearModel.objects.get(id=session_year_id) json_student = json.loads(student_ids) try: # First Attendance Data is Saved on Attendance Model attendance = Attendance( subject_id=subject_model, attendance_date=attendance_date, session_year_id=session_year_model, ) for stud in json_student: # Attendance of Individual Student saved on AttendanceReport Model student = Students.objects.get(admin=stud["id"]) attendance_report = AttendanceReport( student_id=student, attendance_id=attendance, status=stud["status"] ) return HttpResponse("OK") except: return HttpResponse("Error") def staff_update_attendance(request): subjects = Subjects.objects.filter( session_years = SessionYearModel.objects.all() context = {"subjects": subjects, "session_years": session_years} return render(request, "staff_template/update_attendance_template.html", context) @csrf_exempt def get_attendance_dates(request): # Getting Values from Ajax POST 'Fetch Student' subject_id = request.POST.get("subject") session_year = request.POST.get("session_year_id") # Students enroll to Course, Course has Subjects # Getting all data from subject model based on subject_id subject_model = Subjects.objects.get(id=subject_id) session_model = SessionYearModel.objects.get(id=session_year) attendance = Attendance.objects.filter( subject_id=subject_model, session_year_id=session_model ) # Only Passing Student Id and Student Name Only list_data = [] for attendance_single in attendance: data_small = { "id":, "attendance_date": str(attendance_single.attendance_date), "session_year_id":, } list_data.append(data_small) return JsonResponse( json.dumps(list_data), content_type="application/json", safe=False ) @csrf_exempt def get_attendance_student(request): # Getting Values from Ajax POST 'Fetch Student' attendance_date = request.POST.get("attendance_date") attendance = Attendance.objects.get(id=attendance_date) attendance_data = AttendanceReport.objects.filter(attendance_id=attendance) # Only Passing Student Id and Student Name Only list_data = [] for student in attendance_data: data_small = { "id":, "name": student.student_id.admin.first_name + " " + student.student_id.admin.last_name, "status": student.status, } list_data.append(data_small) return JsonResponse( json.dumps(list_data), content_type="application/json", safe=False ) @csrf_exempt def update_attendance_data(request): student_ids = request.POST.get("student_ids") attendance_date = request.POST.get("attendance_date") attendance = Attendance.objects.get(id=attendance_date) json_student = json.loads(student_ids) try: for stud in json_student: # Attendance of Individual Student saved on AttendanceReport Model student = Students.objects.get(admin=stud["id"]) attendance_report = AttendanceReport.objects.get( student_id=student, attendance_id=attendance ) attendance_report.status = stud["status"] return HttpResponse("OK") except: return HttpResponse("Error") def staff_profile(request): user = CustomUser.objects.get( staff = Staffs.objects.get(admin=user) context = {"user": user, "staff": staff} return render(request, "staff_template/staff_profile.html", context) def staff_profile_update(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method!") return redirect("staff_profile") else: first_name = request.POST.get("first_name") last_name = request.POST.get("last_name") password = request.POST.get("password") address = request.POST.get("address") try: customuser = CustomUser.objects.get( customuser.first_name = first_name customuser.last_name = last_name if password != None and password != "": customuser.set_password(password) staff = Staffs.objects.get( staff.address = address messages.success(request, "Profile Updated Successfully") return redirect("staff_profile") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Update Profile") return redirect("staff_profile") def staff_add_result(request): subjects = Subjects.objects.filter( session_years = SessionYearModel.objects.all() context = { "subjects": subjects, "session_years": session_years, } return render(request, "staff_template/add_result_template.html", context) def staff_add_result_save(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method") return redirect("staff_add_result") else: student_admin_id = request.POST.get("student_list") assignment_marks = request.POST.get("assignment_marks") exam_marks = request.POST.get("exam_marks") subject_id = request.POST.get("subject") student_obj = Students.objects.get(admin=student_admin_id) subject_obj = Subjects.objects.get(id=subject_id) try: # Check if Students Result Already Exists or not check_exist = StudentResult.objects.filter( subject_id=subject_obj, student_id=student_obj ).exists() if check_exist: result = StudentResult.objects.get( subject_id=subject_obj, student_id=student_obj ) result.subject_assignment_marks = assignment_marks result.subject_exam_marks = exam_marks messages.success(request, "Result Updated Successfully!") return redirect("staff_add_result") else: result = StudentResult( student_id=student_obj, subject_id=subject_obj, subject_exam_marks=exam_marks, subject_assignment_marks=assignment_marks, ) messages.success(request, "Result Added Successfully!") return redirect("staff_add_result") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Add Result!") return redirect("staff_add_result") #Output : django-admin startproject student_management_project [END]
College Management System using Django - Python Project
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, JsonResponse from django.contrib import messages from import FileSystemStorage from django.urls import reverse from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt import json from .forms import AddStudentForm, EditStudentForm from .models import ( CustomUser, Staffs, Courses, Subjects, Students, SessionYearModel, FeedBackStudent, FeedBackStaffs, LeaveReportStudent, LeaveReportStaff, Attendance, AttendanceReport, ) def admin_home(request): all_student_count = Students.objects.all().count() subject_count = Subjects.objects.all().count() course_count = Courses.objects.all().count() staff_count = Staffs.objects.all().count() course_all = Courses.objects.all() course_name_list = [] subject_count_list = [] student_count_list_in_course = [] for course in course_all: subjects = Subjects.objects.filter( students = Students.objects.filter( course_name_list.append(course.course_name) subject_count_list.append(subjects) student_count_list_in_course.append(students) subject_all = Subjects.objects.all() subject_list = [] student_count_list_in_subject = [] for subject in subject_all: course = Courses.objects.get( student_count = Students.objects.filter( subject_list.append(subject.subject_name) student_count_list_in_subject.append(student_count) # For Saffs staff_attendance_present_list = [] staff_attendance_leave_list = [] staff_name_list = [] staffs = Staffs.objects.all() for staff in staffs: subject_ids = Subjects.objects.filter( attendance = Attendance.objects.filter(subject_id__in=subject_ids).count() leaves = LeaveReportStaff.objects.filter(, leave_status=1 ).count() staff_attendance_present_list.append(attendance) staff_attendance_leave_list.append(leaves) staff_name_list.append(staff.admin.first_name) # For Students student_attendance_present_list = [] student_attendance_leave_list = [] student_name_list = [] students = Students.objects.all() for student in students: attendance = AttendanceReport.objects.filter(, status=True ).count() absent = AttendanceReport.objects.filter(, status=False ).count() leaves = LeaveReportStudent.objects.filter(, leave_status=1 ).count() student_attendance_present_list.append(attendance) student_attendance_leave_list.append(leaves + absent) student_name_list.append(student.admin.first_name) context = { "all_student_count": all_student_count, "subject_count": subject_count, "course_count": course_count, "staff_count": staff_count, "course_name_list": course_name_list, "subject_count_list": subject_count_list, "student_count_list_in_course": student_count_list_in_course, "subject_list": subject_list, "student_count_list_in_subject": student_count_list_in_subject, "staff_attendance_present_list": staff_attendance_present_list, "staff_attendance_leave_list": staff_attendance_leave_list, "staff_name_list": staff_name_list, "student_attendance_present_list": student_attendance_present_list, "student_attendance_leave_list": student_attendance_leave_list, "student_name_list": student_name_list, } return render(request, "hod_template/home_content.html", context) def add_staff(request): return render(request, "hod_template/add_staff_template.html") def add_staff_save(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method ") return redirect("add_staff") else: first_name = request.POST.get("first_name") last_name = request.POST.get("last_name") username = request.POST.get("username") email = request.POST.get("email") password = request.POST.get("password") address = request.POST.get("address") try: user = CustomUser.objects.create_user( username=username, password=password, email=email, first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, user_type=2, ) user.staffs.address = address messages.success(request, "Staff Added Successfully!") return redirect("add_staff") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Add Staff!") return redirect("add_staff") def manage_staff(request): staffs = Staffs.objects.all() context = {"staffs": staffs} return render(request, "hod_template/manage_staff_template.html", context) def edit_staff(request, staff_id): staff = Staffs.objects.get(admin=staff_id) context = {"staff": staff, "id": staff_id} return render(request, "hod_template/edit_staff_template.html", context) def edit_staff_save(request): if request.method != "POST": return HttpResponse("<h2>Method Not Allowed</h2>") else: staff_id = request.POST.get("staff_id") username = request.POST.get("username") email = request.POST.get("email") first_name = request.POST.get("first_name") last_name = request.POST.get("last_name") address = request.POST.get("address") try: # INSERTING into Customuser Model user = CustomUser.objects.get(id=staff_id) user.first_name = first_name user.last_name = last_name = email user.username = username # INSERTING into Staff Model staff_model = Staffs.objects.get(admin=staff_id) staff_model.address = address messages.success(request, "Staff Updated Successfully.") return redirect("/edit_staff/" + staff_id) except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Update Staff.") return redirect("/edit_staff/" + staff_id) def delete_staff(request, staff_id): staff = Staffs.objects.get(admin=staff_id) try: staff.delete() messages.success(request, "Staff Deleted Successfully.") return redirect("manage_staff") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Delete Staff.") return redirect("manage_staff") def add_course(request): return render(request, "hod_template/add_course_template.html") def add_course_save(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method!") return redirect("add_course") else: course = request.POST.get("course") try: course_model = Courses(course_name=course) messages.success(request, "Course Added Successfully!") return redirect("add_course") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Add Course!") return redirect("add_course") def manage_course(request): courses = Courses.objects.all() context = {"courses": courses} return render(request, "hod_template/manage_course_template.html", context) def edit_course(request, course_id): course = Courses.objects.get(id=course_id) context = {"course": course, "id": course_id} return render(request, "hod_template/edit_course_template.html", context) def edit_course_save(request): if request.method != "POST": HttpResponse("Invalid Method") else: course_id = request.POST.get("course_id") course_name = request.POST.get("course") try: course = Courses.objects.get(id=course_id) course.course_name = course_name messages.success(request, "Course Updated Successfully.") return redirect("/edit_course/" + course_id) except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Update Course.") return redirect("/edit_course/" + course_id) def delete_course(request, course_id): course = Courses.objects.get(id=course_id) try: course.delete() messages.success(request, "Course Deleted Successfully.") return redirect("manage_course") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Delete Course.") return redirect("manage_course") def manage_session(request): session_years = SessionYearModel.objects.all() context = {"session_years": session_years} return render(request, "hod_template/manage_session_template.html", context) def add_session(request): return render(request, "hod_template/add_session_template.html") def add_session_save(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method") return redirect("add_course") else: session_start_year = request.POST.get("session_start_year") session_end_year = request.POST.get("session_end_year") try: sessionyear = SessionYearModel( session_start_year=session_start_year, session_end_year=session_end_year ) messages.success(request, "Session Year added Successfully!") return redirect("add_session") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Add Session Year") return redirect("add_session") def edit_session(request, session_id): session_year = SessionYearModel.objects.get(id=session_id) context = {"session_year": session_year} return render(request, "hod_template/edit_session_template.html", context) def edit_session_save(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method!") return redirect("manage_session") else: session_id = request.POST.get("session_id") session_start_year = request.POST.get("session_start_year") session_end_year = request.POST.get("session_end_year") try: session_year = SessionYearModel.objects.get(id=session_id) session_year.session_start_year = session_start_year session_year.session_end_year = session_end_year messages.success(request, "Session Year Updated Successfully.") return redirect("/edit_session/" + session_id) except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Update Session Year.") return redirect("/edit_session/" + session_id) def delete_session(request, session_id): session = SessionYearModel.objects.get(id=session_id) try: session.delete() messages.success(request, "Session Deleted Successfully.") return redirect("manage_session") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Delete Session.") return redirect("manage_session") def add_student(request): form = AddStudentForm() context = {"form": form} return render(request, "hod_template/add_student_template.html", context) def add_student_save(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method") return redirect("add_student") else: form = AddStudentForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): first_name = form.cleaned_data["first_name"] last_name = form.cleaned_data["last_name"] username = form.cleaned_data["username"] email = form.cleaned_data["email"] password = form.cleaned_data["password"] address = form.cleaned_data["address"] session_year_id = form.cleaned_data["session_year_id"] course_id = form.cleaned_data["course_id"] gender = form.cleaned_data["gender"] if len(request.FILES) != 0: profile_pic = request.FILES["profile_pic"] fs = FileSystemStorage() filename =, profile_pic) profile_pic_url = fs.url(filename) else: profile_pic_url = None try: user = CustomUser.objects.create_user( username=username, password=password, email=email, first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, user_type=3, ) user.students.address = address course_obj = Courses.objects.get(id=course_id) user.students.course_id = course_obj session_year_obj = SessionYearModel.objects.get(id=session_year_id) user.students.session_year_id = session_year_obj user.students.gender = gender user.students.profile_pic = profile_pic_url messages.success(request, "Student Added Successfully!") return redirect("add_student") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Add Student!") return redirect("add_student") else: return redirect("add_student") def manage_student(request): students = Students.objects.all() context = {"students": students} return render(request, "hod_template/manage_student_template.html", context) def edit_student(request, student_id): # Adding Student ID into Session Variable request.session["student_id"] = student_id student = Students.objects.get(admin=student_id) form = EditStudentForm() # Filling the form with Data from Database form.fields["email"].initial = form.fields["username"].initial = student.admin.username form.fields["first_name"].initial = student.admin.first_name form.fields["last_name"].initial = student.admin.last_name form.fields["address"].initial = student.address form.fields["course_id"].initial = form.fields["gender"].initial = student.gender form.fields["session_year_id"].initial = context = {"id": student_id, "username": student.admin.username, "form": form} return render(request, "hod_template/edit_student_template.html", context) def edit_student_save(request): if request.method != "POST": return HttpResponse("Invalid Method!") else: student_id = request.session.get("student_id") if student_id == None: return redirect("/manage_student") form = EditStudentForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): email = form.cleaned_data["email"] username = form.cleaned_data["username"] first_name = form.cleaned_data["first_name"] last_name = form.cleaned_data["last_name"] address = form.cleaned_data["address"] course_id = form.cleaned_data["course_id"] gender = form.cleaned_data["gender"] session_year_id = form.cleaned_data["session_year_id"] # Getting Profile Pic first # First Check whether the file is selected or not # Upload only if file is selected if len(request.FILES) != 0: profile_pic = request.FILES["profile_pic"] fs = FileSystemStorage() filename =, profile_pic) profile_pic_url = fs.url(filename) else: profile_pic_url = None try: # First Update into Custom User Model user = CustomUser.objects.get(id=student_id) user.first_name = first_name user.last_name = last_name = email user.username = username # Then Update Students Table student_model = Students.objects.get(admin=student_id) student_model.address = address course = Courses.objects.get(id=course_id) student_model.course_id = course session_year_obj = SessionYearModel.objects.get(id=session_year_id) student_model.session_year_id = session_year_obj student_model.gender = gender if profile_pic_url != None: student_model.profile_pic = profile_pic_url # Delete student_id SESSION after the data is updated del request.session["student_id"] messages.success(request, "Student Updated Successfully!") return redirect("/edit_student/" + student_id) except: messages.success(request, "Failed to Uupdate Student.") return redirect("/edit_student/" + student_id) else: return redirect("/edit_student/" + student_id) def delete_student(request, student_id): student = Students.objects.get(admin=student_id) try: student.delete() messages.success(request, "Student Deleted Successfully.") return redirect("manage_student") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Delete Student.") return redirect("manage_student") def add_subject(request): courses = Courses.objects.all() staffs = CustomUser.objects.filter(user_type="2") context = {"courses": courses, "staffs": staffs} return render(request, "hod_template/add_subject_template.html", context) def add_subject_save(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Method Not Allowed!") return redirect("add_subject") else: subject_name = request.POST.get("subject") course_id = request.POST.get("course") course = Courses.objects.get(id=course_id) staff_id = request.POST.get("staff") staff = CustomUser.objects.get(id=staff_id) try: subject = Subjects( subject_name=subject_name, course_id=course, staff_id=staff ) messages.success(request, "Subject Added Successfully!") return redirect("add_subject") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Add Subject!") return redirect("add_subject") def manage_subject(request): subjects = Subjects.objects.all() context = {"subjects": subjects} return render(request, "hod_template/manage_subject_template.html", context) def edit_subject(request, subject_id): subject = Subjects.objects.get(id=subject_id) courses = Courses.objects.all() staffs = CustomUser.objects.filter(user_type="2") context = { "subject": subject, "courses": courses, "staffs": staffs, "id": subject_id, } return render(request, "hod_template/edit_subject_template.html", context) def edit_subject_save(request): if request.method != "POST": HttpResponse("Invalid Method.") else: subject_id = request.POST.get("subject_id") subject_name = request.POST.get("subject") course_id = request.POST.get("course") staff_id = request.POST.get("staff") try: subject = Subjects.objects.get(id=subject_id) subject.subject_name = subject_name course = Courses.objects.get(id=course_id) subject.course_id = course staff = CustomUser.objects.get(id=staff_id) subject.staff_id = staff messages.success(request, "Subject Updated Successfully.") return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse("edit_subject", kwargs={"subject_id": subject_id}) ) except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Update Subject.") return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse("edit_subject", kwargs={"subject_id": subject_id}) ) def delete_subject(request, subject_id): subject = Subjects.objects.get(id=subject_id) try: subject.delete() messages.success(request, "Subject Deleted Successfully.") return redirect("manage_subject") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Delete Subject.") return redirect("manage_subject") @csrf_exempt def check_email_exist(request): email = request.POST.get("email") user_obj = CustomUser.objects.filter(email=email).exists() if user_obj: return HttpResponse(True) else: return HttpResponse(False) @csrf_exempt def check_username_exist(request): username = request.POST.get("username") user_obj = CustomUser.objects.filter(username=username).exists() if user_obj: return HttpResponse(True) else: return HttpResponse(False) def student_feedback_message(request): feedbacks = FeedBackStudent.objects.all() context = {"feedbacks": feedbacks} return render(request, "hod_template/student_feedback_template.html", context) @csrf_exempt def student_feedback_message_reply(request): feedback_id = request.POST.get("id") feedback_reply = request.POST.get("reply") try: feedback = FeedBackStudent.objects.get(id=feedback_id) feedback.feedback_reply = feedback_reply return HttpResponse("True") except: return HttpResponse("False") def staff_feedback_message(request): feedbacks = FeedBackStaffs.objects.all() context = {"feedbacks": feedbacks} return render(request, "hod_template/staff_feedback_template.html", context) @csrf_exempt def staff_feedback_message_reply(request): feedback_id = request.POST.get("id") feedback_reply = request.POST.get("reply") try: feedback = FeedBackStaffs.objects.get(id=feedback_id) feedback.feedback_reply = feedback_reply return HttpResponse("True") except: return HttpResponse("False") def student_leave_view(request): leaves = LeaveReportStudent.objects.all() context = {"leaves": leaves} return render(request, "hod_template/student_leave_view.html", context) def student_leave_approve(request, leave_id): leave = LeaveReportStudent.objects.get(id=leave_id) leave.leave_status = 1 return redirect("student_leave_view") def student_leave_reject(request, leave_id): leave = LeaveReportStudent.objects.get(id=leave_id) leave.leave_status = 2 return redirect("student_leave_view") def staff_leave_view(request): leaves = LeaveReportStaff.objects.all() context = {"leaves": leaves} return render(request, "hod_template/staff_leave_view.html", context) def staff_leave_approve(request, leave_id): leave = LeaveReportStaff.objects.get(id=leave_id) leave.leave_status = 1 return redirect("staff_leave_view") def staff_leave_reject(request, leave_id): leave = LeaveReportStaff.objects.get(id=leave_id) leave.leave_status = 2 return redirect("staff_leave_view") def admin_view_attendance(request): subjects = Subjects.objects.all() session_years = SessionYearModel.objects.all() context = {"subjects": subjects, "session_years": session_years} return render(request, "hod_template/admin_view_attendance.html", context) @csrf_exempt def admin_get_attendance_dates(request): subject_id = request.POST.get("subject") session_year = request.POST.get("session_year_id") # Students enroll to Course, Course has Subjects # Getting all data from subject model based on subject_id subject_model = Subjects.objects.get(id=subject_id) session_model = SessionYearModel.objects.get(id=session_year) attendance = Attendance.objects.filter( subject_id=subject_model, session_year_id=session_model ) # Only Passing Student Id and Student Name Only list_data = [] for attendance_single in attendance: data_small = { "id":, "attendance_date": str(attendance_single.attendance_date), "session_year_id":, } list_data.append(data_small) return JsonResponse( json.dumps(list_data), content_type="application/json", safe=False ) @csrf_exempt def admin_get_attendance_student(request): # Getting Values from Ajax POST 'Fetch Student' attendance_date = request.POST.get("attendance_date") attendance = Attendance.objects.get(id=attendance_date) attendance_data = AttendanceReport.objects.filter(attendance_id=attendance) # Only Passing Student Id and Student Name Only list_data = [] for student in attendance_data: data_small = { "id":, "name": student.student_id.admin.first_name + " " + student.student_id.admin.last_name, "status": student.status, } list_data.append(data_small) return JsonResponse( json.dumps(list_data), content_type="application/json", safe=False ) def admin_profile(request): user = CustomUser.objects.get( context = {"user": user} return render(request, "hod_template/admin_profile.html", context) def admin_profile_update(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method!") return redirect("admin_profile") else: first_name = request.POST.get("first_name") last_name = request.POST.get("last_name") password = request.POST.get("password") try: customuser = CustomUser.objects.get( customuser.first_name = first_name customuser.last_name = last_name if password != None and password != "": customuser.set_password(password) messages.success(request, "Profile Updated Successfully") return redirect("admin_profile") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Update Profile") return redirect("admin_profile") def staff_profile(request): pass def student_profile(requtest): pass
#Output : django-admin startproject student_management_project
