private boolean METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 ) { String [ ] VAR_2 = METHOD_2 ( ) ; for ( String VAR_3 : VAR_2 ) { if ( VAR_3 . equals ( STRING_1 ) ) return true ; if ( VAR_1 . getName ( ) . METHOD_3 ( VAR_3 ) ) return true ; } return false ; }
@ Override public void trace ( String msg , Throwable t ) { delegate . trace ( msg , t ) ; }
public Where < ObjectTypesSelect , ObjectTypesListen > where ( final Matcher matcher ) { return new Where < ObjectTypesSelect , ObjectTypesListen > ( ) { @ Override public ObjectTypesSelect select ( ) { return new ObjectTypesSelect ( matcher ) ; } @ Override public ObjectTypesListen listen ( ) { return new ObjectTypesListen ( matcher ) ; } } ; }
public static String [ ] METHOD_1 ( final TYPE_1 VAR_1 ) { TYPE_2 VAR_2 = new TYPE_2 ( ) ; TYPE_3 VAR_3 = new TYPE_3 ( VAR_2 ) ; try { VAR_1 . METHOD_2 ( VAR_3 ) ; } catch ( TYPE_4 VAR_4 ) { } VAR_3 . METHOD_3 ( ) ; TYPE_5 VAR_5 = new TYPE_5 ( new TYPE_6 ( VAR_2 . toString ( ) ) ) ; TYPE_7 < String > VAR_6 = new TYPE_7 < > ( ) ; try { String line = VAR_5 . METHOD_4 ( ) ; while ( line != null ) { VAR_6 . add ( line ) ; line = VAR_5 . METHOD_4 ( ) ; } } catch ( TYPE_8 VAR_4 ) { if ( VAR_4 instanceof TYPE_9 ) { TYPE_10 . METHOD_5 ( ) . METHOD_6 ( ) ; } VAR_6 . add ( VAR_4 . toString ( ) ) ; } return VAR_6 . METHOD_7 ( new String [ 0 ] ) ; }
ANNOTATION_1 private TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( ) { TYPE_2 . VAR_1 . VAR_2 . VAR_3 . VAR_4 . VAR_5 VAR_6 = VAR_7 . METHOD_2 ( ) ; if ( ! VAR_6 . METHOD_3 ( ) ) { String VAR_8 = VAR_6 . getType ( ) == VAR_9 ? VAR_6 . METHOD_4 ( ) : VAR_6 . getName ( ) ; return new TYPE_1 ( VAR_6 . METHOD_5 ( ) , VAR_8 , TYPE_3 . METHOD_6 ( VAR_6 . getType ( ) . name ( ) ) ) ; } return null ; }
@ SuppressWarnings ( { "unchecked" } ) public static String [ ] tokenizeToStringArray ( String str , String delimiters , boolean trimTokens , boolean ignoreEmptyTokens ) { if ( str == null ) { return null ; } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer ( str , delimiters ) ; List < String > tokens = new ArrayList ( ) ; while ( st . hasMoreTokens ( ) ) { String token = st . nextToken ( ) ; if ( trimTokens ) { token = token . trim ( ) ; } if ( ! ignoreEmptyTokens || token . length ( ) > 0 ) { tokens . add ( token ) ; } } return tokens . toArray ( new String [ 0 ] ) ; }
private static String METHOD_1 ( long [ ] a ) { assert ( a . length > 0 ) ; TYPE_1 VAR_1 = new TYPE_1 ( ) ; VAR_1 . append ( a [ 0 ] ) ; for ( int i = 1 ; i < a . length ; ++ i ) { VAR_1 . append ( CHAR_1 ) ; VAR_1 . append ( a [ i ] ) ; } return VAR_1 . toString ( ) ; }
public static void cublasDswap ( int n , Pointer x , int incx , Pointer y , int incy ) { cublasDswapNative ( n , x , incx , y , incy ) ; checkResultBLAS ( ) ; }
public static TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( final TYPE_2 params , final TYPE_3 key , final TYPE_4 VAR_1 ) { if ( VAR_1 == VAR_2 . VAR_3 . VAR_4 ) return TYPE_5 . METHOD_1 ( params , key ) ; else if ( VAR_1 == VAR_2 . VAR_3 . VAR_5 ) return TYPE_6 . METHOD_1 ( params , key ) ; else throw new TYPE_7 ( VAR_1 . toString ( ) ) ; }
public boolean onSourceCodeChanged ( String newCode ) { String error = validateSourceCode ( newCode ) ; if ( error != null ) { hasErrors = true ; view . error ( error ) ; view . focus ( ) ; return false ; } else { code = newCode ; hasErrors = false ; view . clearError ( ) ; onSourceCodeChanged . execute ( ) ; return true ; } }
@ Override public void writeChar ( final int v ) throws IOException { ensureAvailable ( CHAR_SIZE_IN_BYTES ) ; MEM . putChar ( buffer , ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + pos , ( char ) v ) ; pos += CHAR_SIZE_IN_BYTES ; }
public JsHandlerRegistration addGeometryIndexMarkForDeletionEndHandler ( final GeometryIndexMarkForDeletionEndHandler handler ) { org . geomajas . plugin . editing . client . event . state . GeometryIndexMarkForDeletionEndHandler h ; h = new org . geomajas . plugin . editing . client . event . state . GeometryIndexMarkForDeletionEndHandler ( ) { public void onGeometryIndexMarkForDeletionEnd ( GeometryIndexMarkForDeletionEndEvent event ) { org . geomajas . plugin . editing . jsapi . client . event . state . GeometryIndexMarkForDeletionEndEvent e ; List < GeometryIndex > indices = event . getIndices ( ) ; e = new org . geomajas . plugin . editing . jsapi . client . event . state . GeometryIndexMarkForDeletionEndEvent ( event . getGeometry ( ) , indices . toArray ( new GeometryIndex [ indices . size ( ) ] ) ) ; handler . onGeometryIndexMarkForDeletionEnd ( e ) ; } } ; return new JsHandlerRegistration ( new HandlerRegistration [ ] { delegate . addGeometryIndexMarkForDeletionEndHandler ( h ) } ) ; }
ANNOTATION_1 public TYPE_1 < TYPE_2 > METHOD_1 ( String VAR_1 ) { TYPE_1 < TYPE_3 > VAR_2 = ( ( TYPE_4 ) METHOD_2 ( ) ) . METHOD_3 ( ) ; TYPE_1 < TYPE_2 > VAR_3 = new TYPE_5 < > ( ) ; for ( TYPE_3 VAR_4 : VAR_2 ) { if ( VAR_4 . METHOD_4 ( ) . contains ( VAR_1 ) ) { VAR_3 . add ( METHOD_5 ( VAR_4 ) ) ; } } return VAR_3 ; }
@ Override public List < DocumentRevision > call ( SQLDatabase db ) throws Exception { // Generate the SELECT statement, based on the options: String sql = String . format ( "SELECT " + CallableSQLConstants . FULL_DOCUMENT_COLS + " FROM revs, docs WHERE deleted = 0 AND current = 1 AND docs.doc_id = revs.doc_id " + " ORDER BY docs.doc_id %1$s, revid DESC LIMIT %2$s OFFSET %3$s " , ( descending ? "DESC" : "ASC" ) , limit , offset ) ; return new ArrayList < DocumentRevision > ( GetRevisionsFromRawQuery . get ( db , sql , new String [ ] { } , attachmentsDir , attachmentStreamFactory ) ) ; }
private void METHOD_1 ( ) { TYPE_1 VAR_1 = VAR_2 . METHOD_2 ( ) ; try { VAR_1 . METHOD_3 ( new TYPE_2 < TYPE_3 , TYPE_4 > ( ) { ANNOTATION_1 public TYPE_4 METHOD_4 ( TYPE_3 VAR_3 ) { return METHOD_5 ( ) ; } } ) ; } catch ( TYPE_5 VAR_4 ) { throw new TYPE_6 ( STRING_1 ) ; } }
public static final int longestStringRepresentation ( final List < Object > objects ) { int result ; if ( objects == null ) { result = 0 ; } else { int maxsize = 0 ; int tint = 0 ; String tmp ; int stop = objects . size ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < stop ; i ++ ) { tmp = StringUtil . arrayToString ( objects . get ( i ) ) ; tint = tmp . length ( ) ; if ( tint > maxsize ) { maxsize = tint ; } } // maximum size known. result = maxsize ; } return result ; }
private synchronized TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( String names , String VAR_1 ) { try { for ( TYPE_2 < String > VAR_2 = VAR_3 . METHOD_2 ( ) . iterator ( ) ; VAR_2 . METHOD_3 ( ) ; ) { String name = VAR_2 . METHOD_4 ( ) ; if ( name . startsWith ( VAR_4 ) ) { if ( METHOD_5 ( name , names ) ) { TYPE_3 < String , TYPE_1 > VAR_5 = VAR_3 . get ( name ) ; return ( TYPE_1 ) VAR_5 . get ( VAR_1 ) ; } } } } catch ( TYPE_4 VAR_6 ) { } if ( VAR_3 . METHOD_6 ( names ) ) { TYPE_3 < String , TYPE_1 > VAR_5 = VAR_3 . get ( names ) ; return ( TYPE_1 ) VAR_5 . get ( VAR_1 ) ; } try { for ( TYPE_2 < String > VAR_2 = VAR_7 . METHOD_2 ( ) . iterator ( ) ; VAR_2 . METHOD_3 ( ) ; ) { String name = ( String ) VAR_2 . METHOD_4 ( ) ; if ( name . startsWith ( VAR_4 ) ) { if ( METHOD_5 ( name , names ) ) { TYPE_3 < String , TYPE_1 > VAR_5 = VAR_7 . get ( name ) ; return ( TYPE_1 ) VAR_5 . get ( VAR_1 ) ; } } } } catch ( TYPE_4 VAR_6 ) { } if ( VAR_7 . METHOD_6 ( names ) ) { TYPE_3 < String , TYPE_1 > VAR_5 = VAR_7 . get ( names ) ; return ( TYPE_1 ) VAR_5 . get ( VAR_1 ) ; } return null ; }
@ Override public void onTaskRemoved ( Intent rootIntent ) { super . onTaskRemoved ( rootIntent ) ; LogManager . d ( TAG , "task removed" ) ; if ( Build . VERSION . RELEASE . contains ( "4.4.1" ) || Build . VERSION . RELEASE . contains ( "4.4.2" ) || Build . VERSION . RELEASE . contains ( "4.4.3" ) ) { AlarmManager alarmManager = ( AlarmManager ) getApplicationContext ( ) . getSystemService ( Context . ALARM_SERVICE ) ; alarmManager . set ( AlarmManager . RTC_WAKEUP , System . currentTimeMillis ( ) + 1000 , getRestartIntent ( ) ) ; LogManager . d ( TAG , "Setting a wakeup alarm to go off due to Android 4.4.2 service restarting bug." ) ; } }
