#Person1#: What did you think of the movie? #Person2#: I didn't like it. Not a bit. I couldn't stand the music. Besides the story was so boring that it put me to sleep. #Person1#: I noticed that, it was not exciting as I expected, but the music was great. I'm always found Jazz. And that movie had a lot of Jazz. #Person2#: I know. However, Jazz always annoys me. I really don't enjoy music in a movie. #Person1#: I'm sorry to hear that. What kind of movie do you like? #Person2#: Anything with a lot of action, I like thrillers and chillers. #Person1#: Oh, I see. #Person2#: Well, I enjoy the popcorn and being with you. You're more important than the movie. #Person1#: Thanks for the sweet words. #Person2#: Any time.
#Person1# and #Person2# both think the movie isn't exciting. #Person1# likes Jazz, while #Person2# thinks Jazz annoys him. #Person2# prefers movies with a lot of action.
movie prefrence
#Person1#: Lodge, You must come around sometime, You have to check out my mew stereo. #Person2#: Sure, When is good time for you? #Person1#: Can you make it on Tuesday? #Person2#: What time do you want me there? #Person1#: Anytime after six will be fine. #Person2#: All right, It's a date.
#Person1# asks Lodge to come to check out #Person1#'s stereo.
check out stereo
#Person1#: Hi, I'm Jake. I'm new to the choir. What's your name? #Person2#: Hello, there, my name is Tonia. #Person1#: Do you sing alto? #Person2#: Actually, I can do both soprano and alto but the director asked me to sing alto for the next perforate. What about you. #Person1#: Looks like we both float back and forth. I'm baritone. #Person2#: Our bass section is really good. You're going to love singing with them. #Person1#: I heard them warming up earlier. You're right. #Person2#: It's good to have you in the group. We can always use a good baritone!
Jake is new to the choir, and Tonia welcomes him. Tonia can do soprano and alto, and Jake's baritone.
choir freshman
#Person1#: Hey! I have a surprise for you. #Person2#: What is it? #Person1#: Open this card and read. #Person2#: A trip to China for summer vacation. Wow! What a wonderful surprise! Thank you. This is the best surprise I've ever had.
#Person1# prepares a surprise for #Person2#.
#Person1#: Hi, sir. Come and have a look here. We have all kinds of sweaters. #Person2#: I'm looking for a sweater for my wife. Tomorrow is her birthday. And I know she needs a woolen sweater. #Person1#: How do you like this grey one? It's pure wool, one hundred percent of Xinjiang wool. #Person2#: It feels good. Are there cowl-neck pullovers with the same color? My wife prefers a turtleneck to a V-shaped collar. #Person1#: Yes, we do. What size do you want? #Person2#: Size one. By the way, what if I bring home this sweater and my wife doesn't like it? #Person1#: Well, you can always bring it back to us for a full refund. #Person2#: All right. Could I have it gift-wrapped, please? #Person1#: Yes, just a moment, please.
#Person2# wants a sweater for his wife as a birthday present, and #Person2#'s wife prefers a turtleneck. #Person1# recommends one, and #Person2#'ll take it.
buying a sweater
#Person1#: Hello. Can I help you, ma'am? #Person2#: Yes. Could you tell me how to send some money to someone with an account with a bank in Germany? #Person1#: Well, you can pay by mail, telegraphic or SWIFT transfer. Or you can have a banker's draft and mail it yourself to the beneficiary. #Person2#: Which is the best way? #Person1#: It depends on the amount and how fast you want that person to receive the money. A SWIFT transfer is the fastest method but a banker's draft is usually the cheapest. How much do you wanna send? #Person2#: $ 800. #Person1#: Why don't you send it by mail payment order? #Person2#: How long does it take? #Person1#: About a week. #Person2#: I don't know. Can I send it more quickly? #Person1#: Sure. You can have a Telegraphic or a SWIFT transfer. #Person2#: And how long do those take? #Person1#: Both a Telegraphic Transfer and a SWIFT transfer will normally be credited to the payee's account within three or four working days, depending on whether the beneficiary's bank is among our correspondent banks or we have to route the transfer through a third bank. #Person2#: I see. How can I pay by Telegraphic Transfer? #Person1#: You have to fill out this form, ma'am.
#Person1# tells #Person2# how to send money to someone with an account with a bank in Germany and recommends a Telegraphic and a SWIFT transfer to send it quickly.
transfer money
#Person1#: Where did you get assigned to go this time around? #Person2#: They asked me to go to Paris to check on the new office that was just established there. And you? #Person1#: Hong Kong again. I would like to go somewhere different for a change. #Person2#: Teach me Cantonese and I'll pull some strings to get a trade with you next time around. #Person1#: If you really want to learn, remind me when you get back from your business trip. #Person2#: You're on. #Person1#: When do you leave? #Person2#: I'm scheduled to fly out on the tenth.
#Person1# and #Person2# shares where they got assigned to go. #Person2# asks #Person1# to teach #Person2# Cantonese, and #Person1# agrees.
learn Cantonese
#Person1#: Good afternoon, you look a little stuck. Can I help? #Person2#: The thing is, I've got all of this information here, all of these leaflets, but I can't make head nor tail of them! #Person1#: I see. What is it exactly that you are interested in? #Person2#: I'm not sure which would be better for me ; buying some insurance or putting my money in a Savings Deposit. #Person1#: Well, that all depends on how much you want to invest. #Person2#: I was thinking of around 10, 000 RIB. #Person1#: That's a nice round figure to deal with! OK, if you were to buy this insurance policy, your yearly fixed income from it would be 94. 35 RIB. #Person2#: And for the Savings Deposit? #Person1#: For the Savings Deposit you could actually get more. You see, in time deposit, the interest rate is 1. 58 % after the 20 % interest tax. So, technically you could get more than a third more. #Person2#: Wow! A third more? Very good.
#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# cannot decide which one to invest. #Person1# calculates the benefits of buying insurance and the Savings Deposit, and finds can get more from the latter.
#Person1#: Hello sir, may I help you? #Person2#: Yeah, I accidentally dropped my phone in the toilet. #Person1#: I see. Well, you have come to the right place. We have over one hundred models of more than twenty leading mobile phone manufacturers. #Person2#: Sounds good. I don't want it to be too expensive, maybe something mid-range. #Person1#: We have this new ETC smart phone. It comes with the Android OS so you can download applications. It also has a built-in camera, mp3 player and touch screen. It works on the 3G network so you have fast access to the internet wherever you are. #Person2#: What about Wi-fi? #Person1#: Of course! You can access the internet from any hotspot as well as from home. #Person2#: One last thing. Is it waterproof?
#Person2# accidentally dropped his phone in the toilet and wants to buy a new one. #Person1# recommends one to him.
buying a phone
#Person1#: Well, my particular interest is collecting stamps, especially the rare ones. What about you? #Person2#: I'm afraid that's not my cup of tea. I just find skin-diving attracting. #Person1#: So have you ever been to the stamp display of the town?
#Person1# likes collecting stamps, and #Person2# likes skin-driving.
#Person1#: What did you do at the office today? #Person2#: I had a really busy day. I had to work a little overtime. In the morning an important client called to place a large order. I had to check some things with my colleagues before confirming the order. #Person1#: What kind of things did you need to check? #Person2#: The most important thing was to check that we had the goods in stock. If the goods are in stock, we can deliver them immediately. I also had to check the price. This customer is very important, so they get special prices. #Person1#: I see. Did anything else happen? #Person2#: I received a lot of emails from potential clients that I had to answer. Each time, I had to check files to see what we had agreed at earlier meetings. Each client has different conditions and requirements. #Person1#: It must be difficult to remember the details for each individual client. #Person2#: Yes. That's why we have everything on computer files. We don't use much paper at our office. After lunch, I had to deal with a complaint from a client. #Person1#: I hate dealing with complaints. Was it a legitimate complaint? #Person2#: Yes, it was. I managed to sort out the problem, but I was tied up with the matter for over an hour. #Person1#: You certainly had a busy day. #Person2#: That's not all! I also had to finish writing a sales report for my boss. In the end, I finished everything. I wonder what will be waiting for me tomorrow morning.
#Person2# was busy today. #Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# checked the goods in stock, received emails from clients, and dealt with the complaints. #Person2# also needs to finish writing a sales report for #Person2#'s boss.
a busy day
#Person1#: Good morning. Welcome to Time After Time Watches. #Person2#: I'd like to buy a watch. #Person1#: Well, you've come to the right place. What kind of watch are you looking for? #Person2#: Well, I'm not sure. Let's see. How much is this one? #Person1#: Hmm. . . This Rolex? $ 1, 000. #Person2#: Oh. I don't think I can afford that. How about this one? #Person1#: This one is $ 500. #Person2#: Wow. That's too much for me. Don't you have anything cheaper?
#Person2# would like to buy a watch, and #Person1# recommends some. #Person2# thinks they're expensive.
buy a watch
#Person1#: Bob, did you see our supervisor? I need him to sign this paper. #Person2#: He is in his office, but you'd better choose your words carefully while talking to him. #Person1#: What's up? #Person2#: Nothing. But he is in a bad mood today. #Person1#: Thanks for the warning. #Person2#: That's all right.
Bob reminds #Person1# to choose words carefully while talking to the supervisor.
#Person1#: Did you enjoy the restaurant? #Person2#: I didn't really like it all that much. #Person1#: What do you think the problem was? #Person2#: Well, they are pretty new. I just didn't feel that they were ready to open yet. #Person1#: How did you feel about the food? #Person2#: The food wasn't all that exciting. #Person1#: I don't think that the service was good, either. #Person2#: Yes, the service certainly didn't add to the experience. #Person1#: Would you like to return to this restaurant? #Person2#: Maybe we could try it again in a few months when things have settled down.
#Person2# didn't enjoy the restaurant and tells #Person1# where the problems lie in.
#Person1#: You're making my blood boil. #Person2#: Calm down. Madam. #Person1#: I'm about to explode! You'Ve made a mess of this matter. #Person2#: I am very sorry to hear that you'Ve been having so many problems. #Person1#: Sorry isn't good enough! What can you do to help me? #Person2#: I understand why you're angry, Mrs. Wilson, and believe me, we are doing everything in our power to work this out. #Person1#: Well, obviously, what you're doing is not good enough! #Person2#: If you could just give us a few more days, we should be able to get this straightened out.
