Wadannan sharaɗin suna daga cikin shahararrun mutane a cikin bulbous a kasar da kuma makircin masu zaman kansu.
These restrictions are among the most popular in the country’s bullying and hegemonic machinations.
Koriya Ta Arewa Ta Gargadi 'Yan Najeriya Da Su Guji...
Northern Corps Armed Forces - Khamenei.ir
Wannan shi ne saboda, na farko, ga gaskiyar cewa mahaɗin mahaifa yana motsawa a kan mafitsara, wadda take kaiwa zuwa ga turawa zuwa ɗakin gida, kuma na biyu, tare da canjin hormonal a jikin mace.
This is because, first, to the fact that the mother’s body is moving on the body, leading to turning to the house, and second, with a hormonal change in the body of a woman.
Za a iya shigar da katako na bene a cikin gidan wanka a matsayin cikakke tare da ɗakin kwalliya ɗaya, kuma da kansa.
Another way of expressing this same basic thought is when people say, “The God of the Worlds is a God of wrath while the God of the Worlds is a God of wrath when the God of the Worlds is a God of wrath when the God of the Worlds is a God of love.”
Kuma ba zai iya rinjayar wannan wuri a kowace hanya ba.
And they cannot use such a tool in all ways.
Har ila yau, babbar tattaunawa ta haifar da riguna na Rachel McAdams a kan Oscar 2016.
Also, the big discussion resulted in the competition of Rachel McAdams on the Oscar 2016.
Hakan na kunshe ne cikin wata sanarwa mai dauke da sa hannun Mr. Anchaver Simon da kuma Alade Lawal.
The statements that were made were accompanied by Mr. Anchaver Simon and Alade Lawal.
A wannan yanayin, da zarar za ku iya wanke murfinku tare da bargo mai tsabta ko bargo, idan zai yiwu, ƙara yawan zafin jiki a dakin.
In such conditions, as soon as you can can offset your stomach with a clean barrel or barrel, if possible, increasing your physical heat in the house.
Za ku kai ga Banza by tunanin tare da biyun hankali wanda har yanzu ba ku iya amfani da shi ba.
You will go to Banza by thinking with the two minds that you still cannot use.
Shugaban kasa Muhammad Buhari, ya ja hankalin daukacin musulman duniya, a kan kada su mai da annobar korona uzirin da zai hanasu azumi a cikin watan Ramadana.
President Mohammad Buhari, who was the head of the Islamic Ummah, had focused all Muslims on memorizing the month of Ramadan as a crown of fasting.
Don sauƙaƙe don jimre wa waɗannan bayanai, dubi samfurin samfurin kuma maimaita misalin.
To simply follow up these details, see the sample form and repeat the parable.
Tabbas, bangarori na sassan suna sa ido, amma tare da gusts na iska kada a sa ran su.
Of course, the parts of the passage are empty, but with a taste of air, they must not be empty.
Samun hutu tare da yara, iyaye suna kulawa game da ta'aziyyar su, abinci, masauki da kuma nishaɗi.
Having children with children, parents take care of their comfort, food, accommodation, and entertainment.
Kuma musamman ma bazai zama dole a lura da shi - ba algae ba, kuma bazawa a kan dutse ba zai zama ba.
And especially it is not necessarily necessary to pay attention to it—not lies, and sitting in the mountain will not be.
Wannan dai shine karo na farko da ‘yan jam’iyyar suka hadu suka yi wani abu tare tun ballewarsu a watan mayun bana bayan gamgamin taronsu da aka yi a garin Fatakwal.
This was the first time that partial members of the Islamic Republic met in a meeting in Fatakwal in May.
Bangaren jiragen sama kuwa gwamnati zata kammala gyaran jiragen sama musammamma na Abuja, inda za a bada jinginarsu ga ‘yan kasuwa.
The government will complete the repairs of the spacecraft of Abuja, where their services will be delivered to its passengers.
Amma ya fi kyau kada ku bar su da cikakken gidan wanka.
But it is better to not leave them in your complete home.
Hanyar wannan hanya ta kawar da ƙuduri daga nasopharynx, ta yadda za a yi yanayin jariri.
The method of this method removes the flames from the nasopharynx, thereby the form of the baby will be made.
Kuma idan bayan zubar da ciki sai ku ji wani magani, kafin kuyi shirin tsayawa lokaci.