void METHOD_1 ( ANNOTATION_1 String VAR_1 , int n ) { synchronized ( VAR_2 ) { TYPE_1 VAR_3 = VAR_2 . get ( VAR_1 ) ; if ( VAR_3 == null ) { VAR_3 = new TYPE_1 ( ) ; VAR_2 . put ( VAR_1 , VAR_3 ) ; } VAR_3 . add ( n ) ; } }
public static TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( ) { TYPE_1 VAR_1 = TYPE_2 . METHOD_1 ( ) ; TYPE_3 . METHOD_2 ( VAR_1 , STRING_1 ) ; return VAR_1 ; }
@ Override public void put ( ResourceRecordSet < ? > rrset ) { Collection < ResourceRecordSet < ? > > records = records ( ) ; synchronized ( records ) { put ( IS_GEO , rrset ) ; Geo newGeo = rrset . geo ( ) ; Iterator < ResourceRecordSet < ? > > nameAndType = iterateByNameAndType ( rrset . name ( ) , rrset . type ( ) ) ; while ( nameAndType . hasNext ( ) ) { ResourceRecordSet < ? > toTest = nameAndType . next ( ) ; if ( toTest . qualifier ( ) . equals ( rrset . qualifier ( ) ) ) { continue ; } Geo currentGeo = toTest . geo ( ) ; Map < String , Collection < String > > without = new LinkedHashMap < String , Collection < String > > ( ) ; for ( Entry < String , Collection < String > > entry : currentGeo . regions ( ) . entrySet ( ) ) { if ( newGeo . regions ( ) . containsKey ( entry . getKey ( ) ) ) { List < String > territories = new ArrayList < String > ( entry . getValue ( ) . size ( ) ) ; for ( String territory : entry . getValue ( ) ) { if ( ! newGeo . regions ( ) . get ( entry . getKey ( ) ) . contains ( territory ) ) { territories . add ( territory ) ; } } without . put ( entry . getKey ( ) , territories ) ; } else { without . put ( entry . getKey ( ) , entry . getValue ( ) ) ; } } records . remove ( toTest ) ; records . add ( ResourceRecordSet . builder ( ) . name ( toTest . name ( ) ) . type ( toTest . type ( ) ) . qualifier ( toTest . qualifier ( ) ) . ttl ( toTest . ttl ( ) ) . geo ( Geo . create ( without ) ) . weighted ( toTest . weighted ( ) ) . addAll ( toTest . records ( ) ) . build ( ) ) ; } } }
@ Nullable private static String line ( @ NonNull ParserState state ) { final CharSequence lineRaw = state . getLine ( ) ; return lineRaw != null ? lineRaw . toString ( ) : null ; }
@ Override protected Object decode ( ChannelHandlerContext ctx , Channel channel , ChannelBuffer buffer , VoidEnum state ) throws Exception { byte finOpcode = buffer . readByte ( ) ; boolean fin = ( ( finOpcode & 0x1 ) != 0 ) ; int opcode = ( ( finOpcode >> 4 ) & 0x0F ) ; byte lengthMask = buffer . readByte ( ) ; boolean masked = ( ( lengthMask & 0x80 ) != 0 ) ; long length = ( lengthMask & 0x7F ) ; if ( length == 126 ) { length = buffer . readShort ( ) ; } else if ( length == 127 ) { length = buffer . readLong ( ) ; } if ( length > this . maxFrameSize ) { throw new TooLongFrameException ( ) ; } byte [ ] mask = null ; if ( masked ) { mask = new byte [ 4 ] ; buffer . readBytes ( mask ) ; } byte [ ] payload = new byte [ ( int ) length ] ; buffer . readBytes ( payload ) ; if ( masked ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < payload . length ; ++ i ) { payload [ i ] = ( byte ) ( payload [ i ] ^ mask [ i % 4 ] ) ; } } ChannelBuffer data = ChannelBuffers . wrappedBuffer ( payload ) ; FrameType frameType = decodeFrameType ( opcode ) ; return new DefaultWebSocketFrame ( frameType , data ) ; }
public static String getRequestURIForGrailsDispatchURI ( HttpServletRequest request ) { UrlPathHelper pathHelper = new UrlPathHelper ( ) ; if ( request . getRequestURI ( ) . endsWith ( GRAILS_DISPATCH_EXTENSION ) ) { String path = pathHelper . getPathWithinApplication ( request ) ; if ( path . startsWith ( GRAILS_SERVLET_PATH ) ) { path = path . substring ( GRAILS_SERVLET_PATH . length ( ) , path . length ( ) ) ; } return path . substring ( 0 , path . length ( ) - GRAILS_DISPATCH_EXTENSION . length ( ) ) ; } return pathHelper . getPathWithinApplication ( request ) ; }
ANNOTATION_1 ( { STRING_1 , "unchecked" } ) public int compareTo ( TYPE_1 < TYPE_2 , TYPE_2 > VAR_1 ) { int VAR_2 = 0 ; if ( VAR_1 instanceof TYPE_3 ) { TYPE_3 to = ( TYPE_3 ) VAR_1 ; TYPE_4 VAR_3 = METHOD_1 ( ) ; TYPE_4 VAR_4 = to . VAR_5 ( ) ; VAR_2 = ( VAR_3 != null && VAR_4 != null ) ? VAR_3 . compareTo ( VAR_4 . getValue ( ) ) : 0 ; } return VAR_6 . equals ( VAR_7 . VAR_8 ) ? - 1 * VAR_2 : VAR_2 ; }
public TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( TYPE_2 < String , TYPE_3 > query ) { if ( query . VAR_1 ( STRING_1 ) ) { TYPE_3 VAR_2 = query . get ( STRING_1 ) ; if ( ! ( VAR_2 instanceof String ) ) { TYPE_4 VAR_3 = new TYPE_4 ( ) ; query . put ( STRING_1 , VAR_3 . METHOD_2 ( VAR_2 ) ) ; } } return this . path ( STRING_2 ) . query ( query ) . build ( ) ; }
public static TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( TYPE_2 VAR_1 , TYPE_3 step , TYPE_4 VAR_2 , long VAR_3 , TYPE_5 < TYPE_6 > VAR_4 ) { String VAR_5 = STRING_1 ; if ( VAR_6 . METHOD_2 ( VAR_7 . VAR_8 ) ) { VAR_6 . METHOD_3 ( VAR_7 . VAR_8 , VAR_9 , VAR_5 , STRING_2 , step . getId ( ) ) ; } TYPE_7 VAR_10 = step . VAR_11 ( ) ; if ( VAR_10 != null ) { if ( VAR_10 . METHOD_4 ( ) != null ) { if ( VAR_6 . METHOD_2 ( VAR_7 . VAR_8 ) ) { VAR_6 . METHOD_3 ( VAR_7 . VAR_8 , VAR_9 , VAR_5 , STRING_3 , step ) ; } return new TYPE_8 ( VAR_1 , step , VAR_2 , VAR_3 ) ; } if ( VAR_10 . METHOD_5 ( ) != null ) { if ( VAR_10 . METHOD_5 ( ) . METHOD_6 ( ) != null ) { if ( VAR_6 . METHOD_2 ( VAR_7 . VAR_8 ) ) { VAR_6 . METHOD_3 ( VAR_7 . VAR_8 , VAR_9 , VAR_5 , STRING_4 , step ) ; } return new TYPE_8 ( VAR_1 , step , VAR_2 , VAR_3 ) ; } } } TYPE_9 VAR_12 = step . VAR_13 ( ) ; if ( VAR_12 != null ) { if ( VAR_6 . METHOD_2 ( VAR_7 . VAR_8 ) ) { VAR_6 . METHOD_7 ( STRING_5 + VAR_12 + STRING_6 + VAR_12 . METHOD_8 ( ) ) ; } if ( step . VAR_14 ( ) != null ) { throw new TYPE_10 ( STRING_7 ) ; } return new TYPE_11 ( VAR_1 , step , VAR_2 , VAR_3 , VAR_4 ) ; } else { TYPE_12 VAR_15 = step . VAR_14 ( ) ; if ( VAR_6 . METHOD_2 ( VAR_7 . VAR_8 ) ) { VAR_6 . METHOD_7 ( STRING_8 + VAR_15 ) ; } if ( VAR_15 == null ) { throw new TYPE_10 ( STRING_9 ) ; } return new TYPE_13 ( VAR_1 , step , VAR_2 , VAR_3 , VAR_4 ) ; } }
public TYPE_1 < String , TYPE_1 < String , TYPE_2 < TYPE_3 < TYPE_4 > > > > METHOD_1 ( ) { if ( VAR_1 == null ) { VAR_1 = METHOD_2 ( ) ; } return VAR_1 ; }
private TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( ) { TYPE_1 VAR_1 = new TYPE_1 ( ) ; VAR_1 . METHOD_2 ( VAR_2 . VAR_3 ) ; TYPE_2 VAR_4 = new TYPE_2 ( STRING_1 ) ; VAR_1 . METHOD_3 ( VAR_4 ) ; return VAR_1 ; }
@ Override public Object touch ( PageContext pc ) throws PageException { Object o = get ( position , null ) ; if ( o != null ) return o ; return setE ( position , new StructImpl ( ) ) ; }
ANNOTATION_1 public void METHOD_1 ( int size ) { if ( TYPE_1 . METHOD_2 ( ) && VAR_1 . METHOD_3 ( ) ) { TYPE_2 . METHOD_4 ( VAR_1 , STRING_1 + size ) ; } if ( VAR_2 > 0 ) { if ( TYPE_1 . METHOD_2 ( ) && VAR_1 . METHOD_3 ( ) ) { TYPE_2 . METHOD_4 ( VAR_1 , STRING_2 + VAR_2 + STRING_3 ) ; } throw new TYPE_3 ( VAR_3 . getString ( STRING_4 , STRING_5 ) ) ; } METHOD_5 ( ) ; }
public String [ ] names ( ) { TYPE_1 < String > VAR_1 = new TYPE_2 < > ( ) ; TYPE_3 names = TYPE_4 . METHOD_1 ( ) . METHOD_2 ( true ) . METHOD_3 ( ) ; while ( names . VAR_2 ( ) ) { TYPE_5 VAR_3 = names . VAR_4 ( ) ; VAR_1 . add ( VAR_3 . toString ( ) ) ; } return VAR_1 . METHOD_4 ( new String [ VAR_1 . size ( ) ] ) ; }
private static int getBitmapSizeBytes ( @ Nullable CloseableImage image ) { if ( ! ( image instanceof CloseableBitmap ) ) { return 0 ; } return BitmapUtil . getSizeInBytes ( ( ( CloseableBitmap ) image ) . getUnderlyingBitmap ( ) ) ; }
