15 values
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pytest import numpy as np from pandas import DataFrame, Index, PeriodIndex from pandas.tests.frame.common import TestData import pandas.util.testing as tm @pytest.fixture def frame_with_period_index(): return DataFrame( data=np.arange(20).reshape(4, 5), columns=list('abcde'), index=PeriodIndex(start='2000', freq='A', periods=4)) @pytest.fixture def frame(): return TestData().frame @pytest.fixture def left(): return DataFrame({'a': [20, 10, 0]}, index=[2, 1, 0]) @pytest.fixture def right(): return DataFrame({'b': [300, 100, 200]}, index=[3, 1, 2]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "how, sort, expected", [('inner', False, DataFrame({'a': [20, 10], 'b': [200, 100]}, index=[2, 1])), ('inner', True, DataFrame({'a': [10, 20], 'b': [100, 200]}, index=[1, 2])), ('left', False, DataFrame({'a': [20, 10, 0], 'b': [200, 100, np.nan]}, index=[2, 1, 0])), ('left', True, DataFrame({'a': [0, 10, 20], 'b': [np.nan, 100, 200]}, index=[0, 1, 2])), ('right', False, DataFrame({'a': [np.nan, 10, 20], 'b': [300, 100, 200]}, index=[3, 1, 2])), ('right', True, DataFrame({'a': [10, 20, np.nan], 'b': [100, 200, 300]}, index=[1, 2, 3])), ('outer', False, DataFrame({'a': [0, 10, 20, np.nan], 'b': [np.nan, 100, 200, 300]}, index=[0, 1, 2, 3])), ('outer', True, DataFrame({'a': [0, 10, 20, np.nan], 'b': [np.nan, 100, 200, 300]}, index=[0, 1, 2, 3]))]) def test_join(left, right, how, sort, expected): result = left.join(right, how=how, sort=sort) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_join_index(frame): # left / right f = frame.loc[frame.index[:10], ['A', 'B']] f2 = frame.loc[frame.index[5:], ['C', 'D']].iloc[::-1] joined = f.join(f2) tm.assert_index_equal(f.index, joined.index) expected_columns = Index(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']) tm.assert_index_equal(joined.columns, expected_columns) joined = f.join(f2, how='left') tm.assert_index_equal(joined.index, f.index) tm.assert_index_equal(joined.columns, expected_columns) joined = f.join(f2, how='right') tm.assert_index_equal(joined.index, f2.index) tm.assert_index_equal(joined.columns, expected_columns) # inner joined = f.join(f2, how='inner') tm.assert_index_equal(joined.index, f.index[5:10]) tm.assert_index_equal(joined.columns, expected_columns) # outer joined = f.join(f2, how='outer') tm.assert_index_equal(joined.index, frame.index.sort_values()) tm.assert_index_equal(joined.columns, expected_columns) tm.assert_raises_regex( ValueError, 'join method', f.join, f2, how='foo') # corner case - overlapping columns for how in ('outer', 'left', 'inner'): with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, 'columns overlap but ' 'no suffix'): frame.join(frame, how=how) def test_join_index_more(frame): af = frame.loc[:, ['A', 'B']] bf = frame.loc[::2, ['C', 'D']] expected = af.copy() expected['C'] = frame['C'][::2] expected['D'] = frame['D'][::2] result = af.join(bf) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = af.join(bf, how='right') tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected[::2]) result = bf.join(af, how='right') tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected.loc[:, result.columns]) def test_join_index_series(frame): df = frame.copy() s = df.pop(frame.columns[-1]) joined = df.join(s) # TODO should this check_names ? tm.assert_frame_equal(joined, frame, check_names=False) = None tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, 'must have a name', df.join, s) def test_join_overlap(frame): df1 = frame.loc[:, ['A', 'B', 'C']] df2 = frame.loc[:, ['B', 'C', 'D']] joined = df1.join(df2, lsuffix='_df1', rsuffix='_df2') df1_suf = df1.loc[:, ['B', 'C']].add_suffix('_df1') df2_suf = df2.loc[:, ['B', 'C']].add_suffix('_df2') no_overlap = frame.loc[:, ['A', 'D']] expected = df1_suf.join(df2_suf).join(no_overlap) # column order not necessarily sorted tm.assert_frame_equal(joined, expected.loc[:, joined.columns]) def test_join_period_index(frame_with_period_index): other = frame_with_period_index.rename( columns=lambda x: '{key}{key}'.format(key=x)) joined_values = np.concatenate( [frame_with_period_index.values] * 2, axis=1) joined_cols = frame_with_period_index.columns.append(other.columns) joined = frame_with_period_index.join(other) expected = DataFrame( data=joined_values, columns=joined_cols, index=frame_with_period_index.index) tm.assert_frame_equal(joined, expected)
""" Some tools for the notebooks """ from IPython.display import display, Markdown try: from nbconvert.filters.markdown import markdown2latex, markdown2html except ImportError: from IPython.nbconvert.filters.markdown import markdown2latex, markdown2html from IPython.display import DisplayObject import time as _time import sys class Caption(Markdown): """ Make a caption to associate with figures """ def __init__(self, s, center=False, **kwargs): Markdown.__init__(self, s, **kwargs) self._center = center def _repr_html_(self): txt = markdown2html( if self._center: return '<center>{0}</center>'.format(txt) else: return '{0}'.format(txt) def _repr_latex_(self): txt = markdown2latex( if self._center: return '\\begin{center}\n' + txt + '\n\\end{center}' else: return txt def display(self): display(self) def __str__(self): return self._repr_latex_() class Matrix(object): """ Make a caption to associate with figures """ def __init__(self,s, fmt='%0.4g'): self.s = s self._fmt = fmt def _repr_(self): text = r"""\begin{bmatrix}""" t = [] for k in self.s: t.append( ' & '.join([self._fmt % v for v in k] ) + r'\\' ) text += ''.join(t) text += r"""\end{bmatrix}""" return Markdown(text) def _repr_latex_(self): text = r"""\begin{bmatrix}""" t = [] for k in self.s: t.append( ' & '.join([self._fmt % v for v in k] ) + r'\\' ) text += ''.join(t) text += r"""\end{bmatrix}""" return text def __str__(self): return self._repr_latex_() def display(self): display(self) def disp_markdown(*args): return display(Markdown(*args)) def load_latex_macros(): return disp_markdown(open('notebook_macros').read()) def add_input_toggle(): from IPython.display import HTML, display r = HTML(''' <script> $( document ).ready(function () { IPython.CodeCell.options_default['cm_config']['lineWrapping'] = true; IPython.notebook.get_selected_cell() IPython.toolbar.add_buttons_group([ { 'label' : 'toggle all input cells', 'icon' : 'fa-eye-slash', 'callback': function(){ $('div.input').slideToggle(); } } ]); }); </script> ''') display(r) return r def add_citation_button(): from IPython.display import HTML, display r = HTML(""" <script> function insert_citn() { // Build paragraphs of cell type and count var entry_box = $('<input type="text"/>'); var body = $('<div><p> Enter the Bibtex reference to insert </p><form>').append(entry_box) .append('</form></div>'); // Show a modal dialog with the stats IPython.dialog.modal({ notebook: IPython.notebook, keyboard_manager: IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager, title: "Bibtex reference insertion", body: body, open: function() { // Submit on pressing enter var that = $(this); that.find('form').submit(function () { that.find('.btn-primary').first().click(); return false; }); entry_box.focus(); }, buttons : { "Cancel" : {}, "Insert" : { "class" : "btn-primary", "click" : function() { // Retrieve the selected citation, add to metadata, var citation = entry_box.val(); // if (!citation) {return;} var citn_html = '<cite data-cite="' + citation + '">' + citation + '</cite>'; var cell = IPython.notebook.get_selected_cell(); cell.code_mirror.replaceSelection(citn_html); } } } }); }; $( document ).ready(function () { IPython.toolbar.add_buttons_group([ { 'label' : 'insert bibtex reference in markdown', 'icon' : 'fa-graduation-cap', // 'callback': insert_citn, } ]); }); </script> <style> cite { font-style: normal; color: #45749e; } </style> """) display(r) return r class PDF(object): def __init__(self,url): self.url = url def _repr_html_(self): return '<iframe src=%s></iframe>' % self.url def _repr_latex_(self): return r'\begin{center} \adjustimage{max size={0.9\linewidth}{0.9\paperheight}}{%s}\end{center}' % self.url class Table(DisplayObject): VDOTS = object() def __init__(self, data, headings=None, formats=None, caption=None, label=None, position='h', subtables=1): """ A HTML/LaTeX IPython DisplayObject Table `data` should be a 2 dimensional array, indexed by row then column, with an optional extra row `headings`. A 'row' (i.e., an element of `data`) may also be :py:const:`Table.VDOTS`, which produces vertical dots in all columns. `formats` may be a string, whose format method will be used for every cell; a function, called for every cell; or a mixed array of strings and functions which is zipped with each row. Headings are not formatted. `caption` and `label` add the relevant LaTeX markup, and will go in the first row of the HTML copy. `label` will have ``tab:`` prepended to it. If `subtables` is greater than 1, the table will be split into `subtables` parts of approximately equal length, and laid out side by side. """ if len(data) == 0: raise ValueError("data is empty") if label is None != caption is None: raise ValueError("specify neither or both of label & caption") self.columns = len(data[0]) if self.columns == 0: raise ValueError("no columns") if headings and len(headings) != self.columns: raise ValueError("bad headings length") if isinstance(formats, str): formats = [formats.format] * self.columns elif callable(formats): formats = [formats] * self.columns elif formats: if len(formats) != self.columns: raise ValueError("bad formats length") def maybe_string_format(f): if isinstance(f, str): return f.format else: assert callable(f) return f formats = list(map(maybe_string_format, formats)) else: formats = [self._default_format] * self.columns for i, row in enumerate(data): if row is not self.VDOTS and len(row) != self.columns: raise ValueError("bad row length", i) self.headings = headings = data self.formats = formats self.caption = caption self.label = label self.position = position self.subtables = subtables @staticmethod def _default_format(what): if isinstance(what, float): return "{0:.5f}".format(what) else: return str(what) def _format_rows(self): for row in if row is self.VDOTS: yield self.VDOTS else: yield (f(x) for f, x in zip(self.formats, row)) def _subtables_split(self): assert self.subtables > 1 rows = list(self._format_rows()) nominal_height = len(rows) // self.subtables remainder = len(rows) % self.subtables heights = [nominal_height] * self.subtables for i in range(remainder): heights[i] += 1 slices = [] acc = 0 for l in heights: slices.append((acc, acc + l)) acc += l assert slices[-1][1] == len(rows) subtables = [rows[a:b] for a, b in slices] return subtables def _repr_latex_(self): strings = [] strings.append(r""" \begin{table}[""" + self.position + r"""] \centering """) if self.label: strings.append(r"\caption{" + self.caption + "}") strings.append(r"\label{tab:" + self.label + "}") if self.subtables > 1: subtables = self._subtables_split() width = "{:.3f}\linewidth".format(0.95 / self.subtables) for i, rows in enumerate(subtables): strings.append(r"\begin{{subtable}}[t]{{{0}}}%".format(width)) strings.append(r""" \centering \vspace{0pt} """) self._latex_tabular(strings, rows) strings.append(r"\end{subtable}%") if i != len(subtables) - 1: strings.append("\hfill%") else: rows = self._format_rows() self._latex_tabular(strings, rows) strings.append(r""" \end{table} """) return "\n".join(strings) def _latex_tabular(self, strings, rows): x = "|".join(["c"] * self.columns) strings.append(r"\begin{tabular}{|" + x + "|}") strings.append(r"\hline") if self.headings: latex = " & ".join(str(x) for x in self.headings) strings.append(latex + r" \\") strings.append(r"\hline") for row in rows: if row is self.VDOTS: row = [r"\vdots"] * self.columns latex = " & ".join(row) strings.append(latex + r" \\") strings.append(r""" \hline \end{tabular}%""") def _repr_html_(self): strings = [] strings.append(""" <style type="text/css"> .util_Table td { text-align: center; } .util_Table tbody tr, .util_Table tbody td { border-bottom: 0; border-top: 0; } .util_Table_subtable { float: left; } </style> """) if self.label: c = self.caption l = "<code>[{}]</code>".format(self.label) strings.append(""" <h3>{1} {2}</h3> """.format(self.columns, c, l)) if self.subtables > 1: subtables = self._subtables_split() # width = 0.95 / self.subtables strings.append("<div class='clearfix'>") for rows in subtables: strings.append("<div class='util_Table_subtable'>") self._html_table(strings, rows) strings.append("</div>") strings.append("</div>") else: rows = self._format_rows() self._html_table(strings, rows) return "\n".join(strings) def _html_table(self, strings, rows): strings.append("<table class='util_Table'>") if self.headings: strings.append("<thead>") strings.append("<tr>") headings = map("<th>{0}</th>".format, self.headings) strings.append("\n".join(headings)) strings.append("</tr>") strings.append("</thead>") strings.append("<tbody>") for row in rows: if row is self.VDOTS: row = ["\u22ee"] * self.columns strings.append("<tr>") row = map("<td>{0}</td>".format, row) strings.append("\n".join(row)) strings.append("</tr>") strings.append("</tbody>") strings.append("</table>") def __repr__(self): if self.headings: widths = [len(x) for x in self.headings] data = [self.headings] else: widths = None data = [] # don't forget - self._format_rows() is a generator that yields generators for row in self._format_rows(): if row is self.VDOTS: continue r = list(row) w = [len(x) for x in r] if widths is None: widths = w else: widths = [max(a, b) for a, b in zip(widths, w)] data.append(list(r)) strings = [] if self.label: c = self.caption.replace("\n", " ") strings.append('Table: {0} ({1})'.format(self.label, c)) for row in data: if row is self.VDOTS: strings.append('...') else: r = [x.ljust(b + 4) for x, b in zip(row, widths)] strings.append(''.join(r)) return '\n'.join(strings) def __html__(self): return self._repr_html_() class LatexFigure(object): extension = 'pdf' def __init__(self, label, caption, fig=None, position="", star=False, options='width=\columnwidth', margin=False): """ A LaTeX IPython DisplayObject Figure `label` is mandatory, since it also sets the filename. It will have ``fig:`` preprended to it. `fig` is optional - the current figure (via ``gcf``) will be used if it is not set. `position` is either the float placement specifier or the subfigure vertical position. If `subfigure` is set to true, a subfigure with width `width` will be created. The figure is saved (via ``savefig``) as a PDF file in the current directory. Displaying the object produces LaTeX (only) to embed the figure. A little hacky, but since this is meant for use in the notebook it is assumed that the figure is going to be displayed automatically in HTML independently. """ if fig is None: from matplotlib.pyplot import gcf fig = gcf() self.label = label self.caption = caption self.fig = fig self.position = position self.options = options = star self.margin = margin self.filename = "figure_{0:s}.{1:s}".format(label, self.__class__.extension) import pylab as plt try: plt.savefig(self.filename, bbox_inches='tight') except: plt.savefig(self.filename) def _repr_html_(self): # Bit crude. Hide ourselves to the notebook viewer, since we'll # have been shown already anyway. # Nicer solutions are afaict infeasible. return markdown2html('> **Figure (<a name="fig:{label:s}">{label:s}</a>)**: {caption:s}'.format( label=self.label, caption=self.caption)) def _repr_latex_(self, subfigure=None): if subfigure: environment = "subfigure" args = "[{position}]{{{width}}}".format(**subfigure) else: environment = "figure" args = "[{0}]".format(self.position) args = args.replace('[]', '') if environment += '*' elif self.margin & (not subfigure): environment = "margin" + environment return r"""\begin{{{env:s}}}{args:s} \centering \includegraphics[{options:s}]{{{fname:s}}} \caption{{{caption:s}}} \label{{fig:{label:s}}} \end{{{env:s}}} """.format(env=environment, args=args, options=self.options, fname=self.filename, caption=self.caption, label=self.label) def __repr__(self): c = self.caption.replace("\n", " ") return "Figure: {0} ({1})".format(self.label, c) def __html__(self): return "" class LatexSubfigures(object): def __init__(self, label, caption, figures, position='h', subfigure_position='b', star=False): """ Displays several :cls:`LatexFigures` as sub-figures, two per row. `figures` should be an array of :cls:`LatexFigure` objects, not :cls:`matplotlib.Figure` objects. """ self.label = label self.caption = caption self.figures = figures self.position = position self.subfigure_position = subfigure_position = star def _repr_html_(self): # Bit crude. Hide ourselves to the notebook viewer, since we'll # have been shown already anyway. # Nicer solutions are afaict infeasible. return markdown2html('> **Figure (<a name="fig:{label:s}">{label:s}</a>)**: {caption:s}'.format( label=self.label, caption=self.caption)) def _repr_latex_(self): strings = [] environment = "figure" if environment += '*' strings.append(r"""\begin{""" + environment + """}[""" + self.position + r"""] \centering """) #left = True #first = True opts = {"position": self.subfigure_position, "width": "{0:0.2f}\linewidth".format((1 - len(self.figures) * 0.01) / len(self.figures))} for f in self.figures: #if left and not first: # strings.append(r"\vspace{1em}") # have to be quite careful about whitespace latex = f._repr_latex_(subfigure=opts).strip() #if left: # latex += '%' #else: # latex += r'\newline' #first = False #left = not left strings.append(latex) strings.append(r""" \caption{""" + self.caption + r"""} \label{fig:""" + self.label + r"""} \end{""" + environment + """} """) return "\n".join(strings) def __repr__(self): c = self.caption.replace("\n", " ") strings = ["Figure group: {0} ({1})".format(self.label, c)] strings += [repr(x) for x in self.figures] return "\n".join(strings) def __html__(self): return "" class LatexNumberFormatter(object): """ Format floats in exponent notation using latex markup for the exponent e.g., ``$-4.234 \\times 10^{-5}$`` Usage: >>> fmtr = LatexNumberFormatter(sf=4) >>> fmtr(-4.234e-5) "$-4.234 \\\\times 10^{-5}$" """ def __init__(self, sf=10): """Create a callable object that formats numbers""" self.sf = sf self.s_fmt = "{{:.{0}e}}".format(self.sf) def __call__(self, n): """Format `n`""" n = self.s_fmt.format(n) n, e, exp = n.partition("e") if e == "e": exp = int(exp) if not n.startswith("-"): n = r"\phantom{-}" + n return r"${} \times 10^{{{}}}$".format(n, exp) else: return "${}$".format(n) """ Simple progressbar ================== This package implement a unique progress bar class that can be used to decorate an iterator, a function or even standalone. The format of the meter is flexible and can display along with the progress meter, the running time, an eta, and the rate of the iterations. An example is: description [----------] k/n 10% [time: 00:00:00, eta: 00:00:00, 2.7 iters/sec] """ class NBPbar(object): """ make a progress string in a shape of: [----------] k/n 10% [time: 00:00:00, eta: 00:00:00, 2.7 iters/sec] Attributes --------- time: bool, optional (default: True) if set, add the runtime information eta: bool, optional (default: True) if set, add an estimated time to completion rate: bool, optional (default: True) if set, add the rate information length: int, optional (default: None) number of characters showing the progress meter itself if None, the meter will adapt to the buffer width TODO: make it variable with the buffer length keep: bool, optional (default: True) If not set, deletes its traces from screen after completion file: buffer the buffer to write into mininterval: float (default: 0.5) minimum time in seconds between two updates of the meter miniters: int, optional (default: 1) minimum iteration number between two updates of the meter units: str, optional (default: 'iters') unit of the iteration """ def __init__(self, desc=None, maxval=None, time=True, eta=True, rate=True, length=None, file=None, keep=True, mininterval=0.5, miniters=1, units='iters', **kwargs): self.time = time self.eta = eta self.rate = rate self.desc = desc or '' self.units = units self.file = file or sys.stdout self._last_print_len = 0 self.keep = keep self.mininterval = mininterval self.miniters = miniters self._auto_width = True self.length = 10 if length is not None: self.length = length self._auto_width = False # backward compatibility self._start_t = _time.time() self._maxval = maxval if 'txt' in kwargs: self.desc = kwargs['txt'] self._F = None @staticmethod def format_interval(t): """ make a human readable time interval decomposed into days, hours, minutes and seconds Parameters ---------- t: int interval in seconds Returns ------- txt: str string representing the interval (format: <days>d <hrs>:<min>:<sec>) """ mins, s = divmod(int(t), 60) h, m = divmod(mins, 60) d, h = divmod(h, 24) txt = '{m:02d}:{s:02d}' if h: txt = '{h:02d}:' + txt if d: txt = '{d:d}d ' + txt return txt.format(d=d, h=h, m=m, s=s) def build_str_meter(self, n, total, elapsed): """ make a progress string in a shape of: k/n 10% [time: 00:00:00, eta: 00:00:00, 2.7 iters/sec] Parameters ---------- n: int number of finished iterations total: int total number of iterations, or None elapsed: int number of seconds passed since start Returns ------- txt: str string representing the meter """ if n > total: total = None vals = {'n': n} vals['elapsed'] = self.format_interval(elapsed) vals['rate'] = '{0:5.2f}'.format((n / elapsed)) if elapsed else '?' vals['units'] = self.units if not total: txt = '{desc:s} {n:d}' else: txt = '{desc:s} {n:d}/{total:d} {percent:s}' if self.time or self.eta or self.rate: txt += ' [' info = [] if self.time: info.append('time: {elapsed:s}') if self.eta and total: info.append('eta: {left:s}') if self.rate: info.append('{rate:s} {units:s}/sec') txt += ', '.join(info) + ']' if not total: return txt.format(**vals) frac = float(n) / total vals['desc'] = self.desc vals['percent'] = '{0:3.0%}'.format(frac) vals['left'] = self.format_interval(elapsed / n * (total - n)) if n else '?' vals['total'] = total return txt.format(**vals) def print_status(self, n, total, elapsed): from IPython.html.widgets import FloatProgress desc = self.build_str_meter(n, total, elapsed) if self._F is None: self._F = FloatProgress(min=0, max=total, description=desc) display(self._F) self._F.value = n self._F.description = desc def iterover(self, iterable, total=None): """ Get an iterable object, and return an iterator which acts exactly like the iterable, but prints a progress meter and updates it every time a value is requested. Parameters ---------- iterable: generator or iterable object object to iter over. total: int, optional the number of iterations is assumed to be the length of the iterator. But sometimes the iterable has no associated length or its length is not the actual number of future iterations. In this case, total can be set to define the number of iterations. Returns ------- gen: generator pass the values from the initial iterator """ if total is None: try: total = len(iterable) except TypeError: total = self._maxval self.print_status(0, total, 0) last_print_n = 0 start_t = last_print_t = _time.time() for n, obj in enumerate(iterable): yield obj if n - last_print_n >= self.miniters: cur_t = _time.time() if cur_t - last_print_t >= self.mininterval: self.print_status(n, total, cur_t - start_t) last_print_n = n last_print_t = cur_t if self.keep: if last_print_n < n: cur_t = _time.time() self.print_status(n, total, cur_t - start_t) self.file.write('\n') def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): return False def update(self, n, desc=None, total=None): """ Kept for backward compatibility and the decorator feature """ if total is None: total = self._maxval if desc is not None: self.desc = desc cur_t = _time.time() self.print_status(n, total, cur_t - self._start_t)
import pickle import signal_processing as sig_proc import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math from scipy import stats import copy #step phase analysis for each neuron and global dir_name = '../data/r448/r448_131022_rH/' img_ext = '.eps' save_img = True show = True #signal filtering parameter low_cut = 3e2 high_cut = 3e3 sp = sig_proc.Signal_processing(save_img, show, img_ext) global_snr = [] print ('#### r448 ####') trials = [2, 5, 6, 7] dir_name = '../data/r448/r448_131022_rH/' print('### spikes load ###') with open(dir_name + 'data_processed', 'rb') as my_file: record_data = pickle.load(my_file) # record_data[trial] = {'spikes_values': all_chan_spikes_values, # 'spikes_time': all_chan_spikes_times, # 'spikes_classes': all_chan_spikes_classes, # 'clusters': all_chan_clusters, # 'length_signal': signal.shape[1], # 'fs': fs } signals = sp.load_m(dir_name + 'cell_trial.mat', 't') fs = float(sp.load_m(dir_name + 'fech.mat', 'sampFreq')) signal_noise_ratio_r448 = [] for trial in trials: signal = np.transpose(signals[0][trial-1]) fsignal = sp.signal_mc_filtering(signal, low_cut, high_cut, fs) for chan in range(len(record_data[trial]['clusters'])): sig_mean = np.array(fsignal[chan]).mean() sig_std = np.array(fsignal[chan]).std() min_sig = sig_mean-2*sig_std max_sig = sig_mean+2*sig_std for cluster in record_data[trial]['clusters'][chan]: if np.array(cluster.spikes_values).shape[0] > 0: max_spike = np.array(cluster.spikes_values).max(1).mean() min_spike = np.array(cluster.spikes_values).min(1).mean() signal_noise_ratio_r448.append((max_spike-min_spike)/(max_sig-min_sig)) else: signal_noise_ratio_r448.append(0) global_snr.append(signal_noise_ratio_r448) print ('#### r415 ####') dir_name = '../data/r415/' print('### spikes load ###') with open(dir_name + 'data_processed', 'rb') as my_file: record_data = pickle.load(my_file) # record_data[trial] = {'spikes_values': all_chan_spikes_values, # 'spikes_time': all_chan_spikes_times, # 'spikes_classes': all_chan_spikes_classes, # 'clusters': all_chan_clusters, # 'length_signal': signal.shape[1], # 'fs': fs } signal = sp.load_m(dir_name + 'r415_130926.mat', 'd') fs = float(sp.load_m(dir_name + 'fech.mat', 'sampFreq')) signal_noise_ratio_r415 = [] fsignal = sp.signal_mc_filtering(signal, low_cut, high_cut, fs) for chan in range(len(record_data['130926']['clusters'])): sig_mean = np.array(fsignal[chan]).mean() sig_std = np.array(fsignal[chan]).std() min_sig = sig_mean-2*sig_std max_sig = sig_mean+2*sig_std for cluster in record_data['130926']['clusters'][chan]: if np.array(cluster.spikes_values).shape[0]>0: max_spike = np.array(cluster.spikes_values).max(1).mean() min_spike = np.array(cluster.spikes_values).min(1).mean() signal_noise_ratio_r415.append((max_spike-min_spike)/(max_sig-min_sig)) else: signal_noise_ratio_r415.append(0) global_snr.append(signal_noise_ratio_r415) plt.figure() plt.boxplot(global_snr) if save_img: plt.savefig('box_plot_snr_r448_r415'+img_ext, bbox_inches='tight') if show: else: plt.close()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Lemiere Yves # Juillet 2017 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import random def bunch_of_random_integer(param_min,param_max,number_of_sample): tmp_list = [] for i in range(number_of_sample): tmp_list.append(random.randint(param_min,param_max)) return tmp_list def bunch_of_random_real(param_min,param_max,number_of_sample): tmp_list = [] for i in range(number_of_sample): tmp_list.append(random.uniform(param_min,param_max)) return tmp_list ## Ceci est le programme principal if __name__ == "__main__": debug = True if debug: print("************************") print("* Welcome in random_0 *") print("************************\n") random.seed(1) print("Define the expected random distribution") in_N = input("Number of values to generate ? ") in_min_value = input("Minimum value from range ? ") in_max_value = input("Maximum value from range ? ") data = bunch_of_random_integer(int(in_min_value),int(in_max_value),int(in_N)) # Display plt.hist(data,20, facecolor='g', alpha=0.75) data = [] data = bunch_of_random_real(int(in_min_value),int(in_max_value),int(in_N)) # Display plt.hist(data,20, facecolor='r', alpha=0.75)
import numpy as np import gym from matplotlib.pyplot import imread def make_env(env_name, seed=-1, render_mode=False): # -- Bullet Environments ------------------------------------------- -- # if "Bullet" in env_name: import pybullet as p # pip install pybullet import pybullet_envs import pybullet_envs.bullet.kukaGymEnv as kukaGymEnv # -- Bipedal Walker ------------------------------------------------ -- # if (env_name.startswith("BipedalWalker")): if (env_name.startswith("BipedalWalkerHardcore")): import Box2D from domain.bipedal_walker import BipedalWalkerHardcore env = BipedalWalkerHardcore() elif (env_name.startswith("BipedalWalkerMedium")): from domain.bipedal_walker import BipedalWalker env = BipedalWalker() env.accel = 3 else: from domain.bipedal_walker import BipedalWalker env = BipedalWalker() # -- VAE Racing ---------------------------------------------------- -- # elif (env_name.startswith("VAERacing")): from domain.vae_racing import VAERacing env = VAERacing() # -- Classification ------------------------------------------------ -- # elif (env_name.startswith("Classify")): from domain.classify_gym import ClassifyEnv if env_name.endswith("digits"): from domain.classify_gym import digit_raw trainSet, target = digit_raw() if env_name.endswith("mnist256"): from domain.classify_gym import mnist_256 trainSet, target = mnist_256() env = ClassifyEnv(trainSet,target) # -- Cart Pole Swing up -------------------------------------------- -- # elif (env_name.startswith("CartPoleSwingUp")): from domain.cartpole_swingup import CartPoleSwingUpEnv env = CartPoleSwingUpEnv() if (env_name.startswith("CartPoleSwingUp_Hard")): env.dt = 0.01 env.t_limit = 200 # -- Other -------------------------------------------------------- -- # else: env = gym.make(env_name) if (seed >= 0): domain.seed(seed) return env
import glob import os import os.path as osp import re import chainer import numpy as np import scipy.misc from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from base import APC2016DatasetBase class APC2016rboDataset(APC2016DatasetBase): def __init__(self, data_type): assert data_type in ('train', 'val') self.dataset_dir = chainer.dataset.get_dataset_directory( 'apc2016/APC2016rbo') data_ids = self._get_ids() ids_train, ids_val = train_test_split( data_ids, test_size=0.25, random_state=1234) if data_type == 'train': self._ids = ids_train else: self._ids = ids_val def __len__(self): return len(self._ids) def _get_ids(self): ids = [] for img_file in os.listdir(self.dataset_dir): if not re.match(r'^.*_[0-9]*_bin_[a-l].jpg$', img_file): continue data_id = osp.splitext(img_file)[0] ids.append(data_id) return ids def _load_from_id(self, data_id): img_file = osp.join(self.dataset_dir, data_id + '.jpg') img = scipy.misc.imread(img_file) # generate label from mask files lbl = np.zeros(img.shape[:2], dtype=np.int32) # shelf bin mask file shelf_bin_mask_file = osp.join(self.dataset_dir, data_id + '.pbm') shelf_bin_mask = scipy.misc.imread(shelf_bin_mask_file, mode='L') lbl[shelf_bin_mask < 127] = -1 # object mask files mask_glob = osp.join(self.dataset_dir, data_id + '_*.pbm') for mask_file in glob.glob(mask_glob): mask_id = osp.splitext(osp.basename(mask_file))[0] mask = scipy.misc.imread(mask_file, mode='L') lbl_name = mask_id[len(data_id + '_'):] lbl_id = self.label_names.index(lbl_name) lbl[mask > 127] = lbl_id return img, lbl def get_example(self, i): data_id = self._ids[i] img, lbl = self._load_from_id(data_id) datum = self.img_to_datum(img) return datum, lbl if __name__ == '__main__': import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import six dataset_train = APC2016rboDataset('train') dataset_val = APC2016rboDataset('val') print('train: %d, val: %d' % (len(dataset_train), len(dataset_val))) for i in six.moves.range(len(dataset_val)): viz = dataset_val.visualize_example(i) plt.imshow(viz)
import pickle import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer def _load_label_names(): """ Load the label names from file """ return ['airplane', 'automobile', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck'] def load_cfar10_batch(cifar10_dataset_folder_path, batch_id): """ Load a batch of the dataset """ with open(cifar10_dataset_folder_path + '/data_batch_' + str(batch_id), mode='rb') as file: batch = pickle.load(file, encoding='latin1') features = batch['data'].reshape((len(batch['data']), 3, 32, 32)).transpose(0, 2, 3, 1) labels = batch['labels'] return features, labels def display_stats(cifar10_dataset_folder_path, batch_id, sample_id): """ Display Stats of the the dataset """ batch_ids = list(range(1, 6)) if batch_id not in batch_ids: print('Batch Id out of Range. Possible Batch Ids: {}'.format(batch_ids)) return None features, labels = load_cfar10_batch(cifar10_dataset_folder_path, batch_id) if not (0 <= sample_id < len(features)): print('{} samples in batch {}. {} is out of range.'.format(len(features), batch_id, sample_id)) return None print('\nStats of batch {}:'.format(batch_id)) print('Samples: {}'.format(len(features))) print('Label Counts: {}'.format(dict(zip(*np.unique(labels, return_counts=True))))) print('First 20 Labels: {}'.format(labels[:20])) sample_image = features[sample_id] sample_label = labels[sample_id] label_names = _load_label_names() print('\nExample of Image {}:'.format(sample_id)) print('Image - Min Value: {} Max Value: {}'.format(sample_image.min(), sample_image.max())) print('Image - Shape: {}'.format(sample_image.shape)) print('Label - Label Id: {} Name: {}'.format(sample_label, label_names[sample_label])) plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(sample_image) def _preprocess_and_save(normalize, one_hot_encode, features, labels, filename): """ Preprocess data and save it to file """ features = normalize(features) labels = one_hot_encode(labels) pickle.dump((features, labels), open(filename, 'wb')) def preprocess_and_save_data(cifar10_dataset_folder_path, normalize, one_hot_encode): """ Preprocess Training and Validation Data """ n_batches = 5 valid_features = [] valid_labels = [] for batch_i in range(1, n_batches + 1): features, labels = load_cfar10_batch(cifar10_dataset_folder_path, batch_i) validation_count = int(len(features) * 0.1) # Prprocess and save a batch of training data _preprocess_and_save( normalize, one_hot_encode, features[:-validation_count], labels[:-validation_count], 'preprocess_batch_' + str(batch_i) + '.p') # Use a portion of training batch for validation valid_features.extend(features[-validation_count:]) valid_labels.extend(labels[-validation_count:]) # Preprocess and Save all validation data _preprocess_and_save( normalize, one_hot_encode, np.array(valid_features), np.array(valid_labels), 'preprocess_validation.p') with open(cifar10_dataset_folder_path + '/test_batch', mode='rb') as file: batch = pickle.load(file, encoding='latin1') # load the test data test_features = batch['data'].reshape((len(batch['data']), 3, 32, 32)).transpose(0, 2, 3, 1) test_labels = batch['labels'] # Preprocess and Save all test data _preprocess_and_save( normalize, one_hot_encode, np.array(test_features), np.array(test_labels), 'preprocess_test.p') def batch_features_labels(features, labels, batch_size): """ Split features and labels into batches """ for start in range(0, len(features), batch_size): end = min(start + batch_size, len(features)) yield features[start:end], labels[start:end] def load_preprocess_training_batch(batch_id, batch_size): """ Load the Preprocessed Training data and return them in batches of <batch_size> or less """ filename = 'preprocess_batch_' + str(batch_id) + '.p' features, labels = pickle.load(open(filename, mode='rb')) # Return the training data in batches of size <batch_size> or less return batch_features_labels(features, labels, batch_size) def display_image_predictions(features, labels, predictions): n_classes = 10 label_names = _load_label_names() label_binarizer = LabelBinarizer() label_ids = label_binarizer.inverse_transform(np.array(labels)) fig, axies = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=2) fig.tight_layout() fig.suptitle('Softmax Predictions', fontsize=20, y=1.1) n_predictions = 3 margin = 0.05 ind = np.arange(n_predictions) width = (1. - 2. * margin) / n_predictions for image_i, (feature, label_id, pred_indicies, pred_values) in enumerate(zip(features, label_ids, predictions.indices, predictions.values)): pred_names = [label_names[pred_i] for pred_i in pred_indicies] correct_name = label_names[label_id] axies[image_i][0].imshow(feature) axies[image_i][0].set_title(correct_name) axies[image_i][0].set_axis_off() axies[image_i][1].barh(ind + margin, pred_values[::-1], width) axies[image_i][1].set_yticks(ind + margin) axies[image_i][1].set_yticklabels(pred_names[::-1]) axies[image_i][1].set_xticks([0, 0.5, 1.0])
# Use inception class to access these import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd from keras.utils import plot_model from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, f1_score, roc_curve from keras.models import load_model class plots: """ Class for making plots for the inception model. Functions _plotCNN _plotF1 _plotParamProb _plotROC """ def _plotCNN(self, to_file='graph.png'): plot_model(self.model_, to_file=to_file) def _plotROC(self, data='test', save=False, to_file='roc.pdf', fontsize=20): """ Function for plotting the ROC curve. To call: """ try: self.fpr_ self.tpr_ except: self._getROC(data) plt.figure(1) plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif') plt.plot(self.fpr_, self.tpr_) plt.xlabel(r'$\rm FPR$', fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel(r'$\rm TPR$', fontsize=fontsize) plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(to_file) plt.close('all') else: def _plotF1(self, step=0.025, save=False, to_file='f1_score.pdf', fontsize=20): """ Function for plotting the F1 score as a function of the threshold probability. To call: _plotF1(step, save=False, to_file, fontsize=20) Parameters: step stepsize to take (0.5 to 1.0) save (boolean) save image to_file file to save image to fontsize fontsize of axis labels """ try: self.threshold_ self.F1_ except: self._getF1(step) plt.figure(1) plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif') plt.plot(self.threshold_, self.F1_) plt.xlabel(r'$p_\mathrm{cutoff}$', fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel(r'$F_{1} \, \mathrm{score}$', fontsize=fontsize) plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(to_file) plt.close('all') else: def _plotParamProb(self, param, kind='kde', gridsize=50, save=False, to_file="FluxProb.pdf", fontscale=1.25): """ Function for plotting a parameter of the second component against its probability of being complex, as measured by the model. To call: _plotFluxProb(param, kind, gridsize, save, imfile, fontscale) Parameters: param column name in self.dfComplex_ kind seaborn jointplot params: "kde", "hex", etc. gridsize smoothing parameter save (boolean) save image imfile filepath to save image fontscale axes label scaling """ try: self.dfComplex_ except: self._getComplexParams() # =================================================== # Dictionary for x-axis label # =================================================== label = { "flux": r'$F_{2}$', "depth": r'$\Delta \phi$', "chi": r'$\Delta \chi$', "sig": r'$\sigma_\mathrm{noise}$' } # =================================================== # 1) Retrieve the flux of the second component # 2) Retrieve the model's probability that the # source is complex # =================================================== valu = pd.Series(self.dfComplex_[param], name=label[param]) prob = pd.Series(self.dfComplex_["prob"], name=r'$p_\mathrm{complex}$') # =================================================== # Create the plot # =================================================== sns.set(font_scale=fontscale) sns.jointplot(valu, prob, kind=kind, gridsize=gridsize) # =================================================== # Save or display the image # =================================================== if save: plt.savefig(to_file) plt.close('all') else: def _plotBinaryParamProb(self, param, save=False, to_file='param_binary.pdf', fontsize=20, s=10, alpha=0.05, cComplex='darkorange', cSimple='dodgerblue'): plt.figure() plt.scatter(self.dfSimple_[param], self.dfSimple_['prob'], color=cSimple, alpha=alpha, s=s) plt.scatter(self.dfComplex_[param], self.dfComplex_['prob'], color=cComplex, alpha=alpha, s=s) plt.xlabel(r'$\sigma$', fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel(r'$p_\mathrm{complex}$', fontsize=fontsize) if save: plt.savefig(to_file) plt.close('all') else: def _plotLoss(self, logfile=None, save=False, to_file='loss_vs_epoch.pdf', fontsize=20): # =================================================== # Load in the logfile or test to see if a # logfile has already been loaded # =================================================== if logfile == None: try: self.dfLog_ except: print('Please pass in the name of a logfile') sys.exit(1) else: try: self._loadLog(logfile) except: print('Failed to load logfile') sys.exit(1) # -------------- Initialize the Graph --------- fig = plt.figure() plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif') plt.xlabel(r'$\rm Epoch$', fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel(r'$\rm Loss$', fontsize=fontsize) plt.plot(self.dfLog_.index, self.dfLog_['loss'], label='Training Loss') plt.plot(self.dfLog_.index, self.dfLog_['val_loss'], label='Validation Loss') plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=15) if save: plt.savefig(to_file) plt.close() else: plt.close() def _plotAcc(self, logfile=None, save=False, to_file='acc_vs_epoch.pdf', fontsize=20): """ Function for plotting the accuracy as a function of epoch. To call: _plotAcc(logfile, save, imfile) Parameters: """ # =================================================== # Load in the logfile or test to see if a # logfile has already been loaded # =================================================== if logfile == None: try: self.dfLog_ except: print('Please pass in the name of a logfile') sys.exit(1) else: try: self._loadLog(logfile) except: print('Failed to load logfile') sys.exit(1) # =================================================== # Plot accuracy vs epoch # =================================================== fig = plt.figure() plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif') plt.plot(self.dfLog_.index, self.dfLog_['binary_accuracy'], label='Training Binary Accuracy') plt.plot(self.dfLog_.index, self.dfLog_['val_binary_accuracy'], label='Validation Binary Accuracy') plt.xlabel('Epoch', fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel('Binary Accuracy ', fontsize=fontsize) plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=15) if save: plt.savefig(to_file) plt.close() else: plt.close() ''' def _loadData(self, directory): """ Function for loading data arrays from a directory. To call: _loadModel(directory) Parameters: directory """ self.X_data = np.load(directory+'X_data.npy') self.Y_data = np.load(directory+'label.npy') #------ creation params -------- self.chi_data = np.load(directory+'chi.npy') self.depth_data = np.load(directory+'depth.npy') self.flux_data = np.load(directory+'flux.npy') self.q_data = np.load(directory+'Q_data.npy') self.s_data = np.load(directory+'S_data.npy') self.sig_data = np.load(directory+'sig.npy') self.u_data = np.load(directory+'U_data.npy') ''' def _format_param_name(self, param_name): """ Function for formatting a string parameter name (chi, depth, etc....) to LateX form for plot labels. To call: _format_param_name(param_name) Parameters: param_name """ if param_name == 'sigma': return r'$\sigma$' elif param_name == 'chi': return r'$\Delta\chi$' elif param_name == 'flux': return r'$\Delta F$' elif param_name == 'depth': return r'$\Delta \phi$' else: return param_name def _make_cut(self, param_array, param_name,num_cut=10,prob=0.5, save=False): """ Function for cutting along a single parameter value to test the model's performance over a parameter range. For aid in finding parameter space that model works with certainty within. Makes a plot showing the True Positive (TP) and True Negative (TN) rates as a function of the supplied parameter. To call: _make_cut(param_array, param_name,num_cut, prob, save) Parameters: param_array param_name OPTIONAL: num_cut -- number of cuts to make along the parameter prob -- probability cutoff to classify as complex or simple save -- True if want to save a .pdf """ cut_array = param_array # ----------- sigma and other params are formatted differently, this handles either case ------ try: cut_vals = np.linspace(0.,np.max(cut_array)[0]*.9,num_cut) oned =False except: cut_vals = np.linspace(0.,np.max(cut_array)*.9,num_cut) oned = True matrix_vals = [] # --------- make a series of cuts and save results for plotting ---------- for c in cut_vals: print (c) #do the cut float_check = type(0.1); tuple_check = type((0,1)) postcut = [];kept=[] for i in range(len(cut_array)): val = cut_array[i] # ---------- once again handle tuples or floats depending on parameter format ---------- if type(val) == tuple_check: if abs(val[0]-val[1]) >= c: postcut.append(abs(val[0]-val[1])) kept.append(i) else: if val >= c: postcut.append(val) kept.append(i) try: # -------- the subset of data -------------- X_new=np.array([self.X_data[k] for k in kept]) Y_new=np.array([self.Y_data[k] for k in kept]) # ----------- do predictions on the subset ---------- probs = self.model.predict(X_new)[:,1] # --------- probability cutoff for simple vs complex ------------- predictions = np.where(probs > prob, 1, 0) ''' #------------ Confusion Matrix ------------- [simple marked as simple simple marked as complex] [complex marked as simple complex marked as complex] ''' cm = confusion_matrix(Y_new, predictions) print(cm) matrix_vals.append(cm) except: print ('Nothing in that cutoff, continuing...') fstring = self._format_param_name(param_name) fig = plt.figure(1) try: plt.scatter(cut_vals,[float(matrix_vals[i][0,0])/(matrix_vals[i][0,0]+matrix_vals[i][0,1])*100. for i in range(len(matrix_vals))],label='True Simple',c='g') except: print ('No simple sources in subsample...') try: plt.scatter(cut_vals,[float(matrix_vals[i][1,1])/(matrix_vals[i][1,0]+matrix_vals[i][1,1])*100. for i in range(len(matrix_vals))],label='True Complex',c='b') except: print ('No complex sources in subsample...') plt.xlabel(fstring) plt.ylabel('Percent Correct') plt.title(r'Percent Correct over '+fstring) plt.legend(loc=(0.3,0.8),fontsize=5) if save: plt.savefig(param_name+'_plot.png',bbinches='tight') else: plt.close() def _make_2d_cut(self, param_arr1, arr_name1, param_arr2, arr_name2,num_cut=10,prob=0.5,save=False): """ Function for cutting along two parameter values to test the model's performance over a parameter space. For aid in finding parameter space that model works with certainty within. Makes a plot showing the True Positive (TP) and True Negative (TN) rates as a function of the supplied parameters. Functions similarly to _make_cut() above. To call: _make_2d_cut(param_arr1, arr_name1, param_arr2, arr_name2, num_cut, prob, save) Parameters: param_arr1 arr_name1 param_arr2 arr_name2 OPTIONAL: num_cut -- number of cuts to make along the parameter prob -- probability cutoff to classify as complex or simple save -- True if want to save a .pdf """ # ----------- sigma and other params are formatted differently, this handles either case ------ try: cut_vals1 = np.linspace(0.,np.max(param_arr1)[0]*.9,num_cut) except: cut_vals1 = np.linspace(0.,np.max(param_arr1)*.9,num_cut) try: cut_vals2 = np.linspace(0.,np.max(param_arr2)[0]*.9,num_cut) except: cut_vals2 = np.linspace(0.,np.max(param_arr2)*.9,num_cut) matrix_vals_c = np.zeros((len(cut_vals1),len(cut_vals2))) matrix_vals_s = np.zeros((len(cut_vals1),len(cut_vals2))) # --------- make a series of cuts and save results for plotting ---------- for i in range(len(cut_vals1)): for j in range(len(cut_vals2)): #do the cut c1 = cut_vals1[i]; c2 = cut_vals2[j] float_check = type(0.1); tuple_check = type((0,1)) postcut = [];kept=[] for k in range(len(param_arr1)): val1 = param_arr1[k] val2 = param_arr2[k] # ---------- once again handle tuples or floats depending on parameter format ---------- if type(val1) == tuple_check: if abs(val1[0]-val1[1]) >= c1 and abs(val2[0]-val2[1]) >= c2: kept.append(k) else: if val1 >= c1 and val2 >= c2: kept.append(k) try: # -------- the subset of data -------------- X_new=np.array([self.X_data[k] for k in kept]) Y_new=np.array([self.Y_data[k] for k in kept]) # ----------- do predictions on the subset ---------- probs = self.model.predict(X_new)[:,1] # --------- probability cutoff for simple vs complex ------------- predictions = np.where(probs > prob, 1, 0) ''' #------------ Confusion Matrix ------------- [simple marked as simple simple marked as complex] [complex marked as simple complex marked as complex] ''' cm = confusion_matrix(Y_new, predictions) print(cm) matrix_vals_c[i,j] = float(cm[1,1])/(cm[1,0] +cm[1,1])*100. matrix_vals_s[i,j] = float(cm[0,0])/(cm[0,0] +cm[0,1])*100 except: print ('Nothing in that cutoff, continuing...') fstring1 = self._format_param_name(arr_name1) fstring2 = self._format_param_name(arr_name2) xv,yv = np.meshgrid(cut_vals1,cut_vals2) zv_complex = matrix_vals_c zv_simple = matrix_vals_s #------- show data as an image with z-axis being the TP/TN rates ---- fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,sharey=True,figsize=(12,7)) cax = ax[0].imshow(zv_complex,vmin=50., vmax=100.,cmap='seismic')#,origin='lower') sax = ax[1].imshow(zv_simple,vmin=50., vmax=100.,cmap='seismic')#,origin='lower') # ---- set the axis labels ------ ax[0].set_xlabel(fstring1) ax[0].set_ylabel(fstring2) ax[1].set_xlabel(fstring1) ax[1].set_ylabel(fstring2) # ---------- set the tick labels --------- ax[0].set_xticks([n for n in range(len(cut_vals1))]) ax[0].set_yticks(range(len(cut_vals2))) ax[1].set_xticks([n for n in range(len(cut_vals2))]) xlabels = ['%.2f'%(c) for c in cut_vals1] ylabels = ['%.2f'%(c) for c in cut_vals2] ax[0].set_xticklabels(xlabels) ax[0].set_yticklabels(ylabels) ax[1].set_xticklabels(xlabels) ax[1].set_yticklabels(ylabels) #-------- adjust plot sizing and add colorbar ---------- fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.15, 0.05, 0.7]) fig.colorbar(cax, cax=cbar_ax) ax[0].set_title('Complex Sources') ax[1].set_title('Simple Sources') plt.suptitle(r'Percent Correct over '+fstring1+' and '+fstring2) if save: plt.savefig(arr_name1+'_'+arr_name2+'_plot.png',bbinches='tight') else: plt.close() if __name__ == '__main__': testing = plots() #testing._loadLog('train.log') #testing._plotLoss('train.log',save=False) #testing._plotAcc('train.log',save=False) testing._loadModel('../regularized/model_V1.h5') testing._loadData('../data/test/') #testing._make_cut(testing.chi_data, 'chi') testing._make_2d_cut(testing.chi_data[:1000], 'chi',testing.flux_data[:1000], 'flux', num_cut=25)
""" =========================================================== Plot Ridge coefficients as a function of the regularization =========================================================== Shows the effect of collinearity in the coefficients of an estimator. .. currentmodule:: sklearn.linear_model :class:`Ridge` Regression is the estimator used in this example. Each color represents a different feature of the coefficient vector, and this is displayed as a function of the regularization parameter. At the end of the path, as alpha tends toward zero and the solution tends towards the ordinary least squares, coefficients exhibit big oscillations. """ # Author: Fabian Pedregosa -- <> # License: BSD 3 clause print(__doc__) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import linear_model # X is the 10x10 Hilbert matrix X = 1. / (np.arange(1, 11) + np.arange(0, 10)[:, np.newaxis]) y = np.ones(10) ############################################################################### # Compute paths n_alphas = 200 alphas = np.logspace(-10, -2, n_alphas) clf = linear_model.Ridge(fit_intercept=False) coefs = [] for a in alphas: clf.set_params(alpha=a), y) coefs.append(clf.coef_) ############################################################################### # Display results ax = plt.gca() ax.set_color_cycle(['b', 'r', 'g', 'c', 'k', 'y', 'm']) ax.plot(alphas, coefs) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xlim(ax.get_xlim()[::-1]) # reverse axis plt.xlabel('alpha') plt.ylabel('weights') plt.title('Ridge coefficients as a function of the regularization') plt.axis('tight')
# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """DNNRegressor with custom input_fn for Housing dataset.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import pandas as pd import tensorflow as tf tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) COLUMNS = ["crim", "zn", "indus", "nox", "rm", "age", "dis", "tax", "ptratio", "medv"] FEATURES = ["crim", "zn", "indus", "nox", "rm", "age", "dis", "tax", "ptratio"] LABEL = "medv" def input_fn(data_set): feature_cols = {k: tf.constant(data_set[k].values) for k in FEATURES} labels = tf.constant(data_set[LABEL].values) return feature_cols, labels def main(unused_argv): # Load datasets training_set = pd.read_csv("boston_train.csv", skipinitialspace=True, skiprows=1, names=COLUMNS) test_set = pd.read_csv("boston_test.csv", skipinitialspace=True, skiprows=1, names=COLUMNS) # Set of 6 examples for which to predict median house values prediction_set = pd.read_csv("boston_predict.csv", skipinitialspace=True, skiprows=1, names=COLUMNS) # Feature cols feature_cols = [tf.contrib.layers.real_valued_column(k) for k in FEATURES] # Build 2 layer fully connected DNN with 10, 10 units respectively. regressor = tf.contrib.learn.DNNRegressor( feature_columns=feature_cols, hidden_units=[10, 10]) # Fit input_fn(training_set), steps=5000) # Score accuracy ev = regressor.evaluate(input_fn=lambda: input_fn(test_set), steps=1) loss_score = ev["loss"] print("Loss: {0:f}".format(loss_score)) # Print out predictions y = regressor.predict(input_fn=lambda: input_fn(prediction_set)) print("Predictions: {}".format(str(y))) if __name__ == "__main__":
#/*########################################################################## # Copyright (C) 2004-2013 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility # # This file is part of the PyMca X-ray Fluorescence Toolkit developed at # the ESRF by the Software group. # # This toolkit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # PyMca is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # PyMca; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # PyMca follows the dual licensing model of Riverbank's PyQt and cannot be # used as a free plugin for a non-free program. # # Please contact the ESRF industrial unit ( if this license # is a problem for you. #############################################################################*/ __author__ = "V.A. Sole - ESRF Software Group" import sys import os import numpy from PyMca import RGBCorrelatorGraph qt = RGBCorrelatorGraph.qt IconDict = RGBCorrelatorGraph.IconDict QTVERSION = qt.qVersion() if hasattr(qt, "QString"): QString = qt.QString else: QString = qt.safe_str MATPLOTLIB = False if QTVERSION > '4.0.0': try: from PyMca import QPyMcaMatplotlibSave MATPLOTLIB = True except ImportError: MATPLOTLIB = False else: qt.QIcon = qt.QIconSet from PyMca import ColormapDialog from PyMca import spslut from PyMca import PyMcaDirs from PyMca import ArraySave try: from PyMca import ProfileScanWidget except ImportError: print("MaskImageWidget importing ProfileScanWidget directly") import ProfileScanWidget try: from PyMca import SpecfitFuns except ImportError: print("MaskImageWidget importing SpecfitFuns directly") import SpecfitFuns COLORMAPLIST = [spslut.GREYSCALE, spslut.REVERSEGREY, spslut.TEMP, spslut.RED, spslut.GREEN, spslut.BLUE, spslut.MANY] if QTVERSION > '4.0.0': from PyQt4 import Qwt5 try: from PyMca import QwtPlotItems OVERLAY_DRAW = True except ImportError: OVERLAY_DRAW = False else: OVERLAY_DRAW = False import Qwt5 DEFAULT_COLORMAP_INDEX = 2 DEFAULT_COLORMAP_LOG_FLAG = False DEBUG = 0 # set this variable to false if you get crashes when moving the mouse # over the images. # Before I thought it had to do with the Qt version used, but it seems # to be related to old PyQwt versions. (In fact, the 5.2.1 version is # a recent snapshot) if Qwt5.QWT_VERSION_STR < '5.2.1': USE_PICKER = False else: USE_PICKER = True # Uncomment next line if you experience crashes moving the mouse on # top of the images #USE_PICKER = True def convertToRowAndColumn(x, y, shape, xScale=None, yScale=None, safe=True): if xScale is None: c = x else: if x < xScale[0]: x = xScale[0] c = shape[1] *(x - xScale[0]) / (xScale[1] - xScale[0]) if yScale is None: r = y else: if y < yScale[0]: y = yScale[0] r = shape[0] *(y - yScale[0]) / (yScale[1] - yScale[0]) if safe: c = min(int(c), shape[1] - 1) r = min(int(r), shape[0] - 1) return r, c class MyPicker(Qwt5.QwtPlotPicker): def __init__(self, *var): Qwt5.QwtPlotPicker.__init__(self, *var) self.__text = Qwt5.QwtText() = None self.xScale = None self.yScale = None if USE_PICKER: def trackerText(self, var): d=self.invTransform(var) if is None: self.__text.setText("%g, %g" % (d.x(), d.y())) else: x = d.x() y = d.y() r, c = convertToRowAndColumn(x, y,, xScale=self.xScale, yScale=self.yScale, safe=True) z =[r, c] self.__text.setText("%.1f, %.1f, %.4g" % (x, y, z)) return self.__text class MaskImageWidget(qt.QWidget): def __init__(self, parent = None, rgbwidget=None, selection=True, colormap=False, imageicons=True, standalonesave=True, usetab=False, profileselection=False, scanwindow=None): qt.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) if QTVERSION < '4.0.0': self.setIcon(qt.QPixmap(IconDict['gioconda16'])) self.setCaption("PyMca - Image Selection Tool") profileselection = False else: self.setWindowIcon(qt.QIcon(qt.QPixmap(IconDict['gioconda16']))) self.setWindowTitle("PyMca - Image Selection Tool") if 0: screenHeight = qt.QDesktopWidget().height() if screenHeight > 0: self.setMaximumHeight(int(0.99*screenHeight)) self.setMinimumHeight(int(0.5*screenHeight)) screenWidth = qt.QDesktopWidget().width() if screenWidth > 0: self.setMaximumWidth(int(screenWidth)-5) self.setMinimumWidth(min(int(0.5*screenWidth),800)) self._y1AxisInverted = False self.__selectionMask = None self.__imageData = None self.__image = None self._xScale = None self._yScale = None self.colormap = None self.colormapDialog = None self.setDefaultColormap(DEFAULT_COLORMAP_INDEX, DEFAULT_COLORMAP_LOG_FLAG) self.rgbWidget = rgbwidget self.__imageIconsFlag = imageicons self.__selectionFlag = selection self.__useTab = usetab self.mainTab = None self._build(standalonesave, profileselection=profileselection) self._profileSelectionWindow = None self._profileScanWindow = scanwindow self.__brushMenu = None self.__brushMode = False self.__eraseMode = False self.__connected = True self.__setBrush2() self.outputDir = None self._saveFilter = None self._buildConnections() self._matplotlibSaveImage = None # the overlay items to be drawn self._overlayItemsDict = {} # the last overlay legend used self.__lastOverlayLegend = None # the projection mode self.__lineProjectionMode = 'D' def _build(self, standalonesave, profileselection=False): self.mainLayout = qt.QVBoxLayout(self) self.mainLayout.setMargin(0) self.mainLayout.setSpacing(0) if self.__useTab: self.mainTab = qt.QTabWidget(self) #self.graphContainer =qt.QWidget() #self.graphContainer.mainLayout = qt.QVBoxLayout(self.graphContainer) #self.graphContainer.mainLayout.setMargin(0) #self.graphContainer.mainLayout.setSpacing(0) self.graphWidget = RGBCorrelatorGraph.RGBCorrelatorGraph(self, selection = self.__selectionFlag, colormap=True, imageicons=self.__imageIconsFlag, standalonesave=False, standalonezoom=False, profileselection=profileselection) self.mainTab.addTab(self.graphWidget, 'IMAGES') else: if QTVERSION < '4.0.0': self.graphWidget = RGBCorrelatorGraph.RGBCorrelatorGraph(self, selection = self.__selectionFlag, colormap=True, imageicons=self.__imageIconsFlag, standalonesave=True, standalonezoom=False) standalonesave = False else: self.graphWidget = RGBCorrelatorGraph.RGBCorrelatorGraph(self, selection =self.__selectionFlag, colormap=True, imageicons=self.__imageIconsFlag, standalonesave=False, standalonezoom=False, profileselection=profileselection) #for easy compatibility with RGBCorrelatorGraph self.graph = self.graphWidget.graph if profileselection: self.connect(self.graphWidget, qt.SIGNAL('PolygonSignal'), self._polygonSignalSlot) if standalonesave: self.buildStandaloneSaveMenu() self.connect(self.graphWidget.zoomResetToolButton, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self._zoomResetSignal) self.graphWidget.picker = MyPicker(Qwt5.QwtPlot.xBottom, Qwt5.QwtPlot.yLeft, Qwt5.QwtPicker.NoSelection, Qwt5.QwtPlotPicker.CrossRubberBand, Qwt5.QwtPicker.AlwaysOn, self.graphWidget.graph.canvas()) self.graphWidget.picker.setTrackerPen(qt.QPen( self.graphWidget.graph.enableSelection(False) self.graphWidget.graph.enableZoom(True) if self.__selectionFlag: if self.__imageIconsFlag: self.setSelectionMode(False) else: self.setSelectionMode(True) self._toggleSelectionMode() if self.__useTab: self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.mainTab) else: self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.graphWidget) def buildStandaloneSaveMenu(self): self.connect(self.graphWidget.saveToolButton, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self._saveToolButtonSignal) self._saveMenu = qt.QMenu() self._saveMenu.addAction(QString("Image Data"), self.saveImageList) self._saveMenu.addAction(QString("Colormap Clipped Seen Image Data"), self.saveClippedSeenImageList) self._saveMenu.addAction(QString("Clipped and Subtracted Seen Image Data"), self.saveClippedAndSubtractedSeenImageList) self._saveMenu.addAction(QString("Standard Graphics"), self.graphWidget._saveIconSignal) if QTVERSION > '4.0.0': if MATPLOTLIB: self._saveMenu.addAction(QString("Matplotlib") , self._saveMatplotlibImage) def _buildConnections(self, widget = None): self.connect(self.graphWidget.hFlipToolButton, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self._hFlipIconSignal) self.connect(self.graphWidget.colormapToolButton, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.selectColormap) if self.__selectionFlag: self.connect(self.graphWidget.selectionToolButton, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self._toggleSelectionMode) text = "Toggle between Selection\nand Zoom modes" if QTVERSION > '4.0.0': self.graphWidget.selectionToolButton.setToolTip(text) if self.__imageIconsFlag: self.connect(self.graphWidget.imageToolButton, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self._resetSelection) self.connect(self.graphWidget.eraseSelectionToolButton, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self._setEraseSelectionMode) self.connect(self.graphWidget.rectSelectionToolButton, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self._setRectSelectionMode) self.connect(self.graphWidget.brushSelectionToolButton, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self._setBrushSelectionMode) self.connect(self.graphWidget.brushToolButton, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self._setBrush) if QTVERSION < "4.0.0": self.connect(self.graphWidget.graph, qt.PYSIGNAL("QtBlissGraphSignal"), self._graphSignal) else: if self.__imageIconsFlag: self.connect(self.graphWidget.additionalSelectionToolButton, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self._additionalSelectionMenuDialog) self._additionalSelectionMenu = qt.QMenu() self._additionalSelectionMenu.addAction(QString("Reset Selection"), self._resetSelection) self._additionalSelectionMenu.addAction(QString("Invert Selection"), self._invertSelection) self._additionalSelectionMenu.addAction(QString("I >= Colormap Max"), self._selectMax) self._additionalSelectionMenu.addAction(QString("Colormap Min < I < Colormap Max"), self._selectMiddle) self._additionalSelectionMenu.addAction(QString("I <= Colormap Min"), self._selectMin) self.connect(self.graphWidget.graph, qt.SIGNAL("QtBlissGraphSignal"), self._graphSignal) def _polygonSignalSlot(self, ddict): if DEBUG: print("_polygonSignalSLot, event = %s" % ddict['event']) print("Received ddict = ", ddict) if ddict['event'] in [None, "NONE"]: #Nothing to be made return if ddict['event'] == "PolygonWidthChanged": if self.__lastOverlayLegend is not None: legend = self.__lastOverlayLegend if legend in self._overlayItemsDict: info = self._overlayItemsDict[legend]['info'] if info['mode'] == ddict['mode']: newDict = {} newDict.update(info) newDict['pixelwidth'] = ddict['pixelwidth'] self._polygonSignalSlot(newDict) return if self._profileSelectionWindow is None: if self._profileScanWindow is None: #identical to the standard scan window self._profileSelectionWindow = ProfileScanWidget.ProfileScanWidget(actions=False) else: self._profileSelectionWindow = ProfileScanWidget.ProfileScanWidget(actions=True) self.connect(self._profileSelectionWindow, qt.SIGNAL('addClicked'), self._profileSelectionSlot) self.connect(self._profileSelectionWindow, qt.SIGNAL('removeClicked'), self._profileSelectionSlot) self.connect(self._profileSelectionWindow, qt.SIGNAL('replaceClicked'), self._profileSelectionSlot) self._interpolate = SpecfitFuns.interpol #if I do not return here and the user interacts with the graph while #the profileSelectionWindow is not shown, I get crashes under Qt 4.5.3 and MacOS X #when calling _getProfileCurve return self._updateProfileCurve(ddict) def _updateProfileCurve(self, ddict): curve = self._getProfileCurve(ddict) if curve is None: return xdata, ydata, legend, info = curve replot=True replace=True idx = numpy.isfinite(ydata) xdata = xdata[idx] ydata = ydata[idx] self._profileSelectionWindow.addCurve(xdata, ydata, legend=legend, info=info, replot=replot, replace=replace) def getGraphTitle(self): try: title = self.graphWidget.graph.title().text() if sys.version < '3.0': title = qt.safe_str(title) except: title = "" return title def setLineProjectionMode(self, mode): """ Set the line projection mode. mode: 1 character string. Allowed options 'D', 'X' 'Y' D - Plot the intensity over the drawn line over as many intervals as pixels over the axis containing the longest projection in pixels. X - Plot the intensity over the drawn line over as many intervals as pixels over the X axis Y - Plot the intensity over the drawn line over as many intervals as pixels over the Y axis """ m = mode.upper() if m not in ['D', 'X', 'Y']: raise ValueError("Invalid mode %s. It has to be 'D', 'X' or 'Y'") self.__lineProjectionMode = m def getLineProjectionMode(self): return self.__lineProjectionMode def _getProfileCurve(self, ddict, image=None, overlay=OVERLAY_DRAW): if image is None: imageData = self.__imageData else: imageData = image if imageData is None: return None title = self.getGraphTitle() self._profileSelectionWindow.setTitle(title) if self._profileScanWindow is not None: self._profileSelectionWindow.label.setText(title) #showing the profileSelectionWindow now can make the program crash if the workaround mentioned above #is not implemented #self._profileSelectionWindow.raise_() if ddict['event'] == 'PolygonModeChanged': return #if I show the image here it does not crash, but it is not nice because #the user would get the profileSelectionWindow under his mouse shape = imageData.shape width = ddict['pixelwidth'] - 1 if ddict['mode'].upper() in ["HLINE", "HORIZONTAL"]: xLabel = self.getXLabel() deltaDistance = 1.0 if width < 1: row = int(ddict['row'][0]) if row < 0: row = 0 if row >= shape[0]: row = shape[0] - 1 ydata = imageData[row, :] legend = "Row = %d" % row if overlay: #self.drawOverlayItem(x, y, legend=name, info=info, replot, replace) self.drawOverlayItem([0.0, shape[1], shape[1], 0.0], [row, row, row+1, row+1], legend=ddict['mode'], info=ddict, replace=True, replot=True) else: row0 = int(ddict['row'][0]) - 0.5 * width if row0 < 0: row0 = 0 row1 = row0 + width else: row1 = int(ddict['row'][0]) + 0.5 * width if row1 >= shape[0]: row1 = shape[0] - 1 row0 = max(0, row1 - width) ydata = imageData[row0:int(row1+1), :].sum(axis=0) legend = "Row = %d to %d" % (row0, row1) if overlay: #self.drawOverlayItem(x, y, legend=name, info=info, replot, replace) self.drawOverlayItem([0.0, 0.0, shape[1], shape[1]], [row0, row1, row1, row0], legend=ddict['mode'], info=ddict, replace=True, replot=True) xdata = numpy.arange(shape[1]).astype(numpy.float) if self._xScale is not None: xdata = self._xScale[0] + xdata * (self._xScale[1] - self._xScale[0]) / float(shape[1]) elif ddict['mode'].upper() in ["VLINE", "VERTICAL"]: xLabel = self.getYLabel() deltaDistance = 1.0 if width < 1: column = int(ddict['column'][0]) if column < 0: column = 0 if column >= shape[1]: column = shape[1] - 1 ydata = imageData[:, column] legend = "Column = %d" % column if overlay: #self.drawOverlayItem(x, y, legend=name, info=info, replot, replace) self.drawOverlayItem([column, column, column+1, column+1], [0.0, shape[0], shape[0], 0.0], legend=ddict['mode'], info=ddict, replace=True, replot=True) else: col0 = int(ddict['column'][0]) - 0.5 * width if col0 < 0: col0 = 0 col1 = col0 + width else: col1 = int(ddict['column'][0]) + 0.5 * width if col1 >= shape[1]: col1 = shape[1] - 1 col0 = max(0, col1 - width) ydata = imageData[:, col0:int(col1+1)].sum(axis=1) legend = "Col = %d to %d" % (col0, col1) if overlay: #self.drawOverlayItem(x, y, legend=name, info=info, replot, replace) self.drawOverlayItem([col0, col0, col1, col1], [0, shape[0], shape[0], 0.], legend=ddict['mode'], info=ddict, replace=True, replot=True) xdata = numpy.arange(shape[0]).astype(numpy.float) if self._yScale is not None: xdata = self._yScale[0] + xdata * (self._yScale[1] - self._yScale[0]) / float(shape[0]) elif ddict['mode'].upper() in ["LINE"]: if len(ddict['column']) == 1: #only one point given return #the coordinates of the reference points x0 = numpy.arange(float(shape[0])) y0 = numpy.arange(float(shape[1])) #get the interpolation points col0, col1 = [int(x) for x in ddict['column']] row0, row1 = [int(x) for x in ddict['row']] deltaCol = abs(col0 - col1) deltaRow = abs(row0 - row1) if self.__lineProjectionMode == 'D': if deltaCol >= deltaRow: npoints = deltaCol + 1 else: npoints = deltaRow + 1 elif self.__lineProjectionMode == 'X': npoints = deltaCol + 1 else: npoints = deltaRow + 1 if npoints == 1: #all points are the same if DEBUG: print("START AND END POINT ARE THE SAME!!") return if width < 1: x = numpy.zeros((npoints, 2), numpy.float) x[:, 0] = numpy.linspace(row0, row1, npoints) x[:, 1] = numpy.linspace(col0, col1, npoints) legend = "From (%.3f, %.3f) to (%.3f, %.3f)" % (col0, row0, col1, row1) #perform the interpolation ydata = self._interpolate((x0, y0), imageData, x) xdata = numpy.arange(float(npoints)) if overlay: #self.drawOverlayItem(x, y, legend=name, info=info, replot, replace) self.drawOverlayItem([col0, col1], [row0, row1], legend=ddict['mode'], info=ddict, replace=True, replot=True) elif deltaCol == 0: #vertical line col0 = int(ddict['column'][0]) - 0.5 * width if col0 < 0: col0 = 0 col1 = col0 + width else: col1 = int(ddict['column'][0]) + 0.5 * width if col1 >= shape[1]: col1 = shape[1] - 1 col0 = max(0, col1 - width) row0 = int(ddict['row'][0]) row1 = int(ddict['row'][1]) if row0 > row1: tmp = row0 row0 = row1 row1 = tmp if row0 < 0: row0 = 0 if row1 >= shape[0]: row1 = shape[0] - 1 ydata = imageData[row0:row1+1, col0:int(col1+1)].sum(axis=1) legend = "Col = %d to %d" % (col0, col1) npoints = max(ydata.shape) xdata = numpy.arange(float(npoints)) if overlay: #self.drawOverlayItem(x, y, legend=name, info=info, replot, replace) self.drawOverlayItem([col0, col0, col1, col1], [row0, row1, row1, row0], legend=ddict['mode'], info=ddict, replace=True, replot=True) elif deltaRow == 0: #horizontal line row0 = int(ddict['row'][0]) - 0.5 * width if row0 < 0: row0 = 0 row1 = row0 + width else: row1 = int(ddict['row'][0]) + 0.5 * width if row1 >= shape[0]: row1 = shape[0] - 1 row0 = max(0, row1 - width) col0 = int(ddict['column'][0]) col1 = int(ddict['column'][1]) if col0 > col1: tmp = col0 col0 = col1 col1 = tmp if col0 < 0: col0 = 0 if col1 >= shape[1]: col1 = shape[1] - 1 ydata = imageData[row0:int(row1+1), col0:col1+1].sum(axis=0) legend = "Row = %d to %d" % (row0, row1) npoints = max(ydata.shape) xdata = numpy.arange(float(npoints)) if overlay: #self.drawOverlayItem(x, y, legend=name, info=info, replot, replace) self.drawOverlayItem([col0, col0, col1, col1], [row0, row1, row1, row0], legend=ddict['mode'], info=ddict, replace=True, replot=True) else: #restore original value of width width = ddict['pixelwidth'] #find m and b in the line y = mx + b m = (row1 - row0) / float((col1 - col0)) b = row0 - m * col0 alpha = numpy.arctan(m) #imagine the following sequence # - change origin to the first point # - clock-wise rotation to bring the line on the x axis of a new system # so that the points (col0, row0) and (col1, row1) become (x0, 0) (x1, 0) # - counter clock-wise rotation to get the points (x0, -0.5 width), # (x0, 0.5 width), (x1, 0.5 * width) and (x1, -0.5 * width) back to the # original system. # - restore the origin to (0, 0) # - if those extremes are inside the image the selection is acceptable cosalpha = numpy.cos(alpha) sinalpha = numpy.sin(alpha) newCol0 = 0.0 newCol1 = (col1-col0) * cosalpha + (row1-row0) * sinalpha newRow0 = 0.0 newRow1 = -(col1-col0) * sinalpha + (row1-row0) * cosalpha if DEBUG: print("new X0 Y0 = %f, %f " % (newCol0, newRow0)) print("new X1 Y1 = %f, %f " % (newCol1, newRow1)) tmpX = numpy.linspace(newCol0, newCol1, npoints).astype(numpy.float) rotMatrix = numpy.zeros((2,2), numpy.float) rotMatrix[0,0] = cosalpha rotMatrix[0,1] = - sinalpha rotMatrix[1,0] = sinalpha rotMatrix[1,1] = cosalpha if DEBUG: #test if I recover the original points testX = numpy.zeros((2, 1) , numpy.float) colRow =, testX) print("Recovered X0 = %f" % (colRow[0,0] + col0)) print("Recovered Y0 = %f" % (colRow[1,0] + row0)) print("It should be = %f, %f" % (col0, row0)) testX[0,0] = newCol1 testX[1,0] = newRow1 colRow =, testX) print("Recovered X1 = %f" % (colRow[0,0] + col0)) print("Recovered Y1 = %f" % (colRow[1,0] + row0)) print("It should be = %f, %f" % (col1, row1)) #find the drawing limits testX = numpy.zeros((2, 4) , numpy.float) testX[0,0] = newCol0 testX[0,1] = newCol0 testX[0,2] = newCol1 testX[0,3] = newCol1 testX[1,0] = newRow0 - 0.5 * width testX[1,1] = newRow0 + 0.5 * width testX[1,2] = newRow1 + 0.5 * width testX[1,3] = newRow1 - 0.5 * width colRow =, testX) colLimits0 = colRow[0, :] + col0 rowLimits0 = colRow[1, :] + row0 for a in rowLimits0: if (a >= shape[0]) or (a < 0): print("outside row limits",a) return for a in colLimits0: if (a >= shape[1]) or (a < 0): print("outside column limits",a) return r0 = rowLimits0[0] r1 = rowLimits0[1] if r0 > r1: print("r0 > r1", r0, r1) raise ValueError("r0 > r1") x = numpy.zeros((2, npoints) , numpy.float) tmpMatrix = numpy.zeros((npoints, 2) , numpy.float) if 0: #take only the central point oversampling = 1 x[0, :] = tmpX x[1, :] = 0.0 colRow =, x) colRow[0, :] += col0 colRow[1, :] += row0 tmpMatrix[:,0] = colRow[1,:] tmpMatrix[:,1] = colRow[0,:] ydataCentral = self._interpolate((x0, y0),\ imageData, tmpMatrix) #multiply by width too have the equivalent scale ydata = ydataCentral else: if ddict['event'] == "PolygonSelected": #oversampling solves noise introduction issues oversampling = width + 1 oversampling = min(oversampling, 21) else: oversampling = 1 ncontributors = width * oversampling iterValues = numpy.linspace(-0.5*width, 0.5*width, ncontributors) tmpMatrix = numpy.zeros((npoints*len(iterValues), 2) , numpy.float) x[0, :] = tmpX offset = 0 for i in iterValues: x[1, :] = i colRow =, x) colRow[0, :] += col0 colRow[1, :] += row0 """ colLimits = [colRow[0, 0], colRow[0, -1]] rowLimits = [colRow[1, 0], colRow[1, -1]] for a in rowLimits: if (a >= shape[0]) or (a < 0): print("outside row limits",a) return for a in colLimits: if (a >= shape[1]) or (a < 0): print("outside column limits",a) return """ #it is much faster to make one call to the interpolating #routine than making many calls tmpMatrix[offset:(offset+npoints),0] = colRow[1,:] tmpMatrix[offset:(offset+npoints),1] = colRow[0,:] offset += npoints ydata = self._interpolate((x0, y0),\ imageData, tmpMatrix) ydata.shape = len(iterValues), npoints ydata = ydata.sum(axis=0) #deal with the oversampling ydata /= oversampling xdata = numpy.arange(float(npoints)) legend = "y = %f (x-%.1f) + %f ; width=%d" % (m, col0, b, width) if overlay: #self.drawOverlayItem(x, y, legend=name, info=info, replot, replace) self.drawOverlayItem(colLimits0, rowLimits0, legend=ddict['mode'], info=ddict, replace=True, replot=True) if self.__lineProjectionMode == 'X': xLabel = self.getXLabel() xdata += col0 if self._xScale is not None: xdata = self._xScale[0] + xdata * (self._xScale[1] - self._xScale[0]) / float(shape[1]) elif self.__lineProjectionMode == 'Y': xLabel = self.getYLabel() xdata += row0 if self._xScale is not None: xdata = self._yScale[0] + xdata * (self._yScale[1] - self._yScale[0]) / float(shape[0]) else: xLabel = "Distance" if self._xScale is not None: deltaCol *= (self._xScale[1] - self._xScale[0])/float(shape[1]) deltaRow *= (self._yScale[1] - self._yScale[0])/float(shape[0]) #get the abscisa in distance units deltaDistance = numpy.sqrt(float(deltaCol) * deltaCol + float(deltaRow) * deltaRow)/(npoints-1.0) xdata *= deltaDistance else: if DEBUG: print("Mode %s not supported yet" % ddict['mode']) return info = {} info['xlabel'] = xLabel info['ylabel'] = "Z" return xdata, ydata, legend, info def _profileSelectionSlot(self, ddict): if DEBUG: print(ddict) # the curves as [[x0, y0, legend0, info0], ...] curveList = ddict['curves'] label = ddict['label'] n = len(curveList) if ddict['event'] == 'ADD': for i in range(n): x, y, legend, info = curveList[i] info['profilelabel'] = label if i == (n-1): replot = True self._profileScanWindow.addCurve(x, y, legend=legend, info=info, replot=replot, replace=False) elif ddict['event'] == 'REPLACE': for i in range(n): x, y, legend, info = curveList[i] info['profilelabel'] = label if i in [0, n-1]: replace = True else: replace = False if i == (n-1): replot = True else: replot = False self._profileScanWindow.addCurve(x, y, legend=legend, info=info, replot=replot, replace=replace) elif ddict['event'] == 'REMOVE': curveList = self._profileScanWindow.getAllCurves() if curveList in [None, []]: return toDelete = [] n = len(curveList) for i in range(n): x, y, legend, info = curveList[i] curveLabel = info.get('profilelabel', None) if curveLabel is not None: if label == curveLabel: toDelete.append(legend) n = len(toDelete) for i in range(n): legend = toDelete[i] if i == (n-1): replot = True else: replot = False self._profileScanWindow.removeCurve(legend, replot=replot) def drawOverlayItem(self, x, y, legend=None, info=None, replace=False, replot=True): #same call as the plot1D addCurve command if legend is None: legend="UnnamedOverlayItem" if legend not in self._overlayItemsDict: overlayItem = QwtPlotItems.PolygonItem(legend) overlayItem.attach(self.graphWidget.graph) self._overlayItemsDict[legend] = {} self._overlayItemsDict[legend]['item'] = overlayItem else: overlayItem = self._overlayItemsDict[legend]['item'] if replace: iterKeys = list(self._overlayItemsDict.keys()) for name in iterKeys: if name == legend: continue self._overlayItemsDict[name]['item'].detach() delKeys = list(self._overlayItemsDict[name].keys()) for key in delKeys: del self._overlayItemsDict[name][key] del self._overlayItemsDict[name] #the type of x can be list or array shape = self.__imageData.shape if self._xScale is None: xList = x else: xList = [] for i in x: xList.append(self._xScale[0] + i * (self._xScale[1] - self._xScale[0])/float(shape[1])) if self._yScale is None: yList = y else: yList = [] for i in y: yList.append(self._yScale[0] + i * (self._yScale[1] - self._yScale[0])/float(shape[0])) overlayItem.setData(xList, yList) self._overlayItemsDict[legend]['x'] = xList self._overlayItemsDict[legend]['y'] = yList self._overlayItemsDict[legend]['info'] = info if replot: self.graphWidget.graph.replot() self.__lastOverlayLegend = legend def _hFlipIconSignal(self): if not self.graphWidget.graph.yAutoScale: qt.QMessageBox.information(self, "Open", "Please set Y Axis to AutoScale first") return if not self.graphWidget.graph.xAutoScale: qt.QMessageBox.information(self, "Open", "Please set X Axis to AutoScale first") return if self._y1AxisInverted: self._y1AxisInverted = False else: self._y1AxisInverted = True self.graphWidget.graph.zoomReset() self.graphWidget.graph.setY1AxisInverted(self._y1AxisInverted) self.plotImage(True) #inform the other widgets ddict = {} ddict['event'] = "hFlipSignal" ddict['current'] = self._y1AxisInverted * 1 ddict['id'] = id(self) self.emitMaskImageSignal(ddict) def setY1AxisInverted(self, value): self._y1AxisInverted = value self.graphWidget.graph.setY1AxisInverted(self._y1AxisInverted) def setXLabel(self, label="Column"): return self.graphWidget.setXLabel(label) def setYLabel(self, label="Row"): return self.graphWidget.setYLabel(label) def getXLabel(self): return self.graphWidget.getXLabel() def getYLabel(self): return self.graphWidget.getYLabel() def buildAndConnectImageButtonBox(self, replace=True): # The IMAGE selection self.imageButtonBox = qt.QWidget(self) buttonBox = self.imageButtonBox self.imageButtonBoxLayout = qt.QHBoxLayout(buttonBox) self.imageButtonBoxLayout.setMargin(0) self.imageButtonBoxLayout.setSpacing(0) self.addImageButton = qt.QPushButton(buttonBox) icon = qt.QIcon(qt.QPixmap(IconDict["rgb16"])) self.addImageButton.setIcon(icon) self.addImageButton.setText("ADD IMAGE") self.removeImageButton = qt.QPushButton(buttonBox) self.removeImageButton.setIcon(icon) self.removeImageButton.setText("REMOVE IMAGE") self.imageButtonBoxLayout.addWidget(self.addImageButton) self.imageButtonBoxLayout.addWidget(self.removeImageButton) self.mainLayout.addWidget(buttonBox) self.connect(self.addImageButton, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self._addImageClicked) self.connect(self.removeImageButton, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self._removeImageClicked) if replace: self.replaceImageButton = qt.QPushButton(buttonBox) self.replaceImageButton.setIcon(icon) self.replaceImageButton.setText("REPLACE IMAGE") self.imageButtonBoxLayout.addWidget(self.replaceImageButton) self.connect(self.replaceImageButton, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self._replaceImageClicked) def _setEraseSelectionMode(self): if DEBUG: print("_setEraseSelectionMode") self.__eraseMode = True self.__brushMode = True self.graphWidget.picker.setTrackerMode(Qwt5.QwtPicker.ActiveOnly) self.graphWidget.graph.enableSelection(False) def _setRectSelectionMode(self): if DEBUG: print("_setRectSelectionMode") self.__eraseMode = False self.__brushMode = False self.graphWidget.picker.setTrackerMode(Qwt5.QwtPicker.AlwaysOn) self.graphWidget.graph.enableSelection(True) def _setBrushSelectionMode(self): if DEBUG: print("_setBrushSelectionMode") self.__eraseMode = False self.__brushMode = True self.graphWidget.picker.setTrackerMode(Qwt5.QwtPicker.ActiveOnly) self.graphWidget.graph.enableSelection(False) def _setBrush(self): if DEBUG: print("_setBrush") if self.__brushMenu is None: if QTVERSION < '4.0.0': self.__brushMenu = qt.QPopupMenu() self.__brushMenu.insertItem(QString(" 1 Image Pixel Width"), self.__setBrush1) self.__brushMenu.insertItem(QString(" 2 Image Pixel Width"), self.__setBrush2) self.__brushMenu.insertItem(QString(" 3 Image Pixel Width"), self.__setBrush3) self.__brushMenu.insertItem(QString(" 5 Image Pixel Width"), self.__setBrush4) self.__brushMenu.insertItem(QString("10 Image Pixel Width"), self.__setBrush5) self.__brushMenu.insertItem(QString("20 Image Pixel Width"), self.__setBrush6) else: self.__brushMenu = qt.QMenu() self.__brushMenu.addAction(QString(" 1 Image Pixel Width"), self.__setBrush1) self.__brushMenu.addAction(QString(" 2 Image Pixel Width"), self.__setBrush2) self.__brushMenu.addAction(QString(" 3 Image Pixel Width"), self.__setBrush3) self.__brushMenu.addAction(QString(" 5 Image Pixel Width"), self.__setBrush4) self.__brushMenu.addAction(QString("10 Image Pixel Width"), self.__setBrush5) self.__brushMenu.addAction(QString("20 Image Pixel Width"), self.__setBrush6) if QTVERSION < '4.0.0': self.__brushMenu.exec_loop(self.cursor().pos()) else: self.__brushMenu.exec_(self.cursor().pos()) def __setBrush1(self): self.__brushWidth = 1 def __setBrush2(self): self.__brushWidth = 2 def __setBrush3(self): self.__brushWidth = 3 def __setBrush4(self): self.__brushWidth = 5 def __setBrush5(self): self.__brushWidth = 10 def __setBrush6(self): self.__brushWidth = 20 def _toggleSelectionMode(self): if self.graphWidget.graph._selecting: self.setSelectionMode(False) else: self.setSelectionMode(True) def setSelectionMode(self, mode = None): #does it have sense to enable the selection without the image selection icons? #if not self.__imageIconsFlag: # mode = False if mode: self.graphWidget.graph.enableSelection(True) self.__brushMode = False self.graphWidget.picker.setTrackerMode(Qwt5.QwtPicker.AlwaysOn) if QTVERSION < '4.0.0': self.graphWidget.selectionToolButton.setState(qt.QButton.On) else: self.graphWidget.hideProfileSelectionIcons() self.graphWidget.selectionToolButton.setChecked(True) self.graphWidget.graph.enableZoom(False) self.graphWidget.selectionToolButton.setDown(True) self.graphWidget.showImageIcons() else: self.graphWidget.picker.setTrackerMode(Qwt5.QwtPicker.AlwaysOff) self.graphWidget.showProfileSelectionIcons() self.graphWidget.graph.enableZoom(True) if QTVERSION < '4.0.0': self.graphWidget.selectionToolButton.setState(qt.QButton.Off) else: self.graphWidget.selectionToolButton.setChecked(False) self.graphWidget.selectionToolButton.setDown(False) self.graphWidget.hideImageIcons() if self.__imageData is None: return #do not reset the selection #self.__selectionMask = numpy.zeros(self.__imageData.shape, numpy.UInt8) def _additionalSelectionMenuDialog(self): if self.__imageData is None: return self._additionalSelectionMenu.exec_(self.cursor().pos()) def _getSelectionMinMax(self): if self.colormap is None: goodData = self.__imageData[numpy.isfinite(self.__imageData)] maxValue = goodData.max() minValue = goodData.min() else: minValue = self.colormap[2] maxValue = self.colormap[3] return minValue, maxValue def _selectMax(self): selectionMask = numpy.zeros(self.__imageData.shape, numpy.uint8) minValue, maxValue = self._getSelectionMinMax() tmpData = numpy.array(self.__imageData, copy=True) tmpData[True - numpy.isfinite(self.__imageData)] = minValue selectionMask[tmpData >= maxValue] = 1 self.setSelectionMask(selectionMask, plot=False) self.plotImage(update=False) self._emitMaskChangedSignal() def _selectMiddle(self): selectionMask = numpy.ones(self.__imageData.shape, numpy.uint8) minValue, maxValue = self._getSelectionMinMax() tmpData = numpy.array(self.__imageData, copy=True) tmpData[True - numpy.isfinite(self.__imageData)] = maxValue selectionMask[tmpData >= maxValue] = 0 selectionMask[tmpData <= minValue] = 0 self.setSelectionMask(selectionMask, plot=False) self.plotImage(update=False) self._emitMaskChangedSignal() def _selectMin(self): selectionMask = numpy.zeros(self.__imageData.shape, numpy.uint8) minValue, maxValue = self._getSelectionMinMax() tmpData = numpy.array(self.__imageData, copy=True) tmpData[True - numpy.isfinite(self.__imageData)] = maxValue selectionMask[tmpData <= minValue] = 1 self.setSelectionMask(selectionMask, plot=False) self.plotImage(update=False) self._emitMaskChangedSignal() def _invertSelection(self): if self.__imageData is None: return mask = numpy.ones(self.__imageData.shape, numpy.uint8) if self.__selectionMask is not None: mask[self.__selectionMask > 0] = 0 self.setSelectionMask(mask, plot=True) self._emitMaskChangedSignal() def _resetSelection(self, owncall=True): if DEBUG: print("_resetSelection") self.__selectionMask = None if self.__imageData is None: return #self.__selectionMask = numpy.zeros(self.__imageData.shape, numpy.uint8) self.plotImage(update = True) #inform the others if owncall: ddict = {} ddict['event'] = "resetSelection" ddict['id'] = id(self) self.emitMaskImageSignal(ddict) def setSelectionMask(self, mask, plot=True): if mask is not None: if self.__imageData is not None: # this operation will be made when retrieving the mask #mask *= numpy.isfinite(self.__imageData) pass self.__selectionMask = mask if plot: self.plotImage(update=False) def getSelectionMask(self): if self.__imageData is None: return None if self.__selectionMask is None: return numpy.zeros(self.__imageData.shape, numpy.uint8) *\ numpy.isfinite(self.__imageData) return self.__selectionMask *\ numpy.isfinite(self.__imageData) def setImageData(self, data, clearmask=False, xScale=None, yScale=None): self.__image = None self._xScale = xScale self._yScale = yScale if data is None: self.__imageData = data self.__selectionMask = None self.plotImage(update = True) return else: self.__imageData = data if clearmask: self.__selectionMask = None if self.colormapDialog is not None: goodData = self.__imageData[numpy.isfinite(self.__imageData)] minData = goodData.min() maxData = goodData.max() if self.colormapDialog.autoscale: self.colormapDialog.setDisplayedMinValue(minData) self.colormapDialog.setDisplayedMaxValue(maxData) self.colormapDialog.setDataMinMax(minData, maxData, update=True) else: self.plotImage(update = True) def getImageData(self): return self.__imageData def getQImage(self): return self.__image def setQImage(self, qimage, width, height, clearmask=False, data=None): #This is just to get it different than None if (qimage.width() != width) or (qimage.height() != height): if 1 or (qimage.width() > width) or (qimage.height() > height): transformation = qt.Qt.SmoothTransformation else: transformation = qt.Qt.FastTransformation self.__image = qimage.scaled(qt.QSize(width, height), qt.Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio, transformation) else: self.__image = qimage if self.__image.format() == qt.QImage.Format_Indexed8: pixmap0 = numpy.fromstring(qimage.bits().asstring(width * height), dtype = numpy.uint8) pixmap = numpy.zeros((height * width, 4), numpy.uint8) pixmap[:,0] = pixmap0[:] pixmap[:,1] = pixmap0[:] pixmap[:,2] = pixmap0[:] pixmap[:,3] = 255 pixmap.shape = height, width, 4 else: self.__image = self.__image.convertToFormat(qt.QImage.Format_ARGB32) pixmap = numpy.fromstring(self.__image.bits().asstring(width * height * 4), dtype = numpy.uint8) pixmap.shape = height, width,-1 if data is None: self.__imageData = numpy.zeros((height, width), numpy.float) self.__imageData = pixmap[:,:,0] * 0.114 +\ pixmap[:,:,1] * 0.587 +\ pixmap[:,:,2] * 0.299 else: self.__imageData = data self.__imageData.shape = height, width self._xScale = None self._yScale = None self.__pixmap0 = pixmap if clearmask: self.__selectionMask = None self.plotImage(update = True) def plotImage(self, update=True): if self.__imageData is None: self.graphWidget.graph.clear() = None self.graphWidget.picker.xScale = None self.graphWidget.picker.yScale = None return if update: self.getPixmapFromData() self.__pixmap0 = self.__pixmap.copy() = self.__imageData self.graphWidget.picker.xScale = self._xScale self.graphWidget.picker.yScale = self._yScale if self.colormap is None: if self.__defaultColormap < 2: self.graphWidget.picker.setTrackerPen(qt.QPen( else: self.graphWidget.picker.setTrackerPen(qt.QPen( elif int(str(self.colormap[0])) > 1: #color self.graphWidget.picker.setTrackerPen(qt.QPen( else: self.graphWidget.picker.setTrackerPen(qt.QPen( self.__applyMaskToImage() if not self.graphWidget.graph.yAutoScale: ylimits = self.graphWidget.graph.getY1AxisLimits() if not self.graphWidget.graph.xAutoScale: xlimits = self.graphWidget.graph.getX1AxisLimits() self.graphWidget.graph.pixmapPlot(self.__pixmap.tostring(), (self.__imageData.shape[1], self.__imageData.shape[0]), xmirror = 0, ymirror = not self._y1AxisInverted, xScale = self._xScale, yScale = self._yScale) if not self.graphWidget.graph.yAutoScale: self.graphWidget.graph.setY1AxisLimits(ylimits[0], ylimits[1], replot=False) if not self.graphWidget.graph.xAutoScale: self.graphWidget.graph.setX1AxisLimits(xlimits[0], xlimits[1], replot=False) self.graphWidget.graph.replot() def getPixmapFromData(self): colormap = self.colormap if self.__image is not None: self.__pixmap = self.__pixmap0.copy() return if hasattr(self.__imageData, 'mask'): data = else: data = self.__imageData finiteData = numpy.isfinite(data) goodData = finiteData.min() if self.colormapDialog is not None: minData = self.colormapDialog.dataMin maxData = self.colormapDialog.dataMax else: if goodData: minData = data.min() maxData = data.max() else: tmpData = data[finiteData] if tmpData.size > 0: minData = tmpData.min() maxData = tmpData.max() else: minData = None maxData = None tmpData = None if colormap is None: if minData is None: (self.__pixmap,size,minmax)= spslut.transform(\ data, (1,0), (self.__defaultColormapType,3.0), "BGRX", self.__defaultColormap, 1, (0, 1), (0, 255), 1) else: (self.__pixmap,size,minmax)= spslut.transform(\ data, (1,0), (self.__defaultColormapType,3.0), "BGRX", self.__defaultColormap, 0, (minData,maxData), (0, 255), 1) else: if len(colormap) < 7: colormap.append(spslut.LINEAR) if goodData: (self.__pixmap,size,minmax)= spslut.transform(\ data, (1,0), (colormap[6],3.0), "BGRX", COLORMAPLIST[int(str(colormap[0]))], colormap[1], (colormap[2],colormap[3]), (0,255), 1) elif colormap[1]: #autoscale if minData is None: (self.__pixmap,size,minmax)= spslut.transform(\ data, (1,0), (self.__defaultColormapType,3.0), "BGRX", self.__defaultColormap, 1, (0, 1), (0, 255), 1) else: (self.__pixmap,size,minmax)= spslut.transform(\ data, (1,0), (colormap[6],3.0), "BGRX", COLORMAPLIST[int(str(colormap[0]))], 0, (minData,maxData), (0,255), 1) else: (self.__pixmap,size,minmax)= spslut.transform(\ data, (1,0), (colormap[6],3.0), "BGRX", COLORMAPLIST[int(str(colormap[0]))], colormap[1], (colormap[2],colormap[3]), (0,255), 1) self.__pixmap = self.__pixmap.astype(numpy.ubyte) self.__pixmap.shape = [data.shape[0], data.shape[1], 4] if not goodData: self.__pixmap[finiteData < 1] = 255 def __applyMaskToImage(self): if self.__selectionMask is None: return #if not self.__selectionFlag: # print("Return because of selection flag") # return if self.colormap is None: if self.__image is not None: if self.__image.format() == qt.QImage.Format_ARGB32: for i in range(4): self.__pixmap[:,:,i] = (self.__pixmap0[:,:,i] *\ (1 - (0.2 * self.__selectionMask))).astype(numpy.uint8) else: self.__pixmap = self.__pixmap0.copy() self.__pixmap[self.__selectionMask>0,0] = 0x40 self.__pixmap[self.__selectionMask>0,2] = 0x70 self.__pixmap[self.__selectionMask>0,3] = 0x40 else: if self.__defaultColormap > 1: tmp = 1 - 0.2 * self.__selectionMask for i in range(3): self.__pixmap[:,:,i] = (self.__pixmap0[:,:,i] *\ tmp) if 0: #this is to recolor non finite points tmpMask = numpy.isfinite(self.__imageData) goodData = numpy.isfinite(self.__imageData).min() if not goodData: for i in range(3): self.__pixmap[:,:,i] *= tmpMask else: self.__pixmap = self.__pixmap0.copy() self.__pixmap[self.__selectionMask>0,0] = 0x40 self.__pixmap[self.__selectionMask>0,2] = 0x70 self.__pixmap[self.__selectionMask>0,3] = 0x40 if 0: #this is to recolor non finite points tmpMask = ~numpy.isfinite(self.__imageData) badData = numpy.isfinite(self.__imageData).max() if badData: self.__pixmap[tmpMask,0] = 0x00 self.__pixmap[tmpMask,1] = 0xff self.__pixmap[tmpMask,2] = 0xff self.__pixmap[tmpMask,3] = 0xff elif int(str(self.colormap[0])) > 1: #color tmp = 1 - 0.2 * self.__selectionMask for i in range(3): self.__pixmap[:,:,i] = (self.__pixmap0[:,:,i] *\ tmp) if 0: tmpMask = numpy.isfinite(self.__imageData) goodData = numpy.isfinite(self.__imageData).min() if not goodData: if not goodData: for i in range(3): self.__pixmap[:,:,i] *= tmpMask else: self.__pixmap = self.__pixmap0.copy() tmp = 1 - self.__selectionMask self.__pixmap[:,:, 2] = (0x70 * self.__selectionMask) +\ tmp * self.__pixmap0[:,:,2] self.__pixmap[:,:, 3] = (0x40 * self.__selectionMask) +\ tmp * self.__pixmap0[:,:,3] if 0: tmpMask = ~numpy.isfinite(self.__imageData) badData = numpy.isfinite(self.__imageData).max() if badData: self.__pixmap[tmpMask,0] = 0x00 self.__pixmap[tmpMask,1] = 0xff self.__pixmap[tmpMask,2] = 0xff self.__pixmap[tmpMask,3] = 0xff return def selectColormap(self): if self.__imageData is None: return if self.colormapDialog is None: self.__initColormapDialog() if self.colormapDialog is None: return if self.colormapDialog.isHidden(): if QTVERSION < '4.0.0': self.colormapDialog.raiseW() else: self.colormapDialog.raise_() def __initColormapDialog(self): goodData = self.__imageData[numpy.isfinite(self.__imageData)] if goodData.size > 0: maxData = goodData.max() minData = goodData.min() else: qt.QMessageBox.critical(self,"No Data", "Image data does not contain any real value") return self.colormapDialog = ColormapDialog.ColormapDialog() colormapIndex = self.__defaultColormap if colormapIndex == 1: colormapIndex = 0 elif colormapIndex == 6: colormapIndex = 1 self.colormapDialog.colormapIndex = colormapIndex self.colormapDialog.colormapString = self.colormapDialog.colormapList[colormapIndex] self.colormapDialog.setDataMinMax(minData, maxData) self.colormapDialog.setAutoscale(1) self.colormapDialog.setColormap(self.colormapDialog.colormapIndex) self.colormapDialog.setColormapType(self.__defaultColormapType, update=False) self.colormap = (self.colormapDialog.colormapIndex, self.colormapDialog.autoscale, self.colormapDialog.minValue, self.colormapDialog.maxValue, minData, maxData) if QTVERSION < '4.0.0': self.colormapDialog.setCaption("Colormap Dialog") self.connect(self.colormapDialog, qt.PYSIGNAL("ColormapChanged"), self.updateColormap) else: self.colormapDialog.setWindowTitle("Colormap Dialog") self.connect(self.colormapDialog, qt.SIGNAL("ColormapChanged"), self.updateColormap) self.colormapDialog._update() def updateColormap(self, *var): if len(var) > 6: self.colormap = [var[0], var[1], var[2], var[3], var[4], var[5], var[6]] elif len(var) > 5: self.colormap = [var[0], var[1], var[2], var[3], var[4], var[5]] else: self.colormap = [var[0], var[1], var[2], var[3], var[4], var[5]] self.plotImage(True) def _addImageClicked(self): ddict = {} ddict['event'] = "addImageClicked" ddict['image'] = self.__imageData ddict['title'] = self.getGraphTitle() ddict['id'] = id(self) self.emitMaskImageSignal(ddict) def _removeImageClicked(self): ddict = {} ddict['event'] = "removeImageClicked" ddict['title'] = self.getGraphTitle() ddict['id'] = id(self) self.emitMaskImageSignal(ddict) def _replaceImageClicked(self): ddict = {} ddict['event'] = "replaceImageClicked" ddict['image'] = self.__imageData ddict['title'] = self.getGraphTitle() ddict['id'] = id(self) self.emitMaskImageSignal(ddict) def _saveToolButtonSignal(self): self._saveMenu.exec_(self.cursor().pos()) def _saveMatplotlibImage(self): imageData = self.__imageData if self._matplotlibSaveImage is None: self._matplotlibSaveImage = QPyMcaMatplotlibSave.SaveImageSetup(None, image=None) title = "Matplotlib " + self.getGraphTitle() self._matplotlibSaveImage.setWindowTitle(title) ddict = self._matplotlibSaveImage.getParameters() if self.colormap is not None: colormapType = ddict['linlogcolormap'] try: colormapIndex, autoscale, vmin, vmax,\ dataMin, dataMax, colormapType = self.colormap if colormapType == spslut.LOG: colormapType = 'logarithmic' else: colormapType = 'linear' except: colormapIndex, autoscale, vmin, vmax = self.colormap[0:4] ddict['linlogcolormap'] = colormapType if not autoscale: ddict['valuemin'] = vmin ddict['valuemax'] = vmax else: ddict['valuemin'] = 0 ddict['valuemax'] = 0 #this sets the actual dimensions if self._xScale is not None: ddict['xorigin'] = self._xScale[0] ddict['xpixelsize'] = (self._xScale[1] - self._xScale[0])/\ float(imageData.shape[1]) if self._yScale is not None: ddict['yorigin'] = self._yScale[0] ddict['ypixelsize'] = (self._yScale[1] - self._yScale[0])/\ float(imageData.shape[0]) ddict['xlabel'] = self.getXLabel() ddict['ylabel'] = self.getYLabel() limits = self.graphWidget.graph.getX1AxisLimits() ddict['zoomxmin'] = limits[0] ddict['zoomxmax'] = limits[1] limits = self.graphWidget.graph.getY1AxisLimits() ddict['zoomymin'] = limits[0] ddict['zoomymax'] = limits[1] self._matplotlibSaveImage.setParameters(ddict) self._matplotlibSaveImage.setImageData(imageData) self._matplotlibSaveImage.raise_() def _otherWidgetGraphSignal(self, ddict): self._graphSignal(ddict, ownsignal = False) def _graphSignal(self, ddict, ownsignal = None): if ownsignal is None: ownsignal = True emitsignal = False if self.__imageData is None: return if ddict['event'] == "MouseSelection": if ddict['column_min'] < ddict['column_max']: xmin = ddict['column_min'] xmax = ddict['column_max'] else: xmin = ddict['column_max'] xmax = ddict['column_min'] if ddict['row_min'] < ddict['row_max']: ymin = ddict['row_min'] ymax = ddict['row_max'] else: ymin = ddict['row_max'] ymax = ddict['row_min'] """ if not (self._xScale is None and self._yScale is None): ymin, xmin = convertToRowAndColumn(xmin, ymin, self.__imageData.shape, xScale=self._xScale, yScale=self._yScale, safe=True) ymax, xmax = convertToRowAndColumn(xmax, ymax, self.__imageData.shape, xScale=self._xScale, yScale=self._yScale, safe=True) """ i1 = max(int(round(xmin)), 0) i2 = min(abs(int(round(xmax))) + 1, self.__imageData.shape[1]) j1 = max(int(round(ymin)),0) j2 = min(abs(int(round(ymax))) + 1, self.__imageData.shape[0]) if self.__selectionMask is None: self.__selectionMask = numpy.zeros(self.__imageData.shape, numpy.uint8) self.__selectionMask[j1:j2, i1:i2] = 1 emitsignal = True elif ddict['event'] == "MouseAt": if ownsignal: pass if self.__brushMode: if self.graphWidget.graph.isZoomEnabled(): return #if follow mouse is not activated #it only enters here when the mouse is pressed. #Therefore is perfect for "brush" selections. """ if not (self._xScale is None and self._yScale is None): y, x = convertToRowAndColumn(ddict['x'], ddict['y'], self.__imageData.shape, xScale=self._xScale, yScale=self._yScale, safe=True) else: x = ddict['x'] y = ddict['y'] """ y = ddict['row'] x = ddict['column'] width = self.__brushWidth #in (row, column) units r = self.__imageData.shape[0] c = self.__imageData.shape[1] xmin = max((x-0.5*width), 0) xmax = min((x+0.5*width), c) ymin = max((y-0.5*width), 0) ymax = min((y+0.5*width), r) i1 = min(int(round(xmin)), c-1) i2 = min(int(round(xmax)), c) j1 = min(int(round(ymin)),r-1) j2 = min(int(round(ymax)), r) if i1 == i2: i2 = i1+1 if j1 == j2: j2 = j1+1 if self.__selectionMask is None: self.__selectionMask = numpy.zeros(self.__imageData.shape, numpy.uint8) if self.__eraseMode: self.__selectionMask[j1:j2, i1:i2] = 0 else: self.__selectionMask[j1:j2, i1:i2] = 1 emitsignal = True if emitsignal: #should this be made by the parent? self.plotImage(update = False) #inform the other widgets self._emitMaskChangedSignal() def _emitMaskChangedSignal(self): #inform the other widgets ddict = {} ddict['event'] = "selectionMaskChanged" ddict['current'] = self.__selectionMask * 1 ddict['id'] = id(self) self.emitMaskImageSignal(ddict) def emitMaskImageSignal(self, ddict): if QTVERSION < '4.0.0': qt.QObject.emit(self, qt.PYSIGNAL('MaskImageWidgetSignal'), ddict) else: qt.QObject.emit(self, qt.SIGNAL('MaskImageWidgetSignal'), ddict) def _zoomResetSignal(self): if DEBUG: print("_zoomResetSignal") self.graphWidget._zoomReset(replot=False) self.plotImage(True) def getOutputFileName(self): initdir = PyMcaDirs.outputDir if self.outputDir is not None: if os.path.exists(self.outputDir): initdir = self.outputDir filedialog = qt.QFileDialog(self) filedialog.setFileMode(filedialog.AnyFile) filedialog.setAcceptMode(qt.QFileDialog.AcceptSave) filedialog.setWindowIcon(qt.QIcon(qt.QPixmap(IconDict["gioconda16"]))) formatlist = ["ASCII Files *.dat", "EDF Files *.edf", 'CSV(, separated) Files *.csv', 'CSV(; separated) Files *.csv', 'CSV(tab separated) Files *.csv'] if hasattr(qt, "QStringList"): strlist = qt.QStringList() else: strlist = [] for f in formatlist: strlist.append(f) if self._saveFilter is None: self._saveFilter =formatlist[0] filedialog.setFilters(strlist) filedialog.selectFilter(self._saveFilter) filedialog.setDirectory(initdir) ret = filedialog.exec_() if not ret: return "" filename = filedialog.selectedFiles()[0] if len(filename): filename = qt.safe_str(filename) self.outputDir = os.path.dirname(filename) self._saveFilter = qt.safe_str(filedialog.selectedFilter()) filterused = "."+self._saveFilter[-3:] PyMcaDirs.outputDir = os.path.dirname(filename) if len(filename) < 4: filename = filename+ filterused elif filename[-4:] != filterused : filename = filename+ filterused else: filename = "" return filename def saveImageList(self, filename=None, imagelist=None, labels=None): imageList = [] if labels is None: labels = [] if imagelist is None: if self.__imageData is not None: imageList.append(self.__imageData) label = self.getGraphTitle() label.replace(' ', '_') labels.append(label) if self.__selectionMask is not None: if self.__selectionMask.max() > 0: imageList.append(self.__selectionMask) labels.append(label+"_Mask") else: imageList = imagelist if len(labels) == 0: for i in range(len(imagelist)): labels.append("Image%02d" % i) if not len(imageList): qt.QMessageBox.information(self,"No Data", "Image list is empty.\nNothing to be saved") return if filename is None: filename = self.getOutputFileName() if not len(filename):return if filename.lower().endswith(".edf"): ArraySave.save2DArrayListAsEDF(imageList, filename, labels) elif filename.lower().endswith(".csv"): if "," in self._saveFilter: csvseparator = "," elif ";" in self._saveFilter: csvseparator = ";" else: csvseparator = "\t" ArraySave.save2DArrayListAsASCII(imageList, filename, labels, csv=True, csvseparator=csvseparator) else: ArraySave.save2DArrayListAsASCII(imageList, filename, labels, csv=False) def saveClippedSeenImageList(self): return self.saveClippedAndSubtractedSeenImageList(subtract=False) def saveClippedAndSubtractedSeenImageList(self, subtract=True): imageData = self.__imageData if imageData is None: return vmin = None label = self.getGraphTitle() if not len(label): label = "Image01" if self.colormap is not None: colormapIndex, autoscale, vmin, vmax = self.colormap[0:4] if not autoscale: imageData = imageData.clip(vmin, vmax) label += ".clip(%f,%f)" % (vmin, vmax) if subtract: if vmin is None: vmin = imageData.min() imageData = imageData-vmin label += "-%f" % vmin imageList = [imageData] labelList = [label] if self.__selectionMask is not None: if self.__selectionMask.max() > 0: imageList.append(self.__selectionMask) labelList.append(label+"_Mask") self.saveImageList(filename=None, imagelist=imageList, labels=labelList) def setDefaultColormap(self, colormapindex, logflag=False): self.__defaultColormap = COLORMAPLIST[min(colormapindex, len(COLORMAPLIST)-1)] if logflag: self.__defaultColormapType = spslut.LOG else: self.__defaultColormapType = spslut.LINEAR def closeEvent(self, event): if self._profileSelectionWindow is not None: self._profileSelectionWindow.close() if self.colormapDialog is not None: self.colormapDialog.close() return qt.QWidget.closeEvent(self, event) def setInfoText(self, text): return self.graphWidget.setInfoText(text) def test(): app = qt.QApplication([]) qt.QObject.connect(app, qt.SIGNAL("lastWindowClosed()"), app, qt.SLOT('quit()')) container = MaskImageWidget() if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1].endswith('edf') or\ sys.argv[1].endswith('cbf') or\ sys.argv[1].endswith('ccd') or\ sys.argv[1].endswith('spe') or\ sys.argv[1].endswith('tif') or\ sys.argv[1].endswith('tiff'): container = MaskImageWidget(profileselection=True) import EdfFile edf = EdfFile.EdfFile(sys.argv[1]) data = edf.GetData(0) container.setImageData(data) else: image = qt.QImage(sys.argv[1]) #container.setQImage(image, image.width(),image.height()) container.setQImage(image, 200, 200) else: container = MaskImageWidget(profileselection=True) data = numpy.arange(400 * 200).astype(numpy.int32) data.shape = 400, 200 #data = numpy.eye(200) container.setImageData(data, xScale=(200, 800), yScale=(400., 800.)) #data.shape = 100, 400 #container.setImageData(None) #container.setImageData(data) def theSlot(ddict): print(ddict['event']) if QTVERSION < '4.0.0': qt.QObject.connect(container, qt.PYSIGNAL("MaskImageWidgetSignal"), theSlot) app.setMainWidget(container) app.exec_loop() else: qt.QObject.connect(container, qt.SIGNAL("MaskImageWidgetSignal"), theSlot) app.exec_() if __name__ == "__main__": test()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun May 06 05:32:15 2012 Author: Josef Perktold editted by: Paul Hobson (2012-08-19) """ from scipy import stats from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import statsmodels.api as sm #example from docstring data = sm.datasets.longley.load() data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=True) mod_fit = sm.OLS(data.endog, data.exog).fit() res = mod_fit.resid left = -1.8 #x coordinate for text insert fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1), ax=ax) top = ax.get_ylim()[1] * 0.75 txt = ax.text(left, top, 'no keywords', verticalalignment='top') txt.set_bbox(dict(facecolor='k', alpha=0.1)) ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2), line='s', ax=ax) top = ax.get_ylim()[1] * 0.75 txt = ax.text(left, top, "line='s'", verticalalignment='top') txt.set_bbox(dict(facecolor='k', alpha=0.1)) ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 3), line='45', fit=True, ax=ax) ax.set_xlim(-2, 2) top = ax.get_ylim()[1] * 0.75 txt = ax.text(left, top, "line='45', \nfit=True", verticalalignment='top') txt.set_bbox(dict(facecolor='k', alpha=0.1)) ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 4), dist=stats.t, line='45', fit=True, ax=ax) ax.set_xlim(-2, 2) top = ax.get_ylim()[1] * 0.75 txt = ax.text(left, top, "dist=stats.t, \nline='45', \nfit=True", verticalalignment='top') txt.set_bbox(dict(facecolor='k', alpha=0.1)) fig.tight_layout() plt.gcf() # example with the new ProbPlot class import numpy as np x = np.random.normal(loc=8.25, scale=3.5, size=37) y = np.random.normal(loc=8.00, scale=3.25, size=37) pp_x = sm.ProbPlot(x, fit=True) pp_y = sm.ProbPlot(y, fit=True) # probability of exceedance fig2 = pp_x.probplot(exceed=True) # compare x quantiles to y quantiles fig3 = pp_x.qqplot(other=pp_y, line='45') # same as above with probabilities/percentiles fig4 = pp_x.ppplot(other=pp_y, line='45')
# function to call the main analysis/synthesis functions in software/models/ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os, sys from scipy.signal import get_window sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '../models/')) import utilFunctions as UF import sprModel as SPR import stft as STFT def main(inputFile='../../sounds/bendir.wav', window='hamming', M=2001, N=2048, t=-80, minSineDur=0.02, maxnSines=150, freqDevOffset=10, freqDevSlope=0.001): """ inputFile: input sound file (monophonic with sampling rate of 44100) window: analysis window type (rectangular, hanning, hamming, blackman, blackmanharris) M: analysis window size N: fft size (power of two, bigger or equal than M) t: magnitude threshold of spectral peaks minSineDur: minimum duration of sinusoidal tracks maxnSines: maximum number of parallel sinusoids freqDevOffset: frequency deviation allowed in the sinusoids from frame to frame at frequency 0 freqDevSlope: slope of the frequency deviation, higher frequencies have bigger deviation """ # size of fft used in synthesis Ns = 512 # hop size (has to be 1/4 of Ns) H = 128 # read input sound (fs, x) = UF.wavread(inputFile) # compute analysis window w = get_window(window, M) # perform sinusoidal plus residual analysis tfreq, tmag, tphase, xr = SPR.sprModelAnal(x, fs, w, N, H, t, minSineDur, maxnSines, freqDevOffset, freqDevSlope) # compute spectrogram of residual mXr, pXr = STFT.stftAnal(xr, fs, w, N, H) # sum sinusoids and residual y, ys = SPR.sprModelSynth(tfreq, tmag, tphase, xr, Ns, H, fs) # output sound file (monophonic with sampling rate of 44100) outputFileSines = 'output_sounds/' + os.path.basename(inputFile)[:-4] + '_sprModel_sines.wav' outputFileResidual = 'output_sounds/' + os.path.basename(inputFile)[:-4] + '_sprModel_residual.wav' outputFile = 'output_sounds/' + os.path.basename(inputFile)[:-4] + '_sprModel.wav' # write sounds files for sinusoidal, residual, and the sum UF.wavwrite(ys, fs, outputFileSines) UF.wavwrite(xr, fs, outputFileResidual) UF.wavwrite(y, fs, outputFile) # create figure to show plots plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9)) # frequency range to plot maxplotfreq = 5000.0 # plot the input sound plt.subplot(3,1,1) plt.plot(np.arange(x.size)/float(fs), x) plt.axis([0, x.size/float(fs), min(x), max(x)]) plt.ylabel('amplitude') plt.xlabel('time (sec)') plt.title('input sound: x') # plot the magnitude spectrogram of residual plt.subplot(3,1,2) maxplotbin = int(N*maxplotfreq/fs) numFrames = int(mXr[:,0].size) frmTime = H*np.arange(numFrames)/float(fs) binFreq = np.arange(maxplotbin+1)*float(fs)/N plt.pcolormesh(frmTime, binFreq, np.transpose(mXr[:,:maxplotbin+1])) plt.autoscale(tight=True) # plot the sinusoidal frequencies on top of the residual spectrogram if (tfreq.shape[1] > 0): tracks = tfreq*np.less(tfreq, maxplotfreq) tracks[tracks<=0] = np.nan plt.plot(frmTime, tracks, color='k') plt.title('sinusoidal tracks + residual spectrogram') plt.autoscale(tight=True) # plot the output sound plt.subplot(3,1,3) plt.plot(np.arange(y.size)/float(fs), y) plt.axis([0, y.size/float(fs), min(y), max(y)]) plt.ylabel('amplitude') plt.xlabel('time (sec)') plt.title('output sound: y') plt.tight_layout() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
""" Joblib is a set of tools to provide **lightweight pipelining in Python**. In particular, joblib offers: 1. transparent disk-caching of the output values and lazy re-evaluation (memoize pattern) 2. easy simple parallel computing 3. logging and tracing of the execution Joblib is optimized to be **fast** and **robust** in particular on large data and has specific optimizations for `numpy` arrays. It is **BSD-licensed**. ============================== ============================================ **User documentation**: **Download packages**: **Source code**: **Report issues**: ============================== ============================================ Vision -------- The vision is to provide tools to easily achieve better performance and reproducibility when working with long running jobs. * **Avoid computing twice the same thing**: code is rerun over an over, for instance when prototyping computational-heavy jobs (as in scientific development), but hand-crafted solution to alleviate this issue is error-prone and often leads to unreproducible results * **Persist to disk transparently**: persisting in an efficient way arbitrary objects containing large data is hard. Using joblib's caching mechanism avoids hand-written persistence and implicitly links the file on disk to the execution context of the original Python object. As a result, joblib's persistence is good for resuming an application status or computational job, eg after a crash. Joblib strives to address these problems while **leaving your code and your flow control as unmodified as possible** (no framework, no new paradigms). Main features ------------------ 1) **Transparent and fast disk-caching of output value:** a memoize or make-like functionality for Python functions that works well for arbitrary Python objects, including very large numpy arrays. Separate persistence and flow-execution logic from domain logic or algorithmic code by writing the operations as a set of steps with well-defined inputs and outputs: Python functions. Joblib can save their computation to disk and rerun it only if necessary:: >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn.externals.joblib import Memory >>> mem = Memory(cachedir='/tmp/joblib') >>> import numpy as np >>> a = np.vander(np.arange(3)).astype(np.float) >>> square = mem.cache(np.square) >>> b = square(a) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ________________________________________________________________________________ [Memory] Calling square... square(array([[ 0., 0., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1.], [ 4., 2., 1.]])) ___________________________________________________________square - 0...s, 0.0min >>> c = square(a) >>> # The above call did not trigger an evaluation 2) **Embarrassingly parallel helper:** to make is easy to write readable parallel code and debug it quickly:: >>> from sklearn.externals.joblib import Parallel, delayed >>> from math import sqrt >>> Parallel(n_jobs=1)(delayed(sqrt)(i**2) for i in range(10)) [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0] 3) **Logging/tracing:** The different functionalities will progressively acquire better logging mechanism to help track what has been ran, and capture I/O easily. In addition, Joblib will provide a few I/O primitives, to easily define define logging and display streams, and provide a way of compiling a report. We want to be able to quickly inspect what has been run. 4) **Fast compressed Persistence**: a replacement for pickle to work efficiently on Python objects containing large data ( *joblib.dump* & *joblib.load* ). .. >>> import shutil ; shutil.rmtree('/tmp/joblib/') """ __version__ = '0.8.4' from .memory import Memory, MemorizedResult from .logger import PrintTime from .logger import Logger from .hashing import hash from .numpy_pickle import dump from .numpy_pickle import load from .parallel import Parallel from .parallel import delayed from .parallel import cpu_count
# (C) British Crown Copyright 2014 - 2016, Met Office # # This file is part of Iris. # # Iris is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Iris is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with Iris. If not, see <>. """Unit tests for the :mod:`iris.plot` module.""" from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) from six.moves import (filter, input, map, range, zip) # noqa # Import iris.tests first so that some things can be initialised before # importing anything else. import iris.tests as tests from iris.plot import _broadcast_2d as broadcast from iris.coords import AuxCoord from iris.tests.stock import simple_2d, lat_lon_cube @tests.skip_plot class TestGraphicStringCoord(tests.GraphicsTest): def setUp(self): super(TestGraphicStringCoord, self).setUp() self.cube = simple_2d(with_bounds=True) self.cube.add_aux_coord(AuxCoord(list('abcd'), long_name='str_coord'), 1) self.lat_lon_cube = lat_lon_cube() def tick_loc_and_label(self, axis_name, axes=None): # Intentional lazy import so that subclasses can have an opportunity # to change the backend. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Draw the plot to 'fix' the ticks. if axes: axes.figure.canvas.draw() else: axes = plt.gca() plt.draw() axis = getattr(axes, axis_name) locations = axis.get_majorticklocs() labels = [tick.get_text() for tick in axis.get_ticklabels()] return list(zip(locations, labels)) def assertBoundsTickLabels(self, axis, axes=None): actual = self.tick_loc_and_label(axis, axes) expected = [(-1.0, ''), (0.0, 'a'), (1.0, 'b'), (2.0, 'c'), (3.0, 'd'), (4.0, '')] self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def assertPointsTickLabels(self, axis, axes=None): actual = self.tick_loc_and_label(axis, axes) expected = [(0.0, 'a'), (1.0, 'b'), (2.0, 'c'), (3.0, 'd')] self.assertEqual(expected, actual) @tests.skip_plot class MixinCoords(object): """ Mixin class of common plotting tests providing 2-dimensional permutations of coordinates and anonymous dimensions. """ def _check(self, u, v, data=None): self.assertEqual(self.mpl_patch.call_count, 1) if data is not None: (actual_u, actual_v, actual_data), _ = self.mpl_patch.call_args self.assertArrayEqual(actual_data, data) else: (actual_u, actual_v), _ = self.mpl_patch.call_args self.assertArrayEqual(actual_u, u) self.assertArrayEqual(actual_v, v) def test_foo_bar(self): self.draw_func(self.cube, coords=('foo', 'bar')) u, v = broadcast(, self._check(u, v, def test_bar_foo(self): self.draw_func(self.cube, coords=('bar', 'foo')) u, v = broadcast(, self._check(u, v, self.dataT) def test_foo_0(self): self.draw_func(self.cube, coords=('foo', 0)) u, v = broadcast(, self.bar_index) self._check(u, v, def test_1_bar(self): self.draw_func(self.cube, coords=(1, 'bar')) u, v = broadcast(self.foo_index, self._check(u, v, def test_1_0(self): self.draw_func(self.cube, coords=(1, 0)) u, v = broadcast(self.foo_index, self.bar_index) self._check(u, v, def test_0_foo(self): self.draw_func(self.cube, coords=(0, 'foo')) u, v = broadcast(self.bar_index, self._check(u, v, self.dataT) def test_bar_1(self): self.draw_func(self.cube, coords=('bar', 1)) u, v = broadcast(, self.foo_index) self._check(u, v, self.dataT) def test_0_1(self): self.draw_func(self.cube, coords=(0, 1)) u, v = broadcast(self.bar_index, self.foo_index) self._check(u, v, self.dataT)
""" =================================================== Recursive feature elimination with cross-validation =================================================== A recursive feature elimination example with automatic tuning of the number of features selected with cross-validation. """ print(__doc__) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold from sklearn.feature_selection import RFECV from sklearn.datasets import make_classification # Build a classification task using 3 informative features X, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000, n_features=25, n_informative=3, n_redundant=2, n_repeated=0, n_classes=8, n_clusters_per_class=1, random_state=0) # Create the RFE object and compute a cross-validated score. svc = SVC(kernel="linear") # The "accuracy" scoring is proportional to the number of correct # classifications rfecv = RFECV(estimator=svc, step=1, cv=StratifiedKFold(2), scoring='accuracy'), y) print("Optimal number of features : %d" % rfecv.n_features_) # Plot number of features VS. cross-validation scores plt.figure() plt.xlabel("Number of features selected") plt.ylabel("Cross validation score (nb of correct classifications)") plt.plot(range(1, len(rfecv.grid_scores_) + 1), rfecv.grid_scores_)
# Copyright 2020 SAS Project Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. r"""ESC Impact Simulator. For evaluation of the impact of ESC protection into CBSD transmit power. It uses the IAP reference implementation to assess how much power reduction is required on each CBSD in the network. Inputs: - Some JSON FADs file defining the ESC networks. - A CBSD deployment model. It can be either: + a JSON file defining the CBSD deployment model. For example one can use any NTIA model that was generated for DPA neighborhood studies, found in: + The default NTIA nationwide deployment model (if no file specified): this one is defined in the 2 CSV files NationWide_CatA, NationWide_CatB found in the same data directory as above. Output: - A figure showing the impact of ESC protection on CBSDs power. - A CSV file showing every CBSD with requested/obtained power. Example Usage: # Run the simulation for a list of grants, on all sensors of 2 ESC FADS. python --cbsd_file data/ \ --esc_fads esc1_fad.json,esc2_fad.json # Run the simulation for a list of grants, on selected sensors of 2 ESC FADS: # + only the sensors whose name contains `W12` and `W13` string. # + also output one CSV per sensor containing all impacted CBSD. python --cbsd_file data/ \ --esc_fads esc1_fad.json,esc2_fad.json \ --sensors W12,W13 \ --output_csv """ import argparse import json import glob import as ccrs import csv import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import shapely.geometry as sgeo import iap_patch from deploy_model import deploy from reference_models.iap import iap from reference_models.geo import vincenty from import entities from import sim_utils #---------------------------------------- # Setup the command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='ESC Impact Simulator') # - Generic config. parser.add_argument('--cbsd_file', type=str, default='', help='CBSD deployment file (JSON).') parser.add_argument('--esc_fads', type=str, default='', help='The ESC FADs file (JSON) separated by a comma.') parser.add_argument('--per_sensor', action='store_true', help='If set, no ESC aggregation.') parser.add_argument('--output_csv', action='store_true', help='If set, output CSV per sensor of all impacted CBSD.') parser.add_argument('--sectorized_catb', action='store_true', help='If set, modelize CatB as multi sector.') parser.set_defaults(sectorized_catb=False) parser.add_argument('--sensors', type=str, default='', help='Sensors to analyse (prefix).') options = parser.parse_args() #-------------------------------------------------- # The simulation def esc_impact_sim(cbsd_reg_grant, esc_fads, sensor_filters=None, per_sensor_mode=False, do_csv_output=False, force_catb_omni=True): """ESC impact simulation. Performs simulation on given input (CBSD and ESC), creates resulting plots and output CSV file. Args: cbsd_reg_grant: The CBSD file (JSON) in 'reg_grant' format. esc_fads: A list of ESC FAD data (JSON). sensor_filters: List of string for filtering sensor (ex: W13, google, ..). per_sensor_mode: If set, computes impact stats per sensor. No plots or CSV output is done. do_csv_output: If set, output """ # Read the grants: if cbsd_reg_grant: # .. from 'reg_grant' file grants, _ = sim_utils.ReadTestHarnessConfigFile(cbsd_reg_grant) else: # .. from the default nation wide deployment model print('Using NTIA NationWide deployment model') cbsds = deploy.ReadNationWideDeploymentModel(force_omni=force_catb_omni) grants = entities.ConvertToCbsdGrantInfo(cbsds, 3550, 3560) # Reads the ESC sensors from all FADs. sensors = [] for fad in esc_fads: sensors.extend(json.load(open(fad))['recordData']) # Filter the ESCs to simulate. if sensor_filters: filt_sensors = [] for sensor in sensors: for token in sensor_filters: if token in sensor['id']: filt_sensors.append(sensor) break sensors = filt_sensors if not sensors: print('Simulation cancelled - No sensor name containing one of %s' % sensor_filters) return print('ESCs included in the simulation:') print([sensor['id'] for sensor in sensors]) # Run IAP simulation. if not per_sensor_mode: for sensor in sensors: esc_allowed_interference = iap.performIapForEsc(sensor, grants, []) impacted_grants = [grant for grant in grants if max(grant.iap_eirp) - min(grant.iap_eirp) > 0] print('Number of impacted CBSDs: %d' % len(impacted_grants)) else: # Special mode for getting # impacted grants per sensor independently. for sensor in sensors: # Clear iap_eirp before simulation of each ESC for grant in grants: grant.iap_eirp.clear() grant.iap_eirp.add(grant.max_eirp) esc_allowed_interference = iap.performIapForEsc(sensor, grants, []) impacted_grants = [grant for grant in grants if max(grant.iap_eirp) - min(grant.iap_eirp) > 0] print('Number of CBSDs impacted by %s: %d' % (sensor['id'], len(impacted_grants))) return # Output the CSV. if do_csv_output: for sensor in sensors: sensor_loc = (sensor['installationParam']['latitude'], sensor['installationParam']['longitude']) neighbor_grants = [] sensor_name = sensor['id'].split('/') for idx, grant in enumerate(grants): dist_km, _, _ = vincenty.GeodesicDistanceBearing( grant.latitude, grant.longitude, sensor_loc[0], sensor_loc[1]) if ((grant.cbsd_category == 'A' and dist_km <= 40) or (grant.cbsd_category == 'B' and dist_km <= 80)): neighbor_grants.append( [sensor_name[1], sensor_name[2], idx, grant.cbsd_category, grant.indoor_deployment, grant.height_agl, dist_km, grant.antenna_gain, grant.max_eirp + 10, min(grant.iap_eirp) + 10]) file_name = sensor_name[2] + '_neighbors.csv' with open(file_name, 'w') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow( ['ESC Network', 'ESC Sensor','CBSD ID','CBSD Category','Indoor CBSD', 'CBSD AGL','Distance to ESC (km)','CBSD Antenna Gain (dBi)', 'Max EIRP (dBm/10MHz)','Actual EIRP (dBm/10MHz)']) writer.writerows(neighbor_grants) # Retrieve the delta EIRP for plots and stats. delta_eirp = [] for grant in grants: delta_eirp.append(max(grant.iap_eirp) - min(grant.iap_eirp)) # Create figure with simple projection. fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) subplot = 111 ax = fig.add_subplot(subplot, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # Finds the bounding box (all CBSDs). box_margin = 0.1 # about 10km box =*sgeo.MultiPoint( [(grant.longitude, grant.latitude) for grant in grants]).bounds) box = box.buffer(box_margin) # Plot geometries. ax.axis([box.bounds[0], box.bounds[2], box.bounds[1], box.bounds[3]]) ax.coastlines() ax.stock_img() # class1: no power reduction class1_grants = [grant for grant in grants if max(grant.iap_eirp) == min(grant.iap_eirp)] class1_locations = ([grant.longitude for grant in class1_grants], [grant.latitude for grant in class1_grants]) ax.scatter(*class1_locations, c='g', marker='1', s=50, label='0 dB power reduction: %d' % len(class1_grants) ) # class2: less than 10 dB power reduction class2_grants = [grant for grant in grants if (max(grant.iap_eirp) > min(grant.iap_eirp) and max(grant.iap_eirp)-min(grant.iap_eirp) < 10)] class2_locations = ([grant.longitude for grant in class2_grants], [grant.latitude for grant in class2_grants]) ax.scatter(*class2_locations, c='b', marker='1', s=50, label='<10 dB power reduction: %d' % len(class2_grants) ) # class3: 10 dB or more power reduction class3_grants = [grant for grant in grants if max(grant.iap_eirp) - min(grant.iap_eirp) >= 10] class3_locations = ([grant.longitude for grant in class3_grants], [grant.latitude for grant in class3_grants]) ax.scatter(*class3_locations, c='r', marker='1', s=50, label='>=10 dB power reduction: %d' % len(class3_grants) ) ax.legend(loc=0) ax.set_title('ESC Protection') # Print histogram of power reduction power_reduction = [max(grant.iap_eirp) - min(grant.iap_eirp) for grant in grants] plt.figure() plt.hist(power_reduction, bins=np.arange(0.1, 50, 1)) plt.xlabel('CBSD power reduction') plt.ylabel('# of CBSDs') plt.grid() #---------------------------------------------------------------- # Script main runner if __name__ == '__main__': esc_fads = options.esc_fads.split(',') sensor_filters = options.sensors.split(',') esc_impact_sim(options.cbsd_file, esc_fads, sensor_filters, options.per_sensor, options.output_csv, force_catb_omni=not options.sectorized_catb)
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta import random import re import numpy as np import pytest from pandas.core.dtypes.common import is_categorical_dtype, is_object_dtype from pandas.core.dtypes.dtypes import CategoricalDtype import pandas as pd from pandas import ( Categorical, CategoricalIndex, DataFrame, DatetimeIndex, Float64Index, Int64Index, IntervalIndex, MultiIndex, PeriodIndex, RangeIndex, Series, TimedeltaIndex, UInt64Index, ) import pandas._testing as tm from pandas.api.types import CategoricalDtype as CDT from pandas.core.reshape.concat import concat from pandas.core.reshape.merge import MergeError, merge N = 50 NGROUPS = 8 def get_test_data(ngroups=NGROUPS, n=N): unique_groups = list(range(ngroups)) arr = np.asarray(np.tile(unique_groups, n // ngroups)) if len(arr) < n: arr = np.asarray(list(arr) + unique_groups[: n - len(arr)]) random.shuffle(arr) return arr def get_series(): return [ Series([1], dtype="int64"), Series([1], dtype="Int64"), Series([1.23]), Series(["foo"]), Series([True]), Series([pd.Timestamp("2018-01-01")]), Series([pd.Timestamp("2018-01-01", tz="US/Eastern")]), ] def get_series_na(): return [ Series([np.nan], dtype="Int64"), Series([np.nan], dtype="float"), Series([np.nan], dtype="object"), Series([pd.NaT]), ] @pytest.fixture(params=get_series(), ids=lambda x: def series_of_dtype(request): """ A parametrized fixture returning a variety of Series of different dtypes """ return request.param @pytest.fixture(params=get_series(), ids=lambda x: def series_of_dtype2(request): """ A duplicate of the series_of_dtype fixture, so that it can be used twice by a single function """ return request.param @pytest.fixture(params=get_series_na(), ids=lambda x: def series_of_dtype_all_na(request): """ A parametrized fixture returning a variety of Series with all NA values """ return request.param class TestMerge: def setup_method(self, method): # aggregate multiple columns self.df = DataFrame( { "key1": get_test_data(), "key2": get_test_data(), "data1": np.random.randn(N), "data2": np.random.randn(N), } ) # exclude a couple keys for fun self.df = self.df[self.df["key2"] > 1] self.df2 = DataFrame( { "key1": get_test_data(n=N // 5), "key2": get_test_data(ngroups=NGROUPS // 2, n=N // 5), "value": np.random.randn(N // 5), } ) self.left = DataFrame( {"key": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "e", "a"], "v1": np.random.randn(7)} ) self.right = DataFrame({"v2": np.random.randn(4)}, index=["d", "b", "c", "a"]) def test_merge_inner_join_empty(self): # GH 15328 df_empty = DataFrame() df_a = DataFrame({"a": [1, 2]}, index=[0, 1], dtype="int64") result = pd.merge(df_empty, df_a, left_index=True, right_index=True) expected = DataFrame({"a": []}, index=[], dtype="int64") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_merge_common(self): joined = merge(self.df, self.df2) exp = merge(self.df, self.df2, on=["key1", "key2"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(joined, exp) def test_merge_non_string_columns(self): # # Checks that method runs for non string column names left = DataFrame( {0: [1, 0, 1, 0], 1: [0, 1, 0, 0], 2: [0, 0, 2, 0], 3: [1, 0, 0, 3]} ) right = left.astype(float) expected = left result = pd.merge(left, right) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) def test_merge_index_as_on_arg(self): # GH14355 left = self.df.set_index("key1") right = self.df2.set_index("key1") result = merge(left, right, on="key1") expected = merge(self.df, self.df2, on="key1").set_index("key1") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_merge_index_singlekey_right_vs_left(self): left = DataFrame( {"key": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "e", "a"], "v1": np.random.randn(7)} ) right = DataFrame({"v2": np.random.randn(4)}, index=["d", "b", "c", "a"]) merged1 = merge( left, right, left_on="key", right_index=True, how="left", sort=False ) merged2 = merge( right, left, right_on="key", left_index=True, how="right", sort=False ) tm.assert_frame_equal(merged1, merged2.loc[:, merged1.columns]) merged1 = merge( left, right, left_on="key", right_index=True, how="left", sort=True ) merged2 = merge( right, left, right_on="key", left_index=True, how="right", sort=True ) tm.assert_frame_equal(merged1, merged2.loc[:, merged1.columns]) def test_merge_index_singlekey_inner(self): left = DataFrame( {"key": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "e", "a"], "v1": np.random.randn(7)} ) right = DataFrame({"v2": np.random.randn(4)}, index=["d", "b", "c", "a"]) # inner join result = merge(left, right, left_on="key", right_index=True, how="inner") expected = left.join(right, on="key").loc[result.index] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = merge(right, left, right_on="key", left_index=True, how="inner") expected = left.join(right, on="key").loc[result.index] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected.loc[:, result.columns]) def test_merge_misspecified(self): msg = "Must pass right_on or right_index=True" with pytest.raises(pd.errors.MergeError, match=msg): merge(self.left, self.right, left_index=True) msg = "Must pass left_on or left_index=True" with pytest.raises(pd.errors.MergeError, match=msg): merge(self.left, self.right, right_index=True) msg = ( 'Can only pass argument "on" OR "left_on" and "right_on", not ' "a combination of both" ) with pytest.raises(pd.errors.MergeError, match=msg): merge(self.left, self.left, left_on="key", on="key") msg = r"len\(right_on\) must equal len\(left_on\)" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): merge(self.df, self.df2, left_on=["key1"], right_on=["key1", "key2"]) def test_index_and_on_parameters_confusion(self): msg = "right_index parameter must be of type bool, not <class 'list'>" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): merge( self.df, self.df2, how="left", left_index=False, right_index=["key1", "key2"], ) msg = "left_index parameter must be of type bool, not <class 'list'>" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): merge( self.df, self.df2, how="left", left_index=["key1", "key2"], right_index=False, ) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): merge( self.df, self.df2, how="left", left_index=["key1", "key2"], right_index=["key1", "key2"], ) def test_merge_overlap(self): merged = merge(self.left, self.left, on="key") exp_len = (self.left["key"].value_counts() ** 2).sum() assert len(merged) == exp_len assert "v1_x" in merged assert "v1_y" in merged def test_merge_different_column_key_names(self): left = DataFrame({"lkey": ["foo", "bar", "baz", "foo"], "value": [1, 2, 3, 4]}) right = DataFrame({"rkey": ["foo", "bar", "qux", "foo"], "value": [5, 6, 7, 8]}) merged = left.merge( right, left_on="lkey", right_on="rkey", how="outer", sort=True ) exp = Series(["bar", "baz", "foo", "foo", "foo", "foo", np.nan], name="lkey") tm.assert_series_equal(merged["lkey"], exp) exp = Series(["bar", np.nan, "foo", "foo", "foo", "foo", "qux"], name="rkey") tm.assert_series_equal(merged["rkey"], exp) exp = Series([2, 3, 1, 1, 4, 4, np.nan], name="value_x") tm.assert_series_equal(merged["value_x"], exp) exp = Series([6, np.nan, 5, 8, 5, 8, 7], name="value_y") tm.assert_series_equal(merged["value_y"], exp) def test_merge_copy(self): left = DataFrame({"a": 0, "b": 1}, index=range(10)) right = DataFrame({"c": "foo", "d": "bar"}, index=range(10)) merged = merge(left, right, left_index=True, right_index=True, copy=True) merged["a"] = 6 assert (left["a"] == 0).all() merged["d"] = "peekaboo" assert (right["d"] == "bar").all() def test_merge_nocopy(self): left = DataFrame({"a": 0, "b": 1}, index=range(10)) right = DataFrame({"c": "foo", "d": "bar"}, index=range(10)) merged = merge(left, right, left_index=True, right_index=True, copy=False) merged["a"] = 6 assert (left["a"] == 6).all() merged["d"] = "peekaboo" assert (right["d"] == "peekaboo").all() def test_intelligently_handle_join_key(self): # #733, be a bit more 1337 about not returning unconsolidated DataFrame left = DataFrame( {"key": [1, 1, 2, 2, 3], "value": list(range(5))}, columns=["value", "key"] ) right = DataFrame({"key": [1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "rvalue": list(range(6))}) joined = merge(left, right, on="key", how="outer") expected = DataFrame( { "key": [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5], "value": np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, np.nan, np.nan]), "rvalue": [0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5], }, columns=["value", "key", "rvalue"], ) tm.assert_frame_equal(joined, expected) def test_merge_join_key_dtype_cast(self): # #8596 df1 = DataFrame({"key": [1], "v1": [10]}) df2 = DataFrame({"key": [2], "v1": [20]}) df = merge(df1, df2, how="outer") assert df["key"].dtype == "int64" df1 = DataFrame({"key": [True], "v1": [1]}) df2 = DataFrame({"key": [False], "v1": [0]}) df = merge(df1, df2, how="outer") # GH13169 # this really should be bool assert df["key"].dtype == "object" df1 = DataFrame({"val": [1]}) df2 = DataFrame({"val": [2]}) lkey = np.array([1]) rkey = np.array([2]) df = merge(df1, df2, left_on=lkey, right_on=rkey, how="outer") assert df["key_0"].dtype == "int64" def test_handle_join_key_pass_array(self): left = DataFrame( {"key": [1, 1, 2, 2, 3], "value": np.arange(5)}, columns=["value", "key"] ) right = DataFrame({"rvalue": np.arange(6)}) key = np.array([1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) merged = merge(left, right, left_on="key", right_on=key, how="outer") merged2 = merge(right, left, left_on=key, right_on="key", how="outer") tm.assert_series_equal(merged["key"], merged2["key"]) assert merged["key"].notna().all() assert merged2["key"].notna().all() left = DataFrame({"value": np.arange(5)}, columns=["value"]) right = DataFrame({"rvalue": np.arange(6)}) lkey = np.array([1, 1, 2, 2, 3]) rkey = np.array([1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) merged = merge(left, right, left_on=lkey, right_on=rkey, how="outer") tm.assert_series_equal( merged["key_0"], Series([1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5], name="key_0") ) left = DataFrame({"value": np.arange(3)}) right = DataFrame({"rvalue": np.arange(6)}) key = np.array([0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3], dtype=np.int64) merged = merge(left, right, left_index=True, right_on=key, how="outer") tm.assert_series_equal(merged["key_0"], Series(key, name="key_0")) def test_no_overlap_more_informative_error(self): dt = df1 = DataFrame({"x": ["a"]}, index=[dt]) df2 = DataFrame({"y": ["b", "c"]}, index=[dt, dt]) msg = ( "No common columns to perform merge on. " f"Merge options: left_on={None}, right_on={None}, " f"left_index={False}, right_index={False}" ) with pytest.raises(MergeError, match=msg): merge(df1, df2) def test_merge_non_unique_indexes(self): dt = datetime(2012, 5, 1) dt2 = datetime(2012, 5, 2) dt3 = datetime(2012, 5, 3) dt4 = datetime(2012, 5, 4) df1 = DataFrame({"x": ["a"]}, index=[dt]) df2 = DataFrame({"y": ["b", "c"]}, index=[dt, dt]) _check_merge(df1, df2) # Not monotonic df1 = DataFrame({"x": ["a", "b", "q"]}, index=[dt2, dt, dt4]) df2 = DataFrame( {"y": ["c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h"]}, index=[dt3, dt3, dt2, dt2, dt, dt] ) _check_merge(df1, df2) df1 = DataFrame({"x": ["a", "b"]}, index=[dt, dt]) df2 = DataFrame({"y": ["c", "d"]}, index=[dt, dt]) _check_merge(df1, df2) def test_merge_non_unique_index_many_to_many(self): dt = datetime(2012, 5, 1) dt2 = datetime(2012, 5, 2) dt3 = datetime(2012, 5, 3) df1 = DataFrame({"x": ["a", "b", "c", "d"]}, index=[dt2, dt2, dt, dt]) df2 = DataFrame( {"y": ["e", "f", "g", " h", "i"]}, index=[dt2, dt2, dt3, dt, dt] ) _check_merge(df1, df2) def test_left_merge_empty_dataframe(self): left = DataFrame({"key": [1], "value": [2]}) right = DataFrame({"key": []}) result = merge(left, right, on="key", how="left") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, left) result = merge(right, left, on="key", how="right") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, left) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "kwarg", [ {"left_index": True, "right_index": True}, {"left_index": True, "right_on": "x"}, {"left_on": "a", "right_index": True}, {"left_on": "a", "right_on": "x"}, ], ) def test_merge_left_empty_right_empty(self, join_type, kwarg): # GH 10824 left = DataFrame(columns=["a", "b", "c"]) right = DataFrame(columns=["x", "y", "z"]) exp_in = DataFrame( columns=["a", "b", "c", "x", "y", "z"], index=pd.Index([], dtype=object), dtype=object, ) result = pd.merge(left, right, how=join_type, **kwarg) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp_in) def test_merge_left_empty_right_notempty(self): # GH 10824 left = DataFrame(columns=["a", "b", "c"]) right = DataFrame([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]], columns=["x", "y", "z"]) exp_out = DataFrame( { "a": np.array([np.nan] * 3, dtype=object), "b": np.array([np.nan] * 3, dtype=object), "c": np.array([np.nan] * 3, dtype=object), "x": [1, 4, 7], "y": [2, 5, 8], "z": [3, 6, 9], }, columns=["a", "b", "c", "x", "y", "z"], ) exp_in = exp_out[0:0] # make empty DataFrame keeping dtype # result will have object dtype exp_in.index = exp_in.index.astype(object) def check1(exp, kwarg): result = pd.merge(left, right, how="inner", **kwarg) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) result = pd.merge(left, right, how="left", **kwarg) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) def check2(exp, kwarg): result = pd.merge(left, right, how="right", **kwarg) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) result = pd.merge(left, right, how="outer", **kwarg) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) for kwarg in [ {"left_index": True, "right_index": True}, {"left_index": True, "right_on": "x"}, ]: check1(exp_in, kwarg) check2(exp_out, kwarg) kwarg = {"left_on": "a", "right_index": True} check1(exp_in, kwarg) exp_out["a"] = [0, 1, 2] check2(exp_out, kwarg) kwarg = {"left_on": "a", "right_on": "x"} check1(exp_in, kwarg) exp_out["a"] = np.array([np.nan] * 3, dtype=object) check2(exp_out, kwarg) def test_merge_left_notempty_right_empty(self): # GH 10824 left = DataFrame([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]], columns=["a", "b", "c"]) right = DataFrame(columns=["x", "y", "z"]) exp_out = DataFrame( { "a": [1, 4, 7], "b": [2, 5, 8], "c": [3, 6, 9], "x": np.array([np.nan] * 3, dtype=object), "y": np.array([np.nan] * 3, dtype=object), "z": np.array([np.nan] * 3, dtype=object), }, columns=["a", "b", "c", "x", "y", "z"], ) exp_in = exp_out[0:0] # make empty DataFrame keeping dtype # result will have object dtype exp_in.index = exp_in.index.astype(object) def check1(exp, kwarg): result = pd.merge(left, right, how="inner", **kwarg) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) result = pd.merge(left, right, how="right", **kwarg) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) def check2(exp, kwarg): result = pd.merge(left, right, how="left", **kwarg) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) result = pd.merge(left, right, how="outer", **kwarg) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) for kwarg in [ {"left_index": True, "right_index": True}, {"left_index": True, "right_on": "x"}, {"left_on": "a", "right_index": True}, {"left_on": "a", "right_on": "x"}, ]: check1(exp_in, kwarg) check2(exp_out, kwarg) def test_merge_empty_frame(self, series_of_dtype, series_of_dtype2): # GH 25183 df = DataFrame( {"key": series_of_dtype, "value": series_of_dtype2}, columns=["key", "value"], ) df_empty = df[:0] expected = DataFrame( { "value_x": Series(dtype=df.dtypes["value"]), "key": Series(dtype=df.dtypes["key"]), "value_y": Series(dtype=df.dtypes["value"]), }, columns=["value_x", "key", "value_y"], ) actual = df_empty.merge(df, on="key") tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected) def test_merge_all_na_column(self, series_of_dtype, series_of_dtype_all_na): # GH 25183 df_left = DataFrame( {"key": series_of_dtype, "value": series_of_dtype_all_na}, columns=["key", "value"], ) df_right = DataFrame( {"key": series_of_dtype, "value": series_of_dtype_all_na}, columns=["key", "value"], ) expected = DataFrame( { "key": series_of_dtype, "value_x": series_of_dtype_all_na, "value_y": series_of_dtype_all_na, }, columns=["key", "value_x", "value_y"], ) actual = df_left.merge(df_right, on="key") tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected) def test_merge_nosort(self): # GH#2098, TODO: anything to do? d = { "var1": np.random.randint(0, 10, size=10), "var2": np.random.randint(0, 10, size=10), "var3": [ datetime(2012, 1, 12), datetime(2011, 2, 4), datetime(2010, 2, 3), datetime(2012, 1, 12), datetime(2011, 2, 4), datetime(2012, 4, 3), datetime(2012, 3, 4), datetime(2008, 5, 1), datetime(2010, 2, 3), datetime(2012, 2, 3), ], } df = DataFrame.from_dict(d) var3 = df.var3.unique() var3.sort() new = DataFrame.from_dict({"var3": var3, "var8": np.random.random(7)}) result = df.merge(new, on="var3", sort=False) exp = merge(df, new, on="var3", sort=False) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) assert (df.var3.unique() == result.var3.unique()).all() @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("sort", "values"), [(False, [1, 1, 0, 1, 1]), (True, [0, 1, 1, 1, 1])] ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("how", ["left", "right"]) def test_merge_same_order_left_right(self, sort, values, how): # GH#35382 df = DataFrame({"a": [1, 0, 1]}) result = df.merge(df, on="a", how=how, sort=sort) expected = DataFrame(values, columns=["a"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_merge_nan_right(self): df1 = DataFrame({"i1": [0, 1], "i2": [0, 1]}) df2 = DataFrame({"i1": [0], "i3": [0]}) result = df1.join(df2, on="i1", rsuffix="_") expected = ( DataFrame( { "i1": {0: 0.0, 1: 1}, "i2": {0: 0, 1: 1}, "i1_": {0: 0, 1: np.nan}, "i3": {0: 0.0, 1: np.nan}, None: {0: 0, 1: 0}, } ) .set_index(None) .reset_index()[["i1", "i2", "i1_", "i3"]] ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected, check_dtype=False) df1 = DataFrame({"i1": [0, 1], "i2": [0.5, 1.5]}) df2 = DataFrame({"i1": [0], "i3": [0.7]}) result = df1.join(df2, rsuffix="_", on="i1") expected = DataFrame( { "i1": {0: 0, 1: 1}, "i1_": {0: 0.0, 1: np.nan}, "i2": {0: 0.5, 1: 1.5}, "i3": {0: 0.69999999999999996, 1: np.nan}, } )[["i1", "i2", "i1_", "i3"]] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_merge_type(self): class NotADataFrame(DataFrame): @property def _constructor(self): return NotADataFrame nad = NotADataFrame(self.df) result = nad.merge(self.df2, on="key1") assert isinstance(result, NotADataFrame) def test_join_append_timedeltas(self): # timedelta64 