And if after an abortion you hear something, before you make a preparation for an abortion.
Wannan na sha dayan nine na Qara dashi saboda cikar fa’idar.
This is because of the fullness of interests.
Saboda haka zaka iya tabbatar da cewa har shekara guda ka, iyalinka da dukiyoyinka suna kare daga mummunan ido da matsalolin rayuwa.
Therefore, you can rest assured that for one year your family and your family members are defending from dreadful eyes and problems in life.
Mix da grasera horseradish tare da mustard foda, sai an yi kama manna.
Miscellaneous mixture of horseradish with mustard foda, then it is as flayed.
Tare da rani na ban ruwa, ainihin ƙwayar lawn yana fara girma.
With the waterless day, the very spacecraft begins to grow.
Domin Allah (SWT) ya yi haka ne, a cewarsa, don ya bayyana irin cin amanar da waxannan mata suka yi wa Manzon Allah (SAW) ta hanyar munafuccin da suka rinqa qulla masa, tare da kasa shi a faifai, da kuma yin fito-na-fito da shi.63
Because Allah (God's greetings be upon him) did so, according to the meaning of life, that He might reveal the commitment of those wives to the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) through the hypocrisy of those wives.
Yin amfani da maganin rigakafi, abinci mai gina jiki na yau da kullum, da kuma karuwa a yawan sassan sharan suna - duk waɗannan dalilai sun taimaka wajen rage yawan kwayoyin cuta.
Consuming alcohol, food that builds the body on a daily basis, and increasing in quantity of alcohol are—all these reasons help decrease the amount of alcohol that is harmful.
Taimakawa wajen taimakawa tsutsa duk tsokoki, wanda ya ba ka damar samar da kyakkyawan silhouette.
Contributing to helping break all the token, which gave you the opportunity to produce a good silhouette.
A kasan tukunya, sanya man shanu, to, kaza, diced albasa, barkono na Bulgarian da scalded, ba tare da konkoma karãtunsa fãtun, tumatir, yankakken tafarnuwa, hops-suneli.
In a piece of paper, put an elephant, then, azot, diced albasa, a Bulgarian barbecue and scalded, without the conspiracy of its poetry, tattoo, fine walk, hops-sonseli.
Idan kun kasance cikin wadanda suka fi son hotunan hotuna masu kyau, ƙwaƙwalwar hunturu mata da jawo ko murfin dumi, wanda aka dauke su da takalma mafi tsada a kakar, wannan shine abinda kuke bukata!
If you are among those who are most interested in fine pictures, the flavors of rape and flour or the shelter of dirt, which have been shouted with the highest standard, that is what you need!
Tsoho da gajiya suna kallon duniya don bege, amma tsoro ya zo; suna jin nauyin shekaru da bege mai kyau sannan suka juya kallonsu zuwa sama.
Old and old look at the earth for hope, but fear comes; they feel the responsibility of years and hope good and then turn their eyes to heaven.
Hadarin ya auku ne a kauyen Badawar-karshi dake jihar Jigawa bayan taho mu gama da wasu motoci guda biyu suka yi.
The horrifying event took place in the village of Badawar, in the province of Jigawa, after we had travelled with two cars.
Musamman sau da yawa a ƙarƙashin jagorancin shahararren shahararrun shaguna, ana sa tsalle-tsalle-tsalle a cikin mata na kwakwalwa.
Especially often, under the leadership of the most popular panegyrists, steadfastness is placed among panegyrists.
A cikin manyan wuraren ruwa na ruwa, Na saɗaɗaɗɗen yanki na kumfa a ƙarshen tiyo.
In the vast waters, I broke the backs of the backs at the end of the passage.
Sakin ya hada da sabon iri, tsarin aiki cikin sauri, Acuity OS 2; sabo Halo 2 RIC 312 da tsara mai zuwa na App na Tsarin Kula da Jiran TruLink; zazzagewa mai sauraran abin sauraro ne wanda aka za'ayi da Zacower; da sabo Karamar Wayar SurfLink.
The code includes the new code, the fast functioning code, the Acuity OS 2, the Halo 2 RIC 312 and the upcoming code of the App of Design and TractLink.
Für da farfajiya na saura na miya kuma yayyafa da cuku.
Late in your shower and kiss your shower.