ANNOTATION_1 public void METHOD_1 ( int VAR_1 , TYPE_1 x ) throws TYPE_2 { VAR_2 . METHOD_2 ( STRING_1 ) ; String value = x == null ? null : String . VAR_3 ( TYPE_3 . METHOD_3 ( ( x . getTime ( ) - TYPE_4 . METHOD_4 ( x ) ) / INT_1 ) . METHOD_5 ( INT_2 ) . add ( TYPE_3 . METHOD_3 ( x . VAR_4 ( ) ) ) ) ; TYPE_5 VAR_5 = TYPE_6 . METHOD_6 ( VAR_6 . VAR_7 ) ; if ( VAR_5 == TYPE_5 . VAR_7 ) { VAR_5 = VAR_8 . METHOD_7 ( ) . METHOD_8 ( ) ; } TYPE_7 VAR_9 = new TYPE_7 ( VAR_5 . name ( ) , value ) ; VAR_10 . put ( String . VAR_3 ( VAR_1 ) , VAR_9 ) ; }
public static TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( TYPE_2 < ? > VAR_1 , TYPE_2 < ? > VAR_2 , int VAR_3 , TYPE_3 function , TYPE_3 VAR_4 ) { METHOD_2 ( VAR_1 , STRING_1 ) ; METHOD_2 ( VAR_2 , STRING_2 ) ; METHOD_2 ( function , STRING_3 ) ; METHOD_2 ( VAR_4 , STRING_4 ) ; METHOD_3 ( VAR_3 <= INT_1 , VAR_5 , STRING_5 ) ; TYPE_4 VAR_6 = function . type ( ) ; TYPE_2 < ? > VAR_7 = METHOD_4 ( VAR_2 ) ; METHOD_5 ( VAR_6 . METHOD_6 ( ) == VAR_1 , STRING_6 ) ; METHOD_5 ( VAR_6 . METHOD_7 ( ) . equals ( TYPE_5 . METHOD_8 ( TYPE_6 . class , VAR_7 ) ) , STRING_7 ) ; TYPE_7 VAR_8 = new TYPE_7 ( ) ; TYPE_8 VAR_9 = new TYPE_8 ( a ( VAR_10 , VAR_11 ) , METHOD_9 ( STRING_8 ) , type ( TYPE_6 . class ) ) ; VAR_9 . METHOD_10 ( a ( VAR_12 ) ) ; TYPE_9 VAR_13 = VAR_9 . METHOD_11 ( a ( VAR_10 , VAR_14 ) , STRING_9 , type ( TYPE_10 . class ) ) ; VAR_13 . METHOD_12 ( ) . METHOD_13 ( STRING_10 ) . append ( METHOD_14 ( TYPE_10 . class , METHOD_15 ( VAR_8 , VAR_4 , TYPE_3 . class ) . METHOD_16 ( STRING_11 , TYPE_6 . class ) , METHOD_17 ( type ( VAR_7 ) , VAR_3 ) . METHOD_18 ( TYPE_6 . class ) ) . METHOD_19 ( ) ) ; TYPE_11 < TYPE_12 > VAR_15 = TYPE_5 . METHOD_20 ( ) ; VAR_15 . add ( arg ( STRING_12 , TYPE_10 . class ) ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < VAR_3 ; i ++ ) { VAR_15 . add ( arg ( STRING_13 + i , VAR_2 ) ) ; } TYPE_5 < TYPE_12 > VAR_16 = VAR_15 . build ( ) ; TYPE_9 VAR_17 = VAR_9 . METHOD_11 ( a ( VAR_10 , VAR_14 ) , STRING_14 , type ( VAR_1 ) , VAR_16 ) ; TYPE_13 VAR_18 = VAR_17 . METHOD_12 ( ) ; TYPE_14 VAR_19 = VAR_16 . get ( 0 ) . METHOD_21 ( STRING_12 , TYPE_6 . class ) ; TYPE_14 args = VAR_16 . get ( 0 ) . METHOD_21 ( STRING_15 , TYPE_6 . class ) . METHOD_18 ( VAR_7 ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < VAR_3 ; i ++ ) { VAR_18 . append ( args . VAR_20 ( i , VAR_16 . get ( i + 1 ) ) ) ; } VAR_18 . append ( METHOD_15 ( VAR_8 , function , TYPE_3 . class ) . METHOD_16 ( STRING_11 , VAR_1 , VAR_19 , args ) . METHOD_19 ( ) ) ; TYPE_2 < ? > VAR_21 = METHOD_22 ( VAR_9 , TYPE_6 . class , VAR_8 . METHOD_23 ( ) , TYPE_15 . class . METHOD_24 ( ) ) ; return new TYPE_1 ( TYPE_16 . METHOD_25 ( VAR_21 , STRING_14 , TYPE_5 . METHOD_20 ( ) . add ( TYPE_10 . class ) . METHOD_26 ( METHOD_27 ( VAR_3 , VAR_2 ) ) . build ( ) . METHOD_28 ( new TYPE_2 < ? > [ VAR_3 ] ) ) , TYPE_16 . METHOD_25 ( VAR_21 , STRING_9 ) ) ; }
@ Override protected final List < AddressMask > createAuthorizedIPs ( ) throws SocketException { List < AddressMask > authorizedIPs = new ArrayList <> ( ) ; Enumeration < NetworkInterface > ifaces = NetworkInterface . getNetworkInterfaces ( ) ; while ( ifaces . hasMoreElements ( ) ) { NetworkInterface networkInterface = ifaces . nextElement ( ) ; final List < InterfaceAddress > addrs = networkInterface . getInterfaceAddresses ( ) ; for ( InterfaceAddress netAddr : addrs ) { authorizedIPs . add ( new AddressMask ( netAddr . getAddress ( ) ) ) ; } } return authorizedIPs ; }
public static Class < ? extends Entity < ? extends org . hawkular . inventory . api . model . Blueprint , ? > > entityTypeFromSegmentType ( SegmentType segmentType ) { switch ( segmentType ) { case t : return Tenant . class ; case e : return Environment . class ; case f : return Feed . class ; case m : return Metric . class ; case mt : return MetricType . class ; case r : return Resource . class ; case rt : return ResourceType . class ; // case rl: // return Relationship.class; case d : return DataEntity . class ; case ot : return OperationType . class ; case mp : return MetadataPack . class ; default : throw new IllegalStateException ( "There is no " + Entity . class . getName ( ) + " type for " + segmentType . getClass ( ) . getName ( ) + " '" + segmentType . name ( ) + "'" ) ; } }
@ Override public Base [ ] getProperty ( int hash , String name , boolean checkValid ) throws FHIRException { switch ( hash ) { case - 1618432855 : /*identifier*/ return this . identifier == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : this . identifier . toArray ( new Base [ this . identifier . size ( ) ] ) ; // Identifier case - 1014418093 : /*definition*/ return this . definition == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : this . definition . toArray ( new Base [ this . definition . size ( ) ] ) ; // Reference case - 332612366 : /*basedOn*/ return this . basedOn == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : this . basedOn . toArray ( new Base [ this . basedOn . size ( ) ] ) ; // Reference case - 430332865 : /*replaces*/ return this . replaces == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : this . replaces . toArray ( new Base [ this . replaces . size ( ) ] ) ; // Reference case - 445338488 : /*groupIdentifier*/ return this . groupIdentifier == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : new Base [ ] { this . groupIdentifier } ; // Identifier case - 892481550 : /*status*/ return this . status == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : new Base [ ] { this . status } ; // Enumeration<ReferralRequestStatus> case - 1183762788 : /*intent*/ return this . intent == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : new Base [ ] { this . intent } ; // Enumeration<ReferralCategory> case 3575610 : /*type*/ return this . type == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : new Base [ ] { this . type } ; // CodeableConcept case - 1165461084 : /*priority*/ return this . priority == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : new Base [ ] { this . priority } ; // Enumeration<ReferralPriority> case 190229561 : /*serviceRequested*/ return this . serviceRequested == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : this . serviceRequested . toArray ( new Base [ this . serviceRequested . size ( ) ] ) ; // CodeableConcept case - 1867885268 : /*subject*/ return this . subject == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : new Base [ ] { this . subject } ; // Reference case 951530927 : /*context*/ return this . context == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : new Base [ ] { this . context } ; // Reference case 1687874001 : /*occurrence*/ return this . occurrence == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : new Base [ ] { this . occurrence } ; // Type case - 1500852503 : /*authoredOn*/ return this . authoredOn == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : new Base [ ] { this . authoredOn } ; // DateTimeType case 693933948 : /*requester*/ return this . requester == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : new Base [ ] { this . requester } ; // ReferralRequestRequesterComponent case - 1694759682 : /*specialty*/ return this . specialty == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : new Base [ ] { this . specialty } ; // CodeableConcept case 820081177 : /*recipient*/ return this . recipient == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : this . recipient . toArray ( new Base [ this . recipient . size ( ) ] ) ; // Reference case 722137681 : /*reasonCode*/ return this . reasonCode == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : this . reasonCode . toArray ( new Base [ this . reasonCode . size ( ) ] ) ; // CodeableConcept case - 1146218137 : /*reasonReference*/ return this . reasonReference == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : this . reasonReference . toArray ( new Base [ this . reasonReference . size ( ) ] ) ; // Reference case - 1724546052 : /*description*/ return this . description == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : new Base [ ] { this . description } ; // StringType case 1922406657 : /*supportingInfo*/ return this . supportingInfo == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : this . supportingInfo . toArray ( new Base [ this . supportingInfo . size ( ) ] ) ; // Reference case 3387378 : /*note*/ return this . note == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : this . note . toArray ( new Base [ this . note . size ( ) ] ) ; // Annotation case 1538891575 : /*relevantHistory*/ return this . relevantHistory == null ? new Base [ 0 ] : this . relevantHistory . toArray ( new Base [ this . relevantHistory . size ( ) ] ) ; // Reference default : return super . getProperty ( hash , name , checkValid ) ; } }