issues with join/merge # GH 5695 d = {"d": datetime(2013, 11, 5, 5, 56), "t": timedelta(0, 22500)} df = DataFrame(columns=list("dt")) df = df.append(d, ignore_index=True) result = df.append(d, ignore_index=True) expected = DataFrame( { "d": [datetime(2013, 11, 5, 5, 56), datetime(2013, 11, 5, 5, 56)], "t": [timedelta(0, 22500), timedelta(0, 22500)], } ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) td = np.timedelta64(300000000) lhs = DataFrame(Series([td, td], index=["A", "B"])) rhs = DataFrame(Series([td], index=["A"])) result = lhs.join(rhs, rsuffix="r", how="left") expected = DataFrame( { "0": Series([td, td], index=list("AB")), "0r": Series([td, pd.NaT], index=list("AB")), } ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_other_datetime_unit(self): # GH 13389 df1 = DataFrame({"entity_id": [101, 102]}) s = Series([None, None], index=[101, 102], name="days") for dtype in [ "datetime64[D]", "datetime64[h]", "datetime64[m]", "datetime64[s]", "datetime64[ms]", "datetime64[us]", "datetime64[ns]", ]: df2 = s.astype(dtype).to_frame("days") # coerces to datetime64[ns], thus should not be affected assert df2["days"].dtype == "datetime64[ns]" result = df1.merge(df2, left_on="entity_id", right_index=True) exp = DataFrame( { "entity_id": [101, 102], "days": np.array(["nat", "nat"], dtype="datetime64[ns]"), }, columns=["entity_id", "days"], ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) @pytest.mark.parametrize("unit", ["D", "h", "m", "s", "ms", "us", "ns"]) def test_other_timedelta_unit(self, unit): # GH 13389 df1 = DataFrame({"entity_id": [101, 102]}) s = Series([None, None], index=[101, 102], name="days") dtype = f"m8[{unit}]" df2 = s.astype(dtype).to_frame("days") assert df2["days"].dtype == "m8[ns]" result = df1.merge(df2, left_on="entity_id", right_index=True) exp = DataFrame( {"entity_id": [101, 102], "days": np.array(["nat", "nat"], dtype=dtype)}, columns=["entity_id", "days"], ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, exp) def test_overlapping_columns_error_message(self): df = DataFrame({"key": [1, 2, 3], "v1": [4, 5, 6], "v2": [7, 8, 9]}) df2 = DataFrame({"key": [1, 2, 3], "v1": [4, 5, 6], "v2": [7, 8, 9]}) df.columns = ["key", "foo", "foo"] df2.columns = ["key", "bar", "bar"] expected = DataFrame( { "key": [1, 2, 3], "v1": [4, 5, 6], "v2": [7, 8, 9], "v3": [4, 5, 6], "v4": [7, 8, 9], } ) expected.columns = ["key", "foo", "foo", "bar", "bar"] tm.assert_frame_equal(merge(df, df2), expected) # #2649, #10639 df2.columns = ["key1", "foo", "foo"] msg = r"Data columns not unique: Index\(\['foo'\], dtype='object'\)" with pytest.raises(MergeError, match=msg): merge(df, df2) def test_merge_on_datetime64tz(self): # GH11405 left = DataFrame( { "key": pd.date_range("20151010", periods=2, tz="US/Eastern"), "value": [1, 2], } ) right = DataFrame( { "key": pd.date_range("20151011", periods=3, tz="US/Eastern"), "value": [1, 2, 3], } ) expected = DataFrame( { "key": pd.date_range("20151010", periods=4, tz="US/Eastern"), "value_x": [1, 2, np.nan, np.nan], "value_y": [np.nan, 1, 2, 3], } ) result = pd.merge(left, right, on="key", how="outer") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) left = DataFrame( { "key": [1, 2], "value": pd.date_range("20151010", periods=2, tz="US/Eastern"), } ) right = DataFrame( { "key": [2, 3], "value": pd.date_range("20151011", periods=2, tz="US/Eastern"), } ) expected = DataFrame( { "key": [1, 2, 3], "value_x": list(pd.date_range("20151010", periods=2, tz="US/Eastern")) + [pd.NaT], "value_y": [pd.NaT] + list(pd.date_range("20151011", periods=2, tz="US/Eastern")), } ) result = pd.merge(left, right, on="key", how="outer") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) assert result["value_x"].dtype == "datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]" assert result["value_y"].dtype == "datetime64[ns, US/Eastern]" def test_merge_on_datetime64tz_empty(self): # dtz = pd.DatetimeTZDtype(tz="UTC") right = DataFrame( { "date": [pd.Timestamp("2018",], "value": [4.0], "date2": [pd.Timestamp("2019",], }, columns=["date", "value", "date2"], ) left = right[:0] result = left.merge(right, on="date") expected = DataFrame( { "value_x": Series(dtype=float), "date2_x": Series(dtype=dtz), "date": Series(dtype=dtz), "value_y": Series(dtype=float), "date2_y": Series(dtype=dtz), }, columns=["value_x", "date2_x", "date", "value_y", "date2_y"], ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_merge_datetime64tz_with_dst_transition(self): # GH 18885 df1 = DataFrame( pd.date_range("2017-10-29 01:00", periods=4, freq="H", tz="Europe/Madrid"), columns=["date"], ) df1["value"] = 1 df2 = DataFrame( { "date": pd.to_datetime( [ "2017-10-29 03:00:00", "2017-10-29 04:00:00", "2017-10-29 05:00:00", ] ), "value": 2, } ) df2["date"] = df2["date"].dt.tz_localize("UTC").dt.tz_convert("Europe/Madrid") result = pd.merge(df1, df2, how="outer", on="date") expected = DataFrame( { "date": pd.date_range( "2017-10-29 01:00", periods=7, freq="H", tz="Europe/Madrid" ), "value_x": [1] * 4 + [np.nan] * 3, "value_y": [np.nan] * 4 + [2] * 3, } ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_merge_non_unique_period_index(self): # GH #16871 index = pd.period_range("2016-01-01", periods=16, freq="M") df = DataFrame(list(range(len(index))), index=index, columns=["pnum"]) df2 = concat([df, df]) result = df.merge(df2, left_index=True, right_index=True, how="inner") expected = DataFrame( np.tile(np.arange(16, dtype=np.int64).repeat(2).reshape(-1, 1), 2), columns=["pnum_x", "pnum_y"], index=df2.sort_index().index, ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_merge_on_periods(self): left = DataFrame( {"key": pd.period_range("20151010", periods=2, freq="D"), "value": [1, 2]} ) right = DataFrame( { "key": pd.period_range("20151011", periods=3, freq="D"), "value": [1, 2, 3], } ) expected = DataFrame( { "key": pd.period_range("20151010", periods=4, freq="D"), "value_x": [1, 2, np.nan, np.nan], "value_y": [np.nan, 1, 2, 3], } ) result = pd.merge(left, right, on="key", how="outer") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) left = DataFrame( {"key": [1, 2], "value": pd.period_range("20151010", periods=2, freq="D")} ) right = DataFrame( {"key": [2, 3], "value": pd.period_range("20151011", periods=2, freq="D")} ) exp_x = pd.period_range("20151010", periods=2, freq="D") exp_y = pd.period_range("20151011", periods=2, freq="D") expected = DataFrame( { "key": [1, 2, 3], "value_x": list(exp_x) + [pd.NaT], "value_y": [pd.NaT] + list(exp_y), } ) result = pd.merge(left, right, on="key", how="outer") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) assert result["value_x"].dtype == "Period[D]" assert result["value_y"].dtype == "Period[D]" def test_indicator(self): # PR #10054. xref #7412 and closes #8790. df1 = DataFrame( {"col1": [0, 1], "col_conflict": [1, 2], "col_left": ["a", "b"]} ) df1_copy = df1.copy() df2 = DataFrame( { "col1": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "col_conflict": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "col_right": [2, 2, 2, 2, 2], } ) df2_copy = df2.copy() df_result = DataFrame( { "col1": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "col_conflict_x": [1, 2, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], "col_left": ["a", "b", np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], "col_conflict_y": [np.nan, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "col_right": [np.nan, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], } ) df_result["_merge"] = Categorical( [ "left_only", "both", "right_only", "right_only", "right_only", "right_only", ], categories=["left_only", "right_only", "both"], ) df_result = df_result[ [ "col1", "col_conflict_x", "col_left", "col_conflict_y", "col_right", "_merge", ] ] test = merge(df1, df2, on="col1", how="outer", indicator=True) tm.assert_frame_equal(test, df_result) test = df1.merge(df2, on="col1", how="outer", indicator=True) tm.assert_frame_equal(test, df_result) # No side effects tm.assert_frame_equal(df1, df1_copy) tm.assert_frame_equal(df2, df2_copy) # Check with custom name df_result_custom_name = df_result df_result_custom_name = df_result_custom_name.rename( columns={"_merge": "custom_name"} ) test_custom_name = merge( df1, df2, on="col1", how="outer", indicator="custom_name" ) tm.assert_frame_equal(test_custom_name, df_result_custom_name) test_custom_name = df1.merge( df2, on="col1", how="outer", indicator="custom_name" ) tm.assert_frame_equal(test_custom_name, df_result_custom_name) # Check only accepts strings and booleans msg = "indicator option can only accept boolean or string arguments" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): merge(df1, df2, on="col1", how="outer", indicator=5) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): df1.merge(df2, on="col1", how="outer", indicator=5) # Check result integrity test2 = merge(df1, df2, on="col1", how="left", indicator=True) assert (test2._merge != "right_only").all() test2 = df1.merge(df2, on="col1", how="left", indicator=True) assert (test2._merge != "right_only").all() test3 = merge(df1, df2, on="col1", how="right", indicator=True) assert (test3._merge != "left_only").all() test3 = df1.merge(df2, on="col1", how="right", indicator=True) assert (test3._merge != "left_only").all() test4 = merge(df1, df2, on="col1", how="inner", indicator=True) assert (test4._merge == "both").all() test4 = df1.merge(df2, on="col1", how="inner", indicator=True) assert (test4._merge == "both").all() # Check if working name in df for i in ["_right_indicator", "_left_indicator", "_merge"]: df_badcolumn = DataFrame({"col1": [1, 2], i: [2, 2]}) msg = ( "Cannot use `indicator=True` option when data contains a " f"column named {i}|" "Cannot use name of an existing column for indicator column" ) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): merge(df1, df_badcolumn, on="col1", how="outer", indicator=True) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): df1.merge(df_badcolumn, on="col1", how="outer", indicator=True) # Check for name conflict with custom name df_badcolumn = DataFrame({"col1": [1, 2], "custom_column_name": [2, 2]}) msg = "Cannot use name of an existing column for indicator column" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): merge( df1, df_badcolumn, on="col1", how="outer", indicator="custom_column_name", ) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): df1.merge( df_badcolumn, on="col1", how="outer", indicator="custom_column_name" ) # Merge on multiple columns df3 = DataFrame({"col1": [0, 1], "col2": ["a", "b"]}) df4 = DataFrame({"col1": [1, 1, 3], "col2": ["b", "x", "y"]}) hand_coded_result = DataFrame( {"col1": [0, 1, 1, 3], "col2": ["a", "b", "x", "y"]} ) hand_coded_result["_merge"] = Categorical( ["left_only", "both", "right_only", "right_only"], categories=["left_only", "right_only", "both"], ) test5 = merge(df3, df4, on=["col1", "col2"], how="outer", indicator=True) tm.assert_frame_equal(test5, hand_coded_result) test5 = df3.merge(df4, on=["col1", "col2"], how="outer", indicator=True) tm.assert_frame_equal(test5, hand_coded_result) def test_validation(self): left = DataFrame( {"a": ["a", "b", "c", "d"], "b": ["cat", "dog", "weasel", "horse"]}, index=range(4), ) right = DataFrame( { "a": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"], "c": ["meow", "bark", "um... weasel noise?", "nay", "chirp"], }, index=range(5), ) # Make sure no side effects. left_copy = left.copy() right_copy = right.copy() result = merge(left, right, left_index=True, right_index=True, validate="1:1") tm.assert_frame_equal(left, left_copy) tm.assert_frame_equal(right, right_copy) # make sure merge still correct expected = DataFrame( { "a_x": ["a", "b", "c", "d"], "b": ["cat", "dog", "weasel", "horse"], "a_y": ["a", "b", "c", "d"], "c": ["meow", "bark", "um... weasel noise?", "nay"], }, index=range(4), columns=["a_x", "b", "a_y", "c"], ) result = merge( left, right, left_index=True, right_index=True, validate="one_to_one" ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) expected_2 = DataFrame( { "a": ["a", "b", "c", "d"], "b": ["cat", "dog", "weasel", "horse"], "c": ["meow", "bark", "um... weasel noise?", "nay"], }, index=range(4), ) result = merge(left, right, on="a", validate="1:1") tm.assert_frame_equal(left, left_copy) tm.assert_frame_equal(right, right_copy) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected_2) result = merge(left, right, on="a", validate="one_to_one") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected_2) # One index, one column expected_3 = DataFrame( { "b": ["cat", "dog", "weasel", "horse"], "a": ["a", "b", "c", "d"], "c": ["meow", "bark", "um... weasel noise?", "nay"], }, columns=["b", "a", "c"], index=range(4), ) left_index_reset = left.set_index("a") result = merge( left_index_reset, right, left_index=True, right_on="a", validate="one_to_one", ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected_3) # Dups on right right_w_dups = right.append(DataFrame({"a": ["e"], "c": ["moo"]}, index=[4])) merge( left, right_w_dups, left_index=True, right_index=True, validate="one_to_many", ) msg = "Merge keys are not unique in right dataset; not a one-to-one merge" with pytest.raises(MergeError, match=msg): merge( left, right_w_dups, left_index=True, right_index=True, validate="one_to_one", ) with pytest.raises(MergeError, match=msg): merge(left, right_w_dups, on="a", validate="one_to_one") # Dups on left left_w_dups = left.append( DataFrame({"a": ["a"], "c": ["cow"]}, index=[3]), sort=True ) merge( left_w_dups, right, left_index=True, right_index=True, validate="many_to_one", ) msg = "Merge keys are not unique in left dataset; not a one-to-one merge" with pytest.raises(MergeError, match=msg): merge( left_w_dups, right, left_index=True, right_index=True, validate="one_to_one", ) with pytest.raises(MergeError, match=msg): merge(left_w_dups, right, on="a", validate="one_to_one") # Dups on both merge(left_w_dups, right_w_dups, on="a", validate="many_to_many") msg = "Merge keys are not unique in right dataset; not a many-to-one merge" with pytest.raises(MergeError, match=msg): merge( left_w_dups, right_w_dups, left_index=True, right_index=True, validate="many_to_one", ) msg = "Merge keys are not unique in left dataset; not a one-to-many merge" with pytest.raises(MergeError, match=msg): merge(left_w_dups, right_w_dups, on="a", validate="one_to_many") # Check invalid arguments msg = "Not a valid argument for validate" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): merge(left, right, on="a", validate="jibberish") # Two column merge, dups in both, but jointly no dups. left = DataFrame( { "a": ["a", "a", "b", "b"], "b": [0, 1, 0, 1], "c": ["cat", "dog", "weasel", "horse"], }, index=range(4), ) right = DataFrame( { "a": ["a", "a", "b"], "b": [0, 1, 0], "d": ["meow", "bark", "um... weasel noise?"], }, index=range(3), ) expected_multi = DataFrame( { "a": ["a", "a", "b"], "b": [0, 1, 0], "c": ["cat", "dog", "weasel"], "d": ["meow", "bark", "um... weasel noise?"], }, index=range(3), ) msg = ( "Merge keys are not unique in either left or right dataset; " "not a one-to-one merge" ) with pytest.raises(MergeError, match=msg): merge(left, right, on="a", validate="1:1") result = merge(left, right, on=["a", "b"], validate="1:1") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected_multi) def test_merge_two_empty_df_no_division_error(self): # GH17776, PR #17846 a = DataFrame({"a": [], "b": [], "c": []}) with np.errstate(divide="raise"): merge(a, a, on=("a", "b")) @pytest.mark.parametrize("how", ["right", "outer"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "index,expected_index", [ ( CategoricalIndex([1, 2, 4]), CategoricalIndex([1, 2, 4, None, None, None]), ), ( DatetimeIndex(["2001-01-01", "2002-02-02", "2003-03-03"]), DatetimeIndex( ["2001-01-01", "2002-02-02", "2003-03-03", pd.NaT, pd.NaT, pd.NaT] ), ), (Float64Index([1, 2, 3]), Float64Index([1, 2, 3, None, None, None])), (Int64Index([1, 2, 3]), Float64Index([1, 2, 3, None, None, None])), ( IntervalIndex.from_tuples([(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]), IntervalIndex.from_tuples( [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), np.nan, np.nan, np.nan] ), ), ( PeriodIndex(["2001-01-01", "2001-01-02", "2001-01-03"], freq="D"), PeriodIndex( ["2001-01-01", "2001-01-02", "2001-01-03", pd.NaT, pd.NaT, pd.NaT], freq="D", ), ), ( TimedeltaIndex(["1d", "2d", "3d"]), TimedeltaIndex(["1d", "2d", "3d", pd.NaT, pd.NaT, pd.NaT]), ), ], ) def test_merge_on_index_with_more_values(self, how, index, expected_index): # GH 24212 # pd.merge gets [0, 1, 2, -1, -1, -1] as left_indexer, ensure that # -1 is interpreted as a missing value instead of the last element df1 = DataFrame({"a": [0, 1, 2], "key": [0, 1, 2]}, index=index) df2 = DataFrame({"b": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}) result = df1.merge(df2, left_on="key", right_index=True, how=how) expected = DataFrame( [ [0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2], [np.nan, 3, 3], [np.nan, 4, 4], [np.nan, 5, 5], ], columns=["a", "key", "b"], ) expected.set_index(expected_index, inplace=True) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_merge_right_index_right(self): # Note: the expected output here is probably incorrect. # See for more. # We include this as a regression test for GH-24897. left = DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3], "key": [0, 1, 1]}) right = DataFrame({"b": [1, 2, 3]}) expected = DataFrame( {"a": [1, 2, 3, None], "key": [0, 1, 1, 2], "b": [1, 2, 2, 3]}, columns=["a", "key", "b"], index=[0, 1, 2, np.nan], ) result = left.merge(right, left_on="key", right_index=True, how="right") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("how", ["left", "right"]) def test_merge_preserves_row_order(self, how): # GH 27453 left_df = DataFrame({"animal": ["dog", "pig"], "max_speed": [40, 11]}) right_df = DataFrame({"animal": ["quetzal", "pig"], "max_speed": [80, 11]}) result = left_df.merge(right_df, on=["animal", "max_speed"], how=how) if how == "right": expected = DataFrame({"animal": ["quetzal", "pig"], "max_speed": [80, 11]}) else: expected = DataFrame({"animal": ["dog", "pig"], "max_speed": [40, 11]}) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_merge_take_missing_values_from_index_of_other_dtype(self): # GH 24212 left = DataFrame( { "a": [1, 2, 3], "key": Categorical(["a", "a", "b"], categories=list("abc")), } ) right = DataFrame({"b": [1, 2, 3]}, index=CategoricalIndex(["a", "b", "c"])) result = left.merge(right, left_on="key", right_index=True, how="right") expected = DataFrame( { "a": [1, 2, 3, None], "key": Categorical(["a", "a", "b", "c"]), "b": [1, 1, 2, 3], }, index=[0, 1, 2, np.nan], ) expected = expected.reindex(columns=["a", "key", "b"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_merge_readonly(self): # data1 = DataFrame( np.arange(20).reshape((4, 5)) + 1, columns=["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"] ) data2 = DataFrame( np.arange(20).reshape((5, 4)) + 1, columns=["a", "b", "x", "y"] ) data1._mgr.blocks[0].values.flags.writeable = False data1.merge(data2) # no error def _check_merge(x, y): for how in ["inner", "left", "outer"]: result = x.join(y, how=how) expected = merge(x.reset_index(), y.reset_index(), how=how, sort=True) expected = expected.set_index("index") # TODO check_names on merge? tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected, check_names=False) class TestMergeDtypes: @pytest.mark.parametrize( "right_vals", [["foo", "bar"], Series(["foo", "bar"]).astype("category")] ) def test_different(self, right_vals): left = DataFrame( { "A": ["foo", "bar"], "B": Series(["foo", "bar"]).astype("category"), "C": [1, 2], "D": [1.0, 2.0], "E": Series([1, 2], dtype="uint64"), "F": Series([1, 2], dtype="int32"), } ) right = DataFrame({"A": right_vals}) # GH 9780 # We allow merging on object and categorical cols and cast # categorical cols to object result = pd.merge(left, right, on="A") assert is_object_dtype(result.A.dtype) @pytest.mark.parametrize("d1", [np.int64, np.int32, np.int16, np.int8, np.uint8]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("d2", [np.int64, np.float64, np.float32, np.float16]) def test_join_multi_dtypes(self, d1, d2): dtype1 = np.dtype(d1) dtype2 = np.dtype(d2) left = DataFrame( { "k1": np.array([0, 1, 2] * 8, dtype=dtype1), "k2": ["foo", "bar"] * 12, "v": np.array(np.arange(24), dtype=np.int64), } ) index = MultiIndex.from_tuples([(2, "bar"), (1, "foo")]) right = DataFrame({"v2": np.array([5, 7], dtype=dtype2)}, index=index) result = left.join(right, on=["k1", "k2"]) expected = left.copy() if dtype2.kind == "i": dtype2 = np.dtype("float64") expected["v2"] = np.array(np.nan, dtype=dtype2) expected.loc[(expected.k1 == 2) & (expected.k2 == "bar"), "v2"] = 5 expected.loc[(expected.k1 == 1) & (expected.k2 == "foo"), "v2"] = 7 tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = left.join(right, on=["k1", "k2"], sort=True) expected.sort_values(["k1", "k2"], kind="mergesort", inplace=True) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "int_vals, float_vals, exp_vals", [ ([1, 2, 3], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], {"X": [1, 2, 3], "Y": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]}), ([1, 2, 3], [1.0, 3.0], {"X": [1, 3], "Y": [1.0, 3.0]}), ([1, 2], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], {"X": [1, 2], "Y": [1.0, 2.0]}), ], ) def test_merge_on_ints_floats(self, int_vals, float_vals, exp_vals): # GH 16572 # Check that float column is not cast to object if # merging on float and int columns A = DataFrame({"X": int_vals}) B = DataFrame({"Y": float_vals}) expected = DataFrame(exp_vals) result = A.merge(B, left_on="X", right_on="Y") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = B.merge(A, left_on="Y", right_on="X") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected[["Y", "X"]]) def test_merge_key_dtype_cast(self): # GH 17044 df1 = DataFrame({"key": [1.0, 2.0], "v1": [10, 20]}, columns=["key", "v1"]) df2 = DataFrame({"key": [2], "v2": [200]}, columns=["key", "v2"]) result = df1.merge(df2, on="key", how="left") expected = DataFrame( {"key": [1.0, 2.0], "v1": [10, 20], "v2": [np.nan, 200.0]}, columns=["key", "v1", "v2"], ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_merge_on_ints_floats_warning(self): # GH 16572 # merge will produce a warning when merging on int and # float columns where the float values are not exactly # equal to their int representation A = DataFrame({"X": [1, 2, 3]}) B = DataFrame({"Y": [1.1, 2.5, 3.0]}) expected = DataFrame({"X": [3], "Y": [3.0]}) with tm.assert_produces_warning(UserWarning): result = A.merge(B, left_on="X", right_on="Y") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) with tm.assert_produces_warning(UserWarning): result = B.merge(A, left_on="Y", right_on="X") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected[["Y", "X"]]) # test no warning if float has NaNs B = DataFrame({"Y": [np.nan, np.nan, 3.0]}) with tm.assert_produces_warning(None): result = B.merge(A, left_on="Y", right_on="X") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected[["Y", "X"]]) def test_merge_incompat_infer_boolean_object(self): # GH21119: bool + object bool merge OK df1 = DataFrame({"key": Series([True, False], dtype=object)}) df2 = DataFrame({"key": [True, False]}) expected = DataFrame({"key": [True, False]}, dtype=object) result = pd.merge(df1, df2, on="key") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = pd.merge(df2, df1, on="key") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # with missing value df1 = DataFrame({"key": Series([True, False, np.nan], dtype=object)}) df2 = DataFrame({"key": [True, False]}) expected = DataFrame({"key": [True, False]}, dtype=object) result = pd.merge(df1, df2, on="key") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = pd.merge(df2, df1, on="key") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "df1_vals, df2_vals", [ # merge on category coerces to object ([0, 1, 2], Series(["a", "b", "a"]).astype("category")), ([0.0, 1.0, 2.0], Series(["a", "b", "a"]).astype("category")), # no not infer ([0, 1], Series([False, True], dtype=object)), ([0, 1], Series([False, True], dtype=bool)), ], ) def test_merge_incompat_dtypes_are_ok(self, df1_vals, df2_vals): # these are explicitly allowed incompat merges, that pass thru # the result type is dependent on if the values on the rhs are # inferred, otherwise these will be coerced to object df1 = DataFrame({"A": df1_vals}) df2 = DataFrame({"A": df2_vals}) result = pd.merge(df1, df2, on=["A"]) assert is_object_dtype(result.A.dtype) result = pd.merge(df2, df1, on=["A"]) assert is_object_dtype(result.A.dtype) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "df1_vals, df2_vals", [ # do not infer to numeric (Series([1, 2], dtype="uint64"), ["a", "b", "c"]), (Series([1, 2], dtype="int32"), ["a", "b", "c"]), ([0, 1, 2], ["0", "1", "2"]), ([0.0, 1.0, 2.0], ["0", "1", "2"]), ([0, 1, 2], ["0", "1", "2"]), ( pd.date_range("1/1/2011", periods=2, freq="D"), ["2011-01-01", "2011-01-02"], ), (pd.date_range("1/1/2011", periods=2, freq="D"), [0, 1]), (pd.date_range("1/1/2011", periods=2, freq="D"), [0.0, 1.0]), ( pd.date_range("20130101", periods=3), pd.date_range("20130101", periods=3, tz="US/Eastern"), ), ], ) def test_merge_incompat_dtypes_error(self, df1_vals, df2_vals): # GH 9780, GH 15800 # Raise a ValueError when a user tries to merge on # dtypes that are incompatible (e.g., obj and int/float) df1 = DataFrame({"A": df1_vals}) df2 = DataFrame({"A": df2_vals}) msg = ( f"You are trying to merge on {df1['A'].dtype} and " f"{df2['A'].dtype} columns. If you wish to proceed " "you should use pd.concat" ) msg = re.escape(msg) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): pd.merge(df1, df2, on=["A"]) # Check that error still raised when swapping order of dataframes msg = ( f"You are trying to merge on {df2['A'].dtype} and " f"{df1['A'].dtype} columns. If you wish to proceed " "you should use pd.concat" ) msg = re.escape(msg) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): pd.merge(df2, df1, on=["A"]) @pytest.fixture def left(): np.random.seed(1234) return DataFrame( { "X": Series(np.random.choice(["foo", "bar"], size=(10,))).astype( CDT(["foo", "bar"]) ), "Y": np.random.choice(["one", "two", "three"], size=(10,)), } ) @pytest.fixture def right(): np.random.seed(1234) return DataFrame( {"X": Series(["foo", "bar"]).astype(CDT(["foo", "bar"])), "Z": [1, 2]} ) class TestMergeCategorical: def test_identical(self, left): # merging on the same, should preserve dtypes merged = pd.merge(left, left, on="X") result = merged.dtypes.sort_index() expected = Series( [CategoricalDtype(categories=["foo", "bar"]), np.dtype("O"), np.dtype("O")], index=["X", "Y_x", "Y_y"], ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_basic(self, left, right): # we have matching Categorical dtypes in X # so should preserve the merged column merged = pd.merge(left, right, on="X") result = merged.dtypes.sort_index() expected = Series( [ CategoricalDtype(categories=["foo", "bar"]), np.dtype("O"), np.dtype("int64"), ], index=["X", "Y", "Z"], ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_merge_categorical(self): # GH 9426 right = DataFrame( { "c": {0: "a", 1: "b", 2: "c", 3: "d", 4: "e"}, "d": {0: "null", 1: "null", 2: "null", 3: "null", 4: "null"}, } ) left = DataFrame( { "a": {0: "f", 1: "f", 2: "f", 3: "f", 4: "f"}, "b": {0: "g", 1: "g", 2: "g", 3: "g", 4: "g"}, } ) df = pd.merge(left, right, how="left", left_on="b", right_on="c") # object-object expected = df.copy() # object-cat # note that we propagate the category # because we don't have any matching rows cright = right.copy() cright["d"] = cright["d"].astype("category") result = pd.merge(left, cright, how="left", left_on="b", right_on="c") expected["d"] = expected["d"].astype(CategoricalDtype(["null"])) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # cat-object cleft = left.copy() cleft["b"] = cleft["b"].astype("category") result = pd.merge(cleft, cright, how="left", left_on="b", right_on="c") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # cat-cat cright = right.copy() cright["d"] = cright["d"].astype("category") cleft = left.copy() cleft["b"] = cleft["b"].astype("category") result = pd.merge(cleft, cright, how="left", left_on="b", right_on="c") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def tests_merge_categorical_unordered_equal(self): # GH-19551 df1 = DataFrame( { "Foo": Categorical(["A", "B", "C"], categories=["A", "B", "C"]), "Left": ["A0", "B0", "C0"], } ) df2 = DataFrame( { "Foo": Categorical(["C", "B", "A"], categories=["C", "B", "A"]), "Right": ["C1", "B1", "A1"], } ) result = pd.merge(df1, df2, on=["Foo"]) expected = DataFrame( { "Foo": Categorical(["A", "B", "C"]), "Left": ["A0", "B0", "C0"], "Right": ["A1", "B1", "C1"], } ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_other_columns(self, left, right): # non-merge columns should preserve if possible right = right.assign(Z=right.Z.astype("category")) merged = pd.merge(left, right, on="X") result = merged.dtypes.sort_index() expected = Series( [ CategoricalDtype(categories=["foo", "bar"]), np.dtype("O"), CategoricalDtype(categories=[1, 2]), ], index=["X", "Y", "Z"], ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # categories are preserved assert left.X.values._categories_match_up_to_permutation(merged.X.values) assert right.Z.values._categories_match_up_to_permutation(merged.Z.values) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "change", [ lambda x: x, lambda x: x.astype(CDT(["foo", "bar", "bah"])), lambda x: x.astype(CDT(ordered=True)), ], ) def test_dtype_on_merged_different(self, change, join_type, left, right): # our merging columns, X now has 2 different dtypes # so we must be object as a result X = change(right.X.astype("object")) right = right.assign(X=X) assert is_categorical_dtype(left.X.values.dtype) # assert not left.X.values._categories_match_up_to_permutation(right.X.values) merged = pd.merge(left, right, on="X", how=join_type) result = merged.dtypes.sort_index() expected = Series( [np.dtype("O"), np.dtype("O"), np.dtype("int64")], index=["X", "Y", "Z"] ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_self_join_multiple_categories(self): # GH 16767 # non-duplicates should work with multiple categories m = 5 df = DataFrame( { "a": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j"] * m, "b": ["t", "w", "x", "y", "z"] * 2 * m, "c": [ letter for each in ["m", "n", "u", "p", "o"] for letter in [each] * 2 * m ], "d": [ letter for each in [ "aa", "bb", "cc", "dd", "ee", "ff", "gg", "hh", "ii", "jj", ] for letter in [each] * m ], } ) # change them all to categorical variables df = df.apply(lambda x: x.astype("category")) # self-join should equal ourselves result = pd.merge(df, df, on=list(df.columns)) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df) def test_dtype_on_categorical_dates(self): # GH 16900 # dates should not be coerced to ints df = DataFrame( [[date(2001, 1, 1), 1.1], [date(2001, 1, 2), 1.3]], columns=["date", "num2"] ) df["date"] = df["date"].astype("category") df2 = DataFrame( [[date(2001, 1, 1), 1.3], [date(2001, 1, 3), 1.4]], columns=["date", "num4"] ) df2["date"] = df2["date"].astype("category") expected_outer = DataFrame( [ [pd.Timestamp("2001-01-01").date(), 1.1, 1.3], [pd.Timestamp("2001-01-02").date(), 1.3, np.nan], [pd.Timestamp("2001-01-03").date(), np.nan, 1.4], ], columns=["date", "num2", "num4"], ) result_outer = pd.merge(df, df2, how="outer", on=["date"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result_outer, expected_outer) expected_inner = DataFrame( [[pd.Timestamp("2001-01-01").date(), 1.1, 1.3]], columns=["date", "num2", "num4"], ) result_inner = pd.merge(df, df2, how="inner", on=["date"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result_inner, expected_inner) @pytest.mark.parametrize("ordered", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "category_column,categories,expected_categories", [ ([False, True, True, False], [True, False], [True, False]), ([2, 1, 1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 2]), (["False", "True", "True", "False"], ["True", "False"], ["True", "False"]), ], ) def test_merging_with_bool_or_int_cateorical_column( self, category_column, categories, expected_categories, ordered ): # GH 17187 # merging with a boolean/int categorical column df1 = DataFrame({"id": [1, 2, 3, 4], "cat": category_column}) df1["cat"] = df1["cat"].astype(CDT(categories, ordered=ordered)) df2 = DataFrame({"id": [2, 4], "num": [1, 9]}) result = df1.merge(df2) expected = DataFrame({"id": [2, 4], "cat": expected_categories, "num": [1, 9]}) expected["cat"] = expected["cat"].astype(CDT(categories, ordered=ordered)) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) def test_merge_on_int_array(self): # GH 23020 df = DataFrame({"A": Series([1, 2, np.nan], dtype="Int64"), "B": 1}) result = pd.merge(df, df, on="A") expected = DataFrame( {"A": Series([1, 2, np.nan], dtype="Int64"), "B_x": 1, "B_y": 1} ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) @pytest.fixture def left_df(): return DataFrame({"a": [20, 10, 0]}, index=[2, 1, 0]) @pytest.fixture def right_df(): return DataFrame({"b": [300, 100, 200]}, index=[3, 1, 2]) class TestMergeOnIndexes: @pytest.mark.parametrize( "how, sort, expected", [ ("inner", False, DataFrame({"a": [20, 10], "b": [200, 100]}, index=[2, 1])), ("inner", True, DataFrame({"a": [10, 20], "b": [100, 200]}, index=[1, 2])), ( "left", False, DataFrame({"a": [20, 10, 0], "b": [200, 100, np.nan]}, index=[2, 1, 0]), ), ( "left", True, DataFrame({"a": [0, 10, 20], "b": [np.nan, 100, 200]}, index=[0, 1, 2]), ), ( "right", False, DataFrame( {"a": [np.nan, 10, 20], "b": [300, 100, 200]}, index=[3, 1, 2] ), ), ( "right", True, DataFrame( {"a": [10, 20, np.nan], "b": [100, 200, 300]}, index=[1, 2, 3] ), ), ( "outer", False, DataFrame( {"a": [0, 10, 20, np.nan], "b": [np.nan, 100, 200, 300]}, index=[0, 1, 2, 3], ), ), ( "outer", True, DataFrame( {"a": [0, 10, 20, np.nan], "b": [np.nan, 100, 200, 300]}, index=[0, 1, 2, 3], ), ), ], ) def test_merge_on_indexes(self, left_df, right_df, how, sort, expected): result = pd.merge( left_df, right_df, left_index=True, right_index=True, how=how, sort=sort ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "index", [ CategoricalIndex(["A", "B"], categories=["A", "B"], name="index_col"), Float64Index([1.0, 2.0], name="index_col"), Int64Index([1, 2], name="index_col"), UInt64Index([1, 2], name="index_col"), RangeIndex(start=0, stop=2, name="index_col"), DatetimeIndex(["2018-01-01", "2018-01-02"], name="index_col"), ], ids=lambda x: type(x).__name__, ) def test_merge_index_types(index): # gh-20777 # assert key access is consistent across index types left = DataFrame({"left_data": [1, 2]}, index=index) right = DataFrame({"right_data": [1.0, 2.0]}, index=index) result = left.merge(right, on=["index_col"]) expected = DataFrame({"left_data": [1, 2], "right_data": [1.0, 2.0]}, index=index) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "on,left_on,right_on,left_index,right_index,nm", [ (["outer", "inner"], None, None, False, False, "B"), (None, None, None, True, True, "B"), (None, ["outer", "inner"], None, False, True, "B"), (None, None, ["outer", "inner"], True, False, "B"), (["outer", "inner"], None, None, False, False, None), (None, None, None, True, True, None), (None, ["outer", "inner"], None, False, True, None), (None, None, ["outer", "inner"], True, False, None), ], ) def test_merge_series(on, left_on, right_on, left_index, right_index, nm): # GH 21220 a = DataFrame( {"A": [1, 2, 3, 4]}, index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [["a", "b"], [0, 1]], names=["outer", "inner"] ), ) b = Series( [1, 2, 3, 4], index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [["a", "b"], [1, 2]], names=["outer", "inner"] ), name=nm, ) expected = DataFrame( {"A": [2, 4], "B": [1, 3]}, index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product([["a", "b"], [1]], names=["outer", "inner"]), ) if nm is not None: result = pd.merge( a, b, on=on, left_on=left_on, right_on=right_on, left_index=left_index, right_index=right_index, ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) else: msg = "Cannot merge a Series without a name" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): result = pd.merge( a, b, on=on, left_on=left_on, right_on=right_on, left_index=left_index, right_index=right_index, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "col1, col2, kwargs, expected_cols", [ (0, 0, {"suffixes": ("", "_dup")}, ["0", "0_dup"]), (0, 0, {"suffixes": (None, "_dup")}, [0, "0_dup"]), (0, 0, {"suffixes": ("_x", "_y")}, ["0_x", "0_y"]), (0, 0, {"suffixes": ["_x", "_y"]}, ["0_x", "0_y"]), ("a", 0, {"suffixes": (None, "_y")}, ["a", 0]), (0.0, 0.0, {"suffixes": ("_x", None)}, ["0.0_x", 0.0]), ("b", "b", {"suffixes": (None, "_y")}, ["b", "b_y"]), ("a", "a", {"suffixes": ("_x", None)}, ["a_x", "a"]), ("a", "b", {"suffixes": ("_x", None)}, ["a", "b"]), ("a", "a", {"suffixes": (None, "_x")}, ["a", "a_x"]), (0, 0, {"suffixes": ("_a", None)}, ["0_a", 0]), ("a", "a", {}, ["a_x", "a_y"]), (0, 0, {}, ["0_x", "0_y"]), ], ) def test_merge_suffix(col1, col2, kwargs, expected_cols): # issue: 24782 a = DataFrame({col1: [1, 2, 3]}) b = DataFrame({col2: [4, 5, 6]}) expected = DataFrame([[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]], columns=expected_cols) result = a.merge(b, left_index=True, right_index=True, **kwargs) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = pd.merge(a, b, left_index=True, right_index=True, **kwargs) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "how,expected", [ ( "right", DataFrame( {"A": [100, 200, 300], "B1": [60, 70, np.nan], "B2": [600, 700, 800]} ), ), ( "outer", DataFrame( { "A": [100, 200, 1, 300], "B1": [60, 70, 80, np.nan], "B2": [600, 700, np.nan, 800], } ), ), ], ) def test_merge_duplicate_suffix(how, expected): left_df = DataFrame({"A": [100, 200, 1], "B": [60, 70, 80]}) right_df = DataFrame({"A": [100, 200, 300], "B": [600, 700, 800]}) result = merge(left_df, right_df, on="A", how=how, suffixes=("_x", "_x")) expected.columns = ["A", "B_x", "B_x"] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "col1, col2, suffixes", [("a", "a", (None, None)), ("a", "a", ("", None)), (0, 0, (None, ""))], ) def test_merge_suffix_error(col1, col2, suffixes): # issue: 24782 a = DataFrame({col1: [1, 2, 3]}) b = DataFrame({col2: [3, 4, 5]}) # TODO: might reconsider current raise behaviour, see issue 24782 msg = "columns overlap but no suffix specified" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): pd.merge(a, b, left_index=True, right_index=True, suffixes=suffixes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("suffixes", [{"left", "right"}, {"left": 0, "right": 0}]) def test_merge_suffix_warns(suffixes): a = DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3]}) b = DataFrame({"b": [3, 4, 5]}) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): pd.merge(a, b, left_index=True, right_index=True, suffixes={"left", "right"}) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "col1, col2, suffixes, msg", [ ("a", "a", ("a", "b", "c"), r"too many values to unpack \(expected 2\)"), ("a", "a", tuple("a"), r"not enough values to unpack \(expected 2, got 1\)"), ], ) def test_merge_suffix_length_error(col1, col2, suffixes, msg): a = DataFrame({col1: [1, 2, 3]}) b = DataFrame({col2: [3, 4, 5]}) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): pd.merge(a, b, left_index=True, right_index=True, suffixes=suffixes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("cat_dtype", ["one", "two"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("reverse", [True, False]) def test_merge_equal_cat_dtypes(cat_dtype, reverse): # see gh-22501 cat_dtypes = { "one": CategoricalDtype(categories=["a", "b", "c"], ordered=False), "two": CategoricalDtype(categories=["a", "b", "c"], ordered=False), } df1 = DataFrame( {"foo": Series(["a", "b", "c"]).astype(cat_dtypes["one"]), "left": [1, 2, 3]} ).set_index("foo") data_foo = ["a", "b", "c"] data_right = [1, 2, 3] if reverse: data_foo.reverse() data_right.reverse() df2 = DataFrame( {"foo": Series(data_foo).astype(cat_dtypes[cat_dtype]), "right": data_right} ).set_index("foo") result = df1.merge(df2, left_index=True, right_index=True) expected = DataFrame( { "left": [1, 2, 3], "right": [1, 2, 3], "foo": Series(["a", "b", "c"]).astype(cat_dtypes["one"]), } ).set_index("foo") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_merge_equal_cat_dtypes2(): # see gh-22501 cat_dtype = CategoricalDtype(categories=["a", "b", "c"], ordered=False) # Test Data df1 = DataFrame( {"foo": Series(["a", "b"]).astype(cat_dtype), "left": [1, 2]} ).set_index("foo") df2 = DataFrame( {"foo": Series(["a", "b", "c"]).astype(cat_dtype), "right": [3, 2, 1]} ).set_index("foo") result = df1.merge(df2, left_index=True, right_index=True) expected = DataFrame( {"left": [1, 2], "right": [3, 2], "foo": Series(["a", "b"]).astype(cat_dtype)} ).set_index("foo") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_merge_on_cat_and_ext_array(): # GH 28668 right = DataFrame( {"a": Series([pd.Interval(0, 1), pd.Interval(1, 2)], dtype="interval")} ) left = right.copy() left["a"] = left["a"].astype("category") result = pd.merge(left, right, how="inner", on="a") expected = right.copy() tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_merge_multiindex_columns(): # Issue #28518 # Verify that merging two dataframes give the expected labels # The original cause of this issue come from a bug lexsort_depth and is tested in # test_lexsort_depth letters = ["a", "b", "c", "d"] numbers = ["1", "2", "3"] index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product((letters, numbers), names=["outer", "inner"]) frame_x = DataFrame(columns=index) frame_x["id"] = "" frame_y = DataFrame(columns=index) frame_y["id"] = "" l_suf = "_x" r_suf = "_y" result = frame_x.merge(frame_y, on="id", suffixes=((l_suf, r_suf))) # Constructing the expected results expected_labels = [letter + l_suf for letter in letters] + [ letter + r_suf for letter in letters ] expected_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [expected_labels, numbers], names=["outer", "inner"] ) expected = DataFrame(columns=expected_index) expected["id"] = "" tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_merge_datetime_upcast_dtype(): # df1 = DataFrame({"x": ["a", "b", "c"], "y": ["1", "2", "4"]}) df2 = DataFrame( {"y": ["1", "2", "3"], "z": pd.to_datetime(["2000", "2001", "2002"])} ) result = pd.merge(df1, df2, how="left", on="y") expected = DataFrame( { "x": ["a", "b", "c"], "y": ["1", "2", "4"], "z": pd.to_datetime(["2000", "2001", "NaT"]), } ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("n_categories", [5, 128]) def test_categorical_non_unique_monotonic(n_categories): # GH 28189 # With n_categories as 5, we test the int8 case is hit in libjoin, # with n_categories as 128 we test the int16 case. left_index = CategoricalIndex([0] + list(range(n_categories))) df1 = DataFrame(range(n_categories + 1), columns=["value"], index=left_index) df2 = DataFrame( [[6]], columns=["value"], index=CategoricalIndex([0], categories=np.arange(n_categories)), ) result = merge(df1, df2, how="left", left_index=True, right_index=True) expected = DataFrame( [[i, 6.0] if i < 2 else [i, np.nan] for i in range(n_categories + 1)], columns=["value_x", "value_y"], index=left_index, ) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) def test_merge_join_categorical_multiindex(): # From issue 16627 a = { "Cat1": Categorical(["a", "b", "a", "c", "a", "b"], ["a", "b", "c"]), "Int1": [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0], } a = DataFrame(a) b = { "Cat": Categorical(["a", "b", "c", "a", "b", "c"], ["a", "b", "c"]), "Int": [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], "Factor": [1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6], } b = DataFrame(b).set_index(["Cat", "Int"])["Factor"] expected = merge( a, b.reset_index(), left_on=["Cat1", "Int1"], right_on=["Cat", "Int"], how="left", ) expected = expected.drop(["Cat", "Int"], axis=1) result = a.join(b, on=["Cat1", "Int1"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) # Same test, but with ordered categorical a = { "Cat1": Categorical( ["a", "b", "a", "c", "a", "b"], ["b", "a", "c"], ordered=True ), "Int1": [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0], } a = DataFrame(a) b = { "Cat": Categorical( ["a", "b", "c", "a", "b", "c"], ["b", "a", "c"], ordered=True ), "Int": [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], "Factor": [1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6], } b = DataFrame(b).set_index(["Cat", "Int"])["Factor"] expected = merge( a, b.reset_index(), left_on=["Cat1", "Int1"], right_on=["Cat", "Int"], how="left", ) expected = expected.drop(["Cat", "Int"], axis=1) result = a.join(b, on=["Cat1", "Int1"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) @pytest.mark.parametrize("func", ["merge", "merge_asof"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("kwargs", "err_msg"), [ ({"left_on": "a", "left_index": True}, ["left_on", "left_index"]), ({"right_on": "a", "right_index": True}, ["right_on", "right_index"]), ], ) def test_merge_join_cols_error_reporting_duplicates(func, kwargs, err_msg): # GH: 16228 left = DataFrame({"a": [1, 2], "b": [3, 4]}) right = DataFrame({"a": [1, 1], "c": [5, 6]}) msg = rf'Can only pass argument "{err_msg[0]}" OR "{err_msg[1]}" not both\.' with pytest.raises(MergeError, match=msg): getattr(pd, func)(left, right, **kwargs) @pytest.mark.parametrize("func", ["merge", "merge_asof"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("kwargs", "err_msg"), [ ({"left_on": "a"}, ["right_on", "right_index"]), ({"right_on": "a"}, ["left_on", "left_index"]), ], ) def test_merge_join_cols_error_reporting_missing(func, kwargs, err_msg): # GH: 16228 left = DataFrame({"a": [1, 2], "b": [3, 4]}) right = DataFrame({"a": [1, 1], "c": [5, 6]}) msg = rf'Must pass "{err_msg[0]}" OR "{err_msg[1]}"\.' with pytest.raises(MergeError, match=msg): getattr(pd, func)(left, right, **kwargs) @pytest.mark.parametrize("func", ["merge", "merge_asof"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "kwargs", [ {"right_index": True}, {"left_index": True}, ], ) def test_merge_join_cols_error_reporting_on_and_index(func, kwargs): # GH: 16228 left = DataFrame({"a": [1, 2], "b": [3, 4]}) right = DataFrame({"a": [1, 1], "c": [5, 6]}) msg = ( r'Can only pass argument "on" OR "left_index" ' r'and "right_index", not a combination of both\.' ) with pytest.raises(MergeError, match=msg): getattr(pd, func)(left, right, on="a", **kwargs) def test_merge_right_left_index(): # GH#38616 left = DataFrame({"x": [1, 1], "z": ["foo", "foo"]}) right = DataFrame({"x": [1, 1], "z": ["foo", "foo"]}) result = pd.merge(left, right, how="right", left_index=True, right_on="x") expected = DataFrame( { "x": [1, 1], "x_x": [1, 1], "z_x": ["foo", "foo"], "x_y": [1, 1], "z_y": ["foo", "foo"], } ) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_merge_result_empty_index_and_on(): # GH#33814 df1 = DataFrame({"a": [1], "b": [2]}).set_index(["a", "b"]) df2 = DataFrame({"b": [1]}).set_index(["b"]) expected = DataFrame({"a": [], "b": []}, dtype=np.int64).set_index(["a", "b"]) result = merge(df1, df2, left_on=["b"], right_index=True) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = merge(df2, df1, left_index=True, right_on=["b"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
""" =================================================================== Decision Tree Regression =================================================================== A 1D regression with decision tree. The :ref:`decision trees <tree>` is used to fit a sine curve with addition noisy observation. As a result, it learns local linear regressions approximating the sine curve. We can see that if the maximum depth of the tree (controlled by the `max_depth` parameter) is set too high, the decision trees learn too fine details of the training data and learn from the noise, i.e. they overfit. """ print(__doc__) # Import the necessary modules and libraries import numpy as np from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Create a random dataset rng = np.random.RandomState(1) X = np.sort(5 * rng.rand(80, 1), axis=0) y = np.sin(X).ravel() y[::5] += 3 * (0.5 - rng.rand(16)) # Fit regression model regr_1 = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=2) regr_2 = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=5), y), y) # Predict X_test = np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.01)[:, np.newaxis] y_1 = regr_1.predict(X_test) y_2 = regr_2.predict(X_test) # Plot the results plt.figure() plt.scatter(X, y, c="k", label="data") plt.plot(X_test, y_1, c="g", label="max_depth=2", linewidth=2) plt.plot(X_test, y_2, c="r", label="max_depth=5", linewidth=2) plt.xlabel("data") plt.ylabel("target") plt.title("Decision Tree Regression") plt.legend()
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2015 <+YOU OR YOUR COMPANY+>. # # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # import sys import time import numpy from gnuradio import gr import sciscipy import scipy.signal as signal import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import patches from matplotlib.pyplot import axvline, axhline class plzr_plot(gr.sync_block): """ docstring for block add_python """ def __init__(self,order1,order2,order3,num_tf,itype): a = [] for i in range(0,2*num_tf): a.append(numpy.float32) print "This is a", a self.i = 0 self.max_2 = [0,0,0,0] self.z = [] self.z1 = [0,0,0,0] self.z2 = [] self.z3= [0,0,0,0] self.num_tf = num_tf self.itype = itype self.order1=int(order1)+1 self.order2=int(order2)+1 self.order3=int(order3)+1 self.b = self.order1*[0] self.b11 = self.order1*[0] self.c = self.order1*[0] self.c11 = self.order1*[0] self.b1 = self.order2*[0] self.b12 = self.order2*[0] self.c1 = self.order2*[0] self.c12 = self.order2*[0] self.b2 = self.order3*[0] self.b21 = self.order3*[0] self.c2 = self.order3*[0] self.c21 = self.order3*[0] gr.sync_block.__init__(self, name="plzr_plot", in_sig=[numpy.float32,numpy.float32,numpy.float32,numpy.float32], out_sig=None) def plot_cont(self,b,c): self.z, self.p, self.k = signal.tf2zpk(b, c) plt.plot(numpy.real(self.z), numpy.imag(self.z), 'or', label='Zeros of TF 1') plt.plot(numpy.real(self.p), numpy.imag(self.p), 'xb', label='Poles of TF 1') plt.legend(loc=1,numpoints=1) def plot_cont1(self,b1,c1): self.z1, self.p1, self.k1 = signal.tf2zpk(b1, c1) plt.plot(numpy.real(self.z1), numpy.imag(self.z1), 'og', label='Zeros of TF2') plt.plot(numpy.real(self.p1), numpy.imag(self.p1), 'xm', label='Poles of TF2') plt.legend(loc=1,numpoints=1) def plot_cont2(self,b2,c2): self.z2, self.p2, self.k2 = signal.tf2zpk(b2, c2) plt.plot(numpy.real(self.z2), numpy.imag(self.z2), 'oy', label='Zeros of TF3') plt.plot(numpy.real(self.p2), numpy.imag(self.p2), 'xk', label='Poles of TF3') plt.legend(loc=1,numpoints=1) def common_plot_cont(self): ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 0) axvline(0, color='0.7') axhline(0, color='0.7') plt.title('Pole / Zero Plot') plt.ylabel('Real') plt.xlabel('Imaginary') plt.grid() def common_plot_dist(self): ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 0) unit_circle = patches.Circle((0,0), radius=1, fill=False, color='black', ls='solid', alpha=0.1) ax.add_patch(unit_circle) axvline(0, color='0.7') axhline(0, color='0.7') plt.title('Pole / Zero Plot') plt.ylabel('Real') plt.xlabel('Imaginary') plt.grid() def work(self, input_items, output_items): k1 = self.order1 k2 = self.order2 k3 = self.order3 try: for i in range(0,k1): self.b[i] = input_items[0][i] v1 = 0 for i2 in reversed(self.b): self.b11[v1]=i2 v1 = v1 + 1 print "I am z1\n",self.b11 except IndexError: pass try: for j in range(0,k1): self.c[j] = input_items[1][j] v = 0 for i3 in reversed(self.c): self.c11[v] = i3 v = v + 1 print "I am z3\n", self.c11 except IndexError: pass try: for i in range(0,k2): self.b1[i] = input_items[2][i] v1 = 0 for i2 in reversed(self.b1): self.b12[v1]=i2 except IndexError: pass try: for j in range(0,k2): self.c1[j] = input_items[3][j] v = 0 for i3 in reversed(self.c1): self.c12[v] = i3 v = v + 1 except IndexError: pass try: for i in range(0,k3): self.b2[i] = input_items[4][i] v1 = 0 for i2 in reversed(self.b2): self.b21[v1]=i2 v1 = v1 + 1 except IndexError: pass try: for j in range(0,k3): self.c2[j] = input_items[5][j] v = 0 for i3 in reversed(self.c2): self.c21[v] = i3 v = v + 1 except IndexError: pass if (self.itype == 12): self.common_plot_cont() else: self.common_plot_dist() if self.num_tf == 1: self.plot_cont(self.b11,self.c11) self.z11 = [abs(k11) for k11 in self.z] self.z22 = max(self.z11) self.p11 = [abs(k22) for k22 in self.p] self.p22 = max(self.p11) if(z22 > p22): limit = self.z22 + 1 else: limit = self.p22 + 1 plt.ylim([-limit,limit]) plt.xlim([-limit,limit]) plt.ion() plt.draw() elif self.num_tf == 2: self.plot_cont(self.b11,self.c11) self.plot_cont1(self.b12,self.c12) self.z11 = [abs(k11) for k11 in self.z] try: self.z22 = max(self.z11) except ValueError: self.z22 = 0 self.p11 = [abs(k22) for k22 in self.p] self.p22 = max(self.p11) self.z21 = [abs(k21) for k21 in self.z1] try: self.z32 = max(self.z21) except ValueError: self.z32 = 0 self.p21 = [abs(k32) for k32 in self.p1] self.p32 = max(self.p21) self.max_2[0] = self.z22 self.max_2[1] = self.p22 self.max_2[2] = self.z32 self.max_2[3] = self.p32 limit = max(self.max_2) plt.ylim([-limit,limit]) plt.xlim([-limit,limit]) plt.ion() plt.draw() else: self.plot_cont(self.b11,self.c11) self.plot_cont1(self.b12,self.c12) self.plot_cont2(self.b21,self.c21) plt.ion() plt.draw() plt.clf() in0 = input_items[0] # <+signal processing here+> return len(input_items[0])
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import numpy as np import pandas as pd import argparse, sys, pickle from sklearn.cross_decomposition import PLSRegression from sklearn.linear_model import * from sklearn.model_selection import KFold from sklearn.metrics import * from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV def scoremodel(model, x, y): '''Return fitness of model. We'll use AUC.''' p = model.predict(x).squeeze() return roc_auc_score(y,p) def trainmodels(m, x, y): '''For the model type m, train a classifier on x->y using built-in CV to parameterize. Return both this model and an unfit model that can be used for CV. Note for PLS we cheat a little bit since there isn't a built-in CV trainer. ''' if m == 'knn': #have to manually cross-validate to choose number of components kf = KFold(n_splits=3) bestscore = -10000 besti = 0 for i in range(1,10): #try larger number of components until average CV perf decreases knn = KNeighborsClassifier(i) scores = [] #TODO: parallelize below for train,test in kf.split(x): xtrain = x[train] ytrain = y[train] xtest = x[test] ytest = y[test],ytrain) score = scoremodel(knn,xtest,ytest) scores.append(score) ave = np.mean(scores) if ave > bestscore: bestscore = ave besti = i model = KNeighborsClassifier(besti),y) print("Best k = %d"%besti) unfit = KNeighborsClassifier(besti) #choose number of components using full data - iffy elif m == 'svm': C_range = np.logspace(-2, 3, 6) gamma_range = np.logspace(-9, 3, 7) param_grid = dict(gamma=gamma_range, C=C_range) grid = GridSearchCV(SVC(), param_grid=param_grid,n_jobs=-1),y) print("svm params",grid.best_params_) model = grid.best_estimator_ unfit = SVC(**grid.best_params_) elif m == 'logistic': model = LogisticRegressionCV(n_jobs=-1),y) unfit = LogisticRegressionCV(n_jobs=-1) elif m == 'rf': #evalute different max depths parameters = {'max_depth': range(2,int(np.log2(len(x[0])))+1)} clf = GridSearchCV(RandomForestClassifier(), parameters, 'roc_auc',n_jobs=-1),y) model = clf.best_estimator_ print("max_depth =",clf.best_params_['max_depth']) unfit = RandomForestClassifier(**clf.best_params_) return (model,unfit) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Train linear model from fingerprint file') parser.add_argument('input',help='Fingerprints input file') parser.add_argument('-o','--outfile', type=argparse.FileType('wb'), help="Output file for model (trained on full data)") parser.add_argument('-k','--kfolds',type=int,default=3,help="Number of folds for cross-validation") parser.add_argument('-y','--labels',help="Labels (y-values). Will override any specified in fingerprints file") models = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() models.add_argument('--svm',action='store_const',dest='model',const='svm',help="Use support vector machine (rbf kernel)") models.add_argument('--knn',action='store_const',dest='model',const='knn',help="Use k-nearest neighbors") models.add_argument('--rf',action='store_const',dest='model',const='rf',help="Use random forest") models.add_argument('--logistic',action='store_const',dest='model',const='logistic',help="Use logistic regression") parser.set_defaults(model='knn') args = parser.parse_args() #out = args.outfile comp = 'gzip' if args.input.endswith('.gz') else None data = pd.read_csv(args.input,compression=comp,header=None,delim_whitespace=True) if args.labels: #override what is in fingerprint file y = np.genfromtxt(args.labels,np.float) if len(y) != len(data): print("Mismatched length between affinities and fingerprints (%d vs %d)" % (len(y),len(x))) sys.exit(-1) data.iloc[:,1] = y np.random.seed(0) #I like reproducible results, so fix a seed data = data.iloc[np.random.permutation(len(data))] #shuffle order of data smi = np.array(data.iloc[:,0]) y = np.array(data.iloc[:,1],dtype=np.float) x = np.array(data.iloc[:,2:],dtype=np.float) del data #dispose of pandas copy (fit,unfit) = trainmodels(args.model, x, y) fitscore = scoremodel(fit,x,y) print("Full Regression: AUC=%.4f" % fitscore) kf = KFold(n_splits=3) scores = [] for train,test in kf.split(x): xtrain = x[train] ytrain = y[train] xtest = x[test] ytest = y[test],ytrain) scores.append(scoremodel(unfit, xtest, ytest)) print("CV: AUC=%.4f (std %.4f)" % (np.mean(scores), np.std(scores))) print("Gap: %.4f" % (fitscore-np.mean(scores))) if args.outfile: pickle.dump(fit, args.outfile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2011-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of GNU Radio # # GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # from gnuradio import gr, digital, filter from gnuradio import blocks from gnuradio import channels from gnuradio import eng_notation from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option from optparse import OptionParser import sys try: import scipy except ImportError: print "Error: could not import scipy (" sys.exit(1) try: import pylab except ImportError: print "Error: could not import pylab (" sys.exit(1) class example_fll(gr.top_block): def __init__(self, N, sps, rolloff, ntaps, bw, noise, foffset, toffset, poffset): gr.top_block.__init__(self) rrc_taps = filter.firdes.root_raised_cosine( sps, sps, 1.0, rolloff, ntaps) data = 2.0*scipy.random.randint(0, 2, N) - 1.0 data = scipy.exp(1j*poffset) * data self.src = blocks.vector_source_c(data.tolist(), False) self.rrc = filter.interp_fir_filter_ccf(sps, rrc_taps) self.chn = channels.channel_model(noise, foffset, toffset) self.fll = digital.fll_band_edge_cc(sps, rolloff, ntaps, bw) self.vsnk_src = blocks.vector_sink_c() self.vsnk_fll = blocks.vector_sink_c() self.vsnk_frq = blocks.vector_sink_f() self.vsnk_phs = blocks.vector_sink_f() self.vsnk_err = blocks.vector_sink_f() self.connect(self.src, self.rrc, self.chn, self.fll, self.vsnk_fll) self.connect(self.rrc, self.vsnk_src) self.connect((self.fll,1), self.vsnk_frq) self.connect((self.fll,2), self.vsnk_phs) self.connect((self.fll,3), self.vsnk_err) def main(): parser = OptionParser(option_class=eng_option, conflict_handler="resolve") parser.add_option("-N", "--nsamples", type="int", default=2000, help="Set the number of samples to process [default=%default]") parser.add_option("-S", "--sps", type="int", default=4, help="Set the samples per symbol [default=%default]") parser.add_option("-r", "--rolloff", type="eng_float", default=0.35, help="Set the rolloff factor [default=%default]") parser.add_option("-W", "--bandwidth", type="eng_float", default=2*scipy.pi/100.0, help="Set the loop bandwidth [default=%default]") parser.add_option("-n", "--ntaps", type="int", default=45, help="Set the number of taps in the filters [default=%default]") parser.add_option("", "--noise", type="eng_float", default=0.0, help="Set the simulation noise voltage [default=%default]") parser.add_option("-f", "--foffset", type="eng_float", default=0.2, help="Set the simulation's normalized frequency offset (in Hz) [default=%default]") parser.add_option("-t", "--toffset", type="eng_float", default=1.0, help="Set the simulation's timing offset [default=%default]") parser.add_option("-p", "--poffset", type="eng_float", default=0.0, help="Set the simulation's phase offset [default=%default]") (options, args) = parser.parse_args () # Adjust N for the interpolation by sps options.nsamples = options.nsamples // options.sps # Set up the program-under-test put = example_fll(options.nsamples, options.sps, options.rolloff, options.ntaps, options.bandwidth, options.noise, options.foffset, options.toffset, options.poffset) data_src = scipy.array( data_err = scipy.array( # Convert the FLL's LO frequency from rads/sec to Hz data_frq = scipy.array( / (2.0*scipy.pi) # adjust this to align with the data. There are 2 filters of # ntaps long and the channel introduces another 4 sample delay. data_fll = scipy.array([2*options.ntaps-4:]) # Plot the FLL's LO frequency f1 = pylab.figure(1, figsize=(12,10)) s1 = f1.add_subplot(2,2,1) s1.plot(data_frq) s1.set_title("FLL LO") s1.set_xlabel("Samples") s1.set_ylabel("Frequency (normalized Hz)") # Plot the FLL's error s2 = f1.add_subplot(2,2,2) s2.plot(data_err) s2.set_title("FLL Error") s2.set_xlabel("Samples") s2.set_ylabel("FLL Loop error") # Plot the IQ symbols s3 = f1.add_subplot(2,2,3) s3.plot(data_src.real, data_src.imag, "o") s3.plot(data_fll.real, data_fll.imag, "rx") s3.set_title("IQ") s3.set_xlabel("Real part") s3.set_ylabel("Imag part") # Plot the symbols in time s4 = f1.add_subplot(2,2,4) s4.plot(data_src.real, "o-") s4.plot(data_fll.real, "rx-") s4.set_title("Symbols") s4.set_xlabel("Samples") s4.set_ylabel("Real Part of Signals") if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import pandas as pd from sklearn import decomposition from sklearn import metrics from sklearn.externals import joblib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import math from random import randint # HUPL from HUPL.learner import preprocess_features from HUPL.learner import preprocess_targets from HUPL.learner import normalize_linear_scale from HUPL.learner import denormalize_linear_scale from HUPL.learner import my_input_fn from HUPL.learner import construct_feature_columns if len(sys.argv) <= 3: sys.exit("Not enough args") data_file = str(sys.argv[1]) models_dir = str(sys.argv[2]) pred_file_path = str(sys.argv[3]) data_pred = sys.argv[4].split(',') data_pred_mod = np.array(data_pred) # Target info #target_x = float(data_pred[0]) #target_y = float(data_pred[1]) #target_z = float(data_pred[2]) #target_roll = float(data_pred[3]) #target_pitch = float(data_pred[4]) #target_yaw = float(data_pred[5]) # Obstacle 1 info #obstacle_1_x = float(data_pred[6]) #obstacle_1_y = float(data_pred[7]) #obstacle_1_z = float(data_pred[8]) #obstacle_1_roll = float(data_pred[9]) #obstacle_1_pitch = float(data_pred[10]) #obstacle_1_yaw = float(data_pred[11]) # Settings pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 10) print_en = False print_en_xf_plan = False predict_xf_plan = True dir_path_xf_plan = models_dir+"/xf_plan" xf_plan_prediction = pd.DataFrame() print_en_zf_L_plan = False predict_zf_L_plan = True dir_path_zf_L_plan = models_dir+"/zf_L_plan" zf_L_plan_prediction = pd.DataFrame() print_en_zf_U_plan = False predict_zf_U_plan = True dir_path_zf_U_plan = models_dir+"/zf_U_plan" zf_U_plan_prediction = pd.DataFrame() print_en_dual_f_plan = False predict_dual_f_plan = True dir_path_dual_f_plan = models_dir+"/dual_f_plan" dual_f_plan_prediction = pd.DataFrame() print_en_x_bounce = False predict_x_bounce = True dir_path_x_bounce = models_dir+"/x_bounce" x_bounce_prediction = pd.DataFrame() print_en_zb_L= False predict_zb_L = True dir_path_zb_L = models_dir+"/zb_L" zb_L_prediction = pd.DataFrame() print_en_zb_U = False predict_zb_U = True dir_path_zb_U = models_dir+"/zb_U" zb_U_prediction = pd.DataFrame() print_en_dual_bounce = False predict_dual_bounce = True dir_path_dual_bounce = models_dir+"/dual_bounce" dual_bounce_prediction = pd.DataFrame() learning_rate=0.009 learning_rate_class=0.009 n_pca_comps_xf_plan = 7 n_clusters_xf_plan = 6 min_cluster_size_xf_plan = 10 th_xf_plan = 0.001 periods_xf_plan = 20 steps_xf_plan = 1000 batch_size_xf_plan = 100 units_xf_plan = [10,10] units_xf_plan_class = [10,10,10] n_clusters_zf_L_plan = 2 min_cluster_size_zf_L_plan = 10 th_zf_L_plan = 0.001 periods_zf_L_plan = 15 steps_zf_L_plan = 500 batch_size_zf_L_plan = 100 units_zf_L_plan = [10,10] units_zf_L_plan_class = [10,10,10] n_clusters_zf_U_plan = 2 min_cluster_size_zf_U_plan = 10 th_zf_U_plan = 0.001 periods_zf_U_plan = 10 steps_zf_U_plan = 1000 batch_size_zf_U_plan = 100 units_zf_U_plan = [10,10] units_zf_U_plan_class = [10,10,10] n_pca_comps_dual_f_plan = 10 n_clusters_dual_f_plan = 4 min_cluster_size_dual_f_plan = 10 th_dual_f_plan = 0.0001 periods_dual_f_plan = 10 steps_dual_f_plan = 1000 batch_size_dual_f_plan = 100 units_dual_f_plan = [10,10] units_dual_f_plan_class = [10,10,10] n_pca_comps_x_bounce = 9 n_clusters_x_bounce = 6 min_cluster_size_x_bounce = 10 th_x_bounce = 0.001 periods_x_bounce = 20 steps_x_bounce = 1000 batch_size_x_bounce = 100 units_x_bounce = [10,10] units_x_bounce_class = [10,10,10] n_clusters_zb_L = 2 min_cluster_size_zb_L = 10 th_zb_L = 0.001 periods_zb_L = 10 steps_zb_L = 500 batch_size_zb_L = 100 units_zb_L = [10,10] units_zb_L_class = [10,10,10] n_clusters_zb_U = 2 min_cluster_size_zb_U = 10 th_zb_U = 0.001 periods_zb_U = 10 steps_zb_U = 500 batch_size_zb_U = 100 units_zb_U = [10,10] units_zb_U_class = [10,10,10] n_pca_comps_dual_bounce = 10 n_clusters_dual_bounce = 6 min_cluster_size_dual_bounce = 10 th_dual_bounce = 0.001 periods_dual_bounce = 20 steps_dual_bounce = 1000 batch_size_dual_bounce = 100 units_dual_bounce = [10,10] units_dual_bounce_class = [10,10,10] task_1_dataframe = pd.read_csv(data_file,sep=",") task_1_dataframe = task_1_dataframe.reindex(np.random.permutation(task_1_dataframe.index)) (inputs_dataframe,inputs_cols,null_in_cols,id_null_cols) = preprocess_features(task_1_dataframe) #print("Input columns:") #print(inputs_cols) #print("Null columns:") #print(null_in_cols) #print("ID of null columns:") #print(id_null_cols) data_pred_mod_new = np.delete(data_pred_mod,id_null_cols) #print("Modified data:") #print(data_pred_mod_new) r = randint(0,len(task_1_dataframe.index)) task_1_sample = task_1_dataframe.iloc[[r]] cols_xf_plan_tot = [col for col in task_1_dataframe if col.startswith('xf_plan')] cols_zf_L_plan_tot = [col for col in task_1_dataframe if col.startswith('zf_L_plan')] cols_zf_U_plan_tot = [col for col in task_1_dataframe if col.startswith('zf_U_plan')] cols_dual_f_plan_tot = [col for col in task_1_dataframe if col.startswith('dual_f_plan')] cols_x_bounce_tot = [col for col in task_1_dataframe if col.startswith('x_bounce')] cols_zb_L_tot = [col for col in task_1_dataframe if col.startswith('zb_L')] cols_zb_U_tot = [col for col in task_1_dataframe if col.startswith('zb_U')] cols_dual_bounce_tot = [col for col in task_1_dataframe if col.startswith('dual_bounce')] normalized_inputs,normalized_inputs_max,normalized_inputs_min = normalize_linear_scale(inputs_dataframe) (outputs_dataframe, null_outputs) = preprocess_targets(task_1_dataframe) inputs_test_df= pd.DataFrame([data_pred_mod_new],columns=inputs_cols) norm_inputs_test_df = pd.DataFrame([data_pred_mod_new],columns=inputs_cols) #print(inputs_test_df) for col in inputs_cols: min_val = normalized_inputs_min[col] max_val = normalized_inputs_max[col] scale = (max_val - min_val) / 2.0 norm_inputs_test_df[col] = (((float(inputs_test_df[col]) - min_val) / scale) - 1.0) #print(norm_inputs_test_df) # plan final posture columns cols_x_f_plan = [col for col in outputs_dataframe if col.startswith('xf_plan')] cols_zf_L_plan = [col for col in outputs_dataframe if col.startswith('zf_L_plan')] cols_zf_U_plan = [col for col in outputs_dataframe if col.startswith('zf_U_plan')] cols_dual_f_plan = [col for col in outputs_dataframe if col.startswith('dual_f_plan')] # bounce posture columns cols_x_bounce = [col for col in outputs_dataframe if col.startswith('x_bounce')] cols_zb_L = [col for col in outputs_dataframe if col.startswith('zb_L')] cols_zb_U = [col for col in outputs_dataframe if col.startswith('zb_U')] cols_dual_bounce = [col for col in outputs_dataframe if col.startswith('dual_bounce')] outputs_xf_plan_df = outputs_dataframe[cols_x_f_plan] outputs_zf_L_plan_df = outputs_dataframe[cols_zf_L_plan] outputs_zf_U_plan_df = outputs_dataframe[cols_zf_U_plan] outputs_dual_f_plan_df = outputs_dataframe[cols_dual_f_plan] outputs_x_bounce_df = outputs_dataframe[cols_x_bounce] outputs_zb_L_df = outputs_dataframe[cols_zb_L] outputs_zb_U_df = outputs_dataframe[cols_zb_U] outputs_dual_bounce_df = outputs_dataframe[cols_dual_bounce] outputs_dual_bounce_df = outputs_dual_bounce_df.clip(lower=0.0001,upper=50) if(print_en): print("X_f_plan:") print(outputs_xf_plan_df.head()) print("zf_L_plan:") print(outputs_zf_L_plan_df.head()) print("zf_U_plan:") print(outputs_zf_U_plan_df.head()) print("dual_f_plan:") print(outputs_dual_f_plan_df.head()) print("X_bounce:") print(outputs_x_bounce_df.head()) print("zb_L:") print(outputs_zb_L_df.head()) print("zb_U:") print(outputs_zb_U_df.head()) print("dual_bounce:") print(outputs_dual_bounce_df.head()) if predict_xf_plan: # ----- FINAL POSTURE SELECTION: FINAL POSTURE --------------------------------------------- # if not outputs_xf_plan_df.empty: outputs_xf_plan_df_max = pd.Series.from_csv(dir_path_xf_plan+"/xf_plan_max.csv",sep=',') outputs_xf_plan_df_min = pd.Series.from_csv(dir_path_xf_plan + "/xf_plan_min.csv",sep=',') # ------------------------- Random ---------------------------------------- # xf_plan_rdm_prediction = task_1_sample[cols_xf_plan_tot] if (print_en_xf_plan): print("Random xf_plan: ") print(xf_plan_rdm_prediction) # ------------------------- Neural Network ---------------------------------------- # nn_classifier = tf.estimator.DNNClassifier( feature_columns=construct_feature_columns(norm_inputs_test_df), optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate_class), n_classes=n_clusters_xf_plan, hidden_units=units_xf_plan_class, model_dir=dir_path_xf_plan+"/classification/nn" ) targets_df = pd.DataFrame([[0.0]]) predict_test_input_fn = lambda: my_input_fn(norm_inputs_test_df, targets_df, num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) test_probabilities = nn_classifier.predict(input_fn=predict_test_input_fn) test_pred = np.array([item['class_ids'][0] for item in test_probabilities]) n_cluster = test_pred[0] # the input belongs to this cluster selected_cl_in_xf_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_xf_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_xf_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_xf_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') X_f_plan = selected_cl_out_xf_plan_df.values pca_xf_plan = decomposition.PCA(n_components=n_pca_comps_xf_plan) pc = pca_xf_plan.fit_transform(X_f_plan) pc_df = pd.DataFrame(data=pc, columns=cols_x_f_plan[0:n_pca_comps_xf_plan]) col_names = list(pc_df.columns.values) dim = len(pc_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(pc_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)),2)) <= th_xf_plan): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())],axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(pc_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim != 0): nn_regressor = tf.estimator.DNNRegressor( feature_columns=construct_feature_columns(norm_inputs_test_df), hidden_units=units_xf_plan, optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate), label_dimension=ldim, model_dir=dir_path_xf_plan + "/cluster" + repr(n_cluster)+"/nn" ) tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(col_names_1))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros,columns=col_names_1) predict_test_input_fn = lambda: my_input_fn(norm_inputs_test_df, targets_df[col_names_1], num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) test_predictions_2 = nn_regressor.predict(input_fn=predict_test_input_fn) test_predictions_2 = np.array([item['predictions'][0:ldim] for item in test_predictions_2]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) test_predictions = test_predictions_df.values test_predictions_proj = pca_xf_plan.inverse_transform(test_predictions) test_proj_df = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_proj, columns=cols_x_f_plan) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_proj_df, outputs_xf_plan_df_max, outputs_xf_plan_df_min) zero_data_xf_plan_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_xf_plan_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_xf_plan_tot, columns=cols_xf_plan_tot) for str in cols_xf_plan_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values xf_plan_nn_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_tot_df.copy() if (print_en_xf_plan): print("Predicted NN xf_plan: ") print(denorm_test_predictions_tot_df) norm_inputs_test_list = np.array(norm_inputs_test_df.values).tolist() # ------------------------- Support Vector Machines ---------------------------------------- # svm_classifier = joblib.load(dir_path_xf_plan + "/classification/svm/svm_clf.joblib") test_pred = svm_classifier.predict(norm_inputs_test_list) n_cluster = test_pred[0] selected_cl_in_xf_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_xf_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_xf_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_xf_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') X_f_plan = selected_cl_out_xf_plan_df.values pca_xf_plan = decomposition.PCA(n_components=n_pca_comps_xf_plan) pc = pca_xf_plan.fit_transform(X_f_plan) pc_df = pd.DataFrame(data=pc, columns=cols_x_f_plan[0:n_pca_comps_xf_plan]) col_names = list(pc_df.columns.values) dim = len(pc_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(pc_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)),2)) <= th_xf_plan): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())],axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(pc_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim!=0): svm_regressor = joblib.load(dir_path_xf_plan + "/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/svm/svm_reg.joblib") test_predictions_2 = svm_regressor.predict(norm_inputs_test_df.iloc[:,0:ldim]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) test_predictions = test_predictions_df.values test_predictions_proj = pca_xf_plan.inverse_transform(test_predictions) test_proj_df = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_proj, columns=cols_x_f_plan) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_proj_df, outputs_xf_plan_df_max, outputs_xf_plan_df_min) zero_data_xf_plan_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_xf_plan_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_xf_plan_tot, columns=cols_xf_plan_tot) for str in cols_xf_plan_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values xf_plan_svm_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_tot_df.copy() if (print_en_xf_plan): print("Predicted SVM xf_plan: ") print(denorm_test_predictions_tot_df) # ------------------------- K-Nearest Neighbors ---------------------------------------- # knn_classifier = joblib.load(dir_path_xf_plan + "/classification/knn/knn_clf.joblib") test_pred = knn_classifier.predict(norm_inputs_test_list) n_cluster = test_pred[0] selected_cl_in_xf_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_xf_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_xf_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_xf_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') X_f_plan = selected_cl_out_xf_plan_df.values pca_xf_plan = decomposition.PCA(n_components=n_pca_comps_xf_plan) pc = pca_xf_plan.fit_transform(X_f_plan) pc_df = pd.DataFrame(data=pc, columns=cols_x_f_plan[0:n_pca_comps_xf_plan]) col_names = list(pc_df.columns.values) dim = len(pc_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(pc_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)),2)) <= th_xf_plan): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())],axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(pc_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim!=0): knn_regressor = joblib.load(dir_path_xf_plan + "/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/knn/knn_reg.joblib") test_predictions_2 = knn_regressor.predict(norm_inputs_test_df.iloc[:,0:ldim]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) test_predictions = test_predictions_df.values test_predictions_proj = pca_xf_plan.inverse_transform(test_predictions) test_proj_df = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_proj, columns=cols_x_f_plan) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_proj_df, outputs_xf_plan_df_max, outputs_xf_plan_df_min) zero_data_xf_plan_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_xf_plan_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_xf_plan_tot, columns=cols_xf_plan_tot) for str in cols_xf_plan_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values xf_plan_knn_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_tot_df.copy() if (print_en_xf_plan): print("Predicted KNN xf_plan: ") print(denorm_test_predictions_tot_df) if predict_zf_L_plan: # ----- FINAL POSTURE SELECTION: LOWER BOUNDS --------------------------------------------- # if not outputs_zf_L_plan_df.empty: outputs_zf_L_plan_df_max = pd.Series.from_csv(dir_path_zf_L_plan + "/zf_L_plan_max.csv", sep=',') outputs_zf_L_plan_df_min = pd.Series.from_csv(dir_path_zf_L_plan + "/zf_L_plan_min.csv", sep=',') # ------------------------- Random ---------------------------------------- # zf_L_plan_rdm_prediction = task_1_sample[cols_zf_L_plan_tot] if (print_en_zf_L_plan): print("Random zf_L_plan: ") print(zf_L_plan_rdm_prediction) # ------------------------- Neural Network ---------------------------------------- # nn_classifier = tf.estimator.DNNClassifier( feature_columns=construct_feature_columns(norm_inputs_test_df), optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate_class), n_classes=n_clusters_zf_L_plan, hidden_units=units_zf_L_plan_class, model_dir=dir_path_zf_L_plan+"/classification/nn" ) targets_df = pd.DataFrame([[0.0]]) predict_test_input_fn = lambda: my_input_fn(norm_inputs_test_df, targets_df, num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) test_probabilities = nn_classifier.predict(input_fn=predict_test_input_fn) test_pred = np.array([item['class_ids'][0] for item in test_probabilities]) n_cluster = test_pred[0] # the input belongs to this cluster selected_cl_in_zf_L_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zf_L_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zf_L_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') col_names = list(selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.columns.values) dim = len(selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)),2)) <= th_zf_L_plan): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())],axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim != 0): nn_regressor = tf.estimator.DNNRegressor( feature_columns=construct_feature_columns(norm_inputs_test_df), hidden_units=units_zf_L_plan, optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate), label_dimension=ldim, model_dir=dir_path_zf_L_plan + "/cluster" + repr(n_cluster)+"/nn" ) predict_test_input_fn = lambda: my_input_fn(norm_inputs_test_df, targets_df[col_names_1], num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) test_predictions_2 = nn_regressor.predict(input_fn=predict_test_input_fn) test_predictions_2 = np.array([item['predictions'][0:ldim] for item in test_predictions_2]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_predictions_df, outputs_zf_L_plan_df_max, outputs_zf_L_plan_df_min) zero_data_zf_L_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_zf_L_plan_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_zf_L_tot, columns=cols_zf_L_plan_tot) for str in cols_zf_L_plan_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values zf_L_plan_nn_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_tot_df.copy() if(print_en_zf_L_plan): print("Predicted NN zf_L_plan:") print(denorm_test_predictions_tot_df) norm_inputs_test_list = np.array(norm_inputs_test_df.values).tolist() # ------------------------- Support Vector Machines ---------------------------------------- # svm_classifier = joblib.load(dir_path_zf_L_plan + "/classification/svm/svm_clf.joblib") test_pred = svm_classifier.predict(norm_inputs_test_list) n_cluster = test_pred[0] selected_cl_in_zf_L_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zf_L_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zf_L_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') col_names = list(selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.columns.values) dim = len(selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)),2)) <= th_zf_L_plan): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())],axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim != 0): svm_regressor = joblib.load(dir_path_zf_L_plan + "/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/svm/svm_reg.joblib") test_predictions_2 = svm_regressor.predict(norm_inputs_test_df.iloc[:,0:ldim]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_predictions_df, outputs_zf_L_plan_df_max, outputs_zf_L_plan_df_min) zero_data_zf_L_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_zf_L_plan_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_zf_L_tot, columns=cols_zf_L_plan_tot) for str in cols_zf_L_plan_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values zf_L_plan_svm_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_tot_df.copy() if(print_en_zf_L_plan): print("Predicted SVM zf_L_plan:") print(denorm_test_predictions_tot_df) # ------------------------- K-Nearest Neighbors ---------------------------------------- # knn_classifier = joblib.load(dir_path_zf_L_plan + "/classification/knn/knn_clf.joblib") test_pred = knn_classifier.predict(norm_inputs_test_list) n_cluster = test_pred[0] selected_cl_in_zf_L_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zf_L_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zf_L_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') col_names = list(selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.columns.values) dim = len(selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)),2)) <= th_zf_L_plan): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())],axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(selected_cl_out_zf_L_plan_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim != 0): knn_regressor = joblib.load(dir_path_zf_L_plan + "/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/knn/knn_reg.joblib") test_predictions_2 = knn_regressor.predict(norm_inputs_test_df.iloc[:,0:ldim]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_predictions_df, outputs_zf_L_plan_df_max, outputs_zf_L_plan_df_min) zero_data_zf_L_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_zf_L_plan_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_zf_L_tot, columns=cols_zf_L_plan_tot) for str in cols_zf_L_plan_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values zf_L_plan_knn_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_tot_df.copy() if(print_en_zf_L_plan): print("Predicted KNN zf_L_plan:") print(denorm_test_predictions_tot_df) else: col_names = [col for col in null_outputs if col.startswith('zf_L')] zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(col_names))) test_pred_df = pd.DataFrame(zeros,columns=col_names) zf_L_plan_rdm_prediction = test_pred_df.copy() zf_L_plan_nn_prediction = test_pred_df.copy() zf_L_plan_svm_prediction = test_pred_df.copy() zf_L_plan_knn_prediction = test_pred_df.copy() if(print_en_zf_L_plan): print("Random zf_L:") print(test_pred_df) print("Predicted NN zf_L:") print(test_pred_df) print("Predicted SVM zf_L:") print(test_pred_df) print("Predicted KNN zf_L:") print(test_pred_df) if predict_zf_U_plan: # ----- FINAL POSTURE SELECTION: UPPER BOUNDS --------------------------------------------- # if not outputs_zf_U_plan_df.empty: outputs_zf_U_plan_df_max = pd.Series.from_csv(dir_path_zf_U_plan + "/zf_U_plan_max.csv", sep=',') outputs_zf_U_plan_df_min = pd.Series.from_csv(dir_path_zf_U_plan + "/zf_U_plan_min.csv", sep=',') # ------------------------- Random ---------------------------------------- # zf_U_plan_rdm_prediction = task_1_sample[cols_zf_U_plan_tot] if (print_en_zf_U_plan): print("Random zf_U_plan: ") print(zf_U_plan_rdm_prediction) # ------------------------- Neural Network ---------------------------------------- # nn_classifier = tf.estimator.DNNClassifier( feature_columns=construct_feature_columns(norm_inputs_test_df), optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate_class), n_classes=n_clusters_zf_U_plan, hidden_units=units_zf_U_plan_class, model_dir=dir_path_zf_U_plan+"/classification/nn" ) targets_df = pd.DataFrame([[0.0]]) predict_test_input_fn = lambda: my_input_fn(norm_inputs_test_df, targets_df, num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) test_probabilities = nn_classifier.predict(input_fn=predict_test_input_fn) test_pred = np.array([item['class_ids'][0] for item in test_probabilities]) n_cluster = test_pred[0] # the input belongs to this cluster selected_cl_in_zf_U_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zf_U_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zf_U_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') col_names = list(selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.columns.values) dim = len(selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)),2)) <= th_zf_U_plan): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())],axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim != 0): nn_regressor = tf.estimator.DNNRegressor( feature_columns=construct_feature_columns(norm_inputs_test_df), hidden_units=units_zf_U_plan, optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate), label_dimension=ldim, model_dir=dir_path_zf_U_plan + "/cluster" + repr(n_cluster)+"/nn" ) predict_test_input_fn = lambda: my_input_fn(norm_inputs_test_df, targets_df[col_names_1], num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) test_predictions_2 = nn_regressor.predict(input_fn=predict_test_input_fn) test_predictions_2 = np.array([item['predictions'][0:ldim] for item in test_predictions_2]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_predictions_df, outputs_zf_U_plan_df_max, outputs_zf_U_plan_df_min) zero_data_zf_U_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_zf_U_plan_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_zf_U_tot, columns=cols_zf_U_plan_tot) for str in cols_zf_U_plan_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values zf_U_plan_nn_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_tot_df.copy() if(print_en_zf_U_plan): print("Predicted NN zf_U_plan:") print(denorm_test_predictions_tot_df) norm_inputs_test_list = np.array(norm_inputs_test_df.values).tolist() # ------------------------- Support Vector Machines ---------------------------------------- # svm_classifier = joblib.load(dir_path_zf_U_plan + "/classification/svm/svm_clf.joblib") test_pred = svm_classifier.predict(norm_inputs_test_list) n_cluster = test_pred[0] selected_cl_in_zf_U_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zf_U_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zf_U_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') col_names = list(selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.columns.values) dim = len(selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)),2)) <= th_zf_U_plan): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())],axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim != 0): svm_regressor = joblib.load(dir_path_zf_U_plan + "/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/svm/svm_reg.joblib") test_predictions_2 = svm_regressor.predict(norm_inputs_test_df.iloc[:,0:ldim]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_predictions_df, outputs_zf_U_plan_df_max, outputs_zf_U_plan_df_min) zero_data_zf_U_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_zf_U_plan_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_zf_U_tot, columns=cols_zf_U_plan_tot) for str in cols_zf_U_plan_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values zf_U_plan_svm_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_tot_df.copy() if(print_en_zf_U_plan): print("Predicted SVM zf_U_plan:") print(denorm_test_predictions_tot_df) # ------------------------- K-Nearest Neighbors ---------------------------------------- # knn_classifier = joblib.load(dir_path_zf_U_plan + "/classification/knn/knn_clf.joblib") test_pred = knn_classifier.predict(norm_inputs_test_list) n_cluster = test_pred[0] selected_cl_in_zf_U_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zf_U_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zf_U_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') col_names = list(selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.columns.values) dim = len(selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)),2)) <= th_zf_U_plan): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())],axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(selected_cl_out_zf_U_plan_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim != 0): knn_regressor = joblib.load(dir_path_zf_U_plan + "/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/knn/knn_reg.joblib") test_predictions_2 = knn_regressor.predict(norm_inputs_test_df.iloc[:,0:ldim]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_predictions_df, outputs_zf_U_plan_df_max, outputs_zf_U_plan_df_min) zero_data_zf_U_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_zf_U_plan_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_zf_U_tot, columns=cols_zf_U_plan_tot) for str in cols_zf_U_plan_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values zf_U_plan_knn_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_tot_df.copy() if(print_en_zf_U_plan): print("Predicted KNN zf_U_plan:") print(denorm_test_predictions_tot_df) else: col_names = [col for col in null_outputs if col.startswith('zf_U')] zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(col_names))) test_pred_df = pd.DataFrame(zeros,columns=col_names) zf_U_plan_rdm_prediction = test_pred_df.copy() zf_U_plan_nn_prediction = test_pred_df.copy() zf_U_plan_svm_prediction = test_pred_df.copy() zf_U_plan_knn_prediction = test_pred_df.copy() if(print_en_zf_U_plan): print("Random zf_U:") print(test_pred_df) print("Predicted NN zf_U:") print(test_pred_df) print("Predicted SVM zf_U:") print(test_pred_df) print("Predicted KNN zf_U:") print(test_pred_df) if predict_dual_f_plan: # ----- FINAL POSTURE SELECTION: DUAL VARIABLES --------------------------------------------- # if not outputs_dual_f_plan_df.empty: outputs_dual_f_plan_df_max = pd.Series.from_csv(dir_path_dual_f_plan + "/dual_f_plan_max.csv", sep=',') outputs_dual_f_plan_df_min = pd.Series.from_csv(dir_path_dual_f_plan + "/dual_f_plan_min.csv", sep=',') # ------------------------- Random ---------------------------------------- # dual_f_plan_rdm_prediction = task_1_sample[cols_dual_f_plan_tot] if (print_en_dual_f_plan): print("Random dual_f_plan: ") print(dual_f_plan_rdm_prediction) # ------------------------- Neural Network ---------------------------------------- # nn_classifier = tf.estimator.DNNClassifier( feature_columns=construct_feature_columns(norm_inputs_test_df), optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate_class), n_classes=n_clusters_dual_f_plan, hidden_units=units_dual_f_plan_class, model_dir=dir_path_dual_f_plan+"/classification/nn" ) targets_df = pd.DataFrame([[0.0]]) predict_test_input_fn = lambda: my_input_fn(norm_inputs_test_df, targets_df, num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) test_probabilities = nn_classifier.predict(input_fn=predict_test_input_fn) test_pred = np.array([item['class_ids'][0] for item in test_probabilities]) n_cluster = test_pred[0] # the input belongs to this cluster selected_cl_in_dual_f_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_dual_f_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_dual_f_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_dual_f_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') #dual_f_plan = selected_cl_out_dual_f_plan_df.values #pca_dual_f_plan = decomposition.PCA(n_components=n_pca_comps_dual_f_plan) #pc = pca_dual_f_plan.fit_transform(dual_f_plan) #pc_df = pd.DataFrame(data=pc, columns=cols_dual_f_plan[0:n_pca_comps_dual_f_plan]) pc_df = selected_cl_out_dual_f_plan_df col_names = list(pc_df.columns.values) dim = len(pc_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(pc_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)),2)) <= th_dual_f_plan): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())],axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(pc_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim != 0): nn_regressor = tf.estimator.DNNRegressor( feature_columns=construct_feature_columns(norm_inputs_test_df), hidden_units=units_dual_f_plan, optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate), label_dimension=ldim, model_dir=dir_path_dual_f_plan + "/cluster" + repr(n_cluster)+"/nn" ) predict_test_input_fn = lambda: my_input_fn(norm_inputs_test_df, targets_df[col_names_1], num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) test_predictions_2 = nn_regressor.predict(input_fn=predict_test_input_fn) test_predictions_2 = np.array([item['predictions'][0:ldim] for item in test_predictions_2]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) #test_predictions = test_predictions_df.values #test_predictions_proj = pca_dual_f_plan.inverse_transform(test_predictions) #test_proj_df = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_proj, columns=cols_dual_f_plan) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_predictions_df, outputs_dual_f_plan_df_max, outputs_dual_f_plan_df_min) zero_data_dual_f_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_dual_f_plan_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_dual_f_tot, columns=cols_dual_f_plan_tot) for str in cols_dual_f_plan_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values dual_f_plan_nn_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_tot_df.copy() if(print_en_dual_f_plan): print("Predicted NN dual_f_plan:") print(denorm_test_predictions_tot_df) norm_inputs_test_list = np.array(norm_inputs_test_df.values).tolist() # ------------------------- Support Vector Machines ---------------------------------------- # svm_classifier = joblib.load(dir_path_dual_f_plan + "/classification/svm/svm_clf.joblib") test_pred = svm_classifier.predict(norm_inputs_test_list) n_cluster = test_pred[0] selected_cl_in_dual_f_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_dual_f_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_dual_f_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_dual_f_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') #dual_f_plan = selected_cl_out_dual_f_plan_df.values #pca_dual_f_plan = decomposition.PCA(n_components=n_pca_comps_dual_f_plan) #pc = pca_dual_f_plan.fit_transform(dual_f_plan) #pc_df = pd.DataFrame(data=pc, columns=cols_dual_f_plan[0:n_pca_comps_dual_f_plan]) pc_df = selected_cl_out_dual_f_plan_df col_names = list(pc_df.columns.values) dim = len(pc_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(pc_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)),2)) <= th_dual_f_plan): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())],axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(pc_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim != 0): svm_regressor = joblib.load(dir_path_dual_f_plan + "/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/svm/svm_reg.joblib") test_predictions_2 = svm_regressor.predict(norm_inputs_test_df.iloc[:,0:ldim]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) #test_predictions = test_predictions_df.values #test_predictions_proj = pca_dual_f_plan.inverse_transform(test_predictions) #test_proj_df = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_proj, columns=cols_dual_f_plan) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_predictions_df, outputs_dual_f_plan_df_max, outputs_dual_f_plan_df_min) zero_data_dual_f_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_dual_f_plan_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_dual_f_tot, columns=cols_dual_f_plan_tot) for str in cols_dual_f_plan_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values dual_f_plan_svm_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_tot_df.copy() if(print_en_dual_f_plan): print("Predicted SVM dual_f_plan:") print(denorm_test_predictions_tot_df) # ------------------------- K-Nearest Neighbors ---------------------------------------- # knn_classifier = joblib.load(dir_path_dual_f_plan + "/classification/knn/knn_clf.joblib") test_pred = knn_classifier.predict(norm_inputs_test_list) n_cluster = test_pred[0] selected_cl_in_dual_f_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_dual_f_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_dual_f_plan_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_dual_f_plan+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') #dual_f_plan = selected_cl_out_dual_f_plan_df.values #pca_dual_f_plan = decomposition.PCA(n_components=n_pca_comps_dual_f_plan) #pc = pca_dual_f_plan.fit_transform(dual_f_plan) #pc_df = pd.DataFrame(data=pc, columns=cols_dual_f_plan[0:n_pca_comps_dual_f_plan]) pc_df = selected_cl_out_dual_f_plan_df col_names = list(pc_df.columns.values) dim = len(pc_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(pc_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)),2)) <= th_dual_f_plan): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())],axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(pc_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim != 0): knn_regressor = joblib.load(dir_path_dual_f_plan + "/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/knn/knn_reg.joblib") test_predictions_2 = knn_regressor.predict(norm_inputs_test_df.iloc[:,0:ldim]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) #test_predictions = test_predictions_df.values #test_predictions_proj = pca_dual_f_plan.inverse_transform(test_predictions) #test_proj_df = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_proj, columns=cols_dual_f_plan) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_predictions_df, outputs_dual_f_plan_df_max, outputs_dual_f_plan_df_min) zero_data_dual_f_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_dual_f_plan_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_dual_f_tot, columns=cols_dual_f_plan_tot) for str in cols_dual_f_plan_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values dual_f_plan_knn_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_tot_df.copy() if(print_en_dual_f_plan): print("Predicted KNN dual_f_plan:") print(denorm_test_predictions_tot_df) if predict_x_bounce: # ----- BOUNCE POSTURE SELECTION: BOUNCE POSTURE --------------------------------------------- # if not outputs_x_bounce_df.empty: outputs_x_bounce_df_max = pd.Series.from_csv(dir_path_x_bounce+"/x_bounce_max.csv",sep=',') outputs_x_bounce_df_min = pd.Series.from_csv(dir_path_x_bounce + "/x_bounce_min.csv",sep=',') # ------------------------- Random ---------------------------------------- # x_bounce_rdm_prediction = task_1_sample[cols_x_bounce_tot] if (print_en_x_bounce): print("Random x_bounce: ") print(x_bounce_rdm_prediction) # ------------------------- Neural Network ---------------------------------------- # nn_classifier = tf.estimator.DNNClassifier( feature_columns=construct_feature_columns(norm_inputs_test_df), optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate_class), n_classes=n_clusters_x_bounce, hidden_units=units_x_bounce_class, model_dir=dir_path_x_bounce+"/classification/nn" ) targets_df = pd.DataFrame([[0.0]]) predict_test_input_fn = lambda: my_input_fn(norm_inputs_test_df, targets_df, num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) test_probabilities = nn_classifier.predict(input_fn=predict_test_input_fn) test_pred = np.array([item['class_ids'][0] for item in test_probabilities]) n_cluster = test_pred[0] # the input belongs to this cluster selected_cl_in_x_bounce_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_x_bounce+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_x_bounce_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_x_bounce+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') #print("Cluster:") #print(n_cluster) # TO DO #n_comps = n_pca_comps_x_bounce #if (n_cluster==2 or n_cluster==5): # n_comps = n_pca_comps_x_bounce - 3 #elif(n_cluster==0 or n_cluster==3 or n_cluster==4): # n_comps = n_pca_comps_x_bounce - 2 X_bounce = selected_cl_out_x_bounce_df.values pca_x_bounce = decomposition.PCA(n_components=n_pca_comps_x_bounce) pc = pca_x_bounce.fit_transform(X_bounce) pc_df = pd.DataFrame(data=pc, columns=cols_x_bounce[0:n_pca_comps_x_bounce]) col_names = list(pc_df.columns.values) dim = len(pc_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(pc_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)),2)) <= th_x_bounce): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())],axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(pc_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim != 0): nn_regressor = tf.estimator.DNNRegressor( feature_columns=construct_feature_columns(norm_inputs_test_df), hidden_units=units_x_bounce, optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate), label_dimension=ldim, model_dir=dir_path_x_bounce + "/cluster" + repr(n_cluster)+"/nn" ) tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(col_names_1))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros,columns=col_names_1) predict_test_input_fn = lambda: my_input_fn(norm_inputs_test_df, targets_df[col_names_1], num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) test_predictions_2 = nn_regressor.predict(input_fn=predict_test_input_fn) test_predictions_2 = np.array([item['predictions'][0:ldim] for item in test_predictions_2]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) test_predictions = test_predictions_df.values test_predictions_proj = pca_x_bounce.inverse_transform(test_predictions) test_proj_df = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_proj, columns=cols_x_bounce) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_proj_df, outputs_x_bounce_df_max, outputs_x_bounce_df_min) zero_data_x_bounce_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_x_bounce_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_x_bounce_tot, columns=cols_x_bounce_tot) for str in cols_x_bounce_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values x_bounce_nn_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_df.copy() if(print_en_x_bounce): print("Predicted NN x_bounce:") print(denorm_test_predictions_df) norm_inputs_test_list = np.array(norm_inputs_test_df.values).tolist() # ------------------------- Support Vector Machines ---------------------------------------- # svm_classifier = joblib.load(dir_path_x_bounce + "/classification/svm/svm_clf.joblib") test_pred = svm_classifier.predict(norm_inputs_test_list) n_cluster = test_pred[0] selected_cl_in_x_bounce_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_x_bounce+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_x_bounce_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_x_bounce+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') X_bounce = selected_cl_out_x_bounce_df.values pca_x_bounce = decomposition.PCA(n_components=n_pca_comps_x_bounce) pc = pca_x_bounce.fit_transform(X_bounce) pc_df = pd.DataFrame(data=pc, columns=cols_x_bounce[0:n_pca_comps_x_bounce]) col_names = list(pc_df.columns.values) dim = len(pc_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(pc_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)),2)) <= th_x_bounce): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())],axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(pc_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim != 0): svm_regressor = joblib.load(dir_path_x_bounce + "/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/svm/svm_reg.joblib") test_predictions_2 = svm_regressor.predict(norm_inputs_test_df.iloc[:,0:ldim]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) test_predictions = test_predictions_df.values test_predictions_proj = pca_x_bounce.inverse_transform(test_predictions) test_proj_df = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_proj, columns=cols_x_bounce) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_proj_df, outputs_x_bounce_df_max, outputs_x_bounce_df_min) zero_data_x_bounce_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_x_bounce_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_x_bounce_tot, columns=cols_x_bounce_tot) for str in cols_x_bounce_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values x_bounce_svm_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_df.copy() if(print_en_x_bounce): print("Predicted SVM x_bounce:") print(denorm_test_predictions_df) # ------------------------- K-Nearest Neighbors ---------------------------------------- # knn_classifier = joblib.load(dir_path_x_bounce + "/classification/knn/knn_clf.joblib") test_pred = knn_classifier.predict(norm_inputs_test_list) n_cluster = test_pred[0] selected_cl_in_x_bounce_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_x_bounce+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_x_bounce_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_x_bounce+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') X_bounce = selected_cl_out_x_bounce_df.values pca_x_bounce = decomposition.PCA(n_components=n_pca_comps_x_bounce) pc = pca_x_bounce.fit_transform(X_bounce) pc_df = pd.DataFrame(data=pc, columns=cols_x_bounce[0:n_pca_comps_x_bounce]) col_names = list(pc_df.columns.values) dim = len(pc_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(pc_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)),2)) <= th_x_bounce): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())],axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(pc_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim != 0): knn_regressor = joblib.load(dir_path_x_bounce + "/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/knn/knn_reg.joblib") test_predictions_2 = knn_regressor.predict(norm_inputs_test_df.iloc[:,0:ldim]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) test_predictions = test_predictions_df.values test_predictions_proj = pca_x_bounce.inverse_transform(test_predictions) test_proj_df = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_proj, columns=cols_x_bounce) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_proj_df, outputs_x_bounce_df_max, outputs_x_bounce_df_min) zero_data_x_bounce_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_x_bounce_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_x_bounce_tot, columns=cols_x_bounce_tot) for str in cols_x_bounce_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values x_bounce_knn_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_df.copy() if(print_en_x_bounce): print("Predicted KNN x_bounce:") print(denorm_test_predictions_df) if predict_zb_L: # ---------------- BOUNCE POSTURE SELECTION: LOWER BOUNDS --------------------------------------------- # if not outputs_zb_L_df.empty: outputs_zb_L_df_max = pd.Series.from_csv(dir_path_zb_L + "/zb_L_max.csv", sep=',') outputs_zb_L_df_min = pd.Series.from_csv(dir_path_zb_L + "/zb_L_min.csv", sep=',') # ------------------------- Random ---------------------------------------- # zb_L_rdm_prediction = task_1_sample[cols_zb_L_tot] if (print_en_zb_L): print("Random zb_L: ") print(zb_L_rdm_prediction) # ------------------------- Neural Network ---------------------------------------- # nn_classifier = tf.estimator.DNNClassifier( feature_columns=construct_feature_columns(norm_inputs_test_df), optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate_class), n_classes=n_clusters_zb_L, hidden_units=units_zb_L_class, model_dir=dir_path_zb_L+"/classification/nn" ) targets_df = pd.DataFrame([[0.0]]) predict_test_input_fn = lambda: my_input_fn(norm_inputs_test_df, targets_df, num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) test_probabilities = nn_classifier.predict(input_fn=predict_test_input_fn) test_pred = np.array([item['class_ids'][0] for item in test_probabilities]) n_cluster = test_pred[0] # the input belongs to this cluster selected_cl_in_zb_L_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zb_L+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_zb_L_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zb_L+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') col_names = list(selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.columns.values) dim = len(selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)), 2)) <= th_zb_L): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())], axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim != 0): nn_regressor = tf.estimator.DNNRegressor( feature_columns=construct_feature_columns(norm_inputs_test_df), hidden_units=units_zb_L, optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate), label_dimension=ldim, model_dir=dir_path_zb_L + "/cluster" + repr(n_cluster)+"/nn" ) predict_test_input_fn = lambda: my_input_fn(norm_inputs_test_df, targets_df[col_names_1], num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) test_predictions_2 = nn_regressor.predict(input_fn=predict_test_input_fn) test_predictions_2 = np.array([item['predictions'][0:ldim] for item in test_predictions_2]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_predictions_df, outputs_zb_L_df_max, outputs_zb_L_df_min) zero_data_zb_L_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_zb_L_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_zb_L_tot, columns=cols_zb_L_tot) for str in cols_zb_L_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values zb_L_nn_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_tot_df.copy() if(print_en_zb_L): print("Predicted NN zb_L:") print(denorm_test_predictions_tot_df) norm_inputs_test_list = np.array(norm_inputs_test_df.values).tolist() # ------------------------- Support Vector Machines ---------------------------------------- # svm_classifier = joblib.load(dir_path_zb_L + "/classification/svm/svm_clf.joblib") test_pred = svm_classifier.predict(norm_inputs_test_list) n_cluster = test_pred[0] selected_cl_in_zb_L_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zb_L+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_zb_L_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zb_L+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') col_names = list(selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.columns.values) dim = len(selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)), 2)) <= th_zb_L): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())], axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim != 0): svm_regressor = joblib.load(dir_path_zb_L + "/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/svm/svm_reg.joblib") test_predictions_2 = svm_regressor.predict(norm_inputs_test_df.iloc[:,0:ldim]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_predictions_df, outputs_zb_L_df_max, outputs_zb_L_df_min) zero_data_zb_L_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_zb_L_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_zb_L_tot, columns=cols_zb_L_tot) for str in cols_zb_L_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values zb_L_svm_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_tot_df.copy() if(print_en_zb_L): print("Predicted SVM zb_L:") print(denorm_test_predictions_tot_df) # ------------------------- K-Nearest Neighbors ---------------------------------------- # knn_classifier = joblib.load(dir_path_zb_L + "/classification/knn/knn_clf.joblib") test_pred = knn_classifier.predict(norm_inputs_test_list) n_cluster = test_pred[0] selected_cl_in_zb_L_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zb_L+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_zb_L_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zb_L+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') col_names = list(selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.columns.values) dim = len(selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)), 2)) <= th_zb_L): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())], axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(selected_cl_out_zb_L_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim != 0): knn_regressor = joblib.load(dir_path_zb_L + "/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/knn/knn_reg.joblib") test_predictions_2 = knn_regressor.predict(norm_inputs_test_df.iloc[:,0:ldim]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_predictions_df, outputs_zb_L_df_max, outputs_zb_L_df_min) zero_data_zb_L_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_zb_L_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_zb_L_tot, columns=cols_zb_L_tot) for str in cols_zb_L_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values zb_L_knn_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_tot_df.copy() if(print_en_zb_L): print("Predicted KNN zb_L:") print(denorm_test_predictions_tot_df) if predict_zb_U: # ----- BOUNCE POSTURE SELECTION: UPPER BOUNDS --------------------------------------------- # if not outputs_zb_U_df.empty: outputs_zb_U_df_max = pd.Series.from_csv(dir_path_zb_U + "/zb_U_max.csv", sep=',') outputs_zb_U_df_min = pd.Series.from_csv(dir_path_zb_U + "/zb_U_min.csv", sep=',') # ------------------------- Random ---------------------------------------- # zb_U_rdm_prediction = task_1_sample[cols_zb_U_tot] if (print_en_zb_U): print("Random zb_U: ") print(zb_U_rdm_prediction) # ------------------------- Neural Network ---------------------------------------- # nn_classifier = tf.estimator.DNNClassifier( feature_columns=construct_feature_columns(norm_inputs_test_df), optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate_class), n_classes=n_clusters_zb_U, hidden_units=units_zb_U_class, model_dir=dir_path_zb_U+"/classification/nn" ) targets_df = pd.DataFrame([[0.0]]) predict_test_input_fn = lambda: my_input_fn(norm_inputs_test_df, targets_df, num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) test_probabilities = nn_classifier.predict(input_fn=predict_test_input_fn) test_pred = np.array([item['class_ids'][0] for item in test_probabilities]) n_cluster = test_pred[0] # the input belongs to this cluster selected_cl_in_zb_U_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zb_U+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_zb_U_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zb_U+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') col_names = list(selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.columns.values) dim = len(selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)), 2)) <= th_zb_U): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())], axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim != 0): nn_regressor = tf.estimator.DNNRegressor( feature_columns=construct_feature_columns(norm_inputs_test_df), hidden_units=units_zb_U, optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate), label_dimension=ldim, model_dir=dir_path_zb_U + "/cluster" + repr(n_cluster)+"/nn" ) predict_test_input_fn = lambda: my_input_fn(norm_inputs_test_df, targets_df[col_names_1], num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) test_predictions_2 = nn_regressor.predict(input_fn=predict_test_input_fn) test_predictions_2 = np.array([item['predictions'][0:ldim] for item in test_predictions_2]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_predictions_df, outputs_zb_U_df_max, outputs_zb_U_df_min) zero_data_zb_U_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_zb_U_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_zb_U_tot, columns=cols_zb_U_tot) for str in cols_zb_U_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values zb_U_nn_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_tot_df.copy() if(print_en_zb_U): print("Predicted NN zb_U:") print(denorm_test_predictions_tot_df) norm_inputs_test_list = np.array(norm_inputs_test_df.values).tolist() # ------------------------- Support Vector Machines ---------------------------------------- # svm_classifier = joblib.load(dir_path_zb_U + "/classification/svm/svm_clf.joblib") test_pred = svm_classifier.predict(norm_inputs_test_list) n_cluster = test_pred[0] selected_cl_in_zb_U_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zb_U+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_zb_U_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zb_U+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') col_names = list(selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.columns.values) dim = len(selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)), 2)) <= th_zb_U): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())], axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim != 0): svm_regressor = joblib.load(dir_path_zb_U + "/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/svm/svm_reg.joblib") test_predictions_2 = svm_regressor.predict(norm_inputs_test_df.iloc[:,0:ldim]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_predictions_df, outputs_zb_U_df_max, outputs_zb_U_df_min) zero_data_zb_U_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_zb_U_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_zb_U_tot, columns=cols_zb_U_tot) for str in cols_zb_U_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values zb_U_svm_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_tot_df.copy() if(print_en_zb_U): print("Predicted SVM zb_U:") print(denorm_test_predictions_tot_df) # ------------------------- K-Nearest Neighbors ---------------------------------------- # knn_classifier = joblib.load(dir_path_zb_U + "/classification/knn/knn_clf.joblib") test_pred = knn_classifier.predict(norm_inputs_test_list) n_cluster = test_pred[0] selected_cl_in_zb_U_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zb_U+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_zb_U_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_zb_U+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') col_names = list(selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.columns.values) dim = len(selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)), 2)) <= th_zb_U): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())], axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(selected_cl_out_zb_U_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim != 0): knn_regressor = joblib.load(dir_path_zb_U + "/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/knn/knn_reg.joblib") test_predictions_2 = knn_regressor.predict(norm_inputs_test_df.iloc[:,0:ldim]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_predictions_df, outputs_zb_U_df_max, outputs_zb_U_df_min) zero_data_zb_U_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_zb_U_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_zb_U_tot, columns=cols_zb_U_tot) for str in cols_zb_U_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values zb_U_knn_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_tot_df.copy() if(print_en_zb_U): print("Predicted KNN zb_U:") print(denorm_test_predictions_tot_df) else: col_names = [col for col in null_outputs if col.startswith('zb_U')] zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(col_names))) test_pred_df = pd.DataFrame(zeros,columns=col_names) zb_U_rdm_prediction = test_pred_df.copy() zb_U_nn_prediction = test_pred_df.copy() zb_U_svm_prediction = test_pred_df.copy() zb_U_knn_prediction = test_pred_df.copy() if(print_en_zb_U): print("Random zb_U:") print(test_pred_df) print("Predicted NN zb_U:") print(test_pred_df) print("Predicted SVM zb_U:") print(test_pred_df) print("Predicted KNN zb_U:") print(test_pred_df) if predict_dual_bounce: # ----- BOUNCE POSTURE SELECTION: DUAL VARIABLES --------------------------------------------- # if not outputs_dual_bounce_df.empty: outputs_dual_bounce_df_max = pd.Series.from_csv(dir_path_dual_bounce+"/dual_bounce_max.csv",sep=',') outputs_dual_bounce_df_min = pd.Series.from_csv(dir_path_dual_bounce + "/dual_bounce_min.csv",sep=',') # ------------------------- Random ---------------------------------------- # dual_bounce_rdm_prediction = task_1_sample[cols_dual_bounce_tot] if (print_en_dual_bounce): print("Random dual_bounce: ") print(dual_bounce_rdm_prediction) # ------------------------- Neural Network ---------------------------------------- # nn_classifier = tf.estimator.DNNClassifier( feature_columns=construct_feature_columns(norm_inputs_test_df), optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate_class), n_classes=n_clusters_dual_bounce, hidden_units=units_dual_bounce_class, model_dir=dir_path_dual_bounce+"/classification/nn" ) targets_df = pd.DataFrame([[0.0]]) predict_test_input_fn = lambda: my_input_fn(norm_inputs_test_df, targets_df, num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) test_probabilities = nn_classifier.predict(input_fn=predict_test_input_fn) test_pred = np.array([item['class_ids'][0] for item in test_probabilities]) n_cluster = test_pred[0] # the input belongs to this cluster selected_cl_in_dual_bounce_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_dual_bounce+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_dual_bounce_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_dual_bounce+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') #print("Cluster number:") #print(n_cluster) #n_comps = n_pca_comps_dual_bounce #if(n_cluster==0): # n_comps = n_pca_comps_dual_bounce - 5 #elif (n_cluster==2 or n_cluster==3): # n_comps = n_pca_comps_dual_bounce - 7 #elif(n_cluster==4): # n_comps = n_pca_comps_dual_bounce - 6 #elif(n_cluster==5): # n_comps = n_pca_comps_dual_bounce - 4 Dual_bounce = selected_cl_out_dual_bounce_df.values pca_dual_bounce = decomposition.PCA(n_components=n_pca_comps_dual_bounce) pc = pca_dual_bounce.fit_transform(Dual_bounce) pc_df = pd.DataFrame(data=pc, columns=cols_dual_bounce[0:n_pca_comps_dual_bounce]) col_names = list(pc_df.columns.values) dim = len(pc_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(pc_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)),2)) <= th_dual_bounce): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())],axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(pc_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim!=0): nn_regressor = tf.estimator.DNNRegressor(feature_columns=construct_feature_columns(norm_inputs_test_df), hidden_units=units_dual_bounce, optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate), label_dimension=ldim, model_dir=dir_path_dual_bounce + "/cluster" + repr(n_cluster)+"/nn" ) tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(col_names_1))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names_1) predict_test_input_fn = lambda: my_input_fn(norm_inputs_test_df, targets_df[col_names_1], num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) test_predictions_2 = nn_regressor.predict(input_fn=predict_test_input_fn) test_predictions_2 = np.array([item['predictions'][0:ldim] for item in test_predictions_2]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) test_predictions = test_predictions_df.values test_predictions_proj = pca_dual_bounce.inverse_transform(test_predictions) test_proj_df = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_proj, columns=cols_dual_bounce) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_proj_df, outputs_dual_bounce_df_max, outputs_dual_bounce_df_min) zero_data_dual_bounce_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_dual_bounce_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_dual_bounce_tot, columns=cols_dual_bounce_tot) for str in cols_dual_bounce_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values dual_bounce_nn_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_tot_df.copy() if(print_en_dual_bounce): print("Predicted NN dual_bounce:") print(denorm_test_predictions_tot_df) norm_inputs_test_list = np.array(norm_inputs_test_df.values).tolist() # ------------------------- Support Vector Machines ---------------------------------------- # svm_classifier = joblib.load(dir_path_dual_bounce + "/classification/svm/svm_clf.joblib") test_pred = svm_classifier.predict(norm_inputs_test_list) n_cluster = test_pred[0] selected_cl_in_dual_bounce_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_dual_bounce+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_dual_bounce_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_dual_bounce+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') Dual_bounce = selected_cl_out_dual_bounce_df.values pca_dual_bounce = decomposition.PCA(n_components=n_pca_comps_dual_bounce) pc = pca_dual_bounce.fit_transform(Dual_bounce) pc_df = pd.DataFrame(data=pc, columns=cols_dual_bounce[0:n_pca_comps_dual_bounce]) col_names = list(pc_df.columns.values) dim = len(pc_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(pc_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)),2)) <= th_dual_bounce): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())],axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(pc_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim!=0): svm_regressor = joblib.load(dir_path_dual_bounce + "/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/svm/svm_reg.joblib") test_predictions_2 = svm_regressor.predict(norm_inputs_test_df.iloc[:,0:ldim]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) test_predictions = test_predictions_df.values test_predictions_proj = pca_dual_bounce.inverse_transform(test_predictions) test_proj_df = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_proj, columns=cols_dual_bounce) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_proj_df, outputs_dual_bounce_df_max, outputs_dual_bounce_df_min) zero_data_dual_bounce_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_dual_bounce_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_dual_bounce_tot, columns=cols_dual_bounce_tot) for str in cols_dual_bounce_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values dual_bounce_svm_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_tot_df.copy() if(print_en_dual_bounce): print("Predicted SVM dual_bounce:") print(denorm_test_predictions_tot_df) # ------------------------- K-Nearest Neighbors ---------------------------------------- # knn_classifier = joblib.load(dir_path_dual_bounce + "/classification/knn/knn_clf.joblib") test_pred = knn_classifier.predict(norm_inputs_test_list) n_cluster = test_pred[0] selected_cl_in_dual_bounce_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_dual_bounce+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/inputs.csv",sep=',') selected_cl_out_dual_bounce_df = pd.read_csv(dir_path_dual_bounce+"/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/outputs.csv",sep=',') Dual_bounce = selected_cl_out_dual_bounce_df.values pca_dual_bounce = decomposition.PCA(n_components=n_pca_comps_dual_bounce) pc = pca_dual_bounce.fit_transform(Dual_bounce) pc_df = pd.DataFrame(data=pc, columns=cols_dual_bounce[0:n_pca_comps_dual_bounce]) col_names = list(pc_df.columns.values) dim = len(pc_df.columns.values) ldim = dim test_predictions_1 = np.array([]) test_predictions_2 = [] test_predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame() test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame() tar_zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(col_names))) targets_df = pd.DataFrame(tar_zeros, columns=col_names) test_pred_col_names_1 = [] col_names_1 = list(pc_df.columns.values) for j in range(0, dim): if (math.sqrt(math.pow((pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.25) - pc_df.iloc[0:, j].quantile(0.75)),2)) <= th_dual_bounce): if (test_predictions_1.size == 0): test_predictions_1 = np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean()) else: test_predictions_1 = np.concatenate([test_predictions_1, np.full((targets_df.shape[0], 1), pc_df.iloc[0:, j].mean())],axis=1) ldim = ldim - 1 test_pred_col_names_1.append(pc_df.columns[j]) for str in test_pred_col_names_1: col_names_1.remove(str) if (test_predictions_1.size != 0): test_predictions_df_1 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_1[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=test_pred_col_names_1) if (ldim!=0): knn_regressor = joblib.load(dir_path_dual_bounce + "/cluster"+repr(n_cluster)+"/knn/knn_reg.joblib") test_predictions_2 = knn_regressor.predict(norm_inputs_test_df.iloc[:,0:ldim]) test_predictions_df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_2[0:, 0:], # values index=norm_inputs_test_df.index, columns=col_names_1) if (test_predictions_df_1.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_2 elif (test_predictions_df_2.empty): test_predictions_df = test_predictions_df_1 else: for str in col_names: if str in test_predictions_df_1: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_1[str]], axis=1) elif str in test_predictions_df_2: test_predictions_df = pd.concat([test_predictions_df, test_predictions_df_2[str]], axis=1) test_predictions = test_predictions_df.values test_predictions_proj = pca_dual_bounce.inverse_transform(test_predictions) test_proj_df = pd.DataFrame(data=test_predictions_proj, columns=cols_dual_bounce) denorm_test_predictions_df = denormalize_linear_scale(test_proj_df, outputs_dual_bounce_df_max, outputs_dual_bounce_df_min) zero_data_dual_bounce_tot = np.zeros(shape=(1, len(cols_dual_bounce_tot))) denorm_test_predictions_tot_df = pd.DataFrame(zero_data_dual_bounce_tot, columns=cols_dual_bounce_tot) for str in cols_dual_bounce_tot: if str in denorm_test_predictions_df: denorm_test_predictions_tot_df[str] = denorm_test_predictions_df[str].values dual_bounce_knn_prediction = denorm_test_predictions_tot_df.copy() if(print_en_dual_bounce): print("Predicted KNN dual_bounce:") print(denorm_test_predictions_tot_df) # ------------------- Write down the prediction of the results ----------------------------------- # pred_file = open(pred_file_path, "w") pred_file.write("#### Dual variables and solutions of the optimization problems ####\n") # ----------------- Random -------------------------- # pred_file.write("### Warm start with Random ###\n") pred_file.write("## Plan target posture selection data ##\n") pred_file.write("X_rdm_plan=") xf_plan_size = len(xf_plan_rdm_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,xf_plan_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % xf_plan_rdm_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == xf_plan_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("ZL_rdm_plan=") zf_L_plan_size = len(zf_L_plan_rdm_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,zf_L_plan_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % zf_L_plan_rdm_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == zf_L_plan_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("ZU_rdm_plan=") zf_U_plan_size = len(zf_U_plan_rdm_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,zf_U_plan_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % zf_U_plan_rdm_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == zf_U_plan_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("Dual_rdm_plan=") dual_f_plan_size = len(dual_f_plan_rdm_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,dual_f_plan_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % dual_f_plan_rdm_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == dual_f_plan_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("## Bounce posture selection data ##\n") pred_file.write("X_rdm_bounce=") x_bounce_size = len(x_bounce_rdm_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,x_bounce_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % x_bounce_rdm_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == x_bounce_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("ZL_rdm_bounce=") zb_L_size = len(zb_L_rdm_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,zb_L_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % zb_L_rdm_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == zb_L_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("ZU_rdm_bounce=") zb_U_size = len(zb_U_rdm_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,zb_U_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % zb_U_rdm_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == zb_U_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("Dual_rdm_bounce=") dual_bounce_size = len(dual_bounce_rdm_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,dual_bounce_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % dual_bounce_rdm_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == dual_bounce_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") # ----------------- Neural Network -------------------------- # pred_file.write("### Warm start with Neural Network ###\n") pred_file.write("## Plan target posture selection data ##\n") pred_file.write("X_nn_plan=") xf_plan_size = len(xf_plan_nn_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,xf_plan_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % xf_plan_nn_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == xf_plan_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("ZL_nn_plan=") zf_L_plan_size = len(zf_L_plan_nn_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,zf_L_plan_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % zf_L_plan_nn_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == zf_L_plan_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("ZU_nn_plan=") zf_U_plan_size = len(zf_U_plan_nn_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,zf_U_plan_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % zf_U_plan_nn_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == zf_U_plan_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("Dual_nn_plan=") dual_f_plan_size = len(dual_f_plan_nn_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,dual_f_plan_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % dual_f_plan_nn_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == dual_f_plan_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("## Bounce posture selection data ##\n") pred_file.write("X_nn_bounce=") x_bounce_size = len(x_bounce_nn_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,x_bounce_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % x_bounce_nn_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == x_bounce_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("ZL_nn_bounce=") zb_L_size = len(zb_L_nn_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,zb_L_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % zb_L_nn_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == zb_L_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("ZU_nn_bounce=") zb_U_size = len(zb_U_nn_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,zb_U_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % zb_U_nn_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == zb_U_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("Dual_nn_bounce=") dual_bounce_size = len(dual_bounce_nn_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,dual_bounce_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % dual_bounce_nn_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == dual_bounce_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") # ----------------- Support Vector Machines -------------------------- # pred_file.write("### Warm start with Support Vector Machines ###\n") pred_file.write("## Plan target posture selection data ##\n") pred_file.write("X_svm_plan=") xf_plan_size = len(xf_plan_svm_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,xf_plan_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % xf_plan_svm_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == xf_plan_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("ZL_svm_plan=") zf_L_plan_size = len(zf_L_plan_svm_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,zf_L_plan_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % zf_L_plan_svm_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == zf_L_plan_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("ZU_svm_plan=") zf_U_plan_size = len(zf_U_plan_svm_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,zf_U_plan_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % zf_U_plan_svm_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == zf_U_plan_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("Dual_svm_plan=") dual_f_plan_size = len(dual_f_plan_svm_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,dual_f_plan_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % dual_f_plan_svm_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == dual_f_plan_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("## Bounce posture selection data ##\n") pred_file.write("X_svm_bounce=") x_bounce_size = len(x_bounce_svm_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,x_bounce_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % x_bounce_svm_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == x_bounce_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("ZL_svm_bounce=") zb_L_size = len(zb_L_svm_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,zb_L_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % zb_L_svm_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == zb_L_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("ZU_svm_bounce=") zb_U_size = len(zb_U_svm_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,zb_U_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % zb_U_svm_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == zb_U_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("Dual_svm_bounce=") dual_bounce_size = len(dual_bounce_svm_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,dual_bounce_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % dual_bounce_svm_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == dual_bounce_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") # ----------------- K-Nearest Neighbors -------------------------- # pred_file.write("### Warm start with K-Nearest Neighbors ###\n") pred_file.write("## Plan target posture selection data ##\n") pred_file.write("X_knn_plan=") xf_plan_size = len(xf_plan_knn_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,xf_plan_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % xf_plan_knn_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == xf_plan_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("ZL_knn_plan=") zf_L_plan_size = len(zf_L_plan_knn_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,zf_L_plan_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % zf_L_plan_knn_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == zf_L_plan_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("ZU_knn_plan=") zf_U_plan_size = len(zf_U_plan_knn_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,zf_U_plan_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % zf_U_plan_knn_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == zf_U_plan_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("Dual_knn_plan=") dual_f_plan_size = len(dual_f_plan_knn_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,dual_f_plan_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % dual_f_plan_knn_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == dual_f_plan_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("## Bounce posture selection data ##\n") pred_file.write("X_knn_bounce=") x_bounce_size = len(x_bounce_knn_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,x_bounce_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % x_bounce_knn_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == x_bounce_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("ZL_knn_bounce=") zb_L_size = len(zb_L_knn_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,zb_L_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % zb_L_knn_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == zb_L_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("ZU_knn_bounce=") zb_U_size = len(zb_U_knn_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,zb_U_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % zb_U_knn_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == zb_U_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.write("Dual_knn_bounce=") dual_bounce_size = len(dual_bounce_knn_prediction.columns) for i in range(0,dual_bounce_size): pred_file.write("%.6f" % dual_bounce_knn_prediction.iloc[0,i]) if not (i == dual_bounce_size -1): pred_file.write("|") pred_file.write("\n") pred_file.close()
# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Example of DNNClassifier for Iris plant dataset, with run config.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from sklearn import cross_validation from sklearn import datasets from sklearn import metrics import tensorflow as tf def main(unused_argv): # Load dataset. iris = datasets.load_iris() x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(,, test_size=0.2, random_state=42) # You can define you configurations by providing a RunConfig object to # estimator to control session configurations, e.g. num_cores # and gpu_memory_fraction run_config = tf.contrib.learn.estimators.RunConfig( num_cores=3, gpu_memory_fraction=0.6) # Build 3 layer DNN with 10, 20, 10 units respectively. feature_columns = tf.contrib.learn.infer_real_valued_columns_from_input( x_train) classifier = tf.contrib.learn.DNNClassifier(feature_columns=feature_columns, hidden_units=[10, 20, 10], n_classes=3, config=run_config) # Fit and predict., y_train, steps=200) predictions = list(classifier.predict(x_test, as_iterable=True)) score = metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, predictions) print('Accuracy: {0:f}'.format(score)) if __name__ == '__main__':
