stringlengths 34
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float64 -0.64
Daga cikin wannan adadi an gani mutane 526 na dauke da cutar Ebola. | From these statistics, there are 526 people who have been trained with Ebola cancer. | -0.079529 |
Amsarmu ita ce - Kada ku shiga tare da mahaɗar yanar gizon kowane lokaci fiye da shekaru biyu yana gudana, sai dai idan sun bayar da bayyane wani lokaci kudaden kuɗi. | The answer is – do not involve a counterfeit at any time more than two years ago, unless they explicitly give the money at any given time. | -0.105768 |
Haka ne, kawai saboda ko ta yaya ya zama abin kunya a gaban fan, cewa saboda rashin iya amsawa "a'a", sai ya tafi gidansa, "in ji mai wasan kwaikwayo. | Yes, just because even if he was ashamed in front of the fan, that because he could not answer "no", he then went to his home, "a feeling of empty spectator. | -0.140573 |
Tace Nijeriya na fama da matsalar tsaro da ta cin hanci da ta amfani da mukaman gwamnati ba daidai ba amma duk shugaban ya tsallake ya je sasancin… | The Leader of the Islamic Revolution criticized the Iranian nation as an incorrect and misguided government in the face of certain problems. | -0.052429 |
Na gode wa wannan daki-daki, wani wurin shakatawa mai tsawo, wadda ke da layi na yau da kullum, zai iya karfafa ƙwarƙwarar yarinyar kuma ya ba ta wata kyakkyawa da kyakkyawa. | Thanks to this garden, a long garden, which has a regular line of day, can strengthen the garden with both quality and quality. | -0.203256 |
Gaskiyar cewa tufafi ga uwargidan ya kamata ya kasance mai laushi (wando - baza ku iya ba!), Ya tuna da yawa, amma yad da sauri, zaka iya mantawa. | The fact that the clothes for an unbeliever should be immoral (who—can you not give an!), He rememberes much, but quickly, you can forgive. | -0.203865 |
Hanyar yana daukar kimanin sa'o'i 1.5, amma wani lokacin yana kai har zuwa sa'o'i 2-3 saboda yanayin da hanyoyi da kuma direbobi Indiya. | The method takes around 1.5, but sometimes it reaches to 2-3 hours because of the nature, roads and drivers of India. | 0.054893 |
Osinbanjo ya gana da su Saraki, Kwankwaso, Dogaro da sauran... | Ossinbanjo met them with Saraki, Kwankwaso, Purgaro and others. | 0.032834 |
marmarin tabbatar da kanta saboda kasancewar wani abu ko yiwuwar samun shi a kowane hanya; | a lack of self-confidence because of the existence or possibility of having it in all ways; | -0.159322 |
A hanyar, cakulan cakulan "Nutella" a gida yana da haske da kuma kullun, ana iya amfani da shi azaman cream don wuri da kuma pastries. | In that passage, the pinnacle of the “Nutella” in the house is bright and regular, and it can be used as cream for mourning and pastries. | -0.097338 |
Bayan haka za a gina irin wannan daki domin gwajin cutar daji a Kudu maso gabas, Kudu maso yamma da kuma yankin Kudu maso kudancin Najeriya. | The building will then be built for the tests of cancer in North East, Northwest and southwestern parts of the country. | 0.056834 |
Wannan nau'in rashin jin magana ba shi da yawa fiye da sauran nau'ikan rashin ji, kamar matsalar rashin jin shekaru, in ji shi. | This type of depression is far more than any other type of depression, such as the age-old depression, I hear it. | -0.097099 |
Hawaye, mafi sau da yawa, yakan faru ne ta hanyar tunani da kuma ƙarƙashin rinjayar barasa. | Hawaies, most often, occur through thought and subjugation of alcohol. | -0.122565 |
Wakilan mata Pinko yana ba da jita-jita na kayan ado, daga abin da za ka iya zaɓar wani samfurin don kowane lokaci na rayuwa da yanayi. | The representatives of the Pinko women offer clothes, from which you can choose a sample for any time of life and nature. | 0.0052 |
Zargin Karɓan Na Goro: Ɗan Sanda Ya Kashe Mutum Biyu, Ya Rasa Ransa | Previous Topic: The Son of the One Who Killed The Two People, Lost His Life | -0.089027 |
Ɗaya daga cikin shahararrun batutuwa, ban da silinda da nau'i mai nau'i, shi ne kulle ƙulle. | One of the most popular issues, other than the silence and sort of color, is the ballot box. | -0.109035 |