private static BulkUpdateKeyWsResponse buildResponse ( Map < String , String > newKeysByOldKeys , Map < String , Boolean > newKeysWithDuplicateMap ) { BulkUpdateKeyWsResponse . Builder response = BulkUpdateKeyWsResponse . newBuilder ( ) ; newKeysByOldKeys . entrySet ( ) . stream ( ) // sort by old key . sorted ( Comparator . comparing ( Map . Entry :: getKey ) ) . forEach ( entry -> { String newKey = entry . getValue ( ) ; response . addKeysBuilder ( ) . setKey ( entry . getKey ( ) ) . setNewKey ( newKey ) . setDuplicate ( newKeysWithDuplicateMap . getOrDefault ( newKey , false ) ) ; } ) ; return response . build ( ) ; }
public int [ ] keys ( ) { int [ ] result = new int [ _size ] ; for ( int i = 0 , r = 0 ; i < storage . length ; i ++ ) { if ( storage [ i ] != null ) result [ r ++ ] = i ; } return result ; }
ANNOTATION_1 public void METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 , TYPE_2 VAR_2 ) { ANNOTATION_2 ( "unchecked" ) TYPE_3 < TYPE_4 > VAR_3 = ( TYPE_3 < TYPE_4 > ) VAR_1 . get ( VAR_1 . METHOD_2 ( STRING_1 ) ) ; TYPE_5 < TYPE_4 > VAR_4 ; if ( this . VAR_5 ) { VAR_4 = VAR_6 . VAR_7 ; } else { VAR_4 = VAR_6 . VAR_8 ; } TYPE_6 . METHOD_3 ( VAR_3 , VAR_4 ) ; this . VAR_9 . METHOD_4 ( VAR_1 ) ; if ( this . VAR_10 ) { METHOD_5 ( VAR_1 , VAR_3 ) ; } else { for ( TYPE_7 < TYPE_4 > VAR_11 = VAR_3 . METHOD_6 ( this . VAR_12 ) ; VAR_11 . METHOD_7 ( ) && VAR_11 . METHOD_8 ( ) < this . VAR_13 ; ) { TYPE_4 VAR_14 = VAR_11 . METHOD_9 ( ) ; VAR_14 . METHOD_10 ( this . VAR_9 ) ; } } this . VAR_9 . METHOD_11 ( ) ; }
ANNOTATION_1 ( "unchecked" ) public TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 , String VAR_2 ) throws TYPE_2 { TYPE_3 params = TYPE_4 . METHOD_2 ( VAR_1 . METHOD_3 ( ) ) ; VAR_3 . METHOD_4 ( STRING_1 + VAR_1 . METHOD_5 ( ) ) ; TYPE_3 < TYPE_5 > VAR_4 = ( TYPE_3 < TYPE_5 > ) execute ( VAR_5 . VAR_6 , params , VAR_2 ) ; return TYPE_6 . METHOD_6 ( VAR_4 ) ; }
@ SuppressWarnings ( "resource" ) protected Response createUpdateResponse ( final FedoraResource resource , final boolean created ) { addCacheControlHeaders ( servletResponse , resource , session ) ; addResourceLinkHeaders ( resource , created ) ; addExternalContentHeaders ( resource ) ; addAclHeader ( resource ) ; addMementoHeaders ( resource ) ; if ( ! created ) { return noContent ( ) . build ( ) ; } final URI location = getUri ( resource ) ; final Response . ResponseBuilder builder = created ( location ) ; if ( prefer == null || ! prefer . hasReturn ( ) ) { final MediaType acceptablePlainText = acceptabePlainTextMediaType ( ) ; if ( acceptablePlainText != null ) { return builder . type ( acceptablePlainText ) . entity ( location . toString ( ) ) . build ( ) ; } return notAcceptable ( mediaTypes ( TEXT_PLAIN_TYPE ) . build ( ) ) . build ( ) ; } else if ( prefer . getReturn ( ) . getValue ( ) . equals ( "minimal" ) ) { return builder . build ( ) ; } else { if ( prefer != null ) { prefer . getReturn ( ) . addResponseHeaders ( servletResponse ) ; } final RdfNamespacedStream rdfStream = new RdfNamespacedStream ( new DefaultRdfStream ( asNode ( resource ) , getResourceTriples ( resource ) ) , namespaceRegistry . getNamespaces ( ) ) ; return builder . entity ( rdfStream ) . build ( ) ; } }
ANNOTATION_1 public TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( String VAR_1 ) { TYPE_2 < String , TYPE_3 > VAR_2 = METHOD_2 ( ) ; TYPE_4 < TYPE_3 > VAR_3 = ( VAR_2 != null ? VAR_2 . get ( VAR_1 ) : null ) ; return TYPE_5 . getValue ( VAR_3 ) ; }
public com . mozu . api . contracts . customer . CustomerPurchaseOrderAccountCollection getCustomersPurchaseOrderAccounts ( ) throws Exception { return getCustomersPurchaseOrderAccounts ( null , null , null , null , null ) ; }
ANNOTATION_1 public static TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( String VAR_1 , int VAR_2 , String path , TYPE_2 < String , String > parameters ) throws TYPE_3 { return METHOD_1 ( STRING_1 , VAR_2 , path , parameters ) ; }
private static Map < String , Method > createOperationMethods ( BeanInfo beanInfo ) throws ManagementException { Set < Method > allAccessors = allAccessors ( beanInfo ) ; Map < String , Method > operationMethods = new HashMap < String , Method > ( ) ; for ( MethodDescriptor descriptor : beanInfo . getMethodDescriptors ( ) ) { Method method = descriptor . getMethod ( ) ; ManagedOperation operationAnnotation = method . getAnnotation ( ManagedOperation . class ) ; if ( operationAnnotation != null && allAccessors . contains ( method ) ) { throw new ManagementException ( String . format ( "Accessor method %s is annotated as an @%s" , method , ManagedOperation . class . getName ( ) ) ) ; } /* consider the Method an automatic operation if it satisfies all of: * 1. its class is annotated with @MBean(automatic=OPERATION) * 2. it is a public instance (non static) method * 3. it is NOT considered a bean accessor (getter/setter) */ boolean isAutomatic = isAutomatic ( method . getDeclaringClass ( ) , AutomaticType . OPERATION ) ; boolean autoOperation = ( isAutomatic && isPublicInstance ( method ) && ! allAccessors . contains ( method ) ) ; if ( operationAnnotation != null || autoOperation ) { // This method is an operation Method old = operationMethods . put ( method . getName ( ) , method ) ; if ( old != null ) { //TODO support multiple identically named operation methods throw new ManagementException ( format ( "Multiple Operation annotations for operation %s of %s" , method . getName ( ) , old . getDeclaringClass ( ) ) ) ; } } } return operationMethods ; }
public OvhReverseIp ip_reverse_POST ( String ip , String ipReverse , String reverse ) throws IOException { String qPath = "/ip/{ip}/reverse" ; StringBuilder sb = path ( qPath , ip ) ; HashMap < String , Object > o = new HashMap < String , Object > ( ) ; addBody ( o , "ipReverse" , ipReverse ) ; addBody ( o , "reverse" , reverse ) ; String resp = exec ( qPath , "POST" , sb . toString ( ) , o ) ; return convertTo ( resp , OvhReverseIp . class ) ; }
@ Override public ConceptId id ( ) { //if this is implicit, it's possible than we reified it - the concept id of the edge relation is contained in the property if ( type ( ) . isImplicit ( ) ) { VertexProperty < Object > edgeId = vertex ( ) . element ( ) . property ( Schema . VertexProperty . EDGE_RELATION_ID . name ( ) ) ; if ( edgeId . isPresent ( ) ) return ConceptId . of ( edgeId . value ( ) . toString ( ) ) ; } return Schema . conceptId ( vertex ( ) . element ( ) ) ; }
public static Node parse ( String ref ) throws ELException { try { return ( new ELParser ( new StringReader ( ref ) ) ) . CompositeExpression ( ) ; } catch ( ParseException pe ) { throw new ELException ( pe . getMessage ( ) ) ; } }