Mrs. Wilson is angry because #Person2# has made a mess of the matter.
problem solution
#Person1#: How have you been doing lately? #Person2#: Actually, I haven't been sleeping well. I am kind of out of it. #Person1#: Is there some reason why you can't get enough sleep? #Person2#: I go to bed, but I just can't get comfortable enough to stay asleep. #Person1#: When do you turn in for the night? #Person2#: I usually try to go to bed around 11 #Person1#: Do you have a lot on your mind when you try to go to sleep? #Person2#: My mother is ill with cancer, and I think about her a lot. #Person1#: Do you ever meditate or read before bedtime? #Person2#: I usually watch a lot of television before I go to bed. Maybe I should try something else to help me quiet down.
#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# cannot sleep well and thinks about mom's cancer when trying to sleep. #Person2#'ll try something to help quiet down.
not sleep well
#Person1#: My amenities bill says that I owe $ 10 for a movie, but I never ordered one. #Person2#: Let's see. It says that you were charged Monday at 9:00 p. m. for the movie'Titanic. ' #Person1#: That's absolutely wrong! I was out exploring the city Monday night. #Person2#: Okay, let me see what I can do for you. #Person1#: Thank you. I didn't think it would be this simple. #Person2#: I can take the $ 10 off your bill, but I need to charge you $ 2 for the service. #Person1#: Are you serious? I have to pay $ 2 for a movie I never watched? #Person2#: Unfortunately, sir, it's how the computer is programmed. #Person1#: This is outrageous! I'm never coming back to this hotel again! #Person2#: I'm sorry, sir. Perhaps you'd like to write a letter to headquarters.
#Person1#'s amenities bill says #Person1# owes $10 for a movie, but #Person1# never ordered one. #Person2# explains and tells #Person1# what #Person2# can do, but #Person1# isn't satisfied.
amenities bill
#Person1#: Jack, I don't know how to write my resume. Could you tell me about that? #Person2#: You should first write your name and contact information. #Person1#: What does the contact information include? #Person2#: Such as your land line phone number, mobile phone number and e-mail box. #Person1#: Anything else? #Person2#: Then you should write your objectives, such as seeking a position in foreign trade. #Person1#: I see. It is the position desired #Person2#: Yes. After that you should emphasize your skills, educational background and related experience. #Person1#: I see. Skills are about specialty, and educational background is easy as well. But what about related experience? I have little work experience. #Person2#: Don't worry. It will take time to accumulate experience. You need to be confident for yourself. #Person1#: I see. By the way, should I write the educational background starting from elementary school? #Person2#: Generally from the college #Person1#: Thank you very much. I will write it right now.
#Person1# doesn't know how to write #Person1#'s resume and asks Jack for help. Jack instructs #Person1# and encourages #Person1# to stay confident.
#Person1#: I don't think Poppas is right for this position. #Person2#: I agree. He's got experience as a computer operator but he has very little training in programming. What about Anderson? #Person1#: I like him. He seems very enthusiastic and he knows a lot about programming. #Person2#: That's true. Do you think he is dependable enough, though? He's already had two different jobs this year. He might work for a couple of months and then decide to leave. #Person1#: I suppose so. But his last supervisor wrote a three-page letter of recommendation. He says Anderson is an excellent programmer. #Person2#: He probably is. But we don't want him to leave after we've spent a lot of time training him. Actually, I think Logan is the best candidate. #Person1#: She hasn't worked since she got married, hasn't she? #Person2#: She's been taking care of her family. But she is really devoted. #Person1#: Oh, yes. The letter from her principal says she did a wonderful job. Do you think she'll be a good programmer? #Person2#: I bet she will. She has an excellent letter of recommendation from her teacher at the institute she attended. #Person1#: That's true. #Person2#: And Logan seems more professional. She was well-dressed and seemed to have a very positive attitude about working for us.
#Person1# and #Person2# are discussing who is more suitable for the position. They both agree that Logan is more suitable than Anderson and Poppas, for Logan is really devoted and seems more professional.
suitable person
#Person1#: Good morning, Plaza Hotel. Can I help you? #Person2#: Hello, I'm just checking the room rates. How much are the single rooms, please? #Person1#: Well, sir, the singles are now from 180 to 240 dollars. #Person2#: And the doubles? #Person1#: The double rooms are now 270 to 330 dollars. #Person2#: That includes tax, I suppose. #Person1#: No. But the price does include breakfast and service charge is extra. #Person2#: Thank you very much. I think I got that. That's singles from 180 to 240 dollars, doubles to 270 dollars. #Person1#: No. The price of doubles is from 270 to 330 dollars. #Person2#: Oh, I see. And can I get an extra bed if we need one? #Person1#: Yes, of course. An extra bed is 45 dollars. #Person2#: Okay, that's fine. Thank you very much. #Person1#: You're welcome.
#Person2# is checking the room rates and #Person1# tells #Person2# the prices. The price doesn't include tax and service charge but includes breakfast.
room rates
#Person1#: Good afternoon. ABC Imports. May I help you? #Person2#: Yes, may I speak to Mr. James Johnson, please? #Person1#: I'm afraid Mr. Johnson isn't available right now. Would you like to leave a message? #Person2#: This is Richard Alexander with Star Electronics. It's very important that he returns my call this afternoon. #Person1#: Does he have your office number and your mobile phone number? #Person2#: I think so, but let me give them to you again. #Person1#: Okay. #Person2#: My office number is 714-555-2000; my cell phone number is 909-555-2308. He can reach me at my office number before 6 p.m. or anytime today on my mobile. #Person1#: Very well, I'll give him your message as soon as he returns to the office.
Richard wants to speak to Mr. James Johnson, but #Person1# tells him Mr. James isn't available and asks Richard to leave a message.
leave a message
#Person1#: Hi, Tom. What are you reading? #Person2#: Oh, hi, Tanya. This is a newspaper, the Community News. It carries only good news. #Person1#: Oh, yeah. I think I've seen that. #Person2#: Yeah, isn't it a great idea? I'm so fed up with all the bad news you read about all the time. It's about time someone offers some creative choice to the mainstream newspapers. #Person1#: I don't know.., the problem with it is, if it's only good news, how do you know you're getting the whole story, and not just sugar-coated truth? It doesn't sound like objective journalism - that both sides of a story and all facts are being reported.
Tom tells Tanya he's reading a newspaper. Tom says it only carries good news, and Tanya thinks it doesn't like objective journalism.
good news
#Person1#: What's going on here? #Person2#: You mean, what's happening? Well, constable, I'm trying to get out of the window and Freud here is helping me. #Person1#: Why are you climbing through the window and not leaving by the front door? #Person2#: Well, you see I can't find the key and I'm in a hurry. Come on, Freud, we're wasting time. #Person1#: Just a minute you two. I don't think you're telling me the truth. This isn't your house, is it? #Person2#: No, it's my brother's. I'm staying with him for a while. #Person1#: Is he at home? #Person2#: I'm afraid not. He's just in jail for house-breaking at the moment.
#Person2# explains to #Person1# why he is climbing through the window, but #Person1# doesn't believe his excuses.
#Person1#: Catherine, you look great in these photos. #Person2#: Oh, thanks. I got into that wedding dress with great difficulty. It was too small. #Person1#: Why didn't you get one your size? #Person2#: Oh, it was my grandmother's - my mother wore it on her wedding day, and I really wanted to wear it on mine. I suffered for six months so I could wear it. #Person1#: How did you do it? #Person2#: Do you know this diet that many actors are doing? I don't think it's very healthy if you do it for a long time, but it really works. #Person1#: I think meat is not allowed in your diet. #Person2#: No, actually, you can eat things like, um, roast chicken, steak, and bacon, but you can't eat any bread and butter. #Person1#: Is it the diet that you love but have to avoid? #Person2#: That's right. Dieting is so boring. Hopefully, I won't need to wear the wedding dress again anyway.
#Person1# thinks Catherine looks great in the photo, and Catherine tells #Person1# how she suffered to lose weight in six months to wear the wedding dress.
lose weight
#Person1#: [Mr Baker is very happy to see Miss Green every morning because she is a good secretary. One Monday Miss Green didn't come to work because she was ill. She had a terrible cold and a bad headache, so she phoned Mr. Baker.] [The telephone rings.] Good morning, Mr. Baker. #Person2#: Good morning, Miss Green. What's wrong? Where are you? #Person1#: I am at home. I'm ill. I'm afraid I've got a terrible cold and a bad headache. #Person2#: I'm very sorry to hear that. Well, you'd better stay at home. #Person1#: Thank you, Mr. Baker. See you tomorrow. #Person2#: See you tomorrow. Goodbye. #Person1#: Goodbye, Mr. Baker.
Miss Green phones Mr. Baker to tell him she cannot come to work because of illness.
#Person1#: What are you reading, Bill? #Person2#: It's this week's New Scientist. Why? #Person1#: I was just wondering. It looks interesting, but I've never actually read it myself. It's for real scientists, or can ordinary people like me understand it? #Person2#: Oh, it's for anyone really. It usually has articles and stories about current affairs about science, as well as papers about new developments in research, I'm reading about a new telephone that allows you to see the person you are speaking to, as well as hear him. #Person1#: Oh, I've heard about it. Is it on the market yet? Can I buy one? #Person2#: No, not this one. But the company has made other models to try out on business. This one is special because of its color, and the images moving. #Person1#: Oh, that's interesting. #Person2#: You see, the first videophones--that's what they are called--were made in Japan. But they can only show a still black-and-white image, so this videophone is much better than that. Mind you, I'm not sure I'd want one, would you? #Person1#: Well, no. I don't think I would. I bet it costs a lot of money. Does it say how much it costs? #Person2#: Yes. The early black-and-white ones cost several hundred pounds. But the one is about costs several thousand pounds. #Person1#: Hum. Why does anybody want one, do you think? #Person2#: Business organizations that need to frequently contact overseas organizations would want it. It's like a face-to-face conversation. So maybe a lot of overseas travel can be avoided. #Person1#: Yes, I suppose so.