Bugu da ƙari, halin yanzu yana bambanta ta rashin tsarin, ainihin jituwa ta haɓaka da fasaha daban-daban. | Again, it is now different by a lack of structure, essentially associated with different arts. | -0.032081 |
Ya bambanta da sabacen da aka saba da shi, Tangle Teaser na goge yana iya haɗuwa da gashi daga Tushen zuwa matakai. | In contrast with the common innovation, the Teaser Mountains can combin with truth from the Mountains to degrees. | -0.232164 |
A galvanized m damar shigarwa na clamps a kan wani sashi ko hooks. | In galvanized m it is the opportunity to put clamps on a certain passage or hooks. | -0.104093 |
Wannan na iya faruwa a sabon gina wuraren waha a lokacin da ka shigar da famfo ba tare da tsabta fitar da kananan duwatsu. | This may happen in rebuilding of the mountains when you infiltrate the mountains without safeguarding their output. | -0.102345 |
Abinda yake Faruwa da Liketo Zama Gidan kurkuku Yin Jima'i | The Bible nowhere explicitly states that masturbation is a sin, but there is no question that the actions that usually lead to masturbation are sinful. | -0.015081 |
Sau da yawa yakan faru da cewa jinkirin bazara ta hanzari ya faru saboda dalilai da yawa lokaci daya. | It often happens that liver abortion occurs for many reasons at the same time. | -0.055353 |
4 Sa'an nan kuma sai ta ci gaba da zama cikin jinin har kwana talatin da uku. | 4 Then she remained in the blood for thirty three days. | -0.033135 |
Bugu da ƙari, za a iya gano layin da za a iya gano tare da taimakon wani madaurin launin ruwan kasa. | Again, one can identify the line that can be discovered with the help of a land coal. | -0.048867 |
Don yin tsaftace tsaftace gilashin gilashin gilashi mai nau'in farantin da kuma hana ƙaddamar da kananan scratches akan shi, ana bada shawarar yin amfani da wannan nauyin nau'i na musamman don gilashin gilashi. | In order to solidify and prevent scratches from being placed on it, it is recommended to use this special duty to solidify the gates. | -0.086613 |
Suna kallon dabi'a fiye da suturar yumbura, saboda sun kasance kusan m. | They look naturally more closer than their shell images, because they are very close to m. | -0.188887 |
Darajar musayar kudi Turkmenistan sabon Manat (TMT) To Israeli sabon shekel (ILS) Zauna a Forex musayar kasuwa | Turkmenistan New Manat (TMT) To Israel New Year (ILS) | -0.153877 |
Karbar haraji a hannun talaka a irin wannan lokacin abu ne mai wahala. | Paying taxes at a loan in such a time is difficult. | -0.09292 |
Yaron Shugaban Majalisa ya tsallake rijiya da baya a hannun ‘Yan bindiga | The daughter of the Imam of the Age - | -0.279272 |
Next, shirya cream: gishiri man shanu mai narkewa da margarine, zuba sukari foda, vanillin da kuma zuba cream. | Next, prepare the cream: an inexhaustible juice with margarine, put an inexhaustible cup, vanilla, and put a piece of cream on it. | -0.092117 |
Yawan launi mai yawa ne a duniya, amma, duk da haka, masu zanen kaya sun ba da fifiko na musamman ga yawancin shafukan da suka fi dacewa a wannan shekara. | It is a huge number of sports in the world, but, however, sportsmen have made a special priority for many of the most successful events this year. | -0.042149 |
Sautunan launin fata da haske masu haske sun dace daidai da tufafin yamma; | Ranks of skin color and brilliant light correspond to the western clothes; | -0.170877 |
10.The serial dubawa na sadarwa iya beconnected zuwa kwamfuta ta gudanar da wani kai tsaye iko daga kwamfuta cibiyar sadarwa. | The 10.The series of communication analyses can be condoned to a computer performing a direct authority from a computer in a communication system. | -0.216541 |
A cikin mako bakwai aikin rawaya jiki ya mutu a hankali don canja wurin ayyukansa zuwa ga mahaifa. | In the seven months, the labor of a physical body died gradually to transform its activities to a mother. | -0.218185 |
Dole ne ku ziyarci ENT, ocularist, likitan kwantar da hankali da kuma likitan kwari. | You should visit ENT, a psychologist, a psychologist and a expert physician. | -0.063363 |
