Item #: SCP-020
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Samples of SCP-020 are stored in a series of sealed cultivation chambers inside a sealed containment room at Biological Research Area-12 which is accessible only via airlock. Nutrients are administered via automated robotic systems, as the cultivation chamber must remain sealed at all times.
Hermetically sealed video surveillance cameras are installed within the containment room, and must be checked daily for integrity. Any personnel entering the containment room must wear Biosafety Level 5 equipment including rebreathers and undergo full anti-fungal disinfection upon exiting.
Description: SCP-020 is a fast-spreading fungal organism that is capable of affecting the senses and behavior of living creatures, including humans. Samples of SCP-020 exhibit an unknown effect that renders them effectively invisible to direct observation, even when under a microscope. SCP-020 is only visible to humans when viewed through photographic or video surveillance.
Once SCP-020 forms a colony, usually within a human residence, it will produce spores that affect the behavior of humans around it. Affected subjects will increase the heat and humidity within their homes to create an environment more suitable to the growth of SCP-020. Affected subjects also become more sociable in many cases, and often invite acquaintances to their homes to further spread the organism. As the spores and mold colonies are invisible to affected subjects, the mold may sometimes grow directly on living subjects.
As the spores and colonies within a home approach critical concentration, the health of affected human subjects will rapidly deteriorate, resulting in death. Further spread of the mold may occur as the bodies of any deceased subjects are encountered by emergency responders and health care agents, as well as transportation of the bodies to local morgues.
SCP-020 was first encountered in [REDACTED], where an undercover SCP agent noted dramatic personality changes in personnel working at the local hospital. Upon investigation by a containment team, it was discovered that almost β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ civilians had been infected, as well as a majority of the town. The civilian population was terminated, and the town incinerated under cover of a local flash forest fire.
To date, over 12 outbreaks of SCP-020 have been reported. Investigations are currently underway to determine the source of these outbreaks and possible preventative measures.
Addendum 020-01: Excerpts from the audio/video mission recorders of Mobile Task Force Eta-10 ("See No Evil") during the initial containment of SCP-020 on [REDACTED].
T2-Lead: Team Two moving to the red house.
T2-COM: Copy, UAV One is picking up one heat signature.
T2-Lead: Team Two in place, ready to brβ€” [Expletive]!
T2-2: Door opening!
At this point, a civilian woman appeared in the doorway, holding a kitchen knife. Video surveillance showed that nearly two-thirds of her face was covered by mold growths.
Civilian Woman: Well… hello there, gentlemen… care to take a breather inside?
T2-Lead: On the ground! Drop the weapon!
Civilian Woman: Don't be silly! Come on in and… stay a while…
T2-Lead: Stop where you are! DROP THE WEAPON!
Civilian Woman: We… we just want to have some guests… please… come in…
T2-2: Drop the [Expletive] weapon!
It is assumed that at this point, the infected civilian noticed T2-4 carrying a primed incendiary weapon, and lunged forward at the team members with the knife.
Civilian Woman: [DATA EXPUNGED]
T2-Lead: Open fire, open fire!
Gunfire, screaming.
[ Title: SCP-026 is a three (3) story public school building built in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ.; Genre: Scientific; Tags: 3rdperson; Style: Dark ]
Item #: SCP-026
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-026 is to remain securely locked and boarded up at all times when there is no research ongoing. Alarms are set to alert the Foundation in case of entry by civilians or other agencies.
Description: SCP-026 is a three (3) story public school building built in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. It has two (2) wings connected to a central foyer. It was declared condemned in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ after it was found the floor plan didn't match up to the building's blueprints (see Interview Log 026-01). It came to the Foundation's attention after several disappearances in the area were linked to visits to the abandoned building.
The building demonstrates spatial anomalies. Its internal space is much greater than the external surface of the building would allow. Hallways display variable length, while stairways have differing numbers of steps going up or down. The number of rooms off the hallways changes each time they are counted. Attempts to reach the far ends of the hallways have met with failure thus far. Entrance through the fire escapes located at the ends of the hallways leads to doors approximately midway down the length of the halls.
EDIT: See Note 026-A
There is considerable graffiti on the interior walls of the school. Most appears typical, including gang signs, names, and street art. However, the graffiti fades and reappears, changing location. Writing on chalkboards and bulletin boards changes in a similar fashion. Subjects typically found range from standard school subjects (mathematics, literature, biology), to more esoteric subjects, such as quantum entanglement, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, and eugenics. One researcher reported one board detailing information about SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, but photographic evidence showed only a blank slate (See Note 026-B). The phrase "The children used to sing" has appeared multiple times in various places throughout the building, but there is currently no explanation for its significance.
A number of unconscious subjects have been found in the building, mostly of high school age, ranging from twelve to eighteen. They are dressed in accordance to the school's dress code, circa β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. Several have been identified as former students or faculty of the school who disappeared after the school shut down (in at least one case, more than ten years after the closure). It is currently unknown how they were transported back into SCP-026. (See Note 026-C)
All attempts to wake the subjects while inside the building have failed. On being removed from the grounds of SCP-026, the subjects wake abruptly. They experience a period of confusion, before dying from extremely rapid dehydration, followed by advanced decomposition. No useful intelligence has been recovered from the subjects to date.
