DUMMY1/sn196_0043.wav|0|Without a moment's hesitation, he started to step over him, but he had just raised one leg when the Serpent shot up like a spring and the Marionette fell head over heels backward.
DUMMY1/sn196_0044.wav|0|He fell so awkwardly that his head stuck in the mud, and there he stood with his legs straight up in the air.
DUMMY1/sn196_0045.wav|0|At the sight of the Marionette kicking and squirming like a young whirlwind, the Serpent laughed so heartily and so long that at last he burst an artery and died on the spot.
DUMMY1/sn196_0046.wav|0|Pinocchio freed himself from his awkward position and once more began to run in order to reach the Fairy's house before dark.
DUMMY1/sn196_0047.wav|0|As he went, the pangs of hunger grew so strong that, unable to withstand them, he jumped into a field to pick a few grapes that tempted him.
DUMMY1/sn196_0048.wav|1|Woe to him!
DUMMY1/sn196_0049.wav|0|No sooner had he reached the grapevine than -- crack!
DUMMY1/sn196_0050.wav|0|went his legs.
DUMMY1/sn196_0051.wav|0|The poor Marionette was caught in a trap set there by a Farmer for some Weasels which came every night to steal his chickens.
DUMMY1/sn202_0002.wav|0|In the morning, bright and early, Pinocchio started for school.
DUMMY1/sn202_0003.wav|0|Imagine what the boys said when they saw a Marionette enter the classroom!
DUMMY1/sn202_0004.wav|0|They laughed until they cried.
DUMMY1/sn202_0005.wav|0|Everyone played tricks on him.
DUMMY1/sn202_0006.wav|0|One pulled his hat off, another tugged at his coat, a third tried to paint a mustache under his nose.
DUMMY1/sn202_0007.wav|0|One even attempted to tie strings to his feet and his hands to make him dance.
DUMMY1/sn202_0008.wav|0|For a while Pinocchio was very calm and quiet.
DUMMY1/sn202_0009.wav|0|Finally, however, he lost all patience and turning to his tormentors, he said to them threateningly:
DUMMY1/sn202_0010.wav|1|"""Careful, boys, I haven't come here to be made fun of."
DUMMY1/sn202_0011.wav|1|"I'll respect you and I want you to respect me."" ""Hurrah for Dr. Know-all!"
DUMMY1/sn202_0012.wav|0|"You have spoken like a printed book!"" howled the boys, bursting with laughter."
DUMMY1/sn202_0013.wav|0|One of them, more impudent than the rest, put out his hand to pull the Marionette's nose.
DUMMY1/sn202_0014.wav|0|But he was not quick enough, for Pinocchio stretched his leg under the table and kicked him hard on the shin.
DUMMY1/sn202_0015.wav|0|"""Oh, what hard feet!"" cried the boy, rubbing the spot where the Marionette had kicked him."
DUMMY1/sn202_0016.wav|1|"""And what elbows!"
DUMMY1/sn202_0017.wav|0|"They are even harder than the feet!"" shouted another one, who, because of some other trick, had received a blow in the stomach."
DUMMY1/sn202_0018.wav|0|With that kick and that blow Pinocchio gained everybody's favor.
DUMMY1/sn202_0019.wav|0|Everyone admired him, danced attendance upon him, petted and caressed him.
DUMMY1/sn202_0020.wav|0|As the days passed into weeks, even the teacher praised him, for he saw him attentive, hard working, and wide awake, always the first to come in the morning, and the last to leave when school was over.
DUMMY1/sn202_0021.wav|0|Pinocchio's only fault was that he had too many friends.
DUMMY1/sn202_0022.wav|0|Among these were many well-known rascals, who cared not a jot for study or for success.
DUMMY1/sn202_0023.wav|0|The teacher warned him each day, and even the good Fairy repeated to him many times:
DUMMY1/sn202_0024.wav|1|"""Take care, Pinocchio!"
DUMMY1/sn202_0025.wav|1|Those bad companions will sooner or later make you lose your love for study.
DUMMY1/sn202_0026.wav|0|"Some day they will lead you astray."" ""There's no such danger,"" answered the Marionette, shrugging his shoulders and pointing to his forehead as if to say, ""I'm too wise."" So it happened that one day, as he was walking to school, he met some boys who ran up to him and said:"
DUMMY1/sn202_0027.wav|1|"""Have you heard the news?"" ""No!"" ""A Shark as big as a mountain has been seen near the shore."" ""Really?"
DUMMY1/sn202_0028.wav|1|"I wonder if it could be the same one I heard of when my father was drowned?"" ""We are going to see it."
DUMMY1/sn202_0029.wav|1|"Are you coming?"" ""No, not I. I must go to school."" ""What do you care about school?"
DUMMY1/sn202_0030.wav|1|You can go there tomorrow.