Bill tells #Person1# he's reading this week's New Scientist, and ordinary people can read and understand it. Bill introduces the new telephone he's reading about, which allows people to see the person they'are speaking to. Bill and #Person2# both think they wouldn't buy it.
#Person1#: Can you tell us what you like doing in the evening? #Person2#: Well, I like music. I listen to a lot of pop music. But most of all, I like watching TV. It's much better than reading a book.
#Person2# tells #Person1# what #Person2# likes doing in the evening.
in the evening
#Person1#: He's here. Bye Dad. #Person2#: Wait, wait, wait ... Where are you going? #Person1#: Dad. I've already told mom. I'm going out tonight. #Person2#: Who with? You mean you're going on a date? #Person1#: Yeah. Mom met Dirk yesterday. [Dirk!?] He's sooo cool. We're going on a double-date with Cindy and Evan. #Person2#: Dirk. #Person1#: I have to go. #Person2#: Wait, wait. I want to meet this guy. #Person1#: He's waiting for me. #Person2#: Well, so what are you going to do tonight? Going to the library? #Person1#: Dad! We're going out to eat, and then we're going to catch a movie. #Person2#: What movie and what is it rated? #Person1#: It's a science fiction thriller called ... well, I don't know what it is called, but it's rated PG. #Person2#: And where's the movie showing? #Person1#: Down at the Campus Plaza Movie Theater. #Person2#: Hey, I was thinking about seeing a movie down there tonight, too. #Person1#: Ah, Dad. #Person2#: Hey, Let me meet that guy. [Father looks out the living room window] ... Hey, that guy has a moustache! #Person1#: Dad. That's not Dirk. That's his older brother. He's taking us there! Can I go now? #Person2#: Well ... #Person1#: Mom said I could, and mom knows his parents. #Person2#: Well ... #Person1#: Dad. #Person2#: Okay, but be home by 8:00. #Person1#: Eight!? The movie doesn't start until 7:30. Come on, Dad. #Person2#: Okay. Be back by 11:00. #Person1#: Love you, Dad. #Person2#: Love you, too. #Person1#: Bye. #Person2#: Bye.
#Person1# is going out with Dirk tonight and tells her Dad they will go out to eat and catch a movie. #Person1#'s dad asks #Person1# to be back by 11:00, and #Person1# agrees.
date out
#Person1#: . . . Now that we have been over the gory details of our disastrous first quarter, Ed! Give us some good news. How are things looking for us in termsof sales this month? #Person2#: Uh well. . . would you like the bad news first or the really bad news? #Person1#: What? Ed, don't tell me you only have bad news! #Person2#: Well sir, our sales have dropped, no plunged, fifty percent in the past month alone. We are currently overstocked and overstaffed and our profits arefalling fast. The market is in recession and we have no way of moving our inventory, or getting rid of our staff. If we consider redundancies, it would cost us a fortune because of the new regulations governing compensation packages. It's a real mess. #Person1#: For crying out loud. . . How fast are we losing money? #Person2#: Um. . . how can I put this? Let's just say that at this pace, we will be filing for Chapter eleven in less than three months. #Person1#: What! Geez! How could this have happened? So what's the bad news? #Person2#: Oh, that's the really bad news. Our supplier suffered QC problems and, well, half of our production is faulty. We're going to have to recall all itemssold in the last quarter. And the worst part? We're going to have to shoulder this cost. #Person1#: Are you joking? Get the supplier on the line now! They have to assume the costs of this mess! #Person2#: We tried that, sir. The factory has gone under and the owner apparently has fled the country. #Person1#: We're doomed! #Person2#: There is some really good news though! #Person1#: Really? What! #Person2#: I got offered a new job!
Ed tells #Person1# two bad news. The first is that their sales have dropped. The market is in recession and they have no way of moving their inventory or getting rid of their staff. The second news is that their supplier suffered QC problems and half of their production is faulty.
terrible sales
#Person1#: Did you watch TV last night, Rose? #Person2#: Yeah. I saw a science program. It was quite interesting. #Person1#: What was it about? #Person2#: Mars. Scientists say there might be water on it. #Person1#: If so, we may live there someday. #Person2#: I hope so. Did you know the US successfully sent two robotic explorers to Mars last month? #Person1#: Sure. I heard about this on the TV. On January 3rd , 2004, Explorer Spirit landed near the so-called Gusev Crater. And three weeks later, Spirit's twin explorer, Opportunity, landed on Meridiani Planum named by scientists. #Person2#: Yes. Both have sent back pictures of the planet. And the latter did a better job.
Rose saw an interesting science program last night and tells #Person1# the program content.
science program
#Person1#: How smart of you to book the tickets before hand! #Person2#: Oh, do you really think so? #Person1#: Of course, otherwise you'll just have to wait for hours. #Person2#: But I just got a call from my sister and I have to cancel the movie tonight.
#Person1# thinks it's wise of #Person2# to book the ticket beforehand.
book in advance
#Person1#: I heard that James was fired because he got a keep back of 20 thousands dollars from a vender. #Person2#: That's open secret. #Person1#: But mine could be a lie for his job. #Person2#: How did you know that? #Person1#: A little bird whispered to me. Keep that to yourself.
#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the secret of James's being fired.
get fired
#Person1#: I really admire you, Diana. #Person2#: why, Jerry? Your words just came out of the blue. #Person1#: you are really happy and able to achieve high scores at school. #Person2#: I work very hard and that's it, you know, practice makes perfect. #Person1#: isn't there anything else? #Person2#: I have no idea. #Person1#: you must have a high IQ score. #Person2#: well, Jerry, let me tell you a secret. #Person1#: go ahead. #Person2#: my IQ score is slightly above average. #Person1#: seriously? But you are such a genius. #Person2#: maybe I've got a higher EQ. I'm not sure. #Person1#: well, perhaps you're right. Sometimes EQ matters more than IQ. #Person2#: you can say that again, Jerry. And I'm sure you're high in both of them. With a little more time cracking the books, you can also get high marks. #Person1#: oh, thank you. I'm going to the library, are you coming? #Person2#: let's go!
Jerry admires Diana because she's happy and can achieve high scores at school. Diana encourages Jerry he can get high marks if spending more time cracking the books.
#Person1#: You know, I don't quite understand the Chinese criterion of beauty. I mean, I asked some Chinese guys who had seen my girlfriend. I asked them, Isn't she beautiful? They were looking at me with eyes wide open, like ... and they even wondered how in the world I could ever have fallen in love with her! #Person2#: I understand. I've heard quite a few people say that most Chinese women that foreigners have chosen are not pretty at all. I know I'm one of those that they were describing. I'm surely not beautiful. #Person3#: Oh, come on, although you married a foreigner, you're not that bad! #Person1#: I mean I think my girlfriend is very pretty and cute. She has these red cheeks, and her silk hair has been evenly cut. Very pretty, very charming. #Person3#: Chinese don't notice that sort of thing at all. Amy, what is that saying? #Person2#: Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. #Person3#: Yeah, that's right. Magic love.
#Person1#, #Person2#, and #Person3# are discussing the Chinese criterion of beauty. #Person1# cannot understand that and #Person2# thinks beauty is in the eyes of the beholders. #Person3# agrees it's magic love.
beauty and love
#Person1#: Good afternoon. Can I help you? #Person2#: Yes, we have a reservation for three nights. Mona White. I called last week. #Person1#: One moment please, Ms. White. Yes, that was for two single rooms, wasn't it? I've reserved rooms 402 and 403 for you. #Person2#: Are they quiet rooms? #Person1#: Well they are facing the street but there's a lovely view. #Person2#: We'd like quiet rooms thanks. #Person1#: Of course
Mona White has a reservation for three nights, and #Person1# helps check the rooms.
check in
#Person1#: Good morning. I'm from the New York book review. Could I ask you some questions about your latest book? #Person2#: Sure. Take a seat... what would you like to know? #Person1#: First, I've heard that your latest book is based on a true story. #Person2#: That's correct. It's a murder mystery based on actual murders that book place in Florida several years ago. The main character-the police invesigator-is based on the man who investigated the case. #Person1#: How do you research your books? #Person2#: I always visit the places that I use as setting for stories. Readers like things to be as factually correct as possible-even in fiction! I usually base my characters on people I have met. Most character are a mixture of the characters of two or more people. #Person1#: I really like your books. I've just finished this one. I read it from cover to cover in a single day. Congratulation on making the bestseller list yet again! #Person2#: Thank you. Let met sign it for you ... there you go. #Person1#: Oh! Thank you very much. I heard that you are currently writing a collection of short stories. What are the stories about? #Person2#: There's a real mix of stories in the book. I haven't finished all of them yet, though. Many of them are short detective stories, but there are also horror stories and sci-fi ones. If you give me your business card, I'll make sure you get an advance copy to review. #Person1#: Thanks very much. I'm sure it will sell well. I can't wait to read it. Here's my card. Thank you for you time.
#Person1# interviews #Person2# and asks #Person2# some questions about #Person2#'s latest book. #Person2# tells #Person1# how #Person2# researched the books and the story background. #Person2#'s writing a collection of short stories, and many of them are short detective stories. #Person1# can't wait to read it.
#Person1#: Robert, you play the guitar, don't you? #Person2#: I used to. But I haven't played it for quite some time. I don't really have time these days with all my studies. Why do you ask? #Person1#: I'm trying to organize a group to play at some parties on weekends. We still need a guitar player. #Person2#: Well, I don't know. But your idea sounds fun to me. #Person1#: Oh, it will be. I'm more or less in charge of things. So if you want to give it a try, you're in. It's as easy as that. Besides, it's a great chance to get out and meet people. #Person2#: But I told you I haven't practiced for a long time. I don't know if I remember any songs I used to play. #Person1#: Don't worry about it. I just thought I'd ask you to try and join us sometime when we were practicing. We'll be practicing for a few months before we give performances. #Person2#: OK, I'll have a try. #Person1#: I'm sure you can do it. And it will be fun, too.