# Author: Gael Varoquaux # License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_true from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_false from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_not_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, clone, is_classifier from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.utils import deprecated ############################################################################# # A few test classes class MyEstimator(BaseEstimator): def __init__(self, l1=0, empty=None): self.l1 = l1 self.empty = empty class K(BaseEstimator): def __init__(self, c=None, d=None): self.c = c self.d = d class T(BaseEstimator): def __init__(self, a=None, b=None): self.a = a self.b = b class DeprecatedAttributeEstimator(BaseEstimator): def __init__(self, a=None, b=None): self.a = a if b is not None: DeprecationWarning("b is deprecated and renamed 'a'") self.a = b @property @deprecated("Parameter 'b' is deprecated and renamed to 'a'") def b(self): return self._b class Buggy(BaseEstimator): " A buggy estimator that does not set its parameters right. " def __init__(self, a=None): self.a = 1 class NoEstimator(object): def __init__(self): pass def fit(self, X=None, y=None): return self def predict(self, X=None): return None class VargEstimator(BaseEstimator): """Sklearn estimators shouldn't have vargs.""" def __init__(self, *vargs): pass ############################################################################# # The tests def test_clone(): # Tests that clone creates a correct deep copy. # We create an estimator, make a copy of its original state # (which, in this case, is the current state of the estimator), # and check that the obtained copy is a correct deep copy. from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectFpr, f_classif selector = SelectFpr(f_classif, alpha=0.1) new_selector = clone(selector) assert_true(selector is not new_selector) assert_equal(selector.get_params(), new_selector.get_params()) selector = SelectFpr(f_classif, alpha=np.zeros((10, 2))) new_selector = clone(selector) assert_true(selector is not new_selector) def test_clone_2(): # Tests that clone doesn't copy everything. # We first create an estimator, give it an own attribute, and # make a copy of its original state. Then we check that the copy doesn't # have the specific attribute we manually added to the initial estimator. from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectFpr, f_classif selector = SelectFpr(f_classif, alpha=0.1) selector.own_attribute = "test" new_selector = clone(selector) assert_false(hasattr(new_selector, "own_attribute")) def test_clone_buggy(): # Check that clone raises an error on buggy estimators. buggy = Buggy() buggy.a = 2 assert_raises(RuntimeError, clone, buggy) no_estimator = NoEstimator() assert_raises(TypeError, clone, no_estimator) varg_est = VargEstimator() assert_raises(RuntimeError, clone, varg_est) def test_clone_empty_array(): # Regression test for cloning estimators with empty arrays clf = MyEstimator(empty=np.array([])) clf2 = clone(clf) assert_array_equal(clf.empty, clf2.empty) clf = MyEstimator(empty=sp.csr_matrix(np.array([[0]]))) clf2 = clone(clf) assert_array_equal(, def test_clone_nan(): # Regression test for cloning estimators with default parameter as np.nan clf = MyEstimator(empty=np.nan) clf2 = clone(clf) assert_true(clf.empty is clf2.empty) def test_repr(): # Smoke test the repr of the base estimator. my_estimator = MyEstimator() repr(my_estimator) test = T(K(), K()) assert_equal( repr(test), "T(a=K(c=None, d=None), b=K(c=None, d=None))" ) some_est = T(a=["long_params"] * 1000) assert_equal(len(repr(some_est)), 415) def test_str(): # Smoke test the str of the base estimator my_estimator = MyEstimator() str(my_estimator) def test_get_params(): test = T(K(), K()) assert_true('a__d' in test.get_params(deep=True)) assert_true('a__d' not in test.get_params(deep=False)) test.set_params(a__d=2) assert_true(test.a.d == 2) assert_raises(ValueError, test.set_params, a__a=2) def test_get_params_deprecated(): # deprecated attribute should not show up as params est = DeprecatedAttributeEstimator(a=1) assert_true('a' in est.get_params()) assert_true('a' in est.get_params(deep=True)) assert_true('a' in est.get_params(deep=False)) assert_true('b' not in est.get_params()) assert_true('b' not in est.get_params(deep=True)) assert_true('b' not in est.get_params(deep=False)) def test_is_classifier(): svc = SVC() assert_true(is_classifier(svc)) assert_true(is_classifier(GridSearchCV(svc, {'C': [0.1, 1]}))) assert_true(is_classifier(Pipeline([('svc', svc)]))) assert_true(is_classifier(Pipeline([('svc_cv', GridSearchCV(svc, {'C': [0.1, 1]}))]))) def test_set_params(): # test nested estimator parameter setting clf = Pipeline([("svc", SVC())]) # non-existing parameter in svc assert_raises(ValueError, clf.set_params, svc__stupid_param=True) # non-existing parameter of pipeline assert_raises(ValueError, clf.set_params, svm__stupid_param=True) # we don't currently catch if the things in pipeline are estimators # bad_pipeline = Pipeline([("bad", NoEstimator())]) # assert_raises(AttributeError, bad_pipeline.set_params, # bad__stupid_param=True) def test_score_sample_weight(): from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor from sklearn import datasets rng = np.random.RandomState(0) # test both ClassifierMixin and RegressorMixin estimators = [DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=2), DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=2)] sets = [datasets.load_iris(), datasets.load_boston()] for est, ds in zip(estimators, sets):, # generate random sample weights sample_weight = rng.randint(1, 10, size=len( # check that the score with and without sample weights are different assert_not_equal(est.score(,, est.score(,, sample_weight=sample_weight), msg="Unweighted and weighted scores " "are unexpectedly equal")
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Functions to perform decoding analyses and process results. @author: David Samu """ import warnings import numpy as np import pandas as pd from quantities import deg from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegressionCV from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold from sklearn.model_selection import permutation_test_score from seal.analysis import direction, stats from seal.decoding import decutil from seal.util import util, ua_query, constants # For reproducable (deterministic) results. seed = 8257 # just a random number verbose = True # %% Core decoding functions. def fit_LRCV(LRCV, X, y): """ Fit cross-validated logistic regression model on data and return results. """, y) # Get results for best fit. classes = list(LRCV.scores_.keys()) if is_binary(y) else LRCV.classes_ C = LRCV.C_[0] # should be the same for all classes (as refit=True) # Prediction score of each CV fold. i_best = np.where(LRCV.Cs_ == C)[0][0] # index of reg. giving best result # Scores should be the same across different classes (multinomial case). score = LRCV.scores_[list(LRCV.scores_.keys())[0]][:, i_best].squeeze() return classes, C, score def run_logreg(X, y, n_perm=0, n_pshfl=0, cv_obj=None, ncv=5, Cs=None, multi_class=None, solver=None, class_weight='balanced'): """ Run logistic regression with number of cross-validation folds (ncv) and internal regularization over a number of regularisation parameters (Cs). """ # Remove missing values from data. idx = np.logical_and(np.all(~np.isnan(X), 1), [yi is not None for yi in y]) X, y = np.array(X[idx]), np.array(y[idx]) # Init data params. classes, vcounts = np.unique(y, return_counts=True) ntrials, nfeatures = X.shape nclasses = len(classes) binary = is_binary(y) # Deal with binary case. class_names = [classes[1]] if binary else classes nclasspars = 1 if binary else nclasses # Init results. res = [('score', np.nan * np.zeros(ncv)), ('class_names', class_names), ('coef', np.nan * np.zeros((nclasspars, nfeatures))), ('C', np.nan), ('perm', pd.Series(np.nan, index=['mean', 'std', 'pval'])), ('psdo', pd.Series(np.nan, index=['mean', 'std', 'pval']))] res = util.series_from_tuple_list(res) # Check that there's at least two classes. if nclasses < 2: if verbose: warnings.warn('Number of different values in y is less then 2!') return res # Check that we have enough trials to split into folds during CV. if np.any(vcounts < ncv): if verbose: warnings.warn('Not enough trials to split into folds during CV') return res # Init LogRegCV parameters. if multi_class is None: multi_class = 'ovr' if binary else 'multinomial' if solver is None: solver = 'lbfgs' if len(y) < 500 else 'sag' if cv_obj is None: cv_obj = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=ncv, shuffle=True, random_state=seed) if Cs is None: Cs = [1] # no regularisation by default # Create LogRegress solver. LRCV = LogisticRegressionCV(solver=solver, Cs=Cs, cv=cv_obj, multi_class=multi_class, refit=True, class_weight=class_weight) # Fit logistic regression. class_names, C, score = fit_LRCV(LRCV, X, y) res['C'] = C res['score'] = score # Coefficients (weights) of features by predictors. coef = LRCV.coef_ res['coef'] = coef # Run permutation testing. if n_perm > 0: r = permutation_test_score(LRCV, X, y, scoring='accuracy', cv=cv_obj, n_permutations=n_perm, random_state=seed) _, perm_scores, perm_p = r res['perm']['mean'] = perm_scores.mean() res['perm']['std'] = perm_scores.std() res['perm']['pval'] = perm_p # Run decoding on rate matrix with trials shuffled within units. if n_pshfl > 0: shfld_scores = np.array([fit_LRCV(LRCV, pop_shfl(X, y), y)[2] for i in range(n_pshfl)]).mean(1) res['psdo']['mean'] = shfld_scores.mean() res['psdo']['std'] = shfld_scores.std() res['psdo']['pval'] = stats.perm_pval(score.mean(), shfld_scores) return res # %% Utility functions for model fitting. def is_binary(y): """Is it a binary or multinomial classification?""" binary = len(np.unique(y)) == 2 return binary def pop_shfl(X, y): """Return X predictors shuffled within columns for each y level.""" ncols = X.shape[1] Xc = X.copy() # For trials corresponding to given y value. for v in np.unique(y): idxs = np.where(y == v)[0] # For each column (predictor) independently. for ifeat in range(ncols): # Shuffle trials of predictor (feature). Xc[idxs, ifeat] = Xc[np.random.permutation(idxs), ifeat] return Xc def zscore_by_cond(X, vzscore_by): """Z-score rate values by condition levels within each unit.""" Xc = X.copy() for v, idxs in X.index.groupby(vzscore_by).items(): vX = Xc.loc[idxs, :] mean = vX.mean() std = vX.std(ddof=0) Xc.loc[idxs, :] = (vX - mean)/std return Xc def separate_by_cond(X, vcond): """Separate rate values by condition levels.""" Xsep = [X.loc[idxs, :] for v, idxs in X.index.groupby(vcond).items()] return Xsep # %% Wrappers to run decoding over time and different stimulus periods. def run_logreg_across_time(rates, vfeat, vzscore_by=None, n_perm=0, n_pshfl=0, corr_trs=None, ncv=5, Cs=None): """Run logistic regression analysis across trial time.""" # Correct and error trials and targets. if corr_trs is None: corr_trs = pd.Series(True, index=vfeat.index) err_trs = ~corr_trs corr_feat, err_feat = [vfeat[trs] for trs in [corr_trs, err_trs]] # Check that we have enough trials to split into folds during CV. vcounts = corr_feat.value_counts() if (vcounts < ncv).any(): if verbose: warnings.warn('Not enough trials to do decoding with CV') return # Prepare data for running analysis in pool. LRparams = [] t_uids = [] for t, rt in rates.items(): rtmat = rt.unstack().T # get rates and format to (trial x unit) matrix if vzscore_by is not None: # z-score by condition level rtmat = zscore_by_cond(rtmat, vzscore_by) corr_rates, err_rates = [rtmat.loc[trs] for trs in [corr_trs, err_trs]] LRparams.append((corr_rates, corr_feat, n_perm, n_pshfl, None, ncv, Cs)) t_uids.append(rtmat.columns) # Run logistic regression at each time point. res = zip(*util.run_in_pool(run_logreg, LRparams)) lScores, lClasses, lCoefs, lC, lPerm, lPsdo = res # Put results into series and dataframes. tvec = rates.columns # Best regularisation parameter value. C = pd.Series(list(lC), index=tvec) # Prediction scores over time. Scores = pd.DataFrame.from_records(lScores, index=tvec).T # Coefficients (unit by value) over time. coef_ser = {t: pd.DataFrame(lCoefs[i], columns=t_uids[i], index=lClasses[i]).unstack() for i, t in enumerate(tvec)} Coefs = pd.concat(coef_ser, axis=1) # Permutation and population shuffling results. Perm = pd.concat(lPerm, axis=1, keys=tvec) Psdo = pd.concat(lPsdo, axis=1, keys=tvec) # Collect results. res = [('Scores', Scores), ('Coefs', Coefs), ('C', C), ('Perm', Perm), ('Psdo', Psdo)] res = util.series_from_tuple_list(res) return res def run_prd_pop_dec(UA, rec, task, stim, uids, trs, feat, zscore_by, even_by, PDD_offset, PPDc, PADc, prd, ref_ev, nrate, n_perm, n_pshfl, sep_err_trs, ncv, Cs, tstep): """Run logistic regression analysis on population for time period.""" # Init. TrData = ua_query.get_trial_params(UA, rec, task) # Homogenize occurance of values of a feature (same or different as the # one to decode), by dropping some trials. if not util.is_null(even_by): # ntrs: number of trials of least frequent feature value. vfeven = TrData[even_by][trs] ntrs = vfeven.value_counts().min() # Select ntrs number of trials from beginning of recording. ltrs = [grp.index[:ntrs] for v, grp in vfeven.groupby(vfeven)] trs = pd.Int64Index(pd.Series(np.concatenate(ltrs)).sort_values()) # Select only trials where direction is PDD/PAD +- offset. if not util.is_null(PDD_offset): ppds = [d for d in [PPDc, PADc]] dd = pd.Series({float(d): np.min([direction.deg_diff(d, pd) for pd in ppds]) for d in constants.all_dirs}) dirs = dd.index[dd <= PDD_offset] pdd_trs = TrData.index[TrData[(stim, 'Dir')].isin(dirs)] trs = trs[trs.isin(pdd_trs)] # Get target vector. vfeat = TrData[feat][trs].squeeze() # Binarize direction target vector to decode if PDD/PAD is requested. if ('Dir' in feat) and (not util.is_null(PDD_offset)): vbin = [np.argmin([direction.deg_diff(d*deg, pd) for pd in ppds]) for d in vfeat] vfeat = pd.Series(vbin, vfeat.index) # Init levels of separation and z-scoring condition. vzscore_by = (None if zscore_by in (None, np.nan) else TrData.loc[trs].copy()[zscore_by].squeeze()) # Get FR matrix. rates = ua_query.get_rate_matrix(UA, rec, task, uids, prd, ref_ev, nrate, trs, tstep) # Separate correct trials from error trials, if requested. corr_trs = TrData.correct[vfeat.index] if sep_err_trs else None # Run decoding. dec_res = run_logreg_across_time(rates, vfeat, vzscore_by, n_perm, n_pshfl, corr_trs, ncv, Cs) if dec_res is None: return # Add # units, trials and classes to results. nunits = len(dec_res['Coefs'].index.get_level_values(0).unique()) ncls = len(dec_res['Coefs'].index.get_level_values(1).unique()) ntrs = (sum(corr_trs) if corr_trs is not None else len(rates.index.get_level_values(1).unique())) if ncls == 1: # binary case ncls = 2 res = {'dec_res': dec_res, 'nunits': nunits, 'ntrs': ntrs, 'ncls': ncls} return res def run_pop_dec(UA, rec, task, uids, trs, prd_pars, nrate, n_perm, n_pshfl, sep_err_trs, ncv, Cs, tstep, PPDc, PADc): """Run population decoding on multiple periods across given trials.""" # Init. r = {'Scores': [], 'Coefs': [], 'C': [], 'Perm': [], 'Psdo': []} nunits, ntrs, ncls = pd.Series(), pd.Series(), pd.Series() stims = prd_pars.index tshifts, truncate_prds = [], [] for stim in stims: print(' ' + stim) # Get params. pars_names = ['prd', 'ref_ev', 'feat', 'sep_by', 'zscore_by', 'even_by', 'PDD_offset'] pars = prd_pars.loc[stim, pars_names] prd, ref_ev, feat, sep_by, zscore_by, even_by, PDD_offset = pars # Run decoding. res = run_prd_pop_dec(UA, rec, task, stim, uids, trs, feat, zscore_by, even_by, PDD_offset, PPDc, PADc, prd, ref_ev, nrate, n_perm, n_pshfl, sep_err_trs, ncv, Cs, tstep) if res is None: continue # Extract decording results. r = {resname: rres + [res['dec_res'][resname]] for resname, rres in r.items()} # Collect parameters. nunits[stim] = res['nunits'] ntrs[stim] = res['ntrs'] ncls[stim] = res['ncls'] # Update concatenation params. tshifts.append(prd_pars.stim_start[stim]) truncate_prds.append(list(prd_pars.loc[stim, ['prd_start', 'prd_stop']])) # No successfully decoded stimulus period. if not len(r['Scores']): print('No stimulus period decoding finished successfully.') return # Concatenate stimulus-specific results. rem_all_nan_units, rem_any_nan_times = True, True res = {rn: util.concat_stim_prd_res(rr, tshifts, truncate_prds, rem_all_nan_units, rem_any_nan_times) for rn, rr in r.items()} # Add # units, trials and classes. res['nunits'] = nunits res['ntrials'] = ntrs res['nclasses'] = ncls return res def dec_recs_tasks(UA, RecInfo, recs, tasks, feat, stims, sep_by, zscore_by, even_by, PDD_offset, res_dir, nrate, tstep, ncv, Cs, n_perm, n_pshfl, sep_err_trs, n_most_DS, PPDres): """Run decoding across tasks and recordings.""" print('\nDecoding: ' + util.format_feat_name(feat)) # Set up decoding params. prd_pars = util.init_stim_prds(stims, feat, sep_by, zscore_by, even_by, PDD_offset) fres = decutil.res_fname(res_dir, 'results', tasks, feat, nrate, ncv, Cs, n_perm, n_pshfl, sep_err_trs, sep_by, zscore_by, even_by, PDD_offset, n_most_DS, tstep) rt_res = {} for rec in recs: print('\n' + ' '.join(rec)) for task in tasks: rt = rec + (task,) # Skip recordings that are missing or undecodable. if ((rt not in RecInfo.index) or not RecInfo.loc[rt, 'nunits']): continue # Let's not decode saccade and correct/incorrect for passive task. if ('Pas' in task) and (feat in ['saccade', 'correct']): continue # Init. print(' ' + task) rt_res[(rec, task)] = {} # Init units, trials and trial params. recinfo = RecInfo.loc[rt] elec = recinfo.elec uids = [rec + (elec, ic, iu) for ic, iu in recinfo.units] inc_trs = recinfo.trials PPDc, PADc = PPDres.loc[rt, ('PPDc', 'PADc')] # Select n most DS units (or all if n_most_DS is 0). utids = [uid + (task, ) for uid in uids] n_most_DS_utids = ua_query.select_n_most_DS_units(UA, utids, n_most_DS) uids = [utid[:-1] for utid in n_most_DS_utids] # Split by value condition (optional). TrData = ua_query.get_trial_params(UA, rec, task) ltrs = (inc_trs.groupby(TrData[sep_by].loc[inc_trs]) if not util.is_null(sep_by) else {'all': inc_trs}) ltrs = pd.Series(ltrs) # Decode feature in each period. tr_res = {} for v, trs in ltrs.items(): res = run_pop_dec(UA, rec, task, uids, trs, prd_pars, nrate, n_perm, n_pshfl, sep_err_trs, ncv, Cs, tstep, PPDc, PADc) if not util.is_null(res): tr_res[v] = res rt_res[(rec, task)] = tr_res # Save results. util.write_objects({'rt_res': rt_res}, fres)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Mar 8 13:39:42 2016 @author: cjburke Test of MEPL to illustrate images of a point source """ import microlens as mepl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np # Specify lens properties lens_separation = 0.75 lens_mass1 = 1.0 lens_mass2 = 0.01 # Specify source center source_x = 0.01 source_y = -0.01 # Instantiate an empty lens object lens = mepl.lens_properties() # Calculate lens properties # lens 1 at origin and lens 2 on x-axis lens.set_lens_properties(0.0, 0.0, lens_mass1, \ lens_separation, 0.0, lens_mass2) # Instantiate empty source vertex src_obj = mepl.source_plane_vertex() # set source position # for point source the radius = 0.0 and angle = 0.0 src_obj.set_source_position(source_x, source_y, 0.0, 0.0) # Solve for image position imageLocs, jacobians, paritys, kappas, kappaDerivs = \ mepl.solve_binary_roots(src_obj, lens) # Calculate magnification of the point source approximation magnifs = 1.0/np.abs(jacobians) magnifTotal = np.sum(magnifs) tmpx = np.real(imageLocs) tmpy = np.imag(imageLocs) for i in range(len(imageLocs)): print "Image {0:d} x: {1:6.4f} y: {2:6.4f} Mag: {3:7.3f}".format( \ i, tmpx[i], tmpy[i], magnifs[i]) print "Total Mag: {0:7.3f}".format(magnifTotal) myorange=tuple(np.array([230.0,159.0,0.0])/255.0) myskyblue=tuple(np.array([86.0,180.0,233.0])/255.0) # plot lens1 and lens 2 as black circle plt.plot([0.0, lens_separation],[0.0, 0.0], 'ok') # plot source as orange circle plt.plot([source_x], [source_y], 'o', color=myorange) # plot images as blue circle plt.plot(tmpx, tmpy, 'o', color=myskyblue)
""" ======================== Plotting Learning Curves ======================== On the left side the learning curve of a naive Bayes classifier is shown for the digits dataset. Note that the training score and the cross-validation score are both not very good at the end. However, the shape of the curve can be found in more complex datasets very often: the training score is very high at the beginning and decreases and the cross-validation score is very low at the beginning and increases. On the right side we see the learning curve of an SVM with RBF kernel. We can see clearly that the training score is still around the maximum and the validation score could be increased with more training samples. """ # print(__doc__) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.datasets import load_digits from sklearn.model_selection import learning_curve from sklearn.model_selection import ShuffleSplit def plot_learning_curve(estimator, title, X, y, ylim=None, cv=None, n_jobs=1, train_sizes=np.linspace(.1, 1.0, 5)): """ Generate a simple plot of the test and training learning curve. Parameters ---------- estimator : object type that implements the "fit" and "predict" methods An object of that type which is cloned for each validation. title : string Title for the chart. X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training vector, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. y : array-like, shape (n_samples) or (n_samples, n_features), optional Target relative to X for classification or regression; None for unsupervised learning. ylim : tuple, shape (ymin, ymax), optional Defines minimum and maximum yvalues plotted. cv : int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, optional Determines the cross-validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are: - None, to use the default 3-fold cross-validation, - integer, to specify the number of folds. - An object to be used as a cross-validation generator. - An iterable yielding train/test splits. For integer/None inputs, if ``y`` is binary or multiclass, :class:`StratifiedKFold` used. If the estimator is not a classifier or if ``y`` is neither binary nor multiclass, :class:`KFold` is used. Refer :ref:`User Guide <cross_validation>` for the various cross-validators that can be used here. n_jobs : integer, optional Number of jobs to run in parallel (default 1). """ plt.figure() plt.title(title) if ylim is not None: plt.ylim(*ylim) plt.xlabel("Training examples") plt.ylabel("Score") train_sizes, train_scores, test_scores = learning_curve( estimator, X, y, cv=cv, n_jobs=n_jobs, train_sizes=train_sizes) train_scores_mean = np.mean(train_scores, axis=1) train_scores_std = np.std(train_scores, axis=1) test_scores_mean = np.mean(test_scores, axis=1) test_scores_std = np.std(test_scores, axis=1) plt.grid() plt.fill_between(train_sizes, train_scores_mean - train_scores_std, train_scores_mean + train_scores_std, alpha=0.1, color="r") plt.fill_between(train_sizes, test_scores_mean - test_scores_std, test_scores_mean + test_scores_std, alpha=0.1, color="g") plt.plot(train_sizes, train_scores_mean, 'o-', color="r", label="Training score") plt.plot(train_sizes, test_scores_mean, 'o-', color="g", label="Cross-validation score") plt.legend(loc="best") return plt """ digits = load_digits() X, y =, title = "Learning Curves (Naive Bayes)" # Cross validation with 100 iterations to get smoother mean test and train # score curves, each time with 20PERCENT data randomly selected as a validation set. cv = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=100, test_size=0.2, random_state=0) estimator = GaussianNB() plot_learning_curve(estimator, title, X, y, ylim=(0.7, 1.01), cv=cv, n_jobs=4) title = "Learning Curves (SVM, RBF kernel, $\gamma=0.001$)" # SVC is more expensive so we do a lower number of CV iterations: cv = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=10, test_size=0.2, random_state=0) estimator = SVC(gamma=0.001) plot_learning_curve(estimator, title, X, y, (0.7, 1.01), cv=cv, n_jobs=4) """
""" ====================== SVM with custom kernel ====================== Simple usage of Support Vector Machines to classify a sample. It will plot the decision surface and the support vectors. """ print(__doc__) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import svm, datasets # import some data to play with iris = datasets.load_iris() X =[:, :2] # we only take the first two features. We could # avoid this ugly slicing by using a two-dim dataset Y = def my_kernel(X, Y): """ We create a custom kernel: (2 0) k(X, Y) = X ( ) Y.T (0 1) """ M = np.array([[2, 0], [0, 1.0]]) return, M), Y.T) h = .02 # step size in the mesh # we create an instance of SVM and fit out data. clf = svm.SVC(kernel=my_kernel), Y) # Plot the decision boundary. For that, we will assign a color to each # point in the mesh [x_min, x_max]x[y_min, y_max]. x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min() - 1, X[:, 0].max() + 1 y_min, y_max = X[:, 1].min() - 1, X[:, 1].max() + 1 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, h), np.arange(y_min, y_max, h)) Z = clf.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) # Put the result into a color plot Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape) plt.pcolormesh(xx, yy, Z, # Plot also the training points plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=Y,, edgecolors='k') plt.title('3-Class classification using Support Vector Machine with custom' ' kernel') plt.axis('tight')
from __future__ import print_function import types import warnings import sys import traceback import pickle from copy import deepcopy from functools import partial import numpy as np from scipy import sparse from scipy.stats import rankdata from sklearn.externals.six.moves import zip from sklearn.utils import IS_PYPY, _IS_32BIT from sklearn.utils._joblib import hash, Memory from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises, _get_args from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises_regex from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raise_message from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_not_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_almost_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_true from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_false from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_in from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_allclose from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_allclose_dense_sparse from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_warns_message from sklearn.utils.testing import META_ESTIMATORS from sklearn.utils.testing import set_random_state from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_greater from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_greater_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import SkipTest from sklearn.utils.testing import ignore_warnings from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_dict_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import create_memmap_backed_data from sklearn.utils import is_scalar_nan from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis from sklearn.base import (clone, ClusterMixin, BaseEstimator, is_classifier, is_regressor, is_outlier_detector) from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, adjusted_rand_score, f1_score from sklearn.random_projection import BaseRandomProjection from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest from sklearn.svm.base import BaseLibSVM from sklearn.linear_model.stochastic_gradient import BaseSGD from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline from sklearn.exceptions import DataConversionWarning from sklearn.exceptions import SkipTestWarning from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import (rbf_kernel, linear_kernel, pairwise_distances) from sklearn.utils import shuffle from sklearn.utils.fixes import signature from sklearn.utils.validation import (has_fit_parameter, _num_samples, LARGE_SPARSE_SUPPORTED) from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.datasets import load_iris, load_boston, make_blobs BOSTON = None CROSS_DECOMPOSITION = ['PLSCanonical', 'PLSRegression', 'CCA', 'PLSSVD'] MULTI_OUTPUT = ['CCA', 'DecisionTreeRegressor', 'ElasticNet', 'ExtraTreeRegressor', 'ExtraTreesRegressor', 'GaussianProcessRegressor', 'TransformedTargetRegressor', 'KNeighborsRegressor', 'KernelRidge', 'Lars', 'Lasso', 'LassoLars', 'LinearRegression', 'MultiTaskElasticNet', 'MultiTaskElasticNetCV', 'MultiTaskLasso', 'MultiTaskLassoCV', 'OrthogonalMatchingPursuit', 'PLSCanonical', 'PLSRegression', 'RANSACRegressor', 'RadiusNeighborsRegressor', 'RandomForestRegressor', 'Ridge', 'RidgeCV'] ALLOW_NAN = ['Imputer', 'SimpleImputer', 'MissingIndicator', 'MaxAbsScaler', 'MinMaxScaler', 'RobustScaler', 'StandardScaler', 'PowerTransformer', 'QuantileTransformer'] def _yield_non_meta_checks(name, estimator): yield check_estimators_dtypes yield check_fit_score_takes_y yield check_dtype_object yield check_sample_weights_pandas_series yield check_sample_weights_list yield check_sample_weights_invariance yield check_estimators_fit_returns_self yield partial(check_estimators_fit_returns_self, readonly_memmap=True) yield check_complex_data # Check that all estimator yield informative messages when # trained on empty datasets yield check_estimators_empty_data_messages if name not in CROSS_DECOMPOSITION + ['SpectralEmbedding']: # SpectralEmbedding is non-deterministic, # see issue #4236 # cross-decomposition's "transform" returns X and Y yield check_pipeline_consistency if name not in ALLOW_NAN: # Test that all estimators check their input for NaN's and infs yield check_estimators_nan_inf yield check_estimators_overwrite_params if hasattr(estimator, 'sparsify'): yield check_sparsify_coefficients yield check_estimator_sparse_data # Test that estimators can be pickled, and once pickled # give the same answer as before. yield check_estimators_pickle def _yield_classifier_checks(name, classifier): # test classifiers can handle non-array data yield check_classifier_data_not_an_array # test classifiers trained on a single label always return this label yield check_classifiers_one_label yield check_classifiers_classes yield check_estimators_partial_fit_n_features # basic consistency testing yield check_classifiers_train yield partial(check_classifiers_train, readonly_memmap=True) yield check_classifiers_regression_target if (name not in ["MultinomialNB", "ComplementNB", "LabelPropagation", "LabelSpreading"] and # TODO some complication with -1 label name not in ["DecisionTreeClassifier", "ExtraTreeClassifier"]): # We don't raise a warning in these classifiers, as # the column y interface is used by the forests. yield check_supervised_y_2d yield check_supervised_y_no_nan yield check_estimators_unfitted if 'class_weight' in classifier.get_params().keys(): yield check_class_weight_classifiers yield check_non_transformer_estimators_n_iter # test if predict_proba is a monotonic transformation of decision_function yield check_decision_proba_consistency @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_supervised_y_no_nan(name, estimator_orig): # Checks that the Estimator targets are not NaN. estimator = clone(estimator_orig) rng = np.random.RandomState(888) X = rng.randn(10, 5) y = np.full(10, np.inf) y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator, y) errmsg = "Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for " \ "dtype('float64')." try:, y) except ValueError as e: if str(e) != errmsg: raise ValueError("Estimator {0} raised error as expected, but " "does not match expected error message" .format(name)) else: raise ValueError("Estimator {0} should have raised error on fitting " "array y with NaN value.".format(name)) def _yield_regressor_checks(name, regressor): # TODO: test with intercept # TODO: test with multiple responses # basic testing yield check_regressors_train yield partial(check_regressors_train, readonly_memmap=True) yield check_regressor_data_not_an_array yield check_estimators_partial_fit_n_features yield check_regressors_no_decision_function yield check_supervised_y_2d yield check_supervised_y_no_nan if name != 'CCA': # check that the regressor handles int input yield check_regressors_int if name != "GaussianProcessRegressor": # test if NotFittedError is raised yield check_estimators_unfitted yield check_non_transformer_estimators_n_iter def _yield_transformer_checks(name, transformer): # All transformers should either deal with sparse data or raise an # exception with type TypeError and an intelligible error message if name not in ['AdditiveChi2Sampler', 'Binarizer', 'Normalizer', 'PLSCanonical', 'PLSRegression', 'CCA', 'PLSSVD']: yield check_transformer_data_not_an_array # these don't actually fit the data, so don't raise errors if name not in ['AdditiveChi2Sampler', 'Binarizer', 'FunctionTransformer', 'Normalizer']: # basic tests yield check_transformer_general yield partial(check_transformer_general, readonly_memmap=True) yield check_transformers_unfitted # Dependent on external solvers and hence accessing the iter # param is non-trivial. external_solver = ['Isomap', 'KernelPCA', 'LocallyLinearEmbedding', 'RandomizedLasso', 'LogisticRegressionCV'] if name not in external_solver: yield check_transformer_n_iter def _yield_clustering_checks(name, clusterer): yield check_clusterer_compute_labels_predict if name not in ('WardAgglomeration', "FeatureAgglomeration"): # this is clustering on the features # let's not test that here. yield check_clustering yield partial(check_clustering, readonly_memmap=True) yield check_estimators_partial_fit_n_features yield check_non_transformer_estimators_n_iter def _yield_outliers_checks(name, estimator): # checks for outlier detectors that have a fit_predict method if hasattr(estimator, 'fit_predict'): yield check_outliers_fit_predict # checks for estimators that can be used on a test set if hasattr(estimator, 'predict'): yield check_outliers_train yield partial(check_outliers_train, readonly_memmap=True) # test outlier detectors can handle non-array data yield check_classifier_data_not_an_array # test if NotFittedError is raised yield check_estimators_unfitted def _yield_all_checks(name, estimator): for check in _yield_non_meta_checks(name, estimator): yield check if is_classifier(estimator): for check in _yield_classifier_checks(name, estimator): yield check if is_regressor(estimator): for check in _yield_regressor_checks(name, estimator): yield check if hasattr(estimator, 'transform'): for check in _yield_transformer_checks(name, estimator): yield check if isinstance(estimator, ClusterMixin): for check in _yield_clustering_checks(name, estimator): yield check if is_outlier_detector(estimator): for check in _yield_outliers_checks(name, estimator): yield check yield check_fit2d_predict1d yield check_methods_subset_invariance yield check_fit2d_1sample yield check_fit2d_1feature yield check_fit1d yield check_get_params_invariance yield check_set_params yield check_dict_unchanged yield check_dont_overwrite_parameters def check_estimator(Estimator): """Check if estimator adheres to scikit-learn conventions. This estimator will run an extensive test-suite for input validation, shapes, etc. Additional tests for classifiers, regressors, clustering or transformers will be run if the Estimator class inherits from the corresponding mixin from sklearn.base. This test can be applied to classes or instances. Classes currently have some additional tests that related to construction, while passing instances allows the testing of multiple options. Parameters ---------- estimator : estimator object or class Estimator to check. Estimator is a class object or instance. """ if isinstance(Estimator, type): # got a class name = Estimator.__name__ estimator = Estimator() check_parameters_default_constructible(name, Estimator) check_no_attributes_set_in_init(name, estimator) else: # got an instance estimator = Estimator name = type(estimator).__name__ for check in _yield_all_checks(name, estimator): try: check(name, estimator) except SkipTest as exception: # the only SkipTest thrown currently results from not # being able to import pandas. warnings.warn(str(exception), SkipTestWarning) def _boston_subset(n_samples=200): global BOSTON if BOSTON is None: boston = load_boston() X, y =, X, y = shuffle(X, y, random_state=0) X, y = X[:n_samples], y[:n_samples] X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X) BOSTON = X, y return BOSTON def set_checking_parameters(estimator): # set parameters to speed up some estimators and # avoid deprecated behaviour params = estimator.get_params() if ("n_iter" in params and estimator.__class__.__name__ != "TSNE" and not isinstance(estimator, BaseSGD)): estimator.set_params(n_iter=5) if "max_iter" in params: if estimator.max_iter is not None: estimator.set_params(max_iter=min(5, estimator.max_iter)) # LinearSVR, LinearSVC if estimator.__class__.__name__ in ['LinearSVR', 'LinearSVC']: estimator.set_params(max_iter=20) # NMF if estimator.__class__.__name__ == 'NMF': estimator.set_params(max_iter=100) # MLP if estimator.__class__.__name__ in ['MLPClassifier', 'MLPRegressor']: estimator.set_params(max_iter=100) if "n_resampling" in params: # randomized lasso estimator.set_params(n_resampling=5) if "n_estimators" in params: # especially gradient boosting with default 100 # FIXME: The default number of trees was changed and is set to 'warn' # for some of the ensemble methods. We need to catch this case to avoid # an error during the comparison. To be reverted in 0.22. if estimator.n_estimators == 'warn': estimator.set_params(n_estimators=5) else: estimator.set_params(n_estimators=min(5, estimator.n_estimators)) if "max_trials" in params: # RANSAC estimator.set_params(max_trials=10) if "n_init" in params: # K-Means estimator.set_params(n_init=2) if "decision_function_shape" in params: # SVC estimator.set_params(decision_function_shape='ovo') if estimator.__class__.__name__ == "SelectFdr": # be tolerant of noisy datasets (not actually speed) estimator.set_params(alpha=.5) if estimator.__class__.__name__ == "TheilSenRegressor": estimator.max_subpopulation = 100 if estimator.__class__.__name__ == "IsolationForest": # XXX to be removed in 0.22. # this is used because the old IsolationForest does not # respect the outlier detection API and thus and does not # pass the outlier detection common tests. estimator.set_params(behaviour='new') if isinstance(estimator, BaseRandomProjection): # Due to the jl lemma and often very few samples, the number # of components of the random matrix projection will be probably # greater than the number of features. # So we impose a smaller number (avoid "auto" mode) estimator.set_params(n_components=2) if isinstance(estimator, SelectKBest): # SelectKBest has a default of k=10 # which is more feature than we have in most case. estimator.set_params(k=1) class NotAnArray(object): """An object that is convertible to an array Parameters ---------- data : array_like The data. """ def __init__(self, data): = data def __array__(self, dtype=None): return def _is_pairwise(estimator): """Returns True if estimator has a _pairwise attribute set to True. Parameters ---------- estimator : object Estimator object to test. Returns ------- out : bool True if _pairwise is set to True and False otherwise. """ return bool(getattr(estimator, "_pairwise", False)) def _is_pairwise_metric(estimator): """Returns True if estimator accepts pairwise metric. Parameters ---------- estimator : object Estimator object to test. Returns ------- out : bool True if _pairwise is set to True and False otherwise. """ metric = getattr(estimator, "metric", None) return bool(metric == 'precomputed') def pairwise_estimator_convert_X(X, estimator, kernel=linear_kernel): if _is_pairwise_metric(estimator): return pairwise_distances(X, metric='euclidean') if _is_pairwise(estimator): return kernel(X, X) return X def _generate_sparse_matrix(X_csr): """Generate sparse matrices with {32,64}bit indices of diverse format Parameters ---------- X_csr: CSR Matrix Input matrix in CSR format Returns ------- out: iter(Matrices) In format['dok', 'lil', 'dia', 'bsr', 'csr', 'csc', 'coo', 'coo_64', 'csc_64', 'csr_64'] """ assert X_csr.format == 'csr' yield 'csr', X_csr.copy() for sparse_format in ['dok', 'lil', 'dia', 'bsr', 'csc', 'coo']: yield sparse_format, X_csr.asformat(sparse_format) if LARGE_SPARSE_SUPPORTED: # Generate large indices matrix only if its supported by scipy X_coo = X_csr.asformat('coo') X_coo.row = X_coo.row.astype('int64') X_coo.col = X_coo.col.astype('int64') yield "coo_64", X_coo for sparse_format in ['csc', 'csr']: X = X_csr.asformat(sparse_format) X.indices = X.indices.astype('int64') X.indptr = X.indptr.astype('int64') yield sparse_format + "_64", X def check_estimator_sparse_data(name, estimator_orig): rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X = rng.rand(40, 10) X[X < .8] = 0 X = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(X, estimator_orig) X_csr = sparse.csr_matrix(X) y = (4 * rng.rand(40)).astype( # catch deprecation warnings with ignore_warnings(category=DeprecationWarning): estimator = clone(estimator_orig) y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator, y) for matrix_format, X in _generate_sparse_matrix(X_csr): # catch deprecation warnings with ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)): if name in ['Scaler', 'StandardScaler']: estimator = clone(estimator).set_params(with_mean=False) else: estimator = clone(estimator) # fit and predict try: with ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)):, y) if hasattr(estimator, "predict"): pred = estimator.predict(X) assert_equal(pred.shape, (X.shape[0],)) if hasattr(estimator, 'predict_proba'): probs = estimator.predict_proba(X) assert_equal(probs.shape, (X.shape[0], 4)) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: if 'sparse' not in repr(e).lower(): if "64" in matrix_format: msg = ("Estimator %s doesn't seem to support %s matrix, " "and is not failing gracefully, e.g. by using " "check_array(X, accept_large_sparse=False)") raise AssertionError(msg % (name, matrix_format)) else: print("Estimator %s doesn't seem to fail gracefully on " "sparse data: error message state explicitly that " "sparse input is not supported if this is not" " the case." % name) raise except Exception as e: print("Estimator %s doesn't seem to fail gracefully on " "sparse data: it should raise a TypeError if sparse input " "is explicitly not supported." % name) raise @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_sample_weights_pandas_series(name, estimator_orig): # check that estimators will accept a 'sample_weight' parameter of # type pandas.Series in the 'fit' function. estimator = clone(estimator_orig) if has_fit_parameter(estimator, "sample_weight"): try: import pandas as pd X = np.array([[1, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 1], [2, 2], [2, 3], [2, 4]]) X = pd.DataFrame(pairwise_estimator_convert_X(X, estimator_orig)) y = pd.Series([1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]) weights = pd.Series([1] * 8) try:, y, sample_weight=weights) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Estimator {0} raises error if " "'sample_weight' parameter is of " "type pandas.Series".format(name)) except ImportError: raise SkipTest("pandas is not installed: not testing for " "input of type pandas.Series to class weight.") @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_sample_weights_list(name, estimator_orig): # check that estimators will accept a 'sample_weight' parameter of # type list in the 'fit' function. if has_fit_parameter(estimator_orig, "sample_weight"): estimator = clone(estimator_orig) rnd = np.random.RandomState(0) X = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(rnd.uniform(size=(10, 3)), estimator_orig) y = np.arange(10) % 3 y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator, y) sample_weight = [3] * 10 # Test that estimators don't raise any exception, y, sample_weight=sample_weight) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_sample_weights_invariance(name, estimator_orig): # check that the estimators yield same results for # unit weights and no weights if (has_fit_parameter(estimator_orig, "sample_weight") and not (hasattr(estimator_orig, "_pairwise") and estimator_orig._pairwise)): # We skip pairwise because the data is not pairwise estimator1 = clone(estimator_orig) estimator2 = clone(estimator_orig) set_random_state(estimator1, random_state=0) set_random_state(estimator2, random_state=0) X = np.array([[1, 3], [1, 3], [1, 3], [1, 3], [2, 1], [2, 1], [2, 1], [2, 1], [3, 3], [3, 3], [3, 3], [3, 3], [4, 1], [4, 1], [4, 1], [4, 1]], dtype=np.dtype('float')) y = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2], dtype=np.dtype('int')), y=y, sample_weight=np.ones(shape=len(y))), y=y, sample_weight=None) for method in ["predict", "transform"]: if hasattr(estimator_orig, method): X_pred1 = getattr(estimator1, method)(X) X_pred2 = getattr(estimator2, method)(X) assert_allclose(X_pred1, X_pred2, err_msg="For %s sample_weight=None is not" " equivalent to sample_weight=ones" % name) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning, UserWarning)) def check_dtype_object(name, estimator_orig): # check that estimators treat dtype object as numeric if possible rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(rng.rand(40, 10), estimator_orig) X = X.astype(object) y = (X[:, 0] * 4).astype( estimator = clone(estimator_orig) y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator, y), y) if hasattr(estimator, "predict"): estimator.predict(X) if hasattr(estimator, "transform"): estimator.transform(X) try:, y.astype(object)) except Exception as e: if "Unknown label type" not in str(e): raise X[0, 0] = {'foo': 'bar'} msg = "argument must be a string or a number" assert_raises_regex(TypeError, msg,, X, y) def check_complex_data(name, estimator_orig): # check that estimators raise an exception on providing complex data X = np.random.sample(10) + 1j * np.random.sample(10) X = X.reshape(-1, 1) y = np.random.sample(10) + 1j * np.random.sample(10) estimator = clone(estimator_orig) assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "Complex data not supported",, X, y) @ignore_warnings def check_dict_unchanged(name, estimator_orig): # this estimator raises # ValueError: Found array with 0 feature(s) (shape=(23, 0)) # while a minimum of 1 is required. # error if name in ['SpectralCoclustering']: return rnd = np.random.RandomState(0) if name in ['RANSACRegressor']: X = 3 * rnd.uniform(size=(20, 3)) else: X = 2 * rnd.uniform(size=(20, 3)) X = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(X, estimator_orig) y = X[:, 0].astype( estimator = clone(estimator_orig) y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator, y) if hasattr(estimator, "n_components"): estimator.n_components = 1 if hasattr(estimator, "n_clusters"): estimator.n_clusters = 1 if hasattr(estimator, "n_best"): estimator.n_best = 1 set_random_state(estimator, 1), y) for method in ["predict", "transform", "decision_function", "predict_proba"]: if hasattr(estimator, method): dict_before = estimator.__dict__.copy() getattr(estimator, method)(X) assert_dict_equal(estimator.__dict__, dict_before, 'Estimator changes __dict__ during %s' % method) def is_public_parameter(attr): return not (attr.startswith('_') or attr.endswith('_')) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_dont_overwrite_parameters(name, estimator_orig): # check that fit method only changes or sets private attributes if hasattr(estimator_orig.__init__, "deprecated_original"): # to not check deprecated classes return estimator = clone(estimator_orig) rnd = np.random.RandomState(0) X = 3 * rnd.uniform(size=(20, 3)) X = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(X, estimator_orig) y = X[:, 0].astype( y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator, y) if hasattr(estimator, "n_components"): estimator.n_components = 1 if hasattr(estimator, "n_clusters"): estimator.n_clusters = 1 set_random_state(estimator, 1) dict_before_fit = estimator.__dict__.copy(), y) dict_after_fit = estimator.__dict__ public_keys_after_fit = [key for key in dict_after_fit.keys() if is_public_parameter(key)] attrs_added_by_fit = [key for key in public_keys_after_fit if key not in dict_before_fit.keys()] # check that fit doesn't add any public attribute assert_true(not attrs_added_by_fit, ('Estimator adds public attribute(s) during' ' the fit method.' ' Estimators are only allowed to add private attributes' ' either started with _ or ended' ' with _ but %s added' % ', '.join(attrs_added_by_fit))) # check that fit doesn't change any public attribute attrs_changed_by_fit = [key for key in public_keys_after_fit if (dict_before_fit[key] is not dict_after_fit[key])] assert_true(not attrs_changed_by_fit, ('Estimator changes public attribute(s) during' ' the fit method. Estimators are only allowed' ' to change attributes started' ' or ended with _, but' ' %s changed' % ', '.join(attrs_changed_by_fit))) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_fit2d_predict1d(name, estimator_orig): # check by fitting a 2d array and predicting with a 1d array rnd = np.random.RandomState(0) X = 3 * rnd.uniform(size=(20, 3)) X = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(X, estimator_orig) y = X[:, 0].astype( estimator = clone(estimator_orig) y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator, y) if hasattr(estimator, "n_components"): estimator.n_components = 1 if hasattr(estimator, "n_clusters"): estimator.n_clusters = 1 set_random_state(estimator, 1), y) for method in ["predict", "transform", "decision_function", "predict_proba"]: if hasattr(estimator, method): assert_raise_message(ValueError, "Reshape your data", getattr(estimator, method), X[0]) def _apply_on_subsets(func, X): # apply function on the whole set and on mini batches result_full = func(X) n_features = X.shape[1] result_by_batch = [func(batch.reshape(1, n_features)) for batch in X] # func can output tuple (e.g. score_samples) if type(result_full) == tuple: result_full = result_full[0] result_by_batch = list(map(lambda x: x[0], result_by_batch)) if sparse.issparse(result_full): result_full = result_full.A result_by_batch = [x.A for x in result_by_batch] return np.ravel(result_full), np.ravel(result_by_batch) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_methods_subset_invariance(name, estimator_orig): # check that method gives invariant results if applied # on mini bathes or the whole set rnd = np.random.RandomState(0) X = 3 * rnd.uniform(size=(20, 3)) X = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(X, estimator_orig) y = X[:, 0].astype( estimator = clone(estimator_orig) y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator, y) if hasattr(estimator, "n_components"): estimator.n_components = 1 if hasattr(estimator, "n_clusters"): estimator.n_clusters = 1 set_random_state(estimator, 1), y) for method in ["predict", "transform", "decision_function", "score_samples", "predict_proba"]: msg = ("{method} of {name} is not invariant when applied " "to a subset.").format(method=method, name=name) # TODO remove cases when corrected if (name, method) in [('SVC', 'decision_function'), ('SparsePCA', 'transform'), ('MiniBatchSparsePCA', 'transform'), ('BernoulliRBM', 'score_samples')]: raise SkipTest(msg) if hasattr(estimator, method): result_full, result_by_batch = _apply_on_subsets( getattr(estimator, method), X) assert_allclose(result_full, result_by_batch, atol=1e-7, err_msg=msg) @ignore_warnings def check_fit2d_1sample(name, estimator_orig): # Check that fitting a 2d array with only one sample either works or # returns an informative message. The error message should either mention # the number of samples or the number of classes. rnd = np.random.RandomState(0) X = 3 * rnd.uniform(size=(1, 10)) y = X[:, 0].astype( estimator = clone(estimator_orig) y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator, y) if hasattr(estimator, "n_components"): estimator.n_components = 1 if hasattr(estimator, "n_clusters"): estimator.n_clusters = 1 set_random_state(estimator, 1) msgs = ["1 sample", "n_samples = 1", "n_samples=1", "one sample", "1 class", "one class"] try:, y) except ValueError as e: if all(msg not in repr(e) for msg in msgs): raise e @ignore_warnings def check_fit2d_1feature(name, estimator_orig): # check fitting a 2d array with only 1 feature either works or returns # informative message rnd = np.random.RandomState(0) X = 3 * rnd.uniform(size=(10, 1)) X = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(X, estimator_orig) y = X[:, 0].astype( estimator = clone(estimator_orig) y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator, y) if hasattr(estimator, "n_components"): estimator.n_components = 1 if hasattr(estimator, "n_clusters"): estimator.n_clusters = 1 # ensure two labels in subsample for RandomizedLogisticRegression if name == 'RandomizedLogisticRegression': estimator.sample_fraction = 1 # ensure non skipped trials for RANSACRegressor if name == 'RANSACRegressor': estimator.residual_threshold = 0.5 y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator, y) set_random_state(estimator, 1) msgs = ["1 feature(s)", "n_features = 1", "n_features=1"] try:, y) except ValueError as e: if all(msg not in repr(e) for msg in msgs): raise e @ignore_warnings def check_fit1d(name, estimator_orig): # check fitting 1d X array raises a ValueError rnd = np.random.RandomState(0) X = 3 * rnd.uniform(size=(20)) y = X.astype( estimator = clone(estimator_orig) y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator, y) if hasattr(estimator, "n_components"): estimator.n_components = 1 if hasattr(estimator, "n_clusters"): estimator.n_clusters = 1 set_random_state(estimator, 1) assert_raises(ValueError,, X, y) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_transformer_general(name, transformer, readonly_memmap=False): X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=30, centers=[[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]], random_state=0, n_features=2, cluster_std=0.1) X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X) X -= X.min() if readonly_memmap: X, y = create_memmap_backed_data([X, y]) _check_transformer(name, transformer, X, y) _check_transformer(name, transformer, X.tolist(), y.tolist()) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_transformer_data_not_an_array(name, transformer): X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=30, centers=[[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]], random_state=0, n_features=2, cluster_std=0.1) X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X) # We need to make sure that we have non negative data, for things # like NMF X -= X.min() - .1 this_X = NotAnArray(X) this_y = NotAnArray(np.asarray(y)) _check_transformer(name, transformer, this_X, this_y) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_transformers_unfitted(name, transformer): X, y = _boston_subset() transformer = clone(transformer) with assert_raises((AttributeError, ValueError), msg="The unfitted " "transformer {} does not raise an error when " "transform is called. Perhaps use " "check_is_fitted in transform.".format(name)): transformer.transform(X) def _check_transformer(name, transformer_orig, X, y): if name in ('CCA', 'LocallyLinearEmbedding', 'KernelPCA') and _IS_32BIT: # Those transformers yield non-deterministic output when executed on # a 32bit Python. The same transformers are stable on 64bit Python. # FIXME: try to isolate a minimalistic reproduction case only depending # on numpy & scipy and/or maybe generate a test dataset that does not # cause such unstable behaviors. msg = name + ' is non deterministic on 32bit Python' raise SkipTest(msg) n_samples, n_features = np.asarray(X).shape transformer = clone(transformer_orig) set_random_state(transformer) # fit if name in CROSS_DECOMPOSITION: y_ = np.c_[y, y] y_[::2, 1] *= 2 else: y_ = y, y_) # fit_transform method should work on non fitted estimator transformer_clone = clone(transformer) X_pred = transformer_clone.fit_transform(X, y=y_) if isinstance(X_pred, tuple): for x_pred in X_pred: assert_equal(x_pred.shape[0], n_samples) else: # check for consistent n_samples assert_equal(X_pred.shape[0], n_samples) if hasattr(transformer, 'transform'): if name in CROSS_DECOMPOSITION: X_pred2 = transformer.transform(X, y_) X_pred3 = transformer.fit_transform(X, y=y_) else: X_pred2 = transformer.transform(X) X_pred3 = transformer.fit_transform(X, y=y_) if isinstance(X_pred, tuple) and isinstance(X_pred2, tuple): for x_pred, x_pred2, x_pred3 in zip(X_pred, X_pred2, X_pred3): assert_allclose_dense_sparse( x_pred, x_pred2, atol=1e-2, err_msg="fit_transform and transform outcomes " "not consistent in %s" % transformer) assert_allclose_dense_sparse( x_pred, x_pred3, atol=1e-2, err_msg="consecutive fit_transform outcomes " "not consistent in %s" % transformer) else: assert_allclose_dense_sparse( X_pred, X_pred2, err_msg="fit_transform and transform outcomes " "not consistent in %s" % transformer, atol=1e-2) assert_allclose_dense_sparse( X_pred, X_pred3, atol=1e-2, err_msg="consecutive fit_transform outcomes " "not consistent in %s" % transformer) assert_equal(_num_samples(X_pred2), n_samples) assert_equal(_num_samples(X_pred3), n_samples) # raises error on malformed input for transform if hasattr(X, 'T'): # If it's not an array, it does not have a 'T' property with assert_raises(ValueError, msg="The transformer {} does " "not raise an error when the number of " "features in transform is different from" " the number of features in " "fit.".format(name)): transformer.transform(X.T) @ignore_warnings def check_pipeline_consistency(name, estimator_orig): if name in ('CCA', 'LocallyLinearEmbedding', 'KernelPCA') and _IS_32BIT: # Those transformers yield non-deterministic output when executed on # a 32bit Python. The same transformers are stable on 64bit Python. # FIXME: try to isolate a minimalistic reproduction case only depending # scipy and/or maybe generate a test dataset that does not # cause such unstable behaviors. msg = name + ' is non deterministic on 32bit Python' raise SkipTest(msg) # check that make_pipeline(est) gives same score as est X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=30, centers=[[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]], random_state=0, n_features=2, cluster_std=0.1) X -= X.min() X = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(X, estimator_orig, kernel=rbf_kernel) estimator = clone(estimator_orig) y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator, y) set_random_state(estimator) pipeline = make_pipeline(estimator), y), y) funcs = ["score", "fit_transform"] for func_name in funcs: func = getattr(estimator, func_name, None) if func is not None: func_pipeline = getattr(pipeline, func_name) result = func(X, y) result_pipe = func_pipeline(X, y) assert_allclose_dense_sparse(result, result_pipe) @ignore_warnings def check_fit_score_takes_y(name, estimator_orig): # check that all estimators accept an optional y # in fit and score so they can be used in pipelines rnd = np.random.RandomState(0) X = rnd.uniform(size=(10, 3)) X = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(X, estimator_orig) y = np.arange(10) % 3 estimator = clone(estimator_orig) y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator, y) set_random_state(estimator) funcs = ["fit", "score", "partial_fit", "fit_predict", "fit_transform"] for func_name in funcs: func = getattr(estimator, func_name, None) if func is not None: func(X, y) args = [ for p in signature(func).parameters.values()] if args[0] == "self": # if_delegate_has_method makes methods into functions # with an explicit "self", so need to shift arguments args = args[1:] assert_true(args[1] in ["y", "Y"], "Expected y or Y as second argument for method " "%s of %s. Got arguments: %r." % (func_name, type(estimator).__name__, args)) @ignore_warnings def check_estimators_dtypes(name, estimator_orig): rnd = np.random.RandomState(0) X_train_32 = 3 * rnd.uniform(size=(20, 5)).astype(np.float32) X_train_32 = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(X_train_32, estimator_orig) X_train_64 = X_train_32.astype(np.float64) X_train_int_64 = X_train_32.astype(np.int64) X_train_int_32 = X_train_32.astype(np.int32) y = X_train_int_64[:, 0] y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator_orig, y) methods = ["predict", "transform", "decision_function", "predict_proba"] for X_train in [X_train_32, X_train_64, X_train_int_64, X_train_int_32]: estimator = clone(estimator_orig) set_random_state(estimator, 1), y) for method in methods: if hasattr(estimator, method): getattr(estimator, method)(X_train) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_estimators_empty_data_messages(name, estimator_orig): e = clone(estimator_orig) set_random_state(e, 1) X_zero_samples = np.empty(0).reshape(0, 3) # The precise message can change depending on whether X or y is # validated first. Let us test the type of exception only: with assert_raises(ValueError, msg="The estimator {} does not" " raise an error when an empty data is used " "to train. Perhaps use " "check_array in train.".format(name)):, []) X_zero_features = np.empty(0).reshape(3, 0) # the following y should be accepted by both classifiers and regressors # and ignored by unsupervised models y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(e, np.array([1, 0, 1])) msg = (r"0 feature\(s\) \(shape=\(3, 0\)\) while a minimum of \d* " "is required.") assert_raises_regex(ValueError, msg,, X_zero_features, y) @ignore_warnings(category=DeprecationWarning) def check_estimators_nan_inf(name, estimator_orig): # Checks that Estimator X's do not contain NaN or inf. rnd = np.random.RandomState(0) X_train_finite = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(rnd.uniform(size=(10, 3)), estimator_orig) X_train_nan = rnd.uniform(size=(10, 3)) X_train_nan[0, 0] = np.nan X_train_inf = rnd.uniform(size=(10, 3)) X_train_inf[0, 0] = np.inf y = np.ones(10) y[:5] = 0 y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator_orig, y) error_string_fit = "Estimator doesn't check for NaN and inf in fit." error_string_predict = ("Estimator doesn't check for NaN and inf in" " predict.") error_string_transform = ("Estimator doesn't check for NaN and inf in" " transform.") for X_train in [X_train_nan, X_train_inf]: # catch deprecation warnings with ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)): estimator = clone(estimator_orig) set_random_state(estimator, 1) # try to fit try:, y) except ValueError as e: if 'inf' not in repr(e) and 'NaN' not in repr(e): print(error_string_fit, estimator, e) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) raise e except Exception as exc: print(error_string_fit, estimator, exc) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) raise exc else: raise AssertionError(error_string_fit, estimator) # actually fit, y) # predict if hasattr(estimator, "predict"): try: estimator.predict(X_train) except ValueError as e: if 'inf' not in repr(e) and 'NaN' not in repr(e): print(error_string_predict, estimator, e) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) raise e except Exception as exc: print(error_string_predict, estimator, exc) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) else: raise AssertionError(error_string_predict, estimator) # transform if hasattr(estimator, "transform"): try: estimator.transform(X_train) except ValueError as e: if 'inf' not in repr(e) and 'NaN' not in repr(e): print(error_string_transform, estimator, e) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) raise e except Exception as exc: print(error_string_transform, estimator, exc) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) else: raise AssertionError(error_string_transform, estimator) @ignore_warnings def check_estimators_pickle(name, estimator_orig): """Test that we can pickle all estimators""" check_methods = ["predict", "transform", "decision_function", "predict_proba"] X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=30, centers=[[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]], random_state=0, n_features=2, cluster_std=0.1) # some estimators can't do features less than 0 X -= X.min() X = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(X, estimator_orig, kernel=rbf_kernel) # include NaN values when the estimator should deal with them if name in ALLOW_NAN: # set randomly 10 elements to np.nan rng = np.random.RandomState(42) mask = rng.choice(X.size, 10, replace=False) X.reshape(-1)[mask] = np.nan estimator = clone(estimator_orig) # some estimators only take multioutputs y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator, y) set_random_state(estimator), y) result = dict() for method in check_methods: if hasattr(estimator, method): result[method] = getattr(estimator, method)(X) # pickle and unpickle! pickled_estimator = pickle.dumps(estimator) if estimator.__module__.startswith('sklearn.'): assert_true(b"version" in pickled_estimator) unpickled_estimator = pickle.loads(pickled_estimator) result = dict() for method in check_methods: if hasattr(estimator, method): result[method] = getattr(estimator, method)(X) for method in result: unpickled_result = getattr(unpickled_estimator, method)(X) assert_allclose_dense_sparse(result[method], unpickled_result) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_estimators_partial_fit_n_features(name, estimator_orig): # check if number of features changes between calls to partial_fit. if not hasattr(estimator_orig, 'partial_fit'): return estimator = clone(estimator_orig) X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=50, random_state=1) X -= X.min() try: if is_classifier(estimator): classes = np.unique(y) estimator.partial_fit(X, y, classes=classes) else: estimator.partial_fit(X, y) except NotImplementedError: return with assert_raises(ValueError, msg="The estimator {} does not raise an" " error when the number of features" " changes between calls to " "partial_fit.".format(name)): estimator.partial_fit(X[:, :-1], y) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_clustering(name, clusterer_orig, readonly_memmap=False): clusterer = clone(clusterer_orig) X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=50, random_state=1) X, y = shuffle(X, y, random_state=7) X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X) rng = np.random.RandomState(7) X_noise = np.concatenate([X, rng.uniform(low=-3, high=3, size=(5, 2))]) if readonly_memmap: X, y, X_noise = create_memmap_backed_data([X, y, X_noise]) n_samples, n_features = X.shape # catch deprecation and neighbors warnings if hasattr(clusterer, "n_clusters"): clusterer.set_params(n_clusters=3) set_random_state(clusterer) if name == 'AffinityPropagation': clusterer.set_params(preference=-100) clusterer.set_params(max_iter=100) # fit # with lists pred = clusterer.labels_ assert_equal(pred.shape, (n_samples,)) assert_greater(adjusted_rand_score(pred, y), 0.4) # fit another time with ``fit_predict`` and compare results if name == 'SpectralClustering': # there is no way to make Spectral clustering deterministic :( return set_random_state(clusterer) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): pred2 = clusterer.fit_predict(X) assert_array_equal(pred, pred2) # fit_predict(X) and labels_ should be of type int assert_in(pred.dtype, [np.dtype('int32'), np.dtype('int64')]) assert_in(pred2.dtype, [np.dtype('int32'), np.dtype('int64')]) # Add noise to X to test the possible values of the labels labels = clusterer.fit_predict(X_noise) # There should be at least one sample in every cluster. Equivalently # labels_ should contain all the consecutive values between its # min and its max. labels_sorted = np.unique(labels) assert_array_equal(labels_sorted, np.arange(labels_sorted[0], labels_sorted[-1] + 1)) # Labels are expected to start at 0 (no noise) or -1 (if noise) assert_true(labels_sorted[0] in [0, -1]) # Labels should be less than n_clusters - 1 if hasattr(clusterer, 'n_clusters'): n_clusters = getattr(clusterer, 'n_clusters') assert_greater_equal(n_clusters - 1, labels_sorted[-1]) # else labels should be less than max(labels_) which is necessarily true @ignore_warnings(category=DeprecationWarning) def check_clusterer_compute_labels_predict(name, clusterer_orig): """Check that predict is invariant of compute_labels""" X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=20, random_state=0) clusterer = clone(clusterer_orig) if hasattr(clusterer, "compute_labels"): # MiniBatchKMeans if hasattr(clusterer, "random_state"): clusterer.set_params(random_state=0) X_pred1 = clusterer.set_params(compute_labels=False) X_pred2 = assert_array_equal(X_pred1, X_pred2) @ignore_warnings(category=DeprecationWarning) def check_classifiers_one_label(name, classifier_orig): error_string_fit = "Classifier can't train when only one class is present." error_string_predict = ("Classifier can't predict when only one class is " "present.") rnd = np.random.RandomState(0) X_train = rnd.uniform(size=(10, 3)) X_test = rnd.uniform(size=(10, 3)) y = np.ones(10) # catch deprecation warnings with ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)): classifier = clone(classifier_orig) # try to fit try:, y) except ValueError as e: if 'class' not in repr(e): print(error_string_fit, classifier, e) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) raise e else: return except Exception as exc: print(error_string_fit, classifier, exc) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) raise exc # predict try: assert_array_equal(classifier.predict(X_test), y) except Exception as exc: print(error_string_predict, classifier, exc) raise exc @ignore_warnings # Warnings are raised by decision function def check_classifiers_train(name, classifier_orig, readonly_memmap=False): X_m, y_m = make_blobs(n_samples=300, random_state=0) X_m, y_m = shuffle(X_m, y_m, random_state=7) X_m = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X_m) # generate binary problem from multi-class one y_b = y_m[y_m != 2] X_b = X_m[y_m != 2] if name in ['BernoulliNB', 'MultinomialNB', 'ComplementNB']: X_m -= X_m.min() X_b -= X_b.min() if readonly_memmap: X_m, y_m, X_b, y_b = create_memmap_backed_data([X_m, y_m, X_b, y_b]) for (X, y) in [(X_m, y_m), (X_b, y_b)]: classes = np.unique(y) n_classes = len(classes) n_samples, n_features = X.shape classifier = clone(classifier_orig) X = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(X, classifier_orig) set_random_state(classifier) # raises error on malformed input for fit with assert_raises(ValueError, msg="The classifier {} does not" " raise an error when incorrect/malformed input " "data for fit is passed. The number of training " "examples is not the same as the number of labels." " Perhaps use check_X_y in fit.".format(name)):, y[:-1]) # fit, y) # with lists, y.tolist()) assert_true(hasattr(classifier, "classes_")) y_pred = classifier.predict(X) assert_equal(y_pred.shape, (n_samples,)) # training set performance if name not in ['BernoulliNB', 'MultinomialNB', 'ComplementNB']: assert_greater(accuracy_score(y, y_pred), 0.83) # raises error on malformed input for predict if _is_pairwise(classifier): with assert_raises(ValueError, msg="The classifier {} does not" " raise an error when shape of X" "in predict is not equal to (n_test_samples," "n_training_samples)".format(name)): classifier.predict(X.reshape(-1, 1)) else: with assert_raises(ValueError, msg="The classifier {} does not" " raise an error when the number of features " "in predict is different from the number of" " features in fit.".format(name)): classifier.predict(X.T) if hasattr(classifier, "decision_function"): try: # decision_function agrees with predict decision = classifier.decision_function(X) if n_classes == 2: assert_equal(decision.shape, (n_samples,)) dec_pred = (decision.ravel() > 0).astype( assert_array_equal(dec_pred, y_pred) if (n_classes == 3 and # 1on1 of LibSVM works differently not isinstance(classifier, BaseLibSVM)): assert_equal(decision.shape, (n_samples, n_classes)) assert_array_equal(np.argmax(decision, axis=1), y_pred) # raises error on malformed input for decision_function if _is_pairwise(classifier): with assert_raises(ValueError, msg="The classifier {} does" " not raise an error when the " "shape of X in decision_function is " "not equal to (n_test_samples, " "n_training_samples) in fit." .format(name)): classifier.decision_function(X.reshape(-1, 1)) else: with assert_raises(ValueError, msg="The classifier {} does" " not raise an error when the number " "of features in decision_function is " "different from the number of features" " in fit.".format(name)): classifier.decision_function(X.T) except NotImplementedError: pass if hasattr(classifier, "predict_proba"): # predict_proba agrees with predict y_prob = classifier.predict_proba(X) assert_equal(y_prob.shape, (n_samples, n_classes)) assert_array_equal(np.argmax(y_prob, axis=1), y_pred) # check that probas for all classes sum to one assert_allclose(np.sum(y_prob, axis=1), np.ones(n_samples)) # raises error on malformed input for predict_proba if _is_pairwise(classifier_orig): with assert_raises(ValueError, msg="The classifier {} does not" " raise an error when the shape of X" "in predict_proba is not equal to " "(n_test_samples, n_training_samples)." .format(name)): classifier.predict_proba(X.reshape(-1, 1)) else: with assert_raises(ValueError, msg="The classifier {} does not" " raise an error when the number of " "features in predict_proba is different " "from the number of features in fit." .format(name)): classifier.predict_proba(X.T) if hasattr(classifier, "predict_log_proba"): # predict_log_proba is a transformation of predict_proba y_log_prob = classifier.predict_log_proba(X) assert_allclose(y_log_prob, np.log(y_prob), 8, atol=1e-9) assert_array_equal(np.argsort(y_log_prob), np.argsort(y_prob)) def check_outliers_train(name, estimator_orig, readonly_memmap=True): X, _ = make_blobs(n_samples=300, random_state=0) X = shuffle(X, random_state=7) if readonly_memmap: X = create_memmap_backed_data(X) n_samples, n_features = X.shape estimator = clone(estimator_orig) set_random_state(estimator) # fit # with lists y_pred = estimator.predict(X) assert y_pred.shape == (n_samples,) assert y_pred.dtype.kind == 'i' assert_array_equal(np.unique(y_pred), np.array([-1, 1])) decision = estimator.decision_function(X) assert decision.dtype == np.dtype('float') score = estimator.score_samples(X) assert score.dtype == np.dtype('float') # raises error on malformed input for predict assert_raises(ValueError, estimator.predict, X.T) # decision_function agrees with predict decision = estimator.decision_function(X) assert decision.shape == (n_samples,) dec_pred = (decision >= 0).astype( dec_pred[dec_pred == 0] = -1 assert_array_equal(dec_pred, y_pred) # raises error on malformed input for decision_function assert_raises(ValueError, estimator.decision_function, X.T) # decision_function is a translation of score_samples y_scores = estimator.score_samples(X) assert y_scores.shape == (n_samples,) y_dec = y_scores - estimator.offset_ assert_allclose(y_dec, decision) # raises error on malformed input for score_samples assert_raises(ValueError, estimator.score_samples, X.T) # contamination parameter (not for OneClassSVM which has the nu parameter) if (hasattr(estimator, 'contamination') and not hasattr(estimator, 'novelty')): # proportion of outliers equal to contamination parameter when not # set to 'auto'. This is true for the training set and cannot thus be # checked as follows for estimators with a novelty parameter such as # LocalOutlierFactor (tested in check_outliers_fit_predict) contamination = 0.1 estimator.set_params(contamination=contamination) y_pred = estimator.predict(X) assert_almost_equal(np.mean(y_pred != 1), contamination) # raises error when contamination is a scalar and not in [0,1] for contamination in [-0.5, 2.3]: estimator.set_params(contamination=contamination) assert_raises(ValueError,, X) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_estimators_fit_returns_self(name, estimator_orig, readonly_memmap=False): """Check if self is returned when calling fit""" X, y = make_blobs(random_state=0, n_samples=9, n_features=4) # some want non-negative input X -= X.min() X = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(X, estimator_orig) estimator = clone(estimator_orig) y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator, y) if readonly_memmap: X, y = create_memmap_backed_data([X, y]) set_random_state(estimator) assert_true(, y) is estimator) @ignore_warnings def check_estimators_unfitted(name, estimator_orig): """Check that predict raises an exception in an unfitted estimator. Unfitted estimators should raise either AttributeError or ValueError. The specific exception type NotFittedError inherits from both and can therefore be adequately raised for that purpose. """ # Common test for Regressors, Classifiers and Outlier detection estimators X, y = _boston_subset() estimator = clone(estimator_orig) msg = "fit" if hasattr(estimator, 'predict'): assert_raise_message((AttributeError, ValueError), msg, estimator.predict, X) if hasattr(estimator, 'decision_function'): assert_raise_message((AttributeError, ValueError), msg, estimator.decision_function, X) if hasattr(estimator, 'predict_proba'): assert_raise_message((AttributeError, ValueError), msg, estimator.predict_proba, X) if hasattr(estimator, 'predict_log_proba'): assert_raise_message((AttributeError, ValueError), msg, estimator.predict_log_proba, X) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_supervised_y_2d(name, estimator_orig): if "MultiTask" in name: # These only work on 2d, so this test makes no sense return rnd = np.random.RandomState(0) X = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(rnd.uniform(size=(10, 3)), estimator_orig) y = np.arange(10) % 3 estimator = clone(estimator_orig) set_random_state(estimator) # fit, y) y_pred = estimator.predict(X) set_random_state(estimator) # Check that when a 2D y is given, a DataConversionWarning is # raised with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter("always", DataConversionWarning) warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning), y[:, np.newaxis]) y_pred_2d = estimator.predict(X) msg = "expected 1 DataConversionWarning, got: %s" % ( ", ".join([str(w_x) for w_x in w])) if name not in MULTI_OUTPUT: # check that we warned if we don't support multi-output assert_greater(len(w), 0, msg) assert_true("DataConversionWarning('A column-vector y" " was passed when a 1d array was expected" in msg) assert_allclose(y_pred.ravel(), y_pred_2d.ravel()) @ignore_warnings def check_classifiers_predictions(X, y, name, classifier_orig): classes = np.unique(y) classifier = clone(classifier_orig) if name == 'BernoulliNB': X = X > X.mean() set_random_state(classifier), y) y_pred = classifier.predict(X) if hasattr(classifier, "decision_function"): decision = classifier.decision_function(X) n_samples, n_features = X.shape assert isinstance(decision, np.ndarray) if len(classes) == 2: dec_pred = (decision.ravel() > 0).astype( dec_exp = classifier.classes_[dec_pred] assert_array_equal(dec_exp, y_pred, err_msg="decision_function does not match " "classifier for %r: expected '%s', got '%s'" % (classifier, ", ".join(map(str, dec_exp)), ", ".join(map(str, y_pred)))) elif getattr(classifier, 'decision_function_shape', 'ovr') == 'ovr': decision_y = np.argmax(decision, axis=1).astype(int) y_exp = classifier.classes_[decision_y] assert_array_equal(y_exp, y_pred, err_msg="decision_function does not match " "classifier for %r: expected '%s', got '%s'" % (classifier, ", ".join(map(str, y_exp)), ", ".join(map(str, y_pred)))) # training set performance if name != "ComplementNB": # This is a pathological data set for ComplementNB. # For some specific cases 'ComplementNB' predicts less classes # than expected assert_array_equal(np.unique(y), np.unique(y_pred)) assert_array_equal(classes, classifier.classes_, err_msg="Unexpected classes_ attribute for %r: " "expected '%s', got '%s'" % (classifier, ", ".join(map(str, classes)), ", ".join(map(str, classifier.classes_)))) def choose_check_classifiers_labels(name, y, y_names): return y if name in ["LabelPropagation", "LabelSpreading"] else y_names def check_classifiers_classes(name, classifier_orig): X_multiclass, y_multiclass = make_blobs(n_samples=30, random_state=0, cluster_std=0.1) X_multiclass, y_multiclass = shuffle(X_multiclass, y_multiclass, random_state=7) X_multiclass = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X_multiclass) # We need to make sure that we have non negative data, for things # like NMF X_multiclass -= X_multiclass.min() - .1 X_binary = X_multiclass[y_multiclass != 2] y_binary = y_multiclass[y_multiclass != 2] X_multiclass = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(X_multiclass, classifier_orig) X_binary = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(X_binary, classifier_orig) labels_multiclass = ["one", "two", "three"] labels_binary = ["one", "two"] y_names_multiclass = np.take(labels_multiclass, y_multiclass) y_names_binary = np.take(labels_binary, y_binary) for X, y, y_names in [(X_multiclass, y_multiclass, y_names_multiclass), (X_binary, y_binary, y_names_binary)]: for y_names_i in [y_names, y_names.astype('O')]: y_ = choose_check_classifiers_labels(name, y, y_names_i) check_classifiers_predictions(X, y_, name, classifier_orig) labels_binary = [-1, 1] y_names_binary = np.take(labels_binary, y_binary) y_binary = choose_check_classifiers_labels(name, y_binary, y_names_binary) check_classifiers_predictions(X_binary, y_binary, name, classifier_orig) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_regressors_int(name, regressor_orig): X, _ = _boston_subset() X = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(X[:50], regressor_orig) rnd = np.random.RandomState(0) y = rnd.randint(3, size=X.shape[0]) y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(regressor_orig, y) rnd = np.random.RandomState(0) # separate estimators to control random seeds regressor_1 = clone(regressor_orig) regressor_2 = clone(regressor_orig) set_random_state(regressor_1) set_random_state(regressor_2) if name in CROSS_DECOMPOSITION: y_ = np.vstack([y, 2 * y + rnd.randint(2, size=len(y))]) y_ = y_.T else: y_ = y # fit, y_) pred1 = regressor_1.predict(X), y_.astype(np.float)) pred2 = regressor_2.predict(X) assert_allclose(pred1, pred2, atol=1e-2, err_msg=name) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_regressors_train(name, regressor_orig, readonly_memmap=False): X, y = _boston_subset() X = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(X, regressor_orig) y = StandardScaler().fit_transform(y.reshape(-1, 1)) # X is already scaled y = y.ravel() regressor = clone(regressor_orig) y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(regressor, y) if name in CROSS_DECOMPOSITION: rnd = np.random.RandomState(0) y_ = np.vstack([y, 2 * y + rnd.randint(2, size=len(y))]) y_ = y_.T else: y_ = y if readonly_memmap: X, y, y_ = create_memmap_backed_data([X, y, y_]) if not hasattr(regressor, 'alphas') and hasattr(regressor, 'alpha'): # linear regressors need to set alpha, but not generalized CV ones regressor.alpha = 0.01 if name == 'PassiveAggressiveRegressor': regressor.C = 0.01 # raises error on malformed input for fit with assert_raises(ValueError, msg="The classifier {} does not" " raise an error when incorrect/malformed input " "data for fit is passed. The number of training " "examples is not the same as the number of " "labels. Perhaps use check_X_y in fit.".format(name)):, y[:-1]) # fit set_random_state(regressor), y_), y_.tolist()) y_pred = regressor.predict(X) assert_equal(y_pred.shape, y_.shape) # TODO: find out why PLS and CCA fail. RANSAC is random # and furthermore assumes the presence of outliers, hence # skipped if name not in ('PLSCanonical', 'CCA', 'RANSACRegressor'): assert_greater(regressor.score(X, y_), 0.5) @ignore_warnings def check_regressors_no_decision_function(name, regressor_orig): # checks whether regressors have decision_function or predict_proba rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X = rng.normal(size=(10, 4)) regressor = clone(regressor_orig) y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(regressor, X[:, 0]) if hasattr(regressor, "n_components"): # FIXME CCA, PLS is not robust to rank 1 effects regressor.n_components = 1, y) funcs = ["decision_function", "predict_proba", "predict_log_proba"] for func_name in funcs: func = getattr(regressor, func_name, None) if func is None: # doesn't have function continue # has function. Should raise deprecation warning msg = func_name assert_warns_message(DeprecationWarning, msg, func, X) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_class_weight_classifiers(name, classifier_orig): if name == "NuSVC": # the sparse version has a parameter that doesn't do anything raise SkipTest("Not testing NuSVC class weight as it is ignored.") if name.endswith("NB"): # NaiveBayes classifiers have a somewhat different interface. # FIXME SOON! raise SkipTest for n_centers in [2, 3]: # create a very noisy dataset X, y = make_blobs(centers=n_centers, random_state=0, cluster_std=20) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=.5, random_state=0) # can't use gram_if_pairwise() here, setting up gram matrix manually if _is_pairwise(classifier_orig): X_test = rbf_kernel(X_test, X_train) X_train = rbf_kernel(X_train, X_train) n_centers = len(np.unique(y_train)) if n_centers == 2: class_weight = {0: 1000, 1: 0.0001} else: class_weight = {0: 1000, 1: 0.0001, 2: 0.0001} classifier = clone(classifier_orig).set_params( class_weight=class_weight) if hasattr(classifier, "n_iter"): classifier.set_params(n_iter=100) if hasattr(classifier, "max_iter"): classifier.set_params(max_iter=1000) if hasattr(classifier, "min_weight_fraction_leaf"): classifier.set_params(min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.01) set_random_state(classifier), y_train) y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test) # XXX: Generally can use 0.89 here. On Windows, LinearSVC gets # 0.88 (Issue #9111) assert_greater(np.mean(y_pred == 0), 0.87) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_class_weight_balanced_classifiers(name, classifier_orig, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, weights): classifier = clone(classifier_orig) if hasattr(classifier, "n_iter"): classifier.set_params(n_iter=100) if hasattr(classifier, "max_iter"): classifier.set_params(max_iter=1000) set_random_state(classifier), y_train) y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test) classifier.set_params(class_weight='balanced'), y_train) y_pred_balanced = classifier.predict(X_test) assert_greater(f1_score(y_test, y_pred_balanced, average='weighted'), f1_score(y_test, y_pred, average='weighted')) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_class_weight_balanced_linear_classifier(name, Classifier): """Test class weights with non-contiguous class labels.""" # this is run on classes, not instances, though this should be changed X = np.array([[-1.0, -1.0], [-1.0, 0], [-.8, -1.0], [1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0]]) y = np.array([1, 1, 1, -1, -1]) classifier = Classifier() if hasattr(classifier, "n_iter"): # This is a very small dataset, default n_iter are likely to prevent # convergence classifier.set_params(n_iter=1000) if hasattr(classifier, "max_iter"): classifier.set_params(max_iter=1000) set_random_state(classifier) # Let the model compute the class frequencies classifier.set_params(class_weight='balanced') coef_balanced =, y).coef_.copy() # Count each label occurrence to reweight manually n_samples = len(y) n_classes = float(len(np.unique(y))) class_weight = {1: n_samples / (np.sum(y == 1) * n_classes), -1: n_samples / (np.sum(y == -1) * n_classes)} classifier.set_params(class_weight=class_weight) coef_manual =, y).coef_.copy() assert_allclose(coef_balanced, coef_manual) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_estimators_overwrite_params(name, estimator_orig): X, y = make_blobs(random_state=0, n_samples=9) # some want non-negative input X -= X.min() X = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(X, estimator_orig, kernel=rbf_kernel) estimator = clone(estimator_orig) y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator, y) set_random_state(estimator) # Make a physical copy of the original estimator parameters before fitting. params = estimator.get_params() original_params = deepcopy(params) # Fit the model, y) # Compare the state of the model parameters with the original parameters new_params = estimator.get_params() for param_name, original_value in original_params.items(): new_value = new_params[param_name] # We should never change or mutate the internal state of input # parameters by default. To check this we use the joblib.hash function # that introspects recursively any subobjects to compute a checksum. # The only exception to this rule of immutable constructor parameters # is possible RandomState instance but in this check we explicitly # fixed the random_state params recursively to be integer seeds. assert_equal(hash(new_value), hash(original_value), "Estimator %s should not change or mutate " " the parameter %s from %s to %s during fit." % (name, param_name, original_value, new_value)) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_no_attributes_set_in_init(name, estimator): """Check setting during init. """ if hasattr(type(estimator).__init__, "deprecated_original"): return init_params = _get_args(type(estimator).__init__) if IS_PYPY: # __init__ signature has additional objects in PyPy for key in ['obj']: if key in init_params: init_params.remove(key) parents_init_params = [param for params_parent in (_get_args(parent) for parent in type(estimator).__mro__) for param in params_parent] # Test for no setting apart from parameters during init invalid_attr = (set(vars(estimator)) - set(init_params) - set(parents_init_params)) assert_false(invalid_attr, "Estimator %s should not set any attribute apart" " from parameters during init. Found attributes %s." % (name, sorted(invalid_attr))) # Ensure that each parameter is set in init invalid_attr = (set(init_params) - set(vars(estimator)) - set(["self"])) assert_false(invalid_attr, "Estimator %s should store all parameters" " as an attribute during init. Did not find " "attributes %s." % (name, sorted(invalid_attr))) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_sparsify_coefficients(name, estimator_orig): X = np.array([[-2, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -2], [1, 1], [1, 2], [2, 1], [-1, -2], [2, 2], [-2, -2]]) y = [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3] est = clone(estimator_orig), y) pred_orig = est.predict(X) # test sparsify with dense inputs est.sparsify() assert_true(sparse.issparse(est.coef_)) pred = est.predict(X) assert_array_equal(pred, pred_orig) # pickle and unpickle with sparse coef_ est = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(est)) assert_true(sparse.issparse(est.coef_)) pred = est.predict(X) assert_array_equal(pred, pred_orig) @ignore_warnings(category=DeprecationWarning) def check_classifier_data_not_an_array(name, estimator_orig): X = np.array([[3, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 1], [1, 2], [2, 1]]) X = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(X, estimator_orig) y = [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2] y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator_orig, y) check_estimators_data_not_an_array(name, estimator_orig, X, y) @ignore_warnings(category=DeprecationWarning) def check_regressor_data_not_an_array(name, estimator_orig): X, y = _boston_subset(n_samples=50) X = pairwise_estimator_convert_X(X, estimator_orig) y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator_orig, y) check_estimators_data_not_an_array(name, estimator_orig, X, y) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_estimators_data_not_an_array(name, estimator_orig, X, y): if name in CROSS_DECOMPOSITION: raise SkipTest("Skipping check_estimators_data_not_an_array " "for cross decomposition module as estimators " "are not deterministic.") # separate estimators to control random seeds estimator_1 = clone(estimator_orig) estimator_2 = clone(estimator_orig) set_random_state(estimator_1) set_random_state(estimator_2) y_ = NotAnArray(np.asarray(y)) X_ = NotAnArray(np.asarray(X)) # fit, y_) pred1 = estimator_1.predict(X_), y) pred2 = estimator_2.predict(X) assert_allclose(pred1, pred2, atol=1e-2, err_msg=name) def check_parameters_default_constructible(name, Estimator): # this check works on classes, not instances classifier = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis() # test default-constructibility # get rid of deprecation warnings with ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)): if name in META_ESTIMATORS: estimator = Estimator(classifier) else: estimator = Estimator() # test cloning clone(estimator) # test __repr__ repr(estimator) # test that set_params returns self assert_true(estimator.set_params() is estimator) # test if init does nothing but set parameters # this is important for grid_search etc. # We get the default parameters from init and then # compare these against the actual values of the attributes. # this comes from getattr. Gets rid of deprecation decorator. init = getattr(estimator.__init__, 'deprecated_original', estimator.__init__) try: def param_filter(p): """Identify hyper parameters of an estimator""" return ( != 'self' and p.kind != p.VAR_KEYWORD and p.kind != p.VAR_POSITIONAL) init_params = [p for p in signature(init).parameters.values() if param_filter(p)] except (TypeError, ValueError): # init is not a python function. # true for mixins return params = estimator.get_params() if name in META_ESTIMATORS: # they can need a non-default argument init_params = init_params[1:] for init_param in init_params: assert_not_equal(init_param.default, init_param.empty, "parameter %s for %s has no default value" % (, type(estimator).__name__)) assert_in(type(init_param.default), [str, int, float, bool, tuple, type(None), np.float64, types.FunctionType, Memory]) if not in params.keys(): # deprecated parameter, not in get_params assert_true(init_param.default is None) continue if (issubclass(Estimator, BaseSGD) and in ['tol', 'max_iter']): # To remove in 0.21, when they get their future default values continue param_value = params[] if isinstance(param_value, np.ndarray): assert_array_equal(param_value, init_param.default) else: if is_scalar_nan(param_value): # Allows to set default parameters to np.nan assert param_value is init_param.default, else: assert param_value == init_param.default, def multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator, y): # Estimators in mono_output_task_error raise ValueError if y is of 1-D # Convert into a 2-D y for those estimators. if "MultiTask" in estimator.__class__.__name__: return np.reshape(y, (-1, 1)) return y @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_non_transformer_estimators_n_iter(name, estimator_orig): # Test that estimators that are not transformers with a parameter # max_iter, return the attribute of n_iter_ at least 1. # These models are dependent on external solvers like # libsvm and accessing the iter parameter is non-trivial. not_run_check_n_iter = ['Ridge', 'SVR', 'NuSVR', 'NuSVC', 'RidgeClassifier', 'SVC', 'RandomizedLasso', 'LogisticRegressionCV', 'LinearSVC', 'LogisticRegression'] # Tested in test_transformer_n_iter not_run_check_n_iter += CROSS_DECOMPOSITION if name in not_run_check_n_iter: return # LassoLars stops early for the default alpha=1.0 the iris dataset. if name == 'LassoLars': estimator = clone(estimator_orig).set_params(alpha=0.) else: estimator = clone(estimator_orig) if hasattr(estimator, 'max_iter'): iris = load_iris() X, y_ =, y_ = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(estimator, y_) set_random_state(estimator, 0) if name == 'AffinityPropagation': else:, y_) assert estimator.n_iter_ >= 1 @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_transformer_n_iter(name, estimator_orig): # Test that transformers with a parameter max_iter, return the # attribute of n_iter_ at least 1. estimator = clone(estimator_orig) if hasattr(estimator, "max_iter"): if name in CROSS_DECOMPOSITION: # Check using default data X = [[0., 0., 1.], [1., 0., 0.], [2., 2., 2.], [2., 5., 4.]] y_ = [[0.1, -0.2], [0.9, 1.1], [0.1, -0.5], [0.3, -0.2]] else: X, y_ = make_blobs(n_samples=30, centers=[[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]], random_state=0, n_features=2, cluster_std=0.1) X -= X.min() - 0.1 set_random_state(estimator, 0), y_) # These return a n_iter per component. if name in CROSS_DECOMPOSITION: for iter_ in estimator.n_iter_: assert_greater_equal(iter_, 1) else: assert_greater_equal(estimator.n_iter_, 1) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_get_params_invariance(name, estimator_orig): # Checks if get_params(deep=False) is a subset of get_params(deep=True) class T(BaseEstimator): """Mock classifier """ def __init__(self): pass def fit(self, X, y): return self def transform(self, X): return X e = clone(estimator_orig) shallow_params = e.get_params(deep=False) deep_params = e.get_params(deep=True) assert_true(all(item in deep_params.items() for item in shallow_params.items())) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_set_params(name, estimator_orig): # Check that get_params() returns the same thing # before and after set_params() with some fuzz estimator = clone(estimator_orig) orig_params = estimator.get_params(deep=False) msg = ("get_params result does not match what was passed to set_params") estimator.set_params(**orig_params) curr_params = estimator.get_params(deep=False) assert_equal(set(orig_params.keys()), set(curr_params.keys()), msg) for k, v in curr_params.items(): assert orig_params[k] is v, msg # some fuzz values test_values = [-np.inf, np.inf, None] test_params = deepcopy(orig_params) for param_name in orig_params.keys(): default_value = orig_params[param_name] for value in test_values: test_params[param_name] = value try: estimator.set_params(**test_params) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: e_type = e.__class__.__name__ # Exception occurred, possibly parameter validation warnings.warn("{} occurred during set_params. " "It is recommended to delay parameter " "validation until fit.".format(e_type)) change_warning_msg = "Estimator's parameters changed after " \ "set_params raised {}".format(e_type) params_before_exception = curr_params curr_params = estimator.get_params(deep=False) try: assert_equal(set(params_before_exception.keys()), set(curr_params.keys())) for k, v in curr_params.items(): assert params_before_exception[k] is v except AssertionError: warnings.warn(change_warning_msg) else: curr_params = estimator.get_params(deep=False) assert_equal(set(test_params.keys()), set(curr_params.keys()), msg) for k, v in curr_params.items(): assert test_params[k] is v, msg test_params[param_name] = default_value @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_classifiers_regression_target(name, estimator_orig): # Check if classifier throws an exception when fed regression targets boston = load_boston() X, y =, e = clone(estimator_orig) msg = 'Unknown label type: ' assert_raises_regex(ValueError, msg,, X, y) @ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)) def check_decision_proba_consistency(name, estimator_orig): # Check whether an estimator having both decision_function and # predict_proba methods has outputs with perfect rank correlation. centers = [(2, 2), (4, 4)] X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=100, random_state=0, n_features=4, centers=centers, cluster_std=1.0, shuffle=True) X_test = np.random.randn(20, 2) + 4 estimator = clone(estimator_orig) if (hasattr(estimator, "decision_function") and hasattr(estimator, "predict_proba")):, y) a = estimator.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1] b = estimator.decision_function(X_test) assert_array_equal(rankdata(a), rankdata(b)) def check_outliers_fit_predict(name, estimator_orig): # Check fit_predict for outlier detectors. X, _ = make_blobs(n_samples=300, random_state=0) X = shuffle(X, random_state=7) n_samples, n_features = X.shape estimator = clone(estimator_orig) set_random_state(estimator) y_pred = estimator.fit_predict(X) assert y_pred.shape == (n_samples,) assert y_pred.dtype.kind == 'i' assert_array_equal(np.unique(y_pred), np.array([-1, 1])) # check fit_predict = fit.predict when the estimator has both a predict and # a fit_predict method. recall that it is already assumed here that the # estimator has a fit_predict method if hasattr(estimator, 'predict'): y_pred_2 = assert_array_equal(y_pred, y_pred_2) if hasattr(estimator, "contamination"): # proportion of outliers equal to contamination parameter when not # set to 'auto' contamination = 0.1 estimator.set_params(contamination=contamination) y_pred = estimator.fit_predict(X) assert_almost_equal(np.mean(y_pred != 1), contamination) # raises error when contamination is a scalar and not in [0,1] for contamination in [-0.5, 2.3]: estimator.set_params(contamination=contamination) assert_raises(ValueError, estimator.fit_predict, X)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = 'sdk' from sacm import * from xml.dom import minidom import pandas as pd def getASDM(uid=None): asdmXML = GetXML(uid,'ASDM') if asdmXML is not False: asdm = minidom.parseString(asdmXML) rows = asdm.getElementsByTagName('Table') asdmList = list() for i in rows: if int(i.getElementsByTagName('NumberRows')[0] != 0: #print i.getElementsByTagName('Name')[0],i.getElementsByTagName('NumberRows')[0] asdmList.append((i.getElementsByTagName('Name')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('NumberRows')[0], str(i.getElementsByTagName('Entity')[0].getAttribute('entityTypeName')), str(i.getElementsByTagName('Entity')[0].getAttribute('entityId')))) toc = asdm.getElementsByTagName('TimeOfCreation')[0] return asdmList, pd.DataFrame(asdmList, columns=['table', 'numrows', 'typename', 'uid'],) , datetime.datetime.strptime(toc.strip()[0:19],"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" ) else: return False def getMain(uid=None): mainXML = GetXML(uid,'Main') if mainXML is not False: main = minidom.parseString(mainXML) mainList = list() rows = main.getElementsByTagName('row') for i in rows: #print i.getElementsByTagName('time')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('stateId')[0] mainList.append((sdmTimeString(int(i.getElementsByTagName('time')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('numAntenna')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('timeSampling')[0], int(i.getElementsByTagName('interval')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('numIntegration')[0], int(i.getElementsByTagName('scanNumber')[0], int(i.getElementsByTagName('subscanNumber')[0], int(i.getElementsByTagName('dataSize')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('dataUID')[0].getElementsByTagName('EntityRef')[0].getAttribute('entityId'), i.getElementsByTagName('fieldId')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('stateId')[0] return pd.DataFrame(mainList, columns=['time', 'timeSampling', 'interval', 'scanNumber', 'subscanNumber', 'dataSize', 'dataUID', 'fieldId', 'stateId']) else: return False def getAntennas(uid=None): antennaXML = GetXML(uid,'Antenna') if antennaXML is not False: antenna = minidom.parseString(antennaXML) antennaList = list() rows = antenna.getElementsByTagName('row') for i in rows: antennaList.append(( i.getElementsByTagName('antennaId')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('name')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('antennaMake')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('dishDiameter')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('stationId')[0], )) return pd.DataFrame(antennaList,columns=['antennaId','name','antennaMake','dishDiameter','stationId']) else: return False def getCalPhase(uid=None): calPhaseXML = GetXML(uid,'CalPhase') if calPhaseXML is not False: calPhase = minidom.parseString(calPhaseXML) calPhaseList = list() rows = calPhase.getElementsByTagName('row') for i in rows: calPhaseList.append(( i.getElementsByTagName('basebandName')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('receiverBand')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('atmPhaseCorrection')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('startValidTime')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('endValidTime')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('numBaseline')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('numReceptor')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('ampli')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('antennaNames')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('baselineLengths')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('decorrelationFactor')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('direction')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('frequencyRange')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('integrationTime')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('phase')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('polarizationTypes')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('phaseRMS')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('statPhaseRMS')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('calDataId')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('calReductionId')[0], )) return pd.DataFrame(calPhaseList,columns=['basebandName','receiverBand','atmPhaseCorrection','startValidTime','endValidTime','numBaseline', 'numReceptor','ampli','antennaNames','baselineLengths','decorrelationFactor','direction', 'frequencyRange','integrationTime','phase','polarizationTypes','phaseRMS','statPhaseRMS','calDataId','calReductionId']) else: return False def getCalDelay(uid=None): calDelayXML = GetXML(uid,'CalDelay') if calDelayXML is not False: calDelay = minidom.parseString(calDelayXML) calDelayList = list() rows = calDelay.getElementsByTagName('row') for i in rows: calDelayList.append(( i.getElementsByTagName('basebandName')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('receiverBand')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('atmPhaseCorrection')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('startValidTime')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('endValidTime')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('numBaseline')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('numReceptor')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('ampli')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('antennaNames')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('baselineLengths')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('decorrelationFactor')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('direction')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('frequencyRange')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('integrationTime')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('phase')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('polarizationTypes')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('phaseRMS')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('statPhaseRMS')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('calDataId')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('calReductionId')[0], )) return pd.DataFrame(calDelayList,columns=['basebandName','receiverBand','atmPhaseCorrection','startValidTime','endValidTime','numBaseline', 'numReceptor','ampli','antennaNames','baselineLengths','decorrelationFactor','direction', 'frequencyRange','integrationTime','phase','polarizationTypes','phaseRMS','statPhaseRMS','calDataId','calReductionId']) else: return False def getSBSummary(uid=None): summaryXML = GetXML(uid,'SBSummary') if summaryXML is not False: summary = minidom.parseString(summaryXML) summaryList = list() rows = summary.getElementsByTagName('row') for i in rows: summaryList.append((i.getElementsByTagName('sbSummaryUID')[0].getElementsByTagName('EntityRef')[0].getAttribute('entityId'), i.getElementsByTagName('projectUID')[0].getElementsByTagName('EntityRef')[0].getAttribute('entityId'), i.getElementsByTagName('obsUnitSetUID')[0].getElementsByTagName('EntityRef')[0].getAttribute('entityId'), float(i.getElementsByTagName('frequency')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('frequencyBand')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('scienceGoal')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('weatherConstraint')[0] )) return pd.DataFrame(summaryList, columns=['sbSummaryUID', 'projectUID', 'obsUnitSetUID', 'frequency', 'frequencyBand', 'scienceGoal', 'weatherConstraint']) else: return False def getScan(uid=None): scanXML = GetXML(uid,'Scan') if scanXML is not False: scan = minidom.parseString(scanXML) scanList = list() rows = scan.getElementsByTagName('row') for i in rows: try: scanList.append((int(i.getElementsByTagName('scanNumber')[0], int(i.getElementsByTagName('startTime')[0], int(i.getElementsByTagName('endTime')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('numIntent')[0], int(i.getElementsByTagName('numSubscan')[0], arrayParser(i.getElementsByTagName('scanIntent')[0], 1), arrayParser(i.getElementsByTagName('calDataType')[0], 1), int(i.getElementsByTagName('numField')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('fieldName')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sourceName')[0] except IndexError as e: scanList.append((int(i.getElementsByTagName('scanNumber')[0], int(i.getElementsByTagName('startTime')[0], int(i.getElementsByTagName('endTime')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('numIntent')[0], int(i.getElementsByTagName('numSubscan')[0], arrayParser(i.getElementsByTagName('scanIntent')[0], 1), arrayParser(i.getElementsByTagName('calDataType')[0], 1), 0, u"None", u"None")) return pd.DataFrame(scanList, columns=['scanNumber', 'startTime', 'endTime', 'numSubscan', 'scanIntent', 'calDataType', 'numField', 'fieldName', 'sourceName']) else: return False def getStation(uid=None): stationXML = GetXML(uid,'Station') if stationXML is not False: station = minidom.parseString(stationXML) stationList = list() rows = station.getElementsByTagName('row') for i in rows: try: stationList.append(( i.getElementsByTagName('stationId')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('name')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('position')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('type')[0], )) except IndexError as error: print error return False return pd.DataFrame(stationList ,columns=['stationId','name','position','type']) def getSubScan(uid=None): subscanXML = GetXML(uid,'Subscan') if subscanXML is not False: subscan = minidom.parseString(subscanXML) subscanList = list() rows = subscan.getElementsByTagName('row') for i in rows: subscanList.append((int(i.getElementsByTagName('scanNumber')[0], int(i.getElementsByTagName('subscanNumber')[0], int(i.getElementsByTagName('startTime')[0], int(i.getElementsByTagName('endTime')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('fieldName')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('subscanIntent')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('subscanMode')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('numIntegration')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('numSubintegration')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('correlatorCalibration')[0] )) return pd.DataFrame(subscanList, columns=['scanNumber','subscanNumber','startTime','endTime','fieldName', 'subscanIntent','subscanMode','numIntegration']) else: return False def getSource(uid=None): sourceXML = GetXML(uid,'Source') if sourceXML is not False: source = minidom.parseString(sourceXML) sourceList = list() rows = source.getElementsByTagName('row') #there are missing fields in some rows for the Source table. for i in rows: sourceList.append((int(i.getElementsByTagName('sourceId')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('timeInterval')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('direction')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('directionCode')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sourceName')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('spectralWindowId')[0] return pd.DataFrame(sourceList,columns=['sourceId','timeInterval','direction','directionCode','sourceName', 'spectralWindowId']) else: return False def getSpectralWindow(uid=None): spwXML = GetXML(uid,'SpectralWindow') if spwXML is not False: spw = minidom.parseString(spwXML) spwList = list() rows = spw.getElementsByTagName('row') for i in rows: if int(i.getElementsByTagName('numChan')[0] > 4: try: spwList.append((i.getElementsByTagName('spectralWindowId')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('basebandName')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('netSideband')[0], int(i.getElementsByTagName('numChan')[0], float(i.getElementsByTagName('refFreq')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sidebandProcessingMode')[0], float(i.getElementsByTagName('totBandwidth')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('chanFreqStart')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('chanFreqStep')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('chanWidth')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('effectiveBw')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('name')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('resolutionArray')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('assocNature')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('assocSpectralWindowId')[0] except IndexError as e: print e return pd.DataFrame(spwList, columns=['spectralWindowId', 'basebandName', 'netSideband', 'numChan', 'refFreq', 'sidebandProcessingMode', 'totBandwidth', 'chanFreqStart','chanFreqStep','chanWidth', 'effectiveBw', 'name', 'assocNature', 'assocSpectralWindowId']) else: return False def getField(uid=None): fieldXML = GetXML(uid,'Field') if fieldXML is not False: field = minidom.parseString(fieldXML) fieldList = list() rows = field.getElementsByTagName('row') for i in rows: fieldList.append((i.getElementsByTagName('fieldId')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('fieldName')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('numPoly')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('delayDir')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('phaseDir')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('referenceDir')[0], int(i.getElementsByTagName('time')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('code')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('directionCode')[0], int(i.getElementsByTagName('sourceId')[0] #return pd.DataFrame(fieldList, columns=['fieldId', 'fieldName', 'numPoly','delayDir','phaseDir','referenceDir', 'time', 'code', 'directionCode', 'sourceId']) return pd.DataFrame(fieldList, columns=['fieldId', 'fieldName', 'numPoly','referenceDir', 'time', 'code', 'directionCode', 'sourceId']) else: return False def getSysCal(uid=None): syscalXML = GetXML(uid,'SysCal') if syscalXML is not False: syscal = minidom.parseString(syscalXML) syscalList = list() rows = syscal.getElementsByTagName('row') for i in rows: syscalList.append(( i.getElementsByTagName('timeInterval')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('numReceptor')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('numChan')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('tcalFlag')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('tcalSpectrum')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('trxFlag')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('trxSpectrum')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('tskyFlag')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('tskySpectrum')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('tsysFlag')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('tsysSpectrum')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('antennaId')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('feedId')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('spectralWindowId')[0] )) return pd.DataFrame(syscalList, columns=['timeInterval','numReceptor','numChan','tcalFlag','tcalSpectrum','trxFlag', 'trxSpectrum','tskyFlag','tskySpectrum','tsysFlag','tsysSpectrum','antennaId', 'feedId','spectralWindowId']) else: return False def getSBData(sbuid=None): schedXML = GetXML(sbuid, 'SchedBlock') sched = minidom.parseString(schedXML) schedList = list() rowsBL = sched.getElementsByTagName('sbl:BLSpectralWindow') rowsACA = sched.getElementsByTagName('sbl:ACASpectralWindow') rows = rowsBL if len(rowsBL) > len(rowsACA) else rowsACA for i in rows: brother = i.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('sbl:BaseBandSpecificationRef') parent = i.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode schedList.append(( parent.getAttribute('entityPartId'), parent.getAttribute('switchingType'), #parent.getAttribute('receiverType'), parent.getElementsByTagName('sbl:name')[0], brother[0].getAttribute('entityId'), brother[0].getAttribute('partId'), #brother[0].getAttribute('entityTypeName'), #i.getAttribute('sideBand'), #i.getAttribute('windowFunction'), i.getAttribute('polnProducts'), #i.getAttribute('correlationBits'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:centerFrequency')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:centerFrequency')[0].getAttribute('unit'), #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:spectralAveragingFactor')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:name')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:effectiveBandwidth')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:effectiveBandwidth')[0].getAttribute('unit'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:effectiveNumberOfChannels')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:useThisSpectralWindow')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:ChannelAverageRegion')[0].getElementsByTagName('sbl:startChannel')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:ChannelAverageRegion')[0].getElementsByTagName('sbl:numberChannels')[0], )) specs = pd.DataFrame(schedList) rows = sched.getElementsByTagName('sbl:BaseBandSpecification') bbList = list() for i in rows: parent = i.parentNode bbList.append(( parent.getAttribute('receiverBand'), parent.getAttribute('dopplerReference'), parent.getElementsByTagName('sbl:restFrequency')[0], parent.getElementsByTagName('sbl:restFrequency')[0].getAttribute('unit'), parent.getElementsByTagName('sbl:frequencySwitching')[0], parent.getElementsByTagName('sbl:lO2Frequency')[0], parent.getElementsByTagName('sbl:lO2Frequency')[0].getAttribute('unit'), #parent.getElementsByTagName('sbl:weighting')[0], #parent.getElementsByTagName('sbl:useUSB')[0], #parent.getElementsByTagName('sbl:use12GHzFilter')[0], #parent.getElementsByTagName('sbl:imageCenterFrequency')[0], #parent.getElementsByTagName('sbl:imageCenterFrequency')[0].getAttribute('unit'), i.getAttribute('entityPartId'), i.getAttribute('baseBandName'), #i.getAttribute('sideBandPreference'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:centerFrequency')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:lO2Frequency')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:lO2Frequency')[0].getAttribute('unit'), #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:weighting')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:useUSB')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:use12GHzFilter')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:imageCenterFrequency')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:imageCenterFrequency')[0].getAttribute('unit') )) bb = pd.DataFrame(bbList) targetList = list() rows = sched.getElementsByTagName('sbl:Target') for i in rows: targetList.append(( i.getAttribute('entityPartId'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:AbstractInstrumentSpecRef')[0].getAttribute('partId'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:FieldSourceRef')[0].getAttribute('partId'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:ObservingParametersRef')[0].getAttribute('partId'), )) target = pd.DataFrame(targetList, columns=['entityPartId', 'InstrumentSpec', 'FieldSource', 'ObsParameter']) rows = sched.getElementsByTagName('sbl:ScienceParameters') scienceList = list() for i in rows: scienceList.append(( i.getAttribute('entityPartId'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:name')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:representativeBandwidth')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:representativeBandwidth')[0].getAttribute('unit'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:representativeFrequency')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:representativeFrequency')[0].getAttribute('unit'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:sensitivityGoal')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:sensitivityGoal')[0].getAttribute('unit'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:integrationTime')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:integrationTime')[0].getAttribute('unit'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:subScanDuration')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:subScanDuration')[0].getAttribute('unit'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:forceAtmCal')[0] )) science = pd.DataFrame(scienceList) rows = sched.getElementsByTagName('sbl:PhaseCalParameters') phaseList = list() for i in rows: phaseList.append(( i.getAttribute('entityPartId'), #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:name')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:cycleTime')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:cycleTime')[0].getAttribute('unit'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:defaultIntegrationTime')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:defaultIntegrationTime')[0].getAttribute('unit'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:subScanDuration')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:subScanDuration')[0].getAttribute('unit'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:forceAtmCal')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:forceExecution')[0] )) phase = pd.DataFrame(phaseList) rows = sched.getElementsByTagName('sbl:FieldSource') fieldList = list() for i in rows: fieldList.append(( i.getAttribute('entityPartId'), i.getAttribute('solarSystemObject'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:sourceName')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:sourceEphemeris')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:name')[0], )) field = pd.DataFrame(fieldList) return bb,specs,target,phase,science,field def getSBFields(sbuid=None): schedXML = GetXML(sbuid, 'SchedBlock') sched = minidom.parseString(schedXML) rows = sched.getElementsByTagName('sbl:FieldSource') fieldList = list() for i in rows: fieldList.append(( i.getAttribute('entityPartId'), i.getAttribute('solarSystemObject'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:sourceName')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:sourceEphemeris')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:name')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:sourceCoordinates')[0].getElementsByTagName('val:longitude')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:sourceCoordinates')[0].getElementsByTagName('val:latitude')[0], )) field = pd.DataFrame(fieldList, columns=['entityPartId','solarSystemObject','sourceName','name','longitude','latitude']) return field def getSBScience(sbuid=None): schedXML = GetXML(sbuid, 'SchedBlock') sched = minidom.parseString(schedXML) rows = sched.getElementsByTagName('sbl:ScienceParameters') scienceList = list() for i in rows: scienceList.append(( i.getAttribute('entityPartId'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:name')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:representativeBandwidth')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:representativeBandwidth')[0].getAttribute('unit'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:representativeFrequency')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:representativeFrequency')[0].getAttribute('unit'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:sensitivityGoal')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:sensitivityGoal')[0].getAttribute('unit'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:integrationTime')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:integrationTime')[0].getAttribute('unit'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:subScanDuration')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:subScanDuration')[0].getAttribute('unit'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:forceAtmCal')[0] )) science = pd.DataFrame(scienceList, columns=['entityPartId','name','representativeBandwidth','unit_rb','representativeFrequency','unit_rf', 'sensitivityGoal','unit_sg','integrationTime','unit_it','subScanDuration','unit_sc','forceAtmCal']) return science def getSBTargets(sbuid=None): schedXML = GetXML(sbuid, 'SchedBlock') sched = minidom.parseString(schedXML) targetList = list() rows = sched.getElementsByTagName('sbl:Target') for i in rows: targetList.append(( i.getAttribute('entityPartId'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:AbstractInstrumentSpecRef')[0].getAttribute('partId'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:FieldSourceRef')[0].getAttribute('partId'), i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:ObservingParametersRef')[0].getAttribute('partId'), )) target = pd.DataFrame(targetList, columns=['entityPartId', 'InstrumentSpec', 'FieldSource', 'ObsParameter']) return target def getSBOffsets(sbuid=None): schedXML = GetXML(sbuid, 'SchedBlock') sched = minidom.parseString(schedXML) offsetList = list() rows = sched.getElementsByTagName('sbl:phaseCenterCoordinates') for i in rows: offsetList.append(( i.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute('entityPartId'), i.getAttribute('system'), i.getAttribute('type'), i.getElementsByTagName('val:longitude')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('val:longitude')[0].getAttribute('unit'), i.getElementsByTagName('val:latitude')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('val:latitude')[0].getAttribute('unit'), )) offset = pd.DataFrame(offsetList, columns=['partId','system', 'type', 'longitude','lon_unit', 'latitude','lat_unit']) return offset def getScienceGoal(prjUID=None): projXML = GetXML(prjUID, 'ObsProject') proj = minidom.parseString(projXML) scienceGoalList = list() rows = proj.getElementsByTagName('prj:ScienceSpectralWindow') for i in rows: scienceGoalList.append(( i.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('prj:name')[0], i.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('prj:ObsUnitSetRef')[0].getAttribute('entityId'), i.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('prj:ObsUnitSetRef')[0].getAttribute('partId'), i.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('prj:representativeFrequency')[0], i.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('prj:userRepresentativeFrequency')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('prj:centerFrequency')[0], i.getElementsByTagName('prj:representativeWindow')[0], )) scienceGoal = pd.DataFrame(scienceGoalList) return scienceGoal def getSB_spectralconf(sbuid=None): schedXML = GetXML(sbuid, 'SchedBlock') sched = minidom.parseString(schedXML) schedList = list() rowsBL = sched.getElementsByTagName('sbl:BLSpectralWindow') rowsACA = sched.getElementsByTagName('sbl:ACASpectralWindow') rows = rowsBL if len(rowsBL) > len(rowsACA) else rowsACA for i in rows: brother = i.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('sbl:BaseBandSpecificationRef') parent = i.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode schedList.append(( parent.getAttribute('entityPartId'), parent.getAttribute('switchingType'), #parent.getAttribute('receiverType'), parent.getElementsByTagName('sbl:name')[0], brother[0].getAttribute('entityId'), brother[0].getAttribute('partId'), #brother[0].getAttribute('entityTypeName'), #i.getAttribute('sideBand'), #i.getAttribute('windowFunction'), #i.getAttribute('polnProducts'), #i.getAttribute('correlationBits'), #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:centerFrequency')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:centerFrequency')[0].getAttribute('unit'), #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:spectralAveragingFactor')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:name')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:effectiveBandwidth')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:effectiveBandwidth')[0].getAttribute('unit'), #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:effectiveNumberOfChannels')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:useThisSpectralWindow')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:ChannelAverageRegion')[0].getElementsByTagName('sbl:startChannel')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:ChannelAverageRegion')[0].getElementsByTagName('sbl:numberChannels')[0], )) specs = pd.DataFrame(schedList) rows = sched.getElementsByTagName('sbl:BaseBandSpecification') bbList = list() for i in rows: parent = i.parentNode bbList.append(( parent.getAttribute('receiverBand'), #parent.getAttribute('dopplerReference'), #parent.getElementsByTagName('sbl:restFrequency')[0], #parent.getElementsByTagName('sbl:restFrequency')[0].getAttribute('unit'), #parent.getElementsByTagName('sbl:frequencySwitching')[0], #parent.getElementsByTagName('sbl:lO2Frequency')[0], #parent.getElementsByTagName('sbl:lO2Frequency')[0].getAttribute('unit'), #parent.getElementsByTagName('sbl:weighting')[0], #parent.getElementsByTagName('sbl:useUSB')[0], #parent.getElementsByTagName('sbl:use12GHzFilter')[0], #parent.getElementsByTagName('sbl:imageCenterFrequency')[0], #parent.getElementsByTagName('sbl:imageCenterFrequency')[0].getAttribute('unit'), i.getAttribute('entityPartId'), i.getAttribute('baseBandName'), #i.getAttribute('sideBandPreference'), #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:centerFrequency')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:lO2Frequency')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:lO2Frequency')[0].getAttribute('unit'), #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:weighting')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:useUSB')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:use12GHzFilter')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:imageCenterFrequency')[0], #i.getElementsByTagName('sbl:imageCenterFrequency')[0].getAttribute('unit') )) bb = pd.DataFrame(bbList) return bb,specs
from math import sqrt from astLib import astStats from astLib import astCalc import pandas as pd from glob import glob from bootstrap import bootstrap def calcVD_big(data): return astStats.biweightScale(data, tuningConstant=9.0) def calcVD_small(data): return astStats.gapperEstimator(data) def calc_mass(data): if len(data) > 10: vd = calcVD_big(data['LOSV'].values) up, low = bootstrap(data['LOSV'].values, astStats.biweightScale, alpha=0.32, tuningConstant=9.0) else: vd = calcVD_small(data['LOSV'].values) up, low = bootstrap(data['LOSV'].values, astStats.gapperEstimator, alpha=0.32) # print vd, abs(vd-up), abs(vd-low), avgz = astStats.biweightLocation(data['redshift'].values, tuningConstant=6.0) r200 = sqrt(3) * vd /(10*astCalc.H0 * astCalc.Ez(avgz)) r200up = sqrt(3) * up /(10*astCalc.H0 * astCalc.Ez(avgz)) r200low = sqrt(3) * low /(10*astCalc.H0 * astCalc.Ez(avgz)) # print r200, abs(r200-r200up), abs(r200-r200low), a = 3 * sqrt(3) * 1000**3 * 3.08E19/(10*astCalc.H0 * astCalc.Ez(avgz) *\ 6.67384E-11) m200 = a * vd**3 # propagate errors m200low = a * vd**2 * 3 * low m200up = a * vd**2 * 3 * up print vd, m200/1.9891E30, m200low/1.9891E30, m200up/1.9891E30 return data, m200, vd files = glob('*members.csv') for f in files: data = pd.read_csv(f) print f.split('_')[0], mass = calc_mass(data) #print len(data), mass/1.9891E30
# Author: Alexandre Gramfort <> # Gael Varoquaux <> # Virgile Fritsch <> # # License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_almost_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_almost_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises from sklearn.utils.validation import NotFittedError from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.covariance import empirical_covariance, MinCovDet, \ EllipticEnvelope X = datasets.load_iris().data X_1d = X[:, 0] n_samples, n_features = X.shape def test_mcd(): # Tests the FastMCD algorithm implementation # Small data set # test without outliers (random independent normal data) launch_mcd_on_dataset(100, 5, 0, 0.01, 0.1, 80) # test with a contaminated data set (medium contamination) launch_mcd_on_dataset(100, 5, 20, 0.01, 0.01, 70) # test with a contaminated data set (strong contamination) launch_mcd_on_dataset(100, 5, 40, 0.1, 0.1, 50) # Medium data set launch_mcd_on_dataset(1000, 5, 450, 0.1, 0.1, 540) # Large data set launch_mcd_on_dataset(1700, 5, 800, 0.1, 0.1, 870) # 1D data set launch_mcd_on_dataset(500, 1, 100, 0.001, 0.001, 350) def launch_mcd_on_dataset(n_samples, n_features, n_outliers, tol_loc, tol_cov, tol_support): rand_gen = np.random.RandomState(0) data = rand_gen.randn(n_samples, n_features) # add some outliers outliers_index = rand_gen.permutation(n_samples)[:n_outliers] outliers_offset = 10. * \ (rand_gen.randint(2, size=(n_outliers, n_features)) - 0.5) data[outliers_index] += outliers_offset inliers_mask = np.ones(n_samples).astype(bool) inliers_mask[outliers_index] = False pure_data = data[inliers_mask] # compute MCD by fitting an object mcd_fit = MinCovDet(random_state=rand_gen).fit(data) T = mcd_fit.location_ S = mcd_fit.covariance_ H = mcd_fit.support_ # compare with the estimates learnt from the inliers error_location = np.mean((pure_data.mean(0) - T) ** 2) assert(error_location < tol_loc) error_cov = np.mean((empirical_covariance(pure_data) - S) ** 2) assert(error_cov < tol_cov) assert(np.sum(H) >= tol_support) assert_array_almost_equal(mcd_fit.mahalanobis(data), mcd_fit.dist_) def test_mcd_issue1127(): # Check that the code does not break with X.shape = (3, 1) # (i.e. n_support = n_samples) rnd = np.random.RandomState(0) X = rnd.normal(size=(3, 1)) mcd = MinCovDet() def test_outlier_detection(): rnd = np.random.RandomState(0) X = rnd.randn(100, 10) clf = EllipticEnvelope(contamination=0.1) assert_raises(NotFittedError, clf.predict, X) assert_raises(NotFittedError, clf.decision_function, X) y_pred = clf.predict(X) decision = clf.decision_function(X, raw_values=True) decision_transformed = clf.decision_function(X, raw_values=False) assert_array_almost_equal( decision, clf.mahalanobis(X)) assert_array_almost_equal(clf.mahalanobis(X), clf.dist_) assert_almost_equal(clf.score(X, np.ones(100)), (100 - y_pred[y_pred == -1].size) / 100.) assert(sum(y_pred == -1) == sum(decision_transformed < 0))
# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # r"""Utilities for relating schema-aware PCollections and dataframe transforms. Imposes a mapping between native Python typings (specifically those compatible with :mod:`apache_beam.typehints.schemas`), and common pandas dtypes:: pandas dtype Python typing{8,16,32,64} <----->{8,16,32,64}* pd.Int{8,16,32,64}Dtype <-----> Optional[{8,16,32,64}]* np.float{32,64} <-----> Optional[np.float{32,64}] \--- np.float{32,64} Not supported <------ Optional[bytes] np.bool <-----> np.bool np.dtype('S') <-----> bytes pd.BooleanDType() <-----> Optional[bool] pd.StringDType() <-----> Optional[str] \--- str np.object <-----> Any * int, float, bool are treated the same as np.int64, np.float64, np.bool Note that when converting to pandas dtypes, any types not specified here are shunted to ``np.object``. Similarly when converting from pandas to Python types, types that aren't otherwise specified here are shunted to ``Any``. Notably, this includes ``np.datetime64``. Pandas does not support hierarchical data natively. Currently, all structured types (``Sequence``, ``Mapping``, nested ``NamedTuple`` types), are shunted to ``np.object`` like all other unknown types. In the future these types may be given special consideration. """ # pytype: skip-file from typing import Any from typing import NamedTuple from typing import Optional from typing import TypeVar from typing import Union import numpy as np import pandas as pd import apache_beam as beam from apache_beam import typehints from apache_beam.portability.api import schema_pb2 from apache_beam.transforms.util import BatchElements from apache_beam.typehints.native_type_compatibility import _match_is_optional from apache_beam.typehints.schemas import named_fields_from_element_type from apache_beam.typehints.schemas import named_fields_to_schema from apache_beam.typehints.schemas import named_tuple_from_schema from apache_beam.typehints.schemas import named_tuple_to_schema from apache_beam.utils import proto_utils __all__ = ( 'BatchRowsAsDataFrame', 'generate_proxy', 'UnbatchPandas', 'element_type_from_dataframe') T = TypeVar('T', bound=NamedTuple) # Generate type map (presented visually in the docstring) _BIDIRECTIONAL = [ (bool, bool), (np.int8, np.int8), (np.int16, np.int16), (np.int32, np.int32), (np.int64, np.int64), (pd.Int8Dtype(), Optional[np.int8]), (pd.Int16Dtype(), Optional[np.int16]), (pd.Int32Dtype(), Optional[np.int32]), (pd.Int64Dtype(), Optional[np.int64]), (np.float32, Optional[np.float32]), (np.float64, Optional[np.float64]), (object, Any), (pd.StringDtype(), Optional[str]), (pd.BooleanDtype(), Optional[bool]), ] PANDAS_TO_BEAM = { pd.Series([], dtype=dtype).dtype: fieldtype for dtype, fieldtype in _BIDIRECTIONAL } BEAM_TO_PANDAS = {fieldtype: dtype for dtype, fieldtype in _BIDIRECTIONAL} # Shunt non-nullable Beam types to the same pandas types as their non-nullable # equivalents for FLOATs, DOUBLEs, and STRINGs. pandas has no non-nullable dtype # for these. OPTIONAL_SHUNTS = [np.float32, np.float64, str] for typehint in OPTIONAL_SHUNTS: BEAM_TO_PANDAS[typehint] = BEAM_TO_PANDAS[Optional[typehint]] # int, float -> int64, np.float64 BEAM_TO_PANDAS[int] = BEAM_TO_PANDAS[np.int64] BEAM_TO_PANDAS[Optional[int]] = BEAM_TO_PANDAS[Optional[np.int64]] BEAM_TO_PANDAS[float] = BEAM_TO_PANDAS[np.float64] BEAM_TO_PANDAS[Optional[float]] = BEAM_TO_PANDAS[Optional[np.float64]] BEAM_TO_PANDAS[bytes] = 'bytes' @typehints.with_input_types(T) @typehints.with_output_types(pd.DataFrame) class BatchRowsAsDataFrame(beam.PTransform): """A transform that batches schema-aware PCollection elements into DataFrames Batching parameters are inherited from :class:`~apache_beam.transforms.util.BatchElements`. """ def __init__(self, *args, proxy=None, **kwargs): self._batch_elements_transform = BatchElements(*args, **kwargs) self._proxy = proxy def expand(self, pcoll): proxy = generate_proxy( pcoll.element_type) if self._proxy is None else self._proxy if isinstance(proxy, pd.DataFrame): columns = proxy.columns construct = lambda batch: pd.DataFrame.from_records( batch, columns=columns) elif isinstance(proxy, pd.Series): dtype = proxy.dtype construct = lambda batch: pd.Series(batch, dtype=dtype) else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown proxy type: %s" % proxy) return pcoll | self._batch_elements_transform | beam.Map(construct) def generate_proxy(element_type): # type: (type) -> pd.DataFrame """Generate a proxy pandas object for the given PCollection element_type. Currently only supports generating a DataFrame proxy from a schema-aware PCollection or a Series proxy from a primitively typed PCollection. """ if element_type != Any and element_type in BEAM_TO_PANDAS: return pd.Series(dtype=BEAM_TO_PANDAS[element_type]) else: fields = named_fields_from_element_type(element_type) proxy = pd.DataFrame(columns=[name for name, _ in fields]) for name, typehint in fields: # Default to np.object. This is lossy, we won't be able to recover # the type at the output. dtype = BEAM_TO_PANDAS.get(typehint, object) proxy[name] = proxy[name].astype(dtype) return proxy def element_type_from_dataframe(proxy, include_indexes=False): # type: (pd.DataFrame, bool) -> type """Generate an element_type for an element-wise PCollection from a proxy pandas object. Currently only supports converting the element_type for a schema-aware PCollection to a proxy DataFrame. Currently only supports generating a DataFrame proxy from a schema-aware PCollection. """ output_columns = [] if include_indexes: remaining_index_names = list(proxy.index.names) i = 0 while len(remaining_index_names): index_name = remaining_index_names.pop(0) if index_name is None: raise ValueError( "Encountered an unnamed index. Cannot convert to a " "schema-aware PCollection with include_indexes=True. " "Please name all indexes or consider not including " "indexes.") elif index_name in remaining_index_names: raise ValueError( "Encountered multiple indexes with the name '%s'. " "Cannot convert to a schema-aware PCollection with " "include_indexes=True. Please ensure all indexes have " "unique names or consider not including indexes." % index_name) elif index_name in proxy.columns: raise ValueError( "Encountered an index that has the same name as one " "of the columns, '%s'. Cannot convert to a " "schema-aware PCollection with include_indexes=True. " "Please ensure all indexes have unique names or " "consider not including indexes." % index_name) else: # its ok! output_columns.append( (index_name, proxy.index.get_level_values(i).dtype)) i += 1 output_columns.extend(zip(proxy.columns, proxy.dtypes)) return named_tuple_from_schema( named_fields_to_schema([(column, _dtype_to_fieldtype(dtype)) for (column, dtype) in output_columns])) class _BaseDataframeUnbatchDoFn(beam.DoFn): def __init__(self, namedtuple_ctor): self._namedtuple_ctor = namedtuple_ctor def _get_series(self, df): raise NotImplementedError() def process(self, df): # TODO: Only do null checks for nullable types def make_null_checking_generator(series): nulls = pd.isnull(series) return (None if isnull else value for isnull, value in zip(nulls, series)) all_series = self._get_series(df) iterators = [ make_null_checking_generator(series) for series, typehint in zip(all_series, self._namedtuple_ctor._field_types) ] # TODO: Avoid materializing the rows. Produce an object that references the # underlying dataframe for values in zip(*iterators): yield self._namedtuple_ctor(*values) def infer_output_type(self, input_type): return self._namedtuple_ctor @classmethod def _from_serialized_schema(cls, schema_str): return cls( named_tuple_from_schema( proto_utils.parse_Bytes(schema_str, schema_pb2.Schema))) def __reduce__(self): # when pickling, use bytes representation of the schema. return ( self._from_serialized_schema, (named_tuple_to_schema(self._namedtuple_ctor).SerializeToString(), )) class _UnbatchNoIndex(_BaseDataframeUnbatchDoFn): def _get_series(self, df): return [df[column] for column in df.columns] class _UnbatchWithIndex(_BaseDataframeUnbatchDoFn): def _get_series(self, df): return [df.index.get_level_values(i) for i in range(len(df.index.names)) ] + [df[column] for column in df.columns] def _unbatch_transform(proxy, include_indexes): if isinstance(proxy, pd.DataFrame): ctor = element_type_from_dataframe(proxy, include_indexes=include_indexes) return beam.ParDo( _UnbatchWithIndex(ctor) if include_indexes else _UnbatchNoIndex(ctor) ).with_output_types(ctor) elif isinstance(proxy, pd.Series): # Raise a TypeError if proxy has an unknown type output_type = _dtype_to_fieldtype(proxy.dtype) # TODO: Should the index ever be included for a Series? if _match_is_optional(output_type): def unbatch(series): for isnull, value in zip(pd.isnull(series), series): yield None if isnull else value else: def unbatch(series): yield from series return beam.FlatMap(unbatch).with_output_types(output_type) # TODO: What about scalar inputs? else: raise TypeError( "Proxy '%s' has unsupported type '%s'" % (proxy, type(proxy))) def _dtype_to_fieldtype(dtype): fieldtype = PANDAS_TO_BEAM.get(dtype) if fieldtype is not None: return fieldtype elif dtype.kind == 'S': return bytes else: return Any @typehints.with_input_types(Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]) class UnbatchPandas(beam.PTransform): """A transform that explodes a PCollection of DataFrame or Series. DataFrame is converterd to a schema-aware PCollection, while Series is converted to its underlying type. Args: include_indexes: (optional, default: False) When unbatching a DataFrame if include_indexes=True, attempt to include index columns in the output schema for expanded DataFrames. Raises an error if any of the index levels are unnamed (name=None), or if any of the names are not unique among all column and index names. """ def __init__(self, proxy, include_indexes=False): self._proxy = proxy self._include_indexes = include_indexes def expand(self, pcoll): return pcoll | _unbatch_transform(self._proxy, self._include_indexes)
# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """An example of training and predicting with a TFTS estimator.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import argparse import sys import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf try: import matplotlib # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top matplotlib.use("TkAgg") # Need Tk for interactive plots. from matplotlib import pyplot # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top HAS_MATPLOTLIB = True except ImportError: # Plotting requires matplotlib, but the unit test running this code may # execute in an environment without it (i.e. matplotlib is not a build # dependency). We'd still like to test the TensorFlow-dependent parts of this # example, namely train_and_predict. HAS_MATPLOTLIB = False FLAGS = None def structural_ensemble_train_and_predict(csv_file_name): # Cycle between 5 latent values over a period of 100. This leads to a very # smooth periodic component (and a small model), which is a good fit for our # example data. Modeling high-frequency periodic variations will require a # higher cycle_num_latent_values. structural = tf.contrib.timeseries.StructuralEnsembleRegressor( periodicities=100, num_features=1, cycle_num_latent_values=5) return train_and_predict(structural, csv_file_name, training_steps=150) def ar_train_and_predict(csv_file_name): # An autoregressive model, with periodicity handled as a time-based # regression. Note that this requires windows of size 16 (input_window_size + # output_window_size) for training. ar = tf.contrib.timeseries.ARRegressor( periodicities=100, input_window_size=10, output_window_size=6, num_features=1, # Use the (default) normal likelihood loss to adaptively fit the # variance. SQUARED_LOSS overestimates variance when there are trends in # the series. loss=tf.contrib.timeseries.ARModel.NORMAL_LIKELIHOOD_LOSS) return train_and_predict(ar, csv_file_name, training_steps=600) def train_and_predict(estimator, csv_file_name, training_steps): """A simple example of training and predicting.""" # Read data in the default "time,value" CSV format with no header reader = tf.contrib.timeseries.CSVReader(csv_file_name) # Set up windowing and batching for training train_input_fn = tf.contrib.timeseries.RandomWindowInputFn( reader, batch_size=16, window_size=16) # Fit model parameters to data estimator.train(input_fn=train_input_fn, steps=training_steps) # Evaluate on the full dataset sequentially, collecting in-sample predictions # for a qualitative evaluation. Note that this loads the whole dataset into # memory. For quantitative evaluation, use RandomWindowChunker. evaluation_input_fn = tf.contrib.timeseries.WholeDatasetInputFn(reader) evaluation = estimator.evaluate(input_fn=evaluation_input_fn, steps=1) # Predict starting after the evaluation (predictions,) = tuple(estimator.predict( input_fn=tf.contrib.timeseries.predict_continuation_input_fn( evaluation, steps=200))) times = evaluation["times"][0] observed = evaluation["observed"][0, :, 0] mean = np.squeeze(np.concatenate( [evaluation["mean"][0], predictions["mean"]], axis=0)) variance = np.squeeze(np.concatenate( [evaluation["covariance"][0], predictions["covariance"]], axis=0)) all_times = np.concatenate([times, predictions["times"]], axis=0) upper_limit = mean + np.sqrt(variance) lower_limit = mean - np.sqrt(variance) return times, observed, all_times, mean, upper_limit, lower_limit def make_plot(name, training_times, observed, all_times, mean, upper_limit, lower_limit): """Plot a time series in a new figure.""" pyplot.figure() pyplot.plot(training_times, observed, "b", label="training series") pyplot.plot(all_times, mean, "r", label="forecast") pyplot.plot(all_times, upper_limit, "g", label="forecast upper bound") pyplot.plot(all_times, lower_limit, "g", label="forecast lower bound") pyplot.fill_between(all_times, lower_limit, upper_limit, color="grey", alpha="0.2") pyplot.axvline(training_times[-1], color="k", linestyle="--") pyplot.xlabel("time") pyplot.ylabel("observations") pyplot.legend(loc=0) pyplot.title(name) def main(unused_argv): if not HAS_MATPLOTLIB: raise ImportError( "Please install matplotlib to generate a plot from this example.") make_plot("Structural ensemble", *structural_ensemble_train_and_predict(FLAGS.input_filename)) make_plot("AR", *ar_train_and_predict(FLAGS.input_filename)) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--input_filename", type=str, required=True, help="Input csv file.") FLAGS, unparsed = parser.parse_known_args(), argv=[sys.argv[0]] + unparsed)
# Copyright 2015-present The Scikit Flow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from sklearn import datasets, metrics, cross_validation from tensorflow.contrib import learn iris = datasets.load_iris() X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(,, test_size=0.2, random_state=42) def my_model(X, y): """This is DNN with 10, 20, 10 hidden layers, and dropout of 0.1 probability.""" layers = learn.ops.dnn(X, [10, 20, 10], dropout=0.1) return learn.models.logistic_regression(layers, y) classifier = learn.TensorFlowEstimator(model_fn=my_model, n_classes=3, steps=1000), y_train) score = metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, classifier.predict(X_test)) print('Accuracy: {0:f}'.format(score))
"""Functions to convert NetworkX graphs to and from other formats. The preferred way of converting data to a NetworkX graph is through the graph constructor. The constructor calls the to_networkx_graph() function which attempts to guess the input type and convert it automatically. Examples -------- Create a graph with a single edge from a dictionary of dictionaries >>> d={0: {1: 1}} # dict-of-dicts single edge (0,1) >>> G=nx.Graph(d) See Also -------- nx_agraph, nx_pydot """ # Copyright (C) 2006-2013 by # Aric Hagberg <> # Dan Schult <> # Pieter Swart <> # All rights reserved. # BSD license. import warnings import networkx as nx __author__ = """\n""".join(['Aric Hagberg <>', 'Pieter Swart (', 'Dan Schult(']) __all__ = ['to_networkx_graph', 'from_dict_of_dicts', 'to_dict_of_dicts', 'from_dict_of_lists', 'to_dict_of_lists', 'from_edgelist', 'to_edgelist'] def to_networkx_graph(data, create_using=None, multigraph_input=False): """Make a NetworkX graph from a known data structure. The preferred way to call this is automatically from the class constructor >>> d = {0: {1: {'weight':1}}} # dict-of-dicts single edge (0,1) >>> G = nx.Graph(d) instead of the equivalent >>> G = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(d) Parameters ---------- data : object to be converted Current known types are: any NetworkX graph dict-of-dicts dict-of-lists list of edges Pandas DataFrame (row per edge) numpy matrix numpy ndarray scipy sparse matrix pygraphviz agraph create_using : NetworkX graph constructor, optional (default=nx.Graph) Graph type to create. If graph instance, then cleared before populated. multigraph_input : bool (default False) If True and data is a dict_of_dicts, try to create a multigraph assuming dict_of_dict_of_lists. If data and create_using are both multigraphs then create a multigraph from a multigraph. """ # NX graph if hasattr(data, "adj"): try: result = from_dict_of_dicts(data.adj, create_using=create_using, multigraph_input=data.is_multigraph()) if hasattr(data, 'graph'): # data.graph should be dict-like result.graph.update(data.graph) if hasattr(data, 'nodes'): # data.nodes should be dict-like result._node.update((n, dd.copy()) for n, dd in data.nodes.items()) return result except: raise nx.NetworkXError("Input is not a correct NetworkX graph.") # pygraphviz agraph if hasattr(data, "is_strict"): try: return nx.nx_agraph.from_agraph(data, create_using=create_using) except: raise nx.NetworkXError("Input is not a correct pygraphviz graph.") # dict of dicts/lists if isinstance(data, dict): try: return from_dict_of_dicts(data, create_using=create_using, multigraph_input=multigraph_input) except: try: return from_dict_of_lists(data, create_using=create_using) except: raise TypeError("Input is not known type.") # list or generator of edges if (isinstance(data, (list, tuple)) or any(hasattr(data, attr) for attr in ['_adjdict', 'next', '__next__'])): try: return from_edgelist(data, create_using=create_using) except: raise nx.NetworkXError("Input is not a valid edge list") # Pandas DataFrame try: import pandas as pd if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): if data.shape[0] == data.shape[1]: try: return nx.from_pandas_adjacency(data, create_using=create_using) except: msg = "Input is not a correct Pandas DataFrame adjacency matrix." raise nx.NetworkXError(msg) else: try: return nx.from_pandas_edgelist(data, edge_attr=True, create_using=create_using) except: msg = "Input is not a correct Pandas DataFrame edge-list." raise nx.NetworkXError(msg) except ImportError: msg = 'pandas not found, skipping conversion test.' warnings.warn(msg, ImportWarning) # numpy matrix or ndarray try: import numpy if isinstance(data, (numpy.matrix, numpy.ndarray)): try: return nx.from_numpy_matrix(data, create_using=create_using) except: raise nx.NetworkXError( "Input is not a correct numpy matrix or array.") except ImportError: warnings.warn('numpy not found, skipping conversion test.', ImportWarning) # scipy sparse matrix - any format try: import scipy if hasattr(data, "format"): try: return nx.from_scipy_sparse_matrix(data, create_using=create_using) except: raise nx.NetworkXError( "Input is not a correct scipy sparse matrix type.") except ImportError: warnings.warn('scipy not found, skipping conversion test.', ImportWarning) raise nx.NetworkXError( "Input is not a known data type for conversion.") def to_dict_of_lists(G, nodelist=None): """Return adjacency representation of graph as a dictionary of lists. Parameters ---------- G : graph A NetworkX graph nodelist : list Use only nodes specified in nodelist Notes ----- Completely ignores edge data for MultiGraph and MultiDiGraph. """ if nodelist is None: nodelist = G d = {} for n in nodelist: d[n] = [nbr for nbr in G.neighbors(n) if nbr in nodelist] return d def from_dict_of_lists(d, create_using=None): """Return a graph from a dictionary of lists. Parameters ---------- d : dictionary of lists A dictionary of lists adjacency representation. create_using : NetworkX graph constructor, optional (default=nx.Graph) Graph type to create. If graph instance, then cleared before populated. Examples -------- >>> dol = {0: [1]} # single edge (0,1) >>> G = nx.from_dict_of_lists(dol) or >>> G = nx.Graph(dol) # use Graph constructor """ G = nx.empty_graph(0, create_using) G.add_nodes_from(d) if G.is_multigraph() and not G.is_directed(): # a dict_of_lists can't show multiedges. BUT for undirected graphs, # each edge shows up twice in the dict_of_lists. # So we need to treat this case separately. seen = {} for node, nbrlist in d.items(): for nbr in nbrlist: if nbr not in seen: G.add_edge(node, nbr) seen[node] = 1 # don't allow reverse edge to show up else: G.add_edges_from(((node, nbr) for node, nbrlist in d.items() for nbr in nbrlist)) return G def to_dict_of_dicts(G, nodelist=None, edge_data=None): """Return adjacency representation of graph as a dictionary of dictionaries. Parameters ---------- G : graph A NetworkX graph nodelist : list Use only nodes specified in nodelist edge_data : list, optional If provided, the value of the dictionary will be set to edge_data for all edges. This is useful to make an adjacency matrix type representation with 1 as the edge data. If edgedata is None, the edgedata in G is used to fill the values. If G is a multigraph, the edgedata is a dict for each pair (u,v). """ dod = {} if nodelist is None: if edge_data is None: for u, nbrdict in G.adjacency(): dod[u] = nbrdict.copy() else: # edge_data is not None for u, nbrdict in G.adjacency(): dod[u] = dod.fromkeys(nbrdict, edge_data) else: # nodelist is not None if edge_data is None: for u in nodelist: dod[u] = {} for v, data in ((v, data) for v, data in G[u].items() if v in nodelist): dod[u][v] = data else: # nodelist and edge_data are not None for u in nodelist: dod[u] = {} for v in (v for v in G[u] if v in nodelist): dod[u][v] = edge_data return dod def from_dict_of_dicts(d, create_using=None, multigraph_input=False): """Return a graph from a dictionary of dictionaries. Parameters ---------- d : dictionary of dictionaries A dictionary of dictionaries adjacency representation. create_using : NetworkX graph constructor, optional (default=nx.Graph) Graph type to create. If graph instance, then cleared before populated. multigraph_input : bool (default False) When True, the values of the inner dict are assumed to be containers of edge data for multiple edges. Otherwise this routine assumes the edge data are singletons. Examples -------- >>> dod = {0: {1: {'weight': 1}}} # single edge (0,1) >>> G = nx.from_dict_of_dicts(dod) or >>> G = nx.Graph(dod) # use Graph constructor """ G = nx.empty_graph(0, create_using) G.add_nodes_from(d) # is dict a MultiGraph or MultiDiGraph? if multigraph_input: # make a copy of the list of edge data (but not the edge data) if G.is_directed(): if G.is_multigraph(): G.add_edges_from((u, v, key, data) for u, nbrs in d.items() for v, datadict in nbrs.items() for key, data in datadict.items()) else: G.add_edges_from((u, v, data) for u, nbrs in d.items() for v, datadict in nbrs.items() for key, data in datadict.items()) else: # Undirected if G.is_multigraph(): seen = set() # don't add both directions of undirected graph for u, nbrs in d.items(): for v, datadict in nbrs.items(): if (u, v) not in seen: G.add_edges_from((u, v, key, data) for key, data in datadict.items()) seen.add((v, u)) else: seen = set() # don't add both directions of undirected graph for u, nbrs in d.items(): for v, datadict in nbrs.items(): if (u, v) not in seen: G.add_edges_from((u, v, data) for key, data in datadict.items()) seen.add((v, u)) else: # not a multigraph to multigraph transfer if G.is_multigraph() and not G.is_directed(): # d can have both representations u-v, v-u in dict. Only add one. # We don't need this check for digraphs since we add both directions, # or for Graph() since it is done implicitly (parallel edges not allowed) seen = set() for u, nbrs in d.items(): for v, data in nbrs.items(): if (u, v) not in seen: G.add_edge(u, v, key=0) G[u][v][0].update(data) seen.add((v, u)) else: G.add_edges_from(((u, v, data) for u, nbrs in d.items() for v, data in nbrs.items())) return G def to_edgelist(G, nodelist=None): """Return a list of edges in the graph. Parameters ---------- G : graph A NetworkX graph nodelist : list Use only nodes specified in nodelist """ if nodelist is None: return G.edges(data=True) return G.edges(nodelist, data=True) def from_edgelist(edgelist, create_using=None): """Return a graph from a list of edges. Parameters ---------- edgelist : list or iterator Edge tuples create_using : NetworkX graph constructor, optional (default=nx.Graph) Graph type to create. If graph instance, then cleared before populated. Examples -------- >>> edgelist = [(0, 1)] # single edge (0,1) >>> G = nx.from_edgelist(edgelist) or >>> G = nx.Graph(edgelist) # use Graph constructor """ G = nx.empty_graph(0, create_using) G.add_edges_from(edgelist) return G