Idan kana da gajeren haske, nauyin gashi mai kyau ba kayan haɗi ba ne, amma abu mai mahimmanci. | If you have a lightweight, a good weight is not a heritage, but an important thing. | -0.077868 |
A hanyar, masana kimiyya sun tabbatar da cewa rashin iyawa ne, kuma ba, kamar yadda wasu suka yi imani ba, uzuri ko gaskatawa. | In the passage, scientists have proven that it is impossible, and not, as some believe, emptiness or belief. | -0.128126 |
Adadin biyan kuɗin da Pew yake buƙatar ba a bayyana ba. | The amount of money Pew needed was not revealed. | 0.091026 |
Ana jiyayawa cewa Donatella bazai ci kome ba kuma yana jin tsoron samun sauki, kuma nauyinta ya kai 43 kg. | Donatella is assumed to be unheard of anything and feels afraid of being weak, and her weight reaches 43 kg. | -0.089477 |
Zai zama mafi kyau ga haihuwar jariri na farko har zuwa shekaru 25 zuwa 27, lokacin da jiki ya cikakke kuma yana shirye don ɗaukar nauyin, amma, a lokaci guda, ba'a daɗe. | It would be best for the first child’s birth until the age of 25 to 27, when the body is full and ready to take on the burden, but, at the same time, not too long. | 0.019426 |
Bisa ga zane zamu yi raguwa don haɗin kai na sama da ƙananan jagorar. | Based on design we are to relieve for heavenly unity and lesser leadership. | -0.140391 |
Tsohon shugaban Masar, Muhammed Morsi a tsare a gidna kurkuku | The old Egyptian President, Mohammad Morsi, was arrested in prison. | 0.084088 |
Tsoro a cikin al'umma kuma ya haifar da sakon cewa a Amurka an kirkira kwamfuta , wanda aka ba da damar da ikonsa, "An Beast". | Fear in society also led to the message that in the United States a computer was created, which was given at the permission of its power, “An Beast.” | -0.08675 |
Haɗa dukkan sinadaran tare tare da sanya sashi a cikin takarda mai laushi a kan takarda mai laushi. | Incorporate all the seminaries with putting a piece in a luxurious record on a luxurious record. | -0.220152 |
Saboda haka, a cikin amfani na yau da kullun, yi hankali kar ku bar tururuwar ruwa a cikin yanayin da ke kewaye da shi ya shiga taimakon ji, kamar daidaita kayan ji da hannun rigar ko ruwan sama. | Therefore, in daily consumption, be careful not to leave the plumbing in environmental environments surrounded by an eye, such as a reincarnation of canopy or airplane. | -0.141707 |
Ina da dukkanin bude kofofin 3 na FASAHA kuma sun harba tarin abubuwan lodi da ke lalata su !! | I have opened up all the 3 doors of FASAHA and they have gathered in a collection of looters that are wasting them!! | -0.11277 |
Mutane da yawa suna son rikici a kusa da wannan kaya. | Many people want to have a rift in the close proximity of this city. | -0.090021 |
Iyalin Stride na kayan aikin ji na BTE suna ba da sauti na dabi'a da jin daɗin tattaunawar marasa lafiya da ƙauna a cikin zaɓuɓɓukan baturi mara waya ta mara waya guda biyu. | The Stride family of the BTE hearing tools gives a natural sound and sense of unhealthy and loving discussion in two unique issues. | -0.088595 |
Peach man tare da ɓangaren litattafan almara na peach ko kokwamba, ƙara 1 tbsp. l. cream ko kirim mai tsami. | Peach meals with a piece of peach or cocker literature, add 1 tbsp. l. cream or steel cream. | -0.126483 |
Daga cikin dalilan da ke haifar da ci gaba da cutar, yanayin da ake fuskanta da ciwon abinci, rashin ciwo mai narkewa, da cututtukan cututtuka. | Among the reasons that cause the continuation of injury, the conditions that are exposed to nutrition, chronic infertility, and abortions. | -0.075092 |
Masu zanen kaya ba su yi amfani da launuka ba, amma a daidai wannan lokaci, ana samun kyakkyawan launin ruwan kasa, yashi, da fararen launin fata da launuka masu launi tare da tabarau na zinariya da azurfa, wanda ba zai iya kasa kulawa da sneakers mata masu daraja Michael Kors. | Rock carvings do not make use of crops, but at the same time, there are good rock carvings, shelter, white rock carvings and colorants with silver and azur shelter, which cannot inherit the care of the noble Michael Kors sneakers. | -0.16464 |