ANNOTATION_1 public < TYPE_1 > TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( TYPE_2 VAR_1 , TYPE_3 < TYPE_1 > VAR_2 , TYPE_4 VAR_3 ) { final TYPE_5 VAR_4 = METHOD_2 ( VAR_1 ) ; final TYPE_6 VAR_5 = VAR_4 . METHOD_3 ( ) ; final TYPE_3 < ? > VAR_6 = VAR_2 . METHOD_4 ( ) ; if ( VAR_6 == null ) { throw new TYPE_7 ( STRING_1 + STRING_2 + VAR_2 ) ; } final TYPE_8 VAR_7 ; final TYPE_8 VAR_8 ; final TYPE_8 VAR_9 ; try { VAR_7 = VAR_6 . METHOD_5 ( STRING_3 , TYPE_9 . class ) ; VAR_8 = VAR_6 . METHOD_5 ( STRING_4 , TYPE_9 . class ) ; VAR_9 = VAR_6 . METHOD_5 ( STRING_5 , TYPE_9 . class ) ; } catch ( TYPE_10 VAR_10 ) { throw new TYPE_7 ( STRING_1 + STRING_2 + VAR_2 , VAR_10 ) ; } final TYPE_8 VAR_11 ; if ( VAR_7 . METHOD_6 ( ) == VAR_2 ) { VAR_11 = VAR_7 ; } else if ( VAR_8 . METHOD_6 ( ) == VAR_2 ) { VAR_11 = VAR_8 ; } else if ( VAR_9 . METHOD_6 ( ) == VAR_2 ) { VAR_11 = VAR_9 ; } else { throw new TYPE_7 ( STRING_1 + STRING_2 + VAR_2 ) ; } final TYPE_11 < TYPE_12 , TYPE_13 > VAR_12 = METHOD_7 ( VAR_1 , VAR_4 , VAR_3 ) ; final TYPE_14 VAR_13 = TYPE_15 . METHOD_8 ( VAR_5 ) ? TYPE_16 . METHOD_9 ( METHOD_10 ( VAR_6 ) ) : null ; final TYPE_17 VAR_14 = new TYPE_17 ( new TYPE_18 ( this , VAR_1 , VAR_2 , VAR_3 ) , VAR_12 , METHOD_11 ( ) , VAR_4 . METHOD_12 ( ) , METHOD_13 ( VAR_1 ) , VAR_5 , VAR_13 ) ; try { ANNOTATION_2 ( "unchecked" ) final TYPE_1 VAR_15 = ( TYPE_1 ) VAR_11 . METHOD_14 ( null , VAR_14 ) ; return VAR_15 ; } catch ( TYPE_19 | TYPE_20 VAR_10 ) { throw new TYPE_21 ( STRING_6 , VAR_10 ) ; } }
ANNOTATION_1 public TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( TYPE_2 VAR_1 ) { if ( VAR_1 instanceof TYPE_3 ) { TYPE_4 VAR_2 = METHOD_2 ( ) ; if ( VAR_2 . METHOD_3 ( name ) != null ) { METHOD_4 ( ) . METHOD_5 ( STRING_1 + METHOD_6 ( ) . METHOD_7 ( ) ) ; return TYPE_1 . VAR_3 ; } } return super . METHOD_1 ( VAR_1 ) ; }
protected void METHOD_1 ( ) { if ( VAR_1 == null ) { return ; } String VAR_2 = TYPE_1 . METHOD_2 ( ) ; int VAR_3 = VAR_1 . METHOD_3 ( ) ; TYPE_2 VAR_4 = TYPE_2 . METHOD_4 ( ) ; TYPE_3 VAR_5 = null ; try { VAR_5 = VAR_4 . METHOD_5 ( VAR_2 , VAR_3 ) ; VAR_5 . METHOD_6 ( ) ; } catch ( TYPE_4 VAR_6 ) { } finally { if ( VAR_5 != null ) { try { VAR_5 . METHOD_7 ( ) ; } catch ( TYPE_4 VAR_6 ) { } } } }
@ Override protected void populateResponse ( final Response < ConceptAlchemyEntity > response ) { final JSONObject jsonObject = getJSONObject ( ) ; final JSONArray concepts = getJSONArray ( JSONConstants . RANKED_CONCEPTS , jsonObject ) ; if ( concepts . length ( ) > 0 ) { ConceptAlchemyEntity entity ; JSONObject conceptJsonObject ; String concept ; Double score ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < concepts . length ( ) ; i ++ ) { conceptJsonObject = getConcept ( concepts , i ) ; concept = getString ( JSONConstants . RANKED_CONCEPTS_TEXT_KEY , conceptJsonObject ) ; score = getDouble ( JSONConstants . RANKED_CONCEPTS_SCORE_KEY , conceptJsonObject ) ; if ( isValidConcept ( concept , score ) ) { entity = new ConceptAlchemyEntity ( concept , score ) ; addDisambiguated ( entity , conceptJsonObject ) ; response . addEntity ( entity ) ; } } } }
@ XmlElementDecl ( namespace = "http://www.opengis.net/gml" , name = "methodName" , substitutionHeadNamespace = "http://www.opengis.net/gml" , substitutionHeadName = "name" ) public JAXBElement < CodeType > createMethodName ( CodeType value ) { return new JAXBElement < CodeType > ( _MethodName_QNAME , CodeType . class , null , value ) ; }
private void METHOD_1 ( ) throws TYPE_1 { if ( ! VAR_1 ) { VAR_2 . METHOD_2 ( ) ; METHOD_3 ( VAR_2 ) ; TYPE_2 < byte [ ] > VAR_3 = VAR_2 . METHOD_4 ( ) ; if ( VAR_3 . iterator ( ) . METHOD_5 ( ) ) { byte [ ] VAR_4 = VAR_3 . iterator ( ) . METHOD_6 ( ) ; if ( VAR_4 == null ) { throw new TYPE_1 ( STRING_1 ) ; } TYPE_3 VAR_5 = new TYPE_3 ( ) ; VAR_5 . init ( METHOD_7 ( ) , VAR_4 ) ; VAR_6 = VAR_5 . METHOD_8 ( ) ; } else { throw new TYPE_1 ( STRING_1 ) ; } } }
@ Override public Object eGet ( int featureID , boolean resolve , boolean coreType ) { switch ( featureID ) { case SimpleExpressionsPackage . NOT_EXPRESSION__EXPRESSION : return getExpression ( ) ; } return super . eGet ( featureID , resolve , coreType ) ; }
TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( String VAR_1 ) { TYPE_2 error = METHOD_2 ( VAR_1 , STRING_1 , TYPE_2 . class ) ; return TYPE_3 . METHOD_3 ( error ) ; }
ANNOTATION_1 public int label ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 ) throws TYPE_2 , TYPE_3 { TYPE_4 VAR_2 = METHOD_1 ( ) ; if ( VAR_2 == null ) { throw new TYPE_3 ( STRING_1 ) ; } if ( VAR_1 == null ) { throw new TYPE_2 ( STRING_2 ) ; } double [ ] VAR_3 = METHOD_2 ( VAR_1 ) ; double VAR_4 = VAR_5 . VAR_6 ; int VAR_7 = - 1 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < VAR_3 . length ; i ++ ) { if ( VAR_3 [ i ] > VAR_4 ) { VAR_4 = VAR_3 [ i ] ; VAR_7 = i ; } } return VAR_7 ; }
public void write ( ContentHandler handler ) throws IOException { try { TransformerFactory . newInstance ( ) . newTransformer ( ) . transform ( new DOMSource ( context . peek ( ) . getOwnerDocument ( ) ) , new SAXResult ( handler ) ) ; modified = false ; } catch ( TransformerConfigurationException e ) { assert false ; throw new RuntimeException ( "no transformer" , e ) ; } catch ( TransformerException e ) { Throwable t = e . getCause ( ) ; if ( t instanceof IOException ) throw ( IOException ) t ; assert false ; throw new RuntimeException ( "transformer failed" , e ) ; } }
private String getAllowedTransports ( String [ ] allowedTransports ) { String allowedTransportsStr = "" ; for ( String allowedTransport : allowedTransports ) { allowedTransportsStr += allowedTransport + " " ; } return allowedTransportsStr ; }
private int getCircleBackgroundColor ( int amOrPm ) { final boolean pressed = mAmOrPmPressed == amOrPm ; final boolean selected = mAmOrPm == amOrPm ; final int [ ] state = { pressed ? android . R . attr . state_pressed : - android . R . attr . state_pressed , selected ? android . R . attr . state_selected : - android . R . attr . state_selected } ; return mCircleBackground . getColorForState ( state , mCircleBackgroundDefault ) ; }
private void METHOD_1 ( ) { TYPE_1 . VAR_1 VAR_2 ; VAR_3 = new TYPE_2 . VAR_4 ( ) ; VAR_5 = new TYPE_2 . VAR_6 ( ) ; VAR_7 = new TYPE_2 . VAR_4 ( ) ; VAR_8 = new TYPE_2 . VAR_6 ( ) ; VAR_9 = new TYPE_2 . VAR_4 ( ) ; VAR_10 = new TYPE_2 . VAR_11 ( ) ; VAR_12 = new TYPE_2 . VAR_4 ( ) ; VAR_13 = new TYPE_2 . VAR_14 ( ) ; VAR_15 = new TYPE_2 . VAR_11 ( ) ; VAR_16 = new TYPE_2 . VAR_17 ( ) ; VAR_18 = new TYPE_2 . VAR_19 ( ) ; VAR_20 = new TYPE_2 . VAR_19 ( ) ; VAR_21 = new TYPE_2 . VAR_19 ( ) ; METHOD_2 ( ) . METHOD_3 ( new TYPE_1 . VAR_22 ( ) ) ; METHOD_4 ( TYPE_2 . VAR_23 . VAR_24 ) ; METHOD_5 ( new TYPE_1 . event . VAR_25 ( ) { public void METHOD_6 ( TYPE_1 . event . VAR_26 VAR_27 ) { METHOD_7 ( VAR_27 ) ; } } ) ; VAR_3 . setText ( STRING_1 ) ; VAR_2 = new TYPE_1 . VAR_1 ( ) ; VAR_2 . VAR_28 = 0 ; VAR_2 . VAR_29 = 0 ; VAR_2 . VAR_30 = TYPE_1 . VAR_1 . VAR_31 ; METHOD_2 ( ) . add ( VAR_3 , VAR_2 ) ; VAR_5 . METHOD_8 ( new TYPE_1 . VAR_32 ( STRING_2 , 0 , INT_1 ) ) ; VAR_5 . METHOD_9 ( new TYPE_1 . VAR_33 ( INT_2 , INT_3 ) ) ; VAR_5 . METHOD_10 ( new TYPE_1 . VAR_33 ( INT_2 , INT_3 ) ) ; VAR_5 . METHOD_11 ( new TYPE_1 . event . VAR_34 ( ) { public void METHOD_12 ( TYPE_1 . event . VAR_35 VAR_27 ) { METHOD_13 ( VAR_27 ) ; } } ) ; VAR_2 = new TYPE_1 . VAR_1 ( ) ; VAR_2 . VAR_28 = 1 ; VAR_2 . VAR_29 = 0 ; VAR_2 . VAR_36 = TYPE_1 . VAR_1 . VAR_37 ; METHOD_2 ( ) . add ( VAR_5 , VAR_2 ) ; VAR_7 . setText ( STRING_3 ) ; VAR_2 = new TYPE_1 . VAR_1 ( ) ; VAR_2 . VAR_28 = 0 ; VAR_2 . VAR_29 = 1 ; VAR_2 . VAR_30 = TYPE_1 . VAR_1 . VAR_31 ; METHOD_2 ( ) . add ( VAR_7 , VAR_2 ) ; VAR_8 . METHOD_8 ( new TYPE_1 . VAR_32 ( STRING_2 , 0 , INT_1 ) ) ; VAR_8 . METHOD_9 ( new TYPE_1 . VAR_33 ( INT_2 , INT_3 ) ) ; VAR_8 . METHOD_10 ( new TYPE_1 . VAR_33 ( INT_2 , INT_3 ) ) ; VAR_8 . METHOD_11 ( new TYPE_1 . event . VAR_34 ( ) { public void METHOD_12 ( TYPE_1 . event . VAR_35 VAR_27 ) { METHOD_14 ( VAR_27 ) ; } } ) ; VAR_2 = new TYPE_1 . VAR_1 ( ) ; VAR_2 . VAR_28 = 1 ; VAR_2 . VAR_29 = 1 ; VAR_2 . VAR_36 = TYPE_1 . VAR_1 . VAR_37 ; METHOD_2 ( ) . add ( VAR_8 , VAR_2 ) ; VAR_9 . setText ( STRING_4 ) ; VAR_2 = new TYPE_1 . VAR_1 ( ) ; VAR_2 . VAR_28 = 0 ; VAR_2 . VAR_29 = INT_4 ; VAR_2 . VAR_30 = TYPE_1 . VAR_1 . VAR_31 ; METHOD_2 ( ) . add ( VAR_9 , VAR_2 ) ; VAR_10 . METHOD_15 ( INT_5 ) ; VAR_10 . setText ( STRING_5 ) ; VAR_2 = new TYPE_1 . VAR_1 ( ) ; VAR_2 . VAR_28 = 1 ; VAR_2 . VAR_29 = INT_4 ; VAR_2 . VAR_36 = TYPE_1 . VAR_1 . VAR_37 ; VAR_2 . VAR_38 = 1.0 ; METHOD_2 ( ) . add ( VAR_10 , VAR_2 ) ; VAR_12 . setText ( STRING_6 ) ; VAR_2 = new TYPE_1 . VAR_1 ( ) ; VAR_2 . VAR_28 = 0 ; VAR_2 . VAR_29 = INT_6 ; VAR_2 . VAR_30 = TYPE_1 . VAR_1 . VAR_31 ; METHOD_2 ( ) . add ( VAR_12 , VAR_2 ) ; VAR_13 . METHOD_15 ( INT_5 ) ; VAR_2 = new TYPE_1 . VAR_1 ( ) ; VAR_2 . VAR_28 = 1 ; VAR_2 . VAR_29 = INT_6 ; VAR_2 . VAR_36 = TYPE_1 . VAR_1 . VAR_37 ; VAR_2 . VAR_38 = 1.0 ; METHOD_2 ( ) . add ( VAR_13 , VAR_2 ) ; VAR_15 . METHOD_16 ( ( TYPE_1 . VAR_39 ) TYPE_2 . VAR_40 . METHOD_17 ( ) . get ( STRING_7 ) ) ; VAR_15 . METHOD_18 ( false ) ; VAR_15 . setText ( STRING_8 ) ; VAR_15 . METHOD_19 ( null ) ; VAR_2 = new TYPE_1 . VAR_1 ( ) ; VAR_2 . VAR_28 = 0 ; VAR_2 . VAR_29 = INT_7 ; VAR_2 . VAR_41 = INT_4 ; VAR_2 . VAR_36 = TYPE_1 . VAR_1 . VAR_37 ; METHOD_2 ( ) . add ( VAR_15 , VAR_2 ) ; VAR_18 . METHOD_20 ( CHAR_1 ) ; VAR_18 . setText ( STRING_9 ) ; VAR_18 . METHOD_21 ( new TYPE_1 . event . VAR_42 ( ) { public void METHOD_22 ( TYPE_1 . event . VAR_43 VAR_27 ) { METHOD_23 ( VAR_27 ) ; } } ) ; VAR_16 . add ( VAR_18 ) ; VAR_20 . METHOD_20 ( CHAR_2 ) ; VAR_20 . setText ( STRING_10 ) ; VAR_20 . setEnabled ( false ) ; VAR_20 . METHOD_21 ( new TYPE_1 . event . VAR_42 ( ) { public void METHOD_22 ( TYPE_1 . event . VAR_43 VAR_27 ) { METHOD_24 ( VAR_27 ) ; } } ) ; VAR_16 . add ( VAR_20 ) ; VAR_21 . METHOD_20 ( CHAR_3 ) ; VAR_21 . setText ( STRING_11 ) ; VAR_21 . setEnabled ( false ) ; VAR_21 . METHOD_21 ( new TYPE_1 . event . VAR_42 ( ) { public void METHOD_22 ( TYPE_1 . event . VAR_43 VAR_27 ) { METHOD_25 ( VAR_27 ) ; } } ) ; VAR_16 . add ( VAR_21 ) ; VAR_2 = new TYPE_1 . VAR_1 ( ) ; VAR_2 . VAR_28 = 1 ; VAR_2 . VAR_29 = INT_8 ; VAR_2 . VAR_30 = TYPE_1 . VAR_1 . VAR_44 ; METHOD_2 ( ) . add ( VAR_16 , VAR_2 ) ; METHOD_26 ( ) ; }
private JSONArray createArray ( String sectionName , String arrayName ) throws Exception { JSONObject section = createSection ( sectionName ) ; JSONArray ary = section . optJSONArray ( arrayName ) ; if ( null == ary ) { ary = new JSONArray ( ) ; section . put ( arrayName , ary ) ; } return ary ; }
@ Override @ SuppressWarnings ( "FutureReturnValueIgnored" ) public HttpClientOperations addHandler ( String name , ChannelHandler handler ) { // Returned value is deliberately ignored super . addHandler ( name , handler ) ; return this ; }
public TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( TYPE_2 VAR_1 , String VAR_2 ) throws TYPE_3 { TYPE_4 VAR_3 = new TYPE_4 ( ) . METHOD_2 ( STRING_1 , VAR_1 ) . METHOD_2 ( "name" , VAR_2 , true ) ; TYPE_5 response = METHOD_3 ( TYPE_5 . VAR_4 . VAR_5 , VAR_3 , STRING_2 ) ; return ( response . VAR_6 ( TYPE_1 . class ) ) ; }
public static boolean ccFind ( char ch ) { if ( isChineseLetter ( ch ) ) return true ; if ( isEnglishLetter ( ch ) ) return true ; if ( isDigit ( ch ) ) return true ; if ( isConnector ( ch ) ) return true ; return false ; }
private Rectangle getHDropLineRect ( JTable . DropLocation loc ) { if ( ! loc . isInsertRow ( ) ) { return null ; } int row = loc . getRow ( ) ; int col = loc . getColumn ( ) ; if ( col >= table . getColumnCount ( ) ) { col -- ; } Rectangle rect = table . getCellRect ( row , col , true ) ; if ( row >= table . getRowCount ( ) ) { row -- ; Rectangle prevRect = table . getCellRect ( row , col , true ) ; rect . y = prevRect . y + prevRect . height ; } if ( rect . y == 0 ) { rect . y = - 1 ; } else { rect . y -= 2 ; } rect . height = 3 ; return rect ; }
ANNOTATION_1 public void METHOD_1 ( ) { super . METHOD_1 ( ) ; TYPE_1 . METHOD_2 ( ) . METHOD_3 ( ) ; final TYPE_2 VAR_1 = new TYPE_2 ( ) ; TYPE_3 VAR_2 = new TYPE_3 ( ) { public void execute ( ) { if ( ! VAR_1 . METHOD_4 ( ) ) { String VAR_3 = METHOD_5 ( ) + STRING_1 ; TYPE_4 . METHOD_6 ( TYPE_5 . get ( ) . METHOD_7 ( VAR_3 ) ) ; } } } ; VAR_1 . METHOD_8 ( VAR_2 ) ; VAR_1 . METHOD_9 ( TYPE_6 . get ( ) . key ( TYPE_6 . VAR_4 ) ) ; VAR_1 . METHOD_10 ( INT_1 ) ; VAR_1 . METHOD_11 ( ) ; }
private void METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 , TYPE_2 VAR_2 , TYPE_3 < String > VAR_3 , TYPE_4 < TYPE_5 < ? extends TYPE_6 > > VAR_4 , TYPE_7 < TYPE_5 < ? extends TYPE_6 > , TYPE_3 < String > > VAR_5 , TYPE_8 VAR_6 ) { if ( VAR_6 == null ) { VAR_6 = new TYPE_8 ( VAR_2 . METHOD_2 ( ) . METHOD_3 ( ) ) ; } TYPE_9 < String > VAR_7 = VAR_3 . iterator ( ) ; TYPE_10 < TYPE_1 > VAR_8 = METHOD_4 ( ) ; TYPE_11 VAR_9 = new TYPE_11 ( VAR_10 ) ; while ( VAR_7 . METHOD_5 ( ) ) { String f = VAR_7 . METHOD_6 ( ) ; TYPE_12 value = VAR_8 . get ( VAR_1 , f ) ; if ( VAR_11 . get ( f ) != null ) { for ( String VAR_12 : VAR_13 . get ( f ) ) { METHOD_7 ( VAR_2 , VAR_9 , getValue ( VAR_1 , VAR_12 ) , VAR_6 . VAR_14 , VAR_6 . VAR_15 , VAR_6 . VAR_16 , VAR_6 . VAR_17 ) ; } } else { METHOD_7 ( VAR_2 , VAR_9 , value , VAR_6 . VAR_14 , VAR_6 . VAR_15 , VAR_6 . VAR_16 , VAR_6 . VAR_17 ) ; } } }
protected void METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 VAR_1 , TYPE_2 VAR_2 ) throws TYPE_3 { METHOD_2 ( STRING_1 , VAR_1 . METHOD_3 ( ) , VAR_2 ) ; }
public void setSrvEditRelationshipPolyRectangleClass ( SrvEditRelationshipPolyRectangle < RelationshipPoly < RectangleRelationship < ClassFull < ClassUml > , ClassUml > , ClassFull < ClassUml > , ClassUml > , Activity , RectangleRelationship < ClassFull < ClassUml > , ClassUml > , ClassFull < ClassUml > , ClassUml > srvEditRelationshipPolyClass ) { this . srvEditRelationshipPolyClass = srvEditRelationshipPolyClass ; }
protected void publishArtifactsChanged ( final FileUploadId fileUploadId ) { eventBus . publish ( this , new SoftwareModuleEvent ( SoftwareModuleEventType . ARTIFACTS_CHANGED , fileUploadId . getSoftwareModuleId ( ) ) ) ; }
private void validateFilters ( String filters ) { String countryPrefix = "COUNTRY." ; for ( String filter : splitter . split ( filters ) ) { if ( filter . toUpperCase ( ) . startsWith ( countryPrefix ) ) { GoogleWebmasterFilter . validateCountryCode ( filter . substring ( countryPrefix . length ( ) ) ) ; } } }
@ Override public String validate ( DTDValidatorBase v , char [ ] cbuf , int start , int end , boolean normalize ) throws XMLStreamException { //int origStart = start; /* First things first; let's ensure value is not empty (all * white space)... */ while ( start < end && WstxInputData . isSpaceChar ( cbuf [ start ] ) ) { ++ start ; } // Empty value? if ( start >= end ) { return reportValidationProblem ( v , "Empty NMTOKENS value" ) ; } /* Then, let's have separate handling for normalizing and * non-normalizing case, since latter is trivially easy case: */ if ( ! normalize ) { for ( ; start < end ; ++ start ) { char c = cbuf [ start ] ; if ( ! WstxInputData . isSpaceChar ( c ) && ! WstxInputData . isNameChar ( c , mCfgNsAware , mCfgXml11 ) ) { return reportInvalidChar ( v , c , "not valid as NMTOKENS character" ) ; } } return null ; // ok, all good } //boolean trimmed = (origStart != start); //origStart = start; -- end ; // so that it now points to the last char // Wouldn't absolutely have to trim trailing... but is easy to do while ( end > start && WstxInputData . isSpaceChar ( cbuf [ end ] ) ) { -- end ; //trimmed = true; } /* Ok, now, need to check we only have valid chars, and maybe * also coalesce multiple spaces, if any. */ StringBuilder sb = null ; while ( start <= end ) { int i = start ; for ( ; i <= end ; ++ i ) { char c = cbuf [ i ] ; if ( WstxInputData . isSpaceChar ( c ) ) { break ; } if ( ! WstxInputData . isNameChar ( c , mCfgNsAware , mCfgXml11 ) ) { return reportInvalidChar ( v , c , "not valid as an NMTOKENS character" ) ; } } if ( sb == null ) { sb = new StringBuilder ( end - start + 1 ) ; } else { sb . append ( ' ' ) ; } sb . append ( cbuf , start , ( i - start ) ) ; start = i + 1 ; // Ok, any white space to skip? while ( start <= end && WstxInputData . isSpaceChar ( cbuf [ start ] ) ) { ++ start ; } } /* 27-Nov-2005, TSa: Could actually optimize trimming, and often * avoid using StringBuilder... but let's only do it if it turns * out dealing with NMTOKENS normalization shows up on profiling... */ return sb . toString ( ) ; }