# vim: set ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 expandtab smartindent: # # Copyright (C) 2013 Luis Pedro Coelho # # License: MIT (see COPYING file) import numpy as np # Importing matplotlib checks that it is importable without triggering any # initialization (unlike importing pyplot) import matplotlib def imread(filename, as_grey=False): """ img = imread(filename, as_grey=False) Reads an image from file `filename` Parameters ---------- filename : file name as_grey : Whether to convert to grey scale image (default: no) Returns ------- img : ndarray """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt img = plt.imread(filename) if as_grey and len(img.shape) == 3: # these are the values that wikipedia says are typical transform = np.array([0.30, 0.59, 0.11]) return, transform) return img def imsave(filename, array): ''' imsave(filename, array) Writes `array` into file `filename` Parameters ---------- filename : str path on file system array : ndarray-like ''' from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np if len(array.shape) == 2: import warnings warnings.warn('mahotas.imsave: The `matplotlib` backend does not support saving greyscale images natively.\n' 'Emulating by saving in RGB format (with all channels set to same value).\n' 'If this is a problem, please use another IO backend\n' '\n' 'See \n' ) array = np.dstack([array, array, array]) plt.imsave(filename, array)
""" ====================================== Gradient Boosting Out-of-Bag estimates ====================================== Out-of-bag (OOB) estimates can be a useful heuristic to estimate the "optimal" number of boosting iterations. OOB estimates are almost identical to cross-validation estimates but they can be computed on-the-fly without the need for repeated model fitting. OOB estimates are only available for Stochastic Gradient Boosting (i.e. ``subsample < 1.0``), the estimates are derived from the improvement in loss based on the examples not included in the bootstrap sample (the so-called out-of-bag examples). The OOB estimator is a pessimistic estimator of the true test loss, but remains a fairly good approximation for a small number of trees. The figure shows the cumulative sum of the negative OOB improvements as a function of the boosting iteration. As you can see, it tracks the test loss for the first hundred iterations but then diverges in a pessimistic way. The figure also shows the performance of 3-fold cross validation which usually gives a better estimate of the test loss but is computationally more demanding. """ print(__doc__) # Author: Peter Prettenhofer <> # # License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import ensemble from sklearn.model_selection import KFold from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # Generate data (adapted from G. Ridgeway's gbm example) n_samples = 1000 random_state = np.random.RandomState(13) x1 = random_state.uniform(size=n_samples) x2 = random_state.uniform(size=n_samples) x3 = random_state.randint(0, 4, size=n_samples) p = 1 / (1.0 + np.exp(-(np.sin(3 * x1) - 4 * x2 + x3))) y = random_state.binomial(1, p, size=n_samples) X = np.c_[x1, x2, x3] X = X.astype(np.float32) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.5, random_state=9) # Fit classifier with out-of-bag estimates params = {'n_estimators': 1200, 'max_depth': 3, 'subsample': 0.5, 'learning_rate': 0.01, 'min_samples_leaf': 1, 'random_state': 3} clf = ensemble.GradientBoostingClassifier(**params), y_train) acc = clf.score(X_test, y_test) print("Accuracy: {:.4f}".format(acc)) n_estimators = params['n_estimators'] x = np.arange(n_estimators) + 1 def heldout_score(clf, X_test, y_test): """compute deviance scores on ``X_test`` and ``y_test``. """ score = np.zeros((n_estimators,), dtype=np.float64) for i, y_pred in enumerate(clf.staged_decision_function(X_test)): score[i] = clf.loss_(y_test, y_pred) return score def cv_estimate(n_splits=3): cv = KFold(n_splits=n_splits) cv_clf = ensemble.GradientBoostingClassifier(**params) val_scores = np.zeros((n_estimators,), dtype=np.float64) for train, test in cv.split(X_train, y_train):[train], y_train[train]) val_scores += heldout_score(cv_clf, X_train[test], y_train[test]) val_scores /= n_splits return val_scores # Estimate best n_estimator using cross-validation cv_score = cv_estimate(3) # Compute best n_estimator for test data test_score = heldout_score(clf, X_test, y_test) # negative cumulative sum of oob improvements cumsum = -np.cumsum(clf.oob_improvement_) # min loss according to OOB oob_best_iter = x[np.argmin(cumsum)] # min loss according to test (normalize such that first loss is 0) test_score -= test_score[0] test_best_iter = x[np.argmin(test_score)] # min loss according to cv (normalize such that first loss is 0) cv_score -= cv_score[0] cv_best_iter = x[np.argmin(cv_score)] # color brew for the three curves oob_color = list(map(lambda x: x / 256.0, (190, 174, 212))) test_color = list(map(lambda x: x / 256.0, (127, 201, 127))) cv_color = list(map(lambda x: x / 256.0, (253, 192, 134))) # plot curves and vertical lines for best iterations plt.plot(x, cumsum, label='OOB loss', color=oob_color) plt.plot(x, test_score, label='Test loss', color=test_color) plt.plot(x, cv_score, label='CV loss', color=cv_color) plt.axvline(x=oob_best_iter, color=oob_color) plt.axvline(x=test_best_iter, color=test_color) plt.axvline(x=cv_best_iter, color=cv_color) # add three vertical lines to xticks xticks = plt.xticks() xticks_pos = np.array(xticks[0].tolist() + [oob_best_iter, cv_best_iter, test_best_iter]) xticks_label = np.array(list(map(lambda t: int(t), xticks[0])) + ['OOB', 'CV', 'Test']) ind = np.argsort(xticks_pos) xticks_pos = xticks_pos[ind] xticks_label = xticks_label[ind] plt.xticks(xticks_pos, xticks_label) plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.ylabel('normalized loss') plt.xlabel('number of iterations')
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from builtins import input from builtins import range from past.utils import old_div import sys import codecs import matplotlib if matplotlib.get_backend() != "TKAgg": matplotlib.use("TKAgg") import pmagpy.pmag as pmag import pmagpy.pmagplotlib as pmagplotlib def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION plots intensity decay curves for Lowrie experiments SYNTAX lowrie -h [command line options] INPUT takes SIO formatted input files OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f FILE: specify input file -N do not normalize by maximum magnetization -fmt [svg, pdf, eps, png] specify fmt, default is svg -sav save plots and quit """ fmt, plot = 'svg', 0 FIG = {} # plot dictionary FIG['lowrie'] = 1 # demag is figure 1 pmagplotlib.plot_init(FIG['lowrie'], 6, 6) norm = 1 # default is to normalize by maximum axis if len(sys.argv) > 1: if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if '-N' in sys.argv: norm = 0 # don't normalize if '-sav' in sys.argv: plot = 1 # don't normalize if '-fmt' in sys.argv: # sets input filename ind = sys.argv.index("-fmt") fmt = sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-f' in sys.argv: # sets input filename ind = sys.argv.index("-f") in_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] else: print(main.__doc__) print('you must supply a file name') sys.exit() else: print(main.__doc__) print('you must supply a file name') sys.exit() data = pmag.open_file(in_file) PmagRecs = [] # set up a list for the results keys = ['specimen', 'treatment', 'csd', 'M', 'dec', 'inc'] for line in data: PmagRec = {} rec = line.replace('\n', '').split() for k in range(len(keys)): PmagRec[keys[k]] = rec[k] PmagRecs.append(PmagRec) specs = pmag.get_dictkey(PmagRecs, 'specimen', '') sids = [] for spec in specs: if spec not in sids: sids.append(spec) # get list of unique specimen names for spc in sids: # step through the specimen names pmagplotlib.plot_init(FIG['lowrie'], 6, 6) print(spc) specdata = pmag.get_dictitem( PmagRecs, 'specimen', spc, 'T') # get all this one's data DIMs, Temps = [], [] for dat in specdata: # step through the data DIMs.append([float(dat['dec']), float( dat['inc']), float(dat['M']) * 1e-3]) Temps.append(float(dat['treatment'])) carts = pmag.dir2cart(DIMs).transpose() # if norm==1: # want to normalize # nrm=max(max(abs(carts[0])),max(abs(carts[1])),max(abs(carts[2]))) # by maximum of x,y,z values # ylab="M/M_max" if norm == 1: # want to normalize nrm = (DIMs[0][2]) # normalize by NRM ylab = "M/M_o" else: nrm = 1. # don't normalize ylab = "Magnetic moment (Am^2)" xlab = "Temperature (C)" pmagplotlib.plot_xy(FIG['lowrie'], Temps, old_div( abs(carts[0]), nrm), sym='r-') pmagplotlib.plot_xy(FIG['lowrie'], Temps, old_div( abs(carts[0]), nrm), sym='ro') # X direction pmagplotlib.plot_xy(FIG['lowrie'], Temps, old_div( abs(carts[1]), nrm), sym='c-') pmagplotlib.plot_xy(FIG['lowrie'], Temps, old_div( abs(carts[1]), nrm), sym='cs') # Y direction pmagplotlib.plot_xy(FIG['lowrie'], Temps, old_div( abs(carts[2]), nrm), sym='k-') pmagplotlib.plot_xy(FIG['lowrie'], Temps, old_div( abs(carts[2]), nrm), sym='k^', title=spc, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab) # Z direction files = {'lowrie': 'lowrie:_' + spc + '_.' + fmt} if plot == 0: pmagplotlib.draw_figs(FIG) ans = input('S[a]ve figure? [q]uit, <return> to continue ') if ans == 'a': pmagplotlib.save_plots(FIG, files) elif ans == 'q': sys.exit() else: pmagplotlib.save_plots(FIG, files) pmagplotlib.clearFIG(FIG['lowrie']) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst """ Models that have physical origins. """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name, no-member import warnings import numpy as np from astropy import constants as const from astropy import units as u from astropy import cosmology from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning from .core import Fittable1DModel from .parameters import Parameter, InputParameterError __all__ = ["BlackBody", "Drude1D", "Plummer1D", "NFW"] class BlackBody(Fittable1DModel): """ Blackbody model using the Planck function. Parameters ---------- temperature : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` Blackbody temperature. scale : float or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` Scale factor Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: B_{\\nu}(T) = A \\frac{2 h \\nu^{3} / c^{2}}{exp(h \\nu / k T) - 1} Examples -------- >>> from astropy.modeling import models >>> from astropy import units as u >>> bb = models.BlackBody(temperature=5000*u.K) >>> bb(6000 * u.AA) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP <Quantity 1.53254685e-05 erg / (cm2 Hz s sr)> .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from astropy.modeling.models import BlackBody from astropy import units as u from astropy.visualization import quantity_support bb = BlackBody(temperature=5778*u.K) wav = np.arange(1000, 110000) * u.AA flux = bb(wav) with quantity_support(): plt.figure() plt.semilogx(wav, flux) plt.axvline(, equivalencies=u.spectral()).value, ls='--') """ # We parametrize this model with a temperature and a scale. temperature = Parameter(default=5000.0, min=0, unit=u.K) scale = Parameter(default=1.0, min=0) # We allow values without units to be passed when evaluating the model, and # in this case the input x values are assumed to be frequencies in Hz. _input_units_allow_dimensionless = True # We enable the spectral equivalency by default for the spectral axis input_units_equivalencies = {'x': u.spectral()} def evaluate(self, x, temperature, scale): """Evaluate the model. Parameters ---------- x : float, `~numpy.ndarray`, or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Frequency at which to compute the blackbody. If no units are given, this defaults to Hz. temperature : float, `~numpy.ndarray`, or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Temperature of the blackbody. If no units are given, this defaults to Kelvin. scale : float, `~numpy.ndarray`, or `~astropy.units.Quantity` Desired scale for the blackbody. Returns ------- y : number or ndarray Blackbody spectrum. The units are determined from the units of ``scale``. .. note:: Use `numpy.errstate` to suppress Numpy warnings, if desired. .. warning:: Output values might contain ``nan`` and ``inf``. Raises ------ ValueError Invalid temperature. ZeroDivisionError Wavelength is zero (when converting to frequency). """ if not isinstance(temperature, u.Quantity): in_temp = u.Quantity(temperature, u.K) else: in_temp = temperature # Convert to units for calculations, also force double precision with u.add_enabled_equivalencies(u.spectral() + u.temperature()): freq = u.Quantity(x, u.Hz, dtype=np.float64) temp = u.Quantity(in_temp, u.K) # check the units of scale and setup the output units bb_unit = u.erg / ( ** 2 * u.s * u.Hz * # default unit # use the scale that was used at initialization for determining the units to return # to support returning the right units when fitting where units are stripped if hasattr(self.scale, "unit") and self.scale.unit is not None: # check that the units on scale are covertable to surface brightness units if not self.scale.unit.is_equivalent(bb_unit, u.spectral_density(x)): raise ValueError( f"scale units not surface brightness: {self.scale.unit}" ) # use the scale passed to get the value for scaling if hasattr(scale, "unit"): mult_scale = scale.value else: mult_scale = scale bb_unit = self.scale.unit else: mult_scale = scale # Check if input values are physically possible if np.any(temp < 0): raise ValueError(f"Temperature should be positive: {temp}") if not np.all(np.isfinite(freq)) or np.any(freq <= 0): warnings.warn( "Input contains invalid wavelength/frequency value(s)", AstropyUserWarning, ) log_boltz = const.h * freq / (const.k_B * temp) boltzm1 = np.expm1(log_boltz) # Calculate blackbody flux bb_nu = 2.0 * const.h * freq ** 3 / (const.c ** 2 * boltzm1) / y = mult_scale *, u.spectral_density(freq)) # If the temperature parameter has no unit, we should return a unitless # value. This occurs for instance during fitting, since we drop the # units temporarily. if hasattr(temperature, "unit"): return y return y.value @property def input_units(self): # The input units are those of the 'x' value, which should always be # Hz. Because we do this, and because input_units_allow_dimensionless # is set to True, dimensionless values are assumed to be in Hz. return {self.inputs[0]: u.Hz} def _parameter_units_for_data_units(self, inputs_unit, outputs_unit): return {"temperature": u.K} @property def bolometric_flux(self): """Bolometric flux.""" # bolometric flux in the native units of the planck function native_bolflux = ( self.scale.value * const.sigma_sb * self.temperature ** 4 / np.pi ) # return in more "astro" units return / ( ** 2 * u.s)) @property def lambda_max(self): """Peak wavelength when the curve is expressed as power density.""" return const.b_wien / self.temperature @property def nu_max(self): """Peak frequency when the curve is expressed as power density.""" return 2.8214391 * const.k_B * self.temperature / const.h class Drude1D(Fittable1DModel): """ Drude model based one the behavior of electons in materials (esp. metals). Parameters ---------- amplitude : float Peak value x_0 : float Position of the peak fwhm : float Full width at half maximum Model formula: .. math:: f(x) = A \\frac{(fwhm/x_0)^2}{((x/x_0 - x_0/x)^2 + (fwhm/x_0)^2} Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from astropy.modeling.models import Drude1D fig, ax = plt.subplots() # generate the curves and plot them x = np.arange(7.5 , 12.5 , 0.1) dmodel = Drude1D(amplitude=1.0, fwhm=1.0, x_0=10.0) ax.plot(x, dmodel(x)) ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('F(x)') """ amplitude = Parameter(default=1.0) x_0 = Parameter(default=1.0) fwhm = Parameter(default=1.0) @staticmethod def evaluate(x, amplitude, x_0, fwhm): """ One dimensional Drude model function """ return ( amplitude * ((fwhm / x_0) ** 2) / ((x / x_0 - x_0 / x) ** 2 + (fwhm / x_0) ** 2) ) @staticmethod def fit_deriv(x, amplitude, x_0, fwhm): """ Drude1D model function derivatives. """ d_amplitude = (fwhm / x_0) ** 2 / ((x / x_0 - x_0 / x) ** 2 + (fwhm / x_0) ** 2) d_x_0 = ( -2 * amplitude * d_amplitude * ( (1 / x_0) + d_amplitude * (x_0 ** 2 / fwhm ** 2) * ( (-x / x_0 - 1 / x) * (x / x_0 - x_0 / x) - (2 * fwhm ** 2 / x_0 ** 3) ) ) ) d_fwhm = (2 * amplitude * d_amplitude / fwhm) * (1 - d_amplitude) return [d_amplitude, d_x_0, d_fwhm] @property def input_units(self): if self.x_0.unit is None: return None return {self.inputs[0]: self.x_0.unit} def _parameter_units_for_data_units(self, inputs_unit, outputs_unit): return { "x_0": inputs_unit[self.inputs[0]], "fwhm": inputs_unit[self.inputs[0]], "amplitude": outputs_unit[self.outputs[0]], } @property def return_units(self): if self.amplitude.unit is None: return None return {self.outputs[0]: self.amplitude.unit} @x_0.validator def x_0(self, val): """ Ensure `x_0` is not 0.""" if val == 0: raise InputParameterError("0 is not an allowed value for x_0") def bounding_box(self, factor=50): """Tuple defining the default ``bounding_box`` limits, ``(x_low, x_high)``. Parameters ---------- factor : float The multiple of FWHM used to define the limits. """ x0 = self.x_0 dx = factor * self.fwhm return (x0 - dx, x0 + dx) class Plummer1D(Fittable1DModel): r"""One dimensional Plummer density profile model. Parameters ---------- mass : float Total mass of cluster. r_plum : float Scale parameter which sets the size of the cluster core. Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: \rho(r)=\frac{3M}{4\pi a^3}(1+\frac{r^2}{a^2})^{-5/2} References ---------- .. [1] """ mass = Parameter(default=1.0) r_plum = Parameter(default=1.0) @staticmethod def evaluate(x, mass, r_plum): """ Evaluate plummer density profile model. """ return (3*mass)/(4 * np.pi * r_plum**3) * (1+(x/r_plum)**2)**(-5/2) @staticmethod def fit_deriv(x, mass, r_plum): """ Plummer1D model derivatives. """ d_mass = 3 / ((4*np.pi*r_plum**3) * (((x/r_plum)**2 + 1)**(5/2))) d_r_plum = (6*mass*x**2-9*mass*r_plum**2) / ((4*np.pi * r_plum**6) * (1+(x/r_plum)**2)**(7/2)) return [d_mass, d_r_plum] @property def input_units(self): if self.mass.unit is None and self.r_plum.unit is None: return None else: return {self.inputs[0]: self.r_plum.unit} def _parameter_units_for_data_units(self, inputs_unit, outputs_unit): return {'mass': outputs_unit[self.outputs[0]] * inputs_unit[self.inputs[0]] ** 3, 'r_plum': inputs_unit[self.inputs[0]]} class NFW(Fittable1DModel): r""" Navarro–Frenk–White (NFW) profile - model for radial distribution of dark matter. Parameters ---------- mass : float or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` Mass of NFW peak within specified overdensity radius. concentration : float Concentration of the NFW profile. redshift : float Redshift of the NFW profile. massfactor : tuple or str Mass overdensity factor and type for provided profiles: Tuple version: ("virial",) : virial radius ("critical", N) : radius where density is N times that of the critical density ("mean", N) : radius where density is N times that of the mean density String version: "virial" : virial radius "Nc" : radius where density is N times that of the critical density (e.g. "200c") "Nm" : radius where density is N times that of the mean density (e.g. "500m") cosmo : :class:`~astropy.cosmology.Cosmology` Background cosmology for density calculation. If None, the default cosmology will be used. Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: \rho(r)=\frac{\delta_c\rho_{c}}{r/r_s(1+r/r_s)^2} References ---------- .. [1] .. [2] .. [3] """ # Model Parameters # NFW Profile mass mass = Parameter(default=1.0, min=1.0, unit=u.M_sun) # NFW profile concentration concentration = Parameter(default=1.0, min=1.0) # NFW Profile redshift redshift = Parameter(default=0.0, min=0.0) # We allow values without units to be passed when evaluating the model, and # in this case the input r values are assumed to be lengths / positions in kpc. _input_units_allow_dimensionless = True def __init__(self, mass=u.Quantity(mass.default, mass.unit), concentration=concentration.default, redshift=redshift.default, massfactor=("critical", 200), cosmo=None, **kwargs): # Set default cosmology if cosmo is None: cosmo = cosmology.default_cosmology.get() # Set mass overdensity type and factor self._density_delta(massfactor, cosmo, redshift) # Establish mass units for density calculation (default solar masses) if not isinstance(mass, u.Quantity): in_mass = u.Quantity(mass, u.M_sun) else: in_mass = mass # Obtain scale radius self._radius_s(mass, concentration) # Obtain scale density self._density_s(mass, concentration) super().__init__(mass=in_mass, concentration=concentration, redshift=redshift, **kwargs) def evaluate(self, r, mass, concentration, redshift): """ One dimensional NFW profile function Parameters ---------- r : float or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` Radial position of density to be calculated for the NFW profile. mass : float or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` Mass of NFW peak within specified overdensity radius. concentration : float Concentration of the NFW profile. redshift : float Redshift of the NFW profile. Returns ------- density : float or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` NFW profile mass density at location ``r``. The density units are: [``mass`` / ``r`` ^3] Notes ----- .. warning:: Output values might contain ``nan`` and ``inf``. """ # Create radial version of input with dimension if hasattr(r, "unit"): in_r = r else: in_r = u.Quantity(r, u.kpc) # Define reduced radius (r / r_{\\rm s}) # also update scale radius radius_reduced = in_r / self._radius_s(mass, concentration).to(in_r.unit) # Density distribution # \rho (r)=\frac{\rho_0}{\frac{r}{R_s}\left(1~+~\frac{r}{R_s}\right)^2} # also update scale density density = self._density_s(mass, concentration) / (radius_reduced * (u.Quantity(1.0) + radius_reduced) ** 2) if hasattr(mass, "unit"): return density else: return density.value def _density_delta(self, massfactor, cosmo, redshift): """ Calculate density delta. """ # Set mass overdensity type and factor if isinstance(massfactor, tuple): # Tuple options # ("virial") : virial radius # ("critical", N) : radius where density is N that of the critical density # ("mean", N) : radius where density is N that of the mean density if massfactor[0].lower() == "virial": # Virial Mass delta = None masstype = massfactor[0].lower() elif massfactor[0].lower() == "critical": # Critical or Mean Overdensity Mass delta = float(massfactor[1]) masstype = 'c' elif massfactor[0].lower() == "mean": # Critical or Mean Overdensity Mass delta = float(massfactor[1]) masstype = 'm' else: raise ValueError("Massfactor '" + str(massfactor[0]) + "' not one of 'critical', " "'mean', or 'virial'") else: try: # String options # virial : virial radius # Nc : radius where density is N that of the critical density # Nm : radius where density is N that of the mean density if massfactor.lower() == "virial": # Virial Mass delta = None masstype = massfactor.lower() elif massfactor[-1].lower() == 'c' or massfactor[-1].lower() == 'm': # Critical or Mean Overdensity Mass delta = float(massfactor[0:-1]) masstype = massfactor[-1].lower() else: raise ValueError("Massfactor " + str(massfactor) + " string not of the form " "'#m', '#c', or 'virial'") except (AttributeError, TypeError): raise TypeError("Massfactor " + str( massfactor) + " not a tuple or string") # Set density from masstype specification if masstype == "virial": Om_c = cosmo.Om(redshift) - 1.0 d_c = 18.0 * np.pi ** 2 + 82.0 * Om_c - 39.0 * Om_c ** 2 self.density_delta = d_c * cosmo.critical_density(redshift) elif masstype == 'c': self.density_delta = delta * cosmo.critical_density(redshift) elif masstype == 'm': self.density_delta = delta * cosmo.critical_density(redshift) * cosmo.Om(redshift) else: raise ValueError("Invalid masstype '" + str(masstype) + "'. Should be one of 'virial','c', or 'm'") return self.density_delta @staticmethod def A_NFW(y): r""" Dimensionless volume integral of the NFW profile, used as an intermediate step in some calculations for this model. Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: A_{NFW} = [\ln(1+y) - \frac{y}{1+y}] """ return np.log(1.0 + y) - (y / (1.0 + y)) def _density_s(self, mass, concentration): """ Calculate scale density of the NFW profile. """ # Enforce default units if not isinstance(mass, u.Quantity): in_mass = u.Quantity(mass, u.M_sun) else: in_mass = mass # Calculate scale density # M_{200} = 4\pi \rho_{s} R_{s}^3 \left[\ln(1+c) - \frac{c}{1+c}\right]. self.density_s = in_mass / (4.0 * np.pi * self._radius_s(in_mass, concentration) ** 3 * self.A_NFW(concentration)) return self.density_s @property def rho_scale(self): r""" Scale density of the NFW profile. Often written in the literature as :math:`\rho_s` """ return self.density_s def _radius_s(self, mass, concentration): """ Calculate scale radius of the NFW profile. """ # Enforce default units if not isinstance(mass, u.Quantity): in_mass = u.Quantity(mass, u.M_sun) else: in_mass = mass # Delta Mass is related to delta radius by # M_{200}=\frac{4}{3}\pi r_{200}^3 200 \rho_{c} # And delta radius is related to the NFW scale radius by # c = R / r_{\\rm s} self.radius_s = (((3.0 * in_mass) / (4.0 * np.pi * self.density_delta)) ** ( 1.0 / 3.0)) / concentration # Set radial units to kiloparsec by default (unit will be rescaled by units of radius # in evaluate) return @property def r_s(self): """ Scale radius of the NFW profile. """ return self.radius_s @property def r_virial(self): """ Mass factor defined virial radius of the NFW profile (R200c for M200c, Rvir for Mvir, etc.). """ return self.r_s * self.concentration @property def r_max(self): """ Radius of maximum circular velocity. """ return self.r_s * 2.16258 @property def v_max(self): """ Maximum circular velocity. """ return self.circular_velocity(self.r_max) def circular_velocity(self, r): r""" Circular velocities of the NFW profile. Parameters ---------- r : float or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` Radial position of velocity to be calculated for the NFW profile. Returns ------- velocity : float or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` NFW profile circular velocity at location ``r``. The velocity units are: [km / s] Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: v_{circ}(r)^2 = \frac{1}{x}\frac{\ln(1+cx)-(cx)/(1+cx)}{\ln(1+c)-c/(1+c)} .. math:: x = r/r_s .. warning:: Output values might contain ``nan`` and ``inf``. """ # Enforce default units (if parameters are without units) if hasattr(r, "unit"): in_r = r else: in_r = u.Quantity(r, u.kpc) # Mass factor defined velocity (i.e. V200c for M200c, Rvir for Mvir) v_profile = np.sqrt(self.mass ***3 / (self.mass.unit * u.s**2)) / self.r_virial) # Define reduced radius (r / r_{\\rm s}) reduced_radius = in_r / # Circular velocity given by: # v^2=\frac{1}{x}\frac{\ln(1+cx)-(cx)/(1+cx)}{\ln(1+c)-c/(1+c)} # where x=r/r_{200} velocity = np.sqrt((v_profile**2 * self.A_NFW(self.concentration * reduced_radius)) / (reduced_radius * self.A_NFW(self.concentration))) return / u.s) @property def input_units(self): # The units for the 'r' variable should be a length (default kpc) return {self.inputs[0]: u.kpc} @property def return_units(self): # The units for the 'density' variable should be a matter density (default M_sun / kpc^3) if (self.mass.unit is None) and (self.input_units[self.inputs[0]] is None): return {self.outputs[0]: u.M_sun / u.kpc ** 3} elif (self.mass.unit is None): return {self.outputs[0]: u.M_sun / self.input_units[self.inputs[0]] ** 3} elif (self.input_units[self.inputs[0]] is None): return {self.outputs[0]: self.mass.unit / u.kpc ** 3} else: return {self.outputs[0]: self.mass.unit / self.input_units[self.inputs[0]] ** 3} def _parameter_units_for_data_units(self, inputs_unit, outputs_unit): return {'mass': u.M_sun, "concentration": None, "redshift": None}
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf 8 -*- """ Python installation file. """ from setuptools import setup import re # convert README file try: from pypandoc import convert long_description = convert('', 'rst') long_description = long_description.replace("\r","") except (IOError, ImportError): print("Pandoc not found. Long_description conversion failure.") # pandoc is not installed, fallback to using raw contents import io with'', encoding="utf-8") as f: long_description = # find VERSION version_file = 'interpies/' with open(version_file, 'r') as f: version_string ="^__version__ = ['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]",, re.M) if version_string is not None: VERSION = else: raise RuntimeError("Unable to find version string in %s." % (version_file,)) CLASSIFIERS = ['Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'Natural Language :: English', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering' ] setup( name='interpies', version=VERSION, packages=['interpies'], install_requires=[ 'numpy', 'scipy', 'matplotlib', 'rasterio>=1.0a9', 'scikit-learn', 'scikit-image' ], url='', license='BSD', author='Joseph Barraud', author_email='', description='A collection of functions for reading, displaying, transforming and analyzing geophysical data.', long_description=long_description, keywords=['geophysics raster gdal gravimetry magnetometry seismic'], classifiers=CLASSIFIERS )
__all__ = ['savetxt', 'loadtxt', 'genfromtxt', 'ndfromtxt', 'mafromtxt', 'recfromtxt', 'recfromcsv', 'load', 'loads', 'save', 'savez', 'savez_compressed', 'packbits', 'unpackbits', 'fromregex', 'DataSource'] import numpy as np import format import sys import os import sys import itertools import warnings from operator import itemgetter from cPickle import load as _cload, loads from _datasource import DataSource if sys.platform != 'cli': from _compiled_base import packbits, unpackbits else: def packbits(*args, **kw): raise NotImplementedError() def unpackbits(*args, **kw): raise NotImplementedError() from _iotools import LineSplitter, NameValidator, StringConverter, \ ConverterError, ConverterLockError, ConversionWarning, \ _is_string_like, has_nested_fields, flatten_dtype, \ easy_dtype, _bytes_to_name from numpy.compat import asbytes, asstr, asbytes_nested, bytes if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: from io import BytesIO else: from cStringIO import StringIO as BytesIO _string_like = _is_string_like def seek_gzip_factory(f): """Use this factory to produce the class so that we can do a lazy import on gzip. """ import gzip class GzipFile(gzip.GzipFile): def seek(self, offset, whence=0): # figure out new position (we can only seek forwards) if whence == 1: offset = self.offset + offset if whence not in [0, 1]: raise IOError, "Illegal argument" if offset < self.offset: # for negative seek, rewind and do positive seek self.rewind() count = offset - self.offset for i in range(count // 1024): % 1024) def tell(self): return self.offset if isinstance(f, str): f = GzipFile(f) elif isinstance(f, gzip.GzipFile): # cast to our GzipFile if its already a gzip.GzipFile g = GzipFile(fileobj=f.fileobj) = g.mode = f.mode f = g return f class BagObj(object): """ BagObj(obj) Convert attribute look-ups to getitems on the object passed in. Parameters ---------- obj : class instance Object on which attribute look-up is performed. Examples -------- >>> from numpy.lib.npyio import BagObj as BO >>> class BagDemo(object): ... def __getitem__(self, key): # An instance of BagObj(BagDemo) ... # will call this method when any ... # attribute look-up is required ... result = "Doesn't matter what you want, " ... return result + "you're gonna get this" ... >>> demo_obj = BagDemo() >>> bagobj = BO(demo_obj) >>> bagobj.hello_there "Doesn't matter what you want, you're gonna get this" >>> bagobj.I_can_be_anything "Doesn't matter what you want, you're gonna get this" """ def __init__(self, obj): self._obj = obj def __getattribute__(self, key): try: return object.__getattribute__(self, '_obj')[key] except KeyError: raise AttributeError, key def zipfile_factory(*args, **kwargs): import zipfile if sys.version_info >= (2, 5): kwargs['allowZip64'] = True return zipfile.ZipFile(*args, **kwargs) class NpzFile(object): """ NpzFile(fid) A dictionary-like object with lazy-loading of files in the zipped archive provided on construction. `NpzFile` is used to load files in the NumPy ``.npz`` data archive format. It assumes that files in the archive have a ".npy" extension, other files are ignored. The arrays and file strings are lazily loaded on either getitem access using ``obj['key']`` or attribute lookup using ``obj.f.key``. A list of all files (without ".npy" extensions) can be obtained with ``obj.files`` and the ZipFile object itself using ````. Attributes ---------- files : list of str List of all files in the archive with a ".npy" extension. zip : ZipFile instance The ZipFile object initialized with the zipped archive. f : BagObj instance An object on which attribute can be performed as an alternative to getitem access on the `NpzFile` instance itself. Parameters ---------- fid : file or str The zipped archive to open. This is either a file-like object or a string containing the path to the archive. own_fid : bool, optional Whether NpzFile should close the file handle. Requires that `fid` is a file-like object. Examples -------- >>> from tempfile import TemporaryFile >>> outfile = TemporaryFile() >>> x = np.arange(10) >>> y = np.sin(x) >>> np.savez(outfile, x=x, y=y) >>> >>> npz = np.load(outfile) >>> isinstance(npz, True >>> npz.files ['y', 'x'] >>> npz['x'] # getitem access array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) >>> npz.f.x # attribute lookup array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) """ def __init__(self, fid, own_fid=False): # Import is postponed to here since zipfile depends on gzip, an optional # component of the so-called standard library. _zip = zipfile_factory(fid) self._files = _zip.namelist() self.files = [] for x in self._files: if x.endswith('.npy'): self.files.append(x[:-4]) else: self.files.append(x) = _zip self.f = BagObj(self) if own_fid: self.fid = fid else: self.fid = None def close(self): """ Close the file. """ if is not None: = None if self.fid is not None: self.fid.close() self.fid = None def __del__(self): self.close() def __getitem__(self, key): # FIXME: This seems like it will copy strings around # more than is strictly necessary. The zipfile # will read the string and then # the format.read_array will copy the string # to another place in memory. # It would be better if the zipfile could read # (or at least uncompress) the data # directly into the array memory. member = 0 if key in self._files: member = 1 elif key in self.files: member = 1 key += '.npy' if member: bytes = if bytes.startswith(format.MAGIC_PREFIX): value = BytesIO(bytes) return format.read_array(value) else: return bytes else: raise KeyError, "%s is not a file in the archive" % key def __iter__(self): return iter(self.files) def items(self): """ Return a list of tuples, with each tuple (filename, array in file). """ return [(f, self[f]) for f in self.files] def iteritems(self): """Generator that returns tuples (filename, array in file).""" for f in self.files: yield (f, self[f]) def keys(self): """Return files in the archive with a ".npy" extension.""" return self.files def iterkeys(self): """Return an iterator over the files in the archive.""" return self.__iter__() def __contains__(self, key): return self.files.__contains__(key) def load(file, mmap_mode=None): """ Load a pickled, ``.npy``, or ``.npz`` binary file. Parameters ---------- file : file-like object or string The file to read. It must support ``seek()`` and ``read()`` methods. If the filename extension is ``.gz``, the file is first decompressed. mmap_mode: {None, 'r+', 'r', 'w+', 'c'}, optional If not None, then memory-map the file, using the given mode (see `numpy.memmap`). The mode has no effect for pickled or zipped files. A memory-mapped array is stored on disk, and not directly loaded into memory. However, it can be accessed and sliced like any ndarray. Memory mapping is especially useful for accessing small fragments of large files without reading the entire file into memory. Returns ------- result : array, tuple, dict, etc. Data stored in the file. Raises ------ IOError If the input file does not exist or cannot be read. See Also -------- save, savez, loadtxt memmap : Create a memory-map to an array stored in a file on disk. Notes ----- - If the file contains pickle data, then whatever is stored in the pickle is returned. - If the file is a ``.npy`` file, then an array is returned. - If the file is a ``.npz`` file, then a dictionary-like object is returned, containing ``{filename: array}`` key-value pairs, one for each file in the archive. Examples -------- Store data to disk, and load it again: >>>'/tmp/123', np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])) >>> np.load('/tmp/123.npy') array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) Mem-map the stored array, and then access the second row directly from disk: >>> X = np.load('/tmp/123.npy', mmap_mode='r') >>> X[1, :] memmap([4, 5, 6]) """ import gzip own_fid = False if isinstance(file, basestring): fid = open(file, "rb") own_fid = True elif isinstance(file, gzip.GzipFile): fid = seek_gzip_factory(file) own_fid = True else: fid = file try: # Code to distinguish from NumPy binary files and pickles. _ZIP_PREFIX = asbytes('PK\x03\x04') N = len(format.MAGIC_PREFIX) magic =, 1) # back-up if magic.startswith(_ZIP_PREFIX): # zip-file (assume .npz) own_fid = False return NpzFile(fid, own_fid=True) elif magic == format.MAGIC_PREFIX: # .npy file if mmap_mode: return format.open_memmap(file, mode=mmap_mode) else: return format.read_array(fid) else: # Try a pickle try: return _cload(fid) except: raise IOError, \ "Failed to interpret file %s as a pickle" % repr(file) finally: if own_fid: fid.close() def save(file, arr): """ Save an array to a binary file in NumPy ``.npy`` format. Parameters ---------- file : file or str File or filename to which the data is saved. If file is a file-object, then the filename is unchanged. If file is a string, a ``.npy`` extension will be appended to the file name if it does not already have one. arr : array_like Array data to be saved. See Also -------- savez : Save several arrays into a ``.npz`` archive savetxt, load Notes ----- For a description of the ``.npy`` format, see `format`. Examples -------- >>> from tempfile import TemporaryFile >>> outfile = TemporaryFile() >>> x = np.arange(10) >>>, x) >>> # Only needed here to simulate closing & reopening file >>> np.load(outfile) array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) """ own_fid = False if isinstance(file, basestring): if not file.endswith('.npy'): file = file + '.npy' fid = open(file, "wb") own_fid = True else: fid = file try: arr = np.asanyarray(arr) format.write_array(fid, arr) finally: if own_fid: fid.close() def savez(file, *args, **kwds): """ Save several arrays into a single file in uncompressed ``.npz`` format. If arguments are passed in with no keywords, the corresponding variable names, in the .npz file, are 'arr_0', 'arr_1', etc. If keyword arguments are given, the corresponding variable names, in the ``.npz`` file will match the keyword names. Parameters ---------- file : str or file Either the file name (string) or an open file (file-like object) where the data will be saved. If file is a string, the ``.npz`` extension will be appended to the file name if it is not already there. *args : Arguments, optional Arrays to save to the file. Since it is not possible for Python to know the names of the arrays outside `savez`, the arrays will be saved with names "arr_0", "arr_1", and so on. These arguments can be any expression. **kwds : Keyword arguments, optional Arrays to save to the file. Arrays will be saved in the file with the keyword names. Returns ------- None See Also -------- save : Save a single array to a binary file in NumPy format. savetxt : Save an array to a file as plain text. Notes ----- The ``.npz`` file format is a zipped archive of files named after the variables they contain. The archive is not compressed and each file in the archive contains one variable in ``.npy`` format. For a description of the ``.npy`` format, see `format`. When opening the saved ``.npz`` file with `load` a `NpzFile` object is returned. This is a dictionary-like object which can be queried for its list of arrays (with the ``.files`` attribute), and for the arrays themselves. Examples -------- >>> from tempfile import TemporaryFile >>> outfile = TemporaryFile() >>> x = np.arange(10) >>> y = np.sin(x) Using `savez` with *args, the arrays are saved with default names. >>> np.savez(outfile, x, y) >>> # Only needed here to simulate closing & reopening file >>> npzfile = np.load(outfile) >>> npzfile.files ['arr_1', 'arr_0'] >>> npzfile['arr_0'] array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) Using `savez` with **kwds, the arrays are saved with the keyword names. >>> outfile = TemporaryFile() >>> np.savez(outfile, x=x, y=y) >>> >>> npzfile = np.load(outfile) >>> npzfile.files ['y', 'x'] >>> npzfile['x'] array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) See Also -------- numpy.savez_compressed : Save several arrays into a compressed .npz file format """ _savez(file, args, kwds, False) def savez_compressed(file, *args, **kwds): """ Save several arrays into a single file in compressed ``.npz`` format. If keyword arguments are given, then filenames are taken from the keywords. If arguments are passed in with no keywords, then stored file names are arr_0, arr_1, etc. Parameters ---------- file : string File name of .npz file. args : Arguments Function arguments. kwds : Keyword arguments Keywords. See Also -------- numpy.savez : Save several arrays into an uncompressed .npz file format """ _savez(file, args, kwds, True) def _savez(file, args, kwds, compress): # Import is postponed to here since zipfile depends on gzip, an optional # component of the so-called standard library. import zipfile # Import deferred for startup time improvement import tempfile if isinstance(file, basestring): if not file.endswith('.npz'): file = file + '.npz' namedict = kwds for i, val in enumerate(args): key = 'arr_%d' % i if key in namedict.keys(): raise ValueError, "Cannot use un-named variables and keyword %s" % key namedict[key] = val if compress: compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED else: compression = zipfile.ZIP_STORED zip = zipfile_factory(file, mode="w", compression=compression) # Stage arrays in a temporary file on disk, before writing to zip. fd, tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='-numpy.npy') os.close(fd) try: for key, val in namedict.iteritems(): fname = key + '.npy' fid = open(tmpfile, 'wb') try: format.write_array(fid, np.asanyarray(val)) fid.close() fid = None zip.write(tmpfile, arcname=fname) finally: if fid: fid.close() finally: os.remove(tmpfile) zip.close() # Adapted from matplotlib def _getconv(dtype): typ = dtype.type if issubclass(typ, np.bool_): return lambda x: bool(int(x)) if issubclass(typ, np.integer): return lambda x: int(float(x)) elif issubclass(typ, np.floating): return float elif issubclass(typ, np.complex): return complex elif issubclass(typ, np.bytes_): return bytes else: return str def loadtxt(fname, dtype=float, comments='#', delimiter=None, converters=None, skiprows=0, usecols=None, unpack=False): """ Load data from a text file. Each row in the text file must have the same number of values. Parameters ---------- fname : file or str File or filename to read. If the filename extension is ``.gz`` or ``.bz2``, the file is first decompressed. dtype : data-type, optional Data-type of the resulting array; default: float. If this is a record data-type, the resulting array will be 1-dimensional, and each row will be interpreted as an element of the array. In this case, the number of columns used must match the number of fields in the data-type. comments : str, optional The character used to indicate the start of a comment; default: '#'. delimiter : str, optional The string used to separate values. By default, this is any whitespace. converters : dict, optional A dictionary mapping column number to a function that will convert that column to a float. E.g., if column 0 is a date string: ``converters = {0: datestr2num}``. Converters can also be used to provide a default value for missing data: ``converters = {3: lambda s: float(s or 0)}``. Default: None. skiprows : int, optional Skip the first `skiprows` lines; default: 0. usecols : sequence, optional Which columns to read, with 0 being the first. For example, ``usecols = (1,4,5)`` will extract the 2nd, 5th and 6th columns. The default, None, results in all columns being read. unpack : bool, optional If True, the returned array is transposed, so that arguments may be unpacked using ``x, y, z = loadtxt(...)``. The default is False. Returns ------- out : ndarray Data read from the text file. See Also -------- load, fromstring, fromregex genfromtxt : Load data with missing values handled as specified. : reads MATLAB data files Notes ----- This function aims to be a fast reader for simply formatted files. The `genfromtxt` function provides more sophisticated handling of, e.g., lines with missing values. Examples -------- >>> from StringIO import StringIO # StringIO behaves like a file object >>> c = StringIO("0 1\\n2 3") >>> np.loadtxt(c) array([[ 0., 1.], [ 2., 3.]]) >>> d = StringIO("M 21 72\\nF 35 58") >>> np.loadtxt(d, dtype={'names': ('gender', 'age', 'weight'), ... 'formats': ('S1', 'i4', 'f4')}) array([('M', 21, 72.0), ('F', 35, 58.0)], dtype=[('gender', '|S1'), ('age', '<i4'), ('weight', '<f4')]) >>> c = StringIO("1,0,2\\n3,0,4") >>> x, y = np.loadtxt(c, delimiter=',', usecols=(0, 2), unpack=True) >>> x array([ 1., 3.]) >>> y array([ 2., 4.]) """ # Type conversions for Py3 convenience comments = asbytes(comments) if delimiter is not None: delimiter = asbytes(delimiter) user_converters = converters if usecols is not None: usecols = list(usecols) own_fh = False if _is_string_like(fname): own_fh = True if fname.endswith('.gz'): fh = seek_gzip_factory(fname) elif fname.endswith('.bz2'): import bz2 fh = bz2.BZ2File(fname) else: fh = open(fname, 'U') elif hasattr(fname, 'readline'): fh = fname else: raise ValueError('fname must be a string or file handle') X = [] def flatten_dtype(dt): """Unpack a structured data-type.""" if dt.names is None: # If the dtype is flattened, return. # If the dtype has a shape, the dtype occurs # in the list more than once. return [dt.base] * int( else: types = [] for field in dt.names: tp, bytes = dt.fields[field] flat_dt = flatten_dtype(tp) types.extend(flat_dt) return types def split_line(line): """Chop off comments, strip, and split at delimiter.""" line = asbytes(line).split(comments)[0].strip() if line: return line.split(delimiter) else: return [] try: # Make sure we're dealing with a proper dtype dtype = np.dtype(dtype) defconv = _getconv(dtype) # Skip the first `skiprows` lines for i in xrange(skiprows): fh.readline() # Read until we find a line with some values, and use # it to estimate the number of columns, N. first_vals = None while not first_vals: first_line = fh.readline() if not first_line: # EOF reached raise IOError('End-of-file reached before encountering data.') first_vals = split_line(first_line) N = len(usecols or first_vals) dtype_types = flatten_dtype(dtype) if len(dtype_types) > 1: # We're dealing with a structured array, each field of # the dtype matches a column converters = [_getconv(dt) for dt in dtype_types] else: # All fields have the same dtype converters = [defconv for i in xrange(N)] # By preference, use the converters specified by the user for i, conv in (user_converters or {}).iteritems(): if usecols: try: i = usecols.index(i) except ValueError: # Unused converter specified continue converters[i] = conv # Parse each line, including the first for i, line in enumerate(itertools.chain([first_line], fh)): vals = split_line(line) if len(vals) == 0: continue if usecols: vals = [vals[i] for i in usecols] # Convert each value according to its column and store X.append(tuple([conv(val) for (conv, val) in zip(converters, vals)])) finally: if own_fh: fh.close() if len(dtype_types) > 1: # We're dealing with a structured array, with a dtype such as # [('x', int), ('y', [('s', int), ('t', float)])] # # First, create the array using a flattened dtype: # [('x', int), ('s', int), ('t', float)] # # Then, view the array using the specified dtype. try: X = np.array(X, dtype=np.dtype([('', t) for t in dtype_types])) X = X.view(dtype) except TypeError: # In the case we have an object dtype X = np.array(X, dtype=dtype) else: X = np.array(X, dtype) X = np.squeeze(X) if unpack: return X.T else: return X def savetxt(fname, X, fmt='%.18e', delimiter=' ', newline='\n'): """ Save an array to a text file. Parameters ---------- fname : filename or file handle If the filename ends in ``.gz``, the file is automatically saved in compressed gzip format. `loadtxt` understands gzipped files transparently. X : array_like Data to be saved to a text file. fmt : str or sequence of strs A single format (%10.5f), a sequence of formats, or a multi-format string, e.g. 'Iteration %d -- %10.5f', in which case `delimiter` is ignored. delimiter : str Character separating columns. newline : str .. versionadded:: 1.5.0 Character separating lines. See Also -------- save : Save an array to a binary file in NumPy ``.npy`` format savez : Save several arrays into a ``.npz`` compressed archive Notes ----- Further explanation of the `fmt` parameter (``%[flag]width[.precision]specifier``): flags: ``-`` : left justify ``+`` : Forces to preceed result with + or -. ``0`` : Left pad the number with zeros instead of space (see width). width: Minimum number of characters to be printed. The value is not truncated if it has more characters. precision: - For integer specifiers (eg. ``d,i,o,x``), the minimum number of digits. - For ``e, E`` and ``f`` specifiers, the number of digits to print after the decimal point. - For ``g`` and ``G``, the maximum number of significant digits. - For ``s``, the maximum number of characters. specifiers: ``c`` : character ``d`` or ``i`` : signed decimal integer ``e`` or ``E`` : scientific notation with ``e`` or ``E``. ``f`` : decimal floating point ``g,G`` : use the shorter of ``e,E`` or ``f`` ``o`` : signed octal ``s`` : string of characters ``u`` : unsigned decimal integer ``x,X`` : unsigned hexadecimal integer This explanation of ``fmt`` is not complete, for an exhaustive specification see [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] `Format Specification Mini-Language < format-specification-mini-language>`_, Python Documentation. Examples -------- >>> x = y = z = np.arange(0.0,5.0,1.0) >>> np.savetxt('test.out', x, delimiter=',') # X is an array >>> np.savetxt('test.out', (x,y,z)) # x,y,z equal sized 1D arrays >>> np.savetxt('test.out', x, fmt='%1.4e') # use exponential notation """ # Py3 conversions first if isinstance(fmt, bytes): fmt = asstr(fmt) delimiter = asstr(delimiter) own_fh = False if _is_string_like(fname): own_fh = True if fname.endswith('.gz'): import gzip fh =, 'wb') else: if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: fh = open(fname, 'wb') else: fh = open(fname, 'w') elif hasattr(fname, 'seek'): fh = fname else: raise ValueError('fname must be a string or file handle') try: X = np.asarray(X) # Handle 1-dimensional arrays if X.ndim == 1: # Common case -- 1d array of numbers if X.dtype.names is None: X = np.atleast_2d(X).T ncol = 1 # Complex dtype -- each field indicates a separate column else: ncol = len(X.dtype.descr) else: ncol = X.shape[1] # `fmt` can be a string with multiple insertion points or a # list of formats. E.g. '%10.5f\t%10d' or ('%10.5f', '$10d') if type(fmt) in (list, tuple): if len(fmt) != ncol: raise AttributeError('fmt has wrong shape. %s' % str(fmt)) format = asstr(delimiter).join(map(asstr, fmt)) elif type(fmt) is str: if fmt.count('%') == 1: fmt = [fmt, ]*ncol format = delimiter.join(fmt) elif fmt.count('%') != ncol: raise AttributeError('fmt has wrong number of %% formats. %s' % fmt) else: format = fmt for row in X: fh.write(asbytes(format % tuple(row) + newline)) finally: if own_fh: fh.close() import re def fromregex(file, regexp, dtype): """ Construct an array from a text file, using regular expression parsing. The returned array is always a structured array, and is constructed from all matches of the regular expression in the file. Groups in the regular expression are converted to fields of the structured array. Parameters ---------- file : str or file File name or file object to read. regexp : str or regexp Regular expression used to parse the file. Groups in the regular expression correspond to fields in the dtype. dtype : dtype or list of dtypes Dtype for the structured array. Returns ------- output : ndarray The output array, containing the part of the content of `file` that was matched by `regexp`. `output` is always a structured array. Raises ------ TypeError When `dtype` is not a valid dtype for a structured array. See Also -------- fromstring, loadtxt Notes ----- Dtypes for structured arrays can be specified in several forms, but all forms specify at least the data type and field name. For details see `doc.structured_arrays`. Examples -------- >>> f = open('test.dat', 'w') >>> f.write("1312 foo\\n1534 bar\\n444 qux") >>> f.close() >>> regexp = r"(\\d+)\\s+(...)" # match [digits, whitespace, anything] >>> output = np.fromregex('test.dat', regexp, ... [('num', np.int64), ('key', 'S3')]) >>> output array([(1312L, 'foo'), (1534L, 'bar'), (444L, 'qux')], dtype=[('num', '<i8'), ('key', '|S3')]) >>> output['num'] array([1312, 1534, 444], dtype=int64) """ own_fh = False if not hasattr(file, "read"): file = open(file, 'rb') own_fh = True try: if not hasattr(regexp, 'match'): regexp = re.compile(asbytes(regexp)) if not isinstance(dtype, np.dtype): dtype = np.dtype(dtype) seq = regexp.findall( if seq and not isinstance(seq[0], tuple): # Only one group is in the regexp. # Create the new array as a single data-type and then # re-interpret as a single-field structured array. newdtype = np.dtype(dtype[dtype.names[0]]) output = np.array(seq, dtype=newdtype) output.dtype = dtype else: output = np.array(seq, dtype=dtype) return output finally: if own_fh: fh.close() #####-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---- --- ASCII functions --- #####-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def genfromtxt(fname, dtype=float, comments='#', delimiter=None, skiprows=0, skip_header=0, skip_footer=0, converters=None, missing='', missing_values=None, filling_values=None, usecols=None, names=None, excludelist=None, deletechars=None, replace_space='_', autostrip=False, case_sensitive=True, defaultfmt="f%i", unpack=None, usemask=False, loose=True, invalid_raise=True): """ Load data from a text file, with missing values handled as specified. Each line past the first `skiprows` lines is split at the `delimiter` character, and characters following the `comments` character are discarded. Parameters ---------- fname : file or str File or filename to read. If the filename extension is `.gz` or `.bz2`, the file is first decompressed. dtype : dtype, optional Data type of the resulting array. If None, the dtypes will be determined by the contents of each column, individually. comments : str, optional The character used to indicate the start of a comment. All the characters occurring on a line after a comment are discarded delimiter : str, int, or sequence, optional The string used to separate values. By default, any consecutive whitespaces act as delimiter. An integer or sequence of integers can also be provided as width(s) of each field. skip_header : int, optional The numbers of lines to skip at the beginning of the file. skip_footer : int, optional The numbers of lines to skip at the end of the file converters : variable or None, optional The set of functions that convert the data of a column to a value. The converters can also be used to provide a default value for missing data: ``converters = {3: lambda s: float(s or 0)}``. missing_values : variable or None, optional The set of strings corresponding to missing data. filling_values : variable or None, optional The set of values to be used as default when the data are missing. usecols : sequence or None, optional Which columns to read, with 0 being the first. For example, ``usecols = (1, 4, 5)`` will extract the 2nd, 5th and 6th columns. names : {None, True, str, sequence}, optional If `names` is True, the field names are read from the first valid line after the first `skiprows` lines. If `names` is a sequence or a single-string of comma-separated names, the names will be used to define the field names in a structured dtype. If `names` is None, the names of the dtype fields will be used, if any. excludelist : sequence, optional A list of names to exclude. This list is appended to the default list ['return','file','print']. Excluded names are appended an underscore: for example, `file` would become `file_`. deletechars : str, optional A string combining invalid characters that must be deleted from the names. defaultfmt : str, optional A format used to define default field names, such as "f%i" or "f_%02i". autostrip : bool, optional Whether to automatically strip white spaces from the variables. replace_space : char, optional Character(s) used in replacement of white spaces in the variables names. By default, use a '_'. case_sensitive : {True, False, 'upper', 'lower'}, optional If True, field names are case sensitive. If False or 'upper', field names are converted to upper case. If 'lower', field names are converted to lower case. unpack : bool, optional If True, the returned array is transposed, so that arguments may be unpacked using ``x, y, z = loadtxt(...)`` usemask : bool, optional If True, return a masked array. If False, return a regular array. invalid_raise : bool, optional If True, an exception is raised if an inconsistency is detected in the number of columns. If False, a warning is emitted and the offending lines are skipped. Returns ------- out : ndarray Data read from the text file. If `usemask` is True, this is a masked array. See Also -------- numpy.loadtxt : equivalent function when no data is missing. Notes ----- * When spaces are used as delimiters, or when no delimiter has been given as input, there should not be any missing data between two fields. * When the variables are named (either by a flexible dtype or with `names`, there must not be any header in the file (else a ValueError exception is raised). * Individual values are not stripped of spaces by default. When using a custom converter, make sure the function does remove spaces. Examples --------- >>> from StringIO import StringIO >>> import numpy as np Comma delimited file with mixed dtype >>> s = StringIO("1,1.3,abcde") >>> data = np.genfromtxt(s, dtype=[('myint','i8'),('myfloat','f8'), ... ('mystring','S5')], delimiter=",") >>> data array((1, 1.3, 'abcde'), dtype=[('myint', '<i8'), ('myfloat', '<f8'), ('mystring', '|S5')]) Using dtype = None >>> # needed for StringIO example only >>> data = np.genfromtxt(s, dtype=None, ... names = ['myint','myfloat','mystring'], delimiter=",") >>> data array((1, 1.3, 'abcde'), dtype=[('myint', '<i8'), ('myfloat', '<f8'), ('mystring', '|S5')]) Specifying dtype and names >>> >>> data = np.genfromtxt(s, dtype="i8,f8,S5", ... names=['myint','myfloat','mystring'], delimiter=",") >>> data array((1, 1.3, 'abcde'), dtype=[('myint', '<i8'), ('myfloat', '<f8'), ('mystring', '|S5')]) An example with fixed-width columns >>> s = StringIO("11.3abcde") >>> data = np.genfromtxt(s, dtype=None, names=['intvar','fltvar','strvar'], ... delimiter=[1,3,5]) >>> data array((1, 1.3, 'abcde'), dtype=[('intvar', '<i8'), ('fltvar', '<f8'), ('strvar', '|S5')]) """ # Py3 data conversions to bytes, for convenience comments = asbytes(comments) if isinstance(delimiter, unicode): delimiter = asbytes(delimiter) if isinstance(missing, unicode): missing = asbytes(missing) if isinstance(missing_values, (unicode, list, tuple)): missing_values = asbytes_nested(missing_values) # if usemask: from import MaskedArray, make_mask_descr # Check the input dictionary of converters user_converters = converters or {} if not isinstance(user_converters, dict): errmsg = "The input argument 'converter' should be a valid dictionary "\ "(got '%s' instead)" raise TypeError(errmsg % type(user_converters)) # Initialize the filehandle, the LineSplitter and the NameValidator own_fhd = False if isinstance(fname, basestring): fhd =, 'U') own_fhd = True elif not hasattr(fname, 'read'): raise TypeError("The input should be a string or a filehandle. "\ "(got %s instead)" % type(fname)) else: fhd = fname split_line = LineSplitter(delimiter=delimiter, comments=comments, autostrip=autostrip)._handyman validate_names = NameValidator(excludelist=excludelist, deletechars=deletechars, case_sensitive=case_sensitive, replace_space=replace_space) # Get the first valid lines after the first skiprows ones .. if skiprows: warnings.warn("The use of `skiprows` is deprecated.\n"\ "Please use `skip_header` instead.", DeprecationWarning) skip_header = skiprows # Skip the first `skip_header` rows for i in xrange(skip_header): fhd.readline() # Keep on until we find the first valid values first_values = None while not first_values: first_line = fhd.readline() if not first_line: raise IOError('End-of-file reached before encountering data.') if names is True: if comments in first_line: first_line = asbytes('').join(first_line.split(comments)[1:]) first_values = split_line(first_line) # Should we take the first values as names ? if names is True: fval = first_values[0].strip() if fval in comments: del first_values[0] # Check the columns to use: make sure `usecols` is a list if usecols is not None: try: usecols = [_.strip() for _ in usecols.split(",")] except AttributeError: try: usecols = list(usecols) except TypeError: usecols = [usecols, ] nbcols = len(usecols or first_values) # Check the names and overwrite the dtype.names if needed if names is True: names = validate_names([_bytes_to_name(_.strip()) for _ in first_values]) first_line = asbytes('') elif _is_string_like(names): names = validate_names([_.strip() for _ in names.split(',')]) elif names: names = validate_names(names) # Get the dtype if dtype is not None: dtype = easy_dtype(dtype, defaultfmt=defaultfmt, names=names) # Make sure the names is a list (for 2.5) if names is not None: names = list(names) if usecols: for (i, current) in enumerate(usecols): # if usecols is a list of names, convert to a list of indices if _is_string_like(current): usecols[i] = names.index(current) elif current < 0: usecols[i] = current + len(first_values) # If the dtype is not None, make sure we update it if (dtype is not None) and (len(dtype) > nbcols): descr = dtype.descr dtype = np.dtype([descr[_] for _ in usecols]) names = list(dtype.names) # If `names` is not None, update the names elif (names is not None) and (len(names) > nbcols): names = [names[_] for _ in usecols] elif (names is not None) and (dtype is not None): names = dtype.names # Process the missing values ............................... # Rename missing_values for convenience user_missing_values = missing_values or () # Define the list of missing_values (one column: one list) missing_values = [list([asbytes('')]) for _ in range(nbcols)] # We have a dictionary: process it field by field if isinstance(user_missing_values, dict): # Loop on the items for (key, val) in user_missing_values.items(): # Is the key a string ? if _is_string_like(key): try: # Transform it into an integer key = names.index(key) except ValueError: # We couldn't find it: the name must have been dropped, then continue # Redefine the key as needed if it's a column number if usecols: try: key = usecols.index(key) except ValueError: pass # Transform the value as a list of string if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): val = [str(_) for _ in val] else: val = [str(val), ] # Add the value(s) to the current list of missing if key is None: # None acts as default for miss in missing_values: miss.extend(val) else: missing_values[key].extend(val) # We have a sequence : each item matches a column elif isinstance(user_missing_values, (list, tuple)): for (value, entry) in zip(user_missing_values, missing_values): value = str(value) if value not in entry: entry.append(value) # We have a string : apply it to all entries elif isinstance(user_missing_values, bytes): user_value = user_missing_values.split(asbytes(",")) for entry in missing_values: entry.extend(user_value) # We have something else: apply it to all entries else: for entry in missing_values: entry.extend([str(user_missing_values)]) # Process the deprecated `missing` if missing != asbytes(''): warnings.warn("The use of `missing` is deprecated.\n"\ "Please use `missing_values` instead.", DeprecationWarning) values = [str(_) for _ in missing.split(asbytes(","))] for entry in missing_values: entry.extend(values) # Process the filling_values ............................... # Rename the input for convenience user_filling_values = filling_values or [] # Define the default filling_values = [None] * nbcols # We have a dictionary : update each entry individually if isinstance(user_filling_values, dict): for (key, val) in user_filling_values.items(): if _is_string_like(key): try: # Transform it into an integer key = names.index(key) except ValueError: # We couldn't find it: the name must have been dropped, then continue # Redefine the key if it's a column number and usecols is defined if usecols: try: key = usecols.index(key) except ValueError: pass # Add the value to the list filling_values[key] = val # We have a sequence : update on a one-to-one basis elif isinstance(user_filling_values, (list, tuple)): n = len(user_filling_values) if (n <= nbcols): filling_values[:n] = user_filling_values else: filling_values = user_filling_values[:nbcols] # We have something else : use it for all entries else: filling_values = [user_filling_values] * nbcols # Initialize the converters ................................ if dtype is None: # Note: we can't use a [...]*nbcols, as we would have 3 times the same # ... converter, instead of 3 different converters. converters = [StringConverter(None, missing_values=miss, default=fill) for (miss, fill) in zip(missing_values, filling_values)] else: dtype_flat = flatten_dtype(dtype, flatten_base=True) # Initialize the converters if len(dtype_flat) > 1: # Flexible type : get a converter from each dtype zipit = zip(dtype_flat, missing_values, filling_values) converters = [StringConverter(dt, locked=True, missing_values=miss, default=fill) for (dt, miss, fill) in zipit] else: # Set to a default converter (but w/ different missing values) zipit = zip(missing_values, filling_values) converters = [StringConverter(dtype, locked=True, missing_values=miss, default=fill) for (miss, fill) in zipit] # Update the converters to use the user-defined ones uc_update = [] for (i, conv) in user_converters.items(): # If the converter is specified by column names, use the index instead if _is_string_like(i): try: i = names.index(i) except ValueError: continue elif usecols: try: i = usecols.index(i) except ValueError: # Unused converter specified continue # Find the value to test: if len(first_line): testing_value = first_values[i] else: testing_value = None converters[i].update(conv, locked=True, testing_value=testing_value, default=filling_values[i], missing_values=missing_values[i],) uc_update.append((i, conv)) # Make sure we have the corrected keys in user_converters... user_converters.update(uc_update) miss_chars = [_.missing_values for _ in converters] # Initialize the output lists ... # ... rows rows = [] append_to_rows = rows.append # ... masks if usemask: masks = [] append_to_masks = masks.append # ... invalid invalid = [] append_to_invalid = invalid.append # Parse each line for (i, line) in enumerate(itertools.chain([first_line, ], fhd)): values = split_line(line) nbvalues = len(values) # Skip an empty line if nbvalues == 0: continue # Select only the columns we need if usecols: try: values = [values[_] for _ in usecols] except IndexError: append_to_invalid((i + skip_header + 1, nbvalues)) continue elif nbvalues != nbcols: append_to_invalid((i + skip_header + 1, nbvalues)) continue # Store the values append_to_rows(tuple(values)) if usemask: append_to_masks(tuple([v.strip() in m for (v, m) in zip(values, missing_values)])) if own_fhd: fhd.close() # Upgrade the converters (if needed) if dtype is None: for (i, converter) in enumerate(converters): current_column = map(itemgetter(i), rows) try: converter.iterupgrade(current_column) except ConverterLockError: errmsg = "Converter #%i is locked and cannot be upgraded: " % i current_column = itertools.imap(itemgetter(i), rows) for (j, value) in enumerate(current_column): try: converter.upgrade(value) except (ConverterError, ValueError): errmsg += "(occurred line #%i for value '%s')" errmsg %= (j + 1 + skip_header, value) raise ConverterError(errmsg) # Check that we don't have invalid values nbinvalid = len(invalid) if nbinvalid > 0: nbrows = len(rows) + nbinvalid - skip_footer # Construct the error message template = " Line #%%i (got %%i columns instead of %i)" % nbcols if skip_footer > 0: nbinvalid_skipped = len([_ for _ in invalid if _[0] > nbrows + skip_header]) invalid = invalid[:nbinvalid - nbinvalid_skipped] skip_footer -= nbinvalid_skipped # # nbrows -= skip_footer # errmsg = [template % (i, nb) # for (i, nb) in invalid if i < nbrows] # else: errmsg = [template % (i, nb) for (i, nb) in invalid] if len(errmsg): errmsg.insert(0, "Some errors were detected !") errmsg = "\n".join(errmsg) # Raise an exception ? if invalid_raise: raise ValueError(errmsg) # Issue a warning ? else: warnings.warn(errmsg, ConversionWarning) # Strip the last skip_footer data if skip_footer > 0: rows = rows[:-skip_footer] if usemask: masks = masks[:-skip_footer] # Convert each value according to the converter: # We want to modify the list in place to avoid creating a new one... # if loose: # conversionfuncs = [conv._loose_call for conv in converters] # else: # conversionfuncs = [conv._strict_call for conv in converters] # for (i, vals) in enumerate(rows): # rows[i] = tuple([convert(val) # for (convert, val) in zip(conversionfuncs, vals)]) if loose: rows = zip(*[map(converter._loose_call, map(itemgetter(i), rows)) for (i, converter) in enumerate(converters)]) else: rows = zip(*[map(converter._strict_call, map(itemgetter(i), rows)) for (i, converter) in enumerate(converters)]) # Reset the dtype data = rows if dtype is None: # Get the dtypes from the types of the converters column_types = [conv.type for conv in converters] # Find the columns with strings... strcolidx = [i for (i, v) in enumerate(column_types) if v in (type('S'), np.string_)] # ... and take the largest number of chars. for i in strcolidx: column_types[i] = "|S%i" % max(len(row[i]) for row in data) # if names is None: # If the dtype is uniform, don't define names, else use '' base = set([c.type for c in converters if c._checked]) if len(base) == 1: (ddtype, mdtype) = (list(base)[0], np.bool) else: ddtype = [(defaultfmt % i, dt) for (i, dt) in enumerate(column_types)] if usemask: mdtype = [(defaultfmt % i, np.bool) for (i, dt) in enumerate(column_types)] else: ddtype = zip(names, column_types) mdtype = zip(names, [np.bool] * len(column_types)) output = np.array(data, dtype=ddtype) if usemask: outputmask = np.array(masks, dtype=mdtype) else: # Overwrite the initial dtype names if needed if names and dtype.names: dtype.names = names # Case 1. We have a structured type if len(dtype_flat) > 1: # Nested dtype, eg [('a', int), ('b', [('b0', int), ('b1', 'f4')])] # First, create the array using a flattened dtype: # [('a', int), ('b1', int), ('b2', float)] # Then, view the array using the specified dtype. if 'O' in (_.char for _ in dtype_flat): if has_nested_fields(dtype): errmsg = "Nested fields involving objects "\ "are not supported..." raise NotImplementedError(errmsg) else: output = np.array(data, dtype=dtype) else: rows = np.array(data, dtype=[('', _) for _ in dtype_flat]) output = rows.view(dtype) # Now, process the rowmasks the same way if usemask: rowmasks = np.array(masks, dtype=np.dtype([('', np.bool) for t in dtype_flat])) # Construct the new dtype mdtype = make_mask_descr(dtype) outputmask = rowmasks.view(mdtype) # Case #2. We have a basic dtype else: # We used some user-defined converters if user_converters: ishomogeneous = True descr = [] for (i, ttype) in enumerate([conv.type for conv in converters]): # Keep the dtype of the current converter if i in user_converters: ishomogeneous &= (ttype == dtype.type) if ttype == np.string_: ttype = "|S%i" % max(len(row[i]) for row in data) descr.append(('', ttype)) else: descr.append(('', dtype)) # So we changed the dtype ? if not ishomogeneous: # We have more than one field if len(descr) > 1: dtype = np.dtype(descr) # We have only one field: drop the name if not needed. else: dtype = np.dtype(ttype) # output = np.array(data, dtype) if usemask: if dtype.names: mdtype = [(_, np.bool) for _ in dtype.names] else: mdtype = np.bool outputmask = np.array(masks, dtype=mdtype) # Try to take care of the missing data we missed names = output.dtype.names if usemask and names: for (name, conv) in zip(names or (), converters): missing_values = [conv(_) for _ in conv.missing_values if _ != asbytes('')] for mval in missing_values: outputmask[name] |= (output[name] == mval) # Construct the final array if usemask: output = output.view(MaskedArray) output._mask = outputmask if unpack: return output.squeeze().T return output.squeeze() def ndfromtxt(fname, **kwargs): """ Load ASCII data stored in a file and return it as a single array. Complete description of all the optional input parameters is available in the docstring of the `genfromtxt` function. See Also -------- numpy.genfromtxt : generic function. """ kwargs['usemask'] = False return genfromtxt(fname, **kwargs) def mafromtxt(fname, **kwargs): """ Load ASCII data stored in a text file and return a masked array. For a complete description of all the input parameters, see `genfromtxt`. See Also -------- numpy.genfromtxt : generic function to load ASCII data. """ kwargs['usemask'] = True return genfromtxt(fname, **kwargs) def recfromtxt(fname, **kwargs): """ Load ASCII data from a file and return it in a record array. If ``usemask=False`` a standard `recarray` is returned, if ``usemask=True`` a MaskedRecords array is returned. Complete description of all the optional input parameters is available in the docstring of the `genfromtxt` function. See Also -------- numpy.genfromtxt : generic function Notes ----- By default, `dtype` is None, which means that the data-type of the output array will be determined from the data. """ kwargs.update(dtype=kwargs.get('dtype', None)) usemask = kwargs.get('usemask', False) output = genfromtxt(fname, **kwargs) if usemask: from import MaskedRecords output = output.view(MaskedRecords) else: output = output.view(np.recarray) return output def recfromcsv(fname, **kwargs): """ Load ASCII data stored in a comma-separated file. The returned array is a record array (if ``usemask=False``, see `recarray`) or a masked record array (if ``usemask=True``, see `ma.mrecords.MaskedRecords`). For a complete description of all the input parameters, see `genfromtxt`. See Also -------- numpy.genfromtxt : generic function to load ASCII data. """ case_sensitive = kwargs.get('case_sensitive', "lower") or "lower" names = kwargs.get('names', True) if names is None: names = True kwargs.update(dtype=kwargs.get('update', None), delimiter=kwargs.get('delimiter', ",") or ",", names=names, case_sensitive=case_sensitive) usemask = kwargs.get("usemask", False) output = genfromtxt(fname, **kwargs) if usemask: from import MaskedRecords output = output.view(MaskedRecords) else: output = output.view(np.recarray) return output
""" Interpolation inside triangular grids. """ from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) import six from six.moves import xrange from matplotlib.tri import Triangulation from matplotlib.tri.trifinder import TriFinder from matplotlib.tri.tritools import TriAnalyzer import numpy as np import warnings __all__ = ('TriInterpolator', 'LinearTriInterpolator', 'CubicTriInterpolator') class TriInterpolator(object): """ Abstract base class for classes used to perform interpolation on triangular grids. Derived classes implement the following methods: - ``__call__(x, y)`` , where x, y are array_like point coordinates of the same shape, and that returns a masked array of the same shape containing the interpolated z-values. - ``gradient(x, y)`` , where x, y are array_like point coordinates of the same shape, and that returns a list of 2 masked arrays of the same shape containing the 2 derivatives of the interpolator (derivatives of interpolated z values with respect to x and y). """ def __init__(self, triangulation, z, trifinder=None): if not isinstance(triangulation, Triangulation): raise ValueError("Expected a Triangulation object") self._triangulation = triangulation self._z = np.asarray(z) if self._z.shape != self._triangulation.x.shape: raise ValueError("z array must have same length as triangulation x" " and y arrays") if trifinder is not None and not isinstance(trifinder, TriFinder): raise ValueError("Expected a TriFinder object") self._trifinder = trifinder or self._triangulation.get_trifinder() # Default scaling factors : 1.0 (= no scaling) # Scaling may be used for interpolations for which the order of # magnitude of x, y has an impact on the interpolant definition. # Please refer to :meth:`_interpolate_multikeys` for details. self._unit_x = 1.0 self._unit_y = 1.0 # Default triangle renumbering: None (= no renumbering) # Renumbering may be used to avoid unecessary computations # if complex calculations are done inside the Interpolator. # Please refer to :meth:`_interpolate_multikeys` for details. self._tri_renum = None # __call__ and gradient docstrings are shared by all subclasses # (except, if needed, relevant additions). # However these methods are only implemented in subclasses to avoid # confusion in the documentation. docstring__call__ = """ Returns a masked array containing interpolated values at the specified x,y points. Parameters ---------- x, y : array-like x and y coordinates of the same shape and any number of dimensions. Returns ------- z : Masked array of the same shape as *x* and *y* ; values corresponding to (*x*, *y*) points outside of the triangulation are masked out. """ docstringgradient = """ Returns a list of 2 masked arrays containing interpolated derivatives at the specified x,y points. Parameters ---------- x, y : array-like x and y coordinates of the same shape and any number of dimensions. Returns ------- dzdx, dzdy : 2 masked arrays of the same shape as *x* and *y* ; values corresponding to (x,y) points outside of the triangulation are masked out. The first returned array contains the values of :math:`\\frac{\\partial z}{\\partial x}` and the second those of :math:`\\frac{\\partial z}{\\partial y}`. """ def _interpolate_multikeys(self, x, y, tri_index=None, return_keys=('z',)): """ Versatile (private) method defined for all TriInterpolators. :meth:`_interpolate_multikeys` is a wrapper around method :meth:`_interpolate_single_key` (to be defined in the child subclasses). :meth:`_interpolate_single_key actually performs the interpolation, but only for 1-dimensional inputs and at valid locations (inside unmasked triangles of the triangulation). The purpose of :meth:`_interpolate_multikeys` is to implement the following common tasks needed in all subclasses implementations: - calculation of containing triangles - dealing with more than one interpolation request at the same location (e.g., if the 2 derivatives are requested, it is unnecessary to compute the containing triangles twice) - scaling according to self._unit_x, self._unit_y - dealing with points outside of the grid (with fill value np.nan) - dealing with multi-dimensionnal *x*, *y* arrays: flattening for :meth:`_interpolate_params` call and final reshaping. (Note that np.vectorize could do most of those things very well for you, but it does it by function evaluations over successive tuples of the input arrays. Therefore, this tends to be more time consuming than using optimized numpy functions - e.g., - which can be used easily on the flattened inputs, in the child-subclass methods :meth:`_interpolate_single_key`.) It is guaranteed that the calls to :meth:`_interpolate_single_key` will be done with flattened (1-d) array_like input parameters `x`, `y` and with flattened, valid `tri_index` arrays (no -1 index allowed). Parameters ---------- x, y : array_like x and y coordinates indicating where interpolated values are requested. tri_index : integer array_like, optional Array of the containing triangle indices, same shape as *x* and *y*. Defaults to None. If None, these indices will be computed by a TriFinder instance. (Note: For point outside the grid, tri_index[ipt] shall be -1). return_keys : tuple of keys from {'z', 'dzdx', 'dzdy'} Defines the interpolation arrays to return, and in which order. Returns ------- ret : list of arrays Each array-like contains the expected interpolated values in the order defined by *return_keys* parameter. """ # Flattening and rescaling inputs arrays x, y # (initial shape is stored for output) x = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float64) y = np.asarray(y, dtype=np.float64) sh_ret = x.shape if (x.shape != y.shape): raise ValueError("x and y shall have same shapes." " Given: {0} and {1}".format(x.shape, y.shape)) x = np.ravel(x) y = np.ravel(y) x_scaled = x/self._unit_x y_scaled = y/self._unit_y size_ret = np.size(x_scaled) # Computes & ravels the element indexes, extract the valid ones. if tri_index is None: tri_index = self._trifinder(x, y) else: if (tri_index.shape != sh_ret): raise ValueError( "tri_index array is provided and shall" " have same shape as x and y. Given: " "{0} and {1}".format(tri_index.shape, sh_ret)) tri_index = np.ravel(tri_index) mask_in = (tri_index != -1) if self._tri_renum is None: valid_tri_index = tri_index[mask_in] else: valid_tri_index = self._tri_renum[tri_index[mask_in]] valid_x = x_scaled[mask_in] valid_y = y_scaled[mask_in] ret = [] for return_key in return_keys: # Find the return index associated with the key. try: return_index = {'z': 0, 'dzdx': 1, 'dzdy': 2}[return_key] except KeyError: raise ValueError("return_keys items shall take values in" " {'z', 'dzdx', 'dzdy'}") # Sets the scale factor for f & df components scale = [1., 1./self._unit_x, 1./self._unit_y][return_index] # Computes the interpolation ret_loc = np.empty(size_ret, dtype=np.float64) ret_loc[~mask_in] = np.nan ret_loc[mask_in] = self._interpolate_single_key( return_key, valid_tri_index, valid_x, valid_y) * scale ret += [, copy=False)] return ret def _interpolate_single_key(self, return_key, tri_index, x, y): """ Performs the interpolation at points belonging to the triangulation (inside an unmasked triangles). Parameters ---------- return_index : string key from {'z', 'dzdx', 'dzdy'} Identifies the requested values (z or its derivatives) tri_index : 1d integer array Valid triangle index (-1 prohibited) x, y : 1d arrays, same shape as `tri_index` Valid locations where interpolation is requested. Returns ------- ret : 1-d array Returned array of the same size as *tri_index* """ raise NotImplementedError("TriInterpolator subclasses" + "should implement _interpolate_single_key!") class LinearTriInterpolator(TriInterpolator): """ A LinearTriInterpolator performs linear interpolation on a triangular grid. Each triangle is represented by a plane so that an interpolated value at point (x,y) lies on the plane of the triangle containing (x,y). Interpolated values are therefore continuous across the triangulation, but their first derivatives are discontinuous at edges between triangles. Parameters ---------- triangulation : :class:`~matplotlib.tri.Triangulation` object The triangulation to interpolate over. z : array_like of shape (npoints,) Array of values, defined at grid points, to interpolate between. trifinder : :class:`~matplotlib.tri.TriFinder` object, optional If this is not specified, the Triangulation's default TriFinder will be used by calling :func:`matplotlib.tri.Triangulation.get_trifinder`. Methods ------- `__call__` (x, y) : Returns interpolated values at x,y points `gradient` (x, y) : Returns interpolated derivatives at x,y points """ def __init__(self, triangulation, z, trifinder=None): TriInterpolator.__init__(self, triangulation, z, trifinder) # Store plane coefficients for fast interpolation calculations. self._plane_coefficients = \ self._triangulation.calculate_plane_coefficients(self._z) def __call__(self, x, y): return self._interpolate_multikeys(x, y, tri_index=None, return_keys=('z',))[0] __call__.__doc__ = TriInterpolator.docstring__call__ def gradient(self, x, y): return self._interpolate_multikeys(x, y, tri_index=None, return_keys=('dzdx', 'dzdy')) gradient.__doc__ = TriInterpolator.docstringgradient def _interpolate_single_key(self, return_key, tri_index, x, y): if return_key == 'z': return (self._plane_coefficients[tri_index, 0]*x + self._plane_coefficients[tri_index, 1]*y + self._plane_coefficients[tri_index, 2]) elif return_key == 'dzdx': return self._plane_coefficients[tri_index, 0] elif return_key == 'dzdy': return self._plane_coefficients[tri_index, 1] else: raise ValueError("Invalid return_key: " + return_key) class CubicTriInterpolator(TriInterpolator): """ A CubicTriInterpolator performs cubic interpolation on triangular grids. In one-dimension - on a segment - a cubic interpolating function is defined by the values of the function and its derivative at both ends. This is almost the same in 2-d inside a triangle, except that the values of the function and its 2 derivatives have to be defined at each triangle node. The CubicTriInterpolator takes the value of the function at each node - provided by the user - and internally computes the value of the derivatives, resulting in a smooth interpolation. (As a special feature, the user can also impose the value of the derivatives at each node, but this is not supposed to be the common usage.) Parameters ---------- triangulation : :class:`~matplotlib.tri.Triangulation` object The triangulation to interpolate over. z : array_like of shape (npoints,) Array of values, defined at grid points, to interpolate between. kind : {'min_E', 'geom', 'user'}, optional Choice of the smoothing algorithm, in order to compute the interpolant derivatives (defaults to 'min_E'): - if 'min_E': (default) The derivatives at each node is computed to minimize a bending energy. - if 'geom': The derivatives at each node is computed as a weighted average of relevant triangle normals. To be used for speed optimization (large grids). - if 'user': The user provides the argument `dz`, no computation is hence needed. trifinder : :class:`~matplotlib.tri.TriFinder` object, optional If not specified, the Triangulation's default TriFinder will be used by calling :func:`matplotlib.tri.Triangulation.get_trifinder`. dz : tuple of array_likes (dzdx, dzdy), optional Used only if *kind* ='user'. In this case *dz* must be provided as (dzdx, dzdy) where dzdx, dzdy are arrays of the same shape as *z* and are the interpolant first derivatives at the *triangulation* points. Methods ------- `__call__` (x, y) : Returns interpolated values at x,y points `gradient` (x, y) : Returns interpolated derivatives at x,y points Notes ----- This note is a bit technical and details the way a :class:`~matplotlib.tri.CubicTriInterpolator` computes a cubic interpolation. The interpolation is based on a Clough-Tocher subdivision scheme of the *triangulation* mesh (to make it clearer, each triangle of the grid will be divided in 3 child-triangles, and on each child triangle the interpolated function is a cubic polynomial of the 2 coordinates). This technique originates from FEM (Finite Element Method) analysis; the element used is a reduced Hsieh-Clough-Tocher (HCT) element. Its shape functions are described in [1]_. The assembled function is guaranteed to be C1-smooth, i.e. it is continuous and its first derivatives are also continuous (this is easy to show inside the triangles but is also true when crossing the edges). In the default case (*kind* ='min_E'), the interpolant minimizes a curvature energy on the functional space generated by the HCT element shape functions - with imposed values but arbitrary derivatives at each node. The minimized functional is the integral of the so-called total curvature (implementation based on an algorithm from [2]_ - PCG sparse solver): .. math:: E(z) = \\ \\frac{1}{2} \\int_{\\Omega} \\left( \\left( \\frac{\\partial^2{z}}{\\partial{x}^2} \\right)^2 + \\left( \\frac{\\partial^2{z}}{\\partial{y}^2} \\right)^2 + 2\\left( \\frac{\\partial^2{z}}{\\partial{y}\\partial{x}} \\right)^2 \\right) dx\\,dy If the case *kind* ='geom' is chosen by the user, a simple geometric approximation is used (weighted average of the triangle normal vectors), which could improve speed on very large grids. References ---------- .. [1] Michel Bernadou, Kamal Hassan, "Basis functions for general Hsieh-Clough-Tocher triangles, complete or reduced.", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 17(5):784 - 789. 2.01. .. [2] C.T. Kelley, "Iterative Methods for Optimization". """ def __init__(self, triangulation, z, kind='min_E', trifinder=None, dz=None): TriInterpolator.__init__(self, triangulation, z, trifinder) # Loads the underlying c++ _triangulation. # (During loading, reordering of triangulation._triangles may occur so # that all final triangles are now anti-clockwise) self._triangulation.get_cpp_triangulation() # To build the stiffness matrix and avoid zero-energy spurious modes # we will only store internally the valid (unmasked) triangles and # the necessary (used) points coordinates. # 2 renumbering tables need to be computed and stored: # - a triangle renum table in order to translate the result from a # TriFinder instance into the internal stored triangle number. # - a node renum table to overwrite the self._z values into the new # (used) node numbering. tri_analyzer = TriAnalyzer(self._triangulation) (compressed_triangles, compressed_x, compressed_y, tri_renum, node_renum) = tri_analyzer._get_compressed_triangulation(True, True) self._triangles = compressed_triangles self._tri_renum = tri_renum # Taking into account the node renumbering in self._z: node_mask = (node_renum == -1) self._z[node_renum[~node_mask]] = self._z self._z = self._z[~node_mask] # Computing scale factors self._unit_x = np.max(compressed_x) - np.min(compressed_x) self._unit_y = np.max(compressed_y) - np.min(compressed_y) self._pts = np.vstack((compressed_x/float(self._unit_x), compressed_y/float(self._unit_y))).T # Computing triangle points self._tris_pts = self._pts[self._triangles] # Computing eccentricities self._eccs = self._compute_tri_eccentricities(self._tris_pts) # Computing dof estimations for HCT triangle shape function self._dof = self._compute_dof(kind, dz=dz) # Loading HCT element self._ReferenceElement = _ReducedHCT_Element() def __call__(self, x, y): return self._interpolate_multikeys(x, y, tri_index=None, return_keys=('z',))[0] __call__.__doc__ = TriInterpolator.docstring__call__ def gradient(self, x, y): return self._interpolate_multikeys(x, y, tri_index=None, return_keys=('dzdx', 'dzdy')) gradient.__doc__ = TriInterpolator.docstringgradient + """ Examples -------- An example of effective application is shown below (plot of the direction of the vector field derivated from a known potential field): .. plot:: mpl_examples/pylab_examples/ """ def _interpolate_single_key(self, return_key, tri_index, x, y): tris_pts = self._tris_pts[tri_index] alpha = self._get_alpha_vec(x, y, tris_pts) ecc = self._eccs[tri_index] dof = np.expand_dims(self._dof[tri_index], axis=1) if return_key == 'z': return self._ReferenceElement.get_function_values( alpha, ecc, dof) elif return_key in ['dzdx', 'dzdy']: J = self._get_jacobian(tris_pts) dzdx = self._ReferenceElement.get_function_derivatives( alpha, J, ecc, dof) if return_key == 'dzdx': return dzdx[:, 0, 0] else: return dzdx[:, 1, 0] else: raise ValueError("Invalid return_key: " + return_key) def _compute_dof(self, kind, dz=None): """ Computes and returns nodal dofs according to kind Parameters ---------- kind: {'min_E', 'geom', 'user'} Choice of the _DOF_estimator subclass to perform the gradient estimation. dz: tuple of array_likes (dzdx, dzdy), optional Used only if *kind=user ; in this case passed to the :class:`_DOF_estimator_user`. Returns ------- dof : array_like, shape (npts,2) Estimation of the gradient at triangulation nodes (stored as degree of freedoms of reduced-HCT triangle elements). """ if kind == 'user': if dz is None: raise ValueError("For a CubicTriInterpolator with " "*kind*='user', a valid *dz* " "argument is expected.") TE = _DOF_estimator_user(self, dz=dz) elif kind == 'geom': TE = _DOF_estimator_geom(self) elif kind == 'min_E': TE = _DOF_estimator_min_E(self) else: raise ValueError("CubicTriInterpolator *kind* proposed: {0} ; " "should be one of: " "'user', 'geom', 'min_E'".format(kind)) return TE.compute_dof_from_df() @staticmethod def _get_alpha_vec(x, y, tris_pts): """ Fast (vectorized) function to compute barycentric coordinates alpha. Parameters ---------- x, y : array-like of dim 1 (shape (nx,)) Coordinates of the points whose points barycentric coordinates are requested tris_pts : array like of dim 3 (shape: (nx,3,2)) Coordinates of the containing triangles apexes. Returns ------- alpha : array of dim 2 (shape (nx,3)) Barycentric coordinates of the points inside the containing triangles. """ ndim = tris_pts.ndim-2 a = tris_pts[:, 1, :] - tris_pts[:, 0, :] b = tris_pts[:, 2, :] - tris_pts[:, 0, :] abT = np.concatenate([np.expand_dims(a, ndim+1), np.expand_dims(b, ndim+1)], ndim+1) ab = _transpose_vectorized(abT) x = np.expand_dims(x, ndim) y = np.expand_dims(y, ndim) OM = np.concatenate([x, y], ndim) - tris_pts[:, 0, :] metric = _prod_vectorized(ab, abT) # Here we try to deal with the colinear cases. # metric_inv is in this case set to the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse # meaning that we will still return a set of valid barycentric # coordinates. metric_inv = _pseudo_inv22sym_vectorized(metric) Covar = _prod_vectorized(ab, _transpose_vectorized( np.expand_dims(OM, ndim))) ksi = _prod_vectorized(metric_inv, Covar) alpha = _to_matrix_vectorized([ [1-ksi[:, 0, 0]-ksi[:, 1, 0]], [ksi[:, 0, 0]], [ksi[:, 1, 0]]]) return alpha @staticmethod def _get_jacobian(tris_pts): """ Fast (vectorized) function to compute triangle jacobian matrix. Parameters ---------- tris_pts : array like of dim 3 (shape: (nx,3,2)) Coordinates of the containing triangles apexes. Returns ------- J : array of dim 3 (shape (nx,2,2)) Barycentric coordinates of the points inside the containing triangles. J[itri,:,:] is the jacobian matrix at apex 0 of the triangle itri, so that the following (matrix) relationship holds: [dz/dksi] = [J] x [dz/dx] with x: global coordinates ksi: element parametric coordinates in triangle first apex local basis. """ a = np.array(tris_pts[:, 1, :] - tris_pts[:, 0, :]) b = np.array(tris_pts[:, 2, :] - tris_pts[:, 0, :]) J = _to_matrix_vectorized([[a[:, 0], a[:, 1]], [b[:, 0], b[:, 1]]]) return J @staticmethod def _compute_tri_eccentricities(tris_pts): """ Computes triangle eccentricities Parameters ---------- tris_pts : array like of dim 3 (shape: (nx,3,2)) Coordinates of the triangles apexes. Returns ------- ecc : array like of dim 2 (shape: (nx,3)) The so-called eccentricity parameters [1] needed for HCT triangular element. """ a = np.expand_dims(tris_pts[:, 2, :]-tris_pts[:, 1, :], axis=2) b = np.expand_dims(tris_pts[:, 0, :]-tris_pts[:, 2, :], axis=2) c = np.expand_dims(tris_pts[:, 1, :]-tris_pts[:, 0, :], axis=2) # Do not use np.squeeze, this is dangerous if only one triangle # in the triangulation... dot_a = _prod_vectorized(_transpose_vectorized(a), a)[:, 0, 0] dot_b = _prod_vectorized(_transpose_vectorized(b), b)[:, 0, 0] dot_c = _prod_vectorized(_transpose_vectorized(c), c)[:, 0, 0] # Note that this line will raise a warning for dot_a, dot_b or dot_c # zeros, but we choose not to support triangles with duplicate points. return _to_matrix_vectorized([[(dot_c-dot_b) / dot_a], [(dot_a-dot_c) / dot_b], [(dot_b-dot_a) / dot_c]]) # FEM element used for interpolation and for solving minimisation # problem (Reduced HCT element) class _ReducedHCT_Element(): """ Implementation of reduced HCT triangular element with explicit shape functions. Computes z, dz, d2z and the element stiffness matrix for bending energy: E(f) = integral( (d2z/dx2 + d2z/dy2)**2 dA) *** Reference for the shape functions: *** [1] Basis functions for general Hsieh-Clough-Tocher _triangles, complete or reduced. Michel Bernadou, Kamal Hassan International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 17(5):784 - 789. 2.01 *** Element description: *** 9 dofs: z and dz given at 3 apex C1 (conform) """ # 1) Loads matrices to generate shape functions as a function of # triangle eccentricities - based on [1] p.11 ''' M = np.array([ [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 4.50, 4.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [-0.25, 0.00, 0.00, 0.50, 1.25, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [-0.25, 0.00, 0.00, 1.25, 0.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [ 0.50, 1.00, 0.00, -1.50, 0.00, 3.00, 3.00, 0.00, 0.00, 3.00], [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, -0.25, 0.25, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.50], [ 0.25, 0.00, 0.00, -0.50, -0.25, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00], [ 0.50, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, -1.50, 0.00, 0.00, 3.00, 3.00, 3.00], [ 0.25, 0.00, 0.00, -0.25, -0.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.00], [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.25, -0.25, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.50]]) M0 = np.array([ [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [-1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.50, 1.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, -3.00], [-0.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.75, 0.75, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, -1.50], [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [ 1.00, 0.00, 0.00, -1.50, -1.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 3.00], [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [ 0.50, 0.00, 0.00, -0.75, -0.75, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.50]]) M1 = np.array([ [-0.50, 0.00, 0.00, 1.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [-0.25, 0.00, 0.00, 0.75, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [ 0.50, 0.00, 0.00, -1.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [ 0.25, 0.00, 0.00, -0.75, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00]]) M2 = np.array([ [ 0.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, -1.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [ 0.25, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, -0.75, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [-0.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.50, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [-0.25, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.75, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00]]) # 2) Loads matrices to rotate components of gradient & Hessian # vectors in the reference basis of triangle first apex (a0) rotate_dV = np.array([[ 1., 0.], [ 0., 1.], [ 0., 1.], [-1., -1.], [-1., -1.], [ 1., 0.]]) rotate_d2V = np.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1.], [0., 1., 0.], [1., 1., 1.], [ 0., -2., -1.], [1., 1., 1.], [1., 0., 0.], [-2., 0., -1.]]) # 3) Loads Gauss points & weights on the 3 sub-_triangles for P2 # exact integral - 3 points on each subtriangles. # NOTE: as the 2nd derivative is discontinuous , we really need those 9 # points! n_gauss = 9 gauss_pts = np.array([[13./18., 4./18., 1./18.], [ 4./18., 13./18., 1./18.], [ 7./18., 7./18., 4./18.], [ 1./18., 13./18., 4./18.], [ 1./18., 4./18., 13./18.], [ 4./18., 7./18., 7./18.], [ 4./18., 1./18., 13./18.], [13./18., 1./18., 4./18.], [ 7./18., 4./18., 7./18.]], dtype=np.float64) gauss_w = np.ones([9], dtype=np.float64) / 9. # 4) Stiffness matrix for curvature energy E = np.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 2.]]) # 5) Loads the matrix to compute DOF_rot from tri_J at apex 0 J0_to_J1 = np.array([[-1., 1.], [-1., 0.]]) J0_to_J2 = np.array([[ 0., -1.], [ 1., -1.]]) def get_function_values(self, alpha, ecc, dofs): """ Parameters ---------- alpha : is a (N x 3 x 1) array (array of column-matrices) of barycentric coordinates, ecc : is a (N x 3 x 1) array (array of column-matrices) of triangle eccentricities, dofs : is a (N x 1 x 9) arrays (arrays of row-matrices) of computed degrees of freedom. Returns ------- Returns the N-array of interpolated function values. """ subtri = np.argmin(alpha, axis=1)[:, 0] ksi = _roll_vectorized(alpha, -subtri, axis=0) E = _roll_vectorized(ecc, -subtri, axis=0) x = ksi[:, 0, 0] y = ksi[:, 1, 0] z = ksi[:, 2, 0] x_sq = x*x y_sq = y*y z_sq = z*z V = _to_matrix_vectorized([ [x_sq*x], [y_sq*y], [z_sq*z], [x_sq*z], [x_sq*y], [y_sq*x], [y_sq*z], [z_sq*y], [z_sq*x], [x*y*z]]) prod = _prod_vectorized(self.M, V) prod += _scalar_vectorized(E[:, 0, 0], _prod_vectorized(self.M0, V)) prod += _scalar_vectorized(E[:, 1, 0], _prod_vectorized(self.M1, V)) prod += _scalar_vectorized(E[:, 2, 0], _prod_vectorized(self.M2, V)) s = _roll_vectorized(prod, 3*subtri, axis=0) return _prod_vectorized(dofs, s)[:, 0, 0] def get_function_derivatives(self, alpha, J, ecc, dofs): """ Parameters ---------- *alpha* is a (N x 3 x 1) array (array of column-matrices of barycentric coordinates) *J* is a (N x 2 x 2) array of jacobian matrices (jacobian matrix at triangle first apex) *ecc* is a (N x 3 x 1) array (array of column-matrices of triangle eccentricities) *dofs* is a (N x 1 x 9) arrays (arrays of row-matrices) of computed degrees of freedom. Returns ------- Returns the values of interpolated function derivatives [dz/dx, dz/dy] in global coordinates at locations alpha, as a column-matrices of shape (N x 2 x 1). """ subtri = np.argmin(alpha, axis=1)[:, 0] ksi = _roll_vectorized(alpha, -subtri, axis=0) E = _roll_vectorized(ecc, -subtri, axis=0) x = ksi[:, 0, 0] y = ksi[:, 1, 0] z = ksi[:, 2, 0] x_sq = x*x y_sq = y*y z_sq = z*z dV = _to_matrix_vectorized([ [ -3.*x_sq, -3.*x_sq], [ 3.*y_sq, 0.], [ 0., 3.*z_sq], [ -2.*x*z, -2.*x*z+x_sq], [-2.*x*y+x_sq, -2.*x*y], [ 2.*x*y-y_sq, -y_sq], [ 2.*y*z, y_sq], [ z_sq, 2.*y*z], [ -z_sq, 2.*x*z-z_sq], [ x*z-y*z, x*y-y*z]]) # Puts back dV in first apex basis dV = _prod_vectorized(dV, _extract_submatrices( self.rotate_dV, subtri, block_size=2, axis=0)) prod = _prod_vectorized(self.M, dV) prod += _scalar_vectorized(E[:, 0, 0], _prod_vectorized(self.M0, dV)) prod += _scalar_vectorized(E[:, 1, 0], _prod_vectorized(self.M1, dV)) prod += _scalar_vectorized(E[:, 2, 0], _prod_vectorized(self.M2, dV)) dsdksi = _roll_vectorized(prod, 3*subtri, axis=0) dfdksi = _prod_vectorized(dofs, dsdksi) # In global coordinates: # Here we try to deal with the simpliest colinear cases, returning a # null matrix. J_inv = _safe_inv22_vectorized(J) dfdx = _prod_vectorized(J_inv, _transpose_vectorized(dfdksi)) return dfdx def get_function_hessians(self, alpha, J, ecc, dofs): """ Parameters ---------- *alpha* is a (N x 3 x 1) array (array of column-matrices) of barycentric coordinates *J* is a (N x 2 x 2) array of jacobian matrices (jacobian matrix at triangle first apex) *ecc* is a (N x 3 x 1) array (array of column-matrices) of triangle eccentricities *dofs* is a (N x 1 x 9) arrays (arrays of row-matrices) of computed degrees of freedom. Returns ------- Returns the values of interpolated function 2nd-derivatives [d2z/dx2, d2z/dy2, d2z/dxdy] in global coordinates at locations alpha, as a column-matrices of shape (N x 3 x 1). """ d2sdksi2 = self.get_d2Sidksij2(alpha, ecc) d2fdksi2 = _prod_vectorized(dofs, d2sdksi2) H_rot = self.get_Hrot_from_J(J) d2fdx2 = _prod_vectorized(d2fdksi2, H_rot) return _transpose_vectorized(d2fdx2) def get_d2Sidksij2(self, alpha, ecc): """ Parameters ---------- *alpha* is a (N x 3 x 1) array (array of column-matrices) of barycentric coordinates *ecc* is a (N x 3 x 1) array (array of column-matrices) of triangle eccentricities Returns ------- Returns the arrays d2sdksi2 (N x 3 x 1) Hessian of shape functions expressed in covariante coordinates in first apex basis. """ subtri = np.argmin(alpha, axis=1)[:, 0] ksi = _roll_vectorized(alpha, -subtri, axis=0) E = _roll_vectorized(ecc, -subtri, axis=0) x = ksi[:, 0, 0] y = ksi[:, 1, 0] z = ksi[:, 2, 0] d2V = _to_matrix_vectorized([ [ 6.*x, 6.*x, 6.*x], [ 6.*y, 0., 0.], [ 0., 6.*z, 0.], [ 2.*z, 2.*z-4.*x, 2.*z-2.*x], [2.*y-4.*x, 2.*y, 2.*y-2.*x], [2.*x-4.*y, 0., -2.*y], [ 2.*z, 0., 2.*y], [ 0., 2.*y, 2.*z], [ 0., 2.*x-4.*z, -2.*z], [ -2.*z, -2.*y, x-y-z]]) # Puts back d2V in first apex basis d2V = _prod_vectorized(d2V, _extract_submatrices( self.rotate_d2V, subtri, block_size=3, axis=0)) prod = _prod_vectorized(self.M, d2V) prod += _scalar_vectorized(E[:, 0, 0], _prod_vectorized(self.M0, d2V)) prod += _scalar_vectorized(E[:, 1, 0], _prod_vectorized(self.M1, d2V)) prod += _scalar_vectorized(E[:, 2, 0], _prod_vectorized(self.M2, d2V)) d2sdksi2 = _roll_vectorized(prod, 3*subtri, axis=0) return d2sdksi2 def get_bending_matrices(self, J, ecc): """ Parameters ---------- *J* is a (N x 2 x 2) array of jacobian matrices (jacobian matrix at triangle first apex) *ecc* is a (N x 3 x 1) array (array of column-matrices) of triangle eccentricities Returns ------- Returns the element K matrices for bending energy expressed in GLOBAL nodal coordinates. K_ij = integral [ (d2zi/dx2 + d2zi/dy2) * (d2zj/dx2 + d2zj/dy2) dA] tri_J is needed to rotate dofs from local basis to global basis """ n = np.size(ecc, 0) # 1) matrix to rotate dofs in global coordinates J1 = _prod_vectorized(self.J0_to_J1, J) J2 = _prod_vectorized(self.J0_to_J2, J) DOF_rot = np.zeros([n, 9, 9], dtype=np.float64) DOF_rot[:, 0, 0] = 1 DOF_rot[:, 3, 3] = 1 DOF_rot[:, 6, 6] = 1 DOF_rot[:, 1:3, 1:3] = J DOF_rot[:, 4:6, 4:6] = J1 DOF_rot[:, 7:9, 7:9] = J2 # 2) matrix to rotate Hessian in global coordinates. H_rot, area = self.get_Hrot_from_J(J, return_area=True) # 3) Computes stiffness matrix # Gauss quadrature. K = np.zeros([n, 9, 9], dtype=np.float64) weights = self.gauss_w pts = self.gauss_pts for igauss in range(self.n_gauss): alpha = np.tile(pts[igauss, :], n).reshape(n, 3) alpha = np.expand_dims(alpha, 3) weight = weights[igauss] d2Skdksi2 = self.get_d2Sidksij2(alpha, ecc) d2Skdx2 = _prod_vectorized(d2Skdksi2, H_rot) K += weight * _prod_vectorized(_prod_vectorized(d2Skdx2, self.E), _transpose_vectorized(d2Skdx2)) # 4) With nodal (not elem) dofs K = _prod_vectorized(_prod_vectorized(_transpose_vectorized(DOF_rot), K), DOF_rot) # 5) Need the area to compute total element energy return _scalar_vectorized(area, K) def get_Hrot_from_J(self, J, return_area=False): """ Parameters ---------- *J* is a (N x 2 x 2) array of jacobian matrices (jacobian matrix at triangle first apex) Returns ------- Returns H_rot used to rotate Hessian from local basis of first apex, to global coordinates. if *return_area* is True, returns also the triangle area (0.5*det(J)) """ # Here we try to deal with the simpliest colinear cases ; a null # energy and area is imposed. J_inv = _safe_inv22_vectorized(J) Ji00 = J_inv[:, 0, 0] Ji11 = J_inv[:, 1, 1] Ji10 = J_inv[:, 1, 0] Ji01 = J_inv[:, 0, 1] H_rot = _to_matrix_vectorized([ [Ji00*Ji00, Ji10*Ji10, Ji00*Ji10], [Ji01*Ji01, Ji11*Ji11, Ji01*Ji11], [2*Ji00*Ji01, 2*Ji11*Ji10, Ji00*Ji11+Ji10*Ji01]]) if not return_area: return H_rot else: area = 0.5 * (J[:, 0, 0]*J[:, 1, 1] - J[:, 0, 1]*J[:, 1, 0]) return H_rot, area def get_Kff_and_Ff(self, J, ecc, triangles, Uc): """ Builds K and F for the following elliptic formulation: minimization of curvature energy with value of function at node imposed and derivatives 'free'. Builds the global Kff matrix in cco format. Builds the full Ff vec Ff = - Kfc x Uc Parameters ---------- *J* is a (N x 2 x 2) array of jacobian matrices (jacobian matrix at triangle first apex) *ecc* is a (N x 3 x 1) array (array of column-matrices) of triangle eccentricities *triangles* is a (N x 3) array of nodes indexes. *Uc* is (N x 3) array of imposed displacements at nodes Returns ------- (Kff_rows, Kff_cols, Kff_vals) Kff matrix in coo format - Duplicate (row, col) entries must be summed. Ff: force vector - dim npts * 3 """ ntri = np.size(ecc, 0) vec_range = np.arange(ntri, dtype=np.int32) c_indices = -np.ones(ntri, dtype=np.int32) # for unused dofs, -1 f_dof = [1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8] c_dof = [0, 3, 6] # vals, rows and cols indices in global dof numbering f_dof_indices = _to_matrix_vectorized([[ c_indices, triangles[:, 0]*2, triangles[:, 0]*2+1, c_indices, triangles[:, 1]*2, triangles[:, 1]*2+1, c_indices, triangles[:, 2]*2, triangles[:, 2]*2+1]]) expand_indices = np.ones([ntri, 9, 1], dtype=np.int32) f_row_indices = _prod_vectorized(_transpose_vectorized(f_dof_indices), _transpose_vectorized(expand_indices)) f_col_indices = _prod_vectorized(expand_indices, f_dof_indices) K_elem = self.get_bending_matrices(J, ecc) # Extracting sub-matrices # Explanation & notations: # * Subscript f denotes 'free' degrees of freedom (i.e. dz/dx, dz/dx) # * Subscript c denotes 'condensated' (imposed) degrees of freedom # (i.e. z at all nodes) # * F = [Ff, Fc] is the force vector # * U = [Uf, Uc] is the imposed dof vector # [ Kff Kfc ] # * K = [ ] is the laplacian stiffness matrix # [ Kcf Kff ] # * As F = K x U one gets straightforwardly: Ff = - Kfc x Uc # Computing Kff stiffness matrix in sparse coo format Kff_vals = np.ravel(K_elem[np.ix_(vec_range, f_dof, f_dof)]) Kff_rows = np.ravel(f_row_indices[np.ix_(vec_range, f_dof, f_dof)]) Kff_cols = np.ravel(f_col_indices[np.ix_(vec_range, f_dof, f_dof)]) # Computing Ff force vector in sparse coo format Kfc_elem = K_elem[np.ix_(vec_range, f_dof, c_dof)] Uc_elem = np.expand_dims(Uc, axis=2) Ff_elem = - _prod_vectorized(Kfc_elem, Uc_elem)[:, :, 0] Ff_indices = f_dof_indices[np.ix_(vec_range, [0], f_dof)][:, 0, :] # Extracting Ff force vector in dense format # We have to sum duplicate indices - using bincount Ff = np.bincount(np.ravel(Ff_indices), weights=np.ravel(Ff_elem)) return Kff_rows, Kff_cols, Kff_vals, Ff # :class:_DOF_estimator, _DOF_estimator_user, _DOF_estimator_geom, # _DOF_estimator_min_E # Private classes used to compute the degree of freedom of each triangular # element for the TriCubicInterpolator. class _DOF_estimator(): """ Abstract base class for classes used to perform estimation of a function first derivatives, and deduce the dofs for a CubicTriInterpolator using a reduced HCT element formulation. Derived classes implement compute_df(self,**kwargs), returning np.vstack([dfx,dfy]).T where : dfx, dfy are the estimation of the 2 gradient coordinates. """ def __init__(self, interpolator, **kwargs): if not isinstance(interpolator, CubicTriInterpolator): raise ValueError("Expected a CubicTriInterpolator object") self._pts = interpolator._pts self._tris_pts = interpolator._tris_pts self.z = interpolator._z self._triangles = interpolator._triangles (self._unit_x, self._unit_y) = (interpolator._unit_x, interpolator._unit_y) = self.compute_dz(**kwargs) self.compute_dof_from_df() def compute_dz(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError def compute_dof_from_df(self): """ Computes reduced-HCT elements degrees of freedom, knowing the gradient. """ J = CubicTriInterpolator._get_jacobian(self._tris_pts) tri_z = self.z[self._triangles] tri_dz =[self._triangles] tri_dof = self.get_dof_vec(tri_z, tri_dz, J) return tri_dof @staticmethod def get_dof_vec(tri_z, tri_dz, J): """ Computes the dof vector of a triangle, knowing the value of f, df and of the local Jacobian at each node. *tri_z*: array of shape (3,) of f nodal values *tri_dz*: array of shape (3,2) of df/dx, df/dy nodal values *J*: Jacobian matrix in local basis of apex 0 Returns dof array of shape (9,) so that for each apex iapex: dof[iapex*3+0] = f(Ai) dof[iapex*3+1] = df(Ai).(AiAi+) dof[iapex*3+2] = df(Ai).(AiAi-)] """ npt = tri_z.shape[0] dof = np.zeros([npt, 9], dtype=np.float64) J1 = _prod_vectorized(_ReducedHCT_Element.J0_to_J1, J) J2 = _prod_vectorized(_ReducedHCT_Element.J0_to_J2, J) col0 = _prod_vectorized(J, np.expand_dims(tri_dz[:, 0, :], axis=3)) col1 = _prod_vectorized(J1, np.expand_dims(tri_dz[:, 1, :], axis=3)) col2 = _prod_vectorized(J2, np.expand_dims(tri_dz[:, 2, :], axis=3)) dfdksi = _to_matrix_vectorized([ [col0[:, 0, 0], col1[:, 0, 0], col2[:, 0, 0]], [col0[:, 1, 0], col1[:, 1, 0], col2[:, 1, 0]]]) dof[:, 0:7:3] = tri_z dof[:, 1:8:3] = dfdksi[:, 0] dof[:, 2:9:3] = dfdksi[:, 1] return dof class _DOF_estimator_user(_DOF_estimator): """ dz is imposed by user / Accounts for scaling if any """ def compute_dz(self, dz): (dzdx, dzdy) = dz dzdx = dzdx * self._unit_x dzdy = dzdy * self._unit_y return np.vstack([dzdx, dzdy]).T class _DOF_estimator_geom(_DOF_estimator): """ Fast 'geometric' approximation, recommended for large arrays. """ def compute_dz(self): """ self.df is computed as weighted average of _triangles sharing a common node. On each triangle itri f is first assumed linear (= ~f), which allows to compute d~f[itri] Then the following approximation of df nodal values is then proposed: f[ipt] = SUM ( w[itri] x d~f[itri] , for itri sharing apex ipt) The weighted coeff. w[itri] are proportional to the angle of the triangle itri at apex ipt """ el_geom_w = self.compute_geom_weights() el_geom_grad = self.compute_geom_grads() # Sum of weights coeffs w_node_sum = np.bincount(np.ravel(self._triangles), weights=np.ravel(el_geom_w)) # Sum of weighted df = (dfx, dfy) dfx_el_w = np.empty_like(el_geom_w) dfy_el_w = np.empty_like(el_geom_w) for iapex in range(3): dfx_el_w[:, iapex] = el_geom_w[:, iapex]*el_geom_grad[:, 0] dfy_el_w[:, iapex] = el_geom_w[:, iapex]*el_geom_grad[:, 1] dfx_node_sum = np.bincount(np.ravel(self._triangles), weights=np.ravel(dfx_el_w)) dfy_node_sum = np.bincount(np.ravel(self._triangles), weights=np.ravel(dfy_el_w)) # Estimation of df dfx_estim = dfx_node_sum/w_node_sum dfy_estim = dfy_node_sum/w_node_sum return np.vstack([dfx_estim, dfy_estim]).T def compute_geom_weights(self): """ Builds the (nelems x 3) weights coeffs of _triangles angles, renormalized so that np.sum(weights, axis=1) == np.ones(nelems) """ weights = np.zeros([np.size(self._triangles, 0), 3]) tris_pts = self._tris_pts for ipt in range(3): p0 = tris_pts[:, (ipt) % 3, :] p1 = tris_pts[:, (ipt+1) % 3, :] p2 = tris_pts[:, (ipt-1) % 3, :] alpha1 = np.arctan2(p1[:, 1]-p0[:, 1], p1[:, 0]-p0[:, 0]) alpha2 = np.arctan2(p2[:, 1]-p0[:, 1], p2[:, 0]-p0[:, 0]) # In the below formula we could take modulo 2. but # modulo 1. is safer regarding round-off errors (flat triangles). angle = np.abs(np.mod((alpha2-alpha1) / np.pi, 1.)) # Weight proportional to angle up np.pi/2 ; null weight for # degenerated cases 0. and np.pi (Note that `angle` is normalized # by np.pi) weights[:, ipt] = 0.5 - np.abs(angle-0.5) return weights def compute_geom_grads(self): """ Compute the (global) gradient component of f assumed linear (~f). returns array df of shape (nelems,2) df[ielem].dM[ielem] = dz[ielem] i.e. df = dz x dM = dM.T^-1 x dz """ tris_pts = self._tris_pts tris_f = self.z[self._triangles] dM1 = tris_pts[:, 1, :] - tris_pts[:, 0, :] dM2 = tris_pts[:, 2, :] - tris_pts[:, 0, :] dM = np.dstack([dM1, dM2]) # Here we try to deal with the simpliest colinear cases: a null # gradient is assumed in this case. dM_inv = _safe_inv22_vectorized(dM) dZ1 = tris_f[:, 1] - tris_f[:, 0] dZ2 = tris_f[:, 2] - tris_f[:, 0] dZ = np.vstack([dZ1, dZ2]).T df = np.empty_like(dZ) # With np.einsum : could be ej,eji -> ej df[:, 0] = dZ[:, 0]*dM_inv[:, 0, 0] + dZ[:, 1]*dM_inv[:, 1, 0] df[:, 1] = dZ[:, 0]*dM_inv[:, 0, 1] + dZ[:, 1]*dM_inv[:, 1, 1] return df class _DOF_estimator_min_E(_DOF_estimator_geom): """ The 'smoothest' approximation, df is computed through global minimization of the bending energy: E(f) = integral[(d2z/dx2 + d2z/dy2 + 2 d2z/dxdy)**2 dA] """ def __init__(self, Interpolator): self._eccs = Interpolator._eccs _DOF_estimator_geom.__init__(self, Interpolator) def compute_dz(self): """ Elliptic solver for bending energy minimization. Uses a dedicated 'toy' sparse Jacobi PCG solver. """ # Initial guess for iterative PCG solver. dz_init = _DOF_estimator_geom.compute_dz(self) Uf0 = np.ravel(dz_init) reference_element = _ReducedHCT_Element() J = CubicTriInterpolator._get_jacobian(self._tris_pts) eccs = self._eccs triangles = self._triangles Uc = self.z[self._triangles] # Building stiffness matrix and force vector in coo format Kff_rows, Kff_cols, Kff_vals, Ff = reference_element.get_Kff_and_Ff( J, eccs, triangles, Uc) # Building sparse matrix and solving minimization problem # We could use scipy.sparse direct solver ; however to avoid this # external dependency an implementation of a simple PCG solver with # a simplendiagonal Jocabi preconditioner is implemented. tol = 1.e-10 n_dof = Ff.shape[0] Kff_coo = _Sparse_Matrix_coo(Kff_vals, Kff_rows, Kff_cols, shape=(n_dof, n_dof)) Kff_coo.compress_csc() Uf, err = _cg(A=Kff_coo, b=Ff, x0=Uf0, tol=tol) # If the PCG did not converge, we return the best guess between Uf0 # and Uf. err0 = np.linalg.norm( - Ff) if err0 < err: # Maybe a good occasion to raise a warning here ? warnings.warn("In TriCubicInterpolator initialization, PCG sparse" " solver did not converge after 1000 iterations. " "`geom` approximation is used instead of `min_E`") Uf = Uf0 # Building dz from Uf dz = np.empty([self._pts.shape[0], 2], dtype=np.float64) dz[:, 0] = Uf[::2] dz[:, 1] = Uf[1::2] return dz # The following private :class:_Sparse_Matrix_coo and :func:_cg provide # a PCG sparse solver for (symmetric) elliptic problems. class _Sparse_Matrix_coo: def __init__(self, vals, rows, cols, shape): """ Creates a sparse matrix in coo format *vals*: arrays of values of non-null entries of the matrix *rows*: int arrays of rows of non-null entries of the matrix *cols*: int arrays of cols of non-null entries of the matrix *shape*: 2-tuple (n,m) of matrix shape """ self.n, self.m = shape self.vals = np.asarray(vals, dtype=np.float64) self.rows = np.asarray(rows, dtype=np.int32) self.cols = np.asarray(cols, dtype=np.int32) def dot(self, V): """ Dot product of self by a vector *V* in sparse-dense to dense format *V* dense vector of shape (self.m,) """ assert V.shape == (self.m,) # For a more generic implementation we could use below kw argument # minlength=self.m of bincount ; however: # - it is new in numpy 1.6 # - it is unecessary when each row have at least 1 entry in global # matrix, which is the case here. return np.bincount(self.rows, weights=self.vals*V[self.cols]) def compress_csc(self): """ Compress rows, cols, vals / summing duplicates. Sort for csc format. """ _, unique, indices = np.unique( self.rows + self.n*self.cols, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) self.rows = self.rows[unique] self.cols = self.cols[unique] self.vals = np.bincount(indices, weights=self.vals) def compress_csr(self): """ Compress rows, cols, vals / summing duplicates. Sort for csr format. """ _, unique, indices = np.unique( self.m*self.rows + self.cols, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) self.rows = self.rows[unique] self.cols = self.cols[unique] self.vals = np.bincount(indices, weights=self.vals) def to_dense(self): """ Returns a dense matrix representing self. Mainly for debugging purposes. """ ret = np.zeros([self.n, self.m], dtype=np.float64) nvals = self.vals.size for i in range(nvals): ret[self.rows[i], self.cols[i]] += self.vals[i] return ret def __str__(self): return self.to_dense().__str__() @property def diag(self): """ Returns the (dense) vector of the diagonal elements. """ in_diag = (self.rows == self.cols) diag = np.zeros(min(self.n, self.n), dtype=np.float64) # default 0. diag[self.rows[in_diag]] = self.vals[in_diag] return diag def _cg(A, b, x0=None, tol=1.e-10, maxiter=1000): """ Use Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient iteration to solve A x = b A simple Jacobi (diagonal) preconditionner is used. Parameters ---------- A: _Sparse_Matrix_coo *A* must have been compressed before by compress_csc or compress_csr method. b: array Right hand side of the linear system. Returns ---------- x: array. The converged solution. err: float The absolute error np.linalg.norm( - b) Other parameters ---------- x0: array. Starting guess for the solution. tol: float. Tolerance to achieve. The algorithm terminates when the relative residual is below tol. maxiter: integer. Maximum number of iterations. Iteration will stop after maxiter steps even if the specified tolerance has not been achieved. """ n = b.size assert A.n == n assert A.m == n b_norm = np.linalg.norm(b) # Jacobi pre-conditioner kvec = A.diag # For diag elem < 1e-6 we keep 1e-6. kvec = np.where(kvec > 1.e-6, kvec, 1.e-6) # Initial guess if x0 is None: x = np.zeros(n) else: x = x0 r = b - w = r/kvec p = np.zeros(n) beta = 0.0 rho =, w) k = 0 # Following C. T. Kelley while (np.sqrt(abs(rho)) > tol*b_norm) and (k < maxiter): p = w + beta*p z = alpha = rho/, z) r = r - alpha*z w = r/kvec rhoold = rho rho =, w) x = x + alpha*p beta = rho/rhoold #err = np.linalg.norm( - b) # absolute accuracy - not used k += 1 err = np.linalg.norm( - b) return x, err # The following private functions: # :func:`_inv22_vectorized` # :func:`_safe_inv22_vectorized` # :func:`_pseudo_inv22sym_vectorized` # :func:`_prod_vectorized` # :func:`_scalar_vectorized` # :func:`_transpose_vectorized` # :func:`_roll_vectorized` # :func:`_to_matrix_vectorized` # :func:`_extract_submatrices` # provide fast numpy implementation of some standard operations on arrays of # matrices - stored as (:, n_rows, n_cols)-shaped np.arrays. def _inv22_vectorized(M): """ Inversion of arrays of (2,2) matrices. """ assert (M.ndim == 3) assert (M.shape[-2:] == (2, 2)) M_inv = np.empty_like(M) delta_inv = np.reciprocal(M[:, 0, 0]*M[:, 1, 1] - M[:, 0, 1]*M[:, 1, 0]) M_inv[:, 0, 0] = M[:, 1, 1]*delta_inv M_inv[:, 0, 1] = -M[:, 0, 1]*delta_inv M_inv[:, 1, 0] = -M[:, 1, 0]*delta_inv M_inv[:, 1, 1] = M[:, 0, 0]*delta_inv return M_inv # Development note: Dealing with pathologic 'flat' triangles in the # CubicTriInterpolator code and impact on (2,2)-matrix inversion functions # :func:`_safe_inv22_vectorized` and :func:`_pseudo_inv22sym_vectorized`. # # Goals: # 1) The CubicTriInterpolator should be able to handle flat or almost flat # triangles without raising an error, # 2) These degenerated triangles should have no impact on the automatic dof # calculation (associated with null weight for the _DOF_estimator_geom and # with null energy for the _DOF_estimator_min_E), # 3) Linear patch test should be passed exactly on degenerated meshes, # 4) Interpolation (with :meth:`_interpolate_single_key` or # :meth:`_interpolate_multi_key`) shall be correctly handled even *inside* # the pathologic triangles, to interact correctly with a TriRefiner class. # # Difficulties: # Flat triangles have rank-deficient *J* (so-called jacobian matrix) and # *metric* (the metric tensor = J x J.T). Computation of the local # tangent plane is also problematic. # # Implementation: # Most of the time, when computing the inverse of a rank-deficient matrix it # is safe to simply return the null matrix (which is the implementation in # :func:`_safe_inv22_vectorized`). This is because of point 2), itself # enforced by: # - null area hence null energy in :class:`_DOF_estimator_min_E` # - angles close or equal to 0 or np.pi hence null weight in # :class:`_DOF_estimator_geom`. # Note that the function angle -> weight is continuous and maximum for an # angle np.pi/2 (refer to :meth:`compute_geom_weights`) # The exception is the computation of barycentric coordinates, which is done # by inversion of the *metric* matrix. In this case, we need to compute a set # of valid coordinates (1 among numerous possibilities), to ensure point 4). # We benefit here from the symmetry of metric = J x J.T, which makes it easier # to compute a pseudo-inverse in :func:`_pseudo_inv22sym_vectorized` def _safe_inv22_vectorized(M): """ Inversion of arrays of (2,2) matrices, returns 0 for rank-deficient matrices. *M* : array of (2,2) matrices to inverse, shape (n,2,2) """ assert M.ndim == 3 assert M.shape[-2:] == (2, 2) M_inv = np.empty_like(M) prod1 = M[:, 0, 0]*M[:, 1, 1] delta = prod1 - M[:, 0, 1]*M[:, 1, 0] # We set delta_inv to 0. in case of a rank deficient matrix ; a # rank-deficient input matrix *M* will lead to a null matrix in output rank2 = (np.abs(delta) > 1e-8*np.abs(prod1)) if np.all(rank2): # Normal 'optimized' flow. delta_inv = 1./delta else: # 'Pathologic' flow. delta_inv = np.zeros(M.shape[0]) delta_inv[rank2] = 1./delta[rank2] M_inv[:, 0, 0] = M[:, 1, 1]*delta_inv M_inv[:, 0, 1] = -M[:, 0, 1]*delta_inv M_inv[:, 1, 0] = -M[:, 1, 0]*delta_inv M_inv[:, 1, 1] = M[:, 0, 0]*delta_inv return M_inv def _pseudo_inv22sym_vectorized(M): """ Inversion of arrays of (2,2) SYMMETRIC matrices ; returns the (Moore-Penrose) pseudo-inverse for rank-deficient matrices. In case M is of rank 1, we have M = trace(M) x P where P is the orthogonal projection on Im(M), and we return trace(M)^-1 x P == M / trace(M)**2 In case M is of rank 0, we return the null matrix. *M* : array of (2,2) matrices to inverse, shape (n,2,2) """ assert M.ndim == 3 assert M.shape[-2:] == (2, 2) M_inv = np.empty_like(M) prod1 = M[:, 0, 0]*M[:, 1, 1] delta = prod1 - M[:, 0, 1]*M[:, 1, 0] rank2 = (np.abs(delta) > 1e-8*np.abs(prod1)) if np.all(rank2): # Normal 'optimized' flow. M_inv[:, 0, 0] = M[:, 1, 1] / delta M_inv[:, 0, 1] = -M[:, 0, 1] / delta M_inv[:, 1, 0] = -M[:, 1, 0] / delta M_inv[:, 1, 1] = M[:, 0, 0] / delta else: # 'Pathologic' flow. # Here we have to deal with 2 sub-cases # 1) First sub-case: matrices of rank 2: delta = delta[rank2] M_inv[rank2, 0, 0] = M[rank2, 1, 1] / delta M_inv[rank2, 0, 1] = -M[rank2, 0, 1] / delta M_inv[rank2, 1, 0] = -M[rank2, 1, 0] / delta M_inv[rank2, 1, 1] = M[rank2, 0, 0] / delta # 2) Second sub-case: rank-deficient matrices of rank 0 and 1: rank01 = ~rank2 tr = M[rank01, 0, 0] + M[rank01, 1, 1] tr_zeros = (np.abs(tr) < 1.e-8) sq_tr_inv = (1.-tr_zeros) / (tr**2+tr_zeros) #sq_tr_inv = 1. / tr**2 M_inv[rank01, 0, 0] = M[rank01, 0, 0] * sq_tr_inv M_inv[rank01, 0, 1] = M[rank01, 0, 1] * sq_tr_inv M_inv[rank01, 1, 0] = M[rank01, 1, 0] * sq_tr_inv M_inv[rank01, 1, 1] = M[rank01, 1, 1] * sq_tr_inv return M_inv def _prod_vectorized(M1, M2): """ Matrix product between arrays of matrices, or a matrix and an array of matrices (*M1* and *M2*) """ sh1 = M1.shape sh2 = M2.shape assert len(sh1) >= 2 assert len(sh2) >= 2 assert sh1[-1] == sh2[-2] ndim1 = len(sh1) t1_index = list(xrange(ndim1-2)) + [ndim1-1, ndim1-2] return np.sum(np.transpose(M1, t1_index)[..., np.newaxis] * M2[..., np.newaxis, :], -3) def _scalar_vectorized(scalar, M): """ Scalar product between scalars and matrices. """ return scalar[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]*M def _transpose_vectorized(M): """ Transposition of an array of matrices *M*. """ ndim = M.ndim assert ndim == 3 return np.transpose(M, [0, ndim-1, ndim-2]) def _roll_vectorized(M, roll_indices, axis): """ Rolls an array of matrices along an axis according to an array of indices *roll_indices* *axis* can be either 0 (rolls rows) or 1 (rolls columns). """ assert axis in [0, 1] ndim = M.ndim assert ndim == 3 ndim_roll = roll_indices.ndim assert ndim_roll == 1 sh = M.shape r, c = sh[-2:] assert sh[0] == roll_indices.shape[0] vec_indices = np.arange(sh[0], dtype=np.int32) # Builds the rolled matrix M_roll = np.empty_like(M) if axis == 0: for ir in range(r): for ic in range(c): M_roll[:, ir, ic] = M[vec_indices, (-roll_indices+ir) % r, ic] elif axis == 1: for ir in range(r): for ic in range(c): M_roll[:, ir, ic] = M[vec_indices, ir, (-roll_indices+ic) % c] return M_roll def _to_matrix_vectorized(M): """ Builds an array of matrices from individuals np.arrays of identical shapes. *M*: ncols-list of nrows-lists of shape sh. Returns M_res np.array of shape (sh, nrow, ncols) so that: M_res[...,i,j] = M[i][j] """ assert isinstance(M, (tuple, list)) assert all([isinstance(item, (tuple, list)) for item in M]) c_vec = np.asarray([len(item) for item in M]) assert np.all(c_vec-c_vec[0] == 0) r = len(M) c = c_vec[0] M00 = np.asarray(M[0][0]) dt = M00.dtype sh = [M00.shape[0], r, c] M_ret = np.empty(sh, dtype=dt) for irow in range(r): for icol in range(c): M_ret[:, irow, icol] = np.asarray(M[irow][icol]) return M_ret def _extract_submatrices(M, block_indices, block_size, axis): """ Extracts selected blocks of a matrices *M* depending on parameters *block_indices* and *block_size*. Returns the array of extracted matrices *Mres* so that: M_res[...,ir,:] = M[(block_indices*block_size+ir), :] """ assert block_indices.ndim == 1 assert axis in [0, 1] r, c = M.shape if axis == 0: sh = [block_indices.shape[0], block_size, c] elif axis == 1: sh = [block_indices.shape[0], r, block_size] dt = M.dtype M_res = np.empty(sh, dtype=dt) if axis == 0: for ir in range(block_size): M_res[:, ir, :] = M[(block_indices*block_size+ir), :] elif axis == 1: for ic in range(block_size): M_res[:, :, ic] = M[:, (block_indices*block_size+ic)] return M_res
import sys import getopt import collections from numpy import linspace import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import m2_s_t from dna.model import IterateModel def round_down(num, divisor): return num - (num%divisor) def round_up(num, divisor): return num + (num%divisor) def iterable(obj): return isinstance(obj, collections.Iterable) print('Loaded environment. Simulating...') # Simulation conditions cond = {} cond['t_steam'] = 450 cond['p_hi'] = 100 cond['t_con'] = 20 cond['molefrac_rcvr'] = 0.4 # Weak condition cond['molefrac_stor'] = 0.6 # Weak condition cond['nu_is'] = 0.8 cond['nu_mech'] = 0.98 cond['nu_pump'] = 0.90 cond['Q_rcvr'] = 0 cond['Q_stor'] = 25000 cond['dT_con'] = 15 cond['pinch_hex'] = 5 cond['pinch_con'] = 4 cond['pinch_stor'] = 5 cond['Nseg'] = 11 cond['Nseg_con'] = 1 # Handle command line options if len(sys.argv) > 1: print(sys.argv) _args = sys.argv.copy() _args.pop(0) optlist, args = getopt.getopt(_args, '', ['pressure=', 'y-rcvr=', 'y-stor=', 'y-lpp=']) for i, opt in enumerate(optlist): if opt[0] == '--pressure': cond['p_hi'] = float(opt[1]) elif opt[0] == '--y-rcvr': cond['molefrac_rcvr'] = float(opt[1]) elif opt[0] == '--y-stor': cond['molefrac_stor'] = float(opt[1]) elif opt[0] == '--y-lpp': cond['molefrac_lpp'] = float(opt[1]) # Simulation guesses (iterate!!): cond['molefrac_n15'] = cond['molefrac_stor'] cond['molefrac_n41'] = cond['molefrac_rcvr'] if not 'molefrac_lpp' in cond: cond['molefrac_lpp'] = (cond['molefrac_rcvr'] + cond['molefrac_stor'])/4 cond['h_node5'] = False # That means no start value is given cond['t_node15.1'] = False cond['t_node41.1'] = False cond['t_node17.1'] = False # Pass initial conditions to model and run/iterate it try: runner = IterateModel(m2_s_t.MyModel, cond) model = except KeyboardInterrupt: # If it takes too long, we can also just return the last iteration print('Halted execution..') model = runner.lastRun finally: #eff = model.result['eff'] simname = 'm2-p{0:.2f}-ys{1:.2f}-yb{2:.2f}'.format(cond['p_hi'], cond['molefrac_n15'], cond['molefrac_n41']) # Export result model.export('m2/'+simname) # Export log runner.export('m2/'+simname+'-log') print('Plotting...') com = model.result for i in com: if iterable(com[i]) and 'Th' in com[i]: curr = com[i] # Efficiency calculation seems inaccurate. eff: {2:.2%}, _title = '{0} - Pinch: {1:.2f}, Q: {3:.2f} [kW]'.format(i.capitalize(), curr['dTmin'], curr['eff'], curr['Q']) x = linspace(0,1,len(curr['Th'])) miny = round_down(min(min(curr['Tc']),min(curr['Th']))-1,10) maxy = round_up(max(max(curr['Tc']),max(curr['Th']))+1,10) plt.plot(x, curr['Th'], 'r->',label='Hot') plt.plot(x, curr['Tc'], 'b-<',label='Cold') plt.xlabel('Location in HEX') plt.ylabel(r'Temperature [$^\circ$C]') plt.title(_title) plt.ylim(miny,maxy) plt.grid(True) plt.savefig('output/m2/m2-pinch_' + str(i) + '.png') plt.close() else: # Do nothing pass # Plot print('Finished execution')
# Setup script for the probscale package # # Usage: python install import os from setuptools import setup, find_packages DESCRIPTION = "mpl-probscale: Probabily scales for matplotlib" LONG_DESCRIPTION = DESCRIPTION NAME = "probscale" VERSION = "0.2.3" AUTHOR = "Paul Hobson (Geosyntec Consultants)" AUTHOR_EMAIL = "" URL = "" DOWNLOAD_URL = "" LICENSE = "BSD 3-clause" PACKAGES = find_packages() PLATFORMS = "Python 2.7, 3.4 and later." CLASSIFIERS = [ "License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License", "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Programming Language :: Python", "Intended Audience :: Science/Research", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules", 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', ] INSTALL_REQUIRES = ['numpy', 'matplotlib'] PACKAGE_DATA = { 'probscale.tests.baseline_images.test_viz': ['*png'], 'probscale.tests.baseline_images.test_probscale': ['*png'], } setup( name=NAME, version=VERSION, author=AUTHOR, author_email=AUTHOR_EMAIL, url=URL, description=DESCRIPTION, long_description=LONG_DESCRIPTION, download_url=DOWNLOAD_URL, license=LICENSE, packages=PACKAGES, package_data=PACKAGE_DATA, platforms=PLATFORMS, classifiers=CLASSIFIERS, install_requires=INSTALL_REQUIRES, zip_safe=False, )
""" The :mod:`sklearn.ensemble` module includes ensemble-based methods for classification and regression. """ from .base import BaseEnsemble from .forest import RandomForestClassifier from .forest import RandomForestRegressor from .forest import RandomTreesEmbedding from .forest import ExtraTreesClassifier from .forest import ExtraTreesRegressor from .bagging import BaggingClassifier from .bagging import BaggingRegressor from .weight_boosting import AdaBoostClassifier from .weight_boosting import AdaBoostRegressor from .gradient_boosting import GradientBoostingClassifier from .gradient_boosting import GradientBoostingRegressor from .voting_classifier import VotingClassifier from . import bagging from . import forest from . import weight_boosting from . import gradient_boosting from . import partial_dependence __all__ = ["BaseEnsemble", "RandomForestClassifier", "RandomForestRegressor", "RandomTreesEmbedding", "ExtraTreesClassifier", "ExtraTreesRegressor", "BaggingClassifier", "BaggingRegressor", "GradientBoostingClassifier", "GradientBoostingRegressor", "AdaBoostClassifier", "AdaBoostRegressor", "VotingClassifier", "bagging", "forest", "gradient_boosting", "partial_dependence", "weight_boosting"]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun Mar 13 21:18:27 2016 @author: Maximilian N. Guenther Battcock Centre for Experimental Astrophysics, Cavendish Laboratory, JJ Thomson Avenue Cambridge CB3 0HE Email: """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #from scipy import stats #needed for stats.nanmean/median on ngtshead ###################################################################### # BINNING WITHOUT TIME GAPS # !!! DO NOT USE FOR COMBINING DIFFERENT NIGHTS !!! ###################################################################### def binning1D(arr, bin_width, setting='mean', normalize=False): """ WARNING: this does not respect boundaries between different night; will average data from different nights""" N_time = len(arr) N_bins = np.int64(np.ceil(1.*N_time / bin_width)) binarr, binarr_err = np.zeros((2,N_bins)) bin_width = int(bin_width) if setting=='mean': for nn in range(N_bins): binarr[nn] = np.nanmean(arr[nn*bin_width:(nn+1)*bin_width]) binarr_err[nn] = np.nanstd(arr[nn*bin_width:(nn+1)*bin_width]) if setting=='median': for nn in range(N_bins): binarr[nn] = np.nanmedian(arr[nn*bin_width:(nn+1)*bin_width]) binarr_err[nn] = 1.48 * np.nanmedian(abs(arr[nn*bin_width:(nn+1)*bin_width] - binarr[nn])) if normalize==True: med = np.nanmedian(binarr) binarr /= med binarr_err /= med return binarr, binarr_err def binning2D(arr, bin_width, setting='mean', normalize=False, axis=1): #arr being 2D array, with objs on x and time stamps on y """ WARNING: this does not respect boundaries between different night; will average data from different nights""" N_time = arr.shape[1] # print N N_objs = arr.shape[0] # print N_objs N_bins = np.int64(np.ceil(1.*N_time / bin_width)) # print N_bins binarr, binarr_err = np.zeros((2,N_objs,N_bins)) # print arr.shape # print binarr.shape bin_width = int(bin_width) if setting=='mean': for nn in range(N_bins): binarr[:,nn] = np.nanmean(arr[:,nn*bin_width:(nn+1)*bin_width], axis=axis) binarr_err[:,nn] = np.nanstd(arr[:,nn*bin_width:(nn+1)*bin_width], axis=axis) if setting=='median': for nn in range(N_bins): binarr[:,nn] = np.nanmedian(arr[:,nn*bin_width:(nn+1)*bin_width], axis=axis) binarr_err[:,nn] = 1.48 * np.nanmedian(abs(arr[:,nn*bin_width:(nn+1)*bin_width] - binarr[:,nn])) if normalize==True: med = np.nanmedian(binarr) binarr /= med binarr_err /= med # print arr.shape # print binarr.shape return binarr, binarr_err ###################################################################### # BINNING WITH TIME GAPS # !!! USE THIS FOR COMBINING DIFFERENT NIGHTS !!! ###################################################################### def bin_edge_indices(time1D, bin_width, timegap, N_time): """ DETERMINE ALL THE BIN-EDGE-INDICES (TO NOT BIN OVER DIFFERENT NIGHTS)""" """ this currently relies on the fact that timestamps for all are approximately the same (given for the case of a HJD array that represents MJD values with small corrections)""" # ind_start_of_night = np.append( 0 , np.where( np.diff(time) > timegap )[0] + 1 ) ind_end_of_night = np.append( np.where( np.diff(time1D) > timegap )[0], len(np.diff(time1D)-1 ) ) N_nights = len(ind_end_of_night) first_ind = [0] last_ind = [] i = 0 # j = 0 while ((first_ind[-1] < N_time) & (i < N_nights) ): if (first_ind[-1]+bin_width) < ind_end_of_night[i]: last_ind.append( first_ind[-1] + bin_width ) else: last_ind.append( ind_end_of_night[i] ) i += 1 first_ind.append( last_ind[-1] + 1 ) # j += 1 del first_ind[-1] return first_ind, last_ind def binning1D_per_night(time, arr, bin_width, timegap=3600, setting='mean', normalize=False): """ If time and arr are 1D arrays """ N_time = len(arr) bin_width = int(bin_width) first_ind, last_ind = bin_edge_indices(time, bin_width, timegap, N_time) N_bins = len(first_ind) bintime, binarr, binarr_err = np.zeros((3,N_bins)) * np.nan if setting=='mean': for nn in range(N_bins): #skip no/single data points if last_ind[nn] > first_ind[nn]: bintime[nn] = np.nanmean( time[first_ind[nn]:last_ind[nn]] ) #skip All-NAN slices (i.e. where all flux data is masked) if ( np.isnan(arr[first_ind[nn]:last_ind[nn]]).all() == False ): binarr[nn] = np.nanmean( arr[first_ind[nn]:last_ind[nn]] ) binarr_err[nn] = np.nanstd( arr[first_ind[nn]:last_ind[nn]] ) elif setting=='median': for nn in range(N_bins): #skip no/single data points if (last_ind[nn] > first_ind[nn]): bintime[nn] = np.nanmedian( time[first_ind[nn]:last_ind[nn]] ) #skip All-NAN slices (i.e. where all flux data is masked) if ( np.isnan(arr[first_ind[nn]:last_ind[nn]]).all() == False ): binarr[nn] = np.nanmedian( arr[first_ind[nn]:last_ind[nn]] ) binarr_err[nn] = 1.48 * np.nanmedian( abs(arr[first_ind[nn]:last_ind[nn]] - binarr[nn]) ) if normalize==True: med = np.nanmedian(binarr) binarr /= med binarr_err /= med return bintime, binarr, binarr_err def binning2D_per_night(time, arr, bin_width, timegap=3600, setting='mean', normalize=False, axis=1): """ If time and arr are each a 2D array, with different objs on x and different time stamps on y""" """ this currently relies on the fact that timestamps for all are approximately the same (given for the case of a HJD array that represents MJD values with small corrections)""" N_time = arr.shape[1] N_objs = arr.shape[0] bin_width = int(bin_width) first_ind, last_ind = bin_edge_indices(time[0,:], bin_width, timegap, N_time) N_bins = len(first_ind) bintime, binarr, binarr_err = np.zeros((3,N_objs,N_bins)) if setting=='mean': for nn in range(N_bins): bintime[:,nn] = np.nanmean( time[:,first_ind[nn]:last_ind[nn]], axis=axis ) binarr[:,nn] = np.nanmean( arr[:,first_ind[nn]:last_ind[nn]], axis=axis ) binarr_err[:,nn] = np.nanstd( arr[:,first_ind[nn]:last_ind[nn]], axis=axis ) elif setting=='median': for nn in range(N_bins): bintime[:,nn] = np.nanmedian( time[:,first_ind[nn]:last_ind[nn]], axis=axis ) binarr[:,nn] = np.nanmedian( arr[:,first_ind[nn]:last_ind[nn]], axis=axis ) binarr_err[:,nn] = 1.48 * np.nanmedian( abs(arr[:,first_ind[nn]:last_ind[nn]] - binarr[:,nn]) ) if normalize==True: med = np.nanmedian(binarr) binarr /= med binarr_err /= med return bintime, binarr, binarr_err def binning1D_per_night_list(time, arr, bin_width, timegap=3600, setting='mean', normalize=False): """ different style of program, same application """ N = len(time) bin_width = int(bin_width) bintime = [] binarr = [] binarr_err = [] # ind_start_of_night = np.append( 0 , np.where( np.diff(time) > timegap )[0] + 1 ) ind_end_of_night = np.append( np.where( np.diff(time) > timegap )[0], len(np.diff(time)-1 ) ) N_nights = len(ind_end_of_night) first_ind = 0 i = 0 if setting=='mean': while ((first_ind < N) & (i < N_nights) ): if (first_ind+bin_width) < ind_end_of_night[i]: last_ind = first_ind+bin_width else: last_ind = ind_end_of_night[i] i += 1 bintime.append( np.nanmean( time[first_ind:last_ind] ) ) binarr.append( np.nanmean( arr[first_ind:last_ind] ) ) binarr_err.append( np.nanstd(arr[first_ind:last_ind]) ) first_ind = last_ind + 1 elif setting=='median': while first_ind < N: if (first_ind+bin_width) < ind_end_of_night[i]: last_ind = first_ind+bin_width else: last_ind = ind_end_of_night[i] i += 1 bintime.append( np.nanmedian( time[first_ind:last_ind] ) ) binarr.append( np.nanmedian( arr[first_ind:last_ind] ) ) binarr_err.append( 1.48 * np.nanmedian(abs( arr[first_ind:last_ind] - binarr[-1])) ) first_ind = last_ind bintime = np.array(bintime) binarr = np.array(binarr) binarr_err = np.array(binarr_err) if normalize==True: med = np.nanmedian(binarr) binarr /= med binarr_err /= med return bintime, binarr, binarr_err ###################################################################### # MAIN (FOR TESTING) ###################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': ###################################################################### # TEST binning2D_per_night ###################################################################### arr = np.array([[1,2,3,4,5,6, 67,68,64, -10,-11,-13], \ [1,2,3,4,5,6, 24,28,32, 10,11,13]]) time = np.array([[1,2,3,4,5,6, 10001,10002,10003, 20001,20002,20003], \ [1,2,3,4,5,6.1, 10001,10002.1,10003.3, 20001,20002,20003]]) bintime,binarr, _ = binning2D_per_night(time,arr,6) plt.figure() plt.plot(time,arr,'k.') plt.plot(bintime,binarr,'r.') ###################################################################### # TEST binning1D_per_night ###################################################################### arr = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6, 67,68,64, -10,-11,-13]) time = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6, 10001,10002,10003, 20001,20002,20003]) bintime,binarr, _ = binning1D_per_night(time,arr,6) plt.figure() plt.plot(time,arr,'k.') plt.plot(bintime,binarr,'r.')