#Person1#'s trying to organize a group to play at some parties on weekends. #Person1# invites Robert to play the guitar, and Robert says he'll have a try.
guitar player
#Person1#: Could I have a word with you, sir? #Person2#: Just speaking. #Person1#: I have to tell you that I can't be in today and tomorrow. #Person2#: So sorry to hear that. What's wrong with you? #Person1#: I feel sick and coughed a lot at night. #Person2#: Is that serious? You ought to see a doctor. #Person1#: Yes, I did this in the morning. And my doctor wanted me to have a rest these 2 days. #Person2#: That's good. Do you suppose you will be back to the company the day after tomorrow? #Person1#: I hope so. And I will definitely tell you if I cannot. #Person2#: Well, take care of yourself and I hope you will be better as soon as possible.
#Person1# explains to #Person2# why he cannot come to work today. #Person1# is ill, and #Person2# hopes he will get better soon.
#Person1#: I have noticed that a lot of people around here are very healthy and hard working. I thought all Americans just ate hamburgers and pizza and sat in front of the TV all day long. #Person2#: Huh... well, our culture and society has become a lot more health conscious than it was 10 years ago. #Person1#: I have heard a lot of people talking about organic foods and even growing their own vegetables. #Person2#: Yes, things are different now. I think most people are just more aware than before whether it is about themselves or the world. There is so much information out there. People are less ignorant than they were before. #Person1#: More attention has been drawn toward protecting the environment. #Person2#: I agree, but there are also many problems that we still need to overcome. Let's not get into that. #Person1#: Focus on the positive, right? So what do you do to play your part in a healthy society? #Person2#: I try to avoid driving my car as much as possible. #Person1#: Good for you. I wish more people had the same attitude as you.
#Person2# tells #Person1# American culture and society has become more health conscious than it was before, and more attention has been drawn toward protecting the environment.
healthy lifestyle
#Person1#: Can I help you? #Person2#: Yes please. I'm looking for a smartphone, but uhm? I don't know much about them. #Person1#: Right. Well, with a smart phone you can use software, you know for your appointments, as an address book, that kind of thing you can take notes and write documents. #Person2#: I see I'm interested in this one. #Person1#: This one? It's got all the features you'd expect. A nice screen, wireless internet. #Person2#: So I can check my email, can I? #Person1#: Yeah you can read and send email and surf the Internet, too. As long as you're in an area the Internet can cover. #Person2#: It's got a camera hasn't it? #Person1#: Yeah, it's really good. You can take photos or videos. You can download video games and it's got an MP3 player for your favorite songs. You can even watch TV. #Person2#: Wow. I really like the functions they're wonderful.
#Person2#'s looking for a smartphone and asks #Person2# for some information of smartphone. #Person2# likes one smartphone, and #Person1# introduces its functions to #Person2#. #Person2#'s satisfied with it.
buy a smartphone
#Person1#: What seems to be the matter? #Person2#: I just can't sleep well, doctor. #Person1#: I see and how long have you had this problem? #Person2#: Oh, for about 2 weeks now. #Person1#: 2 weeks? Do you have headaches? #Person2#: sometimes. #Person1#: Fever? #Person2#: No. #Person1#: Are you having any family problems? #Person2#: No, not really, we all get along pretty well. #Person1#: And how about work? #Person2#: Well I've been working a lot lately. More than 11 hours a day. #Person1#: Maybe you should take a vacation and just rest for a few days. #Person2#: Well, I can't right now, we're in the middle of some important business. #Person1#: Yes, I understand, but you really need to slow down. You're going to kill yourself if you go on like this.
#Person2# can't sleep well. #Person1# asks #Person2# some questions and suggests #Person2# should take a break.
not sleep well
#Person1#: Hi, Adam, what are you doing? #Person2#: I've just got home from my tennis lesson. Have you had dinner yet? #Person1#: No, not yet. #Person2#: I'm hungry. Do you want me to help you cook? #Person1#: No, I've already done it. I prepared the fish this morning and cooked it earlier this evening. #Person2#: Great. Let's eat. I'll put the knives and forks on the table. #Person1#: I've just done that a minute ago, but I haven't put any glasses on the table yet. Can you do that please? #Person2#: OK.
Adam has just got home from a tennis lesson, and #Person1# has prepared the dinner well.
having dinner
#Person1#: Hello, can I help? #Person2#: I'm from Lexington Software and I'm here to collect an export L / C. #Person1#: I have it right here. #Person2#: Great. Can I take it with me now? Or do you need me to fill in some forms or something? #Person1#: No, you can take it away now. I just need you to sign here. #Person2#: Here you are. #Person1#: Just one thing before you go, could you please prepare your documents in accordance with the L / C within the validity period? #Person2#: No problem, I'll get on that right away. Thanks, bye.
#Person2# collects an export L / C from #Person1#. #Person2# is asked to prepare the according documents while valid.
export L / C collection
#Person1#: Good afternoon, how may I help you? #Person2#: Hi, I'd like to order some flowers. #Person1#: Who are they for? #Person2#: They're for my Wife. Her name is Samantha. #Person1#: What kind of flowers would you like? #Person2#: I don't know. I don't know too much about flowers. Can you recommend something? #Person1#: OK. What's the reason you are sending her flowers? #Person2#: Today's her birthday and she told me she wants me to buy her flowers. #Person1#: Do you know what kind of flowers she likes? #Person2#: I'm not sure. I know I should know that, but I can't remember right now. #Person1#: Well, they're for your wife, so I think you should give her roses. #Person2#: Roses will be fine. #Person1#: What color? #Person2#: I think red would be nice. #Person1#: Do you want to pick them up or should we deliver them? #Person2#: Can you deliver them, please? #Person1#: What's the address? #Person2#: 241 Main street.
#Person1# suggests buying roses for Samantha who is on her birthday. #Person2# takes the advice and chooses the red ones, and asks for the delivery service.
buying flowers
#Person1#: did you know that abortion is still illegal in many states in the USA? #Person2#: why? I thought Americans were supposed to be more open than that. #Person1#: well, for many religious people, they believe that people who abort their babies are murderers. #Person2#: do you think most people in America believe that abortion is wrong? #Person1#: no, I think it's mostly the older generation who are against abortions. #Person2#: it's no wonder there are so many teenage pregnancies in America. #Person1#: religious people blame it on pre-marital sex, not on abortion being illegal. #Person2#: what do you think about abortion? #Person1#: I personally would never want to have one, but I think that since a pregnancy can affect a woman's entire life, she should have the right to decide for herself. #Person2#: do you think the fathers should have some kind of say in the matter? #Person1#: I know this is going to sound sexist, but I don't think that men should have to give their approval to the mothers of their children. #Person2#: why not? It's their children, too. #Person1#: that may be true, but when a woman gets pregnant, it changes her life completely. Men can still carry on with their lives after the birth exactly as they did beforehand. #Person2#: that might be true, but I think men should have some kind of say in the matter.
#Person1# doesn't think a man should give his approval for an abortion since his life is not affected by pregnancy at all unlike the mother's, while #Person2# thinks men should have some kind of say because it's their children too.
abortion argument
#Person1#: Excuse me, is this seat taken? #Person2#: I ' m afraid this seat is taken. #Person1#: Oh. is it. Thank you anyway. #Person2#: You ' re welcome. Why don ' t you ask the conductor when he comes by? #Person1#: Thank you.
#Person1# asks #Person2# about the available seats.
seat enquiry
#Person1#: Mary, how was your date with john? #Person2#: it's ok. It seems we have a lot in common. #Person1#: oh, really. That is great news. What does he look like? #Person2#: he is tall and slim, fair-haired. #Person1#: sounds like he is pretty cute. What do you think of him? #Person2#: he is a nice guy and very considerate. I was impressed with how smart he was and he has a great sense of humor. #Person1#: oh, it's love at first sight. When will you see each other again? #Person2#: he didn't say, but he said he would call me. #Person1#: maybe he is busy with his work. Just wait and try not to think about it too much! #Person2#: oh, steve. Stop it! I am a bit nervous! What if he doesn't call? #Person1#: come on, Mary, you're a total catch. I bet he will call you. Don't worry. #Person2#: thank you, Steve. You're always so encouraging. #Person1#: that's what friends are for.
Mary tells Steve about her nice date John and feels nervous about whether he will call. Steve encourages Mary to believe in herself and that John will call for sure.
date discussion
#Person1#: Would you give me some fruits? How much are these oranges? #Person2#: Seventy cents a piece. #Person1#: How about this one? #Person2#: Sixty cents a piece. #Person1#: Well, I'll take five of the seventy cents ones, and are those grapefruits sweet? #Person2#: Sure! They are very fresh, first of all. We sell at a bargain, and you make a wise purchase if you buy them today. Eighty cents only, a piece. #Person1#: I follow you and I'll take three just for my trial. #Person2#: Thank you very much and anything else? #Person1#: That's all. Thank you.
#Person1# buys five of the seventy cents oranges. #Person2# sells three grapefruits to #Person1# which are at a bargain.
buying fruits
#Person1#: The sun is up! Time for all the campers to rise. Time to get paddling. #Person2#: Oh, no! No more paddling! My arms are sore! #Person1#: Do not worry. Today will be easier. #Person2#: Beth, what date is today? #Person1#: Today is Saturday. #Person2#: What is the date today? #Person1#: Today is July 4th. #Person2#: Oh, i almost forgot. Today is my mom's birthday. #Person1#: Call her on my cell phone. Wish her ' Happy Birthday! ' Tell her you are out exploring the great American wilderness. Tell her I said she is lucky to be born on Independence Day. #Person2#: Thanks! I will do that! When is your birthday? #Person1#: It is December 25th. #Person2#: Wow! What a lucky girl! Your birthday is on Christmas Day. #Person1#: Yes, I am lucky. I was born on Christ's birthday. Maybe that is why I usually go to church on Sundays. When is your birthday? #Person2#: April 2nd. I missed being a target of a lot of jokes by one day. I guess I am lucky, too! #Person1#: That is true! Here, have some Granola for breakfast. #Person2#: Thanks. #Person1#: After eating, we will take down our tent. Then we will pack everything into the canoe, We can shove off by 6 #Person2#: I guess so. #Person1#: How about going for swim around 10 #Person2#: That should work out great. You are miracle worker! You have got me awake and motivated. #Person1#: Happy Independence Day!