College Management System using Django - Python Project from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, JsonResponse from django.contrib import messages from import FileSystemStorage from django.urls import reverse from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt import json from .forms import AddStudentForm, EditStudentForm from .models import ( CustomUser, Staffs, Courses, Subjects, Students, SessionYearModel, FeedBackStudent, FeedBackStaffs, LeaveReportStudent, LeaveReportStaff, Attendance, AttendanceReport, ) def admin_home(request): all_student_count = Students.objects.all().count() subject_count = Subjects.objects.all().count() course_count = Courses.objects.all().count() staff_count = Staffs.objects.all().count() course_all = Courses.objects.all() course_name_list = [] subject_count_list = [] student_count_list_in_course = [] for course in course_all: subjects = Subjects.objects.filter( students = Students.objects.filter( course_name_list.append(course.course_name) subject_count_list.append(subjects) student_count_list_in_course.append(students) subject_all = Subjects.objects.all() subject_list = [] student_count_list_in_subject = [] for subject in subject_all: course = Courses.objects.get( student_count = Students.objects.filter( subject_list.append(subject.subject_name) student_count_list_in_subject.append(student_count) # For Saffs staff_attendance_present_list = [] staff_attendance_leave_list = [] staff_name_list = [] staffs = Staffs.objects.all() for staff in staffs: subject_ids = Subjects.objects.filter( attendance = Attendance.objects.filter(subject_id__in=subject_ids).count() leaves = LeaveReportStaff.objects.filter(, leave_status=1 ).count() staff_attendance_present_list.append(attendance) staff_attendance_leave_list.append(leaves) staff_name_list.append(staff.admin.first_name) # For Students student_attendance_present_list = [] student_attendance_leave_list = [] student_name_list = [] students = Students.objects.all() for student in students: attendance = AttendanceReport.objects.filter(, status=True ).count() absent = AttendanceReport.objects.filter(, status=False ).count() leaves = LeaveReportStudent.objects.filter(, leave_status=1 ).count() student_attendance_present_list.append(attendance) student_attendance_leave_list.append(leaves + absent) student_name_list.append(student.admin.first_name) context = { "all_student_count": all_student_count, "subject_count": subject_count, "course_count": course_count, "staff_count": staff_count, "course_name_list": course_name_list, "subject_count_list": subject_count_list, "student_count_list_in_course": student_count_list_in_course, "subject_list": subject_list, "student_count_list_in_subject": student_count_list_in_subject, "staff_attendance_present_list": staff_attendance_present_list, "staff_attendance_leave_list": staff_attendance_leave_list, "staff_name_list": staff_name_list, "student_attendance_present_list": student_attendance_present_list, "student_attendance_leave_list": student_attendance_leave_list, "student_name_list": student_name_list, } return render(request, "hod_template/home_content.html", context) def add_staff(request): return render(request, "hod_template/add_staff_template.html") def add_staff_save(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method ") return redirect("add_staff") else: first_name = request.POST.get("first_name") last_name = request.POST.get("last_name") username = request.POST.get("username") email = request.POST.get("email") password = request.POST.get("password") address = request.POST.get("address") try: user = CustomUser.objects.create_user( username=username, password=password, email=email, first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, user_type=2, ) user.staffs.address = address messages.success(request, "Staff Added Successfully!") return redirect("add_staff") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Add Staff!") return redirect("add_staff") def manage_staff(request): staffs = Staffs.objects.all() context = {"staffs": staffs} return render(request, "hod_template/manage_staff_template.html", context) def edit_staff(request, staff_id): staff = Staffs.objects.get(admin=staff_id) context = {"staff": staff, "id": staff_id} return render(request, "hod_template/edit_staff_template.html", context) def edit_staff_save(request): if request.method != "POST": return HttpResponse("<h2>Method Not Allowed</h2>") else: staff_id = request.POST.get("staff_id") username = request.POST.get("username") email = request.POST.get("email") first_name = request.POST.get("first_name") last_name = request.POST.get("last_name") address = request.POST.get("address") try: # INSERTING into Customuser Model user = CustomUser.objects.get(id=staff_id) user.first_name = first_name user.last_name = last_name = email user.username = username # INSERTING into Staff Model staff_model = Staffs.objects.get(admin=staff_id) staff_model.address = address messages.success(request, "Staff Updated Successfully.") return redirect("/edit_staff/" + staff_id) except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Update Staff.") return redirect("/edit_staff/" + staff_id) def delete_staff(request, staff_id): staff = Staffs.objects.get(admin=staff_id) try: staff.delete() messages.success(request, "Staff Deleted Successfully.") return redirect("manage_staff") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Delete Staff.") return redirect("manage_staff") def add_course(request): return render(request, "hod_template/add_course_template.html") def add_course_save(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method!") return redirect("add_course") else: course = request.POST.get("course") try: course_model = Courses(course_name=course) messages.success(request, "Course Added Successfully!") return redirect("add_course") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Add Course!") return redirect("add_course") def manage_course(request): courses = Courses.objects.all() context = {"courses": courses} return render(request, "hod_template/manage_course_template.html", context) def edit_course(request, course_id): course = Courses.objects.get(id=course_id) context = {"course": course, "id": course_id} return render(request, "hod_template/edit_course_template.html", context) def edit_course_save(request): if request.method != "POST": HttpResponse("Invalid Method") else: course_id = request.POST.get("course_id") course_name = request.POST.get("course") try: course = Courses.objects.get(id=course_id) course.course_name = course_name messages.success(request, "Course Updated Successfully.") return redirect("/edit_course/" + course_id) except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Update Course.") return redirect("/edit_course/" + course_id) def delete_course(request, course_id): course = Courses.objects.get(id=course_id) try: course.delete() messages.success(request, "Course Deleted Successfully.") return redirect("manage_course") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Delete Course.") return redirect("manage_course") def manage_session(request): session_years = SessionYearModel.objects.all() context = {"session_years": session_years} return render(request, "hod_template/manage_session_template.html", context) def add_session(request): return render(request, "hod_template/add_session_template.html") def add_session_save(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method") return redirect("add_course") else: session_start_year = request.POST.get("session_start_year") session_end_year = request.POST.get("session_end_year") try: sessionyear = SessionYearModel( session_start_year=session_start_year, session_end_year=session_end_year ) messages.success(request, "Session Year added Successfully!") return redirect("add_session") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Add Session Year") return redirect("add_session") def edit_session(request, session_id): session_year = SessionYearModel.objects.get(id=session_id) context = {"session_year": session_year} return render(request, "hod_template/edit_session_template.html", context) def edit_session_save(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method!") return redirect("manage_session") else: session_id = request.POST.get("session_id") session_start_year = request.POST.get("session_start_year") session_end_year = request.POST.get("session_end_year") try: session_year = SessionYearModel.objects.get(id=session_id) session_year.session_start_year = session_start_year session_year.session_end_year = session_end_year messages.success(request, "Session Year Updated Successfully.") return redirect("/edit_session/" + session_id) except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Update Session Year.") return redirect("/edit_session/" + session_id) def delete_session(request, session_id): session = SessionYearModel.objects.get(id=session_id) try: session.delete() messages.success(request, "Session Deleted Successfully.") return redirect("manage_session") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Delete Session.") return redirect("manage_session") def add_student(request): form = AddStudentForm() context = {"form": form} return render(request, "hod_template/add_student_template.html", context) def add_student_save(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method") return redirect("add_student") else: form = AddStudentForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): first_name = form.cleaned_data["first_name"] last_name = form.cleaned_data["last_name"] username = form.cleaned_data["username"] email = form.cleaned_data["email"] password = form.cleaned_data["password"] address = form.cleaned_data["address"] session_year_id = form.cleaned_data["session_year_id"] course_id = form.cleaned_data["course_id"] gender = form.cleaned_data["gender"] if len(request.FILES) != 0: profile_pic = request.FILES["profile_pic"] fs = FileSystemStorage() filename =, profile_pic) profile_pic_url = fs.url(filename) else: profile_pic_url = None try: user = CustomUser.objects.create_user( username=username, password=password, email=email, first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, user_type=3, ) user.students.address = address course_obj = Courses.objects.get(id=course_id) user.students.course_id = course_obj session_year_obj = SessionYearModel.objects.get(id=session_year_id) user.students.session_year_id = session_year_obj user.students.gender = gender user.students.profile_pic = profile_pic_url messages.success(request, "Student Added Successfully!") return redirect("add_student") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Add Student!") return redirect("add_student") else: return redirect("add_student") def manage_student(request): students = Students.objects.all() context = {"students": students} return render(request, "hod_template/manage_student_template.html", context) def edit_student(request, student_id): # Adding Student ID into Session Variable request.session["student_id"] = student_id student = Students.objects.get(admin=student_id) form = EditStudentForm() # Filling the form with Data from Database form.fields["email"].initial = form.fields["username"].initial = student.admin.username form.fields["first_name"].initial = student.admin.first_name form.fields["last_name"].initial = student.admin.last_name form.fields["address"].initial = student.address form.fields["course_id"].initial = form.fields["gender"].initial = student.gender form.fields["session_year_id"].initial = context = {"id": student_id, "username": student.admin.username, "form": form} return render(request, "hod_template/edit_student_template.html", context) def edit_student_save(request): if request.method != "POST": return HttpResponse("Invalid Method!") else: student_id = request.session.get("student_id") if student_id == None: return redirect("/manage_student") form = EditStudentForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): email = form.cleaned_data["email"] username = form.cleaned_data["username"] first_name = form.cleaned_data["first_name"] last_name = form.cleaned_data["last_name"] address = form.cleaned_data["address"] course_id = form.cleaned_data["course_id"] gender = form.cleaned_data["gender"] session_year_id = form.cleaned_data["session_year_id"] # Getting Profile Pic first # First Check whether the file is selected or not # Upload only if file is selected if len(request.FILES) != 0: profile_pic = request.FILES["profile_pic"] fs = FileSystemStorage() filename =, profile_pic) profile_pic_url = fs.url(filename) else: profile_pic_url = None try: # First Update into Custom User Model user = CustomUser.objects.get(id=student_id) user.first_name = first_name user.last_name = last_name = email user.username = username # Then Update Students Table student_model = Students.objects.get(admin=student_id) student_model.address = address course = Courses.objects.get(id=course_id) student_model.course_id = course session_year_obj = SessionYearModel.objects.get(id=session_year_id) student_model.session_year_id = session_year_obj student_model.gender = gender if profile_pic_url != None: student_model.profile_pic = profile_pic_url # Delete student_id SESSION after the data is updated del request.session["student_id"] messages.success(request, "Student Updated Successfully!") return redirect("/edit_student/" + student_id) except: messages.success(request, "Failed to Uupdate Student.") return redirect("/edit_student/" + student_id) else: return redirect("/edit_student/" + student_id) def delete_student(request, student_id): student = Students.objects.get(admin=student_id) try: student.delete() messages.success(request, "Student Deleted Successfully.") return redirect("manage_student") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Delete Student.") return redirect("manage_student") def add_subject(request): courses = Courses.objects.all() staffs = CustomUser.objects.filter(user_type="2") context = {"courses": courses, "staffs": staffs} return render(request, "hod_template/add_subject_template.html", context) def add_subject_save(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Method Not Allowed!") return redirect("add_subject") else: subject_name = request.POST.get("subject") course_id = request.POST.get("course") course = Courses.objects.get(id=course_id) staff_id = request.POST.get("staff") staff = CustomUser.objects.get(id=staff_id) try: subject = Subjects( subject_name=subject_name, course_id=course, staff_id=staff ) messages.success(request, "Subject Added Successfully!") return redirect("add_subject") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Add Subject!") return redirect("add_subject") def manage_subject(request): subjects = Subjects.objects.all() context = {"subjects": subjects} return render(request, "hod_template/manage_subject_template.html", context) def edit_subject(request, subject_id): subject = Subjects.objects.get(id=subject_id) courses = Courses.objects.all() staffs = CustomUser.objects.filter(user_type="2") context = { "subject": subject, "courses": courses, "staffs": staffs, "id": subject_id, } return render(request, "hod_template/edit_subject_template.html", context) def edit_subject_save(request): if request.method != "POST": HttpResponse("Invalid Method.") else: subject_id = request.POST.get("subject_id") subject_name = request.POST.get("subject") course_id = request.POST.get("course") staff_id = request.POST.get("staff") try: subject = Subjects.objects.get(id=subject_id) subject.subject_name = subject_name course = Courses.objects.get(id=course_id) subject.course_id = course staff = CustomUser.objects.get(id=staff_id) subject.staff_id = staff messages.success(request, "Subject Updated Successfully.") return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse("edit_subject", kwargs={"subject_id": subject_id}) ) except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Update Subject.") return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse("edit_subject", kwargs={"subject_id": subject_id}) ) def delete_subject(request, subject_id): subject = Subjects.objects.get(id=subject_id) try: subject.delete() messages.success(request, "Subject Deleted Successfully.") return redirect("manage_subject") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Delete Subject.") return redirect("manage_subject") @csrf_exempt def check_email_exist(request): email = request.POST.get("email") user_obj = CustomUser.objects.filter(email=email).exists() if user_obj: return HttpResponse(True) else: return HttpResponse(False) @csrf_exempt def check_username_exist(request): username = request.POST.get("username") user_obj = CustomUser.objects.filter(username=username).exists() if user_obj: return HttpResponse(True) else: return HttpResponse(False) def student_feedback_message(request): feedbacks = FeedBackStudent.objects.all() context = {"feedbacks": feedbacks} return render(request, "hod_template/student_feedback_template.html", context) @csrf_exempt def student_feedback_message_reply(request): feedback_id = request.POST.get("id") feedback_reply = request.POST.get("reply") try: feedback = FeedBackStudent.objects.get(id=feedback_id) feedback.feedback_reply = feedback_reply return HttpResponse("True") except: return HttpResponse("False") def staff_feedback_message(request): feedbacks = FeedBackStaffs.objects.all() context = {"feedbacks": feedbacks} return render(request, "hod_template/staff_feedback_template.html", context) @csrf_exempt def staff_feedback_message_reply(request): feedback_id = request.POST.get("id") feedback_reply = request.POST.get("reply") try: feedback = FeedBackStaffs.objects.get(id=feedback_id) feedback.feedback_reply = feedback_reply return HttpResponse("True") except: return HttpResponse("False") def student_leave_view(request): leaves = LeaveReportStudent.objects.all() context = {"leaves": leaves} return render(request, "hod_template/student_leave_view.html", context) def student_leave_approve(request, leave_id): leave = LeaveReportStudent.objects.get(id=leave_id) leave.leave_status = 1 return redirect("student_leave_view") def student_leave_reject(request, leave_id): leave = LeaveReportStudent.objects.get(id=leave_id) leave.leave_status = 2 return redirect("student_leave_view") def staff_leave_view(request): leaves = LeaveReportStaff.objects.all() context = {"leaves": leaves} return render(request, "hod_template/staff_leave_view.html", context) def staff_leave_approve(request, leave_id): leave = LeaveReportStaff.objects.get(id=leave_id) leave.leave_status = 1 return redirect("staff_leave_view") def staff_leave_reject(request, leave_id): leave = LeaveReportStaff.objects.get(id=leave_id) leave.leave_status = 2 return redirect("staff_leave_view") def admin_view_attendance(request): subjects = Subjects.objects.all() session_years = SessionYearModel.objects.all() context = {"subjects": subjects, "session_years": session_years} return render(request, "hod_template/admin_view_attendance.html", context) @csrf_exempt def admin_get_attendance_dates(request): subject_id = request.POST.get("subject") session_year = request.POST.get("session_year_id") # Students enroll to Course, Course has Subjects # Getting all data from subject model based on subject_id subject_model = Subjects.objects.get(id=subject_id) session_model = SessionYearModel.objects.get(id=session_year) attendance = Attendance.objects.filter( subject_id=subject_model, session_year_id=session_model ) # Only Passing Student Id and Student Name Only list_data = [] for attendance_single in attendance: data_small = { "id":, "attendance_date": str(attendance_single.attendance_date), "session_year_id":, } list_data.append(data_small) return JsonResponse( json.dumps(list_data), content_type="application/json", safe=False ) @csrf_exempt def admin_get_attendance_student(request): # Getting Values from Ajax POST 'Fetch Student' attendance_date = request.POST.get("attendance_date") attendance = Attendance.objects.get(id=attendance_date) attendance_data = AttendanceReport.objects.filter(attendance_id=attendance) # Only Passing Student Id and Student Name Only list_data = [] for student in attendance_data: data_small = { "id":, "name": student.student_id.admin.first_name + " " + student.student_id.admin.last_name, "status": student.status, } list_data.append(data_small) return JsonResponse( json.dumps(list_data), content_type="application/json", safe=False ) def admin_profile(request): user = CustomUser.objects.get( context = {"user": user} return render(request, "hod_template/admin_profile.html", context) def admin_profile_update(request): if request.method != "POST": messages.error(request, "Invalid Method!") return redirect("admin_profile") else: first_name = request.POST.get("first_name") last_name = request.POST.get("last_name") password = request.POST.get("password") try: customuser = CustomUser.objects.get( customuser.first_name = first_name customuser.last_name = last_name if password != None and password != "": customuser.set_password(password) messages.success(request, "Profile Updated Successfully") return redirect("admin_profile") except: messages.error(request, "Failed to Update Profile") return redirect("admin_profile") def staff_profile(request): pass def student_profile(requtest): pass #Output : django-admin startproject student_management_project [END]
College Management System using Django - Python Project
from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser from django.db import models from django.db.models.signals import post_save from django.dispatch import receiver class SessionYearModel(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) session_start_year = models.DateField() session_end_year = models.DateField() objects = models.Manager() # Overriding the Default Django Auth # User and adding One More Field (user_type) class CustomUser(AbstractUser): HOD = "1" STAFF = "2" STUDENT = "3" EMAIL_TO_USER_TYPE_MAP = {"hod": HOD, "staff": STAFF, "student": STUDENT} user_type_data = ((HOD, "HOD"), (STAFF, "Staff"), (STUDENT, "Student")) user_type = models.CharField(default=1, choices=user_type_data, max_length=10) class AdminHOD(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) admin = models.OneToOneField(CustomUser, on_delete=models.CASCADE) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class Staffs(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) admin = models.OneToOneField(CustomUser, on_delete=models.CASCADE) address = models.TextField() created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class Courses(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) course_name = models.CharField(max_length=255) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class Subjects(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) subject_name = models.CharField(max_length=255) # need to give default course course_id = models.ForeignKey(Courses, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default=1) staff_id = models.ForeignKey(CustomUser, on_delete=models.CASCADE) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class Students(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) admin = models.OneToOneField(CustomUser, on_delete=models.CASCADE) gender = models.CharField(max_length=50) profile_pic = models.FileField() address = models.TextField() course_id = models.ForeignKey(Courses, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING, default=1) session_year_id = models.ForeignKey( SessionYearModel, null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE ) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class Attendance(models.Model): # Subject Attendance id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) subject_id = models.ForeignKey(Subjects, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING) attendance_date = models.DateField() session_year_id = models.ForeignKey(SessionYearModel, on_delete=models.CASCADE) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class AttendanceReport(models.Model): # Individual Student Attendance id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) student_id = models.ForeignKey(Students, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING) attendance_id = models.ForeignKey(Attendance, on_delete=models.CASCADE) status = models.BooleanField(default=False) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class LeaveReportStudent(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) student_id = models.ForeignKey(Students, on_delete=models.CASCADE) leave_date = models.CharField(max_length=255) leave_message = models.TextField() leave_status = models.IntegerField(default=0) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class LeaveReportStaff(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) staff_id = models.ForeignKey(Staffs, on_delete=models.CASCADE) leave_date = models.CharField(max_length=255) leave_message = models.TextField() leave_status = models.IntegerField(default=0) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class FeedBackStudent(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) student_id = models.ForeignKey(Students, on_delete=models.CASCADE) feedback = models.TextField() feedback_reply = models.TextField() created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class FeedBackStaffs(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) staff_id = models.ForeignKey(Staffs, on_delete=models.CASCADE) feedback = models.TextField() feedback_reply = models.TextField() created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class NotificationStudent(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) student_id = models.ForeignKey(Students, on_delete=models.CASCADE) message = models.TextField() created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class NotificationStaffs(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) stafff_id = models.ForeignKey(Staffs, on_delete=models.CASCADE) message = models.TextField() created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class StudentResult(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) student_id = models.ForeignKey(Students, on_delete=models.CASCADE) subject_id = models.ForeignKey(Subjects, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default=1) subject_exam_marks = models.FloatField(default=0) subject_assignment_marks = models.FloatField(default=0) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() # Creating Django Signals @receiver(post_save, sender=CustomUser) # Now Creating a Function which will # automatically insert data in HOD, Staff or Student def create_user_profile(sender, instance, created, **kwargs): # if Created is true (Means Data Inserted) if created: # Check the user_type and insert the data in respective tables if instance.user_type == 1: AdminHOD.objects.create(admin=instance) if instance.user_type == 2: Staffs.objects.create(admin=instance) if instance.user_type == 3: Students.objects.create( admin=instance, course_id=Courses.objects.get(id=1), session_year_id=SessionYearModel.objects.get(id=1), address="", profile_pic="", gender="", ) @receiver(post_save, sender=CustomUser) def save_user_profile(sender, instance, **kwargs): if instance.user_type == 1: if instance.user_type == 2: if instance.user_type == 3:
#Output : django-admin startproject student_management_project