""" =================================================== Label Propagation digits: Demonstrating performance =================================================== This example demonstrates the power of semisupervised learning by training a Label Spreading model to classify handwritten digits with sets of very few labels. The handwritten digit dataset has 1797 total points. The model will be trained using all points, but only 30 will be labeled. Results in the form of a confusion matrix and a series of metrics over each class will be very good. At the end, the top 10 most uncertain predictions will be shown. """ print(__doc__) # Authors: Clay Woolam <> # Licence: BSD import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import stats from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.semi_supervised import label_propagation from sklearn.metrics import metrics from sklearn.metrics.metrics import confusion_matrix digits = datasets.load_digits() rng = np.random.RandomState(0) indices = np.arange(len( rng.shuffle(indices) X =[indices[:330]] y =[indices[:330]] images = digits.images[indices[:330]] n_total_samples = len(y) n_labeled_points = 30 indices = np.arange(n_total_samples) unlabeled_set = indices[n_labeled_points:] # shuffle everything around y_train = np.copy(y) y_train[unlabeled_set] = -1 ############################################################################### # Learn with LabelSpreading lp_model = label_propagation.LabelSpreading(gamma=0.25, max_iter=5), y_train) predicted_labels = lp_model.transduction_[unlabeled_set] true_labels = y[unlabeled_set] cm = confusion_matrix(true_labels, predicted_labels, labels=lp_model.classes_) print("Label Spreading model: %d labeled & %d unlabeled points (%d total)" % (n_labeled_points, n_total_samples - n_labeled_points, n_total_samples)) print(metrics.classification_report(true_labels, predicted_labels)) print("Confusion matrix") print(cm) # calculate uncertainty values for each transduced distribution pred_entropies = stats.distributions.entropy(lp_model.label_distributions_.T) # pick the top 10 most uncertain labels uncertainty_index = np.argsort(pred_entropies)[-10:] ############################################################################### # plot f = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5)) for index, image_index in enumerate(uncertainty_index): image = images[image_index] sub = f.add_subplot(2, 5, index + 1) sub.imshow(image, plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) sub.set_title('predict: %i\ntrue: %i' % ( lp_model.transduction_[image_index], y[image_index])) f.suptitle('Learning with small amount of labeled data')
# coding: utf-8 # In[1]: # 啟動互動式繪圖環境 get_ipython().magic(u'pylab inline') # In[2]: # 引入相依套件 import numpy as np import pandas as pd from numpy import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 引入檔案 # 資料來源 3008 大立光 2012-8/1 ~ 2014-12/09 # datapath = '/Users/wy/Desktop/3008.txt' data = pd.read_csv(datapath) # In[3]: # 看檔案前N筆 data.head(5) # In[4]: # data詳細資料 總數,平均數,標準差... data.describe() # In[5]: # 技術分析資料來源 # # In[6]: # Rise Ratio 漲幅比 def RR(data): # 由於 data 新到舊 0~xxx,遞增,因此需反轉陣列 dataList = range(data['Date'].size) dataList.reverse() tmpList = [] for item in dataList: # 防止 第一筆data沒有更舊的 if item-1 >=0: # (今日收盤價 - 昨日收盤價)/昨日收盤價 tmp = (data['Close'][item-1]-data['Close'][item])/data['Close'][item]*100 tmpList.append(tmp) # 前day 沒data會出現NA tmpList.reverse() tmpSeries = pd.Series(tmpList) # create RR 欄位 data['RR']=tmpSeries # In[7]: # 威廉指標(WMS%R或%R) def WMS(data,day): # 由於 data 新到舊 0~xxx,遞增,因此需反轉陣列 dataList = range(data['Date'].size) dataList.reverse() tmpList = [] for item in dataList: # 防止前day沒有data if item-day+1 >= 0: # 9日WMS%R =(9日內最高價-第9日收盤價) / (9日內最高價-9日內最低價)*100 # [item-day+1:item+1] 今日區間 [item-day+1] 第N日 583-9=574+1=575 tmp = (data['High'][item-day+1:item+1].max()-data['Close'][item-day+1])/(data['High'][item-day+1:item+1].max()-data['Low'][item-day+1:item+1].min())*100 tmpList.append(tmp) # 前day 沒data會出現NA tmpList.reverse() tmpSeries = pd.Series(tmpList) # create WMS 欄位 data['WMS']=tmpSeries # In[8]: # 買賣意願指標 day 建議26 def BR(data,day): # 由於 data 新到舊 0~xxx,遞增,因此需反轉陣列 dataList = range(data['Date'].size) dataList.reverse() tmpList = [] for item in dataList: # 防止前day沒有data if item-day >= 0: # 26日BR = (今日最高價 - 昨日收盤價)26天累計總數 / (昨日收盤價 - 今日最低價)26天累計總數 # [(item-day+1)-1:(item+1)-1] 有-1 今日區間 [(item-day+1):(item+1)] 昨日區間 tmp = (data['High'][(item-day+1)-1:(item+1)-1].sum()-data['Close'][item-day+1:item+1].sum())/(data['Close'][item-day+1:item+1].sum()-data['Low'][(item-day+1)-1:(item+1)-1].sum()) tmpList.append(tmp) # 前day 沒data會出現NA tmpList.reverse() tmpSeries = pd.Series(tmpList) # create BR 欄位 data['BR']=tmpSeries # In[9]: # 買賣氣勢指標 day建議26 def AR(data,day): # 由於 data 新到舊 0~xxx,遞增,因此需反轉陣列 dataList = range(data['Date'].size) dataList.reverse() tmpList = [] for item in dataList: # 防止前day沒有data if item-day+1 >= 0: # 26日AR = (最高價 - 開盤價)26天累計總數 / (開盤價 - 最低價)26天累計總數 # [item-day+1:item+1] 今日區間 tmp = (data['High'][item-day+1:item+1].sum()-data['Open'][item-day+1:item+1].sum())/(data['Open'][item-day+1:item+1].sum()-data['Low'][item-day+1:item+1].sum()) tmpList.append(tmp) # 前day 沒data會出現NA tmpList.reverse() tmpSeries = pd.Series(tmpList) # create AR 欄位 data['AR']=tmpSeries # In[10]: # 平均成交量 mean volumn day建議12 def MV(data,day): # 由於 data 新到舊 0~xxx,遞增,因此需反轉陣列 dataList = range(data['Date'].size) dataList.reverse() tmpList = [] for item in dataList: # 防止前day沒有data if item-day+1 >= 0: # N日平均量 = N日內的成交量總和 / N # [item-day+1:item+1] 今日區間 tmp = data['Volume'][item-day+1:item+1].mean() tmpList.append(tmp) # 前day 沒data會出現NA tmpList.reverse() tmpSeries = pd.Series(tmpList) # create MV 欄位 data['MV']=tmpSeries # In[11]: # 移動平均線(MA,Moving Average) 建議12 def MA(data,day): # 由於 data 新到舊 0~xxx,遞增,因此需反轉陣列 dataList = range(data['Date'].size) dataList.reverse() tmpList = [] for item in dataList: # 防止前day沒有data if item-day+1 >= 0: # 移動平均數 = 採樣天數的股價合計 / 採樣天數 # [item-day+1:item+1] 今日區間 tmp = data['Close'][item-day+1:item+1].mean() tmpList.append(tmp) # 前day 沒data會出現NA tmpList.reverse() tmpSeries = pd.Series(tmpList) # create MA 欄位 data['MA'+str(day)]=tmpSeries # In[12]: # 心理線(PSY) 建議13 def PSY(data,day): # 由於 data 新到舊 0~xxx,遞增,因此需反轉陣列 dataList = range(data['Date'].size) dataList.reverse() tmpList = [] for item in dataList: # 防止前day沒有data if item-day >= 0: # 13日PSY值 = ( 13日內之上漲天數 / 13 ) * 100 # [item-day+1-1:item+1-1] 跳一天 最早的天沒有RR值 count = 0 for a in data['RR'][item-day+1-1:item+1-1]: if a > 0: count+=1 tmp = float(count)/float(13)*100 tmpList.append(tmp) # 前day 沒data會出現NA tmpList.reverse() tmpSeries = pd.Series(tmpList) # create PSY 欄位 data['PSY']=tmpSeries # In[13]: # 能量潮(OBV) 建議12 def OBV(data,day): # 由於 data 新到舊 0~xxx,遞增,因此需反轉陣列 dataList = range(data['Date'].size) dataList.reverse() tmpList = [] for item in dataList: # 防止前day沒有data if item-day >= 0: # 今日OBV值 = 最近12天股價上漲日成交量總和 - 最近12天股價下跌日成交量總和 # 先由 ['RR'] 求出boolean值 > 0 True 套入['Volume']符合True全加起來 bolRise = data['RR'][item-day+1-1:item+1-1]>0 sumVolRise = data['Volume'][item-day+1-1:item+1-1][bolRise].sum() bolDesc = data['RR'][item-day+1-1:item+1-1]<0 sumVolDesc = data['Volume'][item-day+1-1:item+1-1][bolDesc].sum() tmp = sumVolRise-sumVolDesc # 可切換 OBV累積12日移動平均值 = (最近12天股價上漲日成交量總和 - 最近12天股價下跌日成交量總和) / 12 # tmp = (sumVolRise-sumVolDesc)/12 tmpList.append(tmp) # 前day 沒data會出現NA tmpList.reverse() tmpSeries = pd.Series(tmpList) # create OBV 欄位 data['OBV']=tmpSeries # In[14]: # 數量指標(VR) 建議12 def VR(data,day): # 由於 data 新到舊 0~xxx,遞增,因此需反轉陣列 dataList = range(data['Date'].size) dataList.reverse() tmpList = [] for item in dataList: # 防止前day沒有data if item-day >= 0: # VR = ( N日內上漲日成交值總和 + 1/2*N日內平盤日成交值總和) / ( N日內下跌日成交值總和 + 1/2*N日內平盤日成交值總和)* 100% # 先由 ['RR'] 求出boolean值 > 0 True 套入['Volume']符合True全加起來 bolRise = data['RR'][item-day+1-1:item+1-1]>0 sumVolRise = data['Volume'][item-day+1-1:item+1-1][bolRise].sum() bolNorm = data['RR'][item-day+1-1:item+1-1] == 0 sumVolNorm = data['Volume'][item-day+1-1:item+1-1][bolNorm].sum() bolDesc = data['RR'][item-day+1-1:item+1-1]<0 sumVolDesc = data['Volume'][item-day+1-1:item+1-1][bolDesc].sum() tmp = (sumVolRise+0.5*sumVolNorm)/(sumVolDesc+0.5*sumVolNorm)*100 tmpList.append(tmp) # 前day 沒data會出現NA tmpList.reverse() tmpSeries = pd.Series(tmpList) # create VR 欄位 data['VR']=tmpSeries # In[15]: # 相對強弱指標(RSI) 建議6 def RSI(data,day): # 由於 data 新到舊 0~xxx,遞增,因此需反轉陣列 dataList = range(data['Date'].size) dataList.reverse() tmpList = [] for item in dataList: # 防止前day沒有data if item-day >= 0: # 6日RSI=100*6日內收盤上漲總幅度平均值 / (6日內收盤上漲總幅度平均值 - 6日內收盤下跌總幅度平均值) # 先由 ['RR'] 求出boolean值 > 0 True 套入['Volume']符合True全加起來 bolRise = data['RR'][item-day+1-1:item+1-1]>0 meanRise = data['RR'][item-day+1-1:item+1-1][bolRise].mean() bolDesc = data['RR'][item-day+1-1:item+1-1]<0 meanDesc = data['RR'][item-day+1-1:item+1-1][bolDesc].mean() tmp = 100*meanRise/(meanRise-meanDesc) tmpList.append(tmp) # 前day 沒data會出現NA tmpList.reverse() tmpSeries = pd.Series(tmpList) # create RSI 欄位 data['RSI']=tmpSeries # In[16]: # 乖離率(BIAS) def BIAS(data,day): # 由於 data 新到舊 0~xxx,遞增,因此需反轉陣列 dataList = range(data['Date'].size) dataList.reverse() tmpList = [] for item in dataList: # 防止前day沒有data if item-day+1 >= 0: # N日乖離率 = (當日股價 - N日股價移動平均數) / N日平均股價 tmp = (data['Close'][item-day+1]-data['MA'+str(day)][item-day+1])/data['MA'+str(day)][item-day+1]*100 tmpList.append(tmp) # 前day 沒data會出現NA tmpList.reverse() tmpSeries = pd.Series(tmpList) # create BIAS 欄位 data['BIAS']=tmpSeries # In[17]: # RR漲幅比須先算出來,後續指標需用到此項 RR(data) WMS(data,9) BR(data,26) AR(data,26) MV(data,12) MA(data,12) # 算BIAS須先求出MA值 BIAS(data,12) PSY(data,13) OBV(data,12) VR(data,12) RSI(data,6) # In[18]: MA(data,20) MA(data,60) # In[19]: data # In[20]: # Rise Ratio 漲幅比 # 0為最新資料 向左越來越新 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(data['RR']) ax.set_title('RR') # In[21]: # 威廉指標(WMS%R或%R) # 0為最新資料 向左越來越新 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(data['WMS']) ax.set_title('WMS') # In[22]: # 買賣意願指標 # 0為最新資料 向左越來越新 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(data['BR']) ax.set_title('BR') # In[23]: # 買賣氣勢指標 # 0為最新資料 向左越來越新 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(data['AR']) ax.set_title('AR') # In[24]: # 平均成交量 mean volumn # 0為最新資料 向左越來越新 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(data['MV']) ax.set_title('MV') # In[25]: # 移動平均線(MA,Moving Average) # 0為最新資料 向左越來越新 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(data['MA12']) ax.set_title('MA12') # In[26]: # 乖離率(BIAS) # 0為最新資料 向左越來越新 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(data['BIAS']) ax.set_title('BIAS') # In[27]: # 心理線(PSY) # 0為最新資料 向左越來越新 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(data['PSY']) ax.set_title('PSY') # In[28]: # 能量潮(OBV) # 0為最新資料 向左越來越新 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(data['OBV']) ax.set_title('OBV') # In[29]: # 數量指標(VR) # 0為最新資料 向左越來越新 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(data['VR']) ax.set_title('VR') # In[30]: # 相對強弱指標(RSI) # 0為最新資料 向左越來越新 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(data['RSI']) ax.set_title('RSI') # In[32]: # MA20 和 MA60 比較 看出黃金交叉和死亡交叉 # 0為最新資料 向左越來越新 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(data['MA20'],color='#9D442F',label='MA20') ax.plot(data['MA60'],color='#5D947E',label='MA60') ax.legend(loc='best') # In[ ]:
# Copyright (C) 2012 VT SuperDARN Lab # Full license can be found in LICENSE.txt """ ********************* **Module**: models.tsyganenko ********************* This modules containes the following object(s): * :class:`models.tsyganenko.tsygTrace`: Wraps fortran subroutines in one convenient class This module contains the following module(s): * :mod:`models.tsyganenko.tsygFort`: Fortran subroutines ******************************* """ import tsygFort class tsygTrace(object): def __init__(self, lat=None, lon=None, rho=None, filename=None, coords='geo', datetime=None, vswgse=[-400.,0.,0.], pdyn=2., dst=-5., byimf=0., bzimf=-5., lmax=5000, rmax=60., rmin=1., dsmax=0.01, err=0.000001): """ | **PACKAGE**: models.tsyganenko.trace | **FUNCTION**: trace(lat, lon, rho, coords='geo', datetime=None, | vswgse=[-400.,0.,0.], Pdyn=2., Dst=-5., ByIMF=0., BzIMF=-5. | lmax=5000, rmax=60., rmin=1., dsmax=0.01, err=0.000001) | **PURPOSE**: trace magnetic field line(s) from point(s) | | **INPUTS**: | **lat**: latitude [degrees] | **lon**: longitude [degrees] | **rho**: distance from center of the Earth [km] | **filename**: load a trace object directly from a file | **[coords]**: coordinates used for start point ['geo'] | **[datetime]**: a python datetime object | **[vswgse]**: solar wind velocity in GSE coordinates [m/s, m/s, m/s] | **[pdyn]**: solar wind dynamic pressure [nPa] | **[dst]**: Dst index [nT] | **[byimf]**: IMF By [nT] | **[bzimf]**: IMF Bz [nT] | **[lmax]**: maximum number of points to trace | **[rmax]**: upper trace boundary in Re | **[rmin]**: lower trace boundary in Re | **[dsmax]**: maximum tracing step size | **[err]**: tracing step tolerance | | **OUTPUTS**: | Elements of this object: | **.lat[N/S]H**: latitude of the trace footpoint in Northern/Southern hemispher | **.lon[N/S]H**: longitude of the trace footpoint in Northern/Southern hemispher | **.rho[N/S]H**: distance of the trace footpoint in Northern/Southern hemispher | | **EXAMPLES**: from numpy import arange, zeros, ones import tsyganenko # trace a series of points lats = arange(10, 90, 10) lons = zeros(len(lats)) rhos = 6372.*ones(len(lats)) trace = tsyganenko.tsygTrace(lats, lons, rhos) # Print the results nicely print trace # Plot the traced field lines ax = trace.plot() # Or generate a 3d view of the traced field lines ax = trace.plot3d() # Save your trace to a file for later use'trace.dat') # And when you want to re-use the saved trace trace = tsyganenko.tsygTrace(filename='trace.dat') | | Written by Sebastien 2012-10 """ from datetime import datetime as pydt assert (None not in [lat, lon, rho]) or filename, 'You must provide either (lat, lon, rho) or a filename to read from' if None not in [lat, lon, rho]: = lat self.lon = lon self.rho = rho self.coords = coords self.vswgse = vswgse self.pdyn = pdyn self.dst = dst self.byimf = byimf self.bzimf = bzimf # If no datetime is provided, defaults to today if datetime==None: datetime = pydt.utcnow() self.datetime = datetime iTest = self.__test_valid__() if not iTest: self.__del__() self.trace() elif filename: self.load(filename) def __test_valid__(self): """ | Test the validity of input arguments to the tsygTrace class and trace method | | Written by Sebastien 2012-10 """ assert (len(self.vswgse) == 3), 'vswgse must have 3 elements' assert (self.coords.lower() == 'geo'), '{}: this coordinae system is not supported'.format(self.coords.lower()) # A provision for those who want to batch trace try: [l for l in] except: = [] try: [l for l in self.lon] except: self.lon = [self.lon] try: [r for r in self.rho] except: self.rho = [self.rho] try: [d for d in self.datetime] except: self.datetime = [self.datetime for l in] # Make sure they're all the sam elength assert (len( == len(self.lon) == len(self.rho) == len(self.datetime)), \ 'lat, lon, rho and datetime must me the same length' return True def trace(self, lat=None, lon=None, rho=None, coords=None, datetime=None, vswgse=None, pdyn=None, dst=None, byimf=None, bzimf=None, lmax=5000, rmax=60., rmin=1., dsmax=0.01, err=0.000001): """ | See tsygTrace for a description of each parameter | Any unspecified parameter default to the one stored in the object | Unspecified lmax, rmax, rmin, dsmax, err has a set default value | | Written by Sebastien 2012-10 """ from numpy import radians, degrees, zeros # Store existing values of class attributes in case something is wrong # and we need to revert back to them if lat: _lat = if lon: _lon = self.lon if rho: _rho = self.rho if coords: _coords = self.coords if vswgse: _vswgse = self.vswgse if not datetime==None: _datetime = self.datetime # Pass position if new if lat: = lat lat = if lon: self.lon = lon lon = self.lon if rho: self.rho = rho rho = self.rho if not datetime==None: self.datetime = datetime datetime = self.datetime # Set necessary parameters if new if coords: self.coords = coords coords = self.coords if not datetime==None: self.datetime = datetime datetime = self.datetime if vswgse: self.vswgse = vswgse vswgse = self.vswgse if pdyn: self.pdyn = pdyn pdyn = self.pdyn if dst: self.dst = dst dst = self.dst if byimf: self.byimf = byimf byimf = self.byimf if bzimf: self.bzimf = bzimf bzimf = self.bzimf # Test that everything is in order, if not revert to existing values iTest = self.__test_valid__() if not iTest: if lat: = _lat if lon: _self.lon = lon if rho: self.rho = _rho if coords: self.coords = _coords if vswgse: self.vswgse = _vswgse if not datetime==None: self.datetime = _datetime # Declare the same Re as used in Tsyganenko models [km] Re = 6371.2 # Initialize trace array self.l = zeros(len(lat)) self.xTrace = zeros((len(lat),2*lmax)) self.yTrace = self.xTrace.copy() self.zTrace = self.xTrace.copy() self.xGsw = self.l.copy() self.yGsw = self.l.copy() self.zGsw = self.l.copy() self.latNH = self.l.copy() self.lonNH = self.l.copy() self.rhoNH = self.l.copy() self.latSH = self.l.copy() self.lonSH = self.l.copy() self.rhoSH = self.l.copy() # And now iterate through the desired points for ip in xrange(len(lat)): # This has to be called first tsygFort.recalc_08(datetime[ip].year,datetime[ip].timetuple().tm_yday, datetime[ip].hour,datetime[ip].minute,datetime[ip].second, vswgse[0],vswgse[1],vswgse[2]) # Convert lat,lon to geographic cartesian and then gsw r, theta, phi, xgeo, ygeo, zgeo = tsygFort.sphcar_08( rho[ip]/Re, radians(90.-lat[ip]), radians(lon[ip]), 0., 0., 0., 1) if coords.lower() == 'geo': xgeo, ygeo, zgeo, xgsw, ygsw, zgsw = tsygFort.geogsw_08( xgeo, ygeo, zgeo, 0. ,0. ,0. , 1) self.xGsw[ip] = xgsw self.yGsw[ip] = ygsw self.zGsw[ip] = zgsw # Trace field line inmod = 'IGRF_GSW_08' exmod = 'T96_01' parmod = [pdyn, dst, byimf, bzimf, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # First towards southern hemisphere maptoL = [-1, 1] for mapto in maptoL: xfgsw, yfgsw, zfgsw, xarr, yarr, zarr, l = tsygFort.trace_08( xgsw, ygsw, zgsw, mapto, dsmax, err, rmax, rmin, 0, parmod, exmod, inmod, lmax ) # Convert back to spherical geographic coords xfgeo, yfgeo, zfgeo, xfgsw, yfgsw, zfgsw = tsygFort.geogsw_08( 0. ,0. ,0. , xfgsw, yfgsw, zfgsw, -1) geoR, geoColat, geoLon, xgeo, ygeo, zgeo = tsygFort.sphcar_08( 0., 0., 0., xfgeo, yfgeo, zfgeo, -1) # Get coordinates of traced point if mapto == 1: self.latSH[ip] = 90. - degrees(geoColat) self.lonSH[ip] = degrees(geoLon) self.rhoSH[ip] = geoR*Re elif mapto == -1: self.latNH[ip] = 90. - degrees(geoColat) self.lonNH[ip] = degrees(geoLon) self.rhoNH[ip] = geoR*Re # Store trace if mapto == -1: self.xTrace[ip,0:l] = xarr[l-1::-1] self.yTrace[ip,0:l] = yarr[l-1::-1] self.zTrace[ip,0:l] = zarr[l-1::-1] elif mapto == 1: self.xTrace[ip,self.l[ip]:self.l[ip]+l] = xarr[0:l] self.yTrace[ip,self.l[ip]:self.l[ip]+l] = yarr[0:l] self.zTrace[ip,self.l[ip]:self.l[ip]+l] = zarr[0:l] self.l[ip] += l # Resize trace output to more minimum possible length self.xTrace = self.xTrace[:,0:self.l.max()] self.yTrace = self.yTrace[:,0:self.l.max()] self.zTrace = self.zTrace[:,0:self.l.max()] def __str__(self): """ | Print object information in a nice way | | Written by Sebastien 2012-10 """ # Declare print format outstr = ''' vswgse=[{:6.0f},{:6.0f},{:6.0f}] [m/s] pdyn={:3.0f} [nPa] dst={:3.0f} [nT] byimf={:3.0f} [nT] bzimf={:3.0f} [nT] '''.format(self.vswgse[0], self.vswgse[1], self.vswgse[2], self.pdyn, self.dst, self.byimf, self.bzimf) outstr += '\nCoords: {}\n'.format(self.coords) outstr += '(latitude [degrees], longitude [degrees], distance from center of the Earth [km])\n' # Print stuff for ip in xrange(len( outstr += ''' ({:6.3f}, {:6.3f}, {:6.3f}) @ {} --> NH({:6.3f}, {:6.3f}, {:6.3f}) --> SH({:6.3f}, {:6.3f}, {:6.3f}) '''.format([ip], self.lon[ip], self.rho[ip], self.datetime[ip].strftime('%H:%M UT (%d-%b-%y)'), self.latNH[ip], self.lonNH[ip], self.rhoNH[ip], self.latSH[ip], self.lonSH[ip], self.rhoSH[ip]) return outstr def save(self, filename): """ | Save trace information to a file | | Written by Sebastien 2012-10 """ import cPickle as pickle with open( filename, "wb" ) as fileObj: pickle.dump(self, fileObj) def load(self, filename): """ | load trace information from a file | | Written by Sebastien 2012-10 """ import cPickle as pickle with open( filename, "rb" ) as fileObj: obj = pickle.load(fileObj) for k, v in obj.__dict__.items(): self.__dict__[k] = v def plot(self, proj='xz', color='b', onlyPts=None, showPts=False, showEarth=True, disp=True, **kwargs): """ | Generate a 2D plot of the trace projected onto a given plane | Graphic keywords apply to the plot method for the field lines | | **INPUTS**: | **plane**: the projection plane in GSW coordinates | **onlyPts**: if the trace countains multiple point, only show the specified indices (list) | **showEarth**: Toggle Earth disk visibility on/off | **showPts**: Toggle start points visibility on/off | **disp**: invoke | **color**: field line color | **kwargs**: see matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot | | **OUTPUTS**: | **ax**: matplotlib axes object | | Written by Sebastien 2012-10 """ from pylab import gcf, gca, show from matplotlib.patches import Circle from numpy import pi, linspace, outer, ones, size, cos, sin, radians, cross from import masked_array assert (len(proj) == 2) or \ (proj[0] in ['x','y','z'] and proj[1] in ['x','y','z']) or \ (proj[0] != proj[1]), 'Invalid projection plane' fig = gcf() ax = fig.gca() ax.set_aspect('equal') # First plot a nice disk for the Earth if showEarth: circ = Circle(xy=(0,0), radius=1, facecolor='0.8', edgecolor='k', alpha=.5, zorder=0) ax.add_patch(circ) # Select indices to show if onlyPts is None: inds = xrange(len( else: try: inds = [ip for ip in onlyPts] except: inds = [onlyPts] # Then plot the traced field line for ip in inds: # Select projection plane if proj[0] == 'x': xx = self.xTrace[ip,0:self.l[ip]] xpt = self.xGsw[ip] ax.set_xlabel(r'$X_{GSW}$') xdir = [1,0,0] elif proj[0] == 'y': xx = self.yTrace[ip,0:self.l[ip]] xpt = self.yGsw[ip] ax.set_xlabel(r'$Y_{GSW}$') xdir = [0,1,0] elif proj[0] == 'z': xx = self.zTrace[ip,0:self.l[ip]] xpt = self.zGsw[ip] ax.set_xlabel(r'$Z_{GSW}$') xdir = [0,0,1] if proj[1] == 'x': yy = self.xTrace[ip,0:self.l[ip]] ypt = self.xGsw[ip] ax.set_ylabel(r'$X_{GSW}$') ydir = [1,0,0] elif proj[1] == 'y': yy = self.yTrace[ip,0:self.l[ip]] ypt = self.yGsw[ip] ax.set_ylabel(r'$Y_{GSW}$') ydir = [0,1,0] elif proj[1] == 'z': yy = self.zTrace[ip,0:self.l[ip]] ypt = self.zGsw[ip] ax.set_ylabel(r'$Z_{GSW}$') ydir = [0,0,1] sign = 1 if -1 not in cross(xdir,ydir) else -1 if 'x' not in proj: zz = sign*self.xGsw[ip] indMask = sign*self.xTrace[ip,0:self.l[ip]] < 0 if 'y' not in proj: zz = sign*self.yGsw[ip] indMask = sign*self.yTrace[ip,0:self.l[ip]] < 0 if 'z' not in proj: zz = sign*self.zGsw[ip] indMask = sign*self.zTrace[ip,0:self.l[ip]] < 0 # Plot ax.plot(masked_array(xx, mask=~indMask), masked_array(yy, mask=~indMask), zorder=-1, color=color, **kwargs) ax.plot(masked_array(xx, mask=indMask), masked_array(yy, mask=indMask), zorder=1, color=color, **kwargs) if showPts: ax.scatter(xpt, ypt, c='k', s=40, zorder=zz) if disp: show() return ax def plot3d(self, onlyPts=None, showEarth=True, showPts=False, disp=True, xyzlim=None, zorder=1, linewidth=2, color='b', **kwargs): """ | Generate a 3D plot of the trace | Graphic keywords apply to the plot3d method for the field lines | | **INPUTS**: | **onlyPts**: if the trace countains multiple point, only show the specified indices (list) | **showEarth**: Toggle Earth sphere visibility on/off | **showPts**: Toggle start points visibility on/off | **disp**: invoke | **xyzlim**: 3D axis limits | **zorder**: 3D layers ordering | **linewidth**: field line width | **color**: field line color | **kwargs**: see mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D.plot3D | | **OUTPUTS**: | **ax**: matplotlib axes object | | Written by Sebastien 2012-10 """ from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import proj3d from numpy import pi, linspace, outer, ones, size, cos, sin, radians from pylab import gca, gcf, show fig = gcf() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') # First plot a nice sphere for the Earth if showEarth: u = linspace(0, 2 * pi, 179) v = linspace(0, pi, 179) tx = outer(cos(u), sin(v)) ty = outer(sin(u), sin(v)) tz = outer(ones(size(u)), cos(v)) ax.plot_surface(tx,ty,tz,rstride=10, cstride=10, color='grey', alpha=.5, zorder=0, linewidth=0.5) # Select indices to show if onlyPts is None: inds = xrange(len( else: try: inds = [ip for ip in onlyPts] except: inds = [onlyPts] # Then plot the traced field line for ip in inds: ax.plot3D( self.xTrace[ip,0:self.l[ip]], self.yTrace[ip,0:self.l[ip]], self.zTrace[ip,0:self.l[ip]], zorder=zorder, linewidth=linewidth, color=color, **kwargs) if showPts: ax.scatter3D(self.xGsw[ip], self.yGsw[ip], self.zGsw[ip], c='k') # Set plot limits if not xyzlim: xyzlim = max( [ ax.get_xlim3d().max(), ax.get_ylim3d().max(), ax.get_zlim3d().max(), ] ) ax.set_xlim3d([-xyzlim,xyzlim]) ax.set_ylim3d([-xyzlim,xyzlim]) ax.set_zlim3d([-xyzlim,xyzlim]) if disp: show() return ax
import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import h5py import time import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Functions for initializing neural nets parameters def init_weight_variable(shape): initial = tf.truncated_normal(shape, stddev=0.1, dtype=tf.float32) return tf.Variable(initial) def init_bias_variable(shape): initial = tf.constant(0.1, shape=shape, dtype=tf.float32) return tf.Variable(initial) def conv2d(x, W): return tf.nn.conv2d(x, W, [1, 1, 1, 1], 'VALID') def loadData(filepath): print('==> Experiment 2_0g') print('==> Loading data from {}'.format(filepath)) # benchmark t_start = time.time() # reading data f = h5py.File(filepath) X_train = np.array(f.get('trainingFeatures')) y_train = np.array(f.get('trainingLabels')) X_val = np.array(f.get('validationFeatures')) y_val = np.array(f.get('validationLabels')) t_end = time.time() print('--Time elapsed for loading data: {t:.2f} \ seconds'.format(t = t_end - t_start)) del f print('-- Number of training samples: {}'.format(X_train.shape[0])) print('-- Number of validation samples: {}'.format(X_val.shape[0])) print('Shape of X_train: %s'%str(X_train.shape)) print('Shape of y_train: %s'%str(y_train.shape)) print('Shape of X_val: %s'%str(X_val.shape)) print('Shape of y_val: %s'%str(y_val.shape)) return [X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val] def runNeuralNet(num_freq, X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, k1, k2, learningRate, batch_size, num_epochs, pooling_strategy): # Neural-network model set-up num_training_vec, total_features = X_train.shape num_frames = int(total_features / num_freq) print('-- Num frames: {}'.format(num_frames)) num_classes = int(max(y_train.max(), y_val.max()) + 1) l = num_frames print("Num Classes: %g"%(num_classes)) print_freq = 1 # Transform labels into on-hot encoding form y_train_OHEnc = tf.one_hot(y_train.copy(), num_classes) y_val_OHEnc = tf.one_hot(y_val.copy(), num_classes) # Set-up input and output label x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, total_features]) y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, num_classes]) # go straight from input to output, densely connected to SM layer ''' W_sm = init_weight_variable([total_features, num_classes]) b_sm = init_bias_variable([num_classes]) y_conv = tf.matmul(x, W_sm) + b_sm ''' print("Running single convolutional layer with %g 1x1 filters"%(k1)) # single convolutional layer W_conv1 = init_weight_variable([1, 1, 1, k1]) # Old: [num_freq, 1, 1, k1] b_conv1 = init_bias_variable([k1]) x_image = tf.reshape(x, [-1, num_freq, num_frames, 1]) h_conv1 = conv2d(x_image, W_conv1) + b_conv1 # tf.nn.relu(conv2d(x_image, W_conv1) + b_conv1), no non-linearity h_conv1_flat = tf.reshape(h_conv1, [-1, k1 * num_freq * num_frames]) #tf.reshape(h_conv1, [-1, num_frames * k1]) --- use this type of thing to make multiple scaled versions of data? enhance dataset? W_sm = init_weight_variable([k1 * num_freq * num_frames, num_classes]) b_sm = init_bias_variable([num_classes]) y_conv = tf.matmul(h_conv1_flat, W_sm) + b_sm ''' # One hidden layer then softmax numHiddenUnits = 100 W_1 = init_weight_variable([total_features, numHiddenUnits]) b_1 = init_bias_variable([numHiddenUnits]) W_sm = init_weight_variable([numHiddenUnits, num_classes]) b_sm = init_bias_variable([num_classes]) hiddenActivation = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(x, W_1) + b_1) y_conv = tf.matmul(hiddenActivation, W_sm) + b_sm ''' # second layer #W_conv2 = init_weight_variable([1, l, k1, k2]) #b_conv2 = init_bias_variable([k2]) #h_conv2 = tf.nn.relu(conv2d(h_conv1, W_conv2) + b_conv2) #h_conv2_flat = tf.reshape(h_conv2, [-1, (num_frames - l + 1) * k2]) #h_pool2 = tf.nn.max_pool(x, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='VALID') # softmax layer #W_sm = init_weight_variable([(num_frames - l + 1) * k2, num_classes]) #b_sm = init_bias_variable([num_classes]) #y_conv = tf.matmul(h_conv2_flat, W_sm) + b_sm # evaluations cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=y_, logits=y_conv)) train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learningRate).minimize(cross_entropy) correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_conv, 1), tf.argmax(y_, 1)) accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32)) # session sess = tf.InteractiveSession() y_train =[:, 0, :] y_val =[:, 0, :] # print("h_conv1 %s"%str(h_conv1.eval(feed_dict={x:X_train, y_:y_train}))) # print("W_sm is: %s"%str(W_sm.eval())) # print("h_conv1_flat is: %s"%str(h_conv1_flat.eval(feed_dict={x:X_train, y_:y_train}))) # print("y_conv: %s"%str(y_conv.eval(feed_dict={x: X_train, y_: y_train}))) # print("y_ is : %s"%str(y_.eval(feed_dict={x:X_train, y_:y_train}))) train_acc_list = [] val_acc_list = [] train_err_list = [] val_err_list = [] epoch_numbers = [] # benchmark t_start = time.time() for epoch in range(num_epochs): epochStart = time.time() for i in range(0, num_training_vec, batch_size): batch_end_point = min(i + batch_size, num_training_vec) train_batch_data = X_train[i : batch_end_point] train_batch_label = y_train[i : batch_end_point]{x: train_batch_data, y_: train_batch_label}) epochEnd = time.time() # printing and recording data if (epoch + 1) % print_freq == 0: train_acc = accuracy.eval(feed_dict={x:X_train, y_: y_train}) train_acc_list.append(train_acc) val_acc = accuracy.eval(feed_dict={x: X_val, y_: y_val}) val_acc_list.append(val_acc) train_err = cross_entropy.eval(feed_dict={x: X_train, y_: y_train}) train_err_list.append(train_err) val_err = cross_entropy.eval(feed_dict={x: X_val, y_: y_val}) val_err_list.append(val_err) epoch_numbers += [epoch] #print("-- epoch: %d, training error %g"%(epoch + 1, train_err)) print("epoch: %d, time: %g, t acc, v acc, t cost, v cost: %g, %g, %g, %g"%(epoch+1, epochEnd - epochStart, train_acc, val_acc, train_err, val_err)) t_end = time.time() print('--Time elapsed for training: {t:.2f} \ seconds'.format(t = t_end - t_start)) return [train_acc_list, val_acc_list, train_err_list, val_err_list, epoch_numbers] ''' Our Main Command Line Arguments: (1) Length of horizontal window ''' # load the data [X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val] = loadData('/pylon2/ci560sp/cstrong/exp2/exp2_d15_1s_2.mat') batchSize = 1000 numEpochs = 300 poolingStrategy = 'MAX' # load in parameters - k1, k2, learning rate, and the filename to put the output image try: k1 = int(sys.argv[1]) k2 = int(sys.argv[2]) k3 = int(sys.argv[3]) imageFile = int(sys.argv[4]) except Exception, e: print('-- {}'.format(e)) [train_acc_list, val_acc_list, train_err_list, val_err_list, epoch_numbers] = runNeuralNet(121, X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, k1, k2, learningRate, batchSize, numEpochs, poolingStrategy) # Reports print('-- Training accuracy: {:.4f}'.format(train_acc_list[-1])) print('-- Validation accuracy: {:.4f}'.format(val_acc_list[-1])) print('-- Training error: {:.4E}'.format(train_err_list[-1])) print('-- Validation error: {:.4E}'.format(val_err_list[-1])) print('==> Generating error plot...') x_list = epoch_numbers train_err_plot, = plt.plot(x_list, train_err_list, 'b.') val_err_plot, = plt.plot(x_list, val_err_list, '.', color='orange') plt.xlabel('Number of epochs') plt.ylabel('Cross-Entropy Error') plt.title('Error vs Number of Epochs') plt.legend((train_err_plot, val_err_plot), ('training', 'validation'), loc='best') plt.savefig(imageFile, format='png') plt.close() print('==> Done.') ''' y_ = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) y_ = np.array([[0], [1], [2], [3], [3]]) x = np.array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17], [18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23], [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29]]) x_val = np.array([[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14], [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]]) y_val = np.array([[1], [3], [2]]) runNeuralNet(2, x, y_, x_val, y_val, 1, 300, 'MAX') ''' ''' K1 = 10 --Time elapsed for training: 3057.72 seconds -- Training accuracy: 0.2608 -- Validation accuracy: 0.8906 -- Training error: 8.5545E+00 -- Validation error: 4.2435E-01 ==> Generating error plot... '''
"""Locally Linear Embedding""" # Author: Fabian Pedregosa -- <> # Jake Vanderplas -- <> # License: BSD 3 clause (C) INRIA 2011 import numpy as np from scipy.linalg import eigh, svd, qr, solve from scipy.sparse import eye, csr_matrix from ..base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin from ..utils import check_random_state, check_array from ..utils.arpack import eigsh from ..utils.validation import check_is_fitted from ..utils.validation import FLOAT_DTYPES from ..neighbors import NearestNeighbors def barycenter_weights(X, Z, reg=1e-3): """Compute barycenter weights of X from Y along the first axis We estimate the weights to assign to each point in Y[i] to recover the point X[i]. The barycenter weights sum to 1. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_dim) Z : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_neighbors, n_dim) reg: float, optional amount of regularization to add for the problem to be well-posed in the case of n_neighbors > n_dim Returns ------- B : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_neighbors) Notes ----- See developers note for more information. """ X = check_array(X, dtype=FLOAT_DTYPES) Z = check_array(Z, dtype=FLOAT_DTYPES, allow_nd=True) n_samples, n_neighbors = X.shape[0], Z.shape[1] B = np.empty((n_samples, n_neighbors), dtype=X.dtype) v = np.ones(n_neighbors, dtype=X.dtype) # this might raise a LinalgError if G is singular and has trace # zero for i, A in enumerate(Z.transpose(0, 2, 1)): C = A.T - X[i] # broadcasting G =, C.T) trace = np.trace(G) if trace > 0: R = reg * trace else: R = reg G.flat[::Z.shape[1] + 1] += R w = solve(G, v, sym_pos=True) B[i, :] = w / np.sum(w) return B def barycenter_kneighbors_graph(X, n_neighbors, reg=1e-3): """Computes the barycenter weighted graph of k-Neighbors for points in X Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix, BallTree, KDTree, NearestNeighbors} Sample data, shape = (n_samples, n_features), in the form of a numpy array, sparse array, precomputed tree, or NearestNeighbors object. n_neighbors : int Number of neighbors for each sample. reg : float, optional Amount of regularization when solving the least-squares problem. Only relevant if mode='barycenter'. If None, use the default. Returns ------- A : sparse matrix in CSR format, shape = [n_samples, n_samples] A[i, j] is assigned the weight of edge that connects i to j. See also -------- sklearn.neighbors.kneighbors_graph sklearn.neighbors.radius_neighbors_graph """ knn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors + 1).fit(X) X = knn._fit_X n_samples = X.shape[0] ind = knn.kneighbors(X, return_distance=False)[:, 1:] data = barycenter_weights(X, X[ind], reg=reg) indptr = np.arange(0, n_samples * n_neighbors + 1, n_neighbors) return csr_matrix((data.ravel(), ind.ravel(), indptr), shape=(n_samples, n_samples)) def null_space(M, k, k_skip=1, eigen_solver='arpack', tol=1E-6, max_iter=100, random_state=None): """ Find the null space of a matrix M. Parameters ---------- M : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator} Input covariance matrix: should be symmetric positive semi-definite k : integer Number of eigenvalues/vectors to return k_skip : integer, optional Number of low eigenvalues to skip. eigen_solver : string, {'auto', 'arpack', 'dense'} auto : algorithm will attempt to choose the best method for input data arpack : use arnoldi iteration in shift-invert mode. For this method, M may be a dense matrix, sparse matrix, or general linear operator. Warning: ARPACK can be unstable for some problems. It is best to try several random seeds in order to check results. dense : use standard dense matrix operations for the eigenvalue decomposition. For this method, M must be an array or matrix type. This method should be avoided for large problems. tol : float, optional Tolerance for 'arpack' method. Not used if eigen_solver=='dense'. max_iter : maximum number of iterations for 'arpack' method not used if eigen_solver=='dense' random_state: numpy.RandomState or int, optional The generator or seed used to determine the starting vector for arpack iterations. Defaults to numpy.random. """ if eigen_solver == 'auto': if M.shape[0] > 200 and k + k_skip < 10: eigen_solver = 'arpack' else: eigen_solver = 'dense' if eigen_solver == 'arpack': random_state = check_random_state(random_state) v0 = random_state.rand(M.shape[0]) try: eigen_values, eigen_vectors = eigsh(M, k + k_skip, sigma=0.0, tol=tol, maxiter=max_iter, v0=v0) except RuntimeError as msg: raise ValueError("Error in determining null-space with ARPACK. " "Error message: '%s'. " "Note that method='arpack' can fail when the " "weight matrix is singular or otherwise " "ill-behaved. method='dense' is recommended. " "See online documentation for more information." % msg) return eigen_vectors[:, k_skip:], np.sum(eigen_values[k_skip:]) elif eigen_solver == 'dense': if hasattr(M, 'toarray'): M = M.toarray() eigen_values, eigen_vectors = eigh( M, eigvals=(k_skip, k + k_skip - 1), overwrite_a=True) index = np.argsort(np.abs(eigen_values)) return eigen_vectors[:, index], np.sum(eigen_values) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized eigen_solver '%s'" % eigen_solver) def locally_linear_embedding( X, n_neighbors, n_components, reg=1e-3, eigen_solver='auto', tol=1e-6, max_iter=100, method='standard', hessian_tol=1E-4, modified_tol=1E-12, random_state=None): """Perform a Locally Linear Embedding analysis on the data. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <locally_linear_embedding>`. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix, BallTree, KDTree, NearestNeighbors} Sample data, shape = (n_samples, n_features), in the form of a numpy array, sparse array, precomputed tree, or NearestNeighbors object. n_neighbors : integer number of neighbors to consider for each point. n_components : integer number of coordinates for the manifold. reg : float regularization constant, multiplies the trace of the local covariance matrix of the distances. eigen_solver : string, {'auto', 'arpack', 'dense'} auto : algorithm will attempt to choose the best method for input data arpack : use arnoldi iteration in shift-invert mode. For this method, M may be a dense matrix, sparse matrix, or general linear operator. Warning: ARPACK can be unstable for some problems. It is best to try several random seeds in order to check results. dense : use standard dense matrix operations for the eigenvalue decomposition. For this method, M must be an array or matrix type. This method should be avoided for large problems. tol : float, optional Tolerance for 'arpack' method Not used if eigen_solver=='dense'. max_iter : integer maximum number of iterations for the arpack solver. method : {'standard', 'hessian', 'modified', 'ltsa'} standard : use the standard locally linear embedding algorithm. see reference [1]_ hessian : use the Hessian eigenmap method. This method requires n_neighbors > n_components * (1 + (n_components + 1) / 2. see reference [2]_ modified : use the modified locally linear embedding algorithm. see reference [3]_ ltsa : use local tangent space alignment algorithm see reference [4]_ hessian_tol : float, optional Tolerance for Hessian eigenmapping method. Only used if method == 'hessian' modified_tol : float, optional Tolerance for modified LLE method. Only used if method == 'modified' random_state: numpy.RandomState or int, optional The generator or seed used to determine the starting vector for arpack iterations. Defaults to numpy.random. Returns ------- Y : array-like, shape [n_samples, n_components] Embedding vectors. squared_error : float Reconstruction error for the embedding vectors. Equivalent to ``norm(Y - W Y, 'fro')**2``, where W are the reconstruction weights. References ---------- .. [1] `Roweis, S. & Saul, L. Nonlinear dimensionality reduction by locally linear embedding. Science 290:2323 (2000).` .. [2] `Donoho, D. & Grimes, C. Hessian eigenmaps: Locally linear embedding techniques for high-dimensional data. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 100:5591 (2003).` .. [3] `Zhang, Z. & Wang, J. MLLE: Modified Locally Linear Embedding Using Multiple Weights.` .. [4] `Zhang, Z. & Zha, H. Principal manifolds and nonlinear dimensionality reduction via tangent space alignment. Journal of Shanghai Univ. 8:406 (2004)` """ if eigen_solver not in ('auto', 'arpack', 'dense'): raise ValueError("unrecognized eigen_solver '%s'" % eigen_solver) if method not in ('standard', 'hessian', 'modified', 'ltsa'): raise ValueError("unrecognized method '%s'" % method) nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neighbors + 1) X = nbrs._fit_X N, d_in = X.shape if n_components > d_in: raise ValueError("output dimension must be less than or equal " "to input dimension") if n_neighbors >= N: raise ValueError("n_neighbors must be less than number of points") if n_neighbors <= 0: raise ValueError("n_neighbors must be positive") M_sparse = (eigen_solver != 'dense') if method == 'standard': W = barycenter_kneighbors_graph( nbrs, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, reg=reg) # we'll compute M = (I-W)'(I-W) # depending on the solver, we'll do this differently if M_sparse: M = eye(*W.shape, format=W.format) - W M = (M.T * M).tocsr() else: M = (W.T * W - W.T - W).toarray() M.flat[::M.shape[0] + 1] += 1 # W = W - I = W - I elif method == 'hessian': dp = n_components * (n_components + 1) // 2 if n_neighbors <= n_components + dp: raise ValueError("for method='hessian', n_neighbors must be " "greater than " "[n_components * (n_components + 3) / 2]") neighbors = nbrs.kneighbors(X, n_neighbors=n_neighbors + 1, return_distance=False) neighbors = neighbors[:, 1:] Yi = np.empty((n_neighbors, 1 + n_components + dp), dtype=np.float) Yi[:, 0] = 1 M = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=np.float) use_svd = (n_neighbors > d_in) for i in range(N): Gi = X[neighbors[i]] Gi -= Gi.mean(0) #build Hessian estimator if use_svd: U = svd(Gi, full_matrices=0)[0] else: Ci =, Gi.T) U = eigh(Ci)[1][:, ::-1] Yi[:, 1:1 + n_components] = U[:, :n_components] j = 1 + n_components for k in range(n_components): Yi[:, j:j + n_components - k] = (U[:, k:k + 1] * U[:, k:n_components]) j += n_components - k Q, R = qr(Yi) w = Q[:, n_components + 1:] S = w.sum(0) S[np.where(abs(S) < hessian_tol)] = 1 w /= S nbrs_x, nbrs_y = np.meshgrid(neighbors[i], neighbors[i]) M[nbrs_x, nbrs_y] +=, w.T) if M_sparse: M = csr_matrix(M) elif method == 'modified': if n_neighbors < n_components: raise ValueError("modified LLE requires " "n_neighbors >= n_components") neighbors = nbrs.kneighbors(X, n_neighbors=n_neighbors + 1, return_distance=False) neighbors = neighbors[:, 1:] #find the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of each local covariance # matrix. We want V[i] to be a [n_neighbors x n_neighbors] matrix, # where the columns are eigenvectors V = np.zeros((N, n_neighbors, n_neighbors)) nev = min(d_in, n_neighbors) evals = np.zeros([N, nev]) #choose the most efficient way to find the eigenvectors use_svd = (n_neighbors > d_in) if use_svd: for i in range(N): X_nbrs = X[neighbors[i]] - X[i] V[i], evals[i], _ = svd(X_nbrs, full_matrices=True) evals **= 2 else: for i in range(N): X_nbrs = X[neighbors[i]] - X[i] C_nbrs =, X_nbrs.T) evi, vi = eigh(C_nbrs) evals[i] = evi[::-1] V[i] = vi[:, ::-1] #find regularized weights: this is like normal LLE. # because we've already computed the SVD of each covariance matrix, # it's faster to use this rather than np.linalg.solve reg = 1E-3 * evals.sum(1) tmp =, 2, 1), np.ones(n_neighbors)) tmp[:, :nev] /= evals + reg[:, None] tmp[:, nev:] /= reg[:, None] w_reg = np.zeros((N, n_neighbors)) for i in range(N): w_reg[i] =[i], tmp[i]) w_reg /= w_reg.sum(1)[:, None] #calculate eta: the median of the ratio of small to large eigenvalues # across the points. This is used to determine s_i, below rho = evals[:, n_components:].sum(1) / evals[:, :n_components].sum(1) eta = np.median(rho) #find s_i, the size of the "almost null space" for each point: # this is the size of the largest set of eigenvalues # such that Sum[v; v in set]/Sum[v; v not in set] < eta s_range = np.zeros(N, dtype=int) evals_cumsum = np.cumsum(evals, 1) eta_range = evals_cumsum[:, -1:] / evals_cumsum[:, :-1] - 1 for i in range(N): s_range[i] = np.searchsorted(eta_range[i, ::-1], eta) s_range += n_neighbors - nev # number of zero eigenvalues #Now calculate M. # This is the [N x N] matrix whose null space is the desired embedding M = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=np.float) for i in range(N): s_i = s_range[i] #select bottom s_i eigenvectors and calculate alpha Vi = V[i, :, n_neighbors - s_i:] alpha_i = np.linalg.norm(Vi.sum(0)) / np.sqrt(s_i) #compute Householder matrix which satisfies # Hi*Vi.T*ones(n_neighbors) = alpha_i*ones(s) # using prescription from paper h = alpha_i * np.ones(s_i) -, np.ones(n_neighbors)) norm_h = np.linalg.norm(h) if norm_h < modified_tol: h *= 0 else: h /= norm_h #Householder matrix is # >> Hi = np.identity(s_i) - 2*np.outer(h,h) #Then the weight matrix is # >> Wi =,Hi) + (1-alpha_i) * w_reg[i,:,None] #We do this much more efficiently: Wi = (Vi - 2 * np.outer(, h), h) + (1 - alpha_i) * w_reg[i, :, None]) #Update M as follows: # >> W_hat = np.zeros( (N,s_i) ) # >> W_hat[neighbors[i],:] = Wi # >> W_hat[i] -= 1 # >> M +=,W_hat.T) #We can do this much more efficiently: nbrs_x, nbrs_y = np.meshgrid(neighbors[i], neighbors[i]) M[nbrs_x, nbrs_y] +=, Wi.T) Wi_sum1 = Wi.sum(1) M[i, neighbors[i]] -= Wi_sum1 M[neighbors[i], i] -= Wi_sum1 M[i, i] += s_i if M_sparse: M = csr_matrix(M) elif method == 'ltsa': neighbors = nbrs.kneighbors(X, n_neighbors=n_neighbors + 1, return_distance=False) neighbors = neighbors[:, 1:] M = np.zeros((N, N)) use_svd = (n_neighbors > d_in) for i in range(N): Xi = X[neighbors[i]] Xi -= Xi.mean(0) # compute n_components largest eigenvalues of Xi * Xi^T if use_svd: v = svd(Xi, full_matrices=True)[0] else: Ci =, Xi.T) v = eigh(Ci)[1][:, ::-1] Gi = np.zeros((n_neighbors, n_components + 1)) Gi[:, 1:] = v[:, :n_components] Gi[:, 0] = 1. / np.sqrt(n_neighbors) GiGiT =, Gi.T) nbrs_x, nbrs_y = np.meshgrid(neighbors[i], neighbors[i]) M[nbrs_x, nbrs_y] -= GiGiT M[neighbors[i], neighbors[i]] += 1 return null_space(M, n_components, k_skip=1, eigen_solver=eigen_solver, tol=tol, max_iter=max_iter, random_state=random_state) class LocallyLinearEmbedding(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """Locally Linear Embedding Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <locally_linear_embedding>`. Parameters ---------- n_neighbors : integer number of neighbors to consider for each point. n_components : integer number of coordinates for the manifold reg : float regularization constant, multiplies the trace of the local covariance matrix of the distances. eigen_solver : string, {'auto', 'arpack', 'dense'} auto : algorithm will attempt to choose the best method for input data arpack : use arnoldi iteration in shift-invert mode. For this method, M may be a dense matrix, sparse matrix, or general linear operator. Warning: ARPACK can be unstable for some problems. It is best to try several random seeds in order to check results. dense : use standard dense matrix operations for the eigenvalue decomposition. For this method, M must be an array or matrix type. This method should be avoided for large problems. tol : float, optional Tolerance for 'arpack' method Not used if eigen_solver=='dense'. max_iter : integer maximum number of iterations for the arpack solver. Not used if eigen_solver=='dense'. method : string ('standard', 'hessian', 'modified' or 'ltsa') standard : use the standard locally linear embedding algorithm. see reference [1] hessian : use the Hessian eigenmap method. This method requires ``n_neighbors > n_components * (1 + (n_components + 1) / 2`` see reference [2] modified : use the modified locally linear embedding algorithm. see reference [3] ltsa : use local tangent space alignment algorithm see reference [4] hessian_tol : float, optional Tolerance for Hessian eigenmapping method. Only used if ``method == 'hessian'`` modified_tol : float, optional Tolerance for modified LLE method. Only used if ``method == 'modified'`` neighbors_algorithm : string ['auto'|'brute'|'kd_tree'|'ball_tree'] algorithm to use for nearest neighbors search, passed to neighbors.NearestNeighbors instance random_state: numpy.RandomState or int, optional The generator or seed used to determine the starting vector for arpack iterations. Defaults to numpy.random. Attributes ---------- embedding_vectors_ : array-like, shape [n_components, n_samples] Stores the embedding vectors reconstruction_error_ : float Reconstruction error associated with `embedding_vectors_` nbrs_ : NearestNeighbors object Stores nearest neighbors instance, including BallTree or KDtree if applicable. References ---------- .. [1] `Roweis, S. & Saul, L. Nonlinear dimensionality reduction by locally linear embedding. Science 290:2323 (2000).` .. [2] `Donoho, D. & Grimes, C. Hessian eigenmaps: Locally linear embedding techniques for high-dimensional data. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 100:5591 (2003).` .. [3] `Zhang, Z. & Wang, J. MLLE: Modified Locally Linear Embedding Using Multiple Weights.` .. [4] `Zhang, Z. & Zha, H. Principal manifolds and nonlinear dimensionality reduction via tangent space alignment. Journal of Shanghai Univ. 8:406 (2004)` """ def __init__(self, n_neighbors=5, n_components=2, reg=1E-3, eigen_solver='auto', tol=1E-6, max_iter=100, method='standard', hessian_tol=1E-4, modified_tol=1E-12, neighbors_algorithm='auto', random_state=None): self.n_neighbors = n_neighbors self.n_components = n_components self.reg = reg self.eigen_solver = eigen_solver self.tol = tol self.max_iter = max_iter self.method = method self.hessian_tol = hessian_tol self.modified_tol = modified_tol self.random_state = random_state self.neighbors_algorithm = neighbors_algorithm def _fit_transform(self, X): self.nbrs_ = NearestNeighbors(self.n_neighbors, algorithm=self.neighbors_algorithm) random_state = check_random_state(self.random_state) X = check_array(X) self.embedding_, self.reconstruction_error_ = \ locally_linear_embedding( self.nbrs_, self.n_neighbors, self.n_components, eigen_solver=self.eigen_solver, tol=self.tol, max_iter=self.max_iter, method=self.method, hessian_tol=self.hessian_tol, modified_tol=self.modified_tol, random_state=random_state, reg=self.reg) def fit(self, X, y=None): """Compute the embedding vectors for data X Parameters ---------- X : array-like of shape [n_samples, n_features] training set. Returns ------- self : returns an instance of self. """ self._fit_transform(X) return self def fit_transform(self, X, y=None): """Compute the embedding vectors for data X and transform X. Parameters ---------- X : array-like of shape [n_samples, n_features] training set. Returns ------- X_new: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_components) """ self._fit_transform(X) return self.embedding_ def transform(self, X): """ Transform new points into embedding space. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Returns ------- X_new : array, shape = [n_samples, n_components] Notes ----- Because of scaling performed by this method, it is discouraged to use it together with methods that are not scale-invariant (like SVMs) """ check_is_fitted(self, "nbrs_") X = check_array(X) ind = self.nbrs_.kneighbors(X, n_neighbors=self.n_neighbors, return_distance=False) weights = barycenter_weights(X, self.nbrs_._fit_X[ind], reg=self.reg) X_new = np.empty((X.shape[0], self.n_components)) for i in range(X.shape[0]): X_new[i] =[ind[i]].T, weights[i]) return X_new
""" =========================== Random projection benchmark =========================== Benchmarks for random projections. """ from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import gc import sys import optparse from datetime import datetime import collections import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp from sklearn import clone from sklearn.externals.six.moves import xrange from sklearn.random_projection import (SparseRandomProjection, GaussianRandomProjection, johnson_lindenstrauss_min_dim) def type_auto_or_float(val): if val == "auto": return "auto" else: return float(val) def type_auto_or_int(val): if val == "auto": return "auto" else: return int(val) def compute_time(t_start, delta): mu_second = 0.0 + 10 ** 6 # number of microseconds in a second return delta.seconds + delta.microseconds / mu_second def bench_scikit_transformer(X, transfomer): gc.collect() clf = clone(transfomer) # start time t_start = delta = ( - t_start) # stop time time_to_fit = compute_time(t_start, delta) # start time t_start = clf.transform(X) delta = ( - t_start) # stop time time_to_transform = compute_time(t_start, delta) return time_to_fit, time_to_transform # Make some random data with uniformly located non zero entries with # Gaussian distributed values def make_sparse_random_data(n_samples, n_features, n_nonzeros, random_state=None): rng = np.random.RandomState(random_state) data_coo = sp.coo_matrix( (rng.randn(n_nonzeros), (rng.randint(n_samples, size=n_nonzeros), rng.randint(n_features, size=n_nonzeros))), shape=(n_samples, n_features)) return data_coo.toarray(), data_coo.tocsr() def print_row(clf_type, time_fit, time_transform): print("%s | %s | %s" % (clf_type.ljust(30), ("%.4fs" % time_fit).center(12), ("%.4fs" % time_transform).center(12))) if __name__ == "__main__": ########################################################################### # Option parser ########################################################################### op = optparse.OptionParser() op.add_option("--n-times", dest="n_times", default=5, type=int, help="Benchmark results are average over n_times experiments") op.add_option("--n-features", dest="n_features", default=10 ** 4, type=int, help="Number of features in the benchmarks") op.add_option("--n-components", dest="n_components", default="auto", help="Size of the random subspace." " ('auto' or int > 0)") op.add_option("--ratio-nonzeros", dest="ratio_nonzeros", default=10 ** -3, type=float, help="Number of features in the benchmarks") op.add_option("--n-samples", dest="n_samples", default=500, type=int, help="Number of samples in the benchmarks") op.add_option("--random-seed", dest="random_seed", default=13, type=int, help="Seed used by the random number generators.") op.add_option("--density", dest="density", default=1 / 3, help="Density used by the sparse random projection." " ('auto' or float (0.0, 1.0]") op.add_option("--eps", dest="eps", default=0.5, type=float, help="See the documentation of the underlying transformers.") op.add_option("--transformers", dest="selected_transformers", default='GaussianRandomProjection,SparseRandomProjection', type=str, help="Comma-separated list of transformer to benchmark. " "Default: %default. Available: " "GaussianRandomProjection,SparseRandomProjection") op.add_option("--dense", dest="dense", default=False, action="store_true", help="Set input space as a dense matrix.") (opts, args) = op.parse_args() if len(args) > 0: op.error("this script takes no arguments.") sys.exit(1) opts.n_components = type_auto_or_int(opts.n_components) opts.density = type_auto_or_float(opts.density) selected_transformers = opts.selected_transformers.split(',') ########################################################################### # Generate dataset ########################################################################### n_nonzeros = int(opts.ratio_nonzeros * opts.n_features) print('Dataset statics') print("===========================") print('n_samples \t= %s' % opts.n_samples) print('n_features \t= %s' % opts.n_features) if opts.n_components == "auto": print('n_components \t= %s (auto)' % johnson_lindenstrauss_min_dim(n_samples=opts.n_samples, eps=opts.eps)) else: print('n_components \t= %s' % opts.n_components) print('n_elements \t= %s' % (opts.n_features * opts.n_samples)) print('n_nonzeros \t= %s per feature' % n_nonzeros) print('ratio_nonzeros \t= %s' % opts.ratio_nonzeros) print('') ########################################################################### # Set transformer input ########################################################################### transformers = {} ########################################################################### # Set GaussianRandomProjection input gaussian_matrix_params = { "n_components": opts.n_components, "random_state": opts.random_seed } transformers["GaussianRandomProjection"] = \ GaussianRandomProjection(**gaussian_matrix_params) ########################################################################### # Set SparseRandomProjection input sparse_matrix_params = { "n_components": opts.n_components, "random_state": opts.random_seed, "density": opts.density, "eps": opts.eps, } transformers["SparseRandomProjection"] = \ SparseRandomProjection(**sparse_matrix_params) ########################################################################### # Perform benchmark ########################################################################### time_fit = collections.defaultdict(list) time_transform = collections.defaultdict(list) print('Benchmarks') print("===========================") print("Generate dataset benchmarks... ", end="") X_dense, X_sparse = make_sparse_random_data(opts.n_samples, opts.n_features, n_nonzeros, random_state=opts.random_seed) X = X_dense if opts.dense else X_sparse print("done") for name in selected_transformers: print("Perform benchmarks for %s..." % name) for iteration in xrange(opts.n_times): print("\titer %s..." % iteration, end="") time_to_fit, time_to_transform = bench_scikit_transformer(X_dense, transformers[name]) time_fit[name].append(time_to_fit) time_transform[name].append(time_to_transform) print("done") print("") ########################################################################### # Print results ########################################################################### print("Script arguments") print("===========================") arguments = vars(opts) print("%s \t | %s " % ("Arguments".ljust(16), "Value".center(12),)) print(25 * "-" + ("|" + "-" * 14) * 1) for key, value in arguments.items(): print("%s \t | %s " % (str(key).ljust(16), str(value).strip().center(12))) print("") print("Transformer performance:") print("===========================") print("Results are averaged over %s repetition(s)." % opts.n_times) print("") print("%s | %s | %s" % ("Transformer".ljust(30), "fit".center(12), "transform".center(12))) print(31 * "-" + ("|" + "-" * 14) * 2) for name in sorted(selected_transformers): print_row(name, np.mean(time_fit[name]), np.mean(time_transform[name])) print("") print("")
matplotlib.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/
#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Creates the calendar charts Given the unique nature of calendar charts, we use a separate method to construct them. ----- """ # Built-in Modules import calendar import datetime as dt import pickle import sys import traceback # Third-party Modules # Note the order and structure of matplotlib imports is intentional. import matplotlib matplotlib.use('AGG') # Note: this statement must be run before any other matplotlib imports are done. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # My modules import chart_tools log = chart_tools.log payload = chart_tools.payload props = payload['props'] chart_name = props['name'] p_dict = payload['p_dict'] plug_dict = payload['prefs'] log['Threaddebug'].append(u" called.") if plug_dict['verboseLogging']: chart_tools.log['Threaddebug'].append(u"{0}".format(payload)) try: def __init__(): pass fmt = {'short': {0: ["M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S", "S"], 6: ["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"]}, 'mid': {0: ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"], 6: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"]}, 'long': {0: ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"], 6: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]} } first_day = int(props.get('firstDayOfWeek', 6)) day_format = props.get('dayOfWeekFormat', 'mid') days_labels = fmt[day_format][first_day] my_cal = calendar.Calendar(first_day) # first day is Sunday = 6, Monday = 0 today = cal = my_cal.monthdatescalendar(today.year, today.month) try: height = int(props.get('customSizeHeight', 300)) / int(plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi']) except ValueError: height = 3 try: width = int(props.get('customSizeWidth', 500)) / int(plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi']) except ValueError: width = 5 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width, height)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.axis('off') # ============================= Plot Months Row ============================= month_row = ax.table(cellText=[" "], colLabels=[dt.datetime.strftime(today, "%B")], loc='top', bbox=[0, 0.5, 1, .5] # bbox = [left, bottom, width, height] ) chart_tools.format_axis(ax_obj=month_row) # ============================= Plot Days Rows ============================== # final_cal contains just the date value from the date object final_cal = [[ if _.month == today.month else "" for _ in thing] for thing in cal] days_rows = ax.table(cellText=final_cal, colLabels=days_labels, loc='top', cellLoc=props.get('dayOfWeekAlignment', 'right'), bbox=[0, -0.5, 1, 1.25] ) chart_tools.format_axis(ax_obj=days_rows) # ========================= Highlight Today's Date ========================== t = # today's date all_cal = [days_labels] + final_cal # days rows plus dates rows # Find the index of today's date (t) in all_cal highlight_date = [(i, all_cal.index(t)) for i, all_cal in enumerate(all_cal) if t in all_cal][0] # Set the cell facecolor highlight_color = p_dict.get('todayHighlight', '#555555') days_rows.get_celld()[highlight_date].set_facecolor(highlight_color) # ============================= Plot the Chart ============================== # Note that subplots_adjust affects the space surrounding the subplots and not # the fig. plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.97, bottom=0.34, left=0.02, right=0.98, hspace=None, wspace=None ) except (KeyError, IndexError, ValueError, UnicodeEncodeError) as sub_error: tb = traceback.format_exc() chart_tools.log['Critical'].append(u"[{n}] {s}".format(n=chart_name, s=tb)) # ============================== Housekeeping =============================== pickle.dump(chart_tools.log, sys.stdout)
# This file is part of BurnMan - a thermoelastic and thermodynamic toolkit for the Earth and Planetary Sciences # Copyright (C) 2012 - 2015 by the BurnMan team, released under the GNU # GPL v2 or later. """ example_composition ------------------- This example shows how to create different minerals, how to compute seismic velocities, and how to compare them to a seismic reference model. There are many different ways in BurnMan to combine minerals into a composition. Here we present a couple of examples: 1. Two minerals mixed in simple mole fractions. Can be chosen from the BurnMan libraries or from user defined minerals (see example_user_input_material) 2. Example with three minerals 3. Using preset solid solutions 4. Defining your own solid solution To turn a method of mineral creation "on" the first if statement above the method must be set to True, with all others set to False. Note: These minerals can include a spin transition in (Mg,Fe)O, see for explanation of how to implement this *Uses:* * :doc:`mineral_database` * :class:`burnman.composite.Composite` * :class:`burnman.mineral.Mineral` * :class:`burnman.solidsolution.SolidSolution` *Demonstrates:* * Different ways to define a composite * Using minerals and solid solutions * Compare computations to seismic models """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # hack to allow scripts to be placed in subdirectories next to burnman: if not os.path.exists('burnman') and os.path.exists('../burnman'): sys.path.insert(1, os.path.abspath('..')) import burnman from burnman import minerals if __name__ == "__main__": # To compute seismic velocities and other properties, we need to supply # burnman with a list of minerals (phases) and their molar abundances. Minerals # are classes found in burnman.minerals and are derived from # burnman.minerals.material. # Here are a few ways to define phases and molar_abundances: # Example 1: two simple fixed minerals if True: amount_perovskite = 0.95 rock = burnman.Composite([minerals.SLB_2011.mg_perovskite(), minerals.SLB_2011.periclase()], [amount_perovskite, 1 - amount_perovskite]) # Example 2: three materials if False: rock = burnman.Composite([minerals.SLB_2011.fe_perovskite(), minerals.SLB_2011.periclase(), minerals.SLB_2011.stishovite()], [0.7, 0.2, 0.1]) # Example 3: Mixing solid solutions if False: # Defining a rock using a predefined solid solution from the mineral # library database. preset_solidsolution = minerals.SLB_2011.mg_fe_perovskite() # The line below is optional to see which endmembers (and in which order) are in the solid solution # print preset_solidsolution.endmembers # Set molar_fraction of mg_perovskite, fe_perovskite and al_perovskite preset_solidsolution.set_composition( [0.9, 0.1, 0.]) # Set molar_fraction of mg_perovskite, fe_perovskite and al_perovskite rock = burnman.Composite( [preset_solidsolution, minerals.SLB_2011.periclase()], [0.8, 0.2]) # Example 4: Defining your own solid solution if False: # Define a new SolidSolution with mg and fe perovskite endmembers new_solidsolution = burnman.SolidSolution(name = 'New Mg-Fe bridgmanite', endmembers = [[minerals.SLB_2011.mg_perovskite(), '[Mg]SiO3'], [minerals.SLB_2011.fe_perovskite(), '[Fe]SiO3']], solution_type = 'ideal') # Set molar fraction of endmembers new_solidsolution.set_composition([0.9, 0.1]) rock = burnman.Composite( [new_solidsolution, minerals.SLB_2011.periclase()], [0.8, 0.2]) # seismic model for comparison: # pick from .prem() .slow() .fast() (see burnman/ seismic_model = burnman.seismic.PREM() number_of_points = 20 # set on how many depth slices the computations should be done # we will do our computation and comparison at the following depth values: depths = np.linspace(700e3, 2800e3, number_of_points) # alternatively, we could use the values where prem is defined: # depths = seismic_model.internal_depth_list(mindepth=700.e3, # maxdepth=2800.e3) seis_p, seis_rho, seis_vp, seis_vs, seis_vphi = seismic_model.evaluate( ['pressure', 'density', 'v_p', 'v_s', 'v_phi'], depths) temperature = burnman.geotherm.brown_shankland(seis_p) print("Calculations are done for:") rock.debug_print() mat_rho, mat_vp, mat_vphi, mat_vs, mat_K, mat_G = rock.evaluate( ['density', 'v_p', 'v_phi', 'v_s', 'K_S', 'G'], seis_p, temperature) [vs_err, vphi_err, rho_err] = burnman.compare_chifactor( [mat_vs, mat_vphi, mat_rho], [seis_vs, seis_vphi, seis_rho]) # PLOTTING # plot vs plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) plt.plot( seis_p / 1.e9, mat_vs / 1.e3, color='b', linestyle='-', marker='o', markerfacecolor='b', markersize=4, label='computation') plt.plot( seis_p / 1.e9, seis_vs / 1.e3, color='k', linestyle='-', marker='o', markerfacecolor='k', markersize=4, label='reference') plt.title("Vs (km/s)") plt.xlim(min(seis_p) / 1.e9, max(seis_p) / 1.e9) plt.ylim(5.1, 7.6) plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.text(40, 7.3, "misfit= %3.3f" % vs_err) # plot Vphi plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) plt.plot( seis_p / 1.e9, mat_vphi / 1.e3, color='b', linestyle='-', marker='o', markerfacecolor='b', markersize=4) plt.plot( seis_p / 1.e9, seis_vphi / 1.e3, color='k', linestyle='-', marker='o', markerfacecolor='k', markersize=4) plt.title("Vphi (km/s)") plt.xlim(min(seis_p) / 1.e9, max(seis_p) / 1.e9) plt.ylim(7, 12) plt.text(40, 11.5, "misfit= %3.3f" % vphi_err) # plot density plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) plt.plot( seis_p / 1.e9, mat_rho / 1.e3, color='b', linestyle='-', marker='o', markerfacecolor='b', markersize=4) plt.plot( seis_p / 1.e9, seis_rho / 1.e3, color='k', linestyle='-', marker='o', markerfacecolor='k', markersize=4) plt.title("density ($\cdot 10^3$ kg/m$^3$)") plt.xlim(min(seis_p) / 1.e9, max(seis_p) / 1.e9) plt.text(40, 4.3, "misfit= %3.3f" % rho_err) plt.xlabel("Pressure (GPa)") # plot geotherm plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) plt.plot(seis_p / 1e9, temperature, color='r', linestyle='-', marker='o', markerfacecolor='r', markersize=4) plt.title("Geotherm (K)") plt.xlim(min(seis_p) / 1.e9, max(seis_p) / 1.e9) plt.xlabel("Pressure (GPa)") plt.savefig("output_figures/example_composition.png")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun May 21 11:47:12 2017 @author: AmatVictoriaCuramIII """ from pandas import read_csv import pandas as pd import os CSVfiles = os.listdir('F:\\Users\\AmatVictoriaCuram\\TemporaryCSV') ranger = range(0,len(CSVfiles)) for i in ranger: try: temp = read_csv('F:\\Users\\AmatVictoriaCuram\\TemporaryCSV\\' + (CSVfiles[i]), sep = ',') temp = temp.set_index('Date') temp.index = pd.to_datetime(temp.index, format = "%Y/%m/%d") temp = temp.loc[:,~temp.columns.duplicated()] temp = temp[~temp.index.duplicated(keep='first')] if not os.path.exists('F:\\Users\\AmatVictoriaCuram\\Database\\' + CSVfiles[i][:-4]): os.makedirs('F:\\Users\\AmatVictoriaCuram\\Database\\' + CSVfiles[i][:-4]) pd.to_pickle(temp, 'F:\\Users\\AmatVictoriaCuram\\Database\\' + CSVfiles[i][:-4] + '\\' + CSVfiles[i][:-4]) except OSError: continue for i in ranger: try: glaze = pd.read_pickle('F:\\Users\\AmatVictoriaCuram\\Database\\' + (CSVfiles[i][:-4])) for x in glaze.columns: glaze[x] = pd.to_numeric(glaze[x], errors='coerce') pd.to_pickle(glaze, 'F:\\Users\\AmatVictoriaCuram\\Database\\' + CSVfiles[i][:-4]) except OSError: continue #this is for testing individual CSVs #tester = read_csv('F:\\Users\\AmatVictoriaCuram\\TemporaryCSV\\' + # (df['CSVname'][0]), sep = ',') #tester = tester.set_index('Date') #pd.to_pickle(tester, 'F:\\Users\\AmatVictoriaCuram\\Database\\' + df['CSVname'][0][:-4])
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import numpy as np import pandas as pd import xarray as xr from . import parameterized, randn, requires_dask nx = 3000 long_nx = 30000000 ny = 2000 nt = 1000 window = 20 randn_xy = randn((nx, ny), frac_nan=0.1) randn_xt = randn((nx, nt)) randn_t = randn((nt, )) randn_long = randn((long_nx, ), frac_nan=0.1) new_x_short = np.linspace(0.3 * nx, 0.7 * nx, 100) new_x_long = np.linspace(0.3 * nx, 0.7 * nx, 1000) new_y_long = np.linspace(0.1, 0.9, 1000) class Interpolation(object): def setup(self, *args, **kwargs): self.ds = xr.Dataset( {'var1': (('x', 'y'), randn_xy), 'var2': (('x', 't'), randn_xt), 'var3': (('t', ), randn_t)}, coords={'x': np.arange(nx), 'y': np.linspace(0, 1, ny), 't': pd.date_range('1970-01-01', periods=nt, freq='D'), 'x_coords': ('x', np.linspace(1.1, 2.1, nx))}) @parameterized(['method', 'is_short'], (['linear', 'cubic'], [True, False])) def time_interpolation(self, method, is_short): new_x = new_x_short if is_short else new_x_long self.ds.interp(x=new_x, method=method).load() @parameterized(['method'], (['linear', 'nearest'])) def time_interpolation_2d(self, method): self.ds.interp(x=new_x_long, y=new_y_long, method=method).load() class InterpolationDask(Interpolation): def setup(self, *args, **kwargs): requires_dask() super(InterpolationDask, self).setup(**kwargs) self.ds = self.ds.chunk({'t': 50})
# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Distributed training and evaluation of a wide and deep model.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import argparse import json import os import sys from six.moves import urllib import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn import learn_runner from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.estimators import run_config # Constants: Data download URLs TRAIN_DATA_URL = "" TEST_DATA_URL = "" # Define features for the model def census_model_config(): """Configuration for the census Wide & Deep model. Returns: columns: Column names to retrieve from the data source label_column: Name of the label column wide_columns: List of wide columns deep_columns: List of deep columns categorical_column_names: Names of the categorical columns continuous_column_names: Names of the continuous columns """ # 1. Categorical base columns. gender = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_keys( column_name="gender", keys=["female", "male"]) race = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_keys( column_name="race", keys=["Amer-Indian-Eskimo", "Asian-Pac-Islander", "Black", "Other", "White"]) education = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_hash_bucket( "education", hash_bucket_size=1000) marital_status = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_hash_bucket( "marital_status", hash_bucket_size=100) relationship = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_hash_bucket( "relationship", hash_bucket_size=100) workclass = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_hash_bucket( "workclass", hash_bucket_size=100) occupation = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_hash_bucket( "occupation", hash_bucket_size=1000) native_country = tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_hash_bucket( "native_country", hash_bucket_size=1000) # 2. Continuous base columns. age = tf.contrib.layers.real_valued_column("age") age_buckets = tf.contrib.layers.bucketized_column( age, boundaries=[18, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65]) education_num = tf.contrib.layers.real_valued_column("education_num") capital_gain = tf.contrib.layers.real_valued_column("capital_gain") capital_loss = tf.contrib.layers.real_valued_column("capital_loss") hours_per_week = tf.contrib.layers.real_valued_column("hours_per_week") wide_columns = [ gender, native_country, education, occupation, workclass, marital_status, relationship, age_buckets, tf.contrib.layers.crossed_column([education, occupation], hash_bucket_size=int(1e4)), tf.contrib.layers.crossed_column([native_country, occupation], hash_bucket_size=int(1e4)), tf.contrib.layers.crossed_column([age_buckets, race, occupation], hash_bucket_size=int(1e6))] deep_columns = [ tf.contrib.layers.embedding_column(workclass, dimension=8), tf.contrib.layers.embedding_column(education, dimension=8), tf.contrib.layers.embedding_column(marital_status, dimension=8), tf.contrib.layers.embedding_column(gender, dimension=8), tf.contrib.layers.embedding_column(relationship, dimension=8), tf.contrib.layers.embedding_column(race, dimension=8), tf.contrib.layers.embedding_column(native_country, dimension=8), tf.contrib.layers.embedding_column(occupation, dimension=8), age, education_num, capital_gain, capital_loss, hours_per_week] # Define the column names for the data sets. columns = ["age", "workclass", "fnlwgt", "education", "education_num", "marital_status", "occupation", "relationship", "race", "gender", "capital_gain", "capital_loss", "hours_per_week", "native_country", "income_bracket"] label_column = "label" categorical_columns = ["workclass", "education", "marital_status", "occupation", "relationship", "race", "gender", "native_country"] continuous_columns = ["age", "education_num", "capital_gain", "capital_loss", "hours_per_week"] return (columns, label_column, wide_columns, deep_columns, categorical_columns, continuous_columns) class CensusDataSource(object): """Source of census data.""" def __init__(self, data_dir, train_data_url, test_data_url, columns, label_column, categorical_columns, continuous_columns): """Constructor of CensusDataSource. Args: data_dir: Directory to save/load the data files train_data_url: URL from which the training data can be downloaded test_data_url: URL from which the test data can be downloaded columns: Columns to retrieve from the data files (A list of strings) label_column: Name of the label column categorical_columns: Names of the categorical columns (A list of strings) continuous_columns: Names of the continuous columsn (A list of strings) """ # Retrieve data from disk (if available) or download from the web. train_file_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "") if os.path.isfile(train_file_path): print("Loading training data from file: %s" % train_file_path) train_file = open(train_file_path) else: urllib.urlretrieve(train_data_url, train_file_path) test_file_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "adult.test") if os.path.isfile(test_file_path): print("Loading test data from file: %s" % test_file_path) test_file = open(test_file_path) else: test_file = open(test_file_path) urllib.urlretrieve(test_data_url, test_file_path) # Read the training and testing data sets into Pandas DataFrame. import pandas # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top self._df_train = pandas.read_csv(train_file, names=columns, skipinitialspace=True) self._df_test = pandas.read_csv(test_file, names=columns, skipinitialspace=True, skiprows=1) # Remove the NaN values in the last rows of the tables self._df_train = self._df_train[:-1] self._df_test = self._df_test[:-1] # Apply the threshold to get the labels. income_thresh = lambda x: ">50K" in x self._df_train[label_column] = ( self._df_train["income_bracket"].apply(income_thresh)).astype(int) self._df_test[label_column] = ( self._df_test["income_bracket"].apply(income_thresh)).astype(int) self.label_column = label_column self.categorical_columns = categorical_columns self.continuous_columns = continuous_columns def input_train_fn(self): return self._input_fn(self._df_train) def input_test_fn(self): return self._input_fn(self._df_test) # TODO(cais): Turn into minibatch feeder def _input_fn(self, df): """Input data function. Creates a dictionary mapping from each continuous feature column name (k) to the values of that column stored in a constant Tensor. Args: df: data feed Returns: feature columns and labels """ continuous_cols = {k: tf.constant(df[k].values) for k in self.continuous_columns} # Creates a dictionary mapping from each categorical feature column name (k) # to the values of that column stored in a tf.SparseTensor. categorical_cols = { k: tf.SparseTensor( indices=[[i, 0] for i in range(df[k].size)], values=df[k].values, dense_shape=[df[k].size, 1]) for k in self.categorical_columns} # Merges the two dictionaries into one. feature_cols = dict(continuous_cols.items() + categorical_cols.items()) # Converts the label column into a constant Tensor. label = tf.constant(df[self.label_column].values) # Returns the feature columns and the label. return feature_cols, label def _create_experiment_fn(output_dir): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Experiment creation function.""" (columns, label_column, wide_columns, deep_columns, categorical_columns, continuous_columns) = census_model_config() census_data_source = CensusDataSource(FLAGS.data_dir, TRAIN_DATA_URL, TEST_DATA_URL, columns, label_column, categorical_columns, continuous_columns) os.environ["TF_CONFIG"] = json.dumps({ "cluster": { tf.contrib.learn.TaskType.PS: ["fake_ps"] * FLAGS.num_parameter_servers }, "task": { "index": FLAGS.worker_index } }) config = run_config.RunConfig(master=FLAGS.master_grpc_url) estimator = tf.contrib.learn.DNNLinearCombinedClassifier( model_dir=FLAGS.model_dir, linear_feature_columns=wide_columns, dnn_feature_columns=deep_columns, dnn_hidden_units=[5], config=config) return tf.contrib.learn.Experiment( estimator=estimator, train_input_fn=census_data_source.input_train_fn, eval_input_fn=census_data_source.input_test_fn, train_steps=FLAGS.train_steps, eval_steps=FLAGS.eval_steps ) def main(unused_argv): print("Worker index: %d" % FLAGS.worker_index), output_dir=FLAGS.output_dir, schedule=FLAGS.schedule) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.register("type", "bool", lambda v: v.lower() == "true") parser.add_argument( "--data_dir", type=str, default="/tmp/census-data", help="Directory for storing the cesnsus data" ) parser.add_argument( "--model_dir", type=str, default="/tmp/census_wide_and_deep_model", help="Directory for storing the model" ) parser.add_argument( "--output_dir", type=str, default="", help="Base output directory." ) parser.add_argument( "--schedule", type=str, default="local_run", help="Schedule to run for this experiment." ) parser.add_argument( "--master_grpc_url", type=str, default="", help="URL to master GRPC tensorflow server, e.g.,grpc://" ) parser.add_argument( "--num_parameter_servers", type=int, default=0, help="Number of parameter servers" ) parser.add_argument( "--worker_index", type=int, default=0, help="Worker index (>=0)" ) parser.add_argument( "--train_steps", type=int, default=1000, help="Number of training steps" ) parser.add_argument( "--eval_steps", type=int, default=1, help="Number of evaluation steps" ) global FLAGS # pylint:disable=global-at-module-level FLAGS, unparsed = parser.parse_known_args(), argv=[sys.argv[0]] + unparsed)
# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import logging import shutil import os import sys import json import numpy as np import linecache, bisect import csv, math import pandas as pd import subprocess import numbers import api.resources.hdfs_client as HDFSClient import api.resources.impala_engine as impala from collections import OrderedDict from multiprocessing import Process from utils import Util, ProgressBar from import Data from components.geoloc.geoloc import GeoLocalization from components.reputation.gti import gti from impala.util import as_pandas import time class OA(object): def __init__(self,date,limit=500,logger=None): self._initialize_members(date,limit,logger) def _initialize_members(self,date,limit,logger): # get logger if exists. if not, create new instance. self._logger = logging.getLogger('OA.Flow') if logger else Util.get_logger('OA.Flow',create_file=False) # initialize required parameters. self._scrtip_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) self._date = date self._table_name = "flow" self._flow_results = [] self._limit = limit self._data_path = None self._ipynb_path = None self._ingest_summary_path = None self._flow_scores = [] self._results_delimiter = '\t' # get app configuration. self._spot_conf = Util.get_spot_conf() # # get scores fields conf conf_file = "{0}/flow_conf.json".format(self._scrtip_path) self._conf = json.loads(open (conf_file).read(),object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) # initialize data engine self._db = self._spot_conf.get('conf', 'DBNAME').replace("'", "").replace('"', '') def start(self): #################### start = time.time() #################### self._create_folder_structure() self._clear_previous_executions() self._add_ipynb() self._get_flow_results() self._add_network_context() self._add_geo_localization() self._add_reputation() self._create_flow_scores() self._get_oa_details() self._ingest_summary() ################## end = time.time() print(end - start) ################## def _clear_previous_executions(self):"Cleaning data from previous executions for the day") yr = self._date[:4] mn = self._date[4:6] dy = self._date[6:] table_schema = [] HUSER = self._spot_conf.get('conf', 'HUSER').replace("'", "").replace('"', '') table_schema=['suspicious', 'edge','chords','threat_investigation', 'timeline', 'storyboard', 'summary' ] for path in table_schema: HDFSClient.delete_folder("{0}/{1}/hive/oa/{2}/y={3}/m={4}/d={5}".format(HUSER,self._table_name,path,yr,int(mn),int(dy)),user="impala") impala.execute_query("invalidate metadata") #removes Feedback file HDFSClient.delete_folder("{0}/{1}/scored_results/{2}{3}{4}/feedback/ml_feedback.csv".format(HUSER,self._table_name,yr,mn,dy)) #removes json files from the storyboard HDFSClient.delete_folder("{0}/{1}/oa/{2}/{3}/{4}/{5}".format(HUSER,self._table_name,"storyboard",yr,mn,dy)) def _create_folder_structure(self):"Creating folder structure for OA (data and ipynb)") self._data_path,self._ingest_summary_path,self._ipynb_path = Util.create_oa_folders("flow",self._date) def _add_ipynb(self): if os.path.isdir(self._ipynb_path):"Adding the advanced mode IPython Notebook") shutil.copy("{0}/ipynb_templates/Advanced_Mode_master.ipynb".format(self._scrtip_path),"{0}/Advanced_Mode.ipynb".format(self._ipynb_path))"Adding threat investigation IPython Notebook") shutil.copy("{0}/ipynb_templates/Threat_Investigation_master.ipynb".format(self._scrtip_path),"{0}/Threat_Investigation.ipynb".format(self._ipynb_path)) else: self._logger.error("There was a problem adding the IPython Notebooks, please check the directory exists.") def _get_flow_results(self):"Getting {0} Machine Learning Results from HDFS".format(self._date)) flow_results = "{0}/flow_results.csv".format(self._data_path) # get hdfs path from conf file HUSER = self._spot_conf.get('conf', 'HUSER').replace("'", "").replace('"', '') hdfs_path = "{0}/flow/scored_results/{1}/scores/flow_results.csv".format(HUSER,self._date) # get results file from hdfs get_command = Util.get_ml_results_form_hdfs(hdfs_path,self._data_path)"{0}".format(get_command)) # valdiate files exists if os.path.isfile(flow_results): # read number of results based in the limit specified."Reading {0} flow results file: {1}".format(self._date,flow_results)) self._flow_results = Util.read_results(flow_results,self._limit,self._results_delimiter) if len(self._flow_results) == 0: self._logger.error("There are not flow results.");sys.exit(1) else: self._logger.error("There was an error getting ML results from HDFS") sys.exit(1) # filter results add rank."Filtering required columns based on configuration") self._flow_scores.extend([ [ conn[i] for i in self._conf['column_indexes_filter'] ] + [n] for n, conn in enumerate(self._flow_results) ]) def _create_flow_scores(self): # get date parameters. yr = self._date[:4] mn = self._date[4:6] dy = self._date[6:] value_string = "" for row in self._flow_scores: value_string += str(tuple(Util.cast_val(item) for item in row)) + "," load_into_impala = (""" INSERT INTO {0}.flow_scores partition(y={2}, m={3}, d={4}) VALUES {1} """).format(self._db, value_string[:-1], yr, mn, dy) impala.execute_query(load_into_impala) def _add_network_context(self): # use ipranges to see if the IPs are internals. ip_ranges_file = "{0}/context/ipranges.csv".format(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))) # add values to srcIpInternal and destIpInternal. flow_scores = iter(self._flow_scores) if os.path.isfile(ip_ranges_file):"Start adding network context...") # get ranges from configuration file."Reading network context file: {0}".format(ip_ranges_file)) with open(ip_ranges_file, 'rb') as f: nc_ranges = [ map(Util.ip_to_int,line.strip('\n').split(',')) for line in f ] # get src and dst IPs src_ip_index = self._conf["flow_score_fields"]["srcIP"] dst_ip_index = self._conf["flow_score_fields"]["dstIP"] # add networkcontext per connection. ip_internal_ranges = filter(None,nc_ranges)"Adding networkcontext to suspicious connections.") self._flow_scores = [ conn + [ self._is_ip_internal(conn[src_ip_index],ip_internal_ranges)]+[ self._is_ip_internal(conn[dst_ip_index],ip_internal_ranges)] for conn in flow_scores] else: self._flow_scores = [ conn + [0,0] for conn in flow_scores ]"WARNING: Network context was not added because the file ipranges.csv does not exist.") def _is_ip_internal(self,ip, ranges): result = 0 for row in ranges: if Util.ip_to_int(ip) >= row[0] and Util.ip_to_int(ip) <= row[1]: result = 1 break return result def _add_geo_localization(self): # use ipranges to see if the IPs are internals. iploc_file = "{0}/context/iploc.csv".format(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))))"Adding geo localization headers") # add values to srcIpInternal and destIpInternal. flow_scores = iter(self._flow_scores) if os.path.isfile(iploc_file):"Initializing geo localization component") geo = GeoLocalization(iploc_file,self._logger) src_ip_index = self._conf["flow_score_fields"]["srcIP"] dst_ip_index = self._conf["flow_score_fields"]["dstIP"]"Adding geo localization...") self._flow_scores = [] for conn in flow_scores: # get geo localizastin for src ip self._logger.debug("Searching geo for src ip {0}".format(conn[src_ip_index])) src_geo_dict = geo.get_ip_geo_localization(conn[src_ip_index]) # get goe localization for dst ip. self._logger.debug("Searching geo for dst ip {0}".format(conn[dst_ip_index])) dst_geo_dict = geo.get_ip_geo_localization(conn[dst_ip_index]) # adding columns to the current connection list. conn.extend([src_geo_dict["geo_loc"],dst_geo_dict["geo_loc"],src_geo_dict["domain"],dst_geo_dict["domain"]]) self._flow_scores.extend([conn]) else: self._flow_scores = [ conn + ["","","",""] for conn in flow_scores ]"WARNING: IP location was not added because the file {0} does not exist.".format(iploc_file)) def _add_reputation(self): reputation_conf_file = "{0}/components/reputation/reputation_config.json".format(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) # read configuration."Reading reputation configuration file: {0}".format(reputation_conf_file)) rep_conf = json.loads(open(reputation_conf_file).read()) if "gti" in rep_conf and os.path.isfile(rep_conf['gti']['refclient']): rep_conf = rep_conf['gti'] # initialize gti module."Initializing GTI component") flow_gti = gti.Reputation(rep_conf,self._logger) # get all src ips. src_ip_index = self._conf["flow_score_fields"]["srcIP"] dst_ip_index = self._conf["flow_score_fields"]["dstIP"]"Getting GTI reputation for src IPs") flow_scores_src = iter(self._flow_scores) # getting reputation for src IPs src_ips = [ conn[src_ip_index] for conn in flow_scores_src ] src_rep_results = flow_gti.check(src_ips)"Getting GTI reputation for dst IPs") flow_scores_dst = iter(self._flow_scores) # getting reputation for dst IPs dst_ips = [ conn[dst_ip_index] for conn in flow_scores_dst ] dst_rep_results = flow_gti.check(dst_ips) flow_scores_final = iter(self._flow_scores) self._flow_scores = [] flow_scores = [conn + [src_rep_results[conn[src_ip_index]]] + [dst_rep_results[conn[dst_ip_index]]] for conn in flow_scores_final ] self._flow_scores = flow_scores else: # add values to gtiSrcRep and gtiDstRep. flow_scores = iter(self._flow_scores) self._flow_scores = [ conn + ["",""] for conn in flow_scores ]"WARNING: IP reputation was not added. No refclient configured") def _get_oa_details(self):"Getting OA Flow suspicious details/chord diagram") # start suspicious connects details process. p_sp = Process(target=self._get_suspicious_details) p_sp.start() # start chord diagram process. p_ch = Process(target=self._get_chord_details) p_ch.start() p_sp.join() p_ch.join() def _get_suspicious_details(self,bar=None): # skip header sp_connections = iter(self._flow_scores) # loop connections. connections_added = [] for conn in sp_connections: # validate if the connection's details are not already extracted. if conn in connections_added: continue else: connections_added.append(conn) src_ip_index = self._conf["flow_score_fields"]["srcIP"] dst_ip_index = self._conf["flow_score_fields"]["dstIP"] # get src ip sip = conn[src_ip_index] # get dst ip dip = conn[dst_ip_index] # get hour and date (i.e. 2014-07-08 10:10:40) date_array = conn[0].split(' ') date_array_1 = date_array[0].split('-') date_array_2 = date_array[1].split(':') yr = date_array_1[0] dy = date_array_1[2] mh = date_array_1[1] hr = date_array_2[0] mm = date_array_2[1] query_to_load = (""" INSERT INTO TABLE {0}.flow_edge PARTITION (y={2}, m={3}, d={4}) SELECT treceived as tstart,sip as srcip,dip as dstip,sport as sport,dport as dport,proto as proto,flag as flags, stos as tos,ibyt as ibyt,ipkt as ipkt, input as input, output as output,rip as rip, obyt as obyt, opkt as opkt, h as hh, trminute as mn from {0}.{1} where ((sip='{7}' AND dip='{8}') or (sip='{8}' AND dip='{7}')) AND y={2} AND m={3} AND d={4} AND h={5} AND trminute={6}; """).format(self._db,self._table_name,yr, mh, dy, hr, mm, sip,dip) impala.execute_query(query_to_load) def _get_chord_details(self,bar=None): # skip header sp_connections = iter(self._flow_scores) src_ip_index = self._conf["flow_score_fields"]["srcIP"] dst_ip_index = self._conf["flow_score_fields"]["dstIP"] # get date parameters. yr = self._date[:4] mn = self._date[4:6] dy = self._date[6:] # get number of times each IP appears. srcdict = {} for conn in sp_connections: if conn[src_ip_index] in srcdict:srcdict[conn[src_ip_index]] += 1 else:srcdict[conn[src_ip_index]] = 1 if conn[dst_ip_index] in srcdict:srcdict[conn[dst_ip_index]] += 1 else:srcdict[conn[dst_ip_index]] = 1 for (ip,n) in srcdict.items(): if n > 1: ip_list = [] sp_connections = iter(self._flow_scores) for row in sp_connections: if ip == row[1] : ip_list.append(row[2]) if ip == row[2] :ip_list.append(row[1]) ips = list(set(ip_list)) if len(ips) > 1: ips_filter = (",".join(str("'{0}'".format(ip)) for ip in ips)) query_to_load = (""" INSERT INTO TABLE {0}.flow_chords PARTITION (y={2}, m={3}, d={4}) SELECT '{5}' as ip_threat, sip as srcip, dip as dstip, SUM(ibyt) as ibyt, SUM(ipkt) as ipkt from {0}.{1} where y={2} and m={3} and d={4} and ((sip='{5}' and dip IN({6})) or (sip IN({6}) and dip='{5}')) group by sip,dip,m,d; """).format(self._db,self._table_name,yr,mn,dy,ip,ips_filter) impala.execute_query(query_to_load) def _ingest_summary(self): # get date parameters. yr = self._date[:4] mn = self._date[4:6] dy = self._date[6:]"Getting ingest summary data for the day") ingest_summary_cols = ["date","total"] result_rows = [] df_filtered = pd.DataFrame() # get ingest summary. query_to_load=(""" SELECT tryear, trmonth, trday, trhour, trminute, COUNT(*) as total FROM {0}.{1} WHERE y={2} AND m={3} AND d={4} AND unix_tstamp IS NOT NULL AND sip IS NOT NULL AND sport IS NOT NULL AND dip IS NOT NULL AND dport IS NOT NULL AND ibyt IS NOT NULL AND ipkt IS NOT NULL AND tryear={2} AND cast(treceived as timestamp) IS NOT NULL GROUP BY tryear, trmonth, trday, trhour, trminute; """).format(self._db,self._table_name, yr, mn, dy) results = impala.execute_query(query_to_load) if results: df_results = as_pandas(results) #Forms a new dataframe splitting the minutes from the time column df_new = pd.DataFrame([["{0}-{1}-{2} {3}:{4}".format(val['tryear'],val['trmonth'],val['trday'], val['trhour'], val['trminute']), int(val['total']) if not math.isnan(val['total']) else 0 ] for key,val in df_results.iterrows()],columns = ingest_summary_cols) value_string = '' #Groups the data by minute sf = df_new.groupby(by=['date'])['total'].sum() df_per_min = pd.DataFrame({'date':sf.index, 'total':sf.values}) df_final = df_filtered.append(df_per_min, ignore_index=True).to_records(False,False) if len(df_final) > 0: query_to_insert=(""" INSERT INTO {0}.flow_ingest_summary PARTITION (y={1}, m={2}, d={3}) VALUES {4}; """).format(self._db, yr, mn, dy, tuple(df_final)) impala.execute_query(query_to_insert) else:"No data found for the ingest summary")
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ Created by Jan Willem de Gee on 2011-02-16. Adapted by Anne Urai, 2016 """ import os, sys, pickle, time import datetime import math import numpy as np import scipy as sp import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') # Force matplotlib to not use any Xwindows backend matplotlib.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd import glob import itertools import pp from IPython import embed as shell import hddm import kabuki import # for writing to mat file #import mne #import statsmodels.formula.api as sm #sys.path.append(os.environ['ANALYSIS_HOME']) #from Tools.other_scripts import functions_jw as myfuncs # params: version = 0 run = True # standard params: model_base_name = '2ifc_MEGdata_' model_names = ['1'] nr_samples = 20000 # 50.000 for good results nr_models = 1 # to test parallel = False # parallel python not working on MBP accuracy_coding = False # ----------------- # drift diffusion - # ----------------- def run_model(trace_id, data, model_dir, model_name, samples=10000, accuracy_coding=False): import hddm m = hddm.HDDMStimCoding(data, stim_col='stimulus', split_param='v', drift_criterion=True, bias=True, include=('sv'), group_only_nodes=['sv'], depends_on={'t':['drug', 'sessionnr'], 'v':['drug', 'sessionnr'], 'a':['drug', 'sessionnr'], 'dc':['drug', 'sessionnr'], 'z':['drug', 'sessionnr'], }, p_outlier=.05) m.find_starting_values() m.sample(samples, burn=samples/10, thin=3, dbname=os.path.join(model_dir, model_name+ '_db{}'.format(trace_id)), db='pickle') return m def drift_diffusion_hddm(data, samples=10000, n_jobs=6, run=True, parallel=True, model_name='model', model_dir='.', accuracy_coding=False): import hddm import os # run the model: if run: if parallel: job_server = pp.Server(ppservers=(), ncpus=n_jobs) start_time = time.time() jobs = [(trace_id, job_server.submit(run_model,(trace_id, data, model_dir, model_name, samples, accuracy_coding), (), ('hddm',))) for trace_id in range(n_jobs)] results = [] shell() for s, job in jobs: results.append(job()) print "Time elapsed: ", time.time() - start_time, "s" job_server.print_stats() # save: for i in range(n_jobs): model = results[i], '{}_{}'.format(model_name,i))) else: start_time = time.time() model = run_model(3, data, model_dir, model_name, samples, accuracy_coding), '{}_md{}'.format(model_name, 3))) # print point estimates results = model.gen_stats() results.to_csv(os.path.join(fig_dir, 'diagnostics', 'results3.csv')) # dic: text_file = open(os.path.join(fig_dir, 'diagnostics', 'DIC3.txt'), 'w') text_file.write("Model {}: {}\n".format(m, model.dic)) text_file.close() print "Time elapsed: ", time.time() - start_time, "s" # load the models: else: print 'loading existing model(s)' if parallel: model = [] for i in range(n_jobs): model.append(hddm.load(os.path.join(model_dir, '{}_{}'.format(model_name,i)))) else: model = hddm.load(os.path.join(model_dir, '{}_md{}'.format(model_name, 1))) return model # settings: # --------- # model_name: model_name = model_names[version] # data: # put in 1 folder data_path1 = os.path.join('/Users/anne/Data/projects/0/neurodec/Data/MEG-PL/Data/HDDM/', '2ifc_data_hddm.csv') data = pd.read_csv(data_path1) # model dir: model_dir = '/Users/anne/Data/projects/0/neurodec/Data/MEG-PL/Data/HDDM/' # figures dir: fig_dir = os.path.join(model_dir, model_base_name + model_name) print(fig_dir) try: os.system('mkdir {}'.format(fig_dir)) os.system('mkdir {}'.format(os.path.join(fig_dir, 'diagnostics'))) except: pass # subjects: subjects = np.unique(data.subj_idx) nr_subjects = np.unique(data.subj_idx).shape[0] print '# subjects = {}'.format(nr_subjects) if run: print 'running {}'.format(model_base_name+model_name) model = drift_diffusion_hddm(data=data, samples=nr_samples, n_jobs=nr_models, run=run, parallel=parallel, model_name=model_base_name+model_name, model_dir=model_dir, accuracy_coding=accuracy_coding) else: # ----------------- # write to file # ----------------- model_nr = 0 model = drift_diffusion_hddm(data=data, samples=nr_samples, n_jobs=nr_models, run=run, parallel=parallel, model_name=model_base_name+model_name, model_dir=model_dir, accuracy_coding=accuracy_coding) params_of_interest_0 = ['z(0)', 'a(0)', 'v(0)', 'dc(0)', 't(0)', 'sv'] params_of_interest_1 = ['z(1)', 'a(1)', 'v(1)', 'dc(1)', 't(1)', 'sv'] params_of_interest_0s = ['z_subj(0)', 'a_subj(0)', 'v_subj(0)', 'dc_subj(0)', 't_subj(0)'] params_of_interest_1s = ['z_subj(1)', 'a_subj(1)', 'v_subj(1)', 'dc_subj(1)', 't_subj(1)'] titles = ['Starting point', 'Boundary sep.', 'Drift rate', 'Drift criterion', 'Non-dec. time', 'Drift rate var'] shell() # point estimates: if parallel: results = model[model_nr].print_stats() else: results = model.gen_stats() results.to_csv(os.path.join(fig_dir, 'diagnostics', 'results.csv')) for i in range(nr_models): md = model[i] # remove fields that scipy io cant handle unwanted = [None] unwanted_keys = [k for k, v in md.items() if any([v is i for i in unwanted])] for k in unwanted_keys: del md[k], '{}_{}_mat'.format(model_name,i)), md) shell() # gelman rubic: # only make sense when several models were run gr = hddm.analyze.gelman_rubin(model) text_file = open(os.path.join(fig_dir, 'diagnostics', 'gelman_rubic.txt'), 'w') for p in gr.items(): text_file.write("%s:%s\n" % p) text_file.close() # dic: text_file = open(os.path.join(fig_dir, 'diagnostics', 'DIC.txt'), 'w') for m in range(nr_models): text_file.write("Model {}: {}\n".format(m, model[m].dic)) text_file.close() # # analytic plots: size_plot = nr_subjects / 3.0 * 1.5 model[model_nr].plot_posterior_predictive(samples=10, bins=100, figsize=(6,size_plot), save=True, path=os.path.join(fig_dir, 'diagnostics'), format='pdf') model[model_nr].plot_posteriors(save=True, path=os.path.join(fig_dir, 'diagnostics'), format='pdf') # posterios: # ---------- traces_0 = [] traces_1 = [] for p in range(len(params_of_interest_0)): traces_0.append(model[model_nr].nodes_db.node[params_of_interest_0[p]].trace.gettrace()) traces_1.append(model[model_nr].nodes_db.node[params_of_interest_1[p]].trace.gettrace()) # fix starting point: traces_0[0] = traces_0[0] * np.mean((traces_0[1].mean(),traces_1[1].mean())) traces_1[0] = traces_1[0] * np.mean((traces_0[1].mean(),traces_1[1].mean())) # # make absolute posteriors: # traces_0[4] = abs(traces_0[4]) # traces_1[4] = abs(traces_1[4]) # traces_0[5] = abs(traces_0[5]) # traces_1[5] = abs(traces_1[5]) # ----------------- # plot # ----------------- sns.set(style='ticks', font='Arial', font_scale=1, rc={ 'axes.linewidth': 0.25, 'axes.labelsize': 7, 'axes.titlesize': 7, 'xtick.labelsize': 6, 'ytick.labelsize': 6, 'legend.fontsize': 6, 'xtick.major.width': 0.25, 'ytick.major.width': 0.25, 'text.color': 'Black', 'axes.labelcolor':'Black', 'xtick.color':'Black', 'ytick.color':'Black',} ) sns.plotting_context() stats = [] for p in range(len(params_of_interest_0)): data = [traces_0[p], traces_1[p]] stat = np.mean(data[0] > data[1]) stats.append(min(stat, 1-stat)) stats = np.array(stats) # stats_corrected = mne.stats.fdr_correction(stats, 0.05)[1] stats_corrected = stats fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=len(params_of_interest_0), figsize=(len(params_of_interest_0)*1.5,2.5)) ax_nr = 0 for p in range(len(params_of_interest_0)): data = [traces_0[p], traces_1[p]] ax = axes[ax_nr] for d, label, c in zip(data, ['low', 'high'], ['blue', 'red']): sns.kdeplot(d, vertical=True, shade=True, color=c, label=label, ax=ax) # sns.distplot(d, vertical=True, hist=False, kde_kws={"shade": True}, norm_hist=True, color=c, label=label, ax=ax) ax.set_xlabel('Posterior probability') ax.set_title(titles[p]+'\np={}'.format(round(stats_corrected[p],4))) ax.set_xlim(xmin=0) # ax.set_ylim(-1,2) for axis in ['top','bottom','left','right']: ax.spines[axis].set_linewidth(0.5) ax.tick_params(width=0.5) ax_nr+=1 sns.despine(offset=10, trim=True) axes[0].set_ylabel('Parameter estimate (a.u.)') plt.tight_layout() fig.savefig(os.path.join(fig_dir, 'posteriors.pdf')) # import corner # # fig = plt.figure() # fig = corner.corner(np.array(traces_0).T, color='b', labels=titles, **{'lw':1}) # corner.corner(np.array(traces_1).T, color='r', labels=titles, fig=fig, **{'lw':1}) # fig.savefig(os.path.join(fig_dir, 'corner.pdf')) # ####### # p = 5 # data = [traces_0[p], t0[p]] # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3,3)) # ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # for d, label, c in zip(data, ['All trials', 'TPR fit'], ['black', 'red']): # sns.kdeplot(d, vertical=True, shade=True, color=c, label=label, ax=ax) # # sns.distplot(d, vertical=True, hist=False, kde_kws={"shade": True}, norm_hist=True, color=c, label=label, ax=ax) # ax.set_xlabel('Posterior probability') # ax.set_ylabel('Drift rate var') # ax.set_title(titles[p]+'\np={}'.format(round(np.mean(data[0] > data[1]),4))) # plt.tight_layout() # sns.despine(offset=10, trim=True) # fig.savefig(os.path.join(fig_dir, 'posteriors_sv.pdf')) # # barplot: # -------- # all: parameters_h = [] parameters_l = [] p_value = [] ind = np.ones(nr_subjects, dtype=bool) for p in range(len(params_of_interest_0s)): parameters_h.append(np.array([model[model_nr].values.get('{}.'.format(params_of_interest_1s[p]) + str(s)) for s in subjects])[ind]) parameters_l.append(np.array([model[model_nr].values.get('{}.'.format(params_of_interest_0s[p]) + str(s)) for s in subjects])[ind]) param_names = ['z', 'a', 'v', 'dc', 't'] # param_names = ['z', 'a', 'v1', 'v2', 'dc1', 'dc2', 't'] parameters = pd.concat((pd.DataFrame(np.vstack(parameters_h).T, columns=param_names), pd.DataFrame(np.vstack(parameters_l).T, columns=param_names))) parameters['pupil'] = np.concatenate((np.ones(len(subjects)), np.zeros(len(subjects)))) parameters['subject'] = np.concatenate((subjects, subjects)) k = parameters.groupby(['subject', 'pupil']).mean() k_s = k.stack().reset_index() k_s.columns = ['subject', 'pupil', 'param', 'value'] parameters.to_csv(os.path.join(fig_dir, 'params.csv')) # plot: locs = np.arange(0,len(param_names)) bar_width = 0.2 fig = plt.figure(figsize=( (1+(len(params_of_interest_1s)*0.3)),2)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) sns.barplot(x='param', y='value', units='subject', hue='pupil', hue_order=[1,0], data=k_s, palette=['r', 'b'], ci=None, linewidth=0, alpha=0.5, ax=ax) sns.stripplot(x="param", y="value", hue='pupil', hue_order=[1,0], data=k_s, jitter=False, size=2, palette=['r', 'b'], edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.25, ax=ax, split=True, alpha=1) for r in range(len(param_names)): values = np.vstack((k_s[(k_s['param'] == param_names[r]) & (k_s['pupil'] == 1)].value, k_s[(k_s['param'] == param_names[r]) & (k_s['pupil'] == 0)].value)) x = np.array([locs[r]-bar_width, locs[r]+bar_width]) ax.plot(x, values, color='black', lw=0.5, alpha=0.5) # # add p-values: for r in range(len(param_names)): p1 = myfuncs.permutationTest(k_s[(k_s['pupil']==1) & (k_s['param']==param_names[r])].value, k_s[(k_s['pupil']==0) & (k_s['param']==param_names[r])].value, paired=True)[1] if p1 < 0.05: plt.text(s='{}'.format(round(p1, 3)), x=locs[r], y=plt.gca().get_ylim()[1]-((plt.gca().get_ylim()[1] - plt.gca().get_ylim()[0]) / 10.0), size=5, horizontalalignment='center',) ax.legend_.remove() plt.xticks(locs, param_names, rotation=45) sns.despine(offset=10, trim=True) plt.tight_layout() fig.savefig(os.path.join(fig_dir, 'bars_all.pdf')) k_s = parameters.groupby(['subject', 'pupil']).mean() k_s = k.stack().reset_index() k_s.columns = ['subject', 'pupil', 'param', 'value'] k_s = k_s[(k_s['param']=='dc')] param_names = ['dc'] k_s['value'] = abs(k_s['value']) # plot: locs = np.arange(0,len(param_names)) bar_width = 0.2 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(1.5,2)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) sns.barplot(x='param', y='value', units='subject', hue='pupil', hue_order=[1,0], data=k_s, palette=['r', 'b'], ci=None, linewidth=0, alpha=0.5, ax=ax) sns.stripplot(x="param", y="value", hue='pupil', hue_order=[1,0], data=k_s, jitter=False, size=2, palette=['r', 'b'], edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.25, ax=ax, split=True, alpha=1) for r in range(len(param_names)): values = np.vstack((k_s[(k_s['param'] == param_names[r]) & (k_s['pupil'] == 1)].value, k_s[(k_s['param'] == param_names[r]) & (k_s['pupil'] == 0)].value)) x = np.array([locs[r]-bar_width, locs[r]+bar_width]) ax.plot(x, values, color='black', lw=0.5, alpha=0.5) # # add p-values: for r in range(len(param_names)): p1 = myfuncs.permutationTest(k_s[(k_s['pupil']==1) & (k_s['param']==param_names[r])].value, k_s[(k_s['pupil']==0) & (k_s['param']==param_names[r])].value, paired=True)[1] if p1 < 0.05: plt.text(s='{}'.format(round(p1, 3)), x=locs[r], y=plt.gca().get_ylim()[1]-((plt.gca().get_ylim()[1] - plt.gca().get_ylim()[0]) / 10.0), size=5, horizontalalignment='center',) ax.legend_.remove() plt.xticks(locs, param_names, rotation=45) sns.despine(offset=10, trim=True) plt.tight_layout() fig.savefig(os.path.join(fig_dir, 'bars_all2.pdf'))
""" Tests for transformer objects. """ from deepchem.molnet import load_delaney from deepchem.trans.transformers import FeaturizationTransformer from deepchem.trans.transformers import DataTransforms __author__ = "Bharath Ramsundar" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, Stanford University" __license__ = "MIT" import os import unittest import numpy as np import pandas as pd import deepchem as dc import tensorflow as tf import scipy.ndimage def load_solubility_data(): """Loads solubility dataset""" current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) featurizer = dc.feat.CircularFingerprint(size=1024) tasks = ["log-solubility"] task_type = "regression" input_file = os.path.join(current_dir, "../../models/tests/example.csv") loader = tasks=tasks, smiles_field="smiles", featurizer=featurizer) return loader.create_dataset(input_file) def load_feat_multitask_data(): """Load example with numerical features, tasks.""" current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) features = ["feat0", "feat1", "feat2", "feat3", "feat4", "feat5"] featurizer = dc.feat.UserDefinedFeaturizer(features) tasks = ["task0", "task1", "task2", "task3", "task4", "task5"] input_file = os.path.join(current_dir, "../../models/tests/feat_multitask_example.csv") loader = tasks=tasks, featurizer=featurizer, id_field="id") return loader.featurize(input_file) def load_gaussian_cdf_data(): """Load example with numbers sampled from Gaussian normal distribution. Each feature and task is a column of values that is sampled from a normal distribution of mean 0, stdev 1.""" current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) features = ["feat0", "feat1"] featurizer = dc.feat.UserDefinedFeaturizer(features) tasks = ["task0", "task1"] input_file = os.path.join(current_dir, "../../models/tests/gaussian_cdf_example.csv") loader = tasks=tasks, featurizer=featurizer, id_field="id") return loader.featurize(input_file) def load_unlabelled_data(): current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) featurizer = dc.feat.CircularFingerprint(size=1024) tasks = [] input_file = os.path.join(current_dir, "../../data/tests/no_labels.csv") loader = tasks=tasks, smiles_field="smiles", featurizer=featurizer) return loader.featurize(input_file) class TestTransformers(unittest.TestCase): """ Test top-level API for transformer objects. """ def setUp(self): super(TestTransformers, self).setUp() self.current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) ''' init to load the MNIST data for DataTransforms Tests ''' (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = tf.keras.datasets.mnist.load_data() train =, y_train) # extract only the images (no need of the labels) data = (train.X)[0] # reshaping the vector to image data = np.reshape(data, (28, 28)) self.d = data def test_y_log_transformer(self): """Tests logarithmic data transformer.""" solubility_dataset = load_solubility_data() log_transformer = dc.trans.LogTransformer( transform_y=True, dataset=solubility_dataset) X, y, w, ids = (solubility_dataset.X, solubility_dataset.y, solubility_dataset.w, solubility_dataset.ids) solubility_dataset = log_transformer.transform(solubility_dataset) X_t, y_t, w_t, ids_t = (solubility_dataset.X, solubility_dataset.y, solubility_dataset.w, solubility_dataset.ids) # Check ids are unchanged. for id_elt, id_t_elt in zip(ids, ids_t): assert id_elt == id_t_elt # Check X is unchanged since this is a y transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(X, X_t) # Check w is unchanged since this is a y transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(w, w_t) # Check y is now a logarithmic version of itself np.testing.assert_allclose(y_t, np.log(y + 1)) # Check that untransform does the right thing. np.testing.assert_allclose(log_transformer.untransform(y_t), y) def test_transform_unlabelled(self): ul_dataset = load_unlabelled_data() # transforming y should raise an exception with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context: dc.trans.transformers.Transformer(transform_y=True).transform(ul_dataset) # transforming w should raise an exception with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context: dc.trans.transformers.Transformer(transform_w=True).transform(ul_dataset) # transforming X should be okay dc.trans.NormalizationTransformer( transform_X=True, dataset=ul_dataset).transform(ul_dataset) def test_X_log_transformer(self): """Tests logarithmic data transformer.""" solubility_dataset = load_solubility_data() log_transformer = dc.trans.LogTransformer( transform_X=True, dataset=solubility_dataset) X, y, w, ids = (solubility_dataset.X, solubility_dataset.y, solubility_dataset.w, solubility_dataset.ids) solubility_dataset = log_transformer.transform(solubility_dataset) X_t, y_t, w_t, ids_t = (solubility_dataset.X, solubility_dataset.y, solubility_dataset.w, solubility_dataset.ids) # Check ids are unchanged. for id_elt, id_t_elt in zip(ids, ids_t): assert id_elt == id_t_elt # Check y is unchanged since this is a X transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(y, y_t) # Check w is unchanged since this is a y transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(w, w_t) # Check y is now a logarithmic version of itself np.testing.assert_allclose(X_t, np.log(X + 1)) # Check that untransform does the right thing. np.testing.assert_allclose(log_transformer.untransform(X_t), X) def test_y_log_transformer_select(self): """Tests logarithmic data transformer with selection.""" multitask_dataset = load_feat_multitask_data() dfe = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(self.current_dir, "../../models/tests/feat_multitask_example.csv")) tid = [] tasklist = ["task0", "task3", "task4", "task5"] first_task = "task0" for task in tasklist: tiid = dfe.columns.get_loc(task) - dfe.columns.get_loc(first_task) tid = np.concatenate((tid, np.array([tiid]))) tasks = tid.astype(int) log_transformer = dc.trans.LogTransformer( transform_y=True, tasks=tasks, dataset=multitask_dataset) X, y, w, ids = (multitask_dataset.X, multitask_dataset.y, multitask_dataset.w, multitask_dataset.ids) multitask_dataset = log_transformer.transform(multitask_dataset) X_t, y_t, w_t, ids_t = (multitask_dataset.X, multitask_dataset.y, multitask_dataset.w, multitask_dataset.ids) # Check ids are unchanged. for id_elt, id_t_elt in zip(ids, ids_t): assert id_elt == id_t_elt # Check X is unchanged since this is a y transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(X, X_t) # Check w is unchanged since this is a y transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(w, w_t) # Check y is now a logarithmic version of itself np.testing.assert_allclose(y_t[:, tasks], np.log(y[:, tasks] + 1)) # Check that untransform does the right thing. np.testing.assert_allclose(log_transformer.untransform(y_t), y) def test_X_log_transformer_select(self): # Tests logarithmic data transformer with selection. multitask_dataset = load_feat_multitask_data() dfe = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(self.current_dir, "../../models/tests/feat_multitask_example.csv")) fid = [] featurelist = ["feat0", "feat1", "feat2", "feat3", "feat5"] first_feature = "feat0" for feature in featurelist: fiid = dfe.columns.get_loc(feature) - dfe.columns.get_loc(first_feature) fid = np.concatenate((fid, np.array([fiid]))) features = fid.astype(int) log_transformer = dc.trans.LogTransformer( transform_X=True, features=features, dataset=multitask_dataset) X, y, w, ids = (multitask_dataset.X, multitask_dataset.y, multitask_dataset.w, multitask_dataset.ids) multitask_dataset = log_transformer.transform(multitask_dataset) X_t, y_t, w_t, ids_t = (multitask_dataset.X, multitask_dataset.y, multitask_dataset.w, multitask_dataset.ids) # Check ids are unchanged. for id_elt, id_t_elt in zip(ids, ids_t): assert id_elt == id_t_elt # Check y is unchanged since this is a X transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(y, y_t) # Check w is unchanged since this is a y transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(w, w_t) # Check y is now a logarithmic version of itself np.testing.assert_allclose(X_t[:, features], np.log(X[:, features] + 1)) # Check that untransform does the right thing. np.testing.assert_allclose(log_transformer.untransform(X_t), X) def test_y_normalization_transformer(self): """Tests normalization transformer.""" solubility_dataset = load_solubility_data() normalization_transformer = dc.trans.NormalizationTransformer( transform_y=True, dataset=solubility_dataset) X, y, w, ids = (solubility_dataset.X, solubility_dataset.y, solubility_dataset.w, solubility_dataset.ids) solubility_dataset = normalization_transformer.transform(solubility_dataset) X_t, y_t, w_t, ids_t = (solubility_dataset.X, solubility_dataset.y, solubility_dataset.w, solubility_dataset.ids) # Check ids are unchanged. for id_elt, id_t_elt in zip(ids, ids_t): assert id_elt == id_t_elt # Check X is unchanged since this is a y transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(X, X_t) # Check w is unchanged since this is a y transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(w, w_t) # Check that y_t has zero mean, unit std. assert np.isclose(y_t.mean(), 0.) assert np.isclose(y_t.std(), 1.) # Check that untransform does the right thing. np.testing.assert_allclose(normalization_transformer.untransform(y_t), y) def test_X_normalization_transformer(self): """Tests normalization transformer.""" solubility_dataset = load_solubility_data() normalization_transformer = dc.trans.NormalizationTransformer( transform_X=True, dataset=solubility_dataset) X, y, w, ids = (solubility_dataset.X, solubility_dataset.y, solubility_dataset.w, solubility_dataset.ids) solubility_dataset = normalization_transformer.transform(solubility_dataset) X_t, y_t, w_t, ids_t = (solubility_dataset.X, solubility_dataset.y, solubility_dataset.w, solubility_dataset.ids) # Check ids are unchanged. for id_elt, id_t_elt in zip(ids, ids_t): assert id_elt == id_t_elt # Check y is unchanged since this is a X transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(y, y_t) # Check w is unchanged since this is a y transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(w, w_t) # Check that X_t has zero mean, unit std. # np.set_printoptions(threshold='nan') mean = X_t.mean(axis=0) assert np.amax(np.abs(mean - np.zeros_like(mean))) < 1e-7 orig_std_array = X.std(axis=0) std_array = X_t.std(axis=0) # Entries with zero std are not normalized for orig_std, std in zip(orig_std_array, std_array): if not np.isclose(orig_std, 0): assert np.isclose(std, 1) # TODO(rbharath): Untransform doesn't work properly for binary feature # vectors. Need to figure out what's wrong here. (low priority) ## Check that untransform does the right thing. # np.testing.assert_allclose(normalization_transformer.untransform(X_t), X) def test_cdf_X_transformer(self): """Test CDF transformer on Gaussian normal dataset.""" target = np.array(np.transpose(np.linspace(0., 1., 1001))) target = np.transpose(np.array(np.append([target], [target], axis=0))) gaussian_dataset = load_gaussian_cdf_data() bins = 1001 cdf_transformer = dc.trans.CDFTransformer( transform_X=True, dataset=gaussian_dataset, bins=bins) X, y, w, ids = (gaussian_dataset.X, gaussian_dataset.y, gaussian_dataset.w, gaussian_dataset.ids) gaussian_dataset = cdf_transformer.transform(gaussian_dataset, bins=bins) X_t, y_t, w_t, ids_t = (gaussian_dataset.X, gaussian_dataset.y, gaussian_dataset.w, gaussian_dataset.ids) # Check ids are unchanged. for id_elt, id_t_elt in zip(ids, ids_t): assert id_elt == id_t_elt # Check y is unchanged since this is an X transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(y, y_t) # Check w is unchanged since this is an X transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(w, w_t) # Check X is now holding the proper values when sorted. sorted = np.sort(X_t, axis=0) np.testing.assert_allclose(sorted, target) def test_cdf_y_transformer(self): # Test CDF transformer on Gaussian normal dataset. target = np.array(np.transpose(np.linspace(0., 1., 1001))) target = np.transpose(np.array(np.append([target], [target], axis=0))) gaussian_dataset = load_gaussian_cdf_data() bins = 1001 cdf_transformer = dc.trans.CDFTransformer( transform_y=True, dataset=gaussian_dataset, bins=bins) X, y, w, ids = (gaussian_dataset.X, gaussian_dataset.y, gaussian_dataset.w, gaussian_dataset.ids) gaussian_dataset = cdf_transformer.transform(gaussian_dataset, bins=bins) X_t, y_t, w_t, ids_t = (gaussian_dataset.X, gaussian_dataset.y, gaussian_dataset.w, gaussian_dataset.ids) # Check ids are unchanged. for id_elt, id_t_elt in zip(ids, ids_t): assert id_elt == id_t_elt # Check X is unchanged since this is an y transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(X, X_t) # Check w is unchanged since this is an y transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(w, w_t) # Check y is now holding the proper values when sorted. sorted = np.sort(y_t, axis=0) np.testing.assert_allclose(sorted, target) # Check that untransform does the right thing. y_restored = cdf_transformer.untransform(y_t) assert np.max(y_restored - y) < 1e-5 #np.testing.assert_allclose(y_restored, y) def test_clipping_X_transformer(self): """Test clipping transformer on X of singletask dataset.""" n_samples = 10 n_features = 3 n_tasks = 1 ids = np.arange(n_samples) X = np.ones((n_samples, n_features)) target = 5. * X X *= 6. y = np.zeros((n_samples, n_tasks)) w = np.ones((n_samples, n_tasks)) dataset =, y, w, ids) transformer = dc.trans.ClippingTransformer(transform_X=True, x_max=5.) clipped_dataset = transformer.transform(dataset) X_t, y_t, w_t, ids_t = (clipped_dataset.X, clipped_dataset.y, clipped_dataset.w, clipped_dataset.ids) # Check ids are unchanged. for id_elt, id_t_elt in zip(ids, ids_t): assert id_elt == id_t_elt # Check y is unchanged since this is an X transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(y, y_t) # Check w is unchanged since this is an X transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(w, w_t) # Check X is now holding the proper values when sorted. np.testing.assert_allclose(X_t, target) def test_clipping_y_transformer(self): """Test clipping transformer on y of singletask dataset.""" n_samples = 10 n_features = 3 n_tasks = 1 ids = np.arange(n_samples) X = np.zeros((n_samples, n_features)) y = np.ones((n_samples, n_tasks)) target = 5. * y y *= 6. w = np.ones((n_samples, n_tasks)) dataset =, y, w, ids) transformer = dc.trans.ClippingTransformer(transform_y=True, y_max=5.) clipped_dataset = transformer.transform(dataset) X_t, y_t, w_t, ids_t = (clipped_dataset.X, clipped_dataset.y, clipped_dataset.w, clipped_dataset.ids) # Check ids are unchanged. for id_elt, id_t_elt in zip(ids, ids_t): assert id_elt == id_t_elt # Check X is unchanged since this is a y transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(X, X_t) # Check w is unchanged since this is a y transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(w, w_t) # Check y is now holding the proper values when sorted. np.testing.assert_allclose(y_t, target) def test_power_X_transformer(self): """Test Power transformer on Gaussian normal dataset.""" gaussian_dataset = load_gaussian_cdf_data() powers = [1, 2, 0.5] power_transformer = dc.trans.PowerTransformer( transform_X=True, powers=powers) X, y, w, ids = (gaussian_dataset.X, gaussian_dataset.y, gaussian_dataset.w, gaussian_dataset.ids) gaussian_dataset2 = power_transformer.transform(gaussian_dataset) X_t, y_t, w_t, ids_t = (gaussian_dataset2.X, gaussian_dataset2.y, gaussian_dataset2.w, gaussian_dataset2.ids) # Check ids are unchanged. for id_elt, id_t_elt in zip(ids, ids_t): assert id_elt == id_t_elt # Check y is unchanged since this is an X transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(y, y_t) # Check w is unchanged since this is an X transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(w, w_t) # Check X is now holding the proper values in each column. np.testing.assert_allclose(X_t.shape[1], len(powers) * X.shape[1]) np.testing.assert_allclose(X, X_t[:, :2]) np.testing.assert_allclose(np.power(X, 2), X_t[:, 2:4]) np.testing.assert_allclose(np.power(X, 0.5), X_t[:, 4:]) def test_power_y_transformer(self): """Test Power transformer on Gaussian normal dataset.""" gaussian_dataset = load_gaussian_cdf_data() powers = [1, 2, 0.5] power_transformer = dc.trans.PowerTransformer( transform_y=True, powers=powers) X, y, w, ids = (gaussian_dataset.X, gaussian_dataset.y, gaussian_dataset.w, gaussian_dataset.ids) gaussian_dataset2 = power_transformer.transform(gaussian_dataset) X_t, y_t, w_t, ids_t = (gaussian_dataset2.X, gaussian_dataset2.y, gaussian_dataset2.w, gaussian_dataset2.ids) # Check ids are unchanged. for id_elt, id_t_elt in zip(ids, ids_t): assert id_elt == id_t_elt # Check X is unchanged since this is an X transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(X, X_t) # Check w is unchanged since this is an X transformer np.testing.assert_allclose(w, w_t) # Check y is now holding the proper values in each column. np.testing.assert_allclose(y_t.shape[1], len(powers) * y.shape[1]) np.testing.assert_allclose(y, y_t[:, :2]) np.testing.assert_allclose(np.power(y, 2), y_t[:, 2:4]) np.testing.assert_allclose(np.power(y, 0.5), y_t[:, 4:]) # Check that untransform does the right thing. np.testing.assert_allclose(power_transformer.untransform(y_t), y) def test_coulomb_fit_transformer(self): """Test coulomb fit transformer on singletask dataset.""" n_samples = 10 n_features = 3 n_tasks = 1 ids = np.arange(n_samples) X = np.random.rand(n_samples, n_features, n_features) y = np.zeros((n_samples, n_tasks)) w = np.ones((n_samples, n_tasks)) dataset =, y, w, ids) fit_transformer = dc.trans.CoulombFitTransformer(dataset) X_t = fit_transformer.X_transform(dataset.X) assert len(X_t.shape) == 2 def test_IRV_transformer(self): n_features = 128 n_samples = 20 test_samples = 5 n_tasks = 2 X = np.random.randint(2, size=(n_samples, n_features)) y = np.zeros((n_samples, n_tasks)) w = np.ones((n_samples, n_tasks)) dataset =, y, w, ids=None) X_test = np.random.randint(2, size=(test_samples, n_features)) y_test = np.zeros((test_samples, n_tasks)) w_test = np.ones((test_samples, n_tasks)) test_dataset =, y_test, w_test, ids=None) sims = np.sum( X_test[0, :] * X, axis=1, dtype=float) / np.sum( np.sign(X_test[0, :] + X), axis=1, dtype=float) sims = sorted(sims, reverse=True) IRV_transformer = dc.trans.IRVTransformer(10, n_tasks, dataset) test_dataset_trans = IRV_transformer.transform(test_dataset) dataset_trans = IRV_transformer.transform(dataset) assert test_dataset_trans.X.shape == (test_samples, 20 * n_tasks) assert np.allclose(test_dataset_trans.X[0, :10], sims[:10]) assert np.allclose(test_dataset_trans.X[0, 10:20], [0] * 10) assert not np.isclose(dataset_trans.X[0, 0], 1.) def test_featurization_transformer(self): fp_size = 2048 tasks, all_dataset, transformers = load_delaney('Raw') train = all_dataset[0] transformer = FeaturizationTransformer( transform_X=True, dataset=train, featurizer=dc.feat.CircularFingerprint(size=fp_size)) new_train = transformer.transform(train) self.assertEqual(new_train.y.shape, train.y.shape) self.assertEqual(new_train.X.shape[-1], fp_size) def test_blurring(self): # Check Blurring dt = DataTransforms(self.d) blurred = dt.gaussian_blur(sigma=1.5) check_blur = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(self.d, 1.5) assert np.allclose(check_blur, blurred) def test_center_crop(self): # Check center crop dt = DataTransforms(self.d) x_crop = 50 y_crop = 50 crop = dt.center_crop(x_crop, y_crop) y = self.d.shape[0] x = self.d.shape[1] x_start = x // 2 - (x_crop // 2) y_start = y // 2 - (y_crop // 2) check_crop = self.d[y_start:y_start + y_crop, x_start:x_start + x_crop] assert np.allclose(check_crop, crop) def test_crop(self): #Check crop dt = DataTransforms(self.d) crop = dt.crop(0, 10, 0, 10) y = self.d.shape[0] x = self.d.shape[1] check_crop = self.d[10:y - 10, 0:x - 0] assert np.allclose(crop, check_crop) def test_convert2gray(self): # Check convert2gray dt = DataTransforms(self.d) gray = dt.convert2gray() check_gray =[..., :3], [0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140]) assert np.allclose(check_gray, gray) def test_rotation(self): # Check rotation dt = DataTransforms(self.d) angles = [0, 5, 10, 90] for ang in angles: rotate = dt.rotate(ang) check_rotate = scipy.ndimage.rotate(self.d, ang) assert np.allclose(rotate, check_rotate) # Some more test cases for flip rotate = dt.rotate(-90) check_rotate = scipy.ndimage.rotate(self.d, 270) assert np.allclose(rotate, check_rotate) def test_flipping(self): # Check flip dt = DataTransforms(self.d) flip_lr = dt.flip(direction="lr") flip_ud = dt.flip(direction="ud") check_lr = np.fliplr(self.d) check_ud = np.flipud(self.d) assert np.allclose(flip_ud, check_ud) assert np.allclose(flip_lr, check_lr) def test_scaling(self): from PIL import Image # Check Scales dt = DataTransforms(self.d) h = 150 w = 150 scale = Image.fromarray(self.d).resize((h, w)) check_scale = dt.scale(h, w) np.allclose(scale, check_scale) def test_shift(self): # Check shift dt = DataTransforms(self.d) height = 5 width = 5 if len(self.d.shape) == 2: shift = scipy.ndimage.shift(self.d, [height, width]) if len(self.d.shape) == 3: shift = scipy.ndimage.shift(self.d, [height, width, 0]) check_shift = dt.shift(width, height) assert np.allclose(shift, check_shift) def test_gaussian_noise(self): # check gaussian noise dt = DataTransforms(self.d) np.random.seed(0) random_noise = self.d random_noise = random_noise + np.random.normal( loc=0, scale=25.5, size=self.d.shape) np.random.seed(0) check_random_noise = dt.gaussian_noise(mean=0, std=25.5) assert np.allclose(random_noise, check_random_noise) def test_salt_pepper_noise(self): # check salt and pepper noise dt = DataTransforms(self.d) np.random.seed(0) prob = 0.05 random_noise = self.d noise = np.random.random(size=self.d.shape) random_noise[noise < (prob / 2)] = 0 random_noise[noise > (1 - prob / 2)] = 255 np.random.seed(0) check_random_noise = dt.salt_pepper_noise(prob, salt=255, pepper=0) assert np.allclose(random_noise, check_random_noise) def test_DAG_transformer(self): """Tests the DAG transformer.""" np.random.seed(123) tf.random.set_seed(123) n_tasks = 1 # Load mini log-solubility dataset. featurizer = dc.feat.ConvMolFeaturizer() tasks = ["outcome"] input_file = os.path.join(self.current_dir, "../../models/tests/example_regression.csv") loader = tasks=tasks, smiles_field="smiles", featurizer=featurizer) dataset = loader.create_dataset(input_file) transformer = dc.trans.DAGTransformer(max_atoms=50) dataset = transformer.transform(dataset) # The transformer generates n DAGs for a molecule with n # atoms. These are denoted the "parents" for idm, mol in enumerate(dataset.X): assert dataset.X[idm].get_num_atoms() == len(dataset.X[idm].parents) def test_median_filter(self): #Check median filter from PIL import Image, ImageFilter dt = DataTransforms(self.d) filtered = dt.median_filter(size=3) image = Image.fromarray(self.d) image = image.filter(ImageFilter.MedianFilter(size=3)) check_filtered = np.array(image) assert np.allclose(check_filtered, filtered)
""" This modules implements fine-structure analysis of undirected graphs with (numeric) vertex attributes. It further contains functionality to estimate the feature distribution using Gaussian mixture models, or to build a Bag-of-Words representation from a collection of feature vectors. The idea of fine-structure analysis was recently proposed in [1] Macindoe, O. and W. Richards, "Graph Comparison Using Fine Structure Analysis". In: Social Computing '10 Note: We do not implement the LBG features of [1]; Our graph features include a subset of the features proposed in [2] [2] Li. G. et al., "Graph Classification via Topological and Label Attributes". In: MLG '11 as well as some additional generic features available in networkx. """ __license__ = "Apache License, Version 2.0" __author__ = "Roland Kwitt, Kitware Inc., University of Salzburg, 2013" __email__ = "E-Mail:" __status__ = "Development" # Graph handling import networkx as nx from networkx.algorithms import bipartite # Machine learning import sklearn.mixture.gmm as gm from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from collections import defaultdict # Misc. import logging import numpy as np import scipy.sparse import time import sys import os attr_list = [# Average degree lambda g : np.mean([e for e in]), # Average eccentricity #lambda g : np.mean([i for i in nx.eccentricity(g).values()]), # Average closeness centrality #lambda g : np.mean([e for e in nx.closeness_centrality(g).values()]), # Percentage of isolated points (i.e., degree(v) = 1) lambda g : float(len(np.where(np.array([0]))/g.order(), # Spectral radius (i.e., largest AM eigenvalue) #lambda g : np.abs(nx.adjacency_spectrum(g))[0], # Spectral trace (i.e., sum of abs. eigenvalues) # lambda g : np.sum(np.abs(nx.adjacency_spectrum(g))), # Label entropy, as defined in [2] lambda g : label_entropy([e[1]['type'] for e in g.nodes(data=True)]), # Mixing coefficient of attributes lambda g : np.linalg.det(nx.attribute_mixing_matrix(g,'type')), # Avg. #vertics with eccentricity == radius (i.e., central points) # lambda g : np.mean(float(len(, # Link impurity, as defined in [2] lambda g : link_impurity(g)] # Diameter := max(eccentricity) # lambda g : nx.diameter(g), # Radius := min(eccentricity) #lambda g : nx.radius(g)] def link_impurity(g): """Compute link impurity of vertex-labeled graph. Parameters ---------- g : networkx Graph Input graph with vertex attribute stored as 'type'. Returns ------- impurity : float Link impurity, see [2] """ if len(g.nodes()) == 1: return 0 edges = g.edges() u = np.array([g.node[a]['type'] for (a,b) in edges]) v = np.array([g.node[b]['type'] for (a,b) in edges]) return float(len(np.nonzero(u - v)[0]))/len(edges) def label_entropy(labels): """Compute entropy of label vector. Parameters ---------- labels : numpy array, shape (L,) The input labels. Returns ------- entropy : float Entropy of the label vector, see [2] """ H = np.bincount(labels) p = H[np.nonzero(H)].astype(float)/np.sum(H) return np.abs(-np.sum(p * np.log(p))) def graph_from_file(graph_file, label_file=None, n_skip=0): """Load graph from an ASCII file containing adjacency information. Parameters ---------- graph_file : string Filename of the file containing all the adjaceny information. Format of the adjaceny matrix file is as follows: [Header, optional] 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 Interpretation: 3x3 adjaceny matrix, e.g., with an edge between vertices (0,1) and (0,2), etc. label_file : string Filename of the label information file. Here is an example: [Header, optional] 5 2 1 Interpretation: 3 labels, v_0 label: 5, v_1 label: 2 and v_2 label: 1. n_skip : int (default: 0) Skip n header lines. Returns ------- G : networkx Graph """ logger = logging.getLogger() if not os.path.exists(graph_file): raise Exception("Graph file %s not found!" % graph_file) # Load adjacency information and ensure (0,1) weights adj_info = np.genfromtxt(graph_file, skip_header=n_skip) adj_info[np.where(adj_info >= 1)] = 1 G = nx.Graph(adj_info) if not label_file is None: if not os.path.exists(label_file): raise Exception("Label file %d not found!" % label_file) labels = np.genfromtxt(label_file, skip_header=n_skip) logger.debug("Loaded labelfile %s!" % label_file) if len(labels) != len(G): raise Exception("Size mismatch for labels!") for idx,l in enumerate(labels): G.node[idx]['type'] = int(l) logger.debug("Built graph from %s with %d vertices." % (graph_file, len(G))) return G def compute_graph_features(g, radius=2, sps=None, omit_degenerate=False, run_global=False): """Compute graph feature vector(s). Parameters ---------- g : networkx input graph with N vertices The input graph on which we need to compute graph features. radius: int (default: 2) Compute graph features from local neighborhoods of vertices, where the notion of neighborhood is defined by the number of hops to the neighbor, i.e., the radius. This assumes that the initial edges weights when computing the shortest-paths are 1. sps: numpy matrix, shape (N, N) (default : None) Matrix of shortest-path information for the graph g. omit_degenerate : boolean (default: False) Currently, degenerate cases are subgraphs with just a single vertex. If 'omit_degenerate' is 'True', these subgraphs are not considered. Otherwise, the feature vector for such a sub- graph is just a vector of zeros. run_global: boolean (default : False) Compute a GLOBAL graph descriptor using the define features. Returns ------- v_mat : numpy matrix, shape (N, D) A D-dimensional feature matrix with one feature vector for each vertex. Features are computed for the given radius. In case global is True, N=1. """ logger = logging.getLogger() # global feature computation if run_global: v = [attr_fun(g) for attr_fun in attr_list] v_mat = np.zeros((1,len(attr_list))) v_mat[0,:] = np.asarray(v) return v_mat # Recompute shortest paths if neccessary if sps is None: sps = nx.floyd_warshall_numpy(g) # Feature matrix representation of graph v_mat = np.zeros([len(g),len(attr_list)]) # Iterate over all nodes degenerates = [] for n in g.nodes(): # Get n-th row of shortest path matrix nth_row = np.array(sps[n,:]).ravel() # Find elements within a certain radius within_radius = np.where(nth_row <= radius) # Build a subgraph from those nodes sg = g.subgraph(within_radius[0]) # Single vertex sg is considered degenerate if len(sg.nodes()) == 1: # Keep track of degenerates degenerates.append(n) if omit_degenerate: continue # Feature vector is 0-vector v = np.zeros((len(attr_list),)) else: v = [attr_fun(sg) for attr_fun in attr_list] v_mat[n,:] = np.asarray(v)"Found %d degenerate cases!" % len(degenerates)) if len(degenerates):"Pruning %d degenerate cases ..." % len(degenerates)) v_mat = np.delete(v_mat, degenerates, axis=0) logger.debug("Computed (%d x %d) feature matrix." % (v_mat.shape[0], v_mat.shape[1])) return v_mat def run_fsa(data, radii=None, recompute=True, out=None, skip=0, omit_degenerate=False, run_global=False): """Run (f)ine-(s)tructure (a)nalysis. Paramters --------- data : list of N 3-tuple of (graph files,label files, class indices). We iterate over this list and compute fine-structure topological features for each graph. radii : list of 'int' The desired neighborhood radii. recompute: bool (default : True) Recompote features, otherwise try to load them from disk. In case we try to load from disk, filenames are constructed based on the value of the 'out' parameter. out : string (default : None) Base file name for the generated data files, e.g., '/tmp/data'. Two files will be written to disk: /tmp/data.mat /tmp/data.idx where 'data.mat' contains the feature matrix, i.e., one feature vector per vertex; 'data.idx' contains the indices that identify which graph each feature vector belongs to; skip : int (default : 0) Skip N header entries when loading graphs. omit_degenerate : boolean (default: False) Currently, degenerate cases are subgraphs with just a single vertex. If 'omit_degenerate' is 'True', these subgraphs are not considered. Otherwise, the feature vector for such a sub- graph is just a vector of zeros. run_global : booelan (default : False) Compute a GLOBAL graph descriptor using the define features. Returns ------- X : numpy matrix, shape (#vertices, len(radii)*D) Feature matrix, where D is the total number of features that are computed for one radius setting. L : numpy array, shape (#total vertices,) Identifies to which graph a feature vector belongs to. """ logger = logging.getLogger() if radii is None: raise Exception("No radii given!") if not out is None: mat_file = "%s.mat" % out idx_file = "%s.idx" % out if not recompute: if (os.path.exists(mat_file) and os.path.exists(idx_file)):"Loading data from file(s).") data_mat = np.genfromtxt(mat_file) data_idx = np.genfromtxt(idx_file) return {'data_mat' : data_mat, 'data_idx' : data_idx} data_mat = [] data_idx = [] for idx, (cf, lf, lab) in enumerate(data):"Processing %d-th graph ..." % idx) T, x = graph_from_file(cf, lf, skip), [] if run_global: # if run_global is True, all other parameters do NOT matter! x.append(compute_graph_features(T, 0, None, None, run_global)) else: for r in radii: x.append(compute_graph_features(T, r, None, omit_degenerate)) xs = np.hstack(tuple(x)) data_mat.append(xs) data_idx.append(np.ones((xs.shape[0], 1))*idx) data_mat = np.vstack(tuple(data_mat)) data_idx = np.vstack(tuple(data_idx)) if not out is None: np.savetxt(mat_file, data_mat, delimiter=' ') np.savetxt(idx_file, data_idx, delimiter=' ',fmt="%d") return {'data_mat' : data_mat, 'data_idx' : data_idx} def estimate_gm(X,components=3,seed=None): """Estimate a Gaussian mixture model. Note: Uses diagonal covariance matrices. Parameters ---------- X : numpy matrix, shape (N,D) Matrix of data samples (i-th row is i-th sample vector). c : int (default : 3) Number of desired mixture components. seed : int (default : None) Seed for the random number generator. Returns ------- gm_obj : sklearn.mixture.gmm object Estimated GMM. """ logger = logging.getLogger() n, d = X.shape"Estimating %d-comp. GMM from (%d x %d) ..." % (components, n, d)) gm_obj = gm.GMM (n_components=components, covariance_type='diag', random_state=seed) return gm_obj def learn_codebook(X, codebook_size=200, seed=None): """Learn a codebook. Run K-Means clustering to compute a codebook. K-Means is initialized by K-Means++, uses a max. of 500 iter- ations and 10 times re-initialization. Paramters --------- X : numpy matrix, shape (N,D) Input data. codebook_size : int (default : 200) Desired number of codewords. seed : int (default : None) Seed for random number generator. Returns ------- cb : sklearn.cluster.KMeans object KMeans object after fitting. """ logger = logging.getLogger()"Learning codebook with %d words ..." % codebook_size) # Run vector-quantization cb = KMeans(codebook_size, init="k-means++", n_init=10, max_iter=500, random_state=seed) return cb def bow(X, cb): """Compute a (normalized) BoW histogram. Parameters ---------- X : numpy matrix, shape (N, D) Input data. cb : sklearn.cluster.KMeans Already estimated codebook with C codewords. Returns ------- H : numpy array, shape (C,) Normalized (l2-norm) BoW histogram. """ # Get nr. codewords n,d = cb.cluster_centers_.shape if d != X.shape[1]: raise Exception("Dimensionality mismatch!") # Compute closest cluster centers assignments = cb.predict(X) # Compute (normalized) BoW histogram B = range(0,n+1) return np.histogram(assignments,bins=B,density=True)[0] def pp_gmm(X, models, argmax=True): """Compute the posterior probability of X under a set of GMM models. Parameters ---------- X : numpy matrix, shape (N,D) Data samples. models : list of sklearn.mixture.gmm objects List of C estimated GMMs. argmax : boolean (default : True) If 'True', the index of the class (represented by it's model) with the highest a-posteriori probability is computed. If 'False', the a-posteriori probability if each class (represented by the model) is computed for each row in X. Note: We assume equal prior probabilities for each class. Returns ------- maxp : numpy.int64, or np.array with shape (N, C) Depending on whether 'argmax' is 'True' or 'False', the index of the class with the highest a-posteriori probability is returned, or the a-posteriori probabilities under each model (for each feature vector in X). """ n,d = X.shape n_models = len(models) ll = np.zeros((n,n_models),dtype="float32") for i, model in enumerate(models): ll[:,i] = np.asarray(model.score(X)).ravel() if argmax: # Column-wise sum sump = np.sum(ll,axis=0) # LogSumExp to compute MAP t0 = np.max(sump) t1 = np.exp(sump - (np.log(np.sum(np.exp(sump - t0))) + t0)) max_idx = np.argmax(t1) return max_idx else: # LogSumExp to compute row-wise MAP t0 = np.asmatrix(np.max(ll,axis=1)).transpose() t1 = np.log(np.sum(np.exp(ll - np.tile(t0,(1,n_models))),axis=1)) + t0 prob = np.exp(np.asmatrix(ll) - t1) return prob
# Copyright (C) 2015 by Per Unneberg import pandas as pd import numpy as np from math import log10 from bokeh.plotting import figure, gridplot from bokeh.charts import Scatter from bokehutils.geom import points, abline from bokehutils.facet import facet_grid from bokehutils.axes import xaxis, yaxis, main from import data_uri from snakemakelib.results import Results from snakemakelib.log import LoggerManager smllogger = LoggerManager().getLogger(__name__) COVERAGE_PER_CONTIG_COLUMNS = ["chr", "chrlen", "mapped_bases", "mean_coverage", "sd"] GLOBALS_COLUMNS = ["name", "value"] class Qualimap(Results): _keys = ['globals', 'coverage_per_contig'] def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(Qualimap, self).__init__(*args, **kw) def _collect_globals(self, data, first, sample): df_tmp = self.parse_data(data, rs=("Globals", "Insert"), skip=1, split=True, columns=GLOBALS_COLUMNS, dtype=float, sep=" = ") df_tmp['value'] = [float(x.split(" ")[0].replace(",", "")) for x in df_tmp['value']] df_tmp['Sample'] = sample try: if first: self['globals'] = df_tmp else: self['globals'] = self['globals'].append(df_tmp, ignore_index=True) except: smllogger.warn("failed to append data to globals dataframe") def _collect_coverage_per_contig(self, data, first, sample): df_tmp = self.parse_data(data, rs=("Coverage per contig", None), skip=2, split=True, columns=COVERAGE_PER_CONTIG_COLUMNS, dtype=float) df_tmp["Sample"] = sample try: df_tmp['chrlen_percent'] = 100 * df_tmp['chrlen'] /\ sum(df_tmp['chrlen']) df_tmp['mapped_bases_percent'] = 100 * df_tmp['mapped_bases'] /\ sum(df_tmp['mapped_bases']) except: smllogger.warn("coverage_per_contig: failed to normalize data") try: if first: self['coverage_per_contig'] = df_tmp else: self['coverage_per_contig'] = self['coverage_per_contig'].append( df_tmp, ignore_index=True) except: smllogger.warn("failed to append data to coverage_per_contig dataframe") def _collect_results(self):"Collecting results") first = True for (f, s) in zip(self._inputfiles, self._samples): smllogger.debug("Reading input file {f} for sample {s}".format(f=f, s=s)) data = self.load_lines(f) self._collect_globals(data, first, s) self._collect_coverage_per_contig(data, first, s) first = False if self['globals'] is not None: self['globals'] = self['globals'].pivot( index='Sample', columns='name', values='value') self['globals']['number of unique reads'] = self['globals']['number of mapped reads']\ - self['globals']['number of duplicated reads'] def make_qualimap_plots(qmglobals=None, coverage_per_contig=None): """Make qualimap summary plots""" retval = {'fig': {'coverage_per_contig': None, 'globals': None}, 'file': {'coverage_per_contig': coverage_per_contig, 'globals': qmglobals}, 'uri': {'coverage_per_contig': data_uri(coverage_per_contig), 'globals': data_uri(qmglobals)}} # Globals if qmglobals is not None: df_all = pd.read_csv(qmglobals) df_all["Sample"] = df_all["Sample"].astype('str') READ_COLUMNS = ["number of reads", "number of mapped reads", "number of duplicated reads", "number of unique reads"] df = df_all[["Sample"] + READ_COLUMNS].pivot_table(index="Sample").stack().reset_index([0,1]) df.columns = ["Sample", "ind", "count"] df["count"] = [log10(x) for x in df["count"]] p1 = Scatter(df, x="Sample", y="count", color="ind", legend="top_right", ylabel="log10(count)", title="Qualimap read summary") df_all[READ_COLUMNS] = df_all[READ_COLUMNS].div(df_all["number of reads"], axis=0)*100 df = df_all[["Sample"] + READ_COLUMNS].pivot_table(index="Sample").stack().reset_index([0,1]) df.columns = ["Sample", "ind", "percent"] p2 = Scatter(df, x="Sample", y="percent", color="ind", legend="top_right", title="Qualimap read summary, percent") retval['fig']['globals'] = gridplot([[p1, p2]]) # Coverage per contig if coverage_per_contig is not None: df_all = pd.read_csv(coverage_per_contig, index_col=0) df_all["Sample"] = df_all["Sample"].astype('str') fig = figure(width=300, height=300) points(fig, x="chrlen_percent", y="mapped_bases_percent", df=df_all, glyph="text", text="chr", text_font_size="8pt") main(fig, title_text_font_size="8pt") xaxis(fig, axis_label="Chromosome length of total (%)", axis_label_text_font_size="8pt") yaxis(fig, axis_label="Mapped bases of total (%)", axis_label_text_font_size="8pt") gp = facet_grid(fig, x="chrlen_percent", y="mapped_bases_percent", df=df_all, groups=["Sample"], width=300, height=300, share_x_range=True, share_y_range=True, title_text_font_size="12pt") for fig in [item for sublist in gp.children for item in sublist]: abline(fig, x="chrlen_percent", y="mapped_bases_percent", df=df_all, slope=1) retval['fig']['coverage_per_contig'] = gp return retval
import bisect import csv import os import sys import traceback import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') from matplotlib import pyplot # noqa: I202,E402 # Data outputs DETAILS = 'D' MATCHED_PAIRS = 'MP' ORPHANS = 'O' # Data output formats GFF_EXT = 'gff' TABULAR_EXT = 'tabular' # Statistics histograms output directory. HISTOGRAM = 'H' # Statistics outputs FINAL_PLOTS = 'F' PREVIEW_PLOTS = 'P' STATS_GRAPH = 'C' # Graph settings. COLORS = 'krg' Y_LABEL = 'Peak-pair counts' X_LABEL = 'Peak-pair distance (bp)' TICK_WIDTH = 3 ADJUST = [0.140, 0.9, 0.9, 0.1] PLOT_FORMAT = 'pdf' pyplot.rc('xtick.major', size=10.00) pyplot.rc('ytick.major', size=10.00) pyplot.rc('lines', linewidth=4.00) pyplot.rc('axes', linewidth=3.00) pyplot.rc('font', family='Bitstream Vera Sans', size=32.0) class FrequencyDistribution(object): def __init__(self, start, end, binsize=10, d=None): self.start = start self.end = end self.dist = d or {} self.binsize = binsize def get_bin(self, x): """ Returns the centre of the bin in which a data point falls """ return self.start + (x - self.start) // self.binsize * self.binsize + self.binsize / 2.0 def add(self, x): x = self.get_bin(x) self.dist[x] = self.dist.get(x, 0) + 1 def graph_series(self): x = [] y = [] for i in range(self.start, self.end, self.binsize): center = self.get_bin(i) x.append(center) y.append(self.dist.get(center, 0)) return x, y def mode(self): # There could be more than one mode for a frequency distribution, # return the median of the modes to be consistent max_frequency = max(self.dist.values()) modes = sorted(_[0] for _ in self.dist.items() if _[1] == max_frequency) median_index = len(modes) // 2 return modes[median_index] def size(self): return sum(self.dist.values()) def stop_err(msg): sys.stderr.write(msg) sys.exit(1) def distance(peak1, peak2): return (peak2[1] + peak2[2]) / 2.0 - (peak1[1] + peak1[2]) / 2.0 def gff_row(cname, start, end, score, source, type='.', strand='.', phase='.', attrs={}): return (cname, source, type, start, end, score, strand, phase, gff_attrs(attrs)) def gff_attrs(d): if not d: return '.' return ';'.join('%s=%s' % item for item in d.items()) def parse_chromosomes(reader): # This version of cwpair2 accepts only gff format as input. chromosomes = {} for line in reader: line = line.rstrip("\r\n") if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue cname, _, _, start, end, value, strand, _, _ = line.split("\t") start = int(start) end = int(end) value = float(value) if cname not in chromosomes: chromosomes[cname] = [] peaks = chromosomes[cname] peaks.append((strand, start, end, value)) return chromosomes def perc95(chromosomes): """ Returns the 95th percentile value of the given chromosomes. """ values = [] for peaks in chromosomes.values(): for peak in peaks: values.append(peak[3]) values.sort() # Get 95% value return values[int(len(values) * 0.95)] def peak_filter(chromosomes, threshold): """ Filters the peaks to those above a threshold. Threshold < 1.0 is interpreted as a proportion of the maximum, >=1.0 as an absolute value. """ if threshold < 1: p95 = perc95(chromosomes) threshold = p95 * threshold # Make the threshold a proportion of the for cname, peaks in chromosomes.items(): chromosomes[cname] = [peak for peak in peaks if peak[3] > threshold] def split_strands(chromosome): watson = [peak for peak in chromosome if peak[0] == '+'] crick = [peak for peak in chromosome if peak[0] == '-'] return watson, crick def all_pair_distribution(chromosomes, up_distance, down_distance, binsize): dist = FrequencyDistribution(-up_distance, down_distance, binsize=binsize) for data in chromosomes.values(): watson, crick = split_strands(data) crick.sort(key=lambda data: float(data[1])) keys = make_keys(crick) for peak in watson: for cpeak in get_window(crick, peak, up_distance, down_distance, keys): dist.add(distance(peak, cpeak)) return dist def make_keys(crick): return [(data[1] + data[2]) // 2 for data in crick] def get_window(crick, peak, up_distance, down_distance, keys=None): """ Returns a window of all crick peaks within a distance of a watson peak. crick strand MUST be sorted by distance """ strand, start, end, value = peak midpoint = (start + end) // 2 lower = midpoint - up_distance upper = midpoint + down_distance keys = keys or make_keys(crick) start_index = bisect.bisect_left(keys, lower) end_index = bisect.bisect_right(keys, upper) return [cpeak for cpeak in crick[start_index:end_index]] def match_largest(window, peak): if not window: return None return max(window, key=lambda cpeak: cpeak[3]) def match_closest(window, peak): if not window: return None def key(cpeak): d = distance(peak, cpeak) # Search negative distances last if d < 0: # And then prefer less negative distances d = 10000 - d return d return min(window, key=key) def match_mode(window, peak, mode): if not window: return None return min(window, key=lambda cpeak: abs(distance(peak, cpeak) - mode)) METHODS = {'mode': match_mode, 'closest': match_closest, 'largest': match_largest} def frequency_plot(freqs, fname, labels=[], title=''): pyplot.clf() pyplot.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) for i, freq in enumerate(freqs): x, y = freq.graph_series() pyplot.plot(x, y, '%s-' % COLORS[i]) if len(freqs) > 1: pyplot.legend(labels) pyplot.xlim(freq.start, freq.end) pyplot.ylim(ymin=0) pyplot.ylabel(Y_LABEL) pyplot.xlabel(X_LABEL) pyplot.subplots_adjust(left=ADJUST[0], right=ADJUST[1], top=ADJUST[2], bottom=ADJUST[3]) # Get the current axes ax = pyplot.gca() for l in ax.get_xticklines() + ax.get_yticklines(): l.set_markeredgewidth(TICK_WIDTH) pyplot.savefig(fname) def create_directories(): # Output histograms in pdf. os.mkdir(HISTOGRAM) os.mkdir('data_%s' % DETAILS) os.mkdir('data_%s' % ORPHANS) os.mkdir('data_%s' % MATCHED_PAIRS) def process_file(dataset_path, galaxy_hid, method, threshold, up_distance, down_distance, binsize, output_files): if method == 'all': match_methods = METHODS.keys() else: match_methods = [method] statistics = [] for match_method in match_methods: stats = perform_process(dataset_path, galaxy_hid, match_method, threshold, up_distance, down_distance, binsize, output_files) statistics.append(stats) if output_files == 'all' and method == 'all': frequency_plot([s['dist'] for s in statistics], statistics[0]['graph_path'], labels=list(METHODS.keys())) return statistics def perform_process(dataset_path, galaxy_hid, method, threshold, up_distance, down_distance, binsize, output_files): output_details = output_files in ["all", "matched_pair_orphan_detail"] output_plots = output_files in ["all"] output_orphans = output_files in ["all", "matched_pair_orphan", "matched_pair_orphan_detail"] # Keep track of statistics for the output file statistics = {} fpath, fname = os.path.split(dataset_path) statistics['fname'] = '%s: data %s' % (method, str(galaxy_hid)) statistics['dir'] = fpath if threshold >= 1: filter_string = 'fa%d' % threshold else: filter_string = 'f%d' % (threshold * 100) fname = '%s_%su%dd%d_on_data_%s' % (method, filter_string, up_distance, down_distance, galaxy_hid) def make_histogram_path(output_type, fname): return os.path.join(HISTOGRAM, 'histogram_%s_%s.%s' % (output_type, fname, PLOT_FORMAT)) def make_path(output_type, extension, fname): # Returns the full path for an output. return os.path.join(output_type, '%s_%s.%s' % (output_type, fname, extension)) def td_writer(output_type, extension, fname): # Returns a tab-delimited writer for a specified output. output_file_path = make_path(output_type, extension, fname) return csv.writer(open(output_file_path, 'wt'), delimiter='\t', lineterminator="\n") with open(dataset_path, 'rt') as input: try: chromosomes = parse_chromosomes(input) except Exception: stop_err('Unable to parse file "%s".\n%s' % (dataset_path, traceback.format_exc())) if output_details: # Details detailed_output = td_writer('data_%s' % DETAILS, TABULAR_EXT, fname) detailed_output.writerow(('chrom', 'start', 'end', 'value', 'strand') * 2 + ('midpoint', 'c-w reads sum', 'c-w distance (bp)')) if output_plots: # Final Plot final_plot_path = make_histogram_path(FINAL_PLOTS, fname) if output_orphans: # Orphans orphan_output = td_writer('data_%s' % ORPHANS, TABULAR_EXT, fname) orphan_output.writerow(('chrom', 'strand', 'start', 'end', 'value')) if output_plots: # Preview Plot preview_plot_path = make_histogram_path(PREVIEW_PLOTS, fname) # Matched Pairs. matched_pairs_output = td_writer('data_%s' % MATCHED_PAIRS, GFF_EXT, fname) statistics['stats_path'] = 'statistics.%s' % TABULAR_EXT if output_plots: statistics['graph_path'] = make_histogram_path(STATS_GRAPH, fname) statistics['perc95'] = perc95(chromosomes) if threshold > 0: # Apply peak_filter peak_filter(chromosomes, threshold) if method == 'mode': freq = all_pair_distribution(chromosomes, up_distance, down_distance, binsize) mode = freq.mode() statistics['preview_mode'] = mode if output_plots: frequency_plot([freq], preview_plot_path, title='Preview frequency plot') else: statistics['preview_mode'] = 'NA' dist = FrequencyDistribution(-up_distance, down_distance, binsize=binsize) orphans = 0 # x will be used to archive the summary dataset x = [] for cname, chromosome in chromosomes.items(): # Each peak is (strand, start, end, value) watson, crick = split_strands(chromosome) # Sort by value of each peak watson.sort(key=lambda data: -float(data[3])) # Sort by position to facilitate binary search crick.sort(key=lambda data: float(data[1])) keys = make_keys(crick) for peak in watson: window = get_window(crick, peak, up_distance, down_distance, keys) if method == 'mode': match = match_mode(window, peak, mode) else: match = METHODS[method](window, peak) if match: midpoint = (match[1] + match[2] + peak[1] + peak[2]) // 4 d = distance(peak, match) dist.add(d) # Simple output in gff format. x.append(gff_row(cname, source='cwpair', start=midpoint, end=midpoint + 1, score=peak[3] + match[3], attrs={'cw_distance': d})) if output_details: detailed_output.writerow((cname, peak[1], peak[2], peak[3], '+', cname, match[1], match[2], match[3], '-', midpoint, peak[3] + match[3], d)) i = bisect.bisect_left(keys, (match[1] + match[2]) / 2) del crick[i] del keys[i] else: if output_orphans: orphan_output.writerow((cname, peak[0], peak[1], peak[2], peak[3])) # Keep track of orphans for statistics. orphans += 1 # Remaining crick peaks are orphans if output_orphans: for cpeak in crick: orphan_output.writerow((cname, cpeak[0], cpeak[1], cpeak[2], cpeak[3])) # Keep track of orphans for statistics. orphans += len(crick) # Sort output descending by score. x.sort(key=lambda data: float(data[5]), reverse=True) # Writing a summary to gff format file for row in x: row_tmp = list(row) # Dataset in tuple cannot be modified in Python, so row will # be converted to list format to add 'chr'. if row_tmp[0] == "999": row_tmp[0] = 'chrM' elif row_tmp[0] == "998": row_tmp[0] = 'chrY' elif row_tmp[0] == "997": row_tmp[0] = 'chrX' else: row_tmp[0] = row_tmp[0] # Print row_tmp. matched_pairs_output.writerow(row_tmp) statistics['paired'] = dist.size() * 2 statistics['orphans'] = orphans statistics['final_mode'] = dist.mode() if output_plots: frequency_plot([dist], final_plot_path, title='Frequency distribution') statistics['dist'] = dist return statistics