Wadanda suka shaida lamarin sun ce fashewar bom din ya faru ne a kusa da ofishin jakadancin Amurka, haka kuma ya lalata motocin fararen hula da ke kusa, sannan mafiya yawan wadanda harin ya shafa duk fararen hula ne ‘yan kasar Afghanistan.
Witnesses said the bomb was crushed in the victory of the American embassy and the nearby mountain brakes were destroyed. The majority of the people who were crushed by the bomb were from Afghanistan.
China LBZ-LB Biyu Sides PE Rufi Takarda Cup kafa Machine factory da kuma masana'antun | Luzhou
China LBZ-LB Two-Sides PE Rouffy Cup Founding Factory and Manufacture Luzhou
A wannan mataki, girman ƙwayar ƙwayar halitta tana ƙara zuwa 5-6 cm (iyakar diamita).
In this passage, the amounts of the virgin tears of creation are increased to 5-6 cm (diameters).
Wow legion tsira dinta lvl 19 Twink » Kakanta »Maza cikin rigar bidiyo
The following is the full text of the speech delivered on October 18, 2011 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a meeting with a group of police officials in Tehran.
A magani, ana maganin maganin anorgasmia ne da kwayoyi daban-daban.
In speaking, the treatment is of anorgasmia and different genes.
A bayyane yake, za ka ba da shakku wani ba.
Obviously, you would have to give someone doubt.
Kamfanin Google Inc. mai gidan yanan sadarwan Google da Youtube, ta mayar da jawabi kan cajin da Hukumomi a kasar Thailand suke mata na rashin girmama sarkin kasar, sanadiyyar wasu bayanai na bidiyo da gidan yanan sadarwanta na Youtube) ya watsa masu nuna cin mutunci ga gwamnati da kuma sarkin kasar Thailand gaba daya.
The company of Google Inc., which is the head of the network of communication services of Google and YouTube, delivered a speech on the people of Thailand's judiciary and government officials' insult to the King of Thailand.
Wannan yana da matukar dacewa, saboda slippers a kan ƙwalƙashin ƙasa suna da laushi, cikakke sawa, kada ku yi motsawa lokacin tafiya da kuma kare ɓoye ƙasa, wanda yana da matukar muhimmanci idan yana da tsada mai daraja ko laminate.
This is very important because the slippers on the bottom of the earth are luxurious, perfectly straight, not to excite the time to go and protect the ground, which is very important if it is both a precious front or a laminate.
Ya miƙa godiya ta musamman ga iyaye da kuma iyalan waɗanda aka sace da suka jure ɓakin cikin shekara uku suna jiran dawowar ƴaƴansu gida.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the parents and families of those who have been saved during the past three years are waiting for their children to come home.
HVHV matashin kai block hali UCP 207-Hxh hali Co., Ltd.
HVHV youth blockade UCP 207-Hxh Hali Co., Ltd.
Cewa a wani biki babu mutanen da ba a so, matan da ke gaba zasu buƙatar kafin jerin baƙi.
That on a cross there are no indesirable people, future women would need prior to a series of giants.
Saboda nauyin da ke kan iyakokin yankin na lumbar, sunadarai sun fi karfi a cikin wannan yanki, jinji na jikin mutum ya zama mummunan cuta, wanda zai haifar da ciwon ciwo da ciwo daban, ciki har da ci gaban radiculitis.
Because of the responsibilities placed on the borders of the Lebanese region, denominations are stronger in this region, the physical sense of a person becomes terrible and sick, resulting in many diseases, including the progress of radicality.
Bugu da} ari, shahararrun masu salo da masu zane-zane, suna amfani da irin} o} ari da kuma tunanin da za su haifar da kyakkyawar mahimmancin abubuwan da suke tattarawa na yamma.
Further, the famous clergy and artists utilize the art of our country with the thought that they can give rise to an accurate understanding of western civilization.
Gasa ga sa'a daya a zafin jiki na 180-200 ° C.
Receive for one hour at a physical heat of 180–200 °C.
Yau za ku iya zabar bambancin da ya dace don jigo na jam'iyya tare da manyan furanni, kayan haɗin yau da kullum da fure daya ko samfurin asali tare da ƙananan ado.
Choosing a good difference can be chosen for participating in a party with big famines, regular dating tools with one famines or the original sample with little clothes.