Beth asks #Person2# to call #Person2#'s mother to wish her a Happy Birthday. Beth says her birthday is on Christmas whereas #Person2#'s is the day after April fool's day. Beth talks about the plans for today which motivates #Person2#.
Independence day plan
#Person1#: so, how's your course going? Do you like it? #Person2#: i like my professors and the classes, but it's a lot of work. #Person1#: what are you specializing in? #Person2#: right now, I'm doing some research into the languages of different African tribes. #Person1#: that sounds really interesting. Can you speak Swahili? #Person2#: yes, I learned how to speak it when I was little. #Person1#: really? How did you do that? #Person2#: well, I grew up in Africa, so I learned quite a few different languages. #Person1#: that's amazing. Are you doing well in your classes? #Person2#: I don't know because I haven't received my test results yet. #Person1#: when did you take your exams? #Person2#: about two weeks ago. #Person1#: how do you think you did? #Person2#: I left feeling pretty confident about my score, but I heard that my professors are very strict graders, so I'm a bit nervous. #Person1#: I'm sure you'll do well. Did you study hard? #Person2#: You know me ; I'm always studying! #Person1#: don't worry. If you don't do well, no one can! #Person2#: Thanks for the vote of confidence, Justin!
Justin asks about #Person2#'s current specialty, #Person2# answers and talks about the African language skills acquired in childhood. #Person2# is nervous about the test results because the professors are strict. Justin gives #Person2# confidence.
academic discussion
#Person1#: Say, Anna, what are you doing tonight? Would you like to go out? #Person2#: Oh, sorry, I can't. I'm going to work late tonight. I have to finish this report. #Person1#: Well, how about tomorrow night? Are you doing anything then? #Person2#: No, I'm not. What are you planning to do? #Person1#: I'm going to see a musical. Would you like to come? #Person2#: Sure, I'd love to! But let me pay for the tickets this time. It's my turn. #Person1#: All right! Thanks!
Anna decides to go out seeing a musical with #Person1# tomorrow since she is busy tonight.
invitation to musical
#Person1#: Hey Jackie. What are you doing? #Person2#: Nothing much. I'm just relaxing today. Why? What's going on? #Person1#: I was thinking about heading to the mall. Do you want to go? #Person2#: Are they having a sale? #Person1#: Yeah. Both Bon and Nordstrom's is having there annual sale. It's a great time to buy some clothes you've been holding out on. #Person2#: That sounds great. Where should we meet? #Person1#: I'll meet you in front of Nordstrom's in 30 minutes. #Person2#: Sounds good. See you there. #Person1#: What do you think about these shoes? #Person2#: They're cute. But do you think you'll wear them much? #Person1#: No. Not really. #Person2#: This sweater is so pretty. I love the low neck design. #Person1#: I bet it's expensive. #Person2#: It's on sale for $ 80. What do you think? Should I try it on? #Person1#: For 80 bucks it looks great. Go try it on.
#Person1# invites Jackie to buy some clothes at Nordstrom's where is having the annual sale. A sweater catches Jackie's fancy so #Person1# asks Jackie to try it on.
shopping for clothes
#Person1#: I was wondering if I could borrow the company van for a fundraiser this weekend. #Person2#: Sure, I think that would be possible. Where is the fundraiser? #Person1#: It is in the park downtown. #Person2#: Would you need it for both Saturday and Sunday? #Person1#: We will need it for Saturday only. #Person2#: I think that would be OK. Who will be driving it? #Person1#: Mary and I will be driving the van. #Person2#: Could you drop it off on Sunday night? #Person1#: Yes, we can do that. Can we borrow the chairs from the lunchroom also? #Person2#: Yes, that would be fine. Just make sure that everything is returned by Sunday night.
#Person1# asks to borrow the company van and chairs for a fundraiser on weekend. #Person2# agrees to lend them until Sunday night.
fundraiser preparation
#Person1#: Oh, my god. I am so heavy now. I gain 10 kilos. #Person2#: I am going to the gym. Do you want to come with me? #Person1#: I think I should go. I really need to lose some weight. #Person2#: Then, I'll wait for you at the car park in 20 minutes. #Person1#: 0K. See you then. #Person2#: Do you have your member card with you? #Person1#: Nope, I do not have a membership yet. #Person2#: Well I have a guest ticket. You can use it. #Person1#: That is so nice of you. If I like the service and the training equipment, I think I will join the club.
#Person1# decides to go to the gym with #Person2# to lose weight. #Person2# gives #Person1# a guest ticket to enter.
gym visiting
#Person1#: Anna, Would you like to dance? #Person2#: I'd love to, but I'm a terrible dancer. I'm afraid I may step on your toes. #Person1#: Don't worry about it. I'll show you how. It's a piece of cake. #Person2#: Thank you. I'll try my best.
#Person1# invites and will teach Anna to dance.
dance invitation
#Person1#: Will you bring our bill, please? #Person2#: Yes, certainly. I'll be back in a minute. Here you are #Person1#: Thanks. Let me see. I think there's a mistake on the bill here. Would you mind checking, please? #Person2#: Of course, not. Let me check. Oh, you seem to be correct. #Person1#: How about tax and service charge? #Person2#: Only ten percent tax is included in the bill. #Person1#: Then one hundred U. S. dollars covers everything, doesn't it? #Person2#: It sure does.
#Person1# finds the bill mistaken. The bill is one hundred U. S. dollars in total.
bill checking
#Person1#: Why did your parents make you stay at home? #Person2#: They wanted to go out, and so they made me look after my baby brother. #Person1#: Didn't you mind doing it? #Person2#: No, I didn't. My brother was very good and I did quite a lot of homework. #Person1#: Didn't you even want to go to the cinema? #Person2#: Not really. I watched television for an hour. #Person1#: What was on television last night? #Person2#: Boxing. It was excellent. #Person1#: Oh. I enjoy watching boxing on television, too. What a pity I missed it last night! #Person2#: What did you do last night? #Person1#: I went to a boxing match in the sports stadium.
#Person1# looked after the baby alone and watched boxing on TV last night, and #Person2# went to a boxing match.
watching boxing
#Person1#: I'm sure that the boy will become nobody when he grows up. #Person2#: Be careful of what you say, or you'll have to eat humble pie. #Person1#: Eat humble pie? Impossible, I'Ve never been wrong in judging boys like him.
#Person2# asks #Person1# to be careful of judging.
argument about judgement
#Person1#: What are you going to have for breakfast? #Person2#: I just have some cereal each morning. #Person1#: You're supposed to always have a hearty breakfast. #Person2#: I don't always have time to make breakfast. #Person1#: It's easy to make a quick breakfast. #Person2#: What do you have for breakfast? #Person1#: When I need to make a quick breakfast, I just make some oatmeal, toast, and OJ. #Person2#: That's a good idea. #Person1#: It's not time consuming at all. #Person2#: It doesn't take much time to make? #Person1#: Would you like me to make something? #Person2#: Why don't you make me some oatmeal and toast?
#Person2# doesn't have time to make breakfast. #Person1# suggests some easy examples and is asked by #Person2# to make some.
suggestions on breakfast
#Person1#: Hi, Steven, take a seat! How are things at work? #Person2#: It's coming along well, but it is a little delayed. #Person1#: Can you finish it on time? #Person2#: I'm pressed for time and I am afraid I need someone to help me. #Person1#: OK, I will send Beker to help you. We need to get the brochures done and sent them to our clients on Friday without delay. #Person2#: OK, we promise to do it well.
#Person2# sends Beker to help Steven in order to finish the work by Friday.
work assistance
#Person1#: Good afternoon, Chloe, I'm Doctor Evans. What seems to be the problem? #Person2#: Hi, Dr. Evans. Thanks for seeing me on such short notice. When I woke up this morning I had a really sore throat and a really bad cough. I think I am coming down with the flu. #Person1#: Ah I see, yes you do sound rather croaky. Well let's have a look, shall we? Could you please open your mouth and say ' ah '. #Person2#: Ahhhhhhhh #Person1#: Good, yes, your tonsils are a little swollen and red. How are your ears, blocked at all? #Person2#: A little actually. My sinuses are a little blocked up as well-I really feel terrible. #Person1#: Ok Chloe, can you please breathe in and out slowly for me while I listen to your chest? You really are all bunged up, you don't sound too good at all. Ok, I'm going to set you up with a bunch of antibiotics. You will need to take these orange pills twice a day and these blue pills every evening. You will also have to take this cough medicine three times a day after meals. Finally, I am giving you an inhaler to use every time you feel breathless. . . just to clear up your lungs! #Person2#: Whoa! So many drugs. . . I hate swallowing pills. Am I able to go to work? #Person1#: Absolutely not! You are highly contagious! You don't want to infect the rest of your co-workers do you? I recommend staying in bed for at least three days and drinking plenty of fluids so you don't get weak and dehydrated. You can catch up on all the latest TV shows and movies! #Person2#: Ok! Would you mind writing me a doctor's note for work, otherwise they may think I am faking it! #Person1#: Ha-ha, sure not a problem! Here you are. Now off you go and away to bed. If you have any questions just give me a call! Feel better soon and take care. #Person2#: Thanks doc, bye!
Chloe goes to see a doctor because she thinks she has flu. Doctor Evans examines Chloe and set up many medicines and an inhaler. Chole asks if she can go to work, Doctor Evans denies to avoid contagion and recommends Chole to stay in bed for at least three days, so Chole asks for a note to prove the authenticity and gets it.
medical treatment
#Person1#: Mom, look! My first piggy bank and it still has money in it! #Person2#: That is a blast from the past. #Person1#: Remember when I used to beg you to break it so I could go buy ice cream? #Person2#: Yes. You sure have come a long way in valuing your hard earned dollars. #Person1#: Thanks for not giving in to my childhood tantrums, mom. #Person2#: But what are you going to do with that pig? #Person1#: I think I'm going to keep it as a monument to what I've learned about money. #Person2#: Who knows, maybe one day he will sit on the desk of a top CEO in a major corporation!