Calendula ne sananne ne ga magungunan da aka warkar da shi da kuma motsa jiki na tsarin na rigakafi. | It is Calendors that refer to the heated drugs and the exercise of the resistance system. | -0.188007 |
Bayan cikakken lacing, dole ne a kula da ko ƙananan kafa yana fadawa ko waje. | After complete lacking, it must be taken care whether a minority of the feet goes off or out. | -0.168804 |
A yayin nazarin maganganu game da yadda ake gudanar da bincikensa akan wasu hanyoyi an kashe shi: | During his trial, Ayatollah Khamenei described His death as the result of a number of crimes. | -0.032345 |
Karanta abin da dan takarar kujerar dan Majalisa mai wakiltar B-kebbi, Kalgo da Bunza ya ce | Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence said that the highest standard of redistribution is not the standard of redistribution. | -0.290278 |
Ya ci gaba da cewa an gaza cika sharuddan da gwamnatin kasar ta gindaya domin taron. | He added that the conditions for the government were not fulfilled. | -0.071833 |
Wadannan tabloids sun ba shi kyauta mai ban mamaki, amma ya ƙi yin tambayoyi, da kuma paparazzi, duk da dukkanbaru, har sai Talata na karshe ba zai iya ɗaukar hoto ba. | These tabloids gave him a wonderful gift, but he refused to ask, and pararazzi, even if all of it, until the last Thursday could not take up a picture. | -0.046366 |
Zuba da miya a cikin spaghetti, saro, ƙara yankakken barkono. | Drunkenness in spaghetti, sarhous, and extra lineness. | -0.211449 |
Yana gama fad'ar haka ya saketa ya fad'a cikin kujera mai zaman mutun uku yana sauke ajiye zuciya, tsaki taja.. abinda tasan yafi tsana kenan arayuwarsa ,tun ba yau ba ya sha mata Gargadi akan tsaki. | Similarly, he fell into the trap of lust and soul, and he fell into the trap of soul, so he fell into the trap of soul and soul, so he fell into the trap of soul and soul. | -0.346346 |
A lokaci guda, don hoton, wani tsohuwar samfurin jaket ko jaket kuma cikakke ne. | At the same time, for the picture, another old model of the jaket or jaket is also perfect. | -0.132807 |
A cikin wannan shafi za ku sami hotuna da talakawa paired tanadin da Cyrillic rubata d'in da recordings. | In this page you will find pictures and passages for Cyrillic’s recording. | -0.066647 |
Duniyar zarra ko kuma duniyar alkawari, na nufin wani lokaci ko wata marhala ko mahalli ko kuma wata duniya ce wacce Allah ta’ala ya fitar da rayukan dukkanin mutane daga cikin tsatson Annabi Adam (amincin Allah ya tabbata a gare shi), a bisa kankanuwar sura sosai, kuma ... | A divine or covenant world is a world in which God only raised the souls of all men from the tabernacle of the Prophet Adam (God's greetings be upon him), on a so-called face, and on a particular form of humanity. | -0.107853 |
Add to cakuda 1-2 teaspoons na kayan shafawa kayan lambu mai, misali, zaitun ko masara. | Add to mixture of 1-2 teaspoons of oil, for example, oil, or iron addicts. | -0.187176 |
Kawunsa mai suna Kazeem Tijjani, ya yi bayanin yadda aka yi ta neman Sarafa lokacin da ba a ganshi ba, da kuma yadda aka gano gawarsa tana lilo a gefen gidansa. | His companion called Kazeem Tijjani, describing how Sarafa was looking for when he was unseen, and how he was discovered to be in front of his home. | -0.071938 |
Ajiyayyen iPhone data tare da iCloud kafin yantad ga iOS 7 | Making an iPhone data with iCloud before installing it on iOS 7 | -0.061752 |
Zaka iya ɗauka su da sauƙi tare da hannun hannunka don inganta siffar. | You can easily take them with your hand to improve the character. | -0.095681 |
A cikin wannan shafi, zaka iya cika duk madadin, sabuntawa, da ayyukan ƙaura tare da kawai danna kaɗan. | In this page, you can fill all substitutions, innovations, and labor activities with just a donkey. | -0.183065 |
Amma bayyana kananan layin inuwa zai bada kawai, idan za a sanya ta da girasar damp tare da bakin ciki da yankewa. | But clarification of the iron line would only be given, if it would be placed with an iron fist with grief and fist. | -0.225527 |