Manzanninsu sun jẽ musu da hujjõji, kuma da takardu, kuma da Littafi mai haske.(25)
Their apostles connected them with facts and records and with the Book bright.
Sa'an nan kuma an ambaci sallar "alamar bangaskiya" tare da giciye.
On the other hand, prayers are also mentioned “from of faith” with the cross.
Duk inda kake zama, zaku sami wurare masu ban sha'awa da batu da ba ku sani ba.
Wherever you are, you will find attractive places and places that you do not know.
Farfesa Hafiz Abubakar dai makusanci ne ga tsohon gwamnan Kano Rabi'u Musa Kwankwaso, wanda ke takun saka da Gwamna Ganduje tun bayan zaben 2015
The phrase "Hafiz Abubakar" is a remembrance of the old Mr. Rabi'u Musa Kwankwaso, who has supported the Islamic Republic since the 2015 election.
Mu gyara da waldi fasahar wannan nika puck, don bunkasa waldi ƙarfi.
We should rectify the technology of this nickel in order to improve our power.
Bari yaro ya bayyana abin da yake so ya nuna.
May the child reveal what he wants to reveal.
Dukkanin nau'ikan gwamnatocin mutane an gwada su a wannan duniyar, ban da - dimokraɗiyya na gaske.
All forms of populist governments are common in this world, except genuine democracy.
A lokacin zafi na zafi, ƙwaƙwalwar currant yana ƙin ƙishirwa, idan an saka shi da shi tare da kankara da kuma karamin adadin ruwan 'ya'yan lemun tsami.
In hot weather, the currant’s emptiness rejects the bread, if it is added with a snatching and lesser amount of water of the lemon.
Malaman gargajiya su na addu'a ma shugaban Ghanma na farko, Kwame Nkrumah, a lokacin da zai shiga majalisar dokoki 1965.
Their teachers prayed also the first President of Ghanma, Mr. Nkrumah, when he would enter the 1965-year Assembly of Experts.
Sun faɗi cewa don haɓaka da haɗuwa da fata sukan zama kumfa mai tsaftacewa, da kuma busasshen fata - wanke madara.
They said that for the purpose of building an unity and hope-buildings, there would be a bribe and a basiji of hope-buildings.
Shugaba Buhari Ya Yi Kira Ta Waya Da Bisi Akande
The executive branch of the Islamic Revolution resigned later on.
Dole a cinye cinya na kaji a gaba har sai an shirya, ƙara kayan yaji zuwa ruwa don dandana, sannan kuma ya raba nama daga kasusuwa kuma a yanka a kananan ƙananan.
Drunkenness should be consumed in the future until it is prepared, adding drunkenness to water to dirt, and then distributing flesh from the dirt and then distributing it to dirt.
Whisk da abubuwan da aka tsara na meringue har sai kun samu taro mai gina jiki.
Whisk with the things designed to mering up until you have a bodybuilding collection.
A nan haka sai kwatsam abin kaunarâ€ژ Manzo wato Hasan da Husain (A.S) sai suka yi wajensa sai ya kama su ya runguma, sai suka ce masa, Muna tsananin son mu ji muryar kiran sallarka, kiran sallar da kake yi wa kakanmu manzon Allah (S.A.W).
At that time, the committed companions of the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) - Hassan and Hussein (a.s.) - approached the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and said, "We are supposed to hear the voice of your calls, your calls and your prayers.
Ai, ku kanku ma, Allah ya koya muku ku ƙaunaci juna.
May God teach you, too, to love one another.
A farkon mawallafa na farko, haruffa an shirya su a cikin haruffan haruffan, amma a lokacin aiki, masu maƙallan maɓallin da ke kusa da juna suna jingina juna, wannan ya hana su.
At the beginning of the first tribulation, harps were prepared in harps, but at the work time, the mines close to each other were mixed with each other, this forbidden them.
Zaka iya motsa sama da kasa, ko zaka iya - komawa da baya.
You can move heaven and earth, or you can—returning back.
A fadinsu, Amurka ta yi hakan ne domin neman hanyar kauce wa kokarin da ake yi na ganin an kawo karshen fadan.
In their case, America did so to look for a way to avoid making these efforts an end.
1-jumla ta farko jumlar da aka kebance daga gare ta "Kada ku yi tafiya".