#Person1# finds a childhood piggy bank and #Person1#'s mother thinks #Person1# has learned valuing earnings, so #Person1# decides to souvenir it.
change of values
#Person1#: I'll show you around and explain the operation as we go along. #Person2#: That'll be most helpful. #Person1#: That is our office block. We have all the administrative departments there. Down there is the research and development section. #Person2#: How much do you spend on development every year? #Person1#: About 3-4 % of the gross sales. #Person2#: What's that building opposite us? #Person1#: That's the warehouse. We keep a stock of the faster moving items so that urgent orders can be met quickly from stock. #Person2#: If I placed an order now, how long would it be before I got delivery? #Person1#: It would largely depend on the size of the order and the items you want.
#Person1# shows #Person2# around and explains the operation. #Person1# introduces to #Person2# about the spending on development and delivery of orders.
viewing operations
#Person1#: So, where is this bus supposed to take us? #Person2#: It should take us back up to Altadena. #Person1#: Well, don't you know for sure? #Person2#: I'm not really sure if it does or not. #Person1#: Are you sure we got on the right bus? #Person2#: I've never taken this bus, but I think it's the right one. #Person1#: This place doesn't look like Altadena. #Person2#: That's true, and we have been on this bus for a while. #Person1#: Read one of the street signs or something. #Person2#: Yikes! Temple City. #Person1#: That's the last time I'm trusting you with the transportation. #Person2#: My bad, but at least we know the right bus to take us back.
#Person1# doubts if they are on the right bus to Altadena. Then #Person2# finds out that they took the wrong one.
wrong bus
#Person1#: Johnny, I want to thank you. #Person2#: What do you mean, Mom? For breaking your best china? #Person1#: Oh, Johnny, that stuff was dollar store junk. No, I want to thank you for keeping Grandma busy. #Person2#: Well, it's more like she kept me busy. . . #Person1#: I know, and normally she's trying to tell me how to clean my house. So, thank you. #Person2#: Am I back in your good books? #Person1#: Not only that, but I'm going to buy you that video game after all!
Jonny's mother thanks Johnny for breaking china so that Grandma keeps Jonny busy cleaning instead of herself.
house cleaning
#Person1#: Hi Michael. #Person2#: Hi Amy. What's up? #Person1#: I'm looking for the airport. Can you tell me how to get there? #Person2#: No, sorry. I don't know. #Person1#: I think I can take the subway to the airport. Do you know where the subway is? #Person2#: Sure, it's over there. #Person1#: Where? I don't see it. #Person2#: Across the street. #Person1#: Oh, I see it now. Thanks. #Person2#: No problem. #Person1#: Do you know if there's a restroom around here? #Person2#: Yes, there's one here. It's in the store. #Person1#: Thank you. #Person2#: Bye.
Michael shows Amy where to take the subway to the airport and where the restroom is.
#Person1#: Can I help you, madam? #Person2#: Yes, I'm looking for a cap. Size 16. #Person1#: Would you like to try this one on? #Person2#: Yes. It's a bit tight. Have you got a bigger one? #Person1#: All right. How about this one? #Person2#: Yes, that's fine. I'll take it. Can I pay by check? #Person1#: Of course, madam.
#Person2# purchases a suitable cap by check with #Person2#'s help.
Buying cap
#Person1#: When can we expect you and your daughter for dinner? Next Saturday? #Person2#: Next Saturday? I'm sorry. I'Ve promised to go to a Chinese Opera with my daughter. #Person1#: How about Sunday then? #Person2#: Yes, Sunday sounds fine. What time? #Person1#: Does 6, 30 suit you? #Person2#: It suits us fine. We'll see you then. #Person1#: Thanks, goodbye.
#Person2# will attend #Person1#'s dinner on Sunday with #Person2#'s daughter.
dinner arrangement
#Person1#: Hi. You said that you might need some help with preparing dinner. What would you like me to do? #Person2#: Thanks for coming over to help. I really appreciate it. First, could you peel the vegetables? I'Ve put them all in the skin and there's a peeler. #Person1#: Ok, I'll peel the vegetables and you chop them. I'm terrible at chopping vegetables. I always seem to chop them into pieces that are either too big or too small. . . . wow! You can chop vegetable really quickly, just like professional chefs on TV! #Person2#: After you'Ve chopped the vegetables, could you fry the meat in a little oil? Just use a very small amount of oil. Fry the meat until it is cooked, then we'll add some spices to flavor it. #Person1#: Which spices are you going to add to the meat? #Person2#: These ones here. The one on the left is very spicy, so we must be careful about how much we add. #Person1#: Yes. We don't want everyone to burn their mouths and have a drink gallons of water! OK. I'm really to do the meat. Should I cook it over a low flame? #Person2#: Cook it over a high flame, so that it will be ready quickly. Keep stirring the meat around the frying pan. Don't let the meat stick to the bottom of the pan. #Person1#: Right. What are you doing over there? #Person2#: I'm mixing the sauce. It's my specialty. I make it according to my own secret recipe!
#Person1# helps #Person2# prepare dinner. #Person2# gives instructions on what #Person1# is expected to do, including peeling the vegetables, and then frying the meat. While #Person1# is stirring the meat, #Person2# mixes the sauce according to #Person2#'s secret recipe.
dinner preparation
#Person1#: Hello, Madam. What can I do for you today? #Person2#: Hello. I'd like to send 600 RMB in cash to my daughter. How long will it take for her to receive the money? #Person1#: It's very quick and easy. It just takes 24 hours, we guarantee that. All you need to do is fill in this slip and we can proceed. #Person2#: Are there any extra charges, like commission? #Person1#: There is a service commission that you must pay. It's 1 % of the funds to be remitted, so you should pay an extra 6 RIB.
#Person2# wants to send cash to her daughter, so she is required by #Person1# to pay a service commission.
Remittance procedure
#Person1#: You see, I'm getting much fatter than before. I'm always worried I've no idea how to lose weight. #Person2#: You should do some exercise every day. That is the best way to keep you healthy and strong. #Person1#: You know, I don't want to move about at all. #Person2#: You'd better not watch too much TV. Recently, dancing machines have been popular in China. I suggest buying one. #Person1#: What is the dancing machine? #Person2#: Oh, you may see one in shopping centres. It's easy to learn how to use it. What you ought to do is to dance on such machines with loud disco music, stepping forward and backward, left and right according to the directions on TV, as if you are really dancing. #Person1#: That sounds interesting! But is it useful to help me keep fit? #Person2#: Sure. When you finish dancing, you'll be out of breath. #Person1#: Where can I find one? #Person2#: You may go to the Friendship Store. #Person1#: Is it expensive? #Person2#: I don't think so. It only costs 800 yuan. #Person1#: All right. I'd like to buy one.
#Person1# doesn't know how to lose weight. #Person2# recommends dancing machines which people can move on them as if they are really dancing. #Person1# thinks it's interesting and would like to buy one.
weight loss equipment
#Person1#: What do you think you'll be doing in five years' time, Carrie? #Person2#: I definitely won't be working as a car park attendant. I want to become an opera singer. I hope I'll be living in Milan. What about you, Frank? #Person1#: Unless I pass my exams, I'll probably serve rude customers in the restaurant. #Person2#: Come on. Don't be so sad. Cheer up, Frank.
Frank feels sad about his possible future career, so Carrie encourages Frank.
discussion about future
#Person1#: Excuse me, would you please tell me when the next flight to Los Angeles is? #Person2#: Sure. The next direct flight to Los Angeles is two hours from now, but if you do not mind transferring at San Francisco you can board now.
#Person1# enquires about the flight to Los Angeles.
flight enquiry
#Person1#: It's freezing cold. Let me make some coffee to warm us up. Do you want a piece of pie as well? #Person2#: Coffee sounds great. But I'm going to have dinner with some friends in a while, so I'd better skip the pie.
#Person2# decides to have #Person1#'s coffee without pie.
coffee invitation
#Person1#: Are you all right, Mark? Is anything wrong? #Person2#: I'm so homesick, I could die. All this studying, all this pressure, I just can't stand it. #Person1#: It takes time to get used to all this. #Person2#: Yes. But, you know, I lost sleep last night. #Person1#: It seems like you've really got the blues. Have you heard from home recently? #Person2#: It's been almost a month since I got a letter from my mum. I'm going to write to her and explain the situation. By the way, do you have an envelope that I can borrow? #Person1#: Sorry, I don't have any. I hardly ever send any letters. #Person2#: The bookstore is closed today. Is there another place I can get some stamps? #Person1#: You can go to the post office on North Street to buy stamps.
Mark is homesick and decides to write a letter to Mark's mom. #Person1# doesn't have any envelopes to borrow, but he tells Mark where to buy stamps.
writing a letter
#Person1#: Do you have somewhere to stay in London, Peter? #Person2#: No, I don't. In fact, I was about to ask you if you could arrange some place for me to stay. #Person1#: Yes, that's no problem though I am not in charge of it. I'll ask someone to arrange it for you. What kind of place were you considering? #Person2#: Well, I don't care if I share with other people, but I'm not good at housework. Maybe a home stay would be OK, but I don't like young children, because they're noisy and it's difficult to study. Hopefully, I can live with a lady who has retired. #Person1#: OK, that's no problem. But I must warn you that living with a family in London is very expensive. Much more expensive than other small cities. #Person2#: That's not a big problem. I have some money saved. Besides, I can always get a part-time job. I'm working in a supermarket as a cashier now. So I don't think I will have trouble with money. #Person1#: Sounds good. I'll call you if I get some information about that. #Person2#: OK, that's great. Thank you very much. #Person1#: You are welcome.
#Person1# will ask someone to help #Person2#, who prefers a homestay without young children, arrange a place to stay. #Person1# warns #Person2# about the high prices of homestays, but #Person2# thinks it's not a big problem.
accomodation arrangement
#Person1#: Stay with me, kids. Don't get lost. #Person2#: I am not Dad. I never get lost in the supermarket. #Person3#: I am not a kid anymore, Mom. #Person1#: Anyway, stay with me. I want to check out some daily necessities. #Person3#: No, Mom. I want to go to the video products section. The new album of Westlife just comes out. #Person2#: I want to buy some sports supplies. #Person1#: OK, kids. You can go. We'll meet by lunch time. #Person3#: How about Dad? He is outside with our stuff. #Person2#: We can call him then. #Person1#: All right, kids. Remember, 12 o'clock, at the 2nd cash counter. #Person3#: Who is that? #Person1#: It's Dad. He got a free deposit box. #Person3#: Finally, he is released. #Person1#: He called to tell us that he was in the book section.