The inability to wake subjects extends to those who fall asleep on the grounds of SCP-026, though the rapid dehydration only seems to affect those who have been found on the grounds of the school. See Incident Report 026-12.
Note 026-A: Robotic exploration and video feeds have shown that the apparent spatial anomalies are caused by changes in the perceptions of observers, rather than actual spatial phenomena. For this reason, SCP-026 does not require the expertise of Mobile Task Force Rho-8 "Roadside Picnickers" at this time.
UPDATE: Further exploration has shown that some spatial phenomena do occur. See the Exploration Logs for more details.
Note 026-B: The contents of notepads, books, and pieces of paper have been observed to disappear, only to reappear on surfaces within SCP-026. New writings have appeared, mostly drawn from graffiti or text-books. Caution should be exercised in bringing documents onto the grounds of SCP-026.
Note 026-C: Several class D personnel exposed to SCP-026 have disappeared from Foundation control, only to reappear inside the anomalous building. The subjects in question had previously complained of dreams identical to those experienced by Agent Malek.
UPDATE: See Interview Log 026-08.
Incident Report 026-12
During a routine security check of SCP-026, Agent Malek was found unconscious by his partner, Agent Jones, in the main foyer. Initial attempts at rousing Agent Malek were ineffective, so he was moved for transportation to Site β–ˆβ–ˆ. Upon leaving the grounds of SCP-026, he woke abruptly in a state of agitation. When questioned, he revealed that he had been dreaming of a classroom setting. This dream has been consistent throughout all subjects who have fallen asleep within the grounds of SCP-026.
[ Title: SCP-034 is a primitive knife constructed out of pure obsidian.; Genre: Scientific; Tags: 3rdperson; Style: Dark ]
Item #: SCP-034
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-034 is to be kept in a secure room with access granted only to Level 4 personnel. SCP-034 itself will be kept in a locked case that is under 24-hour surveillance. When not in lab conditions, SCP-034's protective sheath cannot be removed under any circumstances. Any personnel in contact with SCP-034 must be placed under a 24-hour observation period until their identities can be confirmed.
Description: SCP-034 is a primitive knife constructed out of pure obsidian. Tests reveal that SCP-034 is approximately 1000 years old. Despite its crude method of construction and age, SCP-034 is still incredibly sharp and requires no maintenance to retain its edge. Expert analysis hypothesizes that SCP-034 may be of South American origin, and that it may have been used in Native American rituals. Several accounts from Spanish conquistadors exploring the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ region support this hypothesis, with detailed writings on how β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ priests would flay their victims alive with similar knives and wear their skin as a tribute to their gods.
SCP-034 has the ability to allow its bearer to take on the appearance of another individual. If SCP-034 is used to cut a piece of flesh from a living individual, and that piece of flesh is placed against the skin of another individual, the second individual would take on not only the appearance, but all physical characteristics of the first individual. Testing has shown that the minimum amount of skin required can be as little as one (1) square centimeter. However, testing has also revealed that the amount of time the transformation lasts is directly proportional to the amount of flesh used. The ratio of time the transformation lasts to flesh used has been measured at approximately one (1) hour for every square centimeter used. Once the time limit has passed, the affected individual will revert to their original form.
Analysis of SCP-034's ability shows that its method of mimicking another individual is nearly flawless. Not only does SCP-034 change its bearer's physical appearance, but their actual physical attributes as well, including height, weight, muscle mass, bone density, hair growth, eyesight, strength, physical medical conditions, and even DNA. The only physical traits that are not carried over in the transformation process are wounds caused by SCP-034 itself.
Subjects still retain their original personality and memories while transformed. Even though the process is nearly instantaneous, taking only a few seconds, human test subjects have described the transformation process as extremely painful. Subjects also may suffer psychological trauma depending on the extent of their physical transformation. Side effects are especially serious if the subject takes on the appearance of a person with differing gender or with wildly different physical attributes.
However, in order to function properly, the individuals who have their flesh cut off by SCP-034 must still be biologically alive to maintain the transformation. Should the individual whose identity has been stolen expire, the effect immediately wears off. Further details may be found in Lab Report 034A. Also, SCP-034 only appears to work on human subjects. Cross-species experiments with SCP-034 have resulted in [DATA EXPUNGED]
SCP-034 came into Foundation possession when an imposter disguised as Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ attempted to infiltrate Site β–ˆβ–ˆ. The impostor was apprehended when authorities discovered the real Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ tied up in his home with a large portion of his right arm skinned. Further details may be found in Post Interrogation Report 2211.
Lab Report-034A: We've decided to test several scenarios dealing with the limits of SCP-034's capabilities.
*Test 1: Sample taken from deceased human cadaver and applied to subject D-452. There is no observable effect.
*Test 2: Sample taken from D-532 and applied to D-452. D-452 successfully mimics D-532's appearance. Upon termination of D-532, D-452 immediately reverts back to original form.
*Test 3: Sample taken from D-433 while under a medically induced coma and applied to subject D-452. D-452 successfully mimics D-433's appearance and manages to maintain the transformation and consciousness.