The first sentence of Pahor is “Do not go away.” The first sentence of Pahor is “Do not go away.” The first sentence of Pahor is “Do not go away.” The first sentence is “Do not go away.” The first sentence is “Do not go away” and the first sentence is “Do not go away.”
Kullum, yana daukan 30-45 kwanaki for yawa na 2 * 40H '' kuma 45-60 kwana a ganiya kakar ko ODM
Normally, it takes 30-45 days for a lot of 2 * 40H '' and 45-60 days for determining the code or ODM.
Amma idan kuka yanke shawara don gina gida mai zaman kansa, to, tambaya game da abin da ya kamata rufinsa yana da matukar dacewa.
But if you decide to build an apartment on your own, then asking what its structure should be is very appropriate.
Sayyid Sistani yana cewa: Ya halatta dukan â€کyan makaranta idan suka cutar da wasu, ko suka aikata haram, amma da izinin waliyyansu (uba), kuma dole ne dukan ya kasance ba mai sanya fata ta yi ja ba (ta tashi), idan kuwa ya kai ga hakan sai an biya diyya[3].
Sayyid Sistani says that he abstains all hajj pilgrims when they harm other people or engage in haram, but with the permission of their saints, and everybody must have been hopeful about this. And when he reaches this goal, the price will be paid.
A hanyar, ban da Riku mai girma, jaririn jaririn Japan yana da mataimakan biyu na chetyrehalopyh - Gaku da Koo.
In the way, besides the Holy Spirit, the baby of the baby of the Japanese bears two helpless chetyreholopyh—Gaku and Koo.
Kiransa: Ya kira mutane zuwa ga Tauhidi a Makka a voye shekara uku ya kuma kira su a bayyane shekara goma.
Sincerity: He calls on the people to monotheism in Mecca for three years and clearly calls them ten years.
Hukumomin Najeriya sun kwaso 'yan kasar dubu tara da rikicin Boko Haram ya tilas masu zuwa gudun hijira kasar Kamaru
Government officials arrested thousands of people from across the country and Boko Haram forced them to exile in Qom
Cat abinci BILANX Sensitive ne da kyau dace domin riga girma Cats wahala daga allergies.
Cats are highly sensitive to the extent that they are suffering from allergy.
Amma kakakin majalisar Ahmed Umaru Sintiri yace su da kyakyawar niya suke aiwatar da kudurinsu.
The secretary of the Assembly of Experts, Ayatollah Khamenei, warned them that they would not be allowed to do so.
An saka gashin gilashi-ionomer mai yatsa a saman kashin da aka shirya.
His yell-ionomers were put at the bottom of the prepared fate.
Matashi, kamar sauran mutane, yana dubi ga hakikanin al'amari ne daidai yadda yake dubin lamarin, to amma a wasu lokuta kurar damuwa da rashin tabbas takan rufe mahangar tasa...
The youth, like all other people, look at the truth and the truth exactly as they look at the issue, but in some cases the curse of concern and instability closes the perspective of the audience.
Tun da irin salon Provence yana nuna alamar launi da na fure a kan gado na launuka, matuka masu haske da ruffles ko furanni an sanya su a saman gado.
Since the salon of Provence appeared to be colorful and brilliant on the color of pearls, brilliant mountains, ruffles or flavors were placed on the color of pearls.
Wajibi ne su kasance tare da sabis na ibada masu muhimmanci - bukatun duniya ko na duniya.
They should be accompanied by important worship services—the needs of the world or the world.
Kuma Munã nufin Mu yi falala ga waɗanda aka raunanar a cikin ƙasar, kuma Mu sanya su shugabanni, kuma Mu sanya su magãda.
And We want to bestow grace on those who are left in the land, and We will make them headed.
Comments on: Gwamnatin Tarayya Da NLC Za Su Duba Rahoton Karin Farashin Wutar Lantarki Da Mai
Comments on: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and cooperation with the NLC will review 2016-2014.
Gaba ɗaya, yanayin mace mai ciki ta kasance cikin al'ada.
For the most part, the immaterial and feminine nature of a woman was in nature.
Za mu gaya muku yadda za a shirya takardun tsari don jariri.
We will tell you how to prepare a plan for babies.
Masana tarihi sun gano cewa duk ganuwar tsari na farko an yi ado da frescoes, wanda ba a kiyaye shi har yau ba.