College Management System using Django - Python Project from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser from django.db import models from django.db.models.signals import post_save from django.dispatch import receiver class SessionYearModel(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) session_start_year = models.DateField() session_end_year = models.DateField() objects = models.Manager() # Overriding the Default Django Auth # User and adding One More Field (user_type) class CustomUser(AbstractUser): HOD = "1" STAFF = "2" STUDENT = "3" EMAIL_TO_USER_TYPE_MAP = {"hod": HOD, "staff": STAFF, "student": STUDENT} user_type_data = ((HOD, "HOD"), (STAFF, "Staff"), (STUDENT, "Student")) user_type = models.CharField(default=1, choices=user_type_data, max_length=10) class AdminHOD(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) admin = models.OneToOneField(CustomUser, on_delete=models.CASCADE) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class Staffs(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) admin = models.OneToOneField(CustomUser, on_delete=models.CASCADE) address = models.TextField() created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class Courses(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) course_name = models.CharField(max_length=255) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class Subjects(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) subject_name = models.CharField(max_length=255) # need to give default course course_id = models.ForeignKey(Courses, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default=1) staff_id = models.ForeignKey(CustomUser, on_delete=models.CASCADE) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class Students(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) admin = models.OneToOneField(CustomUser, on_delete=models.CASCADE) gender = models.CharField(max_length=50) profile_pic = models.FileField() address = models.TextField() course_id = models.ForeignKey(Courses, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING, default=1) session_year_id = models.ForeignKey( SessionYearModel, null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE ) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class Attendance(models.Model): # Subject Attendance id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) subject_id = models.ForeignKey(Subjects, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING) attendance_date = models.DateField() session_year_id = models.ForeignKey(SessionYearModel, on_delete=models.CASCADE) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class AttendanceReport(models.Model): # Individual Student Attendance id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) student_id = models.ForeignKey(Students, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING) attendance_id = models.ForeignKey(Attendance, on_delete=models.CASCADE) status = models.BooleanField(default=False) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class LeaveReportStudent(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) student_id = models.ForeignKey(Students, on_delete=models.CASCADE) leave_date = models.CharField(max_length=255) leave_message = models.TextField() leave_status = models.IntegerField(default=0) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class LeaveReportStaff(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) staff_id = models.ForeignKey(Staffs, on_delete=models.CASCADE) leave_date = models.CharField(max_length=255) leave_message = models.TextField() leave_status = models.IntegerField(default=0) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class FeedBackStudent(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) student_id = models.ForeignKey(Students, on_delete=models.CASCADE) feedback = models.TextField() feedback_reply = models.TextField() created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class FeedBackStaffs(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) staff_id = models.ForeignKey(Staffs, on_delete=models.CASCADE) feedback = models.TextField() feedback_reply = models.TextField() created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class NotificationStudent(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) student_id = models.ForeignKey(Students, on_delete=models.CASCADE) message = models.TextField() created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class NotificationStaffs(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) stafff_id = models.ForeignKey(Staffs, on_delete=models.CASCADE) message = models.TextField() created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() class StudentResult(models.Model): id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) student_id = models.ForeignKey(Students, on_delete=models.CASCADE) subject_id = models.ForeignKey(Subjects, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default=1) subject_exam_marks = models.FloatField(default=0) subject_assignment_marks = models.FloatField(default=0) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = models.Manager() # Creating Django Signals @receiver(post_save, sender=CustomUser) # Now Creating a Function which will # automatically insert data in HOD, Staff or Student def create_user_profile(sender, instance, created, **kwargs): # if Created is true (Means Data Inserted) if created: # Check the user_type and insert the data in respective tables if instance.user_type == 1: AdminHOD.objects.create(admin=instance) if instance.user_type == 2: Staffs.objects.create(admin=instance) if instance.user_type == 3: Students.objects.create( admin=instance, course_id=Courses.objects.get(id=1), session_year_id=SessionYearModel.objects.get(id=1), address="", profile_pic="", gender="", ) @receiver(post_save, sender=CustomUser) def save_user_profile(sender, instance, **kwargs): if instance.user_type == 1: if instance.user_type == 2: if instance.user_type == 3: #Output : django-admin startproject student_management_project [END]
College Management System using Django - Python Project
from django import forms from .models import Courses, SessionYearModel class DateInput(forms.DateInput): input_type = "date" class AddStudentForm(forms.Form): email = forms.EmailField( label="Email", max_length=50, widget=forms.EmailInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) password = forms.CharField( label="Password", max_length=50, widget=forms.PasswordInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) first_name = forms.CharField( label="First Name", max_length=50, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) last_name = forms.CharField( label="Last Name", max_length=50, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) username = forms.CharField( label="Username", max_length=50, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) address = forms.CharField( label="Address", max_length=50, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) # For Displaying Courses try: courses = Courses.objects.all() course_list = [] for course in courses: single_course = (, course.course_name) course_list.append(single_course) except: print("here") course_list = [] # For Displaying Session Years try: session_years = SessionYearModel.objects.all() session_year_list = [] for session_year in session_years: single_session_year = (, str(session_year.session_start_year) + " to " + str(session_year.session_end_year), ) session_year_list.append(single_session_year) except: session_year_list = [] gender_list = (("Male", "Male"), ("Female", "Female")) course_id = forms.ChoiceField( label="Course", choices=course_list, widget=forms.Select(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) gender = forms.ChoiceField( label="Gender", choices=gender_list, widget=forms.Select(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) session_year_id = forms.ChoiceField( label="Session Year", choices=session_year_list, widget=forms.Select(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) profile_pic = forms.FileField( label="Profile Pic", required=False, widget=forms.FileInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) class EditStudentForm(forms.Form): email = forms.EmailField( label="Email", max_length=50, widget=forms.EmailInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) first_name = forms.CharField( label="First Name", max_length=50, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) last_name = forms.CharField( label="Last Name", max_length=50, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) username = forms.CharField( label="Username", max_length=50, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) address = forms.CharField( label="Address", max_length=50, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) # For Displaying Courses try: courses = Courses.objects.all() course_list = [] for course in courses: single_course = (, course.course_name) course_list.append(single_course) except: course_list = [] # For Displaying Session Years try: session_years = SessionYearModel.objects.all() session_year_list = [] for session_year in session_years: single_session_year = (, str(session_year.session_start_year) + " to " + str(session_year.session_end_year), ) session_year_list.append(single_session_year) except: session_year_list = [] gender_list = (("Male", "Male"), ("Female", "Female")) course_id = forms.ChoiceField( label="Course", choices=course_list, widget=forms.Select(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) gender = forms.ChoiceField( label="Gender", choices=gender_list, widget=forms.Select(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) session_year_id = forms.ChoiceField( label="Session Year", choices=session_year_list, widget=forms.Select(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) profile_pic = forms.FileField( label="Profile Pic", required=False, widget=forms.FileInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), )
#Output : django-admin startproject student_management_project
College Management System using Django - Python Project from django import forms from .models import Courses, SessionYearModel class DateInput(forms.DateInput): input_type = "date" class AddStudentForm(forms.Form): email = forms.EmailField( label="Email", max_length=50, widget=forms.EmailInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) password = forms.CharField( label="Password", max_length=50, widget=forms.PasswordInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) first_name = forms.CharField( label="First Name", max_length=50, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) last_name = forms.CharField( label="Last Name", max_length=50, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) username = forms.CharField( label="Username", max_length=50, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) address = forms.CharField( label="Address", max_length=50, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) # For Displaying Courses try: courses = Courses.objects.all() course_list = [] for course in courses: single_course = (, course.course_name) course_list.append(single_course) except: print("here") course_list = [] # For Displaying Session Years try: session_years = SessionYearModel.objects.all() session_year_list = [] for session_year in session_years: single_session_year = (, str(session_year.session_start_year) + " to " + str(session_year.session_end_year), ) session_year_list.append(single_session_year) except: session_year_list = [] gender_list = (("Male", "Male"), ("Female", "Female")) course_id = forms.ChoiceField( label="Course", choices=course_list, widget=forms.Select(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) gender = forms.ChoiceField( label="Gender", choices=gender_list, widget=forms.Select(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) session_year_id = forms.ChoiceField( label="Session Year", choices=session_year_list, widget=forms.Select(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) profile_pic = forms.FileField( label="Profile Pic", required=False, widget=forms.FileInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) class EditStudentForm(forms.Form): email = forms.EmailField( label="Email", max_length=50, widget=forms.EmailInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) first_name = forms.CharField( label="First Name", max_length=50, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) last_name = forms.CharField( label="Last Name", max_length=50, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) username = forms.CharField( label="Username", max_length=50, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) address = forms.CharField( label="Address", max_length=50, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) # For Displaying Courses try: courses = Courses.objects.all() course_list = [] for course in courses: single_course = (, course.course_name) course_list.append(single_course) except: course_list = [] # For Displaying Session Years try: session_years = SessionYearModel.objects.all() session_year_list = [] for session_year in session_years: single_session_year = (, str(session_year.session_start_year) + " to " + str(session_year.session_end_year), ) session_year_list.append(single_session_year) except: session_year_list = [] gender_list = (("Male", "Male"), ("Female", "Female")) course_id = forms.ChoiceField( label="Course", choices=course_list, widget=forms.Select(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) gender = forms.ChoiceField( label="Gender", choices=gender_list, widget=forms.Select(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) session_year_id = forms.ChoiceField( label="Session Year", choices=session_year_list, widget=forms.Select(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) profile_pic = forms.FileField( label="Profile Pic", required=False, widget=forms.FileInput(attrs={"class": "form-control"}), ) #Output : django-admin startproject student_management_project [END]
College Management System using Django - Python Project
from django.contrib import admin from django.contrib.auth.admin import UserAdmin from .models import ( CustomUser, AdminHOD, Staffs, Courses, Subjects, Students, Attendance, AttendanceReport, LeaveReportStudent, LeaveReportStaff, FeedBackStudent, FeedBackStaffs, NotificationStudent, NotificationStaffs, ) # Register your models here. class UserModel(UserAdmin): pass, UserModel)
#Output : django-admin startproject student_management_project
College Management System using Django - Python Project from django.contrib import admin from django.contrib.auth.admin import UserAdmin from .models import ( CustomUser, AdminHOD, Staffs, Courses, Subjects, Students, Attendance, AttendanceReport, LeaveReportStudent, LeaveReportStaff, FeedBackStudent, FeedBackStaffs, NotificationStudent, NotificationStaffs, ) # Register your models here. class UserModel(UserAdmin): pass, UserModel) #Output : django-admin startproject student_management_project [END]
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Register Now</a>??????????????????</form></div>{% comment %} Display Messages {% endcomment %}{% if messages %"col-12">??????????????????{% for message in messages %}????????????????"error" %}??????????????????{% comment %}?????"alert alert-danger alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert" style="margin-top: 10px;">????????????????????????????????????<b>{{ message }}</b>?"button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"></button>??????????????????</div>??????????????????{% endcom"alert alert-danger alert-dismissible fade show" role="alert">????????????????????????????????????<strong>Invalid Login Credentials!</strong>?"button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close">??????????????????????????????"true">??????</span>????????????????????????????????????</button>??????????????????</div>??????????????????{% end""></script><script src=""></script>{% endblock content %} #Output : django-admin startproject student_management_project [END]
College Management System using Django - Python Project
{% extends 'base.html' %}{% load static %}??????{% block content %}?????????????"navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark bg-dark">????????????????????????????????????????????"/ " class="btn btn-outline-primary my-1 mx-2">Go Back To Home </a>??????????????????????????????????????????????????????"navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbarSupportedContent" aria-controls="navbarSupportedContent" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation">????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"navbar-toggler-icon"></span>????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????</button>?????????"collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarSupportedContent">??????????????????????????????????????????????????????"navbar-nav mr-auto">?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"form-inline my-2 my-lg-0">????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"form-control mr-sm-2" type="login" placeholder="login" aria-label="login">-->???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"form-control mr-sm-2" type="Register" placeholder="Register" aria-label="Register">-->???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"form-control mr-sm-2" type="register" placeholder="register" aria-label="register">-->?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"form-inline my-2 my-lg-0">???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"container-fluid px-0">???????????????????"{% static 'dist/img/contact.jpg' %}" class="d-block w-100 mx-0" alt="..." height=450px width=10px></div><div class="container">??????????????????"text-center my-3 display-2">????????????????????????????????????????????????<b>Contact "/contact" method="post">{% csrf_token %}???????????????????"mb-3 py-2">????????????<la"exampleFormControlInput1" class="form-label"><b>Name</b></label>????????????<inp"name" class="form-control" id="exampleFormControlInput1" name = "name" placeholder="Enter your Name"></div>???????????????????????????"mb-3 py-2">???????????????????????????????????"exampleFormControlInput1" class="form-label"><b>Email id</b></label>????????????<inp"email" class="form-control" id="exampleFormControlInpu2"name = "email" placeholder="Enter your Email"></div>???????????????????????????"mb-3 py-2">???????????????????????????????????"exampleFormControlInput1" class="form-label"><b>Phone number</b></label>????????????<inp"number" class="form-control" id="exampleFormControlInput3"?? name = "phone" placeholder="Enter your Phone number"></div><div class="mb-3 py-2">???????????????????"exampleFormControlTextarea1" class="form-label"><b>How can we help you ??</b></label>????????????<textare"form-control" id="exampleFormControlTextarea1" rows="7" name = "desc"></textarea></div>?????????????????????????"submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg ">Submit</button>????????????????????????????????????????????????</form><
#Output : django-admin startproject student_management_project
College Management System using Django - Python Project {% extends 'base.html' %}{% load static %}??????{% block content %}?????????????"navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark bg-dark">????????????????????????????????????????????"/ " class="btn btn-outline-primary my-1 mx-2">Go Back To Home </a>??????????????????????????????????????????????????????"navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbarSupportedContent" aria-controls="navbarSupportedContent" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation">????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"navbar-toggler-icon"></span>????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????</button>?????????"collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarSupportedContent">??????????????????????????????????????????????????????"navbar-nav mr-auto">?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"form-inline my-2 my-lg-0">????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"form-control mr-sm-2" type="login" placeholder="login" aria-label="login">-->???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"form-control mr-sm-2" type="Register" placeholder="Register" aria-label="Register">-->???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"form-control mr-sm-2" type="register" placeholder="register" aria-label="register">-->?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"form-inline my-2 my-lg-0">???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"container-fluid px-0">???????????????????"{% static 'dist/img/contact.jpg' %}" class="d-block w-100 mx-0" alt="..." height=450px width=10px></div><div class="container">??????????????????"text-center my-3 display-2">????????????????????????????????????????????????<b>Contact "/contact" method="post">{% csrf_token %}???????????????????"mb-3 py-2">????????????<la"exampleFormControlInput1" class="form-label"><b>Name</b></label>????????????<inp"name" class="form-control" id="exampleFormControlInput1" name = "name" placeholder="Enter your Name"></div>???????????????????????????"mb-3 py-2">???????????????????????????????????"exampleFormControlInput1" class="form-label"><b>Email id</b></label>????????????<inp"email" class="form-control" id="exampleFormControlInpu2"name = "email" placeholder="Enter your Email"></div>???????????????????????????"mb-3 py-2">???????????????????????????????????"exampleFormControlInput1" class="form-label"><b>Phone number</b></label>????????????<inp"number" class="form-control" id="exampleFormControlInput3"?? name = "phone" placeholder="Enter your Phone number"></div><div class="mb-3 py-2">???????????????????"exampleFormControlTextarea1" class="form-label"><b>How can we help you ??</b></label>????????????<textare"form-control" id="exampleFormControlTextarea1" rows="7" name = "desc"></textarea></div>?????????????????????????"submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg ">Submit</button>????????????????????????????????????????????????</form>< #Output : django-admin startproject student_management_project [END]
Speak the meaning of the word using Python
import pyttsx3 from PyDictionary import PyDictionary class Speaking: def speak(self, audio): # Having the initial constructor of pyttsx3 # and having the sapi5 in it as a parameter engine = pyttsx3.init("sapi5") # Calling the getter and setter of pyttsx3 voices = engine.getProperty("voices") # Method for the speaking of the assistant engine.setProperty("voice", voices[0].id) engine.say(audio) engine.runAndWait() class GFG: def Dictionary(self): speak = Speaking() dic = PyDictionary() speak.speak("Which word do u want to find the meaning sir") # Taking the string input query = str(input()) word = dic.meaning(query) print(len(word)) for state in word: print(word[state]) speak.speak("the meaning is" + str(word[state])) if __name__ == "__main__": GFG() GFG.Dictionary(self=None)
#Output : pip install PyDictionary
Speak the meaning of the word using Python import pyttsx3 from PyDictionary import PyDictionary class Speaking: def speak(self, audio): # Having the initial constructor of pyttsx3 # and having the sapi5 in it as a parameter engine = pyttsx3.init("sapi5") # Calling the getter and setter of pyttsx3 voices = engine.getProperty("voices") # Method for the speaking of the assistant engine.setProperty("voice", voices[0].id) engine.say(audio) engine.runAndWait() class GFG: def Dictionary(self): speak = Speaking() dic = PyDictionary() speak.speak("Which word do u want to find the meaning sir") # Taking the string input query = str(input()) word = dic.meaning(query) print(len(word)) for state in word: print(word[state]) speak.speak("the meaning is" + str(word[state])) if __name__ == "__main__": GFG() GFG.Dictionary(self=None) #Output : pip install PyDictionary [END]
Convert PDF File Text to Audio Speech using Python
# importing the modules import PyPDF2 import pyttsx3 # path of the PDF file path = open("file.pdf", "rb") # creating a PdfFileReader object pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(path) # the page with which you want to start # this will read the page of 25th page. from_page = pdfReader.getPage(24) # extracting the text from the PDF text = from_page.extractText() # reading the text speak = pyttsx3.init() speak.say(text) speak.runAndWait()
#Output : pip install pyttsx3
Convert PDF File Text to Audio Speech using Python # importing the modules import PyPDF2 import pyttsx3 # path of the PDF file path = open("file.pdf", "rb") # creating a PdfFileReader object pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(path) # the page with which you want to start # this will read the page of 25th page. from_page = pdfReader.getPage(24) # extracting the text from the PDF text = from_page.extractText() # reading the text speak = pyttsx3.init() speak.say(text) speak.runAndWait() #Output : pip install pyttsx3 [END]
Convert Text to Speech in Python
# Import the required module for text # to speech conversion from gtts import gTTS # This module is imported so that we can # play the converted audio import os # The text that you want to convert to audio mytext = "Welcome to geeksforgeeks!" # Language in which you want to convert language = "en" # Passing the text and language to the engine, # here we have marked slow=False. Which tells # the module that the converted audio should # have a high speed myobj = gTTS(text=mytext, lang=language, slow=False) # Saving the converted audio in a mp3 file named # welcome"welcome.mp3") # Playing the converted file os.system("mpg321 welcome.mp3")
#Output :
Convert Text to Speech in Python # Import the required module for text # to speech conversion from gtts import gTTS # This module is imported so that we can # play the converted audio import os # The text that you want to convert to audio mytext = "Welcome to geeksforgeeks!" # Language in which you want to convert language = "en" # Passing the text and language to the engine, # here we have marked slow=False. Which tells # the module that the converted audio should # have a high speed myobj = gTTS(text=mytext, lang=language, slow=False) # Saving the converted audio in a mp3 file named # welcome"welcome.mp3") # Playing the converted file os.system("mpg321 welcome.mp3") #Output : [END]
Python Text To Speech using pyttsx module
# importing the pyttsx library import pyttsx3 # initialisation engine = pyttsx3.init() # testing engine.say("My first code on text-to-speech") engine.say("Thank you, Geeksforgeeks") engine.runAndWait()
#Output : pip install pyttsx3
Python Text To Speech using pyttsx module # importing the pyttsx library import pyttsx3 # initialisation engine = pyttsx3.init() # testing engine.say("My first code on text-to-speech") engine.say("Thank you, Geeksforgeeks") engine.runAndWait() #Output : pip install pyttsx3 [END]
Python Text To Speech using pyttsx module
import pyttsx3 def onStart(): print("starting") def onWord(name, location, length): print("word", name, location, length) def onEnd(name, completed): print("finishing", name, completed) engine = pyttsx3.init() engine.connect("started-utterance", onStart) engine.connect("started-word", onWord) engine.connect("finished-utterance", onEnd) sen = "Geeks for geeks is a computer portal for Geeks" engine.say(sen) engine.runAndWait()
#Output : pip install pyttsx3
Python Text To Speech using pyttsx module import pyttsx3 def onStart(): print("starting") def onWord(name, location, length): print("word", name, location, length) def onEnd(name, completed): print("finishing", name, completed) engine = pyttsx3.init() engine.connect("started-utterance", onStart) engine.connect("started-word", onWord) engine.connect("finished-utterance", onEnd) sen = "Geeks for geeks is a computer portal for Geeks" engine.say(sen) engine.runAndWait() #Output : pip install pyttsx3 [END]
Convert Speech to text and text to Speech
# Python program to translate # speech to text and text to speech import speech_recognition as sr import pyttsx3 # Initialize the recognizer r = sr.Recognizer() # Function to convert text to # speech def SpeakText(command): # Initialize the engine engine = pyttsx3.init() engine.say(command) engine.runAndWait() # Loop infinitely for user to # speak while 1: # Exception handling to handle # exceptions at the runtime try: # use the microphone as source for input. with sr.Microphone() as source2: # wait for a second to let the recognizer # adjust the energy threshold based on # the surrounding noise level r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source2, duration=0.2) # listens for the user's input audio2 = r.listen(source2) # Using google to recognize audio MyText = r.recognize_google(audio2) MyText = MyText.lower() print("Did you say ", MyText) SpeakText(MyText) except sr.RequestError as e: print("Could not request results; {0}".format(e)) except sr.UnknownValueError: print("unknown error occurred")
#Output : pip install speechrecognition
Convert Speech to text and text to Speech # Python program to translate # speech to text and text to speech import speech_recognition as sr import pyttsx3 # Initialize the recognizer r = sr.Recognizer() # Function to convert text to # speech def SpeakText(command): # Initialize the engine engine = pyttsx3.init() engine.say(command) engine.runAndWait() # Loop infinitely for user to # speak while 1: # Exception handling to handle # exceptions at the runtime try: # use the microphone as source for input. with sr.Microphone() as source2: # wait for a second to let the recognizer # adjust the energy threshold based on # the surrounding noise level r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source2, duration=0.2) # listens for the user's input audio2 = r.listen(source2) # Using google to recognize audio MyText = r.recognize_google(audio2) MyText = MyText.lower() print("Did you say ", MyText) SpeakText(MyText) except sr.RequestError as e: print("Could not request results; {0}".format(e)) except sr.UnknownValueError: print("unknown error occurred") #Output : pip install speechrecognition [END]
Personal Voice Assistant in Python