@ Override public void setClientInfo ( String name , String value ) throws SQLClientInfoException { try { checkClosed ( ) ; } catch ( final SQLException cause ) { Map < String , ClientInfoStatus > failures = new HashMap < String , ClientInfoStatus > ( ) ; failures . put ( name , ClientInfoStatus . REASON_UNKNOWN ) ; throw new SQLClientInfoException ( GT . tr ( "This connection has been closed." ) , failures , cause ) ; } if ( haveMinimumServerVersion ( ServerVersion . v9_0 ) && "ApplicationName" . equals ( name ) ) { if ( value == null ) { value = "" ; } final String oldValue = queryExecutor . getApplicationName ( ) ; if ( value . equals ( oldValue ) ) { return ; } try { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder ( "SET application_name = '" ) ; Utils . escapeLiteral ( sql , value , getStandardConformingStrings ( ) ) ; sql . append ( "'" ) ; execSQLUpdate ( sql . toString ( ) ) ; } catch ( SQLException sqle ) { Map < String , ClientInfoStatus > failures = new HashMap < String , ClientInfoStatus > ( ) ; failures . put ( name , ClientInfoStatus . REASON_UNKNOWN ) ; throw new SQLClientInfoException ( GT . tr ( "Failed to set ClientInfo property: {0}" , "ApplicationName" ) , sqle . getSQLState ( ) , failures , sqle ) ; } if ( LOGGER . isLoggable ( Level . FINE ) ) { LOGGER . log ( Level . FINE , " setClientInfo = {0} {1}" , new Object [ ] { name , value } ) ; } clientInfo . put ( name , value ) ; return ; } addWarning ( new SQLWarning ( GT . tr ( "ClientInfo property not supported." ) , PSQLState . NOT_IMPLEMENTED . getState ( ) ) ) ; }
public static TYPE_1 METHOD_1 ( TYPE_2 VAR_1 , String text ) { text = text . replace ( STRING_1 , STRING_2 ) ; char c = CHAR_1 ; int length = text . length ( ) ; boolean VAR_2 = false ; if ( ( c = text . VAR_3 ( 0 ) ) == CHAR_2 || c == CHAR_3 ) { VAR_2 = ( c == CHAR_2 ) ; text = text . substring ( 1 , length ) ; length -= 1 ; } int VAR_4 = INT_1 ; if ( text . VAR_3 ( 0 ) == CHAR_4 && length > 1 ) { c = text . VAR_3 ( 1 ) ; if ( c == CHAR_5 || c == CHAR_6 ) { VAR_4 = INT_2 ; text = text . substring ( INT_3 , length ) ; length -= INT_3 ; } else if ( c == CHAR_7 || c == CHAR_8 ) { VAR_4 = INT_3 ; text = text . substring ( INT_3 , length ) ; length -= INT_3 ; } else { VAR_4 = INT_4 ; } } char type = CHAR_6 ; if ( METHOD_2 ( text . VAR_3 ( length - 1 ) , false ) ) { type = TYPE_3 . toLowerCase ( text . VAR_3 ( length - 1 ) ) ; text = text . substring ( 0 , length - 1 ) ; length -= 1 ; } if ( VAR_2 ) { text = STRING_3 + text ; } TYPE_4 value = new TYPE_4 ( text , VAR_4 ) ; switch ( type ) { case CHAR_9 : if ( VAR_4 == INT_1 && ( value . compareTo ( VAR_5 ) > 0 || value . compareTo ( VAR_6 ) < 0 ) ) { throw new TYPE_5 ( VAR_1 , STRING_4 + value + STRING_5 ) ; } else { return value . intValue ( ) ; } case CHAR_10 : if ( VAR_4 == INT_1 && ( value . compareTo ( VAR_7 ) > 0 || value . compareTo ( VAR_8 ) < 0 ) ) { throw new TYPE_5 ( VAR_1 , STRING_4 + value + STRING_6 ) ; } else { return value . VAR_9 ( ) ; } case CHAR_11 : return value ; default : if ( value . compareTo ( VAR_5 ) <= 0 && value . compareTo ( VAR_6 ) >= 0 ) { return value . intValue ( ) ; } else if ( value . compareTo ( VAR_7 ) <= 0 && value . compareTo ( VAR_8 ) >= 0 ) { return value . VAR_9 ( ) ; } return value ; } }
@ Override protected Object unwrapCachedValue ( Object cached ) { if ( currentKey instanceof EnhancerKey ) { EnhancerFactoryData data = ( ( WeakReference < EnhancerFactoryData > ) cached ) . get ( ) ; return data ; } return super . unwrapCachedValue ( cached ) ; }
public TYPE_1 < TYPE_2 > METHOD_1 ( final String VAR_1 , final String VAR_2 ) { return METHOD_1 ( TYPE_2 . METHOD_2 ( VAR_1 , VAR_2 ) ) ; }
public float [ ] normalise ( float [ ] z ) { float [ ] result = new float [ z . length ] ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < z . length ; i ++ ) { float bound = ( float ) 2.0 * ( i + 1 ) ; result [ i ] = z [ i ] / bound ; result [ i ] = correctTo01 ( result [ i ] ) ; } return result ; }
public static void METHOD_1 ( String name , boolean trim , String [ ] value ) { METHOD_2 ( name , value ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < value . length ; i ++ ) { METHOD_2 ( value [ i ] + STRING_1 + i + STRING_2 , value [ i ] ) ; if ( trim ) { METHOD_2 ( value [ i ] + STRING_1 + i + STRING_2 , value [ i ] . trim ( ) ) ; } } }
public static synchronized Log getLog ( String s ) { Log l = loggers . get ( s ) ; if ( l != null ) { return l ; } if ( logFactory == null ) { initializeLogFactory ( ) ; } l = logFactory . getLog ( s ) ; loggers . put ( s , l ) ; return l ; }
private final Set < RegData > load ( FileInputStream fis ) { if ( fis != null ) { return extendedLoad ( fis ) ; } else { return Collections . emptySet ( ) ; } }
private < T > void applyTo ( T value , Consumer < T > setter ) { if ( value != null ) setter . accept ( value ) ; }
@ Override public void mousePressed ( MouseEvent e ) { Number stepSize = model . getStepSize ( ) ; Number value = ( Number ) model . getValue ( ) ; double d = Math . abs ( value . doubleValue ( ) ) / stepSize . doubleValue ( ) ; // TODO This value is somewhat arbitrary... int i = ( int ) Math . ceil ( d / 250.0 ) ; currentFactor = Math . max ( 1 , i ) ; //System.out.println("For "+value+" with step size "+ // stepSize+" use factor "+currentFactor); }
public static String configHostPort ( final String host , final int port ) { return CONFIG_HOSTS . path ( host , PORTS , String . valueOf ( port ) ) ; }
@ Override public void afterConnectionEstablished ( final WebSocketSession webSocketSession ) { logger . debug ( "[afterConnectionEstablished] id = {}" , webSocketSession . getId ( ) ) ; this . session = webSocketSession ; synchronized ( notifyConnectionObject ) { notifyConnectionObject . notifyAll ( ) ; } }
public boolean fromXML ( String xml ) { boolean hasResult = false ; try { //Convert string to XML document DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory . newInstance ( ) ; DocumentBuilder db = factory . newDocumentBuilder ( ) ; InputSource inStream = new InputSource ( ) ; inStream . setCharacterStream ( new StringReader ( xml ) ) ; Document doc = db . parse ( inStream ) ; // normalize text representation doc . getDocumentElement ( ) . normalize ( ) ; //Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); NodeList listOfAlignments = doc . getElementsByTagName ( "alignment" ) ; //int numArrays = listOfAlignments.getLength(); //System.out.println("got " + numArrays + " alignment results."); // go over the blocks for ( int afpPos = 0 ; afpPos < listOfAlignments . getLength ( ) ; afpPos ++ ) { Node rootElement = listOfAlignments . item ( afpPos ) ; String flag = getAttribute ( rootElement , "hasResult" ) ; //System.out.println("got flag from server:" + flag); if ( flag . equals ( "true" ) ) hasResult = true ; } } catch ( SAXParseException err ) { System . out . println ( "** Parsing error" + ", line " + err . getLineNumber ( ) + ", uri " + err . getSystemId ( ) ) ; System . out . println ( " " + err . getMessage ( ) ) ; } catch ( SAXException e ) { Exception x = e . getException ( ) ; ( ( x == null ) ? e : x ) . printStackTrace ( ) ; } catch ( Throwable t ) { t . printStackTrace ( ) ; } return hasResult ; }