DUMMY1/sn202_0032.wav|1|"He is paid to grumble all day long."" ""And my mother?"" ""Mothers don't know anything,"" answered those scamps."
DUMMY1/sn202_0033.wav|1|"""Do you know what I'll do?"" said Pinocchio. ""For certain reasons of mine, I, too, want to see that Shark;"
DUMMY1/sn202_0034.wav|1|but I'll go after school.
DUMMY1/sn202_0035.wav|0|"I can see him then as well as now."" ""Poor simpleton!"" cried one of the boys."
DUMMY1/sn202_0036.wav|1|"""Do you think that a fish of that size will stand there waiting for you?"
DUMMY1/sn202_0038.wav|0|"Let's see who gets there first!"" cried Pinocchio. At the signal, the little troop, with books under their arms, dashed across the fields."
DUMMY1/sn202_0039.wav|0|Pinocchio led the way, running as if on wings, the others following as fast as they could.
DUMMY1/sn202_0040.wav|0|Now and again, he looked back and, seeing his followers hot and tired, and with tongues hanging out, he laughed out heartily.
DUMMY1/sn202_0042.wav|0|If he had only known then the dreadful things that were to happen to him on account of his disobedience!
DUMMY1/sn116_0001.wav|0|Darzee, the Tailorbird, helped him, and Chuchundra, the musk-rat, who never comes out into the middle of the floor, but always creeps round by the wall, gave him advice, but Rikki-tikki did the real fighting.
DUMMY1/sn116_0002.wav|0|He was a mongoose, rather like a little cat in his fur and his tail, but quite like a weasel in his head and his habits.
DUMMY1/sn116_0003.wav|0|His eyes and the end of his restless nose were pink.
DUMMY1/sn116_0004.wav|0|He could scratch himself anywhere he pleased with any leg, front or back, that he chose to use.
DUMMY1/sn116_0005.wav|0|He could fluff up his tail till it looked like a bottle brush, and his war cry as he scuttled through the long grass was:
DUMMY1/sn116_0006.wav|0|"""Rikk-tikk-tikki-tikki-tchk!"" One day, a high summer flood washed him out of the burrow where he lived with his father and mother, and carried him, kicking and clucking, down a roadside ditch."
DUMMY1/sn116_0007.wav|0|He found a little wisp of grass floating there, and clung to it till he lost his senses.
DUMMY1/sn116_0008.wav|0|"When he revived, he was lying in the hot sun on the middle of a garden path, very draggled indeed, and a small boy was saying, ""Here's a dead mongoose."
DUMMY1/sn116_0010.wav|1|"Perhaps he isn't really dead."" They took him into the house, and a big man picked him up between his finger and thumb and said he was not dead but half choked."
DUMMY1/sn116_0011.wav|0|So they wrapped him in cotton wool, and warmed him over a little fire, and he opened his eyes and sneezed.
DUMMY1/sn116_0012.wav|0|"""Now,"" said the big man (he was an Englishman who had just moved into the bungalow), ""don't frighten him, and we'll see what he'll do."" It is the hardest thing in the world to frighten a mongoose, because he is eaten up from nose to tail with curiosity."
DUMMY1/sn116_0013.wav|0|"The motto of all the mongoose family is ""Run and find out,"" and Rikki-tikki was a true mongoose."
DUMMY1/sn116_0014.wav|0|He looked at the cotton wool, decided that it was not good to eat, ran all round the table, sat up and put his fur in order, scratched himself, and jumped on the small boy's shoulder.
DUMMY1/sn116_0015.wav|0|"""Don't be frightened, Teddy,"" said his father."
DUMMY1/sn116_0016.wav|1|"""That's his way of making friends."" ""Ouch!"
DUMMY1/sn116_0017.wav|0|"He's tickling under my chin,"" said Teddy. Rikki-tikki looked down between the boy's collar and neck, snuffed at his ear, and climbed down to the floor, where he sat rubbing his nose."
DUMMY1/sn116_0018.wav|1|"""Good gracious,"" said Teddy's mother, ""and that's a wild creature!"
DUMMY1/sn116_0019.wav|1|"I suppose he's so tame because we've been kind to him."" ""All mongooses are like that,"" said her husband."
DUMMY1/sn116_0020.wav|1|"""If Teddy doesn't pick him up by the tail, or try to put him in a cage, he'll run in and out of the house all day long."
DUMMY1/sn116_0021.wav|1|"Let's give him something to eat."" They gave him a little piece of raw meat."
DUMMY1/sn116_0022.wav|0|Rikki-tikki liked it immensely, and when it was finished he went out into the veranda and sat in the sunshine and fluffed up his fur to make it dry to the roots.
DUMMY1/sn116_0023.wav|0|Then he felt better.
DUMMY1/sn116_0024.wav|0|"""There are more things to find out about in this house,"" he said to himself, ""than all my family could find out in all their lives."