# importing speech recognition package from google api import speech_recognition as sr import playsound # to play saved mp3 file from gtts import gTTS # google text to speech import os # to save/open files import wolframalpha # to calculate strings into formula from selenium import webdriver # to control browser operations num = 1 def assistant_speaks(output): global num # num to rename every audio file # with different name to remove ambiguity num += 1 print("PerSon : ", output) toSpeak = gTTS(text = output, lang ='en', slow = False) # saving the audio file given by google text to speech file = str(num)+".mp3 # playsound package is used to play the same file. playsound.playsound(file, True) os.remove(file) def get_audio(): rObject = sr.Recognizer() audio = '' with sr.Microphone() as source: print("Speak...") # recording the audio using speech recognition audio = rObject.listen(source, phrase_time_limit = 5) print("Stop.") # limit 5 secs try: text = rObject.recognize_google(audio, language ='en-US') print("You : ", text) return text except: assistant_speaks("Could not understand your audio, PLease try again !") return 0 # Driver Code if __name__ == "__main__": assistant_speaks("What's your name, Human?") name ='Human' name = get_audio() assistant_speaks("Hello, " + name + '.') while(1): assistant_speaks("What can i do for you?") text = get_audio().lower() if text == 0: continue if "exit" in str(text) or "bye" in str(text) or "sleep" in str(text): assistant_speaks("Ok bye, "+ name+'.') break # calling process text to process the query process_text(text)
#Output : 1. Say "Search google Geeks for Geeks"
Personal Voice Assistant in Python # importing speech recognition package from google api import speech_recognition as sr import playsound # to play saved mp3 file from gtts import gTTS # google text to speech import os # to save/open files import wolframalpha # to calculate strings into formula from selenium import webdriver # to control browser operations num = 1 def assistant_speaks(output): global num # num to rename every audio file # with different name to remove ambiguity num += 1 print("PerSon : ", output) toSpeak = gTTS(text = output, lang ='en', slow = False) # saving the audio file given by google text to speech file = str(num)+".mp3 # playsound package is used to play the same file. playsound.playsound(file, True) os.remove(file) def get_audio(): rObject = sr.Recognizer() audio = '' with sr.Microphone() as source: print("Speak...") # recording the audio using speech recognition audio = rObject.listen(source, phrase_time_limit = 5) print("Stop.") # limit 5 secs try: text = rObject.recognize_google(audio, language ='en-US') print("You : ", text) return text except: assistant_speaks("Could not understand your audio, PLease try again !") return 0 # Driver Code if __name__ == "__main__": assistant_speaks("What's your name, Human?") name ='Human' name = get_audio() assistant_speaks("Hello, " + name + '.') while(1): assistant_speaks("What can i do for you?") text = get_audio().lower() if text == 0: continue if "exit" in str(text) or "bye" in str(text) or "sleep" in str(text): assistant_speaks("Ok bye, "+ name+'.') break # calling process text to process the query process_text(text) #Output : 1. Say "Search google Geeks for Geeks" [END]
Personal Voice Assistant in Python
def process_text(input): try: if "search" in input or "play" in input: # a basic web crawler using selenium search_web(input) return elif "who are you" in input or "define yourself" in input: speak = """Hello, I am Person. Your personal Assistant. I am here to make your life easier. You can command me to perform various tasks such as calculating sums or opening applications etcetra""" assistant_speaks(speak) return elif "who made you" in input or "created you" in input: speak = "I have been created by Sheetansh Kumar." assistant_speaks(speak) return elif "geeksforgeeks" in input: # just speak = ( """Geeks for Geeks is the Best Online Coding Platform for learning.""" ) assistant_speaks(speak) return elif "calculate" in input.lower(): # write your wolframalpha app_id here app_id = "WOLFRAMALPHA_APP_ID" client = wolframalpha.Client(app_id) indx = input.lower().split().index("calculate") query = input.split()[indx + 1 :] res = client.query(" ".join(query)) answer = next(res.results).text assistant_speaks("The answer is " + answer) return elif "open" in input: # another function to open # different application available open_application(input.lower()) return else: assistant_speaks("I can search the web for you, Do you want to continue?") ans = get_audio() if "yes" in str(ans) or "yeah" in str(ans): search_web(input) else: return except: assistant_speaks( "I don't understand, I can search the web for you, Do you want to continue?" ) ans = get_audio() if "yes" in str(ans) or "yeah" in str(ans): search_web(input)
#Output : 1. Say "Search google Geeks for Geeks"
Personal Voice Assistant in Python def process_text(input): try: if "search" in input or "play" in input: # a basic web crawler using selenium search_web(input) return elif "who are you" in input or "define yourself" in input: speak = """Hello, I am Person. Your personal Assistant. I am here to make your life easier. You can command me to perform various tasks such as calculating sums or opening applications etcetra""" assistant_speaks(speak) return elif "who made you" in input or "created you" in input: speak = "I have been created by Sheetansh Kumar." assistant_speaks(speak) return elif "geeksforgeeks" in input: # just speak = ( """Geeks for Geeks is the Best Online Coding Platform for learning.""" ) assistant_speaks(speak) return elif "calculate" in input.lower(): # write your wolframalpha app_id here app_id = "WOLFRAMALPHA_APP_ID" client = wolframalpha.Client(app_id) indx = input.lower().split().index("calculate") query = input.split()[indx + 1 :] res = client.query(" ".join(query)) answer = next(res.results).text assistant_speaks("The answer is " + answer) return elif "open" in input: # another function to open # different application available open_application(input.lower()) return else: assistant_speaks("I can search the web for you, Do you want to continue?") ans = get_audio() if "yes" in str(ans) or "yeah" in str(ans): search_web(input) else: return except: assistant_speaks( "I don't understand, I can search the web for you, Do you want to continue?" ) ans = get_audio() if "yes" in str(ans) or "yeah" in str(ans): search_web(input) #Output : 1. Say "Search google Geeks for Geeks" [END]
Personal Voice Assistant in Python
def search_web(input): driver = webdriver.Firefox() driver.implicitly_wait(1) driver.maximize_window() if "youtube" in input.lower(): assistant_speaks("Opening in youtube") indx = input.lower().split().index("youtube") query = input.split()[indx + 1 :] driver.get(" =" + "+".join(query)) return elif "wikipedia" in input.lower(): assistant_speaks("Opening Wikipedia") indx = input.lower().split().index("wikipedia") query = input.split()[indx + 1 :] driver.get("" + "_".join(query)) return else: if "google" in input: indx = input.lower().split().index("google") query = input.split()[indx + 1 :] driver.get(" =" + "+".join(query)) elif "search" in input: indx = input.lower().split().index("google") query = input.split()[indx + 1 :] driver.get(" =" + "+".join(query)) else: driver.get(" =" + "+".join(input.split())) return # function used to open application # present inside the system. def open_application(input): if "chrome" in input: assistant_speaks("Google Chrome") os.startfile("C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe") return elif "firefox" in input or "mozilla" in input: assistant_speaks("Opening Mozilla Firefox") os.startfile("C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe") return elif "word" in input: assistant_speaks("Opening Microsoft Word") os.startfile( "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Office 2013\\Word 2013.lnk" ) return elif "excel" in input: assistant_speaks("Opening Microsoft Excel") os.startfile( "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Office 2013\\Excel 2013.lnk" ) return else: assistant_speaks("Application not available") return
#Output : 1. Say "Search google Geeks for Geeks"
Personal Voice Assistant in Python def search_web(input): driver = webdriver.Firefox() driver.implicitly_wait(1) driver.maximize_window() if "youtube" in input.lower(): assistant_speaks("Opening in youtube") indx = input.lower().split().index("youtube") query = input.split()[indx + 1 :] driver.get(" =" + "+".join(query)) return elif "wikipedia" in input.lower(): assistant_speaks("Opening Wikipedia") indx = input.lower().split().index("wikipedia") query = input.split()[indx + 1 :] driver.get("" + "_".join(query)) return else: if "google" in input: indx = input.lower().split().index("google") query = input.split()[indx + 1 :] driver.get(" =" + "+".join(query)) elif "search" in input: indx = input.lower().split().index("google") query = input.split()[indx + 1 :] driver.get(" =" + "+".join(query)) else: driver.get(" =" + "+".join(input.split())) return # function used to open application # present inside the system. def open_application(input): if "chrome" in input: assistant_speaks("Google Chrome") os.startfile("C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe") return elif "firefox" in input or "mozilla" in input: assistant_speaks("Opening Mozilla Firefox") os.startfile("C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe") return elif "word" in input: assistant_speaks("Opening Microsoft Word") os.startfile( "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Office 2013\\Word 2013.lnk" ) return elif "excel" in input: assistant_speaks("Opening Microsoft Excel") os.startfile( "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Office 2013\\Excel 2013.lnk" ) return else: assistant_speaks("Application not available") return #Output : 1. Say "Search google Geeks for Geeks" [END]
Build a Virtual Assistant Using Python
def speak(audio): engine = pyttsx3.init() # getter method(gets the current value # of engine property) voices = engine.getProperty("voices") # setter method .[0]=male voice and # [1]=female voice in set Property. engine.setProperty("voice", voices[0].id) # Method for the speaking of the assistant engine.say(audio) # Blocks while processing all the currently # queued commands engine.runAndWait()
#Output : pip install pyttsx3
Build a Virtual Assistant Using Python def speak(audio): engine = pyttsx3.init() # getter method(gets the current value # of engine property) voices = engine.getProperty("voices") # setter method .[0]=male voice and # [1]=female voice in set Property. engine.setProperty("voice", voices[0].id) # Method for the speaking of the assistant engine.say(audio) # Blocks while processing all the currently # queued commands engine.runAndWait() #Output : pip install pyttsx3 [END]
Build a Virtual Assistant Using Python
def Take_query(): # calling the Hello function for # making it more interactive Hello() # This loop is infinite as it will take # our queries continuously until and unless # we do not say bye to exit or terminate # the program while True: # taking the query and making it into # lower case so that most of the times # query matches and we get the perfect # output query = takeCommand().lower() if "open geeksforgeeks" in query: speak("Opening GeeksforGeeks ") # in the open method we just to give the link # of the website and it automatically open # it in your default browser"") continue elif "open google" in query: speak("Opening Google ")"") continue elif "which day it is" in query: tellDay() continue elif "tell me the time" in query: tellTime() continue # this will exit and terminate the program elif "bye" in query: speak("Bye. Check Out GFG for more exciting things") exit() elif "from wikipedia" in query: # if any one wants to have a information # from wikipedia speak("Checking the wikipedia ") query = query.replace("wikipedia", "") # it will give the summary of 4 lines from # wikipedia we can increase and decrease # it also. result = wikipedia.summary(query, sentences=4) speak("According to wikipedia") speak(result) elif "tell me your name" in query: speak("I am Jarvis. Your desktop Assistant")
#Output : pip install pyttsx3
Build a Virtual Assistant Using Python def Take_query(): # calling the Hello function for # making it more interactive Hello() # This loop is infinite as it will take # our queries continuously until and unless # we do not say bye to exit or terminate # the program while True: # taking the query and making it into # lower case so that most of the times # query matches and we get the perfect # output query = takeCommand().lower() if "open geeksforgeeks" in query: speak("Opening GeeksforGeeks ") # in the open method we just to give the link # of the website and it automatically open # it in your default browser"") continue elif "open google" in query: speak("Opening Google ")"") continue elif "which day it is" in query: tellDay() continue elif "tell me the time" in query: tellTime() continue # this will exit and terminate the program elif "bye" in query: speak("Bye. Check Out GFG for more exciting things") exit() elif "from wikipedia" in query: # if any one wants to have a information # from wikipedia speak("Checking the wikipedia ") query = query.replace("wikipedia", "") # it will give the summary of 4 lines from # wikipedia we can increase and decrease # it also. result = wikipedia.summary(query, sentences=4) speak("According to wikipedia") speak(result) elif "tell me your name" in query: speak("I am Jarvis. Your desktop Assistant") #Output : pip install pyttsx3 [END]
Build a Virtual Assistant Using Python
# this method is for taking the commands # and recognizing the command from the # speech_Recognition module we will use # the recongizer method for recognizing def takeCommand(): r = sr.Recognizer() # from the speech_Recognition module # we will use the Microphone module # for listening the command with sr.Microphone() as source: print("Listening") # seconds of non-speaking audio before # a phrase is considered complete r.pause_threshold = 0.7 audio = r.listen(source) # Now we will be using the try and catch # method so that if sound is recognized # it is good else we will have exception # handling try: print("Recognizing") # for Listening the command in indian # english we can also use 'hi-In' # for hindi recognizing Query = r.recognize_google(audio, language="en-in") print("the command is printed=", Query) except Exception as e: print(e) print("Say that again sir") return "None" return Query
#Output : pip install pyttsx3
Build a Virtual Assistant Using Python # this method is for taking the commands # and recognizing the command from the # speech_Recognition module we will use # the recongizer method for recognizing def takeCommand(): r = sr.Recognizer() # from the speech_Recognition module # we will use the Microphone module # for listening the command with sr.Microphone() as source: print("Listening") # seconds of non-speaking audio before # a phrase is considered complete r.pause_threshold = 0.7 audio = r.listen(source) # Now we will be using the try and catch # method so that if sound is recognized # it is good else we will have exception # handling try: print("Recognizing") # for Listening the command in indian # english we can also use 'hi-In' # for hindi recognizing Query = r.recognize_google(audio, language="en-in") print("the command is printed=", Query) except Exception as e: print(e) print("Say that again sir") return "None" return Query #Output : pip install pyttsx3 [END]
Build a Virtual Assistant Using Python
# code def tellTime(self): # This method will give the time time = str( # the time will be displayed like this "2020-06-05 17:50:14.582630" # nd then after slicing we can get time print(time) hour = time[11:13] min = time[14:16] self.Speak(self, "The time is sir" + hour + "Hours and" + min + "Minutes") """ This method will take time and slice it "2020-06-05 17:50:14.582630" from 11 to 12 for hour and 14-15 for min and then speak function will be called and then it will speak the current time """
#Output : pip install pyttsx3
Build a Virtual Assistant Using Python # code def tellTime(self): # This method will give the time time = str( # the time will be displayed like this "2020-06-05 17:50:14.582630" # nd then after slicing we can get time print(time) hour = time[11:13] min = time[14:16] self.Speak(self, "The time is sir" + hour + "Hours and" + min + "Minutes") """ This method will take time and slice it "2020-06-05 17:50:14.582630" from 11 to 12 for hour and 14-15 for min and then speak function will be called and then it will speak the current time """ #Output : pip install pyttsx3 [END]
Build a Virtual Assistant Using Python
def Hello():????????????????????????# This function is for when the assistant????????????????????????# is called it will say hello and then??"hello sir I am your desktop assistant. /??????????????????????????????????????????????")
#Output : pip install pyttsx3
Build a Virtual Assistant Using Python def Hello():????????????????????????# This function is for when the assistant????????????????????????# is called it will say hello and then??"hello sir I am your desktop assistant. /??????????????????????????????????????????????") #Output : pip install pyttsx3 [END]
Build a Virtual Assistant Using Python
if __name__ == "__main__": # main method for executing # the functions Take_query()
#Output : pip install pyttsx3
Build a Virtual Assistant Using Python if __name__ == "__main__": # main method for executing # the functions Take_query() #Output : pip install pyttsx3 [END]
Build a Virtual Assistant Using Python
import pyttsx3import speech_recognition as srimport webbrowser??????import datetime??????import wikipedia????????????# this method is for taking the commands# and recognizing the command from the# speech_Recognition module we will use# the recongizer method for recognizingdef takeCommand():??????????????????????????????r = sr.Recognizer()??????????????????????????????# from the speech_Recognition module????????????????????????# we will use the Microphone module????????????????????????# for listening the command????????????????????????with sr.Microphone() as source:????????????????????????????????????????????????print('Listening')??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????# seconds of non-speaking audio before????????????????????????????????????????????????# a phrase is considered complete????????????????????????????????????????????????r.pause_threshold = 0.7?????????????????????????????????"Recognizing")??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????# for Listening the command in indian????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????# english we can also use 'hi-In'????"the command is printed=", Query)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"Say that again sir")???????????????????????????????"None"??????????????????????????????????return Query??def speak(audio):??????????????????engine = pyttsx3.init()????????# getter method(gets the current value????????# of engine property)????????voices = engine.getProperty('voices')??????????????????# setter method .[0]=male voice and????????# [1]=female voice in set Property.????????engine.setProperty('voice', voices[0].id)??????????????????# Method for the speaking of the assistant????????engine.say(audio)????????????????????# Blocks while processing all the currently????????# queued commands????????engine.runAndWait()??def tellDay():??????????????????# This function is for telling the????????# day of the week????????day = + 1??????????????????#this line tells us about the number????????# that will help us in telling the day????????Day_dict = {1: 'Monday', 2: 'Tuesday',????????????????????????????????3: 'Wednesday', 4: 'Thursday',????????????????????????????????5: 'Friday', 6: 'Saturday',????????????????????????????????7: 'Sunday'}??????????????????????????????????????????????????????if day in Day_dict.keys():????????????????????????????????????????????????day_of_the_week = Day_d"The day is " + day_of_the_week)????????????def tellTime():??????????????????????????????????????????????????????# This method will give the time????????????????????????time = str("2020-06-05 17:50:14.582630"????????#nd then after slicing we can get time????????print(time)????????hour = time[11:13]????????min = time[14:16]????????speak(self, "The time is sir" + hour + "Hours and" + min + "Minutes")????????????????????????def Hello():??????????????????????????????????????????????????????# This function is for when the assistant????????????????????????# is"hello sir I am your desktop assistant. /??????????????????????????????????????????????")????????????def Take_query():??????????????????????????????# calling the Hello function for????????????????????????# making it more interactive????????????????????????Hello()??????????????????????????????????????????????????????# This loop is infinite as it will take????????????????????????# our queries continuously until and unless????????????????????????# we do not say bye to exit or terminate????????????????????????# the program????????????????????????while(True):??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????# tak"open geeksforgeeks" in query:??????????????????????????????"Opening GeeksforGeeks ")??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????# in the open method we just to give the link??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"")???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"open google" in query:??????????????????????????????"Opening Google ")????????????????????????????????????????"")????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????continu"which day it is" in query:????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????tellDay()???????????????????????"tell me the time" in query:????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????tellTime()????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????continue?"bye" in query:??????????????????????????????"Bye. Check Out GFG for more exciting things")?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"from wikipedia" in query:??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????# if any o"Checking the wikipedia ")??????????????????????????????????????????????"wikipedia", "")??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????# it will give the summary of 4 lines from????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????# wikipedia we can increas"According to wikipedia")????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????spea"tell me your name" in query:??????????????????????????????"I am Jarvis. Your desktop Assistant")??????if __name__ == '__main__':??????????????????????????????????????????????????????# main method for executing???
#Output : pip install pyttsx3
Build a Virtual Assistant Using Python import pyttsx3import speech_recognition as srimport webbrowser??????import datetime??????import wikipedia????????????# this method is for taking the commands# and recognizing the command from the# speech_Recognition module we will use# the recongizer method for recognizingdef takeCommand():??????????????????????????????r = sr.Recognizer()??????????????????????????????# from the speech_Recognition module????????????????????????# we will use the Microphone module????????????????????????# for listening the command????????????????????????with sr.Microphone() as source:????????????????????????????????????????????????print('Listening')??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????# seconds of non-speaking audio before????????????????????????????????????????????????# a phrase is considered complete????????????????????????????????????????????????r.pause_threshold = 0.7?????????????????????????????????"Recognizing")??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????# for Listening the command in indian????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????# english we can also use 'hi-In'????"the command is printed=", Query)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"Say that again sir")???????????????????????????????"None"??????????????????????????????????return Query??def speak(audio):??????????????????engine = pyttsx3.init()????????# getter method(gets the current value????????# of engine property)????????voices = engine.getProperty('voices')??????????????????# setter method .[0]=male voice and????????# [1]=female voice in set Property.????????engine.setProperty('voice', voices[0].id)??????????????????# Method for the speaking of the assistant????????engine.say(audio)????????????????????# Blocks while processing all the currently????????# queued commands????????engine.runAndWait()??def tellDay():??????????????????# This function is for telling the????????# day of the week????????day = + 1??????????????????#this line tells us about the number????????# that will help us in telling the day????????Day_dict = {1: 'Monday', 2: 'Tuesday',????????????????????????????????3: 'Wednesday', 4: 'Thursday',????????????????????????????????5: 'Friday', 6: 'Saturday',????????????????????????????????7: 'Sunday'}??????????????????????????????????????????????????????if day in Day_dict.keys():????????????????????????????????????????????????day_of_the_week = Day_d"The day is " + day_of_the_week)????????????def tellTime():??????????????????????????????????????????????????????# This method will give the time????????????????????????time = str("2020-06-05 17:50:14.582630"????????#nd then after slicing we can get time????????print(time)????????hour = time[11:13]????????min = time[14:16]????????speak(self, "The time is sir" + hour + "Hours and" + min + "Minutes")????????????????????????def Hello():??????????????????????????????????????????????????????# This function is for when the assistant????????????????????????# is"hello sir I am your desktop assistant. /??????????????????????????????????????????????")????????????def Take_query():??????????????????????????????# calling the Hello function for????????????????????????# making it more interactive????????????????????????Hello()??????????????????????????????????????????????????????# This loop is infinite as it will take????????????????????????# our queries continuously until and unless????????????????????????# we do not say bye to exit or terminate????????????????????????# the program????????????????????????while(True):??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????# tak"open geeksforgeeks" in query:??????????????????????????????"Opening GeeksforGeeks ")??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????# in the open method we just to give the link??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"")???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"open google" in query:??????????????????????????????"Opening Google ")????????????????????????????????????????"")????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????continu"which day it is" in query:????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????tellDay()???????????????????????"tell me the time" in query:????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????tellTime()????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????continue?"bye" in query:??????????????????????????????"Bye. Check Out GFG for more exciting things")?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????"from wikipedia" in query:??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????# if any o"Checking the wikipedia ")??????????????????????????????????????????????"wikipedia", "")??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????# it will give the summary of 4 lines from????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????# wikipedia we can increas"According to wikipedia")????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????spea"tell me your name" in query:??????????????????????????????"I am Jarvis. Your desktop Assistant")??????if __name__ == '__main__':??????????????????????????????????????????????????????# main method for executing??? #Output : pip install pyttsx3 [END]
Create a simple assistant using Wolfram Alpha API
# Python program to??????# demonstrate creation of an# assistant using wolf ram API????????????import wolframalpha????????????# Taking input from userquestion = input('Question: ')????????????# App id obtained by the above stepsapp_id = ?????????Your app_id?????????????????????# Instance of wolf ram alpha??????# client classclient = wolframalpha.Client(app_id)????????????# Stores the response from??????# wolf ram alphares = client.query(question)????????????# Includes onl
#Input : What is the capital of India?