Historical scholars find that all the early disciples were dressed in frescoes, which were not preserved to this day.
Daga gare ta zaka iya dafa yawan adadin kayan abinci: duka na farko da na biyu, da kuma kayan zaki, ƙaunataccen ɗayan!
From there you can extract a lot of foodstuffs: both the first and the second, and foodstuffs, the loved one!
Sabbin gine-gine suna kusa da gine-ginen tarihi, amma duk gine-ginen suna cikin salon Victorian.
The new buildings are close to historical buildings, but all buildings are in the Victoria salon.
Sai dai Dr Aliyu Isa ya ce sun aike wa da cibiyar kayan aiki, illa dai harbuwa da cutar Coronavirus da jami'an masu yin…
Instead, Dr. Aliya Isa said that they have been freed from the tool center, but that they have not been hospitalized for the Coronavirus and those who are responsible for it.
A halin yanzu, wigs na halitta suna da matukar dacewa tsakanin mata masu shekaru daban-daban.
Currently, physical bodies have a mixture of harm between women of different ages.
Daga cikin akwai fitarwa na'urar pre-gina a cikin shirin, zaɓi iPad ko daidai bambance-bambancen da iPad don tabbatar da cewa canja video taka smoothly a kan na'urar.
From among there are going to be a pre-view issue in the program, choose an iPad or exactly the difference from an iPad to verify that video change is smoothly taken on the issue.
Mai tara tsabar kuɗi, mai gamsarwa yana motsawa sama a cikin ranking, yana karɓar ƙarin kari.
An investor of money, an aggressive investor moving above in rankings, receiving additional guardianship.
Ana yin ɗakunan a cikin launuka masu haske, kuma baranda suna kallon teku.
The seats are made in bright rows, and the barren look at the river.
Wannan rubutun na bulowa da wasu muhimmin shawara game da jindadin dabba, kuma yana amfani da saukin labarin wani mutun da dan sa da saniyar su wurin bayani waddan nan shawarwarin..
This passage contains some important advice regarding homosexuality, and it easily uses the story of a person with his children to clarify those advice.
Miliyoyin 'yan Burtaniya suna tafiya hutunsu a cikin lokutan bazara, tare da filin jirgin saman Yankin mu na NEWCASTLE Yanki shi kaɗai suna tsammanin za su kula da masu yin hutu miliyan 1 tsakanin Yuli 20th da Satumba 9th.
Billions of Britain travel their hostages during crucial occasions, with the only passenger plane to our Newcastle Eastern part alone expect to serve 1 million passengers between July 20th and Saturday 9th.
A cikin 1992, Wayne Adams da Catherine King suka yanke shawarar cewa ba za su iya rayuwa a babban birni ba, kuma sun yanke shawara game da tashin hankali.
In 1992, Wayne Adams and Catherine King decided that they could not live in the Grand Burn, and they decided on rape.
Ba wanda zai zauna a laurels, babban dambe ya zama innovative, aggressive, wasannin da tiyatir kamfanin talla, da su sponsors mutuncin iri iri.
No one would live in laurels, the peaks would be innovative, aggressive, sports support company, and they would sponsors a variety of universities.
me ya sa akwai shi ke ba da wannan zabin.
Why does it exist?
Saboda haka, wajibi ne don kare kanka daga sauro - duka a titi da gida.
Therefore, it is necessary to protect yourself against freedom - both on the road and home.
Masana sun bayar da shawarar cewa kafin yin tsaftace kasar gona tabbatar da cewa kasar gona ta bushe, wanda ya sa sandan itace ya fi dacewa da tushen kuma idan yana da m, to, za ku iya ruwa.
The researchers suggest that in order to stabilize the agricultural sector, it is necessary to ensure that the agricultural sector is destroyed and that the tree can be watered if it has a base.
Ya kamata ku lura cewa kafin ku nemi hanyoyi yadda za a kawar da warts a kan yatsanku, kuna buƙatar tabbatar da cewa wannan ƙari ne, kuma ba wani nau'i na novooobrazovany ba, wanda aka ba da shawara don tuntuɓar wani likitan ilimin lissafi.
You should pay attention that before you look for methods to remove warts on your physicians, you need to prove that this is a addiction, and not a type of novoobrazovany, which is recommended to contact a physician.