Zuciyar zuciya ta tayi a cikin makonni 12 za a iya ƙayyade kawai tare da jarrabawar duban dan tayi, kuma a wata rana (bayan makonni 24) don wannan dalili ana amfani da stethoscope obstetric ga mata masu ciki da cardiotocography. | Lack of heart in the 12th centuries can only be determined with genetic tests, and on one day ( later on 24 centuries) for this reason stethoscope obstetric is used for pregnant women and cardiotocography. | -0.084566 |
Contraindications ga amfani da wannan magani ne kuma yara da kuma lactation zamani. | Contraindications to the use of this word and children and lactation times. | 0.003527 |
Mai shekaru 8 Eloise Lerner ya gabatar da kwalkwali ga Prince Harry | 8-Year Eloise Lerner Introduced The Doctrine of Priscilla and Priscilla | -0.262627 |
A cikin 'yan sa'o'i kadan zai yiwu a shafe ƙananan manna tare da gefen ɓangaren wuka. | In a few hours, it becomes possible to appliate small amounts of grape with a sample of the tree. | -0.159892 |
Mun shirya sassan daji, yadu daidai da wurin zama na kujera. | We have prepared parts as well, produced correctly as the place of despair. | -0.202424 |
Wani mutum, kawai bai fahimci abin da ya haifar da wannan hali na mace ba ta yanke shawarar cewa ta ba ta son shi kuma sau da yawa ya yanke shawarar cinye ta. | A man, just unknowing what causes this feminine attitude, did not decide to disappoint him and often decided to adopt her. | -0.056491 |
5- Duk rashin mutuncin mutum mahaifiya ba wasa bace babu yanda za’ayi mutum ya shigo gida ya tarar mahaifiyarsa ana kurma ihun ta mutu amma ya nuna halin ko in kula kuma yana cikin hayyacinsa kamar yanda Bintu ta yi a fim din sam hakan a gaske abune wanda bazai faru ba. | In any case a person should get home and gather with a mother, but he should be careful about his situation just as much as the Bintu did in a movie and did not do so. | -0.204625 |
Bayan haka, komai yadda shingen ke da shinge, kuma komai yadinda wanka yayi kusa da su, ruwan zaiyi zurfin shiga cikin ramuka da haɗuwa tsakanin su, idan ba a rufe su ba. | Later, no matter how much the fence has a fence, and no matter how much you get close to them, the water will deeper into the boundaries and fusion between them, if they are not closed. | -0.123745 |
Bugu da ƙari, Gigalight Har ila yau, saki sababbin kayayyaki, dangane da fasaha na Silicon Photonic, 100G QSFP28 PSM4 da kuma 100G CFP-DCO masu sassaucin ra'ayi masu sassaucin ra'ayi, waɗanda suka karbi kulawa mai zurfi da kuma karbuwa daga masana. | Further, Gigalight Also, a new product, related to the art of Silicon Photonic, 100G QSFP28 PSM4 and 100G CFP-DCO intelligent, which has received deep attention and received attention from prominent figures. | -0.068074 |
Tun da sauro suna da kwari masu launin jini, suna buƙatar zafin jiki mai zafi. | Since they have already been skilled in bloodthirsty, they need warm body heat. | -0.168683 |
Gaskiyar kuma a lokaci guda babban birnin kasar Afirka ta Kudu shi ne birnin Cape Town . | North Africa is at the same time the capital of North Africa, Cape Town. | -0.061324 |
Me cikin E-skateboard haka zafi da kuma maraba da matasa? - Jomo Technology Co., Ltd | Jomo Technology Co., Ltd. | -0.17098 |
Daga cikin mutane da yawa, shirya domin MP4 da kuma watsi da sauran, saboda su ba dole ba ne a duk. | From many people, preparing for MP4 and denying others, because they are not necessarily at all. | -0.177715 |
Ta hanyar jigo ne ake iya gane saƙon da ke ƙunshe cikin wasan kwaikwayo. | It is through logic that the message that is contained in volleyball can be recognized. | -0.008787 |
Albasa a yanka a cikin ƙananan zobba kuma toya har sai da taushi. | Discussing the Lord’s promptings in the LORD’s sight in the LORD’s sight | -0.338783 |
Baya ga gaskiyar cewa yana da matukar dacewa, yana da kyau, kyau kuma har ma da hadari. | Besides the fact that it is valid, it is good, good and even prepared. | -0.101062 |
Uban kasar Batsari da ke jihar Katsina ya ce akwai daruruwan mata da aka bari da marayu sakamakon hare-haren ‘yan bindiga da suka kashe mazajensu. – OAK TV Hausa | The father of Batsari, who is in the province of Katsina, said that hundreds of women have been abandoned as a result of the hardships of puppets who killed their masters. | -0.10464 |