Create a simple assistant using Wolfram Alpha API # Python program to??????# demonstrate creation of an# assistant using wolf ram API????????????import wolframalpha????????????# Taking input from userquestion = input('Question: ')????????????# App id obtained by the above stepsapp_id = ?????????Your app_id?????????????????????# Instance of wolf ram alpha??????# client classclient = wolframalpha.Client(app_id)????????????# Stores the response from??????# wolf ram alphares = client.query(question)????????????# Includes onl #Input : What is the capital of India? [END]
Voice Assistant using python
import subprocess import wolframalpha import pyttsx3 import tkinter import json import random import operator import speech_recognition as sr import datetime import wikipedia import webbrowser import os import winshell import pyjokes import feedparser import smtplib import ctypes import time import requests import shutil from import Client from clint.textui import progress from ecapture import ecapture as ec from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import win32com.client as wincl from urllib.request import urlopen
#Output : pip install wolframalpha
Voice Assistant using python import subprocess import wolframalpha import pyttsx3 import tkinter import json import random import operator import speech_recognition as sr import datetime import wikipedia import webbrowser import os import winshell import pyjokes import feedparser import smtplib import ctypes import time import requests import shutil from import Client from clint.textui import progress from ecapture import ecapture as ec from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import win32com.client as wincl from urllib.request import urlopen #Output : pip install wolframalpha [END]
Voice Assistant using python
engine = pyttsx3.init("sapi5") voices = engine.getProperty("voices") engine.setProperty("voice", voices[1].id)
#Output : pip install wolframalpha
Voice Assistant using python engine = pyttsx3.init("sapi5") voices = engine.getProperty("voices") engine.setProperty("voice", voices[1].id) #Output : pip install wolframalpha [END]
Voice Assistant using python
def speak(audio): engine.say(audio) engine.runAndWait() def wishMe(): hour = int( if hour >= 0 and hour < 12: speak("Good Morning Sir !") elif hour >= 12 and hour < 18: speak("Good Afternoon Sir !") else: speak("Good Evening Sir !") assname = "Jarvis 1 point o" speak("I am your Assistant") speak(assname) def username(): speak("What should i call you sir") uname = takeCommand() speak("Welcome Mister") speak(uname) columns = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns print("#####################".center(columns)) print("Welcome Mr.", print("#####################".center(columns)) speak("How can i Help you, Sir") def takeCommand(): r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: print("Listening...") r.pause_threshold = 1 audio = r.listen(source) try: print("Recognizing...") query = r.recognize_google(audio, language="en-in") print(f"User said: {query}\n") except Exception as e: print(e) print("Unable to Recognize your voice.") return "None" return query def sendEmail(to, content): server = smtplib.SMTP("", 587) server.ehlo() server.starttls() # Enable low security in gmail server.login("your email id", "your email password") server.sendmail("your email id", to, content) server.close()
#Output : pip install wolframalpha
Voice Assistant using python def speak(audio): engine.say(audio) engine.runAndWait() def wishMe(): hour = int( if hour >= 0 and hour < 12: speak("Good Morning Sir !") elif hour >= 12 and hour < 18: speak("Good Afternoon Sir !") else: speak("Good Evening Sir !") assname = "Jarvis 1 point o" speak("I am your Assistant") speak(assname) def username(): speak("What should i call you sir") uname = takeCommand() speak("Welcome Mister") speak(uname) columns = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns print("#####################".center(columns)) print("Welcome Mr.", print("#####################".center(columns)) speak("How can i Help you, Sir") def takeCommand(): r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: print("Listening...") r.pause_threshold = 1 audio = r.listen(source) try: print("Recognizing...") query = r.recognize_google(audio, language="en-in") print(f"User said: {query}\n") except Exception as e: print(e) print("Unable to Recognize your voice.") return "None" return query def sendEmail(to, content): server = smtplib.SMTP("", 587) server.ehlo() server.starttls() # Enable low security in gmail server.login("your email id", "your email password") server.sendmail("your email id", to, content) server.close() #Output : pip install wolframalpha [END]
Voice Assistant using python
if __name__ == "__main__": clear = lambda: os.system("cls") # This Function will clean any # command before execution of this python file clear() wishMe() username() while True: query = takeCommand().lower() # All the commands said by user will be # stored here in 'query' and will be # converted to lower case for easily # recognition of command if "wikipedia" in query: speak("Searching Wikipedia...") query = query.replace("wikipedia", "") results = wikipedia.summary(query, sentences=3) speak("According to Wikipedia") print(results) speak(results) elif "open youtube" in query: speak("Here you go to Youtube\n")"") elif "open google" in query: speak("Here you go to Google\n")"") elif "open stackoverflow" in query: speak("Here you go to Stack Over flow.Happy coding")"") elif "play music" in query or "play song" in query: speak("Here you go with music") # music_dir = "G:\\Song" music_dir = "C:\\Users\\GAURAV\\Music" songs = os.listdir(music_dir) print(songs) random = os.startfile(os.path.join(music_dir, songs[1])) elif "the time" in query: strTime ="% H:% M:% S") speak(f"Sir, the time is {strTime}") elif "open opera" in query: codePath = ( r"C:\\Users\\GAURAV\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Opera\\launcher.exe" ) os.startfile(codePath) elif "email to gaurav" in query: try: speak("What should I say?") content = takeCommand() to = "Receiver email address" sendEmail(to, content) speak("Email has been sent !") except Exception as e: print(e) speak("I am not able to send this email") elif "send a mail" in query: try: speak("What should I say?") content = takeCommand() speak("whome should i send") to = input() sendEmail(to, content) speak("Email has been sent !") except Exception as e: print(e) speak("I am not able to send this email") elif "how are you" in query: speak("I am fine, Thank you") speak("How are you, Sir") elif "fine" in query or "good" in query: speak("It's good to know that your fine") elif "change my name to" in query: query = query.replace("change my name to", "") assname = query elif "change name" in query: speak("What would you like to call me, Sir ") assname = takeCommand() speak("Thanks for naming me") elif "what's your name" in query or "What is your name" in query: speak("My friends call me") speak(assname) print("My friends call me", assname) elif "exit" in query: speak("Thanks for giving me your time") exit() elif "who made you" in query or "who created you" in query: speak("I have been created by Gaurav.") elif "joke" in query: speak(pyjokes.get_joke()) elif "calculate" in query: app_id = "Wolframalpha api id" client = wolframalpha.Client(app_id) indx = query.lower().split().index("calculate") query = query.split()[indx + 1 :] res = client.query(" ".join(query)) answer = next(res.results).text print("The answer is " + answer) speak("The answer is " + answer) elif "search" in query or "play" in query: query = query.replace("search", "") query = query.replace("play", "") elif "who i am" in query: speak("If you talk then definitely your human.") elif "why you came to world" in query: speak("Thanks to Gaurav. further It's a secret") elif "power point presentation" in query: speak("opening Power Point presentation") power = r"C:\\Users\\GAURAV\\Desktop\\Minor Project\\Presentation\\Voice Assistant.pptx" os.startfile(power) elif "is love" in query: speak("It is 7th sense that destroy all other senses") elif "who are you" in query: speak("I am your virtual assistant created by Gaurav") elif "reason for you" in query: speak("I was created as a Minor project by Mister Gaurav ") elif "change background" in query: ctypes.windll.user32.SystemParametersInfoW( 20, 0, "Location of wallpaper", 0 ) speak("Background changed successfully") elif "open bluestack" in query: appli = r"C:\\ProgramData\\BlueStacks\\Client\\Bluestacks.exe" os.startfile(appli) elif "news" in query: try: jsonObj = urlopen( """ / v1 / articles?source = the-times-of-india&sortBy = top&apiKey =\\times of India Api key\\""" ) data = json.load(jsonObj) i = 1 speak("here are some top news from the times of india") print("""=============== TIMES OF INDIA ============""" + "\n") for item in data["articles"]: print(str(i) + ". " + item["title"] + "\n") print(item["description"] + "\n") speak(str(i) + ". " + item["title"] + "\n") i += 1 except Exception as e: print(str(e)) elif "lock window" in query: speak("locking the device") ctypes.windll.user32.LockWorkStation() elif "shutdown system" in query: speak("Hold On a Sec ! Your system is on its way to shut down")"shutdown / p /f") elif "empty recycle bin" in query: winshell.recycle_bin().empty(confirm=False, show_progress=False, sound=True) speak("Recycle Bin Recycled") elif "don't listen" in query or "stop listening" in query: speak("for how much time you want to stop jarvis from listening commands") a = int(takeCommand()) time.sleep(a) print(a) elif "where is" in query: query = query.replace("where is", "") location = query speak("User asked to Locate") speak(location)" / maps / place/" + location + "") elif "camera" in query or "take a photo" in query: ec.capture(0, "Jarvis Camera ", "img.jpg") elif "restart" in query:["shutdown", "/r"]) elif "hibernate" in query or "sleep" in query: speak("Hibernating")"shutdown / h") elif "log off" in query or "sign out" in query: speak("Make sure all the application are closed before sign-out") time.sleep(5)["shutdown", "/l"]) elif "write a note" in query: speak("What should i write, sir") note = takeCommand() file = open("jarvis.txt", "w") speak("Sir, Should i include date and time") snfm = takeCommand() if "yes" in snfm or "sure" in snfm: strTime ="% H:% M:% S") file.write(strTime) file.write(" :- ") file.write(note) else: file.write(note) elif "show note" in query: speak("Showing Notes") file = open("jarvis.txt", "r") print( speak( elif "update assistant" in query: speak( "After downloading file please replace this file with the downloaded one" ) url = "# url after uploading file" r = requests.get(url, stream=True) with open("", "wb") as Pypdf: total_length = int(r.headers.get("content-length")) for ch in r.iter_content(chunk_size=2391975), expected_size=(total_length / 1024) + 1, ): if ch: Pypdf.write(ch) # NPPR9-FWDCX-D2C8J-H872K-2YT43 elif "jarvis" in query: wishMe() speak("Jarvis 1 point o in your service Mister") speak(assname) elif "weather" in query: # Google Open weather website # to get API of Open weather api_key = "Api key" base_url = " / data / 2.5 / weather?" speak(" City name ") print("City name : ") city_name = takeCommand() complete_url = base_url + "appid =" + api_key + "&q =" + city_name response = requests.get(complete_url) x = response.json() if x["code"] != "404": y = x["main"] current_temperature = y["temp"] current_pressure = y["pressure"] current_humidiy = y["humidity"] z = x["weather"] weather_description = z[0]["description"] print( " Temperature (in kelvin unit) = " + str(current_temperature) + "\n atmospheric pressure (in hPa unit) =" + str(current_pressure) + "\n humidity (in percentage) = " + str(current_humidiy) + "\n description = " + str(weather_description) ) else: speak(" City Not Found ") elif "send message " in query: # You need to create an account on Twilio to use this service account_sid = "Account Sid key" auth_token = "Auth token" client = Client(account_sid, auth_token) message = client.messages.create( body=takeCommand(), from_="Sender No", to="Receiver No" ) print(message.sid) elif "wikipedia" in query:"") elif "Good Morning" in query: speak("A warm" + query) speak("How are you Mister") speak(assname) # most asked question from google Assistant elif "will you be my gf" in query or "will you be my bf" in query: speak("I'm not sure about, may be you should give me some time") elif "how are you" in query: speak("I'm fine, glad you me that") elif "i love you" in query: speak("It's hard to understand") elif "what is" in query or "who is" in query: # Use the same API key # that we have generated earlier client = wolframalpha.Client("API_ID") res = client.query(query) try: print(next(res.results).text) speak(next(res.results).text) except StopIteration: print("No results") # elif "" in query: # Command go here # For adding more commands
#Output : pip install wolframalpha
Voice Assistant using python if __name__ == "__main__": clear = lambda: os.system("cls") # This Function will clean any # command before execution of this python file clear() wishMe() username() while True: query = takeCommand().lower() # All the commands said by user will be # stored here in 'query' and will be # converted to lower case for easily # recognition of command if "wikipedia" in query: speak("Searching Wikipedia...") query = query.replace("wikipedia", "") results = wikipedia.summary(query, sentences=3) speak("According to Wikipedia") print(results) speak(results) elif "open youtube" in query: speak("Here you go to Youtube\n")"") elif "open google" in query: speak("Here you go to Google\n")"") elif "open stackoverflow" in query: speak("Here you go to Stack Over flow.Happy coding")"") elif "play music" in query or "play song" in query: speak("Here you go with music") # music_dir = "G:\\Song" music_dir = "C:\\Users\\GAURAV\\Music" songs = os.listdir(music_dir) print(songs) random = os.startfile(os.path.join(music_dir, songs[1])) elif "the time" in query: strTime ="% H:% M:% S") speak(f"Sir, the time is {strTime}") elif "open opera" in query: codePath = ( r"C:\\Users\\GAURAV\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Opera\\launcher.exe" ) os.startfile(codePath) elif "email to gaurav" in query: try: speak("What should I say?") content = takeCommand() to = "Receiver email address" sendEmail(to, content) speak("Email has been sent !") except Exception as e: print(e) speak("I am not able to send this email") elif "send a mail" in query: try: speak("What should I say?") content = takeCommand() speak("whome should i send") to = input() sendEmail(to, content) speak("Email has been sent !") except Exception as e: print(e) speak("I am not able to send this email") elif "how are you" in query: speak("I am fine, Thank you") speak("How are you, Sir") elif "fine" in query or "good" in query: speak("It's good to know that your fine") elif "change my name to" in query: query = query.replace("change my name to", "") assname = query elif "change name" in query: speak("What would you like to call me, Sir ") assname = takeCommand() speak("Thanks for naming me") elif "what's your name" in query or "What is your name" in query: speak("My friends call me") speak(assname) print("My friends call me", assname) elif "exit" in query: speak("Thanks for giving me your time") exit() elif "who made you" in query or "who created you" in query: speak("I have been created by Gaurav.") elif "joke" in query: speak(pyjokes.get_joke()) elif "calculate" in query: app_id = "Wolframalpha api id" client = wolframalpha.Client(app_id) indx = query.lower().split().index("calculate") query = query.split()[indx + 1 :] res = client.query(" ".join(query)) answer = next(res.results).text print("The answer is " + answer) speak("The answer is " + answer) elif "search" in query or "play" in query: query = query.replace("search", "") query = query.replace("play", "") elif "who i am" in query: speak("If you talk then definitely your human.") elif "why you came to world" in query: speak("Thanks to Gaurav. further It's a secret") elif "power point presentation" in query: speak("opening Power Point presentation") power = r"C:\\Users\\GAURAV\\Desktop\\Minor Project\\Presentation\\Voice Assistant.pptx" os.startfile(power) elif "is love" in query: speak("It is 7th sense that destroy all other senses") elif "who are you" in query: speak("I am your virtual assistant created by Gaurav") elif "reason for you" in query: speak("I was created as a Minor project by Mister Gaurav ") elif "change background" in query: ctypes.windll.user32.SystemParametersInfoW( 20, 0, "Location of wallpaper", 0 ) speak("Background changed successfully") elif "open bluestack" in query: appli = r"C:\\ProgramData\\BlueStacks\\Client\\Bluestacks.exe" os.startfile(appli) elif "news" in query: try: jsonObj = urlopen( """ / v1 / articles?source = the-times-of-india&sortBy = top&apiKey =\\times of India Api key\\""" ) data = json.load(jsonObj) i = 1 speak("here are some top news from the times of india") print("""=============== TIMES OF INDIA ============""" + "\n") for item in data["articles"]: print(str(i) + ". " + item["title"] + "\n") print(item["description"] + "\n") speak(str(i) + ". " + item["title"] + "\n") i += 1 except Exception as e: print(str(e)) elif "lock window" in query: speak("locking the device") ctypes.windll.user32.LockWorkStation() elif "shutdown system" in query: speak("Hold On a Sec ! Your system is on its way to shut down")"shutdown / p /f") elif "empty recycle bin" in query: winshell.recycle_bin().empty(confirm=False, show_progress=False, sound=True) speak("Recycle Bin Recycled") elif "don't listen" in query or "stop listening" in query: speak("for how much time you want to stop jarvis from listening commands") a = int(takeCommand()) time.sleep(a) print(a) elif "where is" in query: query = query.replace("where is", "") location = query speak("User asked to Locate") speak(location)" / maps / place/" + location + "") elif "camera" in query or "take a photo" in query: ec.capture(0, "Jarvis Camera ", "img.jpg") elif "restart" in query:["shutdown", "/r"]) elif "hibernate" in query or "sleep" in query: speak("Hibernating")"shutdown / h") elif "log off" in query or "sign out" in query: speak("Make sure all the application are closed before sign-out") time.sleep(5)["shutdown", "/l"]) elif "write a note" in query: speak("What should i write, sir") note = takeCommand() file = open("jarvis.txt", "w") speak("Sir, Should i include date and time") snfm = takeCommand() if "yes" in snfm or "sure" in snfm: strTime ="% H:% M:% S") file.write(strTime) file.write(" :- ") file.write(note) else: file.write(note) elif "show note" in query: speak("Showing Notes") file = open("jarvis.txt", "r") print( speak( elif "update assistant" in query: speak( "After downloading file please replace this file with the downloaded one" ) url = "# url after uploading file" r = requests.get(url, stream=True) with open("", "wb") as Pypdf: total_length = int(r.headers.get("content-length")) for ch in r.iter_content(chunk_size=2391975), expected_size=(total_length / 1024) + 1, ): if ch: Pypdf.write(ch) # NPPR9-FWDCX-D2C8J-H872K-2YT43 elif "jarvis" in query: wishMe() speak("Jarvis 1 point o in your service Mister") speak(assname) elif "weather" in query: # Google Open weather website # to get API of Open weather api_key = "Api key" base_url = " / data / 2.5 / weather?" speak(" City name ") print("City name : ") city_name = takeCommand() complete_url = base_url + "appid =" + api_key + "&q =" + city_name response = requests.get(complete_url) x = response.json() if x["code"] != "404": y = x["main"] current_temperature = y["temp"] current_pressure = y["pressure"] current_humidiy = y["humidity"] z = x["weather"] weather_description = z[0]["description"] print( " Temperature (in kelvin unit) = " + str(current_temperature) + "\n atmospheric pressure (in hPa unit) =" + str(current_pressure) + "\n humidity (in percentage) = " + str(current_humidiy) + "\n description = " + str(weather_description) ) else: speak(" City Not Found ") elif "send message " in query: # You need to create an account on Twilio to use this service account_sid = "Account Sid key" auth_token = "Auth token" client = Client(account_sid, auth_token) message = client.messages.create( body=takeCommand(), from_="Sender No", to="Receiver No" ) print(message.sid) elif "wikipedia" in query:"") elif "Good Morning" in query: speak("A warm" + query) speak("How are you Mister") speak(assname) # most asked question from google Assistant elif "will you be my gf" in query or "will you be my bf" in query: speak("I'm not sure about, may be you should give me some time") elif "how are you" in query: speak("I'm fine, glad you me that") elif "i love you" in query: speak("It's hard to understand") elif "what is" in query or "who is" in query: # Use the same API key # that we have generated earlier client = wolframalpha.Client("API_ID") res = client.query(query) try: print(next(res.results).text) speak(next(res.results).text) except StopIteration: print("No results") # elif "" in query: # Command go here # For adding more commands #Output : pip install wolframalpha [END]
Voice search Wikipedia using Python
# Python package supporting common text-to-speech engines import pyttsx3 # For understanding speech import speech_recognition as sr # For fetching the answers # to computational queries import wolframalpha # for fetching wikipedia articles import wikipedia # Function to search the query # that is either entered or spoken # by user def search(query): # try is used for searching with wolframAlpha try: # Generate your App ID from WolframAlpha app_id = "Your WolframAlpha App ID here" client = wolframalpha.Client(app_id) res = client.query(query) answer = next(res.results).text print(answer) SpeakText("Your answer is " + answer) # If the query cannot be searched using # WolframAlpha then it is searched in # wikipedia except: query = query.split(" ") query = " ".join(query[0:]) SpeakText("I am searching for " + query) print(wikipedia.summary(query, sentences=3)) SpeakText(wikipedia.summary(query, sentences=3)) # Function to convert text to # speech def SpeakText(command): # Initialize the engine engine = pyttsx3.init() engine.say(command) engine.runAndWait() # Driver's code # input query from the user by # typing or by voice query = input() query = query.lower() # if query is blank then user # is prompted to speak something. if query == "": r = sr.Recognizer() # uses the default microphone # as the source to record voice with sr.Microphone() as source: print("Say Something ") # reduces the background disturbances # and noise for 2 seconds r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source, 2) # listening to source audio = r.listen(source) try: speech = r.recognize_google(audio) search(speech) # Handling Exceptions if speech # is not understood. except sr.UnknownValueError: print( "Google Speech Recognition could not \ understand audio" ) # Couldn't handle requests, occurs # mainly because of network errors except sr.RequestError as e: print( "Could not request results from Google \ Speech Recognition service;{0}".format( e ) ) else: search(query)
#Output :
Voice search Wikipedia using Python # Python package supporting common text-to-speech engines import pyttsx3 # For understanding speech import speech_recognition as sr # For fetching the answers # to computational queries import wolframalpha # for fetching wikipedia articles import wikipedia # Function to search the query # that is either entered or spoken # by user def search(query): # try is used for searching with wolframAlpha try: # Generate your App ID from WolframAlpha app_id = "Your WolframAlpha App ID here" client = wolframalpha.Client(app_id) res = client.query(query) answer = next(res.results).text print(answer) SpeakText("Your answer is " + answer) # If the query cannot be searched using # WolframAlpha then it is searched in # wikipedia except: query = query.split(" ") query = " ".join(query[0:]) SpeakText("I am searching for " + query) print(wikipedia.summary(query, sentences=3)) SpeakText(wikipedia.summary(query, sentences=3)) # Function to convert text to # speech def SpeakText(command): # Initialize the engine engine = pyttsx3.init() engine.say(command) engine.runAndWait() # Driver's code # input query from the user by # typing or by voice query = input() query = query.lower() # if query is blank then user # is prompted to speak something. if query == "": r = sr.Recognizer() # uses the default microphone # as the source to record voice with sr.Microphone() as source: print("Say Something ") # reduces the background disturbances # and noise for 2 seconds r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source, 2) # listening to source audio = r.listen(source) try: speech = r.recognize_google(audio) search(speech) # Handling Exceptions if speech # is not understood. except sr.UnknownValueError: print( "Google Speech Recognition could not \ understand audio" ) # Couldn't handle requests, occurs # mainly because of network errors except sr.RequestError as e: print( "Could not request results from Google \ Speech Recognition service;{0}".format( e ) ) else: search(query) #Output : [END]
Language Translator Using Google API in Python
# To Print all the languages that google # translator supports import googletrans print(googletrans.LANGUAGES)
#Output : pip install googletrans
Language Translator Using Google API in Python # To Print all the languages that google # translator supports import googletrans print(googletrans.LANGUAGES) #Output : pip install googletrans [END]
Language Translator Using Google API in Python
# Importing necessary modules required import speech_recognition as spr from googletrans import Translator from gtts import gTTS import os # Creating Recogniser() class object recog1 = spr.Recognizer() # Creating microphone instance mc = spr.Microphone() # Capture Voice with mc as source: print("Speak 'hello' to initiate the Translation !") print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") recog1.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source, duration=0.2) audio = recog1.listen(source) MyText = recog1.recognize_google(audio) MyText = MyText.lower() # Here initialising the recorder with # hello, whatever after that hello it # will recognise it. if "hello" in MyText: # Translator method for translation translator = Translator() # short form of english in which # you will speak from_lang = "en" # In which we want to convert, short # form of hindi to_lang = "hi" with mc as source: print("Speak a stentence...") recog1.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source, duration=0.2) # Storing the speech into audio variable audio = recog1.listen(source) # Using method to # convert audio into text get_sentence = recog1.recognize_google(audio) # Using try and except block to improve # its efficiency. try: # Printing Speech which need to # be translated. print("Phase to be Translated :" + get_sentence) # Using translate() method which requires # three arguments, 1st the sentence which # needs to be translated 2nd source language # and 3rd to which we need to translate in text_to_translate = translator.translate( get_sentence, src=from_lang, dest=to_lang ) # Storing the translated text in text # variable text = text_to_translate.text # Using Google-Text-to-Speech ie, gTTS() method # to speak the translated text into the # destination language which is stored in to_lang. # Also, we have given 3rd argument as False because # by default it speaks very slowly speak = gTTS(text=text, lang=to_lang, slow=False) # Using save() method to save the translated # speech in capture_voice.mp3"captured_voice.mp3") # Using OS module to run the translated voice. os.system("start captured_voice.mp3") # Here we are using except block for UnknownValue # and Request Error and printing the same to # provide better service to the user. except spr.UnknownValueError: print("Unable to Understand the Input") except spr.RequestError as e: print("Unable to provide Required Output".format(e))
#Output : pip install googletrans
Language Translator Using Google API in Python # Importing necessary modules required import speech_recognition as spr from googletrans import Translator from gtts import gTTS import os # Creating Recogniser() class object recog1 = spr.Recognizer() # Creating microphone instance mc = spr.Microphone() # Capture Voice with mc as source: print("Speak 'hello' to initiate the Translation !") print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") recog1.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source, duration=0.2) audio = recog1.listen(source) MyText = recog1.recognize_google(audio) MyText = MyText.lower() # Here initialising the recorder with # hello, whatever after that hello it # will recognise it. if "hello" in MyText: # Translator method for translation translator = Translator() # short form of english in which # you will speak from_lang = "en" # In which we want to convert, short # form of hindi to_lang = "hi" with mc as source: print("Speak a stentence...") recog1.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source, duration=0.2) # Storing the speech into audio variable audio = recog1.listen(source) # Using method to # convert audio into text get_sentence = recog1.recognize_google(audio) # Using try and except block to improve # its efficiency. try: # Printing Speech which need to # be translated. print("Phase to be Translated :" + get_sentence) # Using translate() method which requires # three arguments, 1st the sentence which # needs to be translated 2nd source language # and 3rd to which we need to translate in text_to_translate = translator.translate( get_sentence, src=from_lang, dest=to_lang ) # Storing the translated text in text # variable text = text_to_translate.text # Using Google-Text-to-Speech ie, gTTS() method # to speak the translated text into the # destination language which is stored in to_lang. # Also, we have given 3rd argument as False because # by default it speaks very slowly speak = gTTS(text=text, lang=to_lang, slow=False) # Using save() method to save the translated # speech in capture_voice.mp3"captured_voice.mp3") # Using OS module to run the translated voice. os.system("start captured_voice.mp3") # Here we are using except block for UnknownValue # and Request Error and printing the same to # provide better service to the user. except spr.UnknownValueError: print("Unable to Understand the Input") except spr.RequestError as e: print("Unable to provide Required Output".format(e)) #Output : pip install googletrans [END]
How to make a voice assistant for E-mail in Python?