*Test 4: Sample taken from a brain-dead medical patient who suffered a massive brain hemorrhage and applied to D-452. D-452 successfully mimics the patient's appearance but immediately loses consciousness upon transformation. D-452 does not regain consciousness until the transformation period expires. D-452 retains no memory of the event.
*Test 5: Sample taken from D-625, who suffered a broken arm due to a confrontation with security staff. D-452 successfully mimics D-625's appearance, including the broken arm. D-452's broken arm is re-mended when the transformation period expires.
*Test 6: Sample taken from a terminally ill medical patient and applied to D-452. The patient's terminal illness was caused by an inherent genetic defect. D-452 successfully mimics the patient's appearance as well as the patient's illness. Both the terminally ill patient and D-452 expire at the same time, after which D-452 reverts back to original form.
*Test 7: Sample taken from a chimpanzee and applied to D-466. D-466 experiences rapid growth of hair across their entire body. There are otherwise no other significant physical or physiological changes. Body hair disappears when the transformation period expires.
*Test 8: Sample taken from an Atlantic salmon and applied to D-466. There is no observable effect.
*Test 9: Under O5 authorization, a sample taken from SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ is applied to D-466. D-466 exhibits extremely adverse reaction upon transformation and [DATA EXPUNGED], resulting in significant damage to testing environment, multiple injuries among test and security staff, and the death of D-466. Testing of anomalous humanoids with SCP-034 is suspended indefinitely.
Post Interrogation Report 2211:
As per standard operating procedure, we first attempted to interrogate the prisoner via non-violent and non-invasive means. However, when such methods proved ineffective, we began to implement conventional interrogation techniques. While partially successful, we deemed it necessary to use SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, and SCP-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ. We managed to learn the following facts:
*The prisoner had extensive knowledge on the existence of the Foundation and its inner workings.
*The prisoner had extensive knowledge on other SCP-related agencies and groups.
*The prisoner was not acting under any official capacity from any government agency.
*The prisoner obtained SCP-034 and instructions on its operation from an unknown benefactor.
*The prisoner was given very specific instructions to infiltrate Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ and maintain his position until further notice.
*The prisoner had enough samples of Dr. β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ to stay within Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ for β–ˆβ–ˆ days.
Regrettably, the prisoner did not survive interrogation. -Agent β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ
[ Title: SCP-032 is a Type-F (imperfect external resemblance, internally inconsistent) human simulacrum of currently unknown origins.; Genre: Scientific; Tags: 3rdperson; Style: Dark ]
Item #: SCP-032
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-032 is to be housed in Automated Containment Unit 535/15. Direct contact with SCP-032 is to be restricted to research-relevant tasks only. Interviews, if deemed necessary, are to be carried out using the Unit's remote communication array. While SCP-032's presence is not directly harmful to the human body, exposure to it is to be limited to periods of 12 hours or less due to its adverse effects on most beneficial microorganisms. SCP-032 is not to be exposed to any biological material not refined or otherwise tempered by humanity, with an emphasis on non-human living entities. For full list of classifications, see Document-032-RCL. SCP-032 neither requires nor requested substances or other forms of comfort.
Description: SCP-032 is a Type-F (imperfect external resemblance, internally inconsistent) human simulacrum of currently unknown origins. It is composed of an outer shell of pigmented silicone (5.5Β mm thick), and various plastic fiber polymers, with the outward appearance of a Caucasian woman nearing the third decade of life. SCP-032's interior is composed entirely of liquid refined oil, lacking any skeletal or muscle structure. Despite this, SCP-032 is capable of locomotion and speech. SCP-032 is capable of maintaining the illusion of humanity at a moderate distance, but becomes unconvincing at a closer range, causing mild discomfort in most observers. This effect has been deemed non-anomalous. Despite apparently possessing fully-realized cognitive abilities, SCP-032 claims that it is not sapient, acting only as an intermediary instrument of its creators. The Foundation has not been able to verify or refute this claim as of yet.
SCP-032 possesses extreme adverse effects to any biological entity in its close vicinity not created, willfully influenced, manipulated by or similarly relating to humanity. While the exact nature of these effects varies, SCP-032's presence inevitably causes severe and irreparable damage to the ability of any living organism to exchange and/or use energy: wild flora loses its ability to photosynthesize or otherwise produce or consume energy, fauna the use of its respiratory and digestive systems, etc. This applies to microorganisms as well, though SCP-032's effects seem to favor damage to their reproductive systems instead. It is hypothesized that the symbiotic relation some microorganisms have to humanity is the reason for this discrepancy.
SCP-032 was discovered sitting on the doorstep of the inner compound of Foundation Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ near β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, Slovakia. When questioned by Foundation security personnel, SCP-032 explained its anomalous effects and claimed it was there 'to be stored'. Surveillance footage show no record of the time of its arrival, and it is not yet known how SCP-032 came to know Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ's location or approach it without being spotted. When asked for its reason for seeking Foundation custody, SCP-032 replied that it was there at the command of its creators, seeking 'indefinite storage, until claimed'.
+Β InterviewΒ 032-A