# Author: Alexander Fabisch <> # # License: BSD 3 clause import sys from sklearn.externals.six.moves import cStringIO as StringIO import numpy as np import warnings from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator from sklearn.learning_curve import learning_curve, validation_curve from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_warns from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_almost_equal from sklearn.datasets import make_classification from sklearn.cross_validation import KFold from sklearn.linear_model import PassiveAggressiveClassifier class MockImprovingEstimator(BaseEstimator): """Dummy classifier to test the learning curve""" def __init__(self, n_max_train_sizes): self.n_max_train_sizes = n_max_train_sizes self.train_sizes = 0 self.X_subset = None def fit(self, X_subset, y_subset=None): self.X_subset = X_subset self.train_sizes = X_subset.shape[0] return self def predict(self, X): raise NotImplementedError def score(self, X=None, Y=None): # training score becomes worse (2 -> 1), test error better (0 -> 1) if self._is_training_data(X): return 2. - float(self.train_sizes) / self.n_max_train_sizes else: return float(self.train_sizes) / self.n_max_train_sizes def _is_training_data(self, X): return X is self.X_subset class MockIncrementalImprovingEstimator(MockImprovingEstimator): """Dummy classifier that provides partial_fit""" def __init__(self, n_max_train_sizes): super(MockIncrementalImprovingEstimator, self).__init__(n_max_train_sizes) self.x = None def _is_training_data(self, X): return self.x in X def partial_fit(self, X, y=None, **params): self.train_sizes += X.shape[0] self.x = X[0] class MockEstimatorWithParameter(BaseEstimator): """Dummy classifier to test the validation curve""" def __init__(self, param=0.5): self.X_subset = None self.param = param def fit(self, X_subset, y_subset): self.X_subset = X_subset self.train_sizes = X_subset.shape[0] return self def predict(self, X): raise NotImplementedError def score(self, X=None, y=None): return self.param if self._is_training_data(X) else 1 - self.param def _is_training_data(self, X): return X is self.X_subset def test_learning_curve(): X, y = make_classification(n_samples=30, n_features=1, n_informative=1, n_redundant=0, n_classes=2, n_clusters_per_class=1, random_state=0) estimator = MockImprovingEstimator(20) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: train_sizes, train_scores, test_scores = learning_curve( estimator, X, y, cv=3, train_sizes=np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, 10)) if len(w) > 0: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected warning: %r" % w[0].message) assert_equal(train_scores.shape, (10, 3)) assert_equal(test_scores.shape, (10, 3)) assert_array_equal(train_sizes, np.linspace(2, 20, 10)) assert_array_almost_equal(train_scores.mean(axis=1), np.linspace(1.9, 1.0, 10)) assert_array_almost_equal(test_scores.mean(axis=1), np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, 10)) def test_learning_curve_unsupervised(): X, _ = make_classification(n_samples=30, n_features=1, n_informative=1, n_redundant=0, n_classes=2, n_clusters_per_class=1, random_state=0) estimator = MockImprovingEstimator(20) train_sizes, train_scores, test_scores = learning_curve( estimator, X, y=None, cv=3, train_sizes=np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, 10)) assert_array_equal(train_sizes, np.linspace(2, 20, 10)) assert_array_almost_equal(train_scores.mean(axis=1), np.linspace(1.9, 1.0, 10)) assert_array_almost_equal(test_scores.mean(axis=1), np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, 10)) def test_learning_curve_verbose(): X, y = make_classification(n_samples=30, n_features=1, n_informative=1, n_redundant=0, n_classes=2, n_clusters_per_class=1, random_state=0) estimator = MockImprovingEstimator(20) old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() try: train_sizes, train_scores, test_scores = \ learning_curve(estimator, X, y, cv=3, verbose=1) finally: out = sys.stdout.getvalue() sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = old_stdout assert("[learning_curve]" in out) def test_learning_curve_incremental_learning_not_possible(): X, y = make_classification(n_samples=2, n_features=1, n_informative=1, n_redundant=0, n_classes=2, n_clusters_per_class=1, random_state=0) # The mockup does not have partial_fit() estimator = MockImprovingEstimator(1) assert_raises(ValueError, learning_curve, estimator, X, y, exploit_incremental_learning=True) def test_learning_curve_incremental_learning(): X, y = make_classification(n_samples=30, n_features=1, n_informative=1, n_redundant=0, n_classes=2, n_clusters_per_class=1, random_state=0) estimator = MockIncrementalImprovingEstimator(20) train_sizes, train_scores, test_scores = learning_curve( estimator, X, y, cv=3, exploit_incremental_learning=True, train_sizes=np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, 10)) assert_array_equal(train_sizes, np.linspace(2, 20, 10)) assert_array_almost_equal(train_scores.mean(axis=1), np.linspace(1.9, 1.0, 10)) assert_array_almost_equal(test_scores.mean(axis=1), np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, 10)) def test_learning_curve_incremental_learning_unsupervised(): X, _ = make_classification(n_samples=30, n_features=1, n_informative=1, n_redundant=0, n_classes=2, n_clusters_per_class=1, random_state=0) estimator = MockIncrementalImprovingEstimator(20) train_sizes, train_scores, test_scores = learning_curve( estimator, X, y=None, cv=3, exploit_incremental_learning=True, train_sizes=np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, 10)) assert_array_equal(train_sizes, np.linspace(2, 20, 10)) assert_array_almost_equal(train_scores.mean(axis=1), np.linspace(1.9, 1.0, 10)) assert_array_almost_equal(test_scores.mean(axis=1), np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, 10)) def test_learning_curve_batch_and_incremental_learning_are_equal(): X, y = make_classification(n_samples=30, n_features=1, n_informative=1, n_redundant=0, n_classes=2, n_clusters_per_class=1, random_state=0) train_sizes = np.linspace(0.2, 1.0, 5) estimator = PassiveAggressiveClassifier(n_iter=1, shuffle=False) train_sizes_inc, train_scores_inc, test_scores_inc = \ learning_curve( estimator, X, y, train_sizes=train_sizes, cv=3, exploit_incremental_learning=True) train_sizes_batch, train_scores_batch, test_scores_batch = \ learning_curve( estimator, X, y, cv=3, train_sizes=train_sizes, exploit_incremental_learning=False) assert_array_equal(train_sizes_inc, train_sizes_batch) assert_array_almost_equal(train_scores_inc.mean(axis=1), train_scores_batch.mean(axis=1)) assert_array_almost_equal(test_scores_inc.mean(axis=1), test_scores_batch.mean(axis=1)) def test_learning_curve_n_sample_range_out_of_bounds(): X, y = make_classification(n_samples=30, n_features=1, n_informative=1, n_redundant=0, n_classes=2, n_clusters_per_class=1, random_state=0) estimator = MockImprovingEstimator(20) assert_raises(ValueError, learning_curve, estimator, X, y, cv=3, train_sizes=[0, 1]) assert_raises(ValueError, learning_curve, estimator, X, y, cv=3, train_sizes=[0.0, 1.0]) assert_raises(ValueError, learning_curve, estimator, X, y, cv=3, train_sizes=[0.1, 1.1]) assert_raises(ValueError, learning_curve, estimator, X, y, cv=3, train_sizes=[0, 20]) assert_raises(ValueError, learning_curve, estimator, X, y, cv=3, train_sizes=[1, 21]) def test_learning_curve_remove_duplicate_sample_sizes(): X, y = make_classification(n_samples=3, n_features=1, n_informative=1, n_redundant=0, n_classes=2, n_clusters_per_class=1, random_state=0) estimator = MockImprovingEstimator(2) train_sizes, _, _ = assert_warns( RuntimeWarning, learning_curve, estimator, X, y, cv=3, train_sizes=np.linspace(0.33, 1.0, 3)) assert_array_equal(train_sizes, [1, 2]) def test_learning_curve_with_boolean_indices(): X, y = make_classification(n_samples=30, n_features=1, n_informative=1, n_redundant=0, n_classes=2, n_clusters_per_class=1, random_state=0) estimator = MockImprovingEstimator(20) cv = KFold(n=30, n_folds=3) train_sizes, train_scores, test_scores = learning_curve( estimator, X, y, cv=cv, train_sizes=np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, 10)) assert_array_equal(train_sizes, np.linspace(2, 20, 10)) assert_array_almost_equal(train_scores.mean(axis=1), np.linspace(1.9, 1.0, 10)) assert_array_almost_equal(test_scores.mean(axis=1), np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, 10)) def test_validation_curve(): X, y = make_classification(n_samples=2, n_features=1, n_informative=1, n_redundant=0, n_classes=2, n_clusters_per_class=1, random_state=0) param_range = np.linspace(0, 1, 10) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: train_scores, test_scores = validation_curve( MockEstimatorWithParameter(), X, y, param_name="param", param_range=param_range, cv=2 ) if len(w) > 0: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected warning: %r" % w[0].message) assert_array_almost_equal(train_scores.mean(axis=1), param_range) assert_array_almost_equal(test_scores.mean(axis=1), 1 - param_range)
__author__ = 'tanay' # coding: utf-8 """ Beating the Benchmark BCI Challenge @ Kaggle __author__ : Abhishek (abhishek4 AT gmail) """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn import ensemble labels = pd.read_csv('data/TrainLabels.csv') submission = pd.read_csv('data/SampleSubmission.csv') training_files = [] for filename in labels.IdFeedBack.values: training_files.append(filename[:-6]) testing_files = [] for filename in submission.IdFeedBack.values: testing_files.append(filename[:-6]) for i, filename in enumerate(np.unique(training_files)): print i, filename path = 'data/train/Data_' + str(filename) + '.csv' df = pd.read_csv(path) df = df[df.FeedBackEvent != 0] df = df.drop('FeedBackEvent', axis = 1) if i == 0: train = np.array(df) else: train = np.vstack((train, np.array(df))) for i, filename in enumerate(np.unique(testing_files)): print i, filename path = 'data/test/Data_' + str(filename) + '.csv' df = pd.read_csv(path) df = df[df.FeedBackEvent != 0] df = df.drop('FeedBackEvent', axis = 1) if i == 0: test = np.array(df) else: test = np.vstack((test, np.array(df))) clf = ensemble.RandomForestClassifier(n_jobs = -1, n_estimators=150, random_state=42), labels.Prediction.values) preds = clf.predict_proba(test)[:,1] submission['Prediction'] = preds submission.to_csv('benchmark.csv', index = False)
import warnings from pandas.compat._optional import import_optional_dependency from pandas.core.dtypes.common import is_integer, is_list_like _writers = {} def register_writer(klass): """ Add engine to the excel writer You must use this method to integrate with ``to_excel``. Parameters ---------- klass : ExcelWriter """ if not callable(klass): raise ValueError("Can only register callables as engines") engine_name = klass.engine _writers[engine_name] = klass def _get_default_writer(ext): """ Return the default writer for the given extension. Parameters ---------- ext : str The excel file extension for which to get the default engine. Returns ------- str The default engine for the extension. """ _default_writers = {'xlsx': 'openpyxl', 'xlsm': 'openpyxl', 'xls': 'xlwt'} xlsxwriter = import_optional_dependency("xlsxwriter", raise_on_missing=False, on_version="warn") if xlsxwriter: _default_writers['xlsx'] = 'xlsxwriter' return _default_writers[ext] def get_writer(engine_name): try: return _writers[engine_name] except KeyError: raise ValueError("No Excel writer '{engine}'" .format(engine=engine_name)) def _excel2num(x): """ Convert Excel column name like 'AB' to 0-based column index. Parameters ---------- x : str The Excel column name to convert to a 0-based column index. Returns ------- num : int The column index corresponding to the name. Raises ------ ValueError Part of the Excel column name was invalid. """ index = 0 for c in x.upper().strip(): cp = ord(c) if cp < ord("A") or cp > ord("Z"): raise ValueError("Invalid column name: {x}".format(x=x)) index = index * 26 + cp - ord("A") + 1 return index - 1 def _range2cols(areas): """ Convert comma separated list of column names and ranges to indices. Parameters ---------- areas : str A string containing a sequence of column ranges (or areas). Returns ------- cols : list A list of 0-based column indices. Examples -------- >>> _range2cols('A:E') [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] >>> _range2cols('A,C,Z:AB') [0, 2, 25, 26, 27] """ cols = [] for rng in areas.split(","): if ":" in rng: rng = rng.split(":") cols.extend(range(_excel2num(rng[0]), _excel2num(rng[1]) + 1)) else: cols.append(_excel2num(rng)) return cols def _maybe_convert_usecols(usecols): """ Convert `usecols` into a compatible format for parsing in ``. Parameters ---------- usecols : object The use-columns object to potentially convert. Returns ------- converted : object The compatible format of `usecols`. """ if usecols is None: return usecols if is_integer(usecols): warnings.warn(("Passing in an integer for `usecols` has been " "deprecated. Please pass in a list of int from " "0 to `usecols` inclusive instead."), FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) return list(range(usecols + 1)) if isinstance(usecols, str): return _range2cols(usecols) return usecols def _validate_freeze_panes(freeze_panes): if freeze_panes is not None: if ( len(freeze_panes) == 2 and all(isinstance(item, int) for item in freeze_panes) ): return True raise ValueError("freeze_panes must be of form (row, column)" " where row and column are integers") # freeze_panes wasn't specified, return False so it won't be applied # to output sheet return False def _trim_excel_header(row): # trim header row so auto-index inference works # xlrd uses '' , openpyxl None while len(row) > 0 and (row[0] == '' or row[0] is None): row = row[1:] return row def _fill_mi_header(row, control_row): """Forward fill blank entries in row but only inside the same parent index. Used for creating headers in Multiindex. Parameters ---------- row : list List of items in a single row. control_row : list of bool Helps to determine if particular column is in same parent index as the previous value. Used to stop propagation of empty cells between different indexes. Returns ------- Returns changed row and control_row """ last = row[0] for i in range(1, len(row)): if not control_row[i]: last = row[i] if row[i] == '' or row[i] is None: row[i] = last else: control_row[i] = False last = row[i] return row, control_row def _pop_header_name(row, index_col): """ Pop the header name for MultiIndex parsing. Parameters ---------- row : list The data row to parse for the header name. index_col : int, list The index columns for our data. Assumed to be non-null. Returns ------- header_name : str The extracted header name. trimmed_row : list The original data row with the header name removed. """ # Pop out header name and fill w/blank. i = index_col if not is_list_like(index_col) else max(index_col) header_name = row[i] header_name = None if header_name == "" else header_name return header_name, row[:i] + [''] + row[i + 1:]
from itertools import product import numpy as np from scipy.sparse import (bsr_matrix, coo_matrix, csc_matrix, csr_matrix, dok_matrix, lil_matrix) from sklearn import metrics from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_almost_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_true from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_warns from sklearn.utils.testing import ignore_warnings from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_greater from sklearn.utils.validation import check_random_state from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_distances from sklearn import neighbors, datasets from sklearn.exceptions import DataConversionWarning rng = np.random.RandomState(0) # load and shuffle iris dataset iris = datasets.load_iris() perm = rng.permutation( =[perm] =[perm] # load and shuffle digits digits = datasets.load_digits() perm = rng.permutation( =[perm] =[perm] SPARSE_TYPES = (bsr_matrix, coo_matrix, csc_matrix, csr_matrix, dok_matrix, lil_matrix) SPARSE_OR_DENSE = SPARSE_TYPES + (np.asarray,) ALGORITHMS = ('ball_tree', 'brute', 'kd_tree', 'auto') P = (1, 2, 3, 4, np.inf) # Filter deprecation warnings. neighbors.kneighbors_graph = ignore_warnings(neighbors.kneighbors_graph) neighbors.radius_neighbors_graph = ignore_warnings( neighbors.radius_neighbors_graph) def _weight_func(dist): """ Weight function to replace lambda d: d ** -2. The lambda function is not valid because: if d==0 then 0^-2 is not valid. """ # Dist could be multidimensional, flatten it so all values # can be looped with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): retval = 1. / dist return retval ** 2 def test_unsupervised_kneighbors(n_samples=20, n_features=5, n_query_pts=2, n_neighbors=5): # Test unsupervised neighbors methods X = rng.rand(n_samples, n_features) test = rng.rand(n_query_pts, n_features) for p in P: results_nodist = [] results = [] for algorithm in ALGORITHMS: neigh = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, algorithm=algorithm, p=p) results_nodist.append(neigh.kneighbors(test, return_distance=False)) results.append(neigh.kneighbors(test, return_distance=True)) for i in range(len(results) - 1): assert_array_almost_equal(results_nodist[i], results[i][1]) assert_array_almost_equal(results[i][0], results[i + 1][0]) assert_array_almost_equal(results[i][1], results[i + 1][1]) def test_unsupervised_inputs(): # test the types of valid input into NearestNeighbors X = rng.random_sample((10, 3)) nbrs_fid = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1) dist1, ind1 = nbrs_fid.kneighbors(X) nbrs = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1) for input in (nbrs_fid, neighbors.BallTree(X), neighbors.KDTree(X)): dist2, ind2 = nbrs.kneighbors(X) assert_array_almost_equal(dist1, dist2) assert_array_almost_equal(ind1, ind2) def test_precomputed(random_state=42): """Tests unsupervised NearestNeighbors with a distance matrix.""" # Note: smaller samples may result in spurious test success rng = np.random.RandomState(random_state) X = rng.random_sample((10, 4)) Y = rng.random_sample((3, 4)) DXX = metrics.pairwise_distances(X, metric='euclidean') DYX = metrics.pairwise_distances(Y, X, metric='euclidean') for method in ['kneighbors']: # TODO: also test radius_neighbors, but requires different assertion # As a feature matrix (n_samples by n_features) nbrs_X = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=3) dist_X, ind_X = getattr(nbrs_X, method)(Y) # As a dense distance matrix (n_samples by n_samples) nbrs_D = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=3, algorithm='brute', metric='precomputed') dist_D, ind_D = getattr(nbrs_D, method)(DYX) assert_array_almost_equal(dist_X, dist_D) assert_array_almost_equal(ind_X, ind_D) # Check auto works too nbrs_D = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=3, algorithm='auto', metric='precomputed') dist_D, ind_D = getattr(nbrs_D, method)(DYX) assert_array_almost_equal(dist_X, dist_D) assert_array_almost_equal(ind_X, ind_D) # Check X=None in prediction dist_X, ind_X = getattr(nbrs_X, method)(None) dist_D, ind_D = getattr(nbrs_D, method)(None) assert_array_almost_equal(dist_X, dist_D) assert_array_almost_equal(ind_X, ind_D) # Must raise a ValueError if the matrix is not of correct shape assert_raises(ValueError, getattr(nbrs_D, method), X) target = np.arange(X.shape[0]) for Est in (neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier, neighbors.RadiusNeighborsClassifier, neighbors.KNeighborsRegressor, neighbors.RadiusNeighborsRegressor): print(Est) est = Est(metric='euclidean') est.radius = est.n_neighbors = 1 pred_X =, target).predict(Y) est.metric = 'precomputed' pred_D =, target).predict(DYX) assert_array_almost_equal(pred_X, pred_D) def test_precomputed_cross_validation(): # Ensure array is split correctly rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X = rng.rand(20, 2) D = pairwise_distances(X, metric='euclidean') y = rng.randint(3, size=20) for Est in (neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier, neighbors.RadiusNeighborsClassifier, neighbors.KNeighborsRegressor, neighbors.RadiusNeighborsRegressor): metric_score = cross_val_score(Est(), X, y) precomp_score = cross_val_score(Est(metric='precomputed'), D, y) assert_array_equal(metric_score, precomp_score) def test_unsupervised_radius_neighbors(n_samples=20, n_features=5, n_query_pts=2, radius=0.5, random_state=0): # Test unsupervised radius-based query rng = np.random.RandomState(random_state) X = rng.rand(n_samples, n_features) test = rng.rand(n_query_pts, n_features) for p in P: results = [] for algorithm in ALGORITHMS: neigh = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(radius=radius, algorithm=algorithm, p=p) ind1 = neigh.radius_neighbors(test, return_distance=False) # sort the results: this is not done automatically for # radius searches dist, ind = neigh.radius_neighbors(test, return_distance=True) for (d, i, i1) in zip(dist, ind, ind1): j = d.argsort() d[:] = d[j] i[:] = i[j] i1[:] = i1[j] results.append((dist, ind)) assert_array_almost_equal(np.concatenate(list(ind)), np.concatenate(list(ind1))) for i in range(len(results) - 1): assert_array_almost_equal(np.concatenate(list(results[i][0])), np.concatenate(list(results[i + 1][0]))), assert_array_almost_equal(np.concatenate(list(results[i][1])), np.concatenate(list(results[i + 1][1]))) def test_kneighbors_classifier(n_samples=40, n_features=5, n_test_pts=10, n_neighbors=5, random_state=0): # Test k-neighbors classification rng = np.random.RandomState(random_state) X = 2 * rng.rand(n_samples, n_features) - 1 y = ((X ** 2).sum(axis=1) < .5).astype( y_str = y.astype(str) weight_func = _weight_func for algorithm in ALGORITHMS: for weights in ['uniform', 'distance', weight_func]: knn = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, weights=weights, algorithm=algorithm), y) epsilon = 1e-5 * (2 * rng.rand(1, n_features) - 1) y_pred = knn.predict(X[:n_test_pts] + epsilon) assert_array_equal(y_pred, y[:n_test_pts]) # Test prediction with y_str, y_str) y_pred = knn.predict(X[:n_test_pts] + epsilon) assert_array_equal(y_pred, y_str[:n_test_pts]) def test_kneighbors_classifier_float_labels(n_samples=40, n_features=5, n_test_pts=10, n_neighbors=5, random_state=0): # Test k-neighbors classification rng = np.random.RandomState(random_state) X = 2 * rng.rand(n_samples, n_features) - 1 y = ((X ** 2).sum(axis=1) < .5).astype( knn = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=n_neighbors), y.astype(np.float)) epsilon = 1e-5 * (2 * rng.rand(1, n_features) - 1) y_pred = knn.predict(X[:n_test_pts] + epsilon) assert_array_equal(y_pred, y[:n_test_pts]) def test_kneighbors_classifier_predict_proba(): # Test KNeighborsClassifier.predict_proba() method X = np.array([[0, 2, 0], [0, 2, 1], [2, 0, 0], [2, 2, 0], [0, 0, 2], [0, 0, 1]]) y = np.array([4, 4, 5, 5, 1, 1]) cls = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=3, p=1) # cityblock dist, y) y_prob = cls.predict_proba(X) real_prob = np.array([[0, 2. / 3, 1. / 3], [1. / 3, 2. / 3, 0], [1. / 3, 0, 2. / 3], [0, 1. / 3, 2. / 3], [2. / 3, 1. / 3, 0], [2. / 3, 1. / 3, 0]]) assert_array_equal(real_prob, y_prob) # Check that it also works with non integer labels, y.astype(str)) y_prob = cls.predict_proba(X) assert_array_equal(real_prob, y_prob) # Check that it works with weights='distance' cls = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier( n_neighbors=2, p=1, weights='distance'), y) y_prob = cls.predict_proba(np.array([[0, 2, 0], [2, 2, 2]])) real_prob = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0.4, 0.6]]) assert_array_almost_equal(real_prob, y_prob) def test_radius_neighbors_classifier(n_samples=40, n_features=5, n_test_pts=10, radius=0.5, random_state=0): # Test radius-based classification rng = np.random.RandomState(random_state) X = 2 * rng.rand(n_samples, n_features) - 1 y = ((X ** 2).sum(axis=1) < .5).astype( y_str = y.astype(str) weight_func = _weight_func for algorithm in ALGORITHMS: for weights in ['uniform', 'distance', weight_func]: neigh = neighbors.RadiusNeighborsClassifier(radius=radius, weights=weights, algorithm=algorithm), y) epsilon = 1e-5 * (2 * rng.rand(1, n_features) - 1) y_pred = neigh.predict(X[:n_test_pts] + epsilon) assert_array_equal(y_pred, y[:n_test_pts]), y_str) y_pred = neigh.predict(X[:n_test_pts] + epsilon) assert_array_equal(y_pred, y_str[:n_test_pts]) def test_radius_neighbors_classifier_when_no_neighbors(): # Test radius-based classifier when no neighbors found. # In this case it should rise an informative exception X = np.array([[1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 2.0]]) y = np.array([1, 2]) radius = 0.1 z1 = np.array([[1.01, 1.01], [2.01, 2.01]]) # no outliers z2 = np.array([[1.01, 1.01], [1.4, 1.4]]) # one outlier weight_func = _weight_func for outlier_label in [0, -1, None]: for algorithm in ALGORITHMS: for weights in ['uniform', 'distance', weight_func]: rnc = neighbors.RadiusNeighborsClassifier clf = rnc(radius=radius, weights=weights, algorithm=algorithm, outlier_label=outlier_label), y) assert_array_equal(np.array([1, 2]), clf.predict(z1)) if outlier_label is None: assert_raises(ValueError, clf.predict, z2) elif False: assert_array_equal(np.array([1, outlier_label]), clf.predict(z2)) def test_radius_neighbors_classifier_outlier_labeling(): # Test radius-based classifier when no neighbors found and outliers # are labeled. X = np.array([[1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 2.0], [0.99, 0.99], [0.98, 0.98], [2.01, 2.01]]) y = np.array([1, 2, 1, 1, 2]) radius = 0.1 z1 = np.array([[1.01, 1.01], [2.01, 2.01]]) # no outliers z2 = np.array([[1.4, 1.4], [1.01, 1.01], [2.01, 2.01]]) # one outlier correct_labels1 = np.array([1, 2]) correct_labels2 = np.array([-1, 1, 2]) weight_func = _weight_func for algorithm in ALGORITHMS: for weights in ['uniform', 'distance', weight_func]: clf = neighbors.RadiusNeighborsClassifier(radius=radius, weights=weights, algorithm=algorithm, outlier_label=-1), y) assert_array_equal(correct_labels1, clf.predict(z1)) assert_array_equal(correct_labels2, clf.predict(z2)) def test_radius_neighbors_classifier_zero_distance(): # Test radius-based classifier, when distance to a sample is zero. X = np.array([[1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 2.0]]) y = np.array([1, 2]) radius = 0.1 z1 = np.array([[1.01, 1.01], [2.0, 2.0]]) correct_labels1 = np.array([1, 2]) weight_func = _weight_func for algorithm in ALGORITHMS: for weights in ['uniform', 'distance', weight_func]: clf = neighbors.RadiusNeighborsClassifier(radius=radius, weights=weights, algorithm=algorithm), y) assert_array_equal(correct_labels1, clf.predict(z1)) def test_neighbors_regressors_zero_distance(): # Test radius-based regressor, when distance to a sample is zero. X = np.array([[1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 2.0], [2.5, 2.5]]) y = np.array([1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 0.0]) radius = 0.2 z = np.array([[1.1, 1.1], [2.0, 2.0]]) rnn_correct_labels = np.array([1.25, 2.0]) knn_correct_unif = np.array([1.25, 1.0]) knn_correct_dist = np.array([1.25, 2.0]) for algorithm in ALGORITHMS: # we don't test for weights=_weight_func since user will be expected # to handle zero distances themselves in the function. for weights in ['uniform', 'distance']: rnn = neighbors.RadiusNeighborsRegressor(radius=radius, weights=weights, algorithm=algorithm), y) assert_array_almost_equal(rnn_correct_labels, rnn.predict(z)) for weights, corr_labels in zip(['uniform', 'distance'], [knn_correct_unif, knn_correct_dist]): knn = neighbors.KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=2, weights=weights, algorithm=algorithm), y) assert_array_almost_equal(corr_labels, knn.predict(z)) def test_radius_neighbors_boundary_handling(): """Test whether points lying on boundary are handled consistently Also ensures that even with only one query point, an object array is returned rather than a 2d array. """ X = np.array([[1.5], [3.0], [3.01]]) radius = 3.0 for algorithm in ALGORITHMS: nbrs = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(radius=radius, algorithm=algorithm).fit(X) results = nbrs.radius_neighbors([[0.0]], return_distance=False) assert_equal(results.shape, (1,)) assert_equal(results.dtype, object) assert_array_equal(results[0], [0, 1]) def test_RadiusNeighborsClassifier_multioutput(): # Test k-NN classifier on multioutput data rng = check_random_state(0) n_features = 2 n_samples = 40 n_output = 3 X = rng.rand(n_samples, n_features) y = rng.randint(0, 3, (n_samples, n_output)) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=0) weights = [None, 'uniform', 'distance', _weight_func] for algorithm, weights in product(ALGORITHMS, weights): # Stack single output prediction y_pred_so = [] for o in range(n_output): rnn = neighbors.RadiusNeighborsClassifier(weights=weights, algorithm=algorithm), y_train[:, o]) y_pred_so.append(rnn.predict(X_test)) y_pred_so = np.vstack(y_pred_so).T assert_equal(y_pred_so.shape, y_test.shape) # Multioutput prediction rnn_mo = neighbors.RadiusNeighborsClassifier(weights=weights, algorithm=algorithm), y_train) y_pred_mo = rnn_mo.predict(X_test) assert_equal(y_pred_mo.shape, y_test.shape) assert_array_almost_equal(y_pred_mo, y_pred_so) def test_kneighbors_classifier_sparse(n_samples=40, n_features=5, n_test_pts=10, n_neighbors=5, random_state=0): # Test k-NN classifier on sparse matrices # Like the above, but with various types of sparse matrices rng = np.random.RandomState(random_state) X = 2 * rng.rand(n_samples, n_features) - 1 X *= X > .2 y = ((X ** 2).sum(axis=1) < .5).astype( for sparsemat in SPARSE_TYPES: knn = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, algorithm='auto'), y) epsilon = 1e-5 * (2 * rng.rand(1, n_features) - 1) for sparsev in SPARSE_TYPES + (np.asarray,): X_eps = sparsev(X[:n_test_pts] + epsilon) y_pred = knn.predict(X_eps) assert_array_equal(y_pred, y[:n_test_pts]) def test_KNeighborsClassifier_multioutput(): # Test k-NN classifier on multioutput data rng = check_random_state(0) n_features = 5 n_samples = 50 n_output = 3 X = rng.rand(n_samples, n_features) y = rng.randint(0, 3, (n_samples, n_output)) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=0) weights = [None, 'uniform', 'distance', _weight_func] for algorithm, weights in product(ALGORITHMS, weights): # Stack single output prediction y_pred_so = [] y_pred_proba_so = [] for o in range(n_output): knn = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(weights=weights, algorithm=algorithm), y_train[:, o]) y_pred_so.append(knn.predict(X_test)) y_pred_proba_so.append(knn.predict_proba(X_test)) y_pred_so = np.vstack(y_pred_so).T assert_equal(y_pred_so.shape, y_test.shape) assert_equal(len(y_pred_proba_so), n_output) # Multioutput prediction knn_mo = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(weights=weights, algorithm=algorithm), y_train) y_pred_mo = knn_mo.predict(X_test) assert_equal(y_pred_mo.shape, y_test.shape) assert_array_almost_equal(y_pred_mo, y_pred_so) # Check proba y_pred_proba_mo = knn_mo.predict_proba(X_test) assert_equal(len(y_pred_proba_mo), n_output) for proba_mo, proba_so in zip(y_pred_proba_mo, y_pred_proba_so): assert_array_almost_equal(proba_mo, proba_so) def test_kneighbors_regressor(n_samples=40, n_features=5, n_test_pts=10, n_neighbors=3, random_state=0): # Test k-neighbors regression rng = np.random.RandomState(random_state) X = 2 * rng.rand(n_samples, n_features) - 1 y = np.sqrt((X ** 2).sum(1)) y /= y.max() y_target = y[:n_test_pts] weight_func = _weight_func for algorithm in ALGORITHMS: for weights in ['uniform', 'distance', weight_func]: knn = neighbors.KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, weights=weights, algorithm=algorithm), y) epsilon = 1E-5 * (2 * rng.rand(1, n_features) - 1) y_pred = knn.predict(X[:n_test_pts] + epsilon) assert_true(np.all(abs(y_pred - y_target) < 0.3)) def test_KNeighborsRegressor_multioutput_uniform_weight(): # Test k-neighbors in multi-output regression with uniform weight rng = check_random_state(0) n_features = 5 n_samples = 40 n_output = 4 X = rng.rand(n_samples, n_features) y = rng.rand(n_samples, n_output) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=0) for algorithm, weights in product(ALGORITHMS, [None, 'uniform']): knn = neighbors.KNeighborsRegressor(weights=weights, algorithm=algorithm), y_train) neigh_idx = knn.kneighbors(X_test, return_distance=False) y_pred_idx = np.array([np.mean(y_train[idx], axis=0) for idx in neigh_idx]) y_pred = knn.predict(X_test) assert_equal(y_pred.shape, y_test.shape) assert_equal(y_pred_idx.shape, y_test.shape) assert_array_almost_equal(y_pred, y_pred_idx) def test_kneighbors_regressor_multioutput(n_samples=40, n_features=5, n_test_pts=10, n_neighbors=3, random_state=0): # Test k-neighbors in multi-output regression rng = np.random.RandomState(random_state) X = 2 * rng.rand(n_samples, n_features) - 1 y = np.sqrt((X ** 2).sum(1)) y /= y.max() y = np.vstack([y, y]).T y_target = y[:n_test_pts] weights = ['uniform', 'distance', _weight_func] for algorithm, weights in product(ALGORITHMS, weights): knn = neighbors.KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, weights=weights, algorithm=algorithm), y) epsilon = 1E-5 * (2 * rng.rand(1, n_features) - 1) y_pred = knn.predict(X[:n_test_pts] + epsilon) assert_equal(y_pred.shape, y_target.shape) assert_true(np.all(np.abs(y_pred - y_target) < 0.3)) def test_radius_neighbors_regressor(n_samples=40, n_features=3, n_test_pts=10, radius=0.5, random_state=0): # Test radius-based neighbors regression rng = np.random.RandomState(random_state) X = 2 * rng.rand(n_samples, n_features) - 1 y = np.sqrt((X ** 2).sum(1)) y /= y.max() y_target = y[:n_test_pts] weight_func = _weight_func for algorithm in ALGORITHMS: for weights in ['uniform', 'distance', weight_func]: neigh = neighbors.RadiusNeighborsRegressor(radius=radius, weights=weights, algorithm=algorithm), y) epsilon = 1E-5 * (2 * rng.rand(1, n_features) - 1) y_pred = neigh.predict(X[:n_test_pts] + epsilon) assert_true(np.all(abs(y_pred - y_target) < radius / 2)) def test_RadiusNeighborsRegressor_multioutput_with_uniform_weight(): # Test radius neighbors in multi-output regression (uniform weight) rng = check_random_state(0) n_features = 5 n_samples = 40 n_output = 4 X = rng.rand(n_samples, n_features) y = rng.rand(n_samples, n_output) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=0) for algorithm, weights in product(ALGORITHMS, [None, 'uniform']): rnn = neighbors. RadiusNeighborsRegressor(weights=weights, algorithm=algorithm), y_train) neigh_idx = rnn.radius_neighbors(X_test, return_distance=False) y_pred_idx = np.array([np.mean(y_train[idx], axis=0) for idx in neigh_idx]) y_pred_idx = np.array(y_pred_idx) y_pred = rnn.predict(X_test) assert_equal(y_pred_idx.shape, y_test.shape) assert_equal(y_pred.shape, y_test.shape) assert_array_almost_equal(y_pred, y_pred_idx) def test_RadiusNeighborsRegressor_multioutput(n_samples=40, n_features=5, n_test_pts=10, n_neighbors=3, random_state=0): # Test k-neighbors in multi-output regression with various weight rng = np.random.RandomState(random_state) X = 2 * rng.rand(n_samples, n_features) - 1 y = np.sqrt((X ** 2).sum(1)) y /= y.max() y = np.vstack([y, y]).T y_target = y[:n_test_pts] weights = ['uniform', 'distance', _weight_func] for algorithm, weights in product(ALGORITHMS, weights): rnn = neighbors.RadiusNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, weights=weights, algorithm=algorithm), y) epsilon = 1E-5 * (2 * rng.rand(1, n_features) - 1) y_pred = rnn.predict(X[:n_test_pts] + epsilon) assert_equal(y_pred.shape, y_target.shape) assert_true(np.all(np.abs(y_pred - y_target) < 0.3)) def test_kneighbors_regressor_sparse(n_samples=40, n_features=5, n_test_pts=10, n_neighbors=5, random_state=0): # Test radius-based regression on sparse matrices # Like the above, but with various types of sparse matrices rng = np.random.RandomState(random_state) X = 2 * rng.rand(n_samples, n_features) - 1 y = ((X ** 2).sum(axis=1) < .25).astype( for sparsemat in SPARSE_TYPES: knn = neighbors.KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, algorithm='auto'), y) for sparsev in SPARSE_OR_DENSE: X2 = sparsev(X) assert_true(np.mean(knn.predict(X2).round() == y) > 0.95) def test_neighbors_iris(): # Sanity checks on the iris dataset # Puts three points of each label in the plane and performs a # nearest neighbor query on points near the decision boundary. for algorithm in ALGORITHMS: clf = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=1, algorithm=algorithm), assert_array_equal(clf.predict(, clf.set_params(n_neighbors=9, algorithm=algorithm), assert_true(np.mean(clf.predict( == > 0.95) rgs = neighbors.KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=5, algorithm=algorithm), assert_greater(np.mean(rgs.predict( ==, 0.95) def test_neighbors_digits(): # Sanity check on the digits dataset # the 'brute' algorithm has been observed to fail if the input # dtype is uint8 due to overflow in distance calculations. X ='uint8') Y = (n_samples, n_features) = X.shape train_test_boundary = int(n_samples * 0.8) train = np.arange(0, train_test_boundary) test = np.arange(train_test_boundary, n_samples) (X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test) = X[train], Y[train], X[test], Y[test] clf = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=1, algorithm='brute') score_uint8 =, Y_train).score(X_test, Y_test) score_float =, Y_train).score( X_test.astype(float), Y_test) assert_equal(score_uint8, score_float) def test_kneighbors_graph(): # Test kneighbors_graph to build the k-Nearest Neighbor graph. X = np.array([[0, 1], [1.01, 1.], [2, 0]]) # n_neighbors = 1 A = neighbors.kneighbors_graph(X, 1, mode='connectivity', include_self=True) assert_array_equal(A.toarray(), np.eye(A.shape[0])) A = neighbors.kneighbors_graph(X, 1, mode='distance') assert_array_almost_equal( A.toarray(), [[0.00, 1.01, 0.], [1.01, 0., 0.], [0.00, 1.40716026, 0.]]) # n_neighbors = 2 A = neighbors.kneighbors_graph(X, 2, mode='connectivity', include_self=True) assert_array_equal( A.toarray(), [[1., 1., 0.], [1., 1., 0.], [0., 1., 1.]]) A = neighbors.kneighbors_graph(X, 2, mode='distance') assert_array_almost_equal( A.toarray(), [[0., 1.01, 2.23606798], [1.01, 0., 1.40716026], [2.23606798, 1.40716026, 0.]]) # n_neighbors = 3 A = neighbors.kneighbors_graph(X, 3, mode='connectivity', include_self=True) assert_array_almost_equal( A.toarray(), [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]) def test_kneighbors_graph_sparse(seed=36): # Test kneighbors_graph to build the k-Nearest Neighbor graph # for sparse input. rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) X = rng.randn(10, 10) Xcsr = csr_matrix(X) for n_neighbors in [1, 2, 3]: for mode in ["connectivity", "distance"]: assert_array_almost_equal( neighbors.kneighbors_graph(X, n_neighbors, mode=mode).toarray(), neighbors.kneighbors_graph(Xcsr, n_neighbors, mode=mode).toarray()) def test_radius_neighbors_graph(): # Test radius_neighbors_graph to build the Nearest Neighbor graph. X = np.array([[0, 1], [1.01, 1.], [2, 0]]) A = neighbors.radius_neighbors_graph(X, 1.5, mode='connectivity', include_self=True) assert_array_equal( A.toarray(), [[1., 1., 0.], [1., 1., 1.], [0., 1., 1.]]) A = neighbors.radius_neighbors_graph(X, 1.5, mode='distance') assert_array_almost_equal( A.toarray(), [[0., 1.01, 0.], [1.01, 0., 1.40716026], [0., 1.40716026, 0.]]) def test_radius_neighbors_graph_sparse(seed=36): # Test radius_neighbors_graph to build the Nearest Neighbor graph # for sparse input. rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) X = rng.randn(10, 10) Xcsr = csr_matrix(X) for n_neighbors in [1, 2, 3]: for mode in ["connectivity", "distance"]: assert_array_almost_equal( neighbors.radius_neighbors_graph(X, n_neighbors, mode=mode).toarray(), neighbors.radius_neighbors_graph(Xcsr, n_neighbors, mode=mode).toarray()) def test_neighbors_badargs(): # Test bad argument values: these should all raise ValueErrors assert_raises(ValueError, neighbors.NearestNeighbors, algorithm='blah') X = rng.random_sample((10, 2)) Xsparse = csr_matrix(X) y = np.ones(10) for cls in (neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier, neighbors.RadiusNeighborsClassifier, neighbors.KNeighborsRegressor, neighbors.RadiusNeighborsRegressor): assert_raises(ValueError, cls, weights='blah') assert_raises(ValueError, cls, p=-1) assert_raises(ValueError, cls, algorithm='blah') nbrs = cls(algorithm='ball_tree', metric='haversine') assert_raises(ValueError, nbrs.predict, X) assert_raises(ValueError, ignore_warnings(, Xsparse, y) nbrs = cls() assert_raises(ValueError,, np.ones((0, 2)), np.ones(0)) assert_raises(ValueError,, X[:, :, None], y), y) assert_raises(ValueError, nbrs.predict, [[]]) if (isinstance(cls, neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier) or isinstance(cls, neighbors.KNeighborsRegressor)): nbrs = cls(n_neighbors=-1) assert_raises(ValueError,, X, y) nbrs = neighbors.NearestNeighbors().fit(X) assert_raises(ValueError, nbrs.kneighbors_graph, X, mode='blah') assert_raises(ValueError, nbrs.radius_neighbors_graph, X, mode='blah') def test_neighbors_metrics(n_samples=20, n_features=3, n_query_pts=2, n_neighbors=5): # Test computing the neighbors for various metrics # create a symmetric matrix V = rng.rand(n_features, n_features) VI =, V.T) metrics = [('euclidean', {}), ('manhattan', {}), ('minkowski', dict(p=1)), ('minkowski', dict(p=2)), ('minkowski', dict(p=3)), ('minkowski', dict(p=np.inf)), ('chebyshev', {}), ('seuclidean', dict(V=rng.rand(n_features))), ('wminkowski', dict(p=3, w=rng.rand(n_features))), ('mahalanobis', dict(VI=VI))] algorithms = ['brute', 'ball_tree', 'kd_tree'] X = rng.rand(n_samples, n_features) test = rng.rand(n_query_pts, n_features) for metric, metric_params in metrics: results = {} p = metric_params.pop('p', 2) for algorithm in algorithms: # KD tree doesn't support all metrics if (algorithm == 'kd_tree' and metric not in neighbors.KDTree.valid_metrics): assert_raises(ValueError, neighbors.NearestNeighbors, algorithm=algorithm, metric=metric, metric_params=metric_params) continue neigh = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, algorithm=algorithm, metric=metric, p=p, metric_params=metric_params) results[algorithm] = neigh.kneighbors(test, return_distance=True) assert_array_almost_equal(results['brute'][0], results['ball_tree'][0]) assert_array_almost_equal(results['brute'][1], results['ball_tree'][1]) if 'kd_tree' in results: assert_array_almost_equal(results['brute'][0], results['kd_tree'][0]) assert_array_almost_equal(results['brute'][1], results['kd_tree'][1]) def test_callable_metric(): def custom_metric(x1, x2): return np.sqrt(np.sum(x1 ** 2 + x2 ** 2)) X = np.random.RandomState(42).rand(20, 2) nbrs1 = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(3, algorithm='auto', metric=custom_metric) nbrs2 = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(3, algorithm='brute', metric=custom_metric) dist1, ind1 = nbrs1.kneighbors(X) dist2, ind2 = nbrs2.kneighbors(X) assert_array_almost_equal(dist1, dist2) def test_metric_params_interface(): assert_warns(SyntaxWarning, neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier, metric_params={'p': 3}) def test_predict_sparse_ball_kd_tree(): rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X = rng.rand(5, 5) y = rng.randint(0, 2, 5) nbrs1 = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(1, algorithm='kd_tree') nbrs2 = neighbors.KNeighborsRegressor(1, algorithm='ball_tree') for model in [nbrs1, nbrs2]:, y) assert_raises(ValueError, model.predict, csr_matrix(X)) def test_non_euclidean_kneighbors(): rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X = rng.rand(5, 5) # Find a reasonable radius. dist_array = pairwise_distances(X).flatten() np.sort(dist_array) radius = dist_array[15] # Test kneighbors_graph for metric in ['manhattan', 'chebyshev']: nbrs_graph = neighbors.kneighbors_graph( X, 3, metric=metric, mode='connectivity', include_self=True).toarray() nbrs1 = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(3, metric=metric).fit(X) assert_array_equal(nbrs_graph, nbrs1.kneighbors_graph(X).toarray()) # Test radiusneighbors_graph for metric in ['manhattan', 'chebyshev']: nbrs_graph = neighbors.radius_neighbors_graph( X, radius, metric=metric, mode='connectivity', include_self=True).toarray() nbrs1 = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(metric=metric, radius=radius).fit(X) assert_array_equal(nbrs_graph, nbrs1.radius_neighbors_graph(X).A) # Raise error when wrong parameters are supplied, X_nbrs = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(3, metric='manhattan') assert_raises(ValueError, neighbors.kneighbors_graph, X_nbrs, 3, metric='euclidean') X_nbrs = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(radius=radius, metric='manhattan') assert_raises(ValueError, neighbors.radius_neighbors_graph, X_nbrs, radius, metric='euclidean') def check_object_arrays(nparray, list_check): for ind, ele in enumerate(nparray): assert_array_equal(ele, list_check[ind]) def test_k_and_radius_neighbors_train_is_not_query(): # Test kneighbors when query is not training data for algorithm in ALGORITHMS: nn = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1, algorithm=algorithm) X = [[0], [1]] test_data = [[2], [1]] # Test neighbors. dist, ind = nn.kneighbors(test_data) assert_array_equal(dist, [[1], [0]]) assert_array_equal(ind, [[1], [1]]) dist, ind = nn.radius_neighbors([[2], [1]], radius=1.5) check_object_arrays(dist, [[1], [1, 0]]) check_object_arrays(ind, [[1], [0, 1]]) # Test the graph variants. assert_array_equal( nn.kneighbors_graph(test_data).A, [[0., 1.], [0., 1.]]) assert_array_equal( nn.kneighbors_graph([[2], [1]], mode='distance').A, np.array([[0., 1.], [0., 0.]])) rng = nn.radius_neighbors_graph([[2], [1]], radius=1.5) assert_array_equal(rng.A, [[0, 1], [1, 1]]) def test_k_and_radius_neighbors_X_None(): # Test kneighbors when query is None for algorithm in ALGORITHMS: nn = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1, algorithm=algorithm) X = [[0], [1]] dist, ind = nn.kneighbors() assert_array_equal(dist, [[1], [1]]) assert_array_equal(ind, [[1], [0]]) dist, ind = nn.radius_neighbors(None, radius=1.5) check_object_arrays(dist, [[1], [1]]) check_object_arrays(ind, [[1], [0]]) # Test the graph variants. rng = nn.radius_neighbors_graph(None, radius=1.5) kng = nn.kneighbors_graph(None) for graph in [rng, kng]: assert_array_equal(rng.A, [[0, 1], [1, 0]]) assert_array_equal(, [1, 1]) assert_array_equal(rng.indices, [1, 0]) X = [[0, 1], [0, 1], [1, 1]] nn = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=2, algorithm=algorithm) assert_array_equal( nn.kneighbors_graph().A, np.array([[0., 1., 1.], [1., 0., 1.], [1., 1., 0]])) def test_k_and_radius_neighbors_duplicates(): # Test behavior of kneighbors when duplicates are present in query for algorithm in ALGORITHMS: nn = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1, algorithm=algorithm)[[0], [1]]) # Do not do anything special to duplicates. kng = nn.kneighbors_graph([[0], [1]], mode='distance') assert_array_equal( kng.A, np.array([[0., 0.], [0., 0.]])) assert_array_equal(, [0., 0.]) assert_array_equal(kng.indices, [0, 1]) dist, ind = nn.radius_neighbors([[0], [1]], radius=1.5) check_object_arrays(dist, [[0, 1], [1, 0]]) check_object_arrays(ind, [[0, 1], [0, 1]]) rng = nn.radius_neighbors_graph([[0], [1]], radius=1.5) assert_array_equal(rng.A, np.ones((2, 2))) rng = nn.radius_neighbors_graph([[0], [1]], radius=1.5, mode='distance') assert_array_equal(rng.A, [[0, 1], [1, 0]]) assert_array_equal(rng.indices, [0, 1, 0, 1]) assert_array_equal(, [0, 1, 1, 0]) # Mask the first duplicates when n_duplicates > n_neighbors. X = np.ones((3, 1)) nn = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1) dist, ind = nn.kneighbors() assert_array_equal(dist, np.zeros((3, 1))) assert_array_equal(ind, [[1], [0], [1]]) # Test that zeros are explicitly marked in kneighbors_graph. kng = nn.kneighbors_graph(mode='distance') assert_array_equal( kng.A, np.zeros((3, 3))) assert_array_equal(, np.zeros(3)) assert_array_equal(kng.indices, [1., 0., 1.]) assert_array_equal( nn.kneighbors_graph().A, np.array([[0., 1., 0.], [1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.]])) def test_include_self_neighbors_graph(): # Test include_self parameter in neighbors_graph X = [[2, 3], [4, 5]] kng = neighbors.kneighbors_graph(X, 1, include_self=True).A kng_not_self = neighbors.kneighbors_graph(X, 1, include_self=False).A assert_array_equal(kng, [[1., 0.], [0., 1.]]) assert_array_equal(kng_not_self, [[0., 1.], [1., 0.]]) rng = neighbors.radius_neighbors_graph(X, 5.0, include_self=True).A rng_not_self = neighbors.radius_neighbors_graph( X, 5.0, include_self=False).A assert_array_equal(rng, [[1., 1.], [1., 1.]]) assert_array_equal(rng_not_self, [[0., 1.], [1., 0.]]) def test_same_knn_parallel(): X, y = datasets.make_classification(n_samples=30, n_features=5, n_redundant=0, random_state=0) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y) def check_same_knn_parallel(algorithm): clf = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=3, algorithm=algorithm), y_train) y = clf.predict(X_test) dist, ind = clf.kneighbors(X_test) graph = clf.kneighbors_graph(X_test, mode='distance').toarray() clf.set_params(n_jobs=3), y_train) y_parallel = clf.predict(X_test) dist_parallel, ind_parallel = clf.kneighbors(X_test) graph_parallel = \ clf.kneighbors_graph(X_test, mode='distance').toarray() assert_array_equal(y, y_parallel) assert_array_almost_equal(dist, dist_parallel) assert_array_equal(ind, ind_parallel) assert_array_almost_equal(graph, graph_parallel) for algorithm in ALGORITHMS: yield check_same_knn_parallel, algorithm def test_dtype_convert(): classifier = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=1) CLASSES = 15 X = np.eye(CLASSES) y = [ch for ch in 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU'[:CLASSES]] result =, y).predict(X) assert_array_equal(result, y) # ignore conversion to boolean in pairwise_distances @ignore_warnings(category=DataConversionWarning) def test_pairwise_boolean_distance(): # Non-regression test for #4523 # 'brute': uses scipy.spatial.distance through pairwise_distances # 'ball_tree': uses sklearn.neighbors.dist_metrics rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X = rng.uniform(size=(6, 5)) NN = neighbors.NearestNeighbors nn1 = NN(metric="jaccard", algorithm='brute').fit(X) nn2 = NN(metric="jaccard", algorithm='ball_tree').fit(X) assert_array_equal(nn1.kneighbors(X)[0], nn2.kneighbors(X)[0])
""" Factory methods to create N-D panels """ import warnings from pandas.compat import zip import pandas.compat as compat def create_nd_panel_factory(klass_name, orders, slices, slicer, aliases=None, stat_axis=2, info_axis=0, ns=None): """ manufacture a n-d class: .. deprecated:: 0.19.0 The recommended way to represent these types of n-dimensional data are with the `xarray package <>`__. Pandas provides a `.to_xarray()` method to automate this conversion. Parameters ---------- klass_name : the klass name orders : the names of the axes in order (highest to lowest) slices : a dictionary that defines how the axes map to the slice axis slicer : the class representing a slice of this panel aliases : a dictionary defining aliases for various axes default = { major : major_axis, minor : minor_axis } stat_axis : the default statistic axis default = 2 info_axis : the info axis Returns ------- a class object representing this panel """ # if slicer is a name, get the object if isinstance(slicer, compat.string_types): import pandas try: slicer = getattr(pandas, slicer) except: raise Exception("cannot create this slicer [%s]" % slicer) # build the klass ns = {} if not ns else ns klass = type(klass_name, (slicer, ), ns) # setup the axes klass._setup_axes(axes=orders, info_axis=info_axis, stat_axis=stat_axis, aliases=aliases, slicers=slices) klass._constructor_sliced = slicer # define the methods #### def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # deprecation GH13564 warnings.warn("\n{klass} is deprecated and will be removed in a " "future version.\nThe recommended way to represent " "these types of n-dimensional data are with the\n" "`xarray package " "<>`__.\n" "Pandas provides a `.to_xarray()` method to help " "automate this conversion.\n".format( klass=self.__class__.__name__), FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) if not (kwargs.get('data') or len(args)): raise Exception("must supply at least a data argument to [%s]" % klass_name) if 'copy' not in kwargs: kwargs['copy'] = False if 'dtype' not in kwargs: kwargs['dtype'] = None self._init_data(*args, **kwargs) klass.__init__ = __init__ def _get_plane_axes_index(self, axis): """ return the sliced index for this object """ # TODO: axis_name is not used, remove? axis_name = self._get_axis_name(axis) # noqa index = self._AXIS_ORDERS.index(axis) planes = [] if index: planes.extend(self._AXIS_ORDERS[0:index]) if index != self._AXIS_LEN: planes.extend(self._AXIS_ORDERS[index + 1:]) return planes klass._get_plane_axes_index = _get_plane_axes_index def _combine(self, other, func, axis=0): if isinstance(other, klass): return self._combine_with_constructor(other, func) return super(klass, self)._combine(other, func, axis=axis) klass._combine = _combine def _combine_with_constructor(self, other, func): # combine labels to form new axes new_axes = [] for a in self._AXIS_ORDERS: new_axes.append(getattr(self, a).union(getattr(other, a))) # reindex: could check that everything's the same size, but forget it d = dict([(a, ax) for a, ax in zip(self._AXIS_ORDERS, new_axes)]) d['copy'] = False this = self.reindex(**d) other = other.reindex(**d) result_values = func(this.values, other.values) return self._constructor(result_values, **d) klass._combine_with_constructor = _combine_with_constructor # set as NonImplemented operations which we don't support for f in ['to_frame', 'to_excel', 'to_sparse', 'groupby', 'join', 'filter', 'dropna', 'shift']: def func(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("this operation is not supported") setattr(klass, f, func) # add the aggregate operations klass._add_aggregate_operations() klass._add_numeric_operations() return klass
"""Utilities to evaluate the clustering performance of models Functions named as *_score return a scalar value to maximize: the higher the better. """ # Authors: Olivier Grisel <> # Wei LI <> # Diego Molla <> # License: BSD 3 clause from math import log from scipy.misc import comb from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix import numpy as np from .expected_mutual_info_fast import expected_mutual_information from ...utils.fixes import bincount def comb2(n): # the exact version is faster for k == 2: use it by default globally in # this module instead of the float approximate variant return comb(n, 2, exact=1) def check_clusterings(labels_true, labels_pred): """Check that the two clusterings matching 1D integer arrays""" labels_true = np.asarray(labels_true) labels_pred = np.asarray(labels_pred) # input checks if labels_true.ndim != 1: raise ValueError( "labels_true must be 1D: shape is %r" % (labels_true.shape,)) if labels_pred.ndim != 1: raise ValueError( "labels_pred must be 1D: shape is %r" % (labels_pred.shape,)) if labels_true.shape != labels_pred.shape: raise ValueError( "labels_true and labels_pred must have same size, got %d and %d" % (labels_true.shape[0], labels_pred.shape[0])) return labels_true, labels_pred def contingency_matrix(labels_true, labels_pred, eps=None, max_n_classes=5000): """Build a contingency matrix describing the relationship between labels. Parameters ---------- labels_true : int array, shape = [n_samples] Ground truth class labels to be used as a reference labels_pred : array, shape = [n_samples] Cluster labels to evaluate eps: None or float If a float, that value is added to all values in the contingency matrix. This helps to stop NaN propagation. If ``None``, nothing is adjusted. max_n_classes : int, optional (default=5000) Maximal number of classeses handled for contingency_matrix. This help to avoid Memory error with regression target for mutual_information. Returns ------- contingency: array, shape=[n_classes_true, n_classes_pred] Matrix :math:`C` such that :math:`C_{i, j}` is the number of samples in true class :math:`i` and in predicted class :math:`j`. If ``eps is None``, the dtype of this array will be integer. If ``eps`` is given, the dtype will be float. """ classes, class_idx = np.unique(labels_true, return_inverse=True) clusters, cluster_idx = np.unique(labels_pred, return_inverse=True) n_classes = classes.shape[0] n_clusters = clusters.shape[0] if n_classes > max_n_classes: raise ValueError("Too many classes for a clustering metric. If you " "want to increase the limit, pass parameter " "max_n_classes to the scoring function") if n_clusters > max_n_classes: raise ValueError("Too many clusters for a clustering metric. If you " "want to increase the limit, pass parameter " "max_n_classes to the scoring function") # Using coo_matrix to accelerate simple histogram calculation, # i.e. bins are consecutive integers # Currently, coo_matrix is faster than histogram2d for simple cases contingency = coo_matrix((np.ones(class_idx.shape[0]), (class_idx, cluster_idx)), shape=(n_classes, n_clusters), if eps is not None: # don't use += as contingency is integer contingency = contingency + eps return contingency # clustering measures def adjusted_rand_score(labels_true, labels_pred, max_n_classes=5000): """Rand index adjusted for chance The Rand Index computes a similarity measure between two clusterings by considering all pairs of samples and counting pairs that are assigned in the same or different clusters in the predicted and true clusterings. The raw RI score is then "adjusted for chance" into the ARI score using the following scheme:: ARI = (RI - Expected_RI) / (max(RI) - Expected_RI) The adjusted Rand index is thus ensured to have a value close to 0.0 for random labeling independently of the number of clusters and samples and exactly 1.0 when the clusterings are identical (up to a permutation). ARI is a symmetric measure:: adjusted_rand_score(a, b) == adjusted_rand_score(b, a) Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <adjusted_rand_score>`. Parameters ---------- labels_true : int array, shape = [n_samples] Ground truth class labels to be used as a reference labels_pred : array, shape = [n_samples] Cluster labels to evaluate max_n_classes: int, optional (default=5000) Maximal number of classes handled by the adjusted_rand_score metric. Setting it too high can lead to MemoryError or OS freeze Returns ------- ari : float Similarity score between -1.0 and 1.0. Random labelings have an ARI close to 0.0. 1.0 stands for perfect match. Examples -------- Perfectly maching labelings have a score of 1 even >>> from sklearn.metrics.cluster import adjusted_rand_score >>> adjusted_rand_score([0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1]) 1.0 >>> adjusted_rand_score([0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0]) 1.0 Labelings that assign all classes members to the same clusters are complete be not always pure, hence penalized:: >>> adjusted_rand_score([0, 0, 1, 2], [0, 0, 1, 1]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.57... ARI is symmetric, so labelings that have pure clusters with members coming from the same classes but unnecessary splits are penalized:: >>> adjusted_rand_score([0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 2]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.57... If classes members are completely split across different clusters, the assignment is totally incomplete, hence the ARI is very low:: >>> adjusted_rand_score([0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 3]) 0.0 References ---------- .. [Hubert1985] `L. Hubert and P. Arabie, Comparing Partitions, Journal of Classification 1985` .. [wk] See also -------- adjusted_mutual_info_score: Adjusted Mutual Information """ labels_true, labels_pred = check_clusterings(labels_true, labels_pred) n_samples = labels_true.shape[0] classes = np.unique(labels_true) clusters = np.unique(labels_pred) # Special limit cases: no clustering since the data is not split; # or trivial clustering where each document is assigned a unique cluster. # These are perfect matches hence return 1.0. if (classes.shape[0] == clusters.shape[0] == 1 or classes.shape[0] == clusters.shape[0] == 0 or classes.shape[0] == clusters.shape[0] == len(labels_true)): return 1.0 contingency = contingency_matrix(labels_true, labels_pred, max_n_classes=max_n_classes) # Compute the ARI using the contingency data sum_comb_c = sum(comb2(n_c) for n_c in contingency.sum(axis=1)) sum_comb_k = sum(comb2(n_k) for n_k in contingency.sum(axis=0)) sum_comb = sum(comb2(n_ij) for n_ij in contingency.flatten()) prod_comb = (sum_comb_c * sum_comb_k) / float(comb(n_samples, 2)) mean_comb = (sum_comb_k + sum_comb_c) / 2. return ((sum_comb - prod_comb) / (mean_comb - prod_comb)) def homogeneity_completeness_v_measure(labels_true, labels_pred, max_n_classes=5000): """Compute the homogeneity and completeness and V-Measure scores at once Those metrics are based on normalized conditional entropy measures of the clustering labeling to evaluate given the knowledge of a Ground Truth class labels of the same samples. A clustering result satisfies homogeneity if all of its clusters contain only data points which are members of a single class. A clustering result satisfies completeness if all the data points that are members of a given class are elements of the same cluster. Both scores have positive values between 0.0 and 1.0, larger values being desirable. Those 3 metrics are independent of the absolute values of the labels: a permutation of the class or cluster label values won't change the score values in any way. V-Measure is furthermore symmetric: swapping ``labels_true`` and ``label_pred`` will give the same score. This does not hold for homogeneity and completeness. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <homogeneity_completeness>`. Parameters ---------- labels_true : int array, shape = [n_samples] ground truth class labels to be used as a reference labels_pred : array, shape = [n_samples] cluster labels to evaluate max_n_classes: int, optional (default=5000) Maximal number of classes handled by the adjusted_rand_score metric. Setting it too high can lead to MemoryError or OS freeze Returns ------- homogeneity: float score between 0.0 and 1.0. 1.0 stands for perfectly homogeneous labeling completeness: float score between 0.0 and 1.0. 1.0 stands for perfectly complete labeling v_measure: float harmonic mean of the first two See also -------- homogeneity_score completeness_score v_measure_score """ labels_true, labels_pred = check_clusterings(labels_true, labels_pred) if len(labels_true) == 0: return 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 entropy_C = entropy(labels_true) entropy_K = entropy(labels_pred) MI = mutual_info_score(labels_true, labels_pred, max_n_classes=max_n_classes) homogeneity = MI / (entropy_C) if entropy_C else 1.0 completeness = MI / (entropy_K) if entropy_K else 1.0 if homogeneity + completeness == 0.0: v_measure_score = 0.0 else: v_measure_score = (2.0 * homogeneity * completeness / (homogeneity + completeness)) return homogeneity, completeness, v_measure_score def homogeneity_score(labels_true, labels_pred, max_n_classes=5000): """Homogeneity metric of a cluster labeling given a ground truth A clustering result satisfies homogeneity if all of its clusters contain only data points which are members of a single class. This metric is independent of the absolute values of the labels: a permutation of the class or cluster label values won't change the score value in any way. This metric is not symmetric: switching ``label_true`` with ``label_pred`` will return the :func:`completeness_score` which will be different in general. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <homogeneity_completeness>`. Parameters ---------- labels_true : int array, shape = [n_samples] ground truth class labels to be used as a reference labels_pred : array, shape = [n_samples] cluster labels to evaluate max_n_classes: int, optional (default=5000) Maximal number of classes handled by the adjusted_rand_score metric. Setting it too high can lead to MemoryError or OS freeze Returns ------- homogeneity: float score between 0.0 and 1.0. 1.0 stands for perfectly homogeneous labeling References ---------- .. [1] `Andrew Rosenberg and Julia Hirschberg, 2007. V-Measure: A conditional entropy-based external cluster evaluation measure <>`_ See also -------- completeness_score v_measure_score Examples -------- Perfect labelings are homogeneous:: >>> from sklearn.metrics.cluster import homogeneity_score >>> homogeneity_score([0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0]) 1.0 Non-perfect labelings that further split classes into more clusters can be perfectly homogeneous:: >>> print("%.6f" % homogeneity_score([0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 2])) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 1.0... >>> print("%.6f" % homogeneity_score([0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 2, 3])) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 1.0... Clusters that include samples from different classes do not make for an homogeneous labeling:: >>> print("%.6f" % homogeneity_score([0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1])) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.0... >>> print("%.6f" % homogeneity_score([0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0])) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.0... """ return homogeneity_completeness_v_measure(labels_true, labels_pred, max_n_classes)[0] def completeness_score(labels_true, labels_pred, max_n_classes=5000): """Completeness metric of a cluster labeling given a ground truth A clustering result satisfies completeness if all the data points that are members of a given class are elements of the same cluster. This metric is independent of the absolute values of the labels: a permutation of the class or cluster label values won't change the score value in any way. This metric is not symmetric: switching ``label_true`` with ``label_pred`` will return the :func:`homogeneity_score` which will be different in general. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <homogeneity_completeness>`. Parameters ---------- labels_true : int array, shape = [n_samples] ground truth class labels to be used as a reference labels_pred : array, shape = [n_samples] cluster labels to evaluate max_n_classes: int, optional (default=5000) Maximal number of classes handled by the adjusted_rand_score metric. Setting it too high can lead to MemoryError or OS freeze Returns ------- completeness: float score between 0.0 and 1.0. 1.0 stands for perfectly complete labeling References ---------- .. [1] `Andrew Rosenberg and Julia Hirschberg, 2007. V-Measure: A conditional entropy-based external cluster evaluation measure <>`_ See also -------- homogeneity_score v_measure_score Examples -------- Perfect labelings are complete:: >>> from sklearn.metrics.cluster import completeness_score >>> completeness_score([0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0]) 1.0 Non-perfect labelings that assign all classes members to the same clusters are still complete:: >>> print(completeness_score([0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0])) 1.0 >>> print(completeness_score([0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 0, 1, 1])) 1.0 If classes members are split across different clusters, the assignment cannot be complete:: >>> print(completeness_score([0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1])) 0.0 >>> print(completeness_score([0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 3])) 0.0 """ return homogeneity_completeness_v_measure(labels_true, labels_pred, max_n_classes)[1] def v_measure_score(labels_true, labels_pred, max_n_classes=5000): """V-measure cluster labeling given a ground truth. This score is identical to :func:`normalized_mutual_info_score`. The V-measure is the harmonic mean between homogeneity and completeness:: v = 2 * (homogeneity * completeness) / (homogeneity + completeness) This metric is independent of the absolute values of the labels: a permutation of the class or cluster label values won't change the score value in any way. This metric is furthermore symmetric: switching ``label_true`` with ``label_pred`` will return the same score value. This can be useful to measure the agreement of two independent label assignments strategies on the same dataset when the real ground truth is not known. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <homogeneity_completeness>`. Parameters ---------- labels_true : int array, shape = [n_samples] ground truth class labels to be used as a reference labels_pred : array, shape = [n_samples] cluster labels to evaluate max_n_classes: int, optional (default=5000) Maximal number of classes handled by the adjusted_rand_score metric. Setting it too high can lead to MemoryError or OS freeze Returns ------- v_measure: float score between 0.0 and 1.0. 1.0 stands for perfectly complete labeling References ---------- .. [1] `Andrew Rosenberg and Julia Hirschberg, 2007. V-Measure: A conditional entropy-based external cluster evaluation measure <>`_ See also -------- homogeneity_score completeness_score Examples -------- Perfect labelings are both homogeneous and complete, hence have score 1.0:: >>> from sklearn.metrics.cluster import v_measure_score >>> v_measure_score([0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1]) 1.0 >>> v_measure_score([0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0]) 1.0 Labelings that assign all classes members to the same clusters are complete be not homogeneous, hence penalized:: >>> print("%.6f" % v_measure_score([0, 0, 1, 2], [0, 0, 1, 1])) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.8... >>> print("%.6f" % v_measure_score([0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 0, 1, 1])) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.66... Labelings that have pure clusters with members coming from the same classes are homogeneous but un-necessary splits harms completeness and thus penalize V-measure as well:: >>> print("%.6f" % v_measure_score([0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 2])) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.8... >>> print("%.6f" % v_measure_score([0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 2, 3])) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.66... If classes members are completely split across different clusters, the assignment is totally incomplete, hence the V-Measure is null:: >>> print("%.6f" % v_measure_score([0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 3])) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.0... Clusters that include samples from totally different classes totally destroy the homogeneity of the labeling, hence:: >>> print("%.6f" % v_measure_score([0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0])) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.0... """ return homogeneity_completeness_v_measure(labels_true, labels_pred, max_n_classes)[2] def mutual_info_score(labels_true, labels_pred, contingency=None, max_n_classes=5000): """Mutual Information between two clusterings The Mutual Information is a measure of the similarity between two labels of the same data. Where :math:`P(i)` is the probability of a random sample occurring in cluster :math:`U_i` and :math:`P'(j)` is the probability of a random sample occurring in cluster :math:`V_j`, the Mutual Information between clusterings :math:`U` and :math:`V` is given as: .. math:: MI(U,V)=\sum_{i=1}^R \sum_{j=1}^C P(i,j)\log\\frac{P(i,j)}{P(i)P'(j)} This is equal to the Kullback-Leibler divergence of the joint distribution with the product distribution of the marginals. This metric is independent of the absolute values of the labels: a permutation of the class or cluster label values won't change the score value in any way. This metric is furthermore symmetric: switching ``label_true`` with ``label_pred`` will return the same score value. This can be useful to measure the agreement of two independent label assignments strategies on the same dataset when the real ground truth is not known. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <mutual_info_score>`. Parameters ---------- labels_true : int array, shape = [n_samples] A clustering of the data into disjoint subsets. labels_pred : array, shape = [n_samples] A clustering of the data into disjoint subsets. contingency: None or array, shape = [n_classes_true, n_classes_pred] A contingency matrix given by the :func:`contingency_matrix` function. If value is ``None``, it will be computed, otherwise the given value is used, with ``labels_true`` and ``labels_pred`` ignored. max_n_classes: int, optional (default=5000) Maximal number of classes handled by the mutual_info_score metric. Setting it too high can lead to MemoryError or OS freeze Returns ------- mi: float Mutual information, a non-negative value See also -------- adjusted_mutual_info_score: Adjusted against chance Mutual Information normalized_mutual_info_score: Normalized Mutual Information """ if contingency is None: labels_true, labels_pred = check_clusterings(labels_true, labels_pred) contingency = contingency_matrix(labels_true, labels_pred, max_n_classes=max_n_classes) contingency = np.array(contingency, dtype='float') contingency_sum = np.sum(contingency) pi = np.sum(contingency, axis=1) pj = np.sum(contingency, axis=0) outer = np.outer(pi, pj) nnz = contingency != 0.0 # normalized contingency contingency_nm = contingency[nnz] log_contingency_nm = np.log(contingency_nm) contingency_nm /= contingency_sum # log(a / b) should be calculated as log(a) - log(b) for # possible loss of precision log_outer = -np.log(outer[nnz]) + log(pi.sum()) + log(pj.sum()) mi = (contingency_nm * (log_contingency_nm - log(contingency_sum)) + contingency_nm * log_outer) return mi.sum() def adjusted_mutual_info_score(labels_true, labels_pred, max_n_classes=5000): """Adjusted Mutual Information between two clusterings Adjusted Mutual Information (AMI) is an adjustment of the Mutual Information (MI) score to account for chance. It accounts for the fact that the MI is generally higher for two clusterings with a larger number of clusters, regardless of whether there is actually more information shared. For two clusterings :math:`U` and :math:`V`, the AMI is given as:: AMI(U, V) = [MI(U, V) - E(MI(U, V))] / [max(H(U), H(V)) - E(MI(U, V))] This metric is independent of the absolute values of the labels: a permutation of the class or cluster label values won't change the score value in any way. This metric is furthermore symmetric: switching ``label_true`` with ``label_pred`` will return the same score value. This can be useful to measure the agreement of two independent label assignments strategies on the same dataset when the real ground truth is not known. Be mindful that this function is an order of magnitude slower than other metrics, such as the Adjusted Rand Index. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <mutual_info_score>`. Parameters ---------- labels_true : int array, shape = [n_samples] A clustering of the data into disjoint subsets. labels_pred : array, shape = [n_samples] A clustering of the data into disjoint subsets. max_n_classes: int, optional (default=5000) Maximal number of classes handled by the adjusted_rand_score metric. Setting it too high can lead to MemoryError or OS freeze Returns ------- ami: float(upperlimited by 1.0) The AMI returns a value of 1 when the two partitions are identical (ie perfectly matched). Random partitions (independent labellings) have an expected AMI around 0 on average hence can be negative. See also -------- adjusted_rand_score: Adjusted Rand Index mutual_information_score: Mutual Information (not adjusted for chance) Examples -------- Perfect labelings are both homogeneous and complete, hence have score 1.0:: >>> from sklearn.metrics.cluster import adjusted_mutual_info_score >>> adjusted_mutual_info_score([0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1]) 1.0 >>> adjusted_mutual_info_score([0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0]) 1.0 If classes members are completely split across different clusters, the assignment is totally in-complete, hence the AMI is null:: >>> adjusted_mutual_info_score([0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 3]) 0.0 References ---------- .. [1] `Vinh, Epps, and Bailey, (2010). Information Theoretic Measures for Clusterings Comparison: Variants, Properties, Normalization and Correction for Chance, JMLR <>`_ .. [2] `Wikipedia entry for the Adjusted Mutual Information <>`_ """ labels_true, labels_pred = check_clusterings(labels_true, labels_pred) n_samples = labels_true.shape[0] classes = np.unique(labels_true) clusters = np.unique(labels_pred) # Special limit cases: no clustering since the data is not split. # This is a perfect match hence return 1.0. if (classes.shape[0] == clusters.shape[0] == 1 or classes.shape[0] == clusters.shape[0] == 0): return 1.0 contingency = contingency_matrix(labels_true, labels_pred, max_n_classes=max_n_classes) contingency = np.array(contingency, dtype='float') # Calculate the MI for the two clusterings mi = mutual_info_score(labels_true, labels_pred, contingency=contingency) # Calculate the expected value for the mutual information emi = expected_mutual_information(contingency, n_samples) # Calculate entropy for each labeling h_true, h_pred = entropy(labels_true), entropy(labels_pred) ami = (mi - emi) / (max(h_true, h_pred) - emi) return ami def normalized_mutual_info_score(labels_true, labels_pred, max_n_classes=5000): """Normalized Mutual Information between two clusterings Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) is an normalization of the Mutual Information (MI) score to scale the results between 0 (no mutual information) and 1 (perfect correlation). In this function, mutual information is normalized by ``sqrt(H(labels_true) * H(labels_pred))`` This measure is not adjusted for chance. Therefore :func:`adjusted_mustual_info_score` might be preferred. This metric is independent of the absolute values of the labels: a permutation of the class or cluster label values won't change the score value in any way. This metric is furthermore symmetric: switching ``label_true`` with ``label_pred`` will return the same score value. This can be useful to measure the agreement of two independent label assignments strategies on the same dataset when the real ground truth is not known. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <mutual_info_score>`. Parameters ---------- labels_true : int array, shape = [n_samples] A clustering of the data into disjoint subsets. labels_pred : array, shape = [n_samples] A clustering of the data into disjoint subsets. max_n_classes: int, optional (default=5000) Maximal number of classes handled by the adjusted_rand_score metric. Setting it too high can lead to MemoryError or OS freeze Returns ------- nmi: float score between 0.0 and 1.0. 1.0 stands for perfectly complete labeling See also -------- adjusted_rand_score: Adjusted Rand Index adjusted_mutual_info_score: Adjusted Mutual Information (adjusted against chance) Examples -------- Perfect labelings are both homogeneous and complete, hence have score 1.0:: >>> from sklearn.metrics.cluster import normalized_mutual_info_score >>> normalized_mutual_info_score([0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1]) 1.0 >>> normalized_mutual_info_score([0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0]) 1.0 If classes members are completely split across different clusters, the assignment is totally in-complete, hence the NMI is null:: >>> normalized_mutual_info_score([0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 3]) 0.0 """ labels_true, labels_pred = check_clusterings(labels_true, labels_pred) classes = np.unique(labels_true) clusters = np.unique(labels_pred) # Special limit cases: no clustering since the data is not split. # This is a perfect match hence return 1.0. if (classes.shape[0] == clusters.shape[0] == 1 or classes.shape[0] == clusters.shape[0] == 0): return 1.0 contingency = contingency_matrix(labels_true, labels_pred, max_n_classes=max_n_classes) contingency = np.array(contingency, dtype='float') # Calculate the MI for the two clusterings mi = mutual_info_score(labels_true, labels_pred, contingency=contingency) # Calculate the expected value for the mutual information # Calculate entropy for each labeling h_true, h_pred = entropy(labels_true), entropy(labels_pred) nmi = mi / max(np.sqrt(h_true * h_pred), 1e-10) return nmi def entropy(labels): """Calculates the entropy for a labeling.""" if len(labels) == 0: return 1.0 label_idx = np.unique(labels, return_inverse=True)[1] pi = bincount(label_idx).astype(np.float) pi = pi[pi > 0] pi_sum = np.sum(pi) # log(a / b) should be calculated as log(a) - log(b) for # possible loss of precision return -np.sum((pi / pi_sum) * (np.log(pi) - log(pi_sum)))
#-*- coding: utf8 from __future__ import division, print_function from statsmodels.distributions.empirical_distribution import ECDF import matplotlib #matplotlib.use('Agg') import sys import argparse import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('model_fpath', help='The name of the model file (a h5 file)', \ type=str) args = parser.parse_args() model = pd.HDFStore(args.model_fpath, 'r') assign = model['assign'].values[:, 0] Theta_zh = model['Theta_zh'].values Psi_oz = model['Psi_sz'].values hyper2id = model['hyper2id'].values source2id = model['source2id'].values from collections import Counter id2hyper = dict((r[1], r[0]) for r in hyper2id) id2source = dict((r[1], r[0]) for r in source2id) nz = Psi_oz.shape[1] k = 10 for z in xrange(nz): print(z) print('These Contributors (name, P[z|c])\n--') n = len(Theta_zh[z]) p = 1.0 / n t = p + 1.96 * np.sqrt((1.0 / n) * p * (1 - p)) for i in Theta_zh[z].argsort()[::-1][:k]: if Theta_zh[z, i] > t: print(id2hyper[i], Theta_zh[z, i], sep='\t') print() print('Transition Through These Artists (name, P[a|z])\n--') n = len(Psi_oz[:, z]) p = 1.0 / n t = p + 1.96 * np.sqrt((1.0 / n) * p * (1 - p)) for i in Psi_oz[:, z].argsort()[::-1][:k]: if Psi_oz[i, z] > t: print(id2source[i], Psi_oz[i, z], sep='\t') print() print() model.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/home/wilmer/anaconda3/bin/python __author__ = 'wilmer' try: import mkl have_mkl = True print("Running with MKL Acceleration") except ImportError: have_mkl = False print("Running with normal backends") from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod import numpy as np import scipy as sp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pylab import itertools import math from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, lil_matrix ## Class with static information about the case class caseinfo: ## Center of the body (which also will contain a tumour) Coord. X isoX = 0.0 ## Center of the body (which also will contain a tumour) Coord. X isoY = 0.0 ## Default radius of the body. Will be overriden R = 20.0 ## Number of beamlets in the fan N = 64 ## Interbeamlet distance in the fan. Which amounts to 6mms. interleaf = 0.6 ## Source to axis distance calibration in cms SAD = 80 ## Original fan with N positions (64) genFan2D = None ## Constructor def __init__(self, x = 0.0, y = 0.0, radio = 20.0, numgantrybeamlets = 64): self.isoX = x self.isoY = y self.R = radio self.genFan2D = np.matrix([[self.interleaf * (i - self.N/2 + 1/2), self.SAD] for i in range(0, self.N)]).transpose() self.N = numgantrybeamlets ## Class that uses a data pair and implements some geographical operations. Depth of the voxel given beam. class voxelbeamletpair: plotsomething = 0 ## Constructor Function def __init__(self, v): ## Voxel center x coordinate self.x = v.x ## Voxel Center y coordinate self.y = v.y ## Variable containing the depth of the voxel in the direction from the beamlet or how much the beam travels. self.depth = None ## This function calculates the distance from my geographical location to the center of a beamlet (not used) def distToBeamC(self, xBeamC, yBeamC): d = np.sqrt(np.sum((self.x - xBeamC )**2 + (self.y - yBeamC )**2)) return(d) ## Function to calculate distance from this point to isocenter (not used) def distToIsoC(self, thiscase): d = np.sqrt(np.sum((self.x - thiscase.isoX)**2 + (self.y - thiscase.isoY)**2)) return(d) ## This function finds whether a point lies INSIDE the line SEGMENT between the beamlet and the voxel or not. def isinterior(self, xinterp, xBeamC): ininterior = False if (min(xBeamC, self.x) <= xinterp and xinterp <= max(xBeamC, self.x)): ininterior = True return(ininterior) ## Find the depth of this voxel inside the body. The depth will be the only factor used in order to calculate # accumulated dose. def depthBeamC(self, xBeamC, yBeamC, R): ## To understand the methodology look at # First I initialize some variables x2 = xBeamC y2 = yBeamC x1 = self.x y1 = self.y dx = x2 - x1 dy = y2 - y1 dr = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) D = x1 * y2 - x2 * y1 # There are two point of intersection xinterp = (D * dy + np.sign(dy) * dx * np.sqrt(R**2 * dr**2 - D**2))/(dr**2) xinterm = (D * dy - np.sign(dy) * dx * np.sqrt(R**2 * dr**2 - D**2))/(dr**2) yinterp = (-D * dx + np.abs(dy) * np.sqrt(R ** 2 * dr ** 2 - D ** 2)) / (dr ** 2) yinterm = (-D * dx - np.abs(dy) * np.sqrt(R ** 2 * dr ** 2 - D ** 2)) / (dr ** 2) # Check which one of the intersection points lies in the segment. Only 1 coordinate necessary. if (self.isinterior(xinterp, xBeamC)): intX = xinterp intY = yinterp else: intX = xinterm intY = yinterm # Check that indeed you did everything right assert(min(xBeamC, self.x) <= intX and intX <= max(xBeamC, self.x)) ## Use the point of intersection of line and circle to calculate the depth of the voxel self.depth = np.sqrt((intX - self.x)**2 + (intY - self.y)**2) if 2810 == self.plotsomething: print('plotting something') circlemain = plt.Circle((0, 0), 20, color='blue', fill=False) fig2 = plt.gcf() fig2.gca().add_artist(circlemain) pylab.xlim([min(xBeamC, self.x) - 2, max(xBeamC, self.x) + 2]) pylab.ylim([min(yBeamC, self.y) - 2, max(yBeamC, self.y) + 2]) fig2.suptitle('Ray Plot. Beamlet source located at ('+ str(xBeamC) + ', ' + str(yBeamC) + ')') plt.plot([self.x, xBeamC], [self.y, yBeamC], 'ro', mew = 10) # Plot the line segment from the voxel center to the beamlet # Calculate directionvector vx = xBeamC - self.x vy = yBeamC - self.y nm = np.sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2) vx, vy = self.depth * vx/nm, self.depth * vy/nm plt.plot((self.x, self.x + vx), (self.y, self.y + vy), 'r', lw = 1) plt.plot((self.x + vx, xBeamC), (self.y + vy, yBeamC), 'g--', lw = 1) fig2.savefig('voxelandray.png') voxelbeamletpair.plotsomething = voxelbeamletpair.plotsomething + 1 ## Abstract class that implements a volume of interest with common location and radius. Parent of OAR and TARGET class VOI: ## Static counter of Volumes of Interest numVOIs = 0 ## Definition necessary for an abstract class __metaclass__ = ABCMeta ## Constructor function def __init__(self, thiscase, x = 0.0, y = 0.0, r = 0.0): ## Object with general information about the case = thiscase ## X location of center self.xcenter = x ## Y location of ceter self.ycenter = y ## Radius of the Volume of Interest. All of them are circumferences self.radius = r ## Boolean that determines whether this is a target or not (in case of False, it is an OAR) self.isTarget = None ## Is this region contained inside the body? self.isinside = self.isContained() ## Unique ID for each particular Volume of Interest self.VOIID = VOI.numVOIs VOI.numVOIs = VOI.numVOIs + 1 ## This method finds whether the attribute is viable, given its center and radius and given the center and radius ## of the original body that contains it def isContained(self): isv = True ## Find radius from center of VOI to center of structure distcenter = np.sqrt((self.xcenter -**2 + (self.ycenter -**2) if distcenter + self.radius > isv = False return (isv) ## This method takes a location in space and returns whether this location exists in this VOI or not def isInThisVOI(self, x, y): isinit = False distcenter = np.sqrt((self.xcenter - x) ** 2 + (self.ycenter - y) ** 2) if distcenter <= self.radius: isinit = True return(isinit) # Abstract method to be implemented by classes deriving from here @abstractmethod def printVOI(self): pass class OAR(VOI): numOARS = 0 ## Constructor function that also calls the constructor of VOI. Notice that a VOI object is instantiated first, and # then an OAR object is instantiated later def __init__(self, thiscase, x = 0.0, y = 0.0, r = 0.0): ## Boolean. Is this a target structure? self.isTarget = True super(OAR, self).__init__(thiscase, x, y, r) ## Assign an ID to each of the different OARs self.OARID = self.VOIID OAR.numOARS = OAR.numOARS + 1 ## Print the characteristics of this structure on screen def printVOI(self): print('OAR with center (', self.xcenter, ', ', self.ycenter, '); and radius ', self.radius) class TARGET(VOI): numTARGETS = 0 ## Constructor function that also calls the constructor of VOI. Notice that a VOI object is instantiated first, and # then a TARGET object is instantiated later def __init__(self, thiscase, x = 0.0, y = 0.0, r = 0.0): ## Boolean. Is this a target structure? self.isTarget = False super(TARGET, self).__init__(thiscase, x, y, r) ## Assign an ID to each of the different targets self.TARGETID = self.VOIID TARGET.numTARGETS = TARGET.numTARGETS + 1 ## Print the characteristics of this structure on screen def printVOI(self): print('Target with center (', self.xcenter, ', ', self.ycenter, '); and radius ', self.radius) ## The next class defines a control point; in particular, the location of all beamlets, notice that angle or zero is # located in the part above, and the gantry moves counterclockwise class ControlPoint: ## Constructor Function def __init__(self, ctrlAngle, thiscase): ## Global data structure of the case = thiscase ## This control point angle in degrees self.angleDegs = ctrlAngle ## This control point angle in radians self.angleRads = (2 * np.pi * self.angleDegs)/360 rotMat = np.matrix([[np.cos(self.angleRads), -np.sin(self.angleRads)], [np.sin(self.angleRads), np.cos(self.angleRads)]]) ## This fan beam. Notice that it gets rotated the number of radians necessary self.thisFan = rotMat * thiscase.genFan2D ## Find the unit vector that points towards the isocenter self.UnitVector = (np.sin(self.angleRads), -np.cos(self.angleRads)) ## Find the unit vector that is perpendicular to the original unit vector self.normaltoUnit = (-self.UnitVector[1], self.UnitVector[0]) ## Find normal distances to each of the beamlet array centers. This function returns an array of distances from which # I will choose those that are small enough to correspond to beams that affect the radiation to the supplied voxel. def findNDist(self, x, y): distances = [] for i in range(0, beamlet = (self.thisFan[0,i], self.thisFan[1,i]) #print('i, beamlet, x, y: ', i, beamlet, x, y) #print('unit vector', self.UnitVector) vecpos = x - beamlet[0], y - beamlet[1] #print('distance:', math.fabs(vecpos[1] * self.normaltoUnit[1] + vecpos[0] * self.normaltoUnit[0])) distances.append(math.fabs(vecpos[1] * self.normaltoUnit[1] + vecpos[0] * self.normaltoUnit[0])) return(distances) ## This class defines not only the x,y position of a voxel, but also assigns to it a unique ID and maps a structure to it. class voxel: ## Static variable that serves as a counter of how many voxels are actively being used at any time. numVOXELS = 0 def __init__(self, vc, OARS, TARGETS): ## Indicates a unique ID for each of the voxels self.voxelID = voxel.numVOXELS ## x location of voxel center self.x = vc[0] ## y location of voxel center self.y = vc[1] ## Does this voxel belong to ANY VOI? self.belongsToVOI = False ## ID of the VOI to which this voxel belongs to. There is a hierarchy that depends on the order of the VOIS with # targets taking precedence over OARs. self.inStructureID = None ## Run this code for all OARs and TARGETs, preference to targets for voi in OARS + TARGETS: if voi.isInThisVOI(self.x, self.y): self.belongsToVOI = True self.inStructureID = voi.VOIID break voxel.numVOXELS = voxel.numVOXELS + 1 ## This function calculates the total dose given a certain depth. It is short but it was created independently so that # it is easily modified later def calcDose(depth): return(np.exp(-0.04 * depth)) ## This is the main function takes a list of numeric values as arguments and produces the list of D matrices ## The box has isocenter on position thiscase.x # Inputs: # anglelist = [list of numeric]. These are the control points # numhozv = Number of horizontal voxel divisions # numverv = Number of vertical voxel divisions # xgeoloc = X Geographic location of upper-right side of box # ygeoloc = Y Geographic location of upper-right side of box # OARList = List of OAR centers and radiuses # TARGETList = List of Target centers and radiuses # Outputs: # listofD = List of D matrix objects # upper right corner is (X,Y), lower left corner is (-X, -Y) def createDosetoPoints(thiscase, anglelist, numhozv, numverv, xgeoloc, ygeoloc, OARS, TARGETS): ## Generate 360 control point cps = [ControlPoint(i, thiscase) for i in anglelist] ## Create voxels voxelhoz = np.arange(-xgeoloc, xgeoloc, 2 * xgeoloc/numhozv) + xgeoloc/numhozv voxelvec = np.arange(-ygeoloc, ygeoloc, 2 * ygeoloc/numverv) + ygeoloc/numverv ## Create cartesian product to find voxel centers voxelcenters = itertools.product(voxelhoz, voxelvec) ## Limit the list only to those voxels that are included in the body and assign a organ to them allvoxels = [voxel(voxelcenter, OARS, TARGETS) for voxelcenter in voxelcenters] voxel.numVOXELS = 0 # Fix this value at zero because I will have to recount in the next line ## Filter only those voxels that belong in any VOI. This is the order that will be preserved voxels = [voxel((vxinvoi.x, vxinvoi.y), OARS, TARGETS) for vxinvoi in allvoxels if vxinvoi.belongsToVOI] allvoxels = None # Free some memory Dlist = [] ## Create a matrix for each of the control points for cp in cps: D = lil_matrix((len(voxels), caseinfo.N), dtype = np.float) for v in voxels: # Find beamlets associated with a particular voxel at a certain control point. bsst = findvoxbeamlets(v.x, v.y, cp) if not bsst: continue else: bs = bsst[0] for blet in bs: vbpair = voxelbeamletpair(v) vbpair.depthBeamC(cp.thisFan[0, bs[0]], cp.thisFan[1, bs[0]], thiscase.R) D[v.voxelID, bs[0]] = calcDose(vbpair.depth) Dlist.append(D) return(Dlist, voxels) ## This function is here to find the beamlets associated with a particular voxel at a certain control point ## You should be able to change it in case the team requires a different function def findvoxbeamlets(x, y, cp): dists = cp.findNDist(x, y) return([(i, dists[i]) for i in range(0, len(dists)) if dists[i] < 0.6/2]) font = {'family': 'serif', 'color': 'black', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 26, } ## Implementation part that should be separated later def plotstructure(thiscase, OARlist, TARGETlist, xgeo, ygeo, voxels): ## This function plots the case to make sure that everything is understood numOARS = len(OARlist) numTARGETS = len(TARGETlist) # Plot the outside circle circlemain = plt.Circle((thiscase.isoX, thiscase.isoY), thiscase.R, color = 'blue', fill = False) fig = plt.gcf() fig.gca().add_artist(circlemain) pylab.xlim([-xgeo, xgeo]) pylab.ylim([-ygeo, ygeo]) for i in range(0, numOARS): circle = plt.Circle((OARlist[i].xcenter, OARlist[i].ycenter), OARlist[i].radius, color = 'g', fill = False) fig.gca().add_artist(circle) plt.text(OARlist[i].xcenter, OARlist[i].ycenter, str(OARlist[i].OARID), fontdict=font) for i in range(0, numTARGETS): circle = plt.Circle((TARGETlist[i].xcenter, TARGETlist[i].ycenter), TARGETlist[i].radius, color = 'r', fill = False) fig.gca().add_artist(circle) plt.text(TARGETlist[i].xcenter, TARGETlist[i].ycenter, str(TARGETlist[i].TARGETID), fontdict=font) fig.suptitle('Case Plot') ## Plot points in the voxel structure for v in voxels: plt.plot(v.x, v.y, 'ro') fig.savefig('plotcase.png') ## This function saves vectors in a shape that tomotherapy project can understand def savevector(necfile, data, filetype): print(type(data)) mynpdata = np.matrix(data, dtype=filetype) print('dtypes', mynpdata.dtype) mynpdata.tofile(necfile)
""" The :mod:`sklearn.cluster` module gathers popular unsupervised clustering algorithms. """ from .spectral import spectral_clustering, SpectralClustering from .mean_shift_ import (mean_shift, MeanShift, estimate_bandwidth, get_bin_seeds) from .affinity_propagation_ import affinity_propagation, AffinityPropagation from .hierarchical import (ward_tree, AgglomerativeClustering, linkage_tree, FeatureAgglomeration) from .k_means_ import k_means, KMeans, MiniBatchKMeans from .dbscan_ import dbscan, DBSCAN from .bicluster import SpectralBiclustering, SpectralCoclustering from .birch import Birch __all__ = ['AffinityPropagation', 'AgglomerativeClustering', 'Birch', 'DBSCAN', 'KMeans', 'FeatureAgglomeration', 'MeanShift', 'MiniBatchKMeans', 'SpectralClustering', 'affinity_propagation', 'dbscan', 'estimate_bandwidth', 'get_bin_seeds', 'k_means', 'linkage_tree', 'mean_shift', 'spectral_clustering', 'ward_tree', 'SpectralBiclustering', 'SpectralCoclustering']
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun Jan 31 17:21:21 2016 A library of useful functions for RNA-seq analysis. Accepts as input dataframes generated exclusively by sleuth. May work with others but it certainly isn't optimized to do so. @author: David Angeles Albores @contact: A note on nomenclature. This library is meant to work with output from sleuth I assume you will have a single dataframe for each regression value in any model you have. Any such dataframe is referred to here as 'dfplot', since it has the values to be plotted. Crucially, 'dfplot' should have the following columns: dfplot.b dfplot.qval dfplot.ens_gene <--- must contain WBIDs only! In order to select broad categories of genes, you will need dataframes that contain the names of these genes. These dataframes are generically referred to as dfindex dataframes. There are multiple possible formats for these, but they all must have the following column: dfindex.gene <--- WBIDs only! Broadly speaking, there are three categories of dfindex so far dfindex -- tissue data dfindex -- gold standard comparison dfindex -- genes with an expected effect As such, there are 3 categories of functions: Tissue-plotting functions Gold-standard plotting Effect plots Tissue functions To generate an appropriate tissue dfindex dataframe, simply use the 'organize' function to crawl through all tissues and assemble lists of genes that are annotated in the tissue of interest. Beware, 'organize' simply searches for nodes that share substrings. i.e., if you said 'neuron', you'd get genes annotated in either 'neuron' and 'dopaminergic neuron'. Likewise, for 'tail' you may get 'tail neuron' or 'male tail'. So use organize carefully. Longer 'names' may serve you better (i.e. 'dopaminergic neuron', instead of just 'neuron'). Use the resulting dataframe to call on all the tissue related functions In case you want your own dataframe, the df for tissue should have the following columns: dfindex.gene -- WBID dfindex.tissue -- a string denoting a specific anatomic location dfindex.expressed -- binary, denoting whether a gene is expressed there Gold-standard functions Gold-standard dataframes are dataframes that contain a list of genes that we are interested in querying. In particular, we are mainly interested in presence/absence of these genes, and the data have typically been generated by previous publications. The dataframe is fairly small as a result Columns: dfindex.gene -- WBID dfindex.origin -- a string, the name of the dataset this gene came from Plot-by-value functions These functions are designed to allow you to compare the value associated with a list of genes BETWEEN datasets. for example, you may be interested in aging With a two factor design, you may have an aging coefficient, and a genotype coefficient. Your mutant of interest might be expected to have positive effects on aging. As such, you might want to study how the distribution of genes associated 'positively' with lifespan varies with age, and how it varies by genotype on the same graph. These functions are designed to do exactly this. In order to carry out these comparisons, your dataframe must have the following columns: dfindex.gene dfindex.effect -- some categorical variable """ import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def wbid_extractor(tissue_df, main_tissue): """ Given a string 'main_tissue', find all columns that have a substring equal to it in tissue_df. Then, extract all the wbids that are expressed in any of these columns and return a non-redundant list of these wbids """ if type(main_tissue) != str: raise ValueError('please input a string in main tissue') matching = [s for s in tissue_df.columns if main_tissue in s] names = [] for i in matching: if len(names) == 0: names = tissue_df.wbid[tissue_df[i] == 1].values else: names = np.append(names, tissue_df.wbid[tissue_df[i] == 1].values) names = list(set(names)) return names def organize(names, tissue_df): """ Pick your favourite tissues, place them in a list provide the tissue dictionary and they will be assembled into a dataframe of all tissues that include that word INPUT: names - a list of tissues tissue_df - our standard tissue dictionary OUTPUT: df1 - a 'tidy' dataframe with three cols: 'wbid' 'tissue' 'expressed' """ # guarantee its iterable if type(names) in [str]: names = [names] names = ['gene']+names df = pd.DataFrame(index=np.arange(0, len(tissue_df)), columns=names) df.gene = tissue_df.wbid for i, value in enumerate(names): genes_in_tissue = wbid_extractor(tissue_df, value) df[value][df.gene.isin(genes_in_tissue)] = 1 df.fillna(0, inplace=True) df1 = pd.melt(df, id_vars='gene', value_vars=names[1:]) df1.columns = ['gene', 'tissue', 'expressed'] return df1 def fix_axes(**kwargs): """Makes modifications to axes to ensure proper plotting.""" title = kwargs.pop('title', '') savename = kwargs.pop('savename', '') xlab = kwargs.pop('xlab', r'$\beta$') ylab = kwargs.pop('ylab', r'log$_{10}Q$') yscale = kwargs.pop('yscale', 'log') xscale = kwargs.pop('xscale', 'symlog') xlim = kwargs.pop('xlim', []) ylim = kwargs.pop('xlim', []) loc = kwargs.pop('loc', 1) if len(xlim) != 0: plt.gca().set_xlim(xlim) if len(ylim) != 0: plt.gca().set_ylim(ylim) plt.gca().legend(fontsize=15.5, loc=loc, frameon=True) plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(xlab, fontsize=15) plt.ylabel(ylab, fontsize=15) plt.xscale(xscale) plt.yscale(yscale) if savename: plt.savefig(savename) def volcano_plot_tissue(tissue, xname, yname, q, dfplot, dfindex, ax, label, col='b', a=.8): """ Plots all the tissue specific genes,i.e. all genes that appear in one and only one 'tissue'. tissue -- name of the tissue to be plotted xname, yname= name of column 'x' and 'y' in dfplot dfindex= must be exactly the tissue dataframe generated by organize """ g = lambda x: ((dfindex.expressed == 1) & (dfindex.tissue == x))\ & (~dfindex[dfindex.expressed == 1].duplicated('gene')) f = lambda x: (dfplot.ens_gene.isin(x)) & (dfplot.qval < q) gene_selection = g(tissue) genes_to_plot = dfindex[gene_selection].gene ind = f(genes_to_plot) x = dfplot[ind][xname] y = dfplot[ind][yname] plt.gca().plot(x, -np.log10(y), 'o', color=col, ms=6, alpha=a, label=label) def explode(x, y, q, dfplot, dfindex, colors, **kwargs): """ A function that makes a complete volcano plot of single-tissue specific genes. Warning: Genes annotated in multiple tissues are NOT plotted as tissue specific genes at the moment. It will plot: Genes not statistically significantly expressed Genes stat. sig. expressed but not in one of the dfindex lists Genes in dfindex (each tissue should have a different color) Parameters: x= name of the column containing fold-change or regression values for genes y= qvalue (NOT negative logged!) dfplot= df containing columns x, y dfindex= tissue dataframe output by 'organize' function colors= a vector of colors. Should have as many colors as 2 + no. tissues kwargs= all the kwargs that can be passed to fix-axes """ a = kwargs.pop('a', .8) # provide enough colors nvals = len(dfindex.tissue.unique()) + 2 if nvals > colors: raise ValueError('len(colors) is < than len(tissues) +2!') # make sure x, y in dfplot if not [1 for s in dfplot.columns if s == x][0]: raise ValueError('x must be a dataframe column in dfplot') if not [1 for s in dfplot.columns if s == y][0]: raise ValueError('x must be a dataframe column in dfplot') # find all genes not expressed anywhere, or genes that are in multiple # 'tissues' # ind1 = (dfindex.expressed == 0) | \ (dfindex[dfindex.expressed == 1].duplicated('gene')) ind2 = (dfplot.ens_gene.isin(dfindex[ind1].gene)) & (dfplot.qval < q) xnotisssig = dfplot[ind2][x] ynotisssig = dfplot[ind2][y] fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.plot(xnotisssig, -np.log10(ynotisssig), 'o', color=colors[0], ms=6, alpha=a, label='all others') ind = (dfplot.qval > q) xnotsig = dfplot[ind].b ynotsig = dfplot[ind].qval fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.plot(xnotsig, -np.log10(ynotsig), 'o', color=colors[0], ms=6, alpha=a, label='all others') values = dfindex.tissue.unique() # plot all the points not associated with a tissue for i, value in enumerate(values): volcano_plot_tissue(value, x, y, q, dfplot, dfindex, label=value, col=colors[i+2], ax=ax, a=a) fix_axes(**kwargs) def volcano_plot_cool_genes(q, x, y, gene_name, genes, dfplot, dfgenes, ax, colors, a=1, dfplotgenes='ens_gene', downsample=1, **kwargs): """ Plots all the tissue specific genes, i.e. all genes that appear in one and only one 'tissue' """ f = lambda x: (dfplot[dfplotgenes].isin(x)) # & (dfplot.qval < q) nvals = len(dfgenes[gene_name].unique()) ncolors = len(colors) if nvals > ncolors: raise ValueError('Please provide as many colors as there are datasets.\ {0} {1}'.format(ncolors, nvals)) for i, gname in enumerate(dfgenes[gene_name].unique()): # slice out desired genes selected_genes = (dfgenes[gene_name] == gname) ind = f(dfgenes[selected_genes][genes]) sliced = dfplot[ind].dropna().copy() # no. genes showing up in assay ngsig = len(sliced[(sliced[y] < q)][dfplotgenes].unique()) ds_select = np.floor(len(sliced)*downsample) ds = np.random.randint(0, len(sliced), int(ds_select)) xcoord = sliced[x].values[ds] ycoord = sliced[y].values[ds] # no. of genes in dataset tg = len(dfgenes[dfgenes[gene_name] == gname][genes].unique()) label = '{0} {1}= {2}, {3}= {4}'.format(gname, r'$n_{sig}$', ngsig, r'$n_{tot}$', tg) plt.gca().plot(xcoord, -np.log10(ycoord), 'o', color=colors[i], ms=6, alpha=a, label=label) def explode_cool_genes(q, x, y, gene_name, genes, dfplot, dfgenes, colors, dfplotgenes='ens_gene', **kwargs): """A function that generates all the relevant volcano plots.""" a = kwargs.pop('a', .6) loc = kwargs.pop('loc', 'lower right') savename = kwargs.pop('savename', '') xlim = kwargs.pop('xlim', '') ylim = kwargs.pop('ylim', '') downsample = kwargs.pop('downsample', 1) # sig genes not in any given df ind1 = (~dfplot[dfplotgenes].isin(dfgenes[genes])) & (dfplot[y] < q) ind4 = (dfplot[y] < q) # for calculating total no. of sig genes # no sig genes # ind 2 is for plotting purposes # ind 3 is to calculate total number of non-sig genes ind2 = (~dfplot[dfplotgenes].isin(dfgenes[genes])) & (dfplot[y] > q) ind3 = (dfplot[y] > q) xnotsig = dfplot[ind2][x].values ynotsig = dfplot[ind2][y].values xsig = dfplot[ind1][x].values ysig = dfplot[ind1][y].values # down_sample selection: ds_select = np.floor(len(xnotsig)*downsample) ds = np.random.randint(0, len(xnotsig), int(ds_select)) nnotsig = len(dfplot[ind3][dfplotgenes].unique()) fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.plot(xnotsig[ds], -np.log10(ynotsig[ds]), 'o', color=colors[0], ms=6, alpha=.15, label=r'not significant, $n$='+'{0}'.format(nnotsig)) # down_sample selection: ds_select = np.floor(len(xsig)*downsample) ds = np.random.randint(0, len(xsig), int(ds_select)) nsig = len(dfplot[ind4][dfplotgenes].unique()) plt.plot(xsig[ds], -np.log10(ysig[ds]), 'o', color=colors[1], ms=6, alpha=.25, label=r'diff. exp. genes $n$=' '{0}'.format(nsig)) # plot all the points not associated with a tissue volcano_plot_cool_genes(q, x, y, gene_name, genes, dfplot, dfgenes, colors=colors[2:], ax=ax, a=a, downsample=downsample) fix_axes(loc=loc, **kwargs) leg = ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), frameon=True) leg.get_frame().set_facecolor('#EAEAF4') # seaborn color plt.gca().set_xlim(xlim) plt.gca().set_ylim(ylim) if savename: fig.savefig(savename, dpi=300, format='png', bbox_extra_artists=(leg,), bbox_inches='tight') return fig, ax def kde_tissue(tissue, q, genes, x, y, dfplot, dfindex, ax, label, col='b'): """ Plots all the tissue specific genes, i.e. all genes that appear in one and only one 'tissue' tissue -- tissue to plot q -- qvalue to slice on dfindex -- the dataframe generated by organizer dfplot -- the dataframe containing columns x, y and genes x -- the name of the column containing the values to plot in the histogram y -- name of the column with which to slice the dataframe (q or p value) genes -- the name of the column containing the WBID names label -- name of the plot just made ax -- axis to plot in col -- color """ g = lambda x: ((dfindex.expressed == 1) & (dfindex.tissue == x)) # & (~dfindex[dfindex.expressed == 1].duplicated('gene')) f = lambda x: (dfplot[genes].isin(x)) & (dfplot[y] < q) gene_selection = g(tissue) genes_to_plot = dfindex[gene_selection].gene ind = f(genes_to_plot) to_plot = dfplot[ind][x] n = len(dfplot[ind][genes].unique()) if len(to_plot) > 15: sns.kdeplot(to_plot, color=col, label=label+' $n$= {0}'.format(n), ax=ax, lw=4, cut=0.5) if len(to_plot) <= 20: sns.rugplot(to_plot, color=col, ax=ax, height=.07, lw=2) def tissue_kegg(q, genes, x, y, dfplot, dfindex, colors, **kwargs): """ A function that given a dataframe dfplot and the tissue dataframe dfindex generates a KDE plot for each tissue that exists in dfindex q -- qvalue to slice on dfindex -- the dataframe as generated by organizer dfplot -- df containing columns x, y, and gene x -- the name of the column containing the values to plot in the histogram y -- name of the column with which to slice the dataframe (q or p value) genes -- the name of the column containing the WBID names label -- name of the plot just made ax -- axis to plot in col -- color """ # set scale parameters yscale = kwargs.pop('yscale', 'linear') xscale = kwargs.pop('xscale', 'linear') xlim = kwargs.pop('xlim', [-8, 8]) ylim = kwargs.pop('ylim', [0, .5]) ind1 = (dfindex.expressed == 0) # | (dftiss[dftiss.value==1].duplicated('gene')) ind2 = (dfplot[genes].isin(dfindex[ind1].gene)) & (dfplot[y] < q) xnotisssig = dfplot[ind2][x] n = len(dfplot[ind2][genes].unique()) fig, ax = plt.subplots() sns.kdeplot(xnotisssig, color=colors[0], label='all others $n$= {0}'.format(n), ax=ax, lw=4, cut=0.5) plt.axvline(0, ls='--', color='black', lw=3) # plot all the points not associated with a tissue values = dfindex.tissue.unique() for i, value in enumerate(values): kde_tissue(value, q, genes, x, y, dfplot, dfindex, label=value, col=colors[i+1], ax=ax) fix_axes(xscale=xscale, yscale=yscale, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, **kwargs) return fig, ax def kde_value(value, q, dfplot, dfindex, ax, label, col='b', min_length=10, rug_length=20): """Plots all the value specific genes.""" g = (dfindex.effect == value) f = lambda x: (dfplot.ens_gene.isin(x)) & (dfplot.qval < q) genes_to_plot = dfindex[g].gene ind = f(genes_to_plot) x = dfplot[ind].b n = len(dfplot[ind].ens_gene.unique()) if len(x) > min_length: sns.kdeplot(x, color=col, label=label+' $n$= {0}'.format(n), ax=ax, lw=5, cut=0.5) if len(x) < rug_length: sns.rugplot(x, color=col, ax=ax, height=.1, lw=2) else: print('too few values to plot {0}'.format(label+' n= {0}'.format(n))) def kegg_compare_byval(value, q, Ldf, dfindex, colors, **kwargs): """ Given a list of dataframes, Ldf, and a list of target genes dfindex, compare the distributions of genes within dfindex throughout every list for genes with trait 'value'. Ldf= a list of dataframes. must have df.ens_gene, df.b, df.qval exactly as written. dfindex= a list of genes to select, must have df.gene, df.effect value= a trait associated with genes in dfindex, (an entry in df.effect) colors= an array of len(Ldf) of colors """ dfnames = kwargs.pop('dfnames', ['']*len(Ldf)) xlim = kwargs.pop('xlim', [-10, 10]) ylim = kwargs.pop('ylim', [0, 1]) zeroline = kwargs.pop('zeroline', True) xscale = kwargs.pop('xscale', 'linear') yscale = kwargs.pop('yscale', 'linear') save = kwargs.pop('save', False) if len(Ldf) > len(colors): raise ValueError('Please provide as many colors as dataframes') if len(dfindex[dfindex.effect == value]) == 0: raise ValueError('Value \'{0}\' is not contained\ within dfindex'.format(value)) if dfnames: if len(Ldf) != len(dfnames): raise ValueError('dfnames must be the same length as Ldf') fig, ax = plt.subplots() for i, df in enumerate(Ldf): kde_value(value, q, df, dfindex, ax, dfnames[i], colors[i]) if zeroline: plt.axvline(0, ls='--', color='black', lw=2.5) if save: sv = '../output/Graphs/effect_'+value fix_axes(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xscale=xscale, yscale=yscale, savename=sv, **kwargs) else: fix_axes(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xscale=xscale, yscale=yscale, **kwargs) def kegg_compareall_byval(q, Ldf, dfindex, colors, **kwargs): """ Given a list of dataframes Ldf, and a list of selection genes with criteria make all the plots of interest """ vals = dfindex.effect.unique() titles = kwargs.pop('titles', ['']*len(vals)) if len(titles) < len(vals): errormess = 'There are not enough titles for plots'.format(len(titles), len(vals)) raise ValueError(errormess) for i, value in enumerate(vals): if titles[i]: title = titles[i] else: title = value kegg_compare_byval(value, q, Ldf, dfindex, colors, title=title, **kwargs) def line_prepender(filename, line): """ Given a filename, opens it and prepends the line 'line' at the beginning of the file """ with open(filename, 'r+') as f: content =, 0) f.write(line.rstrip('\r\n') + '\n' + content)
#!/usr/bin/env python import io from import * from nose import SkipTest import networkx class TestGraph(object): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): global pyparsing try: import pyparsing except ImportError: try: import matplotlib.pyparsing as pyparsing except: raise SkipTest('gml test: pyparsing not available.') def setUp(self): self.simple_data="""Creator me graph [ comment "This is a sample graph" directed 1 IsPlanar 1 pos [ x 0 y 1 ] node [ id 1 label "Node 1" pos [ x 1 y 1 ] ] node [ id 2 pos [ x 1 y 2 ] label "Node 2" ] node [ id 3 label "Node 3" pos [ x 1 y 3 ] ] edge [ source 1 target 2 label "Edge from node 1 to node 2" color [line "blue" thickness 3] ] edge [ source 2 target 3 label "Edge from node 2 to node 3" ] edge [ source 3 target 1 label "Edge from node 3 to node 1" ] ] """ def test_parse_gml(self): G=networkx.parse_gml(self.simple_data,relabel=True) assert_equals(sorted(G.nodes()),\ ['Node 1', 'Node 2', 'Node 3']) assert_equals( [e for e in sorted(G.edges())],\ [('Node 1', 'Node 2'), ('Node 2', 'Node 3'), ('Node 3', 'Node 1')]) assert_equals( [e for e in sorted(G.edges(data=True))],\ [('Node 1', 'Node 2', {'color': {'line': 'blue', 'thickness': 3}, 'label': 'Edge from node 1 to node 2'}), ('Node 2', 'Node 3', {'label': 'Edge from node 2 to node 3'}), ('Node 3', 'Node 1', {'label': 'Edge from node 3 to node 1'})]) def test_read_gml(self): import os,tempfile (fd,fname)=tempfile.mkstemp() fh=open(fname,'w') fh.write(self.simple_data) fh.close() Gin=networkx.read_gml(fname,relabel=True) G=networkx.parse_gml(self.simple_data,relabel=True) assert_equals( sorted(G.nodes(data=True)), sorted(Gin.nodes(data=True))) assert_equals( sorted(G.edges(data=True)), sorted(Gin.edges(data=True))) os.close(fd) os.unlink(fname) def test_relabel_duplicate(self): data=""" graph [ label "" directed 1 node [ id 0 label "same" ] node [ id 1 label "same" ] ] """ fh = io.BytesIO(data.encode('UTF-8')) assert_raises(networkx.NetworkXError,networkx.read_gml,fh,relabel=True) def test_bool(self): G=networkx.Graph() G.add_node(1,on=True) G.add_edge(1,2,on=False) data = '\n'.join(list(networkx.generate_gml(G))) answer ="""graph [ node [ id 0 label 1 on 1 ] node [ id 1 label 2 ] edge [ source 0 target 1 on 0 ] ]""" assert_equal(data,answer)
import numpy as np from scipy.sparse import issparse from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix from scipy.sparse import dok_matrix from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix from sklearn.utils.multiclass import type_of_target from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_true from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_false from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_warns from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_warns_message from sklearn.utils.testing import ignore_warnings from sklearn.preprocessing.label import LabelBinarizer from sklearn.preprocessing.label import MultiLabelBinarizer from sklearn.preprocessing.label import LabelEncoder from sklearn.preprocessing.label import label_binarize from sklearn.preprocessing.label import _inverse_binarize_thresholding from sklearn.preprocessing.label import _inverse_binarize_multiclass from sklearn import datasets iris = datasets.load_iris() def toarray(a): if hasattr(a, "toarray"): a = a.toarray() return a def test_label_binarizer(): lb = LabelBinarizer() # one-class case defaults to negative label inp = ["pos", "pos", "pos", "pos"] expected = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0]]).T got = lb.fit_transform(inp) assert_false(assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, getattr, lb, "multilabel_")) assert_array_equal(lb.classes_, ["pos"]) assert_array_equal(expected, got) assert_array_equal(lb.inverse_transform(got), inp) # two-class case inp = ["neg", "pos", "pos", "neg"] expected = np.array([[0, 1, 1, 0]]).T got = lb.fit_transform(inp) assert_false(assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, getattr, lb, "multilabel_")) assert_array_equal(lb.classes_, ["neg", "pos"]) assert_array_equal(expected, got) to_invert = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 1], [1, 0]]) assert_array_equal(lb.inverse_transform(to_invert), inp) # multi-class case inp = ["spam", "ham", "eggs", "ham", "0"] expected = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0]]) got = lb.fit_transform(inp) assert_array_equal(lb.classes_, ['0', 'eggs', 'ham', 'spam']) assert_false(assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, getattr, lb, "multilabel_")) assert_array_equal(expected, got) assert_array_equal(lb.inverse_transform(got), inp) def test_label_binarizer_unseen_labels(): lb = LabelBinarizer() expected = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) got = lb.fit_transform(['b', 'd', 'e']) assert_array_equal(expected, got) expected = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]]) got = lb.transform(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']) assert_array_equal(expected, got) @ignore_warnings def test_label_binarizer_column_y(): # first for binary classification vs multi-label with 1 possible class # lists are multi-label, array is multi-class :-/ inp_list = [[1], [2], [1]] inp_array = np.array(inp_list) multilabel_indicator = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0]]) binaryclass_array = np.array([[0], [1], [0]]) lb_1 = LabelBinarizer() out_1 = lb_1.fit_transform(inp_list) lb_2 = LabelBinarizer() out_2 = lb_2.fit_transform(inp_array) assert_array_equal(out_1, multilabel_indicator) assert_true(assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, getattr, lb_1, "multilabel_")) assert_false(assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, getattr, lb_1, "indicator_matrix_")) assert_array_equal(out_2, binaryclass_array) assert_false(assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, getattr, lb_2, "multilabel_")) # second for multiclass classification vs multi-label with multiple # classes inp_list = [[1], [2], [1], [3]] inp_array = np.array(inp_list) # the indicator matrix output is the same in this case indicator = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) lb_1 = LabelBinarizer() out_1 = lb_1.fit_transform(inp_list) lb_2 = LabelBinarizer() out_2 = lb_2.fit_transform(inp_array) assert_array_equal(out_1, out_2) assert_true(assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, getattr, lb_1, "multilabel_")) assert_array_equal(out_2, indicator) assert_false(assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, getattr, lb_2, "multilabel_")) def test_label_binarizer_set_label_encoding(): lb = LabelBinarizer(neg_label=-2, pos_label=0) # two-class case with pos_label=0 inp = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0]) expected = np.array([[-2, 0, 0, -2]]).T got = lb.fit_transform(inp) assert_false(assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, getattr, lb, "multilabel_")) assert_array_equal(expected, got) assert_array_equal(lb.inverse_transform(got), inp) lb = LabelBinarizer(neg_label=-2, pos_label=2) # multi-class case inp = np.array([3, 2, 1, 2, 0]) expected = np.array([[-2, -2, -2, +2], [-2, -2, +2, -2], [-2, +2, -2, -2], [-2, -2, +2, -2], [+2, -2, -2, -2]]) got = lb.fit_transform(inp) assert_false(assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, getattr, lb, "multilabel_")) assert_array_equal(expected, got) assert_array_equal(lb.inverse_transform(got), inp) @ignore_warnings def test_label_binarizer_errors(): """Check that invalid arguments yield ValueError""" one_class = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0]) lb = LabelBinarizer().fit(one_class) assert_false(assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, getattr, lb, "multilabel_")) multi_label = [(2, 3), (0,), (0, 2)] assert_raises(ValueError, lb.transform, multi_label) lb = LabelBinarizer() assert_raises(ValueError, lb.transform, []) assert_raises(ValueError, lb.inverse_transform, []) y = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1]]) classes = np.arange(3) assert_raises(ValueError, label_binarize, y, classes, multilabel=True, neg_label=2, pos_label=1) assert_raises(ValueError, label_binarize, y, classes, multilabel=True, neg_label=2, pos_label=2) assert_raises(ValueError, LabelBinarizer, neg_label=2, pos_label=1) assert_raises(ValueError, LabelBinarizer, neg_label=2, pos_label=2) assert_raises(ValueError, LabelBinarizer, neg_label=1, pos_label=2, sparse_output=True) # Fail on y_type assert_raises(ValueError, _inverse_binarize_thresholding, y=csr_matrix([[1, 2], [2, 1]]), output_type="foo", classes=[1, 2], threshold=0) # Fail on the number of classes assert_raises(ValueError, _inverse_binarize_thresholding, y=csr_matrix([[1, 2], [2, 1]]), output_type="foo", classes=[1, 2, 3], threshold=0) # Fail on the dimension of 'binary' assert_raises(ValueError, _inverse_binarize_thresholding, y=np.array([[1, 2, 3], [2, 1, 3]]), output_type="binary", classes=[1, 2, 3], threshold=0) # Fail on multioutput data assert_raises(ValueError, LabelBinarizer().fit, np.array([[1, 3], [2, 1]])) assert_raises(ValueError, label_binarize, np.array([[1, 3], [2, 1]]), [1, 2, 3]) def test_label_encoder(): """Test LabelEncoder's transform and inverse_transform methods""" le = LabelEncoder()[1, 1, 4, 5, -1, 0]) assert_array_equal(le.classes_, [-1, 0, 1, 4, 5]) assert_array_equal(le.transform([0, 1, 4, 4, 5, -1, -1]), [1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 0, 0]) assert_array_equal(le.inverse_transform([1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 0, 0]), [0, 1, 4, 4, 5, -1, -1]) assert_raises(ValueError, le.transform, [0, 6]) def test_label_encoder_fit_transform(): """Test fit_transform""" le = LabelEncoder() ret = le.fit_transform([1, 1, 4, 5, -1, 0]) assert_array_equal(ret, [2, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1]) le = LabelEncoder() ret = le.fit_transform(["paris", "paris", "tokyo", "amsterdam"]) assert_array_equal(ret, [1, 1, 2, 0]) def test_label_encoder_errors(): """Check that invalid arguments yield ValueError""" le = LabelEncoder() assert_raises(ValueError, le.transform, []) assert_raises(ValueError, le.inverse_transform, []) def test_sparse_output_multilabel_binarizer(): # test input as iterable of iterables inputs = [ lambda: [(2, 3), (1,), (1, 2)], lambda: (set([2, 3]), set([1]), set([1, 2])), lambda: iter([iter((2, 3)), iter((1,)), set([1, 2])]), ] indicator_mat = np.array([[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0]]) inverse = inputs[0]() for sparse_output in [True, False]: for inp in inputs: # With fit_tranform mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer(sparse_output=sparse_output) got = mlb.fit_transform(inp()) assert_equal(issparse(got), sparse_output) if sparse_output: got = got.toarray() assert_array_equal(indicator_mat, got) assert_array_equal([1, 2, 3], mlb.classes_) assert_equal(mlb.inverse_transform(got), inverse) # With fit mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer(sparse_output=sparse_output) got = assert_equal(issparse(got), sparse_output) if sparse_output: got = got.toarray() assert_array_equal(indicator_mat, got) assert_array_equal([1, 2, 3], mlb.classes_) assert_equal(mlb.inverse_transform(got), inverse) assert_raises(ValueError, mlb.inverse_transform, csr_matrix(np.array([[0, 1, 1], [2, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0]]))) def test_multilabel_binarizer(): # test input as iterable of iterables inputs = [ lambda: [(2, 3), (1,), (1, 2)], lambda: (set([2, 3]), set([1]), set([1, 2])), lambda: iter([iter((2, 3)), iter((1,)), set([1, 2])]), ] indicator_mat = np.array([[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0]]) inverse = inputs[0]() for inp in inputs: # With fit_tranform mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer() got = mlb.fit_transform(inp()) assert_array_equal(indicator_mat, got) assert_array_equal([1, 2, 3], mlb.classes_) assert_equal(mlb.inverse_transform(got), inverse) # With fit mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer() got = assert_array_equal(indicator_mat, got) assert_array_equal([1, 2, 3], mlb.classes_) assert_equal(mlb.inverse_transform(got), inverse) def test_multilabel_binarizer_empty_sample(): mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer() y = [[1, 2], [1], []] Y = np.array([[1, 1], [1, 0], [0, 0]]) assert_array_equal(mlb.fit_transform(y), Y) def test_multilabel_binarizer_unknown_class(): mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer() y = [[1, 2]] assert_raises(KeyError,, [[0]]) mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer(classes=[1, 2]) assert_raises(KeyError, mlb.fit_transform, [[0]]) def test_multilabel_binarizer_given_classes(): inp = [(2, 3), (1,), (1, 2)] indicator_mat = np.array([[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1]]) # fit_transform() mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer(classes=[1, 3, 2]) assert_array_equal(mlb.fit_transform(inp), indicator_mat) assert_array_equal(mlb.classes_, [1, 3, 2]) # fit().transform() mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer(classes=[1, 3, 2]) assert_array_equal(, indicator_mat) assert_array_equal(mlb.classes_, [1, 3, 2]) # ensure works with extra class mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer(classes=[4, 1, 3, 2]) assert_array_equal(mlb.fit_transform(inp), np.hstack(([[0], [0], [0]], indicator_mat))) assert_array_equal(mlb.classes_, [4, 1, 3, 2]) # ensure fit is no-op as iterable is not consumed inp = iter(inp) mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer(classes=[1, 3, 2]) assert_array_equal(, indicator_mat) def test_multilabel_binarizer_same_length_sequence(): """Ensure sequences of the same length are not interpreted as a 2-d array """ inp = [[1], [0], [2]] indicator_mat = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) # fit_transform() mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer() assert_array_equal(mlb.fit_transform(inp), indicator_mat) assert_array_equal(mlb.inverse_transform(indicator_mat), inp) # fit().transform() mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer() assert_array_equal(, indicator_mat) assert_array_equal(mlb.inverse_transform(indicator_mat), inp) def test_multilabel_binarizer_non_integer_labels(): tuple_classes = np.empty(3, dtype=object) tuple_classes[:] = [(1,), (2,), (3,)] inputs = [ ([('2', '3'), ('1',), ('1', '2')], ['1', '2', '3']), ([('b', 'c'), ('a',), ('a', 'b')], ['a', 'b', 'c']), ([((2,), (3,)), ((1,),), ((1,), (2,))], tuple_classes), ] indicator_mat = np.array([[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0]]) for inp, classes in inputs: # fit_transform() mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer() assert_array_equal(mlb.fit_transform(inp), indicator_mat) assert_array_equal(mlb.classes_, classes) assert_array_equal(mlb.inverse_transform(indicator_mat), inp) # fit().transform() mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer() assert_array_equal(, indicator_mat) assert_array_equal(mlb.classes_, classes) assert_array_equal(mlb.inverse_transform(indicator_mat), inp) mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer() assert_raises(TypeError, mlb.fit_transform, [({}), ({}, {'a': 'b'})]) def test_multilabel_binarizer_non_unique(): inp = [(1, 1, 1, 0)] indicator_mat = np.array([[1, 1]]) mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer() assert_array_equal(mlb.fit_transform(inp), indicator_mat) def test_multilabel_binarizer_inverse_validation(): inp = [(1, 1, 1, 0)] mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer() mlb.fit_transform(inp) # Not binary assert_raises(ValueError, mlb.inverse_transform, np.array([[1, 3]])) # The following binary cases are fine, however mlb.inverse_transform(np.array([[0, 0]])) mlb.inverse_transform(np.array([[1, 1]])) mlb.inverse_transform(np.array([[1, 0]])) # Wrong shape assert_raises(ValueError, mlb.inverse_transform, np.array([[1]])) assert_raises(ValueError, mlb.inverse_transform, np.array([[1, 1, 1]])) def test_label_binarize_with_class_order(): out = label_binarize([1, 6], classes=[1, 2, 4, 6]) expected = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) assert_array_equal(out, expected) # Modified class order out = label_binarize([1, 6], classes=[1, 6, 4, 2]) expected = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]]) assert_array_equal(out, expected) def check_binarized_results(y, classes, pos_label, neg_label, expected): for sparse_output in [True, False]: if ((pos_label == 0 or neg_label != 0) and sparse_output): assert_raises(ValueError, label_binarize, y, classes, neg_label=neg_label, pos_label=pos_label, sparse_output=sparse_output) continue # check label_binarize binarized = label_binarize(y, classes, neg_label=neg_label, pos_label=pos_label, sparse_output=sparse_output) assert_array_equal(toarray(binarized), expected) assert_equal(issparse(binarized), sparse_output) # check inverse y_type = type_of_target(y) if y_type == "multiclass": inversed = _inverse_binarize_multiclass(binarized, classes=classes) else: inversed = _inverse_binarize_thresholding(binarized, output_type=y_type, classes=classes, threshold=((neg_label + pos_label) / 2.)) assert_array_equal(toarray(inversed), toarray(y)) # Check label binarizer lb = LabelBinarizer(neg_label=neg_label, pos_label=pos_label, sparse_output=sparse_output) binarized = lb.fit_transform(y) assert_array_equal(toarray(binarized), expected) assert_equal(issparse(binarized), sparse_output) inverse_output = lb.inverse_transform(binarized) assert_array_equal(toarray(inverse_output), toarray(y)) assert_equal(issparse(inverse_output), issparse(y)) def test_label_binarize_binary(): y = [0, 1, 0] classes = [0, 1] pos_label = 2 neg_label = -1 expected = np.array([[2, -1], [-1, 2], [2, -1]])[:, 1].reshape((-1, 1)) yield check_binarized_results, y, classes, pos_label, neg_label, expected # Binary case where sparse_output = True will not result in a ValueError y = [0, 1, 0] classes = [0, 1] pos_label = 3 neg_label = 0 expected = np.array([[3, 0], [0, 3], [3, 0]])[:, 1].reshape((-1, 1)) yield check_binarized_results, y, classes, pos_label, neg_label, expected def test_label_binarize_multiclass(): y = [0, 1, 2] classes = [0, 1, 2] pos_label = 2 neg_label = 0 expected = 2 * np.eye(3) yield check_binarized_results, y, classes, pos_label, neg_label, expected assert_raises(ValueError, label_binarize, y, classes, neg_label=-1, pos_label=pos_label, sparse_output=True) def test_label_binarize_multilabel(): y_seq = [(1,), (0, 1, 2), tuple()] y_ind = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0]]) classes = [0, 1, 2] pos_label = 2 neg_label = 0 expected = pos_label * y_ind y_sparse = [sparse_matrix(y_ind) for sparse_matrix in [coo_matrix, csc_matrix, csr_matrix, dok_matrix, lil_matrix]] for y in [y_ind] + y_sparse: yield (check_binarized_results, y, classes, pos_label, neg_label, expected) deprecation_message = ("Direct support for sequence of sequences " + "multilabel representation will be unavailable " + "from version 0.17. Use sklearn.preprocessing." + "MultiLabelBinarizer to convert to a label " + "indicator representation.") assert_warns_message(DeprecationWarning, deprecation_message, check_binarized_results, y_seq, classes, pos_label, neg_label, expected) assert_raises(ValueError, label_binarize, y, classes, neg_label=-1, pos_label=pos_label, sparse_output=True) def test_deprecation_inverse_binarize_thresholding(): deprecation_message = ("Direct support for sequence of sequences " + "multilabel representation will be unavailable " + "from version 0.17. Use sklearn.preprocessing." + "MultiLabelBinarizer to convert to a label " + "indicator representation.") assert_warns_message(DeprecationWarning, deprecation_message, _inverse_binarize_thresholding, y=csr_matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]]), output_type="multilabel-sequences", classes=[1, 2], threshold=0) def test_invalid_input_label_binarize(): assert_raises(ValueError, label_binarize, [0, 2], classes=[0, 2], pos_label=0, neg_label=1) def test_inverse_binarize_multiclass(): got = _inverse_binarize_multiclass(csr_matrix([[0, 1, 0], [-1, 0, -1], [0, 0, 0]]), np.arange(3)) assert_array_equal(got, np.array([1, 1, 0])) if __name__ == "__main__": import nose nose.runmodule()
import click import json import logging import numpy as np import scipy import sys import time from sklearn.decomposition import FastICA, PCA from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor from sklearn.externals import joblib from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, f_regression from sklearn.isotonic import IsotonicRegression from sklearn.linear_model import HuberRegressor, LinearRegression from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score, GridSearchCV, RandomizedSearchCV from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, FunctionTransformer logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stderr) class RandomForest: def __init__(self, xs, ys, weights): param_grid = { 'selection__k': scipy.stats.randint(2, xs.shape[1] + 1), 'regressor__n_estimators': scipy.stats.randint(1, 100), 'regressor__max_depth': scipy.stats.randint(1, 50) } feature_selection = SelectKBest(f_regression) regressor = RandomForestRegressor( random_state=42, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.01) pipeline = Pipeline( steps=[('selection', feature_selection), ('regressor', regressor)]) self._cv = RandomizedSearchCV( pipeline, param_grid, n_iter=100, cv=3, random_state=42), ys, regressor__sample_weight=weights) def pipeline(self): return self._cv.best_estimator_ def estimator(self): return self.pipeline() def cross_val_score(self, xs, ys, weights): return np.mean( cross_val_score( self.pipeline(), xs, ys, cv=3, fit_params={'regressor__sample_weight': weights})) def fit(self, xs, ys, weights): self.pipeline().fit(xs, ys, regressor__sample_weight=weights) def report(self, out): out.write("Best Parameters: {}\n".format(self._cv.best_params_)) out.write("Feature Scores: {}\n".format( np.round_(self.pipeline().named_steps['selection'].scores_), 3)) out.write("Feature Mask: {}\n".format(self.pipeline().named_steps[ 'selection'].get_support())) out.write("Feature Importances: {}\n".format(self.feature_importances( ))) def feature_importances(self): return np.round_( self.pipeline().named_steps['regressor'].feature_importances_, 3) def __repr__(self): return "RandomForest(...)" def flatten_matrix(m): return m.flatten() class Isotonic: def __init__(self, xs, ys, weights): param_grid = {'regressor__increasing': [True, False]} feature_selection = SelectKBest(f_regression, k=1) # We can't use a lambda as it can't be pickled flatten = FunctionTransformer(flatten_matrix, validate=False) regressor = IsotonicRegression(out_of_bounds='clip') pipeline = Pipeline( steps=[('scaler', MinMaxScaler()), ('selection', feature_selection), ('flatten', flatten), ('regressor', regressor)]) self._cv = GridSearchCV(pipeline, param_grid, cv=3), ys, regressor__sample_weight=weights) def pipeline(self): return self._cv.best_estimator_ def estimator(self): return self.pipeline() def cross_val_score(self, xs, ys, weights): return np.mean( cross_val_score( self.pipeline(), xs, ys, cv=3, fit_params={'regressor__sample_weight': weights})) def fit(self, xs, ys, weights): self.pipeline().fit(xs, ys, regressor__sample_weight=weights) def report(self, out): out.write("Best Parameters: {}\n".format(self._cv.best_params_)) out.write("Feature Scores: {}\n".format( np.round_(self.pipeline().named_steps['selection'].scores_), 3)) out.write("Feature Mask: {}\n".format(self.pipeline().named_steps[ 'selection']._get_support_mask())) def __repr__(self): return "Isotonic(...)" class Huber: def __init__(self, xs, ys, weights): param_grid = {'selection__k': range(1, xs.shape[1] + 1), } feature_selection = SelectKBest(f_regression) regressor = HuberRegressor(fit_intercept=True) pipeline = Pipeline(steps=[('scaler', MinMaxScaler()), ('selection', feature_selection), ('regressor', regressor)]) self._cv = GridSearchCV(pipeline, param_grid, cv=3), ys, regressor__sample_weight=weights) def pipeline(self): return self._cv.best_estimator_ def estimator(self): return self.pipeline() def cross_val_score(self, xs, ys, weights): return np.mean( cross_val_score( self.pipeline(), xs, ys, cv=3, fit_params={'regressor__sample_weight': weights})) def fit(self, xs, ys, weights): self.pipeline().fit(xs, ys, regressor__sample_weight=weights) def report(self, out): out.write("Best Parameters: {}\n".format(self._cv.best_params_)) out.write("Feature Scores: {}\n".format( np.round_(self.pipeline().named_steps['selection'].scores_), 3)) out.write("Coefficients: {}\n".format(self.pipeline().named_steps[ 'regressor'].coef_)) out.write("Intercept: {}\n".format(self.pipeline().named_steps[ 'regressor'].intercept_)) out.write("Feature Mask: {}\n".format(self.pipeline().named_steps[ 'selection']._get_support_mask())) def __repr__(self): return "Huber(...)" class Linear: def __init__(self, xs, ys, weights): param_grid = {'selection__k': range(1, xs.shape[1] + 1), } feature_selection = SelectKBest(f_regression) regressor = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True) pipeline = Pipeline( steps=[('selection', feature_selection), ('regressor', regressor)]) self._cv = GridSearchCV(pipeline, param_grid, cv=3), ys, regressor__sample_weight=weights) def pipeline(self): return self._cv.best_estimator_ def estimator(self): return self.pipeline() def cross_val_score(self, xs, ys, weights): return np.mean( cross_val_score( self.pipeline(), xs, ys, cv=3, fit_params={'regressor__sample_weight': weights})) def fit(self, xs, ys, weights): self.pipeline().fit(xs, ys, regressor__sample_weight=weights) def report(self, out): out.write("Best Parameters: {}\n".format(self._cv.best_params_)) out.write("Feature Scores: {}\n".format( np.round_(self.pipeline().named_steps['selection'].scores_), 3)) out.write("Coefficients: {}\n".format(self.pipeline().named_steps[ 'regressor'].coef_)) out.write("Intercept: {}\n".format(self.pipeline().named_steps[ 'regressor'].intercept_)) out.write("Feature Mask: {}\n".format(self.pipeline().named_steps[ 'selection']._get_support_mask())) def __repr__(self): return "Linear(...)" def cli(): pass @cli.command() @click.argument('model', type=click.File('wb')) def train(model): start = time.perf_counter() data = json.load(sys.stdin) weights = np.array([d['weight'] for d in data]) xs = np.matrix([d['features'] for d in data]) ys = np.array([d['label'] for d in data]) rf = RandomForest(xs, ys, weights) iso = Isotonic(xs, ys, weights) h = Huber(xs, ys, weights) l = Linear(xs, ys, weights) best = iso if sorted(rf.feature_importances())[1] > 0.1 and rf.cross_val_score( xs, ys, weights) > iso.cross_val_score(xs, ys, weights): best = rf if h.cross_val_score(xs, ys, weights) > best.cross_val_score(xs, ys, weights): best = h if l.cross_val_score(xs, ys, weights) > best.cross_val_score(xs, ys, weights): best = l, ys, weights) joblib.dump(best.estimator(), model)"Trained on {} inputs in {:.3f} seconds.".format( len(data), time.perf_counter() - start)) sys.stdout.write("Selected: {}\n".format(best.__class__.__name__)) estimators = [(e.cross_val_score(xs, ys, weights), e) for e in [rf, iso, h, l]] sys.stdout.write("Scores: {}\n".format(estimators)) @cli.command() def predict(): start = time.perf_counter() data = json.load(sys.stdin) predictions = { k: predict(data['data'], m) for k, m in data['models'].items() } sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(predictions))"Predicted {} inputs for {} models in {:.3f} seconds.".format( len(data['data']), len(data['models']), time.perf_counter() - start)) def predict(data, model): start = time.perf_counter() if (len(data) == 0): predictions = [] else: xs = np.matrix([d['features'] for d in data]) m = joblib.load(model) predictions = list(np.clip(m.predict(xs), 0, None)) return predictions if __name__ == '__main__': cli()
import math import time import sys import multiprocessing import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.metrics import classification_report from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedKFold from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score from joblib import Parallel, delayed from tests import shelve_api as sapi print(__doc__) def load_training_data(file): store = pd.HDFStore(file) X = store['X'] l = len(X) if 'interictal' in file: y = np.array([0.0]*l) else: y = np.array([1.0]*l) store.close() return X, y def walk_training_data(patient): path = "D:/gingivere/data/" for file in os.listdir(path): if patient in file: if not ("test" in file): yield path + file def walk_testing_data(patient): pass def sort_data(data): X = [] y = [] for result in data: for row in result[0].values: X.append(row) y = y + list(result[1]) return np.asarray(X), np.asarray(y) def train_clf(X, y, verbose=True): clf = LinearRegression() XX = X[80000:] yy = y[80000:] if verbose: skf = StratifiedKFold(yy, n_folds=2) for train_index, test_index in skf: print("Detailed classification report:") print() print("The model is trained on the full development set.") print("The scores are computed on the full evaluation set.") print() X_train, X_test = XX[train_index], XX[test_index] y_train, y_test = yy[train_index], yy[test_index], y_train) y, y_pred = y, clf.predict(X) # for i, num in enumerate(y_pred): # if num < 0.0: # y_pred[i] = 0.0 # continue # elif num > 1.0: # y_pred[i] = 1.0 # continue y_pred = y_pred - y_pred.mean() y_pred = y_pred/y_pred.std() y_pred = [1/(1+math.pow(math.e, -.5*p)) for p in y_pred] print(classification_report(np.around(y), np.around(y_pred))) print() print(roc_auc_score(y, y_pred)) print() # for train_index, test_index in skf: # print("Detailed classification report:") # print() # # y_true, y_pred = y, clf.predict(X) # print(roc_auc_score(y_true, y_pred)) # y_pred = y_pred - y_pred.mean() # y_pred = y_pred/y_pred.std() # y_pred = [1/(1+math.pow(math.e, -.5*p)) for p in y_pred] # print(roc_auc_score(y_true, y_pred)) # print(), y) return clf if __name__ == '__main__': patients = ["Dog_1", "Dog_2", "Dog_3", "Dog_4", "Dog_5", "Patient_1", "Patient_2"] # d_keys = ['data_length_sec', 'sampling_frequency', 'sequence', 'state', 'file'] num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() now = time.time() if len(sys.argv) >= 2: patient = sys.argv[1] res = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(load_training_data)(file) for file in walk_training_data(patient)) X, y = sort_data(res) clf = train_clf(X, y) sapi.insert(clf, "%s_clf" % patient) else: for patient in patients: res = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(load_training_data)(file) for file in walk_training_data(patient)) X, y = sort_data(res) clf = train_clf(X, y) sapi.insert(clf, "%s_clf" % patient) print("Finished in", time.time()-now , "sec")