from __future__ import print_function import datetime import pickle import os.path from googleapiclient.discovery import build from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlow from google.auth.transport.requests import Request import os import pyttsx3 import speech_recognition as sr from datetime import date # If modifying these scopes, delete the file token.pickle . # if you run this for the first # t time it will take you to gmail to choose your account SCOPES = [""] def speak(text): engine = pyttsx3.init() voices = engine.getProperty("voices") engine.setProperty("voice", voices[1].id) rate = engine.getProperty("rate") engine.setProperty("rate", rate - 20) engine.say(text) engine.runAndWait() speak("Welcome to mail service") def get_audio(): r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: r.pause_threshold = 1 r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source, duration=1) audio = r.listen(source) said = "" try: said = r.recognize_google(audio) print(said) except: speak("Didn't get that") return said.lower() def authenticate_gmail(): """Shows basic usage of the Gmail API. Lists the user's Gmail labels. """ creds = None # The file token.pickle stores the user's # access and refresh tokens, and is # created automatically when the authorization # flow completes for the first # time. if os.path.exists("token.pickle"): with open("token.pickle", "rb") as token: creds = pickle.load(token) # If there are no (valid) credentials available, # let the user log in. if not creds or not creds.valid: if creds and creds.expired and creds.refresh_token: creds.refresh(Request()) else: flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file("credentials.json", SCOPES) creds = flow.run_local_server(port=0) # Save the credentials for the next run with open("token.pickle", "wb") as token: pickle.dump(creds, token) service = build("gmail", "v1", credentials=creds) return service def check_mails(service): # fetching emails of today's date today = today_main = today.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") # Call the Gmail API results = ( service.users() .messages() .list( userId="me", labelIds=["INBOX", "UNREAD"], q="after:{0} and category:Primary".format(today_main), ) .execute() ) # The above code will get emails from primary # inbox which are unread messages = results.get("messages", []) if not messages: # if no new emails print("No messages found.") speak("No messages found.") else: m = "" # if email found speak("{} new emails found".format(len(messages))) speak("if you want to read any particular email just type read ") speak("and for not reading type leave ") for message in messages: msg = ( service.users() .messages() .get(userId="me", id=message["id"], format="metadata") .execute() ) for add in msg["payload"]["headers"]: if add["name"] == "From": # fetching sender's email name a = str(add["value"].split("<")[0]) print(a) speak("email from" + a) text = input() if text == "read": print(msg["snippet"]) # speak up the mail speak(msg["snippet"]) else: speak("email passed") SERVICE2 = authenticate_gmail() check_mails(SERVICE2)
#Output : pip install pyttsx3
How to make a voice assistant for E-mail in Python? from __future__ import print_function import datetime import pickle import os.path from googleapiclient.discovery import build from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlow from google.auth.transport.requests import Request import os import pyttsx3 import speech_recognition as sr from datetime import date # If modifying these scopes, delete the file token.pickle . # if you run this for the first # t time it will take you to gmail to choose your account SCOPES = [""] def speak(text): engine = pyttsx3.init() voices = engine.getProperty("voices") engine.setProperty("voice", voices[1].id) rate = engine.getProperty("rate") engine.setProperty("rate", rate - 20) engine.say(text) engine.runAndWait() speak("Welcome to mail service") def get_audio(): r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: r.pause_threshold = 1 r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source, duration=1) audio = r.listen(source) said = "" try: said = r.recognize_google(audio) print(said) except: speak("Didn't get that") return said.lower() def authenticate_gmail(): """Shows basic usage of the Gmail API. Lists the user's Gmail labels. """ creds = None # The file token.pickle stores the user's # access and refresh tokens, and is # created automatically when the authorization # flow completes for the first # time. if os.path.exists("token.pickle"): with open("token.pickle", "rb") as token: creds = pickle.load(token) # If there are no (valid) credentials available, # let the user log in. if not creds or not creds.valid: if creds and creds.expired and creds.refresh_token: creds.refresh(Request()) else: flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file("credentials.json", SCOPES) creds = flow.run_local_server(port=0) # Save the credentials for the next run with open("token.pickle", "wb") as token: pickle.dump(creds, token) service = build("gmail", "v1", credentials=creds) return service def check_mails(service): # fetching emails of today's date today = today_main = today.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") # Call the Gmail API results = ( service.users() .messages() .list( userId="me", labelIds=["INBOX", "UNREAD"], q="after:{0} and category:Primary".format(today_main), ) .execute() ) # The above code will get emails from primary # inbox which are unread messages = results.get("messages", []) if not messages: # if no new emails print("No messages found.") speak("No messages found.") else: m = "" # if email found speak("{} new emails found".format(len(messages))) speak("if you want to read any particular email just type read ") speak("and for not reading type leave ") for message in messages: msg = ( service.users() .messages() .get(userId="me", id=message["id"], format="metadata") .execute() ) for add in msg["payload"]["headers"]: if add["name"] == "From": # fetching sender's email name a = str(add["value"].split("<")[0]) print(a) speak("email from" + a) text = input() if text == "read": print(msg["snippet"]) # speak up the mail speak(msg["snippet"]) else: speak("email passed") SERVICE2 = authenticate_gmail() check_mails(SERVICE2) #Output : pip install pyttsx3 [END]
Voice Assistant for Movies using Python
# importing all required libraries import imdb import pyttsx3 import speech_recognition as sr import datetime # Function for speaking def speak(text): engine = pyttsx3.init() voices = engine.getProperty("voices") engine.setProperty("voice", voices[1].id) rate = engine.getProperty("rate") engine.setProperty("rate", rate - 20) engine.say(text) engine.runAndWait() # calling the speak() function speak("Say the movie name") # Function to get input in the audio format def get_audio(): r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: r.pause_threshold = 1 r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source, duration=1) audio = r.listen(source) said = "" try: # will recognize the input said = r.recognize_google(audio) print(said) except: speak("Didn't get that") # will return the input in lowercase return said.lower() # Function for searching movie def search_movie(): # gathering information from IMDb moviesdb = imdb.IMDb() # search for title text = get_audio() # passing input for searching movie movies = moviesdb.search_movie(text) speak("Searching for " + text) if len(movies) == 0: speak("No result found") else: speak("I found these:") for movie in movies: title = movie["title"] year = movie["year"] # speaking title with releasing year speak(f"{title}-{year}") info = movie.getID() movie = moviesdb.get_movie(info) title = movie["title"] year = movie["year"] rating = movie["rating"] plot = movie["plot outline"] # the below if-else is for past and future release if year < int("%Y")): speak( f"{title}was released in {year} has IMDB rating of {rating}.\ The plot summary of movie is{plot}" ) print( f"{title}was released in {year} has IMDB rating of {rating}.\ The plot summary of movie is{plot}" ) break else: speak( f"{title}will release in {year} has IMDB rating of {rating}.\ The plot summary of movie is{plot}" ) print( f"{title}will release in {year} has IMDB rating of {rating}.\ The plot summary of movie is{plot}" ) break search_movie()
#Output : pip install IMDbPY
Voice Assistant for Movies using Python # importing all required libraries import imdb import pyttsx3 import speech_recognition as sr import datetime # Function for speaking def speak(text): engine = pyttsx3.init() voices = engine.getProperty("voices") engine.setProperty("voice", voices[1].id) rate = engine.getProperty("rate") engine.setProperty("rate", rate - 20) engine.say(text) engine.runAndWait() # calling the speak() function speak("Say the movie name") # Function to get input in the audio format def get_audio(): r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: r.pause_threshold = 1 r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source, duration=1) audio = r.listen(source) said = "" try: # will recognize the input said = r.recognize_google(audio) print(said) except: speak("Didn't get that") # will return the input in lowercase return said.lower() # Function for searching movie def search_movie(): # gathering information from IMDb moviesdb = imdb.IMDb() # search for title text = get_audio() # passing input for searching movie movies = moviesdb.search_movie(text) speak("Searching for " + text) if len(movies) == 0: speak("No result found") else: speak("I found these:") for movie in movies: title = movie["title"] year = movie["year"] # speaking title with releasing year speak(f"{title}-{year}") info = movie.getID() movie = moviesdb.get_movie(info) title = movie["title"] year = movie["year"] rating = movie["rating"] plot = movie["plot outline"] # the below if-else is for past and future release if year < int("%Y")): speak( f"{title}was released in {year} has IMDB rating of {rating}.\ The plot summary of movie is{plot}" ) print( f"{title}was released in {year} has IMDB rating of {rating}.\ The plot summary of movie is{plot}" ) break else: speak( f"{title}will release in {year} has IMDB rating of {rating}.\ The plot summary of movie is{plot}" ) print( f"{title}will release in {year} has IMDB rating of {rating}.\ The plot summary of movie is{plot}" ) break search_movie() #Output : pip install IMDbPY [END]
8-bit game using pygame
# Python program to demonstrate # 8 bit game import pygame import sys import random # initialize the constructor pygame.init() res = (720, 720) # randomly assigns a value to variables # ranging from lower limit to upper c1 = random.randint(125, 255) c2 = random.randint(0, 255) c3 = random.randint(0, 255) screen = pygame.display.set_mode(res) clock = pygame.time.Clock() red = (255, 0, 0) green = (0, 255, 0) blue = (0, 0, 255) color_list = [red, green, blue] colox_c1 = 0 colox_c2 = 0 colox_c3 = 254 colox_c4 = 254 # randomly assigns a colour from color_list # to player player_c = random.choice(color_list) # light shade of menu buttons startl = (169, 169, 169) # dark shade of menu buttons startd = (100, 100, 100) white = (255, 255, 255) start = (255, 255, 255) width = screen.get_width() height = screen.get_height() # initial X position of player lead_x = 40 # initial y position of player lead_y = height / 2 x = 300 y = 290 width1 = 100 height1 = 40 enemy_size = 50 # defining a font smallfont = pygame.font.SysFont("Corbel", 35) # texts to be rendered on screen text = smallfont.render("Start", True, white) text1 = smallfont.render("Options", True, white) exit1 = smallfont.render("Exit", True, white) # game title colox = smallfont.render("Colox", True, (c3, c2, c1)) x1 = random.randint(width / 2, width) y1 = random.randint(100, height / 2) x2 = 40 y2 = 40 speed = 15 # score of the player count = 0 rgb = random.choice(color_list) # enemy position e_p = [width, random.randint(50, height - 50)] e1_p = [random.randint(width, width + 100), random.randint(50, height - 100)] # function for game_over def game_over(): while True: # if the player clicks the cross # button for ev in pygame.event.get(): if ev.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() if ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if 100 < mouse1[0] < 140 and height - 100 < mouse1[1] < height - 80: pygame.quit() if ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if ( width - 180 < mouse1[0] < width - 100 and height - 100 < mouse1[1] < height - 80 ): # calling function game game(lead_x, lead_y, speed, count) # fills the screen with specified colour screen.fill((65, 25, 64)) smallfont = pygame.font.SysFont("Corbel", 60) smallfont1 = pygame.font.SysFont("Corbel", 25) game_over = smallfont.render("GAME OVER", True, white) game_exit = smallfont1.render("exit", True, white) restart = smallfont1.render("restart", True, white) mouse1 = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # exit if 100 < mouse1[0] < 140 and height - 100 < mouse1[1] < height - 80: pygame.draw.rect(screen, startl, [100, height - 100, 40, 20]) else: pygame.draw.rect(screen, startd, [100, height - 100, 40, 20]) # restart if ( width - 180 < mouse1[0] < width - 100 and height - 100 < mouse1[1] < height - 80 ): pygame.draw.rect(screen, startl, [width - 180, height - 100, 80, 20]) else: pygame.draw.rect(screen, startd, [width - 180, height - 100, 80, 20]) screen.blit(game_exit, (100, height - 100)) # superimposes one object on other screen.blit(restart, (width - 180, height - 100)) screen.blit(game_over, (width / 2 - 150, 295)) # updates frames of the game pygame.display.update() pygame.draw.rect(screen, startd, [100, height - 100, 40, 20]) pygame.draw.rect(screen, startd, [width - 180, height - 100, 40, 50]) # function for body of the game def game( lead_y, lead_X, speed, count, ): while True: for ev in pygame.event.get(): if ev.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() # player control # keeps track of the key pressed keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_UP]: # if up key is pressed then the players # y pos will decrement by 10 lead_y -= 10 if keys[pygame.K_DOWN]: # if down key is pressed then the y pos # of the player is incremented by 10 lead_y += 10 screen.fill((65, 25, 64)) clock.tick(speed) # draws a rectangle on the screen rect = pygame.draw.rect(screen, player_c, [lead_x, lead_y, 40, 40]) pygame.draw.rect(screen, (c1, c2, c3), [0, 0, width, 40]) pygame.draw.rect(screen, (c3, c2, c1), [0, 680, width, 40]) pygame.draw.rect(screen, startd, [width - 100, 0, 100, 40]) smallfont = pygame.font.SysFont("Corbel", 35) exit2 = smallfont.render("Exit", True, white) # exit # gets the X and y position of mouse # pointer and stores them as a tuple mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if width - 100 < mouse[0] < width and 0 < mouse[1] < 40: pygame.draw.rect(screen, startl, [width - 100, 0, 100, 40]) else: pygame.draw.rect(screen, startd, [width - 100, 0, 100, 40]) if width - 100 < mouse[0] < width and 0 < mouse[1] < 40: if ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: pygame.quit() # enemy position if e_p[0] > 0 and e_p[0] <= width: # if the enemy block's X coordinate is between 0 and # the width of the screen the X value gets # decremented by 10 e_p[0] -= 10 else: if e_p[1] <= 40 or e_p[1] >= height - 40: e_p[1] = height / 2 if e1_p[1] <= 40 or e1_p[1] >= height - 40: e1_p[1] = random.randint(40, height - 40) e_p[1] = random.randint(enemy_size, height - enemy_size) e_p[0] = width # game over # collision detection if lead_x <= e_p[0] <= lead_x + 40 and lead_y >= e_p[1] >= lead_y - 40: game_over() # checks if the player block has collided with the enemy block if ( lead_y <= e_p[1] + enemy_size <= lead_y + 40 and lead_x <= e_p[0] <= lead_x + 40 ): game_over() pygame.draw.rect(screen, red, [e_p[0], e_p[1], enemy_size, enemy_size]) if e1_p[0] > 0 and e1_p[0] <= width + 100: e1_p[0] -= 10 else: if e1_p[1] <= 40 or e1_p[1] >= height - 40: e1_p[1] = height / 2 e1_p[1] = random.randint(enemy_size, height - 40) e1_p[0] = width + 100 if lead_x <= e1_p[0] <= lead_x + 40 and lead_y >= e1_p[1] >= lead_y - 40: e1_p[0] = width + 100 e1_p[1] = random.randint(40, height - 40) count += 1 speed += 1 if ( lead_y <= e1_p[1] + enemy_size <= lead_y + 40 and lead_x <= e1_p[0] <= lead_x + 40 ): e1_p[0] = width + 100 e1_p[1] = random.randint(40, height - 40) # increases the score when blue box is hit count += 1 # increases the speed as score increases speed += 1 if count >= 45: # freezes the game FPS to 60 if # score reaches 45 or more speed = 60 if lead_y <= 38 or lead_y >= height - 38: game_over() if e1_p[0] <= 0: game_over() pygame.draw.rect(screen, blue, [e1_p[0], e1_p[1], enemy_size, enemy_size]) score1 = smallfont.render("Score:", True, white) screen.blit(score1, (width - 120, height - 40)) screen.blit(exit2, (width - 80, 0)) pygame.display.update() # intro def intro( colox_c1, colox_c2, colox, exit1, text1, text, ): intro = True while intro: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() screen.fill((65, 25, 64)) mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # start screen if x < mouse[0] < x + width1 and y < mouse[1] < y + height1: # if mouse is hovered on a button # its colour shade becomes lighter pygame.draw.rect(screen, startl, [x, y, width1, height1]) else: if x < mouse[0] < x + width1 + 40 and y + 70 < mouse[1] < y + 70 + height1: pygame.draw.rect(screen, startl, [x, y + 70, width1 + 40, height1]) else: if x < mouse[0] < width1 + x and y + 140 < mouse[1] < y + 140 + height1: pygame.draw.rect(screen, startl, [x, y + 140, width1, height1]) else: pygame.draw.rect(screen, startd, [x, y, width1, height1]) pygame.draw.rect(screen, startd, [x, y + 70, width1 + 40, height1]) pygame.draw.rect(screen, startd, [x, y + 140, width1, height1]) # start button if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if x < mouse[0] < x + width1 and y < mouse[1] < y + height1: # music() game(lead_y, lead_x, speed, count) if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if x < mouse[0] < width1 + x and y + 140 < mouse[1] < y + 140 + height1: pygame.quit() # this handles the colour breezing effect if 0 <= colox_c1 <= 254 or 0 <= colox_c2 <= 254: colox_c1 += 1 colox_c2 += 1 if colox_c1 >= 254 or colox_c2 >= 254: colox_c1 = c3 colox_c2 = c3 pygame.draw.rect(screen, (c2, colox_c1, colox_c2), [0, 0, 40, height]) pygame.draw.rect(screen, (c2, colox_c1, colox_c2), [width - 40, 0, 40, height]) smallfont = pygame.font.SysFont("Corbel", 35) sig = smallfont.render("Designed by :- Antriksh", True, white) text = smallfont.render("Start", True, white) text1 = smallfont.render("Options", True, white) exit1 = smallfont.render("Exit", True, white) colox = smallfont.render("Colox", True, (c1, colox_c1, colox_c2)) screen.blit(colox, (312, 50)) screen.blit(text, (312, 295)) screen.blit(text1, (312, 365)) screen.blit(exit1, (312, 435)) screen.blit(sig, (320, height - 50)) clock.tick(60) pygame.display.update() intro( colox_c1, colox_c2, colox, exit1, text1, text, )
#Output : pip install pygame
8-bit game using pygame # Python program to demonstrate # 8 bit game import pygame import sys import random # initialize the constructor pygame.init() res = (720, 720) # randomly assigns a value to variables # ranging from lower limit to upper c1 = random.randint(125, 255) c2 = random.randint(0, 255) c3 = random.randint(0, 255) screen = pygame.display.set_mode(res) clock = pygame.time.Clock() red = (255, 0, 0) green = (0, 255, 0) blue = (0, 0, 255) color_list = [red, green, blue] colox_c1 = 0 colox_c2 = 0 colox_c3 = 254 colox_c4 = 254 # randomly assigns a colour from color_list # to player player_c = random.choice(color_list) # light shade of menu buttons startl = (169, 169, 169) # dark shade of menu buttons startd = (100, 100, 100) white = (255, 255, 255) start = (255, 255, 255) width = screen.get_width() height = screen.get_height() # initial X position of player lead_x = 40 # initial y position of player lead_y = height / 2 x = 300 y = 290 width1 = 100 height1 = 40 enemy_size = 50 # defining a font smallfont = pygame.font.SysFont("Corbel", 35) # texts to be rendered on screen text = smallfont.render("Start", True, white) text1 = smallfont.render("Options", True, white) exit1 = smallfont.render("Exit", True, white) # game title colox = smallfont.render("Colox", True, (c3, c2, c1)) x1 = random.randint(width / 2, width) y1 = random.randint(100, height / 2) x2 = 40 y2 = 40 speed = 15 # score of the player count = 0 rgb = random.choice(color_list) # enemy position e_p = [width, random.randint(50, height - 50)] e1_p = [random.randint(width, width + 100), random.randint(50, height - 100)] # function for game_over def game_over(): while True: # if the player clicks the cross # button for ev in pygame.event.get(): if ev.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() if ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if 100 < mouse1[0] < 140 and height - 100 < mouse1[1] < height - 80: pygame.quit() if ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if ( width - 180 < mouse1[0] < width - 100 and height - 100 < mouse1[1] < height - 80 ): # calling function game game(lead_x, lead_y, speed, count) # fills the screen with specified colour screen.fill((65, 25, 64)) smallfont = pygame.font.SysFont("Corbel", 60) smallfont1 = pygame.font.SysFont("Corbel", 25) game_over = smallfont.render("GAME OVER", True, white) game_exit = smallfont1.render("exit", True, white) restart = smallfont1.render("restart", True, white) mouse1 = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # exit if 100 < mouse1[0] < 140 and height - 100 < mouse1[1] < height - 80: pygame.draw.rect(screen, startl, [100, height - 100, 40, 20]) else: pygame.draw.rect(screen, startd, [100, height - 100, 40, 20]) # restart if ( width - 180 < mouse1[0] < width - 100 and height - 100 < mouse1[1] < height - 80 ): pygame.draw.rect(screen, startl, [width - 180, height - 100, 80, 20]) else: pygame.draw.rect(screen, startd, [width - 180, height - 100, 80, 20]) screen.blit(game_exit, (100, height - 100)) # superimposes one object on other screen.blit(restart, (width - 180, height - 100)) screen.blit(game_over, (width / 2 - 150, 295)) # updates frames of the game pygame.display.update() pygame.draw.rect(screen, startd, [100, height - 100, 40, 20]) pygame.draw.rect(screen, startd, [width - 180, height - 100, 40, 50]) # function for body of the game def game( lead_y, lead_X, speed, count, ): while True: for ev in pygame.event.get(): if ev.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() # player control # keeps track of the key pressed keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_UP]: # if up key is pressed then the players # y pos will decrement by 10 lead_y -= 10 if keys[pygame.K_DOWN]: # if down key is pressed then the y pos # of the player is incremented by 10 lead_y += 10 screen.fill((65, 25, 64)) clock.tick(speed) # draws a rectangle on the screen rect = pygame.draw.rect(screen, player_c, [lead_x, lead_y, 40, 40]) pygame.draw.rect(screen, (c1, c2, c3), [0, 0, width, 40]) pygame.draw.rect(screen, (c3, c2, c1), [0, 680, width, 40]) pygame.draw.rect(screen, startd, [width - 100, 0, 100, 40]) smallfont = pygame.font.SysFont("Corbel", 35) exit2 = smallfont.render("Exit", True, white) # exit # gets the X and y position of mouse # pointer and stores them as a tuple mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if width - 100 < mouse[0] < width and 0 < mouse[1] < 40: pygame.draw.rect(screen, startl, [width - 100, 0, 100, 40]) else: pygame.draw.rect(screen, startd, [width - 100, 0, 100, 40]) if width - 100 < mouse[0] < width and 0 < mouse[1] < 40: if ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: pygame.quit() # enemy position if e_p[0] > 0 and e_p[0] <= width: # if the enemy block's X coordinate is between 0 and # the width of the screen the X value gets # decremented by 10 e_p[0] -= 10 else: if e_p[1] <= 40 or e_p[1] >= height - 40: e_p[1] = height / 2 if e1_p[1] <= 40 or e1_p[1] >= height - 40: e1_p[1] = random.randint(40, height - 40) e_p[1] = random.randint(enemy_size, height - enemy_size) e_p[0] = width # game over # collision detection if lead_x <= e_p[0] <= lead_x + 40 and lead_y >= e_p[1] >= lead_y - 40: game_over() # checks if the player block has collided with the enemy block if ( lead_y <= e_p[1] + enemy_size <= lead_y + 40 and lead_x <= e_p[0] <= lead_x + 40 ): game_over() pygame.draw.rect(screen, red, [e_p[0], e_p[1], enemy_size, enemy_size]) if e1_p[0] > 0 and e1_p[0] <= width + 100: e1_p[0] -= 10 else: if e1_p[1] <= 40 or e1_p[1] >= height - 40: e1_p[1] = height / 2 e1_p[1] = random.randint(enemy_size, height - 40) e1_p[0] = width + 100 if lead_x <= e1_p[0] <= lead_x + 40 and lead_y >= e1_p[1] >= lead_y - 40: e1_p[0] = width + 100 e1_p[1] = random.randint(40, height - 40) count += 1 speed += 1 if ( lead_y <= e1_p[1] + enemy_size <= lead_y + 40 and lead_x <= e1_p[0] <= lead_x + 40 ): e1_p[0] = width + 100 e1_p[1] = random.randint(40, height - 40) # increases the score when blue box is hit count += 1 # increases the speed as score increases speed += 1 if count >= 45: # freezes the game FPS to 60 if # score reaches 45 or more speed = 60 if lead_y <= 38 or lead_y >= height - 38: game_over() if e1_p[0] <= 0: game_over() pygame.draw.rect(screen, blue, [e1_p[0], e1_p[1], enemy_size, enemy_size]) score1 = smallfont.render("Score:", True, white) screen.blit(score1, (width - 120, height - 40)) screen.blit(exit2, (width - 80, 0)) pygame.display.update() # intro def intro( colox_c1, colox_c2, colox, exit1, text1, text, ): intro = True while intro: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() screen.fill((65, 25, 64)) mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # start screen if x < mouse[0] < x + width1 and y < mouse[1] < y + height1: # if mouse is hovered on a button # its colour shade becomes lighter pygame.draw.rect(screen, startl, [x, y, width1, height1]) else: if x < mouse[0] < x + width1 + 40 and y + 70 < mouse[1] < y + 70 + height1: pygame.draw.rect(screen, startl, [x, y + 70, width1 + 40, height1]) else: if x < mouse[0] < width1 + x and y + 140 < mouse[1] < y + 140 + height1: pygame.draw.rect(screen, startl, [x, y + 140, width1, height1]) else: pygame.draw.rect(screen, startd, [x, y, width1, height1]) pygame.draw.rect(screen, startd, [x, y + 70, width1 + 40, height1]) pygame.draw.rect(screen, startd, [x, y + 140, width1, height1]) # start button if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if x < mouse[0] < x + width1 and y < mouse[1] < y + height1: # music() game(lead_y, lead_x, speed, count) if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if x < mouse[0] < width1 + x and y + 140 < mouse[1] < y + 140 + height1: pygame.quit() # this handles the colour breezing effect if 0 <= colox_c1 <= 254 or 0 <= colox_c2 <= 254: colox_c1 += 1 colox_c2 += 1 if colox_c1 >= 254 or colox_c2 >= 254: colox_c1 = c3 colox_c2 = c3 pygame.draw.rect(screen, (c2, colox_c1, colox_c2), [0, 0, 40, height]) pygame.draw.rect(screen, (c2, colox_c1, colox_c2), [width - 40, 0, 40, height]) smallfont = pygame.font.SysFont("Corbel", 35) sig = smallfont.render("Designed by :- Antriksh", True, white) text = smallfont.render("Start", True, white) text1 = smallfont.render("Options", True, white) exit1 = smallfont.render("Exit", True, white) colox = smallfont.render("Colox", True, (c1, colox_c1, colox_c2)) screen.blit(colox, (312, 50)) screen.blit(text, (312, 295)) screen.blit(text1, (312, 365)) screen.blit(exit1, (312, 435)) screen.blit(sig, (320, height - 50)) clock.tick(60) pygame.display.update() intro( colox_c1, colox_c2, colox, exit1, text1, text, ) #Output : pip install pygame [END]
Caller ID Lookup using Python
# import module import requests import pandas as pd from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # link for extract html data # Making a GET request def getdata(url): r = requests.get(url) return r.text # API key # Enter your own API key instead of 'YOUR API KEY' api = "YOUR API KEY" # number and country code number = "9852638787" country = "IN" # pass Your API, number and country code # in getdata function htmldata = getdata( "" + api + "&number=" + number + "&country_code=" + country + "&format=1" ) soup = BeautifulSoup(htmldata, "html.parser") print(soup)
#Output : pip install bs4
Caller ID Lookup using Python # import module import requests import pandas as pd from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # link for extract html data # Making a GET request def getdata(url): r = requests.get(url) return r.text # API key # Enter your own API key instead of 'YOUR API KEY' api = "YOUR API KEY" # number and country code number = "9852638787" country = "IN" # pass Your API, number and country code # in getdata function htmldata = getdata( "" + api + "&number=" + number + "&country_code=" + country + "&format=1" ) soup = BeautifulSoup(htmldata, "html.parser") print(soup) #Output : pip install bs4 [END]
Tweet using Python
# importing the module import tweepy # personal details consumer_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" consumer_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" access_token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" access_token_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" # authentication of consumer key and secret auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) # authentication of access token and secret auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth) # update the status api.update_status(status="Hello Everyone !")