Har ila yau, kyawawan halayen sune Alcon Dailies AquaComfort Plus Multifocal, wanda CIBA Vision ya samar. | Also, the ethical gifts are the Holy Dailyes AquaComfort Plus Multifocal, which was produced by CIBA Vision. | -0.048886 |
Kociyan kungiyar kwallon kafa ta Atletico Madrid, Diego Simeone, ya bayyana cewa dan wasan kungiyar na gaba, Luis Suares, zai iya zama dan wasan da yafi yawan zura kwallaye a raga a kakar wasa ta bana da ake bugawa. | The founding team of Atletico Madrid, Diego Simeone, stated that the future athlete of the team, Luis Suares, could be a young athlete with many athletes in the last round. | -0.094834 |
Yana da matukar muhimmanci a sami lokaci don kammala shi don tattarawa kafin sanyi, in ba haka ba kayan lambu ba su da kyau sosai kuma suna da amfani. | It is important to have enough time to make it done before the cold, otherwise spices are not very good and beneficial. | -0.082129 |
Wannan takalma yana da amfani mai kyau kuma mai dacewa don sa shi da gashin gashi, hada da sutura ko jaka. | This adultery is good and consistently useful to cause it to inexhaustible, involving adultery or lust. | -0.236599 |
Wani jirgin sama mallakar King Air Jet, ya yi hadari a katangar filin tashin jirage na Legas a ranar Juma’a 21 ga watan Agusta bayan birkin sa ya lalace. | A King Air Jet airport had collapsed in the streets of Legas on August 21, following the collapse of its fleet. | -0.142164 |
Alal misali, kafin dasawa bishiyoyi daji suna buƙatar yanke harbe zuwa 20-30 cm, kuma idan wardi sunyi nisa , an yanke harbe zuwa rabi. | For example, prior to the plantation of regular bread need to be shed up to 20-30 cm, and when the plumbing shed away, the plumbing is shed to a shade. | -0.185513 |
Ɗakunan gada mafi girma sun cika ɗakin gida guda da raguna na haske da iska. | The larger children of a year filled the same house with lights of light and air. | -0.189947 |
Sudan laban (SDG) To Hong Kong dollar (HKD) musayar kudi tarihi | Sudan vs. Sudan (SDG) To Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) | -0.048108 |
Muna zafi man a cikin kwanon rufi da kuma yayyafa shinkafa a kan matsakaiciyar zafi, yana motsawa tare da spatula. | We heat in the canopy and shed the skin on the medium-hearted heat, moving with spatula. | -0.161337 |
Ta yanke shawarar canza rayuwarta kuma ta koma ga bangaskiya, ta roki Ubangiji gafara ga mijinta, wanda kafin mutuwar bai sami lokacin tuba ba. | She decided to change her life and return to faith, asking the Lord forgiveness for her husband, who before death did not have time to repent. | 0.02836 |
Ministan lafiya na Najeriya Farfesa Onyebuchi Chukwu ne ya yi wannan kiran yayin kaddamar da makon shayar da jarirai da nonon uwa da aka yi a birnin tarayya Abuja. | The secretary of the Ministry of Health of Farfesa, Onyebuchi Chukwu, announced this afternoon that it had been hospitalized in Farfesa, Syria. | -0.189186 |
Mu mafarkai, masanan kimiyya sun ce, hoto ne mai ban mamaki game da tunaninmu na tunaninmu, kuma mutane suna ƙoƙari su fahimci abin da ke faruwa a mafarki, da kuma yadda za a fassara abin da yake mafarki. | We dreamers, scientists say, are a wonderful picture of our intellectual thoughts, and people try to understand what is happening in dreams, and how to interpret what is dreaming. | -0.002116 |
"Maganar gaskiya jam'iyyar APC ba ta nuna cewa za ta iya sauya komai ba kamar yadda ta dauki alkawari a shekarar 2015. | “The realities of the APC do not indicate that it was able to change everything other than what it promised in the year 2015. | 0.054525 |
An haɗuwa da kyau tare da ganye na salatin salatin, da sinadaran dole ne a yankakken yankakken, cire tsaba. | Goodly mixed with a view of the thirty-something salad, and the synaders must be fully mixed, clearly removed. | -0.234227 |
Musamman idan sun kasance na halitta - auduga, flax, kofi launi tare da madara. | Especially if they were of creation—a lame, a flax, or no color with a lame. | -0.158372 |