#Person1# asks #Person2# and #Person3# to stay with her while shopping. However they want to go to different sections, so they separate and then meet at lunch.
in the supermarket
#Person1#: Have you decided what you are going to take next semester? #Person2#: Well, I'm an English major, you know. So I came here to make sure I'm taking the right things. #Person1#: Good. I think it's a good idea. Our department should require meetings like this. #Person2#: I want to finish my degree in four years. So I don't want to forget to take classes I need. I have a friend who has to stay in college another year. She didn't know until recently . There were some classes she needed to take to graduate. She didn't know about them. #Person1#: Yes, that happens. #Person2#: I brought my transcript from my first year. Here. And here is the list of courses I plan to take in the fall. #Person1#: Alright. Good. I see you've already taken six credits of your breadth requirements. You have one botany class and one chemistry class. And political science. So that's nine credits. Did you take English Composition 201? #Person2#: No, I don't need to. I took Advanced Placement English in high school. So I'm not required to take composition. #Person1#: Excellent. I see you have the 18th century poetry class for next semester. And the modern novel class. You haven't taken a Shakespeare class yet. #Person2#: No, I thought I would take it later. #Person1#: Actually, I recommend you take Shakespeare sooner rather than later. #Person2#: Well, I suppose I could cross out the 18th century poetry class. I have to see when the Shakespeare class meets. #Person1#: Let me look at the timetable. Shakespeare meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11 #Person2#: I can take it then. I have that time slot free. #Person1#: Good. I recommend it. Shakespeare is of course enormously important. We want our students to take the class as soon as they can. And Professor Friedman is an excellent teacher. #Person2#: I'll take it then. #Person1#: Tell me, Lisa, what made you decide to be an English major? #Person2#: I want to be an English professor in the future. I love studying literature, and I want to teach it. #Person1#: Really? That's great to know. #Person2#: That's the reason I want to finish my B. A. in four years. Because I know I will be in school a long time. I want to start the M. A. and Ph. D. program as soon as possible.
#Person2# wants to finish the degree in four years, so #Person2# has to take necessary classes. After seeing #Person2#'s course selection, #Person1# recommends #Person2# to take Shakespeare's poetry class sooner because of its importance. #Person2# has the time slot free so she decides to replace the 18th century poetry class with it. #Person2# also says that #Person2# becomes an English major because she wants to be an English professor in the future.
course selection
#Person1#: Hello, Anna speaking! #Person2#: Hey, Anna, this is Jason. #Person1#: Jason, where have you been hiding lately? You know it's been a long time since your last call. Have you been good? #Person2#: Yes. How are you, Anna? #Person1#: I am fine. What have you been doing? #Person2#: Working. I've been really busy these days. I got a promotion. #Person1#: That's great, congratulations! #Person2#: Thanks. I am feeling pretty good about myself too. You know, bigger office, a raise and even an assistant. #Person1#: That's good. So I guess I'll have to make an appointment to see you. #Person2#: You are kidding. #Person1#: How long have you been working there? #Person2#: A bit over two years. This is a fast-moving company, and seniority isn't the only factor in deciding promotions. #Person1#: How do you like your new boss? #Person2#: She is very nice and open-minded. #Person1#: Much better than the last one, huh? #Person2#: Yeah. He was a real slave driver. He probably would have loved it if we were robots. #Person1#: Forget about him. Come over to my house tonight. Let's get drunk. #Person2#: Good. Tonight 8 o'clock. #Person1#: 8 it is. See you then. #Person2#: Bye.
Jason calls Anna to tell her that he got a promotion recently with good conditions and a nice new boss. While Jason is complaining about his last boss, Anna invites him to drink tonight and Jason accepts.
a call
#Person1#: Did you hear what's going on downtown today? All the workers from the factory are staging a demonstration in the streets. Not one of the two thousand employees showed up for work today, and they have gathered outside the city hall to demand better working conditions for all factory employees. #Person2#: Wow, sounds chaotic. . . . two thousand people in the streets carrying picket signs and shouting slogans. What gave them the motivation to finally organize and call management on the substandard working conditions? #Person1#: I think they gained courage after the mayor's speech last week on equality and opportunity for all town citizens. Anyway, the sentiments have been brewing for quite some time. I mean, we all know the working conditions at the factory are quite horrendous. #Person2#: So what kind of demands do they have? What are they asking for specifically? #Person1#: They want raises and medical insurance, and I think they want to clean up the factory's safety hazards. That's probably the most important issue.
#Person1# tells #Person2# that today all the two thousand workers gather outside the city hall demanding better working conditions. #Person1# thinks they probably most want to clean up the safety hazards.
workers' strike
#Person1#: Come back. You haven't paid yet. #Person2#: May, just let him go. #Person1#: But he took some newspaper away without paying. #Person2#: I know. #Person1#: Why? You make me confused. #Person2#: He lives nearby and he would just glance at the newspaper headlines, read the political sections and return them later. #Person1#: Why does he have such a privilege? #Person2#: He used to be a hero during the war time and everyone respect him. #Person1#: I see. Does he live by himself? #Person2#: Yes, he has no children and his wife passed away when he was in the battle. #Person1#: He must be lonely? #Person2#: I bet. But he is always busy telling the children stories. #Person1#: How respectable!
#Person2# tells May that the man who took the newspaper without paying would return it and that he was a war hero.
a man
#Person1#: I have made up my mind. I am getting a tattoo. #Person2#: Really? Are you sure? #Person1#: Yeah! Why not? They are trendy and look great! I want to get a dragon on my arm or maybe a tiger on my back. #Person2#: Yeah but, it is something that you will have forever! They use indelible ink that can only be removed with laser treatment. On top of all that, I have heard it hurts a lot! #Person1#: Really? #Person2#: Of course! They use this machine with a needle that pokes your skin and inserts the ink. #Person1#: Oh, I didn't know that! I thought they just paint it on your skin or something. #Person2#: I think you should reconsider and do some more research about tattoos. Also, find out where the nearest tattoo parlor is and make sure they used sterilized needles, and that the place is hygienic. #Person1#: Maybe I should just get a tongue piercing!
#Person1# wants a tattoo because it's trendy. #Person2# tells #Person1# that either getting a tattoo or removing it hurts a lot, which changes #Person1# 's mind.
discussion about tattoo
#Person1#: Louis, how is your knee today? Have you seen a doctor? #Person2#: I feel much better today. I went to the doctor and he told me it was not serious. I should be OK for Saturday's basketball game. #Person1#: Great. But why don't you have a good rest today? You can just practice throwing balls, but you shouldn't run. #Person2#: OK. Do you have any news about Michigan? #Person1#: Yes, I have some videos of their last three games. They're in my office. Shall we watch them together? #Person2#: That would be great. Let's go.
Louis decides to watch videos with #Person1# to rest Louis's injured knee for Saturday's basketball game.
#Person1#: I'll be at a lunch meeting for the next hour and a half. Will you please tell anyone who calls that I will call them back later this afternoon? And if anyone comes to the office, it just have them wait until I come back. #Person2#: Yes, Mr. Roberts. What if they are there waiting for a long time? Should I offer them anything? #Person1#: You can show them the new video we made for the company. #Person2#: OK, I will do that, Mr. Roberts. I'll take care of everything while you're out.
Mr. Roberts asks #Person2# to take care of everything during his lunch meeting. #Person2# promises to do so.
lunchtime job
#Person1#: So what do you want to do? Get another drink here or call it a night? #Person2#: I'll have another beer. Let me buy this round. #Person1#: OK. Thanks. So how was your date the other night? #Person2#: Great. Jim took me to the cinema to see a film. I think he's really nice. And he's got a cool job. He's a television producer. You know, he went to the National Film and Television School and he's been working at Channel 4 for a year now. #Person1#: Sounds impressive. So you think it might get serious? #Person2#: Yeah, we have a good connection. I think he's marriage material. We'll see how it goes, but I'm already thinking we could have a long term future ahead of us. #Person1#: Isn't it a bit early to talk about stuff like that? You've only been out with him twice so far. #Person2#: No, we've been out 3 times now and I'm seeing him again tomorrow. It's not easy finding someone you're attracted to and have good chemistry with. I don't see what's wrong with thinking about the future. #Person1#: Well, I'd be careful if I were you. You should get to know him better before talking about marriage.
#Person2# had a nice date with Jim who is very attractive, which even makes #Person2# consider about marriage. #Person1# thinks it's too early but #Person2# insists it's nothing wrong with thinking about the future. #Person1# advises #Person2# to be careful.
after a date
#Person1#: I'd like to check in please. #Person2#: Do you have a reservation sir? #Person1#: Yes, the name is Robert, Robert Brown. #Person2#: Let me check the computer please. Yes, here it is Robert Brown. How many nights will you be staying? #Person1#: I will stay from Monday to Friday. #Person2#: That's four days. Smoking or non-smoking? #Person1#: A smoking room, please. #Person2#: OK, you don't mind facing the street? #Person1#: No that's no problem. But I do want to room with a good view of the ocean. #Person2#: The rooms with a better view will be a little more expensive. Are you OK with it? #Person1#: No problem. How much do you charge for that? #Person2#: $140 a night. #Person1#: Thank you very much.
#Person2# helps Robert check into a smoking room with a good view of the ocean, according to Robert's preference, which costs $140 a night.
room check-in
#Person1#: Do you realize it's November already before you know it? Thanksgiving will be here. #Person2#: Shh, you're right. It's time we decided what we're going to do this year. Well do you feel like inviting your sister and her family over, otherwise I'd like to invite my brother and his family. #Person1#: I'd love to invite my sister's family. After all, they invited us last year. #Person2#: Good, that settled. Why don't you give your sister a call and see if they can come? #Person1#: Sure. Say Randy can you help me with the shopping? We need to get a Turkey. #Person2#: Right. Let's get a nice, big one. So we'll have plenty of leftovers to make sandwiches with.
#Person1# decides to invite #Person1#'s sister's family since they invited #Person1# and Randy last year. Randy agrees to help #Person1# with the shopping.