#Output :
Tweet using Python # importing the module import tweepy # personal details consumer_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" consumer_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" access_token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" access_token_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" # authentication of consumer key and secret auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) # authentication of access token and secret auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth) # update the status api.update_status(status="Hello Everyone !") #Output : [END]
Tweet using Python
time.sleep(600) # waits for 600 seconds
#Output :
Tweet using Python time.sleep(600) # waits for 600 seconds #Output : [END]
Tweet using Python
# importing the module import tweepy # personal information consumer_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" consumer_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" access_token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" access_token_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" # authentication auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth) tweet = "Text part of the tweet" # toDo image_path = "path of the image" # toDo # to attach the media file status = api.update_with_media(image_path, tweet) api.update_status(status=tweet)
#Output :
Tweet using Python # importing the module import tweepy # personal information consumer_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" consumer_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" access_token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" access_token_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" # authentication auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth) tweet = "Text part of the tweet" # toDo image_path = "path of the image" # toDo # to attach the media file status = api.update_with_media(image_path, tweet) api.update_status(status=tweet) #Output : [END]
How to make Flappy Bird Game in Pygame?
# For generating random height of pipes import random import sys import pygame from pygame.locals import * # Global Variables for the game window_width = 600 window_height = 499 # set height and width of window window = pygame.display.set_mode((window_width, window_height)) elevation = window_height * 0.8 game_images = {} framepersecond = 32 pipeimage = "images/pipe.png" background_image = "images/background.jpg" birdplayer_image = "/images/bird.png" sealevel_image = "/images/base.jfif"
#Output : pip install pygame
How to make Flappy Bird Game in Pygame? # For generating random height of pipes import random import sys import pygame from pygame.locals import * # Global Variables for the game window_width = 600 window_height = 499 # set height and width of window window = pygame.display.set_mode((window_width, window_height)) elevation = window_height * 0.8 game_images = {} framepersecond = 32 pipeimage = "images/pipe.png" background_image = "images/background.jpg" birdplayer_image = "/images/bird.png" sealevel_image = "/images/base.jfif" #Output : pip install pygame [END]
How to make Flappy Bird Game in Pygame?
# program where the game starts if __name__ == "__main__": # For initializing modules of pygame library pygame.init() framepersecond_clock = pygame.time.Clock() # Sets the title on top of game window pygame.display.set_caption("Flappy Bird Game") # Load all the images which we will use in the game # images for displaying score game_images["scoreimages"] = ( pygame.image.load("images/0.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/1.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/2.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/3.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/4.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/5.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/6.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/7.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/8.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/9.png").convert_alpha(), ) game_images["flappybird"] = pygame.image.load(birdplayer_image).convert_alpha() game_images["sea_level"] = pygame.image.load(sealevel_image).convert_alpha() game_images["background"] = pygame.image.load(background_image).convert_alpha() game_images["pipeimage"] = ( pygame.transform.rotate(pygame.image.load(pipeimage).convert_alpha(), 180), pygame.image.load(pipeimage).convert_alpha(), ) print("WELCOME TO THE FLAPPY BIRD GAME") print("Press space or enter to start the game")
#Output : pip install pygame
How to make Flappy Bird Game in Pygame? # program where the game starts if __name__ == "__main__": # For initializing modules of pygame library pygame.init() framepersecond_clock = pygame.time.Clock() # Sets the title on top of game window pygame.display.set_caption("Flappy Bird Game") # Load all the images which we will use in the game # images for displaying score game_images["scoreimages"] = ( pygame.image.load("images/0.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/1.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/2.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/3.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/4.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/5.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/6.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/7.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/8.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/9.png").convert_alpha(), ) game_images["flappybird"] = pygame.image.load(birdplayer_image).convert_alpha() game_images["sea_level"] = pygame.image.load(sealevel_image).convert_alpha() game_images["background"] = pygame.image.load(background_image).convert_alpha() game_images["pipeimage"] = ( pygame.transform.rotate(pygame.image.load(pipeimage).convert_alpha(), 180), pygame.image.load(pipeimage).convert_alpha(), ) print("WELCOME TO THE FLAPPY BIRD GAME") print("Press space or enter to start the game") #Output : pip install pygame [END]
How to make Flappy Bird Game in Pygame?
while True: # sets the coordinates of flappy bird horizontal = int(window_width / 5) vertical = int((window_height - game_images["flappybird"].get_height()) / 2) # for selevel ground = 0 while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): # if user clicks on cross button, close the game if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE): pygame.quit() # Exit the program sys.exit() # If the user presses space or up key, # start the game for them elif event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.key == K_SPACE or event.key == K_UP): flappygame() # if user doesn't press anykey Nothing happen else: window.blit(game_images["background"], (0, 0)) window.blit(game_images["flappybird"], (horizontal, vertical)) window.blit(game_images["sea_level"], (ground, elevation)) # Just Refresh the screen pygame.display.update() # set the rate of frame per second framepersecond_clock.tick(framepersecond)
#Output : pip install pygame
How to make Flappy Bird Game in Pygame? while True: # sets the coordinates of flappy bird horizontal = int(window_width / 5) vertical = int((window_height - game_images["flappybird"].get_height()) / 2) # for selevel ground = 0 while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): # if user clicks on cross button, close the game if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE): pygame.quit() # Exit the program sys.exit() # If the user presses space or up key, # start the game for them elif event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.key == K_SPACE or event.key == K_UP): flappygame() # if user doesn't press anykey Nothing happen else: window.blit(game_images["background"], (0, 0)) window.blit(game_images["flappybird"], (horizontal, vertical)) window.blit(game_images["sea_level"], (ground, elevation)) # Just Refresh the screen pygame.display.update() # set the rate of frame per second framepersecond_clock.tick(framepersecond) #Output : pip install pygame [END]
How to make Flappy Bird Game in Pygame?
def createPipe(): offset = window_height / 3 pipeHeight = game_images["pipeimage"][0].get_height() # generating random height of pipes y2 = offset + random.randrange( 0, int(window_height - game_images["sea_level"].get_height() - 1.2 * offset) ) pipeX = window_width + 10 y1 = pipeHeight - y2 + offset pipe = [ # upper Pipe {"x": pipeX, "y": -y1}, # lower Pipe {"x": pipeX, "y": y2}, ] return pipe
#Output : pip install pygame
How to make Flappy Bird Game in Pygame? def createPipe(): offset = window_height / 3 pipeHeight = game_images["pipeimage"][0].get_height() # generating random height of pipes y2 = offset + random.randrange( 0, int(window_height - game_images["sea_level"].get_height() - 1.2 * offset) ) pipeX = window_width + 10 y1 = pipeHeight - y2 + offset pipe = [ # upper Pipe {"x": pipeX, "y": -y1}, # lower Pipe {"x": pipeX, "y": y2}, ] return pipe #Output : pip install pygame [END]
How to make Flappy Bird Game in Pygame?
# Checking if bird is above the sealevel.def isGameOver(horizontal, vertical, up_pipes, down_pipes):????????????????????????if vertical > elevation - 25 or vertical < 0:??????????????????????????????????????????????????????return True????????????????????????????????????# Checking if bird hits the upper pipe or not????????????????????????for pipe in up_pipes:????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????pipeHeight = game_images['pipeimage'][0].get_height()????????????????????????????????????????????????if(vertical < pipeHeight + pipe['y']????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????and abs(horizontal - pipe['x']) < game_images['pipeimage'][0].get_width()):????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????return True?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
#Output : pip install pygame
How to make Flappy Bird Game in Pygame? # Checking if bird is above the sealevel.def isGameOver(horizontal, vertical, up_pipes, down_pipes):????????????????????????if vertical > elevation - 25 or vertical < 0:??????????????????????????????????????????????????????return True????????????????????????????????????# Checking if bird hits the upper pipe or not????????????????????????for pipe in up_pipes:????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????pipeHeight = game_images['pipeimage'][0].get_height()????????????????????????????????????????????????if(vertical < pipeHeight + pipe['y']????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????and abs(horizontal - pipe['x']) < game_images['pipeimage'][0].get_width()):????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????return True????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? #Output : pip install pygame [END]
How to make Flappy Bird Game in Pygame?
def flappygame(): your_score = 0 horizontal = int(window_width / 5) vertical = int(window_width / 2) ground = 0 mytempheight = 100 # Generating two pipes for blitting on window first_pipe = createPipe() second_pipe = createPipe() # List containing lower pipes down_pipes = [ {"x": window_width + 300 - mytempheight, "y": first_pipe[1]["y"]}, { "x": window_width + 300 - mytempheight + (window_width / 2), "y": second_pipe[1]["y"], }, ] # List Containing upper pipes up_pipes = [ {"x": window_width + 300 - mytempheight, "y": first_pipe[0]["y"]}, { "x": window_width + 200 - mytempheight + (window_width / 2), "y": second_pipe[0]["y"], }, ] pipeVelX = -4 # pipe velocity along x bird_velocity_y = -9 # bird velocity bird_Max_Vel_Y = 10 bird_Min_Vel_Y = -8 birdAccY = 1 # velocity while flapping bird_flap_velocity = -8 # It is true only when the bird is flapping bird_flapped = False while True: # Handling the key pressing events for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE): pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.key == K_SPACE or event.key == K_UP): if vertical > 0: bird_velocity_y = bird_flap_velocity bird_flapped = True # This function will return true if the flappybird is crashed game_over = isGameOver(horizontal, vertical, up_pipes, down_pipes) if game_over: return # check for your_score playerMidPos = horizontal + game_images["flappybird"].get_width() / 2 for pipe in up_pipes: pipeMidPos = pipe["x"] + game_images["pipeimage"][0].get_width() / 2 if pipeMidPos <= playerMidPos < pipeMidPos + 4: # Printing the score your_score += 1 print(f"Your your_score is {your_score}") if bird_velocity_y < bird_Max_Vel_Y and not bird_flapped: bird_velocity_y += birdAccY if bird_flapped: bird_flapped = False playerHeight = game_images["flappybird"].get_height() vertical = vertical + min(bird_velocity_y, elevation - vertical - playerHeight) # move pipes to the left for upperPipe, lowerPipe in zip(up_pipes, down_pipes): upperPipe["x"] += pipeVelX lowerPipe["x"] += pipeVelX # Add a new pipe when the first is about # to cross the leftmost part of the screen if 0 < up_pipes[0]["x"] < 5: newpipe = createPipe() up_pipes.append(newpipe[0]) down_pipes.append(newpipe[1]) # if the pipe is out of the screen, remove it if up_pipes[0]["x"] < -game_images["pipeimage"][0].get_width(): up_pipes.pop(0) down_pipes.pop(0) # Lets blit our game images now window.blit(game_images["background"], (0, 0)) for upperPipe, lowerPipe in zip(up_pipes, down_pipes): window.blit(game_images["pipeimage"][0], (upperPipe["x"], upperPipe["y"])) window.blit(game_images["pipeimage"][1], (lowerPipe["x"], lowerPipe["y"])) window.blit(game_images["sea_level"], (ground, elevation)) window.blit(game_images["flappybird"], (horizontal, vertical)) # Fetching the digits of score. numbers = [int(x) for x in list(str(your_score))] width = 0 # finding the width of score images from numbers. for num in numbers: width += game_images["scoreimages"][num].get_width() Xoffset = (window_width - width) / 1.1 # Blitting the images on the window. for num in numbers: window.blit(game_images["scoreimages"][num], (Xoffset, window_width * 0.02)) Xoffset += game_images["scoreimages"][num].get_width() # Refreshing the game window and displaying the score. pygame.display.update() # Set the framepersecond framepersecond_clock.tick(framepersecond)
#Output : pip install pygame
How to make Flappy Bird Game in Pygame? def flappygame(): your_score = 0 horizontal = int(window_width / 5) vertical = int(window_width / 2) ground = 0 mytempheight = 100 # Generating two pipes for blitting on window first_pipe = createPipe() second_pipe = createPipe() # List containing lower pipes down_pipes = [ {"x": window_width + 300 - mytempheight, "y": first_pipe[1]["y"]}, { "x": window_width + 300 - mytempheight + (window_width / 2), "y": second_pipe[1]["y"], }, ] # List Containing upper pipes up_pipes = [ {"x": window_width + 300 - mytempheight, "y": first_pipe[0]["y"]}, { "x": window_width + 200 - mytempheight + (window_width / 2), "y": second_pipe[0]["y"], }, ] pipeVelX = -4 # pipe velocity along x bird_velocity_y = -9 # bird velocity bird_Max_Vel_Y = 10 bird_Min_Vel_Y = -8 birdAccY = 1 # velocity while flapping bird_flap_velocity = -8 # It is true only when the bird is flapping bird_flapped = False while True: # Handling the key pressing events for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE): pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.key == K_SPACE or event.key == K_UP): if vertical > 0: bird_velocity_y = bird_flap_velocity bird_flapped = True # This function will return true if the flappybird is crashed game_over = isGameOver(horizontal, vertical, up_pipes, down_pipes) if game_over: return # check for your_score playerMidPos = horizontal + game_images["flappybird"].get_width() / 2 for pipe in up_pipes: pipeMidPos = pipe["x"] + game_images["pipeimage"][0].get_width() / 2 if pipeMidPos <= playerMidPos < pipeMidPos + 4: # Printing the score your_score += 1 print(f"Your your_score is {your_score}") if bird_velocity_y < bird_Max_Vel_Y and not bird_flapped: bird_velocity_y += birdAccY if bird_flapped: bird_flapped = False playerHeight = game_images["flappybird"].get_height() vertical = vertical + min(bird_velocity_y, elevation - vertical - playerHeight) # move pipes to the left for upperPipe, lowerPipe in zip(up_pipes, down_pipes): upperPipe["x"] += pipeVelX lowerPipe["x"] += pipeVelX # Add a new pipe when the first is about # to cross the leftmost part of the screen if 0 < up_pipes[0]["x"] < 5: newpipe = createPipe() up_pipes.append(newpipe[0]) down_pipes.append(newpipe[1]) # if the pipe is out of the screen, remove it if up_pipes[0]["x"] < -game_images["pipeimage"][0].get_width(): up_pipes.pop(0) down_pipes.pop(0) # Lets blit our game images now window.blit(game_images["background"], (0, 0)) for upperPipe, lowerPipe in zip(up_pipes, down_pipes): window.blit(game_images["pipeimage"][0], (upperPipe["x"], upperPipe["y"])) window.blit(game_images["pipeimage"][1], (lowerPipe["x"], lowerPipe["y"])) window.blit(game_images["sea_level"], (ground, elevation)) window.blit(game_images["flappybird"], (horizontal, vertical)) # Fetching the digits of score. numbers = [int(x) for x in list(str(your_score))] width = 0 # finding the width of score images from numbers. for num in numbers: width += game_images["scoreimages"][num].get_width() Xoffset = (window_width - width) / 1.1 # Blitting the images on the window. for num in numbers: window.blit(game_images["scoreimages"][num], (Xoffset, window_width * 0.02)) Xoffset += game_images["scoreimages"][num].get_width() # Refreshing the game window and displaying the score. pygame.display.update() # Set the framepersecond framepersecond_clock.tick(framepersecond) #Output : pip install pygame [END]
How to make Flappy Bird Game in Pygame?