DUMMY1/sn116_0025.wav|1|"I shall certainly stay and find out."" He spent all that day roaming over the house."
DUMMY1/sn116_0026.wav|0|He nearly drowned himself in the bath-tubs, put his nose into the ink on a writing table, and burned it on the end of the big man's cigar, for he climbed up in the big man's lap to see how writing was done.
DUMMY1/sn116_0027.wav|0|At nightfall he ran into Teddy's nursery to watch how kerosene lamps were lighted, and when Teddy went to bed Rikki-tikki climbed up too.
DUMMY1/sn116_0028.wav|0|But he was a restless companion, because he had to get up and attend to every noise all through the night, and find out what made it.
DUMMY1/sn116_0030.wav|1|"""I don't like that,"" said Teddy's mother."
DUMMY1/sn116_0031.wav|0|"""He may bite the child."" ""He'll do no such thing,"" said the father."
DUMMY1/sn116_0032.wav|1|"""Teddy's safer with that little beast than if he had a bloodhound to watch him."
DUMMY1/sn116_0033.wav|1|"If a snake came into the nursery now -- "" But Teddy's mother wouldn't think of anything so awful."
DUMMY1/sn116_0034.wav|0|Early in the morning Rikki-tikki came to early breakfast in the veranda riding on Teddy's shoulder, and they gave him banana and some boiled egg.
DUMMY1/sn116_0038.wav|0|It was a large garden, only half cultivated, with bushes, as big as summer-houses, of Marshal Niel roses, lime and orange trees, clumps of bamboos, and thickets of high grass.
DUMMY1/sn116_0039.wav|0|Rikki-tikki licked his lips.
DUMMY1/sn116_0040.wav|0|"""This is a splendid hunting-ground,"" he said, and his tail grew bottle-brushy at the thought of it, and he scuttled up and down the garden, snuffing here and there till he heard very sorrowful voices in a thorn-bush."
DUMMY1/sn116_0041.wav|0|It was Darzee, the Tailorbird, and his wife.
DUMMY1/sn116_0042.wav|0|They had made a beautiful nest by pulling two big leaves together and stitching them up the edges with fibers, and had filled the hollow with cotton and downy fluff.
DUMMY1/sn116_0043.wav|0|The nest swayed to and fro, as they sat on the rim and cried.
DUMMY1/sn116_0044.wav|1|"""What is the matter?"" asked Rikki-tikki."
DUMMY1/sn116_0045.wav|1|"""We are very miserable,"" said Darzee. ""One of our babies fell out of the nest yesterday and Nag ate him."" ""H'm!"" said Rikki-tikki, ""that is very sad -- but I am a stranger here."
DUMMY1/sn116_0046.wav|0|"Who is Nag?"" Darzee and his wife only cowered down in the nest without answering, for from the thick grass at the foot of the bush there came a low hiss -- a horrid cold sound that made Rikki-tikki jump back two clear feet."
DUMMY1/sn116_0047.wav|0|Then inch by inch out of the grass rose up the head and spread hood of Nag, the big black cobra, and he was five feet long from tongue to tail.
DUMMY1/sn116_0048.wav|0|When he had lifted one-third of himself clear of the ground, he stayed balancing to and fro exactly as a dandelion tuft balances in the wind, and he looked at Rikki-tikki with the wicked snake's eyes that never change their expression, whatever the snake may be thinking of.
DUMMY1/sn116_0051.wav|0|"Look, and be afraid!"" He spread out his hood more than ever, and Rikki-tikki saw the spectacle-mark on the back of it that looks exactly like the eye part of a hook-and-eye fastening."
DUMMY1/sn116_0052.wav|0|He was afraid for the minute, but it is impossible for a mongoose to stay frightened for any length of time, and though Rikki-tikki had never met a live cobra before, his mother had fed him on dead ones, and he knew that all a grown mongoose's business in life was to fight and eat snakes.
DUMMY1/sn116_0053.wav|0|Nag knew that too and, at the bottom of his cold heart, he was afraid.
DUMMY1/sn116_0055.wav|0|He knew that mongooses in the garden meant death sooner or later for him and his family, but he wanted to get Rikki-tikki off his guard.
DUMMY1/sn116_0056.wav|0|So he dropped his head a little, and put it on one side.
DUMMY1/sn116_0057.wav|0|"""Let us talk,"" he said."
DUMMY1/sn116_0058.wav|1|"""You eat eggs."
DUMMY1/sn116_0059.wav|1|"Why should not I eat birds?"" ""Behind you!"
DUMMY1/sn116_0060.wav|0|"Look behind you!"" sang Darzee. Rikki-tikki knew better than to waste time in staring."
DUMMY1/sn116_0062.wav|0|She had crept up behind him as he was talking, to make an end of him.