# Copyright 2020 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import unittest import os from import_data import preprocess_data, clean_data import pandas as pd class TestPreprocess(unittest.TestCase): maxDiff = None def _test_preprocess_output(self, dir_path: str): """Generates a melted csv file, given an input data file. Compares the expected.csv to the output.csv file to make sure the function is performing as designed. Args: dir_path (str): the path of the directory containing: data.tsv and expected.csv. Returns: str: expected output == actual output. """ input_path = os.path.join(dir_path, "data.tsv") output_path = os.path.join(dir_path, "output.csv") expected_path = os.path.join(dir_path, "expected.csv") if not os.path.exists(input_path): + " doesn't exist!") if not os.path.exists(expected_path): + " doesn't exist!") # Generate the output csv file. input_df = pd.read_csv(input_path, sep='\s*\t\s*', engine='python') preprocess_data(input_df).to_csv(output_path, index=False) # Get the content from the csv file. with open(output_path, 'r+') as actual_f: actual: str = # Get the content of the expected output. with open(expected_path, 'r+') as expected_f: expected: str = self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def _test_csv_output(self, dir_path: str): """Generates a csv file, given an input data file. Compares the expected.csv to the output.csv file to make sure the function is performing as designed. Args: dir_path (str): the path of the directory containing: data.tsv and expected.csv. Returns: str: expected output == actual output. """ input_path = os.path.join(dir_path, "data.tsv") output_path = os.path.join(dir_path, "output.csv") expected_path = os.path.join(dir_path, "expected.csv") if not os.path.exists(input_path): + " doesn't exist!") if not os.path.exists(expected_path): + " doesn't exist!") # Generate the output csv file. input_df = pd.read_csv(input_path, sep='\s*\t\s*', engine='python') clean_data(preprocess_data(input_df), output_path) # Get the content from the csv file. with open(output_path, 'r+') as actual_f: actual: str = # Get the content of the expected output. with open(expected_path, 'r+') as expected_f: expected: str = self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test1(self): """Simple unit test on melting csv content""" self._test_preprocess_output('./test/test1') def test2(self): """Simple integration test on output csv content""" self._test_csv_output('./test/test2') if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
""" Testing for the partial dependence module. """ import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises from sklearn.utils.testing import if_matplotlib from sklearn.ensemble.partial_dependence import partial_dependence from sklearn.ensemble.partial_dependence import plot_partial_dependence from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor from sklearn import datasets # toy sample X = [[-2, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -2], [1, 1], [1, 2], [2, 1]] y = [-1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1] T = [[-1, -1], [2, 2], [3, 2]] true_result = [-1, 1, 1] # also load the boston dataset boston = datasets.load_boston() # also load the iris dataset iris = datasets.load_iris() def test_partial_dependence_classifier(): # Test partial dependence for classifier clf = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=10, random_state=1), y) pdp, axes = partial_dependence(clf, [0], X=X, grid_resolution=5) # only 4 grid points instead of 5 because only 4 unique X[:,0] vals assert pdp.shape == (1, 4) assert axes[0].shape[0] == 4 # now with our own grid X_ = np.asarray(X) grid = np.unique(X_[:, 0]) pdp_2, axes = partial_dependence(clf, [0], grid=grid) assert axes is None assert_array_equal(pdp, pdp_2) def test_partial_dependence_multiclass(): # Test partial dependence for multi-class classifier clf = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=10, random_state=1), grid_resolution = 25 n_classes = clf.n_classes_ pdp, axes = partial_dependence( clf, [0],, grid_resolution=grid_resolution) assert pdp.shape == (n_classes, grid_resolution) assert len(axes) == 1 assert axes[0].shape[0] == grid_resolution def test_partial_dependence_regressor(): # Test partial dependence for regressor clf = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators=10, random_state=1), grid_resolution = 25 pdp, axes = partial_dependence( clf, [0],, grid_resolution=grid_resolution) assert pdp.shape == (1, grid_resolution) assert axes[0].shape[0] == grid_resolution def test_partial_dependecy_input(): # Test input validation of partial dependence. clf = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=10, random_state=1), y) assert_raises(ValueError, partial_dependence, clf, [0], grid=None, X=None) assert_raises(ValueError, partial_dependence, clf, [0], grid=[0, 1], X=X) # first argument must be an instance of BaseGradientBoosting assert_raises(ValueError, partial_dependence, {}, [0], X=X) # Gradient boosting estimator must be fit assert_raises(ValueError, partial_dependence, GradientBoostingClassifier(), [0], X=X) assert_raises(ValueError, partial_dependence, clf, [-1], X=X) assert_raises(ValueError, partial_dependence, clf, [100], X=X) # wrong ndim for grid grid = np.random.rand(10, 2, 1) assert_raises(ValueError, partial_dependence, clf, [0], grid=grid) @if_matplotlib def test_plot_partial_dependence(): # Test partial dependence plot function. clf = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators=10, random_state=1), grid_resolution = 25 fig, axs = plot_partial_dependence(clf,, [0, 1, (0, 1)], grid_resolution=grid_resolution, feature_names=boston.feature_names) assert len(axs) == 3 assert all(ax.has_data for ax in axs) # check with str features and array feature names fig, axs = plot_partial_dependence(clf,, ['CRIM', 'ZN', ('CRIM', 'ZN')], grid_resolution=grid_resolution, feature_names=boston.feature_names) assert len(axs) == 3 assert all(ax.has_data for ax in axs) # check with list feature_names feature_names = boston.feature_names.tolist() fig, axs = plot_partial_dependence(clf,, ['CRIM', 'ZN', ('CRIM', 'ZN')], grid_resolution=grid_resolution, feature_names=feature_names) assert len(axs) == 3 assert all(ax.has_data for ax in axs) @if_matplotlib def test_plot_partial_dependence_input(): # Test partial dependence plot function input checks. clf = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=10, random_state=1) # not fitted yet assert_raises(ValueError, plot_partial_dependence, clf, X, [0]), y) assert_raises(ValueError, plot_partial_dependence, clf, np.array(X)[:, :0], [0]) # first argument must be an instance of BaseGradientBoosting assert_raises(ValueError, plot_partial_dependence, {}, X, [0]) # must be larger than -1 assert_raises(ValueError, plot_partial_dependence, clf, X, [-1]) # too large feature value assert_raises(ValueError, plot_partial_dependence, clf, X, [100]) # str feature but no feature_names assert_raises(ValueError, plot_partial_dependence, clf, X, ['foobar']) # not valid features value assert_raises(ValueError, plot_partial_dependence, clf, X, [{'foo': 'bar'}]) @if_matplotlib def test_plot_partial_dependence_multiclass(): # Test partial dependence plot function on multi-class input. clf = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=10, random_state=1), grid_resolution = 25 fig, axs = plot_partial_dependence(clf,, [0, 1], label=0, grid_resolution=grid_resolution) assert len(axs) == 2 assert all(ax.has_data for ax in axs) # now with symbol labels target = iris.target_names[] clf = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=10, random_state=1), target) grid_resolution = 25 fig, axs = plot_partial_dependence(clf,, [0, 1], label='setosa', grid_resolution=grid_resolution) assert len(axs) == 2 assert all(ax.has_data for ax in axs) # label not in gbrt.classes_ assert_raises(ValueError, plot_partial_dependence, clf,, [0, 1], label='foobar', grid_resolution=grid_resolution) # label not provided assert_raises(ValueError, plot_partial_dependence, clf,, [0, 1], grid_resolution=grid_resolution)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ DU task for ABP Table: doing jointly row BIESO and horizontal grid lines block2line edges do not cross another block. Here we make consistent label when any N grid lines have no block in-between each other. In that case, those N grid lines must have consistent BISO labels: - if one is B, all become B - elif one is S, all become S - elif one is I, all become I - else: they should all be O already Copyright Naver Labs Europe(C) 2018 JL Meunier Developed for the EU project READ. The READ project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 674943. """ import sys, os import math from lxml import etree import collections import numpy as np from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline, FeatureUnion try: #to ease the use without proper Python installation import TranskribusDU_version except ImportError: sys.path.append( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) )) ) import TranskribusDU_version from common.trace import traceln from tasks import _checkFindColDir, _exit from tasks.DU_CRF_Task import DU_CRF_Task from crf.Edge import Edge, SamePageEdge from crf.Graph_MultiPageXml import Graph_MultiPageXml from crf.NodeType_PageXml import NodeType_PageXml_type_woText #from crf.FeatureDefinition_PageXml_std_noText import FeatureDefinition_PageXml_StandardOnes_noText from crf.FeatureDefinition import FeatureDefinition from crf.Transformer import Transformer, TransformerListByType from crf.Transformer import EmptySafe_QuantileTransformer as QuantileTransformer from crf.Transformer_PageXml import NodeTransformerXYWH_v2, NodeTransformerNeighbors, Node1HotFeatures from crf.Transformer_PageXml import Edge1HotFeatures, EdgeBooleanFeatures_v2, EdgeNumericalSelector from crf.PageNumberSimpleSequenciality import PageNumberSimpleSequenciality from tasks.DU_ABPTableGrid import GridAnnotator class GraphGrid(Graph_MultiPageXml): """ We specialize the class of graph because the computation of edges is quite specific """ # Grid stuff #Dynamically add a grid iGridStep_H = 33 #odd number is better iGridStep_V = 33 #odd number is better # Some grid line will be O or I simply because they are too short. fMinPageCoverage = 0.5 # minimum proportion of the page crossed by a grid line # we want to ignore col- and row- spans iGridVisibility = 2 # a grid line sees N neighbours below iBlockVisibility = 1 # a block sees N neighbouring grid lines _lClassicNodeType = None @classmethod def setClassicNodeTypeList(cls, lNodeType): """ determine which type of node goes thru the classical way for determining the edges (vertical or horizontal overlap, with occlusion, etc.) """ cls._lClassicNodeType = lNodeType def parseDocFile(self, sFilename, iVerbose=0): """ Load that document as a CRF Graph. Also set the self.doc variable! Return a CRF Graph object """ self.doc = etree.parse(sFilename) self.lNode, self.lEdge = list(), list() self.lNodeBlock = [] # text node self.lNodeGridLine = [] # grid line node root = self.doc.getroot() doer = GridAnnotator(self.iGridStep_H, self.iGridStep_V) #map the groundtruth table separators, if any, to our grid ltlHlV = doer.get_grid_GT_index_from_DOM(root, self.fMinPageCoverage) for (lHi, lVi) in ltlHlV: traceln(" - found %d horizontal, %d vertical GT separators" % (len(lHi), len(lVi))) #create DOM node reflecting the grid #first clean (just in case!) n = doer.remove_grid_from_dom(root) if n > 0: traceln(" - removed %d existing grid lines" % n) # we add GridSeparator elements. Groundtruth ones have type="1" n = doer.add_grid_to_DOM(root, ltlHlV) traceln(" - added %d grid lines %s" % (n, (self.iGridStep_H, self.iGridStep_V)) ) lClassicType = [nt for nt in self.getNodeTypeList() if nt in self._lClassicNodeType] lSpecialType = [nt for nt in self.getNodeTypeList() if nt not in self._lClassicNodeType] for pnum, page, domNdPage in self._iter_Page_DocNode(self.doc): #now that we have the page, let's create the node for each type! lClassicPageNode = [nd for nodeType in lClassicType for nd in nodeType._iter_GraphNode(self.doc, domNdPage, page) ] lSpecialPageNode = [nd for nodeType in lSpecialType for nd in nodeType._iter_GraphNode(self.doc, domNdPage, page) ] self.lNode.extend(lClassicPageNode) # e.g. the TextLine objects self.lNodeBlock.extend(lClassicPageNode) self.lNode.extend(lSpecialPageNode) # e.g. the grid lines! self.lNodeGridLine.extend(lSpecialPageNode) #no previous page to consider (for cross-page links...) => None lClassicPageEdge = Edge.computeEdges(None, lClassicPageNode) self.lEdge.extend(lClassicPageEdge) # Now, compute edges between special and classic objects... lSpecialPageEdge = self.computeSpecialEdges(lClassicPageNode, lSpecialPageNode) self.lEdge.extend(lSpecialPageEdge) #if iVerbose>=2: traceln("\tPage %5d %6d nodes %7d edges"%(pnum, len(lPageNode), len(lPageEdge))) if iVerbose>=2: traceln("\tPage %5d"%(pnum)) traceln("\t block: %6d nodes %7d edges (to block)" %(pnum, len(lClassicPageNode), len(lClassicPageEdge))) traceln("\t line: %6d nodes %7d edges (from block)"%(pnum, len(lSpecialPageNode), len(lSpecialPageEdge))) if iVerbose: traceln("\t\t (%d nodes, %d edges)"%(len(self.lNode), len(self.lEdge)) ) return self @classmethod def computeSpecialEdges(cls, lClassicPageNode, lSpecialPageNode): """ return a list of edges """ raise Exception("Specialize this method") class Edge_BL(Edge): """Edge block-to-Line""" pass class Edge_LL(Edge): """Edge line-to-Line""" pass class GraphGrid_H(GraphGrid): """ Only horizontal grid lines """ def __init__(self): traceln(" - iGridStep_H : ", self.iGridStep_H) traceln(" - iGridStep_V : ", self.iGridStep_V) traceln(" - iGridVisibility : ", self.iGridVisibility) traceln(" - iBlockVisibility : ", self.iBlockVisibility) traceln(" - fMinPageCoverage : ", self.fMinPageCoverage) def getNodeListByType(self, iTyp): if iTyp == 0: return self.lNodeBlock else: return self.lNodeGridLine def getEdgeListByType(self, typA, typB): if typA == 0: if typB == 0: return (e for e in self.lEdge if isinstance(e, SamePageEdge)) else: return (e for e in self.lEdge if isinstance(e, Edge_BL)) else: if typB == 0: return [] else: return (e for e in self.lEdge if isinstance(e, Edge_LL)) @classmethod def computeSpecialEdges(cls, lClassicPageNode, lSpecialPageNode): """ Compute: - edges between each block and the grid line above/across/below the block - edges between grid lines return a list of edges """ # indexing the grid lines dGridLineByIndex = {GridAnnotator.snapToGridIndex(nd.y1, cls.iGridStep_V):nd for nd in lSpecialPageNode} for nd in lSpecialPageNode: #print(nd, dGridLineByIndex[GridAnnotator.snapToGridIndex(nd.y1, cls.iGridStep_V)]) assert dGridLineByIndex[GridAnnotator.snapToGridIndex(nd.y1, cls.iGridStep_V)] == nd, "internal error inconsistent grid" # block to grid line edges lEdge = [] fLenNorm = float(cls.iGridStep_V * cls.iBlockVisibility) imin, imax = 100, -1 assert lClassicPageNode, "ERROR: empty page!!??" for ndBlock in lClassicPageNode: ### print("---- ", ndBlock) # i1 = GridAnnotator.snapToGridIndex(nd.x1, cls.iGridStep_V) # i2 = GridAnnotator.snapToGridIndex(nd.x2, cls.iGridStep_V) i1 = int(math.floor(ndBlock.y1 / float(cls.iGridStep_V))) i2 = int(math.ceil (ndBlock.y2 / float(cls.iGridStep_V))) assert i2 >= i1 yBlkAvg = (ndBlock.y1 + ndBlock.y2)/2.0 #Also make visible the iBlockVisibility-1 previous grid lines, if any for i in range(max(0, i1 - cls.iBlockVisibility + 1), i1+1): edge = Edge_BL(ndBlock, dGridLineByIndex[i]) edge.len = (yBlkAvg - i * cls.iGridStep_V) / fLenNorm edge._gridtype = -1 lEdge.append(edge) imin = min(i, imin) ### print(ndBlock.y1, i, edge.len) for i in range(max(0, i1+1), max(0, i2)): ndLine = dGridLineByIndex[i] edge = Edge_BL(ndBlock, ndLine) edge.len = (yBlkAvg - i * cls.iGridStep_V) / fLenNorm edge._gridtype = 0 # grid line is crossing the block assert ndBlock.y1 < i*cls.iGridStep_V assert i*cls.iGridStep_V < ndBlock.y2 ### print(ndBlock.y1, ndBlock.y2, i, edge.len) lEdge.append(edge) imax = max(imax, i) for i in range(max(0, i2), i2 + cls.iBlockVisibility): try: edge = Edge_BL(ndBlock, dGridLineByIndex[i]) except KeyError: break # out of the grid edge.len = (yBlkAvg - i * cls.iGridStep_V) / fLenNorm edge._gridtype = +1 lEdge.append(edge) imax = max(imax, i) ### print(ndBlock.y2, i, edge.len) #now filter those edges n0 = len(lEdge) lEdge = cls._filterBadEdge(lEdge, imin, imax, dGridLineByIndex) traceln(" - filtering: removed %d edges due to obstruction." % (len(lEdge) - n0)) if False: print("--- After filtering: %d edges" % len(lEdge)) lSortedEdge = sorted(lEdge, key=lambda x: x.A.domid) for edge in lSortedEdge: print("Block domid=%s y1=%s y2=%s"%(edge.A.domid, edge.A.y1, edge.A.y2) + " %s line %s "%(["↑", "-", "↓"][1+edge._gridtype], edge.B.y1 / cls.iGridStep_V) + "domid=%s y1=%s" %(edge.B.domid, edge.B.y1) ) #what differ from previosu version cls._makeConsistentLabelForEmptyGridRow(lEdge, lClassicPageNode, dGridLineByIndex) # grid line to grid line edges n = len(dGridLineByIndex) for i in range(n): A = dGridLineByIndex[i] for j in range(i+1, min(n, i+cls.iGridVisibility+1)): edge = Edge_LL(A, dGridLineByIndex[j]) edge.len = (j - i) lEdge.append(edge) return lEdge @classmethod def _filterBadEdge(cls, lEdge, imin, imax, dGridLineByIndex, fRatio=0.25): """ We get - a list of block2Line edges - the [imin, imax] interval of involved grid line index - the dGridLineByIndex dictionary But some block should not be connected to a line due to obstruction by another blocks. We filter out those edges... return a sub-list of lEdge """ lKeepEdge = [] def _xoverlapSrcSrc(edge, lEdge): """ does the source node of edge overlap with the source node of any edge of the list? """ A = edge.A for _edge in lEdge: if A.significantXOverlap(_edge.A, fRatio): return True return False def _yoverlapSrcSrc(edge, lEdge): """ does the source node of edge overlap with the source node of any edge of the list? """ A = edge.A for _edge in lEdge: if A.significantYOverlap(_edge.A, fRatio): return True return False #there are two ways for dealing with lines crossed by a block # - either it prevents another block to link to the line (assuming an x-overlap) # - or not (historical way) # THIS IS THE "MODERN" way!! #take each line in turn for i in range(imin, imax+1): ndLine = dGridLineByIndex[i] #--- process downward edges #TODO: index! lDownwardAndXingEdge = [edge for edge in lEdge \ if edge._gridtype >= 0 and edge.B == ndLine] if lDownwardAndXingEdge: #sort edge by source block from closest to line block to farthest lDownwardAndXingEdge.sort(key=lambda o: o.A.y2 - ndLine.y1, reverse=True) lKeepDownwardEdge = [lDownwardAndXingEdge.pop(0)] #now keep all edges whose source does not overlap vertically with # the source of an edge that is kept for edge in lDownwardAndXingEdge: if not _xoverlapSrcSrc(edge, lKeepDownwardEdge): lKeepDownwardEdge.append(edge) lKeepEdge.extend(lKeepDownwardEdge) #NOTHING to do for crossing edges: they should be in the list! # #--- keep all crossing edges # #TODO: index! # lCrossingEdge = [edge for edge in lEdge \ # if edge._gridtype == 0 and edge.B == ndLine] # # lKeepEdge.extend(lCrossingEdge) #--- process upward edges #TODO: index! lUpwarAndXingdEdge = [edge for edge in lEdge \ if edge._gridtype <= 0 and edge.B == ndLine] if lUpwarAndXingdEdge: #sort edge by source block from closest to line block to farthest lUpwarAndXingdEdge.sort(key=lambda o: ndLine.y2 - o.A.y1, reverse=True) lKeepUpwardEdge = [lUpwarAndXingdEdge.pop(0)] #now keep all edges whose source does not overlap vertically with # the source of an edge that is kept for edge in lUpwarAndXingdEdge: if not _xoverlapSrcSrc(edge, lKeepUpwardEdge): lKeepUpwardEdge.append(edge) # now we keep only the edges, excluding the crossing ones # (already included!!) lKeepEdge.extend(edge for edge in lKeepUpwardEdge \ if edge._gridtype != 0) return lKeepEdge @classmethod def _makeConsistentLabelForEmptyGridRow(cls, lEdge, lBlockNode, dGridLineByIndex): """ Here we make consistent label when any N grid lines have no block in-between each other. In that case, those N grid lines must have consistent BISO labels: - if one is B, all become B - elif one is S, all become S - elif one is I, all become I - else: they should all be O already (or not annotated!) lLabels_BISO_Grid = ['B', 'I', 'S', 'O'] NOTE: I'm favoring safe and clean code to efficient code, for experimenting. TODO: optimize! (if it performs better...) """ bDBG = False #list object in each interval between 2 edges dsetObjectsByInterval = collections.defaultdict(set) imax = -1 for ndBlock in lBlockNode: ### print("---- ", ndBlock) # i1 = GridAnnotator.snapToGridIndex(nd.x1, cls.iGridStep_V) # i2 = GridAnnotator.snapToGridIndex(nd.x2, cls.iGridStep_V) i1 = int(math.floor(ndBlock.y1 / float(cls.iGridStep_V))) i2 = int(math.ceil (ndBlock.y2 / float(cls.iGridStep_V))) for i in range(i1, i2): dsetObjectsByInterval[i].add(ndBlock) imax = max(imax, i2) # actually the imax is the index of the last positive grid line ('B') j = imax lj = list(dGridLineByIndex.keys()) lj.sort(reverse=True) for j in lj: if dGridLineByIndex[j].node.get('type') == 'B': imax = max(imax, j) break #enumerate empty intervals lEmptyIntervalIndex = [i for i in range(0, imax+1) \ if bool(dsetObjectsByInterval[i]) == False] if bDBG: traceln("nb empty intervals: %d"%len(lEmptyIntervalIndex)) traceln([(j, dGridLineByIndex[j].domid, dGridLineByIndex[j].node.get('type')) for j in lEmptyIntervalIndex]) #Make consistent labelling (if any labelling!!) if lEmptyIntervalIndex: k = 0 #index in lEmptyInterval list kmax = len(lEmptyIntervalIndex) while k < kmax: i = lEmptyIntervalIndex[k] dk = 1 while (k + dk) < kmax and lEmptyIntervalIndex[k+dk] == (i + dk): dk += 1 if bDBG: nd = dGridLineByIndex[i] traceln("--- start grid line %s %s (nb=%d ending at %s) cls=%s" %(nd.domid, i, dk-1,dGridLineByIndex[i+dk-1].domid, nd.cls)) #TO FIX!!!! # #we have a series of consecutive empty interval between i and i+dk (excluded) # lCls = [dGridLineByIndex[j].cls for j in range(i, min(i+dk+1, kmax))] # # we go to i+dk+1 because last boundary line may propagate its label # #the node labels are loaded later on... :-((( # # if 0 in lCls: # B # iUniformClass = 0 # elif 2 in lCls: # S # iUniformClass = 2 # elif 1 in lCls: # I # iUniformClass = 1 # elif 3 in lCls: # O # iUniformClass = 3 # else: #unannotated # if bDBG: traceln("No annotation: ", lCls) # iUniformClass = None # # if not iUniformClass is None: # for j in range(i, i+dk): # if bDBG: # nd = dGridLineByIndex[j] # traceln("grid line %s %s made %d from %s"%(nd.domid, j, iUniformClass, nd.cls)) # dGridLineByIndex[j].cls = iUniformClass #WORKAROUND lCls = [dGridLineByIndex[j].node.get('type') for j in range(i, min(i+dk+1, imax+1))] # we go to i+dk+1 because last boundary line may propagate its label if 'B' in lCls: # B cUniformClass = 'B' elif 'S' in lCls: # S cUniformClass = 'S' elif 'I' in lCls: # I cUniformClass = 'I' elif 'O' in lCls: # O cUniformClass = 'O' else: #unannotated if bDBG: traceln("No annotation: ", lCls) cUniformClass = None if not cUniformClass is None: for j in range(i, i+dk): if bDBG: nd = dGridLineByIndex[j] traceln("grid line %s %s made %s from %s"%(nd.domid, j, cUniformClass, nd.node.get('type'))) dGridLineByIndex[j].node.set('type', cUniformClass) k = k + dk return #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class GridLine_NodeTransformer_v2(Transformer): """ features of a grid line: - horizontal or vertical. """ def transform(self, lNode): #We allocate TWO more columns to store in it the tfidf and idf computed at document level. #a = np.zeros( ( len(lNode), 10 ) , dtype=np.float64) # 4 possible orientations: 0, 1, 2, 3 a = np.zeros( ( len(lNode), 6 ) , dtype=np.float64) # 4 possible orientations: 0, 1, 2, 3 for i, blk in enumerate(lNode): page = if abs(blk.x2 - blk.x1) > abs(blk.y1 - blk.y2): #horizontal v = 2*blk.y1/float(page.h) - 1 # to range -1, +1 a[i,0:3] = (1.0, v, v*v) else: #vertical v = 2*blk.x1/float(page.w) - 1 # to range -1, +1 a[i,3:6] = (1.0, v, v*v) return a class Block2GridLine_EdgeTransformer(Transformer): """ features of a block to grid line edge: - below, crossing, above """ def transform(self, edge): a = np.zeros( ( len(edge), 3 + 3 + 3) , dtype=np.float64) # 4 possible orientations: 0, 1, 2, 3 for i, edge in enumerate(edge): z = 1 + edge._gridtype # _gridtype is -1 or 0 or 1 a[i, z] = 1.0 a[i, 3 + z] = edge.len # normalised on [0, 1] edge length a[i, 6 + z] = edge.len * edge.len return a class GridLine2GridLine_EdgeTransformer(Transformer): """ features of a block to grid line edge: - below, crossing, above """ def transform(self, edge): a = np.zeros( ( len(edge), GraphGrid_H.iGridVisibility ) , dtype=np.float64) # 4 possible orientations: 0, 1, 2, 3 for i, edge in enumerate(edge): a[i, edge.len - 1] = 1.0 # edge length (number of steps) return a class My_FeatureDefinition_v2(FeatureDefinition): """ Multitype version: so the node_transformer actually is a list of node_transformer of length n_class the edge_transformer actually is a list of node_transformer of length n_class^2 We also inherit from FeatureDefinition_T !!! """ n_QUANTILES = 16 def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ set _node_transformer, _edge_transformer, tdifNodeTextVectorizer """ FeatureDefinition.__init__(self) nbTypes = self._getTypeNumber(kwargs) print("BETTER FEATURES") block_transformer = FeatureUnion( [ #CAREFUL IF YOU CHANGE THIS - see cleanTransformers method!!!! ("xywh", Pipeline([ ('selector', NodeTransformerXYWH_v2()), #v1 ('xywh', StandardScaler(copy=False, with_mean=True, with_std=True)) #use in-place scaling ('xywh', QuantileTransformer(n_quantiles=self.n_QUANTILES, copy=False)) #use in-place scaling ]) ) , ("neighbors", Pipeline([ ('selector', NodeTransformerNeighbors()), #v1 ('neighbors', StandardScaler(copy=False, with_mean=True, with_std=True)) #use in-place scaling ('neighbors', QuantileTransformer(n_quantiles=self.n_QUANTILES, copy=False)) #use in-place scaling ]) ) , ("1hot", Pipeline([ ('1hot', Node1HotFeatures()) #does the 1-hot encoding directly ]) ) ]) grid_line_transformer = GridLine_NodeTransformer_v2() self._node_transformer = TransformerListByType([block_transformer, grid_line_transformer]) edge_BB_transformer = FeatureUnion( [ #CAREFUL IF YOU CHANGE THIS - see cleanTransformers method!!!! ("1hot", Pipeline([ ('1hot', Edge1HotFeatures(PageNumberSimpleSequenciality())) ]) ) , ("boolean", Pipeline([ ('boolean', EdgeBooleanFeatures_v2()) ]) ) , ("numerical", Pipeline([ ('selector', EdgeNumericalSelector()), #v1 ('numerical', StandardScaler(copy=False, with_mean=True, with_std=True)) #use in-place scaling ('numerical', QuantileTransformer(n_quantiles=self.n_QUANTILES, copy=False)) #use in-place scaling ]) ) ] ) edge_BL_transformer = Block2GridLine_EdgeTransformer() edge_LL_transformer = GridLine2GridLine_EdgeTransformer() self._edge_transformer = TransformerListByType([edge_BB_transformer, edge_BL_transformer, edge_BL_transformer, # useless but required edge_LL_transformer ]) self.tfidfNodeTextVectorizer = None #tdifNodeTextVectorizer def fitTranformers(self, lGraph,lY=None): """ Fit the transformers using the graphs, but TYPE BY TYPE !!! return True """ self._node_transformer[0].fit([nd for g in lGraph for nd in g.getNodeListByType(0)]) self._node_transformer[1].fit([nd for g in lGraph for nd in g.getNodeListByType(1)]) self._edge_transformer[0].fit([e for g in lGraph for e in g.getEdgeListByType(0, 0)]) self._edge_transformer[1].fit([e for g in lGraph for e in g.getEdgeListByType(0, 1)]) #self._edge_transformer[2].fit([e for g in lGraph for e in g.getEdgeListByType(1, 0)]) #self._edge_transformer[3].fit([e for g in lGraph for e in g.getEdgeListByType(1, 1)]) return True class DU_ABPTableRG4(DU_CRF_Task): """ We will do a CRF model for a DU task , with the below labels """ sXmlFilenamePattern = "*.mpxml" iGridStep_H = None iGridStep_V = None iGridVisibility = None iBlockVisibility = None #=== CONFIGURATION ==================================================================== @classmethod def getConfiguredGraphClass(cls): """ In this class method, we must return a configured graph class """ # Textline labels # Begin Inside End Single Other lLabels_BIESO = ['B', 'I', 'E', 'S', 'O'] # Grid lines: # Border Ignore Separator Outside lLabels_BISO_Grid = ['B', 'I', 'S', 'O'] #DEFINING THE CLASS OF GRAPH WE USE DU_GRAPH = GraphGrid_H DU_GRAPH.iGridStep_H = cls.iGridStep_H DU_GRAPH.iGridStep_V = cls.iGridStep_V DU_GRAPH.iGridVisibility = cls.iGridVisibility DU_GRAPH.iBlockVisibility = cls.iBlockVisibility # ROW ntR = NodeType_PageXml_type_woText("row" , lLabels_BIESO , None , False , BBoxDeltaFun=lambda v: max(v * 0.066, min(5, v/3)) #we reduce overlap in this way ) ntR.setLabelAttribute("DU_row") ntR.setXpathExpr( (".//pc:TextLine" #how to find the nodes , "./pc:TextEquiv") #how to get their text ) DU_GRAPH.addNodeType(ntR) # HEADER ntGH = NodeType_PageXml_type_woText("gh" , lLabels_BISO_Grid , None , False , None # equiv. to: BBoxDeltaFun=lambda _: 0 ) ntGH.setLabelAttribute("type") ntGH.setXpathExpr( ('.//pc:GridSeparator[@orient="0"]' #how to find the nodes , "./pc:TextEquiv") #how to get their text ) DU_GRAPH.addNodeType(ntGH) DU_GRAPH.setClassicNodeTypeList( [ntR ]) return DU_GRAPH def __init__(self, sModelName, sModelDir, iGridStep_H = None, iGridStep_V = None, iGridVisibility = None, iBlockVisibility = None, sComment=None, C=None, tol=None, njobs=None, max_iter=None, inference_cache=None): DU_ABPTableRG4.iGridStep_H = iGridStep_H DU_ABPTableRG4.iGridStep_V = iGridStep_V DU_ABPTableRG4.iGridVisibility = iGridVisibility DU_ABPTableRG4.iBlockVisibility = iBlockVisibility DU_CRF_Task.__init__(self , sModelName, sModelDir , dFeatureConfig = {'row_row':{}, 'row_gh':{}, 'gh_row':{}, 'gh_gh':{}, 'gh':{}, 'row':{}} , dLearnerConfig = { 'C' : .1 if C is None else C , 'njobs' : 4 if njobs is None else njobs , 'inference_cache' : 50 if inference_cache is None else inference_cache #, 'tol' : .1 , 'tol' : .05 if tol is None else tol , 'save_every' : 50 #save every 50 iterations,for warm start , 'max_iter' : 10 if max_iter is None else max_iter } , sComment=sComment #,cFeatureDefinition=FeatureDefinition_PageXml_StandardOnes_noText ,cFeatureDefinition=My_FeatureDefinition_v2 ) # if options.bBaseline: # self.bsln_mdl = self.addBaseline_LogisticRegression() #use a LR model trained by GridSearch as baseline #=== END OF CONFIGURATION ============================================================= # def predict(self, lsColDir): # """ # Return the list of produced files # """ # self.sXmlFilenamePattern = "*.mpxml" # return DU_CRF_Task.predict(self, lsColDir) # # def runForExternalMLMethod(self, lsColDir, storeX, applyY, bRevertEdges=False): # """ # Return the list of produced files # """ # self.sXmlFilenamePattern = "*.mpxml" # return DU_CRF_Task.runForExternalMLMethod(self, lsColDir, storeX, applyY, bRevertEdges) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def main(sModelDir, sModelName, options): doer = DU_ABPTableRG4(sModelName, sModelDir, iGridStep_H = options.iGridStep_H, iGridStep_V = options.iGridStep_V, iGridVisibility = options.iGridVisibility, iBlockVisibility = options.iBlockVisibility, C = options.crf_C, tol = options.crf_tol, njobs = options.crf_njobs, max_iter = options.max_iter, inference_cache = options.crf_inference_cache) if options.rm: doer.rm() return lTrn, lTst, lRun, lFold = [_checkFindColDir(lsDir, bAbsolute=False) for lsDir in [options.lTrn, options.lTst, options.lRun, options.lFold]] # if options.bAnnotate: # doer.annotateDocument(lTrn) # traceln('annotation done') # sys.exit(0) traceln("- classes: ", doer.getGraphClass().getLabelNameList()) ## use. a_mpxml files #doer.sXmlFilenamePattern = doer.sLabeledXmlFilenamePattern if options.iFoldInitNum or options.iFoldRunNum or options.bFoldFinish: if options.iFoldInitNum: """ initialization of a cross-validation """ splitter, ts_trn, lFilename_trn = doer._nfold_Init(lFold, options.iFoldInitNum, test_size=0.25, random_state=None, bStoreOnDisk=True) elif options.iFoldRunNum: """ Run one fold """ oReport = doer._nfold_RunFoldFromDisk(options.iFoldRunNum, options.warm, options.pkl) traceln(oReport) elif options.bFoldFinish: tstReport = doer._nfold_Finish() traceln(tstReport) else: assert False, "Internal error" #no more processing!! exit(0) #------------------- if lFold: loTstRpt = doer.nfold_Eval(lFold, 3, .25, None, options.pkl) import graph.GraphModel sReportPickleFilename = os.path.join(sModelDir, sModelName + "__report.txt") traceln("Results are in %s"%sReportPickleFilename) graph.GraphModel.GraphModel.gzip_cPickle_dump(sReportPickleFilename, loTstRpt) elif lTrn: doer.train_save_test(lTrn, lTst, options.warm, options.pkl) try: traceln("Baseline best estimator: %s"%doer.bsln_mdl.best_params_) #for GridSearch except: pass traceln(" --- CRF Model ---") traceln(doer.getModel().getModelInfo()) elif lTst: doer.load() tstReport = doer.test(lTst) traceln(tstReport) if options.bDetailedReport: traceln(tstReport.getDetailledReport()) sReportPickleFilename = os.path.join(sModelDir, sModelName + "__detailled_report.txt") graph.GraphModel.GraphModel.gzip_cPickle_dump(sReportPickleFilename, tstReport) if lRun: if options.storeX or options.applyY: try: doer.load() except: pass #we only need the transformer lsOutputFilename = doer.runForExternalMLMethod(lRun, options.storeX, options.applyY, options.bRevertEdges) else: doer.load() lsOutputFilename = doer.predict(lRun) traceln("Done, see in:\n %s"%lsOutputFilename) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": version = "v.01" usage, description, parser = DU_CRF_Task.getBasicTrnTstRunOptionParser(sys.argv[0], version) # parser.add_option("--annotate", dest='bAnnotate', action="store_true",default=False, help="Annotate the textlines with BIES labels") #FOR GCN parser.add_option("--revertEdges", dest='bRevertEdges', action="store_true", help="Revert the direction of the edges") parser.add_option("--detail", dest='bDetailedReport', action="store_true", default=False,help="Display detailled reporting (score per document)") parser.add_option("--baseline", dest='bBaseline', action="store_true", default=False, help="report baseline method") parser.add_option("--line_see_line", dest='iGridVisibility', action="store", type=int, default=2, help="seeline2line: how many next grid lines does one line see?") parser.add_option("--block_see_line", dest='iBlockVisibility', action="store", type=int, default=2, help="seeblock2line: how many next grid lines does one block see?") parser.add_option("--grid_h", dest='iGridStep_H', action="store", type=int, default=GraphGrid.iGridStep_H, help="Grid horizontal step") parser.add_option("--grid_v", dest='iGridStep_V', action="store", type=int, default=GraphGrid.iGridStep_V, help="Grid Vertical step") # --- #parse the command line (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # --- try: sModelDir, sModelName = args except Exception as e: traceln("Specify a model folder and a model name!") _exit(usage, 1, e) main(sModelDir, sModelName, options)
import copy from datetime import datetime, timedelta import dateutil.parser from functools import wraps import inspect import json import logging import os import socket import sys from flask import ( Flask, url_for, Markup, Blueprint, redirect, flash, Response, render_template) from flask.ext.admin import Admin, BaseView, expose, AdminIndexView from flask.ext.admin.form import DateTimePickerWidget from flask.ext.admin import base from flask.ext.admin.contrib.sqla import ModelView from flask.ext.cache import Cache from flask import request import sqlalchemy as sqla from wtforms import ( widgets, Form, DateTimeField, SelectField, TextAreaField, PasswordField) from pygments import highlight, lexers from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter import chartkick import jinja2 import markdown from sqlalchemy import or_ import airflow from airflow import jobs, login, models, settings, utils from airflow.configuration import conf from airflow.models import State from airflow.settings import Session from airflow.utils import AirflowException from airflow.www import utils as wwwutils login_required = login.login_required current_user = login.current_user logout_user = login.logout_user from airflow import default_login as login if conf.getboolean('webserver', 'AUTHENTICATE'): try: # Environment specific login import airflow_login as login except ImportError: logging.error( "authenticate is set to True in airflow.cfg, " "but airflow_login failed to import") login_required = login.login_required current_user = login.current_user logout_user = login.logout_user AUTHENTICATE = conf.getboolean('webserver', 'AUTHENTICATE') if AUTHENTICATE is False: login_required = lambda x: x class VisiblePasswordInput(widgets.PasswordInput): def __init__(self, hide_value=False): self.hide_value = hide_value class VisiblePasswordField(PasswordField): widget = VisiblePasswordInput() def superuser_required(f): ''' Decorator for views requiring superuser access ''' @wraps(f) def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): if ( not AUTHENTICATE or (not current_user.is_anonymous() and current_user.is_superuser()) ): return f(*args, **kwargs) else: flash("This page requires superuser privileges", "error") return redirect(url_for('admin.index')) return decorated_function def data_profiling_required(f): ''' Decorator for views requiring data profiling access ''' @wraps(f) def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): if ( not AUTHENTICATE or (not current_user.is_anonymous() and current_user.data_profiling()) ): return f(*args, **kwargs) else: flash("This page requires data profiling privileges", "error") return redirect(url_for('admin.index')) return decorated_function QUERY_LIMIT = 100000 CHART_LIMIT = 200000 def pygment_html_render(s, lexer=lexers.TextLexer): return highlight( s, lexer(), HtmlFormatter(linenos=True), ) def wrapped_markdown(s): return '<div class="rich_doc">' + markdown.markdown(s) + "</div>" attr_renderer = { 'bash_command': lambda x: pygment_html_render(x, lexers.BashLexer), 'hql': lambda x: pygment_html_render(x, lexers.SqlLexer), 'sql': lambda x: pygment_html_render(x, lexers.SqlLexer), 'doc': lambda x: pygment_html_render(x, lexers.TextLexer), 'doc_json': lambda x: pygment_html_render(x, lexers.JsonLexer), 'doc_rst': lambda x: pygment_html_render(x, lexers.RstLexer), 'doc_yaml': lambda x: pygment_html_render(x, lexers.YamlLexer), 'doc_md': wrapped_markdown, 'python_callable': lambda x: pygment_html_render( inspect.getsource(x), lexers.PythonLexer), } dagbag = models.DagBag(os.path.expanduser(conf.get('core', 'DAGS_FOLDER'))) utils.pessimistic_connection_handling() app = Flask(__name__) app.config['SQLALCHEMY_POOL_RECYCLE'] = 3600 app.secret_key = conf.get('webserver', 'SECRET_KEY') login.login_manager.init_app(app) cache = Cache( app=app, config={'CACHE_TYPE': 'filesystem', 'CACHE_DIR': '/tmp'}) # Init for chartkick, the python wrapper for highcharts ck = Blueprint( 'ck_page', __name__, static_folder=chartkick.js(), static_url_path='/static') app.register_blueprint(ck, url_prefix='/ck') app.jinja_env.add_extension("chartkick.ext.charts") @app.context_processor def jinja_globals(): return { 'hostname': socket.gethostname(), } class DateTimeForm(Form): # Date filter form needed for gantt and graph view execution_date = DateTimeField( "Execution date", widget=DateTimePickerWidget()) class GraphForm(Form): execution_date = DateTimeField( "Execution date", widget=DateTimePickerWidget()) arrange = SelectField("Layout", choices=( ('LR', "Left->Right"), ('RL', "Right->Left"), ('TB', "Top->Bottom"), ('BT', "Bottom->Top"), )) @app.route('/') def index(): return redirect(url_for('admin.index')) @app.route('/health') def health(): """ We can add an array of tests here to check the server's health """ content = Markup(markdown.markdown("The server is healthy!")) return content @app.teardown_appcontext def shutdown_session(exception=None): settings.Session.remove() def dag_link(v, c, m, p): url = url_for( 'airflow.graph', dag_id=m.dag_id) return Markup( '<a href="{url}">{m.dag_id}</a>'.format(**locals())) class DagModelView(wwwutils.SuperUserMixin, ModelView): column_list = ('dag_id', 'owners') column_editable_list = ('is_paused',) form_excluded_columns = ('is_subdag', 'is_active') column_searchable_list = ('dag_id',) column_filters = ( 'dag_id', 'owners', 'is_paused', 'is_active', 'is_subdag', 'last_scheduler_run', 'last_expired') form_widget_args = { 'last_scheduler_run': {'disabled': True}, 'fileloc': {'disabled': True}, 'last_pickled': {'disabled': True}, 'pickle_id': {'disabled': True}, 'last_loaded': {'disabled': True}, 'last_expired': {'disabled': True}, 'pickle_size': {'disabled': True}, 'scheduler_lock': {'disabled': True}, 'owners': {'disabled': True}, } column_formatters = dict( dag_id=dag_link, ) can_delete = False can_create = False page_size = 50 list_template = 'airflow/list_dags.html' named_filter_urls = True def get_query(self): """ Default filters for model """ return ( super(DagModelView, self) .get_query() .filter(or_(models.DagModel.is_active, models.DagModel.is_paused)) .filter(~models.DagModel.is_subdag) ) def get_count_query(self): """ Default filters for model """ return ( super(DagModelView, self) .get_count_query() .filter(models.DagModel.is_active) .filter(~models.DagModel.is_subdag) ) class HomeView(AdminIndexView): @expose("/") @login_required def index(self): session = Session() DM = models.DagModel qry = session.query(DM).filter(~DM.is_subdag, DM.is_active).all() orm_dags = {dag.dag_id: dag for dag in qry} session.expunge_all() session.commit() session.close() dags = dagbag.dags.values() dags = {dag.dag_id: dag for dag in dags if not dag.parent_dag} all_dag_ids = sorted(set(orm_dags.keys()) | set(dags.keys())) return self.render( 'airflow/dags.html', dags=dags, orm_dags=orm_dags, all_dag_ids=all_dag_ids) admin = Admin( app, name="Airflow", index_view=HomeView(name="DAGs"), template_mode='bootstrap3') class Airflow(BaseView): def is_visible(self): return False @expose('/') @login_required def index(self): return self.render('airflow/dags.html') @expose('/chart_data') @data_profiling_required @wwwutils.gzipped # @cache.cached(timeout=3600, key_prefix=wwwutils.make_cache_key) def chart_data(self): session = settings.Session() chart_id = request.args.get('chart_id') csv = request.args.get('csv') == "true" chart = session.query(models.Chart).filter_by(id=chart_id).all()[0] db = session.query( models.Connection).filter_by(conn_id=chart.conn_id).all()[0] session.expunge_all() session.commit() session.close() payload = {} payload['state'] = 'ERROR' payload['error'] = '' # Processing templated fields try: args = eval(chart.default_params) if type(args) is not type(dict()): raise AirflowException('Not a dict') except: args = {} payload['error'] += ( "Default params is not valid, string has to evaluate as " "a Python dictionary. ") request_dict = {k: request.args.get(k) for k in request.args} from airflow import macros args.update(request_dict) args['macros'] = macros sql = jinja2.Template(chart.sql).render(**args) label = jinja2.Template(chart.label).render(**args) payload['sql_html'] = Markup(highlight( sql, lexers.SqlLexer(), # Lexer call HtmlFormatter(noclasses=True)) ) payload['label'] = label import pandas as pd pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 100) hook = db.get_hook() try: df = hook.get_pandas_df(wwwutils.limit_sql(sql, CHART_LIMIT)) except Exception as e: payload['error'] += "SQL execution failed. Details: " + str(e) if csv: return Response( response=df.to_csv(index=False), status=200, mimetype="application/text") if not payload['error'] and len(df) == CHART_LIMIT: payload['warning'] = ( "Data has been truncated to {0}" " rows. Expect incomplete results.").format(CHART_LIMIT) def date_handler(obj): return obj.isoformat() if hasattr(obj, 'isoformat') else obj if not payload['error'] and len(df) == 0: payload['error'] += "Empty result set. " elif ( not payload['error'] and chart.sql_layout == 'series' and chart.chart_type != "datatable" and len(df.columns) < 3): payload['error'] += "SQL needs to return at least 3 columns. " elif ( not payload['error'] and chart.sql_layout == 'columns'and len(df.columns) < 2): payload['error'] += "SQL needs to return at least 2 columns. " elif not payload['error']: import numpy as np chart_type = chart.chart_type data = None if chart_type == "datatable": chart.show_datatable = True if chart.show_datatable: data = df.to_dict(orient="split") data['columns'] = [{'title': c} for c in data['columns']] # Trying to convert time to something Highcharts likes x_col = 1 if chart.sql_layout == 'series' else 0 if chart.x_is_date: try: # From string to datetime df[df.columns[x_col]] = pd.to_datetime( df[df.columns[x_col]]) except Exception as e: raise AirflowException(str(e)) df[df.columns[x_col]] = df[df.columns[x_col]].apply( lambda x: int(x.strftime("%s")) * 1000) series = [] colorAxis = None if chart_type == 'datatable': payload['data'] = data payload['state'] = 'SUCCESS' return Response( response=json.dumps( payload, indent=4, default=date_handler), status=200, mimetype="application/json") elif chart_type == 'para': df.rename(columns={ df.columns[0]: 'name', df.columns[1]: 'group', }, inplace=True) return Response( response=df.to_csv(index=False), status=200, mimetype="application/text") elif chart_type == 'heatmap': color_perc_lbound = float( request.args.get('color_perc_lbound', 0)) color_perc_rbound = float( request.args.get('color_perc_rbound', 1)) color_scheme = request.args.get('color_scheme', 'blue_red') if color_scheme == 'blue_red': stops = [ [color_perc_lbound, '#00D1C1'], [ color_perc_lbound + ((color_perc_rbound - color_perc_lbound)/2), '#FFFFCC' ], [color_perc_rbound, '#FF5A5F'] ] elif color_scheme == 'blue_scale': stops = [ [color_perc_lbound, '#FFFFFF'], [color_perc_rbound, '#2222FF'] ] elif color_scheme == 'fire': diff = float(color_perc_rbound - color_perc_lbound) stops = [ [color_perc_lbound, '#FFFFFF'], [color_perc_lbound + 0.33*diff, '#FFFF00'], [color_perc_lbound + 0.66*diff, '#FF0000'], [color_perc_rbound, '#000000'] ] else: stops = [ [color_perc_lbound, '#FFFFFF'], [ color_perc_lbound + ((color_perc_rbound - color_perc_lbound)/2), '#888888' ], [color_perc_rbound, '#000000'], ] xaxis_label = df.columns[1] yaxis_label = df.columns[2] data = [] for row in df.itertuples(): data.append({ 'x': row[2], 'y': row[3], 'value': row[4], }) x_format = '{point.x:%Y-%m-%d}' \ if chart.x_is_date else '{point.x}' series.append({ 'data': data, 'borderWidth': 0, 'colsize': 24 * 36e5, 'turboThreshold': sys.float_info.max, 'tooltip': { 'headerFormat': '', 'pointFormat': ( df.columns[1] + ': ' + x_format + '<br/>' + df.columns[2] + ': {point.y}<br/>' + df.columns[3] + ': <b>{point.value}</b>' ), }, }) colorAxis = { 'stops': stops, 'minColor': '#FFFFFF', 'maxColor': '#000000', 'min': 50, 'max': 2200, } else: if chart.sql_layout == 'series': # User provides columns (series, x, y) xaxis_label = df.columns[1] yaxis_label = df.columns[2] df[df.columns[2]] = df[df.columns[2]].astype(np.float) df = df.pivot_table( index=df.columns[1], columns=df.columns[0], values=df.columns[2], aggfunc=np.sum) else: # User provides columns (x, y, metric1, metric2, ...) xaxis_label = df.columns[0] yaxis_label = 'y' df.index = df[df.columns[0]] df = df.sort(df.columns[0]) del df[df.columns[0]] for col in df.columns: df[col] = df[col].astype(np.float) for col in df.columns: series.append({ 'name': col, 'data': [ (i, v) for i, v in df[col].iteritems() if not np.isnan(v)] }) series = [serie for serie in sorted( series, key=lambda s: s['data'][0][1], reverse=True)] if chart_type == "stacked_area": stacking = "normal" chart_type = 'area' elif chart_type == "percent_area": stacking = "percent" chart_type = 'area' else: stacking = None hc = { 'chart': { 'type': chart_type }, 'plotOptions': { 'series': { 'marker': { 'enabled': False } }, 'area': {'stacking': stacking}, }, 'title': {'text': ''}, 'xAxis': { 'title': {'text': xaxis_label}, 'type': 'datetime' if chart.x_is_date else None, }, 'yAxis': { 'title': {'text': yaxis_label}, }, 'colorAxis': colorAxis, 'tooltip': { 'useHTML': True, 'backgroundColor': None, 'borderWidth': 0, }, 'series': series, } if chart.y_log_scale: hc['yAxis']['type'] = 'logarithmic' hc['yAxis']['minorTickInterval'] = 0.1 if 'min' in hc['yAxis']: del hc['yAxis']['min'] payload['state'] = 'SUCCESS' payload['hc'] = hc payload['data'] = data payload['request_dict'] = request_dict return Response( response=json.dumps(payload, indent=4, default=date_handler), status=200, mimetype="application/json") @expose('/chart') @data_profiling_required def chart(self): session = settings.Session() chart_id = request.args.get('chart_id') chart = session.query(models.Chart).filter_by(id=chart_id).all()[0] session.expunge_all() session.commit() session.close() if chart.chart_type == 'para': return self.render('airflow/para/para.html', chart=chart) sql = "" if chart.show_sql: sql = Markup(highlight( chart.sql, lexers.SqlLexer(), # Lexer call HtmlFormatter(noclasses=True)) ) return self.render( 'airflow/highchart.html', chart=chart, title="Airflow - Chart", sql=sql, label=chart.label) @expose('/dag_stats') @login_required def dag_stats(self): states = [State.SUCCESS, State.RUNNING, State.FAILED] task_ids = [] for dag in dagbag.dags.values(): task_ids += dag.task_ids TI = models.TaskInstance session = Session() qry = ( session.query(TI.dag_id, TI.state, sqla.func.count(TI.task_id)) .filter(TI.task_id.in_(task_ids)) .group_by(TI.dag_id, TI.state) ) data = {} for dag_id, state, count in qry: if dag_id not in data: data[dag_id] = {} data[dag_id][state] = count session.commit() session.close() payload = {} for dag in dagbag.dags.values(): payload[dag.dag_id] = [] for state in states: try: count = data[dag.dag_id][state] except: count = 0 d = { 'state': state, 'count': count, 'dag_id': dag.dag_id, 'color': State.color(state) } payload[dag.dag_id].append(d) return Response( response=json.dumps(payload, indent=4), status=200, mimetype="application/json") @expose('/code') @login_required def code(self): dag_id = request.args.get('dag_id') dag = dagbag.get_dag(dag_id) code = "".join(open(dag.full_filepath, 'r').readlines()) title = dag.filepath html_code = highlight( code, lexers.PythonLexer(), HtmlFormatter(linenos=True)) return self.render( 'airflow/dag_code.html', html_code=html_code, dag=dag, title=title, root=request.args.get('root'), demo_mode=conf.getboolean('webserver', 'demo_mode')) @app.errorhandler(404) def circles(self): return render_template('airflow/circles.html'), 404 @expose('/sandbox') @login_required def sandbox(self): from airflow import configuration title = "Sandbox Suggested Configuration" cfg_loc = configuration.AIRFLOW_CONFIG + '.sandbox' f = open(cfg_loc, 'r') config = f.close() code_html = Markup(highlight( config, lexers.IniLexer(), # Lexer call HtmlFormatter(noclasses=True)) ) return self.render( 'airflow/code.html', code_html=code_html, title=title, subtitle=cfg_loc) @expose('/noaccess') def noaccess(self): return self.render('airflow/noaccess.html') @expose('/headers') def headers(self): d = {k: v for k, v in request.headers} if hasattr(current_user, 'is_superuser'): d['is_superuser'] = current_user.is_superuser() d['data_profiling'] = current_user.data_profiling() d['is_anonymous'] = current_user.is_anonymous() d['is_authenticated'] = current_user.is_authenticated() return Response( response=json.dumps(d, indent=4), status=200, mimetype="application/json") @expose('/login') def login(self): return login.login(self, request) @expose('/logout') def logout(self): logout_user() return redirect('/admin/dagmodel/') @expose('/rendered') @login_required def rendered(self): dag_id = request.args.get('dag_id') task_id = request.args.get('task_id') execution_date = request.args.get('execution_date') dttm = dateutil.parser.parse(execution_date) form = DateTimeForm(data={'execution_date': dttm}) dag = dagbag.get_dag(dag_id) task = copy.copy(dag.get_task(task_id)) ti = models.TaskInstance(task=task, execution_date=dttm) try: ti.render_templates() except Exception as e: flash("Error rendering template: " + str(e), "error") title = "Rendered Template" html_dict = {} for template_field in task.__class__.template_fields: content = getattr(task, template_field) if template_field in attr_renderer: html_dict[template_field] = attr_renderer[template_field](content) else: html_dict[template_field] = ( "<pre><code>" + str(content) + "</pre></code>") return self.render( 'airflow/ti_code.html', html_dict=html_dict, dag=dag, task_id=task_id, execution_date=execution_date, form=form, title=title,) @expose('/log') @login_required def log(self): BASE_LOG_FOLDER = os.path.expanduser( conf.get('core', 'BASE_LOG_FOLDER')) dag_id = request.args.get('dag_id') task_id = request.args.get('task_id') execution_date = request.args.get('execution_date') dag = dagbag.get_dag(dag_id) log_relative = "/{dag_id}/{task_id}/{execution_date}".format( **locals()) loc = BASE_LOG_FOLDER + log_relative loc = loc.format(**locals()) log = "" TI = models.TaskInstance session = Session() dttm = dateutil.parser.parse(execution_date) ti = session.query(TI).filter( TI.dag_id == dag_id, TI.task_id == task_id, TI.execution_date == dttm).first() dttm = dateutil.parser.parse(execution_date) form = DateTimeForm(data={'execution_date': dttm}) if ti: host = ti.hostname if socket.gethostname() == host: try: f = open(loc) log += "".join(f.readlines()) f.close() except: log = "Log file isn't where expected.\n".format(loc) else: WORKER_LOG_SERVER_PORT = \ conf.get('celery', 'WORKER_LOG_SERVER_PORT') url = ( "http://{host}:{WORKER_LOG_SERVER_PORT}/log" "{log_relative}").format(**locals()) log += "Log file isn't local.\n" log += "Fetching here: {url}\n".format(**locals()) try: import requests log += requests.get(url).text except: log += "Failed to fetch log file.".format(**locals()) session.commit() session.close() title = "Log" return self.render( 'airflow/ti_code.html', code=log, dag=dag, title=title, task_id=task_id, execution_date=execution_date, form=form) @expose('/task') @login_required def task(self): dag_id = request.args.get('dag_id') task_id = request.args.get('task_id') # Carrying execution_date through, even though it's irrelevant for # this context execution_date = request.args.get('execution_date') dttm = dateutil.parser.parse(execution_date) form = DateTimeForm(data={'execution_date': dttm}) dag = dagbag.get_dag(dag_id) task = dag.get_task(task_id) task = copy.copy(task) task.resolve_template_files() attributes = [] for attr_name in dir(task): if not attr_name.startswith('_'): attr = getattr(task, attr_name) if type(attr) != type(self.task) and \ attr_name not in attr_renderer: attributes.append((attr_name, str(attr))) title = "Task Details" # Color coding the special attributes that are code special_attrs_rendered = {} for attr_name in attr_renderer: if hasattr(task, attr_name): source = getattr(task, attr_name) special_attrs_rendered[attr_name] = attr_renderer[attr_name](source) return self.render( 'airflow/task.html', attributes=attributes, task_id=task_id, execution_date=execution_date, special_attrs_rendered=special_attrs_rendered, form=form, dag=dag, title=title) @expose('/action') @login_required def action(self): action = request.args.get('action') dag_id = request.args.get('dag_id') task_id = request.args.get('task_id') origin = request.args.get('origin') dag = dagbag.get_dag(dag_id) task = dag.get_task(task_id) execution_date = request.args.get('execution_date') execution_date = dateutil.parser.parse(execution_date) confirmed = request.args.get('confirmed') == "true" upstream = request.args.get('upstream') == "true" downstream = request.args.get('downstream') == "true" if action == "run": from airflow.executors import DEFAULT_EXECUTOR as executor from airflow.executors import CeleryExecutor if not isinstance(executor, CeleryExecutor): flash("Only works with the CeleryExecutor, sorry", "error") return redirect(origin) force = request.args.get('force') == "true" deps = request.args.get('deps') == "true" ti = models.TaskInstance(task=task, execution_date=execution_date) executor.start() executor.queue_task_instance( ti, force=force, ignore_dependencies=deps) executor.heartbeat() flash( "Sent {} to the message queue, " "it should start any moment now.".format(ti)) return redirect(origin) elif action == 'clear': future = request.args.get('future') == "true" past = request.args.get('past') == "true" dag = dag.sub_dag( task_regex=r"^{0}$".format(task_id), include_downstream=downstream, include_upstream=upstream) end_date = execution_date if not future else None start_date = execution_date if not past else None if confirmed: count = dag.clear( start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date) flash("{0} task instances have been cleared".format(count)) return redirect(origin) else: tis = dag.clear( start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, dry_run=True) if not tis: flash("No task instances to clear", 'error') response = redirect(origin) else: details = "\n".join([str(t) for t in tis]) response = self.render( 'airflow/confirm.html', message=( "Here's the list of task instances you are about " "to clear:"), details=details,) return response elif action == 'success': # Flagging tasks as successful session = settings.Session() task_ids = [task_id] if downstream: task_ids += [ t.task_id for t in task.get_flat_relatives(upstream=False)] if upstream: task_ids += [ t.task_id for t in task.get_flat_relatives(upstream=True)] TI = models.TaskInstance tis = session.query(TI).filter( TI.dag_id == dag_id, TI.execution_date == execution_date, TI.task_id.in_(task_ids)).all() if confirmed: updated_task_ids = [] for ti in tis: updated_task_ids.append(ti.task_id) ti.state = State.SUCCESS session.commit() to_insert = list(set(task_ids) - set(updated_task_ids)) for task_id in to_insert: ti = TI( task=dag.get_task(task_id), execution_date=execution_date, state=State.SUCCESS) session.add(ti) session.commit() session.commit() session.close() flash("Marked success on {} task instances".format( len(task_ids))) return redirect(origin) else: if not task_ids: flash("No task instances to mark as successful", 'error') response = redirect(origin) else: tis = [] for task_id in task_ids: tis.append(TI( task=dag.get_task(task_id), execution_date=execution_date, state=State.SUCCESS)) details = "\n".join([str(t) for t in tis]) response = self.render( 'airflow/confirm.html', message=( "Here's the list of task instances you are about " "to mark as successful:"), details=details,) return response @expose('/tree') @login_required @wwwutils.gzipped def tree(self): dag_id = request.args.get('dag_id') blur = conf.getboolean('webserver', 'demo_mode') dag = dagbag.get_dag(dag_id) root = request.args.get('root') if root: dag = dag.sub_dag( task_regex=root, include_downstream=False, include_upstream=True) session = settings.Session() base_date = request.args.get('base_date') if not base_date: base_date = else: base_date = dateutil.parser.parse(base_date) num_runs = request.args.get('num_runs') num_runs = int(num_runs) if num_runs else 25 from_time = datetime.min.time() if dag.start_date: from_time = dag.start_date.time() from_date = (base_date-(num_runs * dag.schedule_interval)).date() from_date = datetime.combine(from_date, from_time) dates = utils.date_range( from_date, base_date, dag.schedule_interval) task_instances = {} for ti in dag.get_task_instances(session, from_date): task_instances[(ti.task_id, ti.execution_date)] = ti expanded = [] def recurse_nodes(task): children = [recurse_nodes(t) for t in task.upstream_list] # D3 tree uses children vs _children to define what is # expanded or not. The following block makes it such that # repeated nodes are collapsed by default. children_key = 'children' if task.task_id not in expanded: expanded.append(task.task_id) elif children: children_key = "_children" return { 'name': task.task_id, 'instances': [ utils.alchemy_to_dict( task_instances.get((task.task_id, d))) or { 'execution_date': d.isoformat(), 'task_id': task.task_id } for d in dates], children_key: children, 'num_dep': len(task.upstream_list), 'operator': task.task_type, 'retries': task.retries, 'owner': task.owner, 'start_date': task.start_date, 'end_date': task.end_date, 'depends_on_past': task.depends_on_past, 'ui_color': task.ui_color, } if len(dag.roots) > 1: # d3 likes a single root data = { 'name': 'root', 'instances': [], 'children': [recurse_nodes(t) for t in dag.roots] } elif len(dag.roots) == 1: data = recurse_nodes(dag.roots[0]) else: flash("No tasks found.", "error") data = [] data = json.dumps(data, indent=4, default=utils.json_ser) session.commit() session.close() return self.render( 'airflow/tree.html', operators=sorted( list(set([op.__class__ for op in dag.tasks])), key=lambda x: x.__name__ ), root=root, dag=dag, data=data, blur=blur) @expose('/graph') @login_required def graph(self): session = settings.Session() dag_id = request.args.get('dag_id') blur = conf.getboolean('webserver', 'demo_mode') arrange = request.args.get('arrange', "LR") dag = dagbag.get_dag(dag_id) if dag_id not in dagbag.dags: flash('DAG "{0}" seems to be missing.'.format(dag_id), "error") return redirect('/admin/dagmodel/') root = request.args.get('root') if root: dag = dag.sub_dag( task_regex=root, include_upstream=True, include_downstream=False) nodes = [] edges = [] for task in dag.tasks: nodes.append({ 'id': task.task_id, 'value': { 'label': task.task_id, 'labelStyle': "fill:{0};".format(task.ui_fgcolor), 'style': "fill:{0};".format(task.ui_color), } }) def get_upstream(task): for t in task.upstream_list: edge = { 'u': t.task_id, 'v': task.task_id, } if edge not in edges: edges.append(edge) get_upstream(t) for t in dag.roots: get_upstream(t) dttm = request.args.get('execution_date') if dttm: dttm = dateutil.parser.parse(dttm) else: dttm = dag.latest_execution_date or form = GraphForm(data={'execution_date': dttm, 'arrange': arrange}) task_instances = { ti.task_id: utils.alchemy_to_dict(ti) for ti in dag.get_task_instances(session, dttm, dttm) } tasks = { t.task_id: { 'dag_id': t.dag_id, 'task_type': t.task_type, } for t in dag.tasks } if not tasks: flash("No tasks found", "error") session.commit() session.close() doc_md = markdown.markdown(dag.doc_md) if hasattr(dag, 'doc_md') else '' return self.render( 'airflow/graph.html', dag=dag, form=form, width=request.args.get('width', "100%"), height=request.args.get('height', "800"), execution_date=dttm.isoformat(), doc_md=doc_md, arrange=arrange, operators=sorted( list(set([op.__class__ for op in dag.tasks])), key=lambda x: x.__name__ ), blur=blur, root=root or '', task_instances=json.dumps(task_instances, indent=2), tasks=json.dumps(tasks, indent=2), nodes=json.dumps(nodes, indent=2), edges=json.dumps(edges, indent=2),) @expose('/duration') @login_required def duration(self): session = settings.Session() dag_id = request.args.get('dag_id') days = int(request.args.get('days', 30)) dag = dagbag.get_dag(dag_id) from_date = ( from_date = datetime.combine(from_date, datetime.min.time()) root = request.args.get('root') if root: dag = dag.sub_dag( task_regex=root, include_upstream=True, include_downstream=False) all_data = [] for task in dag.tasks: data = [] for ti in task.get_task_instances(session, from_date): if ti.duration: data.append([ ti.execution_date.isoformat(), float(ti.duration) / (60*60) ]) if data: all_data.append({'data': data, 'name': task.task_id}) session.commit() session.close() return self.render( 'airflow/chart.html', dag=dag, data=all_data, chart_options={'yAxis': {'title': {'text': 'hours'}}}, height="700px", demo_mode=conf.getboolean('webserver', 'demo_mode'), root=root, ) @expose('/landing_times') @login_required def landing_times(self): session = settings.Session() dag_id = request.args.get('dag_id') days = int(request.args.get('days', 30)) dag = dagbag.get_dag(dag_id) from_date = ( from_date = datetime.combine(from_date, datetime.min.time()) root = request.args.get('root') if root: dag = dag.sub_dag( task_regex=root, include_upstream=True, include_downstream=False) all_data = [] for task in dag.tasks: data = [] for ti in task.get_task_instances(session, from_date): if ti.end_date: data.append([ ti.execution_date.isoformat(), ( ti.end_date - ( ti.execution_date + task.schedule_interval) ).total_seconds()/(60*60) ]) all_data.append({'data': data, 'name': task.task_id}) session.commit() session.close() return self.render( 'airflow/chart.html', dag=dag, data=all_data, height="700px", chart_options={'yAxis': {'title': {'text': 'hours after 00:00'}}}, demo_mode=conf.getboolean('webserver', 'demo_mode'), root=root, ) @expose('/refresh') @login_required def refresh(self): DagModel = models.DagModel dag_id = request.args.get('dag_id') session = settings.Session() orm_dag = session.query( DagModel).filter(DagModel.dag_id == dag_id).first() if orm_dag: orm_dag.last_expired = session.merge(orm_dag) session.commit() session.close() dagbag.get_dag(dag_id) flash("DAG [{}] is now fresh as a daisy".format(dag_id)) return redirect('/') @expose('/refresh_all') @login_required def refresh_all(self): dagbag.collect_dags(only_if_updated=False) flash("All DAGs are now up to date") return redirect('/') @expose('/gantt') @login_required def gantt(self): session = settings.Session() dag_id = request.args.get('dag_id') dag = dagbag.get_dag(dag_id) demo_mode = conf.getboolean('webserver', 'demo_mode') root = request.args.get('root') if root: dag = dag.sub_dag( task_regex=root, include_upstream=True, include_downstream=False) dttm = request.args.get('execution_date') if dttm: dttm = dateutil.parser.parse(dttm) else: dttm = dag.latest_execution_date or form = DateTimeForm(data={'execution_date': dttm}) tis = [ ti for ti in dag.get_task_instances(session, dttm, dttm) if ti.start_date] tis = sorted(tis, key=lambda ti: ti.start_date) tasks = [] data = [] for i, ti in enumerate(tis): end_date = ti.end_date or tasks += [ti.task_id] color = State.color(ti.state) data.append({ 'x': i, 'low': int(ti.start_date.strftime('%s')) * 1000, 'high': int(end_date.strftime('%s')) * 1000, 'color': color, }) height = (len(tis) * 25) + 50 session.commit() session.close() hc = { 'chart': { 'type': 'columnrange', 'inverted': True, 'height': height, }, 'xAxis': {'categories': tasks}, 'yAxis': {'type': 'datetime'}, 'title': { 'text': None }, 'plotOptions': { 'series': { 'cursor': 'pointer', 'minPointLength': 4, }, }, 'legend': { 'enabled': False }, 'series': [{ 'data': data }] } return self.render( 'airflow/gantt.html', dag=dag, execution_date=dttm.isoformat(), form=form, hc=json.dumps(hc, indent=4), height=height, demo_mode=demo_mode, root=root, ) @expose('/variables/<form>', methods=["GET", "POST"]) @login_required def variables(self, form): try: if request.method == 'POST': data = request.json if data: session = settings.Session() var = models.Variable(key=form, val=json.dumps(data)) session.add(var) session.commit() return "" else: return self.render( 'airflow/variables/{}.html'.format(form) ) except: return ("Error: form airflow/variables/{}.html " "not found.").format(form), 404 admin.add_view(Airflow(name='DAGs')) class QueryView(wwwutils.DataProfilingMixin, BaseView): @expose('/') @wwwutils.gzipped def query(self): session = settings.Session() dbs = session.query(models.Connection).order_by( models.Connection.conn_id).all() session.expunge_all() db_choices = list( ((db.conn_id, db.conn_id) for db in dbs if db.get_hook())) conn_id_str = request.args.get('conn_id') csv = request.args.get('csv') == "true" sql = request.args.get('sql') class QueryForm(Form): conn_id = SelectField("Layout", choices=db_choices) sql = TextAreaField("SQL", widget=wwwutils.AceEditorWidget()) data = { 'conn_id': conn_id_str, 'sql': sql, } results = None has_data = False error = False if conn_id_str: db = [db for db in dbs if db.conn_id == conn_id_str][0] hook = db.get_hook() try: df = hook.get_pandas_df(wwwutils.limit_sql(sql, QUERY_LIMIT)) # df = hook.get_pandas_df(sql) has_data = len(df) > 0 df = df.fillna('') results = df.to_html( classes="table table-bordered table-striped no-wrap", index=False, na_rep='', ) if has_data else '' except Exception as e: flash(str(e), 'error') error = True if has_data and len(df) == QUERY_LIMIT: flash( "Query output truncated at " + str(QUERY_LIMIT) + " rows", 'info') if not has_data and error: flash('No data', 'error') if csv: return Response( response=df.to_csv(index=False), status=200, mimetype="application/text") form = QueryForm(request.form, data=data) session.commit() session.close() return self.render( 'airflow/query.html', form=form, title="Ad Hoc Query", results=results or '', has_data=has_data) admin.add_view(QueryView(name='Ad Hoc Query', category="Data Profiling")) class AirflowModelView(ModelView): list_template = 'airflow/model_list.html' edit_template = 'airflow/model_edit.html' create_template = 'airflow/model_create.html' page_size = 500 class ModelViewOnly(wwwutils.LoginMixin, AirflowModelView): """ Modifying the base ModelView class for non edit, browse only operations """ named_filter_urls = True can_create = False can_edit = False can_delete = False column_display_pk = True def log_link(v, c, m, p): url = url_for( 'airflow.log', dag_id=m.dag_id, task_id=m.task_id, execution_date=m.execution_date.isoformat()) return Markup( '<a href="{url}">' ' <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-book" aria-hidden="true">' '</span></a>').format(**locals()) def task_instance_link(v, c, m, p): url = url_for( 'airflow.task', dag_id=m.dag_id, task_id=m.task_id, execution_date=m.execution_date.isoformat()) url_root = url_for( 'airflow.graph', dag_id=m.dag_id, root=m.task_id, execution_date=m.execution_date.isoformat()) return Markup( """ <span style="white-space: nowrap;"> <a href="{url}">{m.task_id}</a> <a href="{url_root}" title="Filter on this task and upstream"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-filter" style="margin-left: 0px;" aria-hidden="true"></span> </a> </span> """.format(**locals())) def state_f(v, c, m, p): color = State.color(m.state) return Markup( '<span class="label" style="background-color:{color};">' '{m.state}</span>'.format(**locals())) def duration_f(v, c, m, p): if m.end_date and m.duration: return timedelta(seconds=m.duration) def datetime_f(v, c, m, p): attr = getattr(m, p) dttm = attr.isoformat() if attr else '' if[:4] == dttm[:4]: dttm = dttm[5:] return Markup("<nobr>{}</nobr>".format(dttm)) def nobr_f(v, c, m, p): return Markup("<nobr>{}</nobr>".format(getattr(m, p))) class JobModelView(ModelViewOnly): verbose_name_plural = "jobs" verbose_name = "job" column_default_sort = ('start_date', True) column_filters = ( 'job_type', 'dag_id', 'state', 'unixname', 'hostname', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'latest_heartbeat') column_formatters = dict( start_date=datetime_f, end_date=datetime_f, hostname=nobr_f, state=state_f, latest_heartbeat=datetime_f) mv = JobModelView(jobs.BaseJob, Session, name="Jobs", category="Browse") admin.add_view(mv) class LogModelView(ModelViewOnly): verbose_name_plural = "logs" verbose_name = "log" column_default_sort = ('dttm', True) column_filters = ('dag_id', 'task_id', 'execution_date') column_formatters = dict( dttm=datetime_f, execution_date=datetime_f, dag_id=dag_link) mv = LogModelView( models.Log, Session, name="Logs", category="Browse") admin.add_view(mv) class TaskInstanceModelView(ModelViewOnly): verbose_name_plural = "task instances" verbose_name = "task instance" column_filters = ( 'state', 'dag_id', 'task_id', 'execution_date', 'hostname', 'queue', 'pool') named_filter_urls = True column_formatters = dict( log=log_link, task_id=task_instance_link, hostname=nobr_f, state=state_f, execution_date=datetime_f, start_date=datetime_f, end_date=datetime_f, dag_id=dag_link, duration=duration_f) column_searchable_list = ('dag_id', 'task_id', 'state') column_default_sort = ('start_date', True) column_list = ( 'state', 'dag_id', 'task_id', 'execution_date', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'duration', 'job_id', 'hostname', 'unixname', 'priority_weight', 'log') can_delete = True page_size = 500 mv = TaskInstanceModelView( models.TaskInstance, Session, name="Task Instances", category="Browse") admin.add_view(mv) mv = DagModelView( models.DagModel, Session, name=None) admin.add_view(mv) # Hack to not add this view to the menu admin._menu = admin._menu[:-1] class ConnectionModelView(wwwutils.SuperUserMixin, AirflowModelView): verbose_name = "Connection" verbose_name_plural = "Connections" column_default_sort = ('conn_id', False) column_list = ('conn_id', 'conn_type', 'host', 'port') form_overrides = dict(password=VisiblePasswordField) form_choices = { 'conn_type': [ ('ftp', 'FTP',), ('hdfs', 'HDFS',), ('http', 'HTTP',), ('hive_cli', 'Hive Client Wrapper',), ('hive_metastore', 'Hive Metastore Thrift',), ('hiveserver2', 'Hive Server 2 Thrift',), ('mysql', 'MySQL',), ('postgres', 'Postgres',), ('oracle', 'Oracle',), ('presto', 'Presto',), ('s3', 'S3',), ('samba', 'Samba',), ('sqlite', 'Sqlite',), ] } mv = ConnectionModelView( models.Connection, Session, name="Connections", category="Admin") admin.add_view(mv) class UserModelView(wwwutils.SuperUserMixin, AirflowModelView): verbose_name = "User" verbose_name_plural = "Users" column_default_sort = 'username' mv = UserModelView(models.User, Session, name="Users", category="Admin") admin.add_view(mv) class ConfigurationView(wwwutils.SuperUserMixin, BaseView): @expose('/') def conf(self): from airflow import configuration raw = request.args.get('raw') == "true" title = "Airflow Configuration" subtitle = configuration.AIRFLOW_CONFIG f = open(configuration.AIRFLOW_CONFIG, 'r') config = f.close() if raw: return Response( response=config, status=200, mimetype="application/text") else: code_html = Markup(highlight( config, lexers.IniLexer(), # Lexer call HtmlFormatter(noclasses=True)) ) return self.render( 'airflow/code.html', pre_subtitle=settings.HEADER + " v" + airflow.__version__, code_html=code_html, title=title, subtitle=subtitle) admin.add_view(ConfigurationView(name='Configuration', category="Admin")) def label_link(v, c, m, p): try: default_params = eval(m.default_params) except: default_params = {} url = url_for( 'airflow.chart',, iteration_no=m.iteration_no, **default_params) return Markup("<a href='{url}'>{m.label}</a>".format(**locals())) class ChartModelView(wwwutils.DataProfilingMixin, AirflowModelView): verbose_name = "chart" verbose_name_plural = "charts" form_columns = ( 'label', 'owner', 'conn_id', 'chart_type', 'show_datatable', 'x_is_date', 'y_log_scale', 'show_sql', 'height', 'sql_layout', 'sql', 'default_params',) column_list = ( 'label', 'conn_id', 'chart_type', 'owner', 'last_modified',) column_formatters = dict(label=label_link, last_modified=datetime_f) column_default_sort = ('last_modified', True) create_template = 'airflow/chart/create.html' edit_template = 'airflow/chart/edit.html' column_filters = ('label', 'owner.username', 'conn_id') column_searchable_list = ('owner.username', 'label', 'sql') column_descriptions = { 'label': "Can include {{ templated_fields }} and {{ macros }}", 'chart_type': "The type of chart to be displayed", 'sql': "Can include {{ templated_fields }} and {{ macros }}.", 'height': "Height of the chart, in pixels.", 'conn_id': "Source database to run the query against", 'x_is_date': ( "Whether the X axis should be casted as a date field. Expect most " "intelligible date formats to get casted properly." ), 'owner': ( "The chart's owner, mostly used for reference and filtering in " "the list view." ), 'show_datatable': "Whether to display an interactive data table under the chart.", 'default_params': ( 'A dictionary of {"key": "values",} that define what the ' 'templated fields (parameters) values should be by default. ' 'To be valid, it needs to "eval" as a Python dict. ' 'The key values will show up in the url\'s querystring ' 'and can be altered there.' ), 'show_sql': "Whether to display the SQL statement as a collapsible " "section in the chart page.", 'y_log_scale': "Whether to use a log scale for the Y axis.", 'sql_layout': ( "Defines the layout of the SQL that the application should " "expect. Depending on the tables you are sourcing from, it may " "make more sense to pivot / unpivot the metrics." ), } column_labels = { 'sql': "SQL", 'height': "Chart Height", 'sql_layout': "SQL Layout", 'show_sql': "Display the SQL Statement", 'default_params': "Default Parameters", } form_choices = { 'chart_type': [ ('line', 'Line Chart'), ('spline', 'Spline Chart'), ('bar', 'Bar Chart'), ('para', 'Parallel Coordinates'), ('column', 'Column Chart'), ('area', 'Overlapping Area Chart'), ('stacked_area', 'Stacked Area Chart'), ('percent_area', 'Percent Area Chart'), ('heatmap', 'Heatmap'), ('datatable', 'No chart, data table only'), ], 'sql_layout': [ ('series', 'SELECT series, x, y FROM ...'), ('columns', 'SELECT x, y (series 1), y (series 2), ... FROM ...'), ], 'conn_id': [ (c.conn_id, c.conn_id) for c in ( Session().query(models.Connection.conn_id) .group_by(models.Connection.conn_id) ) ] } def on_model_change(self, form, model, is_created=True): if model.iteration_no is None: model.iteration_no = 0 else: model.iteration_no += 1 if AUTHENTICATE and not model.user_id and current_user: model.user_id = model.last_modified = mv = ChartModelView( models.Chart, Session, name="Charts", category="Data Profiling") admin.add_view(mv) admin.add_link( base.MenuLink( category='Docs', name='Documentation', url='')) admin.add_link( base.MenuLink( category='Docs', name='Github', url='')) class KnowEventView(wwwutils.DataProfilingMixin, AirflowModelView): verbose_name = "known event" verbose_name_plural = "known events" form_columns = ( 'label', 'event_type', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'reported_by', 'description') column_list = ( 'label', 'event_type', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'reported_by') column_default_sort = ("start_date", True) mv = KnowEventView( models.KnownEvent, Session, name="Known Events", category="Data Profiling") admin.add_view(mv) class KnowEventTypeView(wwwutils.DataProfilingMixin, AirflowModelView): pass ''' # For debugging / troubleshooting mv = KnowEventTypeView( models.KnownEventType, Session, name="Known Event Types", category="Manage") admin.add_view(mv) class DagPickleView(SuperUserMixin, ModelView): pass mv = DagPickleView( models.DagPickle, Session, name="Pickles", category="Manage") admin.add_view(mv) ''' class VariableView(wwwutils.LoginMixin, AirflowModelView): verbose_name = "Variable" verbose_name_plural = "Variables" column_list = ('key',) column_filters = ('key', 'val') column_searchable_list = ('key', 'val') form_widget_args = { 'val': { 'rows': 20, } } mv = VariableView( models.Variable, Session, name="Variables", category="Admin") admin.add_view(mv) def pool_link(v, c, m, p): url = '/admin/taskinstance/?flt1_pool_equals=' + m.pool return Markup("<a href='{url}'>{m.pool}</a>".format(**locals())) def fused_slots(v, c, m, p): url = ( '/admin/taskinstance/' + '?flt1_pool_equals=' + m.pool + '&flt2_state_equals=running') return Markup("<a href='{0}'>{1}</a>".format(url, m.used_slots())) def fqueued_slots(v, c, m, p): url = ( '/admin/taskinstance/' + '?flt1_pool_equals=' + m.pool + '&flt2_state_equals=queued&sort=10&desc=1') return Markup("<a href='{0}'>{1}</a>".format(url, m.queued_slots())) class PoolModelView(wwwutils.SuperUserMixin, AirflowModelView): column_list = ('pool', 'slots', 'used_slots', 'queued_slots') column_formatters = dict( pool=pool_link, used_slots=fused_slots, queued_slots=fqueued_slots) named_filter_urls = True mv = PoolModelView(models.Pool, Session, name="Pools", category="Admin") admin.add_view(mv) class SlaMissModelView(wwwutils.SuperUserMixin, AirflowModelView): verbose_name_plural = "SLA misses" verbose_name = "SLA miss" column_list = ( 'dag_id', 'task_id', 'execution_date', 'email_sent', 'timestamp') column_formatters = dict( task_id=task_instance_link, execution_date=datetime_f, timestamp=datetime_f, dag_id=dag_link) named_filter_urls = True column_searchable_list = ('dag_id', 'task_id',) column_filters = ( 'dag_id', 'task_id', 'email_sent', 'timestamp', 'execution_date') form_widget_args = { 'email_sent': {'disabled': True}, 'timestamp': {'disabled': True}, } mv = SlaMissModelView( models.SlaMiss, Session, name="SLA Misses", category="Browse") admin.add_view(mv) def integrate_plugins(): """Integrate plugins to the context""" from airflow.plugins_manager import ( admin_views, flask_blueprints, menu_links) for v in admin_views: admin.add_view(v) for bp in flask_blueprints: print bp app.register_blueprint(bp) for ml in menu_links: admin.add_link(ml) integrate_plugins()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pylab import * print "Going to plot performance of simulations on multiple machines" T_time = 1000 times_L = {} times_L[1] = 1.8823334*60. times_L[2] = 53.07 times_L[4] = 26.95 times_L[8] = 13.98 times_L[16] = 7.31 times_L[32] = 4.36 for i in times_L.keys(): times_L[i] = 1000 * times_L[i] / T_time times_E = {} times_E[1]=1.5285*60. times_E[2]=51.31 times_E[3]=44.57 times_E[4]=40.7 for i in times_E.keys(): times_E[i] = 1000 * times_E[i] / T_time times_B = {} times_B[1] = 3.35*60. times_B[2] = 1.354*60. times_B[3] = 51.49 times_B[4] = 40.37 for i in times_B.keys(): times_B[i] = 1000 * times_B[i] / T_time times_M = {} times_M[1] = 82.73 times_M[4] = 19.87 times_M[8] = 9.65 for i in times_M.keys(): times_M[i] = 1000 * times_M[i] / T_time times_Lm = {} times_Lm[1] = 107.62 times_Lm[4] = 25.7 times_Lm[8] = 12.62 for i in times_Lm.keys(): times_Lm[i] = 1000 * times_Lm[i] / T_time times_L_ideal = {} for i in times_L.keys(): proc_norm = min(times_L.keys()) times_L_ideal[i] = proc_norm * times_L[proc_norm]/i times_B_ideal = {} for i in times_B.keys(): proc_norm = min(times_B.keys()) times_B_ideal[i] = proc_norm * times_B[proc_norm]/i times_E_ideal = {} for i in times_E.keys(): proc_norm = min(times_E.keys()) times_E_ideal[i] = proc_norm * times_E[proc_norm]/i times_M_ideal = {} for i in times_M.keys(): proc_norm = min(times_M.keys()) times_M_ideal[i] = proc_norm * times_M[proc_norm]/i times_Lm_ideal = {} for i in times_Lm.keys(): proc_norm = min(times_Lm.keys()) times_Lm_ideal[i] = proc_norm * times_Lm[proc_norm]/i def getXvals(times): x = times.keys() x.sort() return x def getYvals(times): x = times.keys() x.sort() y = [] for t in x: y.append(times[t]) return y from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas fig = plt.figure() p = fig.add_subplot(111) lines = p.loglog(getXvals(times_L), getYvals(times_L), 'ro-', getXvals(times_L_ideal), getYvals(times_L_ideal), 'r:', \ getXvals(times_E), getYvals(times_E), 'bo-', getXvals(times_E_ideal), getYvals(times_E_ideal), 'b:', \ getXvals(times_B), getYvals(times_B), 'go-', getXvals(times_B_ideal), getYvals(times_B_ideal), 'g:', \ getXvals(times_M), getYvals(times_M), 'ko-', getXvals(times_M_ideal), getYvals(times_M_ideal), 'k:', \ getXvals(times_Lm), getYvals(times_Lm), 'mo-', getXvals(times_Lm_ideal), getYvals(times_Lm_ideal), 'm:') p.set_ylabel('Simulation time for 1 sec of net activity (sec)', fontsize=14) p.set_xlabel('Number of processors', fontsize=14) lines[0].set_label('Legion') lines[2].set_label('PadraigPC') lines[4].set_label('Bernal') lines[6].set_label('Matthau') lines[8].set_label('Lemmon') legend() fig.set_figheight(8) fig.set_figwidth(12) #plt.print_figure() canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) canvas.print_eps('Performance.eps') print dir(fig)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ========================================================= The Iris Dataset ========================================================= This data sets consists of 3 different types of irises' (Setosa, Versicolour, and Virginica) petal and sepal length, stored in a 150x4 numpy.ndarray The rows being the samples and the columns being: Sepal Length, Sepal Width, Petal Length and Petal Width. The below plot uses the first two features. See `here <>`_ for more information on this dataset. """ print(__doc__) # Code source: Gaël Varoquaux # Modified for documentation by Jaques Grobler # License: BSD 3 clause import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.decomposition import PCA # import some data to play with iris = datasets.load_iris() X =[:, :2] # we only take the first two features. Y = x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min() - .5, X[:, 0].max() + .5 y_min, y_max = X[:, 1].min() - .5, X[:, 1].max() + .5 plt.figure(2, figsize=(8, 6)) plt.clf() # Plot the training points plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=Y, plt.xlabel('Sepal length') plt.ylabel('Sepal width') plt.xlim(x_min, x_max) plt.ylim(y_min, y_max) plt.xticks(()) plt.yticks(()) # To getter a better understanding of interaction of the dimensions # plot the first three PCA dimensions fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(8, 6)) ax = Axes3D(fig, elev=-150, azim=110) X_reduced = PCA(n_components=3).fit_transform( ax.scatter(X_reduced[:, 0], X_reduced[:, 1], X_reduced[:, 2], c=Y, ax.set_title("First three PCA directions") ax.set_xlabel("1st eigenvector") ax.w_xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.set_ylabel("2nd eigenvector") ax.w_yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.set_zlabel("3rd eigenvector") ax.w_zaxis.set_ticklabels([])
""" ========================================================================= Comparing randomized search and grid search for hyperparameter estimation ========================================================================= Compare randomized search and grid search for optimizing hyperparameters of a random forest. All parameters that influence the learning are searched simultaneously (except for the number of estimators, which poses a time / quality tradeoff). The randomized search and the grid search explore exactly the same space of parameters. The result in parameter settings is quite similar, while the run time for randomized search is drastically lower. The performance is slightly worse for the randomized search, though this is most likely a noise effect and would not carry over to a held-out test set. Note that in practice, one would not search over this many different parameters simultaneously using grid search, but pick only the ones deemed most important. """ print(__doc__) import numpy as np from time import time from operator import itemgetter from scipy.stats import randint as sp_randint from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV, RandomizedSearchCV from sklearn.datasets import load_digits from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier # get some data digits = load_digits() X, y =, # build a classifier clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=20) # Utility function to report best scores def report(grid_scores, n_top=3): top_scores = sorted(grid_scores, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:n_top] for i, score in enumerate(top_scores): print("Model with rank: {0}".format(i + 1)) print("Mean validation score: {0:.3f} (std: {1:.3f})".format( score.mean_validation_score, np.std(score.cv_validation_scores))) print("Parameters: {0}".format(score.parameters)) print("") # specify parameters and distributions to sample from param_dist = {"max_depth": [3, None], "max_features": sp_randint(1, 11), "min_samples_split": sp_randint(1, 11), "min_samples_leaf": sp_randint(1, 11), "bootstrap": [True, False], "criterion": ["gini", "entropy"]} # run randomized search n_iter_search = 20 random_search = RandomizedSearchCV(clf, param_distributions=param_dist, n_iter=n_iter_search) start = time(), y) print("RandomizedSearchCV took %.2f seconds for %d candidates" " parameter settings." % ((time() - start), n_iter_search)) report(random_search.grid_scores_) # use a full grid over all parameters param_grid = {"max_depth": [3, None], "max_features": [1, 3, 10], "min_samples_split": [1, 3, 10], "min_samples_leaf": [1, 3, 10], "bootstrap": [True, False], "criterion": ["gini", "entropy"]} # run grid search grid_search = GridSearchCV(clf, param_grid=param_grid) start = time(), y) print("GridSearchCV took %.2f seconds for %d candidate parameter settings." % (time() - start, len(grid_search.grid_scores_))) report(grid_search.grid_scores_)
# This code is supporting material for the book # Building Machine Learning Systems with Python # by Willi Richert and Luis Pedro Coelho # published by PACKT Publishing # # It is made available under the MIT License from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # We load the data with load_iris from sklearn from sklearn.datasets import load_iris # load_iris returns an object with several fields data = load_iris() features = feature_names = data.feature_names target = target_names = data.target_names fig,axes = plt.subplots(2, 3) pairs = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)] # Set up 3 different pairs of (color, marker) color_markers = [ ('r', '>'), ('g', 'o'), ('b', 'x'), ] for i, (p0, p1) in enumerate(pairs): ax = axes.flat[i] for t in range(3): # Use a different color/marker for each class `t` c,marker = color_markers[t] ax.scatter(features[target == t, p0], features[ target == t, p1], marker=marker, c=c) ax.set_xlabel(feature_names[p0]) ax.set_ylabel(feature_names[p1]) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig('figure1.png')
""" Example generation for the scikit learn Generate the rst files for the examples by iterating over the python example files. Files that generate images should start with 'plot' """ from __future__ import division, print_function from time import time import ast import os import re import shutil import traceback import glob import sys import gzip import posixpath import subprocess import warnings from sklearn.externals import six # Try Python 2 first, otherwise load from Python 3 try: from StringIO import StringIO import cPickle as pickle import urllib2 as urllib from urllib2 import HTTPError, URLError except ImportError: from io import StringIO import pickle import urllib.request import urllib.error import urllib.parse from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError try: # Python 2 built-in execfile except NameError: def execfile(filename, global_vars=None, local_vars=None): with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f: code = compile(, filename, 'exec') exec(code, global_vars, local_vars) try: basestring except NameError: basestring = str import token import tokenize import numpy as np try: # make sure that the Agg backend is set before importing any # matplotlib import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') except ImportError: # this script can be imported by nosetest to find tests to run: we should not # impose the matplotlib requirement in that case. pass from sklearn.externals import joblib ############################################################################### # A tee object to redict streams to multiple outputs class Tee(object): def __init__(self, file1, file2): self.file1 = file1 self.file2 = file2 def write(self, data): self.file1.write(data) self.file2.write(data) def flush(self): self.file1.flush() self.file2.flush() ############################################################################### # Documentation link resolver objects def _get_data(url): """Helper function to get data over http or from a local file""" if url.startswith('http://'): # Try Python 2, use Python 3 on exception try: resp = urllib.urlopen(url) encoding = resp.headers.dict.get('content-encoding', 'plain') except AttributeError: resp = urllib.request.urlopen(url) encoding = resp.headers.get('content-encoding', 'plain') data = if encoding == 'plain': pass elif encoding == 'gzip': data = StringIO(data) data = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=data).read() else: raise RuntimeError('unknown encoding') else: with open(url, 'r') as fid: data = fid.close() return data mem = joblib.Memory(cachedir='_build') get_data = mem.cache(_get_data) def parse_sphinx_searchindex(searchindex): """Parse a Sphinx search index Parameters ---------- searchindex : str The Sphinx search index (contents of searchindex.js) Returns ------- filenames : list of str The file names parsed from the search index. objects : dict The objects parsed from the search index. """ def _select_block(str_in, start_tag, end_tag): """Select first block delimited by start_tag and end_tag""" start_pos = str_in.find(start_tag) if start_pos < 0: raise ValueError('start_tag not found') depth = 0 for pos in range(start_pos, len(str_in)): if str_in[pos] == start_tag: depth += 1 elif str_in[pos] == end_tag: depth -= 1 if depth == 0: break sel = str_in[start_pos + 1:pos] return sel def _parse_dict_recursive(dict_str): """Parse a dictionary from the search index""" dict_out = dict() pos_last = 0 pos = dict_str.find(':') while pos >= 0: key = dict_str[pos_last:pos] if dict_str[pos + 1] == '[': # value is a list pos_tmp = dict_str.find(']', pos + 1) if pos_tmp < 0: raise RuntimeError('error when parsing dict') value = dict_str[pos + 2: pos_tmp].split(',') # try to convert elements to int for i in range(len(value)): try: value[i] = int(value[i]) except ValueError: pass elif dict_str[pos + 1] == '{': # value is another dictionary subdict_str = _select_block(dict_str[pos:], '{', '}') value = _parse_dict_recursive(subdict_str) pos_tmp = pos + len(subdict_str) else: raise ValueError('error when parsing dict: unknown elem') key = key.strip('"') if len(key) > 0: dict_out[key] = value pos_last = dict_str.find(',', pos_tmp) if pos_last < 0: break pos_last += 1 pos = dict_str.find(':', pos_last) return dict_out # Make sure searchindex uses UTF-8 encoding if hasattr(searchindex, 'decode'): searchindex = searchindex.decode('UTF-8') # parse objects query = 'objects:' pos = searchindex.find(query) if pos < 0: raise ValueError('"objects:" not found in search index') sel = _select_block(searchindex[pos:], '{', '}') objects = _parse_dict_recursive(sel) # parse filenames query = 'filenames:' pos = searchindex.find(query) if pos < 0: raise ValueError('"filenames:" not found in search index') filenames = searchindex[pos + len(query) + 1:] filenames = filenames[:filenames.find(']')] filenames = [f.strip('"') for f in filenames.split(',')] return filenames, objects class SphinxDocLinkResolver(object): """ Resolve documentation links using searchindex.js generated by Sphinx Parameters ---------- doc_url : str The base URL of the project website. searchindex : str Filename of searchindex, relative to doc_url. extra_modules_test : list of str List of extra module names to test. relative : bool Return relative links (only useful for links to documentation of this package). """ def __init__(self, doc_url, searchindex='searchindex.js', extra_modules_test=None, relative=False): self.doc_url = doc_url self.relative = relative self._link_cache = {} self.extra_modules_test = extra_modules_test self._page_cache = {} if doc_url.startswith('http://'): if relative: raise ValueError('Relative links are only supported for local ' 'URLs (doc_url cannot start with "http://)"') searchindex_url = doc_url + '/' + searchindex else: searchindex_url = os.path.join(doc_url, searchindex) # detect if we are using relative links on a Windows system if == 'nt' and not doc_url.startswith('http://'): if not relative: raise ValueError('You have to use relative=True for the local' ' package on a Windows system.') self._is_windows = True else: self._is_windows = False # download and initialize the search index sindex = get_data(searchindex_url) filenames, objects = parse_sphinx_searchindex(sindex) self._searchindex = dict(filenames=filenames, objects=objects) def _get_link(self, cobj): """Get a valid link, False if not found""" fname_idx = None full_name = cobj['module_short'] + '.' + cobj['name'] if full_name in self._searchindex['objects']: value = self._searchindex['objects'][full_name] if isinstance(value, dict): value = value[next(iter(value.keys()))] fname_idx = value[0] elif cobj['module_short'] in self._searchindex['objects']: value = self._searchindex['objects'][cobj['module_short']] if cobj['name'] in value.keys(): fname_idx = value[cobj['name']][0] if fname_idx is not None: fname = self._searchindex['filenames'][fname_idx] + '.html' if self._is_windows: fname = fname.replace('/', '\\') link = os.path.join(self.doc_url, fname) else: link = posixpath.join(self.doc_url, fname) if hasattr(link, 'decode'): link = link.decode('utf-8', 'replace') if link in self._page_cache: html = self._page_cache[link] else: html = get_data(link) self._page_cache[link] = html # test if cobj appears in page comb_names = [cobj['module_short'] + '.' + cobj['name']] if self.extra_modules_test is not None: for mod in self.extra_modules_test: comb_names.append(mod + '.' + cobj['name']) url = False if hasattr(html, 'decode'): # Decode bytes under Python 3 html = html.decode('utf-8', 'replace') for comb_name in comb_names: if hasattr(comb_name, 'decode'): # Decode bytes under Python 3 comb_name = comb_name.decode('utf-8', 'replace') if comb_name in html: url = link + u'#' + comb_name link = url else: link = False return link def resolve(self, cobj, this_url): """Resolve the link to the documentation, returns None if not found Parameters ---------- cobj : dict Dict with information about the "code object" for which we are resolving a link. cobi['name'] : function or class name (str) cobj['module_short'] : shortened module name (str) cobj['module'] : module name (str) this_url: str URL of the current page. Needed to construct relative URLs (only used if relative=True in constructor). Returns ------- link : str | None The link (URL) to the documentation. """ full_name = cobj['module_short'] + '.' + cobj['name'] link = self._link_cache.get(full_name, None) if link is None: # we don't have it cached link = self._get_link(cobj) # cache it for the future self._link_cache[full_name] = link if link is False or link is None: # failed to resolve return None if self.relative: link = os.path.relpath(link, start=this_url) if self._is_windows: # replace '\' with '/' so it on the web link = link.replace('\\', '/') # for some reason, the relative link goes one directory too high up link = link[3:] return link ############################################################################### rst_template = """ .. _example_%(short_fname)s: %(docstring)s **Python source code:** :download:`%(fname)s <%(fname)s>` .. literalinclude:: %(fname)s :lines: %(end_row)s- """ plot_rst_template = """ .. _example_%(short_fname)s: %(docstring)s %(image_list)s %(stdout)s **Python source code:** :download:`%(fname)s <%(fname)s>` .. literalinclude:: %(fname)s :lines: %(end_row)s- **Total running time of the example:** %(time_elapsed) .2f seconds (%(time_m) .0f minutes %(time_s) .2f seconds) """ # The following strings are used when we have several pictures: we use # an html div tag that our CSS uses to turn the lists into horizontal # lists. HLIST_HEADER = """ .. rst-class:: horizontal """ HLIST_IMAGE_TEMPLATE = """ * .. image:: images/%s :scale: 47 """ SINGLE_IMAGE = """ .. image:: images/%s :align: center """ # The following dictionary contains the information used to create the # thumbnails for the front page of the scikit-learn home page. # key: first image in set # values: (number of plot in set, height of thumbnail) carousel_thumbs = {'plot_classifier_comparison_001.png': (1, 600), 'plot_outlier_detection_001.png': (3, 372), 'plot_gpr_co2_001.png': (1, 350), 'plot_adaboost_twoclass_001.png': (1, 372), 'plot_compare_methods_001.png': (1, 349)} def extract_docstring(filename, ignore_heading=False): """ Extract a module-level docstring, if any """ if six.PY2: lines = open(filename).readlines() else: lines = open(filename, encoding='utf-8').readlines() start_row = 0 if lines[0].startswith('#!'): lines.pop(0) start_row = 1 docstring = '' first_par = '' line_iterator = iter(lines) tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(lambda: next(line_iterator)) for tok_type, tok_content, _, (erow, _), _ in tokens: tok_type = token.tok_name[tok_type] if tok_type in ('NEWLINE', 'COMMENT', 'NL', 'INDENT', 'DEDENT'): continue elif tok_type == 'STRING': docstring = eval(tok_content) # If the docstring is formatted with several paragraphs, extract # the first one: paragraphs = '\n'.join( line.rstrip() for line in docstring.split('\n')).split('\n\n') if paragraphs: if ignore_heading: if len(paragraphs) > 1: first_par = re.sub('\n', ' ', paragraphs[1]) first_par = ((first_par[:95] + '...') if len(first_par) > 95 else first_par) else: raise ValueError("Docstring not found by gallery.\n" "Please check the layout of your" " example file:\n {}\n and make sure" " it's correct".format(filename)) else: first_par = paragraphs[0] break return docstring, first_par, erow + 1 + start_row def generate_example_rst(app): """ Generate the list of examples, as well as the contents of examples. """ root_dir = os.path.join(app.builder.srcdir, 'auto_examples') example_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(app.builder.srcdir, '..', 'examples')) generated_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(app.builder.srcdir, 'modules', 'generated')) try: plot_gallery = eval(app.builder.config.plot_gallery) except TypeError: plot_gallery = bool(app.builder.config.plot_gallery) if not os.path.exists(example_dir): os.makedirs(example_dir) if not os.path.exists(root_dir): os.makedirs(root_dir) if not os.path.exists(generated_dir): os.makedirs(generated_dir) # we create an index.rst with all examples fhindex = open(os.path.join(root_dir, 'index.rst'), 'w') # Note: The sidebar button has been removed from the examples page for now # due to how it messes up the layout. Will be fixed at a later point fhindex.write("""\ .. raw:: html <style type="text/css"> div#sidebarbutton { /* hide the sidebar collapser, while ensuring vertical arrangement */ display: none; } </style> .. _examples-index: Examples ======== """) # Here we don't use an os.walk, but we recurse only twice: flat is # better than nested. seen_backrefs = set() generate_dir_rst('.', fhindex, example_dir, root_dir, plot_gallery, seen_backrefs) for directory in sorted(os.listdir(example_dir)): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(example_dir, directory)): generate_dir_rst(directory, fhindex, example_dir, root_dir, plot_gallery, seen_backrefs) fhindex.flush() def extract_line_count(filename, target_dir): # Extract the line count of a file example_file = os.path.join(target_dir, filename) if six.PY2: lines = open(example_file).readlines() else: lines = open(example_file, encoding='utf-8').readlines() start_row = 0 if lines and lines[0].startswith('#!'): lines.pop(0) start_row = 1 line_iterator = iter(lines) tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(lambda: next(line_iterator)) check_docstring = True erow_docstring = 0 for tok_type, _, _, (erow, _), _ in tokens: tok_type = token.tok_name[tok_type] if tok_type in ('NEWLINE', 'COMMENT', 'NL', 'INDENT', 'DEDENT'): continue elif (tok_type == 'STRING') and check_docstring: erow_docstring = erow check_docstring = False return erow_docstring+1+start_row, erow+1+start_row def line_count_sort(file_list, target_dir): # Sort the list of examples by line-count new_list = [x for x in file_list if x.endswith('.py')] unsorted = np.zeros(shape=(len(new_list), 2)) unsorted = unsorted.astype(np.object) for count, exmpl in enumerate(new_list): docstr_lines, total_lines = extract_line_count(exmpl, target_dir) unsorted[count][1] = total_lines - docstr_lines unsorted[count][0] = exmpl index = np.lexsort((unsorted[:, 0].astype(np.str), unsorted[:, 1].astype(np.float))) if not len(unsorted): return [] return np.array(unsorted[index][:, 0]).tolist() def _thumbnail_div(subdir, full_dir, fname, snippet, is_backref=False): """Generates RST to place a thumbnail in a gallery""" thumb = os.path.join(full_dir, 'images', 'thumb', fname[:-3] + '.png') link_name = os.path.join(full_dir, fname).replace(os.path.sep, '_') ref_name = os.path.join(subdir, fname).replace(os.path.sep, '_') if ref_name.startswith('._'): ref_name = ref_name[2:] out = [] out.append(""" .. raw:: html <div class="thumbnailContainer" tooltip="{}"> """.format(snippet)) out.append('.. only:: html\n\n') out.append(' .. figure:: %s\n' % thumb) if link_name.startswith('._'): link_name = link_name[2:] if full_dir != '.': out.append(' :target: ./%s/%s.html\n\n' % (full_dir, fname[:-3])) else: out.append(' :target: ./%s.html\n\n' % link_name[:-3]) out.append(""" :ref:`example_%s` .. raw:: html </div> """ % (ref_name)) if is_backref: out.append('.. only:: not html\n\n * :ref:`example_%s`' % ref_name) return ''.join(out) def generate_dir_rst(directory, fhindex, example_dir, root_dir, plot_gallery, seen_backrefs): """ Generate the rst file for an example directory. """ if not directory == '.': target_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, directory) src_dir = os.path.join(example_dir, directory) else: target_dir = root_dir src_dir = example_dir if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(src_dir, 'README.txt')): raise ValueError('Example directory %s does not have a README.txt' % src_dir) fhindex.write(""" %s """ % open(os.path.join(src_dir, 'README.txt')).read()) if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.makedirs(target_dir) sorted_listdir = line_count_sort(os.listdir(src_dir), src_dir) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(directory, 'images', 'thumb')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(directory, 'images', 'thumb')) for fname in sorted_listdir: if fname.endswith('py'): backrefs = generate_file_rst(fname, target_dir, src_dir, root_dir, plot_gallery) new_fname = os.path.join(src_dir, fname) _, snippet, _ = extract_docstring(new_fname, True) fhindex.write(_thumbnail_div(directory, directory, fname, snippet)) fhindex.write(""" .. toctree:: :hidden: %s/%s """ % (directory, fname[:-3])) for backref in backrefs: include_path = os.path.join(root_dir, '../modules/generated/%s.examples' % backref) seen = backref in seen_backrefs with open(include_path, 'a' if seen else 'w') as ex_file: if not seen: # heading print(file=ex_file) print('Examples using ``%s``' % backref, file=ex_file) print('-----------------%s--' % ('-' * len(backref)), file=ex_file) print(file=ex_file) rel_dir = os.path.join('../../auto_examples', directory) ex_file.write(_thumbnail_div(directory, rel_dir, fname, snippet, is_backref=True)) seen_backrefs.add(backref) fhindex.write(""" .. raw:: html <div class="clearer"></div> """) # clear at the end of the section # modules for which we embed links into example code DOCMODULES = ['sklearn', 'matplotlib', 'numpy', 'scipy'] def make_thumbnail(in_fname, out_fname, width, height): """Make a thumbnail with the same aspect ratio centered in an image with a given width and height """ # local import to avoid testing dependency on PIL: try: from PIL import Image except ImportError: import Image img = width_in, height_in = img.size scale_w = width / float(width_in) scale_h = height / float(height_in) if height_in * scale_w <= height: scale = scale_w else: scale = scale_h width_sc = int(round(scale * width_in)) height_sc = int(round(scale * height_in)) # resize the image img.thumbnail((width_sc, height_sc), Image.ANTIALIAS) # insert centered thumb ='RGB', (width, height), (255, 255, 255)) pos_insert = ((width - width_sc) // 2, (height - height_sc) // 2) thumb.paste(img, pos_insert) # Use optipng to perform lossless compression on the resized image if # software is installed if os.environ.get('SKLEARN_DOC_OPTIPNG', False): try:["optipng", "-quiet", "-o", "9", out_fname]) except Exception: warnings.warn('Install optipng to reduce the size of the generated images') def get_short_module_name(module_name, obj_name): """ Get the shortest possible module name """ parts = module_name.split('.') short_name = module_name for i in range(len(parts) - 1, 0, -1): short_name = '.'.join(parts[:i]) try: exec('from %s import %s' % (short_name, obj_name)) except ImportError: # get the last working module name short_name = '.'.join(parts[:(i + 1)]) break return short_name class NameFinder(ast.NodeVisitor): """Finds the longest form of variable names and their imports in code Only retains names from imported modules. """ def __init__(self): super(NameFinder, self).__init__() self.imported_names = {} self.accessed_names = set() def visit_Import(self, node, prefix=''): for alias in node.names: local_name = alias.asname or self.imported_names[local_name] = prefix + def visit_ImportFrom(self, node): self.visit_Import(node, node.module + '.') def visit_Name(self, node): self.accessed_names.add( def visit_Attribute(self, node): attrs = [] while isinstance(node, ast.Attribute): attrs.append(node.attr) node = node.value if isinstance(node, ast.Name): # This is a.b, not e.g. a().b attrs.append( self.accessed_names.add('.'.join(reversed(attrs))) else: # need to get a in a().b self.visit(node) def get_mapping(self): for name in self.accessed_names: local_name = name.split('.', 1)[0] remainder = name[len(local_name):] if local_name in self.imported_names: # Join import path to relative path full_name = self.imported_names[local_name] + remainder yield name, full_name def identify_names(code): """Builds a codeobj summary by identifying and resovles used names >>> code = ''' ... from a.b import c ... import d as e ... print(c) ... e.HelloWorld().f.g ... ''' >>> for name, o in sorted(identify_names(code).items()): ... print(name, o['name'], o['module'], o['module_short']) c c a.b a.b e.HelloWorld HelloWorld d d """ finder = NameFinder() finder.visit(ast.parse(code)) example_code_obj = {} for name, full_name in finder.get_mapping(): # name is as written in file (e.g. np.asarray) # full_name includes resolved import path (e.g. numpy.asarray) module, attribute = full_name.rsplit('.', 1) # get shortened module name module_short = get_short_module_name(module, attribute) cobj = {'name': attribute, 'module': module, 'module_short': module_short} example_code_obj[name] = cobj return example_code_obj def generate_file_rst(fname, target_dir, src_dir, root_dir, plot_gallery): """ Generate the rst file for a given example. Returns the set of sklearn functions/classes imported in the example. """ base_image_name = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] image_fname = '%s_%%03d.png' % base_image_name this_template = rst_template last_dir = os.path.split(src_dir)[-1] # to avoid leading . in file names, and wrong names in links if last_dir == '.' or last_dir == 'examples': last_dir = '' else: last_dir += '_' short_fname = last_dir + fname src_file = os.path.join(src_dir, fname) example_file = os.path.join(target_dir, fname) shutil.copyfile(src_file, example_file) # The following is a list containing all the figure names figure_list = [] image_dir = os.path.join(target_dir, 'images') thumb_dir = os.path.join(image_dir, 'thumb') if not os.path.exists(image_dir): os.makedirs(image_dir) if not os.path.exists(thumb_dir): os.makedirs(thumb_dir) image_path = os.path.join(image_dir, image_fname) stdout_path = os.path.join(image_dir, 'stdout_%s.txt' % base_image_name) time_path = os.path.join(image_dir, 'time_%s.txt' % base_image_name) thumb_file = os.path.join(thumb_dir, base_image_name + '.png') time_elapsed = 0 if plot_gallery and fname.startswith('plot'): # generate the plot as png image if file name # starts with plot and if it is more recent than an # existing image. first_image_file = image_path % 1 if os.path.exists(stdout_path): stdout = open(stdout_path).read() else: stdout = '' if os.path.exists(time_path): time_elapsed = float(open(time_path).read()) if not os.path.exists(first_image_file) or \ os.stat(first_image_file).st_mtime <= os.stat(src_file).st_mtime: # We need to execute the code print('plotting %s' % fname) t0 = time() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.close('all') cwd = os.getcwd() try: # First CD in the original example dir, so that any file # created by the example get created in this directory orig_stdout = sys.stdout os.chdir(os.path.dirname(src_file)) my_buffer = StringIO() my_stdout = Tee(sys.stdout, my_buffer) sys.stdout = my_stdout my_globals = {'pl': plt} execfile(os.path.basename(src_file), my_globals) time_elapsed = time() - t0 sys.stdout = orig_stdout my_stdout = my_buffer.getvalue() if '__doc__' in my_globals: # The __doc__ is often printed in the example, we # don't with to echo it my_stdout = my_stdout.replace( my_globals['__doc__'], '') my_stdout = my_stdout.strip().expandtabs() if my_stdout: stdout = '**Script output**::\n\n %s\n\n' % ( '\n '.join(my_stdout.split('\n'))) open(stdout_path, 'w').write(stdout) open(time_path, 'w').write('%f' % time_elapsed) os.chdir(cwd) # In order to save every figure we have two solutions : # * iterate from 1 to infinity and call plt.fignum_exists(n) # (this requires the figures to be numbered # incrementally: 1, 2, 3 and not 1, 2, 5) # * iterate over [fig_mngr.num for fig_mngr in # matplotlib._pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_all_fig_managers()] fig_managers = matplotlib._pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_all_fig_managers() for fig_mngr in fig_managers: # Set the fig_num figure as the current figure as we can't # save a figure that's not the current figure. fig = plt.figure(fig_mngr.num) kwargs = {} to_rgba = matplotlib.colors.colorConverter.to_rgba for attr in ['facecolor', 'edgecolor']: fig_attr = getattr(fig, 'get_' + attr)() default_attr = matplotlib.rcParams['figure.' + attr] if to_rgba(fig_attr) != to_rgba(default_attr): kwargs[attr] = fig_attr fig.savefig(image_path % fig_mngr.num, **kwargs) figure_list.append(image_fname % fig_mngr.num) except: print(80 * '_') print('%s is not compiling:' % fname) traceback.print_exc() print(80 * '_') finally: os.chdir(cwd) sys.stdout = orig_stdout print(" - time elapsed : %.2g sec" % time_elapsed) else: figure_list = [f[len(image_dir):] for f in glob.glob(image_path.replace("%03d", '[0-9][0-9][0-9]'))] figure_list.sort() # generate thumb file this_template = plot_rst_template car_thumb_path = os.path.join(os.path.split(root_dir)[0], '_build/html/stable/_images/') # Note: normaly, make_thumbnail is used to write to the path contained in `thumb_file` # which is within `auto_examples/../images/thumbs` depending on the example. # Because the carousel has different dimensions than those of the examples gallery, # I did not simply reuse them all as some contained whitespace due to their default gallery # thumbnail size. Below, for a few cases, seperate thumbnails are created (the originals can't # just be overwritten with the carousel dimensions as it messes up the examples gallery layout). # The special carousel thumbnails are written directly to _build/html/stable/_images/, # as for some reason unknown to me, Sphinx refuses to copy my 'extra' thumbnails from the # auto examples gallery to the _build folder. This works fine as is, but it would be cleaner to # have it happen with the rest. Ideally the should be written to 'thumb_file' as well, and then # copied to the _images folder during the `Copying Downloadable Files` step like the rest. if not os.path.exists(car_thumb_path): os.makedirs(car_thumb_path) if os.path.exists(first_image_file): # We generate extra special thumbnails for the carousel carousel_tfile = os.path.join(car_thumb_path, base_image_name + '_carousel.png') first_img = image_fname % 1 if first_img in carousel_thumbs: make_thumbnail((image_path % carousel_thumbs[first_img][0]), carousel_tfile, carousel_thumbs[first_img][1], 190) make_thumbnail(first_image_file, thumb_file, 400, 280) if not os.path.exists(thumb_file): # create something to replace the thumbnail make_thumbnail('images/no_image.png', thumb_file, 200, 140) docstring, short_desc, end_row = extract_docstring(example_file) # Depending on whether we have one or more figures, we're using a # horizontal list or a single rst call to 'image'. if len(figure_list) == 1: figure_name = figure_list[0] image_list = SINGLE_IMAGE % figure_name.lstrip('/') else: image_list = HLIST_HEADER for figure_name in figure_list: image_list += HLIST_IMAGE_TEMPLATE % figure_name.lstrip('/') time_m, time_s = divmod(time_elapsed, 60) f = open(os.path.join(target_dir, base_image_name + '.rst'), 'w') f.write(this_template % locals()) f.flush() # save variables so we can later add links to the documentation if six.PY2: example_code_obj = identify_names(open(example_file).read()) else: example_code_obj = \ identify_names(open(example_file, encoding='utf-8').read()) if example_code_obj: codeobj_fname = example_file[:-3] + '_codeobj.pickle' with open(codeobj_fname, 'wb') as fid: pickle.dump(example_code_obj, fid, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) backrefs = set('{module_short}.{name}'.format(**entry) for entry in example_code_obj.values() if entry['module'].startswith('sklearn')) return backrefs def embed_code_links(app, exception): """Embed hyperlinks to documentation into example code""" if exception is not None: return print('Embedding documentation hyperlinks in examples..') if == 'latex': # Don't embed hyperlinks when a latex builder is used. return # Add resolvers for the packages for which we want to show links doc_resolvers = {} doc_resolvers['sklearn'] = SphinxDocLinkResolver(app.builder.outdir, relative=True) resolver_urls = { 'matplotlib': '', 'numpy': '', 'scipy': '', } for this_module, url in resolver_urls.items(): try: doc_resolvers[this_module] = SphinxDocLinkResolver(url) except HTTPError as e: print("The following HTTP Error has occurred:\n") print(e.code) except URLError as e: print("\n...\n" "Warning: Embedding the documentation hyperlinks requires " "internet access.\nPlease check your network connection.\n" "Unable to continue embedding `{0}` links due to a URL " "Error:\n".format(this_module)) print(e.args) example_dir = os.path.join(app.builder.srcdir, 'auto_examples') html_example_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(app.builder.outdir, 'auto_examples')) # patterns for replacement link_pattern = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' orig_pattern = '<span class="n">%s</span>' period = '<span class="o">.</span>' for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(html_example_dir): for fname in filenames: print('\tprocessing: %s' % fname) full_fname = os.path.join(html_example_dir, dirpath, fname) subpath = dirpath[len(html_example_dir) + 1:] pickle_fname = os.path.join(example_dir, subpath, fname[:-5] + '_codeobj.pickle') if os.path.exists(pickle_fname): # we have a pickle file with the objects to embed links for with open(pickle_fname, 'rb') as fid: example_code_obj = pickle.load(fid) fid.close() str_repl = {} # generate replacement strings with the links for name, cobj in example_code_obj.items(): this_module = cobj['module'].split('.')[0] if this_module not in doc_resolvers: continue try: link = doc_resolvers[this_module].resolve(cobj, full_fname) except (HTTPError, URLError) as e: print("The following error has occurred:\n") print(repr(e)) continue if link is not None: parts = name.split('.') name_html = period.join(orig_pattern % part for part in parts) str_repl[name_html] = link_pattern % (link, name_html) # do the replacement in the html file # ensure greediness names = sorted(str_repl, key=len, reverse=True) expr = re.compile(r'(?<!\.)\b' + # don't follow . or word '|'.join(re.escape(name) for name in names)) def substitute_link(match): return str_repl[] if len(str_repl) > 0: with open(full_fname, 'rb') as fid: lines_in = fid.readlines() with open(full_fname, 'wb') as fid: for line in lines_in: line = line.decode('utf-8') line = expr.sub(substitute_link, line) fid.write(line.encode('utf-8')) print('[done]') def setup(app): app.connect('builder-inited', generate_example_rst) app.add_config_value('plot_gallery', True, 'html') # embed links after build is finished app.connect('build-finished', embed_code_links) # Sphinx hack: sphinx copies generated images to the build directory # each time the docs are made. If the desired image name already # exists, it appends a digit to prevent overwrites. The problem is, # the directory is never cleared. This means that each time you build # the docs, the number of images in the directory grows. # # This question has been asked on the sphinx development list, but there # was no response: # # The following is a hack that prevents this behavior by clearing the # image build directory each time the docs are built. If sphinx # changes their layout between versions, this will not work (though # it should probably not cause a crash). Tested successfully # on Sphinx 1.0.7 build_image_dir = '_build/html/_images' if os.path.exists(build_image_dir): filelist = os.listdir(build_image_dir) for filename in filelist: if filename.endswith('png'): os.remove(os.path.join(build_image_dir, filename)) def setup_module(): # HACK: Stop nosetests running setup() above pass
"""Filter design. """ from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import import warnings import math import numpy import numpy as np from numpy import (atleast_1d, poly, polyval, roots, real, asarray, resize, pi, absolute, logspace, r_, sqrt, tan, log10, arctan, arcsinh, sin, exp, cosh, arccosh, ceil, conjugate, zeros, sinh, append, concatenate, prod, ones, array, mintypecode) from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyval as npp_polyval from scipy import special, optimize from scipy.special import comb, factorial from scipy._lib._numpy_compat import polyvalfromroots __all__ = ['findfreqs', 'freqs', 'freqz', 'tf2zpk', 'zpk2tf', 'normalize', 'lp2lp', 'lp2hp', 'lp2bp', 'lp2bs', 'bilinear', 'iirdesign', 'iirfilter', 'butter', 'cheby1', 'cheby2', 'ellip', 'bessel', 'band_stop_obj', 'buttord', 'cheb1ord', 'cheb2ord', 'ellipord', 'buttap', 'cheb1ap', 'cheb2ap', 'ellipap', 'besselap', 'BadCoefficients', 'freqs_zpk', 'freqz_zpk', 'tf2sos', 'sos2tf', 'zpk2sos', 'sos2zpk', 'group_delay', 'sosfreqz', 'iirnotch', 'iirpeak'] class BadCoefficients(UserWarning): """Warning about badly conditioned filter coefficients""" pass abs = absolute def findfreqs(num, den, N, kind='ba'): """ Find array of frequencies for computing the response of an analog filter. Parameters ---------- num, den : array_like, 1-D The polynomial coefficients of the numerator and denominator of the transfer function of the filter or LTI system, where the coefficients are ordered from highest to lowest degree. Or, the roots of the transfer function numerator and denominator (i.e. zeroes and poles). N : int The length of the array to be computed. kind : str {'ba', 'zp'}, optional Specifies whether the numerator and denominator are specified by their polynomial coefficients ('ba'), or their roots ('zp'). Returns ------- w : (N,) ndarray A 1-D array of frequencies, logarithmically spaced. Examples -------- Find a set of nine frequencies that span the "interesting part" of the frequency response for the filter with the transfer function H(s) = s / (s^2 + 8s + 25) >>> from scipy import signal >>> signal.findfreqs([1, 0], [1, 8, 25], N=9) array([ 1.00000000e-02, 3.16227766e-02, 1.00000000e-01, 3.16227766e-01, 1.00000000e+00, 3.16227766e+00, 1.00000000e+01, 3.16227766e+01, 1.00000000e+02]) """ if kind == 'ba': ep = atleast_1d(roots(den)) + 0j tz = atleast_1d(roots(num)) + 0j elif kind == 'zp': ep = atleast_1d(den) + 0j tz = atleast_1d(num) + 0j else: raise ValueError("input must be one of {'ba', 'zp'}") if len(ep) == 0: ep = atleast_1d(-1000) + 0j ez = r_['-1', numpy.compress(ep.imag >= 0, ep, axis=-1), numpy.compress((abs(tz) < 1e5) & (tz.imag >= 0), tz, axis=-1)] integ = abs(ez) < 1e-10 hfreq = numpy.around(numpy.log10(numpy.max(3 * abs(ez.real + integ) + 1.5 * ez.imag)) + 0.5) lfreq = numpy.around(numpy.log10(0.1 * numpy.min(abs(real(ez + integ)) + 2 * ez.imag)) - 0.5) w = logspace(lfreq, hfreq, N) return w def freqs(b, a, worN=None, plot=None): """ Compute frequency response of analog filter. Given the M-order numerator `b` and N-order denominator `a` of an analog filter, compute its frequency response:: b[0]*(jw)**M + b[1]*(jw)**(M-1) + ... + b[M] H(w) = ---------------------------------------------- a[0]*(jw)**N + a[1]*(jw)**(N-1) + ... + a[N] Parameters ---------- b : array_like Numerator of a linear filter. a : array_like Denominator of a linear filter. worN : {None, int, array_like}, optional If None, then compute at 200 frequencies around the interesting parts of the response curve (determined by pole-zero locations). If a single integer, then compute at that many frequencies. Otherwise, compute the response at the angular frequencies (e.g. rad/s) given in `worN`. plot : callable, optional A callable that takes two arguments. If given, the return parameters `w` and `h` are passed to plot. Useful for plotting the frequency response inside `freqs`. Returns ------- w : ndarray The angular frequencies at which `h` was computed. h : ndarray The frequency response. See Also -------- freqz : Compute the frequency response of a digital filter. Notes ----- Using Matplotlib's "plot" function as the callable for `plot` produces unexpected results, this plots the real part of the complex transfer function, not the magnitude. Try ``lambda w, h: plot(w, abs(h))``. Examples -------- >>> from scipy.signal import freqs, iirfilter >>> b, a = iirfilter(4, [1, 10], 1, 60, analog=True, ftype='cheby1') >>> w, h = freqs(b, a, worN=np.logspace(-1, 2, 1000)) >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> plt.semilogx(w, 20 * np.log10(abs(h))) >>> plt.xlabel('Frequency') >>> plt.ylabel('Amplitude response [dB]') >>> plt.grid() >>> """ if worN is None: w = findfreqs(b, a, 200) elif isinstance(worN, int): N = worN w = findfreqs(b, a, N) else: w = worN w = atleast_1d(w) s = 1j * w h = polyval(b, s) / polyval(a, s) if plot is not None: plot(w, h) return w, h def freqs_zpk(z, p, k, worN=None): """ Compute frequency response of analog filter. Given the zeros `z`, poles `p`, and gain `k` of a filter, compute its frequency response:: (jw-z[0]) * (jw-z[1]) * ... * (jw-z[-1]) H(w) = k * ---------------------------------------- (jw-p[0]) * (jw-p[1]) * ... * (jw-p[-1]) Parameters ---------- z : array_like Zeroes of a linear filter p : array_like Poles of a linear filter k : scalar Gain of a linear filter worN : {None, int, array_like}, optional If None, then compute at 200 frequencies around the interesting parts of the response curve (determined by pole-zero locations). If a single integer, then compute at that many frequencies. Otherwise, compute the response at the angular frequencies (e.g. rad/s) given in `worN`. Returns ------- w : ndarray The angular frequencies at which `h` was computed. h : ndarray The frequency response. See Also -------- freqs : Compute the frequency response of an analog filter in TF form freqz : Compute the frequency response of a digital filter in TF form freqz_zpk : Compute the frequency response of a digital filter in ZPK form Notes ----- .. versionadded: 0.19.0 Examples -------- >>> from scipy.signal import freqs_zpk, iirfilter >>> z, p, k = iirfilter(4, [1, 10], 1, 60, analog=True, ftype='cheby1', ... output='zpk') >>> w, h = freqs_zpk(z, p, k, worN=np.logspace(-1, 2, 1000)) >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> plt.semilogx(w, 20 * np.log10(abs(h))) >>> plt.xlabel('Frequency') >>> plt.ylabel('Amplitude response [dB]') >>> plt.grid() >>> """ k = np.asarray(k) if k.size > 1: raise ValueError('k must be a single scalar gain') if worN is None: w = findfreqs(z, p, 200, kind='zp') elif isinstance(worN, int): N = worN w = findfreqs(z, p, N, kind='zp') else: w = worN w = atleast_1d(w) s = 1j * w num = polyvalfromroots(s, z) den = polyvalfromroots(s, p) h = k * num/den return w, h def freqz(b, a=1, worN=None, whole=False, plot=None): """ Compute the frequency response of a digital filter. Given the M-order numerator `b` and N-order denominator `a` of a digital filter, compute its frequency response:: jw -jw -jwM jw B(e ) b[0] + b[1]e + .... + b[M]e H(e ) = ---- = ----------------------------------- jw -jw -jwN A(e ) a[0] + a[1]e + .... + a[N]e Parameters ---------- b : array_like numerator of a linear filter a : array_like denominator of a linear filter worN : {None, int, array_like}, optional If None (default), then compute at 512 frequencies equally spaced around the unit circle. If a single integer, then compute at that many frequencies. If an array_like, compute the response at the frequencies given (in radians/sample). whole : bool, optional Normally, frequencies are computed from 0 to the Nyquist frequency, pi radians/sample (upper-half of unit-circle). If `whole` is True, compute frequencies from 0 to 2*pi radians/sample. plot : callable A callable that takes two arguments. If given, the return parameters `w` and `h` are passed to plot. Useful for plotting the frequency response inside `freqz`. Returns ------- w : ndarray The normalized frequencies at which `h` was computed, in radians/sample. h : ndarray The frequency response, as complex numbers. See Also -------- sosfreqz Notes ----- Using Matplotlib's "plot" function as the callable for `plot` produces unexpected results, this plots the real part of the complex transfer function, not the magnitude. Try ``lambda w, h: plot(w, abs(h))``. Examples -------- >>> from scipy import signal >>> b = signal.firwin(80, 0.5, window=('kaiser', 8)) >>> w, h = signal.freqz(b) >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> fig = plt.figure() >>> plt.title('Digital filter frequency response') >>> ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) >>> plt.plot(w, 20 * np.log10(abs(h)), 'b') >>> plt.ylabel('Amplitude [dB]', color='b') >>> plt.xlabel('Frequency [rad/sample]') >>> ax2 = ax1.twinx() >>> angles = np.unwrap(np.angle(h)) >>> plt.plot(w, angles, 'g') >>> plt.ylabel('Angle (radians)', color='g') >>> plt.grid() >>> plt.axis('tight') >>> """ b, a = map(atleast_1d, (b, a)) if whole: lastpoint = 2 * pi else: lastpoint = pi if worN is None: N = 512 w = numpy.linspace(0, lastpoint, N, endpoint=False) elif isinstance(worN, int): N = worN w = numpy.linspace(0, lastpoint, N, endpoint=False) else: w = worN w = atleast_1d(w) zm1 = exp(-1j * w) h = polyval(b[::-1], zm1) / polyval(a[::-1], zm1) if plot is not None: plot(w, h) return w, h def freqz_zpk(z, p, k, worN=None, whole=False): """ Compute the frequency response of a digital filter in ZPK form. Given the Zeros, Poles and Gain of a digital filter, compute its frequency response:: :math:`H(z)=k \prod_i (z - Z[i]) / \prod_j (z - P[j])` where :math:`k` is the `gain`, :math:`Z` are the `zeros` and :math:`P` are the `poles`. Parameters ---------- z : array_like Zeroes of a linear filter p : array_like Poles of a linear filter k : scalar Gain of a linear filter worN : {None, int, array_like}, optional If None (default), then compute at 512 frequencies equally spaced around the unit circle. If a single integer, then compute at that many frequencies. If an array_like, compute the response at the frequencies given (in radians/sample). whole : bool, optional Normally, frequencies are computed from 0 to the Nyquist frequency, pi radians/sample (upper-half of unit-circle). If `whole` is True, compute frequencies from 0 to 2*pi radians/sample. Returns ------- w : ndarray The normalized frequencies at which `h` was computed, in radians/sample. h : ndarray The frequency response. See Also -------- freqs : Compute the frequency response of an analog filter in TF form freqs_zpk : Compute the frequency response of an analog filter in ZPK form freqz : Compute the frequency response of a digital filter in TF form Notes ----- .. versionadded: 0.19.0 Examples -------- >>> from scipy import signal >>> z, p, k = signal.butter(4, 0.2, output='zpk') >>> w, h = signal.freqz_zpk(z, p, k) >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> fig = plt.figure() >>> plt.title('Digital filter frequency response') >>> ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) >>> plt.plot(w, 20 * np.log10(abs(h)), 'b') >>> plt.ylabel('Amplitude [dB]', color='b') >>> plt.xlabel('Frequency [rad/sample]') >>> ax2 = ax1.twinx() >>> angles = np.unwrap(np.angle(h)) >>> plt.plot(w, angles, 'g') >>> plt.ylabel('Angle (radians)', color='g') >>> plt.grid() >>> plt.axis('tight') >>> """ z, p = map(atleast_1d, (z, p)) if whole: lastpoint = 2 * pi else: lastpoint = pi if worN is None: N = 512 w = numpy.linspace(0, lastpoint, N, endpoint=False) elif isinstance(worN, int): N = worN w = numpy.linspace(0, lastpoint, N, endpoint=False) else: w = worN w = atleast_1d(w) zm1 = exp(1j * w) h = k * polyvalfromroots(zm1, z) / polyvalfromroots(zm1, p) return w, h def group_delay(system, w=None, whole=False): r"""Compute the group delay of a digital filter. The group delay measures by how many samples amplitude envelopes of various spectral components of a signal are delayed by a filter. It is formally defined as the derivative of continuous (unwrapped) phase:: d jw D(w) = - -- arg H(e) dw Parameters ---------- system : tuple of array_like (b, a) Numerator and denominator coefficients of a filter transfer function. w : {None, int, array-like}, optional If None (default), then compute at 512 frequencies equally spaced around the unit circle. If a single integer, then compute at that many frequencies. If array, compute the delay at the frequencies given (in radians/sample). whole : bool, optional Normally, frequencies are computed from 0 to the Nyquist frequency, pi radians/sample (upper-half of unit-circle). If `whole` is True, compute frequencies from 0 to ``2*pi`` radians/sample. Returns ------- w : ndarray The normalized frequencies at which the group delay was computed, in radians/sample. gd : ndarray The group delay. Notes ----- The similar function in MATLAB is called `grpdelay`. If the transfer function :math:`H(z)` has zeros or poles on the unit circle, the group delay at corresponding frequencies is undefined. When such a case arises the warning is raised and the group delay is set to 0 at those frequencies. For the details of numerical computation of the group delay refer to [1]_. .. versionadded: 0.16.0 See Also -------- freqz : Frequency response of a digital filter References ---------- .. [1] Richard G. Lyons, "Understanding Digital Signal Processing, 3rd edition", p. 830. Examples -------- >>> from scipy import signal >>> b, a = signal.iirdesign(0.1, 0.3, 5, 50, ftype='cheby1') >>> w, gd = signal.group_delay((b, a)) >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> plt.title('Digital filter group delay') >>> plt.plot(w, gd) >>> plt.ylabel('Group delay [samples]') >>> plt.xlabel('Frequency [rad/sample]') >>> """ if w is None: w = 512 if isinstance(w, int): if whole: w = np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, w, endpoint=False) else: w = np.linspace(0, pi, w, endpoint=False) w = np.atleast_1d(w) b, a = map(np.atleast_1d, system) c = np.convolve(b, a[::-1]) cr = c * np.arange(c.size) z = np.exp(-1j * w) num = np.polyval(cr[::-1], z) den = np.polyval(c[::-1], z) singular = np.absolute(den) < 10 * EPSILON if np.any(singular): warnings.warn( "The group delay is singular at frequencies [{0}], setting to 0". format(", ".join("{0:.3f}".format(ws) for ws in w[singular])) ) gd = np.zeros_like(w) gd[~singular] = np.real(num[~singular] / den[~singular]) - a.size + 1 return w, gd def _validate_sos(sos): """Helper to validate a SOS input""" sos = np.atleast_2d(sos) if sos.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('sos array must be 2D') n_sections, m = sos.shape if m != 6: raise ValueError('sos array must be shape (n_sections, 6)') if not (sos[:, 3] == 1).all(): raise ValueError('sos[:, 3] should be all ones') return sos, n_sections def sosfreqz(sos, worN=None, whole=False): """ Compute the frequency response of a digital filter in SOS format. Given `sos`, an array with shape (n, 6) of second order sections of a digital filter, compute the frequency response of the system function:: B0(z) B1(z) B{n-1}(z) H(z) = ----- * ----- * ... * --------- A0(z) A1(z) A{n-1}(z) for z = exp(omega*1j), where B{k}(z) and A{k}(z) are numerator and denominator of the transfer function of the k-th second order section. Parameters ---------- sos : array_like Array of second-order filter coefficients, must have shape ``(n_sections, 6)``. Each row corresponds to a second-order section, with the first three columns providing the numerator coefficients and the last three providing the denominator coefficients. worN : {None, int, array_like}, optional If None (default), then compute at 512 frequencies equally spaced around the unit circle. If a single integer, then compute at that many frequencies. If an array_like, compute the response at the frequencies given (in radians/sample). whole : bool, optional Normally, frequencies are computed from 0 to the Nyquist frequency, pi radians/sample (upper-half of unit-circle). If `whole` is True, compute frequencies from 0 to 2*pi radians/sample. Returns ------- w : ndarray The normalized frequencies at which `h` was computed, in radians/sample. h : ndarray The frequency response, as complex numbers. See Also -------- freqz, sosfilt Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.19.0 Examples -------- Design a 15th-order bandpass filter in SOS format. >>> from scipy import signal >>> sos = signal.ellip(15, 0.5, 60, (0.2, 0.4), btype='bandpass', ... output='sos') Compute the frequency response at 1500 points from DC to Nyquist. >>> w, h = signal.sosfreqz(sos, worN=1500) Plot the response. >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) >>> db = 20*np.log10(np.abs(h)) >>> plt.plot(w/np.pi, db) >>> plt.ylim(-75, 5) >>> plt.grid(True) >>> plt.yticks([0, -20, -40, -60]) >>> plt.ylabel('Gain [dB]') >>> plt.title('Frequency Response') >>> plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) >>> plt.plot(w/np.pi, np.angle(h)) >>> plt.grid(True) >>> plt.yticks([-np.pi, -0.5*np.pi, 0, 0.5*np.pi, np.pi], ... [r'$-\\pi$', r'$-\\pi/2$', '0', r'$\\pi/2$', r'$\\pi$']) >>> plt.ylabel('Phase [rad]') >>> plt.xlabel('Normalized frequency (1.0 = Nyquist)') >>> If the same filter is implemented as a single transfer function, numerical error corrupts the frequency response: >>> b, a = signal.ellip(15, 0.5, 60, (0.2, 0.4), btype='bandpass', ... output='ba') >>> w, h = signal.freqz(b, a, worN=1500) >>> plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) >>> db = 20*np.log10(np.abs(h)) >>> plt.plot(w/np.pi, db) >>> plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) >>> plt.plot(w/np.pi, np.angle(h)) >>> """ sos, n_sections = _validate_sos(sos) if n_sections == 0: raise ValueError('Cannot compute frequencies with no sections') h = 1. for row in sos: w, rowh = freqz(row[:3], row[3:], worN=worN, whole=whole) h *= rowh return w, h def _cplxreal(z, tol=None): """ Split into complex and real parts, combining conjugate pairs. The 1D input vector `z` is split up into its complex (`zc`) and real (`zr`) elements. Every complex element must be part of a complex-conjugate pair, which are combined into a single number (with positive imaginary part) in the output. Two complex numbers are considered a conjugate pair if their real and imaginary parts differ in magnitude by less than ``tol * abs(z)``. Parameters ---------- z : array_like Vector of complex numbers to be sorted and split tol : float, optional Relative tolerance for testing realness and conjugate equality. Default is ``100 * spacing(1)`` of `z`'s data type (i.e. 2e-14 for float64) Returns ------- zc : ndarray Complex elements of `z`, with each pair represented by a single value having positive imaginary part, sorted first by real part, and then by magnitude of imaginary part. The pairs are averaged when combined to reduce error. zr : ndarray Real elements of `z` (those having imaginary part less than `tol` times their magnitude), sorted by value. Raises ------ ValueError If there are any complex numbers in `z` for which a conjugate cannot be found. See Also -------- _cplxpair Examples -------- >>> a = [4, 3, 1, 2-2j, 2+2j, 2-1j, 2+1j, 2-1j, 2+1j, 1+1j, 1-1j] >>> zc, zr = _cplxreal(a) >>> print zc [ 1.+1.j 2.+1.j 2.+1.j 2.+2.j] >>> print zr [ 1. 3. 4.] """ z = atleast_1d(z) if z.size == 0: return z, z elif z.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('_cplxreal only accepts 1D input') if tol is None: # Get tolerance from dtype of input tol = 100 * np.finfo((1.0 * z).dtype).eps # Sort by real part, magnitude of imaginary part (speed up further sorting) z = z[np.lexsort((abs(z.imag), z.real))] # Split reals from conjugate pairs real_indices = abs(z.imag) <= tol * abs(z) zr = z[real_indices].real if len(zr) == len(z): # Input is entirely real return array([]), zr # Split positive and negative halves of conjugates z = z[~real_indices] zp = z[z.imag > 0] zn = z[z.imag < 0] if len(zp) != len(zn): raise ValueError('Array contains complex value with no matching ' 'conjugate.') # Find runs of (approximately) the same real part same_real = np.diff(zp.real) <= tol * abs(zp[:-1]) diffs = numpy.diff(concatenate(([0], same_real, [0]))) run_starts = numpy.where(diffs > 0)[0] run_stops = numpy.where(diffs < 0)[0] # Sort each run by their imaginary parts for i in range(len(run_starts)): start = run_starts[i] stop = run_stops[i] + 1 for chunk in (zp[start:stop], zn[start:stop]): chunk[...] = chunk[np.lexsort([abs(chunk.imag)])] # Check that negatives match positives if any(abs(zp - zn.conj()) > tol * abs(zn)): raise ValueError('Array contains complex value with no matching ' 'conjugate.') # Average out numerical inaccuracy in real vs imag parts of pairs zc = (zp + zn.conj()) / 2 return zc, zr def _cplxpair(z, tol=None): """ Sort into pairs of complex conjugates. Complex conjugates in `z` are sorted by increasing real part. In each pair, the number with negative imaginary part appears first. If pairs have identical real parts, they are sorted by increasing imaginary magnitude. Two complex numbers are considered a conjugate pair if their real and imaginary parts differ in magnitude by less than ``tol * abs(z)``. The pairs are forced to be exact complex conjugates by averaging the positive and negative values. Purely real numbers are also sorted, but placed after the complex conjugate pairs. A number is considered real if its imaginary part is smaller than `tol` times the magnitude of the number. Parameters ---------- z : array_like 1-dimensional input array to be sorted. tol : float, optional Relative tolerance for testing realness and conjugate equality. Default is ``100 * spacing(1)`` of `z`'s data type (i.e. 2e-14 for float64) Returns ------- y : ndarray Complex conjugate pairs followed by real numbers. Raises ------ ValueError If there are any complex numbers in `z` for which a conjugate cannot be found. See Also -------- _cplxreal Examples -------- >>> a = [4, 3, 1, 2-2j, 2+2j, 2-1j, 2+1j, 2-1j, 2+1j, 1+1j, 1-1j] >>> z = _cplxpair(a) >>> print(z) [ 1.-1.j 1.+1.j 2.-1.j 2.+1.j 2.-1.j 2.+1.j 2.-2.j 2.+2.j 1.+0.j 3.+0.j 4.+0.j] """ z = atleast_1d(z) if z.size == 0 or np.isrealobj(z): return np.sort(z) if z.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('z must be 1-dimensional') zc, zr = _cplxreal(z, tol) # Interleave complex values and their conjugates, with negative imaginary # parts first in each pair zc = np.dstack((zc.conj(), zc)).flatten() z = np.append(zc, zr) return z def tf2zpk(b, a): r"""Return zero, pole, gain (z, p, k) representation from a numerator, denominator representation of a linear filter. Parameters ---------- b : array_like Numerator polynomial coefficients. a : array_like Denominator polynomial coefficients. Returns ------- z : ndarray Zeros of the transfer function. p : ndarray Poles of the transfer function. k : float System gain. Notes ----- If some values of `b` are too close to 0, they are removed. In that case, a BadCoefficients warning is emitted. The `b` and `a` arrays are interpreted as coefficients for positive, descending powers of the transfer function variable. So the inputs :math:`b = [b_0, b_1, ..., b_M]` and :math:`a =[a_0, a_1, ..., a_N]` can represent an analog filter of the form: .. math:: H(s) = \frac {b_0 s^M + b_1 s^{(M-1)} + \cdots + b_M} {a_0 s^N + a_1 s^{(N-1)} + \cdots + a_N} or a discrete-time filter of the form: .. math:: H(z) = \frac {b_0 z^M + b_1 z^{(M-1)} + \cdots + b_M} {a_0 z^N + a_1 z^{(N-1)} + \cdots + a_N} This "positive powers" form is found more commonly in controls engineering. If `M` and `N` are equal (which is true for all filters generated by the bilinear transform), then this happens to be equivalent to the "negative powers" discrete-time form preferred in DSP: .. math:: H(z) = \frac {b_0 + b_1 z^{-1} + \cdots + b_M z^{-M}} {a_0 + a_1 z^{-1} + \cdots + a_N z^{-N}} Although this is true for common filters, remember that this is not true in the general case. If `M` and `N` are not equal, the discrete-time transfer function coefficients must first be converted to the "positive powers" form before finding the poles and zeros. """ b, a = normalize(b, a) b = (b + 0.0) / a[0] a = (a + 0.0) / a[0] k = b[0] b /= b[0] z = roots(b) p = roots(a) return z, p, k def zpk2tf(z, p, k): """ Return polynomial transfer function representation from zeros and poles Parameters ---------- z : array_like Zeros of the transfer function. p : array_like Poles of the transfer function. k : float System gain. Returns ------- b : ndarray Numerator polynomial coefficients. a : ndarray Denominator polynomial coefficients. """ z = atleast_1d(z) k = atleast_1d(k) if len(z.shape) > 1: temp = poly(z[0]) b = zeros((z.shape[0], z.shape[1] + 1), temp.dtype.char) if len(k) == 1: k = [k[0]] * z.shape[0] for i in range(z.shape[0]): b[i] = k[i] * poly(z[i]) else: b = k * poly(z) a = atleast_1d(poly(p)) # Use real output if possible. Copied from numpy.poly, since # we can't depend on a specific version of numpy. if issubclass(b.dtype.type, numpy.complexfloating): # if complex roots are all complex conjugates, the roots are real. roots = numpy.asarray(z, complex) pos_roots = numpy.compress(roots.imag > 0, roots) neg_roots = numpy.conjugate(numpy.compress(roots.imag < 0, roots)) if len(pos_roots) == len(neg_roots): if numpy.all(numpy.sort_complex(neg_roots) == numpy.sort_complex(pos_roots)): b = b.real.copy() if issubclass(a.dtype.type, numpy.complexfloating): # if complex roots are all complex conjugates, the roots are real. roots = numpy.asarray(p, complex) pos_roots = numpy.compress(roots.imag > 0, roots) neg_roots = numpy.conjugate(numpy.compress(roots.imag < 0, roots)) if len(pos_roots) == len(neg_roots): if numpy.all(numpy.sort_complex(neg_roots) == numpy.sort_complex(pos_roots)): a = a.real.copy() return b, a def tf2sos(b, a, pairing='nearest'): """ Return second-order sections from transfer function representation Parameters ---------- b : array_like Numerator polynomial coefficients. a : array_like Denominator polynomial coefficients. pairing : {'nearest', 'keep_odd'}, optional The method to use to combine pairs of poles and zeros into sections. See `zpk2sos`. Returns ------- sos : ndarray Array of second-order filter coefficients, with shape ``(n_sections, 6)``. See `sosfilt` for the SOS filter format specification. See Also -------- zpk2sos, sosfilt Notes ----- It is generally discouraged to convert from TF to SOS format, since doing so usually will not improve numerical precision errors. Instead, consider designing filters in ZPK format and converting directly to SOS. TF is converted to SOS by first converting to ZPK format, then converting ZPK to SOS. .. versionadded:: 0.16.0 """ return zpk2sos(*tf2zpk(b, a), pairing=pairing) def sos2tf(sos): """ Return a single transfer function from a series of second-order sections Parameters ---------- sos : array_like Array of second-order filter coefficients, must have shape ``(n_sections, 6)``. See `sosfilt` for the SOS filter format specification. Returns ------- b : ndarray Numerator polynomial coefficients. a : ndarray Denominator polynomial coefficients. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.16.0 """ sos = np.asarray(sos) b = [1.] a = [1.] n_sections = sos.shape[0] for section in range(n_sections): b = np.polymul(b, sos[section, :3]) a = np.polymul(a, sos[section, 3:]) return b, a def sos2zpk(sos): """ Return zeros, poles, and gain of a series of second-order sections Parameters ---------- sos : array_like Array of second-order filter coefficients, must have shape ``(n_sections, 6)``. See `sosfilt` for the SOS filter format specification. Returns ------- z : ndarray Zeros of the transfer function. p : ndarray Poles of the transfer function. k : float System gain. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.16.0 """ sos = np.asarray(sos) n_sections = sos.shape[0] z = np.empty(n_sections*2, np.complex128) p = np.empty(n_sections*2, np.complex128) k = 1. for section in range(n_sections): zpk = tf2zpk(sos[section, :3], sos[section, 3:]) z[2*section:2*(section+1)] = zpk[0] p[2*section:2*(section+1)] = zpk[1] k *= zpk[2] return z, p, k def _nearest_real_complex_idx(fro, to, which): """Get the next closest real or complex element based on distance""" assert which in ('real', 'complex') order = np.argsort(np.abs(fro - to)) mask = np.isreal(fro[order]) if which == 'complex': mask = ~mask return order[np.where(mask)[0][0]] def zpk2sos(z, p, k, pairing='nearest'): """ Return second-order sections from zeros, poles, and gain of a system Parameters ---------- z : array_like Zeros of the transfer function. p : array_like Poles of the transfer function. k : float System gain. pairing : {'nearest', 'keep_odd'}, optional The method to use to combine pairs of poles and zeros into sections. See Notes below. Returns ------- sos : ndarray Array of second-order filter coefficients, with shape ``(n_sections, 6)``. See `sosfilt` for the SOS filter format specification. See Also -------- sosfilt Notes ----- The algorithm used to convert ZPK to SOS format is designed to minimize errors due to numerical precision issues. The pairing algorithm attempts to minimize the peak gain of each biquadratic section. This is done by pairing poles with the nearest zeros, starting with the poles closest to the unit circle. *Algorithms* The current algorithms are designed specifically for use with digital filters. (The output coefficents are not correct for analog filters.) The steps in the ``pairing='nearest'`` and ``pairing='keep_odd'`` algorithms are mostly shared. The ``nearest`` algorithm attempts to minimize the peak gain, while ``'keep_odd'`` minimizes peak gain under the constraint that odd-order systems should retain one section as first order. The algorithm steps and are as follows: As a pre-processing step, add poles or zeros to the origin as necessary to obtain the same number of poles and zeros for pairing. If ``pairing == 'nearest'`` and there are an odd number of poles, add an additional pole and a zero at the origin. The following steps are then iterated over until no more poles or zeros remain: 1. Take the (next remaining) pole (complex or real) closest to the unit circle to begin a new filter section. 2. If the pole is real and there are no other remaining real poles [#]_, add the closest real zero to the section and leave it as a first order section. Note that after this step we are guaranteed to be left with an even number of real poles, complex poles, real zeros, and complex zeros for subsequent pairing iterations. 3. Else: 1. If the pole is complex and the zero is the only remaining real zero*, then pair the pole with the *next* closest zero (guaranteed to be complex). This is necessary to ensure that there will be a real zero remaining to eventually create a first-order section (thus keeping the odd order). 2. Else pair the pole with the closest remaining zero (complex or real). 3. Proceed to complete the second-order section by adding another pole and zero to the current pole and zero in the section: 1. If the current pole and zero are both complex, add their conjugates. 2. Else if the pole is complex and the zero is real, add the conjugate pole and the next closest real zero. 3. Else if the pole is real and the zero is complex, add the conjugate zero and the real pole closest to those zeros. 4. Else (we must have a real pole and real zero) add the next real pole closest to the unit circle, and then add the real zero closest to that pole. .. [#] This conditional can only be met for specific odd-order inputs with the ``pairing == 'keep_odd'`` method. .. versionadded:: 0.16.0 Examples -------- Design a 6th order low-pass elliptic digital filter for a system with a sampling rate of 8000 Hz that has a pass-band corner frequency of 1000 Hz. The ripple in the pass-band should not exceed 0.087 dB, and the attenuation in the stop-band should be at least 90 dB. In the following call to `signal.ellip`, we could use ``output='sos'``, but for this example, we'll use ``output='zpk'``, and then convert to SOS format with `zpk2sos`: >>> from scipy import signal >>> z, p, k = signal.ellip(6, 0.087, 90, 1000/(0.5*8000), output='zpk') Now convert to SOS format. >>> sos = signal.zpk2sos(z, p, k) The coefficients of the numerators of the sections: >>> sos[:, :3] array([[ 0.0014154 , 0.00248707, 0.0014154 ], [ 1. , 0.72965193, 1. ], [ 1. , 0.17594966, 1. ]]) The symmetry in the coefficients occurs because all the zeros are on the unit circle. The coefficients of the denominators of the sections: >>> sos[:, 3:] array([[ 1. , -1.32543251, 0.46989499], [ 1. , -1.26117915, 0.6262586 ], [ 1. , -1.25707217, 0.86199667]]) The next example shows the effect of the `pairing` option. We have a system with three poles and three zeros, so the SOS array will have shape (2, 6). The means there is, in effect, an extra pole and an extra zero at the origin in the SOS representation. >>> z1 = np.array([-1, -0.5-0.5j, -0.5+0.5j]) >>> p1 = np.array([0.75, 0.8+0.1j, 0.8-0.1j]) With ``pairing='nearest'`` (the default), we obtain >>> signal.zpk2sos(z1, p1, 1) array([[ 1. , 1. , 0.5 , 1. , -0.75, 0. ], [ 1. , 1. , 0. , 1. , -1.6 , 0.65]]) The first section has the zeros {-0.5-0.05j, -0.5+0.5j} and the poles {0, 0.75}, and the second section has the zeros {-1, 0} and poles {0.8+0.1j, 0.8-0.1j}. Note that the extra pole and zero at the origin have been assigned to different sections. With ``pairing='keep_odd'``, we obtain: >>> signal.zpk2sos(z1, p1, 1, pairing='keep_odd') array([[ 1. , 1. , 0. , 1. , -0.75, 0. ], [ 1. , 1. , 0.5 , 1. , -1.6 , 0.65]]) The extra pole and zero at the origin are in the same section. The first section is, in effect, a first-order section. """ # TODO in the near future: # 1. Add SOS capability to `filtfilt`, `freqz`, etc. somehow (#3259). # 2. Make `decimate` use `sosfilt` instead of `lfilter`. # 3. Make sosfilt automatically simplify sections to first order # when possible. Note this might make `sosfiltfilt` a bit harder (ICs). # 4. Further optimizations of the section ordering / pole-zero pairing. # See the wiki for other potential issues. valid_pairings = ['nearest', 'keep_odd'] if pairing not in valid_pairings: raise ValueError('pairing must be one of %s, not %s' % (valid_pairings, pairing)) if len(z) == len(p) == 0: return array([[k, 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.]]) # ensure we have the same number of poles and zeros, and make copies p = np.concatenate((p, np.zeros(max(len(z) - len(p), 0)))) z = np.concatenate((z, np.zeros(max(len(p) - len(z), 0)))) n_sections = (max(len(p), len(z)) + 1) // 2 sos = zeros((n_sections, 6)) if len(p) % 2 == 1 and pairing == 'nearest': p = np.concatenate((p, [0.])) z = np.concatenate((z, [0.])) assert len(p) == len(z) # Ensure we have complex conjugate pairs # (note that _cplxreal only gives us one element of each complex pair): z = np.concatenate(_cplxreal(z)) p = np.concatenate(_cplxreal(p)) p_sos = np.zeros((n_sections, 2), np.complex128) z_sos = np.zeros_like(p_sos) for si in range(n_sections): # Select the next "worst" pole p1_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(1 - np.abs(p))) p1 = p[p1_idx] p = np.delete(p, p1_idx) # Pair that pole with a zero if np.isreal(p1) and np.isreal(p).sum() == 0: # Special case to set a first-order section z1_idx = _nearest_real_complex_idx(z, p1, 'real') z1 = z[z1_idx] z = np.delete(z, z1_idx) p2 = z2 = 0 else: if not np.isreal(p1) and np.isreal(z).sum() == 1: # Special case to ensure we choose a complex zero to pair # with so later (setting up a first-order section) z1_idx = _nearest_real_complex_idx(z, p1, 'complex') assert not np.isreal(z[z1_idx]) else: # Pair the pole with the closest zero (real or complex) z1_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(p1 - z)) z1 = z[z1_idx] z = np.delete(z, z1_idx) # Now that we have p1 and z1, figure out what p2 and z2 need to be if not np.isreal(p1): if not np.isreal(z1): # complex pole, complex zero p2 = p1.conj() z2 = z1.conj() else: # complex pole, real zero p2 = p1.conj() z2_idx = _nearest_real_complex_idx(z, p1, 'real') z2 = z[z2_idx] assert np.isreal(z2) z = np.delete(z, z2_idx) else: if not np.isreal(z1): # real pole, complex zero z2 = z1.conj() p2_idx = _nearest_real_complex_idx(p, z1, 'real') p2 = p[p2_idx] assert np.isreal(p2) else: # real pole, real zero # pick the next "worst" pole to use idx = np.where(np.isreal(p))[0] assert len(idx) > 0 p2_idx = idx[np.argmin(np.abs(np.abs(p[idx]) - 1))] p2 = p[p2_idx] # find a real zero to match the added pole assert np.isreal(p2) z2_idx = _nearest_real_complex_idx(z, p2, 'real') z2 = z[z2_idx] assert np.isreal(z2) z = np.delete(z, z2_idx) p = np.delete(p, p2_idx) p_sos[si] = [p1, p2] z_sos[si] = [z1, z2] assert len(p) == len(z) == 0 # we've consumed all poles and zeros del p, z # Construct the system, reversing order so the "worst" are last p_sos = np.reshape(p_sos[::-1], (n_sections, 2)) z_sos = np.reshape(z_sos[::-1], (n_sections, 2)) gains = np.ones(n_sections) gains[0] = k for si in range(n_sections): x = zpk2tf(z_sos[si], p_sos[si], gains[si]) sos[si] = np.concatenate(x) return sos def _align_nums(nums): """Aligns the shapes of multiple numerators. Given an array of numerator coefficient arrays [[a_1, a_2,..., a_n],..., [b_1, b_2,..., b_m]], this function pads shorter numerator arrays with zero's so that all numerators have the same length. Such alignment is necessary for functions like 'tf2ss', which needs the alignment when dealing with SIMO transfer functions. Parameters ---------- nums: array_like Numerator or list of numerators. Not necessarily with same length. Returns ------- nums: array The numerator. If `nums` input was a list of numerators then a 2d array with padded zeros for shorter numerators is returned. Otherwise returns ``np.asarray(nums)``. """ try: # The statement can throw a ValueError if one # of the numerators is a single digit and another # is array-like e.g. if nums = [5, [1, 2, 3]] nums = asarray(nums) if not np.issubdtype(nums.dtype, np.number): raise ValueError("dtype of numerator is non-numeric") return nums except ValueError: nums = [np.atleast_1d(num) for num in nums] max_width = max(num.size for num in nums) # pre-allocate aligned_nums = np.zeros((len(nums), max_width)) # Create numerators with padded zeros for index, num in enumerate(nums): aligned_nums[index, -num.size:] = num return aligned_nums def normalize(b, a): """Normalize numerator/denominator of a continuous-time transfer function. If values of `b` are too close to 0, they are removed. In that case, a BadCoefficients warning is emitted. Parameters ---------- b: array_like Numerator of the transfer function. Can be a 2d array to normalize multiple transfer functions. a: array_like Denominator of the transfer function. At most 1d. Returns ------- num: array The numerator of the normalized transfer function. At least a 1d array. A 2d-array if the input `num` is a 2d array. den: 1d-array The denominator of the normalized transfer function. Notes ----- Coefficients for both the numerator and denominator should be specified in descending exponent order (e.g., ``s^2 + 3s + 5`` would be represented as ``[1, 3, 5]``). """ num, den = b, a den = np.atleast_1d(den) num = np.atleast_2d(_align_nums(num)) if den.