# Import module import random import sys import pygame from pygame.locals import * # All the Game Variables window_width = 600 window_height = 499 # set height and width of window window = pygame.display.set_mode((window_width, window_height)) elevation = window_height * 0.8 game_images = {} framepersecond = 32 pipeimage = "images/pipe.png" background_image = "images/background.jpg" birdplayer_image = "images/bird.png" sealevel_image = "images/base.jfif" def flappygame(): your_score = 0 horizontal = int(window_width / 5) vertical = int(window_width / 2) ground = 0 mytempheight = 100 # Generating two pipes for blitting on window first_pipe = createPipe() second_pipe = createPipe() # List containing lower pipes down_pipes = [ {"x": window_width + 300 - mytempheight, "y": first_pipe[1]["y"]}, { "x": window_width + 300 - mytempheight + (window_width / 2), "y": second_pipe[1]["y"], }, ] # List Containing upper pipes up_pipes = [ {"x": window_width + 300 - mytempheight, "y": first_pipe[0]["y"]}, { "x": window_width + 200 - mytempheight + (window_width / 2), "y": second_pipe[0]["y"], }, ] # pipe velocity along x pipeVelX = -4 # bird velocity bird_velocity_y = -9 bird_Max_Vel_Y = 10 bird_Min_Vel_Y = -8 birdAccY = 1 bird_flap_velocity = -8 bird_flapped = False while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE): pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.key == K_SPACE or event.key == K_UP): if vertical > 0: bird_velocity_y = bird_flap_velocity bird_flapped = True # This function will return true # if the flappybird is crashed game_over = isGameOver(horizontal, vertical, up_pipes, down_pipes) if game_over: return # check for your_score playerMidPos = horizontal + game_images["flappybird"].get_width() / 2 for pipe in up_pipes: pipeMidPos = pipe["x"] + game_images["pipeimage"][0].get_width() / 2 if pipeMidPos <= playerMidPos < pipeMidPos + 4: your_score += 1 print(f"Your your_score is {your_score}") if bird_velocity_y < bird_Max_Vel_Y and not bird_flapped: bird_velocity_y += birdAccY if bird_flapped: bird_flapped = False playerHeight = game_images["flappybird"].get_height() vertical = vertical + min(bird_velocity_y, elevation - vertical - playerHeight) # move pipes to the left for upperPipe, lowerPipe in zip(up_pipes, down_pipes): upperPipe["x"] += pipeVelX lowerPipe["x"] += pipeVelX # Add a new pipe when the first is # about to cross the leftmost part of the screen if 0 < up_pipes[0]["x"] < 5: newpipe = createPipe() up_pipes.append(newpipe[0]) down_pipes.append(newpipe[1]) # if the pipe is out of the screen, remove it if up_pipes[0]["x"] < -game_images["pipeimage"][0].get_width(): up_pipes.pop(0) down_pipes.pop(0) # Lets blit our game images now window.blit(game_images["background"], (0, 0)) for upperPipe, lowerPipe in zip(up_pipes, down_pipes): window.blit(game_images["pipeimage"][0], (upperPipe["x"], upperPipe["y"])) window.blit(game_images["pipeimage"][1], (lowerPipe["x"], lowerPipe["y"])) window.blit(game_images["sea_level"], (ground, elevation)) window.blit(game_images["flappybird"], (horizontal, vertical)) # Fetching the digits of score. numbers = [int(x) for x in list(str(your_score))] width = 0 # finding the width of score images from numbers. for num in numbers: width += game_images["scoreimages"][num].get_width() Xoffset = (window_width - width) / 1.1 # Blitting the images on the window. for num in numbers: window.blit(game_images["scoreimages"][num], (Xoffset, window_width * 0.02)) Xoffset += game_images["scoreimages"][num].get_width() # Refreshing the game window and displaying the score. pygame.display.update() framepersecond_clock.tick(framepersecond) def isGameOver(horizontal, vertical, up_pipes, down_pipes): if vertical > elevation - 25 or vertical < 0: return True for pipe in up_pipes: pipeHeight = game_images["pipeimage"][0].get_height() if ( vertical < pipeHeight + pipe["y"] and abs(horizontal - pipe["x"]) < game_images["pipeimage"][0].get_width() ): return True for pipe in down_pipes: if (vertical + game_images["flappybird"].get_height() > pipe["y"]) and abs( horizontal - pipe["x"] ) < game_images["pipeimage"][0].get_width(): return True return False def createPipe(): offset = window_height / 3 pipeHeight = game_images["pipeimage"][0].get_height() y2 = offset + random.randrange( 0, int(window_height - game_images["sea_level"].get_height() - 1.2 * offset) ) pipeX = window_width + 10 y1 = pipeHeight - y2 + offset pipe = [ # upper Pipe {"x": pipeX, "y": -y1}, # lower Pipe {"x": pipeX, "y": y2}, ] return pipe # program where the game starts if __name__ == "__main__": # For initializing modules of pygame library pygame.init() framepersecond_clock = pygame.time.Clock() # Sets the title on top of game window pygame.display.set_caption("Flappy Bird Game") # Load all the images which we will use in the game # images for displaying score game_images["scoreimages"] = ( pygame.image.load("images/0.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/1.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/2.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/3.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/4.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/5.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/6.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/7.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/8.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/9.png").convert_alpha(), ) game_images["flappybird"] = pygame.image.load(birdplayer_image).convert_alpha() game_images["sea_level"] = pygame.image.load(sealevel_image).convert_alpha() game_images["background"] = pygame.image.load(background_image).convert_alpha() game_images["pipeimage"] = ( pygame.transform.rotate(pygame.image.load(pipeimage).convert_alpha(), 180), pygame.image.load(pipeimage).convert_alpha(), ) print("WELCOME TO THE FLAPPY BIRD GAME") print("Press space or enter to start the game") # Here starts the main game while True: # sets the coordinates of flappy bird horizontal = int(window_width / 5) vertical = int((window_height - game_images["flappybird"].get_height()) / 2) ground = 0 while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): # if user clicks on cross button, close the game if event.type == QUIT or ( event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE ): pygame.quit() sys.exit() # If the user presses space or # up key, start the game for them elif event.type == KEYDOWN and ( event.key == K_SPACE or event.key == K_UP ): flappygame() # if user doesn't press anykey Nothing happen else: window.blit(game_images["background"], (0, 0)) window.blit(game_images["flappybird"], (horizontal, vertical)) window.blit(game_images["sea_level"], (ground, elevation)) pygame.display.update() framepersecond_clock.tick(framepersecond)
#Output : pip install pygame
How to make Flappy Bird Game in Pygame? # Import module import random import sys import pygame from pygame.locals import * # All the Game Variables window_width = 600 window_height = 499 # set height and width of window window = pygame.display.set_mode((window_width, window_height)) elevation = window_height * 0.8 game_images = {} framepersecond = 32 pipeimage = "images/pipe.png" background_image = "images/background.jpg" birdplayer_image = "images/bird.png" sealevel_image = "images/base.jfif" def flappygame(): your_score = 0 horizontal = int(window_width / 5) vertical = int(window_width / 2) ground = 0 mytempheight = 100 # Generating two pipes for blitting on window first_pipe = createPipe() second_pipe = createPipe() # List containing lower pipes down_pipes = [ {"x": window_width + 300 - mytempheight, "y": first_pipe[1]["y"]}, { "x": window_width + 300 - mytempheight + (window_width / 2), "y": second_pipe[1]["y"], }, ] # List Containing upper pipes up_pipes = [ {"x": window_width + 300 - mytempheight, "y": first_pipe[0]["y"]}, { "x": window_width + 200 - mytempheight + (window_width / 2), "y": second_pipe[0]["y"], }, ] # pipe velocity along x pipeVelX = -4 # bird velocity bird_velocity_y = -9 bird_Max_Vel_Y = 10 bird_Min_Vel_Y = -8 birdAccY = 1 bird_flap_velocity = -8 bird_flapped = False while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE): pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.key == K_SPACE or event.key == K_UP): if vertical > 0: bird_velocity_y = bird_flap_velocity bird_flapped = True # This function will return true # if the flappybird is crashed game_over = isGameOver(horizontal, vertical, up_pipes, down_pipes) if game_over: return # check for your_score playerMidPos = horizontal + game_images["flappybird"].get_width() / 2 for pipe in up_pipes: pipeMidPos = pipe["x"] + game_images["pipeimage"][0].get_width() / 2 if pipeMidPos <= playerMidPos < pipeMidPos + 4: your_score += 1 print(f"Your your_score is {your_score}") if bird_velocity_y < bird_Max_Vel_Y and not bird_flapped: bird_velocity_y += birdAccY if bird_flapped: bird_flapped = False playerHeight = game_images["flappybird"].get_height() vertical = vertical + min(bird_velocity_y, elevation - vertical - playerHeight) # move pipes to the left for upperPipe, lowerPipe in zip(up_pipes, down_pipes): upperPipe["x"] += pipeVelX lowerPipe["x"] += pipeVelX # Add a new pipe when the first is # about to cross the leftmost part of the screen if 0 < up_pipes[0]["x"] < 5: newpipe = createPipe() up_pipes.append(newpipe[0]) down_pipes.append(newpipe[1]) # if the pipe is out of the screen, remove it if up_pipes[0]["x"] < -game_images["pipeimage"][0].get_width(): up_pipes.pop(0) down_pipes.pop(0) # Lets blit our game images now window.blit(game_images["background"], (0, 0)) for upperPipe, lowerPipe in zip(up_pipes, down_pipes): window.blit(game_images["pipeimage"][0], (upperPipe["x"], upperPipe["y"])) window.blit(game_images["pipeimage"][1], (lowerPipe["x"], lowerPipe["y"])) window.blit(game_images["sea_level"], (ground, elevation)) window.blit(game_images["flappybird"], (horizontal, vertical)) # Fetching the digits of score. numbers = [int(x) for x in list(str(your_score))] width = 0 # finding the width of score images from numbers. for num in numbers: width += game_images["scoreimages"][num].get_width() Xoffset = (window_width - width) / 1.1 # Blitting the images on the window. for num in numbers: window.blit(game_images["scoreimages"][num], (Xoffset, window_width * 0.02)) Xoffset += game_images["scoreimages"][num].get_width() # Refreshing the game window and displaying the score. pygame.display.update() framepersecond_clock.tick(framepersecond) def isGameOver(horizontal, vertical, up_pipes, down_pipes): if vertical > elevation - 25 or vertical < 0: return True for pipe in up_pipes: pipeHeight = game_images["pipeimage"][0].get_height() if ( vertical < pipeHeight + pipe["y"] and abs(horizontal - pipe["x"]) < game_images["pipeimage"][0].get_width() ): return True for pipe in down_pipes: if (vertical + game_images["flappybird"].get_height() > pipe["y"]) and abs( horizontal - pipe["x"] ) < game_images["pipeimage"][0].get_width(): return True return False def createPipe(): offset = window_height / 3 pipeHeight = game_images["pipeimage"][0].get_height() y2 = offset + random.randrange( 0, int(window_height - game_images["sea_level"].get_height() - 1.2 * offset) ) pipeX = window_width + 10 y1 = pipeHeight - y2 + offset pipe = [ # upper Pipe {"x": pipeX, "y": -y1}, # lower Pipe {"x": pipeX, "y": y2}, ] return pipe # program where the game starts if __name__ == "__main__": # For initializing modules of pygame library pygame.init() framepersecond_clock = pygame.time.Clock() # Sets the title on top of game window pygame.display.set_caption("Flappy Bird Game") # Load all the images which we will use in the game # images for displaying score game_images["scoreimages"] = ( pygame.image.load("images/0.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/1.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/2.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/3.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/4.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/5.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/6.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/7.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/8.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("images/9.png").convert_alpha(), ) game_images["flappybird"] = pygame.image.load(birdplayer_image).convert_alpha() game_images["sea_level"] = pygame.image.load(sealevel_image).convert_alpha() game_images["background"] = pygame.image.load(background_image).convert_alpha() game_images["pipeimage"] = ( pygame.transform.rotate(pygame.image.load(pipeimage).convert_alpha(), 180), pygame.image.load(pipeimage).convert_alpha(), ) print("WELCOME TO THE FLAPPY BIRD GAME") print("Press space or enter to start the game") # Here starts the main game while True: # sets the coordinates of flappy bird horizontal = int(window_width / 5) vertical = int((window_height - game_images["flappybird"].get_height()) / 2) ground = 0 while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): # if user clicks on cross button, close the game if event.type == QUIT or ( event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE ): pygame.quit() sys.exit() # If the user presses space or # up key, start the game for them elif event.type == KEYDOWN and ( event.key == K_SPACE or event.key == K_UP ): flappygame() # if user doesn't press anykey Nothing happen else: window.blit(game_images["background"], (0, 0)) window.blit(game_images["flappybird"], (horizontal, vertical)) window.blit(game_images["sea_level"], (ground, elevation)) pygame.display.update() framepersecond_clock.tick(framepersecond) #Output : pip install pygame [END]
Personalized Task Manager in Python
def signup(): print( "Please enter the username by which you \ wanna access your account" ) username = input("please enter here: ") password = input("Enter a password: ")
#Output : 2021-06-01 14:44:02.851506
Personalized Task Manager in Python def signup(): print( "Please enter the username by which you \ wanna access your account" ) username = input("please enter here: ") password = input("Enter a password: ") #Output : 2021-06-01 14:44:02.851506 [END]
Personalized Task Manager in Python
# pssd means password, ussnm is username def user_information(ussnm, pssd): name = input("enter your name please: ") address = input("your address") age = input("Your age please") ussnm_ = ussnm + " task.txt" f = open(ussnm_, "a") f.write(pssd) f.write("\nName: ") f.write(name) f.write("\n") f.write("Address :") f.write(address) f.write("\n") f.write("Age :") f.write(age) f.write("\n") f.close() def signup(): print( "Please enter the username by which you\ wanna access your account" ) username = input("please enter here: ") password = input("Enter a password: ") user_information(username, password)
#Output : 2021-06-01 14:44:02.851506
Personalized Task Manager in Python # pssd means password, ussnm is username def user_information(ussnm, pssd): name = input("enter your name please: ") address = input("your address") age = input("Your age please") ussnm_ = ussnm + " task.txt" f = open(ussnm_, "a") f.write(pssd) f.write("\nName: ") f.write(name) f.write("\n") f.write("Address :") f.write(address) f.write("\n") f.write("Age :") f.write(age) f.write("\n") f.close() def signup(): print( "Please enter the username by which you\ wanna access your account" ) username = input("please enter here: ") password = input("Enter a password: ") user_information(username, password) #Output : 2021-06-01 14:44:02.851506 [END]
Personalized Task Manager in Python
def login(): print("Please enter your username ") user_nm = input("Enter here: ") # Password as entered while logging in pssd_wr = (input("enterr the password")) + "\n" try: usernm = user_nm + " task.txt" f_ = open(usernm, "r") # variable 'k' contains the password as saved # in the file k = f_.readlines(0)[0] f_.close() # Checking if the Password entered is same as # the password saved while signing in if pssd_wr == k: print( "1--to view your data \n2--To add task \n3--Update\ task status \n4--View task status" ) a = input() else: print("SIR YOUR PASSWORD OR USERNAME IS WRONG , Plz enter Again") login() except Exception as e: print(e) login()
#Output : 2021-06-01 14:44:02.851506
Personalized Task Manager in Python def login(): print("Please enter your username ") user_nm = input("Enter here: ") # Password as entered while logging in pssd_wr = (input("enterr the password")) + "\n" try: usernm = user_nm + " task.txt" f_ = open(usernm, "r") # variable 'k' contains the password as saved # in the file k = f_.readlines(0)[0] f_.close() # Checking if the Password entered is same as # the password saved while signing in if pssd_wr == k: print( "1--to view your data \n2--To add task \n3--Update\ task status \n4--View task status" ) a = input() else: print("SIR YOUR PASSWORD OR USERNAME IS WRONG , Plz enter Again") login() except Exception as e: print(e) login() #Output : 2021-06-01 14:44:02.851506 [END]
Personalized Task Manager in Python
def signup(): print("Please enter the username by which you wanna access your account") username = input("please enter here: ") password = input("Enter a password: ") user_information(username, password) print("Sir please proceed towards log in") login()
#Output : 2021-06-01 14:44:02.851506
Personalized Task Manager in Python def signup(): print("Please enter the username by which you wanna access your account") username = input("please enter here: ") password = input("Enter a password: ") user_information(username, password) print("Sir please proceed towards log in") login() #Output : 2021-06-01 14:44:02.851506 [END]
Personalized Task Manager in Python
def login(): print("Please enter your username ") user_nm = input("Enter here: ") # Password as entered while logging in pssd_wr = (input("enterr the password")) + "\n" try: usernm = user_nm + " task.txt" f_ = open(usernm, "r") # variable 'k' contains the password as # saved in the file k = f_.readlines(0)[0] f_.close() # Checking if the Password entered is same # as the password saved while signing in if pssd_wr == k: print( "1--to view your data \n2--To add task \n3--Update\ task \n4--VIEW TASK STATUS" ) a = input() if a == "1": view_data(usernm) elif a == "2": # add task task_information(usernm) elif a == "3": task_update(user_nm) elif a == "4": task_update_viewer(user_nm) else: print("Wrong input ! ") else: print("SIR YOUR PASSWORD OR USERNAME IS WRONG") login() except Exception as e: print(e) login() def view_data(username): pass def task_information(username): pass def task_update(username): pass def task_update_viewer(username): pass
#Output : 2021-06-01 14:44:02.851506
Personalized Task Manager in Python def login(): print("Please enter your username ") user_nm = input("Enter here: ") # Password as entered while logging in pssd_wr = (input("enterr the password")) + "\n" try: usernm = user_nm + " task.txt" f_ = open(usernm, "r") # variable 'k' contains the password as # saved in the file k = f_.readlines(0)[0] f_.close() # Checking if the Password entered is same # as the password saved while signing in if pssd_wr == k: print( "1--to view your data \n2--To add task \n3--Update\ task \n4--VIEW TASK STATUS" ) a = input() if a == "1": view_data(usernm) elif a == "2": # add task task_information(usernm) elif a == "3": task_update(user_nm) elif a == "4": task_update_viewer(user_nm) else: print("Wrong input ! ") else: print("SIR YOUR PASSWORD OR USERNAME IS WRONG") login() except Exception as e: print(e) login() def view_data(username): pass def task_information(username): pass def task_update(username): pass def task_update_viewer(username): pass #Output : 2021-06-01 14:44:02.851506 [END]
Personalized Task Manager in Python
def view_data(username): ff = open(username, "r") print( ff.close()
#Output : 2021-06-01 14:44:02.851506
Personalized Task Manager in Python def view_data(username): ff = open(username, "r") print( ff.close() #Output : 2021-06-01 14:44:02.851506 [END]
Personalized Task Manager in Python
def task_information(username): print("Sir enter n.o of task you want to ADD") j = int(input()) f1 = open(username, "a") for i in range(1, j + 1): task = input("enter the task") target = input("enter the target") pp = "TASK " + str(i) + " :" qq = "TARGET " + str(i) + " :" f1.write(pp) f1.write(task) f1.write("\n") f1.write(qq) f1.write(target) f1.write("\n") print("Do u want to stop press space bar otherwise enter") s = input() if s == " ": break f1.close()
#Output : 2021-06-01 14:44:02.851506
Personalized Task Manager in Python def task_information(username): print("Sir enter n.o of task you want to ADD") j = int(input()) f1 = open(username, "a") for i in range(1, j + 1): task = input("enter the task") target = input("enter the target") pp = "TASK " + str(i) + " :" qq = "TARGET " + str(i) + " :" f1.write(pp) f1.write(task) f1.write("\n") f1.write(qq) f1.write(target) f1.write("\n") print("Do u want to stop press space bar otherwise enter") s = input() if s == " ": break f1.close() #Output : 2021-06-01 14:44:02.851506 [END]
Personalized Task Manager in Python
def task_update(username): username = username + " TASK.txt" print("Please enter the tasks which are completed ") task_completed = input() print("Enter task which are still not started by you") task_not_started = input() print("Enter task which you are doing") task_ongoing = input() fw = open(username, "a") DT = str( fw.write(DT) fw.write("\n") fw.write("COMPLETED TASK \n") fw.write(task_completed) fw.write("\n") fw.write("ONGOING TASK \n") fw.write(task_ongoing) fw.write("\n") fw.write("NOT YET STARTED\n") fw.write(task_not_started) fw.write("\n")
#Output : 2021-06-01 14:44:02.851506
Personalized Task Manager in Python def task_update(username): username = username + " TASK.txt" print("Please enter the tasks which are completed ") task_completed = input() print("Enter task which are still not started by you") task_not_started = input() print("Enter task which you are doing") task_ongoing = input() fw = open(username, "a") DT = str( fw.write(DT) fw.write("\n") fw.write("COMPLETED TASK \n") fw.write(task_completed) fw.write("\n") fw.write("ONGOING TASK \n") fw.write(task_ongoing) fw.write("\n") fw.write("NOT YET STARTED\n") fw.write(task_not_started) fw.write("\n") #Output : 2021-06-01 14:44:02.851506 [END]
Personalized Task Manager in Python
def task_update_viewer(username): ussnm = username + " TASK.txt" o = open(ussnm, "r") print( o.close()
#Output : 2021-06-01 14:44:02.851506
Personalized Task Manager in Python def task_update_viewer(username): ussnm = username + " TASK.txt" o = open(ussnm, "r") print( o.close() #Output : 2021-06-01 14:44:02.851506 [END]
Personalized Task Manager in Python
if __name__ == "__main__": print("WELCOME TO ANURAG`S TASK MANAGER") print("sir are you new to this software") a = int(input("Type 1 if new otherwise press 0 ::")) if a == 1: signup() elif a == 0: login() else: print("You have provided wrong input !")
#Output : 2021-06-01 14:44:02.851506
Personalized Task Manager in Python if __name__ == "__main__": print("WELCOME TO ANURAG`S TASK MANAGER") print("sir are you new to this software") a = int(input("Type 1 if new otherwise press 0 ::")) if a == 1: signup() elif a == 0: login() else: print("You have provided wrong input !") #Output : 2021-06-01 14:44:02.851506 [END]
Personalized Task Manager in Python
import datetime # pssd means password, ussnm is username def user_information(ussnm, pssd): name = input("enter your name please: ") address = input("your address") age = input("Your age please") ussnm_ = ussnm + " task.txt" f = open(ussnm_, "a") f.write(pssd) f.write("\nName: ") f.write(name) f.write("\n") f.write("Address :") f.write(address) f.write("\n") f.write("Age :") f.write(age) f.write("\n") f.close() def signup(): print("Please enter the username by which you wanna access your account") username = input("please enter here: ") password = input("Enter a password: ") user_information(username, password) print("Sir please proceed towards log in") login() def login(): print("Please enter your username ") user_nm = input("Enter here: ") # Password as entered while logging in pssd_wr = (input("enterr the password")) + "\n" try: usernm = user_nm + " task.txt" f_ = open(usernm, "r") # variable 'k' contains the password as saved # in the file k = f_.readlines(0)[0] f_.close() # Checking if the Password entered is same as # the password saved while signing in if pssd_wr == k: print( "1--to view your data \n2--To add task \n3--Update\ task \n4--VIEW TASK STATUS" ) a = input() if a == "1": view_data(usernm) elif a == "2": # add task task_information(usernm) elif a == "3": task_update(user_nm) elif a == "4": task_update_viewer(user_nm) else: print("Wrong input ! bhai dekh kr input dal") else: print("SIR YOUR PASSWORD OR USERNAME IS WRONG") login() except Exception as e: print(e) login() def view_data(username): ff = open(username, "r") print( ff.close() def task_information(username): print("Sir enter n.o of task you want to ADD") j = int(input()) f1 = open(username, "a") for i in range(1, j + 1): task = input("enter the task") target = input("enter the target") pp = "TASK " + str(i) + " :" qq = "TARGET " + str(i) + " :" f1.write(pp) f1.write(task) f1.write("\n") f1.write(qq) f1.write(target) f1.write("\n") print("Do u want to stop press space bar otherwise enter") s = input() if s == " ": break f1.close() def task_update(username): username = username + " TASK.txt" print("Please enter the tasks which are completed ") task_completed = input() print("Enter task which are still not started by you") task_not_started = input() print("Enter task which you are doing") task_ongoing = input() fw = open(username, "a") DT = str( fw.write(DT) fw.write("\n") fw.write("COMPLETED TASK \n") fw.write(task_completed) fw.write("\n") fw.write("ONGOING TASK \n") fw.write(task_ongoing) fw.write("\n") fw.write("NOT YET STARTED\n") fw.write(task_not_started) fw.write("\n") def task_update_viewer(username): ussnm = username + " TASK.txt" o = open(ussnm, "r") print( o.close() if __name__ == "__main__": print("WELCOME TO ANURAG`S TASK MANAGER") print("sir are you new to this software") a = int(input("Type 1 if new otherwise press 0 ::")) if a == 1: signup() elif a == 0: login() else: print("You have provided wrong input !")
#Output : 2021-06-01 14:44:02.851506
Personalized Task Manager in Python import datetime # pssd means password, ussnm is username def user_information(ussnm, pssd): name = input("enter your name please: ") address = input("your address") age = input("Your age please") ussnm_ = ussnm + " task.txt" f = open(ussnm_, "a") f.write(pssd) f.write("\nName: ") f.write(name) f.write("\n") f.write("Address :") f.write(address) f.write("\n") f.write("Age :") f.write(age) f.write("\n") f.close() def signup(): print("Please enter the username by which you wanna access your account") username = input("please enter here: ") password = input("Enter a password: ") user_information(username, password) print("Sir please proceed towards log in") login() def login(): print("Please enter your username ") user_nm = input("Enter here: ") # Password as entered while logging in pssd_wr = (input("enterr the password")) + "\n" try: usernm = user_nm + " task.txt" f_ = open(usernm, "r") # variable 'k' contains the password as saved # in the file k = f_.readlines(0)[0] f_.close() # Checking if the Password entered is same as # the password saved while signing in if pssd_wr == k: print( "1--to view your data \n2--To add task \n3--Update\ task \n4--VIEW TASK STATUS" ) a = input() if a == "1": view_data(usernm) elif a == "2": # add task task_information(usernm) elif a == "3": task_update(user_nm) elif a == "4": task_update_viewer(user_nm) else: print("Wrong input ! bhai dekh kr input dal") else: print("SIR YOUR PASSWORD OR USERNAME IS WRONG") login() except Exception as e: print(e) login() def view_data(username): ff = open(username, "r") print( ff.close() def task_information(username): print("Sir enter n.o of task you want to ADD") j = int(input()) f1 = open(username, "a") for i in range(1, j + 1): task = input("enter the task") target = input("enter the target") pp = "TASK " + str(i) + " :" qq = "TARGET " + str(i) + " :" f1.write(pp) f1.write(task) f1.write("\n") f1.write(qq) f1.write(target) f1.write("\n") print("Do u want to stop press space bar otherwise enter") s = input() if s == " ": break f1.close() def task_update(username): username = username + " TASK.txt" print("Please enter the tasks which are completed ") task_completed = input() print("Enter task which are still not started by you") task_not_started = input() print("Enter task which you are doing") task_ongoing = input() fw = open(username, "a") DT = str( fw.write(DT) fw.write("\n") fw.write("COMPLETED TASK \n") fw.write(task_completed) fw.write("\n") fw.write("ONGOING TASK \n") fw.write(task_ongoing) fw.write("\n") fw.write("NOT YET STARTED\n") fw.write(task_not_started) fw.write("\n") def task_update_viewer(username): ussnm = username + " TASK.txt" o = open(ussnm, "r") print( o.close() if __name__ == "__main__": print("WELCOME TO ANURAG`S TASK MANAGER") print("sir are you new to this software") a = int(input("Type 1 if new otherwise press 0 ::")) if a == 1: signup() elif a == 0: login() else: print("You have provided wrong input !") #Output : 2021-06-01 14:44:02.851506 [END]
Download Instagram profile pic using Python
import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs import json import random import os.path
#Output : pip install requests
Download Instagram profile pic using Python import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs import json import random import os.path #Output : pip install requests [END]
Download Instagram profile pic using Python
insta_url = "" inta_username = input("enter username of instagram : ") response = requests.get(f"{insta_url}/{inta_username}/")
#Output : pip install requests
Download Instagram profile pic using Python insta_url = "" inta_username = input("enter username of instagram : ") response = requests.get(f"{insta_url}/{inta_username}/") #Output : pip install requests [END]
Download Instagram profile pic using Python
if response.ok: html = response.text bs_html = bs(html, features="lxml") bs_html = bs_html.text index = bs_html.find("profile_pic_url_hd") + 21 remaining_text = bs_html[index:] remaining_text_index = remaining_text.find("requested_by_viewer") - 3 string_url = remaining_text[:remaining_text_index].replace("\\u0026", "&") print(string_url, "\n \n downloading..........")
#Output : pip install requests
Download Instagram profile pic using Python if response.ok: html = response.text bs_html = bs(html, features="lxml") bs_html = bs_html.text index = bs_html.find("profile_pic_url_hd") + 21 remaining_text = bs_html[index:] remaining_text_index = remaining_text.find("requested_by_viewer") - 3 string_url = remaining_text[:remaining_text_index].replace("\\u0026", "&") print(string_url, "\n \n downloading..........") #Output : pip install requests [END]
Download Instagram profile pic using Python
while True: filename = "pic" + str(random.randint(1, 100000)) + ".jpg" file_exists = os.path.isfile(filename) if not file_exists: with open(filename, "wb+") as handle: response = requests.get(string_url, stream=True) if not response.ok: print(response) for block in response.iter_content(1024): if not block: break handle.write(block) else: continue break print("\n downloading completed ..............")
#Output : pip install requests
Download Instagram profile pic using Python while True: filename = "pic" + str(random.randint(1, 100000)) + ".jpg" file_exists = os.path.isfile(filename) if not file_exists: with open(filename, "wb+") as handle: response = requests.get(string_url, stream=True) if not response.ok: print(response) for block in response.iter_content(1024): if not block: break handle.write(block) else: continue break print("\n downloading completed ..............") #Output : pip install requests [END]
Download Instagram profile pic using Python
import instaloader ig = instaloader.Instaloader() dp = input("Enter Insta username : ") ig.download_profile(dp, profile_pic_only=True)
#Output : pip install requests
Download Instagram profile pic using Python import instaloader ig = instaloader.Instaloader() dp = input("Enter Insta username : ") ig.download_profile(dp, profile_pic_only=True) #Output : pip install requests [END]