private static TYPE_1 < String , String > METHOD_1 ( String VAR_1 , String VAR_2 , TYPE_2 a , TYPE_2 b ) { String name = VAR_1 + STRING_1 + METHOD_2 ( ) ; return new TYPE_1 < > ( name , METHOD_3 ( a ) + METHOD_3 ( b ) + METHOD_4 ( a ) + METHOD_4 ( b ) + STRING_2 + name + STRING_3 + METHOD_5 ( a ) + STRING_4 + VAR_2 + STRING_4 + METHOD_5 ( b ) ) ; }
protected void initWorkplaceMembers ( CmsObject cms , HttpSession session ) { m_cms = cms ; m_session = session ; // check role try { checkRole ( ) ; } catch ( CmsRoleViolationException e ) { throw new CmsIllegalStateException ( e . getMessageContainer ( ) , e ) ; } // get / create the workplace settings m_settings = ( CmsWorkplaceSettings ) m_session . getAttribute ( CmsWorkplaceManager . SESSION_WORKPLACE_SETTINGS ) ; if ( m_settings == null ) { // create the settings object m_settings = new CmsWorkplaceSettings ( ) ; m_settings = initWorkplaceSettings ( m_cms , m_settings , false ) ; storeSettings ( m_session , m_settings ) ; } // initialize messages CmsMessages messages = OpenCms . getWorkplaceManager ( ) . getMessages ( getLocale ( ) ) ; // generate a new multi messages object and add the messages from the workplace m_messages = new CmsMultiMessages ( getLocale ( ) ) ; m_messages . addMessages ( messages ) ; initMessages ( ) ; if ( m_jsp != null ) { // check request for changes in the workplace settings initWorkplaceRequestValues ( m_settings , m_jsp . getRequest ( ) ) ; } // set cms context accordingly initWorkplaceCmsContext ( m_settings , m_cms ) ; // timewarp reset logic initTimeWarp ( m_settings . getUserSettings ( ) , m_session ) ; }
@ Override public Optional < T > max ( Comparator < ? super T > comparator ) { return getExceptionMasker ( ) . maskException ( ( ) -> getDelegate ( ) . normalMax ( comparator ) ) ; }
private String METHOD_1 ( TYPE_1 < TYPE_2 > VAR_1 , int offset ) { TYPE_3 VAR_2 = new TYPE_3 ( ) ; for ( int i = offset ; i < VAR_1 . size ( ) ; i ++ ) { TYPE_2 field = VAR_1 . get ( i ) ; if ( VAR_2 . length ( ) > 0 ) { VAR_2 . append ( STRING_1 ) ; } VAR_2 . append ( field . VAR_3 ( ) ) ; } return VAR_2 . toString ( ) ; }
ProposalResponsePayload getProposalResponsePayload ( ) { ProposalResponsePayload ret = null ; if ( proposalResponsePayload != null ) { ret = proposalResponsePayload . get ( ) ; } if ( ret == null ) { try { ret = ProposalResponsePayload . parseFrom ( byteString ) ; } catch ( InvalidProtocolBufferException e ) { throw new InvalidProtocolBufferRuntimeException ( e ) ; } proposalResponsePayload = new WeakReference <> ( ret ) ; } return ret ; }
@ Override protected void debug ( ) { if ( TraceComponent . isAnyTracingEnabled ( ) && tc . isDebugEnabled ( ) ) { Tr . debug ( tc , "" + this ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_clientId + " = " + clientId ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_clientSecret + " is null = " + ( clientSecret == null ) ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_authorizationEndpoint + " = " + authorizationEndpoint ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_tokenEndpoint + " = " + tokenEndpoint ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_USERINFO_ENDPOINT + " = " + userInfoEndpoint ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_USERINFO_ENDPOINT_ENABLED + " = " + userInfoEndpointEnabled ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_jwksUri + " = " + jwksUri ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_scope + " = " + scope ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_userNameAttribute + " = " + userNameAttribute ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_mapToUserRegistry + " = " + mapToUserRegistry ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_sslRef + " = " + sslRef ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_authFilterRef + " = " + authFilterRef ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_TRUSTED_ALIAS + " = " + trustAliasName ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , CFG_KEY_jwtRef + " = " + jwtRef ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , CFG_KEY_jwtClaims + " = " + ( ( jwtClaims == null ) ? null : Arrays . toString ( jwtClaims ) ) ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_isClientSideRedirectSupported + " = " + isClientSideRedirectSupported ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_displayName + " = " + displayName ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_website + " = " + website ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_ISSUER + " = " + issuer ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_realmNameAttribute + " = " + realmNameAttribute ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_groupNameAttribute + " = " + groupNameAttribute ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_userUniqueIdAttribute + " = " + userUniqueIdAttribute ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_CLOCKSKEW + " = " + clockSkewMsec ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM + " = " + signatureAlgorithm ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_tokenEndpointAuthMethod + " = " + tokenEndpointAuthMethod ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_redirectToRPHostAndPort + " = " + redirectToRPHostAndPort ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , CFG_KEY_HOST_NAME_VERIFICATION_ENABLED + " = " + hostNameVerificationEnabled ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_nonce + " = " + nonce ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_responseType + " = " + responseType ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_RESPONSE_MODE + " = " + responseMode ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_realmName + " = " + realmName ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_INCLUDE_CUSTOM_CACHE_KEY_IN_SUBJECT + " = " + includeCustomCacheKeyInSubject ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , KEY_resource + " = " + resource ) ; Tr . debug ( tc , CFG_KEY_FORWARD_LOGIN_PARAMETER + " = " + forwardLoginParameter ) ; } }
private void METHOD_1 ( ) throws TYPE_1 , TYPE_2 { METHOD_2 ( STRING_1 , VAR_1 , "name" , name ) ; VAR_2 . METHOD_3 ( name , METHOD_4 ( ) . METHOD_5 ( ) ) ; }
@ Override public java . util . concurrent . Future < DescribeTransitGatewayAttachmentsResult > describeTransitGatewayAttachmentsAsync ( DescribeTransitGatewayAttachmentsRequest request ) { return describeTransitGatewayAttachmentsAsync ( request , null ) ; }
public Observable < ServerAzureADAdministratorInner > getAsync ( String resourceGroupName , String serverName ) { return getWithServiceResponseAsync ( resourceGroupName , serverName ) . map ( new Func1 < ServiceResponse < ServerAzureADAdministratorInner > , ServerAzureADAdministratorInner > ( ) { @ Override public ServerAzureADAdministratorInner call ( ServiceResponse < ServerAzureADAdministratorInner > response ) { return response . body ( ) ; } } ) ; }
private static Collection < URLClassLoader > getClassLoaders ( ClassLoader baseClassLoader ) { Collection < URLClassLoader > loaders = new ArrayList < URLClassLoader > ( 8 ) ; ClassLoader loader = baseClassLoader ; while ( loader != null ) { if ( "sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader" . equals ( loader . getClass ( ) . getName ( ) ) ) { break ; } if ( loader instanceof URLClassLoader ) { loaders . add ( ( URLClassLoader ) loader ) ; } loader = loader . getParent ( ) ; } return loaders ; }
private boolean isSortExpressionCovered ( AbstractExpression sortExpression , List < AbstractExpression > indexedExprs , int idxToCover ) { assert ( idxToCover < indexedExprs . size ( ) ) ; AbstractExpression indexExpression = indexedExprs . get ( idxToCover ) ; List < AbstractExpression > bindings = sortExpression . bindingToIndexedExpression ( indexExpression ) ; if ( bindings != null ) { m_bindings . addAll ( bindings ) ; return true ; } return false ; }
public void setDouble ( String columnName , double value ) { doubleColumnMap . get ( columnName ) . set ( rowNumber , value ) ; }