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("Denominator polynomial must be rank-1 array.") if num.ndim > 2: raise ValueError("Numerator polynomial must be rank-1 or" " rank-2 array.") if np.all(den == 0): raise ValueError("Denominator must have at least on nonzero element.") # Trim leading zeros in denominator, leave at least one. den = np.trim_zeros(den, 'f') # Normalize transfer function num, den = num / den[0], den / den[0] # Count numerator columns that are all zero leading_zeros = 0 for col in num.T: if np.allclose(col, 0, atol=1e-14): leading_zeros += 1 else: break # Trim leading zeros of numerator if leading_zeros > 0: warnings.warn("Badly conditioned filter coefficients (numerator): the " "results may be meaningless", BadCoefficients) # Make sure at least one column remains if leading_zeros == num.shape[1]: leading_zeros -= 1 num = num[:, leading_zeros:] # Squeeze first dimension if singular if num.shape[0] == 1: num = num[0, :] return num, den def lp2lp(b, a, wo=1.0): """ Transform a lowpass filter prototype to a different frequency. Return an analog low-pass filter with cutoff frequency `wo` from an analog low-pass filter prototype with unity cutoff frequency, in transfer function ('ba') representation. """ a, b = map(atleast_1d, (a, b)) try: wo = float(wo) except TypeError: wo = float(wo[0]) d = len(a) n = len(b) M = max((d, n)) pwo = pow(wo, numpy.arange(M - 1, -1, -1)) start1 = max((n - d, 0)) start2 = max((d - n, 0)) b = b * pwo[start1] / pwo[start2:] a = a * pwo[start1] / pwo[start1:] return normalize(b, a) def lp2hp(b, a, wo=1.0): """ Transform a lowpass filter prototype to a highpass filter. Return an analog high-pass filter with cutoff frequency `wo` from an analog low-pass filter prototype with unity cutoff frequency, in transfer function ('ba') representation. """ a, b = map(atleast_1d, (a, b)) try: wo = float(wo) except TypeError: wo = float(wo[0]) d = len(a) n = len(b) if wo != 1: pwo = pow(wo, numpy.arange(max((d, n)))) else: pwo = numpy.ones(max((d, n)), b.dtype.char) if d >= n: outa = a[::-1] * pwo outb = resize(b, (d,)) outb[n:] = 0.0 outb[:n] = b[::-1] * pwo[:n] else: outb = b[::-1] * pwo outa = resize(a, (n,)) outa[d:] = 0.0 outa[:d] = a[::-1] * pwo[:d] return normalize(outb, outa) def lp2bp(b, a, wo=1.0, bw=1.0): """ Transform a lowpass filter prototype to a bandpass filter. Return an analog band-pass filter with center frequency `wo` and bandwidth `bw` from an analog low-pass filter prototype with unity cutoff frequency, in transfer function ('ba') representation. """ a, b = map(atleast_1d, (a, b)) D = len(a) - 1 N = len(b) - 1 artype = mintypecode((a, b)) ma = max([N, D]) Np = N + ma Dp = D + ma bprime = numpy.zeros(Np + 1, artype) aprime = numpy.zeros(Dp + 1, artype) wosq = wo * wo for j in range(Np + 1): val = 0.0 for i in range(0, N + 1): for k in range(0, i + 1): if ma - i + 2 * k == j: val += comb(i, k) * b[N - i] * (wosq) ** (i - k) / bw ** i bprime[Np - j] = val for j in range(Dp + 1): val = 0.0 for i in range(0, D + 1): for k in range(0, i + 1): if ma - i + 2 * k == j: val += comb(i, k) * a[D - i] * (wosq) ** (i - k) / bw ** i aprime[Dp - j] = val return normalize(bprime, aprime) def lp2bs(b, a, wo=1.0, bw=1.0): """ Transform a lowpass filter prototype to a bandstop filter. Return an analog band-stop filter with center frequency `wo` and bandwidth `bw` from an analog low-pass filter prototype with unity cutoff frequency, in transfer function ('ba') representation. """ a, b = map(atleast_1d, (a, b)) D = len(a) - 1 N = len(b) - 1 artype = mintypecode((a, b)) M = max([N, D]) Np = M + M Dp = M + M bprime = numpy.zeros(Np + 1, artype) aprime = numpy.zeros(Dp + 1, artype) wosq = wo * wo for j in range(Np + 1): val = 0.0 for i in range(0, N + 1): for k in range(0, M - i + 1): if i + 2 * k == j: val += (comb(M - i, k) * b[N - i] * (wosq) ** (M - i - k) * bw ** i) bprime[Np - j] = val for j in range(Dp + 1): val = 0.0 for i in range(0, D + 1): for k in range(0, M - i + 1): if i + 2 * k == j: val += (comb(M - i, k) * a[D - i] * (wosq) ** (M - i - k) * bw ** i) aprime[Dp - j] = val return normalize(bprime, aprime) def bilinear(b, a, fs=1.0): """Return a digital filter from an analog one using a bilinear transform. The bilinear transform substitutes ``(z-1) / (z+1)`` for ``s``. """ fs = float(fs) a, b = map(atleast_1d, (a, b)) D = len(a) - 1 N = len(b) - 1 artype = float M = max([N, D]) Np = M Dp = M bprime = numpy.zeros(Np + 1, artype) aprime = numpy.zeros(Dp + 1, artype) for j in range(Np + 1): val = 0.0 for i in range(N + 1): for k in range(i + 1): for l in range(M - i + 1): if k + l == j: val += (comb(i, k) * comb(M - i, l) * b[N - i] * pow(2 * fs, i) * (-1) ** k) bprime[j] = real(val) for j in range(Dp + 1): val = 0.0 for i in range(D + 1): for k in range(i + 1): for l in range(M - i + 1): if k + l == j: val += (comb(i, k) * comb(M - i, l) * a[D - i] * pow(2 * fs, i) * (-1) ** k) aprime[j] = real(val) return normalize(bprime, aprime) def iirdesign(wp, ws, gpass, gstop, analog=False, ftype='ellip', output='ba'): """Complete IIR digital and analog filter design. Given passband and stopband frequencies and gains, construct an analog or digital IIR filter of minimum order for a given basic type. Return the output in numerator, denominator ('ba'), pole-zero ('zpk') or second order sections ('sos') form. Parameters ---------- wp, ws : float Passband and stopband edge frequencies. For digital filters, these are normalized from 0 to 1, where 1 is the Nyquist frequency, pi radians/sample. (`wp` and `ws` are thus in half-cycles / sample.) For example: - Lowpass: wp = 0.2, ws = 0.3 - Highpass: wp = 0.3, ws = 0.2 - Bandpass: wp = [0.2, 0.5], ws = [0.1, 0.6] - Bandstop: wp = [0.1, 0.6], ws = [0.2, 0.5] For analog filters, `wp` and `ws` are angular frequencies (e.g. rad/s). gpass : float The maximum loss in the passband (dB). gstop : float The minimum attenuation in the stopband (dB). analog : bool, optional When True, return an analog filter, otherwise a digital filter is returned. ftype : str, optional The type of IIR filter to design: - Butterworth : 'butter' - Chebyshev I : 'cheby1' - Chebyshev II : 'cheby2' - Cauer/elliptic: 'ellip' - Bessel/Thomson: 'bessel' output : {'ba', 'zpk', 'sos'}, optional Type of output: numerator/denominator ('ba'), pole-zero ('zpk'), or second-order sections ('sos'). Default is 'ba'. Returns ------- b, a : ndarray, ndarray Numerator (`b`) and denominator (`a`) polynomials of the IIR filter. Only returned if ``output='ba'``. z, p, k : ndarray, ndarray, float Zeros, poles, and system gain of the IIR filter transfer function. Only returned if ``output='zpk'``. sos : ndarray Second-order sections representation of the IIR filter. Only returned if ``output=='sos'``. See Also -------- butter : Filter design using order and critical points cheby1, cheby2, ellip, bessel buttord : Find order and critical points from passband and stopband spec cheb1ord, cheb2ord, ellipord iirfilter : General filter design using order and critical frequencies Notes ----- The ``'sos'`` output parameter was added in 0.16.0. """ try: ordfunc = filter_dict[ftype][1] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Invalid IIR filter type: %s" % ftype) except IndexError: raise ValueError(("%s does not have order selection. Use " "iirfilter function.") % ftype) wp = atleast_1d(wp) ws = atleast_1d(ws) band_type = 2 * (len(wp) - 1) band_type += 1 if wp[0] >= ws[0]: band_type += 1 btype = {1: 'lowpass', 2: 'highpass', 3: 'bandstop', 4: 'bandpass'}[band_type] N, Wn = ordfunc(wp, ws, gpass, gstop, analog=analog) return iirfilter(N, Wn, rp=gpass, rs=gstop, analog=analog, btype=btype, ftype=ftype, output=output) def iirfilter(N, Wn, rp=None, rs=None, btype='band', analog=False, ftype='butter', output='ba'): """ IIR digital and analog filter design given order and critical points. Design an Nth-order digital or analog filter and return the filter coefficients. Parameters ---------- N : int The order of the filter. Wn : array_like A scalar or length-2 sequence giving the critical frequencies. For digital filters, `Wn` is normalized from 0 to 1, where 1 is the Nyquist frequency, pi radians/sample. (`Wn` is thus in half-cycles / sample.) For analog filters, `Wn` is an angular frequency (e.g. rad/s). rp : float, optional For Chebyshev and elliptic filters, provides the maximum ripple in the passband. (dB) rs : float, optional For Chebyshev and elliptic filters, provides the minimum attenuation in the stop band. (dB) btype : {'bandpass', 'lowpass', 'highpass', 'bandstop'}, optional The type of filter. Default is 'bandpass'. analog : bool, optional When True, return an analog filter, otherwise a digital filter is returned. ftype : str, optional The type of IIR filter to design: - Butterworth : 'butter' - Chebyshev I : 'cheby1' - Chebyshev II : 'cheby2' - Cauer/elliptic: 'ellip' - Bessel/Thomson: 'bessel' output : {'ba', 'zpk', 'sos'}, optional Type of output: numerator/denominator ('ba'), pole-zero ('zpk'), or second-order sections ('sos'). Default is 'ba'. Returns ------- b, a : ndarray, ndarray Numerator (`b`) and denominator (`a`) polynomials of the IIR filter. Only returned if ``output='ba'``. z, p, k : ndarray, ndarray, float Zeros, poles, and system gain of the IIR filter transfer function. Only returned if ``output='zpk'``. sos : ndarray Second-order sections representation of the IIR filter. Only returned if ``output=='sos'``. See Also -------- butter : Filter design using order and critical points cheby1, cheby2, ellip, bessel buttord : Find order and critical points from passband and stopband spec cheb1ord, cheb2ord, ellipord iirdesign : General filter design using passband and stopband spec Notes ----- The ``'sos'`` output parameter was added in 0.16.0. Examples -------- Generate a 17th-order Chebyshev II bandpass filter and plot the frequency response: >>> from scipy import signal >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> b, a = signal.iirfilter(17, [50, 200], rs=60, btype='band', ... analog=True, ftype='cheby2') >>> w, h = signal.freqs(b, a, 1000) >>> fig = plt.figure() >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111) >>> ax.semilogx(w, 20 * np.log10(abs(h))) >>> ax.set_title('Chebyshev Type II bandpass frequency response') >>> ax.set_xlabel('Frequency [radians / second]') >>> ax.set_ylabel('Amplitude [dB]') >>> ax.axis((10, 1000, -100, 10)) >>> ax.grid(which='both', axis='both') >>> """ ftype, btype, output = [x.lower() for x in (ftype, btype, output)] Wn = asarray(Wn) try: btype = band_dict[btype] except KeyError: raise ValueError("'%s' is an invalid bandtype for filter." % btype) try: typefunc = filter_dict[ftype][0] except KeyError: raise ValueError("'%s' is not a valid basic IIR filter." % ftype) if output not in ['ba', 'zpk', 'sos']: raise ValueError("'%s' is not a valid output form." % output) if rp is not None and rp < 0: raise ValueError("passband ripple (rp) must be positive") if rs is not None and rs < 0: raise ValueError("stopband attenuation (rs) must be positive") # Get analog lowpass prototype if typefunc == buttap: z, p, k = typefunc(N) elif typefunc == besselap: z, p, k = typefunc(N, norm=bessel_norms[ftype]) elif typefunc == cheb1ap: if rp is None: raise ValueError("passband ripple (rp) must be provided to " "design a Chebyshev I filter.") z, p, k = typefunc(N, rp) elif typefunc == cheb2ap: if rs is None: raise ValueError("stopband attenuation (rs) must be provided to " "design an Chebyshev II filter.") z, p, k = typefunc(N, rs) elif typefunc == ellipap: if rs is None or rp is None: raise ValueError("Both rp and rs must be provided to design an " "elliptic filter.") z, p, k = typefunc(N, rp, rs) else: raise NotImplementedError("'%s' not implemented in iirfilter." % ftype) # Pre-warp frequencies for digital filter design if not analog: if numpy.any(Wn < 0) or numpy.any(Wn > 1): raise ValueError("Digital filter critical frequencies " "must be 0 <= Wn <= 1") fs = 2.0 warped = 2 * fs * tan(pi * Wn / fs) else: warped = Wn # transform to lowpass, bandpass, highpass, or bandstop if btype in ('lowpass', 'highpass'): if numpy.size(Wn) != 1: raise ValueError('Must specify a single critical frequency Wn') if btype == 'lowpass': z, p, k = _zpklp2lp(z, p, k, wo=warped) elif btype == 'highpass': z, p, k = _zpklp2hp(z, p, k, wo=warped) elif btype in ('bandpass', 'bandstop'): try: bw = warped[1] - warped[0] wo = sqrt(warped[0] * warped[1]) except IndexError: raise ValueError('Wn must specify start and stop frequencies') if btype == 'bandpass': z, p, k = _zpklp2bp(z, p, k, wo=wo, bw=bw) elif btype == 'bandstop': z, p, k = _zpklp2bs(z, p, k, wo=wo, bw=bw) else: raise NotImplementedError("'%s' not implemented in iirfilter." % btype) # Find discrete equivalent if necessary if not analog: z, p, k = _zpkbilinear(z, p, k, fs=fs) # Transform to proper out type (pole-zero, state-space, numer-denom) if output == 'zpk': return z, p, k elif output == 'ba': return zpk2tf(z, p, k) elif output == 'sos': return zpk2sos(z, p, k) def _relative_degree(z, p): """ Return relative degree of transfer function from zeros and poles """ degree = len(p) - len(z) if degree < 0: raise ValueError("Improper transfer function. " "Must have at least as many poles as zeros.") else: return degree # TODO: merge these into existing functions or make public versions def _zpkbilinear(z, p, k, fs): """ Return a digital filter from an analog one using a bilinear transform. Transform a set of poles and zeros from the analog s-plane to the digital z-plane using Tustin's method, which substitutes ``(z-1) / (z+1)`` for ``s``, maintaining the shape of the frequency response. Parameters ---------- z : array_like Zeros of the analog IIR filter transfer function. p : array_like Poles of the analog IIR filter transfer function. k : float System gain of the analog IIR filter transfer function. fs : float Sample rate, as ordinary frequency (e.g. hertz). No prewarping is done in this function. Returns ------- z : ndarray Zeros of the transformed digital filter transfer function. p : ndarray Poles of the transformed digital filter transfer function. k : float System gain of the transformed digital filter. """ z = atleast_1d(z) p = atleast_1d(p) degree = _relative_degree(z, p) fs2 = 2*fs # Bilinear transform the poles and zeros z_z = (fs2 + z) / (fs2 - z) p_z = (fs2 + p) / (fs2 - p) # Any zeros that were at infinity get moved to the Nyquist frequency z_z = append(z_z, -ones(degree)) # Compensate for gain change k_z = k * real(prod(fs2 - z) / prod(fs2 - p)) return z_z, p_z, k_z def _zpklp2lp(z, p, k, wo=1.0): r""" Transform a lowpass filter prototype to a different frequency. Return an analog low-pass filter with cutoff frequency `wo` from an analog low-pass filter prototype with unity cutoff frequency, using zeros, poles, and gain ('zpk') representation. Parameters ---------- z : array_like Zeros of the analog IIR filter transfer function. p : array_like Poles of the analog IIR filter transfer function. k : float System gain of the analog IIR filter transfer function. wo : float Desired cutoff, as angular frequency (e.g. rad/s). Defaults to no change. Returns ------- z : ndarray Zeros of the transformed low-pass filter transfer function. p : ndarray Poles of the transformed low-pass filter transfer function. k : float System gain of the transformed low-pass filter. Notes ----- This is derived from the s-plane substitution .. math:: s \rightarrow \frac{s}{\omega_0} """ z = atleast_1d(z) p = atleast_1d(p) wo = float(wo) # Avoid int wraparound degree = _relative_degree(z, p) # Scale all points radially from origin to shift cutoff frequency z_lp = wo * z p_lp = wo * p # Each shifted pole decreases gain by wo, each shifted zero increases it. # Cancel out the net change to keep overall gain the same k_lp = k * wo**degree return z_lp, p_lp, k_lp def _zpklp2hp(z, p, k, wo=1.0): r""" Transform a lowpass filter prototype to a highpass filter. Return an analog high-pass filter with cutoff frequency `wo` from an analog low-pass filter prototype with unity cutoff frequency, using zeros, poles, and gain ('zpk') representation. Parameters ---------- z : array_like Zeros of the analog IIR filter transfer function. p : array_like Poles of the analog IIR filter transfer function. k : float System gain of the analog IIR filter transfer function. wo : float Desired cutoff, as angular frequency (e.g. rad/s). Defaults to no change. Returns ------- z : ndarray Zeros of the transformed high-pass filter transfer function. p : ndarray Poles of the transformed high-pass filter transfer function. k : float System gain of the transformed high-pass filter. Notes ----- This is derived from the s-plane substitution .. math:: s \rightarrow \frac{\omega_0}{s} This maintains symmetry of the lowpass and highpass responses on a logarithmic scale. """ z = atleast_1d(z) p = atleast_1d(p) wo = float(wo) degree = _relative_degree(z, p) # Invert positions radially about unit circle to convert LPF to HPF # Scale all points radially from origin to shift cutoff frequency z_hp = wo / z p_hp = wo / p # If lowpass had zeros at infinity, inverting moves them to origin. z_hp = append(z_hp, zeros(degree)) # Cancel out gain change caused by inversion k_hp = k * real(prod(-z) / prod(-p)) return z_hp, p_hp, k_hp def _zpklp2bp(z, p, k, wo=1.0, bw=1.0): r""" Transform a lowpass filter prototype to a bandpass filter. Return an analog band-pass filter with center frequency `wo` and bandwidth `bw` from an analog low-pass filter prototype with unity cutoff frequency, using zeros, poles, and gain ('zpk') representation. Parameters ---------- z : array_like Zeros of the analog IIR filter transfer function. p : array_like Poles of the analog IIR filter transfer function. k : float System gain of the analog IIR filter transfer function. wo : float Desired passband center, as angular frequency (e.g. rad/s). Defaults to no change. bw : float Desired passband width, as angular frequency (e.g. rad/s). Defaults to 1. Returns ------- z : ndarray Zeros of the transformed band-pass filter transfer function. p : ndarray Poles of the transformed band-pass filter transfer function. k : float System gain of the transformed band-pass filter. Notes ----- This is derived from the s-plane substitution .. math:: s \rightarrow \frac{s^2 + {\omega_0}^2}{s \cdot \mathrm{BW}} This is the "wideband" transformation, producing a passband with geometric (log frequency) symmetry about `wo`. """ z = atleast_1d(z) p = atleast_1d(p) wo = float(wo) bw = float(bw) degree = _relative_degree(z, p) # Scale poles and zeros to desired bandwidth z_lp = z * bw/2 p_lp = p * bw/2 # Square root needs to produce complex result, not NaN z_lp = z_lp.astype(complex) p_lp = p_lp.astype(complex) # Duplicate poles and zeros and shift from baseband to +wo and -wo z_bp = concatenate((z_lp + sqrt(z_lp**2 - wo**2), z_lp - sqrt(z_lp**2 - wo**2))) p_bp = concatenate((p_lp + sqrt(p_lp**2 - wo**2), p_lp - sqrt(p_lp**2 - wo**2))) # Move degree zeros to origin, leaving degree zeros at infinity for BPF z_bp = append(z_bp, zeros(degree)) # Cancel out gain change from frequency scaling k_bp = k * bw**degree return z_bp, p_bp, k_bp def _zpklp2bs(z, p, k, wo=1.0, bw=1.0): r""" Transform a lowpass filter prototype to a bandstop filter. Return an analog band-stop filter with center frequency `wo` and stopband width `bw` from an analog low-pass filter prototype with unity cutoff frequency, using zeros, poles, and gain ('zpk') representation. Parameters ---------- z : array_like Zeros of the analog IIR filter transfer function. p : array_like Poles of the analog IIR filter transfer function. k : float System gain of the analog IIR filter transfer function. wo : float Desired stopband center, as angular frequency (e.g. rad/s). Defaults to no change. bw : float Desired stopband width, as angular frequency (e.g. rad/s). Defaults to 1. Returns ------- z : ndarray Zeros of the transformed band-stop filter transfer function. p : ndarray Poles of the transformed band-stop filter transfer function. k : float System gain of the transformed band-stop filter. Notes ----- This is derived from the s-plane substitution .. math:: s \rightarrow \frac{s \cdot \mathrm{BW}}{s^2 + {\omega_0}^2} This is the "wideband" transformation, producing a stopband with geometric (log frequency) symmetry about `wo`. """ z = atleast_1d(z) p = atleast_1d(p) wo = float(wo) bw = float(bw) degree = _relative_degree(z, p) # Invert to a highpass filter with desired bandwidth z_hp = (bw/2) / z p_hp = (bw/2) / p # Square root needs to produce complex result, not NaN z_hp = z_hp.astype(complex) p_hp = p_hp.astype(complex) # Duplicate poles and zeros and shift from baseband to +wo and -wo z_bs = concatenate((z_hp + sqrt(z_hp**2 - wo**2), z_hp - sqrt(z_hp**2 - wo**2))) p_bs = concatenate((p_hp + sqrt(p_hp**2 - wo**2), p_hp - sqrt(p_hp**2 - wo**2))) # Move any zeros that were at infinity to the center of the stopband z_bs = append(z_bs, +1j*wo * ones(degree)) z_bs = append(z_bs, -1j*wo * ones(degree)) # Cancel out gain change caused by inversion k_bs = k * real(prod(-z) / prod(-p)) return z_bs, p_bs, k_bs def butter(N, Wn, btype='low', analog=False, output='ba'): """ Butterworth digital and analog filter design. Design an Nth-order digital or analog Butterworth filter and return the filter coefficients. Parameters ---------- N : int The order of the filter. Wn : array_like A scalar or length-2 sequence giving the critical frequencies. For a Butterworth filter, this is the point at which the gain drops to 1/sqrt(2) that of the passband (the "-3 dB point"). For digital filters, `Wn` is normalized from 0 to 1, where 1 is the Nyquist frequency, pi radians/sample. (`Wn` is thus in half-cycles / sample.) For analog filters, `Wn` is an angular frequency (e.g. rad/s). btype : {'lowpass', 'highpass', 'bandpass', 'bandstop'}, optional The type of filter. Default is 'lowpass'. analog : bool, optional When True, return an analog filter, otherwise a digital filter is returned. output : {'ba', 'zpk', 'sos'}, optional Type of output: numerator/denominator ('ba'), pole-zero ('zpk'), or second-order sections ('sos'). Default is 'ba'. Returns ------- b, a : ndarray, ndarray Numerator (`b`) and denominator (`a`) polynomials of the IIR filter. Only returned if ``output='ba'``. z, p, k : ndarray, ndarray, float Zeros, poles, and system gain of the IIR filter transfer function. Only returned if ``output='zpk'``. sos : ndarray Second-order sections representation of the IIR filter. Only returned if ``output=='sos'``. See Also -------- buttord, buttap Notes ----- The Butterworth filter has maximally flat frequency response in the passband. The ``'sos'`` output parameter was added in 0.16.0. Examples -------- Plot the filter's frequency response, showing the critical points: >>> from scipy import signal >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> b, a = signal.butter(4, 100, 'low', analog=True) >>> w, h = signal.freqs(b, a) >>> plt.semilogx(w, 20 * np.log10(abs(h))) >>> plt.title('Butterworth filter frequency response') >>> plt.xlabel('Frequency [radians / second]') >>> plt.ylabel('Amplitude [dB]') >>> plt.margins(0, 0.1) >>> plt.grid(which='both', axis='both') >>> plt.axvline(100, color='green') # cutoff frequency >>> """ return iirfilter(N, Wn, btype=btype, analog=analog, output=output, ftype='butter') def cheby1(N, rp, Wn, btype='low', analog=False, output='ba'): """ Chebyshev type I digital and analog filter design. Design an Nth-order digital or analog Chebyshev type I filter and return the filter coefficients. Parameters ---------- N : int The order of the filter. rp : float The maximum ripple allowed below unity gain in the passband. Specified in decibels, as a positive number. Wn : array_like A scalar or length-2 sequence giving the critical frequencies. For Type I filters, this is the point in the transition band at which the gain first drops below -`rp`. For digital filters, `Wn` is normalized from 0 to 1, where 1 is the Nyquist frequency, pi radians/sample. (`Wn` is thus in half-cycles / sample.) For analog filters, `Wn` is an angular frequency (e.g. rad/s). btype : {'lowpass', 'highpass', 'bandpass', 'bandstop'}, optional The type of filter. Default is 'lowpass'. analog : bool, optional When True, return an analog filter, otherwise a digital filter is returned. output : {'ba', 'zpk', 'sos'}, optional Type of output: numerator/denominator ('ba'), pole-zero ('zpk'), or second-order sections ('sos'). Default is 'ba'. Returns ------- b, a : ndarray, ndarray Numerator (`b`) and denominator (`a`) polynomials of the IIR filter. Only returned if ``output='ba'``. z, p, k : ndarray, ndarray, float Zeros, poles, and system gain of the IIR filter transfer function. Only returned if ``output='zpk'``. sos : ndarray Second-order sections representation of the IIR filter. Only returned if ``output=='sos'``. See Also -------- cheb1ord, cheb1ap Notes ----- The Chebyshev type I filter maximizes the rate of cutoff between the frequency response's passband and stopband, at the expense of ripple in the passband and increased ringing in the step response. Type I filters roll off faster than Type II (`cheby2`), but Type II filters do not have any ripple in the passband. The equiripple passband has N maxima or minima (for example, a 5th-order filter has 3 maxima and 2 minima). Consequently, the DC gain is unity for odd-order filters, or -rp dB for even-order filters. The ``'sos'`` output parameter was added in 0.16.0. Examples -------- Plot the filter's frequency response, showing the critical points: >>> from scipy import signal >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> b, a = signal.cheby1(4, 5, 100, 'low', analog=True) >>> w, h = signal.freqs(b, a) >>> plt.semilogx(w, 20 * np.log10(abs(h))) >>> plt.title('Chebyshev Type I frequency response (rp=5)') >>> plt.xlabel('Frequency [radians / second]') >>> plt.ylabel('Amplitude [dB]') >>> plt.margins(0, 0.1) >>> plt.grid(which='both', axis='both') >>> plt.axvline(100, color='green') # cutoff frequency >>> plt.axhline(-5, color='green') # rp >>> """ return iirfilter(N, Wn, rp=rp, btype=btype, analog=analog, output=output, ftype='cheby1') def cheby2(N, rs, Wn, btype='low', analog=False, output='ba'): """ Chebyshev type II digital and analog filter design. Design an Nth-order digital or analog Chebyshev type II filter and return the filter coefficients. Parameters ---------- N : int The order of the filter. rs : float The minimum attenuation required in the stop band. Specified in decibels, as a positive number. Wn : array_like A scalar or length-2 sequence giving the critical frequencies. For Type II filters, this is the point in the transition band at which the gain first reaches -`rs`. For digital filters, `Wn` is normalized from 0 to 1, where 1 is the Nyquist frequency, pi radians/sample. (`Wn` is thus in half-cycles / sample.) For analog filters, `Wn` is an angular frequency (e.g. rad/s). btype : {'lowpass', 'highpass', 'bandpass', 'bandstop'}, optional The type of filter. Default is 'lowpass'. analog : bool, optional When True, return an analog filter, otherwise a digital filter is returned. output : {'ba', 'zpk', 'sos'}, optional Type of output: numerator/denominator ('ba'), pole-zero ('zpk'), or second-order sections ('sos'). Default is 'ba'. Returns ------- b, a : ndarray, ndarray Numerator (`b`) and denominator (`a`) polynomials of the IIR filter. Only returned if ``output='ba'``. z, p, k : ndarray, ndarray, float Zeros, poles, and system gain of the IIR filter transfer function. Only returned if ``output='zpk'``. sos : ndarray Second-order sections representation of the IIR filter. Only returned if ``output=='sos'``. See Also -------- cheb2ord, cheb2ap Notes ----- The Chebyshev type II filter maximizes the rate of cutoff between the frequency response's passband and stopband, at the expense of ripple in the stopband and increased ringing in the step response. Type II filters do not roll off as fast as Type I (`cheby1`). The ``'sos'`` output parameter was added in 0.16.0. Examples -------- Plot the filter's frequency response, showing the critical points: >>> from scipy import signal >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> b, a = signal.cheby2(4, 40, 100, 'low', analog=True) >>> w, h = signal.freqs(b, a) >>> plt.semilogx(w, 20 * np.log10(abs(h))) >>> plt.title('Chebyshev Type II frequency response (rs=40)') >>> plt.xlabel('Frequency [radians / second]') >>> plt.ylabel('Amplitude [dB]') >>> plt.margins(0, 0.1) >>> plt.grid(which='both', axis='both') >>> plt.axvline(100, color='green') # cutoff frequency >>> plt.axhline(-40, color='green') # rs >>> """ return iirfilter(N, Wn, rs=rs, btype=btype, analog=analog, output=output, ftype='cheby2') def ellip(N, rp, rs, Wn, btype='low', analog=False, output='ba'): """ Elliptic (Cauer) digital and analog filter design. Design an Nth-order digital or analog elliptic filter and return the filter coefficients. Parameters ---------- N : int The order of the filter. rp : float The maximum ripple allowed below unity gain in the passband. Specified in decibels, as a positive number. rs : float The minimum attenuation required in the stop band. Specified in decibels, as a positive number. Wn : array_like A scalar or length-2 sequence giving the critical frequencies. For elliptic filters, this is the point in the transition band at which the gain first drops below -`rp`. For digital filters, `Wn` is normalized from 0 to 1, where 1 is the Nyquist frequency, pi radians/sample. (`Wn` is thus in half-cycles / sample.) For analog filters, `Wn` is an angular frequency (e.g. rad/s). btype : {'lowpass', 'highpass', 'bandpass', 'bandstop'}, optional The type of filter. Default is 'lowpass'. analog : bool, optional When True, return an analog filter, otherwise a digital filter is returned. output : {'ba', 'zpk', 'sos'}, optional Type of output: numerator/denominator ('ba'), pole-zero ('zpk'), or second-order sections ('sos'). Default is 'ba'. Returns ------- b, a : ndarray, ndarray Numerator (`b`) and denominator (`a`) polynomials of the IIR filter. Only returned if ``output='ba'``. z, p, k : ndarray, ndarray, float Zeros, poles, and system gain of the IIR filter transfer function. Only returned if ``output='zpk'``. sos : ndarray Second-order sections representation of the IIR filter. Only returned if ``output=='sos'``. See Also -------- ellipord, ellipap Notes ----- Also known as Cauer or Zolotarev filters, the elliptical filter maximizes the rate of transition between the frequency response's passband and stopband, at the expense of ripple in both, and increased ringing in the step response. As `rp` approaches 0, the elliptical filter becomes a Chebyshev type II filter (`cheby2`). As `rs` approaches 0, it becomes a Chebyshev type I filter (`cheby1`). As both approach 0, it becomes a Butterworth filter (`butter`). The equiripple passband has N maxima or minima (for example, a 5th-order filter has 3 maxima and 2 minima). Consequently, the DC gain is unity for odd-order filters, or -rp dB for even-order filters. The ``'sos'`` output parameter was added in 0.16.0. Examples -------- Plot the filter's frequency response, showing the critical points: >>> from scipy import signal >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> b, a = signal.ellip(4, 5, 40, 100, 'low', analog=True) >>> w, h = signal.freqs(b, a) >>> plt.semilogx(w, 20 * np.log10(abs(h))) >>> plt.title('Elliptic filter frequency response (rp=5, rs=40)') >>> plt.xlabel('Frequency [radians / second]') >>> plt.ylabel('Amplitude [dB]') >>> plt.margins(0, 0.1) >>> plt.grid(which='both', axis='both') >>> plt.axvline(100, color='green') # cutoff frequency >>> plt.axhline(-40, color='green') # rs >>> plt.axhline(-5, color='green') # rp >>> """ return iirfilter(N, Wn, rs=rs, rp=rp, btype=btype, analog=analog, output=output, ftype='elliptic') def bessel(N, Wn, btype='low', analog=False, output='ba', norm='phase'): """ Bessel/Thomson digital and analog filter design. Design an Nth-order digital or analog Bessel filter and return the filter coefficients. Parameters ---------- N : int The order of the filter. Wn : array_like A scalar or length-2 sequence giving the critical frequencies (defined by the `norm` parameter). For analog filters, `Wn` is an angular frequency (e.g. rad/s). For digital filters, `Wn` is normalized from 0 to 1, where 1 is the Nyquist frequency, pi radians/sample. (`Wn` is thus in half-cycles / sample.) btype : {'lowpass', 'highpass', 'bandpass', 'bandstop'}, optional The type of filter. Default is 'lowpass'. analog : bool, optional When True, return an analog filter, otherwise a digital filter is returned. (See Notes.) output : {'ba', 'zpk', 'sos'}, optional Type of output: numerator/denominator ('ba'), pole-zero ('zpk'), or second-order sections ('sos'). Default is 'ba'. norm : {'phase', 'delay', 'mag'}, optional Critical frequency normalization: ``phase`` The filter is normalized such that the phase response reaches its midpoint at angular (e.g. rad/s) frequency `Wn`. This happens for both low-pass and high-pass filters, so this is the "phase-matched" case. The magnitude response asymptotes are the same as a Butterworth filter of the same order with a cutoff of `Wn`. This is the default, and matches MATLAB's implementation. ``delay`` The filter is normalized such that the group delay in the passband is 1/`Wn` (e.g. seconds). This is the "natural" type obtained by solving Bessel polynomials. ``mag`` The filter is normalized such that the gain magnitude is -3 dB at angular frequency `Wn`. .. versionadded:: 0.18.0 Returns ------- b, a : ndarray, ndarray Numerator (`b`) and denominator (`a`) polynomials of the IIR filter. Only returned if ``output='ba'``. z, p, k : ndarray, ndarray, float Zeros, poles, and system gain of the IIR filter transfer function. Only returned if ``output='zpk'``. sos : ndarray Second-order sections representation of the IIR filter. Only returned if ``output=='sos'``. Notes ----- Also known as a Thomson filter, the analog Bessel filter has maximally flat group delay and maximally linear phase response, with very little ringing in the step response. [1]_ The Bessel is inherently an analog filter. This function generates digital Bessel filters using the bilinear transform, which does not preserve the phase response of the analog filter. As such, it is only approximately correct at frequencies below about fs/4. To get maximally-flat group delay at higher frequencies, the analog Bessel filter must be transformed using phase-preserving techniques. See `besselap` for implementation details and references. The ``'sos'`` output parameter was added in 0.16.0. Examples -------- Plot the phase-normalized frequency response, showing the relationship to the Butterworth's cutoff frequency (green): >>> from scipy import signal >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> b, a = signal.butter(4, 100, 'low', analog=True) >>> w, h = signal.freqs(b, a) >>> plt.semilogx(w, 20 * np.log10(np.abs(h)), color='silver', ls='dashed') >>> b, a = signal.bessel(4, 100, 'low', analog=True, norm='phase') >>> w, h = signal.freqs(b, a) >>> plt.semilogx(w, 20 * np.log10(np.abs(h))) >>> plt.title('Bessel filter magnitude response (with Butterworth)') >>> plt.xlabel('Frequency [radians / second]') >>> plt.ylabel('Amplitude [dB]') >>> plt.margins(0, 0.1) >>> plt.grid(which='both', axis='both') >>> plt.axvline(100, color='green') # cutoff frequency >>> and the phase midpoint: >>> plt.figure() >>> plt.semilogx(w, np.unwrap(np.angle(h))) >>> plt.axvline(100, color='green') # cutoff frequency >>> plt.axhline(-np.pi, color='red') # phase midpoint >>> plt.title('Bessel filter phase response') >>> plt.xlabel('Frequency [radians / second]') >>> plt.ylabel('Phase [radians]') >>> plt.margins(0, 0.1) >>> plt.grid(which='both', axis='both') >>> Plot the magnitude-normalized frequency response, showing the -3 dB cutoff: >>> b, a = signal.bessel(3, 10, 'low', analog=True, norm='mag') >>> w, h = signal.freqs(b, a) >>> plt.semilogx(w, 20 * np.log10(np.abs(h))) >>> plt.axhline(-3, color='red') # -3 dB magnitude >>> plt.axvline(10, color='green') # cutoff frequency >>> plt.title('Magnitude-normalized Bessel filter frequency response') >>> plt.xlabel('Frequency [radians / second]') >>> plt.ylabel('Amplitude [dB]') >>> plt.margins(0, 0.1) >>> plt.grid(which='both', axis='both') >>> Plot the delay-normalized filter, showing the maximally-flat group delay at 0.1 seconds: >>> b, a = signal.bessel(5, 1/0.1, 'low', analog=True, norm='delay') >>> w, h = signal.freqs(b, a) >>> plt.figure() >>> plt.semilogx(w[1:], -np.diff(np.unwrap(np.angle(h)))/np.diff(w)) >>> plt.axhline(0.1, color='red') # 0.1 seconds group delay >>> plt.title('Bessel filter group delay') >>> plt.xlabel('Frequency [radians / second]') >>> plt.ylabel('Group delay [seconds]') >>> plt.margins(0, 0.1) >>> plt.grid(which='both', axis='both') >>> References ---------- .. [1] Thomson, W.E., "Delay Networks having Maximally Flat Frequency Characteristics", Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Part III, November 1949, Vol. 96, No. 44, pp. 487-490. """ return iirfilter(N, Wn, btype=btype, analog=analog, output=output, ftype='bessel_'+norm) def maxflat(): pass def yulewalk(): pass def band_stop_obj(wp, ind, passb, stopb, gpass, gstop, type): """ Band Stop Objective Function for order minimization. Returns the non-integer order for an analog band stop filter. Parameters ---------- wp : scalar Edge of passband `passb`. ind : int, {0, 1} Index specifying which `passb` edge to vary (0 or 1). passb : ndarray Two element sequence of fixed passband edges. stopb : ndarray Two element sequence of fixed stopband edges. gstop : float Amount of attenuation in stopband in dB. gpass : float Amount of ripple in the passband in dB. type : {'butter', 'cheby', 'ellip'} Type of filter. Returns ------- n : scalar Filter order (possibly non-integer). """ passbC = passb.copy() passbC[ind] = wp nat = (stopb * (passbC[0] - passbC[1]) / (stopb ** 2 - passbC[0] * passbC[1])) nat = min(abs(nat)) if type == 'butter': GSTOP = 10 ** (0.1 * abs(gstop)) GPASS = 10 ** (0.1 * abs(gpass)) n = (log10((GSTOP - 1.0) / (GPASS - 1.0)) / (2 * log10(nat))) elif type == 'cheby': GSTOP = 10 ** (0.1 * abs(gstop)) GPASS = 10 ** (0.1 * abs(gpass)) n = arccosh(sqrt((GSTOP - 1.0) / (GPASS - 1.0))) / arccosh(nat) elif type == 'ellip': GSTOP = 10 ** (0.1 * gstop) GPASS = 10 ** (0.1 * gpass) arg1 = sqrt((GPASS - 1.0) / (GSTOP - 1.0)) arg0 = 1.0 / nat d0 = special.ellipk([arg0 ** 2, 1 - arg0 ** 2]) d1 = special.ellipk([arg1 ** 2, 1 - arg1 ** 2]) n = (d0[0] * d1[1] / (d0[1] * d1[0])) else: raise ValueError("Incorrect type: %s" % type) return n def buttord(wp, ws, gpass, gstop, analog=False): """Butterworth filter order selection. Return the order of the lowest order digital or analog Butterworth filter that loses no more than `gpass` dB in the passband and has at least `gstop` dB attenuation in the stopband. Parameters ---------- wp, ws : float Passband and stopband edge frequencies. For digital filters, these are normalized from 0 to 1, where 1 is the Nyquist frequency, pi radians/sample. (`wp` and `ws` are thus in half-cycles / sample.) For example: - Lowpass: wp = 0.2, ws = 0.3 - Highpass: wp = 0.3, ws = 0.2 - Bandpass: wp = [0.2, 0.5], ws = [0.1, 0.6] - Bandstop: wp = [0.1, 0.6], ws = [0.2, 0.5] For analog filters, `wp` and `ws` are angular frequencies (e.g. rad/s). gpass : float The maximum loss in the passband (dB). gstop : float The minimum attenuation in the stopband (dB). analog : bool, optional When True, return an analog filter, otherwise a digital filter is returned. Returns ------- ord : int The lowest order for a Butterworth filter which meets specs. wn : ndarray or float The Butterworth natural frequency (i.e. the "3dB frequency"). Should be used with `butter` to give filter results. See Also -------- butter : Filter design using order and critical points cheb1ord : Find order and critical points from passband and stopband spec cheb2ord, ellipord iirfilter : General filter design using order and critical frequencies iirdesign : General filter design using passband and stopband spec Examples -------- Design an analog bandpass filter with passband within 3 dB from 20 to 50 rad/s, while rejecting at least -40 dB below 14 and above 60 rad/s. Plot its frequency response, showing the passband and stopband constraints in gray. >>> from scipy import signal >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> N, Wn = signal.buttord([20, 50], [14, 60], 3, 40, True) >>> b, a = signal.butter(N, Wn, 'band', True) >>> w, h = signal.freqs(b, a, np.logspace(1, 2, 500)) >>> plt.semilogx(w, 20 * np.log10(abs(h))) >>> plt.title('Butterworth bandpass filter fit to constraints') >>> plt.xlabel('Frequency [radians / second]') >>> plt.ylabel('Amplitude [dB]') >>> plt.grid(which='both', axis='both') >>> plt.fill([1, 14, 14, 1], [-40, -40, 99, 99], '0.9', lw=0) # stop >>> plt.fill([20, 20, 50, 50], [-99, -3, -3, -99], '0.9', lw=0) # pass >>> plt.fill([60, 60, 1e9, 1e9], [99, -40, -40, 99], '0.9', lw=0) # stop >>> plt.axis([10, 100, -60, 3]) >>> """ wp = atleast_1d(wp) ws = atleast_1d(ws) filter_type = 2 * (len(wp) - 1) filter_type += 1 if wp[0] >= ws[0]: filter_type += 1 # Pre-warp frequencies for digital filter design if not analog: passb = tan(pi * wp / 2.0) stopb = tan(pi * ws / 2.0) else: passb = wp * 1.0 stopb = ws * 1.0 if filter_type == 1: # low nat = stopb / passb elif filter_type == 2: # high nat = passb / stopb elif filter_type == 3: # stop wp0 = optimize.fminbound(band_stop_obj, passb[0], stopb[0] - 1e-12, args=(0, passb, stopb, gpass, gstop, 'butter'), disp=0) passb[0] = wp0 wp1 = optimize.fminbound(band_stop_obj, stopb[1] + 1e-12, passb[1], args=(1, passb, stopb, gpass, gstop, 'butter'), disp=0) passb[1] = wp1 nat = ((stopb * (passb[0] - passb[1])) / (stopb ** 2 - passb[0] * passb[1])) elif filter_type == 4: # pass nat = ((stopb ** 2 - passb[0] * passb[1]) / (stopb * (passb[0] - passb[1]))) nat = min(abs(nat)) GSTOP = 10 ** (0.1 * abs(gstop)) GPASS = 10 ** (0.1 * abs(gpass)) ord = int(ceil(log10((GSTOP - 1.0) / (GPASS - 1.0)) / (2 * log10(nat)))) # Find the Butterworth natural frequency WN (or the "3dB" frequency") # to give exactly gpass at passb. try: W0 = (GPASS - 1.0) ** (-1.0 / (2.0 * ord)) except ZeroDivisionError: W0 = 1.0 print("Warning, order is zero...check input parameters.") # now convert this frequency back from lowpass prototype # to the original analog filter if filter_type == 1: # low WN = W0 * passb elif filter_type == 2: # high WN = passb / W0 elif filter_type == 3: # stop WN = numpy.zeros(2, float) discr = sqrt((passb[1] - passb[0]) ** 2 + 4 * W0 ** 2 * passb[0] * passb[1]) WN[0] = ((passb[1] - passb[0]) + discr) / (2 * W0) WN[1] = ((passb[1] - passb[0]) - discr) / (2 * W0) WN = numpy.sort(abs(WN)) elif filter_type == 4: # pass W0 = numpy.array([-W0, W0], float) WN = (-W0 * (passb[1] - passb[0]) / 2.0 + sqrt(W0 ** 2 / 4.0 * (passb[1] - passb[0]) ** 2 + passb[0] * passb[1])) WN = numpy.sort(abs(WN)) else: raise ValueError("Bad type: %s" % filter_type) if not analog: wn = (2.0 / pi) * arctan(WN) else: wn = WN if len(wn) == 1: wn = wn[0] return ord, wn def cheb1ord(wp, ws, gpass, gstop, analog=False): """Chebyshev type I filter order selection. Return the order of the lowest order digital or analog Chebyshev Type I filter that loses no more than `gpass` dB in the passband and has at least `gstop` dB attenuation in the stopband. Parameters ---------- wp, ws : float Passband and stopband edge frequencies. For digital filters, these are normalized from 0 to 1, where 1 is the Nyquist frequency, pi radians/sample. (`wp` and `ws` are thus in half-cycles / sample.) For example: - Lowpass: wp = 0.2, ws = 0.3 - Highpass: wp = 0.3, ws = 0.2 - Bandpass: wp = [0.2, 0.5], ws = [0.1, 0.6] - Bandstop: wp = [0.1, 0.6], ws = [0.2, 0.5] For analog filters, `wp` and `ws` are angular frequencies (e.g. rad/s). gpass : float The maximum loss in the passband (dB). gstop : float The minimum attenuation in the stopband (dB). analog : bool, optional When True, return an analog filter, otherwise a digital filter is returned. Returns ------- ord : int The lowest order for a Chebyshev type I filter that meets specs. wn : ndarray or float The Chebyshev natural frequency (the "3dB frequency") for use with `cheby1` to give filter results. See Also -------- cheby1 : Filter design using order and critical points buttord : Find order and critical points from passband and stopband spec cheb2ord, ellipord iirfilter : General filter design using order and critical frequencies iirdesign : General filter design using passband and stopband spec Examples -------- Design a digital lowpass filter such that the passband is within 3 dB up to 0.2*(fs/2), while rejecting at least -40 dB above 0.3*(fs/2). Plot its frequency response, showing the passband and stopband constraints in gray. >>> from scipy import signal >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> N, Wn = signal.cheb1ord(0.2, 0.3, 3, 40) >>> b, a = signal.cheby1(N, 3, Wn, 'low') >>> w, h = signal.freqz(b, a) >>> plt.semilogx(w / np.pi, 20 * np.log10(abs(h))) >>> plt.title('Chebyshev I lowpass filter fit to constraints') >>> plt.xlabel('Normalized frequency') >>> plt.ylabel('Amplitude [dB]') >>> plt.grid(which='both', axis='both') >>> plt.fill([.01, 0.2, 0.2, .01], [-3, -3, -99, -99], '0.9', lw=0) # stop >>> plt.fill([0.3, 0.3, 2, 2], [ 9, -40, -40, 9], '0.9', lw=0) # pass >>> plt.axis([0.08, 1, -60, 3]) >>> """ wp = atleast_1d(wp) ws = atleast_1d(ws) filter_type = 2 * (len(wp) - 1) if wp[0] < ws[0]: filter_type += 1 else: filter_type += 2 # Pre-warp frequencies for digital filter design if not analog: passb = tan(pi * wp / 2.0) stopb = tan(pi * ws / 2.0) else: passb = wp * 1.0 stopb = ws * 1.0 if filter_type == 1: # low nat = stopb / passb elif filter_type == 2: # high nat = passb / stopb elif filter_type == 3: # stop wp0 = optimize.fminbound(band_stop_obj, passb[0], stopb[0] - 1e-12, args=(0, passb, stopb, gpass, gstop, 'cheby'), disp=0) passb[0] = wp0 wp1 = optimize.fminbound(band_stop_obj, stopb[1] + 1e-12, passb[1], args=(1, passb, stopb, gpass, gstop, 'cheby'), disp=0) passb[1] = wp1 nat = ((stopb * (passb[0] - passb[1])) / (stopb ** 2 - passb[0] * passb[1])) elif filter_type == 4: # pass nat = ((stopb ** 2 - passb[0] * passb[1]) / (stopb * (passb[0] - passb[1]))) nat = min(abs(nat)) GSTOP = 10 ** (0.1 * abs(gstop)) GPASS = 10 ** (0.1 * abs(gpass)) ord = int(ceil(arccosh(sqrt((GSTOP - 1.0) / (GPASS - 1.0))) / arccosh(nat))) # Natural frequencies are just the passband edges if not analog: wn = (2.0 / pi) * arctan(passb) else: wn = passb if len(wn) == 1: wn = wn[0] return ord, wn def cheb2ord(wp, ws, gpass, gstop, analog=False): """Chebyshev type II filter order selection. Return the order of the lowest order digital or analog Chebyshev Type II filter that loses no more than `gpass` dB in the passband and has at least `gstop` dB attenuation in the stopband. Parameters ---------- wp, ws : float Passband and stopband edge frequencies. For digital filters, these are normalized from 0 to 1, where 1 is the Nyquist frequency, pi radians/sample. (`wp` and `ws` are thus in half-cycles / sample.) For example: - Lowpass: wp = 0.2, ws = 0.3 - Highpass: wp = 0.3, ws = 0.2 - Bandpass: wp = [0.2, 0.5], ws = [0.1, 0.6] - Bandstop: wp = [0.1, 0.6], ws = [0.2, 0.5] For analog filters, `wp` and `ws` are angular frequencies (e.g. rad/s). gpass : float The maximum loss in the passband (dB). gstop : float The minimum attenuation in the stopband (dB). analog : bool, optional When True, return an analog filter, otherwise a digital filter is returned. Returns ------- ord : int The lowest order for a Chebyshev type II filter that meets specs. wn : ndarray or float The Chebyshev natural frequency (the "3dB frequency") for use with `cheby2` to give filter results. See Also -------- cheby2 : Filter design using order and critical points buttord : Find order and critical points from passband and stopband spec cheb1ord, ellipord iirfilter : General filter design using order and critical frequencies iirdesign : General filter design using passband and stopband spec Examples -------- Design a digital bandstop filter which rejects -60 dB from 0.2*(fs/2) to 0.5*(fs/2), while staying within 3 dB below 0.1*(fs/2) or above 0.6*(fs/2). Plot its frequency response, showing the passband and stopband constraints in gray. >>> from scipy import signal >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> N, Wn = signal.cheb2ord([0.1, 0.6], [0.2, 0.5], 3, 60) >>> b, a = signal.cheby2(N, 60, Wn, 'stop') >>> w, h = signal.freqz(b, a) >>> plt.semilogx(w / np.pi, 20 * np.log10(abs(h))) >>> plt.title('Chebyshev II bandstop filter fit to constraints') >>> plt.xlabel('Normalized frequency') >>> plt.ylabel('Amplitude [dB]') >>> plt.grid(which='both', axis='both') >>> plt.fill([.01, .1, .1, .01], [-3, -3, -99, -99], '0.9', lw=0) # stop >>> plt.fill([.2, .2, .5, .5], [ 9, -60, -60, 9], '0.9', lw=0) # pass >>> plt.fill([.6, .6, 2, 2], [-99, -3, -3, -99], '0.9', lw=0) # stop >>> plt.axis([0.06, 1, -80, 3]) >>> """ wp = atleast_1d(wp) ws = atleast_1d(ws) filter_type = 2 * (len(wp) - 1) if wp[0] < ws[0]: filter_type += 1 else: filter_type += 2 # Pre-warp frequencies for digital filter design if not analog: passb = tan(pi * wp / 2.0) stopb = tan(pi * ws / 2.0) else: passb = wp * 1.0 stopb = ws * 1.0 if filter_type == 1: # low nat = stopb / passb elif filter_type == 2: # high nat = passb / stopb elif filter_type == 3: # stop wp0 = optimize.fminbound(band_stop_obj, passb[0], stopb[0] - 1e-12, args=(0, passb, stopb, gpass, gstop, 'cheby'), disp=0) passb[0] = wp0 wp1 = optimize.fminbound(band_stop_obj, stopb[1] + 1e-12, passb[1], args=(1, passb, stopb, gpass, gstop, 'cheby'), disp=0) passb[1] = wp1 nat = ((stopb * (passb[0] - passb[1])) / (stopb ** 2 - passb[0] * passb[1])) elif filter_type == 4: # pass nat = ((stopb ** 2 - passb[0] * passb[1]) / (stopb * (passb[0] - passb[1]))) nat = min(abs(nat)) GSTOP = 10 ** (0.1 * abs(gstop)) GPASS = 10 ** (0.1 * abs(gpass)) ord = int(ceil(arccosh(sqrt((GSTOP - 1.0) / (GPASS - 1.0))) / arccosh(nat))) # Find frequency where analog response is -gpass dB. # Then convert back from low-pass prototype to the original filter. new_freq = cosh(1.0 / ord * arccosh(sqrt((GSTOP - 1.0) / (GPASS - 1.0)))) new_freq = 1.0 / new_freq if filter_type == 1: nat = passb / new_freq elif filter_type == 2: nat = passb * new_freq elif filter_type == 3: nat = numpy.zeros(2, float) nat[0] = (new_freq / 2.0 * (passb[0] - passb[1]) + sqrt(new_freq ** 2 * (passb[1] - passb[0]) ** 2 / 4.0 + passb[1] * passb[0])) nat[1] = passb[1] * passb[0] / nat[0] elif filter_type == 4: nat = numpy.zeros(2, float) nat[0] = (1.0 / (2.0 * new_freq) * (passb[0] - passb[1]) + sqrt((passb[1] - passb[0]) ** 2 / (4.0 * new_freq ** 2) + passb[1] * passb[0])) nat[1] = passb[0] * passb[1] / nat[0] if not analog: wn = (2.0 / pi) * arctan(nat) else: wn = nat if len(wn) == 1: wn = wn[0] return ord, wn def ellipord(wp, ws, gpass, gstop, analog=False): """Elliptic (Cauer) filter order selection. Return the order of the lowest order digital or analog elliptic filter that loses no more than `gpass` dB in the passband and has at least `gstop` dB attenuation in the stopband. Parameters ---------- wp, ws : float Passband and stopband edge frequencies. For digital filters, these are normalized from 0 to 1, where 1 is the Nyquist frequency, pi radians/sample. (`wp` and `ws` are thus in half-cycles / sample.) For example: - Lowpass: wp = 0.2, ws = 0.3 - Highpass: wp = 0.3, ws = 0.2 - Bandpass: wp = [0.2, 0.5], ws = [0.1, 0.6] - Bandstop: wp = [0.1, 0.6], ws = [0.2, 0.5] For analog filters, `wp` and `ws` are angular frequencies (e.g. rad/s). gpass : float The maximum loss in the passband (dB). gstop : float The minimum attenuation in the stopband (dB). analog : bool, optional When True, return an analog filter, otherwise a digital filter is returned. Returns ------- ord : int The lowest order for an Elliptic (Cauer) filter that meets specs. wn : ndarray or float The Chebyshev natural frequency (the "3dB frequency") for use with `ellip` to give filter results. See Also -------- ellip : Filter design using order and critical points buttord : Find order and critical points from passband and stopband spec cheb1ord, cheb2ord iirfilter : General filter design using order and critical frequencies iirdesign : General filter design using passband and stopband spec Examples -------- Design an analog highpass filter such that the passband is within 3 dB above 30 rad/s, while rejecting -60 dB at 10 rad/s. Plot its frequency response, showing the passband and stopband constraints in gray. >>> from scipy import signal >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> N, Wn = signal.ellipord(30, 10, 3, 60, True) >>> b, a = signal.ellip(N, 3, 60, Wn, 'high', True) >>> w, h = signal.freqs(b, a, np.logspace(0, 3, 500)) >>> plt.semilogx(w, 20 * np.log10(abs(h))) >>> plt.title('Elliptical highpass filter fit to constraints') >>> plt.xlabel('Frequency [radians / second]') >>> plt.ylabel('Amplitude [dB]') >>> plt.grid(which='both', axis='both') >>> plt.fill([.1, 10, 10, .1], [1e4, 1e4, -60, -60], '0.9', lw=0) # stop >>> plt.fill([30, 30, 1e9, 1e9], [-99, -3, -3, -99], '0.9', lw=0) # pass >>> plt.axis([1, 300, -80, 3]) >>> """ wp = atleast_1d(wp) ws = atleast_1d(ws) filter_type = 2 * (len(wp) - 1) filter_type += 1 if wp[0] >= ws[0]: filter_type += 1 # Pre-warp frequencies for digital filter design if not analog: passb = tan(pi * wp / 2.0) stopb = tan(pi * ws / 2.0) else: passb = wp * 1.0 stopb = ws * 1.0 if filter_type == 1: # low nat = stopb / passb elif filter_type == 2: # high nat = passb / stopb elif filter_type == 3: # stop wp0 = optimize.fminbound(band_stop_obj, passb[0], stopb[0] - 1e-12, args=(0, passb, stopb, gpass, gstop, 'ellip'), disp=0) passb[0] = wp0 wp1 = optimize.fminbound(band_stop_obj, stopb[1] + 1e-12, passb[1], args=(1, passb, stopb, gpass, gstop, 'ellip'), disp=0) passb[1] = wp1 nat = ((stopb * (passb[0] - passb[1])) / (stopb ** 2 - passb[0] * passb[1])) elif filter_type == 4: # pass nat = ((stopb ** 2 - passb[0] * passb[1]) / (stopb * (passb[0] - passb[1]))) nat = min(abs(nat)) GSTOP = 10 ** (0.1 * gstop) GPASS = 10 ** (0.1 * gpass) arg1 = sqrt((GPASS - 1.0) / (GSTOP - 1.0)) arg0 = 1.0 / nat d0 = special.ellipk([arg0 ** 2, 1 - arg0 ** 2]) d1 = special.ellipk([arg1 ** 2, 1 - arg1 ** 2]) ord = int(ceil(d0[0] * d1[1] / (d0[1] * d1[0]))) if not analog: wn = arctan(passb) * 2.0 / pi else: wn = passb if len(wn) == 1: wn = wn[0] return ord, wn def buttap(N): """Return (z,p,k) for analog prototype of Nth-order Butterworth filter. The filter will have an angular (e.g. rad/s) cutoff frequency of 1. See Also -------- butter : Filter design function using this prototype """ if abs(int(N)) != N: raise ValueError("Filter order must be a nonnegative integer") z = numpy.array([]) m = numpy.arange(-N+1, N, 2) # Middle value is 0 to ensure an exactly real pole p = -numpy.exp(1j * pi * m / (2 * N)) k = 1 return z, p, k def cheb1ap(N, rp): """ Return (z,p,k) for Nth-order Chebyshev type I analog lowpass filter. The returned filter prototype has `rp` decibels of ripple in the passband. The filter's angular (e.g. rad/s) cutoff frequency is normalized to 1, defined as the point at which the gain first drops below ``-rp``. See Also -------- cheby1 : Filter design function using this prototype """ if abs(int(N)) != N: raise ValueError("Filter order must be a nonnegative integer") elif N == 0: # Avoid divide-by-zero error # Even order filters have DC gain of -rp dB return numpy.array([]), numpy.array([]), 10**(-rp/20) z = numpy.array([]) # Ripple factor (epsilon) eps = numpy.sqrt(10 ** (0.1 * rp) - 1.0) mu = 1.0 / N * arcsinh(1 / eps) # Arrange poles in an ellipse on the left half of the S-plane m = numpy.arange(-N+1, N, 2) theta = pi * m / (2*N) p = -sinh(mu + 1j*theta) k =, axis=0).real if N % 2 == 0: k = k / sqrt((1 + eps * eps)) return z, p, k def cheb2ap(N, rs): """ Return (z,p,k) for Nth-order Chebyshev type I analog lowpass filter. The returned filter prototype has `rs` decibels of ripple in the stopband. The filter's angular (e.g. rad/s) cutoff frequency is normalized to 1, defined as the point at which the gain first reaches ``-rs``. See Also -------- cheby2 : Filter design function using this prototype """ if abs(int(N)) != N: raise ValueError("Filter order must be a nonnegative integer") elif N == 0: # Avoid divide-by-zero warning return numpy.array([]), numpy.array([]), 1 # Ripple factor (epsilon) de = 1.0 / sqrt(10 ** (0.1 * rs) - 1) mu = arcsinh(1.0 / de) / N if N % 2: m = numpy.concatenate((numpy.arange(-N+1, 0, 2), numpy.arange(2, N, 2))) else: m = numpy.arange(-N+1, N, 2) z = -conjugate(1j / sin(m * pi / (2.0 * N))) # Poles around the unit circle like Butterworth p = -exp(1j * pi * numpy.arange(-N+1, N, 2) / (2 * N)) # Warp into Chebyshev II p = sinh(mu) * p.real + 1j * cosh(mu) * p.imag p = 1.0 / p k = (, axis=0) /, axis=0)).real return z, p, k EPSILON = 2e-16 def _vratio(u, ineps, mp): [s, c, d, phi] = special.ellipj(u, mp) ret = abs(ineps - s / c) return ret def _kratio(m, k_ratio): m = float(m) if m < 0: m = 0.0 if m > 1: m = 1.0 if abs(m) > EPSILON and (abs(m) + EPSILON) < 1: k = special.ellipk([m, 1 - m]) r = k[0] / k[1] - k_ratio elif abs(m) > EPSILON: r = -k_ratio else: r = 1e20 return abs(r) def ellipap(N, rp, rs): """Return (z,p,k) of Nth-order elliptic analog lowpass filter. The filter is a normalized prototype that has `rp` decibels of ripple in the passband and a stopband `rs` decibels down. The filter's angular (e.g. rad/s) cutoff frequency is normalized to 1, defined as the point at which the gain first drops below ``-rp``. See Also -------- ellip : Filter design function using this prototype References ---------- .. [1] Lutova, Tosic, and Evans, "Filter Design for Signal Processing", Chapters 5 and 12. """ if abs(int(N)) != N: raise ValueError("Filter order must be a nonnegative integer") elif N == 0: # Avoid divide-by-zero warning # Even order filters have DC gain of -rp dB return numpy.array([]), numpy.array([]), 10**(-rp/20) elif N == 1: p = -sqrt(1.0 / (10 ** (0.1 * rp) - 1.0)) k = -p z = [] return asarray(z), asarray(p), k eps = numpy.sqrt(10 ** (0.1 * rp) - 1) ck1 = eps / numpy.sqrt(10 ** (0.1 * rs) - 1) ck1p = numpy.sqrt(1 - ck1 * ck1) if ck1p == 1: raise ValueError("Cannot design a filter with given rp and rs" " specifications.") val = special.ellipk([ck1 * ck1, ck1p * ck1p]) if abs(1 - ck1p * ck1p) < EPSILON: krat = 0 else: krat = N * val[0] / val[1] m = optimize.fmin(_kratio, [0.5], args=(krat,), maxfun=250, maxiter=250, disp=0) if m < 0 or m > 1: m = optimize.fminbound(_kratio, 0, 1, args=(krat,), maxfun=250, maxiter=250, disp=0) capk = special.ellipk(m) j = numpy.arange(1 - N % 2, N, 2) jj = len(j) [s, c, d, phi] = special.ellipj(j * capk / N, m * numpy.ones(jj)) snew = numpy.compress(abs(s) > EPSILON, s, axis=-1) z = 1.0 / (sqrt(m) * snew) z = 1j * z z = numpy.concatenate((z, conjugate(z))) r = optimize.fmin(_vratio, special.ellipk(m), args=(1. / eps, ck1p * ck1p), maxfun=250, maxiter=250, disp=0) v0 = capk * r / (N * val[0]) [sv, cv, dv, phi] = special.ellipj(v0, 1 - m) p = -(c * d * sv * cv + 1j * s * dv) / (1 - (d * sv) ** 2.0) if N % 2: newp = numpy.compress(abs(p.imag) > EPSILON * numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(p * numpy.conjugate(p), axis=0).real), p, axis=-1) p = numpy.concatenate((p, conjugate(newp))) else: p = numpy.concatenate((p, conjugate(p))) k = (, axis=0) /, axis=0)).real if N % 2 == 0: k = k / numpy.sqrt((1 + eps * eps)) return z, p, k # TODO: Make this a real public function scipy.misc.ff def _falling_factorial(x, n): r""" Return the factorial of `x` to the `n` falling. This is defined as: .. math:: x^\underline n = (x)_n = x (x-1) \cdots (x-n+1) This can more efficiently calculate ratios of factorials, since: n!/m! == falling_factorial(n, n-m) where n >= m skipping the factors that cancel out the usual factorial n! == ff(n, n) """ val = 1 for k in range(x - n + 1, x + 1): val *= k return val def _bessel_poly(n, reverse=False): """ Return the coefficients of Bessel polynomial of degree `n` If `reverse` is true, a reverse Bessel polynomial is output. Output is a list of coefficients: [1] = 1 [1, 1] = 1*s + 1 [1, 3, 3] = 1*s^2 + 3*s + 3 [1, 6, 15, 15] = 1*s^3 + 6*s^2 + 15*s + 15 [1, 10, 45, 105, 105] = 1*s^4 + 10*s^3 + 45*s^2 + 105*s + 105 etc. Output is a Python list of arbitrary precision long ints, so n is only limited by your hardware's memory. Sequence is , and output can be confirmed to match : >>> i = 0 >>> for n in range(51): ... for x in _bessel_poly(n, reverse=True): ... print(i, x) ... i += 1 """ if abs(int(n)) != n: raise ValueError("Polynomial order must be a nonnegative integer") else: n = int(n) # np.int32 doesn't work, for instance out = [] for k in range(n + 1): num = _falling_factorial(2*n - k, n) den = 2**(n - k) * factorial(k, exact=True) out.append(num // den) if reverse: return out[::-1] else: return out def _campos_zeros(n): """ Return approximate zero locations of Bessel polynomials y_n(x) for order `n` using polynomial fit (Campos-Calderon 2011) """ if n == 1: return asarray([-1+0j]) s = npp_polyval(n, [0, 0, 2, 0, -3, 1]) b3 = npp_polyval(n, [16, -8]) / s b2 = npp_polyval(n, [-24, -12, 12]) / s b1 = npp_polyval(n, [8, 24, -12, -2]) / s b0 = npp_polyval(n, [0, -6, 0, 5, -1]) / s r = npp_polyval(n, [0, 0, 2, 1]) a1 = npp_polyval(n, [-6, -6]) / r a2 = 6 / r k = np.arange(1, n+1) x = npp_polyval(k, [0, a1, a2]) y = npp_polyval(k, [b0, b1, b2, b3]) return x + 1j*y def _aberth(f, fp, x0, tol=1e-15, maxiter=50): """ Given a function `f`, its first derivative `fp`, and a set of initial guesses `x0`, simultaneously find the roots of the polynomial using the Aberth-Ehrlich method. ``len(x0)`` should equal the number of roots of `f`. (This is not a complete implementation of Bini's algorithm.) """ N = len(x0) x = array(x0, complex) beta = np.empty_like(x0) for iteration in range(maxiter): alpha = -f(x) / fp(x) # Newton's method # Model "repulsion" between zeros for k in range(N): beta[k] = np.sum(1/(x[k] - x[k+1:])) beta[k] += np.sum(1/(x[k] - x[:k])) x += alpha / (1 + alpha * beta) if not all(np.isfinite(x)): raise RuntimeError('Root-finding calculation failed') # Mekwi: The iterative process can be stopped when |hn| has become # less than the largest error one is willing to permit in the root. if all(abs(alpha) <= tol): break else: raise Exception('Zeros failed to converge') return x def _bessel_zeros(N): """ Find zeros of ordinary Bessel polynomial of order `N`, by root-finding of modified Bessel function of the second kind """ if N == 0: return asarray([]) # Generate starting points x0 = _campos_zeros(N) # Zeros are the same for exp(1/x)*K_{N+0.5}(1/x) and Nth-order ordinary # Bessel polynomial y_N(x) def f(x): return special.kve(N+0.5, 1/x) # First derivative of above def fp(x): return (special.kve(N-0.5, 1/x)/(2*x**2) - special.kve(N+0.5, 1/x)/(x**2) + special.kve(N+1.5, 1/x)/(2*x**2)) # Starting points converge to true zeros x = _aberth(f, fp, x0) # Improve precision using Newton's method on each for i in range(len(x)): x[i] = optimize.newton(f, x[i], fp, tol=1e-15) # Average complex conjugates to make them exactly symmetrical x = np.mean((x, x[::-1].conj()), 0) # Zeros should sum to -1 if abs(np.sum(x) + 1) > 1e-15: raise RuntimeError('Generated zeros are inaccurate') return x def _norm_factor(p, k): """ Numerically find frequency shift to apply to delay-normalized filter such that -3 dB point is at 1 rad/sec. `p` is an array_like of polynomial poles `k` is a float gain First 10 values are listed in "Bessel Scale Factors" table, "Bessel Filters Polynomials, Poles and Circuit Elements 2003, C. Bond." """ p = asarray(p, dtype=complex) def G(w): """ Gain of filter """ return abs(k / prod(1j*w - p)) def cutoff(w): """ When gain = -3 dB, return 0 """ return G(w) - 1/np.sqrt(2) return optimize.newton(cutoff, 1.5) def besselap(N, norm='phase'): """ Return (z,p,k) for analog prototype of an Nth-order Bessel filter. Parameters ---------- N : int The order of the filter. norm : {'phase', 'delay', 'mag'}, optional Frequency normalization: ``phase`` The filter is normalized such that the phase response reaches its midpoint at an angular (e.g. rad/s) cutoff frequency of 1. This happens for both low-pass and high-pass filters, so this is the "phase-matched" case. [6]_ The magnitude response asymptotes are the same as a Butterworth filter of the same order with a cutoff of `Wn`. This is the default, and matches MATLAB's implementation. ``delay`` The filter is normalized such that the group delay in the passband is 1 (e.g. 1 second). This is the "natural" type obtained by solving Bessel polynomials ``mag`` The filter is normalized such that the gain magnitude is -3 dB at angular frequency 1. This is called "frequency normalization" by Bond. [1]_ .. versionadded:: 0.18.0 Returns ------- z : ndarray Zeros of the transfer function. Is always an empty array. p : ndarray Poles of the transfer function. k : scalar Gain of the transfer function. For phase-normalized, this is always 1. See Also -------- bessel : Filter design function using this prototype Notes ----- To find the pole locations, approximate starting points are generated [2]_ for the zeros of the ordinary Bessel polynomial [3]_, then the Aberth-Ehrlich method [4]_ [5]_ is used on the Kv(x) Bessel function to calculate more accurate zeros, and these locations are then inverted about the unit circle. References ---------- .. [1] C.R. Bond, "Bessel Filter Constants", .. [2] Campos and Calderon, "Approximate closed-form formulas for the zeros of the Bessel Polynomials", :arXiv:`1105.0957`. .. [3] Thomson, W.E., "Delay Networks having Maximally Flat Frequency Characteristics", Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Part III, November 1949, Vol. 96, No. 44, pp. 487-490. .. [4] Aberth, "Iteration Methods for Finding all Zeros of a Polynomial Simultaneously", Mathematics of Computation, Vol. 27, No. 122, April 1973 .. [5] Ehrlich, "A modified Newton method for polynomials", Communications of the ACM, Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp. 107-108, Feb. 1967, :DOI:`10.1145/363067.363115` .. [6] Miller and Bohn, "A Bessel Filter Crossover, and Its Relation to Others", RaneNote 147, 1998, """ if abs(int(N)) != N: raise ValueError("Filter order must be a nonnegative integer") if N == 0: p = [] k = 1 else: # Find roots of reverse Bessel polynomial p = 1/_bessel_zeros(N) a_last = _falling_factorial(2*N, N) // 2**N # Shift them to a different normalization if required if norm in ('delay', 'mag'): # Normalized for group delay of 1 k = a_last if norm == 'mag': # -3 dB magnitude point is at 1 rad/sec norm_factor = _norm_factor(p, k) p /= norm_factor k = norm_factor**-N * a_last elif norm == 'phase': # Phase-matched (1/2 max phase shift at 1 rad/sec) # Asymptotes are same as Butterworth filter p *= 10**(-math.log10(a_last)/N) k = 1 else: raise ValueError('normalization not understood') return asarray([]), asarray(p, dtype=complex), float(k) def iirnotch(w0, Q): """ Design second-order IIR notch digital filter. A notch filter is a band-stop filter with a narrow bandwidth (high quality factor). It rejects a narrow frequency band and leaves the rest of the spectrum little changed. Parameters ---------- w0 : float Normalized frequency to remove from a signal. It is a scalar that must satisfy ``0 < w0 < 1``, with ``w0 = 1`` corresponding to half of the sampling frequency. Q : float Quality factor. Dimensionless parameter that characterizes notch filter -3 dB bandwidth ``bw`` relative to its center frequency, ``Q = w0/bw``. Returns ------- b, a : ndarray, ndarray Numerator (``b``) and denominator (``a``) polynomials of the IIR filter. See Also -------- iirpeak Notes ----- .. versionadded: 0.19.0 References ---------- .. [1] Sophocles J. Orfanidis, "Introduction To Signal Processing", Prentice-Hall, 1996 Examples -------- Design and plot filter to remove the 60Hz component from a signal sampled at 200Hz, using a quality factor Q = 30 >>> from scipy import signal >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> fs = 200.0 # Sample frequency (Hz) >>> f0 = 60.0 # Frequency to be removed from signal (Hz) >>> Q = 30.0 # Quality factor >>> w0 = f0/(fs/2) # Normalized Frequency >>> # Design notch filter >>> b, a = signal.iirnotch(w0, Q) >>> # Frequency response >>> w, h = signal.freqz(b, a) >>> # Generate frequency axis >>> freq = w*fs/(2*np.pi) >>> # Plot >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(8, 6)) >>> ax[0].plot(freq, 20*np.log10(abs(h)), color='blue') >>> ax[0].set_title("Frequency Response") >>> ax[0].set_ylabel("Amplitude (dB)", color='blue') >>> ax[0].set_xlim([0, 100]) >>> ax[0].set_ylim([-25, 10]) >>> ax[0].grid() >>> ax[1].plot(freq, np.unwrap(np.angle(h))*180/np.pi, color='green') >>> ax[1].set_ylabel("Angle (degrees)", color='green') >>> ax[1].set_xlabel("Frequency (Hz)") >>> ax[1].set_xlim([0, 100]) >>> ax[1].set_yticks([-90, -60, -30, 0, 30, 60, 90]) >>> ax[1].set_ylim([-90, 90]) >>> ax[1].grid() >>> """ return _design_notch_peak_filter(w0, Q, "notch") def iirpeak(w0, Q): """ Design second-order IIR peak (resonant) digital filter. A peak filter is a band-pass filter with a narrow bandwidth (high quality factor). It rejects components outside a narrow frequency band. Parameters ---------- w0 : float Normalized frequency to be retained in a signal. It is a scalar that must satisfy ``0 < w0 < 1``, with ``w0 = 1`` corresponding to half of the sampling frequency. Q : float Quality factor. Dimensionless parameter that characterizes peak filter -3 dB bandwidth ``bw`` relative to its center frequency, ``Q = w0/bw``. Returns ------- b, a : ndarray, ndarray Numerator (``b``) and denominator (``a``) polynomials of the IIR filter. See Also -------- iirnotch Notes ----- .. versionadded: 0.19.0 References ---------- .. [1] Sophocles J. Orfanidis, "Introduction To Signal Processing", Prentice-Hall, 1996 Examples -------- Design and plot filter to remove the frequencies other than the 300Hz component from a signal sampled at 1000Hz, using a quality factor Q = 30 >>> from scipy import signal >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> fs = 1000.0 # Sample frequency (Hz) >>> f0 = 300.0 # Frequency to be retained (Hz) >>> Q = 30.0 # Quality factor >>> w0 = f0/(fs/2) # Normalized Frequency >>> # Design peak filter >>> b, a = signal.iirpeak(w0, Q) >>> # Frequency response >>> w, h = signal.freqz(b, a) >>> # Generate frequency axis >>> freq = w*fs/(2*np.pi) >>> # Plot >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(8, 6)) >>> ax[0].plot(freq, 20*np.log10(abs(h)), color='blue') >>> ax[0].set_title("Frequency Response") >>> ax[0].set_ylabel("Amplitude (dB)", color='blue') >>> ax[0].set_xlim([0, 500]) >>> ax[0].set_ylim([-50, 10]) >>> ax[0].grid() >>> ax[1].plot(freq, np.unwrap(np.angle(h))*180/np.pi, color='green') >>> ax[1].set_ylabel("Angle (degrees)", color='green') >>> ax[1].set_xlabel("Frequency (Hz)") >>> ax[1].set_xlim([0, 500]) >>> ax[1].set_yticks([-90, -60, -30, 0, 30, 60, 90]) >>> ax[1].set_ylim([-90, 90]) >>> ax[1].grid() >>> """ return _design_notch_peak_filter(w0, Q, "peak") def _design_notch_peak_filter(w0, Q, ftype): """ Design notch or peak digital filter. Parameters ---------- w0 : float Normalized frequency to remove from a signal. It is a scalar that must satisfy ``0 < w0 < 1``, with ``w0 = 1`` corresponding to half of the sampling frequency. Q : float Quality factor. Dimensionless parameter that characterizes notch filter -3 dB bandwidth ``bw`` relative to its center frequency, ``Q = w0/bw``. ftype : str The type of IIR filter to design: - notch filter : ``notch`` - peak filter : ``peak`` Returns ------- b, a : ndarray, ndarray Numerator (``b``) and denominator (``a``) polynomials of the IIR filter. """ # Guarantee that the inputs are floats w0 = float(w0) Q = float(Q) # Checks if w0 is within the range if w0 > 1.0 or w0 < 0.0: raise ValueError("w0 should be such that 0 < w0 < 1") # Get bandwidth bw = w0/Q # Normalize inputs bw = bw*np.pi w0 = w0*np.pi # Compute -3dB atenuation gb = 1/np.sqrt(2) if ftype == "notch": # Compute beta: formula 11.3.4 (p.575) from reference [1] beta = (np.sqrt(1.0-gb**2.0)/gb)*np.tan(bw/2.0) elif ftype == "peak": # Compute beta: formula 11.3.19 (p.579) from reference [1] beta = (gb/np.sqrt(1.0-gb**2.0))*np.tan(bw/2.0) else: raise ValueError("Unknown ftype.") # Compute gain: formula 11.3.6 (p.575) from reference [1] gain = 1.0/(1.0+beta) # Compute numerator b and denominator a # formulas 11.3.7 (p.575) and 11.3.21 (p.579) # from reference [1] if ftype == "notch": b = gain*np.array([1.0, -2.0*np.cos(w0), 1.0]) else: b = (1.0-gain)*np.array([1.0, 0.0, -1.0]) a = np.array([1.0, -2.0*gain*np.cos(w0), (2.0*gain-1.0)]) return b, a filter_dict = {'butter': [buttap, buttord], 'butterworth': [buttap, buttord], 'cauer': [ellipap, ellipord], 'elliptic': [ellipap, ellipord], 'ellip': [ellipap, ellipord], 'bessel': [besselap], 'bessel_phase': [besselap], 'bessel_delay': [besselap], 'bessel_mag': [besselap], 'cheby1': [cheb1ap, cheb1ord], 'chebyshev1': [cheb1ap, cheb1ord], 'chebyshevi': [cheb1ap, cheb1ord], 'cheby2': [cheb2ap, cheb2ord], 'chebyshev2': [cheb2ap, cheb2ord], 'chebyshevii': [cheb2ap, cheb2ord], } band_dict = {'band': 'bandpass', 'bandpass': 'bandpass', 'pass': 'bandpass', 'bp': 'bandpass', 'bs': 'bandstop', 'bandstop': 'bandstop', 'bands': 'bandstop', 'stop': 'bandstop', 'l': 'lowpass', 'low': 'lowpass', 'lowpass': 'lowpass', 'lp': 'lowpass', 'high': 'highpass', 'highpass': 'highpass', 'h': 'highpass', 'hp': 'highpass', } bessel_norms = {'bessel': 'phase', 'bessel_phase': 'phase', 'bessel_delay': 'delay', 'bessel_mag': 'mag'}
# Author: Hamzeh Alsalhi <> # # License: BSD 3 clause from __future__ import division import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp import array from sklearn.utils import check_random_state from ._random import sample_without_replacement from .deprecation import deprecated __all__ = ['sample_without_replacement', 'choice'] # This is a backport of np.random.choice from numpy 1.7 # The function can be removed when we bump the requirements to >=1.7 @deprecated("sklearn.utils.random.choice was deprecated in version 0.19 " "and will be removed in 0.21. Use np.random.choice or " "np.random.RandomState.choice instead.") def choice(a, size=None, replace=True, p=None, random_state=None): """ choice(a, size=None, replace=True, p=None) Generates a random sample from a given 1-D array .. versionadded:: 1.7.0 Parameters ----------- a : 1-D array-like or int If an ndarray, a random sample is generated from its elements. If an int, the random sample is generated as if a was np.arange(n) size : int or tuple of ints, optional Output shape. Default is None, in which case a single value is returned. replace : boolean, optional Whether the sample is with or without replacement. p : 1-D array-like, optional The probabilities associated with each entry in a. If not given the sample assumes a uniform distribution over all entries in a. random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional (default=None) If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`. Returns -------- samples : 1-D ndarray, shape (size,) The generated random samples Raises ------- ValueError If a is an int and less than zero, if a or p are not 1-dimensional, if a is an array-like of size 0, if p is not a vector of probabilities, if a and p have different lengths, or if replace=False and the sample size is greater than the population size See Also --------- randint, shuffle, permutation Examples --------- Generate a uniform random sample from np.arange(5) of size 3: >>> np.random.choice(5, 3) # doctest: +SKIP array([0, 3, 4]) >>> #This is equivalent to np.random.randint(0,5,3) Generate a non-uniform random sample from np.arange(5) of size 3: >>> np.random.choice(5, 3, p=[0.1, 0, 0.3, 0.6, 0]) # doctest: +SKIP array([3, 3, 0]) Generate a uniform random sample from np.arange(5) of size 3 without replacement: >>> np.random.choice(5, 3, replace=False) # doctest: +SKIP array([3,1,0]) >>> #This is equivalent to np.random.shuffle(np.arange(5))[:3] Generate a non-uniform random sample from np.arange(5) of size 3 without replacement: >>> np.random.choice(5, 3, replace=False, p=[0.1, 0, 0.3, 0.6, 0]) ... # doctest: +SKIP array([2, 3, 0]) Any of the above can be repeated with an arbitrary array-like instead of just integers. For instance: >>> aa_milne_arr = ['pooh', 'rabbit', 'piglet', 'Christopher'] >>> np.random.choice(aa_milne_arr, 5, p=[0.5, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3]) ... # doctest: +SKIP array(['pooh', 'pooh', 'pooh', 'Christopher', 'piglet'], dtype='|S11') """ if random_state is not None: random_state = check_random_state(random_state) return random_state.choice(a, size, replace, p) else: return np.random.choice(a, size, replace, p) def random_choice_csc(n_samples, classes, class_probability=None, random_state=None): """Generate a sparse random matrix given column class distributions Parameters ---------- n_samples : int, Number of samples to draw in each column. classes : list of size n_outputs of arrays of size (n_classes,) List of classes for each column. class_probability : list of size n_outputs of arrays of size (n_classes,) Optional (default=None). Class distribution of each column. If None the uniform distribution is assumed. random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional (default=None) If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`. Returns ------- random_matrix : sparse csc matrix of size (n_samples, n_outputs) """ data = array.array('i') indices = array.array('i') indptr = array.array('i', [0]) for j in range(len(classes)): classes[j] = np.asarray(classes[j]) if classes[j].dtype.kind != 'i': raise ValueError("class dtype %s is not supported" % classes[j].dtype) classes[j] = classes[j].astype(np.int64, copy=False) # use uniform distribution if no class_probability is given if class_probability is None: class_prob_j = np.empty(shape=classes[j].shape[0]) class_prob_j.fill(1 / classes[j].shape[0]) else: class_prob_j = np.asarray(class_probability[j]) if np.sum(class_prob_j) != 1.0: raise ValueError("Probability array at index {0} does not sum to " "one".format(j)) if class_prob_j.shape[0] != classes[j].shape[0]: raise ValueError("classes[{0}] (length {1}) and " "class_probability[{0}] (length {2}) have " "different length.".format(j, classes[j].shape[0], class_prob_j.shape[0])) # If 0 is not present in the classes insert it with a probability 0.0 if 0 not in classes[j]: classes[j] = np.insert(classes[j], 0, 0) class_prob_j = np.insert(class_prob_j, 0, 0.0) # If there are nonzero classes choose randomly using class_probability rng = check_random_state(random_state) if classes[j].shape[0] > 1: p_nonzero = 1 - class_prob_j[classes[j] == 0] nnz = int(n_samples * p_nonzero) ind_sample = sample_without_replacement(n_population=n_samples, n_samples=nnz, random_state=random_state) indices.extend(ind_sample) # Normalize probabilites for the nonzero elements classes_j_nonzero = classes[j] != 0 class_probability_nz = class_prob_j[classes_j_nonzero] class_probability_nz_norm = (class_probability_nz / np.sum(class_probability_nz)) classes_ind = np.searchsorted(class_probability_nz_norm.cumsum(), rng.rand(nnz)) data.extend(classes[j][classes_j_nonzero][classes_ind]) indptr.append(len(indices)) return sp.csc_matrix((data, indices, indptr), (n_samples, len(classes)), dtype=int)
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List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ (master_doc, 'PyAbel', 'PyAbel Documentation', author, 'PyAbel', 'One line description of project.', 'Miscellaneous'), ] # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. #texinfo_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. #texinfo_domain_indices = True # How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. #texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' # If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu. #texinfo_no_detailmenu = False required_symlinks = [ ('examples', '../examples/') ] autodoc_member_order = 'bysource' # supress the "nonlocal image URI found" warnings import sphinx.environment from docutils.utils import get_source_line def _warn_node(self, msg, node): if not msg.startswith('nonlocal image URI found:'): self._warnfunc(msg, '%s:%s' % get_source_line(node)) sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment.warn_node = _warn_node
import glob import pandas as pd import numpy as np from astLib import astCoords as aco from astLib import astStats as ast from astLib import astCalc as aca c = 2.99E5 # speed of light in km/s def findSeperationSpatial(data, center): ''' Finds the distance to all of the galaxies from the center of the cluster in the spatial plane. Returns values in Mpc. ''' # Add a new column to the dataframe data['seperation'] = 0.0 for row in data.iterrows(): sepDeg = aco.calcAngSepDeg(center[0], center[1], row[1]['ra'], row[1]['dec']) sepMpc = sepDeg * aca.da(row[1]['redshift'])/57.2957795131 data['seperation'][row[0]] = sepMpc return data def findClusterCenterRedshift(data): ''' Finds the center of the cluster in redshift space using the biweightlocation estimator. ''' x = np.copy(data['redshift'].values) return ast.biweightLocation(x, tuningConstant=6.0) def findLOSV(data): ''' Finds the line of sight velocity for each of the galaxies. ''' c = 2.99E5 # speed of light in km/s avgz = findClusterCenterRedshift(data) # Add a new column to the dataframe data['LOSV'] = 0.0 for row in data.iterrows(): data['LOSV'][row[0]] = c *(row[1]['redshift'] - avgz)/(1 + avgz) return data def split_list(alist, wanted_parts=1): ''' Breaks a list into a number of parts. If it does not divide evenly then the last list will have an extra element. ''' length = len(alist) return [ alist[i*length // wanted_parts: (i+1)*length // wanted_parts] for i in range(wanted_parts) ] def rejectInterlopers(data): ''' Does all of the work to figure out which galaxies don't belong. Makes several sorted copies of the dataframe and then applies the fixed gapper method. ''' # make some copies so we can sort them around sepSorted = data.sort('seperation', ascending=True) # How many parts to break into parts = len(data)//15 splitData = split_list(data, parts) # Now we sort the parts by LOSV and find the rejects interlopers = [] for part in splitData: # sort by LOSV LOSVsorted = part.sort('LOSV', ascending=True) rejected = True while rejected: # Find the difference between all of the neighboring elements difference = np.diff(LOSVsorted['LOSV']) # If diff > 1000 reject rejects = abs(difference) > 1000 # Now remove those items indices = np.where(rejects == True) #print LOSVsorted['LOSV'] #print difference #print indices[0] if rejects.any() == True: # Always take the more extreme index for index, i in enumerate(indices[0]): if (abs(LOSVsorted['LOSV'][LOSVsorted.index[i]]) - abs(LOSVsorted['LOSV'][LOSVsorted.index[i+1]])) > 0: pass elif (abs(LOSVsorted['LOSV'][LOSVsorted.index[i]]) - abs(LOSVsorted['LOSV'][LOSVsorted.index[i+1]])) < 0: indices[0][index] = i+1 #print LOSVsorted.index[list(indices[0])] dataframeIndex = list(LOSVsorted.index[list(indices[0])]) LOSVsorted = LOSVsorted.drop(dataframeIndex) interlopers += dataframeIndex else: rejected = False print 'interlopers',interlopers return data.drop(interlopers) def rejectInterlopers_group(data, sigmav=500) ''' This method is given in Wilman 2005 and Connelly 2012 and talked about in the draft of the cluster paper. It doesn't look like it is full fleshed out. ''' deltaZmax = 2 * simgav / c avgz = findClusterCenterRedshift(data) deltaRmax = (c * deltaZmax)/(10*(1 + avgz)*aca.H0*aca.Ez(avgz)) # 1/Mpc deltaThetamax = 206265 * deltaRmax * aca.da(avgz) # arcseconds center = 191.1050125, 16.7966666667 seperated = findSeperationSpatial(matched, center) losv = findLOSV(seperated) cleaned = rejectInterlopers(losv)
import pandas import pandasql def max_temp_aggregate_by_fog(filename): ''' This function should run a SQL query on a dataframe of weather data. The SQL query should return two columns and two rows - whether it was foggy or not (0 or 1) and the max maxtempi for that fog value (i.e., the maximum max temperature for both foggy and non-foggy days). The dataframe will be titled 'weather_data'. You'll need to provide the SQL query. You might also find that interpreting numbers as integers or floats may not work initially. In order to get around this issue, it may be useful to cast these numbers as integers. This can be done by writing cast(column as integer). So for example, if we wanted to cast the maxtempi column as an integer, we would actually write something like where cast(maxtempi as integer) = 76, as opposed to simply where maxtempi = 76. You can see the weather data that we are passing in below: ''' weather_data = pandas.read_csv(filename) q = """ select fog, max(maxtempi) from weather_data group by fog """ #Execute your SQL command against the pandas frame foggy_days = pandasql.sqldf(q.lower(), locals()) return foggy_days print max_temp_aggregate_by_fog('weather_underground.csv')
""" The :mod:`sklearn.exceptions` module includes all custom warnings and error classes used across scikit-learn. """ __all__ = ['NotFittedError', 'ChangedBehaviorWarning', 'ConvergenceWarning', 'DataConversionWarning', 'DataDimensionalityWarning', 'EfficiencyWarning', 'FitFailedWarning', 'NonBLASDotWarning', 'SkipTestWarning', 'UndefinedMetricWarning'] class NotFittedError(ValueError, AttributeError): """Exception class to raise if estimator is used before fitting. This class inherits from both ValueError and AttributeError to help with exception handling and backward compatibility. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC >>> from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError >>> try: ... LinearSVC().predict([[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]) ... except NotFittedError as e: ... print(repr(e)) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS NotFittedError('This LinearSVC instance is not fitted yet',) .. versionchanged:: 0.18 Moved from sklearn.utils.validation. """ class ChangedBehaviorWarning(UserWarning): """Warning class used to notify the user of any change in the behavior. .. versionchanged:: 0.18 Moved from sklearn.base. """ class ConvergenceWarning(UserWarning): """Custom warning to capture convergence problems .. versionchanged:: 0.18 Moved from sklearn.utils. """ class DataConversionWarning(UserWarning): """Warning used to notify implicit data conversions happening in the code. This warning occurs when some input data needs to be converted or interpreted in a way that may not match the user's expectations. For example, this warning may occur when the user - passes an integer array to a function which expects float input and will convert the input - requests a non-copying operation, but a copy is required to meet the implementation's data-type expectations; - passes an input whose shape can be interpreted ambiguously. .. versionchanged:: 0.18 Moved from sklearn.utils.validation. """ class DataDimensionalityWarning(UserWarning): """Custom warning to notify potential issues with data dimensionality. For example, in random projection, this warning is raised when the number of components, which quantifies the dimensionality of the target projection space, is higher than the number of features, which quantifies the dimensionality of the original source space, to imply that the dimensionality of the problem will not be reduced. .. versionchanged:: 0.18 Moved from sklearn.utils. """ class EfficiencyWarning(UserWarning): """Warning used to notify the user of inefficient computation. This warning notifies the user that the efficiency may not be optimal due to some reason which may be included as a part of the warning message. This may be subclassed into a more specific Warning class. .. versionadded:: 0.18 """ class FitFailedWarning(RuntimeWarning): """Warning class used if there is an error while fitting the estimator. This Warning is used in meta estimators GridSearchCV and RandomizedSearchCV and the cross-validation helper function cross_val_score to warn when there is an error while fitting the estimator. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV >>> from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC >>> from sklearn.exceptions import FitFailedWarning >>> import warnings >>> warnings.simplefilter('always', FitFailedWarning) >>> gs = GridSearchCV(LinearSVC(), {'C': [-1, -2]}, error_score=0) >>> X, y = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], [8, 9]], [0, 0, 0, 1, 1] >>> with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: ... try: ..., y) # This will raise a ValueError since C is < 0 ... except ValueError: ... pass ... print(repr(w[-1].message)) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE FitFailedWarning("Classifier fit failed. The score on this train-test partition for these parameters will be set to 0.000000. Details: \\nValueError('Penalty term must be positive; got (C=-2)',)",) .. versionchanged:: 0.18 Moved from sklearn.cross_validation. """ class NonBLASDotWarning(EfficiencyWarning): """Warning used when the dot operation does not use BLAS. This warning is used to notify the user that BLAS was not used for dot operation and hence the efficiency may be affected. .. versionchanged:: 0.18 Moved from sklearn.utils.validation, extends EfficiencyWarning. """ class SkipTestWarning(UserWarning): """Warning class used to notify the user of a test that was skipped. For example, one of the estimator checks requires a pandas import. If the pandas package cannot be imported, the test will be skipped rather than register as a failure. """ class UndefinedMetricWarning(UserWarning): """Warning used when the metric is invalid .. versionchanged:: 0.18 Moved from sklearn.base. """
import numpy as np import time, os, sys import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.signal import hamming, resample sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '../../../software/models/')) import dftModel as DFT import utilFunctions as UF import math (fs, x1) = UF.wavread('../../../sounds/orchestra.wav') (fs, x2) = UF.wavread('../../../sounds/speech-male.wav') w1 = np.hamming(1024) N1 = 1024 H1 = 256 w2 = np.hamming(1024) N2 = 1024 smoothf = .1 balancef = .7 M1 = w1.size # size of analysis window hM1_1 = int(math.floor((M1+1)/2)) # half analysis window size by rounding hM1_2 = int(math.floor(M1/2)) # half analysis window size by floor M2 = w2.size # size of analysis window hM2_1 = int(math.floor((M2+1)/2)) # half analysis window size by rounding hM2_2 = int(math.floor(M2/2)) # half analysis window size by floor2 loc1 = 14843 loc2 = 9294 x1 = x1[loc1-hM1_1:loc1+hM1_2] x2 = x2[loc2-hM2_1:loc2+hM2_2] mX1, pX1 = DFT.dftAnal(x1, w1, N1) # compute dft mX2, pX2 = DFT.dftAnal(x2, w2, N2) # compute dft # morph mX2smooth = resample(np.maximum(-200, mX2), mX2.size*smoothf) # smooth spectrum of second sound mX2 = resample(mX2smooth, mX2.size) mY = balancef * mX2 + (1-balancef) * mX1 # generate output spectrum #-----synthesis----- y = DFT.dftSynth(mY, pX1, M1) * sum(w1) # overlap-add to generate output sound mY1, pY1 = DFT.dftAnal(y, w1, M1) # overlap-add to generate output sound plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 9)) plt.subplot(321) plt.plot(np.arange(N1)/float(fs), x1*w1, 'b', lw=1.5) plt.axis([0, N1/float(fs), min(x1*w1), max(x1*w1)]) plt.title('x1 (orchestra.wav)') plt.subplot(323) plt.plot(fs*np.arange(mX1.size)/float(mX1.size), mX1-max(mX1), 'r', lw=1.5, label = 'mX1') plt.plot(fs*np.arange(mX2.size)/float(mX2.size), mX2-max(mX2), 'k', lw=1.5, label='mX2') plt.legend(prop={'size':10}) plt.axis([0,fs/4.0,-70,2]) plt.title('mX1 + mX2 (speech-male.wav)') plt.subplot(325) plt.plot(fs*np.arange(pX1.size)/float(pX1.size), pX1, 'c', lw=1.5) plt.axis([0,fs/4.0,min(pX1),20]) plt.title('pX1') plt.subplot(322) plt.plot(np.arange(N1)/float(fs), y, 'b', lw=1.5) plt.axis([0, float(N1)/fs, min(y), max(y)]) plt.title('y') plt.subplot(324) plt.plot(fs*np.arange(mY1.size)/float(mY1.size), mY1-max(mY1), 'r', lw=1.5) plt.axis([0,fs/4.0,-70,2]) plt.title('mY') plt.subplot(326) plt.plot(fs*np.arange(pY1.size)/float(pY1.size), pY1, 'c', lw=1.5) plt.axis([0,fs/4.0,min(pY1),6]) plt.title('pY') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('stftMorph-frame.png')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Testing that functions from compat work as expected """ from pandas.compat import ( range, zip, map, filter, lrange, lzip, lmap, lfilter, builtins ) import unittest import nose import pandas.util.testing as tm class TestBuiltinIterators(tm.TestCase): def check_result(self, actual, expected, lengths): for (iter_res, list_res), exp, length in zip(actual, expected, lengths): self.assertNotIsInstance(iter_res, list) tm.assertIsInstance(list_res, list) iter_res = list(iter_res) self.assertEqual(len(list_res), length) self.assertEqual(len(iter_res), length) self.assertEqual(iter_res, exp) self.assertEqual(list_res, exp) def test_range(self): actual1 = range(10) actual2 = lrange(10) actual = [actual1, actual2], expected = list(builtins.range(10)), lengths = 10, actual1 = range(1, 10, 2) actual2 = lrange(1, 10, 2) actual += [actual1, actual2], lengths += 5, expected += list(builtins.range(1, 10, 2)), self.check_result(actual, expected, lengths) def test_map(self): func = lambda x, y, z: x + y + z lst = [builtins.range(10), builtins.range(10), builtins.range(10)] actual1 = map(func, *lst) actual2 = lmap(func, *lst) actual = [actual1, actual2], expected = list(, *lst)), lengths = 10, self.check_result(actual, expected, lengths) def test_filter(self): func = lambda x: x lst = list(builtins.range(10)) actual1 = filter(func, lst) actual2 = lfilter(func, lst) actual = [actual1, actual2], lengths = 9, expected = list(builtins.filter(func, lst)), self.check_result(actual, expected, lengths) def test_zip(self): lst = [builtins.range(10), builtins.range(10), builtins.range(10)] actual = [zip(*lst), lzip(*lst)], expected = list(*lst)), lengths = 10, self.check_result(actual, expected, lengths) if __name__ == '__main__': nose.runmodule(argv=[__file__, '-vvs', '-x', '--pdb', '--pdb-failure'], # '--with-coverage', '--cover-package=pandas.core'], exit=False)
from __future__ import print_function, division import os os.environ["THEANO_FLAGS"] = "mode=FAST_RUN,device=gpu,floatX=float32" import theano from theano import tensor import numpy as np import scipy as sp import dnntoolkit import lasagne from matplotlib import pyplot as plt np.random.seed(dnntoolkit.MAGIC_SEED) # ====================================================================== # Global # ====================================================================== W_saved = None W_rollbacked = None dnntoolkit.logger.set_save_path('tmp/log.txt') # ====================================================================== # data # ====================================================================== ds = dnntoolkit.dataset.load_mnist() dnntoolkit.logger.log(ds) # ====================================================================== # Model # ====================================================================== def ffnet(indim, outdim): outdim = int(outdim) l_in = lasagne.layers.InputLayer(shape=(None,) + indim) l_in = lasagne.layers.FlattenLayer(l_in) l_in = lasagne.layers.DropoutLayer(l_in, p=0.3) l_hid = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer(l_in, num_units=256, nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.rectify) l_hid = lasagne.layers.DropoutLayer(l_hid, p=0.3) return lasagne.layers.DenseLayer(l_hid, num_units=outdim, nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.softmax) # ====================================================================== # Load data # ====================================================================== m = dnntoolkit.model('tmp/') m.set_model(ffnet, api='lasagne', indim=ds['X_train'].shape[1:], outdim=ds['y_train'].shape[1]) net = m.create_model() y = tensor.matrix(name='y', dtype=theano.config.floatX) input_var = [l.input_var for l in lasagne.layers.find_layers(net, types=lasagne.layers.InputLayer)] dropout = lasagne.layers.find_layers(net, types=lasagne.layers.DropoutLayer) # ====== Create prediction ====== # y_pred_deter = lasagne.layers.get_output(net, deterministic=True) f_pred = theano.function( inputs=input_var, outputs=y_pred_deter, allow_input_downcast=True )'Built prediction function!') # ====== Create accuracy ====== # cost_monitor = lasagne.objectives.categorical_accuracy(y_pred_deter, y).mean() f_cost = theano.function( inputs=input_var + [y], outputs=cost_monitor, allow_input_downcast=True )'Built cost function!') # ====== Create training ====== # y_pred_stoch = lasagne.layers.get_output(net, deterministic=False) cost_train = lasagne.objectives.categorical_crossentropy(y_pred_stoch, y).mean() params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(net) lr = dnntoolkit.tensor.shared_scalar(name='lr', val=0.001) updates = lasagne.updates.sgd(cost_train, params, lr) f_updates = theano.function( inputs=input_var + [y], outputs=cost_train, updates=updates, allow_input_downcast=True )'Built updates function!') # ====================================================================== # Train # ====================================================================== trainer = dnntoolkit.trainer() trainer.set_dataset(ds, train=['X_train', 'y_train'], valid=['X_valid', 'y_valid'], test=['X_test', 'y_test']) trainer.set_model(cost_func=f_cost, updates_func=f_updates) trainer.set_strategy( task='train', data={'train': ['X_train', 'y_train'], 'valid': ['X_valid', 'y_valid']}, epoch=50, batch=256, shuffle=True, validfreq=0.6, seed=dnntoolkit.MAGIC_SEED ).set_strategy( task='test', batch=256 ) # ==================== Callback ==================== # def epoch_end(trainer): m.record(np.mean(trainer.cost), trainer.task, 'epoch_end') # ====== Visual weights ====== # plt.close('all') weights = m.get_weights() nrows = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(weights)))) ncols = nrows fig = plt.figure() for i, w in enumerate(weights[:-1]): ax = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, i + 1) dnntoolkit.visual.plot_weights(w, ax) ax = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, i + 2) dnntoolkit.visual.plot_weights(weights[-1], ax, colorbar='all', path='img/W_%d.png' % trainer.epoch) def batch_end(trainer): m.record(np.mean(trainer.cost), trainer.task, 'batch_end') def valid_end(trainer): m.record(np.mean(trainer.cost), 'valid_end') cost = [1 - i for i in'valid_end')] shouldSave, shoudlStop = dnntoolkit.dnn.earlystop( cost, generalization_loss=True, threshold=3) if shouldSave: #'\nShould save!') global W_saved W_saved = [i.astype(np.float32) for i in m.get_weights()] if shoudlStop: #'\nShould stop!') trainer.stop() def train_end(trainer): m.record(np.mean(trainer.cost), 'train_end') def test_start(trainer): m.rollback() # rollback to best saved version of AI global W_rollbacked W_rollbacked = [i.astype(np.float32) for i in m.get_weights()] def test_end(trainer): m.record(np.mean(trainer.cost), 'test_end') trainer.set_callback(epoch_end=epoch_end, batch_end=batch_end, train_end=train_end, valid_end=valid_end, test_start=test_start, test_end=test_end) # ==================== Start now ==================== # print(trainer) # trainer.set_strategy(yaml='tmp.yaml') # print(trainer) # # ====================================================================== # Test load model # ====================================================================== m = dnntoolkit.model.load('tmp/') net = m.create_model() W = m.get_weights() dnntoolkit.logger.critical('******* Compare to best saved weights: ********') for i, j in zip(W, W_saved): dnntoolkit.logger.critical('W differences: %.4f' % (np.sum(i - j))) if W_rollbacked is not None: dnntoolkit.logger.critical('******* Compare to rollbacked weights: ********') for i, j in zip(W, W_rollbacked): dnntoolkit.logger.critical('W differences: %.4f' % (np.sum(i - j))) # ====== Test prediction ====== # test_pred = m.pred(ds['X_test'][:]) test_pred = np.argmax(test_pred, axis=1) test_true = np.argmax(ds['y_test'][:], axis=1) hit = np.sum(test_pred == test_true) dnntoolkit.logger.critical('Test accuracy: %.4f' % (hit / len(test_true))) # ====== Some training information ====== #'Epoch cost:') dnntoolkit.visual.print_bar(['epoch_end', 'train']), bincount=50)'Validation accuracy:') dnntoolkit.visual.print_bar(['valid_end']), bincount=50) # ====================================================================== # End # ====================================================================== ds.close()
Gene Expression Prediction/
import os import lightgbm as lgb import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV, StratifiedShuffleSplit # Dataset DATASET_FOLDER_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "Documents/Dataset/Gene Expression Prediction") MODEL_FOLDER_PATH = os.path.join(DATASET_FOLDER_PATH, "model") SUBMISSION_FOLDER_PATH = os.path.join(DATASET_FOLDER_PATH, "submission") def load_dataset(): # Read csv files x_train = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(DATASET_FOLDER_PATH, "train/x_train.csv")).as_matrix() x_test = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(DATASET_FOLDER_PATH, "test/x_test.csv")).as_matrix() y_train = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(DATASET_FOLDER_PATH, "train/y_train.csv")).as_matrix() # Remove the first column x_train = x_train[:, 1:] x_test = x_test[:, 1:] y_train = y_train[:, 1:] # Every 100 rows correspond to one gene. Extract all 100-row-blocks into a list using np.split. num_genes_train = x_train.shape[0] / 100 num_genes_test = x_test.shape[0] / 100 x_train = np.split(x_train, num_genes_train) x_test = np.split(x_test, num_genes_test) # Reshape by raveling each 100x5 array into a 500-length vector x_train = [g.ravel() for g in x_train] x_test = [g.ravel() for g in x_test] # Convert data from list to array x_train = np.array(x_train) y_train = np.array(y_train) x_test = np.array(x_test) y_train = np.ravel(y_train) return x_train, y_train, x_test def run(): print("Creating folder ...") os.makedirs(MODEL_FOLDER_PATH, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(SUBMISSION_FOLDER_PATH, exist_ok=True) print("Loading dataset ...") x_train, y_train, x_test = load_dataset() print("Performing parameter optimization ...") # estimator = lgb.LGBMClassifier() # param_grid = { # "num_leaves": [31, 63, 127, 255], # "learning_rate": [0.01, 0.05, 0.1], # "n_estimators": [50, 100, 200], # "subsample" : [0.8, 0.9, 1], # "colsample_bytree" : [0.8, 0.9, 1], # "reg_alpha" : [0, 0.1, 0.5], # "objective" : ["binary"] # } # randomizedsearch_object = RandomizedSearchCV(estimator, param_grid, n_iter=100, cv=5, scoring="roc_auc", refit=False, verbose=3) #, y_train) # print("Best score is: {}".format(randomizedsearch_object.best_score_)) # print("Best parameters are: {}".format(randomizedsearch_object.best_params_)) # Best score is: 0.9176406673636928 # Best parameters are: {'subsample': 0.9, 'reg_alpha': 0, 'objective': 'binary', 'num_leaves': 255, 'n_estimators': 200, 'learning_rate': 0.05, 'colsample_bytree': 0.9} best_params = {"num_leaves": 255, "learning_rate": 0.05, "subsample": 0.9, "colsample_bytree": 0.9, "reg_alpha": 0, "objective":"binary", "metric":"auc"} prediction_array_list = [] cv_object = StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_splits=100, test_size=0.2, random_state=0) for cv_index, (train_index, valid_index) in enumerate(cv_object.split(x_train, y_train), start=1): submission_file_path = os.path.join(SUBMISSION_FOLDER_PATH, "submission_{}.csv".format(cv_index)) if not os.path.isfile(submission_file_path): model_file_path = os.path.join(MODEL_FOLDER_PATH, "model_{}.txt".format(cv_index)) if not os.path.isfile(model_file_path): train_data = lgb.Dataset(x_train[train_index], label=y_train[train_index]) validation_data = lgb.Dataset(x_train[valid_index], label=y_train[valid_index], reference=train_data) model = lgb.train(params=best_params, train_set=train_data, num_boost_round=1000000, valid_sets=[validation_data], early_stopping_rounds=100) model.save_model(model_file_path, num_iteration=model.best_iteration) assert os.path.isfile(model_file_path) print("Loading weights from {}".format(os.path.basename(model_file_path))) model = lgb.Booster(model_file=model_file_path) # Generate prediction prediction_array = np.expand_dims(model.predict(x_test), axis=-1) prediction_array_list.append(prediction_array) # Save prediction to disk submission_file_content = pd.DataFrame(np.hstack((np.expand_dims(np.arange(len(prediction_array)), axis=-1) + 1, prediction_array)), columns=["GeneId", "Prediction"]) submission_file_content.GeneId = submission_file_content.GeneId.astype(int) submission_file_content.to_csv(submission_file_path, index=False) print("Submission saved at {}".format(submission_file_path)) else: # Load prediction prediction_array = np.expand_dims(pd.read_csv(submission_file_path).as_matrix()[:, 1], axis=-1) prediction_array_list.append(prediction_array) # Ensemble predictions for ensemble_func, ensemble_func_name in zip([np.max, np.min, np.mean, np.median], ["max", "min", "mean", "median"]): submission_file_path = os.path.join(SUBMISSION_FOLDER_PATH, "submission_{}.csv".format(ensemble_func_name)) if not os.path.isfile(submission_file_path): prediction_array = ensemble_func(prediction_array_list, axis=0) # Save prediction to disk submission_file_content = pd.DataFrame(np.hstack((np.expand_dims(np.arange(len(prediction_array)), axis=-1) + 1, prediction_array)), columns=["GeneId", "Prediction"]) submission_file_content.GeneId = submission_file_content.GeneId.astype(int) submission_file_content.to_csv(submission_file_path, index=False) print("Submission saved at {}".format(submission_file_path)) print("All done!") if __name__ == "__main__": run()
""" Data structure for 1-dimensional cross-sectional and time series data """ from __future__ import division # pylint: disable=E1101,E1103 # pylint: disable=W0703,W0622,W0613,W0201 import types import warnings from collections import MutableMapping from numpy import nan, ndarray import numpy as np import as ma from pandas.core.common import (isnull, notnull, is_bool_indexer, _default_index, _maybe_upcast, _asarray_tuplesafe, _infer_dtype_from_scalar, is_list_like, _values_from_object, is_categorical_dtype, needs_i8_conversion, i8_boxer, _possibly_cast_to_datetime, _possibly_castable, _possibly_convert_platform, _try_sort, is_internal_type, is_datetimetz, _maybe_match_name, ABCSparseArray, _coerce_to_dtype, SettingWithCopyError, _maybe_box_datetimelike, ABCDataFrame, _dict_compat) from pandas.core.index import (Index, MultiIndex, InvalidIndexError, Float64Index, _ensure_index) from pandas.core.indexing import check_bool_indexer, maybe_convert_indices from pandas.core import generic, base from pandas.core.internals import SingleBlockManager from pandas.core.categorical import Categorical, CategoricalAccessor import pandas.core.strings as strings from pandas.tseries.common import (maybe_to_datetimelike, CombinedDatetimelikeProperties) from pandas.tseries.index import DatetimeIndex from pandas.tseries.tdi import TimedeltaIndex from pandas.tseries.period import PeriodIndex, Period from pandas import compat from pandas.util.terminal import get_terminal_size from pandas.compat import zip, u, OrderedDict, StringIO import pandas.core.ops as ops from pandas.core import algorithms import pandas.core.common as com import pandas.core.datetools as datetools import pandas.core.format as fmt import pandas.core.nanops as nanops from pandas.util.decorators import Appender, deprecate_kwarg import pandas.lib as lib import pandas.tslib as tslib import pandas.index as _index from numpy import percentile as _quantile from pandas.core.config import get_option from pandas import _np_version_under1p9 __all__ = ['Series'] _shared_doc_kwargs = dict( axes='index', klass='Series', axes_single_arg="{0, 'index'}", inplace="""inplace : boolean, default False If True, performs operation inplace and returns None.""", duplicated='Series') def _coerce_method(converter): """ install the scalar coercion methods """ def wrapper(self): if len(self) == 1: return converter(self.iloc[0]) raise TypeError("cannot convert the series to " "{0}".format(str(converter))) return wrapper # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Series class class Series(base.IndexOpsMixin, strings.StringAccessorMixin, generic.NDFrame,): """ One-dimensional ndarray with axis labels (including time series). Labels need not be unique but must be any hashable type. The object supports both integer- and label-based indexing and provides a host of methods for performing operations involving the index. Statistical methods from ndarray have been overridden to automatically exclude missing data (currently represented as NaN) Operations between Series (+, -, /, *, **) align values based on their associated index values-- they need not be the same length. The result index will be the sorted union of the two indexes. Parameters ---------- data : array-like, dict, or scalar value Contains data stored in Series index : array-like or Index (1d) Values must be unique and hashable, same length as data. Index object (or other iterable of same length as data) Will default to RangeIndex(len(data)) if not provided. If both a dict and index sequence are used, the index will override the keys found in the dict. dtype : numpy.dtype or None If None, dtype will be inferred copy : boolean, default False Copy input data """ _metadata = ['name'] _accessors = frozenset(['dt', 'cat', 'str']) _allow_index_ops = True def __init__(self, data=None, index=None, dtype=None, name=None, copy=False, fastpath=False): # we are called internally, so short-circuit if fastpath: # data is an ndarray, index is defined if not isinstance(data, SingleBlockManager): data = SingleBlockManager(data, index, fastpath=True) if copy: data = data.copy() if index is None: index = data.index else: if index is not None: index = _ensure_index(index) if data is None: data = {} if dtype is not None: dtype = self._validate_dtype(dtype) if isinstance(data, MultiIndex): raise NotImplementedError("initializing a Series from a " "MultiIndex is not supported") elif isinstance(data, Index): # need to copy to avoid aliasing issues if name is None: name = data = data._to_embed(keep_tz=True) copy = True elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray): pass elif isinstance(data, Series): if name is None: name = if index is None: index = data.index else: data = data.reindex(index, copy=copy) data = data._data elif isinstance(data, dict): if index is None: if isinstance(data, OrderedDict): index = Index(data) else: index = Index(_try_sort(data)) try: if isinstance(index, DatetimeIndex): if len(data): # coerce back to datetime objects for lookup data = _dict_compat(data) data = lib.fast_multiget(data, index.astype('O'), default=np.nan) else: data = np.nan # GH #12169 elif isinstance(index, (PeriodIndex, TimedeltaIndex)): data = ([data.get(i, nan) for i in index] if data else np.nan) else: data = lib.fast_multiget(data, index.values, default=np.nan) except TypeError: data = ([data.get(i, nan) for i in index] if data else np.nan) elif isinstance(data, SingleBlockManager): if index is None: index = data.index else: data = data.reindex(index, copy=copy) elif isinstance(data, Categorical): if dtype is not None: raise ValueError("cannot specify a dtype with a " "Categorical") elif (isinstance(data, types.GeneratorType) or (compat.PY3 and isinstance(data, map))): data = list(data) elif isinstance(data, (set, frozenset)): raise TypeError("{0!r} type is unordered" "".format(data.__class__.__name__)) else: # handle sparse passed here (and force conversion) if isinstance(data, ABCSparseArray): data = data.to_dense() if index is None: if not is_list_like(data): data = [data] index = _default_index(len(data)) # create/copy the manager if isinstance(data, SingleBlockManager): if dtype is not None: data = data.astype(dtype=dtype, raise_on_error=False) elif copy: data = data.copy() else: data = _sanitize_array(data, index, dtype, copy, raise_cast_failure=True) data = SingleBlockManager(data, index, fastpath=True) generic.NDFrame.__init__(self, data, fastpath=True) object.__setattr__(self, 'name', name) self._set_axis(0, index, fastpath=True) @classmethod def from_array(cls, arr, index=None, name=None, dtype=None, copy=False, fastpath=False): # return a sparse series here if isinstance(arr, ABCSparseArray): from pandas.sparse.series import SparseSeries cls = SparseSeries return cls(arr, index=index, name=name, dtype=dtype, copy=copy, fastpath=fastpath) @property def _constructor(self): return Series @property def _constructor_expanddim(self): from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame return DataFrame # types @property def _can_hold_na(self): return self._data._can_hold_na @property def is_time_series(self): warnings.warn("is_time_series is deprecated. Please use " "Series.index.is_all_dates", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) # return self._subtyp in ['time_series', 'sparse_time_series'] return self.index.is_all_dates _index = None def _set_axis(self, axis, labels, fastpath=False): """ override generic, we want to set the _typ here """ if not fastpath: labels = _ensure_index(labels) is_all_dates = labels.is_all_dates if is_all_dates: if not isinstance(labels, (DatetimeIndex, PeriodIndex, TimedeltaIndex)): labels = DatetimeIndex(labels) # need to set here becuase we changed the index if fastpath: self._data.set_axis(axis, labels) self._set_subtyp(is_all_dates) object.__setattr__(self, '_index', labels) if not fastpath: self._data.set_axis(axis, labels) def _set_subtyp(self, is_all_dates): if is_all_dates: object.__setattr__(self, '_subtyp', 'time_series') else: object.__setattr__(self, '_subtyp', 'series') def _update_inplace(self, result, **kwargs): # we want to call the generic version and not the IndexOpsMixin return generic.NDFrame._update_inplace(self, result, **kwargs) # ndarray compatibility @property def dtype(self): """ return the dtype object of the underlying data """ return self._data.dtype @property def dtypes(self): """ return the dtype object of the underlying data """ return self._data.dtype @property def ftype(self): """ return if the data is sparse|dense """ return self._data.ftype @property def ftypes(self): """ return if the data is sparse|dense """ return self._data.ftype @property def values(self): """ Return Series as ndarray or ndarray-like depending on the dtype Returns ------- arr : numpy.ndarray or ndarray-like Examples -------- >>> pd.Series([1, 2, 3]).values array([1, 2, 3]) >>> pd.Series(list('aabc')).values array(['a', 'a', 'b', 'c'], dtype=object) >>> pd.Series(list('aabc')).astype('category').values [a, a, b, c] Categories (3, object): [a, b, c] Timezone aware datetime data is converted to UTC: >>> pd.Series(pd.date_range('20130101', periods=3, tz='US/Eastern')).values array(['2013-01-01T00:00:00.000000000-0500', '2013-01-02T00:00:00.000000000-0500', '2013-01-03T00:00:00.000000000-0500'], dtype='datetime64[ns]') """ return self._data.external_values() @property def _values(self): """ return the internal repr of this data """ return self._data.internal_values() def get_values(self): """ same as values (but handles sparseness conversions); is a view """ return self._data.get_values() # ops def ravel(self, order='C'): """ Return the flattened underlying data as an ndarray See also -------- numpy.ndarray.ravel """ return self._values.ravel(order=order) def compress(self, condition, axis=0, out=None, **kwargs): """ Return selected slices of an array along given axis as a Series See also -------- numpy.ndarray.compress """ return self[condition] def nonzero(self): """ Return the indices of the elements that are non-zero This method is equivalent to calling `numpy.nonzero` on the series data. For compatability with NumPy, the return value is the same (a tuple with an array of indices for each dimension), but it will always be a one-item tuple because series only have one dimension. Examples -------- >>> s = pd.Series([0, 3, 0, 4]) >>> s.nonzero() (array([1, 3]),) >>> s.iloc[s.nonzero()[0]] 1 3 3 4 dtype: int64 See Also -------- numpy.nonzero """ return self._values.nonzero() def put(self, *args, **kwargs): """ return a ndarray with the values put See also -------- numpy.ndarray.put """ self._values.put(*args, **kwargs) def __len__(self): """ return the length of the Series """ return len(self._data) def view(self, dtype=None): return self._constructor(self._values.view(dtype), index=self.index).__finalize__(self) def __array__(self, result=None): """ the array interface, return my values """ return self.get_values() def __array_wrap__(self, result, context=None): """ Gets called after a ufunc """ return self._constructor(result, index=self.index, copy=False).__finalize__(self) def __array_prepare__(self, result, context=None): """ Gets called prior to a ufunc """ # nice error message for non-ufunc types if context is not None and not isinstance(self._values, np.ndarray): obj = context[1][0] raise TypeError("{obj} with dtype {dtype} cannot perform " "the numpy op {op}".format( obj=type(obj).__name__, dtype=getattr(obj, 'dtype', None), op=context[0].__name__)) return result # complex @property def real(self): return self.values.real @real.setter def real(self, v): self.values.real = v @property def imag(self): return self.values.imag @imag.setter def imag(self, v): self.values.imag = v # coercion __float__ = _coerce_method(float) __long__ = _coerce_method(int) __int__ = _coerce_method(int) def _unpickle_series_compat(self, state): if isinstance(state, dict): self._data = state['_data'] = state['name'] self.index = self._data.index elif isinstance(state, tuple): # < 0.12 series pickle nd_state, own_state = state # recreate the ndarray data = np.empty(nd_state[1], dtype=nd_state[2]) np.ndarray.__setstate__(data, nd_state) # backwards compat index, name = own_state[0], None if len(own_state) > 1: name = own_state[1] # recreate self._data = SingleBlockManager(data, index, fastpath=True) self._index = index = name else: raise Exception("cannot unpickle legacy formats -> [%s]" % state) # indexers @property def axes(self): """Return a list of the row axis labels""" return [self.index] def _ixs(self, i, axis=0): """ Return the i-th value or values in the Series by location Parameters ---------- i : int, slice, or sequence of integers Returns ------- value : scalar (int) or Series (slice, sequence) """ try: # dispatch to the values if we need values = self._values if isinstance(values, np.ndarray): return _index.get_value_at(values, i) else: return values[i] except IndexError: raise except: if isinstance(i, slice): indexer = self.index._convert_slice_indexer(i, kind='iloc') return self._get_values(indexer) else: label = self.index[i] if isinstance(label, Index): return self.take(i, axis=axis, convert=True) else: return _index.get_value_at(self, i) @property def _is_mixed_type(self): return False def _slice(self, slobj, axis=0, kind=None): slobj = self.index._convert_slice_indexer(slobj, kind=kind or 'getitem') return self._get_values(slobj) def __getitem__(self, key): try: result = self.index.get_value(self, key) if not lib.isscalar(result): if is_list_like(result) and not isinstance(result, Series): # we need to box if we have a non-unique index here # otherwise have inline ndarray/lists if not self.index.is_unique: result = self._constructor( result, index=[key] * len(result), dtype=self.dtype).__finalize__(self) return result except InvalidIndexError: pass except (KeyError, ValueError): if isinstance(key, tuple) and isinstance(self.index, MultiIndex): # kludge pass elif key is Ellipsis: return self elif is_bool_indexer(key): pass else: # we can try to coerce the indexer (or this will raise) new_key = self.index._convert_scalar_indexer(key, kind='getitem') if type(new_key) != type(key): return self.__getitem__(new_key) raise except Exception: raise if com.is_iterator(key): key = list(key) if is_bool_indexer(key): key = check_bool_indexer(self.index, key) return self._get_with(key) def _get_with(self, key): # other: fancy integer or otherwise if isinstance(key, slice): indexer = self.index._convert_slice_indexer(key, kind='getitem') return self._get_values(indexer) elif isinstance(key, ABCDataFrame): raise TypeError('Indexing a Series with DataFrame is not ' 'supported, use the appropriate DataFrame column') else: if isinstance(key, tuple): try: return self._get_values_tuple(key) except: if len(key) == 1: key = key[0] if isinstance(key, slice): return self._get_values(key) raise # pragma: no cover if not isinstance(key, (list, np.ndarray, Series, Index)): key = list(key) if isinstance(key, Index): key_type = key.inferred_type else: key_type = lib.infer_dtype(key) if key_type == 'integer': if self.index.is_integer() or self.index.is_floating(): return self.reindex(key) else: return self._get_values(key) elif key_type == 'boolean': return self._get_values(key) else: try: # handle the dup indexing case (GH 4246) if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)): return self.ix[key] return self.reindex(key) except Exception: # [slice(0, 5, None)] will break if you convert to ndarray, # e.g. as requested by np.median # hack if isinstance(key[0], slice): return self._get_values(key) raise def _get_values_tuple(self, key): # mpl hackaround if any(k is None for k in key): return self._get_values(key) if not isinstance(self.index, MultiIndex): raise ValueError('Can only tuple-index with a MultiIndex') # If key is contained, would have returned by now indexer, new_index = self.index.get_loc_level(key) return self._constructor(self._values[indexer], index=new_index).__finalize__(self) def _get_values(self, indexer): try: return self._constructor(self._data.get_slice(indexer), fastpath=True).__finalize__(self) except Exception: return self._values[indexer] def __setitem__(self, key, value): def setitem(key, value): try: self._set_with_engine(key, value) return except (SettingWithCopyError): raise except (KeyError, ValueError): values = self._values if (com.is_integer(key) and not self.index.inferred_type == 'integer'): values[key] = value return elif key is Ellipsis: self[:] = value return elif is_bool_indexer(key): pass elif com.is_timedelta64_dtype(self.dtype): # reassign a null value to iNaT if isnull(value): value = tslib.iNaT try: self.index._engine.set_value(self._values, key, value) return except TypeError: pass self.loc[key] = value return except TypeError as e: if (isinstance(key, tuple) and not isinstance(self.index, MultiIndex)): raise ValueError("Can only tuple-index with a MultiIndex") # python 3 type errors should be raised if 'unorderable' in str(e): # pragma: no cover raise IndexError(key) if is_bool_indexer(key): key = check_bool_indexer(self.index, key) try: self.where(~key, value, inplace=True) return except InvalidIndexError: pass self._set_with(key, value) # do the setitem cacher_needs_updating = self._check_is_chained_assignment_possible() setitem(key, value) if cacher_needs_updating: self._maybe_update_cacher() def _set_with_engine(self, key, value): values = self._values try: self.index._engine.set_value(values, key, value) return except KeyError: values[self.index.get_loc(key)] = value return def _set_with(self, key, value): # other: fancy integer or otherwise if isinstance(key, slice): indexer = self.index._convert_slice_indexer(key, kind='getitem') return self._set_values(indexer, value) else: if isinstance(key, tuple): try: self._set_values(key, value) except Exception: pass if not isinstance(key, (list, Series, np.ndarray, Series)): try: key = list(key) except: key = [key] if isinstance(key, Index): key_type = key.inferred_type else: key_type = lib.infer_dtype(key) if key_type == 'integer': if self.index.inferred_type == 'integer': self._set_labels(key, value) else: return self._set_values(key, value) elif key_type == 'boolean': self._set_values(key.astype(np.bool_), value) else: self._set_labels(key, value) def _set_labels(self, key, value): if isinstance(key, Index): key = key.values else: key = _asarray_tuplesafe(key) indexer = self.index.get_indexer(key) mask = indexer == -1 if mask.any(): raise ValueError('%s not contained in the index' % str(key[mask])) self._set_values(indexer, value) def _set_values(self, key, value): if isinstance(key, Series): key = key._values self._data = self._data.setitem(indexer=key, value=value) self._maybe_update_cacher() # help out SparseSeries _get_val_at = ndarray.__getitem__ def repeat(self, reps): """ return a new Series with the values repeated reps times See also -------- numpy.ndarray.repeat """ new_index = self.index.repeat(reps) new_values = self._values.repeat(reps) return self._constructor(new_values, index=new_index).__finalize__(self) def reshape(self, *args, **kwargs): """ return an ndarray with the values shape if the specified shape matches exactly the current shape, then return self (for compat) See also -------- numpy.ndarray.take """ if len(args) == 1 and hasattr(args[0], '__iter__'): shape = args[0] else: shape = args if tuple(shape) == self.shape: # XXX ignoring the "order" keyword. return self return self._values.reshape(shape, **kwargs) def iget_value(self, i, axis=0): """ DEPRECATED. Use ``.iloc[i]`` or ``.iat[i]`` instead """ warnings.warn("iget_value(i) is deprecated. Please use .iloc[i] or " ".iat[i]", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) return self._ixs(i) def iget(self, i, axis=0): """ DEPRECATED. Use ``.iloc[i]`` or ``.iat[i]`` instead """ warnings.warn("iget(i) is deprecated. Please use .iloc[i] or .iat[i]", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) return self._ixs(i) def irow(self, i, axis=0): """ DEPRECATED. Use ``.iloc[i]`` or ``.iat[i]`` instead """ warnings.warn("irow(i) is deprecated. Please use .iloc[i] or .iat[i]", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) return self._ixs(i) def get_value(self, label, takeable=False): """ Quickly retrieve single value at passed index label Parameters ---------- index : label takeable : interpret the index as indexers, default False Returns ------- value : scalar value """ if takeable is True: return _maybe_box_datetimelike(self._values[label]) return self.index.get_value(self._values, label) def set_value(self, label, value, takeable=False): """ Quickly set single value at passed label. If label is not contained, a new object is created with the label placed at the end of the result index Parameters ---------- label : object Partial indexing with MultiIndex not allowed value : object Scalar value takeable : interpret the index as indexers, default False Returns ------- series : Series If label is contained, will be reference to calling Series, otherwise a new object """ try: if takeable: self._values[label] = value else: self.index._engine.set_value(self._values, label, value) return self except KeyError: # set using a non-recursive method self.loc[label] = value return self def reset_index(self, level=None, drop=False, name=None, inplace=False): """ Analogous to the :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.reset_index` function, see docstring there. Parameters ---------- level : int, str, tuple, or list, default None Only remove the given levels from the index. Removes all levels by default drop : boolean, default False Do not try to insert index into dataframe columns name : object, default None The name of the column corresponding to the Series values inplace : boolean, default False Modify the Series in place (do not create a new object) Returns ---------- resetted : DataFrame, or Series if drop == True """ if drop: new_index = _default_index(len(self)) if level is not None and isinstance(self.index, MultiIndex): if not isinstance(level, (tuple, list)): level = [level] level = [self.index._get_level_number(lev) for lev in level] if len(level) < len(self.index.levels): new_index = self.index.droplevel(level) if inplace: self.index = new_index # set name if it was passed, otherwise, keep the previous name = name or else: return self._constructor(self._values.copy(), index=new_index).__finalize__(self) elif inplace: raise TypeError('Cannot reset_index inplace on a Series ' 'to create a DataFrame') else: df = self.to_frame(name) return df.reset_index(level=level, drop=drop) def __unicode__(self): """ Return a string representation for a particular DataFrame Invoked by unicode(df) in py2 only. Yields a Unicode String in both py2/py3. """ buf = StringIO(u("")) width, height = get_terminal_size() max_rows = (height if get_option("display.max_rows") == 0 else get_option("display.max_rows")) self.to_string(buf=buf,, dtype=self.dtype, max_rows=max_rows) result = buf.getvalue() return result def to_string(self, buf=None, na_rep='NaN', float_format=None, header=True, index=True, length=False, dtype=False, name=False, max_rows=None): """ Render a string representation of the Series Parameters ---------- buf : StringIO-like, optional buffer to write to na_rep : string, optional string representation of NAN to use, default 'NaN' float_format : one-parameter function, optional formatter function to apply to columns' elements if they are floats default None header: boolean, default True Add the Series header (index name) index : bool, optional Add index (row) labels, default True length : boolean, default False Add the Series length dtype : boolean, default False Add the Series dtype name : boolean, default False Add the Series name if not None max_rows : int, optional Maximum number of rows to show before truncating. If None, show all. Returns ------- formatted : string (if not buffer passed) """ the_repr = self._get_repr(float_format=float_format, na_rep=na_rep, header=header, index=index, length=length, dtype=dtype, name=name, max_rows=max_rows) # catch contract violations if not isinstance(the_repr, compat.text_type): raise AssertionError("result must be of type unicode, type" " of result is {0!r}" "".format(the_repr.__class__.__name__)) if buf is None: return the_repr else: try: buf.write(the_repr) except AttributeError: with open(buf, 'w') as f: f.write(the_repr) def _get_repr(self, name=False, header=True, index=True, length=True, dtype=True, na_rep='NaN', float_format=None, max_rows=None): """ Internal function, should always return unicode string """ formatter = fmt.SeriesFormatter(self, name=name, length=length, header=header, index=index, dtype=dtype, na_rep=na_rep, float_format=float_format, max_rows=max_rows) result = formatter.to_string() # TODO: following check prob. not neces. if not isinstance(result, compat.text_type): raise AssertionError("result must be of type unicode, type" " of result is {0!r}" "".format(result.__class__.__name__)) return result def __iter__(self): """ provide iteration over the values of the Series box values if necessary """ if needs_i8_conversion(self.dtype): boxer = i8_boxer(self) return (boxer(x) for x in self._values) else: return iter(self._values) def iteritems(self): """ Lazily iterate over (index, value) tuples """ return zip(iter(self.index), iter(self)) if compat.PY3: # pragma: no cover items = iteritems # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Misc public methods def keys(self): """Alias for index""" return self.index def tolist(self): """ Convert Series to a nested list """ return list(self) def to_dict(self): """ Convert Series to {label -> value} dict Returns ------- value_dict : dict """ return dict(compat.iteritems(self)) def to_frame(self, name=None): """ Convert Series to DataFrame Parameters ---------- name : object, default None The passed name should substitute for the series name (if it has one). Returns ------- data_frame : DataFrame """ if name is None: df = self._constructor_expanddim(self) else: df = self._constructor_expanddim({name: self}) return df def to_sparse(self, kind='block', fill_value=None): """ Convert Series to SparseSeries Parameters ---------- kind : {'block', 'integer'} fill_value : float, defaults to NaN (missing) Returns ------- sp : SparseSeries """ from pandas.core.sparse import SparseSeries return SparseSeries(self, kind=kind, fill_value=fill_value).__finalize__(self) def _set_name(self, name, inplace=False): ''' Set the Series name. Parameters ---------- name : str inplace : bool whether to modify `self` directly or return a copy ''' ser = self if inplace else self.copy() = name return ser # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Statistics, overridden ndarray methods # TODO: integrate bottleneck def count(self, level=None): """ Return number of non-NA/null observations in the Series Parameters ---------- level : int or level name, default None If the axis is a MultiIndex (hierarchical), count along a particular level, collapsing into a smaller Series Returns ------- nobs : int or Series (if level specified) """ from pandas.core.index import _get_na_value if level is None: return notnull(_values_from_object(self)).sum() if isinstance(level, compat.string_types): level = self.index._get_level_number(level) lev = self.index.levels[level] lab = np.array(self.index.labels[level], subok=False, copy=True) mask = lab == -1 if mask.any(): lab[mask] = cnt = len(lev) lev = lev.insert(cnt, _get_na_value(lev.dtype.type)) obs = lab[notnull(self.values)] out = np.bincount(obs, minlength=len(lev) or None) return self._constructor(out, index=lev, dtype='int64').__finalize__(self) def mode(self): """Returns the mode(s) of the dataset. Empty if nothing occurs at least 2 times. Always returns Series even if only one value. Parameters ---------- sort : bool, default True If True, will lexicographically sort values, if False skips sorting. Result ordering when ``sort=False`` is not defined. Returns ------- modes : Series (sorted) """ # TODO: Add option for bins like value_counts() return algorithms.mode(self) @deprecate_kwarg('take_last', 'keep', mapping={True: 'last', False: 'first'}) @Appender(base._shared_docs['drop_duplicates'] % _shared_doc_kwargs) def drop_duplicates(self, keep='first', inplace=False): return super(Series, self).drop_duplicates(keep=keep, inplace=inplace) @deprecate_kwarg('take_last', 'keep', mapping={True: 'last', False: 'first'}) @Appender(base._shared_docs['duplicated'] % _shared_doc_kwargs) def duplicated(self, keep='first'): return super(Series, self).duplicated(keep=keep) def idxmin(self, axis=None, out=None, skipna=True): """ Index of first occurrence of minimum of values. Parameters ---------- skipna : boolean, default True Exclude NA/null values Returns ------- idxmin : Index of minimum of values Notes ----- This method is the Series version of ``ndarray.argmin``. See Also -------- DataFrame.idxmin numpy.ndarray.argmin """ i = nanops.nanargmin(_values_from_object(self), skipna=skipna) if i == -1: return np.nan return self.index[i] def idxmax(self, axis=None, out=None, skipna=True): """ Index of first occurrence of maximum of values. Parameters ---------- skipna : boolean, default True Exclude NA/null values Returns ------- idxmax : Index of maximum of values Notes ----- This method is the Series version of ``ndarray.argmax``. See Also -------- DataFrame.idxmax numpy.ndarray.argmax """ i = nanops.nanargmax(_values_from_object(self), skipna=skipna) if i == -1: return np.nan return self.index[i] # ndarray compat argmin = idxmin argmax = idxmax def round(self, decimals=0): """ Round each value in a Series to the given number of decimals. Parameters ---------- decimals : int Number of decimal places to round to (default: 0). If decimals is negative, it specifies the number of positions to the left of the decimal point. Returns ------- Series object See Also -------- numpy.around """ result = _values_from_object(self).round(decimals) result = self._constructor(result, index=self.index).__finalize__(self) return result def quantile(self, q=0.5, interpolation='linear'): """ Return value at the given quantile, a la numpy.percentile. Parameters ---------- q : float or array-like, default 0.5 (50% quantile) 0 <= q <= 1, the quantile(s) to compute interpolation : {'linear', 'lower', 'higher', 'midpoint', 'nearest'} .. versionadded:: 0.18.0 This optional parameter specifies the interpolation method to use, when the desired quantile lies between two data points `i` and `j`: * linear: `i + (j - i) * fraction`, where `fraction` is the fractional part of the index surrounded by `i` and `j`. * lower: `i`. * higher: `j`. * nearest: `i` or `j` whichever is nearest. * midpoint: (`i` + `j`) / 2. Returns ------- quantile : float or Series if ``q`` is an array, a Series will be returned where the index is ``q`` and the values are the quantiles. Examples -------- >>> s = Series([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> s.quantile(.5) 2.5 >>> s.quantile([.25, .5, .75]) 0.25 1.75 0.50 2.50 0.75 3.25 dtype: float64 """ self._check_percentile(q) if _np_version_under1p9: if interpolation != 'linear': raise ValueError("Interpolation methods other than linear " "are not supported in numpy < 1.9.") def multi(values, qs, **kwargs): if com.is_list_like(qs): values = [_quantile(values, x * 100, **kwargs) for x in qs] # let empty result to be Float64Index qs = Float64Index(qs) return self._constructor(values, index=qs, else: return _quantile(values, qs * 100, **kwargs) kwargs = dict() if not _np_version_under1p9: kwargs.update({'interpolation': interpolation}) return self._maybe_box(lambda values: multi(values, q, **kwargs), dropna=True) def corr(self, other, method='pearson', min_periods=None): """ Compute correlation with `other` Series, excluding missing values Parameters ---------- other : Series method : {'pearson', 'kendall', 'spearman'} * pearson : standard correlation coefficient * kendall : Kendall Tau correlation coefficient * spearman : Spearman rank correlation min_periods : int, optional Minimum number of observations needed to have a valid result Returns ------- correlation : float """ this, other = self.align(other, join='inner', copy=False) if len(this) == 0: return np.nan return nanops.nancorr(this.values, other.values, method=method, min_periods=min_periods) def cov(self, other, min_periods=None): """ Compute covariance with Series, excluding missing values Parameters ---------- other : Series min_periods : int, optional Minimum number of observations needed to have a valid result Returns ------- covariance : float Normalized by N-1 (unbiased estimator). """ this, other = self.align(other, join='inner', copy=False) if len(this) == 0: return np.nan return nanops.nancov(this.values, other.values, min_periods=min_periods) def diff(self, periods=1): """ 1st discrete difference of object Parameters ---------- periods : int, default 1 Periods to shift for forming difference Returns ------- diffed : Series """ result = com.diff(_values_from_object(self), periods) return self._constructor(result, index=self.index).__finalize__(self) def autocorr(self, lag=1): """ Lag-N autocorrelation Parameters ---------- lag : int, default 1 Number of lags to apply before performing autocorrelation. Returns ------- autocorr : float """ return self.corr(self.shift(lag)) def dot(self, other): """ Matrix multiplication with DataFrame or inner-product with Series objects Parameters ---------- other : Series or DataFrame Returns ------- dot_product : scalar or Series """ from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame if isinstance(other, (Series, DataFrame)): common = self.index.union(other.index) if (len(common) > len(self.index) or len(common) > len(other.index)): raise ValueError('matrices are not aligned') left = self.reindex(index=common, copy=False) right = other.reindex(index=common, copy=False) lvals = left.values rvals = right.values else: left = self lvals = self.values rvals = np.asarray(other) if lvals.shape[0] != rvals.shape[0]: raise Exception('Dot product shape mismatch, %s vs %s' % (lvals.shape, rvals.shape)) if isinstance(other, DataFrame): return self._constructor(, rvals), index=other.columns).__finalize__(self) elif isinstance(other, Series): return, rvals) elif isinstance(rvals, np.ndarray): return, rvals) else: # pragma: no cover raise TypeError('unsupported type: %s' % type(other)) def searchsorted(self, v, side='left', sorter=None): """Find indices where elements should be inserted to maintain order. Find the indices into a sorted Series `self` such that, if the corresponding elements in `v` were inserted before the indices, the order of `self` would be preserved. Parameters ---------- v : array_like Values to insert into `a`. side : {'left', 'right'}, optional If 'left', the index of the first suitable location found is given. If 'right', return the last such index. If there is no suitable index, return either 0 or N (where N is the length of `a`). sorter : 1-D array_like, optional Optional array of integer indices that sort `self` into ascending order. They are typically the result of ``np.argsort``. Returns ------- indices : array of ints Array of insertion points with the same shape as `v`. See Also -------- Series.sort_values numpy.searchsorted Notes ----- Binary search is used to find the required insertion points. Examples -------- >>> x = pd.Series([1, 2, 3]) >>> x 0 1 1 2 2 3 dtype: int64 >>> x.searchsorted(4) array([3]) >>> x.searchsorted([0, 4]) array([0, 3]) >>> x.searchsorted([1, 3], side='left') array([0, 2]) >>> x.searchsorted([1, 3], side='right') array([1, 3]) >>> x.searchsorted([1, 2], side='right', sorter=[0, 2, 1]) array([1, 3]) """ if sorter is not None: sorter = com._ensure_platform_int(sorter) return self._values.searchsorted(Series(v)._values, side=side, sorter=sorter) # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Combination def append(self, to_append, verify_integrity=False): """ Concatenate two or more Series. Parameters ---------- to_append : Series or list/tuple of Series verify_integrity : boolean, default False If True, raise Exception on creating index with duplicates Returns ------- appended : Series Examples -------- >>> s1 = pd.Series([1, 2, 3]) >>> s2 = pd.Series([4, 5, 6]) >>> s3 = pd.Series([4, 5, 6], index=[3,4,5]) >>> s1.append(s2) 0 1 1 2 2 3 0 4 1 5 2 6 dtype: int64 >>> s1.append(s3) 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 dtype: int64 With `verify_integrity` set to True: >>> s1.append(s2, verify_integrity=True) ValueError: Indexes have overlapping values: [0, 1, 2] """ from import concat if isinstance(to_append, (list, tuple)): to_concat = [self] + to_append else: to_concat = [self, to_append] return concat(to_concat, ignore_index=False, verify_integrity=verify_integrity) def _binop(self, other, func, level=None, fill_value=None): """ Perform generic binary operation with optional fill value Parameters ---------- other : Series func : binary operator fill_value : float or object Value to substitute for NA/null values. If both Series are NA in a location, the result will be NA regardless of the passed fill value level : int or level name, default None Broadcast across a level, matching Index values on the passed MultiIndex level Returns ------- combined : Series """ if not isinstance(other, Series): raise AssertionError('Other operand must be Series') new_index = self.index this = self if not self.index.equals(other.index): this, other = self.align(other, level=level, join='outer', copy=False) new_index = this.index this_vals = this.values other_vals = other.values if fill_value is not None: this_mask = isnull(this_vals) other_mask = isnull(other_vals) this_vals = this_vals.copy() other_vals = other_vals.copy() # one but not both mask = this_mask ^ other_mask this_vals[this_mask & mask] = fill_value other_vals[other_mask & mask] = fill_value result = func(this_vals, other_vals) name = _maybe_match_name(self, other) result = self._constructor(result, index=new_index, name=name) result = result.__finalize__(self) if name is None: # When name is None, __finalize__ overwrites current name = None return result def combine(self, other, func, fill_value=nan): """ Perform elementwise binary operation on two Series using given function with optional fill value when an index is missing from one Series or the other Parameters ---------- other : Series or scalar value func : function fill_value : scalar value Returns ------- result : Series """ if isinstance(other, Series): new_index = self.index.union(other.index) new_name = _maybe_match_name(self, other) new_values = np.empty(len(new_index), dtype=self.dtype) for i, idx in enumerate(new_index): lv = self.get(idx, fill_value) rv = other.get(idx, fill_value) new_values[i] = func(lv, rv) else: new_index = self.index new_values = func(self._values, other) new_name = return self._constructor(new_values, index=new_index, name=new_name) def combine_first(self, other): """ Combine Series values, choosing the calling Series's values first. Result index will be the union of the two indexes Parameters ---------- other : Series Returns ------- y : Series """ new_index = self.index.union(other.index) this = self.reindex(new_index, copy=False) other = other.reindex(new_index, copy=False) # TODO: do we need name? name = _maybe_match_name(self, other) # noqa rs_vals = com._where_compat(isnull(this), other._values, this._values) return self._constructor(rs_vals, index=new_index).__finalize__(self) def update(self, other): """ Modify Series in place using non-NA values from passed Series. Aligns on index Parameters ---------- other : Series """ other = other.reindex_like(self) mask = notnull(other) self._data = self._data.putmask(mask=mask, new=other, inplace=True) self._maybe_update_cacher() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Reindexing, sorting @Appender(generic._shared_docs['sort_values'] % _shared_doc_kwargs) def sort_values(self, axis=0, ascending=True, inplace=False, kind='quicksort', na_position='last'): axis = self._get_axis_number(axis) # GH 5856/5853 if inplace and self._is_cached: raise ValueError("This Series is a view of some other array, to " "sort in-place you must create a copy") def _try_kind_sort(arr): # easier to ask forgiveness than permission try: # if kind==mergesort, it can fail for object dtype return arr.argsort(kind=kind) except TypeError: # stable sort not available for object dtype # uses the argsort default quicksort return arr.argsort(kind='quicksort') arr = self._values sortedIdx = np.empty(len(self), dtype=np.int32) bad = isnull(arr) good = ~bad idx = _default_index(len(self)) argsorted = _try_kind_sort(arr[good]) if not ascending: argsorted = argsorted[::-1] if na_position == 'last': n = good.sum() sortedIdx[:n] = idx[good][argsorted] sortedIdx[n:] = idx[bad] elif na_position == 'first': n = bad.sum() sortedIdx[n:] = idx[good][argsorted] sortedIdx[:n] = idx[bad] else: raise ValueError('invalid na_position: {!r}'.format(na_position)) result = self._constructor(arr[sortedIdx], index=self.index[sortedIdx]) if inplace: self._update_inplace(result) else: return result.__finalize__(self) @Appender(generic._shared_docs['sort_index'] % _shared_doc_kwargs) def sort_index(self, axis=0, level=None, ascending=True, inplace=False, sort_remaining=True): axis = self._get_axis_number(axis) index = self.index if level is not None: new_index, indexer = index.sortlevel(level, ascending=ascending, sort_remaining=sort_remaining) elif isinstance(index, MultiIndex): from pandas.core.groupby import _lexsort_indexer indexer = _lexsort_indexer(index.labels, orders=ascending) indexer = com._ensure_platform_int(indexer) new_index = index.take(indexer) else: new_index, indexer = index.sort_values(return_indexer=True, ascending=ascending) new_values = self._values.take(indexer) result = self._constructor(new_values, index=new_index) if inplace: self._update_inplace(result) else: return result.__finalize__(self) def sort(self, axis=0, ascending=True, kind='quicksort', na_position='last', inplace=True): """ DEPRECATED: use :meth:`Series.sort_values(inplace=True)` for INPLACE sorting Sort values and index labels by value. This is an inplace sort by default. Series.order is the equivalent but returns a new Series. Parameters ---------- axis : int (can only be zero) ascending : boolean, default True Sort ascending. Passing False sorts descending kind : {'mergesort', 'quicksort', 'heapsort'}, default 'quicksort' Choice of sorting algorithm. See np.sort for more information. 'mergesort' is the only stable algorithm na_position : {'first', 'last'} (optional, default='last') 'first' puts NaNs at the beginning 'last' puts NaNs at the end inplace : boolean, default True Do operation in place. See Also -------- Series.sort_values """ warnings.warn("sort is deprecated, use sort_values(inplace=True) for " "INPLACE sorting", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.sort_values(ascending=ascending, kind=kind, na_position=na_position, inplace=inplace) def order(self, na_last=None, ascending=True, kind='quicksort', na_position='last', inplace=False): """ DEPRECATED: use :meth:`Series.sort_values` Sorts Series object, by value, maintaining index-value link. This will return a new Series by default. Series.sort is the equivalent but as an inplace method. Parameters ---------- na_last : boolean (optional, default=True)--DEPRECATED; use na_position Put NaN's at beginning or end ascending : boolean, default True Sort ascending. Passing False sorts descending kind : {'mergesort', 'quicksort', 'heapsort'}, default 'quicksort' Choice of sorting algorithm. See np.sort for more information. 'mergesort' is the only stable algorithm na_position : {'first', 'last'} (optional, default='last') 'first' puts NaNs at the beginning 'last' puts NaNs at the end inplace : boolean, default False Do operation in place. Returns ------- y : Series See Also -------- Series.sort_values """ warnings.warn("order is deprecated, use sort_values(...)", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.sort_values(ascending=ascending, kind=kind, na_position=na_position, inplace=inplace) def argsort(self, axis=0, kind='quicksort', order=None): """ Overrides ndarray.argsort. Argsorts the value, omitting NA/null values, and places the result in the same locations as the non-NA values Parameters ---------- axis : int (can only be zero) kind : {'mergesort', 'quicksort', 'heapsort'}, default 'quicksort' Choice of sorting algorithm. See np.sort for more information. 'mergesort' is the only stable algorithm order : ignored Returns ------- argsorted : Series, with -1 indicated where nan values are present See also -------- numpy.ndarray.argsort """ values = self._values mask = isnull(values) if mask.any(): result = Series(-1, index=self.index,, dtype='int64') notmask = ~mask result[notmask] = np.argsort(values[notmask], kind=kind) return self._constructor(result, index=self.index).__finalize__(self) else: return self._constructor( np.argsort(values, kind=kind), index=self.index, dtype='int64').__finalize__(self) @deprecate_kwarg('take_last', 'keep', mapping={True: 'last', False: 'first'}) def nlargest(self, n=5, keep='first'): """Return the largest `n` elements. Parameters ---------- n : int Return this many descending sorted values keep : {'first', 'last', False}, default 'first' Where there are duplicate values: - ``first`` : take the first occurrence. - ``last`` : take the last occurrence. take_last : deprecated Returns ------- top_n : Series The n largest values in the Series, in sorted order Notes ----- Faster than ``.sort_values(ascending=False).head(n)`` for small `n` relative to the size of the ``Series`` object. See Also -------- Series.nsmallest Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(1e6)) >>> s.nlargest(10) # only sorts up to the N requested """ return algorithms.select_n(self, n=n, keep=keep, method='nlargest') @deprecate_kwarg('take_last', 'keep', mapping={True: 'last', False: 'first'}) def nsmallest(self, n=5, keep='first'): """Return the smallest `n` elements. Parameters ---------- n : int Return this many ascending sorted values keep : {'first', 'last', False}, default 'first' Where there are duplicate values: - ``first`` : take the first occurrence. - ``last`` : take the last occurrence. take_last : deprecated Returns ------- bottom_n : Series The n smallest values in the Series, in sorted order Notes ----- Faster than ``.sort_values().head(n)`` for small `n` relative to the size of the ``Series`` object. See Also -------- Series.nlargest Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(1e6)) >>> s.nsmallest(10) # only sorts up to the N requested """ return algorithms.select_n(self, n=n, keep=keep, method='nsmallest') def sortlevel(self, level=0, ascending=True, sort_remaining=True): """ Sort Series with MultiIndex by chosen level. Data will be lexicographically sorted by the chosen level followed by the other levels (in order) Parameters ---------- level : int or level name, default None ascending : bool, default True Returns ------- sorted : Series See Also -------- Series.sort_index(level=...) """ return self.sort_index(level=level, ascending=ascending, sort_remaining=sort_remaining) def swaplevel(self, i, j, copy=True): """ Swap levels i and j in a MultiIndex Parameters ---------- i, j : int, string (can be mixed) Level of index to be swapped. Can pass level name as string. Returns ------- swapped : Series """ new_index = self.index.swaplevel(i, j) return self._constructor(self._values, index=new_index, copy=copy).__finalize__(self) def reorder_levels(self, order): """ Rearrange index levels using input order. May not drop or duplicate levels Parameters ---------- order: list of int representing new level order. (reference level by number or key) axis: where to reorder levels Returns ------- type of caller (new object) """ if not isinstance(self.index, MultiIndex): # pragma: no cover raise Exception('Can only reorder levels on a hierarchical axis.') result = self.copy() result.index = result.index.reorder_levels(order) return result def unstack(self, level=-1, fill_value=None): """ Unstack, a.k.a. pivot, Series with MultiIndex to produce DataFrame. The level involved will automatically get sorted. Parameters ---------- level : int, string, or list of these, default last level Level(s) to unstack, can pass level name fill_value : replace NaN with this value if the unstack produces missing values .. versionadded: 0.18.0 Examples -------- >>> s one a 1. one b 2. two a 3. two b 4. >>> s.unstack(level=-1) a b one 1. 2. two 3. 4. >>> s.unstack(level=0) one two a 1. 2. b 3. 4. Returns ------- unstacked : DataFrame """ from pandas.core.reshape import unstack return unstack(self, level, fill_value) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # function application def map(self, arg, na_action=None): """ Map values of Series using input correspondence (which can be a dict, Series, or function) Parameters ---------- arg : function, dict, or Series na_action : {None, 'ignore'} If 'ignore', propagate NA values Examples -------- >>> x one 1 two 2 three 3 >>> y 1 foo 2 bar 3 baz >>> one foo two bar three baz Returns ------- y : Series same index as caller """ values = self._values if needs_i8_conversion(values.dtype): boxer = i8_boxer(values) values = lib.map_infer(values, boxer) if na_action == 'ignore': mask = isnull(values) def map_f(values, f): return lib.map_infer_mask(values, f, mask.view(np.uint8)) else: map_f = lib.map_infer if isinstance(arg, (dict, Series)): if isinstance(arg, dict): arg = self._constructor(arg, index=arg.keys()) indexer = arg.index.get_indexer(values) new_values = com.take_1d(arg._values, indexer) return self._constructor(new_values, index=self.index).__finalize__(self) else: mapped = map_f(values, arg) return self._constructor(mapped, index=self.index).__finalize__(self) def apply(self, func, convert_dtype=True, args=(), **kwds): """ Invoke function on values of Series. Can be ufunc (a NumPy function that applies to the entire Series) or a Python function that only works on single values Parameters ---------- func : function convert_dtype : boolean, default True Try to find better dtype for elementwise function results. If False, leave as dtype=object args : tuple Positional arguments to pass to function in addition to the value Additional keyword arguments will be passed as keywords to the function Returns ------- y : Series or DataFrame if func returns a Series See also -------- For element-wise operations Examples -------- Create a series with typical summer temperatures for each city. >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> series = pd.Series([20, 21, 12], index=['London', ... 'New York','Helsinki']) London 20 New York 21 Helsinki 12 dtype: int64 Square the values by defining a function and passing it as an argument to ``apply()``. >>> def square(x): ... return x**2 >>> series.apply(square) London 400 New York 441 Helsinki 144 dtype: int64 Square the values by passing an anonymous function as an argument to ``apply()``. >>> series.apply(lambda x: x**2) London 400 New York 441 Helsinki 144 dtype: int64 Define a custom function that needs additional positional arguments and pass these additional arguments using the ``args`` keyword. >>> def subtract_custom_value(x, custom_value): ... return x-custom_value >>> series.apply(subtract_custom_value, args=(5,)) London 15 New York 16 Helsinki 7 dtype: int64 Define a custom function that takes keyword arguments and pass these arguments to ``apply``. >>> def add_custom_values(x, **kwargs): ... for month in kwargs: ... x+=kwargs[month] ... return x >>> series.apply(add_custom_values, june=30, july=20, august=25) London 95 New York 96 Helsinki 87 dtype: int64 Use a function from the Numpy library. >>> series.apply(np.log) London 2.995732 New York 3.044522 Helsinki 2.484907 dtype: float64 """ if len(self) == 0: return self._constructor(dtype=self.dtype, index=self.index).__finalize__(self) if kwds or args and not isinstance(func, np.ufunc): f = lambda x: func(x, *args, **kwds) else: f = func if isinstance(f, np.ufunc): return f(self) values = _values_from_object(self) if needs_i8_conversion(values.dtype): boxer = i8_boxer(values) values = lib.map_infer(values, boxer) mapped = lib.map_infer(values, f, convert=convert_dtype) if len(mapped) and isinstance(mapped[0], Series): from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame return DataFrame(mapped.tolist(), index=self.index) else: return self._constructor(mapped, index=self.index).__finalize__(self) def _reduce(self, op, name, axis=0, skipna=True, numeric_only=None, filter_type=None, **kwds): """ perform a reduction operation if we have an ndarray as a value, then simply perform the operation, otherwise delegate to the object """ delegate = self._values if isinstance(delegate, np.ndarray): # Validate that 'axis' is consistent with Series's single axis. self._get_axis_number(axis) if numeric_only: raise NotImplementedError('Series.{0} does not implement ' 'numeric_only.'.format(name)) return op(delegate, skipna=skipna, **kwds) return delegate._reduce(op=op, name=name, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, numeric_only=numeric_only, filter_type=filter_type, **kwds) def _maybe_box(self, func, dropna=False): """ evaluate a function with possible input/output conversion if we are i8 Parameters ---------- dropna : bool, default False whether to drop values if necessary """ if dropna: values = self.dropna()._values else: values = self._values if needs_i8_conversion(self): boxer = i8_boxer(self) if len(values) == 0: return boxer(tslib.iNaT) values = values.view('i8') result = func(values) if com.is_list_like(result): result = else: result = boxer(result) else: # let the function return nan if appropriate if dropna: if len(values) == 0: return np.nan result = func(values) return result def _reindex_indexer(self, new_index, indexer, copy): if indexer is None: if copy: return self.copy() return self # be subclass-friendly new_values = com.take_1d(self.get_values(), indexer) return self._constructor(new_values, index=new_index) def _needs_reindex_multi(self, axes, method, level): """ check if we do need a multi reindex; this is for compat with higher dims """ return False @Appender(generic._shared_docs['align'] % _shared_doc_kwargs) def align(self, other, join='outer', axis=None, level=None, copy=True, fill_value=None, method=None, limit=None, fill_axis=0, broadcast_axis=None): return super(Series, self).align(other, join=join, axis=axis, level=level, copy=copy, fill_value=fill_value, method=method, limit=limit, fill_axis=fill_axis, broadcast_axis=broadcast_axis) @Appender(generic._shared_docs['rename'] % _shared_doc_kwargs) def rename(self, index=None, **kwargs): is_scalar_or_list = ( (not com.is_sequence(index) and not callable(index)) or (com.is_list_like(index) and not isinstance(index, MutableMapping)) ) if is_scalar_or_list: return self._set_name(index, inplace=kwargs.get('inplace')) return super(Series, self).rename(index=index, **kwargs) @Appender(generic._shared_docs['reindex'] % _shared_doc_kwargs) def reindex(self, index=None, **kwargs): return super(Series, self).reindex(index=index, **kwargs) @Appender(generic._shared_docs['fillna'] % _shared_doc_kwargs) def fillna(self, value=None, method=None, axis=None, inplace=False, limit=None, downcast=None, **kwargs): return super(Series, self).fillna(value=value, method=method, axis=axis, inplace=inplace, limit=limit, downcast=downcast, **kwargs) @Appender(generic._shared_docs['shift'] % _shared_doc_kwargs) def shift(self, periods=1, freq=None, axis=0): return super(Series, self).shift(periods=periods, freq=freq, axis=axis) def reindex_axis(self, labels, axis=0, **kwargs): """ for compatibility with higher dims """ if axis != 0: raise ValueError("cannot reindex series on non-zero axis!") return self.reindex(index=labels, **kwargs) def memory_usage(self, index=True, deep=False): """Memory usage of the Series Parameters ---------- index : bool Specifies whether to include memory usage of Series index deep : bool Introspect the data deeply, interrogate `object` dtypes for system-level memory consumption Returns ------- scalar bytes of memory consumed Notes ----- Memory usage does not include memory consumed by elements that are not components of the array if deep=False See Also -------- numpy.ndarray.nbytes """ v = super(Series, self).memory_usage(deep=deep) if index: v += self.index.memory_usage(deep=deep) return v def take(self, indices, axis=0, convert=True, is_copy=False): """ return Series corresponding to requested indices Parameters ---------- indices : list / array of ints convert : translate negative to positive indices (default) Returns ------- taken : Series See also -------- numpy.ndarray.take """ # check/convert indicies here if convert: indices = maybe_convert_indices(indices, len(self._get_axis(axis))) indices = com._ensure_platform_int(indices) new_index = self.index.take(indices) new_values = self._values.take(indices) return self._constructor(new_values, index=new_index).__finalize__(self) def isin(self, values): """ Return a boolean :class:`~pandas.Series` showing whether each element in the :class:`~pandas.Series` is exactly contained in the passed sequence of ``values``. Parameters ---------- values : list-like The sequence of values to test. Passing in a single string will raise a ``TypeError``. Instead, turn a single string into a ``list`` of one element. Returns ------- isin : Series (bool dtype) Raises ------ TypeError * If ``values`` is a string See Also -------- pandas.DataFrame.isin Examples -------- >>> s = pd.Series(list('abc')) >>> s.isin(['a', 'c', 'e']) 0 True 1 False 2 True dtype: bool Passing a single string as ``s.isin('a')`` will raise an error. Use a list of one element instead: >>> s.isin(['a']) 0 True 1 False 2 False dtype: bool """ result = algorithms.isin(_values_from_object(self), values) return self._constructor(result, index=self.index).__finalize__(self) def between(self, left, right, inclusive=True): """ Return boolean Series equivalent to left <= series <= right. NA values will be treated as False Parameters ---------- left : scalar Left boundary right : scalar Right boundary Returns ------- is_between : Series """ if inclusive: lmask = self >= left rmask = self <= right else: lmask = self > left rmask = self < right return lmask & rmask @classmethod def from_csv(cls, path, sep=',', parse_dates=True, header=None, index_col=0, encoding=None, infer_datetime_format=False): """ Read CSV file (DISCOURAGED, please use :func:`pandas.read_csv` instead). It is preferable to use the more powerful :func:`pandas.read_csv` for most general purposes, but ``from_csv`` makes for an easy roundtrip to and from a file (the exact counterpart of ``to_csv``), especially with a time Series. This method only differs from :func:`pandas.read_csv` in some defaults: - `index_col` is ``0`` instead of ``None`` (take first column as index by default) - `header` is ``None`` instead of ``0`` (the first row is not used as the column names) - `parse_dates` is ``True`` instead of ``False`` (try parsing the index as datetime by default) With :func:`pandas.read_csv`, the option ``squeeze=True`` can be used to return a Series like ``from_csv``. Parameters ---------- path : string file path or file handle / StringIO sep : string, default ',' Field delimiter parse_dates : boolean, default True Parse dates. Different default from read_table header : int, default None Row to use as header (skip prior rows) index_col : int or sequence, default 0 Column to use for index. If a sequence is given, a MultiIndex is used. Different default from read_table encoding : string, optional a string representing the encoding to use if the contents are non-ascii, for python versions prior to 3 infer_datetime_format: boolean, default False If True and `parse_dates` is True for a column, try to infer the datetime format based on the first datetime string. If the format can be inferred, there often will be a large parsing speed-up. See also -------- pandas.read_csv Returns ------- y : Series """ from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame df = DataFrame.from_csv(path, header=header, index_col=index_col, sep=sep, parse_dates=parse_dates, encoding=encoding, infer_datetime_format=infer_datetime_format) result = df.iloc[:, 0] if header is None: = = None return result def to_csv(self, path, index=True, sep=",", na_rep='', float_format=None, header=False, index_label=None, mode='w', nanRep=None, encoding=None, date_format=None, decimal='.'): """ Write Series to a comma-separated values (csv) file Parameters ---------- path : string file path or file handle / StringIO. If None is provided the result is returned as a string. na_rep : string, default '' Missing data representation float_format : string, default None Format string for floating point numbers header : boolean, default False Write out series name index : boolean, default True Write row names (index) index_label : string or sequence, default None Column label for index column(s) if desired. If None is given, and `header` and `index` are True, then the index names are used. A sequence should be given if the DataFrame uses MultiIndex. mode : Python write mode, default 'w' sep : character, default "," Field delimiter for the output file. encoding : string, optional a string representing the encoding to use if the contents are non-ascii, for python versions prior to 3 date_format: string, default None Format string for datetime objects. decimal: string, default '.' Character recognized as decimal separator. E.g. use ',' for European data """ from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame df = DataFrame(self) # result is only a string if no path provided, otherwise None result = df.to_csv(path, index=index, sep=sep, na_rep=na_rep, float_format=float_format, header=header, index_label=index_label, mode=mode, nanRep=nanRep, encoding=encoding, date_format=date_format, decimal=decimal) if path is None: return result def dropna(self, axis=0, inplace=False, **kwargs): """ Return Series without null values Returns ------- valid : Series inplace : boolean, default False Do operation in place. """ kwargs.pop('how', None) if kwargs: raise TypeError('dropna() got an unexpected keyword ' 'argument "{0}"'.format(list(kwargs.keys())[0])) axis = self._get_axis_number(axis or 0) if self._can_hold_na: result = remove_na(self) if inplace: self._update_inplace(result) else: return result else: if inplace: # do nothing pass else: return self.copy() valid = lambda self, inplace=False, **kwargs: self.dropna(inplace=inplace, **kwargs) def first_valid_index(self): """ Return label for first non-NA/null value """ if len(self) == 0: return None mask = isnull(self._values) i = mask.argmin() if mask[i]: return None else: return self.index[i] def last_valid_index(self): """ Return label for last non-NA/null value """ if len(self) == 0: return None mask = isnull(self._values[::-1]) i = mask.argmin() if mask[i]: return None else: return self.index[len(self) - i - 1] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Time series-oriented methods def asof(self, where): """ Return last good (non-NaN) value in Series if value is NaN for requested date. If there is no good value, NaN is returned. Parameters ---------- where : date or array of dates Notes ----- Dates are assumed to be sorted Returns ------- value or NaN """ if isinstance(where, compat.string_types): where = datetools.to_datetime(where) values = self._values if not hasattr(where, '__iter__'): start = self.index[0] if isinstance(self.index, PeriodIndex): where = Period(where, freq=self.index.freq).ordinal start = start.ordinal if where < start: return np.nan loc = self.index.searchsorted(where, side='right') if loc > 0: loc -= 1 while isnull(values[loc]) and loc > 0: loc -= 1 return values[loc] if not isinstance(where, Index): where = Index(where) locs = self.index.asof_locs(where, notnull(values)) new_values = com.take_1d(values, locs) return self._constructor(new_values, index=where).__finalize__(self) def to_timestamp(self, freq=None, how='start', copy=True): """ Cast to datetimeindex of timestamps, at *beginning* of period Parameters ---------- freq : string, default frequency of PeriodIndex Desired frequency how : {'s', 'e', 'start', 'end'} Convention for converting period to timestamp; start of period vs. end Returns ------- ts : Series with DatetimeIndex """ new_values = self._values if copy: new_values = new_values.copy() new_index = self.index.to_timestamp(freq=freq, how=how) return self._constructor(new_values, index=new_index).__finalize__(self) def to_period(self, freq=None, copy=True): """ Convert Series from DatetimeIndex to PeriodIndex with desired frequency (inferred from index if not passed) Parameters ---------- freq : string, default Returns ------- ts : Series with PeriodIndex """ new_values = self._values if copy: new_values = new_values.copy() new_index = self.index.to_period(freq=freq) return self._constructor(new_values, index=new_index).__finalize__(self) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Datetimelike delegation methods def _make_dt_accessor(self): try: return maybe_to_datetimelike(self) except Exception: raise AttributeError("Can only use .dt accessor with datetimelike " "values") dt = base.AccessorProperty(CombinedDatetimelikeProperties, _make_dt_accessor) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Categorical methods def _make_cat_accessor(self): if not is_categorical_dtype(self.dtype): raise AttributeError("Can only use .cat accessor with a " "'category' dtype") return CategoricalAccessor(self.values, self.index) cat = base.AccessorProperty(CategoricalAccessor, _make_cat_accessor) def _dir_deletions(self): return self._accessors def _dir_additions(self): rv = set() for accessor in self._accessors: try: getattr(self, accessor) rv.add(accessor) except AttributeError: pass return rv Series._setup_axes(['index'], info_axis=0, stat_axis=0, aliases={'rows': 0}) Series._add_numeric_operations() Series._add_series_only_operations() Series._add_series_or_dataframe_operations() _INDEX_TYPES = ndarray, Index, list, tuple # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Supplementary functions def remove_na(series): """ Return series containing only true/non-NaN values, possibly empty. """ return series[notnull(_values_from_object(series))] def _sanitize_index(data, index, copy=False): """ sanitize an index type to return an ndarray of the underlying, pass thru a non-Index """ if index is None: return data if len(data) != len(index): raise ValueError('Length of values does not match length of ' 'index') if isinstance(data, PeriodIndex): data = data.asobject elif isinstance(data, DatetimeIndex): data = data._to_embed(keep_tz=True) if copy: data = data.copy() elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray): # coerce datetimelike types if data.dtype.kind in ['M', 'm']: data = _sanitize_array(data, index, copy=copy) return data def _sanitize_array(data, index, dtype=None, copy=False, raise_cast_failure=False): """ sanitize input data to an ndarray, copy if specified, coerce to the dtype if specified """ if dtype is not None: dtype = _coerce_to_dtype(dtype) if isinstance(data, ma.MaskedArray): mask = ma.getmaskarray(data) if mask.any(): data, fill_value = _maybe_upcast(data, copy=True) data[mask] = fill_value else: data = data.copy() def _try_cast(arr, take_fast_path): # perf shortcut as this is the most common case if take_fast_path: if _possibly_castable(arr) and not copy and dtype is None: return arr try: subarr = _possibly_cast_to_datetime(arr, dtype) if not is_internal_type(subarr): subarr = np.array(subarr, dtype=dtype, copy=copy) except (ValueError, TypeError): if is_categorical_dtype(dtype): subarr = Categorical(arr) elif dtype is not None and raise_cast_failure: raise else: subarr = np.array(arr, dtype=object, copy=copy) return subarr # GH #846 if isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, Index, Series)): if dtype is not None: subarr = np.array(data, copy=False) # possibility of nan -> garbage if com.is_float_dtype(data.dtype) and com.is_integer_dtype(dtype): if not isnull(data).any(): subarr = _try_cast(data, True) elif copy: subarr = data.copy() else: subarr = _try_cast(data, True) elif isinstance(data, Index): # don't coerce Index types # e.g. indexes can have different conversions (so don't fast path # them) # GH 6140 subarr = _sanitize_index(data, index, copy=True) else: subarr = _try_cast(data, True) if copy: subarr = data.copy() elif isinstance(data, Categorical): subarr = data if copy: subarr = data.copy() return subarr elif isinstance(data, list) and len(data) > 0: if dtype is not None: try: subarr = _try_cast(data, False) except Exception: if raise_cast_failure: # pragma: no cover raise subarr = np.array(data, dtype=object, copy=copy) subarr = lib.maybe_convert_objects(subarr) else: subarr = _possibly_convert_platform(data) subarr = _possibly_cast_to_datetime(subarr, dtype) else: subarr = _try_cast(data, False) def create_from_value(value, index, dtype): # return a new empty value suitable for the dtype if is_datetimetz(dtype): subarr = DatetimeIndex([value] * len(index), dtype=dtype) elif is_categorical_dtype(dtype): subarr = Categorical([value] * len(index)) else: if not isinstance(dtype, (np.dtype, type(np.dtype))): dtype = dtype.dtype subarr = np.empty(len(index), dtype=dtype) subarr.fill(value) return subarr # scalar like if subarr.ndim == 0: if isinstance(data, list): # pragma: no cover subarr = np.array(data, dtype=object) elif index is not None: value = data # figure out the dtype from the value (upcast if necessary) if dtype is None: dtype, value = _infer_dtype_from_scalar(value) else: # need to possibly convert the value here value = _possibly_cast_to_datetime(value, dtype) subarr = create_from_value(value, index, dtype) else: return subarr.item() # the result that we want elif subarr.ndim == 1: if index is not None: # a 1-element ndarray if len(subarr) != len(index) and len(subarr) == 1: subarr = create_from_value(subarr[0], index, subarr.dtype) elif subarr.ndim > 1: if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): raise Exception('Data must be 1-dimensional') else: subarr = _asarray_tuplesafe(data, dtype=dtype) # This is to prevent mixed-type Series getting all casted to # NumPy string type, e.g. NaN --> '-1#IND'. if issubclass(subarr.dtype.type, compat.string_types): subarr = np.array(data, dtype=object, copy=copy) return subarr # backwards compatiblity class TimeSeries(Series): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # deprecation TimeSeries, #10890 warnings.warn("TimeSeries is deprecated. Please use Series", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) super(TimeSeries, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add plotting methods to Series import as _gfx # noqa Series.plot = base.AccessorProperty(_gfx.SeriesPlotMethods, _gfx.SeriesPlotMethods) Series.hist = _gfx.hist_series # Add arithmetic! ops.add_flex_arithmetic_methods(Series, **ops.series_flex_funcs) ops.add_special_arithmetic_methods(Series, **ops.series_special_funcs)
import matplotlib import inspect import warnings # ipython relies on interactive_bk being defined here from matplotlib.rcsetup import interactive_bk __all__ = ['backend','show','draw_if_interactive', 'new_figure_manager', 'backend_version'] backend = matplotlib.get_backend() # validates, to match all_backends def pylab_setup(): 'return new_figure_manager, draw_if_interactive and show for pylab' # Import the requested backend into a generic module object if backend.startswith('module://'): backend_name = backend[9:] else: backend_name = 'backend_'+backend backend_name = backend_name.lower() # until we banish mixed case backend_name = 'matplotlib.backends.%s'%backend_name.lower() backend_mod = __import__(backend_name, globals(),locals(),[backend_name]) # Things we pull in from all backends new_figure_manager = backend_mod.new_figure_manager # image backends like pdf, agg or svg do not need to do anything # for "show" or "draw_if_interactive", so if they are not defined # by the backend, just do nothing def do_nothing_show(*args, **kwargs): frame = inspect.currentframe() fname = frame.f_back.f_code.co_filename if fname in ('<stdin>', '<ipython console>'): warnings.warn(""" Your currently selected backend, '%s' does not support show(). Please select a GUI backend in your matplotlibrc file ('%s') or with matplotlib.use()""" % (backend, matplotlib.matplotlib_fname())) def do_nothing(*args, **kwargs): pass backend_version = getattr(backend_mod,'backend_version', 'unknown') show = getattr(backend_mod, 'show', do_nothing_show) draw_if_interactive = getattr(backend_mod, 'draw_if_interactive', do_nothing) # Additional imports which only happen for certain backends. This section # should probably disappear once all backends are uniform. if backend.lower() in ['wx','wxagg']: Toolbar = backend_mod.Toolbar __all__.append('Toolbar')'backend %s version %s' % (backend,backend_version)) return new_figure_manager, draw_if_interactive, show