Thanksgiving Day preparation
#Person1#: Dad come and sit here. #Person2#: Oh good. We can watch the races together! #Person1#: Yes. look! There's William! #Person2#: Where? #Person1#: There! He's running in this race. He's the boy with the red shorts. #Person2#: Oh yes, he can run very fast. He's going to win, I think. Who's the boy with dark hair? He's coming second in the race. #Person1#: Oh that's Harry, he's very good at running too. #Person2#: Look at all the silver cups on the table. #Person1#: Yes, they are ready for the teams that win. #Person2#: Who's the older boy sitting next to the table? #Person1#: That's Michael, he has won lots of cups for running. He's going to give the cups to the children that win. Can you see my friend Kathy. #Person2#: No. Where is she? #Person1#: She is there near the drinks. She's entered the swimming competition. #Person2#: Who's the boy over there? Look he's hurt his leg. #Person1#: Oh, that's Richard. He fell in the jumping competition, I hope he'll be OK.
#Person1# and #Person1#'s dad are watching sports races together. The father asks about the children in different competitions and #Person1# introduces them, including William, Harry, Michael, Kathy and Richard.
watching races
#Person1#: Glad you're back. How did the conference go, Chris? #Person2#: Uh, it was good. All the topic were interesting and the speakers were really good. The organization was a lot better this year, as well. I think having smaller number of people there made a big difference. You know you can make decisions a lot more quickly. #Person1#: Then how was the hotel? #Person2#: Ah, that was probably the only thing that people really complained about. The food in the restaurant wasn't very good and the service was slow. If we go back to the same hotel again, we'll have to find another restaurant. #Person1#: You're right. Anyway, I want to get a cup of coffee. Do you want to come? #Person2#: I'm done with coffee. I think I'll just go and have a cup of tea.
Chris compliments the conference on the topics and speakers as well as the better organizations and smaller size but complains about the hotel restaurant to #Person1#.
conference review
#Person1#: Good evening, what can I do for you? #Person2#: Good evening. I would like to buy a bottle of perfume. #Person1#: OK. We have many kinds of perfume here. You can choose freely. #Person2#: Which brand would you recommend? I don't want to buy one with quality problems. #Person1#: Don't worry, we have no such problems. How about this one? It sells very well. #Person2#: Umm, it smells good. How much is it? #Person1#: 400 yuan per bottle. And if you buy 2 bottles at the same time, you can get a 10% discount. We have other special offers as well. If you buy lipstick or face cream, you can get a free gift. #Person2#: Thanks. I just need perfume when I want to buy lipstick I will come here again.
#Person2# wants to buy perfume. #Person1# recommends one which has special offers when buying lipstick or face cream. #Person2# needs only the perfume so #Person2# leaves.
buying perfume
#Person1#: I can't stand this heat. I can't get my attention to studying for the midterm exam. I guess I'll have to go to the library this afternoon. #Person2#: I don't blame you. This dormitory doesn't have air conditioning. I can't study, either. My roommate and I are thinking about moving out to the other dorm, or an apartment that has air conditioning. #Person1#: Oh, I thought about moving too. But if I want to live in an apartment, I have to pay a lot of money for electricity. Do you know an air conditioner is cheaper today than it was 10 years ago? On the other hand, electricity is a lot more expensive today. #Person2#: I didn't know that. How much do we have to pay for the electricity? #Person1#: 5 years ago, it was possible to run an air conditioner 24 hours a day for mere $20 a month. Today, the same air conditioner in the same house cost more than $40 a month. #Person2#: Oh no, that's really expensive. Well, I guess I'll tell my roommate will see about the other dorm. If it doesn't workout, we will sweat all summer.
#Person1# and #Person2# feel too hot to study in their dorms. #Person2#'s thinking about moving out to an apartment. But #Person1# says electricity is very expensive in an apartment, so #Person2# will see about the other dorm.
air conditioning problem
#Person1#: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, we are happy you have all come out for our training workshop. Today we have a great line-up of speakers to talk to you. First on our program is a well-renown expert in the field of international economic development, Harvard's own Dr. James Smith. Dr. Smith has been involved in economic research for over twenty years, and has taught at Harvard since 1995. And now, without further adieu, we'd like to welcome Mr. James Smith. #Person2#: Thank you, Mr. Jackson, ladies and gentlemen, colleagues, friends. The subject of my talk is international relations in a morgen world. I plan to say a few words about the current situation in the Middle East and how it affects world economy. I'd like to give you an overview of the way that the economies of seemingly unrelated countries are intertwined. I've divided my talk into three parts, first an overview of international relations, second a discussion of current political situations, and lastly trends for the future. My presentation will take about two hours, but there will be a twenty-minute break in the middle. We'll stop for lunch at 12.
Mr. Jackson introduces Mr. James Smith, who is an expert in international economic development. Mr. James will give a talk on international relations in the modern world and introduces the outline and schedule.
#Person1#: Can you tell me the best way to look for an apartment? #Person2#: The local newspaper has ads for housing. #Person1#: Is there any way to find a roommate to share an apartment with? #Person2#: Sometimes you can post an advertisement saying that you need a roommate. #Person1#: What do landlords charge for rent? #Person2#: Would you like an apartment for just yourself, or do you need it for two people? #Person1#: There are two of us, but we only need a one-bedroom apartment. #Person2#: You should be able to easily find that for twelve hundred dollars a month. #Person1#: I really would appreciate it if you could come look at apartments with me. #Person2#: Sure, I ' ll go look at apartments with you anytime you want.
#Person2# suggests #Person1# post an advertisement in the local newspaper and promises to look at apartments with #Person1#.
find an apartment
#Person1#: So I'm on the fifth floor? How come this hotel has no fourth floor. #Person2#: Four is an unlucky number here, Peter. Four sounds like death in Chinese. Hotels often have no fourth floor. #Person1#: I see. Oh, I know what I wanted to ask. How much should I tip this guy? #Person2#: People don't usually tip here, but you can. Fifty dollars should be more enough.
#Person2# tells Peter hotels often have no fourth floor because four sounds like death in Chinese.
#Person1#: I ' m fed up with marriage. #Person2#: Why do you say so? Everyone admires that you have a good wife. #Person1#: Oh, no. When we were poor, we often tried our best to make ends meet. It was a hard time. #Person2#: But now you are rich. #Person1#: And we have some squabbles on some boring things. #Person2#: This is ordinary marriage life.
#Person1# is fed up with marriage. #Person2# thinks it is an ordinary marriage life.
#Person1#: Hi, is this the Resume Writing Workshop? #Person2#: Yes, this is the Resume Writing Workshop. Welcome! #Person1#: I really don't know that much about putting together a resume. #Person2#: It's easy. Don't worry about it. #Person1#: What's the most important part? #Person2#: Well, the most important thing we need to do is make sure that our name and contact information are across the top. #Person1#: What comes next? #Person2#: You can either list your job experience next or your education--whichever is the most impressive should be first. #Person1#: Can I list my interests next? #Person2#: Sure, that would be a good place for them.
#Person2# at the Resume Writing Workshop is teaching #Person1# how to put together a resume.
#Person1#: Professor, where's Canada? #Person2#: Canada is north of here. #Person1#: Can you show me on the map? #Person2#: Sure. Look here. Canada is north of the United States. #Person1#: Oh, I see. Where's Mexico? #Person2#: Mexico is south of the United States. #Person1#: How about Connecticut? Where's that? #Person2#: Connecticut is east of New York. #Person1#: What state is west of Pennsylvania? #Person2#: Ohio. #Person1#: OK, Where's Los Angeles? #Person2#: Los Angeles is in California. It's southeast of San Francisco. #Person1#: Where's Boston. #Person2#: Boston is in the northeast part of the country. #Person1#: Where is Las Vegas? #Person2#: Las Vegas is in the southwest.
The professor shows #Person1# Canada, Mexico, Connecticut, Ohio, Los Angeles, Boston, and Las Vegas on the map.
#Person1#: Is everything ready for the Christmas party? #Person2#: Almost. I'Ve put up the decorations, and we'Ve decorated the Christmas tree with plenty of tinsel and baubles. #Person1#: I like the big star on the top of the tree. I'll put the presents under the tree later, how's the food. #Person2#: I'Ve prepared most of it already and we'Ve got plenty of snack foods-you know, crisps, biscuits, and things. Are you going to make the punch? #Person1#: Yes. I'Ve bought all the things to go in it. It won't take long to make. How many people are coming to the party? #Person2#: I think everyone will be coming. Dave don't come because he has to go to his parent's home and they live in Scotland. #Person1#: Do we have Christmas pudding? #Person2#: Yes, we do. I hope we have enough for everyone. Did you send out all your Christmas cards in time? #Person1#: Yes, I did. I send most of them a week ago. I'Ve brought some with me to the party to give to people in person. #Person2#: I did the same. I spent hours yesterday evening wrapping presents. I hope I didn't forget to buy anyone something! #Person1#: I hope you didn't forget mine!
#Person1# and #Person2# are preparing for the Christmas party. They have decorated the Christmas tree, prepared the food and pudding, and sent all Christmas cards. #Person1# will put the presents under the tree and make the punch.
#Person1#: Oh, Mary, come in, please. I'm so happy to see you. #Person2#: Happy birthday, George. Many happy returns of the day. Here's a present for you. #Person1#: Oh, thank you, Mary. You're so nice. #Person2#: I hope you like it. Oh, have the other guys arrived? #Person1#: They're all waiting for you. Let's join them. I'm going to cut the cake soon. #Person2#: Let's go.
Mary gives George a birthday present. They will cut the cake soon.
#Person1#: Jason, it's your turn. #Person2#: I hope I get an easy question like you did. #Person1#: You rolled a four. Let's see. . . you landed on Foreign Films. #Person2#: Oh, great. That's just my luck! I hate those arty movies. #Person1#: Well, too bad. So, what foreign film won an Oscar in 1993? #Person2#: Oh, please! I have no idea. #Person1#: The answer is Belle Opaque. It's a Spanish movie, and the title means The Age of Beauty in English.
Jason thinks he's lucky to land on Foreign Films but he can't answer the question.
foreign films